
March 24, 2018 | Author: JITENDRA KUMAR SHARMA | Category: Train, Transportation Engineering, Rail Transport, Railway, Transport



IP COCK (Old WAG-5, WAG-7 & WAP-4 Loco) IP COCK L&T COCK Modified WAG-5 & WAM-4 Loco A-21 .N. A-32 . LP Sri R. Banerjee extinguished the fire with the help of available fire extinguisher and arranging water from nearby tap instantly and saved the loco from a major fire.K.RGCP Cock 5. 1.IP Cock 2. 23427/BRC.VEAD valve Cock 6. For the above work showing exemplary dedication the above staff have been awarded.Singh. CLI Sri D.DEE(OP)/ASN Sri S. Prasad & DV Isolating cock ALP Sri A. C-17 . A-8 3.RGEB Cock 1 2 3 Hon’ble DRM Sri J. A-21 .Datta MU-2B Valve . JUC.Jha is presenting award to . smoked severely from SIV near ASN RRI H/S. B-16 .by DRM/ASN.Singh. CLI/ASN On 03.Banerjee in presence of Sr.11.MREQ Cock CLI Sri D.L&T Cock 4 5 6 4. Sarkar. each ` 1000/. LP Sri Rajendra Prasad-4 and ALP Sri A.Good work done by Loco Pilots during July to September 2011 Tri-plate Pneumatic panel of latest series WAG-7 & WAP-4 loco .K. Train No. Loco No.07.T. I hope this will facilitate the running staff of TRS Operation Wing and will also help in focusing on technical and safety related aspects of train operation. Manager E. Sharma/CLI/HQ/ASN J N Jha Divl. TRS Operation Wing of Asansol Division has already taken a voluminous shape and is likely to be grown further in the near future with the electrification of sidings and mainline. Though in other divisions the “Chalak Patra” is in vogue. Rly. N. Asansol P/G Cock PBR -COS PER -COS FOREWO FOREWORD PB -PDS It has been felt for quite some time that all the electrical running staff of Asansol Division should have a forum for sharing their experiences and ideas. Shunters and Loco Inspectors has also increased in the recent past. it was discontinued in Asansol. The running staff and Loco Inspectors should participate in sharing their experiences through this quarterly periodical. managerial and safety related issues. Now it is felt that there should be a platform for cultivation of technical. The strength of Electric Loco Pilots. Asstt. Electric Loco Pilots. Jha) .Pneumatic panel of WAG-9 (Knorr brake fitted loco) AUXILIARY MANIFOLD AIR BRAKE MANIFOLD S . Rly. SIFA-74 Cock-47 136 Feed Valve Cock (J. 7. Sr. 14. Q. CONTENTS CONTENT Disclaimer This periodical is for the purpose of utilization of technical and safety related subject in connection with operation of SL. Page No. Page No. 5. 3 – Correct Answer : 6. 8. 14 Know your BA testing Machine Stalling parting and rail burnt A typical failure & Answer of Do you know Trouble Shooting of SIV How to know relay status in MPCS & SIV fitted loco Nomenclature of cocks and Valves Relevant Extract of instruction regarding working of Double Decker train Instructions for LP& Guards for train operation in foggy weather 18th Addendum and corrigendum Train Parting Causes and precautions. Sd/- 8. 10 – Position of Lead & Trail cock in rear loco to be read as closed. Sl.No. 2 – Correct Answer : Q-44 Page No. 9.DEE(OP)/ASN 10 11. NO Page No Subject 1. all of which are not accepted / circulated by Rly. 3. however. Corrigendum of the issue June-2011 12. Bad work done Counseling (July – Sept) DO you Know : : : : : : Inside cover page 1 2 3 4 5 6 : : 7-8 9-10 : 10 : 11-13 : 14-15 : 15 : 16-24 : 25 Electrical Locomotives and trains. Board or zonal head quarter. 6. Good work done by LPs : 2. Modified procedure for manual isolation of bogie of 3 phase loco . 12. Q. It contains various information gathered from experience or from various draft reporst.Chalak Patra Chalak Patra . This. 12.5 Kg/cm2 13. limits the periodical from being referred to for deriving any authority for any purpose.No. 4.No. This is a very bad engineman ship on part of LP. 1 CONTE SN C/No.07. Calling each signal loudly System of working during Total communication failure on double and single line section.09.11 3 4 5 S/20-08.11 4 S/12-15. Loco was checked at UDL and found wheel skidding which was occurred due to pushing of front loco by rear loco.11 7 T/08-27. SF-11 was issued to LP.09. Importance of taking proper rest before reporting on duty.08.11 2 Subject Vigilant on train operation during run Running of CC+6+2 & CC+8+2 wagons in E. DJ tripped with dropping of QOA.11 6 T/07-01. SF-11 was issued to LP.11 T/04/07. loads or are in standstill condition. He proceeded ex ASN Shed without coupling BP pipe in between two locos and ensuring application and releasing of brakes in dead loco.08.11 S/22-23. Duties of ELP & ALP at the time of accident Use of Mobile phone during train run Precaution to be taken during shunting that no unusual incidence occurs.06.11 S/21-19.09.11 5 6 T/03/07.08.ELP(G) while energizing light