102 Erp605 Bb Configguide en Cn
EHP5 for SAP ERP 6.0 October 2012 English External Financial Accounting (102) Building Block Configuration Guide SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 69190 Walldorf Germany SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Copyright © 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. SAP, R/3, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, PartnerEdge, ByDesign, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, StreamWork, SAP HANA, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. Business Objects and the Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects, Crystal Reports, Crystal Decisions, Web Intelligence, Xcelsius, and other Business Objects products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects Software Ltd. Business Objects is an SAP company. Sybase and Adaptive Server, iAnywhere, Sybase 365, SQL Anywhere, and other Sybase products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sybase Inc. Sybase is an SAP company. Crossgate, m@gic EDDY, B2B 360°, and B2B 360° Services are registered trademarks of Crossgate AG in Germany and other countries. Crossgate is an SAP company. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary. These materials are subject to change without notice. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. © SAP AG Page 2 of 174 SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Icons Icon Meaning Caution Example Note Recommendation Syntax External Process Business Process Alternative/Decision Choice Typographic Conventions Type Style Description Example text Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options. Cross-references to other documentation. Example text Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables. EXAMPLE TEXT Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Example text Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools. EXAMPLE TEXT Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as ENTER key. Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. <Example text> Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries. © SAP AG F2) or the Page 3 of 174 ............13 3.................................4........5....................1 Master Data...........................................4..........................................130 3..............................................1.............5 Activating Substitution for Cost of Sales Accounting..............................................131 3................... 6 1 Purpose............... 8 3...............130 3....SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Contents External Financial Accounting.... 6 Financial Accounting Global Settings (New)........ 6 2...............................5.......................1 Ledgers....60 3.................. 6 2 Preparation..4 Period End Reporting.................................1 3.......................119 3............................3..3 Assigning Scenarios and Customer Fields to Ledgers.1 Bank Accounts........1 Bank-Account Interest Calculation......................................134 3............................1 © SAP AG Setting for EPIC...............................................................................................................................3...................................................................... 6 3.96 3......................4 Bank Accounting........................................................................ 58 3......................................................2................2 Business Transactions.........................2 General Settings (from 'SAP NetWeaver').....6 Setting Countries.......................................................5........................................................3........................ 36 3.....................................................................................6 Cost of Sales Accounting............................1 3 Prerequisites.....................................132 3......3 Customer Accounts.......4 Maintaining Substitution for Cost of Sales Accounting...........................................................................................................3.........................5 Period End Activities........................ 84 3..........................................................................................................131 3.......5 FIFO and Cash Flow Statement Report.....................................................2 Business Transactions......... 84 3...............................134 Page 4 of 174 ...........................................................................3 Document..................2...116 3.........................................................34 3............................................................................85 3....................................................................................6.....4 Tax on Sales / Purchases........................................2 Defining functional Areas.......................2 Preparing G/L Account Balance Interest Calculation..........................................................................1 3...........................................4..............5 Correspondence................2.2 Global Parameters for Company Code..... 6 Configuration.............................................................................6.........................6.................................... 37 3....5..........6................................... 13 3..............5 Business Transactions.....3 Importing and Assigning Reporting Variants.....5......................................102 3..3..99 3............................................................................................................................................................ 53 3..................6...................................51 3........... 99 3......7...............3 General Ledger Accounting (New) (from 'Financial Accounting (New)')..............................................................................................................7 3....3 Valuating................................................Define Applications.................................................1 Activating Cost of Sales Accounting.................................2...... 105 3...4 Vendor Accounts...................... 134 Defining Applications ...8 3.....................................37 3......................................................2........................................................... ..........Bank Accounts.....................164 3.......s.................7......Payment Medium Formats....................s ......................168 3...............21 Payment Medium: Selection Variants.............24 FI01: Creating Bank Master Data....................23 Adding Details for Service Operation Type Codes.8 DMEE: Formatting Tree Maintenance...s ................7.....s ......162 3.......164 3...7..........s per Country f.s .........22 Defining Service Operation Type Codes for Queries............166 3............7..................161 3...................137 3....Payment.........................Text Fields f.....................................162 3.................Ranking Order.. f..............................................................Event Modules f.7... Payment Medium Format and Note to Payee to Payment Meth.............138 3.........7.7...........7..........7....................16 Setting up Bank Determ................12 Setting up Payment Meth.7............18 Setting up Bank Determ...137 3..........7.......3 Creating RFC connections (of type G)....7.4 FI01: Creating Bank Master Data for House Bank.............20 Reporting Variants Payment Media (Programm SAPFPAYM) for Local CN..7.25 Creating Vendor for Different Account Groups........................174 © SAP AG Page 5 of 174 ...1 Smart Forms....................................7....169 3.10 Creating Payment Medium Formats ....165 3.138 3........171 Appendix...11 Creating Payment Medium Formats ..........17 Setting up Bank Determ.............. 173 4..............163 3....169 3...7..........................................7....Note... Payment Med.............7...........................168 3..............s ..135 3.....House Banks................19 Setting up Bank Determ.13 Setting Up Payment Meth........................... f.......................................................7..135 3..... Payment TrAct.........7................................s per Country f..............7 Setting up House Bank Communication. Payment TrAct.................7..................... 173 4. Payment TrAct..........15 Ass.........................................160 3....SAP Best Practices 4 External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 3...... Reference Inf....2 Programs for Smart Forms..170 3.... Payment TrAct... Payment TrAct...........5 Defining House Banks .......7..s ..................................... f.14 Setting up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transact.7.... Payment TrAct.................................166 3..Value Date....136 3..2 Activating Application EPIC.. f.....................9 Creating Payment Medium Formats ........7.7...........6 Defining House Banks .....Bank Accnt................167 3...................Available Amounts............. and [zz] depends on the country version. ([xx] depends on the SAP Best Practices version and [zz] depends on the country version).1. EN for English language.xls).xls. for example.1 General Settings (from 'SAP NetWeaver') 3. If you do not want to configure manually and prefer an automated installation process using BC Sets and other tools. for example. For more information.1.1 Prerequisites Before you start installing this building block. see the Building Block Prerequisite Matrix (Prerequisites_Matrix_[xx]_[yy]_ [zz]. for example. This document can be found on the SAP Best Practices documentation DVD in the folder . 3 Configuration 3. all countries are defined according to the international ISO standard.1 Setting Country-Specific Checks Use The purpose of this activity is to include rules for checking the Bank data Postal data Control data In the SAP standard delivery system. the placeholder [xx] depends on the SAP Best Practices version you use. In Best Practices the rules of FR and US have to be changed. 2 Preparation 2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OY17 IMG menu SAP NetWeaver General Settings Set Countries Set Country-Specific Checks © SAP AG Page 6 of 174 . [yy] depends on the language version. refer to the installation guide of this building block..1 Setting Countries 3. Procedure 1.1. you must install prerequisite building blocks. CN for China: Prerequisites_Matrix_BL_EN_CN.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide External Financial Accounting 1 Purpose This configuration guide provides the information you need to set up the configuration of this building block manually. In case the rules have to be changed the following activity is necessary.\ [xx]_[zz]\Documentation\. BL refers to the SAP Best Practices Baseline Package. entry <select> Note Checking rule: 4 Checking rule: 3 Checking rule: 4 Checking rule: 1 Checking rule: 3 4. 5. 3. Choose Back (F3). On the Change View ‘Field Country Field Checks’: Overview screen. make the following entries Field name Description User action and values Bank Key 4 Postal code length Length: 10 Bank account number Length: 17 Bank number length Length: 9 Post bank acct. On the Change View ‘Field Country Field Checks’: Details screen. On the Change View ‘Field Country Field Checks’: Details screen.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 2. On the Change View ‘Field Country Field Checks’: Overview screen. no Length: 10 Tax Number 1 Length: 11 Note Checking rule: 1 Checking rule: 6 Checking rule: 6 Checking rule: 6 Checking rule: 5 Tax Number 2 Length: 10 Checking rule: 5 VAT registration no © SAP AG Page 7 of 174 . choose country US. make the following entries Field name Description User action and values Bank Key 4 Postal code length Length: 5 Bank account number Length: 11 Bank number length Length: 10 Post bank acct. 6. no Length: 10 VAT registration no Length: 13 Length of bank key Length: 11 other data <select> Postal code req. choose country FR. Choose Save (Ctrl + S).2.1 Defining Field Status Variants .Field Status Variants Use In this activity you create a field status variant with the corresponding field status groups Procedure 1. entry <select> Note 7.2.2 Defining Field Status Variants (Part 'Field Status Groups') Use In this activity you create the field status groups. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBC4 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Fields Define Field Status Variants 2. Make the following entries: FStV Field status name 0010 Field Status G/L accounts 5.2. Choose Copy as… 4.2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBC4 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Fields Define Field Status Variants © SAP AG Page 8 of 174 . 3.SAP Best Practices Field name External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Description User action and values Length of bank key Length: 11 Bank data <select> Postal code req. Procedure 1. Select the field status variant 0001.1 Fields 3.2 Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) 3.1.1. 3.1. Go to the next activity.1. 3.1 Ledgers 3. On the Change View ‘Additional Local Currencies for Company Code’: Details screen. you specify the currencies to be applied in the leading ledger. Procedure 1.2. 3.1. choose copy all.1 Defining Currencies of Leading Ledger Use In this IMG activity. On the Change View ‘Additional Local currencies for Company Code’: Overview screen.2. 3.1. Make the following entries for company code 1000: Company Code Field Status Variant 1000 0010 3.3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBC5 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Fields Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants 2.3 Ledger 3. 3. Choose Save. Procedure 1. © SAP AG Page 9 of 174 . You can make the following settings for each company code: The local currency (as company code currency) is specified in the company code settings. make the following entries: 2nd local Currency Currency Type Exchange Rate Type Source Currency Type of Translation 30 M 1 3 4. 4. On the Specify object to be copied screen. select company code 1000 and choose Details. Save your entries. You can define one or two additional local currencies that you store per company code parallel to the first local currency.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 2. 3.1 Assigning Company Code to Field Status Variants Use In this activity you assign the company code to the field status variant.2.1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Ledger Define Currencies of Leading Ledger 2. Select the field status variant 0010.2. Save your entries. 2.1 Defining Variants for Open Posting Periods Use In this activity.1. Procedure 1. Chose Back. make the following entries: © SAP AG Page 10 of 174 .4.4 Fiscal Year and Posting Periods 3. On the Change View ‘Assign Com.2.1.2. For Baseline the standard customizing is required with fiscal year variant K4. Procedure 1.1.2. if the standard fiscal year variants cannot be used. 3.2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Fiscal Year and Posting Periods Posting Periods Assign Variants to Company Code 2.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 5. On the Change View ‘Posting Periods: Define Variants’: Overview screen.1 Maintaining Fiscal Year Variant Use This activity is only necessary. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Fiscal Year and Posting Periods Posting Periods Define Variants for Open Posting Periods 2. you make the specification that is necessary to be able to work in several company codes with the same variant for open posting periods.1. you define variants for open posting periods.4. 3.2. Save your entry.1.2 Posting Periods 3.4. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Variant 0010 Name Variant 0010 Note 3.4.Code Posting Period Variants’: Overview screen.2 Assigning Variants to Company Code Use In this activity. 3.2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: © SAP AG Page 11 of 174 . and the fiscal year. you create one accounting principle for IAS/US-GAAP. Save your entry.2.2. 1 To Year period From per. For Baseline Germany the HGB principle is necessary. For performance reasons. make the following entries: Var.1. Save your entry. In each interval. 2 Year To Year period 1 2000 12 2010 13 2000 16 2010 0001 A ZZZZZZZZZZ 1 2000 12 2010 13 2000 16 2010 0001 D ZZZZZZZZZZ 1 2000 12 2010 13 2000 16 2010 0001 K ZZZZZZZZZZ 1 2000 12 2010 13 2000 16 2010 0001 M ZZZZZZZZZZ 1 2000 12 2010 13 2000 16 2010 0001 S ZZZZZZZZZZ 1 2000 12 2010 13 2000 16 2010 3. you can combine several different accounting principles in one entry.5. you can specify which periods are open for posting for each variant. you define your accounting principles.1.1. Procedure 1. Procedure 1. specify a period lower limit.5 Parallel Accounting 3.2.2.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Field name Description User action and values COCd Company Code 1000 Variant Note 0010 3. 3. On the Change View ‘Posting Periods: Specify Time Intervals’: Overview screen. You have two time intervals (time period 1 and time period 2). for example.4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Fiscal Year and Posting Periods Posting Periods Open and Close Posting Periods 2.1 Defining Accounting Principles Use In this activity.3 Opening and Closing Posting Periods Use In this activity. 3. A To account 0001 + From Year per. a period upper limit. Then you can assign the desired ledger group to the accounting principles. You close a period by selecting the period specifications so that the period to be closed does not fall within them. 3. If you assign no variant to a company code. you assign the variants to one or more company codes in which you have combined customizing settings for the real-time integration of Controlling with Financial Accounting.1 Assigning Variants for Real-Time Integration to Company Codes Use In this IMG activity. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values ACC Accounting Principle GAAP Name/Description of Accounting Principle Note Local GAAP China 3. On the Change View ‘Assignment of Accounting Principle to Target Ledger Group’: Overview screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: © SAP AG Page 12 of 174 . make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Accounting GAAP Target Ledger Group 0L Note 3. 3. Procedure 1. Save your entry. no real-time integration is activated for that company code.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting(New) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Parallel Accounting Define Accounting Principles 2.5.6 Real-Time Integration of Controlling with Financial Accounting Assigning Accounting Principle to Ledger Groups Use In this IMG activity.2. you assign the desired ledger group to your accounting principles.2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting(New) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Parallel Accounting Assign Accounting Principle to Ledger Groups 2.1. Procedure 1. Save your entry. On the Change View ‘Accounting Principles’: Overview screen. echange rate deviation 10 Workflow variant 0001 Negative postings permitted <select> Cash Management activated <select> Note 3. you can look at the most important specifications of the company code at any time in the overview.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Transaction code S_ELN_06000003 IMG menu Financial Accounting(New) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Real-Time Integration of Controlling with Financial Accounting Assign Variants for Real-Time Integration to Company Codes 2.2 Global Parameters for Company Code 3. the chart of accounts and the fiscal year variant. Procedure 1. This includes. you can make various global specifications for the company code.2. select Company Code 1000 and make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Chart of Accts Chart of account YACN Credit Control Area 1000 Fiscal Year Variant K4 Field status variant 0010 Pstng period variant 0010 Max.1 Entering Global Parameters (Additional Details) Use In this activity. Save your entry.2. 3. among other things. © SAP AG Page 13 of 174 . On the Change View ‘Company Code Global Data’: Overview screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBY6 IMG menu Financial Accounting(New) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Global Parameters for Company Code Enter Global Parameters 2. In addition. Save your entries. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Company C Company Code 1000 Variant for RealTime Integration 0001 Note Standard-Variant 3.2. On the Change View ‘Assignment of Variants for Real-Time Integration for CoCo screen. No To Fiscal Year From No. In the Maintain Number Range Intervals view. 4.2.1 Documents in Entry View 3.1.1 Document Number Ranges 3. Choose Change Intervals. The document number intervals in a company code must not overlap.1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FBN1 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Document Document Number Ranges Documents in Entry View Define Document Number Ranges for Entry View 2. In this activity you define the number ranges.2. make the following entries.SAP Best Practices 3.2.1. 01 9999 0100000000 0199999999 02 9999 0200000000 0299999999 03 9999 0300000000 0399999999 04 9999 0400000000 0499999999 05 9999 0500000000 0599999999 06 9999 0600000000 0699999999 07 9999 0700000000 0799999999 08 9999 0800000000 0899999999 09 9999 0900000000 0999999999 10 9999 1000000000 1099999999 11 9999 1100000000 1199999999 12 9999 1200000000 1299999999 13 9999 1300000000 1399999999 14 9999 1400000000 1499999999 © SAP AG External Page 14 of 174 . Procedure 1. choose Insert Interval.3 External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Document 3. To No.1 Defining Document Number Ranges for Entry View Use Only one document number interval can be defined for each document type in a company code.3. On the Number Ranges For Accounting Documents screen.3. In the Insert Interval dialog box.3. after each entry choose Insert. which are to be used for the document types. make the following entries: Field name Description Company Code User action and values Note 1000 3. 5. Then again choose Insert Interval.2. 3.1. In this activity you define the number ranges.2 Documents in General Ledger View 3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: © SAP AG Page 15 of 174 . 11. The document number intervals in a company code must not overlap. 3.2.1. Choose Back. which are to be used for the document types. Choose Back twice to leave the IMG activity. 8. 7. 9. Choose Save.1 Defining Document Number Ranges for General Ledger View Use Only one document number interval can be defined for each document type in a company code. Procedure 1. Choose Save.2. 10.2. Confirm the dialog box regarding transport of number range intervals. Confirm the dialog box regarding transport of number range intervals.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 15 9999 1500000000 1599999999 16 9999 1600000000 1699999999 17 9999 1700000000 1799999999 18 9999 1800000000 1899999999 19 9999 1900000000 1999999999 20 9999 2000000000 2099999999 21 9999 2100000000 2199999999 47 9999 4700000000 4799999999 48 9999 4800000000 4899999999 49 9999 4900000000 4999999999 50 9999 5000000000 5099999999 51 9999 5100000000 5199999999 52 9999 5200000000 5299999999 53 9999 5300000000 5399999999 81 9999 8100000000 8199999999 82 9999 8200000000 8299999999 83 9999 8300000000 8399999999 84 9999 8400000000 8499999999 85 9999 8500000000 8599999999 90 9999 9000000000 9099999999 X1 9999 9100000000 9199999999 X2 9999 9299999999 9399999999 Z1 9999 0090000000 0090999999 X X 6.3. S for G/L account) AA 01 AB 01 AB ADKMS AF 03 AF AS AN 01 AP 02 CH 01 © SAP AG ADKMS AKMS KA X X AKS ADS Page 16 of 174 . Make the following entries for company code 1000. On the Number Ranges For Documents in General Ledger View screen. To Fiscal Year From No.1 Defining Document Types for Entry View Use In this IMG activity. 3. D for Customer.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Transaction code FAGL_DOCNR IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Document Document Number Ranges Documents in General Ledger View Define Document Number Ranges for General Ledger View 2. To No. Check. make the following entries: Field name Description Company Code User action and values Note 1000 3. refer to the previous section for the procedure.3. No. if the following settings are on the system: Docum ent type Number range Reverse Document type Account types allowed( set the indicator: Trading partner Net document type A for Assets.2 Document Types 3.2. Save your entries. M for Material. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBA7 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Document Document Types Define Document Types for Entry View 2. You do this in the entry view and assign at the same time a number range interval to the document types. External Z1 2099 1000000000 1099999999 4. K for vendor.3. Procedure 1.2.2. you have to define for your leading ledger the document types for the documents. SAP Best Practices Docum ent type Number range External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Reverse Document type Account types allowed( set the indicator: Trading partner Net document type A for Assets. K for vendor. S for G/L account) DA 16 AB ADKS DG 16 DA ADKS DR 18 DA ADKMS DV 16 KA ADKS DZ 14 DA DS EU 02 EX 02 AB DKS KA 17 KA AKMS KG 17 KA AKMS KN 01 KA AKMS KP 48 KP AKMS KR 19 KA AKMS KZ 15 KA AKS ML 47 MS PR 48 MS RA 51 RB RB RE 51 RE AKMS RK 53 RK AKMS RN 51 RN AKMS RV Z1 AB ADKS SA 01 AB ADKMS SB 12 AB S SK 13 AB S SU 01 SU ADKMS UE 04 ADKMS WA 49 AMS WE 50 AMS WI 49 AMS WL 49 AMS WN 50 AMS Y1 52 © SAP AG ADKMS RA X AKMS S Y1 X X X AKMS Page 17 of 174 . M for Material. D for Customer. ---- ----...-----.--------------------------------------- 12 .-----.-------------------..----....--....-------------------...... For each posting key.-----..SAP Best Practices Docum ent type External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Number range Reverse Document type Account types allowed( set the indicator: Trading partner Net document type A for Assets.--------------------------------------- 18 .---.---...-----.-------- ----..3......---... Users specify a posting key before entering a line item.---.... The posting key controls how the line item is entered and processed.........-----........----..---------------------------. ----..--------------------------------------- 19 .. 3..---------- 17 .-----.... ----.---...---..2.-----. Save your entries.---- ----.-.-----..---------- 16 ....--------------------------------------- 13 ..-------------------....-------------------------------. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OB41 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Document Define Posting Keys 2..---.. if the following settings are on the system: Posting Key Account/Posting Key Field Selection Account/Posting Key Field Selection 01 .-------------------..----......---------------------------...-.--------------------------------------- 14 ..---- ----.--------------------------------------- © SAP AG Page 18 of 174 .+----....---.... K for vendor...3 Defining Posting Keys Use In this activity you define posting keys.---.-------------------.---..---.....-........---... and which fields the system displays on the entry screens and whether an entry has to be made (field status)...... D for Customer..-----....---.-----..-----... Procedure 1.. M for Material..---..-...------- 11 .---..-------------------.---- ----...-----.--------------------------------------- 15 ...-------------------.---. Check..-------- ----.-------- ----.. you define among other things: which side of an account can be posted to.---.---.--..-------------------..-----......---...---. which type of account can be posted to.---... S for G/L account) ZP 20 ZP ADKMS ZR 20 ZR ADKS ZS 05 KA ADKS ZV 20 ZV ADKMS 3.---...---..---- ----.-.---..---. ..-----...... ----........-----.-........................-------------------................-------------------...-------- ----.---------- 26 ......---.......--------------------------------------- 02 .........-------------------..-..--------------------------------------- 91 ..-----.......-----......... ----.---.......----.....-----....-----.....--------------------------------------- 05 ....---------- 37 ...--------------------------------------- 24 .........-----.-------- ----..-----........-------------------...... ----............---............--------------------------------------- 75 ..---.....-....................................---............-------------------.............-----................--.... ----...............-----........-----...........-----......-----.........----. ----..--.....--...-...-------------------..---------------------------......---.. ----.--------------------------------------- 28 ........+----...---------- 95 .......--------------------------------------- 94 .....--------------------------------------- 83 .--...... ----.......---------------------------.......+----..-------------------.........----.---..-------------------........----.-------- ----...-----------------------------....--.......-....---..---.---...---------------------------......--- 32 ..--------------------------------------- 70 ............--------------------------------------- 22 ....--------------------------------------- 89 ........-------- ----.-------- ----.........+----....---..........................-----...-------- ----............--------------------------------------- 90 ....---........-----.....---....................----.-----......---------- 36 ....-----.............-------- ----..-----..-----......-----.+----. ----...-----..--------------------------------------- 31 ..-----......-.......................-----...-.-------------------...---- ----.. ----..----.-------- ----..-------- ----.......-----.......---------- 27 .....---.----...+----..................-------- ----.........................---..-------------------------......-----...-----......... ----....-----..---...........................----.............--------------------------------------- 50 .-----.--------------------------------------- 03 .....--------------------------------------- 35 .-------------------.. ----.......---.......----....--------------------------------------- 86 ...............---.............. ----......-------------------.-----.....--------------------------------------- 84 ............--------------------------------------- 85 ......----...---..............--------------------------------------- 38 .......--------------------------------------- 29 .....--.-.--.............-------- ----.-------------------....-------------------..--...........--------------------------------------- 40 ..............--------------------------------------- 80 .-----..--------------------------------------- 39 .-------- ----..........--.--------------------------------------- 04 .....----..----.-......--------------------------------------- 93 ..............-------- ----.... ----...--...SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 21 ............-----.......-----..........---...-------------------.......----.-----..---...-----....--------------------------------------- 81 ..--------------------------------------- 34 ........-----.............--------------------------------------- © SAP AG Page 19 of 174 ..-------------------...---............--------------------------------------- 99 .........................-----..... ----..................-------------------.... ----...... ----......... ----. ----................-----....-----........ ----.........---- ----.....----............-----....---------------------------..........----...... ----.-----....-----..---.........--......---......-----.............---------------------------..-------- ----............... ----....--------------------------------------- 25 ..---...---- ----..........--------------------------------------- 96 .....-----................. .