
March 25, 2018 | Author: bagastc | Category: Microsoft Excel, Spreadsheet, Technology, Computing, Energy And Resource



Version 2006.05 Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ NOTICE The earlier version of these hydropower Design Aids had been prepared to provide a basis for microhydropower consultants to undertake calculations and prepare drawings as per the requirements of Alternative Energy promotion Centre (AEPC) of the Government of Nepal. The tools in this version (version 2006.05) were amended to fulfill the minimum requirements of standard micro and mini hydropower project feasibility studies. It is expected that the use of these Design Aids will result in a standard methodology for calculating and presenting MHP designs. This manual and any examples contained herein are provided “as is” and are subject to change without notice. Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP/GTZ) shall not be liable for any errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual or the examples herein. © Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP/GTZ). All rights reserved. All rights are reserved to the programs and drawings that are included in the MHP Design Aids. Reproduction, adaptation or translation of those programs and drawings without prior written permission of SHPP/GTZ is also prohibited. Micro-hydropower Design Aids (v 2006.05) is a shareware and can also be downloaded from www.entec.com.np . Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or redistribute the MHP Design Aids so long as it is not sold for profit. Reproduction, adaptation or translation of those programs and drawings without prior written permission of SHPP/GTZ is prohibited. Published by: Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP/GTZ) Pulchowk, Lalitpur, Nepal PO Box 1457, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: 977 1 5009067/8/9 Fax: 977 1 5521425 Web: http://www.entec.com.np Email: [email protected] Author: Mr. Pushpa Chitrakar Engineering Advisor SHPP/GTZ Printed by: Hisi Offset Printing Press, Jamal, Kathmandu, Nepal This Edition: May 2006 First Edition 1000 copies Price: : NRs. 300 (for Nepal and SAARC countries) : US$ 15 (for other countries) Page: ii These tools have also been used in some small hydropower projects in Vietnam and micro hydropower projects in Afghanistan. urban development. This version of the design aids includes three additional spreadsheets and enhanced utilities especially useful for mini hydropower project component designs. The contribution of all SHPP/GTZ team members for their continuous support on the development of these design aids is highly appreciated. energy. all hydropower schemes have a common feature using potential energy of water for generating electricity. The overwhelming positive feedbacks from micro and small hydropower stakeholders on these tools and continuous update and distribution of these tools are the examples of its concern on the holistic approach of sectorial development of hydropower in Nepal. livestock. I personally found them very useful for the stated design works. My special thank goes to Mr. Although its main mandate is to provide technical and logistic supports to small hydropower projects in Nepal within the range of 100kW to 10MW. Sridhar Devkota Project Manager SHPP/GTZ Page: iii . I do hope that this Micro-hydropower Design Aids would fill the gap that has been felt by all the micro and mini hydropower stakeholders and will be able to contribute to the hydropower sector. industry.05) SHPP/GTZ PREFACE This set of hydropower design tools is an updated version of Micro-hydropower Design Aids which was prepared by Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP/GTZ) during its collaboration with Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC/ESAP) from 2002 to 2004. Therefore. vocational training. Switzerland and German Development Cooperation. German Development Cooperation (GTZ) has been cooperating with the Kingdom of Nepal for more than four decades. typical Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and a users’ manual. During this period its bilateral Technical Cooperation covered a broad range of sectors including agriculture. It is a complete set of tools consisting of typical AutoCad drawings. Pushpa Chitrakar. Moreover. rural development. use of all the tools except the spreadsheet on hydrology can also be used for micro and mini hydropower projects outside Nepal. Nepal for their support to make this publication happen. some spreadsheets and drawings can also be small and even large hydropower project designs. An electronic version of earlier tools was officially distributed by AEPC/ESAP for using up to feasibility study levels of its subsidized micro-hydropower schemes up to 100kW. Since its establishment in 1999. SHPP/GTZ has also been backstopping hydropower project below 100kW. for his devotion of making such a useful complete set of utility package for micro and mini hydropower project designs. Since these tools were verified with real project studies. Engineering Advisor of SHPP/GTZ. SHPP/GTZ has been providing its services to hydropower stakeholders. I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to AEPC/ESAP for their contributions to the development of these Design Aids. education and health. I would like to thank Entec AG. Irrespective of the sizes and locations. forestry.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. credit. Since then this project has been providing technical and logistic services to small hydropower stakeholders within Nepal through Entec AG of Switzerland as an implementing consultant of this project. Small Hydropower Promotion Project was established in 1999 as its bilateral Technical Cooperation on energy sector. However. loan payback cash flow. Interactive diagrams to most of the spreadsheets are added in this version. That is a fairly ambitious goal. Why I Prepared the Design Aids I approached this project with one goal in mind. the Project Manager. Autodesk AutoCad has been the best and suitable tool for creating digital drawings. Sridhar Devkota. This set of Design Aids (v 2006. It would not have been possible for me to write this Design Aids package without the encouragement from German Development Cooperation. Switzerland and of course. Mr. In addition to updating the existing tools for use in mini. But based on the feedback I received from all the stakeholders. 15 AutoCad drawings and this manual in Acrobat PDF format are presented on the attached CD ROM. Girish Kharel for his tireless assistance and valued suggestions on composition and presentation. I think I have been successful. To write a one-step Micro-hydropower Design Aids that would appeal to all Nepali micro-hydropower stakeholders. Although the above mentioned software are popular amongst all the micro-hydropower stakeholders. Since most of the hydropower stakeholders are familiar with these application software. Page: iv . Microsoft Excel is the present market leader. I have noticed that there are very few complete technical tools and books related to micro and small hydropower design available in the market. These additional tools are especially useful for mini and small hydropower projects. Although these tools were mainly prepared based on the prudent practices of Nepali micro and mini hydropower scheme designs. the title of these tools in this version is not changed. Excel lets you do things with formulas and macros (Visual Basic for Application) that are impossible with other spreadsheets.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) is a shareware. All spreadsheets except “Hydrology” can also be used for mini and small hydropower projects outside Nepal. Small Hydropower Promotion Project. To overcome these dangers. Micro-hydropower Design Aids is a complete set of tools consisting of typical AutoCad drawings. it is a safe bet that only about five percent of Excel and AutoCad users in Nepali hydropower sector really understand how to get the most out of these software. A single set of tools for all the calculations is not yet available. The combined outcome may produce poor quality feasibility studies which lead to improper implementation decision. typical Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (a workbook) and a users’ manual (this manual) recommended for use in the feasibility study of micro and mini hydropower schemes. I would also like to thank my colleague Mr. by a long shot. I have prepared these tools on these application software platforms. the outcome of most of these tools are not adequately tested and verified.05). I have prepared the Design Aids along with this manual. With the help of these Design Aids. etc. spreadsheets for calculating anchor block calculation and design.05) SHPP/GTZ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks for using the Micro-hydropower Design Aids (version 2006. Similarly. it is expected that the use of these Design Aids helps enhancing the overall quality of hydropower sector within Nepal and abroad. are added in this version. machine foundation design. I attempt to illustrate the fascinating features of these software (especially Excel) and nudge you into that elite group. Moreover. Most of the good software have none or only poorly illustrated manuals. Entec AG. Nepal. and it is truly the best spreadsheet available. Electronic version of the Design Aids (an Excel workbook). micro and small hydropower projects. 256 colours CD ROM : Double-speed (for installation only) HD : 10 MB (approximately) How These Design Aids Are Organized There are many ways to organize these Design Aids materials. The minimum system requirements are: Operating system : Windows 98/2000/NT/XP CPU : 486/333MHz RAM : 128MB Display : 640 x 480 pixels.com. What You Should Have To make the best use of the Design Aids. it is obvious that higher levels of details with the help of more drawings are expected for larger small hydropower projects. The calculations in the spreadsheets are intended to mimic manual calculations as far as possible. The difference between the levels of details of these drawings prepared for a 1500kW project and micro-hydropower projects up to 100kW are quite noticeable. Part I A: Micro-hydropower Drawings The section of this part consists of fifteen typical drawings useful for project elements from intake to transmission line. I used most of the spreadsheets presented in the Design Aids for designing and detailing project elements of this project. Practical Action Nepal (formerly ITDG. Hard copies and soft copies in Acrobat PDF format are presented in this version of Design Aids. Stepwise calculations are also presented in this manual.adobe. Nepal) guidelines and requirement recommended by small hydropower designers.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. you need a copy of Microsoft Excel (XP or later). A downloaded copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader is included in the bundled CD. compatibility and the extent of information in the drawings. An earlier version the Design Aids prepared especially for micro-hydropower Page: v . Special efforts were made to maintain the level of consistency. but I settled on a scheme that divides them into three main parts. Since they are only typical drawings.05) SHPP/GTZ What You Should Know The Design Aids are prepared for practicing technical designers who have basic knowledge of hydropower. Part II: Spreadsheets This part consists of twenty-five typical spreadsheets covering all calculations recommended by AEPC guidelines for subsidy approval of micro-hydropower schemes. Central Nepal. Part I B: Mini/Small-hydropower Drawings Part I B consists of fifteen selected typical drawings of an actual feasibility study of a 1500kW Lipin Small Hydropower Project. I attempt to elaborate these Design Aids in such a way that the users will learn to use these Design Aids quite comfortably. Sindhupalchowk District. Therefore. The latest version of a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from www.0 or later). additions of drawings and the level of details may be amended to fulfill specific needs of a particular project. Autodesk AutoCad (2000 or later) and Adobe Acrobat Reader (5. technical calculation skills and who are familiar with Excel and AutoCad. It is expected that the presented feasibility drawings by consultants are complete and appropriate for micro hydropower plants and all the concerned stakeholders should be able to understand and implement the presented content. I am always interested in getting feedback on these Design Aids.chitrakar@gtz. valuable suggestions and feedbacks are expected from all the stakeholders/users so that the overall quality of the hydropower sector is enhanced. Pushpa Chitrakar Engineering Advisor SHPP/GTZ Page: vi .Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.np.05) SHPP/GTZ schemes had thirteen typical spreadsheets. Part III: Users’ Manual This manual (also in Adobe Acrobat PDF format) illustrates aspects of using the presented drawings and spreadsheets. Some additional spreadsheets have been presented to cater mini and small hydropower design needs. Therefore. design civil.com.np. and stepwise calculations covering all technical and non technical (costing and financial) components of hydropower schemes.entec. Download and Reach Out Electronic files included on the attached CD can also be downloaded from www. Sharing of hydropower related information regarding advanced options beyond this design aids is also expected. Any suggestion and feedback can directly be sent to my email pushpa. Updates will also be posted on this site. Preparation of the Design Aids is a continuous process. These spreadsheets provide users to estimate hydrological parameters. mechanical and electrical components and analyze financial robustness of the perspective micro and mini hydropower schemes in Nepal.org. 6.1 GENERAL 1 1.3 Macro Security 1.6.4 WECS/DHM (HYDEST) METHOD: FLOOD FLOWS 18 3.6 DESIGN AIDS: SPREADSHEETS 1.05) SHPP/GTZ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No.6.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.2 PROGRAM BRIEFING & EXAMPLES 12 2. linked spreadsheets 1. NOTICE II PREFACE III ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS IV TABLE OF CONTENTS VII 1.5 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 19 Page: vii .2 OBJECTIVES OF THE DESIGN AIDS 2 1.10 Types of inputs 1.2 HYDROLOGICAL DATA 15 3.4 DESIGN AIDS: TYPICAL MICRO-HYDRO DRAWINGS 2 1. 2 3 INTRODUCTION 1 1.6.1 GENERAL 12 2.11 Pull Down menus and data validation 1.6.13 Interactive Diagrams 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 10 11 1.5 DESIGN AIDS: TYPICAL MINI/SMALL HYDRO DRAWINGS 3 1.1 GENERAL 15 3.7 INSTALLATION DIRECTORY 11 DISCHARGE MEASUREMENT 12 2.6.1 Flow chart notations 1.6 Interpolated computations Cell Text Conventions 1.6.3 SOURCES OF THE DESIGN AIDS 2 CALCULATION AT SITE 13 HYDROLOGY 15 3.6.8 Cell notes 1.7 Errors 1.4 Individual vs.3 MEDIUM IRRIGATION PROJECT (MIP) METHOD: MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS 16 3.2 Iterative Processes 1.12 Design Aids Menus and Toolbars 1.5 User specific inputs 1. GENERAL 32 5.3.2 Canal 5.1 Gravel Trap 6.3 Spillway at intake 6.1 Program example 51 51 7.4.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) 3.4 Side Intake calculations ANCHOR BLOCK DESIGN 7.2 SETTLING BASIN THEORY 40 6.1 Canal 5.2 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 4.3.1 SEDIMENT SETTLING BASINS 39 6.3 Pipe 33 33 33 36 SETTLING BASINS 39 6.3 Intake Trashrack 24 24 24 24 GENERAL 47 7.1 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS 23 4.4.2 Settling Basin 6.4.5 Drop Intake calculations 24 26 29 HEADRACE/TAILRACE 32 5.1 Features of the spreadsheet 6.2 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Weir 4.3 PROGRAM BRIEFING AND EXAMPLE 7.2.6 4 5 6 7 8 SHPP/GTZ PROGRAM BRIEFING & EXAMPLES 20 HEADWORKS 23 4.3 PROGRAM BRIEFINGS AND EXAMPLES 4.2 Vertical flushing pipe FORCES ON ANCHOR BLOCKS 7.1 Program Briefing 7.2 Typical example of a penstock pipe 47 47 48 Program example 55 55 TURBINE SELECTION 59 Page: viii .4 Gate 42 42 43 43 43 PENSTOCK AND POWER CALCULATIONS 47 7.2 Intake Forebay 40 40 41 41 6.2 Pipe 32 32 32 5.3 PROGRAM BRIEFING AND EXAMPLES 5.2 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 47 7.1 Canal 5.4 PROGRAM BRIEFING AND EXAMPLES 6.3 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 6. 3 Power calculations Page: ix .1 Uniform depth of a rectangular or trapezoidal canal 14.3 PROGRAM BRIEFING AND EXAMPLE 12.1.2 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 59 8.1 GENERAL 77 12.2 Typical example of costing and financial analyses 80 80 81 UTILITIES 83 14.1.1 Sizing and RPM of a Synchronous Generator: 9.1 GENERAL 61 9.3 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 9.2 Sizing and RPM of an Induction Generator: 62 62 63 Single Phase versus Three Phase System 9.2.2 EXAMPLE 68 TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION 72 11.1.2 SELECTION OF GENERATOR SIZE AND TYPE 9.3 Typical example of a single phase 20kW induction generator 63 63 64 66 MACHINE FOUNDATION 68 10.1 Program Briefing 13.1 Program Briefing 72 72 LOADS AND BENEFITS 77 12.2 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS / AEPC GUIDELINES 80 Program Briefing 9.2 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 72 11.4.1 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS 68 10.2 Payment of loan for different periods (monthly.3.2 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS / AEPC GUIDELINES 77 12.05) 9 10 11 12 13 14 SHPP/GTZ 8.1 GENERAL 59 8.2 Induction versus Synchronous Generators 61 61 61 9.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.1 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS 80 13.4.3 PROGRAM BRIEFING AND EXAMPLES 11.3 PROGRAM BRIEFING AND EXAMPLE 60 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SELECTION 61 9.1 Program Briefing 77 77 COSTING AND FINANCIAL ANALYSES 80 13.2 Typical example of a 3-phase 60kW synchronous generator 9.1 83 83 83 84 INTRODUCTION 14.1 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS 72 11.3 PROGRAM BRIEFING AND EXAMPLE 13. quarterly and yearly) 14.2.4 PROGRAM BRIEFING AND EXAMPLES 9.3. ........................6: Parameters and flow chart of drop intake design .05) SHPP/GTZ 14....... 14................................50 Page: x ..........................7: A cell note presenting typical values of Manning’s n for different surfaces .........................4: Flow chart for side intake calculations ........9: Different categories of inputs..............45 Figure 6....39 Figure 6......................................................36 Figure 5...............................7: Hydest Model .................1: Discharge calculations by salt dilution method ......................................................................................................................................3: Side intake parameters ....................................... ....................................25 Figure 4............7 Figure 1.......3: Output of penstock and power calculation spreadsheet...............................................................................................................6: Typical example of a settling basin (forebay and dimensioning)......6 Figure 1........35 Figure 5......6 Figure 1.................................8 Figure 1.................... 15 85 85 86 REFERENCES 87 DRAWINGS I TYPICAL MICROHYDROPOWER DRAWINGS I TYPICAL DRAWINGS OF 1500KW LIPIN SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECT XVII LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1...................4: Activation of iteration (Tools => Option =>Calculations.........................................................................................38 Figure 6...................................2: Input required for penstock and power calculations ............18 Figure 3................8 Figure 1.....2: Flow chart for trashrack calculations...........9 Figure 1.............................................1........................................................29 Figure 4......................17 Figure 3.....27 Figure 4......................................28 Figure 4..........9 Figure 1.........................................6 Pipe friction factor.....................15 Figure 3......................37 Figure 5......................1: Flow diagram of penstock design .4 Figure 1........................ 14................................12: Typical interactive diagram of Side Intake...............5: Typical example of a settling basin (Gate and rating curve)............................................25 Figure 4.....3: Flushing pipe details ............................................................................................................................5: Enabling macros and macro security .................................................................................................................. ..17 Figure 3..............9: Typical example of a hydrological parameters calculation spreadsheet “Hydrology”22 Figure 4................20 Figure 3....................................................................................1: Flow chart for canal design ..........................3: Iterative process .........................................................2: Hydrological Data and MHP ...........34 Figure 5................................................................................................10: Different categories of inputs....................................5: An example of headrace pipe design.............3: Illustrated canal type and their dimensions.....................................8: Colour coding of cell texts.................................40 Figure 6..............................11: Design Aids Menu and Toolbar ...26 Figure 4.......................................................11 Figure 2................................1: Trashrack parameters ................................................. ...................................................5 Voltage drops of transmission line..........46 Figure 7..........1....46 Figure 6...........7: An example of drop intake................................................................................................................1: Hydrology.................................2: A typical Small Hydro Settling Basin Drawing .....................................................10 Figure 1................5: Need of interpolation for calculating mean monthly coefficient ..............19 Figure 3.......................................................................................................6 Figure 1.....48 Figure 7..............6: Effect of interpolation on mean monthly flows ............................................................................6: Cell formula incorporated in a cell note..... spilling and flushing)......................................31 Figure 5........................................................................2: An ideal setting basin.....3: MIP Regions ..........................................................................................................1: A typical Micro Hydro Settling Basin Drawing .......................................4 Spillway sizing........................5: An example of side intake calculations ..........................................................2: An example of canal design......................................14 Figure 3......4: Typical example of a settling basin (Settling basin.................4: MIP model .................................43 Figure 6...........16 Figure 3..................................4 Figure 1.............1: Typical section of a settling basin...............................4: Flow chart for pipe design .............................. ..................................1.........8: Flow chart of Hydrology spreadsheet ......................15 Figure 3.................................................... .....Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006...............................49 Figure 7............................... ...........2: Transmission line and load used for the example.............................86 LIST OF TABLES Table 1................................................................................................................................81 Figure 13............6: A typical example of transmission line calculation...............83 Figure 14..................................................................................................................................................72 Table 11........................85 Figure 14........................................................................ ...................1: Settling diameter..............59 Table 9...1: A typical example of uniform depth calculation of a trapezoidal section.........................1: Turbine specifications ...........1: Flow chart of the load and benefits calculation spreadsheet.......................................................................19 Table 4.......82 Figure 14.......2: Turbine type vs....................84 Figure 14.... ns ...............1: Flow chart of transmission and distribution line computation...........................76 Figure 12..4: Output of anchor block force calculation spreadsheet..........................................85 Figure 14.........55 Figure 7...........................2: Summary of forces..............................62 Table 11.......................................7: Anchor Block force diagram.......05) SHPP/GTZ Figure 7..................................................................................................3 Table 1...................................... ...............3: Generated Schedule of EMI calculation ................................................5: Anchor Block Considered......................................................3: An example of load and benefits calculation.........................................1: Per kilowatt subsidy and cost ceiling as per AEPC.................4: A typical example of power calculation ........................................................50 Table 7..........................73 Figure 11.....72 Table 13............1: Input parameters for Salt Dilution Method .........84 Figure 14......................2: A typical example of project costing and financial analyses......................................71 Figure 11.........59 Figure 8..............1: Layout of MachineFoundation Spreadsheet........................................................................................................................41 Table 7......84 Figure 14....................................................................................................12 Table 2. ..57 Figure 7.........79 Figure 13........12 Table 2..........................................................................3: Data Input (partial) ..........2: A Typical turbine example...........................2: Summary of Small Hydropower Drawings ...60 Figure 9....... .................................................................1: Electrical components of a 20kW 3-phase synchronous generator...29 Table 6............Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006..1: MIP regional monthly coefficients .........2: Standard normal variants for floods........16 Table 3...........................................................................................................58 Figure 8.........3: Typical example of a low voltage transmission line.......................................7: A typical example of pipe friction calculation .................67 Figure 10..................13 Table 3.....1: Selection of Generator Type........................1: Summary of Micro Hydropower Drawings ..................................................80 Page: xi .................................59 Table 8......................53 Table 8..............62 Table 9.......................3 Table 1..............6: Anchor Block force diagram.......................................................................................................................1: Flow chart for Project costing and financial analyses................................ .................55 Figure 7.................... .....................1: Summary of penstock thickness and corresponding maximum permissible static head ... .....................2: Rated current and voltage drop calculation ................................................................................................................ trap efficiency and gross head ................................................................................5: A typical example of spillway sizing .........78 Figure 12..2: Electrical components of a 20kW 1-phase induction generator.............................2: First set conductivity reading for Salt Dilution Method (Example)............1: ASCR specifications ...................................65 Figure 9..........................................................2: A typical example EMI calculation............................................................................73 Figure 11...........................77 Figure 12...........................................................................................1: Drop intake and upstream flow ...........1: Pelton and Crossflow Turbines ......................3: Summary of Spreadsheets ...................................................................................2: Load duration chart .........................................................................................................2: Generator rating factors ...............5 Table 2............................................................. ............................................................ Profiles Weir. D-xiii .......... D-vi …..... Intake and Gravel Trap..……………………………………...........................…………………………………....................... plan and sections Settling Basin................ D-ii ……………………………………….............................. D-xv . plan and sections Plan and Profile and Typical Sections/Similar for penstock alignment Anchor Blocks..................... District Map & Catchment Area Project Layout..... Plan Project Layout.......... D-xvi LIST OF SMALL-HYDROPOWER DRAWINGS Drawing no 7... D-x ………………………………………........D.......................…………………………………….............................. sheet 2 of 2 Saddle Support Powerhouse Plan and Sections Geological Mapping...................5133/01/ 10A01 10A02 10A03 20A01 20A02 20A03 20A04 20A05 30A01 40A10 40A11 40A12 50A02 60A04 70A01 Page Title / Remarks Project Location.. sheet 1 of 2...............................…………………………………....... sheet 1 of 2...... D-xi …............................................... sheet 4 of 4 Single line diagram Page: xii D-xviii D-xix D-xx D-xxi D-xxii D-xxiii D-xxiv D-xxv D-xxvi D-xxvii D-xxviii D-xxix D-xxx D-xxxi D-xxxii ................. D-iv ………………………………………... D-xii ........ sheet 2 of 3...... plan and sections Weir.np.... Intake and Gravel Trap...……………………………………................... D-vii ……………………………………......………………………………….05) SHPP/GTZ LIST OF MICRO-HYDROPOWER DRAWINGS Drawing Name 01 General Layout 02A Side Intake Plan 02B Side Intake Sections 03 Drop Intake Plan 04 Headrace 05A Gravel Trap 05B Settling Basin 06 Headrace Canal 07 Forebay 08 Penstock Alignment 09 Anchor & Saddle Blocks 10 Powerhouse 11 Machine foundation 12 Transmission 13 Single line diagram Page ………………………………………........................ sheet 2 of 2..........Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006..... D-viii ……………………………………….... D-ix ……………………………………….... sheet 1 of 3... plan and sections Weir..... sheet 2 of 2.......................... sheet 3 of 3................... plan and sections Settling Basin........ D-xiv …. D-v ………………………………………........ Intake and Gravel Trap.. sheet 1 of 2 Anchor Blocks....... D-iii ………………………………………......... design civil.. This design aids are updated version of the previous design aids and suitable for designing mini and small hydropower schemes. a workbook with twenty-five typical spreadsheets and a users’ manual for procedural guidance. During the preparation of these Design Aids. Page: 1 . 3 Small Hydropower Promotion Project is a joint project of the Government of Nepal. Since its establishment in 1999. this project has been providing its services to sustainable development of small hydropower projects in Nepal (100kW to 10MW) leading to public private participation and overall rural development. This set of design aids also covers all aspects recommended by AEPC guidelines for its subsidized micro-hydropower schemes. Spreadsheets on Hydrology are intended for Nepali micro hydropower schemes only. Since there are many common approaches and features in all hydropower projects. typical Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and a users’ manual recommended for micro and mini hydropower schemes. Since most of the stakeholders are familiar with Autodesk AutoCad (2000 or later) and Microsoft Excel (XP or later) application software. SHPP/GTZ INTRODUCTION [email protected] . addition and publication of the design aids are the symbols of Small Hydropower Promotion Project(SHPP/GTZ)3 SHPP’s continuous assistance and support to the Nepali hydropower sector. hydropower projects up to 100kW are termed as micro hydropower projects.05) 1. 2 Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) is a Nepal Government organization established to promote alternative sources of energy in Nepali rural areas. The Design Aids are distributed in template/read-only formats so that the original copy is always preserved even when the users modify them. The Design Aids provide users to estimate hydrological parameters. A copy of this manual in Acrobat PDF file format is included in the bundled CD. Any suggestion and feedback can directly be sent to pushpa. MGSP of AEPC-ESAP is promoting Nepali micro-hydropower schemes up to 100kW.000kW are termed as small hydropower projects. the Design Aids were prepared based on these software to make them simple and user friendly. valuable suggestions and feedbacks are expected from all the stakeholders/users so that the overall quality of the micro hydro sector is enhanced.1 GENERAL This set of Micro-hydropower1 Design Aids is a complete set of feasibility level hydropower design tools consisting of typical AutoCad drawings. The Design Aids were originally prepared for micro hydropower schemes up to 100kW. mechanical and electrical components and analyze financial robustness of the prospective micro hydropower schemes in Nepal. detailed step by step calculations and guidelines for using the presented spreadsheets are presented in this users’ manual. special efforts were made so that the skills and knowledge of practicing stakeholders such as consultants. SHPP/GTZ has been continuously enhancing the Design Aids and this update (version 2006. these spreadsheets were modified to suit mini and small hydropower design requirements as well.2). Preparation and use of the Design Aids is a continuous process.org.05) is the outcome of SHPP’s efforts in hydropower sector development in Nepal. Projects within 100kW to 1000kW are termed as mini hydropower projects. Therefore. An earlier digital version of the set was published as a part the publication of Alternative Energy promotion Centre (AEPC) of The Government of Nepal2 (ISBN 99933-705-5-X) and has officially been recommended for its subsidized micro-hydropower schemes in Nepal up to 100kW. manufacturers and inspectors are further enhanced by this Design Aids. Beyond this.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Department of Energy Development (DoED) and German Technical Cooperation (GTZ). they are termed as large hydropower projects. The Design Aids consist of a set of fifteen typical drawings. Spreadsheets on Cost&Benefits and FinancialAnalyses are intended to serve micro-hydropower schemes outside Nepal too (refer to Table 1. Update. Procedural guidelines. It has also been providing technical support and backstopping to Nepali micro-hydropower stakeholders including AEPC. Entec AG of Switzerland is the implementing consultant of this project. 1000kW to 10. The micro-hydropower Design Aids were prepared to provide a basis for consultants to undertake calculations and prepare drawings as per the requirements set aside by the procedural guidelines of AEPC-the Government of Nepal. 1 In Nepal. The level of consistency. hydrological calculations based on exact flow measurement date. Experience from other micro. 1. friction factor of penstock pipes. guidelines and other standards. Manufacturers and Installers. etc. These drawings are recommended only for micro-hydro schemes. 2.05) SHPP/GTZ 1. the Design Aids are handy and user friendly. etc. Q flood off-take.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.). These guidelines and standards were updated by SHPP during SHPPAEPC collaboration. Feedbacks from all stakeholders such as Independent power producers (IPPs). tables. 5. the longitudinal slope of a settling basin. 3. Cell notes. The presented drawings cover from intake to transmission line. Consultants. 4. Review of AEPC micro hydropower guidelines and standards for Peltric and microhydropower schemes. additions of drawings and the level of details may be changed to fulfill specific needs of a particular project. 6. 2. compatibility and the extent of information in the drawings are complete and appropriate for micro hydropower plants and all the concerned stakeholders should be able to understand and implement the presented content. 3. in-house colleagues. assessment and appraisal of more than 300 preliminary feasibility.3 SOURCES OF THE DESIGN AIDS The Design Aids were prepared aiming to enhance the overall quality of the micro and mini hydro sector. 4. 4. Review and assessment of more than 60 small hydropower projects which have been assisted by SHPP/GTZ.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE DESIGN AIDS The main objective of the Design Aids is to enhance the quality of the micro and mini hydropower sector in Nepal. 3. AEPC. Review. Reviews of following sources were carried out during the preparation of the Design Aids: 1. 2. They provide relevant references to micro and mini hydro sector stakeholders for using and upgrading their skills and creativities. 5.4 DESIGN AIDS: TYPICAL MICRO-HYDRO DRAWINGS As stated earlier. The depth of the study and presented reports by different consultants are uniform and their data presentations are consistent and to the required depth. The main features of the presented drawings are: 1. The user familiar AutoCad 2000 and MS Excel XP software platforms have been used to develop the Design Aids. 1. are presented in the drawings. Minimum required details such as plans and adequate cross sections are provided. Standard line types and symbols are presented. small and large hydropower projects within Nepal and abroad. The Design Aids function as a set of “Time Saver Kit” for precision and speed (e. The Design Aids serve as templates so that there is sufficient room for further creativity and improvement and tailoring to include specific needs of particular projects. Standard textbooks. 200 feasibility and 50 Peltric set feasibility study reports during the SHPP-AEPC collaboration. Page: 2 . Use of these Design Aids helps fulfilling the main objective because: 1. in the spreadsheets and information in this manual are some of the examples that will greatly reduce external references. figures.. Useful information is incorporated within the design aids so that external references are minimized. In addition.g. Since they are only typical drawings. lending agencies. fifteen micro-hydropower related AutoCad drawings were prepared and incorporated in the Design Aids. Recommended values of elements such as the minimum thickness of a stone masonry wall. etc. A typical settling basin drawing is presented in Figure 1. A plan. Table 1. sheet 1 of 2. sheet 3 of 3. plan and sections Weir.2 are recommended for mini and small hydropower projects within 2000kW. gravel trap and spillway. a longitudinal section and two cross sections. A plan and a section of a typical powerhouse. A plan. Table 1. trashrack.05) SHPP/GTZ 5. All the presented drawings listed in Table 1. sheet 4 of 4 Single line diagram Page: 3 . sheet 1 of 2. Plan Project Layout. sheet 2 of 2. All drawings with standard layouts for printing. plan and sections Settling Basin. sheet 2 of 3. sheet 2 of 2 Saddle Support Powerhouse Plan and Sections Geological Mapping. District Map & Catchment Area Project Layout. intake. sheet 2 of 2. A longitudinal section along water conveyance system from intake to headrace.2. a cross section across a permanent weir and a cross section of a drop intake. A set of all the drawings are presented in the appendix. The MHP drawings that are presented are listed in Table 1. plan and sections Plan and Profile and Typical Sections/Similar for penstock alignment Anchor Blocks. Profiles Weir. A single line diagram if a transmission/distribution system. A general plan. plan and sections Settling Basin. scale. A plan. Two cross sections for permanent lined canal and one for temporary unlined canal.1. a longitudinal section. Intake and Gravel Trap. Basic drawing elements such as a title box with adequate information and controlling signatories. For an example. A plan and three sections of a typical machine foundation.5133/01/ 10A01 10A02 10A03 20A01 20A02 20A03 20A04 20A05 30A01 40A10 40A11 40A12 50A02 60A04 70A01 Title / Remarks Project Location. 6.2: Summary of Small Hydropower Drawings SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Drawing no 7. A longitudinal section of penstock alignment. Plans and sections of concave and convex anchor blocks and a saddle. two cross sections and penstock inlet details. Sindhupalchowk District. sheet 1 of 3. etc are presented.D. A general plan of headworks including river training. The difference between the levels of details of micro and small hydropower drawings are quite noticeable.dwg) 01 General Layout 2 02A Side Intake Plan 3 02B Side Intake Sections 4 03 Drop Intake Plan 5 6 7 8 04 Headrace 05A Gravel Trap 05B Settling Basin 06 Headrace Canal 9 07 Forebay 10 11 08 Penstock Alignment 09 Anchor & Saddle Blocks 10 Powerhouse 11 Machine foundation 12 Transmission 13 Single line diagram 12 13 14 15 Remarks General layout of project components except the transmission and distribution components.1: Summary of Micro Hydropower Drawings SN 1 Drawing Name (*. The dimensions and geometries of the presented drawings should be amended according to the project details. plan and sections Weir. Intake and Gravel Trap.5 DESIGN AIDS: TYPICAL MINI/SMALL HYDRO DRAWINGS A total of fifteen selected typical drawings of an actual feasibility study of a 1500kW Lipin Small Hydropower Project. sheet 1 of 2 Anchor Blocks. A single line diagram showing different electrical components. a longitudinal section and two cross sections. A longitudinal headrace profile showing different levels along it.np. 1. Central Nepal are presented in appendix. two cross sections of weir for temporary and permanent weirs respectively and a cross section of a spillway. a typical drawing of a settling basin is presented in Figure 1. Intake and Gravel Trap.1.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.2: A typical Small Hydro Settling Basin Drawing Page: 4 .05) SHPP/GTZ Figure 1.1: A typical Micro Hydro Settling Basin Drawing Figure 1. 6 DESIGN AIDS: SPREADSHEETS As stated earlier. Chapter 6: Design of settling basins. loan payback calculations.6. Uses Micro/small Micro/ small in Nepal All sizes Chapter 11: Transmission / Distribution line calculations with cable estimation. Chapter 8: Selection of turbines based on specific speed and gearing ratios. annual costs and benefits. etc. Chapter 7: Design of penstocks with fine trashrack. Chapter 7: Calculations of forces on anchor blocks.1 Flow chart notations Standard flow chart notations are used to describe program execution flows. The “Utility” spreadsheets presented at the end of the workbook covers minor calculations such as uniform depth of water in a canal. Chapter 4: Design of bottom intake including flood discharges. etc. Chapter 12: Loads and benefit calculations for the first three years and after the first three years of operation. loan payment calculations. Chapter 10: Design of machine foundation.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Chapter 5: Design of user defined and optimum conveyance canals with multiple profiles and sections.3: Summary of Spreadsheets SN 1 2 Name Discharge Hydrology 3 Side Intake 4 6 Bottom Intake Canal 7 5 Pipe Settling Basin 8 Penstock 9 10 11 AnchorLoad AnchorBlock Turbine 12 Electrical 13 14 Machine Foundation Transmission 15 Load Benefit 16 Costing Financial Utilities 1724 & Area of coverage Chapter 2: Computation of river discharge from Salt dilution method. Chapter 14: Utilities such as uniform depth. Background information and main features of the presented spreadsheets are: 1. cable and other accessories sizing. There are sixteen main spreadsheets each covering a tool required for covering computations for an element of hydropower schemes. MS Excel XP has been used to develop the presented twenty-five spreadsheets. Table 1. The presented anchor block spreadsheets are based on two-dimensional calculations and are useful for penstock aligned in straight lines without any horizontal deflection. cones and gates. flood discharge and spillways.05) SHPP/GTZ 1. Chapter 5: Design of mild steel/HDPE/PVC conveyance pipes. gravel traps and forebays with spilling and flushing systems with spillways. Micro/small All sizes All sizes All sizes All sizes All sizes All sizes (2D) All sizes (2D) Micro Micro Micro Micro Micro All sizes Design of anchor blocks and saddles are site and project specific. Following notations are mostly used: Start and End Input Processing formulas and output Processing and output from other sub routine Page: 5 . Chapter 9: Selection of electrical equipment such as different types of generators. The list of the presented spreadsheets and their areas of coverage are presented in Table 1. Chapter 7: Design of anchor block. Chapter 3: Hydrological parameters calculations based on MIP and Hydest methods (Regression Methods) Chapter 4: Design of side intakes including coarse trashrack.3. Chapter 13: Costing and financial analyses based on the project cost. General as well as special features of Excel XP have been utilized while developing the spreadsheets. expansion joints and power calculations. Figure 1.4: Activation of iteration (Tools => Option =>Calculations 1. Y =f(X): X=f`(Y) Assume Xo Is Yes End e=<|Yn+1 –Yn| No X=X+h Figure 1. Manual repetitive processes are the main source error generating and they are also time consuming factors. By default. the initial assumed value of X0 is amended until an acceptable error limit is reached.3 Macro Security The spreadsheets contain Visual Basic for Application (VBA) functions and procedures. The iterative features in Excel can be activated by selecting Calculations tab (Tools>Options->Calculations>Tick Iteration (cycles & h)) and checking the iteration box. A typical repetitive process is presented in Figure 1. Dialogue boxes for setting security level to medium and enabling the macros are presented in Figure 1.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.6.4.05) SHPP/GTZ Conditional branching Flow direction 1.6. Setting security level to medium (Tools => Macros => Security => Medium) and enabling the macros during the opening of the Design Aids are required for the proper execution of the Design Aids. MS Excel disables such VBA functions and procedures by default.3: Iterative process As shown in the figure.5: Enabling macros and macro security Page: 6 .5.3.2 Iterative Processes The spreadsheets are designed to save tedious and long iterative/repetitive processes required for calculations. Excel does not activate this features and generates Circular Reference Error. The Excel dialogue box with this features activated is presented in Figure 1. Because of the safety reasons against possible virus threats. Figure 1. Page: 7 .6.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. VALUE# error is the other error that is generated by the malfunctioning of circular references. In case the condition is of a non-standard type. By default. coefficient of gate discharge. the cell note in Figure 1.6.6: Cell formula incorporated in a cell note. activate the macro security level to medium and enable the macros when opening the workbook again. these mandatory requirements may be amended. copy the second cell from the second line of any branch. width of a canal. in all the spreadsheets are linked to the first design spreadsheet “Conductivity”.4 Individual vs. The users are cautioned to check the validity of such values whenever they encounter them. common inputs such as the project name. etc. Similarly.. 1.7 Errors Mainly three types of errors are known in the presented design aids.6. They are useful for providing.5 User specific inputs Some parameters such as canal freeboards.8 Cell notes Cell notes are comments attached to cells. the standard optimum values are computed or presented. 1. the spreadsheets can also be used as individual spreadsheets for independent calculations that are not linked to a single project. a cell note with a cell formula for calculating specific speed of a turbine is presented in Figure 1. For example. the users may change these values for specific calculations i. Other information such as mandatory requirements set by AEPC for its subsidized micro hydropower projects are also presented. close the workbook. However. linked spreadsheets By default. users are allowed to enter non-standard specific values under special circumstances. press F2 and press Enter.e. have their standard optimum values.05) SHPP/GTZ 1. information related to computational procedures. One of them is the NAME# error which is caused by not executing custom functions and procedures because of the macro security level set to high or very high level. factor of safety for a mild steel penstock. When such an error occurs.6. etc. In case such an error occurs. The objective of linking such common inputs is to have consistent input with minimal user effort. In such an instance.. Some of the other processed data such as the design discharge or flood discharge are also linked by default. interpolated values with the help of curve fittings are estimated and used.. It is recommended to save an extra copy of the workbook before manipulating such linked cell so that the saved copy can be used as a workbook with linked spreadsheets for a single project. 1. Q intake Qf cumec in the side intake spreadsheet is an example of such an error.6 Interpolated computations Some of the parameters such as frictional coefficient of a bend. select the error cell. 1.7 presents a basic table for selecting Manning’s coefficient of roughness of a canal. For hydropower projects that are not subsidized by AEPC.. Adequate cell notes are provided in the presented spreadsheets so that external references are minimized. A REF# error in transmission line computation occurs due to the deletion of unnecessary rows in a branch. However.6. Typical NAME# errors occur for the depth of water during flushing yfi (m) and d50f during flushing (mm) in the settling basin spreadsheet.6. have standard proven values for standard conditions. Figure 1. etc. 9 Cell Text Conventions Three different colour codes are used to distinguish three different cell categories. It is worth noting that care should be taken while changing these values. Standard values are presented in these cells.8: Colour coding of cell texts Red cells: These cells are optional input cells. sediment swelling factor. Some of these cells are linked. etc. these cells are protected from editing. Typical optional values / inputs are the density of sediment. temperature of water.10 Types of inputs According to the nature of inputs. The mandatory input includes the name of project.6. The colours and categories of these cells are: Blue cells: These cells represent mandatory input cells.6. Figure 1. discharge.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Figure 1. head. the inputs are further categorized into the following three groups: Page: 8 .8. These cells are project dependant cells and project related actual inputs are expected in these cells for correct outputs. For the sake of protecting accidental and deliberate amendment or change leading to wrong outputs. 1. A typical example of colour coding of cells is presented in Figure 1. etc. Values in this type of cells can be amended provided that there are adequate sufficient grounds to do so.7: A cell note presenting typical values of Manning’s n for different surfaces 1. Black cells: The black cells represent information and or output of the computations. Cells related to pull down menus can have any user specific values than the stated standard values if the data cells are not of mandatory type.10.11 Pull Down menus and data validation As demonstrated earlier. Prescribed Input: Some of the inputs have some standard values for standard conditions.10: Different categories of inputs. Since Nepal is divided into seven MIP regions.9: Different categories of inputs. Mandatory Input: Some inputs can only have specific values and the programs need to validate such values for proper computations. These values are termed as mandatory inputs. stone masonry surface type is selected and the corresponding standard value of the Manning’s coefficient of roughness of 0. In Figure 1.9 can have any value hence it is a user specific input. Figure 1.05) SHPP/GTZ 1. This example is demonstrated in Figure 1. The programs do not restrict on or validate the values of such inputs. The name and gross head of the project are some of the examples that fall on this category. In the example presented in Figure 1.10. the MIP region can have values from 1 to 7. the spreadsheets are designed to reject such an invalid value and flag an error message with suggestions. 1. Some inputs such as the name of the month. For example in Figure 1. the pull down menu for Manning’s roughness coefficient (n) in cell B42 is activated. In case the user enters different values (for example 8 as presented in the figure). the program generates an error prompting for the correct input of 1 to 7. User or project specific inputs: The input variables that totally depend on the user and or the project are categorized as the user or project specific inputs.9. the value for a MIP region can have an integer ranging from 1 to 7 only. 3. The velocity through orifice (Vo) in the example presented in Figure 1. However. MIP hydrological region and dates in Hydrology spreadsheet can have specific values in their respective cells. Different surface materials are listed in the pull down menu. This will greatly reduce the need for referring external references. any specific values for specific need can be entered into this type of cells.6. These inputs are termed as prescribed inputs. The programs list using such values and give choices for the user to select. The proper value between 1 and 7 can be entered after clicking “Retry” button. However. Since the outcome of the computation will be erroneous if the input data does not match with the desired values. some input cells are equipped with pull down menus to facilitate the users to input standard values related to the input cell. Page: 9 .9. Manning’s coefficients for different types of surfaces are listed for selection. users can enter any values for this cell.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. with the help of a pull-down menu. the programs do not restrict on or validate such variables.02 is substituted in the corresponding cell. Since the value in this cell is not restricted. 2. Figure 1. Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Figure 1. They are set to active only when the workbook is active.05) SHPP/GTZ 1.6. drawings and feedback to the Design Aids. The toolbar has to be dragged to either on top or side of the screen (as presented in Figure 1.11) for convenience.12 Design Aids Menus and Toolbars A menu and a toolbar are added to the workbook to facilitate users’ access all the design tools including online manual.11: Design Aids Menu and Toolbar Page: 10 . 