engine No 23074/WAG5/ASN raised the KLK end pantograph (PT-2) without ensuring proper placement of engine under OHE as a result pantograph got entangle with OHE wire. The train ultimately stalled at SLS/Starter signal as single WAG-5 was unable to haul the train.11 September .22. SF-11 was issued to LP.11 2 S/19-08. Check in full details of MV-5 including train no.11 5 S/17-20. As a result abnormality was found by him after passing NMC and train stopped at RNG/H/Signal. Loco Pilot.11 Sr. On 02. also at the time of taking over the charge of loco . worked 63561Up ex-ASN to JSME and returned from there by 13040 Dn without charge made over and without information to TLC/ASN & PA/JSME or any competent authority. B/line the loco no: 27793/WAG-7 attached with another dead loco No: 27147/WAG-7 in rear.09.11 1 S/18-01.11 1 S/07-07. at the time of braking in front loco.11 4 T/06-16. SF-11 was issued to LP.09.63157 had to be cancelled due to non-availability of loco pilot. He failed to trouble shoot the loco properly and failed the loco instead of coming to ASN by one block. As a result train detained for 01 hours 38 minutes alongwith other two mail/Express trains in rear.09.09.11 3 S/16-13.08. Switching ‘off’ the rear loco in case where there is no up gradient.Chalak Patra Chalak Patra Counseling Bad work done by Loco Pilots during July to September 2011 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) On 30.11.As a result considerable nos of M/Exp trains lost punctuality. having no brake. and approaching the S/S of STN.08.11 2 S/15-08. & Date July . The loco No: 23322 was dead due to smoke emission from MVRH but he did not inform the same to TLC/ASN and brought the locos in that condition at ASN.2011 ELP (Goods)/ASN.07. Instruction regarding VCD in conventional locos (Equipped with tap changer) Protection of trains.11 August-11 1 S/14-08.09. This is a bad engineman ship on his part. stopped between stations Rules for shunting Open door hitting of OHE structure by wagons Procedure for hauling dead loco Avoiding roll down of LE / Load Alertness.11 7 T/05/09. ELP(G)/UDL took charge of multiple loco no: 23499/23322/WAG-5 of train No: EC/RXL at BWN/PF.11 2 S/08-07.2011 ELP (G)/UDL while working Train No: EC/BGB with Elect Loco No: 23465/WAG-5. On 26.11 3 S/09-15. As a result 63158.09. New wheel burnt rail Counseling of drivers to avoid overshooting of ‘ON’ signals Strategy of energy conservation RS application in case emergency by Asstt.08.11 Sr. SF-11 was issued to LP. On 14/15. R.07. On 04. 14. While working MU. This flow of electrons through the external circuit constitutes a measurable electric current. In which condition the driver can switch on head light and flasher light even when the train is not involved in accident? 3 Non alcohol specific Short working life Sensor saturation Non-linear response Six monthly calibration Fuel cell sensor • • • • • Alcohol specific Long working life No sensor saturation High accuracy Yearly calibration Breathalyzer myths There are a number of substances or techniques that can supposedly "fool" a breathalyzer (i. 1 why frequent operation of A9 is to be avoided while working single pipe air brake train? Q. 2. so the greater the current flow. • Q. 12. the electrons which are lost from the alcohol molecule are transferred to the platinum electrode (the fuel cell anode). in this case alcohol (ethanol). Working of which equipment is effected by operation of Load/Empty handle? • Q. generate a lower blood alcohol content). Which type of fuses in the loco will not have spare ones? Q.Chalak Patra Chalak Patra Know your BA testing machine (Fuel Cell Sensor type) Do you know? Q. When does the relay Q49 energise ? Q. 6. 15. how does the trailing loco come to a stop? Q. 10. Whenever HOBA kept in ‘OFF ‘position. In MU which lamps indicate the fault of front loco & rear loco? Q. 5. Whenever a molecule is oxidized it loses electrons. 7. As per the working principle any substance interference can only cause higher absorption.. When does the AFL action come in to service? Q. 8. Q.e. So the myth is NOT TRUE • 4 . 13. Semiconductor sensor • • • • • Q. not lower. the estimated blood alcohol content will be overestimated. undergoes a chemical oxidation reaction at a catalytic electrode surface (platinum) to generate a quantitative electrical response. While energizing a loco. why is BL to be unlocked first before raising pantograph? Q. For how much time will the auto sanding continue. after the wheel slip stops? Q. 4. What happens if C118 does not open after the loco is energised. Form here they flow round the external circuit to the fuel cell’s counter electrode. What is the location of CHBA and its ammeter in static converter fitted locomotive? Basic Scientific Principles A fuel cell sensor is an electrochemical device in which the substance of interest. what are the circuits to be frequently observed by the driver? Q. 3. 