FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCYFEMA 155 / September 1988 Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards: Supporting Documentation rn3 o'T 01- rn' 0 03 P. 0 / N 03 CL ............. 0 a 0 CD _______ __ _ _ ................ _ _ W~AWsW.'W _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ W----------- ~ C K 'Ir Vw L~aafiwm EARTHQUAKE HAZARDS REDUCTION SERIES 42 Issued in Furtherance of the Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction. NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE HAZARDS REDUCTION PROGRAM ATC - 21-1 RAPID VISUAL SCREENING OF BUILDINGS FOR POTENTIAL SEISMIC HAZARDS: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION LTC AP-PLIED TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL 3 Twin Dolphin Drive Redwood City, California 94065 Funded by FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Washington, DC April 1988 ATC-21 PROJECT PARTICIPANTS PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Christopher Rojahn CO-PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Chris D. Poland SUBCONTRACTOR Charles Scawthorn, Consultant to Dames & Moore Board consists of representatives appointed by the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Structural Engineers Association of California, the Western States Council of Structural Engineers Associations, and two at-large representatives concerned with the practice of structural engineering. Each director serves a three-year term. Project management and administration are carried out by a full-time Executive Director and support staff. ATC calls TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION CONSULTANT Joann T. Dennett PROJECT ENGINEERING PANEL Christopher Arnold Maurice R. Harlan Fred Herman William T. Holmes H. S. Lew upon a wide range of highly qualified professionals as consultants on specific projects, thus incorporating the experience of many individuals from academia, research and professional practice who would not be available from any single organization. 1987-88 Boardof Directors Philip J. Richter, President Lawrence D. Reaveley, Vice President Bruce C. Olsen Lawrence D. Reaveley Claire B. Rubin Sigmund A. Freeman, Secretary-Treasurer Robert K. Burkett Barry J. Goodno T. Robert Kealey Howard Simpson Ted Winstead Domenic A. Zigant APPLIED TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL The Applied Technology Council (ATC) is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation established in 1971 through the efforts of the Structural L. W. Lu Gerard C. Pardoen Robert F. Preece Arthur E. Ross J. John Walsh Loring A. Wyllie, Jr. ATC DISCLAIMER Although the information presented in this report is believed to be correct, ATC and the sponsoring agency assume no responsibility for its accuracy or for the opinions expressed Engineers Association of California. The purpose of ATC is to assist the design practitioner in structural engineering (and related design speciality fields such as soils, wind, and earthquake) in the task of keeping abreast of and effectively utilizing technological developments. To this end, ATC also identifies and encourages herein. The material presented in this publication should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without competent examination and verification of its accuracy, needed research and develops consensus opinions on structural engineering issues in a non-proprietary format. ATC thereby fulfills a unique role in funded information transfer. The Applied Technology Council is guided by a twelve-member Board of Directors. The suitability, and applicability by qualified professionals. Users of information from this publication assume all liability arising from such use. ii and the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI). The resultant publications (descriptive reports.FEMA FOREWORD The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is pleased to have sponsored the preparation of this publication on rapid visual screening of seismically hazardous buildings. handbooks. but also with public policy issues and societal dislocations. and other characteristics. even An identification of consensus-backed and nationally applicable techniques for the seismic-strengthening of existing buildings of different characteristics and a methodology to estimate their costs. visual screening of buildings potentially hazardous in an earthquake (ATC-21 and ATC21-1 reports). The publication is one of a series that FEMA is sponsoring to encourage local decision makers. the Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC). more so in concept and scope than the set related to new buildings. They are prepared under the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program. with supporting documentation. Publications in this series examine both engineering and architectural aspects as well as societal impacts of such an undertaking. In preparation are: • A handbook (and supporting documentation) on consensus-backed and nationally applicable methodologies to evaluate in detail the seismic risk posed by existing buildings of different characteristics (ATC-22 and ATC-22-1 reports). and supporting documentation) will provide guidance primarily to local elected and appointed officials and design professions on how to deal not only with engineering problems. * A handbook (and supporting documentation) on how to conduct a rapid. the design professions. The Plan included 23 priority items with a cost of about $40M and is being used as a "road map" by FEMA to chart activities and interpret. FEMA's program to mitigate the hazards posed by existing buildings was started in 1984 after resources appeared adequate to ensure the completion of a set of practical materials on the seismic safety of new buildings. and e A handbook on how to set priorities for the seismic retrofitting of existing buildings-a truly interdisciplinary examination of the complex public policysocietal impacts of retrofitting activities at the local level. Completed in the spring of 1988 were: * The first collection of costs incurred in seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings of different occupancies. construction. based on a sample of about 600 projects. and expand projects in this area. regroup. o cohesive. These activities will result in a coherent. carefully selected and planned reinforcing set of documents enjoying a broad consensus and designed for national applicability. It is a truly interdisciplinary set of documents. The first project undertaken was the preparation of a Plan of Action and companion Workshop Proceedings by a joint venture consisting of Applied Technology Council (ATC). and other interested groups to undertake a program of mitigating the risks that would be posed by existing hazardous buildings in case of an earthquake. iii . and * A report on the state-of-the-art of heavy urban rescue and victim extrication (ATC21-2 report). or additional copies. or recommendations expressed in the publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA gratefully acknowledges the expertise and efforts of Dr. D. neither FEMA nor any of its employees make any warranty. The report was prepared under Contract A set of nationally applicable and consensus-approved guidelines for the seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings based on acceptable performance and other overarching criteria for strengthening buildings. Additionally recommended actions are: Cost benefit analyses to determine the costs and benefits resulting from rehabilitating selected types of buildings with selected occupancies in a number of cities in different seismic zones. the Project disseminated in selected localities cooperating in the effort. to be modeled after and grafted onto the existing BSSC project of information dissemination on new buildings. Reflected in the guidelines will also EMW-86-C-2359 between the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Applied Technology Council. Charles Scawthorn.W. nor assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy. e learned from recent For further information regarding this document.In competitive procurement is: An identification of existing and realistically achievable financial incentives in the public and private sectors derived with the assistance of a user group and * Information dissemination for existing hazardous buildings. Output will provide findings and recommendations in both strictly economic terms and also in societal and public-policy-related terms. be the latest research results and technical lessons earthquakes. S. his staff and consultants. o Engineering Panel. Additionally. Technical Advisory Committee. They will build on all the engineering and societal information developed or being developed by the ongoing projects relating to existing buildings. conclusions. or process included in this publication. the principal author.C. 500 "C" Street.. expressed or implied. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS With respect to this publication. product. 20472 Complementary materials to encourage the use of the recommended guidelines similar to those developed for new buildings. Earthquake Programs. or usefulness of any information. FEMA NOTICE Any opinions. completeness. and on the information developed in the other handbooks and supporting engineering reports described earlier. and the Applied Technology Council management and staff. iv . contact the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Washington. findings. Laurie Friedman. and Tom Sabol of Englekirk & Hart. Inc. Guy J. Christopher Rojahn ATC Executive Director V . William Sommers. Harlan. Terry Hughes. Members of the Project Engineering Panel who ATC also gratefully acknowledges the participation of the following individuals: Ugo Morelli. Yee. ATC evaluated existing procedures and identified a recommended rapid screening procedure. Parmelee. were: John L. in case of a damaging earthquake. S. Dames & Moore. He was assisted by Thalia Anagnos of San Jose State University. for checking scores presented in Appendix B. Joann T. for his valuable assistance. Delbert Ward and Dot Y. San Francisco. Members of the Technical Advisory Committee. Fred Herman. Maurice R. and (3) a technical discussion of the recommended rapid visual screening procedure. Jephcott. William T. served as Principal Author. Olsen. Lew. Charles Scawthorn. Patricia A. formerly with Dames & Moore and currently with EQE. Lawrence D. Mike Mehrain and Ronald T. FEMA Project Officer. a consulting firm with experience in the seismic evaluation of existing buildings. Aho. Porush. Brent Ballif. Eguchi of Dames & Moore for their review comments. Poland (Co- identify those buildings that might pose potentially serious risk of loss of life and injury. served as the project subcontractor. Nordenson. Manning. Reaveley. who reviewed the handbook from the user perspective near the close of the project. (2) a listing of attributes considered ideal for a rapid visual screening procedure. Donald K. Principal Investigator). Richard A. Allan R. Don Campi. Also included as appendices are sample data entry forms for existing procedures and other supporting information. San Francisco. Earl Schwartz.PREFACE In April 1987 the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) awarded the Applied Technology Council (ATC) a 1-year contract to develop a handbook on rapid visual screening of seismically hazardous buildings. California. and cooperation. Howard Simpson.. Gates. As the initial step in the development of this handbook. H. Claire B. Ted Winstead. Richard V. Sandra Rush of RDD Consultants and Michele Todd of ATC for preparing the final manuscript. P. Bettinger. Included in this report are the results of this initial effort: (1) a review and evaluation of existing procedures. Bruce C. or of severe curtailment of community services. Bill R. William E. Holmes. The affiliations of these individuals are provided in Appendix D. Bolton. Zigant. Chris D. Rubin. The intent of the handbook is to provide a standard rapid visual screening procedure to provided overall review and guidance for the project were: Christopher Arnold. Dennett served as Technical Communication Consultant. and Domenic A. Christopher Rojahn (Principal Investigator). support. (iv) a rational. (v) ability to hazard. to permit treatment of the inherent uncertainties in attempting to identify building types and characteristics. including a field photo and sketch of the building. Vi . Although some rapid visual studies have been performed. 1985) Map Areas 1 to 7. and (viii) A literature review of existing procedures for rapid visual screening of buildings for potential seismic hazards showed that few rapid screening methods exist in the literature. is contained in the companion ATC-21 Report. 1985).SUMMARY This is the second of a two-volume publication on a methodology for rapid visual screening of buildings for potential seismic analytically based framework for this quantitative procedure (in which weights or factors are not arbitrary). (vi) recognition and incorporation of probabilistic concepts. A satisfactory rapid visual screening procedure would include the following attributes: (i) explicit definition of the expected ground motion (i. including information to aid the field surveyor in identifying structural framing systems. the field by use of a standard clipboard form. be used nationwide and to account for local variations in building practice. It is based on a Basic Structural Hazard score.. (ii) consideration of all major building Engineering Panel and other engineers nationwide for important seismic performancerelated factors such as age. Information to aid the field surveyor in identifying the appropriate building type and assigning a Basic Structural Hazard score and modifiers. (vii) incorporation of such factors as building age and condition. not just one or two. but engineering practitioners appear to rely on extensive experience and judgment rather than any formal procedure. an engineer conducting a "walk-through" survey of a building. The procedure can be implemented in types. and site conditions. (iii) a procedure whereby the degree of seismic hazard is quantitatively determined. mainly in California to identify unreinforced masonry (URM). whereby the quantitative results relate to physical quantities and have a physical interpretation. 1988). Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards: A Handbook (ATC. thus permitting priorities to be set with regard to mitigation planning and detailed investigations of the most potentially hazardous buildings. Values of the Basic Structural Hazard score for 12 building types are determined for the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) (BSSC. these are not well documented in the literature. with major damage defined as 60% or greater of the building's replacement value. This report presents a recommended procedure incorporating these attributes. the "earthquake loading"). (ATC. loading levels. A detailed description of the recommended procedure for identifying potentially hazardous buildings.e. and that none has widespread application. poor condition. Modifiers on this score are also presented. which equals the negative logarithm of the probability of major damage. and soft story. 1988). A survey of practice indicated that present earthquake structural engineering practice may often involve background reference material illustrating building types. various structural hazards and related information. are provided in the associated handbook. based on the collective opinion of the Project The literature search and a review of surveys conducted by communities indicated that a satisfactory rapid visual screening procedure does not presently exist. using data from ATC-13 (ATC. GLOSSARY AF ABAG ATC BF Assessor Files Association of Bay Area Governments Applied Technology Council Braced frame BSSC BW CF Building Seismic Safety Council Bearing wall Concrete frame CSW CSWF EERC Concrete shear wall Combined shear wall, moment resisting frame Earthquake Engineering Research Center EQ FEMA GNDT HOG LB LM MH NI MSW N/A ND-RC Earthquake Federal Emergency Management Agency Gruppo Nazionale per la Difesa dai Terremoti House over garage Long Beach Light metal Mobile home Modified Mercalli intensity Masonry shear wall Not applicable Non-ductile reinforced concrete NEHRP NISEE NSF PEP P/F RC National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering National Science Foundation Project Engineering Panel Pass/fail Reinforced concrete RM RSP S Sbn SMRF SF SW TU UBC URM Reinforced masonry Rapid visual screening procedure Structural Score Sanborn maps Steel moment resisting frame Steel frame Shear wall Tilt-up construction Uniform Building Code Unreinforced masonry W WF Wood building, any type Wood frame vii TABLE OF CONTENTS FEMA Foreword Preface iii V Summary Glossary 1. INTRODUCTION vi vii 1 2. ATIRIBUTES OF AN IDEAL RAPID VISUAL SCREENING PROCEDURE 5 9 3. 4. SUMMARY OF EXISTING RAPID SCREENING PROCEDURES EVALUATION OF EXISTING RAPID SCREENING PROCEDURES 19 41 5. RECOMMENDED RAPID VISUAL SCREENING PROCEDURE CITED REFERENCES OTHER REFERENCES REVIEWED DURING RSP EVALUATION APPENDIX A APPENDIX B SAMPLE DATA SHEETS DETERMINATION OF STRUCTURAL HAZARD SCORE AND MODIFIERS APPENDIX C APPENDIX D APPENDIX E CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF A CUT-OFF SCORE ATC-21 PROJECT PARTICIPANTS ATC PROJECT AND REPORT INFORMATION 47 49 53 103 125 127 131 viii 1 INTRODUCTION This report, sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), reviews the literature and existing procedures on general structural system-related information may be available to the inspector via building department or tax assessor files. (Note, however, that experience has shown the latter often to be unreliable with regard to structure information.) In effect, the inspector would note the dimensions of the building, its occupancy, structural materials and systems, condition, and other information. This information would be entered onto a form (on a clipboard or electronically), and employed in algorithms to determine a seismic hazard ranking for that building. The RSP would be the first step of a two or more step process, in which ideally the RSP would permit (i) identification of those buildings rapid visual screening in order to determine a recommended procedure as a first step toward the development of a handbook on the rapid visual screening of buildings for potential seismic hazards. The intent of the Handbook, which will be referred to as the ATC-21 Handbook (ATC, 1988), is to provide the target audience with a standard rapid visual screening procedure to identify those buildings that might pose potentially serious risk of loss and life and injury, or of severe curtailment of community services, in case of a damaging earthquake. A rapid visual screening procedure (Rapid Screening Procedure, abbreviated RSP) is a methodology that, with associated background information, would permit an individual to visually inspect a building and, by obtaining selected data, to arrive at a decision as to which buildings should be further studied by an experienced professional engineer who would conduct a more in-depth review of the seismic capacity using structural drawings, design calculations, and perhaps inspecting the that require additional, more detailed investigation by qualified engineers, and (ii) prioritization of the buildings to be further investigated, so that technical and other resources could be most effectively utilized. structure itself. The RSP inspection and decision-making process typically would occur on the spot, with perhaps two to four "average" buildings being reviewed per person-hour (i.e., 15 to 30 person-minutes per building). The personnel doing the rapid screening would It should be emphasized that any RSP is by definition a very approximate procedure, which will almost certainly fail to identify some potentially seismically hazardous buildings. The goal is to broadly identify most of the potentially seismically hazardous buildings, at a relatively modest expenditure of time and effort, and to eliminate most of the relatively adequate buildings from further review. Lastly, an RSP is a methodology intended for rapidly evaluating typically not be experts in earthquake performance of buildings, but rather building inspectors, technicians or junior engineers. Visual inspection would be a "sidewalk survey" done from the street, without benefit of entry to the building and without access to the structural drawings or most other supplementary information. In some cases, general structural the hundreds or thousands of buildings in a community. It is definitely not intended for the full determination of the seismic safety of individual buildings. The target audience for the ATC-21 Handbook includes: * local building officials * professional engineers ATC-21-1 Introduction I Therefore. It is recognized. However. only those methods that explicitly have a rapid visual screening element have been reviewed herein. (Prominent engineering firms have performed rapid screenings of hundreds of buildings. and costs of implementation • impacts and implications of regional variations in construction practices and seismic loading levels Following this first section. Although some of these methods contain an initial rapid visual screening element. and no attempt has been made to review the much larger literature of seismic evaluation of existing buildings.e. accessed via Dialog). For each method the following is provided: There exists an extensive body of literature on methods of seismic analysis and/or review of existing buildings. involving computations of seismic demand and capacity.o registered architects * building owners * emergency managers * interested citizens Any or all of these people might be involved by the ATC-21 Project Engineering Panel. however. including suitability of scope and format. and information and references in the author's files.. reviews. most do not. and critiques those RSP's currently or previously used to evaluate seismically hazardous buildings. the Engineering Index. that building inspectors are the most likely group to implement an RSP. * a description and discussion of technical advantages and disadvantages. in efforts to identify a community's seismically hazardous buildings and mitigate the hazard.) Technical literature was identified by electronic data retrieval (i. citations furnished * Configuration * Site and Non-structural * Personnel Chapter5: Recommended procedure for rapid visual hazards screening of buildings for potential seismic 2 Introduction ATC-21-1 . the remainder of this report consists of the following chapters: Chapter 2: Definition of an ideal rapid visual * suitability for use by each segment of the target audience * the general level of uncertainty inherent in its use Three main sources for identifying existing procedures were used: * the technical literature screening procedure. most of these methods are simplified or more or less detailed engineering analysis procedures. review of the National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering (NISEE) holdings at the Earthquake Engineering Research Center in Richmond. California. often with the benefit of the structural plans or similar detailed privy information. against which existing methods are judged Chapter 3: Chapter4: Summary of each of the RSP's identified Presentation of the evaluation criteria used in this project and a * discussions with jurisdictions and communities that have performed or attempted a survey of their seismically hazardous buildings * practicing professional engineers who are detailed evaluation reviewed herein: of the following aspects of the RSPs * Organizational • Structural called upon to provide opinions as to the seismic hazard of a building or other structures. and this group is considered the primary target audience. This report identifies. Lastly. an explanation of the detennination of the Basic Structural Hazard scores and modifiers. and a list of the ATC-21 project participants. the criteria for selection of a cut-off Structural Score. the appendices include typical data sheets employed in several of the surveys reviewed. A TC-21 -I Introduction 3 . a set of criteria is required against which present RSP's can be judged. No single. based on the assumption that these are the most hazardous buildings in the community. related to older tilt-up or non-ductile concrete buildings. previous studies and other sources should be collated and taken into the field in a usable format. supplemental information from building department and assessor's files. In this chapter. Their development should be clear so that new data can be incorporated as they become available and so that the scores can be modified for local building conditions. For example. and include uncertainty when possible. all building groups should receive at least an initial limitedsample test screening in a portion of the community. possible. to verify assumptions of which building type is the most hazardous. for reasons of economy. these data should be in a form so that information can be easily attached to each survey form as it is completed (e. these scoring systems are arbitrary and provide relative hazard assessments rather than an estimate of actual hazard based on physical parameters. However. Rather it should be capable of identifying hazardous buildings of all construction types. The situation of. many rapid visual surveys have been limited to identifying unreinforced masonry (URM) structures. should be avoided. If these assumptions are verified. or the house-over-garage building group. A quantitative scheme also has the advantage of assuring a more uniform interpretation of the weights of "structural penalties" by survey personnel. for verification as well as to aid field personnel. for example. Nonarbitrary Ranking System: Although several of the studies reviewed do include quantitative approaches. Although URM hazards have thus been identified.g. These ideal attributes have been determined based on a review of rapid visual screening procedures. Should the need arise. have gone uncounted. currently available RSP satisfactorily incorporates all of the attributes indicated below. Applicability to All Building Types: A rapid visual screening procedure for identifying seismically hazardous buildings should provide an initial assessment of the seismic hazard of individual buildings and therefore it should not be limited to one type of building structure.2 ATTRIBUTES OF AN IDEAL RAPID VISUAL SCREENING PROCEDURE In order to evaluate existing RSP's. other (sometimes greater) hazards. as well as the general identifying all unreinforced masonry buildings and having no idea of the seismic hazards in the non-ductile reinforced concrete building group. The scores should be rationally based. an RSP could be applied to only one structural category. as presented in the following sections. should be nonarbitrary to avoid misleading results. Ideally. A quantitative ranking system. a peel-off label or a computer- ATC-21-1 A Attributes of an Ideal Rapid Visual Screening Procedure 5 . which is useful for ranking structures for hazard abatement. insurance (Sanborn) maps. for example. but also provides a ranking system that may be used to set priorities within the "failed" category.. Supplemental Information: As much as experience of the project participants in conducting numerous field surveys and analyses of existing buildings. the attributes of such an "ideal rapid visual screening procedure" are presented.. then selected building groups/areas may be targeted. Quantitative Assessment: Assessment of the hazard should be quantitative as it not only permits pass/fail decisions. in San Francisco. it is possible that a re-screening could occur at a later time. rot. in most of these it is in the form of Modified Mercalli Intensity or Uniform Building well as "inferences. with part identifying the building and containing pre-field data. (A photo is data intensive. wood-frame buildings were required to be bolted to their foundations only since 1948. the RSP is limited in its application Systematic and Clear Criteria: It is essential that an RSP. The data collection form should provide space for sketches. Otherwise it is unclear what "earthquake" loading the structures are being judged against and. Specific details of year in the development of seismic codes for that building type. These benchmark years differ by jurisdiction. when it masks the true age of the structure. A common example is the "addition" of loading doors by sawcutting of walls in tilt-up buildings. therefore.) led to improvements in the structure). and comments and should systematically guide personnel through the data recording procedure.or post. renovation should be noted. Earthquake Definition: An important attribute is that the earthquake loading against which the capacity of the building is being judged be defined explicitly. and should be required to be noted. Structures will have different damage potential in regions with different seismicity. and bad mortar. to assist personnel in making decisions when information is uncertain." or rules. 