
March 18, 2018 | Author: karnatisharath | Category: Banking, Money, Financial Services, Service Industries, Economies



INTRODUCTIONThis publication ‘Basic Statistical Returns of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India, Volume 43 – Summary Tables’, presents summary data on deposits and credit of scheduled commercial banks and the information on number of employees of these banks, as on 31st March 2014. The data are collected through the annual statistical surveys, Basic Statistical Returns (BSR) - 1 & 2, from the offices of scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) in India including Regional Rural Banks. 2. BSR-1 relates to gross bank credit and comprises (i) bank credit including dues from banks within the meaning of the fortnightly return under Section 42(2) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and (ii) bills rediscounted with the Reserve Bank of India and other financial institutions under the Bill Market Scheme. 3. The BSR-1 return has been revised with effect from March 2013 Survey to collect detailed account-wise information on all borrowal accounts. Till March 2012 Survey, the BSR-1 return was divided into two parts - Part A and Part B (termed as BSR-1A and BSR1B). In BSR-1A, information in respect of each of the borrowal accounts with individual credit limit of over ` 0.2 million was collected on various characteristics, such as place (district and population group) of utilisation of credit, type of account, type of organisation, occupational category, category of borrower code, secured/unsecured loan code, fixed/floating rate of interest flag, rate of interest, credit limit and amount outstanding (the cut-off credit limit was earlier `25,000 till March 1998 survey). In BSR-1B, information in respect of small borrowal accounts with individual credit limit up to ` 0.2 million was obtained from all scheduled commercial banks in consolidated form for broad occupational categories for two separate credit limit groups, i.e., ‘up to `25,000’ and ‘over `25,000 and up to ` 0.2 million’. From March 2013 Survey, all borrowal accounts are being reported account-wise with details as per BSR-1A. Consequently, consolidated reporting of small borrowal accounts under BSR-1B has been discontinued. Accordingly, the data presented in some of the tables in this Volume are not comparable with those in the earlier period up to March 2012. However, in some tables comparable data based on borrowal accounts with individual credit limit of over ` 0.2 million are also presented separately. 4. In BSR-2, each bank office submits information on deposits with their break-up into current, savings and term deposits. Information on deposit accounts of females is given separately. Information of term deposits according to different maturity periods is also furnished in this return. In addition, BSR-2 provides information on staff strength, classified according to gender and category (i.e. officers, clerical and subordinates), in individual bank offices as on the reference date of the returns. Deposits exclude inter-bank deposits. Current deposits comprise (i) deposits subject to withdrawal on demand (other than savings deposits) or on notice of less than 14 days, or term deposits with a maturity period of less than 7 days (ii) call deposits withdrawable not later than 14 days; (iii) unclaimed deposits; i (iv) overdue fixed deposits; (v) credit balance in cash credit and overdraft accounts and (vi) contingency unadjusted account if in the nature of deposits. Savings deposits are deposits accepted by banks under their savings bank deposit rules. Term deposits are deposits with a fixed maturity of not less than 7 days and above or subject to notice of not less than 14 days. These would also include (a) deposits payable after 14 days notice; (b) cash certificates; (c) cumulative or recurring deposits; (d) Kuri & Chit deposits and (e) special deposits in the nature of term deposits. Conceptually, the deposits data in BSR-2 and the aggregate deposits in Section 42(2) return are the same. In BSR-2, bank branches also give classification of term deposits according to broad interest rate ranges as well as size of deposits. Based on these data, tables giving percentage distribution of term deposits according to interest rate range and size of deposits are presented in the Volume. The data on residual maturity of term deposits are also collected through this return; and their percentage distribution is presented in the Volume. Population frame and coverage 5. The BSR1&2 surveys are conducted on census basis. The population frame and the coverage for the March 2014 survey are as under: Description Number of Offices Number of offices of SCBs in the population frame for the March 2014 survey @ 1. Data reported 2. Data estimated $ 3. Administrative offices not having credit accounts 4. Other offices not having credit accounts (reported only BSR-2) 5. Administrative offices not having deposits accounts 6. Other offices not having deposits accounts (reported only BSR-1) 7. Offices not reported both deposits and credit BSR-1 BSR-2 1,20,965 1,20,965 1,11,493 366 4,641 1,15,316 752 - 3,620 - 3,668 - 384 845 845 @ As per Master Office File of SCBs in India. $ In the case of non-reporting offices, the distribution of credit/deposits have been estimated based on data reported by the branch for the previous round of the survey, and/or data reported by similar branches in the same district for the current survey, and adjusted for branch-level total credit/deposits based on the information reported in the Quarterly Return on Aggregate Deposits and Gross Bank Credit (BSR-7) as on March 31, 2014. 6. Though considerable efforts were made to cover all offices of SCBs in the surveys, as stated above, data of some of the bank offices could not be included due to technical reasons/non-reporting, and in some cases data were estimated so as to complete the survey. The figures at granular District/State level are subject to the limitations as above. ii Also, the data on gross bank credit/ aggregate deposits compiled from BSR-1/ BSR-2 may differ from those compiled based on other sources. However, the distributions at aggregate level presented in this Volume could be viewed as fairly close estimates of the population distribution. Explanatory Notes 7. Brief explanatory notes on some of the tables are given below: Table 1.1 presents the progress of commercial banking at a glance, based on data collected from different sources as per details given in the ‘Notes on Tables’. BSR-1 return provides the identification of the district and population group of the place where the credit is utilised. In the Volume, data on credit both as per place of sanction (location of sanctioning office) and as per place of utilisation are presented. In Tables 1.3, 1.5, 1.16 and 1.17 data on credit is as per the place of sanction and in Tables 1.10 and 1.11 it is based on the place of utilisation. Tables 1.6 to 1.8 present the data on credit according to both the place of sanction and the place of utilisation so as to facilitate comparison. A listing of tables on credit, which are based on place of sanction/ utilisation, is also given in the ‘Notes on Tables’. Table 1.9 presents classification of outstanding credit according to detailed occupations. Tables 1.13, 1.14 and 1.15 provide distributions of outstanding credit of scheduled commercial banks according to interest rate range, type of account and organisation, respectively, for all accounts and large borrowal accounts having individual credit limit above ` 0.2 million. Table 1.16 gives percentage distribution of small borrowal accounts according to broad category of borrowers into ‘individuals’ & ‘others’ and genderwise classification of individual borrowers. Table 1.17 gives population group and occupation-wise classification of small borrowal accounts each with credit limit of ` 0.2 million and less. Tables 1.21 to 1.23 give the information on deposits of scheduled commercial banks according to broad ownership category. Tables 1.24 to 1.26 give (original) maturity pattern of term deposits according to broad ownership category, population group and bank group, respectively. Table 1.27 presents the percentage distribution of the term deposits of scheduled commercial banks, as per the residual maturity period. Table 1.28 gives interest rate range-wise percentage distribution of term deposits. Table 1.29 presents the percentage distribution of the term deposits of scheduled commercial banks as per the size of deposits. 8. Population group-wise data for ‘Non-Food Credit’ (i.e. total credit excluding credit extended for Food procurement) is presented separately in two tables viz. Table 1.3 and Table 1.6A. 9. Population groups of the banked centres are based on the 2001 census. In BSR Volumes up to 2005, population groups were based on the 1991 census. As such, the population group-wise data presented in the tables in this Volume are not strictly iii The population groups are defined as follows: i.1 million iii.org. Notes on tables as appropriate to each table are given at the end of the Volume. (ii) Nationalised banks. More detailed data on deposits and credit are released under the link ‘Time-Series Publications . 14. the Division was ably assisted by the Data Warehouse Division and regional offices of DSIM.in/DBIE/dbie.1 million and above but less than 1 million iv. ‘Private Sector Banks’ refer to Indian private sector banks. ‘Metropolitan’ group includes centres with population of 1 million and more. Significant features relating to credit and deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks based on information in various tables in this Volume are covered in the ‘Highlights’.rbi.comparable with those of the years prior to 2006.000 ii. The bank group. ‘Urban’ group includes centres with population of 0. April 30.Basic Statistical Returns of SCBs in India’ in the Database on Indian Economy (DBIE) (http://dbie. (iii) Foreign banks. The unit one million is equal to 1. which was previously (till 2008 Volume) referred to as ‘Other Scheduled Commercial Banks’. ‘Semi-urban’ group includes centres with population of 10. 