11. How will you drive a loco if BL of rear cab remains unlock in conventional loco. During the fuel cell reaction. if parting occurs between two locos. 9. The more alcohol molecules that are oxidized the more electrons that are lost to the platinum surface. Calling ON signal may be provided below any stop signal except ---? Q. train No. 13050 Dn 'टॉ.Chalak Patra Chalak Patra A typical failure of loco No. 27786/WAG-7/ KZJ. पा2टQ ग एवं रे ल बन. एस दा वoमं मंo वoअ.लंग. भ व अ. भo( अ. भ (परचालन) परचालन) आसनसोल रे ल मंडल म वत ु लोको पॉयलट को मालगा"डय# का परचालन व. He checked all the points of ICDJ and tried to close DJ by manual operation as Q-45. He failed the loco in time. Q-44 was also being energised but not succeeded.11. Loco worked the train normally afterward. He knocked gently surrounding of BP1DJ by some external means and then succeeded to close DJ. LP tripped the loco by BP1DJ and tried to close DJ by BP2DJ/BLRDJ but found ICDJ.10. कभी कभी .रत ्.भ%न असामा%य परि'थ)तय# म करना पड़ता है । एक लोको पॉयलट को इन परि'थ)तय# का मकावला अपनी चालन तकनीक तथा अनभव को अपनाते हए ु ु ु )न0न1कार करना चा2हएः1. 7े न का परचालन श9 बालु ु करने से पहले स:डर काय. बालु वा?स म सखा ु होना स)निAत कर तथा य2द संभव हो.R समय लगाने से खतरनाक है। 3. after taking the charge of loco at JAJ. तो Bकसी अ)तरC बैग म बालु ले ल । ु On 03. Bकए वगैर नॉच नहI बढ़ाना ू 7े न Dेक मC ु होना स)निAत ु चा2हए। नॉच भी धीरे -धीरे बढ़ाना चा2हए। अ%यथा 7े न का वभाजन/पा2टQग हो सकता है जो अ)तरC पया. य2द परि'थ)त वश 7े न Dेक लगाना पड़े तो ठहराव से भयाHा%त नहI होना चा2हए तथा Jबना पण. This was a case of mal functioning/bad contact of N/C interlock of BP1DJ 7े न का सामा%य श9आती नॉच म मC ु ु 9प से चलना या)न 7े न म Dेक वाई"डंग न होना स)निAत कर । ु 2. य2द वपरIत परि'थत के कारण Bकसी रले को वेज करके 7े न का परचालन करना पड़ रहा है . समयव_ता तथा संर`ा कT हा)न उठानी पड़ सकती है । 5.सगनल चेक होने के कारण भी 7े न कT ग)त )नयंJUत करनी पड़ती है तथा पनः चढ़ाई के कारण आHमण ग)त को बढ़ाना अ)नवाय. गाड़ी को 'टॉ.. होने पर रे ल को ^यादा अथ. तो अYधकतम कर ट कT सीमा का उ[लंधन करके जबरद'ती आगे बढ़ने कT गलती नहI करनी चा2हए। अ%यथा च?का Bफसलाव के कारण रे ल/]ील बन. हो जाता है। ु ऐसी अव'था म भी लोको पॉयलट को अनकल परि'थ)त का अवलोकन करके ु ू हI घीरे -घीरे नॉच बढ़ाना चा2हए। 4. हो सकता है जो Bक 7े न के ठहराव से ^यादा खतरनाक है ?य#Bक 7े न ठहराव का समाधान तो एक ब:क पॉयलट दे कर Bकया जा सकता है परं तु रे ल बन. लंग से बचाने के . लए कभी भी Jबना Dेक परा ू र. 4. After taking 1st notch and whenever Q52 de-energizes. Ans. Ans 5. Ans. 2. Last Stop Signal. Brake rigging. To ensure that DJ is in open position through glowing of LSDJ. Ans. BP will drop by parting of BP pipe. हो सकता है। पा2टंग और रे ल बन. 1 It is a bad engine man ship and leads to more energy consumption Ans. Ans.लज Bकए नॉच न ल इससे 7े न प2टQग हो सकती है। इसी तरह य2द Bकसी रले कT वेज अव'था Answer of “Do You Know ?” Ans. 9. 14. Ans. म गाड़ी चला रहे ह#. Ans. 11. While going through wrong line. तो वशेष cयान रख Bक dहIल-'लIप न हो। इससे रे ल बन. 6. LSOL & LSGRT. Mannual control of GR. 4 seconds Ans. 8. TRIGGER FUSES Ans. which will operate synchronizing braking. 12. 13. 7. All the LT circuits and battery charging ammeter. DJ trips. Whenever BP is dropped below 4. Ans. CHBA is located at the back of inverter panel and its ammeter is provided on inverter panel Ans.4 kg by any reason other than A9 application or when TSFL is pressed. रे ल dयव'था के . Ans. 10. Ans. 3. 15. लए 'टॉ. लंग से भी ^यादा हा)नकारक है। 5 6 . close BLVMT and check for SIV working. Circuit Diagram (+) CCINV 6A CCA 6A QSVM 2Sec QSVM DJ BLVMT QV60 QV60 INVERTER 8 (-) QSVM 2” .ChalakPatra Patra Chalak Chalak Patra Explanation Trouble Shooting of SIV S. replace with a new one 2) Keep BLVMT in open position and check for SIV working or not. (5) Close DJ if. HRAVT programme Position 0 1 2 3 Cab heater X √ X X Cab fan X √ √ X NR 1&2 X √ √ √ Trouble shooting: 2) After closing BLVMT. In case of tripping if LSDJ glows first and then LSCHBA then it means no trouble in SIV. Inverter electronics BA supply is disconnected hence SIV stops working. (1) External fault lamp will glow. 3) Ensure QSVM (Note provided in MPCS+SIV loco) energises after closing BLVMT. (iii) Put HSIV on “0” and close DJ. If SIV: SIV Trouble c) QV60 N/C I/L. So that soft starting is possible. 7) If unsuccessful keep HOBA in OFF and try. (4) Put OFF HBA for few seconds and then put “ON”. 6) This assures that all auxiliary contactors are closed with no supply voltage. (A) SIV Pick up normally then put ON the load normal one by one (As per QOA) If you find trouble with any load then isolate it and again put OFF HBA for few seconds and then close DJ and work the train according to working of auxiliary motor. 