
March 18, 2018 | Author: akreminho | Category: Sedimentary Rock, Stratigraphy, Clastic Rock, Littoral Zone, Sedimentology



Cretaceous Research 37 (2012) 300e318Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Cretaceous Research journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/CretRes Review paper Depositional framework and sequence stratigraphy of the CenomanianeTuronian rocks on the western side of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt Shaban Ghanem Saber Geology Department, Beni Suef University, Beni Suef, Egypt a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 8 January 2011 Accepted in revised form 7 March 2012 Available online 18 April 2012 Three stratigraphic sections (Wadi El Dakhl, Abu Darag and Gabal Ataqa) of mixed siliciclastic/carbonate rocks mark the CenomanianeTuronian sequence exposed on the western side of the Gulf of Suez. This sequence is differentiated into two rock-units: the Galala Formation of Cenomanian age, and the Turonian Wata/Maghara El Hadida Formation. They comprise various sedimentary facies belts that reflect minor fluctuations of sea-level from mudflat to deep subtidal setting. Four facies belts are recognized in this succession. They are peritidal clastic (mudflat, mixed flat and sandflat facies), peritidal carbonate, shallow subtidal (high energy shallow subtidal; low energy, shallow subtidal; and storm-influenced, shallow subtidal, open marine facies) and deep subtidal. Five sequence boundaries marking relative sea-level falls divide the CenomanianeTuronian succession into four depositional sequences. These boundaries are: Lower Cretaceous/Cenomanian (SB1), Middle Cenomanian (SB2), Middle Turonian (SB3), Late Turonian (SB4) and Turonian/Coniacian (SB5). These delineate four well-defined third-order depositional sequences. They enclose shallowing-upward (prograding) parasequences and record the fourth order relative sea-level fluctuations. Each depositional sequence shows lowstand (LST), transgressive (TST) and highstand (HST) systems tracts and packages of facies. These sequences are compared with those of neighbouring areas to differentiate local, regional and global factors that controlled sedimentation within the study area. Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: CenomanianeTuronian Sedimentary facies Sequence stratigraphy Western side of the Gulf of Suez Egypt 1. Introduction This paper is focused on lithostratigraphy, depositional facies and sequence stratigraphy of the CenomanianeTuronian succession that is exposed on the western side of the Gulf of Suez. A number of publications have described litho- and biostratigraphy of these rocks (e.g., Abdallah and El Adindani, 1963; Awad and Abdallah, 1966; Ismail and Seleim, 1968; El Akkad and Abdallah, 1971; Abu Khadrah et al., 1987; Metwally et al., 1995; Abd El-Azeam et al., 1996; Abd El-Azzem and Metwally, 1998; Abd-Elshafy et al., 2002a, b; Abdel-Gawad et al., 2006, 2007; Mekawy, 2007; El Qot, 2008; Abd-ElShafy and Abd El-Azem, 2010; Nagm et al., 2010; El-Sabbagh et al., 2011). A few localized studies of depositional facies and the sequence stratigraphy of the CenomanianeTuronian strata have also been carried out previously (e.g., Kuss, 1989; Kuss and Bachmann, 1996). E-mail address: [email protected]. 0195-6671/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2012.03.008 Late Cretaceous platform sedimentation on the western side of the Gulf of Suez and adjacent areas was significantly affected by the Syrian Arc fold belts that extended from northern Egypt to Syria passing through Negev. The initial phase of tectonic activity took place during the Late Cenomanian (Kuss et al., 2000), but the main phase of compressive activity is considered to have occurred during the Santonian (e.g., Bosworth et al., 1999). 2. Material and methods Three complete sections were selected at the best exposed and well-developed CenomanianeTuronian succession of strata on the western side of the Gulf of Suez (Fig. 1). The first section at Wadi El Dakhl is located at Lat. 28 420 N and Long. 32 250 E, the second is at Abu Darag (Lat. 29 190 N and Long. 32 290 E) and the third is in the Gabal Ataqa area (Lat. 29 440 N and 32 270 E). They were measured, sampled and described bed by bed in the field for lithological changes and their sedimentary structures. Macrofossils were collected from the well-defined fossiliferous beds. Some of these are identified through the text and used for correlation and Choffaticeras segne (Solger). These assemblages indicate a Cenomanian age. The middle part of the formation consists of an intercalation of sandstone and yellow to grey mudstone. The Galala Formation is highly fossiliferous with many bivalves. marl. Gyrostrea delettrei (Coquand). gypsiferous mudstone intercalated with grey limestone and marl. 2e5). Location map. Galala Formation Fig. limestone and marl and the upper Mellaha Sand Member is composed mainly of sandstone and shale. The thickness and carbonate content of this rock unit increase from south to north (Fig. Wata formation The Wata Formation was named by Ghorab (1961) at Wadi Wata in west-central Sinai. e. 2 and 3). but at Gabal Ataqa the base of the formation is not exposed. 2e4). echinoids and gastropods. and transgressive surfaces (ts) are indicated by condensation with glauconite. 6B). bioturbated marl with ammonites. At Gabal Ataqa. The . 6D) at Wadi El Dakhl and Abu Darag. The upper part of the formation at Wadi El Dakhl is composed mainly of greenish grey to yellowish grey. (1987) and Dunham (1962) with modifications of Embry and Klovan (1972) respectively. 1971). and is topped by a hard black crust on sandstone (Fig. In addition there are internal casts of gastropods. The Galala Formation is correlated with Raha Formation on the eastern side of the Gulf of Suez (Ghorab.S. oyster banks (Fig. Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum (Lamarck) and Costagyra olisiponensis (Sharpe). The lower part of the Wata Formation consists mainly of marl and limestone with the important ammonite.1. thick-bedded dolostone ledges intercalated with yellow. 3. At Gabal Ataqa. (1988). 6E) and Neolobites vibrayeanus (d’Orbigny). It conformably overlies the Galala Formation. 3. The lower Abu Had Member consists of sandstone.g. The hard rock samples were thin sectioned for microfacies studies. In the sections studied it overlies disconformably the continental sediments of the Lower Cretaceous Malha Formation in the Wadi El Dakhl and Abu Darag areas (Fig.2. the succession changes to mainly limestone and chalky limestone with rare beds of marl and shale. The sandstone and limestone microfacies were described following the classification of Pettijohn et al. 1. which indicates an Early Turonian age. it consists mainly of greyish white. Lithostratigraphy The CenomanianeTuronian sequence in the sections investigated is divided into the Galala Formation of Cenomanian age and the Turonian Wata/Maghara El Hadida Formation (Figs. while in Abu Darag it is 104 m and the exposed thickness at Gabal Ataqa is about 125 m (Figs. The term Galala Formation was introduced by Abdallah and El Adindani (1963) for the intercalated marl and limestone rocks of Northern Galala. To the north. At Abu Darag it is composed of grey limestone that is highly fossiliferous with rudists. The sections were correlated with the CenomanianeTuronian sequences of the neighbouring areas. mudstone.. as well as local bounding surfaces using the sequence stratigraphic concepts of Mitchum (1977) and Van Wagoner et al.. Ammonite species in the formation include Acanthoceras sp. Several rudist horizons were recorded from the Abu Darag section. phosphate and iron impregnations. which consists mainly of chalky limestone and dolostone with rare terrigenous (mudstone and sandstone) intercalations near its base. with rudists. The discontinuity surfaces that were recorded during the field work (palaeosols. 