
March 18, 2018 | Author: Chemical Formulas | Category: Perfume, Emulsion, Wax, Topical Medication, Glycerol



Section XVMiscellaneous 853 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations 854 ACNE SCRUB CREAM RAW MATERIALS % A-C 61 7A A-C 540 Mineral Oil, 70 S.S. Dow Fluid 5 5 6 Propylene Glycol Dipelargonate Amerchol 400 Solulan 25 Arlacel 6 0 Propyl-P-Hydroxybenzoate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0.9 0.9 4.5 0.9 9.5 1.8 0.9 1.2 0.1 IO. Sorbitol (70%) 1 1. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1 6. 17. By Weight 4.5 Tween 60 Carbopol 940 Germall 1 1 5 Methyl-P-Hydroxybenzoate Triethanolamine Water A-C 9A 1.6 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.7 61.3 10.0 Procedure: Disperse Carbopol 940 in water. Add other water phase ingredients to Carbopol 940/water dispersion and heat to 80-9OC. Weigh oil phase and heat to 80-9OC. Stir gently until homogeneous. Add water phase to oil phase and shear in homomixer. Cool to 40-50C, add 1 0 parts A-C 9A to cold o/w cream then add perfume, de-aerate, and package. SOUURCE: Allied-Signal Inc.: Prototype Formulations: Formula SKIN FLUID, O/W, "HIGH QUALITY" RAW MATERIALS I. Cutina CBS Cutina E 24 Eumulgin B 2 Eutanol G Cetiol SB 45 Cetiol S 11. Glycerine 86% Water, deionized, preservative 111. Collapur Viscosity: approx. 20,000 mPas Formula no. 89/170/2 SOURCE: Henkel: Cosmetics Nr. XXI/89/Lz: Formula % By Weight 9.0 2.0 1 .o 3.0 2.0 4.0 5.0 ad 100.0 5.0 Miscellaneous 855 AMPOULE NO. 1 % By INGREDIENT Weight 86.25 0.5 A ) Deionized Water Tristat IU B) Gingko Biloba HS Trisept M Trisept P 5.0 0.2 0.05 C) DC 1 9 3 Surfactant 2.0 D) Theophyllisilane 6.0 Procedure: Weigh A and mix until clear. In a separate container, prepare B and mix until parabens are dissolved. Then add B to A and mix until clear and uniform. Weigh C and slowly add to AB while mixing. Mix until clear and uniform. Weigh D and add while mixing. Mix until clear and uniform. Formula #MS-2-55-1 AMPOULE NO. 2 INGREDIENT % By Weight Tristat IU 84.75 0.5 B) Horsetail HS Trisept M Trisept P 5.0 0.2 0.05 C) DC 1 9 3 Surfactant 2.0 D) Pronectin 7.5 A ) Deionized water Procedure: Weigh A and mix until clear. In a separate container, prepare B and mix until parabens are dissolved. Then add B to A and mix until clear and uniform. Weigh C and slowly add to AB while mixing. Mix until clear and uniform. Weigh D and add while mixing. Mix until clear and uniform. Formula #MS-2-55-2 SOURCE: TRI-K Industries, Inc.: Formulas o Procedure: 1. Mix and melt Part A 70C. In a separate container.0 0.856 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations AMPOULE NO. Weigh C and slowly add to AB while mixing.0 D) CMF Complex 15.0 Procedure: Weigh A and mix until clear.0 6.0 Part B: Water Germaben I1 37. Inc. SOURCE: Henkel: Suggested Formula H-4822 . Mix.0 10. 4 INGREDIENT By Weight % A ) Deionized Water 77. Stir until room temperature. Mix until clear and uniform. SOURCE: TRI-X Industries. Comments : This skin protective cream is an O/W emulsion.05 C) DC 193 Surfactant 2.5 Tristat IU B) Pot Marigold HS Trisept M Trisept P 5. Mix until clear and uniform.0 6. Then add B to A and mix until clear and uniform. 3 .2 0.25 0.0 1 . prepare B and mix until parabens are dissolved. Homogenize. Heat Part B to 70C and add to Part A . 2 . Weigh D and add while mixing.0 10. CETIOL closely resembles biological skin oils and is used in many pharmaceutical applications as a re-fatting and spreading agent.: Formula #MS-2-55-4 CHILD'S WOUND OINTMENT INGREDIENTS % By Weight EMULGADE F Petrolatum CETIOL Mineral Oil Zinc Oxide Talc 12.0 18. Any portion which fails to pass through the sieve is ground in a micromill and sieved once more until nothing remains. Perfume.50 0.0 2.16 mm sieve.30 0.2 .5. b ) and c) stir in.O 15. distilled 73. SOURCE: Chemisches Laboratorium Dr.: Formula 1.00 15.45 Phenonip Triethanolamine c) Proteodermin 5.0 15. Kurt Richter GmbH: PROTEODERMIN: Formula TALCUM POWDER RAW MATERIALS Talcum DYNASAN 1 1 4 Ground Kaolin Magnesium Stearate Zinc Oxide Magnesium Carbonate % By Weight 6 1 . SOURCE: Huls America Inc.00 2.00 Manufacture: a) mix at room temperature.0 Preparation: All the materials are blended together and passed through an 0.00 b ) Water.Miscellaneous 857 AMPOULE PREPARATION RAW MATERIALS % By Weight a) Eumulgin L Cetiol HE Carbopol 9 4 1 2 % aqueous solution Glycerin 0.0 2.0 5.75 3. 0 3.0 8. SOFTISAN 6 4 9 MIGLYOL-840 GEL B IMWITOR 780 Mineral Oil Paraffin 5.0 C. (B) is heated to the same temperature and emulsified into (A). SOFTISAN 6 0 1 SOFTISAN 378 MIGLYOL-GEL B White Petrolatum Mineral Oil 20.2D SOURCE: Huls America Inc.0 5. The emulsion is cooled while stirring.0 Preparation: (A) is combined/ground and melted at 75-80C and cooled while stirring until homogeneous.0 20.858 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations ANHYDROUS BENZOCAINE OINTMENT RAW MATERIALS % By Weight A. Benzocaine 20.: Formulas . Formula 1.5k BENZOCAINE OINTMENT 20% (W/O Emulsion) RAW MATERIALS % By Weight A. and then added little by little to the finely pulverized benzocaine.0 B.0 20. Formula 1. Benzocaine 20.0 Preparation: (A) is cornbined/ground and melted at 75-80C. Magnesium sulfate Water 2.0 10.0 20.0 10.0 37. The ointment base is then added little by little to the finely pulverized benzocaine.0 B. 17.5E MUSTACHE WAX RAW