41 2.45 Orif ic =0. Side Intake.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.49 NWL =500.12: Typical interactive diagram of Side Intake 1.2x0.bat” on the root directory of the bundled CD for installing to the default location. Interactive diagrams are provided for the following designs: 1. A typical example of an interactive diagram for a side intake is presented in Figure 1. It is also recommended that the working copy of project specific spreadsheet be saved on “C:\Design Aids\Design Aids”.91 HFL =501.12. Run “Install. Canal (utility) HFL =500. In case it is installed elsewhere. Machine Foundation and 6. Anchor Block.13 Interactive Diagrams Most of the design spreadsheets are equipped with dynamically linked interactive diagrams which change according to the changes in the design parameters.6.32 Canal =500 Figure 1. Settling Basin. Crest =500.56 NWL =500.66 5. 3. Bottom Intake. the external links for online manual and drawings will not work. Wall Geometry Top =501.7 INSTALLATION DIRECTORY It is recommended to install the design aids under “C:\Design Aids\” directory for the full functioning of these tools.05) SHPP/GTZ 1. 4. Page: 11 . please refer to MGSP Flow Verification Guidelines or Micro Hydro Design Manual (A Harvey) or other standard textbooks.2 Input parameters River Conductivity Meter Date Type of Salt Conductivity Constant (m Siemens) Water temp Time Intervals (dt) Weights of salt for sets 1 to 4 (M in g) Readings (m & mbaseline) for sets 1 to 4 Table 2.1 GENERAL Almost all potential hydropower project sites in Nepal are located in remote areas where there is a complete lack of hydrological information. This chapter deals with spreadsheet calculations based on the salt dilution method. This is suitable for smaller fast flowing streams (up to 2000 l/s).g.2 PROGRAM BRIEFING & EXAMPLES “Hydrology” spreadsheet presented in the Design Aids can handle up to four sets of data. Consultants have been using mainly this method even though AEPC and other guidelines have proposed different methods for different flows at the river. the change of conductivity levels of the stream due to pouring of known quantity of predefined diluted salt (50-300gm per 100 l/s) are measured with a standardized conductivity meter (with known salt constant. For micro-hydropower projects in Nepal. MGSP guidelines requires at least one set of discharge measurement at the proposed intake site to be carried out in the dry season. its accuracy level is relatively higher (less than 7%) than other methods. The typical input parameters considered in the example are presented in the adjacent column.8 at 15 C o 15 C 5sec 400g. Table 2.2: First set conductivity reading for Salt Dilution Method (Example) Water Conductivity in mS 5 25 34 32 30 28 26 10 26 35 32 29 28 26 15 27 35 32 29 27 26 20 28 35 31 29 27 26 25 29 35 31 29 27 26 Time(sec) 30 35 30 31 34 34 31 31 29 29 27 27 26 26 40 32 34 31 28 26 25 45 32 33 31 28 26 25 50 55 60 33 34 34 33 33 32 30 30 30 28 28 28 26 26 26 25 Total (mS) = Sm Total readings (nr) Sum 361 407 372 344 321 257 2062 70 Page: 12 .05) SHPP/GTZ 2 DISCHARGE MEASUREMENT 2. Partial inputs of three sets of reading are presented in Table 2. For more information.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. The input parameters required for the discharge calculation are presented in Table 2.1: Input parameters for Salt Dilution Method SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Input for the cited (Example) Mai Khola HANNA Instruments HI 933000 12-Jan-04 Iyoo Nun o 1. In this method. k) at a regular interval (e. Bucket method for flow up to 10 l/s. easier to accomplish and reliable. The first set of field readings are presented in Table 2. weir method for a flow from 10 to 30 l/s and for flows larger than 30 l/s salt dilution method (conductivity meter method) are recommended by MGSP. 1580g and 1795g Presented in Table 2.2. 5 seconds).3. Discharge measurement carried out in a small river in Eastern Nepal with an average gradient of 10% is considered as an example. between November and May.1. Regular (such as monthly measurements) measurements during dry seasons are recommended for mini and small hydropower projects. 2. Since the salt dilution method is quick (generally less than 10minutes per set of measurement).. easier for carrying the instrument in remote places. after excluding the area due to base conductivity. The calculation procedures for the first set of measurement (Set 1) are: Area (A) = (Sm– nr x mbaseline) * dt = (2062-70*25)*5 = 1560 sec x mS Discharge (Q) = M x k/A = 400000*1.1.54 (Q in l/s) Note Italic & Underlined letters are individual calculator keys Page: 13 . The average estimated discharge will further be used by Medium Irrigation Project Method (MIP) to calculate long term average monthly flows.05) SHPP/GTZ Table 2. It is recommended to carry out a number of measurements until at least three consistent results (within 10%) are obtained. Procedural steps for checking flow with the help of a scientific calculator (Casio Fx 78 or equivalent) are presented in this section.3: Data Input (partial) Time Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 Reading 4 25 24 24 5 26 24 25 10 27 24 25 15 28 24 26 ………………….8/1560 = 461. The units for the area under the graph is sec x mS.3 CALCULATION AT SITE Calculation of measured flows and plotting of graphs of the corresponding data are always recommended at site for verification.10-6 kg) k = salt constant in (mS)/(mg/litre) A = effective area under the graph of conductivity versus time. Q = flow in litre/sec M = mass of dry salt in mg (i. This saves critical time of revisiting the intake site in case the measured discharge is not within acceptable limits. ……………………… ……………….8=461.e. 26x…..=> input data (readings) Sx-n* (xbase) = *(dt) = (Area) =>2062-70*25=*5=1560 => gives area (A) INV MODE – exits STD MODE 1/x* (M)* (K)=Q => 1/x of 1560*400000*1. This procedure uses inbuilt standard deviation functions. INV MODE => starts standard deviation mode (STD) INV SAC => standard deviation all memory clear 25x. With these input parameters. ………………. A typical spreadsheet is presented in Figure 2.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. discharge at the stream can be calculated by the following procedures: Stream Flow. The area is determined as follows: Area (A) = (Sm– nr x mbaseline) * dt Weighted averages of the individual flows thus calculated are computed..54 l/s = 461 l/s 2. Q = M x k/A Where. 89 l/s Figure 2. effeff =7265 =0gmA . A eff =7265 Salt =0gm.8000 1580 gm 1795 gm 91 106 24 24 3433 3997 6245 7265 455 l/s 445 l/s Average Discharge 400 gm 70 25 2062 1560 462 l/s 1 454 l/s Discharge Measurement by Conductivity Meter: Upper Jogmai. Meter: k=1. 100 150 ity 200 250 300 350 450 500 550 600 Time(sSalt ec) =400gm. of Salt Nr of data Baseline conductivity Sum of readings Effective Area Discharge 11 deg C 5 sec 1. Discharge Ilam = 453.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.12.05) SHPP/GTZ Discharge Measurement by Conductivity Meter Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar Referances: 6. Ilam 80 70 Conductivity mS 60 Salt =400gm.15. A eff =1560 Salt =1580gm.16 Date 24-May-2006 SMALL HYDROPOWER PROMOTION PROJECT/GTZ Revision 2006. Iyoo Noon. Jogmai. k=1.89 l/s 400 0Instruments 50 (HI 933000). 11deg C.8 Time intervals Salt Const.1: Discharge calculations by salt dilution method Page: 14 . (k) Wt. Upper Av e. 11deg C. A eff =0 50 40 30 20 10 0 5/24. HANNA Discharge Measurement by Conductiv Iyoo Noon. ASalt eff =1560 =1580gm.A =0 Date= 2006/5/24. Discharge = 453.8. HANNA Instruments (HI 933000). ASalt effSalt =6245 =1795gm.8.05 Project Developer Consultant Designed Checked Meter Salt Given k Upper Jogmai. Ilam Kankaimai Hydropower P Ltd EPC Consult Pushpa Chitrakar HANNA Instruments (HI 933000) Iyoo Noon Water temp: 1.13. A eff =6245 Salt =1795gm. Ave. the hydrological data constitute of stream flow records.05) SHPP/GTZ 3 HYDROLOGY 3.1: Hydrology 3.2: Hydrological Data and MHP Page: 15 . It is worth noting that MIP and HYDEST are only applicable for Nepal. Atmosphere Atmosphere Hydrology Water Water Earth Earth Figure 3. WECS/DHM 1990 Study (Hydest)” are incorporated in “Hydrology” spreadsheet. For hydropower schemes having a design discharge more than 100 l/s.2 HYDROLOGICAL DATA As presented in Figure 3. Streamflow Streamflow Records Records Precipitation Precipitation and and Climatological Climatological Data Data Topographic Topographic Maps Maps Groundwater Groundwater Data Data Evaporation Evaporation and and Transpiration Transpiration Data Data MHP MHP Hydrological Hydrological Data Data Soil Soil Maps Maps Geologic Geologic Maps Maps Hydrological Hydrological Data Data Figure 3. evaporation and transpiration data. Long term mean monthly flows based on MIP method and flood flows based on ‘methodologies for estimating hydrologic characteristics of engaged locations in Nepal. topographical maps. Mac Donald in 1990. Almost all potential micro and mini hydropower scheme sites in Nepal have relatively small catchment areas and are located in remote areas where there is a complete lack small of hydrological information.1 GENERAL Hydrology is the science that deals with space-time characteristics of the quantity and quality of the waters of the earth. Brief introduction of these two methods are presented in the subsequent sub-sections. precipitation and climatological data. It is the intricate relationship of water. Large projects may need all the hydrological data. only the first three data are sufficient for the estimation of MIP monthly flows and Hydest floods in micro and mini hydropower projects. The outputs of these tools are quite comparable to the actual hydrological parameters for rivers having bigger catchment areas (100km2 or more).2. flood hazards are generally critical and flood flows should be calculated. earth and atmosphere. It is recommended that at least one set of actual measurement in dry season (November-May) for estimating reasonably reliable long term mean monthly flows. However.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. soil maps and geologic maps. groundwater data. Tools developed for estimating hydrological parameters for un-gauged catchment areas are mainly based on regional correlations. Long term mean monthly flows are estimated by the use of a regional regression methods called Medium Irrigation Project (MIP) method developed by M. 10 2 2.00 14. Mac Donald in 1990.36 1. The month of April was used for non-dimensionalizing.50 6.33 6 2.00 1.00 1. Based on wading measurements by the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology.00 2. It is worth noting that these monthly coefficients have to be interpolated to get the actual monthly coefficients if the flow measurement is not on the 15th of the measured month. The seven regions are graphically shown in Figure 3.00 35.62 1.82 1. Figure 3.52 4.88 1.1: MIP regional monthly coefficients Month January February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2.18 27.00 20.50 5.1.73 11.21 13.19 3.27 1.13 13.27 20.20 1.03 3 2.03 1.00 0.50 8.4 represents a flow chart of the MIP model for calculating mean monthly flows based on a set of low flow measurement.00 6.59 1.89 5.91 6.24 1.71 1.08 3.00 12.3: MIP Regions Table 3.00 24.80 1. As shown in the figure.75 Regions 4 2.00 16.27 18.55 3.88 1.40 1.94 10.91 2.40 1.38 1.50 25. the actual measurement date plays an important role in computing more realistic mean monthly flows.3 and the corresponding seven sets of mean monthly coefficients are presented in Table 3.42 1.00 3.38 1.75 6.30 1.54 25.89 27.00 Figure 3.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.03 6.05) SHPP/GTZ 3. Government of Nepal. Seven sets of average monthly coefficients for the seven regions for each month were prepared.08 24.42 5.27 20.00 2. Page: 16 .09 3.70 1.57 7 3.00 3.83 10.33 1.3 MEDIUM IRRIGATION PROJECT (MIP) METHOD: MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS As stated earlier.00 7.94 3.00 4.38 2.00 2.88 3.00 3.32 33. This critical factor is often ignored by microhydropower Consultants resulting in highly unlikely flow estimation. this model takes low flow measurement.30 2.91 9. As stated earlier. this method is developed by M.57 6.60 6. non-dimensional regional hydrographs were developed for each region.00 14.78 27.21 7. its date and MIP region number as inputs and processes them for estimating mean monthly flows for that point on the catchment area. According to this method.10 3.44 5 2. Nepal is divided into 7 regions. 38 l/s.5: Need of interpolation for calculating mean monthly coefficient The importance of considering actual date of measurement and the need of calculating actual mean monthly flows are further explained in Figure 3. 15 and 30 data Q measured =54 l/s 2 1. 1. 1.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.7 1.5 1. The corrected flows for April are 45.1 1 60. This important factor is incorporated in the spreadsheet.5.8 1.9 1.19 30. Measured flow (m3/s): MIP region (1 -7): Area of basin below 3000m elevation A3000 (km2): Turbine discharge (m3/s): Water losses due to evaporation/flushing (%): 1 3 65 1.6 1. The fact that the mean monthly coefficient calculation plays a major role in AEPC acceptance criteria is illustrated further by the following example.5l /s corresponding to the measurement dates as April 1.173 15% Page: 17 . 1 0 March 15 April 15 Q corr 15 April 1 45.4 1. 15 and 30 respectively. 54 l/s and 37. 1.44 0.00 April 30 37.05) SHPP/GTZ INPUT INPUT Low Low flow flow measurement measurement OUTPUT OUTPUT MIP MIP Measurement Measurement date date MIP MIP region region number number Mean Mean monthly monthly flows flows Figure 3.38 15.4: MIP model These mean monthly flows are calculated as: Mean Coeff. for this month by interpolation if the date is not on 15th April coeff = 1/coeff this month (interpolated) April flow = April coeff * Q Monthly flows = April flow * coeffs (Qi = QApril * Ci) Interpolation of April 1.88 Q corr for mid month = Q measured * Average Coef f/Actual Coef f 45.38 Days If measured on Q calculated 30 45 April 15 54.2 1.3 1. 1.50 60 May 15 Figure 3. The measured flow is 54 l/s and the project lies in region 3. 05) SHPP/GTZ Figure 3.7343 Page: 18 . 20-year and 100-year floods based on Hydest method are presented in the spreadsheet. 15 and 30 are presented. the design flow exceeds only 10 months and does not meet AEPC criteria if it is measured on either 1st or 30th of April. E rro rs G e ne rate d b y u sin g mid mo nthly flow s 30 1 -A pr 25 1 5 -A p r Discharge (m 3/s) 3 0 -A p r Q dive rted 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 M ONTH Figure 3. 3000m elevation is believed to be the upper elevation that is influenced by the monsoon precipitation.144 x (A3000 +1)0. It is recommended to use instantaneous floods of 20-year return period while designing Nepali micro hydro intake structures. In case of mini and small hydropower projects.8448 Q100 inst = 14. Interpolated MIP flows corresponding to the measurement dates of April 1.8154 x (A3000 +1) 0. which is also known as “Methodologies for estimating hydrologic characteristics of un-gauged locations in Nepal”.8767 x (A3000 +1)0.6: Effect of interpolation on mean monthly flows 3.8783 Q100 daily =4.6 is the graphical representation of the outcome of the MIP method. The catchment area below 3000 m contour line is used for the estimation of floods of various return periods. The 2-year and 100-year flood can be calculated using the following equations: Q2 daily = 0. This method generally estimates reliable results if the basin area is more than 100 km2 or if the project does not lie within Siwalik or Tarai regions.9527 Q2 inst = 1.630 x (A3000 +1)0. The design flow exceeds 11 months and fulfills AEPC criteria if it is measured on April 15th.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.4 WECS/DHM (HYDEST) METHOD: FLOOD FLOWS The WECS/DHM (Hydest) Method. This method has to be used with caution for catchments having significant areas above snowline. Long term flow records of DHM stations (33 for floods and 44 for low flows) were used to derive various hydrological parameters such as the monsoon wetness index (June-September precipitation in mm). Annual. However. was developed by WECS/DHM in 1990. it is recommended that the headworks structures should be able to bypass 100-year instantaneous flood. The entire country is considered as a single homogenous region. 7. The Page: 19 . the probability of exceedance should be 11 months or more).30 && monthly) monthly) Flow Flow duration (0-100%) (0-100%) ** Area Area =>100km =>100km22 Figure 3. Alternatively. for any other return periods can be calculated using: QF = e (lnQ 2 + S×s lnQF ) Where.7. floods.645 2.326 Table 3.05) SHPP/GTZ Flood peak discharge.2: Standard normal variants for floods Return period (T) (yrs) 2 5 10 20 50 100 Standard normal variant (S) 0 0. and slnQF = æ Q100 ö ÷÷ è Q2 ø ln çç 2.842 1. S is the standard normal variant for the chosen return period..30 flows(1. 4.326 As shown in Figure 3.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. HYDEST method may be used for catchment area equal to or more than 100 km2.282 1.2. Since MIP method utilizes actual measured flow data. low flows and flow duration curve.7: Hydest Model 3.e. QF. from Table 3. 2.5 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS General recommendations on estimating hydrological parameters for hydropower projects in Nepal are summarised as: 1. the Hydest method requires different catchment areas and monsoon wetness index as inputs to estimate hydrological parameters such as the mean monthly flows. OUTPUT INPUT Total Total catchment catchment area area (MMF (MMF && FDC) FDC) Area Area below below 5000m 5000m (LF) (LF) Area Area below 3000m 3000m (FF) (FF) *Monsoon *Monsoon wetness wetness index index (MMF (MMF && FDC) FDC) Monsoon Monsoon wetness wetness index=(Jun-Sept) index=(Jun-Sept) mm mm Hydest *Mean monthly monthly flows flows Flood Flood flows (2-100 (2-100 yrs) yrs) Low Low flows(1. mean monthly flows should be computed by using this method. The recommended discharge measurement methods for different discharges are: Method Discharge (l/s) Bucket collection <10 Weir 10-30 Salt dilution >30 3. The design flow for AEPC subsidized micro hydropower projects should be available at least 11 months in a year (i. Discharge measurement at the proposed intake site should be between November and May.054 2.7. The measured discharge of 80 l/s on March 23 shows that the project is proposed to utilize a small stream. K March = 1. the program considers 30 days a month for all the months. the design flows are estimated by optimizing project installed capacities. MIP region from the attached map MIP Q monthly Q designed & MGSP Q diverted Q losses Q release Q available Q exceedance Monthly Hydrograph Q Yes Hydest Flood flows A 3000 End Figure 3. location.6 PROGRAM BRIEFING & EXAMPLES As per the standards and guidelines.8: Flow chart of Hydrology spreadsheet A typical example of the spreadsheet including inputs and outputs are presented in Figure 3.2787 Q March = Q measured *K March /Kc April = 80 *1. 3.05) SHPP/GTZ design flow corresponding to the installed capacity (Qd) should not be more than 85% of the 11-month exceedance flow. the presented spreadsheet is designed to compute MIP mean monthly flows and exceedance of the design flow. The design flow for other projects should be based on the prudent practices of the stakeholders and project optimization. Start Project name. Hydest floods and design discharges for different components of a hydropower scheme. The flow chart for the proposed hydrological calculations is presented in Figure 3. The detailed calculations are: MIP mean flows: Corrected coefficient and mid month discharges (Kc December) for Region 3: th th Since the measured date of March 23 lies in between March 15 and April 15 .8.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. The design discharge of 80 l/s has a probability of exceedance of 10 months only and hence does not qualify AEPC acceptance criteria. the design flows should not exceed 65% probability of exceedance.389 l/s. There is a provision of ±10% tolerance on Qd at the time of commissioning a scheme. they are calculated for sizing floodwall and other structures. The project lies in MIP region 3. For example for a small hydropower project with an installed capacity of more than 1MW.9. The information required for computations such as the MIP regions and the corresponding coefficients are presented in the spreadsheet. river.38 K April = 1. Although the floods are not critical to the project.38)*(23-15)/30 = 1. Qd. Construction of flood wall against annual flood is recommended if the design flow exceeds 100 l/s.00 Kc March = K March+ (K April -K March)*(Date -15)/30 = 1. date measured.38 + (1. 5. the turbine design discharge should not exceed 73. 6. For projects less than or equal to 1MW. The considered project is 55kW Chhotya Khola Micro-Hydropower Project in Dhading. % losses No Is A 3000 Given? Q measured.00-1. For simplicity. For AEPC to qualify this project.34 l/s Page: 20 .38/1. Loses and environmental releases should also be considered if it exceeds 15% of the 11-month exceedance.2787 = 86. 252 l/s Qlosses = Qdiverted -Qturbine = 77.62 l/s Other mean monthly discharges are calculated similar to the discharge calculation for the month of May.630 x (A3000 +1) 0.389 / (0.9527 0.9.5+1) 3 = 1.326)) = 16.9527 0.8448 = 0.8154 x (A3000 +1) Q2 inst = 1.952 )+ 1.8783 = 1.8767 x (A3000) Q100 daily =4.197)/2.05) SHPP/GTZ Q April = Q March /K March = 86.128 = 80.38 = 62.863 l/s Qrelease = Qmin MIP *%release = 62.197 m /s 3 = 8.952 m /s 3 = 4.7343 = 14.326)) = 5.5 +1) 0.987 m /s 3 = 28.57 * 0.252-73.987/1.669 m /s Peak discharges for other return periods are calculated by using these formulas: s l nQF = æ Q100 ö ÷÷ è Q2 ø ln çç QF = e (lnQ 2 + S×s lnQF ) 2.389 = 3.645*(LN(8.630 x (1. exceedance of the proposed design flow and the flow acceptable for AEPC is presented in Figure 3.252+3. Hydest flood flows: The 2-year and 100-year floods are: Q2 daily = 0.128 l/s Qrequired at river = Qdiverted + Qrelease = 77. = 73.8783 0.334 m /s Different discharge calculations (as per AEPC criteria): Qturbine = 85% of the 11 month flow exceedance from the MIP flow if the designed flow is higher or the design flow.8767 x (1.34/1.645*(LN(28.57 * 1.144 x (A3000 +1) Q100 inst = 14.95) = 77.144 x (1.8448 =4.5+1) 0.389 l/s (since the design flow is higher and has 10 months exceedance only) Qdiverted = Qturbine / (1-%losses) = 73.197 )+ 1.326 3 Q20 daily = EXP(LN(1.380 l/s A hydrograph including the design flow. Page: 21 .88 = 117.747 m /s Q20 inst 3 = EXP(LN(4.57 l/s Q May = Q April *K May = 62.5+1) 0.669/4.8154 * (1.05 = 3.7343 0.952)/2.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. 93 77.16 Date SMALL HYDROPOWER PROMOTION PROJECT/GTZ Revision Project: Chhyota Khola MHP Developer Consultant Designed Checked Kankai Hydropower P Ltd EPC Consult Pushpa Chitrakar 24-May-2006 2006.9: Typical example of a hydrological parameters calculation spreadsheet “Hydrology” Page: 22 .05 INPUT River name : Location : Measured flow for MIP method l/s: Month and day of flow measurement: MIP region (1 -7) : Area of basin below 3000m elevation A3000 km2 : Turbine discharge Qd l/s: Water losses due to evaporation/flushing/seepage % of Qd : Downstream water release due to environmental reasons % of Q lowest : Chhyota Khola Barand.4.952 4.508 10 73.62 471. Dhading 80 March 23 3 1.83 77.211 77.2.211 3. Sertung VDC 2.13.252 4.863 6.57 56.25 February 117.34 77.000 73.62 77.25 July 847.15.950 2 20 100 Discharges (l/s) Qturbine (Qd) Q diverted Qd+Qlosses Q losses 5% of Qd Q release 10% of Qlow Q min required @ river 77.257 90.747 16.05) SHPP/GTZ HYDROLOGICAL CALCULATIONS FOR UNGAUGED MHP RIVERS Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar Referances:2.23 77.55 77.25 March 86.25 October 651.334 8.12.821 11 Long TermAverage Annual Hydrograph of Chhyota Khola river.5 80 5% 10% OUTPUT MIP monthly average discharge Month @ river To plant January 169. 6.197 5.62 77.669 Designed As per MGSP 80.506 Flood Discharge (m3 /s) Daily Instantaneous 1.25 August 1564.31 May 117.25 June 195.25 November 312.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.13 77.389 84.13 77.25 September 1303.257 6.467 83.389 l/s with 11-month exceedence 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Months Figure 3.25 April 62.25 Hydest Flood Flows Return Period (yrs) December Annual av Q exceedence (month) Q turbine for 11m 234. Chhyota Khola MHP 1800 1600 MIPFlows Q design =80 l/s with 10-month exceedence 1400 Discharge (l/s) Q as per MGSP=73.25 75.83 77.987 28. e. Hazard flood bypass with minimum detrimental effects. Qdiverted and spilling in case of flood). weir. Sediment bypass of diversion structure (Continued sediment transportation along the river). Sediment control at intake by blocking/reducing sediment intake into the system. Trashrack A trashrack is a structure placed at an intake mouth to prevent floating logs and boulders entering into headrace. Inaccessibility of trashrack throughout the monsoon season and exposure of the system to all the bed load even though only a small part of the water is drawn are the common drawbacks of drop intakes.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. easy to build and maintain. Conveyance Intake is an intake which supplies water to a conveyance other than the pressure conduit to the turbine. 4. Settling basin control (settling and flushing of finer sediments entered into the system through intakes or open canals). 2. Side Intake A structure built along a river bank and in front of a canal / conduit end for diverting the required water safely is known as a side intake. steeper gradient. Coarse trashracks and fine trashracks are provided at the river intake and penstock intake respectively. protection works. Withdrawal of desired flows (i. and surplus flow for continual flushing. less expensive. etc. Weir A weir is a structure built across a river to raise the river water and store it for diverting a required flow towards the intake. are the main structural components. Intake. Indicators of an ideal headworks can be summarized as: 1.05) SHPP/GTZ 4 HEADWORKS 4. 5.. debris and sediments. They are mainly useful for areas having less sediment movement. Power Intake is an intake which supplies water to the pressure conduit to the turbine. Intake An intake can be defined as a structure that diverts water from river or other water course to a conveyance system downstream of the intake.1 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS Headworks A headworks consists of all structural components required for safe withdrawal of desired water from a source river into a canal/conduit. Debris bypass (Continued debris bypass without any accumulation).. 6. 3. Side intake and bottom intake are the common types of river intakes that are used in Nepali hydropower schemes. Side intakes are simple. Page: 23 . Bottom/Drop/Tyrolean/Trench Intake A structure built across and beneath a river for capturing water from the bed of a river and drops it directly in to a headrace is known as a bottom intake. Protection Works Protection works are the river protection and river training works to safeguard the headworks against floods. 4. · To optimize downstream canal and other structures. o By the side of rock outcrops or large boulders for stability and strength.2.1 Weir · Type: A weir can be either temporary or permanent in nature. · A coarse trashrack should be provided to prevent big boulders and floating logs from entering into the headrace system. 4. A dry stone or gabion or mud stone masonry can be termed as a temporary weir whereas a cement masonry or concrete weir can be termed as a permanent weir.2 · Intake Type: Side intakes are suitable for all types of river categories whereas the drop intake is recommended for rivers having longitudinal slopes more than 10% with relatively less sediment and excess flushing discharge. For transportation by porters in remote areas.05) 4. Page: 24 .0m/s. the weight of a piece of trashrack should not exceed 60 kg.2. o Alternatively.