May 10, 2018 | Author: Mostafa Harby Mohamed | Category: Business Continuity, International Organization For Standardization, Reference, Evaluation, Metrology



UPDATESTANDARDS O ve nl rs ine io n ht tp :// sh us op on .b lin sig e1 ro 20 up 8 .co m / August 2012 Contents 4 Quick Reference Guide 10 New and revised British Standards 10 BS EN publications 14 British Standard implementations 16 Published Documents 17 Publicly Available Specifications 17 Specialist books from BSI 17 Corrigenda to British Standards 18 Updated British Standards 19 Special Announcements 19 British Standards proposed for confirmation and confirmed 28 British Standards withdrawn 30 British Standards under review 30 New work started 37 Draft British Standards 42 Documents not issued as DPCs 42 CEN publications New PD 5500:2012 The latest specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels *See back cover for more information raising standards worldwide ™ 43 CENELEC publications 47 IEC publications 48 ISO publications Customer Services Your first point of contact 9 am to 5 pm BST Monday to Friday Call Customer Services now: t5PQVSDIBTFTUBOEBSETBOEQVCMJDBUJPOT t'PSGVSUIFSJOGPSNBUJPOPOTUBOEBSET QVCMJDBUJPOTBOEPVSTFSWJDFT Help us give you the best customer service t*GZPVIBWFEPOFCVTJOFTTXJUIVTCFGPSF QMFBTFRVPUF  ZPVSBDDPVOUOVNCFS t5PGJOEPVUBCPVU#4*.FNCFSTIJQ t8IFOQIPOJOH BMXBZTUBLFBOPUFPGUIFOBNFPGUIF  $VTUPNFS4FSWJDF"EWJTPSZPVBSFTQFBLJOHUP t5PSFTFSWFZPVSQMBDFPOPOFPGPVSTFNJOBSTBOEDPOGFSFODFT t*GZPVBSFSFTQPOEJOHUPMJUFSBUVSFQMFBTFRVPUFUIFSFGFSFODFDPEF How to order Telephone +44 (0)20 8996 9001 Website http://shop.bsigroup.com/us1208 Email [email protected] to place an order [email protected] to make an enquiry Fax +44 (0)20 8996 7001 Post BSI Customer Services 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL    8FXFMDPNFBMMZPVSGFFECBDL QMFBTFDPOUBDUVTXJUI ZPVSDPNNFOUT    :PVSDBMMTNBZCFSFDPSEFEBOEPSNPOJUPSFEUPIFMQ VTJNQSPWFPVSTFSWJDFUPZPV **ATTENTION BSI MEMBERS** *GZPVBSFB#4*.FNCFSZPVDBOPSEFSPOZPVSDSFEJUBDDPVOU Standards and publications may also be ordered via the BSI shop at http://shop.bsigroup.com *P&P £5.95 UK (inclusive of VAT); £9.95 Rest of the World (+VAT if applicable) – one-off charge added to your order of 10 items or fewer. FREE P&P to BSI Subscribing Members. Pre-payment is required by non-Members. VAT is applicable to all purchases of PDF downloads, CDs, DVDs, other electronic products and Conferences and Training Courses. All prices, content and publishing dates may be subject to change. For details of BSI Membership, call +44 (0)20 8996 9001. © BSI British Standards Institution 2012 +44 (0)20 8996 9001 www.bsigroup.com/customerservicesus1208 BSI Training #4*TUSBJOJOHDPVSTFTBSFEFTJHOFEXJUIUIFOFFETPGPVS DVTUPNFSTJONJOEGSPNUIFMBSHFTUPSHBOJTBUJPOTUPTNBMMFS TUBSUVQTXFIBWFBDPVSTFUPTVJUZPV5BLFBMPPLUPEBZ 8FBMTPPGGFSBMMPGPVSQVCMJDDPVSTFTBTCFTQPLF JODPNQBOZUSBJOJOHBUZPVSDPNQBOZTQSFNJTFT TIPVMEUIJTCFNPSFDPOWFOJFOUGPSZPV To download BSI Training Catalogue please visit our website: http://www.bsigroup.co.uk/trainingus1208 Dates for your diary – BSI Events in 2012 6th Annual BCM Conference 2012 Free Update Seminar: Green Deal 6 September, London 26 September, BSI Office – Kitemark Court, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes ISO 22301 and Beyond The Annual BCM Conference 2012 aims to provide the knowledge you need to prepare for disruptive incidents and prevent them from occurring in the first place. 5IF(SFFO%FBMJTBNBKPSJOJUJBUJWFCZUIF6,(PWFSONFOUUPDVU carbon emissions and improve the energy performance of domestic and commercial buildings. Join us on Thursday 6th September 2012 in London to see if your business continuity is up to scratch. Come and hear industry leaders advise on how to minimize disruption, increase the speed of recovery and provide valuable solutions to your business, 5IJTIBMGEBZTFNJOBSPGGFSTZPVUIFPQQPSUVOJUZUP By attending this conference, you will: t3FDFJWFQSBDUJDBMHVJEBODFBCPVUJNQMFNFOUJOH an effective BCM plan t "DDFTTUIFMBUFTUOFXTBCPVUUIF(SFFO%FBM t .BLFUIFNPTUPGUIFPQQPSUVOJUJFTUIBUUIF(SFFO%FBM could offer your business t 'JOEPVUIPXNBKPSQMBZFSTJOUIFJOEVTUSZBSFHFUUJOHJOWPMWFE t 6OEFSTUBOEIPX#4*JTJOWPMWFEXJUIUIF(SFFO%FBM t6OEFSTUBOEUIFNBJOEJGGFSFODFTCFUXFFO*40BOE#4 t 3BJTFZPVSTQFDJGJDRVFTUJPOTUPPVSQBOFMPGFYQFSUT t%JTDPWFSIPXUIFOFX*40SFMBUFTUPPUIFSTUBOEBSET Read more and book your place t-JTUFOUPSFBMMJGFDBTFTUVEJFTBDSPTTWBSJPVTJOEVTUSJFT t&YDIBOHFJEFBTBOEFOHBHFJOEJTDVTTJPOTXJUIZPVS  QFFSTBOEJOEVTUSZFYQFSUT Read more and book your place http://shop.bsigroup.com/bcmconferenceus1208 raising standards worldwide ™ http://shop.bsigroup.com/CPReventus1208 British Standards – Quick Reference Guide The following British Standards are listed or referred to in this issue of Update Standards with the exception of those in ‘New Work Started’. BS BS BS BS Quick reference guide Electrotechnical Building and civil engineering BS 376 ................................................................10 BS 469 ................................................................19 BS 714 ................................................................19 BS 764 ................................................................19 BS 1050 ..............................................................19 BS 1362 ..............................................................20 BS 1858 ..............................................................26 BS 2562 ..............................................................26 BS 2692 ..............................................................20 BS 2769 ..............................................................26 BS 3036 ..............................................................20 BS 5266 ..............................................................17 BS 5424 ..............................................................23 BS 5564 ..............................................................23 BS 5877 ..............................................................27 BS 5992 ..............................................................23 BS 6290 ..............................................................23 BS 6885 ..............................................................23 BS 7656 ..............................................................24 BS 8586 ..............................................................19 BS EN 50149 ......................................................12 BS EN 50164 ......................................................14 BS EN 50367 ......................................................17 BS EN 50522 ......................................................12 BS EN 55032 ......................................................19 BS EN 55103 ......................................................18 BS EN 60061 ......................................................18 BS EN 60076 ......................................................18 BS EN 60335 ................................................12, 18 BS EN 60432 ......................................................18 BS EN 60901 ......................................................18 BS EN 61000 ......................................................18 BS EN 61181 ......................................................18 BS EN 61755 ......................................................18 BS EN 62149 ......................................................14 BS EN 62196 ......................................................14 BS EN 62271 ......................................................14 BS EN 62384 ......................................................29 BS EN 62561 ......................................................14 PD ISO/TR 8713 ..................................................16 PD IEC/TR 61282 ................................................17 PD IEC/TS 62727 .................................................17 BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS 1125 ..............................................................19 1188 ..............................................................19 1206 ..............................................................19 1245 ..............................................................10 1254 ..............................................................19 1876 ..............................................................20 4305 ..............................................................21 4880 ..............................................................22 5400 ..............................................................29 5505 ..............................................................23 5506 ..............................................................23 5520 ..............................................................23 5627 ..............................................................23 6340 ..............................................................23 6700 ..............................................................29 7357 ..............................................................24 7818 ..............................................................24 7962 ..............................................................24 8541 ..............................................................10 8558 ..............................................................29 8747 ..............................................................27 EN 131 ..........................................................18 EN 474 ..........................................................18 EN 806 ..........................................................29 EN 1096 ........................................................10 EN 13541 ......................................................11 EN 15287 ......................................................18 EN 16031 ......................................................12 ISO 11863 .....................................................15 Consumer products and services BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS 4 1133 ..............................................................19 1643 ........................................................11, 28 1679 ..............................................................20 1683 ..............................................................20 1702 ..............................................................20 2003 ..............................................................20 2548 ..............................................................20 2837 ..............................................................20 3130 ..............................................................20 3313 ..............................................................21 4602 ..............................................................22 5597 ..............................................................23 5609 ..............................................................23 5740 ..............................................................23 6106 ..............................................................23 6407 ..............................................................23 6499 ..............................................................23 6652 ..............................................................23 6720 ..............................................................23 6884 ..............................................................23 6965 ..............................................................23 7012 ........................................................15, 29 7116 ..............................................................23 7289 ..............................................................24 7379 ..............................................................24 7539 ..............................................................24 7611 ..............................................................24 7661 ..............................................................29 7921 ..............................................................24 EN 233 ..........................................................27 EN 266 ..........................................................27 EN 1888 ........................................................10 EN 12149 ......................................................27 EN 12956 ......................................................27 EN 13138 ................................................17, 29 EN ISO 13225 ..........................................11, 28 EN 13537 ......................................................11 EN ISO 24443 ................................................12 ISO 8578 .................................................15, 29 ISO 9022 .................................................15, 29 ISO 9345 .................................................15, 29 ISO 9465 .......................................................15 ISO 15152 .....................................................18 ISO ISO ISO ISO 15153 15163 16331 18926 .....................................................18 .....................................................15 .....................................................16 .....................................................16 Engineering BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS 46 ..................................................................26 122 ................................................................19 185 ................................................................26 302 ................................................................19 325 ................................................................26 450 ................................................................26 463 ................................................................19 466 ................................................................19 500 ................................................................19 643 ................................................................19 768 ................................................................26 1083 ..............................................................26 1098 ..............................................................19 1104 ..............................................................26 1296 ........................................................19, 20 1564 ..............................................................20 1759 ..............................................................20 1804 ..............................................................26 2059 ..............................................................20 2061 ..............................................................26 2501 ..............................................................20 2502 ..............................................................20 2567 ..............................................................26 2827 ..............................................................27 3092 ..............................................................20 3146 ..............................................................20 3166 ..............................................................20 3170 ..............................................................20 3231 ..............................................................21 3332 ..............................................................21 3403 ..............................................................21 3529 ..............................................................21 Prices may be subject to change. BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS 3537 ..............................................................21 3592 ..............................................................21 3821 ..............................................................21 4048 ..............................................................21 4089 ..............................................................21 4168 ..............................................................27 4193 ........................................................15, 28 4235 ..............................................................21 4276 ..............................................................21 4376 ..............................................................22 4506 ..............................................................22 4507 ..............................................................22 4531 ..............................................................27 4548 ..............................................................14 4582 ..............................................................27 4823 ..............................................................22 4856 ..............................................................22 4857 ..............................................................22 4954 ..............................................................22 5077 ..............................................................22 5078 ..............................................................22 5106 ..............................................................22 5138 ..............................................................22 5141 ..............................................................22 5186 ..............................................................22 5208 ..............................................................22 5892 ..............................................................10 5908 ..............................................................23 6129 ..............................................................23 6130 ..............................................................23 6583 ..............................................................23 6880 ..............................................................23 6946 ..............................................................23 7420 ..............................................................24 7600 ........................................................15, 29 7724 ..............................................................27 7871 ..............................................................27 7885 ..............................................................27 7905 ..............................................................27 7906 ..............................................................27 EN 378 ..........................................................18 EN 473 ....................................................10, 29 EN ISO 898 ....................................................10 EN 1251 ........................................................27 EN 1252 ........................................................27 EN 1797 ........................................................27 EN 4644 ........................................................10 EN 4688 ........................................................10 EN 4689 ........................................................10 EN ISO 9712 ............................................10, 29 EN ISO 10961 ....................................14, 17, 29 EN 12012 ......................................................27 EN 12013 ......................................................27 EN 12213 ......................................................27 EN ISO 12215 ................................................11 EN 12258 ......................................................11 EN 12300 ......................................................27 EN 12301 ......................................................27 EN 12434 ......................................................27 EN 13275 ......................................................27 EN 13371 ......................................................27 EN 13458 ................................................27, 28 EN 13481 ......................................................11 EN 13530 ......................................................28 EN 13617 ......................................................11 EN 13648 ......................................................28 EN 13769 ......................................................29 EN 14197 ......................................................28 EN ISO 14271 ................................................17 EN 14398 ......................................................28 EN 15877 ......................................................11 EN 16029 ......................................................11 EN ISO 23125 ................................................18 EN ISO 23953 ................................................18 ISO 3767 .......................................................18 ISO 4106 .......................................................14 ISO 5296 .......................................................14 ISO 7475 .................................................16, 29 ISO 7720 .......................................................15 ISO 8854 .................................................15, 29 ISO 9766 .................................................15, 28 ISO 10285 .....................................................18 ISO 10509 ...............................................15, 29 ISO 10961 .....................................................14 ISO 13296 .....................................................15 Update Standards August 2012 British Standards – Quick Reference Guide continued... BS ISO 13400 .....................................................15 BS ISO 14230 .....................................................15 BS ISO 20283 .....................................................16 BS ISO 20515 .....................................................16 BS ISO 21940 ...............................................16, 29 BS ISO 22068 .....................................................16 BS ISO 26303 .....................................................16 BS ISO 27471 .....................................................16 PD 5500 .............................................................16 PD 6457 .............................................................24 BS 2A 27 ............................................................28 BS 4A 102 ..........................................................28 BS 4A 111 ..........................................................28 BS 4A 112 ..........................................................28 BS 4A 113 ..........................................................28 BS 4A 116 ..........................................................18 BS 2A 210 ..........................................................28 BS C 15 ..............................................................24 BS 3F 70 .............................................................28 BS 3F 71 .............................................................28 BS 2G 112 ..........................................................28 BS 2G 113 ..........................................................28 BS 2G 127 ..........................................................24 BS 2G 132 ..........................................................24 BS G 174 ............................................................28 BS G 175 ............................................................24 BS 5G 178 ..........................................................24 BS 4G 178 ..........................................................24 BS 2G 180 ..........................................................24 BS 2G 191 ..........................................................28 BS G 193 ............................................................24 BS 2G 196 ..........................................................24 BS 3G 197 ..........................................................24 BS G 198 ............................................................24 BS 3G 198 ..........................................................24 BS 4G 198 ..........................................................24 BS 2G 201 ..........................................................24 BS 2G 202 ..........................................................24 BS G 207 ............................................................24 BS G 209 ............................................................24 BS 3G 210 ..........................................................24 BS G 212 ............................................................24 BS G 217 ............................................................24 BS G 222 ............................................................24 BS 2G 223 ..........................................................24 BS 2G 232 ..........................................................24 BS 3G 233 ..........................................................24 BS G 235 ............................................................24 BS G 236 ............................................................24 BS G 237 ............................................................25 BS 2G 238 ..........................................................25 BS G 241 ............................................................25 BS G 242 ............................................................25 BS G 243 ............................................................25 BS G 244 ............................................................25 BS G 247 ............................................................25 BS L 164 .............................................................25 BS L 165 .............................................................25 BS 3N 3 ..............................................................25 BS N 5 ................................................................28 BS N 6 ................................................................25 BS 4N 100 ..........................................................25 BS 5N 100 ..........................................................25 BS 7S 80 .............................................................25 BS 2S 136 ...........................................................25 BS 2S 140 ...........................................................25 BS S 150 .............................................................25 BS S 151 .............................................................25 BS S 152 .............................................................25 BS S 162 .............................................................25 BS S 164 .............................................................25 BS S 206 .............................................................25 BS 2S 513 ...........................................................25 BS S 532 .............................................................25 BS S 533 .............................................................25 BS S 534 .............................................................25 BS S 535 .............................................................25 BS S 538 .............................................................25 BS 3T 53 .............................................................25 BS 3T 60 .............................................................25 BS 2T 66 .............................................................25 BS 2T 68 .............................................................25 BS T 72 ...............................................................25 Update Standards August 2012 BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS HC 7 ..............................................................25 HC 10 ............................................................25 HC 103 ..........................................................25 HC 106 ..........................................................26 4HR 100 ........................................................19 MA 5 .............................................................26 MA 47 ...........................................................26 MA 48 ...........................................................26 MA 57 ...........................................................26 SP 18 and 19 .................................................28 SP 41 .............................................................19 2SP 47 ...........................................................28 2SP 93 ...........................................................28 SP 107 ...........................................................19 SP 113 ...........................................................28 SP 115 to 117 ................................................28 SP 121 ...........................................................28 SP 134 to SP 138 ...........................................28 AU 232 ....................................................15, 29 AU 258 ..........................................................26 AU 193a ........................................................26 AU 237a ........................................................26 Health and environment BS 3044 ..............................................................27 BS 3531 ........................................................15, 28 BS 4110 ..............................................................21 BS 5724 ..............................................................29 BS 6324 ..............................................................27 BS 7028 ..............................................................23 BS 7184 ..............................................................27 BS 7394 ..............................................................27 BS 7971 ..............................................................27 BS EN 455 ..........................................................27 BS EN 980 ..........................................................11 BS EN 1483 ........................................................29 BS EN 1865 ..................................................10, 29 BS EN ISO 11137 ................................................10 BS EN 12182 ......................................................11 BS EN 12338 ......................................................29 BS EN ISO 12782 ................................................11 BS EN ISO 12846 ..........................................17, 29 BS EN 13381 ................................................11, 29 BS EN ISO 13485 ................................................29 BS EN 13640 ................................................12, 29 BS EN ISO 15223 ..........................................11, 29 BS EN ISO 19980 ................................................17 BS EN ISO 23640 ..........................................12, 29 BS EN 60601 ......................................................29 BS EN 60731 ......................................................12 BS EN 61217 ......................................................14 DD ENV 13381 .............................................11, 29 BS ISO 9308 .......................................................15 BS ISO 9714 .................................................15, 28 BS ISO 11228 .....................................................15 BS ISO 12219 .....................................................15 BS ISO 15202 .....................................................15 BS ISO 16000 .....................................................15 BS ISO 17491 .....................................................16 BS ISO 22846 .....................................................16 PD ISO/TR 12296 ................................................16 Information systems BS 6312 ..............................................................23 BS 6498 ..............................................................27 BS 7896 ..............................................................27 BS 7983 ..............................................................24 BS EN ISO 19111 ..........................................14, 17 BS EN ISO 19143 ..........................................14, 17 BS EN ISO 19144 ..........................................14, 17 BS EN ISO 27953 ................................................12 BS EN 61158 ..........................................12, 14, 29 BS ISO 13008 .....................................................15 BS ISO 17442 .....................................................16 BS ISO 19111 .....................................................14 BS ISO 19143 .....................................................14 BS ISO 19144 .....................................................14 BS ISO/IEC 24730 .........................................16, 29 BS ISO/IEC 29160 ...............................................16 DD IEC/PAS 62573 ........................................12, 29 PD ISO/TS 19135 ................................................17 Prices may be subject to change. Management systems BS 5760 ..............................................................27 BS 8901 ..............................................................16 BS EN ISO 14064 ..........................................14, 17 BS ISO 11843 .....................................................15 BS ISO 14064 .....................................................14 BS ISO 20121 .....................................................16 BS ISO 20252 .....................................................16 PD CEN/TS 16316 ...............................................16 Materials and chemicals BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS 489 ................................................................19 1203 ..............................................................19 1344 ..............................................................20 1413 ..............................................................20 2626 ..............................................................20 2751 ..............................................................26 2775 ..............................................................27 2782 ........................................................18, 20 2987 ..............................................................20 3110 ..............................................................20 3379 ..............................................................21 3396 ..............................................................21 3532 ..............................................................21 3649 ..............................................................21 3749 ..............................................................21 3816 ..............................................................21 3903 ..............................................................21 4088 ..............................................................28 4258 ..............................................................21 4267 ..............................................................21 4277 ..............................................................21 4367 ..............................................................21 4431 ..............................................................22 4448 ..............................................................29 4475 ..............................................................22 4479 ..............................................................22 4514 ..............................................................27 4651 ..............................................................22 4756 ..............................................................22 4764 ..............................................................22 4901 ..............................................................22 5139 ..............................................................22 5261 ..............................................................23 5293 ........................................................14, 29 5350 ..............................................................23 5551 ..............................................................23 5946 ..............................................................23 6380 ..............................................................10 7164 ..............................................................24 7793 ..............................................................24 7982 ..............................................................24 7991 ..............................................................24 EN ISO 179 ....................................................18 EN 1554 ........................................................10 EN 12201 ................................................11, 29 EN 12222 ......................................................30 EN 12743 ......................................................30 EN 12744 ......................................................30 EN 12745 ......................................................30 EN 12747 ......................................................30 EN 12749 ......................................................30 EN 12770 ......................................................30 EN 12771 ......................................................30 EN 12772 ......................................................30 EN 12773 ......................................................30 EN 12774 ......................................................30 EN 12782 ......................................................30 EN 12785 ......................................................30 EN 12800 ......................................................30 EN 12801 ......................................................30 EN 12803 ......................................................30 EN 13144 ......................................................30 EN 13244 ................................................11, 29 EN 13515 ......................................................30 EN 13520 ......................................................30 EN 13811 ......................................................30 EN 14175 ......................................................11 EN ISO 23999 ..........................................14, 17 ISO 4652 .................................................14, 29 ISO 11664 .....................................................15 ISO 12924 .....................................................18 5 .......................................................................................21 .......27 BS 7921 ............23 BS 6880 ....................................................... 