115511 Shell Global Solution - Flawless Project Delivery Program



Replace withpresenters logo Shell Global Solution Flawless Project Delivery Program Wolfgang PROBST, Shell Global Solutions - Malaysia Replace with presenters logo Agenda 1.) Introduction of the Presenter 14.) Flawless Delivery Q-Assurance Tool 2.) What is Flawless – What are Flaws ? 15.) Conclusion 3.) Consequences – What can go wrong ? 16.) Where it went right 4.) Typical Flaws 17.) Sakhalin Energy – as an example 5.) When to do What - Front-End-Loading? 6.) Plant Performance – Typical vs. Flawless 7.) Implementation Sequence 8.) How to start – The 11 Q’s 9.) Flawlist Methodology 10.) Generic Flawless Delivery Road Map 11.)Elements of Q-Assurance Plan 12.)Q-Captains Action 13.) Generic Q-Captain Road Map © Transfield Worley Services 2009 2 – Kuala Lumpur Operations and Asset Management Consultant © Transfield Worley Services 2009 3 .Bhd.Replace with presenters logo Introduction of Presenter Introduction of the Presenter: Wolfgang PROBST Shell Global Solutions (Malaysia ) Snd. Replace with presenters logo What is Flawless ? – What are Flaws ? Identify Flaws ƒ All projects have “flaws” (Organisation. business. People. Assets) Assess Risk Develop Mitigation Barriers Recovery measures ƒ Most flaws present themselves in Start-Up Phase (on critical path) ƒ Many flaws are similar and repeats of other projects ƒ The effect of flaws results in • Culmination of delays • Increased risk for failures with high severity impact • loss of production. HSE. reputation © Transfield Worley Services 2009 4 . worth >30 million US$ © Transfield Worley Services 2009 5 .Replace with presenters logo Consequences – What can go wrong: Avoiding problems: ƒ Chemicals complex. prototype effluent water handling – repairs ($3 million). inadequate cleaning followed by wrong preservation – rework and production losses (delay) worth >$100 million Improving on performance: ƒ In addition: Structuring the work-processes: time-saving typically more than one month. start-up delays caused by instrumentation problems – production losses >>$60 million ƒ Refinery. production loss >$20 million and additional operating costs (> $2 million per month) ƒ Refinery. cleanliness problems – rework and production losses >$30 million ƒ Chemicals complex. components ƒ Poor or in-operability of systems. new equipment. gasket failures. trips etc ƒ Incidents with HSE consequences ƒ Non recognition of new technology. equipment…. ƒ Non functional systems. ƒ Blocked fine bores… filters. units ƒ Inexperienced organisation or inexperience on new unit/system/equipment © Transfield Worley Services 2009 6 . misaligned flanges. wrong or no gaskets. equipment systems. equipment. instrumentation.Replace with presenters logo Typical Flaws: ƒ Leaking flanges/valves. new components ƒ Non recognition of complex systems requiring significant organisational input etc ƒ Lack of sequenced testing of components. cross contamination of liquids. instrument tappings catalyst beds. burner tips.many alarms. © Transfield Worley Services 2009 7 . Front-End-Loading: Scout/BOD/BDP PSPS EPCDet Eng/Proc/Constr CSU Comm/SU 45% 10% 40% 5% ƒ More than 50% of flaws originate from the development phases.. ƒ Resolution clearly requires back integration of these flaws into early project phases….lessons learned. ƒ Clearly if these flaws remain until last project phases then significant delay and cost will be the result.Replace with presenters logo When to do What …. .Replace with presenters logo When to do What …. Front-End-Loading: 100% 100% Influence over cost Cost of changes OIP/FPD OIP/FPD focus focus needed needed in in the the project project phases phases with with highest highest influence influence and and impact impact Scouting BOD/BDP BDEP/PS EPC CSU Progress © Transfield Worley Services 2009 8 . Replace with presenters logo When to do What ….. Front-End-Loading: 5% costs 95% costs SCOUTING SCOUTING FRONT-END DEVELOPMENT BOD/BDP BDEP/PS Value Good definition VALUE REALISATION EPC CSU Good execution A Poor execution BB Good execution C Poor execution D Poor definition A Good project definition and execution B Good project definition and poor project execution C Poor project definition and good project execution D Poor project definition and poor project execution © Transfield Worley Services 2009 9 . first year(s) of operation © Transfield Worley Services 2009 10 . Flawless “Target date for production” Flawless Project Delivery and Operation Plant Performance Reputation HSE $$$ Typical Plant Performance Curve over time CSU .Replace with presenters logo Plant Performance – Typical vs. Introduce Flawless in owner org. Detailed Eng. Roll out Flawless in owner & FEED contr org. FED1 (Select) 2.Replace with presenters logo Implementation Sequence: Scouting (Identify / Assess) 1. Roll out Flawless in E&P Organisation Procurement (Execute) 5. (Execute) 4. Roll out Flawless in Construction Commissioning & SU (Operate) 7. Roll out Flawless in owner & FEED contr org. Roll out Flawless in Procurement Construction (Execute) 6. Execute Flawless in Commissioning & SU © Transfield Worley Services 2009 11 . FED 2/3 (Early Define .Define) 3. Replace with presenters logo How to start …… The 11 Q’s Data Info Comp. R&R KPI Structure Business Controls Tightness Asset Related Integrity Schedule. Project management Cleanliness Novelty Operability & Maint HSE in transition Complexity Testing Competency&Experience Coinciding Events Information & Data © Transfield Worley Services 2009 12 . Operability & Maint HSE in transition Novelty Complexity Testing Competency&Experience Coinciding Events Information & Data Reputation Increasing likelihood People Environment Consequences No injury or health effect No damage No effect 0 No impact 1 Slight injury or health effect Slight damage Slight effect Slight impact 2 Minor injury or health effect Minor damage Minor effect Minor impact 3 Major injury or health effect Moderate damage Moderate effect Moderate impact 4 PTD or up to 3 fatalities Major damage Major effect Major impact More than 3 fatalities Massive damage Massive effect Massive impact 5 Assets Establish project specific flaw database (based on SGSI Flaw register + own Lessons Learned). Project management *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Source R&R Business Controls # A B C D Never heard of in the Industry Heard of in the Industry Has happened in the Organisation or m ore than once per year in the Industry Has happened at the Location or m ore than once per year in the Organisation E Has happened more than once per year at the Location Prioritise using risk matrix Develop mitigating actions (Barriers & Recovery measures) © Transfield Worley Services 2009 13 .Replace with presenters logo Flawlist .Methodology? Identify Flaws Assess Risk Develop Mitigation Barriers Recovery measures Tightness Cleanliness Integrity Categorise flaws per Key Success Area and Project phase occurrence. Data ###### ###### ### ###### ###### ## ###### ###### ## ###### ## ###### ###### ###### ## ###### ###### ###### ###### ## ###### ###### ###### ###### ## ###### ###### Severity ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ############# ###### ############################ ###### ###### ########################## ###### ###### ################ ###### ###### ################### ###### ###### ################## ###### ############# ############# ###### ###### ###### ###### ############# ###### ################ ################### ################## ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ########################## ###### ###### ################ ###### ###### ################### ################## ###### ###### ###### ############# ############# ###### ###### ########################## ###### ###### ################ ###### ###### ################### ################## ###### ###### ###### ############# ############# ###### ###### ########################## ###### ###### ################ ###### ###### ################### ###### ###### ################## ###### ############# ############# Info Mitigation Status Comp. Project Phase Structure Risk Level KPI ###### ############# ###### ############# ########## ###### ############# ###### ############# ###### ############# ###### ############# ########## ###### ############# ###### ############# ########## ###### ############# ###### ############# ########## ###### ############# ###### Root Cause Asset Related ###### ###### ##### ###### #### ####### #### ####### ### ####### ### ######## ###### #### ####### #### ####### ###### #### ####### #### ####### ###### #### ####### #### ####### Potential Flaw Schedule. Lead indicators Apply Practices Worth replicating Organise Mitigation or Back-up Health checks. Systemisation). Measurement Tools. Track Implementation on measures taken Correct