5) Again SIV starts after 2 seconds. (2) Check fault message display screen. If working. If CCA is melted renew the same. 5) If QSVM is not energized after closing BLVMT contact with TLC and work as per his advice. LSDJ lamp extinguished. But if LSCHBA glows before glowing of LSDJ then it means trouble is in SIV. If it is melted. switch OFF battery and wait for three minutes and try to energise again. will be penalized for every operation of it. (b) Inform TLC/CNL about earth fault by pass so that he can plan the movement accordingly. Check CCA fuse. (iv) During ELD by pass mode ELD by pass lamp will continuous glow. Not pick up Go on explanation External fault Trouble shooting for SIV not picking up 1) After closing DJ. Internal fault Press reset button and try to energise the loco and work if found normal. 4) QSVM N/O time delay I/L close after 2 seconds. through…. CLI/HQ/ASN Generally SIV unit resets all its troubles itself and restarts again. UA meter needle deviated.2 on “0” (iii) HVSI 1. Sharma. 6) If CCINV and QSVM found normal. (ii) Press reset button to by pass earth fault for 45 mts. (c) Observe sharply the HT compartment during ELD by pass mode 7 3) QSVM N/C I/L opens. 4) If QSVM relay is not energized.2 on “0” (iv) HPH on “0”. no sound from direct motors ( SIV a) CCINV 6A fuse. (3) Put (i) HRAVT on “0” (ii) HVSL 1. while it will OFF means 45 means is over Warning: (a) During by pass mode of earth fault system never put OFF/ON HBA otherwise 15 mts. If not succeeded put OFF/ON most or few seconds and close DJ if successful work the train otherwise ask for assistance (B) Not pick up normal and external fault lamp is glowing continuously then (i) put ON load normal. 1) Check CCINV fuse. relay QSVM energises in blowers control circuit. not working) and LSCHBA b) N/C I/L of QSVM remains glowing. Inverter electronics Abnormal Sign: After Closing (IGBTs) gets battery supply DJ. 2. Q-44. GR‘0’. iv] VCD/MCB - ‘ON’ – Normal ‘Trip’ – VCD by pass v] LSC-145 - Yellow lamp glowing – Don not wedge Q-50 (ensure CTF-1. 107 are open. = Magnet Valve N/C 110v DC = Cock of A-19 = DV C3W = DV Isolating Cock = CR of DV = Feed Valve = SWC = D1 Pilot Valve = C2 Relay Valve 10 A30 A31 A33 = 2 Ltrs. Q-118)as per company made of MPCS will be shown as: Nomenclature of cock and valve in conventional loco Stesalit made . Reservoir = RGEB = 3/8” RGEB Cock A51 A61 A62 A63 A64 B8 B15 B16 . ICDJ .R. C2 Relay Valve = Double Check Valve A42 = Air Flow Measuring Valve = RGAF = MU2B = F1 Selector Valve = Reducing Valve = R6 Relay Valve = 3 Ltrs.Kachhap. Manually operate – GR: 0-10 & 10-0.3 – TR side. J-1 & J-2 properly set in desired direction and C-145 open – then Q-50 can be wedged) Now relay status (e.K. MTDJ – [0/OFF] – Check relay targets. Q-30 : 1/ON. As for example trouble shooting of ICDJ can be done as follows. then check and clean QCON(N/C) & Q-45 N/O interlocks. 106.Chalak Patra Chalak Patra How to know the relay status (energise / de-energise) in Static converter & Microprocessor loco? 4. 5. Q-45.P.Q-118 – OFF (Means Q-118 is de-energized) . CLI/ASN Medha made . CLI/ASN MENU Modifications of switch position in STC & MPCS fitted loco Please press Please press Enter Process Information Please press Enter Input / Output Display Please press Enter Eliminated relay status i] HAD - Position 1 – Normal Position 0 – Air drier by pass ii] HVCD - Position 1 – Normal Position 0 – VCD by pass iii] QVCD - Energised – VCD active De-energised – VCD by pass.Q-118 – ‘1’ (Means Q-118 is energized) .Check status of Q-118. Q-44 – [0/OFF] – (When BLRDJ press. . increase RS pressure. EFDJ/MTDJ 1. Q-45 – [0/OFF] – (When BLRDJ press. Reservoir = Addl.g. press BLRDJ.Q-118 – ‘0’ (Means Q-118 is de-energized) Note : To get further status of relay. EFDJ – [0/OFF] – Press BLRDJ. change position of ZPT & GR: 0-10 & 10-0 3. Q-46 – [0/OFF]. check – Q-45 : 1/ON. BA Volt. Q-118 : 1/ON. 2.N. GR-0. Q-118 – [0/OFF] – check C-105. press cursor UP & DN UP DN Follow TSD as per driver monitor screen relay status.Singh. 9 A8 A15 A19 A20 A21 A24 A24A A24B A25 A26 A28 A29 = L&T Cock = IP Magnet Valve Cock = Emergency Application Valve.Q-118 – ON (Means Q-118 is energized) . 12 . Maximum Permissible speed will however remain 110 kmph subject to observance of maximum permissible sectional speed whichever is less. In UP Direction train will run via:i) HWN-BWN . In the event any change (planned or emergent) of crew/Guard is required for this service en-route.13 HWH YD BLY 08. Train No. Dhanbad . 