1 Tagetik Software Functionality Description

March 29, 2018 | Author: marker27 | Category: Application Server, Business Process, Consolidation (Business), Web Application, Metadata



SCHEDULE A SOFTWARE DESCRIPTIONContents 1. 2. 3. 3.1. 3.1.1. 3.1.2. 3.1.3. 3.2. 3.2.1. 3.3. 3.3.1. 3.3.2. 3.3.3. 3.3.4. 3.4. 3.4.1. 3.5. 3.5.1. 4. 5. SOFTWARE OVERVIEW ........................................................................................... 2 TAGETIK 3.0 BUSINESS SIMPLEXITY ........................................................................ 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE FAMILY OF APPLICATION ........................................................ 3 “BUDGETING, PLANNING & CONSOLIDATION” ....................................................... 3 CONSOLIDATION ............................................................................................ 3 BUDGETING & PLANNING................................................................................. 4 CASH FLOW ................................................................................................... 5 DESCRIPTION OF THE FAMILY OF APPLICATION “PROFITABILITY MODELING”............ 6 ABC MODELLING AND PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS ................................................ 6 DESCRIPTION OF THE FAMILY OF APPLICATION “FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE” ............. 7 FINANCIAL CLOSE AND FAST CLOSE ................................................................. 7 STATEMENT REPORTING .................................................................................. 7 PROCESS CONTROL ........................................................................................ 8 IC RECONCILIATION ....................................................................................... 8 DESCRIPTION OF THE FAMILY OF APPLICATION “STRATEGY MANAGEMENT”............. 10 DASHBOARDING AND BALANCE SCORECARDING USER ...................................... 10 DESCRIPTION OF THE FAMILY OF APPLICATION “WORKING CAPITAL ANALYSIS” ...... 11 CREDIT REPORTING AND ANALYSIS USER ........................................................ 11 DESCRIPTION OF THE VERTICAL PROCESSES .......................................................... 12 TAGETIK 3.0: TECHNOLOGY................................................................................... 14 “Strategy Management”. Forecasting. All the application processes are consistently grouped into ‘families of applications’ named “Budgeting. analyze how potential sales. Consolidation. Planning & Consolidation Profitability Modeling Financial Governance Financial Governance Financial Governance Financial Governance Strategy Management Working Capital Analysis Application process name Consolidation Budgeting & Planning Cash flow ABC Modeling and profitability analysis Financial close and Fast close Statement and financial reporting process control (262 / 231) IC Reconciliation Dashboarding and Balanced Scorecard Credit Reporting and Analysis .0 is composed of different application processes . “Profitability Modeling” and “Working Capital Analysis”. Tagetik 3. Planning & Consolidation”. TAGETIK 3. The Tagetik performance management application is one software product. 2. Family of applications Budgeting. and still achieve the necessary transparency and flexibility to comply with changing regulations.0 is a unified software solution composed of applications that deliver full scalability and extensive functionality. SOFTWARE OVERVIEW Tagetik 3. Strategy Management. your organization can translate strategy into operations. Planning. utilizing one cross-platform technology. Planning & Consolidation Budgeting. With this powerful software solution. Profitability Modeling and Working Capital Analysis as a comprehensive way approach to managing business performance. production or price changes could affect your bottom line. “Financial Governance”. reduce stand-alone systems and subsequently reduce their total cost of ownership (TCO) by up to 50%. in one database with one user interface. Financial Governance. Reporting. Planning & Consolidation Budgeting. Critical financial processes are unified and built right into the application—allowing companies to leverage their existing infrastructure investments.0 BUSINESS SIMPLEXITY Tagetik 3.0 creates value by simplifying complex business processes like Budgeting.1. which are specific application configurations of the SOFTWARE within a specific APPLICATION described here below. legal entity. xml files.0 delivers the following functionality: Metadata management: set up metadata (Chart of account.0 delivers the following functionality: Extraction: The application provides tools to import data which can be selected from many different sources and be of different formats (ex. Transformation: The goal of the transformation process is to render/make the data incoming from the different sources homogenous and conformant with the business logic ( ex. and subsequent approval of data from each single legal entity or single entry.3. …) through automatic interfaces from multiple General Ledger solutions using Tagetik 3. certification. text files. etc. DB views.0 ETL built-in process and/or using data entry forms available via web with browser or Excel interface with the possibility to monitor the approvals workflow for each phase o Certification