
May 29, 2018 | Author: marija | Category: Horoscope, Planets In Astrology, Planets, Astrology, Science



Steps in Forecasting Events(author unknown) NOTE: When forecasting always remember that nothing can come GOOD or POOR that is not shown in the NATAL Chart. Astrologers who forget this will make incorrect forecasts for sure. Also, different persons act differently towards transits and progressions because of the effect of the SOLAR RETURN effecting the matter at hand, OR they have the same aspect in their natal chart and have become accustomed to handling it maturely or not over the years because they have lived with it so long, OR the age of the soul of the individual is different..older souls are generally able to handle matters more maturely and at times will not even be influenced at all by certain aspects. You will hear them say "That doesn't bother me". Make a note on their natal that they are not effected by transits to such and such, and which transits or progressions these are, but check the SOLAR first before you do as it may be temporarily relieving the stress and they actually are effected by the aspect. Please remember that you can get lost in the woods in forecasting by considering too many things at once...concentrate on the houses where the action is...planets, transits, progressions, solars...and again, make sure that the influence shows in the natal chart. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 1 PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. Determine what area of life you are questioning. Go to the house/houses that govern that area of life. Interpret the meaning of the SIGN on the cusp of the house/houses involved using sign traits, quality, element, positive and negative. Of special interest: a) b) c) 4. Cardinal - you go out and cause the events to happen to you. Fixed - events come to you which you do not control. Mutable - brings a slow inner change rather than events. See what planets are in the house/houses involved...the more you find, the more important the matter: a) b) c) Interpret the influence of each planet by the MEANING of the planet and what it rules. Interpret if the planet is malefic (Mars, Saturn and at times Uranus and Neptune)...or benefic (Venus and Jupiter). Note the SIGN each planet NATURALLY RULES (as Venus naturally rules Taurus and Libra). Go around the chart to the house/houses with that sign on them..matters of that house will be connected with matters of the house you are considering. (Obviously this can get to be quite complicated if a lot of planets are in the house you are considering as each planet will refer you to one or two more houses and at times it will seem the whole chart and every realm of your life is involved in the matter which is probably just what is happening..it's an involved time...joyously, sadly, or both at once. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 2 d) e) DEGREE 0 30 Interpret the ASPECTS to the planets in the house/houses you are considering. 1. Especially look for benefic and malefic aspects and benefic and malefic planets contacting each other. (Malefic planets sometimes act beneficially especially when all aspected as Saturn). 2. Interpret the house the ASPECTING PLANET BRINGS IN..that is, interpret the house where the other planet in the aspect is..matters of that house are important to the matters of the house you are questioning. NOTE: If that "other" house has planets in it too, you will have a lot of work to do as it will be affected by the other planets. If something is happening in your life and it doesn't show up after doing all of this...then interpret the ASPECTS by NATURAL HOUSE ASSOCIATION. ASPECT CJN NATURAL HOUSE 1 SSX 2 enemies, etc. 60 90 FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS NATURAL HOUSE MEANING... Ego, personality, etc. Money, beliefs...secret things, SXT 3 Communication, siblings, travel, hopes, friends. SQR 4 Family, 3 parents, home...career, social standing. 120 TRI 5-9 Children, pleasure..travel, higher education, etc. 150 QCX 6-8 Work, health..inheritance, death, partner's money, etc. 180 OPP 7 Partnerships, court decisions, spouse, etc. f) Note HOW the person is likely to REACT to the ASPECT in consideration by looking at it's element/elements, quality, positive and negative of the SIGN the planet in the aspect is in. 1. Element - FIRE - all fired up; EARTH practical, cautious; AIR - Takes a mental approach, thinks it over; WATER - gets all emotional. 2. Quality - CARDINAL - goes out and does something; FIXED - generally does little and gets stubborn over the matter; MUTABLE - adapts to the situation at hand. 3. POS/NEG - Positive - Is aggressive; NEGATIVE - Is passive. The Solar Return 1. WHAT IS A SOLAR RETURN? It is a chart calculated the same way one calculates the natal chart except that it is calculated for that "exact moment" when the SUN RETURNS to the exact DEGREE and MINUTE it is in the BIRTH CHART. a. It is calculated once a year AFTER the person's FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 4 birthday, hour, and minute has passed. b. You wait until your birthday has passed because the SOLAR RETURN MUST be calculated for the CITY, STATE, COUNTRY you were in at the time of your birth hour and date. You do not use the city, state, country where you were ACTUALLY BORN. In effect the SOLAR RETURN is RELOCATED to the place you were when your birth hour and minute occurred. c. The SOLAR RETURN is done as a PART of the TOTAL technique of prediction. In America most astrologers rely heavily on TRANSITS and PROGRESSIONS in their predictions. In Europe most astrologers rely heavily on TRANSITS and SOLAR RETURNS. A complete system should really include all three methods of prediction. d. SOLAR RETURNS frequently fall on the day before or after your actual birth DATE because of leap year. e. Many people calculate their SOLAR RETURNS a few months before their birthday actually falls. If they do not like the looks of it, they re-calculate the return for several different cities they could possibly travel to and be in on the day of their birth. If they like one of the new returns enough they arrange to be in that city when their birth hour occurs. It is only necessary to remain in that city for the ACTUAL MOMENT OF BIRTH, but since most birth hours are OFF as much as fifteen to twenty minutes, it is advisable to stay about an hour on either side of your birth hour and minute. Some astrologers advise staying in the city for a 24 hour period. This is really not necessary and you could safely move on an hour after your birth time if you are only in transit using that city to place the SOLAR RETURN where you desire it. f. By changing your location you cause the Ascendant in the SOLAR RETURN to change either by degrees and minutes or as much as a change in sign. This generally requires a move of some distance where the SOLAR RETURN would occur if you did not go anywhere. A great deal has to do with where you were born in the first place. In instances where grave danger or severe conditions show in the SOLAR RETURN, some will FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 5 be willing to travel a distance. 2. STEPS IN INTERPRETING THE SOLAR RETURN. procedure and importance). a. b. (In order of Overlay the Annual SOLAR RETURN onto the Natal Birth Chart. Examine the ASC (The ASC and MC are the most important single factors). 1. Examine the natal house where the annual Solar Ascendant falls. 2. Examine the sign on the annual Ascendant. 3. Examine the meaning of the SUPERIMPOSITION of the Ascendant in that house. 4. Examine the RULER OF THE ASCENDANT in the SOLAR RETURN. a) The SOLAR HOUSE it is in and aspects to the RULER. NOTE: With Major Aspects, there will be more events. With Minor Aspects except the Quincunx, the effects will be more psychological. c. Examine the SOLAR planets in the SOLAR FIRST HOUSE and any aspects to these planets. CONSIDER ALL ASPECTS to these planets giving the psychological as well as the possibility of events occurring. If there are no major aspects to the ASC and to the FIRST HOUSE, then the influence of the minor aspects will be used and they will give more of a PSYCHOLOGICAL influence rather than bringing about EVENTS during the year. MINOR ASPECTS could bring about a philosophical, religious, or ideological evolution during the year in matters shown by the ASC and the FIRST HOUSE should there be very few or no major aspects to the ASC and the FIRST HOUSE. d. Consider the annual MC the same way as you did the annual ASC. e. Consider the annual SOLAR house superimpositions in the same way. f. Pay special attention to HOUSES and their matters in all interpretations..especially houses with a group of FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 6 planets in them..stelliums. g. Consider all other planets. Planets in ANGULAR HOUSES are VERY important and the more the number of planets falling in angular houses, the more important the year will be...the more important the SOLAR RETURN is likely to be. h. A planet RETURNING TO IT'S NATAL SIGN is read the same way as if it were the same planet in the same house in the natal chart. i. Consider all aspects to these other planets. j. 1) Aspects between planets in the SOLAR RETURN are the MOST IMPORTANT and show the strongest influences for the year. Rely on them. 2) Aspects between planets in the SOLAR RETURN to planets in the natal chart are not as strong an influence, but they do have an effect, especially if they are the BENEFIC PLANETS JUPITER AND VENUS or the Malefic PLANETS MARS AND SATURN. In interpreting the ASPECTS, the CONJUNCT is the MOST IMPORTANT and should be given special attention. THE SUPERIMPOSITION (OVERLAYING) THE ANNUAL HOUSE CUSPS OF THE SOLAR RETURN ONTO THE NATAL CHART. 1. 2. 3. The SUPERIMPOSITION TECHNIQUE is the key difference when interpreting a SOLAR RETURN. You need two charts to superimpose the houses: a) THE SOLAR RETURN and b) THE NATAL CHART. How to superimpose the annual SOLAR RETURN onto the natal chart: a. Get out your SOLAR RETURN for 1996 (or whatever year). b. Write down the DEGREE SIGN MINUTE of the ASC in the FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 7 c. d. e. f. g. h. SOLAR RETURN Now get out your natal chart. Locate what HOUSE this degree, sign & minute falls in your natal chart and this is where the SOLAR ASC falls in your natal chart. You are allowed to use a 5 orb. Using the system above do the same for each HOUSE CUSP IN THE SOLAR RETURN. As you become more adept at superimposing the house cusps you can then consider where the ENTIRE ANNUAL HOUSE FALLS. Frequently when interpreting this way you will become involved with three houses: The annual SOLAR HOUSE, and two natal houses. However, you can get quite an excellent interpretation considering only the house where the ANNUAL HOUSE CUSP FALLS allowing your five orb. These superimpositions WILL ALWAYS BE THE MOST IMPORTANT TO CONSIDER...the house wherein the SOLAR HOUSE CUSP falls. Using the 5 orb method, if the cusp falls into TWO HOUSES when allowing the 5 orb, the house where the EXACT house cusp falls is the most important, but you must consider both natal houses in your interpretation. INTERPRETING THE ANNUAL SUPERIMPOSITIONS OF THE SOLAR RETURN ONTO THE NATAL HOUSES THE ANNUAL ASCENDANT 1. This is the single most important factor to consider in the chart of the SOLAR RETURN. 2. Matters of the HOUSE that the annual ASC falls in will ALWAYS be connected with the most important event of the year. Those house matters will dominate your interests above all other interests during the year..at times happily so...at times not so happy. That house will also show the overall atmosphere in which you will live during the year. 3. Should the ANNUAL SOLAR ASC fall on the NATAL ASC (allow 1 orb) or on the natal MC (allow 1 orb) it will be a SIGNIFICANT YEAR IN YOUR LIFE. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 8 INTERPRETING THE ANNUAL ASC IN THE NATAL HOUSES 1. THE ANNUAL ASC IN THE NATAL FIRST HOUSE This superimposition will give you a great deal of freedom to do as you wish during the year and you have the potential to fulfill mich of what shows in your birth chart if you pursue those affairs. If you do nothing, don't expect anything to come of it. You have free will to choose what you will do. The SOLAR return points out activities that can be pursued effectively as does the natal chart. It's up to you to fulfill your destiny effectively. Any planet which occupies the first house in the SOLAR RETURN will tend to decrease your freedom according to what the planet symbolizes and how they are aspected. Planets here can show the types of events you will be involved in during the year and how you will be limited or aided according to the nature of the planet. If a planet is in the first house in the SOLAR RETURN and is not conjunct THE asc YOU WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE ENERGIES OF THE PLANET..THAT IS THINGS THE PLANET SYMBOLIZES WILL COME to you AND EFFECT YOU. If the planet is CONJUNCT to the ASC, YOU WILL CAUSE THE ACTIONS the planet symbolizes. 2. THE ANNUAL ASC IN THE NATAL SECOND HOUSE The most important matters of the year will center on your income and finances, and your personal beliefs. If the overall SOLAR RETURN is benefic it can indicate an important business of financial accomplishment. If it is malefic in general, it will bring financial worries or problems. 3. THE ANNUAL ASC IN THE NATAL THIRD HOUSE - The major concern of the year or the major event of the year will involve the person's brother or sister, travel, mental work, studies, civil matters, speaking, teaching, communication, or writing. There will be many visits and short trips. World matters will concern those close at hand. If the SOLAR RETURN is highly active and love is shown, then this superimposition refers to an important relationship since the third house is the "house of lovers". 4. THE ANNUAL ASC IN THE NATAL FOURTH HOUSE - This frequently is a sign that there will be a change of residence during FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 9 the year, or that you will complete some continuing project, or some important enterprise will end, or an important event involving the parents will occur, or an important event will involve the home or real estate, the individual's background, or early years. This placement makes the individual desire material and moral stability and will cause him/her to be concerned about his/her future security. Those who do not have their own home may establish one. If the fourth house is afflicted, this is a poor configuration in general. However, if good aspects form to this house and planets in it, it can prove to be a very beneficial year. At times this signifies the year of death of the individual, but OTHER FACTORS would have to bear this out. It is very hard to accurately forecast one' death. 5. THE ANNUAL ASC IN THE NATAL FIFTH HOUSE - The major event of the year will involve children, love, romance, teaching, gambling, speculation, pleasure, creativity, entertainment, or the theater. It generally brings developments in your intimate and close relationships...if none, then one may be around the corner. Sometimes it brings an engagement, birth of children, or interest in speculation. If this house is afflicted it can bring stock market or gambling losses. In this case the fifth house would have to be connected to either the second or eighth house...as ruler of the fifth in the SOLAR in the SOLAR SECOND HOUSE, or ruler of the SECOND SOLAR in the FIFTH SOLAR, and if the planets in the total return emphasize finances. This is excellent for artists, those in creative fields or entertainment. It usually brings better relationships, more pleasure, and entertainment. If Uranus is in the fifth there can be a danger of miscarriage. You would also have to examine the sixth, eighth, and twelfth houses and the afflictions to the luminaries (Sun and Moon), and the ruler of the Ascendant. 6. THE ANNUAL ASC IN THE NATAL SIXTH HOUSE - This is poor for health and usually brings domestic problems. If the rest of the return is good, there will be no more than the usual flues and colds, but there is generally a weakening of the organism, lack of energy, and frequent exhaustion. The work environment or those in it may cause illness. If the solar sixth and tenth are unfavorably linked, it will bring professional problems involving duties and obligations FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 10 which are servile or demeaning and distasteful, joyless, tedious, tiresome and unexciting. Don't expect bad health problems if there is no indication in the natal chart. 7. THE ANNUAL ASC IN THE NATAL SEVENTH HOUSE - If indications of the house cusp (sign), planets and aspects are favorable, this can bring marriage or partnership of many kinds. If afflicted, it brings a trial or difficulties caused by the spouse or partner. It can also show a lack of a successful social life. If the SOLAR ASC opposes (in opposition of 1 orb) the natal ASC, it can bring problems with health, accidents, or operations. This configuration is often seen in years of divorce or separation. For politicians this placement increases public activity. 8. THE ANNUAL ASC IN THE NATAL EIGHTH HOUSE - This is often seen in years which bring a death, either in the family or circle of friends or associates. If the SOLAR RETURN is afflicted and transits and progressions show danger of death, the individual can be threatened. Otherwise it brings a condition of general weakness, - a decrease or little will power, indifferent compliance to work and duty, worries over health or death during or as a result of illness or accident. It brings depression, aging, eroding of strength. If the person is ill at the time of the return, there may be risks from medical care and treatments, wrongly prescribed medicine which can be dangerous to the person. If in the return the ruler of the eighth or the ASC is in the sixth...or if the two planets ruling these houses (first and eighth) are in poor aspect, you should change doctors. If the eighth is benefic it shows financial gains as from wills, stocks, estates, annuities, dividends, inheritance, the spouse, and unexpected wealth. Spiritually, this superimposition leans one to consider the afterlife. 