11. The totals given in the tables may not exactly tally with the sum of the constituent items on account of rounding off of the figures. This Volume is prepared in the Banking Statistics Division of the Department of Statistics and Information Management (DSIM).000.rbi?site=publications#!9). Figures in brackets indicate percentages to respective total. The symbol ‘–’ indicates ‘nil’ or ‘negligible’ throughout this Volume. For data collection and processing. Banks have been grouped as: (i) State Bank of India and its Associates. 10.000 and above but less than 0. 13. (iv) Regional rural banks and (v) Private Sector banks.000. 12. ‘Nationalised Banks’ also includes IDBI Bank Ltd. ‘Rural’ group includes all centres with population of less than 10. 2015 iv . Detailed data as at the end of March 2013 are available in the publication ‘Basic Statistical Returns of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India.5 per cent in 2014 as compared to 20.3 per cent in 2013 (Table 1. 3.7 per cent and 13.821 billion registering an increase of 13.0 per cent growth in bank credit in 2014 as against 5. ‘Financial sector’ witnessed 18. 2014.4 per cent. The salient findings of the surveys are set out below: Outstanding Credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks:2.7 per cent during the year as against an increase of 15.7 per cent in 2013. Volume 42.  Outstanding credit to ‘Trade’ sector in 2014 remained at the same level as in the previous year after witnessing 22.7 per cent in 2013).Highlights 1.965 offices of scheduled commercial banks including regional rural banks.2 per cent in 2014 as against 22.3 per cent in 2014 as compared to 10.3).0 per cent and 19. respectively compared with Urban and Metropolitan centres at 10.0 per cent in the previous year (Table No.3 per cent in the previous year. respectively.0 per cent as compared to 19.  ‘Personal Housing Loans’ witnessed lower growth at 14. Volume 43 – Summary Tables’ is based on data collected through BSR 1 and 2 surveys as on March 31.3 per cent in 2013 whereas bank credit to ‘Industry’ sector recorded a lower growth of 13. Credit to ‘Professional and Other Services’ sector grew at 16. v . Growth of gross outstanding credit:  At the end of March 2014 gross outstanding credit of scheduled commercial banks amounted to ` 62. Sectoral (Occupation-wise) credit growth:  Bank credit to ‘Agriculture’ sector witnessed a higher growth of 24.2 per cent to 139 million in 20141 from 128 million in 2013. March-2013’.  Rural and Semi-urban centres registered higher growth in credit in 2014 at 15. This publication ‘Basic Statistical Returns of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India.20.1 per cent in the previous year. which covered 1. 1 All references to the periods 2013 and 2014 mean position as at the end of March 2013 and March 2014.9). respectively.1 per cent growth (4.4 per cent.  The number of borrowal accounts increased by 8.4 per cent growth in 2013. Credit to ‘Transport operators’ registered 5.1. Aggregate Deposits:7.1.8 per cent in 2013.6 per cent from 41.4 per cent in the previous year.1. at same level as a year ago.3 per cent in 2013 (Table No.4 per cent in 2014 to 1.11).557 billion. The share of ‘Trade’ sector decreased to 9. where as for ‘Industry’ sector the share decreased marginally to 41. Interest rate on bank credit:  The weighted average interest rate of all loans and advances worked out to be 12.9 per cent (Table 1.4 per cent from 12.1 and 7. Growth in Term deposits also declined to 14.12).3 per cent respectively in 2013.8 per cent from 17.5 per cent and 16.  The share of ‘Personal Housing loans’ remained unchanged at 8.2 million contributed 78.7 per cent of the total number of borrowal accounts in 2014 as against 79. vi .4.4 per cent in the previous year (Table No. Size-wise distribution of bank credit:  Small borrowal accounts each with credit limit up to ` 0.1 per cent from 10.18). Current deposits registered a lower growth of 2.7 per cent in the previous year.4 per cent in 2013. registering a growth of 13.1 per cent in 2013.  The number of deposit accounts increased by 17.8 per cent as against 6.  The shares of ‘Finance’ and ‘Professional & Other Services’ increased to 8.8 and 7.6 per cent in 2013.6 per cent.5 per cent and 11. Savings deposits grew at the rate of 14. 6. Total number of savings bank accounts in 2014 was 978 million as compared to 823 million in 2013. 5.227 million from about 1. had a share of 32.5 per cent. Sectoral (occupation-wise) deployment of bank credit:  The share of credit to ‘Agriculture’ sector in the gross bank credit increased to 13.5 per cent respectively from 7.4 per cent in 2014 as against 15. respectively. Growth in aggregate deposits:  Aggregate deposits amounted to ` 79.2 per cent in 2013.4 per cent.045 million in 2013.01 per cent as at the end of March 2014. respectively compared with Urban and Metropolitan centres at 14.  Accounts with credit limit above ` one billion each.2 per cent as compared to 14.8 per cent of the total outstanding credit in 2014 as compared to 31.  Rural and Semi-urban centres registered higher growth in deposits in 2014 at 17.4 per cent from 9. The share of small borrowal accounts in outstanding credit declined to 8. 9 per cent in 2013. On the other hand.1.2 per cent in 2014 from 32.9 per cent in 2014 from 28.18).24). Interest rate on term deposits:  The share of term deposits with interest rate ‘less than 9. which was marginally higher than 78. the share of short-term deposits with maturity ‘less than one year’ decreased to 26.8 and 26.63 per cent in 2013 (Table No.3 per cent in 2013. Also.0 per cent (Table No.1.0-10. About 62. 9.  Deposits held by ‘individual’ depositors went up by 22.0 per cent as compared to 8.28) reflecting the impact of increase in weighted average maturity of term deposits. the C-D ratio in respect of Rural centers at the end of March 2014 was at 66. the share of term deposits with longer maturity of 2 years and above increased to 36.9 per cent from 39.  The weighted average interest rate of term deposits increased to 8.3 per cent of deposits were in the interest rate range 9.8 per cent in 2013.0 per cent in 2014 from 9.  Population group-wise Credit-Deposit (C-D) Ratio: The All-India C-D ratio was at 79.Deposit Ratio:(As per Place of Sanction and Place of Utilisation of Credit) 11.8.0 per cent in 2013. Credit .0 per cent. 10.1.5 per cent in 2013 (Table No.1 per cent in the previous vii .28).1.8 per cent in 2014.5 per cent in 2013.1. Type of deposits and ownership:  The share of term deposits and savings deposits in total deposits increased to 64. The share of current deposits declined to 9. respectively in 2014 from 63.0 per cent in 2014. The share of deposits with interest rate ‘10.0 per cent and above’ marginally increased to 9.6 and 26.  As per place of sanction of credit.77 per cent in 2014 from 8.7 per cent in 2014 from 34. whereas those held by ‘other than individuals’ grew by 4.6 per cent as compared to 68.4 per cent in the previous year. The share of deposits held by ‘individuals’ in total deposits increased to 54.5 per cent in 2014 from 50.4 per cent in 2013 (Table No.  Weighted average maturity (contractual) of term deposits increased to 2 years and 4 months as at end March 2014 from 2 years and one month a year ago.0 per cent’ in total term deposits declined to 28.5 per cent. Maturity pattern of term deposits:  The share of term deposits with original maturity period ‘1 year to less than 2 years’ in total term deposits declined to 36.21).9 per cent in 2013 (Table No. 2.8 per cent respectively compared to 56.year.3 per cent. 62.0 and 86. Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu had significantly higher C-D ratio as per place of utilisation than place of sanction indicating migration of credit to these States/UTs (Table No.1. ********************** viii . 12. 69.3 per cent.6). compared to 78.9 and 91. 60. Urban and Metropolitan centers were at 72. and Puducherry had higher C-D ratios as compared to all-India C-D ratio. Gujarat. Haryana.0. the C-D ratios (as per place of sanction) were 58.7 and 93. Maharashtra. Also. Migration of credit among the states:  State-level Credit-Deposit ratio. Delhi.0. 58. respectively in the previous year (Table No.  Chandigarh. revealed that Haryana. Rajasthan. Urban and Metropolitan centers. Sikkim. respectively. 66.7 and 94. In the case of Semi-urban. calculated as per the place of sanction and place of utilisation of credit.2 per cent in the previous year.9.8. Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu registered C-D ratio (as per place of utilisation) higher than 100 per cent.  The C-D ratios as per place of utilization of credit for Rural. 1. 61.2. Punjab.7). Semi-urban. 11 Percentage distribution of outstanding credit of scheduled commercial banks according to population group and occupation 1.17 Population group-wise outstanding credit of small borrowal accounts of scheduled commercial banks according to occupation ix .16 Percentage distribution of outstanding credit of small borrowal accounts of scheduled commercial banks according to broad category of borrowers 1.8 State and population group-wise outstanding credit of scheduled commercial banks according to place of sanction and utilisation 1.9 Outstanding credit of scheduled commercial banks according to occupation 1.1 Progress of Commercial Banking at a glance 1.6A Population group-wise outstanding credit of scheduled commercial banks according to place of sanction and utilisation (Excluding Food Procurement) 1.15 Outstanding credit of scheduled commercial banks according to organisation 1.6 Population group-wise outstanding credit of scheduled commercial banks according to place of sanction and utilisation 1.4 Deposits and credit of scheduled commercial banks according to bank group 1.14 Outstanding credit of scheduled commercial banks according to type of account 1.3 Deposits and credit of scheduled commercial banks according to population group 1.13 Outstanding credit of scheduled commercial banks according to interest rate range 1.2 Distribution of banking centres according to state and population group 1. 1.5 Deposits and credit of scheduled commercial banks according to state 1.7 State-wise outstanding credit of scheduled commercial banks according to place of sanction and utilisation 1.CONTENTS Summary tables Table No.10 Population group-wise outstanding credit of scheduled commercial banks according to occupation 1.12 Outstanding credit of scheduled commercial banks according to size of credit limit 1. 