
MNG3701/101/3/2017Tutorial Letter 101/3/2017 Strategic Planning MNG3701 Semesters 1 and 2 Department of Business Management This tutorial letter contains important information about your module. BARCODE Open Rubric MNG3701/101/3/2017 CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 4 2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE ..................................................................... 5 2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 5 2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 5 3 LECTURER AND CONTACT DETAILS ....................................................................................... 8 3.1 Primary Lecturer ........................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Department ................................................................................................................................... 9 3.3 University ...................................................................................................................................... 9 4 RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................. 10 4.1 Prescribed book .......................................................................................................................... 10 4.2 myUnisa ..................................................................................................................................... 10 4.3 Electronic reserves (online tutoring) ............................................................................................ 11 4.4 Library services and resources information ................................................................................. 11 5 MODULE SPECIFIC APPROACH ............................................................................................. 12 6 ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................... 12 6.1 Assessment plan ........................................................................................................................ 12 6.2 Assignments ............................................................................................................................... 13 6.3 Unique assignment numbers ...................................................................................................... 13 6.3 Due dates for assignments ......................................................................................................... 13 6.4 Submission of assignments ........................................................................................................ 14 6.5 Assignment Guidelines ............................................................................................................... 14 6.5.1 Plagiarism ................................................................................................................................... 14 6.5.2 Technical requirements .............................................................................................................. 15 6.5.3 The body of your assignment ...................................................................................................... 17 6.5.4 Comments and feedback on assignments .................................................................................. 17 6.5.5 Assessment guidelines and performance standards ................................................................... 18 6.5.6 The assessment process ............................................................................................................ 18 6.6 Other assessment methods ........................................................................................................ 18 6.7 The examination ......................................................................................................................... 18 6.7.1 Semester mark and the examination........................................................................................... 18 6.7.2 Format of the examination .......................................................................................................... 19 7 ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT: STUDENTS WHO QUALIFY FOR THE FINAL-YEAR (FI) CONCESSION ........................................................................................................................... 20 2 MNG3701/101/3/2017 8 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................ 20 9 IN CLOSING............................................................................................................................... 20 ADDENDUM A: CASE STUDY ........................................................................................................... 21 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................... 25 REFERENCES....................................................................................................................................... 25 ADDENDUM B: COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 1 FOR SEMESTER 1 2017 ..................................... 27 ADDENDUM C: CONPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 2 FOR SEMESTER 1 2017 ..................................... 30 ADDENDUM D: COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 1 FOR SEMESTER 2 2017 ..................................... 33 ADDENDUM C: CONPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 2 FOR SEMESTER 2 2017 ..................................... 36 ADDENDUM F: DECLARATION .......................................................................................................... 39 3 • provide information on the requisite learning materials and tutorial matter. Strategy Implementation and Control involves the execution of the strategic plan. we wish you well. Therefore organisations also need to be sustainable and good corporate citizens and ensure that they have good corporate governance practices in place. Throughout the course of the semester you will receive a number of tutorial letters. MNG3701/101/3/2017 1 INTRODUCTION Dear Student A warm welcome to the exciting field of Strategic Planning (MNG3701)! Whether this year marks the end of your undergraduate studies or you are still working towards your final qualification. Some tutorial letters will contain model answers. Strategic Planning focuses on all the issues involved in strategy formulation. This tutorial letter is the first tutorial letter for MNG3701 and its primary objective is to: • introduce you to the concepts of strategy. precedes MNG3702. In addition. As such. It is important to note that Strategic Management consists of two modules: Strategic Planning (MNG3701) and Strategy Implementation and Control (MNG3702). As you may be aware. and as a result. we incorporate contemporary strategic management content using the latest resources in your study material. you will be introduced to case studies in your formative assessments (assignments) and the same will apply with your summative assessment (examination). 4 . on the other hand. as well as effective strategy evaluation and control. the contemporary business environment is characterised by unpredictable change and complexity. MNG3701. and encourage you to keep up the good work you have been doing up to now. as well as the self-assessment assignments that you have to attempt on your own. • provide information on the programme and our approach to this module. which is a vital component of Strategic Management. and • list the compulsory assignments that have to be submitted during the semester. that you need to master by the end of the semester. • inform you about your lecturers and their contact information. which provide feedback on the assignments. As this is a third-year module. • introduce you to the learning outcomes as outlined in Section 2. improvement areas that you need to consider and how to communicate with the University. This module. which means that MNG3702 builds on this module.2. having a competitive advantage in the globalised world of today is no guarantee of success tomorrow. MNG3701 will provide you with an introduction to Strategic Planning. In this module you will learn the art of strategic planning in a complex business environment. strategic management and strategic planning. We hope that you will gain valuable theoretical knowledge and have the opportunity to apply strategic management concepts in real business contexts. you will be referred to strategy formulation in individual business organisations in both the private and public sectors. it will be beneficial for you to use myUnisa to study and complete the learning activities for this module. • Explain the nature of strategic decisions. Assessment criteria • Define strategy. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that one of these three resources will contain the answer you are looking for. for the first and second semesters. you are most welcome to contact me for assistance. This module focuses on strategic planning in a complex. the websites for your module are MNG3701-17-S1 or MNG3701-17-S2. my Studies @ Unisa. respectively. myUnisa. 2. Should you still have a query. benefits and risks of strategy. strategic planning and strategic management. and this tutorial letter (TL101). first consult the brochure. • Explain the rationale for new perspectives on strategy. • Explain the importance. 2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE 2. • Describe the different levels of strategy in organisations. before you schedule a meeting or pick up the telephone. volatile and increasingly competitive business environment.2 Outcomes As a student. 