103 TR&B 22-5-1996

March 29, 2018 | Author: Pasha | Category: Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Academic Degree, Architect, Academia



GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT PUBLIC SERVICES—Andhra Pradesh Roads and Buildings Engineering Service Rules—Issued.TRANSPORT, ROADS & BUILDINGS (SER.II) DEPARTMENT Dated: 22nd May, 1996. Read the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) From the One Man Commission D.O.lr.No.321/OMC (SPF.Ser.II)/89-1, Dt.25.8.1989. Govt.Memo No.2402/S.II.2/89-1, TR&B, Dt.13.9.89. From the Engineer-in-Chief (R&B) Lr.No.64952/Ser.II(B2) SPF/89, dated: 13.12.1989. From the One Man Copmmission D.O.Lr.No.321/OMC (SPF. Ser.II)/89-4, dated: 22.10.90. From the Engineer-in-Chief (R&B) Lr.No.64952/Ser.II(B2)/ SPF/89, dated: 14.11.1990. From the One Man Commission Lr.No.321/OMC (SPF.Ser)/ 89-7, dt.8.11.1991. From the A.P.Public Service Commission Lr.No.3572/RR/ 3/94, dated: 19.4.1995. --ooOoo— ORDER: The following notification shall be published in the A.P.Gazette:NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, and in suppression of the Special and Adhoc Rules issued in G.O.Ms.No.1339, Public works Department, dated 15-51965.G.O.Ms.No.892, Public Works Department, dated 31-5-1967; G.O.Ms.No.1023, Public Works Department, dated 27.6.1967 and G.O.Ms.No.1780, Public Works Department, dated 7-12-1968 the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby wakes the following Special Rules for the Andhra Pradesh Roads, and Buildings Engineering Service. G.O.Ms.No.103, Class – C: (Administration): ..A. Category(3) : Asssistant State Architect. Category(6) : Assistant Executive Engineer. namely:- Class – A (Civil Engineering): Category (1) : Engineer-in-chief Category (2) : Chief Engineer. Category (3) : Superintending Engineer including Deputy Engineer-in-chief and Deputy chief Engineer. (1) (2) 2. Constitution: The service shall consist of the following categories of posts. Deputy Superintending Engineer (formerly known as P. to Superintending Engineer) and Joint Director (Research) in the office of the Engineer-in-chief. including Member of commissionerate of Tenders. Category(2) : Deputy State Architect. Category(4) : Senior Architectural Assistant.1. Category(5) : Deputy Executive Engineer including Technical Assistant. Category (4) : Executive Engineer including posts in the rank of Executive Engineer with the designations as Deputy Chief Engineer (Designs). Assistant Director (Research). Short Title and commencement: These rules shall be called the Andhra Pradesh Roads and Buildings Engineering Services Rules. These Rules shall come into force with immediate effect. Class – B: (Architecture): Category(1) : State Architect. Engineer-in-Chief By promotion from category(2) 2. the method of appointment and appointing authority for the several categories shall be as follows:Class and Category (1) CLASS.P.Engineers in A. Class-D: (Electrical): Category(1): Executive Engineer (Electrical) Category(2): Deputy Executive Engineer (Electrical) Category(3): Assistant Executive Engineer (Electrical).A) to Superintending Engineer. Chief Engineer 3. (iii) By appointment by transfer of D’Man Special Grade and D’MAN Grade I from a combined seniority list with reference to the date of their appointment to the category of D’MAN Grade I. Roads and Buildings. Executive Engineer By promotion from category(3) By promotion from category(4) By promotion from category(5) Method of Appointment (2) Appointing Authority (3) 5.P.T. Superintending Engineer. Assistant Executive (i) By Direct Recruitment Deputy EngineerEn .A) to Engineer-in-Chief/Chief Engineer. Method of Appointment and Appointing Authority: Subject to the other provisions in these rules.Category(1): Non Technical Personal Assistant (N.T.A 1. Roads and Buildings. Deputy Executive (i) By promotion from category(6) Engineer (ii) By appointment by transfer of Asst. 6. 4. Category(2): Non Technical Personal Assistant (N. 3. Roads and Buildings Engineering Sub-ordinate Service.P. (iii)If no.Grade/ D’Man Grade-I who have acquired a degree in Civil Engineering or Mechanical Engineering from a Combined seniority list with reference to the date of their appointment to the category of D’Man Grade-I CLASS – B: 1. By promotion of Asst.State Architect.Grade and D’Man Grade-I CLASS – C: 1. by appointment on contract basis. Deputy Engineer Chief(R&B) (Ad (ii) If no Non Technical Personal Assistant to Superintending Engineer is available or it is suitable for promotion by appointment by transfer from . Assistant State Architect By promotion of Asst. candidates are available for appointment by method. Engineer/D’Man Spl.State Architect (ii) If no Dy. Non Technical (i) By promotion of Non Technical Personal Assistant Personal Assistant to Superinto Engineer-in-Chief tending Engineer. 2. (R&B)/Chief Engineer (Category 2 of Class-C). 