20 State-wise deposits of scheduled commercial banks according to type of deposits 1.Table No.27 Percentage distribution of term deposits of scheduled commercial banks according to residual maturity and broad ownership category 1.30 State-wise distribution of employees of scheduled commercial banks according to category 1.29 Percentage distribution of term deposits of scheduled commercial banks according to size of deposit and broad ownership category 1.24 Maturity pattern of term deposits of scheduled commercial banks according to broad ownership category 1.25 Maturity pattern of term deposits of scheduled commercial banks according to population group 1.18 Population group-wise deposits of scheduled commercial banks according to type of deposits 1.21 Population group-wise deposits of scheduled commercial banks according to broad ownership category 1.31 Bank group and population group-wise distribution of employees of scheduled commercial banks according to category Notes on Tables x .23 State-wise deposits of scheduled commercial banks according to broad ownership category 1.22 Bank group-wise deposits of scheduled commercial banks according to broad ownership category 1.26 Maturity pattern of term deposits of scheduled commercial banks according to bank group 1. 1.28 Percentage distribution of term deposits of scheduled commercial banks according to interest rate range and broad ownership category 1.19 Bank group-wise deposits of scheduled commercial banks according to type of deposits 1. 45 Deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks per office (` Million) 5.58 61390.30 33110.49 26119.2 36.5 523.9 72.5 30.42 17444.3 33.46 21090.4 30.4 216.03 26726.3 Scheduled Commercial Banks' Advances to Priority Sector (` Billion) 5 5468 7038 8248 9674 11384 13373 14909 18180 21549 Share of Priority Sector Advances in  Total Credit of Scheduled  Commercial Banks (per cent) 14.8 77.2 6.0 86.1 – PROGRESS OF COMMERCIAL BANKING AT A GLANCE IMPORTANT INDICATORS June 1969 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No.5 73.43 (a) Demand 21.49 32447.8 28.6 5.6 7.0 16.04 3646.0 14.2 75.7 469. at current prices) 15. 1.1 5.89 23619.33 31969.0 77.3 35.0 37.25 38472.8 13.4 28.9 268.14 27755.8 35.5 310.0 526.4 476.5 8.6 363.8 46.8 29.0 511.0 38. of Commercial Banks 89 222 183 175 170 169 169 173 155 151 73 218 179 171 166 165 165 169 151 146 - 133 96 91 86 82 82 82 64 57 16 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 8262 69471 71839 76050 80547 85393 90263 98330 105437 117280 (a) Rural 1833 30579 30551 31076 31667 32624 33683 36356 39195 45177 (b) Semi-Urban 3342 15556 16361 17675 18969 20740 22843 25797 28165 31442 (c) Urban 1584 12032 12970 14391 15733 17003 17490 18781 19902 21448 (d) Metropolitan 1503 11304 11957 12908 14178 15026 16247 17396 18175 19213 64.9 32.1 84.4 35.5 34.09 21822.5 32.39 38341.1 Share of Priority Sector Advances in  Total Non-Food Credit of Scheduled  Commercial Banks (per cent) 15.5 Per Capita Deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks (`) 88 19276 23468 28327 33471 38062 43034 48732 55445 62252 Per Capita Credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks (`) 68 13774 17355 20928 24230 27489 32574 38033 43123 48294 Deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks as percentage of National Income (NNP at Factor Cost.4 88.7 35.5 13. 1 March 2008 March 2009 March 2010 March 2011 March 2012 March 2013 March 2014 .8 79.0 15.5 73.9 657.8 28.52 61671.7 Credit Deposit Ratio 77.1 577.0 15.05 6253.8 6.TABLE NO.6 Investment Deposit Ratio 29.3 35.7 674.7 Credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks per office (` Million) 4.40 4297.69 59090.77 19311.19 70862.7 6.3 81.3 30.3 11.6 34.4 30.7 78.64 52837.6 35.6 380.1 86.4 (a) Scheduled Commercial Banks Of which: Regional Rural Banks (b) Non-Scheduled Commercial Banks Number of Offices of Scheduled  Commercial Banks in India ^ Population per office (in thousands) Deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India ( ` Billion ) of which: Cash Deposit Ratio March 2006 March 2007 ^ Excludes Administrative Offices  See Notes on Tables.16 45662.4 72.1 420.80 79134.9 10.82 46118.30 7671.6 6.9 73.26 52079.4 35.7 6.0 436.10 6417.2 37.52 53931.9 34.10 44928.6 303.0 600.85 6456.5 71.6 82.4 12.82 69342.11 (b) Time 25.10 5230.1 33.9 34.3 8.32 Credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India ( ` Billion ) 36 15070.31 5243.6 344.61 8272.1 84.88 39420. 007 10 12 2 8 2 8 2 2 4 4 6 6 Southern Region 7.376 0 162 172 4 4 1.609 1.496 802 814 54 54 12 138 147 24 25 0 0 0 Gujarat 1.704 Rajasthan 1.744 36.857 57 57 Jharkhand Odisha Sikkim 39 39 2 2 2.744 103 105 8 8 1.241 6.460 Karnataka 2.233 3.453 1.482 2.828 1.384 312 320 17 18 2 2 7.469 489 497 33 33 8 10 2 2 West Bengal Andaman & Nicobar Islands Central Region Chhattisgarh Uttarakhand Western Region Goa Dadra&nagar Haveli Daman & Diu 41 41 2.973 Bihar 2. as such.556 132 134 12 12 2 2 1.746 Haryana 882 1.248 151 154 10 10 1 1 1.TABLE NO.642 2.906 286 337 1.720 1.103 2.621 2.180 1.045 1.179 8 8 2.381 1.068 6 5.937 6.913 2.341 1.611 2. which is regularly updated.176 2.977 3.908 679 696 47 48 6 565 602 43 43 3 3 3.096 80 81 674 721 75 77 7 7 Madhya Pradesh 1. 2 .341 7.453 2.271 2.481 6.444 8.403 43. the information presented in this table is the latest and may not match with those published earlier.763 278 280 23 23 2 Uttar Pradesh 5.122 5.106 10 10 1.096 590 609 24 24 2.249 1.907 2.075 148 153 19 19 1 1 1.094 1. See Notes on Tables.706 3.868 283 286 21 21 Maharashtra 2.198 952 998 86 89 6 6 1 1 1.2 – DISTRIBUTION OF BANKING CENTRES ACCORDING TO STATE AND POPULATION GROUP (AS AT THE END OF MARCH 2013 and 2014) Population Group Rural 2013 REGION/ STATE/ UNION TERRITORY Semi-Urban 2014 2013 Urban 2014 2013 Metropolitan ALL CENTRES 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5.562 2.383 384 387 1 34 1 34 9 9 40 41 39.179 756 805 2 1.994 1.923 4.854 6.791 5.075 1.658 611 648 12 4.880 2.052 89 89 4 4 8.994 275 275 18 18 1 1 2.010 1. 1.285 The data are based on Master Office File of bank branches.616 96 98 5 5 9.281 2.610 1.645 505 534 18 18 1 1 2.395 1.248 Himachal Pradesh 676 716 14 14 1 1 691 731 Jammu & Kashmir 538 602 40 41 3 3 581 646 Punjab 1.093 7.730 Kerala Tamil Nadu Lakshadweep Puducherry All India 7 7 2 2 31 32 7 7 2 2 32.085 1.763 19 20 9.599 Andhra Pradesh 2.756 10.412 56 57 10 10 66 67 Assam 734 786 71 72 5 5 810 863 Manipur 39 43 14 14 1 1 54 58 Meghalaya 121 123 13 13 2 2 136 138 Mizoram 60 61 8 8 1 1 69 70 Nagaland 43 44 12 12 55 56 Tripura 127 134 23 25 1 1 151 160 Eastern Region 7.971 8.288 10 10 1 1 11 11 Northern Region Chandigarh Delhi North-eastern Region Arunachal Pradesh 72 82 32 34 1 1 106 118 1.571 306 310 23 24 1 1 2.035 641 651 55 55 5 5 5.837 572 582 37 38 3 3 3.809 1.050 1.599 1.867 2.134 10.236 6. $/%$1.76$1'&5('.1*723238/$7.21*5283 0$5&+ $PRXQWLQC0LOOLRQ.72)6&+('8/('&200(5&.6 $&&25'.7$%/(12'(326. 1'.21 *5283 585$/ 6(0.7 &5('.7$1 $//.7 1RQ)RRG&UHGLW.85%$1 85%$1 0(75232/.$ 1RRI 2IILFHV &5('. '(326.76 3238/$7. 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 2XWVWDQGLQJ 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 2XWVWDQGLQJ               . . . . . . .        . . . . . . .        . . . . . . .        . . . . . . .        . . . . . . . *5283 0$5&+ $PRXQWLQC0LOOLRQ.$/%$1.1*72%$1. ([FOXGLQJFUHGLWH[WHQGHGIRU)RRGSURFXUHPHQW 7$%/(12'(326.76$1'&5('.6 $&&25'.72)6&+('8/('&200(5&. 2).$7(6      .7 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 2XWVWDQGLQJ      67$7(%$1.1'.$$1' . '(326.76 1RRI 2IILFHV &5('.76$662&. . . . . 6      . 1$7.6('%$1.21$/. . . . . 6      .6 $//6&+('8/(' &200(5&.9$7(6(&725%$1.*5283 )25(.$/%$1.6 35.*1%$1.6 5(*. %$1.21$/585$/%$1. . . . .      . . . . .      . . . . .      . . . . . 3 . 5 2666302.053.8 1820030.4 10137.582 3.691 351.750.2 3.124 36.625 5.095 12.121.707.045 9870977.657 40.5 6087416.381 1904342.998 624617.3 17010.0 8146645.8 4999735.658.5 93936.862.6 1357883.9 18211857.0 18.3 145832.157 4821294.944 98.076 16.295.258 371.467.149.3 270938.802 2.931 59 54.376 200.411 75251.3 43649.108.280.965 1.3 Bihar Jharkhand Odisha Sikkim West Bengal Andaman & Nicobar Islands Goa Gujarat Maharashtra Dadra & Nagar Haveli Daman & Diu SOUTHERN REGION Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Kerala Tamil Nadu Lakshadweep Puducherry ALL-INDIA 4 .878 3.420 3.788 526170.335.298 4.115 4908433.634 443.330 80.908 27.694 1.6 612.864 649.301 57.2 2.435 3.4 2012574.687.8 16.203 51 44 4.0 9.3 19.171 79557212.101.112 2.7 8444157.020.4 6517.172.7 267156.458.6 77.522 625.9 760087.4 5.775 12.484.0 13.000 182.748 129393.891.096 255.4 51521.595 4.6 665573.666.129 30.0 7105.414 1933145.019 472935.9 CENTRAL REGION 24.0 519925.2 120.TABLE NO.247.673 206.311 21.062 5.173 2.267.389 499.050.2 138.4 632 6.334.152.226.4 22511.613.710.069 4723440.699.907 21455149.529 24939833.193 742.337.151 8.4 33.025 903.650 9632553.2 482622.547 5.8 2815929.062.689.0 47147.076.325.749.9 39972.535 5.359 2.556 884997.4 733429.110 17840.777 107.5 5.5 2300211.3 1753306. of Offices CREDIT No.863 37.3 578970.9 3098187.2 1905567.7 3814379.224 1508857.323 2.107.5 .326.657.612 136.255 31.9 50625.349 998.038 6.9 2249099.936 24.348 114.1 382477.743 11.7 316303.749.044 98.0 185980.499 396.5 23.228 1357371. of Accounts Amount Outstanding 1 2 3 4 5 22.735 17695778.636 16789545.9 5976791.479.194 451254.777.026 1.0 134676.139.7 1646289.053 9.808.835 64.881.024 47.900 8.729.9 73135.7 1.074. 1.413 168.833.DEPOSITS AND CREDIT OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO STATE MARCH 2014 (Amount in ` Million) DEPOSITS REGION / STATE / UNION TERRITORY NORTHERN REGION Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Punjab Rajasthan Chandigarh Delhi NORTH-EASTERN REGION No.3 20288450.995 113 6.591 188.9 17844.7 3.8 9192.313 1.601 14.291.0 WESTERN REGION 18.962 1.907 408 3.746.984 16060697.4 20314.0 4801084.607 438.554 859.364.731 4.9 4147921.313 10.1 1203411.651 52.6 272.386 1.9 Arunachal Pradesh Assam Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Tripura 128 1. of Accounts Amount No.095.364.0 65443.094 14558459.371.9 838395.0 13640.0 3.3 EASTERN REGION 19.330.090 13 205 117.475 81.064.7 2959138.8 63.882 62820824.3 25905.4 Chhattisgarh Madhya Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand 2.248.308 35.039 19.739 17.012 4409985.074 4.8 5369086.064.896 84.166 9.945 134 286 141 141 354 859.696 2.304 176.4 29695.858 9.270 12.725.417.134.041 40. 