MATERIALS Lanolin USP White USP Petrolatum Ceraphyl 5 0 s Crystal 0 Mineral Oil Blandol Ross Ozokerite Wax 77W Ceraphyl 41 Ross White Bleached Beeswax Ross Refined Candelilla Wax Ross Refined #I Yellow Carnauba Wax Preservative % By Weight 3. Inc. PreDaration: (A) is heated up to 75-80C. (C) is added at about 40C.4 4.25 0.0 3.s.3 6.3 9.4 1.2 2.3 6. SOURCE: Huls America Inc. SOURCE: Frank B.6 6.0 8. Fragrance By Weight 6.0 2. (B) is mixed and homogeneously ground.6 17. Zinc Oxide Colloidal Sulfur Resorcinol Allantoin Lo-Micron Sienna 7166 Cosmetic Brown Iron Oxide 7058 C.0 Procedure: Melt all ingredients in a steam jacketed kettle under agitation until clear.4 4.25 q.0 2. and the mass is poured into appropriate molds.0 10.0 3.0 20.0 3.5 0. MIGLYOL 829 IMWITOR 900 SOFTISAN 378 SOFTISAN 649 Eutanol G Lanolin Alcohol Petrolatum Beeswax Candelilla Wax Microcrystalline Wax Span 20 Wheat Germ Oil Corn Germ Oil Propylene Glycol Antioxidants B.0 2.0 2.1 0. Cool to 130F and package. Ross Co..2 9.5 31 .0 7. (A) is mixed in small portions with (B).s.2 8.0 q.Miscellaneous 859 ANTI-ACNE-STICK RAW MATERIALS % A.0 3.: Cosmetic Formulary: Formulas .5 0.: Formula 1. 10 F. Mix for 30 to 40 minutes at speed 1 with full vacuum.56 0.00 Isobutane (A-31) Manufacturing Intructions: 1.35 Distilled water 2. 2. Flavor 0. Add the water and PEG-12. Heat mixture to 35C and agitate to solution.: Formula No.65 0. Fill into approved containers while batch is slowly mixing.76 D. vacuum.60 Liposorb TO 20. SOURCE: Aqualon Co. Syloid 74 16. Add the Syloid 244 and mix as in Step 4. Add the flavor and surfactant.02 Procedure: 1. No heat is required. 5. 6.91 PEG-I 2 3.: AQUALON Cellulose Gum: Formula . Slurry the thickener in the glycerin.20 Lipocol 0-2 36.00 Benzocaine 2. Add Liposorb TO to batch and mix to homogeneity.06 B. vacuum.860 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations BENZOCAINE AEROSOL SPRAY NON-ALCOHOL % By Weight RAW MATFRIALS Concentrate: Propylene Glycol 33. Mix for 10 min at speed 1 at full vacuum. vacuum. Note: Final package must have shake well label on it since product separates. Sodium sa charin Sodium benzoate 0.33 Benzocaine 3. 4. Syloid 244 5. 3 . 2.19 C. Add the Syloid 74 and mix briefly with no vacuum until the particles are wetted out. 161 GEL FORMULATION INGREDIENT % By Weight A.00 25.40 Lipocol 0-2 27. Add the sorbitol and mix for 20 min at speed 1 at 20-in. 3. Package into tubes and test after 24 hrs. 4. 7. Add the sodium salts and mix for 2 min at speed 1 at 20-in. SOURCE: Lip0 Chemicals Inc.51 Thickener 0.51 Sodium monofluorophosphate 0. Add benzocaine to propylene glycol with constant agitation.05 Color Sodium lauryl sulfate 1. Then proceed with 5-min mixing at 12 to 14-in. Sorbitol 70%) 43. Glycerin 25.33 E.80 Liposorb TO 26.67 In Can: Propylene Glycol 25. Add Lipocol 0-2 to batch with constant mixing till batch is uniform. S.G Perfume Orange Dye 0.: Formulas .70 8100 2.Miscellaneous 861 BIO COMPLEX RAW MATERIALS % By Weight I Demineralized Water Glycerin Carbopol 941 69. pour into moulds.OO 5.OO I1 Timiron Supersilk MP 1005 LABRAFIL ISOSTEARIQUE 2. Around 65-70C.) Preservative PHOSPHOSOMES CEVENYL ll.30 Q.30 Preparation: Heat I up to 8OC. 5. Add perfume. Let stand. Formula MM 3611 PROTECTIVE STICK RAW MATERIALS I % By Weight BASE POUR STICK PL 1916 Parsol MCX Eusolex 4360 84.G PHOSPHOSOMES GINGKO BILOBA 15. Prepare 11 by mixing carefully until complete homogenization.S. Formula PL 1932 SOURCE: Gattefosse S. Q.OO Perfume 0.60 20 r 00 0.lO Sodium Hydroxyde (10% Sol. Preparation: Disperse the CARBOPOL in I.S.OO Q. Then add the other components in order of formula. Pour I1 into I.OO 3.A. 0 5. VITAMIN CONTENT % By RAW MATERIALS Weight 54. c) dissolve and stir in. Camphor Ethyl alcohol 96 vol. Continue stirring until the emulsion has cooled to about 35C.0 3. Perfume. % or Isopropyl alcohol 3. homogenize. distilled.0 5.0 11.0 Manufacture: a) melt and bring to about 70C.0% Valve: R-70 gold-lacquered Actuator: 130-013/01 5 MASSAGE OIL.0 70.o 6.0 20. b) heat to about 70C and stir into a).862 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations BODY OIL SPRAY. 1 . preserved c) Cremogen Hamamelis Dest.0 1 .0 6. Perfume. Model formulations 26 VITAMIN LEG BALSAM TYPE O/W RAW MATERIALS % By Weight a) Lanette N Cetiol V Vitamin F Ethyl Ester CLR b) Water. Concentrate: 40.0 q.0 3.0 Manufacture: Mix at room temperature in the order given.0% Product Propellant 1 1 112 5050 60.0 5.0 Vegetable oil Isopropyl myristate Tocopherol Oil CLR Vitamin F Glyceryl Ester CLR Antioxidant Perfume oil 35. Kurt Richter GmbH .s.o Manufacture : Mix at room temperature in the order given. VITAMIN CONTENT RAW MATERIALS % By Weight Miglyol 812 Paraffin oil Vitamin F Glyceryl Ester CLR Tocopherol Oil CLR 72. Model formulations 30 SOURCE: CLR/Chemisches Laboratorium Dr. Formula 17-1 / 9 0 SOURCE: E.70 7.OO 3.15 6.20 0. increase the amount of Texapon K 12. Mer&.20 6.80 ad 100.50 Procedure: Suspend Tylose in water with stirring.60 Procedure: Blend the ingredients of phase A for 15 or 20 minutes in a Turbula-mixer.30 0. Blend the mixture again for 1 5 or 20 minutes and sieve again.50 8.30 14.50 1 . Note: To increase the foam power.OO 3.Miscellaneous 863 DENTAL-CREAM RAW MATERIALS % A Cetylamine hydrofluoride Bis(hydroxyethy1)aminopropyl-N-hydroxyethyloctadecylamin-dihydrofluoride solution about 33% in propanediol-1.OO 78. Formula 16-1 /90 DENTAL-POWDER % By Weight RAW MATERIALS A Cetylamine hydrofluoride Sodium poly phosphate Calcium carbonate Blanose 7 HF Alumimum lactate Sident 12 Texapon K 12 Sodium saccharinate (grain size B Flavour 35049 0.2 Tego Betain BL 215 Paraffin oil high viscosity Glycerine (87%) Sorbitol F liquid Sodium benzoate Sodium saccharinate Menthol cryst.20 0. demineralized C Aerosil 200 Sident 15 Dentphos M By Weight 0. cool down and add to phase B.s. Pass the mixture through a fine sieve to ensure uniform particle size.50 5.50 1 1 . Add phase C while stirring and homogen ize well. Darmstadt: Formulas .55 1 .50 1.OO 0. 