March 16, 2018 | Author: Khonzumusa Hlophe | Category: Operational Amplifier, Kinematics, C++, Fourier Series, Amplifier



UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAICOMPUTER ENGINEERING SCHEME OF INSTRUCTIONS AND EXAMINATION (R-2001) SEMESTER VII to VIII AND DETAILED SYLLABUS FOR SEMESTER VII and VIII FIRST YEAR ENGINEERING SEMESTER-I Sr. No. Subjects No. of Periods per Week Practicals Lectures Tutorials Duration of Theory Paper (Hrs) 3 3 3 3 3 Marks Practical Theory Paper 100 100 100 100 100 500 Term Work 25 25 25 25 100 Oral Total 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total Applied Mathematics-I Applied Sciences-I Engineering Mechanics Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Computer programming-I Basic Workshop Practice 5 4 6 6 4 4 25 3 3 3 13 2 2 - - 100 125 125 125 125 600 SEMESTER – II Sr. No. Subjects No. of Periods per Week Practicals Lecture Tutorials s 5 4 2 4 4 19 6 3 4 13 1.5 1.5 3 Duration of Theory Paper (Hrs) 3 3 3 4 3 Theory Paper 100 100 100 100 100 500 Term Work 25 25 25 25 100 200 Marks Practical Oral Total 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total Applied Mathematics-II Applied Sciences-II Communication Skills Engineering Drawing Computer programming-II Basic Workshop Practice-II - - 100 125 125 125 125 100 700 SECOND YEAR ENGINEERING SEMESTER III Sr. No. Subjects No. of Periods per Week Practicals Lectures Tutorials Duration of Theory Paper (Hrs) 3 3 3 3 3 3 Theory Paper 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 Term Work 25 25 25 25 25 125 Marks Practical Oral Total 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total Applied Mathematics III (CE)* Electronics Devices and Circuits * Electrical Network * Data Structures .Digital Logic Design and Application * Discrete Structures * 4 3 4 3 4 3 20 3 2 2 7 2 2 5 - - 100 125 125 125 125 125 725 SEMESTER IV Sr. No. Subjects No. of Periods per Week Practicals Lectures Tutorials Duration of Theory Paper (Hrs) 3 3 3 3 3 3 Theory Paper 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 Term Work 25 25 25 25 100 Marks Practical Oral Total 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total Applied Mathematics IV (CE)* Principles of Communication Enginjeering* Computer Organization and Architecure Database Systems Analysis of Algorithms Industrial Economics and Management* 4 3 4 4 4 4 23 2 2 2 2 8 - 25 25 25 25 25 75 100 150 150 150 150 100 800 5. 3. Subjects No. Total System Programming Operating System with Unix Web Technology 3 3 4 3 3 3 19 2 3 2 3 3 2 15 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 100 150 150 150 150 150 150 900 Object Oriented Analysis and Design* Computer Graphics Advanced Databases * Common with IT . 3. of Periods per Week Practicals Lectures Tutorials Duration of Theory Paper (Hrs) 3 3 3 3 3 Theory Paper 100 100 100 100 100 500 Term Work 25 25 25 25 25 25 150 Marks Practical Oral Total 1. 4. 6. Total Applied Mathematics V (CE)* Principles of Digital Communication Cmputer Networks* 4 3 3 4 3 2 19 2 2 2 3 9 2 2 2 6 -- 25 25 100 125 125 125 125 50 25 675 Microprocessor* Theoratical Computer Science Presentation & Communication Techniques$ Computer Programming Laboratory* SEMESTER – VI Sr. No. 2. $ Common with all branches . 2. Subjects No. 7. No. 5.THIRD YEAR ENGINEERING SEMESTER – V Sr. of Periods per Week Practicals Lectures Tutorials Duration of Theory Paper (Hrs) 3 3 3 3 3 3 Theory Paper 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 Term Work 25 25 25 25 25 25 150 Marks Practical Oral Total 1. 4. 6. SEMESTER VII Scheme of Instructions Subjects Lect/ Pract/ Week Week Advanced 4 2 Microprocessors Intelligent Systems 4 2 Digital Signal Processing 4 2 Software Engineering 4 2 Elective-I 4 2 Project-A 20 10 Scheme of Evaluation Paper T/W Pract Oral Hours Marks 3 100 25 25 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 500 25 25 25 25 25 150 25 25 25 25 25 150 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tuto/ Week 2 2 Total 150 150 150 150 150 50 800 B.E. COMPUTER ENGINEERING SCHEME OF INSTRUCTIONS AND EVALUATION (R-2001) B.UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI B.E. SEMESTER VIII Scheme of Instructions Subjects Lect/ Pract/ Week Week System Security 4 2 Distributed Computing 4 2 Multimedia Systems* 4 2 Elective-II 4 2 Project-B 16 8 Scheme of Evaluation Paper T/W Pract Oral Hours Marks 3 100 25 25 3 100 25 25 3 100 25 25 3 100 25 25 50 50 400 150 150 1 2 3 4 5 Tuto/ Week 6 6 Total 150 150 150 150 100 700 Elective-I 1 Image Processing 2 Pattern Recognition* 3 Mobile Computing* 4 Embedded Systems* 5 Computer Simulation and Modeling* 6 Advanced Computer Networks* * Common with IT 1 2 3 4 5 6 Elective-II Robotics* Computer Vision* Parallel Processing Data Warehousing and Mining* Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems* Software Testing* .E. taylor’s and maclaurian’s series Differential calculus • Successive differentiation of nth derivatives of function Periods / week 2 1 6 3 4 2 3 2 5 3 4 4 4 4 . lagrange’s and Cauchy’s mean value theorem (proofs are not expected but geometrical interpretation are expected) • Taylor’s and maclaurian’s theorem (without proof). serrate frenetic formulae (without proof ). normal plane and rectifying plane. (All Branches) Periods per week: Lectures: 5 Practicals: -Tutorials: -Semester: I Evaluation Systems: Theory Paper (3 Hours): 100 Term work: Practical : Oral: Total: 100 - Detailed Syllabus Section I: Applied Mathematics 1 Complex numbers • Idea of argand diagram (problem based on geometry are not expected ) Cartesian. E. power and roots of exponential and trigonometric functions • Hyperbolic and logarithmic functions. product of four vector • Differentiation of a vector function of a single scalar variable. Mean value theorem • Rolles theorem. osculating plane. curvature. torsion. proofs of theorems on derivatives of sums and product are not expected • Curves in spaces. polar and exponential form of complex number • De’moivre’s theorem (without proof).FE SEMESTER-I Applied Mathematics – I Class: F. inverse trigonometric functions • Separation of real and imaginary parts of all types of functions Vector algebra and vector calculus • Vector triple product (proof is not expected). deductions from Euler’s theorem • Errors and approximations. khanna publications • A text book of applied mathematics.Nandu publication 7 4 4 . cos(ax+b). e^axcos(bx+c) Leibnitz theorem (without proof). Dr B V Jungam. sin(ax+b). maxima and minima of a function of two variables Recommended Books: • Higher engineering mathematics. Dr B S Grewal. P N & J N Wartikar. C Jamanadas and Co • Appilied mathematics 1. (ax+b)^-1. indeterminate forms and L’hospital rule 7 Contd… Contd… 5 Partial differentiation • Partial derivatives of first and higher order. e^ax. composite functions and implicit functions • Euler’s theorem on homogeneous functions with two and three independent variables (with proof). log(ax+b).• such as (ax+b)^m. pune vidyarthi griha • Advanced engineering mathematics. K P Patil. expansions of power series. Wiley Eastern Limited • Engineering mathematics 1. Mrs N M Kumthekar. e^axsin(bx+c). total differentials. Erurin Kreyszing. G V Kumbhojkar. E. Sound waves • Audible. temperature dependence. use of CRO for measuring amplitude of DC and AC. barium titanate Miller indices. C-B characteristics. conductors. cavitations and non distructive testing and flow detection • Electricity and magnetism Motion of charges. (All Branches) Periods per week: Lectures: 4 Practicals: -Tutorials: 2 Semester: I Evaluation Systems: Theory Paper (3 Hours): 100 Term work: 25 Practical : Oral: Total: 125 Periods / week 9 - Detailed Syllabus Section I: Applied Physics Solid state physics Crystal structure: structure of cubic crystals. echo sounding thickness measurement. principles of ultrasonic transducers and oscillations. De Broglie waves Section II: Applied Chemistry 1 • • • 2 6 3 6 4 • 5 • 3 Water and its treatment Introduction to hard and soft water 7 . Legacy and critical radius ratio in tonic crystals Formation of energy band and classification of solids. concept of fermi-level. insulators.Applied Sciences – I Class: F. energy gap. particles in electric and magnetic field. diamond structure.(bipolar)photo diode. magnetic and electrostatic focusing system and its use in CRO. physical of semiconductor junctions. special form in cubic crystals. production of ultrasonic waves. planes &directions. voltage and phase diff between 2 sine waves Quantum physics Introduction to wave nature of particles. piezo electric effect. ultrasonic and infrasonic waves propagation. semiconductors. effects on properties. properties and drawbacks. understanding effect of hard water in industries Softening of water Lime soda process. synthetic rubbers-manufacture. liquids. phenol formaldehyde urea formaldehyde) Plastics: classification (thermoplastic and thermosetting). agents. and injection molding industrial applications. silicon rubber Pollution and pollution control Definition of pollution and pollutant Introduction to atmospheric pollution: nature of atmospheric pollutants and their effects.g. saponification value.permutit method. extrusion. advantages. polyethelene. synthetic. units.g. cloud and pom point. ion exchange method. Vulcanization. properties and uses of polyurethane. condensation 9 e.thick film. zeolite.mechanism.• • • Hardness: types. compounding of plastics. blended. estimation of EDTA method. branched and crossed linked. numerical problems based on lime soda and zeolite process Contd… Contd… 6 • • • • • 7 • • • 8 • • • • High polymers and elastomers Introduction and definition of elastomers and polymers Classification of polymers: homopolymer and copolymer. thin film and extreme lubrication Properties of ideal lubricant (definition and significance)viscosity. methods of reducing water pollution in brief. Mechanism of lubrication. acid value and numerical problems on saponification value and acid value. polypropelene). methods of reducing atmospheric pollution in brief Introduction to water pollution: nature of water pollutants and their effects. Rubber: structure. transfer. lubrication and purpose of lubrication Classification of lubricants with examples: solids semisolid. Introduction to lubricants Definition of lubricants. limear. fabrication of plastic-compression. viscosity index flash fire point.cis and trans isomer. 9 5 7 . organic and inorganic Types of polymerization: addition (e. numerical. comparison of methods. Tata McGraw Hill • Engineering Physics. • Engineering Chemistry. Chand and Co. Engineering Mechanics Class: F. Distributed forces in plane 2 Equilibrium of system of coplanar forces • Conditions of equilibrium for I) concurrent forces ii) Parallel forces iii) Non concurrent non parallel system of forces and couples • Types of supports. B. S.M. Jain and Jain. Uppal. R. assignments:. Moment of forces about any point. Dhanpatrai Publishing Company • Modern Physics.15 Marks Written test: 10 Marks Recommended Books: • Concept of modern physics . J. Arthur Beiser. L. • A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry. Sharma. B.K. couples. E. M. Chand and Co. Varignon’s Theorem. Assignments consisting of minimum 10 numerical problems covering the syllabus along with the graded answer paper shall be submitted as term work. Gupta. Rajam.S. The distribution of term work marks will be as follows Report on experiments demonstrated. K. Report on experiments demonstrated (at least five each based on above syllabus of section I & Section II). S. Khanna Publishers • Environmental Chemistry. Dhanpat Rai Publising Co. S.Term Work Each student has to appear for at least one written test during the term. (All Branches) Periods per week: Lectures: 6 Practicals: 3 Tutorials: -Semester: I Evaluation Systems: Theory Paper (3 Hours): 100 Term work: 25 Practical : Oral: Total: 125 - Detailed Syllabus Section I: Statics 1 System of coplanar forces • Resultant of I) concurrent forces ii) Parallel forces and iii) Non concurrent forces non parallel forces. Gaur and S. determination of reactions at support for Periods / week 6 6 . Goyal Publishing House • Engineering Chemistry. Dara. • Linear momentum. application to link systems with single degree of freedom only Section II: Dynamics 7 6 3 6 7 Kinematics of particle • Rectilinear motion. perpendicular axis theorem. principle of conservation of momentum. instantaneous center of rotation for the velocity and velocity diagrams for bodies in plane motion 14 6 8 6 Kinematics of particles and kinematics of rigid bodies • D’Alemberts principle. cone of friction. potential and kinetic energy and power work energy equation. Center of Gravity of wires bent into different shapes. parallel axis theorem. projectile motion. semi elastic impact and plastic impact. mass moment of inertia about centroidal axis and about any other axis. equilibrium of bodies on inclined plane.ladders. cylinders. Simple harmonic motion Kinematics of rigid bodies Relative velocity. application to problems involving wedges and . work done by a force. • Analysis of determinate pin joined plane frames by method of joint and method of sections. acceleration. Forces in space • Resultant of I) concurrent forces ii) parallel forces and iii) general force system. Moment of a force about a point. link mechanism. spheres only. impact of solid bodies. D’Alemberts principle for bodies under rotational motion about a fix axis and plane motion. Friction Laws of friction. elastic impact. finding scalar and vector components of the force and the moment of force about the axis.3 4 5 various types determinants structures (with/without internal hinge) • Centurions of plane areas. screw and belt friction only simple type involving tension on both side of pulley to be covered Principle of virtual work Equilibrium of an ideal system. linear motion. translation. pure rotation and plane motion of rigid bodies. equation of dynamic equilibrium. principle of conservation of energy . curvilinear motion 8 • Area moment of inertia. time and velocity time graphs and their uses • Velocity and acceleration in terms of rectangular coordinate system. 8 Application to motion of bars. Motion along plane curved path . tangential and normal component of acceleration. impulse momentum. assignments:. assignments as mentioned above.C. Report on experiments performed. Tata McGraw Hill • S. Engineering Mechanics. Junarkar. Rajesekaran & G. Weinall Book Co.10 Marks Assignments and solutions to problems: 5 Marks Written test: 10 Marks Recommended Books: • R. At least 6 laboratory experiments from those mentioned below (minimum 2 on dynamics) should be conducted. Engineering Mechanics. John Willy • S. Harper & Raw Publishers . Engineering Mechanics. Singer. • Beer and Johnson. Engineering Mechanics. Umesh Publication • Macklin and Nelson. Engineering Mechanics.. N. Shankarsubramaniam. The distribution of term work marks will be as follows Report on experiments demonstrated. L. Engineering Mechanics. Thadani. McGraw Hill • Mariam. Engineering Mechanics. Engineering Mechanics. McMillan • B. Vikas Publication • F. Also assignments consisting of minimum 20 (Almost equal numbers on static’s and dynamics) numerical problems based on the above syllabus shall be solved during practical periods. Tata McGraw Hill • Kumar Engineering Mechanics. Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics. Charotar Publishing House • Tayal. along with the graded answer paper shall be submitted as term work. The List of experiment (Static’s & Dynamics) • Polygon law of coplanar forces (Concurrent) • Nonconcurring nonparallel (general) • Simple jip crane • Bell-Crank lever • Support reactions for beam • Link Polygon • Inclined plane or wedge friction or ladder friction (to determine coefficient of friction) • Coil friction • Simple / Compound pendulum (Time period of vibration) • Fly wheel (Mass moment o inertia) • Collision of elastic bodies (Law of conservation of momentum) • Rolling disk on inclined plane (To determine experimental mass moment of inertia of disk) Four problems should be solved graphically along with analytical solutions.Term Work Each student has to appear for at least one written test during the term. Hibbtlen. phase voltage and power in 3 phase circuits for a balanced 3 phase load Elementary network theorems: (For DC circuits only). crest factor. series and parallel circuit. temperature and pressure transducers. effect of temperature on resistance. voltage and current ration of an ideal transformer. study of transducers like displacement. flow meters. superposition theorem. lead acid battery construction and charging AC fundamentals: Sinusoidal voltage and current waveforms. one phase series circuit (with resonance). ohms law. EMF equation. parallel circuit (with resonance). RMS and average value of various waveforms. Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorem. frequency. LVDT. 12 8 5 4 4 8 4 6 8 . power and energy. statement for relation of line current. microphone. star delta transformations. light emitting diode Principle and working of bipolar junction transistor and FET and its uses as amplifier SCR characteristics and its applications for single phase converter and inverter circuits (Numerical problems not expected) Transducers: Classification of transducers. (All Branches) Periods per week: Lectures: 6 Practical: 3 Tutorials: -Semester: I Evaluation Systems: Theory Paper (3 Hours): 100 Term work: 25 Practical : Oral: Total: 125 - Detailed Syllabus Periods / week 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Units of work. E. RL. Maximum power transfer theorem Principle and working of single phase transformer. introduction to filters.Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Class: F. determination of efficiency and regulation by direct loading General principles and working of electrical motors and generators: DC series and shut machine. one phase induction motor PN junction diode as a rectifier. form factor. loudspeakers (numerical problems not expected) Basic principles of measurements of electrical quantities.RC and RLC. Voltmeters, Ammeters, Wattmeter, Millimeter, and power supplies (Numerical problems not expected) Term Work Each student has to appear for at least one written test during the term. The List of experiment • RLC series and RLC parallel circuit and study of response • Study of relationship between line current / voltage and phase current / voltage for balanced star load • Study of relationship between the line current line / voltage and phase current / voltage for balance delta load • Verification of Norton’s theorem, Thevenin’s and superposition theorem • Load test on single phase transformer • Diode rectifier half wave and full wave circuit • Transistor I/O characteristics • Measurement of power using two wattmeter methods • Transistor as an amplifier • SCR as control rectifier • Transducer characteristics Report on experiments performed, assignments consisting of minimum 10 numerical problems based on above syllabus, along with the graded answer paper shall be submitted as term work. The distribution of term work marks will be as follows Report on experiments demonstrated, assignments:- 10 Marks Assignments and solutions to problems: 5 Marks Written test: 10 Marks Recommended Books: • Vincent Del-Torro, Principles of Electrical Engineering, Prentice Hall Pvt. Ltd. • R.K. Sugandhi & K.K. Sugandhi, Tyrister Theory and Applications, Wiley Fastern Ltd. • Sawhney A. K., A Course in Electrical & Electronics Measurements & Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai & Sons • I.J. Nagrath & D.P. Kothari, Electrical Machines, Tata McGraw Hill, Ltd. • Allen Moteorshed, Electronic Devices & Circuits- & Introduction, Prentice Hall (I) Ltd. Computer Programming I Class: F. E. (All Branches) Periods per week: Lectures: 4 Practical: 3 Tutorials: -Semester: I Evaluation Systems: Theory Paper (3 Hours): 100 Term work: 25 Practical : Oral: Total: 125 - Detailed Syllabus 1 Fundamental of UNIX • Multiuse system: logging in and passwords, electronic mail, time for Unix • Unix file system: Files and directories, sub directories and path names, searching the tree for files • File Utilities: Ownership and access to file, simple text files, basic editing techniques, print files • File and data processing utilities: searching for patterns, rearranging file, structures, sorting a file, relational files Structured programming • C fundamentals : Character set, identifiers and keywords , data types, constants, variable and arrays , declarations and operators and expressions, library functions, statements, symbolic constants, preprocessor directives • Data input and output: getchar(), scanf(), printf(), gets(), puts(),functions • Control statements: if else, while, do while, goto, for statement, nested control structures, switch, break, continuous statements, operators • Functions: Function prototypes, Passing arguments to a function by a value, recursion, storage classes, automatic, external, static, register variable in single file environment • Arrays: defining-processing array, passing arrays to functions, introduction to multidimensional arrays, arrays and streams • Pointers: Declarations, referencing and dereferencing, passing pointers to functions, pointer to array (no reference to dynamic memory allocation) • Structures and unions: defining and processing a structure Periods / week 2 2 2 4 2 4 1 10 6 6 6 5 Term Work Each student has to appear for at least one written test (preferably online) during the term. Teamwork shall consist of graded answer paper of the test and 5 assignments covering Unix fundaments, and 10 programs developed under control structures using C , 10 programs under arrays, functions and structures using C programs should be debug (hand written computer printout) and should have suitable comments. Recommended compilers:- Unix Linux, Turbo C / Borland C Report on programs:- 10 Marks Assignments : 5 Marks Written test: 10 Marks Recommended Books: • Programming in C, Balaguruswami, Tata McGraw Hill • A Structured Programming Approach using C, Behrouz Forouzan, Thomas Learning • Unix training Guide, Clifford Mould, Wheeler Publications • Programming in C, Schuam Outline Series • Let Us C, Yashwant Kanetkar, B.P.B. Publications • Practical C Programming, O’Reilly • Internet for everyone, A. Leon, Leon Techworld lap welding of two plates.Basic Workshop Practice I Class: F. one simple male-female joint. staircases wiring for fluorescent tube light. Forging (Smithy) • At least one workshop practice job (lifting hook and handle) is to be demonstrated. chisels and gauges for construction of various joints. tapping • Term work to include one job involving following operations: Filing to size. Fitting • Use and setting of fitting tools for chipping. Demonstrations and hands on exercise is to be provided during the periods allotted for the same. wood turning. drilling and tapping Carpentry • Use and setting of hand tools like hacksaws. Electrical board wiring • House wiring. cutting. Welding • Edge preparations for welding jobs. marking. modern wood turning methods • Term work to include one job workshop practice carpentry job involving a joint and a report on demonstration of a job involving woodturning. Select any four trade topics out of the topics at Sr. E. A report on the demonstration including suitable sketches is also to be included n the term works. butt welding of plate’s wiyh simple cover. Arc welding for different jobs like. arc welding to join plates at right angles. drilling. No. (All Branches) Periods per week: Lectures: -Practical: 4 Tutorials: -Semester: I Evaluation Systems: Theory Paper (3 Hours): Term work: 100 Practical : Oral: Total: 100 -- - Detailed Syllabus Note The syllabus and term work to be done during Semi and Sem2 are given together. Machine Shop • At least one turning job is to be demonstrated. center punching. filing. 