8.93 3 BWN 106.10 2 ASN 212.e. similar action should invariably be taken.DN GC ii) STN-BWN . In exigency. However. MON. Such Boards will be specific for Double Decker trains and clearly distinguishable from those for other trains.12383/12384 Howrah-Dhanbad Express by AC-BG-EOG Double Decker chair car coaches. Ex. WED. 2.9.60 5 UP HBC SKG 95. iii) STN-DHN .DN Line-1 iii) BWN-SKG .DN HBC iv) SKG-DKAE .71 2 UP-1 ASN 212. Howrah – SUN.DN HBC Minimum Permissible Speed: 110 Kmph.UP HBC ii) BWN-STN .57 4 LLH 04.UP GC. TUE. in case the train is required to run on any line other than specified vide Item No.MON.12 4 UP-1 STN 221.UP Line-1.9.40 1 UP GC KMME 231. 7. Timings Arrival --16 37 P 17 33 18 18 18 46 18 52 P 19 40 3. the train will observe special speed restriction of 15 Kmph over platform limits at following stations with Platform Lines:- 11 UP Rajdhani Line Location PF Station Line (KM) No. FRI & SAT : The train will run only on Rajdhani Lines i. Contents of item 4 and 5 above should be thoroughly explained to the working Loco pilot.73 5 BEQ 06. TUE. THU & FRI. Assistant Loco Pilot and Guard and an written assurance to the effect of their understanding should be taken while signing on duty for each journey. 4. 5.00 8.4 – a generic special restriction of 15 kmph will be applicable while passing through any platform line. Days of Run Route : 12383/12384 Howrah-Dhanbad Express(5 days in a week) : 12383 Departure 15 20 16 39 16 58 17 35 18 20 18 47 18 53 19 27 -- Station Howrah Barddhaman Khana Durgapur Asansol Barakar Kumardhubi Pradhankhunta Dhanbad Arrival 09 15 07 45 P 06 45 06 08 05 41 05 36 P -- 12384 Departure --07 47 07 32 06 47 06 10 05 42 05 37 05 12 05 00 : Ex.13  Chalak Patra Line DN GC DN-7 DN-1 DN HBC DN HBC DN HBC HWH YD 6. it will be the duty of the Guard to communicate clearance of Speed Restricted Zone to Loco Pilot through Walkie-Talkie set.05 1 UP GC BRR 229. Caution and Termination Boards for Double Decker Train will be conspicuously erected at site of these special restrictions.92 1 UP GC DN Rajdhani Line PF Location Station (KM) No.Chalak Patra Relevant Extract of working instruction of train No. Necessary Indication. KAO 246. HWH 0. In DN Direction train will run via:i) DHN-STN .68 4 HWH 0.00 8.20 1 UP HBC GLI 129. 1.Reversible v) DKAE-HWH . Apart from all permanent and temporary speed restrictions now in force or which are likely to be imposed from time to time.12 5 RNG 193. Failure indication cum brake application (FIBA) system for compliance of above will be commissioned. shall run at a speed at which he can control the train so as to be prepared to stop short of any obstruction.Chalak Patra 9. (B) Common Precaution by Loco Pilot / Guard / Station Master As per SR 3. In Absolute Block System the speed should not exceed 60 kmph. Till commissioning of FIBA. After passing an Automatic Stop signal at ‘Yellow’.02 (vi) During dense fog. the speed should not exceed 30 kmph. the Loco Pilot/Motorman of the train hauled by any locomotive including EMU train shall. the speed should not exceed 60 kmph. this speed shall in any case not be more than 60 kmph. As per SR 9. the Station Master on duty shall personally ensure that the station signals are lit and then send two trained men to act as fog signalmen. after passing an Automatic Stop Signal at ‘ON’ (Red). one in either direction to the fog signal posts. while moving at a speed not exceeding 08 kmph. speed of the train required to be restricted to 60 Kmph. as per his judgement.61 (d) (i) 13 In foggy or tempestuous weather or in dust storm or heavy rains when station signal cannot be seen. Assurance of all Station Masters & Section Controllers should be taken and kept on record. should ensure that he maintains a reasonable distance at which he is able to observe the flashing tail lamp of the train ahead or the obstruction. In Automatic Block Territory the speed will be subject to the judgement of the Loco Pilot as mentioned in item (i) above and shall not exceed as under:(a) After passing Automatic Stop signal at ‘Green’. as detailed ay item (i) above. Instructions for LPs and Guards for train operation during fogy weather issued by COM/ER (A) Precautions by Loco Pilot/Guard (i) (ii) (iii) Special Speed/Caution Boards only for DD Trains (iv) 15 FOR DD TRAINS T P FOR DD TRAINS During fog Loco Pilot. the Loco Pilot to run at a further restricted speed so as to be prepared to stop at the next Stop signal. 10 Chalak Patra The coaches are provided with air springs. which are erected at all stations [270 meters] outside the first Stop signal. 