1*&5('.21*5283:.21 0$5&+ $PRXQWLQC0LOOLRQ.6 $&&25'.72)6&+('8/('&200(5&.6$7.6(28767$1'.1*723/$&(2)6$1&7./.7$%/(123238/$7.21$1'87.$/%$1. 1*&5('.21 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 2XWVWDQGLQJ &UHGLW 'HSRVLW 5DWLR 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 2XWVWDQGLQJ &UHGLW 'HSRVLW 5DWLR       585$/       6(0.21*5283:.21$1'87.21*5283 $//.1*723/$&(2)6$1&7.6$7.85%$1       85%$1       0(75232/./.21  ([FOXGLQJ)RRG3URFXUHPHQW&UHGLW.$ 7$%/(12$3238/$7.72)6&+('8/('&200(5&. $63(53/$&(2)6$1&7.21 $63(53/$&(2)87.1'./.6$7.6(28767$1'.6 $&&25'.7$1             3238/$7.$/%$1. 0$5&+ $PRXQWLQC0LOOLRQ. 6$7.$ 1RWH([FOXGLQJFUHGLWH[WHQGHGIRU)RRGSURFXUHPHQW 5 . $63(53/$&(2)6$1&7.21*5283 $//.7$1             3238/$7./.85%$1       85%$1       0(75232/.21 $63(53/$&(2)87.1'.21 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 2XWVWDQGLQJ &UHGLW 'HSRVLW 5DWLR 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 2XWVWDQGLQJ &UHGLW 'HSRVLW 5DWLR       585$/       6(0. 9 21523.4 19909193.6 1357883.7 267156.6 61.8 334827.3 1871155.4 105.8 51.5 2666302.2 5112131.6 1003.7 3069851.6 8.3 17010.9 37554.7 39611.7 17838.7 8444157.4 4919635.0 71161.8 21.9 39972.8 33.3 129393.0 105731.8 269171.8 62820824.9 2867918.1 120.5 1025.1 16678.6 41766.5 63.9 13628.3 310863.4 37.0 198567.8 235.7 3533.3 111.1 39576.6 317878.6 82.8 44.5 CENTRAL REGION 4821294.9 38.0 16978.5 32.9 185361.7 WESTERN REGION 21455149.2 32.0 80.1 382477.6 Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Punjab Rajasthan Chandigarh Delhi 1508857.3 1422833.9 469937.0 46.2 11917.7 3086570.0 67.4 44.4 10137.3 1753306.0 238779.2 3415.6 80.5 60.5 1092.4 137.2 266131.5 32.1 11.4 223139.9 34.6 48.9 73057.1 43835.6 39.2 983.8 120.9 3359.5 5848636.1 75879.9 6379.0 51.6 2998.2 361.4 129084.7 8245589.7 3814379.7 4109142.6 17236313.3 270938.4 733429.0 13640.9 34.9 18211857.7 7032.4 24.3 2822.6 17840.8 18662.0 4194.6 32.9 3098187.3 48.4 241.2 5.6 1749773.1 35.7 59.7 121.1 87.4 122.8 2596.9 208270.0 32.7 543838.0 9896.1 243274.2 2063.0 16789545.3 79 79 NORTH-EASTERN REGION Arunachal Pradesh Assam Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Tripura EASTERN REGION Bihar Jharkhand Odisha Sikkim West Bengal Andaman & Nicobar Islands Goa Gujarat Maharashtra Dadra & Nagar Haveli Daman & Diu SOUTHERN REGION Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Kerala Tamil Nadu Lakshadweep Puducherry ALL-INDIA 62820824.9 30.1 34.4 81.9 8803.3 17223.8 36.3 6210.6 9978.8 86.8 31.4 30835.1 496715.2 81.9 2154.3 91.1 590593.1 619.0 1795758.5 6029836.8 34.4 634.3 20014924.6 40.3 1351672.4 4908433.3 320415.7 51789.1 11617.9 121124.7 37.0 15039994.STATE-WISE OUTSTANDING CREDIT OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO PLACE OF SANCTION AND UTILISATION MARCH 2014 (Amount in ` Million) REGION / STATE / UNION TERRITORY Total Credit Credit Sanctioned Utilised in in the State the State of Sanction Credit Credit Sanctioned Utilised in the State in the but Utilised State but in Other Sanctioned in States Other States Total Credit Utilised in the State As per Sanction (per cent) As per Utilisation (per cent) Credit-Deposit Ratio 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NORTHERN REGION 14558459.9 17844.5 61.8 Chhattisgarh Madhya Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand 526170.3 273434.4 6517.6 90.2 379881.1 472935.8 34412.9 23.5 19114.4 20314.0 196531.3 71.1 28469.1 161.0 521976.6 2644778.2 244.6 93.8 40.9 40516.3 8563468.8 9192.7 .0 49.4 5440.4 16647.2 5563.9 97.7 278649.8 2948727.7 316303.2 6189.8 40.3 63.6 612.4 311410.1 21862.4 9697.1 79.9 20281.7 2959138.0 1.5 37.8 78.5 23964.2 4868857.7 74.9 10411.5 6087416.2 90278.6 32.7 89.7 33.7 614.9 622687.TABLE NO.7 88.8 28.0 181200.3 52.4 43600.3 578970.7 12075.7 3039.6 26.0 103.0 17811.0 185980.9 76.5 4723440.8 31.4 21285.5 1545956.3 17679.8 39.2 78.7 269846.3 730013.3 6 .0 136117.0 167163.9 115.1 19192.9 73135.3 43649.8 1275.2 1905567.6 35. 1.0 28.8 1820030.2 3797731.6 97771.3 8557.5 94.0 1929.6 1817966.8 309.6 77.8 1710423.3 1869755.1 11170.9 49.2 37.3 396559.6 27.0 613931.0 14460687.4 4792825.6 16496781.0 81.1 10103.8 8.8 40.0 3360005.8 211263.7 760849.8 1840051.2 1908709.9 16416099.0 36.5 4711364.7 80681.1 572781.5 5113240.6 663203.3 26778.2 3724.1 624617.0 16622382.5 67.4 579307.8 612.2 1499159. 9 117344.7 904097.8 11603.8 111561.0 - 129393.5 8565.9 8284.9 221841.4 145795.8 1840051.4 4412.8 412260.2 1905567.4 10614699.3 1883544.9 17844.6 9098.3 1753306.5 389686.5 19114.1 739122.6 3118409.9 647686. 1.4 494860.6 928178.4 934054.3 224656.1 10073.9 211079.5 8467.5 62820824.3 - - 472935.7 88054.2 5112131.8 256512.7 715740.3 568403.3 595624.7 709113.2 64866.8 5667048.7 917518.0 543838.5 13927.9 312718.9 4332.0 8855.5 404336.5 419082.8 917933.4 51578.3 18662.7 WESTERN REGION 628247.6 13542.3 .7 - 167663.9 39972.0 90276.7 88226.1 440913.4 11917.7 166343.3 35.8 16496781.9 714083.3 126395.4 949086.7 278649.8 16689026.6 2614795.3 581349.0 899407.9 1679175.2 - 159311.0 54288.8 463337.6 1357883.6 163608.4 21285.STATE AND POPULATION GROUP-WISE OUTSTANDING CREDIT OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO PLACE OF SANCTION AND UTILISATION MARCH 2014 (Amount in ` Million) RURAL SEMI-URBAN URBAN METROPOLITAN TOTAL Sanction Utilisation Sanction Utilisation Sanction Utilisation Sanction Utilisation Sanction Utilisation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NORTHERN REGION 1176521.8 1820030.1 151212.6 903669.7 316303.7 111683.6 691648.0 4821294.0 432335.1 8967.6 296210.6 9978.5 17083087.0 86155.8 980659.5 321189.9 203122.6 257118.9 73135.6 3062.8 23583.4 13062.7 57972.1 590593.3 - 5246133.4 316.3 43649.1 3537.0 21455149.8 18211857.5 1064313.8 533997.1 6517.8 1123984.7 312.9 225680.8 404046.4 145742.2 9192.6 2411292.7 293416.3 1023832.8 269171.7 2959138.7 760849.8 88289.8 149564.6 12441.4 432631.3 1869755.0 587695.5 612339.9 8431709.8 1514521.1 195317.3 441168.9 833787.TABLE NO.5 947554.4 1106621.4 5433.2 77288.7 24433.2 115327.1 1062922.1 1108502.9 34685.9 74355.3 396559.7 4109142.3 70497.3 596085.4 215645.6 Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Punjab Rajasthan Chandigarh Delhi 261633.6 16789545.1 146691.7 2686075.4 14558459.6 120271.8 29228.2 245.0 6326.6 54338.6 13108.0 65283.6 133903.3 1039061.3 17223.2 4886.4 273386.6 7661.9 1544806.4 20314.7 8144497.7 13073.4 10103.6 146528.0 61523.5 6087416.0 196531.4 84632.8 52122.9 496715.0 15039994.6 370404.2 3098187.1 - 634936.0 16930.6 1053.0 17236313.8 2378263.7 496557.1 437033.9 70843.8 4777.5 4723440.6 9803853.8 619129.3 932467.3 767807.5 8473.1 1208603.1 134034.6 Chhattisgarh Madhya Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand 51626.0 9858.1 753223.8 SOUTHERN REGION 1750172.6 612.3 5278.9 401166.6 5191.7 477171.6 971010.9 - 120852.9 727.7 614.4 5113240.8 146167.9 3360005.7 8444157.3 7448.4 112121.5 2186205.2 3821040.3 62820824.7 40880302.4 105173.3 8563468.5 461223.9 1358247.8 408338.3 270938.5 878644.3 1422833.8 1372462.4 449063.6 577917.0 911386.2 25971.7 3814379.3 578970.5 274348.8 20949.8 .4 29375.7 2563546.5 9119.0 514015.5 2619084.0 199225.9 217966.5 677686.6 2248985.3 444483.4 96621.2 343408.1 3186248.0 138396.5 4919635.6 41766.0 895222.6 3678.3 17010.3 351881.6 216692.1 19192.6 13384.9 3073835.6 1328904.3 18875232.1 382477.7 4354.2 - 2694081.2 1908709.5 13828.6 8387331.7 206928.8 6640959.4 49128.5 76910.4 733429.2 2471462.7 125514.2 1710423.8 453058.2 301.4 2534.5 Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Kerala Tamil Nadu Lakshadweep Puducherry 673138.5 7292.9 3156.3 326723.3 569899.5 8315902.6 3539.2 2313265.5 571784.4 1582491.2 69604.5 6029836.4 - - 17840.1 5118.1 75879.0 8206.4 7177637.7 109184.4 190.9 123981.9 18217.9 6660.3 30984.0 13640.2 10053428.7 272541.8 334827.9 2867918.2 176110.1 377826.6 65907.5 210100.5 - 526170.3 REGION / STATE / UNION TERRITORY NORTH-EASTERN REGION Arunachal Pradesh Assam Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Tripura EASTERN REGION Bihar Jharkhand Odisha Sikkim West Bengal Andaman & Nicobar Islands CENTRAL REGION Goa Gujarat Maharashtra Dadra & Nagar Haveli Daman & Diu ALL-INDIA 7 4908433.2 296.6 279907.7 16800.8 3002736.6 39361438.3 571698.4 20014924.6 337991.2 3850617.9 14834101.0 185980.7 3069851.1 43835.1 499528.5 11197.2 2529.0 1068730.9 663203.2 119499.0 413398.9 136117.0 68121.2 21563.3 1508857.6 2897.0 8465.4 - 624617.6 9816411.4 10137.7 267156.9 7603.9 90735.0 740277.5 108444.3 12539.6 293514.9 2511912.0 118768.6 591715.5 2666302.9 16635. 0 485153.429 52. Manufacture of Cement & Cement Products 13.445 310.5 25941. Hotel & Restaurants 3.9 1325485.9 .6 127505.6 5779215.650 30.8 2090818.6 810123. PERSONAL LOANS 1.092 61.2 4662787. Beverage & Tobacco 4. INDUSTRY 1.TABLE NO. Retail Trade VII.7 4455183.872 169. Other Industries 17.9 40039.7 231888.6 5306054. Steam & Water Supply 18.5 6767249. Direct Finance 2.005.4 644783.5 8418470.545 2.3 1675781.8 145792.5 541825.3 975402.975 96.4 1735451. Tourism.4 9559746.OUTSTANDING CREDIT OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO OCCUPATION MARCH 2014 (Amount in ` Million) No.785 3. Flour & Dal Mills (b) Sugar (c) Edible Oils & Vanaspati (d) Tea Processing (e) Processing of Fruits & Vegetables (f) Others 3.623 723.837 16. Textiles (a) Cotton Textiles (b) Jute & Other Natural Fibre Textiles (c) Handloom Textiles & Khadi (d) Other Textiles & Textile Products 5.1 160325.5 608393.7 979923.636. ALL OTHERS TOTAL BANK CREDIT 8 68.2 138.692.9 1296942.827 24.8 1038159.658 11.656 2.6 62820824.6 1324031. Consumer Durables 3.1 1368707.647 21. IT and Telecommunications 5. FINANCE VIII.9 2840514.0 1760393.041 380.7 14452905. Engineering (a) Heavy Engineering (b) Light Engineering (c) Electrical Machinery & Goods (d) Electronic Machinery & Goods 15.5 3543637.6 169746.0 300520. Wholesale Trade Of which: Food Procurement 2. Construction (a) Other than Infrastructure (b) Infrastructure Construction III.241 10.3 .154 412.222 149.4 1425500. Paper Products & Printing 6.263 4.7 225323. Gems and Jewellery 9.031 61.042.5 49291. 