6 Attributes of an Ideal Rapid Visual Screening Procedure ATC-21-1 . it is likely that it is unbolted. such as cracks. Where relevant. further. Although it is anticipated that survey personnel will have some interest in the elements of earthquake behavior of buildings and be capable of making subjective decisions when necessary. age can be estimated. as it forces the survey personnel to look for problems such as cracks. they should be provided with extensive written guidelines to avoid differing interpretations of the criteria for identifying hazardous buildings. photos. and non-structural aspects should be in a checklist format to avoid omissions. For example. Both should be an integral part of the field data recording. Age can indicate whether a building is pre. because it indicates increased investment (which may have structural type and configuration. and/or negative. site conditions. but usually are locally known or can be determined.generated form. Additionally. usually within a decade or two. and part to be filled out in the field). on the basis of architectural style. The complex questions of what earthquake loading a building should withstand and what the "acceptable risk" should be often require iterative solutions. Documentation should include many sketches as to the region for which it was developed. requiring a sketch forces the surveyor to observe the building in a systematic fashion. thus a clear definition of the seismic demand should be included. Additionally. Thus sufficient building-specific data should be recorded to permit adjustments should the input earthquake data be modified. Often unavailable. renovation may have resulted in the removal and/or alteration of important structural members and thus may affect seismic performance. be based on well-documented criteria and that "judgment" decisions be minimized. whereas a sketch emphasizes selected features. Age: Age should be explicitly recorded.a specific "benchmark" Code zone. Condition: State of repair is an important factor in seismic performance. Data Collection: Organization of the data is an important part of an RSP. because they are complementary. which actually removes seismic resistance. and the decisions deriving therefrom. In addition. that may not be easily discernible on a photo of an entire building. Although a few of the available methods do include some explicit earthquake definitions. preferably in physically based units such as acceleration. Renovation can be positive. If a wood-frame building was built before 1948. Sketches and photos are invaluable for later reference. where possible. this would include previous earthquake damage. and low risk categories depending on the occupancy. technician-level individuals (high school plus one to two years equivalent education/experience) should be able to perform the RSP.Occupancy: Occupancy should be noted. ATC-21-1 Attributes of an Ideal Rapid Visual Screening Procedure 7 . Configuration: Configuration issues should be noted and their contribution to the hazard quantified. and other overhangings projections. Common examples include the fall of parapets. after one or two days of specialized training. In some of the surveys reviewed. and soil conditions need to be noted and quantified. It is clear from past experience that structural irregularities can be significant in the performance of a building during an earthquake. vertical and/or horizontal discontinuities. An ideal RSP should rely as little as possible on the need for extensive technical education or experience on the part of the personnel involved. Personnel Qualifications: Personnel background and training may prove critical to the results of an RSP." the survey personnel will have a uniform interpretation of the Hazard Analysis Scheme: Finally. and finally. and include items such as soft story. Many of these issues have been identified by Arnold and Reitherman (1981). and irregularities of plan. chimneys. importance of each of the issues in the performance of the building. Ideally. This information was then used to rank the hazardous structures. Site Aspects: Site aspects such as potential pounding between buildings. for an ideal RSP the scheme for combining scores to identify the degree of seismic hazard for a building structure should be simple and fast. present a recommended procedure. The following chapters first present a summary of each of the RSP's identified. it is a factor in overall risk and may be required for subsequent decision making. medium. adjacent potentially hazardous buildings. involving little or no field calculations beyond simple arithmetic. How it will be factored into seismic hazard decision making is sometimes a difficult question. corner buildings. as Non-structural Architectural Hazards: Earthquake damage to building ornamentation or exteriors can lead to significant damage and/or life-safety hazard. buildings were classified into high. By quantifying poor site conditions as "penalties. then evaluate them against the above "ideal" attributes. The rapid screening procedures have been divided into two groups. Surveys are defined as those RSPs that have actually been applied to a real community. with data being entered on forms (provided herein in Appendix A). and typically a one-paragraph summary overview of the methodology or study. these are generally abbreviated engineering analyses. The ranking included occupancy information. surveys and methods. a bibliographic citation.. and none has had widespread practical application. and personnel requirements. Only a few rapid visual screening methods have been found to exist. County of San Bernardino. Buildings were then ranked using a chart of tolerability of failure versus probability of failure for each building. This handbook develops an RSP and presents a case study in the City of Redlands. California. Seismic Strengthening. NBS 61 refers to the methodology developed at the National Bureau of Standards by Culver et al. Each RSP has a brief acronym or other identifier (e. and adjacencies were used to identify the hazardous buildings. OAKLAND study refers to a survey of buildings in the City of Oakland published in 1984). Design level. In its present A TC-21 -I Summary of Existing Rapid Screening Procedures 9 .. Also M. The survey resulted in maps showing the Methods are defined as those RSPs that are found in the literature. but as far as could be distribution and location of hazardous buildings in the city. however. and are presented in reverse chronological order within each of these groups. building configuration..3 SUMMARY OF EXISTING RAPID SCREENING PROCEDURES A large number of methods for rapid analysis of seismically hazardous buildings can be found in the literature. Initial survey target areas were chosen based on the density of suspect unreinforced masonry buildings. nonstructural hazards. SURVEYS City of Redlands Study. personal communication. budgets. The study was sponsored by the County of San Bernardino and the Southern California Earthquake Preparedness Project to identify potentially hazardous This section presents citations and a summary of each RSP identified during the review of the literature. Some of the available methods have ascertained have not been applied to any community.g. present practice and community surveys. requiring a trained engineer and access to the structural drawings. been tested in limited areas for the purpose of refining the survey techniques but never have been applied to an entire community. property loss estimation or life-safety estimation versus hazardous building identification. The visual survey is designed to be conducted by inspector level personnel. In many cases the survey method that was chosen depended upon the ultimate use of the data that were gathered-for example. unreinforced masonry bearing wall buildings and to encourage voluntary seismic strengthening. Report published by the Department of Economic and Community Development. Green. Comparisons of certain aspects of the methods are presented in tables in Chapter 4. California. Final Report and Handbook (1987). Thus. the different survey formats are in many cases a result of different goals. 1975. the method is limited to URM bearing wall structures and is therefore too limited for an ideal RSP. (Loosely defined. This survey was conducted by the San Francisco Building Department (19851986) to identify all unreinforced masonry buildings in the city. 6000). TR-81. Many of the data were Masonry Buildings in San collected from land use maps. (2) If the pre-field screening warrants it. Risk Analysis and Seismic Safety of Existing Buildings. there is no well-defined methodology for identifying specific seismically hazardous San Francisco Unreinforced Study. Perkins et al. phase employed Assessor's files. building importance. F.. H. F. but this information was not used.) Palo Alto was used as a case study to validate the expert system by comparing its risk evaluations with those of experts.The San Francisco Bay Area Example Report by the on the basis of geology. Factors such as building configuration. and Department of Public Works. and H. and industrial areas. Costs and level of effort are as follows: two inspectors full time for one year surveyed this city of 700. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center. ground motion (MMI). and previous studies. A. commercial. J. An office with local building officials. A Survey of buildings. California. Sample data sheets are included herein in Appendix A. The use ATC-21-1 10 Summary of Existing Rapid Screening Procedures . Building Stock and Earthquake Losses . C. Oakland. age and size were noted.. Neghabat. a pre-field screening is performed ABAG. Hence. CA.. (1986). Sanborn maps and Parapet Safety Program files to identify pre-1950 nonwood construction (approx. W. Sanbom maps.000 (including clerical support). M. personal communication. each type were provided. Specific hazardous buildings were not identified. John A. Stanford. The result of the survey is a list of approximately 2100 unreinforced masonry buildings that will be used with a future ordinance specifying mitigation procedures and timetables. and vulnerability (furnished from building department and other sources). occupancy. "Windshield" surveys were conducted by ABAG project staff and a graduate student in architecture to supplement data on building types and to identify seismically suspicious unreinforced masonry buildings in older downtown. Every street in the city was then visually screened by building inspectors to determine and confirm which buildings were unreinforced masonry. Stanford Project. M. Thurston.000 population for a total reported cost of $120. an inspection of the building including drawings and building access is performed. Gere.. an expert-system is a Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG). Boissonnade. C. Dong. Insight 2 (termed an expert shell).form. Lew. A numerical value for risk is assigned using an expert system built from the Deciding Factor shell. Ideally its logic is similar to the thought process of a human expert. Report by Seismic Investigation & Hazards Survey Advisory Committee. Shah (1986). interviews Francisco (1987). Stanford University. only estimates of the number and geographic distribution of buildings of computerized data base or "knowledge base" containing logic and rules that process input information to arrive at some conclusion. This is a survey conducted to estimate the building inventory for nine San Francisco Bay Area counties for estimation of earthquake losses.. This expert-system based method has two steps: (1) Using a computer program. Low-Rise Study. Cost data were not available. Vulnerability Assessment.S. The vulnerability report has not yet been published. P. a subjective side walk survey. The insurance industry is the primary user of this method. Harlan. As such. is not done by field inspectors. Case Studies. masonry. and C. Varenna. Survey of Critical. ATC-21 -1 Summary of Existing Rapid Screening Procedures 11 . however. This is an extension of earlier work by Miyasato et al. Data gathering. In addition. Petrini (1985). This survey was much more detailed than an RSP.. can be performed quickly (12-16 buildings/day per team).") All critical facilities were evaluated. Charleston Survey. The disadvantage is that they are too long for a rapid visual procedure. Long Beach. Italy. H. II & IV. however. Angeletti. this is not an RSP. personal communication. The study was not used to identify buildings for seismic rehabilitation. 73-100. 111 reinforced concrete) in Forli. (PML was defined by Steinbrugge (1982) as the "expected maximum percentage monetary loss that will not be exceeded for 9 out of 10 buildings. Students were given one to two weeks of training before going into the field. A rating scheme based on a maximum value of 180 points is used. M. California. The first. (1986). Facilities for the City of Charleston. U. Report by NTS Engineering for National Science Foundation. and the second is a more in- Maximum Loss (PML). This study is This study. Each student reviewed an average of 3 buildings per day. Damageability of Low-Rise Construction. The advantage of these forms is that they are in a check-off format. US-Italy Workshop on Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis (Damage Assessment Methodologies). This is an NSF-supported project to develop a methodology to estimate earthquake losses in low-rise buildings. Two methods are presented. Italy. South! Carolina (1984-1985). Probable an extension of the method developed for the 1971 Long Beach study. funded by FEMA. Instead a short questionnaire about relevant aspects of the structure is completed by the building owner and decisions are made from the responses. Both methods were tested on 490 buildings (379 Steinbrugge's method. thus minimizing omissions.of an expert system to supplement visually obtained survey data should make this method suitable for a larger target audience. totaling about 350 buildings. the weighting scheme used to rank building hazard is subjective and not based specifically on damage-related data. J.. Third or fourth year university engineering students performed the survey. 14 reinforced concrete) in Campi Bisenzio.-Italy Workshop. Taylor (1986). Vol. and V. Copies of the survey forms and rating forms are included in Appendix A. in 1984. The results are in the form of histograms and maps of vulnerability classes. Wiggins. using 100 public technicians and 15 earthquake engineering experts and on 293 buildings (279 masonry. was used as the measure of damage. Building entrance and plan review were often necessary to determine the PML modifiers needed for depth survey with quantitative vulnerability assessments (4-8 buildings/day per team). in its present form the field survey is too detailed for a rapid visual procedure. was conducted for the purpose of estimating structural vulnerability and loss of function for the Charleston area in the event of a large earthquake. No non-critical facilities were reviewed. possibly leading to a lack of consistency among different data collectors. Multihazard Survey. This is because the method was essentially pass/fail based on whether a building could be classified into one of the three categories described above. but it is not clear that they were used in identifying the seismically suspicious buildings. An example of the data collection sheet used in the sidewalk survey is included in Appendix A. assessor's files.. R. The survey was conducted by graduate students in architecture with guidance from a registered architect. Report by Oakland Study. building department files. (2) information from Sanborn maps. determined mostly on the basis of structural system and configuration factors and. A. and R. Building Systems Development Inc. (R.K. Seismically hazardous buildings were identified. a total of approximately 350 hours for 2500 buildings. California. Hubenette (1984)..Palo Alto Survey. G. All classes are well defined. a local jurisdiction (Palo Alto. Berkeley. Eisner (1984). nonstructural hazards.. W. San Mateo. Inc. F. occupancy. Some factors. primarily based on age and type of construction. and (3) pre-1976 construction with more than 300 occupants. and building dimensions would be included in the remarks area at the discretion of the inspector. The final pre-1935 construction with more than 100 occupants. Cuzner. Reitherman. Although building types and occupancy detailed structural analysis of the building for city review. using Oakland as a case study. Redwood City. Examination of the several sample data sheets (included in Appendix A) shows that very little site or structure-specific information was requested in the sidewalk survey. to some extent.000. California. and information from a previous survey conducted in 1936. Herman. other information is loosely defined. and present condition. This method. Hubenette. and an approximate cost of $20. and R. In 1984-1985. information about configuration problems. Survey of Buildings for the City of Palo Alto (1984-85). product was the identification of "seismically suspicious" buildings. developed for FEMA and 12 Summary of Existing Rapid Screening Procedures ATC-21 -1 . The procedure was mainly a sidewalk survey of building exteriors following an initial screening using and a survey method to identify and cite seismically hazardous unreinforced masonry and other specified buildings. Hazardous buildings were cited and owners were given one to two years to submit a requires a great deal of technical judgment. and building permits. C. Planning Information for Earthquake Hazard Response and Reduction. The report does not specify how the collected data were combined to determine the hazard of a building and thus the method number of occupants. personal communication). Multihazard Survey Procedures. were noted. A sidewalk survey conducted by civil engineering graduate students under the supervision of a building department official was supplemented with Sanbom maps.. Arnold. The level of effort expended involved 2 graduate students in architecture. such as non-structural hazards. for FEMA. California) developed an ordinance This is an NSF-sponsored investigation by Building Systems Development and the University of California. The survey focused on three types of structures: (1) unreinforced masonry. personal communication. Scientific Service. of urban planning for seismic risk mitigation. An Assessment of OSA Hospital Survey.adopted in FEMA technical report TR84. One of the promising and unique features of this method is that inference rules are provided for cases when visual inspections. California. The method identifies and quantifies. also known as the Six Cities earthquake. Hospitals were classified into six ATC-21-1 Summary of Existing Rapid Screening Procedures 13 . However. Earthquake Survivability Potential for General Acute Care Hospitals in the Southern California Uplift Area (1982). but a sampling procedure to infer the properties of the larger building inventory for use with fragility curves to estimate damage. and in many cases the earthquake by visits to the sites by a structural engineer and an engineering technician. fire. assesses damage due to earthquakes on the New Madrid fault zone. The survey can take from one hour to three days per building. This study. as building entrance is necessary and sometimes plans are reviewed. and was primarily to assess the type of construction for each of the classes. and other supplemental information are not adequate to positively answer survey questions. portion of the survey is not performed. and schools. The method has been adopted and implemented since Study. a building's vulnerabiliy to radiation.. The method is more detailed than an RSP. Report by Office of the State Architect for Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development. for FEMA. The inventory was limited to a few representative structures of well-defined classes such as hospitals. including California. An extensive inventory of buildings was supplied by FEMA for the six project cities. in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (1983). North Carolina and Arizona. high wind. drawings. and flood hazards. Survey personnel need a minimum of two years undergraduate technical background. All survey data are collected on a standardized form (included in Appendix A) and are entered in a national database. Cost information was not available. Florida. but it is difficult to follow.6 and M=8. New Madrid Study. scale of 1 to 5. Cost information was . transportation systems. the form requires the use of numerical codes that are not easily memorized. hurricane. is designed to apply to essential facilities necessary for disaster operations. Meehan. Inc. tornado. J.6. The vulnerability is determined from a combination of the resistance of the construction and the exposure of the building to the particular hazard. critical structures. personal communication. public utilities. the data were verified by telephone contact with facility managers. In other cases. This is not a rapid visual screening procedure. Memphis. the priority for the multi-hazard surveys is civil defense related. Three different survey forms were available depending on the class of the structure and information required (see Appendix A). M=7. Damage and Casualties for Six Cities in the Central United States Resulting from Two Earthquakes. but this calculation is not done by the surveyor.not available. The data collection form is organized to facilitate the computerized data processing. Rather than a checkoff format. This inventory and evaluation of hospitals in the Palmdale Bulge area were done by structural engineers from the Office of the State Architect. All data ame processed by computer at the national level (FEMA).. Report by Allen & Hoshall. These data were checked and in some cases supplemented 1985 in many states. on a. Tennessee. Los Angeles Study.000 hazardous buildings. or very poor was assigned by observations of building exteriors and a review of by-block visual survey of building exteriors (and interiors when possible) reduced this to a final count of about 8. hazardous buildings were date of construction and structural information. F. as decisions were made on a building by building basis. 859-865. Two to four days were spent on each of 9 campuses. of which 21% rated poor or very poor. a seismic rating of good. 2 clericals. resulting in identifying about 20. An average of 40 minutes was spent at each building.000 sq ft and with human occupancy was conducted by experienced structural engineers identification of pre-1934 URM was performed using assessor's files. Survey of Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Wall Buildings (1978-1979) for the City of Los Angeles. at a cost of approximately $400. Eighth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering." Proceedings. personal communication. the complexity. There were no formal criteria in this study. and (4) low-risk buildings. for a total review of 44 million sq ft. a survey of buildings with area greater than 4. as well as anchorage of equipment and availability of emergency University of California Study. the primary criterion used to identify the hazardous buildings was the design drawings and previous existence of unreinforced masonry bearing walls. Although configuration and state of repair were noted. such as beds and rooms. Preliminary In response to the 1975 seismic safety policy implemented by the University of California. E. Schwartz. 1 structural engineer. This study in the City of Los Angeles McClure. E. was performed by city building inspectors during 1978-1979 for the purpose of identifying bearing wall unreinforced masonry buildings. 1 senior inspector. poor. These categories were used to prioritize the mitigation procedures. The effort was split between reviewing drawings and on-site inspection. services. non-structural and life-safety judgments. This was not a rapid procedure."survivability index" categories from A (low risk) to F (high risk) based on the were collected. depending on placed in one of four classes: (1) essential buildings. The criteria used in this survey require extensive engineering judgment and are specific to hospitals as they are based on adherence to Titles 17 and 24 of the California Administrative Code. A block- (Degenkolb Associates were consultants on this project). personal communication. After the data engineering reports. and records from a previous parapet stabilization program. "Development and Implementation of the University of California Seismic Safety Policy. (1984). (2) high-risk buildings. defined as having 20 to 100 occupants and/or many interior partitions. McClure and L. which were mostly state. (3) mediumrisk buildings. Data were gathered by extensive interior and exterior visual inspections along with an in-depth review of construction drawings when possible. San Francisco. Wyllie. Based on structural.000.or city-owned. F. The level of effort expended involved 6 inspectors. fair. those buildings with less than 20 occupants. with more than 100 occupants and/or few interior walls.000 potentially hazardous buildings. A considerable amount of ATC-21 -1 14 Summary of Existing Rapid Screening Procedures . all for 2 years. but not infill or other types of URM. Sanborn maps. but rather a detailed inventory of hospital resources. Level of effort was probably one to two engineer-days per hospital. (b) diaphragm/bracing. (1981). It was a significant advancement in the techniques of rapid identification of seismically hazardous buildings. based on whether the building complies with the 1955 UBC. Identification of Seismically Hazardous Buildings in Santa Rosa. H. including the basement. CA. Where possible. 1957 (one and two-story wood frame. Due to the detailed nature of the visual inspection and the level of engineering expertise required. H. Coronado. This widely known method was not directly employed by Long Beach but was modified in the ordinance to score the following five structural resistance factors for unreinforced masonry: (a) wall stability. personal communication. Report by J. The initial screening consists of a half day (on average) detailed site inspection involving entry into the building. (c) diaphragm capacity. Data are collected using a handheld tape recorder. Any further review is the responsibility of the building owner and must be prepared by a structural or civil engineer. 55-66. buildings with the most occupants being reviewed first. Myers. Also E. W. and a cost of approximately $500 per building. E. Long Beach Study. O'Connor. This study arose from an ordinance adopted by the Santa Rosa City Council in 1971 to review all buildings constructed before December 31. and diaphragms. (d) special hazards. plans are examined. The level of effort expended was: 1 full-time engineer employed by the city for 15 years. Fire as well as earthquakerelated hazards are usually identified. approximately 400 buildings were initially reviewed (out of approximately 600 in the city) with about 90 percent requiring further review. and (e) shear or moment resisting element capacity. and D." Proceedings. personal communication.judgment and engineering experience was required to perform this survey. F. W. Wiggins Co. This study was developed as part of a model ordinance (Subdivision 80) for the City of Long Beach. and in 1987 the city was reviewing buildings with smaller occupancy such as office buildings and retail stores. Occupancy. In the original methodology. openings. Santa Rosa Study. A preliminary review is performed by a city official (experienced structural engineer) to determine if further review is necessary. Subsequently a report is written (2 to 20 pages depending on the and 1987.. "Identification and Abatement of Earthquake Hazards in Existing Buildings in the City of Santa Rosa. Redondo Beach. single family dwellings were exempt from the review process). and other portions of the building. In a few cases rough calculations are performed. and (e) physical condition. A score of 0-50 indicated rehabilitation was not required. although in many cases they are unavailable. California. and 101-180 indicated a serious life hazard existed. noting such features as wall ties. J. Between 1972 1971-present. (d) shear connection complexity of the structure) and submitted to the owner with a timeline for mitigation. 50th Annual SEAOC Convention. attic. Reviews began in 1972 on churches and other capacity. Myers. five factors were scored and combined to form a hazard index: (a) framing system/walls. (c) partitions. this does not fulfill the definition of an RSP. buildings with assembly occupancy greater than 100 persons. 51-100 indicated some strengthening was required. Also. The established priority of review was based on the number of occupants. ATC-21-1 Summary of Existing Rapid Screening Procedures 15 . Wiggins. Earthquake Safety in the City of Long Beach Based on the Concept of Balanced Risk. and later transcribed.. (b) wall anchorage. E. Moran (1971). S. 2415 and 2418) and Masonry A (all other concrete or brick masonry) are targeted. 3 volumes.. Lew. Moreover. tornado. The first step is to eliminate buildings from the survey inventory using eight prescribed criteria. as far as could be determined. All available design criteria preliminary screening are not well defined and therefore require a good deal of judgment. C. Natural Hazards Evaluation of Existing Buildings. A field survey is then performed. California.. type 1. and hurricane. Washington. Pinkham.2. was conducted by city building inspectors over several years. METHODS A Methodology for Seismic Evaluation of Existing Multistory Residential Buildings. it is included in this review because Section 4. Hart (1977). however in this case only Masonry B (UBC 73. allocating 10 to 30 minutes per building.S. C. This is a methodology developed for the Army that contains both a rapid visual component and a detailed structural analysis. H. Buildings are eliminated from the list if it would not be feasible or cost effective to upgrade them. providing input to several simple equations that result in a Capacity Rating (CR). A survey of 928 pre-1934. and specifications are compiled and pertinent information is transferred to the screening form (Appendix A). Redwood City.importance and occupancy potential factors were also included. could form the basis 16 Summary of Existing Rapid Screening Procedures A TC-21 -1 . Culver. and C. of the Army. This method is based on NBS 61 (described below). NBS 61. D. designed for building officials and engineers. W. (2) high risk or (3) all others. Seismic Design Guidelines Upgrading Existing Buildings (A Supplement to "Seismic Design Guidelines for Buildings") (1986). if elaborated. ATC-14. Deadlines for hazard mitigation depend on the ranking provided by the hazard index.2 and Appendix C of ATC-14 contain checklists of features that. This is an extensively developed methodology. National Bureau of Standards. high wind. Dept. W. Evaluating the Seismic Resistance of Existing Buildings. calculations. Hart. This is essentially a rapid analysis procedure with a preliminary visual screening component. Data collection forms and field evaluation forms are Although this extensive methodology contains no rapid visual screening aspect. Pinkham (1975). or if they are identical to other structures that will be reviewed. Evaluation of existing buildings is performed in three levels. the criteria for The remaining buildings are then classified as (1) essential. Applied Technology Council. the first of which is a simple visual procedure. 2 or 3 buildings for an RSP. 1987).. Department of for Housing & Urban Development. However. C. G. The result of the visual survey is a list of buildings that should be further reviewed. The data collection forms are the same as those for NBS 61. BSS 61. and G. buildings identified by the ATC-21 methodology as seismically hazardous should be reviewed in detail with the methodology presented in the ATC-22 Handbook (in preparation). which is based on the ATC-14 methodology. to evaluate existing buildings for major natural hazards: earthquake. such as drawings. (ATC. G. This method has been widely referenced but not directly or explicitly applied to any region. C. U.C. sections 2414. included in Appendix A. It can be seen that the data collection forms are quite extensive and assume that the inspector will have access to the interior of the building and to soils and geologic reports. this is not a true sidewalk survey. ATC4-1 -1 Summary of Existing Rapid Screening Procedures 17 . thus. San Francisco Bay area (NOAA. Bresler et al. 1972). and Puget Sound. 