0. let swell until it is completely dissolved.40 0. Flavour B Tylose MBH 1000 Water. Heat phase A to 50C until clear.oo 0. Spray phase B on the powder.20 q. 1% in water) 3 .800 Procedure: Mix phases A and B separately. homogenize under vacuum.000 D Sident 12 Sident 22 S 9 .0 0 0 5. Stir under vacuum until the gel is clear. mix under vacuum. demineralized % By We ght 0 075 62 125 0 200 0 200 9 000 B Bromochlorophene Bis-(hydroxyethy1)-aminopropyl-N-hydroxyethyloctadecylamindihydrofluoride solution about 33% in propanediol-1 . Heat phase C to 50C.100 1. Darmstadt: Formula . Add phases A and B to phase C while stirring. 100 W/m 2: no colour change Formula 1 1 -2/90 SOURCE: E. Add phase D. Merck.864 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations DENTAL-GEL (BLUE) RAW MATERIALS A Sodium fluoride Sorbitol F liquid Sodium benzoate Sodium saccharinate Water. Note: Exposure 1 h.2 Flavour 35049 0.000 0.500 7 .500 1.500 C Polyethylene glycol 400 Tego Betain BL 2 1 5 Sicomet patent blue 80 (E 131 ) (0. POLYOX has the unique property of being wetted rapidly by water. flavor DENTURE ADHESIVE-POWDER RAW MATERIALS % By Weight 92-95 4. Although this definition describes the adhesive as a device. cream.s.: POLYOX Water-Soluble Resins: Formu1as . resulting in a soft. low odor and tastelessness make these resins ideal for denture adhesives. flavor DENTURE ADHESIVE-LIQUID RAW MATERIALS % Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose POLYOX WSR-301 Mineral oil Preservatives. A denture adhesive is a device applied to the base of a denture before the denture is inserted into the user's mouth. it is supplied as a powder. flavor By Weight 22-34 11-14 52-67 q.Miscellaneous 865 DENTURE ADHESIVE-CREAM RAW MATERIALS % By Weight 30-35 12-1 5 40-45 10-1 2 q. Karaya gum POLYOX WSR-301 Preservatives. Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose POLYOX WSR-301 Petrolatum Liquid petrolatum Preservatives. or liquid. Its tackiness also helps prevent undesirable slippage of the dental plate. Patents 2978812 and 4280936.s. SOURCE: Amerchol Corp. Many products on the market include POLYOX Resins as described in U. The low toxicity.S. The device is used to improve denture retention and comfort.s.6 q. resilient gel between the plate and the jaw. resistance to attack by salivary enzymes. 2-propylene glycol Magnesium sulfate c) Proteodermin SOURCE: CLR/Chemisches Laboratorium Dr. EMULSION.0 .866 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations EMULSION.3 5.9 0. Perfume. b) heat to approx.5 0. O/W % RAW MATERIALS By Weight a) Cutina MD Lanette 0 Eumulgin B1 Eumulgin B2 Rilanit GMRO Eutanol G Phenonip 3.5 1.0 3.0 2. W/O RAW MATERIALS % By Weight a) Arlacel 989 Arlacel 481 Miglyol 812 Cetiol V Cetiol S Eutanol G Phenonip b) Water.0 1. Continue stirring until the emulsion has cooled to approx.3 2.3 59. 70C and stir into a). 30C.0 0. distilled Phenonip Glycerin 1 .0 1.5 10. Kurt Richter GmbH: PROTEODERMIN: Formulas 5.8 0.3 b) Water.0 0. 70C.7 5.0 c) Proteodermin 10.0 Manufacture: a) melt and bring to approx.9 0.0 5.8 2. homogenize. c) stir in.0 6.2 8. distilled Phenonip Glycerin 65. roll. Perfume.0 3.0 5.o 6.00 b) Water.0 Manufacture: a) melt and bring to about 85C. distilled. Perfume.o 1 .Miscellaneous EMULSION. homogenize. Continue stirring until the emulsion has cooled to about 35C. Kurt Richter GmbH: Formulas 867 . preserved Karion F liquid 3. HERB/VITAMIN CONTENT TYPE O/W RAW MATERIALS % By Weight a) Amphisol Glyceryl monostearate Adeps lanae Satol Silicone oil AK 500 Vitamin F Glyceryl Ester CLR Avocado Oil CLR Calendula Oil CLR Preservative b) Water.00 10.0 1 . 69.00 Preparation: Add b) to a) while stirring at room temperature at 1 2 0 0 rpm for 5 minutes. 8045 HAND AND BODY EMULSION.70 0.00 8. distilled Phenonip Glycerin Glycoderm 68.00 5.0 5.30 3. TYPE W/O RAW MATERIALS % By Weight a) Abil WS 08 Abil K 4 Abil B 8839 5. GLYCODERM: Formula No.s. Liquid Preparation Model formulations 3 SOURCE: CLR/Chemisches Laboratorium Dr.0 2.0 5.0 q. b) heat to about 85C and stir into a). 0. Let stand. Silicone 200 (100 CS) VEGETOL HUILEUX CALENDULA WL 1072 D.P. 30C.30 Preparation: Disperse the Carbopol. Fragrance is added at ca. add the other components.0 2. Alpha Tocopherol Acetate Eusolex 4360 Antioxygen I1 Demineralized Water Carbopol 941 Propylene Glycol 1 .50 5.0 40.OO 10. Fragrance % By Weight 20.30 0.OO 0.0 5.G.50 3.OO 2.S.OO 2.E.OO 5.OO Triethanolamine 99% (50% Sol.) Preservative Perfume 0.oo 2.70 0.0 30. Petrolatum Paraffin MIGLYOL Gel B Aluminum Distearate Hostaphat KL 340 N B.2B .OO Q.S.) CEVENYL NUCLEODERM (2% Sol.868 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations FLUID EMULSION RAW MATERIALS % By Weight 7.3 Preparation: (A) is stirred together and heated up to about 80C. SOURCE: Gattefosse: Formula MM 2842fA CREAM EMULSION RAW MATERIALS A. solution and the CEVENYL. PEG 200 Preservative C. SOURCE: Huls America Inc.OO I TEFOSE 2000 Stearic Acid GELEOL Mineral Oil Apricot Kernel Oil Wheat Germs Oil D. (B) is heated up to the same temperature and emulsified into (A). Cool down while stirring and around 30-35C.05 0.50 Q.A.P.: Formula 1.oo 0. Under stirring pour I1 heated up to 75C into I heated up to 75c. 55.0 q. Add the T.L.15 5.0 3.s 0. 