and Improve © Transfield Worley Services 2009 14 .Replace with presenters logo Generic Flawless Delivery Road Map: Key Performance Area’s KPI’s. Q-cases Identify risks & Flaws Best Practices (e. “Cook-book”.g. Agree Operations. Maintenance and CSU philosophy’s Set /Agree Performance Expectations Generic Flaws listing Novelty/Complexity workshops Mitigation Plans. KPI Strategy policy & objectives Organise Improve next project Correct Set standards Typical controls ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Organisational structure Clear R&R Competence.Replace with presenters logo Elements of the Q Assurance Plan: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Flawless Start-up policy Operations Implementation Planning Key success areas 11 Q’s Project objectives and targets Key Quality Area . Experience. Training Documentation and its control Task breakdown (procedures/work instructions) Job aids.. checklists.) Test and inspection criteria (for both performing the activity/task and acceptance/rejection of) Allowed rejection rates Rejection rate for up scaling of action Prepare Control Monitor preparations Execute plans Monitor execution Final review © Transfield Worley Services 2009 15 . critical tools and information QA/QC controls and measurement points Test protocols Test and inspection points (number of tests and inspections per item. sample size. Replace with presenters logo Q-captains action: Project KPIs Q Roadmap ƒ Top-Down: KPIs translated into QArea LIs with action plan to keep healthy ƒ Bottom-Up: Detailed flaws to be mitigated FPD FPDKPIs per Q-Area -area FPD FPDLIs per per Q-Area Q -area Actions for Q-captain Flaw database per Q-Area © Transfield Worley Services 2009 16 . Use synergy overlap with other Q's (e.g. current approach successful KPI No loss of production or safety hazard due to failure of instrumentation equipment to perform as required. Then what is the cause? Was it procured or does it need expediting. Due date Traffic light Status 08-Oct-07 Make plan to close items on risk register (verification process) C Go through KPI-Lead indicators. . including auxiliaries/support systems LI ‰ Coordinate/drive FPD Risk Register verification process ‰ Review ITP Witness/Hold + generic (pre)-com procedures to incorporate FPD requirements ‰ Prepare for using Observation Reports Hearts&Minds on Quality ‰ ‰ Train workforce on critical Quality Focus points Communication program/Rewards program Assuring FSI implementation in the field ‰ Weekly reporting on LI’s and Roadmap actions ‰ Further develop the Q-Tour check sheets + Start touring Project phases Lead Indicators Receipt of Materials Acceptance Criteria Traffic light Status potable water system Cl probe spares missing. Wartehouse needs report agianst this list. Pre-commissioning Commissioning Number of times functional test is not successful causing re-work. Equipment FAT's at vedor works Construction focus areas Number of E&I re-work performed (a. Preservation Action plan • Critical: immediate corrective action and / or management attention required. Focus using critical systems. This will give paper trail for close-out + metrics for LI's.Replace with presenters logo Generic Q-Captain Road Map: Q Roadmap Structure ‰ Develop Q-Roadmap + KPI/LI’s Pro-activeness FSI: Q-Instrumentation Integrity Cleanliness Overall Health • RED • AMBER • GREEN LI Q-captain Q-team Interfaces ## OPF-Com. twice a week for 2 hours) as well Ops and BETS person. Testing. caused by EX) when is the trend becoming worry again. ### Ops.g. Make plan to meet LI's..o. Add own LL.. Number of critical materials being available at RFC. Based on Risk register verification need develop checklist for Q-tour. Non-reuse of gaskets. Instrumentation can check cleanliness for instr in their Q-tours) . ops/maint. 20-Oct-07 Not started Checksheets first E Prepare for few Quality Focus points to be specifically explained to workforce (training) Not started Comment/Action review by FSI coordintaor/ SGSi Prioritise them according system need dates by ops. Q-action plan Sequence number A B Q-captain Action Develop Q roadmap (incl weekly reporting) Go through FSI risk register for this Q. BETS. Define how to measure LI's. Report weekly on LI via this sheet. Q-Tightness. Comm and constr to be completed (incl how are you going to measure it) D Further develop the Q-tour checksheets + start touring. 