29 BS EN 1888 ...........................................17 BIP 2211 ...............................................................................................................20 2061 .......................20 3110 .............19 BS 8747 ......................................................................................................21 ....................................................................................23 .......................24 BS 7394 ....10 BS EN 4688 ....................................................................................................................................................21 ......................................................................................................16 PD ISO/TR 11827 .............23 ....23 ...18 BS EN 806 ........................................................................................................................................................................10........ 29 BS 7028 ..................10 BS EN 1251 ...................................................................18................................................17 BS EN 131 ..................................................................................................22 .........14 .......................................................................................29 BS 6720 ................................................................20 1362 ...21 ..23 Prices may be subject to change............................27 BS 7905 ......................... 28 1679 ...........................21 ...........................27 BS EN 1865 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................10 BS EN ISO 9712 ..........................................................................................................24 BS 7962 ...........................................................................................22 .................................................................................18 BS EN ISO 179 ............................................................................................................................21 BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS 3531 3532 3537 3592 3649 3749 3816 3821 3903 4048 4088 4089 4110 4168 4193 4235 4258 4267 4276 4277 4305 4367 4376 4431 4448 4475 4479 4506 4507 4514 4531 4548 4582 4602 4651 4756 4764 4823 4856 4857 4880 4901 4954 5077 5078 5106 5138 5139 5141 5186 5208 5261 5266 5293 5350 5400 5424 5505 5506 5520 5551 5564 5597 5609 5627 5724 5740 5760 5877 5892 5908 5946 5992 6106 6129 6130 6290 6312 6324 6340 6380 6407 6498 6499 ...19 325 .....................................................................................................................................................................20 1564 ...................................................................................................................10 BS EN 4644 ...19 185 ...................22 ... BS 6583 ...................................................23 ......................................................27 ...........................................................22 .......19 1104 ..................................23 ......................22 ...23 BS 7116 ............................. 29 BS EN 474 ............................................................................. 29 BS EN 12213 ................23 BS 7164 ..........................................................................................................................16 PD IEC/TS 62607 ....................19..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................26 1876 ...........20 2003 ......................................................................................................................................29 .23 ...21 .......................................................................................................21 .....................................................................................27 .............................................................................26 2626 .............................23 ....10 BS EN 12012 ..................................................24 BS 7983 ..............................................................................................22 ........23 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................14 PD ISO/TS 10797 .......................................20 3166 ......... BS ISO 13099 .........................................................10 BS EN 980 ...........................21 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................27 .........................................23 BS 6884 ..................20 2548 ......................................................20 1643 ....................23 ....................................................23 ......................................................................................26 1858 .......27 BS EN 378 .......................................22 .................21 3403 ..21 ......................................15.............................26 463 ....................................................................................................23 BS 6885 .....16 BIP 0113 ................19 1133 ..........................24 BS 7991 .......11............................................................. 28 ..........................................................19 500 ....................... 29 ................................................................................................27 BS 7982 ..15 BS ISO 13975 ............23 ....................................................26 1050 ........................23 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................27 BS EN 1252 ...........British Standards – Quick Reference Guide continued......................................................................... 29 BS 7611 ........................11...............................................................................27 ..............................................................22 ..............22 ............22 ..........10 450 ........................................................................................................... 29 BS EN ISO 10961 ..............................................................................................................................20 1413 ............................................................ 29 BS EN ISO 11137 ........................................19 469 ................26 2567 ...................................................................................................15....................19 466 ......................26 376 ..........................27 BS EN 1483 .......................20 3146 ...................................................................................17 ................................................................17 BIP 2081 ....................27 BS 7793 ................24 BS 7661 ..................................................................23 BS 6965 ................................................................27 BS EN 12338 ..................................................................................... 28 ................................................................................24 BS 7818 ..................22 ..................................27 BS EN 12301 ........11 BS EN 12201 ...............24 BS 7600 ..................................................................................................................................21 .................................15.....27 2782 ..............19 489 .....................................23 ...........................................26 2501 .........................................................................................26 2775 .................................................................24 BS 7871 ............................................................................... 20 2827 ............18 BS EN 455 ......................27 BS EN 266 ................................................18 BS EN 233 ..............................................................................20 2562 ..................................................................21 .........20 3044 ....................................................20 2987 ..........................................19 764 ..............................................22 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................20 1702 .................................................................23 .............................................................27 3092 ....................23 BS 6700 ..................................................................................................................................14............................................................................................................................................................................21 .......10...............16 PD ISO/TR 16689 .............................................................................21 3396 ..........................................20 3036 .......................................................................23 .......................19 643 .........................................................................................24 BS 7539 .............................................22 .....................27 BS 7420 .........................................................................19 768 ........................................11 BS EN 12300 ..........................................................................................................22 .....................27 BS 7885 .....20 1683 ..........................24 BS 7379 ..............................................................27 ..............................................20 2692 ................................................................................................................27 ...........................29 BS EN 1554 ..................................27 BS 7906 .................................................................................29 .30 BS EN 12258 .........................................................22 ....................................................................27 BS 8901 ......27 BS EN 12149 ...........22 ...........10 .............................23 ..........................22 ..........22 ...............................................16 BS ISO 23999 ...................................................................20 1804 ................................................................................................................................................21 ......23 BS 6652 ...............................................................................................................19 1245 .......................................................19 1206 ...........................................................................................10 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17................29 BS EN ISO 898 ........................................................................23 .............................27 BS EN 12182 ...................................................23 ............................................................................................................................21 3529 ............................................................24 BS 8541 ...............................27 .........24 BS 7357 ........................................................24 BS 7656 ...............23 ............27 ....................................................................21 3313 .................................................................................................................................................................................21 ..............17 Alpha-numeric sequence of British Standards quoted in this issue BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS 6 46 ...........22 .........................21 .................................................................20 3130 ....20 2751 ......10 BS 8558 ..........20 1759 ...............27 BS EN ISO 12215 .................29 BS 8586 .................23 .......27 BS EN 12013 ......................................................................................21 3379 ..........................................................22 ............................... 20 1344 ......22 ..19 1296 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................20 3170 ............................................27 BS EN 473 ..........11 BS EN 1096 ..............................................................................................10..........................................22 ..........................................................17 BIP 2185 ...................10 BS EN 4689 ...............................................24 BS 7971 ....................................................................26 1098 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................29 BS 7724 .........20 2502 ............................................................15...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................27 2837 ...................................26 1125 .................................................19 1203 ......29 Update Standards August 2012 ..................................................................................................21 ..............................................................21 ................................10 BS EN 1797 ......................................................................19 1083 ................19 1188 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................10 1254 ...........................23 BS 7012 ...15 BS ISO 21461 .........................................................................................................26 2769 ...............................................................................19 714 .....................22 ..........................27 BS 7289 ....................23 BS 6946 ................................14...................................................................................................................20 3231 .......................................................................................................................................................................20 2059 ......11 BS EN 12222 .29 .....................................26 122 .............................................................................................................................................................................26 302 ..........21 ......................................................................23 ....................................................................................................27 BS 7896 .........................22 .....................................................28 .............21 3332 ......23 .....................................24 BS 7184 ................................... £9. regulatory and customer requirements.com *P&P £5.bsigroup. implementing BS ISO 22301 is the first step towards a best practice approach. implement and maintain your BCMS Measure your organization’s overall capability to manage disruptive incidents Guarantee conformity with stated business continuity policy If disruption is not an option for your business.95 UK (inclusive of VAT). For details of BSI Membership. VAT is applicable to all purchases of PDF downloads.95 Rest of the World (+VAT if applicable) – one-off charge added to your order of 10 items or fewer. DVDs. The CMI annual survey found that 81% of managers whose organizations activated their business continuity arrangements in the last 12 months said they had effectively reduced disruption. You will be happy to learn that the much anticipated international requirements standard for business continuity management has now been published. the wait is over. It gives you the confidence you need to assure key stakeholders that your business is fully prepared and can meet internal.business continuity works.com http://shop. content and publishing dates may be subject to change.bsigroup.com/iso22301us1208 Prepare yourself against the worst To contact us visit http://shop. FREE P&P to BSI Subscribing Members.bsigroup. In summary .com/iso22301us1208 or contact BSI Customer Services quoting marketing reference code ISO22301-US1208 Tel +44 (0)20 8996 9001 Fax +44 (0)20 8996 7001 Email orders@bsigroup. Pre-payment is required by non-Members. The standard has been specifically designed to ensure continued business functionality during the most unexpected circumstances.Introducing BS ISO 22301 – The International Standard for Business Continuity Management At last. All prices. other electronic products and Conferences and Training Courses. BS ISO 22301 identifies the fundamentals of business continuity management (BCM) and provides a basis for understanding. BS ISO 22301 specifies the requirements to: Identify crucial risk factors already affecting your organization Understand your organization’s needs and obligations Establish. © BSI British Standards Institution 2012 . call +44 (0)20 8996 9001. developing and implementing BCM within your organization. visit http://shop. CDs.com/iso22301us1208 raising standards worldwide ™ Standards and publications may also be ordered via the BSI shop at http://shop. For more information.bsigroup. ..................12...15...................................................................................14 BS EN 61755 .....................................................................11 BS EN 14197 ...................26 BS MA 48 ..................................................15 BS ISO 12924 ....15 BS ISO 8578 ............................................................. 28 BS EN 13244 ...........................................25 BS S 152 ............................28 BS 2G 127 .28 BS 4A 116 ......16 BS ISO 20252 ........................19 BS MA 5 ................................................................................................12....24 BS G 174 .............25 BS 4N 100 ................................................30 BS EN ISO 12846 ...............................................................................................28 BS SP 41 .....................25 BS S 164 ................................................................................................................24 BS 3G 233 ............................................................... 14..24 BS 5G 178 .16 PD ISO/TS 10797 .......................................................15 BS ISO 11664 .................................................................................................14...................................30 BS EN 12772 .................................. 29 PD CEN/TS 16316 ..........................17 BS 2A 27 .........................................................................................................24 BS 2G 201 ...11 BS EN ISO 13485 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................16 PD ISO/TR 16689 ...............................................25 BS 3T 53 ........................................14 BS ISO 14230 ..............................................................................................................................25 BS S 206 .........11..........................30 BS EN ISO 12782 ..................................27 BS EN 13381 ......................................................................................24 BS 2G 232 ...............................................................24 BS G 198 .....................................25 BS T 72 .....24 BS 2G 191 .27 BS EN 13138 ..... 29 BS ISO 9308 ......................................16 BS ISO 17442 .............................................................................................................................16 BS ISO 27471 ........25 BS L 164 ...............................................................................................24 BS 3G 210 .......18 BS EN 60076 ...............................................................26 BS SP 18 and 19 ................25 BS 2S 513 ...............25 BS 2S 140 ..............................25 BS G 244 .............24 BS 3G 197 .................... 18 BS EN 60432 ......................................29 BS EN 62561 ............................... 28 BS EN 13481 .................24 BS G 217 ........................................................................................................................................17 PAS 107 ...................16 PD 6457 .............24 BS 2G 132 ......................................................................................................................24 BS 2G 223 ...............................................................................................................................................................25 BS S 150 ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................11..........................................11........................ 29 BS EN 13648 ......................................................................................17 PD IEC/TR 61282 .............. 29 BS ISO 3767 ..............14 BS ISO 19143 ...................................18 BS EN 15877 ..................................................28 BS SP 121 ..11 BS EN 13617 .................17 PAS 377 ............................14 BS ISO/IEC 24730 .........18 BS ISO 10509 ..................18 BS EN ISO 23999 .............24 BS G 236 ..24 BS 3G 198 .......25 BS G 243 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................28 BS 3F 71 ..............................................18 BS EN 62149 ..................14 BS ISO 4652 .................................................................................30 BS EN 13530 .......................................................18 BS 2A 210 ....................................................................29 BS EN 60731 ....................................................................14.24 BS G 235 ........ 29 BS EN 61181 ...........16 BS ISO 21940 ..................26 BS MA 47 ...................27.......................................................................................................24 BS G 222 ................14 BS ISO 7475 ........17 BS EN 14398 ..................................... 29 BS ISO 7720 ...............................................................11...................................................................................25 BS L 165 ... 17 BS EN ISO 19980 ....................................................30 BS EN 13520 .................................16 PD 5500 .....15 BS ISO 13296 ...........11................................................................................................25 BS 7S 80 ......................................................................................28 BS N 6 .......24 Prices may be subject to change........18 8 BS ISO 4106 .............................................18 BS EN ISO 23640 ....15 BS ISO 14064 ..........16 BS ISO 23999 .........................14 BS EN 50367 ............25 BS G 242 ...........................................................................29 BS EN 13811 ........................................ 29 BS ISO 5296 .......................30 BS EN 12771 ...............................................28 BS 4A 111 ..................15.................................24 BS 4G 198 ..............................................................................................................................................................................25 BS 5N 100 ..................................................16 DD IEC/PAS 62573 .............................................................15.....................28 BS 4A 102 ................................11 BS EN 13640 ................................................................................... 29 BS ISO 9022 ............................. 28 BS ISO 9766 .......................................................................................... BS EN 12434 ..............................................................................25 BS 2S 136 ........19 BS SP 113 .....................................................................17 PAS 83 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................25 BS HC 103 ..............................25 BS 2G 238 ................15 BS ISO 15152 ........................................................................................................................................... 29 BS EN 12956 ........................................................................................................................................................17..........................................30 BS EN 12770 .......................................................................14 DD ENV 13381 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Alpha-numeric Sequence of British Standards continued.........14.........27 BS EN 13371 .........16 PD ISO/TS 19135 ..........17 PD IEC/TS 62727 .........................................16 BS ISO 21461 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 29 BS ISO 9465 ................................................................................28 BS 4A 113 ......................................................................................................................................16 BS ISO 22846 .25 BS HC 7 ...............................................................15 BS ISO 16331 ...................25 BS S 532 .26 BS AU 237a ...........................17 BS EN 50522 .......................................................................................................................................15 BS ISO 13975 ............................................................................................................30 BS EN 12747 ...........................17 BS EN ISO 23125 ......................................................................................................................................................25 BS S 535 ..............................19 BS 2SP 47 ..........................................................15..................................14 BS EN 62384 .....................14...........................................28 BS G 193 ...........................25 BS S 538 ......15 BS ISO 9345 ...........................14 BS ISO 19144 ....15 BS ISO 15202 ................................. 29 BS EN 13458 .... 29 BS EN ISO 23953 ......25 BS G 241 .28 BS AU 232 ...............25 BS 3T 60 ....................25 BS S 151 ......................................15 BS ISO 13099 ......28 BS EN 13769 .......................................30 BS EN 12744 ......25 BS S 162 .....................................................................................................................................16.......................................14 BS ISO 11228 .....................................................................................................30 BS EN 12749 .........16 BS ISO 17491 ............. 29 BS AU 258 ............................ BS 4G 178 ...............15 BS ISO 16000 ........11 BS EN 16031 .....................25 BS HC 10 ...................................................................................................................................15 BS ISO 11863 ................................................................................................. 17 BS EN ISO 24443 ...........................................................................28 BS G 175 .............................................28 BS 2G 113 .................................................. 29 BS ISO 22068 ...................24 BS G 209 ............................................................................................................................................................27 BS EN 12743 ........................................................................................................................................26 BS 4HR 100 ......................................... 29 BS EN 15287 .................................................................................................................... 29 BS ISO 26303 ..12 BS EN 55032 ............................................25 BS 3N 3 ..................................24 BS 2G 196 ...............25 BS 2T 66 .....................................28 BS SP 115 to 117 .................................................................................16 BS ISO 18926 ....................................................................28 BS 2SP 93 .......................................................12..................................................................................... 17 BS EN ISO 19144 ........................16 BS ISO 20283 ..............18 BS ISO 13008 .......18 BS EN 60061 ..................................25 BS N 5 ........................................................................................................... 17 BS EN 14175 ..........................................................................................25 BS 2T 68 ................................................30 BS EN 12773 .....18 BS EN 61158 .14 BS EN 62271 ...................................................................................................26 PAS 43 .................28 BS 4A 112 ..................................................................................................................15 BS ISO 13400 ..30 BS EN ISO 13225 .....................................15 BS ISO 12219 .......................................................................................................................................30 BS EN 12803 ........................................................................29 BS EN 13515 ..30 BS EN 12782 ........................................25 BS S 533 .................30 BS EN 12774 ...................24 BS 2G 202 ........................................................25 BS S 534 ...................26 BS AU 193a ...................................................................................................................30 BS EN 12801 ...........................................14 BS ISO 20121 .....15 BS ISO 11843 ....................................................... 29 BS ISO 8854 ..............................................12.............................................................................................18 BS EN 60335 ........28 BS EN ISO 15223 .....................................18 BS ISO 15153 ........................16 BS ISO 19111 ...........................................................................................................................17 Update Standards August 2012 .............12 BS EN 50164 .........................12 BS EN 50149 ................18 BS EN 61217 ...........15................................24 BS G 237 ...................................17..........24 BS G 207 .....................11 BS EN 13541 ................................................................................. 29 BS ISO 10961 ....14 BS EN 62196 ..........................................................................16............18 BS ISO 15163 ..................28 BS EN ISO 14271 .................24 BS G 212 ...................................28 BS EN 13537 ....12 BS EN 60901 ............ 29 BS EN 13144 .....30 BS EN ISO 14064 ...............................25 BS G 247 ......................16 PD ISO/TR 11827 ..............................15 BS ISO 9714 ...16 BS ISO/IEC 29160 ..............................................................................................................19 BS EN 55103 ....14............................................................................15.............................................................................................18 BS EN 60601 ....................................................11 BS EN 16029 .............................................15...............30 BS EN 12745 ................................................24 PD ISO/TR 8713 ..........................................18 BS EN 61000 .................................25 BS HC 106 ..........14.....28 BS C 15 ..........................................................................................................................24 BS 2G 180 ...................................................................................................................................................................12 BS EN ISO 19111 .........................................12....28 BS SP 107 ......26 BS MA 57 ......................................................................................17 PD IEC/TS 62607 ........................................................................... 29 BS EN 13275 ...................................12 BS EN ISO 27953 .....................................................28 BS SP 134 to SP 138 ... 17 BS EN ISO 19143 .....................................................................11 BS EN 12785 ......................................................................................................................................................16...................................................24 BS 3F 70 .....................16 PD ISO/TR 12296 ...............15..........................16 BS ISO 20515 ...........................................................................................................................................................................30 BS EN 12800 ..................................28 BS 2G 112 ......................................................... 28 BS ISO 10285 ........................ Enhance your understanding of quality and how it relates to market research with Quality in Market Research . BSI ISO 20252:2012 specifies the internationally recognized terms.bsigroup. Vocabulary and service requirements.BS ISO 20252:2012 Market. An increasing proportion of the expenditure of market research companies is allocated to multi-national projects whose objective is consistent regional and global measurement. Comprehensively updated since its first publication in 2006. Opinion and Social Research Vocabulary and service requirements. opinion and social research and provides practical tips and guidance on how to meet this standard.bsigroup. demonstrating best practice is a potent statement to consumers and competitors. If you carry out. whether they are conducting or commissioning market research. this book has been developed to provide you with the tools you need to ensure your market research is of the highest standard. Market. examples. raising standards worldwide ™ Who is it relevant to? It is suitable for any organization that undertakes research.00 http://shop. models and checklists. need assurance that it meets with quality standards and is consistent.com/bsiso20252us1208 raising standards worldwide ™ BIP 2206 Quality in Market Research: From Theory to Practice A new complementary BSI book. has been written to accompany BS ISO 20252:2012 Market opinion and social research.From Theory to Practice. definitions and service expectations for market. Quality in Market Research is the only book on the market to give a full assessment of ISO 20252 Market. both nationally and internationally. This includes: t"OZNBSLFUSFTFBSDIBTTPDJBUJPOTBOEDPNQBOJFT t"OZDPNQBOZUIBUJOWFTUTJONBSLFUSFTFBSDIIBTBNBSLFU or consumer insight team t"MMNBSLFUSFTFBSDIQSPGFTTJPOBMTTUVEFOUT taking the Market Research Society Diploma http://shop. BS ISO 20252:2012 this revision includes: t"OVQEBUFETDPQFBOERVBMJUZNBOBHFNFOUTZTUFN t$MBSJåDBUJPOPGRVFSJFTXIJDIIBWFBSJTFOGSPNJOUFSOBUJPOBM organizations that have fully implemented the standard t"QQSBJTBMJOUIFMJHIUPGOFXBOEFNFSHJOHUFDIOPMPHJFT t*ODPSQPSBUJPOPGQSPDFTTSFRVJSFNFOUTGSPNUIFBDDFTT panel standard BS ISO 26362 Price: £178. Packed with case studies. opinion and social research is now an established global industry. BIP 2206 Quality in Market Research: From Theory to Practice.com/bip2206us1208 . opinion and social research. reliable and valid. Businesses of all sizes. commission or buy market research. rectangular.00 members. operating temperature 175ºC (or 125ºC) continuous.00 non-members ACE/6 BS EN 4688:2012 Aerospace series.00 members. Qualification and certification of NDT personnel supersedes BS EN 1554:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 76194 2 £48. £96.00 members. £156. CW/1/2 Please order by the British Standard reference not the ISBN number. Paints and varnishes.00 members. Coated glass. The publications listed below are new and revised British Standards that were made available last month. £190.00 members.00 non-members PRI/67 WEE/46 BS EN 1865-3:2012 BS EN ISO 11137-2:2012 Patient handling equipment used in road ambulances.org. Note: The date referenced in the identifier is the date of the European standard. member pricing is applicable to BSI and Energy Institute members. £96.00 members. Wheeled child conveyances.00 non-members CH/239 B/555 BS EN 1865-5:2012 BS EN PUBLICATIONS Patient handling equipment used in road ambulances.British Standards BRITISH STANDARDS The following British Standard publications are available from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2). Product requirements no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 70803 9 £68.00 members.00 non-members FME/9/1 BS EN 1096-1:2012 Glass in building. £204.00 non-members BS EN 4644-001:2012 Aerospace series. £78. BS 376-1:2012 Railway signalling symbols. Definitions and classification supersedes BS EN 1096-1:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 75084 7 £68. details are given and a corresponding entry appears in the ’British Standards withdrawn’ section. Drum friction testing Non-destructive testing.00 members. Radiation.00 members. In all other cases of supersession.00 non-members B/520/1 BS EN 1096-2:2012 Glass in building.00 members.00 non-members Prices may be subject to change. Requirements and test methods for class C and D coatings B/538/2 supersedes BS EN 1096-3:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 75086 1 £48. Specification BS EN 1096-3:2012 Aerospace series. modular.00 non-members Glass in building.00 members. engineering and construction. using the EN number. Technical specification no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 59826 5 £108.00 non-members supersedes BS EN 1865:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 70209 9 £39. £204. £156. Connector. £136.00 non-members BS EN 1554:2012 Guide to low temperature properties and cold weather use of diesel fuels and gas oils supersedes BS 6380:1997 ISBN 978 0 580 78085 1 £48. Identification and classification.00 members.uk For this series. £156. Heavy duty stretcher Sterilization of health care products. Child care articles. modular. £96. Update Standards August 2012 . £96.00 non-members An existing BSI publication bearing a number identical to one announced below is automatically withdrawn unless stated otherwise. Coated glass.00 non-members supersedes BS EN 1888:2003 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 68090 8 £102. Stretcher support supersedes BS EN 1865:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 70208 2 £48.00 members. Wheelsets and bogies. £136. Establishing the sterilization dose supersedes BS EN 1865:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 70210 5 £48. Safety requirements and test methods BRITISH STANDARD IMPLEMENTATIONS WILL BE SUPPLIED IN PREFERENCE TO EUROPEAN OR INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS.00 members.00 non-members BS 5892-8:2012 B/520/1 Railway rolling stock materials. Coarse thread and fine pitch thread BS 2000 series standards are also available from:– Library of the Energy Institute 61 New Cavendish Street London W1G 7AR Tel: 020 7467 7100 Fax: 020 7255 1472 Email: lis@energyinst. Requirements and test methods for class A. BS ENs. Corrosion inhibiting two components cold curing primer for military application no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 76850 7 £48. Connector.00 non-members ACE/6 BS EN 4644-002:2012 Aerospace series. Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel.00 members. Set screws and similar threaded fasteners with specified hardness classes.00 non-members PTI/2 10 ACE/65/-/3 BS EN ISO 9712:2012 Conveyor belts. Coated glass. The following are British Standard implementations of the English language versions of European Standards (ENs).00 members. This has led to a series of standards. £136. £96. electrical and optical.00 members. Foldable patient transfer chair no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 74144 9 £95.00 non-members CH/239 CH/198 RAE/3/-/1 BS 6380:2012 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 76851 4 £68. B and S coatings supersedes BS EN 1096-2:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 75085 4 £78. operating temperature 175ºC (or 125ºC) continuous. £136. £216. electrical and optical. rectangular inserts. Specification for schematic symbols supersedes BS 376-1:1951 ISBN 978 0 580 74977 3 £78. BSI has an obligation to publish all ENs and to withdraw any conflicting British Standards. rectangular.00 non-members supersedes BS EN ISO 11137-2:2007 ISBN 978 0 580 66636 0 £102. Code of practice Patient handling equipment used in road ambulances. Powered and non-powered wheelsets with inboard bearings. £96. £136. Paints and varnishes. UNLESS OTHERWISE REQUESTED. BS 8541-1:2012 BS EN 1865-4:2012 Library objects for architecture.00 non-members supersedes BS EN 473:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 74535 5 £78. Two components cold curing polyurethane finish.00 non-members ACE/65/-/3 BS 1245:2012 B/520/1 BS EN 4689:2012 Pedestrian doorsets and door frames made from steel sheet. Railway applications. Specification of performance and contact arrangements no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 59831 9 £68.00 non-members GEL/9/1 CH/239 BS EN 1888:2012 BS EN ISO 898-5:2012 supersedes BS EN ISO 898-5:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 70352 2 £68.00 members. £156.00 members. rectangular inserts.00 members. High flexibility and chemical agent resistance for military application supersedes BS 1245:1975 ISBN 978 0 580 56185 6 £78. Terms and definitions.00 non-members FSH/22/-/12 BS EN 13481-1:2012 Railway applications.00 non-members Soil quality. £190. Track.00 members.00 non-members GME/33 BS EN 12258-1:2012 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Performance requirements for fastening systems. Special fastening systems for switches and crossings and check rails CH/173 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 66915 6 £68.00 non-members EH/4 BS EN ISO 12782-2:2012 Soil quality. £96.00 members. Sailing craft appendages no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 71438 2 £102.00 non-members LBI/18 BS EN ISO 15223-1:2012 BS EN 13481-3:2012 Railway applications. Safety requirements for construction and performance of metering pumps.00 members.00 non-members RAE/2 BS EN 13481-2:2012 Railway applications. £96.00 members. Parameters for geochemical modelling of leaching and speciation of constituents in soils and materials. Track.00 non-members BS EN 13481-4:2012 Railway applications. £190. Parameters for geochemical modelling of leaching and speciation of constituents in soils and materials.00 members. £136. Extraction of humic substances from aqueous samples Railway applications. £156. Performance requirements for fastening systems. £246.00 non-members NFE/35 BS EN ISO 12782-1:2012 Soil quality. Performance requirements for fastening systems.00 members. General requirements and test methods Soil quality.00 non-members EH/4 RAE/2 Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Parameters for geochemical modelling of leaching and speciation of constituents in soils and materials. Fastening systems for slab track with rail on the surface or rail embedded in a channel Ride-on.00 non-members PVE/393/4 BS EN 14175-7:2012 Fume cupboards.00 members. Definitions supersedes BS EN 13481-1:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 68154 7 £39.00 members. £136. Valves BS EN ISO 13225:2012 supersedes BS EN 12182:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 67489 1 £95. £156. General requirements supersedes BS EN 980:2008 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 61754 6 £78. £96.00 members.00 members.00 members. Performance requirements for fastening systems. Parameters for geochemical modelling of leaching and speciation of constituents in soils and materials.00 members. £96. Security glazing.00 non-members B/520/3 BS EN 13617-1:2012 Petrol filling stations. Fastening systems for wood sleepers supersedes BS EN 13481-3:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 68156 1 £48.00 non-members TDW/4/4 BS EN 13381-6:2012 Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members. £136. Symbols to be used with medical device labels. £96. labelling and information to be supplied.00 non-members BS EN 12201-4:2012 EH/4 supersedes BS EN 13481-7:2003 ISBN 978 0 580 68159 2 £68. £156.00 members. Testing and classification of resistance against explosion pressure supersedes BS EN 13541:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 75236 0 £39.00 members.00 non-members no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 69391 5 £95. £136. Performance requirements for fastening systems.00 non-members EH/4 Update Standards August 2012 supersedes BS EN 13537:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 72229 5 £68. Dimensional measuring equipment. Track. £136. £256. General terms supersedes BS EN 12258-1:1998 ISBN 978 0 580 72226 4 £128. Performance requirements for fastening systems. Hull construction and scantlings. Design and metrological characteristics supersedes BS 1643:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 59730 5 £78. Parameters for geochemical modelling of leaching and speciation of constituents in soils and materials. Applied protection to concrete filled hollow steel columns supersedes DD ENV 13381-6:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 76351 9 £68.00 non-members PRI/88/2 BS EN ISO 12215-9:2012 Small craft.00 members. Track. Safety requirements and test methods supersedes BS EN 13481-5:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 68158 5 £48. motorized vehicles intended for the transportation of persons and not intended for use on public roads.00 non-members RAE/2 AGE/6 BS EN 13481-5:2012 Prices may be subject to change. £190. Track. Marking on railway vehicles. 11 .00 members. Single-track two-wheel motor vehicles.00 members.00 non-members CH/210/3 BS EN 15877-1:2012 Railway applications. £96.00 non-members Soil quality.00 members. Extraction of aluminium oxides and hydroxides with ammonium oxalate/oxalic acid no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 66913 2 £48. £96.00 non-members RAE/3/-/9 RAE/2 BS EN 16029:2012 EH/4 BS EN ISO 12782-4:2012 Requirements for sleeping bags RAE/2 RAE/2 BS EN ISO 12782-3:2012 BS EN 13537:2012 Railway applications.00 non-members Medical devices.00 members. dispensers and remote pumping units supersedes BS EN 13617-1:2004+A1:2009 ISBN 978 0 580 71238 8 £95.00 members. Height gauges. Extraction of amorphous iron oxides and hydroxides with ascorbic acid no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 66911 8 £48. Fastening systems for concrete sleepers supersedes BS EN 13481-2:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 68155 4 £68. £204.00 non-members Plastics piping systems for water supply. Extraction of crystalline iron oxides and hydroxides with dithionite no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 66912 5 £48.00 members. £78. Track.00 members. £136.00 non-members supersedes BS EN 12201-4:2001 and BS EN 132444:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 70905 0 £68.BS EN 12182:2012 BS EN ISO 12782-5:2012 BS EN 13481-7:2012 Assistive products for persons with disability. Fastening systems for steel sleepers supersedes BS EN 13481-4:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 68157 8 £48. and for drainage and sewerage under pressure Polyethylene (PE). Extraction of humic substances from solid samples no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 66914 9 £78.00 members. Freight wagons no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60866 7 £123.00 members. £78.00 non-members SW/136/11 BS EN 13541:2012 Glass in building. Fume cupboards for high heat and acidic load no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 73768 8 £48. £246. Fieldbus specifications. Application layer service definition. Data-link layer service definition. £190.00 members. Fieldbus specifications.00 non-members AMT/7 AMT/7 AMT/7 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 76455 4 £78.00 non-members CH/212 BS EN ISO 24443:2012 Determination of sunscreen UVA photoprotection in vitro no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 61110 0 £78. Type 12 elements supersedes BS EN 61158-3-12:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71533 4 £89. BS EN 16031:2012 BS EN 61158-3-14:2012 BS EN 61158-4-18:2012 Adjustable telescopic aluminium props. £156.00 non-members supersedes BS EN 61158-4-19:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71549 5 £123. Fieldbus specifications..00 members.00 non-members supersedes BS EN 61158-5-2:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71552 5 £128.00 non-members B/514 BS EN ISO 23640:2011 In vitro diagnostic medical devices. £156.00 non-members supersedes BS EN 61158-4-14:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71547 1 £78.00 members.00 members. Type 12 elements Industrial communication networks. Type 14 elements Industrial communication networks. Type 12 elements Industrial communication networks.00 non-members supersedes BS EN 61158-5-10:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71554 9 £202.00 members.00 members. Data-link layer protocol specification.00 non-members no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 71551 8 £95. Type 3 elements supersedes BS EN 61158-4-11:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71545 7 £123.00 members. £216. Application layer service definition. Data-link layer protocol specification. Data-link layer protocol specification. £78. £178. Data-link layer protocol specification. £246. Fixed installations.BS EN Publications continued.00 members. Fieldbus specifications. Type 19 elements supersedes BS EN 61158-3-19:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71536 5 £68. Fieldbus specifications. £156.00 non-members AMT/7 AMT/7 BS EN 61158-4-11:2012 BS EN 61158-5-3:2012 Industrial communication networks.00 members.00 members. Particular requirements for microwave ovens. Electric traction.00 members.00 non-members PEL/99 BS EN 60335-2-25:2012 Household and similar electrical appliances. Update Standards August 2012 . Copper and copper alloy grooved contact wires supersedes BS EN 50149:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 68918 5 £78. Fieldbus specifications.00 members. £256. £216. £136. £190. Fieldbus specifications.00 non-members GEL/9/3 BS EN 50522:2010 Earthing of power installations exceeding 1 kV A. Data-link layer protocol specification. £156.00 members. Fieldbus specifications.00 members. Dosimeters with ionization chambers as used in radiotherapy supersedes BS EN 60731:1997 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 65707 8 £108.00 non-members Medical electrical equipment. Human pharmaceutical reporting requirements for ICSR no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 67547 8 £39.00 non-members AMT/7 AMT/7 BS EN 61158-4-3:2012 BS EN 61158-5-2:2012 Industrial communication networks. Data-link layer protocol specification.00 non-members AMT/7 AMT/7 BS EN 61158-4-14:2012 BS EN 61158-5-12:2012 Industrial communication networks. Fieldbus specifications. no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 65019 2 £95. Fieldbus specifications. £404.00 members. £136. Safety.00 non-members supersedes DD IEC/PAS 62573:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71550 1 £108. £96.00 non-members AMT/7 AMT/7 BS EN 61158-3-22:2012 BS EN 61158-4-21:2012 Industrial communication networks. Evaluation of stability of in vitro diagnostic reagents supersedes BS EN 13640:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 69198 0 £48. Fieldbus specifications. £156. Type 18 elements supersedes BS EN 61158-3-14:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71535 8 £68. Data-link layer service definition. Type 2 elements supersedes BS EN 61158-4-3:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71544 0 £128. £156.00 members. Type 22 elements Industrial communication networks. Type 19 elements Industrial communication networks. £256. Type 22 elements supersedes BS EN 61158-4-2:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71543 3 £154. Data-link layer protocol specification. design and assessment by calculation and tests Industrial communication networks.00 non-members AMT/7 AMT/7 BS EN 61158-3-19:2012 BS EN 61158-4-19:2012 Industrial communication networks. Type 3 elements Industrial communication networks. Product specifications. Type 21 elements no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 68193 6 £78. £156. Application layer service definition. £246.00 non-members CH/62/3 BS EN 61158-3-12:2012 12 Prices may be subject to change. Type 11 elements Industrial communication networks. Fieldbus specifications. Type 14 elements Industrial communication networks. Fieldbus specifications. £346. Data-link layer protocol specification.00 members.00 non-members supersedes BS EN 61158-5-3:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71553 2 £173.00 non-members AMT/7 AMT/7 CPL/61/7 BS EN 61158-4-12:2012 BS EN 61158-5-10:2012 BS EN 60731:2012 Industrial communication networks. Type 2 elements Industrial communication networks. £234.00 non-members AMT/7 AMT/7 BS EN 61158-4-2:2012 BS EN 61158-4-22:2012 Industrial communication networks.00 members.C.00 non-members supersedes BS EN 61158-4-18:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71548 8 £78.00 members. Type 10 elements supersedes BS EN 61158-4-12:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71546 4 £123.00 members. Fieldbus specifications. including combination microwave ovens supersedes BS EN 60335-2-25:2002+A11:2010 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 64199 2 £78. Fieldbus specifications.00 members. Data-link layer protocol specification. Individual case safety reports (ICSRs) in pharmacovigilance. Application layer service definition.00 members. Data-link layer service definition.00 members. Fieldbus specifications.00 non-members IST/35 BS EN 50149:2012 Railway applications.00 members. £308.00 non-members supersedes BS EN 61158-5-12:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71555 6 £117. Fieldbus specifications..00 members.00 non-members CW/217 BS EN ISO 27953-2:2011 Health informatics. Data-link layer service definition. com/bs10500us1208 or contact BSI Customer Services quoting marketing reference code 10500-US1208 Tel +44 (0)20 8996 9001 Fax +44 (0)20 8996 7001 Email orders@bsigroup. CDs.com http://shop. 10 Grosvenor Gardens. which provides step-by-step checklists and guidance to help you make the right decisions. For full agenda details. content and publishing dates may be subject to change. call +44 (0)20 8996 9001. BS 10500 outlines a systematic approach to managing antibribery that encourages you to routinely monitor and improve your controls in proportion to the risks you face.95 UK (inclusive of VAT). That way.bsigroup. Pre-payment is required by non-Members.bsigroup. FREE P&P to BSI Subscribing Members. £9. With this new standard.com/bs10500conferenceus1208 To contact us visit http://shop. VAT is applicable to all purchases of PDF downloads. visit: http://shop. criminal offences like bribery and corruption do occur. SW1W 0DH to find out more.com/bs10500us1208 In partnership with the Anti-Corruption Forum. All prices. other electronic products and Conferences and Training Courses.com/bs10500us1208 raising standards worldwide ™ Standards and publications may also be ordered via the BSI shop at http://shop. BSI has also organized a complimentary half day event to help you better understand UK Foreign Anti bribery strategy.bsigroup. For details of BSI Membership. Join us on Tuesday 19 June 2012 at British Expertise. © BSI British Standards Institution 2012 .bsigroup. DVDs. you can demonstrate you have done everything to comply with the Bribery Act 2010. That’s why BSI has developed BS 10500. visit: http://shop.com *P&P £5.bsigroup. Attend our free event and you will: t Understand the UK Foreign Anti bribery strategy and enhance your knowledge about criminal liability of senior management t Learn more about BS 10500:2011 and how it can help you t Hear practical case studies and examples of successful implementation t Discover the benefits of implementation of the standard for your organization t Engage in the lively discussion and network with industry experts and peers For full agenda details.Put adequate measures in place with BS 10500 Nobody likes to think it happens in their organization but unfortunately. you’ll be able to identify and address vulnerabilities early before they have a chance to escalate. London.95 Rest of the World (+VAT if applicable) – one-off charge added to your order of 10 items or fewer. Application layer service definition. Classification systems. AMT/7 supersedes BS EN 61158-5-20:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71559 4 £95. £156. Requirements for isolating spark gaps supersedes BS EN 50164-3:2006+A1:2009 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 61129 2 £68. £96. £96. Spatial referencing by coordinates. Coordinates. XL. £156.C. £156. pin and contact-tube accessories Greenhouse gases. Application layer service definition. XH and XXH. Type 19 elements supersedes BS EN 61158-5-19:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71587 7 £78. L. Fieldbus specifications.. Net power no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 71422 1 £78. Synchronous belt drives. manufacture. Fieldbus specifications. No other information will normally be added. Gas cylinders. Extension for parametric values IST/36 Implementation of European Standard EN ISO 19111-2 by amendment to BS ISO 191112:2009 BS EN ISO 19143:2012 Geographic information. Application layer service definition.00 non-members CH/62/3 BS EN 62149-7:2012 Fibre optic active components and devices. Determination of dimensional stability and curling after exposure to heat PRI/60 Implementation of European Standard EN ISO 23999 by amendment to BS ISO 23999:2008 BS EN 61158-5-20:2012 supersedes BS EN 50164-2:2008 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 61126 1 £78.00 non-members AMT/7 BS EN 61158-5-15:2012 Industrial communication networks.00 members. 1310 nm discrete vertical cavity surface emitting laser devices BS ENs IMPLEMENTED BY AMENDMENT For the standards listed below see also the ’Corrigenda to British Standards’ and ’Updated British Standards’ sections of this issue of Update Standards. Type 20 elements GEL/81 BS IMPLEMENTATIONS BS EN 62561-3:2012 BS Implementations comprise the ISO or IEC text without any national deviation and with front and back cover indicating the UK committee responsible. Design.00 members.00 non-members AMT/7 BS EN 61158-5-19:2012 Industrial communication networks. Carbon black..00 members.00 members. Requirements for connection components supersedes BS EN 50164-1:2008 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 61125 4 £68. £204. monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements supersedes BS EN 61158-5-14:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71556 3 £102.00 non-members AUE/14 BS ISO 4652:2012 BS EN ISO 10961:2012 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 74339 9 £78. Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals BS ISO 5296:2012 SES/1 supersedes BS 4548:1987 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 75360 2 £48. General requirements Note: The date referenced in the identifier is the date of the international standard. Metric and inch dimensions MCE/10 Update Standards August 2012 . £246.00 non-members AMT/7 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 70443 7 £48. Fieldbus specifications. £190. Determination of specific surface area by nitrogen adsorption methods. Type 18 elements BS EN 62561-1:2012 supersedes BS EN 61158-5-18:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71558 7 £78.00 non-members Plugs. £204. Conductive charging of electric vehicles. Filter encoding IST/36 Implementation of European Standard EN ISO 19143 by amendment to BS ISO 19143:2010 BS EN ISO 19144-1:2012 Geographic information. Classification system structure IST/36 Implementation of European Standard EN ISO 19144-1 by amendment to BS ISO 191441:2009 GEL/81 BS EN ISO 23999:2012 BS EN 62561-2:2012 Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC). Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification.00 members. Requirements for conductors and earth electrodes Resilient floor coverings.00 non-members PEL/23/4 14 BS ISO 4106:2012 Motorcycles. BS EN ISO 14064-1:2012 Rubber compounding ingredients. £136.00 members. socket-outlets.00 members.00 non-members SES/1 Implementation of European Standard EN ISO 14064-2 by amendment to BS ISO 140642:2006 BS EN ISO 19111-2:2012 Geographic information.00 non-members Industrial communication networks. Application layer service definition. Type 14 elements Plugs. Application layer service definition.00 non-members BS EN 61158-5-18:2012 PEL/17/1 Industrial communication networks. Conductive charging of electric vehicles.00 members. movements and scales supersedes BS EN 61217:1996+A2:2008 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 68518 7 £102. £204.00 members.00 members.00 members.00 members. socket-outlets. Gasinsulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 52 kV supersedes BS EN 62271-203:2004 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 62426 1 £102.00 non-members PRI/50 Greenhouse gases. £156. Engine test code.00 non-members PEL/23/4 BS EN 62271-203:2012 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear. BS EN 61158-5-14:2012 BS EN 62196-2:2012 BS EN ISO 14064-2:2012 Industrial communication networks. £156. £204. H. Type 15 elements supersedes BS EN 61158-5-15:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 71557 0 £123. vehicle connectors and vehicle inlets. £136. Fieldbus specifications.00 members.00 non-members GEL/81 Radiotherapy equipment. Fieldbus specifications.BS EN Publications continued. £156. Performance standards.00 members.00 non-members Implementation of European Standard EN ISO 14064-1 by amendment to BS ISO 140641:2006 Prices may be subject to change.00 members.00 members. vehicle connectors and vehicle inlets. XXL.00 non-members Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC). testing and inspection GEL/86/3 Implementation of European Standard EN ISO 10961 by amendment to BS ISO 10961:2010 PVE/3/7 BS EN 62196-1:2012 supersedes BS EN 62196-1:2003 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 70442 0 £102. Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability requirements for A.00 non-members AMT/7 BS EN 61217:2012 Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC). Belts with pitch codes MXL. Cylinder bundles. Single-point procedures supersedes BS 5293-11:1995 ISBN 978 0 580 69690 9 £78. £136. £96.7:1991 ISBN 978 0 580 71400 9 £48.00 members.00 non-members STI/14 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 70476 5 £78. High-pressure fuel injection pipe assemblies.00 non-members no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 66367 3 £78. Screening method for the determination of the emissions of volatile organic compounds from vehicle interior parts and materials.00 members. £156. £156.00 members.00 non-members AW/5 BS ISO 12219-3:2012 Workplace air.00 non-members CB/101 AUE/16 BS ISO 12219-2:2012 BS ISO 15163:2012 BS ISO 9345-1:2012 Interior air of road vehicles. Method by measurement of biogas production no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 69419 6 £68. Physical layer no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 70430 7 £68. Environmental test methods.00 members. Determination of metals and metalloids in airborne particulate matter by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry.00 non-members MCE/22 BS ISO 13400-2:2012 Road vehicles. BS ISO 902216:1998 and BS ISO 9022-19:1994 ISBN 978 0 580 71140 4 £48. Sampling EH/2/2 Prices may be subject to change. Electroacoustic and electrokinetic phenomena FME/9/1 MTE/18 BS ISO 8578:2012 BS ISO 10509:2012 Microscopes. £190.00 members. Digital records conversion and migration process BS ISO 16000-19:2012 supersedes BS 3531-5. dry heat or temperature change with bump or random vibration supersedes BS ISO 9022-10:1998.00 non-members SS/6 BS ISO 11863:2011 Plastics. Property class 9 Drills with indexable inserts. BS ISO 9022-15:1998. Methods for zeta-potential determination. Alternators with regulators. £96.00 members.00 members.00 non-members FME/9/3 CPW/172 BS ISO 8854:2012 Road vehicles. £78. Lateral release under impact loading.00 members. Test method Interior air of road vehicles.00 non-members supersedes BS 4193-21:1993 ISBN 978 0 580 76253 6 £39.00 members.00 members. Test methods and general requirements supersedes BS AU 232:1989 ISBN 978 0 580 68904 8 £68.00 non-members supersedes BS 7600:1992 ISBN 978 0 580 73991 0 £39.00 non-members AUE/16 BS ISO 13975:2012 BS ISO 11843-7:2012 Capability of detection. £78. £96. Micro-scale chamber method no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 71577 8 £48.00 members.00 non-members LBI/37 BS ISO 13296:2012 Diesel engines.00 members.00 non-members BS ISO 9714-1:2012 BS ISO 13008:2012 Orthopaedic drilling instruments. style 2.00 non-members CPW/172 BS ISO 9022-22:2012 Optics and photonics.00 non-members Colloidal systems. Environmental test methods. £136.00 non-members AUE/16 BS ISO 9022-1:2012 Optics and photonics. Enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria.00 members. Methodology based on stochastic properties of instrumental noise no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 67951 3 £68.00 members.00 non-members PH/9/-/4 BS ISO 11664-3:2012 Colorimetry.00 members. £78. Determination of the ultimate anaerobic biodegradation of plastic materials in controlled slurry digestion systems. Drill bits. CIE tristimulus values no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 76772 2 £68. £78. Sampling strategy for moulds 15 . Bag method Milk and milk products.00 non-members supersedes BS 7012-3:1997 ISBN 978 0 580 77421 8 £39. £136. £136.00 non-members no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 67471 6 £78.00 members. £96. £96.00 non-members CH/150/5 IDT/2/17 EH/2/3 CPW/172 BS ISO 9308-2:2012 Water quality. Most probable number method no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 79765 1 £95. £136.00 members. extent of testing supersedes BS ISO 9022-1:1994 ISBN 978 0 580 70098 9 £48.BS ISO 7720:2012 BS ISO 9766:2012 BS ISO 13099-1:2012 Prevailing torque type all-metal hexagon nuts. General requirements and dimensions supersedes BS ISO 13296:2005 ISBN 978 0 580 72710 8 £48. £156.00 non-members BS ISO 11228-1:2003 Ergonomics. Lifting and carrying no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 79702 6 £78.00 members. Calf rennet and adult bovine rennet. Indoor air. £204. £156.00 members. BS ISO 902213:1998. Screening method for the determination of the emissions of volatile organic compounds from vehicle interior parts and materials.00 members. Tube length 160 mm no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 72177 9 £68. Diagnostic communication over Internet Protocol (DoIP). £136.00 non-members EH/2/3 CPW/172 BS ISO 15202-1:2012 Alpine ski-bindings. Functional and user requirements and performance.00 non-members PRI/21 Buildings and building-related facilities. Tools for assessment and comparison BS ISO 14230-1:2012 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 66113 6 £68. £136.00 non-members no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 72178 6 £68.00 members.00 non-members no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 69678 7 £48. Definitions. Determination by chromatography of chymosin and bovine pepsin contents Microscopes.00 members. Diagnostic communication over K-Line (DoK-Line). Marking of objectives and eyepieces Hexagon flange head tapping screws supersedes BS 7012-15:1997 ISBN 978 0 580 71631 7 £39.00 members. Cylindrical shanks with a parallel flat supersedes BS ISO 7720:1997 ISBN 978 0 580 77985 5 £39. £136. Combined cold. Manual handling. £78.00 members. Transport protocol and network layer services no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 69653 4 £102. £96.00 members.00 non-members SW/136/7 EH/2/3 supersedes BS ISO 15202-1:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 71178 7 £68.00 members. £136.00 non-members EH/3/4 BS ISO 9465:2012 Update Standards August 2012 Road vehicles. taps and countersink cutters Information and documentation. Imaging distances related to mechanical reference planes. 00 members. Functional requirements Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys. Vocabulary PD ISO/TR 8713:2012 IST/34 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 70044 6 £48. £178. Specifications PUBLISHED DOCUMENTS no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 76091 4 £48.00 non-members no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 75121 9 £78.00 members.00 non-members MCE/7 MTE/1/2 BS ISO 21461:2012 BS ISO 27471:2012 Rubber. opinion and social research.00 members.00 members.00 members. Real time locating systems (RTLS).00 non-members BS ISO/IEC 24730-22:2012 PD ISO/TR 11827:2012 Information technology. £96.00 members. BS ISO 16331-1:2012 BS ISO 21940-23:2012 BS ISO/IEC 29160:2012 Optics and optical instruments.00 non-members no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 56929 6 £48.00 members.00 members. £136. Measurement of vibration on ships. Information stored on magneto-optical (MO) discs.00 members.00 members. Sortplan Information technology. £96.4 GHz air interface protocol: Transmitters operating with multiple spread codes and employing a QPSK data encoding and Walsh offset QPSK (WOQPSK) spreading scheme Textiles. Identification of fibres SDS/1 BS ISO 20252:2012 SVS/3 BS ISO 20283-4:2012 Mechanical vibration. £156. £96.00 members. £156. £96.00 members. Composition testing. £216.00 non-members BS ISO/IEC 24730-21:2012 PEL/69 CPW/42 BS ISO 20121:2012 Postal services.800.. £156.00 non-members no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 66489 2 £48. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) 2.00 non-members Personal equipment for protection against falls.00 non-members IST/34 BS ISO 26303:2012 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 66508 0 £95. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) 2. Vocabulary and service requirements IST/34 NTI/1 supersedes BS ISO 20252:2006 ISBN 978 0 580 67761 8 £89. Rope access systems. Manual handling of people in the healthcare sector no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 77086 9 £108. Real-time locating systems (RTLS).00 members. Radio frequency identification for item management.00 members.00 non-members no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 74882 0 £68.00 non-members Rolling bearings.00 members. £136.00 non-members GME/21/5 IST/34 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 71012 4 £89. retaining slots.00 non-members no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 77073 9 £95. Method for estimating the life expectancy based on the effects of temperature and relative humidity supersedes BS ISO 18926:2006 ISBN 978 0 580 76595 7 £68.00 members.00 members.00 non-members TCI/80 PD ISO/TR 12296:2012 Ergonomics.00 non-members PRI/23 ACE/57 STI/32 BS ISO 20515:2012 16 Prices may be subject to change.4 GHz air interface protocol: Transmitters operating with a single spread code and employing a DBPSK data encoding and BPSK spreading scheme PD ISO/TS 10797:2012 Nanotechnologies. £156. Fundamental principles for a system of work SVS/4 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 79602 9 £39. £136.00 members.00 non-members CPW/172 BS ISO 17442:2012 BS ISO 22068:2012 Financial services. £96.. Determination of resistance to inward leakage of aerosols and gases (inward leakage test) no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 65184 7 £68. £96. £136.00 non-members PD 5500:2012 Information technology. £78.00 members. £136. Experimental research on possible alternative sealing quality test methods to replace the phosphoric acid/chromic acid immersion test.00 non-members Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels PH/5 supersedes PD 5500:2009+A3:2011 ISBN 978 0 580 76338 0 £900.00 members. Laboratory procedures for testing surveying and construction instruments. £190. £190. Real time locating systems (RTLS).00 non-members Protective clothing. £178. £1.00 non-members Market. Dimensions and tolerances Machine tools. Characterization of singlewall carbon nanotubes using transmission electron microscopy supersedes BS ISO/IEC 24730-2:2006 ISBN 978 0 580 74407 5 £78. Short-term capability evaluation of machining processes on metal-cutting machine tools supersedes BS ISO 20515:2007 ISBN 978 0 580 76134 8 £48. £136.00 members. PH/9/-/4 PD ISO/TR 16689:2012 Update Standards August 2012 .00 non-members PD CEN/TS 16316:2012 IST/12 ISE/65 BS ISO 17491-2:2012 BS ISO 22846-1:2003 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 75925 3 £78. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) 2. Enclosures and other protective measures for the measuring station of balancing machines Information technology. Upper deck loader. Radial bearings.00 non-members GME/21/5 supersedes BS ISO/IEC 24730-2:2006 ISBN 978 0 580 74408 2 £68.00 non-members BS ISO/IEC 24730-2:2012 Event sustainability management systems. Open interface. £190.00 non-members no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 61379 1 £78.00 members. Requirements with guidance for use supersedes BS 8901:2009 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 70020 0 £95. Determination of the aromaticity of oil in vulcanized rubber compounds Aircraft ground equipment. Rotor balancing. £156. Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Sintered-metal injection-moulded materials.00 members. Evaluation of correlations supersedes BS ISO 21461:2009 ISBN 978 0 580 75081 6 £68. Performance of handheld laser distance meters Mechanical vibration. Measurement and evaluation of vibration of the ship propulsion machinery no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 73615 5 £68.00 members.00 members.BS Implementations continued.00 non-members Electrically propelled road vehicles. RFID Emblem supersedes BS ISO 7475:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 70353 9 £78. Test methods for clothing providing protection against chemicals.00 non-members PH/3/3 BS ISO 18926:2012 Imaging materials.4 GHz air interface protocol PVE/1 supersedes BS ISO/IEC 24730-2:2006 ISBN 978 0 580 74399 3 £48. Carbon nanotube materials. Those that make significant changes to a standard are incorporated into the standard which is reissued (see ‘Updated British Standards’).00 non-members A Guide to Emergency Lighting NTI/1 supersedes BIP 2081:2006 ISBN 978 0 580 78023 3 £50.00 non-members PAS 107:2012 Specification for the manufacture and storage of size reduced tyre materials no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 79644 9 This document is available as a free of charge download.uk/page/pas-107-/ Update Standards August 2012 Complaints management. Filter encoding CORRIGENDUM 1 IST/36 BS EN ISO 19144-1:2012 Geographic information. Key control characteristics. Film resistance BIP 2081:2012 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 77516 1 £48. and seam welds CORRIGENDUM 1 WEE/2 BS EN ISO 19111-2:2012 Geographic information.org. Corneal topographers CORRIGENDUM 1 CH/172/6 The following corrigenda to British Standards were made available last month. British Standards which have been corrected via corrigenda are available on request. Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification.00 non-members EH/3/2 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 72965 2 £48.00 non-members IST/36 PD IEC/TR 61282-11:2012 Fibre optic communication system design guides.00 members. Code of practice for the emergency escape lighting of premises CORRIGENDUM 1 PRI/60 CPL/34/9 Railway applications. £50. Turning negatives into positives no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 71876 2 £40. preservation and processing of material for forensic analysis. manufacture.tyrerecovery. recovery and removal operations. projection. £96.00 members.00 members. free of charge to past purchasers of the standard. Specifications for solar trackers Business Continuity Communications. Management system specification supersedes PAS 43:2010 ISBN 978 0 580 76475 2 £40.00 non-members GEL/86/3 SPECIALIST BOOKS FROM BSI BIP 0113:2012 Guide to European Medical Device Trials and BS EN ISO 14155 PD IEC/TS 62607-2-1:2012 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 66436 6 £49.00 non-members CORRIGENDA TO BRITISH STANDARDS Most amendments are not issued separately. monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements CORRIGENDUM 1 SES/1 BS EN ISO 14271:2011 Resistance welding. Determination of dimensional stability and curling after exposure to heat CORRIGENDUM 1 Emergency lighting. Vickers hardness testing (low-force and microhardness) of resistance spot.00 non-members GEL/82 BIP 2211:2012 PUBLICLY AVAILABLE SPECIFICATIONS Publicly Available Specifications (formerly Product Assessment Specifications) are issued to provide an interim document where there is a market need but where a full British or European Standard has yet to be published.00 non-members no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 76615 2 £35. Extension for parametric values CORRIGENDUM 1 IST/36 BS EN ISO 19143:2012 Geographic information. Design.00 members. Classification system structure CORRIGENDUM 1 IST/36 BS EN ISO 19980:2012 Ophthalmic instruments.00 members. Procedures for item registration. testing and inspection CORRIGENDUM 1 PVE/3/7 Prices may be subject to change. BS EN 13138-1:2008 Buoyant aids for swimming instruction. £35. Determination of mercury.00 members. Successful Incident Communication Planning with ISO 22301 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 75803 4 £78.00 non-members PD IEC/TS 62727:2012 BIP 2185:2012 Photovoltaic systems. All amendments and corrigenda to date of despatch are included within any main publication when ordered for the first time. Cylinder bundles. £60. BS 5266-1:2011 BS EN ISO 23999:2012 Resilient floor coverings. Classification systems. £40. Current collection systems.00 members. £156. Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals CORRIGENDUM 1 SES/1 BS EN ISO 14064-2:2012 Greenhouse gases.00 members. £49.00 non-members PAS 83:2012 Developing human cells for clinical applications in the European Union and the United States of America.00 members. Safety requirements and test methods for buoyant aids to be worn CORRIGENDUM 1 SW/136/8 BS EN ISO 14064-1:2012 Greenhouse gases. Technical criteria for the interaction between pantograph and overhead line (to achieve free access) CORRIGENDUM 1 BS EN ISO 10961:2012 Gas cylinders. manufacturing and forensic kit assembly Water quality.PD ISO/TS 19135-2:2012 PAS 377:2012 BS EN ISO 12846:2012 Geographic information. from the following website: http://www.00 non-members Nanomanufacturing. Method using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) with and without enrichment CORRIGENDUM 1 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 76480 6 £60. PAS 43:2012 Safe working of vehicle breakdown. £96. £40. £156. XML schema implementation Specification for consumables used in the collection. Spatial referencing by coordinates.00 members. BS EN 50367:2012 GEL/9/3 17 . £50. Guide supersedes PAS 83:2006 ISBN 978 0 580 71052 0 £50. Requirements for product.00 members. Multimode launch conditions no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 75628 3 £78. £96.25 mm diameter cylindrical 8 degrees angled-PC composite ferrule using Cu-Ni-alloy as fibre surrounding material. Basic requirements.00 non-members RHE/18 BS EN 378-4:2008+A1:2012 Refrigerating systems and heat pumps. audio-visual and entertainment lighting control apparatus for professional use.00 members. Tungsten halogen lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes AMENDMENT 2 £48.00 non-members Incandescent lamps. Particular requirements for dishwashers AMENDMENT 11 £68. £96. Application of dissolved gas analysis (DGA) to factory tests on electrical equipment AMENDMENT 1 £48.00 non-members BS EN 15287-1:2007+A1:2010 Chimneys. classification and selection criteria AMENDMENT 2 £95. single mode fibre AMENDMENT 1 £39. Safety. Continuous-flow analysis method AMENDMENT 1 £48.00 members. marking AMENDMENT 1 £78. NOTE: Updated British Standards must be reordered as the amendments are not available separately. Installation site and personal protection AMENDMENT 1 £68. installation and commissioning of chimneys. Optical interface. BS EN 55103-2:2009 BS EN 378-2:2008+A2:2012 BS EN 60432-1:2000+A2:2012 Electromagnetic compatibility.00 non-members B/512 Plastics. General CORRIGENDUM 1 PEL/14 BS EN 60335-2-23:2003+A11:2010 Household and similar electrical appliances. £136.00 members. Safety and environmental requirements.00 members. £78. Design. Instrumented impact test AMENDMENT 1 £68. Specification CORRIGENDUM 1 PTI/7 BS 4A 116:2012 Steel pan head bolts (Unified threads).00 non-members AW/40 BS ISO 15153:2003+A1:2012 Refrigerating systems and heat pumps. machinery for agriculture and forestry. Flickermeter. Operation maintenance.00 members. repair and recovery AMENDMENT 1 £68. cadmium plated.00 members. Safety and environmental requirements. Gauges AMENDMENT 45 £208. £136. £178.00 non-members RHE/18 CPL/61/14 AW/40 18 Prices may be subject to change.00 non-members GEL/210/11 BS EN 60076-1:2011 Power transformers. £96. Safety.00 members. Common symbols AMENDMENT 2 £78.00 non-members Fibre optic connector optical interfaces.00 non-members RHE/18 GEL/210/12 BS ISO 12924:2010 Lubricants.00 members. Requirements. marking and documentation AMENDMENT 2 £95. £96.00 members. Functional and design specifications CORRIGENDUM 2 BS EN 378-3:2008+A1:2012 Refrigerating systems and heat pumps.00 members. Safety specifications.00 non-members Mineral oil-filled electrical equipment.00 non-members B/506/1 BS EN ISO 23125:2010+A1:2012 Machine tools.00 non-members CPL/34/2 BS EN 378-1:2008+A2:2012 GEL/86/2 BS ISO 3767-1:1998+A2:2012 Tractors. Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes AMENDMENT 2 £89. £294. testing. Turning machines AMENDMENT 1 £102. testing. for aircraft CORRIGENDUM 1 ACE/12 The following standards have been amended and the amendments have been incorporated into an updated standard.00 non-members BS EN ISO 23953-2:2005+A1:2012 Refrigerated display cabinets.00 members. £234.5 mm and 1. Safety. £190. Chimneys for nonroomsealed heating appliances AMENDMENT 1 £117. Safety. Determination of Charpy impact properties. Performance specifications AMENDMENT 5 £147.00 members.00 non-members PRI/21 CPL/34/1 BS EN 60901:1996+A5:2012 Single-capped fluorescent lamps. 2. definitions.00 members. Product family standard for audio. £96.00 members. requirements and test conditions AMENDMENT 1 £102. video. £136. £190.00 non-members BS EN 474-4:2006+A2:2012 B/513/1 UPDATED BRITISH STANDARDS CPL/34/1 RHE/18 BS EN 60061-3:1993+A45:2012 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety. Safety and environmental requirements.00 members.. Design. £156. Immunity CORRIGENDUM 1 Refrigerating systems and heat pumps. Testing and measurement techniques. construction.00 members.00 non-members Tobacco.00 non-members MTE/1/1 BS EN 131-2:2010+A1:2012 BS EN 60432-2:2000+A2:2012 Earth-moving machinery.00 members.00 members. Particular requirements for appliances for skin or hair care CORRIGENDUM 3 CPL/61/1 BS EN 61000-4-15:2011 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Requirements for hydraulic excavators AMENDMENT 2 £78. Determination of the content of total alkaloids as nicotine. £204. Sleeve type linear ball bearings. £204. Ladders.00 members. Safety and environmental requirements.00 non-members CPL/34/1 BS EN 61181:2007+A1:2012 B/513/1 GEL/10 BS EN 474-5:2006+A2:2012 BS EN 61755-3-6:2006+A1:2012 Earth-moving machinery. £156. industrial oils and related products (Class L). powered lawn and garden equipment. Safety.. £156. £136. Determination of the content of reducing substances. Symbols for operator controls and other displays. Safety specifications. Continuous-flow analysis method AMENDMENT 1 £48. £136.Corrigenda to British Standards continued.00 members.00 non-members MCE/7 BS ISO 15152:2003+A1:2012 Tobacco.00 non-members BS EN 60335-2-5:2003+A11:2009 Household and similar electrical appliances. Boundary dimensions and tolerances AMENDMENT 1 £48.00 non-members RHE/19 BS EN ISO 179-2:1999+A1:2012 (BS 2782-3:Method 359B:1999) Incandescent lamps. Family X (Greases).00 members. Classification. £416. Requirements for backhoe loaders AMENDMENT 2 £68. Update Standards August 2012 .00 non-members AGE/6 BS ISO 10285:2007+A1:2012 Rolling bearings.00 members. com GEL/9/1 BS EN 55032:2012 Information technology.bsigroup. The corrected text is expected to be available from the IEC by the end of August at which time BS EN 55032:2012 will be corrected. Contact: Alice Kasasian Brown Email: alice. The errors affect the usability of the standard.kasasian-brown@bsigroup. 389 Chiswick High Road. 2012. hexagons for aircraft AMENDMENT 5 £39. Radio disturbance characteristics. £190. and B.salt@bsigroup. Cartridge fuse-links for use in railway-signalling circuits PEL/32 BS 1296-2:1972 Specification for single point cutting tools. Buttwelded cutting tools and blanks PEL/17/2 MTE/18 Prices may be subject to change. Paper and board wrappers.com by 30 September. Classification and test method PRI/52 BS 469:1995 Specification for railway signalling lamps Some errors have been noted in the IEC text of CISPR 32 which is incorporated in EN 55032:2012. Procedure for inspection. flexible multilayer structures and metallized materials BS 463-1:1958 PKW/0/-/10 Specification for sockets for wire ropes.00 members. Moulded pulp packaging BS 1133-10. multimedia equipment and receivers. bags and containers. BSI Head Office. Nomenclature MTE/18 BS 764:1990 BS 1296-3:1978 Specification for automatic change-over contactors for emergency lighting systems Specification for single point cutting tools. if it is not. aluminium foil.00 members. Shank sections MTE/18 NFE/27 BS 714:1950 To order visit www. It has been postponed and will be available at a future date.6:1988 A note of any objections to the proposals below should be sent to Debbie Stead. Specification for ropes for hauling purposes MHE/2 Packaging code. Please submit any comments to the Content Developer (below).00 members. Tensional strapping PKW/0 BS 122-1:1953 Specification for milling cutters and reamers.00 non-members ACE/61 BS SP 41-46:1951+A5:2012 Specifications for tab washers for B. Metric units MTE/18 BS 1125:1987 Specification for WC flushing cisterns (including dual flush cisterns and flush pipes) B/503 Confirmation indicates the continuing currency of a standard. £78.W.BS 4HR 100:2010+A1:2012 Aerospace [email protected]/shop Update Standards August 2012 Specification.00 non-members ACE/12 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Comments can be sent by email or by post to named contacts at:– BSI Head Office 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL Tel: 020 8996 9000 BRITISH STANDARDS PROPOSED FOR CONFIRMATION Pin code allocation for BR930 series relays. Milling cutters BS 1133-19:1986 MTE/18 PKW/0 Stranded steel wire ropes. London W4 4AL or via email to BSUKoperations.com Specification for indicator lamps for use in telecommunication apparatus and for allied purposes CPL/34/1 It is BSI policy for every standard to be reviewed by the technical committee responsible not more than five years after publication. Packaging in plastics containers PKW/0/-/10 BS 463-2:1970 Specification for sockets for wire ropes. semi-goliath and goliath cranes for general use MHE/3/3 BS 1188:1974 Specification for ceramic wash basins and pedestals B/503 BS 1203:2001 Hot-setting phenolic and aminoplastic wood adhesives. testing and acceptance of wrought heatresisting alloys AMENDMENT 1 £95. Specification The draft for public consultation for BS 8586 was incorrectly announced as being publicly available in the July issue of Update Standards. Limits and methods of measurement Circumstances may lead to an earlier review. Use of desiccants in packaging BS 1133-21:1991 Packaging code. Head of Committee Service Centre – Operations. £78. 19 .1:1990 Packaging code. Contact: Geraldine Salt Email: geraldine. films made of plastics. Tins and cans PKW/0/-/8 BS 1133-15:1991 Packaging code. to identify and set in hand appropriate action. BS 1133-7. Metal containers. Inch units BS 1133-22:1989 MHE/2 Packaging code. GEL/210/11 BS 1098-2:1977 Specification for jig bushes.00 non-members ACE/12 BS SP 107-112:1954+A5:2012 Specifications for tab washers for unified hexagons for aircraft AMENDMENT 5 £39. to establish whether it is still current and.A. PKW/0/-/9 Packaging code. Regenerated cellulose film. Metric units MHE/2 BS 466:1984 Specification for power driven overhead travelling cranes.S. BS 302-5:1987 BS 8586 BS 1050:1984 BS 1206:1974 CPL/34/1 Specification for fireclay sinks: dimensions and workmanship BS 489:1999 B/503 Specification for turbine lubricants BS 1254:1981 PTI/7 BS 500:2000 Steel sleepers RAE/2 Specification for WC seats (plastics) B/503 BS 1296-1:1970 BS 643:1970 Specification for white metal ingots for capping steel wire ropes Specification for single point cutting tools. Chemical properties. Semi-enclosed electric fuses (ratings up to 100 amperes and 240 volts to earth) Specification for commercial refrigerated storage cabinets of the closed reach-in type PEL/32 RHE/19 BS 3092:1973 BS 2502:1979 Specification for main friction clutches. Update Standards August 2012 . Eye dropper bottles Specification for lubricants for refrigerant compressors Glossary of packaging terms.C. Wooden packaging ISE/NFE/6 BS 2782-7:Method 721A:1988 Specification for knurling wheels BS 3130-6:1981 PKW/0/-/11 Specification for mild steel drums (heavy duty – fixed ends) BS 1759:1969 PKW/0/-/10 BS 2782-4:Method 432D:1995 BS 1702:1950 PKW/0/-/4 Glossary of packaging terms. Other properties. Bottom fitting. Metal containers and aerosols PKW/0 PEL/32 PKW/0/-/8 BS 1679-7:1968 BS 2782-1:Methods 131C and 131D:1978 BS 3130-5:1994 Specification for containers for pharmaceutical dispensing. main power-take-off assemblies and associated attachments for internal combustion engines Specification for manufacture of sectional cold rooms (walk-in type) RHE/19 BS 2548:1986 Specification for wood wool for general packaging purposes PKW/0/-/11 MCE/14 BS 3110:1959 Methods for measuring the rub resistance of print PAI/43 BS 1679-5:1973 BS 2626:1992 BS 3130-2:1990 Containers for pharmaceutical dispensing. Corrosion and heat resisting steels. Other properties. Carbon and low alloy steels BS 3146-2:1975 Specification for investment castings in metal. Methods for the assessment of carbon black dispersion in polyethylene using a microscope PRI/21 Specification for investment castings in metal.. Determination of resin flow from resin impregnated glass fabric PRI/21 MTE/18 BS 1876:1990 Specification for automatic flushing cisterns for urinals B/503 Methods of testing plastics. Determination of resistance to thermal shock of coatings for fabricated sheet steel components such as burners and pan supports for cookers STI/36 BS 1362:1973 Specification for general purpose fuse links for domestic and similar purposes (primarily for use in plugs) PEL/32 BS 1413:1989 Specification for page size for books PAI/43 BS 1564:1975 Specification for pressed steel sectional rectangular tanks PVE/20 MCE/5 BS 2059/3:1957 Summary sheet: straight sided serrations. Internal and external PRI/21 BS 2837:1988 Specification for steel links and strap assemblies for lifting attachments for packing cases PKW/0 BS 2987:1958 MCE/5 Notes on the application of statistics to paper testing BS 2059:1953 PAI/11 Specification for straight-sided splines and serrations BS 3036:1958 MCE/5 BS 2501:1992 Specification. Bottom fitting. Crushing strength after heating (heat resistance) of thermosetting laminated sheet or mouldings PRI/42 Methods of testing plastics. Specification for glass medicine bottles Fuses for voltages exceeding 1000 V A. Determination of styrene evaporation from unsaturated polyester resins PRI/42 Methods of testing plastics. Determination of gelation time of phenolic resins PKW/0/-/4 PRI/21 20 BS 3146-1:1974 ISE/NFE/6 BS 2782-8:Methods 823A and 823B:1978 Specification for mild steel drums (light duty: removable heads) BS 2003:1974 Glossary of packaging terms. Rheological properties.British Standards Proposed for Confirmation continued. Other properties. Plastics and flexible packaging (excluding paper) BS 3170:1972 Specification for flexible couplings for power transmission MCE/5 Prices may be subject to change. Paper and board packaging PKW/0 PTI/7 PKW/0/-/9 BS 1679-6:1994 BS 2692-2:1956 BS 3130-4:1976 Containers for pharmaceutical dispensing. semi-solids and powders PKW/0 BS 1683:1987 Specification for coated aluminium foil for wrapping processed cheese PKW/0 Methods of testing plastics. Expulsion fuses Glossary of packaging terms. Ribbed oval glass bottles PKW/0 BS 1679-8:1992 Containers for pharmaceutical dispensing. Crushing strength after heating (heat resistance) of thermosetting moulding material. Determination of gelation time of polyester resins (manual method) BS 1344-1:1994 BS 2059/2:1957 Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes. Determination of resistance to thermal shock of coatings on articles other than cooking utensils and fabricated sheet steel components Summary sheet: straight sided splines. Deep STI/36 BS 1344-22:1994 Methods of testing vitreous enamel finishes. Specification for glass and plastics containers for solid dosage forms. Shallow MTE/18 MCE/5 Methods of testing plastics. Ground high speed steel tool bits Summary sheet: straight sided splines. nickel and cobalt base alloys BS 3166:1959 Specification for thermographs (liquid-filled and vapour pressure types) for use within the temperature range -20ºF to 220ºF (-30ºC to 105ºC) RHE/31 BS 2782-8:Method 835A:1980 Methods of testing plastics. Thermal properties.. BS 1296-4:1978 BS 2059/1:1957 BS 2782-8:Method 835B:1980 Specification for single point cutting tools. Determination of sulphate content Ammonium nitrate. bar and tube drawing dies MTE/18 Steel wire for hose reinforcement. Specification for loom-state fabrics PRI/42 BS 3396-2:1987 Woven glass fibre fabrics for plastics reinforcement. Method for determination of matter soluble in diethyl ether CII/37 CII/37 BS 4258-3:1989 BS 4267-11:1994 Methods of test for phosphoric acid (orthophosphoric acid) for industrial use. Methods for determination of nitrite content PRI/42 BS 3396-3:1987 Woven glass fibre fabrics for plastics reinforcement. Methods for determination of chloride content Specification for indicating tachometer and speedometer systems for industrial. Spring lay ropes Ammonium nitrate. Determination of iron content BS 4267-10:1994 Ammonium nitrate. 21 . Method for determination of sulphate content CII/37 Methods of test for phosphoric acid (orthophosphoric acid) for industrial use. railway and marine use PH/2/2 CII/37 BS 4235-1:1972 Specification for metric keys and keyways. Specification for desized fabrics BS 3903:1977 Methods of test for sulphuric acid. Combined ropes. Determination of chloride content RHE/31 BS 3313-1:1968 Specification for aluminium capping foil and strip for dairy product containers. General introduction CII/37 MTE/18 BS 3396-1:1991 Woven glass fibre fabrics for plastics reinforcement. Determination of fluorine content Specification for hard metal for wire. engines BS 4258-2:1989 MCE/14 BS 3532:1990 Method of specifying unsaturated polyester resin systems PRI/42 BS 3537:1979 Specification for gudgeon pins up to 200 mm diameter MCE/14 BS 3592-1:1986 Ammonium nitrate. Parallel and taper keys BS 4267-9:1987 MCE/14 BS 3529:1962 MCE/5 Specification for dimensions of flywheel housing mounting pads and brackets for I. Method for determination of ammoniacal nitrogen content PRI/71 Ammonium nitrate.BS 3231:1960 BS 3816:1989 BS 4258-9:1989 Specification for thermographs (bimetallic type) for air temperatures within the range 0ºF to 140ºF (-20ºC to 60ºC) Specification for epoxy resin casting systems used for electrical insulating applications at power frequencies Methods of test for phosphoric acid (orthophosphoric acid) for industrial use. Method for determination of inorganic matter and grit insoluble in water CII/37 CII/37 BS 4276:1968 BS 4258-4:1975 Methods of test for phosphoric acid (orthophosphoric acid) for industrial use. Method for determination of total nitrogen content CII/37 BS 4267-4:1987 Specification for combined wire and fibre ropes. Specification for connecting dimensions B/503 BS 4367:1968 Methods of test for nitric acid CII/37 Prices may be subject to change. Method for determination of sulphated ash MHE/2 CII/37 BS 4089:1999 BS 4267-7:1987 Specification for metallic hose assemblies for liquid petroleum gases and liquefied natural gases Ammonium nitrate. Specification for coated round and flat steel wire for rubber hose reinforcement CII/37 BS 4277:1968 BS 4258-5:1989 Glossary of terms used in offset lithographic printing ISE/106 Methods of test for phosphoric acid (orthophosphoric acid) for industrial use. As-sintered pellets and finished dies for drawing round bar Ammonium nitrate. oleum and liquid sulphur trioxide CII/37 BS 4048:Parts 1 and 2:1966 BS 4267-2:1988 Ammonium nitrate. Determination of silica content BS 3649:1963 Recommendations for original printing plates PAI/43 CII/37 BS 4258-7:1978 Specification for E glass fibre woven roving fabrics for the reinforcement of polyester and epoxy resins systems Methods of test for phosphoric acid (orthophosphoric acid) for industrial use. Designation and marking of as-sintered pellets and finished dies MTE/18 PKW/0 BS 3332:1987 BS 3821-2:1974 BS 4258-13:1990 Methods of test for phosphoric acid (orthophosphoric acid) for industrial use.C. Determination of total phosphorus (V) oxide content: quinoline phosphomolybdate gravimetric method PRI/42 CII/37 BS 3749:1991 Update Standards August 2012 PAI/43 BS 4305-2:1989 Baths for domestic purposes made of acrylic material. As-sintered pellets and finished dies for drawing round wire BS 4267-0:1987 NFE/27 MTE/18 CII/37 BS 3379:1975 BS 3821-3:1974 BS 4267-1:1988 Specification for flexible urethane foam for loadbearing applications Specification for hardmetal dies and associated hardmetal tools. Determination of soluble sulphate content (potentiometric method) CII/37 Specification for white metal bearing alloy ingots Specification for hardmetal dies and associated hardmetal tools. Specification for finished fabrics for use with polyester resin systems PRI/42 CII/37 GSE/42 BS 4110:1999 BS 4267-8:1987 BS 3403:1972 Specification for visors for vehicle users Ammonium nitrate. Aluminium capping foil for glass containers PRI/42 CII/37 BS 3821-1:1974 Specification for hardmetal dies and associated hardmetal tools. Thermal and volumetric performance for heating and cooling duties. Thermal and volumetric performance for heating duties. Methods for sampling CII/37 Methods for testing and rating terminal reheat units for air distribution systems. Determination of sound power levels of fan coil units. Method for determination of density at 20ºC BS 4880-1:1973 Electrically operated blood storage refrigerators. unit heaters and unit coolers. unit heaters and unit coolers. Method for determination of residue after heating at 850ºC BS 4431:1989 Methods of sampling and test for liquefied anhydrous ammonia CII/37 BS 4475:2000 Specification for straight mineral lubricating oils PTI/7 BS 4479-1:1990 Design of articles that are to be coated. Recommendations for paint coatings and varnish coatings STI/33 BS 4479-5:1990 Design of articles that are to be coated. Recommendations for low pressure and vacuum deposited coatings STI/33 BS 4506:1970 Specification for shaft ends MCE/5 BS 4507:1969 Specification for grease gun cartridges (composite type) BS 4651-4:1988 CII/37 BS 4651-5:1988 Ammonia solution. Acoustic testing and rating CII/37 RHE/6 BS 4756:1998 BS 5077:1974 Specification for ready-mixed aluminium priming paints for woodwork Specification for grease guns (hand-operated lever type) for use with cartridges complying with BS 4507 STI/28 BS 4764:1986 Specification for powder cement paints STI/28 GME/24 BS 5078:1974 Specification for jig and fixture components BS 4823:1972 MTE/18 Guide to the selection of fitment bores for cylindrical shaft ends BS 5106:1988 MCE/5 Specification for dimensions of spiral antiextrusion back-up rings and their housings BS 4856-1:1972 MCE/11 Methods for testing and rating fan coil units. Recommendations for thermally sprayed coatings STI/33 BS 4479-8:1990 Design of articles that are to be coated. Recommendations for conversion coatings STI/33 BS 4479-4:1990 Design of articles that are to be coated. Method for determination of carbon dioxide content Methods for testing and rating induction units for air distribution systems.. Methods for determination of chloride content Specification for urinals. Method of testing for rating of heating coils RHE/6 BS 5186:1975 Specification for shaft centre heights RHE/6 MCE/5 BS 4857-1:1972 BS 5208:1975 Specification for the use of metric units in specifications for glass containers and finishes Methods for testing and rating terminal reheat units for air distribution systems. unit heaters and unit coolers. with additional ducting Method of specifying general purpose polypropylene and propylene copolymer materials for moulding and extrusion BS 5141-1:1975 Specification for air heating and cooling coils. Stainless steel slab urinals B/503 BS 4901:1976 Specification for plastics colours for building purposes STI/14 BS 4954-1:1973 Methods for testing and rating induction units for air distribution systems. Recommendations for vitreous enamel coatings STI/33 BS 4479-9:1990 Design of articles that are to be coated. Specification for closed reach-in types Ammonia solution. Recommendations for anodic oxidation coatings STI/33 BS 4479-7:1990 Design of articles that are to be coated. unit heaters and unit coolers using reverberating rooms Specification for air heating and cooling coils. Thermal and aerodynamic performance PKW/0/-/7 RHE/6 Specification for dimensions of power take-off driving shafts and mounting faces for small internal combustion engines GME/24 BS 4602:1977 22 MCE/14 Prices may be subject to change. Update Standards August 2012 . Thermal and volumetric performance for cooling duties: without additional ducting BS 5139:1991 RHE/6 PRI/82 BS 4856-3:1975 Methods for testing and rating fan coil units. BS 4376-1:1991 BS 4651-0:1987 BS 4857-21978 Electrically operated blood storage refrigerators. Method of testing for rating of cooling coils RHE/6 RHE/6 BS 5141-2:1977 BS 4856-4:1997 Methods for testing and rating fan coil units. General recommendations STI/33 BS 4479-2:1990 Design of articles that are to be coated.. Recommendations for electroplated and autocatalytic coatings STI/33 BS 4479-3:1990 Design of articles that are to be coated. Specification for cabinets for the storage of frozen plasma CII/37 RHE/19 Ammonia solution.British Standards Proposed for Confirmation continued. Acoustic testing and rating RHE/19 BS 4651-1:1988 RHE/6 BS 4376-2:1996 Ammonia solution. without additional ducting RHE/6 BS 5138:1974 Specification for magnetic particle flaw inspection of finished machined solid forged and drop stamped crankshafts MCE/14 BS 4856-2:1975 Methods for testing and rating fan coil units. Method for determination of iron content CII/37 BS 4651-6:1988 Ammonia solution. unit heaters and unit coolers. Thermal and aerodynamic performance RHE/6 CII/37 BS 4954-2:1978 BS 4651-7:1988 Ammonia solution. including requirements for label base material PKW/0 BS 5627:1984 Specification for plastics connectors for use with horizontal outlet vitreous china WC pans B/503 BS 5740:1989 BS 6885:1988 BS 6312-2. Specification for plugs TCT/2 CII/37 BS 5564:1978 Specification for high-voltage fuses for the external protection of shunt power capacitors PEL/32 BS 6880-3:1988 Code of practice for low temperature hot water heating systems of output greater than 45 kW. Determination of phosphorus. Specification for flexible metallic hose and hose assemblies B/503 GSE/42 BS 5520:1977 BS 6290-2:1999 Specification for vitreous china bowl urinals (rimless type) Lead-acid stationary cells and batteries. Vitreous china bidets over rim supply only. Installation.2:1987 RHE/2 Fertilizers. Guide to the safe handling and use of collapsible cage pallets rated at 300 kg Methods of test for adhesives. Specification for semiconductor contactors (solid state contactors) Specification for 1 pint (568 ml) multi-trip glass bottles for pasteurized milk Specification for bidets. Specification for marks for mathematical copy preparation and mathematical proof correction and their uses Method of test for determination of the punking behaviour of phenol-formaldehyde foam Cage pallets for retail use.BS 5261-3:1989 BS 5946:1980 BS 6407-1:1983 Copy preparation and proof correction. Sockets for use with plugs specified in BS 6312-1. Specification for sockets. Specification for the installation of shower units PKW/0 B/503 PH/2 BS 5908:1990 BS 6340-4:1984 BS 7116:1990 Code of practice for fire precautions in the chemical and allied industries Shower units.2. Specification BS 5424-2:1987 Low-voltage controlgear. quality. screw caps and inner seals for metal containers. Guidance on selection. Method for determination of phosphorus content (quinoline molybdophosphate gravimetric method) Connectors for analogue telecommunication interfaces. Fundamental and design considerations PEL/21 RHE/2 Fertilizers. Specification for the flat positive plate type CII/37 PEL/21 Code of practice for low temperature hot water heating systems of output greater than 45 kW. Sockets for use with plugs specified in BS 6312-1. Materials. workmanship and functional dimensions other than connecting dimensions B/503 BS 5506-3:1977 BS 6583:1985 BS 6129-1:1981 Methods for volumetric testing for rating of fan sections in central station air handling units (including guidance on rating) Code of practice for the selection and application of bellows expansion joints for use in pressure systems. Particular requirements for fixed socket-outlets used in permanent wiring installations TCT/2 Specification for miniature cartridge fuse links for use on printed wiring boards PEL/32 BS 6946:1988 Specification for metal channel cable support systems for electrical installations ACE/6 BS 6340-1:1983 Shower units. Selection of equipment BS 5551-4. design and construction Hose and hose assemblies for asphalt and bitumen. Wash basins (one or three tap holes). Specification for collapsible cage pallets rated at 300 kg PAI/43 BS 5350-G2:1987 PKW/0/-/11 PRI/26 BS 6407-2:1984 BS 5992-6:1984 Cage pallets for retail use. Determination of phosphorus. use and maintenance 23 . Quality. Specification for the basic modules for the dimensions of general purpose all-or-nothing relays PRI/52 PEL/95 BS 6499:1998 BS 6106:1981 Metal screw necks. Extraction of phosphates soluble in mineral acids BS 6290-3:1999 BS 6880-2:1988 Lead-acid stationary cells and batteries. Tests on anaerobic adhesives. General requirements BS 6884:1987 Recommendations for plan dimensions of unit loads PKW/0 TCT/2 BS 5597:1991 Specification for non-refillable plastics aerosol dispensers up to 1000 mL capacity PKW/0/-/10 BS 5609:1986 Specification for printed pressure-sensitive. Method for determination of crease recovery (spring back) of 90º fold PKW/0/-/9 BS 6340-2:1983 BS 7028:1999 Specification for oblong flat-top cans for liquid products Shower units.1:1994 RHE/2 Connectors for analogue telecommunication interfaces. adhesive-coated labels for marine use. Specification for the high-performance Plante positive type B/503 PKW/0/-/8 PKW/0/-/7 PEL/17/2 BS 5505-3:1977 PKW/0/-/11 BS 6720:1986 Specification for marking transit information on packages for distribution PKW/0 BS 6880-1:1988 Code of practice for low temperature hot water heating systems of output greater than 45 kW. Metallic bellows expansion joints RHE/6 BS 6652:1985 PSE/14 Specification for packagings resistant to opening by children BS 6130-1:1993 PKW/0/3 Specification for wash basins. Determination of static shear strength of anaerobic adhesives Electrical relays. Guide on choice of shower units and their components for use in private dwellings B/503 BS 6965-1:1988 Creasing properties of carton board.3:1987 BS 6312-1:1994 BS 5551-4. Eye protection for industrial and other uses. Chemical analysis. Chemical analysis. Specification for shower heads and related equipment Specification for double sided pressure sensitive adhesive tapes ACE/6 B/503 PKW/0 Update Standards August 2012 Prices may be subject to change. commissioning and maintenance BS 6312-2.2.2:1997 Connectors for analogue telecommunication interfaces. and multi-core. Update Standards August 2012 . 315 A rating ACE/6 BS 2G 180:1974 Vitreous enamel coatings for use on bolted steel panels.1:1994 PD 6457:1970 BS G 198-5:1997 Chemical tests for raw and vulcanized rubber. wrapped insulation with silver plated conductors ACE/6 ACE/6 TCT/2 BS 3G 198-4:1996 BS 7991:2001 Determination of the mode I adhesive fracture energy GIC of structure adhesives using the double cantilever beam (DCB) and tapered double cantilever beam (TDCB) specimens PRI/52 24 Sleeves for aircraft electric cables and equipment wires. liquid and gaseous fuels (including definitions) ACE/6 RHE/31 Aircraft fuel nozzle grounding plugs and sockets BS 7539:1992 ACE/6 Methods for test for determination of properties of cushioning materials for package design purposes ACE/6 Specification for aircraft electrical circuit diagrams ACE/6 BS G 175:1959 BS 5G 178-1:1993 BS G 209:1970 Specification for transformer rectifier units ACE/6 BS 3G 210:1996 Crimped joints for aircraft electrical cables and wires. and low frequency A.5 L WC flushing cisterns B/503 BS 7379:1991 Specification for plastics/metal laminate collapsible tubes PKW/0/-/8 BS 7420:1991 MCE/5 BS C 15:1960 Specification for coupling dimensions for aircraft-to-tractor tow bar connections ACE/57 BS 2G 127:1967 Specification for power and current transformers for use in aircraft electrical power supply systems ACE/6 BS 2G 201:1996 Specification for counter and pointer pressure altimeters ACE/6 BS 2G 202:1988 Specification for design and performance requirements for airframe-fit electrical connectors for D.. Specification B/509/2 BS 7982:2001 Guidance on the environmental impact of large-scale fires involving plastics materials PRI/26 BS 7983:2001 Requirements for payphones for networks other than the ISDN BS 4G 198-1:1997 Sleeves for aircraft electric cables and equipment wires.. wrapped insulation with nickel plated conductors ACE/6 ACE/6 Prices may be subject to change. Specification PKW/0/-/8 ACE/6 ACE/6 BS 7962:2000 Black materials for masking existing road markings. single.C. Specification for control of crimping (including user control tests) PKW/0 BS 7611:1992 Specification for low-voltage pole-mounting fuses (cut-outs).British Standards Proposed for Confirmation continued. Specification for design requirements (including tests) for components and tools Specification for PTFE insulated equipment wires and cables. Specification for coatings on bolted steel panels for use in agricultural slurry tanks STI/36 BS 7818:1995 ACE/6 BS G 217:1975 PEL/17/2 BS 7793-1:1995 Specification for general requirements for aircraft electrical cables Specification for permanent splicing of aircraft electrical cables ACE/6 Specification for general requirements for cockpit lighting controllers ACE/6 BS G 222:1976 BS G 193:1966 Specification for Efglas type electric cables (metric units) Specification for aircraft lampholders ACE/6 ACE/6 BS 2G 223:1989 Specification for pedestrian restraint systems in metal BS 2G 196:1971 B/509/1 Specification for static invertors Specification for screen terminating devices for aircraft electric cables ACE/6 ACE/6 BS 3G 197:1982 BS 2G 232:1987 Specification for stud-type terminal blocks for terminations on aircraft electric cables Specification for electric cables for general airframe or equipment interconnect use (135ºC). BS 7164-22. applications BS 2G 132:1981 ACE/6 Specification for general requirements for electromagnetically operated contactors for aircraft BS G 207:1969 Guide for determination of calorific values of solid. Specification for heat shrinkable moulded shapes PRI/23 BS 7289:1990 Specification for dimensions of three-piece tinplate aerosol cans PKW/0 BS 7357:1990 Specification for 7. Specification for fluoropolymer heat shrinkable sleeving for binding and insulation BS G 236:1987 Specification for electric cables for general airframe or equipment interconnect use (200ºC). Determination of chlorine content. extruded insulation ACE/6 ACE/6 BS 3G 198-2:1997 BS G 235:1987 Sleeves for aircraft electric cables and equipment wires.C. Specification for elastomeric sleeves for binding and identification BS 3G 233:1990 Specification for electric cables for general airframe or equipment interconnect use (135ºC). Parr bomb method Guide to the application of addendum modification to involute spur and helical gears Sleeves and moulded components for aircraft electric cables and equipment wires. Specification for slip-on sleeves for identification purposes Specification for electric cables for general airframe or equipment interconnect use (150ºC). wrapped insulation BS 7921:1998 Cone top cans of nominal volumes 125 ml to 1000 ml for liquid products. with silver plated copper conductors (190ºC) or nickel plated copper conductors (260ºC) Specification for potato storage boxes for mechanical handling ACE/6 ACE/6 PKW/0/-/11 BS 4G 178-2:1986 BS G 212:1971 BS 7656:1993 Crimped joints for aircraft electrical cables and wires. Guide to the physiological factors Specification for chromium-nickel-coppermolybdenum corrosion-resisting steel sheet and strip (precipitation hardening: 980/1180 MPa) ACE/1 ACE/61/-/15 BS 4N 100-6:1999 BS S 533:1969 ACE/6 Aircraft oxygen systems and equipment. V 0. bars and parts (1800 MPa: double vaccuum melted) ACE/1 ACE/61/-/15 BS 4N 100-1:1999 BS S 164:2002 BS N 6:1998 BS S 538:1975 ACE/61/-/15 Breathing oxygen for airborne applications ACE/1 Specification for chromium-molybdenum steel sheet and strip (1150/1300 MPa) (suitable for welding) ACE/61/-/15 Specification for 2 1/2% nickel-chromiummolybdenum steel billets.8.8. V 0.5.3) Specification for 18/10 chromium-nickel corrosion-resisting steel tube (niobium stabilized: 550 MPa) (weldable) ACE/61/-/15 BS 2T 68:1980 BS S 152:1975 Specification for cold drawn 18/10 chromiumnickel corrosion-resisting steel tube (niobium stabilized: 800 MPa) (weldable) Specification for chromium-cobaltmolybdenum-vanadium-niobium heat-resisting steel billets. with wrapped insulation ACE/61/-/15 ACE/1 BS S 532:1969 BS 5N 100-7:2002 BS S 534:1969 ACE/6 Aircraft oxygen systems and equipment.5.2. W 3) ACE/61/-/15 ACE/61/-/15 Prices may be subject to change.6. Tests for the compatibility of materials in the presence of oxygen ACE/1 Update Standards August 2012 1% Chromium-molybdenum steel billets. Si 0. Mo 1. Mg 0. forgings and parts (1080-1280 MPa: limiting ruling section 150 mm) BS G 247-1:1992 BS S 535:1969 ACE/61/-/15 ACE/61/-/15 BS T 72-T 73:1977 Specifications for 18/10 chromium-nickel