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Placing of trashrack at 3V:1H is considered to be the optimum option considering the combined effect of racking and hydraulic purposes. This will assure that water is always available and there is no sediment deposition in front of the intake. on the outer side of the bend to minimize sediment problems and maximise the assured supply of water. The first part of the side intake calculates trashrack parameters while the second part of it calculates side intake parameters including spillways for load rejection and flood discharge off-take. The second spreadsheet calculates all the design parameters for a drop intake. · A gate/stop log should be provided to regulate flow (adjust/ close) during operation and maintenance. · Capacity: According to the flushing requirement and tentative losses the intake has to be oversized to allocate an excess flow of 10% to 20% (or Qdiverted). They are “sideIntake” and “BottomIntake” for designing side and bottom intakes respectively. The side intake is generally is of rectangular orifice type with a minimum submergence of 50mm. o Relatively permanent river course. The approach velocity should be less than 1. a spillway should be provided close to the intake. 4. · Height: The weir should be sufficiently high to create enough submergence and driving head. · Stability: Permanent weir should be stable against sinking. · Location: It is recommended that the weir should be 5m to 20m d/s of side intake.3 PROGRAM BRIEFINGS AND EXAMPLES There are two spreadsheets for designing intake structures. The side intake should be at: o Straight river u/s & d/s of the intake. 4.2.3 Intake Trashrack The recommended intake coarse trashrack is made of vertical mild steel strips of 5mm*40mm to 5mm*75mm with a clear spacing not exceeding 75mm. A narrow river width with boulders is preferable for weir location.2 SHPP/GTZ GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS General recommendations and requirements for headworks components such as weirs. intakes and trashracks are briefly outlines in this section. overturning and sliding even during the designed floods. 7 present the assumptions.3 manual No K1 K1=0. the trashrack losses consist of frictional and bend losses.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.8 MHP = 0. Typical bar thickness.1: Trashrack parameters Start K = (hf + hb)/(Vo^2/2g) Project name. river.55 A surface= 1/K1 * (t+b)/b * Q/Vo * 1/sin f h submerged = hr –ht.1 to 4.2. thickness and clear spacing of bars. Figures 4. location. side intake and drop intake dimensioning. flow charts and typical examples for calculating trashrack parameters. clear spacing and approach velocity are suggested in the respective cell notes.2: Flow chart for trashrack calculations The trashrack coefficients for different cross section of the bars are presented in the pull down menu. Trashrack coefficient kt Bar thickness t mm Clear spacing of bars b mm Approach velocity Vo m/s Angle of inclination from hor f deg Ht of trashrack bot from river bed ht Flow deviation b deg Design Discharge Qd cumec h friction = kt * (t/b)^(4/3) * (Vo^2/2/g) * sin f h bend = Vo^2 /2/g * sin b hl= hf + hb Is Yes cleaning K1=0. Page: 25 .05) SHPP/GTZ Since most of the program flow chart in this section is self explanatory. The bend loss depends on the hydraulics of the approaching flow such as the approach velocity and its deviated direction with respect to the normal of the trashrack surface. The frictional losses depend on the geometry of trashrack such as the trashrack coefficient. only critical points are explained. According to the flow chart presented in Figure 4. inclination of the trashrack and the approach velocity. hr from intake cal B = S/(h/sinf) End Figure 4. Figure 4. 1 = 0.115 m Head at river (hr) = hc+dh (this value can be provided) = 0.565+0.3 for manual raking suggesting that the raking area for manual operation to recommended surface area is 3.81)* sin 20 = 0.3763 m Width B = S/(h/ sin f) = 0.05) SHPP/GTZ The trashrack surface area coefficient K1 for automatic raking is 0.81)* sin 60 = 0.5.2+0.565 Height of weir (hw) = hr +0.8 whereas it is 0.0044 = 0. The procedures for designing a side intake parameters are presented in Figure 4.665 m Page: 26 .81 = 0.e. 5 /2/9.. Manual racking is recommended for Nepali micro and mini hydropower.05+0.45m 2 2 Driving head (dh) = (Vo/c) /2/g = (1.4.3: Side intake parameters Typical side intake parameters considered in the spreadsheet are presented in Figure 4.8) /2/9.55 (i. Flood ht Figure 4.0023m o o 2 o Normal condition: Depth @ canal (hc) = h submergence + height of orifice + height of orifice sill from bottom of the canal = 0.3/ sin 60 ) = 1.3763/(.2/0. Since the consequence of temporary reduced trashrack area in micro and mini hydro is not severe and the trashrack sites are generally accessible to operators all the year.077*1/ sin 60 = 0.2.4 Side Intake calculations Trashrack Design: (4/3) 2 * (Vo /2g)* sin f = 2.4*(4/25) (4/3) 2 o h friction = kt * (t/b) h bend = (Vo /2g)* sin b = (0.3.45+0. An example is presented in Figure 4. the average of automatic and manual racking coefficient of 0. 80% more than the theoretical area) is recommended for practical and economic reason.0067m A surface S = 1/k1*(t+b)/b * Q/Vo * 1/ sin f = 1/0. 4.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.0044m h total = h friction + h bend = 0.2 = 0.09 m 2 2 * (0.55*(4+25)/25*0. The calculation processes for designing a typical side intake are also presented in the following section. 5 /2/9.115 = 0.1 = 0.33 times more than the theoretical area.00232 + 0. 5*(. Ls2 =2*(Qf-Qd)/C/h overtop^1.218/1.6/(2*0.064 m Orifice width (B) = A/H = 0.218/1.2 = 0. The final canal depth is (hcf) = 0.05) = 0.5.77/1.078 m Care should be taken while designing spillway lengths. B = A /H FB = FB if provided Or else Min(300.742 = 1.407 m Water depth at canal during flood is calculated by equating and iterating flow coming from orifice to that of canal flow.064/. Ls for Gfm (d/s Obs & 100% hot -50) is only applicable when full downstream obstruction for flood off-take is provided with the help of stop logs or gates.742 m Head at river (hf r) = hw+yc = 0.2 = 0.218 m /s 3 Spillway overtopping height (h overtop) = 50%(Free board –h nwl) = 0. Since this iterative process is tedious and erroneous.81) = 0. Ls=max(Ls1 =Qf/C/h overtop^1.125) 1.125) = 1.4: Flow chart for side intake calculations 2 Orifice area (A) = Q/V = 0.6/(0. d/s submergence hsub. Otherwise.125 m 1.322 m Flood: 2 2 1/3 2 2 1/3 Critical depth at crest (yc) = (Qf /L /g) = (10 /5 /9. 0. height H SHPP/GTZ hc=hsub+H+hbot dh = (Vo/c)^2 / 2g hr = hc + dh hw = hr+0.5 Spillway length 100% (Ls for Qf) = Qf/C/(2*h ot) 1. This iterative process is introduced in the presented spreadsheet. press F2 and press Enter. most of the micro-hydropower consultants do not calculate it precisely. Page: 27 .3-. H from canal bed h bot.5 = 0. In case this cell generates VALUE# error.1 h overtop = 50% (FB . the gradually varying water profile at the spillway has to be considered.5 Spillway length 50% = Qf/C/(h ot) 1.spillway crest height above NW L) Ls 100% =Qf/C/(2*h overtop)^1.5.05) Start Orifice V coeff c.490m Q intake (Qf) = 0. n.665+0.5 hcf = (Qo*n/2^(1/3)/SQRT(1/S))^(3/8) Vof =c*SQRT(2*g*dhf) 1/S = 1/{Q * n * P^2/3 /A^5/3 }^2 A = Q/V.5 = 0.525 m = 3. Vo.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.5) Ls1=>obstruction d/s=> h ot const End River Crest length L Qf flood Canal & Spillway Spillway above NW L Cd spillway Freeboard h fb1 canal width d/s of orifice Yes Is W c=W c W c provided? No W c=2*hc Circular references (flood): dhf = hrf -hcf Qo = A * C * (2*g*dhf)^0.5*hc)) ycf = (Qf^2/L^2/g)^(1/3) hrf = hw+yc Figure 4. select the cell. 000 Orifice height H m 0.41 hc Canal LS Gravel trap (if needed) 1:30 Fb .978 .3647 0.0023 0.56 NWL =500.665 Length of spillway Ls2 for Qf-Qd m 0.49 NWL =500.45 Orific =0.12.3750 0.500 Spillway 0.200 0.8 Crest length L m 5. Weir Crest Gravel Flushing Gate .05) SHPP/GTZ Design of Orifice Side Intake Spreadsheet developed by Mr.02 Q flood m3/s (Q20 for MHP with Qd>100) 16.978 3.1) m Spillway overtopping height h overtop m Flood 0.000 0.500 Provided Freeboard h fb1 m 0. .00 Design Discharge Qd cumec 0.8906 Orifice Calculations for (B = 2H or provided) rectangular canal downstreamof orifice Input Orifice River Velocity coeff of orifice c 0.521 3.16 Date SMALL HYDROPOWER PROMOTION PROJECT/GTZ Revision Project Developer Consultant Designed Checked Chhyota Khola MHP Kankaimai Hydropower P Ltd EPC Consult Pushpa Chitrakar Wall Geometry Design Flood Level Coarse Trashrack Min 100 thick & 1000 wide walkway Rcc slab Orifice (H*B) Top =501.450 Head difference dhf 0. SHPP/GTZ 24-May-2006 2006.66 Compacted earth/200mm stone soling HFL =500.00 Clear spacing of bars b mm 25.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.050 Provided water depth in the river hr (m) Spillway discharge coeff 1.6 1.32 Canal =500 Trashrack calculations Input Output Trashrack coeffieient kt 2.321 Depth of water at canal (hc f) m 1.8 Velocity through orifice Vo m/s 1. H River bed h cf .5226 0.0067 0.15.125 Designed spillway length Ls m Figure 4.916 3.077 Height of trashrack bottom from river bed ht 0.115 Ls for Qf m (d/s Obs & 100% hot -50) 0.2 Provided Q flood m3/s 10.50 Angle of inclination from horizontal f deg 60.300 Output Normal Condition Canal witdth d/s of orifice 1/Slope of canal immediately d/s of orifice Depth of water in canal hc m Free board in canal h fb m Area of orifice A m2 Width of orifice B m Actual velocity through orifice Vo act m/s Canal width Wc m Water level difference dh m Water depth in the river hr = hc + dh m Height of weir (hw = hr+0.078 3.13. hbot h r-hc HFL =501.742 1.200 Canal & Spillway Height of orifice from canal bed h bot m 0.218 0.5: An example of side intake calculations Page: 28 0. Engineering Advisor.200 Canal invert level (m) 500.91 Normal 1 river level 3 . h sub hr .500 Critical depth of water at crest yc m 1865 Flood head at river hf r = hw+yc m 0.00 Approach velocity Vo m/s 0.000 Manning's coeff of roughness 0.4 Bar thickness t mm 4.00 Headloss due to friction hf m Headloss due to bends hb m Headloss coeff K Total headloss ht m Surface area A surface m2 Vertical height h m Trashrack width B m 0.064 Q intake Qf cumec 0.200 Spillway crest height above NWL m 0.02 Downstream submergence depth hsub m 0.050 Used Q flood 10.392 0.0044 0. Pushpa Chitrakar.490 1.300 Velocity through orifice Vof m/s 0.2x0.00 Flow deviation b deg 20. h rf Crest =500.4 2.334 0.406 0.6 Provided canal width (m) 0.565 Length of spillway Ls1 for Qf m (d/s Obs) 0.05 Referances: 6. Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) 4.2.5 SHPP/GTZ Drop Intake calculations The example presented in Figure 4.7 follows the procedures presented in Figure 4.6. This example is taken from a 4500kW Sarbari Small Hydropower Project, Kullu, India. Although the calculation procedures for the drop intake are relatively straightforward and simple, it has more restrictions and limitations regarding the stream geometry and operational conditions. Based on the flow conditions and the slope of rack, flow immediately upstream of the rack may be either critical or sub-critical. Critical depth at the entrance of the rack has to be considered if the rack is steeper (more than 15o). For more details, please refer to EWI UNIDO Standard. The main differences between considering critical flow and normal flow conditions are presented in the Table 4.1. In the presented spreadsheet, critical depth of upstream flow of the intake is calculated and presented if normal flow (sub-critical) is considered. Start River River W idth (Br) Head of u/s water (ho) U/s water velocity (vo) River gradient (i) degrees hof, vof Trashrack Aspect ratio (L across river/B along river) Design Discharge (Q) Gradient (b) deg, Contraction coeff (m) Witdth/diameter (t), Clearance (a) d = t + a, he = ho = vo^2/2g X = =0.00008*b^2 - 0.0097*b + 0.9992 c =0.6*a/d*(COSb)^1.5 Yc Considered? Yes No h =2/3*c*he Qo u/s = Br * ho * vo Qof u/s = Br * hof * vof End h = ¾*Yc Qo u/s = v (9.81 * ho 3 * Br 2 ) Qof u/s = v (9.81 * hof 3 * Br 2 ) L =SQRT(3*Q/(2*c*m*L/B ratio*SQRT(2*9.81*h))) L' = 120% of L, b = L/B ratio * L”, A=L'*b Qu u/s = Qo u/s – Qdesign h f = 2/3*c*(ho + vo f^2/2g) Q in f= 2/3*c*m*b*L'*SQRT(2*9.81*h f) Quf d/s = Qof u/s of intake -Q in f Figure 4.6: Parameters and flow chart of drop intake design Table 4.1: Drop intake and upstream flow Parameters Normal flow Velocity head (h) = 2/3 * c * he 3 Qo u/s of intake (m /s) normal = Br * Ho * Vo Qo u/s of intake (m3/s) flood = Br * Ho f * Vo Critical Depth considered = ¾ * Yc = SQRT(9.81*ho 3*Br 2) = SQRT(9.81*ho f 3*Br 2) The calculations presented in Figure 4.7 are verified in the following section. In this example the flow upstream of the intake is considered to be of critical. Normal condition: c/c distance of trashrack bars d (mm) = t + a = 60+30 = 90mm Kappa (c) = 0.00008*b^2 - 0.0097*b + 0.9992 (by curve fitting) = 0.00008*36^2 - 0.0097*36 + 0.9992 = 0.749 Velocity head (h) m = ¾ * of Yc = ¾ * 0.226 = 0.170 m Correction factor (c) = 0.6*a/d*(COSb)^1.5 = 0.6*30/90*(Cos 36)^1.5 = 0.146 Page: 29 Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Length of Intake (L) m = SQRT(3*Q/(2*c*m*L/B ratio*SQRT(2*9.81*h))) = SQRT(3*2.7/(2*c*0.85*3.546468*SQRT(2*9.81*.170))) = 2.249 m Length (L’) m = L*COS(b) = 2.249*cos (36) = 1.819 m Intake length across the river (b) m = L/B ration * L = 3.546468*2.249 = 7.975m Area of intake (A) m 2 = L * b = 2.249 * 7.975 2 = 17.935 m 3 = SQRT(9.81*ho *Br ) = SQRT(9.81*.226 *8 ) 3 = 2.7 m /s 3 = Qo u/s –Qd = 2.7-2.7 3 = 0 m /s Qo u/s of intake (m /s) Qu d/s of intake (m /s) 3 2 3 2 Intake length across the river (b) m = L/B ration * L = 3.546468*2.249 = 7.975m Flood: h flood (hf) m = 2/3*c*(ho flood+vo flood^2/2g) = 2/3*0.749*(3+4^2/2/9.81) = 1.906 m 3 Qo u/s of intake (m /s) 3 Qo in (off-take) (m /s) 3 Qu d/s of intake (m /s) 3 2 3 2 = SQRT(9.81*hof *Br ) = SQRT(9.81*1.906 *20 ) 3 = 325.497 m /s = 2/3*c*m*b*L *SQRT(2*9.81*h flood) = 2/3*0.146*0.85*7.975*2.249*SQRT(2*9.81*1.906) 3 = 7.318 m /s (this discharge can be reduced by introducing a throttling pipe d/s of the intake) = Qo u/s –Qd = 315.497-7.318 3 = 318.178 m /s Page: 30 Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Design of Bottom/Drop Intake Spreadsheet developed by Mr. Pushpa Chitrakar, Engineering Advisor, SHPP/GTZ 24-May-2006 2006.05 Sarbari SHP Kullu, Himanchal Pradesh, India Referances: 6,7,8,12,13 Date SMALL HYDROPOWER PROMOTION PROJECT/GTZ Revision Project Developer Consultant Designed Checked Pushpa Chitrakar Weir Geometry HFL =501.91 NWL =500.23 Top =500 Trashrack Top =498.68 Width =1.82 Input Critical Depth Considered 1 River Width flood (Brf) m = 20 River Width (Br) m = 8 ho flood m = 3.000 Head/Critical Depth of u/s water (ho)m = 0.226 vo flood m/s = 4 Upstream water velocity (vo) m/s = 1.494 Design Discharge (Qd), m3/s = 2.7 River gradient (i) degrees = 9.462 Trashrack witdth/diameter (t) mm = 60 Trashrack gradient (b) deg = 36 Trashrack clearance (a) mm = 30 Contraction coeff (m) = 0.85 Invert level of crest (masl) 500 Aspect ratio (Length across the river/Breadth along the river) = 3.546468 Output c/c distance of trash rack bars d mm = Total head (he) m = kappa (c) = velocity head (h) m = Correction factor ( c) = Length of intake (L) m = Length (L' ) m = Intake length across the river (b) m = Area of intake (A=L' *b) m2 = 90 0.340 0.749 0.170 0.146 2.249 1.819 7.975 17.935 Qo u/s of intake (m3/s) normal = Qu d/s of intake (m3/s) normal = h d/s normal (m) h flood u/s= h d/s flood (m) Qof u/s of intake = Br * hof * vof (m3/s) = Q in flood m3/s = Quf d/s of intake (m3/s) = Figure 4.7: An example of drop intake Page: 31 2.700 0.000 1.906 1.864 325.497 7.318 318.178 5. Because of the easier sediment handling facility and better financial parameters.1 Canal a) Capacity: The canal should be able to carry the design flow with adequate freeboard and escapes to spill excess flow. Pipes used in MHP can be of HDPE or mild steel and it can be either open or buried. g) Stability and Safety against rock fall.2 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS General recommendations and requirements for designing canal and pipe headrace systems are outlined here. a layout with headrace-cum-penstock pipe has been adopted in many micro.g.g. They are also used for low pressure headrace and headrace-cum-penstock alignments. Manning’s equation is used for canal whereas Darcy-Weisbach equation is used for pipe. c) Unlined canal: In stable ground for Q ≤ 30 l/s d) Lined canal: For higher discharge and unstable ground. forebay).2. A canal can be unlined (earthen) or lined (stone masonry or concrete). c) Pipe inlet with trashracks for a pipe length of more than 50m. landslide & storm runoff.5*v2/2g at upstream end. Generally canal systems are used in all micro hydropower schemes whereas pipe systems are used for specific e. Page: 32 .05) SHPP/GTZ 5 HEADRACE/TAILRACE 5.2 Pipe a) PVC/HDPE/GRP: Buried at least 1m into ground. Unequal settlement of lined trapezoidal canal should be prevented. b) Velocity: Self cleaning but non erosive (≥ 0. A canal should generally be designed to carry 110 to 120 % of the design discharge. Canals with 1:4 stone masonry or concrete are recommended.3m/s).1 GENERAL A headrace or a tailrace can be defined as a conveyance system that conveys designed discharge from one point (e. b) Steel/Cast Iron: As pipe bridge at short crossings/landslides. intake) to another (e. Care should be taken to minimize seepage loss and hence minimize the subsequent landslides. For computing head losses. h) Optimum Canal Geometry: Rectangular or trapezoidal section for lined canal and trapezoidal section for unlined canal are recommended. e) Provision of air valves and wash outs where necessary. e) Sufficient spillways and escapes as required. mini and small hydropower projects in Nepal. 5. difficult terrain. 5.2.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. d) Minimum submergence depth of 1. Mild steel and glass reinforced pipe (GRP) headrace-cum-penstock pipes are getting popularity in mini and small hydropower schemes in Nepal. f) Freeboard: Minimum of 300mm or half of water depth.g. Rectangular and trapezoidal canal cross sections are mostly used profiles. A catch drain running along the conveyance canal is recommended for mini and small hydropower projects. 3.2. Present Canal: Area A m 2 = D*B = 0.35*SQRT(0.3 PROGRAM BRIEFING AND EXAMPLES 5.01299 = 19.5) = 1.6-0.0-3.4-0.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.15 = 1.5+2*0.05) SHPP/GTZ 5.0 Stone masonry =0.01299 /n = 0. The calculation procedures are further illustrated in Figure 5.3-0.72 m/s Velocity V m/s = Q/A = 0.15*0.226 m /s Critical Velocity Vc m/s = sqrt(A*g/T) = sqrt(0.8-2.233 m (Okay since it is less than 80% of Vc) Headloss hl (m) = S*L + di (drops) = 0.1m Hydraulic Radius r (m) = A/P = 0.5 = 0.35*SQRT(A) = 0.01299*20+0 = 0.15/1.2 Canal Calculations for a rectangular stone masonry headrace canal for 185 l/s flow presented in Figure 5.1505 m Page: 33 .5.8-2.136*0.5 = 1.e.4.6 Clayey loam =0. This example is taken from a 750kW Sisne Small Hydropower Project.15*9.136 *0.2 (Intake Canal in second column) are briefly described in the following section.136 m 3 2/3 0.3*0 = 0. d) Two spreadsheets are included in the Design Aids for: 1) Canal calculations: Calculations procedures are presented in Figure 5.0 Concrete = 1.5 3 Calculated flow (m /s) = A*r *S /n = 0..185/0.48mm (i.5 = 0.3.81/.1 Canal a) Permissible erosion free velocities for different soil conditions: Fine sand =0.260m Critical dia of sediment d crit (mm) = 11000*r*S = 11000*0.185 m 2 = 0.5m 2/3 0.1 with the help of a flow chart and a typical spreadsheet with an illustration is presented in Figure 5. Palpa.1 = 0.8 Clay =0.185) = 0.15 m 2 Top Width T (m) = B+2*H*N Wetted Perimeter (m) = 2*D+B = 2*0. the canal can transport sediments of diameter 19. 2) Optimum canal parameters based on MHP Sourcebook by Allen R Iversin.185/1 = 0.4 Sandy loam =0.3+.48mm or less during its normal operation) Optimum Canal: Area A m 2 Hydraulic Radius ro (m) = Q/v desired = 0. 2) Pipe calculations: Pipe calculation flow chart is presented in Figure 5.0 b) Sectional profiles considered in the program are: 1) Semicircular (not popular because of the construction difficulty) 2) Rectangular 3) Triangular (not popular because it is not financially attractive) 4) Trapezoidal c) Two parts of calculations for canals are provided for: 1) Evaluation of the design parameters based on user specified inputs. Nepal. 5.3*0. 0.136*0.0050*20+0 = 0.185*9.7*ro Trapezoidal = 4*ro/Sin(N) hl =S*L+di Hl =hl previous + hl d crit =11000*r*S End Figure 5. T=B+2*D*N (trapezoidal) or =B Vcrit = sqrt(9.35*SQRT(A))) Depth Do for optimum canal Semicircular = 4*ro Traingular = 2.1: Flow chart for canal design Page: 34 ..5*D) V = Q/A.05) SHPP/GTZ Depth Do (m) = 2*ro = 2*0.271mm or less during its normal operation) Start Project name.301m Top Width Bo (m) = 4*ro = 4*0. Reach name.5/n FB=min(0. hl =S*L+di hl =hl previous + hl (continuous) d crit =11000*r*S Flow area (A) semicircular = PI()* D^2/4/2 Trapezoidal = (B+N*D)*D Rectangular = D*B Triangular = D*B/2 Ao = Qd/Vo.5*SQRT(Sin(N)*A/(2-COS(N)) Rectangular/Traingular = 0. the canal can tranport (self clean) sediments of diameter 8.74 m/s (Okay since the desired velocity of 1m/s is less than 80% of Vc) Headloss hl (m) = S*L + di (drops) = 0.602m Critical Velocity Vc m/s = sqrt(A*g/T) = sqrt(0.0050 = 8.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. ro for optimum canal Semicircular = 0. Design discharge (Qd) Roughness coefficient (n) Side slope (N) Sectional profile Canal length (L) 1/canal slope (1/S) Canal depth/diameter (D) Freeboard (FB) Canal width (B) Desired velocity (Vo) Canal drop di (V) & hi(H) W etted perimeter (P) Semicircular = PI()* D/2 Trapezoidal = B+2*D*sqrt(1+N^2) Rectangular =2* D+B Triangular = 2*D*sqrt(1+N^2) r = A/P.3.e. Qc = A*r^(2/3)*S^0.81*Ao/T) V desired=80% of Vcrit.4*SQRT(A) Trapezoidal=0.100m Critical dia of sediment d crit (mm) = 11000*r*S = 11000*0.8*ro Rectangular/Trapezoidal = 2*ro Ho = Do + FBo Channel width Bo Semicircular = 2*Do Rectangular = 4*ro Traingular = 5.1505 = 0.1505 = 0.81/.271mm (i.602) = 1. 260 0.150 Channel Width (B) m 0.150 0.103 2.600 0.236 0.219 4.100 0.400 0.435 0.02 0.368 0.150 0.500 1.1244 0.93 Not Ok 1.260 19.301 0.584 0.803 20.449 0.9949 0.300 Freeboard FB (m) 0.736 Optimum canal Area Ao m2 Top Width T (m) Critical Velocity Vc m/s & Remarks Hydraulic Radius ro (m) Channel Depth/diameter Do (m) Freeboard Fbo (m) Total depth Ho (m) Channel Width Bo (m) Canal Slope Headloss hlo (m) Total headloss Hlo(m) Critical dia of sediment d crito (mm) Figure 5.000 210.834 0.175 2.071 low ok low ok ok 1.02 0.250 0.05 Project Developer Consultant Designed Checked Sisne Small Hydropower Project Gautam Buddha Hydropower P Ltd EPC Consult Pushpa Chitrakar Input Type and Name Flow (m3/s) Roughness coefficient (n) Sectional Profile Side slope N (1V:NHorizontal) Intake Canal Tailrace Main2 0.16 Date 24-May-2006 SMALL HYDROPOWER PROMOTION PROJECT/GTZ Revision 2006.4867 1.5 Main3 0.525 0.271 0.305 0.185 0.233 0.450 20.0112 0.724 19.02 Rectangular 00 Trapezoidal 0.089 0.98 Not Ok 0.226 high 1.481 0.0967 0.300 0.00500 0.460 16.1505 0.249 high 0.74 Ok 0.02 Semicircular 00 Triangular 0.400 0.500 7.01389 Channel Drops di m Channel Drops Horizontal length hi m Desired velocity Vo (m/s) Output Side slope d (degrees) Canal slope S Total depth H (m) 63.300 0.017 0.471 0.000 0.017 0.528 0.263 0.769 5.775 0.12.451 0.995 0.057 low 0.5 0.647 0.497 0.000 1.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.174 0.145 0.0050 0.136 0.400 Wetted Perimeter P (m) 1.0145 2.079 4.150 0.100 8.0967 0.150 0.1180 0.145 0.450 0.500 1.15.1850 0.663 0. Page: 35 .000 60.11 Not Ok 0.06 Ok 0.126 13.218 0.72 Ok 2.602 0.000 330.460 27.7636 1.5 Length of the canal (m) 20 40 150 120 1/Canal slope (s) 77 200 30 72 Channel Depth/diameter D (m) 0.5 0.05) SHPP/GTZ Canal Design: Proposed design and optimum canal sections Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar Referances: 6.500 1.0173 2.500 0.060 Top Width T (m) 0.13.667 0.100 2.21 Not Ok 0.6022 1.400 1.075 0.02 0.498 0.150 0.1088 0.035 0.200 5.0967 0.500 1.145 0.03333 0.01299 0.487 0.300 0.2: An example of canal design.02 0.525 0.000 1.435 63.671 Chainage L (m) Present canal Hydraulic Radius r (m) Calculated flow (m3/s) & remarks Comment on freeboard Velocity V m/s Critical Velocity Vc m/s & Remarks Headloss hl (m) Total headloss Hl(m) Critical dia of sediment d crit (mm) 0.549 14.000 Area A m2 0.417 1.665 0.4 Not Ok 0. the presented spreadsheet calculates this friction factor and greatly speeds up the pipe selection decision for consultants by iterating following equations: Friction loss = f l V2 l = 0. 5.525 & 0.160 2 * 0. K entrance for inward projecting pipe= 0.3.301& 0.647 d & F B (0.1 5) B = 0. Based on an iterative method presented in Layman’s Guidebook on How to Develop a Small Hydro Site.0153 * 140 = 3.8 + 0. Trashrack loss of 0.498 d & F B (0. Kexit=1.94 m Page: 36 .45 & 0.263) B = 0.260 From Moody chart (Appendix).10 m = 4.0826 * Q 2 * f 5 d 2g d hwall loss = 0. one 140m long HDPE pipe with 260mm internal diameter is considered for a design flow of 160 l/s each.02+1.5 & 0.995 D = 0.451 d & F B (0. k =0. hence it is not presented in this section.487 D = 0.0826 * 0.8.4 & 0.2Q 1.57 + 0 + 0 + 1) * = 1.45 & 0.6 & 0.82 m 0.2 x0.06 mm k 0. f=0.000231 d 260 mm 1.4 & 0. The trashrack calculations are similar to the trashrack calculations presented earlier in the intake design.82 m + 0.012 = (0.06 mm = = 0. European Small Hydropower Association (ESHA).236 & 0.3 Pipe Calculations for a headrace pipe presented in Figure 5.05) SHPP/GTZ B = 0.602 D = 0.160 = = 0.81 Total head loss= 3. In this example.3 & 0.1 5) & (0.10m 2 x 9.265 Turbulent losses considering.02m is taken in this example.3: Illustrated canal type and their dimensions.5 are briefly described in the following section.1 5) B = 1& 0.0 and Kbends based on the bending angles (see Table in the Appendix) æV 2 ö \ hturbulentlosses = (K entrance + K bends + K valve + K others + K exit )çç ÷÷ è 2g ø 3.3 & 0.0153.497 & 0.368 Figure 5.25) & (0.3) & (0. Sizing of headrace pipe Headloss HDPE pipe roughness.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.73846 d 0.775 & 0.764 D = 0. R/d Pipe #. turbulent) Other criteria checking Trashrack Bar type. Fabrication If steel. Surface Area. Start Project Name. b. RL us. Material. Life Hydraulics Qd. Tinst. Location. Position during installation Hydraulics hl(friction. Tmin.H Exp Joint Tmax. Exit. The HDPE pipe does not need expansion joints and therefore not calculated.05) SHPP/GTZ Water level difference between intake and storage reservoir is 7m and 95% of this head is allowed for total headloss. Hg.56% is estimated as the total headloss. %hl. it is recommended to provide some marginal residual head for safety. t. Although the exiting water has some residual head.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Only 70. q(upto 10) Exp Joint Dimensions. F. Valve.4: Flow chart for pipe design Page: 37 .b. L. Entrance. Group L (5) Trashrack hl. Vo. t. Width. Laying. h submerge End Figure 5. 00 NA Burried Bending angle 02 Bending angle 03 Bending angle 04 Bending angle 05 4.37 Hydraulics 0.00 0.39 Turbulent loss coefficients K inlet 0.Loss of individual pipe 4 1950.16 K bend 06 K bend 07 K bend 08 K bend 09 K valve K exit K others K Total CGL=1.0 Bending angle 09 140.13 0.07 3.000 Entrance Type Inward project0.16 Date 24-May-2006 SMALL HYDROPOWER PROMOTION PROJECT/GTZ Revision 2006.00 100.