10 Adachi

March 25, 2018 | Author: gaddargaddar | Category: Areas Of Computer Science, Technology, Computing, Software, Computing And Information Technology



J. Adachi, T. Hartman, L. Lomas & R. Plumb Schlumberger, Houston, TX, USA I. Gil & M. Sanchez Itasca Houston, Inc., Houston, TX, USA R. Taghavi Itasca Consulting Group, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Problem statement PETREL FLAC3D & the 3DShop option Importing horizons into 3DShop Oct‐tree grid generation PETREL grid extraction PETREL Property extraction Sample calculations Workflow  Oct‐tree  meshing. Soil. Boolean operations on meshes . and  Structural Elements New in FLAC3D: Speed.ƒ ƒ ƒ Advanced Three Dimensional Continuum Modeling  for Geotechnical Analysis of Rock. Virtually Unlimited Model  Size and Geometrical Flexibility. New in 3DShop: Tetrahedral meshing.  from Simulation Works  Solid Modeling Automatic Hex Meshing .3DShop Modelling Auto-meshing Simulation ModelDesign KUBRIX® FLAC3D ƒ The 3DShop option of FLAC3D is composed of: ƒ ƒ ModelDesign from C4W KUBRIX®. FLAC3D Grids CAD data 3DEC Blocks .   faults). need workflow software tools to build  a FLAC3D model.Given a PETREL database (grid. ƒ Populate the FLAC3D model with properties  extracted from the PETREL ƒ Complement missing information by adding  them to the FLAC3D data file ƒ . horizons. . 000 m) requires a non‐ traditional meshing approach ƒ Property transfer should be conservative ƒ Workflow should be simple and robust ƒ ƒ . Range of sizes (30 to 3.Petroleum data files may be very large. In PETREL. export horizons in Zmap format Use KUBRIX to decimate & translate them  into STL files ƒ Read the resulting STL files into 3DShop ƒ ƒ . Shortest edges are sorted and collapsed until a threshold feature angle is reached Details are conserved 111.976 to 1727 triangles: a 99% reduction . . . 000 meters. ƒ Traditional grid generation approaches:  tradeoff between grid size and distortion ƒ FLAC3D is one of the only packages that  accepts dangling nodes ƒ Oct‐tree meshing is forgiving with bad  geometry ƒ .The geometry features size variations from  30 to 3. . . Unbalanced Balanced . Regions + Boundary Regions only . . . . . . . U: N ( n + 1 ) = 4 x N ( n) 1000000 100000 10000 1000 U B 100 10 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . .  it is read PETREL cell properties are weighed by volume of  intersection (rezone) and assigned to FLAC3D elements KUBRIX writes out an ASCII file the contains the properties KUBRIX writes out the local normal of all zones intersecting  surfaces (for ubiquitous joint) FLAC3D reads the property file with FISH and assigns them  to each element .ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ If a property is available. FLAC3D element Φ PETREL cell PA PB PI PC PD PE PF PG PH PΦ = PA VA + PB VB + PC VC + PD VD + PE VE + PF VF + PG VG + PH VH . . Water sandstone 3 mudstone 2 1 2 1 joint . sandstone mudstone 3 2 1 2 1 joint . . . flac3d) file Reads volume properties from the grid file and assigns them to individual FLAC3D zones Written by user & containing FISH to read Property file Property file FLAC3D FLAC3D data file Result .Translates & coarsens Zmap files into triangular patches in 3DShop zmap file of horizons PETREL grid file (contains properties) Zmap Translator 3DShop Volume Property Translator Octree grid generator Uses an Octree method to refine a coarse mesh in areas of interest Mesh (. stl to w.stl p1. density. Collect the following items 1. 2.stl ………… 2.stl) Rename x. etc…) Horizons in the zmap format (must cover the same  geographic region. ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Run: . all dimensions in feet) Kubrix –i waterbottom –it zmap –translate stl (This produces a file called x.stl Kubrix –i pleist1 –it zmap –translate stl mv x. Grid file (must contain properties: porosity.1. 1. 3. 4. u2. u1.stl. Run 3DShop 1. 2.stl Reflect the entire model with respect to the z = 0 plane Save the complete model. Create a new document Insert w. 5.stl.stl 2. p2.stl. again. as: a1.stl.stl Save the complete model as: a1. • You have created the input geometry Determine the box containing the FLAC3D mesh… The box must not extend beyond the portion of the reservoir  represented in the grid file . p1. Mode: specifies the custom Octree mesh type 2. The Hexahedral  Meshing dialog box opens… Click on Default to enter default values in all fields Enter the following string in the field marked New Keywords: -mode octree -olevel 5 -obox 1646200 9733000 5220 5800 4100 4000 -app petrel 1. Obox: specifies the position of the box: the first 3 floats  are the coordinates of the center of the box and the next 3  indicate the dimensions of the box 4.Run 3DShop… 1. app: specifies the custom application .stl Select Applications|kubrix|Hexahedral Meshing. Olevel: specifies the level of Octree mesh generation 3. Read in a1. 4. 2. 3. 3DShop reads a1. extracts the cells Extracts the properties Computes the contribution of each PETREL cell to each  FLAC3D element Outputs PetrelProperties. 3. 4. 5.stl Creates and octree mesh that fits in the box specified by  obox with olevel number of levels Parses the grid file.Click on Compute… 1. 2. 6.flac3d .dat Outputs a1. 7. dat a1.PetrelProperties.flac3d . Complement missing properties 6. Remove water 4.1. Run FLAC3D 2. Run ReadPetrelProperties. Attach face tol 1 5.fis 3. Manage model through FISH . Reading PETREL in native format • Workflow simplification • Speedup • .
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