1976). 1975). the capacity ratio (see field evaluation forms) are arbitrary and gave misleading results for a trial building they examined. 1973). area (USGS. Not included in this list are earthquake loss estimation studies such as those prepared by the federal government for the Los Angeles area (NOAA. Washington. (1975) point out that the weights employed and the algorithms or equations for determining. Salt Lake City area (USGS. as were whether a specific RSP method or study addressed this issue.4 EVALUATION OF EXISTING RAPID SCREENING PROCEDURES This section evaluates the previously discussed RSPs and studies according to noted soft stories or irregular building configuration. no information was available. infill walls).. Within each category specific items were noted. structural material). or simply noted this item. Although general statements about the behavior of buildings in earthquakes can be made. soil conditions.g.. potential for pounding). the results of an RSP cannot be regarded as definitive. and to the nonstructural aspects of a building that may either pose a hazard (e. is difficult to "score" from purely visual inspections. and whether graphic methods (sketches or photos) were used to record data.g. Structural detailing. Because each method/study reviewed was unique in some aspects.. Structural-Refers to structure-specific data items that would be of most interest and use to a structural engineer (e. the types of buildings that were targeted. which can be so critical to good performance. Organizational * Structural D Configuration * Site and Non-structural • Personnel Personnel-Addresses two aspects regarding the qualifications of the personnel who would employ the specific RSP or study being evaluated: (1) What were the backgrounds These five broad categories were selected as being of greatest interest to one or several segments of the target audience.g. a tabular format has been used. Organizational-Refers to the general aspects of an RSP method or study that would be of interest to a person or organization implementing and managing a survey of a community. parapets) or may affect structural behavior (e. the following broad categories within which to compare and comment on the detailed aspects were defined: o Site and Non-Structural-Includes items related to the site (e. be quite different from structural configuration and thus can be very misleading without access to structural drawings.. Even general statements about vulnerability based on building type are subject to question because so many other aspects such as configuration. For these reasons. This would be of interest and use to architects and engineers. connection detailing or local site conditions can contribute to poor structural performance.g. age. Where an entry is blank. To facilitate comparison. it is difficult to quantify the damage. several broad categories. and Configuration -Includes items such -as whether an RSP method or study specifically ATC-21-1 Evaluation of Existing Rapid Screening Procedures 19 . Reitherman (1985) noted that architectural configuration can size of the survey defined by number of buildings. employed this data item. These include items such as the or qualifications of the personnel who conducted the study or for whom the method was intended? (2) Could the method be applied by each or any segment of the target audience? After reviewing all the existing surveys and available data. population and/or area. it becomes clear that there is currently relatively little statistical information relating damage to all types of structures under different levels of earthquake loading. . Groups: Broad structural material groupings can be noted in a variety of ways. has a soft story. Admittedly. and the building practices prevalent at the time of construction. Building Groups Targeted: Most methods or studies begin by eliminating some building types as non-hazardous (e. and are a basic measure of seismic Number of Stories/Dimensions: Supplemental Employed: Information off-site Was non-visual information employed.structural adequacy or lack thereof can only be determined on the basis of detailed examination by a registered professional engineer. or other measure. Method: A brief description of whether the method/study (i) simply employed a pass/fail measure (e. Requiring sketches assures that the survey personnel methodically observe the building.. a repeat of the 1906 event for San Francisco).g. Explicit Earthquake Definition: Was the "earthquake loading" explicitly defined? Many times a method/study determined that buildings were seismically hazardous without clearly defining what ground motions the. Sketch or Photo: Sketches or photos as an integral part of the data recording are invaluable for later reference.. Age/Design Level/Building Practice: Building age is usually an explicit indicator of the design level or the code under which the building was designed. such as from building department. woodframe construction). or (ii) employed subjective measures and techniques (e. area. State of Repair: Maintenance and general conditions are important aspects of structural adequacy since corrosion and deterioration decreases structural capacity. Occupancy Factor Definition: Occupancy is not an explicit factor in structural adequacy.g. 4. URM). as well as of value. assessor files.1 OrganizationalAspects Table 1 presents the evaluation of the building was being compared against. but is important in setting priorities.g. where available. 4..2 StructuralAspects Table 2 presents an evaluation of the methods/studies for the structural aspects.. Number of Hazardous Buildings Identified: As above. population. Survey Area: In the case of studies where buildings in a community were actually screened. tension-only bracing or longspan diaphragms are given weights and these are "scored" in some fashion). and limiting themselves to simply identifying that building type considered "most hazardous" (e. some measure of the size of the project. or (iii) employed numerical scoring schemes and algorithms for combining information to arrive at a quantified measure (e. Specific items considered are discussed below. is irregular) without quantifying these items. is indicated. for a specific jurisdiction this might be implicitly clear (e. Sanborn maps. the number of hazardous buildings actually identified for the particular study is indicated. This report identifies those building types that were addressed. such as number of buildings.. is or is not URM). or previous studies? Number of stories and/or the plan or other dimensions are a broad indicator of structural dynamic properties. organizational aspects of the various methods/studies.. or they have a well-defined list of structural types in their evaluation methodology.g. Symmetrical Lateral Force Resisting System: The degree of symmetry of the lateral 20 Evaluation of Existing Rapid Screening Procedures A TC-21 -I .g. Specific items considered are discussed below.g. Material capacity. but this aspect would need clear definition for any general RSP. as for example whether special wall/diaphragm ties were present in bearing-wall systems (e. or was it noted by survey personnel but not used? Similarly. and two relatively open street facades. Specific items considered are discussed below. vertical irregularity. These are two aspects that can be easily observed from Connections Noted: Was any attention paid to connections. ATC-21-1 Evaluation of Existing Rapid Screening Procedures 21 . IRM)? Previous Earthquake Damage: In areas where previous earthquakes might have weakened a building. Soft Story: Abrupt changes and/or decrease in stiffness in lower stories of a building lead to large story drifts that cannot be Non-Structural: Were major infill walls and/or interior partitions and their potential effects on structural behavior. and would indicate upper story "softness. Corner Building: Buildings on corners typically have potential torsional problems due to adjacency of two relatively infilled back walls. noted? Were the special and relatively accommodated. are also very significant factors related as much to the site as to the structure. If this was an item of interest to the survey team. Soil conditions or potential for seismic hazards other than shaking. what guidelines were they given for identifying the LFRS? If noted. parapets. was any attempt made to look for indications of this damage? Renovated: Was there any indication that the building had been renovated. Admittedly. how was the degree of symmetry employed? hazard.g.force resisting systems (LFRS) is an important clue as to adequacy of load path." Were these noted? below. Site-Related: So-called "adjacency" Tension-only Bracing: Was this relatively non-ductile behaving system identified as an item to note if observed? problems of pounding and/or the potential for a neighboring building to collapse onto the subject building are important structural hazards. were plan irregularity.3 Configuration Aspects Table 3 presents an evaluation of the methods/studies for the configuration aspects.. especially in light buildings. either with regard to architectural (thus obscuring the age) or structural details? the street and that the 1985 Mexico City experience again emphasized as critical.4 Site and Non-structural Aspects Table 4 presents an evaluation of the methods/studies for the site and non-structural aspects. excessive openings and aspect ratio of the building or its components (vertical or horizontal) considered? Member Proportions: Were these noted in any way? Relatively thin member proportions are a general indication of potential problems in connections and/or member stability and. but in the methods reviewed were these given any consideration at all? Were soft soilltall building or stiff site/stiff building correlations attempted as a crude measure of resonance/long period potential? 4. for concrete members. Was this consideration incorporated into the determination of seismic obvious seismic hazards of cornices. such as landslide or liquefaction. tilt-up. usually indicate non-ductile detailing. 4. these non-shaking hazards may more easily be defined on the basis of reference maps than in the field. These were placed under site-related rather than structural or configuration because they involve aspects that are more related to the site and adjacent buildings than to the subject building per se. Specific items considered are discussed Sudden Changes in Member Dimensions: Drastic changes in column dimensions can sometimes be observed through windows. herein. identifying hazardous buildings and hence produce inconsistent results. in only a few cases have quantitative criteria been developed. these procedures do not fit the definition of "rapid visual screening" utilized 4. because most of the procedures involved entrance into buildings and detailed inventories of structural elements and nonstructural elements. In general. a trial run through a building with the data collection forms was performed under the supervision of an experienced engineer. the variability in backgrounds and experience of the personnel and the lack of detailed guidelines can result in widely differing interpretations of the criteria for cost if applied to a particular community. Most.often. and/or are very subjective in their treatment of the data recorded.chimneys and other overhanging projections noted? priorities for mitigation procedures. the surveys have been performed by experienced engineers or by entry-level engineers accompanied by a more experienced engineer. nor was there any consistent way to incorporate the uncertainty in the judgments that were made. although the personnel may have been given some coaching or training in what to look for. Consequently.5 Personnel Aspects Table 5 presents an evaluation of the methods/studies for the personnel aspects. Whether or not the particular RSP is appropriate for use by each segment of our target audience is indicated (by Y or N). By multiplying by labor cost. "Subjective judgment" is the type of criteria used most extensively to classify seismically hazardous buildings. and including other expenses such as transportation and report production costs. mostly in California. Most omit many of the described aspects. others only the costs of survey personnel. junior personnel have been given brief training as to what to look for and a checklist or data collection form. in most cases. None addresses the issues of regional differences in construction practices and building code regulations. This report provides personnel time per building reported for a particular RSP. indicates that no rapid visual screening procedure is currently being used by practitioners.7 Conclusions The foregoing review indicates that no currently available RSP method or study addresses all of the major aspects fundamental to seismic hazard. and further that no really satisfactory RSP method or procedure exists. Some data provided included clerical and report production costs. However. structural engineers have used visual screening procedures as a preliminary phase of a more detailed analysis. studies have been for planning purposes.6 State of the Practice Information provided by about a dozen practicing structural engineering firms. cost information was difficult to obtain and was usually based on criteria that are not easily compared. The multihazard study (Reitherman 22 Evaluation of Existing Rapid Screening Procedures ATC-21-1b . this was usually unsystematic and omitted major aspects. However. Further. usually without detailed written guidelines. Typically. and engineers have tried to include some qualitative indicator of the degree of hazard of the building to assist in setting Most of the rapid visual screening procedures that were reviewed were developed for a particular municipality and thus were applied in only one geographic region. For most projects. too much reliance is placed on the experience of the survey personnel. In some cases. the reader can estimate what a particular RSP would there were no structured guidelines for identifying a building as one structural type or another. with little attention paid to consistency among different personnel. Usually 4. 4. In many cases. discussed. the New Madrid Study and the Multihazard Survey. If these assumptions are verified. 1975) and the Navy Rapid Seismic Analysis Procedure are designed for nationwide application. they involve entrance into the building or calculations and thus are too detailed for an RSP. non-physical units such as UBC zone or MMI are used. the quantitative "scoring" should not be arbitrary but rather should be rationally based. In some cases. Because the decision of what ground motion a building should satisfactorily withstand involves not only geotechnical and seismological issues but also difficult questions of acceptable risk. from experience with earthquake-related damage. 1971) or NBS61 (Culver et al.RSP should have the capability to survey and identify hazardous buildings of all types. such as computer listings or peel-off labels that can be affixed to the survey form. 1975). but these usable format. A quantitative approach. as exemplified in the Long Beach study (Wiggins and Moran. Thus. preferably in physically based units (e. 1984). The anticipated earthquake an initial limited-sample-area test screening to verify assumptions of which building type is the most hazardous within the local building stock. the Stanford Project. but also allows prioritization within the "failed" category. loading is defined in several of the studies such as NBS 61. department and assessor's files. jurisdictions may wish to use the RSP in a limited form for certain "high hazard" target buildings or areas. However. then selected building groups/areas may be targeted for reasons of economy. Sketches and photos are invaluable for later reference." 2. NBS 61 (Culver et al. for verification as well as aiding the field personnel. From the studies that were reviewed and methods that were reviewed use other sources of information to supplement the visually obtained data. or the older unbolted house-over-garage (HOG) building group. the "acceptable earthquake" may often be decided in an iterative fashion... and ideally Sanborn maps and other sources should be collated and taken into the field in a both should be part of the field data ATC-21-1 Evaluation of Existing Rapid Screening Procedures 23 . however. supplemental information compiled from building 4.g.. given a different "earthquake loading. An. the University of California Study. acceleration). However. Only in Wiggins and Moran (1971). appears preferable. the OSA Hospital Survey. and Wiggins and Taylor (1986) is the uselof maximum expected bedrock acceleration However. as it not only permits pass/fail decisions. all building groups should receive at least 1. the situation of having identified all URM buildings. and having no idea of the seismic hazards in the older non-ductile reinforced concrete building group. In addition. sufficient building-specific data should be clearly recorded to permit later calculations for the purposes of rescreening. as far as possible. 5. The earthquake loading against which the building's capacity is being judged should be explicitly defined. a set of attributes of a satisfactory RSP method was developed: 3. Sketches should be an integral part of the data recording to assure that the survey personnel methodically observe the building. As much as possible.. should be avoided. for example. Most of the procedures do not specifically discuss differences in building performance that might result from regional engineering and construction practices.et al. in San Francisco. usually to within a decade or two. it was not formally used in identifying the seismically hazardous buildings. although for economic reasons a clipboard has many advantages. In addition. City of Redlands." For example. the survey should be accompanied by detailed guidelines as to what to look for and how to interpret and indicate uncertain data to avoid inconsistencies in the data collection. Configuration issues should similarly be considered. have addressed configuration problems the scoring systems are subjective and are not based on actual damage-related data. 14. as it forces the survey personnel to look for cracks.. using standardized occupancy categories. on the basis of architectural style. 7. Several of the reviewed methods omitted a sketch or photo. If a wood-frame building is pre1948. age can be estimated. Thus. The guidelines presented in the Multihazard Survey are useful examples. or adjacencies as criteria for identifying hazardous buildings. Although the state of repair was noted in many of the methods reviewed. 11. wood-frame buildings were required to be bolted to their foundations only since 1948. 12. but are usually locally known or can be determined and should be included in training material for survey personnel. Specific observable details of structural members. Similarly. and thus can indicate whether a building is pre or post a specific "benchmark" year in the development of that building type. rot. A field remote-entry electronic format (i. For example. and nonstructural aspects. uncertainty considerations must be incorporated into the methodology. corner building and adjacencies. NBS 61) consider nonstructural hazards explicitly as part of their criteria. but their contribution to seismic hazard must be quantified. Because information is often lacking. Few of the methods have used pounding. 13. only pre-1950 buildings were considered. Age should be explicitly recorded.e. State of repair should be explicitly noted. Personnel should have adequate background and training to understand the earthquake behavior of buildings because many of the data they will be called upon to record will involve subjective decisions. unreinforced masonry was not permitted after the adoption of the 1948 building code. corrosion and lack of maintenance. structural hazards and foundation and site conditions should be itemized in a check-off format. Occupancy (use) and number of occupants should be noted. corner buildings. Multihazard Survey. These benchmark years differ by jurisdiction.g. to avoid omission. Several studies (e. occupancy was used to prioritize buildings for hazard abatement. although these problems were noted.. Data recording should be complete and 8. 9. Although often unavailable. building type may be 24 Evaluation of Existing Rapid Screening Procedures ATC-21-"1 . Although some of the methods. In the Los Angeles and Long Beach studies. Site aspects of pounding. 6. a "laptop" computer) should be considered. at least on a weighting basis. in a survey of hazardous buildings in San Francisco. although it can be relatively "invisible. systematic. such as NBS 61. it is likely to be unbolted. 10. need to be similarly noted.recording because they are complementary. although it may be advantageous to have the weighting known to the field personnel. then the weighting would result in a higher seismic hazard than if the survey personnel were called upon to provide only one typing. If it is likely that the building is an RCSW but possible that it is a URM.indicated as (circle as appropriate): RCMRF: RCSW: URM: definite likely possible unlikely definite likely possible unlikely definite likely possible unlikely with weights assigned to each. *RCMRF: RCSW: URM: Reinforced concrete moment- resisting frame Reinforced concrete shear wall Unreinforced masonry ATC-21-1 Evaluation of Existing Rapid Screening Procedures 25 . The weighting and arithmetic do not need to be performed in the field. on the basis of their "contribution" to seismic hazard. RKi LM. owner feedback Sanborn maps. (1986) SAN FRANCISOI Frank Lew Bearing wall URM Test survey approximately 200 buildings Aerial photo Sanborn maps N Y eq URM pre-1950 construction Entire city. owners N N . pre-1936. previous studies Palo Alto Comprehensive Plan Building Department input N N 0 ft N N ABAG/ J. TU. Thurston et al. Pedins et al.5 million 4700-5700 Subjective N N 9v aS : X STANFORD PROJECT/ JABEEC TR 81. (1986) All 27 defined classes f' Phase I Entire city population 50. (1986) WF. Subjective. population 700.. Quantitative? Quantitative Supplemental Information Employed? Explicit Earthquake Definition Sketch or Photo? I-. previous study. Land use maps. population) Method Pass/Fail. TU 2000 focus on older commercial 325 Pass/Fail Sanborn maps building permits. CITY OF REDLANDS/ Mel Green & Assoc. Parapet Safety Program files.000 square miles. sketch LOW-RISE/ Wiggins and Taylor (1986) low rise N/A N/A Quantitative N Maximum expected bedrock acceleration Y PALO ALTO/ F. population 5. Sanborn maps. pre-1976. URM.Table 1 0% ORGANIZATIONAL ASPECTS PROCEDURE/ Source Building Groups Targeted Survey Area (Size. interviews with local building office.000 2100 from initial 6000 Pass/Fail et et 1s Assessors' files. Herman URM. number Number of Hazardous Buildings Identified Appoximately 160 buildings of buildings. MH 6.000 Phase I 4 sub-areas of city identified as most hazardous Subjective and Quantitative MMI Y. MULTIXAZARD/ FEMA & Reitherman et al. all types of construction 1077 100 in classes E&F "low survive index" 8. WF ND-RC Approximately 2000. approximately 2. Subjective.1 k3 PROCEDURE/ Source Building Groups Targeted Survey Area Number of Hazardous Buildings TIdntiflie (Size. building permit.6 & M = 8. previous study. (1984) Essential facilities. construction UBC zone drawings Y 4. 0uantfitative?_ Supplemental Information Employed? Explicit Earthquake Definition Sketch or Photo? OAKLAND/ Arnold. .Table 1 (continued) 1. OSA HOSPITAL/ (1982) $Z Hospitals.000 buildings since 1975 Unknown Quantitative Maps. number of buildings. previous studies. sketch .: NEW MADRID/ Allen & Hoshall (1983) Qq Six couties population 1 million. sketch aml It A. Oakland Central Business District 377 approximately Subjective.400 buildings N/A Subjective. assessors' files N Photo. 490 square miles Pass/Fail Y Sanborn maps assessors' files. unnnulaion) Method: Pass/Fail. Not explicit (large Ep.1984) URM. Eisner (1980. definition left to local jurisidiction All types All About 10. no clear definition of seismically suspicious Y Sanbom maps.6 M:vl used for damage estimate UBC zone N Q. damage states FEMA data >I It Y M -7. building plan.) 2 photos per building.000 approximately Subjective Building plans Unknown Mo LOS ANGELES/ (1978-79) URM Entire city population 3 million. I I acceleration) .~ INBS 61/ 1. 3 About 400 buildings since 1972 Entire city. number Number of Hazardous Buildings Identified 9. CSF. approximately 800 buildings Previous studies.. CSW. population 500. Quantitative? Subjective Supplemental Information Employed? Explicit Earthquake Definition Sketch or Photo? UNIVERSiTY OF CALIFORNIA/ at2 Area greater than 4.000 About 90% for further review Subjective Plans N Photos and sketches * em n so LONG BEACH! Wiggins and Moran (1971) 938 Quantitative Y N for LB Y Sanbon study Y for Wiggins method (maximnum expected bedrock . Subjective. population) Method: Pass/Fail. MMI level« 3 Building elevations or soil reports. WF. design drawings MMI> IX Y McClure (1984) square feet. MSW. Sanbom maps >V and site plan with adjacencies. RF.I . (1975) SB. SW. 11 building frame types N/A N/A Subjective and Quantitative (Capacity Ratio Rating) Structure Structure rating Suggest use of original drawings UBC zone. MS's Photo suggested 4 n ka I-d NA . vs. Culver et al. human occupancy or Very Poor SANTA ROSA/ Myers (1981) Iou Ha All types built before 1958 Pre-1934 type 1. DF.000 square feet.000 square feet of Poor of buildings.000 44.Table 1 00 (continued) PROCEDURE/ Source tX Building Groups Targeted Survey Area (Size. 2. : Mel Green & Assoc. noted inadequate Y N noted unrepaired earthquake criteria or incomplete bracing damage . (1986)- for some Wood Masonry Steel Concerete STANFORD i. commercial Masonry Wood number and dimensions Po *M . : N Y N Y . Concrete Steel Y N N N N N N if available et al. residential. SAN FRANCISCO/ Frank Lew M Oq1 Y N N URM Noted. or industrial LOW-RISE! Wiggins and Taylor (1986) Noted.Table 2 STRUCTURAL ASPECTS PROCEDURE/ Source Age/Design Level/ State of Occupancy Repair Factor Definition Material Groups Number of Stories/ Dimensions Symmetrical LFRS Member ProporI tions Sudden Changes \ Dimensions Tension.Connections only Previous Earthquake Damage Renovated :. N N Y noted. CITY OF REDLANDS/ Y N L . Y Y Y essential Y noted Y N Y Y Y Y Y PROJECT/ Oq JABEEC TR 81. - Building Practice : t in Member Bracing Y Y URM Y N N -. from assessor N N N N N N N file ABAG/ J. implicit in some of rating Y Noted Concrete Steel Wood Masonry Y Y N N Not Y explicit. Perkins 9t I . (1986) N. Thurston et al (1986) facility or large number of occupants.3. Wood Not included in ranking Noted Y cracks & Table 33A mortar UBC condition w LOS ANGELES/ Y (1978-1979) URM Y Noted N N Noted from parapet program N Noted Noted from parapet program . Noted N- N Noted N N N Noted Lagorio.TU ND-RC.. (1984) Y Noteduse Many classes Y Strong beam.> A Y Noted but not Noted importance use codes URM. NEW MADRID/ Allan & Hoshall (1983) Y N Y Steel Concrete Masonry Y N N N N N N N z Wood OSA HOSPITAL/ Y (1982) Building code Y Y Noted building Concrete Steel Masonry Y Y N Y Y N accessed from plans Not sure Y jurisdiction use. > MULTIHAZARD/ Y FEMA & Reitherman et al.Table 2 (continued) tAr PROCEDURE/ Source Age/Design Level/ Building Practice State of Repair Occupancy Factor It so Qo Material Groups Definition Number of Stories/ Dimensions Symmetrical LFRS Member Proportions Sudden Tension. -. Herman Y Noted but not employed Y (number URM.Connections Previous Earthquake Damage Renovated Changes only in Member Bracing Dimensions PALO ALTO/ F.. TU Noted but not formally employed N N N N N N N formally persons) OAKLAND/ . Arnold Eisner (BSD. 1984) formally of structure employedl7 mixed c. weak columns N N Y Roof/wall and anchor bolts N Y Qq 'Y aL. not much found Sometimes At a few campuses Y in ranking SANTA ROSA/ Myers (1981) Masoniy from plans Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Noted but not included No formal Y groups in decision defined All types examined LONG BEACH/ ii Wiggins and Moran (1971) N Y N. RM Y N N N N Y i.e. noted but not formally RC. CN N~ Y noted but employed employed Y N but not formally employed Noted Y N N N Y. W. Oq noted Ma ce .Connections Member Sudden only Propor.Table 2 (continued) I-. PROCEDURE/ Source Age/Design Level/ Building State of Repair Occupancy Factor Material Groups Number of Stories/ Dimensions Symmetrical LFRS Definition Tension.Changes in Member Bracing tiosn Previous Renovated Earthquake Damage UNIVERSITY OF Y CALIFORNIA/ McClure (1984) Noted but not significant N Concrete Steel Wood Number stories dimensions Y Y Y Y. if possible N Date noted evidence noted damage repair (1975) not formally of past Steel Wood no. Y URM. S. state of repair N employed N 9t- noted Concrete Masonry NBS 61/ Culver et-al. (1986) N N N N N Y can be inferred from site location sketch .3 ce C. Thurston et al.o r4) ce Y Y Y Y Y N J. (1986) STANFORD PROJECT/ Y JABEEC TR 81. N M x O~q SAN FRANCISCO/ Frank Lew ABAG/ Noted Noted Noted N N N . Herman OAKLAND/ Arnold. Perkins eL al.Table 3 CONFIGURATION ASPECTS PROCEDURE/ Source 0. Q Soft Story Plan Irregularity Vertical Irregularity and Excessive Openings Variation in Stiffness Aspect (Vertical or Horizontal) Corner Building Oq :s CITY OFREDLANDS/ Mel Green & Assoc. Eisner (1984) N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N N . (1986) cts ft Y Y Noted Y N n LOW-RISE/ Wiggins and Taylor (1986) Y Y Y Y Y N PALO ALTO/ F. Noted Y. noted N Y.Table 3 (continued) k-4 PROCEDURE/ Source Soft Story Plan Irregularity Vertical Irregularity and Variation in Stiffness Excessive Openings Aspect (Vertical or Horizontal) Corner Building MULTIHIAZARD/ FEMA & Reitherman et al. Ln Not specific percent openings Y Y Y N N x1 ow ft UNIVERSITYOF CALIFORNIA/ McClure (1984) SANTA ROSA/ Myers (1981) Y Y Y N/A Y Y Y Y Y y LONGBEACH/ Wiggins and Moran (1971) NBS 61/ Culver et al. noted N Street sides noted . (1975) N Y Y Y Y N Y. (1984) Y Y Y Y large door width open side N N NEWMADRID/ Allen & Hoshall (1983) OSA HOSPITAL/ (1982) N N N N N N Y Y Y Y percent openings noted Y percent openings noted Y Y N i-l x LOS ANGELES/ (1978-79) -t 4. Thurston et al. used map overlay N N N Q. Chimneys 9-. noted Y. Q N signs ornament SAN FRANCISCO/ Frank Lew N N N N N N Noted ABAG/ J. (1986) Noted abutting buildings Noted abutting buildings N N N Noted type Y cornice parapet chimney .Z 3u 9: N N Not explicit. STANFORD PROJECT/ Y JABEEC TR 81. 