5 5.0 q. % By Weight IMWITOR 9 6 0 Stearic Acid Cetyl Alcohol MIGLYOL 8 1 2 7.9 D.0 B. ad 100. MIGLYOL GEL Type B SOFTISAN 6 4 9 IMWITOR 780K Petrolatum Paraffin B. Triethanolamine 0.0 0. Formula 1 .o 9.0 16.0 Preparation: (A) is mixed and heated to 7 5 .s.5 5.s. 2 . Preparation: (A) and (B) are heated separately to approximately 70C. Mountain Pine Oil Men tho1 2.0 5.: Formulas .8 0 C .5 q. 1 2 SOURCE: Huls America Inc. Sorbitol Preservative Distilled Water up to 100.0 20. (D) is added at approximately 30C.0 C. Preservative Water % By Weight 20.Miscellaneous 869 FOOT BALSAM RAW MATERIALS A. Formula 1 . (B) is brought to the same temperature and is emulsified into (A).0 8. l . I 9 REMEDY FOR SKIN DISEASES RAW MATERIALS A. (C) is added to (B) and the mixture of (C + B) is emulsified into (A).0 1 . 870 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations FORMULA AY 43T RAW MATERIALS % 1.S. At 35C (95F) add fragrance # 9 .0 Q.5 0. 2. The result is an almost transparent viscous gel which may separate on standing. and slowly with mixing add # 4 at same temperature. #1.o-2. 7. Add #3. 6. #2. Once correct pH is obtained. #2. #3 together at room temperature. 3.6-9. #6.2 20.00 Procedure: 1.8 By Weight 35. start addition of #7 to obtain desired viscosity. Mix well until everything is completely dissolved.50 25. Q. Start cooling while mixing.0 1. then check pH. 5.5 1 . MACKSTAT DM 9.: Personal Care Formulary: Formulas . 2.S. Heat water #10 to 140F (60C). 4 . Warm to 30C.S. Fragrance 10.Diluted Hydrochloric Acid 20% to pH 8. 4. Adjust down with small amounts of #I1 and mix after each addition.0 Viscosity: 700-1200 cps 50% SILICONE DC200/350 EMULSION RAW MATERIALS DC Silicone 200/350 MACKANATE DOS-70N Polysorbate 8 0 Deionized Water % By Weight 50. Add #5.00 12. MACKADET 40K MACKAMIDE S Tetrasodium EDTA 4 0 % MACKAM 35 MACKAMIDE AME-75 MACKANATE DC-30 Sodium Chloride a. Q. Procedure: 1.0 4.0 0.Deionized Water 11. Blend #1. 2. #4. Formula AYI 61 SOURCE: McIntyre Group Ltd. pH: 8. 3. 5. Mix. then add #8.50 12. distilled Triethanolamine 25.30 c) Water. distilled Phenonip Carbopol 940 60.Miscellaneous 871 GEL RAW MATERIALS % By Weight a) Water.00 0.00 b) Glycoderm 10.30 4. d) stir in. b) mix and stir into a). distilled Phenonip Cetiol J 600 20. c) dissolve and slowly stir into a) and b).70 0. Perfume PROTEODERMIN: Formula GEL RAW MATERIALS % By Weight a) Hispagel 200 Kelzan.00 30.15 2. 8041 SOURCE: Chemisches Laboratorium Dr.50 b) Tween 85 Arlacel 80 Myritol 318 Phenonip 0.00 35. 1% solution Water.50 d) Proteoderrain 10.30 0.30 0.45 0.50 0. b) stir slowly into a). Perfume GLYCODERM: Formula No. Kurt Richter GmbH: Formulas .00 Preparation: a) mix at room temperature in the order given.00 Manufacture: a) disperse with rapid stirring until the solution is free from lumps. 100. O O Q. Add #4 and finally # 7 . 5. Add MACKSTAT DM and fragrance and cool with continous agitation. if required. 7.00 1. Filter product if necessary.872 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations GERMICIDAL HAND CLEANSER RAW MATERIALS % By Weight 83. Color % By Weight 40. Q.20 0. Add this solution very slowly to the tank while mixing. Q. Make sure everything is completely dissolved. 4 . Add MACKAMIDE PKM and Choroxylenol to MACKANATE LO-Special and heat to 70 degrees C. Blend until homogenous.S.0 Viscosity: 5000-10. pH: 6.8 Q. Dissolve #3 in part of the remaining water (#6) and mix everythng well.5 0. Q.5-7.S. Blend until completely homogenous. Separately blend #2 with the rest of the available water (#6) until completely in solution.: Personal Care Formulary: Formulas . with mild agitation. Fragrance 5. MACKADET SBC-8 2. 6. 5. 6. 2. 2.0 Procedure: 1. Formula AY-131-1-1122 SOURCE: McIntyre Group Ltd. Cool to 50 degrees C.75-1 . 3.0 0.S.000 cps Procedures: 1.S. Fragrance qs to 4. Morton Thiokol #295 3 . Formula BF-163 HAND SAFETY CLEANER RAW MATERIALS 1. Dissolve #1 and #5 in 314 of the water ( # 6 ) with good mixing.S. Adjust pH if necessary with citric acid or dilute sodium hydroxide solution and viscosity with salt solution.0 MACKANATE LO-Special MACKAMIDE PKM Choroxylenol MACKERNIUM 007 MACKSTAT DM Water. 4 . Deionized Water 7. 3. Sodium Chloride 4 . Dissolve MACKERNIUM 007 in water and add to product. MACKSTAT DM 6. c) stir in. Viscosity should be 5 to 10 thousand cps. 2. Kurt Richter GmbH: Model formulations 31 HAND SOAP RAW MATERIALS Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (30%) Sodium Laureth Sulfate (30%) MACKAMIDE LLM Glycerine MACKALENE 426 MACKANATE RM Tetrasodium EDTA Irgasan DP 300 MACKSTAT DM Citric Acid to pH = 6. to % By Weight 27.6 1.0 2.0 q. 4.1 0. FD & C Yellow 5 and Red 4 q. extra Isopropyl myristate Diethylene glycol monostearate Vitamin F Glyceryl Ester CLR Calendula Oil CLR Preservative b) Water. 