08-Oct-07 Start pre-com. • Requires dedicated attention / additional actions for success • Well in hand. Comment/Action List needs to be made of critical materials (incl PO nr) per sub-system. Includ in Q-tours (e. Qintegr.. Constr. Coordinate verification process. Use SGSi example checksheets. Not leaving anyhting behind in piping coca-cola bottle gloves © Transfield Worley Services 2009 17 . ioning A xxxxxxxxx pre-com. flawless . 20-Oct-07 Not started E Prepare for few Quality Focus points to be specifically explained to workforce (training) Q2 FSI: Q-Instrumentation Integrity Q-captain Q-team Interfaces ## OPF-Com. Define how to measure LI's. Start pre-com. Training. Training. G actions etc) A pre-com. 08-Oct-07 D Further develop the Q-tour checksheets + start touring. Handover flawless E Define Flawless requirements foretc) IC contracts (ITB) G actions Plan and roll-out to IC contractor regarding Review ofengagement ITP's to include flawless requirements and W&H D flawless H points F Define flawless Requiremetns into Procurement process Flawless implementation Pla n for Construction phase (Org/ structure post Det eng. Use SGSi example checksheets. Instrumentation can check cleanliness for instr in their Q-tours) . Make plan to meet LI's. Add own LL. Q-Tightness. C det eng. Use SGSi example checksheets. C det eng. date amber • Requir es dedic ated attention / additional • AMBER 2 . Coordinate verification process..g. Testing. current approach successful RED LI ## OPF-Com. constrution. Q-action plan Q-captain Action Develop Q roadmap (incl weekly reporting) Go through FSI risk register for this Q.. Commiss ioning A xxxxxxxxx pre-com. xxxxxxxxx E (inclDefine Flawless requirements for IC contracts (ITB) A pre-com.. caused by EX) when is the trend becoming worry again. Procurement. Plan and roll-out contractor engagement regarding H to IC points Develop Flaw register: D flawless Flaw list > add by Fbrain Define strom >flawless RAM > Requiremetns RCA > Mitigation into Procurement process Flawless implementation Plan for Construction phase C (Org/ structure post Det eng. xxxxxxxxx Construction Develop Flaw register: . Training. Preservation Comment/Action review by FSI coordintaor/ SGSi Prioritise them according system need dates by ops. including auxiliaries/support systems Lead Indicator Tracking LI Acceptance Criteria Project phases Lead Indicators Receipt of Materials Traffic light Status Number of critical materials being available at RFC. Constr. Add own LL. Testing. cur rent approach successful Lead Indicators Q Area xx in IC Contract FSI action requirements included • Cr itical: immediate corr ective and / or LI management attention requir ed. caused by EX) when is the trend becoming worry again..o. Handover flawless G actions etc) Review of ITP's to include flawless requirements and W&H H points KPI 1. Training. 08-Oct-07 D Further develop the Q-tour checksheets + start touring. Use synergy overlap with other Q's (e. ops/maint. XXX • AMBER 2 . Wartehouse needs report agianst this list. Com) xxxxxxxxx Plan and roll-out to IC contractor engagement regarding B Develop the QDAssurance plan. Coordinate verification process. XXX 2 . Then what is the cause? Was it procured or does it need expediting. flawless . Training. Com) xxxxxxxxx Plan and roll-out to IC contractor engagement regarding B Develop the QDAssurance plan. XXX xxxxxxxxx FSI requirements included in IC Contract by Explain xxxxxxxxx 2 . Add own LL. Preservation Interfaces Q Roadmap Action plan • AMBER • GREEN KPI No loss of production or safety hazard due to failure of instrumentation equipment to perform as required. Define how to measure LI's.. Includ in Q-tours (e. Qintegr. Q-Tightness. Non-reuse of gaskets. Handover flawless G actions etc) Review of ITP's to include flawless requirements and W&H H points FPD Q-Assurance Tool: Q-Area xx Q-Captain N ame Q-Team Phases FEED Gaps? • RED • AMBER • GREEN • Cr itical: immediate corr ective action and / or management attention requir ed. XXX • AMBER 2. Due date Traffic light Status 08-Oct-07 Make plan to close items on risk register (verification process) C Go through KPI-Lead indicators. G actions etc) A pre-com.Replace with presenters logo Flawless Delivery Q-Assurance Tool: Q1 Cleanliness Overall Health FSI: Q-Instrumentation Integrity Q-captain Q-team • • Critical: immediate corrective action and / or management attention required. xxxxxxxxx Construction