14 . (b) After passing an Automatic Stop signal at ‘Double Yellow’. In case of deflation of air springs of the coaches. The instructions should be conspicuously displayed at Control Boards and Panel. A counseling drive should be undertaken to sensitize all station staff at station en-route and Section Controllers regarding feature and restrictions related to Double Decker train. the train shall be escorted by competent Section Engineer (C&W) who will communicate with Loco Pilot in case of failure. Parting of train not carrying passangers while starting from or stopping at a station. H-7. ♦ The draft capacity of the AAR coupler depends on the strength of knuckle. at stations where double Distant signals are provided. which is weakest link of the assembly.) and the first signal of a station is not a Stop signal. H-5 .Parting of train not carrying passengers between stations or while running through a station. even at station where pre-warning signal is not available. Coupler. September 20. H-6. shall be received on loop line directly by taking ‘Off’ First Stop Signal after fulfilling relevant conditions. ♦ The draft load transmitted through the knuckle. This may happen at the time of starting of train or en route while train is in motion. The yield strength of knuckle of material AAR-201G & Grade "E" is 132 ton and 180 ton respectively.Parting of train carrying passengers while starting from or stopping at a station. Sd/(Rakesh Saksena) Chief Operations Manager 15 Train Parting Train parting may be defined as the division of a train into different segments either due to opening or breakage of coupler (CBC or TC) of two wagons or coaches. TG. Thereafter.202/CS/G&SR/Pt. 2011 18th Addendum and Corrigendum to the General and Subsidiary Rules Book (Revised and Reprint 2003) 1. pin-pulling lug. yoke pin takes the Buffing forces etc.e. (b) Where maximum speed allowed in the station section is upto 15 kmph. engine failure and time failure type of accident as followsH-4. (but more than 15 kmph. Coupler. Note – train parting under the classification of H-4 & H-5 should be treated as indicative train accident and included in statement A&B of train accident. As per Accident Manual Train Parting is under head of Class-‘H’Failure of engines rolling stock. ♦ Buffing forces and tensile forces are transmitted to under frame gradually through back stoppers and striker casting.40 (III) and insert the following in its place – SR 3. Centre Buffer Couplers ♦ Indian Railways used AAR type Centre Buffer Couplers having "E" type head and "F" type shank for Freight stock on Broad Gauge system. Delete the existing SR 3. EASTERN RAILWAY NO. but a Warning Board exists. where simultaneous reception facility is not provided. Till such time the train stops completely at Starter or upto the place at which the train is required to come to stop.Chalak Patra (ii) Chalak Patra The placement of detonators is not necessary in the following circumstances:(a) Where adequate pre-warning is provided i. the reception signal/s for a train coming from opposite direction shall be kept at ‘On’.XI Kolkata. hub. the train from the opposite direction shall be received on main line”. the train intended to be received first. (c) Where speed of the section is less than 50 kmph.Parting of train carrying passengers between stations or while running through a station. yoke pin & draft gear. 16 .40(iii) : At the time of crossing at a station on Single Line Section. ♦ The Buffing forces are taken by the draft gear through the knuckle pin. Draft Force: . Toggle with lock lifter Buff-Force on coupler during run-in 17 18 .Chalak Patra Chalak Patra Types of coupler forces: Brief description of CBC Component 1.B.C Sketches of various components of CBC are shown as: Draft-force & knuckle-slack on coupler (Draw-Gear) in run-out COUPLER BODY WITH SHANK 2. Pulling of attached wagon starts only after complete extension of the couplers attached together The usual location of breakage of the components are marked as A.It is the force on coupler required for pulling other attached Coupler / wagon.It is the force on coupler required for pushing other attached Coupler / wagon. Buff Force: . Pushing of other wagon starts only after complete compression of couplers attached together. and when draft-gear is compressed or rebounds directing all slack in opposite direction. 6. 3. to avoid subsequent excess speed and use of severe braking. Draft Gear: The impact absorbing apparatus. High impact forces result when two blocks of bunched (or stretched) wagons separated by a number of stretched (or bunched) wagons move together (or apart) due to differences in speed along the train. however it is not possible with longer trains on undulating gradients. 1 One of the key factors in limiting longitudinal coupler forces is the ability to control the slack action within the train. much of the severity of the resultant run-in depends on the force and slack distribution within the train prior to the brake application. 