133121350 Radio Networks Capacity Dimensioning Guideline



Radio NetworksCapacity Dimensioning Guideline June 2010 Rolf Fischer, Hans Jörg Hamers, Christoph Kenkel VTN-Access-Design VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1.0 How to read this guideline / content This guideline covers a wide area of topics, sometimes very different. To allow an easy read links ( ) to the several sections are used. From the beginning of any section it is easy to step back to this slide. Also coloured bars at the left are used to support easy orientation. Introduction / Overview High Level Dimensioning 2G dimensioning guideline 3G dimensioning guideline 2G/3G Network Utilisation 2G/3G traffic related interworking 2 Radio Dimensioning Guideline, 2G, 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1.0 April 2010 Introduction / Overview Introduction During the last years a 2G and a 3G capacity and dimensioning guideline were developed in close collaboration with the operators. In order to allow a simple and fast read it was decided to choose Power Point format. Also 2G and 3G is put together into one guideline. In any case the main goal of this guideline is to give support to the operating companies for the task of network dimensioning. It ensures that same way of planning is used and therefore the basement is build to deliver any possible benefit. Moreover, when OpCos using same principles and methods they can learn from each other in sense of best practise sharing. 3 Radio Dimensioning Guideline, 2G, 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1.0 April 2010 1 year. To do detailed network dimensioning with geographical references. 3 years. e.g. e.g. ATOLL This principle is valid for 2G and 3G as well as for LTE 4 Radio Dimensioning Guideline.g. To assess when and which particular station has to be expanded. To support budget estimations. Excel or Access Dimensioning based on counters and measurements Dimensioning with planning tools To support the high level dimensioning with more precise figures. e. but for shorter time frame. e.g. To do the daily dimensioning work. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1. Based on complex tools. To observe the network and the traffic evolution with geographical references. Based on ‘simple’ tools. Allows quick what-if analysis.Introduction / Overview The dimensioning follows a threefold approach with different level of detail to reach the goal of each step Introduction High Level Dimensioning To get the quantity structures for a given time frame. 2G.0 April 2010 . High Level Dimensioning for 2G and 3G radio networks a. The high level model b. Alternative methodology 2 .High Level Dimensioning High Level Dimensioning 1. Alternative methodology 1 c. g. the High Level Model 1/4 Scope of High Level Dimensioning High Level Dimensioning • Estimation of required Radio equipment based on traffic figures to support any budgetary calculation  Support future planning. base band and sites).g. what is required when subscriber do 10 times of data traffic compared to a reference • The modelling covers normally radio only (carriers. e. …. min per sub per month.g. e. 3 year plan  To perform what-if-analysis. High Level Dimensioning. carriers. e. but also radio access capacity (IuB) and RNC • Input is:  user traffic   absolute (# subscriber.) relative. compared to a reference  network data   number sites. ….a. billable to busy hour traffic (necessary to update from time to time) . traffic translation parameter. expressed in #sites and #carrier (#TRX) -> divided into the same 16 classes 3. overview High Level Dimensioning 1. required base band boards. required number RNC. HR. AMR-HR and GPRS) Input required per OpCo For each service Current total network figures Network. for each service individually -> divided into 16 different classes (per sector) 2. the High Level Model 2/4 How the model works. R99 packet data. Traffic & Mix BH Network Traffic Marketing Forecast Set 1 Capacity figures. total number node B/BTS. Each result is also available per class and could be further analysed. Erlang B Result: Total Demand Network. CS64. HSDPA and HSUPA) -> translated into busy hour (BH) traffic. High Level Dimensioning. Billable traffic is given per service (voice. Network is given as totals. The traffic per class is compared with total capacity (in case of 3G sets as outcome from dynamic system simulations or measurements. required IuB capacity. in case of 2G a modified ErlangB table incl. inclusive the planning for following years. Traffic & Mix Set 2 16 classes Parameter with huge impact on the results 4. The result is the demand in terms of total carriers/TRX. Traffic & Mix For each service Network. .a. The decision based on a smooth interpolation. 3. video telephony. R99 non-real-time and real time services and HSPA. monthly usage per service and several translation factors. Each class describes sectors carrying a comparable level of traffic. Expansion calculation (2G and 3G) According to the utilisation result required expansions are calculated in terms of 2G TRX and 3G carrier.a. 2. 5. Input are the numbers subscribers. the High Level Model 3/4 High Level Dimensioning How the model works. .the analysis is done by the Excel sheet when pushing the calculation buttons. The scenario considers voice. 4. Traffic Calculation (2G and 3G) Cell traffic per service and busy hour is calculated. An Excel sheet exists which allow the operator the classification: Sector-Classification Only traffic data needs to be filled in . detailed steps 1. Cell Grouping (2G and 3G) Basic concept is the grouping of cells or better sectors and traffic into 16 classes. Utilisation calculation (2G and 3G) Based on a modified Erlang B table and 3G cell capacity settings the utilisation per resource is calculated for each cell of a class. High Level Dimensioning. This concept represents the inhomogeneous distribution of traffic in a mobile network.same unit per service is mandatory . Scenario Assignment (3G only) According to the calculated busy hour traffic figures a scenario is chosen which fits best to given traffic mix. expressed in number average and 95% percentile users per service. When further TRX or carrier (individual operator setting and license conditions) could not be installed at the cell capacity nodeB or BTS are calculated. 