Develop Flaw register: . Q Action plan (Roadmap) Construction FSI requirements included in IC Contract by Explain Action Due Traffic Status Comment xxxxxxxxx date amber da te light / Action xxxxxxxxx Detailed Engineering / Commiss Procurement Develop KPI/ LI's (incl det eng. Procurement. Wartehouse needs report agianst this list. including auxiliaries/support systems LI Project phases Lead Indicators Receipt of Materials Acceptance Criteria Traffic light Status Number of critical materials being available at RFC. cur rent approach successful LI plan xxxxxxxxx Phases Lead Indicators xxxxxxxxx Target Target by date Traffic Status light Comment / Action Construction FEED xxxxxxxxx FSI requirements included in IC Contract by Explain xxxxxxxxx d ate amber Commissioning Detailed Engineering / Procurement xxxxxxxxx Lead Indicators Target Traffic Status Comment xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx light / Action xxxxxxxxx Q Action plan (Roadmap) FEED Construction Action Due Traffic Status FSI requirements included in IC Contract by Explain xxxxxxxxx date light date amber xxxxxxxxx Detailed Engineering / Proc urement Develop KPI/ LI's (incl det eng. Training. XXX LI management attention r equir ed. current approac h s uc cess ful Q Area xx Q-Captain Name Q-Team LI Action plan FPD Q-Assurance KPITool: Q-Area xx Q-Captain N ame Q-Team Q-Captain Name Q-Team • Critical: immediate corrective ac tion and / or 2 . Not leaving anyhting behind in piping coca-cola bottle gloves Not started FSI Q Area Cleanliness Overall Health • RED LI • AMBER • GREEN Action plan • Critical: immediate corrective action and / or management attention required. Constr.. Focus using critical systems. . Training. Non-reuse of gaskets. Testing. Com) E Define Flawless requirements IC contracts Review offor ITP's to include(ITB) flawless requirements and W&H B Develop the Q Assurance plan. • Requires dedicated attention / additional actions for success • Well in hand. xxxxxxxxx Flawless requirements for IC contracts (ITB) A pre-com. Qintegr. Handover flawless E Define Flawless requirements for IC contracts (ITB) G actions etc) Plan and roll-out to IC contractor regarding Review ofengagement ITP's to include flawless requirements and W&H D flawless H points F Define flawless Requiremetns into Procurement process Flawless implementation Plan for Construction phase (Org/ structure post Det eng. Then what is the cause? Was it procured or does it need expediting. potable water system Cl probe spares missing. current approach successful HC2 Q Area xx • RED • AMBER • GREEN • Critical: immediate corr ective action and / or management attention r equir ed. • Requires dedicated attention / additional actions for success • Well in hand. Report weekly on LI via this sheet. twice a week for 2 hours) as well Ops and BETS person. . Wartehouse needs report agianst this list. Report weekly on LI via this sheet. • Requires dedicated attention / additional actions for success • Well in hand. Preservation Comment/Action review by FSI coordintaor/ SGSi Prioritise them according system need dates by ops. xxxxxxxxx Flaw list > add by brain strom > RAM > RCA > Mitigation Action Due Traffic Status Comment xxxxxxxxx da te light / Action Commissioning C Develop KPI/ LE I's (inclDefine det eng. Use synergy overlap with other Q's (e. Coordinate verification process. current approac h s uc cess ful LI plan xxxxxxxxx Phases Lead Indica tors Target Traffic Status Comment xxxxxxxxx light / Action Construction FEED xxxxxxxxx FSI requirements included in IC Contract by Explain xxxxxxxxx date amber Commissioning Detailed Engineering / Procurement xxxxxxxxx Lead Indica tors Target Traffic Status Comment xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx light / Action xxxxxxxxx . C det eng. Constr. Commis sioning A xxxxxxxxx pre-com. Due date Traffic light Status 08-Oct-07 Make plan to close items on risk register (verification process) C Go through KPI-Lead indicators. This will give paper trail for close-out + metrics for LI's. flawless . Equipment FAT's at vedor works Construction focus areas Number of E&I re-work performed (a. twice a week for 2 hours) as well Ops and BETS person. ops/maint. Focus using critical systems. XXX LI Phases FEED • RED • AMBER • GREEN Close Gaps • Coach • Provide solutions • Best Practices LI Action plan Q Area xx - • Cr itical: immediate corr ective action and / or management attention requir ed. Use synergy overlap with other Q's (e.o.g. Training. current approac h s uc cess ful Indic FPD Q-Assurance Tool: Q-Area xx Q Area xx - LI Action Phases • GREEN Lead Target Traffic Status Comment plan / Action light Q Area xx FEED KPI • Critical: immediate corr ecFSI tiv e action and / or requirements included in IC Contract by Explain • RED 1 . 