9. THE ANNUAL ASC IN THE NATAL NINTH HOUSE - The major event of the year will involve a trip, usually some distance away. The planets in the two houses and especially in the ninth house will show if this trip will occur. This is good for studies as it broadens the outlook and improves intellectual growth. If the ninth is afflicted, it can bring fanaticism or misconceptions regarding philosophy or religion. If benefic, it favors judges, lawyers, religious people, teaching in universities, study in higher FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 11 institutions, foreign and overseas matters. If afflicted it can bring troubles associated with these people. 10. THE ANNUAL ASC IN THE NATAL TENTH HOUSE - The most important event will involve career or public standing. Benefic brings changes in career, opportunities, long awaited success, but you must DO SOMETHING TO ACHIEVE IT, and the overall nature of the SOLAR RETURN in general must support this. If it also happens that the annual MC falls on the cusp of the natal seventh any change in social position good or poor will bring a change in those you associate with. This configuration is often seen in years of marriage, divorce, or partnership. 11. THE ANNUAL ASC IN THE NATAL ELEVENTH HOUSE - Friends will be the major focus of the year and fulfilling your hopes and wishes. If benefic, new friends, help from friends, plans which succeed because of friends, or fulfilling hopes and wishes which are beyond your control will occur. If afflicted, there may be problems and foul play from friends...sometimes severing of friendships. If the annual ASC is in the eleventh but conjunct the twelfth house cusp (7 orb) then you will encounter disloyal friends who are really secret enemies. 12. THE ANNUAL ASC IN THE NATAL TWELFTH HOUSE - This brings a year of ordeal, chronic illnesses emerge or become worse. Brings trouble from secret enemies, people doing things behind your back, gossip. Lawsuits are common with this placement. There is possibility of arrest, false accusations, psychological collapse, worry, anxiety. Check if malefic or benefic. THE SIGN OF THE ANNUAL ASC AS IT SHOWS THE NATURE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT. The SIGN of the ASC in the SOLAR RETURN will show the nature of the most important event of the year, so we will examine it next since we have just examined where the ASC falls. This will give a clearer picture of the nature of FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 12 the annual event. 1. THE ANNUAL ASCENDANT IN ARIES - This makes you feel more independent, reckless, impetuous, hasty, daring, etc. This often is seen in years when one sets out on their own or becomes released from some form of servitude as getting out of prison, debt, etc.. It shows the beginning of a new life or the desire if the return is unfavorable. The return will show the promise of change that marks the start of a new cycle. Your energy will increase and conditions often come which help you escape your former condition and social or intellectual status. If the first is instead intercepted by Aries it shows that the native wants a change, new beginnings, but often does not have to power to do so. 2. THE ANNUAL ASCENDANT IN TAURUS - The most important event of the year can center on the money you earn and your personal beliefs. This increases sensuality and you may be morally loose. Money can bring a change in relationships. Finances are often connected with feelings as financial calculations in love plans. You may gain weight more easily; have strong desire for possessions, materialism or materialism may be the major concern. You may want material things more. 3. THE ANNUAL ASCENDANT IN GEMINI - The year is involved with relatives, especially brothers, sisters, and neighbors. You have to depend more on others this year instead of having free will. The coming and going of people you feel close to will occur. You may travel to be with relatives. You are more receptive and reunions generally away from the home or new acquaintances are possible and will play an important part in your life this year. If benefic, good for studies, speaking, teaching, writing, etc. 4. THE ANNUAL ASCENDANT IN CANCER Matters revolve around the family, domestic affairs, parents, your past, and/or real estate. Good for politics and public life if the Moon is not too afflicted. You are more reserved and secret about what concerns you most. This makes you more emotional and if the Moon is even slightly afflicted you will be emotion and moody, having regrets and nostalgic reverie; pointless remorse or neurosis about getting old. May make plans regarding later years. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 13 5. THE ANNUAL ASCENDANT IN LEO - The affections dominate the year, give an optimistic attitude, good vitality, and love of life. You will probably be able to fully express your personality. Brings personal success in natal house with Leo on the cusp or in the annual house where the Sun is. If the Sun is afflicted or poorly placed, it can bring insincerity from those close to you and a kind of modesty or pride which inhibits you from being with others. This in turn will result in a certain solitude. 6. THE ANNUAL ASCENDANT IN VIRGO - There is little freedom of choice this year and the year is generally one which is more serving. Brings conflicts of interest, especially in the work environment, with co-workers, employees, employers. Brings servitude, menial tasks, added responsibilities, boring detail, and a position subordinate to others. Success demands being diplomatic and cunning. Everyday work dominates practical matters, insuring comfort, well being, maintaining the status quo, and usual habits of living. Infectious or viral diseases are common especially with unfavorable aspects. 7. THE ANNUAL ASCENDANT IN LIBRA Brings reconciliations and/or partnerships with people outside the family. Strangers may bring more happiness than the family because this is a position of worldly and social life. Often seen in years of marriage and all kinds of unions. Close friends important. Increased associates and clientele, memberships and invitations. 8. THE ANNUAL ASCENDANT IN SCORPIO Brings all kinds of problems. A year of unyielding effort and struggle - often with doubtful results. Brings conflicts, lawsuits, and legal complications in one way or another, sometimes against your will. The rest of the year must be very favorable to prevent this ASC from bringing a difficult year with some kind of disintegration, or at least a death among your associates. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 14 9. THE ANNUAL ASCENDANT IN SAGITTARIUS - Brings expansion of the personality, interests, and inclinations, new ideas and projects or expansion of business affairs which make you more free and independent. A sure sign of long trips. Brings luck and optimism. The more the last SOLAR RETURN was difficult, the more this one will be good, if Jupiter is not heavily afflicted in the SOLAR RETURN. Good for overseas matters, matters at a distance, in-laws, religion, philosophy, higher education, publishing and theology. 10. THE ANNUAL ASCENDANT IN CAPRICORN Career and social position comes to the foreground this year. If Saturn is even slightly afflicted, worries over business are unavoidable. This position increases ambition and perseverance. You are more reserved, prone to depression, inhibition and tend to be more conservative. You may age more, tend to the straight and narrow. THE ANNUAL ASCENDANT IN AQUARIUS Your social life is emphasized, friendships, and fulfilling of your own hopes and wishes. Relationships may be profitable especially those involving friends. If Uranus is poorly aspected it can bring rapid and unexpected reversals of friendship. You will tend to live more in the future this year, considering long term goals. Friends may help or hinder your doing so. Brings involvement with groups or you may join groups. Good for Astrology unless Uranus is afflicted. 11. 12. THE ANNUAL ASCENDANT IN PISCES Brings wavering decisions, a tendency to be discouraged, or a kind of fatalism which prevents you from seeing clearly and making long range plans. Confusing is common. Circumstances are stronger than your will to overcome them, yet you feel opportunistic. Very rarely does this show a good year, yet there is a kind of passive good luck which keeps the very worst from happening. If Jupiter is well placed and aspected it will make difficulties work out by themselves in the future. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 15 THE ANNUAL MC IN THE NATAL HOUSES Allowing a 5 orb, if the annual MC falls near the end of a natal house, you must consider that both houses are effected and interpret accordingly. The annual MC is the second MOST IMPORTANT factor to consider in the SOLAR RETURN as an indicator of the tenurial tone of the year in question. 1. THE ANNUAL MC IN THE NATAL FIRST HOUSE - This is generally favorable, giving the you more freedom in directing your life as you desire. Doing so will help you in the future. This superimposition is often seen in years when the person "chooses a profession" or begins an important project that turns your life in a new direction. Much opportunity is shown by this placement. With the MC in the first good fortune can bring help, money, and patronage to you. 2. THE ANNUAL MC IN THE NATAL SECOND HOUSE This shows a year in which you will be well paid or poorly paid depending on the planets in the SOLAR and natal houses and aspects to those planets. Finances will be very important during the year and any indications shown in the SOLAR interpretation regarding money should be well considered in depth. 3. THE ANNUAL MC IN THE NATAL THIRD HOUSE - Social life will require a great deal of travel usually of a short distance to medium distance. Business or profession in turn may require the same kind of travel. If the overall SOLAR RETURN is benefic, your social position can improve because of a short business trip or by receiving an important proposal in a letter. In charts where the person is not working, this placement usually means that their circumstances depend on their associates, brothers, sisters, or neighbors. The person's social position may be connected with writing, speaking, teaching, or other forms of communication. 4. THE ANNUAL MC IN THE NATAL FOURTH HOUSE Questions concerning real estate, land, parents, or the home will FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 16 occur this year. It often shows the end of a project you have been involved in for a long time. This is frequently seen in the year the person retires. If this house is afflicted by malefic planets or malefic aspects to planets in the SOLAR Fourth or Tenth house or to the SOLAR rules of the Fourth and Tenth, it threatens a loss of professional or social position. This will be especially true when the natal MC and the SOLAR MC are in opposition within 8 or 9. 5. THE ANNUAL MC IN THE NATAL FIFTH HOUSE This superimposition is generally a good sign frequently showing that you will be connected with the arts, entertainment, sports, investment, gambling, sports, or some form of creativity. Children may bring the main matter of the year to the fore and frequently bring success or your children are successful during the year. It can indicate an engagement which improves your standing. It can show a year in which the major amount of concern and time are devoted to a child. It sometimes shows a year in which you are caught up in pleasure seeking. For students, it shows the outcome of exams benefic or malefic. If the SOLAR RETURN is afflicted there can be a disintegration of your hopes because of the MC opposing the Natal Eleventh house of hopes and wishes. 6. THE ANNUAL MC IN THE NATAL SIXTH HOUSE This shows that you will be in a subordinate or serving position during the year. If the SOLAR RETURN shows illness, this placement shows what repercussions your poor health will have on your career. Study the planets in the SOLAR Tenth house and the natal Sixth house, their aspects, and the rules of these two houses. If Saturn is in the MC (10th house) in the SOLAR RETURN it means you will more or less be a slave to your work during the year. It reduces your freedom of choice and action as well as the achievement of your desires. 7. THE ANNUAL MC IN THE NATAL SEVENTH HOUSE If the SOLAR RETURN, Tenth house, and Natal Seventh house are well disposed with benefic planets, aspects, and rules it can show promotion or gain in social position through marriage, partnership, or a business contract. If the SOLAR tenth and Natal seventh are unfavorably disposed it could bring changes brought about by divorce, a dissolution of partnership, or a trial. It can show the changes you will FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 17 experience good or poor brought about because of changes in your partner's (business or spouse) affairs. 8. THE ANNUAL MC IN THE NATAL EIGHTH HOUSE If this house has beneficial planets or is well aspected it can bring financial rewards from partners and sometimes an inheritance, or it can bring gain from favorably settling an account. If this house has malefic planets or unfavorable aspects to planets, or these two house cusps (SOLAR and Natal), it can show the possibility of a death which will effect your business or financial affairs, or it can bring problems with debt or other financial obligations. Debts usually are prominent in some way, whether it is favorable or unfavorable. 9. THE ANNUAL MC IN THE NATAL NINTH HOUSE This indicates that your career will require a journey, usually of some distance unless Gemini is involved in either house, then the trips could be short, medium, or long distance. It can also mean that a journey will influence your career. Sometimes this superimposition shows that your business dealings will involve foreign persons or countries or overseas matters.. or that success will come from a distance. For authors it sometimes show their works being translated into foreign languages. It can also show you being placed in diplomatic service. During wars, it can show being arrested in a foreign country. When this happens the annual ASC is usually in the natal Twelfth house with strong planetary afflictions. 10. THE ANNUAL MC IN THE NATAL TENTH HOUSE - This is good for your profession, reputation, and good fortune throughout the year. This placement generally shows that the year will be an important one in your life. Although poor planets and aspects will have their effect, this placement is in an overall state of protection for you in matters to do with social standing and profession. 11. THE ANNUAL MC IN THE NATAL ELEVENTH HOUSE This shows that your career is somewhat dependent on your friends, or the connection you have. It is usually a good sign that you will achieve your plans or goals for that year providing you are realistically set. At times, this shows you working more for the future and its gains than for present satisfactions. In this case you sacrifice FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 18 immediate rewards in order to achieve long range goals. 12. THE ANNUAL MC IN THE NATAL TWELFTH HOUSE This usually brings a year of great ordeal in your profession. There is a danger of libel, slander, or trouble in either finding or keeping a job. If malefic planets are in these two houses or unfavorable aspects are to the cusps of these houses, it will make matters worse; if the favorable and unfavorable aspects are about equal it means that you will be discontent with your lot during the year. THE MEANING OF THE SUPERIMPOSITIONS OF THE ANNUAL SOLAR RETURN TO THE NATAL HOUSES. Houses which contain planets...especially in the SOLAR RETURN are highly significant during the year. Annual superimpositions into natal houses which contain planets are stronger than those that do not have planets in them in the natal chart. When a house in the annual SOLAR RETURN falls in TWO natal houses (5 orb allowed) all three houses involved must be considered, i.e. the SOLAR RETURN and the two natal houses in question. In some cases the annual SOLAR cusp with its 5 orb will fall into two natal houses as above BUT the house where the exact cusp falls is the strongest influence during the year. 1. THE ANNUAL 2ND HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIRST HOUSE What you earn will depend on your own efforts. Your health as shown in the rest of the forecast, how good your decisions are, and how much freedom of choice you have during the year. In an afflicted SOLAR RETURN it shows that you have less freedom of choice because of poor financial circumstances. it can also show that financial matters may require more time and effort than you are willing to give. 2. THE ANNUAL 2ND HOUSE IN THE NATAL SECOND HOUSE This emphasizes the conditions of the NATAL second house good or poor as it is, but brings hopes for positively achieving the good shown in the natal second house. Examine the possibilities for financial gain as shown by the sign on FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 19 the cusp, and aspects to planets in the houses. 3. THE ANNUAL 2ND HOUSE IN THE NATAL THIRD HOUSE Earnings will be connected with travel, transportation, brothers, sisters, neighbors, writing, teaching, or communication. Money could be connected with a civil case. Earnings can come from mental work. Examine the planets and aspects. 