0w CITY OF REDLANDS/ Mel Green & Assoc. Overhang Parapets. (1986) . N r. noted Y Y Y y LOW-RISE/ Wiggins and Taylor (1986) N Y Neighboring overhang collapse Y N Y Y y PALO ALTO/ F.Table 4 SITE AND NON-STRUCTURAL ASPECTS SITE RELATED PROCEDURE/ Source Pounding Neighboring Building Collapse Soil Conditions Potential forOther Geohazards Infill NON-STRUCTURAL Walls Interior Partitions Cornices. Perkins et al. used map overlay Not explicit. (1986) Y.:. Herman N N N N N N N . > ft.1" Table 4 (continued) PROCEDURE/ Source Pounding SITE RELATED Soil Neighboring Conditions Building Collapse NON-STRUCTURAL Potential for Other Geohazards Infill Interior Partitions iCornices. IOverhang Walls Parapets. Chimneys OAKLAND/ Arnold. 1984) N N N N Noted N Noted MULTIHAZARD/ FEMA & Reitherman et al.4 Cl) 14 1. (1984) N N Y Soft or hard Landslide liquefaction Settlement Surface faulting Y noted N Braced or unbraced or not present NEW MADRID/ P. Q ft LOS ANGELES/ (1978-79) N N N N N Y Y. noted but not significant in ranking . alsofrom previous parapet program Pt Qe UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA/ McClure (1984) Not a problem N N Y Surface faulting in a few locations N Y Y. Oq N N Y Liquefaction N N Y Allen & Hoshall (1983) OSA HOSPITAIJ (1982) Noted distance to nearest building Noted distance to nearest building N Liquefaction Landslide Alquist-Priolo seismic zone N Y noted URM partitions N Cq 10 It. Eisner (1980. (1975) Y.Table 4 (continued) trz . noted and rated Y. separation joints noted Proximity to adjacent buildings noted Y Fault rupture liquefaction (implicit fault location noted) Y. noted and rated Y. no potential for liquefaction or surface faulting N Y Y Y LONG BEACH/ Wiggins and Moran (1971) Oro Y Y Y Y Y Y NBS 61/ Culver et al. Chimneys SANTA ROSA/ Myers (1981) Y N Not explicit.-' .z PROCEDURE/ Source Pounding SITE RELATED Neighboring Soil Building Conditions Collapse Potential for Other Geohazards Infill Walls NON-STRUCTURAL Interior Partitions Cornices. noted Proximity to adjacent buildings noted. all on alluvial fill Not explicit. Overhang Parapets. noted and rated 9 b. Herman 15 min per building Y Y Y Y Y N . ¢ STANFORD PROJECT/ JABEEC TR 81. Very little information noted Experienced structural engineer Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y N a .40- 4 Cl) q L N Table 5 PERSONNEL ASPECTS PROCEDURE/ Source Survey personnel Approximate person-hours Local Building Officials Professional Engineers Registered Architects Building Emergency Managers Interested Citizens Owners ner building CITY OF REDLANDS/ Mel Green & Assoc. Thurston et al. Perkins 15 min per building 5 min per building. (1986) t t t Not available Y Y Y N N N SAN FRANCISCO/ Frank Lew ABAG/ J. (1986) Y Y Y N N N sc LOW-RISE/ Wiggins and Taylor (1986) .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Y Y Y N N N PALO ALTO/ F. 1984) 20 min per building Y Y Y N N N N3 MULTLIAZARD/ FEMA & Reitherman et al. OAKLAND/ Arnold.Co Table 5 (continued) PROCEDURE/ i-. Source Survey personnel Approximate person-hours Local Building Officials Professional Engineers Registered Architects Building Owners Emergency Managers Interested Citizens per building Q-t. NEWMADRID/ Allen & Hoshall (1983) N Y N N N N n OSA HOSPITAL/ (1982) 1-2 days per building N Y Y N N N LOS ANGELES (1978-79) 40 minper building Y Y Y N Y N UJNIVERSITY OF CALlFORNIA/ McClure (1984) SANTA ROSA/ Myers (1981) 20 min per building N Y N N N N 1/2 day ($500) per building Y Y Y N N N LONG BEACH/ Wiggins and Moran (1971) Professional engineer N Y N N N N . Eisner (1980. (1984) I hourto 3 days per building Y Y Y N Y N .s. (1975) _ . 9. I-A _.AS_ l hour per building Y Y Y N N N 9-. *1 Q .Table 5 (continued) PROCEDURE/ Source Survey: personnel Approximate person-hours Local Building Officials Professional Engineers Registered Architects Building Owners Emergency Managers Interested Citizens per buildmg NBS 61/ Culver et al. or soft stories ATC-21-1 Recommended Rapid Visual Screening Procedure 41 . simple structural hazard analysis scheme. * explanations and guidance as to the the score and penalties being added.g. modified by penalties and This form and process is to be accompanied by a handbook (ATC-21) explaining its use and providing * information on how to determine which of the building types is most appropriate bonuses to account for perceived deficiencies or strengths because of such for the particular building being surveyed factors as design level (inferred from age).) The resulting S will relate back to the physical performance of the building.7) reached from the survey of RSPs. giving address. wood frame. a summary from the Assessor's or other files. The scheme involves only simple arithmetic.e. poor configuration.. 3 reinforced concrete. age. such as pounding. with space for. perhaps printed on a peel-off label that can be affixed directly to the data collection form) - a checklist of items (so that significant items are not omitted).a photograph of the building ." and vice- 5. * A systematic. defined by Map Area.a field sketch of the building * The Effective Peak Acceleration (EPA) values contained in the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) Recommended Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations for New Buildings (BSSC. to arrive at a final Structural Score S (A recognition of various significant factors. employing the following elements is recommended: .1 Elements of the Recommended RSP In response to the conclusions (Section 4. and 1 unreinforced masonry types).5 RECOMMENDED RAPID VISUAL SCREENING PROCEDURE This section presents and discusses the elements of a recommended RSP. condition. and configuration. A simple clipboard data collection form. high score corresponds to a low structural hazard.data from pre-field visit information (e. with almost all input to be noted by circling of the appropriate item (so that standard notation is employed) - the simple calculation for S arbitrary measure of building performance for the specific building given the occurrence of the EPA.. or is "good. 2 pre-cast. based on a non- . 2 reinforced masonry. an RSP versa. value. (The basis for S is discussed further below). 5 steel types. This scheme consists of a Basic Structural Hazard score. or owner's name. as an explicit measure of the ground motion. in terms of damage. * The building types contained in ATC-14 (i. 1985). based on the results of the survey discussed above. 0 corresponding to New England or the South Carolina regions.01. 1985). and related terms are similar to those in report ATC-13. "Earthquake Damage EvaluationDatafor California"). * The ability to relate Basic Structural Hazard score to physical damage has the By employing NEHRP EPA values as the measure of ground motion. in the range of 3 to 5). that because many buildings in less seismic areas are not designed for earthquake on the same basis as in California. as it is likely to experience less severe ground motion. It is recommended that it should be a measure of the probability of major seismic damage to the building. then most buildings likely to collapse will be included in this category. given the NEHRP EPA value for the building's site. .. so that lifesafety-related hazardous buildings (due to shaking) are probably all captured. and X configuration. given that input ground motion (see Appendix B for details). and so on. when this is taken into account the resulting score is more consistent for the same building type in different NEHRP map areas (e. Although lack of data and the present state of the art may preclude general quantification of the effect of a factor such as "soft story" at present. If the impact of these factors on the likelihood (or probability) of major damage can be quantified. o The Basic Structural Hazard score will likely prove of value in community cost- benefit decision making because it can be directly related to physical damage. damage exceeding 60 percent of building value). Note. (ii) if 60 percent of a building's value is damaged. * Although quite simple. however. then the logarithm of this quantity is the modifier.e. The determination of the Basic Structural Hazard score then is: Basic Structural Hazard score = further virtue of providing a rational analytical basis for quantifying structural of -log (probability damage>= 60%) (1) If the probability of the damage exceeding 60%. for quick reference in the field California.g. for example. The Basic Structural Hazard score can be easily and directly related back to the probability of major physical damage (i. ATC-13 relations can be used to determine the probability of occurrence of 60 percent or greater damage.001. Values of the Basic Structural Hazard score are provided in Table B 1. then it is 2.2 Basisfor Structural It has been emphasized in the above that the Structural Hazard score should be rationally based and physically meaningful. then the Basic Structural Hazard score is 3. and (iii) if 60 percent damage is selected. is. experience has shown that demolition rather than repair often ensues. its quantification can be directly related to a penalty on the Basic Structural Hazard score. Sixty percent as heavy damage is selected because (i) it is the lower end of the Major Damage State in ATC-13. the Basic Structural Hazard score is thus intuitively satisfying. whereas the identical building would score approximately 7 to 10 in NEHRP Map Area 3. A relatively "safe" building would have values of 3 to 5 in penalties for factors such as age.* a summary sheet of basic information. In the interim. Major damage is taken to be direct physical damage being 60% or greater of the building value.. discussion and expert opinion/elicitation regarding the effect of this factor can take place within the framework of 42 Recommended Rapid Visual Screening Procedure 1-1 A TC-21 . (ATC. Appendix B. (Note: definitions of building value. HazardScores 5. as new data emerge on the effect of this factor. If the probability is . much of which might be collated and printed out prior to the field visit. such information should either be computer-printed out directly onto the form. the surveyor would make a determination of the primary structural material (wood. This information would be quickly entered or affixed as the first item upon coming to the building. 1930's or late 1960's). residential. which is shown in Figure 1. to avoid the task of later collating photos with forms. for a theater this would be the seating capacity. for a residence. W1 and W2 treated together) Sketch The surveyor would then sketch the building (plan and elevation. soil type. heavy industrial. The basis for Photograph A general photo of the building should be taken. as it requires the surveyor to carefully observe the building. The form would be carried in the field in a binder or clipboard. cornices. governmental). Additional useful information about the building an estimate of the number of persons typically in the building under normal occupancy. This sketch is important. Following this. Information desired includes address. such as age. and other Steel S1 = moment resisting frame S2 = steel frame with steel bracing S3 = light metal (LR only) S4 = steel frame with concrete shear walls S5 = steel frame with unreinforced masonry infill walls ATC-21 -I Recommended Rapid Visual Screening Procedure 43 . based on observation. and identity of the surveyor.g. Building Information 53 Data CollectionForm This section discusses the layout and use of data collection form. (This would preferably be an "instant" type photo. an estimate of the building age (e. this is a useful item). the occupancy (e. Preferably. and observed special features such as cracks. lack of seismic separation between buildings. light Basic Information Space is provided in the upper right of the form for basic information. and value is also desirable. concrete. The building types follow the building category scheme of ATC-14 (ATC. reinforced masonry or unreinforced masonry) and circle the appropriate Basic Structural Hazard score. if possible.) determination of Basic Structural Hazard scores are given in Appendix B. roof tanks. this would be the number of persons living there (not the daytime population). public assembly such as auditoria or theaters. and zip code (although often lacking from the studies reviewed.. for an office this would be the daytime population. or onto a peel-off label applied by the field surveyor. the surveyor would fill in additional basic information specific to thel building such as number of stories. wholesale/warehouse. office. Basic Structural Hazard Score Next. industrial. For example.g. or oblique view) indicating dimensions. 1987). Wood W = wood (low-rise (LR) only. construction type. features. facade and structural materials. the date of the survey. retail. showing two sides of the building..trying to quantify the impact of this factor on the probability of major damage. steel. precast. 1985): SLl: Rock or stiff soils less than 200 feet deep overlying rock SL2: Deep. and. C3 = concrete frame with unreinforced masonry infill. the height and proximity of the neighboring building being such as to indicate that collapse might affect the subject building). where no one category predominates. the final Structural Score S will typically be a number between 0 and 5 or more. and the form used in the field for that jurisdiction would have Structural Scores corresponding only to that Map Area/jurisdiction. signifying that the basic structural material or system cannot be identified from the street. DNK = Do Not Know should be indicated. The final Structural Score S is recorded. cohesionless soil or stiff clay conditions exceeding 200 feet depth SL3: Soft. All buildings surveyed can thus be ranked according to S. exceeding 30 feet in thickness Any specific jurisdiction corresponds to one NEHRP Map Area. If the surveyor cannot narrow the estimate to two alternates. DNK constitutes a default. pounding. appropriate for a particular building.walls Precast PC1 = tilt-up (LR only) PC2 = precast concrete frames Reinforced Masonry RM = reinforced masonry buildings of all types. differentiated only by height Soil Profile Modifiers assigned for adverse soil conditions when the soil profile can be identified with some confidence. indicating that the building and drawings should be reviewed in detail. Buildings that score below the cut- 44 Recommended Rapid Visual Screening Procedure ATC-21-1 . Soil profiles have been UnreinforcedMasonry URM = unreinforced masonry bearing wall (LR and mid-rise (MR) only). depending on NEHRP Map Area.4 Use of the Results For any building. All NEHRP Map Areas and corresponding Structural Scores would be furnished in the Handbook. defined according to the NEHRP Recommended Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations for New Buildings (BSSC.Concrete Cl = moment resisting frame C2 = shear wall Modifiers Negative modifiers corresponding generally to deficiencies such as poor configuration. the surveyor should record the possible categories and mark them with an asterisk (*) to indicate the subjective evaluation. DNK would also apply for a building of mixed construction. 5. and potential for a neighboring building collapsing onto this building (this penalty would depend on the Basic Structural Hazard score for the neighboring building being sufficiently low as to indicate a potential for collapse.to medium-stiff clays and sands. the Structural Score S is computed by simple addition of the modifiers to the Basic Structural Hazard score. Confidence If in doubt as to which category is most Structural Score S Lastly. and a decision made as to a "cut-off' S. S X. X -: .. :. Appendix C provides recommendations for a cut-off S.. f : . .. . -? f 0 -- 0 . and no further review is required.. modified by a jurisdiction.ecommend led. . t . An appropriate value for the cut-off S is a complex decision. ?: . A lower cutoff has lower costs for building review. . involving financial and ethical questions. S S " JI i ". D - . . if necessary. a relatively high cut-off involves detailed review of a large number of buildings.~~~~~~~~~' . f : . (That is. \ 7 : . . S . ATC-21-1 R. but may involve lower resulting seismic safety. . This recommendation should be reviewed and. Scoring above the cut-off does not signify a "safe" building. . . I.: - . ^ .. . as the decision has cost implications. with increased costs and presumably eventual increased seismic safety. . f S . . . Rapid Visual Screening.) . . Procedure 45 . .off would be subjected to more detailed review. assuming buildings determined to be unsafe are cited and abated.. | - f . 2 ... I I I I . : V g V . . but instead indicates that for the particular community the building is assumed sufficiently safe.. . C. : X. . . ___ ..... ......... ..... ~~~~~~~..... Fristoric Bldg. ..... ....... .0 PVA -1..6 -0.0 -0.3 -0.0 5...... .. .. .0 ShortCO WA NA WA NWA N/A -1...2.. . : ....... .0 -1. .2...... : .......... ....0 -1. .0 -1..... ... . ... 8 -0...... (Peel-011 tawl ........ .. 8 W/A-0..0 +2........... ....0 -0..... ........ ~.......0 -0..... .........2.........5 2..i...... ..... Assem....3 .0 o0o0 -0...5 -0.. ......... .......0 -1..........i....6 -0. .3 -0...5 -0.0 ...... .....5 -0. '... .... ... ...... ....3 -0. : ... ........... .. 8 -0. .0 -1.s ( 2..... . Scho Govt... .. ....5 -0..... ..0 ...0 -1. ..5 -0..3 0< ..6 -0... . .......0 -0....... ................0 -1.... .. NWA WA Fall0g Hazard Poset Yo Yeahmrk .... .-l <..0 -1...5 -0.... ... .. . ...... ...5 Non Structural -1.. Emr..... .. ~ .. ....... Data Collection A=IMG Form Evaluation IRequired? R YES NO 46 Recommended Rapid Visual Screening Procedure ATC-21-I ..........5 -2.Estbmated Stject~e...3 -0.... ........5 -0.... ..5 -1.2.... ................0 . ..7 High) of Sllykl Addess _____ HlazardousBuldng Ohr ks No...........3 -0.. . .5 WA -0... .... .5 -0.6 -0..o2.... ...5 WA -0.. ..... ...2.. .....0o3... ..... ... .....5 -0. ... ......... ......... ...5 -0.....0 W/A N/A NWA -1 WPA N WA -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YS -1.0 -2.0 -1..0 -1.0 P02 RM URM HIMR/A Por u Emer..i. sL3&aSato 2ostouieS WA -0........0 -1.. ........ . .5 -0. ......... : . . : ... S~erv.... .0 -1.. ....0 -1.6 -0.... : .0 1...0 -2. .. .0 -1.... ....6 ....5 -0......3 .orrmiercial S2 4....8 -0..0 -2.....5 -0... :~ .....6 -1....w F7 Vert....... ......tregavlty 1Soft Story Torsion -2..0 N/A N/A PUA -1.e2.. ...................... ..6 -0... ...... . .....5 NWA N/A N/A -0. . ..0 -1..5 -0........ .0 .. ........ ..0 2o.....8 -0.. ........5 -0.8 -0.6. .. 5 -0.. ... .. Stories _m~ Year Zi tuit Date ..........0 Pogm WN/A -0.. 5 NA NA pLargoHeavy Ciaddhig NA -2. .....a ATC-21/ Rapid Visual Screwngil ANF'RP Map Areas 5.0 -1. ftL B3ui~ldgNlamo...... . .... ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~... . . ..... ... .....2. . . ...0 w/A -0. .. ..Ser.6 -1. .... .0 W/A -1....5 -0. . ..5 4...0 1....... ....0 -1.. .. ...0 -1........ . ...... . Inspector Total Floor Area (sq. Scale: OCCUPANCY STRUCTURAL SCORES AND MODIFIERS L TYPE W Si Residential !No Cof erciac lc Office ndeistrii Pub..._ 1NSTANT PHOTO ......... ~~~~~~~~~~~.......0 -1..... ........... ..0 -2..0 -1.8a -0..0 .. :~~~~~~~~~ .5 -0. ....... ..0 -2..2.... . ... . .8 -0... ......... .8 or ULib ODta DMC Oo Not Know FiNALSC__E COMMENTS Detailed Figure 1...0 -0. . 5 3.3 -0.. ...5 -0.. .0 -2.. ...0 -1..0 W/A ......6 -0.... .5 -0.5 -0......5 83 S4 C C2 03/85 (IO (RC ) SW) ("W) (Sv) (um ?f PCI 3..0 -1.. ........0 -1...3 -0........ ........0 -2.....6 -0...86 -0...3 -0..... : : : . :.6 -0.5 -0.....0 1. ........ : . ...5 -1. ........ Una .........2 DATACONFIDENCE SL3 -0....5 -0..8 -0.8 -0......5 -0.3 -0. 010 11-100 1004 per' ......... _ .. Eldg..6 -0..5 3..............0 -0...... ... ....0 -1............. .............. .... i...8 W/A -0. S. and R. A. "Development and Implementation of the University of California Seismic Safety Policy. Berkeley. Italy. The Architecture of Earthquake Resistance. P. and D.. and V. CA. Lew. Building Systems Development.. San Mateo. Report by Seismic Investigation & Hazards Survey Advisory Committee and Dept. Reitherman (1981). G. Applied Technology Council. Pinkham (1975). Arnold. C. Case Studies. Natural Hazards Evaluation of Existing Buildings. Hart. Petrini (1985). in the New Madrid Seismic Zone Report by Allen & Hoshall. Redwood City. A.6 and M=8." Proceedings. CA. Works. Applied Technology Council. Arnold. BSSC (1985).6. B. K. CA. U. TN for FEMA. (1984). BSS 61.. Applied Technology COuncil. Redwood City. 859-865. D. ATC (1985). C. Report by Office of the State Architect for Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development. ATC-22 Report. ATC. FEMA 96 and FEMA 97. ATC-21 Report. Inc. California. US-Italy Workshop on Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis (Damage Assessment Methodologies). Redwood City. ATC (in preparation). Vulnerability Assessment. Culver. H.. Dev.C. W. A Survey of UnreinforcedMasonry Buildings in San Francisco (1987).. ATC-21 -1 References 47 . T.. Memphis. CA. Bresler. CA. C. C.AppliedTechnologyCouncil. Eighth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. ATC-13 Report. Assessment of Earthquake Safety and of Hazard Abatement. CA. E.CITED REFERENCES for Allen & Hoshall (1983). M=7. Inc. Earthquake Survivability Potentialfor GeneralAcute Care Hospitals in the Southern California Uplift Area (1982).. G. National Bureau of Standards. Sys. ATC (1987). CA. Okada. Angeletti. Washington. Varenna. McClure. NEHRP Recommended Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations for New Buildings Federal Emergency Managerhent Agency.An Assessmentof Damageand Casualties Six Cities in the Central United States Resulting from Two Earthquakes. Evaluating the Seismic Resistance of Existing Buildings. Building Configuration and Seismic Design. and R. San Francisco. ATC (1988). Zisling (1975). Redwood City. F. Detailed Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings: A Handbook.14 Report.. Planning Informationfor Earthquake Hazard Response and Reduction.EarthquakeDamageEvaluationDatafor California. and C. of Pub. FEMA 95. Bldg. San Mateo. Eisner (1984). Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards: A Handbook. Paper in EERC 77/06. California. California Area: Data and Analysis. Earthquake. E. Risk Analysis and Seismic Safety of Existing Buildings. W. C. Damageability of Low rise Construction. J. Seismic Design Guidelines for Upgrading Existing Buildings (A Supplement to "Seismic Design Guidelines for Buildings") (1986). Dept. CA for FEMA. CA. (1981). Building Stock and Earthquake Losses . USGS (1976). National Multihazard Survey (1987) Instructions. D. Hart (1977). Gere. F. A. Eng. Washington Area: Data and Analysis. Final Report and Handbooks (1987). U. Coronado. Perkins. Shah (1986). Redondo Beach.S.S. K. R. and G. A Study of Earthquake Losses in the Salt Lake City. (1986). National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Long Beach. M. USGS (1975). Stanford University. Wiggins. U. Volcanos and Tsunamis. Natural Hazard Vulnerability Survey ( Federal Emergency Management Agency. Taylor (1986).. Wiggins. (1982). Earthquake Safety in the City of Long Beach Based on the Concept of Balanced Risk.H. W. 48 Referen ces ATC-21-1 . Wiggins Co. and C. Boissonnade. M.. Neghabat. California. of Bay Area Governments. J. of Housing and Urban Development. TR-81. Ctr. Final manuscript for the Department of the Army. F. Utah Area: Data and Analysis. C. CA. (1971). and Moran. H. Report by Scientific Service. Skandia America Group. NY. Report published by the Department of Economic and Community Development. Report prepared for the Office of Emergency Preparedness. Multi-Hazard Survey Procedures. and H.. Redwood City. Geological Survey Open File Report 75-375. New York.. Report by J. Report by the NTS Engineering for NSF. A Methodology for Seismic Evaluation of Existing Multistory Residential Buildings. Assoc. W. Blume Eq. County of San Bernardino. National Facility Survey.Myers.. "Identification and Abatement of Earthquake Hazards in Existing Buildings in the City of Santa Rosa. G. Oakland.. 50th Annual SEAOC Convention.. C. Report prepared for the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration. Thurston. and R. Geological Survey Open File Report 76-89. C. H. Stanford. et al. Reitherman. A Study of Earthquake Losses in the Puget Sound. Vol. J. Steinbrugge.V. Dong. CA. Reception and Care Survey.S. Inc. J. A Study of Earthquake Losses in the Los Angeles... Pinkham. Cuzner. 3 Volumes. NOAA (1972). TR84. W. John A. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. CA. Hubenette (1984)." Proceedings.The San Francisco Bay Area Example. CA. U.. II & IV. NOAA (1973). Seismic Strengthening. A Study of Earthquake Losses in the San Francisco Bay Area: Data and Analysis. H. 47-54. Merovich (1979). Applied Technology Council.. S. ATC-10 Report. No RSP. including soil modeling. soils reports. Committee on Hazardous Buildings of the Seismic Safety Commission. College of Environmental Design. (No visual screening.) Bresler. and field test beyond the scope of an RSP. (b) evaluating seismic performance of such buildings. columns. (Evaluation of existing buildings includes complete drawings.) Eagling. Too detailed for RSP. CA. and partitions for use with damage information.C. (No explicit method for visual screening). Preliminary Assessment (1985). D. U. (A detailed computer program. and HazardousUnreinforced MasonryBearing Handbook Identification Analysisof Potentially for Wall Buildings (1987). ed. SSC 85-04. No RSP. (1983). B.) Arnold. (1985). CA. (1982).) Earthquake Vulnerability Survey of Southern California Defense Contractors. (The procedure in this report uses a detailed inventory of structural components such as beams. A. Earthquake Disaster Prevention Planning in Japan. (Contains description of types of potentially hazardous buildings in California and generalized philosophy for abatement No RSP. (1985). Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. static and dynamic analysis and damage analysis. Report by EQE Inc. Seismic Safety Guide. (ESP) for the evaluation of seismic performance. G. this work is cited only because its Table 2 (p. and (c) developing criteria for seismic retrofit. Workshop on Reducing Seismic Hazards of Existing Buildings. ATsC-2-1-1 References 49 . for NSF. CA. (General discussion of disaster prevention planning in Japan. 10) provides a good summary of the general seismic capacity of typical building types. (An investigation of the correlation between earthquake ground motion and building performance.OTHER REFERENCES REVIEWED DURING RSP EVALUATION: (Annotated) An Earthquake Loss-Prediction Methodologyfor High technologyIndustries (1985). FEMA 91. San Francisco. Building Systems Development Inc.. Palo Alto. Berkeley. Preprint ASCE spring convention.) Bouhafs. T. Berkeley. Report by Southern California Earthquake Preparedness Project.) Freeman.CA.) ATC (1982). San Mateo. Defense Contract Administration Services Management Area. Evaluating Old Buildings for New Earthquake Criteria. construction inspection reports. C. Evaluationof the Seismic Performanceof Existing Buildings. F. Willsea. J. and A.. An Investigation of the Correlation Between Earthquake Ground Motion and Building Performance. (State-of-the-art review of methods for (a) identifying potentially hazardous buildings.. CA. original calculations and alteration plans. Proceedings. M.) Earthquake Safety: Potentially Hazardous Buildings (1985). "State-of-the-Art Assessment". Liu. (A computer program REDEEM for regional earthquake damage estimation. walls. T. and J . (Generally 50 References ATC-21-I ." a tool for local building officials to assess damageability of buildings exposed to earthquakes. BCRP. (1978). (1981). 51-78-02. for determining the Rate Group. Eguchi.) McClure.). Guidefor Determinationof Earthquake Classifications. T. J. or foundation materials. Wiggins Co. Naval Construction Battalion Center.. No RSP. Washington. Luft (1977). and may be supported by a full set of construction drawings and a statement by the design professional indicating the type of framing system and materials of construction. Port Hueneme. control measures taken.) ISO (1983). No RSP. F. Naval Facilities Eng. Naval Civil Engineering Lab. and R. Command. Vol I: Methodology. K. of Civil Engineering. R-918. diaphragms. Earthquake Risk and Damage Functions: Application to New Madrid.. however.E. area. partitions. ornamentation. F. which is an abbreviated engineering analysis. (1973). are noted. Westview Press. severe winds and tornados. (A short general discussion and comparison of three available methods of evaluating existing buildings but no specific RSP. not an RSP.) Lev. Hueneme. O.H.. Tech.) Heger. 297 pp. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. B. (1986). In NBS BSS 46. S. et al. Historic Earthquake Damagefor Buildings and Damage Estimated by the Rapid Seismic Analysis Procedure: A Comparison. Wiggins (1980). T. T. Istanbul. Explicit visual aspects are not discussed. K. geologic-related hazards. (Development of computer program "DAMAGE. K. Penalties for site-dependefit. (Does not involve site visits at all. (Rapid seismic analysis procedure. They may be derived from similar considerations as the modifiers in Steinbrugge." All of these buildings are then examined via the Rapid Seismic Analysis Procedure. R.C. Memo. DC. Survey and Evaluation of Existing Buildings. The BCRP are perhaps useful for weighting various factors such as wall types. A building is assigned to a Rate Group on the basis of a step-by-step procedure involving Building Classification Rating Points. Turkey. ornamentation. Structural Evaluation of Existing Buildings in Massachusetts for Seismic Resistance.. Pt. "A System for Evaluation and Mitigation of Regional Earthquake Damage. Assessment of Damageability for Existing Buildings in a Natural Hazards Environment.) Lew. Takahashi. Seventh World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. R77-44. (1980). J.Hasselman. height. (A guide for use in the insurance industry. This information is presumably furnished by the insurance applicant. (Initial screening of buildings is based solely on "mission important and/or major permanent buildings. Building Practices for Disaster Mitigailbn. Standards. Boulder CO. equipment. the level of seismic forces for which the building was designed. National Bur.InsuranceServicesOffice (copyrighted).) Lew. Rapid Seismic Analysis Procedure. CA. design. These points are assigned on the basis of framing system. and quality control. W.. The background for the numerical values of these is not presented. which then determines the applicable premium rate per the Commercial Lines Manual. Dept.H. 1982. K. shape. and a description of any special damage. for NSF. and exposure hazards such as pounding and overhanging elements. Proceedings. " Proceedings.. Conf. Inc. and H..H. 4.Final Draft.) Scholl. 