1.5 723552.2 38273.7 1053447.430.754 67.730 460.644 64.6 236291. Paper.665 90.5 5067537.4 985364.2 2915904.015 288.066 123.743 35.8 273623. Basic Metals & Metal Products (a) Iron & Steel (b) Non-Ferrous Metals (c) Metal Products 14.166 4.489 14.3 440953.858 843.4 382310.502 48. Professional Services 2.5 627953.8 2838752.2 553462.1 166306.6 956836.6 690584.667 227 6.8 981370.1 110195.767 49.258.897.7 7050545. Vehicles.748 2.9 8425340.0 1851575.3 399641.4 2705786.8 2137093.9 4209257.694.1 778844. of Accounts Credit Limit Amount Outstanding Occupation 1 2 3 I.5 1981509.408 183. TRADE 1.170 17.448.918 500.2 510061.0 602918.6 320504.751 17.936 102.431 133. Others VI.7 10003543.0 124099.9 420750.1 19518.2 2842202.2 726705.0 372445.975 60. Food Manufacturing & Processing (a) Rice Mills.7 510863.289 53.9 686011.4 507617.7 470931.082.8 1405769.9 659036.1 1506985.7 215804.309 6.8 2376933. PROFESSIONAL AND OTHER SERVICES 1. Education 5.9 2616087.4 39734.0 1909516.381 3.220 15. Vehicles 4.302 2.750.711 17.4 2901579. Others V.5 332869.9 994620.5 3909883.9 5024301.1 4002588.701 6.0 51222.1 829616. Personal Credit Cards 6.237 11.6 215720.228 275.286 14.516.6 102856.1 220986.950.7 541095.786 2.1 757920.842 3.328 42.1 4171011.8 2060191.9 595402.7 602238.3 5740331.8 350987.907 20.2 359527. Coal Products & Nuclear Fuels 12.882 95094446.8 51980.9 1068691.7 6443830.3 66315.052 6.3 1086678.3 314674.5 2873557. Electricity.2 4704366.501 11805305.415. AGRICULTURE 1.5 5614806. Recreation services 4.585 383.357 35.784 5.7 41306870. Petroleum.Vehicle Parts & Transport Equipments 16.806 101.0 1259593.4 710806.103.9 26162579. Rubber & Plastic Products 10.5 492955.924 62.2 1029181.9 3271034.9 80097. Housing 2. Woods and Wood Products 7.779 319.5 434673. Chemicals & Chemical Products (a) Heavy Industrial Chemicals (b) Fertilisers (c) Drugs & Pharmaceuticals (d) Non-Edible Oils (e) Other Chemicals & Chemical Products 11. Mining & Quarrying 2. TRANSPORT OPERATORS IV.2 60939.7 767839.7 401953.9 4034557.8 7092984.8 6768061.0 1801762.196 84. Indirect Finance II.132. Gas & Water (a) Electricity Generation & Transmission (b) Non-Conventional Energy (c) Gas.4 10171003. Leather & Leather Products 8.4 1081287.271 165.021 3.757 38.004 63.4 3694287.1 1036318.6 5557157.9 2678134.292. 674 113. PROFESSIONAL AND OTHER SERVICES V.046.9 891888.193 89.1 153571.456 133.2 175728. Electricity.028 1.6 3572097.3 783608. Wholesale Trade 2.5 3203152.3 2006141.4 32768.0 346257.577 1.9 378106.461.206 13.9 4877426.8 3865337.5 9 .735 911. PERSONAL LOANS 1.0 241970.913 12.2 2732695.1 2352708.646 672.6 401064.037 1.269 7. Direct Finance 2.7 1711886.3 42045.587.5 54661.2 2520718.666.862 227. Loans for Purchase of Consumer Durables 3. of Accounts 7 METROPOLITAN Credit Amount Limit Outstanding 8 9 No.548 1.1 284183.4 622293.729 65.934.6 341342.6 488217.5 610363.6 245859.0 192585.9 3015964.2 2309348.2 2618319.607 1.POPULATION GROUP-WISE OUTSTANDING CREDIT OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO OCCUPATION MARCH 2014 (Amount in ` Million) RURAL OCCUPATION I.229 1.082 16.279 2.323 767.720.302.6 24.611.149. Rest of the Personal Loans VI.249 93.1 103338.6 6264767.795 7.2 945939.8 66162.6 793518.7 121470.8 25. Indirect Finance II.5 12952.4 813840.165 629.3 302263. of Accounts 1 37.2 188989.060 15298294.818 9.379.0 506455.884.425 187.3 2755190.454 35.2 151001. Retail Trade VII.437 18.131 108.9 39361438. Construction III.119.1 739269.2 23786.572. Gas & Water 4.3 136082. TRADE 1.252 SEMI-URBAN Credit Amount Limit Outstanding 2 3 I.9 469086.4 33363.6 1199261. Indirect Finance II.4 3508566.6 20515488.5 39526.402 5. ALL OTHERS TOTAL BANK CREDIT No.708.351 4. Loans for Housing 2.8 1293598.641. AGRICULTURE 1.410.744 600.8 86798.6 536822.0 119923.7 25.0 4762623.1 4494548.237 1. Direct Finance 2.933.7 264545.314.4 2418944.9 45512.293 8930441. of Accounts 4 No.345 9458128.2 7131168.9 3589833.934.0 5953468.186.3 187188.0 567980.637 791.970 942.4 3467493.323 47. Wholesale Trade 2.3 7177637.8 64353.718 247.599 786.366 1687478.8 10614699.103 72.3 989377.377.9 56821. TRANSPORT OPERATORS IV.7 599846.6 1389756.1 506611.0 332423.3 2000358.867 2.728 20.5 800785.9 312292.8 837249.428 10.4 39107.1 1907909.094. ALL OTHERS TOTAL BANK CREDIT Credit Amount Limit Outstanding 5 6 3789592. Mining & Quarrying 2.248.150 22.476 116. Retail Trade VII.8 2664870. TRADE 1. AGRICULTURE 1.6 972292.9 84664.3 3048651.5 2405371.7 3109615.127 45.719. Manufacturing & Processing 3.6 368661.737 2. PERSONAL LOANS 1.934 647.TABLE NO.231.6 5667048.292 132.223 10.727 11.0 421207.4 292041.311 55.638 558.217 785.7 854608. Loans for Housing 2.128. Manufacturing & Processing 3. FINANCE VIII.340 273.7 1011267.6 24614.5 673016.642 145.2 665617.9 1348590.2 429397.2 URBAN OCCUPATION No.6 1427350.0 32552258.6 464472.227 568.9 7035336.7 1098160.623 1.1 217495.8 1554990.6 143766.521.760 664.10 .637 249.5 457275. Rest of the Personal Loans VI.069 434. Loans for Purchase of Consumer Durables 3.4 20580385.0 1475421.0 104732. of Accounts 10 Credit Amount Limit Outstanding 11 12 6.343.4 347658.124 730. Mining & Quarrying 2.775 1.5 308970. Electricity.5 1852513.8 1018167.3 1212905.184 61407581.963 728.4 73662.8 2075603. INDUSTRY 1.907.5 157820.5 837007.0 114212.063 3091977.5 126701.1.3 890996.1 1157075.0 170009.8 39.317 852.2 530817. Gas & Water 4.219 1.6 430934.1 43043.556 15.952.907 252.9 3759290.7 238308.3 4632886. INDUSTRY 1.820 3236257.3 804666.100.5 12197031.313 2.7 520541.7 1194582. TRANSPORT OPERATORS IV.726 778.9 63119.602 705.5 1437763.9 1116818.748 56.439.4 1397729.2 75868. Construction III.679 685. FINANCE VIII.3 1.4 2879476.8 36062.1 1011784.723 5.1 356781.7 203352.5 5045341.8 4164183.3 2804901. PROFESSIONAL AND OTHER SERVICES V.4 4328541.1 1285921.844 745.3 1818017.265.6 48. 2 6.3 1.0 1.0 1.1 9.4 100.9 9.4 25. Rest of the Personal Loans VI.9 1.0 5.4 53.4 1.5 39.8 4.PERCENTAGE SHARE ACCORDING TO POPULATION GROUP (Per cent) OCCUPATION I. POPULATION GROUP-WISE BANK CREDIT .0 100.1 METROPOLITAN 9 10 13.3 48. PROFESSIONAL AND OTHER SERVICES V.3 41.6 1.7 100. Electricity.1 1.1 16.4 6.3 4.0 B. Retail Trade VII.5 7.5 4. Loans for Purchase of Consumer Durables 3.6 0.8 54.3 1.0 25. Mining & Quarrying 2.3 100.1 11.2 6.0 4.5 15.8 20. Wholesale Trade 2.6 14.2 38.TABLE NO.5 14. Direct Finance 2.0 75.8 100.9 14.9 3. Manufacturing & Processing 3.7 0. INDUSTRY 1.7 4.3 15. Retail Trade VII.0 13.6 17.8 25.1 8.1 21.0 100.0 100. Gas & Water 4.2 2.0 31.4 42.1 1.4 9.8 18.7 1.0 3.0 6.2 26.4 8. Direct Finance 2.0 5.7 25.0 3.PERCENTAGE SHARE ACCORDING TO OCCUPATION (Per cent) OCCUPATION I. Electricity.3 6.3 4. Manufacturing & Processing 3.7 100. PROFESSIONAL AND OTHER SERVICES V.7 5.6 100. AGRICULTURE 1.4 52.7 100.9 8.0 100. Wholesale Trade 2.6 4.5 18. Indirect Finance II. PERSONAL LOANS 1.1 7.0 10 8 ALL-INDIA .0 9.8 0.0 20.4 6.3 7.3 100.0 100.6 42.0 9.4 8.4 86.0 1.0 11.1 0. Mining & Quarrying 2. Loans for Housing 2. TRADE 1.6 11.2 100.3 2.4 16.3 8.1 10.2 13.9 66.2 100.2 0.0 11.2 2.8 100.4 16.8 18.7 2.2 0.8 2.1 2.8 28.8 0.0 0. TRANSPORT OPERATORS IV.2 7.9 100. ALL OTHERS TOTAL BANK CREDIT RURAL SEMI-URBAN URBAN 6 7 38.1 2.8 7.0 10. Construction III.0 33.2 46. Indirect Finance II.3 19.2 6.7 65. ALL OTHERS TOTAL BANK CREDIT RURAL SEMI-URBAN URBAN METROPOLITAN ALL-INDIA 1 2 3 4 5 56.6 91.2 1.9 6.1 100.5 100.5 0. TRADE 1.8 0.7 9. PERSONAL LOANS 1.5 14.5 3.3 2.11 . Rest of the Personal Loans VI.0 2. Loans for Purchase of Consumer Durables 3.3 3. Loans for Housing 2.2 2.0 17.0 8.7 100.5 35.1 12.1 7.2 26.9 62.0 5. 1.9 36.7 73.5 26. FINANCE VIII.1 11.8 8.2 2.3 100. AGRICULTURE 1.0 8.1 2.4 100.0 14.2 100.0 5.6 0.7 11. FINANCE VIII.2 1.2 8.5 7. TRANSPORT OPERATORS IV.0 27.8 1.9 51.2 10.6 75.3 12.2 35.5 100.5 84.4 0.2 3.7 1.3 18.8 13.5 13.6 2.1 2.4 10.2 3.9 11.1 60.0 26.0 33.4 15.5 16.8 78.4 5. OCCUPATION-WISE BANK CREDIT .1 12.0 100.7 21. Construction III.9 14. Gas & Water 4.4 12.PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF OUTSTANDING CREDIT OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO POPULATION GROUP AND OCCUPATION MARCH 2014 A. INDUSTRY 1. 0 336.0) 3145010.2) 5045706.0 and upto 100.4) 9871986.094 (0.738 (0.0) 2826423.6) Above 0.5 and upto 1.0 and upto 2.0) 62820824.0) 15567107.9 (2.0 246.2) 5053710.6 (100.062 (23.9 (3.750.1 (2.8) 4758323.8) Above 40.8 (3.6) Above 0.2 and upto 0.677.714 (0.3 (100.126.0 and upto 1000.3) 2001066.6 (6.5 (6.12 .5) 371659.0 29.2 (16.9) Above 5.155 (3. 1.0 and upto 40.3 (6.1 (4.7) Above 1000.0 5.7 (3.2) 1462285.6) 1890651.5) 4895251.1 (6.0 10.164 (0.5) Above 1.8 (2.8 (6.9 (0.263 (0.8) Above 0.5 (7.8) 138.5 and upto 5.025 and upto 0.335 (55.2) 2489669.0) Above 10.0) CREDIT LIMIT RANGE  (In ` Million) TOTAL 11 .0 38.2) 6170673.5 (5.3) 2443236.888 (14.025 32.3) 3671639.0) 2105441.2 (5.7) Above 250.7) 4190618.6 (15.1) 20576455.3) Above 60.0 and upto 60. of Accounts Credit Limit Amount Outstanding 1 2 3 Less than 0.658.2 76.1) Above 2.0) 6374399.743 (0.5 19.0 and upto 10.8 (37.3) 3861226.5 (5.0 41.098.0 (32.7) 3777560.0) 95094446.5 (3.5 (0.6) 3165265.5 3.1 (3.OUTSTANDING CREDIT OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO SIZE OF CREDIT LIMIT MARCH 2014 (Amount in ` Million) No.882 (100.0) 35266003.567.2) 6497580.5 (4.6 (7.939 (0.0 881.941 (0.2) Above 100.0 and upto 250.846 (2.0 37.TABLE NO.5) 436317. 272 (10.6 (25.7) 11653722.4) 794116.7) 375690.4 (100.8) 15755527.8) 681750.901 (100.3 (100.1) 7730247.7 (100.7 (27.9 (1.5) 3.5) 8562304.913.238 (6.4) 473833.0 (14.663.0 (9.6 (0.4) 2.231 (8. of Accounts Credit Limit Amount Outstanding 1 2 3 4 5 6 3.2) 6.2) 1615276.4 (18.309 6174192.271 (12.3) 2936784.8 (0.361.092 (3.4) 1.4) 138.9) 10282070.2) 2391688.882 95094446.0 (1.8 (1.628.502.254.7 (1.6) 1190225.0) 209.620 (7.6 (1.4) 14072047.3) 2228571.6 (25.8 (0.7) 13429198.5 (0.7) 3791710.3) 1.3) 4614456.6) 1067560.7) 3.4) 29.8) 1042586.8) 22584466.522 (2.13 .9 (0.9 (16.7) 11.5) 16.765.7) 636.9) 21967408.1 (1.485 88487455.2) 5545665.7) 55209000.0) 309.0) 2002550.891 (12.851 (2.4) 4.7 (2.OUTSTANDING CREDIT OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO INTEREST RATE RANGE MARCH .2 (1.3) 82321519.8) 15437692.1 2344913.5) 7195863.2) 513.4) 697664.7) 1832368.192.114.1) 88920254.441.634 (12.3 (1.5) 9387198.855 (1.3 See Notes on tables.9) 4.6) 507.273 (13.7) 5.2014 (Amount in ` Million) Total Credit INTEREST RATE RANGE Less than 6% 6% and above but less than 9% 9% and Above but less than 10% 10% and above but less than 11% 11% and above but less than 12% 12% and above but less than 13% 13% and above but less than 14% 14% and above but less than 15% 15% and above but less than 16% 16% and above but less than 17% 17% and above but less than 18% 18% and above but less than 20% 20% and above Total Loans & Advances Inland & Foreign Bills Purchased/Discounted TOTAL Of Which: Large Borrowal Accounts* No.3) 14811268.0) 14.5 (1.305 (1.6 (18.425 (5.0 138.0 (0.8 (1.7 (4. * Accounts with Credit limit more than ` 200.185.5 (1.847 (12.1 (4.573 (100.800.477 (4.6) 8098373.8 (15.3 (17.7 (13.762.0 (26.1) 8802320.506.000 12 .707.658.450 (0.8 (15.0) 1846500.1) 2.815 (14.9) 639985.6 163.0) 854248.8) 14947491.0) 989528.750.4 57553913.0) 795035.525.3) 1008265.6) 3395639.172.7) 4045902.210.7 (4.7 (8.TABLE NO.3 (15.1) 60467574.0 (8.672.8 (3.0) 11126607.983 (9.584 6165936.7) 5116381.7) 17.7) 632.1 (5.2 (4.977.2) 1.9) 918570.7) 29.841 (21.580.146.8) 362810.713 (17.4) 428638.6 (1.6) 1286868.1 (0.8 (1.770 (1.0) 930981. 