2. causing run-in or run-out. the resultant run-in (or run out) can easily cause longitudinal coupler forces in excess of the permissible limit. Spring Slack: It is the additional longitudinal movement that can occur after “free slack” movement is finished. Run-Out: It is the rapid change of a train’s coupler-slack to draft (stretched). so wagons may brake differently to each other accordingly.It is the free play provided in draw-gear and in some draft-gear. due to sudden acceleration.Chalak Patra Chalak Patra Definition of some terms: Causes of Train Parting: 1. 8. The wagons may or may not be uniformly loaded. when draft-gear is fully pressed. Its value is upto 1 inch for a wagon. However. It is required for movement around curves & grades 4. 19 Driving Strategies: 2 (i) Know the gradient of your section as best as you can (ii) Try to maintain constant speed by MP manipulation and coasting by utilizing gradient rather than brakes.It is the clearance within the draw-gear. without compressing / stretching the draftgear. Free Slack or loose slack: . which can run-in or run-out. Total slack for 40 vehicles is about 20 feet. Maximum chances of train parting arise while negotiating undulating graded section. whereby the draw-gear is attached to a its loco or wagon. 5. Relatively low forces will result if the coupler slack is taken-up one wagon at a time. A train brake application usually results in compressive coupler forces. Following precautions may help in avoiding excessive coupler-forces & parting: Run-In: It is the rapid change of the train’s coupler-slack to buff (compressed). 7. It may happen when rear section of a train traveling at slower speed stretches against the front portion of the train traveling at faster speed. (iii) Reduce power slightly just before approaching top of the hump. Slack Action: It is the movement of one part of a coupled train at a speed different from another part of the train. (iv) Similarly increase power slightly just before approaching dip. Such repeated impacts cause wear and fatigue and finally coupler-breakage. Draw Gear: The actual coupling between loco & wagon or between wagons. It is important to prevent the relative movement of large groups of wagons that behave as single mass. Impact Force due to bump on couplers varies as square of the difference of these speeds. Its value is up to 5 inches. due to sudden braking. A good train handling practice for freight trains usually consists of keeping the consist locomotives 20 . When all slack between the two separate blocks of wagons is used up. It may happen when rear section of a train traveling at faster speed bumps against the front portion of the train traveling at slower speed. Train Brake application: The application and release of train brakes has been found to be a key factor in many of the recorded train partings and knuckle failures. Slack :. Care is required to be taken to of the spring point/fouling marks in the rear. 5. the engine speed to 8th notch level while keeping locomotives stationary (normally called fast pumping).t page-XIV) (Based on The technical recommendation of RDSO. 3. : • • • • • Lock not properly engaged Ineffective anti-creep device Uncoupling lever dropping on the run Unauthorized tampering with uncoupling lever Uncoupling due to vertical slipping out of knuckle 21 Indications during Train Parting on Air Stock Train: LP will get following indications:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) Coupler Maintenance: It is observed from majority of C&M’s investigation reports of broken couplers that.Chalak Patra Chalak Patra practice for freight trains usually consists of keeping the consist stretched. caused by :1. (b) In case of electric locomotives. 3 The CBC coupler is designed to withstand 295 T of UTS. The guard can also use a flag or lamp signal (green. depending on the circumstances. Excessive & uneven wear on knuckle and plates. the failure is often due to poor tensile strength (UTS) of coupler. is only 190T. which presents its own train handling challenges. whereas the maximum force found to be exerted on coupling due to worst driving of full load on a heavily graded section. It is not possible to do this with the use of dynamic brake. 4. Emergency brake application should not be resorted to . Sudden jerk will be experienced. 2. (x) 6. waved strongly up and down) to attempt to indicate to the engine crew that train has parted. The use of dynamic brake can result in a severe slack action. This is achieved by keeping the consist in power while a brake application is made and by bleeding the air off the locomotives brakes before they apply. AFL will glow Experience reduced load on locomotive Get information while look back the load in curve. Improper heat treatment of knuckle. which can not cause parting. as simulated on AC Loco Simulator at Bhusaval. Reasons of train-parting. 