12 Week Duathlon Training Program
12 Week Duathlon Training Program
March 27, 2018 | Author: Jairuz Agang-ang | Category:
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Home | Train with Coach Troy | Associate Coaches | Training Camps | Training DVDs | Search | Member Areahome | Free Training Plans | 12 Week Duathlon Training Program fo . . . 12 Week Duathlon Training Program for Beginners 12 Week Training Plan for the Iron Girl Duathlon By Coach Troy Jacobson www.coachtroy.com About Coach Troy Sample Articles FAQ's Testimonials Welcome to the 12 --week program designed to prepare you for a peak performance at the Iron Girl Duathlon. I am looking forward to coaching you in this process and I am confident that if you follow the program I've outlined, use it as a blueprint for success and train with focus, dedication and a sense of purpose, you'll achieve great results! Before we get started however, it's important that we review some of the criteria required to begin this 12-Week progression. This particular program is designed for the beginner to intermediate level athlete with zero to two years of multisport experience who has a strong desire to finish the race and do their best. It is assumed that you are 'serious' about your training and can devote about 9-12 hours per week to training. This progression also requires that you have trained consistently over the winter with an emphasis on strength training, technique development and aerobic base building. You should be 'in shape' and have a great foundation of fitness, but certainly not yet in 'race shape'. If the training volumes described in this plan seem excessive to you because of your current level of conditioning, attempt to follow the general structure day by day but reduce your volume by about 10-20%, otherwise try to complete the workouts to the best of your ability. And if you have more experience and are aiming for a PR or top slot in your age group, you can increase your volume while using the same general structure for even better results. And prior to starting this or any exercise program, be certain to have a complete physical check up with your doctor as a precaution. Train with Coach Troy Associate Coaches Coaching Services Indoor Bike Trainers 1 of 7 Listen to your body at all times and by all means. The bike test can be done on the roads or on the trainer. If you don't 'feel' like training. if your pacing is poor. BENCHMARK TESTS If you have access to a human performance lab. I encourage my athletes to follow a winter program that emphasizes full body strength training. If you don't have the ability to get tested at a lab. develop a highly tuned level of 'self awareness' and become experts at 'monitoring their gauges'. Assuming your base level fitness is well established. Everyday. Complex training programs. As you run through the mile markers. Mile 2 = 7:15. you must first find a track. use your common sense and good judgment at all times. just as a race car driver keeps an eye on the tachometer and oil gauges. multiple training zones and excessive gadgets aren't in my vocabulary. As with the run. RUN TEST Feature Articles Free Training Plans Podcast Coaching Coach Troy's Video Tips Coach's Training Blog Image Gallery Instructional Videos Member Profiles Profiles of Success Workout Ideas Article Index Contact Us Help Order Form Your Account Benchmark tests should be performed on 'fresh legs' so I recommend that you do your tests after one or two days of rest. To get started on my plan. your power output might see a rapid decline as the duration of the test increases and you'll have to redo the test. As with a lot of things. you need to watch out for signs of oncoming injury and possible overtraining. but at a pace that is sustainable. you'll do a steady state 'race pace' effort of about 20-30 minutes. we'll be using heart rate as a measure of intensity and not power. take your average heart rate to determine your approximate lactate threshold. then you can perform a field test that will help determine your levels. Mile 3 = 9:20). technique development and aerobic base work. find a flat or slightly rolling stretch of road from 8-10 miles long and time trial it at your best sustainable effort. To perform the test on the road. your body is likely telling you something and that might mean its time for a day of rest. This is a very hard run. Attempt to run at a pace that allows you to even-split each mile. as your results will be different in each sport. easy jogging and striders.) BIKE TEST Similar to the run test. plus or minus 5 bpm. more athletes Holiday Deliveries Privacy Policy Shipping & Return Policy Terms of Use 2 of 7 . you should get in the habit of performing a self assessment where you check resting heart rate (elevated HR over three or more days can indicate overtraining). now is the time to get tested in order to determine your V02max and Lactate Threshold for both the bike and the run. begin your test which consists of a three mile run at your 5K race pace effort around the track. you'll need a base level of fitness both cardiovascular and in terms of overall muscle strength and conditioning. your results won't be accurate you 'll need to REDO the test at a later date. I find this brings the athlete into the pre-season strong and with a high level of motivation to start a training progression working towards their peak event. regardless of their experience. While power training is highly recommend. The last thing you want to do is injure yourself early in the season during a test so warm up well! When you're warm. for example: Mile 1 = 7:00 min. Warm up adequately with a series of dynamic stretches.. (NOTE: If you ran a poorly paced effort and each mile split is more than 15 seconds apart. monitor bodyweight (dehydration can impede your performance) and emotional state (irritability or difficulty sleeping can indicate overreaching). Sticking with the basics has always and will always yield the best and most consistent results. have someone record your run split as well as your heart rate. stay healthy! THE TRAINING PLAN As a pro tri coach since 1992. the next step is to perform a benchmark test in order to determine your current fitness and training intensities. In other words. For this test and for the purpose of this article. To perform the run test. At the end of the test.Training Camps Training DVDs Training Plans Speaking Services MONITORING YOUR 'GAUGES' It's important that all endurance athletes. I truly believe in sticking with the fundamentals and keeping things simple and straightforward. you'll need to start using them! In keeping it simple and sticking with the fundamentals. I recommend strength training once or two times each week. 