11000 Ty-Mawr Glaster Presentation.indd

March 29, 2018 | Author: hulpe | Category: Mortar (Masonry), Plaster, Building Materials, Manmade Materials, Materials



T y-Mawr ˆecological building products deunyddiau adeiladu ecolegol lime plaster made with recycled glass for external & internal use so much so that the company is certified to deliver RIBA accredited CPD seminars on using lime as a sustainable material appropriate to today’s world. Such seminars have benefited private architect practices. Utilising Nigel’s background where he had gained valuable experience of using lime in the eighties with Capps and Capps on projects in London and then Wales and Joyce’s experience in IT. T y-Mawr ˆ Ltd has also focused heavily on the specification of traditional building products. British Waterways. T y-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd established an education arm and in 1996 began offering courses in the use of traditional building materials. The reason for this is simple. more laterally new construction projects throughout the UK. On purchasing the property. restoration and. ˆ T Y-MAWR GRANARIES 1993 ˆ SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 AT T Y-MAWR THE PRINCE’S FOUNDATION FOR THE BUILDING COMMUNITY 2 The Company T y-Mawr ˆ . T y-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd is still the only manufacturer of lime based products in Wales and this remains the company’s core area of business. it was Nigel and Joyce’s intention to restore the building sympathetically and in-line with their architectural heritage. the National Trust. founders and directors of T y-Mawr ˆ Lime. so had the skills and knowledge base required to use such products. the couple established their own business. Skills & specification What soon became apparent to Joyce and Nigel was that. A business is born The potential for expansion was obvious and what started off as a temporary solution for a one off renovation project soon germinated into a business plan. In 1995. As well as becoming the couple’s family home (and a life-time’s restoration project!). the primary focus was the manufacture of lime-based building materials for the conservation of old and historic buildings.Background In 1993 Nigel and Joyce Gervis. For two years. the Canals Trust. plasters & paints have subsequently been supplied to some of the most prestigious conservation. Tailor-made courses have been designed and run for a wide range of organisations including Local Authorities. just as UK lime production had diminished to almost nothing in the past fifty years. using Nigel’s experience. this listed property also proved to be the inspiration for their business T y-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd. The Landmark Trust. These courses have proved to be extremely popular and now attract delegates from all over the world. St Teilo’s Church. As well as concentrating on getting the practical skills right. T y-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd was born. They have also drafted a wide range of NBS clauses. asking for advice on product usage and application techniques. purchased T y-Mawr. organisations and projects that have benefited from T y-Mawr ˆ products and expertise include Aberglasney House. they began making their own. Buildings. Building Control and other professional groups countrywide. they hosted and organised the prestigious Summer School for the Prince’s Foundation for the Building Community with participants from all over the world. But the couple faced one key problem – they couldn’t source appropriate lime mortars and plasters! The initial solution was straightforward. and Townscape Heritage Initiatives. With calls coming in on almost a daily basis. the National Botanical Gardens. National Museum of Wales and Worcester Cathedral. Originally. Dolbelydr. ˆ a run-down farm in the heart of the Brecon Beacons National Park. project management and rural development. Lime mortars. As well as demonstrating examples of T y-Mawr ˆ products.. research. building boards including woodfibre boards.a lime plaster made with recycled glass instead of sand.000 other projects over the last 18 years.Supporting the environment Concern for the environment. and provides an excellent example of how Joyce and Nigel practice what they preach. as well as insulation products made from Welsh sheep’s wool. NEW BUILD WITH PIGMENTED GLASTER® SITS ALONGSIDE GRADE II* LISTED BUILDINGS This dedication to the environment has motivated the company to develop ‘greener’ alternatives to mainstream building products. hemp and cellulose (recycled newspaper). The business has invested heavily in product development. reed mats and