3. by transfer on tensure of an Architect of quivalent or comparable grade from any other Department. Deputy State Architect.) (ii) By appointment by transfer of asst. (ii) above. Senior Architectural (i) By Direct Recruitment Deputy Engine Assistant (ii)By appointment by transfer Chief (R&B) (Admn) of D’Man Spl.State Architectural Assistant.State Architect is available for promotion.in-Chief(R&B)(Admn. State Architect (i) By promotion of Dy. 4. Executive Engineer (Electrical) (i) By promotion of Deputy Executive Engineer (Electrical) (ii) If no Dy. 2. Deputy Executive Engineer(Electrical) (i) By promotion of Assistant Executive Engineer (Electrical) (ii) By appointment by transfer of Assistant Engineer (Electrical) (iii) By appointment by transfer of D’Man Spl. Executive Engineers (Electrical) is available for promotion. 3. 2. by deputation of an Engineer of equivalent or comparable rank from A.P. CLASS – D: 1.Grade/Draughtsman Grade-I who have acquired a Degree in Electrical Engineering.Chief/Chief Engineer (R&B) and the Circle Offices of R&B Department. State Electricity Board.The combined seniority list of Superintendents of Office of the Engineerin.Grade and D’Man Grade-I From combined seniority list with reference to the date of appointment to the date of appointment to the category of D’Man Grade-I. . Non Technical personal Assistant to Superintending Engineer (R&B) By appointment by transfer of Deputy Engineer-in Superintendents from a combined Chief (R&B) (A seniority list of Superintends in the Engineer-in-Chief/Chief Engineer Office and all circle Offices of R&B Department. Assistant Executive (i) By direct recruitment Deputy Engineer-in Executive Engineer Chief(R&B) (Adm (Electrical) (ii) By appointment by transfer of Assistant Engineer/Draught man Spl. Note-1: The Vacancies in the category of Deputy Executive Engineers shall ne fil as follows either by promotion or appointment by transfer:1st Vacancy 2nd Vacancy 3rd Vacancy 4th Vacancy 5th Vacancy 6th Vacancy 7th Vacancy 8th Vacancy 9th Vacancy 10th Vacancy 11th Vacancy 12th Vacancy 13th Vacancy 14th Vacancy 15th Vacancy 16th Vacancy 17th Vacancy 18th Vacancy : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Assistant Executive Engineer Assistant Executive Engineer Assistant Executive Engineer Assistant Engineer Assistant Executive Engineer Assistant Executive Engineer Assistant Executive Engineer Assistant Engineer Assistant Executive Engineer Assistant Executive Engineer Assistant Executive Engineer Assistant Engineer Assistant Executive Engineer Assistant Executive Engineer Assistant Executive Engineer Assistant Engineer Assistant Executive Engineer Assistant Executive Engineer . Provided also that if a qualified and suitable candidate for appointment b transfer of a Draughtsman Special Grade or Grade-I is not available in the tur allotted to the category in the cycle. Provided further that for the vacancy meant to be filled by Draughtsma Special Grade or grade-I of a zone or Engineer-in-Chief’s Chief Engineer’ Office. such vacancy should be treated as allotte to the category of a qualified Assistant Engineer. unless otherwise provided. if a qualified and suitabl candidate in the category of Assistant Executive Engineer for appointment b promotion or Assistant Engineer for appointment by transfer to any vacancy i the above cycle is not available. Provided also that the seniority of the persons appointed as Deputy Executive Engineers be any method from the different feeder categories sha be fixed with reference to the provisions of General Rule 33 of the Andhr Pradesh State and sub-ordinate Service Rules. : : : Assistant Executive Engineer 21st Vacancy 22nd Vacancy 23rd Vacancy Assistant Executive Engineer Assistant Executive Engineer 24th Vacancy : Assistant Engineer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The above cycle shall apply mutadis-mutandis to the posts of Deput Executive Engineers (Electrical) also. Provided also that. such vacancy should be treated as lapsed fo that category and appointment shall be made for the next point in the cycle. if no qualified candidate is available in the zone or Engineer-in chief’s/Chief Engineer’s Office such a vacancy may be filled by Draughtsma Special Grade/Grade-I of the Engineer-in-Chief’s/Chief Engineer’s Office o concerned zone and Vice-versa as the case may be. . Provided that the Draughtsman Special Grade/Grade-I of the Engineer-in chief’s/Chief Engineer’s Office shall be considered in the 20th vacancy in the 1 cycle and the Draughtsman Grade-I of the respective Zones in the 2nd cycle. Special Grade or Draughtsman Grade-I from a combined list with reference appointment to the category of Draughtsman Grade-I.19th Vacancy 20th Vacancy : Assistant Executive Engineer : Draughtsman. NOTE 3: Assistant Engineers/Draughtsman Special grade/Draughtsman Grade-I wh acquire. shall be fixed in the category of Assistan Executive Engineer with reference to the notional date arrived a after giving weightage of service as indicated under clause(1 above. (i) The Assistant Engineers/Draughtsman Specia Grade/Draughtsman Grade-I shall be entitled to count one third o their service. to become eligible for promotion as Deputy Executiv Engineer. the other vacancies being filed by direct recruitment. The seniority of the Assistant Engineers/Draughtsman Specia Grade/Draughtsman Grade-I who is appointed as