4. THE ANNUAL 2ND HOUSE IN THE NATAL FOURTH HOUSE - This can bring changes in the location where you work or it can bring changes in the conditions where you work as shown by the cusps, planets, and aspects. It can also show the end of a job or some enterprise you have been involved in. The outcome depends on the planets and aspects. Often seen in the years of retirement. It can also show that earnings can depend on land, real estate, crops, or parents. In some cases you may work from your home. 5. THE ANNUAL 2ND HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIFTH HOUSE - Depending on the planets and their aspects good or poor outcome is shown for investment, speculation, or gambling. Earnings can be connected with art, entertainment, pleasure, children, or education. With benefic or well placed or aspected planets, cusps, it can favor luck with money as in lotteries. If the fifth is unfavorable or ruled by Mars or Saturn, Uranus or Neptune (as having the signs Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces on the cusp) the reverse is true. 6. THE ANNUAL 2ND HOUSE IN THE NATAL SIXTH HOUSE - This usually shows an inadequate income because you cannot earn what you are capable of or the income is not enough because of unfavorable circumstances. If a malefic planet is in the SOLAR second house there is danger of financial crisis and your job is threatened by poor financial management. If it is well disposed, it shows that your income is derived from working in a subordinate position. This configuration favors subordinates and employees more than those who are self-employed or in management. It often is seen in the charts of young people when they get their first job. 7. THE ANNUAL 2ND HOUSE IN THE NATAL SEVENTH HOUSE - This shows that your income is dependent on the spouse, mate, partner, group enterprises, or on contracts. With FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 20 benefics, it can bring the financial support you need. With malefics, it brings the danger of broker contracts, and a loss someone else causes. This superimposition generally reflects the spouses earnings, good or poor. 8. THE ANNUAL 2ND HOUSE IN THE NATAL EIGHTH HOUSE - With malefics this can bring loss of a job (death of one's earnings), unemployment, or bankruptcy. With benefics, this helps to correct any faults found in the NATAL second house for that year. 9. THE ANNUAL 2ND HOUSE IN THE NATAL NINTH HOUSE - Income somehow depends on law, judicial rulings or journeys. Money may come from a distance, or be placed in foreign stocks or funds. Money may also come from in-laws, publishing, overseas affairs, religion, philosophy, theology, or the higher courts, or universities. 10. THE ANNUAL 2ND HOUSE IN THE NATAL TENTH HOUSE - This is generally favorable for financial returns from your activities and protects against poor planets and aspects in that it lessens their malefic nature. 11. THE ANNUAL 2ND HOUSE IN THE NATAL ELEVENTH HOUSE Earnings will depend on the co-operation of friends and connections you make. Benefic, it is good for the achieving of your financial hopes during the year. It sometimes shows that a friend will ask for a loan or you will ask a friend for a loan. 12. THE ANNUAL 2ND HOUSE IN THE NATAL TWELFTH HOUSE If benefic it is good only for income from activities that require isolation or secrecy (FBI, secret police work, secret clearance work, etc.) hospital employees, reformatories, or employment that depends on the occult or on secret societies. It usually shows a mediocre income that does not satisfy you. Sometimes it shows a situation that is difficult because of heavy obligations or debt. THE ANNUAL THIRD HOUSE IN THE NATAL HOUSES FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 21 1. THE ANNUAL 3RD HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIRST HOUSE This increases the mental powers, especially in everyday matters. Good for studies, speaking, writing, and any form of communication. Favors teachers. Unless afflicted favors relations with brothers, sisters, neighbors, and civil court matters. Good for short to medium distance travel. 2. THE ANNUAL 3RD HOUSE IN THE NATAL SECOND HOUSE Money will be connected with travel, correspondence, speaking, writing, teaching, various forms of communication, or brothers, sisters, neighbors. This placement makes you really focus in on your earnings during the year. 3. THE ANNUAL 3RD HOUSE IN THE NATAL THIRD HOUSE Look at your NATAL THIRD HOUSE as it will be enhanced this year by this placement. 4. THE ANNUAL 3RD HOUSE IN THE NATAL FOURTH HOUSE Often brings a change of residence. Examination of these two houses will show why and how frequently short to medium distance trips will be made. Communication with parents may be prominent or civil legal papers exchanged. 5. THE ANNUAL 3RD HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIFTH HOUSE Good for literary creativity, teaching children, much communication for pleasure or romance. A letter may offer romance. Promises short trips for pleasure. 6. THE ANNUAL 3RD HOUSE IN THE NATAL SIXTH HOUSE Your job may cause you to travel. This makes your mind worry over work or your health. You may make short trips for health reasons. 7. THE ANNUAL 3RD HOUSE IN THE NATAL SEVENTH HOUSE This indicates the travel your spouse or business partner will make, or to news received about a trial. If this house is benefic an offer to partnership. 8. THE ANNUAL 3RD HOUSE IN THE NATAL EIGHTH HOUSE - You will travel because of a death or correspondence concerning financial investments. If you are a writer and in the middle of a work, it will be completed this year. Be careful of taking on new responsibilities, contracts, or FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 22 promises. This sometimes brings the correspondence. Can bring the end of a trial. end of a 9. THE ANNUAL 3RD HOUSE IN THE NATAL NINTH HOUSE Good for philosophy, religion, theology, judges. With malefics there is a danger while traveling especially long distances. Can bring correspondence, etc. with brothersin-law, in-laws, foreign countries, people and places at a distance. Writers may write on these subjects. 10. THE ANNUAL 3RD HOUSE IN THE NATAL TENTH HOUSE - Good time to ask for any request which will bring an award or distinction. Also good for any writing which will influence your reputation. There is probability of submitting official applications and undergoing other official formalities during the year. 11. THE ANNUAL 3RD HOUSE IN THE NATAL ELEVENTH HOUSE - Brings friendly correspondences and all that you can expect from it. Often brings changes in your plans, hopes and wishes you have or you may change your hopes and wishes. 12. THE ANNUAL 3RD HOUSE IN THE NATAL TWELFTH HOUSE Brings exhausting trips, tedious paper work, anxiety. For writers it will be difficult to write. Well displaced it favors everything involving occult studies. THE ANNUAL FOURTH HOUSE IN THE NATAL HOUSES 1. THE ANNUAL 4TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIRST HOUSE Family matters and things involving the home or real estate, the past, will dominate. This often is a sign of something in the family or your keeping personal secrets, and it often brings up questions regarding real estate. You will probably be under a great deal of family influence for good or for poor. 2. THE ANNUAL 4TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SECOND HOUSE - Since the fourth governs deposited and frozen assets, this shows what savings you will make or not during the year. It sometimes has the influence of the annual second in the natal fourth. 3. THE ANNUAL 4TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL THIRD HOUSE placement sometimes brings the end of a FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS This long 23 correspondence, or you are involved with papers concerning real estate. Writers may complete a literary work. Your thinking is influenced by the home and parents. 4. THE ANNUAL 4TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FOURTH HOUSE Brings out the indications good or poor of the natal fourth house. 5. THE ANNUAL 4TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIFTH HOUSE Good for anyone in your home environment as it brings love into the home. Could show conception of a child especially in a feminine chart. 6. THE ANNUAL 4TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SIXTH HOUSE - You could worry over your parent's health or domestic matters. Can bring illness among family members, or the end of an illness for you. 7. THE ANNUAL 4TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SEVENTH HOUSE Shows the expiration of a contract or lease or the end of a trial. When people are in litigation over an inheritance they often have this superimposition. 8. THE ANNUAL 4TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL EIGHTH HOUSE - Brings a danger of a death in the family. Sometimes a will is settled during the year. In feminine charts frequently corresponds to the year of menopause since the eight house is that of sexuality. 9. THE ANNUAL 4TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL NINTH HOUSE This frequently brings journey on behalf of family members or to family members. On some occasions in-laws move into the home or spend a deal of time in the home. 10. THE ANNUAL 4TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL TENTH HOUSE Very important for those whose career depends on real estate, land, mines, buildings, and other things governed by the fourth house. You may act impulsively especially in fire signs. 11. THE ANNUAL 4TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL ELEVENTH HOUSE - Brings the end of whatever you are expecting. The planets will show if it means the realization of your plans and hope or FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 24 not (meaning the plans and hopes you hold at the time of your birthday). Sometimes the place of residence will be changed by a journey. 12. THE ANNUAL 4TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL TWELFTH HOUSE Shows domestic worries and problems and discontent with things in the home. For leaders and heads of state it allows them to evaluate the strength of the opponent and be able to see intrigues against the state, as well as secret organizations. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 25 THE ANNUAL FIFTH HOUSE IN THE NATAL HOUSES 1. THE ANNUAL 5TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIRST HOUSE makes you romantic and more sensual. Often seen in of pregnancy in feminine charts, or when a child is but examine what cusp and planets fall in the natal before making a judgment as well as the annual (example: Virgo is a barren sign). 2. THE ANNUAL 5TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SECOND HOUSE This is good for winning in gambling, lotteries, speculation, and spending on pleasure since money spent in these areas during the year will bring the greatest amount of satisfaction if there are not malefics, especially Saturn. If that is the case it will not bring such pleasure or limit the above things. 3. THE ANNUAL 5TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL THIRD HOUSE Usually shows a sexual relationship since the third house is the house of "lovers", or pleasure trips. Good for writers as it brings satisfaction from their projects. Good for correspondence, etc. Sometimes shows engagements of siblings or cousins, or their bearing a child. 4. THE ANNUAL 5TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FOURTH HOUSE Can bring a marriage for someone in the family. You may beautify the home this year if planets, cusps, etc., are benefic. 5. THE ANNUAL 5TH HOUSE IN Accentuates the natal house. 6. THE ANNUAL 5TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SIXTH HOUSE Depending on the planets and their aspects it could show a romance or attraction to someone in a lower social level, or to a contagious illness, or worry over the illness of a child, or a pet. If benefic can show the pleasure received from a pet. 7. THE ANNUAL 5TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SEVENTH HOUSE Brings luck or happiness in marriage, partnership, contracts, etc. A partner may get married. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS THE NATAL FIFTH This years born, fifth fifth HOUSE - 26 8. THE ANNUAL 5TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL EIGHTH HOUSE Shows the type and amount of gifts given and received during the year and the amount of pleasure their giving and receiving brings. If benefic brings luck in games of chance and speculation. 9. THE ANNUAL 5TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL NINTH HOUSE Gives greater understanding, joy, from travel, learning, law practice, religion, studies. For those in the creative fields, favors overseas or long distance tours. For heads of state favors foreign policy. Can bring emotional satisfaction or romance as a result of travel..or a separation in the love life with malefics. 10. THE ANNUAL 5TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL TENTH HOUSE Favors independent action in one's profession and social activities which will bring rewards and consequences based on planets, signs, aspects. With benefics, is good for asking for a reward and getting it. Shows the repercussions good or poor one's love life has on their social position (engagement rather than marriage), and the success of the children. 11. THE ANNUAL 5TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL ELEVENTH HOUSE Shows pleasures given by friends or connections or their help. Birth of new projects, desires, aspirations. Hopes or ambitions concerning children are shown. With malefics is a threat as the fifth opposes the eleventh. 12. THE ANNUAL 5TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL TWELFTH HOUSE Satisfactions mixed with discontent. A love affair that doesn't reach expectations. A child whose health brings worries. Poor for gambling and speculation. Difficulties during pregnancy. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 27 THE ANNUAL SIXTH HOUSE IN THE NATAL HOUSES 1. THE ANNUAL 6TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIRST HOUSE Usually brings little freedom of choice in the coming year (sixth is subordination). A poor year for independent projects. If the total SOLAR shows bad for health, this brings a frightening but temporary illness. 2. THE ANNUAL 6TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SECOND HOUSE Often brings interruption and irregularities of income. Decreases the ability to work unless your profession has to do with sixth house things (illness, small animals, small cooperatives, etc.). 3. THE ANNUAL 6TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL THIRD HOUSE With malefics, danger of getting an illness while traveling. Mars and Neptune bring the flu; Saturn a cold; Uranus an accident. Poor health for brothers, sisters, or neighbors. If this house is benefic, it is good for salesmen, booksellers, lecturers and those whose profession is governed by the third house. 4. THE ANNUAL 6TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FOURTH HOUSE Poor for harvests. Sometimes acts like the annual fourth in the natal sixth. 5. THE ANNUAL 6TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIFTH HOUSE Involves an unpleasant (sick) emotional life, or illness and difficulties which result from pleasure, or illness of children. In a good sixth and fifth respectively, it can show a pleasant or easy job. 6. THE ANNUAL 6TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SIXTH HOUSE as the natal sixth, but it will be emphasized. 7. THE ANNUAL 6TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SEVENTH HOUSE Unless benefic, is poor for spouses and partner's health, for partnerships, contracts, and trials. Do not begin legal proceedings. Be careful signing contracts as you can make important mistakes and bad omissions. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS Interpret 28 8. THE ANNUAL 6TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL EIGHTH HOUSE Can bring the death or arrest of a vital function, especially if rest of chart supports this. This is often seen in the year of menopause. If connected with the second and tenth it can threaten the loss of a job for employees. Worries over investments or regaining money loaned out. 9. THE ANNUAL 6TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL NINTH HOUSE Does not favor travel, trips happen under unfavorable conditions, causes worry, problems or even illness. Makes you skeptical, doubting, or periods of difficult development of philosophic ideas. 10. THE ANNUAL 6TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL TENTH HOUSE - Decreases freedom of action, career or social situation causes worry. Obstacles and difficulties in professional enterprises. Need strong benefic planets aspects to prevent this. 11. THE ANNUAL 6TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL ELEVENTH HOUSE Desires, ambitions, plans may be compromised. With the ruler of the third in a benefic house or well aspected, or benefic by nature, it can bring an offer of work from friends. With malefics the threat of illness or a dangerous accident for a friend. 12. THE ANNUAL 6TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL TWELFTH HOUSE - Chronic troubles and illnesses tend to show new symptoms. A diet unsuitable for you and you should pay more attention to your health and general living conditions. THE ANNUAL SEVENTH HOUSE IN THE NATAL HOUSES 1. THE ANNUAL 7TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIRST HOUSE Social life will be important this year. In mutable signs brings contradictory tendencies and you may not know quite what you want and you hesitate between what you want and what those around you suggest. The spouse has too much control over you. 2. THE ANNUAL 7TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SECOND HOUSE Affects good or poor income from different sources. Simultaneous FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 29 earnings to your major source of income. Sometimes reads as the annual second in the natal seventh, but usually shows multiple sources of income or money coming from legal proceedings. 3. THE ANNUAL 7TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL THIRD HOUSE Brings differences of opinion with the spouse or partners. The spouse may be disloyal (3rd is house of lovers). May have to repeat a trip or go through many steps to conclude a legal affair. 