1-Pengantar geografi-Interaksi spasial.ppt

March 19, 2018 | Author: handaru_aryo | Category: Geography, Globalization, Natural Environment, Environmental Social Science, Earth Sciences



Tema Geografi(Themes in World Geography) Kuliah Pengantar Geografi Ke : 3-4 Ir. Sawitri subiyanto, Msi. Apa geografi itu? • Studi tentang variasi spasial (spasial variation) • Bagaimana - dan mengapa – ada perbedaan di satu tempat dan tempat lain di permukaan bumi (differ from place to place on the surface of the earth) • Studi tentang bagaimana pola spasial diamati berkembang melalui waktu (spatial patterns evolved through time) What is geography? • Geografi adalah ilmu spasial (Geography is a spatial science) • Perilaku spasial orang (Spatial behavior of people) • Hubungan spasial antara tempat-tempat (Spatial relationships between places) • Proses spasial yang menciptakan atau mempertahankan perilaku tersebut dan hubungannya. (Spatial processes that create or maintain those behaviors and relationships) Spatial variation: predominant religion (dominasi agama) Why spatial variation exists: earthquakes (Mengapa ada variasi spasial : gempa bumi) Changes over time: deforestation Perubahan dari waktu ke waktu: deforestasi Spatial behavior of people: population HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION • How do humans and the environment affect each other? – We depend on it. • People depend on the Tennessee River for water and transportation. – We modify it. • People modify our environment by heating and cooling buildings for comfort. – We adapt to it. • We adapt to the environment by wearing clothing suitable for summer (shorts) and winter (coats), rain and shine. Spatial relationships between places: trade Spatial processes: commuting and urban form Berpolapikir Geografikal Menurut definisi yang dikemukakan oleh Morrison (1993): Geography is the study of space (spacial) in the sence of position and relationships among positions on the surface of the planet earth. Geografi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari ruang (keruangan) yang mengandung pengertian posisi dan relasinya diantara tempat- tempat di permukaan planet bumi. Dari pengertian dan definisi geografi di atas mengemuka adanya pola pikir spasial (spatial thinking) yang menjadi ciri khas geografi. 3 Ciri Khas Geografi • Spatial (Keruangan) • Ecological (Kewilayahan) • Regional (Gabungan antara Spatial dan Ecological) Prinsip Geografi • Penyebaran/distribusi (semua fenomena tersebar tidak merata di permukaan bumi) • Interaksi (Hubungan saling kait dalam ruang) • Deskripsi (Geografi senantiasa menjelaskan segala sesuatu,melalui angka,tabel,grafik,gambar dsb) • Korologi (Gejala yang ditinjau sebarannya dalam ruang beserta integrasi, interelasi dan interaksinya) Prasyarat Analisis Spasial 1. Berpola fikir geografikal: understanding ‘spatial order’ 2. Memiliki ‘spatial knowledge’ and ‘spatial skills’ 3. Memahami spatial ‘framework’ Remote sensing Peta referensi Survey dan Pemetaan Basis data SIG Peta tematis Pengambilan Keputusan Memahami Elemen Spasial 1. Type of spatial objects and features 2. Spatial phenomena 3. Spatial representation Spatial Knowledge and Skill Spatial Points Set of Spatial Points Spatial universe Spatial Area Ilustrasi Analisis Spatial Titik : lokasi / tempat layanan Garis: jaringan transportasi (jalan, sungai, garis layanan transporatsi udara  dapat mempengaruhi alokasi tempat layanan atau sebaliknya Area: wilayah layanan jasa/ produk tertentu untuk segmen pasar pada entitas wilayah layanan tersebut Contoh Garis batas awal Kabupaten A Garis batas pemekaran Daerah Tipikal Konflik: •) Konflik antara pusat dengan daerah (konflik vertikal) •Antara Kab A1 dg Kab A2 (konflik horizontal Banyak keterkaitan fungsional pembangunan yang “terpotong” oleh akibat batas admnistrasi baru dan menimbulkan resiko masalah pengambilan keputusan sampai pelaksanaan di lapangan sekolah sekolah Contoh Point object Line object Area object 3D object REAL WORLD PHENOMENA Point Line Polygon Point object Point object Point object Line object Line object Line object Area object Area object Area object 3D object 3D object 3D object Mengenal Elemen Spasial