1200 Dqsap Usersguide En

March 29, 2018 | Author: Adhikari Yaminikanta Das | Category: Data Quality, Sap Se, Web Server, Customer Relationship Management, Server (Computing)



BusinessObjects™ Data Quality Management for SAP® CRM/ERP Solutions User’s GuideBusinessObjects Data Quality Management for SAP CRM/ERP Solutions 12.0.0 April 2008 1RWLFHV &RQWDFW LQIRUPDWLRQ Contact us on the Web at http://www.businessobjects.com/support If you find any problem with this documentation, please report it to Business Objects in writing at [email protected]. If your issue concerns a Business Objects product and not the documentation, please contact our Customer Support experts. &RS\ULJKW 3DWHQWV Copyright © 2008 Business Objects. All rights reserved. Business Objects owns the following U.S. patents, which may cover products that are offered and sold by Business Objects: 5,555,403, 6,247,008 B1, 6,578,027 B2, 6,490,593 and 6,289,352. Business Objects, the Business Objects logo, Crystal Reports, and Crystal Enterprise are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects SA or its affiliated companies in the United States and other countries. All other names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. Business Objects products in this release may contain redistributions of software licensed from third-party contributors. Some of these individual components may also be available under alternative licenses. A partial listing of third-party contributors that have requested or permitted acknowledgments, as well as required notices, can be found at: http://www.businessobjects.com/thirdparty 7UDGHPDUNV 7KLUGSDUW\ FRQWULEXWRUV  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr &RQWHQWV Preface ............................................................................................................ 7 About this guide.........................................................................................7 Don’t miss emails from us .........................................................................7 Access the latest documentation ................................................................7 Conventions ...............................................................................................7 Assumed audience .....................................................................................8 Chapter 1: Overview ........................................................................................................ 9 Data quality overview ....................................................................................10 What is data quality? ...............................................................................10 What steps are involved in data quality? .................................................10 The results of data quality........................................................................11 What is Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions? ................................12 Components of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions ...............12 Postal validation engine...........................................................................12 Match engine ...........................................................................................12 Introduction to BusinessObjects Data Services .............................................13 Hub of data quality needs ........................................................................13 Access Data Services documentation on Windows .................................13 Chapter 2: Installing Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions......................... 15 System requirements ......................................................................................16 Required OSS Notes for your SAP system..............................................16 Requirements for the RFC Server............................................................16 Requirements for the BAdIs ....................................................................16 The installation process..................................................................................17 Install BusinessObjects Data Services ...........................................................18 BusinessObjects Data Services install machine ......................................18 BusinessObjects Data Services must be running.....................................18 Install the Data Services Component .............................................................19 Install the Data Services Component.......................................................19 Edit DQ_SAP_DS Datastore properties ..................................................19 Use global variables to disable engines ...................................................20 Create the batch RDBMS staging tables .................................................20 Configure jobs as services .......................................................................21 Install the RFC Server ....................................................................................24 Install a dedicated RFC Server for batch duplicate search ......................24 Install the RFC Server .............................................................................24 Start the RFC Server................................................................................25 Stop the RFC Server ................................................................................25 Install the BAdIs.............................................................................................26 Step 1: Import the Data Quality Management package on client 000.....26 Step 2: Insert the Data Quality Management IMG structure on client 000 ...........................................................................................................29 ÃÃ8‚‡r‡†  ..... 61 Defining mappings ............... 54 Add a country to the table ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49 Maintain Supported Countries .................................................................................................................. Box addresses ..................................................................................................................................... 42 Summary of configuration tasks ......................................... 41 Purpose of initial setup....................... 34 Running the transaction and report .................. 30 SAP handshake with RFC Server ...... 35 Quarterly Adjustment Reports ..... 58 Maintain operating parameters ................................ 41 Run the initial setup.................... 38 Report RSADRQU3..... 37 Report /FLDQ/RSADRQU2 ................................................ 47 Locating the Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions IMG activities.......................................................................................................................... 59 Operating parameters .................................. 60 Map address types for Quarterly Adjustment ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 55 Fields and order for standard street addresses. 46 To create new address records .................................................................................... 57 Make changes to the fields for the duplicate hit list display .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 55 Fields and order for P...... 61 Add a mapping for an Address Type Code ..................................................................................... 61 Predefined mappings .......... 32 Load supported country codes ........................................................... 42 Requirements for running in an IC WebClient profile..................... 51 Add a transaction code to the exception table..................................................................... 42 Postal validation with the IC WebClient.................................. 46 Chapter 3: Configuring through the IMG .................................................O............................. 59 Modify the parameters ............................................... 51 Maintain table to activate SAP postal code check before postal validation .. 48 SAP handshake with RFC server.................................. 34 Activate duplicate check index pools .... 42 Activate the BSP BC Sets .............................................. 61  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃYDÃs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr ........ 42 Configure IC WebClients to use Data Quality Management views and controllers.............................Step 3: Activate the Business Configuration Sets on each target client................ 39 Quarterly Adjustment custom error report ......................................................................................... 55 Make changes to the fields for the address reviewer ....... 54 Maintain fields for address reviewer ................................................... 50 Maintain exception table of transaction codes...................................... 44 Add postal validation functionality to other IC WebClient views ... 35 Activate the index pools.................. 44 Disable the Postal Validation BAdI for the IC WebClient ......................................................................................................................................................... 32 Define the RFC destination .................................................................................................................................. 37 Report RSADRQU1..... 40 Run the initial setup program............................................................ 50 Remove the country codes ............. 41 Install and configure Data Quality Management into the IC WebClient ....................................................................................... 43 Activate the /FLDQ/BSP_DQ service....... 32 Purpose of the activity.......... 57 Fields and order for error tolerant search and duplicate search .................................................... 55 Maintain fields for duplicate hit list display ....................................... ................................................................86 Records not stored in pending update table when search disabled.......................................................................................................64 File settings.................................80 Fields displayed ...................................xml.................................................................... 69 Interactive cleansing with Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions ........88 Duplicate hit list not appearing as expected ..........86 Inability to save addresses for which the postal code cannot be completed...............................................................66 Dataflows...........................................................................................................................................................70 Multiple suggestions........................64 SAP settings and DQ Server settings............................................................................................................................81 Chapter 7: Tips and troubleshooting ............84 Checking the RFC Server(s) connection ....................74 Understanding break keys and data fields....................84 Connection to the RFC Server closed.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................70 Using interactive cleansing......................84 Troubleshooting Unicode issues........................88 ÃÃ8‚‡r‡†  ................................64 Location of flrfcsrv..................................................................................... 83 Installation troubleshooting............................................................................................................64 General settings ..............................................77 Batch mode ...........................................80 The hit list .................................88 Threshold values for duplicates ............................................................................................. 73 Understanding duplicate check and error tolerant search .......................................................................Chapter 4: Configuring the RFC Server .............76 Using duplicate check ...........................71 Batch cleansing with Quarterly Adjustment Reports.........76 Match on name data............................................................................84 Postal validation and duplicate check/error tolerant search troubleshooting ..........74 Break Keys..........70........................................................60 and 4...................................................................................88 Include records with empty break keys ..............................74 Duplicate check ...................75 Configure the break key settings .............................................................................87 RSMTCCODE program error message .......86 Records created without break keys due to downtime of RFC Server ....................................................................................74 Error tolerant search ....................................................................................................................................................................87 Newfoundland region code for R/3 4......................64 Editing flrfcsrv.................................75 How BusinessObjects Data Services determines a break key .86 Using the sample input files to test Jobs......................................................................................................................................67 Chapter 5: Postal address validation ....72 Chapter 6: Duplicate check and error tolerant search ...................................................................................................................................................78 Using error tolerant search ..................................................77 Interactive mode ......................... 63 Configuring through flrfcsrv............67 Overrides............................................xml ........................................................................................................................87 Understanding regions .........................................xml............ ................................................................................................................ 90 Appendix A: BusinessObjects Data Services Jobs and Options....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 91 Combine House Num and PMB option.......................................... 99 Appendix C: External List Management ...................................................................................................................................................................... 102 Records with only name data .......................... 95 Postal validation error codes ............ 101 Using Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions with ELM........ 95 Technical error codes ....................... 98 Duplicate check error code.......................... 89 RFC Server Troubleshooting ............................................................................................. 102 ELM functionality for different versions of SAP CRM............................................................. 89 DPV processing locked ............................................................ 92 Appendix B: Error Codes ........Addresses do not validate/Error T528..... 102 Index........ 103  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃYDÃs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr ............................................................................ 90 Output manifest information ...................................................................... 91 BusinessObjects Data Services jobs............ 102 Cleansing the external list prior to loading via ELM .............. trash. “Type a name for your file. “Type cd\ dirs. 3.txt). On the “Documentation” screen. and text that you should type exactly as shown.txt extension (testfile. or quarantine area where you might miss them.” Menu commands We indicate commands that you choose from menus in the following format: Menu Name > Command Name. In addition to the documentation installed on your computer during installation of this product. email messages from us have come from a businessobjects. For example. and the . From the “Support” pull-down menu. Go to http://www. “Choose File > New.” We use italics for emphasis and text for which you should substitute your own data or values. Ever since Business Objects purchased Firstlogic. paths. choose Product Guides and navigate to the document that you want to view.com. For example. in April 2006. 2. Make sure that your email system does not unintentionally filter these messages to a spam. We use this symbol to point out special cases that you should know about. You can view the PDFs online or save them to your computer. Email messages concerning this product come from a different address now.com email address.” We use this symbol to alert you to important information and potential problems. Inc. For example. ÃÃà  . We use this symbol to draw your attention to tips that may be useful to you. 'RQ W PLVV HPDLOV IURP XV $FFHVV WKH ODWHVW GRFXPHQWDWLRQ &RQYHQWLRQV This document follows these conventions: 8‚‰r‡v‚ Bold Italics 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ We use bold type for file names. you can access all the supported Business Objects documentation from the Business Objects Customer Support site.3UHIDFH $ERXW WKLV JXLGH This guide provides a general overview of BusinessObjects Data Quality Management for SAP CRM/ERP Solutions as well as specific information for installing and integrating this product into your SAP environment. choose Documentation.businessobjects. 1. We don’t want any important news about your product to not reach you. emphasis. This guide also does not explain the operation of the Data Quality server or Project Architect. If you are implementing the IC WebClient postal validation and search capabilities. consult the Data Quality documentation that is included in this package. For questions about the SAP environment. and SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) solutions. For specific questions about Data Quality.$VVXPHG DXGLHQFH This guide assumes that the people responsible for integrating and using Data Quality for SAP Solutions are experienced administrators and users of SAP R/3®.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ERC). this guide also assumes that you are aware of any settings and customizations you have made to your IC WebClient configuration before installing this product. consult the appropriate SAP documentation or SAP technical support. This guide does not explain basic operation of the SAP environment. you should understand some of the concepts of data quality. how it works with your existing SAP environment. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…à )ÃP‰r…‰vr  . A basic familiarity with these concepts helps you to understand what Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions does.&KDSWHU  2YHUYLHZ Before using BusinessObjects Data Quality Management for SAP CRM/ERP Solutions. and why your organization benefits from data quality. street number and name. an address does not appear in a name field. Wisconsin is associated with the ZIP Code 54601.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . checks ensure that data appears where it belongs. and whether 100 is a valid address for that street. and consistent order. Using these secondary sources. and postal code. Postal Service’s National Directory or an international postal directory. validated. During parsing. whether La Crosse. to check and validate address information. Some of the more common elements to search for in a record during parsing include first and last name. such as the U.'DWD TXDOLW\ RYHUYLHZ :KDW LV GDWD TXDOLW\" Data quality is a process of arranging customer information in a standardized. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions uses secondary data sources. for example.S. The process also helps you to avoid duplicate data entries and adds value by creating a single and accurate view of your customers. for example. data quality requires these main steps: „ „ „ „ :KDW VWHSV DUH LQYROYHG LQ GDWD TXDOLW\" parsing correction standardization duplicate matching 3DUVLQJ ParsingÃinvolves checking the structure and content of each field of a contact’s information. region. &RUUHFWLRQ To correct data. Generally. whether Harbor Plaza is actually a valid street name in La Crosse. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions can check. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…à )ÃP‰r…‰vr  .6WDQGDUGL]DWLRQ After correcting the data. this activity has far-reaching implications in how you conduct business on a day-to-day basis. which can improve both efficiency and effectiveness. Ms. 7KH UHVXOWV RI GDWD TXDOLW\ These data quality concepts provide a foundation that helps a business to develop a clear picture of the customer. and Jr. Standardization works in conjunction with correction and parsing as it arranges customer information in a consistent and preferred format. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions can standardize the data. If no match is found.. If a match is found. however. use of a common abbreviation such as DEPT for department number. During the matching step. or common representations of title such as Mr. Examples of standardization include removal of dashes from a phone number or Social Security number. matching should become part of the data quality analysis to eliminate redundancies.. 'XSOLFDWH 0DWFKLQJ Once a standardized customer record exists. the data quality process is complete. Because there are so many touch points for customer data in an organization. Mrs. Duplicate matching technology even allows the user to search for records based on partial information. It also includes the application of standard address elements such as converting Street to St and converting South West to SW.. then the user is offered the opportunity to determine whether the newly entered record matches the suggested existing record. the software searches existing customer data records in real time using specific business-defined criteria to look for similar records. which receives and returns data sent from the SAP environment through TCP/IP. and global addresses. and error tolerant search. Error Tolerant Search (DES) interface.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . SAP can stand alone without having Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions installed. Three Business Add-Ins (BAdI) that are integrated directly into the SAP environment for postal validation.0.S. 3RVWDO YDOLGDWLRQ HQJLQH The postal validation engine of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions relies on the BusinessObjects Data Services address directories compiled from postal authorities such as the United States Post Office. and duplicate matching steps in the data quality process.:KDW LV 'DWD 4XDOLW\ 0DQDJHPHQW IRU 6$3 6ROXWLRQV" Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions is software that enhances parts of your SAP installation. which handles data quality processing tasks on the data it receives from the RFC Server. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions can cleanse both U. When you enter a record that is a potential duplicate. standardization. duplicate check. 0DWFK HQJLQH The match engine of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions brings sophisticated record-matching technology to your SAP applications. The match engine is integrated into your SAP system through SAP’s Business Address Services (BAS)–Duplicate Check. you have the option of choosing which of the duplicate records to keep. &RPSRQHQWV RI 'DWD 4XDOLW\ 0DQDJHPHQW IRU 6$3 6ROXWLRQV Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions consists of these components: „ „ „ „ BusinessObjects Data Services XI Release 3. The postal validation engine is integrated into your SAP system through SAP’s Business Address Services–Postal Validation (PV) interface. Data Services Component. The criteria for deciding which records are a potential match are controlled by business rules that you can customize to your needs. The RFC Server. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions takes care of the correction. you would not attain the benefits of data quality. which provide functionality in BusinessObjects Data Services that is specific to this product. But without Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. After installation. you can use BusinessObjects Data Services as the backbone for all of your data quality needs. or direct batch processing through BusinessObjects Data Services itself. The version of BusinessObjects Data Services shipped as part of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions is customized to run only as part of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. You can organize business rules into reusable objects that can be shared to meet your enterprise requirements. Documentation is installed as a separate component. Windows users can access the documentation from shortcuts on the Start menu.. All of the business rule definitions are stored in a single repository that can be shared by all applications that use BusinessObjects Data Services. &HQWUDOL]HG EXVLQHVV UXOH UHSRVLWRU\ $FFHVV 'DWD 6HUYLFHV GRFXPHQWDWLRQ RQ :LQGRZV After installing BusinessObjects Data Services. Choose Start > Programs > BusinessObjects XI 3. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…à )ÃP‰r…‰vr  . You can use the same objects in a project for Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. +XE RI GDWD TXDOLW\ QHHGV BusinessObjects Data Services is the next generation data quality platform that allows you to tie in all of your data quality needs to a single “hub.” Many customers of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions also have data quality needs in other applications or other areas of their enterprise. but the technology of BusinessObjects Data Services offers other potential solutions to your enterprise’s data quality needs. To access the documentation: 1. If you don’t install the documentation while installing BusinessObjects Data Services. you can centralize and standardize this processing through the following BusinessObjects Data Services features. and tells you where you can find more information about BusinessObjects Data Services. your own custom application that incorporates BusinessObjects Data Services. because it handles the data quality processes behind the scenes.QWURGXFWLRQ WR %XVLQHVV2EMHFWV 'DWD 6HUYLFHV As a Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions user. With BusinessObjects Data Services. The documentation for BusinessObjects Data Services is an optional installation component in most cases. independent of its use within Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. it won’t be available on your system. This section provides an overview of what BusinessObjects Data Services does.0 > BusinessObjects Data Services > Data Services Documentation. you may be wondering what BusinessObjects Data Services is and what it means to you. Instead of having many disparate solutions for each area of your enterprise. 2. This means that you can create data quality standards that are truly shared across your entire enterprise. Click the appropriate shortcut for the documentation you want to view. you can use Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions with little thought given to BusinessObjects Data Services.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . QVWDOOLQJ 'DWD 4XDOLW\ 0DQDJHPHQW IRU 6$3 6ROXWLRQV This section explains the requirements and procedures for installing BusinessObjects Data Quality Management for SAP CRM/ERP Solutions. The installation for Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions includes installing the following components: „à BusinessObjects Data Services „à Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions Data Services Component „à Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions RFC server „à Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã!)ÃD†‡hyyvtÃ9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†  . Access the Business Objects Electronic Software Download (ESD) site at https:// businessobjects.subscribenet.Purchased to see a list of available downloads.&KDSWHU  .com/control/bobj/login. After you log in. select Products . „à SAP R/3 v4. „à Windows XP (32 bit) „à Windows 2003 Server (32 bit) 5)& 6HUYHU SHUPLVVLRQV IRU :LQGRZV  6HUYHU -DYD 5XQWLPH (QYLURQPHQW In Windows 2003 Server. 5HTXLUHG 266 1RWHV IRU \RXU 6$3 V\VWHP You must have installed the following Online Service System (OSS) Notes on your SAP system. 5HTXLUHPHQWV IRU WKH %$G. The machine on which you install Data Quality for SAP Solutions must run the 32-bit version of the Java 2 Platform.6 (with Basis/ABAP SP 46) and higher.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr .V The BAdIs portion of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions requires the following environment: „à SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) solutions v4. „à ECC 5. and the BAdIs. and run the J2SE independently of the installation and before the installation of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions.5 or higher.0 (ERP2004) and higher. You must acquire. An installable version of the J2SE is not included in this software package. the user account that runs the RFC Server must have full permissions to access the subdirectories that contain the address directories. Standard Edition (J2SE) version 1. the RFC Server. install.0 (with Basis/ABAP SP 39) and higher.6\VWHP UHTXLUHPHQWV This section contains the requirements for your SAP system. PTTÃI‚‡rÆ 196958 197217 197803 710565 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ Collective note: Errors in interface for duplicate check Composite note: Various errors in quarterly adjustment Composite note: Error with interface for address check Termination with AM897 when calling ADDR_PERSONAL_GET_ARRAY 5HTXLUHPHQWV IRU WKH 5)& 6HUYHU 6XSSRUWHG :LQGRZV RSHUDWLQJ V\VWHPV The RFC Server requires the following environments. Install BusinessObjects Data Services 2. Activate duplicate check index pools. Perform the “SAP handshake with RFC server” IMG activity 7. 10. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã!)ÃD†‡hyyvtÃ9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†  . 9.7KH LQVWDOODWLRQ SURFHVV The installation of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions requires these tasks: Outside of your SAP system: 1. Create the repository staging table On your SAP system: 5. Install the Data Quality Management Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) 6. Install the RFC Server 4. Run Quarterly Adjustments. Run the initial setup program. Load the supported countries 8. Install Data Services Component 3. configuring. Find instructions for installing. or even on a machine with a different operating system than the one that contains your installation of the RFC Server.QVWDOO %XVLQHVV2EMHFWV 'DWD 6HUYLFHV You must install BusinessObjects Data Services before installing the RFC Server or BAdIs. and during its operation. Information about the system requirements for the machine on which you install BusinessObjects Data Services are included with the Data Services documentation. on a different machine. and running BusinessObjects Data Services in the Data Services Installation Guide. %XVLQHVV2EMHFWV 'DWD 6HUYLFHV PXVW EH UXQQLQJ  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr .. This section contains considerations to help you successfully install BusinessObjects Data Services for use with this product. %XVLQHVV2EMHFWV 'DWD 6HUYLFHV LQVWDOO PDFKLQH You can install BusinessObjects Data Services on the same machine as the RFC Server. You must have BusinessObjects Data Services running during the remaining installation procedures of this product. 7. To edit the DQ_SAP_DS Datastore properties: 1. Locate the BusinessObjects Data Quality Management for SAP CRM/ERP Solutions . accept the default installation location or specify a different location. 4. (GLW '4B6$3B'6 'DWDVWRUH SURSHUWLHV You muse edit the DQ_SAP_DS Datastore properties to set the password for the RDMBS user. In the Data Services Designer. if you accept the license agreement terms. 5. 8. In the Choose Destination Locations window. Click Finish when the installation has completed. Business Objects recommends that you install to the default directory. the Confirmation Requested window appears. In the RDBMS Selection window. If the window appears. This section describes installing and configuring the Data Services Component. Each database type requires different connection data. 9. The windows update for each steps in the installation routine.QVWDOO WKH 'DWD 6HUYLFHV &RPSRQHQW Install the Data Services Component on the machine you installed BusinessObjects Data Services. Read the license agreement and. The Data Services Component is now installed to your BusinessObjects Data Services system. click Install.QVWDOO WKH 'DWD 6HUYLFHV &RPSRQHQW After you install BusinessObjects Data Services. Click Next Though you can use the Browse button to change the destination folder.Data Services Component media and launch setup. choose the database type you intend to use for the creation of staging tables. In the Ready to Install the Program window. 6. click Yes to confirm that you have first installed BusinessObjects Data Services. and you must install to a path that finishes with [your_path]\ BusinessObjects\DataQuality_for_SAP. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã!)ÃD†‡hyyvtÃ9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†  . 3. click Next. and click Next. you install the Data Services Component that is specific to this product and then perform configuration tasks. . In the Connection Parameters window that appears for your database type. depending on which database type you chose. To install the Data Services Component: 1. 2. In the Welcome screen. choose “I accept the terms of the license agreement” and click Next. The window that follows this step varies. but you must perform post-installation steps to configure BusinessObjects Data Services.exe.. go to the Datastores tab of the Local Object Library. Set the password in the Edit Datastore DQ_SAP_DS window for the RDMBS user. Right-click on DQ_SAP_DS Datastore and select Edit. Click OK. If the installation routine cannot detect your version of BusinessObjects Data Services. enter the database connection information and click Next. 2. You must perform this step for every configuration you use. you must disable the address cleanse engines for countries you did not purchase. The table below lists the Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions country engine substitution parameters. The DQCreateStageTables is now visible in the Designer. select one of the country engine substitution variables from the list that represents a country address cleanse engine that you did not purchase. In the Data Services Designer. &UHDWH WKH EDWFK 5'%06 VWDJLQJ WDEOHV Next. you create batch processing staging tables. make sure that you include them in this process. You must perform the steps to disable unpurchased address cleanse engines for al the $$DQ_SAP_* substitution parameters in any configuration you use with this product. go to Tools > Substitution Parameter Configurations. this product cannot function properly. go to the Jobs tab of the Local Object Library. select the job DQCreateStageTables. click OK.8VH JOREDO YDULDEOHV WR GLVDEOH HQJLQHV For this product to function properly.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . Tˆi†‡v‡ˆ‡v‚Ãƒh…h€r‡r… $$DQ_SAP_EngineUsa $$DQ_SAP_EngineAustralia $$DQ_SAP_EngineCanada $$DQ_SAP_EngineEmea $$DQ_SAP_EngineGlobalAddress $$DQ_SAP_EngineJapan $$DQ_SAP_EngineMultiCountry 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ Enable or disable the USA engine Enable or disable the Australia engine Enable or disable the Canada engine Enable or disable the EMEA engine Enable or disable the Global Address engine Enable or disable the Japan engine Enable or disable the Multi Country engine If you have created your own substitution parameter configurations. Set the parameter to NO to disable the engine for every address cleanse engine you have not purchased. After you have set the appropriate value for all the Substitution Parameters. which this product uses in the transfer or data to and from BusinessObjects Data Services. You must have an appropriate database client installed and a connection (such as an Oracle TNS entry) to the database created. 2. To create the Staging Table RDBMS tables: 1. To disable address cleanse engines: 1. In the Data Services Designer. If you did not purchase an address cleanse engine and the corresponding value is set to YES or is blank. In the Batch Jobs hierarchy. 4. In the Substitution Parameter Editor. 3. 2. E‚i Job_Batch_DQ_SAP_Address_Cleanse Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Address_ Cleanse Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Address_ Cleanse_Suggestions Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Create_Break_ Keys Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Name_And_ Address_Match Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Name_And_ Address_Match_Cleanup Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Name_And_ Address_Match_Load Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Name_And_ Address_Match_Results Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Retrieve_ Country_Purchased Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_US_DPV_ Address_Cleanse_Suggestions Tr…‰vprÁh€r Service_Batch_DQ_SAP_Address_ Cleanse Service_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Address_ Cleanse Service_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Address_ Cleanse_Suggestions Service_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Create_ Break_Keys Service_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Name_And_ Address_Match Service_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Name_And_ Address_Match_Cleanup Service_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Name_And_ Address_Match_Load Service_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Name_And_ Address_Match_Results Service_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Retrieve_ Country_Purchased Service_Realtime_DQ_SAP_US_DPV_ Address_Cleanse_Suggestions Job_Realtime_DQ_UC_Init_Batch_Match Service_Realtime_DQ_UC_Init_Batch_ Match Job_Realtime_DQ_UC_Update_Batch_ Status Service_Realtime_DQ_UC_Update_ Batch_Status 7R FRQILJXUH MREV DV VHUYLFHV You must perform this procedure for each job listed in the preceding table. Configure jobs as services for all of the jobs listed in the table by following the steps in “To configure jobs as services” on page 21. In the Execution Properties window. select Debug > Execute (or press F8) to execute the job. select the appropriate configuration from the System configuration drop-down list. 3. To configure jobs as services: ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã!)ÃD†‡hyyvtÃ9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†  .atl files) as services. The job executes. you must publish the Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions jobs (. This message is expected and does not affect the successful configuration of this product. &RQILJXUH MREV DV VHUYLFHV /LVW RI MREV DQG WKHLU VHUYLFH QDPHV After you install the Data Services Component. With the job DQCreateStageTables active. The system may produce a warning message due to the script job attempting to run a Drop Table command on a database table that does not exist. Service_Batch_DQ_SAP_Address_Cleanse (exact case is required) for the Service Name. Select Web Services from the file tree at left and open the Web Services Configuration tab on the right. Type Yes to enable or No to disable the engine. Changes to parameters cannot take effect until the services that uses the parameters are restarted. To start the services:  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . 7. 7R VWDUW WKH VHUYLFHV After you have configured both the jobs and Web Services. you must start the services. 4. 3. 6. Repeat steps 4 through 9 for each of the Real-time job listed in the preceding table. For example. In the Real-Time Service Configuration tab. To configure Web Services: 1. For example. 2. Choose Select All and click Add. All of the service names that you entered in To configure jobs as services appear in the list. Click Administrator. In the file tree expand Real-Time and select the server that you set up when you installed BusinessObjects Data Services. 8. Keep the Data Services Management Console open from the previous steps. Select Add Real-Time Service from the drop-down menu and click Apply. Click Add. 10. Enter 800 for the Processing Timeout value and click Apply. or open and login to the Data Services Management Console and click Administrator. In the Service Configuration window click Browse Jobs. 9. you must restart the job for this change to take effect. For example. 2. Select Real-Time Service from the file tree on the left and open the RealTime Service Configuration tab on the right. 5. Select a job name (listed in the preceding table).1. 1. Therefore. 3. 4. Select the override parameter for the engine that you want to enable or disable. 