4. THE ANNUAL 7TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FOURTH HOUSE Well disposed, favors contracts and business relations with older people. It can be connected with settlements of inheritance, real estate, mortgages, or leases. 5. THE ANNUAL 7TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIFTH HOUSE - In single people this raises the question of legalizing the relationship by marriage. If benefic is very good for contracts in connection with art, jewelry, amusement or competitive exams. Sometimes shows a rivalry in love or the marriage of the person's children depending on the overall chart. 6. THE ANNUAL 7TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SIXTH HOUSE With malefics, danger of complications in an illness, or a relapse. An increase in work as when an employee has to take on part of the work of a sick colleague. Influences the breeding of small animals. Sometimes operates as annual sixth in natal seventh. 7. THE ANNUAL 7TH HOUSE IN Emphasizes natal seventh. 8. THE ANNUAL 7TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL EIGHTH HOUSE - Concerns the results good or poor of legal proceedings, or shows contracts involving capital as stocks, annuities. With Neptune, may bring to light a mistake made by the spouse or partner. With Mars, brings conflicts of opinion and disagreements either over money or something from the past that has lain "dead" so to speak. With Uranus there is danger of loss or theft of a deed, stock, rent, etc., or an antique. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS THE NATAL SEVENTH HOUSE - 30 9. THE ANNUAL 7TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL NINTH HOUSE - Deals with partnerships, contracts, and reunions made with people from foreign countries or while on long trips, or may concern a literary collaboration. 10. THE ANNUAL 7TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL TENTH HOUSE - Makes your position dependent on legal proceedings or a partnership. With malefics, it is a sign of strife and competition in your profession or for a position, or fluctuations in business due to the activities of another. Can show marriage or remarriage of the mother in the charts of her children. 11. THE ANNUAL 7TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL ELEVENTH HOUSE Makes single people best men or bridesmaids. In fire signs or with aggressive planets, shows that struggle is needed to achieve plans and ambitions. Indicates changes in relations with friends; with Venus, reconciliations; with Saturn, absences; with Neptune, chaotic complications that make relations very uncertain, etc. 12. THE ANNUAL 7TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL TWELFTH HOUSE - Poor for social life causing complications and problems involving legal proceedings, contracts, partnerships or married life. Sometimes shows a weakening of the spouse's or partner's health, or disloyal actions, intrigues, infidelities, or a secret or concealed marriage or agreement. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 31 THE ANNUAL EIGHTH HOUSE IN THE NATAL HOUSES 1. THE ANNUAL 8TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIRST HOUSE Brings strife or anxiety over responsibilities or finances; a weakening of health or bereavement. Can show the year of death if supported by the rest of the chart, but does not always do so. 2. THE ANNUAL 8TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SECOND HOUSE With malefic planets, danger of loss of income as losing a job; closing of a business. With benefics shows the increase of income from things the eighth house governs as donations, gifts, inheritance, money from legal proceedings, etc. 3. THE ANNUAL 8TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL THIRD HOUSE May a change in investments or an occasional death sibling, cousin, or colleague. With Mercury or the of the third house afflicted in the SOLAR, it will letters, manuscripts or other papers to become lost. 4. THE ANNUAL 8TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FOURTH HOUSE Often seen in years when a death in the family occurs and it may be a parent or grandparent; or when there occurs a sale or loss of real estate. Especially dangerous in farmers charts as with malefic planets it destroys or kills crops. 5. THE ANNUAL 8TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIFTH HOUSE - End of an emotional attachment, death or separation of a child from you; end of an artistic career. With benefic planets, brings luck in gambling, lotteries, speculation, etc. - an expansion of capital. 6. THE ANNUAL 8TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SIXTH HOUSE - Increases domestic expenses, especially for health; or shows the death of uncles, aunts, employees, or servants. With benefics, favors health meaning the death of an illness. Be careful if you write a will or make a contribution as it can bring regrets or be badly drawn up. 7. THE ANNUAL 8TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SEVENTH HOUSE With malefics, foretells a severing of relationships with a person close to you; sometimes that person's death. Acts as the inverse annual seventh in natal eighth. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS bring of a ruler cause 32 8. THE ANNUAL 8TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL EIGHTH HOUSE natal eighth house emphasized. Read as 9. THE ANNUAL 8TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL NINTH HOUSE - If you are in a legal proceeding it shows an appeal to a higher court, or it shows an indication of foreign investment or foreign certificates or loans. Good for philosophic and religious development (metamorphosis through these) and the death or rejection of some previously held ideas. 10. THE ANNUAL 8TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL TENTH HOUSE Material and psychological responsibilities which burden you could make your career difficult. If the whole of the SOLAR is very unfavorable, could indicate loss of a position or dismissal from a job. With favorable planets and aspects, could show an improvement in the career through the spouse's financial resources (8th is spouses money) or through a loan. 11. THE ANNUAL 8TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL ELEVENTH HOUSE - Shows a danger of death in your circle of friends. With malefic planets, it means "death" of hopes and plans during the year. With Pluto, shows a profound transformation in the plans and aspirations due to the events and circumstances which take place during the year. With benefics, could bring advantages from friends. 12. THE ANNUAL 8TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL TWELFTH HOUSE - Shows a need to put debts and responsibilities in order. Can also cause a decrease in things that worry you. If the SOLAR is poor for health, this inclines to falls, fainting, or the aggravation of a chronic condition. With benefics or good configurations shows a year marking the end of a long unfavorable period in your life, and in which you begin a better one (death of troubles). THE ANNUAL NINTH HOUSE IN THE NATAL HOUSES 1. THE ANNUAL 9TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIRST HOUSE Accentuates religious or philosophic inclinations, or you may go on long trips. Good for original ideas. 2. THE ANNUAL 9TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SECOND HOUSE - FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS Shows 33 desires and ambitions involving money. the reverse superimposition. Sometimes acts like 3. THE ANNUAL 9TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL THIRD HOUSE Brings trips for research or trips which get into various sorts of investigations. Acts as inverse superimposition. 4. THE ANNUAL 9TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FOURTH HOUSE - Your mind orients towards traditional ideas, or to interest in things of the past; trips to visit parents or things of the past, or to familiar places. 5. THE ANNUAL 9TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIFTH HOUSE Good for exams (fifth) and competitions, or brings pleasure cruises or travel; or the children will travel. Read as inverse superimposition, too. 6. THE ANNUAL 9TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SIXTH HOUSE Poor for travel except for health or service; the house must be benefic; otherwise shows difficult travel. 7. THE ANNUAL 9TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SEVENTH HOUSE - Attracts towards philosophic and social types. At times brings a journey by the spouse which causes a separation. 8. THE ANNUAL 9TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL EIGHTH HOUSE - You dwell on thoughts of death more, ponder the past, or have financial worries. If you are planning a trip and the rulers of the ninth and eleventh (hopes, plans) are afflicted or retrograde, it will not take place. 9. THE ANNUAL 9TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL NINTH HOUSE natal house emphasized. Read as 10. THE ANNUAL 9TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL TENTH HOUSE - Helps with job changes, promotion, and increases ambition. Often brings rewards because of intellectual activity, as academic honors and literary prizes if the houses are benefic. 11. THE ANNUAL 9TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL ELEVENTH HOUSE - Brings a change in plans or in friendship; sometimes through the departure or arrival of friends. 12. THE ANNUAL 9TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL TWELFTH HOUSE - FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS Poor for 34 intellectual or independent work unless it is devoted to occultism, or other twelfth house matters. If unfavorably aspected it is poor for long trips. Brings mental fatigue. THE ANNUAL TENTH HOUSE IN THE NATAL HOUSES (See pages 9, 10 & 11) THE ANNUAL ELEVENTH HOUSE IN THE NATAL HOUSES 1. THE ANNUAL 11TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIRST HOUSE - Makes you more receptive to those around you. Brings more plans and hopes than achievements unless the return is highly favorable. 2. THE ANNUAL 11TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SECOND HOUSE - Concerns business connections or people involved financially. With malefics, this superimposition shows that financial hopes will not mature. 3. THE ANNUAL 11TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL THIRD HOUSE Brings reconciliation with brothers, friends, and much doing of small reciprocal favors. With benefics, it is good for competitions, exhibitions, etc. 4. THE ANNUAL 11TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FOURTH HOUSE - End of a friendship or an association; or shows hopes that depend on the productivity of buildings, harvests, or inheritances. 5. THE ANNUAL 11TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIFTH HOUSE Be watchful of the friends your children go around with this year. This aids your judgment in romance. Can operate as the inverse superimposition. 6. THE ANNUAL 11TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SIXTH HOUSE Shows your work plans and for employees can bring advancement. Is similar to reverse superimposition. 7. THE ANNUAL 11TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SEVENTH HOUSE Plans and hopes for marriage or partnerships with people you already know. With malefics, a danger of a third person ruining a relationship temporarily or permanently. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 35 8. THE ANNUAL 11TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL EIGHTH HOUSE Realizing that your plans depend on money not earned yet as capital, or a stroke of luck as winning a lottery. Sometimes shows hope of getting an inheritance. 9. THE ANNUAL 11TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL NINTH HOUSE Brings intellectual friendships; hopes could be influenced by things at a distance or overseas. 10. THE ANNUAL 11TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL TENTH HOUSE Helps judgement of the role played by friends, associates, and patrons. With malefics, or if the ruler is afflicted, this increases worries and problems caused by business associations. 11. THE ANNUAL 11TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL ELEVENTH HOUSE as natal eleventh emphasized. 12. THE ANNUAL 11TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL TWELFTH HOUSE Shows some unpleasantness from friends. Venus and Jupiter will not help but it will prevent it from ending in a quarrel. Thwarts plans and hopes at least temporarily through unexpected problems or misfortunes. Read THE ANNUAL TWELFTH HOUSE IN THE NATAL HOUSES 1. THE ANNUAL 12TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIRST HOUSE worry and discontent, but it favors occult studies. 2. THE ANNUAL 12TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SECOND HOUSE - Worries over money and a tendency to lie or be secret about it. It is better than the inverse configuration but can often resemble this configuration. 3. THE ANNUAL 12TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL THIRD HOUSE Makes travel dangerous, brings worry caused by correspondence. 4. THE ANNUAL 12TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FOURTH HOUSE Weakening of the parent's health; worry over the home or real estate. If you are a landlord, brings vacant FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS Brings 36 apartments troubles. or costly repairs. Brings falls or stomach 5. THE ANNUAL 12TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL FIFTH HOUSE Brings hidden love affairs, pregnancy, complications and painful deliveries. 6. THE ANNUAL 12TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SIXTH HOUSE over health; hinders the completion of work. 7. THE ANNUAL 12TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL SEVENTH HOUSE Poor for marriage and partnership relations. With benefics, brings mutual secrets (worries you keep hidden from the other so as not to upset them). Can act as reverse superimposition. 8. THE ANNUAL 12TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL EIGHTH HOUSE - Worries and fear of death; even the individual's if sick; death of someone close; worry over inheritance, investments. 9. THE ANNUAL 12TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL NINTH HOUSE - Increases fatalism; many planets in the 12th brings infractions with police or tax disputes. 10. THE ANNUAL 12TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL TENTH HOUSE Circumstances thwart freedom; forced to routine and acting diplomatically using circuitous means to achieve goals; moral obligations burden your work. 11. THE ANNUAL 12TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL ELEVENTH HOUSE - Brings deceptions from friends; friends can become secret enemies and secretly work against you. Positive signs on the cusp expose them; hinderance to obtaining hopes and wishes. 12. THE ANNUAL 12TH HOUSE IN THE NATAL TWELFTH HOUSE natal emphasized. Worries Read as THE PLANETS IN THE SOLAR RETURN 1. The planets are interpreted the same way they are in a natal chart: a. By the Sign FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 37 b. The House they are in c. The aspects that form d. The houses they rule; Venus rules Taurus and Libra...find these houses in the SOLAR, for example: 2. DO NOT CONSIDER THE SUN SIGN - it can't change it's place, use only by house, aspect. 3. The House a planet rules is more important than the Sign the planet is in. 4. Planets on the ANGLES have special importance...near 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th house cusps. A malefic at an angle is very poor. Of note: the planet which is first to cross an angle imprints its individual character on the main event of the year it seems. Look in ephemeris and see which planet crosses an angle first by transit..it will imprint its influence on the ASC. THE SUN IN THE SOLAR RETURN 1. SUN IN THE FIRST HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings independence and you will be appreciated...Note house ruled by Leo...it will be highlighted. 2. SUN IN THE SECOND HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN come more easily if not afflicted; luck in husband's income goes up. 3. SUN IN THE THIRD HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Favors a brother, sister, cousin, more than you. Success or failure depending on aspects in official applications, studies. 4. SUN IN THE FOURTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Influences last one third of year by aspect and houses involved through aspect, good or poor. Unafflicted, favors real estate. Also influences the house matters. 5. SUN IN THE FIFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS Earnings business; Expansion of 38 awareness if Leo rules the ASC, third, or ninth; of business if Leo governs second or tenth; of relationships if the eleventh and sterility (Sun is sterile); and consider the aspects. 6. SUN IN THE SIXTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Poor for health or for the things in the house ruled by Leo; afflicted to Mars AND connected by rulership (Aries/Scorpio on the cusp) of the tenth...you could damage your career by hasty action meant to improve your position or promotion. 7. SUN IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Favors the spouse or partner; good for social or political action. Can clarify the relationship with spouse or other partners. In a lawsuit shows a dangerous adversary with influential support; especially of the Sun opposes the ASC by 5. 8. SUN IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Shows a death during the year. Benefic aspects to the Sun favors investments; winning a trial; good outcome of a lawsuit; increased revenues; decrease of debts. 9. SUN IN THE NINTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Increases ambition. Favorable for all things in this house. 