08-Oct-07 D Further develop the Q-tour checksheets + start touring. Handover flawless Develop KPI/ LI's (incl constrution. Not leaving anyhting behind in piping coca-cola bottle gloves Not started Internal & External Health Checks HC1 Cleanliness Overall Health • RED LI Action plan • AMBER • GREEN • Critical: immediate corrective action and / or management attention required. constrution. Comment/Action potable water system Cl probe spares missing. Procurement. Pre-commissioning Commissioning Number of times functional test is not successful causing re-work. Define how to measure LI's. Then what is the cause? Was it procured or does it need expediting. Handover flawless Develop KPI/ LI's (incl constrution. • Requir es dedic ated attention / additional ac tions for s uccess • Wellaintors hand. Q Action plan (Roadmap) Flaw list > add by brain strom > RAM > RCA > Mitigation xxxxxxxxx Action Due Traffic Status Comment xxxxxxxxx date light / Action C Commissioning Develop KPI/ LI's det eng. XXX 2. twice a week for 2 hours) as well Ops and BETS person.Weekly FSI Health check report Based on Risk register verification need develop checklist for Q-tour. current approac h s uc cess ful LI • GREEN plan xxxxxxxxx Phases Lead Indicators Target Traffic Status Comment xxxxxxxxx light KPI / Action Construction FEED 1 . cur rent approach successful FPD Q-Assurance Tool: Q-Area xx KPI Q Area xx - 1 . Q Action plan (Roadmap) Develop Flaw register: F Define flawless Requiremetns into Procurement process Action Due Traffic Status Comment Flaw list > add by brain stromimplementation > RAM > RCA P >lan Mitigation Flawless for Construction phase date light / Action (Org/ structure post Det eng. Q-action plan Q-captain Q-team R G O G O O R G O R G R R G Weekly FPD Status Report Pre-commissioning Sequence number A B Lead Action Q CaptainQ Captain (B2B)Indicator Plan FSI Coordinator Tightness Cleanliness Integrity – Process Integrity – Static Integrity – Rotating Integrity –Instruments Integrity . XXX LI FPD Q-Assurance Tool: Q-Area xx KPI • RED 1 . BETS. Q-Tightness. Com) E Define Flawless requirements Review offor ITPIC 's contracts to include(ITB) flawless requirements and W&H B Develop the Q Assurance plan.g. XXX ac tions forDetailed s uccess Action Engineering / Procurement • GREEN • Well in hand.. ### Ops. XXX Comment / Action Explain amber Traffic Status light LI Phases . This will give paper trail for close-out + metrics for LI's. 20-Oct-07 Not started E Prepare for few Quality Focus points to be specifically explained to workforce (training) Q5 FSI: Q-Instrumentation Integrity Interfaces Comments RED: Blocker xxx to be removed by management RED: Blocker xxx to be removed by management RED: Blocker xxx to be removed by management RED: Blocker xxx to be removed by management RED: Blocker xxx to be removed by management RED: Blocker xxx to be removed by management ## OPF-Com. Training. xxxxxxxxx Q Action plan (Roadmap) Flaw list > add by brain strom > RAM > RCA > Mitigation Action Due Traffic Status Comment xxxxxxxxx date light / Action Commissioning C Develop KPI/ LI's det eng. caused by EX) Roadmap Actions + Tracking Pre-commissioning Commissioning Number of times functional test is not successful causing re-work. including auxiliaries/support systems Sequence number A B G G R G G G O O G R G G G G . Commissioning Number of times functional test is not successful causing re-work. ops/maint.g. Instrumentation can check cleanliness for instr in their Q-tours) . constrution. XXX • RED LI management attention required. xxxxxxxxx E (inclDefine Flawless requirements for IC contracts (ITB) A pre-com. Handover flawless E Define Flawless requirements for IC contracts (ITB) G actions etc) Plan and roll-out to IC contractor regarding Review ofengagement ITP's to include flawless requirements and W&H D flawless H points F Define flawless Requiremetns into Procurement process Flawless implementation Plan for Construction phase (Org/ structure post Det eng. Handover flawless Develop KPI/ LI's (incl constrution. Q