9. More information about the model can be found in the back up sharing teamroom <LINK> and in the best practise . Per vendor standard RNC configurations can be defined which build the basis for this calculation. whereas the reserved bandwidth for HSDPA traffic is important. Basis is again the 95% percentile of active transmitting subscriber per cell. 7. Based on this a recommendation is made which cell class needs which board out of a set of standard configurations. RNC calculation The final step is the requirement of needed RNC. IuB bandwidth calculation The IuB bandwidth calculation is also possible. the High Level Model 4/4 High Level Dimensioning How the model works. detailed steps 6. CE calculation Based on the 95% percentile of active subscribers per service and busy hour the required base band capacity is calculated and compared with the CE settings per vendor. Additional statistics Beside the mentioned results some more statistics are available which allows more analysis and to check the intermediate calculation steps. Lot of parameters can be set. 8. High Level Dimensioning. for instance the cell traffic per busy hour or the users per cell and busy hour.a. Alternative 1 High Level Model methodology 1/3 High Level Dimensioning When lot of network measurements on cell level are available an alternative (to the RDC High Level Model) methodology could be used • for mature networks with slow coverage roll out valid • for strong growing networks at least valid for the old network part 1. each cell/sector/site could be considered individually • Cell specific restrictions can be considered.c. Adapt this growth to the busy traffic measurements of each cell 3. e. The method is to use relative growth figures of marketing forecasts 2.g. because the network is not classified in 16 classes only. Compare the resulting traffic with capacity tables (3G) or Erlang B model (2G) ADVANTAGE • Can be much more accurate. different limitations in the spectrum (border regions. different interference situations) • Possibility to apply different traffic growth to cell individually when some history is available . 9 316394.333 385223.2 489708.37 72430.7 167631.7 228359.4 201288.06 86496.5 902 53927.33 150966.19 68009.1 902444.1 360716.1 2812396 903 7533.7 465653 761 22645 35049.54 112602.8 59526 92133.43 58738.39 479702.33 11/12 AVG2 248208.3 801 14699.6 265028. Alternative 1 High Level Model methodology 2/3 High Level Dimensioning Example relative growth per service or technology Year 2G voice 3G voice Ratio UMTS BH-voice 04/05 2G Data 3G Data Assumption HS/R99 split R99 Data HSDPA Data Reference Year during busy hour 39014 0 0% 10 0 0% 0% 0% FORECAST 05/06 06/07 40581 45000 2871 4500 64% 100% 1 2 20 32 50 110 0% 50% 0% 100% 91% 100% 07/08 46000 6965 155% 3 42 143 57% 148% 112% 08/09 45000 11673 259% 4 54 186 63% 213% 125% 09/10 40000 20640 459% 5 70 242 70% 308% 132% 10/11 35000 30000 667% 6 75 255 75% 348% 116% 11/12 30000 40000 889% 7 80 270 80% 393% 98% Max of DLP 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 CELL-ID AVG2 AVG2 AVG2 AVG2 62 27923.1 1 1 18325 28363.5 89436.22 84049.5 34499.5 262970.7 247521.67 163670 125723.15 11375 17605.c.61 83528.9 901160 782551.59 128853.67 101111.7 1451170 53966.9 763 18858.17 66487.7 175833.33 8395613.9 1078427 803 20695.87 103863.67 148596.02 932 513631.02 154404.2 752 88037 136261.5 37998.23 527484.9 218226.46 120255.77 48917.2 762 24550.33 233057.1 933 59342 91848.6 96640 3 808820 3359776.1 121323 187781 802 39983.2 403789.77 128073.67 675870 586913.2 901 49884.73 102232.5 751 101380.72 63681.5 29188.39 140349.9 464990.5 273021 396840 529120 .12 14496 22436.4 10/11 AVG2 186156.4 272177.33 122166.5 156914.7 931 57783.9 22289.6 174793.67 2109296.6 793 7601.5 43219.1 791 792 54107.4 248168.7 556458.33 676833.19 5 198128.15 52172.5 83746.1 753 101525 157138.5 822 9505.1 263345.03 4 162888.97 2 7816.9 26219 40581.67 480955. Alternative 1 High Level Model methodology 2/3 Adaptation of relative growth to .c. 38 0.63 0.59 0. either UL.73 0.69 0.42 0.0 113.55 0.99 1.1 513631.7 58738.6 kbits 525257 UL-util/use 5.7 29505.7 163670 125723.1 35049.39 0.52 0.9 272177.49 0.20% 06/07 AVG2 27923.39 0.5 88037 101525 22645 24550.47 0.25 1.06 1.9 0.14 results in terms of utilisation Used for 08/09 onwards Capacity settings.0 min/MB 717.52 0.4 17605.02 91848.2 263345.7 157138.1 247521.55 83746.36 0.40 0.3 150966. Alternative 1 High Level Model methodology 3/3 Example High Level Dimensioning Technology dependent look up tables Used for 06/07 to 07/08 Capacity settings.28 1.89 0.2 2812396 101111.29 0.44 0.59 0.46 1.59 0.98% 29.50 0.40 0.7 2. original for 5 Codes HSDPA and cat.9 .6 151140 269960 930611 26.34 0.09 2.35 0.5 59342 18325 07/08 AVG2 43219.52 0. DL or Code 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 2 24 32 39 0.37 0.7 39.1 209915.45 0.70% 3.35 1.7 820695.5 464990.25 11/12 54 0.32% 4.17 314699.59 0.7 139983.9 228359.75 1.80% 1.6 0.23 28363.5 11375 57783.82 0.9 86496.6 128853.52 0.37 0.39 0.97% DL-util/use 4.94 0.43 0.6 480955.40 0.94 0.92 0.1 108314.3 1078427 479702.53 0.50% 5.98 0.3 157436.4 201288.38 1.48 0.40 0.41 0.c.34 0.40% Code-util/u 2.1 84049.4 162888.4 33.25 140349.58 0.84% 12.39 0.50% 5.50 0.5 23615.40% 29.3 676833.97 89436.95 0.33 385223.7 min/MB 773 42.5 18858.9 1451170 52172.5 54107.48 0.50 0.46 0.05% 2.8 kbits 565836 162816 290816 465306 1484774 100% UL-util/use 5.58 0.55 0.7 96640 808820 359776.71 Max .39 265028.88 0.50 0.15 traffic estimation 10/11 AVG2 186156.Utilisation. 6 Voice VT R99 HSDPA User 12.64 0.5 14496 121323 53966.41 0.35 0.42 0.12 556458.1 527484.5 248168.13 0.61 149884.33 0.51 0.43 37998.6 2.7 167631.50 0.41 0.29 1.75 0.50 0.3 395613.06 61256.37 156914.71 1.75 1.3 122166.5 101380.77 262970.72 29188.49 0.15% 0% Carriers Allowed 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 852 Cell Identifier 62 751 752 753 761 762 763 791 792 793 801 802 803 822 901 902 903 06/07 Consideration of cell individual properties 0 0.88 0.5 316394.47 0.2 47533.7 2109297 75833.80 0.9 218226.60% 20% 8.2 112602.4 37601.43 0.50 0.54 48917.48 0.9 901160 782551.40% 100% DL-util/use 4.97 0.22 2.6 66487.38 0.39 1.7 360716.79 0.7 11/12 AVG2 248208.56 0.7 675870 586913.03 for 10 Codes HSDPA and cat.38 0.87 63681.15 489708.60% 24.4 0.53 0.80 0.09 0.5 136261. 8 VT R99 HSDPA 0.77 36551.55 0.39 22436.94 0.6 153927.49 0.5 56. new Voice User 12.10% 4.42% 6.59 187781 83528.86 0.22 09/10 AVG2 128073.2 403789.60% 11% 66% Code-util/u 1.1 902444.4 35.30% 0% 08/09 AVG2 72430.1 465653 103863.83 3. 000 NodeB a hl Bl ah l nz A oc Analysis show that from a volume of about 25 Gbyte the blockings gets significant kie 0 2. Alternative 2 High Level Model methodology 1/3 This alternative is based on real network experience. 50 r un ge n 105 0 0-5 5 .30 30 .500 Pmnoreqdeniedadm 6.20 20 .6 max).15 15 . also during busy hour! Total average cell throughput: 2 Mbps .00 0 Number node B High Level Dimensioning 1.10 33 10 .000 Total blockings per week A nz 1.484 4.55 0 Datenvolumen Luftschnittstelle in GByte KW42 Data volume per nodeB per/ 2007 week Cross check: A “good” site with up to 20 GByte per week shows that a extra test unit still gets more than 1 Mbps in average (3.d.35 50 .25 25 . on network counter and data ware house analysis NodeB 1. 6% ~ 300: 300 of those WWW users can be served in the area of ONE cell. each of them perceives 1 Mbps throughput during BH . Alternative 2 High Level Model methodology 2/3 High Level Dimensioning Further analysis of data ware house data (billing system) of the “good” site shows: Number user with more than 1 MByte (per month.d. looking only at users making significant traffic) WWW traffic: in the busy hour (BH): per day: per week: per month: 24 48 87 137 Service/traffic behaviour per user (> 1MByte/month WWW traffic) : Average volume per user in BH: 12 MB Average session duration: 45 min => Activity per session @ 1 Mbps: ~3.6% => 2 Mbps / 0.5% Total duration of those users: 48 hours typical BH activity: 10% => Probability of user being active during busy hour: ~0. depends on traffic mix (voice and data services) . Alternative 2 High Level Model methodology 3/3 ADVANTAGE • Very simple approach. e. at home products DRAWBACK • Final capacity per site/nodeB .depends strongly on how services are used by the customers . allowing simple site/node B dimensioning when number of customer in a service area is available and predictable.High Level Dimensioning d.g.depends strongly on when services are used by the customers (daily traffic profile) • Difficult to find a representative cell in a network or part of a network . 