101956094 Tellabs Quick Guide

March 30, 2018 | Author: dedeputra01 | Category: File Transfer Protocol, Command Line Interface, Network Switch, Ethernet, Electrical Connector



Page 1 of 28Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1.1 / Bern, 1.09.2010 Department Field Services Quick Guide Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials Version Author Date 1.1 M. Iseli / S. Iff Bern, 01.09.2010 Date of change 1.09.2010 From Version 1.0 To Version 1.1 Person Iseli Reason Commands Update The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel - Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied, reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG. Page 2 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1.1 / Bern, 1.09.2010 Table of contents 1Available Racks.................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 8630 Access Switch ...................................................................................................... 3 1.2 8660 Edge Switch ......................................................................................................... 3 2 Cards for 8630 and 8660 Nodes .......................................................................................... 4 2.1 Card Slots ..................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Control and DC Power Card CDC................................................................................. 4 2.3 Interface Module Concentrator (IFC) ............................................................................ 5 2.4 Available IFMs ............................................................................................................. 5 2.5 Ethernet Interface Standards.......................................................................................... 6 2.6 Small Form Factors Pluggable ...................................................................................... 6 3 Installation and Maintenance Essentials ............................................................................... 8 3.1 ESD and Laser Safety ................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Basic Addressing .......................................................................................................... 8 3.3 Card swapping .............................................................................................................. 9 3.4 Replacing CDC Card .................................................................................................... 9 3.5 Replacing Air Filters................................................................................................... 10 3.6 Replacing Fan Modules............................................................................................... 12 4 Login Procedures, Connectivity and Commands ................................................................ 13 4.1 Starting Console session ............................................................................................. 13 4.2 CLI Command Structure ............................................................................................. 13 4.3 Basic Configuration, Hardware Inventory ................................................................... 15 4.4 Configuring Management Communication Links ........................................................ 16 4.5 Important Commands.................................................................................................. 19 4.6 Alarm related Commands............................................................................................ 20 5 Alarms and Alarm Handling .............................................................................................. 20 5.1 Fault Severity.............................................................................................................. 20 5.2 Alarm Types ............................................................................................................... 20 5.3 LED’s ......................................................................................................................... 21 5.4 Fault Status ................................................................................................................. 22 5.5 External Alarm Relays ................................................................................................ 22 5.6 System Message Logging............................................................................................ 22 6 Software Handling............................................................................................................. 23 6.1 Software Types ........................................................................................................... 23 6.2 Updating Element Software ........................................................................................ 23 6.3 Activating Element Software ...................................................................................... 24 7 Backups............................................................................................................................. 25 8 Terms and Acronyms......................................................................................................... 26 Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Activities This document is intended to serve as a quick overview of the 8630 and 8660 Tellabs Node family hardware and the most common FLM activities related to them. For more information please use together with the corresponding ALEX library. The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel - Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied, reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG. Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied.Page 3 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1.2 8660 Edge Switch The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . . reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG.1 8630 Access Switch 1.2010 1Available Racks 1.1 / Bern.09. 1. 1 / Bern.Page 4 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. DC power. All cards are hot-removable and hot-insertable. The IFC slot numbers run from 6 to 9. there are 6 slots of which 4 are available for the line cards with user traffic interfaces. It is recommended that it is 1+1 protected. control inputs and a Ethernet interface for management. To change or install an interface module. mandatory one card in slot 14. In the 8660 Node. 2. CDC in the slot 14 is mandatory in all configurations.2 Control and DC Power Card CDC Control and DC Power Card is a basic element of the 8630 / 8660 access / edge switches. NE synchronisation. there are 14 slots of which 12 (slots 2.. The control and DC-feed functionality has been combined into a single card in order to have as many slots as possible for line cards.09. The two outermost slots (1. however. The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG.. CDC in the slot 14 is mandatory in all configurations. 