-..SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 0A .-.-..----- 1X .--------------------------------------- 08 .-------------------...-...----- 1C .--.......-......---------------------------.--....-..----------------------...--+.-------- -----..----------------------...-------- ----.---------- 1B .-------- -----...-------------------.-------- -----.----------------------...-----...----..-.-.----------------------.--+.-..-......---------------------------.---- ----...-....-...-------- -----....--+...----.----- 0B .-....-.---.--..-.----...----- 1A .--------------------------------------- Posting Key Accoun t Type Debit/Credit Indicator Posting Key for Reversal/Reverse Entry 01 D S 12 X 11 D H 02 X 12 D H 01 X 13 D H 03 14 D H 04 15 D H 05 X 16 D H 06 X 17 D H 07 18 D H 08 19 D H 09 21 K S 32 X 02 D S 11 X 22 K S 31 X 24 K S 34 25 K S 35 X 26 K S 36 X 27 K S 37 28 K S 38 © SAP AG Indicator: Posting key for special G/L t Indicator: Salesrelated item? Indicator: Is the posting key used in a X X X Page 20 of 174 ..-----.....---------------------------.--.--+....-------- -----....-.. ----.---------------------------.----------------------..-..---.----------------------.----.-...-------- -----....-----....--+.----------------------.----------------------.---..--+..----.-.-..-..--+.----- 07 ...----- 1Y ...-.--...--+.....----...-.----- 06 .----------------------..---..----- 0Z ....--+.-.---------------------------...-------- -----.--...+----.-----.-------- -----.-------------------.-.-------- -----..-------- ----...---..-.........--------------------------------.---...........-------- -----.--+.-..--.-.----..-------- -----.---------------------------..-.----------------------.----- 1Z .--..-.-----...--.--..--------------------------------------- 09 ....-----..----.....----------------------.....-.....----- 0X ...----..---------------------------....---------------------------..-.....---...---.----..----------------------.--..---------------------------..--.-.......-...-.-.----- 0Y ....---------------------------.....----..--+--------- -----.---------------------------...--+...---------------------------.-.----..----- 0C ..-... SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 29 K S 39 31 K H 22 X 32 K H 21 X 34 K H 24 03 D S 13 35 K H 25 X 36 K H 26 X 37 K H 27 38 K H 28 39 K H 29 40 S S 50 50 S H 40 70 A S 75 75 A H 70 80 S S 04 D S 81 S S 83 S S 84 S S 85 S S 86 S S 89 M S 90 S H 91 S H 93 S H 94 S H 05 D S 95 S H 96 S H 99 M H 0A D S 1A 0B D S 1B 0C D S 0X D S 1X 0Y D S 1Y 0Z D S 1Z 1A D H 0A 06 D S 16 © SAP AG X X X 14 15 X X Page 21 of 174 . 3. On the Change View ‘Rules for Changing Documents’: Overview screen.3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 1B D H 0B 1C D H 0C 1X D H 0X 1Y D H 0Y 1Z D H 0Z 07 D S 17 08 D S 18 09 D S 19 X X 3. make the following entries: Field name Account Type BSEG-MWSKZ D X BSEG-WMWST D X BSEG-WRBTR D X BSEG-MWSKZ K X BSEG-PYAMT K X X BSEG-PYCUR K X X BSEG-WMWST K X BSEG-WRBTR K X BSEG-MWSKZ S X BSEG-WRBTR S X COBL-AUFNR S X COBL-KOSTL S X © SAP AG Transact. Save your entries.4 Rules for Changing Documents 3.type Company Code Field can be changed Line item not cleared Page 22 of 174 . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OB32 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Document Rules for Changing Documents) Document Change Rules.2.1 Document Change Rules. choose New Entries. you determine under which circumstances fields within posted documents can be changed. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. Line Item 2. 3. 3. Line Item Use In this activity. Procedure 1.2.4. 00 5.3.1 Defining Tolerance Groups for Employees Use In this activity. choose New Entries.2.00 9999999999.6. Save your entries.00 2. Procedure 1.2. 3.000 Permitted Payment Differences: Amount Percent Revenue 5.2. Save your entries.0% 4.3. make the following entries: Company Code Currency Amount per document Amount per Open Item Account Item Cash Discount per Line Item 1000 CNY 9999999999.6 Default Values 3.3.0% Expense 5.00 2.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Field name Account Type COBL-PRCTR S Transact.2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBA4 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Document Tolerance Groups Define Tolerance Groups for Employees 2.3. 3.1 Changing Message Control for Document Processing Use © SAP AG Page 23 of 174 . On the Change View ‘FI Tolerance Groups For Users’: Overview screen. you predefine various amount limits for your employees with which you determine: the maximum document amount the employee is authorized to post the maximum amount the employee can enter as a line item in a customer or vendor account the maximum cash discount percentage the employee can grant in a line item the maximum acceptable tolerance for payment differences for the employee. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. 3.5.type Company Code Field can be changed Line item not cleared X 4.5 Tolerance Groups 3. 8. On the Determine Work Area: Entry screen. make the following entries: Message Number User Name 671 Online Batchl W W Standard 4. Procedure 1. 5.2. make the following entries: Message Number User Name Online Batchl 145 I I 144 I I Standard 7.7.7 Official Document Number Setting 3. Save your entries. Choose Back. On the Change View ‘Message Control by User’: Overview screen. make the following entry: Field name Description User action and values Application Area Note F5 3.2. On the Determine Work Area: Entry screen.3. you can configure the appearance of system messages according to requirements. © SAP AG Page 24 of 174 .1 Maintaining Document Classes Use In this Customizing activity. 3. On the Change View ‘Message Control by User’: Overview screen. you maintain settings so that the system numbers the Financial Accounting (FI) documents with an official document number from a year-dependent number range. On the Determine Work Area: Entry screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBA5 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Document Default Values Change Message Control for Document Processing 2. make the following entry: Field name Description User action and values Application Area Note KI 9.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide In this activity. make the following entry: Field name Description User action and values Application Area Note F2 6. Choose Back. make the following entries: Message Number 281 User Name Online Batchl Standard - - W 10.3. On the Change View ‘Message Control by User’: Overview screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Cross-Application Components General Application Functions Cross-Application Document Numbering China Automatic Document Numbering Maintain Document Classes 2. Make the following entries: Document class Text AA Asset Posting AB Accounting Document AF Depreciation Pstngs AN Net Asset Posting AP Periodic asset post CH Contract Settlement DA Customer document DG Customer credit memo DR Customer invoice DV Customer interests DZ Customer Payment EU Euro Rounding Diff. Choose Enter.Gross RK Invoice Reduction RN Invoice .SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Procedure 1. make the following entry : Field name Country Key Description User action and values Note CN 3. On the new screen. On the Determine Work Area: Entry screen.Net © SAP AG Page 25 of 174 . choose New Entries.Cred. 4. EX External Number KA Vendor Document KG Vendor Credit Memo KN Net vendors KP Account maintenance KR Vendor Invoice KZ Vendor payment ML ML Settlement PR Price Change RA Sub.Memo Stlmt RB Reserve for Bad Debt RE Invoice . choose New Entries. 4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Cross-Application Components General Application Functions Cross-Application Document Numbering China Automatic Document Numbering Assign Document Classes to Document Types 2. make the following entry : Field name Description Country Key User action and values Note CN 3. Choose Enter.2.Gross ZP Payment Posting ZR Bank reconciliation ZS Payment by Check ZV Payment Clearing 5. Make the following entries: Type Description Document class Text AA Asset Posting AA Asset Posting AB Accounting Document AB Accounting Document © SAP AG Page 26 of 174 .2 Assigning Document Classes to Document Types Use In this Customizing activity.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide RV Billing doc. Procedure 1. you assign each document class to the appropriate accounting document types. Choose Save.7.3. 3. On the new screen.transfer SA G/L Account Document SB G/L Account Posting SK Cash Document SU Adjustment document UE Data Transfer WA Goods Issue WE Goods Receipt WI Inventory Document WL Goods Issue/Delivery WN Net Goods Receipt Y1 Invoice . On the Determine Work Area: Entry screen. EX External Number EX External Number KA Vendor Document KA Vendor Document KG Vendor Credit Memo KG Vendor Credit Memo KN Net vendors KN Net vendors KP Account maintenance KP Account maintenance KR Vendor Invoice KR Vendor Invoice KZ Vendor payment KZ Vendor payment ML ML Settlement ML ML Settlement PR Price Change PR Price Change RA Sub.Memo Stlmt RA Sub.transfer SA G/L Account Document RV SA © SAP AG Billing doc.Net RV Billing doc.transfer G/L Account Document Page 27 of 174 .SAP Best Practices AF AN AP External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Depreciation Pstngs Net Asset Posting Periodic asset post AF Depreciation Pstngs AN Net Asset Posting AP Periodic asset post CH Contract Settlement CH Contract Settlement DA Customer document DA Customer document DG Customer credit memo DG Customer credit memo DR Customer invoice DR Customer invoice DV Customer interests DZ Customer Payment EU Euro Rounding Diff. DV DZ EU Customer interests Customer Payment Euro Rounding Diff.Gross RE Invoice .Cred.Memo Stlmt RB Reserve for Bad Debt RB Reserve for Bad Debt RE Invoice .Net RN Invoice .Gross RK Invoice Reduction RK Invoice Reduction RN Invoice .Cred. 3 Maintaining Number Groups Use In this Customizing activity.2. Choose Save. choose New Entries. you define number groups in order to maintain your official document number ranges in the system. 3. You can group your numbers according to your requirements.3.Gross Y1 Invoice .Gross ZP Payment Posting ZP Payment Posting ZR Bank reconciliation ZS Payment by Check ZV Payment Clearing ZR Bank reconciliation ZS Payment by Check Payment Clearing ZV 5. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Cross-Application Components General Application Functions Cross-Application Document Numbering China Automatic Document Numbering Maintain Number Groups 2.SAP Best Practices SB External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide G/L Account Posting SB G/L Account Posting SK Cash Document SK Cash Document SU Adjustment document SU Adjustment document UE Data Transfer UE Data Transfer WA Goods Issue WA Goods Issue WE Goods Receipt WE Goods Receipt WI Inventory Document WI Inventory Document WL Goods Issue/Delivery WL Goods Issue/Delivery WN Net Goods Receipt WN Net Goods Receipt Y1 Invoice .7. Procedure 1. Make the following entries: Number Group Text YB_AA Group for Asset Posting YB_AB Group for Accounting Document YB_AF Group for Depreciation Pstngs YB_AN Group for Net Asset Posting © SAP AG Page 28 of 174 . On the new screen. Net YB_RV Group for Billing doc.transfer YB_SA Group for G/L Account Document YB_SB Group for G/L Account Posting YB_SK Group for Cash Document YB_SU Group for Adjustment document YB_UE Group for Data Transfer YB_WA Group for Goods Issue YB_WE Group for Goods Receipt YB_WI Group for Inventory Document YB_WL Group for Goods Issue/Delivery YB_WN Group for Net Goods Receipt YB_Y1 Group for Invoice . YB_EX Group for External Number YB_KA Group for Vendor Document YB_KG Group for Vendor Credit Memo YB_KN Group for Net vendors YB_KP Group for Account maintenance YB_KR Group for Vendor Invoice YB_KZ Group for Vendor payment YB_ML Group for ML Settlement YB_PR Group for Price Change YB_RA Group for Sub.Gross YB_RK Group for Invoice Reduction YB_RN Group for Invoice .Cred.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide YB_AP Group for Periodic asset post YB_CH Group for Contract Settlement YB_DA Group for Customer document YB_DG Group for Customer credit memo YB_DR Group for Customer invoice YB_DV Group for Customer interests YB_DZ Group for Customer Payment YB_EU Group for Euro Rounding Diff.Memo Stlmt YB_RB Group for Reserve for Bad Debt YB_RE Group for Invoice .Gross YB_ZP Group for Payment Posting YB_ZR Group for Bank reconciliation YB_ZS Group for Payment by Check YB_ZV Group for Payment Clearing © SAP AG Page 29 of 174 . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Cross-Application Components General Application Functions Cross-Application Document Numbering China Automatic Document Numbering Maintain Number Ranges 2. choose New Entries. On the initial screen.2. Choose Save.7.3. On the new screen. 3. you maintain document number range intervals for each number group Procedure 1. 3.4 Maintaining Number Ranges Use In this Customizing activity. input the Number group YB_DA. Choose Change Intervals.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 3. Make the following entries: No Year From number To number 01 2010 201001000001 201001999999 01 2011 201101000001 201101999999 01 2012 201201000001 201201999999 01 2013 201301000001 201301999999 01 2014 201401000001 201401999999 02 2010 201002000001 201002999999 02 2011 201102000001 201102999999 02 2012 201202000001 201202999999 02 2013 201302000001 201302999999 02 2014 201402000001 201402999999 03 2010 201003000001 201003999999 03 2011 201103000001 201103999999 03 2012 201203000001 201203999999 03 2013 201303000001 201303999999 03 2014 201403000001 201403999999 04 2010 201004000001 201004999999 04 2011 201104000001 201104999999 04 2012 201204000001 201204999999 04 2013 201304000001 201304999999 04 2014 201404000001 201404999999 05 2010 201005000001 201005999999 05 2011 201105000001 201105999999 05 2012 201205000001 201205999999 05 2013 201305000001 201305999999 © SAP AG Page 30 of 174 . SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 05 2014 201405000001 201405999999 06 2010 201006000001 201006999999 06 2011 201106000001 201106999999 06 2012 201206000001 201206999999 06 2013 201306000001 201306999999 06 2014 201406000001 201406999999 07 2010 201007000001 201007999999 07 2011 201107000001 201107999999 07 2012 201207000001 201207999999 07 2013 201307000001 201307999999 07 2014 201407000001 201407999999 08 2010 201008000001 201008999999 08 2011 201108000001 201108999999 08 2012 201208000001 201208999999 08 2013 201308000001 201308999999 08 2014 201408000001 201408999999 09 2010 201009000001 201009999999 09 2011 201109000001 201109999999 09 2012 201209000001 201209999999 09 2013 201309000001 201309999999 09 2014 201409000001 201409999999 10 2010 201010000001 201010999999 10 2011 201110000001 201110999999 10 2012 201210000001 201210999999 10 2013 201310000001 201310999999 10 2014 201410000001 201410999999 11 2010 201011000001 201011999999 11 2011 201111000001 201111999999 11 2012 201211000001 201211999999 11 2013 201311000001 201311999999 11 2011 201111000001 201111999999 11 2012 201211000001 201211999999 11 2013 201311000001 201311999999 11 2014 201411000001 201411999999 12 2010 201012000001 201012999999 12 2011 201112000001 201112999999 12 2012 201212000001 201212999999 12 2013 201312000001 201312999999 © SAP AG Page 31 of 174 . 3. Repeat Step 2-4 for other number groups. the system issues official document numbers in accordance with the Chinese requirements. Procedure 1. Make the following entries: Company code Document class Number group Prefix 1000 AA YB_AA COMPANY_CN 1000 AB YB_AB COMPANY_CN 1000 AF YB_AF COMPANY_CN 1000 AN YB_AN COMPANY_CN © SAP AG Page 32 of 174 . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Cross-Application Components General Application Functions Cross-Application Document Numbering China Automatic Document Numbering Activate Document Numbering for Company Code 2. 3. choose New Entries.2. you maintain settings so that when you assign number range intervals to one or more document classes. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Cross-Application Components General Application Functions Cross-Application Document Numbering China Automatic Document Numbering Assign Number Group to Company Code 2.5 Activating Docment Numbering for Company Code Use In this Customizing activity.3.3. On the new screen. 5. Make the following entries: Company code Active 1000 X 3. Choose Save. choose New Entries.6 Assigning Number Group to Company Code Use In this Customizing activity.2. On the new screen. you activate the the function of generating official document numbers for a company code. Choose Save.7. Procedure 1.SAP Best Practices 12 External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 2014 201412000001 201412999999 4.7. SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 1000 AP YB_AP COMPANY_CN 1000 CH YB_CH COMPANY_CN 1000 DA YB_DA COMPANY_CN 1000 DG YB_DG COMPANY_CN 1000 DR YB_DR COMPANY_CN 1000 DV YB_DV COMPANY_CN 1000 DZ YB_DZ COMPANY_CN 1000 EU YB_EU COMPANY_CN 1000 EX YB_EX COMPANY_CN 1000 KA YB_KA COMPANY_CN 1000 KG YB_KG COMPANY_CN 1000 KN YB_KN COMPANY_CN 1000 KP YB_KP COMPANY_CN 1000 KR YB_KR COMPANY_CN 1000 KZ YB_KZ COMPANY_CN 1000 ML YB_ML COMPANY_CN 1000 PR YB_PR COMPANY_CN 1000 RA YB_RA COMPANY_CN 1000 RB YB_RB COMPANY_CN 1000 RE YB_RE COMPANY_CN 1000 RK YB_RK COMPANY_CN 1000 RN YB_RN COMPANY_CN 1000 RV YB_RV COMPANY_CN 1000 SA YB_SA COMPANY_CN 1000 SB YB_SB COMPANY_CN 1000 SK YB_SK COMPANY_CN 1000 SU YB_SU COMPANY_CN 1000 UE YB_UE COMPANY_CN 1000 WA YB_WA COMPANY_CN 1000 WE YB_WE COMPANY_CN 1000 WI YB_WI COMPANY_CN 1000 WL YB_WL COMPANY_CN 1000 WN YB_WN COMPANY_CN 1000 Y1 YB_Y1 COMPANY_CN 1000 ZP YB_ZP COMPANY_CN 1000 ZR YB_ZR COMPANY_CN 1000 ZS YB_ZS COMPANY_CN 1000 ZV YB_ZV COMPANY_CN © SAP AG Page 33 of 174 . make the following entries: Procedure © SAP AG Sale Tax Code Name Tax Type Condition Type Rate Country Page 34 of 174 . Procedure 1. 3. Make the following entries: Company code No ODN 1000 X 3. choose New Entries.2.4. Choose Enter.1 Calculation 3. 3. 6. in the Tax Code field. China V MWVS 17 CN 5.2. 3. Procedure 1. make the following entries: Tax Code Name Tax Type Condition Type Rate Country J1 17% input tax.2. enter J1 and choose Enter. On the new screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Cross-Application Components General Application Functions Cross-Application Document Numbering China Automatic Document Numbering Maintain Settings for Clearing Documents Without Line Items 2. Choose Save.7. On the next screen. Choose Save. 4. In the Properties dialog box.2. On the next screen.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 3.3.1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FTXP IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Tax on Sales/Purchases Calculation Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases 2. Choose Country CN.7 Maintain Settings for Clearing Documents Without Line Items Use In this Customizing activity. you maintain settings so that the system does not generate official document for clearing accounting documents without line items. several tax code names have to be changed (for Germany).1 Defining Tax Code Names Use In the standard.4.4 Tax on Sales / Purchases 3. 2. make the selections you want to make (for example.1. © SAP AG Page 35 of 174 . On the Import Tax Codes After Transport screen. tax rates and so on) are stored in Table T007V. To look up the transport request number and/or the tax codes and rates contained in it you can execute transaction code SE16. On the next screen the session ID and a log are displayed. China V MWVS 13 CN 7. China V MWVS 0 CN TAXCN J2 13% input tax. Make sure the log says 1 Session(s) successfully processed.1 Assigning Tax Codes for Non-Taxable Transactions Use In this step. Choose Execute.4. transport request no. Then choose Execute. If execution in background was not successful execute transaction code SM35 to check the cause of errors. Result The system has created a batch input session that is executed in the background.2. in the Program field. The system then uses this indicator when you post acquisitions that are not subject to tax. Save your entries. enter RFTAXIMP. 3.2.2 Importing/Creating Tax Codes Prerequisites The activity Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases of this configuration guide has been performed and a transport request has been created that contains the tax codes to be transported. Choose Back.2 Posting 3. 6. that contains the required tax codes and tax rates Country country key CN 5. or tax code and so on). Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SA38 IMG menu System Services Reporting 2. On the ABAP: Program Execution screen.4. On the next screen the table entries are displayed. On the following screen. 8. The transport request and the entries contained in it to be transported (tax codes. then enter T007V as table name.4. These entries will be transported into the system. 3.2. Choose Execute. you specify an input tax indicator per company code. 1.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide TAXCN J0 0% input tax. of transport request that you created in the previous activity Enter the transport request no. 3. 4. When the execution has ended successfully the tax codes and tax rates are available in the system for productive use. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Transport number No. Procedure You have to correct the percentage rate. Non-Taxable Transactions’: Overview screen. choose New Entries 3. Save your entries.2 Defining Sender Details for Correspondence Form Use © SAP AG Page 36 of 174 .SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Procedure 1. 3.5.Cd.1 Assigning Programs for Correspondence Types Use In this activity. Procedure 1.2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBCL IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Asset Accounting Asset Accounting (Lean Implementation) Organizational Structures Assign Input Tax Indicator for Non-Taxable Acquisitions 2. Save your entries.2. you define the print program and the selection variant corresponding to each correspondence type. make the following entry: Field name Description User action and values CoCd Company Code 1000 Input tax Note J0 Output tax Output tax X0 3. 3.5 Correspondence 3. On the Change View ‘Allocate Program for Automatic Correspondence’: Overview screen. make the following entry: Company code Correspondence Name of the Print Program Name of Variant 1000 SAP01 RFKORD00 SAP01 1000 SAP02 RFKORD00 SAP02 1000 SAP06 RFKORD10 SAP06 1000 SAP08 RFKORD10 SAP08 1000 SAP09 RFKORD30 SAP09 1000 SAP10 RFKORD40 SAP10 Text Proposal F140_IND_TEXT 4.2. On the Change View ‘Allocate Co.5. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OB78 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Correspondence Assign Programs for Correspondence Types 2. Master Data 3.3. 3. make the following entry: Company code Program Name Text ID Header Text Footer Text Signature Text Sender 1000 RFKORD0 0 ADR S ADRS_HE ADER ADRS_FO OTER ADRS_SIGNA TURE ADRS_SE NDER 1000 RFKORD1 0 ADR S ADRS_HE ADER ADRS_FO OTER ADRS_SIGNA TURE ADRS_SE NDER 1000 RFKORD4 0 ADR S ADRS_HE ADER ADRS_FO OTER ADRS_SIGNA TURE ADRS_SE NDER 1000 RFKORD8 0 ADR S ADRS_HE ADER ADRS_FO OTER ADRS_SIGNA TURE ADRS_SE NDER 1000 SAPF130D ADR S ADRS_HE ADER ADRS_FO OTER ADRS_SIGNA TURE ADRS_SE NDER 1000 SAPF130K ADR S ADRS_HE ADER ADRS_FO OTER ADRS_SIGNA TURE ADRS_SE NDER 4. Save your entries.1.1.1. choose New Entries 3. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen.1 Preparations 3. © SAP AG Page 37 of 174 . On the Change View “Sender Details For Correspondence”: Overview screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBB1 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Correspondence Define Sender Details for Correspondence Form 2.3. This applies to the following: letter header letter footer sender address Procedure 1.3 General Ledger Accounting (New) (from 'Financial Accounting (New)') 3.1 G/L Accounts 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide In this activity.1. you define which texts are to be used in the letter window and the signature line for each company code.1 Editing Chart of Accounts List Use In the chart of accounts list you enter the charts of accounts that you want to use in your organization (at client level). On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. Language ZH Length of G/L account number 8 Controlling Integration Manual creation of cost elements Note 4.1.2 Transporting Chart of Accounts Use In the following section those activities will be described.1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OB13 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Master Data G/L Accounts Preparations Edit Chart of Accounts List 2. Chrt/Accts Acct Group Name YACN ABST Recon.account ready for input 99999999 YACN ANL. Save your entries. On the Change View ‘List of All Charts of Accounts: Overview screen. 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide For Baseline China. Procedure 1. the standard chart of accounts YACN is used. 'Fixed assets accounts' 99999999 YACN ERG. 3. Liquid funds accounts 99999999 © SAP AG From acct To account Page 38 of 174 . choose New Entries.2.3. To maintain the descriptions in a different language.1. make the following entry: Field name Description User action and values Chart of Accts YACN Description Chart of Accounts – Industry ( or any other appropriate description) Maint.3. Income statement accounts 99999999 YACN FIN. which have to take place in the case the accounts have to be created manually.1 Defining Account Group Use The procedure for copying G/L account groups is described in this section. log on with this language and execute the maintenance of the texts in logon language again.1. For Baseline China the chart of accounts YACN is used with the listed standard G/L account groups. 3. Choose Copy. If you use chart of accounts YACN. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: © SAP AG Page 39 of 174 . 4. overwrite the chart of accounts and or the account group name and description. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBD4 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Master Data G/L Accounts Preparations Define Account Group 2. 6. Choose Create (the icon right to the company code field). 3. Refer to this file for the data to maintain for each account. SAP ECC menu Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Master Records G/L Accounts Individual Processing Centrally Transaction code FS00 To maintain data for an account: 1.2. make your settings for the field status and save your entries. Save your entries.3. 4. Choose Enter. this activity is done during creation of Accounts in the application itself. Select the account group from the chart of accounts you want to copy. On the next screen. Copy the next account group and repeat the above-mentioned steps as required.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide YACN MAT. To adapt the field status.2 Creating Accounts If the chart of accounts is maintained manually. 3.1. On the next screen. In the Excel sheet you find all accounts <ChartOfAccount_YACN_2010. Save your entries.1.3. 3. 5.1. enter the account number and the company code 1000. Maintain the data as stated in the file. in this case only maintain company code data for the respective accounts. 2.2.3 Defining Account Determination for Real-Time Integration Procedure 1. double-click the line with the newly created entry. Materials management accounts 99999999 YACN SAKO G/L accounts (general) 99999999 Procedure 1. 3. In the Edit G/L Account Centrally view. some of the listed accounts may exist already in the chart of accounts.xls> that are used in Baseline China.1. Choose Continue.3.1.1. Make the following entries: Field name Value Debit 66030203 Credit 66030103 4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBXZ IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) General Ledger Accounting (New) Business Transactions Open Item Clearing Clearing Differences Create Accounts for Clearing Differences 2.3.4 Defining Account for Exchange Rate Difference Posting Procedure 1. 4. Choose Continue.1. 4. Enter the chart of accounts YACN.2. 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Transaction code OK17 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Real-Time Integration of Controlling with Financial Accounting Account Determination for Real-Time Integration Define Account Determination for Real-Time Integration 2. Confirm the warning message by choosing Enter. 3. 5.1. Save your entries.1.6 Defining Accounts for Automatic Tax Payable Transfer Posting © SAP AG Page 40 of 174 . Enter the chart of accounts YACN. Save your entries.2.2. Choose Change Account Determin. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBYY IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Tax on Sales/Purchases Posting Define Account for Exchange Rate Difference Posting 2. 3. Enter account 64015001 for transaction DSA. Enter the controlling area 1000 and choose Continue. Save your entries.1. 3.3. Enter account 49999999. 3. 3.5 Creating Accounts for Clearing Differences Procedure 1. 7 Defining Retained Earnings Account Procedure 1.9 Defining Income Statement Accounts Procedure 1. Enter the chart of accounts YACN. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: © SAP AG Page 41 of 174 . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OB53 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Carry Forward Define Retained Earnings Account 2.3. 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Procedure 1.1. Make the following entry: Field name Value P&L statmt acct type X Account 41041501 3. Choose Continue. 3.2. Choose Continue.2. account modification and valuation class according to the Excel sheet. Enter the accounts for the specified transaction key. see the IMG-Documentation Account_Determination_MM_EN_CN. Enter account 22210109. valuation group.1. Enter the chart of accounts YACN.1.8 Defining Accounts for Materials Management Procedure 1.1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OB89 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Report Sales/Purchases Tax Returns Define Accounts for Automatic Tax Payable Transfer Posting 2.1.xls. Save your entries.2. To maintain the rules for automatic postings choose Rules pushbutton and set the indicators according to the data in the Excel sheet. For more information. 3.3. 3.1. 4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBYC IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Integration Materials Management Define Accounts for Materials Management 2.3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code © SAP AG OBYG Page 42 of 174 .10 Defining Balance Sheet Accounts Procedure 1.3.Account Determination. Make the following entries: Symbolic Account Account 1100 55010101 1100 55010111 1190 55010124 1190 55010111 1210 55010122 1210 55010111 1220 55010102 1220 55010111 1221 55010102 1221 55010111 1230 55010101 1230 55010111 1240 55010124 1250 55010124 1260 55010124 1270 55010124 1271 55010124 1310 55010131 1310 55010132 1311 55010111 1320 55010124 1390 55010124 1400 55010124 1500 55010124 3. 3. Choose Continue.1.1.2. Choose Automatic Postings .SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Transaction code OBYE IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Integration Payroll Define Income Statement Accounts 2. 4. Enter the chart of accounts YACN. 3. © SAP AG Page 43 of 174 . Save your entries. 3.11 Defining Accounts for Net Procedure Procedure Choose Continue. Enter the chart of accounts YACN. Choose Continue. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBXA IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos Define Account for Net Procedure 2.3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Integration Payroll Define Balance Sheet Account 2. Enter the chart of accounts YACN. Make the following entries: Symbolic Account Account 2110 22110101 2120 22410101 2190 22410101 2210 22410101 2211 22110111 2212 22410101 2213 22410101 2220 22210501 2230 22410101 2240 24010190 2250 22410101 2260 22410101 2290 22410101 2310 60510101 2311 60510101 2312 60510101 3100 12310101 3110 12310101 3200 12310101 3300 24010190 4010 66030101 4020 60510101 9100 22410111 4. Enter the chart of accounts YACN.1.1. Enter the chart of accounts YACN.