10262-2009 (is code for concrete mix design)
10262-2009 (is code for concrete mix design)
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IS 10262:2009Indian Standard CONCRETE MIX PROPORTIONING — GUIDELINES (First Revision ) ICS 91.100.30 0 BIS 2009 BUREAU MANAK OF BHAVAN, INDIAN STANDARDS ZAFAR MARG 9 BAHADUR SHAH NEW DELHI 110002 July 2009 Price Group 7 f) Considering that the air content in normal (non-air entrained) concrete is not of much significance in mix proportioning procedure and is also not a part of IS 456:2000. ground granulated blast furnace slag. the method has scope to consider the combination of wider spectrum of cement and mineral admixtures proposed to be used to meet the requirements of durability for the type of exposure conditions anticipated in service. a judicious combination of ingredients from as many as ten materials. the following major modifications have been made: a) b) c) The title of the standard has bum modi ficd [M‘Concw(. This task is best accomplished by trial mixes arrived at by the use of certain established relationships among different parameters and by analysis of data already generated thereby providing a basis for judicious combination of all the ingredients involved. water content [ml csthnatkm of coarse aggregate content and fine aggregate content hwc bum rcvic~vc(l and ~~cc{)r<li~~gly ~nodil’icd. In this lirst rcvisim. Concrete has become an indispensable construction material. coarse aggregate and fine aggregate. Silnilarly. This does not necessarily satisfy the requirements of durabilit y unless examined under specific context. In the recent past. In addition. that is. The basic principles which underline the proportioning of mixes are Abram’s law for strength development and Lyse’s rule for making mix with adequate workability for placement in a dense state so as to enable the strength development as contemplated. Mix proportioning is generall y carried out for a particular compressive strength requirements crew-ring that fresh concrete of the mix proportioned to possess adequate workability for placement without segregation and bleeding while attaining a dense state. It can be a combination of far more number of ingredients for example. concrete has bypassed the stage of mere four component system. apart from the four ingredients mentioned above. d) The requirements for sclcctkm of water-ccmcnt r~~tk).)0 ‘Plain and reinforced concrctc — Coded’ prwl iw (&w-th rcvfkim)’. that is. e) A new illustrative example of concrete mix proportioning using fly ash as one of the ingredients has been added. compressive strength is often taken as an index of acceptability. Various requhxmmnts Imvc been nmdil’iud in Ihw will] [Iw ruquhxmmts o[’ 1S 456 : 20(. The objective of proportioning concrete mixes is to arrive at the most economical and practical combinations of different ingredients to produce concrete that will satisfy the performance requirements under specified conditions of use. fly ash. the consideration of air content has been deleted. An integral part of concrete mix proportioning is the preparation of trial mixes and effect adjustments to such trials to strike a balance between the requirements of placement. water. silica fume. have also been rcvicwcd and modified.Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee. According to the present state-of-the-art. cement. Hence. The applicability of the standard hax been spcci[lcd for [Jr~iii]t~ry A st~]i~tlarti concrete grades only.c mix proportioning — Guidelines’ from the earlier title ‘Recommcndcd guidcl hws for c(~i]crc[cmix design’. (Continued on third cover) . concomitantly satisfying durability requirements. it is all the more essential at this juncture to have general guidelines on proportioning concrete mixes. Concrete has to be of satisfactory quality both in its fresh and hardened states. CED 2 FOREWC)RD This Indian Standard (First Revisio~~) was ad{>ptcdby the Bureau of Indian Standards. ctc. This standard was first published in 1982. workability and strength. rice husk ash. The need has been further augmented by the importance given to proportioned concrete mixes according to IS 456:2000. illustrative examples. From practical view point. other requirements such as trial mixes. after the draft finalized by the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council. metakaoline and superplasticizer are six more ingredients which are generally used in concrete produced in practice as the situation demands. All standards are subject to revision and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below: 1SNo. 3. 2 REFERENCES The following standards contain provisions. Maximum nominal size of aggregate.65 s where Title Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete (second revision) Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (/burth revision) Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 3 Specific gravity. density.IS 1. ccme’ntmortar and concrete (second revision) Specification for 43 grade ordinary Portland cement (first revision) Specification for admixtures for concrete (/7rst revision) 383:1970 456:2000 2386 (Part 3): 1963 # f ck fck s= = target mean compressive strength at 28 days in N/mm2. 