12004 Calculations Reduced

March 23, 2018 | Author: Mihnea Costache | Category: Strength Of Materials, Beam (Structure), Masonry, Materials Science, Mechanics



DOCUMENT NoPJS 12004 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS Peter Smith B Eng (Hons) C Eng FICE FIStructE Tel: 07557 787 351 [email protected] Copyright of the design belongs to and remains the property of PJStructures Ltd and may not be reproduced or distributed in any way or for any purposes without their written consent. PROJECT TITLE CLIENT xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx Mr xxxxxxxxxxx E Harvey xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN SHEET No SUBJECT 1 of Structural Steelwork for Proposed Extension ISSUE 1 TOTAL SHEETS 33 AUTHOR DATE CHECKED BY DATE PJSmith 24/01/12 PJS 25/01/12 33 COMMENTS 2 3 4 5 SUPERSEDES DOC No ra ct ) DATE Building Regulations Part A: 2010 BS EN 1990: 2002 Basis of structural design BS EN 1991-1: Actions on structures BS EN 1993-1-1: 2005 Design of steel structures BS 5628-1:2005 Structural use of unreinforced masonry sonry 1 hour Intended use of structure Fire Resistance Requirements Sp ec im en Domestic/Residential (e xt Relevant Building Regulations and Design Codes From BS EN 1991-1: Actions and relevant National Annex ons s on structure struct General Loading Conditions Imposed Load = 1.5 5 kN/m N/m2 Roof imposed Load oad = 0.6 kN/m kN 2 Wind Loading Conditions Not Applicable Exposure Conditions Internal environment Not applicable Subsoil Conditions Not applicable Foundation Type Steel grade S275; Assumed masonry compressive strength 7.3 N/mm 2 Material data Other relevant information PJStructures Ltd, 11 Wainwright Close, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 7QS Project PJS Job no. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN PJStructures Ltd 11 Wainwright Close Weston-super-Mare BS22 7QS Calcs for 12004 Page no. Structural Steelwork for Proposed Extension Calcs by PJSmith Checked by Calcs date 24/01/2012 REFERENCE 2 of 33 Checked date PJS 25/01/2012 CALCULATIONS Introduction The client wishes to extend the ground floor at the rear of the property. A single storey extension is proposed comprising pitched timber trusses spanning onto cavity walls. ct ) These calculations are for the following structural elements: ements: men ra a) The structural steelwork to enable the he wall between betwe the existing xt kitchen and dining room to be e removed. emoved (e b) The structural steelworkk to enable the rear elevation of the property r Sp ec im en to be opened up into the new extension p to create cre te an link lin l c) The lintel above glazed sliding doors. ve the new ne double d Further detailss are re shown on the following Planning Application drawings: SD-11/025/01 025/01 01 Existing Plans Ex SD-11/025/02 Existing Elevations SD-11/025/03 11/0 11/025 Proposed Plans SD-11/025/04 Proposed Elevations Stuart Davidson Surveyors Ltd Project PJS Job no. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN Calcs for PJStructures Ltd Page no. Structural Steelwork for Proposed Extension 11 Wainwright Close Weston-super-Mare BS22 7QS Checked by Calcs date Calcs by PJSmith Minimum 200mm bearing on concrete padstone min 215mm long and 215mm deep (Grade C20). This assumes masonry has a unit compressive strength of 7.3 N/mm2 12004 24/01/2012 Checked date PJS 25/01/2012 2300 3000 Minimum 100mm bearing on mortar bed Clear span 1900 B1 B (e xt ra c t) New w Kitchen Kitche Sp ec im en B2 3 of 33 B3 Clear span 4300 Reff Section B1 1 127 x 76 x 13 UKB S275 B2 305 x 102 x 23 UKB S275 B3 152 x 89 x 16 UKB S275 B4 New Dining Room Catnic CX50/100 or 152 x 89 x 16 UKB S275 with 6mm plate for outer leaf Minimum 100mm bearing on mortar bed B4 Clear span 4000 Note : The internal and external walls to be removed are load bearing. All work is to be undertaken in accordance with good building practice. For further information refer to BRE Good Building Guide 20 "Removal of Loadbearing walls. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sp ec im en (e xt ra ct ) 4 of 33 PJS PJStructures Ltd 11 Wainwright Close Weston-super-Mare BS22 7QS Project Job no. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Calcs for Page no. Structural Steelwork for Proposed Extension Calcs by PJSmith Checked by Calcs date 24/01/2012 PJS 5 of 33 Checked date 25/01/2012 2400 3000 CALCULATIONS 300 REFERENCE 12004 7800 Roof pitch = approx. 40 degrees Project PJS Job no. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 12004 Calcs for PJStructures Ltd Page no. 6 of 33 Structural Steelwork for Proposed Extension 11 Wainwright Close Weston-super-Mare BS22 7QS Checked by Calcs date Calcs by PJSmith 24/01/2012 REFERENCE Checked date PJS 25/01/2012 CALCULATIONS DEAD LOADS Structural Engineers Pocket Book Fiona Cobb Pages 34 - 37 1) Roof 0.55 kN/m2 = 0.20 2 Timber boards/plywood = 0.15 kN/m N/m2 Timber joists and insulation = 0.20 .20 kN/m2 Ceiling and services = Slates, timber battens & felt = = Timber rafters ra ct ) 2) Loft kN/m kN/m2 0.50 kN/m2 0.50 kN/m2 xt = 0.75 kN/m kN 2 (e 0.15 0.1 Sp ec im en 3) First floor Timber floorboards = 0.15 kN/m2 Timber joists = 0.20 kN/m2 Ceiling and services = 0.15 kN/m2 = 4)) External w wall 100 mm thick blockwork and render = 2.0 kN/m2 100mm thick blockwork and plaster = 2.0 kN/m2 3000approx 5) Roof Load at eaves level DL 40degpitch 3900 = 0.75 x = 3.75 5 kN/m Project PJS Job no. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN 12004 Calcs for PJStructures Ltd Page no. 7 of 33 Structural Steelwork for Proposed Extension 11 Wainwright Close Weston-super-Mare BS22 7QS Calcs by PJSmith Checked by Calcs date 24/01/2012 REFERENCE Checked date PJS 25/01/2012 CALCULATIONS IMPOSED LOADS qk 0.60 kN/m2 0.90 kN 2) Loft ceiling space 1.50 kN/m2 2.00 kN 3) First Floor 1.50 kN/m2 2.00 00 kN (e xt ra ct ) 1) Roof Sp ec im en National Annex to BS EN 19911-1:2002 Tables NA.2, NA.3 & NA.7 Qk Project PJS Job no. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN PJStructures Ltd 11 Wainwright Close Weston-super-Mare BS22 7QS Page no. Checked by Calcs date Calcs by 24/01/2012 REFERENCE Eqn. 5.2 8 of 33 Structural Steelwork for Proposed Extension PJSmith I Struct E Manual for the design of building structures to Eurocode 1 and Basis of Structural Design 12004 Calcs for Checked date PJS 25/01/2012 CALCULATIONS SNOW LOAD a) persistent/transient design situation s = ʅ1 Ce Ct s k Where Ce = 1.00 (exposure coefficient) Ct = 1.00 (thermal mal al coefficient) coeffici coeffic Fig 5.1 sk = 0.40 Fig 5.2 ʅ1 = 0.8 ct kN/m2 ra (snow load) loa xt (snow loa load shape factor) s = 0.80 80 x 0 