6A). ferruginous hard crusts) combined with the major vertical facies changes and diagenetic features provided the criteria for recognizinge the sequence boundaries. Attention was paid to the recognition of major. fossiliferous marl with rudists. at Gabal Shabrawet. marl and mudstone intercalations and horizons with the fossils Ceratostreon flabellatum (Goldfuss). At Wadi El Dakhl it is about 66 m. Condensation with highly bioturbated marl often corresponds to maximum flooding surfaces (mfs) in the study area. 5). Hemiaster cubicus Desor and Praealveolina sp. regionally extensive. and glauconite beds (Fig. interpretation of depositional environment. In northern Sinai the formation is correlated with Halal Formation (Said. the lower part of the formation is composed mainly of dolostone with limestone. Vascoceras cauvini Chadeau (Fig. The lower part of the Galala Formation consists mainly of glauconitic sandstone intercalated with glauconitic gypsiferous mudstone. gastropods and bivalves. In this paper it is described from the Wadi El Dakhl and Abu Darag areas where it is about 54 and 60 m thick respectively (Figs. limestone and thin dolostone ledges.G. Ceratostreon flabellatum (Goldfuss). Saber / Cretaceous Research 37 (2012) 300e318 301 3. These units are summarized in Table 1 and briefly discussed below. 1961) and is divided into two formal members. Ilmatogyra africana (Lamarck). oyster banks and interbeds of yellow. It is about 160 m thick and was referred to the Galala Formation by Al-Ahwani (1982) and the Halal Formation by El-Azabi (1999). 6C). It was referred to as the ammonite bed by Abdallah and El Adindani (1963) in the Galala Plateau. 3. Maghara El Hadida Formation This name of this formation is derived from Wadi El Maghara El Hadida in the southeastern corner of Gabal Ataqa (El Akkad and Abdallah. (2007) identified this formation (EarlyeMiddle Turonian) and the Wata Formation (Late MiddleeLate Turonian) in Southern Galala. This facies is correlated with the Middle Turonian regressive facies of Abdel-Gawad (1999) in the Gabal Nezzazat area in west-central Sinai and the Buttum Formation (Issawi et al. showing the palaeoenvironmental interpretation and depositional sequence. (2006) referred the MiddleeUpper Turonian sedimentary rocks at Abu Darag lighthouse to this formation. 1961) rather than sandstone facies of Umm Omeiyed Formation.302 S.3. The Umm Omeiyid Formation was first reported by Klitzsch and List (1980) to describe a brown to yellowish brown. 3e5. The Wata Formation is applied herein to the Turonian succession where it is equivalent to this formation in west-central Sinai (Ghorab. (2002a).G. 1971). cross-bedded Mesozoic sandstone unit exposed at Wadi Umm Omeiyid in central Wadi Qena. sandstones are yellowish to black in colour. 2. This part is fossiliferous. glauconitic with plant remains and iron concretions. It was redefined by Klitzsch et al. Saber / Cretaceous Research 37 (2012) 300e318 Fig. (1989) at its type area as brown to yellowish brown. (1986) and Hermina et al. Eastern Desert. The upper part of the Wata Formation consists of grey limestone intercalated with grey marl and rare mudstone and dolostone. cross-bedded (Fig. 6F) and locally with ripple marks (Fig. 7A) or massive. and in the northern and central part of the Gulf of Suez area by Abd ElShafy et al.. bioturbated. (1987). cross-bedded continental sandstone of Turonian age intercalated with ammonite-rich inner shelf sediments. ferruginous. 7B) at Wadi El Dakhl indicating a Late Turonian age. In this paper the formation is described from Gabal Ataqa and is correlated with the Turonian Wata Formation at Wadi El Dakhl and Abu Darag where it is composed mainly of dolostone with marl intercalations (Fig. at Abu Darag by Abd El-Azeam and Metwally (1998). with Coilopoceras requienianum (d’Orbigny) (Fig. Kassab and Zakhera (1999) and Abdel-Gawad et al. 4). 1999) in eastern Sinai. Abdel-Gawad et al. but the latter was applied to the Turonian sediments in Southern Galala by Abu Khadrah et al. Stratigraphic section of the CenomanianeTuronian succession at Wadi El Dakhl. The lower part of the formation is . The Maghara El Hadida Formation conformably overlies the Galala Formation and the exposed section is about 80 m thick. The accompanying legend also applies to Figs. .Fig. Stratigraphic section of the CenomanianeTuronian succession at Abu Darag. 3. showing the palaeoenvironmental interpretation and depositional sequence. showing the palaeoenvironmental interpretation and depositional sequence. Stratigraphic section of the CenomanianeTuronian succession at Gabal Ataqa. 4. .Fig. South to north correlation chart of Wadi El Dakhl.G.. 5. 1961) North Sinai. datum line ties in the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary. 1987) Wadi El Dakhl (present study) Abu Darag (preset study) Gabal Ataqa (El Akkad and Abdallah.S. 1980) Matulla Themed Hawashiya Wata Abu Qada Raha Malha Wata Halal Risan Aneiza (Abu Khadra et al. Table 1 Correlation chart of selected Cenomanian and Turonian formations in Sinai and North-Eastern Desert. 1996) Wadi Qena (Klitzsch and List. The four sequences described and their boundaries and systems tracts are shown. 1971 and present study) Gabal Shabrawet (Al-Ahwani.. 1982) Um Omeiyid Galala Wata Galala Wata Galala Wata Galala Maghara El Hadida Galala Maghara El Hadida Galala Wadi Qena Malha Malha Malha Malha Risan Aneiza . Saber / Cretaceous Research 37 (2012) 300e318 305 Fig. Abu Darag and Gabal Ataqa sections. Gabal Halal (Abdallah et al. Age Coniaciane Santonian Turonian Cenomanian Lower Cretaceous Sinai North-Eastern Desert West Central Sinai (Ghorab.. glauconite bed (G) near the base of the Galala Formation. black hard crust (palaeosol) at the top of the lower part of the Galala Formation. F. Saber / Cretaceous Research 37 (2012) 300e318 Fig.306 S.G. contact between the Lower Cretaceous Malha Formation and Cenomanian Galala Formation (palaeosol) representing the Lower Cretaceous/Cenomanian sequence boundary SB1. B. Abu Darag. Vascoceras cauvini. 6. . top of the Galala Formation. Wadi El Dakhl. Wata Formation. Abu Darag. E. Abu Darag. A. C. Abu Darag. cross-bedded sandstone. Wadi El Dakhl. representing the Middle Cenomanian sequence boundary SB2. D. Oyster bank near the base of the Galala Formation. gastropods and echinoids). 2007) and El Qot (2008) from the area under investigation (Table 2). The middle and upper part of this rock unit consists of bedded. with gypsum cement. CN. ripple marks and mud drapes (arrows). B. 1982). Wata Formation.G. C. grey dolostone. gypsiferous. grey. (2006. Galala Formation. bivalves. D. Wata Formation. dolomitic limestone intercalated with white massive sandstone and grey mudstone. Saber / Cretaceous Research 37 (2012) 300e318 307 Fig. These zones are correlated with the ammonite biozones of Abdel-Gawad et al. 7. white marl containing numerous specimens of Choffaticeras segne (Solger) and Hemiaster herberti turonensis Fourtau. Wadi El Dakhl. Local ranges of ammonites. 4.. quartz arenite. It is overlain by hard. A. Coilopoceras requienianum. 