1.2SS Standard deviation based on test strength of sample a) Number of test results of samples — The total number of test strength of samples required to constitute an acceptable record for calculation of standard deviation shall be not less than 30. Workability. Maximum cement content. Type of cement. characteristic compressive strength at 28 days in N/mm2. voids. constitute provisions of this standard. the concrete mix has to be proportioned for higher target mean compressive strength jf’& The margin over characteristic strength is given by the following relation: f’c~ ‘~~ + 1. which through reference in this text. 3. = 3812 (Part 1): 2003 3. Attempts should be made to 8112:1989 9103:1999 3 DATA FOR MIX PROPORTIONING 3.2 Target Strength for Mix Proportioning In order that not more than the specified proportion of test results are likely to fall below the characteristic strength.3 AU requirements of IS 456 in so far as they apply.2. cement content.1 Standard Deviation The standard deviation for each grade of concrete shall be calculated separately.1 The following data are required for mix proportioning of a particular grade of concrete: 1 . shall be deemed to form part of this standard. Minimum. Maximum water-cement ratio. for ordinary and a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) G 1. The proportioning is carried out to achieve specified characteristics at specified age. absorption and bulking Spccil’icationfor pulverized fuel ash: Part 1 For use as pozzolana in cenwnt. Method of transporting and placing. the editions indicated were valid. Exposure conditions as per Table 4 and Table 5-of IS 456. J) k) 1) m) n) Grade designation.1 This standard provides the guidelines for proportioning concrete Imixcsas pm the requirements using the concrctc mtildng materials including other supplementary materials identified for this purpose. if required. and standard deviation N/mm2.2 This standard is applicable standard concrete grades only. Early age strength requirements.0262:2009 Indian Standard CONCRETE MIX PROPORTIONING — GUIDELINES (First Revision ) 1 SCOPE 1. and Whether an admixture shall or shall not be used and the type of admixture and the condition of use. Type of aggregate. Maximum temperature of concrete at the time of placing. workability of fresh concrete and durability requirements. At the time of publication. On the other hand increased temperature. and periodical checking of workability and strength. as early as possible. the required water content may be established by trial or an increase by about 3 percent for every additional 25 mm slump or alternatively by use of chemical admixtures conforming to IS 9103. water-cement ratio. c) Standard deviation to be brought up-todate — ‘~he calculation of the standard devi~ttion shall be brought up-tt}-date after every change of mix proportioning. it shall be permissible to use that value. the relatio~lship between strength and free water-cement ratio should preferably be established for the materials actually to be used.2. 4 SELECTION OF MIX PROPORTIONS 4.1 should bc checkw. the value of standard deviation given in Table 1 may be assumed for the proportioning of mix in the first instance. cement and other supplementary cementitious material type and content. such as aggregate size. aggregate texture.2 Selection of Water Content The water content of concrete is influenced by a number of factors. controlled addition of water. An increase in aggregates size. (1) i) ii) iii) iv) Grade of Concrete (2) M 10 M 15 M 20 M 25 Assumed Standard Deviation N/rnrn2 (3) 3. when adequate past records for a similar grade exist and justify to the designer a value of standard deviation different from that shown in Table 1. Table 1 Assumed Standard Deviation (Clauses 3. and use of rounded aggregate and water reducing admixtures will reduce the water demand. weigh batching of all materials. 4.1. As soon as the results of samples are available. if available. slump.ion shall be used and the mix proportioned properly.eviat.xxwdnncc with Table 5 of IS 456. surface texture. when a mix is used for the first time. NOTE ----TIw si]~][>lel~~entary cen%entitiousmaterials. characteristics may produce concretes of different cmnpressive strength for the sarnc free water-cement ratio.1against the limiting watercement ratio for the requirements of durability and the lower of the two values adopted.mti6 (by mass) corresponding to the target strength at 28 days may be selected from the established relati~ship. mix proportioning. shape and other grading. aggregate angularity and a decrease in the proportion of the coarse aggregate to fine aggregate will increase water demand.5 1 } 4. the preliminary free watercemer~t.2. 