3 to 10. jack planes. Periods / week -- 1 24 2 24 3 12 4 12 5 6 12 12 . single and one and half brick masonry. and union etc. demonstration of preparation of a domestic plumbing line involving fixing of a water tap and use of coupling. hammers. PCB etching and drilling. tools. 12 12 . bending spot welding. sprit level. and pins etc. demonstration of motor making. +ve and –ve film making. working hand tools. wrenches. square. pointing and plastering. tee. PCB Layout exercise Layout wiring. plumb.7 • 8 • go-down wiring and 3-phase wiring for electrical motors. elbow. threading dies. Masonry Use of Mason’s tool like trowel. 12 12 9 • 10 • Plumbing Use of plumbing tool. block masonry. English. and Flemish bonds. line. cutting. spanners. tinning and soldering techniques Sheet Metal Working and Brazing Use of sheet metal. • Standard curves: Straight line. particular integrals for the equations of the type • Cauchy’s lenear homogeneous equation and Leagendre differential equation • Variation of rarameter methods and method of undetermined coeff. parabola. ellipse. cissoids lemniscates. E. rectangular hyperbola. idea of Jacobin for evaluating integrals with transformation • Geometrical interpretation and evaluation of change by order and change to polar form • Application of double and triple integral to area mass and volume Differential equations: • First order and first degree exact differential equation and those can be reduced to exact by use of integrating factor • Linear differential equations and equations reducible to linear equations • Linear differential equations of higher order with constant coeff. Complementary functions. (All Branches) Periods per week: Lectures: 5 Practical: -Tutorials: -Semester: II Evaluation Systems: Theory Paper (3 Hours): 100 Term work: Practical : Oral: Total: 100 -- Detailed Syllabus Periods / week 7 1 2 3 4 Beta and Gamma functions: Beta and Gamma functions with properties Relation between beta and gamma functions. hypocoid. hyperbola. semi cubical parabola.FE SEMESTER-II Applied Mathematics – II Class: F. catenary’s. cardioids and a y 2 = x2 x (a-x). (x-2) (x-2a)2 2 6 14 3 6 10 4 4 . 9ay2. cycloid. circle. Duplicate formula Differentiation under integral sign with constant limits of integration Integral calculus: • Rectification of plane curves • Double and triple integration. asteroid. Recommended Books: • Higher Engineering Mathematic. Newton’s rings. Patil. fission. applications of laser 4 Nuclear Physics • Radiation detectors. Kumbhojkar. fusion. Bragg’s law. wedge shaped film. factors influencing rate of corrosion 8 . Nandu Publications Applied Sciences – II Class: F. • Engineering Mathematics I . Mrs.N. Wiley Estern Ltd. Wartikar. & J. and CO2 laser. nuclear reactions. He-Ne laser. G. semiconductor laser. C. Pune Vidyarthi Gruh • Advanced Engineering Mathematics. • Applied Mathematics I.Rays • Production of X. K.M.Kumthekar. population inversion. Khanna Publications • A text Book of Applied Mathematics.P. properties of X-rays. Erurin Kreyszing. ionization chamber. Dr. “Counter”. B.5 Semester: II Evaluation Systems: Theory Paper (3 Hours): 100 Term work: 25 Practical : Oral: Total: 125 - Detailed Syllabus Section I: Applied Physics 1 Optics • Interference: Coherence. B.V. bragg’s X-ray spectrometer and determination of crystal structure 3 Laser • Spontaneous and stimulated emission. qualitative explanation of Comu’s frings for finding strains and stresses in bent bearings 2 X. Grewal. x-ray diffraction.V. interference in thin film. S. Mosseley’s law. Jamnadas & Co.M.N. N.rays. (All Branches) Periods per week: Lectures: 4 Practical: -Tutorials: 1. Dr. origin of X-rays. Junjam. P. G. E. nuclear reactors Section II: Applied Chemistry Periods / week 10 6 4 5 • Corrosion and its control Introduction and definition of electrochemical theory of corrosion. pumping device and active system • The ruby laser. composition.brassgeneral composition. by anodic protection. classification based on carbon content. LPG. nickel bronze. • Non ferrous alloys: Alloys of aluminum.15 Marks Written test: 10 Marks • . definition. Tinman’s solders 5 Biotechnology • Introduction: scope and importance of biotechnology. alloys of lead and tin (solders). Report on experiments demonstrated (at least five each based on above syllabus of section I & Section II). Doulong’s formulae. application of biotechnology. units.composition. properties and uses of commercial brass and germen silver. antiknock agents. catalytic. knockingoctane number. numerical problems Liquid fuels: Petroleum composition. Colane number. pitting. alloys of copper. assignments:. principle of alloying. atmospheric and water line. numerical problems Solid fuels: types of coal. classification. composition manufacturing and properties of natural gas. composition. reactions. The distribution of term work marks will be as follows Report on experiments demonstrated.special effects of alloying elements on the properties. properties. cracking. Assignments consisting of minimum 10 numerical problems covering the syllabus along with the graded answer paper shall be submitted as term work. microbiological Corrosion control: by proper selection of material and design. characteristics of fuels. 10 7 8 5 Alloys Introduction. mining and refining. by preventive coating Fuels Introduction and classification of fuel. composition.thermal. selection of coal. magnesium. calorific value. bronze. application of biotechnology to energy development and environment • Manufacture of biogas from organic waste Term Work Each student has to appear for at least one written test during the term. high and low calorific value. differential aeration. Gaseous Fuels: composition and properties of natural gas. classification based on principal constituent • Ferrous alloys: plane carbon steel composition. stainless steel. purpose of making alloys. properties and uses of duralumin. soil. analysis of coal.• • 6 • • • • Types of corrosion: galvanic. by cathodic protection. properties and uses of soft solders. applications. properties and uses of Nichrome. alloy steels. Chand and Co. barriers to communication. techniques to improve communication Summarization: Techniques to summarize a given passage to test comprehension and ability to present written matter in a brief and concise manner 2–3 . Arthur Beiser. J. methods of communication. E. K. Rajam. S. (All Branches) Periods per week: Lectures: 2 Practicals: -Tutorials: 1. Communication Skills Class: F. Dara. Khanna Publishers • Environmental Chemistry.5 Semester: II Evaluation Systems: Theory Paper (3 Hours): 100 Term work: 25 Practical : Oral: Total: 125 - Detailed Syllabus Periods / week 4 1 2 Communication: Concept and meaning and communication. S. R.Recommended Books: • Concept of modern physics. • A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry.M. Jain and Jain. Gupta. Uppal. Tata McGraw Hill • Engineering Physics. B. S.K. Dhanpat Rai Publising Co. Gaur and S. Chand and Co. Goyal Publishing House • Engineering Chemistry. M.S. Sharma. Dhanpatrai Publishing Company • Modern Physics. L. • Engineering Chemistry. B. expression. (enquiry. 1 on comprehension and vocabulary. replies to enquiries. language and style in official letters. autonyms. explanation of a process. formats of letters.15 Marks Written test: 10 Marks . modified block. vocabulary and grammar (Synonyms. Term work shall consist of graded answer paper of the test and at least 8 hand written assignments ( 2 on communication. modulation. comprehension. (complete block .4 description of objects. semi block) types of letters.3 4 5 2–3 Comprehension and vocabulary: technical. 1 on summarization. assignments:. application letters with biodata Technical quitting: Framing definitions. writing instruction Tutorials: Topics to be assigned for speech practice in the form of elocution and debates to test diction. claims and adjustments. word formation) 9 – 10 Basic official correspondence: Principles of correspondence. fluency and nonverbal communication Term Work Each student has to appear for at least on written test during the term. 3 on correspondence. classification and 3 . 1 on technical writing) The distribution of term work marks will be as follows Report on experiments demonstrated. one word substitution. scientific or general text with multiple choice questions to test analytical skills. Thomas. Anna University Madras. McGraw Hill Publications • Written Communication. Freeman. Tata McGraw Hill • Business Communication (Revised Edition). McGraw hill • English for Engineers and technologist . Sharma & Krishna Mohan. A Skill approach (Books I & II) Course Authurs (Humanities & Social Sciences Division. Anne.C. Himalaya Publication • Lesiker & Petit: Business Communication. Mc Commas and Satterwhite. R. Orient Longman . McGraw Hill Publications ( Teacher Reference Only) • Technical Writing And Professional Communication. Huckins. Rai & Rai.Recommended Books: • Business Correspondence & Report Writing. Sixth edition. Sarah. Orient Longman (Mainly for Comprehensive) • Technical Writing. Eisenberg. Tata Mc Graw Hill • Modern Business Correspondence. P. and V. E. ellipse. 4 Sections • Sections of solids cut by planes perpendicular to at least one reference plane 5 Development • Development of lateral surfaces of solids cut by plane and curved plane (solid position with axis perpendicular to one of the reference planes) Section II 6 Orthographic Projections • Multi view orthographic projection of simple machine parts by first angle method and third angle method of projection as recommended by Indian standard 7 Sectional views • Sectional views of simple machine parts (full section. 3 Projections • Projections of points and lines inclined to both the reference planes • Projections of planes inclined to both reference planes • Projections of right regular solids inclined to both H. conventions. cycloid. half section. commercial construction and tangential arcs. (All Branches) Periods per week: Lectures: 4 Practical: 6 Tutorials: -Semester: II Evaluation Systems: Theory Paper (3 Hours): 100 Term work: 25 Practical : Oral: Total: 125 - Detailed Syllabus Section I Introduction • Drawing instruments. dimensioning system as per LS.P.Engineering Drawing Class: F. lettering. symbolic lines . offset section. involutes by various methods. revolved and removed sections) 1 Periods / week 2 7 5 4 5 3 5 5 5 . hyperbola. 2 Engineering Curves • Parabola. partial section. Rana . B. D. square head. sectional views and reading of orthographic projections • One drawing sheet on (three problems ) isometric projection • One print out of computer aided 2D drawing for missing view The distribution of term work marks will be as follows Report on experiments demonstrated. N.heads and ends 6 4 3 11 3 Introduction to computer 2D drawing Term Work Term work shall consist of the following (all drawings to be prepared on A2 or Half imperial drawing sheets) • One drawing sheet on engineering curves (one problem) • One drawing sheet on projection of points and lines (two problems). blind hole.Hexagonal head. tapered hole. N. projections of plane (2 problems) • One drawing sheet on (4 problems) projections of solids. Charotar Publishing House • Machine Drawing.C. sections of solids and development of lateral surfaces • One drawing sheet on (4 problems) orthographic projections. square wing and capstan Set screws. assignments:. D. Charotak Publishing House • Engineering Drawing First & Second. cylindrical bolt Nuts. M.15 Marks Written test: 10 Marks Recommended Books: • Elementary Engineering Drawing. Shah & B. Bhatt.Hexagonal.IS convention of external and internal threads. drilled hole.8 9 • 10 • • • • Reading of Orthographic Projections Isometric projections Isometric projections / drawings of simple blocks (plain and cylindrical excluding sphere) Free hand sketches of lastners Thread profiles. Bolts. Bhatt. parametrical constructors. input and output. operator returning value. destructor. input and output. dynamic or late binding File handling: Files and structures. private. friend functions and friend classless Object initialization and cleanup: Constructors. derived class constructors. function and arrays Objection classes: Data handling and encapsulation. accessing class members. function with default arguments. private and public members. protected and public inheritance. pointer to derived class objects. levels of inheritance and multiple inheritance Points: void pointers. this pointer. object as function parameters. abstract classes. pointers and memory management. opening and closing a file. E. constructors with defaults arguments. constructor overloading. over ridding functions. constructors with dynamic operators Function and operating overloading: function overloading. overloading arithmetic: collation and assignment operators Inheritance: Derived and base class. static data and member functions.Computer Programming – II Class: F. unary operator overloading. operators. member functions. pointer to functions and objects. protected members. Dynamic memory allocation. manipulation. Creating one and two dimensional arrays with dynamic memory allocation Virtual functions and polymorphism: need for virtual functions. binary operator overloading. inline functions. pure vital functions. declarations. (All Branches) Periods per week: Lectures: 4 Practical: 3 Tutorials: -Semester: II Evaluation Systems: Theory Paper (3 Hours): 100 Term work: 25 Practical : Oral: Total: 125 - Detailed Syllabus 1 C++ fundaments: (moving from c to C++) Data types. control structure. new and delete operators. classes and files Templates (only for concepts): Function templates and class templates Periods / week 3 2 8 3 2 4 5 5 8 6 8 7 5 8 9 3 2 . processor directives. Garybronson . Recommended compilers:.Unix Linux.10 Marks Assignments: 5 Marks Written test: 10 Marks Recommended Books: • Programming in C++. two dimensional array linked lists and strings. Galgotia • Programming in C.B. matrix manipulation and statistics.Term Work Each student has to appear for at least one written test (preferably online) during the term. Yashwant Kanetkar. Teamwork shall consist of graded answer paper of the test and 5 assignments covering classes should be developed for manipulation of data stored in single dimensional array. operator overloading. and 10 programs developed under classes. Ivor Hortou • A Text Book of C++. Publications • Practical C ++ Programming. Tata McGraw Hill • Object oriented programming in turbo C++. 10 programs should be developed under inheritance. India • Complete Reference by Hurbert Shield. Schuam Outline Series • Let Us C++.P. Applications on data manipulation. Turbo C / Borland C Report on programs:. B. objects and pointers. Bobettbalore. Tony Gaddis. O’Reilly • Beginning C++. Tata McGraw Hill • Starting Out with C++. Penran International Publishing. Balaguruswami. function overloading. Basic Workshop Practice – II Class: F. (All Branches) Periods per week: Lectures: -Practical: 4 Tutorials: -Semester: I Evaluation Systems: Theory Paper (3 Hours): Term work: 100 Practical : Oral: Total: 100 -- - . E. B.E. COMPUTER ENGINEERING SECOND YEAR SEMESTER III SUBJECT: : APPLIED MATHEMATICS III Lectures: 4 per week Theory: 100 Marks Objectives of the course: This course will prepare the Mathematics base for the students that they require for the rest of the curricula. Pre-requisites: NIL DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Complex Variables: • Function of complex variable; Continuity (only statement), derivability of a function analytic, regular function; Necessary condition for f (z) to be analytic (statement of sufficient conditions); Cauchy Riemann equation in polar co-ordinates; Harmonic function, orthogonal trajectories; Analytical and Milne Thomson method to find f(z) from its real or imaginary parts. Mapping: Conformal mapping, linear, bilinear mapping with geometrical interpretations. 2. Fourier Series and Integrals: • Orthogonal and orthonormal functions expression for a function in a series of orthogonal functions; Sine and cosine function and their orthogonal properties; Fourier series, dirichlet’s theorem (only statement); Periodic function with period 2 and 21; Even and odd function; Half range sine and cosine series; Parseval’s relations. • Complex form of Fourier series: Introduction to Fourier integral; Relation with Laplace transforms. 1. Laplace Transforms: sin(at) , cos(at), • Function of bounded variation (statement only), Laplace transform of I, tn,, eat, sinh(at), cosh(at), crf(t), shifting properties; Expressions (with proofs) for iii) L{∫ f( u) du} iv) L {f(t)} i) L{ tn f(t)} ii) L{ f(t)/ t} Unit step functions, Heaviside, Dirac functions and their Laplace transformation; Laplace Transform of periodic function. • Evaluation of inverse Laplace transforms, partial fraction method Heaviside development, convolution theorem. • Application to solve initial and boundary value problems involving ordinary differential equation with one dependent variable. 4. Matrices: • Types of matrices; Adjoint of a matrix; Inverse of a matrix; Elementary transformations of a matrix; Linear dependent and independent of rows and columns of a matrix over a real field; Reduction to a normal form; Partitioning of a matrices. System of homogeneous and non homogeneous equations, their consistency and solution. BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. P. N. Wartikar and J. N. Wartikar, “Element of applied mathematic”, Volume I and Volume II, A. V. Griha, Pune. 2. S. S. Shastri, “Engineering Mathematics”, Vol-2, PHI, Second edition , 1994. 3. A. R. Vasistha, “Matrices”, Krishna Prakasan, Meerut, 1988-89. 4. Churchil , “Complex Variable”, McGraw Hill, Tokyo. References: 1. Shanti narayan, “Matrices”, S. Chand Publishing House, Delhi. 2. Shanti narayan, “Theory of function of complex variable”, S. Chand Publishing House, Delhi. 3. “Laplace transforms”, Schaum's outline series, McGraw Hill. 4. T. Veerarajan, “Engineering mathematics”, TMH. B.E. COMPUTER ENGINEERING SECOND YEAR SEMESTER III SUBJECT: : ELECTRONICS DEVICES AND CIRCUITS Lectures: 3 per week Practical: 2 per week Marks Objectives of the course: The course intends to provide an overview of the principles, operation and application of the analog building blocks for performing various functions. This first course relies on elementary treatment and qualitative analysis and makes use of simple models and equations to illustrate the concepts involved. Detailed knowledge of the device structure and imperfections are not to be considered. Pre-requisites: NIL Theory: 100 Marks Term work: 25 DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Review of transistors (BJT and FET): • BJT principle, Biasing, Simple remodel, Voltage and Current amplification. CE, CB, CC amplifier configurations, FET principle, Biasing, FET amplifier configurations. 2. Differential Amplifier: • Introduction, Circuit configurations, DC and AC analysis, FET differential amplifier, Current mirror circuit. 3. Operational Amplifier: • Block diagram representation, Ideal op-amp, Equivalent circuit, Op-amp with negative feedback, Open-loop configurations, Frequency response, Compensating networks, Popular 741 op-amp specifications and performance characteristics. 4. Operational Amplifier Applications: • Basic op-amp applications, Instrumentation amplifier, AC amplifier, Analysis of integrator and differentiator circuits. 5. Active Filters: • First order and second order low pass, high pass Butterworth and band pass filter configurations. 6. Oscillators and Converters: • Oscillation principle, Phase shift oscillator, Wein-bridge oscillator, Voltage controlled oscillator. 7. Comparators and Converters: • Op-amp used as basic comparator; Zero crossing detector, Schmitt trigger comparator, Voltage limiter, Comparator specifications and performance characteristics. Analog to digital converter and Digital to analog converter principles, Practical A-D converter with binary weighted resistors, Successive approximation A-D converter, Monolithic A-D converters, AD808 and 809, A-D and D-A converter specifications and performance characteristics. 8. Voltage Regulators: Pearson Education Asia. New Age International Publishers. “OP-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits”. TERM WORK Term work should consist of at least 10 experiments and two assignments covering all the topics of the syllabus. Specialized IC applications: • 555 timer IC and its use as monostable and astable multivibrator. References: 1. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”. 4. . Variable voltage regulator using IC 723. PWM IC voltage regulator specifications and performance characteristics. Roy Choudhary and Shail Jain . 3. BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. Ramakant A. Specifications and performance characteristics. Gayakwad. McGraw Hill International Edition. D. Principle of switching regulator. Eighth Edition. Thomson Learning. 1. Fiore.• Fixed voltage series regulators. M. “Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits”. “Linear Integrated Circuits”. A term work test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 marks. 2. Sergio Franco. 9. Practical power supply circuits. “Op Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits”. J. PHI Publishers. 2. Transmission parameter. Series and parallel permissibility of connection. Duality.E. Location of pole. Open circuit and short circuit parameter. Chain parameter. (3 Hrs. Pre-requisites: NIL 1. Fundamental cutsets and Fundamental Tiesets. Two port network. impulse and sinusoidal input functions. . 5. DETAILED SYLLABUS Solution of Network with Independent Sources. this course attempts at inculcating analytical insight of the students. Node pair equations. Interconnection of two port network. 