2 0.32 Sp ec im en = 1.00 x 1.00 x (e Therefore ) pg 88 kN/m2 kN b) Exceptional snow w drift ft load (accidental (accid (a action) s = ʅ1 sk Fig 5.4 Where ere Therefore Theref ʅ1 = 1.2 s= 1.20 x = 0.48 0.40 kN/m2 By inspection imposed load will be more onerous 0.40 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 9 of 33 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10 of 33 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 11 of 33 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 12 of 33 13 of 33 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Job no. Project xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Calcs for PJStructures Ltd 12004 Start page no./Revision 14 of 33 Beam B1 11 Wainwright Close Calcs by Weston-super-Mare PJS BS22 7QS Calcs date Checked by 25/01/2012 Checked date PJS 26/01/12 STEEL BEAM ANALYSIS & DESIGN (EN1993-1-1:2005) In accordance with EN1993-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigenda February 2006 and April 2009 and the UK national annex TEDDS calculation version 3.0.03 Load Envelope - Combination 1 19.777 0.0 mm 2000 1 B xt ra ct ) A Bending Moment Envelope (e kNm 0.0 9.888 9 9.9 2000 1 mm kN 19.777 Shear Force Envelope Sh 19.8 Sp 0.0 -19.777 -19.8 mm m 2000 1 A Support conditions Support A B ec im en A B Vertically restrained Rotationally free Support B Vertically restrained Rotationally free Applied loading Beam loads Permanent self weight of beam u 1 Permanent full UDL 8.3 kN/m Variable full UDL 5.6 kN/m Load combinations Load combination 1 Support A Permanent u 1.35 Variable u 1.50 Span 1 Permanent u 1.35 Variable u 1.50 Job no. Project xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN PJStructures Ltd Calcs for 15 of 33 Beam B1 11 Wainwright Close Weston-super-Mare 12004 Start page no./Revision Calcs by Calcs date PJS BS22 7QS Checked by 25/01/2012 Checked date PJS 26/01/12 Permanent u 1.35 Support B Variable u 1.50 Analysis results Maximum moment; Mmax = 9.9 kNm; Mmin = 0 kNm Maximum shear; Vmax = 19.8 kN; Vmin = -19.8 kN Deflection; Gmax = 1.2 mm; Gmin = 0 mm RA_min = 19.8 kN Maximum reaction at support A; RA_max = 19.8 kN; Unfactored permanent load reaction at support A; RA_Permanent = 8.4 kN Unfactored variable load reaction at support A; RA_Variable = 5.6 kN Maximum reaction at support B; RB_max = 19.8 kN; Unfactored permanent load reaction at support B; RB_Permanent = 8.4 kN Unfactored variable load reaction at support B; RB_Variable = 5.6 kN RB_min = 19.8 kN ) Section details UKB 127x76x13 (Corus Advance) vance) Steel grade; S275 ra ct Section type; EN 10025-2:2004 - Hot rolled products of structural steels 6 mm t = max(tf, tw) = 7.6 fy = 275 N/mm mm2 Nominal ultimate tensile strength; fu = 410 N/mm2 Modulus of elasticity; 0000 00 N/mm2 E = 210000 4 7.6 127 7.6 7 Sp ec im en (e xt Nominal thickness of element; Nominal yield strength; 76 Partial factors - Section 6.1 Resistance of cross-sections; JM0 = 1.00 Resistance of members to instability; JM1 = 1.00 Resistance of tensile members to fracture; JM2 = 1.10 Lateral restraint Span 1 has lateral restraint at supports only Effective length factors Effective length factor in major axis; Ky = 1.000 Effective length factor in minor axis; Kz = 1.000 Effective length factor for torsion; KLT.A = 1.000 Job no. Project xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN PJStructures Ltd Calcs for 16 of 33 Beam B1 11 Wainwright Close Weston-super-Mare 12004 Start page no./Revision Calcs by Calcs date PJS BS22 7QS Checked by 25/01/2012 Checked date PJS 26/01/12 Classification of cross sections - Section 5.5 H = —[235 N/mm2 / fy] = 0.92 Internal compression parts subject to bending - Table 5.2 (sheet 1 of 3) c = d = 96.6 mm Width of section; c / tw = 26.1 u H <= 72 u H; Class 1 Outstand flanges - Table 5.2 (sheet 2 of 3) c = (b - tw - 2 u r) / 2 = 28.4 mm Width of section; c / tf = 4.0 u H <= 9 u H; Class 1 Section is class 1 Check shear - Section 6.2.6 hw = h - 2 u tf = 111.8 mm K = 1.000 ct hw / tw < 72 u H / K ) Height of web; Shear area factor; ra Shear buckling bu buck resistance can be ignored 19.8 kN VEd = max(abs(Vmax ax), abs(Vmin n)) = 1 Shear area - cl 6.2.6(3); Av = max(A - 2 u b u tf + (tw + 2 u r) u tf, K u hw u tw) = 643 mm2 Design shear resistance - cl 6.2.6(2); Vc,Rd = Vpl,Rd —[3]) / JM0 = 102 kN Rd = Av u (ffy / —[3]) xt Design shear force; (e Desig shear s PASS - Design resistance exceeds design shear force Check bending moment major (y-y) axis - Section 6.2.5 .2.5 MEdd = m ma max(abs(M abs(M bs(Ms1_max), abs(Ms1_min)) = 9.9 kNm Mc,Rd = Mpl,R pl,Rd = W pl.y u fy / JM0 = 23.1 kNm Sp ec im en Design bending moment; Design bending resistance moment - eq 6.13; ckling ing Slenderness ratio for lateral torsional buckling kc = 0.94 Correction factor - Table 6.6; C1 = 1 / kc2 = 1.132 Curvature factor; Poissons ratio; Shear modulus; g = —[1 - (Iz / Iy)] = 0.939 Q = 0.3 G = E / [2 u (1 + Q)] = 80769 N/mm2 L = 1.0 u Ls1 = 2000 mm Unrestrained length; momen Elastic critical buckling moment moment;; Mcr = C1 u S2 u E u Iz / (L2 u g) u —[Iw / Iz + L2 u G u It / (S2 u E u Iz)] = 37.4 kNm Slenderness ratio for lateral torsional buckling; COLT = —[W pl.y u fy / Mcr] = 0.787 Limiting slenderness ratio; COLT,0 = 0.4 COLT > COLT,0 - Lateral torsional buckling cannot be ignored Design resistance for buckling - Section Buckling curve - Table 6.5; b Imperfection factor - Table 6.3; DLT = 0.34 Correction factor for rolled sections; E = 0.75 LTB reduction determination factor; ILT = 0.5 u [1 + DLT u (COLT -COLT,0) + E uCOLT2] = 0.798 LTB reduction factor - eq 6.57; FLT = min(1 / [ILT + —(ILT2 - E uCOLT2)], 1, 1 /COLT2) = 0.824 Modification factor; f = min(1 - 0.5 u (1 - kc)u [1 - 2 u (COLT - 0.8)2], 1) = 0.970 Modified LTB reduction factor - eq 6.58; FLT,mod = min(FLT / f, 1) = 0.850 Design buckling resistance moment - eq 6.55; Mb,Rd = FLT,mod u W pl.y u fy / JM1 = 19.7 kNm PASS - Design buckling resistance moment exceeds design bending moment Job no. Project xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PJStructures Ltd Calcs for Calcs by PJS BS22 7QS 17 of 33 Beam B1 11 Wainwright Close Weston-super-Mare 12004 Start page no./Revision Calcs date Checked by 25/01/2012 Checked date PJS 26/01/12 Check vertical deflection - Section 7.2.1 Consider deflection due to variable loads Limiting deflection;; Glim = Ls1 / 360 = 5.6 mm Maximum deflection span 1; G = max(abs(Gmax), abs(Gmin)) = 1.173 mm Sp ec im en (e xt ra ct ) PASS - Maximum deflection does not exceed deflection limit Job no. Project xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN PJStructures Ltd Calcs for 19 of 33 Beam B2 11 