5 . do not hesitate to contact your e-tutors or me and we will work together to clarify your understanding of MNG3701.1 Purpose After completion of this module you are expected to critically evaluate the competitive strategic choices of a business and explain the complexity of these processes in dynamic and changing environments. you will be referred to strategy formulation in single business organisations in both the private and public sectors. Most importantly should you have any academic queries. Depending on your registration period. These outcomes are described in each assessment criterion stated below: SPECIFIC OUTCOME 1: EXPLAIN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AS AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO MANAGING ORGANISATIONS. • Illustrate and explain the strategic management process. You also need to visit the websites on myUnisa for MNG3701 regularly. We wish you every success in your academic journey and we are looking forward to meeting you on the myUnisa discussion forum. MNG3701/101/3/2017 Remember. there are several outcomes that you need to master on completion of the module by the end of the semester. As such. Since this is a blended module comprising of both printed and online materials. • Discuss the relevant macro-environmental factors and forces. • Explain the strategic importance of analysing the external environment. 6 . • Explain the various methods for macro-environmental analysis. • Explain strategy-as-practice as an effective approach to managing new strategic realities. AND THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ITS COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE AND ITS STRATEGY. dynamics and attractiveness of industries. Assessment criteria • Critically discuss the importance of internal analysis in identifying organisational strengths and weaknesses for strategy formulation. • Criticise the traditional process perspective on strategic management. AS WELL AS THE MORE RECENT STRATEGY-AS-PRACTICE APPROACH TO STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT. Assessment criteria • Explain the traditional process perspective on strategic management. STRATEGISING AND THE ROLE OF STRATEGISTS IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT. • Explain the term “industry” in the context of the external environment. CAPABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES AS SOURCES OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE. MNG3701/101/3/2017 • Describe the tests for a winning strategy. SPECIFIC OUTCOME 3: EXPLAIN THE ROLE AND STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE OF ANALYZING AN ORGANISATION'S BROAD OR MACRO-ENVIRONMENT AND ITS TASK OR INDUSTRY ENVIRONMENT AS PART OF ITS STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS. • Differentiate meaningfully between deliberate and emergent strategies as a basis for strategic decision-making and strategising. • Explain the need for macro-environmental analysis in strategy formulation. SPECIFIC OUTCOME 4: HAVE A SOUND UNDERSTANDING OF THE INTERNAL ANALYSIS OF AN ORGANISATION'S STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES. • Explain the concept of strategising and the role of strategists and managers in the context of strategy-as-practice. SPECIFIC OUTCOME 2: HAVE A SOUND UNDERSTANDING OF AND INSIGHT INTO THE TRADITIONAL PROCESS PERSPECTIVE. • Analyse the structure. • Identify the impact of industry forces on profitability. ITS RESOURCES. • Explain the importance of strategic thinking and strategic direction setting in strategic p lanning and strategic management. • Describe the importance of and approach to competitor analysis. Assessment criteria • Explain the structure of the external environment that organisations have to deal with. Assessment criteria • Explain the structure of the external environment that organisations have to deal with and the institutional environment of Africa in broad terms. MNG3701/101/3/2017 • Describe an organisation's strategic resources. • Explain the role of corporate governance in corporate sustainability. capabilities and competencies is appraised. SPECIFIC OUTCOME 6: EXPLAIN WHAT SUSTAINABLE ORGANISATIONS ARE AND EVALUATE STRATEGIC DECISIONS TO DETERMINE HOW THEY CONTRIBUTE TO SUSTAINABILITY. capabilities and competencies as sources of sustainable competitive advantage. • Explain the external environment relating to Africa as a frame of reference for doing business in Africa. and markets in Africa and sub-Saharan Africa in particular. capabilities and competencies. SPECIFIC OUTCOME 5: HAVE AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE PREVAILING INSTITUTIONAL AND EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENTS FOR BUSINESS IN AFRICA. • Conduct an analysis of stakeholder salience and make recommendations based on your analysis. • Explain resources. • Describe suitable approaches for strategies in emerging markets in general. with specific reference to the African Union (AU) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Assessment criteria • Explain why corporate sustainability is important. • Explain the importance of ethical business and give examples of what organisations can do to promote it. • Identify and critically discuss the drawbacks and obstacles in doing business in Africa. • Describe the four pillars of corporate sustainability. 7 . AS WELL AS OF THE STRATEGIES FOR EMERGING MARKETS IN GENERAL AND MARKETS IN AFRICA IN PARTICULAR. • Explain the concept of sustainable competitive advantage. • Explain the importance of stakeholders and stakeholder management for sustainable business. • Explain the “triple-bottom line” and why it is important. • Explain what corporate social responsibility (CSR) is and give examples of CSR activities in a company. • Explain what sustainable organisations are and why they are important. • Explain the role of governments in enhancing business conditions in Africa. • Explain how the value of resources. • Explain the use of the value chain in internal analysis. • Compare the approach to strategy and strategic management in emerging economies to the approach in the developed world. • Evaluate corporate sustainability in a practical setting. • Explain the role of the resource-based view in internal analysis. examination questions discussion and general information regarding the syllabus of the module. and if you do not get the desired It is important to note that module. 8 . • Assess the advantages and disadvantages of each type of business level strategy. • Explain how business level strategies are chosen. • Explain the levels of strategy in organisations. All queries sent via e-mail must include your student number and the module code (MNG3701) in the subject line. Typically these queries may include questions about the content of assignments. Assessment criteria • Explain the importance of choosing appropriate business level strategies.1 Primary Lecturer Lecturers are there to support you for any module. contact me.or content-related queries are of an academic nature and should be directed to your e-tutor first.or content-related queries. Please have your study material at hand when you contact me. 3 LECTURER AND CONTACT DETAILS 3. SPECIFIC OUTCOME 7: EXAMINE THE VARIOUS GENERIC COMPETITIVE BUSINESS LEVEL STRATEGIES AVAILABLE TO ORGANISATIONS AND EXPLAIN THEIR APPROPRIATENESS IN SPECIFIC SITUATIONS. • Distinguish between the different types of business level strategies. You are more than welcome to contact me via e-mail or telephone or for any face-to-face appointments. difficult concepts that you struggle to grasp. • Explain how business level strategies are evaluated. My contact details are provided below: AJH van der Walt Building Room 4-20 Pretoria Campus Telephone: +27 12 429 8752 E-mail: elabusm1@unisa. MNG3701/101/3/2017 • Make recommendations on how organisations can improve their Always have your student number at hand when you call the University. SO: Letters to me may not be enclosed with or inserted in Registrations registrations 9 . MNG3701/101/3/2017 Administrative queries. should be addressed to the relevant administrative section. I cannot accept them and therefore they will not be marked. This contact details of this department for administrative queries are as follows: • Telephone number: +27 12 429 4220 • E-mail address: busman@unisa. my studies @ Unisa. This brochure contains information on how to contact the University (e. important telephone and fax numbers. PLEASE NOTE Remember to always have your student number at hand when you contact the University. Consult the brochure. 3. addresses and details of the times certain facilities are open). please consult the brochure. DIRECTORATE/BUSINES DESCRIPTION OF SHORT SMS E-MAIL ADDRESS S UNIT ENQUIRY CODE Student Admissions and Applications and 43578 [email protected]. such as questions about examination timetables and assignment marks.g.2 Department This module is offered in the Department of Business 3. in this regard. to whom you can write for different queries.3 University If you need to contact the University about matters not related to the content of this module. Below is a quick reference guide to the contact details of various administrative departments that students contact often and to which your queries should be addressed. PLEASE NOTE: ASSIGNMENTS ARE ADMINISTERED BY ASSIGNMENTS Please do not send assignments directly to me. my Studies @ Unisa. lecturers. The myUnisa learning management system is Unisa's online campus that will help you to communicate with your ICT (myUnisa & myLife) 43582 myLife e-mail [email protected]. other students and the administrative departments at Unisa – all through the computer and the internet. Cape Town: Juta. J. (ed). 