Workflow: to management the process of insertion. Tagetik 3. Loading: Finally. or update modes 3. To support the Consolidation. Basic consolidation functionality: o Data processing: automatic processing of the main consolidation adjustments (IC eliminations. equity.1. Normalization. CONSOLIDATION This process refers to the consolidation of the Statutory and Management data guaranteeing multicurrency and multilevel consolidated financial and budget/forecast data. The application provides a complete set of tools to achieve this goal with the minimum of effort. legal structure. the application allows for the extracted and transformed data to be stored in application database tables via append. grouping and data calculation) as defined by the user(s). Trasformation and Loading of any data imported in Tagetik 3.1. “BUDGETING. Tagetik 3. participations.0 To support the ETL user. net equity variation) Automatic/manual data collection & certification workflow: o Automatic / manual data collection: gather data (original gross amounts. financial investments variations. pre-consolidation adjustments.1. dividends. overwrite. DESCRIPTION OF THE FAMILY OF APPLICATION ETL User (this user does not belong to any family of applications and it can be bought separately) This user manages the Extraction. dimensions and hierarchies ) and data inside the system Legal structure: event-based management of the evolution of the legal structure (% of ownership. minority calculation and deferred taxes calculation) with monitoring of the whole process o consolidation scenarios and rules: define different scenarios and rules of consolidation for the holding and sub-holding levels starting from the same data collection process o Currency conversion: processing of currency conversions in the consolidation currency and calculation of the exchange rate difference o Automatic IC Reconciliation for: Unbalanced amount under a predefined threshold Unbalanced amount due to the exchange rate difference Possibility to insert manual causal of reconciliation Advanced Consolidation Functionality: .). Access databases. Excel worksheets. PLANNING & CONSOLIDATION” 3. IC declarations. forecast.1. legal entity. dividends.2. dimensions and hierarchies ) and data inside the system including different data managemenet scenario (budget. publish and navigate custom multidimensional reports System Reporting: standard prebuilt reporting templates o 3. IC matching workflow: define groups of accounts for IC matching with relative reconciliation accounts. o Deconsolidation.0 delivers the following functionality: Metadata management: set up metadata (Chart of account. thresholds and graphical web dashboard for matching between entities Diagnostic checks to guarantee data consistency during data entry and consolidation processes Business workflow: manage the collection process with different approval levels XBRL: Extensible Business Reporting Language for the real-time disclosure of financial data Multidimensional reporting: reporting engine to create. net equity variation) Automatic/manual data collection & Certification workflow: o Data collection: to gather financial and non financial data through data sheets available via web with browser or Excel interface with the possibility to monitor the approvals workflow for each phase o Certification workflow: to manage the process of insertion. legal structure. New Acquisitions: The automatic management of the changes in the perimeter/extent of consolidation. mergers and/or new acquisitions. financial investments variations. …) Legal structure: event-based management of the evolution of the legal structure (% of ownership. To support the Budgeting & Planning process. equity. corporate financial budget and operational business plans. Mergers. BUDGETING & PLANNING The Budgeting and planning refers to the process of P&L Budgeting construction and data modeling of the aggregated. and subsequent approval of data from each single legal entity or single entry.Minority Calculation: The automatic processing of the equity of minority parties. participations. Basic consolidation functionality: o Data processing: automatic processing of the main consolidation adjustments (IC eliminations. This includes the statutory financial statements of the subsidiaries as well the consolidation adjustments. certification. 3-year plan. minority calculation and deferred taxes calculation) with monitoring of the whole process o consolidation scenarios and rules: define different scenarios and rules of consolidation for the holding and sub-holding levels starting from the same data collection process o Currency conversion: processing of currency conversions in the consolidation currency and calculation of the exchange rate difference o Automatic IC Reconciliation for: Unbalanced amount under a predefined threshold Unbalanced amount due to the exchange rate difference Possibility to insert manual causal of reconciliation MDX: sophisticated and advanced based scripting rules Decentralized web IC matching workflow: intercompany gathering and reconciliation during the budgeting process Diagnostic checks to guarantee data consistency during data entry and consolidation processes Business workflow: to manage the collection process with different approval levels . o Equity Evaluation: The automatic calculation of the value of the shares of the companies