2. AFI will shoot up LSAF will glow GR will return to “0”and it will not progress further. If . to the extent possible. 22 Before starting air brake trains. If the train is being banked. the following Instructions to be followed by the drivers to reduce the Train Partings) For Air Brake 1. MR and BP pressure will drop suddenly. Both can potentially snap train draw-gear. emergency brakes have been applied release time of four to six minutes is to be given by the drivers after taking following steps(a) In case of diesel locomotives raising. Improper material composition.t. the banker begins the train to a halt on seeing the guard’s signal to attract the attention of the crew in front. Casting Defects & Blow Holes. Fatigue or old cracks. Guide lines to driver to reduce partings (ASN/ER W. 4 5. switching on of all the three compressors .however. when applied. can result in a run-out. The practice. push back the load a little in order to ensure that the full load length is free from brake binding. run-in is highly possible if brought-in at an inappropriate time (with respect to track geometry and train speed) and if released at an inappropriate time. due to uncoupling etc. may also be adopted while starting from loops at intermediate stations. unless an old flaw in knuckle is existing. causing the train-parting. Chalak Patra Chalak Patra Do’s & Don’ts to avoid train parting 3. For Vacuum Brake (i) (ii) (iii) In case of vacuum brake trains. if banker engine is provided. 14. 12. Feel your train. 5. Driver should notch up the engine gradually without jerk and if the load pulls heavy. 11. Maintain uniform speed. Don’ts 1. Do’s 1. 2. Start and stop the train sudden. Attach the train engine with a little bump on to the formation. 3. Brake release time for various types of brake application in case of 58 Box-‘N’ trains are as under Last Wagon Release After Release time in minutes Emergency 4-6 Full Partial Service application 2-3 1-2 Drivers are to wait for as mentioned timing to ensure complete brake release. Ensure proper locking of 'CBC' knuckles by push back and pull ahead the formation for half . 6. Put the train into traction mode suddenly. Open and close throttle/notch frequently. 2. Work the train with a free and relaxed mind. Ensure proper starting of train without jerks. Ensure proper locking of 'CBC' knuckles. Maintain unit changeover speed smoothly. drivers should not re-start the train without ensuring full vacuum in the train pipe system. 3. before restarting a train stopped at level crossings etc. to avoid rolling back. smoothly.a wagon length. The diesel drivers should not switch off PCS. 4. push back the formation a little bit with a small jerk. and also avoid sudden brake application. Know the phenomenon of " Run-In's " and " Run-Out's " for lengthy trains. This is an important device which cuts off the power of the diesel engine in case the load is pulling heavy. Ensure synchronize working. to avoid collision of the rear portion . Aware for the caution spot. Control your train in case of wheel slip. 4. where the formation negotiates over Ups & Downs. after brake application sufficient time should be given for brake release. 9. Apply brake suddenly from the rear brake van. 23 24 . by reducing the speed. 10. master the engineman ship. 7. and control your train well in advance. make the run-out very smoothly. tampered with if any. While re-starting a train stopped on up gradients. apply it gradually. 8. Proceed with the front portion and stop after ensuring that the rear portion has come to a stop. releasing of brakes and opening of throttles should be done simultaneously. back the load there by compressing the buffers after which gradual notching up will become easier. 13. DEE(OP)/ASN.)s & ALPs are requested to share their experience by contributing article in Hindi / English & send to Sri A. Open the VCB. 25 . If the loco is running: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Bring the throttle to ‘0’ position. (ii) Select the desired bogie by using configuration switch 154.Biswas. Loco will come in Node No.550. B.K. EL/3. If the loco is stand still.590. LPs & LP(Sht. LP(G)/Tech Sec.Chalak Patra Modified Procedure for manual isolation of bogie without switching ‘OFF’ the electronics in three phase locos Ref: RDSO’s letter no. Loco will come in Node No.2011 A.35/2 Electrical dt 10. (iii) Bogie will be isolated after 10 sec. (i) Bring the throttle to ‘0’ position. of Sr.1. Select the desired bogie by using configuration switch 154. All CLIs. Bogie will be isolated after 10 seconds.06.
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