4. C & Brevis. Nieuwenhuysen. http://www. Davis. C. 2014. You will not be able to complete the assignments or study for the examination without using the following prescribed textbook: Venter. 2) Then click on the myUnisa orange block.unisa. T.2 myUnisa You can quickly access resources and information at the University if you have access to a computer that is linked to the internet. 3) When you are on the myUnisa Student Assessment Assignments and 43584 Administration examination For examination queries: [email protected] myUnisa MyUnisaHelp@unisa. This will take you to the myUnisa 10 .unisa. J. Singh. How do you join myUnisa? 1) Start on the main Unisa website. click on “Claim UNISA Login” on the right-hand side of the screen. go to https://my. A. M. You will then be prompted to give your student number in order to claim your initial myUnisa and myLife login details. Practising Strategy: A Southern African 4 RESOURCES Despatch Study material 43579 [email protected] Finance Student accounts 31954 [email protected]. Van Zyl. Meyer. To go to the myUnisa website directly.1 Prescribed book Assignments and examinations are based on the prescribed textbook. Jansen van Rensburg. Please consult my Studies @ Unisa for more information on myUnisa. MNG3701/101/3/2017 For assignment queries: [email protected]. the name of your e-tutor and instructions on how to log on to myUnisa in order to receive further information on the e-tutoring process. You will also be allocated an e- tutor who will be your tutorial facilitator. For brief information. you will be allocated to a group of students with whom you will be interacting with during the tuition go to www. For research support and services of personal librarians. 4. obtaining and using library resources and tools to assist in doing research – and click on Library. For you to make the most of online Additional information regarding face-to-face tutors will be communicated to you during the course of the 11 . After your registration has been For detailed information.3 Electronic reserves (online tutoring) As an additional support.asp?Cmd=ViewContent&ContentID=7102. you can visit either of these to access the  how to contact the library/finding us on social media/frequently asked questions –  postgraduate information services – please note that online tutorials (e-tutorials) will be made available to It is the role of the e-tutor to guide you through your study material during this interaction process.4 Library services and resources information Library resources are available for students that require support. you need to participate in the online discussions that the e-tutor will be facilitating. Online tutorials are conducted by qualified e-tutors who are appointed by MNG3701/101/3/2017 here appear to be certain modules that students repeatedly  requesting material – http://libguides. go to the Unisa website at http://www. and tutorials will be offered at the Unisa regional  finding. Face-to-face tutors have been appointed for these modules.unisa.unisa. E-tutoring takes place on myUnisa where you are expected to connect with other students in your allocated group. The website information is provided below. go to http://www. Although these tutorials are also offered free of charge. The library has compiled a number of library guides:  finding recommended reading in the print collection and e-reserves – http://libguides. Thereafter. All you need to participate in e-tutoring is a computer with an internet connection.unisa. and the service is free of charge. you will receive an SMS or email informing you about your you are required to register at your nearest Unisa Regional Centre to confirm your attendance of these classes. If you live close to a Unisa regional centre or a telecentre contracted to Unisa. Consider each activity in the learning units as a potential examination question. Student support for the module is primarily given in an online environment through myUnisa tools and e-tutors. When planning your learning experience. It is about asking questions. MNG3701. communication between students and the University takes place in an online environment – by e-mail. you will take charge of your progress. and some may even seem ambiguous. and to think about the tutorial matter in terms of its practical application. This module. find answers. you should be well prepared. reflect on the issues raised. with the exception of MNG3702. MNG3701/101/3/2017 5 MODULE SPECIFIC APPROACH We follow a blended approach in this module to deliver study materials and provide student support. With these remarks in mind. because it means that you will not have to put yourself through the torment of doing a crash course a week before the examination starts. which means that you are responsible for mastering the outcomes. and so on. the number of learning units to cover (7). therefore. In this module. ask questions. You will find our approach in this module different from the approaches followed in most – if not all – of your other modules. you will have to carefully read and reread the section in the learning guide entitled. 6 ASSESSMENT 6. By the time you write the examination. via the myUnisa Discussion Forum and FAQ tools.1 Assessment plan The aims of the assignments are to encourage you to study the prescribed textbook. and you will. you will have to plan your learning experience strategically. We will give you all the support that we possibly can. and it is a wonderful way of discovering more about the real business world. is not about memorising facts. ’Overview’. To achieve the outcomes for this module. such as the number of hours you will have to spend in order to master the outcomes (120 hours). It is about going out into the world and appreciating the many sources from which you can draw to find answers to your questions – including your own experiences. question the questions and question the answers. More specifically. The idea is not to trick you or catch you out. To do this. This section contains critical information to enable you to plan your studies. 12 . and to read and reread certain sections in them. but ultimately it will be up to you to decide how you are going to master the required knowledge. skills and values in the relevant context. but to encourage you to think critically about strategic planning. and learning guide. This means that official study materials are made available in printed format and online. It is about mastering certain outcomes and learning how to implement them in organisations. You are probably used to memorising facts from a prescribed textbook and reproducing them in the examination in order to pass a module. This should be good news to you. Please ensure that you devote quality time to each activity. the assignment questions may sometimes be difficult. provided you have completed all the activities in the study guide. participated actively in the online ’Discussion Forums’ option and have mastered the outcomes and the learning outcome standards listed at the beginning of each learning unit. have to adhere to a strict study schedule. remember that your examination preparation starts today. 3 Unique assignment numbers Unique assignments must appear on the cover page of your assignment. It is your responsibility to ensure that you submit the correct assignment for your semester of enrolment. The University has a policy of compulsory assignments in all modules for 2017. If you submit an assignment for the wrong semester of enrolment. The assignments for the year appear in Annexures B. FIRST SEMESTER (ANNEXURES B AND C) (Only for those students who are enrolled for the January to June Assignment number semester period.) Due date Unique number 01 10 March 2017 640868 02 7 April 2017 890102 13 . 6. • Summative assessment – comprises a two-hour written. regardless of whether or not you have submitted Assignment 02. This number identifies the assignment should it be necessary to tack the assignment. respectively. D and E of this tutorial letter. 6. 6.2 Assignments Assignments are regarded as part of the learning material for this module. If you do not submit Assignment 01 you will not be admitted to the examination.3 Due dates for assignments Below is the breakdown of the formal assignments that have to be submitted together with their unique assignment numbers and due dates. C. MNG3701/101/3/2017 The assessment plan for this module comprises the following: • Formative assessment – takes place through the compulsory Assignments 01 and 02 that you are required to submit. Feedback on Assignment 01 and 02 will be provided in Tutorial Letters 201 and 202. Make sure that you submit both assignments in order to obtain a good year mark. The assessment template (rubric) and assessment criteria for assignments appear after the assignment questions in the relevant annexures. closed-book examination in which you will be assessed on the relevant theory as well as practical applications within the context of the syllabus and learning outcomes. Please note that the assignments for the first semester differ from those for the second semester. it will not be marked and you will be awarded any marks for it. 6. MNG3701/101/3/2017 SECOND SEMESTER (ANNEXURES D AND E) (Only for those students who are enrolled for the July to December Assignment number semester period. It is a form of theft and involves a number of dishonest activities. Examples of plagiarism include copying verbatim from the prescribed textbook or any other source.unisa. • Follow the instructions.1 Plagiarism Plagiarism is the act of taking the • Click on Assignments. 