1. It provides control. There are two variants: CDC1-A or –B (memory configuration).Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied. The redundant CDC is „hot“ swappable. 14) are for Control and DC Power Cards (CDC).13) are available for the line cards with user traffic interfaces. the line card needs to be removed from the subrack.1 Card Slots For the 8630 Node.2010 2 Cards for 8630 and 8660 Nodes 2. . it is highly recommended. and 2 for Control and DC Power Cards (CDC). The CDC slots are numbered 1 and 14. The slots are positioned horizontally. Equipping slot 1 with another CDC depends on protection needs. external alarm interface. 1 / Bern. IFC Equipped with Two 2x1000BASE-X IFMs 2. There are two variants: IFC1-A or –B (memory configuration).4 Available IFMs An IFM located on IFC (slots M0 or M1). provides a physical connection to the network.2010 2.09. Currently supported media types are: • 8x10/100BASE-TX (electrical RJ-45 connectors) • 8x100BASE-X (SFP connectors) • 2x1000BASE-X (SFP connectors) • 8x1000BASE-X (SFP connectors) • 2+6x10/100/1000BASE-COMBO: 2-port Gigabit Ethernet 1000BASE-X (SFP connectors) and 6-port 10/100/1000BASE-TX Ethernet (electrical RJ-45 connectors) • 1xchSTM-1/chOC-3 Multiservice (SFP connectors) • 4xSTM-1/OC-3 ATM (SFP connectors) The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel .Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied. Interface Module Concentrator (IFC) is the basic element of the line card. 1. Typically each media type has an own dedicated IFM. A pair of high-density connectors for each IFM carries communication between IFM and IFC. Backplane connectors carry high speed data between IFCs in Tellabs 8630 access switch and Tellabs 8660 edge switch. . Well defined module interfaces make it easy to use various IFMs and design new IFMs as needed to address specific line side interfaces.3 Interface Module Concentrator (IFC) A line card consists of an Interface Module Concentrator (IFC) board and one or two IFMs. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG.Page 5 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. it may be required to decrease the launch power by using an online optical attenuator in order to meet the input power range.6 Small Form Factors Pluggable Optical Transceivers: Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) optical transceivers are used in optical interfaces.2010 • • • • • 4xchSTM-1/chOC-3 Multiservice (SFP connectors) 8xSTM-1 / OC3 POS (SFP connectors) 4xSTM-4 / OC-12 POS (SFP connectors) 1xSTM-16 / OC-48 POS (SFP connectors) 24xchE1/chT1 Multiservice (Sofix connectors) 2. The connector type of the Tellabs 8600 system electrical transceiver modules is RJ-45 or DIN.1 / Bern. LC connector type is used. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG. and the laser class.Page 6 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. 2. 1. For each application a certain type of SFP is required. An SFP transceiver is a hot-swappable input/output device that links a port on a transceiver module with the network. The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . for 1000 Base T all 4 pairs are used. compatibility with the laser safety and EMC standards must be checked. Physical Layers are (important examples): • 10 Base T: 10 MBit/s over twisted pair • 10 Base F: 10 MBit/s over fibre optic • 100 Base TX: 100 MBit/s fast Ethernet over twisted pair • 100 Base FX: 100 MBit/s fast Ethernet over fibre optic • 1000 Base X: 1000 MBit/s Gigabit Ethernet over fibre optic • 1000 Base SX: 1000 MBit/s Gigabit Ethernet over fibre optic (850nm) • 1000 Base LX: 1000 MBit/s Gigabit Ethernet over fibre optic (1300nm) • 1000 Base ZX: 1000 MBit/s Gigabit Ethernet over fibre optic (singlemode 1500nm) • 1000 Base CX: 1000 MBit/s Gigabit Ethernet over coaxial cable • 1000 Base T: 1000 MBit/s Gigabit Ethernet over twisted pair Other standards and conventions please find in Wikipedia or elsewhere. You can install or remove the SFP while the device is operating.Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied.3: describes a collection of various Ethernet standards • IEEE 802.1q: describes the standard of VLAN tagged frames On copper (twisted pair) usually 2 pairs are used for the transmission. Below find the most important designations: • IEEE 802. Electrical Transceivers: The Tellabs 8600 system uses Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) transceivers also in some electrical interfaces. For optical interfaces. . When using an SFP with a high launch power in short distances.09. the use thereof will be solely at the customer´s risk. Only Tellabs supplied and approved lasers should be used. If any other lasers or lasers from any other source than Tellabs are used.5 Ethernet Interface Standards There are several known standards. Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied. .09. 1.1 / Bern. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG.Page 7 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1.2010 The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . The wrist strap only protects the card from electrostatic voltages on the body. Keep the source of the laser radiation as far from your eyes as possible. Do not work with the equipment during lightning activity.1 ESD and Laser Safety Static electricity may damage the electronic cards or components causing complete or unrevealed failures which may activate with a delay.lo2 and so on Lan management port (outband) is called mfe (mfe14/0) 1000Base-X section 1 6 7 8 9 14 100Base-X section 1 6 7 8 9 14 CDC (mfe1/0) slave Ge6/1/0 to ge6/1/7 Ge7/1/0 to ge7/1/7 Ge8/1/0 to ge8/1/7 Ge9/1/0 to ge9/1/7 fe6/0/0 to fe6/0/7 fe7/0/0 to fe7/0/7 fe8/0/0 to fe8/0/7 fe9/0/0 to fe9/0/7 CDC (mfe14/0) main The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . 1. avoid touching the printed circuit board and connector pins. Keep the fiber optic cable ends directed away from people. • Avoid contact between the cards and clothing. .2010 3 Installation and Maintenance Essentials 3.1 / Bern. • Handle cards by the faceplates and edges only. Example for slot 8: 100Base-X on right is called fe (fe8/0/0 to fe8/0/7) 1000Base-X on left is called ge (ge8/1/0 to ge 8/1/7) Loopback Interfaces are called lo0. Avoid exposure to laser radiation and do not stare into open apertures.Page 8 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1.Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied.2 Basic Addressing • • • • • Generally subracks are counted from right to left.09. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG. • Place any removed component on an antistatic surface or in an antistatic shielding bag. Connect one end of the strap to an ESD jack or an unpainted metal component on the rack or subrack. 