consolidated with the equity method. Tagetik 3. forecast.3. Tagetik 3. tickler. and subsequent approval of data from each single legal entity or single entry Basic consolidation functionality: o Data processing: automatic processing of the main consolidation adjustments (IC eliminations. net equity variation) Automatic/manual data collection & Certification workflow: o Data collection: to gather financial and non financial data through data sheets available via web with browser or Excel interface with the possibility to monitor the approvals workflow for each phase o Certification workflow: to manage the process of insertion. minority calculation and deferred taxes calculation) with monitoring of the whole process o consolidation scenarios and rules: define different scenarios and rules of consolidation for the holding and sub-holding levels starting from the same data collection process o Currency conversion: processing of currency conversions in the consolidation currency and calculation of the exchange rate difference o Automatic IC Reconciliation for: Unbalanced amount under a predefined threshold Unbalanced amount due to the exchange rate difference Possibility to insert manual causal of reconciliation Cash flow modelling: Automatic creation of Cash Flow & Balance Sheet statement perfectly matched with the P&L through the use of financial rules such as credit terms (DSO/DPO). dividends. To support Cash Flow. VAT. legal structure. financial investments variations. cash–pooling flows and devaluation of Financial Investments Multidimensional reporting: reporting engine to create. participations. o Break back: The application allows the distribution of data over many elements pertaining to a node with the possibility of defining different weights to be applied to the different elements. publish and navigate custom multidimensional reports System Reporting: standard prebuilt reporting templates 3. legal entity. o Stored Procedures: SQL instructions which allow the definition of an adhoc algorithm.Allocations: efficient processing of budget allocation entries Budgeting Functionality: o Spreading: The application allows the distribution of data over different time periods.1. equity.0 delivers the following functionality: Metadata management: set up metadata (Chart of account. CASH FLOW Cash Flow refers to the processes related to the elaboration of centralized Cash Flow and Balance Sheet planning. Multidimensional reporting: reporting engine to create. dimensions and hierarchies ) and data inside the system including different data management scenario (budget. publish and navigate custom multidimensional reports System Reporting: standard prebuilt reporting templates . certification. … Manage intercompany/inter business. 3-year plan. …) Legal structure: event-based management of the evolution of the legal structure (% of ownership. and subsequent approval of data from each single legal entity or single entry Allocations: powerful allocation models that allocate costs and revenues to the subjects of control (resources and activities) and indirect costs the final subjects of analysis (customer. publish and navigate custom multidimensional reports System Reporting: standard prebuilt reporting templates . DESCRIPTION OF THE FAMILY OF APPLICATION “PROFITABILITY MODELING” 3.. certification. legal entity. product. Financial Reporting functionality are included in this process To support the ABC Modeling user Tagetik 3.0 delivers the following functionality: Metadata management: set up metadata (Chart of account.2. head count. Allocation can be performed using different drivers (cost drivers based on financial and operational (quantity.. channel.). with waterfall cost allocation cycles.1. dimensions and hierarchies ) and data inside the system Automatic/manual data collection & Certification workflow: o Data collection: to gather financial and non financial data through data sheets available via web with browser or Excel interface with the possibility to monitor the approvals workflow for each phase o Certification workflow: to manage the process of insertion.2. legal structure.3.. …) criteria) Multidimensional reporting: reporting engine to create. ABC MODELLING AND PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS This process analyses which products. customers and services drive profitability. 3. Collaborative.3. It’s the process for the management of “The last mile of Finance” ANALYZE RESULTS FROM ERP AND CONSOLIDATION SYSTEMS PERFORM FINAL ADJUSTMENT DISCLOSE REPORT INFORMATION GENERATE FINANCIAL REPORTS (10Q/10K) To support the Financial close and Fast close user. DESCRIPTION OF THE FAMILY OF APPLICATION “FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE” 3.1. STATEMENT REPORTING Statement Reporting process refers to the automatic creation of the external financial documents (i. legal structure. organize.e: 10Q-10K). certification. dimensions and hierarchies including control groups between main accounts and the related details/variations to be displayed in reports ) and data inside the system XBRL: Extensible Business Reporting Language for the real-time disclosure of financial data Multidimensional reporting: reporting engine to create. document. Allocations: efficient processing of budget allocation entries Multidimensional reporting: reporting engine to create. To support the Statement Reporting. legal