11801_CHE110 IP

March 22, 2018 | Author: SunnyArora | Category: Pollution, Resource, Biodiversity, Ecosystem, Conservation Biology



Lovely Professional University, PunjabCourse Code Course Title Course Planner Lectures CHE110 ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY 15277::Preeti Rawat Course Category Courses with conceptual focus Tutorials Practicals Credits 2.0 TextBooks Sr No Title Author Edition Year Publisher Name T-1 TEXT BOOK OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 2E D. DAVE AND S. S. KATEWA 2nd 2012 CENGAGE LEARNING Reference Books Sr No Title Author Edition Year Publisher Name R-1 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES: FROM CRISIS TO CURE R. RAJAGOPALAN 2nd 2011 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS R-2 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES BENNY JOSEPH 2nd 2009 TATA MCGRAW HILL R-3 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES R.J RANJIT DANIELS 1st 2009 WILEY R-4 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE G. TYLER MILLER JR. SCOTT SPOOLMAN 13th 2012 CENGAGE LEARNING Other Reading Sr No Journals articles as Compulsary reading (specific articles, complete reference) OR-1 http://www.rknec.edu/Academics/Environment%20Science_UGC_EVS_book.pdf , OR-2 http://www.ed.gov.nl.ca/edu/k12/curriculum/documents/science/highschool/ES3205_student_text_chapter_1.pdf , OR-3 http://fds.oup.com/www.oup.co.uk/pdf/he/geogcat10/geogcat10.pdf , Relevant Websites Sr No (Web address) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features RW-1 http://www.newagepublishers.com/samplechapter/000964.pdf basics of Environmental studies RW-2 http://www.newagepublishers.com/samplechapter/001426.pdf Multidisciplinary nature of environment RW-3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_resource Renewable resource RW-4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-renewable_resource Non-renewable resource RW-5 http://www.im4change.org/docs/chhat_chap1-11-40.pdf Natural resource RW-6 http://www.learner.org/courses/envsci/unit/pdfs/unit4.pdf Ecosystem RW-7 http://www.preservearticles.com/2012011320683/three-important-types-of-ecologicalpyramids.html ecological pyramids 0.0 0.0 2.0 wikipedia.yourownhealthandfitness.pdf.pt/divulgacao/cafe/World_biodiversity_hotspots.wikipedia.org/dallas/conservation/take-action/recycling.edu/~rdoyle/1720/ch25-ecosystems.kankyo.envirocomp.net/knowledge-hub/essay/essay-on-consumerism-andwaste-products.wikipedia.org/resources/NUCLEAR.in/2012/10/wasteland-reclamation.dmu.buzzle. http://en. Control measures for air pollution RW-16 http://en.cienciaviva.pdf Modes of conservation of Biodiversity RW-13 http://www.html Pollutants.cnrs.gov/organization/commissioner/pip/factsheets/bb/documents/bb-3.pdf Recycling.org/wiki/Water_pollution.pdf Sources.pdf.pdf Green house effect.org/books/chapters/1aap. sources of water pollution RW-17 http://des.org/wasj/wasj7%281%29/10.fr/inee/recherche/fichiers/Biodiversite_hotspots. different type of land pollutants . control measures of noise pollution RW-23 http://www.html consumerism and waste product RW-29 http://www.slideshare. effects of noise pollution. Depletion of ozone layer RW-15 http://www.org/wiki/Desert.sierraclub.metro.pdf Biodiversity hot spot RW-27 http://environmanagementbitkolkata. Smog. Acid rain.blogspot. their origin and effects RW-21 http://texas.html Nuclear Hazards (Effects & Control) RW-24 http://edugreen.studymode.org/wiki/Marine_pollution Marine and coastal pollution RW-19 http://en.jp/en/attachement/airpollution.res.htm environmental laws and regulations RW-25 http://www2.ch/veranstaltungen/ws0506/modul1/grundlagennw/m1_grundla Levels of Biodiversity gen_nw_biodiversitaet_4.tokyo.org/Documents/Hagler_Noise_pollution.ikaoe.teri.org/wiki/Water_pollution Waste water or Sewage treatment control measures of water pollution RW-20 http://www.unt.vlab.RW-8 http://www.creationconcepts.wikipedia. solid waste management RW-22 http://www.math.com/subjects/nuclear-hazards-page5.pdf Global Biodiversity Hot Spots RW-12 http://pdf. Biomagnification RW-18 http://en.nh.wikipedia.com/articles/causes-and-effects-of-land-pollution.unibe.in/explore/laws. http://www.pdf Eutrophication. Water