3. (QDEOH RU GLVDEOH DQ DGGUHVV HQJLQH If necessary. you can enable or disable an address engine for a particular service in the Data Services Management Console. click Add Overridden Parameter 2. select Job_Batch_DQ_SAP_Address_Cleanse. Enter the service name for the job. Open the Data Services Management Console and login. select $$DQ_SAP_EngineCanada. 7R FRQILJXUH :HE 6HUYLFHV You must next configure Web Services. the Add dialog. to enable or disable the Canada engine. Select Real-Time Services from the file tree at left and open the Real-Time Services Status tab on the right. look in the Services window to see the status of all services. Keep the Data Services Management Console open from the previous steps. After you have performed the automatic services start. 2. In Windows. If you are not certain the services started. check that the Business Objects Address Server is started. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã!)ÃD†‡hyyvtÃ9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†  . It may take a few minutes for the services to start. 3.1. or open and login to the Data Services Management Console and click Administrator. you must shutdown and restart the services manually if you change the configurations. Select all of the services that you created and click Start. the installation routine installs the RFC Server to the folder C:\Program Files\BusinessObjects\DataQuality_for_SAP. 5. Locate the BusinessObjects Data Quality Management for SAP CRM/ERP Solutions . If your system is Unicode compliant. 4. see “Batch mode” on page 78. you install the RFC Server. if you accept the license agreement terms.exe. .QVWDOO D GHGLFDWHG 5)& 6HUYHU IRU EDWFK GXSOLFDWH VHDUFK To run duplicate search functionality in batch mode (often called “batch match”). Though you can use the Browse button to change the destination folder. You can use either the name or IP address of the SAP Gateway for the host name. enter the Host Name and Service of the SAP Gateway. you must install and run a dedicated RFC Server. click Next. To install the RFC Server: 1.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . Click Next By default. 2. In the Welcome screen. In the SAP Information window. the step “SAP handshake with RFC Server” on page 32 has further configuration instructions on configuring Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions for Unicode systems. For more information about setting and configuring this dedicated RFC Server. Business Objects recommends that you install to this default directory. . Read the license agreement and. accept the default installation location or specify a different location. 3.. This section describes installing and running the RFC server. in addition to the RFC Server installed to run all other operations associated with Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. Click Next. choose “I accept the terms of the license agreement” and click Next.RFC Server media and launch setup. and install the Data Services Component.QVWDOO WKH 5)& 6HUYHU Install the RFC Server on a machine that meets the system requirements (“Requirements for the RFC Server” on page 16). Select Yes or No to indicate whether your SAP system is Unicode compliant. For information about running duplicate search in batch mode. see “Maintain operating parameters” on page 59.QVWDOO WKH 5)& 6HUYHU After you install and configure BusinessObjects Data Services. You must install the RFC Server from a user account that has permissions to install software on the machine. 6. and you must install to a path that finishes with [your_path]\BusinessObjects\ DataQuality_for_SAP. In the Choose Destination Locations window. the Java runtime must be installed relative to where the RFC Server startup script runs.bat You can launch this file from the command line or in Windows by doubleclicking the file in the Windows Explorer. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã!)ÃD†‡hyyvtÃ9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†  . In the SAP Basis window select the version of your SAP Basis. Additionally. you must restart BusinessObjects Data Services and then restart the RFC Server to reinitialize the Data Services dataflows. or you must set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to where Java is installed so that the RFC Server can find it. see SAP Note 923248). and the URL of the Data Services Web server (default is http://<hostname>:28080/DataServices/servlet/ webservices?ver=2. If the BusinessObjects Data Services portion of this product is stopped for any reason. consult your SAP documentation. Click Finish when the installation has completed. 2. 6WRS WKH 5)& 6HUYHU Follow these steps to stop the RFC Server: 1.wsdlxml). Note that this method may on rare occasion cause SAP to show a connection to the RFC Server after the RFC Server has stopped. Click Next. 6WDUW WKH 5)& 6HUYHU You can find the batch file to start the RFC Server in the install directory of the machine on which you installed the RFC Server. The installation proceeds 10. Use transaction SMGW. click Install. (The installer uses different files depending on your Basis version. Therefore. it looks for the SAP Gateway and your installation of BusinessObjects Data Services. In the Data Services Connection window. port number (default is 4000). this method may simultaneously stop all RFC Servers with that TP name (for more information.7. 8. enter the Data Services hostname. When the RFC Server starts. install_directory\start_rfcserver. if you are running multiple RFC Servers with the same TP name. Therefore. However. you should have both the SAP Gateway and BusinessObjects Data Services running before starting the RFC Server. the RFC Server looks for the Java Runtime Environment.0&amp. For information on the use and syntax of transaction SMGW. use Ctrl-C in the RFC Server console to terminate the RFC Server process. Using transaction SMGW is the preferred method to stop the RFC Server. 9.) Click Next. In the Ready to Install the Program window. On the machine that hosts the RFC server. To install the BAdIs on your system. make sure that your SAP system complies with all of the prerequisites described in “System requirements” on page 16. Choose an applicable .SAR package from the tables below..6\DATA\UPGRADE\SAPK-39ACHINFLDQ. 6WHS  . the illustrations that we use throughout these procedures may differ from what you encounter while installing BAdIs on your specific version of SAP Solution.SAR New install Upgrade You must (re)activate BC Set /FLDQ/47U6X to import new customizing data. invoked by the transaction SAINT.SAR IrÃv†‡hyy…ȃt…hqr New install Upgrade You must (re)activate BC Set /FLDQ/AAK25 to import new customizing data.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . Before you proceed with these steps. Even though the screens may differ from version to version. follow all steps in these processes. you must complete these tasks: “Step 1: Import the Data Quality Management package on client 000” on page 26 “Step 2: Insert the Data Quality Management IMG structure on client 000” on page 29 “Step 3: Activate the Business Configuration Sets on each target client” on page 30 The BAdIs are installed and upgraded using the Add-on Installation Tool.PSRUW WKH 'DWD 4XDOLW\ 0DQDJHPHQW SDFNDJH RQ FOLHQW  The reference client (client 000) is the Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions package that you import using the SAP Add-on Installation Tool. We assume that you have knowledge of SAP administration to help you successfully navigate through the installation. Make sure that the contents of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions PV and DES BAdIs file is located on a disk or network drive.SAR \4.V The RFC Server must be running to install the Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions Business Add-Ins (BAdIs).QVWDOO WKH %$G. Because of the variety of SAP versions. 7h†v†Ã%! T6SÃsvyr IrÃv†‡hyy…ȃt…hqr \6.20\DATA\SAPK-39ACOINFLDQ.SAR \6.20\DATA\UPGRADE\SAPK-39ACHINFLDQ.6\DATA\SAPK-39ACOINFLDQ. 7h†v†Ã#%p T6SÃsvyr \4. SAR file.20 and 7. In the Select CAR/SAR archive window.00 users must have the SPAM 21 update/patch or greater to be able to load the .SAR file appears. The contents of the compressed .00\DATA\UPGRADE\SAPK-39ACHINFLDQ.SAR IrÃv†‡hyy…ȃt…hqr New install Upgrade from 2. Click the Installation packages menu and choose Load packages > From Frontend. 3. Click Open and then click Yes to load the .& :HE&OLHQW Basis 6. you must (re)activate BC Set /FLDQ/47U6X to import new customizing data. For information about the requirements and configuration procedures to use the functionality of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions within the IC WebClient.SAR file. .SAR \7. and select the applicable . 2.00 users: If you intend to use the functionality of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions within the IC WebClient. you must import a second .SAR \6. see SAP Note 822379.SAR package. 3DFNDJH IRU XVH ZLWK WKH . 7h†v†Ã& T6SÃsvyr \7. (For more information. 4.00c Rev 3 or above Basis 7.) Also.SAR. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã!)ÃD†‡hyyvtÃ9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†  .7h†v†Ã%# T6SÃsvyr \6.PSRUWLQJ WKH 'DWD 4XDOLW\ 0DQDJHPHQW SDFNDJH To import the Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions package: 1. SAPK-39DCHINFLDQ.SAR file.40\DATA\SAPK-39ACOINFLDQ.00\DATA\SAPK-39ACOINFLDQ.SAR IrÃv†‡hyy…ȃt…hqr New install Upgrade (from 2. Enter the transaction SAINT to open the Add-On Installation Tool window.40\DATA\UPGRADE\SAPK-39ACHINFLDQ. browse to the \DATA directory of the Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions SAP – PV and DES BAdIs installation media.00c Rev 3 or above) You must (re)activate BC Set /FLDQ/47U6X to import new customizing data. see “Install and configure Data Quality Management into the IC WebClient” on page 42. after the install completes. Click Enter to confirm the installation.) 8.5. Also. 9. (This takes approximately five minutes. click Finish. After the install completes. you can choose to view logs. 7. A confirmation window is displayed indicating that the Addon FLDQ will be installed. Click Decompress to view a list of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions BAdIs in the Installable add-on and PCS Packages for your system table. click Cancel to close the Add-on Installation tool. Click Continue. 6. When you have installed all of the BAdIs.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . type Address Management for the Title and click Execute. 5. Click Enhance Structure. One or possibly two Information dialogs appear. Select the last of the Address Management sub nodes and choose Edit > Nodes > Insert IMG Structure > On Same Level. Type S_IMG_EXTENSION into the Command field and click Enter. 2.6WHS  . Click Enter in each Information dialog to clear the dialog boxes. In the Edit IMG Structure window select the Possible Entries icon located next to the IMG Structure field. 3. 8. 6. you link the Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions IMG (Implementation Management Guide) structure to your SAP Reference IMG structure. 4. In the Find Structure window.QVHUW WKH 'DWD 4XDOLW\ 0DQDJHPHQW . 9. 7. 1. Click the Possible Entries icon in the Enhancement ID field and double-click /FLDQ/AD_IMG to open the Edit IMG Structure window. Double-click the Address Management node to return to S_IMG_EXTENSION.0* VWUXFWXUH RQ FOLHQW  After you import the BAdIs. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã!)ÃD†‡hyyvtÃ9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†  . Log on to client 000 of your system. A confirmation appears that the Address management structure exists. within the IMG structure. Exit your SAP system. Click SAP Reference IMG and navigate to the path that corresponds to your Basis version. 3.6) 620 (R/3 4. 2. 14. follow these steps: 1.0) 700 (ECC 6. Click Find in the Reference to a Structure window. activate the Business Configuration Sets on each of the target clients (non-000 logon clients) that you want to configure for use with Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. 9HULI\ LQVHUWLRQ To verify that the Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions IMG structure is correctly inserted into the SAP Reference IMG structure.7 and CRM 4. Double-click BusinessObjects : Global Data Quality Connector to open the Reference to a Structure window. 16. Click Create in the Change Request window.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr .0 and CRM 5. Enter transaction /nSPRO in the command box. 12. Click Enter and then click Save. 11. Click Enter to clear the task dialog. Copy the field in “The node refers to the structure” and paste it into the Node Name field.0) Qh‡u Basis Components > Basis Services > Address Management SAP Web Application Server > Basis Services > Address Management SAP NetWeaver > SAP Web Application Server > Basis Services > Address Management SAP Web Application Server > Application Server > Basis Services > Address Management You should now see the entry. Click Execute. 13.0) 640 (ECC 5. Repeat these steps for each target client that you want to configure for use with Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. Enter a name for the change request and click Save. 6WHS  $FWLYDWH WKH %XVLQHVV &RQILJXUDWLRQ 6HWV RQ HDFK WDUJHW FOLHQW After you insert the BusinessObjects IMG structure into the SAP Reference IMG structure. BusinessObjects : Global Data Quality Connector. 15.10. 7h†v†Ã‰r…†v‚ 46c (R/3 4. and type BusinessObjects in the Title. ) 5. In the Activation Options window click Continue Activation (Enter). The following Short text appears: Business Configuration Set for BusinessObjects AAK 06-21-07. use /nSCPR20 to navigate to the Business Configuration Sets : Activation transaction. (The date may vary. An Activation completed message appears at the bottom of the window.1. From one of the target clients. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã!)ÃD†‡hyyvtÃ9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†  . 4.6) or /FLDQ/47U6X (for all other Basis versions) in the BC Set input field and click Enter. Type /FLDQ/AAK25 (for R/3 v. 4. Create a new change request.) 3. Click the Activate button or select Activate from the BC Set menu. 2. (Click OK if a caution appears. To define the RFC destination. Press Ctrl+S to save the settings. you must go to the activity “Maintain operating parameters” on page 59 and ensure that the value of the RFC_DEST parameter is the name of the chosen RFC destination.6$3 KDQGVKDNH ZLWK 5)& 6HUYHU Now that you have installed the components of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. The RFC Destination window appears. On SAP versions that use Basis 7.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . follow this process: 1. To communicate with the RFC Server from within the IMG. follow these steps: 1. 2. 3. Navigate down the structure to the following location: Implementation Guide for R/3® Customizing (IMG) > Basis Components > Basis Services > Address Management > BusinessObjects : Global Data Quality Connector > SAP handshake with the RFC server 3XUSRVH RI WKH DFWLYLW\ This activity allows you to define the RFC destination and test whether the components of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions are able to communicate by invoking a TCP/IP handshake. 'HILQH WKH 5)& GHVWLQDWLRQ The RFC Server is used to perform postal validation and duplicate check functions on data sent by the SAP system. Use the transaction SPRO to access the Implementation Guide for R/3® Customizing (IMG) structure. Fill in the fields of the RFC Destination window as follows: RFC Destination: FL_GDQC_SERVER Connection type: T Description: Connection to BusinessObjects GDQC RFC Server By default. this window is named Configuration of RFC Connections.” The Display and Maintain RFC Destinations window appears. From the IMG on a target (non-000) client. The first time this activity is invoked.00. 4. 2. Click Create. click on the activity named “SAP handshake with the RFC server. If you choose not to use the name FL_GDQC_SERVER. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions expects the name of the RFC destination to be FL_GDQC_SERVER. you must define the RFC destination for the server. To find this activity in the IMG structure. you must define the RFC destination. you must make some post-installation configurations on each target (non-000) client before you use Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. Click Registration (in R/3) or choose Registered Server Program (CRM) to make the Activation Type Registration. see “Configuring through flrfcsrv. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions expects the Program ID to be FLRFCSRV.xml” on page 64. Press Ctrl+S to save the settings. Type the Program ID as FLRFCSRV. 7. If you are installing Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions on a Unicode system: select the Special Options tab.5. If you are installing Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions on Unicode system. If the RFC Server is running and the connection is successful. you must perform steps 9-11.” 10. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã!)ÃD†‡hyyvtÃ9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†  . select Unicode in the Character Width in Target System field. For details on editing this configuration file.00. If you are installing Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions on a Unicode system. Click the Test Connection button. This setting is desired because the RFC Server is registered on the SAP gateway as an RFC server. 9. you must edit the <sap_progid> setting in the configuration file flrfcsrv. If you choose not to use the Program ID FLRFCSRV. 11. By default. 8. a confirmation appears. 6. On SAP versions that use Basis 7.xml. Press Ctrl+S to save the settings. this tab is labeled “MDMP & Unicode. The ABAP: Execute Program window appears. you must load into each target (non-000) client the supported countries on which Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions can perform postal validation./RDG VXSSRUWHG FRXQWU\ FRGHV Now that you have connected your SAP system to the RFC Server. the first time the user executes the FLDQ/AD_REPT_LOAD_COUNTRIES program. In the Program field. you can optionally configure Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions by removing country codes for which you have not purchased support by using the Maintain Supported Countries IMG activity. 3. Click Execute. 5XQQLQJ WKH WUDQVDFWLRQ DQG UHSRUW To load supported country codes: 1. Because of a known issue on AIX. restart the RFC Server and run the program again. On a target (non-000) client. see the section “Maintain Supported Countries” on page 50. run transaction SA38. After this occurs. specify /FLDQ/AD_REPT_LOAD_COUNTRIES. For details. Repeat these steps on each target client that you want to configure for use with Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. the RFC Server will fail (timeout). 4. 2. The supported countries are loaded into a table that you can maintain from the IMG activity Maintain Supported Countries. After loading the country codes with this step.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions relies on these duplicate check index pools to perform its duplicate check processes. Activate duplicate check index pools. Activate duplicate check index pools. 3XUSRVH RI WKLV DFWLYLW\ This activity creates the standard SAP index pools. use the transaction SPRO to access the IMG structure. Whether you are running R/3 or CRM. 2. which are useful when Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions searches for duplicate data. follow these steps: 1. and select the Index Active box. A checked box activates the index pool. However. follow this process: 1. the node is labeled as Activate duplicate check index pools. on each target (non-000) client. 3. To activate the two standard SAP index pools. click on the activity. The Customizing Settings For Logical Search Pools: Overview window appears. On a target (non-000) client. and select Index Active. Navigate down the structure to the following location: Implementation Guide for R/3® Customizing (IMG) > Basis Components > Basis Services > Address Management > Activate duplicate check index pools This IMG structure assumes you are running R/3. You must perform this procedure on each target (non-000) client. A checked box activates the index pool. Type 90 in the Threshold field for index pool BUT000. Though this activity is part of the standard SAP functionality and not added specifically by Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. $FWLYDWH WKH LQGH[ SRROV ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã!)ÃD†‡hyyvtÃ9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†  .$FWLYDWH GXSOLFDWH FKHFN LQGH[ SRROV The next step in setting up Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions is to run the standard SAP IMG activity. the IMG structure for a CRM or ECC system is similar. KNA1 and BUT000. it is required for the proper functioning of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. Initially. 