entity.0 delivers the following functionality: Metadata management: set up metadata (Chart of account. publish and navigate custom multidimensional reports System Reporting: standard prebuilt reporting templates 3. as a standard output. and automate financial control processes . dimensions and hierarchies including control groups between main accounts and the related details/variations to be displayed in reports ) and data inside the system Automatic/manual data collection & Certification workflow: o Data collection: to gather financial and non financial data through data sheets available via web with browser or Excel interface with the possibility to monitor the approvals workflow for each phase o Certification workflow: to manage the process of insertion.3. legal entity. Tagetik 3. Tagetik 3. This user includes the XBRL functionality.0 delivers the following functionality: Metadata management: set up metadata (Chart of account. publish and navigate custom multidimensional reports System Reporting: standard prebuilt reporting templates . legal structure. FINANCIAL CLOSE AND FAST CLOSE Financial Close and Fast Close refers to manage the monthly closing and to publish accurate timely financial statements with ease.2. controlled and auditable environment to gather. and subsequent approval of data from each single legal entity or single entry Diagnostic checks to guarantee data consistency during data entry processes Business workflow: to manage the collection process with different approval levels Closing: the mechanism of Closing with re-allocation of the data over different destinations for data analysis.3. 3. Management of Reconciliation process at both the corporate and the company level Automatic Reconciliation for: Unbalanced amount under a predefined threshold . organize.e. document. thus. PROCESS CONTROL This user refers to collaborative. IC RECONCILIATION This user refers to the profile who is dedicated to manage the IC reconciliation. optimize their existing processes. thus. and subsequent approval of data from each single legal entity or single entry o Process workflow: list of activities that the user has to accomplish in the order represented. Tagetik 3. and improved efficiencies. companies can constantly improve business process control management. enforces financial controls and supports companies in meeting new and existing governance requirements including SOX & SOX-like regulations (i. As a result. certification. Tagetik 3.0 delivers: Risk/Control Matrix: identify all compliance-relevant information on processes. unified solution with reduced costs. dimensions and hierarchies including control groups between main accounts and the related details/variations to be displayed in reports ) and data inside the system Automatic/manual data collection & Certification workflow: o Data collection: to gather financial and non financial data through data sheets available via web with browser or Excel interface with the possibility to monitor the approvals workflow for each phase o Certification workflow: to manage the process of insertion.0. the IC Reconciliation user are dedicated to specifically elaborate the intercompany matching and reconciliations at transactional levels to ensure adequate details on the individual transactions.0 supports a in a single. controls & risks Monitoring: analyze and test the relevant processes/procedures within the company and document how effective current controls are Reporting: certify the accuracy of all financial communications through 100% transparent data and conclude the adequacy of internal controls over financial reporting 262/231 law Tagetik 3. Italy’s Laws 262/2005). streamlining the consolidation process and considerably improving the overall quality of information. To support the Process Control user. risks. legal entity.4. The IC reconciliation user functionality are also included in the Consolidation users Tagetik 3. legal structure. help companies automate and better manage the reconciliation process by supporting data analysis and balancing.0 delivers the following functionality: Metadata management: set up metadata (Chart of account. to be able to submit the legal entity System Reporting: standard prebuilt reporting templates 3.3. controlled and auditable environment to gather. companies. For the process control user.3.0. and automate financial control processes Tagetik 3.3. and make compliance highly efficient and transparent. legal structure. dimensions and hierarchies including control groups between main accounts and the related details/variations to be displayed in reports ) and data inside the system Automatic/manual data collection & Certification workflow: o Data collection: to gather financial and non financial data through data sheets available via web with browser or Excel interface with the possibility to monitor the approvals workflow for each phase o Certification workflow: to manage the process of insertion. Tagetik 3. and subsequent approval of data from each single legal entity or single entry o Process workflow: list of activities that the user has to accomplish in the order represented. to be able to submit the legal entity Decentralized web IC matching workflow: define groups of accounts for IC matching with relative reconciliation accounts. legal entity.0 delivers the following functionality: Metadata management: set up metadata (Chart of