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 3. Make the following entries: Field name Value Debit 66030206 © SAP AG Page 44 of 174 . Enter the chart of accounts YACN. 3. Enter account 60010511.14 Defining Account for Rounding Differences Procedure 1.2. 4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OB00 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Accounts receivables and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Outgoing Payments Global Settings Define Account for Rounding Differences 2.3.12 Defining Accounts for Cash Discount Taken Procedure 1.2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBXL IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Accounts receivables and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Outgoing Payments Global Settings Define Accounts for Overpayments/Underpayments 2.1. Choose Continue. 4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBXU IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Accounts receivables and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Outgoing Payments Global Settings Define Accounts for Cash Discount Taken 2. 3. Choose Continue. 3. Save your entries. Choose Continue.2.3. 4.1. Enter account 22020411. Enter account 66030107. Save your entry. 3. 3. Save your entry.3.1. 3.1.13 Defining Accounts for Overpayments / Underpayments Procedure 1. 3. Enter account 66030901.1.1. Currency Procedure 1.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Credit 66030106 3.1. Enter the chart of accounts YACN.2. 3. 3. 3. Currency 2. Enter the chart of accounts YACN.1. Save your entries.2.16 Defining Accounts for Bank Charges (Vendors) Procedure 1.15 Defining Accounts for Payment Differences with Altern. 4. Double-click transaction BSP (Bank Charges). Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBXO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Accounts receivables and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Outgoing Payments Global Settings Define Accounts for Payment Differences with Altern.1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBXI IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Incoming Payments Incoming Payments Global Settings Define Accounts for Cash Discount Granted © SAP AG Page 45 of 174 . 3.3. Save your entries. Choose Continue.2. Make the following entries: Field name Value Debit 66030203 Credit 66030103 4. 5. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBXK IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Accounts receivables and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Outgoing Payments Global Settings Define Accounts for Bank Charges (Vendors) 2. Choose Continue.17 Defining Accounts for Cash Discount Granted Procedure 1.3.1. 1.1. Description Transaction Account Bank discount charges BDS 66030901 Bank collection charges BIK 66030901 Revenue from discount charges DSK 66030901 Revenue from collection charges INK 66030901 © SAP AG Page 46 of 174 . Save your entries.1.3. Enter the relevant account as stated in the table below.2. 4. Make the following entries: Acct type/sp. 4. Choose Continue. 3. Enter the chart of accounts YACN. 3.19 Defining Accounts for Bill of Exchange Transactions Procedure 1. 3. Enter account 66030108. Double-click the transaction from the table below. Enter the chart of accounts YACN.2.18 Defining Accounts for Automatic Offsetting Entry Procedure 1. Choose Continue.3. Choose Continue. 3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBXS IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Postings with Alternative Reconciliation Account Other Special G/L Transactions Define Accounts for Automatic Offsetting Entry 2. Save your entries.1. 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 2. Enter the chart of accounts YACN. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBYH IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Bank Accounting Business Transactions Bill of Exchange Transactions Bill of Exchange Receivable Post Bill of Exchange Receivable Define Accounts for Bill of Exchange Transactions 2. G/L ind Account DG 24110190 DS 24110191 DZ 11320190 KG 24110110 KS 24110191 4. To maintain the rules for automatic postings. Enter the relevant rules as stated in the table below. 3. Enter the chart of accounts YACN.21 Preparing Automatic Postings for Foreign Currency Valuation Procedure 1. 3. choose Rules and set the indicator according to the data listed in the table below. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBA1 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Valuate Foreign Currency Valuation Prepare Automatic Postings for Foreign Currency Valuation 2.1. Choose Continue. Transaction Tax Code Account MW1 22210301 MWS 22210105 VS1 64030101 VST 22210101 6.1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OB40 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Tax on Sales/Purchases Posting Define Tax Accounts 2. Double-click the transaction KDB (Exch. Transaction Tax code MWS Not Select VST Not Select VS1 Not Select MW1 Not Select 5. Double-click the transaction from the table below. Save your entries.3. 4. Enter the chart of accounts YACN. Enter the relevant accounts as stated in the table below. 3. Enter the relevant accounts as stated in the table below.2.3.1. Save your entries. Choose Continue.20 Defining Tax Accounts Procedure 1. 4. Rate Key). 3. Exchange rate difference key © SAP AG Expense account E/R Gains acct Page 47 of 174 . using Exch. Rate Diff.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 5.1.2. sheet adj. 6. Choose Back (F3).3.22 Defining Adjustment Accounts for GR/IR Clearing Procedure 1. Double-click the transaction BNG (Invoiced but not yet delivered).: Open Items/GL Acct).1 11220101 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 11220199 11220501 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 11220199 11220201 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 11220299 11220301 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 11220399 10020151 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 10020199 10020153 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 10020199 10020154 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 10020199 10020155 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 10020199 10020158 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 10020199 10020159 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 10020199 22020101 66030203 66030103 66030103 66030103 11320399 22020611 66030203 66030103 66030103 66030103 11320399 22020201 66030203 66030103 66030103 66030103 11320399 22020301 66030203 66030103 66030103 66030103 11320399 22020401 66030203 66030103 66030103 66030103 11320399 11.currency). 8.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide USD 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 5. Choose Save (Ctr + S) to save your entries. Double-click transaction KDW (Payment difference for altern. © SAP AG Page 48 of 174 . Double-click transaction KDF (Exchange Rate Dif. Debit Credit 66030206 66030106 9.2.1.gain 1 Bal. G/L Account Loss Gain Val. Double-click transaction RDF (Internal currencies rounding differences).1.loss 1 Val. Choose Back (F3). Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBYP IMG menu Financial Accounting (New General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Reclassify Define Adjustment Accounts for GR/IR Clearing 2. Debit Credit 66030203 66030103 7. 3. Choose Back (F3). 10. SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 3. Enter the chart of accounts YACN. Choose Continue. 4. Enter the relevant accounts as stated in the table below. Reconciliation account Adjustment Account Targ. Acct. 14010101 14010199 14020101 5. Choose Back (F3). 6. Double-click transaction GNB (Delivered but not yet invoiced). Reconciliation account Adjustment Account Targ. Acct. 14010101 14010199 22020511 7. Choose Save (Ctr + S) to save your entries. Defining Adjustment Accounts for Receivable/Payable by Maturity Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBBV IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Reclassify Transfer and sort Receivables and Payable Define Adjustment Accounts for Receivables/Payable by Maturity 2. Double-click the transaction V00 (Receivables <= 1 year). 3. Enter the chart of accounts YACN. Choose Continue. 4. Enter the relevant accounts as stated in the table below. Reconciliation account Adjustment Account Targ. Acct. 22020101 22020199 11230900 22020201 22020299 11230900 22020401 22020299 11230900 22020611 22020299 11230900 5. Choose Back (F3). 6. Double-click transaction V01 (Receivables > 1 year). Reconciliation account Adjustment Account Targ. Acct. 11220101 11220199 11220190 11220201 11220299 11220290 11220301 11220399 11220390 11220501 11220299 11220290 11320301 11320399 11320301 22020101 22020199 11230900 22020201 22020299 11230900 22020611 22020299 11230900 © SAP AG Page 49 of 174 SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 7. Choose Back (F3). 8. Double-click transaction V02 (Liabilities <= 1 year). Reconciliation account Adjustment Account Targ. Acct. 11220101 22020299 22050900 11220201 11220199 22050900 11220501 11220299 22050900 9. Choose Back (F3). 10. Double-click transaction V03 (Liabilities > 1 and <= 5 years). Reconciliation account Adjustment Account Targ. Acct. 11220101 11220199 22050900 11220201 11220299 22050900 11220501 11220299 22050900 22020101 22020199 22020190 22020201 22020299 22020290 22020301 22020399 22020390 22020401 22020301 22020490 22020611 22020299 22020290 Reconciliation account Adjustment Account Targ. Acct. 11220101 11220199 22050900 11220201 11220299 22050900 11220501 11220299 22050900 22020101 22020199 22020190 22020201 22020299 22020290 22020301 22020399 22020390 22020401 22020301 22020301 22020611 22020299 22020290 11. Choose Back (F3). 12. Double-click transaction V04 (Liabilities > 5). 13. Choose Save (Ctr + S) to save your entries. Defining Adjustment Accounts for GR/IR Changed Reconciliation Accounts Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBBW IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Reclassify Transfer and sort Receivables and Payable Define Adjustment Accounts for Changed Reconciliation Accounts © SAP AG Page 50 of 174 SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 2. Enter the chart of accounts YACN. Choose Continue. Reconciliation account Adjustment Account 11220101 11220199 11220201 11220299 11220301 11220399 11220501 11220299 11320301 11320399 22020101 22020199 22020201 22020299 22020301 22020399 22020401 22020301 22020611 22020199 3. Choose Save (Ctr + S) to save your entries. 3.3.2 Business Transactions Open Item Clearing Preparing Automatic Clearing Use In this activity, you enter the criteria for grouping the open items of an account for automatic clearing. The program clears open items of a group if the balance in local and foreign currency is zero. You must enter the following standard criteria: The account type The account number or number range You can also enter five additional criteria. Choose five other criteria from the fields in table BSEG or table BKPF. If possible choose those fields, which are also included in table BSIS (G/L accounts), BSID (customers) or BSIK (vendors). You can determine the field names by looking at the tables in the Data Dictionary. To do this, choose Tools ABAP Workbench Dictionary. Rules defined for automatic clearing for account type D (customer), V (vendor) and S (general ledger): Criterion 1: ZUONR (Assignment) Criterion 2: VBUND (Trading Partner) Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OB74 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable/ Accounts Payable Business Transactions Open Item Clearing Prepare Automatic Clearing 2. On the Change View ‘Additional Rules For Automatic Clearing’: Overview screen, choose New Entries. © SAP AG Page 51 of 174 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBA0 IMG menu Financial Accounting(NEW) General Ledger Accounting (NEW) Business Transactions Open Item Clearing Clearing Differences Define Tolerance Groups for G/L Accounts 2. 3.2.2. 3. Save your entries. Save your entries.3.2 Adjustment Posting/Reversal 3. which differences are accepted and posted automatically to predefined accounts. make the following entries: Company Code Tol.00 1.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide ChtAcct Acct Ty From acct To account Criterion1 Criterion2 YACN S 0000000000 9999999999 ZUONR VBUND YACN D 1 9999999999 ZUONR VBUND YACN D A Z ZUONR VBUND YACN K 0000000000 9999999999 ZUONR VBUND YACN K A Z ZUONR VBUND 3.3.00 1.) Percent age (Cre. choose New Entries.) Tolerance Group G/L Accounts 1. The groups which are defined here are assigned in the G/L account master record.00 1. Procedure 1. 3.2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: © SAP AG Page 52 of 174 .1 Permitting Negative Posting Use In this activity you specify whether reverse documents can be comprised of negative postings for each company code.2 Defining Tolerance Groups for G/L Accounts Use When G/L accounts are cleared. tolerance groups are used to define limits.2.3. On the Change View ‘Tolerances for Groups of G/L Accounts in Local Currency’: screen. Negative postings have been permitted for company code 1000. Group 1000 Name Debit Posting Credit Posting Percent age (Deb. Procedure 1. On the Change View ‘Tolerances for Groups of G/L Accounts in Local Currency’: screen.00 4. 3. You can find additional information in section Closing – Accrual/Deferrals.3.1 Creating Number Ranges for Customer Accounts Use © SAP AG Page 53 of 174 .3. 3.2 Defining Reasons for Reversal Use Reverse postings and adjustment postings can be set as negative postings.3. The settings have been taken from the standard system. Procedure 1. make the following entry Company Code Negative Postings Allowed 1000 Set the indicator 3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting(NEW) General Ledger Accounting (NEW) Business Transactions Adjustment Posting/Reversal Define Reasons for Reversal 2.3. On the Change View ‘Reasons for Reverse Posting’: Overview screen. choose New Entries. On the Change View ‘Maintain Negative Postings in Company Code’: Overview screen.1.3.1 Preparations for Creating Customer Master Data 3. After reversal.3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting(NEW) General Ledger Accounting (NEW) Business Transactions Adjustment Posting/Reversal Permit Negative Posting 2. 3. Save your entries.2. the reversal is a negative posting.1.pos. postng Negativ posting <deselect> Alt.dt Alternative posting date allowed <select> Note 4.3. 3. customers and vendors. transaction figures can. make the following entry Field name Description User action and values Reason 05 Text Accrual/Deferral posting Neg.3 Customer Accounts 3. In this case. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen.1. be reset to the status they would have had before the reversed document and corresponding reversal document were posted.2.1 Master Data 3. therefore. Negative postings decrease the transaction figures for G/L accounts. Save your entries. On the Customer Number Ranges view. Confirm the dialog box regarding transport on number ranges. 3. 3. When you have maintained all number ranges. choose Insert Interval. No From number To number Extl 01 0000100000 0000199999 X 02 0000200000 0000299999 X 05 0005000000 0005999999 X 06 0006000000 0006999999 X VD 0000900000 0000999999 XX A ZZZZZZZZZZ Y1 0001000000 0001999999 Y2 0002000000 0002999999 Y3 0003000000 0003999999 Y4 0000400000 0000499999 X X 5. In the Maintain Number Range Intervals view. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code XDN1 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Customer Accounts Master Data Preparations for Creating Customer Master Data Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts 2. choose Insert Interval to maintain the next number range interval.2 Defining Account Groups with Screen Layout (Customers) Use In this activity the settings for the customer account group are determined: the interval for the account numbers whether the number is assigned internally by the system or externally by the user (type of number assignment) whether it is a one-time account which fields are ready for input or must be filled when creating and changing master records (field status) Procedure © SAP AG Page 54 of 174 . then choose Insert (Enter). choose Save.1. On the Maintain Number Range Intervals view.3. In the Insert Interval dialog box. 4.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide In this activity you create the number ranges for the customer accounts.3.1. enter the data for the new line (see table below). Procedure 1. choose change Intervals. 3. The following account groups are provided: Account Group Name YB01 Sold-to party (ext. Save your entries.1. no. make the following entries Group Number range YB01 01 YB02 XX YB03 Y3 YBAC Y4 YBEC 01 YBOC XX YBPC XX YBVC 02 © SAP AG Page 55 of 174 .char.) YBPC Dummy customer YBVC Vendor 3. On the Change View ‘Assign Customer Acct Groups Number Range’: Overview screen.3.) Demo YBAC Customer (affiliated company) YBEC Export Customers YBOC CPD Customer (external no.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Customer Accounts Master Data Preparations for Creating Customer Master Data Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Customers) 2.1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Customer Accounts Master Data Preparations for Creating Customer Master Data Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups 2.3 Assigning Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups Use In this activity you assign the number ranges to the customer account groups.3. number) YB02 Sold-to party (ext.code) YB03 Sold-to party (int. Procedure 1. 3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code O7Z3 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Vendor Accounts Line Items Display Line Items Define Line Items without ALV Define Line Layout 2. 3.2 Choosing Additional Fields © SAP AG Page 56 of 174 .1 Displaying Line Items 3.3. Save your entries.1.1 Defining Line Layout Use To display items on accounts you need to define line layout variants.3. choose Create….2. Save your entries. To make selections when displaying line items you need so called additional fields. Currency Amount in foreign cur.3. 3. In those variants you define which information from the line item is displayed on the screen. 3.2 Line Items 3. Currency Amount in foreign cur.2.3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 3. Make the following entries: Line Layout Text Fields with this specific series Z02 Reference document number Document Number Reference Document Date Special G/L ind. Clearing Document Text 4.3.2. Clearing Document Text Z03 Affiliated Company Assignment Document Number Document Date Trading Partner Special G/L ind.1.3. On the Maintain Line Layout Configuration: List screen. Procedure 1.3. In the dialog box. enter VBUND. Select the fourth line. 4. 9. Choose Save. Access the activity as follows: IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Vendor Accounts Line Items Display Line Items Display Line Items without ALV Choose Selection Fields 2. 10. 12. Choose Save. Choose Enter. Choose Enter. Choose Back. Select the tenth line. choose Line Item. Save your entries. Choose Insert after… 5. in the Field Name field. Choose Back twice to leave the IMG activity. Select the third line. 13. 8. In the dialog box. Enter Account type K (Vendors). 14. Search for the field name VBUND and double-click the line to select the field. In the dialog box. Choose Insert after… 11. 1. 7. enter VBUND. in the Field Name field. Choose Save. Procedure 1. 4. Choose Back. Enter Account type D (Customers). Choose Insert after… 5. 8. In the dialog box. Enter Account type K (Vendors). Choose Enter. 6. 3. 9. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Vendor Accounts Line Items Display Line Items Display Line Items without ALV Choose Additional Fields 2. Choose Enter. Enter Account type D (Customers). Choose Insert after… 12.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Use Field VBUND (Trading Partner) has been included as an additional field (not contained in the standard client (000). © SAP AG Page 57 of 174 . 7. 3. Perform the same steps for the selection fields. 10. enter VBUND. 11. 6. in the Field Name field. Select the third line. 1 Master Data 3. then choose Insert (Enter).3.4 External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Vendor Accounts 3. 5.4.4. Save your entries. choose Insert Interval to maintain the next number range interval. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code XKN1 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Vendor Accounts Master Data Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data Create Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts 2. Make the following entries: Company Code Accounting Clerk Accounting Clerk Descr. You can use this information for evaluations and for correspondence. In the Insert Interval dialog box.3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Vendor Accounts Master Data Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data Define Accounting Clerks 2. which the accounting clerk supervises. In the Maintain Number Range Intervals view.2 Creating Number Ranges for Vendor Accounts Use In this activity you create the number ranges for the vendor accounts.1. choose Change Intervals. Procedure 1. In the Maintain Number Range Intervals view.1.1 Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data 3. enter the data for the new line (see table below). In the Vendor Number Ranges view. 1000 AM Anna Meier User Name 4.1. You enter the identification code in the vendor master records.1.3.SAP Best Practices 3.4.1. 6. choose Insert Interval. Choose New Entries. Defining Accounting Clerks Use You define the names of the accounting clerks under a name identification code. 3. Procedure 1. 3. Maintain the following number range intervals: © SAP AG Page 58 of 174 . 4. 3. 3 Defining Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors) Use In this step. you determine the account groups for vendors. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBD3 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Vendor Accounts Master Data Preparation for Creating Vendor Master Data Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors) 2. the field status for the reconciliation account has been set to display. Confirm the dialog box regarding transport on number ranges.assignmen. On the New Entries: Details of added Entries view.3. On the Change View “Vendor Account Groups”: Overview. 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide No From number To number Extl Y3 0000300000 0000399999 X Y4 0000400000 0000499999 X When you have maintained all number ranges choose Save.1.4. 3.no. Assignment) YREI Commercial traveller Procedure 1.4 Defining Screen Layout per Activity (Vendors) Use For the change vendor activity.4.3.no. even if the vendor master record is changed.) YBVE Vendor (ext.1. 7. This applies for transaction FK02 Change Vendor (Accounting) and XK02 Change vendor (centrally).1.1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code © SAP AG OB23 Page 59 of 174 . which means that the reconciliation account can no longer be changed. choose New Entries. Procedure 1. enter the Account Groups mentioned above. 3. The following account groups are provided: Account Group Name YB01 Domestic Vendor YBAC Vendor (affiliated companies) YBIV Foreign Vendor YBOV CPD Vendor (ext. Choose Back twice to leave the IMG activity. 3. The terms of payment include settings for the payment terms. Change the field status for the reconciliation account from Opt. for example) are created (or changed). entered when the logistics documents (in the purchase order and incoming invoice or in the order and the outgoing invoice. Procedure 1. and installment payments.5. 11. Save your changes and leave the IMG activity.3. This enables the system to determine the required terms of payment automatically. 5. entered when the FI document is created (or changed). 12.1. The key can be stored in the master record of the customer/vendor account (in the purchasing or sales view and in the accounting view).3. 8. entry to Display. 10. 4.5 Business Transactions 3.1 Maintaining Terms of Payment Use You can define rules with a four-character key. choose New Entries. make the following entries: © SAP AG Page 60 of 174 . On the Change View ‘Terms of Payment’: Overview screen. Double-click Company Code Data. 9. Double-click Account management. the baseline date for payment. Go back three times. Go back three times. entry to Display. 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Vendor accounts Master Data Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Data Define Screen Layout per Activity (Vendors) IMG menu 2. The standard terms are used. You assign the specified terms of payment using the key. Double-click transaction type Change Vendor (Accounting).5.1 Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos 3. 6. the day limit. Double-click Company Code Data. 7. Change the field status for the reconciliation account from Opt. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. Double-click transaction type Change vendor (centrally). Double-click Account management. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBB8 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos Maintain Terms of Payment 2. 3. 3. Procedure 1.1.2. terms Sales text Own explanation Account type Fixed day Add. months NT00 Payable upon receipt Payable upon receipt Customer Vendor 0 0 NT30 Net due in 30 days Net due in 30 days Customer Vendor 0 0 NT45 Net due in 45 days Net due in 45 days Customer Vendor 0 0 NT60 Net due in 60 days Net due in 60 days Customer Vendor 0 0 Pay. months % No. choose Transaction EGX.2 Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos – Enjoy 3.5.5. of days Fixed day Add.5.1. On the Maintain Fi Configuration: Automatic Posting – Posting Keys screen. On the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Posting . vendor and G/L account items when entering incoming invoices and credit memos. Save your entries. Save your entries.3. 3.2 Outgoing Payments © SAP AG Page 61 of 174 .Procedures screen. 3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBXJ IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos – Enjoy Define Posting Key for Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos 2. of days NT00 <select> 0 0 0 0 0 0 NT30 <select> 0 30 0 0 0 0 NT45 <select> 0 45 0 0 0 0 NT60 <select> 0 60 0 0 0 0 4.3.3. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Debit 29 Credit 39 Note 4.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Pay.1 Defining Posting Key for Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos Use Here you define the posting key for customer. 3. terms No default % No. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBXH IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Outgoing Payments Global Settings Define Posting Keys for Clearing 2. 3. Debit 04 Customers: Residual Item Bal. On the Maintain Configuration: Clearing Procedures – Data Screen. Credit 34 Vendors: Special G/L Debit 29 Vendors: Special G/L Credit 39 G/L Accounts Debit 40 G/L Accounts Credit 50 Document type (A/R) AB Document type (A/P) AB Document type (G/L) AB Note 4.3.3. On the Maintain Accounting Configuration: Clearing Procedures – List screen.5.1 Defining Posting Keys for Clearing Use In this step.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 3. Save your entries. The standard posting keys are used. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Customers: Clearing Debit 07 Customers: Clearing Credit 17 Customers: Residual Item Bal.3 Outgoing Payments Global Settings 3. Debit 24 Vendors: Residual Item Bal. you define posting keys and document types for open item clearing transactions. choose Clearing Transaction UMBUCHUNG.5. © SAP AG Page 62 of 174 . The system uses these keys for line items to be created automatically.3. Procedure 1. Credit 14 Customers: Special G/L Debit 09 Customers: Special G/L Credit 19 Vendors: Clearing Debit 27 Vendors: Clearing Credit 37 Vendors: Residual Item Bal. The payment program also uses these posting keys. 3. For terms of payment 0004 payment block reason A have to be set up.3. you define reason codes per company code for handling payment differences in the form of residual items.5. 3.3. make the following entries: Block ind.3.3 Defining Default Values for Payment Block Use You can set up an automatic payment block reason for terms of payment. Save your entries. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OB27 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Outgoing Payments Global Settings Payment Block Reasons Define Payment Block Reasons 2.5. Manual payments block Not changeable Free for payment * Skip account A Blocked for payment B Blocked for payment I CML:InvestorContract N Postprocess inc. Procedure 1.pmnt <select> P Payment request <select> R Invoice verification V Payment clearing X <select> <select> <select> 3.SAP Best Practices 3. On the Change View ‘Pmnt Terms: Default Values For Pmnt Block’: Overview screen. partial payments and postings on account.2 External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Defining Payment Block Reasons Use In this step. Description Change in paymnt prop. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBBC IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Outgoing Payments Global Settings Payment Block Reasons Define Default Values for Payment Block 2. On the Change View ‘Payment Block Reasons’: Overview screen. make the following entries: © SAP AG Page 63 of 174 . Procedure 1. 00 00 PT from Inv. 3.00 5.00 01 X X 1000 DEB2 1. By Grace Days 2.00 10. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBA3 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Manual Outgoing Payments Define Tolerances (Vendors) 2. choose New Entries.0 2.4.00 Loss Percent (Gain) Percent (Loss) Adj. which can occur during payment settlement.4 Manual Outgoing Payments 3.00 Company Code Tolerance Group Fixed PT Partial Discount NT00 X 1000 Adj. Specify the tolerances under one or more tolerance groups.0 2.00 5.3.1 Defining Tolerances (Vendors) Use In this step.00 3. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries. Disc.00 1000 DEB2 10. Allocate a tolerance group to each vendor via the master record. On the Change View ‘Customer/Vendor Tolerances’: Overview screen.5 1. 1000 DEB1 1.00 1000 DEB4 0.00 02 X X © SAP AG Page 64 of 174 .3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Payment Terms Day Limit 0004 00 Block Key 3.00 100. you specify the tolerances for vendors. 2. screen.0 2. Disc.02 1000 KRE1 999.0 2.02 0. 3.00 10.00 1000 DEB3 200.5. Save your entries.5 1.3.00 1000 DEB1 999.5. For each tolerance group.00 5. These tolerances are used for dealing with differences in payment and residual items.3. make the following entries: Company Code Tolerance Group 1000 Text Gain Tolerance Cust/vend 5. specify the following: Tolerances up to which differences in payment are posted automatically to expense or revenue accounts when clearing open items The handling of the terms of payment for residual items. if they are to be posted during clearing Procedure 1. 5. 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 1000 DEB3 03 1000 DEB4 03 1000 KRE1 01 X X 4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Manual Outgoing Payments Overpayment/Underpayment Define Reason Codes (Manual Outgoing Payments) 2. 