pollutants.gov/pdf_docs/PNABW370.pdf Global warming.org/wiki/Estuary Importance of deserts & estuaries RW-10 http://www.html Waste land reclamation RW-28 http://www.dk/pub/fr741.net/reddevil04/rainwater-harvesting-and-watershedmanagement# rain water harvesting and watershed management Sr No (VL) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features VL-1 http://amrita.usaid.pdf Ecological Succession RW-9 http://en.pdf Level of biodiversity RW-26 http://www.publishyourarticles.in/?sub=3&brch=272&sim=1411&cnt=3060 nitrogen cycle Virtual Labs LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks) Weeks before MTE 7 . RW-11 http://www.co.pdf Primary and Secondary pollutants RW-14 http://idosi. overexploitation of forest deforestation causes. Forest resources. Forest resources. Student will learn about forest resources and their importance lecture delivery with discussion Giving examples of Cherrapunjii and ChipkoMovement Introduction and natural resources(forest resources) T-1:2 R-1:9 R-2:2 RW-3 RW-4 RW-5 Renewable and nonrenewable resources and their associated problems. Text/reference Relevant Websites. effect and control Giving an idea of renewable and nonrenewable resources. Planned RW-2 Introduction of course content and environment. multidisciplinary nature of environment. overexploitation of forest deforestation causes. need of public awareness and objectives of public awareness Making student lecture delivery aware about with environment and discussion its components and environmental problems. importance or uses of forests resources direct and indirect uses.Weeks After MTE 7 Spill Over 2 Detailed Plan For Lectures Week Lecture Number Number Broad Topic(Sub Topic) Week 1 Lecture 1 Introduction and natural resources(Multidisciplinary nature and public awareness) T-1:1 R-2:1 Lecture 2 Introduction and natural resources(renewable and nonrenewal resources and associated problems) Week 2 Lecture 3 Chapters/Sections of Other Readings. effect and control Giving an idea of renewable and nonrenewable resources. need of public awareness about environment and its related issues By giving example of awareness camp organized at Kanpur T-1:2 R-1:4 R-2: RW-3 RW-4 RW-5 Renewable and nonrenewable resources and their associated problems. sources of water. dams Benefits and problems Awareness about water as a resource and problems related to its scarcity and how to overcome this problem lecture delivery with discussion and using videos related to water problems Water woes in Junagarh . water calamities. software and Virtual Labs Lecture Description Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool Live Examples Demonstration/ Case Study / Images / animation / ppt etc. importance or uses of forests resources direct and indirect uses. books Audio Visual Aids. Student will learn about forest resources and their importance lecture delivery with discussion Giving examples of Cherrapunjii and ChipkoMovement Introduction and natural resources(water resources) T-1:2 R-1:7 R-2:2 RW-5 Water resources water cycle. soil Learn about the profile. soil land degradation erosion (cause effect and control methods) and desertification. environmental effect of over extraction of mineral resources. causes and effect of land degradation.Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Lecture 4 Introduction and natural resources(mineral resources) T-1:2 R-1:10 R-2:2 RW-1 RW-5 Types of minerals. world food problems. food web. ecological pyramids lecture delivery with discussion Ecosystems(energy flow) T-1:3 R-2:3 RW-8 VL-1 Flow of energy in ecosystem Learn how energy is Lecture delivery passes from one with some example tropical level to other related to daily life Lecture 7 Lecture 8 Wind energy Scenario in India . food web. factors causing food problems Making students aware about food resources and food related issues lecture delivery with discussion Story of punjab Lecture 5 Introduction and natural resources(energy resources) T-1:2 R-1:8 R-2:2 R-3:3 RW-4 Renewable and non renewable sources of energy. food chain. function of ecosystem Learn about the function of ecosystem lecture delivery with discussion Case of biomagnificatio n of DDT Ecosystems(producers. their discussion