corrosion-resisting steel tube for hydraulic purposes (niobium/titanium stabilized: 550 MPa) ACE/61/-/15 BS HC 7:1974 Specification for 3% chromium-molybdenum steel castings (880-1080 MPa) ACE/61/-/15 Aircraft oxygen systems and equipment. Ni 2.5.3) ACE/6 BS L 164:1978 Specification for sheet and strip of aluminiumcoated aluminium-copper-magnesium-siliconmanganese alloy (solution treated and aged at room temperature) (Cu 4.5 mm) (weldable) ACE/61/-/15 BS 3T 60:1980 Specification for chromium-molybdenum steel tube (1150 MPa) (maximum thickness 8 mm) ACE/61/-/15 BS S 151:1975 BS 2T 66:1980 Specification for chromium-nickel-molybdenumvanadium heat-resisting steel billets. (1150 to 1300 MPa: Limiting ruling section 16 mm) (Suitable for welding) BS HC 10:1974 ACE/61/-/15 ACE/61/-/15 BS S 206:1999 BS HC 103:1974 Chromium-nickel-aluminium corrosion resisting steel (precipitation hardening) rod.BS G 237:1987 BS 4N 100-3:1999 BS 2S 513:1970 Specification for electric cables for general airframe or equipment interconnect use (200ºC). V 0. bars. Mo 0. forgings and parts (930-1080 MPa) (Cr 10. bars. bars. Guidance and recommendations on the selection of materials for use with oxygen Specification for chromium-nickel-coppermolybdenum corrosion-resisting steel sheet and strip (precipitation hardening: 1180/1370 MPa) BS G 241:1988 ACE/1 ACE/61/-/15 Specification for fire proof electric cables for engine fire zone and airframe use Specification for electric cables for general airframe or equipment interconnect use (260ºC).3) ACE/61/-/15 BS S 162:1990 Specification for aeromedical portable oxygen concentrator systems.8) ACE/61/-/24 BS 3N 3:2000 Specification for chromium-nickel-molybdenumvanadium heat-resisting steel sheet and strip (930-1130 MPa: maximum thickness 6 mm) (Cr 12. Mo 0.7. Ni 11. Design and installation ACE/1 BS 4N 100-2:1999 Aircraft oxygen systems and equipment.3) ACE/61/-/15 BS 3T 53:1980 Specification for chromium-molybdenum steel tube (700 MPa) (outside diameter not less than 12. bars. Mn 0. Co 6. V 0.5. cold drawn wire and springs Specification for 23% chromium-nickel-tungsten corrosion-resisting steel castings (Cr 23. Mg 0. nickel plated copper and copper alloy conductors. Specification for lifejacket lights ACE/6 ACE/61/-/15 BS G 247-2:1995 BS S 150:1975 Locator lights for airborne applications. Mo 1.8) ACE/61/-/24 BS L 165:1978 Specification for sheet and strip of aluminiumcoated aluminium-copper-magnesium-siliconmanganese alloy (solution treated and artificially aged) (Cu 4.5. forgings.8. Specification for liferaft lights Specification for chromium-molybdenumvanadium-niobium heat-resisting steel billets. forgings and parts (consumable electrode remelted) (1000-1140 MPa) (Cr 10. Guide to cleaning labelling and packaging BS G 242:1989 ACE/1 Specification for chromium-molybdenum steel sheet and strip (880/1080 MPa (suitable for welding) Specification for data bus interconnecting systems BS 7S 80:2002 ACE/6 BS G 243:1990 ACE/61/-/15 High chromium-nickel corrosion resisting steel forging stock.) ACE/61/-/15 ACE/6 BS 2S 136:1977 BS G 244:1989 Specification for 1% carbon-chromium steel (vacuum arc remelted) billets.4. extruded insulation with nickel plated conductors Aircraft oxygen systems and equipment. bars.C.4.7. bars. Mn 0. Testing of equipment and systems Specification for spring steel strip ACE/6 BS 4N 100-4:1999 BS 2G 238:1996 Aircraft oxygen systems and equipment. Nb 0. forgings and parts (930-1130 MPa: limiting ruling section 150 mm) (Cr 12. forgings and parts.5. Si 0. forgings and parts (880 to 1080 MPa: limiting ruling section 100 mm) Specification for igniter cables for engine use (4 kV D. Ni 2. Specification for nickel-chromium-molybdenum steel castings (1150-1300 MPa) 25 . Nb 0. General requirements Specification for 18% nickel-cobaltmolybdenum maraging steel forging stock.2. forgings and parts (limiting ruling section 25 mm) Code of practice for installation/repair of aircraft electrical interconnection systems ACE/6 ACE/61/-/15 BS 2S 140:1976 Locator lights for airborne applications. bars. Ballistic and guided missiles Specification for precision hexagon bolts. & B. Lighter-than-air aircraft (aerostats) Specification for parallel steel dowel pins. Confirmation indicates the continuing currency of a standard. if it is not.S. Air-traffic and ground services BS 2061:1953 ACE/1 Specification for phosphor bronze spring washers for general engineering purposes BS 185-14:1972 FME/9 Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms.. Metric series FME/9 BS AU 237a:1993 AUE/9 BS 1083:1965 ACE/1 ACE/1 Specification for light domestic duty jumper lead sets for automotive starting FME/9 BS 185-9:1970 Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms. Parallel and taper types having screw threads for extraction purposes. Particular requirements. Reference to a particular amendment indicates that it is published concurrently with the confirmation. Specification for general requirements BS 185-18:1970 CPL/116 Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms. Metric series Specification for elasticated straps BS 185-10:1970 FME/9 AUE/9 Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms.S.14:1992 BS 325:1947 Specification for black cup and countersunk bolts and nuts Hand-held electric motor-operated tools. General ACE/1 BS 185-2:1969 Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms. ACE/1 Electric cables. Meteorology BS 2567:1997 ACE/1 Specification for non-powered roller conveyors BS 185-16:1973 Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms. to establish whether it is still current and. Structures Specification for machine screws and machine screw nuts (B. BS HC 106:1974 BS 185-3:1969 BS 450:1958 Specification for precipitaton hardening chromium-nickel-copper corrosion-resisting steel castings (1250-1500 MPa) (Cr 16. Ni 4. confirmation includes all amendments published to date. Heavier-than-air aircraft (aerodynes) ACE/1 BS 185-6:1970 Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms. Aerodynamics Specification for slotted grub screws ACE/61/-/15 BS MA 5:1970 Specification for brass service nameplates for valves ACE/1 SME/32 BS MA 47:1977 Code of practice for ships’ cargo blocks MHE/3/6 BS MA 48:1976 Code of practice for design and operation of ships’ derrick rigs MHE/3/6 BS MA 57:1975 Specification for ships’ deck machinery – rope storage reels SME/32 BS AU 193a:1990 Specification for replacement motor cycle and moped exhaust systems AUE/9 BS 185-5:1969 Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms. Power plant Specification for parallel steel dowel pins. Radiocommunication and radiolocation BS 2562:1979 ACE/1 Specification for cable boxes for transformers and reactors BS 185-15:1972 PEL/14 Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms. & B.F. Where any standard in this list has been amended since publication. Specification for solid and split taper pins for general engineering purposes Hand-held electric motor-operated tools.W. Specification for hedge trimmers and scissor-type grass shears FME/9 CPL/116 Prices may be subject to change. to identify and set in hand appropriate action. Aerospace medicine MHE/9 BS 2751:2001 General purpose acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber compounds. Personnel ACE/1 BS 185-17:1973 Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms. Inch series ACE/1 FME/9 BS 185-8:1970 BS 1804-2:1968 Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms. screws and nuts (B.F. Specification PRI/54 BS 2769-1:1984 BS 46-3:1951 ACE/1 Keys and keyways and taper pins.S. Astronautics BS 2769-2. threads) ACE/1 FME/9 BS 185-4:1969 BS 768:1958 Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms.. Accessories.W. Propellers ACE/1 BS AU 258:1995 BS 1804-3:1973 Specification for parallel steel dowel pins.S. Cu 3) Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms. threads) FME/9 BS 1104:1957 Specification for general purpose Acme screw threads FME/9 BS 185-7:1969 BS 1804-1:1966 Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms. Bitumen-based filling compounds BS 185-13:1972 GEL/20/11 Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms. General introduction and list of sections Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms.0:1984 FME/9 ACE/1 BS 185-1:1969 Glossary of aeronautical and astronautical terms. Auxiliary services BS 1858:2002 BRITISH STANDARDS REVIEWED AND CONFIRMED It is BSI policy for every standard to be reviewed by the technical committee responsible not more than five years after publication. Update Standards August 2012 .British Standards Proposed for Confirmation continued. Motion of aircraft ACE/1 26 BS 185:Index:1973 Hand-held electric motor-operated tools. Particular requirements. Alphabetical index CPL/116 ACE/1 BS 2769-2. Specification for hexagon socket countersunk head screws MHE/3/13 FME/9 Lifting equipment for performance. Methods for performance evaluation of thermal insulation B/546 PVE/18 BS EN 233:1999 BS EN 12300:1999 Wallcoverings in roll form. Size reduction machines. Code of practice for use of aluminium and steel trusses and towers Specification for portable and mobile troughed belt conveyors MHE/3/13 MHE/9 BS 7971-2:2003 BS 4582-1:1970 Specification for fine pitch gears (metric module). Design. Fundamental requirements 27 . Safety requirements for shredders MCE/3/2 BS EN 12013:2000+A1:2008 Plastics and rubber machines. pressed type (B. Transportable vacuum insulated vessels of not more than 1000 litres volume. Toughness requirements for temperatures below -80ºC MHE/9 PRI/73 PVE/18 BS 7896:1997 BS 2827:1957 Specification for machine screw nuts. wall vinyls and plastics wallcoverings Cryogenic vessels. Transportable vacuum insulated vessels of not more than 1000 litres volume. Internal mixers. Static vacuum insulated vessels. Specification for the format and structure of names and addresses used in securities transactions for the business of registrars IST/12 PH/9 BS 4168-8:1982 BS 7905-1:2001 BS EN 1797:2001 Lifting equipment for performance. equipment and components. Glossary of equipment Cryogenic vessels. Toughness requirements for temperatures between -80ºC and -20ºC PVE/18 BS 3044:1990 Guide to ergonomics principles in the design and selection of office furniture BS EN 1252-2:2001 BS 8747:2007 PVE/18 BS EN 12012-1:2007+A1:2008 Plastics and rubber machines.A. Specification for the design and manufacture of above stage equipment (excluding trusses and towers) Cryogenic vessels. Couplings for cryogenic service PVE/18 FME/9 BS EN 1251-3:2000 Pneumatic conveying. Safety requirements CW/35 MCE/3/2 BS EN 455-1:2000 BS EN 12434:2000 Medical gloves for single use. Specification for prescription spectacles CH/172 BS 7724:1994 BS EN 1251-1:2000 Cryogenic vessels. Cleanliness for cryogenic service CW/35 PVE/18 BS EN 12301:2000+A1:2008 BS 6324-2:1983 BS EN 266:1992 Terms relating to surgical implants. spongeability and washability CW/35 BS EN 13275:2000 BS EN 1251-2:2000 Cryogenic vessels. Cryogenic vessels. Safety requirements MCE/3/2 BS EN 12149:1998 Wallcoverings in roll form. Specification for design and manufacture of aluminium and steel trusses and towers BS 4514:2001 Unplasticized PVC soil and ventilating pipes of 82. Guidance PH/3/3 BS 7394-2:2007 Complete spectacles. Involute spur and helical gears MCE/5 Protective clothing and equipment for use in violent situations and in training. cleaning and maintenance of protective clothing and equipment PH/3/12 BS 5760-2:1994 Reliability of systems. Guide to selection and specification Cryogenic vessels. and Whitworth form threads) FME/9 Securities. Size reduction machines. fabrication. Materials. use. Pumps for cryogenic service Cryogenic vessels. Safety requirements for blade granulators MCE/3/2 BS EN 12012-3:2001+A1:2008 Rubber and plastics machines. Materials.4 mm and of other sizes. Specification PRI/88/1 BS 4531:1986 BS 7905-2:2000 MHE/3/13 BS 7906-2:2000 Lifting equipment for performance. of vinyl chloride monomer and of formaldehyde release CW/35 BS EN 12213:1999 Reinforced bitumen membranes (RBMs) for roofing. Specification for finished wallpapers. inspection and testing PVE/18 PVE/18 Specification for split pins (metric series) BS EN 13371:2002 Cryogenic vessels. Fundamental requirements PVE/18 PVE/18 BS EN 12956:1999 Wallcoverings in roll form. Calenders. Requirements and testing for freedom from holes Cryogenic vessels. Cryogenic flexible hoses CH/150 BS 6498:2002 Guide to preparation of microfilm and other microforms that may be required as evidence CH/205/3 IDT/1/3 BS 7184:2001 Selection. Guide to the assessment of reliability DS/1 BS 5877:1980 Guide for subjective listening tests for sound radio receivers EPL/100 Cryogenic vessels. Glossary of terms relating to mechanics Specification for textile wallcoverings Plastics and rubber machines. Determination of dimensions. broadcast and similar applications.BS 2775:1987 BS 7885:1997 BS EN 1252-1:1998 Specification for rubber stoppers and tubing for general laboratory use Code of practice for safe entry into silos Cryogenic vessels.4 mm minimum mean outside diameter. Determination of migration of heavy metals and certain other elements. Operational requirements BS EN 13458-1:2002 BS 7871-2:1998 MHE/9 PVE/18 PVE/18 Update Standards August 2012 Prices may be subject to change. broadcast and similar applications. Guidance on risk assessment and on the selection. use and maintenance of chemical protective clothing. Transportable vacuum insulated vessels of not more than 1000 litres volume. Gas/material compatibility Hexagon socket screws and wrench keys: metric series. straightness. and fittings and accessories of 82. broadcast and similar applications. Specification for high foam formulations used in liquid form I/- This standard has been withdrawn as the technical committee that prepared this standard has been disbanded. Fundamental requirements PVE/18 BS EN 14197-2:2003+A1:2006 Cryogenic vessels. inspection and testing PVE/18 BS 3F 70:1991 BS 1643:2008 Specification for heavy duty braided rubber cord Specification for precision vernier height gauges ACE/65 TDW/4 BS 3F 71:1991 Specification for light duty braided rubber cord ACE/65 BS 2G 112:1956 Specification for air-driven directional gyroscopes for aircraft ACE/1 Superseded by BS EN ISO 13225:2012 BS 3531-5. Design. Static non-vacuum insulated vessels. Methods of sampling and test. Bone screws and auxiliary equipment. bolts ACE/12 PVE/18 BS 2A 210:1962 BS EN 13458-3:2003 Cryogenic vessels. thin. Specification for cylindrical shanks with a parallel flat for drills with indexable inserts MTE/18 Superseded by BS ISO 9766:2012 Update Standards August 2012 . slotted and castle) for aircraft BS SP 113:1954 This standard has been withdrawn as the technical committee that prepared this standard has been disbanded. Static non-vacuum insulated vessels. Methods of sampling and test. so the standard cannot be maintained ACE/1 BS SP 18 and 19:1949 Specification for washers for aircraft purposes (primarily for use with timber) ACE/12 BS 2SP 47:1957 BS 4088-2:1994 Carpet cleaning products. Large transportable vacuum insulated vessels. Static vacuum insulated vessels.. Determination of cleaning performance of formulations designed for use with spray extraction machines ACE/1 BS N 5:1992 Specification for crew portable protective breathing equipment for use during aircraft emergencies I/- This standard has been withdrawn as the technical committee that prepared this standard has been disbanded. mushroomheaded. all amendments published to date are also withdrawn ACE/12 PVE/18 BS EN 13530-2:2002 Cryogenic vessels. taps and countersink cutters CH/150/5 Superseded by BS ISO 9714-1:2012 BS 2G 113:1956 Specification for manifold pressure gauges for aircraft BS 4088-1. and B..British Standards Reviewed and Confirmed continued. Design. inspection and testing PVE/18 BS EN 13648-2:2002 Cryogenic vessels. fabrication. fabrication.1:1994 ACE/1 Carpet cleaning products. inspection and testing Specification for cadmium-plated.S. General methods for formulations used in liquid form BS G 174:1959 I/- Invertors for secondary electrical supplies for aircraft ACE/1 This standard has been withdrawn as the technical committee that prepared this standard has been disbanded. Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure. Bursting disc safety devices for cryogenic service PVE/18 BS EN 13648-3:2002 Cryogenic vessels. Determination of required discharge. so the standard cannot be maintained BS 2G 191:1988 BS 4088-1. Static vacuum insulated vessels. Capacity and sizing PVE/18 BS EN 14197-1:2003 Cryogenic vessels. Specification for drill bits. so the standard cannot be maintained BS EN 14398-3:2003 Single coil spring washers for aircraft Cryogenic vessels. Design. Specification for spray extraction machine formulations used in liquid form BS 2A 27:1962 ACE/12 I/- Specification for steel hexagonal nuts (B. Fundamental requirements PVE/18 BS EN 14398-2:2003+A2:2008 Cryogenic vessels. unified-thread. Operational requirements ACE/12 BS 2SP 93:1974 PVE/18 Specification for elastomeric grommets (acrylonitrile-butadiene) for aerospace use Carpet cleaning products. Large transportable nonvacuum insulated vessels.F threads) (ordinary.2:1995 Specification for lighting for aircraft indicators using integral filament lamps Carpet cleaning products. inspection and testing PVE/18 BS EN 14398-1:2003 Cryogenic vessels. Operational requirements BRITISH STANDARDS WITHDRAWN Specification for brass nuts (Unified hexagons and Unified threads) for aircraft If any standard in this list has been amended since publication. slotted drive. Large transportable nonvacuum insulated vessels. Design. Specification for impregnated powder formulations BS 4A 102:2002+A1:2006 Specification for steel bolts (Unified hexagons and Unified threads) for aircraft ACE/12 BS 4A 111:1993 Specification for cadmium-plated steel bolts (Unified hexagons and Unified threads) with close tolerance shanks ACE/12 BS 4A 112:1992 Specification for cadmium-plated steel shear bolts (Unified hexagons and Unified threads) ACE/12 28 BS 4088-3:1995 Specifications for hydraulic surface-check type lubricating nipples for aircraft ACE/12 I/- This standard has been withdrawn as the technical committee that prepared this standard has been disbanded. so the standard cannot be maintained BS SP 121:1958 Collars for shear pins for aircraft ACE/12 BS SP 134 to SP 138:1968 Specification for copper beryllium crinkle washers ACE/12 Prices may be subject to change. Large transportable nonvacuum insulated vessels. BS 4193-21:1993 (ISO 9766:1990) Hardmetal insert tooling. Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure.A. fabrication.7:1991 (ISO 9714-1:1991) Implants for osteosynthesis. fabrication. BS EN 13458-2:2002 BS 4A 113:1999 Cryogenic vessels. so the standard cannot be maintained ACE/12 Specification for cadmium plated close tolerance shear pins for aircraft ACE/12 BS 4088-4:1995 BS SP 115 to 117:1956 Carpet cleaning products. BS ISO/IEC 24730-21:2012 and BS ISO/IEC 24730-22:2012 BS EN 13769:2003 DD IEC/PAS 62573:2008 Transportable gas cylinders. BS EN 1865-3:2012. BS EN 18652:2010. concrete and composite bridges. Particular requirements for safety. Valves PRI/88/2 BS 6700:2006+A1:2009 Design. Design. Balancing machines. Contact Customer Services 020 8996 9001 who will be happy to check it for you 29 . Method for determination of specific surface area by nitrogen adsorption methods using single-point procedures PRI/50 Superseded by BS ISO 4652:2012 BS 5400-10C:1999 Steel. Cylinder bundles. Environmental test methods. Applied protection to concrete filled hollow steel columns FSH/22 Superseded by BS EN 13381-6:2012 BS EN ISO 13485:2003 Medical devices. Charts for classification of details for fatigue BS EN 12338:1998 Water quality. bump or free fall and dry heat or cold CPW/172 Superseded by BS ISO 9022-22:2012 BS ISO 9022-15:1998 Optics and optical instruments.BS 4448:1988 BS EN 1865:2000 BS ISO 9022-10:1998 Specification for school exercise books and papers Specifications for stretchers and other patient handling equipment used in road ambulances I/- CH/239 Optics and optical instruments.4 GHz air interface protocol Stability testing of in vitro diagnostic reagents IST/34 CH/212 Superseded by BS EN ISO 23640:2011 Superseded by BS ISO/IEC 24730-2:2012. Environmental test methods. Marking of objectives and eyepieces Superseded by BS EN ISO 10961:2012 Superseded by BS EN 61158-4-21:2012 CPW/172 BS EN 60601-2-7:1998 (BS 5724-2. or A. Combined shock. Particular requirements for safety. Specification for associated equipment of X-ray equipment CH/62/2 Superseded by BS EN 60601-2-54:2009 BS EN 62384:2006 D. Environmental test methods. Temperature cycles combined with sinusoidal or random vibration CPW/172 Superseded by BS ISO 9022-22:2012 CH/210/1 Superseded by BS EN ISO 13485:2012 BS ISO/IEC 24730-2:2006 BS EN 13640:2002 Information technology. Specification for high voltage generators of diagnostic X-ray generators Methods of test and general requirements for road vehicle alternators with regulators Superseded by BS ISO 8578:2012 BS 7600:1992 (ISO 10509:1992) Specification for hexagon flange head tapping screws FME/9/3 Superseded by BS ISO 10509:2012 BS 7661:1993 Specification for inflatable armbands worn as flotation aids SW/136 Superseded by BS EN 13138-1:2008 BS EN 473:2008 Non-destructive testing. identification and testing Real-time Ethernet. Method using atomic absorption spectrometry Mechanical vibration.7:1998) BS AU 232:1989 (ISO 8854:1988) Medical electrical equipment. Polyethylene (PE). BS EN 806-2:2005. Combined digitally controlled broad-band random vibration and dry heat or cold CPW/172 Superseded by BS ISO 9022-22:2012 Superseded by BS EN 12201-4:2012 BS ISO 9022-16:1998 B/525/10 This standard has been withdrawn following the publication of BS EN 1993-1-9:2005 CPW/172 DD ENV 13381-6:2002 Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members. Imaging distances related to mechanical reference planes for tube length 160 mm CPW/172 Superseded by BS ISO 9345-1:2012 BS 7012-15:1997 (ISO 8578:1997) Superseded by BS ISO 9022-22:2012 BS ISO 9022-13:1998 Optics and optical instruments. Real-time automation protocol for industrial Ethernet (RAPIEnet) PVE/3/7 AMT/7 Light microscopes. testing and maintenance of services supplying water for domestic use within buildings and their curtilages. so the standard cannot be maintained Superseded by BS EN 1865-1:2010. Qualification and certification of NDT personnel. Enclosures and other protective measures for the measuring station EH/3/2 GME/21/5/5 Superseded by BS EN ISO 12846:2012 Superseded by BS ISO 21940-23:2012 Update Standards August 2012 Superseded by BS ISO 8854:2012 CH/62/2 Superseded by BS EN ISO 9712:2012 BS EN 1483:2007 AUE/16 Prices may be subject to change. Specification B/504/2 Superseded by BS 8558:2011. BS EN 806-3:2006. Environmental test methods. BS EN 806-1:2000. supplied electronic control gear for LED modules. General principles WEE/46 Superseded by BS EN 60601-2-54:2009 BS EN 60601-2-32:1995 (BS 5724-2. Combined bounce or steady-state acceleration and dry heat or cold CPW/172 Superseded by BS ISO 9022-22:2012 BS ISO 9022-19:1994 Optics and optical instruments. Performance requirements Help Us to Help You! Always quote your Customer Number Don’t know your number? CPL/34/3 Superseded by BS EN 62384:2006+A1:2009 BS ISO 7475:2002 Water quality. BS EN 8064:2010 and BS EN 806-5:2012 BS 7012-3:1997 (ISO 9345-1:1996) Light microscopes. manufacture. Combined sinusoidal vibration and dry heat or cold This standard has been withdrawn as the technical committee that prepared this standard has been disbanded. BS EN 1865-4:2012 and BS EN 1865-5:2012 BS 5293-11:1995 (ISO 4652-1:1994) Sampling and testing carbon black for use in the rubber industry. Determination of mercury. Quality management systems. 2. Requirements for regulatory purposes Optics and optical instruments. Real-time locating systems (RTLS). drainage and sewerage.32:1995) Medical electrical equipment. installation.C. Determination of mercury. Enrichment methods by amalgamation EH/3 Superseded by BS EN ISO 12846:2012 BS EN 13244-4:2002 Plastics piping systems for buried and aboveground pressure systems for water for general purposes.C. Environmental test methods. Abrasion resistance Footwear. Testing and rating and EN 14518:2005. Dimensional stability Foodstuffs. Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing of footwear and components for footwear TCI/69 BS EN 12743:1999 Footwear. Test methods for outsoles. 389 Chiswick High Road. Measurement of air flows on site. including their elements of building hardware. Ageing conditioning TCI/69 TCI/69 BS EN 12771:2000 Footwear. Water vapour permeability and absorption FSH/22/-/12 BS EN 12744:1999 TCI/69 EN WI 00127278 Footwear. Test methods for outsoles. Comments are welcome and should be sent to Debbie Stead. Chilled beams. Test methods for outsoles. Multiple Stress Creep and Recovery Test (MSCRT) PAS 91 B/510/19 TCI/69 Construction related procurement. Point detectors using a combination of carbon monoxide and heat sensors TCI/69 The following British Standards implement International and/or European Standards which are currently under review to see if they should be confirmed. lining and insocks. Test methods for whole shoe. lining and insocks. Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation. Perspiration resistance TCI/69 BS EN 12803:2000 BS EN 12222:1997 Footwear. revised or withdrawn. Test methods for uppers. Ventilation for buildings. Test methods for outsoles. Abrasion resistance FSH/22/-/7 Basic data used to produce EN 14240:2004. Test methods for outsoles. Testing and rating of passive chilled beams TCI/69 BS EN 12749:1999 Fire resistance tests for cavity barriers Where a work item has the temporary designation “BS EN XXXX”. Test methods for insoles. Determination of methyl mercury by isotope dilution GC-ICPMSin foodstuffs of marine origin BS SP 139-140:1969/A2 AW/275 TCI/69 Specification for corrosion-resisting steel crinkle washers EN WI 00336155 BS EN 12773:2000 ACE/12 Footwear. Test methods for insoles. Compression energy STI/33 TCI/69 BS EN 13515:2002 Footwear. Determination of elements and their chemical species. Method for quantitative measurement of adhesion by tensile test Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members. Test methods for insoles. Contribution of fire resistance to steel beams with web opening Footwear. Test methods for outsoles. BSI Head Office. Heel attachment EN WI 00072098 TCI/69 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Dimensional stability EN WI 00127275 TCI/69 BS EN 12801:2000 Footwear. it has not yet been allocated a standard number by the European standards body. shutter and openable window assemblies. BS EN 12770:2000 Footwear. Tear strength CEN/TR WI 00156171 Sherardizing. Tensile strength and elongation TCI/69 BS EN 13144:2003 Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Abrasion resistance TCI/69 Footwear. London W4 4AL or via email to BSUKoperations. Test methods for uppers and lining. Conversion devices. EN WI 00156174 Ventilation for buildings. Determination of split tear strength and delamination resistance PAS 128 TCI/69 30 Specification for underground infrastructure/utility detection and location Prices may be subject to change. 2012. Needle tear strength Bitumen and bituminous binders. Fire resistance of operable fabric curtains FSH/22/-/5 EN WI 00127277 Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members. Test for frost resistance will supersede BS EN 539-2:2006 B/542/3 Update Standards August 2012 . Delamination resistance TCI/69 BS EN 13520:2002 BS EN 12745:1999 Footwear. Test methods for insoles. Test methods for outsoles. Positive pressure ventilation systems RHE/2 EN WI 00237021 Gas meters. Test methods for insoles. Clay roofing tiles for discontinuous laying. Zinc diffusion coatings on ferrous products. Prequalification questionnaires EN 539-2 BS EN 12774:2000 will supersede PAS 91:2010 Footwear. Specification STI/33 RHE/2 BS EN 13811:2003 EN WI 00156172 NEW WORK STARTED Ventilation for buildings.com by 30 September. Pin holding strength TCI/69 BS EN 12747:1999 Footwear. Chilled ceilings.review@bsigroup. Duct smoke detectors BS EN 12800:2000 FSH/12 Footwear. Fire resistance test method for reactive and nonreactive materials which protect tension members FSH/22/-/12 EN WI 00127276 Extended application of test results for fire resistance and/or smoke control for door. Multisensor fire detectors. Resistance to stitch tear Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Ventilation for buildings. BS EN 12785:2000 FSH/12 Footwear. Methods RHE/2 The reference number of the committee responsible for each item of new work started is given after each entry. Head of Committee Service Centre – Operations. Determination of physical characteristics. Flow computers GSE/25 BS SP 134-138:1968/A1 TCI/69 EN WI 00275237 Specification for copper beryllium crinkle washers BS EN 12772:2000 ACE/12 Footwear.British Standards Under Review BRITISH STANDARDS UNDER REVIEW BS EN 12782:2000 EN WI 00072097 Footwear. in order to be considered by the relevant UK Committee. Test methods for insoles. Method by distillation will supersede BS EN 12606-1:2007. Exhaust ventilation system packages used in a single dwelling will supersede BS EN 13141-6:2004 RHE/2 EN 13203-5 Gas-fired domestic appliance producing hot water. Requirements for the construction. Critical orifices Ventilation for buildings. Physical properties B/510/19 will supersede BS EN 13451-11:2004 FSH/2 will supersede BS EN 1871:2000 B/509/2 EN ISO 6141 Gas analysis. Characteristics required for use in the construction of tunnels and underground structures. Requirements for certificates for calibration gases and gas mixtures will supersede BS EN ISO 6141:2006 PTI/15 Update Standards August 2012 EN 12606-1 Bitumen and bituminous binders. Determination of the paraffin wax content. Service ducts and shafts will supersede BS EN 1366-5:2010 FSH/22/-/4 EN ISO 1514 Paints and varnishes. Determination of resistance to abrasion. Determination of inorganic arsenic in foodstuffs of marine and plant origin by anion-exchange HPLC-ICPMS following waterbath extraction Ventilation for buildings. Rotating abrasive rubber wheel method will supersede BS EN ISO 7784-2:2006 STI/10 EN ISO 8317 Child-resistant packaging. will supersede BS EN 1304:2005 B/542/3 EN 1366-5 Fire resistance tests for service installations. Welded steel pressure vessels for LPG road tankers. BS 2000222:2007 Swimming pool equipment. Assessment of energy consumption of gas fired appliances combined with electrical heat pump GSE/29 EN ISO 13212 Ophthalmic optics. Design and manufacture will supersede BS EN 12493:2008+A1:2012 will supersede BS EN 13362:2005 B/553 CEN/TS 13388 Copper and copper alloys. Determination of flexibility at low temperature PTI/15 EN ISO 6808 Plastics hoses and hose assemblies for suction and low-pressure discharge of petroleum liquids. Manganese greensand will supersede BS EN 12911:2006 CII/59 EN 13141-6 EN ISO 7784-1 will supersede BS EN ISO 8317:2004 EN 1559-2 will supersede BS EN 12792:2003 EN C275/WG10 Foodstuffs. BS 2000459. Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for diving platforms.EN 1097-11 EN ISO 6145-6 EN 12792 Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates. will supersede BS EN 13491:2004 B/553 31 . Rotating abrasive-papercovered wheel method will supersede BS EN ISO 7784-1:2006 STI/10 EN ISO 7784-2 Paints and varnishes. Determination of compressibility and confined compressive strength of lightweight aggregates Gas analysis. Characteristics required for use in the construction of reservoirs and dams will supersede BS EN 13361:2004 AW/275 B/553 will supersede BS EN 1643:2000 EN ISO 10710 GSE/22 EN 13362 Water quality. Signal heads EN 1866-2 Mobile fire extinguishers. Characteristics required for use in the construction of canals EN 1790 Road marking materials. Product definitions and specifications. Guidelines for determination of shelf-life will supersede BS EN ISO 13212:2011 CH/172/9 EN 13361 Geosynthetic barriers. which comply with the requirements of EN 1866-1 FSH/2 will supersede BS EN 12368:2006 B/509/20 EN 12493 LPG equipment and accessories. Determination of resistance to abrasion. Requirements for the assembly. terminology and graphical symbols will supersede BS EN ISO 6145-6:2008 RHE/2 B/502/6 EN 1109 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Standard panels for testing will supersede BS EN ISO 1514:2004 STI/10 Paints and varnishes. construction and pressure resistance of CO2 extinguishers which comply with the requirements of EN 1866-1 EN 12596 SW/136/8 Bitumen and bituminous binders. pressure resistance and mechanical tests for extinguishers. Preformed road markings will supersede BS ISO 10710:2010 EH/3 will supersede BS EN 1790:1998 B/509/2 EN 12368 Traffic control equipment. Specification will supersede BS EN 1109:2000 will supersede BS EN ISO 6808:2001 B/546/1 PRI/66 EN 1304 Clay roofing tiles and fittings. with a maximum allowable pressure equal to or lower than 30 bar. SW/136/8 EN 13491 Geosynthetic barriers. diving springboards and associated equipment EN 1866-3 PVE/19 Mobile fire extinguishers. Requirements and testing procedures for reclosable packages PKW/0/3 Steel castings for general engineering uses will supersede BS EN 1559-2:2000 ISE/111 EN 1643 Valve proving systems for automatic shut-off valves for gas burners and gas appliances EN 12911 Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Bitumen sheets for roof waterproofing. Growth inhibition test with the marine and brackish water macroalga Ceramium tenuicorne Geosynthetic barriers. Symbols. Contact lens care products.1:2007 B/510/19 Prices may be subject to change. Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for movable pool floors and movable bulkheads Road marking materials. Determination of dynamic viscosity by vacuum capillary EN 13451-11 will supersede BS EN 13451-10:2004 EN 1871 will supersede BS EN 12596:2007. Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic methods. Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation. Compendium of compositions and products will supersede DD CEN/TS 13388:2008 NFE/34 EN 13451-10 Swimming pool equipment. Single layer fusion bonded epoxy coatings CII/59 will supersede BS EN ISO 21809-2:2007 EN 14617-13 Agglomerated stone. Electromagnetic compatibility. Determination of electrical resistivity EN 16483 EN 16070 PSE/17/2 EN ISO 14982 EN ISO 16373-1 Agricultural and forestry machinery. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry method will supersede BS EN 15077:2006 CII/59 PTI/13 will supersede BS EN 13492:2004 B/553 EN 15382 EN 13718-2 Geosynthetic barriers. Characteristics required for use in the construction of liquid waste disposal sites. Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for Class D devices will supersede BS EN ISO 16773-3:2009 SW/136/8 EN ISO 16773-4 CEN/TS 15963 Paints and varnishes. General principles of testing coloured textiles for dyestuff identification will supersede BS EN ISO 14982:2009 EN 16447 AGE/6 Explosion isolation flap valves EN 15075 Chemicals used for treatment of swimming pool water. Painted glass for internal use.New Work Started continued. Ancillary equipment EN 14509 Self-supporting double skin metal faced insulating panels. Compression moulded sheets of polyethylene (PE-UHMW.. Magnetic particle testing of welds. Validation and testing EN 13805 IST/36 Foodstuffs. Sodium hydrogen carbonate TCI/80 EXL/23/-/1 EN 16475-7 will supersede BS EN 15075:2006 Chimneys. Accessories. Wireless Short-Packet (WSP) protocol optimized for energy harvesting. Home Electronic Systems (HES). Examples of spectra of polymer-coated specimens Bitumen and bituminous binders. Dyestuffs. Natural zeolite Petroleum and natural gas industries. Tests and requirements B/520/1 EN 16477-2 Glass in building. Pressure digestion EN 15502-2-2 will supersede BS EN 13805:2002 Gas-fired central heating boilers. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) on highimpedance coated specimens.. Labelling of leather trims in textile products will supersede BS EN 14071:2004 EN 15649-1:2009+A1:2012/A2 TCI/69 PVE/19 Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water. Characteristics required for use in transportation infrastructure Medical vehicles and their equipment. Evaluation of conformity B/520/1 EN 16481 Plastics. Structural design. External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems. Determination of elements and its chemical species. PE-HD). Rain caps. Determination of content of trace elements in diesel fuel. Sodium hypochlorite Liquid petroleum products. Acceptance levels will supersede BS EN ISO 23278:2009 WEE/46 EN ISO 24234 Dentistry. Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). Factory made products. materials. general requirements and test methods EN 16484 EN 14071 LPG equipment and accessories. Connecting dimensions B/503 B/553 GSE/29 EN ISO 15512 EN 16477-1 Glass in building. Requirements and test methods CII/59 B/506/1 32 Prices may be subject to change. Consumer information B/542/12 EN ISO/IEC 14543-3-10 Information technology. Guidelines for origin denomination of leather EN 15649-2:2009+A1:2012/A2 STI/10 will supersede BS EN ISO 16773-4:2009 STI/10 EN ISO 21809-2 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Architecture and lower layer protocols ICT/-/1 EN 14617-1 Agglomerated stone. Classification. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) on highimpedance coated specimens. Specific standard for type B1 appliances AW/275 EN 13986 Wood-based panels for use in construction. Determination of apparent density and water absorption will supersede BS EN 14617-1:2005 B/545 TCI/69 SW/136/8 EN 15649-6:2009/A1 B/545 EN ISO 16773-3 Paints and varnishes. Test methods and acceptance criteria Textiles. Mercury and alloys for dental amalgam will supersede BS EN ISO 24234:2004+A1:2011 CH/106/1 Update Standards August 2012 . Specifications SW/136/8 will supersede BS EN 14509:2006 Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water. Pressure relief valves for LPG pressure vessels. Cast iron continuous casting Plastics. Characteristics. Painted glass for internal use. transfer stations or secondary containment Chemicals used for treatment of swimming pool water. Test methods. BS 2000584:2010 B/510/19 will supersede BS EN 14617-13:2005 Leather. Determination of the fracture toughness temperature by a three point bending test on a notched specimen will supersede DD CEN/TS 15963:2010. Calculation methods will supersede BS EN ISO 15512:2009 B/543 PRI/21 EN 16482 EN ISO 15527 Founding. Requirements and test methods ISE/111 PRI/21 Leather. Determination of water content Timber stairs. EN ISO 23278 Non-destructive testing of welds. evaluation of conformity and marking will supersede BS EN 13986:2004 B/541 EN 16476 Pedestal and wall-hung bidets with over-rim supply. EN 13492 EN 15077 EN 16476 Geosynthetic barriers. Air ambulances. Processing and analysis of data from dummy cells Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water. Operational and technical requirements of air ambulances will supersede BS EN 15382:2008 will supersede BS EN 13718-2:2008 CEN/TR 15449-5 CH/239 Geographic information. Test methods. Microphones EPL/100/4 will supersede BS EN 60268-4:2010 EN 60728-1-1 will supersede BS EN 60079-5:2007 EXL/31 EN 60079-6 EPL/100 Explosive atmospheres. Determination of the effects of ionizing radiation. Specifications for individual types of sleeving. Specifications for individual types of sleeving. Guide on the selection and use for commissioning. Cross reference table for optical cable test procedures EN 60630:1998/A7 will supersede BS EN 60794-1-2:2003 Maximum lamp outlines for incandescent lamps GEL/86 CPL/34/1 EN 60819-3-4 EXL/31 EN 60684-3-216:2005/A2 EN 60086-4 Primary batteries. RF cabling for two way home networks EN 60903 Live working. installation. Physical (PHY) layer specification EN 60598-1 will supersede BS EN 60079-30-2:2007 EN 60092-100-1 EPL/100/4 EN 60728-1-2 GEL/15 Electrical insulating materials. polyolefin sleeving. Guidelines for specifying metallic and inorganic coatings Electrical installations in ships. Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of mammographic X-ray equipment and mammographic stereotactic devices EN 60728-14 Optical return path systems using RFoG technology EPL/100 EN 60794-1-2 CH/62/2 Optical fibre cables. for medium voltage joint insulation GEL/15 EN 60695-9-2 Fire hazard testing. sound signals and interactive services. Control and automation GEL/82 JPEL/18 EN 50XXX EN 60092-100-4 Portable electrical apparatus for the measurement of combustion flue gas parameters of gas-fired boilers in domestic premises. Heat-shrinkable polyolefin sleeving. Power supply and distribution. 33 . Heat-shrinkable. Gas detectors. Radiation interaction and dosimetry Explosive atmospheres. Methods of test EN 60544-1 EN 60079-29-1 will supersede BS EN 60544-1:1995 will supersede BS EN 60079-29-1:2007 EXL/31 EN 60079-29-2 Explosive atmospheres. Classification of areas. Lighting chains Cable networks for television signals. flame-retarded. Gas detectors. Surface spread of flame. General. Electrical resistance trace heating. sound signals and interactive services. additional requirements GSE/30/-/21 JPEL/18 Flexible insulating sleeving. Equipment. sound signals and interactive services. General. general requirements and tests Flexible insulating sleeving. System performance of forward paths EN 60268-4 will supersede BS EN 60728-11:2010 Sound system equipment. anti-tracking JPEL/18 GEL/15 Update Standards August 2012 Cable networks for television signals. Specifications for individual materials. polyolefin sleeving. Electrical resistance trace heating. Performance requirements for signals delivered at the system outlet in operation (TA 5) Cable networks for television signals. Hybrid fibre coax outside plant status monitoring. Performance requirements of detectors for flammable gases will supersede BS EN 60728-1-1:2010 will supersede BS EN 60455-2:1999 EXL/31 will supersede BS EN 60079-10-1:2009 Cable networks for television signals. Safety will supersede BS EN 60598-2-20:2010 will supersede BS EN 60728-11:2010 CPL/34/4 EPL/100/4 Luminaires. Particular requirements. System design. Heat-shrinkable. servicing and maintenance Electrical installations in ships. sound signals and interactive services. installation and maintenance GEL/112 will supersede BS EN 60728-1-2:2009 EPL/100/4 EN 60728-7-1:2005/A1 will supersede BS EN 60598-1:2008 CPL/34/4 EPL/100/4 EN 60598-2-20 EN 60728-11 Luminaires. Type testing and design requirements will supersede BS EN 60079-30-1:2007 EXL/31 EN 60079-30-2 Explosive atmospheres. Application guide for design. Specifications for individual types of sleeving. Aramid fibre paper containing not more than 50 % of mica particles will supersede BS EN 60819-3-4:2002 GEL/15 CPL/35 EN 60684-3-280:2010/A1 Electrical installations in ships. Amplifiers (GMT) EN 60728-1 EN 60079-5 will supersede BS EN 60268-3:2001 Explosive atmospheres.EN ISO 27830 EN 60092-100-2 EN 60684-3-283:2011/A1 Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Selection. Electrical insulating gloves will supersede BS EN 60903:2003 PEL/78 Prices may be subject to change. Heat-shrinkable. Safety of lithium batteries Flexible insulating sleeving. General requirements and tests EN 60601-2-45:2011/A1 Medical electrical equipment. General. Equipment protection by oil immersion “o” EN 60455-2 will supersede BS EN 60079-6:2007 EXL/31 EN 60079-10-1 Explosive atmospheres. Specifications for individual types of sleeving. sound signals and interactive services. additional requirements Flexible insulating sleeving. General. for bus-bar insulation will supersede BS ISO 27830:2008 JPEL/18 GEL/15 EN 60092-100-3 EN 60684-3-285 ISE/NFE/8 EN 50583 Photovoltaics in buildings Electrical installations in ships. Summary and relevance of test methods GEL/89 EN 60268-3 Sound system equipment. Explosive gas atmospheres Resin based reactive compounds used for electrical insulation. General. Generic specification. limited-fire-hazard sleeving will supersede BS EN 60086-4:2007 GEL/15 Non-cellulosic papers for electrical purposes. Equipment protection by powder filling “q” EPL/100 Cable networks for television signals. use and maintenance of detectors for flammable gases and oxygen will supersede BS EN 60079-29-2:2007 EXL/31 EN 60079-30-1 Explosive atmospheres. General GEL/106 EPL/100 EN 61804-2 EN 62379-5-2 Function blocks (FB) for process control and electronic device description language (EDDL). Power performance measurements of electricity producing wind turbines PEL/88 EN 62516-3 PEL/69 will supersede BS EN 61851-22:2002 EN 61340-5-1 Electrostatics. Requirements for construction Organic light emitting diode displays. Transmission over networks. Standard test methods for specific applications. electric vehicle charging station will supersede BS EN 61340-5-1:2007 GEL/101 EN 61400-12-1 PEL/78 EN 61482-1-2 Live working. EDDL syntax and semantics CPL/34/1 EPL/100 Industrial communication networks. Safety requirements for design. Protective clothing against the thermal hazards of an electric arc. System security compliance metrics GEL/65 will supersede BS EN 61804-3:2011 EN 61300-3-21 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Terminology and letter symbols will supersede BS EN 61730-1:2007+A1:2012 will supersede BS EN 62341-1-2:2009 Standard AC and/or DC-supplied electronic control gear for discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps). EN 60939-3 EN 61786-2 EN 62379-5-1 Passive filter units for electromagnetic interference suppression. EN 62811 Update Standards August 2012 . Network and system security. Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena. Discharge shielding. Performance specification Function blocks (FB) for process control and EDDL. EPL/100 EN 61869-6 Instrument transformers. Security assurance levels for zones and conduits will supersede BS EN 61300-3-21:1998 Function blocks (FB) for process control and electronic device description language (EDDL).C. Optical EPL/47 EN 61869-9 PEL/38 EN 62659 Nanomanufacturing. FB concept Common control interface for networked digital audio and video products. Basic test and measurement procedures. Network and system security. Guidance for measurements Common control interface for networked digital audio and video products. Safety and security EPL/80 will supersede BS EN 61804-2:2007 AMT/7 EN 62443-1-3 EN 61167:2011/A1 EN 61804-3 Metal halide lamps. Harmonized Standard for passive filter units for which safety tests are appropriate Measurement of low-frequency magnetic and electric fields with regard to exposure of human beings. Signalling EPL/40X EN 61162-460 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems. Wrist straps Electric vehicle conductive charging system. Switching time AMT/7 EN 62443-3-2 EN 61804-5 Industrial communication networks. Standard test methods for specific applications. Transmission over networks. Common API (TA1) Multimedia systems and equipment. Test methods. Transportation and shipping of PV module stacks PEL/78 WEE/6 EN 61730-1 EN 62341-1-2 Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification. portable phase comparators for use on voltages exceeding 1 kv A. Optical spectrum analyzers EN 62677-2 Heat shrinkable low and medium voltage moulded shapes. Additional general requirements for low power instrument transformers will supersede BS EN 61400-12-1:2006 Live working. Optical EPL/47 EN 62708 GEL/86 Documents for electrical and instrumentation projects in the process industry EN 62135-1 GEL/65 Resistance welding equipment. System model (TC 100) Wind turbines. Multiple taker and multiple listeners. Bags will supersede BS IEC 61340-4-8:2010 GEL/101 EN 61851-22 Electric vehicle conductive charging system. EDDL Builtin library GEL/86/2 AMT/7 EN 61340-4-6 EN 61851-21 Electrostatics. Measuring methods for stereoscopic displays using glasses. General requirements GEL/65 EN 62129-1 Calibration of wavelength/optical frequency measurement instruments. Examinations and measurements.New Work Started continued.C. manufacture and installation EN 62759-1 will supersede BS EN 62135-1:2008 Transportation testing of photovoltaic (PV) modules. Ethernet interconnection.C. Methods of test GEL/15 EN 62679-3-1 Electronic paper display.. Digital interface for instrument transformers EN 61481-1 Terrestrial digital multimedia broadcasting (TDMB) receivers. Electric vehicle requirements for conductive connection to an A. Performance requirements GEL/82 EPL/47 CPL/34/3 34 GEL/82 Prices may be subject to change. portable phase comparators for use on voltages exceeding 1 kv A. Large scale manufacturing for nanoelectronics NTI/1 Multimedia systems and equipment. supply will supersede BS IEC 61340-4-6:2010 GEL/101 will supersede BS EN 61851-21:2002 PEL/69 EN 61340-4-8 Electrostatics. Measuring methods.. Multimedia home network configuration. Colour measurement and management. Determination of arc protection class of material and clothing by using a constrained and directed arc (box test) will supersede BS EN 60405:2007 NCE/2 EN 62608-1 EN 62629-12-1 PEL/38 3D display devices./D.C. Digital Interface. Simple metadata format for identification of colour gamut (TA2) EPL/100 PEL/78 Live working. Nuclear instrumentation.C. A. Constructional requirements and classification of radiometric gauges EPL/100 EN 61966-12-2 EN 61481-2 EN 62598 Instrument transformers. Test methods for grouts IEC/TR 62627-03-03 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Guidance of measurement methods and test procedures. Concrete floating machines (power trowels). Limiting and indicating devices. tidal and other water current converters. Method for determining the required cleanliness level (RCL) for a system MCE/18/-/6 ISO 12812-1 will supersede BS EN ISO 23811:2009 Mobile financial services. Hydraulic excavators. Grouts and adhesives. Reliability. Peel and chisel testing of resistance spot and projection welds EPL/40X IEC/TR 61282-10 Fibre optic communication system design guides.EN 62813 IEC/TR 62785 ISO 9241-161 Electrical characteristics test methods of lithium ion capacitors for use in electric and electronic equipment Guide to the environmentally conscious design of fibre optics related products and subsystems Ergonomics of human-system interaction. Electrochemical characterisation. Fuse-links with tabs Type L (high current miniature) DS/1 AUE/16 Update Standards August 2012 B/539 Ceramic tiles. Rims will supersede BS ISO 4000-2:2007 Ceramic tiles. Guidance for interpretation of result Paints and varnishes. Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of hearing instruments and hearing instruments systems IEC/TR 62349 EPL/29 Optical fibres. Test methods for adhesives IEC/TS 62607-3-1 STI/10 Nanomanufacturing. General framework STI/10 IST/12 ISO 4000-2 ISO 13007-1 Passenger car tyres and rims. Terminology and commercial specifications B/513/1 ISO 8820-10 Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Road vehicles. Grouts and adhesives. Safety Earth-moving machinery. Terminology B/513 IDT/2 ISO 13105-2 ISO 7135:2009/A1 Building construction machinery and equipment. Single mode Cranes. Fuse-links. Characterization of the quality of optical vector-modulated signals with the error vector magnitude GEL/86/3 IEC/TS 62132-9 Fuel cell technologies. Quantum efficiency ISO 5948 NTI/1 Railway rolling stock material. Pull-off test for adhesion ISO 13007-2 will supersede BS EN ISO 4624:2003 Ceramic tiles. Grouts and adhesives. Terms. Romanization of Chinese ISO 13007-4 will supersede BS ISO 13007-4:2010 B/539 ISO 13105-1 Building construction machinery and equipment. Post crash electrical safety requirements AUE/16 GEL/86/3 IEC/TR 62658 Standardisation roadmap of optical circuit boards and their related packaging technologies GEL/86 IEC 62740 ISO 7098 Information and documentation. Cathode nanomaterials for lithium ion batteries. Report on high power reliability for metal-doped optical fibre plugstyle optical attenuators will supersede BS ISO 13007-2:2010 Prices may be subject to change. Test method for impact resistance of ceramic femoral head for partial and total hip prostheses CH/150/4 Wool. Determination of dichloromethanesoluble matter in combed sliver will supersede PD IEC/TR 62547:2009 MHE/3/5 ISO/TS 12025 Nanomaterials. Calcium phosphates. Key control characteristics. Surface scan method Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Key control characteristics. Userinterface elements GEL/86 PH/9 IEC/TR 62797 ISO 9241-392 International comparison of measurements using Vibrating Sample Magnetometers (VSM) and SQUID magnetometers Ergonomics of human-system interaction. Tidal energy resource assessment and characterization ISO 4624 IEC/TS 62600-101 Marine energy. tidal and other water current converters. measurement of electromagnetic immunity. Basic tests for polarization-maintaining optical fibre ISO 3074 will supersede PD IEC/TR 62349:2005 GEL/86/1 TCI/24 IEC/TR 62547 ISO 3233-3 Guideline for the measurement of high power damage sensitivity of single-mode fibre to bends. Quantification of nano-object release from powders by generation of aerosols NTI/1/-/2 ISO 12669 Hydraulic fluid power. Mobile cranes EPL/47 GEL/86/2 ISO 10447 IEC/TS 62282-7-2 IEC/TR 62809 Resistance welding. definitions and specifications for adhesives IEC/TS 62600-201 AUE/4 will supersede BS ISO 13007-1:2010 Marine energy. Safety specifications. Wave energy resource assessment and characterization PEL/114 PEL/114 B/539 Paints and varnishes. Wave. Calculation from the non-volatile matter content determined in accordance with ISO 3251 GEL/86/1 WEE/-/1 ISO 11491 Implants for surgery. Hydroxyapatite powders CH/150/1 35 . Single cell/stack performance test methods for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) GEL/105 Summary of requirements and tests to products in the scope of IEC 60601-2-66. Reliability qualification for single fibre optic connector sets. B/513 ISO 13175-1 Implants for surgery. Determination of the percentage volume of non-volatile matter. Luminescent nanoparticles. Technical specification. 2electrode cell method NTI/1 ISO 6469-4 Electrically propelled road vehicles. Ultrasonic acceptance testing IEC/TS 62607-4-1 RAE/2 Nanomanufacturing. Ergonomic requirements for the reduction of visual fatigue from stereoscopic images ISE/108 PH/9 IEC/TS 62806-2-1 ISO 10245-2 Integrated circuits. Measurement of radiated immunity. Wave. Concrete floating machines (power trowels). Destructive tests of welds. Digital signatures for healthcare documents IST/35 ISO 17109 Surface chemical analysis. seam and projection welds ISO 17493 ISO/TS 16774-5 Health informatics. Welding of tubes to tube-plate joints WEE/36 ISO 16063-22:2005/A1 Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers. Welding procedure test. Specimen dimensions and procedure for impact shear test and cross-tension testing PH/3/2 ISO 17523 ISO 14329 ISO/TS 16774-4 Test methods for repair materials for waterleakage cracks in concrete structures. Failure types and geometric measurements for resistance spot. advanced technical ceramics). Measurement method of spectral transmittance of fine ceramics thin films under humid condition RPI/13 ISO/IEC 17922 Telebiometric authentication framework using biometric hardware security module (ITU-TX) ISO/TS 17958 Paper and board. Destructive testing of joints. Eddy current testing of welds by complex-plane analysis Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials. Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys WEE/-/1 ISO 15614-7 ISO 15614-8 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials. Specimen dimensions and test procedure for cross-tension testing of single joints WEE/29 ISO 16254 Measurement of minimum noise emitted by road vehicles EH/1/2 ISO 16573 ISO 16890-1 Air filters for general ventilation. use. Nuclear fuel technology. Horizontal method for the enumeration of beta-glucuronidase-positive Escherichia coli. Test method for water (washed out) resistance B/517/8 WEE/-/1 Clothing and equipment for protection against heat. Principles and data structures for consent in the collection. Metal-oxide semiconductor sensors method ISO/TS 16649-3 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs. Update Standards August 2012 . seam and embossed projection welds Test methods for repair materials for waterleakage cracks in concrete structures.. requirements and efficiency classification system based upon Particulate Matter (PM) MCE/21 Health informatics. Connection to an external electric power supply. Permeability Iron ores.. Detection and most probable number technique using 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolylbeta-D-glucuronide ICT/-/1 ISO 17802 Microbeam analysis. Welding procedure test. 7 mm/s) PAI/11 ISO/TS 17975 ISO 17303 Nuclear energy. Guidelines for dissolution prior analysis of liquid effluents. Determination of various elements. Analytical transmission electron microscopy. Requirements for electronic prescriptions IST/35 ISO 17543-1 Machines tools. Procedure for spot welding of uncoated and coated low carbon steels will supersede BS ISO 17493:2000 Test methods for repair materials for waterleakage cracks in concrete structures. Cloud computing. Methods of the energy calibration for electron energy loss spectroscopy CII/9 CII/60 B/539 ISO/IEC 17788 ISO 17090-4 Method for evaluation of hydrogen delayed fracture resistance of high strength steels Test methods and specifications for Cementitious Backer Units (CBUs) WEE/46 TCI/80 ISO 17861 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics. Technical specifications. Test method for adhesion on the wet substrate B/517/8 ISO 14373 Resistance welding. Hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometric method AW/9 PRI/66 ISE/58 36 Prices may be subject to change. ISO 14272 ISO 16711 ISO 17409 Specimen dimensions and procedure for cross tension testing resistance spot and embossed projection welds Seismic assessment and retrofit of concrete structures Electrically propelled road vehicles. Overlay welding B/517/8 ISO 17785-1 WEE/36 ISO/TR 16879 Test methods for pervious concrete. Xray fluorescence spectrometric method using pressed powders B/517/1 ISE/58 Information technology. Test conditions for accessory spindle heads. Public key infrastructure. Test method for response to the substrate movement Non-destructive testing of welds. Patient consent IST/35 NCE/9 ISO 17324 ISO 17992 will supersede DD ISO/TS 16649-3:2005 Rubber hoses for automotive turbochargers. Determination of deodorant property. Determination of arsenic content. Test method for thermal stability WEE/-/1 B/517/8 ISO 14323 Resistance spot welding and projection welds. Terminology constraints for coded data elements expressed in ISO harmonized data types used in healthcare information interchange B/517/8 IST/35 ISO/TS 16774-6 ISO 17643 Test methods for repair materials for waterleakage cracks in concrete structures. Destructive testing of welds. A method for sputter rate determination in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Constant rate of elongation method (1. Horizontal spindle machines MTE/1/2 ISO 17583 Test methods for repair materials for waterleakage cracks in concrete structures. solid waste and embedding matrice Health informatics. Determination of fracture toughness. or disclosure of personal health information. Welding procedure test. auger electron spectroscopy and secondary-ion mass spectrometry sputter depth profiling using multi-layer thin films ISE/101/7 ISO 17299-5 ISO 16575 Textiles. Test method for watertightness Health informatics. Test method for convective heat resistance using a hot air circulating oven ISO/TS 16774-3 WEE/-/1 Resistance welding. Safety requirements WEE/-/1 B/517/8 PEL/69 ISO 14273 ISO/TS 16774-1 Specimen dimensions and procedure for shear testing resistance spot.New Work Started continued. Vocabulary WEE/-/1 ISO 15614-1 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials. Depth profiling. Shock calibration by comparison to a reference transducer GME/21/2 ISO 16237 Mechanical joining. Specification Iron ores. Deadlines for receipt of comments on each of the individual drafts can be found at http://www. General requirements IST/35 ISO 20712-3 B/520/1 ISO 18178-3 ICT/-/1 Information technology. Character Repertoire Checking IST/41 ISO 82304-1 Healthcare software systems. Extensions of Office Open XML.ISO 18086 ISO 18228 ISO/IEC 30100-3 Corrosion of metals and alloys. Guidance for use will supersede BS ISO 20712-3:2008 PH/8/1 ISO 21731 Laminated solar PV glass in building. Vehicles fuelled with compressed hydrogen will supersede BS ISO 23828:2008 AUE/16 ISO/IEC 24727-1 Identification cards. Extended schemas and encoding rules IST/36 ISO/TR 19905-2 Petroleum and natural gas industries. Definitions and description of component parts B/520/1 ISO 18178-2 Laminated solar PV glass in building. Conformance and reference software Laminated solar PV glass in building. Information security incident management. This service is free of charge. Home network management. Please note that the only standards available on this service are pure British Standards (National Standards e. European and international documents are not included at this time. Installation. Geography Markup Language (GML). 2012 unless otherwise stated. Code of practice for planning and development BDY/1 37 . Appearance Design measures for reduction of the noise emissions from textile machinery TCI/33 B/520/1 ISO 23828 ISO 18178-7 Laminated solar PV glass in building. Energy consumption measurement.bsigroup. Thermoelectric flame supervision devices Laminated solar PV glass in building. Determination of antiviral activity assay of textile products ISO/IEC 27006 TCI/80 ISO 18187 Soil quality.com/drafts. BSI British Standards has launched a Draft Review system which allows access to the drafts of all National British Standards. Security techniques.g: BS XXXX). Quality of solid samples. they are available for a fee from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2). Jack-ups commentary and detailed sample calculation B/525/12 Water safety signs and beach safety flags. Determination of Nickel content. Sitespecific assessment of mobile offshore units. Guidelines SME/32/-/3 ISO 18223 Nickel alloys. To enhance access of Drafts for Public Comment for the wider community. make comments more visible and move into collaborative working practices. Security techniques. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method I/- Update Standards August 2012 ISO/IEC 30114-2 Information technology. Vessel machinery operations in polar waters. Principles of incident management IST/33/-/4 Prices may be subject to change. Integrated circuit card programming interfaces. All you need to do is register. Dimensions and edge finishing GSE/22 B/520/1 ISO 23771 ISO 18178-6 Laminated solar PV glass in building. Media context and control.bsigroup. 12/30228065 DC will supersede BS ISO/IEC 27006:2011 BS 13500 Code of practice for delivering effective governance IST/33 G/1 ISO/IEC 27018 Code of practice for data protection controls for public cloud computing services IST/33/-/5 12/30243876 DC BS 746 Specification for gas meter unions and adaptors GSE/25 ISO/IEC 27035-1 Information technology. Should you wish to receive these drafts in hard copy format. Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems DRAFT BRITISH STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC COMMENT – NATIONAL BRITISH STANDARDS You may now comment on any National British Standard online. Management applications B/553 ISE/NFE/8 ISO 18162 Definition of virtual human body for digital fitting TCI/66 ISO 18163 Definition of virtual garment for digital fitting TCI/66 ISO 18178-1 Laminated solar PV glass in building. Solid contact test using the dehydrogenase activity of Arthrobacter globiformis EH/4 ISO 18215 Ships and marine technology. Other forms of glazing with PV elements (noninterlayer) Health informatics HL7 version 3. Reference information model.com/drafts. 12/30258703 DC BS 42020 Biodiversity. Determination of AC corrosion protection criterion from coupon current densities Design of geosynthetics for construction applications Interconnection of information technology equipment. building maintenance and end of life management B/520/1 Fuel cell road vehicles. Release 1 IST/35 B/520/1 ISO/IEC 23005-7 ISO 18178-4 Information technology. Particular requirements. Laminated glass and laminated safety glass with PV interlayers ISO 19136-2 Geographic information. Architecture will supersede BS ISO/IEC 24727-1:2007 ISO 18184 IST/17 Textiles. Interface to balance of PV systems B/520/1 ISO 18178-8 Laminated solar PV glass in building. you will now be able to comment on any National British Standard by visiting http://www. The deadline for the following drafts is 30 September. Test methods for durability IST/37 B/520/1 ISO 23551-6 ISO 18178-5 Safety and control devices for gas burners and gas-burning appliances. RFID transceivers. SME/32/-/1 ACE/69 BS ISO 14687-3 Hydrogen fuel. 2012 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. London W4 4AL by 30 September. BS EN 15273-2 Railway applications. Inspection. Qualification specification 12/30218032 DC Most drafts are charged at £10.00 non-members BS ISO/IEC 29182-2 Information technology. Vocabulary and terminology 12/30101207 DC IST/70 BS ISO 24409-3 Ships and marine technology. Common rules for infrastructure and rolling stock £18. Interoperable ’in-service’ rail vehicles RAE/1/-/8 12/30241403 DC BS EN 15273-1 Railway applications. 2012 12/30219713 DC BS ISO 22839 Intelligent transport system. 24º internal cone. performance. Sensor networks. safety-related signs. marking of products and basis for specification PRI/82 12/30241400 DC BS EN 15654-1 Railway applications. 2012 12/30241409 DC 12/30232741 DC BS EN 15273-3 Railway applications. location and use of shipboard safety signs. £36. Dimensions and specification MHE/3/11 PRI/66/-/1 BS EN 12786 Safety of machinery. Security techniques. external thread.00 members. mushroom-headed. £36. 2012 38 12/30237811 DC BS ISO 13914 Soil quality. 2012 12/30240423 DC BS ISO 16396-1 Plastics. 389 Chiswick High Road. 12/30259756 DC 12/30197319 DC 12/30236576 DC BS 7121-2-5 Code of practice for the safe use of cranes. BSI Head Office. Design. Terminology relating to oil spill response SME/32/-/2 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. 5000 psi (35000 kPa). £66. 2012 BS 4A 102 A2 Specification for steel bolts (Unified hexagons and Unified threads) for aircraft 12/30216198 DC ACE/12 BS ISO/IEC 29191 Information technology. 2012 12/30231398 DC BS ISO 19632 Aerospace series. slotted drive.00 non-members RAE/1/-/12 12/30241406 DC EH/4 RAE/1/-/12 Comments for the above document are required by 11 October.00 to non-members. location and use of shipboard safety signs. maintenance and thorough examination. Gauges. Gauges. Head of Committee Service Centre – Operations. Equipment and components in explosive atmospheres in underground mines EXL/23 12/30244117 DC BS ISO 16165 Ships and marine technology. to be considered by the relevant BSI committee. Marine environment protection. safety-related signs. Designation system.Drafts for Public Comment continued. Structure gauges £18. partially unlinkable authentication 12/30264058 DC IST/33 BS 4A 113 A1 Specification for cadmiumplated. safety notices and safety markings... Catalogue £18.00 members. Procedure for testing the capability of reading ISO 11784 and ISO 11785 transponders BS ISO 24409-2 Ships and marine technology. Common design requirements and recommendations for installation B/208/1 All Draft British Standards are available from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2) 12/30218524 DC BS ISO 15639-1 Standardization of injection sites for different animal species. Sensor network reference architecture (SNRA). bolts Comments for the above document are required by 15 September. 2012 unless otherwise stated. Management of security printing processes SME/32/-/1 PAI/43 12/30196343 DC Comments for the above document are required by 18 October. 12/30237808 DC ACE/69 AGE/6/1 DRAFT BRITISH STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC COMMENT – ADOPTIONS Comments for the above document are required by 1 October.00 non-members RAE/1/-/12 12/30243465 DC BS ISO/IEC 80079-38 Explosive atmospheres. General. 2012 ACE/12 12/30218026 DC 12/30266655 DC BS EN ISO 11979-2 Ophthalmic implants. Operation. £36. safety notices and safety markings. Tube fittings for fluid systems. Strainertype filters and disc filters AGE/30 Prices may be subject to change. Product specification. Companion animals (cats and dogs) Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. Tower cranes BS ISO 11619 Polyurethane tubing for use primarily in pneumatic installations.00 to members and £20. Forward vehicle collision mitigation systems. Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell applications for stationary appliances BS EN ISO 11979-7 Ophthalmic implants. Gauges. Fitting end. Comments and identification of any third party IPR issues are welcome and should be sent to Debbie Stead. unified-thread. Design standard 12/30240138 DC PVE/3/8 Comments for the above document are required by 3 September. Polyamide (PA) moulding and extrusion materials. Requirements for partially anonymous. 2012 CH/172/7 12/30268021 DC GME/21/6 12/30233829 DC 12/30235119 DC BS ISO 9912-2 Agricultural irrigation equipment.00 non-members BS ISO 19631 Aerospace. Code of practice BS ISO 14298 Graphic technology. and verification requirements EPL/278 12/30229151 DC Larger draft documents are charged at a higher price according to the number of pages and are priced individually below. Rolling stock gauge £33. Design. Clinical investigations BS ISO 24631-5 Radio frequency identification of animals. Filters for microirrigation.00 members. Rules for the drafting of the vibration clauses of safety standards 12/30264056 DC Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. Measurement of wheel and axle loads. 2012 Update Standards August 2012 . Intraocular lenses. Optical properties and test methods BS SP 139-140 A2 Specification for corrosionresisting steel crinkle washers ACE/12 12/30266661 DC BS SP 134-138 A1 Specification for copper beryllium crinkle washers ACE/12 CH/172/7 BS 4592-0 A1 Industrial type flooring and stair treads.00 members. Intraocular lenses. AGE/6/1 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. flareless type extra fine thread pitch inch series. Determination of dioxins and furans and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls by gas chromatography with high-resolution mass selective detection (HR GC/MS) Draft standards may be modified before adoption and issue as British Standards. 2012 12/30257211 DC BS ISO 16446 Ships and marine technology. Quality requirements for glass-lined flanged steel pipes and flanged steel fittings STI/36 39 . General terms £18. Balls. Thin-walled half bearings with or without flange. Contactless integrated circuit cards.00 members. Determination of EDTA. Determination of abrasion resistance of photographic images CPW/42 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. Resolution and spatial frequency responses CPW/42 Update Standards August 2012 Comments for the above document are required by 27 August. Vocabulary. Definitions and characteristics B/546 Comments for the above document are required by 28 September. Software engineering environment services IST/15 12/30259436 DC BS EN 13999-2 Adhesives. Four sided moulding machines MTE/23 12/30260512 DC BS EN ISO 28721-4 Vitreous and porcelain enamels. framing and storage materials PEL/42 CPW/42 12/30253935 DC 12/30257345 DC BS EN 62271-201 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Photographic reflection prints. 2012 12/30258203 DC BS EN 16397-1 Flexible couplings. Determination of rheological behaviour as a function of mixing and temperature increase AW/4 PAI/43 Comments for the above document are required by 27 August. Generic specification EPL/49 12/30259194 DC BS EN 13999-1 Adhesives. 2012 12/30257495 DC 12/30254316 DC BS ISO 12233 Photography. 2012 12/30255607 DC BS ISO 17855-1 Plastics. Proximity cards. Initialization and anticollision IST/17 12/30250400 DC BS ISO/IEC 14443-4 A3 Identification cards. Ceramic balls 12/30256275 DC BS ISO 17718 Whole meal and flour from wheat (Triticum aestivum). 2012 12/30259207 DC BS EN 13984 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Short term method for measuring the emission properties of lowsolvent or solvent-free adhesives after application. Tolerances. Performance requirements B/505 12/30258206 DC 12/30255867 DC NCE/2 MCE/21/5 AW/4 BS EN 61082-1 Preparation of documents used in electrotechnology. Determination of chelating agents in fertilizers by chromatography. Adapter for joining dissimilar boom connectors BS ISO 6707-1 Building and civil engineering. Contactless integrated circuit cards. 2012 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. Basic measurement methods of characteristics CII/60 Comments for the above document are required by 31 August. Glass-lined apparatus for process plants. £36. Determination of volatile organic compounds PRI/52 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. Braking. Design.00 non-members SME/32/-/2 B/500/-/1 12/30253687 DC 12/30257222 DC BS EN 62478 High voltage test techniques.00 non-members GEL/3 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. Transmission protocol IST/17 12/30250661 DC BS IEC 61435 Nuclear instruimentation. HEEDTA and DTPA by ion chromatography PEL/17/1 CII/37 Comments for the above document are required by 9 October. Safety AGE/20 12/30253631 DC BS EN 12473 General principles of cathodic protection in seawater GEL/603 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. BS EN 16397-2 Flexible couplings.00 members. 2012 Comments for the above document are required by 18 October. Albums. General definitions and requirements for microarray detection of specific nucleic acid sequences BS ISO 11505 Surface chemical analysis. AC solid-insulated enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV BS EN 13368-1 Fertilizers. 2012 12/30260496 DC BS EN 12750 Safety of woodworking machines. Measurement of partial discharges by electromagnetic and acoustic methods BS ISO 18902 Imaging materials. £36. Electronic still picture imaging. Quantification and communication for calculating the carbon footprint of print media products BS ISO 3290-2 Rolling bearings. 2012 12/30259268 DC BS ISO 14186 Air cargo. Marine environment protection. Short term method for measuring the emission properties of lowsolvent or solvent-free adhesives after application. 2012 12/30255950 DC BS ISO 3290-1 Rolling bearings. Balls. design features and methods of test MCE/12 12/30250397 DC BS ISO/IEC 14443-3 A6 Identification cards.12/30245291 DC 12/30255191 DC 12/30257568 DC BS ISO 16578 Molecular biomarker analysis. Brake pad holder RAE/4/-/1 12/30258507 DC BS EN 62575-1 Radio frequency (RF) bulk acoustic wave (BAW) filters of assessed quality. 2012 12/30255953 DC 12/30252959 DC MCE/7 BS ISO 4548-13 Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines. 2012 12/30253051 DC BS ISO 16759 Graphic technology. General procedure PRI/52 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. High purity germanium crystals for radiation detectors. Static burst pressure test for composite pressure vessel materials Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. Proximity cards. Polyethylene (PE) moulding and extrusion materials. Materials and dimensions for metal banded flexible couplings B/505 12/30258463 DC BS EN 16451 Railway applications. Rules £18. performance and testing requirements ACE/57 12/30259337 DC BS ISO/IEC 15940 Systems and software engineering. Fire containment covers. General procedures for quantitative compositional depth profiling by glow discharge optical emission spectrometry BS ISO 17715 Flour from wheat (Tricum aestivum). 2012 12/30256971 DC 12/30253301 DC BS EN ISO 10517 A1 Powered hand-held hedge trimmers. Processed imaging materials. 2012 Prices may be subject to change. Plastic and rubber vapour control layers. Designation system and basis for specifications PRI/82 BS ISO 18947 Imaging materials. Method for the measurement of damage to starch using an amperometric method AW/275 12/30249818 DC BS ISO 3548-1 Plain bearings. Steel balls MCE/7 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. Sealed parcel delivery systems Working principles and interface specifications AUE/18 Comments for the above document are required by 10 October. Virtual terminal £33. Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates). Classification and specifications for alternative core laminates PRI/76 12/30263201 DC AGE/6 BS EN 16449 Wood and wood-based products. Grips. 2012 STI/40 MCE/20 BS EN 12341 Ambient air. tow hangers MCE/3/5 12/30262926 DC 12/30262929 DC BS EN 15339-1 Thermal spraying. video. 2012 12/30263594 DC BS EN 14570 LPG equipment and accessories. Maximum values 12/30264541 DC BS ISO 12821 Glass packaging. Fibre optic connector interfaces. Controlgear for halogen lamps and LED modules. Carriers. carrier trucks.5 mass concentration of suspended particulate matter Comments for the above document are required by 22 October.00 non-members STI/40 12/30262938 DC BS EN 438-9 A1 High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL). 