50th Annual SEAOC Convention. A Review of Earthquake Damage Estimation Methods. U. Evaluating the Seismic Hazard of State Owned Buildings.) Reitherman.Freeman and Co. R. 5566.. No RSP. and Air Force. Elementary Seismology. no RSP.S. Nowak. J. (Contains only discussions of analysis and design of essential facilities. and W. CA. F. (The data collection in this report refers to building damage in past earthquakes for the purpose of developing damage functions for different types of structures. Tech. No discussion of existing buildings. Third U. Depts. William Spangle & Assoc.) McClure. Van Nuys.. The first phase involves a ATC. SSC 85-06. "A Program for Rehabilitation of Commercial Buildings to Meet Earthquake Standards. San-Francisco. S. Navy. 5-809-10. R. SCEPP (1983). (Inventory for damage estimation was taken from Land Use Planning and Management System File for the City of Los Angeles. for NSF. Michigan.did not involve site visit.. Man. California Seismic Safety Commission. San Bernardino CountyPilot Projectfor EarthquakeHazard Assessment.) Seismic Design for Buildings (1982).L. 1851-1861.S. Based on ordinance and survey performed in the City of Los Angeles. Seismic Damage Assessmentfor High-Rise Buildings. Earthquake Hazard Analysis for Commercial Buildings in Memphis.) Morton. W..) Tandowsky. Sacramento. of Civil Engineering. Steinbrugge. "Seismic Vulnerability Studies of Buildings at Military Facilities in the Southeastern United States. Morrison (1982). and R. Depts.R. this was not an RSP. (Pilot project to estimate damage . A." Proceedings. Man. SC. and E. No discussion of existing buildings. Degenkolb Assoc.. Earthquake Spectra. pp. Tech. E.1 References 51 . D. (A model ordinance developed as a guideline for local governments planning seismic rehabilitation programs. UMEE 82R2. E. CA. Ann Arbor. T. Annual Technical Report to USGS. C. H. V. Degenkolb. Summary Report of Structural Hazards and Damage Patterns (1984). California Seismic Safety Commission. (1979). CA. Navy. and Air Force.21-. (Cost-benefit analysis. 805-847. Myers (1981). (1985). Richter. of Army. and C. Beauvoir (1986). Coronado.) Rehabilitating Hazardous Masonry Buildings: A Draft Model Ordinance (1985). (Contains only discussions of design procedures for buildings. 5-809-10. (1958). A. Olson (1979).1.concerned with post-earthquake damage evaluation. Hanson. Dept. of Army. CA. on Earthquake Engineering.) Seismic Design Guidelines for Essential Buildings (1984).F. (Damage predicted using structural analysis procedure. No. K. C. (This is a three-phase evaluation of approximately 200 buildings at four Navy and Marine Corps facilities. Vol 1. J.) Pre-Earthquake Planning for Post-Earthquake Rebuilding (PEPPER). Charleston. No RSP. Although some sites were visited. V. and accelerometer records during the strong motion. (1985). Boston. and B. and the third a detailed analysis. After the first two phases. and of structures.. primarily smaller and less expensive structures. dynamic behavior of soils. these reports deal with seismic hazard analysis. RER/79/014. Before the visual screening. Elstner Assoc. Safety and Reliability of Existing Structures. (Basically. (A two-phase procedure." Proceedings. J. "The U. building importance. Rapid Analysis Procedure for Water Supply System Structures. D. Navy's Earthquake Safety Program. Third U. computer data were used to eliminate seven classes of structures. more than 80 percent had been recommended for phase three. expert) system incorporating data from loading tests pre. on Earthquake Engineering.) Yao. Curry (1986). S. Emeryville. A second." The higher two classes were recommended for further review. and structures scheduled to be replaced in the next five years. SC.S. Memorandum. visual data. It is a rule-based (i.P. followed by the Navy rapid seismic analysis procedure.) Tyrrell. 1863-1872. Charleston.) Werner.) UNESCO (1982). (SPERIL is a computer-based damage assessment system for evaluating the damage a building has sustained after an earthquake. (1987). The Navy rapid analysis procedure is used to estimate damage for the building. 130 pp. Not directly relevant but included herein because of its use of fuzzy sets and related aspects. The second phase is the Navy rapid seismic evaluation procedure. CA. model code development. vulnerability and recent damage experience. more detailed survey is carried out for those buildings selected in the first previous step. the first being a walk-through of all structures to document structural information. Janney. Pitman. Conf. pp. using an initial screening procedure.and post-earthquake.e.T. (This is similar to the method described in Tandowsky et al. Wiss. and present condition to determine which structures need further evaluation. UNDP Proj. Reports of Working Groups A-E. in a fuzzy set formulation. J..) 52 References ATC:-21e-1 . Earthquake Risk Reduction in the Balkans.review of existing construction documents and a physical inspection resulting in a four class vulnerability rating varying from "likely to incur severe damage" to "unlikely to receive observable damage to structure.S. No effort for rapid visual screening of hazardous buildings. : : : : : : :: l: : 2 0 : :' : : APPENDIX A A: t X : g : :: : 7 : : SAMPLE DATA SHEETS : :: : : : d : . ATC-21-1 Appendix A 53 . 10. Height of First Story 15. 3. Building Code Jurisdiction: Latitude Current Bldg. 9. 12. Date of Major Modifications or Additions. Special Story Height ft. Is the exterior of first story different from upper stories? Street Front Side Yes No Other Sides Side Yes No 17. Use City r any : State D -Federal D Longitude Use Bldg. GENERAL DATA 1. _ City 7. Approximste Roof Overhang Distance Proxim.ity to Adjacent Buildings: North Side South Side - Sketch Below with North Arrow East Side _ West Side Note Street or Alley Sides To be filled in by Field Supervisor. Address State 6. Earthquakes) A. Orig. Year Built 8. of Stories Above Basement (See also Item A23) 14. 13. Basement Yes No Number of Basements No. Upper Story Height ft.NBS 61 DC-I DATA COLLECTION FORM NATURAL HAZARDS EFFECTS (Extreme Winds. 2. 18. _ Zip Code if County 11. Building Name _ 4. ft. Si JD ATC-21 -1 Appendix A 55 . Facility No. 16. 5. e. b. Locate main frames. c. Sketch overall plan. Are plans available? If so. If plan changes in upper floors. Are original calculations available? where obtainable Name of: Architect Contractor Regulatory Agency Engineer 20. S. Locate shear walls.NBS 61 DC. "B". f. change. if any.2 19. "D". Note any common or party walls. "C". Basic Building Plan a. if any. sketch this plan and note level of necessary) (Use additional sheet if 56 Appendix A ATC-21-1 . Give approximate north arrow and Show street or alley sides. where obtainable If so. Locate expansion joints. d. etc. label sides "A". All openings or note pattern of openings.) Note previously repaired damage. d.3 21. Exterior Walls.NBS 61 DC. Major cracks or other damage. c. b. Elevation of Sketch: a. (Note if cracks are larger at one end. (Use additional sheet if necessary) ATC-21 -1 Appendix A 57 . Note exterior finish and appendages. Note material of walls. Note any evidence of damage to cladding or appendages. f. e. S13 Appendix A A TC-21 -1 . All openings. Ilevatton Interior ShearWalls. (Note if cracks are larger at one end. Note any previously repaired damage. of Ragtb: a. Major cracks or other damage.Nilsa DC-4 I. b.) a. Floor Over Basement - Concrete 2 Other b. E Dangerous Contents. a. None 24. Adaptability of Basement to Storm Shelter. ft. give thickness Available Space (approximate) Storage of Flammable Liquids sq. d. Presence of Transformers or Other Dangerous Equipment Other Hazards. Is this a Vault-like Structure? Yes Q Q No D ATC-21-1 Appendix A 5!P . c. If concrete.NBS 61 DC-5 23. 5. 60 Appendix A A TC-21 -1 . good mortar. Few visible cracks. indicate R for Running Bond S for Stacked Bond Condition of Wall* *1. Evidence of many repairs. 2. OPENINGS| Percent of Open Area per Story No cracks. Evidence of minor repairs. Many cracks 4. Metal Curtain Wall Precast Concrete Curtain Wall Stone Brick Concrete Block Concrete Other For Concrete Block and Brick. 3.NBS 61 DC-6 25. EXTERIOR WALL SUMMARY SHEET Exterior Characteristics Ornaments or Veneer Side A Side B Side C Side D Extensive Architectural: . Centers of large city b Very rough hilly terrasn c.. wood areas. Flat. or rolling terrain d. or blows per inch 9. Building on sloping ground E c. city outskirts. Building on level groundj b. Topography a. Suburban areas. Depth of water table ft.Type __ Distance Tob ildi by Fil Servsr To be filled In by Field Supervisor. open country f.NBS 61 DC. Soil type *8. towns. Flat coastal belts 2. Depth of bedrock ft. Geologic formation *4 Location of knownfaults: Name Miles Miles *5. Building located adjacent to embankment ___ *3. Proximity to potential wind-blown debris . SITE RELATED INFORMATION 1. ATC-21-1 Appendix A 61 . Other a. Exposure a.s.f. *7. Whenmeasured: (Month) (Year) *6. Bearing csoacity Location _ p.7 B. NBS 61 DC-6 C. check one for typical 0 L 0 System o El H El Other E 3. Material Concrete Masonry boad Resisting [ Steel Wood 2. 62 Appendix A A TC-21 -1 . Floor Frame [ E Braced Frame MomentResisting Are resisting Frame __ systems symmetricallylocated? C] NO Yes System Concrete Beams Wood Beams Steel Beams No Framing Members Steel Bar Joist Deck Precast Concrete Beams Concrete Flat Plate Concrete Flat Slab Concrete Waffle Slab Steel Deck Wood Joists Wood Plank Straight Sheathing Plywood Sheathing LTJ C Diagonal Sheathing Precast Concrete Deck F] LJ ConcreteJoists Concrete Plank r- Note if concrete topping slab used over metal decks or concrete is plank. STRUCTURALSYSTEMS 1. Vertical Frame System 'Wall and Pilasters colun cross-section Bearing Wall For framesystem. Lateral Load Resisting Masonry Shear Wall Concrete Shear Wall Plywood Shear Wall 4. NOS 61 Connection Details Framing Bolted Welded metal Clips Wire Fastener No Connection Nailed Metal Hangers Anchorage Floor to Walls Decklng To Fr _log I-. Roof System Frame Concrete Beams Steel Beams Steel Bar Joist Wood Beams Wood Rafters Deck Concrete Flat Slab Metal Decking Concrete Slab Concrete Joists Precast Decking I = Concrete Waffle Slab Plywood Sheathing = Steel Truss Wood Truss No Framing Members = |_ Precast Concrete Beamm or Teen II Diagonal Sheathing I I I Straight Sheathing Concrete Fill i Ib yet* 1 ATC-21 -1 Appendli A 63 . r-J I. !' I L== Type Spacing _ 5. Partitions Type Typical Partial Height Full Height Floor-To-Ceilling Corridor EJl Floor To Floor Movable Composition Lath and Plaater Gypsum Wallboard m F| I Concrete Block Clay Tile Metal Partitions = ET 64 Appendix A ATC-21 -1 . ELEMENTS NONSTRUCTURAL 1.NBS 61 DC-10 Connection Details Framing Bolted Welded Docking to Framing Metal Clips Wire Fastener No Connection Nailed Metal Hangers Anchorage Roof to Walls Type Spacing D. NBS 61 DC-li 2. Mechanical Equipment Surface Mounted Pendant (Suspended) Location of Mechanical Equipment Room Basement = Other Floor Which Floor Roof r Is Equipment Anchored to Floor? No Q Yes Location of TheFollowing Units Liquid Storage 'Cooling Tower Air Conditioning Unit Tank ATC-21 -1 Appendix A 65 . Light Fixtures Typical Room Recessed Surface Mounted Pendant (Suspended)=j Typical Corridor Recessed 4. Ceiling Typical Room Material Acoustical Tile Method of Attachment Suspended = Metal Channels = Tee Gypsum Board [ Plasteri Bar Gridt I Attached Directly to Structural Elements I Typical Corridor Material Acoustical Tile l Gypsum Board Plaster Methodof Attachment Suspended metal M Channels = Tee Bar Grid Attached Directly to Structural Elements 3. ) Wood Q in. Wailed Clipped z 0 Glazing Attachment to Casing Elastomeric Gasket C Other Glazing Bead z Aluminum Steel Retainer or Q Q 3 Rigid Connection to Building 5 7. sketch section. Roofing Description Flat [ Pitched Arched G Gabled [ If arched or gabled.) Yes Material Type Buile-up gravel Clay Tile 6. :12) E Slope Parapet No 3 Yes ° Height ( ft.NBS 61 DC-12 5.) Size: Average Size of Casing ( ( _ ft. Windows Type Fixed Special Anchorage or Bracing No 5 Gravel G Q Asphalt or Wood Shingles Q D Other E Q Movable Q Frame Material: Alumwnum w Steel Q Stainless Steel 0 ft. x AverageSize of Glazing HowCasing is Attached to Structure Bolted [ Screwed0 ft. in. x _ ft. _ WeldedE in.) Thickness (_in. Gas Connection Flexible Connection to Building Automatic Shut-off 5 None 5 Unknown 5 INSPECTED BY DATE FIELD SUPERVISOR 66 Appendix A ATC-21-1 . Rating (SQR) C u S 2 2.Reinforced Shear Walls and Moment Resistant Frames Braced Frames I Wood Frame Buildings.Unreinforced Shear Walls and Moment Resistant Frames Combination . note quality of mortar . PRESENT CONDITION (of Resisting Elements) No Cracks. Sub-rating SR-1 TYPE + 3Q Steel Moment Resistant Frames Steel Frames . _ I EXPECTED SITE MODIFIED NERCALLI INTENSITY FIELD EVALUATION METHOD STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS . No Damage 1 2 Few Minor Cracks QUANTITY (of Resisting Elements) Many Resisting Elements Medium Amount of Resisting Elements Few Resisting Elements Very Few Resisting Elements NOTE: If exterior shear walls are at least 752 of building length. 3 4 Many Minor Cracks or Damage Major Cracks or Damage.Tzymmetry-Quantity I11 1_ 1_EIL__ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __I _ _ _ _I !- I LONGITUDINAL LOADING I 2 . NOTE: If masonry walls.Moment Resistance Capability Unknown Concrete Moment Resistant Frames Concrete Frames .EARTHQUAKEAND WIND RATING VERTICAL RESISTING ELEMENTS General Rat ini GR Type E -J w_ Symmetry S) Quantity (Q) Symmetry Quantity Rating (SQR) 1 Present Condition (PC) 2 Sub-Rating (SR1) -I FOOTNOTES: A B C D E F G E J K L TRANSVERSE LOADING I.Unreinforced Masonry or Concrete Shear Walls . Walls Without Wood Sheathing or Plaster 1 I 3 4 GENERAL RATING (GR) Earthguake Wind 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 2 or 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 or 2 4 2 1 1 2 or 3 4 SYMMETRY (of Resisting Elements) i Symmetrical 2 Fairly Symmetrical 2 or 3 Symmetry Poor 3 or 4 Very Unsymmetrical NOTE: Add 1 (not to exceed 4) to each rating if a high degree of vertical non-uniformity in stiffness occurs. this rating will be 1.NBS 61 FORM FMA-1 FACILITY NO.Reinforced Combination . use next higher rating.Moment Resistance Capability Unknown Masonry Shear Walls . Walls Sheathed or Plastered Wood Frame Buildings. If lime mortar is poor.good or poor. A7:C-21-1 Appendix A 67 . but probably inadequate.5 Semi-flexLble Flexible Anchorage and Connections .Ratings Rigid 1.Ratings 2 Chords unknown. 3 Chords unknown. _ FORM FKA-2 FIELD EVALUATION METHOD STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS EARTH AND WIND RATING [ Roof I TypeRigdit Anchorage & Connections Type HORIZONTAL RESISTING ELEMENTS Chords C. Rigidity . 4 Chords absent. Chords .0 2. 1 Chords confirmed.NBS 61 FACILITY NO. A or C.capacity not computed. 4 Anchorage absent. 68 Appendix A ATC-21-1 .) Transverse Su-atn Ri t Longitudinal (SbRa ) 5 Floors Note: Sub-rating SR2 s Largest of R. but capacity not computed.capacity not computed. Semi-rigid 1. . but probably present.Ratings 1 Anchorage confirmed .5 Type A Diaphragm B Steel Horizontal Bracing 2. but probably adequate. but probably not present. confirmed 2 Anchorage 3 Anchorage unknown. \0 . and X.EARTHQUAKE RATING ANCHORAGE - Known Not Mortr Onl Dowels or Bolts Screws Other Known Not ID~ RAT FORM FHB-I Brick Concrete Block Concrete Block Reinforced Concrete Tilt-up or Precast Concrete Steel Studs & Plaster Studs & Plaster _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ Hollow Tile Tile & Plaster NOTE: 0C W ll Rating on Basis of A. C.Ili C) FACILlTYe NO. B. L TYPE WALL___Prset Brick REINFORCEMENT Present WALL Not OF - FIELD EVALUATION METHOD EXIT CORRIDOR AND STAIR ENCLOSURE WALLS . NBS 61 FACILITY NO. FORM FMB-2 FIELD EVALUATION METHOD OTHER LIFE HAZARDS .EARTHQUAKERATING TYPE OF RISK RATING RatinRS Partitions Other Than on Corridors or Stair Enclosures s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A = Good B = Fair C- Poor X a Unknown ~ ~~ Glass Breakage Ceiling Light Fixtures Exterior Appendages and Wall Cladding* *A description of some of the ratings for Exterior Appendages and Wall Cladding are: Description Spacing of anchors Size and embedment Spacing of anchors Size and embedment unsatisfactory Anchorage unknown Anchorage corroded No anchorage Rating A A B C X C C appears satisfactory of anchors satisfactory appears to be too great of anchors appears or obviously loose 70 Appendix A ATC-21-1 . 5 through 2.0 1 through 1. Capacity Ratio Rating Capacity Ratio Less than 1. the ratio is obtained from the Basic Structural Ratina divided by the Intensity Level Factor at the site as determined from the table below. Modified Mercalli Scale VIII or Greater VII Intensity Level Factor 1 2 VI V or Less 3 4 A description of Modified Mercalli Scale is included on table 3.3.0 Rating (In Terms of Risk) Good Fair Poor Very Poor ATC-21-1 Appendix A 71 . For earthquake.NBS 61 FACILITY NO FIELD EVALUATION METHOD CAPACITY RATIOS General Rating (GR) EARTHQUAKE - FORM FME EARTHQUAKEAND WIND RATING Sub-RatinR SR2 SR1 Basic Structural Rating* Capaciu Ratio WIND Basic Structural Rating - GR + 2 (Largest of SRI or SR2) 3 **Capacity Ratio for wind shall be obtained from Form FMC-l.0 Over 2.4 1. K IID W. g se. noum Itl a fgE1we tuz"^t fZ i e f LAf W | 0 $ICze--9 l'^^*1io 06A on. 5*t .s I. "2 tan'n *.nR t.M ras .010 t e. *Il t1 ait. A Iilt~t ilctitiMU 055 I lt MI o aAaIIg OH l ~~~~~o *im " sIII .111m J I. HAZARD VULNERABILITY SURVEY .r NATURAI.. .iim ttL~. . 1le t _ %e^^a~~~~~~~~ds046 l...8nt11 wcn ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ftS Dt CIPU 0.@^" _l~ 1 VA I I@'l 1] _"6 ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~1 WA& . d o f aKlea l~~~~~~~i lie Ullti E . T _ tl - *R. Mult-lazad D. ." k _3 Pig.uli..I.9o wn b section falin a IC C >:o ffstle " GRS u I . CSo "Kat I. " .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m IF 1Mtl-Hd .. w"r8nr"n ...4e'I@ H 1i1 _~Al __1 AL J_ > en~..j _ It SMC 1mn.. 1 . &41 ¢ '~ R o h L Hemlile -_tFc or.KartQ 044 ____l jwl I t e~ H IR P u"C -inmr-lirR4 I@"W 1 0: cti ..f rthertpUU. C W1 ~ in"t unR. * --- ~ looel S isi IE _. sbt tl*_ffi-bu4^X_~~~~~~~~~Mot OL I " inasemit .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~US 0--...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' 1 I.- aft In -6 ~@X^fi .~~~~~F P _ o I 2 s~~~~~~~~~r r ir1~~~ftL LI L *aimnlet _ r:. z~o a Plg.=.m lInIH I Isuf -~~~hl i:. 0 I.1" -o -io n k!4 1. 1-2. 4_3 r) L A. ReInforced Precest Unreinroreed t. MASONRY TYPE (Enter Letter) A. Anl metal I L Mines Type floor & roof 1. Maonry. GClam ( Overhang (ft) Parapetheight (Ut) Arch panels (Yes/No) Large door width fit) L Plywood I-jolst 7. L L 4. Stone . Metal deck/open-webbar joist 2. Concreteblock L. Reinforced Concrete L. a. IDZNTIICATic o 11 STRUCTURAL 7. Bracedtram Concrete a. FRAMES (Enter Narber) IL Prorw. No data X. Woodjoist Ductile moment-rabtart 7.Nonplywood! Steel 2. Quonset. Precasteoncrete . 2 S. TORNADOSHELTER L TORNADO ZONE (Enter Number) 4A- a. Ductile mro ent-ratat 1L Bracedframe Ugttwelgtht taulen stresuwr 1L Tensio structue lID. IL Non-plywood Metal deckdng Reinforcedconcrete Precast Unreilnorcedconcrete Lightweight tensionstructure S. UBC 124-1970 4. WIND L -EXPOSURE (A or B) A. a. UASEMEW L No betemant Wood 1. Coda. Preceast concrete Reinforced concrete S. 7. STRUCTURE (EnterNur) TYPE 1. Plywood L Non-plywood 4. Reinforcedconcretedalb t. Woodjolst 2 Gluls 4. Metaldeck/stel tram 11. Flst plate 7. rqlnforeed rmow" a 4. Adobe Concrete brick 2. etamst APPENDAGES a. CONFlGURATION I. Slab/plate a.lMennt-resItnt L Plmed 2 * alight deterioration 3 * major deterioration IL EARTHQUAKE good t. BUILDINtCODE (EntorNIt L 2 No sallerda design Sanoe salSmi deaign a. waffne sib Combination 11. 7. Masry uveinforeaS 2. UBC 1S3?) a Aboveaveragecriteria 2 * Intill * Flat plate 7. Corete I * lowerrisk I * higher risk N0 . 4. Bracedframe Pinned a. EARTHQUAKE PLAN (YU/No/S a no data) P. Ughtweight tenson atrumtuw Type wan$ b. WoodSheathing Wodlywood 2. Lightwelchttensionatructure 1S. Steed GEOLOGIC o * no data I * low hwrd 2 . Plywood 2. NO wind design L Somewind dealgn . S. InfIl elaso L. Flat slab 1. N a turd) 1. a. Not Intleld L Inill/partil WIs WrAnforeed or partialiyrinforcedmaeor 2 Inlu/partlal intill reinforced .o data) a Stucce L GC- L NONSTRUCTURAL b Vssisllny reinforced iL 2. 1975. SHEARWALLS(Etner Nunbw) a SOIL 4 (S * oft. Steel joist/conerete slab IL Steel frsme/conrete slab IL Wood/steeljoists *. Arch cladding i. d.Plywood 2. WIND EMERGENCY PLAN (Yea/No/U no date) * G. e. Onc-w. Heavy tiber- X a not prasuit I a no data B a braced U umbraced * IL L Ptrecst concrete Reinforced L Unreinforeed concrte (Enter Letter) 7. s.Intemrmdiate 3 a high ROOF/tWALL CONNECTIO" (Enter Number) L. No connection 1. metlddeck~ng diagoneIy braced or 4. Clay brick b. Orslnerymualorsed LS Icnarnetal nrwenforced L APPENDAGtES (Yea/No/U. Code. steel frame Woodframe Wadlbearing Steel tram Rtenforced-coneretn frame Stee/concrete from Tvmeis 4. Glulam 4. Proteted B Open MoWIerferporary IL blobile/TomModule L DIAPHRAGMS (Entte Number) Conrete 5. 1561-1375 4. CONDITION(Enter Number) 1. Two-way slab 3. Non-plywood a. hallowtIms 2. InfiUmasory S. Clay tile C.yjoIstsor slab . Corrupted-mtal I.L INFILL (Enter Nusbat) I * I * partial ) lb no mlln L Wood/steel jolat. Metal decking 24. Momnt-rebtant ROOF (Enter Numnber) t.doe not apply) a. b. DESIGNBASIS (EnterNunbr) 1.Timber/pole steel b 4.elaso vood (Yea/No/S doGnot apply) " 3L CONNECTIONS AND DETAILINO (Yes/No/0 . OMENT RESISTING.__________________ .-E.228_DATE __RENOVATED 4.# STORIES * I USE CODE X __VITAL __HIGH DENSITY __bMPLX PLAN __VULNERABLE _). PARTITIONS- DIAPHRAGMSt FLOOR FRAME. WALLSs BEARING _ M. WALLS. SO MISC. Sample Building Information Sheet..OAKLAND CONSTRUCTIONS OCCUPANCYs CONFIGURATIONS CONTENTSt TYPE F4. _ ROOF_ OTHER s f woocF dz*qsr PLAN SKETCH. 74 Appendix A ATC-21-1 . FMCE MISC. ___HAZARDOUS _ IMPORTANT DECORATIONs HEAVY DATE FRONT __OPEN 6 HS _ __ SIDES 6 G OVERHANGING PUBLIC WAY CONSTRUCTION EXI. FACADE INT. FI0URE Al-2... __PRE 1939 _-PRE 1973 J5. FUNCTION AND OCCUPANCY FLOORSt FLOORSt FLOORS: -_ - USESI WA WHOUSE/AaFP USESI USES.s PLAN ELEVATION L-SA_.8AM-6PM __6PM-MDNT MDNT-8AM __CMPLX ELEY STORY __SOFT . __BRACED. CONFIGURATION STIFFNESS DISTRIBUTION. Key to sample Building Information Sheet.OAKLAND Construction Types Code: Bearing Wall: B-UM B-RM B-RC B-PC B-WD Frame: F-ST. LC) F-RC-( F-WD-( t Exte1 Steel Reinforced Concrete Unreinforced Masonry Reinforced Masonry Reinforced Concrete Pre-cast Concrete Wood (stud wall) Wood (glu-lam. HC. A TC-21 -1 Appendix A 75 . heavy curtain. LI. light infill. heavy timber) Exterior skin (heavy infill.(HI. light curtain) Frame material Use Codes: 01 Apartment 02 Hotel 03 04 Office Retail 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Restaurant Theatre Auditorium Gymnasium Church School Hospital 12 Parking 13 14 15 16 17 Car Servicing Manufacturing Warehouse Public facility Public utility FIGURE Al-3. K.. 6. FOUNDATION TYPE A. __ _ SPREAD . WALL TYPE 1L 12. 3. SIZE NO. 2. 6.. NAAMEOF BUILDING BLDG. STRIP PILES CAISSONS SLAB ON GROUND OTHER _ _____ __ D . BLDG. SPECIAL SOIL CONDITIONS 76 Appendix A ATC-21-1 .NEW MADRID CRITICAL FACILITIES FIELD INSPECTION BUILDING DATA SHEET .JYI SPECIAL FEATUF 13. _ ~~~1.. D. BASEMENT? YES ___ 8. B. OF OCCUPANTSYEAR BUILT__ 4.NG Is (SQUARE FEET) COUNTY_ _ _ NO. Fi - _________ 10. 5. I. OF STORIES/FLOOR PRIMARY STRUCTURAL SYSTEM 7. E.. F. 1. B. E. ADDRESS- SENtSuS TRACT CITC _y nAY J. STEEL FRAME STEEL FRAME (REINFQRCED CONCRETE SHEAR WALL AROUND CENTRAL CORE} WALL BEARING PRECAST COLUMN AND BEAM REINFORCED CONCRETE FRAME REINFORCED CONCRETE FRAME (REINFORCED CONCRETE SHEAR WALL AROUND CENTRAL CORE) FLAT PLATE CONCRETE SLAB WOOD FRAME PLANK AND BEAM FRAME PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING OTHER STRUCTURAL TYPES DESCRIBE 9. FLOR/OOF. A. A. . TRACT (DISTRICT). PARAPETSJ _ ORNAMENTATION OR OTHER FALLING HAZARDS AGE 5) HEIGHT DAY _ NO.NEW MADRID SINGLE AND M1ULTI-FAMILY HOUSING DATA SHEET CENSUS. 3) 4) 5) EXTERIOR WALL._. WALL BEARING FLAT W CONCRETE FRAME WOOD FRAME PLATE Fe:_ PLANK AND BEAM DAY . STONE FOUNDATION WALLS Da._: COUNTY A cTNmI i. ITY F _ _ _ _ _ _ __E. OF OCCUPANTS . _ OTHER WALL 0 . CONCRETE OR MASONRY BLOCK FOUNDATION Ce . OR SHINGLES :_ STUCCO : OTHER ___e___ CIIMNEYS. OF OCCUPANTS AGE _4_ _ L ) _ HEIGHT __ _ .. 5) STORIES/FLOORS 'ATC-21-1 Appendix A 77 . MULTI-FAMILY RESIDEUCS TYPE FRAME STEEL ) PREDOMINANT STRUCTURAL A. SLAB ON GROUND -B -____-___iPOURED .e -2) A. NIGHT B. Co PREDOMINATE _ _ _ D. NIGHT 2) 3) NO. In JsL-t CF.. VENEER OR FINISH _ BRICK/MASONRY STONE WOOD-SIDING. o.M-Tl occTrictrre Y rru*l~ *ILla UV III ui 1) PREDOMINATE FOUNDATION TYPES A. B. B.. CA De E. OF BLDGS.NEW MADRID CENSUS TRACT NO. FRAME STEEL WALL-BEAR ING CONCRETE FLAT FRAME PLATE WOOD FRAME PLANK AND BEAM PRE-ENG I NEERED I STORY/FLOOR 2-5 6-10 OVER 10 STORIES/FLOORS AGE 78 Appendix A ATC-21-1 . CTOR:____________________ RESPOMSIE FOR SUBSEQUENT STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION: COSYAY MISTORIC 3It71I!. OF STORIES: TYPE OF SSRLSCTWE STSTM4: BU'ILDING SIZE: Square Footage per floor:_______(USC-Table Toal: IOCCUPXT 33-A) LOAD: DATE OF O:IGINAL CONSTRUCTION: DATE OF S13SEQ1. CATEGORY: Di YES No MAWXN: I ATC-21 -1 Appendix A 79 . & OWNERS AMEM ADDRESS: S 1A D I: _ _ _ _ __ TYPE OF USE: NO.7ET RDMOD.TURALSYSTEM:____ N~AI IWE OF ORIGIN~AL DESIG-NER:_____________________ OF ORI GIN~AL COTR.PALO ALTO BUILDING ADDRESS: BUILDIUC CAATION(AM): NAME OF BUSINESS TEXTS:. /REAIR AFC'71cG THE STRUC1. PALO ALTO 31BLDIN ADDRESS: BUILDING WMCATO(AI): OF BUSDWESS TEWTS: WNERS "ME & ADDRESS: TYPE OF USE: S O. OF STORIES: TYPE OF STnICMtLALS§STE4: BUILDING SIZE: Square Footage per floor: 7~ Total: DATE OF ORIGIKAL CONSTRUCItO;: DATE OF SVBSEQLDNT ROD./REPAIR 2-:2 25- j~ C.7 £ / C 7 C/r. 6475' LOAD: OCCUPANT __ 2 (UC-Tabe 33-_) J0 ~/5' -r /93 AMfC.NG SYSM:A THE STRUCTIUMAL NEAM OF OR1GNAL DESIGNER: WVE OF MI GIaL CONTRACTOR: FOR SUBSEQUE tV_ _ CO"ANY RESPO;SIRLE STRICTRIL NODIFICATION: MISTORIC BLILDINGCATEGORY: Li 80 Appendix A ATC-21 -1 STANFORD BUILDING INSPECTION QUESTIONNAIRE (Damage Estimation) INSPECTORS NAME: DATE: IDENTIFICATION OF STRUCTURE: .4 LOCATION: #tJ. INTENSITY (MI): ZONE: ,_ sJ40c SPECIFIED Adjacency Factor: The structure The structure The structure The structure @& endangers another structure: is endangered by another structure: may be a support for another sturctur : may be supported by another structure: STRUCTURES USE: Residential Commercial ' Industrial Special Facility n o Lifelines not Importance Factor: Impact of structures' use in the regions' economy is event of an earthquake. ne#, 1 c tine i e No. of Stories I aug ) (Square Feet)&(Wpa : MISC. DATAL .Year Floor area per story 4qb?4* Day Jr No. of Occupants: Structure Built j1qo-foe Night 0 Potential no. of victims _J5 Is there a basement? via a SANITARY crawl space? ._>a Is there BUILDING REGULAR IRREGULAR y CONFIGURATION: SETBACKS4Jj A Regularity Plan Symmetry 4le&g Offset center of rigidity Discontinuity ElvoElevation GEOMETRY OF BUILDING (Attach sketches showing overall dimensions, layout, window spacings _ and sizes): Elevation View Plan View dX le Xo'_ Exterior Wall Viewl Typical Shear Wall (core of corner) j&g9!_ NO. OF SEPARATION JOINTS: In Elevation "tne. EVALUATION -Plan Symmetry -Elevation Regularity -Redundancy of Bracing Elements Transverse Direction In Plan of Superstructure good good good averager ne Longitudinal Direction good poor poor good ~j~e era poor poor good average Ci ATC-21-1 Appendix A 81 STANFORD SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS: BUILDING CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM STRUCTURALREDUNDANCIESs .1 . 1 . et no Good Avg. Frame Line Plan _noQUALITY OF CONSTRUCTION: Poor Workmanship: Visual Observation Y Review of Documentation Analytical Studies Overload History Weakening Structural Resistance: d Dueto Earthquake Dueto Fire Due to Extreme - - Environmental QUALITY OF DESIGN: *M'M4V#Tru erack 4 Q mor4wor jo in 44 Is design regular or special? rc, Proper consideration of soil condition? m Is It designed for earthquake loading? MnC Conditions - Does as-bullt structure conform to design? Original designed base shear (kips)? n Computedexisting base shear (kips)? n/a Ratioof existing CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS: Structural ductility? rie-e to original?_ n e- a- Quality of materials used? _ae______ Comparison with original material specs? Masonry or non-masonry? _ __ _ _ _ = Reinforced or non-reinforced? I SUPERSTRUCTUR1 Continuous concrete wall? __Mo Concrete columns inf ill? with = Largeheavy pre-cast stru tural elements? Others Mav~ro Anys2ignsofdis ? . Any signs of distress? adequate? coose sands, sensitive clays, _ _ _ _i POUNDATION: Type?- Is oltength (Identify or highly cementeA 41fi4, DexArAcgd L Possibility of landslide? no Possibility.of settlement? me__Oa. Possibility of sliding? ply Possibility Possibility sands e.144 J Possibility of uplift? of overturning? inof liquefaction? go_ no 82 Appendix A ATC-21-1 Parapets Marquees Ornamentations no _ !jeg . y 0Ctd?.1 $sgna. L.Cipncdch slat. Possibility of buckling of x-bractngs? #ne Excessive deflections of long span floors and roofs.cvl/vgm eadded 4v 1A A4 fecen an l-mi 4re ehoer-J F (e 4hai) a wao vAen p/a eJd Ae iksiLrr c-hlJ..2 u ie*x _ -916VI Fire Escape lap Canopies io Veneers Others Possibility .jp Railings Rooftlig Cladding A @. of collapse of infill materials?#AtCs A TC-21 -1 Appendix A 83 . Floors Others _ _I EXTERIOR ENVELOPE: VERTICAL NON-VERTICAL Walls maeopintL EVALUATION: Roofs Doors/WindowsaUhd4 Slabs 0e9acol&.STANFORD PRIMARY STRUCTURALSYSTEM OR ELEIIENTS: Vertical load carrying elements? MnSrSjou VERTICAL ovafun4 Dila0es RON-VERTICAL Lateral load carrying elents? INTERIOR ENVELOPE: Walls Others Doors/WI nows uec// _-_fi _ _ .n Others Ceilings _ PI o Siding i°_ 11.EiarescerIL. etc..? flo Presence of cracks? cs waoIh 1 Excessive compressivd force (Possibility of crushing)? Additional openings and/or penetrations? __a Possibility of weak column strong beam? Additional closures (partitions)? 13o Shear wall type and thickness? A UA'A4 Is suspended ceiling braced? no no SECONDARYNON-STRUCTURAL SYSTEM OR COMPONENTS: ARCHITECTURAL: INTERIOR ELEMENTS Lights EXTERIOR ELEMsENTS ornamewt-atiSons _jg F1inishes no Partitions ake Stairways !9 Shaftway _ Leanbn. Overhangs no Balconies nt Chimneys .. Ceilings . 84 Appendix A A TC-21 -I .