1.885.2) 18.699 (2.6) 1538849.8 (3.2) 1.9 (18.2 2353249.8) 562008.3 29.1 (0.3 (100.882 (1.964 (1.6) 10. of Accounts Credit Limit Amount Outstanding No.4 (5.553 (12.8 (2.8 (14.9 (2.6 (13.0) 1911601.5) 3.2 (9.5) 11160221.6 62820824. 8 34454.9) 69.2 34298.6 (2.0) (0.TABLE NO.196 (0.134 (0.7 (12.6 (6.4 (0.9 (19.1) 7973179.3 (10. of Accounts 1 (0.462 (38.4) 4416518.628 (0.000 See Notes on Tables. 1.0) (0.6) 892821.2) 7270861.0) (100.0) 30666.6) 3973756.691.2 (10.6) 425446.955 (12.1) 493376.8 (5.5 (0.9) 6.6) 25660.3 (100.1) (0.0) (0.6) 349856.0) Export Trade Bills Advanced Against Amount Outstanding Credit Limit (0.7) 52.0) 26.0) (0.0 16606.0) (100.829 (7.1) (0.4) (41.864 (0.7) 5897383.678.0 (0.346 (14.0) 6.1) 24.0) 76.6 (20.0) 36248846.7 (14.5 12332418.1 (1.1) 10499953.837 3.6) 24733680.5 (0.9 (0.1) 1515113.485 88487455.5) 25668.0) (100.3 (0.7) 31018.0) 33.541 Inland Bills .2 (1.14 .6 (11.5) (43.0) (100.140 (0.8 (0.0) Foreign Currency Cheques TCs/ DDs/MTs/TTs Purchased 4.389 (7.6 62820824.3 (12.0) (0.544 300877.2 (0.6 760 300703.9) 34834463.3) 859 (0.2) 23.0) (100.4 (18.604 (0.0) 138. 13 .165 78242.738.3 (7.1 (0.393.6) 424460.7 (4.6 (1.0) 1508708.005 (0.747 Inland Bills .4) 353290.7) (49.1) 492924.Purchased 36.6 3.8) 3.8) 6333598.175 (22.3 2.7 (6.1) 3.0) (0.3) 962013.1) 4417199.824.033 (6.3) 962726.7) 25817727.2 1.1 55475.5 (1.525.8) 2.7) 12643330.7 16447.0) Advances Against Export Cash Incentives and Duty Drawback Claims No.0) Advances Against Import Bills (0.0) Export Trade Bills Purchased Of Which: Large Borrowal Accounts* * Accounts with Credit limit more than ` 200.882 95094446.576 30506.7) 6173544.750.5 (6.9 (2.867 (0.1) 14.0) TOTAL Amount Outstanding Credit Limit 2 (0.0) (0.568.1) (0.4 11946491.9 (1.142 (4.1) 36.3 29.1) 83.0) (0.822 (50.6 55537.6 (2.0) (0.4 57553913.1) 2555807.7) 78304.9 (0.972 17888043.030 (0.5 (1.5 (12.4 (13.3) 11389235.OUTSTANDING CREDIT OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO TYPE OF ACCOUNT MARCH 2014 (Amount in ` Million) Total Credit TYPE OF ACCOUNT TYPE OF ACCOUNT Cash Credit Overdraft Demand Loans Medium Term Loans Long Term Loans Packing Credit No.1) (39. of Accounts Export Trade Bills Discounted 3 4 5 6 9.0) 889508.5 (0.1 (19.0) 2558704.0) (0.8) 59.9) 31009.8) 948869.6 (0.3) 8855379.9 (1.0) 8949570.745 17447468.9) 1319072.8) 3851874.9 (2.Discounted 146.9) 945789.459.012.1) 1.6 (23.0) 1318145.2 (0.0) (0. Of Which: Large Borrowal Accounts* Amount Outstanding * Accounts with Credit limit more than ` 200.3) 5333081.7) 25.4) (6.9) 23113947.7) 139.2) (0.3 (26.224.9) 529913.3) (0.143 (2.4 (1.073.4 (0.0 (42.8) 33091801.1) 33.823.6) 8432629.7 (0.1) (8.3 (16.9) 549281.483 (0.0 (0.1 (4.924.6) 1632675.9 (1.892 (0.3 (1.0) 3.965.1) 487.5 (32.4) (0. CO-OPERATIVE SECTOR 3.4) 30494521.5 (19.2) b) Joint Liability Groups.0) 11430081.4) (0.23 (20.0) 415188.418 (0.OUTSTANDING CREDIT OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO ORGANISATION MARCH .8) 414816.381.4) 762121.1 5277446.6) 18918000.4) (0.6) 14216129.6) 8517523.3 (100.0) 8043739.202 777.821 (0.1) (0.1) 607967.903 7719201.4) 103.086 (0.8) 549939.6) 20.1) (0.4) 16902048.4 (0.6) 20975719.605 (0.1) 49.2) 1546580.1) (0.7) 37611357.8 1.732 (0.6) 37627337.3 (35.0) 2.94 (0.6) 12.1 517.0 (2.323 (0.0 (0.0) 73.2) 5744734.9 (12.9 (2. PRIVATE CORPORATE SECTOR 4.586.126.0) 3.4) 21624045.945 (0.628 (19.750. NON-PROFIT INSTITUTIONS SERVING HOUSEHOLDS 7.7) 212422.365 483391.0) 43.655.446 (0.485 (100. Partnership Firms No.7) 23579569.4) 49.27 (5.986.64 (1.1) 646.2 (0.8) 211881.2 HOUSEHOLD SECTOR-OTHERS a) Proprietary concerns.9) 763321.6 (9.934 (0.6 (10.2 (0.8 71006.4 88.584.525.414.9 (29.882 (100.379 80479.073 589449. of Accounts 167.4) 4.8) (0.9 (0.8) 36964552.5 (39.809.0) 12. Joint families (HUF).9) 4073671.4 (100.0 (9.26 (22.5 (0.1) 23.6) 15879310.6) 132.0 (37.1 (1.634 (0.1) 961.1 (4. 1.392 7.563 (2.7 (0.7) 1168406.397.9) 28447028. Credit Limit Amount Outstanding 2 3 4 5 6 18923470.0) 62820824.949.4 (34.1 (37.9 (42. NGOs.0) 57553913.531.17 (5.8) 417926.2) 58.6 (100.4 (0.188. PUBLIC SECTOR a) Central Government Departments b) General State Government c) State Government Departments d) Local and Quasi-Government e) Public Financial Corporations f) Public Non-Financial Corporations 2.1) 821.580 (0.6) 4535536.318 (0.0) 21.2014 (Amount in ` Million) Total Credit ORGANISATION 1.0) 32.3 (100.7 (0.2) 696.546 (95.6) (0.389.786 (0.3 (34.141 (0.5 (1.996. a) Private Financial Corporations b) Private Non-Financial Corporations HOUSEHOLD SECTOR 4.3) (0.581 79850.355.0) (0.5) 22061892.2) 6.1 (14.8) (0.TABLE NO.9) (8.195 (14.3 (6.4 (41.039 297553.9) 143506.7) 1168347.308.9 (5.3 (1.9) 1.594 (6.3) (0.8) 8044427.5 (5.521 (94.864.3 (24.2) 27.4 317502.0) 3.6 533329.9) 611604.6) 1632748.0) 29.5) 4.2 (0.4) 2.2) 530931.8 46. 14 .2) 4.86 5.8) 27.4 (0.732 (73.5) 135.315.487.6 (33.9) 1.6) 3227906.1) (0.0) 10.025.0) 88487455.927 (88.487.0) 2.952.0) 114.5) (0.0) 95094446.6 247012.454 (0.7) 23602212.8 (0.5) (2.6 (38.3) 29.226.5) 5810776.082. of Accounts 1 MICRO FINANCE INSTITUTIONS 6.0) NON RESIDENTS TOTAL Credit Limit No.15 .443 (0.0 15.0) 2.7 709.2) 1127992.923 (2.5 (1.2) 1126206.1) 20374305.1 191572.777 (0.2 (18.9) 414213.1 (0.469 (97.82 (37.1) (0.5 (27.000 See Notes on Tables.1 71540.6) 3.0) 143100.5 195065.599.020 798322.942.4 (21.07 (5.537 292367.3 (9.7) (9.4) 105.3) (8.9) (0.247.1 INDIVIDUALS a) Male b) Female 4. Trusts and Groups 5.036.913.7 (14.1 (0.5) 11425520.1) 138.0 (24.2) 1548908.393 (0.3) (0.9) 18.079.2 (19.0) 10.7) 14215460.4 (0.4) 26786495.918 (75. 8 17.1 25.5 100.5 75.2 100.8 5.0 Urban 72.0 Metropolitan 81.3 23.8 2. of Accounts Amount Outstanding No. of Accounts Amount Outstanding 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rural 77.1 100.4 16.9 2.7 3.0 100.7 19.0 100.0 See Notes on Tables.PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF OUTSTANDING CREDIT OF SMALL BORROWAL ACCOUNTS OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO BROAD CATEGORY OF BORROWERS MARCH 2014 (Per cent) INDIVIDUAL MALE POPULATION GROUP OTHERS TOTAL FEMALE No.0 100.4 4.5 2.5 71. of Accounts Amount Outstanding No.2 1.0 ALL-INDIA 76.1 73.7 23.0 2.2 18. 1.0 100.7 20.7 3.8 78.0 24.7 100.1 2.9 78.0 Semi-urban 72.0 100.8 100. 15 .TABLE NO. of Accounts Amount Outstanding No.16 .9 21. 3 355810.255 25.656. of Accounts SEMI-URBAN Credit Limit Amount Outstanding No.8 1247095. TRANSPORT OPERATORS IV.2 41. of Accounts I.6 150900.074 67.6 43768.8 11339.9 81797.6 5856.870 622.440 2. Rest of the Personal Loans VI.8 3064. of Accounts Credit Limit ALL-INDIA Amount Outstanding No.6 10287. TRADE 1.419 429.532. Loans for Housing 2.6 29583.1.9 23695.1 686615.5 34697.6 1703976.1 98114.7 30469.420.879 1.7 195228.8 24658.780.052 988. PROFESSIONAL AND OTHER SERVICES V.9 354682.823 182.629 3.581 2416667.6 2472.875.490. of Accounts Credit Limit Amount Outstanding 7 8 9 10 11 12 5.4 218180. PERSONAL LOANS 1.9 41848.749 31.6 30514.660 1.8 396050. Loans for Purchase of Consumer Durables 3.982.577 32.030.360 2166345.156 584.6 35764.465 487. ALL OTHERS TOTAL BANK CREDIT Amount Outstanding 1 2 3 4 5 6 33.0 32240.0 1243742.708.8 98798.2 5010.2 53470.0 60425.5 1130269.3 199049.080.001 3.288 4.1 9753.8 2862.595. Retail Trade VII.734 64.303 5.7 1503793.9 13494.040.3 277234.1 10998.2 4268.9 80187.100.5 15943.6 78243.466 24.0 See Notes on Tables. Direct Finance 2.171 52.6 12601.9 73496.1 453314.TABLE NO. ALL OTHERS TOTAL BANK CREDIT No.850.064 35. Indirect Finance II.3 37872.7 69364.1 109. Direct Finance 2.0 628923.052 1.181 528.0 1414555.174.788 2.187 1.8 59.542.865 1903956.3 10648.834 4.932.303.388.657 1372655.9 17940.3 9182.2 5266911.8 44341. PROFESSIONAL AND OTHER SERVICES V.856 157.874 56.784 1.8 1811564.8 1832192. AGRICULTURE 1.3 28382.4 47044.6 36.4 53914.0 39939.166.7 20.051 50.606 19. Wholesale Trade 2.5 31860.7 3455171. INDUSTRY III.144.0 1292467.397 6606991.7 87106.458 252.4 2190976.9 269804.091.4 43244.0 23019.4 317005.3 42485.264 395480.3 100753.256 1.0 216921.808 3.369.956 167.217 740.4 75126.5 17303. Retail Trade VII.17 .347 1.692.1 319273.822 380.391 600.456 2023978.110 165. Indirect Finance II.180 6.8 1260606.6 12945.6 6511.239.124 1.8 351138.0 8024.067 775.7 22490.365 838. Loans for Purchase of Consumer Durables 3.732 818. 16 .704 166.6 87576.131 4. PERSONAL LOANS 1.6 1320592.599 105.499.5 101660.1 29051.3 2040197.5 50982.2 210388.519 5.372 739.4 3465574.338 601.448 1.257.189. FINANCE VIII. Rest of the Personal Loans VI.3 92392.593.945.873 1.092.687.592.786 3672092.0 1790299.5 3270345.1 35409.2 23189.825 338.225.1 184340.0 7847. INDUSTRY III.6 259517.4 66892.3 30.POPULATION GROUP-WISE OUTSTANDING CREDIT OF SMALL BORROWAL ACCOUNTS OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO OCCUPATION MARCH 2014 (Amount in ` Million) RURAL OCCUPATION I.9 73876. Loans for Housing 2.4 229591.5 85592.9 33403. TRADE 1.3 54855.5 80598.6 2355. TRANSPORT OPERATORS IV.5 72434.2 34616.9 112141.5 79487.1 10515. AGRICULTURE 1.1 126686.3 6647.6 URBAN / METROPOLITAN OCCUPATION Credit Limit No.0 16804.407.417 2. Wholesale Trade 2.1 2234342.0 4360.7 27807.047 105.6 33021.7 86322.9 88656.736.979. FINANCE VIII. 1*727<3(2)'(326.6 $&&25'.$/%$1.762)6&+('8/('&200(5&.7$%/(123238/$7.6('(326.21*5283:.76 0$5&+ 1RRI$FFRXQWVLQ7KRXVDQG$PRXQWLQC0LOOLRQ. 7$1 $//.1*6 7(50 727$/ 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW                 .1'. &855(17 3238/$7.85%$1 85%$1 0(75232/.21*5283 585$/ 6(0.