11961264 Carrier HVAC Technical Training Catalog

March 28, 2018 | Author: benten00 | Category: Hvac, Troubleshooting, Simulation, Leak, Alternating Current



echnicalraining Catalog Sales, Service and HVAC System Design www.training.carrier.com ® ® Training Materials for self-study and presentations HVAC Controls Form No. CTT-01B Service System Design Cat. No. 06-020-315 TABLE OF CONTENTS General Training - Theory GTAC1 Air Conditioning (Fundamentals) __________________ GTAC2 Air Conditioning (Advanced ______________________ GTE Electricity (Fundamentals) _________________________ GTH Heating________________________________________ Computer Based Training______________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 Servicing Skills Service Six Pack 1 & 2 ________________________________ Skills Programs______________________________________ HVAC Procedures Handbooks __________________________ Economizers & Troubleshooting Series ___________________ 6 7 7 8 Product Service Training Carrier Residential 38 Series Split System Condensing Units & Heat Pumps __ 9 58 Series Gas Furnaces____________________________ 9 61 Series Boilers _________________________________ 9 Zoned Products __________________________________ 9 Commercial & Applied 16 – Series Absorption Chillers _____________________ 10 17/19 Series Centrifugal Liquid Chillers _______________ 10 23 Series – Screw Chillers _________________________ 11 30 Series Packaged Reciprocating Liquid Chillers_______ 11 33 Series – Control Systems _______________________ 12 35/45, 37 Air Terminals/40 Series Unit Ventilators_______ 12 39L Series Central Station Air Handling Units __________ 12 48/50 Series Rooftop Units_________________________ 12 50 Series Water Source Heat Pumps_________________ 13 53 Series – Duct-Free Systems _____________________ 13 Bryant Gas Furnaces ___________________________________ 14 Boilers_________________________________________ 14 Zoned Products _________________________________ 14 Split System Air Conditioning & Heat Pumps ___________ 14 Packaged Air Conditioning & Heat Pumps _____________ 15 Servicing Compressors _______________________________ 16 Miscellaneous Service Training Standard Service Techniques _______________________17 Safety Training___________________________________17 Cooling_________________________________________17 Heating ________________________________________18 Controls ________________________________________18 Award Certificates ________________________________18 Other Tools, Rules, Pocket Cards, etc. ________________18 Professional Development__________________________19 Design Training Technical Development Programs Introduction to HVAC ______________________________20 Pyschrometrics __________________________________20 Load Estimating __________________________________20 Refrigeration Cycle _______________________________21 Distribution Systems ______________________________21 Commercial HVAC Equipment Air Handling Equipment ____________________________21 Chillers_________________________________________22 Packaged Units __________________________________22 Other Equipment _________________________________22 Commercial Controls ______________________________23 Commercial HVAC Applications _________________________23 TDP Sampler ________________________________________23 Older Programs ______________________________________24 Residential __________________________________________25 Carrier System Design Manual __________________________26 Process Refrigeration _________________________________26 Engineering Guides ___________________________________27 Engineering Charts, Forms and Tools _____________________28 Engineering Software _________________________________29 Metric Versions ______________________________________30 Ordering Information __________________________________32 Order Form _________________________________________33 TRAINING MATERIALS THEORY GTAC-1 Air Conditioning (Fundamentals) Introduction to Air Conditioning (GTAC1-1) A basic introduction assuming no previous knowledge of the subject matter. Explains HVAC terminology and basic concepts. Book Only (GTAC1-101)..............................................................022-001.................6.25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC1-1CD)...................................022-040.............. 93.75 Video Only (GTAC1-1V)...............................................................022-060............ 100.00 Temperature/Pressure (GTAC1-2) Covers heat and temperature/pressure relationships. Book Only (GTAC1-102)..............................................................022-003.................6.25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC1-2CD)...................................022-041.............. 93.75 Video Only (GTAC1-2V)...............................................................022-051..................100 Evaporators (GTAC1-7) Basic evaporation process is studied. Particular attention is devoted to the process’s relationship to the PH chart. Book Only (GTAC1-107)..............................................................022-013.................6.25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC1-7CD)...................................022-046.............. 93.75 Video Only (GTAC1-7V)...............................................................022-056............ 100.00 Metering Devices (GTAC1-8) Covers the specifics of modulating and fixed orifice control. Shows the expansion process and superheat control within the refrigeration cycle. Book Only (GTAC1-108)..............................................................022-015.................6.25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC1-8CD)...................................022-047.............. 93.75 Video Only (GTAC1-8V)...............................................................022-057............ 100.00 The Refrigeration Cycle (GTAC1-3) Electrical & Refrigerant Controls (GTAC1-9) Systems (GTAC1-4) Accessories (GTAC1-10) Compressors (GTAC1-5) GTAC-1 Book Introduces the function of major components and shows how these components work together to constitute the refrigeration system. Book Only GTAC1-103) ...............................................................022-005.................6.25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC1-3CD)...................................022-042.............. 93.75 Video Only (GTAC1-3V)...............................................................022-052............ 100.00 Describes various types of systems along with the compressor/condenser and evaporator curves. Book Only (GTAC1-104)..............................................................022-007.................6.25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC1-4CD)...................................022-043.............. 93.75 Video Only (GTAC1-4V)...............................................................022-053............ 100.00 Basic types of compressors are introduced, stressing their construction, function, and capacity. Book Only (GTAC1-105)..............................................................022-009.................6.25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC1-5CD)...................................022-044.............. 93.75 Video Only (GTAC1-5V)...............................................................022-054............ 100.00 Condensers (GTAC1-6) Covers operation of condensers within the refrigeration system, condenser capacity and how condenser problems relate to system troubleshooting. Book Only (GTAC1-106)..............................................................022-011.................6.25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC1-6CD)...................................022-045.............. 93.75 Video Only (GTAC1-6CD)............................................................022-055............ 100.00 Introduces the operation and function of basic switches and loads in control and power circuits. Refrigerant controls are also covered. Book Only (GTAC1-109)..............................................................022-017.................6.25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC1-9CD)...................................022-048.............. 93.75 Video Only (GTAC1-9V)...............................................................022-058............ 100.00 System options and factory-installed components are studied. Benefits of these options in terms of enhanced system operation, ease of installation and servicing, and user convenience is stressed. Book Only (GTAC1-110)..............................................................022-019.................6.25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC1-10CD).................................022-049.............. 93.75 Video Only (GTAC1-10V).............................................................022-059............ 100.00 Assembly of one each of the GTAC-1 books listed here, Modules 1 through 10. Book (GTAC1-BK) ........................................................................022-025.............. 56.25 GTAC-1 Independent Study Program This self (home study) Comprehensive Course allows students to learn at their own pace. Order Text Book (022-025) and Test. Test only Includes: Registration Card, Course Description Brochure, Mid-Term and Final Exams with (2) Postage Paid Envelopes. East to Self-Administer – You study books and take exams at intervals described. Then mail to us. We grade exams and return marks with fully explained remedial answers to questions answered incorrectly. Success is recognized – Award certificate and transcript of test scores are sent to students who achieve an average test score of 70% or above. Test Only (GTAC1-ISP)................................................................022-027............ 125.00 Bundle of 10 CD-ROM Presentations (PowerPoint) Contains one each of the GTAC-1 CD-ROM presentations listed here, Modules 1 through 10. Set of 10 CD-ROMs (GTAC1-CD)..............................................022-024............ 812.50 Bundle of 10 Videos Contains one each of the GTAC-1 videos listed here, Modules 1 through 10. Set of 10 Videos (GTAC1-V)........................................................022-023............ 750.00 1 ...25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC2-7CD) ..............TRAINING MATERIALS GTAC-2 Air Conditioning (Advanced) Refrigerant Characteristics (GTAC2-1A) Presents types..75 Video Only (GTAC2-8V) .00 System Dehydration (GTAC2-4) Studies moisture problems and their effect on air conditioning systems....93........................... Mid-Term and Final Exams with (2) Postage Paid Envelopes. Modules 1 through 9...................... 022-081 .......................................75 Video Only (GTAC2-5V) . and charts.............93.................... 022-096 ......... Book Only (GTAC2-104).........00 Bundle of 9 Videos Contains one each of the GTAC-2 videos listed here..... and oil compatibility of pure refrigerants.. It also focuses on tools and equipment used.....................................93.. azeotropes......................... 022-084 .......75 GTAC-2 Binder Contains one each of the GTAC-2 Books listed here. Test Only (GTAC2-ISP) .... 022-092 ....... We grade exams and return marks with fully explained remedial answers to questions answered incorrectly.................... Study diagnostic tools along with troubleshooting..........75 Video Only (GTAC2-7V) ..................................................................93............ recover and recycle traditional and replacement halocarbon refrigerants............. sizing...... 022-080 .....100........... information......... prestart checks........................ Recycling and Reclamation (GTAC2-5A) Trains you to charge.... operating economics....00 Bundle of 9 CD-ROM Presentations (PowerPoint) Contains one each of the GTAC-2 CD-ROM presentations listed here...00 Part Load (GTAC2-8) Operating problems often show up at part load rather than at full capacity.......25 GTAC-2 Independent Study Program This self (home study) Comprehensive Course allows students to learn at their own pace..............00 Refrigerant Oils (GTAC2-2A) Covers oils used in air conditioning systems and how they are properly applied........................729............ brazing.................. 022-105 ...................50 2 ............ 022-127 ...................... pump down...........................25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC2-2CD) ...................93....00 Troubleshooting (GTAC2-9) Introduces basic refrigeration system troubleshooting.................00 Charging.......................... characteristics...... Book Only (GTAC2-101A)............ Book Only (GTAC2-109).............................. especially concentrating on the refrigeration cycle..... Book Only (GTAC2-107)............. 022-090 ....6...... 022-085 ..... 022-133 ..... and the importance of moisture elimination during evacuation...... 022-088 ........ Set of 9 CD-ROMs (GTAC2-CD).93.. Recovery.......100...687......... Book Only (GTAC2-108).75 Video Only (GTAC2-1V) ............................... 022-117 ................. 022-115 ..................................... 022-099 . 022-111 ........................ Course Description Brochure. its operation............................................................... Includes compatibility with new....6............. Then mail to us..... Success is recognized – Award certificate and transcript of test scores are sent to students who achieve an average test score of 70% or above................. 022-098 .................. Book Only (GTAC2-106)............................................75 Video Only (GTAC2-6V) ......................................... Order Text Book (022-025) and Test...... Book Only (GTAC2-102A)... 022-091 .......93.................. Test only Includes: Registration Card..............00 Heat Pumps (GTAC2-7) Covers the overall concept of the heat pump................... It focuses on proper application and safe handling for new....... 022-082 .. 022-107 ..100................6.100.... Diagnostic Tool (GTAC2-TS)........100............... insulation. Easy to Self-Administer – You study books and take exams at intervals described...................56................... and zeotrope blends........................................................... 022-097 ...... These are the problems on which this module focuses............... and start-up and safety essentials.................................................. 022-095 ..........75 Video Only (GTAC2-4V) .25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC2-6CD) ......... piping.....25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC2-1CD) .........93..6......................... wiring......93...................................4.....6................ replacement refrigerants and changeout procedures................................ Modules 1 through 9... and support and piping loops..... replacement refrigerants used in air conditioning and refrigeration systems........................ 022-086 . 022-125 .................... Modules 1 through 9.................................25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC2-9CD) .....................................100...............75 Video Only (GTAC2-2V) .................................. 022-131 .....25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC2-4CD) ...75 Video Only (GTAC2....100...........00 GTAC Troubleshooter This diagnostic tool helps isolate common residential problems quickly and incorporates both the Basic Symptom Analysis and Refrigerant-side Troubleshooting form used in GTAC-9............................ 022-087 ................................25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC2-5CD) ... logic.........100....... Binder (GTAC2-BK)......................... 022-093 ............... Book Only (GTAC2-105A)....................................................................................6........125..............6... 022-139 ...............................25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC2-3CD) ....6.........9V) .............. Book Only (GTAC2-103A)........ 022-089 . 022-113 .......25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTAC2-8CD) .............................. benefits and disadvantages...6............................... 022-083 .. Set of 9 Videos (GTAC2-V) ............... Topics covered are piping requirements.............00 Refrigerant Piping (GTAC2-3) Familiarizes you with enough detail to spot and modify obvious field piping errors.100....... 022-050 ........... 022-094 .................................................................75 Video Only (GTAC2-3V) ... servicing concerns and how water-source heat pumps are used for heat reclaim in commercial buildings...........00 Installation Procedures (GTAC2-6) All facets of installation are covered including planning. ...6........................ covering power..00 Electrical Components and Their Symbols (GTE2-2) Introduces basic AC.............. Book Only (GTE2-104)....25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTE2-6CD)...... 93.. Describes the various types of protective devices used with motors............00 Bundle of 9 CD-ROM Presentations (PowerPoint) Contains one each of the GTE2 CD-ROM presentations listed here....................25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTE2-4CD)......022-205........ Success is recognized – Award certificate and transcript of test scores are sent to students who achieve an average test score of 70% or above........... Test only Includes: Registration Card. 100.................................75 Video Only (GTE2-7V)...................... 93..............00 Alternating Current Fundamentals (GTE2-6) Expands on basic AC concepts covered in Modules 1 and 2 as the basis for understanding AC motors and AC power...................................... timing and sensing devices.....6.. Test Only (GTE2-ISP)......... including motor starting circuits.....25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTE2-5CD)..........................................................................022-213..........022-262........6..................... Book Only (GTE2-109)..............75 Video Only (GTE2-4V0... 93............................................. Set of 9 Videos (GTE2-V)...................................25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTE2-3CD)......75 Video Only (GTE2-2V)........25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTE2-9CD)..........00 Electric Meters and Their Uses (GTE2-5) Discusses the construction of various types of meters and explains their applications......................................... magnetism........................022-256.............................. 125... Step-bystep construction of a simplified wiring diagram..............................022-215............ 93....022-265.................................022-251......................... Book Only (GTE2-102)................................ Begins the coverage of wiring diagrams and their symbols by constructing a very basic circuit diagram..................... capacitors..00 Electrical Troubleshooting (GTE2-9) Describes and illustrates techniques for troubleshooting electrical and electronic circuits with a focus on control circuits and motors....022-261.............6....022-252... 100...50 3 .............6..................TRAINING MATERIALS GTE2 General Training Electricity (Fundamentals) Introduction to Electricity (GTE2-1) Introduces electrical terminology and basic concepts to students with limited knowledge of electricity...25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTE2-8CD)........022-207............................... Sample problems illustrate the use of meters in electrical troubleshooting and testing........ Easy to Self-Administer – You study books and take exams at intervals described.................022-260....... and the use of microprocessor controls in comfort applications. power.........022-257...75 Video Only (GTE2-1V)...... 56.................... 100....022-211.................................... and common electrical components..........................................................................................022-255.................. Book Only (GTE2-107).022-269. Mid-Term and Final Exams with (2) Postage Paid Envelopes...................................................00 Bundle of 9 Videos Contains one each of the GTE2 videos listed here.........022-227.................. Modules 1 through 9..25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTE2-2CD)..00 GTE2 Book Assembly of one each of the GTE2 Books listed here.. 93................. phase shift...............00 Motor Fundamentals and Motor Protection (GTE2-7) Covers basic theory and operation of common single-phase and three-phase AC induction motors. 100..................... and load circuits for a typical packaged air conditioner with electric heat.............75 Video Only (GTE2-3V)...00 Wiring Diagram Exercises (GTE2-4) Covers step-by-step construction of a wiring diagram for a heat pump to teach more advanced diagram reading skills and control circuit concepts.....75 Video Only (GTE2-5V).......022-217......... 100..022-209........................00 Electronic Devices and Circuits (GTE2-8) Discusses basic concepts..........................022-263..... Book Only (GTE2-103)........................................................022-258..... Covers Ohm’s Law........ 93.....................022-203.......... Modules 1 through 9...6......022-201...........................................022-266.......................................... 100......... 729............ 100..................... control....................00 Wiring Diagrams (GTE2-3) Discusses safety practices and introduces additional electrical components.... 687..............022-253.............022-250............... Set of 9 CD-ROMs (GTE2-CD) .........................022-225................................................................. Book Only (GTE2-101)..........6... Order Text Book (022-025) and Test....................022-267.....75 Video Only (GTE2-9V)... Covers semiconductors...... We grade exams and return marks with fully explained remedial answers to questions answered incorrectly......................... Book Only (GTE2-106).....022-259........75 Video Only (GTE2-6V)..............................................022-268.........75 Video Only (GTE2-8V)...................................................................... 93........................ Modules 1 through 9.....................25 GTE-2 Independent Study Program This self (home study) Comprehensive Course allows students to learn at their own pace...........................022-264................................ 93............. Book Only (GTE2-105).................. 100...........25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTE2-1CD)......................25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTE2-8CD).022-254. 100.. Covers basic concepts of motors and generators....................... 93..................... Book Only (GTE2-108)................. Then mail to us.............. packaging..........6.............. Course Description Brochure........................ Book (GTE2-BK) ......................... series and parallel circuits........................ and power distribution systems....................................6.. and troubleshooting of electronic circuits used in comfort air conditioning.................... ................. Binder (GTH2-BK) .... 022-359 .... Book Only (GTH2-103) ...... Test only Includes: Registration Card...75 Video Only (GTH2-1V)..... 022-307 ......................... 3) Heat Transfer..........75 Video Only (GTH2-7V).................................... Book Only (GTH2-109) .................................. efficiency checks.25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTH2-8CD)..00 Gas Burners (GTH2-4) Expands on basic concepts.. Book Only (GTH2-106) ......75 Video Only (GTH2-6V).......... Covers: basic adjustments. Book Only (GTH2-110) . as well as Category IV venting and combustion air.. 022-327 ......... 022-340 ............................ 022-356 .. and selecting equipment........................... 022-350 ............................. manual and automatic valves.........100....... 022-355 .............75 Video Only (GTH2-5V).................. Book Only (GTH2-108) .................75 Video Only (GTH2-10V)...................... primary air........ Easy to Self-Administer – You study books and take exams at intervals described....25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTH2-1CD)...................................00 Gas Ignition Systems (GTH2-6) Presents three types of ignition systems commonly used: standing pilot......................................93.....................................................50 Bundle of 10 Videos Contains one each of the GTH videos listed here......... 022-341 ................. 022-348 ........................75 Video Only (GTH2-1V)... Course Description Brochure...........6... gas input...........100.......00 Gas Furnaces (GTH2-3) Students learn basic furnace design... furnace controls. 022-345 .......................... 022-351 .......................... 022-319 ... Success is recognized – Award certificate and transcript of test scores are sent to students who achieve an average test score of 70% or above..............................75 Video Only (GTH2-8V)........ 022-347 ..................... 022-352 .............................6................ combustion system.100........ Includes: theoretical flame characteristics.............................................6.25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTH2-4CD)........ 022-357 .. 022-313 ......75 Video Only (GTH2-4V).................... operating controls........................................................ Mid-Term and Final Exams with (2) Postage Paid Envelopes.............. Modules 1 through 10..........93.. actual flame characteristics..00 Gas Troubleshooting (GTH2-10) Covers basic troubleshooting practices.......... Book Only (GTH2-101) ... Then mail to us..............25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTH2-3CD)..............................00 GTH-2 Binder Contains one each of the GTH Books listed here..................... and gas regulators.... designing.....56.............................. Practical Combustion.......6..00 Installation Practices (GTH2-8) Students learn application principles: planning.... 022-311 ..................00 4 .......................00 Principles of Gas Combustion (GTH2-2) Introduces the remaining four foundation blocks: 5) Gas Properties........................25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTH2-6CD)........... Modules 1 through 10....... re-ignition pilot......93........................... 022-325 .................... Test Only (GTH2-ISP)............................00 Bundle of 10 CD-ROM Presentations (PowerPoint) Contains one each of the GTH CD-ROM presentations listed here...812.................................. Order Text Book (022-025) and Test................93.................................100.................... and direct burner ignition.......93..93...............................00 Safety & Operating Controls (GTH2-7) Covers basic theory and operation of common safety controls....... Book Only (GTH2-105) ...........6................ Book Only (GTH2-104) ............93.............. burner design....................... 022-358 .25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTH2-1CD)............................ vent design and combustion air............................6...6........................100.........125......... 022-301 ..........25 GTH-2 Independent Study Program This self (home study) Comprehensive Course allows students to learn at their own pace..93....................... and pilot burners...................... 2) Molecules.....................00 Ventilation & Combustion Air (GTH2-9) Introduces terminology of Category I vent design basics......................6....... 022-315 ............... as well as proper gas piping techniques and installation practices........... and system controls............................. 022-346 .... 022-320 ...... 022-354 .......6............................... 6) Combustion Theory.....TRAINING MATERIALS GTH2 General Training Heating Introduction to Gas Heating (GTH2-1) Introduces students to four of eight foundation blocks: 1) Heat........................................................................................................... 022-349 ............................ 022-321 .........93......... 022-305 ................. how to identify and correct the operation and function of basic switches and loads....... Book Only (GTH2-107) ....................25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTH2-9CD)... 022-353 .... 022-309 .............93................................... Modules 1 through 10........................... and 8) Efficiency................25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTH2-7CD)......................................... Set of 10 CD-ROMs (GTH2-CD) ................... 022-344 ........................................ 022-343 .............. and system controls and components..........100.....25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTH2-5CD)................... Set of 10 Videos (GTH2-V)..............................00 Gas Controls (GTH2-5) Focuses on controlled combustion process: gas controls........................................75 Video Only (GTH2-3V)...75 Video Only (GTH2-9V)............................. Book Only (GTH2-101) .................. gas system components...100...6................. 022-342 .......100...................... 4) Pressure... 022-303 ....100.......... Heat and Temperature............. 022-317 .................750............... We grade exams and return marks with fully explained remedial answers to questions answered incorrectly................100......25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GTH2-10CD).... furnace problems........ System requirements: 486 with 8 MB of RAM............... Student progress is monitored and recorded as they progress through each troubleshooting scenario.....020-549 . 20......... Interactive CD-ROM with Instructor Guide(GT64-03) ................................... 187.. Series 1 CD-ROM............ Configure the system the way you want it by changing the type of compressor or metering device.......... Testing and record keeping functions are included.......... suggested uses. Interactive CD-ROM (GT62-03)....... pressures... isolate... Provides opportunities to practice and refine skills in troubleshooting HVAC electrical problems................020-564. and additional training resources.. Also includes two FREE simulated interactive service calls... state-of-the-art interactive computer simulation of an air conditioning system............. refrigerant states...... efficiencies... It describes the two types of compressors covered in this program (scroll and reciprocating) including how they operate and the normal and abnormal sounds they make.................... or the system tonnage....020-551..... 750.. Progresses through troubleshooting procedures by observation and pattern analysis to advanced troubleshooting and finally a series of exercises that draw upon the knowledge and skills developed in the previous lessons to test technician’s troubleshooting ability. Instructions/Book) (GT56-03) .$375.. navigation.. Discusses principal components of each cycle and how they function.....00 Interactive Electrical Troubleshooting This highly interactive multimedia program is designed for persons with prior knowledge of electrical troubleshooting fundamentals (as provided by the GTE Series above). and power consumption.... and testing..... calculations of key refrigeration cycle parameters and review of vital signs of a normal cycle for air-cooled systems. Each practice session contains a CD with a selection of 11 real-life service problems where students use a virtual toolbox to diagnose and correct mechanical refrigeration cycle. air system or electrical circuit malfunctions...50 Series 1 Network Version Upgrade........ The large number of job aids and other useful information in the comprehensive HELP section make student success easy. Prompts student for input and provides immediate feedback including helpful remediation for questions answered incorrectly... and determine required corrective action for refrigerant-side failures............. 375......... Two-to-three contact hours are required to complete the program...... Student self-study section includes skills checks.... The basic troubleshooting process emphasizes finding the root cause of the compressor problem........... Instructor may navigate through graphics and control the multimedia features as required.1 or better...TRAINING MATERIALS Computer-Based Training Programs HVAC Performance PLUS Simulator Replace costly.....020-543...................... Windows 3..........00 Diagnosing and Preventing Hermetic Compressor Failures This new interactive program enables technicians to troubleshoot welded hermetic compressors............. testing the student’s ability to diagnose and correct mechanical and electrical circuit malfunctions... 12.... and Absorption Cycles with details on related compressors and systems.. Ideal for self-study or classroom instruction.. 237.. at least 10 MB free hard disk space....... (This interactive training program has options for self-study or classroom facilitation of Basic Refrigeration Cycles........ Change ambient conditions and system operating parameters then observe.............. It is a supplement for classroom instruction or self-study for students who have mastered the GTAC Series or who have had a minimum of 6 months direct supervised experience............ Contains a narrated introduction to the simulator itself.....020-544.....020-547...HVAC Refrigeration Cycle Troubleshooting This interactive training course is designed to increase a technician’s ability to successfully detect..00 Interactive . (See below) Performance PLUS Simulator CD-ROM (GT65-03)............... 375.........020-546. Centrifugal... After completing these sections......... Students use tests and measurements to isolate compressor faults... Consists of lesson modules with related quizzes and troubleshooting exercises providing simulated problem scenarios where learner must make troubleshooting decisions based on information given by the homeowner and from a description of the operating conditions of the equipment........ This interactive program develops skills that enable technicians to troubleshoot problems with welded hermetic compressors.....020-545........ including program features..... 125.... students are required to solve 10 real-life-troubleshooting problems.) Interactive CD-ROM Disk............ record.. old-fashioned mechanical trainers with this exciting................. appropriate test instruments......020-530..00 Student Workbooks (GT65-O1)...00 Student Workbook (GT64-01).. Additional Performance PLUS Troubleshooting CD’s are available.......50 5 ..... and compare the effects on system temperatures. Students begin with warm-up exercises to verify understanding of refrigeration cycle. An outstanding teaching aid for instructors and a valuable learning tool for students from entry-level to experienced technician.....50 HVAC Performance PLUS Troubleshooting Practice The new HVAC Performance PLUS Troubleshooting Practice Series offers students the ability to refine their troubleshooting skills.. Interactive CD-ROM (GT61-03A). Includes one student workbook containing exercises with suggested inputs to simulate system responses in certain conditions.. remediation........... System responses can be shown and printed using P-H graphing and data tables..00 Basic Refrigeration Cycles Covers Reciprocating. ......................... This module shows how to properly evacuate a system. 020-223 ........50 Hermetic Compressor Replacement First...25 VHS Video (SK6-02V)....................... Book (SK15-01) .........................25 VHS Video (SK5-02V)......... as well.........25 VHS Video (SK17-02V)...................50 .................................................50 Air Conditioning Tune-Up Here we cover the steps required to checkout and tune-up an air conditioning system....... 020-225 ...................... They will gain the skills necessary to successfully troubleshoot system problems...............................312.......75 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (SK15-02CD)........... 020-234 ...........75 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (SK18-02CD).........25 VHS Video (SK2-02V).....3........... 020-233 ........... Graphic and easy-to-grasp.................................3........ technicians are shown how to measure airflow using the heat rise method............50 Evacuation and Charging Often................................................25 VHS Video (SK4-02V)....... 020-630 ............................50 Add-On Air Conditioning Installation This program shows how to install an “Add-On” split system air conditioner...................................................................75 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (SK14-02CD)................ 020-099 ....... It takes the technician through more complex problems using the proven hopscotch method. 020-631 ............................................3. through a successful replacement procedure.....................75 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (SK5-02CD)..........................25 VHS Video (SK16-02V)................. This program graphically shows the steps for successfully replacing a residential condensing unit.....25 VHS Video (SK15-02V)............... 020-626 . 020-632 ..........3.............. 020-629 ..56....................62......................3...3............ Book (SK5-01).......................56... 020-232 ................................................. 020-224 ........ 020-226 ............... 020-227 .......................75 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (SK16-02CD)......................... 020-477 ..............56...3....................................................... Book (SK17-01) ...... 020-390 ......................... 020-228 .....62..................25 VHS Video (SK14-02V).....................................312................ 6 CD-ROMs with Audio and Books (SK7-06CD).....50 Advanced Troubleshooting This program builds on the training found in the original 6-Pack I presentation.............56.................................... 020-230 ......56......................... Book (SK6-01)........ 020-634 . the technician learns how to determine if the compressor has failed....................................25 VHS Video (SK19-02V)............................62........................ Book (S21-01) ..................................................... 020-628 ........................... 020-098 .................... Emphasis is on start-up and checkout of the new system.25 6 VHS Videos with Books (SK7-06V).................62. 020-475 .....................3..................56................ 020-481 .................25 6 VHS Videos with Books (SK20-06V)......... Book (SK4-01).. heat ranges and fuels needed...3........................ and then he is taken............ These skills will be highly useful in this growing segment of service/maintenance business................56................................................... Book (SK3-01).25 VHS Video (SK18-02V)............ A natural enhancement to the training found in 6-Pack I........................ Two methods of charging are presented.............. 020-067 ..62.... 020-059 .............................................. start up and checkout of the system is included..... Troubleshooting situations are emphasized.......... along with equipment care and safety tips...............62.................50 Air Measurement Improper airflow often causes comfort system problems..........50 6 Includes one each of the six basic service skills videos or CDs listed below........ 020-627 ................56...62.......62...................................................75 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (SK3-02CD).........TRAINING MATERIALS SERVICING SKILLS Service Six Pack I Service Six Pack I Service Six Pack II Service Six Pack II Electrical Troubleshooting Metering Devices Includes one each of the six basic service skills videos or CDs listed below.... the voltohmmeter and the clamp-on ammeter..................................................................................................................... Book (SK18-01) .........75 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (SK6-02CD)......... Book (SK19-01) ...............25 VHS Video (SK3-02V).............................62................ Here.......... step-by-step......... 020-065 ......... 020-229 ... 020-063 .......................75 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (SK4-02CD)......... Additionally.........75 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (SK1-02CD)........... 020-389 .................50 Residential Condensing Unit Replacement Replacement skills are a must for profitably tapping today’s growing replacement market...... 020-633 .................. 020-479 ..................................................281.............281.........75 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (SK17-02CD).. Includes common usage problems and troubleshooting situations............ This module covers the basics of solder alloy types.............56.....50 Brazing Brazing is a primary skill for a successful service technician..........3................................................................62...........56. 020-625 ..................................56....... Book (SK14-01) ..........50 Electrical Test Instruments An overview of two of the most-used instruments in the technician’s tool kit...............................................50 Follows a practical step-by-step path through the complexities of today’s electrical circuitry.3.............................................. experienced as well as beginning service personnel do not understand the technique of evacuation and charging.......75 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (SK2-02CD).... the materials teach the skills needed to find and correct electrical system problems............... 020-483 ...........50 Gas Furnace Replacement Students learn how to remove and replace an existing gas furnace with a midefficiency model.............................................. Book (SK16-01) ....50 Three modern metering devices are shown operating in an air conditioning system......62...............................................56........62..................... 020-231 ..75 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (SK19-02CD)...............3.. 020-473 ................ 6 CD-ROMs with Audio and Books (SK20-06CD)...... Book (SK1-01).... 020-635 .... 020-636 ...................................................................................................................................................................25 VHS Video (SK1-02V)...... 020-061 ................................. 020-057 ............................................. ............. 87..............50 VHS Video (SK21-02V) ...............00 CD-ROM Slide Presentation (SK34-02CD) ...... Video Only (PCD-02).......020-235. Book (SK28-01)...................25 CD-ROM PPT with Audio (GT60-02CD)..................................6............. Book (SK21-01)...................................020-560.................... on-the-job reference................ 93..020-121.......25 Rooftop Operation and Maintenance Designed to guide building owners and operators through the service and maintenance requirements of packaged heating and cooling systems 3 tons and up............ as well as do’s and don'ts of installing condensate drains.........25 CD-ROM Hypertext (SK29-01CD).................. Gas Furnace........... 31...... 75........................020-076......... 87..................75 Understanding Electronic Controls II Microprocessor Controls* Provides an understanding of relationship of inputs and outputs in microprocessor controls............ dimensions for drain trap..... Identifies common problems and stresses planned maintenance and maintenance scheduling..........020-236.85 Condensing Furnace Installation...... $50...............020-080..... 31..... piping practices.......... 125................7...................... 31.. Split and Packaged System and Accessories maintenance... Book (SK34-01).....00 HVAC Installation Procedures Every HVAC installer should have this rugged..020-079...020-260....................................................................... Safety................. Book (SK33-01) ..................... 