6. Laplace Transform: • Laplace transform and it's application to analysis of network for different input functions described above. Relationship between sub matrix of A and B cut sets and cutsets matrix. COMPUTER ENGINEERING SECOND YEAR SEMESTER III SUBJECT : ELECTRICAL NETWORK Lectures: 4 per week Tutorials: 2 One paper: 100 marks. Cascade connection. Representation of Network Functions: •Pole zeros and natural frequencies. Hybrid parameter. 3. Node.) Term work: 25 marks per week Objectives of the course: Besides learning the specific problems. 4. The loop matrix B. Even and Odd pairs of a function.B. The incidence matrix A. ramp. 2. Evaluation and analysis of transient and steady state response to step. Planner graphs. Network Functions: • Driving point and transfer functions. Loop. Network Equation in the Time Domain: • First and second order differential equations initial conditions. A & B matrices. Linear Graphs: • Introductory definition. which enhances their abilities to solve a large and complex problem. Positive real function. The concept of overdamped critically damped.Impedance and admittance of RC network under network realization.Magnitude and angle of function. A. M. The delay function. c) The incidence cutset. References: 1. third edition. The angle property of a positive real function. “Engineering Circuit analysis”. Reactance functions. “Network analysis”. tieset. E. The real part function. Azimuth polynomials and reactance function . Fundamentals of Network Synthesis: • Energy function passive. TMH. oscillatory and unbounded response should become clear from this problem. PHI. Realization of reactance functions. BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. 3. Kuo. underdamped. Sundaram. Ladder form of network. Willam Hayt and Jack Kemmerly. b) One example indicating the application of Thevenin and Norton's theorem in presence of development sources. “Network analysis and synthesis”. Nolman Balbanian. Prentice Hall (I) Ltd. Fundamental cutset and fundamental tieset matrices should be written for one graph. 2. “Electrical Networks”. Calculation of a network function form a given angle and real part Bode method. The impedance function. Bickkart. Bounded real function. Venvalkenberg. Constant resistance network. Azimuth polynomials. d) R-C Example of evaluating the transient and steady state condition for an R-L and circuit for dc conditions. 7. Condition on angle . Franklin F. Maximally flat response Chebyshev response. . Resistance inductance networks. Ladder network. Necessary and sufficient conditions. reciprocal network. T. JohnWiley & Sons. Example of evaluating the transient and steady state condition for R-C series of parallel connection for different values of resistance. All pass and minimum phase function. Topics of Tutorial The students should perform the following tutorials: a) One example indicating the concept of superloop and supermode concepts. Net change in angle. . R-C.L. L-C functions. 1. Necessary and sufficient condition for positive real functions and realizations of R. TERM WORK Term work should consist of at least 10 assignments covering all the topics of the syllabus A term work test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 marks. a. Analysis of a transfer function using Bode plot along with gain and phase margin calculation.Evaluating the above examples using Laplace transforms One example on interconnected two port network for any one or more type of parameter. The study of data structures. Insertion and Deletion of Nodes. At the end of this course.Linked Lists as Data Structures. Recursion: • Recursive Definition and Processes . Introduction in C: • Static and Dynamic Structures Unions . therefore. Finding and Deleting Elements .) Term work: 25 marks. Writing Recursive Programs. Topics for Experiment .Dynamic Representation. Representing Lists as Binary Trees. Dynamic Memory and Pointers . Other Lists and their Implementations. Applications of Trees: Expression Trees.Applications. Files :Macros 2. Array Implementation of Linked List . Applications.Example . Array Representation .Operations . DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Game Trees. students are expected to understand the various data structures. Lists: • Abstract Data Types. 5.Threaded Binary Tree . Representation . Linked Lists: • ADT. 3.Strings . Comparison of Dynamic and Array Representations. Linked Stacks and Queue . a knowledge they will use in every program they write for the rest of their lives. Binary Tree: • Binary Tree Operations and Applications . Efficiency in Recursion.B. Queues: ADT. 4. COMPUTER ENGINEERING SECOND YEAR SEMESTER III SUBJECT : DATA STRUCTURES Lectures : 3 per week Practicals: 3 One paper:100 marks.Circular and Priority Queues.Binary Tree Traversals . (3 Hrs. Representation . rightly forms the central course of the curriculum in Computer Engineering.The Huffman Algorithm. Pre-requisites: Course in C.Tree-Represented Lists. Stacks: ADT.E.Node Representation. Operations . Examples.Binary Tree Representations .Recursion in C. per week Objectives of the course: Data structures are commonly used in all program designs. Addison Wesley. Augenstein and A. A. . Array and Dynamic Implementation of Linked List and its Operations. Langsam. Hopcroft and J. “Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach with C”. 2. 2. Prentice-Hall India. Gilberg. “Data Structures and Program Design". Low Price Edition. Thomson Learning Reference Books: 1. Tremble and Sorenson. D. 3. J. Strings and Files in C. Tata McGraw-Hill. Creation of Binary Tree. Tannenbaum. Prentice-Hall India. A. Ullman. J. F. Implementation of Stack and its Operations. 4. A term work test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 marks. International Student Edition. M. Implementation of Queue and its Operations. 5. “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++". R. 2. Addison Wesley Longman. Implementation of Circular Queue and its Operations. 6. “Data Structures and Algorithms". “Data Structures Using C and C++". Term work should consist of at least 12 practical experiments covering all the topics. 3. M. BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. Insertion and Deletion of Nodes in an Existing Tree. 2. Second Edition. Binary Tree: Implementation. Third Edition. 3. “Data Structures and Algorithms".1. Y. E. Kruse. R. TERM WORK 1. Algorithms and Flowcharts are to be included for all programs. M. Weiss. Aho. Subtractor. Binary weighted codes.E. Associative and distributive properties. Priority encoder. Code conversion. 4. Pre-requisites: NIL Lectures: 4 per week Practical: 2 per week DETAILED SYLLABUS 1.) Term work: 25 marks Objectives of the course: The subject is the first course in Digital logic design and its applications. DeMorgan’s Theorems. Clocked and edge triggered flip-flops timing specifications counters asynchronous and synchronous. Sequential Logic: • Sequential circuits. Decoder. Karnaugh maps. Octal and Hexadecimal number system and conversion. Number Systems: • Decimal. Two. elementary analysis and its implementation in practical cases. Binary address. Flip-flops. Boolean Algebra: • Binary logic functions. Truth tables. 1's and 2's complement codes. COMPUTER ENGINEERING SECOND YEAR SEMESTER III SUBJECT : DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS One paper: 100 marks. 5. Arithmetic and logic units. Analysis and Design of Combinational Logic: • Introduction to combinational circuit. Boolean laws. (3 Hrs. Mixed logic combinational circuits. Multiplexers as function generators. This is followed by the popular logic families and their characteristics. Simplification of expressions.B. Binary arithmetic. Sum of product & Product of sums. This subject covers classical topics of logic circuits theory. QuineMcCluskey minimization techniques. Canonical logic forms. . Multiple output functions. BCD adder. Realization of switching functions using logic gates. Binary comparator. Combinational Logic: • Switching equations. Binary. three and four variable Karnaugh maps. Encoder. Signed number binary order. 2. 3. Counter design with state equations registers. 2. A. D. Programmable Logic: • Programmable logic devices. Morris Mano. A term work test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 marks. “Digital Computer Fundamentals”. McGraw Hill. Programmable logic arrays and programmable array logic. TERM WORK 1. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering all the topics of the syllabus. Malvino. LSTTL. M. Simple synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuit analysis. “Introduction to Logic Design”. T. Marcontz. Design using PAL. “Digital Systems Design”. 2. Construction of state diagram and counter design. PHI. John M. 7. Register transfer timing considerations. 3. P.Serial in serial out shift registers. Open collector and Tri-state gates and buffers. Uyemura. A. . B. Field programmable gate arrays. Bartee. McGraw Hill. 6. 2. P. Excitation table and equations.in. Digital Integrated Circuits: • Digital circuit logic levels. and ECL integrated circuits and their performance comparison. 3. Propagation delay times. Tristate register. “Digital Logic and Computer Design”. Power dissipation. Brookes. TTL. References: 1. Examples using flip-flops. “Digital logic”. Leach. John P. Fanout and fan. Yarbrough. TMH. 8. “Digital Principles and Applications”. BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. Cole publishing Co. CMOS. Thomson Learning. C. Noise margin for popular logic families. Sequential Circuits: • State diagrams and tables. Transition table. Objectives Of The Course: This course aims to build fundamental logical concepts using mathematical tools. Set membership of tables . Functions and Pigeon Hole Principle: • Definition and types of functions : injective . homomorphism. recursion. COMPUTER ENGINEERING SECOND YEAR SEMESTER III SUBJECT: DISCRETE STRUCTURES Lectures: 3 per week. 7. 2. Codes and group codes. coding and graphs is built. Digraphs and Lattice: • Relations. Semi groups.Recurrence relations.B. identity and inverse . Properties and types of binary relations . 5. closures.Paths and circuits : Eulerian . Graphs: • Definition . It develops an understanding of domains and relationships between elements of same and different domains.Power set. Applications: Solving Differential equations. . Generating Functions and Recurrence Relations: • Series and Sequences . Lattice. The basic understanding of Boolean elements. Laws of logic. Groups . Mathematical induction and Quantifiers. Set Theory: • Sets. Isomorphism. 6.Normal subgroup.E. Warshall’s algorithm. 3.Product and quotients of algebraic structures . Pigeon-hole principle. Composition.Planer graphs. Hamiltonian . Equivalence. surjective and bijective . Relations. Logic: • Propositions and logical operations . Fibonacci etc. automorphism . Partitions of sets . Equivalence and Partial ordered relations. Pre-requisites: NIL DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Posets and Hasse diagram. paths and digraphs.Laws of set theory. 4. integral domains and fields. Tutorials : One paper: 100 marks. Implications. Groups: • Monoids. Venn diagrams.Truth tables. (3 Hrs.Ring Homomorphism.) Term work: 25 marks. Rings and Fields: • Rings. Generating functions .Manipulation of relations. 8. 2 per week. logical relations. Liu. 3. “Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists and Mathematicians”. A term work test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 marks.BOOKS Text Books : 1. D. Term work should consists of at least 12 problem-based assignments covering all above topics of the syllabus. Seymour Lipschutz and Marc Lars Lipson. Levasseur . McGraw Hill. “Discrete mathematical structures”. McGraw Hill. Aln Doerr and K. PHI. Galgotia. New Age International Publication. Trembley and Manohar . International Edition. 2. K. McGraw Hill. TERM WORK 1. Joshi. Second Edition. . L. Joe Mott. “Applied Discrete structure for computer Science”. “Elements of Discrete mathematics”. 2. “2000 Solved Problems in Discrete Mathematics”. C. 4. 2. “Foundations of discrete mathematics”. References: 1. Abraham Kandel and Theodore Baker. Gauss Siedel iteration method. Gauss-Jordan method. Functions of square matrix. Chand Publishing House. “Matrices”. 3. S. Second edition .Residue theorem: Application to evaluate real integrals. Finite difference operators and difference tables. Matrices and Numerical Methods. Wartikar and J. “Theory Of Functions Of Complex Variables”. N. Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8th rules. COMPUTER ENGINEERING SECOND YEAR SEMESTER IV SUBJECT: APPLIED MATHEMATICS IV Lectures: 4 per week Hrs. Shastri. Linear independence. Minimal polynomial. S. These topics are included to provide required mathematical background for subsequent courses. residue at isolated singularity and its evaluation . References: One paper: 100 marks. “Element of applied mathematic”.B. Euler’s predictorcorrector method. Pune.Solutions to ordinary differential equations: Taylor’s series method. P. Delhi. 4. 2.Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule. V.) Objectives Of The Course: This course aims to build concepts of Complex Variables. Gauss-Jordan method. A. Pre-requisites: NIL DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Complex Variables: • Regions and Paths in Z plane . Characteristic values and vectors.Interpolation: Linear interpolation.Solutions to system of linear algebraic equations: Gauss elimination method. Residue theorem. “Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis” . Rungekutta method of second and fourth order.Characteristic polynomial. Newton-Raphson method. Poles. N.Singularities. Numerical Methods: • Errors: Types and Estimation . Chand Publishing House. Shanti Narayan. 3. Vol-2. S. Cayley Hamilton theorem. Wartikar. S. 1994.Solutions to Transcendental and polynomial equations: Bisection method. PHI. Matrices: • Vectors. their properties for Hermitian and real symmetric matrices. orthogonality. Vol I/Vol II. Griha.Taylor’s and Laurent’s development t.. BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. Diagonalizable matrix. (3 . Norm.E. 2. Delhi. real field inner products. Shanti Narayan. High order interpolation using Lagrange and Newtons methods. 1. Science and Engineering”. “Numerical Method for Mathematics. John S. Mathews . . 2. Salvadari and MacCraken. “Numerical Methods”. TRF and Superheterodyne receivers. Lectures: 3 per week Practical: 2 One paper: 100 marks. PWM. generation.proof with spectrum. Sampling Techniques – principle.E. . Propagation terms and definitions. transmitters. Introduction: • Elements of a communication system. Angle Modulation: • Frequency modulation. Pre-requisites: NIL DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Equivalent Noise Temperature. FDM – Principles. 2. 3. FM modulators. Radio Wave Propagation: • Electromagnetic waves. (3 per week. Phase modulation. modulator circuits. Encoding. Effect of noise. PCM.) Term work:25 marks Oral Exam:25 marks Objectives Of The Course: This course aims to build the basics of communication principles. 8. Signal-to-Noise ratio. transmitters. Hierarchy.B. Non-uniform quantizing. Radio Receivers: • Receiver characteristics. Aliasing. 4. Quantization error. spectrum. PCM. Delta modulation. 6. bandwidth. COMPUTER ENGINEERING SECOND YEAR SEMESTER IV SUBJECT : PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING. demodulation. Hrs. Multiplexing: • TDM. SSB. Propagation of waves. Digital Transmission: • Quantization . Adaptive Delta modulation – transmission system. Properties of radio waves. Noise in Communication systems. Transmitters. Modulation and demodulation. Receiver circuits 5. 7. Analog Pulse Modulation: • Sampling Theorem for Low-pass and Band-pass signals . Amplitude Modulation: • DSB Full carrier AM – principles. Suppressed – carrier AM. AM detectors. Noise factor and Noise Figure. PAM. PPM – generation and detection. FM detectors. ISB – Principles. Different types of AM. Second Edition. Superheterodyne Receiver. 6. TERM WORK 1. 3. 4. “Digital and Analog Communication Systems”. TMH. Pearson Education. Frequency Division Multiplexing. 2. 5. Tata McGraw-Hill. “Principles of Communication Systems”. Sixth Edition. Second Edition. PWM generation and detection. 8. “Electronic Communication Systems”. Roy Blake. Time Division Multiplexing. PPM generation and detection. 2. Leon W Couch.BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. Term work should consist of at least 8 experiments and 5 assignments covering all the topics. Third Edition. Pearson Education. PCM generation and detection. 7. 10. 2. AM generation and detection. Sampling and reconstruction. References: 1. A term work test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 marks. Topics of Experiments 1. “Electronic Communication Systems”. “Electronic Communication Systems”. Delta modulation generation and detection. 2. . Thomson Learning. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination based on the above syllabus should be conducted to test the knowledge of the students. FM generation and detection. Kennedy and Davis. Taub and Schilling. 9. 3. 2001. Wayne Tomasi. 5. Memory Organization: • Internal memory—characteristics.E. Semiconductor main memory – types of ram. i/o . Hardwired implementation. memory module organization. from the underlying integrated circuit technology used to construct computer components. Overview: • General organization and architecture . cpu .operations.RISC Computers. High speed memories: associative and interleaved memories. replacement algorithms. Subtractor. Cache memory-elements of cache design. Evolution/brief history of computers. raid. Booth’s algorithm . chip logic. to the use of parallel organization concepts in combining those components. multipliers.Instructions sets. pci bus structure. The Central Processing Unit: • Basic instruction cycle .Bus interconnection. operation and performance of modern-day computer systems. Floating point representation . formats and addressing. advanced dram organization .Performance characteristics of twolevel memories. address mapping and translation.Interconnection structures . The purpose of this course is to acquaint budding engineers with the basic principles of organization.) Term work: 25 marks Oral Exam : 25 marks per week Objectives of the course: Computer Organization and architecture is a subject of increasing relevance with the merging of computer. optical memory.Design of basic serial and parallel high speed adders. System Buses: • 3. Instruction pipelining. hierarchy.multiple bus hierarchies. Processor organization.Microprogrammed .Structural/functional view of a computer. COMPUTER ENGINEERING SECOND YEAR SEMESTER IV SUBJECT : COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE Lectures: 4 per week Practical: 2 One paper: 100 marks. Register organization. Co-processors. 2.The arithmetic and logic unit (ALU): Combinational and sequential ALU’s . It covers all aspects of computer technology. The Control Unit: • Micro.B. Pre-requisites: Digital Logic and Design DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. tape. Data Path Design: • Fixed point representation. (3 Hrs. pipeline processors. communication technology and consumer electronics. External memory: magnetic disk. Computer components-memory. 6. RISC versus CISC characteristics. I/O channels and I/O processors .Micro-Instruction format .control. Second Edition.I/O modules: programmed I/O. 2. 8.Pipelining concepts. 2. Thomas C.).C.Applications of microprograming. “Computer Organization and Architecture”. “Computer Architecture and Logic Design”. Mc-Graw Hill. “Computer Architecture and Organization”. Input and Output Unit: • External devices-: keyboard. 2. . V. Third Edition. 7. TERM WORK 1. Bartee. The term work must also include 4 assignments.Serial transmission and synchronization. Tannenbaum. “Computer System Architecture”. The term work must consist of at least 6 simulation programs (for example implementation of high speed adders/sub tractors and multipliers. “Computer Organization”. Prentice Hall / Pearson Education Asia. William Stallings. Multiple Processor Organizations: • Flynn’s classification of parallel processing systems . References: 1. used in the lab. interrupt driven I/O. Prentice Hall of India. 3. Carl Hamacher and Zaky. John P. BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. PHI. The assignments should include case studies of at least two RISC and CISC processors and the corresponding P. simulation of pipelined multipliers etc. disk drive and device drivers . Fifth Edition. “Computer Organization”. monitor. Moris Mano. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. Hayes. DMA. Mc-Graw Hill. 3. A term work test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 marks. Tata Mc-Graw Hill. Notion of primary and secondary keys.The relational algebra and extended relational-algebra operations. Extended E-R features . Modification of the database.Assertions.Structure of relational database s. Pitfalls in relational-database design. Knowledge of any programming language. (3 Hrs. Database modification . Entity-Relationship diagram . 4. per week. Null values . views. Referential integrity . Encryption and authentication. 5. Stored procedures and functions. Introductory Database Concepts: • Introduction to data processing.) Term work: 25 marks Oral :25 marks. 3. Other SQL features.B. Functional dependencies. Transaction management. Security and authorization. Database system structure. SQL: • Background. 2.E. Overview of files and file systems. Triggers and assertions in • SQL . Objectives Of The Course: Database management has evolved from a specialized computer application to becoming the central component of modern computer systems. Basic Structure . Relational Model: • Concept of a relation . Formation of queries. foreign keys . Integrity and Security: • Domain Constraints. Aggregate functions. Concept of a database. Dynamic SQL. Database systems versus File systems. Data abstraction and data independence. their management and implementation.Set Operations. Constraints . Database users and administrators. Data models. Database languages. Therefore knowledge of database systems has become essential for engineers both in the computer and information technology area. 6.Reduction of an E-R schema to tables. Drawbacks of file systems. Embedded SQL. Triggers. This course on database systems helps students learn the concept of relational database systems. Pre-requisites: A basic course on data structures and algorithms.Design Issues. Complex queries. DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. COMPUTER ENGINEERING SECOND YEAR SEMESTER IV SUBJECT : DATABASE SYSTEMS Lectures: 4 per week Practicals: 2 One paper: 100 marks. Authorization in SQL.DDL. Views. Entity-Relationship Model: • Basic concepts. . Relational-Database Design: • First normal form.Design of an E-R database schema .Weak entity sets.Nested Queries. Static Hashing. “Data base Management Systems”. Weak levels of consistency .Validation-based protocols. “Inside Relational Databases”. Recovery with concurrent transactions. Serializability. 