

EXISTING CHANDMARI ROB(DISMANTLING SCHEME) Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Different Stages of Dismantling of Existing ROB 3. Calculation of Self Weight of The Existing Structure 4. Calculation of Prestress Force i. Calculation of Self Weight of The Existing Structure During Prestrssing ii. Staad Model of Bow of Existing Structure iii. Design of Prestressing Cable 5. Jacking Arrangement Required for Lift The Existing Structure i. Staad Model of Jacking Arrangement ii. Design of Members Used in Jacking Arrangement 6. Design of Gantry Girder Structure i. Staad Model of Gantry Girder ii. Design of Members Used in Gantry Girder 7. Design of Trestle INTRODUCTION: This report contains the design calculation related to the dismantling scheme of existing Chandmari Bow String ROB. In absence of as built drawing of the structure survey has been undertaken to prepare the General Arrangement of the ROB. For assessment of structural section property GPR (Ground Penetrating Rader) has been used to find the presence of reinforcement or structural steel inside concrete section and for this purpose a specialist structural agency was engaged. The scheme of dismantling has been discussed in detail in the report and separate drawing is proposed for work at site. The basic concept of the dismantling scheme is to introduce pretension force between the two bearings so that horizontal tie members like deck, cross girder and long beam can be removed without disturbing the stability of the Bows. By engaging gantry crane supported at the top of bow and from deck level at approach, the deck, cross girders, long girder and verticals are proposed to be removed sequentially. The bows are proposed to be removed by introducing two trestles erected from the rail level by blocking some of the track. The bows are proposed to be supported on their trestles and then sequentially they are cut into pieces which shall be removed by using tower crane engaged from both sides of approach. The present design note contain the design of prestress cable, jacking arrangement of the ROB proper, design of the gantry structure and the trestle used for removing the bow. DIFFERENT STAGES OF DISMANTLING OF EXISTING ROB . . . . . . . . CALCULATION OF SELF WEIGHT OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURE . 5 = 54 t Nos. Date: 4-Dec-17 Note No: 11559/E/DR-B-104 Stup Consultants P. Designed By: LKB Calculation of Self weight of the existing structure:- 1. of anchor block = 54 x 4 = 215 t 2.5 x 1.3 x 2. of each anchor block = 16.3 m Wt.45m .5 m2 Thickness of anchor block = 1.12-13)) = 47ᵒ => 2Ө = 94ᵒ Length of Bow = R * 2Ө = 67. Ltd.12 m Ө = tan-1(30/(41. Anchor Block :- Area of anchor block (in elevation) = 16. of Anchor block = 4 Nos Total wt. (R-13)^2+30^2=R^2 => R^2-26R+13^2+30^2= R^2 => R = (13^2 +30^2)/26 = 41. Bow :- Height of Bow = 13 m Length of Bow = 60 m Form geometry. of bows = 2 Nos Total wt.9 11.87 4 51.8 7.4+1) x 0.4/2) x 2 + 1.27 m2 Total weight of longitudinal beam = 81 t C/S of Long Beam .16 5th 13.