200-page....... This video shows how to determine if the flame sensing circuits are operating correctly.75 Charging Procedures for Residential Condensing Units* Covers superheat and subcooling charging methods and procedures for correct system airflow using the Superheat/Subcooling Charging Calculator/Slide Rule.....020-255................. 100.00 CD-ROM Slide Presentation (SK33-02CD) .............020-368......020-040............ monitoring equipment.................... This video shows how to perform this procedure...............00 “Clocking” the meter is one of the more commonly used methods for determining if a furnace or any gas-fired appliance is delivering its full rated input....7.....................020-409.. 10...................50 VHS Video (SK33-02V)...............50 VHS Video (SK8-02V) ...7.... and Service Procedures..................00 7 ..........................020-093........ General..........................020-256................TRAINING MATERIALS Understanding Electronic Controls I* Increases understanding of electronic controls........ The hypertext version on CD is an excellent teaching tool and includes additional features such as ductwork sizing........ the actual installation and the all-important start-up and checkout procedures.................... and leak testing waterside components............. Installation Pitfalls... 93.................020-038.................020-039.............. The CD version makes a great instructor’s tool with its hypertext and features like quizzes and supplemental reference charts........................................ Features the same rugged design as the earlier Servicing and Installation Procedures volumes and is intended to serve as an on-thejob reference.... Printed on specially coated paper.................25 CD-ROM (Hypertext SK32-01CD)........ Includes: Importance of leak detection & repair................. Safety......7................. Book (SK27-01)............75 Proper Condensate Drain Connections Prevent stained ceilings and ruined furniture caused by backed-up condensate water........ it includes sections on hand and power tools.... Book (GT60-01)............................................................................00 VHS Video (SK28-02V). 125..020-097......020-122.......... 93.......... Shows how to prevent and eliminate these problems by understanding why they occur................................00 HVAC Maintenance Procedures Handbook This newest reference rounds out our “procedures handbook” trilogy and focuses on practical maintenance techniques.... Book (SK31-01) .................................................... Centrifugal and Absorption* Increase awareness of equipment and techniques used to perform refrigerant leak testing in applied equipment....25 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation (SK35-01CD)................................. furnaces. 93.......................020-259................ Systems* This basic skills program covers equipment and techniques used to perform refrigerant leak testing in residential and light commercial refrigeration equipment.............. 10...00 Leak Testing Residential and Light Commercial Refrig........50 VHS Video (SK34-02V)............ General Service Considerations............. Electrical............................................................. metric conversions......... Start-Up & Checkout* This program takes technicians through various aspects of condensing furnace installation from initial survey of the job.... Safety................3..............75 VHS Video (GT60-02V).................................... 93. Handbook (SK29-01)................................................................................ 93................00 Clocking a Gas Meter Measuring Flame Sensing Current Modern gas furnaces use the principle of flame rectification to determine if there is an adequate burner flame for safe operation................... Book (SK8-01A) ....020-540.............................020-094...020-542........8............................................................75 VHS Video (SK13-02V). Oil Furnace........................................ 93................................... Environmental and economic concerns are stressed throughout................................. Video (SK37-02V) .........................................020-095....... 200 page bound book designed to be a handy.................................................. environmental and economic concerns are stressed.............................. Valuable start-up and checkout sheets are included...............75 HVAC Handbooks HVAC Servicing Procedures No service vehicle should be without it! This rugged.......020-258..............020-251...020-102.................020-250..............................75 Leak Testing Liquid Chillers-Recip...................75 Understanding Electronic Controls Ill Variable Speed Technology* This program provides an understanding of variable speed motors and their use in modern heating and cooling systems. step-by-step maintenance information in the following areas: Preventive.............50 VHS Video (SK27-02V)......020-118.................. Video (SK36-02V) ...... Maintenance Schedules and Maintenance functions the owner/operator will perform and Maintenance functions an air conditioning service company will perform.. 93............................................... $93....... packaged heating and cooling products..................................... 31.................................................... Covers Application and Operation..........................................................020-037.......... electrical hook-ups and duct installation.........................7... it includes four major sections: Instruments and Devices........ plus a Full Glossary and set of Pressure Temperature Charts............................... The book’s eight sections include well illustrated.00 VHS Video (SK31-02V).............75 Understanding Wiring Diagrams* This program describes how to read and interpret wiring diagrams.020-561........................................... Handbook (SK32-01)........................... electrical symbols and more. 60... Additional sections cover installation of split systems.. Book (SK13-01)................ Printed on specially coated wipe-clean paper. on-the-job reference book...................... Safety..................75 Superheat/Subcooling Charging Calculator/Slide Rule (HCFC-22 only) (GT24-01) ... Handbook (SK35-01)....... ... 020-506 ............................................ 020-138 ..... 020-107 .................. 020-132 ......12......................................... 020-238 .50 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation with Audio (SK22-02CD)...... 020-239 .. 020-124 .............................................87.....50 Troubleshooting Series Learn to detect and correct frequently occurring unit/system problems….......50 Troubleshooting (Semi-Hermetic) Compressors and Systems* Describes 3-step approach to determining interrelated compressor and system problems.................................................................87.................TRAINING MATERIALS Rooftop Economizers Covers different types of economizers and their operation including the functions of their motors.......................50 Troubleshooting the Economizer Covers procedures for troubleshooting economizers and a brief review of operation of the major components and controls.............................87..........................87..................5.........25 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation with Audio ...................... 020-237 ......................... temperature and electrical readings to possible problems.................................. a look at tools and instruments commonly used and follows through a typical balancing procedure.................87.................... operation checks........ troubleshooting examples and exercises................................................... Use of a maintenance log and diagnostic trend chart is stressed to help technicians recognize abnormal operating conditions..... symptoms of common problems....................................45 VHS Video (GT44-02V) ................ 020-125 ...........87.. 020-111 ............... 020-128 ......75 VHS Video (GT46-02V) ......87.... 020-244 ..............12................ 020-115 ....................12........................50 Maintenance Log (Pad of 25) (SK26-03A).............50 Video (SK27-02V.........................87.....................5.................... This advanced program assumes the student has an understanding of basic principles of chiller operation......... Book (SK30-01)...........87..87............... Book (SK25-01)..................... and controls..........................50 Video (SK23-02V)........... Relates pressure............ 020-504 ....5.....50 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation w/Audio (SK24-02CD)...................... Book (SK23-01)................. 020-113 ...50 Video (SK26-02V). 5......................50 Rooftop Air Test & Balance Covers the basics of air balancing for constant volume systems................................ 020-135 ......................50 8 ................................12..50 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation w/ Audio (SK27-02CD)...........................................................00/pad CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation w/Audio (SK26-02CD)..........50 Troubleshooting Rooftops* Helps technicians to troubleshoot rooftop units and to identify common problems. Book (SK26-01A)...87...87..12.......... dampers........................ 020-134 ....................... 020-129 ........ Book (GT44-01) .. proper refrigerant charge and special components........ 020-133 ........................................50 Video (SK25-02V)... insufficient air.... 020-139 ....................................................50 Troubleshooting Heat Pumps Residential-Light Commercial)* Covers preliminary inspection.......50 Video (SK22-02V).................... 020-508 .......................... Book (SK24-01) .......................................... 020-117 ..87........................................... Troubleshooting Residential Cooling Systems* Covers common problems encountered with residential cooling systems and how to correct them....................................................75 VHS Video (GT45-02V) .....87..........87........50 Troubleshooting Reciprocating Liquid Chillers* Presents typical chiller operation.... Book (GT46-01) ...... excessive electrical consumption............... It features a typical job visit and use of a maintenance log to compare design temperatures to actual system readings.............. improper defrost....... 020-109 .............12.........50 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation w/Audio (SK23-02CD)..................................................50 Video (SK24-02V)................. 020-127 ........50 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation w/Audio (SK22-05CD)................................87.......... Book (GT45-01) . 020-137 ..................................... 020-136 ...... Book (SK22-01)................50 Troubleshooting Furnaces * Covers common problems encountered with gas furnaces and how to correct them............................. ..........25 58WAV/58ZAV Mid-Efficiency Furnaces with Hot Surface Ignition 80 AFUE (Replaces 58SSC)...... TXA.. Book (GT66-01). This is the key to achieving the new SEER ratings and it influences warranty.........6.............. operating sequences and troubleshooting. Covers upflow and downflow versions................00 CD-ROM Presentation with Audio (38TDB/YDB-02). 87.........025-861........ service and troubleshooting........00 38TDB/YDB Puron®....809-597......... 87.023-807............ Book (38TD/YD-01) ............................... Familiarization....... installation......................7...... which includes 81 color slides with a narrative sound track.................. Covers product familiarization. operating sequences....6.....75 Smart Heat Control Used with FA4....50 58UHV Two-Stage Furnace with ICM Motor This two-stage..... refrigeration piping and controls. Book (58MTA-01).............. It is more important than ever to apply the new outdoor products with the appropriate indoor furnace coil or fan coil................................ TXV............. start-up and maintenance......... so that the new nomenclature of the system may be understood for all components and the interaction of indoor coil............ Multi-Poise Gas Comfort Zone II This service training program introduces the Comfort Zone II line of residential zoned Fired Furnace ......... installation and start-up......... illustrated companion booklet. and start-up.023-822................ and a 30 page.......75 CD-ROM Slide Presentation (ZONECC-03)................... Split System Products (38TSA... Condensing Gas-Fired Furnace (90%) Updated to include the two-stage 58MTA and the single-stage standard 58MCA condensing furnace as well as the existing single-stage deluxe 58MXA and variable speed 58MVP furnaces................ Installation.....00 Zoned Products Comfort Zone II-B Zoned Duct Products This program covers familiarization..................025-859... 93........ the environmentally sound refrigerant.......00 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation with Audio (GT66-02)...... 87...... Book (58WAV-01)..............50 9 .................. TZA..50 Video (38T-03)................TRAINING MATERIALS CARRIER PRODUCT RESIDENTIAL PRODUCTS 38 Series – Split System Condensing Units & Heat Pumps 38TD/YD Dual Speed Products Uses two-speed compressor and variable speed outdoor fan.......................... 87....... Service... installation and operating sequences...... 90%.......025-853.........06-C24-020.00 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation with Audio (CC-05).........809-596....... Discusses the implementation of the controls boards from the Weathermaker 8000 furnace line..................... which use Puron.......023-819...........50 24AB/C Cooling & 25HB/C Heat Pump Base Model & Comfort Series Outdoor Units This training takes a systems approach...........................025-839.......25 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation w/Audio (58CVA-02)... Program covers familiarization.... Start-Up.... Book (F4-01)....... start-up and maintenance.................. Includes ICM detailed electrical operating sequences and electrical troubleshooting information..... & MVP Multipoise...6........... YXA) Covers complete product line of split system air conditioners and heat pumps..................................... 7............. DLA.......... have Topics covered are: Familiarization...........................06-C24-019.............6... Book (CC-04)................ Checkout and Operating Sequences.. Book (58UHV-01).50 58 Series – Gas Furnaces 58MTA...... A PowerPoint player is included on the CD so you don’t even need to have PowerPoint installed on your computer to play the presentation.. 93............................50 Video Only (38TDB/YDB-03)..023-821.............. operating sequences and troubleshooting. 7....... Familiarization.........................25 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation w/Audio (58MTA-02). A PowerPoint player is included on the CD so you don’t even need to have PowerPoint installed on your computer to play the presentation..... The program consists of two separately available components: a CD-ROM-based PowerPoint presentation. 2 Speed............ 87............ Book (38T-01)............ Split System Heating & Cooling Units This training covers familiarization....00 CD-ROM Presentation with Audio (38T-02CD).7.............. illustrated companion booklet....... The CD-ROM-based PowerPoint presentation.50 58STA........... The program consists of two separately available components: a CD-ROM-based PowerPoint presentation................... 92-024-016...............5... configuration..... Covers familiarization.............................025-860......... 87................... CTA & CVA Non-Condensing..... Book (58CVA-01)........ Hot Water Boiler This program covers familiarization...........................Weathermaker 8000 duct products........................ No audio..25 61 Series – Boilers BW9 Series Gas-Fired...... Book (24AB/25HB-01)........ FB4 and FC4 heat pump fan coils to increase comfort and efficiency............... and the electrical operating sequence.......................4.......... and a 50 page......... non-condensing 80 AFUE furnace features a variable-speed ICM blower motor that provides precise airflow delivery and lower power consumption........ which includes 95 color slides with a narrative sound track includes a viewer so you don’t even need to have PowerPoint installed on your computer to play the presentation.... and the electrical operating sequence..........020-563............027-000..............75 Puron®....5............... installation..............00 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation (24AB/25HB-02CD).............7........023-816. Installation... Start-Up and Electrical Operating Sequences.......................... These new and improved zoned products are easier to install... Book (38TDB/YDB-01)........025-862..................... MXA.023-818.. which includes 61 color slides with a narrative sound track.. 110.... MCA..........027-001. Topics include familiarization........................... Book (ZONECC-01)...................... installation.......................... 87...................... Operating Sequences...... installation........ installation...................50 fewer components and deliver enhanced indoor comfort..020-562..023-820............................... operating sequences and troubleshooting........ 50 Video (19-02V) .TRAINING MATERIALS COMMERCIAL & APPLIED 16 Series – Absorption Chillers 16DF Direct-Fired....... Controls and Control Sequence................ XRT and EX machines.....7.. 021-916 .... JB Hermetic Absorption Liquid Chillers Basic Cycle..........................................87..50 Video (19XR/XRT-03V).............. Also applies to XRT models.............................10................. 020-332 ........................... 020-330 ..................... 020-334 ..... start-up and shutdown sequences......... Control Start-Up and shutdown sequences........ Book (19XR/XRT-04) ........ 021-914 ... chiller operation... 021-912 ........6.............. including: Familiarization. nozzle block.. Book (SM-23)... 021-913 ....................... Book (19-01).5...... operation and controls.............. Universal charts based on the McNeeley equations are used to plot absorption machine cycles.......... maintenance and safety...... Lubrication.75 19XR/XRT Hermetic Centrifugal Liquid Chillers (350-800 Tons) Introduces the 19XR centrifugal and the 19XRT turbine-assisted centrifugal chillers with HFC-134a.............. 021-600 ..........5................87.....00 19D.............5..... Maintenance and Troubleshooting.. refrigeration cycle. Book (SM-24)........................75 19XT Turbine-Assisted Centrifugal Chiller ............ LID Operation and Screens.................. Refrigerant Control..................5.................. Turbine Design.. Start-Up and Maintenance....00 19EA..........50 19XL Centrifugal Chiller Control System (PIC) Familiarization.......... Overview.............10............................... and troubleshooting...00 10 19 Series Centrifugal Chiller Operation and Maintenance Designed for owners..... alarms and alerts........ pumpout unit.... Familiarization & Op Sequences Book SM-20 .... Video Only (19XB-02) ................ and help diagnose problems......87............... operation and software structure.............................. Operating System Control....87......... Start-Up and Shutdown......and double-effect absorption machines equipped with Product Integrated Controls (PIC)................................ Low pressure machine.. lube cycle and controls.................87..................50 Laminated Chart (GT63-02) .......... Controls and Control Sequence.............. Wiring Diagrams.... 021-911 .......... Book (19XL-01).10............00 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (19XR/XRT-02CD) ..... Double-Effect Absorption Chiller (135-500 Tons) Familiarization.............. purge cycle and controls.....00 .. Software/menu structure......00 16JA.............. refrigeration cycle. Operation....... 021-908 ................. chiller controls.... Double-Effect Absorption Chiller (90-1500 Tons) Familiarization...4... nozzles....... Inputs and Outputs............... EB Hermetic Centrifugal Liquid Chillers Refrigeration cycle... 020-331 ... to find absorber loss...... motor and oil cooling...... motor cooling.............................. 021-902 ........................ 020-501 ................................ CD has no audio....... DG Hermetic Centrifugal Liquid Chillers Machine assembly....... PIC components and circuitry...................... Book (19XT-01).10............................... Double-Effect Absorption Chiller Control System PIC Program covers the application and use of Product Integrated Controls (PIC) in the 16JT double-effect absorption Chiller... 021-915 ...............................$10........................................ 021-900 ......... Book (16JT-03) ....... floats and more.......................... Covers: compressor.. 021-904 ..........00 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (19XL-02CD)..................62.................... Its extended range allows plotting of all double-effect absorption machines.......... CB Hermetic Centrifugal Liquid Chillers Machine assembly..... Designed for Carrier’s 19XL....... lubrication cycle.....25 16HA Hermetic Absorption Liquid Chillers Basic Cycle. Book (16JT-01) .........................00 16JT Steam.....................50 19XB Positive Pressure Storage System The 19XB Positive Pressure Storage System with pumpout unit is used for storage and management of positive pressure refrigerants HFC-134a and HCFC-22 during service and repair work..25 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Instructor Notes (16JT-04CD) .................... configuration procedures......................... Program covers: Controls and components. 020-335 . Before Initial Start-Up......... PlC Control.HFC 134a (300-550 Tons) Introduces 19XT chillers with new design features including: turbine rotor......... lubrication system.............75 CD-ROM PowerPoint (19-02CD) . controls..... 