2012 12/30261105 DC BS ISO 11783-6 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry. IST/35 12/30264397 DC BS EN ISO 21549-2 Health informatics. Test method for factory-made products made from or incorporating organic or glassy (porcelain/vitreous enamel) materials 12/30260712 DC 12/30262897 DC BS EN 50436-2 Alcohol interlocks. Extended clinical data BS EN 15207 Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods. Performance classes. Product family standard for audio. Chamfer dimensions. Safety and hygiene requirements AUE/16 BS EN 15339-5 Thermal spraying. Determination of phthalates in extracts from paper and paperboard CW/47/3 12/30262932 DC 12/30262935 DC EH/2/1 12/30263288 DC Comments for the above document are required by 22 October. Serial control and communications data network. Standard gravimetric measurement method for the determination of the PM10 or PM2. maintenance carriers. audio-visual and entertainment lighting control apparatus for professional use. Patient healthcard data. on-board brakes. Influence due to migration. 2012 12/30261231 DC BS EN 15768 GC-MS identification of water leachable organic substances from materials in contact with water intended for human consumption EH/6 12/30263589 DC BS EN 16453 Pulp. Common objects IST/35 BS ISO 582 A1 Rolling bearings. 12/30260709 DC 12/30261933 DC 12/30263285 DC BS EN 50436-1 Alcohol interlocks. 2012 40 BS EN 15999-1 Conservation of cultural heritage. Gas and liquid fuel supply Comments for the above document are required by 5 November. Objectives. 2012 12/30260955 DC BS EN 13796-1 Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons. Guidelines for management of environmental conditions. 2012 12/30263229 DC 12/30261889 DC BS EN 12814-3 Testing of welded joints in thermoplastics semi-finished products. paper and paperboard.. Powder and wire feed units EH/6 12/30260738 DC BS EN 55103-1 A1 Electromagnetic compatibility. Dough sheeters. Titrimetric methods CII/37 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. Safety requirements for thermal spraying equipment. chairs. 2012 BS EN 12420 Copper and copper alloys. General requirements STI/40 BS EN 15339-3 Thermal spraying. Torches for thermal spraying and their connection and supply units STI/40 12/30260963 DC BS EN 15339-4 Thermal spraying. Safety requirements for thermal spraying equipment.. Tensile creep test 12/30264477 DC PRI/80 MCE/7 12/30263255 DC Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. Test methods and performance requirements. Dimensions PKW/0/-/7 Comments for the above document are required by 28 September. Safety requirements for thermal spraying equipment. Forgings NFE/34 12/30261913 DC BS EN 61754-30 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Method of measurement to determine the efficiency of the controlgear AUE/16 CPL/34/3 BS EN 12873-1 Influence of materials on water intended for human consumption. General requirements B/560 Prices may be subject to change. Determination of neutralizing value. Safety requirements for thermal spraying equipment. Instruments having a mouthpiece and measuring breath alcohol for general preventive use BS EN 1674 Food processing machinery. planning and report B/508/3 12/30263211 DC BS EN 1317-4 Road restraint systems. Patient healthcard data. impact test acceptance criteria and test methods for terminals of safety barriers AUE/18 B/509/1 Comments for the above document are required by 10 October. Instruments for drink-driving-offender programs BS EN 62442-3 Energy performance of lamp controlgear. 26 H 180 crown finish. £66.00 members. Patient healthcard data. cabins. 2012 Update Standards August 2012 . Plug/socket connection and supply characteristics for service equipment in hazardous areas with 24 V nominal supply voltage BS EN 1317-7 Road restraint systems. Framework for the preparation and application of a testing programme. carriages. impact test acceptance criteria and test methods for transitions and removable barrier sections 12/30264383 DC BS ISO 21549-3 Health informatics. Performance classes. Test methods and performance requirements. Determination of soluble salts in natural stone and related materials used in cultural heritage B/560 12/30263890 DC BS EN 12945 Liming materials. Equipping of overground and underground LPG vessels PVE/19 12/30263600 DC BS EN 16455 Conservation of cultural heritage. 2012 12/30263896 DC BS EN 16457 Characterization of waste. Type CLIK connector series GEL/86/2 Comments for the above document are required by 15 September. Limited clinical data IST/35 B/509/1 12/30264389 DC 12/30263214 DC BS ISO 21549-4 Health informatics. Calculation of sequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide 12/30261228 DC B/543 BS EN 15208 Tanks for transport of dangerous goods. Recommendations for showcases used for exhibition and preservation of cultural property.Drafts for Public Comment continued. Emissions GEL/210/11 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. 00 members. Test methods £18. ITS station management. 2012 12/30266521 DC 12/30266888 DC BS EN 55013 A1 Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment. ITS station management. FB concept ACE/68 Comments for the above document are required by 15 August. Communications access for land mobiles (CALM). 2012 Comments for the above document are required by 15 August.00 non-members BS EN 55014-2 A3 Electromagnetic Compatibility. Requirements for household appliances. 2012 BS EN ISO 4064-1 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water. IEC 61850 object models for electric mobility BS IEC 60364-8-1 Low voltage electrical installation. £36. Performance specification 12/30266709 DC ACE/68/-/7 12/30266341 DC CPL/34/1 CPL/34/4 12/30266708 DC BS EN ISO 4064-2 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water. AutomationML.00 members. Return operational control fields service £18. Communications access for land mobiles (CALM).00 non-members Comments for the above document are required by 11 October. General introduction to rural electrification BS ISO 12609-2 Eyewear for protection against intense light sources used on humans and animals for cosmetic and medical applications.00 non-members BS EN 62714-2 Engineering data exchange format for use in industrial automation systems engineering. £36. Communications access for land mobiles (CALM).00 non-members BS EN 60630 A7 Maximum lamp outlines for incandescent lamps ACE/68/-/7 CPL/34/1 Comments for the above document are required by 11 October. 2012 Comments for the above document are required by 11 October. £66.00 members. Switching time GEL/210/11 GEL/86/2 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. Radio disturbance characteristics.00 non-members AMT/7 12/30266618 DC BS EN 61804-2 Function blocks (FB) for process control and Electronic device description language (EDDL). ITS station management. Fast service advertisement protocol (FSAP) PD CEN/TS 62257-1 Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification. ITS station management. £36. Communications access for land mobiles (CALM). Guidance for use EPL/278 PEL/57 PH/2 EPL/278 12/30265079 DC BS ISO 24102-3 Intelligent transport systems. Communications access for land mobiles (CALM). £36. Return-channel-frames service £18. £36. TC (telecommand) space data link protocol £18. Standard tolerances for flaconnage BS ISO 21218 Intelligent transport systems. 2012 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. Immunity characteristics. 2012 12/30265076 DC 12/30266515 DC BS ISO 24102-1 Intelligent transport systems. 2012 12/30265803 DC 12/30264764 DC BS ISO 22670 Space data and information transfer systems. Space link extension (SLE). Metrological and technical requirements 12/30264773 DC 12/30266345 DC CPI/30/7 BS ISO 22667 Space data and information transfer systems. Limits and methods of measurement BS EN 61300-3-21 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Return-all-frames service £18. 2012 Comments for the above document are required by 15 August. EDDL syntax and semantics £33. £36. Local management BS EN CISPR 20 A1 Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment. Immunity ACE/68/-/7 GEL/210/11 Comments for the above document are required by 11 October. £36. Service access points EPL/278 12/30265082 DC BS ISO 24102-4 Intelligent transport systems.00 non-members PKW/0/-/7 Comments for the above document are required by 28 September.00 members. Stationinternal management communications CPI/30/7 12/30266773 DC EPL/278 12/30265085 DC Update Standards August 2012 Prices may be subject to change. Basic test and measurement procedures.00 members. Examinations and measurements. General requirements and tests £18. 2012 Comments for the above document are required by 15 September. Communications operation procedure-1 BS EN 61167 A1 Metal halide lamps. 41 . Space link extension (SLE).00 non-members BS ISO 22664 Space data and information transfer systems. electric tools and similar apparatus. Energy efficiency 12/30264767 DC BS ISO 26143 Space data and information transfer systems.00 members.00 non-members PEL/57 ACE/68/-/7 12/30266207 DC Comments for the above document are required by 11 October. 2012 12/30266199 DC 12/30266624 DC BS EN 61850-90-8 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation.00 members. 2012 12/30264761 DC EPL/278 12/30265715 DC BS ISO 22669 Space data and information transfer systems. Access technology support BS IEC 61804-3 Function blocks (FB) for process control and Electronic device description language (EDDL). Limits and methods of measurement BS ISO 5859 Aerospace series. 2012 12/30266531 DC 12/30266914 DC BS ISO 24102-5 Intelligent transport systems. 2012 BS EN 62716 Ammonia corrosion testing of photovoltaic (PV) modules 12/30264770 DC GEL/82 AMT/7 JPEL/64 Comments for the above document are required by 31 August. Role Libraries AMT/7 AMT/7 12/30266609 DC BS EN 61804-5 Function blocks (FB) for process control and Electronic device description language (EDDL). 2012 12/30266672 DC BS EN 60598-1 Luminaires. Graphic symbols for schematic drawings of hydraulic and pneumatic systems and components GEL/210/11 ACE/69 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. EDDL Builtin library £18.00 members.12/30264547 DC 12/30265088 DC 12/30266606 DC BS ISO 12818 Glass packaging. Space link extension (SLE). Drafts for Public Comment continued. Loader cranes MHE/3/5 EN 13012:2012 Petrol filling stations. Contact: Christine Daws Email: christine. Hand fed surface planing machines MTE/23 This document is circulated in agreement with the IEC IEEE cooperation agreement. Fuel quality monitoring system (FQMS) EN 934-3:2009+A1:2012 Admixtures for concrete. requirements. 2012 12/30267064 DC BS EN 62496-2-4 Optical circuit boards. and following unanimous approval by SMB members. Admixtures for masonry mortar. and following agreement by TC 57 and TC 57 WG 10 officers. mortar and grout. testing and marking RHE/10 BS EN 62341-1-2 Organic light emitting diode displays. Contact: Bernard Shelley Email: bernard. The following will be implemented as BS ENs or as amendments to BS ENs shortly. Terminology. 2012 Conveyor belts. nominal heat output of up to 500 kW. mortar and grout. 12/30267174 DC BS EN 60904-8 Photovoltaic devices. Assessment of petrol and diesel fuel quality.. Notification of their implementation will be given in the BS EN Publications section of the relevant edition of Update Standards. Concrete admixtures. Tests. Specification for products PH/2 12/30266953 DC BS EN 16424 Characterization of waste. 12/30266915 DC BS ISO 12609-1 Eyewear for protection against intense light sources used on humans and animals for cosmetic and medical applications. AC 138:2002. Contact: Christine Daws Email: christine. Static test method This draft has been issued under the parallel shortened UAP/ISO FDIS process and is a minor revision. requirements. 2012 Safety of woodworking machines.com WEE/6 WEE/29 Comments for the above document are required by 15 September. Procedure for the WorldSID 50th percentile male side-impact dummy in front outboard seating positions AUE/15 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. Please submit any comments to the contact point (below). conformity and marking and labelling B/517/3 EN 12004:2007+A1:2012 Adhesives for tiles. manually and automatically stoked. 2012 IEC 61850-85-1 Standard for N times 64 kbit per second optical fibre interfaces between teleprotection and multiplexer equipment (IEEE C37. In situ drainability B/510/1 FprEN 14275 Automotive fuels. 2012 12/30268015 DC Automotive fuels. Definitions. Requirements. evaluation of conformity. Optical transmission test for optical circuit boards without input/output fibres GEL/86 Comments for the above document are required by 31 August.com PRI/67 12/30267057 DC The documents listed below have recently been issued by CEN but have not yet been published as BS ENs. Screening methods for the element composition by portable X-ray fluorescence instruments DOCUMENTS NOT ISSUED AS DPCs CEN EUROPEAN STANDARDS Comments can be sent by email or by post to named contacts at:– BSI Head Office 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL Tel: 020 8996 9000 EUROPEAN RATIFIED TEXTS B/508/3 EN ISO 1120 12/30266979 DC BS ISO 17949 Impact test procedures for road vehicles. requirements. conformity. Construction and performance of automatic nozzles for use on fuel dispensers PVE/393/4 PTI/13 42 EN 12697-40:2012 Prices may be subject to change. Contact: Committee Service Centre Email: csc@bsigroup. Assessment of petrol and diesel quality. Test methods for hot mix asphalt. BSI has an obligation to adopt all ENs and to withdraw any conflicting British Standards (BSs) or parts of BSs.com EN 12999:2011+A1:2012 Cranes. Contact: Committee Service Centre Email: csc@bsigroup. One side thickness planing machines MTE/23 Originally this IEEE document was circulated in IEC TC 57 and subsequently discussed at the TC 57 plenary meetings of Seoul. Sampling from retail site pumps and commercial site fuel dispensers This draft has been made available to BSI under CEN Unique Acceptance Procedure. Test requirements Admixtures for concrete. Determination of strength of mechanical fastenings. EN 860:2007+A2:2012 Safety of woodworking machines. Definitions.com PTI/13 Bituminous mixtures. Safety requirements for design manufacture and installation This draft is currently out for the UAP vote without a DPC. Surface planing and thicknessing machines MTE/23 EN 890:2012 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Terminology and letter symbols EPL/47 Comments for the above document are required by 30 August. 2012 FprEN 14274 12/30267896 DC BS EN 60598-2-20 Luminaires. Iron (III) sulfate solution PEL/57 CII/59 prEN ISO 8205-3 EN 934-2:2009+A1:2012 Water-cooled secondary connection cables for resistance welding.com EN 861:2007+A2:2012 Safety of woodworking machines. Kista and Shanghai. Particular requirements.shelley@bsigroup. classification and designation B/539 Please do not send confirmation of orders placed by telephone as it can lead to duplication This draft has been made available to BSI under CEN Unique Acceptance Procedure. EN 303-5:2012 Heating boilers. marking and labelling B/517/3 BS EN 62135-1 Resistance welding equipment. Update Standards August 2012 . Copies of the draft may be obtained from the contact point (below).94) GEL/82 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. Seating and positioning procedures for anthropomorphic test devices. the project will be published as a new part in the IEC 61850 series (as 61850-85-1). Heating boilers for solid [email protected]@bsigroup. Lighting chains CPL/34/4 Comments for the above document are required by 31 October. Measurement of spectral response of a photovoltaic (PV) device EN 859:2007+A2:2012 If approved.. CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications. splice wall box.040 mm to 1. Healthcare provision by chiropractors AW/10 EN 13480-5:2012 EUROPEAN RATIFIED TEXTS EN 16224:2012 to EN 13445-3:2009 PVE/1 CENELEC PUBLICATIONS EN 60317-56:2012 (IEC 60317-56:2012) Specifications for particular types of winding wires.EN 13204:2004+A1:2012 EN 16038:2012 Double acting hydraulic rescue tools for fire and rescue service use. Safety and hygiene requirements CPL/61/7 MCE/3/5 CEN TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS EN 16037:2012 CEN/TS 15480-2:2012 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Particular requirements for electric irons CORRIGENDUM 1:June 2012 to EN 60335-2-3:2002/A11:2010 EN 15861:2012 Food processing machinery. which may release 4-aminoazobenzene EN 50132-5-3:2012 SVS/18/1 Alarm systems. 43 . Materials AMENDMENT 1:June 2012 Unfired pressure vessels. Product specifications. Solderable fully insulated (FIW) zerodefect polyurethane enamelled round copper wire with nominal conductor diameter of 0. Non-loadbearing ceilings.600 mm EN 16345:2012 EN 14992:2007+A1:2012 GW/1/10 Animal feeding stuffs. Fabrication and installation PVE/10 Metallic industrial piping. Safety. II Viscometer EN 15254-7:2012 Road traffic signal systems. Video transmission.600 mm. ovens and similar appliances CORRIGENDUM 1:June 2012 to EN 60335-2-6:2003/A11:2010 CPL/61/7 Prices may be subject to change. class 180 GEL/55 EN 60335-2-2:— Household and similar electrical appliances. Determination of mercury by cold-vapour atomic absorption spectrometry (CVAAS) after microwave pressure digestion (extraction with 65% nitric acid and 30% hydrogen peroxide) EN 16278:2012 Animal feeding stuffs. Minimum requirements for needled floor coverings for single usage in events of limited duration Influence of materials on water intended for human consumption. Methods for determination of certain aromatic amines derived from azo colorants. Notification of their implementation will be given in the BS EN Publications section of the relevant edition of Update Standards. hobs. Particular requirements for vacuum cleaners and water-suction cleaning appliances CORRIGENDUM 1:June 2012 to EN 60335-2-2:2003/A11:2010 CPL/61/1 EN 60335-2-3:— Household and similar electrical appliances. European Citizen Card. Detection of the use of certain azo colorants. Determination of inorganic arsenic by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-AAS) after microwave extraction and separation by solid phase extraction (SPE) AW/10 EN 16279:2012 PTI/13 RHE/16 CEN REPORTS B/524 CEN/TR 16355:2012 Extended application of results from fire resistance tests. Guidance on the use of in vivo absorption techniques for the estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration in marine and fresh water samples EH/3/5 EN 13480-4:2012 Metallic industrial piping. BSI has an obligation to adopt all ENs and to withdraw any conflicting British Standards (BSs) or parts of BSs. Safety and performance requirements Chemicals used for treatment of water for swimming pools. Design AMENDMENT 1:June 2012 Water quality. Wall elements EN 50293:2012 Specifications for particular types of winding wires. The following will be implemented as BS ENs or as amendments to BS ENs shortly. Analogue and digital video transmission EN 16277:2012 Animal feeding stuffs. Fully insulated (FIW) zero-defect enamelled round copper wire with nominal conductor diameter of 0. Sodium hydrogen sulfate Identification card systems. Method to evaluate the passive behaviour of stainless steels PVE/1 EH/6 EN 13445-2:— EN 16161:2012 Unfired pressure vessels. Electromagnetic compatibility AW/10 EN 14597:2012 Precast concrete products. for category C & G GEL/86/2 EN 60317-0-7:2012 (IEC 60317-0-7:2012) GEL/55 Bitumen and bituminous binders. Determination of fluoride content after hydrochloric acid treatment by ion-sensitive electrode method (ISE) TCI/80 Temperature control devices and temperature limiters for heat generating systems The documents listed below have recently been issued by CENELEC but have not yet been published as BS ENs. Logical data structures and security services CII/59 IST/17 Update Standards August 2012 EN 60335-2-6:— Household and similar electrical appliances. Prediction of migration from organic materials using mathematical modelling PRI/3/60 EH/6 EN 15772:2012 EPL/526 EN 50411-3-1:2012 Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Safety. Inspection and testing PVE/10 EN 13480-8:2012 Metallic industrial piping. Additional requirements for aluminium and aluminium alloy piping PVE/10 EN 14362-3:2012 Textiles. Smokehouses. General requirements. Influence due to migration.040 mm to 1. Materials AMENDMENT 2:June 2012 to EN 13445-2:2009 PVE/1 EN 13445-3:— Unfired pressure vessels. Fibre management system. Safety. Particular requirements for stationary cooking ranges. Metal sandwich panel construction Recommendations for prevention of Legionella growth in installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption B/504/2 FSH/22/-/7 CEN/TR 16364:2012 Textile floor coverings. Sodium hydrogen sulfate FSH/17/9 EN 13445-2:— CII/59 EN 16056:2012 to EN 13445-2:2009 Influence of metallic materials on water intended for human consumption. Determination of efflux time of bituminous emulsions using the Redwood No. Update Standards August 2012 . Test methods for non-metallic materials.. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Safety. Particular requirements for appliances for skin or hair care CORRIGENDUM 1:June 2012 to EN 60335-2-23:2003/A11:2010 CPL/61/1 EN 60335-2-25:— Household and similar electrical appliances. General tests. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Particular requirements for microwave ovens. Thermal ageing methods. Safety. Miscellaneous tests. Thermal stability test for PVC insulations and PVC sheaths GEL/20/17 EN 60811-412:2012 (IEC 60811-412:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials.CENELEC Publications continued. Test methods for non-metallic materials. resistivity at 23ºC and 100ºC of filling compounds Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Miscellaneous tests. Miscellaneous tests. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Elongation at low temperature for insulations and sheaths GEL/20/17 GEL/20/17 EN 60811-408:2012 (IEC 60811-408:2012) EN 60811-506:2012 (IEC 60811-506:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Shrinkage test for sheaths GEL/20/17 GEL/20/17 EN 60811-406:2012 (IEC 60811-406:2012) EN 60811-504:2012 (IEC 60811-504:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Mechanical tests. Measurement of overall dimensions Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Miscellaneous tests. Measurement of the D. Safety. Miscellaneous tests. Miscellaneous tests. Tests for determining the mechanical properties of insulating and sheathing compounds GEL/20/17 EN 60811-502:2012 (IEC 60811-502:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Miscellaneous tests. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Test 16u. Measurement of mass increase of polyethylene and polypropylene compounds Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Safety. Long-term stability test of polyethylene and polypropylene compounds Electric and optical fibre cables. Measurement of thickness of non-metallic sheath GEL/20/17 EN 60811-203:2012 (IEC 60811-203:2012) 44 Prices may be subject to change. General tests. Mineral oil immersion tests for sheaths Connectors for electronic equipment. Mechanical tests. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Tests and measurements. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Test method for copper-catalyzed oxidative degradation of polyolefin insulated conductors CPL/61/7 GEL/20/17 GEL/20/17 EN 60335-2-23:— EN 60811-401:2012 (IEC 60811-401:2012) EN 60811-411:2012 (IEC 60811-411:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Measurement of the permittivity at 23ºC of filling compounds Electric and optical fibre cables. Mechanical tests. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Water absorption tests GEL/20/17 EN 60811-403:2012 (IEC 60811-403:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Particular requirements for washing machines CORRIGENDUM 1:June 2012 Household and similar electrical appliances. Mechanical tests on contacts and terminations. Miscellaneous tests. Particular requirements for oral hygiene appliances CORRIGENDUM 1:June 2012 to EN 60335-2-52:2003/A11:2010 GEL/20/17 EN 60811-402:2012 (IEC 60811-402:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables..C. Thermal ageing methods. Bending tests at low temperature for insulation and sheaths GEL/20/17 GEL/20/17 EN 60811-407:2012 (IEC 60811-407:2012) EN 60811-505:2012 (IEC 60811-505:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Miscellaneous tests. Mechanical tests. Ageing in an air bomb GEL/20/17 EN 60811-501:2012 (IEC 60811-501:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Miscellaneous tests. including combination microwave ovens CORRIGENDUM 1:June 2012 to EN 60335-2-25:2002/A11:2010 CPL/61/7 EN 60335-2-52:— Household and similar electrical appliances. Electrical tests. Whisker test via the application of external mechanical stresses EPL/48 EN 60811-100:2012 (IEC 60811-100:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. EN 60335-2-7:— EN 60811-301:2012 (IEC 60811-301:2012) EN 60811-409:2012 (IEC 60811-409:2012) to EN 60335-2-7:2003/A11:2010 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Loss of mass test for thermoplastic insulations and sheaths CPL/61/14 GEL/20/17 GEL/20/17 EN 60335-2-9:— EN 60811-302:2012 (IEC 60811-302:2012) EN 60811-410:2012 (IEC 60811-410:2012) to EN 60335-2-9:2003/A13:2010 Electric and optical fibre cables. Mechanical tests. Low-temperature brittleness of filling compounds Household and similar electrical appliances. Mechanical tests. General tests. Measurement of insulation thickness GEL/20/17 EN 60811-202:2012 (IEC 60811-202:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Safety. Impact test at low temperature for insulations and sheaths GEL/20/17 GEL/20/17 GEL/20/17 GEL/20/17 EN 60811-201:2012 (IEC 60811-201:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Electrical tests. Ozone resistance test on cross-linked compounds GEL/20/17 CPL/61/1 EN 60811-404:2012 (IEC 60811-404:2012) EN 60512-16-21:2012 (IEC 60512-16-21:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Ageing in an air oven Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Test methods for non-metallic materials. General GEL/20/17 EN 60811-405:2012 (IEC 60811-405:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Particular requirements for grills. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Resistance to stress cracking of polyethylene and polypropylene compounds Electric and optical fibre cables. Shrinkage test for insulations GEL/20/17 EN 60811-503:2012 (IEC 60811-503:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Miscellaneous tests. Test methods for non-metallic materials. toasters and similar portable cooking appliances CORRIGENDUM 1:June 2012 Household and similar electrical appliances. Miscellaneous tests. BSOL is the most complete and up to date source of British Standards available. search and download the information t "  DDFTTUPESBGUTUBOEBSEToFOBCMJOHZPVUPTIBQFZPVS industry’s future t %  BJMZDPOUFOUVQEBUFToFOTVSJOHUIBUZPVBSFBMXBZT working to the latest standards t A. adopted European and adopted international standards in the world. All prices. you can specify the industry groupings that you need. CDs. Pre-payment is required by non-Members. other electronic products and Conferences and Training Courses.com/bsolus1208 raising standards worldwide ™ Standards and publications may also be ordered via the BSI shop at http://shop.95 UK (inclusive of VAT). Used by professionals worldwide. saving you time and improving your efficiency. © BSI British Standards Institution 2012 . VAT is applicable to all purchases of PDF downloads. What will you gain by subscribing? BSOL covers a broad range of disciplines for all industry sectors. t $PWFSBHFPGBMMJOEVTUSZTFDUPSToNBLJOHJUBPOFTUPQ standards portal for your institution Delivering tailored information directly to your desktop.bsigroup. call +44 (0)20 8996 9001.com *P&P £5. For details of BSI Membership.bsigroup.95 Rest of the World (+VAT if applicable) – one-off charge added to your order of 10 items or fewer. By subscribing. t *OGPSNBUJPOBDDFTTJCMFEJSFDUMZGSPNZPVSEFTLUPQ – just browse.com http://shop.com/bsolus1208 or contact BSI Customer Services quoting marketing reference code BSOLM-US1208 Tel +44 (0)20 8996 7555 Fax +44 (0)20 8996 7001 Email [email protected]/bsolus1208 To subscribe online visit http://shop.bsigroup.bsigroup. FREE P&P to BSI Subscribing Members. DVDs.com/bsolus1208 http://shop.000 publications and allows you to quickly download the full-text of any standard within your subscription.ZOPUJåDBUJPOToFNBJMBMFSUTFSWJDFFOTVSJOHZPVLOPX when updates have been made to your chosen products t JOTUBOUVOMJNJUFEBDDFTT TVCKFDUUPUFSNT  t "EFEJDBUFEUFDIOJDBMTVQQPSUUFBN To subscribe and for further information visit: FREE TRIAL http://shop. £9. this growing resource contains bibliographic details of more than 55. content and publishing dates may be subject to change. Boost your customers’ confidence by using the most definitive source of British.bsigroup.British Standards Online (BSOL) Delivering information and raising standards BSOL works for you by delivering information quickly. Test methods for non-metallic materials. EN 60811-507:2012 (IEC 60811-507:2012) EN 60811-603:2012 (IEC 60811-603:2012) EN 61076-4-116:2012 (IEC 61076-4-116:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables.. Application layer protocol specification. Physical tests. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Type 12 elements AMT/7 EN 61158-6-14:2012 (IEC 61158-6-14:2010) Industrial communication networks.. Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Fieldbus specifications. Wrapping test after thermal ageing in air Electric and optical fibre cables. Type 15 elements AMT/7 EN 61158-6-18:2012 (IEC 61158-6-18:2010) Industrial communication networks. Mechanical tests. AC semiconductor motor controllers and starters PEL/17/2 EN 60947-8:— (IEC 60947-8:2003/A2:2011) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Contactors and motor-starters. Mechanical tests. Fieldbus specifications.CENELEC Publications continued. Physical tests. Application layer protocol specification. Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Type 2 elements Electric and optical fibre cables. Fieldbus specifications. Printed board connectors. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Separation of oil in filling compounds Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement. Fieldbus specifications. Detail specification for a high-speed two-part connector with integrated shielding function GEL/20/17 GEL/20/17 EN 60811-508:2012 (IEC 60811-508:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Type 3 elements EN 61158-6-9:2012 (IEC 61158-6-9:2010) AMT/7 EN 61158-6-10:2012 (IEC 61158-6-10:2010) Industrial communication networks. Fieldbus specifications. Application layer service definition. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Physical tests. Methods for determining the density GEL/20/17 EN 60811-607:2012 (IEC 60811-607:2012) EN 60811-511:2012 (IEC 60811-511:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Physical tests. Physical tests. Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on melamine resins AMENDMENT 1:June 2012 Electric and optical fibre cables. Physical tests. Fieldbus specifications. Product requirements. Type 21 elements GEL/20/17 EN 60811-605:2012 (IEC 60811-605:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Update Standards August 2012 . Test methods for non-metallic materials. Measurement of absence of corrosive components in filling compounds Industrial communication networks. Tensile strength and elongation at break after conditioning at elevated temperature GEL/20/17 EN 60811-513:2012 (IEC 60811-513:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Mechanical tests. Type 14 elements AMT/7 EN 61158-6-15:2012 (IEC 61158-6-15:2010) Industrial communication networks. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Mechanical tests. Mechanical tests. Test for resistance of insulations and sheaths to cracking (heat shock test) EPL/48 EN 60811-604:2012 (IEC 60811-604:2012) EN 61158-5-21:2012 (IEC 61158-5-21:2010) Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Wrapping test after conditioning GEL/20/17 EN 60811-601:2012 (IEC 60811-601:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. capable of measuring mains voltage GEL/20/17 EPL/66 EN 60811-602:2012 (IEC 60811-602:2012) 46 AMT/7 EN 61158-6-3:2012 (IEC 61158-6-3:2010) Industrial communication networks. Fieldbus specifications. Measurement of the melt flow index of polyethylene compounds GEL/20/17 GEL/20/17 EN 60893-3-3:— (IEC 60893-3-3:2003/A1:2011) EN 60811-512:2012 (IEC 60811-512:2012) Insulating materials. Mechanical tests. Type 22 elements AMT/7 GEL/20/17 EN 61158-6-2:2012 (IEC 61158-6-2:2010) EN 60811-510:2012 (IEC 60811-510:2012) EN 60811-606:2012 (IEC 60811-606:2012) Industrial communication networks. Type 18 elements AMT/7 Prices may be subject to change. Application layer protocol specification. Fieldbus specifications. Hot set test for cross-linked materials Electric and optical fibre cables. Mechanical tests. Physical tests. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Application layer service definition. Measurement of total acid number of filling compounds Connectors for electronic equipment. Measurement of carbon black and/or mineral filler in polyethylene compounds AMT/7 EN 61158-5-22:2012 (IEC 61158-5-22:2010) Industrial communication networks. Control units for built-in thermal protection (PTC) for rotating electrical machines AMENDMENT 2:June 2012 to EN 60947-8:2003 PEL/17/2 EN 61010-2-033:2012 (IEC 61010-2-033:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Type 10 elements AMT/7 EN 61158-6-12:2012 (IEC 61158-6-12:2010) Industrial communication networks. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Specifications for individual materials. for domestic and professional use. Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds. control. Application layer protocol specification. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds. Application layer protocol specification. Fieldbus specifications. and laboratory use. Measurement of the drop point of filling compounds GEL/20/17 to EN 60893-3-3:2004 GEL/15/6 EN 60947-4-2:2012 (IEC 60947-4-2:2011) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Particular requirements for hand-held multimeters and other meters. Application layer protocol specification. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Application layer protocol specification. Type 9 elements GEL/20/17 Electric and optical fibre cables. Pressure test at high temperature for insulation and sheaths GEL/20/17 EN 60811-509:2012 (IEC 60811-509:2012) Electric and optical fibre cables. Test for the assessment of carbon black dispersion in polyethylene and polypropylene AMT/7 GEL/20/17 Industrial communication networks. Application layer protocol specification. Fieldbus specifications. Application layer protocol specification.59 members.78 members. £207.19 members.57 members. Application layer protocol specification. Severity levels. £114.13 members.76 members. Water for testing £40. Intrusion and hold-up systems. Fieldbus specifications. Type 20 elements AMT/7 EN 61158-6-21:2012 (IEC 61158-6-21:2010) Industrial communication networks. and laboratory use. £203. Test procedures for form-wound windings.09 non-members GEL/210/12 IEC 60734:2012 Household electrical appliances. The following IEC publications are available from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2) Industrial communication networks. General architecture £163. £42. Fibre optic connector interfaces. General requirements AMENDMENT 2:June 2012 to IEC 60309-1:1999 £33. Generic specification. Functional evaluation of insulation systems. Economic optimization of power cable size £135. Wire Train Bus conformance testing £193. Wire Train Bus (WTB) £227. £128.72 members. £143. £157. £35.41 non-members GEL/101 IEC 61375-1:2012 IEC 60358-1:2012 (Edition 3) Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividers. £50.13 members. Sectional requirements for implementation of printed board fabrication data description EPL/501 EN 61754-29:2012 (IEC 61754-29:2012) Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. £171. £114.10 non-members GEL/20/16 IEC 60309-1:— Plugs. temperature index 155 £27. Evaluation of thermomechanical endurance of insulation systems £47. Calculation of the current rating. Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of nerve and muscle stimulators £81. and 1500 V D. £42. Hand tools for use up to 1000 V A.92 non-members GW/1/2 CH/62/4 GEL/9/-/4 CLC/TS 50131-5-4:2012 Update Standards August 2012 Prices may be subject to change.70 non-members CPL/34/1 CENELEC TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Consideration of reference impedances and public supply network impedances for use in determining the disturbance characteristics of electrical equipment having a rated current ≤ 75 A per phase £108. Type BLINK connector series GEL/86/2 EN 62474:2012 (IEC 62474:2012) Material declaration for products of and for the electrotechnical industry GEL/111 CEN/CLC GUIDE 20:2012 Guide on membership criteria of CEN and CENELEC CENELEC REPORTS CLC/TR 50579:2012 Electricity metering equipment (A. General rules £149.54 members. Test procedures for form-wound windings.13 members.76 members. Basic optical cable test procedures. Welding power sources £197. bare or enamelled.79 non-members Electronic railway equipment. Environmental test methods £108. Train communication network (TCN). Type 21 elements AMT/7 IEC PUBLICATIONS It is BSI policy to supply the UK version of all adopted standards. £171.41 non-members Electronic railway equipment. control.50 non-members WEE/6 IEC 61010-2-091:2012 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement.). Safety specifications.78 non-members PEL/23/4 IEC 60317-60:2012 Specifications for particular types of winding wires. Fieldbus specifications.72 non-members IEC 60287-3-2:2012 PEL/78 (Edition 2) Electric cables.48 non-members (Edition 4) IEC 60034-18-31:2012 PEL/2 EN 61158-6-22:2012 (IEC 61158-6-22:2010) IEC/TR 60725:2012 (Edition 3) GEL/9/-/4 IEC 60601-2-10:2012 (Edition 2) IEC 61375-2-2:2012 Alarm systems. £85. Type 22 elements AMT/7 EN 61182-2-2:2012 (IEC 61182-2-2:2012) Printed board assembly products. Train communication network (TCN). 