14 . No extension will be granted even if you had registered late and have not received your study material on time. Bear in mind that assignments may not be submitted by fax or e-mail. 6. or copying from fellow students and passing off their work as your own work.) Due date Unique number 01 18 August 2017 703365 02 15 September 2017 690532 IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to ensure that your assignments are submitted on time. see my Studies @ Unisa. Postal assignments should be addressed to: The Registrar PO Box 392 Unisa 0003 To submit assignments via myUnisa: • Go to www. All the study material except for the textbook is available on myUnisa from the beginning of the semester and can be obtained Assignment Guidelines 6. ideas and thoughts of others and passing them off as your own. • Log in using your student number and password. • Go to myUnisa.5. • Select the programme and the module. • Click on Submit Assignments.4 Submission of assignments Assignments can be submitted in two ways – either by post or electronically via myUnisa. For detailed information on and the requirements for assignments. you will be guilty of plagiarism. You will be penalised in the assignments if you do not include a bibliography. If you do not include in-text references and a bibliography. and none of these assignments will be marked. 15 . sometimes interspersed with relevant short quotations that are properly referenced. • Use the Harvard Referencing Method in your assignments to refer to sources you have consulted. Note: Although students may work together when preparing assignments. • Use text references correctly. The bibliography must also be compiled according to the Harvard Referencing Method. articles.1.) cited in your assignment. journals. • When you use the internet. • Include a bibliography at the end of your assignment. Conclude your assignment with a short summary in which you repeat the main points of your discussion and draw a conclusion.5. • Start your answer with an introduction.13 and 2. etc.2 Technical requirements Below are some guidelines that may assist you with written assignments: • Always provide a heading for your assignment and a table of contents on the first page. the web address and the date on which you have accessed the site. MNG3701/101/3/2017 All students receive the Disciplinary Code for Students (2004) when they register. you must submit your own ideas in your own words. In other words. you may be penalised or subjected to disciplinary proceedings by the University. A bibliography is an alphabetical list of all the references (books. • Your work should be of a high technical standard. • Include a conclusion to indicate your own perspectives and new insights. That is copying (a form of plagiarism). You should have only one introduction and one conclusion for the entire assignment. indicate the name of the author (if available). based on the information in your assignment. 6. internet sources. You can also make recommendations. You are advised to study the Code. especially sections 2.14 (2004:3-4). the full name of the website. you need to provide the details. It is unacceptable for students to submit identical assignments on the basis that they worked together. The date is important because information on the internet changes continuously. each student must write and submit his or her own individual assignment. Furthermore.1. In the bibliography. Kindly read the University’s Policy on Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism as well. briefly explaining your approach and the contents of the answer. • Use headings and subheadings and number them. left 2 cm and right 5 cm (to allow space for the marker’s comments). If you cannot type your assignment.) 5 SUMMARY/CONCLUSION 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY 16 . These headings should relate to the question numbers. you must ensure that your handwriting is legible. • The page limit is a maximum of ten pages (1.5 line spacing. Set your computer to Arial or Times New Roman. the module code and the assignment number. HEADING TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 2 SELECT AN APPROPRIATE HEADING (question 1) 2. bottom 2 cm.2 Subheading (aspect of the topic in 3) 4 SELECT ANOTHER APPROPRIATE HEADING (question 3) (Continue in this way until the topic has been fully discussed. table of contents and bibliography. font size 11 or 12 and 1. • Assignments should be typed if at all possible. • The presentation of the assignment and adherence to the format requirements will also contribute five marks towards your assignment mark.2 Subheading (another aspect) 2. as indicated in the table in the table below. Each of these headings is numbered. You may be penalised if you exceed the maximum number of pages. • The cover page of your assignment must clearly indicate your student number. MNG3701/101/3/2017 • Use the following page margins: top 2 cm. • The body of an assignment is composed of a discussion under several headings and subheadings.5 line spacing) for each assignment. This excludes the cover page.1 Subheading (an aspect of the topic mentioned in the heading) 2. Be proud of the work you present.3 Subheading (another aspect) 3 SELECT AN APPROPRIATE HEADING (question 2) 3. • The way in which you present your assignments clearly reflects your character.1 Subheading (aspect of the topic in 3) 3. Do not submit untidy and badly presented assignments. • Discussions of theory should be concise and to the point: use words economically – in other words. Apply the theories and concepts of strategic management in a coherent way to the assignment problem.3 The body of your assignment • Your answers should reflect your ability to approach a problem in a structured. analytical way. NO excuses will be accepted. Make sure you understand the questions in the assignment. • Arguments should follow a logical pattern and be substantiated with suitable references or facts. MNG3701/101/3/2017 6. REMEMBER Keep a copy of your assignment before you submit the original. In all cases. Your assignment will be marked and returned to you. • Arranging your thoughts in such a way that the points follow one another logically is an art. • Note that the assignment questions will not require you to merely rewrite the material in the prescribed textbook. Note that you 17 . 6. You will receive feedback on Assignments 01 and 02 in Tutorial Letters 201 and 202.5. Make sure that what you have to say under a specific heading relates to the subject of that heading. Vague generalisations and half. IMPORTANT: Please ensure that your assignments reach us on or before the due date.5. If you copy from the prescribed textbook or any other sources.truths should be avoided in your assignments. you will be required to show your insight into the topic. you could be penalised. Do not telephone the lecturer with requests to be admitted to the examination if you have not submitted the assignment.4 Comments and feedback on assignments All assignments are marked and constructive and ample feedback is provided. • Refer to Tutorial Letter MNALLEQ 301. respectively. or if you submitted it later than the due date. • Develop a style of writing in which sentences and paragraphs follow one another in a logical sequence. but as concisely as possible. which was sent to you with your study material package (also available on myUnisa “Official study material”) regarding guidelines on how to interpret how questions are formulated. say as much as possible. Do not e-mail your assignments to your lecturer. Conclusions should not be based on intuition. 7. As soon as you receive the comments. MNG3701/101/3/2017 need to submit the compulsory assignments and not the self-assessment questions. • Your ability to attain certain levels of performance (the minimum level of overall performance in this module is 50%). Note: At this early stage of your learning experience.5 Assessment guidelines and performance standards In your preparation for the assignments and the examination. we need to sound a warning. as discussed above. The purpose of assessment is to evaluate your mastery of all the stated outcomes. Once you have done this. 6. respectively. Feedback on Assignments 01 and 02 will be provided in Tutorial Letters 201 and 202.5. The assignments and the comments on them are a vital part of your learning and should help you to be better prepared for the next assignment and the examination. we have identified the following specific criteria that we will use when assessing your work: • Your mastery of certain abilities (e. To assess your mastery of the outcomes.7 The examination 6. 