Representasi Elemen Spasial Point object Line object Area object 3D object Point Line Point object Point object Line object Line object Area object Area object 3D object 3D object Representasi Elemen Spasial Point object Line object Area object 3D object Point Line Polygon Point object Point object Point object Line object Line object Line object Area object Area object Area object 3D object 3D object 3D object Spatial Pattern REGULAR RANDOM CLUSTERED Spatial Framework Hills Mountains Rawa Gambut Tebal Rawa Gambut Gambut Tipis Jalan Propinsi Jalan Kabupaten Jalan Lain Sungai Pemukiman Koridor 10 km Tapak Jalan Tol # Kota Kecamatan %U Kota Kabupaten %[ Kota Propinsi Batas Kabupaten 20 0 20 Kilometers # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # %U %U %[ Aurduri Setangkaikecil Lipatkain Pangkalan Pasir Belimbing Pebadaran Geronggang Gungsahlan Kotabangun Pangakalan Kotabaru Siabu Ment ulik Langgam Rant aubarangin Muar amahat Muar atakus Danaubingkuang Teratahbulah Telukkepih Pangkalankabung Parit Tandun Batugajah Petapahan Pant aicermin Parawang Sukadamai Senamaninik Sikijang Tebingt inggi Minas Teluklancang Buat an Rimbapandan Kotalama Pekalar Muar adilam Sunagimurai Sont ang Kotatengah Tanjungmedan Pujut Sungaislalang Tanahput ih Ujungtanjung Banjarduabelas Sedinginan Sint ong Sikapas Pematangbarangan Janes Dur i Balaipungut Baganbesar Pangkalanpasir Sungaisahir Guntung Bukitbatu Batupanjang Pengalir Teluklencah Pangkalanyirih Hut anraju Dumai Bangkinang Pekanbaru 1 3 . 3 5 4 7 .5 2 4 0 . 8 1 92.06 N KOTA DUMAI BENGKALIS SIAK KAMPAR Proximity and Spatial Relation Spatial Framework 5 Konsep Tema Dasar di Geografi • Lokasi/Location • Tempat/Place • Hubungan antar Tempat /Interaksi (Human-Environment Interaction) • Pergerakan/ Movement • Regional/ Regions 5 Konsep Tema Dasar di Geografi 1) Lokasi : posisi relatif dan absolut di permukaan bumi  Contoh/bentuk : Latitude and longitude, site and situation, direction, distance, scale  Keahlian (skill): Map reading, identification  Pertanyaan : Where is ____? Where is ____ relative to where I am? LOCATION Where are we? • Absolute Location – A latitude and longitude (global location) or a street address (local location). – Paris France is 48 o North Latitude and 2 o East Longitude. – The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. • Relative Location – Described by landmarks, time, direction or distance. From one place to another. – Go 1 mile west on main street and turn left for 1 block. Relative and absolute location • Where were you born? • Where do you live? • Where’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been? Spatial Location and Reference Geographical Grid Lintang Utara Lintang Selatan Equator Bujur Barat Bujur Timur Meridian Latitude = Lintang Longitude = Bujur Peta Referensi Memahami Skala 1°30' 1°30' 1°15' 1°15' 110°00' 110°00' 110°15' 110°15' 110 110 5 0 5 10 Kilometers DP DP DP DP SP SP Peat Mapping Using Landsat ETM Landsystem Boundary DP SP Deep Peat Shallow Peat Ketapang West Kalimantan Legend Peta Dari Citra Satelit 2) Place: yaitu karakteristik fisik dan kekhasan manusia pada suatu tempat (characteristics of locales)  Contoh/bentuk: yaitu tentang fisk dan budaya suatu tempat (Physical and cultural landscapes, sense of place)  Keahlian : mendiskripsikan (Description) dan membandingkan (compare)  Questions: What does ____ look like? Why? How is it different from ____? 5 Konsep Tema Dasar di Geografi PLACE What is it like there, what kind of place is it? • Human Characteristics • What are the main languages, customs, and beliefs. • How many people live, work, and visit a place. • Physical Characteristics • Landforms (mountains, rivers, etc.), climate, vegitation, wildlife, soil, etc. 3) Hubungan antar tempat (Relationships within places) :tentang pengembangan dan konsekuensi dari hubungan manusia-lingkungan (human-environment relationships)  Contoh: Ekosistem (Ecosystems), sumber daya alam (natural resources), pencemaran lingkungan (environmental pollution)  Keahlian : Evaluation, analysis  Pertanyaan: Apa hubungan manusia-lingkungan yang terjadi? Bagaimana mereka mempengaruhi tempat dan penghuninya? 