April 2, 2018 | Author: venkiscribd444 | Category: Pressure Measurement, Calibration, Pressure, Quantity, Physics & Mathematics



Code No: 117EQ Set No.1 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV B. Tech. I Sem., I Mid-Term Examinations, September-2017 MECHANICAL MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION Objective Exam Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No. A Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 10. I. Choose the correct alternative: 1. The reliability of an instrument mean _______________ [ ] a) The life of the instrument b) The degree of repeatability within specified limits c) The time interval between two responses of the instrument d) None of these 2. Positive displacement flow meters are ______________flow meters. [ ] a) Variable area flow b) Differential pressure flow c) Quantity flow d) None of these 3. A strain gauge should have a high value of gauge factor __________________ [ ] a) To reduce hysteresis effects b) to give a linear relation between applied strains & resistance change c) To increase sensitivity d) To reduce or eliminate the effect of variation in ambient temperature 4. In a measuring system what is the term used to specify difference between higher and lower calibration values? [ ] a) Range b) Span c) Drift d) Threshold 5. Which of the following is not a characteristic of ideal transducer? ____________ [ ] a) High dynamic range b) Low linearity c) High repeatability d) Low noise 6. Which of following represent active transducer? ________________ [ ] a) Strain gauge b) Thermistor c) LVDT d) Thermocouple 7. Which of the following is detected using manometer devices? _______________ [ ] a) Pressure difference between manometric and measuring liquid b) pH difference between manometric and measuring liquid c) Density difference between manometric and measuring liquid d) None of the above 8. Which of the following is an analog transducer? ___________________ [ ] A)Strain gauge b) LVDT c) Thermister d) All the above 9. In a mechanical system, systematic error is produced by _________________ [ ] a) Frictional loading b) Inertial loading c) Backlash d) None of these 10. ________________________is measured by a piezometer tube. [ ] a) Dynamic pressure of a moving stream b) Undisturbed fluid pressure c) Gauge pressure in static mass of fluid d) Pressure difference between two fluids Cont…..2 Pressure error can be measured by ________________ device. _____________________device is used as a standard for calibrating pressure gauges 14. 17. Gauge factor is also termed as strain _____________ 15. the pressure recorded by the instrument called ____________________ -oOo- . When the unknown pressure is more than the atmospheric pressure. The smallest change in measured value to which the instrument will respond is called________________ 13. ____________gauge is used to calibrate other gauges. 1 II Fill in the Blanks 11. The resolution of a system refers to _________________________ 12. 20.Code No: 117EQ :2: Set No. A bourdon tube is a key component of _____________________ 18. A strain gauge is capable of measuring ___________________ 16. The primary purpose of using inclined U-Tube manometer is to improve ________________ 19. 2 . A strain gauge should have a high value of gauge factor __________________ [ ] a) To reduce hysteresis effects b) to give a linear relation between applied strains & resistance change c) To increase sensitivity d) To reduce or eliminate the effect of variation in ambient temperature Cont…. A Answer All Questions. Positive displacement flow meters are ______________flow meters. [ ] a) Dynamic pressure of a moving stream b) Undisturbed fluid pressure c) Gauge pressure in static mass of fluid d) Pressure difference between two fluids 8. The reliability of an instrument mean _______________ [ ] a) The life of the instrument b) The degree of repeatability within specified limits c) The time interval between two responses of the instrument d) None of these 9. [ ] a) Variable area flow b) Differential pressure flow c) Quantity flow d) None of these 10. Tech. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Which of the following is detected using manometer devices? _______________ [ ] a) Pressure difference between manometric and measuring liquid b) pH difference between manometric and measuring liquid c) Density difference between manometric and measuring liquid d) None of the above 5. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 10. I Mid-Term Examinations. Which of the following is an analog transducer? ___________________ [ ] A)Strain gauge b) LVDT c) Thermister d) All the above 6. 2 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV B. I Sem.. systematic error is produced by _________________ [ ] a) Frictional loading b) Inertial loading c) Backlash d) None of these 7.Code No: 117EQ Set No. Choose the correct alternative: 1. I. In a measuring system what is the term used to specify difference between higher and lower calibration values? [ ] a) Range b) Span c) Drift d) Threshold 2. In a mechanical system.. September-2017 MECHANICAL MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION Objective Exam Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No. Which of following represent active transducer? ________________ [ ] a) Strain gauge b) Thermistor c) LVDT d) Thermocouple 4. Which of the following is not a characteristic of ideal transducer? ____________ [ ] a) High dynamic range b) Low linearity c) High repeatability d) Low noise 3. ________________________is measured by a piezometer tube. ____________gauge is used to calibrate other gauges. A bourdon tube is a key component of _____________________ 15. Pressure error can be measured by ________________ device. _____________________device is used as a standard for calibrating pressure gauges -oOo- . 14. The smallest change in measured value to which the instrument will respond is called________________ 20. The primary purpose of using inclined U-Tube manometer is to improve ________________ 16. Gauge factor is also termed as strain _____________ 12. When the unknown pressure is more than the atmospheric pressure. The resolution of a system refers to _________________________ 19. 2 II Fill in the Blanks 11. 