3.1. However.s shall also be considered in water-cement ratio c[tlcul[ttio~~s in m. This illustrates the need for trial batch testing of local materials as each aggregate source is different and can influence concrete properties differently. In the absence of such data. aggregate shape. the standard deviation value shall be separately calculated for such batches of concrete.IS 10262:2009 obtain the 30 samples (taken from sit@. the water-cement ratio given in Table 5 of IS 456 for respective cnviron~nent exposure conditions may be used as starting point. Otherwise. a reduction in water-cement ratio and slump.0 v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) M 30 M 35 M 40 M 45 M 50 M 551 5. actual calculated standard d. 20 kg for gravel with some crushed particles and 25 kg for rounded gravel to produce same workability. water-cement ratio. Therefore.1 Selection of Water-Cement Different cements.2. cement content. regular checking of all materials.2 Assumed standard deviation Where sufficient test results for a particular grade of concrete are not available. The water estimate in Table 2 can be reduced by approximately 10 kg for sub-angular aggregates. ~nincml a(lll~ixt~~rg. workabi~ity. The water content in Table 2 is for angular coarse aggregate and for 25 to 50 mm slump range. Where there is deviation from the above. aggregate grading and moisture content. For the desired workability (other than 25 to 50 mm slump range).0 NOTE — The above values correspond to the site control having proper storage of cement. values given in tlw above table shaH be increased by 1 N/nm2. 4. t)) In case of significant changes in concrete — When significant changes are made in the production of concrete batches (for example changes in the materials used. Ratio (see Note) cementitious supplementary . Water reducing admixtures or supe~lasticizing admixtures usually decrease water content by 5 to 10 percent and 2 S1 No. chemical admixture and environmental conditions. A-3 and B-3) materials and aggregates of different maximum size. that is.1.1 The free wtttcr-cc:i~~cnt ratk~ sclcctcd wxmrding to 4. The quantity of’ maximum mixing water per unit volume of concrete may be determined from Table 2. equipment or technical control). 4. the water andh admixture content shall be adjusted suitably. 4. With .1 For more workable concrete mixes which is sometimes required when placement is by pump or when the concrete is required to be worked around congested reinforcing steel. water and the chemical admixture. Approximate values for this aggregate volume are given in Tahlu 3 for a watix-cement ratio of 0. If the measured workability of Trial Mix No. Table 3 Vokrne of Coarse Aggregate per Unit Volume of Total Aggregate for Different Zones of Fine Aggregate (Clauses 4. 4. 0. However. at appropriate cement ratio and strength properties of concrete are consistent with the recommendations of IS 456 and meet project specification requirements as applicable.4. to saturated surface dry 1)Volumes are based on aggregates in saturated surfiw dry condition.69 —.48 0. from the stipulated value. 1 shall be measured.6 Estimation of Fine Aggregate Proportion With the completion of procedure given in 4A. all the ingredients have been estimated except the coarse and fine aggregate content. due to differences in particle shape and grading. it maybe desirable to reduce the estimated coarse aggregate content determined using Table 3 up to 10 percent.3 Calculation of Cementitious Material Content The cement and supplementary cementitious material content per unit volume of concrete maybe calculated from the free water-cement ratio (see 4. The cementitious material content so calculated shall be checked against the minimum content for the requirements of durability and greater of the two values adopted.4. The coarse and fine aggregate contents arc then determined by multiplying with their respective specific gravities and multiplying by 10000 5 TRIAL MIXES The calculated mix proportions shall be checked by meami of trial batches.62 0.60 0. Nominal Maximum Size of Aggregate mm Table 2 Maximum Water Content per Cubic MetreofConcrete for Nominal Maximtnn$%zeof Aggrqgate (Clauses 4. multiplying by ‘1/1 000 and subtracting the result of their summation from unit volume.1) and the quantity of water per unit volume of concrete. It can be seen that for eclual workability. NOTE — These quantities of mixing water are for use in computing cementitious material contcnts fortrialbatchcs< lJ Water}content corresponding aggregate. A-7 and B-7) SI No.2.44 0.64 0. which may be suitably adjusted for other watcrcement ratios. The mix shall be carefully observed for freedom from segregation and bleeding and iksfinishing properties.73 (5) . type and grading will produce concrete of satisfactory workability when a given volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of total aggregate is used.4 Estimation of Coarse Aggregate Proportion Aggregates of essentially . The values so obtained are divided into Coarse and Fine Aggregate fractions by volume in accordance with coarse aggregate proportion tdready determined in 4. Workability of the Trial Mix No. 4.4. Differences in the amount of mortar required for workability with different aggregates. The maximum cement content shall be in accordance with IS 456.50 0. the same nominal maximum size. are compensated for automatically by differences in rodded void content. A-5 and B-5) s! No.ent only on its nominal maximum size and grading zone of fine aggregate.46 0. These quantities are determined by finding OU[the absolute volume of cementitious material.71 (6) 0.5 Combination Fractions of Different Coarse Aggregate The coarse aggregate used shall conform to N 383. 