#4 a ial . Adequacy of fire control system? no n Possibility of explosion? of release of toxic chemicals? n o Possibility eiaL'S - CONNECTIONS: Adequacy of connections between primary structural elements to develop shear resistance? pove Adequacy of connections between secondary 'non-structaral elements to develop shear resistance? Do Adequacy of connections between primary structural elements and secondary non-structural components to _ develop shear resistance? Adequacy of foundations connections? Aq. A-e ec MECHANICAL atrELECTRICAL _ .' A I' Co r. paV-i/Yzon lru~sfes WiA / f% C. SPRINKLER nonC: FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM noe FUEL (NVC) IPu nct c tI S Are service systems adequate?_ : Are service systems adequately mounted? npo Will they provide service after an earthquake? : Possibility of failure in fuel system causing fire? . aIJ dOA4 L1 Id' b6i- weA . 'I 44oS0d s.. Oe:S sheel ymet.t roa. 7ra-sfa5 P°°0 pila4. o pe* ijnA/-.STANFORD SERVICE SYSTEMS: ELEVATORS: Mo Possibility of cage falling? Adequacy of cage guides and motor mountings_ .. *5lr.-L {oof~~ u f est6 IZ .C~ FCl/so.d L7. . tS~~ /si S.CO 6. .SOW5RoX02X^ 0je jHJAL c0. | PLANS AVAILABLE: iZ .57T(o TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: VRIM 2 rE Wpr BUILDINGHEIGHT: _ -f _ CONSTRUCTION: ..r:-01. Aov7 SAAM IL E.o J7A. . V) W /IPA46 hWi o 70 D Amt2^S/£.ATC-21 -1 --rr Annendix A IR./ VAvCA: ^ 9wge / n y W.f:rC AR^e NAFIE: Y BUILDING OWNERi OCCUPANCY TYPE: AIVP 3 .. 4CFS z OF WAt77ZV6Tf .afS r.CITY OF REDLANDS BUILDING DATA FORK - ADDRESS: AREA: rAR&.WAt- SUMHARIZE FINDINGS AND RECOMMIENDATIONSHERE: . .. EXTERIOR: ABUTTING BUILDINGS: .JO D LA"~t 6 " dS~f INTERIOR WALLS: FRAMING: Z 1. &COb - MATERIAL: aR2/K QUALITY 600'D OTHER REINF: HEIGHT 7-3.oVTH 5/Fp STREET FRONT CONSTRUCTION: OAJ' Y -/*R 57rL 9 fbTfvJ.4> PARAPETS:FRONTTHICKNESS 4"# pq!z MORTARQUAL.fo.erb CORNICES: MATERIAL: A/OAJ9 PROJECTION: OTHER OBSERVATIONS: ROOF TILE COPING TOWERS/CHIMNEYS- SIGNS gy S' ' Ovf..~t> rFgorV 4'Vt THIN FACING OVER FRAMING: SIGNS OR OTHER HAZARDS: OTHER OBSERVATIONS: 5g6/bA AA i/ OMAjZ S^D vsrs 0vE CK 54A1PiDA 86 Appendix A ATC-21-1 ..2 0 TANKS- ATTIC:HEIGHT: MATERIAL:'- ANCHORS/BOND BEANS: - INTERIOR: FLOORS: b..CITY OF REDLANDS FIELD DATA ROOF: FAAr-T COVERING *-or-.VMA4 040Lu SIDE ANDREARWALLS: t M V M._BRACED OR BOND BEAM: AJovr: 7' r Pc/rr 7 ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: DrPoJrAl. O cot.At- ofjAA$b'dc ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFICANCE: LINTELS: AP. v Ae-D CorlJf4Dr7 Interior Walls Frame B^J6 A tI Lintels AJHXP Other:-M.CITY OF REDLANDS SUMNARY OF CONSTRUCTION Exterior Walls: N B~c~ Notes: E.. iWtos W IVP^r b- Roof: rzAf Floor(s): wVOO. P4: A TC-21-11 Appendix A 87 . f'gO7%J7V tZ A-14AJZoOiS__ POSSIBLE SC Parapets HAZARDS Walls Gables X Signs Roof Tile Coping Facing Towers Marquees Cornices Ornamentation Chimneys Tanks OTHER NOTES OR REMARKS: :5.F.-A A/"EAJL 2. vl&t S. 232-0DI 0I59-281-@ 59-281u-1 &-3 01A 5AM 9LE 88 Appendix A ATC-21-1 .CITY OF REDLANDS - SKETCHES AND NOTES 4TE t OCATr/OA ot69-281-17 2819 ot59. _.........._ C I Other Systems - … SURVEY BUILDING CLASSIFICATION… I ATC-21->1 Appendix A 89 ....____...______ feet D ..........H/D) Aspect ratio L ..... …sq ft R Number of floors (ground floor and above) N BNumber of basements 1984 Replacement value Amount of earthquake insurance 1 2 ISO --------- Underwriter's building classification _.. feet H -------f feet A ...CHARLESTON CRITICAL FACILITIES BUILDING STRUCTURE CLASSIFICATION FORM Name of building Address Census tract Primary function of building Year built ........Year remodeled or rehabilited Plan sketch and dimensions: Building length (parallel to street) Building depth (perpendicular to street) Building height (ground level to roof) Building size (LSD) MAX(H/L... …---... CHARLESTON STRUCTURAL SYSTEM GENERAL TYPEs C 3 (1) Mobile C 3 (1) Wood Home frame C 3 (2) All metal frame C 3 (3) Steel C 3 Simple resisting C 3 Moment C 3 One-way C 3 Two-way frame frame C 3 Ductile -C One-way frame moment resisting frame concrete C 2 Two-way C 2 Poured-in-place C fire-proofing walls I Shear C 3 (4) Concrete frame C 3 Precast C 3 Moment elements resisting frame C 2 One-way C 3 Two-way frame frame frame C 3 Ductile moment resisting C 2 One-way C 2 Two-way C 3 Shear walls I 3 (5) Mixed construction C 3 Unreinf orced masonry 2 Reinforced C 3 Tilt-up C masonry E 3 (6) Special (Requireswritten justification) alarms earthquake resistant EMERGENCY SYSTEMSs C 2 Fire C 2 Heat and/or C 3 Fire smoke detectors C 3 Self doors C 3 Automatic closing closing (Fusable link) 90 Appendix A ATC-21-1 . .........CHARLESTON EXTERIOR WALLSs Locations ___ Types C ---- story 1 3 Bearing 3 Non-bearing 1 3 Curtain C 3 Panel E 3 In-filled Material:s 1 Adobe studs 3 Unbraced C 3 Braced C C 3 Wood C 3 Cripple C 3 Brick veneer Type:s ----- I 2 Stucco C 3 Other C 3 Masonry e 3 Hollow C 3 Solid C 3 Unrainf orced C 3 Reinforced 3 Brick C 3 Tile C 3 CMLU C 3 Concrete C 3 Slass C 2 Steel panels C 2 Other e C 2 Precast concrete panels Types Percent ef exterior wall openings North East South Thickness -----.in Through-wall ties: ..... West INTERIOR WALLSs … Locations Shamr Wallss Type: story C 3 None C 2 Isolated C 2 Core a C 3 Masonry C 3 Hollow Material ATC-21 -1 Appendix A 91 ...... . CHARLESTON FLOOR FRAMIIN1s Locations _ story Type& C I Concrete slab on grade C 2 Joists C 3 Wood C 2 Steel @ 3 Concrete C 3 Not C 3 anchored C 3 Anchored Beam/girder C 3 Timber C 2 Steel C I Concrete C 3 Wood trussed C 2 Concrete slab C 2 Poured-in-place C 2 Precast C 2 Reinforced C 2 Prestressed C 2 Solid C 2 Hollow C 2 Ribbed C 3 Waffel. joists C 3 Flat C 3 Slab C 3 Slab slab w/drops w/capitals C 3 Slab w/drops and capitals C 3 'Precast Decks C 3 Wood elements Types [ 3 Steel C 3 C 3 C23 E 3 Concrete planks Light concrete deck slab (LEO3") Other Types Heavy concrete deck slab (BTR 3 ) Diaphragms .I 3 No E 2 Poor C 3 Good 1 3 Excellent Diaphragm shear transfer connections C C C C 2 2 2 3 None Poor Good Excellent ATC-21-1 Appendix A 93 . ..... C 2 Other planks Diaphragm: C 2 No C 3 Poor C 3 Good C 2 Excellent Diaphragm shear transfer connections C-2 None C 2 Poor C 2 Good C 2 Excellent 94 Appendix A 1-1 A TC-21 .....CHARLESTON ROOF FRAMIN~s Surfaces C 3 Flat C 3 Sloped C 2 Curved Types C 2 Joists C 2 Wood C 3 Steel C 3 Concrete C 3 Not anchored C 3 Anchored C 3 Beam/girder e 2 Timber C 3 Steel C 3 Concrete C 2 Wood trussed rafters C 3 Truss/purlin c 2 Timber C 2 Steel C 3 Concrete slab C 3 Poured-in-place C I Precast C 2 ReinForced C C C C C 2 2 2 2 2 Prestressed Solid Hollow Ribbed WaffMl C 2 Flat C 2 Slab C 2 Slab slab w/drops w/capitals ---- C 2 Slab w/drops and capitals Types ________ C 2 Precast elements Deck: C 2 Wood C 2 Steel C 2 Concrete 3H) C 2 Light concrete deckslab (LEG C 3 Heavy concrete deck slab (GTR 3") Types _............. .________.CHARLESTON ORNAMENTATION: Exteriors Inadequately anchored ornamentation and/or ___ veneer above the first story ---------- Stone coping cast ledges. or stone pre- Interiors C 2 Suspended C 2 Tie ceilings wires C 3 Not C 2 Looped looped bracing C 3 Lateral E 3 None C 3 Wires E 2 Metal C channels 2 Suspended light fixtures C 2 Wire e 2 Chain C 2 Pendant (pipe / conduit) C I Poorly anchored chandell-rs and/or other ceiling appurtanacies C 2 Drop-in fluorescent light fixtures C 3 Bracket-mounted television sets _____ ___ ---_-------- C 2 Floor coverings ______.___ _____________________________________ MECHANICAL/ELECTRICALI Heating Equipments Air Conditioning Equipments and Distribution Equipments Elevators: Escalatorsi Miscellaneous Equipments (All equipment) Electrical Generation Anchorages ATC-21-1 Appendix A 95. . or sculptered sills andkeystones -… _--______-___________________________________ ______-__________________________________- on parapets. .. cracking.._ _ -_ _ ------------. Building shapes C I Rectangular r 3 Triangular/L-shape/T-shape/H-shape C I "Open front" (U-shape) (Continuous... -.------..... leaning of walls)..__-----Number: ___________--____--____ HAZARDOUS EXPOSURES: Roof tanks: Purposes Sizes ____--- -------------- __ Bracing/anchorages Roof signs: Parapet walls: C I None 1 2 Unreinforced C 3 Reinforced masonry ----------------- masonry C 3 Other Type 96 Appendix A ATC-21-1 . Shear wallss (Symmetric or non-symmetric) Lateral bracing: ------------- (Type) __________________________________ (Symmetric or non-symmetric) ......._. non-continuous) ___ Columnss Foundations C 3 Above grade concrete piers or pedestals C 3 Unreinforced S 3 Reinforced C 3 Above grade masonry piers or pedestals C 3 Unreinforced C 3 Reinforced C 3 Tiedowns C 3 Cross-bracing Floorst Swimming Pools Aspect ratios R = ------ s… (On -roof (Cracking or sagging) ……… Others ...________O__ --------------------------------------------------------------------------.......-.. bowing.....---...._______________-_...... -_ _____ .-..______-.CHARLESTON UNUSUAL CONDITIONSt Previous ED damages Settlements (Differential settlement... CHARLESTON -C 3 Unbraced C 3 Braced Overhanging wallss Chimneyss Height above roofs Anchorage/bracing . Poundingt FOUNDATIONs Materials -- Types C 3 Strip footings E 3 Isolated footings C 3 Mat foundation C 3 Piles C 3 Wood C 3 Steel C 2 Concrete C 3 Caissons C 3 Other Type: SOIL TYPE/CONDITIONs C 2 Rock or firm alluvium engineered C 2 Soft alluvium or well- man-made fill C 2 Poqr (natural Remarks:… -or man-made) …- A TC-21 -I Appendix A 97 . MODIFIERS& 1. unreinforced solid C 3 C 0) C 3 C +5) C 3 (+10) C 0) (+10) (+20) (7) Masonry. 1 C -5) C 0) (3) Manufacturing. E 3 0) Average damageability E 3 C +5) High damageability (2) Mercantile.. a .0 BUILDING PML Office. ... . n. . reinforced solid or hollow (3) Metal (4) Glass (5) Stucco on studs C 3 C 3 C -5) r 2 ( 0) C +5) (6) Masonry. + (SUM OF MODIFIERS)/1003. School t -5) Low Habitational. __ . (CLASS PML)SCMODIFICATION FACTOR) . Restaurant. Laboratory. Warehousing. 6 o: CLASS PML .. poured or precast (2)Masonry.. C 3 C 3 * . Walls . Stadium C 3 (-15) C 2 (-10) C 23 0) 2. -fa - ____ - - - A. Parking structure. . _ . . Occupancy type . . .. .. Exterior walls (1)Concrete.F ! Q a a . . 0 . Hospital.Cl. Church t 2 (-10) .. . . (1) . unreinf orced hollow C 2 C 2 C 2 98 Appendix A ATC-21-1 .. .. damageability .. .CHARLESTON CRITICAL FACILITIES BUILDING STRUCTURE EARTHQUAKE VULNERABILITY RATING FORM BUILDINGt -------------------------------- MODIFICATIONFACTOR . . .1 w/ length LED 150' (6) Wood: maximum ratio C3 ( C 3 C 3 GTR 2. Purlin anchors lacking (+10) ATC-21-1 Appendix A 99:. precast (5) Wood or gypsum: C 3 C 3 C 3 C 0) ( S) (+10) maximum ratio LEG 2. . . precast (5) Woods maximum c 3 C 3 C 3 C 0) ( +5) (+10) C +5) ratio LEG 2. . unreinforced (5)Tile. .precast or gypsumboard on metal or wood studs solid or hollow C 0) t +5) (4) Masonry. Roof (Null modifier when building GTR 5 stories) (1) Concrete. (3) Plaster C 3 C 3 C 3 (2)Masonry. BTR 2. Interior walls andpartitions (1) Concrete. --- A. . .1 0) (+10) (+20) B. (3) Metal C 3 C 3 C 3 poured concrete filll (2) Metal deck with C-5) C 0) (4)Concrete. hollow clay C 3 C 3 C 3 C 0) ( +5) (+10) 3. 1 C 3 (+20) C. . reinforced solid or hollow C -5) poured or.1 w/ length (6) Wood or gypsums maximum ratio C 3 E 3 C 0) (+10) . Diaphragms . Floors a-LED 150' (1) Concrete. (S) Metal C (2) Metal deck with concrete fill C C 3 3 3 ( -5) C 0) C +5) poured (4) Concrete.CHARLESTON B. . . ..CHA RLESTON I 4... . . .. . -5) ( +5) C 2 (+10. . C 3 C 3 -5) 0) +5. Ornamentation .. Site dependent hazards materials A. Mechanical and Electrical E 2 (-10... . . . A.10) walls C. Roof tanks C 3 Null . . Haardous exposures "Average" means "No exposure" A. .. . ..+25) 7. . O.. Poundingof adjacent buildings E 3 Null C 3 C 3 C 0) +5) e D D O * O a .... S.+10) 60 Unusual Conditions Include previous earthquake damageand repairs 6 3 C 3 (-10. Interior C 3 E 3 E 3 C (includes ceilings -5) 0) +( 5$+1O) 5.. . Foundation E3 ( 0) Rock or firm alluvium or wel 1-angineered C 3 (+10) fill Soft man-made or man-made) alluvium E 3 (+25) Poor (natural SUM OF MODIFIERSs 100 Appendix A ATC-21-1 . .. . . C C 3 ( 0) +25) B. . .... and floorcovers) Systems.4... .. o . . Exterior e 3 -5) t 3 t 0) E 3 ( +S +10) B. Roof signs and overhanging C 3 Null C 2 0) t 3 C +5. 7*s .ARMY EXISTING BUILDINGS nXLT91" scamM ST LAF DAU suXWIt G go. Ov sater5i. 5 1MSPlws //I/It ES IP?1TM GTTuZ (current hae) h5.Ffe.. ATC-21-1 Appendix A 101 . SM> "7N laervediate Floors neow Au7 .r sells SAutL FOaCZ RZSISTING am 'aeS I WAIMATION: 7or wwvg GA~eralC@ditlee terthquoke DOamgePooestiol I~~~s Inv=.S0/AP ss7i v$Id proim(oas AP: e uiw s GIASSIFICATsON JAAULUIL'T WIW1NG VAU: of DESIGN VAtA Niumber Stories of 3 Alas (Showvistasions)eI t/12 lght 35 COS'flCflM: structural Systed m 0 9of GioundFloors Fboudatiofs Waerier V1oil Ji S40 x7y J8.AAZO . ATC-13 damage factors were chosen as the Appendix B 103 .APPENDIX B DETERMINATION OF BASIC STRUCTURAL HAZARD SCORES AND MODIFIERS This Appendix presents the derivation of the Basic Structural Hazard score and discusses modifications to account for building specific problems and to extend this score to areas outside of California. wherein damage factor is defined as the ratio of dollar loss to replacement value. the point at about which many structures are demolished rather than repaired (i. Inasmuch as ATC-13 was intended for large scale economic studies and not for studies of individual structures. ATC-21 -1 informnation. That is. both modem code and older non-code buildings may be included. A summary of Basic Structural Hazard scores for all structural types and for all regions is found in Table B 1. which may be taken to mean replacement value for the building. earthquake engineering expert opinion was elicited in a structured manner in the ATC-13 project. and the approximate lower bound at which there begins to be a significant potential for building collapse (and hence a significant life safety threat). as to the likelihood of various levels of damage given a specified level of ground motion (ATC. Sixty percent damage was selected as the generally accepted threshold of major damage. BSH+PMFW=S (Blb) The Basic Structural Hazard scores herein were developed from earthquake damage related where the Structural Score S = log10 [Pr (DŽ60%)] (Blc) is the measure of the probability or likelihood of damage being greater than 60 percent of building value for the specific building. Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) or Effective Peak Ground Acceleration is B. The BSH is a generic score for a type or class of building. and is modified for a specific building by Performance Modification Factors (PMFs) specific to that building. S. It is assumed in ATC-13 that. structures damaged to 60 percent of their value are often a "total loss").log 0 [Pr(DŽ 60%)] 1 (Bla) a difficult task for which insufficient data or methods presently exist.1 Determination Structural of Score S The Basic Structural Hazard (BSH) is defined for a type or class of building as the negative of the logarithm (base 10) of the probability of damage (D) exceeding 60 percent of building value for a specified NEHRP Effective Peak Acceleration (EPA) loading (reflecting seismic hazard) as: BSH = . 1985). to arrive at a Structural Score.e. and that the damage data are applicable to buildings throughout the state of California. The determination of the probability of damage exceeding 60 percent for a class of buildings or structures for a given ground motion defined in terms of Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI). Value is used as defined in ATC-13 (ATC. 1985). depending on the building class. Sample calculations of probabilities of damage and resulting Basic Structural Hazard scores are included for several building types. damage factors apply to "average" buildings in each class. 1985). In order to fill this gap.using damage factors (DF) from ATC-13 (ATC.. 0 3.5 2.0 5.5 4.Table B 1: Basic Structural Hazard Scores for all Building Classes and NEHRP Areas Seismic Area (NEHRP MAP AREAS) Building Identifier low (1.5 2.0 3.0 6.0 3.4) 6.5 S3 S4 Cl1 4.0 3.5 3.5 moderate (3.5 2.0 3.2) 8.7) W S1 S2 WOOD FRAME STEEL MRF BRACED STEEL FRAME LIGHT METAL STEEL FRAME W/CONCRETE SW RC MRF RCSW NO MRF URM INFILL TILT-UP 4.0 3.5 6.5 2.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 104 Appendix B ATC-21-1 .5 2.5 3.6.0 1.5 4.0 1.5 4.0 PC2 RM URM PC FRAME REINFORCED MASONRY UNREINFORCED MASONRY 2.5 4.5 3.0 3.5 C2 C3/S5 PC 1 2.0 4.5 3.0 high (5.0 3. its mean and standard deviation. In ATC-13. This uncertainty is due to a number of factors including variation of structural properties within the category of structure under consideration and variation in ground motion. The standard deviation may-then be calculated from s= (ln(MH)-m)/1. best and high estimate of the damage factor at Modified Mercalli Intensities VI through XII. at the present time. the DF is treated as a random variable-that is. MB. of the distribution is below the MH damage factor. the mean low and mean high estimates of the DF were taken as the 90% probability bounds on the damage factor distribution.9). X. Thus approximately 95% that the lognormal distribution was the ATC-2 1 subcontractor's preference. this is the most complete and systematically compiled source of earthquake damage related information available. DF uncertainty about the mean was examined and found to be acceptably modeled by a Beta distribution although differences between the Beta. The normal distribution is characterized by two parameters. parameters of damage probability distributions were estimated from the "weighted statistics of the damage factor" given in Appendix G of ATC-13. is provided by knowing that 90% of the probability distribution lies between ML and MH.13) and for load levels ranging from MMI VI to XII. Appendix For specified building classes (as defined in G of ATC-13 contains summaries of experts' opinions of DFs for 78 facility classes (designed in Califomia) due to 6 different levels of input motion. An average of these two values results in the following equation: A TC-21-1 Appendix B 105 . a related random variable. This relationship is illustrated in Figure B 1. best and high estimates (ML. it can be seen that F(x=1. is normally distributed. From tables of the cumulative standard normal distribution. the lognormal rather than Beta distribution was chosen to represent the DF. Each ATC. F(x).64. For the development of hazard scores. m. For convenience herein. where x is the standard normal variate defined by x=(y-m)Is.64. xi. The lognormal distribution offers the advantage of easier calculation using well-known polynomial approximations.64)=0. The additional information needed to find the standard deviation. for a given ground motion. A similar calculation could be performed using the ML and the 5% cutoff. lognormal and normal probabilities were very small (see for example ATC-13. The mean best estimate was interpreted as the median DF.10. Thus if it is assumed that the DF is lognormally distributed with the median = MB. ATC. 1975). can be equated to the median value of the lognormal distribution. and the Beta or other probability distributions could be used in developing structural scores. where in this case y=ln(MH). In the worst case this would have only changed the resulting hazard score by 5%. MH) found in that Appendix. ATC-13). Ideally a truncated lognormal distribution should be used to account for the fact that the DF can be no larger than 100. Therefore (y-m)ls = 1. The best estimate was defined for the experts as the DF most likely to be observed for a given MMI and facility class (Appendix E and equation 7. The mean value of the normal distribution. 7. It should be noted For any lognormally distributed random variable.95. by m = In(xM) (B2) (Ang and Tang. Major damage was defined as a DF > . Y=ln(X). The low and high estimates were defined to be the 90% probability bounds of the damage factor distribution. s. To incorporate the inherent variability in structural response due to earthquake input and variations in building design and construction.basis for the handbook scores because.60 (greater than 60 percent damage). Fig. Weights based on experience level and confidence of the experts were factored into the mean values of the low. it is recognized that there is uncertainty in the DF. the ln(DF) is normally distributed with mean m=ln(MB).13 expert was asked to provide a low. P(DF) Given: MMI Facility Class o Low Best High DF DF '60% Figure B I 106 Appendix B A TC-21 -I . .821255978 A FORTRAN program was used to calculate the parameters m and s for various ATC-13 facility classes and all MMI levels. must be considered. the correspondence of ATC-13 and ATC-14 is one-to-one (e. These Structural Hazard scores are presented in Table B2 under NEHRP Map Area 7. Buildings constructed in places other than the high seismicity portions of California. the standard variate x = (ln(60>-m)Is: Q(x) =Z(x)[blt+b determination of the Structural Hazard score: 1. by consensus of the Project Engineering Panel. To smooth these inconsistencies. two factors must be incorporated in the Once the parameters of the normal distribution were found. logl0 [Pr(D >= 60%)] ) corresponded to initial values of the Basic Structural Hazard score defined in Equation Bl. It was found that large uncertainty in DF for MMI VI and sometimes VII could lead to inconsistencies in the calculated probabilities of damage.28 (13) and the constants are b= . MMI was converted to EPA according to: PGA = p = . b3 =1.319381530 b2 = -. For the derivation of structural hazard scores. and were therefore averaged to determine the ATC-21 score. due to inconsistencies still remaining despite the smoothing discussed above. 356563782 b4 = -1. This latter aspect is termed the "non-California building" factor. In order to extend the Structural Hazard scores for buildings constructed according to California building practices (which was all that ATC-13 considered) to other NEHRP Map Areas. In many cases. 1964). as given by Richter).e. Donovan. In some cases. The seismic environment (i.. lower EPA values) for NEHRP Map Areas 1 through 6 must be considered. These scores for the ATC-13 building classification were then used to determine the scores for the building classifications of ATC-14 (ATC. Equation B5 is an approximate conversion (N.75 PGA (B5) Equation B4 is a modification of the standard conversion given in Richter (1958) to arrive at PGA at the mid-point of the MMI value The resulting values of logl 0 (Q) (i. was calculated from the following polynomial approximation of the normal distribution (NBS 55. as this is the equivalent range of EPA under consideration in NEHRP Areas 1 to 7. which are also employed here in ATC-21 (see left column. the probability of the DF being greater than 60%. 1 2 2t +b33 . several building types of ATC-13 correspond to one in ATC-14. In a few instances.g. and EPA =.ib 44t +b5 5 ] @B6) t t t where Z(x) = (27c) 5*exp(-x2/2) and t = l/(l+px) ATC-21-I Appendix B 107 . 2.e.781477937 b5 = 1. Table B 1). log1 0 (s) was regressed against log1 0 (EPA).330274429 To estimate probabilities of exceeding a 60% DF for various NEHRP areas.s = (In(MK)-Ln(ML))/3. which probably have not been designed for the same seismic loadings and with the same seismic detailing as in California. personal communication). these initial Basic Structural Hazard scores were adjusted on the basis of judgment. 1987). C. Only MMI VI to IX were considered. (rather than at the threshold. Q. The standard deviations of the damage probability distributions for various EPA levels were calculated from the resulting regression.2316419 io(1-1)/3 (34) where PGA is in gals (cm/sec2 ). light metal). 6 3.5 1.5 2.3 4.7 4.7 5.9 4.MR STL PERIM.6 1.4 5.0 3.5 3.4 2.8 1.5 7.9 3.1 1.7 4.0 3.5 3.0 3.5 3.7 4.7 2.2 3.MR STL DISTRIB MRF .4 4.4 7.5 2.5 2.0 5.6 3.3 2.7 1.1 2.1 3.4 1.3 3.6 5.5 6.0 5.4 2.HR D RC MRF .5 6.5 3.7 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.4 3.9 4.MR TILT UP BR STL FRAME .5 2.05 2 8.9 2.HR RM SW W/ MRF .0 1.0 2.5 3.HR RCSW NO MRF .3 4.05 1 8.1 2.7 4.5 4.5 5.3 5.4 1.0 1.0 3.0 4.8 3.5 6.3 3.5 3.5 2.0 3.5 2.4 HIGH 5.HR STL DISTRIB MRF .5 3.8 4.2 3.9 3.0 5.7 LIGHT METAL URM .9 2.0 3.0 4.8 1.5 4.5 2.1 3.0 2.4 3.6.7 2.9 2.5 3.9 2.4 5.Table B2: Structural Hazard Score Values After Modification for Non-California Buildings (prior to rounding) (Follows ATC-13 (ATC.9 2.0 5.3 4.0 5.6 3.7 1.LR BR STL FRAME .8 7.0 1.LR URM INFILL .6 1.6 1.7 3.6 3.1 1.8 5.2 1.4 3.5 3.7 5.5 108 Appendix B ATC-21-1 .1 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.3 3.5 3.2 3.10 3 6.5 2.0 5.6 .5 5.40 7 4.0 6.MR ND RC MRF .5 RM SW W/O MRF .0 LOW 1.5 5.8 6.HR STL PERIM.0 2.0 4.6 5.9 2.0 2.5 5.5 2.5 6.9 4.0 5.15 4 5.9 2.9 3.9 3.4 4.5 2.1 3.3 2.1 3.7 .1 2.0 3.9 2.LR RM SW W/O MRF .7 6.0 2.2 2.4 7.8 4.5 3.8 1.7 6.0 7.0 4.2 3.HR URM INFILL .0 6.2 2.3 5.3 1.8 3.5 4.1 5.0 2.9 3.0 3.2 4.5 1.2 1.5 1.0 2.9 4.MR BR STL FRAME .8 2.1 5.2 1.MR D RC MRF .MR URM INFILL .2 4.0 6.6 8.0 2.0 2.5 5.MR RCSW NO MRF .0 2.1 2.5 1.9 3.0 5.LR PC FRAME .0 5.0 4.3 4.5 3.5 3.3 .8 4.2 1.0 1.4 5.5 1.5 3.1 1.LR STL PERIM.0 2.8 2.8 4.0 6.HR ND RC MRF .4 4.0 3.0 2.MR PC FRAME-HR 6.5 1.0 1.5 4.9 4.3 2.5 2.5 4.5 4.5 2.5 3.1 5.6 4.0 2.5 1.1 2.2 1.3 1.8 3.MR RM SW W/ MRF .0 3.5 2.9 2.5 3.7 4.3 .5 4.1 4. MRF .0 2.0 3.1 3.8 2.7 3. 1985) building classifications) EPA (g) NEHRP Area WOOD FRAME -LR .5 8.0 1.2 3.3 1.7 3.3 4.0 1.7 3.6 5.LR D RC MRF .8 1.4 .9 3.0 2.7 2.0 5.6 3.6 3.4 1.7 3.1 3.4 2.5 1.4 3.5 2.1 3.3 4.3 3.0 2.5 3.LR RM SW W/ MRF . MRF .0 2.5 5.4 3.5 4.0 1.8 2.30 6 4.HR PC FRAME .1 1.6 6.1 4.2 2.4 4.7 2.0 2.8 3.1 2.0 5.4 2.6 5.7 5.8 2.0 4.4 4.4 7.4 2.20 5 5.1 3.7 1.1 2.0 4.5 2.0 5.3 1.6 5.7 3.1 1.5 4.7 3.0 3.2 8.2 2.5 2.5 1.MR RM SW W/O MIRF .2 5. MRF .9 3.3 .5 5.1 1.1 1.HR LONG SPAN 3.5 4.5 3.0 3.LR ND RC MRF .2 2.7 3.0 2.4 4.5 MOD 3.0 3.3 2.5 3.7 1.8 2.5 3.9 4.4 2.5 1.5 2.6 2.LR URM .9 3.0 1.LR STL DISTRIB MRF .0 5.5 4.6 1.0 2.2 1.5 3.5 2.5 1.6 3.0 3.6 3.5 3.8 1.8 3.0 2.2 1.5 3.5 4.0 5.1 2.LR RCSW NO MRF .0 6.3 3.7 1.2 1.2 2.8 3. and expert opinion data similar to ATC. 3). as well as resulting in major property damage. asking them to compare the performance of specific building types in their regions to IAppendix B 109 .g. Changes in the Structural Hazard score due to variations in local design or building practices. designed and built according to standard California seismic practices) in a different NEHRP Map Area. although lack of special details might result in relatively little ductility. so that the seismic capacity is the same in many NEHRP areas. expert opinion was sought in order to extend the ATC-13 information to non-California building construction. Similarly. building types whose seismic capacity is the same will have higher Basic Structural Hazard scores in the lower seismicity NEHRP Map Areas. NEHRP Map Areas 1. the seismic capacity/demand ratio increases for these type of buildings for NEHRP Map Areas 1. 2.. However. for example. The extension of the scoring system to structures outside of California (i. the Structural Hazard score in NEHRP Map Area 3 for this building type should be lower than it would be for a "California" building..13 did not exist for non-California buildings. this would lead to an increase in the value of the Structural Hazard score. as outlined above..e. on the other hand. subjected to seismic loadings appropriate for NEHRP Map Area 7. In regions where building practices differ significantly from California (i. such as older unreinforced masonry (URM) may be no different in California than in most other parts of the United States. the Structural Hazard score should be modified. It would be expected that in regions where seismic loading does not control the design. is difficult because seismic experience for these regions is less. Given that the seismic loading in NEHRP Map Area 3 is less than in most of California. they was regressed against EPA and scores were calculated from the resulting regression. Therefore. Quantification of the change in Structural Hazard score due to variations in regional An example of this "non-California building" effect might be a reinforced masonry (RM) building in NEHRP Map Area 3. interior masonry partitions (e.2 Extension to Non-California Building Construction Due to the nature of data compiled in ATC13.e. interior walls built of concrete masonry units. 3. will likely lack details required in UBC Seismic Zones 3 and 4. "non-California buildings") is discussed below. if the seismic loading were the same. depending on the seismic capacity/demand ratio. NEHRP Map Area 7) building practices. failure ATC-21 -1 seismicity can be treated in a rather straightforward manner. the above Structural Hazard scores are appropriate for "average" buildings designed and built in California. and thus will likely have less ductility.. These values represent the values for a "California building" (i. 2. B. as discussed above. Although the exterior walls are reinforced. to facilitate calculating the final Structural Hazard scores for the EPA loadings in NEHRP Areas 1 through 6. Since the seismic loading is less for most non-California map areas (e. Design for wind loads would provide some lateral load capacity. loglo[loglo(Structural Hazard Score)] and probable collapse of most of the interior walls would be a major life-safety hazard. the actual resulting score may be higher or lower. Information was sought in a structured manner from experienced engineers in NEHRP Areas 1 to 6. however..With regard to the first of these factors. In the course of the development of the ATC-21 Handbook therefore.e.g. CMU) might typically be unreinforced. This is not to say that buildings in NEHRP Map Area have no lateral load (and hence seismic) capacity. if at all. Some building types. with ungrouted cells. where local building codes typically may not have required any design for seismic loading until recently. Although the building structure could thus be fairly classified as RM. For high-rise construction (8+ stories). it was felt that the precision inherent in the Structural Hazard scores only warranted expressing these values to the nearest 0. 7 Moderate Low 3. although there was substantial scatter in these experts' responses. Although ATC-13 provided data for MMI VI to XII. Lastly. 