1971) and Gabal Shabrawet (Al-Ahwani. Acanthoceras amphibolum Acanthoceras amphibolum .. Biostratigraphy In this paper ammonite biozones were used to date the CenomanianeTuronian deposits in addition to other associated faunal assemblages (bivalves. 1996) North Eastern Desert (Hewaidy et al. six gastropod and ten echinoid species were identified and incorporated in five biozones based on the most indicative ammonite species. 2007) Present study Coilopoceras requienianum Coilopoceras requienianum Choffaticeras segne Choffaticeras segne Choffaticeras segne Neolobites vibrayeanus Vascoceras cauvini Vascoceras cauvini Neolobites vibrayeanus Acanthoceras sp. Galala Formation. The formation is unconformably overlain by the CampanianeMaastrichtian Adabiya Formation at Gabal Ataqa (El Akkad and Abdallah. phosphatic grain in quartz arenite. Scale bars represent 200 mm. Age Turonian Cenomanian North Eastern Desert (Kassab. intercalated with yellow marl and varicoloured gypsiferous mudstones with plant remains. Abu Darag. This unit is equivalent to the Turonian Maghara El Hadida Formation in the Gabal Shabrawet area (Al-Ahwani. eight bivalve..S. gastropods and echinoids are shown in Figs. They are summarized as follows: Table 2 Correlation of the CenomanianeTuronian ammonite biozones in the northern Eastern Desert. 2006) Wadi El Dakhl (Abdel-Gawad et al. a bioturbated. 1982). Twelve ammonite. fractured. Abu Darag. 2003) Late Middle Early Coilopoceras requienianum Coilopoceras requienianum Hoplitoides ingens Choffaticeras luciae Choffaticeras segne Vascoceras proprium Late Vascoceras cauvini Metoicoceras geslinianum Neolobites vibrayeanus Middle Choffaticeras segne Pseudaspidoceeras flexuosum Neolobites vibrayeanus Abu Darag (Abdel-Gawad et al. Wadi El Dakhl. PL. fine to coarse quartz grains. 2e4. Kamerunoceras sp.. (2006. 3). peritidal carbonate. Abu Darag and Gabal Ataqa areas. 2004) and the standard Neocardioceras juddii Zone in New Mexico (Cobban et al. . the Middle East and South America) just below the Metoicoceras geslinianum Zone (Kennedy and Juignet. Coilopoceras requienianum (d’Orbigny) is considered to indicate a Late Turonian in age by many authors (e. 2002. 1989). Ceratostreon flabellatum (Goldfuss). El Qot. 2007) and El Qot (2008) from the study area. The associated fauna comprises Pseudaspidoceras pseudonodosoides (Choffat) and Costagyra olisiponensis (Sharpe) (Fig. Fig. shallow subtidal and deep subtidal facies (Fig. At Gabal Ataqa this zone correlated with the topmost part of the Galala Formation containing the fossils Praeradiolites biskraensis (Coquand) and Costagyra olisiponensis (Sharpe) (Fig. 2). Choffaticeras segne Total Range Zone: This zone encompasses the lowermost marl bed of the Wata Formation in the Wadi El Dakhl. 8. Galal et al. Luger and Gröschke. Neolobites vibrayeanus Total Range Zone: This zone encompasses the upper part of the Galala Formation in the Abu Darag area. Sedimentary facies Four facies belts are differentiated in the Cenomaniane Turonian sequence exposed on the western side of the Gulf of Suez. Praeradiolites biskraensis (Coquand). The main associated fauna consists of Ceratostreon flabellatum (Goldfuss). It is correlated with the Thomasites rollandi Zone of Chancellor et al. Lewy. 4).. At Gabal Ataqa the zone is correlated with the lower part of the Galala Formation containing the fossils Hemiaster cubicus Desor and Praealveolina sp. Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum (Lamarck). The main depositional elements are peritidal clastic (mudflat. 1994) and Abdel-Gawad et al.. 2001. and Thomasites rollandi (Thomas and Peron). 5. Sinai (El-Heddeny. Vascoceras cauvini Total Range Zone: Vascoceras cauvini is found in the uppermost part of the Galala Formation at Wadi El Dakhl and represents the youngest Cenomanian zone recorded in Egypt.G. Sowerby) and the echinoids Hemiaster herberti turonensis Fourtau and Coenholectypus turonensis (Desor).g. Hemiaster pseudofourneli Peron and Gauthier and Heterodiadema libycum (Fig. Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum (Lamarck).308 S. The associated fossils are Angulithes mermeti (Coquand). 2008). 1981) and is in part equivalent to the standard Calycoceras guerangeri Zone. Saber / Cretaceous Research 37 (2012) 300e318 Acanthoceras amphibolum Total Range Zone: This is described from the lower part of the Galala Formation at Wadi El Dakhl and Abu Darag. mixed flat and sandflat). 8). Vascoceras durandi (Thomas and Peron). The associated fauna consists of the ammonites Fagesia sp. North Africa. (1994) from Lower Turonian of Tunisia. 1989.. Eoradiolites liratus (Conrad) and Hemiaster cubicus Desor (Figs. These facies belts are described below and their environmental implications noted. Acanthoceras amphilobum zone was recorded by Robaszynski et al. (2004). (1993) from Tunisia and regarded as Middle Cenomanian in age. Ilmatogyra africana (Lamarck). 1989. (1996) from the north Eastern Desert (Kassab.. the bivalves Plicatula auressensis (Coquand) and Pycnodonta vesicularis vesiculosa (J. 1996). Abdel-Gawad et al. The zone was recorded previously from Egypt by Kassab (1991. Coilopoceras requienianum Total Range Zone: This zone is encountered only in the Wadi El Dakhl section in the study area. Block diagram showing the distribution of the sedimentary facies of the CenomanianeTuronian succession in the study area. these are summarized on Table 3. 2 and 3). It was also described by Abdel-Gawad et al. Ilmatogyra africana (Lamarck). It is correlated with the Vascoceras cauvini Zone of Kassab. Neolobites vibrayeanus is widely known from the lower Upper Cenomanian (Western Europe. The presence of gypsum is related to the pronounced arid climate at the time (Lüning et al. locally cross-bedded (Fig. and foraminifers. thick bedded. Fenestral structures in some beds are locally filled with gypsum. moderately to well sorted. The framework of this microfacies is coarse to fine quartz grains (70e90%). open circulation and high energy conditions salinity and weakly reducing conditions (McRae. The sandstones are yellowish brown. (2) Glauconite (greensand) microfacies. (1) Quartz arenite microfacies. mudstone and siltstone. ostracods. bioturbated 5. The rare fauna in this facies indicates an environment in which circulation was restricted. rarely polycrystalline.G. quiet conditions and restricted circulation Shallow subtidal area closer to bioclastic shoals from which the coarse skeletal debris was reworked and redeposited in quiet water. weakly reducing conditions and low sedimentation rate Mudflat. massive or bioturbated. 1978). Rare terrigenous materials are oxidized glauconite peloids and fine quartz grains. mixed flat and sandflat. Bioclasts occur rarely in some thin sections of this microfacies. The intercalated mudstones are varicoloured. equigranular with cloudy centres and clear rims (CCCR) (Fig. Saber / Cretaceous Research 37 (2012) 300e318 309 Table 3 Summary of microfacies types and their depositional environments in the area studied. glauconite pellets. The binding material is carbonate cement with zoned dolomite rhombs. and bioclasts are distributed in fine dolomite cement. 9D). The red colour is related to oxidizing conditions and periodic wetting (Walker. quartz grains. spherical to elliptical in shape and well sorted. The presence of plant remains indicates that this facies represents deposition not far from the shoreline.. high energy Deep subtidal. Accordingly. bryozoa. subtidal area Shallow subtidal. plano and concavo to convex contacts. glauconitic and gypsiferous. nonefossiliferous. 