021-606 ......... Covers: Machine Familiarization... Start-Up and Maintenance.............. Low pressure machine..... 021-909 ..........................50 Video (19XL-03V) ................... 021-917 ............... this program explains how a chiller works and what must be done to insure continued...6....................... lubrication cycle............. 021-906 ....... Book (16DF-01) ... but can be applied to any centrifugal... Maintenance and Troubleshooting...... trouble-free operation. High pressure machine.................... 020-333 .50 19XR/XRT EvergreenTM Centrifugal Chiller Control System PIC II Features the application and use of PIC II in the 19XR/XRT Evergreen Centrifugal Chiller.. starters.... 021-604 ...........50 Absorption Machine Equilibrium Diagram with PIC This is an important tool for troubleshooting both single..................................... Book (19XR/XRT-01) . purge cycle.......00 19C.................75 17/19 Series Centrifugal Liquid Chillers 17FA/19FA Open/Hermetic Centrifugal Liquid Chillers Refrigeration cycle....... High pressure machine............10..... Pad of 25 charts (GT63-01).................................. Also applies to 19XR/XRT models... Covers machine familiarization..........93...... motor cooling......5......... user operations....... operating schedules.... 020-516 ..........6....75 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (19XR/XRT-04CD) . and Troubleshooting... inputs and outputs.......... DA..... refrigerant management....... XR...........................87.... inputs and outputs. start-up and shutdown and troubleshooting....... Book (SM-22).......... Covers familiarization. float chamber.........................93............ 021-602 ........ Book (SM-25)....... lube cycle and controls.. Familiarization & Op Sequence Book SM-21 ................ machine operators and those who maintain centrifugal chillers....................... Before Initial StartUp............25 16JT Steam........ .L.............................HX-02A) ......HX-08A) ... Book (30HK.........EB..... Operation............. CD has no audio... 87...............021-028.........75 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (32MP-04A-CD) ...................................25 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (30GX. Menu Structure... No audio on CD............. Inputs and Outputs.. ultra-reliable...... GT-01).............. specifically: Functions and Features.. 87.... Chillers with ComfortLink™ Controls ComfortLink is a direct digital control system.......HX-04A) .................HX 06N Compressor Covers: 06N Compressor Familiarization......5................................25 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (30GX.......HS-02)........R/GUN.................021-013. 87...EA.. Hardware... DIP Switch Settings.. Menu Structure..... 30H Series (Air-Water Cooled)........... 87.................. Maintenance and Service...... Familiarization... Start-Up and Troubleshooting...50 30GXN......021-012..................023-004....... Purge Cycle and Operation of the Diffuser Wall..............................00 VHS Video (30GT-02V).....R Reciprocating Air-Cooled Liquid Chillers with ComfortLinkTM Controls This program covers Familiarization.............. Book (30GB-03) ...............R/HX-01)........6.......... program timer sequence...6.. Op Sequences (Step Controller) and Troubleshooting..........................75 Familiarization...................DH............25 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation (30GXN..023-050.......... Configuration & Setpoints........................023-055.... Maintenance and Service. Software Structure.... 87........ Start-Up and Operating Sequences......023-005....HW-01)...... Also applies to 30GT and GU models......... Familiarization.................. Also applies to 30GN models.... Wiring and Components............ Installation.. CHILLERVISOR. Pre-Start Procedures....................023-060......25 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (30GX......... Configuration & Setpoints........C water cooled and condenserless screw compressor chillers..... This first program covers: Product Familiarization. Initial Start-Up................... $87...... Inputs and Outputs....... Service and Troubleshooting.. Application....5............... Hardware.... Control Algorithms........................ LID Screens......50 30GX.. Operating Parameters..021-022..... (Revised 1998) Book (30GX...... VHS Video transfer of slides.... Book (23XL-01A).......................021-017...................... This program covers: Familiarization.30GX.5. (Revised 1998) Book (30GX..... 93.... PIC components and circuitry.......... StartUp Programming and Troubleshooting..... No audio on CD...00 23 Series Screw Chillers 23XL Screw Chiller Control System with PIC Familiarization.................... Lubrication. high efficiency chillers are designed for the environmentally friendly R-134a.......... 87........ Initial Startup..50 (15-35 Ton) 30GTN...............50 TM 3200MP Centrifugal Control–Expanded Service Panel (ESP............... Controls Operation.... Book (30GT-01).......... Electronic Components..... 30GB Liquid Chillers (40-70 Ton) Familiarization. Menu Structure...HX-06A) ............6... Book (32MP-01A) .............HX Ecologic Liquid Chillers Machine Familiarization ll) Latest enhancements of 3200MP to provide centrifugal chiller operation and control (i.... Book (32MP-05) ................. Configuration & Setpoints.. (Revised 1998) Book (30GX.023-048.................. Operation and Components................... Controls Operation.....50 11 .. evolving from the Flotronic controls used in the 30 Series chillers....... Operating Sequences............ Wye-Delta Starting........HX-05A PPT) ......021-032.......5......W and 30GTN Recip..... This program covers: Familiarization.............e.......................................... 30GT (225-280 Ton) Flotronic II Reciprocating Liquid Chiller Control System with PIC Eight-digit display............ Book (30GXN.50 30GB Flotronic Control System (40-200 Ton) Two-digit display. and the safety circuits for 19 Series 32SM Controls-Design Two used on models 19DG...HX Operating Controls with PIC This program addresses operating controls of this chiller..023-046.. Start-Up and Operation..... Book (30GTN-01)....................... Installation......6....................................... 10.........................75 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (32MP-02A-CD) ..................HX-01A PPT) .5............................ Inputs and Outputs................. user operations...... Initial Startup..... (Revised 1998) Book (30GX........023-010.. 87...........................R ECOLOGIC™ Chillers with ComfortLink™ Controls ComfortLink™ Controls for the GXN/R air-cooled and the 30HXA....25 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (32MP-06A-CD) ..023-061.021-027........ Book (30GB-09) ........6.......HX Refrigeration System Covers................................................... Start-Up and Service.......25 CD-ROM PowerPoint (30HK..............00 30GB (40-200 Ton).......... inputs and outputs.......... Service and Troubleshooting... Book (30GB-01) .....................021-002.............. Hardware.........................023-059..........6........021-004.......... Controls..023-042................. Refrigeration Cycles...... Book (32MP-03A) .................. Gateway)... Operating Sequences and Service..023-057......6. 62........ and Troubleshooting...........DM...023-058....................50 30HK...5................... Service and Troubleshooting.....HX-07A PPT) .... Controls Tests and Diagnostic Codes.................................................. Service & Troubleshooting.....EF................. Controls Operation... 87.....021-026..............023-054....25 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation (30GTN-02PP) . Compressor Protection.021-024.............. Motor Cooling.021-031........................ Loading/ Unloading..... 87........ Motor Starting.............. start-up and shutdown and troubleshooting.50 30GX........... Installation...HX-03A PPT) ..DK.....HL..50 32SM Centrifugal Control–Design Two This program covers the control sequence build-up... Inputs and Outputs...00 30 Series Packaged Recip.023-056....................75 These state-of-the-art...FA and retrofits......50 30GX.50 3200MP Centrifugal Control (Part 2) Start-Up and Troubleshooting..6......R/HX-02).... CCN.....HL.50 Book (30GB-05) ........................6..023-044.....021-020...... Student Book (32SM-01). Control Devices........... System Description................TRAINING MATERIALS Centrifugal Control – 17/19 Machines 30GT Reciprocating Liquid Chillers 3200MP Centrifugal Control (Part 1) Familiarization.............5..25 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (30GX..... Book (30GB.....25 30GB Conventional Chillers (75-200 Ton) Familiarization.................... Liquid Chillers 30G Series (Air Cooled)..... ... installation......................... Operation. DK-01). Book .50 37HS............ Book (30RA-02) .... 023-502 ......00 VVT Comfort System A VVT (Variable Volume/Variable Temperature) System uses electronically-controlled zone dampers....... economizer........... unit operation... Controls Operation.. 023-301 ... Book (30HR................................ capable of controlling all Carrier and many non-Carrier... 023-900 .. Start-Up and Service..............45 Air Terminals/40 Series Unit Ventilator 35/45 Series Air Terminals Features the 35D........... Initial Start-Up..........75 39L Central Station Air Handling Units Control System PIC (Part 2) Book (39L-03).....................75 48/50 Series – Rooftop Units 48/50A and 48/50Z Series Large Rooftop Air Conditioners with ComfortLink™ Version 3. User Operations and Start-Up...50 33ZC ComfortID Zone Controller Introduces the ComfortID Zone Controller.................................. Controls............ Overview & Familiarization... Book (48/50DJ. CD has no audio..... Hydronic System Set-up...4.. Troubleshooting & Service.... Familiarization...........5......... configuration..... 023-704 ...... Book (35/45-01) .............5.............25 39L Central Station Air Handling Units 39L Central Station Air Handling Units Control System PIC (Part 1) Familiarization..............00 CD-ROM Electronic Slide Presentation (35/45-02CD) ................ System Operation. controls........00 48 Series (Electric Cooling .. start-up.............. Covers: Familiarization. 023-308 ....... etc..........25 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio(33ZC-02) .........75 40UV/UH Comfort System Unit Ventilator Control (PIC) This control product is typically used with unit ventilators in applications such as schools.............. 023-309 . Installation..........4.................................. initial startup building pressure control.....5..00 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation (33CS-04CD) ....... DK Electronic Controls (20-27 Ton) (Part 1) Weathermaker II Familiarization............. Wiring.. 021-015 ................................................... HC Moduline® Air Terminals (100-400 CFM) Familiarization...............9................... System Start-Up... The material covers: Familiarization.....75 48/50DJ. Installation....................... Service & Troubleshooting..... Installation...................... most commonly a packaged rooftop unit........ hospitals.. zone pressure control and dual duct air systems. Includes 37HC Air Terminals with PIC control. its components and operation so you can configure the controls for normal operation and perform basic troubleshooting.......... 023-310 ..........................75 30RA AquaSnapTM Chiller with ComfortLinkTM Controls Service training on the 30RA AquaSnapTM air-cooled chiller with an integrated hydronic system and Comfort LinkTM direct digital control system. Balancing...........Electric Heat or Heat Pumps)....... Book (37H-01).... Configuration. Start-Up & Configuration... Book (33ZC-01) ........... Familiarization............ 023-300 .............7. air terminal units in variable air volume........... capacity control... User Operations....100.. Operating Sequence. 024-007 .06-024-882 ....HS-01A)......................75 33 Series – Control Systems 33AM Comfort System Air Manager Direct digital control offers an integrated approach for both constant volume and variable air handler applications.. 023-303 ..60 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation with Audio ........................Gas Heating)... 024-812 .... No audio.....5..... Book .... Operating Sequences and Troubleshooting.......... Start-Up & Configuration.... 024-814 ................ 021-033 ...87. Overview & Familiarization........................... When you are finished..... Familiarization... 023-500 .... Configuration and Setpoints.....HS Flotronic Plus Control System with PIC (70-160 Ton) Familiarization................ inputs and outputs.........93.............50 TEMP System A TEMP System uses programmable thermostats (interfaced through a communications bus) to coordinate the operation of multiple heating/ cooling units for maximum comfort with as little energy consumption as possible.....25 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation (33CS-02CD) .......... 023-063 .................... maintenance and service are included............ sensors.............. Also applies to 39N and T models......6........................................7...............87..50 35... PIC and VVT........ Installation..................... you should have a good understanding of how this new control system works and how to operate and troubleshoot it...... and Operating Sequences........87...... Start-Up..35.............HS-02AV)..... Troubleshooting..................... Hardware.. Operation................ and Balance of Air Flow for light commercial equipment........................ software menu structure...................... configuration & setpoints... 45S and 45T air terminal units.... Inputs/Outputs.... 023-062 ..................06-024-883 ...75 12 ............................................ Become familiar with the product.... System Components..................... Book (48/50-01) .............. Installation.. 023-305 ..6...75 VHS Video (30HR......75 48/50DJ. Initial Start-Up.......................... Controls include: pneumatic.... Book (33AM-01) . Service and Troubleshooting. 023-902 ......5...........X Controls This program covers familiarization.........TRAINING MATERIALS 30HR.......93..4..... service and troubleshooting.. Book (33CS-03) ... Inputs and Outputs..... DK-03)......... CD has no audio.... Operation....... relays.....6...................Book (48/50DJ................. Troubleshooting & Service.....................87....64....... It delivers the appropriate quantity and volume of air to the various zones from a central apparatus................................6.... Application...........................00 CD-ROM Presentation with audio (33AM-02CD) ............25 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (30RA-01CD) ................ DK Electronic Controls (20-27 Ton) (Part 2) Weathermaker II Start-Up.................. analog electronic....................... typical operating cycles. Book (33CS-01) ..... and monitoring thermostats to control more than one zone of a heat/cool system...... Maintenance and Service..... 48/50 Series Rooftop Units (3-18 Ton) General Procedures for Installation...... 023-306 ......... Book (39L-01) .. Configuration Procedures..................................... 024-805 ................. 50 Series (Electric Cooling .... Operating Sequences................. Menu Structure. & Troubleshooting.............. .................. DK-05) .....7.............025-064........024-880..... Book (50HJQ/TJQ-01).................. 025-069........ Electrical Operating Sequence..................... Installation and Start-Up..........................6.. Electrical Operating Sequences...... and the 10...25 50 Series – Water Source Heat Pumps 50QEH/QEV Water Source Heat Pumps (1/2-6 Ton) Covers 50QEH....4..... Installation and Start-Up..................................................................................... and electrical operating sequences and troubleshooting..... installation............ Controls Operation. Book (48/50HG-01).............................5 Ton) Covers 1994 models of the 48HJ Gas Heating/Electric Cooling units that use the new Integrated Gas Unit Controller (IGC) and the 50HJ Electric Heating/Electric Cooling Rooftop Units.... Operating Sequences and Troubleshooting....75 VHS Video (50QEH/QEV-02V) .................024-844...........5 Ton) Covers the 12.......................... Installation.........................00 53 Series – Duct-Free Split Systems 53HDS Multi-Split..... Configuration and Setpoints... 87................................ 50JS/JX Packaged Heating & Cooling Units This program covers familiarization. DK Electronic Controls (30-75 Ton) Weathermaker III Familiarization..........25 50ZP Packaged Air Conditioner (2-5 Tons) Covers Familiarization.......................... Familiarization.0 SEER 50HJQ..024-838........... Installation.. (Also see GT54................4...00 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation with Audio....................... Inputs and Outputs.....50 48/50HG Centurion TM Rooftop with Comfort LinkTM Controls Featuring the ComfortLinkTM family of Carrier product controls for the 4850 HG CenturionTM packaged rooftop units.... 87.. QEV Electronic and 50QXH........ 87........ Installation................ and Maintenance of the 38HDS condensing unit and 400NB....... Hardware. Menu Structure..............5.......00 13 ..... service requirements............... Electrical Operating Sequence and Troubleshooting....... Service and Troubleshooting... Start-Up...................024-879......................................50 48/50HJ Standard Efficiency Rooftop Units (3-12...... Installation and Troubleshooting of 48/50EJ....7......... vertical and horizontal models..........50 48GS/GX/GP...........024-882....... start-up.............. and Electrical Troubleshooting.....TRAINING MATERIALS 48/50DJ..... Start-Up and Maintenance........... NP-01)........................ Book (48/50DJ. familiarization..024-841.....025-306.... "YAC Integrated Gas Unit Controller" program on page 35) Book (48/50HJ-03). Installation. Book (53HDS-01)...................................... Installation and Start-Up..024-823.. 95...25 CD-ROM Electronic Slide Presentation (53HDS-02CD) .................. Maintenance.........00 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (48/50HG-02)...50 48/50HJ High-Efficiency Rooftop Units (3-12............... Book.....................00 48/50NB......024-836.... 95....... Book (48/50NB....................7.........00 CD-ROM Slide Presentation (48/50E-02CD)...0 SEER 50TJQ that uses reciprocating compressors..... QXV electro-mechanical........... Start-Up........... Electrical Operation....NP Rooftop Unit with PIC Phase II Controls (20-75 Ton) This program covers unit and PIC controls..............................7.... EY variable volume products........025-044....50 VHS Video (48/50HJ-02V)....5...5........ Book (50ZP-01) . Topics discussed include: Familiarization.............. Includes: Familiarization......................... Initial StartUp.00 50HJQ/TJQ Packaged Rooftop Heat Pumps (3-12... 87.....50 VHS Video (48/50HJ-04V).. Duct-Free Systems (2-4 Tons) Covers Familiarization..024-816.......024-842............... 50GS/GX/GL........... Book (50QEH/QEV-01)......................... and Electrical Troubleshooting.... Electrical Operating Sequence..024-843........................................... Also applies to MP models...... Book (48/50E-01) . Includes: Familiarization.......025-307........ 87.. 95................ Covers: Familiarization........... operating sequence and troubleshooting for the Weathermaker II and III...024-881................................75 48/50 E-Series Rooftop Units (20-45 Ton) Familiarization... operating controls.................. and the 50HJ Electric Heating/Electric Cooling High Efficiency Rooftop Units..024-840..........75 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (48/50HJ-02CD)...... Electrical Operating Sequence and Electrical Troubleshooting of this packaged air conditioner which features “through-the-top” servicing....... which uses scroll compressor(s).................EW constant volume and 48/50EK...............025-059... Maintenance and Troubleshooting.........6......... 40QAB and 400KB fan coils.................................................................5 Tons) Covers the 1995 48HJ Gas Heating/Electric Cooling Units using the lGC controller........ (Also see GT-54 "YAC Integrated Gas Unit Controller" program on page 35) Book (48/50HJ-01). This program highlights variable frequency drive.................... .............. Book .................. 556A... and configuration............ The program consists of two separately available components: a CD-ROM-based PowerPoint presentation.......................................... 0240-001 .50 598B/698B Puron® 2 Speed Split System Heating & Cooling Units This program covers familiarization...82.. which use Puron..00 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (GT66-02)................... 214........ 552A..... The program consists of two separately available components: a CD-ROM-based PowerPoint presentation.. ICM and accompanying electronic controls are featured along with electrical operating sequences and troubleshooting.. Start-Up..........00 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio..........0255-000 .................................... Installation.......4................................ operating sequences............ A PowerPoint player is included on the CD so you don’t even need to have PowerPoint installed on your computer to play the presentation...................... Multipoise. Familiarization........... and a 50 page.. Familiarization.75 395CAV Mid-Efficiency Furnaces with Hot Surface Ignition 80 AFUE (Replaces 395C)...7..... Book .................................................. 0234-001 ..... and FC4 heat pump fan coils to increase comfort and efficiency.................. 352MAV and 355MAV Multipoise............................................. 123................................95.................... 