10. SUN IN THE TENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Professional success; reputation spreads; good credit; promotion; an outstanding act. Afflicted; Sun decreases this somewhat but advancement can come through with difficulties. 11. SUN IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Helps you achieve your wishes, hopes unless Sun is heavily afflicted, or the house is; especially plans and ambitions of the house with Leo on the cusp; increases ambition; shows an important friend. 12. SUN IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Troubles with a benefic character as an illness that removes toxins; revelation of a hidden disease that makes you seek treatment. Success in twelfth house matters. If Sun is very afflicted you are over taxed and if affects your health. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 39 THE MOON IN THE SOLAR RETURN 1. MOON IN THE FIRST HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Poor for health; if poorly aspected brings functional problems. Women play an important part this year. If the Moon governs the SOLAR Second or Tenth, the wife influences the career favorable or not. You are more sensitive and impressionable which causes instability and changeability. 2. MOON IN THE SECOND HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings financial fluctuations; afflictions bring theft or loss. 3. MOON IN THE THIRD HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Short trips, favorably or poorly influences. Relations with those around you. If poorly aspected can bring illness. Poor aspect to Saturn brings little intimacy; to Neptune or Mercury brings gossip and criticism; with Mars brings arguments and disputes. 4. MOON IN THE FOURTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Changes in family or home; change of residence. In a fixed sign and poor aspect to Saturn the change will not take place or will cause insurmountable difficulties. Makes you dissatisfied with the home. Crop failures; poor harvests; but if well aspected favors agriculture. 5. MOON IN THE FIFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Changes in affection, love life; if afflicted brings infidelity; can bring pregnancy. If Moon is benefic luck in gambling or lotteries. If Cancer governs the third or ninth and is not in a fixed sign, brings trips for pleasure. Also, if Moon is in third or ninth and governs the fifth. 6. MOON IN THE SIXTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Very poor for health; if Moon is afflicted is poor for trade. 7. MOON IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN The wife helps favorable or not in marriage, social life, partnerships. If Moon opposes ASC brings fluctuations in health; in feminine charts favors conception. 8. MOON IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN to begin legal action unless the Moon is in FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS Poor year Taurus or 40 Cancer. Benefic favors spouse's finances. of those you know. Brings illness 9. MOON IN THE NINTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Favors trips with family, close friends; good for science; occult; psychic experiments if not afflicted. Increases intuition; moments of inspiration. 10. MOON IN THE TENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Many activities and change involving popularity, social position. If the Moon rules (that is Cancer rules) the seventh natal or annual can promise marriage. If in the Natal the Moon is in the fourth, or if Cancer rules the fourth in the SOLAR RETURN, brings a change in real estate or the family. 11. MOON IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Change in plans for hopes good or poor; favors relations with women. 12. MOON IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Enemies, poor trips, poor business, reputation, women cause worries and problems. Don't start a business. MERCURY IN THE SOLAR RETURN 1. MERCURY IN THE FIRST HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Aids mental activities; good for students. Good for anyone whose life relies on mental pursuits; writers, teachers, etc. 2. MERCURY IN THE SECOND HOUSE OF Mercurial things influence money; judged by planets and aspects. 3. MERCURY IN THE THIRD HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN business trips; relations based on common interest. 4. MERCURY IN THE FOURTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Shows kind of differences of opinion which exist in the family. If afflicted brings family fights if it is afflicted by Mars. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS THE the SOLAR RETURN influence being Favors 41 5. MERCURY IN THE FIFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Your affections are controlled by reason; good for intellectual pleasure more than sensual. Favors students, technical instruction if Mercury is not too afflicted. 6. MERCURY IN THE SIXTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Afflicted shows overwork bringing headaches. Afflictions make mental work difficult. 7. MERCURY IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Shows a self-centered spouse or partner. If afflicted brings misunderstandings with that person. Shows a social proposal such as marriage. 8. MERCURY IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Shows a change in financial investments or travel because of a death. 9. MERCURY IN THE NINTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN mental matters, journalists; brings business trips. Favors 10. MERCURY IN THE TENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Shows fame and reputation related to your professional knowledge and mental ability in it. Afflicted by Mars, Uranus or Pluto to Mercury brings hasty acts or judgments. 11. MERCURY IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Influences circle of friendships, for good or poor. If Mercury is linked by good aspect or by Gemini or Virgo ruling the second, eighth, or tenth, these will be advantageous and bring benefit. Brings more clientele to business persons. 12. MERCURY IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Favors abstract work more than practical thinking. In Virgo or well aspected is connected with secret schemes or production arrangements which are kept secret. VENUS IN THE SOLAR RETURN 1. VENUS IN THE FIRST HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS Increases 42 the optimism and sociability. Well aspected brings an easy year and favors worldly success. 2. VENUS IN THE SECOND HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Favors finances. Brings luck in business especially in Taurus, Libra or Pisces, or if well aspected; If afflicted by Mars, Jupiter or Uranus, brings extravagance and disorder in finances. 3. VENUS IN THE THIRD HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Favors associations. Especially strong in charts of those who use writing, communication, teaching, etc., for a living. 4. VENUS IN THE FOURTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN You may beautify the home. Brings help from parents; good for farmers, landlords, mines, etc. 5. VENUS IN THE FIFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Makes you sensual; favors love life. If linked to money houses (2nd, 8th) brings success in speculation or gambling, lottery. Often seen in years of the birth of a child. 6. VENUS IN THE SIXTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Unafflicted protects health, work environment, relations with coworkers, subordinates. Afflicted brings danger of disease to genitals or nearby organs. 7. VENUS IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Happiness in marriage. May get married or form a partnership (if Venus is retrograde in the SOLAR RETURN as with the retrogradation of any planet, it will delay the marriage and it will not happen this SOLAR year.). If Venus is well aspected and retrograde the marriage will occur later than you wish. 8. VENUS IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN trials and investments unless it is in Scorpio. 9. VENUS IN THE NINTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings pleasure trips or a desire for them. VENUS IN THE TENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Well aspected, favors reputation, business, and social position. Afflicted by Saturn, Mars, Uranus, or Neptune brings social scandal, usually from complications in a love affair. 10. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS Favors 43 11. VENUS IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings worldly success, achieving of hopes and wishes, friendship with a woman which is helpful. Brings satisfaction from friendships, support and encouragement from a woman or from the sympathies of a woman. 12. VENUS IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - A hidden love affair; shows hidden feelings or desires. Well placed and aspected protects you from twelfth house machinations. In Aries and Scorpio, or with a Mars aspect to Venus brings dissatisfaction and increases sensuality. Venus here as with any planet in the SOLAR RETURN in the twelfth house contradicts the promises of the natal chart. If the natal Venus is in the second house finances will suffer; in the fourth the home will suffer; real estate, parents will suffer., etc. MARS IN THE SOLAR RETURN 1. MARS IN THE FIRST HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings a burst of activity, initiative, and ambition during the year. If afflicted makes you irritable, brutal, impatient, etc. For any planet in poor aspect to Mars, there will be fighting with or over things involving the house where the other planet is or by the house Mars governs (the houses with Aries and possibly Scorpio on the cusp). You are more sensual especially if Mars is linked to Venus by aspect. If Mars is in aspect to Neptune it brings a useless expenditure of energy on a project that will not bring what you hoped for (Neptune dissolves). 2. MARS IN THE SECOND HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings unwise actions in business, finances, exaggerated expenses beyond your means. If poorly aspected brings problems and difficulties with money. 3. MARS IN THE THIRD HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN May bring bad news or carelessness in speech, writing which causes discord. If Mars is in poor aspect care while traveling is needed especially by car. If Mars is in air or fire signs brings a year of great mental activity. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 44 4. MARS IN THE FOURTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings disharmony to the home; with parents; over real estate. If afflicted and connected to the ASC or sixth house brings digestive troubles; stomach or intestinal illness, or reproductive organs are affected. In a very unfavorable return and when Mars is in aspect with a great number of planets brings a misfortune striking the parents, property, or home as a fire; death; discord in the family; public disaster, etc. 5. MARS IN THE FIFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Avoid gambling and stock market speculation this year unless Mars is well aspected; if Mars is poorly aspected it is bad for relations especially with the opposite sex. It can bring misbehavior on the part of the one you are romantically attached to. 6. MARS IN THE SIXTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Could bring an accident. If Mars is in Capricorn and superimpositions are good and Mars is unafflicted, brings good health. A poor position for employees and subordinates as you want to be independent at work and may take on a project you can't handle, or it can cause conflicts at work. 7. MARS IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Arguments and differences of opinion with spouse, partner, close friends and could even bring legal actions. If Mars is conjunct the seventh house cusp you take risks and may even commit a violent social act but such action will not succeed unless Mars is well aspected. 8. MARS IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - The spouse or partner is extravagant; brings an increase in expenses, or living beyond your means. Poor placement for legal action. If Mars rules (Aries or Scorpio on the cusp) the eleventh, third or fourth house it can show a death of someone in your circle as shown by which house it rules. 9. MARS IN THE NINTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Poor for publishers. Brings dangerous trips, auto accidents. Can make you doubt and be skeptical or spontaneously convert as FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 45 well as stands. bring changes of opinion and quick ideological 10. MARS IN THE TENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings professional annoyances and difficulties. If Mars is very afflicted it brings misfortune or disgrace; predisposes you to take risks and dangerous actions (especially in fire signs), or makes you careless in business matters. 11. MARS IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings difficulties with friends. Plans are larger than your ability to achieve them. If Mars is poorly aspected, brings arguments and fights and circumstances. Friends will oppose your fulfilling your hopes. 12. MARS IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN This is the worst place for Mars to be in a SOLAR RETURN as it brings illness, accidents, secret enemies, persecution, and snares of all kinds. Afflicted and in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) brings sexual excesses or immoral and even criminal tendencies. JUPITER IN THE SOLAR RETURN 1. JUPITER IN THE FIRST HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Increases optimism, generosity, expansion in enterprises in the natal house the SOLAR first house superimposes. If Jupiter is not too afflicted, the year will be favorable, or at least more easy. 2. JUPITER IN THE SECOND HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Increases income and expenses. Brings luck in money matters. If Jupiter is retrograde it does not prevent the expansion but the profits will not be realized, and, the expansion will not make you happy. 3. JUPITER IN THE THIRD HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Especially good for editors, writers, and all involved in professions shown by this house. A good aspect from Uranus and Neptune and maybe Pluto to Jupiter often shows you will escape an accident as if my miracle, providential FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 46 protection. 4. JUPITER IN THE FOURTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Favors all in this house unless afflicted. The last part of the year is better than the beginning. Often brings a good event in the last three months of your SOLAR RETURN. 5. JUPITER IN THE FIFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN In Sagittarius or Pisces, shows good progress of enterprises; optimism; measured daring; good emotional satisfaction. Afflicted increases tendency to risk which brings loss in questionable enterprises or some misunderstandings in love. 6. JUPITER IN THE SIXTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Good for subordinates, employees, easy work. If afflicted, the blood must be purified and you must avoid excesses. If Sagittarius or Pisces rules the first or the fifth there is a danger of health disorders as a result of pleasure. 7. JUPITER IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Well aspected brings conjugal happiness. If the natal chart shows unhappiness here, the SOLAR RETURN will bring at least a year of calm, good relations with partners or success in legal actions. Afflicted it demands greater reserve. People may abuse your confidence. 8. JUPITER IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Good for legal proceedings and receiving gifts or financial cooperation. Afflicted, increases debts and brings annoyances in this area. 9. JUPITER IN THE NINTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Increases your reputation, respect, breadth of mind. Favors all connected with this house. If Jupiter is afflicted, pay attention to credit and financial obligations. 10. JUPITER IN THE TENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Could bring a fortunate event which improves the career or advancement in life. Good for business if not too unfavorably aspected. Very afflicted shows troubles because of carelessness or too big a scheme or too vast plans which cannot be met. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 47 11. JUPITER IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - A need for material, social, or worldly expansion. Good for friendships but if very poorly aspected, they will not provide what you expect of them. If they help it will be out of selfishness or out of calculation. 12. JUPITER IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Helps avoid and discover secret plots and enemies. Well aspected favors secret societies. Afflicted shows chronic illness, not painful, connected with circulation of the blood or the liver. SATURN IN THE SOLAR RETURN 1. SATURN IN THE FIRST HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings worry, depression, overwork, behind in work often because the health is weak. This position demands effort beyond your strength and shows physical and emotional exhaustion. Shows a year of struggle..success or failure depending on the overall SOLAR RETURN. 2. SATURN IN THE SECOND HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Worry and fear over money. Delays in financial returns; difficulties in financial plans. Poor for real estate deals. Afflicted brings heavy losses. 3. SATURN IN THE THIRD HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings pessimism, tense relations, trouble with older people you know; delays in traveling and other things this house governs. Afflictions are especially poor for students, writers and editors. If Saturn is in poor aspect to the ASC (natal or annual) and the Sun and Moon show the same poor aspects you have at birth, there is a danger of TB or another lung disease. 