$ 6$9. . . . . . . .         . . . . . . . .         . . . . . . . .         . . . . . . . .         . . . . . . . . *5283:.6 $&&25'.76 0$5&+ 1RRI$FFRXQWVLQ7KRXVDQG$PRXQWLQC0LOOLRQ.762)6&+('8/('&200(5&.1*727<3(2)'(326.$/%$1.6('(326. 7$%/(12%$1. 1*6 $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 7(50 1RRI $FFRXQWV 727$/ $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW         BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 67$7(%$1.$ $1'.76$662&.$7(6         .1'.*5283 1RRI $FFRXQWV 6$9.2). &855(17 %$1. . . . . . . . 21$/.6('%$1.6         . 1$7. . . . . . 6 5(*.6 35.$/%$1.21$/585$/%$1.6  . )25(.6 $//6&+('8/(' &200(5&.9$7(6(&725%$1.*1%$1. .         . . . . . . . .         . . . . . . . .         . . . . . . . .       . . . .   . 17 . . . . 704 1295882.4 37.959 425559.923 3058185. Amount in ` Million) CURRENT SAVINGS TERM TOTAL No.9 6.5 9.2 214 33556.2 859 75251.688 4147921.7 286 11023.368 7145668.1 7.8 18.706 170925.587 51368044.780 440660.420 2553357.7 Chandigarh Delhi NORTH-EASTERN REGION NORTH-EASTERN REGION Arunachal Pradesh 26 10311.4 34.5 WESTERN REGION Goa 148 21078.7 158.6 1.140 760087.2 35.3 59 9842.4 75 4644.0 859 65443.3 24.699 134676.485 4801084.8 SOUTHERN REGION Andhra Pradesh 2.073 1513009.1 84.1 7.499 1278428.749 145832.3 2.3 2.634 444104.668 5063400.STATE-WISE DEPOSITS OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO TYPE OF DEPOSITS MARCH 2014 (No.6 Jammu & Kashmir 884 65603.2 13.1 416 10077.246 818787.742 833162.418 17695778.563 18497043.826 1061804.003 107858.5 18.610 3172527.081 667785.278 153549.381 755156.5 140.367 1355785.8 977.4 13.493 923807.364 884997.6 54.6 133.3 251 67571.4 21.7 40.4 5.4 9.330 1933145.335 4409985.7 3.295 50625.3 29.8 3 1476.4 7.0 2.7 156.4 354 11584.4 8.755 21043498.7 2.0 Himachal Pradesh 713 23004.9 1.3 438 25905.3 3.8 Tamil Nadu 3.4 47.4 46.787 1417396.134 5385827.043 103217.7 136.20 .514 366080.1 14.345 152493.9 21.8 12. of Accounts Amount No.3 17.468 1646289.1 206.584 1243808.6 725 31567.326 519925.201 27209.4 43.7 24.3 956 341207.4 Sikkim 12 2841.1 4.9 724 47243.4 Daman & Diu 14 2470.7 531 14838.077 5369086.225 346841.9 Uttar Pradesh 6.8 Kerala 1.689 1203411.2 908 177360.850 3491570.8 3.8 291.9 49.497 3889432.186 175450.3 98.048 1376818.0 2 984.0 NORTHERN Haryana REGION REGION / STATE / UNION TERRITORY 2.249 16060697.6 23.3 626 51521.891 4178967.7 64.903 799746.708 2012574.0 6.3 West Bengal Andaman & Nicobar Islands CENTRAL REGION CENTRAL REGION Chhattisgarh 589 70559.2 46.800 1352975.5 1.009 2180375.7 41.8 743 47147.8 EASTERN REGION Bihar Tripura 2.6 745 25866.1 351.6 1.834 451254.726 5976791.365 9632553.683 128448.448 56231.329 801415.614 2815929.5 168.7 1.400 277871.3 18 2157.945 2673072.3 64.270 471422.185 3512280.337 9870977.7 100.4 63.659 1904342.0 14.8 4.001 2863058.9 Madhya Pradesh 1.0 1.442 1388184.657 838395.8 694 22761.5 1.0 499 22511.2 109 33373.0 2.0 31.0 Nagaland 25 14334.7 4.0 101 14496.226.843 1835551.204 360519.0 48.1 2.4 Rajasthan 2.488 690044. of Accounts in Thousand.3 Maharashtra 6.7 WESTERN REGION 8.1 2.775 1025490.131 600965.529 4825015.3 Meghalaya 50 22029.TABLE NO.4 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 24 2592.3 182.798 379783.9 Manipur 38 11936.9 Assam 656 98093.0 35.870 4078188. of Accounts Amount No.0 83 33841.180 1134485.732 31178.5 8.0 2.9 12.119 580324.0 26.571 10464333.273 180072.173 482622.427 321470.2 56 11479.101 8146645.480 24939833.799 729388.9 97 16201.3 52.9 Uttarakhand Gujarat 2.2 496 64009.359 1083490.449 468622.7 117.862 1357371.598 322098.0 396 29695.729 2300211.8 Karnataka 2.2 Lakshadweep Puducherry ALL-INDIA 18 .2 24.1 Jharkhand 649 110066. 1.4 81.283 2666594.5 81.4 9.2 57.2 80 7105.0 Mizoram 13 6157.835 599687.882 665573.7 Odisha 844 121516.6 SOUTHERN REGION 10.6 200.3 36 18227.282 727582.5 72 6186.656 6017600.2 106. of Accounts Amount No.8 29.710 79557212.8 255.247 4999735.1 16.3 260 56571.062 20288450.781 268739.8 38.5 Punjab 3.481 15477446.064 93936.4 45.2 200.914 2779346.0 35.6 2.241 336629.6 EASTERN REGION 6.6 3.7 66 12163.642 326958.535 477809.102 56170.442 178963.2 30.3 89 25242.572 2630628.0 210.070 775534.9 19.838 386830.1 9.107 2249099.6 3.817 11357753. of Accounts Amount 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NORTHERN REGION 12. 6 $&&25'.7$%/(123238/$7.3&$7(*25< 0$5&+ 1RRI$FFRXQWVLQ7KRXVDQG$PRXQWLQC0LOOLRQ.$/%$1.1*72%52$'2:1(56+.762)6&+('8/('&200(5&.6('(326.21*5283:. 9. .1'.'8$/6 0$/( 3238/$7.21*5283 27+(56 727$/ )(0$/( 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW         585$/  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 85%$1  . 6(0.  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 85%$1  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7$1  . 0(75232/.  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1'.$  . $//.  .  .  .  .   . .  . 6 $&&25'.1*72%52$'2:1(56+.*5283:.$/%$1.3&$7(*25< 0$5&+ 1RRI$FFRXQWVLQ7KRXVDQG$PRXQWLQC0LOOLRQ.762)6&+('8/('&200(5&. 6HH1RWHVRQ7DEOHV 7$%/(12%$1.6('(326. .1'.9.2).1'.$7(6  .$ $1'.76$662&.*5283 27+(56 727$/ )(0$/( 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW         67$7(%$1.'8$/6 0$/( %$1.  .       . . . . . . 6  . 1$7.21$/.6('%$1.  .       . . . . . .  .  .  . $/%$1.6 5(*.6 35. )25(.*1%$1.6       .21$/585$/%$1.6 $//6&+('8/(' &200(5&.9$7(6(&725%$1. . . . . .  .       . . . . . .  .  .       . . . . . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6HH1RWHVRQ7DEOHV 19 . 2 410038.7 1646289.5 93936.485 438 1904342.622 1663643.079 4.1 321612.7 71183.3 15256.3 124937.359 633034. 20 .3 25905.2 REGION / STATE / UNION TERRITORY NORTH-EASTERN REGION Arunachal Pradesh Assam Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Tripura EASTERN REGION Bihar Jharkhand Odisha Sikkim West Bengal Andaman & Nicobar Islands Goa Gujarat Maharashtra Dadra & Nagar Haveli Daman & Diu SOUTHERN REGION Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Kerala Tamil Nadu Lakshadweep Puducherry ALL-INDIA See Notes on Tables.4 51521.STATE-WISE DEPOSITS OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO BROAD OWNERSHIP CATEGORY MARCH 2014 (No.552 779 1.445 11.692 1.441 16.9 165673.359 110.295 1.694 900 391401.8 5.6 45871.9 2186544.4 48.882 40.9 838395.358 24.4 16.8 4999735.4 2012574.278 2.393 504669.249 16060697.8 5369086.6 5369.990 5.1 4930035.420 883329.377 14528805.449 8.2 22403.862 1357371.0 13.248 80 2.2 8199.143 19.3 1981723.3 200.6 2065. 1.0 7105.9 2607.3 5438.1 483497.2 23420.659 24.3 7.588 3.226.153 11.1 40073.9 2878.6 57266.922 89 97 115628.3 Chhattisgarh Madhya Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand 12.7 WESTERN REGION 126.063 500 396 451254.2 370538.4 CENTRAL REGION 169.6 1361750.8 77.3 2031980.364 57.3 1552294.0 57 1.4 513435.741 129 129 49 75 215 28897.9 129711.9 222209.778 31.8 2815929.23 .8 2126846.688 136.0 372024. of Accounts Amount No.498 55 25 127889.7 225 5.219 1782643.140 884997.1 554240.728 41.588 37.451 6.9 2249099.107 168.102 1933145.7 578 14.0 593391.742 7256375.1 1938590.8 206.708 3.6 654976.1 1203411.0 778.3 963607.468 626 84.4 10536.5 22.807 17.7 258087.0 134676.1 619580.4 22511.173 1.6 2.1 296555.5 13019936.1 182.2 769103.4 1.9 2216085.144 388746.729 47.9 8.0 111.657 1.4 914954.942 40.854 12769385.780 24.869 1 129 1839667.9 4147921.064 4409985.2 20. of Accounts in Thousand.7 54.260 191 21.4 29695.444 3104856.643 356 273 207736.337 9870977.812 3592652.3 57.4 234643.2 9.636 36190578.417 17695778.0 918393.330 9.365 9632553.730 2.656 30.6 213.2 34888.246 5.9 5976791.719 7404785.1 117.1 1.5 21706.790 3. Amount in ` Million) INDIVIDUALS MALE OTHERS TOTAL FEMALE No.1 8723.941 3.258 295 3.710 79557212.857 5.4 20018.8 26.110 219667.8 1243805.6 665573.149 27 7.367 34185.3 2.2 1081821.3 11237.9 58.9 387071.6 30.1 106649.6 255.9 760087.459 6766575.5 2983632.610 8.080 27 641794.829 6122254.2 1666605.689 35.777 296 1007730.9 50625.3 10184.4 644055.325 5.336 81.6 5877.5 49.7 4.2 30.090 28. of Accounts Amount No.7 31.8 10505.748 17.758 896 11.0 5141666.7 25661.7 9127.3 145832.6 169318.2 155189.3 1054569.678 2682067.0 Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Punjab Rajasthan Chandigarh Delhi 20.7 23.1 27769.8 336.173 37.5 2432.8 854132.5 22422.610 1.3 20288450.726 12.TABLE NO.4 3.480 24939833.3 542971.583 2.945 114693.833 64.2 482622.1 17.0 4801084.8 114.4 358 5.760 38.326 12.3 1.5 2.6 131. of Accounts Amount No.473 15.1 986030.749 743 860 3.295 378903.059 408 55.076 52.0 47147.544 3.6 339689.0 65443.365 387 535 255 227 1.5 23202.239 3524417.118 12168.0 519925.2 123843.6 20899.2 78660.7 9229.5 2300211.5 1932038.863 4665832.491 35.628 115 254817.659 7306171.0 1030065.4 2247620.3 168611.321 8.8 35.7 15602.221 30597248.798 56.769 29 717 787675.085 439 558 2.1 2039645.761 1574732. of Accounts Amount 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NORTHERN REGION 115.0 860 21.389 47.614 98.792 4465169.161 12.538 661069.2 1009144.8 21545.5 60796.1 19.659 81.852 3541500.0 8146645.3 351.982 22.700 75251.609 50 1. 7$%/(120$785.1*72%52$'2:1(56+.762)6&+('8/('&200(5&.3&$7(*25< 0$5&+ $PRXQWLQC0LOOLRQ.6 $&&25'.7<3$77(512)7(50'(326.$/%$1. 9.7<  2ULJLQDO.2'2)0$785.'8$/6 3(5.1'. . 8SWR'D\V 'D\V DERYHEXW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW             . . . . . .       . . . . . .       . . . . . .       . . . . . .       . . . . . .       . . . . . .       . . . . . .       . . . . . . $/%$1.1*723238/$7. /HVVWKDQ<HDU <HDU DERYHEXW /HVVWKDQ<HDUV <HDUV DERYHEXW /HVVWKDQ<HDUV <HDUV DERYHEXW /HVVWKDQ<HDUV <HDUV DERYH *5$1'727$/ 727$/ $PRXQW /HVVWKDQ0RQWKV 0RQWKV DERYHEXW 27+(56 1RRI $FFRXQWV 6HH1RWHVRQ7DEOHV 7$%/(120$785.6 $&&25'.7<3$77(512)7(50'(326.21*5283 0$5&+ $PRXQWLQC0LOOLRQ.762)6&+('8/('&200(5&. 1'.85%$1 85%$1 0(75232/. 585$/ 6(0.$ 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW           8SWR'D\V  .7$1 $//.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 'D\V DERYHEXW /HVVWKDQ0RQWKV  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7<  2ULJLQDO. 3(5.2'2)0$785.  0RQWKV DERYHEXW /HVVWKDQ<HDU <HDU DERYHEXW /HVVWKDQ<HDUV  .   . .   . .    . . .   . . <HDUV DERYHEXW /HVVWKDQ<HDUV  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . <HDUV DERYHEXW /HVVWKDQ<HDUV  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   . .  .  .  . <HDUV DERYH  .   . . *5$1'727$/    . . .   . .        . 