6.5. please check your answers. Not doing the assignments and simply memorising the contents of the textbook or the answers provided in Tutorial Letters 201 and 202 could mean that you will fail the examination.6 Other assessment methods There are no other assessment methods for this module except for the self-assessment questions. your ability to access relevant sources of information and identify key concepts in the sources).1 Semester mark and the examination 18 .g. we will give you feedback through marker comments and the attached rubric (scoring sheet) for each of your assignments for the compulsory questions. which you have to attempt on your own or with assistance and guidance of your allocated e-tutor. There are different standards for assessing performance. Since this module is based on the mastery of certain outcomes. you will obviously have to complete the two assignments and self-assessment questions. you will probably want to know how you will be assessed. Summative assessment (examination) takes place during the May/June (semester 1) and October/November (semester 2) examination periods. 6.6 The assessment process This module has been structured in such a way that you will be able to continuously assess your own progress and mastery of all the stated outcomes. 6. however. Previous examination papers are available on myUnisa under Official study material. 6. the average ((50%+50%)/2) for the two assignment marks is multiplied by 20%.2% of the final assessment mark. MNG3701/101/3/2017 Your final mark for this module will be calculated as follows: • The semester mark (a combination of the two assignment marks) will contribute a maximum of 20% to your final assessment mark for the module. You may. while your examination mark will contribute 80%. therefore. the average ((60%+80%)/2) for the two assignment marks is multiplied by 20%. This equals 10% of the final assessment semester mark. Rather use them as revision exercises or even to check the format of the examination and what to expect in terms of how questions are formulated and structured. You will. Important note: Only examination papers of the 2015 and 2016 academic year should be consulted as they are aligned with your current prescribed material and learning outcomes. you must obtain a subminimum of 40% in the examination. This equals 40% of the final assessment examination mark. • Irrespective of the semester mark you receive. If you then obtain 44 out of 70 marks (or 63%) in the examination. however. Examination papers change from year to year. this figure is multiplied by 80% to give 50.7. this percentage is multiplied by 80%. The two results are then added to give you a final assessment examination mark of 64% (14% + 50. This equals 14% of the final assessment semester mark. 2%) for the module. not pass the module if your examination mark is less than 40%. The assignment (semester) mark and the examination mark are then added together (10% + 40%) to give a final assessment mark of 50% for the module. 19 . Example 1: If you receive an assignment mark of 50% for Assignment 01 and 50% for Assignment 02. Example 2: If you receive an assignment mark of 60% for Assignment 01 and 80% for Assignment 02. If you obtain 35 out of a possible 70 marks in the examination (50%). accept that the types of questions that are asked in the examination will be similar to those asked in the assignments. We advise you. not to use previous examination papers as your preparation for the examination.2 Format of the examination The format of the examination paper is as follows: Duration: 2 hours Marks: 70 Type of questions: A brief case study and compulsory paragraph-type questions. 8 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS See my Studies @ Unisa for a list of the most frequently asked general questions. 7 ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT: STUDENTS WHO QUALIFY FOR THE FINAL- YEAR (FI) CONCESSION The my Studies @ Unisa brochure contains important information on the FI concession procedure to assist those students who still require one or two modules to obtain their degree. FI students have the option to be referred to the next formal examination opportunity or to engage in an alternative method of assessment. Good luck with your studies! Kind regards Mrs M Labuschagne 20 . All students who qualify for the final-year (FI) concession will receive an SMS/e-mail to this effect from the Student Assessment Administration. You are welcome to contact me if you have any queries about this tutorial letter and the academic contents of the module as a whole. FAQs will be posted on the FAQ tool on the myUnisa site 9 IN CLOSING I trust that you are looking forward to an exciting semester of study. MNG3701/101/3/2017 Note also that the memorandums for previous examinations are not available to students. through the alternative method of assessment will result in a student failing and having to re-register for the module concerned. Please do not contact us with requests for model answers. For this module. For MNG3701 specifically. The alternative method of assessment will be determined by the lecturers concerned. This could go a long way towards proactively anticipating possible challenges and opportunities within your respective environments. I also hope that you will apply everything you learn in this module to help you and those around you recognise the importance of thinking and acting strategically. More information on the alternative method of assessment will be communicated directly to the qualifying students. thereby preparing you to deal with challenges and opportunities swiftly. Failure to achieve the learning outcomes for the module. Alternative methods of assessment are subject to stringent academic rules and processes and should not be considered an easier option. Passengers rate their drivers after using their service. Currently Uber services are available in 66 countries and 449 cities across the globe. One passenger was pulled from her Uber into a metered taxi.and roadworthy certificates annually in order to ensure that drivers and cars are always up to standard. and has since grown into an American multinational online transportation network company based in San Francisco. In May 2016 people were injured when a fight broke out between drivers of metered taxis and Uber drivers at the Sandton Gautrain station. The popularity of Uber can be attributed to the convenience of requesting a ride by a mobile app. although all hiring and payment are handled exclusively through Uber and not by the driver personally. In 2016. quality and below a certain mileage. Drivers with poor ratings are first warned. was founded in 2009 by Americans Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp. Uber also requires drivers to submit their licenses. and competitive pricing. the complete fare is automatically billed to the customer's credit card. This includes South Africa. Cape Town and Durban. which is introduced when there is a shortage of cars on the road and demand is high (especially during the festive season). The legality of Uber has been challenged by governments and taxi companies. they are kicked off the system. Uber drivers reacted by going offline. Metro Police vehicles have been equipped with tablets that allow officers to react to calls for help. MNG3701/101/3/2017 ADDENDUM A: CASE STUDY UBER TRANSFORMS THE TRANSPORT INDUSTRY IN SOUTH AFRICA Uber Technologies Inc. if they cannot get good ratings. who allege that its use of drivers who are not licensed to drive taxis is unsafe and illegal. Divers are carefully selected. Fearing violent attacks and that their cars would be burned. the satisfaction of being able to have a safe transport service that is monitored by the company as a third party. Uber cars were stoned and guns fired as taxi drivers protested against Uber drivers being granted operating licences. Transportation network companies (TNC) develop a computing platform which creates an online transportation marketplace. Pretoria (City of Tshwane). Uber charges a minimum fare of R20 and about R7 per/km (with Uber X). where Uber services are available in Johannesburg. Since Uber's launch. At the end of a ride. Project Namola was launched in the City of Tshwane in order to improve their fight against crime. trained again and only then. In June 2016. Some customers have complained about the fact that Uber uses surge pricing. They must have no criminal record. However. pass an eye test and have a verified SA driver’s license. meter taxi drivers closed the road to Cape Town International Airport and forced passengers out of Uber cars. Uber does a thorough inspection of the vehicles and they have to be of a certain standard. trained. liability insurance. In Africa it is also available in Nigeria and Kenya. a trend that has come to be referred to as "Uberification". The Uber driver was assaulted and his licence disk stolen. Customers with smartphones submit a trip request via the Uber application (app). There is huge competition between traditional taxicabs and Uber drivers. warned again. With 21 . A group of men was seen attempting to lift an Uber vehicle. Uber's pricing is similar to that of metered taxis. which is then routed to Uber drivers who use their own cars to transport them to where they want to be. several other companies have replicated its business model. This usually relates to drinking while on the job or reckless driving. In 2016. MNG3701/101/3/2017 Namola. click the alert button and an officer to accept. which has horrendous traffic jams due to increased car ownership and poor city planning. All it takes is for a user to open the app. The impending entrance of UberEats is likely to eat into Mr Delivery’s market share. SA’s premium delivery service which started operating in 1992. Uber reversed that decision when those price cuts did not work out for drivers. Uber recently launched its first motorbike taxi service in Bangkok. 