consumption and idea of energy crisis Lecture 6 Introduction and natural resources(land resources) T-1:2 R-1:10 R-2:2 land resource. Use of alternative energy sources. function of soil. composers and decomposers Learn about components of ecosystems lecture delivery with discussion Ecosystems(food chains. webs and ecological pyramids) T-1:3 R-1:2 R-2:3 RW-6 RW-7 Function of ecosystem. ecological pyramids Get aware of food chain. composers and decomposers) T-1:3 R-1:2 R-2:3 RW-6 RW-7 Components of ecosystems-producers. Making students aware about mineral resources lecture delivery with discussion Effect of mining in Udaipur Introduction and natural resources(food resources) T-1:2 R-1:10 R-2:2 RW-1 RW-5 Types of food resources. lecture delivery with discussion The effect of desertification in Northern Gujarat Introduction and natural resources(conservation of natural resources and human role) T-1:2 R-2:2 Role of an individual in Learn how natural conservation of natural resources can be resources conserved lecture delivery with discussion The effect of desertification in Northern Gujarat Ecosystems(Concept of ecosystem) T-1:3 R-1:2 R-2:3 RW-6 RW-7 Introduction and classification of ecosystem Learn about ecosystem lecture delivery with discussion Case of biomagnificatio n of DDT Ecosystems(structure and function) T-1:3 R-1:2 R-2:3 RW-6 RW-7 Structure of ecosystem. energy recovery Learn about various lecture delivery alternative energy with resources. Desert and aquatic ecosystem and their structure and function Learn about Aquatic Different and terrestrial ecosystems ecosystems discussed with the help of ppt and videos as tools Destruction of ecosystem by taking example of Yamuna river T-1:4 R-1:5 R-2:4 R-3:2 RW-10 RW-25 Introduction and value of biodiversity Student will learn about Biodiversity Biodiversity and conservation(genetic.types of ecological succession. discussion national. local levels Student will get Lecture delivery aware about with biodiversity at global.types of related to daily life forest ecosystem ecological succession and process of ecological succession Concept discussed with some example related to daily life Term Paper. Ecosystems(characteristics structures and functions of ecosystems such as forest) T-1:3 R-2:3 RW-8 Characteristics Learn functions of structures and functions forest ecosystem of forest ecosystems Lecture 10 Lecture 9 Week 6 Ecosystems(ecological succession) Make students aware Concept discussion Destruction of about ecological with some example Himalayan succession. species and ecosystem diversity Student will learn Lecture delivery about different types with of biodiversity discussion Biodiversity and conservation(value of biodiversity at global. Process of ecological succession. Desert and aquatic ecosystem and their structure and function Learn about Aquatic Different and terrestrial ecosystems ecosystems discussed with the help of ppt and videos as tools Destruction of ecosystem by taking example of Yamuna river Ecosystems(aquatic ecosystems) T-1:3 R-2:3 RW-9 Grassland. endangered. genetic. local levels) T-1:4 R-1:5 R-2:4 RW-10 Definition. value of biodiversity at global.Test1 Ecosystems(grassland) T-1:3 R-2:3 RW-9 Grassland. Advantages of biodiversity to developing countries Lecture delivery Endangered with black buck discussion and by showing videos . national. species and ecosystem diversity) T-1:4 R-1:5 R-2:4 R-3:2 RW-10 Definition. national. Desert and aquatic ecosystem and their structure and function Learn about Aquatic Discussion on and terrestrial different ecosystems ecosystems with the help of ppt and videos as tools Destruction of ecosystem by taking example of Yamuna river Ecosystems(desert) T-1:3 RW-9 Grassland.Week 4 Week 5 Lecture 8 T-1:3 R-2:3 RW-8 Ecological succession.. endemic and EDGE species Lecture 11 Biodiversity and conservation(definition) Lecture 12 Biodiversity and conservation(hot spots of biodiversity) Lecture delivery with discussion Genetic diversity of rice in India. local levels T-1:4 R-1:5 R-2:4 RW-11 RW-26 Hot spots of biodiversity Student will learn about hot spots of biodiversity. (Basic heading not explanation ) To make student Lecture delivery aware with about the types