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.10 0.0153 Pipe Area A (m2) Hydraulic Radius R (m) Velocity V (m/s) Pipe Roughness ks (mm) Relative Roughness ks/d Reynolds Number Re = d V /Vk Type of Flow Friction Factor f Expansion Joints (mm) EJ number 1 2 2 U/S Invert Level (mAOD) D/S Invert Level (mAOD) Is HL tot < HL available Friction Losses hf (m) Fitting Losses hfit (m) Trashracks and intake loss (m) Total Head Loss htot individual (m) % of H.01 0.8006 B 0.160 U/S Invert Level (m) 1950.160 H 3.5: An example of headrace pipe design Page: 38 .06 0.5v^2/2g 0.4174 H 0.05 Project: MHP in Jumla Developer Consultant Designed Checked Location: Jogmai Pushpa Chitrakar INPUT Hydraulics: Diversion flow Qd (m3/s) Flow in each pipe Qi (m3/s) Gross headHg (m) Economic life (years) 15 0.13 0.56% Ok 5 dL theoretical dL recommended dL for expansion dL for contraction Figure 5.000 OKAY 3.15.23 k 2.00 250.00 b 20.12.00023 687032 Turbulent 0.0213 S 0.00 hf 0.00 282 260 NA Bending angle 06 Bending angle 07 Bending angle 08 3.13.82 1.00% 7.02 4.00 f 60.00 20.05) SHPP/GTZ HEADRACE PIPE CALCULATIONS Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar Referances: 2.00 6.8 Bending radius (r/d) 0.00 2.0213 hb H coeff 0.69 1.40 Flat Expansion Joints OUTPUT Trashrack Min Submergence 1.80 K bend 05 K bend 10 K bend 01 K bend 02 K bend 03 K bend 04 0.00 Vo 1. 6.000 1943.00 150.3 5 Headrace pipe HDPE Exit (Yes/No) Yes NA NA No of pipes Bending angle 01 1.000 Bending angle 10 Pipe Material Welded / Flat rolled if steel Rolled if steel Type if steel Burried or exposed Type of valve Non standard ultimate tensile strength (UTS) N/mm2 Estimated pipe diameter d(mm) Provided pipe diameter d(mm) Min pipe thickness t (mm) Provided pipe thickness t (mm) Pipe Length L (m) Trashrack t 6.94 70.4.00 b Q 0.00 20.053 0.16 0.00 Tmax (deg) T installation Tmin 1st Pipe length(m) 2nd Pipe L (m) 3rd Pipe L (m) 4th Pipe L (m) 5th Pipe L (m) 40 20 4 50.160 % head available or headloss hlt (m) 95.00 200. trashracks. 2. According to the location and function. 2. The sediment thus settled has to be properly flushed back to the natural rivers.1: Typical section of a settling basin Page: 39 . a settling basin can be of following types: 1.05) 6 SHPP/GTZ SETTLING BASINS 6. Most of the mini and small hydropower settling basins are of concrete (M20 or higher).1 SEDIMENT SETTLING BASINS A settling basin traps sediment (gravel/sand/silt) from water and settles down in the basin for periodical flushing back to natural rivers. stored and flushed. Gravel Traps for settling particles of 2mm or bigger diameter. Inlet Zone: An inlet zone upstream of the main settling zone is provided for gradual expansion of cross section from turbulent flow to smooth/laminar flow. the specific size of specified percentage sediment has to be trapped. Settling Basins for settling particles of 0.2mm or bigger diameter. Since sediment is detrimental to civil and mechanical structures and elements. Prevents severe wearing of turbine runner and other parts. spilling flushing and trash removal. all settling basins should have following components: 1. 3. Reduces the failure rate and O&M costs. gate) is presented in Figure 6. The turbulence can be reduced by constructing settling basins along the conveyance system. other accessories as and when necessary.. 2. Thus a settling basin: 1. Micro hydro settling basins are generally made of stone masonry or concrete with spillways. for functionality. 3. Since the settling basins are straight and have bigger flow areas. Figure 6. flushing gates. A typical section of a settling basin with all the components (inlet. deposition. settling and outlet zones) and accessories (spillway. transition. Forebays for settling similar to settling basin (optional) and smooth flow transition from open flow to closed flow. the transit velocity and turbulence are significantly reduced allowing the desired sediments to settle.1. settled. Settling Zone: A settling zone is the main part of a settling basin for settling. Outlet Zone: An outlet zone facilitates gradual contraction of flow to normal condition. This can only be achieved by reducing turbulence of the sediment carrying water. However. Prevents blocking of headrace system assuring desired capacity of the system.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. 3. Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Imperfect flow distribution at entrance. no eddy current).3. no single basin is ideal. 4. Location: Close to intake and safe. surface area (As) and falling velocity of critical sediment diameter (w) is: 6.2: An ideal setting basin Efficiency of a real basin is generally 50 % or less than that of an ideal basin. Q/W = As = Surface area (i. 6. Spilling and flushing: back to the river. According to Vetter’s equation. This is mainly because of the following factors: 1. the surface area is directly proportional to the discharge and inversely proportional to the settling velocity/sediment diameter/temperature). Dimensions: Sufficient to settle and flush gravel passing through upstream coarse trashrack. Spilling: Sufficient spillway/vertical flushing pipe. 2. Vetter’s equation takes care of the factors stated above and hence recommended for use in settling basin design.e. 3. 2. Figure 6.1 Gravel Trap General recommendations and requirements for designing a gravel trap are outlined in the following sections: 1. 3. In practice. Flow convergence towards exit.. Page: 40 . Ax/W = As/V Or.05) SHPP/GTZ 6.3 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 6.2: H/W = L/V Or. B *H /W = B*L/V Or. For an ideal basin shown in figure 6. Presence of water turbulence in basin.2 SETTLING BASIN THEORY An ideal settling basin is a basin having a flow flowing in a straight line (no turbulence. 5. Recommended settling diameter and trap efficiency are 2mm and 90% respectively. trap efficiency (h) for a given discharge (Q). Material: 1:4 cement stone masonry with 12mm thick 1:2 cement plastering on the waterside or structural concrete. 3.3 90% 10 to 100m 10 to 50m 0. 9. Dimensions: Sufficient to settle and flush the designed sediment size. Sediment storage zone: Adequate storage for 12 hours minimum (flushing interval). Inclination: 3V:1H c. Dimensions and functions: Similar to settling basin if upstream system is of open type or the forebay functions as a combined settling basin cum forebay. Page: 41 . Active storage capacity should be based on closing time of turbines.2 95% More than 100m 7. 8.3. Spilling and flushing: back to the river. 2. Fine Trashrack: a. 6.05) SHPP/GTZ 7.e. Drawdown: Drawdown discharge capacity should be at least 150% of the design discharge.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. 7. 3. 5.5 * v2/2g). Active Storage: At least 15 sec * Qd. 6. At the entrance of the penstock b. Spilling capacity: Minimum of spilling Qd during load rejection. Submergence: Sufficient to prevent vortex (i. Recommended settling diameter (trap efficiency) and head are presented in Table 6. Drawdown: A drain pipe/Gate. 9. 2. trap efficiency and gross head Settling diameter (mm) Trap efficiency (%) Gross Head (m) Micro Hydro Mini/Small Hydro 0. Location: Close to gravel trap/Intake. Sediment storage zone: Adequate storage for 12 hours (flushing interval) 8.5 90% 10m 10m 0. 6. Freeboard: 300mm or half the water depth whichever is less. Bars: Placed along vertical direction for ease of racking.5 to 2 for micro-hydropower gravel trap. 4.1: Settling diameter. 6. Aspect ratio (straight length to width ratio): 4 to 10. Spilling: Sufficient spillway/vertical flushing pipe (layout dependent). 4.3 Forebay Following criteria have been outlined for designing a forebay: 1. The recommended aspect ratio of mini and small hydropower gravel trap is 4.3-0. 1. Material: 1:4 cement stone masonry with 12mm thick 1:2 plastering on the waterside or structural concrete. Drawdown: Drawdown discharge capacity should be at least 150% of the design discharge.3.2 90% More than 100m 50 to 100m 0.2 Settling Basin General recommendations for designing a settling basin are outlined below: 1.1 Table 6. Aspect ratio (straight length to width ratio): 1. 5. Velocity: 0. Vertical flushing pipe b. Gate 8. Vertical flushing pipe b. Spilling of excess flow with a. a gate rating curve for the designed parameters is computed. Settling of sediment using: a. e. the gate opening higher than 2/3 of the water depth behind the gate). Vetter’s equation 3. Clearance: 0. Rating curve for the gate: According to Norwegian Rules and Regulations of Dam Construction. Some of the main features are listed below: 1. According to this manual.. Forebay-cum-Settling Basin 2. Weight: =< 60kg (porter load) for transportation by porters. Ideal settling equation b. Normal operational b. 6. the flow through gate is a pressure flow. Drawn-down condition 4. Gravel Trap b. Gate c. A single spreadsheet for: a. Combination of both 7. Multiple basins 10. Combination of approach canal / pipe options Page: 42 .5 * nozzle diameter in case of Pelton or half the distance between runner blade in case of Crossflow/Francis.05) SHPP/GTZ d. Drawdown / Dewatering with: a.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Beyond this level (i. the flow through gate is of free flow type until the gate opening is two third of the water depth behind the gate. Settling Basin (Desilting) c. Vertical flushing pipe c. Incoming flood b. Spillway b. Flushing of deposited sediment during: a.4.e.6 to 1 m/s f.1 Features of the spreadsheet The spreadsheet is designed to cater for all types of settling basins and with all possible spilling and flushing mechanisms.4 PROGRAM BRIEFING AND EXAMPLES 6. Sediment flushing with: a. Load rejection 6. Combination of both 5. Spilling of excess flow due to: a. 9. diameter d1 is: Qf =p*d1*Cw*hf 2/3 for Cw = 1.5: for downstream obstruction and constant h overtop. The diameter of vertical flushing pipe is estimated based on the critical parameter of these two functions. Drawdown / Dewatering through the vertical flushing pipe: 1.4. 6. For a downstream obstructed condition. Ls2 =2*Abs(Qf-Qd)/C/ hovertop 1.4.2 Vertical flushing pipe Vertical flushing pipes (used in micro hydropower projects) are used for spilling of excess water and flushing of the basin. Design diameter: Maximum of above (d1. the flow is rectangular in section across the spillway.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.5 )0.4 Gate Lifting force F(kg)=W buoyant + 1000*m*Asub*hcg Page: 43 .3 Spillway at intake Length of a spillway is the function of spilling discharge.6*p*hf2/3) Discharge through the flushing pipe having a 2.5*Qd =C*A*(hb+fflush) 0. 1.76 for L=<6m d21=(6*Qd/( p *C *( hb+fflush)0. the spillway length is calculated as: hovertop = 50% of (FB – spillway crest height above NWL) Ls1 =Qf/C/hovertop1. Ls3=Qf/C/(2* hovertop -0.5) for no downstream obstruction and average h overtop.4. According the conditions.3: Flushing pipe details 6. d21.5 )0. freeboard and downstream obstruction. Overflow: Acts as a sharp crested weir.05).05) SHPP/GTZ 6.d22) Figure 6.5: for downstream obstruction and constant h overtop (100%0.5 @ empty 3.6 d1 = Qf/(1. In case there is not downstream obstruction such as a gate the cross section area of flow is of a triangular shape.5: A=p*d212/4: C=2.05)1.5 @ full d22=(4*Qd/( p *C *( fflush)0. Sizing of settling basin 1.44*sqrt(0.455*(8*3600)*2/2. The procedures for designing the settling basin are briefly described in the following section.5 = 3.455/2.241m/s Water depth Hi = Qi/B/vt = 0.240 m /s Q spillway = Cd*Ls*h ot ^1.262^1.44* sqrt(d) = 0.262^1.5.5 3 = 15. Ideal settling equation Length of an Ideal Basin= Maximum of (4xB and Q/B/w) = MAX(4*2. Spilling of excess flow due to load rejection: A combination of a 0.5/0. An example of a settling basin design is presented in figure 6. For incoming flow and draw down: D1 = (Qflushing%*4*Qi/(PI()*Cd*SQRT(h NWL+h flush)))^0.9*pi()*1*.6*1.455/(1.3+1. 3 Density in kg/m /Sed Swelling factor = (Qtotal)*(FI*3600)*Cmax/G*S = 0. Vetter’s equation Surface area of basin = -(Qtotal)/w*LN(1-neff) Asi = -(0.3m diameter vertical pipe and spillway of 1.6. 5.5 = 1.9*pi()*1*.5 = 10m.035) = MAX(10. Settling of sediment using: a.05) SHPP/GTZ Gate opening dh=h1-h2 dh<2/3*h1 :=> Pressure flow (as a gate): Q=C*L*(H11. Flushing of deposited sediment through the flushing pipe: The pipe diameter will be the biggest of : a.9*PI()*n1*d1+Cd*Ls))^(2/3) = (0.258m Provided Width B = 2.215 m /s 3.5 3 = 0.5 = 4.6*1*0.5 Enter the maximum gate opening in the lowest gate opening cell and press the Calculate Gate Rating Curve button for computing rating curve.2) = 10 m 2. Basin transit velocity vt = 0.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. satisfies the requirement.5-H21.262 m Q pipe = 1.455/2.455^0.035* LN(1-neff) 2 = 25 m Max section width for hydraulic flushing = 4.755m Sediment storage volume assuming 100% trap efficiency (conservative side) V = (Qtotal)*(Flushing intensity in sec)*Concentration max in kg/Bulk Sed.12/25 = 0. 0.5 = 1.455)/.2) = 0.241 = 0.6m b.9*PI()*n1*d1*h ot ^1.5 Page: 44 .5) dh=>2/3*h1 :=> Open flow (as a spillway ): Q=C*L*H11.5/0.83*.5 3 = 0.3*0.5m Length of basin L = Asi/B = 25/2. H overtopping = h ot =(Q1/(1.83*Q^0.0m length is used.12m Sediment depth Hs = V/Asi = 15. which is 4 times the width hence.6*1))^(2/3) = 0. 421 Sediment swelling factor S = Volume of sediment storage V (m3) = Sediment depth Hs (m) = V/Asi 1.05 Jogmai Developer Consultant Designed Checked Upper Jogmai SHP Kankaimai Hydropower P Ltd EPC Consult Pushpa Chitrakar Pushpa Chitrakar Q flood Manning's number M (m1/3/s) 1/n= Design discharge Qdesign (m3/s) = 50.12 0.4m Settling Basin Design Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar Referances: 2.03 1/Energy gradient during operation So = 15763.7)))^0.23 Approach inlet velocity vi1 (m/s) = 0.76*SQRT(1.000 0.300 0.Qd) H overtopping Discharge passing through vertical pipe Discharge passing over spillway 0.471 1.32 Length of an Ideal Basin (m) = 10.13.888 4.000 0.00 Load Rejection (Qd) H overtopping Discharge passing through vertical pipe Discharge passing over spillway 0.455/(pi()**2.00 Spillway length for Qd (under operation) Spillway length for Qd (load rejection & u/s flood bypass) Spillway length for Qd (d/s obstruction & full hovertop-50) 6.50 0.000 4.4.43 3.010 0. For incoming flow only: D2 =(4*Qi/(PI()*Cd*SQRT(hflush)))^0.00 0.05 1.30 Length of basin L (m) (Idel L = 9.63 Flushing discharge Qf lush (m3/s) = Total discharge Qbasins (m3/s) = Particles to settle d (mm) = Trapping efficiency n (%) = water temperature t (oC) = Fall velocity w at 15 deg C (m/s) = Sediment concentration Cmax (kg/m3) = Flushing Frequency FI (hours) = Surface area / basin Asi (m2) 85 % = Basin transit velocity Vt (m/s) = Bulk Sed density G (kg/m3) = 0.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.00 1.755 1.15.455 3.43 Spillway Freeboard m Spillway overtopping height h overtop m Spillway length for Qf (flood and non operational) Combination of vertical flushing pipe and spillway Vertical flushing pipe diameter d1 m No of vertical flushing pipe Spillway length used (m) Flood and Under Operation (Qf.00 Pipe 1950.76 if L <6 m) Drawdown discharge % of design discharge 50.241 2600 1/Bottom slope of SB Sf (1:50 to 1:20) = Outlet approach conveyance Canal/Pipe = Water level at inlet NWL (m) = h flush below the base slab (L<6m) Number of basins N Spillway crest height above NWL m Spillway discharge coeff Provided Freeboard h fb1 m Discharge coeff for pipe as orifice (2.385 3.00 Spilling of excess water Vertical Flushing pipe Diameter for flood d1 m = Diameter for load rejection (u/s flood bypass) d1 m = 2 x 0.30 2.30 1.36+1.00 Discharge per basin Qbasin (m3/s) = Max section width for hydraulic flushing B (m) = Width used B (m) = Inlet canal width /canal diameter Bc1 (m) = 0.262 0.50 0. water depth Hi (m) = X-sectional area / basin Ai (m2) = Wetted perimeter / basin Pi (m) = Hydraulic radius Ri (m) = Normal WL @ basin h b m = Straight inlet transition length at 1:5 (m) = Straight approach canal length (m) = 10. 6.7)))^0.76 1.5 = 0.000 0.4: Typical example of a settling basin (Settling basin.70 1.50 15.5 = (4*0.12.258 2.000 Pipe does not need a straight approach! *** Head over outlet weir h overtop (m) = 0.750 10. Page: 45 .500 1.6) = Aspect ratio (4<=AR<=10) Min.00 1.455 0.35m b.76*SQRT(1.43 6.240 0.125 0.000 Water depth of inlet canal hc1 (m) = Outlet canal width /canal diameter Bc2 (m) = Water depth of outlet canal hc2 (m) = Provided Length of the basin Lact (m)= 0.455/(pi()**2.18 Flood and non operational (Qf) Flood discharge passing through vertical pipe Spillway length for the remaining discharge m 1.12 d 50f during flushing (mm) = 49.9.300 85% 15 0.33 Depth of water during flushing yfi (m) = 0. spilling and flushing).5 = 0.215 Figure 6.05) SHPP/GTZ = (100%*4*0.86 d 50 during operation (mm) = 0.16 Date 24-May-2006 SMALL HYDROPOWER PROMOTION PROJECT/GTZ Revision Project: Location: 2006.034 Inlet approach conveyance Canal/Pipe = Canal 0.91 Approach outlet velocity vi2 (m/s) = 3.60 0.037 2 8 24. 600 0.400 0.025 0.127 0. the depth of water during flushing (yfi) may be added to h flush for higher precision.912 0.63m 0.167 0.067 0.328 1.000 0. use of gates is recommended.367 0.319 1.76m Sediment depth 0.400 0.591 0.249 0.270 1.368 1. 1.516 1.41 3.00 0.133 0. Calculate Gate Rating Curves Flushing of water and sediment Flushing pipe and orifice diameter d for incoming flow and draw down m d for incoming flow only (empty state) m d for incoming flow only (empty state & with y flushing) m Gate Opening Hg 0.467 0.267 0.049 0.11 0.6: Typical example of a settling basin (forebay and dimensioning).216 0. The recommended minimum diameter of the flushing pipe diameter is 0.800 Sediment depth 0.40 0.200 0. This is not considered here.289 0.033 0. of water (H1) 300.467 0.123 0. Use of flushing pipe should be restricted to micro-hydropower projects. For larger projects.147 0.5 includes the gate dimensions.196 0.300 Slope 1:50 Figure 6.00 1.200 Forebay cum settling basin (one basin) 1.50 0.50 1.90 799.35 0.433 0.000 0.62 3 10 200000 No Nominal .586 Figure 6. The basic penstock inlet geometry is computed in this section.221 1.366 0.000 Gradual Expansion of 1:5 half of Gr expansion 0.333 0.100 0.91 0.300 0.5m 0.807 0.406 0.39 Gate Buoyance weight of the gate W kgf Gate Opening B.000 Penstock diameter m Penstock velocity m/s Submergence depth of penstock pipe m Height of pipe above the base slab m Min.4 m.343 1.5m Flushing cone/spillway O L =10 Gradual Expansion 1 in 10 (1:2 for MHP) Spillway 0.479 0.172 0.125m Water depth 0.313 0.600 1.265 0.497 0. Page: 46 0.200 Width 2.074 0.230 1.500 Water depth 0. The gate curve in the example presented in Figure 6.433 0.400 Av.294 1.30 1.5: Typical example of a settling basin (Gate and rating curve).016 0.500 0.700 0.117 0.76m 0. H ot =0. The rating curve of the gate versus different gate opening can be computed by entering allowable gate opening at the lowest input cell and clicking “Calculate Gate Rating Curve” button.50 1. pond depth m Effective thickness of penstock mm FS for air vent (5 burried.800 0.6. An example is presented in Figure 6.000 0.000 Width 2.500 1. 10 exposed) Young's modulus of elasticity E N/mm2 Penstock inlet gate (Yes/No) Air vent diameter mm 0. forces and the rating curve.36 Relative Discharge Gate Openinig One basin Hg/H1 Q 0.05) SHPP/GTZ In the second case.245 1.098 0. The last part the spreadsheet can be used if the considered basin is a settling basin cum forebay.606 1.367 0.500 Designed Cross Section 1.400 0.233 0.423 1.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.312 0.63m 0. (m) Gate Opening H (m) Submerged area of th gate A m2 Water surface to cg of submerged area h m Coeff of static friction mu Lifting force F kgf H.361 1.45 0.337 0. . Anchor / Thrust blocks at every horizontal and vertical bend are recommended. the penstock is checked for surge / water hammer head propagated due to various closures of the system. head losses due to ten bends are incorporated. Page: 47 .1 GENERAL A penstock pipe conveys water from free flow state (at a settling basin or a forebay) to pressure flow state to the powerhouse and converts the potential energy of the flow at the settling basin or forebay to kinetic energy at the turbine. In other cases.38 mm Where. Since a provision of maximum of ten bends is generally sufficient for a typical micro and mini hydropower scheme. The installed capacity based on the given cumulative efficiency should be used in case it is provided by manufacturers. Similarly. Both the installed capacities based on the AEPC criteria and actual cumulative efficiency of the electro-mechanical are presented.e. For mild steel pipes. a minimum clearance of 300 mm between the pipe and the ground should be provided for ease of maintenance and minimising corrosion effects. For exposed (i. Due to higher risks of leakage.05) SHPP/GTZ 7 PENSTOCK AND POWER CALCULATIONS 7. Q = Design flow in l/s 5. 7. flange connected penstocks are not recommended to be buried. if mild steel penstock pipes have to be buried. Sudden closure of one jet is considered as the maximum surge in case Pelton turbines are used.2 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Material: Mild steel (exposed and buried) and HDPE/GRP (buried) pipes should be used as penstock pipes. Instead of providing an expansion joint immediately upstream of turbine. users can add any cumulative values of bend constants (k) if there are more than ten bends and other losses due to turbulence in the “K others” cell. 4.3. Total penstock headloss should not be more than 10% of the penstock gross head. In this spreadsheet. 6.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. A combination of HDPE/GRP and mild steel can also be used. 8. 2. GRP/HDPE pipes should be buried to a minimum depth of 1 m. flanged connections are recommended for low head (up to 60m) micro-hydropower projects. 7. Expansion joints should be placed immediately downstream of every anchor block for exposed mild steel penstock. The recommended initial trial internal diameter (D) can be calculated as: D = 41 x Q 0. However. above ground) mild steel penstock alignment. site welding is recommended. For micro hydropower projects. 3. a minimum of 1 m burial depth should be maintained and corrosion protection measures such as high quality bituminous/epoxy paints should be applied. 7.1 Program Briefing The design procedure of a penstock pipe is similar to that of a headrace pipe. these blocks are also recommended for every 30m of straight pipe stretch. a mechanical coupling is recommended for ease of maintenance and reduced force transmitted to the turbine casing.3 PROGRAM BRIEFING AND EXAMPLE 7. The minimum factor of safety for penstock is chosen to be 2.b. For the given head of 180m and discharge of 450 l/s. The friction factor calculation is based on the iteration procedures described in the Layman’s Guidebook on How to Develop a Small Hydro Site by European Small Hydropower Association (ESHA).5. The presented example is taken from the 500kW Jhakre Mini Hydropower Project. Group L (5) Trashrack hl. Hg. The steel pipe thickness. Design and installation criteria of expansion joints are presented at the end of the spreadsheet. L.3.2 and 7.3.05) SHPP/GTZ A fine trashrack is always recommended upstream of penstock inlet. the incremental benefit of annual energy by increasing the pipe diameters and corresponding increase of costs are plotted. Fabrication If steel. h submerge End Figure 7. Exit. Location. The intersecting point represents the cost of optimum diameter.1: Flow diagram of penstock design 7. User specific factor of safety and ultimate tensile strength for mild steel penstock are allowed in the spreadsheet in order to be able to use non standard values. Tinst.1 x 10 9 x 0. a trashrack calculation and minimum submergence criteria by Gordon and AEPC criteria are also included. R/d Exp Joint Dimensions. expansion joints and power calculations are presented in this section. q(upto 10) Power Pturbine. P hnetPCU M Trashrack Bar type. Vo.P MGSP. turbulent) Other criteria checking Exp Joint Tmax. Width. RL us.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. In this method. Therefore. Dolakha. t. Life Hydraulics Qd. Valve. F. AEPC criterion of 150% of the velocity head is enough for micro and mini hydropower projects.2 Typical example of a penstock pipe Figure 7. three units of two-nozzle Pelton turbines are selected.1 x10 9 x d ö ÷÷ 1 + çç E xt è ø = 1440 æ ö ç 2.Laying. %hl. b. the wave velocity a= 1440 æ 2. Pipe thickness: It is worth noting that in reality the diameter of penstock pipe is optimized by calculating marginal costs and benefit method. the detailed calculations are not presented in this section. Position during installation Pipe #. t.454 m / s Page: 48 .H Hydraulics hl(friction. Alternatively. Tmin. It is assumed that the valve closing is of slow type. Material. net present values of these cash/cost flow can be calculated and the net present value (NPV) of marginal benefit from energy gain should be higher than that of the marginal cost of that diameter.300 ÷ ÷ 1+ ç ç 200 x 10 9 x 6 ÷ ç ÷ 1000 ø è = 1071. Surface Area. Start Project Name. Since trashrack and pipe hydraulics are similar to headrace pipe presented earlier.1 presents calculation procedures applied in the example presented in Figures 7. Let’s consider 4mm thick 300mm diameter pipe. Entrance. 00 Bending angle 09 11.6.5 0.00 0.00 15.others) 1213.10 Barand.t.00 b 0.15.00 3 Non standard ult.56 Tmax (deg) T installation Tmin 1st Pipe length(m) 2nd Pipe L (m) 40 20 4 10.13.16 Date SMALL HYDROPOWER PROMOTION PROJECT/GTZ Revision Project: Jhankre mini-hydropower Himal Power Limited BPC Hydroconsult Pushpa Chitrakar Pushpa Chitrakar Developer Consultant Designed Checked Location: 10-Nov-2005 2005.70 3rd Pipe L (m) 4th Pipe L (m) 20.0 0.55 1000) x 410 x10 6 5 x 231.F . This factor of safety should be used for thinner penstock.90 16.450 180.450 0.3 Yes Exit (Yes/No) No 30.12. = teffective x S 5 x htotal x 103 x d = (3.45 22 Sharp cornered 5th Pipe L (m) 30.00 Bending angle 07 11.55mm Factor of safety (allowable FS = 3.5) Bending angle 05 Direct Coupling (Yes/No) Closure time T sec Number of units Penstock pipe: Pipe Material (STEEL/HDPE/PVC) Welded / Flat rolled if steel Rolled if steel Type if steel (UNGRAGED/IS) Burried or exposed No of pipes Bending angle 01(degrees) Bending angle 02 Bending angle 03 Bending angle 04 Penstock diameter d=>d estd. Engineering Advisor. SHPP/GTZ Referances:2. PENSTOCK AND POWER CALCULATIONS Spreadsheet developed by Mr.00 Bending angle 10 450 Pipe thickness t=>t min.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Sertung VDC 2. Dhading INPUT General: Jogmai I Project: Location: Ilam Hydraulics: Diversion flow Qd (m3/s) Flow in each pipe Qi (m3/s) Gross head (from forebay) Hg (m) Power: Turbine type (CROSSFLOW/PELTON) No of total jets (nj) Economic life (years) 10 0. tensile strength (UTS) N/mm2 0 Steel Welded Rolled IS Exposed Safety factor for lower pipes (0 for default) Entrance Type Entrance with gate and air-vent (Yes/No) Bending radius (r/d) (1/2/3/5/1. 5.00 Q 0.00 f 71.79 which does not exceed the allowable FS of 2.00 Figure 7.450 = 2.81*6) = 51.2: Input required for penstock and power calculations Page: 49 . hence OK.0) S .38% Pelton 6 Valves (Sperical/Gate/Butterfly) Taper (Yes/No) Butterfly 0.5 No 0.00 0.05) SHPP/GTZ hsurge = a * V/(g*njet) = 1071.5.00 WL @ forebay or U/S Invert Level (m) % head allowable headloss hlt (m) Cumulative knowm efficiency (g.450 25.2) – 1.00% 79.0 Roughness coefficient (ks) 418 550.tr.1*1.00 Bending angle 08 4.00 Vo 1.00 Bending angle 06 2.060 H 0.4.484 m t effective = t/(welding factor*rolling) – thickness for corrosion taken as Life span/10 = 6/(1. d act (mm) Pipe Length L (m) Trashrack k t Flat 2.00 2.00 14.5 1.484 = 231. Pushpa Chitrakar.000 b 20.00 Expansion Joints No 1.83/(9.00 0. t act (mm) 3.00 6.40 6.454*2.484 x 10 3 x 0.0 = 3.484m htotal = hgross + hsurge = 180+51.00 0. 21 0.05) SHPP/GTZ OUTPUT Trashrack hf hb H coeff H S B 0.00 0.00 0. Based on the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) recommendations.333E-04 1116427 Turbulent 0.454 Comment on thickness NA.71 1071.21 K bend 06 K bend 07 K bend 08 K bend 09 0. Table 7.00 0.90 OKAY 6.11 2.24 K bend 10 0.87 0.30 0.Loss of individual pipe 1033. The summary of the penstock thickness corresponding to static head is presented in Table 7.000 H total for one jet closure of Pelton(m) 231.06 0.48 Diameter (mm) 450.42 206.29 603.0233 2.84 0. No gate 2 Pipe Area A (m ) Hydraulic Radius R (m) Velocity V (m/s) Pipe Roughness ks (mm) Relative Roughness ks/d Reynolds Number Re = d V /Vk Type of Flow Friction Factor f Factor of Safety 2 Wave Velocity a (m/s) Critical time Tc (sec) *2 = Closing time T 1.0555 2.36 627.0000 0.67 Expansion Joints (mm) EJ number dL theoretical dL recommended dL for expansion dL for contraction 1 4 9 5 4 Coeff of linear expansion /deg C 2 2 4 6 9 11 13 17 22 7 10 12 6 8 10 1.73 4.00% 570.02 7.