6. 3.Multiversion schemes. Multiple-Key Access. BOOKS Text Books : 1. Dynamic Hashing. Organization of records in files. 11. Addison-Wesley. Recovery System: • Failure classification.Transactions: • Transaction concept. 2.Buffer management. J. Silberchatz. Design.Shadow paging.Implementation of atomicity and durability. Storage structure . Implementation and Management”. Desirable properties of decomposition. Indexing and Hashing: • Basic Concepts. RAID. Transaction state . Thomson Learning. References : 1.Insert and delete operations. 4. Springer Verlag. Sudarshan. 7. Tertiary storage. C. File organization. 9. Springer Verlag. Multiple granularity. Data-dictionary storage 8. Index Definition in SQL. Peter Rob and Carlos Coronel. Addison Wesley Longman. Deadlock handling.B+ Tree Index Files. TMH. Seventh Edition. Timestamp-based protocols. McGrawHill . Concurrency in index structures. Storage access. Mark Levene and George Lizou. Raghu Ramkrishnan and Johannes Gehrke. “Database Systems. 2. B-Tree Index Files . . Storage and File Structure: • Overview of physical storage media. “Fundamentals of Database Systems”. Concurrency Control: • Lock-based protocols. 10. Date. Log-based recovery. Elmasri and Navathe. Transaction definition in SQL. “Structured COBOL”. Mention of other normal forms.Recovery and atomicity. “Guided Tour Of Relational Databases And Beyond”. 5. Korth. Fifth Edition. Boyce–Codd normal form. Ordered Indices . 3rd and 4th normal form. “Introduction To Database Systems”. “Database System Concepts”. Magnetic disks. Overall database design process. Schuam’s series. Implementation of isolation. Fourth Edition. Concurrent executions. Recoverability. Mark Whitehorn nad Bill Markyln.Decomposition. Fourth Edition. ORAL EXAM An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. 3. A term work test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 marks. nested queries etc. A small application to be designed and implemented in SQL.TERM WORK 1. . Stored procedures. 2. Programs must also include use of Embedded SQL.). advanced SQL (“Group By”. It should include at least 8 practical assignments in SQL. using file processing and Report Writer facilities. which will include basic SQL. Triggers and Assertions. Term work should consist of two programs in COBOL. 4.  .Hashing in External Storage. Binary Search Tree:Implementation.B-Trees. The Model.Euler's 3. (3 Lectures: 4 per week Hrs. COMPUTER ENGINEERING SECOND YEAR SEMESTER IV SUBJECT: ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS One paper: 100 marks. Topological Sorting.Straight Selection Sort . Dynamic Hashing. Time Complexity Calculation: Best Case. • 4. Binary Search. General Search Trees:Multiway Search Trees.AVL Trees. Average Case and Worst Case Analyses. The Time Complexity: • How to Analyze and Measure. Shell Sort.QuickPort . Application of Graph Structures: Shortest Path Problem.Binary Tree Sort. Term work: 25 marks Practical: 25 marks. Interpolation Search. Heap as Priority Queue. • Big-Oh and Big-Omega Notations. DETAILED SYLLABUS Algorithm Analysis: Mathematical Background.E. The aim of this course is to give the students some basic tools needed to develop their own algorithms. Merge Sort. Indexed Sequential Search. Sorting Methods: Efficiency Considerations in Sorting.B.) Practical: 2 per week. Different Sorting Methods :Bubble Sort .Tries. Worst Case and Average Case Calculations of the Different Sorting Methods. Searching Ordered Table. • • • Searching Methods: Efficiency Considerations in Searching. Connectivity in a Graph. 1. Heaps and Heap sort . • Graph: Graph Traversal. Basic Searching Techniques: Sequential Search. Insertion Sort. • • 2. Resolving Clashes (Open and Closed Hashing).Hashing:Hash Functions.Insertions and Deletions. whenever necessary. Bucket Sort. • Best Case. Pre-requisites: Course in Data Structures. Efficiency Considerations for Sequential Search. Objectives of the course: This course deals with the systematic study of the design and analysis of algorithms. Radix Sort. Minimum Spanning Tree.Efficiency Considerations.B+Trees. • Algorithms: Analysis of all the above Algorithms. Second Edition. M. BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. Prentice-Hall India. Brassard and P.and Hamiltonoan Graph. Bratley. “Data Structure: A Pseudocode Approach with C”. Dynamic Programming. R. 3.Divide and Conquer Method. Back-Tracking Method. Thomson Learning. Gilberg. Various searching techniques.Greedy Method . Y. “Fundamentals of Algorithmics". Augenstein and A. J. Prentice-Hall India. M. G. 2. Topics for Experiment 1. Tannenbaum. Referrences: . 3. F. “Data Structures Using C and C++". 2. Langsam. 5. Various sorting methods. Implementation of graph along with applications. Weiss.1. R. . Addison Wesley Longman. A term work test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 marks. M. Ullman. “Data Structures and Algorithms". Tata McGraw-Hill. E. 2. Hopcroft and J. Prentice-Hall India. “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++". TERM WORK 1. Tremble and Sorenson. 2. Term work should consist of at least 12 practical experiments covering all the topics. J. Addison Wesley. A. A. PRACTICAL EXAMINATION A practical examination should be conducted to test the work done by the students in the Laboratory. International Student Edition. Kruse. 2. D. “Data Structures and Program Design in C". Aho. Low Price Edition. 3. “Data Structures and Algorithms". technology and their relationship with economic development. causes creating categories of monopoly organization. principles of taxation. black money. 4. theory of protection. foreign exchange control. stages of growth. 10. COMPUTER ENGINEERING SECOND YEAR SEMESTER IV SUBJECT: INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT Lectures: One 4 paper: 100 per marks. shortcomings and improvement. globalization. magnitude and consequences. distribution of incidence. tariffs and subsidies. Pre-requisites: NIL DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Functions of commercial banks. export-led-growth. direct and indirect taxes. Devaluation. elasticity of demand and supply. supply. Management functions. equilibrium of firm under competition and monopoly.E. engineering. Sources of public revenue. Nature and significance of economics. 9. 7. which is enhanced by the domain of Economics and Management. market-friendly state. critical minimum effort strategy. Demand. reform of tax system.) (3 Objectives Of The Course: This course aims making Engineering students familiar with the concepts in Economics and Management. 8. economic and non-economic factors. oligopoly. balance of trade and payment. . money price level and inflation. price determination under perfect competition and monopoly. objectives and features. New Economic Policy: Liberalization. 5. determinants of economic development. banking system in India. 6. science. Monetary policy – meaning. multiple credit creation. meaning. Causes of underdevelopment. Competition. 3. strategy of development—big push. This familiarity will enable them to understand the industrial set-up. monopoly. Price discrimination. tax structure. supply and demand for money. balanced and unbalanced. 2. Central Banking: Function of central banking illustrated with reference to RBI. responsibilities of management to society. monopolistic competition. Theory of International Trade. Functions of money. Hrs. appropriate technology for developing countries.B. extending privatization. week. “Management”. Communication communication process. management by objectives. media channels and barriers to effective 14. “Marketing Management”. “Modern Economic Theory”. 18. . Prasanna Chandra. Dewet and Warma. Marketing functions. present worth. 4. Ramaswamy. 12. 19. budgeting and budgetary control. flat organization. Human resource management: Function. Samuelson. Production management: Production planning and control. 16. 13. “Essentials of Management”. 17. machine design and man-machine systems. B. System contingency approaches to management. project planning. training. 3. 4. organization and control. Application of industrial psychology for selection. Henri Fayol. Inventory control. Tools of project management – CPM. Agarwal. Quality control and Total quality management. 11. decentralization of delegation of authority. decision-making process. Nature of planning. project feasibility. Project information systems. Blanchard’s situational leadership theory. Chatterji. contribution of F. 2. “Project Management”. marketing research. BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. Annual worth and rate of return methods. Project management : Project development like cycle. 20. “Finance for Non-Finance Managers”. “Indian Economy”.W. PERT. A. 15. Maslow. 3. financial statements. K. “Economics”. managements of sales and advertising. Engineering economics: Investment decision. N. financial ratios. Organization: line and staff authority relationships. S. Hampton David. McClelland’s achievement motivation. cost control techniques of financial control. References: 1.development of management thought. break-even analysis. 2. Need for good cost accounting system. Elton Ma’o. Herzberg and Macgregor’s theory of motivation. V. Koonz and Odonnel. Taylor. span of management. Payback time. . Expected Value. Relation between Raw Moments and Central Moments. Duality. Mathematical Programming: Linear Optimization Problem Formulation and Graphical Solution. Probability Distribution for Random Variables. Probability Mass Function and Density Function. and Normal Distributions for Detailed Study. COMPUTER ENGINEERING THIRD YEAR SEMESTER V SUBJECT: APPLIED MATHEMATICS Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Test of Significance for Large Samples: Test for Significance of the Difference between Sample Mean and Population Means. Large and Small Samples. Variance. 2.tests. Sampling Theory: Sampling Distribution. Degeneracy. Fitting Of Curves Least Square Method: Fitting the Straight Line and Parabolic Trend. Unbounded Solution and Sensitivity Analysis. Test of Hypothesis. Chi-square Distribution and its Properties. Central Limit Theorem and Problems Based on this Theorem. 4. Test for Significance of the Difference between the Mean of Two Samples. Covariance Karl Pearson Coefficient and Spearman’s Rank Co-relation Coefficient (non-repeated ranks and repeated ranks). 6. Student’s’ Distribution and its Properties. 5.B. Test for Significance of the Difference between the Mean of Two Samples. Bernoull's Trails: Binomial. . Constrained External Problems. Interval Estimation of Population Parameters. 7. 3. Test of Significance of Small Samples: Test for Significance of the Difference between Sample Means and Population Mean.E. Bivariate Frequency Distribution Correlation. coefficients and lines of regression. Lagrange Multiplier and Kuhn Tucker Method. Artificial Variables: Big M Method (method of penalty). Basic Solution and feasible solution Primal Simplex Method. Moment and Moments Generating Function. One Tailed and Two Tailed Tests. Paired t. Random Variables: Discrete and Continuous Random Variables. Regression. Standard and Canonical Form. Level of Significance Critical Region. Alternative Optima. Poisson. Test of the Goodness of Fit and Independence of Attributes Contingency Table Yate's Correction. Nonlinear Programming: Unconstrained External Problems. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Extreme. Dual Simplex Method. Probability and Statistics. Gupta and U. Rao.D. 3.S.K. “Quantitative Techniques in Management”.D. Kapur. . M.BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. “Operation Research Theory and Application”. Sharma. 2. 3. S. “Operation Theory And Applications”. Veerrajan. “Probability Statistics and Random Processes”.C. Vora. T.Taha. 4. Schaum series. Sultan Chand and sons New Delhi. N. TMH. “Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics”. S. 2. TMH. J.V. References: 1. Mackmillan.K. “Operation Research”. Capacity of Channel. Differential Phase Shift Keying. Sources of Signal Loss and noise. Noise Bandwidth. Equalization. Communication Link Analysis: The Channel: Concept of Free Space. Superposition of Noise. Use of . Shannon’s Theorem. Error Performance Degradation. 2. Probability of Symbol Error for MFSK. Variance of Random Variables. The Concept of amount of Information. Sky Noise Temperature. Information Theory: Discrete Messages. Minimum Shift keying (MSK). Effective Input Noise Temperature. Probability of Symbol Error for MPSK. Quadrature Amplitude Shift Keying(QASK). Symbol Error Performance for M-ary systems. Mutually Exclusive Events. Joint Probability of Related and Independent Events. PCM Waveform Types. Networks with Reactive Elements. A Communication Example. A Base Band Signal Receiver. Cumulative Distribution Function. Probability of Error for Binary Orthogonal DPSK. Correlative Coding. Relation between Probability and Probability Density. Probability of Error for coherently detected Differentially Encoded BPSK. Multiple Resister Noise Source. Resister Noise. Pre-requisites: Principles Of Communication Engineering DETAILED SYLLABUS 1.E. M-ary Pulse-Modulation Waveform. Symbol Error Probability. Autocorrelation. Effects of Inter Symbol Interference. Random Processes. COMPUTER ENGINEERING THIRD YEAR SEMESTER V SUBJECT: PRINCIPLES OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Lectures: 3 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks Term work: 25 Marks Objectives of the course: Digital communication systems are becoming increasingly attractive because of the ever growing demand for data communication and because digital transmission offers data processing options and flexibilities not available with analog communication. Differentially Encoded PSK. Probability of Error for non-coherently detected Binary Orthogonal FSK. Average value of Random Variable. M-ary PSK. Random Variables and Processes: Probability. Power Spectral Density of a sequence of random pulses. Average Information. Baseband Modulation and Demodulation: Pulse Code Modulation. FSK. Frequency representation of Noise. Power Spectral Density of digital data. Noise Temperature. Random variables. Bandpass Modulation and Demodulation: Binary Phase-Shift Keying. 5. Information Rate. Spectral component of Noise. Probability of Error for coherently detected BPSK. Entropy. Joint Cumulative Distribution and Probability Density. Antennas. 3. Detection of binary signals in Gaussian Noise. 4. Coding to increase Average Information per bit. Inter Symbol Interference. QPSK. Probability Density Function. The Gaussian Probability Density. The Error Function. Bit Error Probability Vs. M-ary. PCM Word Size.B. Capacity of a Gaussian Channel. Bandwidth S/N Ratio tradeoff. Error performance for Binary systems. Binary Frequency Shift Keying. Probability of Error for coherently detected Binary Orthogonal FSK. Convolution Encoding. Adaptive Prediction. Pearson Education. Public Key Cryptosystems. 2. 2. BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. Haykins. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments covering all the topics of the syllabus. 2001. Goals and early chipper systems. TMH. 6. A term work test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 marks. Differential Pulse Code Modulation. Image Compression. 7.Orthogonal signals to attend Shannon’s Limit. 2.Solomon Codes. References: 1. Turbo Codes. Source Coding for Digital data. Run Length Codes. John Weily. 2nd Edition. Types of Error Control. Formulation of the Convolution Decoding Problem. Efficiency of Orthogonal signal transmission. TERM WORK 1. Transform Coding. Amplitude quantizing. “Principles of Communication Systems”. Cyclic Codes. “Digital Communications”. Prokies. 2nd Edition. “Digital Communications”. Extended Goyal Code. The Secrecy of Chipper Text. TMH. Structured sequences. Sklar. Source Coding: Sources. Huffman Codes. Convolution Encoder Representation. Hamming Codes. Practical Security. . Channel Coding: Wave form coding. Audio Compression. Interleaving and Concatenation Codes. BCH Codes. Reed. Properties of Convolution Codes. 1991. 8. “Digital Communications”. Block Coding. Linear Block Codes. Encryption And Decryption: Models. Coding and Interleaving applied to the Compact Disk and Digital Audio System. Stream Encryption. Error Detection and Correcting capability. Taub and schilling. Examples of Source Coding. E. Moore and Mealy Machines. Unsolvable problems using CFG.E .Peter Linz. DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. FSM. Regular Sets And Automata Theory: Regular Sets. J. “Introduction to the Theory of Computation”.B. J.D. COMPUTER ENGINEERING THIRD YEAR SEMESTER V SUBJECT: THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Lectures: 3 Hrs per week Tutorials: 2 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks Term work: 25 Marks Objectives of the course: This course aims to build concepts regarding the fundamental principles of grammars. Addison-Wesley. Post Machine. Closure properties. Minimization of Automata and FSM. Variations and Equivalence of TM. TERM WORK 1. Regular Grammars and Languages. Closure properties. Myhill-Nerode theorem. 1997. Narosa. Martin.Michael Sipser. 4. Parse Trees. 2.Hopcroft.C. TM Languages. Greibach Theorem. Converting NFA to DFA. 2.A term work test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 marks. CNF and GNF. PDA for CFG. Ullman. “Introduction To Automata Theory. TM as Acceptors and Generators. automata theory and Turing machine. Decision problems. BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. Context Free Grammars And Push Down Automata: Context Free Grammars and Languages. TMH. Languages And Computation”. Regular Expressions. NFA. 3.3rd Edition. DFA. J.Term work should consist of at least 10 experiments/assignments covering all the topics. Pumping Lemma. “Introduction Formal Languages and Automata“. 2. Post Correspondence Problem. References: 1. Rice’s Theorem. Enumerable and Recursively Enumerable Languages. Church’s Hypothesis. “Introduction To Languages and the Theory of Computation“. Universal Turing Machine. Push Down Automata. Finite automata and Finite State Machines. Undecideability: Undecideability and Halting problem. Pumping Lemma. 3. Kleene’s Theorem. Grammars and Languages. Thompson Learning. Unsolvable problems using TM. Turing Machine: Construction of Turing Machine for problem solving. 2003. Concept of Stack. . Internet Multicasting. Ethernet. Quality Of Service. 3. 2. The Exterior Gateway Routing Protocol: BGP. Pre-requisites: Course in Data Structures and computer organization. Blue Tooth. Example of Data Link Protocols: HDLC: High-Level Data Link Control. DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. IP Addresses. The Transport Layer: The Transport Service. The Physical Layer Guided Transmission Media.B. The Internet Transport Protocols: UDP. Subject can be studied in different ways like top down. TCP Connection Establishment. programming wise. The Medium Access Sub-layer: The Channel Allocation Problem. The Interior Gateway Routing Protocol: OSPF. The Data Dink Layer: Data Link Layer Design Issues. Routing Algorithms. TCP Connection Release. concept wise. network design and analysis. Internet Control Protocols. Wireless LANS. COMPUTER ENGINEERING THIRD YEAR SEMESTER V SUBJECT: COMPUTER NETWORKS Lectures: 3 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks Term work: 25 Marks Objectives of the course: This is first course in computer networks. Mobile IP. Performance Issues: Measuring Network Performance. Transactional TCP. The Mobile Telephone System. Elementary Data Link Protocols. Students should able to identify networking layers properly. (For example where are the boundaries of system network programmers and network application developers). Network Software. Reference Models. This subject reasonably creates base for further studies of high performance networks. C/C++. TCP: Introduction To TCP. Modeling TCP Connection Management. TCP Timer Management. Elements Of Transport Protocols. Congestion Control Algorithms. Broadband Wireless. Internetworking. The Network Layer: Network Layer Design Issues. 6. Network Hardware. Multiple Access Protocols. 4. Cable Television. TCP Congestion Control. The TCP Protocol The TCP Segment Header. Wireless TCP And UDP. The Data Link Layer In The Internet. TCP Transmission Policy.E. Wireless Transmission. bottom up. Communication Satellites. Network system and application programming. The TCP Service Model. A Simple Transport Protocol. Data Link Layer Switching. Introduction: Network Applications. Sliding Window Protocols. 5. Ipv6. The Public Switched Telephone Network. The Network Layer In The Internet: The IP Protocol. . Networking Hardware and software components. 9. Assignment: prepare short note on any one advanced topic (not from above syllabus) . FAST TPDU Processing. Implement multithreaded client. The Application Layer: DNS: The Domain name system. 7. Modem commands study.System Design For Better PERFORMANCE. Electronic Mail. 6. ATM Application Layer. 8. Protocols For Gigabit Networks. 7. Network Socket programming. 9. ATM Signaling. 4. Case study with Window2000/Linux TOPICS FOR EXPERIMENT 1. DLL simulators. 10. 2. PC-to-PC file transfer using serial ports. 3. ATM Network ATM Layer.server application. SNMP. 8. 5. Network OS installation and configuration. Shortest path routing. Network Routing. Use network simulators like NS2. PNNI Routing. Address decoding & Timing Considerations. Data types & formats. 6. Counters & delay. Numeric Instruction Set. The aim of this course is to give the students basic knowledge of the above microprocessor needed to develop the systems using it.B. COMPUTER ENGINEERING THIRD YEAR SEMESTER V SUBJECT: MICROPROCESSORS Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks Term work: 25 Marks Objectives of the course: This course deals with the systematic study of the Architecture and programming issues of 8086/88microprocessor family. I/O interfacing in 8086: Serial communication interface includes Synchronous & Asynchronous Protocols. Case study of PC System 2. Study of IOP . 8087 Numeric Co-processor: 8087 NDP Architecture. Procedures. Pre-requisites: Digital Logic Design DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. 8086 Interrupt System: 8086 Interrupt structure. I/O Controllers for 8086 and Data communication: Study of 8255AH Programmable Peripheral Interface & its modes. Study of Programmable Timer 8254 & its modes. 5. Instruction Set in detail. Macros. IEEE 488 GPIB. DMA Concepts & transfer types: Study of DMA controller 8237. 