'Tempo' or 'Threshold' training refers to run workouts that are done near or slighter faster than your race pace. Your 'gray zone' will be that range of 10 bpm between your blue zone and red zone. USING THE BENCHMARK TESTS It's important that you record the results of your test as well as the conditions in which you performed them so that you may repeat them at a later date in order to measure improvement. Wind conditions. ten being a full-out sprint. In this training schedule. Record your average heart rate for the 20 -. To develop this ability. There is NO substitute for having a knowledgeable and experienced coach develop a plan just for you. periodization and specificity where the focus will be on building volume and intensity and allowing for adaptation to occur through planned recovery. These workouts are to be done at a controlled pace that is comfortable.30 minute time trial effort and this will approximate your LT. "Strength Training" is an important component in every athlete's training program. aerobic training is at a 6-7. Our StrEndurance Training DVD (Vol. the biggest mistake most athletes make is to train in the Gray zone too often! They train too easy on their hard days and too hard on their easy days. on the perceived effort scale from 1-10. the gray zone (aerobic/anaerobic) and the red zone (anaerobic). Much of your training will be done in this general intensity range for this program while more advanced runners can do more 'speed' training. namely: the blue zone (aerobic). this program can be either enhanced or reduced. let's get rolling with your first four week training block! Keep in mind that this training program is designed to give you a general blueprint for your personal program. you'll subtract 10 bpm to find the upper end of your aerobic zone (140) and add 10 bpm to find the upper end of your 'tempo/interval' zone (160). we'll use your LT to determine three basic zones. you will be performing several 'transition' or 'brick' workouts where you immediately go from one sport to another with very little rest in order to create familiarity in the nervous system and muscles with this type of effort. when done properly. falls somewhere between 8-9 and is done at a very hard level that is sustainable without having to slow down. Other muscle strength and coordination activities like Yoga and Pilates can also be very effective. OTHER COACHES NOTES As a reminder. full body workouts of higher reps and lighter weights to build muscular strength and endurance simultaneously. The intensity. if your LT was determined to be 150 for the run.Online Training Log tend to have heart rate monitors at this point in time. Here are some terms you should know before starting this program: 'Aerobic' Training workouts are workouts done at a comfortable and sustainable pace where you maximize the use of your aerobic energy system. can help reduce risk of injury normally associated with traditional speed work training. according to your current fitness levels. by increasing or Username Password Login Free!! Subscribe today! 3 of 7 . More on this concept in a future article. Tempo work is highly effective at improving pace for distance runners and cyclists and. Now that you have your numbers. TRAINING AND RACING THE DUATHLON The duathlon is a unique event that requires the athlete to cycle effectively immediately after a fast initial run and then follow the bike again with a fast run. As an example. temperature and your physical state of readiness are all things you should note in your log book. Now that you have an idea of your training zones. Simple . 12 Week Iron Girl Duathlon Training Program with Coach Troy This program is designed based on the fundamental training principles of progression. right! And remember. yet still somewhat challenging. On a scale from 1-10. focusing on short. 1) was created for this specific purpose. Aerobic = Blue zone intensity Tempo = Gray zone intensity 4 of 7 .reducing your training volumes for each session. When in doubt. Try to avoid 'over reaching' and doing too much as an injured or overtrained athlete is just as ineffective as an undertrained athlete. do less as opposed to doing more and remember to keep an 'eye on the gauges' at all times. 5 of 7 . MAINTENANCE STRENGTH TRAINING ROUTINE 6 of 7 . LLC. Push-ups: 3 sets of 30 seconds (do as many reps as you can in 30 seconds) on 1 min rest. after your sport specific training. rest Weighted Squats: 3 sets of 30 second (as many reps as possible) on 1 min. 7 of 7 .coachtroy. 1-888-288-0503. Creator of the world renowned Spinervals Cycling series. is for maintenance only and should constitute a small percentage of your overall weekly training time commitment.The strength program consists of basic exercise. All Rights Reserved. rest -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good luck with your training process for the Iron Girl Duathlon and enjoy being in the best shape of your life! Troy Jacobson is a former pro triathlete and has been coaching since 1992. Do your strength training at the end of the day. Troy owns a fitness center in Maryland and can be reached at www. Crunches (use a swiss ball): 3 sets of 30 seconds (as many reps as possible) on 1 min. rest Back Hyperextensions: 3 sets of 30 seconds (as many reps as possible) on 1 min. Reproduction without permission prohibited. Related Articles Avoiding Late Season Burnout Home | Search | Train with Coach Troy | Text Size | Subscribe Today © 2007-2010 Troy Jacobson Multisport.com or toll free.
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