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.31 456.907 550.5v^2/2g 0.000 t effective (mm) 3.19 0.4572 0.39 Electrical Power as per MGSP GL (kW) Electrical Power based on Hnet (kW) Power for known cumulative eff (kW) 397.00 K valve K taper K exit K others 0.'Turbine Capacity (+10%) (kW) 75.94 Power Turbine efficiency as per MGSP Available shaft power(kW) Reqd.50 K bend 05 0.3: Output of penstock and power calculation spreadsheet.18 0.00 0. The static heads for different thickness of pipes are calculated by applying different thickness of the pipe and noting the thickness and the corresponding to the calculated values of H static capacity of the specified pipe (m) cell.484 308.90 0.268 Minimum t effictive for negative pressure (mm) 4.0138 D/S Invert Level (mAOD) Is HLtot < HL available Friction Losses hf (m) Fitting Losses hfit (m) Trashracks and intake loss (m) Total Head Loss htot individual (m) % of H.2E-05 5 13 26 14 12 Figure 7.1: Summary of penstock thickness and corresponding maximum permissible static head Penstock thickness (mm) Static Head (m) 3 40 4 86 5 132 6 180 Page: 50 . optimum penstock thickness can vary from 3mm to 6mm. Therefore.79 K if crossflow turbine Kcf Hsurge for one jet closure of Pelton(m) Hsurge for instanteneous closure of all unit closure of Pelton (m) Lengths (max & actual) of the specified pipe (m) & Ok 613.03 Ok Safety Factor (S) 2.998 0.1.83 0.84 CGL=1.00000 51.00 mm.3% Ok Young's modulus of elasticity E N/mm Thickness 200000 Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) N/mm2 410 6.159 U/S Invert Level (mAOD) 1213.000 Check on Safety Factor Air vent diameter d vent (mm) H total capacity of the specified pipe (m) H static capacity of the specified pipe (m) Ok 67.060 1. the allowable minimum thickness is 3.79 Turbulent loss coefficients K inlet K Total K bend 01 K bend 02 K bend 03 K bend 04 Min Submergence 1.55 Net Head (m) 172.00 0.22 0.61 2.45 258.00 Hydraulics 0.0233 0. Therefore. 7.913 kN F1d = W T L1d cos b = 2. standard procedures for calculating forces on anchor blocks are considered in this spreadsheet. Since the calculation of anchor forces consists of single line formula calculations without many conditions.1.008 * 2 * cos 25° = 3.008 kN/m 2 2 Velocity. the spreadsheet is designed to present simple definitions of these forces along with sketches. care should be taken to verify inputs in red colour.829 m/s 1.50 – 636.008 * 2 /8 = 2.8 = 1.45/(Õ*. It should be stable against overturning.008 * 2 * sin 25° = .697 kN 2 2 FEMu = W T L1u /8 = 2.750 = 13.e.450) 2 4 ´ 9.4. As always.008 * 2 * sin 13° = .008 * 2 /8 = .4 SHPP/GTZ FORCES ON ANCHOR BLOCKS An anchor block is a gravity retaining structure placed at every sharp change along the penstock pipe and is designed to retain penstock pipe movement in all directions.560 kN/m Total weight per unit length WT=W p+W w = 2.750 m + 48 m = 108 m Unit weight of pipe and water. Calculation and design of anchor blocks for three dimensions is a complex process and beyond the scope of this book and most of micro and mini hydropower projects have penstock in single planes.008 * 2 * cos 13° = 3.05) 7.448 kN/m 2 Ww =Õ (d ) /4* gwater = P(0. In case the penstock pipes upstream and downstream of an anchor block are not on a single plane (i. Elevations are used to calculate vertical angles ( a and b ) in case these angles are not entered as inputs. Some additional forces are added and some of the formulae based on analytical method are used.677 kN-m 2 2 FEMd = .677 kN-m Page: 51 . Wp =Õ (d + t) t gsteel = Õ x 0. Total head. 3 dimensional forces).45 ) = 2.750m htotal = h gross + hsurge = 13.2. sliding and sinking/bearing. Moreover.0. An example of 500kW Jhankre mini-hydropower project anchor block presented in “Civil Works Guidelines for Micro-Hydropower in Nepal” has been taken as an example.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. the resultant forces act on three dimensions and the block has to be stable in all three dimensions.W T L1u sin a = 2. Although the design of anchor blocks and saddles are site and user specific and the rules of thumb are valid for micro-hydropower schemes. AEPC/ESAP does not have any mandatory procedures for designing anchor blocks. v = Q/A = 4*Q/(Õ*d ) = 4*0.454 x 0.W T L1d /8 = 2.W T L1d sin b = 2. The possible forces acting on anchor blocks are presented in the spreadsheet.. Perpendicular component of weight of pipe and water acting perpendicular to the pipe centre line along the anchor faces F1u = W T L1u cos a = 2. The spreadsheet “AnchorLoads” is useful for calculating static and dynamic forces on an anchor block.004 x 77 = 0. therefore. the designers are strongly advised to align penstock in a single plane. Static head h gross = forebay water level – pipe centre line = 650.903 kN F1d axial = .1 Program example Input for the cited example are presented in Figure 7. care should be taken while using these rules of thumbs even for micro-hydropower projects.4.640 kN The axial components of these forces can be calculated as: F1u axial = . a spreadsheet useful for calculating forces in a single plane parallel to longitudinal section of the anchor block is presented. their formulae and the calculated results. 450 2 ÷ çè 2 ø è ø 9. 6.81= 6. No reducer is provided in this case.757 kN 5.50 æ 25° .0 x sin 25° = 0. Axial hydrostatic pressure on exposed end of pipe in expansion joint (F7): F7=Õ*(d + t)*t*H*g F7u = Õ* 0.448 x 4. Page: 52 .452*108*9.371 20 ´ 18 .Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. H is the total head at the considered expansion joint.25 for steel on steel (greased) saddle top.16*98. Axial friction within expansion joint seal due to the movement against the circumferential pressure (F6) can be calculated using either of the formulas: F6 = ±100 x d or F6 = ±Õ*D*W*H*g*m Since the second formula is based on analytical method.888*9. Component of weight of pipe along the pipe (L4u = 34.227 kN 2 è ø 4.16*109.6 m.450 2 ö æ 25° .a ö æ 0.00 * 4 cos 13°= ± 1. Force due to soil pressure (F11): 2 g h F11= soil 1 cos i x Ka x w 2 3 For gsoil = 20 kN/m . which is (1/3 x 1.004*109.653 kN Note that F2d is zero since an expansion joint is located immediately downstream of the anchor block.5 ç ÷ = 0.8) = 0. f = 30° and Ka = F11 = cos i .666 kN F6d= ±Õ*0. Since the temperatures (dt) are different for expansion and contraction.261 kN ç 0.454*0.273 kN æ Q2 ö æ b .894 x sin 13° = 3.455 kN 2 This force acts at 1/3 of the buried depth at upstream face of anchor block.89 – 4 = 30. Frictional force per support pier = ± f *W T*L2u cos a = ± 0.042 kN 8.50 x sin ç ÷ = 35.512*9. Hydrostatic pressure at bend due to the vector difference of static pressure and acting towards IP (F3) and total force along the pipe (P).454*0. For a seal width (W) of 0. Typical temperature ranges are presented in the example.888*9.81= 5. F6 is F6u= ±Õ*0.81*0.cos2 i .894) F4u = L4u = 0.004*98. Therefore axial force on reduce (F9 = 0). F5 for both the cases are presented.25 = 55.81 = 168. Axial frictional force of pipe on saddle supports transferred to anchor block considering f = 0.512*9.95 kN Total frictional force for 8 piers (F2u ) = ± 1. Dynamic pressure at the bend due to the vector difference of momentum (F8): P8 (kN) = F8 = Q*r *v= 0.25*2.45*1*2.cos2 f cos i + cos2 i . Since upstream and downstream penstock diameter are the same.448 x 30.16m and a friction factor (m) of 0. In case there is a reducer. total head at the specified reducer location is calculated for calculating F9.518 kN F7d = Õ* 0. it is recommended to use it.112 kN F4d = W pL4d sin b = 0.81*0.13° ö ç ÷ sin ÷ sin F8 = 2. Therefore F10 =0 is considered in this example. Pu (kN) = Õ/4*d2*Ht*g = Õ/4*. 10. 3.829 = 1.25. 2 cos 13° x 0. Since expansion joints both upstream and downstream are provided. 11.959 kN 7.05) SHPP/GTZ 2.5 çè d2 ÷ø çè 2 ÷ø = 2.13° ö F3 = 2*P*sin((b-a)/2) = 2 x 168.95 x 8 = ± 15. Axial drag of flowing water (friction of flowing water) is generally not considered in micro and mini hydropower scheme penstock design.454*0.25 = 60.cos2 f =0.371 x 2 = 23. F5 = 0.454*0. 880 = .248 = F7u cos a = 5.Transient Len 3277.00 8 34.239 = .97 F4d = 2.63 F2u = ± 15.000 = .000 F11 = 23.F9d sin b = 0.2: Summary of forces Forces (kN) F1u = 3.000 Surge Head ± 48.814 Block) Total Surge Head 146.2.560 2.640 SUM (expansion) åH @ bend exp = åH total exp .522 = -F6d sin b = -25.45 0.F1u sin a = .F7d sin b = .05 Jhankre mini-hydropower BPC Hydroconsult Input Particulars Upstream Pipe dimensions Diameter (Di) Thickness Shaddle Spacing & number Central 0.F7d cos b = .05) SHPP/GTZ Summary of forces are presented in Figure 7.753 Sumof Pipe Len (forebay to Anchor 1074.008 2.750 Tot.45 F12 = 354.26 X .033 = F4u cos b = 0.F5d cos b = 0. A typical calculation is presented in Table 7.997 kN åV @ bend exp = åV total exp .000 F10u = 0.4. Ww (kN/m) Total weight.45 0.2.component (kN) ®+ = .33.F9d cos b = 0.460 kN åV @ bend = åV @ total c – F11V = -17. The total forces will further be utilized in anchor block design.560 2.436332 Bearing capacity (kN/m2) f gs 22 200 30 0.0.381 Static Head 60.F10d sin b = 0.000 F10d = 0.F1d sin b = .component (kN) ¯+ = F1u cos a = 3.829 0.004 4.F11V .000 40.90 F1d = 3.829 0.000 = . Forces acting at the bend and the total forces for both the expansion and contraction are presented in the table.320 = F5u sin a = 0.476 = F4u sin a = 0.F5d sin b = 0.5236 20 Heads (m) Forebay WL 696.750 Elevations D/S Expansion Joint : Downstream 0.20 F4u = 2. b = 25°.000 Youngs Modulus of Elasticity (E2.000 = . Q (m3/s) 0.5 9.276 = F12 = 354.64 = F9u cos a = 0.553 = F8 sin æ b + aö ç ÷ = 0.448 1.0.000 F6u = 45 F6d = 45 F7u = 5. v (m/s) Vertical angles.366 kN åV total c = åV @ bend contraction – 2(F2V +F6Vu+ F6Vd)=342.488 kN åV total exp = 323.469 è 2 ø æ b + aö ç ÷ = . Wp (kN/m) Weight of water.000 = F10u cos a = 0.5. These forces are calculated for vertical angles of a = 13°.1.000 = .008 2.448 1.700 = F4u sin b = 0.00 Total (H) 108.F10d cos b = 0.0000 25.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.015 kN åH total c = åH @ bend expansion – 2(F2H +F6Hu+ F6Hd ) = 21.81 25 Anchor Block Soil 636.521 æ b + aö ÷ = 11. Table 7.6 F3 = 35.853 0 = F9u sin a = 0.000 = F10u sin a = 0.000 = .085 è 2 ø = .55.813 = F1d cos b = 3.F3 cos = F4u cos a = 3.F8 cos æ b + aö ç ÷ = . The forces calculated above are further resolved in mutually perpendicular directions to get the summary.000 = .454 kN åH total exp = 49.851 kN åH @ bend c = åH total c – F11H = -1. a & b (deg) Location of Expansion Joint Output Weight of pipe.15.F11H = 26.308 è 2 ø = F3 sin ç = .226893 Design Discharge.377 = .000 = F11 sin i = 5.08 F8 = 0.004 4. W (kN/m)) Velocity.F12V = -36.686 = F5u cos a = 0.000 F5d = 0.13.00 Horizontal Distance (m) Vertical angles.97 F5u = 0.000 = F11 cos i = 22.1E ) +11 Coefficient of Linear Expansion (12E-06 Page: 53 .901 kN SUM (contraction) Forces on Anchor Block Block # & type 2 Convex Small Hydropower Promotion Project Spreadsheet (SHPP)/GT by Mr P Zushpa Chitrakar Referances: 6.000 F9d = 0.763 = F7u sin a = 1.70 F7d = 6.000 = F6u cos a = 54.45 Unit Weights (kN/m3) Mild Steel Water RCC 78.000 = F6u sin a = 12.247 è 2 ø F9u = 0.16 Date SMALL HYDROPOWER PROMOTION PROJECT/GTZ Revision Project Developer Consultant Designed Checked 24-May-2006 2006.0000 4 4 Yes Yes 0.12.F6d cos b = .000 13.538 = F2u cos a = 15.299 = F2u sin a = 3. a & b (rad) 0.241 = .252 Y. 69 Dynamic Pressure at Exp.150 61.697 Fixed end moment = wl^2/8 for proped cantilever FEM. Ps (m) 52.000 F5 contraction Tmin F5 4 0.518 6.16 Static Pressure at Exp.959 F6 (kN) =± F6 F6 F6 Pipe Movement p 7. Component of weight of pipe (wp) along the pipe F4u= wp*active armL’*sin(a) L' F4d= wp*active armL’*sin(b) F4 3.042 p F7 8. Perpendicular component of Wt of pipe and water act perpendicular to the pipe CL along the anchor faces L' a FEMu FEMd F2 b F1=dead weight of half of anchor saddle pipe perp to pipe 4. Axial (small diameter) force on Reducer Reducer: Location & Diameter: St.757 F4=w sin a W 5. .50 F3 = 2*P*sin((b-a)/2) pu 35. Axial hydrostatic pressure on exposed end of pipe in Expansion Joint F7=PI*D*t*H*g F7 5.442 48.05) SHPP/GTZ GENERAL FORCES 1.20 Total (AH) 98.000 6.903 -1.08 F9 0.261 9.888 55.227 b pd 4.00 61.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. W(m) 0.653 +ve for expansion 3. .5*(Q^2/d^2)*sin((b-a)/2) P8 (kN) P8= mV =Q*r*Vi 1.25 34.69 48.112 0.592 109. Axial friction within Expansion joint seal due to the movement against the circumferential pressure F6=±PI()*D*W*H*g*m W + Expansion.640 F1 axial -0.666 60.677 2.Contraction m for rubber packing 0.000 0.97 F8 b 1. Hydrostatic Pressure at Bend due to the vector difference of static pressure & acting towards IP Pu (kN) = F3u =PI/4*dui^2*Ht*g a 168. Head Dyn.50 Pd (kN) = F3d =PI/4*ddi^2*Ht*g F3 168.Q*r*Vo Q*r* Vi F7 0. Dynamic pressure at the bend due to the vector difference of momentum F8 = 2.40 0. Thermally (expansion/contraction) induced axial force ( if no EJ provided) F5 (kN)=pi()*Dmean*t*E*a*Dt Condition Temp at oC F5 expansion + Expansion. L' (m): 0.000 Page: 54 .33 47.89 F2 (kN) = ± 15.016 F1u (kN)=wu*lmu/2*COS(a): F1d (kN)=wd*lmd/2*COS(b) F1 perpendicular to pipe 3.913 3.016 4.00 59.40 4.25 Seal width. FEMu (kN-m)= Restoring moment: FEMd (kN-m)= Overturning moment FEM 2.273 0. Pd (m) 46. Head .273 F8 F9 (kN) Fv Q*r*Vo F9 No p No 0.000 F5 0. Axial frictional force of pipe on saddle supports transferred to anchor Steel to (HDPVC) to Steel (greased) (m) F2 (kN)= ±m*w*L'*cos a US Pipe Length.000 FH Q*r* Vi Vector difference of momentum at bend (mv i -mvo ) F9=PI()*(Dupi^2-Ddni^2)/4*g*H 3.Contraction Tmax Tinstallation 40 20 0.677 F1 u F1 d -2. 5 ANCHOR BLOCK DESIGN A design of one of the anchor blocks of 500kW Jhankre minihydropower project presented in “Civil Works Guidelines for Micro-Hydropower in Nepal” has been taken as an example for preparing the spreadsheet “AnchorBlock”.454 323.37 -36.5. A typical sketch of the considered anchor block is presented in Figure 7.000 0. {(3 x 2.640 Yes SUMMARY OF CRITICAL FORCES Expansion 1 Summation of total horizontal forces SH(kN) 2 Summation of total vertical forces SV (kN) 3 Summation of total moment forces SM (kN-m) 12 Contraction @ bend Total @ bend Total 26.1 Program example Concrete Block Centre of gravity of the block from the upstream face of the block taking the moment of mass.41 m from point O.00 Figure 7.8 23.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.997 49. (gconcrete)= 22 kN /m 3 Weight of block.462 -17.02 342.25 ) + (1 / 2 x 3 x 1.199 kN Page: 55 . Concrete volume (V) = Block volume excluding volume of the pipe and water if any æ1 ö 2 2 3 .371 1.12 F 354. In case forces at the pipe bend calculated as per section 7.90 0.05)} x 2 \ the weight of the block WB acts 1. B(m) @ 1/3 of hs 2 0. Figure 7.05) SHPP/GTZ 10 Axial drag of flowing Water (friction of flowing water) (not considered in MHP) F10=g*PI()*Dupi^2/4*DH(Exp to block) F10 (kN) 0. 7.1 x P x 0.6 12 Vertical force due to the weight of the block F12 =gblock*Vol of block Vol of block F12 16.405m {(3 x 2.7.455 Yes Width. It is worth noting that the slight differences in calculated output in the guidelines are mainly due to the rounding off of processed data for secondary processing.2 x P x 0. W B = 16.4: Output of anchor block force calculation spreadsheet. ÷ } x 2 .000 No 11 Axial (u/s slope) force due to soil pressure upstreamof the block F11 =gs*hs^2/2*cos f*ka*B F 11 ka= (cosi-sqrt(cosi^2-cosf^2))/(cosi+sqrt(cosi^2-cosf^2)) hs = soil depth = hu F11 0.191 m = {(2. 7.4 are used. The inputs for the calculations are presented in the input section of the spreadsheet presented in Figure 7. Stepwise calculations of the considered example are also presented in this section.458 /4 cos 25° = 16.25 x 3) + ç ´ 3 ´ 105 è2 ø Unit weight of concrete.25)3/2 + (1/2 x 3 x 1. dead weight of anchor block and upstream earth pressure for a different anchor block (not similar to defined in “AnchorLoads”) can be used in this spreadsheet.458 /4 cos 13° .000 No 0.49 21.5.05)1/3 x 3} x 2 = 1.851 -1.5: Anchor Block Considered The spreadsheet is also designed to accommodate forces due to the dead weight of anchor block and upstream earth pressure.12 x 22 = 356. 853 kN F11Y= F11 *sin i = 23.3715 2 20 ´ 18 .853 x 0.15 + 22.276 kN Stability (refer to Figure 7.132 ö 2 ç1 + ÷ = 72.6.281 = 1. Perpendicular components of this forces are: F11X= F11 *cos i = 23.303 = 1.0 = 473.215 x 1.632 = 0.681 N/m 3´ 2 è 3 ø Page: 56 .03 x 1. Expansion case: Pbase max = åV A base æ 6e ç1 + ç L base è ö ÷= ÷ ø 345.455 kN 2 2 This force acts at 1/3 of the buried depth at upstream face of anchor block from point O as shown in Figure 7.327 x 2.85 x 0. which is (1/3 x 1.6) Overturning: Expansion case Sum of moments about point O with clockwise moments as positive: åM @ O = 30.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.8) = 0. Since e < eallowable for both cases. Bearing capacity: 2 Note that for stiff clay allowable bearing pressure is 200 kN/m (Table 7. 2 g soilh1 cos i x Ka x w = cos 13° x 0.cos2 i .44 3 e= .405 – 41.5 \ e < eallowable OK.632 m ç ÷= è å V ø 345.455*cos 13° = 22.cos2 f cos i + cos2 i .26 æ 6 ´ 0.477 = 0.281 kN –m æ å M ö 473.477 m ç ÷= è å V ø 320. the structure is safe against overturning.6 + 356.3715 x 2 = 23.6 m.455*sin 13° = 5.303 kN-m d= æ å M ö 563.5 m 6 6 \ e < eallowable OK eallowable = Contraction case Sum of moments about point O with clockwise moments as positive: åM @ O = -6.6 + 356.05) SHPP/GTZ Soil Ka = F11= cos i .19 x 2.cos2 f =0.405 – 16.1.26 e= 3 .0 = 563.1.023 m 2 d= Recall that eallowable = 0.199 x 1.3).132 m 2 Lbase 3 = = 0.15 + 22.199 x 1. 05) Pbase min = åV Abase æ 6e çç1 è Lbase SHPP/GTZ ö 345.5 x 320.26 æ 6 ´ 0.023 ö 2 ç1 + ÷ = 55.5 x 345.44 kN 16.18 kN < 172. Since å H < m å V in both cases the structure is safe against sliding.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.947 N/m 3´ 2 è 3 ø ø 2 In both cases Pbase < Pallowable = 200 kN/m .66 kN < 0.44 æ 6 ´ 0.22 kN OK.26 kN 53.18 kN < 0.866 N/m 3´ 2 è 3 ø Pbase max = åV A base æ 6e ç1 + ç L base è ö ÷= ÷ ø Pbase min = åV Abase æ 6e çç1 è Lbase ö 320.5 for concrete/masonry on soil 53.406 N/m 3 ´ 2 3 è ø ø Contraction case: 320.132 ö 2 ÷÷ = ç1 ÷ = 42. \ the structure is safe against sinking.023 ö 2 ÷÷ = ç1 ÷ = 50.6: Anchor Block force diagram Page: 57 . Sliding: Expansion case åH<måV m = 0.44 æ 6 ´ 0.66 kN < 160. Figure 7. Contraction case åH<måV 16. \The anchor block is stable.63 kN OK. L (m) g anchor (kN/m3) m Penstock Bend at (X). (m) Bend at (Y).632 P min 0.455 0.0 Pipe CL 2. Ok 473.023 55. b (deg) Output 3.0 0.303 P max 1.5 Anchor Block Section 3.477 P min 0.5 Contraction SH (kN) SV (kN) 1.0 0. Ka 2.0 Active earth pressure coeff.0 0.132 0.458 13 25 1.03 eccentricity e.6 22. SBC (kN/m2) 1.0 1 2.44 Bearing Sliding Figure 7.15.681 172.866 160. Ok e allowable 563.947 Ok Ok 16.405 Fx 23.5 4.0 -0.5 Soil force Acting at (m) 3. Hd (m) Width.3715 F Pa Forces (with soil pressure and block weight) Yes Forces with earthpressure & anchor Expansion SH (kN) SV (kN) 16.13.8 30 20 200 0.25 2 3 22 0.3 2.276 Overturning Net Forces @ bend SM@ O 53.7: Anchor Block force diagram Page: 58 . (m) Diameter.5 Foundation Upstreamdepth hfu (m) Soil friction f.0 1. W (m) Length.191 356. d (m) Upstreamangle. Wb (kN) Centre of gravity XX 3.327 d 345.5 Lengt h X ( m) ' 0.63 42.22 50.5 2.5 1.281 P max 1.260 -16. Hu (m) Downstreamdepth.66 320.16 Date 24-May-2006 2006.5 2.05) SHPP/GTZ Anchor Block Stability Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GT Spreadsheet by Mr Z Pushpa Chitrakar Referances: 6.199 1.853 Fy 5.12.0 3.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.215 eccentricity e.15 0.19 d -41.500 72.180 30. a (deg) Upstreamangle.05 SMALL HYDROPOWER PROMOTION PROJECT/GTZ Revision Project Developer Consultant Designed Checked Jhankre mini-hydropower BPC Hydroconsult Input Anchor Upstreamdepth.406 Ok Ok SM@ O -6. (deg) g soil (kN/m3) Bearing Capacity.5 Concrete volume of Anchor Block Weight of block. On a horizontal shaft Pelton turbine the maximum number of jets should be limited to 3 for ease of manufacturing. in case of varying rotational speeds (RPM of the turbine and the generator). Turgo turbines lie in between these two categories. In such cases.1.75% 60 .1: Turbine specifications Type Net head (m) Pelton More than 10m T12 Crossflow up to 50m T15 Crossflow up to 80m Max RPM 1500 900 1500 Efficiency (nt) 70 .4*PkW/Nturbines)/Hn5/4 Sp Speed (gear) nsg = Sp Speed (no gear)* Turbine rpm / Generator rpm Table 8. Cross-flow and Pelton turbines are the most commonly used turbines in Nepali micro hydropower plants.2 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS The recommended net heads for maximum rotational speed (rpm) and efficiencies for different turbines and turbine specifications are presented in Table 8. both Pelton (multi-jet) and other turbines may be appropriate.78% The type of turbine can be determined by its specific speed given by the following equation: Sp Speed (no gear) ns = Turbine rpm*√(1. For Cross-flow and Francis turbines.1 GENERAL A turbine converts potential energy of water to rotational mechanical energy. Figure 8. Francis and Turgo turbines are used in mini and small hydropower projects. ns Turbine types Single Jet Pelton Double Jet Pelton Three Jet Pelton Cross flow ns Ranges 10 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 20 – 80 Page: 59 .1: Pelton and Crossflow Turbines 8. Table 8. Pelton turbines are suitable where the ratio of head to flow is high. this ratio is lower than that of the Pelton turbines. It should be noted that for certain head and flow ranges. efficiency and costs. the designer should consult with manufacturer and make a decision based on availability. However. these require higher precision work in mounting the generator vertically on the turbine shaft and furthermore. Pelton.2: Turbine type vs. The number of jets can be higher for vertical shaft Pelton turbines. The size and type of turbine for a particular site depends on the net head and the design flow.78% 60 .05) SHPP/GTZ 8 TURBINE SELECTION 8.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. the belt drive arrangements (including those for mechanically coupled end uses) will be difficult. The specific speeds (ns) with (gear ratio of 1:2) and without gear are calculated as: 5/4 Sp Speed (no gear) ns = Turbine rpm*√(1.94% No of turbines/generators 67.4*PkW/Nturbines)/Hn = 750*SQRT(1.46 58.05) 8. either a gearless Crossflow/Turgo turbine or a Pelton/Crossflow with a gear ratio of 1:2 is recommended.89/1)/58^(5/4) = 46 (Turgo/Crossflow/2-jet Pelton is suitable) Sp Speed (gear) nsg = Sp Speed (no gear)* Turbine rpm / Generator rpm = 46*1/2 = 23 (Single jet Pelton/Crossflow is suitable) If ns exceeds the range given in Table 8. multiple units should be used.2.03 Date SMALL HYDROPOWER PROMOTION PROJECT Revision /GTZ Project Developer Consultant Designed Checked Pushpa Chitrakar Pushpa Chitrakar Input Discharge (l/s) Gross head (m) Hydraulic losses Max turbine output kW Turbine rpm Cd 150 Gear ratio at turbine 69 Gear ratio at generator 15.12. Specific speed of multijet Pelton turbines is computed by multiplying the specific speed of runner by the square root of the number of the jets. Page: 60 .13 25-Apr-2006 2006.3 SHPP/GTZ PROGRAM BRIEFING AND EXAMPLE The “Turbine” spreadsheet is presented in Figure 8. Turbine Selection Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar Referances: 6.2.89 Total number of jets if Pelton n 750 Specified turbine 0.001 Generator with gearing rpm ** Turgo Crossflow ** ** 1500 With Gearing 46 Sp speed of turbine Pelton (12-30) => (Ns 17-42) Turgo (Ns 20-70) => (Ns 28-99) Crossflow (Ns 20-80) Fracis (Ns 80-400) Propeller or Kaplan (Ns 340-1000) 23 Pelton ** Crossflow ** ** Figure 8.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.7.4*67.96 Cu Output Net head m No Gearing Sp speed of runner rpm (no gearing) Pelton (12-30) => (Ns 17-42) Turgo (Ns 20-70) => (Ns 28-99) Crossflow (Ns 20-80) Fracis (Ns 80-400) Propeller or Kaplan (Ns 340-1000) 1 2 1 2 Pelton 0.2: A Typical turbine example.8. The calculations show that for the given parameters. There are two types of generators.2 SELECTION OF GENERATOR SIZE AND TYPE Selection of generator size mainly depends up on the loads of a proposed site. Brushless synchronous generators are recommended for mini and small hydropower projects. For micro-hydro schemes ranging from 10kW to 100kW. Synchronous Generators Advantages of Synchronous Generators: · High quality electrical output. · Capacitor banks are generally not durable.1 Single Phase versus Three Phase System Advantages of a Three . Advantage of a Single – Phase System · Simple wiring. An Electronic Load Controller (ELC) is used for controlling power output of a synchronous generator. an Induction Generator Controller (IGC) is used. nature of the proposed loads and costs and benefits of the scheme.2. 9. namely. induction generators are inexpensive and appropriate for Nepali micro-hydro schemes up to about 15kW. Generally. Load controllers are generally used as the governing system in Nepali micro hydro schemes. Selection of generator type depends on the size of the selected generator. Page: 61 . 9. a generator type can be either synchronous or induction of either single or three phase.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Brushless synchronous generators with hydraulic controlling systems are recommended for mini and small hydropower projects. · Cheaper ELC. · Cheaper above 5 kW. · No problem due to unbalanced load. Both synchronous and asynchronous generators are available in single and three phases.2 Induction versus Synchronous Generators Induction Generators Advantages of Induction Generators: · Easily available · Cheap. · Can start larger motors.1 GENERAL A generator converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. · Poor voltage regulation compared to synchronous generators. To control an induction generator.Phase System · Considerable saving of conductor and machine costs. synchronous generators are technically and economically more attractive. · Higher efficiency. rugged and simple in construction · Minimum Maintenance Drawbacks of Induction Generators: · Problem supplying large inductive loads. · Less weight by size ratio.05) SHPP/GTZ 9 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SELECTION 9. As stated earlier. synchronous and asynchronous (induction). Some of the main features of all types of generator are outlined in the following sections: 9.2. 2: Generator rating factors Max. B. 3 The synchronous rotational speed per minute: Rotational speed ( N )( rpm) = 120 f P Where. A.915 0.96 0. and 1.83 0.945 0.05) SHPP/GTZ Drawbacks of Synchronous Generators: · The cost is higher than induction generator for small sizes.88 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 4500 1.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. · Higher losses due to unbalanced load.90 0.1.03 40 1.83 For light bulb loads (inductive) only For mixed loads of tube lights and other inductive loads Power Factor (D) 1.0 0. iii) The generator running at full load when using an ELC.00 0. electronic load controller correction factor and power factor of the proposed loads are the major factors affecting the size of a generator.1 Sizing and RPM of a Synchronous Generator: The steps for selecting the size of a synchronous generator are as follows: 1 Power factor of 0.8 0.8. Ambient temperature in oC => Temperature Factor (A) Altitudes Altitude Factor (B) 20 1.88 0.3 is the 30% overrating factor (recommended) to allow for: i) Unexpected higher power from turbine.3*----------------------------AxBxCxD Where.86 0. ii) Handling of starting current if large motors (> 10% of generator size) are supplied from the generator. C and D are correction factors from Table 9.77 ELC Correction Factor (C) 0.785 0.815 0. Page: 62 .93 0. general guidelines for selection of phase and type of generator are prepared and summarized in Table 9. 