1 is different.66 0. caution shall be exercised to assure that the resulting slump. water3 4.IS 10262:2009 20 percent and above respectively dosages. the volume of coarse aggregate in a unit volume of concrete is depmd. (1) i) ii) iii) NominalMaximum Size ofAggregate mm (2) 10 20 Maximum}vater Contentl) kg (3) 208 186 Volume of Coarse AggregW$)per Unit Volume of Total Aggregatefor Different Zones of Fine Aggregate Zone IV Zone 111 Zone 11 Zone I 40 165 (!) i) ii) iii) (2) 10 20 40 (3) 0. Coarse aggregates ofdifferent sizes maybe combined in suitable proportions so as to result in an overall grading conforming to Table 2 of 1S383 for particular nominal maximum size of aggregate.5. by dividing their mass by their respective specific gravity.75 (4) 0. The concrete for field trials shall be produced by methods of actual concrete production. Mix No.74 0. A-l STIPULATIONS FOR PROPORTIONING a) b) c) d) e) Grade designation Type of cement Maximum nominal size of aggregate Minimum cement content Maximum water-cement ratio M 40 OPC 43 grade conforming to IS 8112 20 mm 320 kg/m3 0.74 2. ANNEX A (Clause 6) ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE ON CONCRETE MIX PROPORTIONING A-O An example illustrating the mix proportioning for a concrete of M 40 grade is given in A-1 to A-Il. which will comprise Trial Mix No. including the relationship between compressive strength and water-cement ratio.5 percent 1. Pumping Good Crushed angular aggregate 450 kg/mg Superplasticizer f) Workability g) “Exposure condition h) Method of concrete placing * J) Degree of supervision k) Type of aggregate m) Maximum cement content n) Chemical admixture type A-2 TEST DATA FOR MATERIALS Cement used Specific gravity of cement Chemical admixture Specific gravity of 1) Coarse aggregate 2) Fine aggregate o) Water absorption: l) 2) Coarse aggregate Fine aggregate 4 a) b) c) d) OPC 43 grade conformingtoIS8112 3. Another illustrative example of mix proportioning of concrete using fly ash is given in Annex B. and the actual mix proportioning shall be based on trial batches with the given materials.0 percent . In addition two more Trial Mixes No. .IS 10262:2009 this adjustment. 6 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES An illustrative example of concrete mix proportioning is given in Annex A.45 100 mm (slump) Severe (for reinforced concrete) .. 2 and varying the free water-cement ratio by A Opercent of the preselected value. 2 to 4 normally provides sufficient information.15 SuperPlasticizer conforming to IS 9103 2. from which the mix proportions for field trials may be arrived at. the mix proportion shall be recalculated keeping the free water-cement ratio at the pre-selected value. These examples are merely illustrative to explain the procedure. 2. 3 and 4 shall be made with the water content same as Trial Mix No. 65s where / f ck = target average compressive strength at28days. maximum water content for 20 mm aggregate = 186 litre (for 25 to 50 mm slump range) 6 Estimated water content for 100 mm slump = 186+ — X186 100 = 197 litre As superplasticizer is used.40 140 -— = 350 kg/m3 0. Based on trials with superplasticizer water content reduction of 29 percent has been achieved.s=5N/mm2. & 2) Fine aggregate . A-4 SELECTION OF WATER-CEMENT RATIO From Table 5 of IS 456.36 0 ~. 9. 37 of IS 383 2.K.20 0 28.K.40 37 .5 to Table 2 4.40 e 0. A-5 SELECTION OF WATER CONTENT From Table 2.25 N/mm2.45.5 28.40. standard deviation. G G Nil (absorbed moisture also nil) . Nd IS Analysisof Sieve Coarse Sizes Aggregate Fraction mm (—’—> I II ~ Percentage of Different Fractions Remarks g) * Combined 1. hence O. Therefore.40 Water-cement ratio Cement content From Table 5 of IS 456.65 x 5 = 48. Hence. the water content can be reduced up 20 percent and above.71 = 140 litre A-6 CALCULATION OF CEMENT CONTENT = 0. 5 . maximum water-cement ratio = 0. 0.00 percent percent percent 60 40 20 100 100 100 Conforming 10 0 71. Based on experience.75 . the arrived water content = 197 x 0. f ck = characteristic compressive strength at28d~ys.45. adopt water-cement ratio as 0. target strength =40 + 1.IS 10262:2009 f) Free (surface) moisture: 1) Coarse aggregate 2) Fine aggregate Sieve analysis: 1) Coarse aggregate G G . From Table l. minimum cement content for ‘severe’ exposure condition = 320 kg/m3 350 kg/m3 >320 kg/m3. G Confo~ing to grading Zone I of Table 4 of IS 383 A-3TARGETSTRENGTH FORMIXPROPORTIONING f’c~=~~+l. hence. O. and s = standard deviation. Volume of fine aggregate content= A-8 MIX CALCULATIONS The mix calculations per unit volume of concrete shall be as follows: a) Volume of concrete 1. based on experience.743 X 0.74X 1000 = 1140 kg e x volume of fine aggregate x Specific gravity of fine aggregate x 1000 0.0 percent by mass of cementitious material) Mass of chemical admixture 1.62.40 = 0.0.@2. volume of coarse aggregate is required to be increased to decrease the fine aggregate content.743 m3 e x Volume of coarse aggregate x Specific gravity of coarse aggregate x 1000 = 0. Therefore.140+ 0.01 for every & 0.10.9= 0.145 X1000 0.15 ‘1 000 0.140 m3 d) Volume of chemical admixture (superpla~ticizer) (.62x 0. volume of coarse aggregate corresponding to 20 mm size aggregate and fine aggregate (Zone 1) for water-cement ratio of 0.743X 0.50= 0.1 11 + 0.05 change in water-cement ratio).44. 