(41. Verticals :- Elevation of ROB C/c distance of verticals = 3.84 m Cross sectional area of Vertical = 0.4 + (0.4+1) x 0.285 + (0.35x0.3 m Length of vertical at mid span = 13 m Length of 2nd vertical = 13.45x0. (m) 1st 0 13 2 26 2nd 3.3475 m2 Total weight of vertical= = 282 t 4.28 6th 16. Designed By: LKB Cross sectional area of Bow at support = ((0.7+0.1^2-3.9 x 0. Cross sectional area of longitudinal beam = 0.2 10.3x0.sqrt(41.1.48 3rd 6. of bow = 663 t 3.3 x 0.79 4 47.30 m2 Cross sectional area of Bow at mid span = ((0.6 Total length of vertical= 324.63 m2 Wt of each bow = (2.9 4 23.4 3.4 = 1.3x0.35 = 0.88 4th 9.6 C/S of Verticals 9th 26.1 5.4+1) x 0. Longitudinal Beam :- Length of longitudinal beam = 60 m Nos.5 = 331 t Nos.4+1) x 0.4 4 13.3 /2 + 1 x 0.4 = 2.92 4 31.82 4 43.68 8th 23.54 4 38.215 /2 + 1 x 0. of longitudinal beam = 2 Nos.2 = 0. Date: 4-Dec-17 Note No: 11559/E/DR-B-104 Stup Consultants P.87 m Height of Length Vertical Distance from crown (m) vertical (m) Nos.63)/2 x67.3 12.6 12.3+1. Ltd.16 7th 19.47 4 49.3^2) ) = 12.45x 2.285/2) x 2 + 0.5 9.25x2+0. 3 *2. Ltd.4) x 0. Date: 4-Dec-17 Note No: 11559/E/DR-B-104 Stup Consultants P. Total weight of anchor blocks = 215 t 2. of bracing = 3 Nos. Total weight of verticals = 282 t 4. Total weight of longitudinal beams = 81 t 5. Total weight of bracing = 113 t 7. Bracing :- Wt of each bracing = 0.4 x2/2 = 0. Cross Girder :- Elevaion of Cross Girder C/s of Cross Girder Volumn of each cross girder = (0. Total weight of cross girders = 247 t 6.6+0. Total weight of footpath = 156 t Total weight of Existing ROB = 2449 t . Total weight of bows = 663 t 3.5 x 10 = 37.8) x 0. Deck Slab :- Length of deck slab = 66 m Width of deck slab = 10. Total weight of deck = 693 t 8.25 m Weight of deck slab = 66 x 10.5 t Nos.5 m Thickness of slab = 0.25 x 2.15 x 2. of cross beam = 26 Nos.5 t Nos.4 x10. of precast slab = 2 * 0. Footpath :- Volumn of each Cantilever cross girder = (0.3 t Total wt. of footpath = 156 t Total of Existing ROB : 1.5 = 433 t Rcc wearing course = 0.4+. of parapet wall = 1 * 0. at each cantilever c/s girder = 7.2 *3.5 = 3.5*2 = 3.5 x 0.5 x 3 x 2.5 = 260 t Total weight of deck = 433 + 260 = 693 t 8.15x10.8 t Nos. Designed By: LKB 5.3 t Wt.5 = 3.8+0.8 x 2.15)x0.3 *2.2 t Wt.5 m3 Wt.5 x 0. Total weight of cross girder = 247 t 6.5 = 9. of each Cantilever cross girder = 1.5/2 + (0. Total weight of bracings = 113 t 7.15 m Weight of rcc wearing course = 66 x 10.8 m3 Wt of each cross girder = 3. of cantilever c/s girder = 20 Nos Total wt.2 *3. CALCULATION OF PRESTRESS FORCE CALCULATION OF SELF WEIGHT OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURE DURING PRESTRSSING . total weight of ROB during prestressing process = 2449 .260 = 2033 t UDL per bow = 2033 / (2 x60) = 17 t/m Prestressing force required to prevent dislocation of Bow = 575 t (From Staad Model of Bow) . Designed By: LKB Calculation of Self wight of the existing structure during prestressing :- The footpath portion and the rcc wearing course will be dismantled before the prestressing.156 . Ltd. Date: 4-Dec-17 Note No: 11559/E/DR-B-104 Stup Consultants P. So. STAAD MODEL OF BOW OF EXISTING STRUCTURE . Job No Sheet No Rev 1 Part Software licensed to STUP Consultants Pvt.Pro for Windows 20.40m Y Z X Load 1 Beam Number Print Time/Date: 04/12/2017 12:06 STAAD.04.std Date/Time 04-Dec-2017 12:05 17 18 9 8 16 7 15 6 14 5 13 4 12 3 11 2 10 1 59. Ltd Job Title Ref By Date17-Nov-17 Chd Client File Bow.07.12 Print Run 1 of 3 . Job No Sheet No Rev 2 Part Software licensed to STUP Consultants Pvt.07.std Date/Time 04-Dec-2017 12:05 12 11 1 2 3 13 4 14 5 15 6 16 7 17 8 18 9 19 59.12 Print Run 2 of 3 . Ltd Job Title Ref By Date17-Nov-17 Chd Client File Bow.40m 10 Y Z X Load 1 Node Nos. Print Time/Date: 04/12/2017 12:06 STAAD.Pro for Windows 20.04. 