9.08 30 1. Table 9.1: Selection of Generator Type Size of scheme Up to 10 kW Generator Synchronous/Induction Phase 10 to 15 kW Synchronous/Induction More than 15 kW Synchronous Three Phase Three Phase Single or Three Phase Maximum ambient temperature. De-rating coefficients to allow for these factors are presented in the Table 9.92 55 0.2.8 9.845 0.00 45 0. powerhouse altitude.3 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the major features.3.10 25 1.06 35 1. Table 9.98 0.96 50 0.2. 2 The size of synchronous generator (kVA): Installed Capacity in kW Generator (kVA) = 1. s= Ns . in pairs). etc. Generator voltage and current ratings should not exceed 80% of the electrical motor rating.3.4 PROGRAM BRIEFING AND EXAMPLES 9. the ballast capacity of ELC-Extension is calculated as: Ballast capacity of ELC extension (kW) = 60% * 1.3* ----------------------------------------AxB It is worth noting that an induction generator is basically a motor used as a generator.2 Sizing and RPM of an Induction Generator: The steps for selecting the size of an induction generator are as follows: 1 The size of an induction generator (kW): Installed Capacity in kW Induction Generator (kW) = 1. P and f are the same as for synchronous generator and s is the slip of the generator. P for Nepali micro-hydropower schemes is generally 4 so that the rotational speed is 1500 RPM.. Therefore. 9. 5 Sizing of power cables. 3 Sizing of ballast (20% higher than the installed capacity).05) SHPP/GTZ f = frequency of the system in Hertz (Hz) (50 Hz in Asia and Europe) P = number of poles of the generator (2. 4. In case the installed capacity exceeds or equal to 50kW.Nr Ns Where. Similar to motor rating.2 * Pe (electrical power) Fixed load = 40% * Pe (electrical power) 4 Sizing of MCCB/MCB. Other factors are applied similar to a sychronous generator.1 Program Briefing In addition to calculating electrical parameters stated above. 2 The rotational speed of an induction generator: Rotational speed ( Ni )( RPM ) = 120 f (1 + s ) P Where. Page: 63 . i. the rating of an induction generato should be in kW. 2 Sizing of electrical load controller (ELC) or induction generator controller (IGC) (equal to the installed capacity). Ns( RPM ) = 120 f P Nr is the rated rotor speed of the induction motor and Ni always exceeds Ns while acting as a generator.4. following electrical parameters are added to the presented “Electrical” spreadsheet: 1 Computation of excitation capacitance for an induction generator. ELC factor (C) and the power factor (D) corrections are not applicable for an induction generator. Ns is the synchronous speed.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. 6.e. 9. 1.04 + 0. Sizing of MCCB/MCB (A) = 1. Sizing of power cable (A) = 1.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.7*I Where.3*60.8) = 127.2 Typical example of a 3-phase 60kW synchronous generator Electrical component calculations for an example of a three-phase 60kW synchronous generator at an altitude of 1500m are presented in Figure 9. Rotational speed ( N ) = 120 f RPM =120*50/4 P = 1500 rpm Since Pe > 50kW.732 = 202. the ballast capacity of ELC extension (kW) = 60% * 1. 380/400/415) Im (A) = Magnetizing Current = I rated at full load current (A) * sin (cos-1 (power factor)) I rated at full load current = Rated power (kW) * 1000/(V*pf) hm = rated efficiency of motor at full load For star connected capacitors.70 I (A) V (V) pf = overrating factor by 70%.04/(0.24 kW I rated for Cable & MCCB at Generator side = 1000/ V rated * Generator size /1. C (цF) = ----------------------------------------------------3*V2*pf*2*pi()*f*hm Where.83*0. The detailed step-by-step calculations are: The size of synchronous generator: Installed Capacity in kW Generator kVA = 1.05) SHPP/GTZ 1. 1.70 kVA The higher size available in the market of 45kVA is used.4. Xc (Ω) = V / Im V (V) = Rated Voltage of the motor (V) (phase to phase voltage.96*0.4*60. 1.25 = overrating factor by 25%. Pe (kW)= Installed capacity V (V) = Rated phase to neutral Voltage (V) (V*√3 for 3-phase) pf = power factor if induction generator is used 3.6*1.2*60.2 * Pe + 40% * Pe = 0. = Current = Generator size/(V *pf if induction generator is used) = Rated phase to neutral Voltage (V) (V*√3 for 3-phase) = power factor 9.04 = 67. the excitation capacitance is three times that for the Delta connection. Sizing of excitation capacitance of an Induction Generator Excitation capacitance for Delta connection C (цF) = 1/(2*pi()*f*Xc*hm) 1000*Pe* sin (cos-1 (power factor)) Or. 2.3*----------------------------AxB xCxD = 1.732 = 1000 / 400*140/1.96*0.08 Amp Page: 64 .25*Pe * 1000/(V*pf) Where. 12 Size of 4-core cupper armoured cables 202.96 140.5*I rated = 1.1: Electrical components of a 20kW 3-phase synchronous generator.8) = 135.5 4 OUTPUT Pe Electrical output (active power) (kW) Generator Temp. Ilam Developer Kankaimai Hydropower P Ltd Consultant EPC Consult Designed Pushpa Chitrakar Checked Pushpa Chitrakar Referances: 6.96 Altitude factor 127.32 Calculated size of MCCB (A) Cable Rating (A) 303.08 135. Selection of Electrical Equipment Spreadsheet developed by Mr.25 1.04 Ok 0.12.40 Amp Power cable inside the powerhouse Rating current = 1.08 = 303.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Pushpa Chitrakar.8.25*60.12 Amp 2 For this current a 4-core copper armoured cable of ASCR 185mm is chosen.204 Power factor 60.70 Actual available capacity (kVA) 1500 0. SHPP/GTZ 11-Nov-2005 2005.04 Calculated Ballast capacity 1.factor Capacity (kVA) Synchronous rotational speed Ns (rpm) ELC capacity (kW) Rated Voltage (V) 60.5*202.25*Pe * 1000/(V*pf) = 1.8 1.24 400 Irated for Cable & MCCB (A) at Generator side Rating of MCCB (A) 108.2*Pe (kW) Ballast capacity of ELC-Extention (kW) 72.000 Safety factor of generator 50% Phase 0.3 3-phase 3 45 Type of Generator 1500 Over rating factor of MCCB 0.10 SMALL HYDROPOWER PROMOTION PR Revision OJECT/G TZ Project Upper Jogmai.83 Over rating factor of cable 50 No.7.40 185 Figure 9.04 67.00 60. Page: 65 . of poles 0 Rated rotor speed if induction generator N (rpm) Delta Synchronous 1 1.05) SHPP/GTZ Calculated size MCCB/MCB (A) = 1.13 Date INPUT 3 Discharge (m /s) Gross head (m) Overall plant efficiency (%) o Temperature ( C) Altitude (m) ELC correction factor Frequency of the system (Hz) Capacity of used generator (kVA) 0. Engineering Advisor.732*0.04*1000/(400*1. 25 kW The higher size available in the market of 30kW is used.25*Pe * 1000/(V) = 1.96) AxB = 28.3 Typical example of a single phase 20kW induction generator Figure 9. Since the electrical output is more than 10kW. Page: 66 .3*---------------------------------------.68 Amp 2 For this current a 2-core copper armoured cable of ASCR 185mm is chosen.25*20*1000/(220) = 142.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.5*170.45 = 255. The electrical components presented in Figure 9.8)) C (цF) = ----------------------------------------------------2 3*400 *0.4.16 цF I rated for Cable & MCCB at Generator side = 1000/ V rated * Generator size /pf = 1000 / 220*30/0.8 = 170.3*20/(0. a reminder error is flagged in the adjacent cell. Rotational speed ( N ) = 120 f =120*50/4 P = 1500 rpm Rotational speed of a generator = Ns*(1+(Ns-N)/Ns) = 1500*(1+(1500-1450)/1500) = 1550 rpm Excitation capacitance -1 1000*Pe* sin (cos (power factor)) C (цF) = ----------------------------------------------------2 3*V *pf*2*pi()*f*hm -1 1000*20* sin (cos (0.= 1.2 gives electrical equipment sizing of the previous project with a single phase induction generator with a rotor speed of 1450rpm.05) SHPP/GTZ 9.89 =123.45 Amp MCCB/MCB (A) = 1.2 are computed as: The size of the asynchronous generator: Installed Capacity in kW Generator kW = 1.8*2*pi()*50*0.5*I rated = 1.05 Amp Power cable inside the powerhouse Rating current = 1.96*0. factor Capacity (kW) Synchronous rotational speed Ns (rpm) 0. of poles 0 Rated rotor speed if induction generator N (rpm) Delta Efficiency of motor at full load Induction 2 1.2: Electrical components of a 20kW 1-phase induction generator.16 220 Irated for Cable & MCCB (A) at Generator side Rating of MCCB (A) 113.96 Altitude factor 28. Page: 67 .5 4 1450 89% OUTPUT Pe Electrical output (active power) (kW) 20. Pushpa Chitrakar.83 Over rating factor of cable 50 No.64 Calculated size of MCCB (A) Cable Rating (A) 255.00 123.13 Date INPUT 3 Discharge (m /s) Gross head (m) Overall plant efficiency (%) o Temperature ( C) Altitude (m) ELC correction factor Frequency of the system (Hz) Capacity of used generator (kW) Capacitor configuration 0.968 Safety factor of generator 50% Phase 0.3 1-phase 1 45 Type of Generator 1500 Over rating factor of MCCB 0.04 150 Figure 9.00 Calculated Ballast capacity 1.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.2*Pe (kW) Excitation Capacitance (micro F) 24. SHPP/GTZ 11-Nov-2005 2005.8.25 1.8 1. Ilam Developer Kankaimai Hydropower P Ltd Consultant EPC Consult Designed Pushpa Chitrakar Checked Pushpa Chitrakar Referances: 6.05) SHPP/GTZ Selection of Electrical Equipment Spreadsheet developed by Mr.00 1550 20.12.68 Size of 2-core cupper armoured cables 170.7.00 Use of 3-phase generator is mandatory Generator Temp.10 SMALL HYDROPOWER PROMOTION PR Revision OJECT/G TZ Project Upper Jogmai.45 142.25 Actual available capacity (kW) 1500 Rotational speed of the generator (rpm) IGC capacity (kW) Rated Voltage (V) 0.08 Power factor 50.96 30. Engineering Advisor. A plan and a section of the considered foundation are presented in Figure 10.036 kN Weight of the three sections W1.2 EXAMPLE General Calculations htotal = hgross + hsurge = 51 m + 50 m = 101 m: Force due to htotal .5)-(0. For input to these stepwise calculations. (FH) = (Pipe area) x 101 m x unit weight of water = Õ 0. Coupling type (direct or belt drive) also determine a critical plane (XX or YY as presented in the spreadsheet) with respect to its stability. the machine foundation should be stable against overturning.5 x 1)] x 22 = 27.5m ´ 22kN/m3 =33. It is strongly recommended to refer to suppliers while dimensioning mini and small hydropower machine foundations.5 x 22 = 193. It is worth noting that the critical plane of a machine foundation depends on turbine axis and coupling types.1.1. W 3 as presented in Figure 10.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.45 + 2.35 ö SM@B = W 1 x ç + 0.05) SHPP/GTZ 10 MACHINE FOUNDATION 10. The considered machine foundation is designed to support a directly coupled Pelton turbine and a generator.1 are: W1 = 0. 10.35 x 1. Pelton and Spiral case Francis turbines whereas it is parallel to the incoming flow for open flume Francis and other axial flow turbines.225 kN W3 = 2.45 x 1.5 x 2.45 x 1 x 0. refer to the input section of the spreadsheet is presented in Figure 10. Similar to an anchor block.5)-(0. sliding and sinking/bearing. W 2. A turbine axis (shaft) is perpendicular to the incoming flow for Crossflow.5m ´ 2.5 x 2.1 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS A machine foundation of a hydropower scheme is a gravity structure designed to transfer hydraulic forces from penstock.4m ´ 1.4 ö æ 0. These figures are part of the presented spreadsheet and are interactive diagrams.35 ÷ + (W 2 + W T ) ´ ç + 2.35 ÷ + (W G + W3 ) ç ÷ .45 x 0. torque from rotating machines and gravity loads from generator. turbines and the foundation itself.8 2 2 è ø è ø è 2 ø Page: 68 .00 kN W2 = [(0.45 ö æ 2. Standard dimensions can be referred to while dimensioning microhydropower machine foundation.8 kN / m 3 4 = 70. Stability along both these mutually perpendicular axes are analysed in the presented spreadsheet.875 kN Overturning: Take sum of moments about point B (counter clockwise moments as positive): æ 0.3 2 m 2 ´ 101 m ´ 9.FH ´ 1. Stepwise calculations of the considered example are presented in the following sections. A machine foundation of 500kW Jhakre Mini-hydropower project cited in “Civil Works Guidelines for MicroHydropower in Nepal” has been taken as an example in the spreadsheet “MachineFoundation”. dú = ê .86 > 1.036 x 1. allowed for soil) the structure is safe against sinking.5 3.5 SH = FH = 70.5 x 260.00 + 27.516 ö 2 ç1 + ÷ = 64. Page: 69 .081 kN/m 3.455 = 1.8 = 282.2 ´ 2.533 m 6 6 Since e is less than eallowable . It is worth noting that the machine foundation is not stable (for the stated factor of safety) against overturning and bearing along YY axis and this is the real critical case for the presented example in the guidelines.477 é L Base ù é 3.516 ö 2 ÷÷ = ç1 ÷ = 1. However.4 is quite noticeable. eccentricity is in the middle third. Stability along YY is analysed in similar manner.477 kN Equivalent distance at which SV acts from point B: d= å M = 282.036 \ The structure is safe against sliding.455 kNm Sum of vertical forces. Sliding: Assume that the friction coefficient between block and soil.477 æ 6 ´ 0.5 è 3.225 + 193.175) – 70. eallowable = e= ê LBase 3.00(3.05) SHPP/GTZ = 33. Bearing pressure: Pbase max = Pbase min = å V æç1 + A base è 6e ö ÷= Lbase ø å V æç1 - A base ç è 6e L base 260.084 m å V 260.94)(2.038 kN/m 3.2 è ø ø 2 Since both pressures are within zero and 180 kN/m (max.2 to 8.43 = 260.2 = = 0.575) + (3. m = 0.084ú = 0.2 ´ 2.516 m ë 2 û ë 2 û eccentricity.0) + (27. this critical case is not considered and not illustrated in the guidelines.2 ù . SV = W 1+W 2+W 3+W T+W G = 33. The mismatch between Photo 8.1.225+2.4 (the actual case) and Figures 8.43+193. The Pelton turbine axis in Photo 8.875 + 2.4 perpendicular to XX axis (longer) whereas it is considered parallel to XX axis in the illustrated calculations.036 kN m SV = 0.875)(1.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. \The structure is safe against overturning.5 OK 70.5 = 130.238 = 1.477 æ 6 ´ 0.2 ø ö 260.2 kN Factor of safety against sliding: = må V åH = 130.94 + 3. 4 1.943 3.4 0.0 Turbine CL Generator CL XX (m) XX (m) INPUT Gross head hg (m) Surge head hs (m) 51.477 1.2 1.2 2.800 LA along YY 33.25 1.225 193.625 2.0 1.6 0.450 0.00 Foundation 0.0 0.2 0.150 Penstock Foundation on 2 Allowable bearing capacity Pall (kN/m ) Friction coeff between block and soil m Length L (m) Bredth B (m) Height H (m) Material of foundation Soil Diameter dp (m) 0.25 1.15.2 YY (m) Height ZZ (m) 1.000 27.8 0.5 Bredth of opening Bo (m) Concrete Height of opening Ho (m) mild steel 0.175 282.036 Lever Arm LA (m) LA along XX 1.4 1.5 Length of opening Lo (m) 1.16 Date 24-May-2006 2006.00 Design Discharge Qd (m3/s) 50.000 Density of foundation (kM/m3) 22 Height of tailrace canal Htr (m) 0.8 1.8 1.250 1.300 180 Material 0.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.6 1.500 1.0 0.4 0.6 0.500 Electro-mechanical Weight of turbine Wt (kN) & cl position Weight of generator Wg (kN) & cl position 2.434 XX (m) 0.05) SHPP/GTZ Turbine and Generator Machine Foundation Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar Referances: 6.6 1.25 199.6 2.05 Jhankre mini-hydropower SMALL HYDROPOWER PROMOTION PROJECT/GTZ Revision Project Developer Consultant Designed Checked BPC Hydroconsult Machine Foundation Plan Machine Foundation Section 1.875 3.5 Centreline above PH floor hp (m) 3.477 OUTPUT Forces Force due to h total of 101 m.2 Turbine Pit 2.575 1.8 Turbine CL Generator CL 0.250 Weight Wi (kN) 70.13.8 2.300 0.4 2.455 260.025 YY (m) 1.000 2.12.530 260. Fh (kN) Foundation W1 W2 W3 Sum of moments SM (kN-m) Sum of vertical forces SM (kN) Page: 70 .0 W1 W2 W3 2.2 0. 084 0.05) SHPP/GTZ Overturning Equivalent distance at which SM acts from critical point d (m) Eccentricity e.260 Not Ok LA along XX 1.1: Layout of MachineFoundation Spreadsheet.379 -5.081 Ok LA along YY 70.766 0.516 0. FS sl Comment of sliding Figure 10.860 Ok LA along YY 1.038 1. Page: 71 .533 Ok LA along YY 0.417 Not Ok Bearing Pressure at base Pmax Pmin Comments on bearing LA along XX 64.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.860 Ok Sliding Factor of safety against sliding. (m) Allowable eccentricity e all (m) Comment on overturning moment LA along XX 1.484 0. 5 Voltage at node (Vi) Phase Single to single phase or 3 to 3 phase Voltage drop (dV) 1. It is recommended to refer to the actual market price in the design.2 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS AEPC MGSP/ESAP has formulated following guidelines regarding micro-hydropower transmission and distribution systems: 1 Cable configuration and poles: Buried or suspended on wooden or steel or concrete poles. i.1. 2 Balanced load is assumed. 11kV and 400V and single phase 230V transmission and distribution lines. According to the Nepal Standards.328 0. 3 Conductor: Aluminum conductor steel reinforced (ACSR) or Arial Bundled Cable (ABC) 4 The ASCR specifications are presented in Table 11.3434 0. neutral conductor does not carry any current. 3 With a power factor of 0.1 Program Briefing 1 The presented spreadsheet is designed to calculate transmission parameters for three phase 33kV.315 Sp.5449 0. Costs are taken from the guidelines and are lower than the market price.1 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS Power generated at a powerhouse is evacuated to load centres or grids with the help of transmission and distribution lines.05) SHPP/GTZ 11 TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION 11.3.1: ASCR specifications ACSR Code number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Type of ACSR Squirrel Gopher Weasel Rabbit Otter Dog Resistance Ohm/km 1. 400/230V is the standard minimum voltage.345 0. Use of standard voltages in micro hydropower projects is recommended so that the power can be easily synchronized and evacuated to grid in future.8.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.3 PROGRAM BRIEFING AND EXAMPLES 11. Weight (kg/km) 80 106 128 214 Sp. Cost (Rs/km) 13000 14500 15500 25750 394 52000 Note: Sp. the rated current and voltage drop are calculated as: Table 11.9116 0.732*IA*Z*Lkm 2*IA*Z*Lkm Voltage at node (Vi) Vprevious .098 0.355 0.335 0. 400/11000V system is used in micro-hydropower transmission system where as 11 kV/33 kV is used in mini and small hydropower transmission system.732*V* power factor) Power*1000/(V*power factor) 4 Impedance (Z) = √(Resistance2+Reactance2).374 1.2745 Current rating max Amps 76 85 95 135 185 205 Equivalent Copper area 2 mm 13 16 20 30 50 65 Inductive Reactance Ohm/km 0.2: Rated current and voltage drop calculation Phase 3-phase 1-phase Current (A) Power*1000/(1.349 0. Table 11. 2 Permissible Voltage drop: 10% of nominal value at point of use..dV Page: 72 . 11 kV and 33 kV are also considered to be distribution voltage by Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA). 11. 11.e. 3.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.732 . Start Project Name. ASCR code.05) Three to single phase (400V to 230V) 6 SHPP/GTZ Vprevious/1.2 are used for the calculations presented in Figure 11.1: Flow chart of transmission and distribution line computation. The grid and load presented in Figure 11. Location. Length of cables Cost of cables Length of neutral cables Node & reach names. Remarks for repeated lengths Current Resistance Reactance Impedance Voltage drop Voltage at node End Figure 11. phase. reach lengths. Transformer # 1 Legends Node/Load (kW) at nodes Reach length (m)/Phase/Load (kW) Figure 11. Page: 73 . Therefore.dV Spreadsheet protection: Transmission line networks is project specific and does not match each other. Power at node. this spreadsheet is not protected to match the transmission line networks of the considered project.2: Transmission line and load used for the example. It is worth noting transmission line from A to C and D are constructed by splitting lines from A and therefore the voltage at A for these calculations should also be same (i.e. 227. For this cable.70 /230) *100 = 10. Voltage @ node A.418 Ohm /km Current.640 Ohm /km Voltage at A for single phase.05) SHPP/GTZ Transmission line calculations Reach: powerhouse to node A to B The installed capacity of the considered scheme is 36kW.. Hence OK for micro-hydropower project. which is slightly above the limit of 10%.640 *0.3/400 *100 = 1. 2 2 2 2 Z = Ö(I + L ) = Ö(0. the length and type of neutral wire is presented as an input parameter.60 = 209.17. 2 2 2 2 Z = Ö(I + L ) = Ö(0.87 *0. energy losses while transmitting power to the load centres or grids should also be calculated and considered in the financial analyses.8) = 27. Transmission line calculations for mini and small hydropower project shall be calculated similar to the calculations presented in Reach PH-A. Power losses is not included in this spreadsheet but included in the Voltage Drop calculation under Utility. Lengths and other information of these reaches are presented in Figures 11. C and D.3 = 393. The length of neutral wire depends on the configure of the transmission line network and user’s choice of type of the neutral wire. VA = VPH – dV = 400 – 6.500 = 17. dV = Ö3* I PH-A *Z*Lkm = Ö3* 28. B.87 A Voltage drop. Out of this. I PH-A = Power*1000/(Ö3*V* power factor) = 16*1000/(Ö3*400*0. It should also be noted that standard voltage should be used at the outlet of the transformers.40%.335 ) = 0.315 ) = 0. For this cable. I A-B = Power*1000/(VA* power factor) = 5*1000/(227.418 *0.50 A Voltage drop.58%. dV = 2* I A-B *Z*Lkm = 2* 27.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. VA1 = 393.30 . Power from node A to other load centres are transmitted using 230V single phase two wire systems.30 V).2 and 11. VB = 227. A relatively lower value is recommended at this point because voltage drop at the end of either B or C or D has to be within 10%.30 V Current. a dog is found to be suitable.275 + 0.3 V dV% = dV/VPH = 6.3.300 = 6. this is single phase line. an otter is found to be suitable. Since the tariff for these projects is fixed on energy basis.60 V Voltage at B for single phase.8) = 28. Calculations for other nodes C and D shall be calculated in similar manner.545 + 0. By Trial and error to limit voltage drop at the end of last load centre. a total of 16kW of power is transmitted from the powerhouse to nodes A. The transmission line from the powerhouse to node A is 400V three phase four wires type. Therefore. which is within the limit of 10%. Power from most of the mini and small hydropower projects in Nepal are evacuated to load centres or grids.70 V dV% = dVtotal/VPH = (1-209.50 *0.70 V Reach A-B As stated. The voltage at the outlet is standarised using tapping switch adjustment. It is calculated using following equation: Ploss = Ö3*(V1-V2)/2/1000*I*pf Page: 74 .30 *0. Reach PH-A By Trial and error to limit voltage drop at the end of last load centre.70/Ö3 = 227. 64 208.04 9.00 4.00 400.12.03 Upper Jogmai.300 0.65 2.70 393.27 E-M ( r) E F F M EF FM 0.70 11000.64 14.14 5.91 211.200 1 1 1 7 Rabbit 5 Rabbit 226.80 33.300 1 1 20 Dog 226.70 226.00 1.60 9.30 227.500 11 11 11000.090 3 3 1 1 1 16 5 5 6 400.00 398.05) SHPP/GTZ Transmission and Distribution System: Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar Referances:2.04 217.44 211.00 10995.300 0.04 217.04 5.50 0.64 211.44 226.64 16.40 10.52 217.44 226.19 F-K (y) F K FK 0.00 400.01 E-G (b) E F F G EF FG 0.87 PH-T1 PH T1 PHT1 0.44 221.40 3.44 33.98 19.300 3 3 20 Dog 400.55 11.00 393.44 221.16 F-L(b) F L FL 0.95 E-J ( r ) T2 J T2 J 0.38 T1-T2 T1 T2 T1 T2 1.00 393.00 400.15.70 209.00 400.44 211.44 226.80 7.64 3.90 400.04 7.59 E-H (y) E F F H EF FH 0.30 227.70 393.44 226.00 28.29 Dog Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit 20 Squirrel Page: 75 .24 8.64 9.64 211.64 211.02 10.30 6.050 3 3 20 Otter 400.90 223.50 400.44 217.70 223.00 36.70 393.04 217.16 SMALL HYDROPOWER PROMOTION PROJECT/GTZ Project: Developer Consultant Designed Checked 20-Apr-2006 Date Revision 2006.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.90 226.44 110.50 29.04 206.04 11. 6.13.64 204.44 5.44 211.84 4.500 0.180 1 1 2 Squirrel 217.36 1.44 3.80 226.64 226.00 11000.40 1.00 36.64 5.80 400.00 392.31 11000.00 11000.44 226.180 1 1 1 Squirrel 211.3.55 2.44 221.300 0.50 400.84 226.04 T2-E T2 E T2 E 0.44 217.00 2.30 0.74 13.00 400.58 10.400 1 1 1 6 Otter 5 Otter 226.20 1.41 226.12 28.00 7.84 212.00 227.60 3.52 5.44 27.53 226.090 0.08 400.600 1 1 1 1 Squirrel 1 Squirrel 226.63 226.04 211.44 198.60 226.70 400.44 226.300 0.64 29.40 486080.80 217.00 1.04 226.30 17.84 221.44 217.40 226.04 217.08 400.64 211.00 211.00 400.11 (kW) node (V) (A) type PH-A-B-C-D PH A A B C D PHA AB AC AD 0.87 27.00 Intermediate Calculation Length of neutral cables (km) Vrated @ node & Rated Voltage Reach Power at Current V @ prev d/s prev node Voltage Volt at node branch Phase next node ACSR (V) drop (V) (V) % voltag drop 1.4.00 400. Ilam Kankaimai Hydropower P Ltd EPC Consult Pushpa Chitrakar Pushpa Chitrakar Cable Summary Type Squirrel Gopher Weasel Rabbit Otter Dog Total Cost(Rs) Node name Reach name Reach Length (km) Length(km) 7.00 11000.44 38.40 2. 3: Typical example of a low voltage transmission line.36 0.60 1.36 Figure 11.00 0.15 4.90 1.60 0.20 0.18 0.05) SHPP/GTZ 10 Squirrel Gopher Weasel Rabbiit Otter Dog 0.80 0.18 0.90 0. Page: 76 .60 0.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.60 0.40 0.50 0. productive end use load factor and annual total income are calculated and subsequently used in the financial analyses. one set of domestic and five different end uses can be defined in five different time slots in the 24-hour load duration curve.1 GENERAL By optimising the use of available energy by allocating it in different time slots. Average subscription wattage should not exceed 120W per household. annual load.1. 4. benefit from a micro hydro scheme can be maximized. this spreadsheet can also be used to all micro hydropower project. The main features and assumptions are: 1. 2. Minimum of 10% of total energy output as productive end use is mandatory. A load duration chart for the first three years of operation is presented at the end of the spreadsheet.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. 5 slots) Future EU load & tariff (1 time slot) 24 hr load Load duration Graph (decision making) Annual energy Yearly loads EU factors Yearly income End Figure 12. 3. present loads & tariff (24 hr. For the first three years of operation. Installed capacity.1: Flow chart of the load and benefits calculation spreadsheet. 12.2 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS / AEPC GUIDELINES 1. 3. Based on the AEPC MGSP/ESAP guidelines. Multipurpose scheme is preferable. Based on this flow chart.05) SHPP/GTZ 12 LOADS AND BENEFITS 12. In case the guidelines are similar to that set by AEPC. Page: 77 .3 PROGRAM BRIEFING AND EXAMPLE 12.1 Program Briefing A flow chart of loads and benefits analyses used in the spreadsheet is presented in Figure 12. Probable business load after three years of operation can defined based on the AEPC requirements.2. an example is presented in Figure 12. a spreadsheet on loads and benefits is presented for concerned stakeholders to arrive to the most optimum pre-construction decision. 12. Location. Start Project Name. 2.3. Annual available energy. This chart is very helpful in planning and allocating different loads so that the benefits are maximized. Since the committed end use is more than 10%.98% Annual Income By =tariff * HH * load*12 = Rs 1*471*85*12 = Rs 480.483 kW Yearly load P y = operating days * daily load (D) = 330 * (5* 88 + 2*91. Doti is used as an example in the spreadsheet. The available power varies from zero to 96. Ey = operating days * installed capacity * 24 = 330*96.420 Existing/ Committed business loads Existing or committed business loads are calculated in similar manner. this can be arranged during the non-operating hours or during partial load hours. The presented load duration chart in Figure 12.1)/1000 = 44. As presented in the figure. The first part covers existing or committed business loads while the second part covers probable business load after this period. the annual end use and productive end use load factor are 117060 kW and 15. this project is recommended for implementation using AEPC subsidy.