1985). for their final estimate of the seismic performance for each building type for their region. as might be expected. Generally.and mid-rise buildings from that determined for high-rise buildings..and medium-rise buildings. shown in Table B4.5 (i.e. these values (before rounding) were averaged for low. all were rounded to the nearest one half: .5. The scoring process These modification constants (MC). the data for MMI greater than X do not correspond to the NEHRP Map effective peak accelerations. for the same level of loading. responses from all experts in each region were averaged and used to estimate the modification constant for each building type. based on Because the derived scores were based on expert opinion.California-designed buildings of the same type. the Basic Structural Hazard score for low. 110 Appendix B ATC-21-1 .2 to 1. That is. a comparison of scores for different NEHRP Map Areas revealed very little difference of Structural Hazard scores for certain levels of seismicity. B. and involved several approximations as discussed above. This value. presented in Table B3.3 Sample Calculationof Basic Structural HazardScores A sample calculation is presented here for ATC-13 facility class 1 (wood frame).3 rounded to . 4 1. For a given NEHRP Map Area. Therefore. a composite of all responses for a region was sent to the experts. moderate.and mediumrise buildings. the experts expected higher damage for buildings in rise (1 to 3 stories) and medium rise (4 to 7 stories) structures after rounding showed little or no difference for most building classes. who were then asked. in most cases the responses could be interpreted such that the non-California building DF could be considered to differ by a constant multiple from the corresponding "California building" DF. 1. Therefore they were not included in developing the scores for this Rapid Screening Procedure (RSP). this is modified by a high-rise Performance Modification Factor (PMF).0 and so on). were used to change the value of the mean best estimate from ATC-13 (MB) to a best estimate for each NEHRP Map Area (BENA) according to the following equation: BENA = MC*MB (B7) was therefore simplified by grouping high. This high-rise PMF is a function of building class and was calculated by subtracting their regions than for similar structures built in California. based on these composite results. These structural scores are presented in Table B2. A comparison of scores for low data taken from Appendix G in ATC-13 (ATC. and low seismicity NEHRP areas together as follows: Seismicity High NEHRP Areas 5. is designated as the Basic Structural Hazard score.1. 2 Keeping the standard deviation constant (as calculated in equation B3) and using the best estimate of the DF (BENA) from equation B7. After reviewing and comparing the responses. appropriate for low. 6. for each NEHRP Map Area. Structural Hazard scores were calculated for each region using the methodology described in Section B. 1 1.2 1.5 1.3 6 1.0 Wood Frame Steel Moment Resisting Frame (Si) Steel Frame with Steel Bracing or Concrete Shear Walls Light Metal Steel Frame or Concrete Frame with Unreinforced Masonry Infill Walls Concrete Moment Resisting Frame Concrete Shear Wall Tilt-up (PC 1) Precast Concrete Frames Reinforced Masonry (RM) Unreinforced Masonry 1.0 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.9 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.9 1.2 4 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.0 2.3 1.0 ATC-21-1 Appendix B 111 .Table B3: ATC-21 Round 2 Damage Factor Modification Constants Structure Type 1.0 2.1 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.4 5 1.2 1.8 1.9 1.2 1.2 1.2 NEHRP Map Area 3 1.0 1.7 2.2 1.9 2.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1. 97 corresponding to an EPA of 0.30 7.75 3.3 1.20 0. The final values for the example given here (wood-frame buildings).The mean and standard deviation of the Normal distribution are calculated from equations B2 and B3 with the results shown in Table B5.40 BSH 8.2 3.82 4. For wood-frame structures the modification constants developed from the questionnaires are: NEHRP Map Areas LOW MODERATE HIGH 1.0 IVU 1.97 Repeating the same procedure using the natural log of these median DF to calculate the mean of the normal distribution and the same standard deviations shown above.3 1.10 0. resulting values are: BSH = 3. To calculate BSH for other NEHRP Map Areas the same process must be used with the modified mean damage factor described in Section B.50 5.2 1 12 3 4 5 6 A regression of loglo(s) versus loglo(EPA) yields the following equation: log 10(s) = -0. before and after rounding to the nearest half. these were grouped together into three areas.0.9 vm 5. Finally Iogj0 [1ogj (BSH)1 was regressed 0 against EPA resulting in the following equation: 1og 0[logj 0(BSH)] = -0. NEHRP Map Area Modification Constant 1 1 1. with corresponding BSH values (see Table Bl). probabilities of exceeding 60 percent damage were calculated for EPA values of .15 0.4g is the score for NEHRP Map Area 7.2.9 Ix 11.32 6.5 6. the modified median damage factors for NEHRP Map Area 3. Finally. because there appeared to be little variation between some NEHRP Map Areas.0 4. the Structural Hazard score is calculated for each NEHRP Map Area.0101 . 6.35 and lower.192*1oglo(EPA) Using values of s obtained from the above equation and the polynomial approximation of the normal distribution given in Equation B6. The resulting probabilities and hazard scores are shown in Table B6. are (see Equation B7): MMI Median DF VI 1.05 0.0. For the example of wood-frame buildings.409 .5 112 Appendix B ATC-21-1 . 7 BSH 8.5 Values of the Basic Structural Hazard score for California buildings calculated from the above equation for specified EPA are shown below: EPA(g) 0. for example.532*EPA 1 Using these constants.30 0. are shown in Table B7 for this example of wood buildings and in Table B2 for all building types. 4 5. 7 9.50 5.16 0.05 0.8 1.15 0.05 Final Values 8.04 0.981 0.223 0.69 X 3.57 842 5.91 X 4.22 0.569 2.587 0.97 8.08 0.0 4.Table B4 Damagye MMI ' VI VII Factor (01n Mean High PGA gX 0.) (mean=1nfMBj) 0.782 0.10 I 0.398 2.35 Pr(D 2 60) 2.16 0.08 0.8 (MB ) 0.5 4.10 0.35 IX 4.04 0.05 0.26 4.7 - 0.5 5.2 0.450 -0.3 6.04 0.80 X 1.552 0.39 Table B7 NEHRP 1 EPA (gW 0.45 5.3 BSH 8.0 ATC-21-1 A TC-21 -1 Appendix Appendix B:11 B 113 .0 19.548 2.16 0.72 4.5 5.08 V (ML) 0.20 0.609 -0.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.356 0.5 (MH 2.35 -1.07 X 109 10_6 10 5 10 BSH 8.5 6.405 1. dev.504 0.47 f EPA Mean Low Mean Best (g) 0.30 0.7 1.6 5.75 3.40 8.6 4.2 Table B5 S EPA (S) In (ML In (MH (std.588 1.8 11.219 Table B6 EPA 0.956 1. if BSH is 2. damage greater than 60 percent of their replacement value) of 10-8.0 5.. An alternative computation might be conducted. The interpretation of these values is rather straightforward-a value of 8.3g to 0. such that when 114 Appendix B A TC-¢21.. is very large. based on querying of experts and checklists from ATC14.5 in Low seismicity areas indicates that on average wood- Deviations from the normal structural practice or conditions. based on judgment. The number and variety of such performance modification factors. which can be thought of as the standard variate of the probability of failure (if the basic variables are normally distributed.4 PerformanceModification Factors There are a number of factors that can modify the seismic performance of a structure causing the performance of an individual building to differ from the average. a limited number of the most significant factors were identified. performance.5 1. Memphis.The final resulting values of Basic Structural Hazard score presented in Table B1 are intended for use nationwide..5 2. local building officials may feel that building practice in their community differs significantly from the conditions typified by the Modification Constants (MCs) in Table B3. the bolting of the wood structure to the foundation. B. BSH has a straightforward interpretation: if SH s. These factors basically are related to significant deviations from the normal structural practice or conditions.-1 . Wood Light Metal URM Tilt-up 5.e. Further. probability of maior damae is 1 in 10. 1980) indicates that Beta (or BSH) values of 3 for gravity loads and about 1. and many of these cannot be detected from the street on the basis of a rapid visual inspection. 1974).g. for all types of buildings. It should be noted that BSH as defined and used here is similar to the structural reliability index.5. if BSH is 3.5 Note that if non-standard BSH scores are thus computed. however. where the EPA is 0. which is often a good approximation). Thus. Those that could not be readily observed from the street were eliminated.75 for earthquake loads are typical. it should be noted that research into the for example. due to pests (e. and so on. Because of this. For values of BSH between about 0 and 5 (typically the range of interest herein). In High seismicity areas. the probability of major damage is 1 in 100. if a community in NEHRP Map Area 5 (e.05g.5. PMFs should be reevaluated. termites) or rot. when subjected to EPA of 0. Factors considered for this RSP were limited to those having an especially severe impact on seismic probability of major damage is 1 in 1000. In most cases. or have to do with the effects of soil amplification on the expected ground motion.4g. have a probability of sustaining major damage (i. The performance modification factors were assigned values. the BSH scores in Table B 1 should be appropriate. Example resulting BSH scores would then be: Beta values inherent in present building codes (NBS 577. Beta (Hasofer and Lind. TN) felt that the MCs for Map Area 4 were more appropriate. The computer source code and data employed for this study is therefore furnished (Figure B2) so that alternative MCs may be employed to generate BSH scores based on an alternative set of MCs. such as unbraced cripple walls or lack of frame buildings. However. Beta and BSH are approximately equal. or basic structural layout. in the case of wood frame buildings for example. can include deterioration of the basic wood material.g. the robability of sustaining major damage is 10-4. 7 continue 201 format(' '....5)/3.y(l0).3.)-0.dlow.*) ntype do 1 i=l.28 y(i)=aloglO(sigma(i)) 4 continue Figure B2 ATC-21 -1 Appenzdix B 115 .y(7) DIMENSION dmodfy(7).7 sigma(i)=(lnhigh(i)-lnlow(i))/3.5.ntype call dfread 1 continue end c-----_______________________ subroutine dfread dimension pga(7).200) (epa(i).210) (i.4/ write(6.7) C CONVERT MMI TO PGA do 2 i=1.i=l.x(7).epa(l0) read(5.05.7 read(5.*) (dmodfy(j).sigma(7).lnhigh(7).stvar(7). Scawthorn 1987.7(i5)) 200 H2') HIGH M2 210 202 FORMAT (' ') WRITE (6.4(flO.6) 100 format(6a4) c READ MODIFICATION FACTORS FOR EACH NEHRP AREA read(5.15.gt.17x.dat'. bldg(l0) real lnlow(7).2).l.J-1.status='old') data epa /.2. lnlow(i)=alog(dlow) lnhigh(i)=alog(dhigh) 2 continue do 50 nehrp=1.p(7).' format('NEHRP Area '.7) write(6.202) read(5.7) LOW MOD format('EPA'.lnbest(7).dhigh pga(i)=10**((c(xmmi+0.1 C THIS C USING DATA FROM ATC13 C A LOGNORMAL DISTRIBUTION FOR DAMAGE IS ASSUMED C T.100) (bldg(i).i=l.100.1988 C C -_________ C…----PROGRAM FINDS THE STRUCTURAL SCORES FOR THE ATC21 HANDBOOK dimension x(10).) temp=100.7(f5.*) xmmi.i=1.epa(7) open(5.5)/981.7 do 7 i=1.lx)) C COMPUTE STANDARD DEVIATION OF THE LOGNORMAL DISTRIBUTION do 4 i=1.sfinal(7)..status='old') open(6...file='atcs.05. lnbest(i)=alog(temp) x(i)=aloglO(pga(i)) 7 3 continue do 3 i=1.file='outputcs'.dbest(i).s(7).dbest(7). Anagnos and C.7 temp=dbest(i)/dmodfy(nehrp) if (temp. 2316419) c Approximation is invalid for large negative standard c variates if(stvar(i).4 temp=aloglO(s(j)) if(temp.O) p(i)=l.lt.y.FOR PAGE 2 C REGRESS LOG(SIGMA) AGAINST LOG(PGA) n=7 call regres(x.10a4) Figure B2 116 Appenldix B A TC-21 -I .) p(i)=l.bscor.3.)-lnbest(i))/l0**(a+b*x(i)) t=l.3) C COMPUTE PROBABILITIES OF EXCEEDANCE USING AN APPROXIMATION C OF THE LOGNORMAL DISTRIBUTION C STVAR = STANDARD VARIATE cl=.O if(stvar(i).le.5*nint((sfinal(5)+sfinal(6)+sfinal(7))/(3*.3.5.) goto 8 ctot=cl*t+c2*t**2+c3*t**3+c4*t**4+c5*t**5 p(i)=exp(-.lt.0) n=marker-1 C REGRESS LOG(S) AGAINST PGA call regress(pga.l.ne.n.'p='.a.f8.821255978 c5=1.0.'b= '.le.5.-3.f8.O) goto 10 y(j)=aloglO(temp) 6 continue goto 11 10 continue 11 continue n=4 if(marker.lt.O if(p(i).5)) xm=.flO.n.5*nint((sfinal(l)+sfinal(2))/(2*.flO.781477937 c4=-1.O C CALCULATE THE STRUCTURAL SCORE "S" 8 (i) =-l.f8.-3.b) 202 format(' a='.y.7 stvar(i)=(alog(60.f8.3) 204 format(' x='.5*nint((sfinal(3)+sfinal(4))/(2*.5)) 200 format(' '.356563782 c3=1.5*nint((sfinal(3)+sfinal(4)+sfinal(5))/(3*.gt.283185308)*ctot C ACCOUNT FOR ROUND OFF ERROR IN THE APPROXIMATION 8 continue if(p(i).ascor.0) p(i)=O.I FORTRAN PROGRAM NEHRP.5*stvar(i)**2)/sqrt(6.'s='.5) 50 continue xl=./(l.score) sfinal(nehrp)=score 510 format(' a='.f8.nehrp.5)) xh=.5)) xm2=.330274429 do 5 i=1.5*nint((sfinal(6)+sfinal(7))/(2*.0.31938153 c2=-.'b= '.bscor) call finscr(ascor.0) marker=j if (temp.+stvar(i)*0.0. *aloglO(p(i)) 5 continue C FIND WHERE STRUCTURAL SCORE BECOMES NEGATIVE marker=O do 6 j=1.5)) xh2=. FORTRAN PROGRAM NEHRP.FOR PAGE 3 210 format(' ',5A4,7(f5.1),3x,3f5.1,3x,2f5.1) write(6,210) (bldg(i),i-1,5),(sfinal(i),i-1,7),xl,xm,xh,xm2,xh2 return end C C -______________________ . ___c SUBROUTINE TO CALCULATE THE FINAL SCORE FOR EA NEHRP AREA subroutine finscr(a,b,narea,score) dimension epa(7),s(7) data epa/.05,.05,.1,.15,.2,.3,.4/ do 1 i=1,7 1 continue -----. ___- _______________________ s(i)10**(10**(a+b*epa(i)*4/3)) 200 210 score=s(narea) format(' nehrp area',7(i5,lx)) format(' score ',7(f5.2,lx)) return c C end -----.-.CONSTANTS _-- _______________- ____ C SUBROUTINE TO PERFORM LINEAR REGRESSION AND PROVIDE THE C RESULTING ________________________ subroutine regres(x,y,n,a,b) dimension x(10),y(10) 500 format(' x',10flO.6) 501 format(' y',lOflO.6) sumx=0.0 sumxy=0.0 sumy=0.0 sumx2=0.0 do 1 i=l,n sumx=sumx+x(i) sumx2-sumx2+x(i)**2 sumy=sumy+y (i) 1 continue b=(sumxy-sumx*sumy/n)/(sumx2-sumx*sumx/n) sumxy=sumxy+x(i)*y(i) a=(sumy-b*sumx)/n return end Figure B2 ATC-21-1 Appendix B 117 36 Cc WOOD FRAME LR 1 1 .8 .8 .87 1 1 6 7 8 9 0.20 0.80 2.60 0.70 1.50 4.80 1.80 4.70 11.00 4.50 9.20 19.70 10 8.80 19.80 39.70 11 14.40 24.40 47.30 12 23.70 37.30 61.30 LIGHT METAL .9 .9 .9 .8 .77 .83 1 6 0.01 0.40 1.60 7 0.50 1.10 2.70 8 0.90 2.10 5.70 9 2.10 5.60 10.50 10 6.00 12.90 23.50 11 9.80 22.30 34.40 12 17.60 31.30 44.00 URN- LR .9 .9 .82 1 1 1 1 BRSTL FRAME -MR .53 .53 .85 .7 .91 .87 1 6 0.01 0.80 2.90 7 0.40 5.80 6.50 8 2.20 7.00 13.50 9 6.20 11.90 22.10 10 10.50 20.40 32.80 11 17.00 30.10 49.60 12 23.00 41.80 62.40 BR STL FRAME *HR .53 .53 .85 .7 .91 .87 1 6 0.01 0.90 4.90 7 0.70 5.40 10.20 8 3.90 10.20 21.80 9 10.00 17.70 26.10 10 14.40 22.80 40.30 11 20.60 37.80 61.20 12 27.60 50.50 77.50 STL PERIN. NRF -LR .5 .5 .85 .7 .8 1 1 STL DISTRIB MRF-MR (a co -nl *1c 6 0.90 3.10 7.50 7 3.30 10.10 26.40 8 8.90 22.50 48.50 9 22.10 41.60 74.90 10 41.90 64.60 93.60 11 57.20 78.30 97.30 -1272.70 89.60 100.0 URN- MR (D 4 14 k c') .9 .9 .82 1 1 1 1 6 1.20 4.60 10.90 7 2.60 11.40 31.30 8 12.70 28.80 55.00 9 28.80 51.40 77.30 10 45.80 71.70 94.80 11 62.00 83.00 98.30 12 74.90 91.10 100.0 TILT UP .5 .5 .85 .68 .77 .7 1 6 0.40 1.50 4.20 7 1.80 4.20 9.60 8 4.00 10.60 18.20 9 9.10 18.50 31.60 10 15.20 28.70 49.20 11 25.60 45.00 69.40 12 35.60 62.50 80.20 BRSTL FRAME -LR .53 .53 .85 .7 .91 .87 1 6 0.01 0.60 2.40 7 0.40 1.80 5.00 8 1.20 5.10 10.30 9 4.60 10.10 18.70 10 7.90 15.80 27.40 11 13.90 27.00 43.40 12 19.60 38.80 53.90 6 0.01 0.70 2.20 7 0.50 1.70 3.90 8 2.00 3.80 7.90 9 3.70 7.20 11.50 10 6.90 13.90 20.90 11 10.10 22.20 32.20 12 16.80 31.40 44.10 STL PERIM. MRF -MR .5 .5 .85 .7 .8 1 1 6 0.01 0.70 2.50 7 0.70 2.10 5.10 8 1.60 4.40 9.80 9 4.30 8.90 15.80 10 8.00 15.70 24.60 11 12.00 28.20 40.30 12 17.10 36.40 51.10 STL PERIM. HRF -HR .5 .5 .85 .7 .8 1 1 6 0.01 0.70 3.50 7 0.90 2.40 7.30 8 2.30 6.20 14.20 9 5.30 14.50 24.50 10 9.60 19.80 31.50 11 17.00 36.70 50.50 12 23.40 44.50 59.10 STL DISTRIB MRF-LR .5 .5 .85 .7 .8 1 1 6 0.01 0.40 1.90 7 0.10 1.40 4.20 8 1.10 2.90 7.60 9 2.80 5.80 12.10 10 4.70 10.80 20.10 11 7.10 19.70 31.00 12 18.60 32.50 44.10 .45 .45 .8 .65 .83 .97 1 6 0.40 1.30 3.30 6 0.60 3.40 10.30 7 1.30 3.40 6.90 7 1.80 8.20 23.20 8 2.30 5.80 12.60 8 7.20 20.60 40.30 9 5.40 10.80 20.10 9 14.50 33.60 58.80 10 8.60 16.90 26.30 10 25.60 47.30 80.40 11 16.80 28.40 40.40 11 41.60 68.00 94.80 12 24.10 37.10 51.50 12 60.30 80.70 99.20 D RC NRF - HR STL DISTRIB MRF-HR URNINFILL - HR .5 .5 .85 .7 .8 I 1 .83 .83 .82.78 .77 .85 1 .45 .45 .8 .65 .83 .97 1 6 0.50 1.80 3.90 6 1.30 4.80 14.70 6 0.01 0.50 2.70 7 1.50 3.20 7.80 7 2.30 11.00 28.00 7 0.40 2.40 6.50 8 3.10 6.90 17.50 8 8.70 23.50 48.40 8 1.70 4.90 12.70 9 6.10 13.70 24.70 9 18.70 43.90 67.40 9 3.30 9.60 18.60 10 10.90 21.50 33.60 10 33.60 56.20 89.80 10 6.60 16.30 26.40 11 14.80 31.80 47.20 11 8.40 24.20 41.40 11 44.80 68.90 99.99 12 19.50 38.60 56.80 12 60.40 76.90 99.99 12 11.80 32.30 50.20 PCFRAME -LR RCSU KRF- LR NO MDRC MRF - LR .45 .45 .8 .65 .83 .97 1 .35 .35 .9 .57 .83 .8 1 .6 .6 .8 .65 .91 .97 1 6 0.10 1.10 4.20 6 0.20 1.30 3.60 6 0.10 0.50 1.90 7 0.80 2.80 8.40 7 0.80 2.80 6.30 7 1.90 4.20 10.10 8 3.20 8.00 18.90 8 5.40 12.10 21.80 8 2.60 6.60 12.50 9 10.00 23.20 33.90 9 12.80 21.10 38.20 9 5.60 13.00 22.00 10 18.90 37.60 56.90 10 17.50 31.80 50.80 10 11.50 23.60 34.10 11 24.20 48.70 68.60 11 27.20 47.50 65.60 11 20.20 35.50 51.20 12 32.10 60.00 83.90 12 42.40 62.00 81.40 12 31.30 47.60 61.90 PCFRAME *-SR NDRCMRF MR RCSW MRF- MR NO .45 .45 .8 .65 .83 .97 1 .35 .35 .9 .57 .83 .8 1 .6 .6 .8 .65 .91 .97 1 6 .001 1.10 4.90 6 0.40 1.70 3.90 6 0.20 1.00 2.80 7 1.10 3.40 10.10 7 2.50 5.10 14.80 7 0.60 3.70 7.80 8 3.30 8.40 21.60 8 5.70 13.00 25.70 8 3.30 8.8016.10 9 10.50 27.20 34.50 9 13.70 26.50 45.50 9 8.00 17.50 29.50 10 24.20 43.10 62.90 10 21.40 35.70 58.00 10 16.40 28.90 44.70 11 29.30 53.70 78.30 11 33.50 51.90 74.20 11 22.60 39.50 57.90 12 35.70 68.70 93.70 12 47.80 67.40 92.60 12 33.10 49.80 70.40 PC FRAME HR NDRCHRF - HR RCSW MRF- HR NO .45 .45 .8 .65 .83 .97 1 .35 .35 .9 .57 .83 .8 1 .6 .6 .8 .65 .91 .97 1 6 .001 1.10 5.00 6 0.40 1.70 3.50 6 0.20 1.20 3.00 7 1.00 4.10 9.80 7 1.70 5.40 13.40 7 1.00 5.60 10.90 8 3.30 10.10 24.60 8 6.00 13.30 28.00 8 4.10 11.80 21.40 9 11.90 29.60 39.70 9 12.60 25.30 44.90 9 10.50 24.80 39.00 10 24.70 44.30 63.90 10 23.70 40.50 65.20 10 26.10 37.70 57.70 11 29.90 54.60 79.60 11 33.70 55.30 80.30 11 36.90 54.00 75.00 12 35.00 69.70 99.50 12 54.00 75.80 94.90 12 48.30 67.10 88.20 RNSWW/O MRF - LR D RCHRF- LR URN INFILL * LR .83 .83.82 .78 .77 .85 1 .45 .45 .8 .65 .83 .97 1 .35 .35 .9 .85 .91 .97 1 6 0.20 0.80 2.30 6 0.20 0.40 1.50 6 0.20 1.70 6.80 7 0.90 2.90 7.10 7 0.70 1.70 4.70 7 1.70 5.80 18.90 8 2.20 6.00 14.20 8 2.10 4.10 10.40 8 3.60 14.10 36.60 9 4.60 13.50 27.20 9 4.00 9.20 16.90 9 11.60 28.50 58.40 10 11.90 23.20 40.50 10 8.70 17.50 26.60 10 21.50 44.00 79.40 11 21.50 41.90 62.20 11 15.30 25.90 36.30 11 32.60 60.20 95.40 12 31.80 52.30 72.90 12 28.30 41.90 51.70 12 47.20 76.10 99.99 .5 .5 .85 .7 .8 1 1 6 0.01 0.80 2.70 7 0.30 1.70 4.80 8 1.50 4.30 9.60 9 3.20 7.10 14.80 10 5.50 12.60 19.30 11 8.40 19.6033.70 12 11.50 30.30 42.10 URN INFILL - MR .83 .83 .82 .78 .77 .85 1 D RC MRF- MR RNSWW/O NRF- MR .35 .35 .9 .85 .91 .97 1 6 0.20 1.20 3.20 7 1.50 3.50 8.90 8 2.90 9.90 20.20 9 6.60 17.90 32.70 10 15.80 30.50 51.60 11 26.90 46.10 73.60 12 38.50 59.70 89.50 RNSW W/O MRF- HR .35 .35 .9 .85 .91 .97 1 6 0.30 1.20 4.00 7 1.60 5.10 12.50 8 3.40 13.30 25.90 9 11.10 22.50 44.10 10 19.20 36.80 65.40 11 31.30 55.00 82.80 12 44.00 70.50 97.20 RN SU WI MRF- LR .35 .35 .9 .85 .91 .97 1 6 0.10 1.00 2.40 7 0.80 2.40 7.60 8 3.10 5.90 12.40 9 6.50 11.90 20.10 10 10.70 18.40 33.40 11 19.80 30.90 59.00 12 29.40 51.30 79.20 RNSWW/ MRF- MR .35 .35 .9 .85 .91 .97 1 6 0.60 1.40 2.90 7 1.60 3.50 8.00 8 3.70 8.8016.80 9 8.10 15.20 27.20 10 13.00 23.70 45.00 11 22.80 39.40 69.40 12 37.00 57.80 87.50 RNSWW/MRF - HR .35 .35 .9 .85 .91 .97 1 6 0.80 1.60 3.20 7 1.20 2.90 7.10 8 3.10 7.10 14.80 9 6.8013.20 25.20 10 11.20 24.30 47.40 11 19.40 40.10 69.70 12 36.00 66.50 89.90 LONG SPAN 1 1 .9 .7 .83 1 1 6 0.01 0.30 1.60 7 0.20 1.10 5.50 8 1.00 4.00 10.60 9 3.60 9.00 17.20 10 7.60 16.10 33.00 11 16.00 29.70 45.90 12 27.50 45.70 62.50 added to the Basic Structural Hazard scores above, (or subtracted, depending on whether their effect was to decrease or increase the probability of major damage) the resulting modified score would approximate the probability of major damage given the presence of that factor. The final list of performance modification factors applicable to the rapid visual screening methodology is: Poor condition: deterioration of structural materials Short columns: columns designed as having a full story height but which because of wall sections or deep spandrel beams between the columns have an effective height much less than the full story height. This causes brittle failure of the columns and potential collapse. Torsion: corner or wedge buildings or any type of building in which the lateral load resisting system is highly nonsymmetric or concentrated at some distance from the center of gravity of the building. Soil profile: soil effects were treated by employing the UBC and NEHRP classification of "standard" soil profiles SLl, SL2 and SL3, where SLi is rock, Plan irregularities: buildings with reentrant corners and long narrow wings such as L, H, or E-shaped buildings Vertical irregularities: buildings with major cantilevers, major setbacks, or other structural features that would cause a significant change in stiffness in the upper stories of the building Soft story: structural features that would result in a major decrease in the lateral load resisting system's stiffness at one floor - typically at the ground floor due to large openings or tall stories for commercial purposes or stable soil deposits of sands, gravels or stiff clays less than 200 ft. in thickness; SL2 is deep cohesionless or stiff clay conditions exceeding 200 ft. in thickness; and SL3 is soft to medium stiff clays or sands, greater than 30 ft. in thickness. Present building code practice is to apply an increase in lateral load of 20% for SL2 profiles and 50% for SL3 profiles, over the basic design lateral load. This approach was used herein, and these factors were applied to the EPA Pounding: inadequate seismic clearance between adjacent buildings - to be applied only when adjacent building floor for each NEHRP Map Area to determine the impact on the Basic Structural Hazard heights differ so that building A's floors will impact building B's columns at locations away from B's floor levels and thus weaken the columns.. Large heavy cladding: precast concrete or score. It was determined that this impact could generally be accounted for by a PMF of 0.3 for SL2 profiles, and 0.6 for SL3 profiles. Further, to account for resonance type effects, based on judgment the 0.6 PMF for SL3 profiles was increased to 0.8 if the building in questions was 8 to 20 stories in height. Benchmark Year: year in which modem seismic design revisions were enforced by the local jurisdiction. Buildings built after this year are assumed to be stone panels that might be inadequately anchored to the outside of a building and thus cause a falling hazard (only applies to buildings designed prior to the adoption of the local ordinances requiring improved seismic anchorage). ATC-21-1 Appendix B 119 120 Appendix B ATC-21-1 . specific to each NEHRP Map Area. Unbraced parapets. Similarly. weak masonry foundations. problems. while potentially posing life safety probably not lead to structural collapse. chimneys and other non-structural falling hazards. may be seen on the data collection forms. and the owner notified. Therefore the data collection form contains a section where this type of informationmay be noted. Therefore the modifiers do not apply assigned performance modifiers.seismically adequate unless exhibiting a major defect as discussed above.b. Figures B3a. do not cause structural collapse and therefore have not been It was also determined that certain building types were not significantly affected by some of the factors. unbraced cripple walls and houses not bolted to their foundations will cause significant structural damage but will to all building types. overhangs. The actual values of the PMFs.c. ..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date Total Floor Area (sq. School 0-10 11-100 100...... 6-0....0 -1......5 -2.. .....0 4... 8 W/A -0. WA WA ShortCokfmms N/A N/A +2......... Persons BILDIlO TYPE _________ I W STRUCTURAL SCORES ANDCMODIFIERS 02 03/85 Cl 84 83 82 Si WLd (RCSW) WA PCi P02 U4 LIM Office IKlustrial Pub. ..5 -0..5 -0... .... 4.... ..5 4...........0 -1. (PFee-oftkwel .....0 -1.. Olthe Identifiers __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Year No...... ft)_ _ e Buiding N am Use _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bu _ __ _ __ _ ..0 LargeHeavy Toralon Plan Irsgiiaulty -1..3 -....0 -0............6 WA -0.......0 .0 0 0 6. 5 -0..0 -2...5 -1.......5 -1....6 -0. ...~~~~~~~.......0 PostflBncmark Yew +2....5 ploulfg WA WA CaddIng WA -2... .0 3.6 -0..... 6 -0.. .. .8 -0........... .......... .....5 -0...5 -0... INSTANT PHOTO .............. Stories _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Inspector ... ....... .... ...0 Non Structural Falinig Hazard DATA CONFIDENCE or Urrekabe Data I DW .... .6e -0.......0 -1...... .5 3................0 -1.......5 -0.........3 -0..... Figure B3a ................. . 0 -1..3 -0............. ...Do Not Know WA WA W/A -1...........3 -0.... ... ............. . ...0 -1... . ....0 -1.Dtailed Ev~ aluation Required? a~~~~m....0 N/A WA -0...5 Govt.3 -0..0 WA W/A -1..6 -0........ .. 0 -1.2....0 . -2...........0 ...8 COMMENTS ...... 5 -0.. .................0 ..... ......5 2... .3 812 * .......2 Low) Of SeiSmicalyV Hazardous Buildings Addrese ... . 5 WA -1.... 5 WA N/A N/A -1.....0 -1.. .. ATC-21/ Rapid Visual Screerilig (N........ 0 -1...... SL3&8 to 20storiea IMALSCOWE 813 -0.. 5 -1. 5 -0..........01 YES ~~~ i ATC-21-1 121 B ATC-21-1 ~~~~~~~~Appendix .........2..0 -1.8 -0... .....5 WA WA -0....5 2...... .....0 -1... ..6 -0. .....5 -0..... .....0 -1..... .......... ........5 -0.2..0 -1...... .0 -0.. .. ....5 4.....0 -2....irregiarty softstory -0......0 3....... ..... 5 -0.. .........0 -0.... ..0 -1.....3 -0......... Bldg.. 6 -0.... ..5 -0.. Score Basic PoorCondoni HighRbs....................5 -0.3 -0..5 -0.0 -1 .0 -1....................0 .... .I.EHRP Map Areas 1.....5 -0....0 .5 -0..5 -0...0 2..........3 -0.... ...... ............ ..... .68 -0.5.. ... Emer.....5 '-0.5 -0....... 8 -0.............................5 -1.......6 -0......... Historic Bldg. ...... Serv.. .. .....0 WA -1........... (BR) 8.0 -0..... ... ....... ....5 -0.... 5 -0..........0 WA N/A -0.......5 -0.2. .....0 U~ -2.........3 -0.............0 -1....0 -2. .. ............ ..... I Scale: OCCIPANCY Residential Commercial No.0 -1..... ..0 -1.......5 -0.... 8 -0...5 WA PW) (SW)MU W) rTU Vert....0 0 -0.. ... 6 -0.... .. ...Estknate4 Subjectv......... Assem..0 -1... ...0 -1. .5 -0....0 ......................0 -1.. .2. ....5 -0...3 -0..2...0 W/A . ..0 -1.......... .0 -0.. ~~MqW)...... 5 W/A WA N/A -1..0 +2.... 5 -0...................... 0 -2.3 -0.............. 8 -0........ .......8 -08 WA -0....2... ... (pee-Off WM) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..5 -0. ...... ...........4.....3 -0.. ...... ...0 4...... ... ..0 -0..5 -0..... ..6 WA -0.... ........0 Falling Hazard DATA CONFIDENCE * EatiUntd Sutective..0 -2...... . ... ...0 +2... .. .6 -0..0 Pounft Slort CoW=i W/A WA -0... ~ ...5 2.. ....... .0 Torson -1..... No. . . Bldg.....5 WA WA -0.....3 -0. . .......5 Sof Story -1.0 -1..... .......0 -1.s-... .........5 -0..3 -0.3 -0.. ...........0 -0...0 -1..0 -2.. .......8 -0.... ....... ...6 -0............ 0 ... 8 WA -0..Do Not Know Post B ercnaal Year o. ..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .......... ........ 8 -0.0 N/A N/A -0....0 NA NWA WA -1...... .. Stories __Year Bit Date Inspector Total Floor Area (sq.0 -1. 5 -0.6 -0. ... ...0 NWA 0 -0.0 -1.. ......0 *2.......... RP MapAreas 3.3 -0.. .....0 -1.................. ...2.... .8 -0...........3 -0..6 -0..5 2............ Moderate) HazardousBulig ...... .............. .. School Govt.. ....... . .... Non Structural Vert...... ..... ......6 -0............. 8 CONVIENTS Detailed Evaluation Required? YES NO ... Scale: OCCUPANCY Residential Commercial .... . ..0 -1......... ft)_ ...0 ANA -1. .......8 -0..... ..........0 -1...3 -0...0 ......2.. ..... ..0 -0......... ..............6 -0................ .......................0 -1..... 8 -0.. . .8 -0............... ..............5 -1.....6 -0....0 3. . ..... .0 -1...0 -1.................... ..5 -1.... ......0 -0.- c ATC-2 1/ .......... Address RapidVisualScrewing of Semcal :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.0 -0. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... *...5 -0........0 WA -0.IrreguJarity -0.......3 -0........3 -0... .......................0 4..........6 N/A -1......5 WA WA -0.. 5 N/A -1.... .0 -0..........6 -0.... .... .... .... ... ..5 -1....0 -1.... 5 -2.. 8 WA -0.....0 8.......0 -1....5 WA -0.. .. .......... OtherIdentifiers__________________ No... I NSTANT PHOTO .. .. or lkesak Data MK ........... ..... ......... .. ...... ..0 -1.6 -0..........5 -1.0 -1... '.. ....... Historic Bldg....... .. .5 -0........ . Buildg Name_ Use : ... ... . .... ....5 -0...... ............. .......... 5 -0.. ..5 -2......... ....0 NWA N/A NWA WA NWA -1...................2. .. : ......6 -0......0 WA -1.............. . Persons LLDIJQ TYPE W Office Industrial 0-10 11-100 1004 HIM Rls6 Poor Cordion Basic Scre STRUCTURAL SCORES AND MODIFIERS SI S2 S3 S4 C1 C2 03/S5 PCI _W_) OM L (RCSW)(M) (SW) NMNF) (TL P02 RM LUM 6........ .0 -1.... .. ..................5 2.. ... ...0 3...5 LargeHeavyCladdhg WA -2...0 +2..0 3.. .... ... ......0 -0...... ......0 Planhro hTgity -1...3 -0.. ....0 -1... ...5 Pub..... Emer.....3 -0. .............0 -1.0 -2. ......0 WA WA/ -1.. .0 -0......5 -1.......0 -0.... ..5 -0. . . ...... .. .... ..5 3....5 -0....0 -1..... . ........................ .0 ...MA" Rigure B3b 122 Appendix B ATC-21 -1 .... Serv... . .....5 -0.. .. Assem. 5 -0. ...0 -2..... ... ....... 8 -0..2.......0 -1.. .....0 .3 -0...............0 -2... 5 -0.. .. . ....0 -0..5 -0..... .........0 3...5 -0.. ....2..0 +2.......5 WA N/A -1...0 SL2 SL3 SL3 &8 to 20 store FENAL SCOF o2.8 -0.....0 NWA -1...0 -0.....5 -1.. 6 -0.... ..8 -1..0 NA -0.5 -0.0 +2..5 3.......6 -1.0 -1. .... ....3 -0...0 WA -2..7 Hgh) Hazardous Buldngs Address I Rapid Visual Screeaig of Seisnv*1y Olw k No. ..6 -0.0 -1...0 3..5 PoorCondlin Pub..0 -1.. Bldg... .0 -0.Do Not Know SL3 & 8 to 20 torbes WA -0.5 -0. ... ...3 -0.......3 -0.... Emer. . ...... ..6 -0....''..5 -0. '' '' '' !- ''''''' .. .. .6 -0....5 -0. Persons BLLDIN TYPE .0 +2.. Residential Comnercial No. hispector Total Floor Area (sq.5 -0....8 COMMENTS Detailed I Evaluation Required? ^OWN0F L YES NO fFigure BMc Appendix B 123 ATC-21-I . ....3 -0.3 -0.6 -0... . . .5 WA WA WA WA -0.. .8 -0.5 WA WA WA -0..... 0 -0. .I ATC-21/ (NEHIRP Map Areas 5..5 WA -1.0. ....''''''''' . . 5 -0... ...... 6 -0. INSTANT PHOTO ........ . .0 1.....5 -0.5 -1.8 N/A DATA CONFIDENCE Estinated Sibjecbve or UrrelableI Data ..0 -2.... .... 5 -0.0 -1.. . .0 -0. 