Assistan Executive Engineer.NOTE 2: In any direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Executive Engineer of Class-A degree holder in Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering shall b selected to the extent of the requirement of the department. subject to the following conditions. who acquires the qualification. while in service or earlier. after such appointment and a total service of three year as Assistant Executive Engineer inclusive of the service given a weightage. As Assistant Engineer/Draughtsman Special Grade/Draughtsma Grade-I who is appointed as Assistant Executive Engineer shall pu in a minimum service of one year on duty as Assistant Executiv Engineer. a degree in Engineering or equivalen qualification. The Draughtsman Special Grad and Draughtsman Grade-I of the office of the Engineer-in-chief/Chief Enginee (R&B). rendered as Assistant Engineer/Draughtsman Specia Grade/Draughtsman Grade-I prior to their date of appointment a Assistant Executive Engineer. as if they had been in the post o Assistant Executive Engineer for that period. may be appointed by transfer as Assistant Executive Engineer and such appointments shall be against the 6th vacancy in a unit of te successive vacancies arising in any recruitment year in the category o Assistant Executive Engineers. (ii) (iii) NOTE 4: If in respect of the combined cadre of Assistant Executive Engineers an Assistant Engineers (Non-Gazetted an order is issued by the Governmen fixing a ratio as between the numerical strength of Assistant Executiv Engineers and Assistant Engineers (Non-Gazetted) in the cadre . shall be considered in the 6th vacancy i the 1st cycle and the qualified Draughtsman Grade-I of the concerned zone i the 6th vacancy in the 2nd cycle. Superintending By promotion Engineer 5.C-B. till such tim as the specified cadre strength of Assistant Executive Engineers is brough down to the numerical cadre strength fixed for this category by Government.-A. direct recruitment may not be made fo the posts of Assistant Executive Engineers included in this service. B.S.C. Physically Handicapped and Ex-Servicemen quota. B. 5.notwithstanding the provision in Rule-3.C. Draughtsman. B. as the case may be.Deputy Executive Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil or Mechanical Engineering of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act. THE TABLE Class & Category Method of Appointment (2) Qualification (3) (b) (1) CLASS – A: 3.S. Special Grade or Grade-I o Assistant Executive Engineer or Deputy Executive Engineer sha put in not less than two years of services in Investigation work an Designs work for consideration for appointment by transfer o promotion to the next higher category of Deputy Executive Enginee or Executive Engineer. i case the numerical cadre strength of Assistant Executive Engineers is mor than the Specified strength with reference to the ratio fixed for the purpose. Reservation of appointment: In the matter of direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Executiv Engineer for which Women and Men are equally suited other things being equa preference shall be given to Women and they shall be selected to an extent o atleast 30% of the posts in each category of O.. Assistant Engineer.. Qualifications: (a) No person shall be eligible for appointment to the categorie specified in column (1) of the table to these rules by the metho specified in column (2) unless he possesses the qualification specified in the corresponding entry in column (3) thereof.C. 4.C D. Provincial Act or a State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification..T. B. By appointment (i) Must possess a diploma in by transfer Civil or Mechanical .-C.C. and (ii) Must have passed Accounts Test for Public Works Department Officers and Subordinates. By direct Must possess a Bachelor’s recruitment or degree in Civil or Mechanical by appointment Engineering of A University in by transfer India established or incorporated by under a Central Act. OR (ii) Must be a member of the Indian Institute of Architects or the Council of Architects (incorporated under the Architects Act. State Board of Technical Education or its equivalent qualification. 1972) and must have 5 years practical experience. Provincial Act or a State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification and must have 10 years experience as practicing Architects in a firm of Architects in India.P. State Architect . provincial Act or a State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification By Contract (i) Must possess a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture awarded by a University in India a Central Act.Assistant Executive Engineer Engineering awarded by the A.Engineer 6. OR Diploma in Compressed Course of Engineering. OR (iii) Must possess the National Diploma in Architecture awarded by the CLASS – B: 1. All India Council for Technical Education or any other qualification and must have 15 years practical experience. Provincial Act or a State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification. OR (iii) Must possess a National Diploma in Architecture awarded by the All India Council for Technical Education or any other equivalent qualification and must have served as a practicing Architect in a firm of Architects in India for atleast 5 years. OR (ii) Must be a member of the Indian Institute of Architects or the Council of Architects (incorporated under the Architects Act. (ii) Must possess a National . 