5% half rate ratio • The modified Erlang-B formula is CarriedTra ffic (GoS .2G Dimensioning Guideline 2G features included in the High Level Model and also applicable for the counter based dimensioning 2G Dimensioning Guideline 1. TCH . HR%) = 2 × TCH 2 − HR% – TCH  physical number of traffic channels in a cell – HR%  ratio between HR calls to the total calls (HR + FR) • Example: Cell with two trx and fully utilized: BCCH SDCCH FR FR FR HR HR FR FR HR HR HR HR FR FR FR FR FR FR – number of TCHs = 14 – Effective TCHs = 17 (11 FR connections and 6 HR connections) –  35. HR%) = . Half Rate • Concept is that a single connection (either FR or HR) occupies one effective TCH EffectiveTCH (TCH . 2G Dimensioning Guideline 2G features included in the High Level Model and also applicable for the counter based dimensioning ErlangB CarriedTra ffic (GoS , EffectiveT CH ) 2G Dimensioning Guideline 2G features included in the High Level Model and also applicable for the counter based dimensioning • VF RO developed and extended Erlang B formula where Offered Traffic = f (GOS, No_Channels, Queue_Length, Mean_Holding_Time) – Queue Length = 0  Extended Erlang B = Erlang B – Queue Length = infinite  Extended Erlang B = Erlang C The ore tical Grade of Se rv ice (%) v s. Traffic offe re d (Erlangs) - 2 Transce iv e r, 13 traffic channe ls sce nario 40.00 35.00 GoS - V R RO's m odifie d Er lang B GoS - Clas s ical Er lang B 30.00 Grade of Service (%) 2G Dimensioning Guideline 2. Queuing 1/2 25.00 Extended Erlang B, 2% GoS 20.00 15.00 Extra capacity Erlang B, 2% GoS 5.00 0.00 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Tr affic offe r e d (Er langs ) • Capacity increase: +15% compared to Erlang B – HR (traditional or AMR) can still be deployed on top for further efficiencies 17 Radio Dimensioning Guideline, 2G, 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1.0 April 2010 12 13 2G Dimensioning Guideline 2G features included in the High Level Model and also applicable for the counter based dimensioning 2G Dimensioning Guideline 2. Queuing 2/2 • The formula for the loss (abandon) probability is: P l = PN * [A – N+ A PN – – – – N C = C * E (N , A) 1 + (C − 1) * E ] where and −d (N − A) ) C = 1 + A(1− e N−A E(N,A) = Erlang B blocking probability A = offered traffic N = number of channels d = queue waiting time * service rate; service rate = 1/ mean holding time e.g. maximum queuing time 7.5 sec mean holding time 29 sec • VF-Romania and Vodacom South-Africa have already introduce Queuing into their 2G network. The statements we got are positive concerning – complaints from their customers – network performance counters 2 Erlang traffic in the cell Average number of PDCHs carrying data 2. Radio-link bandwidth = 4x10 kbps = 40 kbps 2. Required throughput: 30kByte/8 seconds = 30 kbps .4 Workflow: 1. Data traffic (GPRS/EDGE) forecast 1/3 • Some useful definitions: – PDCH utilisation is the filling factor for the allocated (active) PDCHs – Radio Link Bandwidth is the bandwidth one user would get if he was the only active user in the cell – End-user throughput is the throughput an end user experiences when using TCP/IP based applications: • Example: – – – – – – • One TRX cell with combined BCCH/SDCCH MMS users primarily using 4-slot mobiles 10 kbps average radio-link bit rate per PDCH MMS of size 30 kByte shall take no longer than 8 seconds 2.counter based dimensioning 2G Dimensioning Guideline 3. There are three options to get the required average 6 PDCHs in the cell: • • • Offload the cell from voice traffic to get 1 Erlang traffic or lower. Data traffic (GPRS/EDGE) forecast 2/3 • Simulation results Workflow (continue): 3. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1.8 PDCHs are available) 5. Using this curve the requirement of 30 kbps translates into a PDCH Utilisation of no more than 0. Thus we get the minimum required number of PDCHs in the cell = 2. 2G.4 (40%) 4.0 April 2010 . follow the curve corresponding to Radio Link Bandwidth of 40 kbps.counter based dimensioning 2G Dimensioning Guideline 3. Using simulation results shown in the graph on the right. Dedicate 6 FPDCHs in the cell (not a realistic option) Expand the cell with a second TRX 20 Radio Dimensioning Guideline.4/0.4 PDCHs = 6 PDCHs (in the present configuration an average of 4. 0 April 2010 . • 'fixed' vs 'on demand' PDCH: An additional delay of about 200 ms is experienced during call setup in a cell only deployed with 'on demand' PDCH compared to a scenario where a cell already has at least 1 PDCH allocated.9 seconds) Some additional information about data traffic settings • PILTIMER: Common setting is 5 seconds. If no action is taken. too low PILTIMER increases average PDP allocation time. Lowering the timer increases resource efficiency. a median end-user throughput of 27 kbps can be reached (download time 8.2G Dimensioning Guideline 2G Dimensioning Guideline 2G features included in the High Level Model and also applicable for the counter based dimensioning 3. Data traffic (GPRS/EDGE) forecast 3/3 • Workflow (continue): 6. On the other hand. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1. 2G. 2G Network Utilisation • This will be discussed together with the 3G Network Utilisation (please follow this link: 21 Radio Dimensioning Guideline. The time difference in PDP allocation time on a cell with expired and non-expired PILTIMER is about 200 ms. • Dedicated + Default tsl <=6.e. 2trx). Frame TRX2 TS TS TRX1 BCCH CCCH TS TS TS TS Additional GPRS Capacity TS TS TS TS Default GPRS Capacity TS TS C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1. • Dedicated tsl >=2 (2 for cells with lower capacity i. voice downgrades data traffic 22 Radio Dimensioning Guideline.2G Dimensioning Guideline 2G features included in the High Level Model and also applicable for the counter based dimensioning 2G Dimensioning Guideline Example of GPRS Standard Configuration • GPRS implemented only on BCCH trx.e. 2G. 3G VTN TS April 2010 Circuit Switched Territory Packet Switched Territory .0 TS Dedicated GPRS Capacity Territory border moves dynamically based on Circuit Switched traffic load i. 3G Dimensioning Guideline 3G Dimensioning Guideline Content of the 3G dimensioning guideline Dimensioning for 3G radio networks a. Step1: High level dimensioning (see section before ) b. Step2: Capacity planning with planning tools (not practiced within Vodafone -> high level way of proceeding see next section) c. Step3: Capacity planning based on counter . 2G. Based on cell level measurements of 3G networks 3. 