2. the index pools are not active. To find the Activate duplicate check index pools activity within the IMG structure. In the IMG. R/3 only: Type 90 in the Threshold field for index pool KNA1. This functionality is not supported in SAP CRM systems. you should not activate the index pool KNA1 ADRNR. 5. If you have previously activated index pool KNA1 ADRNR in a SAP CRM system. you should deactivate it.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . Repeat the entire process for each target (non-000) client. Warning: When you activate index pools in SAP CRM systems.4. Press Ctrl+S to save the settings. This field is optional. regardless of the packet size. you would execute the defined SAP reports RSADRQU1. If you did not have Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions installed. 3. The running of these reports exchanges records between SAP and the RFC Server. and so on. This field is required by default. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã!)ÃD†‡hyyvtÃ9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†  . start the report RSADRQU1 by running the transaction code SA38. and take advantage of the postal validation capabilities provided by Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. 4. 2. which allow you to validate all the addresses in your database in a three-step batch process. The setting should be adjusted only in response to performance issues previously encountered. pre-determined schedule and you should run Quarterly Adjustments after installing new Data Services address directories from Business Objects to validate data that may have changed due to the renaming of streets. You may want to run Quarterly Adjustments other times after this installation on a regular.4XDUWHUO\ $GMXVWPHQW 5HSRUWV The next step in setting up Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions is to run Quarterly Adjustments. Business Objects recommends that you maintain the default setting for packet size of 1000 records. and RSADRQU3. 5. Specify the postal code or range of postal codes for which the Quarterly Adjustment is to be performed. Then the validated and updated addresses are committed to the SAP database. RSADRQU2. In the Program field. with the custom report /FLDQ/RSADRQU2. On a target (non-000) client. 6. to run a Quarterly Adjustment Report. presenting several options. 5HSRUW 56$'548 You use report RSADRQU1 to select the addresses that are to be cleansed. Change the packet size only if you have experienced problems in running Quarterly Adjustment Reports previously. SAP provides standard reports for Quarterly Adjustments. You must run Quarterly Adjustments on each target (non000) as part of the installation and configuration process to perform postal validation on the existing data in your SAP system. RSADRQU2. This number determines how many records are processed and stored at one time. This field is optional. The “Create an address index for the quarterly adjustment” window appears. Specify the countries for which the quarterly adjustment is to be performed. the development of new areas. Specify the cities within the selected country or countries for which the quarterly adjustment is to be performed. enter RSADRQU1 and click the Execute button (F8). To run the report: 1. All addresses that meet the selection conditions are read. Installing Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions allows you to substitute the second of these standard reports. The “ABAP Execute Program” window appears. you may want to skip D records because a user has already made the decision to save the address without cleansing it. or to proceed creating INDX with the current parameters. 8. Select the appropriate radio button either to cancel the Quarterly Adjustment if INDX exists or to overwrite the existing INDX. Select the radio button to exclude. You use this report to read the addresses stored temporarily in INDX and update INDX. Click the Execute button (F8) to run RSADRQU1. 3. 2. or check separately addresses that have not previously been subjected to postal validation. The “Check and update address data in quarterly adjustment” window appears. Start the report /FLDQ/RSADRQU2 by running the transaction code SA38. the INDX table from the failed attempt may still be available. If the Quarterly Adjustment Reports process did not complete successfully. In the Program field. Running RSADRQU1 creates a temporary table called INDX. check additionally. When running report /FLDQ/RSADRQU2. 5HSRUW )/'456$'548 Instead of the defined SAP report RSADRQU2. Check the “Skip D records during the Quarterly adjustment process” box only if you want to run postal validation without checking D records. enter /FLDQ/RSADRQU2 and click the Execute button (F8). 9. The “ABAP Execute Program” window appears. those records are shown here. This setting is not relevant to Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions’s functionality. This option allows you to cancel the Quarterly Adjustment process rather than overwrite the existing data. you next execute the report /FLDQ/RSADRQU2. Check the “Clear Previous Error Codes” box to clear error codes from previous runs or uncheck the box to have the new error codes appended. There are three possible check status values. 1. A D record is a record that has its check status set to D. Records with a check status of D may contain faulty address data as a result.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . so the setting will not affect the results of postal validation. You must select “Overwrite existing INDX” if the Quarterly Adjustment is terminated for some reason and you want to start it again. A confirmation window appears. the address in that record has previously been checked and the user selected to save the address without cleansing it. which is used by the other two Quarterly Reports and deleted when the process completes successfully. If any records failed during validation.7. „ „ „ C = Postal or address data is known and does not contain any errors D = Postal or address data may have errors “ ” = Postal Validation has not been run If a record has a check status set to D. A confirmation window appears. You should next run a Quarterly Adjustment custom error report. If execution errors occur when you run the report /FLDQ/RSADRQU2. In the Program field. you must not run the report RSADRQU3 next. All three of the Quarterly Adjustment reports must be run successfully in sequence. If addresses are changed using other SAP business transactions while the quarterly adjustment is in process. the system displays an error log of all addresses that could not be updated on this run of Quarterly Adjustments. the window displays a list of those records. which provides you a hyperlink to each of these records so that you can directly edit each record as necessary. 5HSRUW 56$'548 You use report RSADRQU3 to commit updates to the SAP database with the validations performed in /FLDQ/RSADRQU2. The “ABAP Execute Program” window appears. The check box “Clear Previous Error Codes” affects the content of the report displayed as a result of running the custom error report /FLDQ/AD_REPT_DISP_QTRERRORLOG. it can be started again at any time. When this report has finished. It does not affect the content of the error log that appears automatically after you run the final Quarterly Adjustment Report. If the Quarterly Adjustment process finds that any records are incorrect. A confirmation window appears. Start the report RSADRQU3 by running the transaction code SA38. Though report RSADRQU3 is an SAP report.3RVWDO 9DOLGDWLRQ HUURU ORJV IURP )/'4 56$'548 The system uses the “Clear Previous Error Codes” check box to determine whether the report saves validation errors logged from previous runs of the Quarterly Adjustments. these addresses can not be updated by report RSADRQU3. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã!)ÃD†‡hyyvtÃ9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†  . 2. or errors only from this run. indicating that the addresses have been removed from postal check and committed to the database. the Quarterly Adjustment remains active. To run the report: 1. you must have the RFC Server running to process records from the pending update table. While RSADRQU3 is in process or not started. Running RSADRQU3 on data resulting from a failed run of /FLDQ/RSADRQU2 can compromise the integrity of the data written back to the SAP system. If the report terminates or is terminated prematurely for any reason. You must complete the Quarterly Adjustment process before making other changes to the postal address data if you want the new data included in the adjustments. enter RSADRQU3 and click the Execute button (F8).  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . In the Program field. Start the report /FLDQ/AD_REPT_DISP_QTRERRORLOG by running the transaction code SA38. To run the Quarterly Adjustment custom error report: 1. which you can use to display the address validation errors that occurred during all Quarterly Adjustment runs since the last time you cleared the previous error codes. which you can use to go to the record for direct editing. The Display Address Errors generated during Quarterly Adjustment window appears. 2. enter /FLDQ/AD_REPT_DISP_QTRERRORLOG and click the Execute button (F8). /FLDQ/AD_REPT_DISP_QTRERRORLOG. An error log is displayed showing a list of records on which postal validation errors occurred. Each field item is a hyperlink to the record itself. 3. At this window you can set limits to filter and sort the displayed results. The ABAP Execute Program window appears. Set any filters and click the Execute button (F8).4XDUWHUO\ $GMXVWPHQW FXVWRP HUURU UHSRUW Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions provides a custom error report. You must repeat the entire procedure for running Quarterly Adjustments for each target (non-000) client as part of the installation of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. This program performs the same function as the RSADRINI program. 2. The “ABAP Execute Program” window appears. use instead the /FLDQ/RSMTCCODE program (Match Code Creation Program).5XQ WKH LQLWLDO VHWXS SURJUDP The last step in setting up Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions is to run the initial setup program on each target (non-000) client. such as during the initial setup. 3XUSRVH RI LQLWLDO VHWXS 5XQ WKH LQLWLDO VHWXS The initial setup program prepares your existing data for matching with duplicate check and error tolerant search. This program simultaneously locks records as it runs so that you can run it while users are updating records in the system. In the “Program” field. you must run Quarterly Adjustments to perform postal validation on the data that already exists in your SAP system. Before running the initial setup program. but on only a subset of the data. When users are working in the SAP system and updating records. enter /FLDQ/RSADRINI and click the Execute button (F8). You should execute the FLDQ/RSADRINI program only when users are not updating records in the system. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã!)ÃD†‡hyyvtÃ9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†  . Enter transaction SA38 in the command box. Installation and setup are complete in this target (non000) client. To run the initial setup program: 1. Repeat steps 1-2 on each target client that you want to configure for use with Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. The program executes. 3. The configuration tasks described in this section are specific to configuring the IC Web Client to use Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. To run the functionality of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions into your IC WebClient profiles. These instructions can also be used to add postal validation functionality to additional views within your environment.& :HE&OLHQW SAP has provided a mechanism for customers to replace SAP’s IC WebClient views and controllers with third party views and controllers. a Basis Administrator must configure the profile by replacing the BuPa controller of each profile with the BuPa controller provided by this product.. All users of the IC WebClient have a unique profile.SAR files. and errortolerant search capabilities to other processes. Aˆp‡v‚hyv‡’ Postal Validation T6QÉr…†v‚ SAP CRM 4.SAR file provided as part of the installation of this product into your SAP system. If you want to add this product’s postal validation.& :HE&OLHQW SURILOH To run the functionality of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions within your IC WebClient profiles.0 and above Duplicate Check/Error-Tolerant Search SAP CRM 5. Make sure that you have imported the . you can use the instructions in this section to configure your system to use the version shipped with Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. If you are currently using an already modified version of these objects. duplicate check.QVWDOO DQG FRQILJXUH 'DWD 4XDOLW\ 0DQDJHPHQW LQWR WKH . The configuration is manually performed because overwriting the existing BuPa controller with the BuPa controller provided with this product would also overwrite any customizations that have been performed prior to the installation of this product. you can use these instructions as a template of how to perform such customizations. you must meet the following minimum requirements in your SAP system. you can use the instructions in this section to add the postal validation functionality to your modified objects.0 and above 3RVWDO YDOLGDWLRQ ZLWK WKH . Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions contains enhanced versions of the Business Partner Create (BuPaCreate) view and controller. open the target client (the one that you want to configure for use with the Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions) and follow these steps:  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . If you are currently using the SAP-provided version of these objects. see “Install the BAdIs” on page 26.& :HE&OLHQW This section describes the requirements and procedures to install the functionality of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions into your IC WebClient environment. 6XPPDU\ RI FRQILJXUDWLRQ WDVNV $FWLYDWH WKH %63 %& 6HWV To activate the BSP Business Configuration Sets. 5HTXLUHPHQWV IRU UXQQLQJ LQ DQ . For information on importing . 4. Click Continue Activation (Enter) in the Activation Options window. &RQILJXUH . use transaction SPRO and navigate to Customer Relationship Management > Interaction Center WebClient > CustomerSpecific System Modifications. and add the following values to the Controller Substitutes grid on the right side: ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã!)ÃD†‡hyyvtÃ9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†  .” keep track of the applicable version(s). Create a new change request when the window appears. select the correct profile. For either Basis version. For Basis 620 click Execute. 3. and then add the following XML markup within the <ControllerReplacements> </ControllerReplacements> tags. Enter transaction /nSCPR20 in the target client to navigate to the Business Configuration Sets : Activate transaction. <ControllerReplacements> <ControllerReplacement> <ReplacedController>BuPaCreate</ReplacedController> <ReplacingController> /FLDQ/BSP_DQ/BOBJ_BuPaCreate </ReplacingController> </ControllerReplacement> </ControllerReplacements> 5. Type /FLDQ/BSP_PV in the BC set input field and click Enter. run Define IC WebClient Runtime Framework Profiles. An Activation completed message appears at the bottom of the window.) 3. For the steps that state “For either Basis version.& :HE&OLHQWV WR XVH 'DWD 4XDOLW\ 0DQDJHPHQW YLHZV DQG FRQWUROOHUV The steps to configure IC WebClients to use the functionality of this product vary depending on if you use Basis 620 or Basis 700. 1. (The date may vary. 2. 6. 1. Repeat these steps for each target client that you want to configure for use with Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. For Basis 700. For either Basis version. <ControllerReplacement> <ReplacedController>BuPaCreate</ReplacedController> <ReplacingController> /fldq/BSP_DQ/BOBJ_BuPaCreate </ReplacingController> </ControllerReplacement> The result in your SAP system is as follows. double-click Controller Substitutes on the left side of the Dialog Structure panel. 2. The following Short text appears: BC Set for BusinessObjects BSP_PV Product 02/08/08. delete the contents of the /FDLQ/AD_FORMMAP table prior to activating the BC set.If you are upgrading a current IC WebClient installation. 4.) 5. For either Basis version. (Dismiss any caution that may appear. Click Activate. You can add postal validation functionality to other views within the IC WebClient by copying the enhanced code from the BuPaCreate view to the destination view and configuring the form values postal validation should use. assure that the value for Hierarchy Type is SERVICE. If you click the regular Yes button instead of the recursive Yes. Find the beginning of the enhanced code by searching for “Beginning of changes for adding Business Objects BSP_PV Functionality”. Create a new session. $FWLYDWH WKH )/'4%63B'4 VHUYLFH Next. save and exit. and select Activate Service from the context-sensitive menu. you must activate the /FLDQ/BSP_DQ service. $GG SRVWDO YDOLGDWLRQ IXQFWLRQDOLW\ WR RWKHU . $GG WKH SRVWDO YDOLGDWLRQ FRGH WR WKH GHVWLQDWLRQ YLHZ  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . 7.htm view in the layout tab. 8. Find the end of the enhanced code by searching for “End of changes for adding Business Objects BSP_PV Functionality”. 3. 3. Copy the enhanced code and insert it into the destination view. Open the BOBJ_BuPaCreate. 6. 5. Navigate through the services hierarchy to default host > sap > bc > bsp > FLDQ. Add the following attribute to the Save CRMIC:Button tag at the bottom of the destination view. The Maintain Services window appears. Right-click on FLDQ. Use transaction SE80 to open the destination BSP application and view in the SAP Web Application Builder. For either Basis version. open the BSP application /FLDQ/BSP_DQ. 2. Enter transaction SICF. 2. Click the recursive Yes button to activate the service.7TQÃ6ƒƒyvph‡v‚ CRM_IC Srƒyhprqà 8‚‡…‚yyr… BuPaCreate 7TQÃ6ƒƒyvph‡v‚ /FLDQ/BSP_DQ Srƒyhpr€r‡Ã 8‚‡…‚yyr… BOBJ_BuPaCreate 6. Exit the window. To add postal validation code to the destination view: 1. For Basis 700 only. Click Execute.& :HE&OLHQW YLHZV The enhancement to the BuPaCreate view was designed with portability in mind. the service will not be activated. To activate the /FLDQ/BSP_DQ service: 1. 4. 6. 5. In the SAP Web Application Builder. 4. This text marks the beginning of the enhanced code. RQ&OLHQW&OLFN LI RQ6DYH&OLFN . . select the Implementation Class Definition folder. Navigate down the IMG structure to the following location: Customer Relationship Management > CRM Cross-Application Components > Generic Interaction Layer/Object Layer > Component-Specific Settings > Extend Object Model for Business Partner 2. Save the changes to the /FLDQ/AD_FORMMAP table. 2. 10. Before continuing to the form configuration section. add the following values: Avryq External Object Name Implementation Class Whyˆr BuilHeader /FLDQ/CL_BOBJ_BUIL_HEADER ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã!)ÃD†‡hyyvtÃ9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†  . In the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen. The values of the fields are the following: Avryq VIEW NAME FORM ID ADRC STRUC FIELD WhyˆrÃqr†p…vƒ‡v‚ The name of the view to which you are adding postal validation functionality. 3.0 system: 1. &RQILJXUH IRUP YDOXHV IRU SRVWDO YDOLGDWLRQ To configure form values for postal validation: 1. $FWLYDWH VHDUFK IXQFWLRQDOLW\ ZLWKLQ . Activate the view and fix any syntax errors.htm within the inserted code with the name of the destination view. Replace all occurrences of BOBJ_BuPaCreate.& :HE&OLHQW RQ &50  V\VWHP To activate search functionality within the IC WebClient on a CRM 5. view the destination form within the IC WebClient to ensure it still displays correctly.^KWPOEHYHQWFDQFHO6XEPLW WUXH`HOVH^KWPOEHYHQWFDQFHO6XEPLW IDOVH` 9. Add a record to the /FLDQ/AD_FORMMAP table for each form field you want to map to the ADRC_STRUC record. 3. For the Implementation Class Definition. The ID value of the <crmic:inputField> tag of the form element you are mapping. Repeat these steps for every IC WebClient profile. The name of the field you want to populate. 11. 2. postal validation may not launch as expected. 7R FUHDWH QHZ DGGUHVV UHFRUGV When creating new address records through the IC WebClient using this product. If you create address records with any other procedure. as shown in this figure. see “Add a transaction code to the exception table” on page 51.