806 Mton Y Y = 571.000 Mton Z = 0.Pro for Windows 20.000 Mton MX = FREE MX = FREE Load 2 MY = FREE MY = FREE MZ = FREE MZ = FREE Support Reaction Print Time/Date: 04/12/2017 12:06 STAAD.806 Mton X = -769.07.12 Print Run 3 of 3 .157 Mton Z X Z = 0.04.40m 10 X = 767.std Date/Time 04-Dec-2017 12:05 11 1 2 12 3 13 4 14 5 15 6 16 7 17 8 18 9 19 59. Job No Sheet No Rev 3 Part Software licensed to STUP Consultants Pvt.519 Mton Y = 572. Ltd Job Title Ref By Date17-Nov-17 Chd Client File Bow. 6  3URSULHWDU\3URJUDPRI  5HVHDUFK(QJLQHHUV..6$.67+(.=<'=' &2167$176 0$7(5.21 35. 0RQGD\'HFHPEHU30 0RQGD\'HFHPEHU30 3$*(12 67$$'3/$1(3$*(12   /2$'/2$'7<3(121(7.$/67$57 ..17&225'.1(0$7(5..=<'=' 35..70(7(50721 -2.<.1387:.)<  9HUVLRQ%XLOG 3(5)250$1$/<6..$<$=.11(' /2$'/2$'7<3(121(7.'(1&(6   '()...$<$=.'7+ 81.6$.6$.17/2$'  67$$'3UR ).627523.<.1$7(6      0(0%(5...6$.21  (1*.1760(0%(5(/(0(17668332576   62/9(586('.=<'=' 35.<.6$.<.7/(/2$'&$6( 0(0%(5/2$' 7281.6$.7/(/2$'&$6( 0(0%(5/2$'  7281..1(0$7(5./(%RZ67' 67$57-2%.67.=<'=' 35.1)250$7.7< $/3+$( '$03 (1''(). 1387).$<$=.<.21 .1)250$7.6$.6$.$<$=.*<   -2.&&21&5(7( (( 32.$<$=.=<'=' 35.1((5'$7(129  (1'-2%.$<$=.&6     86(5.6$.6621 '(16.$<$=.1&..$<$=..$<$=.0$5</2$'&$6(6 727$/'(*5((62))5(('20  ..$/&21&5(7($// 68332576 3.1&25($'9$1&('62/9(5  67$$'3/$1( 727$/35.<.$/ 0(0%(53523(57<$0(5..'6783&RQVXOWDQWV3YW/WG   180%(52)-2..=<'=' 35.QWO   'DWH '(&   7LPH  352%/(067$7.=<'=' 35.=<'=' 35.1768332575($&7.=<'=' 35..&$1 35.<..*< '?/LNKRQ%LVZDV?&KDQGPDULB&DEOHVWD\HG52%?([LVWLQJ?6WDDG)LOH?%RZDQO 3DJHRI '?/LNKRQ%LVZDV?&KDQGPDULB&DEOHVWD\HG52%?([LVWLQJ?6WDDG)LOH?%RZDQO 3DJHRI .<.<.. 0RQGD\'HFHPEHU30 0RQGD\'HFHPEHU30 67$$'3/$1(3$*(12 67$$'3/$1(3$*(12    )RUTXHVWLRQVRQ67$$'3URSOHDVHFRQWDFW   5HVHDUFK(QJLQHHUV2IILFHVDWWKHIROORZLQJORFDWLRQV 68332575($&7.21681.707210(7(6758&785(7<3( 3/$1(     7HOHSKRQH(PDLO   86$ . 17/2$')25&(.020<020=  &$1$'$ .VXSSRUW#EHQWOH\FRP -2.)25&(<)25&(=020.  .GHWHFK#RGDQGHWHFKFRP   8. 1'.VXSSRUW#EHQWOH\FRP  125:$<VWDDG#HGUQR   6.$ .1*$325(VXSSRUW#EHQWOH\FRP   . VXSSRUW#EHQWOH\FRP   -$3$1 . HQJH\H#FUFFRMS   &+.1$ . /$1' .VXSSRUW#EHQWOH\FRP   7+$. 0(   '?/LNKRQ%LVZDV?&KDQGPDULB&DEOHVWD\HG52%?([LVWLQJ?6WDDG)LOH?%RZDQO 3DJHRI '?/LNKRQ%LVZDV?&KDQGPDULB&DEOHVWD\HG52%?([LVWLQJ?6WDDG)LOH?%RZDQO 3DJHRI .1.VXSSRUW#EHQWOH\FRP     (1'2)/$7(67$1$/<6.65(68/7  1RUWK$PHULFDVXSSRUW#EHQWOH\FRP   (XURSHVXSSRUW#EHQWOH\FRP   $VLDVXSSRUW#EHQWOH\FRP ).6+     (1'2)7+(67$$'3UR581   '$7( '(&7. DESIGN OF PRESTRESSING CABLE . Date: 4-Dec-17 Note No: 11559/E/DR-B-104 Stup Consultants P. Ltd. Designed By: LKB Design of cable UTS of cable = 1860 Mpa Allowable stress in DL condition = 0.7 mm 2 Area of each strand = 150 mm Nos. of strand provided = 50 Nos. of strand required = 46 Nos.45xUTS = 837 Mpa 2 Area of cable required = 575 x 10000 / 837 = 6870 mm Use dia of each strand = 15. . Nos.
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