Wainwright Close Weston-super-Mare 12004 Start page no./Revision Calcs by Calcs date PJS BS22 7QS Checked by 24/01/2012 Checked date PJS 25/01/12 Permanent u 1.35 Span 1 Variable u 1.50 Permanent u 1.35 Support B Variable u 1.50 Analysis results Maximum moment; Mmax = 87.3 kNm; Mmin = 0 kNm Maximum moment span 1 segment 1; Ms1_seg1_max = 87.2 kNm; Ms1_seg1_min = 0 kNm Maximum moment span 1 segment 2; Ms1_seg2_max = 87.3 kNm; Ms1_seg2_min = 0 kNm Maximum shear; Vmax = 71.5 kN; Vmin = -68.5 kN Maximum shear span 1 segment 1; Vs1_seg1_max = 71.5 kN; Vs1_seg1_min = 0 kN Vs1_seg2_max = 1.4 kN; Vs1_seg2_min = -68.5 kN Deflection segment 3; Gmax = 4 mm; Gm min = 0 mm Maximum reaction at support A; RA_max = 71.5 kN; RA_min A_m = 71.5 kN Unfactored permanent load reaction at support A; RA_Permanent = 28.9 kN Unfactored permanent load reaction at support B; 7.6 kN RB_Permanent = 27.6 Unfactored variable load reaction at support B; 8 kN RB_Variable = 20.8 ct RA_Variable = 21.7 kN RB_max = 68.5 kN; RB_min = 68.5 kN xt ra Unfactored variable load reaction at support A; Maximum reaction at support B; ) Maximum shear span 1 segment 2; (e Section details Section type; 05x102x33 5x102x33 (C UKB 305x102x33 (Corus Advance) Steel grade; 75 S275 Sp ec im en cturall steels EN 10025-2:2004 - Hot rolled products of structural max f, tw) = 10.8 mm t = max(t 27 N/mm2 fy = 275 Nominal ultimate tensile strength; fu = 410 N/mm2 Modulus of elasticity; E = 210000 N/mm2 312.7 10.8 Nominal thickness of element; Nominal yield strength; 10.8 6.6 102.4 Partial factors - Section 6.1 Resistance of cross-sections; JM0 = 1.00 Resistance of members to instability; JM1 = 1.00 Resistance of tensile members to fracture; JM2 = 1.10 Job no. Project xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN PJStructures Ltd Calcs for Calcs by Calcs date PJS BS22 7QS 21 of 33 Beam B2 11 Wainwright Close Weston-super-Mare 12004 Start page no./Revision Checked by 24/01/2012 Checked date PJS 25/01/12 LTB reduction factor - eq 6.57; FLT = min(1 / [ILT + —(ILT2 - E uCOLT2)], 1, 1 /COLT2) = 0.688 Modification factor; f = min(1 - 0.5 u (1 - kc)u [1 - 2 u (COLT - 0.8)2], 1) = 0.940 Modified LTB reduction factor - eq 6.58; FLT,mod = min(FLT / f, 1) = 0.731 Design buckling resistance moment - eq 6.55; Mb,Rd = FLT,mod u W pl.y u fy / JM1 = 96.7 kNm PASS - Design buckling resistance moment exceeds design bending moment Check vertical deflection - Section 7.2.1 Consider deflection due to variable loads Limiting deflection;; Glim = Ls1 / 360 = 12.5 mm Maximum deflection span 1; G = max(abs(Gmax), abs(Gmin)) = 3.959 mm Sp ec im en (e xt ra ct ) PASS - Maximum deflection does not exceed deflection limit Job no. Project 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PJStructures Ltd Calcs for 23 of 33 Beam B3 11 Wainwright Close Weston-super-Mare 12004 Start page no./Revision Calcs by Calcs date PJS BS22 7QS Checked by 23/01/2012 Checked date PJS 25/01/12 Variable u 1.50 Analysis results Maximum moment; Mmax = 16.9 kNm; Maximum shear; Vmax = 15.1 kN; Vmin = -15.1 kN Deflection; Gmax = 0 mm; Gmin = 0 mm Maximum reaction at support A; RA_max = 15.1 kN; RA_min = 15.1 kN Unfactored permanent load reaction at support A; RA_Permanent = 11.2 kN Maximum reaction at support B; RB_max = 15.1 kN; Unfactored permanent load reaction at