5. VITAMIN/HERB CONTENT TYPE O/W RAW MATERIALS a) Amphisol Stearin Cetyl alcohol. Dissolve Triclosan in MACKAMIDE LLM. SOURCE: McIntyre Group Ltd.0-6.s. Concentrate: Product 88.0 Procedure: 1.5 Manufacture: a) melt and bring to about 85C.7 3. 3.0 1.9 q.0% Valve: AR-741Neo BL Foam actuator: SF 6 6 1 6 SOURCE: CLR/Chemisches Laboratorium Dr.0 3. Adjust pH and cool.5 0. distilled.0 0. q.0 3. Add other compenents in water and heat to 4 5 degrees C.0 6. 81 . preserved 1. Continue stirring until the emulsion has cooled to about 35C. If needed inrease viscosity with amide and decrease with MACKANATE RM. b) heat to about 85C and stir into a).5 Fragrance Water. 100.0 4.: Personal Care Formulary: Formulas .2-Propylene Glycol c) Perfume oil % By Weight 3.s.s. Blend until clear and add amide blend.s.0% Propellant 12 12.0 24.o 3.Miscellaneous 873 HAND-CARE FOAM.2 1 .5 0. 50 0. a temperature of 25C maximum is acceptable.10 1. Add the FD&C Blue No.45 1 .023 Procedure: 1.00 To 100.: AQUALON Cellulose Gum: Formula . While mixing vigorously with an electric stirrer. 3. Increase to speed 6 (highest) and mix for 25 min at a vacuum of 27 to 28 in Hg or until homogeneous and dearated.00 17. Add one-third of the hydrated silica. The CMC-7MXF is necessary to provide sufficient gel structure in the high-water formulation. Heat to 60C to deaerate. 6. The typical silica gel formulations contain less than 20% water. 2.55 0. using the following weight ratio: 1 part salt to 10 parts water. using the following weight ratio: 1 part SLS to 4 parts sorbitol. 1 (1. sorbitol. The temperature of the mixer jacket should have been preset to 20C. Add the polymer mixture to the toothpaste mixer (Ross double planetary mixer. using mild agitation.oo 0. 8. and PEG-12. 9. Slurry all the CMC in the glycerin.00 33. Note: If refrigeration is not available. SOURCE: Aqualon Co. 7. Mix at speed 2 (low) until just combined. Add the flavor and SLS solution.50 0.0 wt % solution) By Weight 20. Add the sodium lauryl sulfate to a portion of the sorbitol. 4 . Mix for 30 min or until the CMC is fully dissolved and no polymer gels remain.00 0.37 3. 1 solution to the polymer mixture and mix until homogeneous. This high-water-content gel contains just over 30% water. and (2) prevent loss of water and flavor duruing deaeration. Add the sodium benzoate and sodium monofluorophosphate to a portion of the distilled water. Mix. Add the salt solution to the polymer mixture and mix until the salt is fully dissolved.874 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations HIGH-WATER-CONTENT GEL INGREDIENTS % Glycerin Sorbitol (70% solids) Distilled water Hydrated silica abrasive Sylodent 700 Hydrated silica thickener Sylodent 15 PEG-1 2 CMC-7MXF CMC-9M8XF Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) Sodium monofluorophosphate Sodium benzoate Flavor FD&C Blue No. model 130 LDM-2). Repeat until all the hydrated silica is added. 5. Mix at speed 1 at a vacuum of 27 to 28 in Hg for 5 min or until combined and homogeneous. Mix until dissolved. Temperature control is desirable to: ( 1 ) avoid batch-to-batch variation.76 0. add all the remaining distilled water. simple agitation is again used and the gel is agitated to a temperature where it is still packageable without causing air entrapment.S.0 90.0 Procedure: With simple agitation. the solution is fast cooled with simple agitation or slowly cooled with good shear. If faster solvation is preferred. A-C 617 Mineral Oil. gradually heat the mixture above its cloud point (81C). A-C 617 2. No Separation A-C 617 MINERAL OIL GEL RAW MATERIALS 1. SOURCE: Allied-Signal Inc. Mineral Oil % By Weight 10. Objective is to create a fine particle size gel where the fine polyethylene particles interlock to create this thixotropic body. At 1OC below its cloud point.: Prototype Formulations: Formulas . 2-Ethyl Hexyl Stearate 90 Isostearyl Alcohol 90 Lanolin Alcohol 90 Butyl Stearate 90 88 Isopropyl Stearate Isopropyl Palmitate 88 88 Isopropyl Myristate Gel Stability: Excellent Compatibility. For stable gels. the mixture may be heated slightly above 102C until the wax is completely dissolved and a homogeneous solution is produced. Homomixer or colloid mill could be used to generate shear.875 Miscellaneous HOMOPOLYMER GELS RAW MATERIALS Formulation Wt. 7 5 % 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 90 S. Preservatives and Fragrance. Fill.00 1 . Switch to sweep mixer. Begin cooling.: Formula GCC 16-11 .00 Procedure: 1. Fragrance QS 100. EGMS-VA.: Personal Care Formulary: Formulas BODY BUILDING CONDITIONER % By Weight INGREDIENTS Water 90. Mix. 2. 4.876 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations NAIL POLISH REMOVER WITH NATURAL LIPID CONDITIONER RAW MATERIALS Acetone MACKALENE NLC Deionized Water Fragrance Procedure: Add components together and blend until clear % By Weight 94.40 Color. Heat the water to 70-75C. Continue cooling.50 ABIL B-8851 0. Mix the Propylene Glycol and ABIL Quat 3272 together and add to the batch Mix. and Cetyl Alcohol.oo EGMS-VA Cetyl Alcohol 2. Cool to 45-50C while mixing. Preservatives. Cool to 40-45C.00 ABIL Quat 3272 0. 3 .5 5. SOURCE: Goldschmidt Chemical Corp. Disperse the TEGIN. Add the ABIL B-8851. Mix well.0 qs SOURCE: McIntyre Group Ltd.00 Propylene Glycol 3.5 0.1 0 TEGIN 3. Color. 