3G C2 – Vodafone Internal VTN Version 1.3G Dimensioning Guideline Step 2: Capacity planning based on planning tools 3G Dimensioning Guideline Objective • The planning of capacity based on planning tools is the next logical step after high level dimensioning • This step takes among other things a geographic traffic map into account and allows therefore a detailed planning which site has to be expanded or in which area capacity sites needs to be build • Planning tools perform the capacity planning by means of Monte Carlo simulations Prerequisites 24 • As geographic traffic maps are used for the capacity planning it is crucial to use a traffic map with high quality 1. A appropriate tool to compile traffic maps based on cell level measurements is available as a special add on module for ArcGis April 2010 Radio Dimensioning Guideline.0 . Based on cell level measurements of 2G networks when 3G networks are newly introduced or 3G traffic is very low 2. uplink interference level.3G Dimensioning Guideline Step 2: Capacity planning based on planning tools 3G Dimensioning Guideline Dimensioning steps 1/3 The dimensioning with planning tools is an iterative process.Each simulation step contains at least 20 simulations . Main output is the load of important resources (DL power consumption. For this step no traffic map is required.0 April 2010 .g. For this step the correct definition of sites. 2. 2G. The first step is to do a coverage analysis part 1 (e. code tree utilization) . which needs to be repeated as long as several KPIs are not fulfilled 1. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1. The second step starts the capacity planning by performing a number of Monte Carlo simulations. coverage by signal-level).The traffic map needs to be scaled correctly for the point in time the planning is done (normally end of next fiscal year) 25 Radio Dimensioning Guideline. the coverage map is based on pilot reception level only (RSCP). transmitters and cells is required as well as suited geographic elevation and land use data together with a proper propagation model. 5. cells and antennas should be done. .0 April 2010 . 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1. The analysis should be done for the pilot (Ec/Io) and for the reference service (effective service area).Average results of important parameters are available for each cell. If the results of step 3 and 4 doesn’t meet the requirements a (planning) optimisation of the transmitters.3G Dimensioning Guideline Step 2: Capacity planning based on planning tools 3G Dimensioning Guideline Dimensioning steps 2/3 3. .The basic result statistics gives an overview on network performance in terms of users rejected and rejection reasons. This step takes the load results of step 2 into account. The third step is the capacity analysis by analysing the results of the Monte Carlo simulations. 2G. In parallel to the third step the coverage analysis part 2 should be done. After optimisation steps 1 to 4 needs to be repeated (iterative process!) 26 Radio Dimensioning Guideline. Any coverage holes under load conditions can now be detected. indicating problem cells 4. Introducing capacity sites in order to unload a number of overloaded sites of a cluster In general the steps 1 to 6 needs to be repeated several times until the required targets are meet. 27 Radio Dimensioning Guideline. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1. If optimisation of the given network is not sufficient enough to cope with the (forecasted) traffic demand.Introducing of 2nd carrier on highly loaded sites .0 April 2010 .Filling coverage holes with new sites . network extensions needs to be planned .3G Dimensioning Guideline Step 2: Capacity planning based on planning tools 3G Dimensioning Guideline Dimensioning steps 3/3 6. 2G. 0 April 2010 . This is done by observation of important network counters of individual sites. Examples 28 Radio Dimensioning Guideline. Expansion options 3. 2G. Content 1. Expansion triggers 2. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1. it is based on the network and real life conditions.3G Dimensioning Guideline 3G Dimensioning Guideline Step 3: Counter based dimensioning Objective • This step describes the dimensioning of individual sites during the daily work (mostly performed in regional offices). In contrast to step 2 it is not based on planning data and model assumptions. indicating that a cell or site switches from low load to a mid to high load situation.0 April 2010 . so to say from green to yellow status => a planning action needs to be triggered.3G Dimensioning Guideline 3G Dimensioning Guideline Step 3: Expansion triggers and thresholds 1/3 In general a pair of threshold for each important KPI needs to be defined 1. Second threshold. with enough time in advance before any action can be done and threshold 2 is meet 2. so to say from yellow to red status => a action needs to be taken immediately to solve the overload situation. indicating that a cell or site switches from a mid to high load situation to a overload situation. First threshold. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1. a proper planning is pre-condition 29 Radio Dimensioning Guideline. 2G. For example the extension of a site with additional base band capacity is much faster done than the introduction of a fill in capacity site. Several open points exists: 1. 2. for instance with a hysteresis on the time axis. Areas with lower importance may have a more relaxed threshold T1 (or T1 and T2) As aggregation method for any KPI as busy hour (BH) the MAVG8 method takes place (8 highest peaks on separate days of a month). This might avoid expansions do to seasonal effects as indicated with the dotted line.3G Dimensioning Guideline 3G Dimensioning Guideline Step 3: Expansion triggers and thresholds 2/3 T2 T1 t time The lead time t is individual for each KPI to be measured and therefore the setting of T1 and T2. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1.0 April 2010 . This is the same definition as used for the utilisation reporting. Or depending on a site classification different thresholds T1 and T2 can be applied. The system can be further refined. 2G. 30 Radio Dimensioning Guideline. for instance to distinguish basic and premium level coverage areas. 5% UL Load (R99 only) UL Load (R99 + HSUPA) 60% (4 dB noise rise) 75% (6 dB noise rise) 60% (4 dB noise rise) 75% (6 dB noise rise) 31 Radio Dimensioning Guideline.5% 67.0 April 2010 Resource Utilisation Parameter/Trigger User Perception 3G Dimensioning Guideline Step 3: Expansion triggers and thresholds 3/3 . up to 43. triggers based on user perception The values shows only the trigger from yellow to red status! 2. Basic coverage (HSPA.3G Dimensioning Guideline Aligned to the HSDPA guideline following triggers are defined. R99 and HSDPA) 67. differentiated between 1.5% of max PA power Code tree utilisation (incl. depending on a general definition of coverage areas. 2G. independent from the blocking reason) 2% 2% Average user throughput (HSDPA/HSUPA) 2500 kbps / 1000 kbps 4000 kbps / 2000 kbps DL power for R99 traffic (incl.2 DL peak) GoS (for CS services. triggers based on resource utilisation The thresholds for green to yellow still to be defined. up to 14. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1.5% of max PA power 67. common channels) 67. during the BH.4 DL peak) Hot spot coverage (HSPA+. or VAP etc. different pilot) handover settings to all surrounding or specific neighbour cells => helps mainly in case of downlink or uplink interference problems 2. Carrier expansion (when cluster cannot be further optimised) • • • dividing R99 and HSPA traffic on separate carrier equal distribution of traffic on both carriers adding an amplifier with higher power (when not happened so far) => suited for interference problems and code tree limitations 4. Optimisation (when not happened so far) • • • changing the antenna direction (tilt or azimuth) power settings (e.) => helps in case of all limitations .g.g.3G Dimensioning Guideline 3G Dimensioning Guideline Step 3: Expansion options When one of the triggers listed on the page before is exceeded actions has to take place to solve the overload situation. Cell splitting • • • Introducing higher order sectorisation Introducing capacity fill in sites Customized solutions (indoor. e. when lot of traffic comes from a business customer. Following options exists: 1. Base band expansion => only when base band capacity is limited 3. 6. 7.4 or 2 does not trigger an 2nd carrier by default.8 and 21.) – Tool based planning with ATOLL in dependence of predicted traffic – “Cluster” of only one node B possible if traffic distribution indicates this – Cluster size is demand driven no special requirements to cluster geometry Tool based and counter based equivalent  The general parameterization of each carrier should be as follows – The traffic should be diverted between the carriers in order to deliver the best performance for HSDPA users – In case that R99 cannot be carried on the first carrier an overflow onto the second carrier should be allowed  Before adding another carrier to a cell/sector it has to be ensured that optimization of antennas and radio resource management parameter is already on best level to maintain as low as possible interference . upgrade threshold driven (see next slides)  Dynamic clustering for 2nd carrier is recommended (no fixed rings. •2nd carrier in HSPA+ areas as a default  For HSPA 28. etc.2nd and 3rd Carrier Deployment 1/3 General Requirements 3G Dimensioning Guideline  The 2nd carrier deployment basic rule: •Demand driven carrier upgrade.2 and 14.6 coverage area: 2 carrier mandatory  For HSPA 3.4: demand driven. 1 carrier default  HSUPA 1. fixed factors. HS and PS traffic.2nd and 3rd Carrier Deployment 2/3 Principal design. i. which may differ in details depending on vendor releases  It is beneficial to separate as much as possible circuit (R99) and packet (HSPA) switches traffic 3G Dimensioning Guideline  The upgrade is strongly traffic demand driven. HSPA upgrade on 1st carrier possible*  It is assumed that majority of packed switched traffic is carried with HSPA technology default: 3G carrier is used for both.e. loaded sites: 1st 3G carrier is mainly used for R99 traffic 2nd 3G carrier is mainly used for HS traffic high loaded sites: 1st 3G carrier is mainly used for R99 traffic 2nd 3G carrier is used for R99 and HS traffic 3rd 3G carrier is used for HS traffic . 0 Upgrade threshold 10% Margin to allow time for evaluation and planning Power usage [%] •67.user throughput falls below 500 kbps by means of counter measurements Once UL counters deliver secure results .2% of blocking (for CS services) is reached . DL power utilisation or code tree utilisation.DL power utilization is above 67. Each individual busy hour is defined by the highest used resource. IuB and Core) •If it is turned out that only 1 or 2 high power users are responsible for high resource utilisation. Therefore it is possible to exclude UL as expansion trigger 35 Radio Dimensioning Guideline.4 Mbps Additional upgrade conditions: •In any case before introducing next carrier it must be checked that the bottle neck is within the air interface (exclude base band.UL2 interference is above 4 dB (~60% load) for R99 in UL only . 2 The UL counters delivers currently still unsecure results. It is of course possible that the peaks within these periods go up to 100%.5% (total codes for R99 and HSDPA) .Code tree utilization is above 67. which is necessary to reach peaks of 14. upgrades shouldn’t be done April 2010 .5% 75% Busy hour measurements: Resource utilisation is measured as mean value during the busy hour.2nd and 3rd Carrier Deployment 3/3 Expansion rules 3G Dimensioning Guideline  Default up to 14.5% with to total available amplifier power .4 Mbps coverage areas is the 1 carrier solution  2nd or 3rd carrier upgrade triggered by total traffic (sum of R99 and HSDPA) respectively resource shortage  2nd or 3rd carrier upgrades are considered when one of following criteria is meet during the busy hour1: . 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1.UL2 interference is above 6 dB (~75% load) when HSUPA is available 1 The busy hour is defined as the average of the 8 busiest hours of a month. which could be UL interference. 2G. 1 The HSDPA throughput criterion is optional. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1. e.3G Dimensioning Guideline 3G Dimensioning Guideline Step 3: Example: 2nd Carrier Expansion rule VF-NL Similar to the HSDPA guideline 3 KPI are observed to detect the need for a second carrier expansion 1. Optional: HSDPA throughput1 Basic rule • A cell should be considered as a candidate for 2nd carrier expansion when the RAB establishment failure ratio reaches 2% (for CS services) in the monitoring period • 50% of the RAB failures due to lack of DL power • 50% of the RAB failures due to lack of DL channelization codes • 70% of the RAB failures due to the sum of both reasons above • Average user throughput falls below 700 kbps respectively 1200 kbps for 10% of time1 Monitoring period • In line with the current busy hour definition a cell should be considered for 2nd carrier expansion when the conditions of the basic rule applies 8 times per month at different days. 2G.0 April 2010 .g. DL Power 3. reducing allowed SF8 RAB) – in terms of changing handover settings and relations …. access transmission 36 Radio Dimensioning Guideline. DL Channelization Codes 2. because ..it can happen that applications does not require a high throughput .g.that somewhere else in the network a bottleneck exists. Is the cell finally optimised? • Before adding a 2nd carrier it is mandatory to check that a cell cannot be further optimised – in terms of changing antenna parameter for interference minimisation – in terms of changing admission control parameters (e. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1. e. Is increasingly requested by higher management level.0 April 2010 . for Investor Relations report 37 Radio Dimensioning Guideline.2G/3G Network Utilisation 2G/3G Network Utilisation Motivation Why is network utilisation reporting so important? 1. Fair comparison with a unique and aligned method 3.g. Gives transparency on the capacity pressure on each network 2. 2G. 0 April 2010 . 2G.2G/3G Network Utilisation 2G/3G Network Utilisation What does utilisation mean/express 38 Radio Dimensioning Guideline. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1. : Load distribution.0 April 2010 .g. ErlangB according to the design target = 100% ‘utilisation’ Overall utilisation = MAX resource 75% load (design target) = 100% ‘utilisation’ 4 resources = 4 Dimensions 2G Resource loading 1 resource = 1 Dimension 2G/3G Network Utilisation Access network utilisation measures the physical resource usage … … but in 3G it is not as easy as it is in 2G! Beside average utilisation a subset of KPIs have been defined to allow better understanding of situation. 2G. e.2G/3G Network Utilisation What does utilisation mean/express TRX 3G Resource loading DL Power UL Noise Codes Channel Elements Overall utilisation = TRX utilisation Capacity acc. resource & traffic are needed & KPIs have been defined 39 Radio Dimensioning Guideline. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1. lack of coverage.2G/3G Network Utilisation 2G/3G Network Utilisation What does utilisation mean/express Tech Resource Impact to customers during congestion Correlation: Resource load to traffic Solution 2G TRX (transmission and reception unit) Increased blocking Reduced GPRS throughput Very strong More TRX 3G DL power. UL utilisation is not longer included in the MAX function of KPI120. increased service blocking Middle More base band boards By considering the individual impacts of the resources it is possible to perform an assessment in terms of customer & financial impact As consequence the base band utilisation is excluded from 3G KPI120 and will be reported as separate KPI (KPI119) in future Due to ongoing technical problems with UL measurements and weak correlation to traffic. but still reported as sub KPI 120d . UL Noise. Codes Lower user throughput. increased service blocking Weak Additional Carrier High power PA 3G Base Band Units Lower user throughput. or under-loaded sites.2G/3G Network Utilisation Introduction of Targets 2G/3G Network Utilisation The average network utilisation does not tell very much about over.025 0.005 What should a target fulfil? 0 Indicate a healthy range of utilisation! 0 20 40 60 80 100 Only few sites are allowed to be in overload situation where our customer suffer from bad quality Only few sites low loaded.02 0. allowing relative comparison in time and between networks 0. but implementation are not fully completed 0. therefore it is better to look at the tail ends Situation today Utilisation KPIs are well defined for a certain period. telling about inefficient use of resources The focus will be on the high loaded sites 1 20 .01 0.015 Absolute targets/thresholds are defined yet. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1.0 April 2010 . candidates for expansion: • high utilisation (>100%) • high HR (>40%) 18% 42 Radio Dimensioning Guideline. 2G 2G/3G Network Utilisation Most critical cells are located in the light-blue area. 2G.Targets. 3G 2G/3G Network Utilisation ~ 2% Most critical cells. 3G VTN Targets: ~ 1% #cells < 5% #cells < 10% #cells >= 10% C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1.0 April 2010 . 2G. candidates for expansion:  high utilisation (>90%) Main quality measure in 3G would be HSDPA user throughput 43 Radio Dimensioning Guideline.Targets. This is necessary to cope with fluctuations in the traffic during busy hour. Each KPI is calculated as average of 8 busiest hours of a month occurring at 8 different days.The base band capacity boards to process the calls in each node B The final result for KPI 120 is the maximum of the utilisation of each resource.Power in the DL available for each cell .The codes available for each cell . But different resources implies different actions Capacity assumed is always valid for one common design target per resource. The busy hour is defined cell individually as highest utilisation of the resources. which is typically 75% of total available resource.The UL interference allowed in each cell . . 3G networks have several resources which needs to be considered: .2G/3G Network Utilisation 3G Radio Network Utilisation. A second busy hour definition exists based on traffic (MByte) carried in a cell. QMIS KPI 120 family 2G/3G Network Utilisation The KPI family contains of one main KPI and additional supporting KPIs giving more background information to improve understanding. This busy hour is typically different from the busy defined on the resources. To resolve additional carrier required.2G/3G Network Utilisation 2G/3G Network Utilisation 3G Radio Network Utilisation. PI 120 e Average Code Tree utilisation. To resolve this additional carrier required. PI 120 d Average UL interference utilisation. PI 120 c Average DL power utilisation. indicates parts of network with very low traffic. this means carrying more traffic with less utilised resources. PI 120 a Percentage of the network with a utilization above 90%. Results can be high because the highest value of the 4 considered resources is reported. To resolve this additional carrier required. QMIS KPI 120 family Main KPI 120 Mean 3G Radio Network Utilisation. indicates critical cell which needs extension when traffic further increase. mainly cells intended for coverage only. Important: Compared to 2G networks 3G is a new technology. Higher values than the design target decreases the coverage mainly. but high values are less critical in case that HSDPA traffic is the driver. To draw conclusions analysis of sub KPIs are recommended. . Capacity is soft and the optimisation of network design and radio resource management can improve utilisation. PI 120 b Percentage of the network with a utilization below 10%. but busy hour is defined when traffic is maximal. HSDPA and HSUPA data Percentage of soft handover traffic.0 April 2010 . Firstly the busy hour of the resources which drives the required network extensions when no further optimisation is possible. As KPI 120. It is typical that both hours are not the same.2G/3G Network Utilisation PI 120 h KPI 120 i PI 120 k Total BH traffic (throughput) per cell during busy hour defined when radio resource a maximal utilised. because high usage of HSDPA as more efficient technology reduces utilisation compared to cases when voice or R99 data are highly used. 2G. PI 120 l . 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1.p As KPI 120 h. secondly the busy hour of resources. PI 120 q Busy hour traffic of several services: voice. needed to assess KPI 120 l-p depending of counter capabilities per vendor. but the utilisation is measured during hours when traffic is maximal instead when resources are maximal utilised. It is important to point out that in contrast to 2G in 3G two different busy hours exists. video telephony. R99 data. total BH traffic (throughput) per cell. when most traffic is carried. Link to the whole document: <LINK> 46 Radio Dimensioning Guideline. because the mapping is very different from vendor to vendor.2G/3G Network Utilisation 2G/3G Network Utilisation 3G Radio Network Utilisation. Some of them have a common resource for both directions. Important: There is no further differentiation between UL and DL. indicates critical node B which needs extension when traffic further increase. PI 119 a Percentage of the network with a utilization above 90%. mainly node B intended for coverage only. Base Band Main KPI 119 Mean Base Band Utilisation. It is the maximum of DL and UL base band utilisation. indicates parts of network with very low traffic. To draw conclusions analysis of sub KPIs are recommended. PI 119 b Percentage of the network with a utilization below 10%. Link to the whole document: <LINK> . This allow a fair comparison. Each KPI is calculated as average of 8 busiest hours of a month occurring at 8 different days. independent from OpCo individual targets. QMIS KPI 110 family The KPI family contains of one main KPI and additional supporting KPIs giving more background information to improve understanding. Capacity assumed is always calculated for one common design target. which is 40% usage of half rate and for 2% blocking ratio. The busy hour is defined cell individually as highest number of used time slots. . 