1. As the water-cement ratio is lower by 0.IS 10262:2009 A-7 PROPORTION OF VOLUME OF COARSE AGGREGATE AND FINE AGGREGATE CONTENT From Table 3. corrected proportion of volume of coarse aggregate for the water-cement ratio of 0. volume of coarse aggregate= 0. 1 m3 1 Mass of cement Specific gravity of cement x 1000 1 350 —— 3.006) 0. In the present case water-cement ratio is 0.02 (at the rate of –/+ 0. the proportion of volume of coarse aggregate is increased by 0.74X 1000 896 kg 6. g) Mass of fine aggregate . Specific gravity of admixture x 1000 1 7 —. For pumpable concrete these values should be reduced by 10 percent.006 m3 e) Volume of all in aggregate f) Mass of coarse aggregate [a-(b+c+d)) 1-(0. Therefore. then also volume of coarse aggregate may be required to be increased suitably.111 m3 b) Volume of cement c) Volume of water 1 Specific gravity of water x 1000 Mass of water 1 140 ‘Xlooo 1 0.40. Therefore. NOTE — In case the coarse aggregate is not angular one.60.56X 2.44X 2.56.56= 0. A-n Two more trials having variation of — +1Opercent of water-cement ratio in A-10 shall be carried out and a graph between three water. The surface water and percent water absorption of aggregates shall be determined according to IS 2386. . if required.A-9 MIX PROPORTIONS Cement Water Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate Chemical admixture Water-cement ratio FOR TRIAL NUMBER 1 = = = = = 350 kg/rnq 140 kg/ins 896kglm3 1 140kg/m3 7kg/m3 04 . .45 100 mm (slump) Severe (for reinforced concrete) Pumping Good Crushed angular aggregate 450 kg/rnq SuperPlasticizer 7 G G G . However. NOTE — Aggregates should be used in saturated surface dry condition. . : .cement ratios and their corresponding strengths shall be plotted to workout the mix proportions for the given target strength for field trials. A-10 The slump shall be measured and the-water content and dosage of admixture shall be adjusted for achieving the required slump based on trial. the amount of mixing water should be increased by an amount equal to the moisture likely to be absorbed by the aggregates. B-1 . The mix proportions shall be reworked for the actual water content and checked for durability requirements. Necessary adjustments are also required to be made in mass of aggregates. If otherwise. On the other hand. .STIPULATIONS a) FOR PROPORTIONING . G G G b) c) d) e) f) g) h) . Maximum cement (OPC) content Chemical admixture type : G G .allowance shall be made for the free (surface) moisture contributed by the fine and coarse aggregates. Grade designation Type of cement Type of mineral admixture Maximum nominal size of aggregate Minimum cement content Maximum water-cement ratio Workability Exposure condition Method of concrete placing J) k) Degree of supervision m) Type of aggregate n) P) . durability requirement shall be met. ANNEX B (Ckke 6) ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE OF MIX PROPORTIONING OF CONCRETE (USING FLY ASH AS PART REPLACEMENT OF OPC) B-O An example illustrating the mix proportioning for a concrete of M 40 grade using fly ash is given B-1 to B-11. when computing the requirement of mixing w-ater. G . if the aggregates are dry. G G G G M 40 OPC 43 grade conforming to IS 8112 Fly ash conforming to IS 3812 (Part 1) 20 mm 320 kg/m3 0. 40 0 2. f ck = characteristics compressive strength at 28 days. . G G . 0. . s = 5 N/mm2.75 9.25 N/mm2. From Table 1.5 0 37 G percent 100 28.15 ConformingtoIS3 812(Partl) 2. .65 s = target average compressive strength at28 days.5 37 G Conforming to Table 2 of IS 383 Conforming to grading Zone I of Table 4 of IS 383 B-3 TARGET STRENGTH FOR MIX PROPORTIONING & where f f ck =$~ + 1.0 percent Nil (absorbed moisture also nil) . .40 c 0. hence.K. G 0PC43 gradeconforming toIS 8112 3.40.5 percent ‘1. Standard Deviation.20 4. . B-4 SELECTION OF WATER-CEMENT RATIO From Table 5 of IS 456.45.74 0. ~ Combined II :0 :.IS 10262:2009 B-2 TEST DATA FOR MATERIALS a) Cement used b) Specific gravity of cement c) F]y ash d) Specific gravity of fly ash e) Chemical admixture o Specific gravity of 1) Coarse aggregate 2) Fine aggregate Water absorption: g) 1) Coarse aggregate 2) Fine aggregate h) Free (surface) moisture: 1) Coarse aggregate 2) Fine aggregate J) Sieve analysis: 1) Coarse aggregate G G G . adopt water-cement ratio as 0.36 2) Fine aggregate percent percent 60 40 28.2 Superplasticizer conforming to IS 9103 2. maximum water content for 20 mm aggregate = 186 Iitre (for 25 to 50 mm slump range) = 197 litre 6 Estimated water content for 100 mm slump= 186+ —x186 100 8 .74 2.65 x 5 = 48. Therefore. target strength =40 + 1.45. and s = standard deviation. G 100 20 100 100 10 0 71.1) = 0. G G G G . . maximum water-cement ratio (see Note under 4. I Remarks G . B-5 SELECTION OF WATER CONTENT From Table 2. Based on experience. Nd Percentage of Different IS Analysisof Fractions Sieve Coarse Sizes Aggregate Fraction mm /—=’”-. O. IS 10262:2009 As superplasticizer is used.K.10= 385 kg/m3 = 140 kg/m3 140 — = 0. O. the arrived water content = 197 x 0. volume of coarse aggregate is required to be increased to decrease the