224 Heat Pump Base Model & Legacy Series This training takes a systems approach................TRAINING MATERIALS BRYANT PRODUCT Gas Furnaces Split System Air Conditioning & Heat Pumps 310............50 113......... Topics include familiarization.................... and a 30 page.... Book ..........00 Zoned Products Zone Perfect Plus Zoned Duct Products This program covers familiarization..... Installation.........................50 14 Covers Familiarization.........BDP-025-853 ........BDP-025-306 ...................................... as well as the existing single-stage deluxe 350MAV and variable-speed 355MAV furnace........... illustrated companion booklet.................. 06-B24-018 .. start-up and maintenance.. the environmentally sound refrigerant. 350MAV....... Familiarization.........................92-024-016 . installation service. Checkout and Operating Sequences........ installation and operating sequences....... Start-Up................ 020-562 ........................ Electrical Operation and Maintenance of the 538S condensing unit and 619C....7....00 CD-ROM Slide Presenter with Audio...... installation. Hot Water Boiler This program covers familiarization....00 598A Two-Speed Air Conditioner with Electronic Control Uses two-speed compressor and an electronic control for reliable.............. installation and start-up..............95..... installation and electrical operating sequences.........................93.. Book ......... which includes 61 color slides with a narrative sound track.. Discusses the implementation of the control boards from the Plus 80 furnace line................... Familiarization........... 6.................. and a 55 page. so that the new nomenclature of the system may be understood for all components and the interaction of indoor coil.............87.. A PowerPoint player is included on the CD so you don’t even need to have PowerPoint installed on your computer to play the presentation...25 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio.... and the electrical operating sequence................... efficient and quiet operation......................................4....................25 CD-ROM Electronic Slide Presentation...................BDP-025-307 .........4..........BDP-025-839 ......25 340MAV. operating sequences and troubleshooting.. and the electrical operating sequence.................................... 06-B24-019 ...... Gas-Fired Furnace 90% Updated to include the two-stage 352MAV and the single-stage standard 3409MAV condensing furnaces......50 698A Two-Speed Heat Pump with Electronic Control Uses two-speed compressor and an electronic control to achieve reliable............................ operating sequences and troubleshooting. 312 AND 315AAV Plus 80 Non-Condensing...........0259-800 ...... illustrated companion booklet............. 80 AFUE furnace features a variable-speed ICM blower motor which provides precise airflow delivery and lower power consumption.... installation.......... 0240-000 ...................0259-802 .87..............50 333BAV Two-Stage Furnace with ICM Motor This two-stage...............BDP-023-809 ........ 0231-001 ........50 Smart Heat Control Used with FA4......... 223..................................... 619E and 619F fan coils................... Book (GT66-01) .. 90%.. and start-up.......25 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation with Audio ............. Book .... installation...... This is the key to achieving the new SEER ratings and it influences warranty..........0259-801 .....87..... service and troubleshooting..........00 Puron® Split System Products (550A... 0231-000 ............ and Electrical Operating Sequences................ refrigeration piping and controls............................. TXV..................100............... Covers upflow and downflow versions.................. Book ............0255-003 .25 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio...4..... Covers familiarization................................5. Book ........................................................5................ Book ............7.....6.7................................................ 020-563 ................................... start-up and maintenance............ Book ............. Book ...........50 Video Only .............. Book ........BDP-023-807 ............................. It is more important than ever to apply the new outdoor products with the appropriate indoor furnace coil or fan coil.......................................00 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation.......50 ................................. 124 Cooling & 213..... 311..........87. Book ................... A PowerPoint player is included on the CD so you don’t even need to have PowerPoint installed on your computer to play the presentation............ FB4. efficient and quiet operation.......50 Video . operating sequences..... Duct-Free Systems (2-4 Tons) Topics covered are: Familiarization...................... 0234-000 ....... which includes 81 color slides with a narrative sound track.........................87.......................... The program consists of two separately available components: a CD-ROM-based PowerPoint presentation.........75 Boilers BW9 Series Gas-Fired....................... illustrated companion booklet... 650A) Covers complete product line of split system air conditioners and heat pumps..... Gas-Fired Furnace 538S Multi-Split.............0255-002 ..................... which includes 95 color slides with a narrative sound track................ Condensing...6.. installation........ .... Book. Book .BDP-025-059.......TRAINING MATERIALS Packaged Air Conditioning & Heat Pumps 535B Air Conditioning........................... and the 10........ 635A Heat Pump.......... which uses scroll compressor(s)................................5.......... Includes Familiarization....................... 701A/702A/702B............. and the 551B Electric Heating/Electric Cooling High Efficiency Rooftop Units..........................0 SEER 549D.........25 582/583A/583B.....5...25 581B/551 B High-Efficiency Rooftop Units (3-12. and Electrical Troubleshooting... which includes 88 color slides with a narrative sound track................ and Electrical Troubleshooting.......... installation......5 Tons) Covers the 1995 581B Gas Heating/Electric Cooling Units using the IGC controller............ Op Sequences and Troubleshooting....................0258-201.... Duct-Free Split Systems (3/4-4 Tons) Familiarization. Operating Sequences. 601A/602A Packaged Heating and Cooling Units This program covers familiarization............ The program consists of two separately available components: a CD-ROM-based PowerPoint presentation..... "YAC Integrated Gas Unit Controller" program) Book ..5................................ Book.........BDP-025-069....BDP-024-838........ service requirements....00 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio ....0258-200......... Book.............................. Operating Sequences............ and a 50 page.... (Also see GT54.....................BDP-025-303....................... Installation..... Installation and Start-Up...................00 564A/764A Packaged Air Conditioner (2-5 Ton) Covers Familiarization..... A PowerPoint player is included on the CD so you don’t even need to have PowerPoint installed on your computer to play the presentation............25 15 . and electrical operating sequences and troubleshooting.50 549D/548D Packaged Rooftop Heat Pumps (3-12.......5.............. Start-Up and Operation....7........... Familiarization...0 SEER 548D that uses reciprocating compressors....... Installation and Start-Up............ illustrated companion booklet. Electrical Op Sequence and Electrical Troubleshooting of this packaged air conditioner featuring “through-the-top” servicing............... Maintenance.................... Installation.....5 Ton) Covers the 12....................................... 87.................. Start-Up and Maintenance. .... 020-338 ......93.......................................81...$62...75/10 Clean-Up After Burnout (GTC-25) ........................ 020-257 ............6................... 022-009 .. Book (SK16-01) ..25 Scroll Compressors* Familiarization............. 020-615 ...................................................50 Video (SK25-02V)................................. Book (GTC10-101) .............................. 020-325 ..... H-01) .......... Book (GTA1-101)............... 020-300 .................................. function....................now includes 06CC........ service procedures................................... 020-312 ......8. 020-323....TRAINING MATERIALS SERVICING COMPRESSORS Carlyle 5-Line Compressor Open Drive Teardown and Rebuild.. Interactive CD-ROM (GT64-03) .............................. Service and Troubleshooting......... take a step-by-step process to a successful compressor replacement......... Loading and Unloading. 020-514 ......................... Lubrication....................................... 020-502 . 020-340 ........................87.... 020-551 .....81..56......75/10 3-Phase Compressor Motors (GTC-12) ..... Inc........... 4 color (GTC-16) ...... Compressor Protection......87....25 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (5F........................................................75 30GX..6... 020-132 ............ 4 color (GTC-15) ................................ and an analysis section......................75/10 Non-Electrical Causes of Compr..................... Book (06D-01)..... Solve 10 real-life troubleshooting problems.........50 Why Compressors Fail II* Updated with the help of Our Way.......................50/set Compressor Quizzes Each packet contains: 1 Instructor Guide with answers and 10 quizzes...75 Book (GTC2-101S) Spanish Version .100.......... Book (GTC3-101A) ................... ................... and capacity.... 020-311 ................50 Carlyle Semi-Hermetic Compressor Cutaways* Full color compressor cutaways with callouts.......... Motor Starting...... Book (5F..... 020-324 ........................................HX-08) .75 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation with Audio (GTC-1ACD) ................ The basic troubleshooting process emphasizes finding the root cause of the compressor problem.......90 Preventing Compressor Failures* Basics of Analyzing Compressor/Systems Problems...............................................................6......375.....12.......................5.............25 VHS Video (GTC-10V)......................... Relates pressure..... Students use tests and measurements to isolate compressor faults........ 020-622 .................. 022-044 ........................68........................................ 020-137 ...6................................................. Book (GTC-18CD)....................90 Carlyle 06D.... 020-412 ..... 020-344 ................. 020-327 ....................00 Video (slide transfer).... Motor Cooling........................93......00 Instructor Book (GT64-IG)............50...50 Oil-Refrigerant Migration* Covers miscibility. temperature.......75 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio........25 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation w/Audio (GTAC1-5CD) ...................87... 020-341 ...... Book (GTC2-101B) English Version........10...........5............... Failure (GTC-13).... 020-262 ............................... It describes the two types of compressors covered in this program (scroll and reciprocating) including how they operate and the normal and abnormal sounds they make................ Single Phase Compressor Motors (GTC-11) ............... 06CC Semi-Hermetic Compressors* This popular program has been updated with Carlyle Compressor technical assistance ..........75 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (GTC-2BCD) .............................. 022-054 ..HX-07A PPT) ........ 020-113 ...... 020-611 .....75 Diagnosing and Preventing Hermetic Compressor Failures* This interactive program develops skills that enable technicians to troubleshoot problems with welded hermetic compressors............... and Carlyle Compressor.............68......................... then.....75/10 .................5....... 020-267 ..........25 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (30GTX........... 020-600 ............. Updated refrigerant handling techniques.................................................................75 Video (GTAC1-5V) ....................1...20............................................25 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (GTC-3ACD) . Book (SK25-01)... 020-545 .........................50 Troubleshooting (Semi-Hermetic) Compressors and Systems* Describes 3-step approach to determine interrelated compressor/system problems....25 Student Book (GT64-01)...... 06E.........6................. construction........................................00 06D & 06E Compressor (Pocket) Service Guide Model identification....................................... 020-218 ........... The large number of job aids and other useful information in the comprehensive HELP section make student success easy......................... 020-313 .... Operating Parameters.. this program includes troubleshooting tips....6..............................................6.......... 023-061 .........56.................50 Capacity Control Carlyle 5......3..1..............25 Video (GTC-4V) ............................ 023-050 ...............5.......9.................. 020-411 .....87.. changeout procedure and system checkout procedure... Book (GTC4-101) ...............HX 06N Carlyle Screw Compressor Covers: Familiarization............ 020-241 .............. and electrical readings to possible problems... Operation and Service.................... 020-627 ...................................................... learn how to determine if the compressor has failed..75 Clean-Up After Burnout* Identify mild or severe burnouts and prevent repeat failures by using proper clean-up procedures. rate of absorption and reducing oil dilution... Updated refrigerant handling techniques..... 6 Line Compressors* Book (GTC1-101A) ......... 020-490 ...............................75 Video Only (Slide/Audio Transfer)................................. Refrigeration Cycles...............6......... 020-616 .......... 06D 8-1/2” x 11”......................2............ 020-346 .............87.............6.............$87......... parts and electrical data.......................6.......00 Video Only (Slide/Audio Transfer) ............. 020-225 .. H-02CD).......00 Compressors* Introduces basic compressors types...........25 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (GTC-4PP) .....25 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation with Audio ....................50 Be Compressor Wise* Conditions for compressor change..............00 /ea 06E 8-1/2” x 11”....00 16 Hermetic Compressor Replacement First.................. 020-550 .................... safety & troubleshooting tips.............100...... Book (30GX........50 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (SK25-02CD)...............00 /ea 06D & 06E Wall Charts 24" x 30" (GTC-17) .......93...................................................................25 VHS Video (SK16-02V).... Start-up and checkout of the system are included.... 020-061 ....... Book (GTAC-105) ......................... 020-348 ...... Book (GTC19-101) ............................... ..50 Carrier Version Video (GT16-02V)..... including Load Sizing... 1.................... 100.............. reviews fan laws and airflow calculations to solve air side problems............ air handlers.....25/set Indoor Air Quality Products and Fundamentals* Emphasizes the “Control......... 81. Refresh” approach to residential IAQ......75 Interactive CD-ROM Disk.............. Book....6............00 Book (SST-01)......................... 87.............. Centrifugal.. It is designed to promote safety awareness and provide a safer.....020-530..............6..................... refrigerants.... Book (GT59-01).......... 100................................... (SM-15B)..................... Charging and Refrigerant Sampling.020-607........ It covers: personal protective equipment....020-417........ Discusses principal components of each cycle and how they function..............50 Bryant CD-ROM.......... The Air Cycle........020-608............................. illustrates use of a psychrometric chart. remediation... 87......... Application and Installation.........50 Air Properties and Measurement* (Replaces GTA-3A) Analyzes and defines the properties of air......... components and their function.... electrical safety........................................... operate or maintain refrigeration and air conditioning equipment............ management and containment systems.. working at heights....25 Safety 2000 This program was produced by joint effort of Service Training and Carrier Corporation’s EHS department and should be included in your safety training objectives.....................................50 Video...... absorption.....020-537.... leak testing... 81..7...... Filter.................................... material safety data sheets MSDS...020-410............. 12................ selection and installation techniques............... vehicle safety............. Alignment and Grouting............................................................................................... Book (GT67-01).020-253.020-650............................7..........................................................00 A Guide for Residential Heat Pumps Covers various aspects..020-211...00 COOLING ABCs of Air Conditioning* Basic training for non-technical personnel covering: Body Comfort.................1................... and Absorption Cycles with details on related compressors and systems........46 Refrigerant Service Techniques* Covers:refrigerants... ladders. and centrifugal equipment.......... safety.................020-605......25 Bryant Version Program (Video/Slides/Book) ....................... Student self-study section includes skills checks...................020-528........................................................................) Reciprocating Cycle Flowchart (full-color 8-1/2 x 11) (GT56-04).......Reciprocating/Centrifugal/Absorption Cycle (full-color 24 x 30) (GT56-07)...............................................8.......... lifting and back safety.....) .............. and testing..... $4......... Instructions/Book) (GT56-03) ...................................... Carrier CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (GT16-04).... cooling towers..... Instructor may navigate through graphics and control the multimedia features as required...... Evacuation...................................... Book (GT56-01).......................020-534.... The 10-minute video compares various air filter media and equipment performance........ Also safety practices needed to service: reciprocating..............50 (This interactive training program has options for self-study or classroom facilitation of Basic Refrigeration Cycles..................020-606.. compressed air and gas...................................... welding and brazing......50 CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentation with Audio (GT67-03)........................... 13........020-419..... environmental practices.......................... 93....................50 17 . hazard communication....TRAINING MATERIALS MISCELLANEOUS Standard Service Techniques Absorption Book Leak Testing................................................00/ea Centrifugal Cycle Flowchart (full-color 8-1/2 x 11 (GT56-05)................... 93..................................................................50 Book (SST-03)..................00 CD-ROM Electronic Slide Presentation (GT59-02CD) ...... (SM-16)..................... 87......... what hazards to watch out for and what safety precautions are required for each type of equipment.............571-100............ equipment selection/application........... The Heat Pump and Air Conditioning Equipment.. emergency response.8...........020-651...... This program provides a basic understanding of good safety practices both on the job site or when using your service vehicle........020-413...........BDP-020-420.................................. CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (SST-04PP) ............. Installing...........00 Basic Refrigeration Cycles* Covers Reciprocating..................020-539............................................................. 125..................................................BDP-020-419.................020-637........594-218..... healthier environment.....00/ea Absorption Cycle Flowchart (full-color 8-1/2 x 11) (GT56-06)................ 87................... minimizing contamination of systems.020-623..9... 87.......1..... A PowerPoint player is included on the CD training presentation along with an interactive ventilator search program................... 187..... It covers IAQ problems..... (Packaged in units of 25.. 15...... charging tools and equipment..... 06-020-531............ Book (GT14-01)......................50 VHS Video (GT59-02V).................. good housekeeping and confined space entry.............. BY-020-607.....................00 Bryant Book....................... discusses air measurement procedures and instruments................... ergonomics...............................................................594-217.......... 06-020-532...................... You should know why safety is your concern..............25 Inside the Heat Pump* New and expanded video-based program includes: theory of operation................25 Carrier Book to GT16-02 (GT16-01) .............. Program (Slides/Audio/Book) (SST-02).......... and service procedures used on centrifugal and reciprocating refrigeration equipment.. product familiarization...50 Centrifugal Compressor Book Foundation Preparation........... Refrigeration Cycle........020-602..1..................... fall protection..........................020-604..............75 Safety Training Safety Guide for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Use to promote safety awareness for people who own.........................7...........00/ea Set of 3 Posters ................ 06-020-533.................. operation and general maintenance.....50 Carrier CD-ROM......................75 Video (GT67-02)................ 