reed boards. As well as being the couple’s home and business base. In 2009. testing. The range includes paints and finishes. the building itself also incorporates environmental technologies such as solar thermal. demonstrating that Joyce and Nigel are just as passionate about minimising their own impact on the environment as they are about developing greener building solutions. wood wool boards. quality standards. Be The Change. an environmentally-friendly alternative to concrete.. ˆ we have watched.. hopefully helping others be the change they wish to see as well! 3 The Company T y-Mawr ˆ . This has helped reduce T y-Mawr’s ˆ carbon dioxide emissions by up to 40 tonnes per year. highly energy efficient manufacturing machinery. continues as the business grows. which uses hemp fibres instead of sand. glaster® . the company has expanded to a purpose built distribution warehouse and has built up a team of some 20 members of skilled staff to ensure the excellent quality of products and services. particularly with regards to minimising the impact of buildings on the environment. rain-water harvesting and biomass heating. contributed and adapted to the changes that now sees lime as an ‘appropriate’ building material not only for traditional buildings but also new ecological buildings. we are slowly realising some of the change we would wish to see at T y-Mawr ˆ and through our work and product manufacture. Examples of this are Building and buildings are one of the greatest polluters on the planet. one of the quotes we have used a lot as a business is that “you must be the change you want to see in the world”. This philosophy is at the heart of the company’s development of a unique range of environmentally-friendly building materials compatible with ‘breathing building’ principles. It remains one of T y-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd’s core business principles today. Nigel and Joyce were thrilled to be named as one of 52 sustainable development champions on the first Welsh Green List . From Nigel & Joyce Gervis The lime industry has changed enormously over the last 18 years.a list recognising the commitment and contribution of individuals in Wales to the environment! ˆ T Y-MAWR’S DISTRIBUTION CENTRE Back to the building T y-Mawr ˆ itself is an on-going restoration project. and custom built computer-controlled. feel proud that we have now supplied over 17. and Limecrete. the building is also now used extensively as a venue for visits from all sorts of groups concerned with building and the environment. that T y-Mawr ˆ has become renowned for. product accreditation. quickly became an important focus for Nigel and Joyce. At T y-Mawr. Lime hemp Plaster. no plaster has performed better in old. CONDENSATION. 4 Product Development T y-Mawr ˆ . or with water to produce limewash Slaking Lime Burnt Lime Calcium Hydroxide Calcium Oxide (Ca(OH)2 (CaO) Heat Burnt lime is also known as quicklime or lumplime POTENTIALLY LEADS TO CONDENSATION. the resulting product was glaster®. SOLID WALL CONSTRUCTION . It is ‘greener’ because it uses a binder that absorbs carbon dioxide when curing and is burnt at a lower temperature than cement. VAPOUR PERMEABLE MATERIALS. Why Lime? Products are made with lime ideal for use in old buildings as the use of the traditional lime binder means that they benefit from being vapour permeable (to manage moisture and hence regulate humidity). MODERN IMPERVIOUS MATERIALS POTENTIALLY TRAPPING MOISTURE AND LEADING TO PROBLEMS SUCH AS DAMP. GLASTER® IS AN EXCITING BLEND OF LIME (BINDER) AND RECYCLED GLASS (AGGREGATE) TO MAKE PLASTERS. led us to look at improving the ‘green’ credentials of this ancient material.MAINTAINED WITH SOFT. WET/DRY ROT ETC. Our concern for the environment however. solid wall construction buildings. It is also a perfect choice in more sustainable new builds where low impact materials are demanded.000 years. MOULD GROWTH S L A KIN G Slaking burnt lime in either: EVAPORATION OF MOISTURE VAPOUR PERMEABLE FLOOR BLOCKED LAND DRAIN PAVING DENSE CONCRETE FLOOR or iii) in damp sand to produce a hot mix or ii) a shortfall of water to produce a powder (hydrate) i) an excess of water to produce a putty RISING DAMP RISING DAMP SOLID WALL CONSTRUCTION BUILDING . MOULD GROWTH.Product background Lime plasters have been used for over 12. “A breathing building” “Sick building” The Lime Cycle Water-born Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is absorbed over time to form Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) GOOD EAVES AND WELL MAINTAINED RAINWATER GOODS = EQUILIBRIUM POORLY MAINTAINED RAINWATER GOODS Burning limestone in a kiln drives off Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) Limestone from the quarry O TIMBER LINTEL RAIN EVAPORATION OF MOISTURE RAIN AT I TIMBER LINTEL . TRADITIONAL. RENDERS. are relatively ‘soft’ allowing the building to continue to move and flex (which they are designed to do) and can be recycled at the end of their useful life. MORTARS AND SCREEDING FOR FLOORS.REPAIRED WITH HARD.WET ROT CARB N Limestone Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) BU RN ON IN G LIME MORTAR POINTING (or lime render with vapour permeable paint) EVAPORATION OF MOISTURE LAND DRAIN INTERNAL LIME PLASTER WITH VAPOUR PERMEABLE PAINT WATER PENETRATION THROUGH CRACKS HARD IMPERVIOUS RENDER AND OR PAINT (TRAPS MOISTURE) IMPERVIOUS PLASTER AND OR IMPERVIOUS PAINT (TRAPS MOISTURE) Slaked lime (putty) is mixed with selected sands to produce mortars and plasters. JOHN CHRISTOPHERS’ CODE LEVEL 6 HOUSE glaster® mortar This mortar is ideal for building or pointing blockwork. prior to application and is best used within a month of purchase. Silos are also now available. > externally as a render with a flat or roughcast finish. > internally as a plaster which can be painted. This range is supplied as a dry premix to which water must be added on-site and then mixed in a mill/site mixer. > as a floor screed. brick or block work as a render.CO. masonry. 14. COURTESY: WWW. it is therefore an extremely effective finish for very exposed elevations. It requires mixing. trowelled to a smooth finish or etched to reveal more glass or as a self coloured finish. brickwork or blocks. Alternatively. glaster® external roughcast Using a coarser grade of crushed glass and by spray applying the product – a unique render finish can quickly be applied to blockwork. 5 Product Range T y-Mawr ˆ . it can be painted with a vapour permeable paint.Why Recycled Glass? We chose to use recycled glass because of the wide environmental benefits of using it as opposed to sand. it also reduces the volume of waste sent to landfill and saves the energy and natural resources required to make new glass.UK APPLYING GLASTER® TO WOOD WOOL BOARDS. benefits include reducing the extraction of a virgin raw material (160. glaster® can be used on > most conventional backgrounds including stone.5 million tonnes are extracted annually in the UK for construction purposes. brick and building boards. masonry and brick. > dry hydraulic premix – manufactured using a moderately hydraulic lime and recycled glass which is suitable in most ‘usual’ conditions e. The increased surface area of such a finish helps the evaporation of moisture. block.CO2DL. 30 gallons of oil is saved. wood wool and woodfibre boards.g.5 million tonnes are marine dredged) with environmental implications. brick. > as a mortar for building or pointing up stonework. plaster or mortar. for stone. For every tonne of glass recycled. glaster® plaster It is available in a ‘coloured’ range – see page 6 – which can be trowelled smooth or etched to reveal more of the glass aggregate. It is available as a dry premixed to which water must be carefully gauged on site. We are also able to ‘tailor-mix’ specific colours. This product range is ideal for plastering internally or repairing old buildings where it is important to maintain the flexibility and vapour permeability of the building. glaster® products are available in two premixed ranges > traditional ‘ready-to-use’ wet premix – manufactured using traditional fat lime putty and recycled crushed glass. please note the top coat should be softer and thinner than previous coats Suggested Build-up 1 x 6mm• 1 x 6mm 1 x 6mm• Cob. It can be polished to give a decorative finish. glaster® Plaster Product Selection Building Material• Site Type Suggested Base Coats Suggested Build-up 2 x 9mm 2 x 9mm 2 x 9mm 2 x 9mm 2 x 9mm 1 x 9mm 1 x 9mm 1 x 9mm 1 x 9mm 1 x 9mm 1 x 9mm 2 x 9mm 2 x 9mm 2 x 9mm 2 2 2 2 x x x x 9mm 9mm 9mm 9mm Suggested Top Coat . •or for a fine finish add Fat Lime Internal Top Coat Plaster. Strawbale° (haired base coats) Reed Mat. °May require more coats due to waviness of bales.