fine aggregate content.56= 0.10. Therefore. B-6 CALCULAT1ON OF CEMENT AND FLY ASH CONTENT Water-cement ratio (see note under 4.40. volume of coarse aggregate corresponding to 20 mm size aggregate and fine aggregate (Zone I) for water-cement ratio of 0.40 = 0. corrected proportion of volume of coarse aggregate for the water-cement ratio of 0.71 = 140 Iitres. minimum cement content for ‘severe’ exposure conditions 350 kg/m3 >320 kg/rnq.40 320 kg/m3 NOTE — This illustrative example is with increase of 10 percent cementitious material content.62 NOTE — In case the coarse aggregate is not angular one. the proportion of volume of coarse aggregate is increased by 0. volume of coarse aggregate= 0.01 for every ~ 0. Cementitious material content Water Content So.56.60. then also volume of coarse aggregate may be required to be increased suitably. Now.05 change in water-cement ratio). In the present case water-cement ratio is 0.02 (at the rate of-/+ 0.9= 0. The decision on increase in cementitious material content and its percentage may be based on experience and trial (see Note).1) Cementitious material (cement +flyash) From Table 5 of IS 456.44.40 140 = 350 kg/m3 = — 0. content = 0. Therefore.62 x 0. to proportion a mix containing fly ash the following steps are suggested: a) b) Decide the percentage fly ash to be used based on project requirement and quality of materials In certain situations increase in cementitious material content may be warranted. As the water-cement ratio is lower by 0. and = 115 kg/i3 CONTENT OF VOLUME OF COARSE AGGREGATE AND FINE AGGREGATE From Table 3. based on experience. hence.. Therefore.50= 0. Based on trials with superplasticizer water content reduction of 29 percent has been achieved. Volume of fine aggregate content= 1 – 0. the water content can be reduced up to 30 percent. B-8 MIX CA~CULATIONS The mix calculations per unit volume of concrete shall be as follows: a) b) Volume of concrete Volume of cement = lm3 Mass of cement 1 Specific gravity of cement x 1000 9 . water-cement ratio = 350x 1.364 385 385 x 30%= 115 kg/ins Fly ash @ 3070 of total cementitious material content= Cement (OPC) Saving of cement while using fly ash Fly ash being utilized B-7 PROPORTION = 385 – 115 = 270 kg/m3 = 350 – 270 = 80 kg/iw3. For pumpable concrete these values should be reduced by 10 percent. Hence. 74x 1000 1097 kg ~x volume of fine aggregate x Specific gravity of fine aggregate x 1000 0.44 X 2.715 m3 = f x volume of coarse aggregate aggregate x 1000 x g) Mass of coarse aggregate Specific gravity of coarse h) Mass of fine aggregate X 0. If otherwise.715 862 kg B-9 MIX PROPORTIONS Cement Fly Ash Water Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate Chemical admixture Water-cement ratio (see Note under 4..56x 2.364 = NOTE — Aggregates should be used in saturated surface dry condition.086 nd c) Volume of fly ash Mass of fly ash 1 Specific gravity of fly a~ x 1000 115 1 — —x—— 1000 1 . 140 i“ 0. allowance shall be made for the free (surface) moisture contributed by the fine and coarse aggregates. if the 10 .145 1000 0.0% by mass of cementitious material) Mass of admixture 1 .0.— Specific gravity of admixture x 1000 7 1 —-——x— 1. MXIOO0 0.007 m3 t) Volume of all in aggregate = [a-(b+c+d+e)] -.086 + 0.IS 10262:2009 2’70 —— 1 3. On the other hand. when computing the requirement of mixing water.140 ms e) Volume of chemical admixture (superPlasticizer) @ 2.1) = = FOR TRIAL NIJMIIER 1 = 270 kg/nP 115 kgh~]~ 140 kg/m~ 862 kg/m:~ 1097 kg/n]3 7.7 kg/m3 0.74 X j ()(]~ 0.7]5 X 0.007) 0. 1-(0.0521113 Mass of water 1 d) Volume of water Specific gravity of water“’1 000 0.052 -t-0. the required slump based on trial. if required. A. New Delhi ACC Ltd. I? GHOSH (Ahermzte) MEMnFX SECRHTARY DIRECXX (CIVIL) (Alternate) DR B. New Delhi Central Building Research Institute (CSIR).U. AGRAWAL(Alternate) 11 . Ncw Delhi Central Water Commission. SHAH (Alternate) SW A. SWAI{UP SHRISUNILMAHAJAN(Alte/*nute) SIIRI~. However. R. K. Kolkata Construction Industry Development Council. SINGH(Alternate) DR VIMAL KUMAR SHRI MLJKESH Mmmm (Alternate) SHRI S. K. Mumbai Grasim Industries Limited. CED 2 Organization Delhi Tourism and Transportation Development Corporation Ltd.cadjusted for achieving . New Delhi Gammon India Limited. R. New Delhi Central Road Rwumrch Institute (CSIR). RAO SHRI S. the amount of mixing water should be increased by an amount equal to the moisture like]y to be absorbed by the aggregates.~) SHRI JOSE KIJRIAN (Chairman) Sfilil NAVM. The surface wutcr and percent water absorption of aggregatm shall be determined according to IS 2386 (Part 3). REDDI SHRI M. New Delhi Fly Ash Utilization Programmc. C. Mu[nbai Building Materials and ‘Wchnology Promotion Council. The mix proportions shall be reworked for the actual water content and chec’kedlfor durability requi rcmcnts. SHIUV. N. B-IO The slump shall be measured and the water content and dosage of admixture shall b.IS 10262:2009 aggregates are dry.ASUIj~AMANIAN SHIUR. MURTHY DR S. New Ddhi Central Soil and Materials Research Station. ANNEX C ( Foreword) COMMITTEE COMPOSITION Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee. Mumbai Re]~re. AGARWAL (Alternate) SHRI E.N ~tlAIXIA SHRI1? SRINIVASAN (Alternate) D{ PRAWR C. New Delhi Cement Corporation of India Limited. DESHPANIM SHIU?