1975). These peloids are well rounded.S. The binding material is calcite dolomitized by zoned dolomite rhombs (Fig. bivalves. 7A). The rhombs are idiotopic to hypidiotopic. echinoid plates and spines. limonitic. benthic and planktonic foraminifers and bivalves Coarse dolomite rhombs with rare gastropods. which form about 80e90% of the rock (Fig. 1972). this facies belt is divided into two microfacies. 7A) with lenses of siltstones or mudstones. algae. It is rarely fossiliferous. intertidal subenvironments. The other terrigenous component is quartz grains. benthic foraminifers and bivalves Mainly Praealveolina with rare miliolids. open circulation and quiet conditions Shallow subtidal to lower intertidal High energy subtidal shoals Brackish water. The abundance of glauconite points to a low sedimentation rate in shallow marine or nearshore environments with normal marine Shallowemarine nearshore environments with normal salinity. echinoids. ledge-forming dolostone with interbedded limestone and bioturbated marl. very hard. ripple marks and mud drapes Glauconite pellets with rare quartz grains. 1967) and reflects a low water table. Peritidal clastic facies belt This facies belt is made up of associations of sandstone. quartz grains. cross-bedded. 9B).1. 7D).2. iron concretions and plant remains. benthic foraminifers and bivalves Mainly ostracods with rare miliolids. miliolids. The grey colour may be a result of maintenance of reducing conditions and a high water table (Collinson. rudists and bivalves Gastropods. with point. 5. 9A). massive Sandflat to mixed flat with restricted circulation Glauconite Calcareous mudstone Lime-mudstone Fine dolostone Rudist floatstone Oyster floatstone Chondrodontid floatstone Miliolid bioclastic wackestone Phosphatic ostracodal bioclastic wackestone Praealveolina bioclastic wackestone Echinoid bioclastic wackestone Coarse crystalline dolostone Gastropod bioclastic packstone/grainstone Oyster rudstone Planktonic foraminiferal bioclastic wackestone Calcareous. bivalve shell fragments. shallow subtidal shoals. gypsiferous. restricted circulation and quiet conditions Shallow subtidal. This facies is partially dolomitized mainly by fine grained dolomite rhombs and rarely by coarse dolomite rhombs. The presence of lenticular bedding. sometimes bioturbated Oyster shells with little dolomitized micrite matrix Planktonic foraminifers. 6F) and ripple marked (Fig. 7C). algae. The framework is glauconite peloids. phosphatic grains. Microfacies type Components and sedimentary structures Depositional environments Quartz arenite Quartz grains. bioturbated Fine to medium crystalline dolomite rhombs. They are glauconitic. benthic foraminifers and bivalves Mainly echinoids with rare algae. glauconite pellets. with mud drapes (Fig. grey to yellow. glauconite. Rare terrigenous materials are fine quartz and glauconite. rare bioclastics Disoriented fragments of rudist float in limeemud matrix Disoriented fragments of oyster float in limeemud matrix Oriented fragments of chondrodontid bivalve float in limeemud matrix Mainly miliolids with rare algae. ammonites. This microfacies is described from the lower part of the Galala Formation at Abu Darag. massive or bioturbated. algae. mostly monocrystalline (Fig. Phosphatic grains comprise about 10% of the rock in the lower part of the Galala Formation at Wadi El Dakhl (Fig. this facies may represent deposition in mudflat. ripple marks and mud drapes point to a mixed tidal-flat environment (Reineck and Singh. Peritidal carbonate facies belt This sedimentary facies forms the main sequence in the Gabal Ataqa area and is also apparent in the Cenomanian and Turonian deposits in the Wadi El Dakhl and Abu Darag areas. Two microfacies types are recognized: (1) Lime-mudstone microfacies: This is formed of partially neomorphosed micrite (Fig. rare bioclastic. 9C) with rare (less than 10%) bioclasts of algae. quiet conditions and restricted circulation Lower intertidal flat. It consists of grey to yellow. fenestral structures. The grains are rounded to subrounded. flaser and wavy bedding Neomorphosed micrite with rare bioclastics. Microscopically. The different colours of the mudstone can be attributed to the changes in water level in the depositional environment. Locally the binding materials are gypsum and iron oxides. The other terrigenous material is glauconite. (2) Fine dolostone microfacies: This consists of fine to medium crystalline dolomite rhombs. The rock of . 1998) in central east Sinai. neomorphosed micrite. neomorphosed micrite matrix. idiotopic to hypidiotopic. Greensand. rudist floatstone. 9. E. fine dolostone. this microfacies is highly porous and the pores are partially filled by gypsum.310 S. Limeemudstone and finely crystalline dolostone microfacies are correlated with the standard microfacies (SMF 23) of Wilson (1975). CN. medium to coarse. Abu Darag. Galala Formation. Abu Darag. quartz arenite. C. D. with cloudy centre and clear rim. oyster floatstone. Galala Formation. Pure micrite indicates low energy conditions and restricted circulation (Tucker and Wright. CN. PL. Galala Formation. rudist fragments with their prismatic structures preserved in a dolomitized. The presence of gypsum crystals in pore spaces may have formed by evaporation of marine water in the supratidal zone during short periods of sealevel fall (Tucker and Wright. reflecting deposition in restricted shelf lagoons (facies zone FZ8). 1990). Galala Formation. B. PL. rounded to subrounded. 2000). The fine-grained nature of this facies indicates . Abu Farag. Wadi El Dakhl. 1990). glauconite peloids and quartz grains. limeemudstone. A. Scale bars represent 200 mm.G. Wadi El Dakhl. PL. Abu Darag. equigranular. Saber / Cretaceous Research 37 (2012) 300e318 Fig. fine dolomite rhombs. with zoned dolomite rhombs as a cement. quartz grains. Galala Formation. The fine crystalline dolomite is interpreted to be a result of early diagenetic alteration of micrite (limeemudstone) and part of a shoaling peritidal sequence (Warren. oyster shell fragments with their fibrous structures preserved in a neomorphosed micrite matrix. Galala Formation. PL. F. . 11A). 5. It is composed mainly of bioturbated marl and chalky limestone. 1997.3. Deep subtidal facies belt This sedimentary facies belt is encountered in the upper part of the Galala Formation and the lower part of the Wata Formation in the sections studied. which represents shoal environments in agitated conditions (facies zone FZ6). 11A). as indicated by Praealveolina and echinoids. and is silicified. The limeemud matrix of the floatstone reflects deep subtidal. The framework is made up of densely packed. bivalve shell fragments. miliolids. echinoids and foraminifers. Miliolids typically indicate restricted shallowedeep.. oyster floatstone (Fig. Zoned and unzoned rhombs also occur in this microfacies. The binding material is a neomorphosed micrite matrix that is sometimes dolomitized by zoned fine to medium dolomite rhombs. The sedimentary facies described here suggests deposition ranging from shallow subtidal environments with restricted circulation.S. this facies is interpreted to represent deposition in high energy. which are classified as planktonic foraminiferal bioclastic wackestone with ammonites. restricted lagoons or sheltered bays (Hottinger. It is a thick-bedded. 1990). Bioclasts and binding material are sometimes cut by stylolites with iron oxides (Fig. equigranular fabrics of idiotopic to hypidiotopic. Saber / Cretaceous Research 37 (2012) 300e318 deposition from suspension in a low energy environment as indicated by mud-supported fabrics (mudstone). 