0 80. The product can be applied as a spray or as a liquid. Disperse A into B with mixing. This formula is designed to be applied to the hands as a protective coating.Miscellaneous 877 INVISIBLE GLOVE FORMULA INGREDIENT % By Weight 4. Pour into molds and cool.0 80. Formula #2-97-1 SOURCE: TRI-K Industries.0 75.0 Procedure: Heat B to 60-65 Deg C with mixing until completely melted.0 21 . Disperse A into B with mixing. It can be used for protection of the hands from the defatting action of surfactant systems such as shampoo. Formula #L-01161-A SILTECH WAX - TITANIUM DIOXIDE STICK INGREDIENTS % A ) Micro Ti02 MT 150W B ) Siltech Wax By Weight 20. Pour into molds and cool. It is not designed for protection from harsh chemicals.: Formulas . Inc.0 Procedure: Heat B to 60-65 Deg C with mixing until completely melted.o SILTECH FVC Ninol 40-CO Deionized Water The product is a cold mix. Formula #2-95-1 SILTECH WAX - TITANIUM DIOXIDE STICK INGREDIENTS A) Micro Ti02 MT 100F B ) Siltech Wax % By Weight 20. LIPOCUTIN AQ pH-Value: 5.878 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations LIPOSOME GEL % RAW MATERIALS 40. demin.O 5. 9 0 / 3 2 5 / 3 Preparation: Stir phases I and I1 together at room temperature. preservatives By Weight 30.5-6.O 11. 9 0 / 2 4 6 / 1 . 9 0 / 3 2 5 / 1 LIPOSOME GEL RAW MATERIALS I. Carbopol 9 5 0 ( 2 % ) KOH ( 5 0 % ) Texamid 7 7 8 ( 5 % ) 11. SOURCE: Henkel: Cosmetics No.7 Viscosity in mPas: 4 0 0 0 Formula no. 1 LIPOSOME GEL % RAW MATERIALS I.5-6.0 5. preservatives 111.0 pH-value: 5.5 Viscosity in mPas: 15000 Formula no.O 50. then add LIPOCUTIN AQ.5 Viscosity in mPas: 12000 Formula no. Glycerol 8 6 % Water.O 49.O 012 5. Water. demin. 111/91: Formulas .O 310 3. LIPOCUTIN RB pH-value: 6. Hostacerin PN 7 3 LAMESOFT 1 5 6 11. I.O Hostacerin PN ( 1 % ) EUTANOL G Glycerol 8 6 % Water demin. LIPOCUTIN AQ % By Weight 40. By Weight 210 3.O 111. 0 0.00 CETIOL V 5. 0 LIQUID W/O: QUICKLY ABSORBED BY THE SKIN. Procedure: Heat Part A to 70-75C.0 1 . 16.5 ad 1 0 0 . SLIGHT FATTING EFFECT RAW MATERIALS Dehymuls HRE 7 Cetiol V Mikrowachs 7694 Zincum N 29 Glycerin 86% MgS04-7H20 Water. 0 SOURCE: Henkel: Cosmetics Nr. Once the product is homogeneous.o 3. 88/080/47 % By Weight 7. Deionized 56.s.s. Add Part B to Part A under agitation. Heat Part B to 70-75C. Continue stirring and at 55-60C add individual components of Part C. transparent ringing gels.Miscellaneous 879 LIQUID W/O EMULSION FOR USE AS FACIAL LOTION. The ethoxylated cocoate and fatty acid ester provide protective dermal properties that may be useful for treatment products and makeup items where moisturization is required.0 1 . fill off.o 1 .00 CETIOL HE 25. VIII/89/Lz: Formulas EMOLLIENT TRANSPARENT GEL INGREDIENTS: % By Weight Part A : EUMULGIN B-3 13. preservative Viscosity: ca.0 20. 1 0 . 8 8 / 0 8 0 / 3 8 % By Weight 7.o 1 .0 0. preservative Viscosity: ca. This microemulsion is an excellent emollient base.000 mPas Formula no.s. Part C: Fragrance q. 0 0 0 mPas Formula no. SOURCE: Henkel: Formula 4762 .o 3. MEDIUM FATTING EFFECT.00 Part B: Water.0 10. Comments: EUMULGIN B-3 is utilized in the manufacture of clear. "RICH" RAW MATERIALS Dehymuls HRE 7 Cetiol V Sun flower oil Mikrowachs 7694 Zincum N 29 Glycerin 86% MgS04-7H20 Water.75 Dyes q.5 ad 1 0 0 .0 10. Preservative q. 0 3.O 31 .o 2.0 .0 2..0 31 . Preparation: All the materials are simply stirred together at room temperature. JOJOBA MASSAGE OIL RAW MATERIALS % By Weight 61 .O 3. 5 24. Ross Co. Note: This functional oil can also be made with 5.14 .0 22. Warm slightly until clear with agitation.0 1 . Warm slightly until clear under agitation and package.5 Mineral Oil Isopropyl Palmitate Coconut Oil #76 Jojoba Oil Almond Oil Sweet Acetulan Glucam P-20 Dow Corning Silicone 344 Vitamin E Fragrance q.5.0 q.0 16. SOURCE: Frank B. Procedure: Load all ingredients into a vessel.0 2. SOURCE: Huls America Inc.0 13. Inc.0 Antioxidants q. add Fragrance and package.s.0% Biolipon. Procedure: Load all ingredients in to a stainless steel kettle.0 13.: Formulas MASSAGE OIL RAW MATERIALS Mineral Oil MIGLYOL 812 MIGLYOL 840 % By Weight 65. Perfume q.0 2.: Formula 1.s.880 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations MASSAGE OIL RAW MATERIALS % Solulan P B 5 Dow Corning Silicone #344 Emerest 2314 Drakol # 9 Coconut Oil Escalol 507 Ross Jojoba Oil Perfume Nova Rome DE 51 By Weight 3.s.0 5.s. 4. Add MACKAMIDE PKM to MACKANATE LO-Special and heat to 70 degrees C. Blend until homogenous. Dissolve MACKERNIUM 007 in water and add to product.0 MACKSTAT DM Q.0 MACKERNIUM 007 0. Slowly add pumice until completely dispersed.0 MACKAMIDE PKM 4.0 Procedure: 1. with mild agitation. Add MACKSTAT DM and fragrance and cool with continuous agitation. PUMICE HAND CLEANSER RAW MATERIALS % By Weight MACKANATE LO-Special 78. With continuous mixing add MACKSTAT DM and fragrance at 45 degrees C. Water. Cool to 5 0 degrees C. Add amide to MACKANATE LO-Special and heat to 85 degrees C. 3 .0 Pumice ( 0 1/2 Grade) MACKSTAT DM qs Water. 6. Add MACKAMIDE PKM to MACKANATE LO-Special and heat to 70 degrees C.5 6. 2. 2. 3. 7. Blend until completely homogenous.8 MACKSTAT DM qs Water. PUMICE HAND CLEANSER RAW MATERIALS % By Weight MACKANATE LO-Special 78. Add MACKSTAT DM and fragrance and cool with continuous agitation. 5 . with mild agitation. Fragrance. Disperse MACKERNIUM 007 in water and add to batch. 