22 . has dominated the home-delivery and takeaway food sector in recent times. Mr Delivery. Uber is now looking to enter the restaurant business with its UberEats app. and Uber then facilitates the delivery. It is estimated that. More than 500 partner drivers approached the union recently with the view of taking the company to court over "unfair pricing. dispatch times take around 13 seconds. some partner drivers have announced their intention to affiliate themselves with the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (SATAWU). This excludes all the support staff doing car washes. In America. Many individuals with day jobs are Uber drivers to supplement their income. The aim of the partnership is also to help driver partners establish their own passenger transport business and contribute to providing 15 000 work opportunities for Uber partners in South Africa over the following two years.” Being an Uber driver does not preclude you from doing other work. On the UberEats platform customers can order food from any of the dozens of restaurants listed on the app. At the end of the three-year period. Wallmart is testing the delivery of groceries using Uber drivers and in South Africa. Uber’s development in South Africa has helped ordinary people with cars to become entrepreneurs. repairs. and so forth. With South Africa’s unemployment sitting at an all-time high of 26. Uber spokeswoman Samantha Allenberg said that they were always talking to partners and taking their feedback on board. “That is why. In November 2016. Metered taxi drivers can also join the Uber platform and switch it on when they are not busy. exploitation and refusal to recognise drivers as employees". The demand for Uber services is increasing. some drivers in Cape Town went on strike when Uber announced that fees would decrease by up to 20 percent. said there appeared to be a misunderstanding among drivers regarding their earnings. “We are so confident that this price cut is going to be a success. Alon Lits. Wesbank and Uber formed a partnership according to which Uber-operators are provided with the opportunity to rent cars from WesBank as part of a three-year full maintenance lease programme. We are going to guarantee that drivers will earn just as much as they were before the price cut came into effect – so this will not jeopardise their earnings. Uber has been able to create more than 4 000 jobs. Motorbikes have long been a popular commuting option in the Thai capital. Most metered taxi drivers have done this already. even though we guaranteed earnings during the price cut in May 2016. Uber’s general manager. However. panel beating.” To protect their interests. the operator may buy the car at a value that takes into account depreciation. Currently it is also being considered for providing other services than just the transportation of passengers. we have guarantees in place. in South Africa.4%. An Uber motorbike which collects passengers from their office or home could prove popular with commuters. They want to create over 15 000 more job opportunities over the next two years. including Cape Town. the entry of Uber into the local taxi industry was met with hostility. Several international corporates. Testing and piloting systems and applications are growing businesses in South Africa. stagnation in public sector employment. challenges around regulations and allegations of unfair competition practices in several cities. the local government has been working on a meter taxi rationalisation plan that will soon be implemented. Many adverse economic forces had already been hammering the South African economy since 2015. including IBM. Systems Application Protocol (SAP). which includes wholesale and retail trade. South Africa’s Metered Taxi Council accused Uber of engaging in unfair competition practices and failure to comply with local transport regulations. operate subsidiaries from South Africa. Since the early 1990s. retail. with a greater focus on technology. This was prior to the explosion of violence and looting in Tshwane. recognised as leaders in the IT sector. very low business confidence levels. which caused a selloff in global stocks. communications. As a result. However. and therefore typically bear the brunt of the impact of higher food and fuel prices. Intel. Now South Africa is moving towards becoming a knowledge-based economy. MNG3701/101/3/2017 Uber is apparently looking to ramp up the number of women drivers who want to make use of Uber’splatform. This growth hasn’t gone unnoticed by regulators. tourism and communications. In the Western Cape. soaring food prices and rising interest rates. a dramatic depreciation in the rand. They want to have over 2 000 female drivers on the platform in the next two years. South Africa’s cab services are still in a phase of growth. the purchasing power of most households will likely wane further in coming months. the South African economy shed 15 000 jobs in all sectors. As part of the deal. In the first quarter of 2016. mining. government approved amendments to the National Land Transport Act in order to regulate internet-based ride-sharing services like Uber and its competitors Taxify. Unisys. social unrest. It is forecasted that inflation is set to accelerate further as a result of the drought-induced rise in domestic grain prices and the sustained weak rand exchange rate. 23 . Recently Toyota Japan announced its investment in Uber. Among the key sectors that contribute to the gross domestic product and keep the economic engine running are manufacturing. Microsoft. following the announcement of Thoko Didiza as the ANC’s mayoral candidate in the country's capital. CHALLENGES THAT UBER FACES IN THE GLOBAL AND SOUTH AFRICAN ENVIRONMENT The FNB/BER Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) revealed that consumers are very concerned about the outlook for the ailing economy and their household finances. Low-income households spend a proportionally larger share of their budgets on food and transport costs compared to higher income households. financial services. Novell and Compaq. SnappCab and Unicab.The South African information and communication technologies (ICT) sector is the largest and most advanced in Africa. economic growth has been driven mainly by the tertiary sector. and also well before Britain voted to leave the European Union. with the diversity of the local market. except construction and community services. Uber drivers can lease Toyota vehicles with money earned from their driving. These include political uncertainty. and is characterised by technology leadership. particularly in the field of mobile software and electronic banking services. First-World know-how in business and a developing country environment making it an ideal test lab for new innovations. e-commerce and financial and other services. Dell. Ryda. In 2016. agriculture and tourism. However. With Cabs for Women. fast. Uber also has a quality-based competitive advantage in terms of cleanliness and customer service standards. MNG3701/101/3/2017 Taxify works very much like Uber. The taxis are on call 24/7 and customers have the option to pre-book a taxi or search for the closest taxi. Uber has an additional convenience-based competitive advantage which allows the service to tap into a whole new market of unmet demand for convenient. The current system entails that the driver’s details are sent to the customer upon ordering an Uber taxi. Customers can create group accounts for family and friends or for their business. They can pay via card or cash. and partners with specific taxi organisations: Rainbow Cabs. while Take Me Home lets you request a driver to fetch you and drive your car home if you’ve had too much to drink. However. This service connects taxi users with taxis. At this stage. 24 . you can set your pick- up location on the app or online and the closest taxi will respond. When these customers pay with a credit card. female passengers can request a female driver for added peace of mind. In addition. Customers select a pick-up point and request the closest taxi. Two additional services are also provided. security of payment is essential as carrying cash is dangerous. they can also choose to pay cash. Ryda is only available in Johannesburg. Incumbent operators have been forced to search for new solutions in order to respond to new forms of competition driven by technological developments. Unicab operates in Cape Town and caters for individuals and groups. rendering the service more reliable than that of traditional taxis. Uber appears to have identified a gap in the taxi market and uses innovation to gain a competitive edge over incumbent traditional metered taxis. Customers know exactly the approximated time of travel to their destinations using the dedicated driver-passenger application which tracks the entire journey. including a rating system for drivers. they earn SnappMiles. operates in much the same way as Uber and Taxify. which provides some degree of passenger security. Taxify is currently only available in Johannesburg. Unlike Uber. In a context like South Africa with a high crime rate. Ryda. there are also other competitive factors driving the growth of Uber services. Currently SnappCab is only available in Johannesburg. Uber is attractive for its consistent shorter waiting and travel times. Uber’s ease of payment means that customers are not required to carry cash for the purposes of paying for the trip as the application deducts the cost of the trip directly from the customer’s bank account. Citycab SA and Zebra Cabs. and flexible point-to-point urban transportation. a locally developed mobile platform. you can pay cash. namely “Cabs for Women” and “Take Me Home”. price is one of the major competitive advantages that Uber has over metered taxis. Just like Uber and Taxify. but the difference is that Taxify is merely a link between customers and licensed taxis. As illustrated in the table below. 