1995). Wilson (1975) mentioned that Praealveolina wackestone represents shoal banks under the moderate open circulation of facies zone FZ7. Storm-influenced shallow. subtidal marine environments refer to a deeper water area above the storm wave base that was influenced by storm action (Burchette and Wright. Thus. 10A). shallow subtidal environments. this facies suggests deposition in a quiet. The oysters retain their original fibrous structures.4. Fine grained quartz grains and glauconite pellets occur rarely. These have mainly cloudy centres with clear rims (CCCR type) or are clear.2. which is divided into three submicrofacies based on dominant bioclasts: rudist floatstone (Fig. The rocks of this facies are represented by a floatstone microfacies. Thus. 10C). algae. 311 Miliolids. Low-energy. 10B. micritic algae and bivalve shell fragments with micrite envelopes. with restricted circulation as indicated by a low diversity to absent fauna. It is represented by grey to yellow. shallow. Rare glauconite and fine quartz grain are present. the co-existence of large rudists. These bioclasts float in a limeemud matrix that is sometimes dolomitized by zoned dolomite rhombs. thick-bedded dolostone ledges. The facies is subdivided into two microfacies as follows: (1) Gastropod bioclastic packstone/grainstone microfacies: This consists mainly of bioclasts of gastropods. Allochems of this microfacies are embedded in .1. ostracods. Oyster banks are present. 5. (2) Oyster rudstone microfacies: This is composed of large oyster shells embedded in a dolomitized and neomorphosed lime-mud matrix... locally bioturbated limestone. 5.3. such as oyster shoals and bioclastic bars. 5. grey to chalky white. 10E) and echinoid (Fig. cephalopods and planktonic foraminifers indicate open marine conditions (Flügel. In grainstone microfacies cement material is drusy. rudists and bivalves). with rare echinoids and planktonic foraminifers. biserial and uniserial). Storm-influenced shallow subtidal open marine facies This facies is described from the Galala Formation in the Wadi El Dakhl and Abu Darag areas. Stylolites outlined by iron oxides cross-cut the bioclasts and the binding material. bioclasts form about 40% of the rock with rare quartz and glauconite. Quiet conditions of deposition are indicated by the mud-supported fabrics (wackestone). The sedimentary characteristics and facies associations of the coarsely crystalline dolostone reflect shallow subtidal to lower intertidal environments. Chondrodonta or oyster shell fragments in a micritic matrix is attributed to reworking from nearby carbonate skeletal shoals by storm or waves and redeposition in the quiet subtidal water (Tucker and Wright. Thus. shallow subtidal facies This facies occurs in the Galala and Wata formations and is represented by grey to yellow. 10D). Schulze et al. 11B). C).3. with unoriented fragments of rudists and oysters and oriented fragments of chondrodontid bivalves. Intraclasts and oncoids are recorded from the Wata Formation in the Abu Darag and Wadi El Dakhl areas. Echinoid plates and spines and rare benthic foraminifers (uniserial and biserial) are also present. coarse grained (20e70 mm) dolomite rhombs (Fig. 11D). 1993. The intergranular pore spaces are sometimes filled by gypsum (Fig. to open circulation. 5. The other bioclasts present in this microfacies in small amounts are.g. subtidal quiet. The binding material in packstone microfacies is neomorphosed dolomitic micrite. Goldhammer et al. 9F) and chondrodontid floatstone (Fig.3. At Wadi El Dakhl they are partially silicified (Fig.3. bryozoa.G. This microfacies is subdivided into four submicrofacies of bioclastic wackestone: miliolid (Fig. 11C). ostracods and Praealveolina indicate restricted circulation whereas echinoids. Praealveolina (Fig. shallow subtidal facies This facies is encountered in the Galala Formation in the Abu Darag and Gabal Ataqa areas and the Wata Formation in the Abu Darag area. subtidal area close to a carbonate skeletal shoal from which the coarse skeletal debris was reworked and redeposited. The gastropod shells have been recrystallized into sparite and their chambers filled with micrite (Fig. Bioclasts form about 50% of the rock contents and are mainly planktonic foraminifers filled by sparite and form ghosts in the micrite matrix (Fig. In contrast. massive limestone and marl. Microscopically. 1982. as indicated by the low-diversity fauna and foraminiferal assemblages represented by miliolids. Stylolites with iron oxides cross-cut matrix and shell fragments. 2003). (1) Wackestone microfacies: In this microfacies. phosphatic ostracodal (Fig. benthic foraminifers (uniserial and biserial). It is sometimes fossiliferous (gastropods. The grain-supported fabrics of the grainstone and packstone and the presence of lithoclasts indicate high energy conditions. High-energy. 9E). quiet water (Flügel. Some shells are micritized or surrounded by micrite envelops. and benthic foraminifers (e. this facies is interpreted to represent deposition in lower intertidal flat environments. (2) Coarse crystalline dolostone microfacies: This microfacies type is encountered in the Gabal Ataqa area where it forms yellowish grey to reddish brown. The oyster rudstone microfacies is similar to the standard microfacies SMF12 of Wilson (1975). Syntaxial cement is also present around echinoid plates. hard. Pittet et al. Shallow subtidal facies belt This facies belt is subdivided into three facies as follows. 10F). the rocks of this facies are divided into two microfacies as follows. blocky calcite and syntaxial cement surrounds echinoid plates and spines. It is bioturbated and fossiliferous. thick-bedded and recrystallized limestone. 1992). 1982). especially ammonites. Wadi El Dakhl. Wata Formation. F. phosphatic ostracodal bioclastic wackestone. Praealveolina. Wadi El Dakhl. the Cenomaniane Turonian succession is divided into four third-order depositional sequences. ostracods and other bioclasts in neomorphosed micrite. Galala Formation. bedding and mud-supported fabrics (wackestone) indicate quiet water conditions. Chondrodontid bivalve fragments with their foliated structures preserved in neomorphosed micrite matrix. Galala Formation. Scale bars represent 200 mm. Praealveolina bioclastic wackestone. D. B. bioturbation. echinoid bioclastic wackestone. in this facies indicates open marine conditions. CN. Galala Formation. Gabal Ataqa. Abu Darag. A. Based on these boundaries and biostratigraphical studies (Table 2). which is partially dolomitized by fine dolomite rhombs. this facies reflects deposition in low energy. Saber / Cretaceous Research 37 (2012) 300e318 Fig. chondrodontid floatstone. echinoid plates with syntaxial cement around them in neomorphosed micrite. E. miliolids and algae in neomorphosed micrite. neomorphosed micrite. PL. . PL. C. PL.312 S. Sequence stratigraphic boundaries Five sequence boundaries have been recognized (Fig. 5). PL. The presence of whole ammonites and echinoids. Thus.G. Gabal Ataqa. echinoids and planktonic foraminifers. The high abundance of fauna. 10. miliolid bioclastic wackestone. 6. Galala Formation. Abu Darag. CN. Wata Formation. These are delineated based on the presence of subaerial unconformities and abrupt facies changes across the boundaries. stylolites in miliolid bioclastic wackestone. deep subtidal environments with open circulation. planktonic foraminifers filled by sparite in neomorphosed micrite. gastropod bioclastic packstone/grainstone. intergranular pore spaces filled with gypsum. 