5. and slowly disperse pumice. Blend until homogenous.0 MACKERNIUM 007 0. Blend until completely homogenous. Continue to mix with cooling and fill at 35 degrees C.8 Pumice (Grade 0 1 / 2 ) 6. Formula BD-167 SOURCE: McIntyre Group Ltd. Dye qs to 100. 4. Cool to 65 degrees C. 5. Cool to 50 degrees C. Fragrance qs to 100.5 MACKAMIDE PKM 4. 4 .Miscellaneous 881 MILD HAND CLEANSER RAW MATERIALS % By Weight MACKANATE LO-Special 83.0 Procedure: 1. 2. 6.0 MACKERNIUM 007 0.0 MACKAMIDE PKM 4. 3. Dissolve MACKERNIUM 007 in water and add to product.: Personal Care Formulary: Formulas .0 Procedure: 1.S. Fragrance qs to 100. oo 46.OO 5. Note: pH 22C: 6. Stir until clear.50 86.50 8. Tagat R 40 0. Darmstadt: Formulas .OO 0.4 Formula 1 -3/90 SOURCE: E.3 Formula 5-1 / 9 0 MOUTH-WASH-CONCENTRATE RAW MATERIALS Bromochlorophene Ethanol (96%) Lamacit KW 80-1 8 Flavour T 7354-1 % By Weight 0.2 Sodium cyclamate Water. Add the remaining ingredients of phase A and stir until clear. Add remaining ingredients. Merck.OO B Propanediol-I.882 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations MOUTH-WASH-CONCENTRATE RAW MATERIALS % By Weight A Bromochlorophene Ethanol (96%) Menthol cryst. demineralized 10.OO Procedure: Blend flavour with Lamacit KW 80-18.50 16. Note: pH 22C: 6.50 25.OO Procedure: Dissolve Bromochlorophene in Ethanol.oo 2. Mix phase B. Add phase B to phase A while stirring. 5 0. Then (B) is added. Formula 1.o 1.0 5.5H SOURCE: Huls America Inc.5G MUSCLE RUB "B" RAW MATERIALS A . and the mass is cooled under constant stirring.o 0.0 51 . The mass is then cooled while stirring.Miscellaneous 883 MUSCLE RUB "A" % By Weight RAW MATERIALS A. Water % By Weight 1 .0 7. 1 % Carbopol Gel Water 63.0 B.0 5.0 Preparation of Carbopol Gel: Carbopol 940 Triethanolamine Water 1 .0 7. Menthol Camphor Methyl Salicylate Nicotinic acid benzylester Eucalyptus oil Pine needle oil Lemon oil SOFTISAN 601 IMWITOR 960 MIGLYOL GEL B Cremophor A 2 5 B.3 20. Preparation of the Lotion: (A) and ( B ) are heated separately to 75-80C and (B) is emulsified into (A).0 10.4 1 .o 0.o 1 . Methyl Salicylate Turpentine Oil Cremophor EL MIGLYOL 8 1 2 10.o 1 .6 up to 100.: Formulas . Formula 1.0 The water is added in small amounts to the weighed Carbopol 940 and stirring is maintained until all lumps have dissolved.a Preparation: All ingredients in (A) are added together and heated up to 75C.0 5.0 5. The triethanolamine is added and stirring continued until a clear gel is formed. 0 Preparation: A l l ingredients are stirred together at room temperature.5F ANHYDROUS OINTMENT RAW MATERIALS SOFTISAN 378 SOFTISAN 601 MIGLYOL 812 Mineral Oil Preparation: All ingredients are mixed at about 45C. Formula 1.0 B. Water Preparation: All ingredients in (A) are added together and heated up to 75C.884 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations MUSCLE RUB "C" RAW MATERIALS % By Weight 5.0 10. (B) is added.o 10.0 A.2 1 .0 18.0 7.5L SOURCE: Huls America Inc.0 8. Formula 1 .0 43. Formula 1.0 45. and the mass is cooled under constant stirring.: Formulas % By Weight 29.0 up to 100. Methyl Salicylate Turpentine Oil SOFTISAN 601 IMWITOR 9 6 0 MIGLYOL GEL B Cremophor A 25 20.0 .51 RETONER By Weight RAW MATERIALS % SOFTIGEN 767 Allantoin Locron L Ethanol 9 6 % denatured Water 3.0 5.0 0.0 10. : Koster Keunen Inc.5 1 .0 5.5 1 1 .0 5.) C) Tris (hydroxmethyl) aminomethane (THAM) Water 0.2 1 .) C) Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane (THAM) Water 0.0 5.3 SOURCE: Angus Chemical Co.o 67.3 OIL/WATER EMULSION WITH PG-3 BEESWAX RAW MATERIALS % A) Ceteareth-25 Ceteareth-6 Cetyl alcohol PG-3 Beeswax Propylene glycol dioctanoate Dimethicone 200 cs By Weight 3.8 Formulation PF-0166 suggested by 885 .0 B) Preservative mixture Water Carbomer 940 (2% sol.o 67.o 10.0 2.0 2.8 D) Fragrance 0.0 0.o 0.0 5.2 Ceteareth-6 Cetyl alcohol Propylene glycol dioctanoate Dimethicone 200 cs 1 .2 4.2 D) Fragrance 0.Miscellaneous OIL/WATER EMULSION WITHOUT PG-3 BEESWAX RAW MATERIALS % A ) Ceteareth-25 By Weight 3.0 B ) Preservative mixture Water Carbomer 940 (2% sol. 4. 0 Viscosity 2 4 hours after manufacture: 1 2 0 0 0 0 mPas Formula no.1 0 % Lamecreme DGE 1 8 in combination with 1 . % Lamecreme DGE 1 8 Eumulgin B 1 Cetiol SN Glycerol 8 6 % Deionized water. 8 9 / 2 1 3 / 3 2 O/W CREAM RAW MATERIALS I. preservative By Weight 7. XIV/90: Formulas O/W EMULSION RAW MATERIALS % By Weight 3.0 8. 8 9 / 2 1 3 / 5 9 The consistency of o/w emulsions can be adjusted at will over the whole spectrum from lotions to soft.0 Viscosity 2 4 hours after manufacture: 3 8 0 0 0 mPas Formula no.0 Liquid Paraffin 4.s.0 Cremophor A 1 1 1.: NEUTROL TE: Formula .0 q. ( 1 0 % Aqueous Solution) 3. SOURCE: BASF Corp.3 % of a nonionic emulsifier. preservative By Weight 10.0 1. pleasant creams by incorporating 7 .0 ad 100.5 6. 75. XI.0 3. Suggested formulations for emulsions incorporating Lamecreme DGE 1 8 are given. XI. perfume.886 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations O/W EMULSION RAW MATERIALS I. subl.0 Stearic Acid Neutrol TE. perfume. 6 or 7. 4 0 % more Neutrol TE than triethan olamine is required for adjusting the pH to 5.s.5 Water pH: 7 A mass fraction of approx.0 5.0 8.4 10. % Lamecreme DGE 1 8 Cutina E 2 4 Paraffin oil. Perfume Preservative q. SOURCE: Henkel: Cosmetics No. Myritol 3 1 8 Glycerol 8 6 % Deionized water.0 5.0 ad 100.0 Glycerin LUVITOL EHO 4.0 Glycerin Monostearate 3. 