2016. 2016. REFERENCES Fin24. [Accessed 14 July 2016] Anon. directly takes away customers that were traditionally served by metered taxis. Uber has seen phenomenal growth since launching in South Africa in 2013. [Online] Available from: http://www. 2016. Meter taxi drivers take on Uber drivers at Cape Town [Online] Available from:https://www. SA consumer confidence wanes as economy is hammered. which in this case involves the use of customer incentives agreed between Discovery and Uber to channel customers or traffic towards using Uber services. [Accessed 13 July 2016] Anon. that demonstrates its growth in different cities during the first 12 months after africa/shots-fired-at-sandton-gautrain-station. Its growth in South Africa has been faster than many other countries. Uber has totally transformed the local taxi Shots fired at Sandton Gautrain station. growth in market share is likely to increase at a rapid rate. provided by Uber. [Online] Available from: http://www. unless other competitors enter this highly competitive market. [Accessed: 11 July 2016] Fin24. This growth can be seen clearly in the graph below. MNG3701/101/3/2017 Directional selling by companies such as Discovery. [Online] Available from: http://www. 2016. Given the competitive advantage it has in this enabling Uber service to tap into new passengers or market segments.fin24. D. SA shed 15-000 jobs in first three months. [Accessed 13 July 2016] 25 . airports and restaurants. may also affect competition in the taxi industry. Weekly completed trips by city CONCLUSION Since its establishment in South Africa. Uber’s partnership with Hilton Hotels around the world to provide hotel guests with a reliable means of transport to and from hotels. 2016. [Online] Available from: http://www.enca. Tshwane launces city wide crime safety. [Accessed: 11 July 2016] Alfreds. [Accessed 19 July 2016] Anon. Law to be amended to regulate Uber. G. Toyota will invest Uber team auto leasing program. [Accessed 14 July 2016] 2016. Furious Uber drivers invade Cape Town office. [Accessed 12 July 2016] Anon. MNG3701/101/3/2017 Phakathi. Uber rushes to calm concerned drivers amid strike. 2016. 2015. [Online] Available from: http://www. [Online] Available from: http://www. B. Uber welcomes tough SA transport law.competition. [Accessed 12 July 2016] Anon. Taxify .moneyweb. [Accessed 20 July 2016] 26 10 things you probably don't know about Uber.bdlive. 2016. [Online] Available from: http://www. SnappCab or [Accessed 14 July 2016] Presence. moves into restaurant [Accessed 19 July 2016] Uber changes gear. cab-service. 2015 [Online] Available from: http://www. 2016. Walmart to test grocery delivery through [Online] Available from: http://www. and Pettypiece. T. How to get around this festive: Uber. [Online] Available from: http://ewn. Van Zyl. [Accessed 13 July 2016] Anon. 2016. Uber: a game-changer in passenger transport in South Africa? 2015 [Online] Available from: http://www. [Online] Available from: http://www. S.bdlive. [Online] Available from: Uber launches two-wheeler foray in Bangkok. N.news24. 2016 [Online] Available from: [Accessed 13 July 2016] Johannesburg first city in Africa to get revolutionary cab G. [Accessed 21 July 2016] Van Zyl.techreport. 2016. [Online] Available from: http://ewn. [Online] Available from: http://www. [Accessed 11 July 2015] Anon. Ryda. [Accessed 13 July 2016] Hsu. The rubric in Section 2 indicates how marks will be allocated for this assignment. Include references and number your headings in the text. 1. These questions are very important resources that you can use in your exam preparation so ensure that you complete them and ensure that you can answer similar questions in the exam. Provide at least 4 recommendations to Uber on how they can make use of these opportunities and combat the identified threats. 3 and 4 will be assessed in Assignment 01. introduction. is insufficient. Use a suitable model to identify the opportunities and threats that Uber face in South Africa. conclusion and references. Include an introduction. Kindly note that the learning outcomes clearly indicate the level of thinking skill you need to demonstrate when answering the question in the assignment. • You need to comply with the prescribed technical requirements. NOTE: Answer ONLY the question in Section 1 for submission. Note that up to five marks will be deducted for failing to adhere to the technical requirements. MNG3701/101/3/2017 ADDENDUM B: COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 1 FOR SEMESTER 1 2017 Due date: 10 March 2017 Unique Number 640868 The outcomes in learning units 1. In addition. excluding the cover page. • The body of your assignment may not exceed ten pages. Structure your answers. • You must follow the guidelines on answering essay-type questions (refer section 6 above). merely copying facts from prescribed textbooks. without substantiating your answers where necessary. ASSIGNMENT 1 SEMESTER 1 Answer the following question that is based on the case study. The selfassessment questions in Section 3 is NOT for submission. INSTUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF ASSIGNMENT 1 • Answer ONLY the question in Section 1 below for Assignment 01 submission. [35] 27 . 2. main body of discussion and conclusion in your essay. You need to be able to demonstrate that you understand the course theory and are able to apply it in practice. but to complete on your own to ensure that you understand the content of the module. MNG3701/101/3/2017 2. RUBRIC MARK UNSATISFACTORY AVERAGE GOOD EXCELLENT DISCUSSION OF DISCUSSION OF DISCUSSON OF DISCUSSION OF ACHIEVED: THE THEORY THE THEORY THE THEORY THE THEORY / 20 UNSATISFACTORY AVERAGE GOOD EXCELLENT MARK ACHIEVED PRACTICAL PRACTICAL PRACTICAL PRACTICAL APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION / 10 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: MARK / 5 Table of contents and headings are used 1 No table of contents and no headings are used 0 Sources are acknowledged/correct referencing Sources are not acknowledged / incorrect 1 0 technique is used referencing technique is used Bibliography included 1 Bibliography not included 0 Introduction included 1 Introduction not included 0 Conclusion included 1 Conclusion not 0 28 . [20] 29 . Use practical examples to support your answer. SELFASSESSMENT QUESTIONS Complete these questions to ensure that you understand the content covered in this module. Support your discussion with practical examples. [20] Question 3 Provide a critical discussion of what is meant by “strategy-as-practice” and critically evaluate it as an effective approach to managing new strategic realities. MNG3701/101/3/2017 3. It is also a good idea to discuss them with other students on the discussion forum of your e-tutor website. Question 1 Critically discuss the importance and benefits of following a strategic management-based approach. This will provide you with valuable support from your fellow students and your e-tutor. [20] Question 2 Provide a critical explanation of the strategic importance of analysing the external environment and critically discuss the various methods for external environment analysis. main body of discussion and conclusion in your essay. but to complete on your own to ensure that you understand the content of the module. Include references and number your headings in the text. Kindly note that the learning outcomes clearly indicate the level of thinking skill you need to demonstrate when answering the question in the assignment. • The body of your assignment may not exceed ten pages. ASSIGNMENT 2 SEMESTER 1 Answer the following question that is based on the case study. Note that up to five marks will be deducted for failing to adhere to the technical requirements. • You need to comply with the prescribed technical requirements. 6 and 7 will be assessed in Assignment 02. In addition. introduction. INSTUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF ASSIGNMENT 2 • Answer ONLY the question in Section 1 below for Assignment 02 submission. The rubric in Section 2 indicates how marks will be allocated for this assignment. NOTE: Answer ONLY the question in Section 1 for submission. Structure your answers. 