2G networks have one resource which needs to be considered: This is the number of time slots per cell.2G/3G Network Utilisation 2G/3G Network Utilisation 2G Radio Network Utilisation. Values higher than 100% are possible. mainly cells intended for coverage only. This KPI should show the potential which AMR-HR could have. . QMIS KPI 110 family Main KPI 110 Mean 2G Radio Network Utilisation. PI 110 c Percentage of GPRS/ EDGE traffic. PI 110 a Percentage of the network with a Utilisation above 90%. PI 110 d HR ratio design target. helps to justify the main result. Independent if AMR-HR feature is activated or not. when . PI 110 e Blocking design target. PI 110 b Percentage of the network with a utilization below 10%.2G/3G Network Utilisation 2G/3G Network Utilisation 2G Radio Network Utilisation.HR usage during busy hour is much higher than 40%. PI 110 f AMR half rate terminal penetration. helps to justify the main result. . indicates parts of network with very low traffic. indicates critical cell which needs extension when traffic further increase.2% of blocking cannot be maintained during busy hour. Not necessarily to be updated every month. 2G/3G Network Utilisation PI 110 g AMR-HR percentage of total traffic once the feature is introduced. PI 110 i Percentage of cells which fulfil two conditions: Total HR > 40% AND Utilisation > 100% (combined trigger). Please note the total HR traffic consists of the sum of AMR HR and conventional HR. High values allows good speech quality although HR is used and only half of capacity per customer is required. PI 110 h Total HR (conventional HR + AMR HR) percentage of total traffic (FR + HR) during busy hour. Link to the whole document: <LINK> . DECT phones) and unreliable measurements => introduction of more sophisticated method – without success => finally excluded from KPI120 to avoid hiding results of more important DL or Code utilisation In many cases base band utilisation has driven final result of KPI120 => Separated as separate KPI (119) to avoid hiding air interface utilisation .g. leading to very high utilisation (>95%) although voice quality is ok. => Redefinition to 40% in 2009 during introduction of targets 3G UL utilisation (120d) causes many problems due to foreign interference (e. But this does not reflect reality.2G/3G Network Utilisation 2G/3G Network Utilisation Challenges 2G During redefinition in 2007 it was agreed to use constantly 20% of HR for each OpCo to allow fair benchmarking. to push voice onto 2G and to push packet data services onto 3G => Probably higher OPEX costs due to longer time for running 2 networks in parallel Calculations by means of high level calculations for traffic management is one piece of a puzzle for delivering input for strategic decisions. Therefore a strategy per OpCo is seen as predetermined.2G/3G Traffic related interworking Introduction 2G/3G Traffic Management The recommendations regarding traffic management between 2G and 3G has the central goal to use the overall resources in the most efficient way • from a customer perspective in terms of highest quality of service • from the economical point of view in terms of lowest costs Traffic management is also driven by the general strategy. but not the main driver. . for instance • When an operator has the strong interest to get rid of 2G as fast as possible the interest is to push as much as possible traffic on 3G => This may require more investments in 3G needs to be done earlier • Is the strategy to use both radio networks in parallel with less than possible radio equipment the strategy can be. 2G/3G Traffic related interworking 2G/3G Traffic Management IRAT Parameterisation – Motivation and Basic Idea Goal: keep as much traffic as possible in 3G and avoid non-necessary 2G capacity investments • Relax voice IRAT thresholds to delay 3G to 2G HO and keep 3G voice traffic in 3G networks • To switch cell change order off for packet • Have a very relaxed PS IRAT threshold (alternative: switch triggers off) • Expectation: HS to R99 transition due to coverage reason is avoided / minimised Remark: • 2G/3G handover is still problematic for some vendors => Focus to 3G/2G handover trigger in this guidelines . g. VF Spain +15% and VF Germany +6% in 3G) . (Trails have shown significant impact to 3G/2G traffic handling.2G/3G Traffic related interworking IRAT Parameterisation – Goals and Recommendations  Goal: Efficient traffic handling in 2G/3G networks 2G/3G Traffic Management – Maximization of 3G Voice-Usage to avoid unnecessary 2G investment – Minimization of compressed mode activity – Minimization number of 3G -> 2G HO Conditions: 3G network has sufficient capacity (utilisation is not close to limits) – Securing Voice quality and stability  Current status of 2G/3G HO procedures – Both direction (3G ↔ 2G) operates properly in NSN and Huawei – 3G/2G HO reliable for all vendors  Vodafone recommendations for efficient 3G -> 2G IRAT handover: – Relax voice IRAT thresholds to delay 3G to 2G HO and keep 3G voice traffic in 3G networks – Exact values for trigger thresholds are vendor specific and depends on the site density of each operator – To switch cell change order (CCO) off for packet or set an extreme relaxed packet IRAT threshold – Exact values for trigger thresholds are vendor specific and depends on the site density of each operator – Option to increase pilot power. This could be at least a temporarily solution for further delay of 3G to 2G HO. e. tri ggers for PS could be completely switched off . e.110 dBm .-1 4 dB PS Ec -110 …-115 dBm PS EC/Io =< -14 dB Alternatively.103 dBm .14 dB PS Ec: PS Ec/Io: .2G/3G Traffic related interworking 2G/3G Traffic Management IRAT Parameterisation – Recommended Thresholds CS Ec: CS Ec/Io: .…) Alternative: switch triggers for PS off Typical Observation: Typ ical Settings Ranges C S Ec -102 …-107 dBm CS EC/Io -12… . vendors.14 dB Minimum requirements for not highly utilized 3G networks (OpCo should adapt values to their local situation. tri ggers for PS could be completely switched off Alternatively.g. 2G.Back Up 56 Radio Dimensioning Guideline. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1.0 April 2010 . ….0 April 2010 .High Level Dimensioning. some important settings. the mapping to the cell classification 57 Radio Dimensioning Guideline. the subscriber figures …. e. 2G. of the network …. the monthly traffic per subscriber …. allowed HR …. max. a detailed description here description In the Network base most important input data are defined The definition…. the High Level Model Note: The model is currently available only as MS-Access 2003 version! Screenshots of the model High Level Dimensioning The actual version of the model can be downloaded from the best practice sharing teamroom: RDC High Level Model.g. the billable to busy hour traffic translation …. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1. the High Level Model High Level Dimensioning Screenshots of the model The Fact base contains more parameter settings. 