Action plan (Roadmap) Develop Flaw register: F Define flawless Requiremetns into Procurement process Action Due Traffic Status Comment Flaw list > add by brain stromimplementation > RAM > RCA P >la Mitigation Flawless n for Construction phase da te light / Action (Org/ structure post Det eng. Comment/Action List needs to be made of critical materials (incl PO nr) per sub-system. Focus using critical systems. Com) xxxxxxxxx B xxxxxxxxx Develop the Q Assurance plan. XXX 1. Procurement. Procurement. Equipment FAT's at vedor works Construction focus areas Number of E&I re-work performed (a. Not leaving anyhting behind in piping coca-cola bottle gloves 1 . Q Action plan (Roadmap) FEED Construction FSI requirements included in IC Contract by Explain Action Due Traffic Status Comment xxxxxxxxx date amber date light / Action xxxxxxxxx Detailed Engineering / Proc urement Develop KPI/ LI's (incl det eng. Instrumentation can check cleanliness for instr in their Q-tours) . Equipment FAT's at vedor works Construction focus areas when is the trend becoming worry again. XXX 2. XXX Q-Captain Name Q-Team KPI • RED 1. Comm and constr to be completed (incl how are you going to measure it) Not started Checksheets first Based on Risk register verification need develop checklist for Q-tour. Q-action plan Q-Captain Assurance tool Sequence number A B Q-captain Action Develop Q roadmap (incl weekly reporting) Go through FSI risk register for this Q. current approach successful LI Action plan FPD Q-AssurancKPI e Tool: Q-Area xx LI Q-Captain N ame Q-Team Acceptance Criteria Traffic light Status Number of critical materials being available at RFC. c ur rent approach succ es sful Phases • GREEN Lead Indicators Target Traffic Status Comment pla n / Action light Q Area xx FEED • Critical: immediate corr ecFSI tive action and / or requirements included in IC Contract by Explain LI management attention r equir ed. ### Ops.o. Make plan to meet LI's. Com) xxxxxxxxx B xxxxxxxxx Develop the Q Assurance plan. Use SGSi example checksheets. xxxxxxxxx Construction Develop Flaw register: Q Action plan (Roadmap) . XXX LI FPD Q-Assurance Tool: Q-Area xx Q Area xx • RED • AMBER • Critical: immediate corr ec tiv e action and / or management attention r equir ed. • Requires dedicated attention / additional actions for success LI Action plan • Well in hand. BETS. XXX 2 . List needs to be made of critical materials (incl PO nr) per sub-system. Includ in Q-tours (e. Plan and roll-out contractor engagement regarding H to IC points Develop Flaw register: D flawless Flaw list > add byFbrainDefine strom >flawless RAM >Requiremetns RCA > Mitigation into Procurement process Flawless implementation Plan for Construction phase C (Org/ structure post Det eng. current approach successful KPI No loss of production or safety hazard due to failure of instrumentation equipment to perform as required. Com) E Define Flawless requirements for IC contracts (ITB) Review of ITP's to include flawless requirements and W&H B Develop the Q Assurance plan.. • AMBER • Requires dedicated attention / additional LI ac tions for s uc cess Action • Well in hand. Handover flawless G actions etc) Review of ITP's to include flawless requirements and W&H H points FPD Q-Assurance Tool: Q-Area xx Project phases Lead Indicators Receipt of Materials HC3 FPD Q-Assurance Tool: Q-Area xx Q-Captain N ame Q-Team KPI No loss of production or safety hazard due to failure of instrumentation equipment to perform as required. 20-Oct-07 Not started E Prepare for few Quality Focus points to be specifically explained to workforce (training) Comment/Action review by FSI coordintaor/ SGSi Prioritise them according system need dates by ops. Includ in Q-tours (e. XXX Q-Captain Name Q-Team KPI 1 . Com) xxxxxxxxx Plan and roll-out to IC contractor engagement regarding B Develop the QDAssurance plan.. amber date • Requires dedic ated attention / additional actions forDetailed success Action Engineering / Proc urement • W ell in hand. Non-reuse of gaskets. ### Ops. Procurement. Plan and roll-out contractor engagement regarding H to IC points Develop Flaw register: D flawless Flaw list > add byFbrain Define strom >flawless RAM >Requiremetns RCA > Mitigation into Procurement process Flawless implementation Pla n for Construction phase C (Org/ structure post Det eng. Com) xxxxxxxxx B xxxxxxxxx Develop the Q Assurance plan. Q-captain Action Develop Q roadmap (incl