0 8.o B.s.0 Preparation: (A) is heated to ca.: Formulas .0 1. and emulsified into (A+B).0 2.12B W/O EMULSION OINTMENT RAW MATERIALS % By Weight A.1 . up to 100.0 q. Formula 1 . 75C..s. Petrolatum Paraffin Alugel DF 30 16.5 1 .o q. Magnesium Sulfate Preservative Water 1 .0 5. Formula 1. (C) is brought to 75-8OC. (B) is mixed together. SOFTISAN 601 MIGLYOL 812 Paraffin Cetyl Alcohol 10. IMWITOR 780K SOFTISAN 100 Lanolin Alcohol 5.0 3.. Glycerin Preservative Water 5. up to 100. (A) is heated until it is a gel.5 C.5 B. and heated up to the same temperature and emulsified into (A).0 Preparation: At about 9OC.2E SOURCE: Huls America Inc. (B) is melted and slowly added to (A).0 2.Miscellaneous 887 O/W EMULSION OINTMENT RAW MATERIALS % By Weight A. 0 42.: Formulas .0 QS QUICK EMULSIFYING BASE-B RAW MATERIALS % ABIL B8852 TAGAT TO Avocado Oil Mineral Oil Isopropyl Myristrate Color. SOURCE: Goldschmidt Chemical Co.0 20. Fragrance By Weight 10.0 15.0 QS QUICK EMULSIFYING BASE-C RAW MATERIALS ABIL ~ a a 5 2 TAGAT TO Avocado Oil Mineral Oil Isopropyl Myristate Caprylic/Capric Triglycerides Color.0 13.0 10. emollient and nonsticky emulsions are formed.0 7. Fragrance By Weight 10. Fragrance % By Weight 10.0 25.0 30.0 10.0 20.0 50.888 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations QUICK EMULSIFYING BASE-A RAW MATERIALS % ABIL ~ a a 5 2 TAGAT TO Avocado Oil Calendula Oil Caprylic/Capric Triglycerides Color. When these formulas are added to water or to wet skin. Uses : Blooming bath oils.0 10.0 18.0 QS Procedure: Add the ingredients in order mixing well between additions. instant lotions for after bath. After sun emollient lotions. Bases are clear with a honey-like viscosity. Mix phase B and add slowly to phase A while mixing. Heat to 65C and continue to mix until homogeneous.00 2. Add ( A ) and (B) with stirring.65 0.oo 1 . coloring and preservative as required.50 0. Add phase C while mixing. Separately mix (B) at 25C until homogeneous. Add propellant. Fragrance.: Formulas .20 3. Fragrance. ABIL B 8851 D. Charge into aerosol container.00 C.25 32. Add fragrance.50 B Triethanolamine Glycerine Propylene Glycol ABIL B 88183 2. Add (C)(D). This is a clear rinsing curl activator used to bring out the natural curl of the hair.00 C ABIL B 8851 ABIL Quat 3272 Color. Cool to 25C. Cool to 40C.Miscellaneous 889 SOFT SET CONDITIONING MOUSSE RAW MATERIALS % By Weight A. The Sodium Poly PG-propyl Dimethicone Thiosulfate contributes gloss and hydrophobicity to the hair. This conditioning mousse formulation provides for both a soft. Add the Triethanolamine and mix well.30 2. Preservative 1 .00 B.40 QS Disperse the Carbomer into the water and mix until completely clear.20 5. Isopropyl Alcohol ABIL 5-201 Aminomethyl Propanol Butyl Ester of PVM/MA copolymer 10.00 0.70 Mix (A). CLEAR GEL ACTIVATOR/CONDITIONER RAW MATERIALS % By Weight A Water Carbomer 940 57. SSOURCE: Goldschmidt Chemical Corp. Water Stearamidopropyl PG-dimonium chloride Phosphate 82. mix until homogeneous. It also contains humectants.oo 0. nontacky hold to a hair set and a conditioning effect on the hair fibers. detackifiers and conditioners. Preservatives Fill: Concentrate Isobutane QS 83.30 16. Then add part B to part A while stirring. Stir 4 5 minutes.500 0.000 0 .400 2.000 E Cremogen Hamamelis Water 739023 2.500 D Frescolat Type ML 620105 Perfume Oil Isopropyl myristate 1.200 2.000 Manufacturing Process: Part A: Weigh all ingredients.900 0. 40C). Part B: Disperse Carbopol and Pemulen in the mixture of Abil and Finsolv very carefully with high speed agitation. SOURCE: Haarman & Reimer GmbH: Formula K 811-51525 A/E .000 B Abil B 8839 Finsolv TN Pemulen TR-1 Carbopol 954 6.100 0.000 0. Part E: Add the Cremogen and stir until homogenous. Then add part D to part A/B/C and stir.890 Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations SPORT BODY COOLER INGREDIENTS % By Weight A Demineralized Water Phenonip Trilon B liquid Tween 80 Ir2-Propylene glycol 82.300 0. The pH value of the finished emulsion should be approx.100 C Triethanolamine 0 . 7 and has to be controlled. Part D: Dissolve Frescolat and Fragrance in isopropyl myristate (if necessary heat to max.000 2. Part C: Add triethanolamine while stirring. 6 1. 5.22 0. (50 degrees C. Butoxyethanol % By Weight 4. #I 1 . Color 17.Miscellaneous 891 SUPER HOT OIL RAW MATERIALS Part A: 1 MACKALENE 426 2.: Personal Care Formulary: Formulas . Tetrasodium EDTA 4 0 % 9. Natrosol 250HHR 8.2 4 0 cps SOURCE: McIntyre Group Ltd.8 Viscosity (cps): 6 0 . In a separate vessel blend # l o . #6.) to dissolve completely and clearly. DC 193 7. Fragrance 16. Then add # 1 4 .1 5 70. #16 and the remainder of water #I 7. Part B: 1 0. warm slightly (110 degrees F. Heat to 120 degrees F. Isopropyl Alcohol 13.5 0. #I 3.76 0. Glycerin 12.40 4.0 3.4-4. # 5 .50 0. Then add part B while mixing to the large manufacturing tank. Benzyl Alchohol 6. Disperse #7 into water #9. Deionized Water . MACKAMIDE AME-75 3. Blend together with appropriate mixing. 2. #I 2. Part B: 1.40 1.40 4. Appearance: Clear Liquid pH (Adjust up with Triethanolamine): 4.) and add #1. MACKSTAT DM 1 5. #8. Part C: 1. 2. #3.6 Part C: 1 4 . Deionized Water Procedure: Part A: 1. MACKERNIUM SDC-25 1 1 . Polyglycol 4 0 0 Polysorbate 8 0 4.00 6. 2. #2. Blend # 4 with fragrance #15 and add to tank.26 0.
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