12) of Middle Turonian age based on Lecointriceras fleuriausianum below it and Coilopoceras sp. Wata Formation. the duration is reduced in offshore to less than 0. This boundary is of Middle Cenomanian age. coarse grained dolomite rhombs.G.S. He described it as a diastem of about 1e1. The Lower CretaceouseCenomanian Sequence Boundary (SB1) is a paraconformity surface between the underlying continental sediments of the Lower Cretaceous Malha Formation and the overlying marine sediments of the Cenomanian Galala Formation (Fig. CN. Wata Formation.. A. coarsely crystalline dolostone under the boundary to mixed flat facies (mudstone and sandstones) above it in the Gabal Ataqa area. It also shows diagenetic features. 2003. iron concretions. silicification. This horizon has a reddish brown to black hard crust with rootlets. It is marked by a palaeosol horizon that indicates subaerial exposure.. planktonic foraminiferal bioclastic wackestone. idiotopic to hypidiotopic and zoned. CN. This boundary is of Middle Turonian age where it is underlain by marl rich with Choffaticeras segne of Early Turonian age and overlain by Coliopoceras requienianum of MiddleeLate Turonian age at Wadi El Dakhl and Abu Darag. (1998) in the Sheikh Attiya section to be within the Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica Zone and of late EarlyeMiddle Turonian age.. 11. . Wata Formation. The Middle Turonian Sequence Boundary (SB3) is indicated by a facies change from shallow subtidal. Scale bars represent 200 mm. It is significantly correlated regionally with neighbouring areas. Darwish (1994) traced this paraconformity surface all over northern Egypt. In west-central Sinai (Abdel-Gawad. the boundary is indicated by a dramatic facies change from the marine carbonate rocks of the Abu Had Member to the clastic sediments of the Mellaha Sand Member. 2000) and with the TuJo2 sequence boundary in Jordan (Fig. as indicated by the absence of the Rotalipora brotzeni Zone. 12) (Schulze et al. the boundary is indicated by a palaeontological gap between the Mammites nodosoides and Coliopoceras requienianum zones and the presence of a hardground.5 myr in the Western Desert and Gulf of Suez provinces and about 2 myr in offshore wells. PL. On the eastern side of the Gulf of Suez. Saber / Cretaceous Research 37 (2012) 300e318 313 Fig. It correlates with Tu1 in Israel (Fig. B. dolomitization and dissolution of bioclasts forming mould cavities that are filled by spherulitic silica. above (Buchbinder et al. 6A). It was reported by Lüning et al.g. and a mottled appearance and grades downward to yellow sandstone. Abu Darag. In the Abu Darag and Wadi El Dakhl areas it is indicated by a ferruginous hard crust at the top of sandstone with haematite and limonite concretions and plant remains. The Middle Cenomanian Sequence Boundary (SB2) is indicated by facies changes from shallow subtidal facies below to mudflat facies above the boundary at Wadi El Dakhl.4 myr. as indicated by the absence of the lower part of this zone. In the Abu Darag and Gabal Ataqa areas this boundary is indicated by a thin ferruginous hard crust (Fig. Abu Darag. Galala Formation. 2005). oyster rudstone. 1999). e. C. gastropods with recrystallized shell walls and filled with micrite. Wadi El Dakhl. CN. Gabal Ataqa. silicification of oyster shells. coarse crystalline dolostone. D. 6D). It was also described from Wadi Qena by Lüger and Gröeschke (1989) and Kuss and Malchus (1989). It is underlain by Middle Cenomanian Acanthoceras amphibolum in association with Hemiaster cubicus and is overlain by Neolobites vibrayeanus of Late Cenomanian age in the Wadi El Dakhl and Abu Darag areas. It is correlated with the Lower Coniacian sequence boundary (Co1) in Israel. (1998) in east-central Sinai to be of Early Coniacian age and they named the Coniacian sequence boundary CoSin.. It is separated from the underlying LST by a transgressive surface (ts) that is indicated by condensed greensands (glauconite) and phosphatic grains (El-ghali et al. The lowstand systems tract (LST) is of Early Cenomanian (?) age where it is overlain by transgressive systems tract facies that are characterized by the presence of the benthic foraminifers Favusella washitensis and Daxia cenomana at Abu Darag (Abd El-Azzem and Metwally.1) of Schulze et al. 2 and 5). which was reported by Buchbinder et al. The retrogradational package of facies begins with shallow subtidal oyster bars overlain by lower intertidal dolostone and ends with low energy shallow. 4 and 5). 3 and 5) or mudflat facies at Gabal Ataqa (Figs. The boundary was considered by Lüning et al. At Gabal Ataqa. It is characterized by retrogradational facies. It is represented by sandflat to mixed flat facies with rare lower intertidal fine-grained dolostones at Wadi El Dakhl. To the north. The TuronianeConiacian Sequence Boundary (SB5) is easily traceable in the northern Eastern Desert as well as in west-central Sinai where it separates lower intertidal carbonate facies of the Upper Turonian Wata Formation from the lower intertidal siliciclastic sediments of the Matulla Formation (of Coniacian age) at Wadi El Dakhl. 2005). 2000) and had been delineated in Jordan between sequences S7 and S8 (TuJo3) by (Schulze et al. subtidal facies with open circulation at Wadi El Dakhl (Figs. coarsely crystalline dolostone to lower intertidal limeemudstone above the boundary. but at Gabal Ataqa this systems tract is not exposed. It is composed of oyster banks at Wadi El Dakhl (Fig. The highstand systems tract (HST) is composed of a shallowingupward (prograding) parasequence set that formed as a result of normal regression during a sea-level highstand.G. (2000). 2) and lower intertidal carbonate intercalated with . subtidal. 1988. The transgressive systems tract (TST) is of Lower (?)eMiddle Cenomanian age based on the presence of Acanthoceras amphibolum ammonites and corresponds to a rapid rise in eustatic sea level. 12) and with the Cenomanian S1 of Saber et al. 12. It is bounded at the base by SB1 in the Wadi El Dakhl and Abu Darag areas. It is correlated with S2 and S3 (PostCeJo. this systems tract begins with low energy shallow. In addition.1. (2003) in Sinai (Fig. This shallowing was a result of local tectonism accompanied by intensive phases of doming and submarine uplift of the Syrian Arc fold belts. The Upper Turonian Sequence Boundary (SB4) is recorded from Gabal Ataqa only. (2009) in northern Sinai. this boundary is traced where the Turonian Maghara El Hadida Formation is unconformably overlain by the CampanianeMaastrichtian Adabiya Formation. 2005) in Jordan (Fig. in the Abu Darag area..314 S. He interpreted the depositional conditions of the Wata Formation as shallowing despite the gradual global sea-level rise recorded by Haq et al. it is indicated by grey. 1998) and Buccicrinata subgoodlandensis at Wadi El Dakhl (Abd El-Azeam et al. Posamentier et al. Saber / Cretaceous Research 37 (2012) 300e318 Fig. It correlates with TuSin2 of Bauer et al. It was described by Darwish (1994) as an Upper TuronianeLower Coniacian regional unconformity representing local relative sea-level fall as a result of tectonic activity in the southern basins. 7. located at the top of the most traceable open marine shallow subtidal facies. 12). A highstand regression occurs when the rate of sediment supply to a given shoreline exceeds the rate of accommodation space (Plint. It shows facies changes from shallow subtidal.. but at Gabal Ataqa the base is not exposed. 