of discussion biogeographical region found in India and they will know about the value of biodiversity Case study of Rajasthan Biodiversity and conservation(In-situ and exsitu conservation of biodiversity) Lecture 14 Biodiversity and conservation(biogeographical classification of India) Biodiversity and conservation(India as a mega diversity nation) MID-TERM Week 8 Lecture 15 Environmental pollution (Definition. wildlife sanctuary and biosphere reserves and ex situ conservation gene bank.Week 6 Lecture 12 Biodiversity and conservation(endangered and endemic species of India) T-1:4 R-2:4 RW-11 Endangered.In situ conservation national parks. effect and control of air pollution Student will learn Lecture delivery about major air. botanical gardens. marine and thermal pollution. causes. effects and control of air pollution) T-1:5 R-1:11 R-2:5 R-4:15 RW-13 RW-15 Major air pollutant and their sources. effect and control of water. Student will learn Lecture delivery endangered. aquaria. with pollutant and discussion their sources. India a megadiversity nation. endemic and EDGE species. causes. effect and control of different types of pollution Lecture delivery with ppt ans discussion . endemic with and EDGE species discussion Endangered black buck Week 7 Lecture 13 Biodiversity and conservation(threats to biodiversity) T-1:4 R-2:4 RW-12 Threats to biodiversity Awareness of different methods of conservation of biodiversity Lecture delivery with discussion loss of biodiversity in Rajasthan T-1:4 R-1:6 R-2:4 RW-11 RW-12 Conservation of biodiversity . (Basic heading not explanation ) To make student Lecture delivery aware with about the types of discussion biogeographical region found in India and they will know about the value of biodiversity Case study of Rajasthan T-1:4 Biogeographical classification of India. India a megadiversity nation. causes. zoographical regions of India. tissue culture technique and DNA technology Making students aware about different methods of conservation of biodiversity Lecture delivery with discussion loss of biodiversity in Rajasthan T-1:4 Biogeographical classification of India. zoographical regions of India. effect and control of air pollution Lecture 16 Environmental pollution (water pollution) T-1:5 R-1:12 R-2:5 RW-16 RW-17 RW-18 RW-19 Causes. environmental impact of thermal power station Get information about causes. effect and Making students control of noise aware about noise pollution and Major and soil pollution types of Soil pollutant and their effect. cyclone and landslides Lecture delivery with discussion Earthquake in Bhuj T-1:5 R-1:13 R-2:5 Causes. effect with and control of nuclear discussion hazards pollution Radiation pollution by cellular phones T-1:5 R-1:13 R-2:5 RW-21 Causes. effect and control of water. environmental impact of thermal power station Get information about causes. Causes. human role in prevention of pollution) Week 10 Lecture 19 Environmental pollution (solid waste management) Lecture 20 Environmental pollution (disaster management) Environmental pollution (floods. management flood. management flood. effect and Making students control of noise aware about noise pollution and Major and soil pollution types of Soil pollutant and their effect. effect and control of water. marine and thermal pollution.effect and Making students management (Basic idea aware about disaster only) of earthquake. effect and control of different types of pollution Lecture delivery with ppt ans discussion Environmental pollution (thermal pollution) T-1:5 R-2:5 RW-16 RW-18 RW-19 Causes. Causes. effect and control of soil pollution Lecture delivery with discussion T-1:5 R-1:11 R-2:5 RW-20 Causes. effect and control measures of solid waste Making students aware about solid waste Lecture delivery with discussion The love canal Incident Lecture 17 Environmental pollution(soil pollution) Environmental pollution (noise pollution) Lecture 18 Environmental pollution (nuclear hazards. effect and control of Nuclear hazards pollution Student will learn Lecture delivery about causes.Week 8 Week 9 Lecture 16 Environmental pollution (marine pollution) T-1:5 R-1:12 R-2:5 RW-16 RW-18 RW-19 Causes. effect and control of soil pollution Lecture