3.4. Procedure 1. make the following entries: RCd Short Text Long Text 062 销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金 销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金 063 收到的税费返还 收到的税费返还 064 收到的其他与经营活动有关的现金 收到的其他与经营活动有关的现金 065 购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金 购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金 066 支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金 支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金 067 支付的各项税费 支付的各项税费 068 支付的其他与经营活动有关的现金 支付的其他与经营活动有关的现金 069 收回投资所收到的现金 收回投资所收到的现金 070 取得投资收益所收到的现金 取得投资收益所收到的现金 071 处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期 资产所收 处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产所收 回的现金净额 072 收到的其他与投资活动有关的现金 收到的其他与投资活动有关的现金 073 购建固定资产、无形资产和其他长期 资产所支 购建固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产所支 付的现金 074 投资所支付的现金 投资所支付的现金 075 支付的其他与投资活动有关的现金 支付的其他与投资活动有关的现金 076 吸收投资所收到的现金 吸收投资所收到的现金 077 借款所收到的现金 借款所收到的现金 © SAP AG Page 65 of 174 . choose Company Code 1000. partial payments and postings on account.2 Defining Reason Codes (Manual Outgoing Payments) Use In this step.3. you define reason codes per company code for handling payment differences in the form of residual items. In the Determine Work Area_ Entry dialog box. Save your entries.3. On the Change View ‘Classification of Payment Differences’: Overview screen. F (Down payment request). make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Company Code 1000 Sending Company Code 1000 Paying Company Code 1000 Max.3. Vendors . Cash discount strategy: determination of maximum cash discount for the company code.4 Automatic Outgoing Payments 3. 3. B (Financial assets down payment).3. F (Down payment request) Procedure choose New Entries. I (Intangible asset down payment). Save your entries. Cash Discount Not set Vendors: Sp.1 Setting up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions Use Specify paying company code (process payment transactions centrally for several company codes) for all company codes involved in payment transactions. select button All Company codes IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program Set Up All Company Codes for Payment Transactions 2.5. On the New Entries: Details o Added Entries screen. V (Stocks down payment) Customers . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code S_ALR_87100687 or FBZP. G/L transactions to be paid FA © SAP AG Note Page 66 of 174 .Special G/L transactions to be paid: A (Down payment).SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 078 收到的其他与筹资活动有关的现金 收到的其他与筹资活动有关的现金 079 偿还债务所支付的现金 偿还债务所支付的现金 080 分配股利、利润或偿付利息所支付的 现金 分配股利、利润或偿付利息所支付的现金 081 支付的其他与筹资活动有关的现金 支付的其他与筹资活动有关的现金 082 汇率变动对现金的影响 汇率变动对现金的影响 999 跟现金流无关 跟现金流无关 4.1.5.Special G/L transactions to be paid: A (Down payment). On the Change View ‘Company Codes’: Overview screen.1 Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program 3. 3. M (Tangible asset down payment). Special G/L transactions: are to be settled for customers and vendors.4. 01 Min.00 Note 4. 7. Make the following entries in section Sender Details for SAPscript Forms: Field name Description User action and values Text ID ADRS Letter Header ADRS_HEADER Footer Text ADRS_FOOTER Signature text ADRS_SIGNATURE Sender ADRS_SENDER © SAP AG Note Page 67 of 174 . 3. G/L transactions to be paid 4. Save your entries.) Procedure 1.5. Amount Incoming Payment 0. Make the following entries: Field name Description Form Payment Advice User action and values Note SAPscript YB_F110_D_AVIS EDI Accompanying Sheet 6. Choose Sender Details.1.4. 5. Amount Outgoing Payment 1.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Customers: Sp. Details screen.2 Setting up Paying Company Codes for Payment Transactions Use Minimum amount for which an incoming (CNY 1.-) or outgoing payment (CNY 5. select button Paying Company codes IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program Set Up Paying Company Codes for Payment Transactions 2. On the Change View ‘Paying Company Codes’: Overview screen. On the Change View ‘Paying Company Codes’. Choose Forms.3. (SAP standard is used with minor changes. 3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code S_ALR_87100688 or FBZP. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Company Code 1000 Min.-) is created. choose New Entries. Details screen.4. © SAP AG Page 68 of 174 .SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 8. 3.Box Pst.5. select country CN and choose New Entries. you specify which payment methods are to be used in each country.3.3.1. On the Change View ‘Payment Method/Country’. you specify which payment methods are to be used in your company code. Save your entries.code <select> Document type for payment ZS Clearing document type ZV Format DTAUS0 4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program Set Up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions 2.P. Choose Save. Procedure 1.5.O.O Box or P. On the Change View ‘Payment Method/Country’: Overview screen. 3.4.1. 3.3 Setting up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions Use In this activity.4 Setting up Payment Methods per Company Code y for Payment Transactions Use In this activity. make the following entries: Field name Description Country Pymt Method User action and values Note CN Payment Method C Description Check Outgoing Payment <select> Check <select> Allowed for personnel payment <select> Street. 00 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program Set Up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions 2.000.000. Pmt Method Restricted to Rows Pymt adv.00 20.000. © SAP AG Page 69 of 174 . provide make your entries as listed in the table below (be aware the table is continued on the next page as it is too wide for one page): Amount Limits and Foreign payments/foreign currency payments/Bank selection Control Pmt Method Minimum amount Maximum amount Foreign business partner allowed Foreign currency allowed Cust.000. 3.00 X X Form for the payment medium Next form X No optimization X Form Data Pmt Method Drawer on the Form C Drawer name 1 Drawer name 2 12345 town of drawer I Drawer name 1 Drawer name 2 12345 town of drawer U Drawer name 1 Drawer name 2 12345 town of drawer Pyt adv.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Procedure 1.00 X X X U 5.00 2.00 X X X I 5. On the Change View ‘Maintenance of Company Code data for a Payment Method’:O screen.000.ctrl.000./ vendor bank abroad allowed? C 1. After … lines Always pyt adv C X I X U X 2 NoPYtAdv X 4. select company code 1000 and the payment method (see table below). On the Change View “Maintenance of Company Code Data for a Payment Method”: D screen. Save your entries. In the SAP system. Bank Key Bank country key Name of bank House number and street City 123456789-1 CN 北京中国银行 北京 1234567890 CN ICBC Beijing Branch 北京 50070030 CN 上海银行 仙乐斯大厦 上海 88917866 CN 上海中国银行 南京西路 338 号 上海 88917867 CN 上海中国银行 报春路 218 弄 上海 3.4. Choose Enter. every account at a house bank by an account ID.5.5 Creating Bank Master Data Use If you want to run the automatic payment run program or if you want to post a bank statement automatically you need to set up bank master data in your system. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Note Bank Country Bank country CN Example Bank Key Bank key 123456789 123456789 3. Choose Enter. 4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FI01 IMG menu Accounting Financial Accounting Banks Master Data Bank Master Record Create 2. On the Create Bank: Detail Screen.House Banks Use Each house bank of a company code is represented by a bank ID in the SAP system. On the Create Bank: Initial Screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FI12 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Bank Accounting Bank Accounts © SAP AG Page 70 of 174 . 6. Save your data. Procedure Defining House Banks . you use the bank ID and the account ID to specify bank details Procedure 1.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Note Bank Name Bank name 中国银行 中国银行 FOR Example City City 上海 上海 5. double-click Bank Accounts and maintain the following data for the respective house bank. if required) and to which G/L account the payment is posted.7 Setting up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions: Ranking Order Use The program selects banks or bank accounts from which payment is to be made. In the left hand frame. bank account. For more information about the instruction key. the amount (incoming and outgoing payments). Enter the company code 1000. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code © SAP AG S_ALR_87100691 or FBZP Page 71 of 174 . make the following entries: House Bank Bank Ctry Bank Key Bank Name (taken from the bank master data) BOC CN 123456789-1 北京中国银行 ICBC CN 1234567890 工商银行北京分行 4. The following Customizing settings have been made for the data medium exchange (these settings are used by the payment program): Instruction key 01 is the default instruction key for all banks. 2. Save your entries. which is available.3. Bank accounts: specify which bank account is to be used for payments for each house bank and payment method (and currency. 4. On the Change View ‘House Banks’: Overview screen. needs to be specified. Obtain the federal state number from the responsible state central bank area or the house bank. Therefore the following specifications are made: 1. Save your entries. Available amounts: for each account at a house bank. 3. House Bank Account ID Description Bank Account Number Currency G/L Account BOC 1 Boc Account 1133698 CNY 10020100 BOC 2 Boc USD Account 5689500 USD 10020150 ICBC 1 ICBC Account 1 2580061 CNY 10020200 6. Double-click an entry.5. 3. refer to the documentation of Business Process Documentation (Automatic payment program) 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Define House Banks 2. 5. dependent on the payment method.4. Value date: specify how many days elapse between the posting date of the payment run and the value date at the bank. Ranking order of banks: specify which house banks are permitted and rank them in a list. payment amount and currency.1. SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions IMG menu 2. On the Display View ‘Bank Selection’: Overview screen, choose Paying Company Code 1000. 3. Choose Ranking Order. 4. Choose New Entries. 5. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, make the following entries: PM Crcy Rank Order House Bk C 1 BOC C 2 ICBC I 1 BOC I 2 ICBC U 1 BOC U 2 ICBC 6. Save your entries. Setting up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions: Available Amounts Use In this section you determine the available amounts of each bank. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code S_ALR_87100691 or FBZP IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions 2. On the Display View ‘Bank Selection’: Overview screen, choose Paying Company Code 1000. 3. Choose Available Amounts. 4. Choose New Entries. 5. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, make the following entries: House Bank Account ID Days Currency Available for outgoing payment Scheduled incoming payment BOC 1 999 CNY 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 BOC 2 999 USD 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 ICBC 1 999 CNY 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 © SAP AG Page 72 of 174 SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 6. Save your entries. Setting up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions: Bank Accounts Use In this section you determine the available bank accounts. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions 2. On the Display View ‘Bank Selection’: Overview screen, choose Paying Company Code 1000. 3. Choose Bank Accounts. 4. Choose New Entries. 5. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, make the following entries: House Bank Payment Method BOC Currency Account ID Bank subaccount C 1 10020104 BOC I 1 10020104 BOC U 1 10020102 BOC U 2 10020152 ICBC C 1 10020204 ICBC I 1 10020204 ICBC U 1 10020202 USD 6. Save your entries. Setting up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions: Value Date Use In this section you determine the value date. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code © SAP AG SPRO Page 73 of 174 SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions IMG menu 2. On the Display View ‘Bank Selection’: Overview screen, choose Paying Company Code 1000. 3. Choose Value Date. 4. Choose New Entries. 5. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, make the following entries: Prnt. Methd. House Bank Account Amount Limit Currency Days C BOC 1 0.00 CNY 2 I BOC 1 0.00 CNY 2 U BOC 1 0.00 CNY 2 C ICBC 1 0.00 CNY 4 I ICBC 1 0.00 CNY 2 U ICBC 1 0.00 CNY 4 6. Save your entries. Payment Media Defining Sender Details for Payment Forms Use In this activity you specify the standard texts that you want to use for the letter header, letter footer, and the sending address in the letter window per company code. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Media Define Sender Details for Payment Forms 2. On the Change View ‘Sender details (Payment program)’: Overview screen, make the following entries: Co.Cd. ID Letter header Footer text Signature Sender 1000 ADRS ADRS_HEADER ADRS_FOOTER ADRS_SIGNATURE ADRS_SEN DER 3. Save your entries. Dunning © SAP AG Basic Settings for Dunning Page 74 of 174 SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 3. grace periods for the due date determination and number of dunning levels) Setting the dunning charges. Procedure 1. Field name Description User action and values Lock A Text blocked for dunning Note 4. make the following entries.5. On the Change View ‘Dunning Block Reasons’: Overview screen.5.1 Defining Dunning Block Reasons Use You define the reasons for a dunning block under a key. Save your entries. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen. The customers receive a dunning notice without interest amounts. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OB18 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Dunning Basic Settings for Dunning Define Dunning Block Reasons 2.1 Defining Dunning Procedures Use You enter the settings that control the dunning program by: Specifying the company codes to include in dunning. The following dunning procedures have been defined for dunning customers: 0001 Four-level dunning notice. From then on. The key can be entered in an item or in the account of a business partner. Setting up the dunning procedure you want to use (dunning interval. Specifying the dunning notice you want to send to your customers.6. every two weeks YB30 Interest calculation after 30 days The dunning procedure YB30 specifies that customers who do not pay within 30 days are automatically in arrears.5. interest is calculated for the open items using the interest calculation program (see also the section on the interest calculation program). Blocked items or accounts are not considered for the dunning run. Specifying the net payment due date at which a particular dunning level is reached. 3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FBMP IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and © SAP AG Page 75 of 174 .6 Dunning Procedure 3. choose New Entries.5. 3. every two weeks Dunning intervals in days 14 No. 3. choose Procedure 0001. On the Maintain Dunning Procedure: Dunning levels screen. © SAP AG Page 76 of 174 . make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Note Name Four-level dunning notice. of dunning levels 4 Total due items from dunning level 3 Min. Choose Dunning Levels. On the Maintain Dunning Procedure: Overview screen. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Note Days in arrears 1 2 3 4 2 16 30 44 Calculate interest 1 2 3 4 <select> <select> Always dun? 1 3 4 2 <select> Print all items Payment deadline 1 1 2 2 3 4 <select> <select> 3 4 10 7 6. On the Maintain Dunning Procedure: List screen.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Accounts Payable Business Transactions Dunning Dunning Procedure Define Dunning Procedures 2. Choose Charges. days in arreas (acct) 6 Line items grace periods 2 Interest calculator 01 Public hol cal ID holiday calendar 08 08 = Germany (BadenWürrtemberg) Standard transaction dunning <select> Ref. 5. Dunning procedures for texts 0001 4. 00 10. choose company 1000. make the following entries: Dunn. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Dunn. On the Maintain Dunning Procedure: List screen. 18.00 1. 14.00 3 10. In the Dunning Charges dialog box. In the Minimum amounts dialog box. Choose Dunning texts. choose EUR. make the following entries: Normal dunning procedure Form 1 YBCN_FIMA 2 YBCN_FIMA 3 YBCN_FIMA 4 YBCN_FIMA Legal dunning procedures YBCN_FIMA 15.00 12. 11. 16. Level Dunn. amount for interest 1 1. make the following entries: Dun Minimum amount Min.00 9.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 7. On the Maintain Dunning Procedure: Dunning texts screen. choose New procedure. 8. 13.00 5. Procedure Dunning procedure YB30 Name Interest Calculation after 30 Days Dunning intervals in days 14 No. Choose Minimum amounts.00 2 2. In the Company Code/Account type dialog box. On the Maintain Dunning Procedure: Charges screen.00 3 5. On the Maintain Dunning Procedure: Minimum amounts screen. choose EUR. 10.00 2 5. of dunning levels 1 Note Total due items from dunning level © SAP AG Page 77 of 174 . On the Maintain Dunning Procedure: Overview screen.00 4 10. 17.00 10.00 4 10. Save your entries. Charge 1 5. Choose Back and maintain the next dunning procedure. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Days in arrears 1 Calculate interest 1 Always dun? 1 Print all items 1 Note <select> <select> Payment deadline 1 7 21. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code © SAP AG FBMP Page 78 of 174 .1 Defining Dunning Procedures (Dunning Control) Use In this activity you enter the settings that control the dunning program.6. days in arreas (acct) Line items grace periods Interest calculator Public hol cal ID 01 holiday calendar 08 Standard transaction dunning <select> Ref.5.3. Procedure 1. 22. choose company 1000. Save your entries. 23. On the Maintain Dunning Procedure: Dunning texts screen. Dunning procedures for texts YB30 08 = Germany (BadenWürrtemberg) 19. 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Min. On the Company Code/Account type dialog box.1. Choose Dunning Levels. On the Maintain Dunning Procedure: Dunning levels screen. Choose Dunning texts. make the following entries: Normal dunning procedure Form 1 YBCN_FIMA Legal dunning procedures YBCN_FIMA 24. 20. CoCode Reference company code 1000 Sort. 4.2 Defining Interest Rates Use In this activity. Field name Description User action and values CoCd Company Code 1000 By dun. 3.80 select latest date 3.40 Cred. you specify for each interest indicator 1.3. Choose Environment Company Code Data. The currency in which the interest is to be calculated 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Dunning Dunning Procedure Define Dunning Procedures 2.5.6. 3. Field name Description Int ID User action and values Note 01 Crcy Currency CNY Valid from 1991. MHND P1 Dun CoDC 1000 Note 5. Ar. Save your entries.3. Save your entries.01. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen. by dunning area <deselect> Ref. % 7. Which interest rate is to be used for debit or credit balances 2.2 © SAP AG Printout Page 79 of 174 . make the following entries. make the following entries.5. MHNK K1 Sort.6. On the Change View ‘Interest Rates’: Overview screen. The date as of which the entry for the interest indicator is valid Procedure 1. On the Change View ‘Company Code Dunning Control’: Overview screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OB42 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Dunning Dunning Procedure Define Interest Rates 2.1.01 Debit % 6. 3. choose New Entries. In this transaction you have to specify which forms are used for dunning in this system. you define your reference interest rates by entering a key and a mnemonic name.1 Defining Reference Interest Rates Use In this step. 4. 3. This table is cross-client.3.1 Allowing Dunning with Smart Forms Use You have the possibility to use either SAP script forms or Smart Forms in the dunning procedure.5. On the Change View ‘Publish & Subscribe BTE: SAP Enhancement’: Overview screen.3.5. From the menu. choose Settings P/S Modules … of an SAP Application.1. Any changes you make in this table will take effect in all clients of your system. Appl.2. Procedure 1.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 3.7 Interest Calculation 3.3. Field name Description User action and values Note Event Event (Business Transaction Event) 00001720 This entry already exists.7.7.3. (Application Indicator for BTE) FI-FI Funct Function Module FI_PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE_SMARTF This function module needs to be entered if Smartforms should be used. check or make the following entries. Country Ctr (Country ISO Code) Blank Appl. 3.5. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code BF31 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Tools Customer Enhancements Business Transaction Events 2.6. All other fields are purely informative. Save your entries.1 Interest Calculation 3.5. © SAP AG Page 80 of 174 . you define your reference interest rates by entering a key and a mnemonic name. All other fields are purely informative. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OB81 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Interest Calculation Interest Calculation Define Time-Based Terms © SAP AG Page 81 of 174 .7.01 Currency CNY Note Finan. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Ref. On the Change View ‘Define Reference Interest Rate’: Overview screen. Save your entries. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen.Int. 3.2 Defining Time-Based Terms Use In this step.01 Currency CNY Note Finan. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBAC IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Interest Calculation Interest Calculation Define Reference Interest Rates 2. center 4.3.1. Choose New Entries. Procedure 1.Rate Reference Interest rate UIDCNY Long Text Debit interest Description Debit Date from 1999.01.5.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Procedure 1. choose New Entries. 3.Rate Reference Interest rate UICCNY Long Text Credit interest Description Credit Date from 1999.Int. center 6. 5. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Ref.01. Indicato r Currenc y Key Eff.01 1 Debit interest: arrears interest calc. On the Change View ‘Reference Interest Rate Values’: Overview screen. Calc.01.01. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OB83 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable/ Accounts Payable Business Transactions Interest Calculation Interest Calculation Enter Interest Values 2.5. choose New Entries.3 Entering Interest Values Use An interest rate has been defined for the discount rate.01.0000000 4. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen.01 Int. Save your entries.01. 3. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Reference UICCNY Valid from 2001.0000000 5. choose New Entries.01 4 Credit interest: balance interest calc.Rate Interest Rate Note 7. make the following entries: Int.01.Rate Interest Rate Note 10. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Reference UIDCNY Valid from 2001.01 Int.01 2 Credit interest: arrears interest calc. On the Change View ‘Time-Dependent Interest Terms’: Overview screen. Procedure 1. UICCNY 0 4. UICCNY 0 02 CNY 2001. 3.01.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 2.01 3 Debit interest: balance interest calc.7. from Sequential number Term (Debit/Credit Interest) Referenc e Interest Premiu m 02 CNY 2001. UIDCNY 0 02 CNY 2001. 3. UIDCNY 0 02 CNY 2001.1. © SAP AG Page 82 of 174 .3. Save your entries. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBV1 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Interest Calculation Interest Posting A/R: Calculation of Interest on Arrears 2. On the Maintain Account Determination: Accounts screen. Procedure 1. Document type DV has been created for posting the interest.3.3. On the Change View ‘Maintain Account Determination: Posting Specifications’: screen. This enables you to exclude the interest when performing dunning. you define the specifications for posting the interest calculated as interest on arrears. Since this address is often different from the company code address.1 Count 3. make the following entries: Account Symbol Currency G/L acct 0001 + 66030101 0002 + 66030201 1000 + + Defining Reply Addresses for Balance Confirmation Use In this step. this specification is important.3. you define the address to which the customers or vendors are to send their reply for the balance confirmation. for example. Specify the required identification for every program run.5. Closing 3.3. Save your entries.3.2 External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Interest Posting 3.1 A/R: Calculation of Interest on Arrears Use In this step.5. choose chart of accounts YACN. You can define several addresses under one ID for every company code.1.5. Procedure 1. choose Accounts. The account determination is carried out via the posting interface of application 0002 (interest on arrears). In the Chart of Accounts dialog box.8.2. 3.8. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBV1 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transaction Closing Count Balance Confirmation Correspondence Define Reply Addresses for Balance Confirmation © SAP AG Page 83 of 174 . 3.SAP Best Practices 3. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Name Fongtai. 3. choose New Entries. On the Edit address: 1000 0100 screen. 3. Choose Create/bank/interest.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 2. Make the following entries: Field name House bank © SAP AG Description User action and values Note BOC Page 84 of 174 .1 Updating House Bank Account with House Bank ID Use If you want to run the automatic payment run program or if you want to post a bank statement automatically you need to set up the bank identification in your corresponding general ledger master data. 4. Procedure 1.4. Save your entries. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Accounting Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Master Records G/L Accounts Individual Processing In Company Code Transaction code FS00 2.4. make the following entries and choose Address: Field name Description User action and values CoCd Company Code 1000 AdrID Adress-Identification 100 Note 4. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen.1.1 Bank Accounts 3. beijin Street/House number 北京丰台. Postal code/City 100000 BeiJin country CN Time zone UTC+8 Language English Note 5. On the Edit G/L Account Company code data screen. On the Change View ‘Company Code-Dependent Address Data’: Overview screen.4 Bank Accounting 3. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values G/L Account 10020100 Company Code 1000 Note 3. 12.4. This variant can not be changed.2 Business Transactions 3. Reference Document No.4. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values G/L Account 10020200 Company Code 1000 Note 11. Choose Create/bank/interest. 10.1. Make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values House bank ICBC Account ID 1 Note 13. If you do not want to use the standard variant.SAP Best Practices Field name External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Description Account ID User action and values Note 1 5. (sel.2. Save your entries. 6. Check Issuer. you can deactivate it. you can create your own account assignment variants for check deposits to adapt the assignment and/or selection of the account assignment fields to meet your company’s needs. Any new variants you create must be activated. Customer Matchcode (sel. 8-Digit Bank Key. 10-Digit Check Number. The variants contain the following fields: YB01: Amount.). On the Edit G/L Account Company code data screen.2.4.1 Checking Deposit 3. Make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values House bank BOC Account ID 1 Note 9.1 Defining Variants for Check Deposit Use In this step. 3. Check Issuer. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values G/L Account 10020150 Company Code 1000 Note 7. One variant is shipped by default. 10-Digit Check Number.) © SAP AG Page 85 of 174 . Save your entries.) YB02: Amount.). 8-Digit Bank Key. On the Edit G/L Account Company code data screen. Choose Create/bank/interest. Customer Number (sel. Save your entries. Reference Document No. 8. (sel. This variant cannot be changed.2 Defining Variants for Manual Bank Statement Use In this step.1.) YB02 06 70 07 Customer matchcode (sel. Save your entries. 3./Customer) 1 YB02 Check (Matchcode) 1 4. Procedure 1. In the Create variant window. select the required fields in the right-hand box and double-click to move it to the left. choose Create. Any new variants you create must be activated. Procedure 1.) YB01 06 69 10 Customer number YB02 01 03 14 Amount YB02 02 18 10 10-digit check number YB02 03 29 14 Check issuer YB02 04 44 08 8-digit bank key YB02 05 53 16 Reference document no.) (sel. On the Maintain Screen Variant: Fields screen. (sel. Variant Column Offset Length Current Fields YB01 01 03 14 Amount YB01 02 18 10 10-digit check number YB01 03 29 13 Check issuer YB01 04 43 08 8-digit bank key YB01 05 52 16 Reference document no.) 5. (sel. 3. If you do not want to use the standard variant. you create your own account assignment variants for the manual bank statement in order to adapt the assignment and/or selection of the account assignment fields to meet your company’s needs. you can deactivate it. make the following entries: Variant Name No.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Variants are client independent. of Lines YB01 Check (Check no/Ref. One variant is shipped by default. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code © SAP AG OT43 Page 86 of 174 . On the Maintain Screen Variant: List screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OT45 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Bank Accounting Business Transactions Check Deposit Define Variants for Check Deposits 2. make the following entries. Make sure that variants which are needed in other clients are not modified.2.4. Variant Column Offset Length Current Fields YB01 01 03 00 Transaction YB01 02 08 00 Value date YB01 03 19 15 Amount YB01 04 35 13 Bank reference YB01 05 49 10 Customer number YB01 06 60 10 Document number YB02 01 03 00 Transaction YB02 02 08 00 Value date YB02 03 19 15 Amount YB02 04 35 16 Reference document no.) 5.3 Defining Variants for G/L Items Use In this activity you define screen templates for the fast entry of G/L account items when posting documents. 3.) (sel.) (sel.4. On the Maintain Screen Variant: List screen. choose Create. make the following entries.) (sel. for example. In the Create variant window.1. of Lines YB01 Acct Statement (Bank Ref. Save your entries.) YB03 05 43 07 Vendor matchcode YB03 06 51 10 Document number (sel. On the Maintain Screen Variant: Fields screen. make the following entries: Variant Name No.) YB02 05 52 10 Customer number YB02 06 63 10 Vendor number YB03 01 03 00 Transaction YB03 02 08 00 Value date YB03 03 19 15 Amount YB03 04 35 07 Customer matchcode (sel. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: © SAP AG Page 87 of 174 .2.doc.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Financial Accounting (New) Bank Accounting Business Transactions Payment Transactions Manual Bank Statement Define Variants for Manual Bank Statement IMG menu 2.nr/vend) 1 YB03 Acct Statement (Matchcode) 1 4.) (sel.) (sel.) (sel. 3. (sel. select the required fields in the right-hand box and double-click to move it to the left. amount and company code.) 1 YB02 Acct Statemt (Ref. You can generate screen templates with the fields account. Procedure 1. select the required fields in the right-hand box and double-click to move it to the left. choose Create. There are four main steps to be carried out: 1. Assign accounts to account symbols Define postings to be triggered by possible transactions in the account statement (such as bank transfer. cash receipt. which you © SAP AG Page 88 of 174 . These are required for the posting rules in step 2. 3.2. On the Maintain Screen Variant: Fields screen.4. Save your entries. of Lines YB01 G/L with tax jurisdiction 1 YB02 G/L with tax jurisdictn & txt 2 4.2. Create account symbol Specify G/L accounts (such as bank.1 Manual Bank Statement 3. Variant Column Offset Length Current Fields YB01 01 03 02 Posting Key YB01 02 06 15 Account YB01 03 33 16 Amount YB01 04 50 02 Tax Code YB01 05 53 15 Tax Jurisdiction YB01 06 69 04 Company Code YB02 01 03 02 Posting Key YB02 02 06 15 Account YB02 03 33 16 Amount YB02 04 50 02 Tax Code YB02 05 53 15 Tax Jurisdiction YB02 06 69 04 Company Code 5. outgoing checks) whose postings have to be made from account statement. You assign account symbols to the G/L account numbers. 