1992). The top of this systems tract is a maximum transgressive surface (mfs).. To the north. This boundary is correlated with the Tu2 boundary in southern Israel (Buchbinder et al.. Comparison between sequence boundaries of this study with others in neighbouring areas and the global eustatic scheme of Haq et al. 2009). (2003. echinoid bioclastic wackestone or praealveolinid bioclastic wackestone and mixed flat facies at Abu Darag (Figs. it is built up of mudflat facies with lower intertidal dolostones and rare sandflat facies. hard dolostone with cavities filled by calcite and iron concretions. 1996). Depositional sequences 7. (1987). Sequence 1 This sequence forms the lower part of Galala Formation. (1988). 2003. The sequence consists of three systems tracts as follows. which is on the border of the massif. 7. The Cenomanian sedimentary rocks in the Eastern Desert increase in thickness from 66 m at Wadi El Dakhl. subtidal. Saber / Cretaceous Research 37 (2012) 300e318 mudflat facies at Abu Darag (Fig. At Gabal Ataqa. S5 and S6 (PostCeJo3) of Schulze et al. It is topped by a transgressive surface (ts) that separates the intertidal facies below from shallow subtidal deposits. (2003). 3).4. resulted in progradational stacking.. each one starting with a rudist floatstone topped by oyster shoals or restricted shallow subtidal carbonates. The LST is composed of gypsiferous glauconitic mudstone at Wadi El Dakhl. 1987). coupled with a relatively large supply of sediments. the TST consists of deep subtidal carbonates rich in ammonites. nor have CeJo1 and CeJo2. coarse dolostones intercalated with mudflat facies and is overlain by lower intertidal fine dolostones. (2003) has not been recorded in the study area. depositing the transgressive systems tract of the second sequence (Neolobites vibrayeanus/ Vascoceras cauvini and Choffaticeras segne zones). The HST cannot be traced because it is covered by scree deposits. At the end of the Middle Cenomanian. 315 In the Wadi El Dakhl area. 2005) and Ce3/4 of Haq et al. to about 290 m thick at Gabal Ataqa (126 m exposed. Haq et al. documented in Jordan (Schulze et al. it is difficult to determine its age. The top of the HST in the Abu Darag area is marked by about 7.G. This changes northward into marl and shale in the Abu Darag area and to sandstone at Gabal Ataqa (Fig.. TST and HST deposits as follows. 1986. planktonic foraminiferal bioclastic wackestone that contains many ammonites and echinoids. where the lower part is composed of shallow subtidal carbonates with restricted circulation that are topped by deep subtidal facies (planktonic foraminiferal wackestone microfacies). At Gabal Ataqa. which is within the Neolobites vibrayeanus Zone.3. It decreases to about 160 m at Gabal Shabrawet in the north. 2).5 m of mudflat facies. sea-level rose during the Late Cenomanian and Early Turonian. Sequence 2 This sequence forms the upper part of the Galala Formation and the lower part of the Turonian Wata and Maghara El Hadida Formations. nearshore siliciclastic-rich sediments (Galala Formation) were derived from the nearby highland of the Arabo-Nubian Massif. It contains LST. The TST displays an overall deepening-upward succession. It is bounded at the base by SB4. Haq et al. it is represented by aggradational stacking of shallow. The facies of these systems tracts reflect an abrupt rise in sea level as indicated by marl. 3). coarsely crystalline dolostone facies and is topped by lower intertidal carbonates (limeemudstone or fine dolostone). planktonic foraminiferal bioclastic wackestone (Fig. planktonic foraminifers and echinoids deposited in deep subtidal environments followed by shallowing and aggradation to progradation. It is bounded at the base by SB2 and at the top by SB3. the Tethyan Sea regressed across the area investigated. the LST developed as the level rose again slowly and. In addition the carbonate content increases and the siliciclastic content decreases from south to north (Fig. It is correlated with S4. The change in thickness may be a result of tilting of the marine platform to the north and the presence of a local basin at Gabal Ataqa. Because the lower part of Galala Formation is mainly composed of siliciclastic sediments that are devoid of index fossils. This tract is . (1987) (Fig. Neolobites vibrayeanus and Choffaticeras segne ammonites zones.S.2. 12). The TST is Late CenomanianeEarly Turonian based on the presence of the Vascoceras cauvini. planktonic foraminiferal bioclastic wackestone with Vascoceras cauvini and intercalated with a deep subtidal.. echinoids and planktonic foraminifers. which reflect the overall shallowing trend during this regressive phase. the Gulf of Suez. (2003. a major marine transgression covered most of Sinai. After the mid Cenomanian regression. coarsely crystalline dolostone facies. Neolobites vibrayeanus and Choffaticeras segne zones. At Abu Darag and Gabal Ataqa. In the area under investigation. this tract consists of shallowing-upward parasequences (cycles) that start with shallow subtidal. the lower part of this tract consists of four shallowing-upward parasequences (cycles). 5). and the northern and central parts of the Western Desert. Sequence 3 This sequence is bounded at the base by SB3 and it is MiddleeLate Turonian in age based on the presence of Coilopoceras requienianum. The HST is represented mainly by a progradational parasequence set of lower intertidal carbonates and sandflat sedimentary rocks with sparse shallow. SB2 is located in the intertidal siliciclastic sediments beneath the base of Neolobites vibrayeanus Zone and is older than sequence boundary CeSin 5 of Bauer et al. glauconitic mudstone (Fig. 7. This regression coincided with the major mid Cenomanian fall in sea level (Flexer et al. CeJo3 in Jordan (Schulze et al. In the Abu Darag area. (1987). The top of the TST in the Abu Darag area is marked by about 24 m of deep-water subtidal. 1987) and led to the formation of the Middle Cenomanian sequence boundary (SB2) in the area studied. Discussion During the Cenomanian period. After the relative fall in sea level that produced the sequence boundary. 5). 2005) in Jordan based on the presence of the Vascoceras cauvini.. At Wadi El Dakhl it is represented by a retrogradational parasequence set that begins with oyster banks and is topped by a deep-water subtidal. this systems tract is mainly composed of shallow subtidal. 2009). 164 m known in the subsurface: Ataqa well no. The topmost part of the tract is a deep-water subtidal. which reflect the overall deepening trend during this transgressive phase (Fig. Sequence boundary CeSin 6 of Bauer et al. This transgression corresponds to the global sea-level rise (Flexer et al. the south of the Eastern Desert. Sequence 4 This sequence is encountered only at Gabal Ataqa.. The LST is represented by lower intertidal carbonate (fine dolostone and limeemudstone microfacies) and mudflat facies with plant remains. 2005) or Ce2 of Haq et al. 1). 1986. 2003. This surface caps the TST and marks the turnaround from retrogradational stacking in the TST to aggradational or progradational stacking in the early HST. each of which cycle starts with sandflat or lower intertidal carbonate facies and is topped by mudflat or mixed flat facies. limestone rich in ammonites. 8... the TST is composed of a retrogradational parasequence set that consists of shallow subtidal carbonates with restricted circulation intercalated with lower intertidal fine dolostone. The maximum flooding surface (mfs) is placed at the top the Lower Turonian ammonite bed and is characterized by condensation that is indicated by highly bioturbated marl and limestone. The LST is composed of siliciclastic sediments arranged in two or three shallowing-upward parasequences (cycles). 