weekly reporting) Go through FSI risk register for this Q. XXX date amber Commissioning LI Detailed Engineering / Procurement xxxxxxxxx Phases Lead Indicators Target Traffic Status Comment xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx light / Action xxxxxxxxx . Procurement. Procurement. G actions etc) A pre-com. Q Action plan (Roadmap) Develop Flaw register: F Define flawless Requiremetns into Procurement process Action Due Status Comment Flaw list > add by brain stromimplementation > RAM > RCA Plan >Traffic Mitigation Flawless for Construction phase date light / Action (Org/ structure post Det eng. constrution. • Requir es dedicated attention / additional actions for success • Well in hand. Make plan to meet LI's.Electrical HSE Novelties & Complexities Testing Experience Coinciding Events Preservation Operability/Maintainability Q-Captain N ame Q-Team • RED • AMBER • GREEN • Critical: immediate corr ec tive action and / or management attention r equir ed. Number of E&I re-work performed (a. Comm and constr to be completed (incl how are you going to measure it) Checksheets first SEIC OPF . constrution. Report weekly on LI via this sheet. Qintegr. Start pre-com. Start pre-com. Comm and constr to be completed (incl how are you going to measure it) Checksheets first Based on Risk register verification need develop checklist for Q-tour. Procurement. Due date Traffic light Status 08-Oct-07 Make plan to close items on risk register (verification process) C Go through KPI-Lead indicators. BETS. • Requires dedic ated attention / additional actions for success • W ell in hand. List needs to be made of critical materials (incl PO nr) per sub-system. This will give paper trail for close-out + metrics for LI's. constrution.g.g. • Requires dedicated attention / additional actions for success Detailed Engineering / Proc urement Ac tion • GREEN • Well in hand. • Requires dedicated attention / additional actions for success • Well in hand. Comment/Action potable water system Cl probe spares missing. Comment / Action © Transfield Worley Services 2009 18 . © Transfield Worley Services 2009 19 . backward integration into the project phases ƒ Clearly a structured process is needed to assist in identifying and mitigating against these flaws.e. In many cases these will be significant ƒ Delays = lost revenue = not recoverable for project economics ƒ The best method of identifying these flaws is from past projects and lessons learned i.Replace with presenters logo Conclusion: Q Roadmap ƒ Each project phase can produce flaws ƒ If these flaws are not identified within the project phase in which they occur then they get passed onto the next project phase….they may or may not be captured in the next phase ƒ If flaws remain until the CSU project phase then schedule delays and additional rectification costs will be incurred. Moerdijk (Netherlands) and Singapore ƒ Shell Chemicals. Nanhai project (China) – new petrochemical complex ƒ Malampaya – Shell project. Gas processing facilities ƒ Sakhalin Energy Russia( OPF. all petrochemicals © Transfield Worley Services 2009 20 . Saudi Kayan (Jubail). Pipelines. Styrene Monomer and Propylene Oxide manufacturing. refinery expansion (Hydrocracker. Australia. All offshore Installations ) ƒ LNG projects (Oman. Gasification. BS2. LNG. Canada – extension of the Refinery to process ƒ PDO (Oman). onshore gas plant ƒ Athabasca Oil Sands. Harweel and Qarn Alam. Ar Razi (Jubail). Philippines.Replace with presenters logo Results – Where it went right: ƒ PER+. Nigeria. Power plant) ƒ Shell Chemicals. Shell Pernis. Russia) ƒ Sabic (Saudi Arabia): United (Jubail). Yansab(Yanbu). ) Management Commitment 3.) Competent Assessment 2.) Sponsors Funding 4.Replace with presenters logo Sakhalin Energy – As an Example Why has it been such a success: 1.) Superiors Support © Transfield Worley Services 2009 21 . Commissioning Manager ) + Wolfgang Probst ( Dty Site Manager ) Execution: SEIC OPF Commissioning Team + Commissioning Management Assessment: Peter van Brussel / Marco Houterman – Shell Global Solutions Malaysia © Transfield Worley Services 2009 22 .Replace with presenters logo Sakhalin Energy – As an Example SEIC OPF “Flawless” Team: Superiors: Wim Stel / David DeJong ( Site Manager ) Sponsors: Karl Johnson ( Dty. Replace with presenters logo The End: © Transfield Worley Services 2009 23 .
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