3. On the Maintain Screen Variant: List screen.2. In the Create variant window.2 Payment Transactions Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Transaction code O7E6 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Invoices/Credit Memos Make and Check Document Settings Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items 2.2. In the Posting Specifications Debit Credit. make the following entries: Variant Name No. make the following entries. debit memo).1 Making Global Settings for Electronic Bank Statement Use In this activity you make the global settings for the account statement. 2.1. for which the account statements have to be imported. use the account symbols from step 1. you will find all other settings in the Dialog Structure on the left hand side of the screen. Procedure 1. Create keys for posting rules Assign posting rules to possible transactions in account statement file. transf. 3. To avoid you having to define a separate account symbol for each individual house bank account (each with a different G/L account and separate bank clearing accounts). transf. Create Account and assign them to Account Symbols: You create account symbols to define the posting specifications. Account Text Acct Mod. This prevents similar posting rules being defined several times. A list of assignments where one external transaction code is assigned to one posting rule is called transaction type. For the following entries you have one customizing topic. Before the posting rules are used. 3. Currency G/L Acct AUSG-UEBERW-AUS Foreign out. Create a transaction type Assign bank details. 4. the only difference between them being the accounts to which postings are made. the individual account symbols are replaced by the account to which items are to be posted. but not the G/L account numbers. Choose Continue. you define how accounts are determined for a particular account symbol.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide define here. If you have entered the customizing topic. Enter chart of accounts YACN. Access the activity using the following navigation option: IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Bank Accounting Business Transactions Payment Transactions Electronic Bank Statement Make Global Settings for Electronic Bank Statement 2. + + +++++++++2 AUSG-UEBERW-INL Domestic out. All the house bank accounts at a particular bank are assigned to the same transaction type. the G/L Acct field can contain a masked output. + + +++++++++2 BANK Bank account + + ++++++++++ BANKEINZUG Bank collection + + +++++++++4 BANKGEBUEHREN Bank cost + + 66030901 BARAUSZAHLUNG Cash payment + + ++++++++14 BAREINZAHLUNG Cash deposit + + ++++++++15 GELDEINGANG Cash receipt + + +++++++++9 SCHECKAUSGANG Outgoing checks + + +++++++++1 SCHECKEINGANG Incoming checks + + +++++++++8 SCHECKVERRECHNG Check clearing + + ++++++++13 © SAP AG Page 89 of 174 . to a transaction type. In this step. SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide acct SONSTIGE Other bank trans. + + +++++++++5 TREASURYAUSGANG Treasury outg. trans + + ++++++++16 TREASURYAUSGANG Treasury outg. trans + USD ++++++++55 TREASURYEINGANG Treasury inc. trans. + + ++++++++16 TREASURYEINGANG Treasury inc. trans. + USD ++++++++55 ZINSAUFWAND Interest paid + + 66030201 ZINSERTRAG Interest received + + 66030201 4. Create Keys for Posting Rules: In this step, you create the descriptions for the required posting rules. Each posting rule represents the business transaction on the bank statement in the SAP system, such as a check received, a credit memo or debit memo. Posting Rule Text 001+ Cash inflow via interim account 002 + check deposit 003- Cashed check 004- Domestic transfer 005- Foreign transfer 006- Other disbursements 007+ Other receipts 008- Cash payment 009+ Cash receipt 010+ Collection/direct debit 011- Returns collection/direct debit 012- Bank fee 013+ Interest received 014- Interest paid 015+ Payment by credit card 016- Vendor direct debit 017+ Treasury receipts 018- Treasury disbursements 5. Define Posting Rules/Posting Specifications: In this step, you create posting specifications for each posting rule. The posting specifications enable you to define how a particular business transaction (such as a credit memo) has to be posted. © SAP AG Page 90 of 174 SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Posting specifications comprise one or two posting records Debit Credit. The first posting record is called posting area 1 and involves a G/L account posting (BANK ACCOUNT CASH RECEIPT, for example). The second posting record, which is optional is called posting area 2 (CASH RECEIPT CUSTOMER, for example). Depending on whether a posting transaction affects bank accounting only, or affects both bank accounting and subledger accounting, you define posting rules either for the first posting area only, or for both the first and second posting areas. Pstg Rule PosAr PKey Acct (Debit) PKey Acct (Credit) Doc. Type Pst Ty 001+ 1 40 BANK 50 GELDEI NGANG SA 1 001+ 2 40 GELDEING ANG DZ 8 Check credit memo through bank 002+ 1 40 BANK 50 SCHECK EINGAN G SA 1 Cashed check 003- 1 SCHECKAUSGANG 50 BANK SA 4 Domestic transfer 004- 1 AUSGUEBERWINL 50 BANK SA 4 Foreign transfer 005- 1 AUSGUEBERWAUS 50 BANK SA 4 Other disburseme nts 006- 1 40 SONSTIGE 50 BANK SA 1 Other receipts 007+ 1 40 BANK 50 SONSTI GE SA 1 Cash payment 008- 1 BARAUSZAHLUNG 50 BANK SA 4 Cash receipt 009+ 1 40 BANK BAREINZAHLUN G SA 5 Collection/ direct debit 010+ 1 40 BANK BANKEINZUG SA 5 Returns collection/ direct debit 011- 1 40 SONSTIGE 50 BANK SA 1 Bank fee 012- 1 40 BANKGEBU EHREN 50 BANK SA 1 Interest received 013+ 1 40 BANK 50 ZINSERT RAG SA 1 Interest paid 014- 1 40 ZINSAUFW AND 50 BANK SA 1 Vendor 016- 1 40 AUSG- 50 BANK SA 1 Cash inflow via interim account © SAP AG Page 91 of 174 SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide direct debit UEBERWS G INL 2 Treasury receipts 017+ 1 Treasury disburseme nts 018- 1 50 40 BANK TREASURY -AUSGANG 50 AUSGUEBER WSG INL KZ 7 TREASU RYEINGAN G SA 5 BANK SA 4 Returns collections/direct debits are posted to the account for other interim postings, since they need to be post processed. 6. Create Transaction Type: In this step, you create the names and descriptions for the various transaction types required. House banks that use identical lists of business transaction codes (external transactions) can later be assigned to the same transaction type. Trans. Type Name MC MultiCash 7. Assign External Transaction Types to Posting Rules: In this step, you assign (external) business transaction codes to a posting rule (internal), which enables you to use the same posting specifications for different business transaction codes. Ext Trans +/- Post. Rule Int. Algthm. 001 - 003- 012 Outgoing check: check number same as payment doc. no. 002 - 003- 012 Outgoing check: check number same as payment doc. no. 004 - 016- 021 Reference document number search 005 - 016- 021 Reference document number search 009 - 011- 000 No interpretation 020 - 004- 019 Reference no. (DME management) 051 + 001+ 021 Reference document © SAP AG Page 92 of 174 (DME management) 417 - 018- 019 Reference no. (DME management) 402 + 017+ 019 Reference no. (DME © SAP AG Page 93 of 174 . (DME management) 415 - 018- 019 Reference no.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide number search 070 + 002+ 000 No interpretation 071 + 010+ 019 Reference no. (DME management) 413 - 018- 019 Reference no. (DME management) 412 + 017+ 019 Reference no. (DME management) 416 + 017+ 019 Reference no. (DME management) 202 + 001+ 021 Reference document number search 206 - 005- 019 Reference no. (DME management) 082 + 009+ 001 Standard algorithm 083 - 008- 001 Standard algorithm 201 - 005- 019 Reference no. (DME management) 401 - 018- 019 Reference no. (DME management) 411 - 018- 019 Reference no. (DME management) 414 + 017+ 019 Reference no. (DME management) 402 - 018- 019 Reference no. (DME management) 401 + 017+ 019 Reference no. For algorithm 026. The transaction is posted to the interim account +++++5 (bank subaccount. the bank details must be maintained in the vendor master record.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide management) 418 + 017+ 019 Reference no. even if the external transaction code has not been created in Customizing. Assign Bank Accounts to Transaction Types: In this step. 8.4. refer to SAP Note 0107592. the number interval of the document numbers must be entered in the import report. Procedure © SAP AG Page 94 of 174 . For further information about searching for the reference document number. you define an indicator and assign a posting rule for each business transaction. The bank statement finds the vendor using the bank details and the item using the value (if unique). the number interval of the reference document numbers must be entered (SD number assignment = XBLNR in the FI document).2. For algorithm 012. you assign each of your bank accounts to a transaction type. To ensure that the transaction is contained in the system the next time the statement is imported. depending on bank). Take a look at this interim account after the bank statement has been imported and post the items to the correct accounts where necessary. The UNALLOCATED transaction results in the bank statement being imported. (DME management) 808 - 012- 000 No interpretation 814 + 013+ 000 No interpretation 814 - 014- 000 No interpretation 833 + 017+ 001 Standard algorithm 833 - 018- 001 Standard algorithm UNALLOCATED + 007+ 000 UNALLOCATED - 006- 000 To enable the bank statement to find the item to be cleared in the vendor direct debit transaction.1.2. Bank Key Bank Account Transaction Type 12345678 0123456789 MC 12345678 1234567890 MC 123456789-1 1133698 MC 123456789-1 5689500 MC 23456789 0987654321 MC 23456789 9876543210 MC 3.2 Creating and Assign Business Transactions Use In this step. define the new external transaction code in Customizing and assign an appropriate posting rule. You can also define your own variant here so that it appears immediately on the screen when you call up the transaction.2. Transaction FF.2. Text 1 001+ + 001+ + 021 Cash inflow via interim account 1 002+ + 002+ + 000 Check credit memo through bank 1 003- - 003- + 012 Cashed check 1 004- - 004- + 019 Domestic transfer 1 005- - 005- + 019 Foreign transfer 1 006- - 006- + 000 Other disbursements 1 007+ + 007+ + 000 Other receipts 1 008- - 008- + 001 Cash payment 1 009+ + 009+ + 001 Cash receipt 1 010+ + 010+ + 019 Collection/direct debit 1 011- - 011- + 000 Returns collection/direct debit 1 012- - 012- + 000 Bank fee 1 013+ + 013+ + 000 Interest received 1 014- - 014- + 000 Interest paid 1 016- - 016- + 021 Vendor direct debit 1 017+ + 017+ + 019 Treasury receipts 1 018- - 018- + 019 Treasury disbursements 3. Rule Acct Mod Int. Access the activity using the following navigation option: Financial Accounting (NEW) Bank Accounting Business Transactions Payment Transactions Manual Bank Statement Create and Assign Business Transactions IMG menu 2. Make the following entries: Trans.4. Access the activity using the following navigation option: © SAP AG Page 95 of 174 . Algthm. Transaction FF.1 Defining Program and Variant Selection Use In this step.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 1. 3. Transaction FEBC has no restriction.5 and FF_5 uses program RFEBKA00. Save your entries.2.6 and FF_6 uses program RFEBKAP0. Type Transaction +- Post.4. Procedure 1.2.2 Electronic Bank Statement 3. you can specify which programs the system offers for electronic bank statement processing.2. 4. Importing and Assigning Reporting Variants 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Transaction code OT61 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Bank Accounting Business Transactions Payment Transactions Electronic Bank Statement Define Program and Variant Selection 2. provide the necessary data and choose Attributes. On the ABAP Editor: Initial Screen. Make the following entries: Transaction code Program Name FF. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tools ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Editor Transaction code SE38 2. On the Maintain Variant: Report xxxx.4.Initial Screen. Choose Variants and choose Change.1 Reporting Variants Use The reporting variants needed for classic payment medium programs are created. enter the description in field Meaning and save your entries. 6. variant yyyy screen. Print check s Print check s: Printer Print Payment Summar y Print Payment Summar y: Printer RFFOD_ _S BPFIDE_S_10 Variant Payment Method O O Select LP01 Select LP01 RFFOD_ _S BPFIDE_S_20 Variant Payment Method S S Select LP01 Select LP01 Repeat the steps for the following program: RFFOD__U © SAP AG Page 96 of 174 . On the ABAP: Variants . 5. provide the program. On the Variant Attributes screen. choose Values and choose Create.3 Variant Do not display Prog. Procedure 1.3. 3.6 RFEBKAJ0 X FF_6 RFEBKAJ0 X 3.4. Meth . provide the variant. Perform the steps for the following program RFKORD30 Program Variant Description RFKORD30 BPFIDE/RFKORD3 Variant RFKORD30 Repeat the steps for following program: RFFOD__S Program Variant Descripti on Pay m. Sum Printe r RFFOD_ _L BPFIDE_L Variant RFFOD __L L Sele ct LP01 Select LP01 Sele ct LP01 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Progra m Variant Descr. Data Med. Sum Printe r RFFOD_ _U BPFIDE_U Variant RFFOD _U U Sele ct LP01 Select LP01 Sele ct LP01 Repeat the steps for following entries: Program RFFOD__L Progra m Variant Descr. Print Paym. Exch: Printe r Print paym. Sum . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code S_ALR_87100704 IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Accounts Receivable/ Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Media Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium Workbench Create/Assign Selection Variants 2. Advic e Notes : Printe r Print Pay m. Advic e Notes : Printe r Print Pay m. Med. Advic e Notes Print paym. The system verifies your entries and asks you to create the selection variants entered in the step before. Procedure 1. Choose Yes in the Create Selection Variant xxx for format DTAUS0 dialog box. Variant 123456789-1 Beijing Bank Of China BP_DEBA 1234567890 BeiJing ICBC BP_DRBA 3. Pay m. Print Paym. Selection variant maintenance is a requirement for automatically scheduling the payment media of the Payment Medium Workbench in the payment program. Advic e Notes Print paym. Print Pay m. Meth . Data Med.2 Reporting Variants Payment Media (Program SAPFPAYM) Use In this activity you can create and assign selection variants for a format.: Printe r Print paym. © SAP AG Page 97 of 174 .3. Sum . Meth . Alternatively you can click at one selection variant and choose key F5 on the keyboard. Exc h.4. Choose Enter. Data Mediu m Exch. Pay m. Double-click the payment format DTAUS0 and enter the variants: Bank key Bank name Sel. To do so. Double-click the payment format DTAZV. Maintain for each selection variant the following fields.2 Reporting Variants Payment Media (program SAPFPAYM)” to find out further details. Then go back. Choose Save.. Variant 1000 BOC Beijing Bank Of China BP_DB_AUSL 1000 ICBC BeiJing ICBC BP_DRE_AUSL 8. Go back to the Payment Medium: Selection Variant screen and do the entries again for the format DTAZV. Exch. choose the Print Parameters button at each line Field Group Print Control Value Output Device Data Medium Exchange Set indicator LP01 FTR List Set indicator LP01 Payment Summary Set indicator LP01 Error Log Set indicator LP01 12. Alternatively you can click at one selection variant and choose key F5 on the keyboard. choose the Print Parameters button at each line. Paym. To do so. 6.3 Assigning Selection Variants Use The selection variants are already assigned in the above step.4. Maintain for each selection variant the following fields. Paym Summary Error Log Output Device for Data Med. Variant DTAUS0 123456789-1 BOC BP_DEBA DTAUS0 1234567890 ICBC BP_DRBA © SAP AG Page 98 of 174 . Choose Enter. Maintain for each selection variant the following field: Field Group Format Value Payment Medium Format DTAZV 10.3. Be sure that the field Transfer IBAN is marked. Summary and Error Log DTAUS0 Select Select Select LP01 5.3. The system verifies your entries and asks you to create the selection variants entered in the step before. Choose Yes in the Create Selection Variant xxx for format DTAZV dialog box. Following variants are assigned for use in the payment media workbench: Payment Format Bank Key Bank name Sel. 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 4. pCoCd House Bank Bank name Sel. 11. 9.4. Choose the Format Parameter button under the field Payment Medium Format. Choose Save. See chapter “3. Payment Medium Format Data Medium Exch. 7. Procedure 1. the interest processing. the output controls.5. freq. These specifications include the period determination. Procedure 1.2 Defining Reference Interest Rates Use In this step. Save your entries. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Int. and the payment terms.5 Period End Activities 3. All other fields are purely informative. 3.1. you define your reference interest rates by entering a key and a mnemonic name.5. you make general interest calculation specifications for each interest indicator. 3. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. Interest calculation frequency 01 Settlement day 31 Calendar type G No interest payment <select> Balance plus int <select> Note 4. On the Change View ‘General Conditions for Interest Scale’: Overview screen. the interest determination. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBAA IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) General Ledger Accounting (New) Business Transactions Bank Account Interest Calculation Interest Calculation Global Settings Prepare Account Balance Interest Calculation 2. Variant DTAZV 123456789-1 BOC BP_DB_AUSL DTAZV 1234567890 ICBC BP_DRE_AUSL 3. calc.5.1 Preparing Account Balance Interest Calculation Use In this activity.1 Bank-Account Interest Calculation 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Payment Format Bank Key Bank name Sel. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code © SAP AG OBAC Page 99 of 174 .1. choose New Entries. indicator Interest calculation indicator 02 Interest calc. choose New Entries.01. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. make the following entries: © SAP AG Page 100 of 174 .3 Defining Time-Dependent Terms Use A premium of 5% on the discount rate has been defined for calculating interest on arrears (interest calculation indicator 01). 5.SAP Best Practices IMG menu External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Interest Calculation Interest Calculation Define Reference Interest Rates 2. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. Procedure 1. 3.5. 3. Save your entries.01. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Reference Interest rate UICCNY Long text Credit interest Description Credit Date from zzzz. On the Change View ‘Time-Dependent Interest Terms’: Overview screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Interest Calculation Interest Calculation Define Time-Based Terms 2. Choose Back. 3.1. choose New Entries. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen.01 Currency CNY Note zzzz = effective from date year 4.01 Currency CNY Note zzzz = effective from date year 6. make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Reference Interest rate UIDCNY Long text Debit interest Description Debit Date from zzzz. On the Change View ‘Define Reference Interest Rate’: Overview screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code © SAP AG OBV2 Page 101 of 174 .01. 3. Indicator Currenc y Key Eff.00 % 4.01 10.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Int.1 Preparing G/L Account Balance Interest Calculation Control Data Use In this activity you define the specifications for posting interest calculated on G/L account balances.1. Procedure 1. UIDCNY 01 CNY 2001.2. choose New Entries. On the Change View ‘Reference Interest Rate Values’: Overview screen.01 7. 3.01. Procedure 1.01. Rate UICCNY 2001. from Sequential number Term (Debit/Credit Interest) Referenc e Interest 01 CNY 2001.5. Calc.5. UICCNY Premiu m 4.5. 3.01 4 Credit interest: balance interest calc.00 % UIDCNY 2001.68% has been defined for the discount rate. UICCNY 01 CNY 2001.01 3 Debit interest: balance interest calc. Save your entries. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. from Int.01. Access the activity using the following navigation option: IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable/ Accounts Payable Business Transactions Interest Calculation Interest Calculation Enter Interest Values 2. UIDCNY 01 CNY 2001. Save your entries.4 Entering Interest Values Use An interest rate of 2.2 Preparing G/L Account Balance Interest Calculation 3.01 1 Debit interest: arrears interest calc.01 2 Credit interest: arrears interest calc. make the following entries: Reference Eff.01.01. 3.2 Preparing G/L Account Balance Interest Calculation Posting Rules Use In this activity you define the specifications for posting interest calculated on G/L account balances. make the following entries: Business Transaction Debit Symbols 1000 40 1000 1000 50 0001 1010 40 0011 1010 50 2000 1020 40 1000 1020 50 0013 1030 40 1000 1030 50 0015 2000 40 0002 2000 50 2000 2010 40 2000 2010 50 0012 2020 40 0014 2020 50 2000 © SAP AG Page 102 of 174 . On the Maintain Account Determination: Posting Specifications screen. make the following entries: Field name Description Document type User action and values Note SA 4. On the Maintain Account Determination: Posting Specifications screen. Save your entries. choose Goto Document Type. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBV2 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Business Transactions Bank Account Interest Calculation Interest Posting Prepare G/L Account Balance Interest Calculation 2.2.5. On the Maintain Account Determination: Document Type screen.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Business Transactions Bank Account Interest Calculation Interest Posting Prepare G/L Account Balance Interest Calculation IMG menu 2. Procedure 1. 3. 3.2. – Account Determination Use In this activity you define the specifications for posting interest calculated on G/L account numbers. In the Chart of Accounts dialog box.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 2030 40 0016 2030 50 2000 3. Procedure 1. On the Maintain Account Determination: Accounts screen.5.2. 3.1 Preparing G/L Accnt.2.5. Save your entries. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code © SAP AG OBV2 Page 103 of 174 . Procedure 1.3 Preparing G/L Account Balance Interest Calculation Account Symbols Use In this activity you define the symbols on G/L account numbers. Balance Interest Calc. choose Accounts. 3. make the following entries: Acct Symbol Currency G/L account 0001 + 66030101 0002 + 66030201 0011 + 66030101 0012 + 66030201 0013 + 66030101 0014 + 66030201 0015 + 66030101 0016 + 66030201 1000 + ++++++++++ 2000 + ++++++++++ 5. select Chart of Accounts YACN: 4. On the Maintain Account Determination: Posting Specifications screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBV2 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Business Transactions Bank Account Interest Calculation Interest Posting Prepare G/L Account Balance Interest Calculation 2. Save your entries. 3. On the Maintain Account Determination: Posting Specifications screen.int.int.int. make the following entries: Acct Symbol Description 0001 Interest received 0002 Interest paid 0011 Pt vl.2.5.paid 0015 Calc.min. Procedure 1.min. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBV2 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Business Transactions Bank Account Interest Calculation Interest Posting Prepare G/L Account Balance Interest Calculation 2. On the Maintain Account Determination: Symbols screen. make the following entries: Acct Symbol 0001 0002 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 1000 2000 4.dt.4 Preparing G/L Account Balance Interest Calculation Account Symbol Descriptions Use In this activity you define the symbol descriptions on G/L account numbers. choose Symbols. 3.int.earned 0014 Past val.int. On the Maintain Account Determination: Posting Specifications screen. On the Maintain Account Determination: Symbols screen.earned 0012 Pst vl. Save your entries.dt.per. choose Symbols.SAP Best Practices IMG menu External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Business Transactions Bank Account Interest Calculation Interest Posting Prepare G/L Account Balance Interest Calculation 2.earned © SAP AG Page 104 of 174 . 3.paid 0013 Pst vl. Description: FC bal. 3. Rate Type from Acct. print LIs. Exch. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OB59 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Valuate Define Valuation Methods 2.3.1 Foreign Currency Valuation Methods Use In Germany the standard configuration for foreign currency valuation methods is the strict lowest value principle (KTO). Rate Type = M Credit Bal. 3.3 Valuating 3. Exch. per acct.per acct. NWP (lowest value principle) has been created. print LI's. Rate Type for Credi t Bal Determ. choose New Entries. Bal.5. SA M M X Page 105 of 174 . Procedure 1. Rate Type = M Determine Exchange Rate Type from Account Balance. Rate Type for Debit Bal Exch.paid 1000 G/L account (earned) 2000 G/L account (paid) 4. make the following entries: Valuation Method Descripti on Strict Lowe st Value Princi ple KTO FC bal. lowest cost principle NWP postings are performed as follows: Document Type = SA Debit Bal. On the Change View ‘Foreign Currency Valuation Methods’: Overview screen. Save your entries.period int. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. strict lowest princip X © SAP AG Lowest Value Principl e Alway s Valuat e Docu ment Type Exch.5. Exch.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Acct Symbol Description 0016 Calc. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen. On the Change View ‘Valuation Area’: Overview screen. On the Change View ‘Assignment of Valuation Area to Accounting Principles’: Overview screen. lowest cost principle YVR Always valuate X X SA M M X SA M M X 4. print LI's. You can use the valuation area to apply in these reports the different valuation requirements of the accounting principles. you can report different valuation approaches and post to different accounts. choose New Entries. © SAP AG Page 106 of 174 .2 Defining Valuation Areas Use In this IMG activity. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Valuate Define Valuation Areas 2. You can use the valuation area for the reclassification or sorted list of payable and receivables and for foreign currency valuation. make the following entries: Valuation Valuation Method Currency Type Long text YB YVR 10 (Company Code Currency) Valuation area G/L 4.3 Assigning Valuation Areas and Accounting Principles Use In this IMG activity. 3. With the valuation areas. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Valuate Assign Valuation Areas and Accounting Principles 2. Save your entries. 3. you define your valuation areas for your closing operations.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide NWP FC bal.5.3. Save your entries.5. 3. Procedure 1.3. Procedure 1.per acct. You can save the valuation result separately for each document item and use it for other closing operations (such as sorted lists). choose New Entries. you assign the desired accounting principles to your valuation areas. Comment: The bank sub accounts are not valuated. accounts are cleared upon presentation of the bank statement. 3. Princ. choose New Entries.5.4 Foreign Currency Valuation: Account Determination for OI Exchange Rate Differences Use You can activate the translation posting for each company code. select the following entry: Description Transaction Exchange Rate Dif. the Currency and Crcy Type fields are not maintained (default value = no entry). 5. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen. On the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Posting – Procedures screen. make the following entries: Valuation area Acc.gain 1 Bal.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 3.loss 1 Val. Before the balance sheet is prepared. Procedure 1. Sheet adj. make the following entries: Cha rt of acc oun ts G/L account C ur re n cy C ur re nc y ty pe Loss Gain Val. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBA1 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Valuate Foreign Currency Valuation Prepare Automatic Postings for Foreign Currency Valuation 2.Rate Differences’: Overview screen. On the Change View ‘Acct Determination for OI Exch.: Open Items/GL Acct KDF 3.3. If a dialog box Enter Chart of Accounts appears. YB GAAP 4. 1 YAC N 11220101 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 11220199 YAC N 11220501 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 11220199 YAC N 11220201 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 11220299 YAC N 11220301 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 11220399 © SAP AG Page 107 of 174 . In the following table. Save your entries. make the following entry: Chart of account YACN 4. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen. If a dialog box Enter Chart of account appears.5.3. enter the same key for all these G/L accounts. 1 YAC N 10020151 66030203 66030103 YAC N 10020152 66030203 66030103 YAC N 10020153 66030203 66030103 YAC N 10020158 66030203 66030103 YAC N 22020101 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 22020199 YAC N 22020201 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 22020299 YAC N 22020611 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 22020299 YAC N 22020301 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 22020399 YAC N 22020401 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 22020499 6. 3. using Exch.loss 1 Val. Procedure 1. make the following entries: © SAP AG Page 108 of 174 . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBA1 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Valuate Foreign Currency Valuation Prepare Automatic Postings for Foreign Currency Valuation 2. You can freely define this key. select the following entry: Description Transaction Exch.5 Foreign Currency Valuation: Account balances Use The valuation of foreign currency balances requires a special key that is assigned the gain and loss accounts for posting any exchange rate differences that occur during valuation. Save your entries. You then enter it in the master records of the accounts that you want to valuate. To post the differences that are determined from a group of G/L accounts to the same gain or loss accounts.gain 1 Bal. Rate Diff. Rate Key KDB 3. Sheet adj. On the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Posting – Procedures screen.SAP Best Practices Cha rt of acc oun ts G/L account External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide C ur re n cy C ur re nc y ty pe Loss Gain Val. vendor.stat. make the following entries: CoA Transaction YACN KDB YACN KDB Exchange rate difference key USD Expense account E/R gains account 66030203 66030103 66030203 66030103 5. 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Chart of accounts YACN 4. select the following entry Interval Description SAP SAP(fin.guidelines) 3.5. Save your entries. 3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code © SAP AG OBBU Page 109 of 174 . you can specify whether transfer postings are to be made for customer. On the Change View ‘Sort Methods’: Overview screen.6 Defining Sort Method / Adjustment Accounts for Regrouping Receivables Use In this activity you define your sort method. Procedure 1. Save your entries.3. You define the periods for the remaining terms of receivable and payable. On the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Posting – Procedures screen.7 Defining Sort Method and Adjustment Accounts Receivables Use You define the periods for the remaining terms of receivables.3. or G/L accounts. For each period. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBBU IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Reclassify Transfer and Sort Receivable and Payables Define Sort Method and Adjustment Accounts for Regrouping Receivables/Payables 2. Procedure 1.5. You can also define the accounts in this activity (or you can define the accounts in the next section). otherwise this activity is finished. Choose Save. make the following entries: Chart of Accounts Transaction Reconciliat.8 Defining Sort Method and Adjustment Accounts Payable Use © SAP AG Page 110 of 174 . choose Account in the second line. On the Change View ‘Receivable’: Overview screen. 6. double-click Receivables and check the following entries: Sort Meth od From Time Unit Descrip tion SAP 000 3 Receiva bles <= 1 year SAP 001 3 Receiva bles > 1 year Cust. X X Account V00 X X Account V01 3. Choose Save. If you want to define the accounts in this activity. 7. Adjustment Targ.5. choose Account in the first line. On the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Postings-Accounts screen. Choose Back (F3). make the following entries: Chart of Accounts Transaction Reconciliat.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Reclassify Transfer and Sort Receivables and Payables Define Sort Method and Adjustment Accounts for Regrouping Receivables/Payables IMG menu 2. 4. 8. 3. Post X Vend.acct YACN V00 22020101 22020199 11230900 YACN V00 22020201 22020299 11230900 YACN V00 22020401 22020299 11230900 YACN V00 22020611 22020299 11230900 5. Post G/L posting Ac. In the dialog structure.acct YACN V01 11220101 11220199 11220190 YACN V01 11220201 11220299 11220290 YACN V01 11220301 11220399 11220390 YACN V01 11220501 11220299 11220290 YACN V01 11320301 11320399 11320301 YACN V01 22020101 22020199 11230900 YACN V01 22020201 22020299 11230900 YACN V01 22020611 22020299 22020490 9. Adjustment Targ. On the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Postings-Accounts screen.3. Determ . Acct. 4. Post G/L posting Ac. Choose Account in the first line. Choose Back (F3).SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide You define the periods for the remaining terms of payable. Choose Save. Adjustment Targ. On the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Postings-Accounts screen. Determ . make the following entries: Chart of Accounts Transaction Reconciliat.acct YACN V02 11220101 11220199 22050900 YACN V02 11220501 11220299 22050900 YACN V02 11220201 11220299 22050900 5. On the Change View ‘Payable’: Overview screen. Adjustment Targ. On the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Postings-Accounts screen. Choose Account in the second line. 6. X Account V02 X X Account V03 X X Account V04 3. 8. Acct. check the following entries: Sort Meth od Descen ding Time Unit Descrip tion Cust.acct YACN V03 11220101 11220199 22050900 YACN V03 11220201 11220299 22050900 YACN V03 11220501 11220299 22050900 YACN V03 22020101 22020199 22020190 YACN V03 22020201 22020299 22020290 YACN V03 22020301 22020399 22020390 YACN V03 22020401 22020301 22020490 YACN V03 22020611 22020299 22020290 © SAP AG Page 111 of 174 . make the following entries: Chart of Accounts Transaction Reconciliat. Post SAP 000 3 Liabilitie s <= 1 year X SAP 001 3 Liabilitie s>1 and <= 5 years X SAP 005 3 Liabilitie s>5 X Vend. 7. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBBU IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Reclassify Transfer and Sort Receivables and Payables Define Sort Method and Adjustment Accounts for Regrouping Receivables/Payables 2. Adjustment Targ.3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBBV IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Account (New) Periodic Processing Reclassify Transfer and Sort Receivables and Payables Define Adjustment Accts for Receivables/Payables by Maturity 2. 3.1 Defining Adjustment Accounts for Receivables/Payables by Maturity Use In this activity you define the numbers of the accounts required for the adjustment postings that sort the receivable and payable according to their maturity (remaining term). Save your entries. make the following entries: © SAP AG Page 112 of 174 .5. On the Maintain FI Configuration: automatic Posting – Accounts screen. Choose Continue (Enter). this activity is done. select the first line. 11. 10.8. Choose Account in the third line. On the Maintain FI Configuration: automatic Posting – Procedures screen. make the following entries: Chart of Accounts Transaction Reconciliat.acct YACN V04 11220101 11220199 22050900 YACN V04 11220201 11220299 22050900 YACN V04 11220501 11220299 22050900 YACN V04 22020101 22020199 22020190 YACN V04 22020201 22020299 22020290 YACN V04 22020301 22020399 22020390 YACN V04 22020401 22020301 22020301 YACN V04 22020611 22020299 22020290 13.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 9. On the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Postings-Accounts screen. 12. Procedure 1. make the following entry: Chart of accounts YACN 4. If a dialog box with Enter Chart of Accounts appears. If you have selected the Account in the last step. 3. 5. Choose Back (F3). Choose Save. acct YACN V03 11220101 11220199 22050900 YACN V03 11220201 11220299 22050900 YACN V03 11220501 11220299 22050900 YACN V03 22020101 22020199 22020190 YACN V03 22020201 22020299 22020290 YACN V03 22020301 22020399 22020390 YACN V03 22020401 22020301 22020490 YACN V03 22020611 22020299 22020290 12. On the Maintain FI Configuration: automatic Posting – Accounts screen. Adjustment Targ. Adjustment Targ. 7. Choose Next Operation (F6). 11. On the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Postings-Accounts screen. 9. Key Accts. On the Maintain FI Configuration: automatic Posting – Accounts screen.acct YACN V04 11220101 11220199 22050900 © SAP AG Page 113 of 174 . make the following entries: Chat of accounts Transaction Reconciliation Adjustment Targ. make the following entries: Chart of Accounts Transaction Reconciliat. make the following entries: Chart of Accounts Transaction Reconciliat.acct YACN V02 11220101 11220199 22050900 YACN V02 11220201 11220299 22050900 YACN V02 11220501 11220299 22050900 10. make the following entries: Chart of Accounts Transaction Reconciliat. Adjustment Targ. Target Acct. to be Adjusted Adjustm. 13.acct YACN V01 11220101 11220199 11220190 YACN V01 11220201 11220299 11220290 YACN V01 11220301 11220399 11220390 YACN V01 11220501 11220299 11220290 YACN V01 11320301 11320399 11320301 YACN V01 22020101 22020199 11230900 YACN V01 22020201 22020299 11230900 YACN V01 22020611 22020299 11230900 8. Choose Next Operation (F6). On the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Postings-Accounts screen. Acct. YACN V00 22020101 22020199 11230900 YACN V00 22020201 22020299 11230900 YACN V00 22020611 22020299 11230900 6. Choose Next Operation (F6). Choose Next Operation (F6).SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide CoA Trans. Choose Save. Postings are made to these accounts to sort the open items. On the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Posting Accounts screen. Save your entries. Procedure 1.8. which are made if the reconciliation accounts are changed. make the following entry: Chart of accounts YACN 3. © SAP AG Page 114 of 174 .8.3.2 Defining Adjustment Accounts for Changed Reconciliation Account Balance Sheet Transfer Postings Use In this activity you define the numbers of the accounts for the automatic transfer postings. Postings are made to these accounts to sort the open items. Choose Continue (Enter).SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide YACN V04 11220201 11220299 22050900 YACN V04 11220501 11220299 22050900 YACN V04 22020101 22020199 22020190 YACN V04 22020201 22020299 22020290 YACN V04 22020301 22020399 22020390 YACN V04 22020401 22020301 22020301 YACN V04 22020611 22020299 22020290 3.1 Defining Adjustment Accounts for Changed Reconciliation Account: Posting Keys Use In this activity you define the numbers of the accounts for the automatic transfer postings. 3. which are made if the reconciliation accounts are changed. When a dialog box appears.5.5. 4. choose the Posting Key pushbutton and make the following entries: Transaction Key Standard Posting Key Debit Standard Posting Key Credit A00 40 50 Adjustment Accounts for Changed Reconciliation Accounts 3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBBW IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Reclassify Transfer and Sort Receivables and Payables Define Adjustment Accts for Changed Reconciliation Accounts 2.8. The specification is dependent on account type. On the Maintain FI Configuration: Automatic Posting Accounts screen. The posting is automatically made to these accounts instead of to the normal reconciliation account. chart of accounts and reconciliation account. Save your entries. Acctount YACN A00 11220101 11220199 YACN A00 11220201 11220299 YACN A00 11220301 11220399 YACN A00 11220501 11220299 YACN A00 11320301 11320399 YACN A00 22020101 22020199 YACN A00 22020201 22020299 YACN A00 22020301 22020399 YACN A00 22020401 22020499 YACN A00 22020611 22020299 3.3 Defining Alternative Reconciliation Account for Customers Use In this step. On the Maintain Accounting Configuration: Special G/L List screen.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Procedure 1.5. make the following entries: Chart of accounts Transaction Reconciliation Account Adjustm. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBBW IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Reclassify Transfer and Sort Receivables and Payables Define Adjustment Accts for Changed Reconciliation Accounts 2.8. special G/L indicator. Procedure 1. you define accounts in which the postings to a customer account are managed in the general ledger. 3.3. choose Choose (F2) on the following entry: © SAP AG Page 115 of 174 . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBXY IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Postings with Alternative Reconciliation Account Other Special G/L Transactions Define Alternative Reconciliation Accounts for Customers 2. You must explicitly define financial statement versions to which functional areas are assigned as such. Procedure 1. Save your entries. or without any specific assignment. make the following entries: Chart of accounts Account type Special G/L ind. 2. You can select the criteria that determine which items the accounts are displayed in.4 Period End Reporting 3. This financial statement version can then also be used by the notes to financial statement in the G/L account information system.4. You define the versions you need to create a balance sheet and profit and loss statement. On the Maintain Accounting Configuration: Special G/L-Accounts screen. For example. for a group chart of accounts.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Account type Special G/L ind. Name Description D D Dbt rec Doubtful Receivables 3.5. instead of account intervals. You can define versions for a specific chart of accounts.Version Name YACN Financial Statement Version for China-CAS Maint.area allowed indicator. If a dialog box appears.Stmt.1 Creating Financial Statement Version Use In this activity: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OB58 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Master Data GL Accounts Define Financial Statement Versions 2. You then determine the financial statement items for your version. make the following entry: Chart of accounts YACN 4. You assign groups of accounts to the items at the lowest levels of the hierarchy. Recon account Special G/L account YACN D D 11220101 12310100 YACN D D 11220201 12310100 5. On the Change View ‘Financial Statement Versions’: Details of Selected Set screen. accounts or groups of accounts can be assigned to particular items based on their balance. make the following entries: FIN. Either account intervals or functional area intervals can be assigned to a financial statement item. Language ZH © SAP AG Page 116 of 174 . you can also assign functional area intervals at the lowest level of the structure. Alternatively. 3.5. You do this by setting the Fun. 3 Assigning Document Types to G/L Account Voucher Types (China) Use In this activity: You assign the Account Document Type to Chinese Accounting Voucher Type. Note: The complete new structure and assignment of the accounts is described on the additional excel-file ChartOfAccount_YACN_2010.4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu SPRO Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Report Statutory Reporting:China Financial Reporting Assign PDF Form to Programs 2. Choose Save. 1000 J_3RFFORM4 IDCN_CASHFLOW 59 1000 RFIDCN_ACCTBLN IDCN_ACC_BAL 1000 RFIDCN_ACC_DOC IDCN_ACC_DOC 1000 RFIDCN_BSAIS IDCN_BSAIS 3. On the Change View ‘Assign PDF Form to Program’: Overview screen. Selected 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Chart of Accounts YACN Fun. Procedure 1.5. You assign the PDF forms to each reporting programs. Area perm.xls worksheet “FinVersion”.2 Assigning PDF Form to Programs Use In this activity: 1. Choose Save.5. make the following entries: CoCd Program Name Name of Form Object Line No.4. Procedure 1. 3. 3. ‘Outgoing Payment Voucher’ and ‘Transfer Voucher’ . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code © SAP AG SPRO Page 117 of 174 . which are ‘Incoming Payment Voucher’. make the following entries: Type Voucher Type DZ Incoming Payment Voucher KZ Outgoing Payment Voucher ZP Outgoing Payment Voucher ZS Outgoing Payment Voucher ZV Outgoing Payment Voucher All others Transfer Voucher note: Except Doc. 3. all other document types are assigned into ‘Transfer Voucher’. make the following entries: Form Structure FS Vers For Structure Descr. ZV’. Types of ‘DZ. Choose Save. Procedure 1.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide SPRO Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Report Statutory Reporting:China Financial Reporting G/L Account Vouchers Assign Document Types to G/L Account Voucher Types IMG menu 2. KZ. On the Change View ‘Form Structure’: Overview screen. After all settings. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu SPRO Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Report Statutory Reporting:China Financial Reporting Financial Statements Define Form Structure for Financial Statement 2. On the Change View ‘Assign Document Types to Voucher Types’: Overview screen. 1000 YACN FS Form Structure for China 3.5.4. © SAP AG Page 118 of 174 . SAP delivers a sample form structure that you can change if required. ZP. ZS.4 Defining Form Structure for Financial Statement (China) Use In this activity: You set up the form structure of the financial statements for use with the Financial Statements report in accordance with the form that is legally required in China. 3. Choose Save. 5. in the Program field.5 Defining Cash Flow Statement Versions (China) Use In this activity: You you define cash flow statement versions for use with the Cash Flow Statement program in China. On the ABAP Editor: initial Screen. type: executable program.xls worksheet “CashFlowVersion”. 1. The program creates the cash flow statement using the direct method. YACN Cash Flow Statement . enter ZCHANG_GB01.5 FIFO and Cash Flow Statement Report 3. Procedure 1. Enter title Change the reason code in table gb01. Note: The complete structure and assignment of the accounts is described on the additional excel-file ChartOfAccount_YACN_2010.China .5. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu SPRO Financial Accounting (NEW) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Report Statutory Reporting:China Financial Reporting Cash Flow Statements Define Cash Flow Statement Versions 2. After all settings.xls worksheet “FormStructure”.5. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tools ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Editor Transaction code SE38 2. SAP delivers a sample cash flow statement version that you can change if required.4. Choose Save.1 Changing the Attribution of Table Gb01 Procedure Change field Exclude RSTGR from Table GB01. 3. © SAP AG Page 119 of 174 . Choose Create.CoA YACN 3. make the following entries: Version For Structure Descr. 3. 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Note: The complete new structure and assignment of the accounts is described on the additional excel-file ChartOfAccount_YACN_2010. On the Change View ‘Financial Statement Versions’: Overview screen. Choose Save.5. 4. 3.Pool ZRGGBS000T screen. On the Create object Director Entry: package screen.2 Creating a New Program ZRGGBS000T Use Create a report ZRGGBS000T Procedure 1. In the open window. On the Create object Director Entry: package screen. in the Program field. Choose Save and Active (Ctrl+ f3). Choose Save and Active (Ctrl+ F3). Enter title Exit Routines for Substitutions. find the ZRGGBS000T. Choose Execute (F8).5.5. choose local Object. 7. On the ABAP Editor: initial Screen.Txt file and open it. Field name User action and values Program RGUGBR00 3. 6. 8. Choose Back. making the following entries. 8. Choose Save. 4.5. 6. find the ZCHANG_GB01. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tools ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Editor Transaction code SE38 2. Result You have created a report ZCHANG_GB01 and execute it 3. Choose Execute © SAP AG Page 120 of 174 . 9. On the ABAP Edit: Change Mod. Choose Back. choose load local file. On the ABAP Editor: Initial Screen. In the open window.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 5. Procedure 1. enter ZRGGBS000T. Choose Create. choose load local file. choose local Object.Txt file and open it.5. 5. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tools ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Editor Transaction code SE38 2.3 Generating ABAP Coding for Validations/Substitutions/Rules Use Generate Substitutions. Result You have created a Program ZRGGBS000T and active it 3. type: Module. 7. On the ABAP Edit: Change Report ZCHANG_GB01 screen. Routines X Generate substn Routns iN all Clnts X Trace Prog. Choose Execute 3. On the Generates ABAP Coding For Validations/Substitution screen.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Special Purpose Ledger Basic Settings User Exits Maintain Client-Specific User Exits 2. © SAP AG Page 121 of 174 . table T80U was replaced with table T80D for client-specific user exits.Generate Calls X 5.5. you define the user exit programs for client-specific FI-SL user exits.Routines X Generate substn Exp. On the Change View Client-Specific User Exits in FI-SL:’OVERVIEW screen.0C. In Release 3. make the following entries. The following application areas always apply to specific clients and therefore must be maintained in table T80D Procedure 1.5. make the following entries.4 Maintaining Client-Specific User Exits Use In this step. Field name User action and values Application area * Callup point * Regenerate Main program x Generate Table file X Generate Rules X Generate Validations X Generate substitutions X Generate Sets x Generate rule Usage X Generate Validation Usage X Generate substitutions Usage x Generate substn Exp. payment program). On the Create Substitution (Header Data) screen. 12. On the Create Substitution: XXX – Step 00x – Substitutions screen. Choose STEP 001 Prerequisite. Double-click the field COMP_CA. Save your entries. choose STEP. In the Substitutable fields dialog box. Choose Substitutions. select following entry: Table x Description Type 000000 Only exit 000000 8.5 Maintaining Substitution for Cash Statement Use In this activity. choose Yes. 4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBBH IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Tools Validation/Substitution Substitution in Accounting Documents 2.5. Area EX.5. you define possible changes regarding your accounting documents in the form of substitutions of individual fields for your company codes. 6. CoCd CallPnt Substitution Activetn Level 1000 3 COMP_CA 1 3. make the following entries: X © SAP AG Field is substituted by: Only exit U102 Page 122 of 174 . 9. 7. 5. make the following entries. make the following entry: Transaction code = 'F110' OR Transaction code = 'F111' OR Comment Transaction code = 'FF67' OR Transaction code = 'FB05' OR Transaction code = 'FB01' 11. On the Change View Substitution In accounting Documents: overview screen. You can make changes both in the document header and in the line item.Prog Application Area GBLS ZRGGBS000T Val/sub:Exits for substitution 3. The substitutions are valid for both the manual entry of documents and for the automatic creation of documents (for example. Save your entries. Result You have changed User exist in FI-SL. In the Enter a comment dialog box. 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Appl. Choose COMMENTS. Procedure 1. In the confirmation prompt dialog box. 10. 5.5.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 13. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OMW4 IMG menu Materials Management Valuation and Account AssignmenT Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures Configure LIFO/FIFO Methods General Information Define LIFO/FIFO Relevant Movement Types 2. 3. you have to define which movement types are LIFO/FIFO relevant. Mvmt Type Text LIFO 101 GR goods receipt X 101 GR for asset X © SAP AG Page 123 of 174 . make the following entries: CoCd CallPnt Substitution Activtn level 1000 3 COMP_CA 1 3.5.6 Activating Substitution for Accounting Use In this IMG activity.5. you have to activate the substitution for functional area in documents. choose Mvmt Type. All movement types selected by you as relevant are taken into account when the system determines the values. the FIFO procedure. and the procedure for calculating the mean receipt price. On the Change View ‘Substitution for Cost-of-Sales Accounting’: Overview screen. Save the substitution. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBBH IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Tools Validation/Substitution Substitution in Accounting Documents 2. Prerequisites The following activities are done in the Configuration Guide N70 on layer 0. Activities Select the LIFO/FIFO relevant movement types. Procedure 1. 3. Procedure 1. Save the substitution. On the Change View ‘FIFO/LIFO Movement Types: Overview screen. Make the following entries.7 Defining LIFO/FIFO Relevant Movement Types Use For the LIFO procedure. in trans:asset X 101 GR st.in trans:asset X 101 GR st. Choose Save.5.st. 4. X 101 GR for sales ord. X 101 GR for sales ord.in tr:ac. X 101 GR for consgt stock X 101 GR for consgt stock X 101 GR to SC vendor X 101 GR to SC vendor X 101 GR for project stock X 101 GR for project stock X 101 GR STO project stock X 101 GR STO for project X 101 GR for project stock X 101 GR for project stock X 3.8 Defining LIFO/FIFO Methods Use © SAP AG Page 124 of 174 .st.602.assg. X 101 GR for sales ord.assg.st. 3. X 101 GR STO for salesOrSt X 101 GR STO for salesOrSt X 101 GR STO for salesOrSt X 101 GR for sales ord. X 101 GR goods receipt X 101 GR for asset X 101 GR for acct assgmnt X 101 GR stock in transit X 101 GR st.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Mvmt Type Text LIFO 101 GR for acct assgmnt X 101 GR stock in transit X 101 GR st.st. X 101 GR for order X 101 GR for asset X 101 GR for acct assgmnt X 101 GR for sales ord.st. X 101 GR for sales ord.5.in tr:ac. Report step 2 for move type 102 and 601.st. © SAP AG Page 125 of 174 . By specifying layer versions. On the Change View ‘FIFO/LIFO Method: Overview screen. make the following entries. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OMWP IMG menu Materials Management Valuation and Account AssignmenT Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures Configure LIFO/FIFO Methods General Information Define LIFO/FIFO Methods 2. You can update the results of FIFO valuation in the database with reference to the FIFO method used as the basis.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide A LIFO/FIFO method contains parameters for carrying out LIFO/FIFO valuation. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Materials Management Valuation and Account AssignmenT Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures Configure LIFO/FIFO Methods FIFO Configure FIFO Valuation Areas 2. This means that you no longer have to enter all of the individual parameters when you perform LIFO or FIFO valuation.9 Defining LIFO/FIFO Valuation Areas Use Depending on the setting for the FIFO valuation level. you can carry out LIFO/FIFO valuation using different LIFO methods. Procedure 1. Activities Define one or more methods for LIFO and FIFO valuation. make the following entries. Specify a suitable base year for each one. After to this.5. it is no longer possible to change the entry for the FIFO method affected in Customizing. Save your entries. the FIFO valuation area is either the company code or the valuation area. Procedure 1. 3. Activities Enter all FIFO valuation areas that FIFO valuation is to be performed in. Method Sample FIFO04 01 single REcptes Qty Comparison CUR 3. Prerequisites The following activities are done in the Configuration Guide N70 on layer 0. you are ensuring that you always use the same parameters to perform valuation. On the Change View FIFO/LIFO Valuation Areas: Overview screen.5. The base year is the fiscal year during which FIFO valuation is run for the first time. By using a LIFO/FIFO method. 5. 4.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide FIFO Valuation Areas Base Year 1000 2008 3. but also in account groups. On the Create Set: Values screen.5. Therefore we create below sets to present the required account groups. and choose Continue (Enter).10 Creating Set for Report Use In China local reporting. Choose Enter. input field name SAKNR. Choose Save.5. On the pop-up window Create Set: Field Name. 1002 for all bank accounts. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Information Systems Ad Hoc Reports Report Painter Report Writer Set Create 2. like 1001 for all cash accounts. Procedure 1. make following entries: Basic Set Description From Value To Value Short text of set line 库存现金 10010000 10019999 库存现金 6. 7. 3. Set Name Table Set Type Y1001 SKA1 Choose Basic Set 3. Save your Entries. it’s required to present the report not only in detailed accounts. Follow the above steps to create below sets: Basic Set Name Basic Set Description From Value To Value Short text of set line Y1002 银行存款 #10020000 #10029999 银行存款 Y1012 其他货币资金 #10120000 #10129999 其他货币资金 Y1101 交易性金融资产 #11010000 #11019999 交易性金融资产 Y1121 应收票据 #11210000 #11219999 应收票据 Y1122 应收账款 #11220000 #11229999 应收账款 Y1123 预付账款 #11230000 #11239999 预付账款 Y1131 应收股利 #11310000 #11319999 应收股利 Y1132 应收利息 #11320000 #11329999 应收利息 Y1221 其他应收款 #12210000 #12219999 其他应收款 Y1231 坏账准备 #12310000 #12319999 坏账准备 Y1321 代理业务资产 #13210000 #13219999 代理业务资产 Y1401 材料采购 #14010000 #14019999 材料采购 Y1402 在途物资 #14020000 #14029999 在途物资 © SAP AG Page 126 of 174 . On the Create Set: Initial Screen. make the following entries. SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Basic Set Name Basic Set Description From Value To Value Short text of set line Y1403 原材料 #14030000 #14039999 原材料 Y1404 材料成本差异 #14040000 #14049999 材料成本差异 Y1405 库存商品 #14050000 #14059999 库存商品 Y1406 发出商品 #14060000 #14069999 发出商品 Y1407 商品进销差价 #14070000 #14079999 商品进销差价 Y1408 委托加工物资 #14080000 #14089999 委托加工物资 Y1411 周转材料 #14110000 #14119999 周转材料 Y1421 消耗性生物资产 #14210000 #14219999 消耗性生物资产 Y1431 贵金属 #14310000 #14319999 贵金属 Y1441 抵债资产 #14410000 #14419999 抵债资产 Y1451 损余物资 #14510000 #14519999 损余物资 Y1461 融资租赁资产 #14610000 #14619999 融资租赁资产 Y1471 存货跌价准备 #14710000 #14719999 存货跌价准备 Y1501 持有至到期投资 #15010000 #15019999 持有至到期投资 Y1502 持有至到期投资减 值准备 #15020000 #15029999 持有至到期投资减值 准备 Y1503 可供出售金融资产 #15030000 #15039999 可供出售金融资产 Y1511 长期股权投资 #15110000 #15119999 长期股权投资 Y1512 长期股权投资减值 准备 #15120000 #15129999 长期股权投资减值准 备 Y1521 投资性房地产 #15210000 #15219999 投资性房地产 Y1531 长期应收款 #15310000 #15319999 长期应收款 Y1532 未实现融资收益 #15320000 #15329999 未实现融资收益 Y1541 存出资本保证金 #15410000 #15419999 存出资本保证金 Y1601 固定资产 #16010000 #16019999 固定资产 Y1602 累计折旧 #16020000 #16029999 累计折旧 Y1603 固定资产减值准备 #16030000 #16039999 固定资产减值准备 Y1604 在建工程 #16040000 #16049999 在建工程 Y1605 工程物资 #16050000 #16059999 工程物资 Y1606 固定资产清理 #16060000 #16069999 固定资产清理 Y1611 未担保余值 #16110000 #16119999 未担保余值 Y1621 生产性生物资产 #16210000 #16219999 生产性生物资产 Y1622 生产性生物资产累 计折旧 #16220000 #16229999 生产性生物资产累计 折旧 Y1623 公益性生物资产 #16230000 #16239999 公益性生物资产 Y1631 油气资产 #16310000 #16319999 油气资产 Y1632 累计折耗 #16320000 #16329999 累计折耗 Y1701 无形资产 #17010000 #17019999 无形资产 © SAP AG Page 127 of 174 . SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Basic Set Name Basic Set Description From Value To Value Short text of set line Y1702 累计摊销 #17020000 #17029999 累计摊销 Y1703 无形资产减值准备 #17030000 #17039999 无形资产减值准备 Y1711 商誉 #17110000 #17119999 商誉 Y1801 长期待摊费用 #18010000 #18019999 长期待摊费用 Y1811 递延所得税资产 #18110000 #18119999 递延所得税资产 Y1821 独立账户资产 #18210000 #18219999 独立账户资产 Y1901 待处理财产损溢 #19010000 #19019999 待处理财产损溢 Y2001 短期借款 #20010000 #20019999 短期借款 Y2101 交易性金融负债 #21010000 #21019999 交易性金融负债 Y2201 应付票据 #22010000 #22019999 应付票据 Y2202 应付账款 #22020000 #22029999 应付账款 Y2203 预收账款 #22030000 #22039999 预收账款 Y2205 含贷方余额的客户 #22050000 #22059999 含贷方余额的客户 Y2211 应付职工薪酬 #22110000 #22119999 应付职工薪酬 Y2221 应交税费 #22210000 #22219999 应交税费 Y2231 应付利息 #22310000 #22319999 应付利息 Y2232 应付股利 #22320000 #22329999 应付股利 Y2241 其他应付款 #22410000 #22419999 其他应付款 Y2314 代理业务负债 #23140000 #23149999 代理业务负债 Y2401 递延收益 #24010000 #24019999 递延收益 Y2501 长期借款 #25010000 #25019999 长期借款 Y2502 应付债券 #25020000 #25029999 应付债券 Y2701 长期应付款 #27010000 #27019999 长期应付款 Y2702 未确认融资费用 #27020000 #27029999 未确认融资费用 Y2711 专项应付款 #27110000 #27119999 专项应付款 Y2801 预计负债 #28010000 #28019999 预计负债 Y2901 递延所得税负债 #29010000 #29019999 递延所得税负债 Y3101 衍生工具 #31010000 #31019999 衍生工具 Y3201 套期工具 #32010000 #32019999 套期工具 Y3202 被套期项目 #32020000 #32029999 被套期项目 Y4001 实收资本 #40010000 #40019999 实收资本 Y4002 资本公积 #40020000 #40029999 资本公积 Y4101 盈余公积 #41010000 #41019999 盈余公积 Y4102 一般风险准备 #41020000 #41029999 一般风险准备 Y4103 本年利润 #41030000 #41039999 本年利润 © SAP AG Page 128 of 174 . it’s required to carry forward the balances from the P&L accounts to the defined retained earnings account in periodic closing activities.5. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code © SAP AG SPRO Page 129 of 174 . not just in year-end closing activities. you make the settings so that you can carry forward the monthly balance of profit and loss (P&L) accounts to retained earning account using the P&L Account Closing Posting (China) report. After the periodically P&L carry forward. Procedure 1. Prerequisites In your company.5.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Basic Set Name Basic Set Description From Value To Value Short text of set line Y4104 利润分配 #41040000 #41049999 利润分配 Y4201 库存股 #42010000 #42019999 库存股 Y6001 主营业务收入 #60010000 #60019999 主营业务收入 Y6011 利息收入 #60110000 #60119999 利息收入 Y6021 手续费及佣金收入 #60210000 #60219999 手续费及佣金收入 Y6041 租赁收入 #60410000 #60419999 租赁收入 Y6051 其他业务收入 #60510000 #60519999 其他业务收入 Y6061 汇兑损益 #60610000 #60619999 汇兑损益 Y6101 公允价值变动损益 #61010000 #61019999 公允价值变动损益 Y6111 投资收益 #61110000 #61119999 投资收益 Y6301 营业外收入 #63010000 #63019999 营业外收入 Y6401 主营业务成本 #64010000 #64019999 主营业务成本 Y6402 其他业务成本 #64020000 #64029999 其他业务成本 Y6403 营业税金及附加 #64030000 #64039999 营业税金及附加 Y6411 利息支出 #64110000 #64119999 利息支出 Y6421 手续费及佣金支出 #64210000 #64219999 手续费及佣金支出 Y6601 销售费用 #66010000 #66019999 销售费用 Y6602 管理费用 #66020000 #66029999 管理费用 Y6603 财务费用 #66030000 #66039999 财务费用 Y6604 勘探费用 #66040000 #66049999 勘探费用 Y6701 资产减值损失 #67010000 #67019999 资产减值损失 Y6711 营业外支出 #67110000 #67119999 营业外支出 Y6801 所得税费用 #68010000 #68019999 所得税费用 Y6901 以前年度损益调整 #69010000 #69019999 以前年度损益调整 3.11 Optional : Activate P&L Carry Forward for Company Code Use In this Customizing activity. the balances of all P&L accounts will be zero. 6. the functional areas are derived and updated. 3. you must carry forward the balances from the P&L accounts to the defined retained earnings account using the P&L Account Closing Posting (China) report. Then in your periodic closing activities.2 Defining functional Areas Use In this activity you create your functional areas.6 Cost of Sales Accounting 3.6. Choose Save. input the following parameters. you activate cost of sales accounting for your company codes. © SAP AG Page 130 of 174 . Result You have activated this functionality.1 Activating Cost of Sales Accounting Use In this activity. Result You have now activated the Cost of Sales Accounting for company code 1000. On the Change View "Activate Account Entry Closing Method for CoCd ": Overview screen. This means that when you post to these company codes.