1972) with 3 years practical experience. By appointment (i) Must possess a Bachelor’s by transfer degree in Architecture awarded by an University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act. 4. Provincial Act or a State Act or an institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or equivalent qualification and must have 3 years practical experience as Architect in a firm of architects in India. Senior By direct (i) Must possess a Bachelor’s Architectural recruitment degree in Architectural Assistant awarded by an University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act. By appointment Technical by transfer Personal Assistant to Engineer-inChief/Chief Engineer. Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering of a University in India established or incorporated by under a Central Act. 3.1972)with 3 years practical experience. OR Diploma in compressed course of Engineering. State Board of Technical Education or its equivalent qualification.P.Diploma in Architecture awarded by the All India Council for Technical Education or an equivalent qualification. and (ii) Must have passed Accounts Test for Public Works Department Officers and Subordinates. Provincial Act or . Assistant Executive Engineer (Electrical) By any method (i) Must Possess a Diploma in Electrical or Civil Engineering awarded by the A. NonTechnical Personal Assistant to Superintending Engineer CLASS-D 2. Deputy Executive Engineer (Electrical) Must have passed Accounts Test for Public Works Department Officers and Subordinates. 2. OR (iii) Must be a member of the Indian Institute of Architects of the All India Council of Architects (incorporated under the Architects Act. CLASS – C: 1. Non. from the date on which he commences probation. shall undergo. an every Draughtsman Special Grade/Draughtsman Grade-I appointe by transfer to the post of Deputy Executive Engineer. immediately after appointment a course o training for a period of 3 months and as per such programme an syllabus as may be prescribed by the Engineer-in-Chief from time t time. Minimum Service: Unless otherwise specified elsewhere in these rules no person shall b eligible for appointment by transfer for promotion unless he has put in not les than three years of service in the category from which appointment by transfe or promotion is made. 8. Senior Architectural Assistant. 6. Probation: (a) Every person appointed by direct recruitment to any of the post shall. if h has completed 28 years of age on the first day of July of the Year in which th notification for selection is made. Provided that a candidate from undergoing period of training may b . be o probation for a total period of two years on duty within a continuou period of three years. Training: (a) Every person appointed by direct recruitment to the posts o Assistant Executive Engineer. (b) 9. Every person appointed to any of the posts except those appointe to the post of Engineer-in-chief either by promotion or transfer shal from the date on which he commences probation. 7. be on probatio for a total period of one year on duty within a continuous period o two years. Age: No Person shall be eligible for appointment by direct recruitment. Special Grade/Grade-I/Grade-II/Grade-III /Trace appointed by transfer as Assistant Executive Engineer as the cas may be. and ever Draughtsman. or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification or a pass in Sections (A) and (B) of the Institution of Engineers in Electrical Engineering.a State Act. execute an agreement bond that h shall serve the Department for a period of three years after th completion of training referred to in sub-rule (a). or If he secures any other employment elsewhere than under th State Government. seniority. appointment. leave and pension. (c) (d) 10. He will be liable to refund to the Government the pay and allowances an any other remuneration received by him in addition to the amount spent by th Government on his training:(i) (ii) (iii) If he fails to serve the Department for a period of 3 years after th completion of his training for any reason.I) Dept.. Unit of Appointment: For purpose of recruitment. A direct recruit shall be eligible. dated 8-9-80 may be followed. 11. discharge for want of vacancy reappointment.Ms.