100.75 Video (GT56-02V)... ..00 Pocket Service Card (Residential) For Field Superheat/Subcooling Charging....00 Bryant Version................... which is provided.............75 YAC “IGC” Integrated Gas Unit Controller Provides information on the functions and operation of the Integrated Gas Unit Controller (IGC) board used for control of combustion and blower motor operation on gasfired rooftop equipment...150.................4......... Book (GT31-01) ..................00 Puron (R-410A) on one side... layout and install a hydronic heating system in residential and light commercial applications.........................4.................06-020-640. Skills section.25 Award Certificates Sale of these items is restricted to Distributors and Carrier and Bryant offices only...... Carrier Version ................ 020-639 .... 020-249 ..... Program (VHS Video) (GT31-02) ........ 020-527 .............5..........50 Laminated Chart (GT63-02) .......) Maintenance Log Sheets (Pad of 25) (SK26-03A) ........ installation.........4.. Award certificates are 8.....................$75.......... Achievement certificates to be presented to student completing a course......and double-effect absorption machines equipped with Product Integrated Controls (PIC)............................... Its extended range allows plotting of all double-effect absorption machines... characteristics and operation............................................................50 Video (GT57-01V) (Set of 2)...................4.75 Use to plan......................... and help diagnose problems............7............................................................... (GT24-01) ............. 020-240 ........................................4........... 020-384 ................ to find absorber loss............................. Natural Gas Furnace Manifold Pressure Calculator/ Uses slide rule calculator to determine Gas Furnace Manifold Pressure in residential indoor applications.....4.........50/25 18 A pad of 25 blank log sheets to record operating pressures on reciprocating liquid chillers...........00 Hydronic Heating Systems Other Tools..................13............ 5..... Pad of 25 charts (GT63-01)......06-B20-640.......... 020-433 ........ Electronic (including NSB) and Programmable...... The troubleshooting section covers commonly encountered system problems........00 Superheat/Subcooling Charging Calculator/Slide Rule Gas Furnace Tune-Up Puron® Subcooling Calculator Describes tune-up procedures for natural draft gas furnaces....... 020-453 .. 020-002 ....................... Covers familiarization.......... 020-117 ...... After an introduction section...50 Book (GTA8-101 B)..... electrical operating sequence and an overview of diagnostic features...... oil combustion fundamentals and oil burners are covered..........7......................................7...... Includes a trend chart for identifying different system problems.00/10 For HFC-134A Systems (GT52-01)... 020-444 .......5......... Book (GT57-02) ... 020-516 .00 For use with HCFC-22 systems............................00/pad Replacement Vinyl Album Media and Literature Case...laser compatible... CD ROM PPT with Audio (GTA-8CD)........................... 020-501 ..............00 Absorption Machine Equilibrium Diagram with PIC This is an important tool for troubleshooting both single.............. 020-499 ............ 020-434 .7... A section on annual maintenance emphasizes the use of an annual maintenance checklist........................................... Discusses purpose and function.....................75/25 Bryant Certificate of Achievement.87..............$87........00 For use with R-410A systems....00/10 Reciprocating Liquid Chiller Maintenance Log Controls Remote Mounted Thermostats* Bi-Metal..................................... Also includes TXV troubleshooting tips.......TRAINING MATERIALS Heating An Introduction to Hydronic Heating Describes simple hydronic heating systems and how to properly size radiation................................... GTG-2 Carrier Certificate of Achievement . Pocket Cards...... (GT58-01) .. size....... service and troubleshooting......... R-22 on the other side..................... Book (GT54-01A)......... Universal charts based on the McNeeley equations are used to plot absorption machine cycles.................... (Package of 10) For HCFC-22 Systems (GT51-01).....................................68.... Rules..........5 x 11 on parchment type paper with gold foil border ....................75 ..................................... (See Troubleshooting Reciprocating Liquid Chiller Training.... Signature line provided for instructor and distributor....................6............... 020-512 .............................. Calculator (GT26-01A) ......................................50 CD-ROM PowerPoint with Audio (GT57-01CD) .........................5. 020-517 ...........12.... Oil heating system topics include fuel supply systems and proper venting. VHS Video (GT23-01)...... 020-500 ............................................................75 Oil Heat* This program covers aspects of oil heat technology that are of interest to persons who install and service oil-fired residential heating products........ Also contains Temperature-Pressure Charts for standard CFC refrigerants and alternate HCFC and HFC refrigerants..... Etc..BY-020-000 ........ 020-535 .................. 020-454 .. ... Authored by Robert F............. this manual guides trainers through a six-step process that assures effective training every time. who conduct classroom sessions attended by adults in adult-life circumstances..............8............................. Aimed at the part-time or casual technical trainer........... a worldrenowned expert on all aspects of training.......... this manual can also be used by anyone who is called upon to provide training..........TRAINING MATERIALS Professional Development How to Teach Grownups This course from Practical Management................... authored by the world-renowned training expert... Book..... Robert F....75 Six Steps to Great Training Using worksheets and examples. you can’t tell if you have accomplished your instructional objective if you don’t know what it is in the first place..................................................50 Preparing Instructional Objectives In training...... 21..... Inc..... Set of 12 Audio Cassettes/Workbook ............020-721... 21............................ is designed for trainers......25 19 .... this easy-to-read book outlines the crucial steps to developing sound instructional objectives.020-720.. shows how to put together an effective troubleshooting course......... Book............... The book is written in an easy-to-read and sometimes lighthearted format.................................. instructors................ teachers..........................020-727.......................$312....020-722.. Mager. Mager..................75 Troubleshooting the Troubleshooting Course Do you have to train people to troubleshoot or fix complex equipment? Is your training effective? This book........ Book. etc.......... ..... Book (single). and design air distribution systems.................. and designers to effectively design.....18................... Along with psychrometrics...................................................................00 TDP -102 ABCs of Comfort The Carrier TDP modules deal primarily with the design and operation of comfort air conditioning....25 Book (10-pack) ..796-030.......... or in terms of airflow cfm....... it involves a number of formulas and their application..... the load estimate will tell the designer how big the job is........00 PowerPoint ...................... and the theory used to develop the chart.............. This industry is also influenced by regulatory agencies and legal concerns that are important to designers of HVAC systems.00/pad Air Conditioning (E20-A) Pad of 25 ..........00 Introduction to HVAC TDP-101 Industry Overview This TDP provides a general overview of the commercial HVAC industry........................... The presentation contains animations where appropriate and hyperlinks to the various segments to assist you in hosting a professional training session........... Other modules build on the information from this module to explain the psychrometrics of various air conditioning systems............82................00 PowerPoint .......... either in terms of cooling capacity..16..... 796-026 ......... It is intended for people new to the industry or who may not be familiar with the many types of HVAC systems available...5... typically three hours per topic.......................... Each of these new programs consists of a CD that contains a PowerPoint™ presentation and instructor notes that you can use to present a class...............................796-027-10 ..25 Book (10-pack)......... and apply HVAC equipment in commercial applications. books are available to use in your sessions or to hand out for self-study.....00/pad ............ 796-025-10 ......................... then an analysis of the application can be used to come up with the correct load and equipment selections to complete the design............ specify..........16...................797-030..................................................25 Book (10-pack). it is first necessary to understand what comfort is.............................................................. with their components and how they control multiple building zones are discussed..... Proficiency in the use of the psychrometrics chart is an important tool for designers of air conditioning systems.... and video clips are used in some programs to demonstrate more complex topics........................ 797-025 ......................... If the characteristics of the loads for the building and the HVAC system are known.................. At the end of this module.......... expressed as tons of refrigeration...82........................................................ participants in the design and construction process............ In the earliest stages.. and plotting the eight basic air conditioning processes...........5..... Psychrometrics is required to properly calculate heating and cooling loads............. which is to establish the comfort standards for the project..... Book (single)........... This module is the first of four........................................................................................................ the psychrometric chart is useful in simplifying the calculations.... Book (single)............... Other instructor features include a convenient link to the book....................... While the topic is not complicated............ analysis of part load and control methods.............. a load estimate provides the data necessary to select heating and cooling equipment that can condition the occupied spaces within a building............ Book (single)................................. Elementary air-conditioning definitions are explained and the fundamental classification of systems is described.................... The material presented helps the designers determine one of the first objectives of the system design....... Done properly...... the information obtained from the chart.......00 Load Estimate Forms (Refer to TDP-301) Forms to be used when calculating a heating load estimate or an air conditioning load estimate Heating (E10-A) Pad of 25 ............... charts..............185.........................796-026-10 ... a novice should have a general understanding of air-conditioning systems and how they deal with building zoning considerations................. 796-025 ......00 Book (10-pack).. and tables or other supplementary material...............................796-030-10.......... and how these activities are influenced by the different participants in the process................. 797-025 . and how a system designer can influence the human perception of comfort... providing an awareness of: the design process.............................. The “ABCs of Comfort” is a module of the introductory series and is intended to introduce system designers to the parameters that influence human comfort..........00 PowerPoint ...16............... Each full-color book clearly covers the topic and enhances the learning experience through state-of-the-art graphics TDP -103 Concepts of Air Conditioning This module deals with the functions an air-conditioning system must perform to provide comfort air conditioning......................................... engineers.........25 Book (10-pack)............797-034.... To design these comfort air conditioning systems..... 796-027 .........796-034-10............ High quality graphics and photos are used in all presentations....185... and how the air system and mechanical refrigeration system work together to control these conditions.................................796-034............. select equipment........82......... documents involved in construction.. a typical timeline of activities in the design and construction process...............82..90..00 Psychrometrics TDP-201 Psychrometrics Level 1: Fundamentals Psychrometrics is the study of the air and water vapor mixture...................... Book (single).......... 797-006 .......................... Additionally.....................................00 PowerPoint ........TRAINING MATERIALS Technical Development Programs (TDP) TDPs provide you with new technical training materials designed to help contractors.........185. sell....... computerized psychrometrics.................. 797-005 ..00 PowerPoint .......... an introduction to air-vapor mixtures.16..185.....185.....................00 20 Load Estimating TDP-301 Load Estimating Level 2: Fundamentals The fundamentals of commercial load estimating are needed to understand the various load components that go into making a practical estimate of the amount of heating and/or cooling energy needed to condition a building......... load estimating establishes the foundation upon which HVAC system design and operation occur........... The types of systems.........797-027.. .......... 796-049-10.......... heat.................................... Book (single) ....... Central station air handlers are typically “built to order” with a wide variety of available options and accessories to choose from....TRAINING MATERIALS Refrigeration Cycle TDP-400................ Fans consume more energy in a typical HVAC system than the compressors! It is extremely important that the correct type of fan be chosen for the application......................... 75................. and sizing of the piping system and associated hydronic components is required to properly deliver chilled and hot water as required to maintain comfort conditions.... 06-797-052............796-049........ 185............................... VAV.......796-050................................. 82................ Book (single) ... Level 2...................................................... 796-050-10........ load determination........ the information in the Level 1 Introductory material should be understood.................................................................. Book (single) ..... and determining static pressure losses for system fan selection....................00 PowerPoint.......................00 Book (10 pack)..................... They range from small residential sizes to large built-up coil banks in custom air-handling units...................... Level 1...... Central station air handlers are available factory designed for indoor use or for rooftop mounting......................................................00 PowerPoint............... steam. A step-by-step design process will be presented covering such aspects of duct design as zoning..... This module deals with the way heat is moved from a place of lower temperature to a place of higher temperature in a process called mechanical refrigeration......................... There are two main categories of coils. This TDP module will describe fan characteristics and performance...................... Book (single) ....................... 185........... hot water......................................... This TDP we discuss total heat of rejection............... In order to apply systems to a design.... They also cool...... Regardless of their size.. This process is used in preserving the food we eat and for comfort air conditioning................................ 06-796-052. 82...... both indoor and outdoor types.................797-051..............00 21 .............. and hot water........... by either adding or removing it from one place and moving it to another........ 185............. as well as the controls that may be used to regulate each........ 16.... Cooling coils use direct expansion (cold refrigerant) or chilled water........ HVAC designers must be aware of the different heat rejection methods........ 16......797-049..........797-043..................................................................................... 18...... 75..............................797-050. 185........................................... 796-045-10......... Book (single) ......... The heat is rejected to the environment using air or water as the medium........ Analysis.................00 TDP-614 Coils: DX......................00 TDP-613 Fans in Variable Air Volume Systems Heat rejection is a process that is central to the air conditioning............................................................... selection..... 185......................... 796-043-10............. 185............ This TDP module discusses the most common heat rejection methods: condensers and cooling towers................................ heating or cooling........... 82..................796-043.............. as well as the software programs used for selection.. participants will be able to manually size ductwork using either a friction chart or a duct calculator.............00 PowerPoint... layout... all coils serve the important function of changing the temperature of the air to satisfy comfort or process requirements.....797-037.................. The correct layout.. and CV terminals... a design engineer will learn about the components....00 PowerPoint................... and electric heating coils... 15...00 PowerPoint......... In this TDP...................... Book (single) ..................... 75.... With an understanding of these items......796-037.........00 Book (10-pack) ...25 Book (10-pack) .......... Before proceeding to the equipment TDPs....................00 Commercial HVAC Equipment: Air Handling Equipment TDP-611 Central Station Air Handlers Air handlers do not just handle air..... features..................... After completing the module...00 Book (10-pack) ..................................... 796-051-10... 15................................ sizing........ 15....796-051....00 PowerPoint..............................00 PowerPoint............ There are many coil applications used in HVAC design..... Chilled Water and Heating............................................00 Distribution Systems Water Piping and Pumps Water Piping and pumping is a foundation topic of HVAC design............... 185.............. filter...... and room air distribution devices as a means of delivering conditioned air to the occupants of a building.. Much of the equipment discussed in other TDP modules dealing with equipment uses the principles discussed in this module............................................. discuss the best applications served by central station air handling units and why........ The Principles of Mechanical Refrigeration is divided into two books.........00 TDP-612 Fans: Features and Analysis The heart of any air handling system is the fan.............. Book (single) ..... the design engineer can proceed with confidence to perform a proper coil selection and prepare a specification................ or refrigerant hot gas as a heating medium..... 796-037-10......... and humidify.......... This TDP module will explain the types of equipment and the sectional components that comprise an air handler.......... Several other TDP modules pick up where this one leaves off on other specific topics related to mechanical refrigeration......25 Book (10-pack) ............. A designer needs a thorough understanding of the concepts of mechanical refrigeration to create the best performing and cost effective projects. and how it applies to the process of air conditioning............... Analysis..06-796-052-10.797-045................. will provide a better understanding of how to evaluate unit performance and select refrigeration components. in order to provide designers with the knowledge to select the proper fan for various HVAC applications.... Introduction..... it’s derivation........... Level 1: Principles of Mechanical Refrigeration Air conditioning is all about moving heat energy.............. 90................. and applications for direct expansion and chilled-water cooling.................00 TDP-504 Duct Design Level 1: Fundamentals This module will look at the way commercial duct design creates an airflow conduit for interconnecting an air handler......00 Book (10-pack) .... and Level 2.................. Heating coils use electricity............................ a list is included at the back of this book......... 16....796-045..25 Book (10-pack) ....... 06-797-067 ............................. This TDP module will cover both packaged single piece air-cooled chillers as well as split system types..........00 Water-cooled chillers range in size from small 20-ton capacity models that can fit in an elevator to several thousand-ton models that cool the world’s largest facilities such as airports.82................. once approved...................75......................796-054-10 .......... This module will discuss various temperature control strategies and HVAC systems that can be employed to maximize comfort provided to the building occupants.................25 Book (10-pack)............ This TDP will also discuss the options and accessories available for water-cooled chillers and the criteria used when selecting a water-cooled chiller.............00 Book (10 pack)........................................ It will show the designer how systems are applied........ shopping centers.............................................. Air-cooled chillers range in size from small capacity models to several hundred-ton models that are utilized to cool large commercial buildings........ the components of the system and accessories frequently used....................................... distribute the air within the spaces..................... skyscrapers..00 System selection can be a simpler.......06-796-066 ................ Split systems are classified as a unitary................................................. Their key features and applications are the focus of the material in this TDP module.50 Book (10-pack)........... air quality............ Book (single)........ We will begin by assembling and documenting all available project data at the earlier phases of the design process........22.......................... as they tend to be the most popular designs for larger commercial applications.........16......................................796-054-10 .........110.......... starting with space temperature...... ranging from strip malls to schools and offices...... After determining the delivery method.....00 PowerPoint .. This TDP module discusses the most common heat rejection methods: condensers and cooling towers..................00 PowerPoint .......00 22 Heat rejection is a process that is central to the air conditioning...... 796-056 ................... as such.............06-796-066-10 .. This TDP on System Selection presents one method that can be used by designers on most commercial projects............. more understandable... Book (single)..........................00 PowerPoint . etc.... There are many different types of HVAC systems..................................... and air purity.......75..............185....... Other comfort parameters include maintaining acceptable room humidity............. 796-060 ..00 PowerPoint ........................ This TDP we discuss total heat of rejection.........00 Book (10 pack)..... maintain humidity............................... The relative importance of each system function depends upon the specific project and application....................................................... Book (single)...... Book (single)......................... and many more elements that can be used to achieve the heating and cooling capacity................00 Book (10-pack).................. This flexibility has contributed to their overall popularity among designers of chilled-water systems...185....... This list will be reviewed against various design criteria that were determined for the project.................................. as well as the controls that may be used to regulate each........16...........185...............796-059-10 .............................. 796-054 .....25 Book (10 pack).................. We will cover both screw and centrifugal type compressor water-cooled chillers..................... 797-066 .......... This module will describe what split systems are........ This TDP module will also cover the available options and accessories for air-cooled chillers........... The final two or three HVAC systems will be evaluated against a prioritized list of design criteria using a rating method called the Systems Scoresheet.... and the primary system type used in residential air conditioning............................................... Book (single)........................00 PowerPoint ................................TRAINING MATERIALS Commercial HVAC Equipment: Chillers Commercial HVAC Equipment: Other Equipment TDP-622 Air-Cooled Chillers TDP-641 Cooling Towers and Condensers TDP-623 Water-Cooled Chillers TDP-701 System Selection Air-cooled chillers can be used as a single piece unit or a split in various configurations...................................185......................... Book (single)..............00 PowerPoint .......15.............................185..... explain common installation issues........185...................00 Commercial HVAC Equipment: Packaged Units TDP-631 Rooftop Units Level 1: Constant Volume Smaller tonnage constant volume rooftop units are the most widely used units in the commercial air conditioning industry.. 797-054 .........796-056-10 .................................. The heat is rejected to the environment using air or water as the medium........15........................00 ... 796-059 ........... will then be designed and built..00 TDP-634 Split Systems Spilt systems are one of the major categories of HVAC equipment............................... as well as criteria for selecting an air-cooled chiller.........15................................00 PowerPoint . it’s derivation.. This TDP module will concentrate on the larger chillers in the range of 200 ton and upward.......................... 797-059 .............. and running rough heating and cooling loads for our zoned project........................ 797-056 ................... and how it applies to the process of air conditioning................185..........................06-796-067 . and describe how to select a system...... or packaged unit............ and.................18................ air motion. and other facilities.............................. Zoning is required to maximize the number of spaces that are successfully conditioned to the design criteria...............................00 Book (10 pack)....................................................... an initial list of potential HVAC systems will be assembled....... 797-060 ......75.. 797-054 ..............06-796-067-10 .......... 796-054 ........................... process if the designer and owner follow a step-by-step procedure. Throughout the selection and design processes....................82......... have many of the benefits of packaged equipment while offering the flexibility associated with applied products.796-060-10 ......................... They are produced by the tens of thousands by the major manufacturers and are applied to a wide cross section of installations......................................90............... HVAC designers must be aware of the different heat rejection methods............00 TDP-702 Comfort Control Principles Air-conditioning systems maintain the desired indoor comfort level........ Book (single)............. budgets and schedules........................ The system with the highest numerical rating............ job requirements and system parameters are documented on the Design Record form presented in the TDP............ provide ventilation..... In order to apply systems to a design........................................ ...............00 PowerPoint.................. 85. guidelines are provided for preparing acoustic specifications......................... 06-796-076............ outdoor air ventilation....................... This TDP will take the basic elements and building blocks of HVAC controls and show how comfort control systems create the desired equipment responses for maintaining room environmental condition set points.. the reader should have an understanding of the types of filters available..00 TDP-909 Filtration The methods and products available for removing contaminants from the air is the focus of this TDP module......................... Concepts of Air Conditioning.................. See various Sampler packages below................00 TDP-903 Life Cycle Costing for HVAC System Decisions about the type of HVAC system or decisions related to making HVAC system modifications are based of financial justification. 185..06-796-063-10.................. When overlooked..06-796-078-10...............50 Book (10-pack) ................ sustainable design projects and many other entities require that these decision be based the total life cycle costs rather that first cost alone........... Fans: Features and Analysis.............. Also covered are payback and several other decision-making tools...... 15........796-074...............00 PowerPoint........ and applications........................... 185......... especially at a time when there is so much design emphasis being placed on highquality air treatment. 185........... 06-797-076...... Book (single) ...................................... 796-074-10................... these issues result in noise issues that can be more expensive than if acoustic design were considered in project development.....796-069...............00 PowerPoint....TRAINING MATERIALS TDP-704 Variable Volume and Temperature Systems VVT is an economical... including how manufacturer sound data is generated................... Controls Level 1: Fundamentals..................... The objective of this module is to define VVT and describe how it achieves zone temperature control............ Book (single) ........................... Binder 3 Coils: DX...... 85........25 Book (10-pack) ............... 06-796-100........................................... Cooling Towers and Condensers................. 82............................ The next section discusses troubleshooting existing projects.................. This material can equally be applied to public or privately funded projects with certain guidelines............................. These sections describe the basic concepts behind the life cycle cost method...... Material is divided into six sections.. 75..... 06-797-063. VVT systems are a popular solution for heating and cooling multiple zone applications in small to medium size buildings.. Filtration is one part of a good IAQ strategy and is used to manage the indoor environment...................................................... Finally.............. Variable Volume and Temperature Systems. 85............................... Binder 2 Water Piping and Pumps...............797-069........ The federal government............... Binder 1 ABC’s of Comfort............. The life cycle costing method is one of the most commonly used decision making methods of determining total life cycle financial impact. Book (single) .............................. This TDP introduces system designers to the principles of acoustics and includes suggestions on how to address acoustic issues early in design..............00 PowerPoint. Psychrometrics Level 1: Introduction.................. 185......................................................... 06-796-078................... WaterCooled Chillers....... Duct Design Level 1: Fundamentals. Air-Cooled Chillers...06-796-076-10.......... 06-796-101... 06-796-100.........00 Commercial Controls TDP-801 Controls Level 1: Fundamental The fundamentals of HVAC controls introduces the basic concepts of control and the vocabulary necessary to understand HVAC controls that are part of the design of HVAC systems....50 Book (10-pack) ...........00 PowerPoint.. 06-797-078....... Upon completion of this module...................................00 Book (10-pack) ..............................00 Binder 2 ..................................... HVAC Acoustics and Vibration............... System Selection.. their capabilities.....00 Binder 3 ................... 110.00 Commercial HVAC Applications TDP-901 Acoustics and Vibration Acoustic considerations for project designs are often overlooked.................. This training module discusses the life cycle costing method and how it should be applied to HVAC related decisions. Comfort Control Principles..... the types of mechanical and gas-phase filters used in comfort air-conditioning applications along with electronic air cleaners are covered................. 22..................... The second section discusses the methods used to establish an acoustic rating both indoors and outdoors................ Principles of Mechanical Refrigeration..... 75... 22............. Understanding acoustic design principles will help designers select and apply equipment and design distribution systems that more cost effectively meet the project’s total environmental quality (TEQ) goals................... Industry Overview....... and room air circulation..00 TDP Sampler TDP samplers are a compilation of selected TDP’s organized in a binder... all-air zoned system that is ideal for many commercial jobs........ Binder 1 ....................... 110........ 796-069-10....... Filtration................................ This module will explain these guidelines and demonstrate a life cycle costing software program........ VVT controls typically are supplied pre-packaged from the HVAC equipment supplier and are ready to install by the mechanical contractor..................................797-074........ 16... An approach is also presented on how to address an existing project with noise issues.. Specifically. Load Estimating Level 2: Fundamentals................. The first explains acoustic terms and how to add and subtract sound levels........... Book (single) ..............00 Book (10-pack) ............... Book (single) ......... 06-796-063...... 15....... This module has seven sections................................... Specific guidelines are provided on how to estimate the sound at the equipment to control noise........................... 185...... where to find the data and several techniques to be used in evaluating the data and making a decision. The next two sections describe how to determine the acoustic design goal and how to estimate the sound at the receiver using the source-path-receiver concept............... what data should be included... followed by controlling vibration at the design stage................. Central Station Air Handlers......... a recommended procedure to follow............ Rooftop Units Level 1: Constant Volume..................................... Split Systems............... Fans in Variable Air Volume Systems................00 23 .......... Chilled Water and Heating................. ..................$55....25 24 Presents the basics to understanding the procedures and use of data for designing and sizing refrigerant lines as applied to packaged equipment split systems. Air-Water Systems and Direct Refrigerant Systems.... TDP-51ML Meeting Leader (50 paper masters) .... Part load controls such as hot gas bypass systems are also examined.................... space loads.......25 General Purpose Direct Digital Controller Designed as an entry point for a person unfamiliar with General Purpose Direct Digital Control (DDC) modules...............55.. Also discussed are some of the problems involved in piping systems thus aiding the designer in avoiding the compounding of design errors........ The text explains the concept......55... many of the principles covered are universally applicable to other types of heat pumps........... 60 pages).. 796-010 ........75 T200-85 Text (52 pages) .... 793-227 ... Rating data and the influence of condensing methods are discussed..............................5.................. 791-224 ...... 793-234 ........... T200-34B PP PowerPoint Presentation......52........ Use of application and rating data is illustrated with selection problems.... energy advantages.... The material covered includes background.......................... system arrangements...........55................... This text provides a non-technical introduction to basic terms and concepts of direct digital control in general and the general-purpose controller specifically..........50 Load Estimating Using Storage Load Factors and Equivalent Temperatures…(SDM Part 1 User Guide) This program is aimed at developing the understanding and skills necessary to accomplish a “block” cooling and heating load estimate... 5..... 793-418 .......... The information presented is necessary to have full understanding of the output of computerized load estimates...........55.73 Air-To-Air Heat Pumps Refrigerant Piping For Split Systems This section has been designed to equip the reader with the basic principles of the heat pump........ 7............................... T200-27B PP PowerPoint Presentation .. types... selection.......................................................... 793-224 .............. 791-465 ... The text illustrates calculations for an example building while the student performs similar calculations for another structure........ control and application of air-to-air heat pumps......... and applicable to a wide variety of new construction or retrofit HVAC applications.00 T200-24B Text (72 pages). operation............ and selection are explained..............................5..................... suction and discharge levels.. it should be considered a user’s guide on how to use the simplified Duct Calculator (Cat..... Although the basis of the text is the air-to-air heat pump................ 791-085 .... (20 pages) ..... Quizzes and work sessions are included after each section to assist in evaluating student understanding.............50 Introduction to Variable Air Volume This presentation of material covers the general application guidelines for variable air volume systems..00 T200-45 Text (28 pages) ... All-Water Systems..................... # 794036).................25 Room Air Distribution Principles of room air distribution including blow..............25 Covers the layout...... 5............... 793-085 ..... 791-418 ..... and accumulators... consultants............................ This presentation would be particularly valuable to the better understanding of variable air volume systems by architects.......................... 791-045 . Also covered is the function and application of many other accessories such as solenoid valves. 791 -012 . The various systems discussed are: All-Air Systems.... drop.. T200-64 Text (44 pages)..................................... materials..TRAINING MATERIALS Older Technical Development Programs Air Conditioning System Design Guidelines Refrigerant Piping Systems Text discusses factors influencing the selection of systems....... Thermostatic expansion valve operation.....00 ..5.............. 791-234 ....................................................... 794-036 . these units are microprocessor-based. system components and advantages......... accessories...................................75 Reciprocating Refrigeration Equipment This session is concerned with the selection and application of open and hermetic reciprocating compressors....25 Refrigeration Cycle Accessories This text contains a detailed discussion of commonly used accessory components used in air conditioning systems. The Carrier E-20 method is explained in 16 chapters of text with appropriate Work Sessions.... T200-85PP PowerPoint Presentation...... This text is not intended to be in-depth.... 791-227 .....5......68..................... including an overview of the equal friction and static regain methods of duct sizing........................4............ T200-90 Text (104 pages) ........00 T200-34B Text (84 pages)..... Heating System performance and Economizer Cycles are also presented..................... rating and selection of sidewall.......... safety and limit controls and design practices for single and multiple refrigerant piping systems..........8.... sizing.........00 T200-27B Text (48 pages)................ Factors influencing performance such as speed... 792-465 .............. Covers building loads and the relationship to zoning and system selection.................. to name a few...4................ mufflers........ filter driers........ Discusses oil circulation and refrigerant migration and their effect on design. subcooling and operating limits are discussed....................... 792-045 ....... under-window and ceiling diffusers.. T200-45PP PowerPoint Presentation .. 6.... T200-24B PP PowerPoint Presentation.... apparatus loads.............................. 20 Pages) ................... covering all aspects of duct design...25 Air Duct Design Using Pocket “Duct Calculator” This is a summary of the fundamental principles of air duct systems........ TDP-11PP PowerPoint Presentation........... T200-12 Text (76 pages) ......... contractors and owners............ 791 -064 ..... Presents factors relative to the performance................75 T200-11 Calculator ...... Rather..50 TDP-51 Text (approx.......00 TDP-11 Text (Approx.................... induction and spread are reviewed.................... field-installed.... 791-090 .....................4......... ....................... Zoned Systems 11........ and air treatment products............................................50 TDP-6 Text (104 pages).7.... modification. This is followed by a review of the load estimating procedure using the new REZ-1 Block Load and Room-By-Room forms...... TDP-16ML Meeting Leader . 791-413... Air Treatment Equipment 10......... heat pump..... Forms Residential System Design Guide.............00 TDP-16-4 Air Treatment Products Text (52 pages)....... Also describes extended plenum & reducing extended plenum (equal friction) system design procedure for sizing supply and return ducts and outlets using pre-engineered sizing charts..............7........... 792-413................ CHAPTERS INCLUDE: 1.....00 TDP-16-3 Heat Pump Selection Text (100 pages) ... Also included in text is student work session selection and quizzes for each type of product. TDP-6ML Meeting Leader.7................................. Survey and Preliminary Air System Evaluation 3...$100....... The Air System 8..TRAINING MATERIALS Residential Residential Air System Design* Discusses the various types of residential distribution systems and when they should be applied........ Heat Pumps 7.... 792-443...................7. 791-451..50 Residential Cooling/Heating Load Estimating–REZ1* This newly developed program starts with a discussion of residential system design and the importance of accurate load estimates.... Tables..7.........791-425....... heating......791-424.......cooling..... 62..... 791-443. Residential System Design Guide The 11 chapters of this guide provide a professional... 82............... 62. Demonstration and work session problems are included to illustrate procedures and insure understanding... A demonstration cooling and heating problem is used to illustrate how these easy-to-use forms produce results comparable to longer...791-426.........................00 TDP-16-2 Heating Equip..... Guidelines..............................) TDP-36ML Meeting Leader (128 paper masters)..... Load Estimating 4.........792-423.......... forms and worksheets. Two additional work sessions are provided for practice and better understanding.. Selection Text (52 pages) .. Introduction to Residential System Design 2.. Glossaries.... Typical rating data and selection procedures are presented and their uses are illustrated by means of a demonstration selection example....... everyday approach for sizing and selecting cooling and heating equipment and for planning a quality system addition................... or complete installation..... Selection Text (68 pages) ...50 TDP-36 Text (94 pages) ... it can be used as a ready-reference source for self-study or as the platform for an add-on/replacement training seminar... (Meeting Leader also includes design worksheets. Worksheets........7................00 Residential Equipment Selection* This session covers selection of various types of residential equipment -.............................. Heating Equipment 6......50 See Engineering Tools for REZ-CALC Computerized Heating & Cooling Load Estimating Software..50 TDP-16-1 Cooling Equip.................. Focused on add-on replacement situations............. Supporting Systems 9. Cooling Equipment 5...00 25 ... nationally recognized load estimate methods.............791-423...... ............ (94 pages) Part 2 .. 510-332 ....................... It discusses the properties....... boilers..............25 Part 10 .........Air Distribution Part 7 .50 Part 5 .00 Individual books may also be ordered separately as indicated below: Part 1 . motors and motor controls........8... variable volume and dual conduit systems.........................6... absorption-centrifugal combination refrigeration machines....fans.......................................6.................... (24 pages) Part 9 .. in the practical designing of water and DX systems....................................................... 6) Reciprocating Systems Components ........... selection factors and application of such fluids to process refrigeration systems........75 26 .........25 The Basics of Process Refrigeration – This binder contains seven sections on the following subjects: 1) Process Refrigeration Cycles – Describes industrial process centrifugal refrigeration cycles to explain the advantages and disadvantages of various systems...........Brief description of reciprocating compressors and their application in process refrigeration systems..................... (72 pages) Part 6 ............................... 510-324 ...................... This easy-to-use reference is designed specifically for the design and consulting engineer.....Systems and Applications Covers practical design and layout............ 510-304.......... heat storage..... solar heat gain glass. 4) Centrifugal System Components – Describes components normally used in a process refrigeration system that is designed around centrifugal refrigeration equipment. 5) Centrifugal Compressor Components – General discussion of the components that make up industrial refrigeration centrifugal compressors...... 10......................6... It covers every step in the design process........ where ductwork space is at a minimum... this manual is still a useful instructional guide to system design........TRAINING MATERIALS The Carrier System Design Manual is the first practical guide for the design of air conditioning systems....................... miscellaneous drives. constant volume induction...........................Piping Design Part 9 .......... refrigerant piping...........6. brines and oils when used with air conditioning systems............. from load estimating to selecting and engineering the appropriate system.................... including data and examples of normal air conditioning piping systems ..... (110 pages) Part 3 ...........25 Part 8 ............................ (22 pages) Part 12........................................ dual-duct............ (36 pages) Part 11............................7..... air conditioning apparatus................................ which includes data and engineering procedures.....89 Part 6 ......Refrigerants........................... These 12 books are included in a hard cover post binder..........6.............. selection factors and application of refrigerants including 134A................................. ductwork and air distribution components......25 A guideline for selecting the air conditioning system used with specific applications... Although published in the 1960’s...........................centrifugal pumps.................. Reviews the components of screw compressor refrigeration systems.........25 Part 12 ........ heat and moisture flow........All-Air Systems A presentation of data and engineering procedures to guide the engineer in the practical designing of all-air systems. However................ (164 pages) Part 1 . 2) Refrigerants – Deals with the properties................... in multiroom buildings where cooling or heating may be required simultaneously in adjacent rooms..75 Part 4 .Load Estimating A guide in the preparation of practical cooling and heating load estimates... 510-321 ... 510-312..... 510-329 .... 510-327 ......Air Handling Equipment A discussion in the selection and application of air handling equipment for normal air conditioning systems ... (76 pages) Part 8 .....795-100......... 43........... multizone..............Air-Water Systems A guide to the engineer in the practical designing of air-water systems for use in perimeter rooms of multistory................................. absorption.... (72 pages) Part 7 .............00 Part 2 ..... water piping...................... (56 pages) Part 5 .. (68 pages) Part 4 ... 7) Helical Screw Compressor System Components – Provides a brief description of screw compressors and their application............................25 Part 3 ...... 510-320................ It describes the major and minor components of reciprocating refrigeration systems.... 3) Heat Transfer Fluids – Discusses those fluids usually referred to as “brine” meaning any secondary liquid coolant other than water... 510-318 ........ The complete range covers the conventional..................................................... 510-310...$100.... infiltration and ventilation.....6.. general............... it should be used in conjunction with current ASHRAE or other industry data System Design Manual (Complete) The complete System Design Manual consists of twelve (12) individual books..... applied psychrometrics...................... (60 pages) Part 10........... 510-308. 590-367............ Eight chapters include: survey and load estimate..................... It delves into describing the parts of a centrifugal compressor and their functions..........00 Book is comprised of practical data for the selection and application of auxiliary equipment used with air conditioning systems ...Refrigeration Equipment Covers the selection and application of refrigeration equipment for normal air conditioning systems: reciprocating centrifugal.....................Water Conditioning A background guide to a better understanding of the cause......................................25 Part 11 ....................... Uses refrigerant 134A in three example comparisons..................... steam piping.................. each 8-1/2 x 11.6.........Auxiliary Equipment Includes data and examples as a guide in practical design and layout of air handling equipment.. unitary and accessory equipment..............6........ Oils A presentation guide in the application and selection of refrigerants............................... internal and system heat gain..Water and DX Systems A guide.... heat rejection equipment...........7......... 510-322 .... ES-01... Also discusses some of the more common practices for lessening the effect of scale and corrosion. printed in two colors..... Brines....... System Design Manual......... design conditions............................................ effect and prevention of water problems in various water circulatory systems.................piping design.... ... 592-016.............................................. controls and analysis of operating costs............ ductwork and controls needed to create a cost effective HVAC system that can be just right for many of today's buildings...... air-water and direct refrigerant systems..............4........... 36 pages) .....95 Water Source Heat Pump Design Guide Help your customers design water source heat pump systems................................ design considerations.......40 System Design This Engineering Guide can assist the system design engineer in the execution of various phases of design with special emphasis on load estimating and the design of the air.3. Part one provides in-depth information about relevant design issues............... 7........................................... This manual will be appreciated by sales engineers.................................................... Pad of 10................... If you are new to or have some experience in designing or servicing HVAC systems... 592-026..........................6................38............795-207 .......... To make life easier we’ve added a Design Summary Chapter to the design guide..00 Designing And Applying Commercial Systems: High-Rise Example Designing and Applying Commercial Systems: High-Rise Example is an in-depth look at one of the buildings presented in the Commercial Systems Quick Reference book.... 86 pages) ENG-03.......50/10 Points to Remember When Preparing to Call On a Consulting Engineer Laminated Pocket Card Pad of 10... who have a working understanding of comfort air conditioning design.75 27 . (16 pages) ............ (Approx........ $7.. a straightforward.......................... 795-200.... The cookbook approach provides design hints and application tables..... Specific problems and solutions are presented with priorities noted and practical examples given........... junior designers and experienced professionals alike........ It is written to meet the specific needs of those responsible for the details of design or equipment selection...................3.....................6.......... 795-202 ......... it provides a quick and easy way to put the myriad of systems and products in our business into simple categories.................. It provides all the detail necessary to design real systems and includes an example solution.. 795-206 .................... complete with design rationale.................. 200 pages) ENG-05.. (36 pages) ENG-01 .. In this guide............... 795-205 ................................. In addition to systems applied in the buildings................... a description of the complete design process................................................... This is the document the instructor or student needs to do an HVAC design project................................. including system design........ lighting............. step-by-step design approach is presented and demonstrated for all-air... ventilation and cooling requirements of a building during the schematic phase of the project....... (Approx. Consequently....................... Commonality of design techniques for all systems is emphasized in the hope of bringing the process down from a complex task to very manageable endeavor. An example building is followed throughout the book.... all-water.00 Commercial Systems Quick Reference (CSQR) The Commercial Systems Quick Reference (CSQR) is a highly visual desk reference which illustrates the integration of numerous systems with a few representative buildings....60 VAV Design Guide Use this engineering design guide as an assist in putting together the equipment.. the CSQR also contains spreadsheets on ten commonly used systems............................... (30 pages) ..................... The purpose of this engineering guide is to highlight areas of concern which have resulted from heightening focus on the quality of indoor air....19................... (56 pages)..........................6............ and a link to a Carrier website allows you to download the building load data and modify it to fit your locale for increased learning effectiveness... and part two is a step-by-step approach to design................ and ballpark design guidelines.................................. (64 pages) ..70 Altitude Effects This guide provides reference data regarding the effects of altitude on air conditioning equipment......85 Comfort Design Made Simple The number of variations and special features of comfort commercial systems is so vast that no two systems are exactly alike..794-031 ......................... you can add heating to your areas of expertise......... Air Handling Systems Design Guide With this design guide........................... It also reminds you of some of the basic layout considerations and tradeoffs inherent to various systems.......50 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) This guide is directed to consulting engineers.. However. design-build contractors............. 592-058................ Each building is realistic and not merely conceptual. 200 pages) ENG-06............ ENG-02 (Approx.........6.................. .....60 Cooling Check Figures and Design Air Distribution Rates These figures will help you assist your specifiers/designers to get a ballpark idea of the occupancy.................... Carrier’s dual-function director diffuser is highlighted in the Diffuser Selection and Layout chapter and as the keystone in the comprehensive Heating System Selection Table.794-030 ........... and an operating cost analysis for an example building in various climates. 130 pages) ENG-07..... This design guide has product information....................................................... there is a common method of design that works for all systems................... servicing and maintenance contractors................. the needs of the consulting engineer and estimator are emphasized.................... 592-018...........4.............. water and steam distribution systems...................... (Approx.... terminals. equipment selection criteria... The guide is divided into two parts.......... a generic product feature rundown....TRAINING MATERIALS These Guides provide the design engineer with various short cuts and timesaving procedures while still producing a dependable system design for a specific market application.... maintenance and codes regulating today’s indoor air quality issues........ (Approx......... diffusers................ 795-201..50 Reciprocating Chiller Heat Reclaim System This Guide discusses the concept of heat reclaim................ ......... BY-794-104........000 Ft................ $12...50/25 Bryant ........pre-engineered design and sizing data.....500 Ft...000 Ft...........................80 each 28 ....00/pad Residential System Design Guidelines A four-page booklet containing the most used tabular data required for evaluating....................................$5........ Package of 10 ....... Folds to 8-1/2 x 11... Carrier........75/25 Vinyl 2 Sides 11 x 17 8............ how-to-use...... examples) includes Normal Temp.794-107 .794-104........... 20° to 110°F Normal 20° to 110°F Low -20° to 50°F Sea Level Sea Level Ink/Stock Size Price 2 Color 6 Pages Folds to 8-1/2 x 11 $13.............. BY-794-103.......50/25 REZ-1 Room-By-Room Load (4 pages)...................50/25 794-019 Low -20° to 50°F Sea Level Paper 7.............. Paper 11 x 17 7......................... REZ-1 Residential Heating & Cooling Survey & Checklist Pad of 25 Survey & Checklist forms is backed up with a floor plan grid...........................................................50/25 794-013 Normal 30° to 100°F 10.................... five block and five room-by-room load estimating forms............................................. Paper 11 x 17 7........794-111 .....75/each 794-020 High 60° to 250° F Sea Level Paper 11 x 17 7...50/25 794-012 Normal 30° to 100°F 7.... 1. Paper 11 x 17 7........... 7...................50/25 794-017 Normal 20° to 110°F Sea Level 2 Color/Paper 8 1/2 x 11 7.................................. 7........................................ (Symbols............50 ea.......................................TRAINING MATERIALS These charts have a universal application as a basic engineering media for solving problems involving the thermodynamic properties of moist air and the effects of atmospheric moisture on materials and human comfort..905-042 ................ (Reference TDP-36) Pad of 25........50 each Residential Air System Design Worksheet For recording design information ......500 Ft............... Paper 11 x 17 7.........50/25 794-011 Normal 30° to 100°F 5............50/25 12......... .........................794-110 ..... Carrier.............................................50/25 794-023 Normal 20° to 110°F Sea Level Laminated 11 x 17 24 x 37 Wall Chart Engineering Forms REZ-1 Cooling/Heating Load Estimate (Packet) Package containing: Data table booklet with completed examples... English Version (Fahrenheit/Foot/Pounds) Specifications Catalog Number 794-015 794-018 Temperature Elevation Psychrometric Definitions......50/25 794-016 Normal 20° to 110°F Sea Level 2 Color/Paper 11 x 17 7......... 8........794-102..794-103..... 12...50 Bryant ........... .............. Folds to 8-1/2 x 11............50 Extra Estimate Forms: REZ-1 Block Load (4 pages)...........50/25 794-010 Normal 30° to 100°F 2................... applying and sizing components of residential air systems.75/pad E-54 Engineering Department Job Folder....... 3..... 7.......................... .. pocket size. nationally recognized estimating methods.................600-079........... 794-108 .......... with air-cooled or water-cooled condensing and with or without unloaders. engineer or contractor clients might find useful........... With the convenience of pull-down menus and the speed of its automated “lookup” data tables..........................794-014....................... all in a convenient portfolio......... equal friction and volume reduction............................with just the touch of a button..... make global changes...10 SHF Alignment Ruler A unique device that simplifies plotting of the sensible heat factor line and determination of apparatus dewpoint................................................... as well as the ability to effectively illustrate and solve a variety of air conditioning processes and/or cycles. Duct Sizer A simple duct calculator.......... Engineering Reference Guide A pocketsize reference guide that your architect.................. Includes three holes for insertion in ring binder............ 4.......................... 794-036............................ The versatile “template” approach allows storage of typical homes from local tracts for easy data retrieval. you can graphically portray system responses for easy interpretation of system data at computer speed....... Software......................................... .........50 REZ-CALC Computerized Cooling/Heating Load Estimate This user-friendly........... is packaged in envelope with instructions................... Program printouts display annual operating costs of systems at a variety of loads and efficiencies (AFUE’s. the finished estimate is only a few keystrokes and clicks of the mouse away.... instructions............................................. Software...95 Software PSYCH+ Psych+ is a Windows based computerized psychrometric chart and instructional guide that is applicable for all types of users..... furnaces and heat pumps............................ 12...... With Psych+’s state-of-the-art technology and on-line help file............. SEER’S and HSPF’s)..................15 ea........... It is intended to be used by all duct system designers........ The handy calculator is a multicolor easy-to-read device... Includes a psychrometric chart.... All contained in a handsome grey portfolio....00 Part Load Calculator This calculator predicts part-load performance of any reciprocating compressor..........3.........7................ 794-120 ...... Tabular data “pops-in” various load factors automatically...........00 29 ............. Complete with instruction book.. instructions and a cover sheet to customize printouts.... closely resembling the manual REZ-1 block and room by room load forms.. Psych+ is an instructional and engineering tool for today’s design-conscious environment........ T200-11 .................. Included are a 3-1/2 in....... Instructions included............ survey and checklist... Revised 1996.....$13.. Turn it over and set seer’s to compute percent operating cost savings of high versus low efficiency units....... Instructions and design data are imprinted on calculator.... it is durable enough to be around for a long time... Includes an 8page book that describes the use of the duct calculator.........00 Student Book.......... 154.......... Includes 3-1/2” program disk......... Also serves as an architectural scale.......00 REZ-OP Residential Annual Operating Cost Program This Windows based program estimates the yearly heating and cooling operating costs of generic cooling systems................................. $125..... for sizing air distribution systems by the equal friction method.............. from the student to the professional engineer... disk... easy modification for similar homes.... important formulae and some handy charts relative to air conditioning.... 798-013......... ........................ 599-925............. Enclosed in flexible plastic........ Calculator .. Revised 1996............. 794-121 ................. Windows based version of our REZ-1 Manual Load Estimating method is in easy-to-read spreadsheet format............... REZ-CALC is easy to use.......................................... 11-1/4 x 1-1/2..................75 ea.TRAINING MATERIALS Training Tools Duct Calculator Slide Rule Convenient simplified method of sizing duct by static regain.........................5.......................... Once design data is entered............ Approximately 3-1/2 x 6-1/2 in.... .. Software. and more .......... Clear plastic ruler.....................50 OP-Cost (SAVINGS) Calculator One side of this easyto-use circular calculator computes annual cooling system operating costs ($) in seconds... Rotate the home.......... 599-922...4.................................. 794-112 .. T200-83 . REZ-CALC results compare favorably with longer.............99..... The Psych+ electronic chart offers a convenient and accurate method for obtaining the properties of air-vapor mixtures..... 25/pad 25 794-002 Normal -10° to 55° C Sea Level Paper 8-1/2 x 11 6.70/each 794-005 High 28° to 120° C Sea Level Paper 11 x 17 7.75/pad 25 794-001 Normal -10° to 55° C Sea Level Paper 11 x 17 7.25/pad 25 794-006 Normal -10° to 55° C 750 Meters Paper 11 x 17 7.25/pad 25 794-007 Normal -10° to 55° C 1500 Meters Paper 11 x 17 7.25/pad 25 794-004 Low -30°to 15° C Sea Level Paper 11 x 17 7.25/pad 25 794-009 Normal -10° to 55° C 3000 Meters Paper 11 x 17 7.TRAINING MATERIALS Metric Psychrometric Charts (Centigrade/Meters/Grams) Specifications Catalog Number 794-003 30 Temperature Normal -10° to 55°C Low -30° to 15° C Elevation Sea Level Sea Level Ink/Stock Vinyl Size 2 Sides 11 x 17 Price 7.25/pad 25 .25/pad 25 794-008 Normal -10° to 55° C 2250 Meters Paper 11 x 17 7. 31 . Option 2 with the required information. 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