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Financial Accounting (New) General Ledger Accounting (New) Periodic Processing Report Statutory Reporting: China Financial Reporting P&L Carry Forward for Company Code Activate P&L Carry Forward for Company Code IMG menu 2. 4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (New) Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) Ledgers Ledger Activate Cost of Sales Accounting 2. Procedure 1. choose "New Entries". On the Change View ‘Cost of Sales Accounting’: Overview screen. 3. make the following entries: Co Company Name COS Status 1000 公司代码 1000 2 Active 3. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen. CoCd Type AcctEnty 1000 AB X Active Choose Save (Ctrl + S). 3. Result The new functional areas are created. Access the activity using one of the following navigation option: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting basic settings (NEW) Ledgers Ledger Assign Scenarios and Customer Fields to Ledgers 2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation option: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting(New) Financial Accounting Gloabal Settings (New) ® Ledgers ® Fields ® Standard Fields ® Functional Area for Cost of Sales Accounting ® Define Functional Area 2. choose New Entries. On the Change View ‘Scenarios’: Overview screen.3 Assigning Scenarios and Customer Fields to Ledgers Use In this IMG activity. This determines what fields in a ledger are updated when it receives posting from other application components. On the Change View ‘Functional areas’: Overview screen. 3. © SAP AG Page 131 of 174 . On the Display View ‘Ledgers’. Procedure 1. Overview screen.6. you assign the following to your ledgers. make the following entries: Functional Area Name YB10 Sales Revenue YB15 Sales Deduction YB20 Production YB30 Sales and Distribution YB35 Marketing YB40 Administration YB50 Research & Development YB70 Other Revenue YB75 Other Expenses YB90 Taxes from income and revenue YB95 Other P&L accounts YB98 Other Taxes YB99 Dummy functional area 4. choose New General Ledger (0L) and double-click Scenarios. Choose Save. 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Procedure 1. choose New Entries. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen. In the Substitutable fields (Class 018) dialog box. 3. On the Create Substitution (Header Data) screen. If you want to define exceptions where the system should not derive the functional area from the object. Access the activity using one of the following navigation option: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting Global settings (NEW) Tools Validation/Substitution Define and Activate Substitution for Cost of Sales Accounting 2.4 Maintaining Substitution for Cost of Sales Accounting Use In this IMG activity. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen. If you cannot enter a functional area in the master data of an object such as business process or real estate objects.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 4.6. To sort expenses according to corporate functions. 6. the system derives the functional area for the following postings: Primary postings (postings in Financial Accounting) to a profit and loss account Secondary postings (allocations in Controlling) The functional area is derived for both objects involved in the allocation. Result You have now assigned the scenario FIN_UKV. this is overwritten with the functional area obtained via substitution. Using substitution for the component Financial Accounting. If a functional area has already been determined. choose STEP. make the following entries: CoCd CallPnt Substitution Activetn level 1000 6 DUMMY 1 4. you have to define for your leading ledger the substitution for functional area in documents. choose YES. Choose Save. Double-click the DUMMY field. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen. 3. make the following new entries: Scenarios for General Ledger Accounting Long Text FIN_UKV Cost of Sales Accounting 5. 5. 2. Procedure 1. event 0006. select following entry: © SAP AG Page 132 of 174 . On the Change View ‘Substitution for Cost-of-Sales Accounting’: Overview screen. choose New Entries. Definition of a substitution is necessary in the following cases: 1. In the Confirmation prompt dialog box. 7. enter 60000000. make the following entry: Comment COBL-SAKNR >= '50000000' AND COBL-FKBER = '' 13. 25. Double click Structure COBL. make the following entry: Comment GL Account >= '60000000' 28. 16. 15. Double click Structure COBL on tab Table Fields . choose constant. Then choose >=. 26. Choose Enter. 32. On Table Fields Tab. Save the substitution. 12. Choose Enter. In the Entering the substitution method dialog box. Choose =. make the following entries: Step 001 Functional Area Constant Value Set Dummy functional area X YB99 23. choose Display Technical Name if it’s not switched on. double click COBL-SAKNR. Choose Comments. On the Create Substitution: XXX – Step 001 – Substitutions screen. 24. 17. On the Create Substitution: XXX – Step 002 – Substitutions screen. Choose AND. 33. 9.SAP Best Practices X External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Table Field Description Type 000000 COBL FKBER Functional Area CHAR 000016 8. On the Enter constant pop-up window. Double click COBL-FKBER in tab Table Fields. Choose STEP 001 Prerequisite. 14. Choose Comments. On the next screen of tab Table Fields. 18. choose constant. 21. enter 50000000. Choose Substitutions. Choose Substitutions. On the next screen of tab Table Fields. 20. In the Enter a comment dialog box. 30. On the Enter constant pop-up window. Repeat step 6 to step9 to create step 002 under the substitution DUMMY. 10. Choose STEP 002 Prerequisite. Then choose >=. choose Constant value and Continue (Enter). 29. make the following entries: Step 002 Functional Area Reset functional area as initial X Constant Value Result © SAP AG Page 133 of 174 . double click COBL-SAKNR. 11. 19. then choose enter. 31. choose constant. 27. In the Enter a comment dialog box. 22. Choose Enter. 7 Setting for EPIC 3. 3. choose New Entries and make following data: Appl.5 Activating Substitution for Cost of Sales Accounting Use In this IMG activity. Choose Save (Ctrl+S) .SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide You have now maintained the substitution for Cost of Sales Accounting. Result You have now activated the substitution for Cost of Sales Accounting.7. Choose Continue (Enter) for the popup information 3.1 Defining Applications . ID Application Filter Value Activtn level EPIC e-Payment China EPIC 1 4. On the Change View ‘Define Applications: Overview screen. On the Change View ‘Substitution for Cost-of-Sales Accounting’: Overview screen.Define Applications Use Procedure 1. you have to activate the substitution for functional area in documents. make the following entries: CoCd CallPnt Substitution Activtn level 1000 Functional Area DUMMY 1 3. 3.6. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Financial Accounting basic settings (NEW) Tools Validation/Substitution Define and Activate Substitution for Cost of Sales Accounting 2. Save the substitution. Procedure 1. Result © SAP AG Page 134 of 174 . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Release List Application Definition Applications Define Application 2. 3.7.58. 7. 5. input EPIC for the field of Application ID. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FPRL_SET_APPLIC IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Release List Settings for Payment Release List Activate Application 2.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide The application EPIC has been defined.3 Creating RFC connections (of type G) Use Procedure 1. Result You have now activated the application EPIC. On the Configuration of RFC Connections screen. 6. choose Continue (Enter). Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SM59 SAP ECC menu Logistics Materials Management Purchasing RFQ/Quotation Request for Quotation Reporting Purchasing Information System Planning Flexible Planning Planning Standard SOP Environment Supply Chain Planning Core Interface Advanced Planner and Optimizer Settings RFC Destinations 2. 4. On the Change View "Activate Application": Overview Screen. choose Edit.2 Activating Application EPIC Use Procedure 1. choose New Entries. make the following entries: RFC Destination Target Host Service No. Using proper Transport Request in case system Prompt for Workbench request.73. Choose Save (Ctrl +S).7. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries Screen. On the Display View "Activate Application": Overview Screen.123 8080 /B2EC/E2BServlet BP Connection to BOC © SAP AG Page 135 of 174 . 3. On the Popup Window Help-Deactivate Payment Release List Application. Path Prefix Description 1 YB_BOC_RFC 10. choose Create. 3. Choose Back (F3). 59.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide RFC Destination Target Host Service No. On the Create Bank: Initial Screen. Choose Save.252 1234 Path Prefix Description 1 BP Connection to CMB 3.5 Defining House Banks . Choose Save. On the Change Bank: Detail Screen. 3. Repeat 2-4 steps for following data: Bank Country Bank Key Bank name Region City 40142 CN BOC EPIC 010 北京市 Bank Branch Result You have now created bank master data. Result the RFC connections (of type G) has been Created.7. 4. If popup Derermine Work Area: Entry dialog box.EPIC 130 Hangzhou 57 杭州 5.4 FI01: Creating Bank Master Data for House Bank Procedure 1.House Banks Use Procedure 1. enter 1000 in field Company Code.7. YB_CMB_RFC 10. make the following entries: Bank name Region City Bank Branch CMB . Choose Enter. make the following entries: Bank Country Bank Key CN 1111 3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FI01 SAP ECC menu Logistics Materials Management Foreign Trade/Customs Payment Guarantee Documentary Payments Environment Bank Master Record Create 2. 6. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FI12 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Bank Accounting Bank Accounts Define House Banks 2. 3. © SAP AG Page 136 of 174 . And choose Enter.152. On the Change View ”Bank Accounts”: Details screen. Choose Back to Change View “House Banks”: Overview screen. Choose Save. Choose Save. mark YBOC line item. make the following entries: Account ID Description Bank Account Number Currency G/L 1 往来帐户(中 行) 3311560812 69 CNY 10020188 5.6 Defining House Banks . Result You have now Defined House Banks .Bank Accounts Use Procedure 1. 6.Bank Accounts. And choose Enter. choose New Entries. enter 1000 in field Company Code. And double click Bank Accounts (in left side dialog box)button. On the Change View “House Banks”: Overview screen. and make the following entries: House Bank Bank Country Bank Key YCMB CN 1111 YBOC CN 40142 4.7. mark YCMB line item. On the Change View “House Banks”: Overview screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Bank Accounting Bank Accounts Define House Banks 2. 7.7. 3. make the following entries: Account ID Description Bank Account Number Currency G/L 1 往来帐户(招 行) 5719054008 10812 CNY 10020388 8. And double click Bank Accounts (in left side dialog box)button. If pop-up Derermine Work Area: Entry dialog box.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 3. Choose Save. Result You have now Defined House Banks . On the Change View ”Bank Accounts”: Details screen.7 Setting up House Bank Communication Use © SAP AG Page 137 of 174 .House Banks. 3. 3. 4. Result The house bank communication has been created. make the following entries: CoCd House Bk Acct ID Logon User at Hous… RFC Destination 1000 YBOC 1 USRA01 YB_BOC_RFC 1000 YCMB 1 USRA01 YB_CMB_RFC 3. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool Customizing IMG Transport Organizer (Extended View) Transaction code SE10 © SAP AG Page 138 of 174 . and you need to take full responsibility in using it.3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and Workbench Request which is defined at 3.8. Note: During development.8 DMEE: Formatting Tree Maintenance Use 3. 3. 3.2 Defining Workbench Request Use Convenience to manage repository objects in SAP system and transfer them into different system. There will be no upgrade for these Format Trees.2 (Defining Workbench Request).7.7.8. Ignore all warning messages once activation. please choose the Package which is defined at 3.7. Choose Save.7.8.SAP does not provide any technical support for it. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Country Specifics China Electronic Payment Integration Set Up House Bank Communication 2.1 Development Be noted that the attached Format Trees are for reference only.8.7. Procedure 1. On the Change View ”Set Up House Bank Communication”: Overvew screen.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Procedure 1. 3. request creation is completed.choose Display.7. you can skip this step. input following settings: Field name Description User action and values USER Log-on User Customizing Request X Workbench Request X Modifiable X Note 3.8. Result Workbench request is created. 4. choose workbench request number defined at 3. make the following input: Field name Description Short Description 5.8.2 (Defining Workbench Request) and choose continue. 4. choose Package option. From conception perspective.If it is installed. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: Transaction code Spackage 2.SAP Best Practices 2. On the Transport Organizer screen . make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Short Description ECIP Package Applic. User action and values Note Format Tree Maintenance Choose Save. © SAP AG Page 139 of 174 . Choose Save and on the Prompt for local Workbench request screen. take more and better modularization.7. then on the dialog box screen Package Builder: Create Package. Choose Save. Component FI Software Component HOME Main Package Not click Package not Extendable Not click Note In upgrade version the field name is “Adding further object not possible” 3. On the Package Builder: Initial Screen. External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide On the Transport Organizer screen.3 Defining Package(Development Package) Use Package is an enhancement of development class. On the Transport Organizer:Requests screen. Procedure 1. input Package ZECIP for example and choose Create. choose Copy. encapsulation and integration into account. choose Create Request and choose Workbench request option on the dialogbox screen Create Request. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Short Description Transaction Type Data Type CHAR No. 6. 5.4. input ZH for target language field.7. length and output characteristics for the fields used in the structures 3.on the Dictionary: Maintain Domain screen. choose Activate.choose the YBEPIC_CN_CMB_BUSCOD on left hand in Object Name tab.input the workbench request number defined at 3. double choose YBEPIC_CN_CMB_BUSCOD under the node of <DOMA> Domains enter the following values: Original Language Transaction Type © SAP AG Description Target Language Note 业务类别 Page 140 of 174 . choose Create .7. choose menu: Goto Translation.2 (Defining Workbench Request).8. choose Translate.Val.8.7. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary Transaction code SE11 2. Choose Domain option and input YBEPIC_CN_CMB_BUSCOD. Choose Display Object List. Choose Save and on Create Object directory Entry screen. 3. choose Definition tab. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Fix.Val. On the Transport Object: YBEPIC_CN_CMB_BUSCOD(ZECIP) From enUS To zhCN Screen. On the Dictionary: Maintain Domain screen. choose the package defined at 3. unfold the tree structure. in table Single Vals.8.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Result Package is created. N03010 Short Descript. Direct Payment Field name Description User action and values Fix. Payroll Payment Note Note 4. 7. Choose Value Range tab. screen…) can be created under it. All other developments (program.4 Defining Domain Use Define the data type.1 Transaction Type Procedure 1. Characters 6 Output Length 6 Note 3.3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and on Prompt for local Workbench request screen .7. N02031 Short Descript.8. 7. Expected Date Note Note 4. double-click YBEPIC_CN_CMB_BUSCOD under the node of <VALU> Fixed Values for Domains.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 8. Choose Save. On the Transport Object YBEPIC_DATFLG(ZECIP) From enUS To zhCN Screen.8. choose Definition tab.Val.8. B Short Descript. double choose YBEPIC_DATFLG under the node of <DOMA> Domains enter the following values: © SAP AG Page 141 of 174 . Choose Display Object List.7. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Short Description Type of date Data Type CHAR No. Processing Date Field name Description User action and values Fix. in table Single Vals. choose Create . 3. 6.Val. On the Dictionary: Maintain Domain screen. It can be used as domain when creating data element.2 (Defining Workbench Request). Choose Save and on Create Object directory Entry screen. choose Activate.3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and on Prompt for local Workbench request screen . Choose Value Range tab. choose menu: Goto Translation.4. 5.on the Dictionary: Maintain Domain screen. Choose Save.2 Type of Date Procedure 1. Characters 1 Output Length 1 Note 3.choose the YBEPIC_DATFLG on left hand in Object Name tab. input ZH for target language field. enter the following data: Original Language Description Target Language Direct Payment 直接支付 Payroll Payment 工资支付 Note 9.8.input the workbench request number defined at 3. then choose Back. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Fix. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary Transaction code SE11 2. choose Translate. 7. Choose Domain option and input YBEPIC_DATFLG. A Short Descript. Result YBEPIC_CN_CMB_BUSCOD Transaction Type is created. unfold the tree structure. choose the package defined at 3.7. Field name All Description User action and values Fix. Sucess Field name Description User action and values Fix.Val.8. Result YBEPIC_DATFLG Type of date is created. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Note Fix. Choose Save.7. Characters 1 Output Length 1 Note 3.SAP Best Practices Original Language External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Description Target Language Note 日期类型 Type of date 8. Choose Domain option and input YB_RTNFLG. then choose Back. choose Create .Val. False © SAP AG Note Note Page 142 of 174 . Choose Value Range tab. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary Transaction code SE11 2. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Short Description Transaction processing result Data Type CHAR No.3 Transaction processing result Procedure 1. Choose Save. S Short Descript. enter the following data: Original Language Description Target Language Processing Date 经办日期 Expected Date 期望日期 Note 9. F Short Descript. 3. in table Single Vals. choose Definition tab.Val.on the Dictionary: Maintain Domain screen.4. double-click YBEPIC_DATFLG under the node of <VALU> Fixed Values for Domains. It can be used as domain when creating data element. Short Descript. D Short Descript.Val. R Short Descript. input ZH for target language field.SAP Best Practices Field name External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Description User action and values Fix. Choose Display Object List. Expire Field name Description User action and values Fix.choose the YB_RTNFLG on left hand in Object Name tab. choose Activate. B Short Descript. Choose Save.Val. On the Transport Object YB_RTNFLG(ZECIP) From enUS To zhCN Screen. double-click YB_RTNFLG under the node of <VALU> Fixed Values for Domains.7.input the workbench request number defined at 3. unfold the tree structure. Refuse Note Note Note Note Note Note 4.7. choose menu: Goto Translation. Deny Field name Description User action and values Fix. choose the package defined at 3. Return Field name Description User action and values Fix. then choose Back. Choose Save and on Create Object directory Entry screen.3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and on Prompt for local Workbench request screen . V Short Descript.Val. 7. 5. Cancelled by Enterprises Field name Description User action and values Fix. double choose YB_RTNFLG under the node of <DOMA> Domains enter the following values: Original Language Description Target Language Note 业务处理结果 Transaction processing result 8. choose Translate. enter the following data: Original Language All © SAP AG Description Target Language Note 查询所有结果的数据 Page 143 of 174 .8. 6.Val. On the Dictionary: Maintain Domain screen.Val. Cancelled by Merchants Field name Description User action and values Fix.8.Val. M Short Descript.2 (Defining Workbench Request). C Short Descript. 2001 Short Descript.7.input the workbench request number defined at 3.4. On the Dictionary: Maintain Domain screen. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Short Description Type Data Type NUMC No. Choose Domain option and input YBTYPE. choose Definition tab. choose the package defined at 3.4 Query Type Procedure 1. Result YB_RTNFLG Transaction processing result is created.8.8. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Fix.2 (Defining Workbench Request). choose Create .on the Dictionary: Maintain Domain screen.8.7. Characters 4 Output Length 4 Note 3.7. in table Single Vals. Choose Value Range tab. 2002 Short Descript. Choose Save and on Create Object directory Entry screen.Val.3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and on Prompt for local Workbench request screen . 5. © SAP AG Page 144 of 174 . choose Activate. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary Transaction code SE11 2. History Note Note 4.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Original Language Description Target Language Sucess 成功 False 失败 Return 退票 Deny 否决 Expire 过期 Cancelled by Enteprises 企业撤消 Cancelled by Merchants 商户撤销订单 Refuse 拒绝 Note 9. 3. Choose Save. It can be used as domain when creating data element.Val. Today Field name Description User action and values Fix. 0 Short Descript.4. 1 Short Descript. Choose Domain option and input YBDIRECTION. enter the following data: Original Language Description Target Language Today 当日查询 History 历史查询 Note 9.Val. On the Transport Object YBTYPE(ZECIP) From enUS To zhCN Screen. Choose Save. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Short Description Direction Indicator Data Type CHAR No. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Fix. choose Definition tab. choose Create .8. double-click YBTYPE under the node of <VALU> Fixed Values for Domains. Choose Save.5 Direction Indicator Procedure 1. unfold the tree structure.choose the YBTYPE on left hand in Object Name tab.on the Dictionary: Maintain Domain screen. in table Single Vals. double choose YBTYPE under the node of <DOMA> Domains enter the following values: Original Language Description Type Target Language Note 查询类型 8.Val.7. 7. then choose Back. Choose Value Range tab. © SAP AG Description User action and values Note Note Note 2 Page 145 of 174 . ALL Field name Description User action and values Fix. Result YBTYPE Query Type is created. Choose Display Object List.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 6. Incoming Field name Fix.Val. 3. It can be used as domain when creating data element. choose menu: Goto Translation. input ZH for target language field. Characters 1 Output Length 1 Note 3. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary Transaction code SE11 2. choose Translate. Choose Save. choose Activate. then choose Back. On the Transport Object YBDIRECTION (ZECIP) From enUS To zhCN Screen. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary Transaction code SE11 2.choose the YBDIRECTION on left hand in Object Name tab.2 (Defining Workbench Request).SAP Best Practices Field name External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Description Short Descript. 5. On the Dictionary: Maintain Domain screen.3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and on Prompt for local Workbench request screen .6 Password Procedure 1.4. choose the package defined at 3.7. Choose Save.7. User action and values Note outgoing 4. unfold the tree structure.input the workbench request number defined at 3. © SAP AG Page 146 of 174 . input ZH for target language field.3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and on Prompt for local Workbench request screen .8. Choose Display Object List. Choose Save and on Create Object directory Entry screen. double-click YBTYPE under the node of <VALU> Fixed Values for Domains. choose Definition tab. It can be used as domain when creating data element.7. 6. Choose Save and on Create Object directory Entry screen.8.8. enter the following data: Original Language Description Target Language ALL 全部 Incoming 来账 Outgoing 往账 Note 9.7.8. choose the package defined at 3. choose Create . choose Translate. Result YBDIRECTION Direction Indicator is created. 7.input the workbench request number defined at 3.2 (Defining Workbench Request). Characters 10 Output Length 10 Note 3. choose menu: Goto Translation.8.on the Dictionary: Maintain Domain screen. 3. double choose YBDIRECTION under the node of <DOMA> Domains enter the following values: Original Language Description Direction Indicator Target Language Note 来往账标识 8.7. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Short Description Password Data Type CHAR No. Choose Domain option and input YB_PASSWD. 5. double choose YB_PASSWD under the node of <DOMA> Domains enter the following values: Original Language Description Password Target Language Note 密码 7. 3.choose the YB_PASSWD on left hand in Object Name tab. 3. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Length(Short) 10 Field Label Trans. choose Activate. Description User action and values Short Description Transaction Type Domain YBEPIC_CN_CMB_BUSCOD Note Choose Field Label tab. choose menu: Goto Translation. Choose Data type tab. 5.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 4. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary Transaction code SE11 2. Choose Save. input YBEPIC_CN_CMB_BUSCOD. 3. On the Dictionary: Maintain Domain screen. and choose Create.5 Defining Data Element Use Define the attribute and description for data elements.7. Result YB_PASSWD Type of date is created. make the following input: Field name 4. Typ Field name Description User action and values Length(Medium) 15 Field Label Trans. 6.8. unfold the tree structure.7. Type Field name Description User action and values Length(Long) 20 Field Label Transaction Type © SAP AG Note Note Note Page 147 of 174 . input ZH for target language field. Choose Data element on dialog box screen. choose Translate. On the Transport Object YB_PASSWD (ZECIP) From enUS To zhCN Screen. It can be used as domain when creating data element.8. choose Continue button. Choose Data type option.1 Transaction Type Procedure 1. Choose Display Object List. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary Transaction code SE11 2.2 Type of Date Procedure 1. Choose Back.7.SAP Best Practices Field name External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Description User action and values Length(Heading) 16 Field Label Transaction Type Note 5. on the DTEL(LO): From enUS To zhCN: YBEPIC_CN_CMB_BUSCOD Screen.5. Then choose Activate. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Length(Short) 10 Field Label Type of da Field name Length(Medium) © SAP AG Description User action and values Note Note 15 Page 148 of 174 . input YBEPIC_DATFLG.3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and on Prompt for local Workbench request screen . 3. choose the package defined at 3.input the workbench request number defined at 3. Choose Field Label tab. It can be used as data element when creating table or structure field. and choose Create. Result YBEPIC_CN_CMB_BUSCOD is created. Description Target Language Transaction Type 业务类别 Transaction Type 业务类别 Transaction Type 业务类别 Transaction Type 业务类别 Trans. input ZH for target language field.8. Typ 业务类别 Note Choose Save. 6. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Short Description Type of date Domain YBEPIC_DATFLG Note 4. choose Continue button. 3. enter the following data: Original Language 7. choose Continue. choose from menu: Goto Translation.2 (Defining Workbench Request). Choose Data element on dialog box screen. Choose Save and on the Create Object directory Entry screen.8. Choose Data type tab. Choose Data type option.8.7.7. Choose Data type option. input ZH for target language field. Choose Save.8. choose Continue button. choose Continue. on the DTEL(LO): From enUS To zhCN: YBEPIC_DATFLG Screen.SAP Best Practices Field name External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Description Field Label Field name User action and values Type of date Description User action and values Length(Long) 20 Field Label Type of date Field name Note Description User action and values Length(Heading) 16 Field Label Type of date Note Note (Defining Package (Development Package)) and on Prompt for local Workbench request screen . Choose Back. make the following input: © SAP AG Page 149 of 174 . make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Short Description Transaction processing result Domain YB_RTNFLG Note 4. 3. 3. Result YBEPIC_DATFLG is created. Then choose Activate. Choose Save and on the Create Object directory Entry screen. input YB_RTNFLG.3 Transaction Processing Result Procedure 1. 6.5. Choose Data element on dialog box screen. choose from menu: Goto Translation. Choose Data type tab.7.8. choose the package defined at 3. Choose Field Label tab. enter the following data: Original Language Description Target Language Type of date 日期类型 Type of date 日期类型 Type of date 日期类型 Type of date 日期类型 Type of da 日期类型 Note 7.input the workbench request number defined at 3. and choose Create.2 (Defining Workbench Request). Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary Transaction code SE11 2.7. It can be used as data element when creating table or structure field. Proc. input ZH for target language field. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary Transaction code SE11 2. enter the following data: Original Language Description Target Language Transaction processing result 业务处理结果 Trans.7. Result YB_RTNFLG is created.8. choose the package defined at 3.SAP Best Practices Field name External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Description User action and values Length(Short) 10 Field Label Trans.3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and on Prompt for local Workbench request screen .7. Choose Save.4 Query Type Procedure 1.7. 6. It can be used as data element when creating table or structure field. Proc. Pro 业务处理结果 Note 7. input YBTYPE. Choose Save and on the Create Object directory Entry screen.8. Then choose Activate. on the DTEL(LO): From enUS To zhCN: YB_RTNFLG Screen. Proc. Proc.Result Note Note Note Note 5. choose Continue.Result 业务处理结果 Trans.Result Field name Description User action and values Length(Heading) 18 Field Label Trans.input the workbench request number defined at 3. Choose Data type option. Pro Field name Description User action and values Length(Medium) 18 Field Label Trans. Choose Back. 3.Result 业务处理结果 Trans. Proc.Result 业务处理结果 Trans.Result Field name Description User action and values Length(Long) 20 Field Label Trans.8. Proc. © SAP AG Page 150 of 174 . choose from menu: Goto Translation.5.2 (Defining Workbench Request). and choose Create. choose from menu: Goto Translation.8. 3. choose Continue button. 6.5. Then choose Activate. Choose Data type tab. input ZH for target language field. It can be used as data element when creating table or structure field.3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and on Prompt for local Workbench request screen . Choose Data element on dialog box screen. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Length(Short) 10 Field Label Query type Field name Description User action and values Length(Medium) 15 Field Label Query type Field name Description User action and values Length(Long) 20 Field Label Query type Field name Description User action and values Length(Heading) 10 Field Label Query type Note Note Note Note 5. Choose Save and on the Create Object directory Entry screen. enter the following data: Original Language Description Target Language Query type 查询类型 Query type 查询类型 Query type 查询类型 Query type 查询类型 Query type 查询类型 Note 7. choose the package defined at 3.input the workbench request number defined at 3.8. on the DTEL(LO): From enUS To zhCN: YBTYPE Screen. Choose Field Label tab.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Direction Indicator Procedure © SAP AG Page 151 of 174 . Choose Save.7.2 (Defining Workbench Request). Choose Back. choose Continue. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Short Description Query Type Domain YBTYPE Note 4. Result YBTYPE is created.8. SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 1. 6. 3. input YBDIRECTION. on the DTEL(LO): From enUS To zhCN: YBDIRECTION Screen.8.7. choose the package defined at 3.3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and on Prompt for local Workbench request screen . Then choose Activate. choose Continue button. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary Transaction code SE11 2. Choose Save and on the Create Object directory Entry screen. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Length(Short) 10 Field Label Directio Field name Description User action and values Length(Medium) 19 Field Label Direction Indicator Field name Description User action and values Length(Long) 20 Field Label Direction Indicator Field name Description User action and values Length(Heading) 19 Field Label Direction Indicator Note Note Note Note 5. Choose Data type tab.8. Choose Save. Choose Data element on dialog box screen.7. enter the following data: Original Language Description Target Language Direction Indicator 来往账标识 Direction Indicator 来往账标识 Direction Indicator 来往账标识 Direction Indicator 来往账标识 Directio 来往账标识 Note 7.input the workbench request number defined at 3. Result © SAP AG Page 152 of 174 . input ZH for target language field. choose Continue. Choose Field Label tab. choose from menu: Goto Translation. and choose Create. Choose Data type option.2 (Defining Workbench Request). Choose Back. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Short Description Direction Indicator Domain YBDIRECTION Note 4. 3. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Length(Short) 10 Field Label Password Field name Description User action and values Length(Medium) 12 Field Label Password Field name Description User action and values Length(Long) 12 Field Label Password Field name Description User action and values Length(Heading) 16 Field Label Password Note Note Note Note 5. choose from menu: Goto Translation. It can be used as data element when creating table or structure field. Choose Back. input ZH for target language field. make the following input: Field name Description User action and values Short Description Password Domain YB_PASSWD Note 4. and choose Create.7. input YB_PASSWD. Then choose Activate. enter the following data: Original Language Description Target Language Password 密码 Password 密码 Password 密码 © SAP AG Note Page 153 of 174 . choose Continue button. Choose Data type tab.7. choose Continue.input the workbench request number defined at 3.2 (Defining Workbench Request).8. 3.8.6 Password Procedure 1. Choose Field Label tab. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary Transaction code SE11 2.7. choose the package defined at 3. Choose Data element on dialog box screen.3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and on Prompt for local Workbench request screen . 6. Choose Data type option. on the DTEL(LO): From enUS To zhCN: YB_PASSWD Screen.5.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide YBDIRECTION is created. Choose Save and on the Create Object directory Entry screen.8. Choose Data type option.8. Choose Components tab. then choose Activate.7. 3. choose the package defined at 3. Structure on the dialog box screen.7. make following entries: Component Component Type Data Type length Short Description BUSCOD YBEPIC_CN_CMB_BUSCOD BGNDAT DATS 8 Starting Date ENDDAT DATS 8 Ending Date MINAMT CHAR 20 Minimum Amount MAXAMT CHAR 20 Maximum Amount YURREF CHAR 30 Transaction reference number CHAR 20 Processed by (User) DATFLG RTNFLG OPRLGN YBEPIC_DATFLG YB_RTNFLG 5. choose Continue. input ZH for target language field.3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and workbench request number in previous step defined at 3. Choose Component Type or Predefined Type. on the DTEL(LO): From enUS To zhCN: YBEPIC_S_CMB_GETPAYINFO_PARAM Screen.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Original Language Description Target Language Password 密码 Password 密码 Note 7. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary Transaction code SE11 2. Choose Back. and choose Continue. It can be used as data element when creating table or structure field. Choose Save. enter the following data: © SAP AG Page 154 of 174 . Defining Structure 3. Result YB_PASSWD is created. choose Create.1 CMB: Getting Payment Info Query Format Specific Structure I Procedure 1. 3.8.2 (Defining Workbench Request). Input the Short Description as the following: Field name Description Short Description User action and values Note CMB: Get Payment Info Query Format Specific Structure I 4.8. choose from menu: Goto Translation. 6. enter YBEPIC_S_CMB_GETPAYINFO_PARAM. Choose Save. and choose Continue. then choose Activate. Choose Save. Input the Short Description as the following: Field name Description User action and values Note CMB: Get Payment Info Query Format Specific Structure II Short Description 4. 3. enter YBEPIC_S_CMB_SDKNTQABINF_PARAM. Choose Data type option. choose Create.7. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary Transaction code SE11 2. choose Continue.7. 6.2 (Defining Workbench Request).7. Choose Save. input ZH for target language field.8. Structure on the dialog box screen.3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and workbench request number in previous step defined at 3. enter the following data: Original Language Description Target Language Note CMB: Get Payment Info Query Format Specific Structure II 招行:获得支付信息格式定义结构 II Starting Date 起始日期 © SAP AG Page 155 of 174 . choose from menu: Goto Translation. Choose Back. Result Structure YBEPIC_S_CMB_GETPAYINFO_PARAM is created. Choose Components tab. on the DTEL(LO): From enUS To zhCN: YBEPIC_S_CMB_SDKNTQABINF_PARAM Screen.6. 3. choose the package defined at 3.2 CMB: Getting Payment Info Query Format Specific Structure II Procedure 1.8.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Original Language Description Target Language Note CMB: Get Payment Info Query Format Specific Structure I 招行:获得支付信息格式定义结构 I Starting Date 起始日期 Ending Date 结束日期 Maximum Amount 最大金额 Minimum Amount 最小金额 Processed by (User) 经办用户 Transaction reference number 业务参考号 7.8. make following entries: Component Component Type Data Type length Short Description BGNDAT DATS 8 Starting Date ENDDAT DATS 8 Ending Date 5. then choose Activate. 3.7. 6.8. enter YBEPIC_S_BOC_B2E0035_PARAM. choose Continue.7. Structure on the dialog box screen.8. and choose Continue.8.3 BOC: Larger Customer Payment Info Query Specific Structure Procedure 1. 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Original Language Description Target Language Note 结束日期 Ending Date 7. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary Transaction code SE11 2. enter the following data: Original Language Description Target Language Note BOC: Larger Customer Payment Info Query Specific Structure 中行:大客户付款交易查询定义结 构 Beginning Number 本次查询的交易起始位置 From Date 开始日期(含) © SAP AG Page 156 of 174 . choose Create. make following entries: Component Component Type Data Type length Short Description TYPE YBTYPE BEGNUM CHAR 10 Beginning Number RECNUM CHAR 2 Records Number BGNDAT DATS 8 From Date ENDDAT DATS 8 Ending Date MINAMT CHAR 22 Minimum Amount MAXAMT CHAR 22 Maximum Amount DIRECTION YBDIRECTION 5. choose the package defined at 3. Choose Save. Result Structure YBEPIC_S_CMB_GETPAYINFO_PARAM is created.2 (Defining Workbench Request).3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and workbench request number in previous step defined at 3.6. Choose Back. Input the Short Description as the following: Field name Description User action and values Note BOC: Larger Customer Payment Info Query Specific Structure Short Description 4. input ZH for target language field. Choose Save. Choose Components tab. Choose Data type option. choose from menu: Goto Translation. on the DTEL(LO): From enUS To zhCN: YBEPIC_S_BOC_B2E0035_PARAM Screen. Choose Component Type or Predefined Type.7. 7.5 © SAP AG BOC: Query Token Specific Structure Page 157 of 174 . Result Structure YBEPIC_S_BOC_B2E0005_OUTGOING is created. Choose Save.2 (Defining Workbench Request). enter the following data: Original Language Description Target Language Note BOC: Today's account balance query outgoing structure 中行: 当日账户余额查询定义结构 DUMMY 虚拟字段 7. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary Transaction code SE11 2. 6. choose the package defined at 3. make following entries: Component Component Type DUMMY Data Type length Short Description CHAR 10 DUMMY 5. on the DTEL(LO): From enUS To zhCN: YBEPIC_S_BOC_B2E0005_OUTGOING Screen. Choose Back. 3. 3.3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and workbench request number in previous step defined at 3. choose from menu: Goto Translation. enter YBEPIC_S_BOC_B2E0005_OUTGOING.7. Structure on the dialog box screen.6. 3. Choose Data type option. Choose Save. Input the Short Description as the following: Field name Description User action and values Note BOC: Today's account balance query outgoing structure Short Description 4. Result Structure YBEPIC_S_BOC_B2E0035_PARAM is created.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Original Language Description Target Language Ending Date 截止日期(含) Maximum Amount 上限(含) Minimum Amount 下限(含) Records Number 记录数 Note 7. input ZH for target language field.6.8. choose Create.8. and choose Continue. Choose Save. Choose Components tab. then choose Activate. choose Continue.4 BOC: Today's Account Balance Query Outgoing Structure Procedure 1. then choose Activate. Access the activity choosing one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tool ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Dictionary Transaction code SE11 2. enter the following data: Original Language Description BOC: Token Query Specific Structure Target Language Note 中行:令牌查询定义结构 7.XML BOC outgoing transfer YB_CN_BOC_H_ACCOUNT_BALANCE..XML XML Query Format for BOc: Historic Account Balance YB_CN_CMB_ACCOUNT_BALANCE. 6.7 Uploading Format Trees Procedure 1. Result Structure YBEPIC_S_BOC_B2E0001_PARAM is created.8.7. and choose Continue. 3.XML XML Query Format for CMB Payment Information YB_CN_BOC_D_ACCOUNT_BALANCE. Structure on the dialog box screen.8. input ZH for target language field. choose from menu: Goto Translation. Choose Back. Choose Components tab. choose Create. choose Continue. Choose Data type option.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Procedure 1. make following entries: Component Component Type PASSWD YB_PASSWD Data Type length Short Description 5. Input the Short Description as the following: Field name Description User action and values Note BOC: Token Query Specific Structure Short Description 4.7.XML XML Query for BOC: Payment status © SAP AG Page 158 of 174 .XML XML Query Format for CMB Account Balance YB_CN_CMB_GET_PAYM_INFO.2 (Defining Workbench Request).XML CMB outgoing transfer YB_CN_BOC_OUTGOING. enter YBEPIC_S_BOC_B2E0001_PARAM. on the DTEL(LO): From enUS To zhCN: YBEPIC_S_BOC_B2E0001_PARAM Screen.Misc\Baseline\China into your local hardisk folder: such as D:\XML XML Filename Description YB_CN_CMB_OUTGOING. Copy Following XML Files from folder ..8.3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and workbench request number in previous step defined at 3. Choose Save.XML XML Query Format for BOc: Today's Account Balance YB_CN_BOC_GET_PAYM_STATUS.7. choose the package defined at 3. Choose Save. 3. Result 9 Format Trees are uploaded and activated.XML Please keep the total length of the path and filename within 55 chars because the field’s Max length is 55. 3.7. choose Upload XML File from Menu Format tree.2 (Defining Workbench Request). Access Transaction code DMEE1 3.8.Payment Medium Formats Use Procedure 1. choose New Entries.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide XML Filename Description (B2E0007) YB_CN_BOC_GET_TOKEN. On the DMEE: Change Format Tree YB_CN_XXX_XXXXX Screen.7. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Media Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium Workbench Create Payment Medium Formats 2. then choose Activate Repeat steps 2 -7 for the other XML files listed in step1. Choose Copy Continue (Enter) 6. Press enter if there is warning message 7. choose Save. and make the following entries: © SAP AG Page 159 of 174 .7. On the Change View “Payment Medium formats”: Overview screen.8. On the popup window DMEE: Upload XML File.9 Creating Payment Medium Formats . On the DME EngineL Initial Screen. choose the package defined at 3. make following entries Field name Description Location XML file name User action and values Note P D:\XML\YB_CN_CMB_OUTGOING. 5. 4.XML XML Query for BOc: large customer transaction 2.3 (Defining Package (Development Package)) and workbench request number in previous step defined at 3.XML XML Query for BOC: Receive Token (B2E0001) YB_CN_BOC_L_ACCOUNT_QUERY. Choose Save. © SAP AG Page 160 of 174 . Result You have now defined the payment medium formats. X Item 2 Type 04 XML Item 2 Country CN Item 2 Documentation module FPM_CN_CMB_OUTGOING Item 2 Mapping using DME engine X Item 2 Company code X Item 2 House bank X Item 2 House bank acct X Item 2 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Field name Description User action and values Note Format YB_CN_CMB_OUTGOING Item 1 Description China Merchant Bank: Outgoing Payment Item 1 Payment medium without docs. X Item 1 Type 04 XML Item 1 Country CN Item 1 Documentation module FPM_CN_CMB_OUTGOING Item 1 Mapping using DME engine X Item 1 Company code X Item 1 House bank X Item 1 House bank acct X Item 1 Format YB_CN_BOC_OUTGOING Item 2 Description Bank of China: Outgoing Payment Item 2 Payment medium without docs. and double click Event Modules for Payment Medium Formats(in left side dialog box) folder. Repeat 2-4 steps for YB_CN_CMB_OUTGOING line item: Result The Payment Medium Formats . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Media Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium Workbench Create Payment Medium Formats 2.7. 3. make the following entries: Type Field Len. No.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 3. 5. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Media Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium Workbench Create Payment Medium Formats 2.Text Fields f. Payment Med Use Procedure 1.10 Creating Payment Medium Formats . On the Change View “Payment Medium formats”: Overview screen. and double click Text Fields for Reference Information(in left side dialog box) folder.Event Modules f. On the Change View “Payment Medium formats”: Overview screen.7. make the following entries: Event Function module 05 FI_PAYMEDIUM_DMEE_CN_05 4. 3. On next screen. mark YB_CN_BOC_OUTGOING line item.Event Modules f. On next screen. Choose Save. 3.11 Creating Payment Medium Formats . Reference Inf Use Procedure 1. mark YB_CN_BOC_OUTGOING line item. Payment Med has been created. Of flds 1 Note to payee including lines for header 35 1 © SAP AG Page 161 of 174 . Reference Inf has been created. choose New Entries. Choose Save.12 Setting up Payment Meth. Repeat 2-4 steps for YB_CN_CMB_OUTGOING line item: Result Payment Medium Formats .s per Country f.Payme. 3.Text Fields f.s . © SAP AG Page 162 of 174 . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Incoming Payments Automatic Incoming Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program Set Up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions 2.7. Payment TrAct. 5.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 4. Choose Save. Result You have now defined Payment Meth. Payment TrAct.Payment Use Procedure 1. On the Change View “Payment Method/Country”: Overview screen. and make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Note Country CN Item 1 Pymt Method Y Item 1 Description Bank Transfer (BOC EPIC Test) Item 1 Bank details X Item 1 Document type for payment ZP Item 1 Clearing document type ZV Item 1 Account Number Required Item 1 Format YB_CN_BOC_OUTGOING Item 1 Country CN Item 2 Pymt Method Z Item 2 Description Bank Transfer (CMB EPIC Test) Item 2 Bank details X Item 2 Document type for payment ZP Item 2 Clearing document type ZV Item 2 Account Number Required Format Item 2 YB_CN_BOC_OUTGOING Item 2 3.s per Country f.s . 13 Setting Up Payment Meth. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Incoming Payments Automatic Incoming Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program Set Up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transactions 2.s per Country f.s . Choose Save.Note. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Incoming Payments Automatic Incoming Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program Set Up Payment Methods per Country for Payment Transactions 2. mark the CN Y line item.00 © SAP AG Note Page 163 of 174 .Note Use Procedure 1. Repeat 2-3 steps for the CN Z line item. 4. On the Change View “Maintenance of Company Code Data for a Payment Method”: O screen. On the Change View “Payment Method/Country”: Overview screen. and double click Note to Payee by Origin (in left side dialog box) folder make the following entries: Origin Note to payee FI-AP SAMPLE 01 3.s per Country f. code 1000 Pymt Method Y Minimum amount 1. Payment TrAct. 3.s .SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 3. choose New Entries. Payment TrAct. and make the following entries: Field name Description User action and values Paying co.14 Setting up Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transact Use Procedure 1.7.7. Result You have now activated the Payment Meth. 00 Maximum amount 10. 4.000.000. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Media Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium Workbench Assign Payment Medium Format and Note to Payee to Payment Method 2.7. code 1000 Pymt Method Z Minimum amount 1. Choose Save.00 Note Distribution am Foreign business partner allowed X Foreign currency allowed X Cust/vendor bank abroad allowed? X Result You have now activated the Payment Methods per Company Code for Payment Transact.000. Repeat 2-3 steps for following data: Field name Description User action and values Paying co.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Field name Description Maximum amount User action and values Note 10. mark the CN Y line item. choose Details(Ctrl+Shift+F2) and make the following entries: Field name User action and values Note Country CN Item 1 Pymt Method Y Item 1 Description Bank Transfer (BOC EPIC Test) Item 1 © SAP AG Description Page 164 of 174 .000. 3. On the Change View “Payment Method/Country”: Overview screen.00 Distribution am Foreign business partner allowed X Foreign currency allowed X Cust/vendor bank abroad allowed? X 3. Payment Medium Format and Note to Payee to Payment Meth Use Procedure 1.15 Ass. Result You have now defined the Bank Determ.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Field name Description User action and values Note Bank details X Item 1 Document type for payment ZP Item 1 Clearing document type ZV Item 1 Format YB_CN_BOC_OUTGOING Item 1 Country CN Item 2 Pymt Method Z Item 2 Description Bank Transfer (CMB EPIC Test) Item 2 Bank details X Item 2 Document type for payment ZP Item 2 Clearing document type ZV Item 2 Format YB_CN_BOC_OUTGOING Item 2 3. Choose Save. CrCy Rank.s .16 Setting up Bank Determ. On the Disply View “Bank Selection”: Overview screen. 3. Choose Save. Payment TrAct.7. © SAP AG Page 165 of 174 . f. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Incoming Payments Automatic Incoming Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions 2.. Result You have assigned Payment Medium Format to Payment Method.s .Ranking Order Use Procedure 1.order House Bk Y CNY 1 YBOC Y CNY 2 YCMB Z CNY 1 YCMB Z CNY 2 YBOC 4. On next screen make the following entries: P. f. and double click Ranking Order (in left side dialog box) folder. mark 1000 line item.Ranking Order. 3. Payment TrAct. 3.s . Choose Save. On the Disply View “Bank Selection”: Overview screen. mark 1000 line item.999.18 Setting up Bank Determ.999.Available Amounts Use Procedure 1..s Use Procedure 1.999. On next screen make the following entries: House ba… Accoun… Days Currency Available for outgoing … Scheduled incoming pa… YBOC 1 5 CNY 99. mark 1000 line item. f. Payment TrAct.999. f.17 Setting up Bank Determ. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Incoming Payments Automatic Incoming Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions 2. 3.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 3.999.99 4. Result You have now defined the Bank Determination for Payment Transactions. On the Disply View “Bank Selection”: Overview screen. On next screen make the following entries: House … P. Curr… Accoun… Bank subaccount YBOC Y CNY 1 10020188 YCMB Z CNY 1 10020388 4.99 99.999.999.999.7. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Incoming Payments Automatic Incoming Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions 2.7. Payment TrAct. 3. and double click Available Amounts (in left side dialog box) folder. Choose Save.99 YCMB 1 0 CNY 99.s . and double click Bank Accounts (in left side dialog box) folder. © SAP AG Page 166 of 174 .999.Bank Accnt. On next screen make the following entries: Pmt me… House … Acc… Amount Limit Currency Day to value date Y YBOC 1 999.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Result You have now defined the Bank Determ.20 Reporting Variants Payment Media (Programm SAPFPAYM) for Local CN Use Procedure 1.999. © SAP AG Page 167 of 174 . f. 3.s . On the ABAP Editor: Initial Screen. 3. 4.999.00 CNY 4 Z YCMB 1 9. Payment TrAct. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SE38 SAP ECC menu Tools ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Editor 2.Value Date. Payment TrAct.Initial Screen. provide the program.00 CNY 4. mark 1000 line item.Available Amounts.s . 3. choose Values and choose Create. f.7. 5. Result You have now defined the Bank Determ. f.999. Choose Save. provide the variant. On the ABAP: Variants .999.7. On the Variant Attributes screen. Payment TrAct.Value Date Use Procedure 1. Entries the Payment Medium Format and choose Variant Attributes. and double click Value Date (in left side dialog box) folder. On the Maintain Variant: Report xxxx. Choose Variants and choose Change. enter the description in field Description and save your entries. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Incoming Payments Automatic Incoming Payments Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions 2.19 Setting up Bank Determ.s . 3. 6. variant yyyy screen. On the Disply View “Bank Selection”: Overview screen.999. 7. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code OBPM4 IMG menu Financial Accounting (NEW) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Media Make Settings for Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium Workbench Create/Assign Selection Variants 2. to Payment Medium Format. Variant row item. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Country Specifics China Electronic Payment Integration Define Service Operation Type Codes for Queries 2. Double click YB_CN_CMB_OUTGOING file (in left side dialog box).SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Perform the steps for the following program SAPFPAYM Program SAPFPAYM SAPFPAYM Variant Description Payment Medium Format YB_BOC Variant for BOC YB_CN_BOC_OUTGOING YB_CMB Variant for CMB YB_CN_CMB_OUTGOING Result You have now activated the the Reporting Variants Payment Media . Choose Save. On the Change View “Define Service Operation Type Codes for Queries”: Overvie screen. enter YB_BOC in both the YBOC column and sel. 5. On the Payment Medium: Selection Variants screen.21 Payment Medium: Selection Variants Use Procedure 1. Result Selection Variant has been assigned.22 Defining Service Operation Type Codes for Queries Use Procedure 1. Variant row item. 4. 3. 3. make the following entries: © SAP AG Page 168 of 174 .7. Choose Save. double click YB_CN_BOC_OUTGOING file (in left side dialog box). 3. enter YB_CMB in both the YCMB column and sel. SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Serv.Oper.Type Bank Paym. Type Description Usage Category 001 Query Payment Status for Item 0 Query and Response for Item 002 Process Payment Response 2 Response for Outgoing Payment 003 Query Account Balance (Historic) 1 Standard Query and Response 004 Query Payment Status 1 Standard Query and Response 005 Query Payment Transaction 1 Standard Query and Response 006 Query Account Balance (Today) 1 Standard Query and Response 007 Query Token 1 Standard Query and Response 008 Query Payment Transaction (Today) 1 Standard Query and Response 3. Choose Save. Result You have now defined the Service Operation Type Codes for Queries. 3.7.23 Adding Details for Service Operation Type Codes Use Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO IMG menu Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments Country Specifics China Electronic Payment Integration Add Details for Service Operation Type Codes 2. On the Determine Work Area: Entry, make the following entries: Paying company code House Bank 1000 YBOC 3. Choose Enter. 4. On the Change View “Add Details for Service Operation Type Codes”: Overview screen, make the following entries: Acco unt ID Serv.Ope r.Type Format Tree 1 001 YB_CN_BOC_GET_P AYM_STATUS 1 002 © SAP AG Outgoing Struc. Name Encoding UTF-8 UTF-8 Page 169 of 174 SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Acco unt ID Serv.Ope r.Type Format Tree Outgoing Struc. Name Encoding 1 003 YB_CN_BOC_H_ACC OUNT_BALANCE YBEPIC_S_CMB_SDKNTQA BINF_PARAM UTF-8 1 005 YB_CN_BOC_L_ACC OUNT_QUERY YBEPIC_S_BOC_B2E0035_ PARAM UTF-8 1 006 YB_CN_BOC_D_ACC OUNT_BALANCE YBEPIC_S_BOC_B2E0005_ OUTGOING UTF-8 1 007 YB_CN_BOC_GET_T OKEN YBEPIC_S_BOC_B2E0001_ PARAM UTF-8 5. Choose Save. 6. Repeat 2-5 steps for following data: Paying company code House Bank 1000 YCMB Acco unt ID Serv.Ope r.Type Format Tree Outgoing Struc. Name Encoding 1 002 1 003 YB_CN_CMB_ACCO UNT_BALANCE YBEPIC_S_CMB_SDKNTQA BINF_PARAM GBK 1 004 YB_CN_CMB_GET_P AYM_INFO YBEPIC_S_CMB_GETPAYIN FO_PARAM GBK GBK Result You have now added Details for Service Operation Type Codes. 3.7.24 FI01: Creating Bank Master Data Use Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code FI01 SAP ECC menu Logistics Materials Management Foreign Trade/Customs Payment Guarantee Documentary Payments Environment Bank Master Record Create 2. On the Create Bank: Initial Screen, make the following entries: Bank Country Bank Key CN 1234565 CN 1234566 CN 40142 CN 40681 © SAP AG Page 170 of 174 SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide 3. Choose Enter. 4. On the Create Bank: Detail Screen, make the following entries: Bank Key Bank name Region City Bank Branch 1234565 招商银行 130 杭州市 57 1234566 招商银行 020 上海市 21 40142 中国银行北京 市分行 010 北京市 40681 中国银行北京 雅宝路支行 010 北京市 5. Choose Save. Result You have now created the bank master data. 3.7.25 Creating Vendor for Different Account Groups Use Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code XK01 SAP ECC menu Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Vendor Central Create 1. Choose the Create vendor: Initial Screen, and enter company code, Purch. Organization, Account group, and then choose Enter. Company Code: 1000 Purchase Organization: 1000 Account Group Vendor Name YBVE YBEPIC_01 Contact person A YBVE YBEPIC_02 Contact person A YBVE YBEPIC_03 Contact person A YBVE YBEPIC_04 Contact person A 2. On the Create Vendor : Address screen, enter Name, Search term 1, Street, House number, Postal code, City, Country, Time Zone, Tax jurisdiction code , Region, Telephone, Fax, then choose Next Screen. (F8). Vendor Name 1 YBEPIC_0 1 YBEPIC_0 2 YBEPIC_0 © SAP AG Name 2 Search Term Street 供应商 01- EPIC CMB EPIC 罗湖区滨河大道 333 号 供应商 02- EPIC CMB EPIC 供应商 EPIC Postal Code City 深圳 518001 金科路 2288 号 上海 201203 朝阳区和平街 100000 北京 Page 171 of 174 On the Create Vendor: Payment transactions accounting screen. Vendor Payt Terms Chk double inv.EPIC BOC YBEPIC_0 4 供应商 04.EPIC BOC Name 2 Search Term Postal Street City Code 12 区 8 号 南京西路 1144 号 EPIC 上海 200001 Time Vendor Country Region Langu. then choose Next Screen (F8) twice. No. then choose Next Screen (F8) twice... YBEPIC_01 CN 190 UTC+8 ZH YBEPIC_02 CN 020 UTC+8 ZH YBEPIC_03 CN 010 UTC+8 ZH YBEPIC_04 CN 020 UTC+8 ZH Zone 3. account Sort Key Cash mgmnt goup YBEPIC_01 22020101 009 (Ext. Incoterms. account. enter Payt Terms. Vendor Recon. Vendor Custom. Payment Methods YBEPIC_01 0001 X Z YBEPIC_02 0001 X Z YBEPIC_03 0001 X Y YBEPIC_04 0001 X Y 7. enter Recon. © SAP AG Page 172 of 174 . enter Order currency. Trading Partner YBEPIC_01 4. then choose Next Screen (F8). GR based inv. verif. On the Create Vendor: Payment transactions screen. On the Create Vendor: Control screen. On the Create Vendor: Accounting information accounting screen. enter the following data: Vendor Bank country key Bank Keys Bank account number YBEPIC_01 CN 1234565 571905400910516 YBEPIC_02 CN 1234566 571905493445667 YBEPIC_03 CN 40142 324656081263 YBEPIC_04 CN 40681 341556081269 5.doc number) A1 YBEPIC_03 22020101 009 (Ext. and Payment methods. Chk double inv.doc number) A1 6.doc number) A1 YBEPIC_02 22020101 009 (Ext. Automatic Purchase Order and the shipping condition.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Vendor Name 1 3 03. On the Create Vendor: Purchasing data screen. Sort Key and cash mgmnt group.doc number) A1 YBEPIC_04 22020101 009 (Ext. enter the customer number (if vendor is also customer). order YBEPIC CNY _01 FH X X 01 YBEPIC CNY _02 FH X X 01 YBEPIC CNY _03 FH X X 01 YBEPIC CNY _04 FH X X 01 8. Returns Ship. Result The vendor master data for EPIC testing has been created 4 Appendix 4. Based EvalGR Purch. Auto. Below smart forms have been created to fulfill china legal reporting requirements or common practices. Cond. Setmt Del. you can check the developed Smart forms for China legal requirements.2 © SAP AG Programs for Smart Forms Page 173 of 174 . Procedure 1. Vend.1 Smart Forms Use In this activity.SAP Best Practices Vendor Order Currency External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Incoterm s GR. Inv. Smart forms Description /SMB12/BALANCE_SHEET_CN_CAS China Balance Sheet /SMB12/PROFIT_SHEET_CN_CAS China Profit Sheet /SMB12/CASH_FLOW China Cash Flow statement /SMB12/FI_DOC_FORM Accounting Document /SMB12/SUBLEDGER Subledger Report /SMB12/GL_BALANCE GL Balance Report /SMB12/GL_SUBLEDGER GL Report /SMB12/EXPENSE Expenses Report /SMB12/BANKJOURNAL Cash Journal. Autom. Bank Journal 4. Choose Save. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tools Form Printout Smart Forms Transaction code Smartforms 2. you can check the developed ABAP Programs to call the above smart forms. The below ABAP programs are developed to run reports using the above smart forms. ABAP Program Smart Forms /SMB12/BALANCE_SHEET_CAS /SMB12/BALANCE_SHEET_CN_CAS /SMB12/BALANCE_SHEET_CAS /SMB12/PROFIT_SHEET_CN_CAS /SMB12/CASHFLOW_SHEET /SMB12/CASH_FLOW /SMB12/SUBLEDGER /SMB12/SUBLEDGER /SMB12/GL_BALANCE /SMB12/GL_BALANCE /SMB12/GL_SUBLEDGER /SMB12/GL_SUBLEDGER /SMB12/EXPENSE /SMB12/EXPENSE /SMB12/BANKJOURNAL /SMB12/BANKJOURNAL /SMB12/FI_DOC /SMB12/FI_DOC_FORM © SAP AG Page 174 of 174 . Procedure 1.SAP Best Practices External Financial Accounting (102): Configuration Guide Use In this activity. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC menu Tools ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Editor Transaction code SE38 2.
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