3. Observe the following guidelines: • Always wear an ESD-preventive wrist or ankle strap when handling electronic components.lo1. Invisible laser radiation may be emitted from the aperture of the optical IFM port when no cable is connected or a protective cap is not in its place. Electrostatic voltages on clothing can still cause damage. The optical transceivers supplied by Tellabs are solely Class 1 lasers. • After replacement. ETSI SEC Timing Module (cmt2017-etsi-timing) and S3 Timing Module (cmt2228timing).Page 9 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1.2010 3. When a card is replaced by another card of the same type with the same type of modules. • In most cases it is possible to accept an older HW version in inventory.2 Line Card and CDC Assembly of the Hardware Installation Guide depending on the hardware version in use. If the replacement card is of older HW version than the previous card. The active CDC is indicated by the green CDC status/Master LED in the front panel. you can check the active CDC with a console using the following command: ⇒ show hw Example: 3 If needed. in this case the expected type of Timing Module must be configured to cmt2017-etsi-timing and only the features of the cmt2017-etsi-timing can be used. 1. 2 Remove the clock signal cable from the SCI port. However. remove the CDC. • Remove and replace the card from the subrack as instructed in chapter 3. make sure that the CDC that you want to extract is not active: 1 Insert a PC with a serial port terminal to the active CDC management port.Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied. • In CDC 1+1 equipment protection CDCs may have different types of Timing Modules. The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . Otherwise the CDC may cause bodily injury or damage to the part that it is touching. 2 Alternatively. Never keep the power cable connected to the CDC while it is out of its slot. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG.3 Card swapping Replacing CDC or Line Card • If you are going to remove the CDC from Tellabs 8660 edge switch/Tellabs 8630 access switch. the HW version of a new card should be at least equal to the HW version of the previous card.1.e. 3 Remove the DC power cable from the CDC. for more information refer to Tellabs® 8600 Managed Edge System Equipment Management Configuration Guide. the active CDC is moved to slot 14. move the card using the command: ⇒ manual-switchover In the following example card 1 is extracted and it is active. • In CDC 1+1 equipment protection both CDCs must be of the same variant type (CDC1-A or CDC1-B). the new card (replacement card) will get the configuration of the old card and will start operating as part of the network element without any need to manually configure it. the HW version of the new card is saved as an expected HW version.1 / Bern. . first turn off the power switch. 3. i. ⇒ UK_8630# protection manual-switchover unit cdc slot 14 4 Now move the console port to the active CDC. • When a CDC card (CBB2026 or CBB2224) is replaced by another card.09. Now you can proceed to remove the CDC: 1 Switch off the power of the CDC that you are going to extract. start permission of the replacement card is denied.4 Replacing CDC Card Before starting the operation. then detach the power cable and only after these actions. Be careful not to touch the rotating fans. Tellabs 8660 Edge Switch The air filter is below the fan modules. 2 Pull the air filter framework out of the subrack. 10 Insert the clock signal cable to the SCI port. 6 Remove the CDC from the shelf. 12 Switch ON the power of the CDC.Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied.0 also has screws to be loosened on the front panel. Type the following command: ⇒ sh hw If the CDC was part of the inventory in the network element you will see: unit in slot 1 is MISSING from node but part of inventory the expected unit type is cbb2026– CDC1–A(2026) timing module has expected type cmt2228-timing active type none existing type none The new CDC will sequentially go through the following steps: unit in slot 1 is part of inventory and STARTING BOOT SEQUENCE unit in slot 1 is part of inventory and BOOTING UP unit in slot 1 is part of inventory and UP AND RUNNING Now the card is available. This activity is indicated by the blinking CDC status/RMTalm LED. 8 Turn the blue latches placed on the top and bottom of the card inbound to fix the card. 3.2010 4 Use a Torx TX10 or Pozi Drive PZ2 screwdriver to unfasten the card screws. placed on the top and the bottom of the card. The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . You can remove it without pulling out any of the fan modules. The NE will be consistent when the LED is stable.09. 11 Insert the DC power cable to the CDC and fasten the screws tightly. 9 Use a Torx TX10 or Pozi Drive PZ2 screwdriver to fasten the card screws. Change the Tellabs 8600 network element air filter at least every six months. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG. 3 Insert a new air filter to its place. 1 Open the fan module front panel by lifting it up so that the upper edge is released. The air flow restricted by dirty filters may result in an excessive rise of the temperature.1 / Bern. 1. Close the fan module front panel and tighten the screws. It will take some minutes to synchronize the NE configuration with the active CDC. to extract the card.Page 10 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1.5 Replacing Air Filters Maintain the air filters to ensure a continuous air flow into the subrack. 7 Insert the new CDC into the shelf. 5 Turn the blue latches outbound. After having replaced the CDC. Subrack V3. . you can optionally check that it is booting. . 4 Slide the filter holder on top of the filter assembly towards you by helping with a screwdriver at the back. The fitting is tight. 10 Take new standard screws from the filter package. insert a new air filter by carefully placing it under the six latches 7 Slide the filter holder back under the side latches from back to front. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG.2010 Tellabs 8630 Access Switch The air filter is on the left side of the subrack and fan modules. 2 Remove the filter assembly by pulling it from the handle on the front plate. Otherwise they may damage the threads of the screw holes. The guide is on the left side of the fan modules. 3 Hold the filter assembly so that the front panel is towards you with the texts upside down. The air filter is inside the filter assembly. so some force is needed. so that the plate slides from under the two perforated latches on the back side of the filter assembly. Then slightly move the filter holder backwards so that its drawing holes snap into the perforated latches. You can remove the air filter without pulling out any of the fan modules.1 / Bern. 8 Slide the filter holder all the way to the front of the filter assembly so that you can press the back side of the filter holder under the perforated latches on the back side of the framework.09. The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . 1 There are four Torx 10 screws holding the filter assembly on the left side of the Tellabs 8630 access switch subrack.Page 11 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. Make sure that the two drawing holes of the filter holder are on the back side of the filter assembly and the drawing is upside. 5 Now the filter holder can be slid away from you in the opposite direction so that it is released from under the four side latches. Put all four screws on their places and tighten them.Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied. The old screws should not be used if they are the original self-tapping screws. They need to be unscrewed first. 1. 6 Remove the air filter. 9 Slide the filter assembly back into its place. • Open the front panel by lifting it so that the upper edge is released. a screw driver when extracting the fan module.Page 12 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. To replace the fan module. enough tractive force is needed. Tellabs 8660 Edge Switch The fan modules and air filter can be replaced on the fly without disturbing the data traffic through the NE. The fan should immediately start rotating. . 3 Push the fan module into the slot until the power connector seats in the backplane. do not replace the fan module in high ambient temperature. Replace the fan module as soon as possible. The fan module can be pulled out by placing the fingers behind the metal handle in the front of the module having all the version stickers. • Make sure that the fan module is non-operational during the replacement for less than 2 minutes. especially when inserting the leftmost fan module. It will come loose with enough tractive force. • Replace the fan module as fast as possible. 5 Verify that the green LED is lit at each fan. Make sure. Be careful not to touch the propeller before the rotation has stopped. presuming the NE power is on. Make sure the sliding base goes under each latch. • There are four Torx 10 screws holding the filter assembly on the left side of the Tellabs 8630 access switch subrack. if possible.6 Replacing Fan Modules • The fan propeller will continue rotating momentarily after extraction.Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied. • Pull the fan module clear of the subrack and lay it in a safe place. Because of tight fitting. 4 Close the fan module front panel and tighten the screws. • Have a replacement fan module ready to be installed before removing the former • module. • In one fan failure. The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel .2010 3. They need to be screwed off first. for instance. 1. The fan is adhered to the network element subrack by a connector assembly. The fan module must be replaced within three days from failure. The fan module must be replaced within three days from failure. • Pull the fan module clear of the subrack and lay it in a safe place. 2 Place the fan module into the slot with the power connector first so that it rests on the subrack. Tellabs 8630 Access Switch The fan modules and air filter can be replaced on the fly without disturbing data traffic through the NE. • Remove the filter assembly by pulling it from the handle on the front plate. Carefully bend from the lower edge. • You can use. Subrack V3.1 / Bern. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG. The fan is adhered to the network element subrack by a connector assembly. Align the bottom guides. that the wires on the left side of the fan module go in smoothly.09. proceed as follows: 1 Hold the fan module with the fans on the upper side and the fan status LEDs on the right.0 also has screws to be loosened on the front panel. It will come loose with enough tractive force. • Make sure you are using an ESD wrist strap. Open Hyperterminal or other terminal program. Each command mode has its own set of commands available for configuring and monitoring the router. The fan should immediately start rotating presuming the NE power is on.1 / Bern. Align the left side guides.1 Starting Console session Connect the serial port of the PC to the console port of the NE using the proper serial cable.2 CLI Command Structure The CLI commands are divided into several command modes based on the functionality of the router. The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . Entering a question mark (?) at the router prompt allows you to obtain a list of commands available for each command mode. so that it rests on the subrack. 5 Take new standard screws from the filter package. The commands available to you at any given time depend on the mode you are in. Set COM port to the following settings: • 38400Bps • Databits:8 • Parity:None • Stopbits:1 • Flowcontrol:None • hit enter and you should see command prompt (router>) 4. 3 Push the fan module into the slot until the power connector seats in the backplane. 1.Page 13 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. Connectivity and Commands 4. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG. The fitting is tight.09. 6 Verify that the green LED is lit at each fan. 4 Login Procedures. 4 Slide the filter assembly back in its place. Put all four screws on their places and tighten them. 2 Place the fan module into the slot with the power connector first. proceed as follows: 1 Hold the fan module with the fans on the right side and the fan status leds at the bottom. . The guide is on the left side of the fan modules. The old screws should not be used if they are the original self-tapping screws. Otherwise they may damage the threads of the screw holes.2010 To replace the fan module.Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied. so some force is needed. 2010 The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel .09. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG.1 / Bern. .Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied. 1.Page 14 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. ⇒ clock set as-utc 06:45:00 29 Aug 2007 Attention: month has to be a three letter English abbreviation with a capital first letter. 2 Check that all the cards are part of the inventory. Hardware Inventory The hw-inventory contains an expected card type for each card slot in the NE and an expected module type for each module slot in a card. 1 Create a new hw-inventory configuration using the following command. Generally.09.1 / Bern. UP AND RUNNING. ETSI mode is the default mode.Page 15 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. By default add-all-units sets the CDC in slot 14 to the active card and the CDC in slot 1 to the protecting card. Just copy and paste the . Wait patiently until the Bootup Done message has been displayed for each card and the yellow Remote Alarm LED has stopped blinking in all cards. A green Master LED should be on in the active CDC. Check also that the CDC in slot 14 is the active one. After the hw-inventory is created. Press Enter and login to the element. the second unit on slot 1 is sometimes not seen if this command is not entered. see ALEX or the CLI Commands Manual.2010 4. Most likely you will get a . Specially if you have two CDC’s. the hardware units are recognized. It is advisable not to paste all the text at once. For a complete list of commands. 