17. A strain gauge is capable of measuring ___________________ 13.Code No: 117EQ :2: Set No. the pressure recorded by the instrument called ____________________ 18. Which of the following is not a characteristic of ideal transducer? ____________ [ ] a) High dynamic range b) Low linearity c) High repeatability d) Low noise Cont…. The reliability of an instrument mean _______________ [ ] a) The life of the instrument b) The degree of repeatability within specified limits c) The time interval between two responses of the instrument d) None of these 7. 3 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV B. September-2017 MECHANICAL MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION Objective Exam Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No.Code No: 117EQ Set No.. Which of the following is detected using manometer devices? _______________ [ ] a) Pressure difference between manometric and measuring liquid b) pH difference between manometric and measuring liquid c) Density difference between manometric and measuring liquid d) None of the above 3.. Time: 20 Min. Tech. Which of the following is an analog transducer? ___________________ [ ] A)Strain gauge b) LVDT c) Thermister d) All the above 4. I Sem. [ ] a) Variable area flow b) Differential pressure flow c) Quantity flow d) None of these 8.2 . ________________________is measured by a piezometer tube. In a mechanical system. A Answer All Questions. I Mid-Term Examinations. I. Positive displacement flow meters are ______________flow meters. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Marks: 10. Choose the correct alternative: 1. systematic error is produced by _________________ [ ] a) Frictional loading b) Inertial loading c) Backlash d) None of these 5. In a measuring system what is the term used to specify difference between higher and lower calibration values? [ ] a) Range b) Span c) Drift d) Threshold 10. A strain gauge should have a high value of gauge factor __________________ [ ] a) To reduce hysteresis effects b) to give a linear relation between applied strains & resistance change c) To increase sensitivity d) To reduce or eliminate the effect of variation in ambient temperature 9. Which of following represent active transducer? ________________ [ ] a) Strain gauge b) Thermistor c) LVDT d) Thermocouple 2. [ ] a) Dynamic pressure of a moving stream b) Undisturbed fluid pressure c) Gauge pressure in static mass of fluid d) Pressure difference between two fluids 6. The primary purpose of using inclined U-Tube manometer is to improve ________________ 14.Code No: 117EQ :2: Set No. ____________gauge is used to calibrate other gauges. 12. The smallest change in measured value to which the instrument will respond is called________________ 18. A strain gauge is capable of measuring ___________________ -oOo- . The resolution of a system refers to _________________________ 17. the pressure recorded by the instrument called ____________________ 16. Gauge factor is also termed as strain _____________ 20. 3 II Fill in the Blanks 11. _____________________device is used as a standard for calibrating pressure gauges 19. A bourdon tube is a key component of _____________________ 13. When the unknown pressure is more than the atmospheric pressure. Pressure error can be measured by ________________ device. 15. In a mechanical system. Marks: 10. A strain gauge should have a high value of gauge factor __________________ [ ] a) To reduce hysteresis effects b) to give a linear relation between applied strains & resistance change c) To increase sensitivity d) To reduce or eliminate the effect of variation in ambient temperature 7. Which of the following is detected using manometer devices? _______________ [ ] a) Pressure difference between manometric and measuring liquid b) pH difference between manometric and measuring liquid c) Density difference between manometric and measuring liquid d) None of the above Cont…. Choose the correct alternative: 1. A Answer All Questions. Which of following represent active transducer? ________________ [ ] a) Strain gauge b) Thermistor c) LVDT d) Thermocouple 10. I Sem. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. 4 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD IV B. I Mid-Term Examinations. ________________________is measured by a piezometer tube..2 . Positive displacement flow meters are ______________flow meters. systematic error is produced by _________________ [ ] a) Frictional loading b) Inertial loading c) Backlash d) None of these 3. Tech. The reliability of an instrument mean _______________ [ ] a) The life of the instrument b) The degree of repeatability within specified limits c) The time interval between two responses of the instrument d) None of these 5. Time: 20 Min.Code No: 117EQ Set No. I. [ ] a) Variable area flow b) Differential pressure flow c) Quantity flow d) None of these 6. In a measuring system what is the term used to specify difference between higher and lower calibration values? [ ] a) Range b) Span c) Drift d) Threshold 8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of ideal transducer? ____________ [ ] a) High dynamic range b) Low linearity c) High repeatability d) Low noise 9.. [ ] a) Dynamic pressure of a moving stream b) Undisturbed fluid pressure c) Gauge pressure in static mass of fluid d) Pressure difference between two fluids 4. Which of the following is an analog transducer? ___________________ [ ] A)Strain gauge b) LVDT c) Thermister d) All the above 2. September-2017 MECHANICAL MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION Objective Exam Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No. Code No: 117EQ :2: Set No. 13. The smallest change in measured value to which the instrument will respond is called________________ 16. A strain gauge is capable of measuring ___________________ 19. Pressure error can be measured by ________________ device. A bourdon tube is a key component of _____________________ -oOo- . The primary purpose of using inclined U-Tube manometer is to improve ________________ 12. 20. When the unknown pressure is more than the atmospheric pressure. _____________________device is used as a standard for calibrating pressure gauges 17. Gauge factor is also termed as strain _____________ 18. the pressure recorded by the instrument called ____________________ 14. ____________gauge is used to calibrate other gauges. 4 II Fill in the Blanks 11. The resolution of a system refers to _________________________ 15.
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