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.1kW Gaddigadh MHP.2: Load duration chart Page: 78 23 .38% respectively.36% and Rs 916. Thus.1*24 = 761112 kWh Load P (kW) =Beneficiary households (HH) *Average HH load /(1-loss)/1000 = 471 * 85 /(1-0.1) = 205326 kWh Average daily operating hours = Py/ D /P = 205326/330/44. this load duration curve can also be used to maximize benefits even at lower tariff during such hours.05) SHPP/GTZ Loads and Benefits calculations Loads and benefits calculation in the presented spreadsheet are divided into two main parts.1kW during these periods.050 respectively. The calculated values are presented in Figure 12. This spreadsheet is prepared to mimic AEPC subsidy calculation format. Similarly the total plant factor and annual income are 42.987 hours/day Load factor = Py / Ey * 100 = 205326/761112*100 = 26. A 96. Domestic Loads Annual available energy.2 suggests that the scheme is mainly dominated by domestic load. In case the scheme has to share water with other existing water utilities such as irrigation systems.3. The stepwise calculations for the first three years of load and benefit calculations are presented. Other end uses can be incorporated even at subsidized rate during 5:00 to 17:00 and 20:00 to 24:00 hours. 0 1 Load Duration Chart for the first three years of operation of Gaddi Gad Khola 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 140 Installed Capacity & Load (kW) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Time (hrs) Domestic Agro-processing Bakery Saw Mill Herbs Processing Load 5 Load 6 Installed Capacity Figure 12.483 = 13. 720 Figure 12.50 3.36 2.5 14 16 22 18 22 18 22 17 22 6 16 10 12 25 8 15 22 3 5 10 22 8 9 3 3 85 8 10 1 8 6 18 91.00 180 5.03 Ladagada VDC.12.00 Cold Store 310 6.98 480.56 Total 117060 15.630 Total Annual Income from sales of electricity 916.44 61240 8.40 42.96 123750 Load 5 15 6 330 29700 3.05 20 79200 23040 153600 111600 183.1 Gaddi Gad Khola Beneficiary HH (nos.483 13.3: An example of load and benefits calculation.00 330 6.00 Dairy Processing 320 6.36 50.79 30000 Herbs Processing 25 5 180 22500 2.00 761112 Yearly end use load (kWh) Productive end use load factor (%) Total load plant factor Annual total (domestic + end uses) Income (Rs) First 3 years After 3 years 117060 147680 15.73 0.3.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.00 Load 5 Load 6 Proposed end uses and operting hours time (hr) Agro-processing time (hr) Bakery time (hr) Saw Mill time (hr) Herbs Processing time (hr) Load 5 15 time (hr) Load 6 12 36 OUTPUT Summary Annual Available kWh 4 12 22.050 Probable Business Load after 3 years Metal Workshop 10 Photo Studio 1 Dairy Processing 8 Cold Store 6 Load 5 Load 6 Total additional annual income after 3 years Productive End Use (%) 19.) Plant's operating days 471 330 Loads (kWh or W/m) Domestic Agro-processing Bakery Saw Mill Herbs Processing Load 5 Load 6 Operating Tariff days/year (Rs) 330 1.420 Existing/Committed Business Load Agro-processing 22.4.00 300 5.05) SHPP/GTZ LOADS AND BENEFITS Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar Referances: 1.90 Load 6 12 3 330 11880 1.40 4 12 10 10 330 320 320 310 13200 3840 25600 18600 1.27 103680 Saw Mill 10 2 300 6000 0.00 320 6. Page: 79 1037 378578 49. Doti Location: Developer Consultant Designed Checked Gaddi Gad Khola Gaddi Gad Khola MHP Perinial Pushpa Chitrakar Pushpa Chitrakar INPUT General Power Output (kW) Name of the Source 96.5 4 330 29700 3.770 End Use Load Operation Period Yearly Load Annual (kW) Hours/day Days/year kWh LF (%) Income (Rs) Domestic Lighting 44.050 1.00 Photo Studio 320 6.16 Date SMALL HYDROPOWER PROMOTION PROJECT/GTZ Revision Project: 20-Apr-2006 2006.2.90 178200 Bakery 9 6 320 17280 2.1 182.50 330 330 Domestic lighting Average subscription/household (W/HH) System loss 10% time 5 load 88 440 Probable Business Load Expected after 3 years Operating d/y Tariff (Rs) Load Metal Workshop 330 6. 6.987 330 205326 26.38 From (hr) To (hr) 12 16 8 20 8 18 8 18 Daily Energy Demand (Dd) kWh Yearly Energy Demand (Dy) kWh Average Load Factor 36.15.38 435.97% .40 916. 1 INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS As per the guidelines and standards set aside by AEPC. 2. Total cost of the project including subsidy should be limited to Table 13. cash and kind equities and other sources such as donations. Positive Net Present Value (NPV) of project cost (equity) and benefit streams based on based on 4% of discount rate is expected for subsidy approval.2 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS / AEPC GUIDELINES 1. Investment costs are presented in Figure 13. Net present value of equity investment at a discount rate of 4% should be positive. 13. NPVs of the project on total investment. It is worth noting that the only loans and cash equity are considered as investments in the financial analyses. The subsidy policy came into effect because of the fact that implementation of micro-hydropower projects in Nepal is not financially feasible and sustainable without subsidies. etc. soft loans and relatively lower discount rate are applied to make them more sustainable. 13. the minimum criteria for subsidy approval is to have positive NPV for equity only consideration without probable business loads.1 Program Briefing The spreadsheet presented requires the total costs including financing of the project and annual costs and benefits as inputs to calculate the financial parameters such as the net present value and cost per kilowatt. The base of the robustness of the project is mainly its financial sustainability during its life span of 15 years.05) SHPP/GTZ 13 COSTING AND FINANCIAL ANALYSES 13. The flow chart on which the spreadsheet is based is presented in Figure 13. loans from banking and other lending agencies. Costs required for the operation and maintenance of the project is calculated. Cost per kilowatt to be within the specified limits is another criteria for the subsidy approval. The total capitalized cost of the project includes subsidy based on accessibility of the project site. Revenues with and without probable business loads are calculated (Refer to Chapter 11 for business loads).3 PROGRAM BRIEFING AND EXAMPLE 13. total cost excluding subsidy and equity only are calculated and compared. Moreover.1.3. The loans shall be paid back within the stated payback periods.1: Per kilowatt subsidy and cost ceiling as per AEPC Walking distance from nearest road head less than 2 days walking distance 2-5 days walking distance more than 5 days walking distance Subsidy 70000 78750 91500 Ceiling 170000 178750 191500 3. Annual cash flows for the stated planning horizon is presented and used to calculate different financial parameters.2. this spreadsheet tests financial viability of a micro-hydro scheme for the subsidy approval. 15 years as the economic life span of the project for calculating financial parameters. As stated earlier. Present values of costs and benefit streams are calculated to estimate NPV of the scheme. Page: 80 .Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Since the economic life span of mini and small hydropower is more than 15 years. it is recommended to use Loan Payment module of the presented Utility spreadsheet. Based on the projected annual cash flows (CFs)....000 Operation and maintenance cost = Rs 305. use of the spreadsheet should be limited to micro-hydropower projects only.2. However. financial analyses of mini and small hydropower projects can be carried out using the stepwise calculations presented in the subsequent section. an Excel built-in function PMT (interest rate. If the installment mode is other than annual (such as monthly and quarterly).1 = 1890044 ´ 3%(1 + 3%) 7 = Rs 303. NPV w & w/o probable business load Cost per kW Subsidy per HH Cash flows End Figure 13.. The summary of costs and benefits are: Total project cost P = Rs 12..05) SHPP/GTZ Start Sources of investment Payback of loan Discount factor Breakdown of investment cost Annual operating cost Project Name.... NPV of the project can be calculated by using following equation.1: Flow chart for Project costing and financial analyses. Financial Analyses Project costs and benefit related are presented in Figure 13..044 Cash equity = Rs 1.2 Typical example of costing and financial analyses A typical example of costing and financial analyses of a micro-hydro scheme based on projected cash flow is presented in Figure 13. loan) can also be used to calculate the annual installment. 13. NPV = CF0 + CFn CF1 CF2 + + . payback year.004 Annual installment of bank loan (annuity) = L ´ i (1 + i ) n (1 + i ) n ..200.1 Alternatively.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.890.. Location.364 (1 + 3%) 7 .734. + 1 2 (1 + i ) (1 + i ) (1 + i ) n n =å t =0 CFt (1 + i ) t Page: 81 .2.3.865 Total loan L = Rs 1.. 473 6.050 916.004 305.004 305.038 OK since it is positive.000 307.046 With Probable Business Loads Income 916.363.364 303.000 20.364 303.200.004 305.) 12. NPV of equity without probable business load is.000 307.1 = Rs 132.773.682 307.770 1.050 916.004 305.773.099.004 916050 1099770 303364 NA 3.402 491.4.050 916.200.046 611.500 623.010.050 916. NPV equity = NPV(Discount Factor.734.770 1.050 916.061.715 999.004 305.402 794.050 916.671 Others O & M (Rs) Salary Spares Maintenance Office expenses Miscellaneous Others 232. 307682.13 Date 23-Apr-2006 SMALL HYDROPOWER PROMOTION PROJECT/GTZ Revision 2006.099.004 305.099.050 916.770 1.2: A typical example of project costing and financial analyses.004 305.099.766 .543.682 307.10 Total Project Cost (Rs.770 1. Ilam Kankaimai Hydropower P Ltd EPC Consult Pushpa Chitrakar Pushpa Chitrakar INPUT Project size (kW): 96.865/96.865 Subsidy/kW Total subsidy more than 5 days walking distance 91500 Rs/kW x 96.364 303.099.099.050 916.200. Based on above results.800 Others Kind equity 851.2.550 Contingencies 3.05) SHPP/GTZ An alternative equivalent Excel built-in function NPV(Discount Factor.8. Other similar financial Project Costing and Financial Analyses Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar Referances: 1.846 Total Inv Cost-Subsidy 3.402 491. Cost per kilowatt = Total Project Cost / Project Size = 12.200.770 1.046 611.12.304 Equity 3.770 1.050 916.734.004 303.770 1.865 305.364 303.004 305.770 1.3.517 18. Page: 82 Cash flow -1.770 Figure 13.402 491.305.050 916.046 611.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. -1200000.050 1.890.682 307.099.869 12. Maintenance and other Costs (Rs) Annual Income without probable business loads (Rs) Annual Income with probable business loads (Rs) Annual installment for Bank loan Annual installment for other loan NPV on equity without probable business load (Rs)+ve NPV equity with probable business load (Rs)+ve Cost/Kw =>>Ok Subsidy/HH Cash equity 1.046 611.046 611.766 794. 6.050 916.770 1.038 5. Cash Flows)*(1+Discount Factor) = NPV(4%.766 794.611 Cost Summary Project cost (Rs) Annual Operation.178.773.682 307.099.766 794.044 3% 7 Other loan 8.497 VAT 57.050 916.869 132. ….004 305.046 611.050 916.682 307.766 794.004 305.364 916.516.766 794.038 5.717 Commissioning 1.…)*(1+4%) = Rs.682 307.004 NPV Based on Different Project Costs NPV Probable Business Load Without With Total investment cost -3.766 794. parameters for different cases are calculated in similar manner.000 305. the project is financially viable for subsidy approval.682 491.004 305.046 611..734.364 303.099.517/kW OK since it is within the limit Rs 191.050 916.766 794.682 307.03 Project Developer Consultant Designed Checked Upper Jogmai.004 114000 171.040 Installation 2. Cash Flows)*(1+Discount Factor) is used in this spreadsheet.004 305.004 305.050 916.669 Annual Cash Flows Without Probable Business Loads Year Equity O & Mcosts Loan repayment Income 1.1 = 8793150 Interest rate i (%) Payback period n (yr) Plant life N (yr) 15 Discount Rate I (%) 4% Investment Cost (Rs) Mechanical components Electrical component Civil component Spare parts & tools Transport. Bank loan 1.682 307.500/kW for projects located with an access of five days or more of walking distance.770 1.364 303.050 916.050 Cash flow -1.099.682 611.249.782. 611046.677 -2.305.000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 305.770 1.004 305. FB (m) 0.50 1. Page: 83 .2 Payment of loan for different periods (monthly.572 Top width.1.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Three modes namely monthly.2 Wall Thickness. These tools are especially helpful in case quick and handy independent computations are required.1. quarterly and yearly) The tool presented in Figure 14.3 Width of Canal.05 Design Discharge (l/s): 1.1 SHPP/GTZ UTILITIES INTRODUCTION In this spreadsheet tools for independent calculations are presented.1 Uniform depth of a rectangular or trapezoidal canal Calculation of uniform depths of an open channel is an iterative process. Ilam Date 01-May-2006 Stone masonry canal Revision 2006. b (m): Unlined fissured/disintegrated rock/tough hardpen cut 1. Uniform Depth of a Trapezoidal Canal (Y-m) Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar Upper Jogmai.05) 14 14.572 0. VBA for Excel is used for this iterative process. Some of the presented tools are: 14.000 1/Mannings Coeff (M): 50.0000 1/Canal Slope (S): 300 Freeboard. Manning’s equation is used for calculating uniform depth.1. quarterly and yearly payments are available in this tool.000 Z= 0.2 is useful for calculating equal installment payback (EMI) for a given loan at a specific interest rate and terms. A typical calculation for a trapezoidal section is presented in Figure 14. t (m) 0. T (m) Uniform Depth (Y-m) Canal Wall Geometry Wall NWL = 572 mm & T = 1572 mm Figure 14.1: A typical example of uniform depth calculation of a trapezoidal section 14. 721 Rs 331.000 Starting Month Interest rate (APR): 2 13.05) SHPP/GTZ Payment of a loan Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar Upper Jogmai.279 Rs 1. A typical example is presented in Figure 14.740 Rs 986.05 1 Payback Loan amount (NRs) : 1.296 Rs 206. Payment Schedule of Upper Jogmai.345 Rs 293.05 Discharge (l/s): Cumulative efficiency including head loss (n%) 120 80.074 Rs 1.3 Power calculations This tool is useful for calculating power based on AEPC guidelines for subsidy criteria and actual power based on known cumulative efficiency.721 Rs 331.244 Rs 553.786 Rs 293.559 Rs 234.780 Rs 141.721 Rs 331.00% Starting Year Yearly payment and No 2006 10 Yearly Payment 331.326.1.000 Rs 221.332 Rs 180.072 Rs 1.721 Rs 331.591.721 Rs 331.2: A typical example EMI calculation A full payment schedule can also be generated by clicking Generate Schedule button.451 Rs 229.721 Rs 331.935 Rs 38.721 Rs 331.4: A typical example of power calculation Page: 84 .425 Rs 124.720 Rs 172.53 Power MGSP-ESAP (Pe-kW) 176.270 Rs 101.721 Rs 110. Ilam Date 01-May-2006 Stone masonry canal Revision 2006.467.166.045 Rs 203.559 (Rs 0) Figure 14.721 Rs 97.002 Rs 159.4 below: Actual vs AEPC Power (Pe-kW) Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar Upper Jogmai.721 Rs 331.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.695 Rs 783.676 Rs 128.20 Back to Utilities Print Generate Schedule Figure 14.00 Actual Power (Pact-kW) 282.721.941 Rs 190.00% Gross Head (H-m) 300.389 Rs 151.3: Generated Schedule of EMI calculation 14.854 Rs 1.822 Rs 71. Ilam with Loan(1800000) & Interest(13%) Month Pmt No.899 Rs 259.163 Rs 1.702. Ilam Date 01-May-2006 Stone masonry canal Revision 2006.3.800. A typical schedule is presented in Figure 14.721 Rs 331.58 Figure 14. Pmt Principal Interest Balance Feb-06 Feb-07 Feb-08 Feb-09 Feb-10 Feb-11 Feb-12 Feb-13 Feb-14 Feb-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rs 331. 4 Spillway sizing.34 Power loss P loss (kW) 3. f2 (1/3) 1 Current. V1 (V) 230 Power.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05 Reach length. Z (Ω/km) 0. Spillway Lengths (m) Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar Upper Jogmai. f1 (1/3) 1 Phase at 2nd node.1. Voltage Drop Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar Upper Jogmai.11 Length of spillway Ls1 for Qf m & half height 17.21 Figure 14. this tool calculates actual spillway length required for critical conditions of load rejection and off-take flood.49 Figure 14.6.5 8.66 %Voltage drop 39. As presented in Figure 14.70 Impedence.000 Design discharge (l/s): 500 Overtopping height (ho) mm: 300 Spillway discharge coeff 1.6: A typical example of transmission line calculation Page: 85 .00 Phase at 1st node. I (A) 108.5: A typical example of spillway sizing 14. Ilam Date 15-Apr-2006 Stone masonry canal Revision 2006. V2 (V) 151.03 Flood discharge (l/s): 2. A typical example is presented in Figure 14. Ilam Date 01-May-2006 Stone masonry canal Revision 2006. L (km) 1. percentage voltage drop and voltage at a lower end of a transmission line segment for a given power. P (kW) ASCR type 20 Dog 6.000 Voltage at 1st node.5 L spillway min for Qf m & full height 1.1.05) SHPP/GTZ 14.5.5 Voltage drops of transmission line.42 Voltage drop.4178 Voltage at 2nd node. dV (V) 78. This tool calculates voltage drop. The spillway sizing tool is useful for calculating spillway lengths for different spillway shapes with different downstream conditions (downstream obstructed or free). Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.73027E-05 9.170E+00 9.7 also calculates head losses in metres and percentage and net head for given inputs.0119 1. Friction Factor (f) & Net head Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP)/GTZ Spreadsheet by Mr Pushpa Chitrakar Upper Jogmai. Manual friction factor calculation involves a long and tedious process and can easily go wrong. The tool presented in Figure 14.718 100 1.05) SHPP/GTZ 14. This tool is useful for calculating friction factor.1.010 Reynold's nr.7: A typical example of pipe friction calculation Page: 86 .011893135 0.282 2.50 Figure 14. (R ) 500. Ilam Date 01-May-2006 Stone masonry canal 2006.00 Laminar Flow 2.500 Flow 63 Velocity.05 Revision Discharge (m3/s) Gross head (m) Pipe roughness ks (mm) Pipe diameter (mm) Pipe Length (m) Turbulent headloss factor (K) Friction factor f Headloss hl (m) Headloss hl (%) Net Head (m) 0.546479089 1116876.170E+00 Transitional Flow & Turbulent Flow 0.6 Pipe friction factor. v(m/s) 0.794 5.03 61. Mini-Grid Support Programme. Page: 87 . Micro-Hydro Design Manual. Technical Report.. Power System Protection and Switchgear. 10. Nepal(2003). Alternative Energy Promotion Centre. 9. A Practical Guide to Design and Implementation in Developing Countries. Vieweg. Peltric Standards 2. DEH/SATA Salleri Chialsa Small Hydel Project (1983). Alternative Energy Promotion Centre . 13. His Majesty's Government of Nepal. Design Manuals for Irrigation Projects in Nepal. Washington. Mini-Grid Support Programme. Nepal (2002).Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Kathmandu.al. 1800 Massachusetts Avenue N. Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG). Nepal(2001). 11. Adam Harvey et. 16. DC 20036. Kathmandu. Helmut Lauterjung/Gangolf Schmidt (1989). Nepal (2002). United Nations Development Programme (NEP/85/013) / World Bank. 15. Badri Ram & DN Vishwakarma. Planning of Intake Structures. 1982 17. Planning and Design Strengthening Project (PDSP).05) SHPP/GTZ 15 REFERENCES 1. Water and Energy Commission Secretariat. (1993). A guide to small-scale water power schemes. Kathmandu. Kathmandu. Modules 1-7. Layman's Guidebook on How to Develop a Small Hydro Site 6. GATE/GTZ. Technical Details and Cost Estimate 4. 14 & 18B. Medium Irrigation Project. Sediment Transportation. ITECO. Electrical Design Estimating and Costing. HMG of Nepal. 7. New Age International (P) Ltd (1999). Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. Design Manuals. 12. Department of Irrigation. Energy Division. American Society of Civil Engineer (ASCE). Preliminary Feasibility Studies of Prospective Micro-hydro Projects 3. Mini-Grid Support Programme. HMG/N. Inversin (1986). Nepal (2003). Papua New Guinea. 18. 10. Ministry of Water Resources. Allen R. GTZ/Department of Energy Development. 14. KB Raina & SK Bhattacharya. 1995. Civil Works Guidelines for Micro-Hydropower in Nepal. Alternative Energy Promotion Centre. 1990. Micro-Hydropower Sourcebook. Alternative Energy Promotion Centre . 13. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). Intermediate Technology Publications. Department of Hydrology and Meteorology. ISBN 1 85339 103 4. Guidelines for Detailed Feasibility Study of Micro-Hydro Projects 5. Methodologies for estimating hydrologic characteristics of un-gauged locations in Nepal (1990). New Delhi 1995. Micro Hydropower Training Modules (1994). European Small Hydropower Association (1998). Report on Standardization of Civil Works for Small Hydropower Plants 8. Ministry of Water Resources. W. BPC Hydroconsult. Kathmandu. NRECA International Foundation. Mini-Grid Support Programme. Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Administration.N. AEPC subsidized Nepali micro-hydropower (up to 100kW) Pre-feasibility and Feasibility Study Reports (about 400 projects). Engineer's Publishers. Detailed Project Report (DPR) of 4. REDP. ITDG/ESAP. Himachal Pradesh. 1997 22. East Java. 28. 2001. Nghe An Province. 2001. 1999. 20. Management Guidelines For Isolated MH Plant In Nepal. Small Hydro Engineers Consultants P Ltd. 15th Edition. Indian Practical Civil Engineer's Handbook. Hanoi Construction Company. 2002-2004. Various Consultants. 33. West Java. New Delhi . 1997 23. 27. Switzerland. Construction and Operation of Dams. 34. Himachal Pradesh. Environment Management Guidelines. Entec AG.Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Electrical Guideline For Micro-Hydro Electric Installation. 2005. 2001-2006. Indonesia. 2005. Son Vu Energy Development Joint Stock Company. 585 kW Jegu Village Mini Hydropower Plant Feasibility Study. 1994. ITDG.05) SHPP/GTZ 19. 26. Entec AG. 29. The Norwegian Regulations for Planning. Guidelines relating to quality improvement of MH plants. Financial Guidelines for Micro-hydro Projects. 2000. 2000. Norwegian University Press. 30. Vietnam. Switzerland.110001. 240 kW Dewata Tea State Mini Hydropower Scheme Feasibility Study. 24. Detailed Project Report (DPR) of 5MW Soldan Small Hydropower Project. 21.2MW Nhap A Hydropower Project Final Feasibility Report. India. 1999 25. REDP Publications. Hoa Binh. P. Various Consultants. SHPP/GTZ assisted Nepali small hydropower (up to 10MW) study reports at various levels (about 65 projects). IT Nepal Publications. 3. Khanna (1996). Small Hydro Engineers Consultants P Ltd. ITDG. Manual for Survey and Layout Design of Private Micro Hydropower Plants. Post Box 725.5MW Sarbari Small Hydropower Project. India. 31. ICIMOD. 32. Oslo. Page: 88 . Norway. Vietnam. Indonesia. IT Nepal Publications. 3MW Sao Va Hydropower Project Feasibility Report. Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ DRAWINGS TYPICAL MICROHYDROPOWER DRAWINGS Page: D-i . Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-ii Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-iii Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-iv 05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-v .Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. 05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-vi .Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. 05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-vii .Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. 05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-viii .Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-ix . Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-x . Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xi . 05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xii .Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. 05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xiii .Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xiv . 05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xv .Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xvi . Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ TYPICAL DRAWINGS OF 1500KW LIPIN SMALL HYDROPOWER PROJECT Page: D-xvii . Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xviii . Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xix . Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xx . 05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xxi .Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xxii . Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xxiii Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xxiv Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xxv 05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xxvi .Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xxvii . 05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xxviii .Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xxix . Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xxx . Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006.05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xxxi . 05) SHPP/GTZ Page: D-xxxii .Micro-hydropower Design Aids Manual (v 2006. to discuss and approve policies and directives for the execution of plans and programs. Objectives: The objective of the project is to establish a market for small hydro power development. Capacity building of stakeholders Conducting seminars. the project offers a common platform for public and private stakeholders. rehabilitation and operation which will in turn facilitate the expansion of rural electrification and leads to associated economic activities and rural development. 5. In this way. workshops and forums organized by others. Department of Electricity (DoED) and German Technical Cooperation (GTZ). The committee meets. hydrological studies. repair. Switzerland and Winrock International. Institutional Framework: The project has an Advisory Committee which has the representation from Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR). as and when required. metal works. workshops and forums for professionals and stakeholders in SHP. maintenance and rehabilitation 3. Assistance and advice to SHPP provides assistance and advice to Independent Power Producers (IPPs) on the maximum use of electricity by increasing load factors and utilizing off-peak hours of isolated plants to increase revenue streams. 4. etc. . The platform allows them to make each other aware of their specific constraints as well as their mutual interest in developing a partnership for satisfying the uncovered electricity demand of the rural areas. the project seeks to have the barriers to private sector's involvement in the small hydropower field reduced or eliminated. Technical and logistic support from desk studies to operation of small hydropower schemes on: · Performance and optimization studies incorporating efficient technologies · Review of projects including financial analysis. environmental protection. transmission lines. acts and regulations. · Technical supports to under-construction small hydropower projects. Facilitating Nepali developers to participate in seminars. etc. 2. Activities: 1. · Operation. Nepal. The implementing consultants of Small Hydropower Promotion Project are ENTEC. electro-mechanical works. It provides technical and logistic supports to hydropower projects in Nepal within the range of 100kW to 10MW. · Preparation of model contracts on civil construction. civil works . Strengthening of Policy Frame Work SHPP provides input to the formulation of hydropower and other related policies. Facilitating Investment SHP facilitate on building up of financial set ups of small hydropower projects. It also assist prospectus leases on assessing inventories and requires repair & maintenance statements of NEA schemes Approaches: In order to overcome the entrepreneur's hesitation and / or inability to engage in the small hydropower sector. The projects also works directly with the developers assisting them to acquire services they require to implement and operate successful projects. It also helps share relevant information among developers and other stakeholders.Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP/GTZ) Introduction: Small Hydropower Promotion Project (SHPP/GTZ) was established in 1999 as a joint project of the Ministry of Water Resources and German Development Cooperation. mechanical works.
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