delivery with discussion Effect of noise pollution on migratory birds T-1:5 OR-1 RW-23 Causes. cyclone and landslides Lecture delivery with discussion Hurricane Katrina .effect and Making students management (Basic idea aware about disaster only) of earthquake. marine and thermal pollution. effect and control of different types of pollution Lecture delivery with ppt ans discussion T-1:5 R-1:12 R-2:5 RW-20 Causes. environmental impact of thermal power station Get information about causes. cyclone and landslides) Minamata story T-1:5 R-1:14 R-2:5 Causes. earthquake. Urban problems related to energy. green problems related to buildings.Week 11 Lecture 21 Social issues and environment I(Unsustainable to sustainable development) T-1:6 R-1:18 R-2:6 Measures for sustainable development. climate change) T-1:6 RW-15 Environmental ethics issues and possible solutions. Making students aware about nuclear accident and holocaust lecture delivery with discussion Week 12 Lecture 23 Social issues and environment I(acid rain) Learn about water conservation and watershed management Solar rickshaws to ferry tourists . watershed management and its benefits Lecture delivery with discussion Lecture 22 Social issues and environment I(resettlement and rehabitation) T-1:6 R-1:18 R-2:6 RW-15 Resettlement and Learn about lecture delivery rehabilitation of people resettlement and with discussion problems and concern. Get information lecture delivery Green house effect and about global warming with discussion global warming causes. watershed management and its benefits Learn about sustainable development and Urban problems related to energy. rehabilitation of people problems and concerns Social issues and environment I(ethics. effect Effect of global warming in polar beer T-1:6 R-1:19 R-2:6 RW-14 Causes and effects of acid rain Making students lecture delivery aware about acid rain with discussion Acid rain problem around the world Social issues and environment I(ozone layer depletion) T-1:6 R-1:19 R-2:6 RW-14 Causes and effects and control measure of ozone layer depletion Making students aware ozone layer depletion lecture delivery with discussion Social issues and environment I(nuclear accidents. energy Lecture delivery with discussion Social issues and environment I(water conservation and watershed management) T-1:6 R-2:6 RW-29 Water conservation inn homes. in irrigation. water conservation and watershed management Lecture delivery with discussion Social issues and environment I(urban problems related to energy) T-1:6 R-2:6 Urban problems related Learn about Urban to energy. techniques of rain water harvesting. holocaust) T-1:6 R-2:6 RW-14 RW-23 Causes and effects nuclear accident and holocaust. rain water harvesting. green buildings. techniques of rain water harvesting. problems of sustainable development. rain water harvesting. homes. in irrigation. Learn about lecture delivery Environmental ethics with discussion issues and possible solutions Jharia coal mine Social issues and environment I(global warming) T-1:6 R-1:19 R-2:6 RW-15 global climate change. 1980. 1986. wildlife protection act1972. forest conservation act. forest conservation act. 1980. 1980. forest conservation act. wildlife protection act1972.Test2 Week 13 Lecture 25 Social issues and environment II(Environment protection act) T-1:6 RW-24 Environment protection act.Week 12 Lecture 23 Social issues and environment I(waste land reclamation) Social issues and environment I(consumerism and waste products) T-1:6 RW-20 RW-27 Types of wasteland and Making students strategies for wasteland aware about reclamation wasteland reclamation consumerism and waste products lecture delivery with discussion T-1:6 RW-28 Consumerism and waste Making students products aware about consumerism and waste products lecture delivery with discussion Lecture 24 Term Paper. Issues involved in the enforcement of environmental legislation Learn about lecture delivery environmental with discussion legislation and issues involved in the enforcement of environmental legislation Social issues and environment II(wildlife protection act) T-1:6 RW-24 Environment protection act. wildlife protection act1972. 1986. 