(FR.exempted. Provided that no such Assistant Executive Engineer on probation shall b discharged for failure to pass the above test within the period of his probatio but his probation shall be extended and his increment shall be stopped till h passes the test. Tests: Every person appointed to the post of Assistant executive Engineer sha pass the Accounts Test for Public Works Department Officers and Subordinate within the period of probation.No.O.268/Fin. for th initial pay of the post with usual allowances admissible at the plac of training. if he has rendered previously a minimum six months service i a temporary service in the category of Assistant Executive Engineer of th same service or in any other Engineering Service. the instructions issued vid G. or If he discontinues the training or is discharged from trainin course for misconduct or any other reason. promotion. during the period of training. transfer and posting and appointment a full of member to the post specified in column (2) of the table below the unit o appointment shall be as specified in column (3) thereof: . before th commencement of training. (b) Every person appointed by direct recruitment shall. The period of training shall count for purposes of probation increments. Anantapur and Kurnool Districts. Unit-Iv:Zone-IV: Comprising Chittor.) Unit-VII: Hyderabad City Cadre: Comprising the city of Hyderabad as defined in the Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Organization of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order. Assistantt Unit-II: Zone-II: Comprising East Godavari Executive West Godavari and Krishna Districts Engineer Unit-III:Zone-III: Comprising Guntur. Medak. at a time. Karimnagar. Assistan Executive Engineers in the Office of the Engineer-in-Chief or Chief Engineer shall be filled on tenure basis by drawing Officers of the respective categorie equitably from different local cadres and the period of such tenure shall no ordinarily exceed three years. Cuddapah. Unit-VI: Zone-VI: Comprising Nizamabad.Deputy Unit-I: Zone-I: Comprising Srikakulam Vizianagaram and Visakhapatnam Executive Districts. 1975. Provided that the posts of Deputy Executive Engineers. 1975 shall be filled o tenure basis by drafting Deputy Executive Engineers and Assistant Executiv . Mahabubnagar. Nalgonda and Ranga Reddy Districts (Excluding the areas forming part of the city of Hyderabad. Prakasam and Nellore Districts. Engineer 6. Unit-V: Zone-V: Comprising Adilabad.Warangal and Khammam Districts. Provided further that the posts of Deputy Executive Engineers an Assistant Executive Engineers including Deputy Engineer (Electrical) an Assistant Executive Engineer (Electrical) in the Special Officers/Establishment notified under the Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Organization of Loca Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order.TABLE Class and Category CLASS-A: Post Unit of appointment 5. G. Provided that nothing in these rules shall affect the appointments made i ..No. Provided further that the posts of Deputy Executive Engineers an Assistant Executive Engineers including Deputy Executive Engineer (Electrica and Assistant Executive Engineer (Electrical) in the Special Offic Establishments notified under the Andhra Pradesh Public Employmen (Organisation of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Orde 1975 shall be filled in on tenure basis by drafting Deputy Executive Engineer and Assistant Executive Engineers (Category-5 and 6 of Class-A and Category 2 and 3 of Class-D) from the local cadres located in the areas served by suc office or establishment and their numbers as for as practicable be in proportio to the basis strength of each such cadres. Senior Architectural Assistant.1023.. P.W.892. 3.D.. 4.1780.O.Ms.1339. Deputy Executive Enginee (Electrical) and Assistant Executive Engineer (Electrical) shall be made b Engineer-in-Chief and in the case of all other categories postings and transfer shall be made by the Government. G. Repeal and Savings: The Special and Ad-hoc Rules issued in the following Governmen Orders as amended from time to time.W. 2.No. 12. in respect of various posts in the Road and Buildings Engineering Department are repealed.O. G. 13. P. Assistant Executiv Engineers.O. Dated 31-5-1967. Deputy Executive Engineers. Transfers and Postings: The transfers and postings of the persons holding the post of Executiv Engineers including Executive Engineers (Electrical) not involving their firs appointment or promotion.Ms. G. at a time.D.W.D.O.Engineers (Category 5 and 6 of Class-A and Category-2 and 3 of Class-D) from the local cadres located in the areas served by such office or establishment an their numbers as for as practicable be in proportion to the basic strength of eac such cadres.. P.Ms. P. 1. Dated 15-5-1965. Dated 7-12-1968.Ms. Provided that the posts of Deputy Executive Engineers.No. Dated 27-6-1967.No. Assistan Executive Engineers in the Office of the Engineer-in-Chief or Chief Engineer shall be filled on tenure basis by Drawing Officers of the respective categorie equitably from different local cadres and the period of such tenure shall no ordinarily exceed three years.D.W. Hyderabad.accordance with the repealed rules prior to the coming into force of thes rules. Xx xx xx xx //FORWARDED :: BY ORDER // Sd/SECTION OFFICER . SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To The Commissioner of Printing & Stationery (Gazette Wing) Hyderabad. The Engineer-in-Chief (R&B). (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) CHANDANA KHAN. The All Chief Engineers R&B.
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