8086 Hardware Design. Mixed language programming. 3. types and applications: Study of Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259A & Interrupt Priority Management using 8259A. Data communication includes EIA RS-232C Standard. Minimum mode & Maximum mode Operation. Memory System Design & I/O Interfacing: Interfacing SRAM. Architecture of 8086/88 Family: Memory organization & Architecture of 8086 family. Programming examples using DOS And BIOS Interrupts. System Timing diagrams for 8086. Interface of Coprocessor (8087) to Host (8086). ROM and DRAM to 8086. 8086 Instruction Set & Programming: Addressing modes. Study of 8250 UART. Study of bus controller 8288 & its use in maximum mode Connection. Overview of 8086 Family. Memory Mapped I/O. ALP for 8086-8087 systems. Strings. 7. Device Drivers Programming. Stacks. 4. System clock (8284) & reset signal. Handshaking Signals. parallel communication Interface includes I/O Mapped I/O. Timers. buffering & latching circuits.E. ALP. Stacks in 8087. Introduction to Microcomputer Systems: Introduction to Microprocessors & its evolution. Assembler Language Programming “. “The Intel Microprocessors”. “IBM PC. Bus arbitration & control using 8289. BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. Ray. . K. Manuals from Intel. 2. B. 4. “Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals”. “Microprocessors and Interfacing. 2. 2003. B. Programming and Design”. Sixth Edition. PHI.8089. References: 1. TERM WORK 1. 8. Yu-Cheng Liu. 1987. Peter Norton. A term work test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 marks. Bhurchandi. Programming and Hardware”. Douglas Hall. PHI. K. Peter Able. Multiprocessor Systems: 8086/88 based Multiprocessor systems. M. 1986. Tata McGraw-Hill. 4. Study of Multiprocessor configurations. 3. “IBM PC. PHI. Term work should consist of at least 12 practical experiments covering all the topics. Second Edition. its interaction with 8086. Gibson. Second Edition. 3. ”8086/8088 Interfacing. A.PHI. 2. Tata McGraw Hill.1999. BPB publication. Brey. Study of Bus Arbiter 8289. John Uffenback. Programming and Design”. Assembly Language programming”. 2000. “The 8086/8088 Family Architecture. Glenn A. Qualities of Reports. reference based or campus related topic. verbal and non-verbal communication during interviews. Introduction to modern communication techniques (for e. Techniques for effective participation.g. formats (letter. documentation (notice. language and style in reports. minutes) of meetings. Strategies for conducting successful business meetings. Term-building. 9-10 lectures Dynamics of Group Behavior. ‘Organizational Behavior’ McGraw Hill International Edition 2. Decision-making. COMPUTER ENGINEERING THIRD YEAR SEMESTER V SUBJECT: PRESENTATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES Lectures: 2 Hrs per week Tutorials: 2 Hrs per week Term work: 25 Marks Oral Exam. type of reports. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS Introduction to emotional intelligence. Solutions) External Communication. Time-management 6. ADVANCED TECHNICAL WRITING REPORT – WRITING AND PRESENTATION: Definition and importance of reports. survey-based. project – reports). Topics to be assigned to a group of 8-10 students. Grapevine. Leadership.B. WRITING PROPOSALS 5.E. A computer-aided presentation of a project report based on technical. patents) 6 – 7 Lectures 2. memo. e-mail. agenda. Lesiker and Petit ‘Report writing For Business’ McGraw Hill International Edition . Problems. INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES Preparing for job interviews. Downward. Motivation. COMMUNICATION IN A BUSINESS ORGANISATION Internal (Upward. Observation sessions and role-play techniques may be used to demonstrate interview strategies. 1 – 2 lectures 7. Fred Luthans. TECHNICAL PAPER-WRITING 4. Negotiation and Assertiveness. methods of compiling data. 9 – 10 Lectures 3.: 25 Marks DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. internet. video conferencing etc). The written report should not exceed 20 printed pages. GROUP DISCUSSION conflict-resolution. 1 – 2 lectures BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. Legal & ethical issues in communication (intellectual property rights. Horizontal. Lewicki. IDG Books Pvt. 2 assignments on Communication topics 2. 3. Successful Presentation Skills 4. The Sunday Times ‘Creating Success Series’ 1. Saunders. BREAK UP OF ORAL EXAMINATION (Internal Exam) Project Report Presentation 20 marks Group Discussion 5 marks Total 25 marks . Kitty O Locker & Kaczmark . Make every Minute Count 3. Vikas Gupta: Comdex Computer Course Kit. Heller & Handle : The Essential Manager’s Manual – Dorleen Kindercey 6. 5. 5. Hartman Lemay ‘Presentation Success’ Thomson learning. Minton ‘Essential of Negotiation’ McGraw Hill International Edition 2. 3 assignments on Interpersonal Skills 4. 3 assignments on Report writing 3. How to motivate people 5.3. Team building TERM WORK 1.‘Business Communication Building Critical Skills’ McGraw Hill 4.McGraw Hill International Edition 4. 1 class test Oral: Practical sessions on Group-discussion / Interview Skills / Project Presentation / Power point Presentation. Develop your Assertiveness 2. BREAK UP OF TERM WORK MARKS (External Exam) Assignment 15 marks Test 10 marks Total 25 marks 6. Ltd. Huckin and Olsen ‘Technical Writing and Professional Communication’ . Herta Murphy ‘Effective Business Communication’ Hearta Murphy Herburtwhildebraudt McGraw Hill References: 1. Wallace and Masters ‘Personal Development for Life and Work’ (workbook) Thomson Learning 5. . DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. References: A. Student group should select any one stream area like database programming. 2. “Graded Problems in Computer science “. Problem solving assignment: This will be a mini group project to be completed within the Institute in a span of about 10 weeks. Suggested programming style is object-oriented programming and languages may be C++.Smith and P. Course in Data Structures. The assignments should be approximately 10 in number and to be completed in about 5 weeks.E. COMPUTER ENGINEERING THIRD YEAR SEMESTER V SUBJECT: COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LABORATORY Practical: 3 Hrs per week Tutorials: 2 Hrs per week Term work: 25 Marks Objectives of the course: This course aims at giving students rigger for programming independent of any particular language and develop a strong problem solving skill. TERM WORK 1. Term work should consist of at least 10 programs covering all the topics. and use the appropriate skill set to design and implement the mini project. network programming. VC++.D.Addison-Wesley. Smith . Problems selected should be able to use the selected programming style and language appropriately.B. Pre-requisites: One programming course. A mini project. multimedia programming.D. Programming Assignments: Students will implement programs adhering to good programming practices. 2. system programming etc. java. Optimization of DFA Based Pattern Matchers. Implementation Examples: MASM Macro Processor. System Software And Machine Architecture: Introduction to Systems Programs. Assembler Algorithm and Data Structures. Macros And Macro Processors: Macro Definition and Expansion. Macro Parameters. Design of Macro Preprocessors. COMPUTER ENGINEERING THIRD YEAR SEMESTER VI SUBJECT: SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING Lectures: 3 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks Term work: 25 Marks Oral Examination: 25 Marks Objectives of the course: This course is an introduction to the design and implementation of various types of system software. ANSI C Macro Language. Relocation and Linking Concepts. 5. Design of an Absolute Loader. Introduction to Data Formats.E. LL (1) Parsing. Pre-requisites: Course in computer organization. Recursive Descent Parsing. 3. Implementation Examples: MASM Assembler and SPARC Assembler. LEX and YACC. Dynamic Linking. Recursive Macro Expansion. LALR Parsing and Operator Precedence Parsing. Syntax Directed Translation. 4. Assemblers: Basic Assembler Functions. Bootstrap Loaders. Static and Dynamic Binding. Design of a Linker. Design of Multi-pass Assemblers. loader and macro-processor on completion of this course. Classification of Programming Language Grammars. DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Scanning And Parsing: Introduction to Regular Expressions and Finite State Automata. 2. Design of Single Pass Assembler. Registers and Addressing Modes for Traditional CISC Machines and RISC Machines. Nested Macro Calls. Language Processor Development Tools.B. Linkage Editors. Implementation Examples: A Linker for MS-DOS. Loaders And Linkers: Basic Loader Functions. Conditional Macro Expansion. . Top-down and Bottom-up Parsing Techniques. 6. data structures and C/C++. Language Processors: Fundamentals of Language Processing and Language Specification. It is intended that the student should be able to design a working assembler. Debug Monitors. Compilation of Expressions and Control Structures. 8. Intermediate Code Generation. 2002. Java Compiler and Environment. J.V. Term work should be based on above listed practical 2. Interpreters. Pearson Education. Compilers And Interpreters: Aspects of Compilation. “Compilers Principles and Techniques”. A. . Ullman. User Interfaces. YACC Compiler-Compiler. “Systems Software”. Programming Environments. Dhamdhere “Systems Programming And Operating Systems”. Ravi Sethi & J. D. Addison Wesley. Dynamic. Heap Storage and Garbage Compaction.M.D.J Donovan. 2. TMH TERM WORK 1. 2nd Revised Edition. BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. Editors. Software Tools: Software Tools for Program Development. Memory Allocation: Run time storage organization. Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Machine Independent and Machine Independent Code Optimization. Leland L. Static. Syntax Analysis.7. A term work test of 10 marks must be conducted. Aho. Phases of Compilation: Lexical Analysis. Beck. “Systems Programming”. References: 1. Operating System Design Issues. system calls for the file system. Disk Scheduling. creation of processes. UNIX Concurrency Mechanisms. File Sharing. UNIX SVR4 Process Management. I/O Buffering. Mutual Exclusion and Synchronization. 2. COMPUTER ENGINEERING THIRD YEAR SEMESTER VI SUBJECT: OPERATING SYSTEMS WITH UNIX Lectures: 3 Hrs per week Practical: 3 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks Term work: 25 Marks Oral Exam. 5.S. system calls. Process Description. Message Passing. Windows 2000 Overview. Disk Cache. 3. preemptive v/s non-preemptive scheduling. Secondary Storage Management. Segmentation. 7. Concurrency. Memory Partitioning. exit of processes. UNIX SVR4 I/O. Mutual Exclusion. Memory Memory Management Requirements. Windows 2000 Memory Management. UNIX File Management. comparative assessment of different scheduling algorithms. Windows 2000 Thread and SMP Management. Concurrency. Real-Time Scheduling. Semaphores. Internal representation of files. Principles of Concurrency. Linux Scheduling. Symmetric Multiprocessing. Process states. shell. File Management. RAID. Organization of the I/O Function. 4. page fault handling. PCB. Basic concepts. 6.B. Process Control. Dining Philosophers Problem. An Integrated Deadlock Strategy. Threads. Linux Process and Thread Management. Windows 2000 File System. Record Blocking. implementation of . Principles of Deadlock. Linux Memory Management. Readers/Writers Problem. File Directories. Deadlock Detection. files. Hardware Support. Process Scheduling: Objectives. layered structure v/s monolithic structure of O. I/O Devices. Modern UNIX Systems. Deadlock and Starvation. Software Approaches. Monitors. context switching. Windows 2000 Concurrency Mechanisms. The history and evolution of Operating Systems. Processes: Process Model. Multiprocessor Scheduling. Processes. Design and implementation issues in paging and segmentation. Deadlock Prevention. Windows 2000 Scheduling. Traditional UNIX Systems. Mutual Exclusion. page replacement algorithms.. UNIX SVR4 Scheduling. UNIX and.: 25 Marks DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Deadlock Avoidance. SMP. Characteristics of Modern Operating Systems. Operating System Objectives and Functions. Operating System Overview. Case Studies: Unix. Processes and Threads. I/O Management and Disk Scheduling. working set model. File Organization. Virtual memory.E. Overview. Windows 2000 I/O. Paging. P. “Operating Systems” 2. Layered structure. J. Galvin. Addison Wesley. memory management policies . It should also include Small routines.. . Tannenbaum. Test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 marks. References: 1.Silbershatz. Peterson. memory management and file management.William Stallings.. Programs that would give good exposure to Unix system calls for process control. 3. “The Design of the Unix Operating system”. “Operating Systems: Design and Implentation”. involving implantation of small utilities in shell programming for Unix system administration... A. Mc Graw Hill 3. process scheduling. 4. Prentice Hall. A.Maurice J Bach. “Operating System Concepts”. Prentice Hall TERM WORK Term work shall consist of at least 9 programs based on the above topics. interpretability BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. “Operating System”. 3. Milan Milenkovic.processes. Tannenbaum.Windows NT. “Modern Operating Systems” 2. 1. Forms.”Internetworking with TCP/IP”. Tables. This course gives knowledge right from building of Web to making business on Web. JSP. COMPUTER ENGINEERING THIRD YEAR SEMESTER VI SUBJECT: WEB TECHNOLOGY Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks Term work: 25 Marks Oral Examination: 25 Marks Objectives of the course: The objective of the course is to provide an understanding of technology used for building WEB. JavaScript Forms. Connectivity with databases. TMH References 1.”Essential XML” 2. At least 10 Programs based on above syllabus 2. location. Images. Konrad King.B. 3. 8. Client-side Forms.”JavaScript for The World Wide Web”. XML. TCP/IP. Color Control. TERM WORK 1. Images.Addison Wesley. Rajiv Sharma.”Developing e-commerce Site”. Session. 4. TMH 2. CGI Scripting with Perl. Web page structure. Cookies. 6. Frames. CGI/Perl.”HTML & Web Design”. Telnet. Box .”Web Technologies”. JavaScript objects. Protocols.”E-Commerce”. Domain Name System (DNS).O’REILY.”Java Servlet Programming”. Solution. history. Steven Holzner. Anchors. Using ActiveX Objects. Kriss Jamsa. PHI 7. TMH . Word Wide Web. Incorporating JavaScript in HTML. Microsoft Commerce Solutions . 2. Dynamic Web Pages: HTML/DHTML: Introduction to DHTML. Volume I. Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Server. Java Servlets. Douglas E Comer. Java Servlets. 3. Cookies. Applications: Electronics Commerce: An Introduction. Vivek Sharma.3rd Edition. JavaScript expressions. It also gives a comprehensive coverage of HTML. Introduction: Introduction to WEB Technology. Control flow and functions. Jason Hunter & William Crawford. Hyper linking. Forms.Web technology. 5. Tom Negrino and Dori Smith. HTML: Introduction to Hypertext Markup Language. ASP for Building Secure E-commerce applications. Application with layers. Dreamtech. Character Formatting. e-shop. Response. Multimedia. Online Payment . 5. String and Arrays. Electronic Mail (Email) File Transfer Protocol (FTP).E. JavaScript. Pearson education 4. Build an e-commerce site . JavaScript. Query Strings. Achyut Godbole . Backgrounds. David Whiteley. Cascading style sheet. Active Server Pages & Servlets: ASP Objects: Application. Request. Types. Tags. DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Lists. Internet Banking TEXT BOOKS 1. “HTML Black Book”. . Study of ISP. A test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 Marks.3. Installation of WEB Server 4. COMPUTER ENGINEERING THIRD YEAR SEMESTER VI SUBJECT: OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS & DESIGN Lectures: 3 Hrs per week Practical: 3 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks Term work: 25 Marks Practical Exam: 25 Marks DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Methods. Inheritance. Grouping Constructs. Sequence Diagram: Modeling Scenarios. Class Diagram: Test Scenarios. Object Classes. Distributed System And Embedded Systems. Aggregation. 9. Discovering Attributes. Mapping Events To Object. Coupling And Cohesion . Basic Object Modeling: Multiplicity. Why Modeling? Static And Dynamic Models. Deponent Diagram: Modeling Source Codes. Refining The Model. State Chart Diagram. Recording Analysis. Using Use Case Analysis. Classes. System Testing. The Unified Approach Modeling. Analysis: Problem Analysis. Advantages Of Object Modeling. Introduction: Overview Of OOL. Deployment Diagram: Modeling In A C/S System. Object Modeling: Object. Scalability Testing. 8. Modeling Workflow. Interfaces. Constraints. Regression Testing. Physical Databases. Interfaces. Behavioral Modeling. 4. Problem Domain Classes. Association. Problems On Object Modeling. Meta Types. Links. 3. Component. 10. Object Oriented Methodologies. Logical Database Schema. 2. Design Classes: Classes Visibility. Stress Testing. TOPICS FOR EXPERIMENT Use any UML/OOAD tool and do the following: . Refactoring. User Interface. Modeling Simple Collaboration Modeling.E. 7. Functional Models. Subsystem Interface. Activity Diagram. 5. Design: Architectural Design.Who Should Own The Attribute? Who Should Own The Operations? Process And Threads. Identify Classes And Objects Of Real World Problems.B. 6. 2. “Object Oriented and Classical Software Engineering” TERM WORK 3. 8. Andrew Haigh. 5. 4. Sequence diagram. “Object Oriented Analysis and Design”. Pearson Education. Class diagram. 3. 2. Debugging. BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. “Object Oriented System Development “. 3. Porting. Lethbridge. Timothy C. Schach. Rambaugh. “Object Oriented Software Engineering” McGrawHill. Term work should consist of at least 8 experiments covering all the topics. Collaboration diagram. 6. “Object Oriented System Analysis and Design Using UML” McGrawHill. Rambaugh. etal. A term work test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 marks. Use case realization. Ivar Jacobson. “Object Oriented Modeling and Design” 4.. Component diagram. Simon Benett. 3. Testing. 2. J. ”The UML Users guide”.1. Use case diagram. . J. Change management using MAKE/SCCS utility. Grady Booch. Ali Bahrami. Stephen R. Tata McGrawHill References: 1. Robert Laganiere. Activity diagram. 4. McGraw Hill. 7. Steve McRobb. Ray Farmer. 9. 8. Bresenham’s algorithm. Area filling: Scan line polygon filling algorithm.E. Phong shading. Scan Line Method. Mid-point Subdivision. Ellipse Generation Algorithm: Mid-point ellipse algorithm. 3-D Viewing and Clipping. Liang Barsky clipping. Polygon: Sutherland Hodgman algorithm. Depth or Z-buffer Method. Raster scan display. Basic Transformations: Translation. Depth Cueing. 7. Composite Transformation. Gouraud shading. Flood-fill algorithm. 2-D Geometric Transformation: Window and View port: Window and View port relationship. Basic Raster Graphics Algorithm for drawing 2-D primitives: Output Characteristics: Aspect ratio. Composite Transformation. Line: CohenSutherland algorithm. Other Transformation: Reflection and Shear. 3-D Concepts: 3-D Display Methods: Parallel and Perspective projections. Aliasing and Anti-Aliasing. Co-ordinate representation. Hidden Surface Elimination Methods: Backface Detection. Video Display Devices: Refresh CRT. Boundary fill algorithm. Circle Generation Algorithm: Midpoint circle algorithm. Other Transformation: reflection and shear. 2-D Viewing and Clipping: Window to Viewport Co-ordinate Transformation. Normalized device co-ordinates and Homogenous co-ordinates. Introduction: Application Areas. World co-ordinates. 2. . Input and Output Devices. Line Drawing Algorithms: DDA algorithm. Color CRT monitor. Light Shading: Illumination Model. Bezier Curves. B-spline. Ray Tracing. Half toning. rotation and scaling. Shading: Constant Intensity shading. COMPUTER ENGINEERING THIRD YEAR SEMESTER VI SUBJECT: COMPUTER GRAPHICS Lectures: 3 Hrs per week Practical: 3 Hrs per week Pre-requisites: Knowledge of C language is needed. 3. 4. Theory: 100 Marks Term work: 25 Marks Practical Exam: 25 Marks DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Clipping: Point clipping. Curves: Spline Representation. Rotation and Scaling. Flat panel display. 5.B. Area Subdivision Method. Inside-outside test. 6. 3-D Transformation: Basic Transformations: translation. Rogers. TMH. TMH TERM WORK 1. 2. McGraw Hill 5. 2002. “Computer Graphics with C version “. Harrington. Xiang and Plastok. A term work test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 marks. 2nd Edition. “Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics“. “Schaum’s Outlines Computer Graphics”. 2002. References: 1. 4. 2nd Edition. Tata McGraw Hill. 2. “Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics “. “Computer Graphics”. 2nd Edition. . 2002.BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. “Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics”. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments covering all the topics of the syllabus. Newman and Sproll. Pauline Baker. Donald Hearn and M. Low Price Edition. TMH 3. Rogers and Adams. Concurrency Control and Recovery in Distributed Databases. Indexes For Text Data 6. Parallelizing Individual Operations. learn about the Web-DBMS integration technology and XML for Internet database applications. Multidimensional Data Model and OLAP. Encapsulation of Operations. Type extents and Queries. and Persistence. Parallel and Distributed Databases and Client-Server Architecture: Architectures For Parallel Databases. Type Hierarchies and Inheritance. Query Processing in Distributed Databases. COMPUTER ENGINEERING THIRD YEAR SEMESTER VI SUBJECT: ADVANCED DATABASES Lectures: 3 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks Term work: 25 Marks Oral Exam. Comparison Of RDBMS. Data Warehousing and Data Mining. Object-Oriented Databases: Overview of Object-Oriented Concepts. familiarize with the data-warehousing and data-mining techniques and other advanced topics. Structure Of XML Data. An Overview of SQL3.B. and Allocation techniques for Distributed Database Design. Specialization and Generalization. Parallel Query Evaluation. Object Relational and Extended Relational Databases: Database Design For An ORDBMS . and thus to acquaint the students with some relatively advanced issues. Querying XML Data. Inheritance. .: 25 Marks Objectives of the course: To study the further database techniques beyond which covered in the second year.O2 3.Nested Relations and Collections. DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. apply the knowledge acquired to solve simple problems Pre-requisites: A basic course in “Database Systems” and knowledge of OOAD. Persistent Programming Languages. Storage And Access methods. . Overview Of XML. Database Schema Design for OODBMS. Implementation Issues. Star Schemas. Motivation for complex data types. Methods. Query processing and Optimization. User Defined Abstract Data Types And Structured Types. Complex Objects. Joins. Replication. Object Structure. Introduction To Data Warehousing. Implementation Issues for Extended Type . ORDBMS 4. XML Applications. Distributed Database Concepts. OODBMS Architecture And Storage Issues. The Extended Entity Relationship Model And Object Model: The ER model revisited. Subclasses. 