1. the NE is operational. add-all-units is the first command that is given to the NE after it has been populated with a full set of hardware.txt file into Hyperterminal and check for faults.txt file with a preconfiguration. and that the expected and active module type match the existing type. After a while. the NE is operational. indicating the card is now online. . Router>enable ⇒ show hw-inventory 3 Configure the current UTC time and date to the network element.Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied.3 Basic Configuration. it should be done in command groups or even single commands. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG. The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . A green LED will be lit. depending of the amount. 4 Generate and verify Crypto Key (if instructed to do so): ⇒ crypto generate key 1 ssh2-dsa ⇒ show crypto key After that. ⇒ hw-inventory add-all-units clean-start ⇒ hw-inventory add-all-units preconfigured (keeps existing node configuration) Like this. select ETSI or ANSI mode according your needs. follow detailed instructions for inbound or outbound management according to manual and information from network planners. the communication link is connected from the Communication Server straight to the NE or via an external Fast Ethernet switch.09. Inband management means that the communication to a NE is established from an existing NE.4 Configuring Management Communication Links Once the NE is configured.2010 4. depending on the circumstances. it is time to create the communication between the NE and Communication Server. in particular. Proper network management usually requires. In this example the communication link is connected to the fixed Ethernet management port of Tellabs 8660 edge switch.Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied. 1. See. outband. .1 / Bern. and a combination of the two. In the case of outband management. Tellabs® 8600 Managed EdgeSystem Management Communications Configuration Guide. much configuration that is not described in this installation guide. Configuring Outband Management This chapter describes the configuration steps required when establishing the communication to the first NE. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG. inband.Page 16 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. 1 Enable configuration mode and check the existing configuration: router>enable router#show running configuration 2 Enter the NE hostname and IP address to the communication link port with the following commands: ⇒ router#configure terminal ⇒ router(config)#hostname N-PE 10 ⇒ N-PE 10(config)#interface mfe14/0 The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . between Communication Server and the NE. Outband and Inband Management There are three options for creating the communication to the network elements. The IP addresses used in this step are examples. for example IS-IS.09.2010 ⇒ N-PE 10(cfg-if)#ip address 192.168.1/30 ⇒ N-PE 10(cfg-if)#no shutdown ⇒ N-PE 10(cfg-if)#exit 3 Configure the OSPF: ⇒ N-PE 10(config)#router ospf1 ⇒ N-PE 10(cfg-ospf[1])#ospf router-id 10.254 (Communication Server LAN adapter) 6 Enter a static route to the node elements in the Workstation: C:\>route add ⇒ N-PE 10(cfg-if)#no shutdown ⇒ N-PE 10(cfg-if)#exit 2 Enter the communication link port IP address: ⇒ N-PE 10(config)#interface fe9/1/0 ⇒ N-PE 10(cfg-if)#description link to N-PE 20 ⇒ N-PE 10(cfg-if)#ip address 192. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG.Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied.168.10. the following configurations must be added in the NEs to enable inband management to N-PE 20 through N-PE 10.10.254 –p 7 Enable the communication between the network element and Communication Server: ⇒ N-PE 10(config)# bmp-server enable Once the IP address has been assigned to the interfaces and the static routes have been added to the NE and the Management System.0 mask 255.100.0 172. N-PE 10 1 Enter the loopback IP address: ⇒ N-PE 10>enable ⇒ N-PE 10#configure terminal ⇒ N-PE 10(config)#interface lo0 ⇒ N-PE 10(cfg-if)#ip address 10.168.Page 17 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. After outband management is configured according to the previous example in N-PE 10.123. .255.1 / Bern.10 The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . you can communicate remotely by Telnet over an Ethernet network.137. In this example OSPF is used and IGP protocol to establish routing connectivity.255. Configuring Inband Management This chapter describes the configuration steps required when establishing the communication to a new network element from an existing NE (between N-PE 20 and N-PE 10).254 5 Test communication to the Communication Server with ping: ⇒ N-PE 10(config)#exit ⇒ N-PE 10#ping 192.10/24 ⇒ N-PE 10(cfg-if)#description link to Communication Server 3 Activate the link: ⇒ N-PE 10(cfg-if)#no shutdown ⇒ N-PE 10(cfg-if)#exit A green LED will be lit within the interface in question indicating that the interface is now online.123. which can be used for route distribution. The Tellabs 8600 system supports also other routing protocols.10. 1.19.100. 4 Add a static route towards the management LAN by entering the following command: ⇒ N-PE 10(config)#ip route 172.19. (address of the network between the elements) ⇒ N-PE 10(cfg-ospf[1])#network 10.0.123. .10.0 (address of the network between the elements) The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel .2/30 ⇒ N-PE 20(cfg-if)#no shutdown ⇒ N-PE 20(cfg-if)#exit 4 Configure the OSPF: ⇒ N-PE 20(config)#router ospf1 ⇒ N-PE 20(cfg-ospf[1])#ospf router-id 10.0/24 area 0.Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied. (address of the management network) ⇒ N-PE 10(cfg-ospf[1])#network 10.20 ⇒ N-PE 20(cfg-ospf[1])#network / Bern. area 0.123.0 (NE loopback address) ⇒ N-PE 10(cfg-ospf[1])# redistribute static N-PE 20 1 Enter the hostname for the NE if not given yet: ⇒ router(config)#hostname N-PE 20 2 Enter the loopback IP address: ⇒ N-PE 20>enable ⇒ N-PE 20#configure terminal ⇒ N-PE 20(config)#interface lo0 ⇒ N-PE 20(cfg-if)#ip address 10.0.2010 ⇒ N-PE 10(cfg-ospf[1])#network 192.Page 18 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. 1.0.20/32 ⇒ N-PE 20(cfg-if)#no shutdown ⇒ N-PE 20(cfg-if)#exit 3 Enter the communication link port IP address: ⇒ N-PE 20(config)#interface fe8/1/0 ⇒ N-PE 20(cfg-if)#description link to existing element N-PE 10 ⇒ N-PE 20(cfg-if)#ip address 10.0/30 area 0.123. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG.0/30 area 0.100.100. xxx.0 protection manual-switchover unit cdc slot 1 ftp-server enable bmp-server enable hw-inventory add-all-units clean-start etsi Exit Show possible commands to continue Shows help for commands Stops command execution Status of all installed units.0 (NE loopback address) 5 Enter a static route to the node elements in the Workstation: C:\>route add 10.255.Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied.1 / Bern. ⇒ N-PE 20(config)# bmp-server enable Management Traffic QoS The outgoing management traffic QoS can easily be selected using the command: ⇒ (config)#mgmt-traffic qos Using this command the operator can select which QoS class outgoing management traffic uses (mgmt-traffic qos affects the following protocols: CLI.Page 19 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. 4.5 Important Commands List of important commands: Command ? Help ^c show hw-inventory show interface fe8/0/0 show ip interface brief Show ip route show sw-version show flash Show run Enable configure terminal ip interface xxx.20/32 area 0.123. BMP.255.xxx. including CCN. N-PE 10 and N-PE20 from a Workstation or the Communication Server: C:\>ping <NE loopback address> 8 Enable the communication between the network element and Communication Server. no shutdown shutdown shutdown-if snapshot-config create flash: snap101.xxx.100. SNMP and syslog packets). detail view Shows all IP interfaces.255.0 192.19. The default QoS value for management traffic is CS7.xxx/xx no shutdown-if.254 -p 6 Enter a static route to the node elements in the Communication Server: C:\>route add 10.zip snapshot-config restore flash: snap101. 1.0. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG. clears the alarms on the unused interfaces Create Backup Restore Backup CDC active switching from slot 14 to slot 1 Enable FTP server (important for FTP tasks) Protocoll between management and Node First command to perform in a new Node Go back to next level / exit The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel .123.xxx. .10 -p 7 Now you should be able to ping and Telnet the loopback addresses of both NEs.0 mask 255. HW Status of FE interface 8/0/0.xxx/xx no ip interface xxx.100.100.0. short display version Shows IP routes Shows SW versions Shows content of flash Shows the running configuration Enter the priviledged mode Enter the configure mode Set IP address + mask (/xx) of selected module Removes the ip address on selected interface Switch on interface Switch off interface between layer 2+3 Switch off interface on layer 1.10.0 mask 255.2010 ⇒ N-PE 20(cfg-ospf[1])#network 10.123.168. that is they break traffic or have major impact on service quality. router(config)# logging syslog host 172.09.g. severity.1 / Bern. etc You can also use the output filter.19.Page 20 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. fault group.105 warning router(config)# logging syslog enable 5 Alarms and Alarm Handling 5. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG.101. time. Some faults are “service affected”. . 5.2010 4.1 Fault Severity Each fault (or event) has a predefined severity: • Critical • Major • Minor • Warning • Informational • (Debug) In Tellabs 8630 access switch and Tellabs 8660 edge switch the NE state LEDs in CDC reflect the severity of the currently active faults in the NE.2 Alarm Types Each fault has a predefined alarm type in one of the following categories: • com = communication alarm type • qos = quality of service alarm type • pro = processing error alarm type • equ = equipment alarm • env = environmental alarm • int = integrity violation • ope = operational violation • phy = physical violation • sec = security service or mechanism violation The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . 1.Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied. by card.6 Alarm related Commands router# show faults active router# show faults history slot 14 router# show faults active slot 8 fault-group interface severity critical router# show faults history slot 8 | block "ge8/0/1" router# terminal monitor router# terminal monitor severity warning Show all currently active faults in the NE Show the fault history of card 14 (fault history is card-specific) You can filter active and history faults e. in this example only the faults related to interface ge8/0/1 are shown Activate the system message logging in the CLI terminal Define the lowest event severity that will be logged (events with lower severity will not be shown) Define the address for the syslog server and the lowest event severity to be sent to the server Enable the syslog feature. 1 / Bern. The possible consequences are: • No led • Yellow led (error detected but fault cause not in this card or NE) • Red led (error detected in this card) In Tellabs 8630 access switch and Tellabs 8660 edge switch. when online and CDC detects or suspects fault in some other network element or remote site. Note that online CDC may still contain errors.3 LED’s A fault might light a card state and/or interface state LED.Page 21 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG. also the NE state LEDs in CDC might be lit.09. 1. 1) Boot-up sequence 2) Inventory create 3) Inventory (backup) restoration 4) Manually set to forced blinking when CDC is online (it is “up” meaning successful boot-up sequence finished and start-up permission granted). .Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied.2010 5. when manually set to forced blinking ON BLINKING ON BLINKING during following operations: Remote Alarm YELLOW On Line GREEN ON BLINKING when card itself has a fault or card is not in inventory when manually set to forced blinking when error detected in some other card 1) bootup sequence 2) inventory create 3) inventory (backup) restoration 4) manually set to forced blinking when card is active and in inventory when manually set to forced blinking The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . NE Status LEDs on CDC Critical RED Major RED Minor/Warning YELLOW Battery voltage GREEN Fan module voltage GREEN Card Status LEDs on CDC Local Alarm RED ON ON ON ON ON when one or more critical severity level card faults when one or more major severity level cards faults when one or more minor or warning severity level cards faults when battery voltage is OK when fan module voltage is OK ON BLINKING ON BLINKING during following operations: ON Remote Alarm YELLOW Active/Master GREEN BLINKING LED’s on IFC’s / IFM’s Local Alarm RED when CDC itself has a fault or not in inventory when manually set to forced blinking. Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied.connected to GND (ground) The fixed external outputs are: • If Critical output is closed. The external line status can be: • Open . BLINKING OFF 5. This describes some event. After a delta event.not connected to GND (ground) • Closed . when Ethernet link is up and there is transmit or receive activity. The first three outputs act like NE state alarm LEDs. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG. the Major NE alarm is ON.5 External Alarm Relays Tellabs 8630 access switch and Tellabs 8660 edge switch have 4 fixed and 2 programmable external output relays and 8 (per CDC) external input relays.4 Fault Status The fault status (or fault state) is one of the following: • On (fault is active) • Off (fault is not active) • Delta. power voltage (+48 V battery in CDC) is OK.09. when administrative status for Ethernet interface is online.Page 22 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. when Ethernet link is down. • If Major output is closed. 5. when manually set to forced blinking.6 System Message Logging Faults and other events cause corresponding human readable system messages. • If Minor/Warning output is closed. . The messages can be stored into: • CLI console (optional) • Logging server using syslog protocol [RFC3164] (optional) The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . 5.1 / Bern. when administrative status for Ethernet interface is shutdown or Ethernet link is down. for some faults. Tellabs 8605 access switch and Tellabs 8607 access switch have one fixed and one programmable external output relays and 4 external input relays. Each of the external input lines can be associated to the user-defined fault or pre-defined faults. the fault state is off.2010 LED’s on Ethernet ports Link/Activity GREEN ON BLINKING OFF ON Online GREEN when Ethernet link is up. the Critical NE alarm is ON. no specific on and off time can be defined. The programmable output line status and non-volatile behaviour can be set by the user. 1. the Minor/Warning NE alarm is ON • If power voltage output is on. 6. There are two ways to update the Tellabs 8660 edge switch and Tellabs 8630 access switch application software. click it (1–14).2.9. 7 Drag the new application software to the FTP connected appl-sw sub-folder. Do not download incompatible application software. You can either upgrade the software on one card at a time or the whole NE in one go. 4 Check the existing application software (enter username and password if needed): ftp://192.04. the software is automatically distributed into all cards of the network element.15. When the software package is activated. There are two different ways to do FTP transferring: • Using Windows Explorer (or an FTP program) 1 Start Windows Explorer. In Telnet session you can delete all unused application software versions with the CLI command: ⇒ delete slot <slot number> flash: * 2.2 Updating Element Software Normally. 1. Repeat the steps from Step 7.8. When the whole NE is upgraded in one go. the software will be updated remotely.1 Software Types There are three different software types: Example Node 8630 Bern Testbed: Boot Software.Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied. It can be started by pressing “m” at startup: 8: mini-application SW gmz2711_2.0 Mini Application Software. Move to the directory of the transferable application software. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG.1 / Bern.9. It is used to load new ESW in case of an emergency.0.2010 6 Software Handling 6.0.Page 23 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1.9. The boot software is able to detect faulty Element software and can initiate a fallback: 8: boot SW gmz2710-03. .191 Backup 14: mini-application SW gmz2702_2.191 2.000 3. if the IP address is 192.4. it might indicate that the flash file system is full.206 2.191 2.0 14: boot SW gmz2700- 5 To select a slot. Otherwise the FTP connection will be disconnected.206 Active OK 8796452.4. Delete old application software by clicking the right mouse button and selecting delete.15/ 3 Fill in username and password.0. However.2. For example.206 2. the update can be done locally.000 3.206 Active OK 4457844.9.191 Backup Element Software ESW: 8: /flash/appl-sw/slot8/lbz2713_2.04. The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . clear the Explorer address field and type: ftp://192.8. This requires that all cards have enough space in their flash memories. 14: /flash/appl-sw/slot14/cbz2712_2. The application software versions should be the same in every card. 8 If the transfer fails. the application software package is downloaded into the active CDC. 2 Open an FTP connection to the IP address of the target NE. 6 Open a new explorer window.8.2. and start again from Step 6. 3. 4 To check the existing software. Otherwise.3 Activating Element Software 1 Connect to the target through console or Telnet connection.09. 2 Fill in username and password.15 4 Fill in username and password. Type bin and press enter. 6 Download application software to the target.2010 • Through Command Prompt Session 1 Start the Command Prompt.Page 24 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. Type hash and press enter. 1.1 / Bern. type enable.2. it might indicate that the flash file system is full. . 7 The new application software is transferred to the target. 2 Go to the directory where the new downloadable application software exists. Do not download incompatible application software. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG. 5 The following command path is needed: ⇒ cd/flash/appl-sw/slot(1-14). Type put “new application software name”.0. 2. press Enter and leave the options empty. Delete the old application software by deleting the name of the deletable software. Check that you have correct drive and path information. 8 If the transfer fails. if they have been defined. Otherwise the connection will be disconnected. 3 To move to the PRIVILEGED EXECUTION level. 3 Open an FTP connection to the target by typing: ⇒ ftp 192. 6. The FTP connection will be closed by a remote host if the password query fails. type: ⇒ show flash: The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel .Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied. The following commands are needed. 1. 8 To check the active software.09. Slots 1 and 14 are for control cards. . the command snapshot-config is used. 1.1. you need to close the port used for FTP and delete snap: ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ interface fe0/3 no ip address 192.255.1 / Bern. Slots 2–13 in Tellabs 8660 edge switch and slots 6–9 in Tellabs 8630 access switch are for line cards.Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied. type configure terminal to go to the global configure terminal mode. On the new installed Tellabs configure again the interface for FTP connection using: ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ enable configure terminal ftp-server enable interface fe0/3 ip address 192.1/24 shutdown-if exit snapshot-config delete flash: snap101. First we need to create an interface for the FTP <> PC connection (IP addresses are examples): ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ enable configure terminal interface fe0/3 ip address 192.0 Gateway 192. 6 Type the following command for all slots (cards) which have been downloaded with the new application software: ⇒ boot system slot [1-14] flash: ‘Name of SW to activate’ 7 To return to the PRIVILEGED EXECUTION level.1 Connect using WSFTP or another FTP programm Look for the file snap101.1.2 subnet 255. The activated application software should be in activated state after reset.zip Set your PCs IP address to: 192. to reset the target. then enter: ⇒ snapshot-config restore flash: snap101. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG. type: ⇒ show sw-version. 7 Backups To create a complete backup of the unit. After activation.1. type: ⇒ reload-sw The software is activated after recovery from the reset.168. type exit.zip The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . type ⇒ show sw-version.168.1. The control cards and line cards have different software. 9 To go to the PRIVILEGED EXECUTION level.Page 25 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. type exit.168.2010 5 After checking. 10 To check the active software.1.255.zip Finally. Replace now the Tellabs HW.1/24 no shutdown Now transfer the file back to /flash/snapshot-config using your FTP program.168.168.1/24 no shutdown Then create the backup file with the following command: ⇒ snapshot-config create flash: snap101. Note: The application software versions should be the same in every card.zip (normally under: /flash/snapshot-config) and transfer it to your PC. Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied.1 / Bern. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG. Trivial FTP Foil Shielded Twisted Pair The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel . Signal with different data rates (10-100 Mbit/s) and a usual frame length of 1500 Bytes First In First Out memory Electrically erasable and programmable memory type "Old" Data Transmission Technology File Transfer Protocol. A communication protocol which is used between Tellabs 8600 network elements and Tellabs 8000 network manager. Base Station Controller Connection Admission Control Configuration Change Notification Control and DC Power Card Customer Edge Router Circuit Emulation Service CES over Packet Switched Networks Command Line Interface Central Processor Unit Circuit Switched Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detect (used with Ethernet) Digital Subscriber Line Dense Wavelenth Division Multiplexing 2 MBit/s PDH Signal 34 Mbit/s PDH Signal Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory Ethernet in the First Mile Electromagnetic Compatibility ElectroMagnetic Interference Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radiospectrum Matters Electrostatic Discharge Ethernet Synchronization Message Channel Fast Ethernet. Broadband Routing ASIC for IP Networks.09. 1. TFTP FTP Term Explanation ATM Adaptation Layer Address Resolution Protocoll Application Specific Integrated Circuit Access Service Network Asynchronous Transfer Mode High Speed Main Network Bidirectional Forwarding Detection Border Gateway Protocol version 4 Broadband Management Protocol. FE FIFO FLASH Frame Relay FTP. The basic building block part of all Tellabs 8600 network elements.2010 8 Terms and Acronyms Terms AAL ARP ASIC ASN ATM Backbone BFD BGP-4 BMP BRAIN BSC CAC CCN CDC CE Router CES CESoPSN CLI CPU CS CSMA/CD DSL DWDM E1 E3 EEPROM EFM EMC EMI ERM ESD ESMC Ethernet. .Page 26 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied.09.Page 27 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG. carried usually on fibre (1000Base-LX/SX) or on copper (1000 Base-T) Ground Gigabit Passive Optical Network Graphical User Interface High Level Data Link Control (Layer 2) High Speed Downlink Packet Access High Speed Uplink Packet Access Bidirectional two-wire serial bus that provides a communication link between integrated circuits (IC's) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Interface Module Concentrator Interface Module Inverse Multiplexing for ATM Internet Protocol Intermediate System to Intermediate System (Interior Gateway Protocol) International Telecommunication Union . .Telecom Standardization Sector Label Distribution Protocol Light-Emitting Diode Label Edge Router The line card in the Tellabs 8600 system consists of an Interface Module Concentrator (IFC) and up to two Interface Modules (IFMs).1 / Bern. 1. Administration and Maintenance Optical Carrier Level 3 (Sonet) Open Shortest Path First Pseudo Current Mode Logic Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy Provider Edge Router Power Factor Correction Circuit Physical Layer Device Phase Locked Loop Packet over SONET/SDH Power PC (processor) The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel .2010 Gigabit Ethernet GE GND GPON GUI HDLC HSDPA HSUPA I2C IEEE IFC IFM IMA IP IS-IS ITU-T LDP LED LER Line card LSP LSR MAC ML-PPP MP-BGP MPLS MSP MSPP MS MTU NE NEBS NIC NRTL OAM OC3 OSPF PCML PDH PE Router PFC PHY PLL POS PPC Signal over 1000 Mbit/s. Label Switched Path Label Switch Router Media Access Control Sublayer of Data Link Layer Multi Link PPP (Point to Point Protocoll) Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol Multiprotocol Label Switching Multiplex Section Protection Multiservice Provisioning Platform Multiservice (Interface Module) Maximum Transfer/Transmission Unit Network Element Network Equipment Building Systems Network Interface Card Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory Operation. Page 28 of 28 Title Version Tellabs 86xx Nodes / FLM Essentials 1. .Lucent Switzerland AG and may not be copied. "old" transmission technology User Datagramm Protocoll Unspecified Bit Rate Variable / Constant Bit Rate ATM virtual channel Virtual Channel Connection Virtual Circuit Connectivity Verification Virtual LAN (Local Area Network) Virtual Path Virtual Private Network VPN Routing and Forwarding Table Weighted Fair Queueing Weighted Random Early Detection RAN RFC RIP RISC RNC RSVP-TE RTC SATOP SCI SCO SDH SDRAM SEC SFP SGSN SNMP SONET SSM STM STM-N STP TCP TDM UDP UBR VBR / CBR VC VCC VCCV VLAN VP VPN VRF WFQ WRED The material contained within this documentation is legal property of Alcatel .2010 PPP PSN PWE3 PWM QoS Point-to-Point Protocol Packet Switch Network Pseudowire Edge to Edge Emulation Pulse Width Modulation Quality of Service. A way of guaranteeing a defined performance through the network. Implementation of QoS in the network means specific bandwidth. Radio Access Network Request For Comments Routing Information Protocoll Reduced Instruction Set Computer Radio Network Controller Resource Reservation Protocol – Traffic Engineering Real Time Clock Structure-Agnostic Time Division Multiplexing Station Clock Input Station Clock Output Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory Synchronous Equipment Clock Small Form-Factor Pluggable.09. Synchronous Transport Module. 1. 155MBit/s Shielded Twisted Pair Transmission Control Protocoll Time Division Multiplexing.1 / Bern. Serving GPRS Support Node Simple Network Management Protocol Synchronous Optical Network Synchronization Status Messages Synchronous Transfer Mode Example: STM-1. jitter and loss guarantees per each traffic flow. reproduced or published by any methods without prior written permission of Alcatel – Lucent Switzerland AG. latency. Transceiver type used in Tellabs 8600 IFMs.
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