3G VTN The Statistics contains more results for further analysis. more seldom changed.g. operator individual 16 classes definition 58 Radio Dimensioning Guideline.0 April 2010 .High Level Dimensioning. e. 2G. For instance the reasons for high loaded cells could be found here C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1. the utilisation of each radio resource . summary containing absolute figures in terms of carrier/TRX and sites as well as yearly figures …. summary about the access and transmission network regarding a reference network concept ….High Level Dimensioning The Results contains the main output of the calculation It is a …. …. details. results per class …. model and input data history High Level Dimensioning The Preferences contains general parameter settings. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1.The Help contains background information.0 April 2010 . mainly related to access and transmission 60 Radio Dimensioning Guideline. 2G. 2G/3G Network Utilisation 2G/3G Network Utilisation What does utilisation mean/express Access network utilisation measures the physical resource usage… Key elements in the radio network driving dimensioning and congestion Processing capacity in the Base Station (CEs/Codes) Downlink power and uplink noise Utilisation KPIs describe resource usage reaching 100% when load exceeds 75% Resource loading DL Power UL Noise Antennas Access Transmission link bandwidth Codes Channel Elements Access Transmission Base Station Access Transmission: Congestion in this link (connection the base station back to the RNC and core network) Leads to reduced throughput for PS services and eventually blocking for CS services Processing Capacity: Within the base station there are physical limits on channel processing capacity and also on “Codes” which are used to assign 3G Radio Bearers Power/Noise: Many elements formulate the overall power or “link” budget that the radio network is planned too (not least the site density). 2G. degradation of customer performance and reduces coverage 61 Radio Dimensioning Guideline.0 Overall utilisation = MAX resource 75% load (design target) = 100% ‘utilisation’ 100% utilisation does not automatically imply capacity spend. Full investigation is needed first April 2010 . excessive load will cause congestion. Every call/data session uses some of this power budget. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1. tri ggers for PS could be completely switched off E/// ALU -105 -11 5 -1 03 -14 -11 -1 2 .2G/3G Traffic related interworking IRAT Parameterisation – IRAT Settings – Status Mid 2008 2G/3G Traffic Management AUT EGY ESP GER GRE IRE NokSie E// / ITA NED NZL POR ROM SUI NokSie ALU E/// highwa y or -102 -10 5 -1 02 -9 -1 3 UK -10 5 -1 05 -102 E/ // in ner urban -107 -12 -1 2 -13 -15 CCO of CCO of f -11 5 -1 15 -108 CCO of CCO o f-11 5 CCO of No h/o -105 -11 5 -107 CCO of CCO of -14 -15 -1 5 -14 CCO of CCO o f-15 CCO of No h/o -14 -10 -13 Vendor CS Voice (Ec) [dBm] -104 -10 6 -10 3 -9 9 -101 CS Voice (Ec/Io) [dB] -13 -13 -12 Of f -14 PS Voice (Ec) [dBm] -115 -10 6 -11 5 PS Voice (Ec/Io) [dB] -14 -13 -18 -14 -14 -105 Typ ical Settings Ranges C S Ec -102 …-107 dBm CS EC/Io -12… .-1 4 dB PS Ec -110 …-115 dBm PS EC/Io =< -14 dB Alternatively. tri ggers for PS could be completely switched off Alternatively. . 2G. 3G VTN 72 96 120 C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1.0 144 weekly perform(ance Wweeochkelny Wochenverlauf Std) [h] veperrlfaorufm( Sanctd)e ☺ > Goal 1 fulfilled: Maximization of 3G VoiceUsage April 2010 – 3G Voice traffic +23% – GSM Voice traffic -3.2G/3G Traffic related interworking IRAT Parameterisation – Results from trial in Berlin/Germany (1/4) ‘old‘ compressed ‘old‘ compressed mode threshold mode threshold ‘new’ compressed mode + IRAT HO threshold Traffic development 3G -105 -98 600 Bearerus age_C v [Erlang]. KW 32 Cv12_duration Cv12_duration in in 3G 3G per per RA RABB [sec [sec]] .4% . + 22% in in 3G 3G +24% +24% 50 (93 -> 115 sec) (93 -> 115 sec) 100 0 0 0 24 48 63 Radio Dimensioning Guideline. KW32 KW32 500 200 Voicetraffic +23% Exposure t ime in 3G [sec] 400 Usage/[ Erlang] 2G/3G Traffic Management ‘old’ IRAT HO threshold 150 se se c] se c] [[ [ 3 G 3 n ie i er G m it a nn iui er ru 100 e s m d ei ol au p tx rw E e V i 300 200 V er weildauer intime 3G: exposure exposure time 106 -> 129 sec.. KW33 KW33 Cv12_duration Cv12_duration in in 3G 3G per per RA RABB [sec [sec]] . KW 33 250 -102 Signal level RSCP/ [dBm] Bearerus age_C v [Erlang]. 000 Compressed Mode -45% 120.000 1.000 1.2 M/ C M is C 1.000 CM HO CM_pro_IRAT_att CM per per IRAT IRAT/ Avg.2G/3G Traffic related interworking IRAT Parameterisation – Results from trial in Berlin/Germany (2/4) Compressed mode activity 1.25 C RA is T n tIR l ä h re V I 1.35 O O H 1.000 a z n A ac t hC 60.0 April 2010 .000 M l 40.3 T TH A O IR A / / M 1. HOASS 1.5 CM Cmactatt Isys CM activation activation 160.45 1.05 0 1 > Goal 2 fulfilled : Minimization of compressed mode activity 64 Radio Dimensioning Guideline.1 20.000 1.000 A A ki v k C C M lM h 80. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1.15 n tot li ä Ratio C M / IRAT HO n e g n ru us en iio ii tv tvai 100. 2G.4 140.000 No CM act ivations 2G/3G Traffic Management 180. 3G VTN C2 – Vodafone Internal Version 1.0 April 2010 .2G/3G Traffic related interworking IRAT Parameterisation – Results from trial in Berlin/Germany (2/4) – Compressed mode activation -45% ☺ 65 Radio Dimensioning Guideline. 2G. 000 No of IRAT HO 2G/3G Traffic Management IRAT Parameterisation – Results from trial in Berlin/Germany (3/4) 0.4 ☺ > Goal 3 fulfilled : Minimization number of 3G -> 2G HO IRAT HO HO Hhoalloutatt4 Cs Cb IRAT IRAT-HO per RA BB IRAT-HO IRAT HO attper / CvRA 12-RAB 70.000 30.000 20.35 50.3 A -Bs R R -e e R A ic o V /i c ic o eo V /O H -V/ T O 0.2 isIR n th liota ä rR Ratio IRAT HO / Voice RABs 60.15 10.000 0.000 IRAT-HO -31% -31% s B 0.25 H A IR O T H si n A tä l h re IR V AT 0.000 0.000 0 0.2G/3G Traffic related interworking Minimization number of 3G -> 2G HO 80.1 – No IRAT HO -31% .000 O O H H T H A T IR T A A I hl a R z n A IR hl faz o n o N A 40. 40% R R A A Avg.00% – RAB loss ratio increase by +4% 0. Drop_Cv12/Erlang Drop_Cv12/Erlang Avg.90% Drop_Cv12/E Drop_Cv12/E rlang rlang Avg.1 0.20% > Goal 4 fairly fulfilled: Securing Voice quality and stability 0 Drop pro E rlang 0.25 RAB P507_Cv12 RAB loss loss ratio_Cv ratio_Cv 12 12 0.30% 0.80% ] % [ 0.00% 0. 0.2G/3G Traffic related interworking Securing Voice quality and stability 1.05 0.15 0.10% 0. 0.2 Drop/Erlang Drop/Erlang -17% -17% RAB loss ratio_CS ratio_CS +4% +4% RAB loss 0.60% C S %_ /%i o i 0.70% RAB loss rat io_CS [%] 2G/3G Traffic Management IRAT Parameterisation – Results from trial in Berlin/Germany (4/4) – Drop/Erlang -17% – laboratory study shows voice quality ‘good’ until RSCP ~ -112 dBm  .50% /7to 0ra 7 0 P5 ss lo ss B P5 o B l 0. P507_Cv12 P507_Cv12 Avg. 6 0.2G/3G Traffic related interworking IRAT Parameterisation – CS VF-Spain Tr affic_pe r RB +6% Stay in 3G 30 +10% Voice Ca ll Length 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 25 20 15 % Call End in 2G decreases 6% CS 3G traffic increases 10% HHO_IRAT_Out_De cis ion_CS_Att % Drop VOZ (Iu/Rab) Drop Call not affected 24/02/2006 17/02/2006 10/02/2006 03/02/2006 27/01/2006 -18% HHO3G2G Voice 32000 30000 28000 26000 24000 22000 20000 20/01/2006 2G/3G Traffic Management % Call End in 2G IRAT HO attempts decreases 18% 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.1 0 CS Call drops not impacted .
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