4. SATURN IN THE FOURTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings responsibilities; worries over real estate, home, parents. If Saturn is afflicted or retrograde, creates a suffocating FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 48 atmosphere in family or annoyances. May bring increased difficulties the last third of the year. 5. SATURN IN THE FIFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - You become dissatisfied emotionally. There is a decrease of physical drive and emotional inclination. There will be sexual and emotional dissatisfaction. Poor for gambling and speculation even if well aspected. These bad influences will be nullified if Saturn governs the natal ASC in Capricorn. In this case it brings an accentuation of the areas ruled by the Fifth house and should be interpreted according to the overall chart. 6. SATURN IN THE SIXTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - There will be failing health due to illness or to constant worry. It will be a long and arduous process to improve the health unless Saturn is in Libra, Capricorn, or Aquarius which increases resistance. For employees brings a distaste for their work. 7. SATURN IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN There will be a lack of understanding with the spouse or partner. Marriage is delayed. If Saturn is retrograde and afflicted, the marriage will not take place at all. Poor for legal action which will not be concluded during the SOLAR year. 8. SATURN IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Brings a fear of death. You may have debts which cause anxiety; lowering of revenues or stock values. Poor year for speculation, buying bonds, stocks or annuities. 9. SATURN IN THE NINTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN If favorably aspected favors good judgment and gives profound philosophic concepts. Afflicted, poor for journeys bringing delays or obstacles. Could bring troubles from in-laws; especially brother and sisters in-laws. 10. SATURN IN THE TENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN This placement hinders promotion. Well aspected indicates a stable position but there will be worries. Afflicted brings trouble in business; danger of heavy loss; much effort to stay where you are. Can bring an unfortunate event which has repercussions on your status; event occurs in the career. Illness for the mother. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 49 11. SATURN IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN There will be delays in achieving your hopes, wishes and plans due to all kinds of obstacles. Worry over relationships; sometimes a solitary existence. Narrows circle of friends or does not bring new friends. 12. SATURN IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Health conditions demand complete rest or systematic treatment. Such illness may leave deep marks since it becomes chronic or you suffer the consequences all your life. Very afflicted SOLAR RETURN in general sometimes announces a fatality. (REMEMBER: Unless there is a natal promise in the chart, the above cannot take place!) URANUS IN THE SOLAR RETURN 1. URANUS IN THE FIRST HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Something unexpected reappears in your life. If Uranus is afflicted and conjunct the ASC shows danger of an accident you cause. If the natal Uranus is in the first, third, or ninth, or rules the ASC, you will have new interests. Studies of the occult nature or an inspiration or new project that orients the mind permanently. 2. URANUS IN THE SECOND HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Unexpected gains or losses; financial fluctuations. Can bring a sudden change very important to the financial situation or stability throughout the year. Poor aspects inhibit secure investments. 3. URANUS IN THE THIRD HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - There will be problems in arranging contracts, writing, orders, or in travel. Well aspected is good for study of science astrology, the occult, archeology, ancient history, physical science, electricity, etc. Afflicted can bring troubles with siblings, neighbors. 4. URANUS IN THE FOURTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Sudden, unexpected changes in the domestic life. Maybe a change of residence; clashes with parents especially the father, or FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 50 an event concerning them; possibly the death of a parent or separation from them. 5. URANUS IN THE FIFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Increases sexual tendencies and may bring transient love affairs. Unions suddenly made or broken; changes in the love life. Afflicted or retrograde bring problems due to an old union. Irregular menstrual period; unexpected or unwanted pregnancy; miscarriages and the complications in the love relationship they often bring. Well aspected it brings unexpected gain and success in speculation or gambling; appreciable gifts, but if it receives even one malefic aspect it brings bad luck. For children this refers to their school life. 6. URANUS IN THE SIXTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings illnesses which are hard to diagnose and are rare. Possible errors in diagnosis or treatment. If Uranus is well aspected they can easily be cured by Uranian methods such as electricity, massage, and ultra-modern or unorthodox methods. Brings some complications between employees and management. 7. URANUS IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings sudden complications caused by the spouse or partner; or occurring in the social life which brings lasting repercussions on the course of your destiny. Uranus very afflicted can cause a break or separation. If you are in legal action the end will be unexpected for good or for poor depending on the overall aspects of the chart to Uranus. 8. URANUS IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - If Uranus is afflicted it sometimes brings unexpected news of a death; complications in investments and the impossibility of regaining possession of some of your property or investments. 9. URANUS IN THE NINTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN This can cause a change of opinion; trips by air and other means which are dangerous if Uranus is afflicted. Brings a change connected with the family of the spouse or partner. Unfavorably aspected brings disturbances from in-laws. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 51 10. URANUS IN THE TENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings unexpected changes in career or professional work. Can bring a change of profession at times, but more often shows the repercussions national or international events have on your career. Psychologically enhances the intuition. You must grasp opportunities and solutions extemporaneously without reflecting on them. Well aspected, success can come in an unusual way. Afflicted, may bring psychological or physical crisis or even the death of the mother. 11. URANUS IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - Brings a change in plans, relationships, friendships and sometimes the change of plans depends on new acquaintances which will be important. Afflicted, brings misunderstandings with friends and prudence will be needed with new acquaintances. If you are sick, it would be wise to see another doctor. 12. URANUS IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN This brings troubles and complications in the house with Aquarius on the cusp. Unexpected strife and fights caused by enemies; rivals, intrigues and conspiracies. How serious they will be depends on the whole chart. NEPTUNE IN THE SOLAR RETURN 1. NEPTUNE IN THE FIRST HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings illusions and plans which will be hard to carry out. The house with Pisces on the cusp in the annual and the natal, or the house in the natal with Neptune in it, will show where the false hopes are. Unfavorable aspects to these houses will show the kind of disappointments that will result. Afflicted, Neptune will bring anxieties and fears that you more or less hide. 2. NEPTUNE IN THE SECOND HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings illusions about income; expectations will not become a reality. Instability or insecurity of income. Afflicted brings losses through swindling, abuse of trust, or fraud; dishonesty - not through theft. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 52 3. NEPTUNE IN THE THIRD HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Be wary of women. With bad aspects to Neptune they can cause bad publicity or deception. Not good for precise studies or work. There will be lost or misdirected mail. Also deceptions while traveling unless Neptune is well aspected. 4. NEPTUNE IN THE FOURTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings worry and instability in the family or plans involving home, family, or real estate which will not work out to expectations. If Neptune is afflicted, you should expect the most unlikely things to occur in the home, even robbery or betrayal by a woman. 5. NEPTUNE IN THE FIFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings fears and worries about children. A love that is more internal than physical may occur. Disappointing speculation unless Neptune does not receive one poor aspect. Disappointment in love. 6. NEPTUNE IN THE SIXTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN An inappropriate diet is indicated. There is danger of poisoning; illness which is more psychic and nervous than physical. Very afflicted brings disorder or complications at work and shows dishonesty or dangerous incompetence in subordinates. 7. NEPTUNE IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN There is little harmony in married life with this placement. If afflicted there is danger of deceit or betrayal by the spouse or partners (in business). 8. NEPTUNE IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings danger of swindling or murky dealings in financial affairs often through the fault of the spouse or partner. 9. NEPTUNE IN THE NINTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - There may be journeys by water or to a spa or seashore. Be careful as there is a danger of drowning with afflictions to this house or Neptune. An increase of mystical tendencies. If very afflicted, inclines to legal worry, complications, anxieties you believe to be premonitions. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 53 10. NEPTUNE IN THE TENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN - This can bring an unstable career that could improve by force or circumstances if the chart is favorable; but which is more often subject to danger of collapse. If Neptune is afflicted can bring scandal. 11. NEPTUNE IN THE brings friends aspected. relationships, and plans will 12. NEPTUNE IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings out some secrets or repressions during the year. Weakens health from worry, fears and nervous depressions. If well aspected good for everything involving spiritualism and psychic studies. ELEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN This who cannot be counted on, unless very well Poorly aspected brings deception in quarrels because of a third person. Hopes not be realized. PLUTO IN THE SOLAR RETURN 1. PLUTO IN THE FIRST HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Makes you reserved at some times and open at others. A turning point in your life shown by your desire to seek out a new path, often bringing renewal of activity. 2. PLUTO IN THE SECOND HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN This is good for earnings, but exaggerates financial possibilities. Brings surprises in dealings. Promises of new possibilities. PLUTO IN THE THIRD HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Involvements are important and a change may occur in them or among those close to you. Your mind is now practical and you easily find solutions to daily problems. If Pluto is in poor aspect to the Sun or Mars it brings moral or material obligations which are not upheld and shows a revolt against them. 3. 4. PLUTO IN THE FOURTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN This brings misunderstandings with the family. You may shut yourself off and live in isolation not revealing your thoughts, ambitions, or worries. There may be new projects involving the home. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 54 5. PLUTO IN THE FIFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings uncertainty or a change in the love life, creating unusual circumstances which removes stability. Inclines to adultery and bigamy, but does not bring scandal. Remember, Pluto threatens but does not cause real havoc unless it is heavily afflicted. Can bring unexpected events. good or poor, from children. 6. PLUTO IN THE SIXTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings exaggerated fears over health, usually connected more with mental, psychological, and nervous ills than with physical ones. In the SOLAR RETURN of a sick person shows an unusual form of a known disease or a rare disease. With good aspects brings a spectacular recovery of health. 7. PLUTO IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings sudden and unexpected reunions or if afflicted, heavily unforeseen and disquieting complications of short duration or a very disagreeable trial to look forward to which is not under your control. Such complications will usually work out best by themselves. 8. PLUTO IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings vain or exaggerated hope of increasing fortune. Worries over liquidating debts. With other good financial signs, can bring good financial returns you do not control. Sometimes shows useless fear for the life of a relative. 9. PLUTO IN THE NINTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN This favors intellectual efforts. Gives a desire for travel to escape an existence you do not like. Can bring long trips. 10. PLUTO IN THE TENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Brings great activity. Could be slightly disorganized activity if there is a malefic aspect to Pluto. Increases your ambitions. 11. PLUTO IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN Your plans depend not only on your effort but on fortunate circumstances. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 55 12. PLUTO IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE OF THE SOLAR RETURN You are preoccupied by hidden plans or worries a great deal of the time this year. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 56 THE ASPECTS IN SOLAR RETURNS The more planets there are in angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th) the more important the SOLAR RETURN is likely to be this year. 1. The orbs are smaller than in the natal chart: a. Allow 8 for the Sun and Moon oppositions...APPLYING ASPECTS. conjunctions and b. Allow 6 for the other planets...APPLYING ASPECTS..conjunctions and oppositions. c. A separating aspect generally indicates something that happened before the date of the SOLAR RETURN, so it does not effect the current SOLAR RETURN too much. d. The closer the aspect the more tangible and evident are its effects. 2. Interpret aspects formed in the SOLAR RETURN the same way you interpret aspects in the natal chart. Conjunctions are especially strong during the year. You will find that there are usually very few formed; usually only three or less and at times there are none. 3. INTERPRETATIONS OF THE CONJUNCTS 1. SUN CONJUNCT MOON - A very fortunate force. If the same conjunct is in the natal chart, the event this conjunction shows will totally modify your destiny. If you do not have this conjunction natally, it shows an important event during the year. The interpretation of the SIGN is very important here. 2. SUN CONJUNCT MARS - Shows violence or brutality by you or that you will suffer. If at the ASC or MC, you commit the violence. If Mars and the Sun are in poor aspect in the natal or if the SOLAR ASC is in Scorpio, can bring fights or wounds, jealousy, anger, or hate ending in violence. Often seen in years of separation or divorce or suicide attempts. If this conjunction falls in the sixth or twelfth house, may bring surgery. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 57 3. 4. SUN CONJUNCT JUPITER - Increases ambition and sexual interest. If this conjunction is afflicted by Mars (either or both planets in the conjunction) it is poor for health bringing circulatory troubles, abscesses, blood poisoning, phlegm, etc. Brings excesses during the year. If on the ASC, this conjunction brings a false, temporary, euphoria. SUN CONJUNCT SATURN - Brings a year of worry and isolation; maybe a separation from husband, father, or son, and worries over them. It does NOT effect the health unless this conjunction is in the sixth or twelfth house or if the Sun or Saturn rules EITHER the sixth or twelfth. That is, the sixth or twelfth have Leo, Capricorn, or Aquarius on the cusp. It is very restrictive, delays good things and brings unhappiness. It is fortunate only if the NATAL ASC is in Capricorn and if Saturn and the Sun IN THE NATAL do not have one unfavorable aspect. In this case it brings advancement, improvement, beneficial change in plans, and has a long and fortunate influence on your destiny. 5. SUN CONJUNCT URANUS - Brings a sudden, profound reversal in life according to the house it is in. If the annual ASC is in Leo, you cause it. If the Sun and Uranus are in favorable aspect in the NATAL chart and are well aspected in the SOLAR RETURN, it brings an unexpected good opportunity. Otherwise it is a bad conjunction and if the Natal Sun is square or opposite Uranus it makes things worse in the house where this conjunction falls. 6. SUN CONJUNCT NEPTUNE - Brings regression in the house matters where the conjunction falls. General confusion which causes fears or brings hopes which encounter fears, and obstacles. 