*Insulation blocks have very high suction. be careful to control suction. timber floors (ventilated) or unsealed tiles can be laid. compatible with underfloor heating onto which flagstones. when available. Rammed Earth. Soft Stone Soft Brick (mesh base coat) Internal External Internal External Internal External Internal External Internal External Internal External glaster® Fat Lime (haired) Plaster or glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Fat Lime (haired) Plaster or glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster n/a glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster or glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster or glaster®Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Fat Lime (haired) Plaster glaster® Fat Lime (haired) Plaster or glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster or glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster or glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster n/a glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster or glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster or glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster 1 x 9mm• 1 x 9mm 1 x 9mm• 1 x 9mm 1 x 6mm• 1 x 6mm 1 x 6mm 1 x 6mm• 1 x 6mm 1 x 6mm 1 x 6mm• 1 x 6mm 1 x 6mm• 1 x 6mm 1 x 9mm• 1 x 9mm Hard Stone (haired base coats) Hard Engineering Brick. Concrete Blocks (mesh base coat) POLISHED GLASTER® FLOOR Internal External Internal External Internal External 2 x 9mm 2 x 9mm 2 x 9mm 2 x 9mm 1 x 9mm 1 x 9mm Insulation Blocks* (haired base coat) Coloured range •Dub out uneven surfaces prior to applying first coat. 1 x 3mm coat NATURAL CREAM BURNT UMBER PALE GREY DEEP GREY STONE GREEN BRICK PINK YELLOW OCHRE DEEP ORANGE 6 Product Range T y-Mawr ˆ . Reed Board (haired base coats) Celenit Wood Wool Boards (mesh base coat) Woodfibre Board (mesh base coat) Lath (internal only).glaster® screed This product is perfect for use with our insulated limecrete floors. Available in a coloured range and with different coloured glass. PRINTSOFWALES. helping to regulate humidity within the building and therefore keeping it healthy for those living and/or working inside the building. Aesthetics COURTESY: WWW. giving all sorts of aesthetic potential by varying pigment colours as well as aggregate type and colours. glaster helps to maintain this optimum.BIZ glaster® offers a genuinely sustainable plaster/render that produces a surface that is unique. the quality of the air and the internal environment in paramount in terms of our health and happiness. For example.Health benefits It is a highly technical finish. indoor air quality diminishes and potential health problems increase. As the width of the bar increases. This chart shows the humidity levels at which the listed microbes and health problems are likely to flourish. COURTESY FACIT HOMES 7 Benefits T y-Mawr ˆ . We currently spend approximately 90% of time indoors. It is also highly suitable for ‘pargetting’ – see example above. but its growth rates steadily increase above and below this range with maximum growth at 0% and 100% relative humidity. virus growth is unsupported at humidity levels of 50% to 70%. Construction and detail design by Modernarc Nick Willson Architects Materials Supplied: Hydraulic glaster® render Photos courtesy Gareth Gardner 8 Case Studies T y-Mawr ˆ .Flint House Family house in Blackheath. London. glaster® is just as suitable for high traffic. commercial environments as well as domestic situations. NBS Clause COURTESY: AUSTIN SMITH LORD ARCHITECTS.J.PHILIP PLASTERING COURTESY: UPTON CASTLE ESTATE EXTRACT FROM ARCHITECTS DRAWINGS 9 Case Studies T y-Mawr ˆ .Severn Theatre. A. A J Phillips Plastering Materials Supplied: Pigments glaster® – Yellow Ochre glaster® was chosen to give a durable finish in the foyer at the Severn Theatre. Shrewsbury. Shrewsbury Client: Wilmott Dixon Construction Ltd. The through colour meant that the plaster did not require painting and gave a lively finish for visitors. Practical application of the product requires some understanding of how it carbonates. LLANGASTY 10 Training and Support T y-Mawr ˆ . COURTESY BERE ARCHITECTS COURTESY DUCHY OF CORNWALL NIGEL GERVIS. we advised and provided on-site training for the rendering at The Lime House in Ebbw Vale. LIME HOUSE. For example. Mission Hall. We therefore run practical training day for contractors at our dedicated training centre as well as their site when required. Nigel Gervis. DELIVERING CPDS ˆ THE TRAINING CENTRE. West Sussex and John Weavers contractors at Elliott Colliery and for the Duchy of Cornwall. inventor and Technical Director delivers some 60 of these technical seminars per annum to help build the confidence in the product in order to encourage architects to specify it for commercial as well as domestic projects. SPRAY APPLYING GLASTER® We have also developed RIBA approved NBS (National Building Specification) clauses to assist architects with choosing the right products and build-up for the different substrates based on the table on page 6.To support the products. we spend a great deal of time raising awareness and assisting architects in specifying this innovative material by delivering RIBA accredited CPDs across the UK. T Y-MAWR. INVENTOR. EBBW VALE.
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