account. certification.Unbalanced amount due to the exchange rate difference Possibility to insert manual causal of reconciliation Management of the causal of Reconciliation to coherently highlight the origin of the unbalancing Visualization of the advanced state of the process of IC Reconciliation through a cockpit Data Certification: the peripheral users are responsible to declare the closing of the Intercompany gathering through a ‘certification’ command that automatically blocks the modifications of the data and “assigns” the final data to the consolidator To support the IC Reconciliation user. thresholds and graphical web dashboard for matching between entities Diagnostic checks to guarantee data consistency during data entry and consolidation processes System Reporting: standard prebuilt reporting templates . 4. track and analyze performance in real time through a user friendly dashboard improving management insight. legal entity.1. user friendly and customizable by the users o Monitoring: monitor and track at every level the execution of the strategy of the organization with the help of intuitive displays metrics and indicators o Scorecarding Strategy definition: definition of strategic objectives and their key performance indicators (KPIs) o Methodology: supports most well know methodologies such as Balanced Scorecard. DESCRIPTION OF THE FAMILY OF APPLICATION “STRATEGY MANAGEMENT” 3. Six Sigma.3. measure progress with a linkage between cause and effect and monitor. legal structure. dimensions and hierarchies including control groups between main accounts and the related details/variations to be displayed in reports ) and data inside the system Dashboard & Scorecarding: o Dashboarding: define dynamic dashboards.0 delivers the following Metadata management: set up metadata (Chart of account.4. To support the functionality: Dashboard & Scorecards user. Tagetik 3. System Reporting: standard prebuilt reporting templates . DASHBOARDING AND BALANCE SCORECARDING USER This user refers to the dashboarding and Scorecarding Method to translate strategy with operational objectives that drive both behaviour and performance. etc. 0 delivers: Metadata management: set up metadata (Chart of account. company and enterprise levels To support the Credit Reporting & Analysis user. publish and navigate custom multidimensional reports System Reporting: standard prebuilt reporting templates . legal structure. legal entity.5. DESCRIPTION OF THE FAMILY OF APPLICATION “WORKING CAPITAL ANALYSIS” 3. dimensions and hierarchies including control groups between main accounts and the related details/variations to be displayed in reports ) and data inside the system Pre-packaged templates: pre-package set up of the application Multidimensional reporting: reporting engine to create. Tagetik 3.1. CREDIT REPORTING AND ANALYSIS USER This user is for credit managers who can assess and report their collection performance on customer.3.5. …) Legal structure: event-based management of the evolution of the legal structure (% of ownership. legal structure.. channel. thresholds and graphical web dashboard for matching between entities Multidimensional reporting: reporting engine to create. product. net equity variation) Automatic/manual data collection & Certification workflow: o Data collection: to gather financial and non financial data through data sheets available via web with browser or Excel interface with the possibility to monitor the approvals workflow for each phase o Certification workflow: to manage the process of insertion.0 vertical users are defined as follows: Regulatory Reporting: this user is referred to the mandatory reporting requested by telco/energy authority. 3-year plan. This type of user is specific for the Construction industry. certification. …) criteria) IC matching workflow: define groups of accounts for IC matching with relative reconciliation accounts. publish and navigate custom multidimensional reports System Reporting: standard prebuilt reporting templates Budget and cash flow by project (users belong to the family Budgeting and Consolidation): this user allows the elaboration of planning and monitoring of how individual projects affect their cash flow and bottom-line profitability in real time. dividends. dimensions and hierarchies ) and data inside the system including different data management scenario (budget. legal entity. Please find below the functionality included in this type of user: Metadata management: set up metadata (Chart of account. forecast. and subsequent approval of data from each single legal entity or single entry Basic consolidation functionality: o Data processing: automatic processing of the main consolidation adjustments (IC eliminations. with waterfall cost allocation cycles. dimensions and hierarchies ) and data inside the system including different data management scenario (budget. financial investments variations. equity. minority calculation and deferred taxes calculation) with monitoring of the whole process o consolidation scenarios and rules: define different scenarios and rules of consolidation for the holding and sub-holding levels starting from the same data collection process o Currency conversion: processing of currency conversions in the consolidation currency and calculation of the exchange rate difference o Automatic IC Reconciliation for: . legal structure.). certification. forecast. and