7. SUN CONJUNCT PLUTO - Can bring success which exceeds all expectations. You tend to be practical and need to expend yourself this year. 8. MOON CONJUNCT MERCURY Brings travel, verbal expression, advancement for politicians, salesmen and FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 58 9. writers. In poor aspect brings conflict between feelings and interests. NOTE: If in the SOLAR RETURN these two planets oppose each other on the ASC-DSC, it brings a conflict between desire and the necessities of daily life. If they oppose each other on the MCIC, it brings clashes between professional obligation and family life. MOON CONJUNCT VENUS - Lucky. Makes you lascivious, sexual, indulgent. Brings pregnancy and birth. Effects personal life, not professional life. 10. MOON CONJUNCT MARS - Brings excesses and recklessness and an inability to adapt to others. If EITHER the Moon or Mars rules the ASC (Cancer, Aries, Scorpio) you may cause serious problems. Seems to be worse in female charts. 11. MOON CONJUNCT JUPITER - Brings good fortune, monetary gain, gifts, and material benefits. Helpful to those house matters. 12. MOON CONJUNCT SATURN - This brings trouble from women, just as the Sun conjunct Saturn brings trouble from men. 13. MOON CONJUNCT URANUS - This brings unforseen happening by house and sign placement which changes your whole existence. Often seen in years of accidents or operations. Brings trips with an element of surprise. MOON CONJUNCT NEPTUNE - This aspect makes you helpless, more dependent on others. Circumstances diminish opportunity, will power, morality. Brings actions that are regretted. If the Moon and Neptune are well aspected in the natal and is well situated in the SOLAR RETURN, brings a new element in the love life, and also brings trips by water. 14. 15. MOON CONJUNCT PLUTO - Trips are good. Brings new acquaintances. Also brings a sudden development in the house where the conjunction falls. 16. MERCURY CONJUNCT VENUS - If you have this conjunction in your NATAL chart this is especially important. If the conjunction is in the same sign as in your NATAL chart it accentuates your natal. If effects your FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 59 17. 18. relationships. This conjunction only happens five or six times in a lifetime. MERCURY CONJUNCT MARS - Brings errors - makes you careless and you cause problems even when the planets are well aspected. The house position shows where you are like this. If in the sixth brings cuts, burns, wounds of the arms, hands and chest. If very afflicted can cause surgery. NOTE: The opposition of Mercury and Mars brings conflicts, differences of opinion, lawsuits, and debates as shown by house position or rulership of that house. MERCURY CONJUNCT JUPITER - Benefits professional skills. Good for business. Brings good judgment, tolerance, practical sense, improved relations, even an increase in earnings and good solutions to sensitive matters. 19. MERCURY CONJUNCT SATURN - Decreases self-confidence. Brings worry and hesitation. Is better if the ASC is in Capricorn or Aquarius than if it is in Gemini and Virgo. 20. MERCURY CONJUNCT URANUS - New interests, unusual thoughts, ideas and projects get you out of your usual environment. If this conjunction is in the tenth house it brings a sudden new professional orientation or a change of occupation. 21. MERCURY CONJUNCT NEPTUNE Brings illusion, exaggerated hopes and a lack of common sense. Good for trips and imaginative intellectual work...if it is in the third or ninth house. Shows a platonic disappointing relationship if in the second, sixth, twelfth or is angular. 22. MERCURY CONJUNCT PLUTO - Favors math, bookkeeping, studies, financial settlements. Makes you very capable in that sign and house for the year. 23. VENUS CONJUNCT MARS - Upsets the love life worse than the opposition, especially if in the first, third, fifth and or eighth house. Makes you very sexual which fogs judgment and the sex life becomes a problem. Often seen in years of adultery; bringing a brief adventure which causes problems. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 60 24. VENUS CONJUNCT JUPITER - Brings success, prosperity in money houses or the tenth house. Brings good fortune and ease. Improves your general living conditions. Gives pleasant vacations. Some never have this conjunction in their life. 25. VENUS CONJUNCT SATURN - Brings dissatisfaction in love. A continuing tense situation. If favorable in Libra and somewhat favorable if the ASC is in Capricorn or Aquarius. 26. VENUS CONJUNCT URANUS - Turmoil in your love life, especially if angular or in the fifth house. In the seventh house brings separation or a serious sudden upset. 27. VENUS CONJUNCT NEPTUNE - Depends on the aspect between Venus and Neptune in the NATAL chart. If the NATAL is sextile or trine, this brings luck, success and inspiration in that house. If the NATAL is square or opposition, brings betrayal, fraud, disintegration of love life, nervous depression which may border on insanity, psychological or physical collapse. 28. VENUS CONJUNCT PLUTO - Brings an unusual love; an intense emotional life. Increases your charm bringing success. You may experience a flattering union which is profitable. 29. MARS CONJUNCT JUPITER - A big successful undertaking; great luck; you set records; or a risky, audacious action where you are unaware of the danger and the consequences. Well aspected and angular brings success especially in the tenth. Unfavorably aspected and situated brings clashes, conflicts, battles and legal proceedings. 30. MARS CONJUNCT SATURN - Shows a long difficult effort in whatever house this falls in. In the sixth or twelfth it will be a battle for health. If Saturn or Mars rules the ASC you impose this meaningless effort on yourself. Brings physical and psychological effort and will power is shown. Sometimes brings tooth extractions or bone operations. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 61 31. MARS CONJUNCT URANUS A sudden accident or occurrence. If this conjunction is on the ASC or Mars or Uranus rules the ASC, you cause the event. Otherwise it is beyond your control as a hurricane. You act impulsive; have undisciplined behavior. 32. MARS CONJUNCT NEPTUNE - Shows wasted energy in the house this falls in. A pointless project; unfinished business; annoying complications with associates; legal troubles in joint projects; disappointment. 33. MARS CONJUNCT PLUTO - Increases work material means which improves life. Help from friends especially in female charts. 34. JUPITER CONJUNCT SATURN - Brings stability to that area of your life as defined by the house it falls in for the year and longer. If Jupiter or Saturn rules the NATAL or the SOLAR TENTH, if favorably consolidates the career. 35. JUPITER CONJUNCT URANUS - A new direction in that house or in the career. If you have this conjunction in the natal, it marks a great change when it occurs every fourteen years; major events. If it is not conjunct in the NATAL it brings a new orientation, which lasts for years. Life can improve because of buying an invention, as a VCR, computer, etc. 36. JUPITER CONJUNCT NEPTUNE Unexpected chaotic developments in that house; beyond your control. Well aspected, brings luck but it is less durable or fortunate than expected. 37. JUPITER CONJUNCT PLUTO inner-convictions. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS - Brings religious fervor, 62 Timing Events In The Solar Return The Major system to time events are as follows: 1. A general overview based on the first, seventh, and tenth house clusters of planets. fourth, 2. Transits of the Sun to the SOLAR RETURN. 3. The Progressed Ascendant. 4. An experimental approach; the monthly SOLAR returns. 5. The Progressed Moon. Of the above, the most valuable seem to be the Sun's transits and the Progressed Ascendant. THE GENERAL OVERVIEW FOR TIMING 1. A cluster of planets around the ASC shows happenings during the first three months of the SOLAR RETURN. (ASC = 6 am, beginning of the day). 2. A cluster of planets around the MC brings events around the middle of the SOLAR year. (MC = Noon or middle of the day). 3. A cluster of planets around the DSC shows happenings in the latter half of the year. (DSC = 6 pm or evening of the day). 4. A cluster of planets around the IC shows happening in the last three months of the year. (Midnight or end of the day). FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 63 Transits of The Sun To The Solar Return 1. To find the place of the SUN transiting the SOLAR RETURN all you have to do is open the ephemeris, note its degree, sign, minute, and place it at the correct position in the SOLAR RETURN by degree, sign, and minute EXACTLY as you do with transits to the natal chart. I would advise that you stick with transits of the Sun only...the Sun symbolizes the SELF. That is why it has validity. It is the self moving around the different experiences and events of the SOLAR RETURN during the year. NOTE: The last month of the SOLAR RETURN may fizzle out as it were. That is the month before your birthday. It seems that the next year's SOLAR RETURN has already begun it's effects somewhat. 2. The CYCLICAL APPROACH to the Sun's transits: A. The Sun ticks off any planet, cusp, or other point in the Solar Return chart when it transits them. Therefore, it is valuable to use in timing events. B. When the Sun is conjunct any point it begins the action shown by the planet it conjoins, the house it is in, the sign, and any aspect connecting that planet or point in the chart. THE SUN CONJUNCT TO BEGINS THE ACTION. C. When the Sun squares that same point it is a time of ambition and struggle to achieve what is symbolized in the original conjunct. THE SUN SQUARE SHOWS A PERIOD OF ACTIVITY AND AMBITION OR STRUGGLE. D. When the Sun trines the original conjunct it is a time of ease but should be used to further your goals or things could fall apart at the opposition. THE SUN TRINE SHOULD BE USED TO CONSOLIDATE AND BETTER EVENTS. E. When the Sun is quincunx (inconjunct) the original conjunct, there are relationship problems and work related problems. THE SUN QUINCUNX IS A TIME OF TESTING WORK ABILITY AND RELATION POTENTIAL. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 64 F. When the Sun is opposite the original conjunct point, the matter will be discarded if it is not showing promise. If that happens you will start off again as though you were in the conjunct. It will either be a new venture related to the original conjunct, or a different affair altogether. In this care you will repeat the original actions shown in "b" thru "f" above. If the matter is working you will go on to the following returning aspects. THE SUN OPPOSITION EITHER ENDS AN ACTIVITY OR STARTS YOU ON THE RETURNING ASPECTS BELOW. G. The returning quincunx again tests you in relationships and work problems but on a more defined level. THE RETURNING QUINCUNX TESTS RELATIONSHIP ON A MORE DEFINED LEVEL. H. The returning trine usually begins to bring in definite results if you have done well. THE RETURNING TRINE BRINGS RESULTS. I. The returning square is a final struggle and ambition to firmly establish what you set out to achieve. THE RETURNING SQUARE, A FINAL TEST OF AMBITION AND STRUGGLE. J. The returning sextile involves fulfilling your hops and emotional or financial returns based on how well you have done. THE RETURNING SEXTILE, FINANCIAL AND EMOTIONAL HARVEST OR LOSS. K. The returning conjunct, completion of affairs or discarding them. THE RETURNING TO THE CONJUNCT, A LAST HURRAH AND DISCARDING OR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SOMETHING PERMANENT. If you insist on using transits of other planets they may not be as good for timing but use only Mercury, Venus and Mars. DO NOT USE THE OUTER PLANETS. There is one exception. If Mars or Jupiter become Retrograde after your birthday, their transits over their own positions in the Solar Return can release important events as shown by the planets involved with either Mars or Jupiter and the aspects they form. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 65 FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 66 3. MEANING OF THE SUN'S TRANSITS THROUGH THE HOUSES IN THE SOLAR RETURN a. THE SUN TRANSITING THE SOLAR FIRST HOUSE: Brings personal problems, attention to the matters shown by sign, planets, and aspects in the first house. Can effect your health. The Sun squaring or conjunct the Solar ASC sometimes indicates death, but this occurs twice in every SOLAR RETURN every year, so consider accordingly. The same is true when the Sun transits your Natal Chart, but if you're reading this, it hasn't happened yet, has it? How old did you say you were? And it's happened twice a year all of these years! b. THE SUN TRANSITING THE Brings financial worries; revenues and matters shown aspects of the SOLAR second c. THE SUN TRANSITING THE SOLAR THIRD HOUSE: Attention centers on relations nearby, applications, paper work, short travel and/or studies, as indicated by the sign, planets and aspects in the SOLAR third house. d. THE SUN TRANSITING THE SOLAR FOURTH HOUSE: Family matters take center stage; residence, real estate considerations, property, and/or parents, as shown by sign, planets, and aspects to the SOLAR fourth house. e. THE SUN TRANSITING THE SOLAR FIFTH HOUSE: Love and affections dominate as well as pleasure, children, and creativity as shown by the SOLAR fifth house. f. THE SUN TRANSITING THE SOLAR SIXTH HOUSE: Focus is on everyday work, and health as indicated by the SOLAR sixth house of the SOLAR RETURN. See Solar seventh for health matters. g. THE SUN TRANSITING THE SOLAR SEVENTH HOUSE: Social affairs, partnerships, and marriage is prominent. Causes a defensive reaction towards FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS SOLAR SECOND HOUSE: worries over income, by sign, planets and house. 67 matters of the SOLAR seventh house. NOTE: If the Sun opposes the ASC it can cause an illness. If the ASC of the SOLAR RETURN is in Leo or Aries OR if the Sun is in the sixth or twelfth, this opposition shows serious illness or pain. h. THE SUN TRANSITING THE SOLAR EIGHTH HOUSE: This brings low vitality and low optimism in matters as shown in the SOLAR eighth. i. THE SUN TRANSITING THE SOLAR NINTH HOUSE: Brings much intellectual activity, trips, matters involving law, etc. as shown in the SOLAR eighth. j. THE SUN TRANSITING THE SOLAR TENTH HOUSE: Puts you into action as though Mars were transiting the MC. Gives courage and energy; can bring an important business or professional happening as shown by the SOLAR tenth house. k. THE SUN TRANSITING THE SOLAR ELEVENTH HOUSE: Much activity for plans, long range intentions regarding what the whole SOLAR RETURN shows for the year and what the Natal eleventh shows; and what the SOLAR eleventh house shows. l. THE SUN TRANSITING THE SOLAR TWELFTH HOUSE: Brings a dull existence, low vitality, and increased worries over what Natal twelfth and SOLAR twelfth show. THE TIMING OF EVENTS BY THE PROGRESSED ASCENDANT 1. The ASC makes a complete circle of the SOLAR RETURN in one year. This is based on the concept that the SOLAR RETURN acts like a progressed chart, a day is a year. 2. To figure the movement of the ASC you add 59' 10.7" for each day. You add this figure to the ASC in the SOLAR RETURN. This is roughly a movement of one degree per day. This figure comes from dividing the 360 of the chart by 365 days to get 59' 10.7" movement per day. This will not be exact, but will work pretty good. ASC of long ascension stay longer in a the signs Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 68 Sagittarius. The number will be too large, and ASC of short ascension (Capricorn to Gemini) the daily movement will be too small. This will only effect you if you want a prediction to the hour which is ludicrous in most instances. 3. The movement of the progressed ASC around the SOLAR chart explains why illness can occur during the month before and after your birthday. The progressed ASC is in the SOLAR twelfth at that time, and will oppose the sixth house cusp some time during that month. If the sign and degree of the progressed ASC falls in the NATAL 1st, 6th, 8th, or 12th, you can predict poor health during that month for sure. You also have TRANSITING SUN quincunx Sun at that time. The quincunx is poor for health also. 4. Often the progressed SOLAR ASC crossing over the SOLAR MC or Moon brings the birth of a child if one is pregnant during the year. Of course, you have to be pregnant to begin with. 5. When the progressed SOLAR ASC contacts any point, or planet, it activates that house and all aspects to planets or points it contacts. 6. FIND THE DATE WHEN PROGRESSED ASC. a. AN EVENT WILL OCCUR USING THE Write down the degree, sign, and minute of the planet or point you are interested in. Example: Venus at 12 Pisces 12' b. Subtract the SOLAR ASC from that position: Example: 12 Pisces - 1 Leo 11 7 signs 12' 10' 2' Venus Solar ASC c. Find the day nearest 7 signs 11 2' in the chart. It is day 223 or 224 - day 223 is closer so I would pick that one. d. Add 223 days to your birth date and the event FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 69 will occur on that day. If the person were born on Jan. 1, you would add 223 days and come up with August 12 if it is not leap year. You would come up with Aug 13 if it is leap year. 7. FIND WHERE THE PROGRESSED ASC IS TODAY (OR ANY DAY AFTER YOUR BIRTHDAY). a. Count how many days it is since your birthday. Example, I am born on Jan 1 and it is Aug 12, not leap year, so 223 days have passed since my birthday. b. Find day number 223 in the Progressed ASC chart. It shows: Example: 7 signs + 10 55' c. 46.1" Add that to your SOLAR ASC. Example: 1 Leo 10' 46.1" SOLAR ARC +10 7 signs 55' 223 days movement 11 Pisces 65' 46.1" OR 12 Pisces 5' 46.l" TIMING EVENTS BY THE PROGRESSED MOON 1. You need two SUCCESSIVE SOLAR RETURNS calculations for this type of timing. 2. If you round off your calculations, the results will not be accurate to the degree over the whole year as you will see, but they can be used for timing events pretty well. 3. The movement of the progressed Moon during one year will be between 120 to 140. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS to do the 70 4. You will divide that movement into twelve parts for month, 52 for weeks, 365 for days and add successively to the position of the Moon in the current (earlier) SOLAR RETURN. Here is how you do that. CALCULATING THE PROGRESSED MOON BY MONTHS 1. Find the position of the Moon in the annual SOLAR RETURN, and the position of the Moon in the following/succeeding SOLAR RETURN. Subtract this year's position from next year's position: Position of this year's SOLAR RETURN = 28 Virgo 35' (1936 return) Position of next years SOLAR RETURN = (1937 return) 6 Aquarius 29' NOTE: THE SIGN ARIES is 0, Taurus is 30, Gemini is 60, etc. Convert signs to degrees and combine totals to get only degrees and minutes...then you can subtract the smaller from the larger figure. 28 Virgo 35', Virgo = 30 X 5 (signs) = 150, add 150 to the 28 of Virgo's placement in the 1936 return. This gives 28 + 150 = 178 35'. So we see that 28 Virgo 35' is the same as 178 35'. Do the 1937 return position. 6 Aquarius 29' + 30 x 10 (signs) = 300; 300 + 6 = 306, and 306 + 29' = 6 Aquarius 29'. Subtract the smaller figure from the larger figure you got in the calculations above: 305 89' 306 29' = 6 Aquarius FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 29' (1937 Solar position, Moon) 71 Moon) 178 35' = 28 Virgo 35' (1936 Solar position, 127 54' So the diurnal (daily) movement of the Moon for one year is 127 54'l. It will always be between 120 and 140 as stated earlier. 2. Find the number of degrees the Moon moves in ONE MONTH (diurnal motion) during the year. NOTE: It can also be found for any amount of time as a week, a day, etc. We will do it for a month as is customary. But here is what the math would look like for all the time periods above. For a month, you divide the annual movement above (127 54') by 12, for a week divide by 52, for a day divide by 365, as shown below. TIME DIVISION movement = Annual Movement/ time division = total MONTH (1/12th year) = 127 54' / 12 = total monthly movement per mo. WEEK (1/52nd year) movement per week. = 127 54' / 52 = total weekly DAY (1/365th year) movement per day. = 127 54' / 365= total daily Finding the number of degrees the month moves in a month. There are many ways to get the same answer. If you have trouble with math and have a calculator, you might try to convert the degrees to minutes, combine the answer with the minutes in your diurnal motion, and divide by 12, then convert back to degrees by dividing by 60. Here is how you would do it: Multiply the total degrees in the diurnal movement by 60 (minutes) to get the total minutes the degrees are equal to. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 72 The diurnal movement was 127 54' Multiply 127 x 60 = 7620 minutes Add the minutes of the diurnal movement 54' to 7620 = 7674 minutes total. Therefore 127 54' = 7674 Divide by 12 months, 7674'/12 = 639.33 or 639 minutes per month. Convert the 639' to degrees/minutes: Note: 60' = 1 639/60 (min) = 10 remainder 39' or 10 39' movement per month. 3. Add this 10 39' to the Moons position in the annual SOLAR RETURN in question. Do so 12 times for the twelve months, each time adding it to the last answer you got. There may be a 3' error at the end of the calculations, which is not bad. HOW TO INTERPRET THE PROGRESSED MOON IN THE SOLAR RETURN 1. THE PROGRESSED MOON IN THE SIGNS - Can be used for SOLAR Moon also. a. ARIES - a mobile capricious month, according to house/aspects. b. TAURUS - favorable, good for projects, overcoming psychological. c. GEMINI - Brings difficulties, trips, forecast a change in those house matters during the month most likely. d. CANCER - Imagination is active, good intellectual balance, advancement in work, luck in difficult things of the house during the month. e. LEO - Things of the house influences during the month. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS become powerful 73 f. VIRGO - Practical accomplishments in those house matters during the month; some danger of carelessness depending on planets, etc. g. LIBRA - Good social and intimate relations; affairs of the house may be compromised by poor emotional control. Danger is separation or disorder in house affairs; in partnerships; collaborations. h. SCORPIO - A troubled month relations cause strife. i. SAGITTARIUS Brings variety and activity, success, or trips because of those house affairs. j. CAPRICORN - Obstacles, sluggishness, little luck this month in those house affairs. k. AQUARIUS - Good for houses that are blessed in the SOLAR; poor for the house if it is unfortunate in the SOLAR. It's only a month. l. PISCES - Good for plans in those house matters for the month. Brings financial achievements, but they will prove unstable. 2. THE PROGRESSED MOON IN THE HOUSES a. FIRST HOUSE Benefic: Changes, feminine influences in that house for the month. Malefic: Instability of plans, watch your health this month. b. SECOND HOUSE Benefic: Good finances; increased earnings this month. Malefic: Poor for money matters; gains and losses this month. c. THIRD HOUSE Benefic: Short trips; happiness with relatives, FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS for house affairs; 74 Malefic: studies, etc. Troubled trips, problems from relatives this month. d. FOURTH HOUSE Benefic: Good family relations; satisfying change of residence, good for real estate, inheritance. Malefic: Obstacles in plans for change of residence, or a change caused by complications, poor time for parents. e. FIFTH HOUSE Benefic: Good to get pregnant in a fertile sign; new love; luck in speculation. Malefic: Instability in love; trouble with relationships. Difficult pregnancy this month, worries with children. f. SIXTH HOUSE Benefic: Delicate health; but only problems this month. Malefic: Health seriously effected. transitory g. SEVENTH HOUSE Benefic: Good time to marry or form partnerships. Good for contracts this month. Malefic: Instability in partnerships, marriage; delays in marriage, collaboration or partnerships; bad for trials. h. EIGHTH HOUSE Benefic: Spouse or partner in good financial condition. Will acquire wealth after bereavement this month if inheritance shown. Malefic: Poor vitality, for wife or for you if you are a female. Eventful time this month in eighth house matters. NINTH HOUSE Benefic: Good for trips, get more spiritual this i. FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 75 Malefic: month. Danger while traveling; erratic mind this month. confused, j. TENTH HOUSE Benefic: Development of career; change of occupation under good conditions; prosperity; popularity. Malefic: Disturbances at work; work is trying, poor time for popularity. k. ELEVENTH HOUSE Benefic: Many friends this month; social, friendly relations; female support. Malefic: Numerous, unstable friendly relations this month; promises broken; poor influence from females. l. TWELFTH HOUSE Benefic: Protection against psychological and material ordeal this month; good for spiritual matters. Malefic: Problems, complications through women; chronic health problems; time of psychological ordeal this month. MOVEMENT OF THE PROGRESSED ASC IN THE SOLAR RETURN DAY / No.Signs / Deg./ Min./ Sec. 1 0 59' 10.7" 2 1 58' 21.4" 3 2 57' 32.1" 4 3 56' 42.8" 5 4 55' 53.5" 6 5 54' 4.2" 7 6 54' 14.9" 8 7 53' 25.6" 9 8 52' 36.3" 10 9 51' 47.0" 11 10 50' 57.7" 12 11 50' 8.4" 13 12 49' 19.1" FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS DAY / No.Signs / Deg./ Min./ Sec. 38 1 sign + 7 28' 46.6" 39 1 sign + 8 27' 57.3" 40 1 sign + 9 27' 8.8" 41 1 sign + 10 26' 18.7" 42 1 sign + 11 25' 27.4" 43 1 sign + 12 24' 40.1" 44 1 sign + 13 23' 50.8" 45 1 sign + 14 23' 1.5" 46 1 sign + 15 22' 12.2" 47 1 sign + 16 21' 22.9" 48 1 sign + 17 20' 33.6" 49 1 sign + 18 19' 44.3" 50 1 sign + 19 18' 55.0" 76 14 13 48' 29.8" 51 1 sign + 20 18' 5.7" 15 14 47' 40.5" 52 1 sign + 21 17' 16.4" 16 15 46' 51.2" 53 1 sign + 22 16' 27.1" 17 16 46' 1.9" 54 1 sign + 23 15' 37.8" 18 17 45' 12.6" 55 1 sign + 24 14' 48.5" 19 18 44' 23.3" 56 1 sign + 25 13' 59.2" 20 19 43' 34.0" 57 1 sign + 26 13' 9.9" 21 20 42' 44.7" 58 1 sign + 27 12' 20.6" 22 21 41' 55.4" 59 1 sign + 28 11' 31.3" 23 22 41' 6.1" 60 1 sign + 29 10' 42.0" 24 23 40' 16.8" 61 2 signs + 0 9' 52.7" 25 24 39' 27.5" 62 2 signs + 1 9' 3.4" 26 25 38' 38.2" 63 2 signs + 2 8' 14.1" 27 26 37' 48.9" 64 2 signs + 3 7' 24.8" 28 27 36' 59.6" 65 2 signs + 4 6' 35.5" 29 28 36' 10.3" 66 2 signs + 5 5' 46.2" 30 29 35' 21.0" 67 2 signs + 6 4' 56.9" 31 1 sign + 0 34' 31.7" 68 2 signs + 7 4' 7.6" 32 1 sign + 1 33' 42.4" 69 2 signs + 8 3' 18.3" 33 1 sign + 2 32' 53.1" 70 2 signs + 9 2' 29.0" 34 1 sign + 3 32' 3.8" 71 2 signs + 10 1' 39.7" 35 1 sign + 4 31' 14.5" 72 2 signs + 11 0' 50.4" 36 1 sign + 5 30' 25.2" 73 2 signs + 12 0' 1.1" 37 1 sign + 6 29' 35.9" 74 2 signs + 13 59' 11.8" MOVEMENT OF THE PROGRESSED ASCENDANT DAY / No.Signs / Deg./ Min./ Sec. DAY / No.Signs / Deg./ Min./ Sec. 76 2 signs + 14 57' 33.2" 116 3 signs + 24 23' 41.2" 77 2 signs + 15 56' 43.9" 117 3 signs + 25 22' 51.9" 78 2 signs + 16 55' 54.6" 118 3 signs + 26 22' 2.6" 79 2 signs + 17 55' 5.3" 119 3 signs + 27 21' 13.3" 80 2 signs + 18 54' 16.0" 120 3 signs + 28 20' 24.0" 81 2 signs + 19 53' 26.7" 121 3 signs + 29 19' 34.4" 82 2 signs + 20 52' 37.4" 122 4 signs + 0 18' 45.4" 83 2 signs + 21 51' 48.1" 123 4 signs + 1 17' 56.1" 84 2 signs + 22 50' 58.8" 124 4 signs + 2 17' 6.8" 85 2 signs + 23 50' 9.5" 125 4 signs + 3 16' 17.5" FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 77 86 2 signs + 24 49' 20.2" 126 4 signs + 4 15' 28.2" 87 2 signs + 25 48' 30.9" 127 4 signs + 5 14' 38.9" 88 2 signs + 26 47' 41.6" 128 4 signs + 6 13' 49.6" 89 2 signs + 27 46' 52.3" 129 4 signs + 7 13' .3" 90 2 signs + 28 46' 3.0" 130 4 signs + 8 12' 11.0" 91 2 signs + 29 45' 13.7" 131 4 signs + 9 11' 21.7" 92 3 signs + 0 44' 24.4" 132 4 signs + 10 10' 32.4" 93 3 signs + 1 43' 56.5" 133 4 signs + 11 9' 43.1" 94 3 signs + 2 42' 45.8" 134 4 signs + 12 8' 53.8" 95 3 signs + 3 41' 56.5" 135 4 signs + 13 7' 4.5" 96 3 signs + 4 40' 7.2" 136 4 signs + 14 6' 15.2" 97 3 signs + 5 39' 17.9" 137 4 signs + 15 5' 25.9" 98 3 signs + 6 38' 28.6" 138 4 signs + 16 4' 36.6" 99 3 signs + 7 37' 39.3" 139 4 signs + 17 3' 47.3" 100 3 signs + 8 36' 50.0" 140 4 signs + 18 3' 58.0" 101 3 signs + 9 36' .7" 141 4 signs + 19 3' 8.7" 102 3 signs + 10 35' 11.4" 142 4 signs + 20 2' 19.4" 103 3 signs + 11 34' 22.1" 143 4 signs + 21 1' 30.1" 104 3 signs + 12 33' 32.8" 144 4 signs + 22 0' 40.8" 105 3 signs + 13 32' 43.5" 145 4 signs + 22 59' 51.5" 106 3 signs + 14 32' 54.2" 146 4 signs + 23 59' 2.2" 107 3 signs + 15 31' 4.9" 147 4 signs + 24 58' 12.9" 108 3 signs + 16 30' 15.6" 148 4 signs + 25 57' 23.6" 109 3 signs + 17 29' 26.3" 149 4 signs + 26 56' 34.3" 110 3 signs + 18 28' 37.0" 150 4 signs + 27 55' 45.0" 111 3 signs + 19 27' 47.7" 151 4 signs + 28 55' 55.7" 112 3 signs + 20 26' 58.4" 152 4 signs + 28 54' 6.4" 113 3 signs + 21 26' 9.1" 153 5 signs + 0 53' 17.1" 114 3 signs + 22 25' 19.8" 154 5 signs + 1 52' 27.8" 115 3 signs + 23 24' 30.5" 155 5 signs + 2 51' 38.5" MOVEMENT OF THE PROGRESSED ASCENDANT DAY / No.Signs / Deg./ Min./ Sec. DAY / No.Signs / Deg./ Min./ Sec. 156 5 signs + 3 50' 49.2" 196 6 signs + 13 17' 57.2" 157 5 signs + 4 49' 59.9" 197 6 signs + 14 17' 7.9" 158 5 signs + 5 49' 10.6" 198 6 signs + 15 16' 18.6" 159 5 signs + 6 48' 21.3" 199 6 signs + 16 15' 29.3" FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 78 160 5 signs + 7 47' 32.0" 200 6 signs + 17 14' 40.0" 161 5 signs + 8 46' 42.7" 201 6 signs + 18 13' 50.7" 162 5 signs + 9 45' 53.4" 202 6 signs + 19 13' 1.4" 163 5 signs + 10 45' 4.1" 203 6 signs + 20 12' 12.1" 164 5 signs + 11 44' 14.8" 204 6 signs + 21 11' 22.8" 165 5 signs + 12 43' 25.5" 205 6 signs + 22 10' 33.5" 166 5 signs + 13 42' 36.2" 206 6 signs + 23 9' 44.2" 167 5 signs + 14 41' 46.9" 207 6 signs + 24 8' 54.9" 168 5 signs + 15 40' 57.6" 208 6 signs + 25 8' 5.6" 169 5 signs + 16 40' 8.3" 209 6 signs + 26 7' 16.3" 170 5 signs + 17 39' 19.0" 210 6 signs + 27 6' 27.0" 171 5 signs + 18 38' 29.7" 211 6 signs + 28 5' 37.7" 172 5 signs + 19 37' 40.4" 212 6 signs + 29 4' 48.4" 173 5 signs + 20 36' 51.1" 213 7 signs + 0 3' 59.1" 174 5 signs + 21 36' 1.8" 214 7 signs + 1 3' 9.8" 175 5 signs + 22 35' 12.5" 215 7 signs + 2 2' 20.5" 176 5 signs + 23 34' 23.2" 216 7 signs + 3 1' 31.2" 177 5 signs + 24 33' 33.9" 217 7 signs + 4 0' 41.9" 178 5 signs + 25 32' 44.6" 218 7 signs + 5 59' 52.6" 179 5 signs + 26 31' 55.3" 219 7 signs + 6 59' 3.3" 180 5 signs + 27 31' 6.0" 220 7 signs + 7 58' 14.0" 181 5 signs + 28 30' 16.7" 221 7 signs + 8 57' 24.7" 182 5 signs + 29 29' 27.4" 222 7 signs + 9 56' 35.4" 183 6 signs + 0 28' 38.1" 223 7 signs + 10 55' 46.1" 184 6 signs + 1 27' 48.8" 224 7 signs + 11 54' 56.8" 185 6 signs + 2 26' 59.5" 225 7 signs + 12 54' 7.5" 186 6 signs + 3 26' 10.2" 226 7 signs + 13 53' 18.2" 187 6 signs + 4 25' 20.9" 227 7 signs + 14 52' 28.9" 188 6 signs + 5 24' 31.6" 228 7 signs + 15 51' 39.6" 189 6 signs + 6 23' 42.3" 229 7 signs + 16 50' 50.3" 190 6 signs + 7 22' 53.0" 230 7 signs + 17 50' 1.0" 191 6 signs + 8 22' 3.7" 231 7 signs + 18 49' 11.7" 192 6 signs + 9 21' 14.4" 232 7 signs + 19 48' 22.4" 193 6 signs + 10 20' 25.1" 233 7 signs + 20 47' 33.1" 194 6 signs + 11 19' 35.8" 234 7 signs + 21 46' 43.8" 195 6 signs + 12 18' 46.5" 235 7 signs + 22 45' 54.5" MOVEMENT OF THE PROGRESSED ASCENDANT FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 79 DAY / No.Signs / Deg./ Min./ Sec. DAY / No.Signs / Deg./ Min./ Sec. 236 7 signs + 23 45' 5.2" 276 9 signs + 3 12' 23.9" 237 7 signs + 24 44' 15.9" 277 9 signs + 4 11' 34.6" 238 7 signs + 25 43' 26.6" 278 9 signs + 5 10' 45.3" 239 7 signs + 26 42' 37.3" 279 9 signs + 6 10' 56.0" 240 7 signs + 27 41' 48.0" 280 9 signs + 7 9' 6.7" 241 7 signs + 28 40' 58.7" 281 9 signs + 8 8' 17.4" 242 7 signs + 29 40' 9.4" 282 9 signs + 9 7' 28.1" 243 8 signs + 0 39' 20.1" 283 9 signs + 10 6' 38.8" 244 8 signs + 1 38' 30.8" 284 9 signs + 11 5' 49.5" 245 8 signs + 2 37' 41.5" 285 9 signs + 12 5' .2" 246 8 signs + 3 36' 52.2" 286 9 signs + 13 4' 10.9" 247 8 signs + 4 36' 2.9" 287 9 signs + 14 3' 21.6" 248 8 signs + 5 35' 13.6" 288 9 signs + 15 2' 32.3" 249 8 signs + 6 34' 24.3" 289 9 signs + 16 1' 43.0" 250 8 signs + 7 33' 35.0" 290 9 signs + 17 0' 53.7" 251 8 signs + 8 32' 45.7" 291 9 signs + 18 0' 4.4" 252 8 signs + 9 31' 56.4" 292 9 signs + 18 59' 15.1" 253 8 signs + 10 31' 7.1" 293 9 signs + 19 58' 25.8" 254 8 signs + 11 30' 17.8" 294 9 signs + 20 57' 36.5" 255 8 signs + 12 29' 28.5" 295 9 signs + 21 56' 47.2" 256 8 signs + 13 28' 39.2" 296 9 signs + 22 55' 57.9" 257 8 signs + 14 27' 49.9" 297 9 signs + 23 55' 8.6" 258 8 signs + 15 27' .6" 298 9 signs + 24 54' 19.3" 259 8 signs + 16 26' 11.3" 299 9 signs + 25 53' 30.0" 260 8 signs + 17 25' 22.0" 300 9 signs + 26 52' 40.7" 261 8 signs + 18 24' 32.7" 301 9 signs + 27 51' 51.4" 262 8 signs + 19 23' 43.4" 302 9 signs + 28 51' 2.1" 263 8 signs + 20 22' 54.1" 303 9 signs + 29 50' 12.8" 264 8 signs + 21 22' 15.5" 304 10 signs + 0 49' 23.5" 265 8 signs + 22 21' 26.2" 305 10 signs + 1 48' 34.2" 266 8 signs + 23 20' 36.9" 306 10 signs + 2 47' 44.9" 267 8 signs + 24 19' 47.6" 307 10 signs + 3 46' 55.6" 268 8 signs + 25 18' 58.3" 308 10 signs + 4 46' 6.3" 269 8 signs + 26 18' 9.0" 309 10 signs + 5 45' 17.0" 270 8 signs + 27 17' 19.7" 310 10 signs + 6 44' 27.7" 271 8 signs + 28 16' 30.4" 311 10 signs + 7 43' 38.4" 272 8 signs + 29 15' 41.1" 312 10 signs + 8 42' 49.1" 273 9 signs + 0 14' 51.8" 313 10 signs + 9 41' 59.8" FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 80 274 9 signs + 1 14' 2.5" 314 10 signs + 10 41' 10.5" 275 9 signs + 2 13' 13.2" 315 10 signs + 11 40' 21.2" MOVEMENT OF THE PROGRESSED ASCENDANT DAY / No.Signs / Deg./ Min./ Sec. DAY / No.Signs / Deg./ Min./ Sec. 316 10 signs + 12 39' 31.9" 341 11 signs + 7 18' 59.4" 317 10 signs + 13 38' 42.6" 342 11 signs + 8 18' 10.1" 318 10 signs + 14 37' 53.3" 343 11 signs + 9 17' 20.8" 319 10 signs + 15 37' 4.0" 344 11 signs + 10 16' 31.5" 320 10 signs + 16 36' 14.7" 345 11 signs + 11 15' 42.2" 321 10 signs + 17 35' 25.4" 346 11 signs + 12 14' 52.9" 322 10 signs + 18 34' 36.1" 347 11 signs + 13 14' 3.6" 323 10 signs + 19 33' 46.8" 348 11 signs + 14 13' 14.3" 324 10 signs + 20 33' 57.5" 349 11 signs + 15 12' 25.0" 325 10 signs + 21 32' 8.2" 350 11 signs + 16 11' 35.7" 326 10 signs + 22 31' 18.9" 351 11 signs + 17 10' 46.4" 327 10 signs + 23 30' 29.6" 352 11 signs + 18 9' 57.1" 328 10 signs + 24 29' 40.3" 353 11 signs + 19 9' 7.8" 329 10 signs + 25 28' 51.0" 354 11 signs + 20 8' 18.5" 330 10 signs + 26 28' 1.7" 355 11 signs + 21 7' 29.2" 331 10 signs + 27 27' 12.4" 356 11 signs + 22 6' 39.9" 332 10 signs + 28 26' 23.1" 357 11 signs + 23 5' 50.6" 333 10 signs + 29 25' 33.8" 358 11 signs + 24 5' 1.3" 334 11 signs + 0 24' 44.5" 359 11 signs + 25 4' 12.0" 335 11 signs + 1 23' 55.2" 360 11 signs + 26 3' 22.7" 336 11 signs + 2 23' 5.9" 361 11 signs + 27 2' 33.4" 337 11 signs + 3 22' 16.6" 362 11 signs + 28 1' 44.1" 338 11 signs + 4 21' 27.3" 363 11 signs + 29 0' 54.8" 339 11 signs + 5 20' 38.0" 364 11 signs + 0 59' 5.3" 340 11 signs + 6 19' 48.7" 365 HAPPY SOLAR RETURN AGAIN! NOTE: There are only 364 days in the calculations because your birth date, the day the SOLAR RETURN is cast for, is not counted. The first day given in this chart is the first day after your birthday. Do not count your birth date when figuring how many days past it an occurrence will happen. The sign, degree, minute, for the are given in FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 81 your SOLAR RETURN. Example: From May 7th to May 15th is 8 days but that does not include May 7th. Do it on your fingers; May 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15...eight days. You subtract in the normal way, 15 - 7 = 8, but if you are using a calendar do not start counting on May 7th. You will be wrong by one day. Information formatted by Marianne E.Payton http://www.astrologicinsights.com FORECASTING SOLAR RETURNS 82
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