/L K. K. Necessary adjustments are also required to be made in mass of aggregates. K. Noida Central Board of Irrigation and Power. BASU SHIUL. I?RASAD SW R. Roorkee Ccntml Public Works Department. Mumbai Atomic Energy Regulatory Hoard. New Delhi Cement Manufacturers’ Association. New Delhi Conmat TechnologiesPvt Ltd. CHANI>RAS1:KHRAN (Alternate) IYI{IKIIIOR (CMDD) (N&W) DIWUTYDIRECTOR(CMDD) (NW&S) (Alternate) h A. JAIN SHRI M. BAI. K. C) IA’1”1’IH{JIH! R. P. Department of Science & Technology. New Delhi Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals. AGARWAL(Alternate) CHIEF ENGINEER (DIXIGN) SUPERINIXNDING ENGINEER (S623) (Alternate) DR RAM SW K[JMAR SHRI SATANIMIR KUMAR (Alternate) MURARI RATNAM SHRI N.~erlt[[tive(. durability requirement shall be met. B-11 Two more trials having variation of A10 percent of water-cement ratio in B-10 shall he carried out and a graph between three vvater-cernent ratios and their corresponding strengths shall be plotted to work out the mix proportions for the given target strength for i’ield trials. BISHNOI(Alterwte) SIiRI J. M~~NA DR S. P. P~AINIAKAR (Alternate) SHRI S. MOWWHY (Alternate) SHRI J.KAR SHRI S. Chennai The Indian Hume Pipe Company Limited. Chermai The India Cements Limited. AI-WUWALIA SUPI. Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch.RlNTE3NINN~ EN~INWIR(D?XU3N) ExricuTIvu EN~INE~R(Alternde) Prof. RN) lM H. Government of Tamil Nadu Chennai R. C. Bangalorc Research.APPAN SHRI J. SHARNiA SHRIYOWSH SIN~HAL (Alternate) SHRI A. ARUNACHALAM (Alternate) SHIU P. Bangalore Institute for Solid Waste Research & Ecological Balance. WAWN DR M. Ahmedabad Housing “and Urban Development Corporation Limited. New Delhi Public Works Department. B. College of Engineering. New Delhi Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. Army HQ. K. SAiNI. Sanghi Nagar Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited. KALIDAS (Alternate) SHRI V. SHAH (Alternate) DR H.HK. K. New Delhi National Council for Cement and Building Materials. K. JAGANATHAN SHRi BALA. M. CHW. Mumbai The Institution of Engineers (India). Chennai Indian Institute of Technology. JA~ETIA(A/ternate) CHAIRMAN& MANFUNNG DIRECTOR SHRIV. GOIVNATH SHRI R. SHIiI V. ARUL KUMAR (Alternate) SHRI S. T. ALI (Alternate) (Alterna/e) SHRI D. C. S.1S10262 :2009 Organization Gujarat Ambuja Cements Limited.mm CHOWDHURY SHR1 A. BIS 12 . Development & Training of Construction Trade. BIS SHRI S. D~SAI SHRI B. SIiIu R. J. VISVESVARAYA SHRI BALMR SINGH (Alternate) SHRI Sui. PATNAM (Ahwter) K. DAS SHRI MHiRUL HASAN (Alternate) SHRI L. V. Mumbai BIS Directorate General SHRI A. NA~ARAJ SHARMA M. KANUN~O SHRI B. Visakhapatnam Madras Cements Ltd. New Delhi Indian Bureau of Mines. Dist Narmada Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR). Ballabgarh National Test House. Design & Standards (organization (Ministry of Railways). KM. S. D. Kolkata OCL India Limited. Nagpur Indian Concrete Institute. PURI (Alternate) SHRI R. ARUN ~MAR Scientist ‘B’ & Director (C”ivEngg). N.R. A~TIj SHIUD. DR N. N. N. RAGHAVHNDRA Representative(s) SHIU J. K. Chennai Military Engineer Services. BI-IANUMATHIDAS SI-IRIIN. B. DHODAPKAR SHRI S. Kolkata Ultra Tech Cement Ltd. Lucknow Sanghi Industries Limited. C. K. K. New Delhi Institute for Research. YADAVA (Afteuwe) SIIRI 1). Scientist ‘F’ & Head (Civ 13ngg) [Representing Director General (Ex-of)7cio)] Member Secretaries SHRI SANJAY \PANT Scientist ‘E’ & Director (Civ Engg). SRINIVASAN (Al~errzafe) PROP S. KAUSIK D]{ N. Roorkee Indian Roads Congress. P. K. JAGETIA(Alternate) PROF M. CHANDRASEKHARAN (Alternate) DUWTOR(C&MDD) Drwun Duwcwm (C&MDD) (Alternate) SHRI ARVIND KUMAR SHIUT. KAMFZSWARA RAO DR D. Mumbai Atomic Energy Regulatory Board. V. CED 2:2 Delhi Tourism & Transportation Development Corporation Ltd. C. Bangidore Research. ~. Lucknow DIRECTOR SHRISWANIMR KLJMAR(Alternate) Smr MURAIUMI-NAM SHRI ANn. New Delhi Fly Ash Utilization Programme. Wmmgal Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited. Kanpur Indian Institute of Technology. Ahmeciabad Indian Concrete Institute. New Delhi Central Soil & Materials Research Station. P$TRY SI-IRIK. New Delhi Central Building Research Institute (CSIR). ~AGARAJ SHRI VUAY KR KULKARNI Jomrr DIRIiCTORS-rw{s (B& S)/CB-I JOINTDHUXTOR SIMS (B&S)/CB-H (Alterrum) . JA~N SI+RIM. V.KA (Alternate) IX{ C. SMH SI-W DARWMN SINCiH(Ahernate) SIiRI l?. L. College of Engineering. New Delhi Engineers India Limited. K.IS 10262:2009 Concrete Subcommittee. VERh4A ~HRI P. B. ?vfumbai Grasirr~Industries Ltd. S. Roorkee Central Public Works Department. AGRAWA~(Alternate) SHRI J. KUMM (Alternate) Smu MUKIiSHMKJwH~n{ SHRI S. New Delhi National Council for Cement & Building Materials. 13 AI. K.S. Bi+ATTAC~ARJIiIi D~ SUDHIRMHHRA DR ASHOK KUMAR JAiN BRIG R. New Delhi ACC Ltd. Roorkee Military Engineer Services. K. Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch. Bangalore Ready Mixed Concrete Manufacturers’ Association. Mumbai R. I?AMA Sm-iu Smu (Al?erna/e) U. WAWN 3-IRI i-l. C. New Delhi Gammon India Limited. Mumbai Gujarat Ambuja Cement Limited. blew Delhi Central Road Research Institute (CSIR). K. New Delhi Indian Institute of Technology. Rm]x DR N. Depallment of Science and Technology. K. APTE(Alternate) DR B. Chennai Indian Institute of Technology. Design & Standards Organization (Ministry of Railways). S. A. Murnbai Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council.RAJ(Alternate) DR VIMAI. F? D~SAI SI-IRiB. ‘PADMAKAR(Ahernute) PROF. BANIJOi’tfDHyAY (. BADOLA (Alternate) SHRI T. BANi:RJEIi SHIUKAMi. Ballabgarh National Institute of Technology. N. New Delhi National Buikiings Construction Corporation Limited. JUI. P. New Delhi Central Wa~er Commission.~SH KUMAR (Alterna?e) SHRI L. GUPTA COI. INAYAK (Af/ernufe) SHRIA. Mumbai Pidilite industries Limited.4/ternafe) SHRK N. Ariny HQ. B. Ncw Delhi Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. SH~lTY SEIRJ L. ~ANCW-iOR Sm P. P. VISHWANATHA (Alternate) DR C. Chennai Tandon Consultants Private Limited. New Delhi TCE Consulting Engineers Limited. CHOWDHURY DR C. Annamma. 13 ALASUBRAMANIAN (Alternate) SHRI MAHESHTANDON SHRI VINAY GUFTA (Alternate) SHRI J. Old Sneh NagaC Wardha Road. Kuniarnuthur. Coimbatore) In personal capacity (36. HARAN SHRI S.IS 10262:2009 Organization Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR). PALEKAR(Alternate) DR P. Mumbai Torsteel Research Foundation in India. S. C. Nagpw) Representative(s) SHRI T. M. Park Avenue.000 Copies . KRI!31-iNAMOORTi-iy SHRI K. RAJKUMAR SHRI LALIT KUMAR JAIN 14GMGIPN—260 BISIND12009—I . Naicket Street. S. New Delhi In personal capacity (35. For the purpose of ciccidi ng whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with. the final value. the constructor should carry out mix proportioning and the engineer-in-charge should approve the mix so proportioned. . and mass concrete’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. American Concrete Institute. The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of this standard is given in Annex C. In this revision. This standard does not debar the adoption of any other mcthocls of concrete mix proportioning.1 (Reapproved 1997) ‘Standard practice for selectifig proportions for nornud. shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. assistance has also been dcrivccl from ACI 211. heavyweight. The method given in this standard is to be regarded as the guidelines only to arrive at an acceptable product. which satisfies the requirements of placement required with development of strength with age and ensures the requirements of durability.(Continued from second cover) the most economical concrete Proportioning of concrete mixes can be regarded as procedure set to proportion mix for specified durability and grade for required site conditions: As a guarantor of quality of concrete in the construction. observed or calculated. expressing the result of a test or analysis. New Delhi 110002 Telephones :23230131. FARIDABAD. VISAKHAPATNAM. Campus.23378561 23378626. IV Cross Road. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications). This does not prechde the free use. Users of Indian Standards or edition by referring to the latest issue of from Doc No. GOVT.I.28327858 { 28327891.T. JAIPUR. of Indian Standards Act. Amendments Issued Since Publication Amend No.bis. Standards are also reviewed such review indicates that no changes are up for revision. if the review indicates that changes are needed. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg NEW DELHI 110002 : 1/14 C. Scheme VII M. GUWAHATI. a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when needed. COIMBATORE. KANPUR. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM. PARWANOO.2323 9402 Website: www. CHENNAI 600113 Western : Manakalaya. Review of Indian Standards Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis periodically. Date of Issue Text Affected BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: Manak Bhavan. in the course of implementing the standard.T.22542315 { 28329295. it is taken should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments ‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards. in Regional Offices: Central : Manak Bhavan.28327892 Eastern Northern Southern : C. Marol. BHOPAL. Road. This Indian Standard has been developed of comments.23379120 { 2603843 { 2609285 22541216. NASHIK-422 006 .org. BANGALORE. BIS. OF INDIA PRESS. Monthly Additions’. LUCKNOW. type or grade designations. NAGPUR.: CED 2 (7288). No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. PUNE.Bureau of Indian Standards 131S is a statutory institution established under the Bureau harmonious development of the activities of standardization. P. Sector 34-A. such as symbols and sizes. PATNA. of necessary details. Andheri (East) MUMBAI 400093 Bfianches: AHMEDABAD. and attending to -co-nnected matters in the country. RAJKOT. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. GHAZIABAD. V.22541442 22542519. BHUBANESHWAR. PRINTED BY THE GEN~RAL MANAGER. HYDERABAD. 1986 to promote marking and quality certification of goods Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. I. E9 MIDC.I. CHANDIGARH 160022 Telephones 23237617 { 23233841 23378499. Kankurgachi KOLKATA 700054 : SCO 335-336.23233375. 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