subsequent approval of data from each single legal entity or single entry Business workflow: to manage the collection process with different approval levels Allocations: powerful allocation models that allocate costs and revenues to the subjects of control (resources and activities) and indirect costs the final subjects of analysis (customer. Allocation can be performed using different drivers (cost drivers based on financial and operational (quantity.4. legal entity. …) Automatic/manual data collection & Certification workflow: o Data collection: to gather financial and non financial data through data sheets available via web with browser or Excel interface with the possibility to monitor the approvals workflow for each phase o Certification workflow: to manage the process of insertion.. DESCRIPTION OF THE VERTICAL PROCESSES Tagetik 3. Please find below the functionality included in the “Budget and cash flow by project” admin user: Metadata management: set up metadata (Chart of account. 3-year plan.. head count. participations. 3-year plan. certification. tickler. forecast. … Manage intercompany/inter business. legal structure. publish and navigate custom multidimensional reports System Reporting: standard prebuilt reporting templates ICT Budgeting. and subsequent approval of data from each single legal entity or single entry MDX: sophisticated and advanced based scripting rules Pre-packaged templates: pre-package set up of the application Multidimensional reporting: reporting engine to create. dimensions and hierarchies ) and data inside the system including different data management scenario (budget. financial investments variations.Unbalanced amount under a predefined threshold Unbalanced amount due to the exchange rate difference Possibility to insert manual causal of reconciliation Cash Flow by project functionality: to plan and monitor how individual projects affect cash flow and bottom-line profitability in real time Cash flow modelling: Automatic creation of Cash Flow & Balance Sheet statement perfectly matched with the P&L through the use of financial rules such as credit terms (DSO/DPO). …) Legal structure: event-based management of the evolution of the legal structure (% of ownership. cash–pooling flows and devaluation of Financial Investments Multidimensional reporting: reporting engine to create. Consolidation and Reporting User (user belongs to the family of Budgeting and Consolidation): this user allows the elaboration of the operating budget of the Information and Communications Technology sector. Please find below the functionality included in this type of user: Metadata management: set up metadata (Chart of account. VAT. net equity variation) Automatic/manual data collection & Certification workflow: o Data collection: to gather financial and non financial data through data sheets available via web with browser or Excel interface with the possibility to monitor the approvals workflow for each phase o Certification workflow: to manage the process of insertion. legal entity. publish and navigate custom multidimensional reports System Reporting: standard prebuilt reporting templates . Tagetik 3. database and user interface. in one database.0 is implemented as an application deployed within a J2EE 1. for instance) and/or Microsoft Excel. in one cross-platform technology. . Tagetik 3. with one user interface.1 • Oracle Application Server 10g r1 or r2 • Sun Application Server 8.2 GA • IBM Web Sphere 6.0 provides a scalable technological environment that is easy to install. consolidation etc. . .0: Tagetik 3.5. Tagetik 3. Compatibility has been proven with the following Application Servers: • JBoss 4.1 and 10 .0 is a scalable CPM solution that unifies application processes in one software product.2.3 compliant Application Server. administration.0’s web-based platform has a “zero footprint” interface on the client. Thus Tagetik 3.0 is therefore a cross-platform product supporting the leading relational databases. integrating data originating from any ERP.1 • BEA Web Logic 8.0 Technology features: . Users can access it using any browser (such as Internet Explorer.Application Server: Tagetik 3.0: TECHNOLOGY Tagetik 3.0 is a web-based application developed in Java (J2EE compliant). TAGETIK 3.Single unified application.GUI and Web: Rich client application and standard GUI on all browsers Advanced functionalities (Adobe Flash Player) Powerful reporting on Excel (still web based via standard SOAP Web Services) Powerful reporting to Adobe PDF All activities use web browser: data collection. Architecture The following diagram shows the various components of Tagetik 3. datawarehouse or general reporting system.Cross-platform technology. manage and maintain and which is capable of increasing data reliability and quality by generating a unified version of reality. Its open architecture adds value to investments made in existing infrastructure. If not explicitly indicated. testing has been implemented on both Microsoft and Unix-Like operating systems. .Database Server: Tagetik 3.0 stores data by using the following relational databases: • Oracle 9i or 10g • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP2 . The compatibility with other Applications Server and/or with particular configurations different than the above listed should be verified.
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