5 Konsep Tema Dasar di Geografi 4) Movement: pola dan perubahan dalam interaksi spasial manusia di bumi (patterns and change in human spatial interaction on the earth)  Sample terms: Migration, diffusion, globalization  Skills: Explanation, prediction  Questions: How has this spatial pattern developed? Will it continue to change? What does it mean for the places involved? 5 Konsep Tema Dasar di Geografi HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION • How do humans and the environment affect each other? – We depend on it. • People depend on the Tennessee River for water and transportation. – We modify it. • People modify our environment by heating and cooling buildings for comfort. – We adapt to it. • We adapt to the environment by wearing clothing suitable for summer (shorts) and winter (coats), rain and shine. MOVEMENT • How are people, goods, ideas moved from place to place? – Human Movement • Trucks, Trains, Planes – Information Movement • Phones, computer (email), mail – Idea Movement • How do fads move from place to place? TV, Radio, Magazines 5) Regions: how they form and change  Sample terms: Formal vs. functional regions  Skills: Synthesis, application  Questions: How has this spatial pattern developed? Will it continue to change? What does it mean for the places involved? 5 Konsep Tema Dasar di Geografi REGIONS • How are Regions similar to and different from other places? – Formal Regions • Regions defined by governmental or administrative boundaries (States, Countries, Cities) • Regions defined by similar characteristics (Corn Belt, Rocky Mountain region, Chinatown). – Functional Regions • Regions defined by a function (newspaper service area, cell phone coverage area). – Vernacular Regions (Not in your book) • Regions defined by peoples perception (middle east, the south, etc.) 5 Konsep Tema Dasar di Geografi 5 Konsep Tema Dasar di Geografi • Jika ingin mengingat : • MR. HELP!!! • M – Movement • R – Regions • HE – Human Environment interaction • L – Location • P - Place World-system • CORE - Industrialized, market-oriented countries – Western Europe, North America, Japan, Australia. • PERIPHERY - Poor, ex-colonial nations – Kenya, Bolivia, Pakistan, etc. • SEMI-PERIPHERY - Partially industrialized ex-colonial nations (both exploited and exploiter) —South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, etc. Not regional geography approach • Country-by-country, or region-by-region • Examines internal geography of each world region. • Does not adequately show connections between regions (basis of globalization) Systematic geography approach Through human geographic lenses: • Population geography • Cultural geography • Economic geography • Urban geography • Political geography • Some environmental geography Population geography • Growth in Periphery • “Graying” in Core • Resulting changes in migration patterns • Causes and consequences of forced migration. Cultural geography • Relationship between place & cultural identity. • Cultural homogenization (Americanization) from globalization? • Yet cultural differences across places are becoming significant? Economic geography • Rising economic interdependence among places. • Local responses in turn affect globalization. • “Glocalization” a better term than globalization? Political geography • Economics supposedly eroding significance of borders. • Ethnic minorities feel they deserve states of their own. • States under attack from above (global economics) and from below (ethnic communities). • Yet states are still powerful, and can respond. Urban geography • Different types of cities in core and periphery. • How globalization affects cities. Are they still needed in the information age ? • Strong reasons for cities to still exist. Cities, Settlements, Urban hierarchies System Identification, 0 Geographical Form Spatial Model Analytical Techniques Heritage of Spatial Model Rank-size analysis, Nearest-neighbor analysis, Quadrat analysis Central-place theory, Gravity models, Weberian models, Economic base models Point set theory (Mathematics), Organization models (Management), Packing theory (Mathematics) Model Geography
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