1986. Issues involved in the enforcement of environmental legislation Learn about lecture delivery environmental with discussion legislation and issues involved in the enforcement of environmental legislation Social issues and environment II (environmental issues in legislation) T-1:6 R-1:20 RW-24 Environment protection act. 1986. forest conservation act. 1980. wildlife protection act1972. Issues involved in the enforcement of environmental legislation Learn about lecture delivery environmental with discussion legislation and issues involved in the enforcement of environmental legislation . Issues involved in the enforcement of environmental legislation Learn about lecture delivery environmental with discussion legislation and issues involved in the enforcement of environmental legislation Social issues and environment II(forest conservation act) T-1:6 R-1:20 RW-24 Environment protection act. test. protection. symptoms.Test Frequency Out Of 2 2 Total :- Details of Academic Task(s) Each Marks Total Marks 10 20 10 20 lecture delivery with discussion Population explosion in Africa . population growth Environment and human health Week 14 Lecture 27 Social issues and environment II(HIV. women and child welfare) T-1:7 R-1:17 R-2:7 OR-1 HIV AIDS Causes or transmission. population growth Environment and human health Social issues and environment II(environment and human health) T-1:7 R-1:16 R-2:7 RW-1 Causes and effects of Get aware about lecture delivery population growth and causes and effects of with discussion family welfare program. women and child welfare and strategies for women and child welfare Get information lecture delivery about HIV AIDS and with discussion women education AIDS Epidemic in Africa T-1:7 R-2:7 OR-1 Information technology and environment. Information technology and human health Learn about role of Information technology in environment and human health Health information technology in the USA Lecture 28 Social issues and environment II(role of information technology in environment and human health) SPILL OVER Week 15 Lecture 29 Spill Over Lecture 30 Spill Over Scheme for CA: Component Term Paper.Week 13 Lecture 26 Social issues and environment II(population explosion and family welfare program) T-1:7 R-1:15 R-2:7 RW-1 Causes and effects of Get aware about lecture delivery population growth and causes and effects of with discussion family welfare program. Biodiversity. food resources. land pollution. water resources. Ecological footprint. Environment and human health Individual Test1 To check the ability of student to understand the concept taught in class. Water Harvesting. Content (15 marks) and presentation/viva (10 marks) 4 / 12 6 questions of 5 marks each 4/5 . producers composers and decomposers List of suggested topics for term paper[at least 15] (Student to spend about 15 hrs on any one specified term paper) Sr. Disaster management. Land Pollution. Plastic recycling. forest resources. structure and function. Solid waste management. Air pollution. population explosion. Ecosystem. Natural resources. E-Waste. Objective Topic of the Academic Task Nature of Academic Task (group/individuals/field work Term Paper1 To aware students about the environment and related problems and Improve ability of students to search literature and preparation of report. land resources. mineral resources. Management of e-waste. Alternate Sources of Energy Global warming. No. energy resources. Topic 1 Solid waste management 2 Water Cycle 3 Tsunami and its managment 4 Land Pollution 5 Disaster management 6 E-Waste 7 Water Harvesting Evaluation Mode Allottment / submission Week Synopsis (5 marks). Introduction and Natural Resources: Multidisciplinary nature and Individual public awareness.AT No. Water Purification. conservation of natural resources and human role. Tsunami. renewable and non-renewal resources and associated problems. Water Cycle. Acid Rain Organic Farming. Ecosystems: Concept. Water treatment. water pollution. Green Chemistry. 8 Acid Rain 9 Ozone layer depletion 10 Organic Farming 11 Water Purification 12 Alternate Sources of Energy 13 Global warming 14 Air pollution 15 water pollution 16 population explosion 17 Biodiversity .
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