47 . rectangular copper wire. Train communication network (TCN).72 non-members PEL/33 IEC 60432-3:2012 GEL/9/-/4 (Edition 2) IEC 61375-2-1:2012 Incandescent lamps. Electrostatic phenomena. Polyester glass fibre wound minimum class 155 resin or varnish impregnated or not impregnated. £239.EN 61158-6-19:2012 (IEC 61158-6-19:2010) Industrial communication networks. Application layer protocol specification. System compatibility testing for I&HAS equipments located in supervised premises Medical electrical equipment.C £163.76 members.93 non-members CPL/59/1 IEC 60794-1-22:2012 Optical fibre cables. which are published as British standards. Performance.C. Manufacturing description data and transfer methodology. £28. Thermal evaluation and classification of insulation systems used in rotating machines £108.95 members.86 non-members Electronic railway equipment. Particular requirements for cabinet X-ray systems £40.35 members. unless otherwise requested.62 non-members GEL/55 IEC 60974-1:2012 (Edition 4) Arc welding equipment. £157. socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes. Principles and measurements £149.48 non-members IEC 60034-18-34:2012 Rotating electrical machines. Functional evaluation of insulation systems.48 non-members GEL/86/1 IEC 60900:2012 (Edition 3) PEL/2 Live working. Application layer protocol specification.99 members. immunity requirements and test methods for conducted disturbances in the frequency range 2 kHz-150 kHz PEL/13 (Edition 2) Rotating electrical machines. £114. Fieldbus specifications. Type 19 elements AMT/7 EN 61158-6-20:2012 (IEC 61158-6-20:2010) Industrial communication networks.C.78 members. Fieldbus specifications. Sections on operating conditions.93 non-members EPL/66 IEC/TR 61340-1:2012 Electrostatics. Tungsten halogen lamps (non-vehicle) £122.72 members.54 members. 23 non-members GEL/93 Graphical symbols for use on equipment.91 members. and testing of phase-shifting transformers £149.92 non-members GEL/9/-/4 IEC 61375-3-3:2012 Electronic railway equipment. Installation £61. £236.41 non-members EPL/46 IEC 62243:2012 (Edition 2) Artificial Intelligence Exchange and Service Tie to All Test Environments (AI-ESTATE) £203. £17. CANopen Consist Network (CCN) £197. Integrated circuit delay and power calculation systems £237.47 members. High availability automation networks.18 members.40 non-members GEL/3 IEC/TR 62653:2012 Guideline for safe operation of medical equipment used for haemodialysis treatments £108.. £83. Specifications and validation procedures for CALTS and REFTS from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz AMENDMENT 1:June 2012 to IEC 62439-1:2010 AMT/7 Liquid crystal display devices. £157.12 non-members IEC GUIDE 109:2012 IEC 62439-1:— to IEC 61549:2003 IEC 61671:2012 CPL/34/1 Prices may be subject to change. £157. £57.76 members.53 members.78 non-members IEC 62531:2012 IEC 62648:2012 Don’t know your number? It is BSI policy to supply the UK version of all adopted standards. Guidelines for the inclusion of graphical symbols in IEC publications £61. Train communication network (TCN).00 members. £32. specification. £203.31 members.34 non-members Standard for signal and test definition £220.00 non-members FSH/22/-/2 Will not be implemented as a British Standard Update Standards August 2012 .59 members.13 members. £157. Performance requirements £81.92 members. £128. £214. General concepts and calculation methods AMENDMENT 1:June 2012 £12. £200. £211. Multifunction Vehicle Bus (MVB) £200. £232.72 members.54 members.91 members.48 non-members CH/62/4 48 Guidelines for evaluating cookstove performance £21.32 members. High availability automation networks. Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) and High-availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR) £190.54 non-members Help Us to Help Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods.65 non-members GEL/93 IEC 62282-3-300:2012 IEC 61523-1:2012 (Edition 2) Delay and power calculation standards.72 members.40 non-members GEL/105 ISO PUBLICATIONS IEC 62439-3:2012 EPL/47 (Edition 2) Always quote your Customer Number AMT/7 ISO/IWA 11:2012 IEC 62529:2012 (Edition 2) Contact Customer Services 020 8996 9001 who will be happy to check it for you MSEG Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 614:2012 (Edition 4) (Edition 2) Ships and marine technology. Inclusion in electrotechnical product standards £54. £35. which are published as British standards. Shipborne equipment for long-range identification and tracking (LRIT). £31. £64. Transmissive type £149..41 non-members CISPR 16-1-5:— £17. Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus. Toughened safety glass panes for rectangular windows and side scuttles. Measuring methods for liquid crystal display modules. Punch method of non-destructive strength testing £18. £85. £203. unless otherwise requested. £64. The following ISO publications are available from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2) GEL/93 You! GEL/210/12 Industrial communication networks.48 non-members Property Specification Language (PSL) £207. SME/32/-/8 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO/TR 834-3:2012 (Edition 2) Fire-resistance tests.89 non-members CPL/34/1 IEC 61747-30-1:2012 Environmental aspects. £218.43 non-members GEL/93 IEC 61549:— Miscellaneous lamps AMENDMENT 3:July 2012 Fuel cell technologies.41 non-members Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and systems. Train communication network (TCN).18 members. £207. £114.88 non-members Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) for Exchanging Automatic Test Equipment and Test Information via XML £224.20 non-members GEL/93 (Edition 3) Industrial communication networks.89 members.86 non-members PEL/14 EPL/80 IEC/TR 62222:2012 IEC/TR 62778:2012 (Edition 2) Application of IEC 62471 for the assessment of blue light hazard to light sources and luminaires £122. Elements of building construction.24 members.32 members. IEC 61375-3-1:2012 Electronic railway equipment. £12.24 non-members to CISPR 16-1-5:2012 £30. £250.80 members.50 non-members GEL/9/-/4 IEC 61445:2012 Digital Test Interchange Format (DTIF) £193. Stationary fuel cell power systems. Train communication network (TCN).IEC Publications continued.08 non-members GEL/9/-/4 IEC 61375-3-2:2012 Electronic railway equipment.35 members.38 members. Commentary on test method and guide to the application of the outputs from the fire-resistance test £49.92 non-members GEL/93 IEC 62032:2012 IEC 62729:2012 (Edition 2) Guide for the application. MVB (Multifunction Vehicle Bus) conformance testing £193.54 members.57 members.79 non-members Fire performance of communication cables installed in buildings £149.54 members. FREE P&P to BSI Subscribing Members. content and publishing dates may be subject to change.com/bip2142us1208 raising standards worldwide ™ Standards and publications may also be ordered via the BSI shop at http://shop. Pre-payment is required by non-Members. All prices.com/bip2142us1208 To contact us visit http://shop. In 2004 he was made an Honorary Fellow of the Business Continuity Institute and was given a special award at the 2004 BCM Awards in London for his outstanding contribution to the industry.com *P&P £5. organizations are better equipped to meet the challenges they face when a disruption occurs. Built around the requirements of BS ISO 22301. For details of BSI Membership.bsigroup. whether you are planning certification against the new standard or simply want the business benefits of having BCM best practice in place. you will be able to: t Identify crucial risk factors already affecting your organization t Understand your organization’s needs and obligations t Establish.bsigroup.bsigroup.The Route Map to Business Continuity Management Meeting the requirements of the new BS ISO 22301 has never been easier with John Sharp’s book! There are many factors that can cause disruption to your business causing failure to deliver services as normal or. £9.bsigroup. DVDs. a failure to deliver at all. call +44 (0)20 8996 9001.com/bip2142us1208 or contact BSI Customer Services quoting marketing reference code 2142-US1208 Tel +44 (0)20 8996 9001 Fax +44 (0)20 8996 7001 Email orders@bsigroup. © BSI British Standards Institution 2012 .com http://shop. this book delivers all of the insight you need to get you off to a flying start. Download your free chapter today http://shop. For just £25. By adopting business continuity management (BCM). in extreme cases. managing and improving an effective system for business continuity. other electronic products and Conferences and Training Courses. So. CDs.95 UK (inclusive of VAT). implement and maintain your BCMS t Receive a step-by-step guide on making the transition to the new standard for BCM t Gain confidence in your organization’s ability to manage any disruption effectively John Sharp is recognized worldwide for the contributions he has made to business continuity management. VAT is applicable to all purchases of PDF downloads. this book provides a practical approach to setting up.95 Rest of the World (+VAT if applicable) – one-off charge added to your order of 10 items or fewer. 83 non-members Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 7365:2012 (Edition 2) NFE/35 Shipbuilding and marine structures. Point-type heat detectors £57. Registered safety signs AMENDMENT 2:June 2012 (Edition 3) (Edition 3) Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 7010:— to ISO 7010:2011 ISO 3903:2012 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will not be implemented as a British Standard ISO 6362-3:2012 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys.50 members. Italian type (Citrus reticulata Blanco) £28. £61.37 members. £11.90 members. Physical characteristics of doughs. £65.53 non-members MCE/18/-/16 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 5530-2:2012 ISO 1751:2012 (Edition 3) (Edition 3) SME/32/-/8 Wheat flour. £110. Small series.46 non-members Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard EH/3 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 2812-3:2012 (Edition 2) Paints and varnishes.92 members. tubes and profiles.84 non-members B/547 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 6938:2012 Will not be implemented as a British Standard (Edition 2) (Edition 3) ISO 6362-2:2012 Round steel short link chains for general lifting purposes. Extruded rods/bars. Extruded rods/bars.89 members. £61. Medium tolerance sling chains for chain slings. Extruded rectangular bars. Extruded rods/bars.92 members. £41. to ISO 8124-4:2010 £6. Round. tubes and profiles. Technical conditions for inspection and delivery £34. Mechanical properties £49. Extruded rods/bars.33 members.50 non-members STI/10 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 6927:2012 (Edition 2) ISO 6362-1:2012 (Edition 2) Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys. Guidelines for sample preparation £66. Generic names and definitions £28.22 non-members Will not be implemented as a British Standard £6.29 non-members Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys.07 members. Determination of radial crushing strength £18. tubes and profiles.33 members. tubes and profiles. Round.45 non-members PRI/21 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard by amendment to a National Standard Petroleum and related products.50 non-members AW/54 TCI/80 Will not be implemented as a British Standard ISO 7240-5:2012 (Edition 2) Fire detection and alarm systems. £65. tubes and profiles. Safety colours and safety signs. tubes and profiles. Deck machinery. £65.22 non-members Will not be implemented as a British Standard SME/32/-/4 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 6362-5:2012 (Edition 3) ISO 8124-4:— Safety of toys.50 members.68 members.22 non-members FME/9/1 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Graphical symbols. Extruded rods/bars.83 non-members (Edition 3) Textiles. £47.47 members. £35. £11. Vocabulary £45.22 non-members ISO 3076:2012 MHE/1 Will not be implemented as a British Standard Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys.50 members. £83. Vocabulary AMENDMENT 1:July 2012 Animal feeding stuffs.11 members. Swings. Tolerances on shape and dimensions £21. £31.78 non-members NFE/35 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 6498:2012 (Edition 3) (Edition 3) ISO 6107-2:— Sintered metal bushings. square and hexagonal bars. Determination of rheological properties using an extensograph £34.00 non-members NFE/35 ISO 3528:2012 (Edition 3) Essential oil of mandarin. £41.87 members. £47.47 members. £75. Safety. Natural fibres. Sealants. Ships’ ordinary rectangular windows £42.80 members. Tolerances on shape and dimensions £39. £57. £35.87 members.45 non-members PH/8/1 NFE/35 Ships and marine technology. Extruded rods/bars. ISO 1628-1:— ISO 4404-1:2012 ISO 6362-6:2012 Plastics. Ships’ side scuttles £39. slides and similar activity toys for indoor and outdoor family domestic use AMENDMENT 1:June 2012 Agricultural machinery.45 non-members Update Standards August 2012 . Extruded rods/bars. £47.24 non-members NFE/35 Buildings and civil engineering works. £57. rectangular and hexagonal tubes. Towing winches for deep sea use £28. Chemical composition £21. Tolerances on shape and dimensions £24.34 members. Rotary disc and drum mowers and flail mowers £52.12 non-members Will not be implemented as a British Standard SME/32/-/8 (Edition 2) ISO 4162:2012 (Edition 2) Hexagon bolts with flange. £47. £70. General principles AMENDMENT 1:June 2012 (Edition 2) Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys.33 members. Determination of the viscosity of polymers in dilute solution using capillary viscometers.33 members. square. £104.19 non-members to ISO 6107-2:2006 AW/10 ISE/65 £62.83 non-members Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 2739:2012 NFE/35 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 6362-7:2012 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys. £95. Grade 8 £39..24 non-members Will be implemented as an identical British Standard AW/4 Ships and marine technology.53 members.. Determination of resistance to liquids. Product grade A with driving feature of product grade B £28.53 non-members to ISO 1628-1:2009 £6.50 members.88 non-members FSH/12/2 ISO 6362-4:2012 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys.90 members.78 non-members AGE/32 NFE/35 CW/15 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will not be implemented as a British Standard Will not be implemented as a British Standard ISO 4254-12:2012 50 Prices may be subject to change.34 members. Determination of the corrosion resistance of fire-resistant hydraulic fluids. Method using an absorbent medium £24. Tolerances on shape and dimensions £36.87 members. £87.48 non-members Water quality. £11.ISO Publications continued. Water-containing fluids £36. Profiles. tubes and profiles. t *EFOUJGZDSVDJBMSJTLGBDUPSTBMSFBEZBGGFDUJOHZPVSPSHBOJ[BUJPO t %FMJWFSDPOUJOVFETFSWJDFEVSJOHBOECFZPOEBOFNFSHFODZ t &NCFE#$.Second Edition The book helps users and designers.com/bip2081us1208 raising standards worldwide ™ . rather than wait for it to happen. His book seeks to equip non-specialists with the practical skills and knowledge needed to identify business continuity risks and deter them from occurring in the first place. you will be able to get back to business in the quickest possible time. maintenance and testing of battery powered emergency lighting systems.JOUPJUTDVMUVSF t . David Lacey. funding and manpower. can cause major disruption to your organization. design. However if you plan now. author of ‘Business Continuity Management for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: How to survive a major disaster or failure’ teaches SMEs how to master business continuity management with minimum time.TUSBUFHZ raising standards worldwide ™ A Guide to Emergency Lighting .com/bip2217us1208 The book will enable your organization to: t .1SPHSBNNF. installation.BJOUBJOBEFRVBUFNFBTVSFTUPQSPUFDUJOGPSNBUJPO TUPDL  premises and staff if an incident occurs Effectively understand business continuity management and develop a plan well suited to your requirements today! Start by downloading your free chapter: http://shop.BTUFSUIF#$. http://shop. This new edition has been updated to assist those engineers wishing to protect occupants from the hazards identified by risk assessments and has also been expanded to give guidance to protect occupants from sudden loss of the normal lighting supply.BCM for SMEs: New Book by David Lacey out now! Any incident.bsigroup. installation and maintenance engineers understand the legislative demand to provide appropriate emergency lighting systems to assist occupants to leave premises safely.bsigroup.BOBHFNFOUMJGFDZDMF t %FUFSNJOFBTVDDFTTGVM#$. It covers all aspects of the selection. large or small. Specification for gloves made from rubber latex or rubber solution AMENDMENT 1:June 2012 to ISO 11193-1:2008 £6. £91. £70. Lighting and procedure for visual assessments of coatings £21.07 members. Removable memory.88 non-members Brazing. Cylinders. Description and determination of seated postures with reference to whole-body vibration £45. £11. Measurement of cargoes on board LNG carriers £72.00 non-members (Edition 2) EH/3/5 MHE/3/3 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard 52 ISO 13076:2012 CH/194 ISO 12027:2012 ISO/TR 10687:2012 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Paints and varnishes. Specification CORRIGENDUM 1:June 2012 Hexagon socket countersunk head screws AMENDMENT 1:July 2012 £6.80 members. Variable-reach trucks £62. £70. £47. Guidelines for the selection of sampling methods and devices for benthic macroinvertebrates in fresh waters £49. Determination of PM10/PM2. Cotton-fibre stickiness. industrial oils and related products (Class L).90 members.22 non-members SME/32/-/4 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Update Standards August 2012 .12 non-members Prices may be subject to change.87 members.68 members. £70. General £42.84 non-members GME/21/6 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 10865-1:2012 Wheelchair containment and occupant retention systems for accessible transport vehicles designed for use by both sitting and standing passengers. £87. Safety requirements and verification. Mooring chocks £28.00 non-members ISO 13099-2:2012 Colloidal systems.83 non-members CPW/42 WEE/19 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 12405-2:2012 ISO 13632:2012 Electrically propelled road vehicles.33 members. £11. General requirements £34.07 non-members Binders for paints and varnishes. £35.07 members.07 members. £83. ISO 8359:— ISO 10896-1:2012 ISO 12878:2012 Oxygen concentrators for medical use.84 members.89 members. £65.53 members.87 members. Acceptance tests AMENDMENT 1:June 2012 to ISO 10100:2001 £6. £95. Determination of elastic and permanent elongation and calculation of elastic modulus AMENDMENT 1:June 2012 to ISO 9856:2003 £6.48 non-members STI/10 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 9241-410:— Ergonomics of human-system interaction. £83. £104.21 non-members Will be implemented as an identical British Standard to ISO 12924:2010 PTI/7 ISO 10993-12:2012 (Edition 4) Biological evaluation of medical devices. Design criteria for physical input devices AMENDMENT 1:June 2012 to ISO 9241-410:2008 £6.46 non-members to ISO 8359:1996 MHE/7 Environmental monitoring of the impacts from marine finfish farms on soft bottom £54. £11.50 members. £75.10 members. Safety requirements AMENDMENT 1:July 2012 Rough-terrain trucks. Estimation of measurement uncertainty based on validation and quality control data £49.12 non-members Mechanical vibration. Clinical document registry federation £28.47 members. £31.50 non-members ISO 13271:2012 Stationary source emissions..33 members. £100.45 non-members PRI/67 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 10100:— Hydraulic fluid power. £11. £57.17 non-members EH/2/1 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 13470:2012 TCI/24 Trenchless applications of ductile iron pipes systems.80 members. £47.78 non-members to ISO 10642:2004 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 12924:— PTI/12 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard FME/9/1 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Lubricants. Methods for zeta-potential determination.45 non-members MCE/18/-/3 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 10642:— ISO 10976:2012 Refrigerated light hydrocarbon fluids.22 non-members IST/35 Will not be implemented as a British Standard EH/3/2 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 11525-1:2012 Rough-terrain trucks.59 non-members £6. £11.12 non-members LBI/37 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO/TR 13128:2012 Health informatics. Optical methods £42.07 members. £41.87 members. Test specification for lithium-ion traction battery packs and systems.87 members.95 members.45 non-members Will not be implemented as a British Standard CH/121/5 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 9117-6:2012 Paints and varnishes. Rosin.5 mass concentration in flue gas.ISO Publications continued.29 non-members Will be implemented as an identical British Standard STI/10 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 11193-1:— Single-use medical examination gloves. Ship’s mooring and towing fittings.13 members.87 members.34 members. Measurement at higher concentrations by use of virtual impactors £60.50 members. Detection of sugar by colour reaction £24. £70. Sample preparation and reference materials £42.24 non-members MHE/7 Textiles.45 non-members CH/205/3 Will not be implemented as a British Standard ISO 11352:2012 Water quality. Tolerances for wheels and travel and traversing tracks. Basic removable-memory model £57. Print-free test £18. £120. Qualification test of brazers and brazing operators £39. £123. £11. High-energy applications £73. Product design and installation £42.50 non-members CH/173/1 PEL/69 Will not be implemented as a British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 10870:2012 ISO 12488-1:2012 Water quality. Drying tests. User requirements. £41.90 members. Sampling and sample preparation for colour measurement £24.45 non-members AW/234 STI/3 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Cranes.87 members.. ISO 13713:2012 Ships and marine technology.12 non-members Will not be implemented as a British Standard PSE/10 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 12234-1:2012 (Edition 3) ISO 13585:2012 Electronic still-picture imaging.37 members. Family X (Greases).45 non-members PH/9 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 9856:— Conveyor belts. Systems for rearwardfacing wheelchair-seated passengers £52. 33 members.50 non-members PRI/3/60 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO/IEC 14496-22:— Information technology. £65. Ship’s mooring and towing fittings. £41.50 members. £41. Ship’s mooring and towing fittings.90 members. £65.47 members.90 members. £41. SME/32/-/4 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 13798:2012 Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels.59 non-members SME/32/-/4 Ships and marine technology. Atmospheric oil mist detectors for ships £62. Welded steel bollards for sea-going vessels £31. £95.83 non-members SME/32/-/4 EH/4 PRI/88/2 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will not be implemented as a British Standard Update Standards August 2012 Prices may be subject to change.78 non-members Soil quality. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK ISO/IEC 14496-26:— (CD-ROM) Information technology.83 non-members SME/32/-/4 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 13755:2012 Ships and marine technology.50 non-members SME/32/-/4 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 13795:2012 Ships and marine technology. £83. General £42. Recessed bitts (casting type) £24.88 non-members IST/6 Will not be implemented as a British Standard ISO 15241:2012 (Edition 2) Rolling bearings.50 non-members Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO/TR 14345:2012 Fatigue.50 non-members Will be implemented as an identical British Standard SME/32/-/4 Will not be implemented as a British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 13729:2012 Ships and marine technology. £52. Home electronic system (HES) application model. Security techniques.22 non-members Information technology. Bituminous binder spreaders/sprayers. £65.50 members. Discrete logarithm based mechanisms AMENDMENT 2:July 2012 to ISO/IEC 14888-3:2006 £6. Epoxy resins.50 non-members PRI/42 ISO 13733:2012 Ships and marine technology. Ship’s mooring and towing fittings. £65. Gas chromatographic determination of the content of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons.50 members. Model of a demand-response energy management system for HES £57. Cruciform bollards £24.80 members. £11. £65.87 members.90 members. Closed chocks £28. Purge-andtrap method with thermal desorption £39. Ship’s mooring and towing fittings.90 members.34 members.53 members.46 non-members ISO 15009:2012 SME/32/-/1 (Edition 2) Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 16486-1:2012 Ships and marine technology. Terminology and commercial specifications AMENDMENT 1:June 2012 to ISO 15643:2002 £6. £91.ISO 13728:2012 ISO 13799:2012 ISO/IEC 15045-2:2012 Ships and marine technology. Ship’s mooring and towing fittings. Fatigue testing of welded components. £41. £41. Ship’s mooring and towing fittings. £11.45 non-members to ISO/IEC 14496-22:2009 B/513 £6.95 members.24 non-members WEE/36 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 15643:— Road construction and maintenance equipment. £11.90 members. Unplasticized polyamide (PA-U) piping systems with fusion jointing and mechanical jointing.50 members.68 members. Lifesaving and fire protection.00 non-members ISO/IEC 14888-3:— Information technology. Ship’s mooring and towing fittings. made of carbide and ceramic materials £24. Requirements £45.84 non-members (Edition 2) SVS/0/3 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 14486:2012 Laminate floor coverings. Universal fairleads without upper roller £39.50 members. Ship’s mooring and towing fittings.50 members. Steel rollers £39. Recessed bitts (steel plate type) £21. Modularity and protocol £54. Shipside roller fairleads £24. Audio conformance CORRIGENDUM 5:June 2012 ISO 15917:2012 (Edition 2) Solid ball-nosed end mills with cylindrical shanks. Ship’s mooring and towing fittings. £41. Coding of audio-visual objects.83 non-members SME/32/-/4 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 13742:2012 Ships and marine technology. Home electronic system (HES) gateway. Universal fairleads with upper roller £39. Digital signatures with appendix. Determination of degree of crosslinking of crosslinked epoxy resins by differential scanning calorimetry £24.95 non-members SME/32/-/4 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 13797:2012 Ships and marine technology. Method using light-scattering detection £49. naphthalene and volatile halogenated hydrocarbons.33 members. £75.90 members. £47.45 non-members Will be implemented as an identical British Standard IST/37 Will not be implemented as a British Standard.45 non-members IST/33 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard PRI/21 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 16437:2012 Ships and marine technology.87 members. Ship’s mooring and towing fittings. Coding of audio-visual objects.50 non-members SME/32/-/4 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 13776:2012 Ships and marine technology. Ship’s mooring and towing fittings.07 members. £47.95 members.77 members.87 members. £91.90 members. Symbols for physical quantities £39.59 non-members WEE/-/1 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard IST/6 ISO/IEC 15067-3:2012 Information technology. £104. £70. £35.83 non-members SME/32/-/4 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 13767:2012 Ships and marine technology. Determination of average molecular mass and molecular mass distribution of polymers using size exclusion chromatography. £41. Guidance £54. Welding procedure test. Panama chocks £28.12 non-members 53 .22 non-members SME/32/-/4 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 14322:2012 Plastics. Upset (resistance butt) and flash welding £34. Specification £24. £57. Open Font Format AMENDMENT 2:June 2012 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials.50 non-members MTE/18 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard to ISO/IEC 14496-26:2010 IST/37 ISO 16014-5:2012 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Plastics. Pedestal fairleads £24.83 non-members MCE/7 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 14452:2012 ISO 15614-13:2012 Network services billing. 95 members.77 members.92 members. Code of practice for design.90 members. Calibration and verification of hardness testers £39.50 members.77 members. £75.84 non-members Rubber.29 non-members AGE/32 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard (Edition 2) Information technology.92 members.. £70. £65. Software asset management.07 members. £52. Unplasticized polyamide (PA-U) piping systems with fusion jointing and mechanical jointing.ISO Publications continued. £31. Home electronic system (HES).95 members. £61. Specification operators £39.95 non-members ISO 22262-1:2012 ISE/NFE/8 Air quality. Determination of dead-load hardness using the very low rubber hardness (VLRH) scale £28.11 members. £31. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 18898:2012 Metallic materials. Ship recycling management systems.59 non-members Will not be implemented as a British Standard ISO/TS 16976-4:2012 Respiratory protective devices. £110. Human factors.95 members. Linguistic annotation framework (LAF) £28. Bulk materials. £47. £65. Pipes £31. £75.59 non-members Mechanical vibration. Procedures for assessing balance errors £36. Tumbling method £24.83 non-members PRI/88/2 ISO/IEC 19770-1:2012 (Edition 2) (Edition 2) Information technology. Unplasticized polyamide (PA-U) piping systems with fusion jointing and mechanical jointing. Physiologically based limits £36.83 non-members ISO 17752:2012 Corrosion of metals and alloys.48 non-members Ships and marine technology. Information to be included in specification sheets and related test methods £54. £41.50 non-members TCI/69 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 27588:2012 (Edition 2) Intelligent transport systems. £70. Rotary mowers £52. Guidelines for product interoperability. Guidelines for selection of ship recyclers (and pro forma contract) £18. ISO 16486-2:2012 ISO 17101-2:2012 ISO 21940-14:2012 Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels. vulcanized or thermoplastic.22 non-members ISO 16486-6:2012 (Edition 2) Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels. Thermally toughened safety glass panes for windows and side scuttles £21. IPv6 Networking £45.95 non-members Agricultural machinery.13 members.50 members. handling and installation £42.84 non-members CAS/1 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard SME/32/-/8 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO/IEC 21117:2012 ISO 17101-1:2012 Agricultural machinery. £65. Fitness for purpose of the system £42. Processes and tiered assessment of conformance £78.. Method for measuring digital copying productivity £54. General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons £45. £61.95 members.47 members.50 members.53 non-members PH/4 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard PRI/20 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Information technology.48 non-members IST/6 SME/32 Will not be implemented as a British Standard 54 TDW/4 Prices may be subject to change.33 members. Flail mowers £54. Physical and mechanical test methods for the determination of soiling.07 members.50 members. 2 (NFCIP-2) £18.89 members.59 non-members ISO 24612:2012 Language resource management. £87. Unplasticized polyamide (PA-U) piping systems with fusion jointing and mechanical jointing. Office equipment. £47.12 non-members Rubber. Thrown-object test and acceptance criteria. Surface texture: Areal.50 members. £91. Unplasticized polyamide (PA-U) piping systems with fusion jointing and mechanical jointing. Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Update Standards August 2012 . Office equipment. £131.12 non-members PRI/88/2 Will not be implemented as a British Standard ISO/IEC 18012-2:2012 Information technology.33 members. Near Field Communication Interface and Protocol.89 members. Taxonomy and application interoperability model £66. Fittings £39.83 non-members Conformity assessment. £91.53 non-members AGE/32 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard GME/21 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard PRI/88/2 Will not be implemented as a British Standard ISO 16486-3:2012 Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels. Verification of the alignment of fatigue testing machines £54. £91. Copying machines and multi-function devices. £91.99 members. Rotor balancing.22 non-members EPL/278 PRI/22 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO/IEC 21481:2012 ISO 30002:2012 (Edition 2) (Edition 2) Information technology.21 non-members Will be implemented as an identical British Standard EH/2/3 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard PRI/88/2 Will not be implemented as a British Standard ISO 16486-5:2012 Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels. £35.37 members.65 non-members IST/15 TS/1 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO/IEC 24735:2012 IST/3 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 21005:2012 ISO 25178-3:2012 ISO/IEC 17024:2012 (Edition 2) (Edition 2) Ships and marine technology.19 non-members ISO 23788:2012 IST/6 ISE/101/6 Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Procedures to determine and estimate runoff rates of metals from materials as a result of atmospheric corrosion £31. Communications access for land mobiles (CALM). Sampling and qualitative determination of asbestos in commercial bulk materials £72. Work of breathing and breathing resistance. £52. Telecommunications and information exchange between systems.59 non-members IST/3 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Please do not send confirmation of orders placed by telephone as it can lead to duplication ISO 21210:2012 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 26082-2:2012 Leather. Thrown-object test and acceptance criteria. £120.78 non-members Geometrical product specifications (GPS). FZUP4UFFM 4UBIMTDIMVFTTFMDSPTTSFGFSFODFCPPLXJMMIFMQZPVUPEFDPEFEFDJQIFS TUFFMEFTJHOBUJPOTBOEåOEFRVJWBMFOUNBUFSJBMTXPSMEXJEF t4UBOEBSE/VNCFS"SSBOHFNFOUJOOVNFSJDBMPSEFS t8IP4VQQMJFT8IJDI4UFFM t5BCMFPG4VQQMJFST t5BCMFPG4IBQFBOE$POEJUJPOPG1SPEVDU t*OEFYPG#SBOE/BNFTJOBMQIBCFUJDBMPSEFS Categories contained t4USVDUVSBMBOEDPOTUSVDUJPOBMTUFFMT t5PPMTUFFMT t$BSCPOUPPMTUFFM IJHITQFFETUFFM  hot work tool steel. scope and coverage of standards – detailed database searches across current and withdrawn standards – response within 1 working day t -PBOTFSWJDF – borrow a wide selection of international and foreign standards t *OGPSNBUJPO3FTPVSDFT – consult databases.5IF. TJOHMFVTFS b 10% discount to BSI members Shipping and handling applies %FMJWFSZUJNFXJUIJO6. availability.bsigroup. Contact us to arrange a visit t 8JUIESBXO4UBOEBSET – a comprehensive collection of withdrawn British Standards available to view and purchase in PDF and hardcopy XXXCTJHSPVQDPNXJUIESBXOVT raising standards worldwide ™ For more information contact the BSI Knowledge Centre: Tel +44 (0)20 8996 7004 Fax +44 (0)20 8996 7005 Email [email protected] www.EBZT raising standards worldwide ™ BSI Knowledge Centre – Your standards resource BSI Knowledge Centre provides the following services to BSI Members: t&ORVJSZ-JOF – information on the status. journals and standards in our member study area. cold work tool steel t7BMWFTUFFMT t)JHIUFNQFSBUVSFTUFFMTBOEBMMPZT t/PONBHOFUJ[BCMFTUFFMT t)FBUSFTJTUJOHTUFFMT t)FBUDPOEVDUJOHBMMPZT t4UBJOMFTTTUFFMT t4UBJOMFTTTUFFMDBTUJOHT t8FMEJOHåMMFSNBUFSJBMT #PPL"ob $%30.com/knowledgecentre . Pre-payment is required by non-Members. http:/shop. £9. This new edition tells you everything you need to know about designing and assessing pressure vessels. © BSI British Standards Institution 2012 . DVDs. And it can be used to support systems built to BS 5500 or PD 5500 What’s new? PD 5500:2012 outlines the latest amendments to the specification up to and including those published in September 2011.95 UK (inclusive of VAT).com/pd5500us1208 To contact us visit http://shop. content and publishing dates may be subject to change. Your PD 5500 subscription includes free updates on further amendments. The three-year subscription to PD 5500 includes free regular updates as amendments are made to the specification. other electronic products and Conferences and Training Courses.New PD 5500:2012 Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels Get the latest PD 5500:2012 specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels. All prices.com/pd5500 or contact BSI Customer Services quoting marketing reference code PD5500-US1208 Tel +44 (0)20 8996 9001 Fax +44 (0)20 8996 7001 Email [email protected] http://shop. call +44 (0)20 8996 9001. VAT is applicable to all purchases of PDF downloads.bsigroup.com/pd5500 raising standards worldwide ™ Standards and publications may also be ordered via the BSI shop at http://shop. The start of new three-year cycle will include updates and new enquiry cases.com *P&P £5. For details of BSI Membership.bsigroup.bsigroup. It also includes details of enquiry cases and will be updated every three years.95 Rest of the World (+VAT if applicable) – one-off charge added to your order of 10 items or fewer. CDs. Key 2012 revisions include: Key features t 4UBSUPGOFXZFBSDZDMF t 4QFDJGJFTSFRVJSFNFOUTGPSEFTJHO NBOVGBDUVSF   JOTQFDUJPO UFTUJOHBOEWFSJGJDBUJPO t $BOQSPWJEFBCBTJTGPSWFTTFMEFTJHOBOENBOVGBDUVSF for PED compliance t $POUBJOTBMMBNFOENFOUT BOOFYFTBOEFORVJSZDBTFT made during last three years t 4VQFSTFEFT1%XIJDIJTOPXXJUIESBXO t $MBSJGJDBUJPOPGUIFVTFPGTVCDPOUSBDUPST t 5VCFTIFFUNJOJNVNUIJDLOFTTSFRVJSFNFOUT for large tube diameters t $MBSJGJDBUJPOPGUIFSFRVJSFNFOUTGPSTUBUJDIFBE in the evaluation of test pressure t 3FWJTJPOTUPUIFJNQBDUUFTUJOHSFRVJSFNFOUTPG"OOFY% t *ODMVTJPOPGBOFXFORVJSZDBTFGPSUIF ISO 16528-2:2007 Conformance Tables. FREE P&P to BSI Subscribing Members.
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