1. Distinguish between the different business level strategies and recommend a suitable business strategy or combination of strategies for Uber. These questions are very important resources that you can use in your exam preparation so ensure that you complete them and ensure that you can answer similar questions in the exam. You need to be able to demonstrate that you understand the course theory and are able to apply it in practice. • You must follow the guidelines on answering essay-type questions (refer section 6 above). Motivate your answer with examples from the case study [35] 30 . MNG3701/101/3/2017 ADDENDUM C: CONPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 2 FOR SEMESTER 1 2017 Due date: 7 April 2017 Unique Number 890102 The outcomes in learning units 5. merely copying facts from prescribed textbooks. Include an introduction. The selfassessment questions in Section 3 is NOT for submission. is insufficient. without substantiating your answers where necessary. conclusion and references. excluding the cover page. MNG3701/101/3/2017 2. RUBRIC MARK UNSATISFACTORY AVERAGE GOOD EXCELLENT DISCUSSION OF DISCUSSION OF DISCUSSON OF DISCUSSION OF ACHIEVED: THE THEORY THE THEORY THE THEORY THE THEORY / 20 UNSATISFACTORY AVERAGE GOOD EXCELLENT MARK ACHIEVED PRACTICAL PRACTICAL PRACTICAL PRACTICAL APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION / 10 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: MARK / 5 Table of contents and headings are used 1 No table of contents and no headings are used 0 Sources are acknowledged/correct referencing Sources are not acknowledged / incorrect 1 0 technique is used referencing technique is used Bibliography included 1 Bibliography not included 0 Introduction included 1 Introduction not included 0 Conclusion included 1 Conclusion not 0 31 . SELFASSESSMENT QUESTIONS Complete these questions to ensure that you understand the content covered in this module. [20] 32 . Question 1 Critically explain the role of governments in enhancing business conditions in Africa. This will provide you with valuable support from your fellow students and your e-tutor. [20] Question 2 Identify the four pillars of corporate sustainability and critically discuss why corporate sustainability is important. It is also a good idea to discuss them with other students on the discussion forum of your e-tutor website. [20] Question 3 Critically explain the importance of choosing appropriate business level strategies. MNG3701/101/3/2017 3. [35] 33 . 3 and 4 will be assessed in Assignment 01. without substantiating your answers where necessary. • You must follow the guidelines on answering essay-type questions (refer section 6 above). excluding the cover page. The rubric in Section 2 indicates how marks will be allocated for this assignment. 2. 1. introduction. Make at least 4 recommendations to Uber with regards to how they can ensure their competitive advantage in the online transportation network industry. • The body of your assignment may not exceed ten pages. In addition. These questions are very important resources that you can use in your exam preparation so ensure that you complete them and ensure that you can answer similar questions in the exam. Structure your answers. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of Uber by evaluating their resources. merely copying facts from prescribed textbooks. MNG3701/101/3/2017 ADDENDUM D: COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 1 FOR SEMESTER 2 2017 Due date: 18 August 2016 Unique Number 703365 The outcomes in learning units 1. is insufficient. NOTE: Answer ONLY the question in Section 1 for submission. Include references and number your headings in the text. capabilities and core competencies. Note that up to five marks will be deducted for failing to adhere to the technical requirements. The selfassessment questions in Section 3 is NOT for submission. but to complete on your own to ensure that you understand the content of the module. INSTUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF ASSIGNMENT 1 • Answer ONLY the question in Section 1 below for Assignment 01 submission. conclusion and references. • You need to comply with the prescribed technical requirements. main body of discussion and conclusion in your essay. Kindly note that the learning outcomes clearly indicate the level of thinking skill you need to demonstrate when answering the question in the assignment. You need to be able to demonstrate that you understand the course theory and are able to apply it in practice. Include an introduction. ASSIGNMENT 1 SEMESTER 2 Answer the following question that is based on the case study. MNG3701/101/3/2017 2. RUBRIC MARK UNSATISFACTORY AVERAGE GOOD EXCELLENT DISCUSSION OF DISCUSSION OF DISCUSSON OF DISCUSSION OF ACHIEVED: THE THEORY THE THEORY THE THEORY THE THEORY / 20 UNSATISFACTORY AVERAGE GOOD EXCELLENT MARK ACHIEVED PRACTICAL PRACTICAL PRACTICAL PRACTICAL APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION / 10 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: MARK / 5 Table of contents and headings are used 1 No table of contents and no headings are used 0 Sources are acknowledged/correct referencing Sources are not acknowledged / incorrect 1 0 technique is used referencing technique is used Bibliography included 1 Bibliography not included 0 Introduction included 1 Introduction not included 0 Conclusion included 1 Conclusion not 0 34 . It is also a good idea to discuss them with other students on the discussion forum of your e-tutor website. Support your discussion with practical examples. This will provide you with valuable support from your fellow students and your e-tutor. [20] Question 2 Provide a critical explanation of the strategic importance of analysing the external environment and critically discuss the various methods for external environment analysis. [20] 35 . SELFASSESSMENT QUESTIONS Complete these questions to ensure that you understand the content covered in this module. Use practical examples to support your answer. MNG3701/101/3/2017 3. Question 1 Critically discuss the importance and benefits of following a strategic management-based approach. [20] Question 3 Provide a critical discussion of what is meant by “strategy-as-practice” and critically evaluate it as an effective approach to managing new strategic realities. introduction. • You need to comply with the prescribed technical requirements. excluding the cover page. merely copying facts from prescribed textbooks. These questions are very important resources that you can use in your exam preparation so ensure that you complete them and ensure that you can answer similar questions in the exam. ASSIGNMENT 2 SEMESTER 2 Answer the following question that is based on the case study. Include references and number your headings in the text. is insufficient. conclusion and references. NOTE: Answer ONLY the question in Section 1 for submission. INSTUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF ASSIGNMENT 2 • Answer ONLY the question in Section 1 below for Assignment 02 submission. main body of discussion and conclusion in your essay. Include an introduction. [35] 36 . Note that up to five marks will be deducted for failing to adhere to the technical requirements. The rubric in Section 2 indicates how marks will be allocated for this assignment. 6 and 7 will be assessed in Assignment 02. Kindly note that the learning outcomes clearly indicate the level of thinking skill you need to demonstrate when answering the question in the assignment. • The body of your assignment may not exceed ten pages. 4. Make recommendations to Uber on how to ensure that they maintain their sustainable competitive advantage. MNG3701/101/3/2017 ADDENDUM C: CONPULSORY ASSIGNMENT 2 FOR SEMESTER 2 2017 Due date: 15 September 2017 Unique Number 690532 The outcomes in learning units 5. • You must follow the guidelines on answering essay-type questions (refer section 6 above). In addition. The selfassessment questions in Section 3 is NOT for submission. Identify and discuss the four pillars of corporate sustainability. You need to be able to demonstrate that you understand the course theory and are able to apply it in practice. but to complete on your own to ensure that you understand the content of the module. Structure your answers. without substantiating your answers where necessary. RUBRIC MARK UNSATISFACTORY AVERAGE GOOD EXCELLENT DISCUSSION OF DISCUSSION OF DISCUSSON OF DISCUSSION OF ACHIEVED: THE THEORY THE THEORY THE THEORY THE THEORY / 20 UNSATISFACTORY AVERAGE GOOD EXCELLENT MARK ACHIEVED PRACTICAL PRACTICAL PRACTICAL PRACTICAL APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION / 10 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: MARK / 5 Table of contents and headings are used 1 No table of contents and no headings are used 0 Sources are acknowledged/correct referencing Sources are not acknowledged / incorrect 1 0 technique is used referencing technique is used Bibliography included 1 Bibliography not included 0 Introduction included 1 Introduction not included 0 Conclusion included 1 Conclusion not 0 37 . MNG3701/101/3/2017 5. It is also a good idea to discuss them with other students on the discussion forum of your e-tutor website. [20] Question 2 Critically explain the levels of strategy in organisations. This will provide you with valuable support from your fellow students and your e-tutor. [20] Question 3 Critically explain the importance of an ethical business and provide examples on what organisations can [20] 38 . Support each strategy level with a practical business example. Use practical examples (3 or more) to support your discussion. MNG3701/101/3/2017 6. Question 1 Identify and explain the obstacles of doing business in an African context. SELF ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS Complete these questions to ensure that you understand the content covered in this module. SIGNATURE DATE 39 . the undersigned. hereby declare that the work contained in this case study project is my own original work and that I have acknowledged all additional sources I have used and/or quoted directly. MNG3701/101/3/2017 ADDENDUM F: DECLARATION DECLARATION I.
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