2. Document Schema. Super classes. Transactions and Concurrency control Example of ODBMSs. At the end of the course students should be able to: gain an awareness of the basic issues in objected oriented data models.E. Object Identity. and Type Constructors. OQL. Relationship Types of Degree Higher Than Two. Constraints and Characteristics of Specialization and Generalization. Data Fragmentation. Databases On The Web And Semi structured Data Web Interfaces To The Web. OODBMS. The Semi structured Data Model.Systems. An Overview of Client-Server Architecture 5. Storage Of XML Data. Sorting. Longman. Tree Methods. Geographic Information Systems.“ database management systems”. Implementation and Management. Clustering Approaches To Data Mining. Design. 3. Korth. Silberchatz.Thomson Learning. Mobile Databases.”Database systems.J. Pearson Education 2. Johannes Gehrke .. Deductive Databases and Query processing. BOOKS TEXT BOOKS 1. . ”Introduction To Database Systems”. 4th Edition. C. Peter Rob and Coronel. 3. ”fundamentals of database systems “ . Addison Wesley TERM WORK 1. Sudarshan .”Database System Concepts”. McGraw-Hill. Raghu Ramakrishnan. Applications Of Data Warehousing and Data Mining 7. Temporal Database Concepts. The term work should include 6 small projects that would cover the different data models dealt with in the subject. Mining For Rules. Active Database Concepts.Date. Spatial Databases. 2. 2. McGraw-Hill References: 1. Second Edition. Fifth Edition. A Term Work test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 Marks. 4th Edition . Concepts and architecture. Two Assignments on current topics should also be included. Enhanced Data Models for Advanced Applications.Introduction To Data Mining. Elmasri and Navathe. 7th Edition. AGP. PCI. McGraw-Hill. Pentium IV. VESA. System Architectures for Desktop and Server based systems: Study of memory subsystems and I/O subsystems. USB. Branch Prediction Logic. 5. Programming and Interfacing” 6. Pentium III. Study of Pentium Family of Processors: Pentium I. “The Intel Microprocessors. SCSI. “Pentium Processor System Architecture”. Comparative study. Pentium II. Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Pre-requisite: Microprocessors DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. . PCMCIA Cards & Slots. 4. 5. 6. Advanced RISC Microprocessors: Overview of RISC Development and current systems. Study of Sun SPARC Family: SPARC Architecture. Bus operation.E. ATAPI. Alpha AXP Architecture. LPT. 3. “Advanced Microprocessors”. Standard for Bus Architecture and Ports: EISA. Addison Wesley Press. The Super SPARC.B. RAID 7. Integration issues BOOKS Text Books: 4. Daniel Tabak. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VII SUBJECT: ADVANCED MICROPROCESSORS Theory: 100 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks Oral: 25 Marks Objective: To study microprocessor basics and the fundamental principles of architecture related to advanced microprocessors. Barry Brey . Study of Pentium: Super-Scalar architecture & Pipelining. Memory Management. Alpha AXP Implementations & Applications. Cache Organizations. 2. Overview of new generation of modern microprocessors. Architecture. Tom Shanley. Register Set & special Instructions. Advanced Intel Microprocessors: Protected Mode operation of x86 Intel Family. SPARC Implementations & Applications. ATA. Pentium V: Architectural features. References: 4. Intel Manuals. Ray and Bhurchandi. “Advanced Microprocessors and Interfacing”. “Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals”. TMH 5. TERM WORK 1. 6. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus. James Antonakos. TMH Publication. . Badri Ram. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. Pearson Education. 7. “The Pentium Microprocessor”. Learning: Learning from observations: General model of learning agents. Knowledge engineering. “Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex . Struart Russell and Peter Norvig. Perception. Conditional planning 8. Completeness 7. The wumpus world environment. Interfacing First Order Logic: Interface rules involving quantifiers. An example proof. Acting Logically: Planning. Inference in belief networks 9. Programming Languages. Extensions and Notational variation. Structure of intelligent agents. George F.Luger. First order logic: Syntax and Semantics. Game playing 4. Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning: Uncertainty. Using first order logic 5. Genetic algorithms 10. Practical planning: Practical planners. “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” 2. Intelligent Systems: Evolution of the concept. A formal grammar for a subset of English 11. Forward and backward chaining. Agents that Communicate: Communication as action. Representing and using domain knowledge.B. Generalization in reinforcement learning. learning decision trees. Explanation. Artificial Intelligence: An overview. Environments 3. The semantics of belief networks. Informed search methods. Multilayer feed-forward network. Intelligent Agents: How agent should act. Robotics BOOKS Text Books: 1. Problem Solving: Solving problems by searching. 2. Knowledge and Reasoning: A knowledge based agent. Application of ANN. Expert system: Introduction to expert system. Reinforcement learning: Passive learning in a known environment.E. Representation. Inductive learning. Logic. Perceptrons. Building a Knowledge Base: Properties of good and bad knowledge base. Reasoning. Representing knowledge in an uncertain domain. Learning in neural and belief networks: Introduction to neural networks. Expert system shells. Types of communicating agents. Hierarchical decomposition. Knowledge acquisition 12. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VII SUBJECT: INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Theory: 100 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks Oral: 25 Marks Objectives: To understand and apply principles. Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Prerequisite: Data Structures. methodologies and techniques in design and implementation of intelligent system. Proportional logic. and Algorithms DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Applications: Natural language processing. General ontology 6. Aronson. TMH 3. Nils J. “Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems” 6. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus.Problem Solving”. Patrick Winston. Sasikumar and Others. “Artificial Intelligence”. Pearson Education References: 1. Harcourt Asia 2. Nillson. Vikas Publishing House TERM WORK 2. “Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence”. . “Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis”. Pearson Education 4. Ivan Brakto. “Artificial Intelligence”. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus. Pearson Education 5. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight. M. “Artificial Intelligence : Theory and Practice” Proceedings of the International Conference KBCS-2002. Ed. Efraim Turban Jay E. Linear filtering method based on DFT. Design of FIR filters using windows. Audio. Introduction to DSP co-processors: TMS 320C40/50. Discrete-time systems described by differential equations. image Enhancement. round-off effects in digital filters 6. Comparison of IIR and FIR filters. Discrete Time Signals & System: Discrete–time signals.G. Telecommunication BOOKS Text Books: 1. or magnetic resonance imaging) and encompass applications such as Compact Disc player. Analog Devices. FFT algorithm. one-sided Z-transform. Control. “Introduction to Digital Signal Processing”. echo cancellations in communication systems. J.E. Implementation of discrete-time systems. frequency transformations.B. Frequency analysis of signals using DFT. Properties of FIR digital filters. Proakis. Properties of DFT. Goertzel algorithm. and noninvasive medical imaging. Z-Transform: Definition and Properties of Z-transform. Correlation of discrete-time systems 2. Implementation of Discrete Time Systems: Structure of FIR systems. Frequency Analysis of Signals and Systems: Frequency analysis: Continuous time signals and Discrete-time signals. Applications : Image processing. “Discrete Time Signal Processing” . System Transforms and Filters. Applications of FFT. Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Pre-requisites: Nil DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Inverse systems and deconvolution 4. Design of IIR filters from analog filters. geophysical exploration. Properties of the Fourier transform for discrete-time signals. Analysis of discrete-time LTI systems. Design of Digital Filters: Design of FIR filters. Discrete–time systems. Frequency domain characteristics of LTI systems. 8. Rational Z-transforms. Discrete Fourier Transform: Frequency domain sampling. Design of digital filters based on least-squares method digital filters from analogue filters. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VII SUBJECT: DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Theory: 100 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks Oral: 25 Marks Objective: Digital Signal Processing continues to play an increasingly important role in the fields that range literally from A (astronomy) to Z (zeugmatography. Analysis of LTI systems in Z-domain 3. quantization of filter coefficients. PHI 2. Speech Recognition. This course aims to build concepts regarding the fundamental principles and applications of Signals. Quantisation effects in the computation of DFT 5. Inverse Z-transform. and Linear phase filters. Speech. LTI system as a frequency selective filter. 7. Structure of IIR systems. Oppenhiem and Schaffer. TMH. 5. Cavicchi.C. S. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. 4.References: 1. Pearson Education. 6. 2. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus.” Fundamentals Of Digital Signal Processing”. Ashok Ambardar. “Digital Signal Processing”. Ifeachor.J. “Digital Signal Processing”. B. 3. Thompson Learning.K. John Wiley. .C. E. Mitra. TERM WORK 3. Jervis. “Analog and Digital Signal Processing”. Ludeman. John Wiley. “Digital Signal Processing”.W. T. TMH. L. S Sallivahanan. “Digital Signal Processing”. Software reviews. Status reporting. Software Configuration Management: Introduction. Change control. Software scope. RAD model. Software myths. Project plan. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VII SUBJECT: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Theory: 100 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks Oral: 25 Marks Objectives: Apply various software Engineering principles and methodologies while dealing with the various phases of software development. Process technology. Metrics for software quality. Process: Software Process. Decomposition techniques. Product and process. Process Models. Analysis Concepts and Principles: Requirement Analysis. People. Statistical quality control. Formal approaches to SQA. Risk Analysis and Management: Reactive versus proactive risk strategies. System modeling. 8. SCM standards. ISO 9000 quality standards. 2. Make/Buy decision. Identification of objects in the software configuration. Product. Formal technical reviews. Requirement elicitation for . SQA plan. 11. Software quality assurance. Quality Movement. RMMM plan. Defining a task network. Risk mitigationmonitoring-management. Software Project Planning: Objectives.B. Software project estimation. W5HH principle. Mistake-proofing for software. Safety risks and hazards. Project Management: Management spectrum. Defining a task set for the software project. Scheduling. Project. Component-based development. Empirical estimation models. 9. Risk refinement. Refinement of major tasks. Configuration audit. Selecting software Engineering tasks. Integrating metrics within the software engineering process.E. 7. Establishing a software metrics program. Evolutionary software models. 6. Linear sequential model. Software Characteristics. Business process engineering. Software Process and Project Metrics: Measures-Metrics-Indicators. System engineering hierarchy. Software reliability. Software risks. Metrics for small organizations. Metrics in the process and project domains. Project Scheduling and Tracking: Basic concepts. 10. System Engineering: Computer-based systems. Software measurement. Software Quality Assurance: Quality concepts. 4. Process. Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Pre-requisite: Programming concepts. Automated estimation tools. Formal methods model. Earned value network. Fourth generation techniques. Risk identification. Product: Evolving role of software. product engineering. Statistical software quality assurance. 3. Relationship between people and effort. Software Applications. Resources. Error tracking. Requirements engineering. Risk projection. DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Prototyping model. SCM process. Version control. 5. Architectural styles. 17. Metrics for the design model. Mall. Pankaj Jalote. “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”. 13. 3. R. Roger Pressman. Transaction mapping. J. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus. Design model. W. John Wiley 3. “Software Engineering”. Design process. Design concepts. Functional modeling and information flow. L. Design Concepts and Principles: Software design and software engineering. Strategic issues. Task analysis and modeling. Black-box testing. Software Testing Techniques: Software testing fundamentals. “Software Engineering”. “Software Engineering”. Oxford University Press 5. Software prototyping. Architectural Design: Software architecture. Jawadekar. Unit testing. Data modeling. Mapping requirements into a software architecture. Specification. Metrics for maintenance. Analyzing alternative architectural designs. Mechanics of structured analysis. 15. 2. Behavioral modeling. Control structure testing. Ian Sommerville. Basis path testing. Data dictionary. A. Component-Level Design: Structured programming. “Software Engineering Theory and Practice”. References: 1. Pfleeger. framework for technical software metrics. Analysis Modeling: Introduction. Comparison of design notation. James Peter. Test case design. Refining architectural design. . Metrics for source code. 18.software. Narosa. 14. Implementation tools. Prentice Hall of India 4. Analysis principles. Design principles. Art of debugging. 12. User Interface Design: The golden rules. architectures and applications. Design documentation. Testing for specialized environments. 2. Behferooz & F.S. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. Pearson Education. Validation testing. White-box testing. Design heuristics for effective modularity. TMH. Software Testing Strategies: Strategic approach to software testing. Technical Metrics for Software: Software quality. Elements of analysis model. “Software Engineering An Engineering Approach”. Transform mapping. System testing. User interface design. Effective modular design. Metrics for the analysis model. Fifth Edition. 16. S. Interface design activities. McGraw Hill. Hudson. Pearson Education TERM WORK 4. Metrics for testing. “An Integrated Approach To Software Engineering “. Design evaluation. Integration testing. Data design. Other classical analysis methods. BOOKS Text Books: 1. “Software Engineering Fundamentals”. 19. . Edge linking and Boundary detection. Lossy compression. & Computer Graphics DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Display. Hadamard transform. Scaling functions.B. Psychovisual. IFFT. Image sampling and quantization. 7. Brightness adaptation and discrimination. FFT. Haar transform. Walsh transform. Digital Image Processing Systems: Introduction. Wavelet transforms in two dimensions 6. Morphological Image Processing: Introduction. Closing. Discrete wavelet transforms in one dimensions. Hit-or-Miss transformation. Image sensing and acquisition. Fast wavelet transform. Image processing holds the possibility of developing the ultimate machine that could perform the visual functions of all living beings. Redundancies: Coding. Morphological algorithm operations on binary images. Homomorphic filtering 5. Erosion. Video compression standards. Boundary descriptors. Smoothing and sharpening filters 4. Image Data Compression: Fundamentals. Histogram processing. Image Representation and Description: Representation schemes. Wavelet functions. Regional descriptors . Arithmetic and logic operations. Series expansion.E. There is an abundance of image processing applications that can serve mankind with the available and anticipated technology in the near future. Pre-requisites: Digital Signal Processing. Interpixel. Subband coding. DFT and 2D DFT. Opening. Image compression models. Basic relationships between pixels 2. Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain: Gray level transformations. Morphological algorithm operations on gray-scale images 8. Storage. 3. Communication.Loeve (Hotelling) transform. Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain: Frequency domain filters: Smoothing and Sharpening filters. Image compression standards: Binary image and Continuous tone still image compression standards. Discrete cosine transform. Structure of human eye. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VII SUBJECT: IMAGE PROCESSING (ELECTIVE-I) Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks Oral: 25 Marks Objective: Digital Image Processing is a rapidly evolving field with growing applications in science and engineering. Image Segmentation: Detection of discontinuities. Image formation in the human eye. Processing. Fidelity criteria. Thresholding. Slant transform. Dilation. Spatial filtering: Introduction. Image Transforms (Implementation): Introduction to Fourier transform. Error free compression. Properties of 2-D DFT. Optimum transform: Karhunen . Wavelets and Multiresolution Processing: Image pyramids. Region based segmentation 9. “Digital Image Processing”. PHI. John Wiley 3.C.Gonsales R. Roger Boyle. “Digital Image Processing and Analysis”.Vaclav Hlavac. B. “Fundamentals of Image Processing”. PHI References: 1.Woods. Rao. William Pratt.Jain. TERM WORK 5. Milan Sonka. Pearson Education 2.R. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus.BOOKS Text Books: 1. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. D. “Digital Image Processing”. Analysis. “Orthogonal Transforms for Digital Signal Processing” Springer 3. Anil K. Chanda. R.E. . and Machine Vision” Thomson Learning 2. “Image Processing. N Ahmed & K. Dutta Majumder. Second Edition. Discriminant functions and Decision surfaces. Maximum-Likelihood and Bayesian Parameter Estimation: Maximum likelihood estimation. Minimumerror rate classification. Resampling for estimating statistic. Probability and Statistics DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Gramatical interfaces 7. CART. Parzen windows. Nearest-Neighbor rule.B. Bayes Decision theory: discrete features 3. technical and medical diagnostics. classification. psychology. such as engineering system design. Classifiers. Learning and Adaptation 2. Pattern recognition systems. Data description and clustering criterion function for clustering.E. Gramatical methods. Estimating and comparing classifiers. Bias and Variance. C4. Linear Discriminants Functions: Linear discriminant functions and decision surfaces. Application to normal mixtures. Discriminant functions for normal density. kn-NearestNeighbor estimation. Bayesian estimation. Minimising the Perceptron criterion function. image processing. Generalised linear discriminant functions. Matrics and Nearest-Neighbor classification 5. Maximum-Likelihood estimations. Introduction: Machine perception. manufacturing. 2-Category linearly separable case. Pre-requisite: Linear Algebra. Multicategory generalizations 6. ID3. Minimum squared error procedure. Unsupervised Learning and Clustering: Mixture densities and Identifiability. Normal density. Combining classifiers 8. Unsupervised Bayesian learning. Ho-Kashyap procedures. Non-separable behavior. Nonparametric Techniques: Density estimation. Hidden Markov Model 4. Relaxation procedure. economics. Prolems of dimentionality. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VII SUBJECT: PATTERN RECOGNITION (ELECTIVE-I) Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks Oral: 25 Marks Objective: This course teaches the fundamentals of techniques for classifying multidimensional data. to be utilized for problem-solving in a wide variety of applications. Design cycle. Nonmetric Methods: Decision tree. Bayesian Decision Theory: Bayesian decision theory: Continuous features. Hierarchical clustering 9.5. Resampling for classifier design. Bayesian parameter estimation: Gaussian caseand General theory. Applications of Pattern Recognition . Algorithm Independent Machine Learning: Lack of inherent superiority of any classifier. 2. PHI TERM WORK 6. and Stock. John Wiley and Sons. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. Hart. . Gose. Johnsonbaugh and Jost. Duda. “Pattern Recognition and Image analysis”.BOOKS Text Books: 1. “Pattern Classification”. Channel access control. UTRA FDD mode. CDMA: Spread Aloha multiple access. Mobility supporting network side. Generic reference model. Demand assigned multiple access. UTRA TDD mode 5.This course will help in understanding fundamental concepts. Security. TDMA: Fixed TDM. Wireless ATM working group. Spread spectrum. System architecture. Reference model: Example configurations. Networking.B. SDMA. Digital video broadcasting 7. Radio interface. WATM services. Wireless LAN: Infrared vs. IEEE 802. MAC layer. Localization And Calling. with desktop browsing the exception. Handover . 4. DECT: System architecture. current developments in mobile communication systems and wireless computer networks. Cellular systems. Antennas. A short history of wireless communication 2. Examples 6. Signals. Pre-requisites: Computer Networks. Introduction: Applications. Information bases And Networking. Routing. Sublayer. Physical layer. BRAN. 3. ubiquitous wireless networks has made mobile computing a reality. Radio transmission. Localization. Multiplexing. Classical Aloha. Reservation TDMA. MAC management. Physical layer. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VII SUBJECT: MOBILE COMPUTING (ELECTIVE-I) Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks Term work: 25 Marks Oral: 25 Marks Objective: Recent developments in portable devices and high-bandwidth. Handover. Security. Handover. Protocol architecture. Medium Access Control: Motivation for a specialized MAC: Hidden and Exposed terminals. LEO. Medium access control Sublayer. Wireless ATM: Motivation for WATM. Cyclic repetition of data. Protocol architecture. Physical layer.11: System architecture. MEO. Handover: Handover reference model. Inhibit sense multiple access. Functions: Wireless mobile terminal side. Satellite Systems: History. Telecommunication Systems: GSM: Mobile services. Such predictions are based on the huge growth in the wireless phone market and the success of wireless data services. Bluetooth: User scenarios. Near and Far terminals. DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. TETRA. Future development. Radio access layer: Requirements. New data services. FDMA. Carrier sense multiple access. Infrastructure and Ad hoc Networks. 8. Polling. Slotted Aloha. UMTS and IMT-2000: UMTS Basic architecture. it is widely predicted that within the next few years’ access to Internet services will be primarily from wireless devices. Indeed. Multiple access with collision avoidance. Modulation.E. Basics: GEO. HIPERLAN: Protocol architecture. Broadcast Systems: Overview. Link management. Protocols. Medium access control layer. Wireless Transmission: Frequency for radio transmission. Signal propagation. PRMA packet reservation multiple access. Applications. Digital audio broadcasting: Multimedia object transfer protocol. Mobile quality of service. Wireless markup language. Location management: Requirements for location management. Indirect TCP. P. Nicopolitidis . Snooping TCP. P. Mobile TCP. Handover scenarios. Wireless datagram protocol. World Wide Web: Hypertext transfer protocol. Dynamic source routing. “Principles of Wireless Networks” 5. “Wireless Networks”. Reverse tunneling. Access point control protocol 9. Wireless telephony application. System architectures. Ad hoc networks: Routing. Entities and Terminology. Wireless application environment. Fast retransmit/fast recovery. “Mobile communications”. Wireless application protocol: Architecture. Some approaches that might help wireless access. Transaction oriented TCP 11. “Wireless and Mobile Network Architectures”. Forward handover. “Wireless Communications and Networks” References : 1. Wireless transaction protocol. Destination sequence distance vector. K Pahlavan. Mobile databases. Examples Stacks with Wap. John Wiley 4.requirements. Addison wisely . Jochen Schiller. . Wireless session protocol. Ipv6. Backward handover. Agent advertisement and discovery. John Wiley 3. Implications on mobility. Wireless transport layer security. YI Bing Lin . Support for Mobility: File systems: Consistency. Dynamic host configuration protocol. Richharia . Krishnamurthy . Alternative metrics 10. Tunneling and Encapsulation . Mobile Network Layer: Mobile IP: Goals. Examples. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus. IP packet delivery. “Mobile Satellite Communication: Principles and Trends”. Hierarchical algorithms. WML script. Rappaort. Mobile agents BOOKS Text Books: 1. “Wireless Communications Principals and Practices” 2. Mobile Transport Layer: Traditional TCP: Congestion control. assumptions and requirements. Fast retransmit/fast recovery. Pearson Education TERM WORK 7. Transmission/time-out freezing. Types of handover. Hypertext markup language. Selective retransmission. Wiiliam Stallings. Slow start. Pearson Education 2. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. Optimizations. Addressing. Procedures and Entities. M. Registration. E. Various methods of interfacing. Network Router. threads. Models and languages for embedded software. Implementation of above concepts using C language. functions. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VII SUBJECT: EMBEDDED SYSTEMS (ELECTIVE-I) Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks Oral: 25 Marks Objective: Embedded system tools and products are evolving rapidly. Synchronous approach to embedded system design. RTLinux BOOKS Text Books: 1. Process Control. processes. Interfacing of data acquisition systems. Embedded Software development: Concepts of concurrency. Implementation of above concepts using C language 6. Scheduling algorithms. Memory and high speed interfacing. An overview of embedded systems: Introduction to embedded systems. David E. Preprocessor directives. Programming the target device 4. Database. Standard I/O functions. keypads and display units. Study of C compilers and IDE. Reset and interrupt . Implementation of above concepts using C language 5. TMH 2. Parallel port interfacing with switches. Hardware/Software co-design. Pearson Education . Hardware for embedded systems: Various interface standards. “An Embedded Software Primer ". Serial communication interface. Case studies and Applications of embedded systems: Applications to: Communication. Introduction to design technology 2. Challenges and issues related to embedded software development. Scheduling paradigms. This course deals with various approaches to building embedded systems. Memory. Parallel I/O interface. “Embedded Systems”. Parallel I/O ports. The aim of this course is to make the students aware of the various applications of embedded systems. Embedded C Language: Real time methods. Interfacing of controllers. Case Studies of: Digital Camera.B. Networking. Introduction to IC technology. Pre-requisites: Microprocessors and C Programming DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Simon. Introduction to RTOS. Basic design using RTOS 3. Timers/Counters. Categories and requirements of embedded systems. Raj Kamal. Mixing C and Assembly. Study of ATMEL RISC Processor: Architecture. Blind counting synchronization and Gadfly Busy waiting. Analog interfaces. Serial communication. It introduces unified view of hardware and software. mutual exclusion and inter-process communication. Pearson Education 3. emulator and simulator. “Fundamentals of Embedded Software”. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus. Frank Vahid. • Two experiments on case study of advanced embedded systems ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. Craig Hollabaugh. Pearson Education References: 1.3. Thomson Learning 5. Pearson Education. John Wiley 2. “The 8051Microcontroller and Embedded Systems". Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi. Myke Predko. Barnett. • Two experiments using developments tools like logic analyzer. Cox. “Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction". Tony Givargis. 4. • Four experiments on micro controller based systems. “Embedded Linux". “Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR ". O’Cull. Daniel Lewis. • Four experiments using cross C compiler and Linux. . TMH TERM WORK 8. “Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller”. 2. Discrete distribution. The application of simulation continues to expand. Multivariate and Time series input models. Introduction to Simulation: System and System environment. Acceptance rejection techniques 9. Components of system. Output analysis of terminating simulators. General Principles: Concepts of discrete event simulation. Steady state behavior of infinite population Markovian models. Network of Queues. Queueing notations. 11. 4. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VII SUBJECT: COMPUTER SIMULATION AND MODELING (ELECTIVE-I) Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks Oral Exam: 25 Marks Objective: In the last five decades digital computer simulation has developed from infancy to a full-fledged discipline. 8. Goodness of fit tests. Advantages and Disadvantages of simulation. both in terms of extent to which simulation is used and the range of applications. Measure of performance and their estimation. and Validation. Type of models. Steady state behavior finite population model. model verification and validation. Convolution method. Pre-Requisite: Probability and Statistics DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. input modeling. Desirable software features. The field of modeling and simulation is as diverse as of man. Queueing Models: Characteristics of Queueing systems. List processing. Steps in simulation study. 3. Output Analysis for a Single Model: Types of simulations with respect to output analysis. Stochastic nature of output data. Other examples of simulation. Statistical Models in Simulation: Useful statistical model.E. Techniques for generating random numbers. Trends in simulation software. General-purpose simulation packages. Simulation Software: History of simulation software. Generation of pseudo random numbers. Input Modeling: Data Collection. Parameter estimation. Output analysis for steady state . Continuous distribution. Random Number Generation: Properties of random numbers. Verification and Validation of Simulation Model: Model building. Empirical distribution. Object oriented simulation. Identifying the Distribution of data. 6.B. Verification. including modeling. Tests for random numbers. Verification of simulation models. Calibration and Validation of models. simulation software. 10. Random Variate Generation: Inverse transform technique. 5. Poisson process. This course gives a comprehensive and state of art treatment of all the important aspects of a simulation study. Selection input model without data. Simulation Examples: Simulation of Queueing systems. Long run measures of performance of Queueing systems. 7. Type of systems. Deborah Sadowski. “Simulation with Arena”. Randall Sadowski. Simulation of computer systems. TERM WORK 9. “Simulation Modeling and Analysis”. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. Barry Nelson. Academic Press Harcourt India 5. “System Analysis and Modeling”.simulation 12. Herbert Praehofer. Comparison of several system design. . McGRAW-HILL. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus. “System Simulation”. David Kelton. PHI 4. 13. W David Kelton. Comparison and Evaluation of Alternative System Design: Comparison of two system design. Averill Law. PHI 2. Donald W. “Discrete Event System Simulation” 2. David Nicol. Simulation of super market. Simulation of pert network BOOKS Text Books: 1. Narsing Deo. Tag Gon Kim. Academic Press 3. Body. Bernard Zeigler. Meta modeling. McGRAW-HILL References: 1. “Theory of Modeling and Simulation”. Jerry Banks. Geffery Gordon. W. Case Studies: Simulation of manufacturing systems. Optimization via simulation. John Carson. “System Simulation with Digital Computer”. 2. Understanding the standards and their maker: Creating standards: players and Process. Drivers. Traffic and Congestion control defined. Optical Networking: SONET/SDH standards. B-ISDN protocol reference model. VoFR: Performance and Design considerations. ATM layer (Protocol model). Application layer. Standard protocols. Traffic contract and QoS. are to be considered. PHY layer. Advanced technologies like High speed Devices etc. Fiber Access Technologies. Addressing and routing design.B. Second part Network programming is to be studied. User plane overview.75 Internetworking protocol. Frame Relay: FR specification and design. ATM public services. Current forums. Token Bus and FDDI. Standard computer architectures. Ethernet. Network layer functions. Control plane AAL. Management plane. 3. LLC and MAC sub layer protocol. We expect natural thinking from student. Common WAN Protocol: ATM: Many faces of ATM. Network layer (Internetwork layer). Protocols designs and analysis considering deterministic and non-deterministic approach. 7. Pre-requisites: Computer networks DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. 8. Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week . AAL Protocol model.E. Cable Access Technologies. 10. Dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM). Theory of operations. ATM protocol operation (ATM cell and Transmission). Performance and Design considerations. Copper access technologies. Switching in the LAN environment. ATM layer and cell (Definition). Transport layer. Mature Packet Switched Protocol: ITU Recommendation X. Accessing the Network. Physical Layer Protocols and Access Technologies: Physical Layer Protocols and Interfaces. Simulation Programming. Air Access Technologies. In third part we should study Network Design. Advantages and disadvantages of FR. Traffic descriptors and parameters. Data Communications: Business Drivers and Networking Directions : Data communication Past and future. Sub-DS3 ATM. Layered reference models: The OSIRM. TCP/IP suite. 4. Not just SOCKETS but also protocols. X. Common Protocols and Interfaces in the LAN environment: Data link layers protocols. 9. For example he should able to consider different constraints and assume suitable data and solve the problems.25. Theory of Operation. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VII SUBJECT: ADVANCED COMPUTER NETWORKS (ELECTIVE-I) Theory: 100 Marks Term work: 25 Marks Oral Examination: 25 Marks Objectives: In first part. ATM networking basics. User connectivity. Bridge protocols. Introduction to Transmission Technologies: Hardware selection in the design process. 5. Token Ring. 6. Common Protocols and Interfaces in the Upper Layers(TCP/IP): Background (Routing protocols). Traffic engineering basics (Traffic characteristics). Traffic sizing. “Computer Networks”. Service aspects. Access layer design. Private verses public networking. 11. Stevens. Harcourt Asia. Tanenbaum. Packet switching service aspects. Protocols. D. Zheng. Queued data and packet switched traffic modeling. Akhtar. Harcourt Asia. Topologies. Connectivity. Tuning the network.6. BOOKS Text Books: 1. Requirements Definition: User requirements. Access Network Design: Network design layers. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. Y. Creating the traffic matrix. Technology Comparisons: Circuits-message-packet and cell switching methods. completing the access network design. Application performance needs.S. Gallager. Traditional Traffic engineering. High speed LAN protocols comparisons. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering all the topics of the syllabus. “Computer Networks” 5. Network capacities.switched multimegabit data service (SMDS). P. James D. TMH 2. 14. Public network service selection. W. Categories of tools. 12. “Networks for Computer Scientists and Engineers”. Access network capacity. Components of design projects. Availability and reliability. Capacity planning and Network vision. Peterson & Davie. Topologies strategies. Generic packet switching network characteristics. “Practical Computer Analysis and Design”. Morgan Kaufmann 3. “Data Network Design”.Walrand. Varaiya. . 6. Traffic characteristics. Business aspects of Packet-Frame and cell switching services. Subscriber Interface and Access protocol. “Data Networks”. Time and Delay considerations. Darren L Spohn. PHI References: 1. Types of design projects. Reliability and Maintainability. Network performance modeling. J. McCabe . Design tool. Addressing and Traffic control. Classes of design tool. S. 15. TERM WORK 10. Traffic Engineering and Capacity planning: Background (Throughput calculations) . R. Designing for peaks.R. Backbone Network Design: Backbone requirements. Oxford 4. Bertsekas. Delay or Latency. Budget constraints. Pearson Education 2.. “Unix Network Programming”.1. “High Performance Communication Networks”. SMDS and IEEE 802. Vol. network topology and hardware. A. Availability. 13. Seminars should be conducted continuously for couple of days. Every student must prepare hand written synopsis in the normal journal format. Project-A exam be conducted by two examiners appointed by university.E. 5. Term Work: 25 Marks Oral: 25 Marks . Only one student should be avoided and up to 6 may be allowed only for exceptional and complex projects. Internal guide has to interact at least once in fortnight and maintain the progress and attendance report during both the terms. 3. scope. Industry project will attract demos either at site or in college.B. 9. 2. Students have to give seminar on the project-A for the term work marks. 7. proposed system. Two research projects may be allowed only for outstanding students with research aptitude. 4. Head of dept and senior staff in the department will take decision regarding projects. Make sure that external project guides are BE graduates. In case of industry projects. existing system. visit by internal guide will be preferred. 6. introduction to programming tools. problem definition. its design. hardware and software platforms requirements etc. Out of the total projects 35 percent may be allowed as to be industry projects. 65 percent projects must be in-house. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VII SUBJECT: PROJECT-A Tutorial: 2 Hrs per week GUIDELINES 1. Project-A should preferably contain abstract. All the students of the class must attend all the seminars. 8. Number of students for a project should be preferably 2 to 4. C. Biometrics. Speciner. Stallings. Database Security: Security requirements. Cryptographic checksum. Intrusion detection systems. Authentication: Authentication basics. Controlling a risk is not eliminating the risk but to bring it to a tolerable level. and Ethical Issues in Computer Security: Protecting programs and data. L. Introduction: Security. Targeted malicious code. Multilevel database. “Network Security : A Beginner’s Guide”. Program Security: Secure programs. Computer crime.B. Administrating Security: Security planning. Operating System Security: Protected objects and methods of protection. Kaufman. Attacks. Cryptographic key infrastructure. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VIII SUBJECT: SYSTEM SECURITY Theory: 100 Marks Term work: 25 Marks Oral: 25 Marks Objectives of the course: Learn about the threats in computer security. Computer criminals. Case studies of ethics Books Text Books: 1. Ethical issues in computer society. Proposals for multilevel security 6. Matt Bishop. 3. Memory address protection. Cryptography: Basic Cryptography: Classical Cryptosystems. Physical security. “Network Security” 2. Example protocols: PEM. “Security in Computing”. 3. Key Management: Key exchange. TMH . and S. Pearson Education. Storing and revoking keys. Cipher Techniques: Problems. DES. Reliability and integrity. “Computer Security: Art and Science”. P. Networks and cryptography. Software failures. File protection mechanism. Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Pre-requisites: Computer Networks. Risk analysis. Password. Controls against program threats 4. Pearson Education. Stream and block ciphers: AES. Sensitive data. DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Rights of employees and employers. Information and law. Control of access to general objects. Key generation. RC4. References : 1. 8. Interface. Operating system. Firewalls.E. Hash algorithm. Pfleeger. 5. Understand what puts you at a risk and how to control it. Digital signature. Organizational security policies. Public key Cryptography. Security in Networks: Threats in networks. Method of defense 2. Non-malicious program errors. Perlman. Eric Maiwald. Legal. Network security control. “Cryptography And Network Security: Principles and practice” 2. SSL. Challenge-response. Privacy. Privacy. Pfleeger. Viruses and other malicious code. IPsec 7. Secure e-mail. 4. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus. Bruce Schneier. “Java network security “. “Applied Cryptography”. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. Mattord.3. . Thomson TERM WORK 11. Whitman. “Principles of information security”. Pearson Education 5. John Wiley. Macro Pistoia. and T. Processes: Threads. “Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design”. Clients. Election algorithms. Taunenbaum. Remote procedures call. Data centric consistency models. Distributed commit. TMH TERM WORK 12. Client centric consistency models. Synchronization: Clock synchronization. Removing un-referenced entities. Coulouris. Kindberg. Examples of distributed systems. Consistency and Replication: Introduction. Fault Tolerance: Introduction. Global state. Distributed File System: Sun network file system. Reliable group communication. Distribution protocols. Comparison of CORBA. 4. Consistency protocols. Case Study: CORBA. Servers. N. Globe. Locating mobile entities. Logical clocks. 7. “Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems”. 5. Naming: Naming entities. Pearson Education References: 1. Pre-requisites: Operating Systems and Computer Networks DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Software agent. A. Reliable client server communication. Secure channels. The design issues and distributed operating system concepts are covered. J. Introduction to Distributed System: Goals. Hardware concepts. Communication: Layered protocols. Security: Introduction. 6. CODA files system. Remote object invocation. 10. Message-oriented communication. Code Migration. 8. Software concepts. Security management. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VIII SUBJECT: DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING Theory: 100 Marks Term work: 25 Marks Oral: 25 marks Objective: This course aims to build concepts regarding the fundamental principles of distributed systems. Singhal. Distributed COM. DCOM. Stream-oriented communication. 9. Recovery. BOOKS Text Books: 1. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus. 2. Dollimore. 3. “Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms” 2. Process resilience.B. Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week . Shivaratri. and Globe. G. and Client-Server model. M. Access control. Distributed transactions.E. Mutual exclusion. .ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. manipulating. Multimedia Input/Output Technologies: Key technologies issues. Memory systems. Integrated services. RSVP 7. and retrieving various kinds of continuous media in the text section. Integrated document management. Image and video databases: Indexing and Retrieval 5. Television. Industrial applications. defining objects for multimedia systems. Compression and Decompression: Types of compression. TIFF. Hierarchical storage management. storing. Creating hypermedia messages. Pen input. AVI. Multimedia board solutions. Audio compression. processing. Architectural and Telecommunications Considerations: Specialized computational processors. Multimedia system architecture. integrated multimedia message standards. Components of multimedia systems. Multimedia across wireless. Educational applications and authoring. Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Pre-requisites: Operating Systems. Hypermedia linking and embedding. Distributed application design issues. Videoon-demand. application workflow design issues. Still video image compression. indexing. Students learn the issues involved in capturing. Storage and Retrieval Technologies: Magnetic media technology. LAN/WAN connectivity. Full motion video 4. information access. Scheduling and policing mechanisms. Multimedia transport across ATM networks. Distributed object models 6. Object display/playback issues 9.E. Image scanners. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VIII SUBJECT: MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS Theory: 100 Marks Term work: 25 Marks Oral: 25 marks Objectives of the course: This course teaches students to collect. searching. Hyper media application design considerations.B. Virtual reality design. Hyper media message components. Multimedia Application Design: Multimedia application classes. compressing. Binary image compression schemes. Video and Image display system. Data and File Format Standards: Rich text format. Printout technology. JPEG. Evolving technologies for multimedia systems. Digital Voice and Audio. Video Conferencing. Multimedia Networking: Multimedia networking applications. Hyper Media Messaging: Mobile messaging. Video image compression. Fractal compression. Multimedia data interface standards 2. Color. Applications like Interactive. The world-wide . MPEG 3. MIDI. Types of multimedia systems. User interface design. Organizing multimedia databases. RTP. Multimedia Authoring and User Interface: Multimedia authoring systems. Cache management for storage system. Multimedia archives and digital libraries 8. and intelligently integrate multiple media on computers. Computer Networks DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Optical media. Gray scale. Streaming stored audio and video. Multimedia Systems Introduction: Multimedia application. RIFF. Content based navigation. “Multimedia Computing. Pearson Education TERM WORK 13. 2. Andheigh. R. 10. Distributed client server operations. Milovanovic. J. Rao. Open hypermedia systems. D. PHI John F. Multimedia systems design examples. References : 1. “Multimedia Communication Systems: Techniques. “Multimedia Systems Design”. and Networks” 4.web. Multi-server network topologies. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. Distributed Multimedia Systems: Components of distributed multimedia systems. Ross. Pearson Education 3. Kaufman 5. Prabhat K. K.W. M. Subrahmanian. “Multimedia Database Systems”. 2. Managing distributed objects 11. Distributed multimedia database. K. “Computer Networking”. Standards. J. Multimedia object servers. Gibson.F. Kiran Thakrar. Multimedia System Design: Methodology and considerations. D. “Multimedia Communications”. . K. Nahrstedt. “Multimedia Systems”. Books Text Books: 1.R. Koegel Buford. Pearson Education. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus. “Multimedia Communications: Directions and Innovations”. Kurose. Hardcourt India 6. Communications and Applications”. Steimnetz. Academic Press. Pearson Education. Free Halshall. Co-ordinates. Oderey. Configuration. Staughard. Direct Kinematics: Dot and cross products. J. Robert Shilling. Segmentation (Thresholding. 8. Robot Vision: Image representation. Fu. Classification. 4. Planning. chose. Application. Shrink operators. 5. Pearson Education References: 1. Rotations.E. Source and goal scenes. Wiess. McGraw Hill 3. Straight-line motion. Specification. Space. Grover. and incorporate robots in engineering systems. Homogeneous. PHI. Six axis robot). Pre-requisite: Exposure to linear algebra and matrix operations. Four axis robot. Grasp planning. Principles of NC and CNC Machines. 3. Continuous path motion. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VIII SUBJECT: ROBOTICS (ELECTIVE-II) Theory: 100 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks Oral: 25 Marks Objective: The goal of the course is to familiarize the students with the concepts and techniques in robot manipulator control. Gross motion. Uncertainty. Euler numbers. Exposure to programming in a high level language DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Nagel. Inverse Kinematics: General properties of solutions tool configuration Five axis robots. region labeling. Gonzales and Lee. (Five-axis robot. Shane analysis. Template matching. Pick and place operations.B. Task planner simulation. Camera calibration). PHI. BOOKS Text Books: 1. Moments of Inertia. enough to evaluate. Perspective transformation. Fine-motion Planning. Swell operators. McGraw Hill Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week . 2. Interpolated motion. “Introduction to Robotics”.J. “Fundamentals of Robotics-Analysis and control”. Notations. 7. Link co-ordination arm equation. Co-ordinate frames. Structured Illumination. Six axis robot (Inverse kinematics). workspace fixtures. Simulation of Planer motion. Robotic Manipulation: Automation and Robots. Craig. “Industrial Robotics”. Task Planning: Task level programming. Polyhedral objects. “Robotics and AI”. 2. 2. 6. Workspace analysis and trajectory planning work envelop and examples. “Robotics”. Three-Four axis. 4. PHI Mittal. “Robotics and Control”. . “Robotics and Mecatronics”. 5. 6. Negin. “Robot Engineering”. TMH. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. Chmielewski. Niku. TMH TERM WORK 14. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus. Pearson Education Klafter. Nagrath.3. Walfram Stdder. “Introduction to Robotics”. Extracting. Knowledge Based Vision: Knowledge representation. Models database organization. McGraw-Hill. Morphological operators. Perspective Projective geometry. Understanding line drawings. G. Line fitting. Shape numbers. region shrinking.E. Facet Model Recognition: Labeling lines. methods and concepts which will enable the student to implement computer vision systems with emphasis on applications and problem solving Pre-requisite: Introduction to Image Processing. R. Hough transform. BOOKS Text Books: 1. Global vs. 10. Orderedstructural matching. Boundary analysis: Signature properties. Hierarchical image matching. Segmentation. Grouping. Binary Machine Vision: Thresholding. Hierarchal segmentation. Image matching : Intensity matching of ID signals.B. Spatial moments. Line-Linking. Data-structures. Spatial operators for edge detection. . Recognition of shapes. General Frame Works: Distance –relational approach. “Machine Vision”. Jean Ponce. Labeling of connected components. Labeling. 14. Kasturi. Object Models And Matching: 2D representation. Edge detection. Curve fitting (Least-square fitting). Photogrammetry – from 2D to 3D. 12. Back-tracking. 11. Thinning. Area Extraction: Concepts. David A. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VIII SUBJECT: COMPUTER VISION (ELECTIVE-II) Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks Oral: 25 Marks Objective: To introduce the student to computer vision algorithms. Inverse perspective Projection. DETAILED SYLLABUS 9. 15. Gradient based operators. Ordered –Structural matching. Classification of shapes by labeling of edges. View class matching. R. Local features. Connected component labeling. Forsyth. Motion-based segmentation. Control-strategies. General Frame Works For Matching: Distance relational approach. Jain. View class matching. and B. 17. 13. Region growing. 16. Mixed spatial gray-level moments. Schunk. Split & merge. Information integration. Matching of 2D image. “Computer Vision: A Modern Approach” 2. Consisting labeling problem. Recognition Methodology: Conditioning. Models database organization. Region Analysis: Region properties. Edge. External points. Matching. Spatial clustering. Rule-based Segmentation. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus. 1993. and Machine Vision” Thomson Learning 2.References: 1. TERM WORK 15. “Computer and Robot Vision”. Robert Haralick and Linda Shapiro. Vol I. “Image Processing. II. Analysis. Roger Boyle.Vaclav Hlavac. . Milan Sonka. AddisonWesley. Memory allocation and management.. Performance of Parallel Processors: Speedup and efficiency. Amdahl’s law. Gustafson-Barsis’s law. 2. Solving linear systems. Probabilistic algorithms 6. Karf-Flatt metric. Quadrature problem. Cache allocation and management. Abstract model of parallel computer. Process model under UNIX 5. Interface. Debugging message passing parallel programs. Data Dependency Analysis: Types of dependencies loop and array dependences. Introduction: Parallel Processing Architectures: Parallelism in sequential machines. Parallel reduction. Benchmarking parallel performance 7. Other Parallelism Paradigms: Data flow computing. Memory and I/O Subsystems: Hierarchical memory structure. Message Passing Programming: Introduction. Operating system support. Systolic architectures. Loop dependence analysis. Software tools 3.B. Occam. Program transformations 4. nCUBE C. Introducing collective. A. Complexity and cost. Input output subsystems 10. Circuit satisfiability. Distributed shared memory 11. Matrix multiplication. Model. McGraw Hill . Types of operating systems.E. Array processors. Debugging Parallel Programs: Debugging techniques. Parallel Programming languages: Fortran90. as well as possible solutions Pre-requisite: Computer architecture. Parallel sorting algorithms. Solving diophantine equations. Parallel programming models. Debugging shared memory parallel programs 9. “Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing”. Programmability Issues: An overview. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VIII SUBJECT: PARALLEL PROCESSING (ELECTIVE-II) Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks Oral: 25 Marks Objective: Upon completion of this course students will be able to understand and employ the fundamental concepts and mechanisms which form the basis of the design of parallel computation models and algorithms. Algorithms for Parallel Machines: Speedup. Data structures DETAILED SYLLABUS 1. Histogram computation. Shared Memory Programming: General model of shared memory programming. Cache memories and management. Virtual memory system. recognize problems and limitations to parallel systems. C-Linda 8. Isoefficiency metric BOOKS Text Books: 1. Hawang Kai and Briggs F. Multiprocessor architecture. Functional and logic paradigms. Pipelining. 2. Jorden H. F. and Alaghaband G., “Fundamentals of Parallel Processing” 3. M.J. Quinn, “Parallel Programming”, TMH References: 1. Shasikumar M., “Introduction to Parallel Processing”, PHI 2. Wilson G.V., “Practical Parallel Programming”, PHI 3. D. E. Culler, J.P. Singh, A. Gupta, “Parallel Computer Architecture”, Morgan Kaufman TERM WORK 16. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. B.E. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VIII SUBJECT: DATA WAREHOUSING AND MINING (ELECTIVE-II) Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Theory: 100 Marks Term work: 25 Marks Oral Exam: 25 Marks Objectives of the course: The data warehousing part of module aims to give students a good overview of the ideas and techniques which are behind recent development in the data warehousing and online analytical processing (OLAP) fields, in terms of data models, query language, conceptual design methodologies, and storage techniques. Data mining part of the model aims to motivate, define and characterize data mining as process; to motivate, define and characterize data mining applications. Pre-requisites: DBMS DETAILED SYLLABUS Data Warehousing: 1. Overview And Concepts: Need for data warehousing, Basic elements of data warehousing, Trends in data warehousing. 2. Planning And Requirements: Project planning and management, Collecting the requirements. 3. Architecture And Infrastructure: Architectural components, Infrastructure and metadata. 4. Data Design And Data Representation: Principles of dimensional modeling, Dimensional modeling advanced topics, data extraction, transformation and loading, data quality. 5. Information Access And Delivery: Matching information to classes of users, OLAP in data warehouse, Data warehousing and the web. 6. Implementation And Maintenance: Physical design process, data warehouse deployment, growth and maintenance. Data Mining: 1. Introduction: Basics of data mining, related concepts, Data mining techniques. 2. Data Mining Algorithms: Classification, Clustering, Association rules. 3. Knowledge Discovery : KDD Process 4. Web Mining: Web Content Mining, Web Structure Mining, Web Usage mining. 5. Advanced Topics: Spatial mining, Temporal mining. 6. Visualisation : Data generalization and summarization-based characterization, Analytical characterization: analysis of attribute relevance, Mining class comparisons: Discriminating between different classes, Mining descriptive statistical measures in large databases 7. Data Mining Primitives, Languages, and System Architectures: Data mining primitives, Query language, Designing GUI based on a data mining query language, Architectures of data mining systems 8. Application and Trends in Data Mining: Applications, Systems products and research prototypes, Additional themes in data mining, Trends in data mining BOOKS Text Books: 1. Paulraj Ponnian, “Data Warehousing Fundamentals”, John Wiley. 2. M.H. Dunham, “Data Mining Introductory and Advanced Topics”, Pearson Education. 3. Han, Kamber, “Data Mining Concepts and Techniques”, Morgan Kaufmann References: 1. Ralph Kimball, “The Data Warehouse Lifecycle toolkit”, John Wiley. 2. M Berry and G. Linoff, “Mastering Data Mining”, John Wiley. 3. W.H. Inmon, “Building the Data Warehouses”, Wiley Dreamtech. 4. R. Kimpall, “The Data Warehouse Toolkit”, John Wiley. 5. E.G. Mallach, “Decision Support and Data Warehouse systems”, TMH. TERM WORK 17. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. Simulated Annealing: The Boltzmann machine. Properties. Pearson Education 2. “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”. Learning Factors. Fuzzy controllers. Ahmad Ibrahim. MathCad. Knowledge representation. Fuzzy measures.M. 2. Learning process: Error-correction learning.least mean square algorithms. Ross. comparison of RBF and MLP networks. Pre-requisite: Knowledge of calculus. theorem and the reparability of patterns. C. Jaico publishers 3. The extension principle. Simon Haykin. Fuzzy relations. Boltzmann learning rule. Multilayer Perceptron: Derivation of the back-propagation algorithm.. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VIII SUBJECT: NEURAL NETWORKS & FUZZY SYSTEMS (ELECTIVE-II) Theory: 100 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks Oral: 25 Marks Objective: This course covers basic concepts of artificial neural networks. Operations on fuzzy sets. Method of steepest descent .. C++ DETAILED SYLLABUS 1.Comprehensive Foundation”. BOOKS Text Books: 1. Membership functions. Hopfield networks: energy function. “Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems. and basic probability and statistics are required. Supervised learning. Operations on fuzzy relations. “Introduction to Applied Fuzzy Electronics”. Types of activation function. Bidirectional Associative Memory. algorithm formulation and ways to apply these techniques to solve real world problems. Thimothy J. Fuzzy logic: Fuzzy sets. McGraw Hill 4. Learning Rules. Network architectures. McCulloch and Pitts models of neuron. Background in the following subjects desirable: numerical analysis (including optimization). Yegnanarayana B. Introduction: Biological neurons. Java. Unsupervised learning. Its focus will be on the introduction of basic theory.E. PHI References: 1. fuzzy logic systems and their applications. K-means and LMS algorithms. “Artificial Neural Networks”. Zurada J. Fuzzification and defuzzification methods. error performance . “Neural Network a . 5. RBF learning strategies. spurious states. 6. Programming skills in one of the following would be desirable: Matlab. 4. 3.B. PHI Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week . Single Layer Perceptron: Perceptron convergence theorem. Radial Basis and Recurrent Neural Networks: RBF network structure. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. “An Introduction to Fuzzy Control”.. Berkan R.2.C. and Trubatch S. “Fuzzy Systems Design Principles”. IEEE Press TERM WORK 18. Driankov D. & Reinfrank M.. Norosa Publishing House 3. . Hellendoorn H.L... Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus. Metrics in the process and project domains. Risk projection. Evolutionary software models. Software Process and Project Metrics: Measures-Metrics-Indicators. 26. Integrating metrics within the software engineering process. System Engineering: Computer-based systems. Safety risks and hazards. 29. Requirement elicitation for . Prototyping model. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VII SUBJECT: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Theory: 100 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks Oral: 25 Marks Objectives: Apply various software Engineering principles and methodologies while dealing with the various phases of software development. Process: Software Process. 30. 22. 25. Process technology. Metrics for small organizations. 24. Quality Movement. Software project estimation. Software quality assurance. System engineering hierarchy. People. product engineering. Process. Software risks. Change control. Selecting software Engineering tasks. Defining a task network. Software scope. 27. Software measurement.E. Earned value network. Software Project Planning: Objectives. Component-based development. Formal technical reviews. Product: Evolving role of software. Fourth generation techniques. SQA plan.B. Refinement of major tasks. System modeling. Project plan. Project Management: Management spectrum. Identification of objects in the software configuration. Relationship between people and effort. Resources. W5HH principle. ISO 9000 quality standards. DETAILED SYLLABUS 20. Project Scheduling and Tracking: Basic concepts. Risk mitigationmonitoring-management. Requirements engineering. Product. Formal methods model. Analysis Concepts and Principles: Requirement Analysis. Software Characteristics. Error tracking. Automated estimation tools. Lectures: 4 Hrs per week Practical: 2 Hrs per week Pre-requisite: Programming concepts. Make/Buy decision. SCM standards. RMMM plan. Metrics for software quality. Version control. Statistical quality control. SCM process. 21. Empirical estimation models. Defining a task set for the software project. 23. 28. Establishing a software metrics program. Software reliability. Software myths. Mistake-proofing for software. Software Configuration Management: Introduction. Risk Analysis and Management: Reactive versus proactive risk strategies. Project. Linear sequential model. Business process engineering. Decomposition techniques. Risk refinement. Statistical software quality assurance. Risk identification. Software Quality Assurance: Quality concepts. Scheduling. Process Models. Software Applications. RAD model. Formal approaches to SQA. Configuration audit. Software reviews. Product and process. Status reporting. J. System testing. 33. Design model. 32. Other classical analysis methods. Design heuristics for effective modularity. A. McGraw Hill. “Software Engineering Fundamentals”. “An Integrated Approach To Software Engineering “. 8. Hudson. Data design. Design documentation. Design Concepts and Principles: Software design and software engineering. S. User interface design. Metrics for maintenance. Pearson Education. Interface design activities. Test case design. Roger Pressman. Software Testing Strategies: Strategic approach to software testing. Functional modeling and information flow. Art of debugging. BOOKS Text Books: 4. Fifth Edition. Refining architectural design. Analysis principles. Design concepts. “Software Engineering”. Ian Sommerville. Technical Metrics for Software: Software quality. Comparison of design notation. Component-Level Design: Structured programming. Testing for specialized environments. Transaction mapping. Specification. Control structure testing. Mechanics of structured analysis. 36. “Software Engineering”. framework for technical software metrics. Metrics for the design model. Behavioral modeling. Effective modular design. Metrics for source code. User Interface Design: The golden rules.software. architectures and applications. . John Wiley 6. Behferooz & F. Design evaluation. White-box testing. 34. 37. R. W. James Peter. Strategic issues. Transform mapping. Data dictionary. 35. 5. “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”. Software Testing Techniques: Software testing fundamentals. Architectural styles. L. “Software Engineering”. Analyzing alternative architectural designs. Mapping requirements into a software architecture. Metrics for the analysis model. “Software Engineering Theory and Practice”. Validation testing. Pankaj Jalote. Black-box testing. 7. Architectural Design: Software architecture. 38. Implementation tools. Oxford University Press 10. Design process. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments covering the topics of the syllabus. ORAL EXAMINATION An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus. Jawadekar. “Software Engineering An Engineering Approach”. TMH. Design principles. Pearson Education TERM WORK 19. Metrics for testing.S. Unit testing. Elements of analysis model. Mall. 31. Basis path testing. Software prototyping. Analysis Modeling: Introduction. Data modeling. Integration testing. Narosa. Task analysis and modeling. Pfleeger. References: 6. Prentice Hall of India 9. B. 3.E. Implementation code. Seminars should be conducted continuously for couple of days. Project time line. printed and hard bound report. Problem statement. 2. Students have to give demonstration and seminar on the project-B for the term work marks. Internal guide has to interact at least once in fortnight and maintain the progress and attendance report during the term. • CD containing: Project documentation. Task distribution. Term Work: 50 Marks Oral: 50 Marks . • Every student must prepare well formatted. Make sure that external project guides are BE graduates. Technologies used. Implementation details. Project design. 5. Requirement analysis. and Appendix consisting of users manual. Test cases. All the students of the class must attend all the seminars. Convener should make sure that external examiners are appointed from the list as per appropriate technical area. Required utilities. COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOURTH YEAR SEMISTER VIII SUBJECT: PROJECT-B Tutorial: 6 Hrs per week GUIDELINES 1. References. 4. Project –B should contain: • Introduction and motivation. Project-B exam be conducted by two examiners appointed by university. Software’s and Manuals. technical reference manual.
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