& :HE&OLHQW To use Postal Validation within your IC WebClient environment. search.'LVDEOH WKH 3RVWDO 9DOLGDWLRQ %$G. 3.” You must add the Program SAPMHTTP and suppress validation. Click the Create button. you must create the records using these steps: 1. you must disable the standard Business Objects Postal Validation BAdI through the IMG activity “Maintain exception table of transaction codes. and suggestions for it. Click the Save button to save the record. IRU WKH . Enter the address Data.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . For information about adding this program to the exception table. 0* Now that you have installed both components of BusinessObjects Data Quality Management for SAP CRM/ERP Solutions. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã")Ã8‚svtˆ…vtÇu…‚ˆtuÇurÃDHB  . you can configure it to handle postal validation and duplicate searching with settings appropriate for your business. You can customize many aspects of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions through the activities this product adds to the SAP Implementation Management Guide (IMG).&KDSWHU  &RQILJXULQJ WKURXJK WKH . This chapter explains those activities and the options you have for configuration. Navigate to the BusinessObjects : Global Data Quality Connector node.0) Qh‡u Basis Components > Basis Services > Address Management SAP Web Application Server > Basis Services > Address Management SAP NetWeaver > SAP Web Application Server > Basis Services > Address Management SAP Web Application Server > Application Server > Basis Services > Address Management The Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions activities are the nodes at the bottom level of this structure. 7h†v†Ã‰r…†v‚ 46c (R/3 4.6) 620 (R/3 4. The remainder of this chapter is a description of these activities.0) 700 (ECC 6. 2.0* DFWLYLWLHV You can find the Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions IMG activities within the IMG structure by following this process: 1.0 and CRM 5.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . The navigation to this node path depends on the Basis version that you use. Use the transaction SPRO to access the Implementation Guide (IMG) structure.0) 640 (ECC 5.7 and CRM 4./RFDWLQJ WKH 'DWD 4XDOLW\ 0DQDJHPHQW IRU 6$3 6ROXWLRQV . You can perform the activity again at any time. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã")Ã8‚svtˆ…vtÇu…‚ˆtuÇurÃDHB  . For details of performing this activity. see page 32. The activity is invoked for the first time during the installation and configuration of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions.6$3 KDQGVKDNH ZLWK 5)& VHUYHU This activity allows you to define the RFC destination and test whether the components of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions are able to communicate by invoking a TCP/IP handshake. Click the Delete button.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . 5HPRYH WKH FRXQWU\ FRGHV When you click the “Maintain supported countries” activity. To remove a country code: 1. The list of countries that are supported depends on the postal directories that you have licensed from Business Objects. you can remove from the filter those ISO country codes for which you do not want postal validation enabled. Save the changes. If you did not purchase support for all countries or if you do not want postal validation enabled for some of the supported countries for which you purchased support.0DLQWDLQ 6XSSRUWHG &RXQWULHV This activity maintains the ISO country codes for the countries for which Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions provides postal validation by making changes to the table /FLDQ/AD_VAL_CNT. From this display. 2. you can remove those ISO country codes from the filter using this activity. the table /FLDQ/AD_VAL_CNT is displayed. Select the country code from the list of supported countries. 3. showing the list of supported countries. Click the New Entries button. $GG D WUDQVDFWLRQ FRGH WR WKH H[FHSWLRQ WDEOH To add a transaction code to the exception table: 1. You can instead add transaction codes and suppress suggestion lists only for that code. 5. The “New Entries: Overview of Added Entries” window appears. click on the activity “Maintain exception table of transaction codes. 6. 7. preventing them from being displayed for specific transactions. In the default window. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions takes ambiguous. incomplete. Exit the window to save the changes and return to the “Maintain exception table of transaction codes” window. suggestion lists are enabled for all transactions. there is a transaction code for DEFAULT that controls transactions but the check boxes are unmarked. you suppress suggestion lists for all transactions. The list is called a suggestion list. Enter a Transaction code to specify the transactions for which you do not want suggestion lists to appear. 4. From the IMG. you can select and deselect the suppression check boxes directly from the “Change View ‘Maintain exception table of transaction codes’: Overview” window. The user must select the item from the suggestion list containing the appropriate address data in order for postal validation to continue. Check the Suppress Search box if you want to prevent both error tolerant search and duplicate checking for that transaction (not recommended). By checking the Suppress Suggestions box for DEFAULT.0DLQWDLQ H[FHSWLRQ WDEOH RI WUDQVDFWLRQ FRGHV This activity allows you to disable suggestion lists. Additionally. Check the Suppress Dialog box to prevent suggestion lists from appearing in dialog boxes. By default.” The “Maintain exception table of transaction codes” window appears. or inaccurate address data and offers the user a list of address data choices that fit the content of official postal directories. During postal validation. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã")Ã8‚svtˆ…vtÇu…‚ˆtuÇurÃDHB  . 2. Check the Suppress Validation box if you want to prevent postal validation for that transaction (not recommended). There may be some transactions for which you do not want the user to be presented with a suggestion list and you may disable suggestion lists for those transactions. 3. However. Business Objects does not recommend disabling this capability because doing so would allow invalid address data and duplicates to be stored in your SAP system. To suppress validation. suppressing error tolerant search/duplicate check will prevent records from being stored in the table /FLDQ/AD_PUPDATE. Suppressing only the suggestions without suppressing validation or searches ensures that invalid data is not stored. For more information. Additionally. the transaction code XD01 has been added to the “Change View ‘Maintain exception table of transaction codes’: Overview” window. or suggestions in the IC WebClient. Essentially. In the following illustration. Check the appropriate boxes to suppress postal validation. the table has a column to specify the Program name. see “Package for use with the IC WebClient” on page 27. In the following illustration. suppressing these capabilities turns off certain functionality of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions without removing it from your SAP system.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . where updated records are held before being committed to the SAP database. or duplicate suggestions. This column is created as a result of importing the . duplicate searches. specify the Program name SAPMHTTP and check the appropriate boxes in that row.SAR file for the IC WebClient.Warning: This activity also lets you disable both postal validation and error tolerant search/duplicate check on a transaction basis. search. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã")Ã8‚svtˆ…vtÇu…‚ˆtuÇurÃDHB  . Click the New Entries button. This activity does not assist this version in performing address validation. 3. From the IMG. select the activity “Maintain table to activate SAP postal code check before postal validation. By default. Disabling the SAP postal code check allows Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions to perform postal validation on the data as it was entered by the user. You need to change this setting only if you want the SAP postal code check to be performed for a certain country. The “New Entries: Overview of Added Entries” window appears.” The “Maintain table to activate SAP postal code check before postal validation” window appears. by default. Enter in the ISO Country code field the two-letter ISO code for the country for which you want a postal check performed before complete address validation occurs. This activity exists only in case future versions of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions support additional countries for which a postal check must occur for proper address validation. 2. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions can validate addresses even if they do not contain a postal code. Save the changes and exit the window.0DLQWDLQ WDEOH WR DFWLYDWH 6$3 SRVWDO FRGH FKHFN EHIRUH SRVWDO YDOLGDWLRQ This activity lets you to define countries for which you want the SAP postal code check to be performed before Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions validates the rest of the address data. 4. Therefore. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions disables a postal code check that SAP normally performs on the address before Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions validates the rest of the address data. The “Maintain table to activate SAP postal code check before postal validation” window returns. $GG D FRXQWU\ WR WKH WDEOH To add a country to the table to activate SAP postal code check before postal validation: 1.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . this table is blank because there are no countries for which Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions needs a valid postal code before processing. O. the following fields are displayed for standard street addresses and given the following order: 1. CITY 5. Because standard street address data and P.0DLQWDLQ ILHOGV IRU DGGUHVV UHYLHZHU This activity allows you to define which fields are displayed in the address reviewer dialog and the order of those fields. Box data require different sets of fields for postal validation. STREET 4. REGION 6. REGION 7. COUNTRY )LHOGV DQG RUGHU IRU 32 %R[ DGGUHVVHV By default. you must define the fields for both address types. Box addresses and given the following order: 1. From the IMG. PO_BOX_LOC 4. HOUSE_NUM1 3. Check or uncheck boxes in the Display for Street Addr and Display for PO Box columns. During postal validation. BUILDING 2. select the activity “Maintain fields for address reviewer. the following fields are displayed for P.” The “Maintain fields for address reviewer” window appears. PO_BOX 2. CITY1 5. If Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions modifies the address data. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions may modify the address data to make the address data conform more completely to the data in official postal directories. POST_CODE1 7.O. it displays a dialog containing both the original and modified address data. COUNTRY 0DNH FKDQJHV WR WKH ILHOGV IRU WKH DGGUHVV UHYLHZHU To make changes to the fields or the order of the fields displayed in the address reviewer: 1. The user can choose either to keep the original data or to accept the modified data. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã")Ã8‚svtˆ…vtÇu…‚ˆtuÇurÃDHB  . )LHOGV DQG RUGHU IRU VWDQGDUG VWUHHW DGGUHVVHV By default. PO_BOX_CTY 8. POST_CODE2 3. PO_BOX_REG 6. 2. Box data in sequence from 1 to the total number of displayed fields.Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions displays the fields checked in the address review dialog. You must number both the street address data and P. 3. 4.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . Box data. Type sequential numbers for all the checked fields in the Sequence Number fields to indicate the order of the fields for street address data and P.O.O. Save the changes and exit the window. Name2 5. Postal Code 9. Name 4. )LHOGV DQG RUGHU IRU HUURU WROHUDQW VHDUFK DQG GXSOLFDWH VHDUFK (UURU WROHUDQW VHDUFK OLVW By default. Score 2. You must define the fields for both hit list types. City 7. Score 2. House number 5. First name 4. you can define which fields are displayed in the hit list and their order for error tolerant search or duplicate check. Street 6. Region 8. City 7. BusPartner ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã")Ã8‚svtˆ…vtÇu…‚ˆtuÇurÃDHB  .0DLQWDLQ ILHOGV IRU GXSOLFDWH KLW OLVW GLVSOD\ In this activity. Street 6. and therefore is not documented in this Guide. Customer or Vendor or BusPartner 3. Region 8. Vendor 11.40 shows an additional window in this activity that other SAP versions do not show. Country 'XSOLFDWH +LW /LVW 1. This window is generated by SAP and not Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. Postal Code 9. SAP Basis 6. Customer 10. Last name 3. the following fields are displayed in this order for the error tolerant search and duplicate search lists: 1.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . Check or uncheck boxes in the Display Flag (Search) and Display Flag (Dup. 4. Save the changes and exit the window. Check) columns. Check) fields to indicate the order of the fields for duplicate check or error tolerant search data. The fields checked appear in the duplicate check or error tolerant search dialog. Type sequential numbers for all the checked fields in the Sequence (Search) and Sequence (Dup.” The “Maintain fields for duplicate hit list display” window appears. click on the activity “Maintain fields for duplicate hit list display. 2. From the IMG. Both the duplicate check and error tolerant search data are to be numbered in sequence from 1 to the total number of displayed fields.0DNH FKDQJHV WR WKH ILHOGV IRU WKH GXSOLFDWH KLW OLVW GLVSOD\ To make changes to the fields or the order of the fields in the duplicate hit list display: 1. 3. allowing you to adjust the size of the column if addresses are too long to fit. A possible value is the name of a function module to call before executing Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions’s DES.0DLQWDLQ RSHUDWLQJ SDUDPHWHUV In this activity. then only SAP's standard DES checks occur.” postal validation processing occurs using Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. Administrator-specified function to enable/disable Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions duplicate error tolerant search (DES). Valid values are ’X’ to receive this confirmation dialog or a space not to receive the dialog. Dedicated RFC Server for handling duplicate search functionality in batch mode (also called “batch match”). if VALID is “X. Maximum time allowed in seconds to find duplicates. the default values. The value must be 1 second or greater. Maximum number of records per package passed to the RFC Server during the quarterly adjustment report. Width by number of characters of the validated address column in the Postal Validation -. Qh…h€r‡r…ÃIh€r ADD_REVIEW_FLAG 9rshˆy‡ÃWhyˆr X 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ Flag to determine whether a dialog is displayed that allows the user to review the original and modified address during postal validation. The interface for the function module specified here must have one EXPORT parameter named VALID of type FLAG “pass by value. Maximum number of actual duplicates displayed to the user. AD_REVIEW_NEW_ WIDTH 35 AD_REVIEW_ORIG_ WIDTH BATCH_MATCH_RFC_ DEST ENABLE_DES_FUN_NM 25 FL_GDQC_ BATCH_RFC none ENABLE_PV_FUNC_NM none MAX_ACT_DUPS MAX_ELP_TM_DUPS MAX_REC_QU2 100 5 seconds 10000 ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã")Ã8‚svtˆ…vtÇu…‚ˆtuÇurÃDHB  . if VALID is “X. then only SAP's standard address checks occur. and a description of each. Administrator-specified function to enable/disable Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions postal validation.” After the function call. The interface for the function module specified here must have one EXPORT parameter named VALID of type FLAG “pass by value. If VALID is space. you can modify one of the several operating parameters that affect the behavior of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions.Review Changes window.Review Changes window. This value is also called the Program ID of the RFC Server. A possible value is the name of a function module to call before executing Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions’s postal validation. Width by number of characters of the original address column in the Postal Validation -.” postal validation processing occurs using Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. allowing you to adjust the size of the column if addresses are too long to fit. 2SHUDWLQJ SDUDPHWHUV The following table shows the operating parameters. If VALID is space.” After the function call. 3. Toggles whether system messages are to be displayed in nondialog mode. Qh…h€r‡r…ÃIh€r BSP_RANGE_HEIGHT BSP_RANGE_WIDTH BSP_REVIEW_HEIGHT BSP_REVIEW_WIDTH BSP_SUGG_LIST_HEIGHT BSP_SUGG_LIST_WIDTH 9rshˆy‡ÃWhyˆr 225 400 320 700 475 700 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ Height of child window for range queries in BSP Postal Validation. For information on the pending update report. Name of the RFC Server contacted through a Remote Function Call. Name of a user defined function module that is called whenever a technical error occurs. Width of child window for range queries in BSP Postal Validation. Package size used for passing candidate duplicates to the RFC Server. NON_DIALOG_ERR_MSG space PKG_SIZE_DUPS RFC_DEST 1000 FL_GDQC_SERVER TECH_ERR_FUNC_NM none 2SHUDWLQJ SDUDPHWHUV XVHG RQO\ E\ WKH . Width of child window for suggestion lists in BSP Postal Validation and Duplicate Check/Error tolerant Search. This name must correspond to a valid destination that describes a functioning RFC Server. 0RGLI\ WKH SDUDPHWHUV To make changes to operating parameters: 1. click on the activity “Maintain operating parameters. From the IMG.” The “Maintain operating parameters” window appears.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . Height of address review BSP page. Height of child window for suggestion lists in BSP Postal Validation and Duplicate Check/Error tolerant Search. the default values. Change the Parameter Value field for any of the parameters. Valid values are “X” to enable passing of system error messages in non-dialog mode for postal validation or a space not to receive the system message.& :HE&OLHQW FRQILJXUDWLRQ The following table shows the operating parameters. then the records are not updated automatically and require the pending record update report to be run.Qh…h€r‡r…ÃIh€r MAX_UPD_PEND 9rshˆy‡ÃWhyˆr 100 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ Maximum number of records that may be pending for update to the RFC Server when the RFC Server is unavailable. and a description of each for operating parameters used only by the IC WebClient. Width of address review BSP page. see the section “Records created without break keys due to downtime of RFC Server” on page 86. 2. Save the changes and exit the window. If the number of records pending exceeds this maximum. Business Partner „à BUS1006001 .Functional Location „à BUS1006 . This activity allows you to make each item in the list of invalid addresses a hyperlink that takes the user directly to the appropriate transaction to edit the incorrect address. 3UHGHILQHG PDSSLQJV Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions ships with transaction mappings for the following Address Types: „à KNA1 .Business Partner Employee „à USRCOMPANY . for transaction XD02 you would define the Parameter ID as KUN. $GG D PDSSLQJ IRU DQ $GGUHVV 7\SH &RGH To add a mapping for an Address Type Code: 1.0DS DGGUHVV W\SHV IRU 4XDUWHUO\ $GMXVWPHQW Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions provides the custom error report /FLDQ/AD_REPT_DISP_QTRERRORLOG to log invalid addresses found by Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions during the execution of Quarterly Adjustment Reports. but you must add mappings for all other Address Types for which you want to create hyperlinks. Run the /FLDQ/AD_REPT_DISP_QTRERRLOG report. when linking to a Customer record. 'HILQLQJ PDSSLQJV The report /FLDQ/AD_REPT_DISP_QTRERRORLOG lists the Address Type. 2. noting these three items: „ „ Address Type Address Key ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã")Ã8‚svtˆ…vtÇu…‚ˆtuÇurÃDHB  .Customer „à LFA1 . If the mapping for a particular Address Type does not exist in this table. For example. an edit transaction and the Parameter ID must be defined in order for the key field to serve as a hyperlink. For each Address Type in the error report /FLDQ/AD_REPT_DISP_QTRERRORLOG.Vendor „à BUS0010 . Write down the Address details for an entry for which the hyperlink does not work. clicking on the Address Key field has no effect. The Address Key can serve as a hyperlink that calls the appropriate transaction to edit the address only if the Address Type Code and Parameter ID for this Address Type are defined in table /FLDQ/AD_QTR_OBJ. Some of these mappings are predefined in Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions as shipped. Address Key.Company You must perform the activity described in the following section to add a mapping for any other Address Types. and Address Type Code for each address. Allowing the user to access the transaction and address in this manner saves the user the effort of manually entering the transaction and locating each invalid address for editing. 