support B; RB_Permanent = 11.2 kN Mmin = 0 kNm RB_min = 15.1 kN Section details Section type; UKB 152x89x16 (Corus Advance) Steel grade; S275 Nominal yield strength; fy = 275 N/mm2 Nominal ultimate tensile strength; fu = 410 N/mm2 Modulus of elasticity; E = 210000 N/mm mm2 ct t = max(tf, tw) = 7.7 mm 152.4 Sp ec im en (e 7.7 xt ra Nominal thickness of element; ) EN 10025-2:2004 - Hot rolled products of structural steels 7.7 4.5 88.7 Partial factors - Section 6.1 Resistance of cross-sections; JM0 = 1.00 Resistance of members to instability; JM1 = 1.00 Resistance of tensile members to fracture; JM2 = 1.10 Lateral restraint Span 1 has lateral restraint at supports only Effective length factors Effective length factor in major axis; Ky = 1.000 Effective length factor in minor axis; Kz = 1.000 Effective length factor for torsion; KLT.A = 1.000 Classification of cross sections - Section 5.5 H = —[235 N/mm2 / fy] = 0.92 Job no. Project 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PJStructures Ltd Calcs for Calcs by PJS BS22 7QS Maximum deflection span 1; 25 of 33 Beam B3 11 Wainwright Close Weston-super-Mare 12004 Start page no./Revision Calcs date Checked by 23/01/2012 Checked date PJS 25/01/12 G = max(abs(Gmax), abs(Gmin)) = 0 mm Sp ec im en (e xt ra ct ) PASS - Maximum deflection does not exceed deflection limit Job no. Project xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN 12004 Calcs for PJStructures Ltd Start page no./Revision 31 of 33 Beam B1 bearing 11 Wainwright Close Calcs by Weston-super-Mare PJS BS22 7QS Calcs date Checked by 25/01/2012 Checked date PJS 26/01/2012 ratio = hunit / lunit = 2.2 Block ratio; Ratio between 0.6 and 4.5 - OK Characteristic compressive strength; fk = 6.40 N/mm 2 Loading details Characteristic dead load; Gk = 8 kN Characteristic imposed load; Qk = 6 kN Design load on bearing; F = (Gk u 1.4) + (Qk u 1.6) = 20.6 kN Masonry bearing type Bearing type; Type 2 Bearing safety factor; Jbear = 1.50 Check design bearing without a spreader fca = F / (B u lb) = 2.708 N/mm2 Allowable bearing stress; fcp = Jbear u fk / Jm = 2.743 N/mm /mm m2 ct ) Design bearing stress; Check design bearing at 0.4 u h below the bearing level hef / tef = 24.00 Eccentricity at top of wall; ex = 0.0 mm From BS5628:1 Table 7 xt Slenderness ratio; ra PASS - Allowable bearing earing g stress exceeds ex design bearing stress 61 E = 0.61 Length of bearing distributed at 0.4 u h; 10 mm ld = 1060 Maximum bearing stress; fcaa = F / (ld u t)) = 0.194 N/mm2 Allowable bearing stress; fcp = E u fk / Jm = 1.106 N/mm2 Sp ec im en (e Capacity reduction factor; PASS - Allowable bearing aring stress stres at a 0.4 u h below bearing level exceeds design bearing stress Job no. Project xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PJStructures Ltd Calcs for 332 of 33 Beam B2 bearing 11 Wainwright Close Weston-super-Mare Calcs by Calcs date PJS BS22 7QS 12004 Start page no./Revision Checked by 25/01/2012 Checked date PJS 26/01/2012 MASONRY BEARING DESIGN TO BS5628-1:2005 TEDDS calculation version 1.0.03 Masonry details Aggregate concrete blocks (25% or less formed voids) Compressive strength of unit; punit = 7.3 N/mm2 Mortar designation; iii lunit = 100 mm hunit = 215 mm Category of masonry units; Category II Category of construction control ; Normal Jm = 3.5 t = 100 mm