4). To the north at Gabal Ataqa. 2003. The upper part of a TST and an HST cannot be traced at Abu Darag because it is covered by scree deposits. The maximum flooding surface is defined at the transition to an aggrading parasequence set of lower intertidal limeemudstone which reflects a shallowing trend during the following HST at Wadi El Dakhl. This is correlated with SB2 in northern Sinai (Saber et al. subtidal facies (bioclastic bars) in the Wadi El Dakhl and Abu Darag areas. 7. 2003. (1987. Hewaidy et al. 109e134. which is regarded as a lower Upper Turonian ammonite zone in Egypt and the Middle East (Kassab.. pp.M. S. (1987. A prominent sea-level fall was also reported by Gale (1996) from the British Chalk.. Egyptian Journal of Geology 7.. In: Third International Conference on the Geology of the Arab World. Bulletin of the Faculty of Science. It is correlated with the TuJo3 boundary (Schulze et al. 2003). Egypt. 381e406. (2003) at the base of deposits containing common Lower Turonian ammonites. rarely affected by the Syrian Arc movements that began during the mid Turonian. A. northern Sinai... Lithostratigraphy. The lower part of this facies (Late Cenomanian) was considered by El-Sabbagh et al. Ain Shams University. 1988) and concluded that a relative sea-level fall of around 30 m was responsible for the karstic features of the boundary and that the lowstand event in Israel preceded the major (120 m) Tu3 sea-level drop of Haq et al. Lithostratigraphy. 2005). (1987. 67e69. Elsewhere in the region. Egypt. 1996. 1998. Arabian Peninsula and West Central Jordan) and with the global sequence stratigraphic scheme of Haq et al. 1987 reveals some different timing for the sequence boundaries. David Batten for his help in refining the manuscript and exceptional editorial support. Abdel-Gawad (Beni Suef University) for his valuable help in the field and faunal identification. Egypt. northern Eastern Desert. S.. storm-influenced. resulting in the recovery of the carbonate shelf in all areas (Sinai. The sedimentary facies belts described include peritidal clastic deposits (mudflat. because the regressive facies in the study area consist of unfossiliferous intertidal siliciclastic sediments. Um. this is probably related to bio. 164e198. which may be related mainly to local/regional tectonic events affecting sedimentation in the study area as well as minor sea-level fluctuation. 1988). Abd-Elshafy. Israel.. Cairo University. evidence for a Middle Turonian regression is known from the Eastern Desert of Egypt (Kuss and Malchus. 1988) which is placed in the upper Middle Turonian beneath the Coilopoceras requienianum Zone. Middle East Research Center. Abd El-Azeam. Luger and Gröschke. combined with a minor eustatic fall.G. 2003. 1989. (2011) to reflect Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) at Wadi El Dakhl. The sequence boundary CeSin 7 was placed by Bauer et al. Scott (University of Tulsa) for their fruitful discussions through the different stages of the work. 2009). . Thanks are extended to Prof. 2003) and Tu2 in southern Israel (Buchbinder et al. Sandler (1996) discussed the Tu1 boundary in Israel in the context of the “global” eustatic curve of Haq et al. Israel (Buchbinder et al. 2002a. Ied... Comparison of the sequence stratigraphic framework with that in the adjacent areas (Sinai. It may be a result of local tectonics as for TuSin2 in Sinai (Bauer et al. This boundary is lower than Tu3 of Haq et al. During the Late Turonian. Aboul Ela. G. the Buttum Formation in eastern Sinai (Issawi et al. 1961) and was. Robert W. N. However. 1984. Egypt. The absence of SB4 at Wadi El Dakhl may be because this area is on the border of unstable shelf (Said. North Eastern Desert. H. They represent the deepest facies in the study area during the CenomanianeTuronian interval. Eastern Desert. 2005) and the Arabian Peninsula (Harris et al. This lowstand facies is correlated with the Mid-Turonian regressive facies in the Gabal Nezzazat area in west-central Sinai (Abdel-Gawad. This boundary could not be traced at Abu Darag area because sequence 3 is incomplete and the lower part of the transgressive systems tract constitutes the highest part of the measured sections. Abu Khadrah (Cairo University) and Prof. (1987) and regional deeping in the adjacent shelf area in Sinai (Bauer et al. high in the Collignoniceras woollgari Zone. M. They suggested two possible age assignments for this SB.. and lowstand facies in northern Sinai (Saber et al. Special thanks forward to Prof. 1991. 90e105. A prominent Middle Turonian lowstand facies was reported for sequence boundary Tu3 of Haq et al. microfacies and paleoecology of the Upper Cretaceous sediments exposed on the northern part of the Gulf of Suez. shallow subtidal. Microbiostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous rocks in Wadi El Dakhl. Anonymous reviewers are kindly acknowledged for their constructive comments. 1987) and tectonic pulses of the Syrian Arc fold system that began during the mid Turonian. a regression took place in the study area. Earth Science Series 12. 1988).. SB3 is correlated with the Tu1 sequence boundary in Israel and the Middle Turonian TuSin 1 boundary in Sinai (Bauer et al. 1999). A. (1987) and that the minor sea-level falls in Tu2 probably did not leave a recognizable imprint in Sinai and are not preserved. References Abdallah.M. 2003).. Bauer et al. Sharland et al. He related this event to tectonic movements along EeW faults in Egypt which are parallel to the EsheteZenifim structural trend. shallow subtidal facies of restricted to open marine conditions (wackestone and coarse crystalline dolostone microfacies). 9.M. Five sequence boundaries marking regional relative sea-level falls during the deposition of the CenomanianeTuronian succession on the western side of Gulf of Suez separate four depositional sequences. Zagazig University 18 (2). (1987. open marine facies (wackestone microfacies). It is concluded that the depositional history of the CenomanianeTuronian sequence examined was controlled by global eustatic sea-fall during this period (Haq et al. It could not be traced in the sections studied. A. Lewy et al. Saber.. 2003). peritidal carbonates (limeemudstone and fine dolostone microfacies). (1987. 1963. This is indicated by the Upper Turonian sequence boundary SB4.. 1988).. Each sequence is characterized by a number of sedimentary facies belts and environments that indicate repeated small-scale transgressiveeregressive cycles. 2003. On the other hand. A. indicating sealevel fall of approximately 120 m.I.M. Egyptian Journal of Environmental Research 4. N. detected only at Gabal Ataqa.G.. 1999).. Jordan and Israel).. Saber / Cretaceous Research 37 (2012) 300e318 characterized mainly by deep-water subtidal facies rich in planktonic foraminifers. which is indicated by thin reddish mottled hardground: latest Cenomanian or Early Turonian. Acknowledgements The author would like to thank Prof. Abd El-Azeam. Egypt. Abdallah.. ammonites and echinoids. This lowstand facies was followed by a transgression.. Stratigraphy of Abu Darag Upper Cretaceous.. low energy. El Adindani. 12). 2000) (Fig.... thus.H. 1989).316 S.. I. mixed flat and sandflat facies). Metwally. TuSin2 in Sinai (Bauer et al. 1984) but correlates with Tu2 of Haq et al.. 2001).M. Ibrahim. 1996. 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