7.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . 4. 10. 8. 6. Click the Technical Information button on the Performance Assistant dialog menu bar. Use the Address Type and Address Key to determine which SAP transaction should be used to edit the address record. Create a Customizing Request. Customer in transaction XD02). Note the Parameter ID value in the Field Data section. 5. Navigate to the Edit transaction. 13. Enter the transaction Code in the Transaction for Edit field. Repeat as necessary for each address that does not have a working hyperlink. Press the F1 key. 12.„ Address Type Code 3. Place your cursor in the Key field (for example. Enter the Parameter ID in the Object Parameter ID field. Save. 9. Use the IMG Activity Map of Objects to transaction for Quarterly Error Report. 11. Click the New Entries button and fill in all three columns using the data you have collected: „ „ „ Enter the Address Type Code in the Object Type field. You may. however.&KDSWHU  &RQILJXULQJ WKH 5)& 6HUYHU Through the installation process. change items after installation. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã#)Ã8‚svtˆ…vtÇurÃSA8ÃTr…‰r…  . all of the necessary files on the RFC Server are configured to properly run BusinessObjects Data Quality Management for SAP CRM/ERP Solutions. you can use that program. such as how Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions handles logging and various performance-related settings. found beneath these settings in the file. If you do use Notepad.xml without a full understanding of the implications of those changes. 6$3 VHWWLQJV DQG '4 6HUYHU VHWWLQJV The settings under the commented headings <!--SAP settings --> and <!--DQ Server Settings --> are determined at the time of installation. /RFDWLRQ RI IOUIFVUY[PO (GLWLQJ IOUIFVUY[PO The file is located on your system at install_directory\config\flrfcsrv. make sure that you alter configurable values but do not change the structure or required parameters of the file. When you edit a value in flrfcsrv. )LOH VHWWLQJV The following table shows the configurable settings and defaults in the section under the commented heading <!-. you control several aspects of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions.xml as you would any other XML file. One reason you might alter a setting in this section would be if you chose a Program ID other than FLRFCSRV during the activity “SAP handshake with RFC Server.xml to preserve its original state in case you later want to discard your changes. This section discusses certain critical settings of this configuration file. On Windows systems.xml.” and now must edit the <sap_progid> setting to correspond to the correct Program ID. All of these settings must have an entry.xml. This step is mandatory if you have configured a dedicated RFC Server to support matching in batch mode.File Settings -->. making it difficult to read. You should not make changes to flrfcsrv. Through the parameters of this file. the data will display all in one line. Edit flrfcsrv. Errors in this configuration file could disable Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. See “Overrides” on page 67 for details on how to override these settings.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . If you have an XML editing program that you are familiar with. Be sure to make a backup of flrfcsrv. If you want to run multiple instances of the RFC Server.&RQILJXULQJ WKURXJK IOUIFVUY[PO The main configuration file of the RFC Server is flrfcsrv. you can override these settings by making new settings in the <override> tags. we recommend that you do not use Notepad when editing the configuration files.xml. This setting is provided to allow customers to provide detailed information to customer support representatives. This setting is provided to allow customers to provide detailed information to customer support representatives. This setting is provided to allow customers to provide detailed information to customer support representatives. Possible values are yes and no. You should not change these values unless requested in a customer support situation. which provides connection to BusinessObjects Data Services.Tr‡‡vt log_level 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ Provides two levels of logging. Enables the playback of data transfer false feature of the Universal Connector. 9rshˆy‡ 2 uc_logging_flag false Enables logging for the Universal Connector. A trace file provides you with a history of transactions. which provides connection to BusinessObjects Data Services.Serious errors and any important warnings and information messages are logged. which provides connection to BusinessObjects Data Services. This setting is provided to allow customers to provide detailed information to customer support representatives. that a log file is allowed to attain before an additional log file is created for logging. You should not change these values unless requested in a customer support situation. Sets the directory of the log file for the <none> Universal Connector. You should not change these values unless requested in a customer support situation. which provides connection to BusinessObjects Data Services. 1000000 The size.Only serious errors are logged 2 . uc_logging_file_dir uc_playback_flag uc_bytes_per_log_file enable_trace ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã#)Ã8‚svtˆ…vtÇurÃSA8ÃTr…‰r…  . 1 . Determines whether the RFC Server yes should generate trace files. in bytes. You should not change these values unless requested in a customer support situation. xml fmt_file *HQHUDO VHWWLQJV The following table shows the configurable settings and defaults in the section under the commented heading <!-. Possible values are yes and no. config/regions. Possible values are yes and no.20000 onds the RFC server should attempt to connect to Data Services..General Settings -->. Tr‡‡vt max_sugg_items 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ Maximum number of suggestion items the RFC server should return. The path is relative to the installation of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions Location and name of fmt.xml. Determines whether to include empty candidates in address searches. 9rshˆy‡ 99 connect_timeout Maximum amount of time in millisec. config/fmt.txt region_file Location and name of regions. 5000 connect_delay include_empty_ candidates_check include_empty_ candidates_search yes yes  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . Must be greater than or equal to zero. 9rshˆy‡ config/tsad10.txt. Must be greater than or equal to zero. All of these settings must have an entry. Must be set to a minimum of 1. which is the format file. Determines whether to include empty candidates in address checks.xml which sets regions for a specific country code. This configuration setting is discussed in more detail in the section“RSMTCCODE program error message” on page 88. A setting of zero indicates that the RFC server is to attempt continuously to connect to the Data Services and SAP Gateway without pausing between attempts. which specifies the format of tables that the gateway passes as arguments to the RFC Server. which is a file that stores valid match fields. Amount of time to wait between attempts to communicate with the Data Services. The path is relative to the installation of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. A setting of zero indicates no timeout.xml file.Tr‡‡vt tsad10_config 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ Location and name of tsad10. 'DWDIORZV The settings under the commented headings <!--Dataflows --> correspond to the name of the dataflows that run each type of SAP request. If you change the name of the dataflow here, you must change it on your Data Services installation. For more information about dataflows, see the Data Services documentation that shipped with this package. 2YHUULGHV You can override the settings in the other sections, which would be useful if you run more than one instance of the RFC Server. You can override only the following tags: „à sap_gwhost „à sap_gwserv „à sap_progid „à sap_unicode „à dq_type „à dq_host „à dq_port „à dq_web_server_url „à repository_path „à sub_options &UHDWH DQ RYHUULGH To create an override: 1. Remove the comment tags from an override so that this section can be parsed by the RFC Server. 2. Fill in the value for the override name. <override name="my_new_override_name"> 3. Fill in the values for each tag that requires an override. If any tags are the same as the default setting, fill in the default setting value. 4. Set the override in the file install_directory\config\start_rfcserver.bat by indicating the name of the override. set OVERRIDE="my_new_override_name" 5. Save and close both files. When start_rfcserver.bat runs, it looks for the named override in flrfcsrv.xml and executes those override settings. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã#)Ã8‚svtˆ…vtÇurÃSA8ÃTr…‰r…   7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr &KDSWHU  3RVWDO DGGUHVV YDOLGDWLRQ This chapter describes the postal address validation features of BusinessObjects Data Quality Management for SAP CRM/ERP Solutions. Postal validation standardizes and corrects address data, protecting the integrity of that data in your SAP system. Postal address validation takes place in real time as users enter data and in a batch mode as part of the SAP Quarterly Adjustment Report. In real time, Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions validates and standardizes address data before the data is saved to the SAP database. During Quarterly Adjustment, this product replaces one of the SAP reports to standardize and correct the data that already exists. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã$)ÃQ‚†‡hyÃhqq…r††Ã‰hyvqh‡v‚  and the ZIP Code was not entered. After the user attempts to save the record. The user is offered a window to review the changes that Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions made to the address. In this example. a user adds information for a new account. use the original address. The data is not entered properly. the SAP user needs to take no unusual action.. or cancel the postal validation process. The user can accept the validated address. 8VLQJ LQWHUDFWLYH FOHDQVLQJ For interactive address cleansing. the cleansing takes place in real time. The data is cleansed automatically when the user saves the record or clicks the Check Address button. real-time postal address cleansing capability lets your SAP users cleanse address data at the point of entry and before the data is written into your SAP database.QWHUDFWLYH FOHDQVLQJ ZLWK 'DWD 4XDOLW\ 0DQDJHPHQW IRU 6$3 6ROXWLRQV Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions’s interactive.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . At this window you have three button options: 7ˆ‡‡‚ Accept Validated Address Use Original Address Cancel 6p‡v‚ The previous window returns to focus with the corrected data populating the fields. The previous window returns to focus with the data as originally entered populating the fields. The previous window returns to focus and the process is cancelled. In this example, the following items were cleansed: „à The street name was corrected and properly cased. „à The city was spelled properly and properly cased. „à The state was cased properly. „à The ZIP+4 postal code was added. 0XOWLSOH VXJJHVWLRQV This illustration of the suggestion list (this time, as used in the IC Web Client) offers several addresses because the original provided address was ambiguous. In this window, the three button options are as follows: 7ˆ‡‡‚ Select Use Original Address Cancel 6p‡v‚ The previous window returns to focus with the data chosen here populating the fields. The previous window returns to focus with the data as originally entered populating the fields. The previous window returns to focus and the process is cancelled. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã$)ÃQ‚†‡hyÃhqq…r††Ã‰hyvqh‡v‚  %DWFK FOHDQVLQJ ZLWK 4XDUWHUO\ $GMXVWPHQW 5HSRUWV Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions accomplishes batch cleansing of postal addresses through Quarterly Adjustments. You first run Quarterly Adjustments with Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions’s custom report as part of the installation and configuration steps. After installation, you may want to run Quarterly Adjustments on a regular, predetermined schedule. Also, you should run Quarterly Adjustments after installing new address directories from Business Objects to validate data that may have changed due to the renaming of streets, the development of new areas, and so on. For information about running Quarterly Adjustments, see “Quarterly Adjustment Reports” on page 37. You may also want to further customize the display of the report by making each address listed in the report a hyperlink to the editable address entry. For information on this process, see “Map address types for Quarterly Adjustment” on page 61.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr &KDSWHU  'XSOLFDWH FKHFN DQG HUURU WROHUDQW VHDUFK This chapter describes the duplicate check and error tolerant search capabilities of BusinessObjects Data Quality Management for SAP CRM/ERP Solutions. These capabilities allow users to prevent the creation of duplicate customer records in the SAP database and also to search for customer records using information that may contain misspellings, omitted or transposed characters, and so on. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã%)Ã9ˆƒyvph‡rÃpurpxÃhqÃr……‚…Ç‚yr…h‡Ã†rh…pu  In some previous versions of this product the term “match code” was used instead of break key. (UURU WROHUDQW VHDUFK %UHDN . Based on the partial information provided by the user. this section briefly defines some of the terminology. possibly matching. Error tolerant search allows users to find customer records using partial information. or to continue the process of adding the new customer. The decision to change this term to “break key” was made because “break key” is consistent with the terminology used for BusinessObjects Data Services. candidate records. Each of these concepts are explored in greater detail later in this chapter. The user then can choose to select a record from the search hit list of matches for further processing or can cancel out of the search hit list. The search terms can be customized so that Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions can determine that certain existing records have no realistic probability of being duplicates and should be ignored. 'XSOLFDWH FKHFN Duplicate check is the process that assures that duplicate addresses are not entered into the SAP system when users create a new address record or update an existing one.H\V  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . or to cancel the operation.8QGHUVWDQGLQJ GXSOLFDWH FKHFN DQG HUURU WROHUDQW VHDUFK To help you understand the concepts of this chapter. if there are duplicates. the user is presented with the list of possible duplicates and allowed to select an existing customer and open that record. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions presents a list of possible matches to the user. During the check. A break key is made up of search terms that are arranged in a specific order. A break key is the search index for each record that Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions uses for discovering similar. even though you did not directly enter the postal code. During duplicate search. the postal code left blank. The search process selects all of the records from the SAP system that have the break key value 546M. Once given input data. and region data were complete. +RZ %XVLQHVV2EMHFWV 'DWD 6HUYLFHV GHWHUPLQHV D EUHDN NH\ By default. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions uses the first three alphanumeric characters of the postal code and the first letter of the street field to generate the break key value. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions determines a break key for the address and considers only stored records with the same break key value when searching for duplicates. city. to search for a customer who you know lives on Main Street in La Crosse. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã%)Ã9ˆƒyvph‡rÃpurpxÃhqÃr……‚…Ç‚yr…h‡Ã†rh…pu  . This process is altered when Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions is configured to include records with empty break key values. in order to improve the results during a search. imagine that you entered the following information in the search window: Street: <blank> Postal Code: 54601 The break key value would be 546 and only records with a break key value of 546 would be selected for searching. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions performs postal validation on the input data before performing the search. To illustrate the importance of providing data in the two fields used by Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions to determine a break key.8QGHUVWDQGLQJ EUHDN NH\V DQG GDWD ILHOGV During duplicate check and error tolerant search. Therefore. For example. but street. Wisconsin. If this example had been for duplicate search specifically. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions requires data for the street and postal code fields so that the appropriate records can be used in the matching process. you would enter the following information in the search window: Street: Main St Postal Code: 54601 The break key value for this input data is 546M. then Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions could validate the data and determine the postal code. The corrected data would then be assigned the appropriate break key of 546M. The search process then compares the input data to each record selected using the matching rules set up on the RFC Server. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions uses break keys to limit the number of records used in duplicate searches. For more information about the implications of configuring Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions to include records with empty break keys and the process to do so. This result would not include the record you were searching for because that record has a break key value of 546M. see the section “RSMTCCODE program error message” on page 88. However. the parameter for including records with empty break keys to find duplicates in postal validation is include_empty_candidates_check. see “Contact information” on page 2. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions includes records with empty break keys when performing matches. You can exclude records with empty break keys when performing matches by changing the default setting on each parameter from yes to no. By default.&RQILJXUH WKH EUHDN NH\ VHWWLQJV The break key settings are configurable and specified in the BusinessObjects Data Services transform transactional_create_break_keys. see “General settings” on page 66. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions creates special break key values based on name information. then both the name and address break key values are used to select records. then Business Objects recommends that you contact Customer Care. If you enter data into both the name field and address fields.xml. If you want to change the break key. the name break keys are not configurable. This ability allows you to perform a name-only search. For more information on these settings and their values. In the file flrfcsrv. 0DWFK RQ QDPH GDWD  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . The parameter for including records with empty break keys in duplicate search is include_empty_candidates_search. For contact information. You can also perform a search with data from the name field. if it finds a record for which the new record may be a duplicate. or business partner.8VLQJ GXSOLFDWH FKHFN You can use duplicate check in interactive mode and. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions processes the data and. vendor. In response to your attempt to save a new record. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions performs postal validation on the entry to complete and standardize the data. presents a hit list of candidates from which you can select an entry. in batch mode. These additional elements are created by SAP and not Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions.40 shows additional GUI elements in this window that other SAP versions do not show. . select the record by clicking it. then checks existing data to find records that might be duplicates of the new. for Business Partner data. 7KH KLW OLVW If one of the results on the hit list is a match of the record you are entering. The duplicate check hit list for the IC WebClient is shown here: ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã%)Ã9ˆƒyvph‡rÃpurpxÃhqÃr……‚…Ç‚yr…h‡Ã†rh…pu  . and therefore are not documented in this guide. At this window you have three button options: 7ˆ‡‡‚ Continue Select Duplicate Cancel 6p‡v‚ The previous window returns to focus showing the current address that the user accepted from the previous address reviewer window. validated entry. The previous window returns to focus with the data from the selected record populating the fields. The previous window returns to focus and the process is cancelled.QWHUDFWLYH PRGH When you create a new entry in the SAP database for a customer. SAP Basis 6. xml.xml” on page 64. %DWFK PRGH  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . You can use duplicate search in batch mode (often called “batch match”) to find duplicate records in your Business Partners database. as well as the order of those fields. see “Install a dedicated RFC Server for batch duplicate search” on page 24. The previous window returns to focus and the process is cancelled. You must also edit the the RFC Server configuration file flrfcsrv.xml on this dedicated RFC Server to reflect the proper Program ID (by default. For information on editing flrfcsrv. To use duplicate search in batch mode: 1. For more information. )LHOGV GLVSOD\HG You can customize the data fields displayed in the SAP-GUI version of the duplicate check hit list. To use duplicate search in batch mode. Invoke transaction se38 to go to the ABAP editor screen. In the ABAP editor screen. See “Maintain fields for duplicate hit list display” on page 57 for information about the default settings and the procedure for making changes to the fields displayed within the SAP GUI. 2. see “Configuring through flrfcsrv. enter the program /FLDQ/RSBTCMTC. you must install a dedicated RFC Server to handle these tasks.At this window you have two button options: 7ˆ‡‡‚ Continue Cancel 6p‡v‚ The previous window returns to focus and the record the user entered is saved. FL_GDQC_BATCH_RFC) for the dedicated server. The Business Partner Batch Match screen appears. Execute the program. The results appear after the system finishes processing.3. You can clean the staging tables in one of two ways: „à Execute an SQL query on the Datastore. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã%)Ã9ˆƒyvph‡rÃpurpxÃhqÃr……‚…Ç‚yr…h‡Ã†rh…pu  . you should periodically clean the staging tables. Set the threshold (a lower number produces more matches) and the packet size (defined as the number of records in a packet).) „à Execute the sample input file Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Name_And_Address_Match_Cleanup in the Data Services Designer with the following structure in the input file of that Job: <DataSet><Record><BATCH_ID>*</BATCH_ID></Record></DataSet> For information about the sample input files. (R/3 4. If you have previously run batch job that failed. delete from DQ_SAP_BATCH_MATCH_RUN_INPUT. see “Using the sample input files to test Jobs” on page 86. &OHDQLQJ WKH VWDJLQJ WDEOHV IRU EDWFK PRGH To avoid erroneous results when using duplicate search in batch mode. and choose whether to use the SAP functionality to create a cleansing case to combine records. there may be records remaining in the staging tables from that previous job. see the SAP documentation.) For more information about the SAP functionality to create a cleansing case. (For example. 4.6 systems do not have an option to create a cleansing case. creates a list of possible matches. vendor.8VLQJ HUURU WROHUDQW VHDUFK When you perform a search for a customer. A sample search window is shown here: The searches can take place on address fields or name fields.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . A sample error tolerant search hit list dialog is shown here. or business partner using SAP error tolerant search functionality (often called fuzzy search or rough search). Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions processes the data. 7KH KLW OLVW In response to your search request. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions takes even partial data or erroneous data that you entered and provides a hit list of logical record matches between your search terms and existing data. You can customize Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions to determine which fields are presented in the hit list to help you decide which record fulfills your search. and presents a hit list of candidates from which you can select an entry. The duplicate matches are discarded. The standard SAP search window is displayed. populated by the data you entered. At this window you have three button options. New Search Cancel )LHOGV GLVSOD\HG You can customize the data fields displayed in the error tolerant search hit list. The search window returns. you can accept it by clicking Enter. as well as the order of those fields. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã%)Ã9ˆƒyvph‡rÃpurpxÃhqÃr……‚…Ç‚yr…h‡Ã†rh…pu  . See “Maintain fields for duplicate hit list display” on page 57 for information on the default settings and the procedure for making changes to the fields displayed. The previous window returns with the entered data populating the fields.If one of the results on the hit list is the desired record. 7ˆ‡‡‚ Select 6p‡v‚ A window appears that gives the customer number for confirmation. select the record and click the Select button. If this record is the desired record.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . It also includes tips for using the product.&KDSWHU  7LSV DQG WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ This chapter includes information on troubleshooting errors and known issues within BusinessObjects Data Quality Management for SAP CRM/ERP Solutions. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã&)ÃUvƒ†ÃhqDž‚ˆiyr†u‚‚‡vt  . QVWDOODWLRQ WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ &KHFNLQJ WKH 5)& 6HUYHU V.. consult your SAP documentation.0* To configure the IMG to determine whether Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions works with either a Unicode or non-Unicode system: 1.trc. the information may be in various files that have the extension . To configure the RFC Server to determine whether Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions works with either a Unicode or non-Unicode system: In Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions’s RFC Server configuration file (by default. The RFC Destination FL_GDQC_SERVER window appears. one in Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions’s RFC Server configuration file and one in the RFC Destination.xml). select the Non-Unicode or Unicode button. Select TCP/IP -> FL_GDQC_SERVER. The Display and Maintain RFC destinations window appears.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . If you have problems related to Unicode characters. Within the SAP client. you can search for those files with the wildcard search *.txt contains the entry “connection closed. 2. 3. If the connection between your SAP system and the RFC Server closes or is not made during installation. Select the Special Options tab.trc. &RQQHFWLRQ WR WKH 5)& 6HUYHU FORVHG 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 8QLFRGH LVVXHV Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions has two settings that indicate whether your system processes Unicode characters. FRQQHFWLRQ You can determine to which RFC Server(s) an SAP gateway is connected by using the SAP transaction SMGW. Depending on the issue. as follows: <sap_unicode>yes</sap_unicode> &RQILJXUH WKH 5)& 6HUYHU or <sap_unicode>no</sap_unicode> &RQILJXUH LQ WKH . If you experience failures due to closed connections to the RFC Server. you should check and configure these two settings to make sure they are correct. install_directory\config\flrfcsrv.” A more descriptive explanation may exist in another log file or trace file on the RFC Server. set the sap_unicode key to yes if you have a Unicode system or no if you have a non-Unicode system. 4. In the Character Width in Target System field. For information on the use and syntax of transaction SMGW. as appropriate for your system. the RFC Server log file flrfcsrv_log. enter the transaction SM59. Save the settings (Ctrl+S).1RQ8QLFRGH 8QLFRGH 5. ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã&)ÃUvƒ†ÃhqDž‚ˆiyr†u‚‚‡vt  . Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions attempts to fill in the correct postal code based on the other address information you provided. Therefore. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions cannot assign break keys to the records. The size of that list is configurable through the IMG activity “Maintain operating parameters. . if you want to customize a Job. This restriction is necessary because if you attempted to save the address without the ZIP Code. To run the report /FLDQ/AD_REPT_UPDATE_PEND_RECS: 1.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . and assigns break keys to those records. The “ABAP Execute Program” window appears. instead of creating a scenario in which Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions allows you to save the address without the postal code only to have the SAP system disallow it. you must run the custom report /FLDQ/ AD_REPT_UPDATE_PEND_RECS.) If the number of pending records exceeds the size configured in that parameter. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions can not give a break key to newly created records or changed records. the SAP system would return its standard error indicating that you need to enter a valid postal code. You can use these input data files as a template to run data through Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions instead gives an error and does not allow you to save the address.QDELOLW\ WR VDYH DGGUHVVHV IRU ZKLFK WKH SRVWDO FRGH FDQQRW EH FRPSOHWHG If you were not running Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions on your SAP system and you entered an address without using the postal code. see “Maintain operating parameters” on page 59. the installation routine installs sample input files to your BusinessObjects Data Services configuration at installpath\BusinessObjects\DataQuality_for_SAP\extrafiles\ SampleInputfiles.3RVWDO YDOLGDWLRQ DQG GXSOLFDWH FKHFNHUURU WROHUDQW VHDUFK WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ 8VLQJ WKH VDPSOH LQSXW ILOHV WR WHVW -REV During the installation of the Data Services Component. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions checks a list of pending records to determine which records have not been assigned break keys.” (For details. For example. When the RFC Server again functions and the first record is created or changed. you could send add records to a sample input file and send the data through the Job to see if you receive the expected results. however. Start the report /FLDQ/AD_REPT_UPDATE_PEND_RECS by running the transaction code SA38. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions does not offer you an option to save the address without correcting. This process can help you make configurations to Jobs. Instead. the SAP system would return a standard SAP error indicating that you need to enter a valid postal code. For instruction on how to run Jobs. If. 5HFRUGV FUHDWHG ZLWKRXW EUHDN NH\V GXH WR GRZQWLPH RI 5)& 6HUYHU During any time that the RFC Server is not functioning. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions can not determine a postal code. see the Data Services documentation. Because you are running Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions on your SAP system. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions uses the last defined map.CA. In particular. In the Program field. 8QGHUVWDQGLQJ UHJLRQV Regions are data fields that could be states for U. QC <. the records are normally stored in the table /FLDQ/AD_PUPDATE until they are committed to the SAP database. QC <. QC SAP region code <.S. PQ CA. Consider this example. For information about the Suppress Search checkbox. Each line of regions.xml specifies conversion values for both directions: SAP region code -> Data Services region name CA. QC <. this section describes how the order of region maps in the file is significant. A confirmation window appears and Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions has assigned break keys to all records in the database. 1HZIRXQGODQG UHJLRQ FRGH IRU 5  DQG  If you have R/3 4. Therefore. PQ <. However. To assure ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã&)ÃUvƒ†ÃhqDž‚ˆiyr†u‚‚‡vt  . enter /FLDQ/AD_REPT_UPDATE_PEND_RECS and click the Execute button (F8).CA. You can edit the file regions. QC -> CA. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions converts the input region: CA. if the order of these regions map is different. provinces for Canadian addresses.70 system. QC CA. QC -> CA.CA. QC <.xml to control how Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions maps regions between the data format expected by SAP and the data format expected by BusinessObjects Data Services (and its Address Cleanse transform).2. PQ -> CA.xml.CA. In the file regions. 5HFRUGV QRW VWRUHG LQ SHQGLQJ XSGDWH WDEOH ZKHQ VHDUFK GLVDEOHG As you add or change records. QC CA. QC CA. QC -> CA. PQ CA. the mapping code is NL. addresses.CA. and so on. you get a different result that might be unexpected. PQ CA. as in this example. QC (note: QC->PQ was overwritten by QC->QC) And Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions converts the output region: CA. records are not stored in that table if the Suppress Search box is checked because with search functionality suppressed. the mapping code NL is used for Newfoundland. QC When there are redundancies in the maps. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions would never process the records in the table.Data Services region name CA.60 or 4. For all other versions of SAP supported by Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. QC (note: PQ<-QC was overwritten by QC->QC) Therefore. and the table would grow endlessly. the SAP two character mapping code for the Canadian province Newfoundland is NF. see “Add a transaction code to the exception table” on page 51. PQ -> CA. ” A break key is the search index for each record that Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions uses for finding similar.60 and 4. see “Understanding duplicate check and error tolerant search” on page 74. possibly matching. see “BusinessObjects Data Services jobs” on page 91. For more information on break keys and how they help Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions perform searches.xml for country CA: <region code="NF" name="NL"/> to <region code="NF" name="NF"/> 5607&&2'( SURJUDP HUURU PHVVDJH When you run the program RSMTCCODE for a range of records but no record exists in that range. For more information about transactional_name_and_address_match. candidate records. In the file flrfcsrv. 7KUHVKROG YDOXHV IRU GXSOLFDWHV  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . “Report execution completed successfully. The search terms can be customized so that Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions can determine that certain existing records have no realistic probability of being duplicates and should be ignored. The Data Services transform address_validate_suggestion contains the values to set the threshold for candidate records to be presented in a suggestion list.70 should change the line in regions.xml. or vice versa. Some may have break keys for name data but not address data. the parameter for including records with empty break keys to find duplicates in postal validation is include_empty_candidates_check.correct postal validation. the system displays an error message that states.QFOXGH UHFRUGV ZLWK HPSW\ EUHDN NH\V 'XSOLFDWH KLW OLVW QRW DSSHDULQJ DV H[SHFWHG If the duplicate hit list screen fails to appear as expected. see “General settings” on page 66. On the other hand. A break key consists of search terms that are arranged in a specific order. . including records that have empty break keys during postal validation or duplicate search slows the processing of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions. the threshold values from address_validate_suggestion are ignored by the SAP system. The parameter for including records with empty break keys in duplicate search is include_empty_candidates_search. For more information on these settings and their values. because of changes in SAP Basis versions 640 and above. including records that have empty break keys helps Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions return appropriate records. some records have an empty break key. However. Some records may not have a break key associated with them. This field must not be blank. that is. No updates done to break keys table. users of R/3 4. because Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions has more records to examine. the problem may exist in the field SAP_MATCH_THRESHOLD of the Data Services transform transactional_name_and_address_match. On one hand. For more information. you must obtain a DPV Unlock Code from customer support to unlock DPV functionality. as well as instructions to unlock DPV processing. you must set threshold values in the IMG activity “Set Limit for Duplicate List in SAP Dialog Boxes. See the Data Services documentation for information on DPV and DPV locking. see “Start the RFC Server” on page 25.” For information on configuring this IMG activity. see your SAP documentation. $GGUHVVHV GR QRW YDOLGDWH(UURU 7 If addresses do not validate and Error T528 is recorded in the RFC Server log files. '39 SURFHVVLQJ ORFNHG ÃÃÃÃ8uhƒ‡r…Ã&)ÃUvƒ†ÃhqDž‚ˆiyr†u‚‚‡vt  .Instead. If you run DPV and receive an error message that a record has locked DPV processing. for SAP Basis versions 640 and above. the cause may be that the BusinessObjects Data Services was stopped and restarted without restarting the RFC Server. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions provides available support for Delivery Point Validation (DPV) processing as a for sale add-on. and <version> is the value of the specification version in the manifest file. and the version of the product. The format of this string is: <vendor>’s <product> v<version> Here. <product> is the value assigned as the specification title in the manifest file. The program continues processing normally after displaying this message to the console.xml. it writes this information to the log file. the RFC Server console outputs the manifest information.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . see “Configuring through flrfcsrv.5)& 6HUYHU 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 5)& 6HUYHU VWDWH WRJJOHV EHWZHHQ 67$57 DQG 6723 If after initialization the RFC Server state toggles between START and STOP. <vendor> is the value assigned as the specification vendor in the manifest file. If this information cannot be loaded. This information can be displayed only if the manifest information is available to the program. you may not have a valid gateway service ID in the configuration file flrfcsrv.xml. the RFC Server displays the following warning: Warning: Unable to access the manifest file to display version and vendor information.xml” on page 64. Check the value for the key <sap_gwserv> to ensure that the entry is correct. name of the product. which is the vendor’s name. 2XWSXW PDQLIHVW LQIRUPDWLRQ Upon startup. Then. For instruction on editing flrfcsrv. after the log file is initialized. This job is used when the IMG setting is configured so that the Suggestion List is enabled during the Address Validation. For information about suggestion lists. see “Understanding break keys and data fields” on page 75. For information on break keys. For information about suggestion lists.