0 -1. . ...3 -0.. ...5 -0....... .0 WA WA WA WA WA WA WA .... Serv....0 5.8 -0.0 +2.2....5 -0.6 -0...8 -0.. ...8 -0.e -.....0 -1.. Assem... ...0 -1. .......0 -1.. . ..0 -1.6 -0..5 3. School Govt...0 -1.....0 -1.0 -1.......0 -0...0 -1. .8 -0......5 -0... ..0 +2. .. : .5 -0.6 -0.0 +2. : .I..5 4.. . ...5 2..2..3 -0.....5 -1.....5 -1.0 -1. .. _ W STRUCTURAL SCORES AND MODIFIERS Si S2 S3 S4 C1 C2 03/S5 PC1 PC2 _W) RM URM Office kxhdstSia 0-10 11-100 100+ 0R) (LM) (RC SW) (MW) (SW) MUNF) (TU) _ Basi Seore Hih Rim Vert.'' .8 -0... .. 5 N/A -0.....0 -1.....0 -2.......0 WA -1. :..0 .. ...0 -2.0 -1.. _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.0 -1. .0 -0.5 WA WA -0..5 -0..i .5 2... ....0 -2.0 -1.0 -2....0 WA -0. 5 -0.....0 -2. e -0.0 -1. OCCUPANCY ..... .0 -1....0 -0.3 -0.... Stories berflw s__ Year Buit ........ Scale: . ..0 -1......... Budking Name__ Use .. -0.0 -1... .. ..'< .. ...0 WA -1....0 -1..... .......5 -0. .5 -1.... ftT (Pee-off labe Date __ _ .....3 -0. .5 -2.. 6-0.. 8 WA -0.3 -0...5 -0. ... . . .... +2...6 -0. ... .........5 3. .0 WA WA WA WA -2.0 e2....... reguarity Soft Story Torsion Palnrregulaity Pouznin 4...0 1... 6 -0..0 -1.'..0 WA Yew +2.0 -1......6 -0........0 -2. .. ...3 -0. Historic Bldg..5 Non Structral FailkngHazard * - ° Pt Benha SL2 SL3 FNAL SCO? Large Heavy Claddig Short Coiunm -0. .8 -0.0 WA -0.5 -1......6..3 -0.6 -0.0 1.. . .: ..8 -0. . .. 124 Appendix B ATC-21-1 . New York. Probability NBS 55 (1964). Washington. Galambos. Lind (1974). J. pp 111-213. CA. C. Mech.V. Elementary Seismology. Proc. A.H Tang (1975). San and InvariantFirst OrderReliabilityFormat. An Exact Richter.M. H-S.E. DC.REFERENCES Ang. J. Redwood City CA.. A. National Bureau of Standards. ATC-14 Report. T. National Bureau of Standards. DC.C. Applied Technology Council. Evaluating the Seismic Resistance of Based Load Criterionfor AmericanNational Standard A58. NBS 577 (1980). Freeman and Co.H. Earthquake Damage Evaluation Data for California. Applied Mathematics Series 55. Redwood City.C. Francisco. Hasofer. A.S. MacGregor. Wiley and Sons. Development of a Probability Conceptsin Engineering PlanningandDesign.. Eng. Washington. and N. Existing Buildings.G. W... ATC (1987). and W. Applied Technology Council. Allin Cornell. ATC (1985). (1958). Handbook of Mathematical Functions. Charles F. Bruce Ellingwood. ATC-13 Report. 000 mid-rise buildings instead of 10) warrants the cut-off S being between 2 and 3. Because this is not always possible. M= I No.000 wood frame houses and 100 tilt-up.0 3. the field survey building S scores can be employed in an approximate cost-benefit analysis of costs of detailed review versus benefits of increased seismic safety.000 population. Approx. High seismic area.600 1/100 1/10 1/1000 WithMajorDamage Approx. As a preliminary guide to an appropriate cut-off value of S. 100. as a guide for selection of a cut-off S appropriate for a particular jurisdiction. 0 1 10 0 Wood Tilt-up URM Br. Bldgs. take a jurisdiction with a population of 10. and 10 mid-rise steel-framed buildings.000 and a corresponding building inventory of 3. TableCl Prob.5 2. note that an S of 1 indicates a probability of major damage of 1 in 10.e. 3. the observation that research has indicated (NBS. everything else in proportion) in the same Map Area might decide that the potential life loss in a Ideally. Given these results. Approx. and the Basic Structural Hazard scores of Appendix B. The building inventories. Bldgs. apply. Expected No. after carefully examining the resulting reliability indices for the many design situations. probabilities of major damage and corresponding mean number of buildings sustaining major damage are shown in Table C1. and decide what S is an appropriate "cut-off' for their situation. Different cut-off S values for different building or occupancy types might be warranted. Steel Fr. S =2 corresponds to a probability of 1 in 100. As a simple example. each community should engage in some consideration of the costs and benefits of seismic safety.APPENDIX C CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF A CUT-OFF SCORE Because the final Structural Score S can be directly related to the probability of major damage. Assume for the example that no penalties apply (in actuality. the penalties of course would discriminate the good structures from the bad). A jurisdiction ten times larger (i. see references in Appendix B) that: steel-framed mid-rise (1. S =3 is 1 in 1000. that 1= 3 is a ATC-21 -1 Appendix C 125 . 100 LR URM. 1980. Approx.0 MajorDamane 1/31. "In selecting the target reliability it was decided.0 1. this example jurisdiction might decide that a cut-off S of between 1 and 2 is appropriate. Assume the jurisdiction is in NEHRP Map Area 6. and so on.. given the occurrence of ground motions equivalent to the Effective Peak Acceleration (EPA) for the particular NEHRP Map Area.000 100 100 100 £i 4. structural the reliability index. respectively". 126 Appendix C ATC-21-1 .75 are representative values for loads which earthquake loadings." Until and unless a community considers the cost-benefit aspects of seismic safety for itself. as used in the National Bureau of Standards study. That is. fire and police stations and other buildings housing emergency services. = while 13 2. 13. social function has not been discussed in the development of the scoring system for this RSP. is approximately equivalent to S as used herein) is provided. However.representative average value for many frequently used structural elements when they are subjected to gravity loading.5 and p = 1. would be an S of about 2. This will be addressed in a future FEMA publication tentatively entitled "Handbook for Establishing Priorities for Seismic Retrofit of Buildings. include (where wind and earthquake. present design practice is such that an S of about 3 is appropriate for day-to-day loadings. and a value of about 2 or somewhat less is appropriate for infrequent but possible It is possible that communities may decide to assign a higher cut-off score for more important structures such as hospitals.0. a preliminary value to use in an RSP. Lawrence D. UT 84105 Ms. CA 94303 Mr. CA 94107 Dr. Olsen 2430 Poplar Avenue Memphis. 226 Gaithersburg. CA 94105 Dr.O. Rubin Natural Disaster Resource Referral Service 7515 Northside Drive. Charles Scawthorni Consultant to Dames & Moore A: 500 "C" Street. Suite 900 San Francisco. CA 94403 Mr. Suite 1420 Seattle. Suite 308 EQE Engineering. Reaveley Reaveley Engineers & Associates 1515 South 1100 East PROJECT ENGINEERING PANEL San Mateo. Bldg. S. Harlan Lindbergh & Associates Salt Lake City.W. TN 38112 Mr. Fred Herman City of Palo Alto 250 Hamilton Avenue Palo Alto. William T. Inc. Chris D. Poland (Co-PI) Degenkolb Associates 350 Sansome Street. DC 20472 Mr. Suite 275 Redwood City. Ted Winstead Allen and Hoshall 487 Bryant Street San Francisco. Auite 204 Charleston. Howard Simpson Simpson Gumpertz & Heger. MD 20899 Mr. CA 94104 SUBCONTRACTOR -Dr. Lew (FEMA Technical Monitor) National Bureau of Standards Center for Building Technology. Christopher Rojahn (PI) Applied Technology Council 3 Twin Dolphin Drive. Room 625 Washington. 297 Broadway Arlington. Box 727 San Bruno.. Claire B. H. Zigant Naval Facilities Engineering Command P.127 . SC 29418 Mr. Inc. Bruce C. 3130 La Selva. Ugo Morelli (Project Officer) Federal Emergency Management Agency Mr. Maurice R.. Christopher Arnold Building Systems Development Inc. Holmes Rutherford and Chekene 1751 B. Domenic A. South Hayes Arlington. CA 94065 FEMA Mr.APPENDIX D ATC-21 PROJECT PARTICIPANTS ATC MANAGEMENT Mr. MA 02174 Mr. 595 Market St. WA 98101 ATC-21-1 Appendix D . San Francisco. VA 22202 Dr. CA 94066 Consulting Engineer 1411 Fourth Avenue. S. Alaska 99503 Mr. Parmalee 4000 NE 41st Street Seattle. Bettinger 1370 Orange Avenue Mr. Terry Hughes Deputy Administrator/Building Official Memphis and Shelby County Office of Construction Code Enforcement 160 North Mid America Mall Memphis. TN 38103-1874 Mr. Joann T.TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION CONSULTANT Dr. Bolton Battelle Seattle Research Center Southern Building Code Congress 900 Montclair Road Birmingham. CA 94017 Ms. CO 80303 I I . Guy Nordenson Consultant to Ove Arup & Partners. Michigan Chicago. CA 94129 Alfred Benesch & Co. Donald K. Earl Schwartz Deputy Superintendent of Building Dept. Don Campi Rutherford & Chekene 487 Bryant Street San Francisco. Patricia A. Aho CH2M Hill Denali Towers 2550 Denali Street. 233 N. Manning Mr. ID 83205 Mr. Brent Ballif Ballif Engineering P. CA 90012 128 Appendix D 'ATC-21-1 . 116 East 27th Street. Bill R. WA 98105 Mr. Box 4052 Pocatello. Laurie Friedman Federal Emergency Management Agency Presidio of San Francisco. of Building and Safety 111 E. CA 94070 Dr. I CONSULTANT TO SUBCONTRACTOR Prof.O. Jephcott Consulting Structural Engineer 126 East Yale Loop Irvine. 12th Floor New York. lL 60601 Mr. Thalia Anagnos Dept. NY 10016 Dr. Intl. 8th Floor Anchorage. California 95192 ATC-21 TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMI7TEE Dr. CA 92714 San Carlos. Richard A. Building 105 San Francisco. AL 35213 Mr. Room 700 City Hall South Los Angeles. of Civil Engineering San Jose State University San Jose. First Street. Richard V. Dennett RDD Consultants 1206 Crestmoor Drive Boulder. John L. ' . Dot Y. Delbert Ward Consulting Architect 1356 Harvard Avenue San Francisco. William Sommers V Mr.Mr. UT 84015 2 . : ATC-21-1 Appendix D 129 . of Public Works City of Cambridge 147 Hampshire City and County of San Francisco Bureau of Building Inspection 450 McAllister Street Cambridge. MA 02139 Mr. CA 94102 Salt Lake City. Yee Dept. Comparative Test Designs of Buildings Using ATC-3-06 Tentative Provisions. COM-73-50188. as NTIS report No. was funded by NSF. The provisions embodied several new concepts that were significant departures from existing seismic design provisions. standards and A brief description of several major completed and ongoing projects is given in the following section. Eleven existing buildings of varying dimensions practicing engineers. ATC-3-2: The project. Tentative Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulationsfor (ATC-3-06). A TC-21 -I Appendix E 131 . (505 pages Buildings plus proposed amendments) the development specifications. is available through the ATC office. (NBS). ATC-3: The report. The second printing of this report. Available through the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). as well as the development of research recommendations for specific areas determined by the profession. 5285 Port Royal Road. The project consisted of a study to develop and plan a program for making comparative test designs of the ATC-3-06 Tentative Provisions. effort by a multidisciplinary team of 85 nationally recognized experts in earthquake engineering. Available through the ATC office. although several of the ATC project reports serve as resource documents for were redesigned according to the procedures. An Evaluation of a Response Spectrum Approach to Seismic Design of Buildings.Building Science Series 46. Funding for projects is obtained from Abstract: The tentative provisions in this document represent the result of a concerted government agencies and tax-deductible contributions from the private sector. design procedures and parameter values were evaluated for future application. ATC is not a code development organization. of codes. The project report was written to be used by the Building Seismic Safety Council in its refinement of the ATC-3-06 Tentative Provisions. which included proposed amendments. The second printing of this document contains proposed amendments prepared by a joint committee of the Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) and the NBS. was funded by NSF and NBS and was conducted as part of the Cooperative Federal Program in Building Practices for Disaster Mitigation. This includes the development of guidelines and manuals. (270 pages) Abstract: This study evaluated the applicability and cost of the response spectrum approach to seismic analysis and design that was proposed by various segments of the engineering profession. The project involved ATC-1: This project resulted in five papers which were published as part. VA 22151. ATC-2: The report. proceedings of a workshop sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Bureau of Standards representation from all sections of the United States and had wide review by affected building industry and regulatory groups. was funded by NSF and NBS.APPENDIX E ATC PROJECT AND REPORT INFORMATION One of the primary purposes of Applied Technology Council is to develop resource documents that translate and summarize research information into forms useful to Specific building designs. of Building Practicesfor DisasterMitigation. the proposed amendments were published separately by BSSC and NBS in 1982. Springfield. ATC Senior Consultant and other ATC personnel to assist the BSSC in the conduct of the second phase of its Trial Design Program. HUD-PDR-248-1. Redesign of Three Multistory Buildings: A Comparison Using ATC-3-06 and 1982 Uniform Building Code Design Provisions. Available through HUD.ATC-3-4: The report. (3) presents construction details that do not require the designer to perform of the Building Seismic Safety Council and the National Bureau of Standards in 1982. A Methodology for Seismic Design and Construction of SingleFamily Dwellings. Louis. as Report No. was funded by the Building Seismic Safety Council and provided the services of the ATC Senior Consultant and other ATC personnel to assist the BSSC in the conduct of the first phase of its Trial Design Program. was funded by the Building Seismic Safety Council and provided the services of the construction details. (4) suggests procedures for efficient plan-checking. (2) sets forth suggested design criteria for conventional layouts of dwellings constructed with conventional materials. analytical calculations. Seattle. was pubfished under a contract with HUD. DC 20410. Phoenix. 451 7th Street S. as amended by a joint committee Abstract: This report presents the results of an in-depth effort to develop design and construction details for single-family residences that minimize the potential economic loss and life-loss risk associated with earthquakes. A brief description is included on how earthquake forces impact on houses and some precautionary constraints are given with respect to site selection and architectural designs. The first phase provided for trial designs conducted for buildings in Los Angeles. The Home Builders Guidefor Earthquake Design (June 1980). and Memphis. Included in the report are recommendations to code implementing bodies. Chicago. easily understood text of the Guide is supplemented with illustrations and 46 Conducted by the Building Seismic Safety Council. construction personnel and building inspectors. Available through the ATC office (1 12 pages) ATC-4: The report. St. and (5) presents recommendations including details and schedules for use in the field by ATC-3-5: This project. Tentative Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulationsfor Buildings.W. The details are provided to ensure that houses contain structural features which are properly positioned. (57 pages) ATC-3-6: This project. ATC-5: The report.. The concise. Assistance for Second Phase of ATC-3-06 Trial Design Program Being Abstract: This report is a 57-page abridged version of the ATC-4 report. The second phase provided for trial designs conducted for buildings in New York. dimensioned and constructed to resist earthquake forces. Assistancefor First Phase of ATC-3-06 Trail Design Program Being Conducted by the Building Seismic Safety Council. The evaluations are based on studies of three existing California buildings redesigned in accordance with the ATC-306 Tentative Provisions and the 1982 Uniform Building Code. Available through the ATC office. and Fort Worth. (576 pages) Abstract: This report evaluates the cost and technical impact of using the 1978 ATC-3- 06 report. Washington. Charleston. was published under a contract with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The report: (1) discusses the ways structures behave when subjected to seismic forces. ATC-4-1: The report. was published under a grant from NSF. Guidelines for Seismic 132 Appendix E ATC-21-1 . and federal agency representatives. state and various retrofitting measures. Available thmugh the ATC office.. include a preliminary screening procedure. The Guidelines.S. ATC-6: The report. Seven of the twenty-three papers were authored by participants from Japan. Available through the ATC office. and material specifications. The report is written in simple language and includes basic house plans. (302 pages) Abstract: The report includes 23 state-ofthe-art and state-of-practice papers on Abstract: The report includes seven papers on state-of-the practice and two papers on recent research. was published under a grant from NSF. was published under a grant from NSF.Design and Construction of Single-Story Masonry Dwellings in Seismic Zone 2. Available through the ATC office. (220 pages) California at Berkeley Earthquake Abstract: The Guidelines are the recommendations of a team of thirteen nationally recognized experts that included consulting engineers. Proceedings of a Workshop on Design of Horizontal Wood Diaphragms. Abstract: Guidelines are presented for designing roof and floor systems so these can function as horizontal diaphragms in a lateral force resisting system. The guidelines are based in part on shaking table tests of masonry construction conducted at the University of ATC-6-2: The report. was published under a contract with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). An extensive commentary and an example demonstrating the use of the Guidelines are included. The Guidelines embody several new concepts that are significant departures from existing of Horizontal Wood Diaphragms. ATC-7: The report. A draft of the Guidelines was used to seismically redesign 21 bridges and a summary of the redesigns is also included. and potential retrofitting measures for the most common seismic deficiencies. state highway engineers. academics. earthquake resistance of highway bridges. was developed under a contract with HUD. Proceedings of a Workshop on Earthquake Resistance of Highway Bridges. Also included are Appendix E 133 ATC-21 -I . connection details and design examples are included in the Guidelines. New Zealand and Portugal. methods for evaluating an existing bridge in detail. Available through the ATC office. applicable for use in all parts of the U. (210 pages) Abstract: The Guidelines are the recommendations of a team of sixteen nationally recognized experts that included consulting engineers. Guidelines for the Design federal agency representatives from throughout the United States. Seismic Retrofitting Guidelines for Highway Bridges. Available through the ATC office. academics. detail drawings. The Proceedings also Abstract: The report offers a concise methodology for the earthquake design and contain recommendations for future research that were developed by the 45 workshop participants. as defined by the 1973 Uniform Building Code. construction of single-story masonry dwellings in Seismic Zone 2 of the United States. Seismic Design Guidelines for Highway Bridges. was published under a grant from NSF. (190 pages) design provisions. wall evaluations. (625 pages) ATC-7-1: The report. Analytical procedures. Available through the ATC office. was published under a contract with FHWA. ATC-6-1: The report. Also included are special design requirements for Engineering Research Center. which was prepared via a consensus process that involved numerous experienced design professionals from throughout the U. Critical Aspects of Earthquake Ground Motion and Building Damage Potential. The report contains a review and evaluation of earthquake damage to the building. a review and evaluation of the seismic design. and in-depth discussions of design implications of recent research results. of Prefabricated Concrete Buildings for Earthquake Loads. The report contains reviews of current and past design practices. and structural design issues presented by prominent engineers and earth scientists in an ATC seminar. and conclusions and recommendations pertaining to future ATC-1l: The report. The Imperial CountyServicesBuildingEarthquake Response and Associated Damage. (400 pages) ATC-10-1: This report. Available through the ATC office. ATC-10: This report. Available through the ATC Office. Available through the ATC office. funded was by the U. County Services Building. earthquake. An Evaluation of the Abstract: This document contains 19 state- of-the-art papers on ground motion. Project report available through the ATC office. was co-funded by the USGS and the NSF.S. summaries of research developments. (184 pages) building code provisions and future research needs. structural response. The report also contains conclusions and recommendations of working groups convened after the Seminar. (259 pages) Abstract: The report includes eighteen stateof-the-art papers and six summary papers. (231 pages) Abstract: The report presents the results of an in-depth evaluation of the Imperial main theme of the papers is to identify the critical aspects of ground motion and building performance that should be considered in building design but currently are not. affecting the seismic performance of 134 Appendix E ATC-21 -1 . Available through the ATC office. 1979 Imperial Valley. More than 125 research reports published since 1971 are reviewed and evaluated in this report. was published under a grant from NSF. (114 pages) Abstract: The report contains an in-depth analytical evaluation of the ultimate or limit capacity of selected representative building framing types.recommendations for future research that were developed by the 35 participants. Seismic Resistance of ReinforcedConcreteShear Walls and Frame Joints: Implications of Recent Researchfor Design Engineers. An Investigation of the Correlation Between Earthquake Ground Motionand BuildingPerformance. California. a comparison of the requiremerts of various building codes as they relate to the building. a discussion of the factors Abstract: This document presents the results of an in-depth review and synthesis of research reports pertaining to cyclic loading of reinforced concrete shear walls and cyclic loading of joints in reinforced concrete frames. Also included are recommendations for future research that were developed by the 43 workshop participants. ATC-8: This project. was published under a grant from NSF. was funded by NSF. and a summary and comparison of seismic design and seismic risk parameters currently in widespread use. Workshop on the Design buildings. ATC-9: The report. Geological Survey.S. a 6-story reinforced concrete frame and shear wall building severely damaged by the October 15. Abstract: This report contains written versions of the papers presented at this 1985 Workshop as well as a list and prioritization of workshop recommendations. The report contains a state-of-practice review. Abstract: This report. design of columns. Abstract: The report contains summaries of estimates for existing industrial. Topics discussed include bridge design philosophy and loadings. and testing of bridge components and bridge systems.S. Comparison of Seismic Design Practices in the United States and Japan. ATC-14: The report. Included are detailed descriptions of new seismic design methods for buildings in Japan and case studies of the design of specific buildings (in both countries). seismic analysis techniques. a detailed description of the building classification system.-Japan workshop held in Hawaii in March. commercial. was developed under a grant from the National Science Foundation. Comparisonof United States and New Zealand Seismic Design Practices for Highway Bridges. describes a methodology for performing preliminary and detailed building seismic evaluations. geotechnical aspects of foundation design. pre-earthquake usability. Available through the ATC office (272 pages).ATC-12: This report. Also included are research recommendations developed at a 3-day workshop in New Zealand attended by 16 U. ATC-15: This report. preliminary and detailed analysis procedures. Included are summaries of research projects currently being conducted in both countries as well as state-of-the-practice structural engineers. The report also contains an overview of the history and objectives of the Japan Structural Consultants Association.S. written for practicing Seismic Resistance of Highway Bridges. Evaluating the Seismic Resistance of Existing Buildings. abutments and retaining structures. ATC-13: The report. Available through the ATC ATC-12-1: This report. residential. and 35 New Zealand bridge -design engineers and researchers. data collection procedures. seismic retrofitting. piles.-New Zealand Workshop on office (370 pages). including non-structural considerations. was published under a grant from NSF. Abstract: This report presents expertopinion earthquake damage and loss ATsC-21-1 Abstract: The report contains detailed technical papers describing current design practices in the United States and Japan as well as recommendations emanating from a joint U. papers on various aspects of design practice. was published under a grant from NSF. Earthquake Damage EvaluationDatafor California. Available through the ATC office (492 pages). case studies using base isolation. Included are damage probability matrices for 78 classes of structures and estimates of time required to restore damaged facilities to all aspects and innovative design procedures used in New Zealand as well as comparisons of United States and New Zealand design practice. Proceedings of Second Joint U. utility and transportation facilities in California. 1984. Available through the ATC office (270 pages). was published under a grant from NSF.was developed under a contract with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). strong-motion data acquisition and interpretation.S. Appendix E 135 . The report also describes the inventory information essential for estimating economic losses and the methodology used to develop the required data. footings. Available through the ATC office (317 pages). seismic loading criteria. and example case studies. ATC-16: This project. workshop in Phoenix. applications and developments worldwide. Developmentof a 5Year Planfor Reducing the Earthquake Hazards papers describing case studies in the Untied States. workshop in August of 1986 by practitioners and researchers from the U.S. Included are state-of-the-practice Abstract: The report contains 42 papers describing the state-of-the-art and state-ofthe-practice in base-isolation and passive energy-dissipation technology.ATC-15-1: The report. Available through the ATC office (478 pages). quality control. recent innovations in technology development. and long-term reliability. Proceedings of Second Management Agency. and (5) system response. Arizona. (4) life cycle cost methodology. contractual. Included are papers and case studies of actual building designs and information on regulatory.S.. (3) materials. The project involved a strong ground motion. and structural and ground motion design issues. 500 "C" Street. The Workshop Proceedings and Five-Year Plan are available through the Federal Emergency 136 Appendix E AITC-21--1 . Also included is a proposed 5-year research agenda that addresses the following specific issues: (1) Posed by Existing NonfederalBuildings.-Japan Workshop on Improvement of Building Seismic Design and Construction Practices. Abstract: This report contains 23 technical papers presented at this San Francisco ATC-17: This report. the Building Seismic Safety Council and the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. where . Available through ATC office (412 pages). (2) design criteria. and licensing issues. U. was published under a grant from NSF.C. and Japan.. was published under a grant from NSF. W. 20472. S. approximately 50 earthquake specialists met to identify the major tasks and goals for a 5-year plan for reducing the earthquake hazards posed by existing nonfederal buildings nationwide. Proceedings of a Seminar and Workshopon Base Isolationand Passive Energy Dissipation. The plan was developed on the basis of nine issue papers presented at the workshop and workshop working group discussions. D. was funded by FEMA and was conducted by a joint venture of ATC. Washington. Meehan* Edwin G. (1973-74): (1983-84) (1983-87) :: (1977-80) (1973-75) (1974-76) (1973-75. Abel James C. Cliff (1973) John M. Haines William J. (1985-88) (1974-79) (1981-84) (1980-84) (1977-81) :(1980-84) Warner Howe Paul C. Freeman Barry J. Richter* (1984-87) (1976-79) (1987-90) (1985-88) (1986-89) (1973) John M. S. Messinger Stephen McReavy William W. 1984-85) (1985-86) -(1975-78): (1981-84) (1975-79) (1978-82) (1987-90) (1973-76) (1984-87) (1973) Egor P.. Sharpe (1973-79) ATC-21-1 Appendix E 137 t U. Melvyn H.-: ATC BOARD DIRECTORS Milton A. Willis* (1977-80. Johnston* Joseph Kallaby* T.:Droeger Sigmund A. Podlack Chris D. Saunders* Lawrence G. Jr. Popov Robert F.1982-86) (1974-77) (1987-88) (1981-84) (1982-85) Thomas D. Martin Tellegen (1982-83) (1975-79) (1976-79) (1973) (1973) James L. Lai Gerald D. Zacher Theodore C. Cole Edward F. Wyllie. Draheimr (1985-86). (1978-81) (1973-74) (1973) (1986-89) . Poland John E. Coil (1986-87) Eugene E. Nicoletti* Bruce C.(1986-89) (1984-87) (1981-82. Martin John F. Pardoen Norman D.1979-80) (1973-75) (1984-88) (1975-76) (1979-82) (1982-85) (1973-74) (1983-86) (1987-90) (1975-78) (1979-82) (1978-82) (1973-78) Ephraim G. Robert Kealey* H.80)Lee H. Gonnan Gerald H. Hart Lyman Henry Ernest C. Preece Lawrence D. (Pete) Kellam Edward J. S. Lum AjitS.BlaylockRobert K. Zsutty *President ATC EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS (1973-1988) Ronald L. Lehmar R. Wosser Loring A. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1998-616-914/90489 . Teal W. Hillman. Tipton Ivan Viest (1975-77) Helmut Krawinkler James S. Mark John A. Goodno Mark R. David L. 'Anderson Albert J.. Hirsch William T. Strand James L. Reaveley Philip J. Ross Walter D. Stratta Stephen E. Lu Walter B. Burkett Anil Chopra (1973-1988) (1980-83) (1973) (1979-85) :(1978-81) (1976-77) (1984-88) (1973-74) Richard Christophersor (1976. Jr. Moone* Gary Morrison Robert Morrison Joseph P. Mayes Christopher Rojahn (1979-81) (1981-1988) Roland L. HallX Gary C. Perkins Sherril Pitkin Edward V. Olsen* (1973-76) (1973) Gerard C. Jennings Carl B. John Walsh James A.1981-85) (1987-90) (1980-81. Virdee* J. Diekmann Burke A. Selna Samuel Schultz* Daniel Shapiro* (1973). Holmes*. Roberts Arthur E. Johnson Howard Simpson* Donald R. W. Bruce Linderman L. 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