Effective thickness of masonry wall; tef = 100 mm Height of masonry wall; h = 2400 mm Effective height of masonry wall; hef = 2400 mm (e xt ra Partial safety factor for material strength; Thickness of load bearing leaf; ct Least horizontal dimension of masonry units; Height of masonry units; ) Masonry type; Sp ec im en Beam to span in plane of wall all Spreader lb B t ls hs Bearing details Beam spanning in plane of wall Width of bearing; B = 100 mm Length of bearing; lb = 200 mm Compressive strength from Table 2 BS5628:Part 1 - aggregate concrete blocks (25% or less formed voids) Mortar designation; Mortar = "iii" Block compressive strength; punit = 7.3 N/mm2 Characteristic compressive strength (Table 2c); fkc = 3.20 N/mm2 Characteristic compressive strength (Table 2d); fkd = 6.40 N/mm2 Height of solid block; hunit = 215.0 mm ; Least horizontal dimension; lunit = 100.0 mm Job no. Project xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 63 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8HN xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Calcs for PJStructures Ltd 34 3 of 33 Beam B2 bearing 11 Wainwright Close Calcs by Weston-super-Mare PJS BS22 7QS 12004 Start page no./Revision Calcs date Checked by 25/01/2012 Checked date PJS 26/01/2012 ratio = hunit / lunit = 2.2 Block ratio; Ratio between 0.6 and 4.5 - OK fk = 6.40 N/mm Characteristic compressive strength; 2 Loading details Characteristic dead load; Gk = 29 kN Characteristic imposed load; Qk = 22 kN Design load on bearing; F = (Gk u 1.4) + (Qk u 1.6) = 75.2 kN Masonry bearing type Bearing type; Type 2 Bearing safety factor; Jbear = 1.50 Check design bearing without a spreader fca = F / (B u lb) = 3.759 N/mm2 Allowable bearing stress; fcp = Jbear u fk / Jm = 2.743 N/mm /mm m2 ct ) Design bearing stress; Spreader details ra FAIL - Design bearing stress exceeds eds allowable llowable be bearing stress, use a spreader ls = 250 mm hs = 215 mm m Edge distance; sedge = max(0 0 mm, xedge – (ls - B) / 2) = 0 mm Spreader bearing type (e xt Length of spreader; Depth of spreader; Type 3 Bearing safety factor; 2.0 Jbear earr = 2.00 Sp ec im en Bearing type; Check design bearing with a spreader Loading acts eccentrically - stress distribution beam on elastic foundation ution n similar similar to semi-infinite se Modulus of elasticity of masonry wall; Ew = 700 u fk = 4.5 kN/mm2 Modulus of elasticity of spreader beam; eam m; Eb = 30 kN/mm2 Modulus of wall; k = Ew / h = 1.9 N/mm3 Moment of inertia of spreader der beam; beam; Ib = t u hs3 / 12 = 82.8u106 mm4 Constant; J = (t u k / (4 u Eb u Ib))1/4 = 2.08u10-3 mm-1 Maximum bearing stress; ess ss;; fca = k u F / (2 u J3 u Eb u Ib) = 3.130 N/mm2 Allowable bearing stress; fcp = Jbear u fk / Jm = 3.657 N/mm2 PASS - Allowable bearing stress exceeds design bearing stress Check design bearing at 0.4 u h below the bearing level Slenderness ratio; hef / tef = 24.00 Eccentricity at top of wall; ex = 0.0 mm From BS5628:1 Table 7 Capacity reduction factor; E = 0.61 Length of bearing distributed at 0.4 u h; ld = 1160 mm Maximum bearing stress; fca = F / (ld u t) = 0.648 N/mm2 Allowable bearing stress; fcp = E u fk / Jm = 1.106 N/mm2 PASS - Allowable bearing stress at 0.4 u h below bearing level exceeds design bearing stress
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