$SSHQGL[ $ %XVLQHVV2EMHFWV 'DWD 6HUYLFHV -REV DQG 2SWLRQV This section describes the BusinessObjects Data Services jobs and options that are specific to BusinessObjects Data Quality Management for SAP CRM/ERP Solutions. For more information about quarterly adjustment reports. see “Quarterly Adjustment Reports” on page 37. It then loads the results into the output staging table. It uses the Job-level Global Variable “$SAP_MATCH_THRESHOLD” as the default threshold if an invalid threshold is passed from the RFC Server request. The job matches driver record with candidate records to find potential duplicated names and addresses. This job is used when the IMG setting is configured so that the Suggestion List is disabled during the Address Validation. see “Maintain exception table of transaction codes” on page 51. It uses the substitution parameter DQ_SAP_BATCH_ID to identify the records of a specific batch processing run and is passed from the RFC Server request by default. see “Maintain exception table of transaction codes” on page 51. E‚i Job_Batch_DQ_SAP_Address_Cleanse 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ This job is used for quarterly adjustment reports and produces the same results as the results from the interactive address validation process. %XVLQHVV2EMHFWV 'DWD 6HUYLFHV MREV These jobs are located in the Data Services Designer after you install the Data Services Component. This job processes records from input staging table (populated by Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Name_And_Address_Match_Load) for a specific BATCH_ID. This job contains the settings for determining break keys. Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Address_Cleanse Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Address_Cleanse_ Suggestions Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Create_Break_Keys Job_Batch_DQ_SAP_Name_And_Address_ Match_Run Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Name_And_Address_ Match à  . Consult the BusinessObjects Data Services documentation for general procedures for working with BusinessObjects Data Services jobs and options. This job matches a driver record with candidate records to find potential duplicate names and addresses. This option combines the house num2 data with street data in the street field and appends the PMB data in the street suppl2 field. This option combines the house num1 data with the street data in the street field and appends the PMB data in the street suppl2 field. house num2. This option combines the house num1. This option combines the house num2 and PMB data with the street data in the street field. It also appends the PMB data in the street supple2 field. house num2. It also appends the PMB data in the street field. house num2. This option combines the house num1 and PMB data with the street data in the street field. it processes from one state to the next. and PMB data with the street data in the street field. This job generates a unique Batch ID and creates a log record entry in the UCBatchJob table This job generates log record in the UCBatchJob table. and street fields. respectively. respectively. Pƒ‡v‚ 1 (default) @‘ƒyhh‡v‚ This option separates the house num1. This option separates the house num1.E‚i Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Name_And_Address_ Match_Load Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Name_And_Address_ Match_Results Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Name_And_Address_ Match_Cleanup Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_Retrieve_Country_ Purchased Job_Realtime_DQ_SAP_US_DPV_Address_ Cleanse_Suggestions 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ This job loads the staging tables with records from the RFC Server request for duplicate check in batch mode (“batch match”) processing. all records must be of US origin to receive URAC DPV processing. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . This option combines the house num1 and house num2 with street data in the street field and append the PMB data in the street suppl2 field. This job processes US records through the URAC (US Regulatory Address Cleanse) transform and non-US records through the GAC (Global Address Cleanse) transform. This job fetches the duplicate check results in batch mode (“batch match”) from the output staging table of a specific batch ID and sends back the results to the RFC Server. The following table explains the eight options that you can set for all address cleanse jobs to the global variable $gAddrCombineOption for each job. Job_Realtime_DQ_UC_Init_Batch_Match Job_Realtime_DQ_UC_Update_Batch_Status &RPELQH +RXVH 1XP DQG 30% RSWLRQ The combine_house_num_and_pmb option of each job allows you to determine how Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions handles house number and PMB (postal mail box) data for that job. If the collection contains multiple records (pending update case). This job clears the records of a batch processing run from the staging tables (both input and output tables). and street data in the house num1. house num2. This job retrieves the list of countries for which you can perform postal validation. and street fields. and street data in the house num1. Used multiple times as a duplicate check batch mode job (“batch match”). house num2. à  . choose Properties > Global Variables. Change the value of $gAddrCombineOption from 1 to any value described in the preceding table.To set the option for how Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions handles house number and PMB data: 1. 3. Click Apply to activate your changes and then save the job. 2. For any address cleanse job. Repeat these steps for any other jobs. 4.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . $SSHQGL[ % (UURU &RGHV This section lists the error codes and provides a description of each code. An incompatible Driver record length was found during duplicate check and error-tolerant search. An incompatible Match code record length was found during duplicate check and error-tolerant search. 2. The “ABAP Execute Program” window appears. The table from SAP for adding the ISO country codes is not specified. The ISO country code table record length is invalid. This is the generic duplicate check and error-tolerant search error The IE_CH_ADDR table has a row of an invalid length because the length did not match the length specified in the format file. The IE_CH_ADDR table for getting an input address is not specified during ADR_VALIDATE or ADR_VALIDATE_QTR call. 7HFKQLFDO HUURU FRGHV Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions displays technical error codes in the Error Log Report. which you can access by running the custom report /FLDQ/ AD_REPT_DISPLAY_ERRLOG. enter AD_REPT_DISPLAY_ERRLOG and click the Execute button (F8). T504 T505 T506 T507 T508 T509 T510 à  . In the Program field. An incompatible Candidate record length was found during duplicate check and error-tolerant search. The following table lists the technical error codes: UrpuvphyÃ@……‚… T501 T502 T503 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ An abnormal operation occurred during data processing. Start the report /FLDQ/AD_REPT_DISPLAY_ERRLOG by running the transaction code SA38. The Display Error Log Report appears. To run the custom report /FLDQ/AD_REPT_DISPLAY_ERRLOG: 1. There is not a record in the IE_CH_ADDR table for getting an input address during ADR_VALIDATE or ADR_VALIDATE_QTR call. See the log files for details. The address type parameter (EX_CURRENT_ADDR_TYPE) passed is invalid (must be 1 or 2). Unable to process Gateway request. The EX_DRIVER table record length is invalid. The batch ADR_VALIDATE_QTR dataflow failed to initialize. The Data Quality process timed out. Error returned from Data Quality during process. There is no record in the EX_DRIVER table for getting the driver record for matching. The IM_FIELD_LIST table for adding the fields for matching is not specified during GET_INDEXED_FIELD_LIST call. Error occurred during ADR_VALIDATE or ADR_VALIDATE_QTR call. The search mode parameter (EX_SEARCH_MODE) passed is invalid (must be I. Invalid parameter values found while processing a GET_INDEXED_FIELD_LIST request. Error occurred when creating input data for the Suggestion List process during ADR_VALIDATE call. U. The EX_DRIVER table for getting a driver record for matching is not specified during GET_MATCH_CODE call. An invalid address type was passed to the GET_INDEXED_FIELD_LIST function.UrpuvphyÃ@……‚… T511 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ The EX_PROMPTS table for updating a suggestion prompt is not specified during ADR_VALIDATE call with a suggestion list option enabled. T512 T513 T514 T515 T516 T517 T518 T520 T521 T522 T524 T526 T527 T528 T529 T550 T600 T601 T602 T604 T701 T702  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . The IM_MATCHES table for adding the matched records is not specified during GET_POTENTIAL_MATCH call. Error occurred when retrieving output data for Suggestion List process during ADR_VALIDATE call. The EX_PROMPTS table record length is invalid. Invalid function object. The IM_MATCH_CODES table for updating the match codes is not specified during GET_MATCH_CODE call. or S). The IM_SUGGLIST table that is for adding the suggestion list is not specified during ADR_VALIDATE call with a suggestion list option enabled. The IM_FIELD_LIST table record length is invalid. The IM_SUGGLIST code table record length is invalid. The EX_CANDIDATES table for getting the candidate records for matching is not specified during GET_POTENTIAL_MATCH call. txt could not be opened for reading during a GET_ISO_COUNTRIES call. The BATCH_MATCH dataflow failed to initialize. An error occurred getting the display function modules for the GUI type. Error occurred during GET_ISO_COUNTRIES call. An error occurred processing the GET_POTENTIAL_MATCHES request. Unable to access candidate record information. Unable to communicate with the DQXI server. Invalid response from the DQXI server. T751 T752 T753 T802 T803 T804 T805 T806 T807 T809 T852 T853 T854 T855 T856 T898 T899 T900 T902 à  . The file SupportedCountries. An error occurred processing the GET_POTENTIAL_MATCHES request.txt could not be found during GET_ISO_COUNTRIES call. Unable to locate the configuration file potential batch match setting for the specified table and field. Unable to locate the configuration file potential match setting for the specified table and field. Invalid response from the Data Quality server.txt on the Data Quality Server. The file SupportedCountries. Unable to access driver record information. Unable to access candidate record information. Invalid parameter values found during GET_MATCH_CODES call. Unable to access stored organization fields for a GET_INDEXED_FIELD_LIST request. Invalid parameter values found while processing a GET_POTENTIAL_MATCHES request. The system could not read the file SupportedCountries. Unable to access the list of temporary fields in order to create the indexed field list. Unable to communicate with the Data Quality server. The key file utility could not be found during GET_ISO_COUNTRIES call.UrpuvphyÃ@……‚… T703 T704 T705 T749 T750 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ Unable to access stored person fields for a GET_INDEXED_FIELD_LIST request. An error occurred processing the GET_INDEXED_FIELD_LIST request. Invalid parameter values found while processing a GET_POTENTIAL_BATCH_MATCHES request. Unable to access the application input parameter list. Invalid suggestion number is specified for PO Box record. The address is not a valid delivery point. Match record exists exception on JCO Table. The PO Box number provided must be an odd number.UrpuvphyÃ@……‚… T903 T904 T905 T906 T907 T908 T909 T910 T911 T912 T913 T914 T915 T916 T999 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ Undefined application structure. 3RVWDO YDOLGDWLRQ HUURU FRGHV Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions displays postal validation error codes within error message windows as the errors occur. Dataflow error message returned from Data Quality. The house number provided must be an even number. GetString method conversion exception on JCO Table. The PO Box number provided must be an even number.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . Invalid primary range is entered. Unable to access the application output parameter list. Insufficient or excess records for the reply tables returned from Data Quality. GetString method name does not exist exception on JCO Table. Driver record does not exist exception on JCO Table. An error occurred processing the GET_MATCH_CODES request. The house number provided must be an odd number. The House number provided is blank. Undefined Data Quality response table. The PO Box number provided is blank. The following table lists the postal validation error codes: Q‚†‡hyÃWhyvqh‡v‚Ã @……‚…† FZ01 FZ02 FZ03 FZ04 FZ05 FZ06 FZ07 FZ08 FZ09 FZ10 FZ11 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ There are more suggestions than the max suggestion set in the configuration file. Invalid socket table record index or record array not allocated exception. Dataflow status message returned from Data Quality. Unable to access the application structure object. Invalid suggestion number is specified for Street record. Unable to access the application structure object field. Q‚†‡hyÃWhyvqh‡v‚Ã @……‚…† FZ12 FZ13 FZ14 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ The country is not defined. à  . There is only one duplicate check error code. This record locked DPV processing. 9ˆƒyvph‡rÃ8urpxà @……‚… D001 9r†p…vƒ‡v‚ The driver record to be matched is empty or data with all spaces. but the parsed secondary range is not available on input. The address is a confirmed delivery point. FZ15 FZ16 FZ17 FZ18 'XSOLFDWH FKHFN HUURU FRGH Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions displays a duplicate check error code within error message windows as the errors occur. The secondary unit range provided was invalid. but the secondary range is not valid in the DPV directory. The address is not a valid delivery point. DPV processing is currently unavailable. The records primary range is a valid delivery point. Consult the Data Quality documentation for the steps required to unlock DPV processing.  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . $SSHQGL[ & ([WHUQDO /LVW 0DQDJHPHQW This section describes External List Management (ELM) features of BusinessObjects Data Quality Management for SAP CRM/ERP Solutions. To prevent the creation of duplicate data in the database. ELM is SAP CRM functionality that allows users to import data into the SAP database from an external list. Then upon import of the list. This product’s postal validation and duplicate check capabilities are also available through SAP’s LSM Workbench for data migration from legacy systems. SAP offers functionality that allows the external list to be matched against the SAP database so that duplicates can be identified. You can use the Data Quality portion of this product to run postal validation and duplicate check on the data in the list itself prior to importing the list into your SAP database. Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions further enhances this SAP functionality by providing the postal validation and matching capabilities of this product. à  . the ELM process uses the technology of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions to perform postal validation and duplicate check of the list data against the SAP database. Therefore. This issue has been fixed by SAP in CRM 5 and higher. For information on using ELM within your SAP CRM system. users should do the following: 1. any records that SAP considers to be invalid postal addresses are automatically excluded from the de-duplication process and are not loaded into the database. instead of only the B2B records. 5HFRUGV ZLWK RQO\ QDPH GDWD  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . or region in lower case. records in the external list that contain only name data (no address data) are not compared against the database for de-duplication because SAP does not call duplicate check and error tolerant search (DES) if the phone number or postal code is blank. If the list is de-duplicated against itself using a stand-alone version of Data Quality prior to being loaded via ELM. consult the Data Quality documentation. Using the SAP ELM functionality. records that contained a P. This process allows the user to get the most value from the external list. allowing the data to become valid if enough information is included in the record. (/0 IXQFWLRQDOLW\ IRU GLIIHUHQW YHUVLRQV RI 6$3 &50 In versions prior to SAP CRM 5. In addition. &OHDQVLQJ WKH H[WHUQDO OLVW SULRU WR ORDGLQJ YLD (/0 If the external list is not cleansed via Data Quality prior to being loaded via ELM. the SAP system then considers all records in the list for de-duplication. Box was excluded from the field mapping in ELM. causing the creation of an incorrect break key within this product. Duplicates in the list are marked as duplicates and are not imported. If you have a stand-alone version of Data Quality. The SAP system does not check the list against itself for duplicates unless the records are B2B data. 2. For information on using Data Quality for these tasks. Box address but no street address are not correctly compared against the database for de-duplication because the P. Examples of addresses that SAP considers to be invalid postal addresses are incomplete addresses or addresses that have the city.8VLQJ 'DWD 4XDOLW\ 0DQDJHPHQW IRU 6$3 6ROXWLRQV ZLWK (/0 To achieve optimal data quality when using ELM with BusinessObjects Data Quality Management for SAP CRM/ERP Solutions. some records in the external list would be ignored. country. consult the SAP documentation. The ELM process uses the technology of Data Quality Management for SAP Solutions to match the cleansed and de-duplicated list data against the SAP database.O. Pre-cleansing the list using a stand-alone version of Data Quality corrects and standardizes postal data. Records that are B2C data are not checked for duplicates within the list. load the external list into the SAP system. In SAP’s ELM implementation.O. cleanse (through postal validation) and de-duplicate the external list using Data Quality. 47 IMG activities Activate duplicate check index pools. 35 Maintain exception table of transaction codes. 18 introduction to. 95 error tolerant search.xml. 76 definition. 80 . 15 BAdIs. 98 technical. 66 % BAdIs installation. 38 combine_house_num_and_pmb option. 63 correction. 74 using. 51 Maintain fields for address reviewer. 13 jobs. 87 /FLDQ/AD_REPT_DISP_QTRERRORLOG. 64 fmt. 38 data quality. 22 ) fields address reviewer.xml.. 67 deduplication. 55 Maintain fields for duplicate hit list display. 16 break key configure. 57 FL_GDQC_SERVER. 86 address engine enable or disable. 16 Dqr‘  . 47 RFC Server. 74 Business Objects Electronic Software Download. 49 initial setup program /FLDQ/RSADRINI. 59 Maintain supported countries. 90 editing. 13 installation notes. 10 Data Quality Management for SAP overview. 15 BusinessObjects Data Services documentation. 13 duplicate check. 55 hit list. IMG configuration. 24 connection closed. 32 flrfcsrv. 54 SAP handshake with RFC Server.QGH[ 6\PEROV /FLDQ/AD_PUPDATE table. 99 postal validation. 73 definition. 84 troubleshooting. 34 /FLDQ/AD_REPT_UPDATE_PEND_RECS. 9 dataflows. 77. 41 /FLDQ/RSADRQU2. 80 $ AD_REPT_UPDATE_PEND_RECS program. 51 using. 7 BusinessObjects Data Services. See also matching dialog suppressing. 73 Java requirements for RFC Server. 26 installation requirements. 38 /FLDQ/RSMTCCODE. 57 Maintain operating parameters. 32 SAP handshake with RFC server. 50 /FLDQ/RSADRINI. 74 suppressing. 92 configuring IMG. 50 Maintain table to activate SAP postal code check before postal validation. 41 definition. 84 & check status D record. 95 error log. 77 ( error codes duplicate check. 26 BusinessObjects Data Services. 91 + hit list. 95 /FLDQ/AD_REPT_LOAD_COUNTRIES. 41 installation. 18 RFC Server. 52. 10 ' D record. 51 documentation accessing from Web. 86 /FLDQ/AD_VAL_CNT table. 39 /FLDQ/AD_REPT_DISPLAY_ERRLOG error log. 32 starting. 84 SPRO. 39. 66 understanding regions.xml. 51 5 regions. 10 data quality. 24 Java requirements./ log file flrfcsrv_log. 66 3 P. 24 troubleshooting.xml. 59 option combine_house_num_and_pmb. 10 matching. 25 troubleshooting. 39 8 Unicode. 11 name data. Box addresses. 95 SAINT. 16 RFC Server checking connection. 86. 84 9 validation suppressing. 76 2 operating parameters. 11 requirements BAdIs. 59. 37 suppressing. 51 suppress validation. 88 6 search suppressing. 33. 51 Maintain fields for duplicate hit list display. 12 transaction SA38. 90 flrfcsrv. 38 error log. 16 SAP handshake. 64 overrides. 41. 78 requirements. 16 overview correction. 16 OSS Notes. 84 0 Maintain exception table of transaction codes. 50 Maintain table to activate SAP postal code check before postal validation. 59 Maintain supported countries. 11 suppress dialog. 25. 51 7 table /FLDQ/AD_VAL_CNT. 48 tsad10. 41. 10 postal validation. 37 /FLDQ/RSADRQU2. 84 configuring. 11 parsing. 12 interactive cleansing. 38. 51 suppress search. 12 matching. 34. 32. 26 SMGW. 92 OSS Notes requirements. 54 manifest information. 69 engine. 64. 57 Maintain operating parameters.txt.O. 70 quarterly adjustment reports. 51 4 quarterly adjustment. 16 Program ID. 55 parsing. 87  7ˆ†vr††Piwrp‡†Ã9h‡hÃRˆhyv‡’ÃHhhtr€r‡Ãs‚…ÃT6QÃ8SH@SQÃT‚yˆ‡v‚†ÃV†r…¶†ÃBˆvqr . 25 stopping. 90 match engine. 16 RFC Server. 63 console. 50 TCP/IP. 90 RSMTCCODE program.txt. 51 standardization. 67 installation. 10 standardization. 35.
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