21 . . . . . . . 4 25.566 996055.1 (0.0) (100.8 12.6 102.2) (11.9) (1.2) (14.6 382.693 1366667.4 2.0) (100.3) (6.8 (100.574 396188.5) (18. of Accounts FOREIGN BANKS Amount No.3) (2.9 (32.132.0 2.2) (6.1) (3.936 145789.049.2 (1.1 (1.2) (23.1) (31.0) (39.2 1.2) (16.3 (15.1 2.0) (100. 1.271 3553282.092.1 2.476 11047827.4) (20.132.3) (1.6) (24.095 23375.930 1660198.9) (39.5) (17.886.0) (100.767 157436.0 3.5) (6.4) 9906343.0 36.0) (100.621 699871.7) (2.3) (3.015.311.806.5) (11.013.840.493.3) 16.046.1) (10.7) (8.1 1.2) (2. of Accounts Amount Amount 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Upto 90 Days 91 Days & above but Less than 6 Months 6 Months & above but Less than 1 Year 1 Year & above but Less than 2 Years 2 Years & above but Less than 3 Years 3 Years & above but Less than 5 Years 5 Years & above 553.435.4 14.641 547600.5) (2.952 476941.536 29098281.7) (39.990 1511399.1) (4.2) (8.0) (13.MATURITY PATTERN OF TERM DEPOSITS OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO BANK GROUP MARCH 2014 (Amount in ` Million) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ PERIOD OF MATURITY (Original) STATE BANK OF INDIA AND ITS ASSOCIATES No.4) (22.962.5 45.976 2239343.8 11.481 183876.7 4.384 9080495.5) (5.294 205476.5) (6.2) (3.1 37.2 47.9 (30.4 108.268 980948.3) 616.0) (1.019 1901786.867 174050.7) (6.563.1) (27.8 15.4) (14.152 (100.483.059 86561.5) (7.823 1016881.3 12. of Accounts Amount REGIONAL RURAL BANKS PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS No.358 2183185.264.26 .2 2.220.663.4 (19.733.0) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ GRAND TOTAL 50.9) (13.7 489.2) (10.6 616.359 231516.6) (9.9) (18.196.3 4.7 47.2 161.8) 331.845 406663.445.1) (38.475 30138.741.5) (3.0) (100.4) (16.573 1780464.0) (13.0) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 22 .2) (11.358 33696.1 285.056 1043580.2) (12.1) 7.4 241.255 3496285.3) (15.0) (27.755 2538625.834.5) (10.0) 9.0) (4.024 2291759.TABLE NO.1) (1. of Amount Accounts NATIONALISED BANKS No.720 466542.3 3.5 29.495 4850822.0) (15.343 423177. of Accounts No.6) (17.0) (100.0) (100.970 342513.0) (5.0) (49.443 5064635.3) (34.1) (8.8) (10.2) 15.7) (5.8) (30.4) (35.4 725.123.808 95806. 9 1 year & above but less than 3 years 22.9 4.4 3.3 8.PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF TERM DEPOSITS OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO RESIDUAL MATURITY AND BROAD OWNERSHIP CATEGORY MARCH 2014 (Per cent) INDIVIDUALS OTHERS TOTAL No.3 4.4 4.2 8.2 22.6 18.6 7.2 4.2 6.2 29 days to 90 days 7.3 7.27 .1 32. 23 .3 19.2 22.7 14.4 8.2 23.8 3.0 6 months & above but less than 1 year 19.0 100.3 4. 1.7 5.3 5.1 5.2 14.6 3 years & above but less than 5 years 5.5 35.0 100.6 100.0 100.0 100. of Accounts Amount 1 2 3 4 5 6 4. of Accounts Amount No.3 18.0 RESIDUAL PERIOD OF MATURITY 1 day to 14 days TOTAL See Notes on Tables.9 5 years & above 7.4 3.6 6.2 8.6 38.5 9.5 4. of Accounts Amount No.0 91 days & above but less than 6 months 9.1 11.3 18.0 100.4 32.7 5.4 7.8 15 days to 28 days 24.8 9.2 22.TABLE NO.3 9. 6 $&&25'.212)7(50'(326.7$%/(123(5&(17$*('.%87.1*72.17(5(675$7(5$1*($1'%52$'2:1(56+.$/%$1.675.3&$7(*25< 0$5&+ 3HUFHQW.762)6&+('8/('&200(5&. 76$1'%52$'2:1(56+.9.$/%$1.'8$/6 $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV  727$/ 27+(56  1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW $PRXQW      1RRI $FFRXQWV /HVVWKDQSHUFHQW      SHUFHQWDQGDERYHEXWOHVVWKDQSHUFHQW       SHUFHQWDQGDERYHEXWOHVVWKDQSHUFHQW       SHUFHQWDQGDERYHEXWOHVVWKDQSHUFHQW       SHUFHQWDQGDERYHEXWOHVVWKDQSHUFHQW       SHUFHQWDQGDERYHEXWOHVVWKDQSHUFHQW       SHUFHQWDQGDERYHEXWOHVVWKDQSHUFHQW       SHUFHQWDQGDERYH             727$/ 6HH1RWHVRQ7DEOHV 7$%/(123(5&(17$*('.%87.212)7(50'(326.=(2)'(326. .762)6&+('8/('&200(5&.1'.6 $&&25'.17(5(675$7(5$1*( .1*726.3&$7(*25< 0$5&+ 3HUFHQW.675. 76¬  .1'.QC0LOOLRQ. .=(2)'(326.9.'8$/6 6. 1RRI $FFRXQWV 27+(56 $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV 727$/ $PRXQW 1RRI $FFRXQWV $PRXQW       /HVVWKDQ       DQGDERYHEXWOHVVWKDQ       DQGDERYHEXWOHVVWKDQ       DQGDERYHEXWOHVVWKDQ       DQGDERYH             727$/ 6HH1RWHVRQ7DEOHV 24 . 728 2.30 .036 8.949 193.335 31.262 722 153 907 8.527 13.325 3.261 3 241 9.534 278 2.705 116.579 83 2.723 2.936 2.157 24.215 5.474 26.224 3.766 4.530 2.375 41 29 1.196 5.405 63.177 67.810 10.968 4.206 213 7.955 129.652 277.148 12.560 70.676 42.456 8.076 10.260 392 8.855 7.159 150 3.490 7.613 12.034 7.148 55.021 7.296 11.786 2.757 4.476 2.408 14 322 2.893 47.657 3.359 2.892 4.201 21.199 239 189 2.461 29.244 1.000 60 42.088 61.672 2.718 492 1.503 116.077 98.469 128.084 2.019 139 93.003 90.757 66 46 SOUTHERN REGION 168.345 125.406 4.552 929 1.247 4 5 2.028 13.098 29.135 2.701 514 5.799 413 36.208 345.365 32.927 28.108 2.480 1.502 390 350 737 5.683 5.207 95 4.262 39.923 31 1.638 8.991 25.842 181.088 56.976 Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Kerala Tamil Nadu Lakshadweep Puducherry 48.637 1.894 15.804 22.601 64.356 1.654 14 238 99.415 13.378 15.322 276.255 48.903 1. 1.231 12.430 27.700 2.686 201.359 3 63 21.070 6.664 521 891 389 530 1.616 37.475 2.383 90 6.778 21.742 17.928 2.302 7.003 18.385 4.405 978 1.792 REGION / STATE / UNION TERRITORY NORTH-EASTERN REGION Arunachal Pradesh Assam Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Tripura EASTERN REGION Bihar Jharkhand Odisha Sikkim West Bengal Andaman & Nicobar Islands CENTRAL REGION Goa Gujarat Maharashtra Dadra & Nagar Haveli Daman & Diu ALL-INDIA 25 .536 16.388 120 15.449 15.220 148 501 1.447 11.866 9.TABLE NO.727 13.165 2.086 178.049 16.040 32.889 Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Punjab Rajasthan Chandigarh Delhi 21.265 19.810 2.736 33.014 49.345 37 967 34.795 22.876 1.165 35 2.581 11.829 19.045 2.922 494 1.126 49.823 3.784 6.294 15.411 474 2.347 461 6.873 34.788 40.987 22.293 9.253.427 WESTERN REGION 154.458 6.151 16.222 26.850 87.981 5.076 13.631 70.902 31.581 152 343 152 178 177 20 280 11 106 33 36 28 169 3.161 2.988 10.118 2.623 14.718 26.345 122 466 164 263 417 1.308 29.573 93 373 219 314 24 1.328 4.675 1.157 10.998 37.571 115 117 732 9.373 101 244 114 88 94 118 1.237 3.829 49.959 11.640 97.967 2.396 667 375 169 1.708 877 5.035 870 80.659 57.048 425 566 1.456 2.848 337 29.323 16.377 939 6.690 35.752 231.242 7.066 3.028 20 626 640.823 23.904 209 12.942 24.105 3.886 49.585 48.135 21 12 196 1.205 201 14.210 9.869 431.486 9.615 4.861 5.407 4.732 36 44 5.280 31.234 264 693 299 302 299 82.281 11 5.561 32.891 606 958 4.014 8.265 15.689 10.401 37.580 32 809 16.727 1.762 68.839 9.189 1.STATE-WISE DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO CATEGORY MARCH 2014 0TOTAL EMPLOYEES 0 1 WHICH : FEMALES OF 1 Officers Clerks Subordinates Total Officers Clerks Subordinates Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NORTHERN REGION 129.190 24.237 Chhattisgarh Madhya Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand 7. 941 933 5.345 1.817 3.841 5.558 23.497 555 14.403 1.439 11.TABLE NO.076 210 3.733 45.510 103.821 20.107 52. 1.945 9.422 42.484 273.616 2.451 45 - - 45 6 - - 6 REGIONAL RURAL BANKS 24.333 234.509 11.044 10.775 5.367 10.736 100.341 220 2.BANK GROUP AND POPULATION GROUP-WISE DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO CATEGORY MARCH 2014 RURAL TOTAL EMPLOYEES Rural Rural Rural BANK GROUP Rural OF WHICH Rural : FEMALES Rural Officers Clerks Subordinates Total Officers Clerks Subordinates Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 STATE BANK OF INDIA AND ITS ASSOCIATES 16.559 10.863 15.029 20.185 15.418 6.118 14.767 NATIONALISED BANKS 47.450 1.383 38.306 3.727 21.483 20.385 10.581 3.093 110.516 5.724 27.587 2.826 2.328 4.964 PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS 41.571 40.419 84.595 26.358 1.037 1.504 19.494 334 2.038 19.109 5.URBAN Semi-urban BANK GROUP TOTAL EMPLOYEES Semi-urban Semi-urban OF WHICH : FEMALES Semi-urban Semi-urban Semi-urban Officers Clerks Subordinates Total Officers Clerks Subordinates Total 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 STATE BANK OF INDIA AND ITS ASSOCIATES 26.500 FOREIGN BANKS ALL SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS 26 .731 950 1.432 FOREIGN BANKS ALL SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS SEMI .753 124.336 7.667 54.31 .778 PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS 13.701 4.926 3.934 59.722 46.257 18.682 23.031 51.461 NATIONALISED BANKS 45.152 1.999 102 1 - 103 17 - - 17 REGIONAL RURAL BANKS 9.712 109.330 87. 860 57.200 29.076 2.238 1.TABLE NO.346 42.31 .390 196.050 14.138 128 2.791 827 1.253.364 14.362 5.307 8.236 10.139 3.805 68.147 301.788 825 126 7.795 22.869 431.399 73.101 20.758 ALL SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS 416.697 166.594 FOREIGN BANKS 22.012 796 59.344 55.555 114.387 89.856 56.907 58.INDIA TOTAL EMPLOYEES 0 OF WHICH : FEMALES 1 Officers Clerks TotalSubordinates Total Officers Clerks Subordinates Total 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 STATE BANK OF INDIA AND ITS ASSOCIATES 108.347 41.843 97.835 PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS 225.652 277.071 541.031 10.917 26.180 3.093 PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS 170.864 625 24.950 15.029 240.727 6.559 3.345 125.471 16.860 BANK GROUP FOREIGN BANKS ALL .579 6.811 825 126 7.842 181. 1.091 1.723 99.144 22.013 11.548 197.973 682 7.637 119.863 625 24.295 43.BANK GROUP AND POPULATION GROUP-WISE DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES OF SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS ACCORDING TO CATEGORY MARCH 2014 URBAN/METROPOLITAN 0 TOTAL EMPLOYEES 0 1 OF WHICH : FEMALES 1 Officers Clerks TotalSubordinates Total Officers Clerks Subordinates Total 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 STATE BANK OF INDIA AND ITS ASSOCIATES 65.845 46.464 135.358 12.416 1.762 REGIONAL RURAL BANKS 39.814 28.427 745.266 321.955 129.247 ALL SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS 640.490 84.739 REGIONAL RURAL BANKS 6.381 82.561 78.847 5.585 1.354 NATIONALISED BANKS 244.342 46.646 64.792 BANK GROUP 27 .603 223.020 303.126 NATIONALISED BANKS 151.850 43.112 87.244 1.165 34. For working out CashDeposit ratio. the data are not strictly comparable for the entire time span. 1934 and relate to the last Friday of the reference period.Notes on Tables Table No. Investments for the purpose of calculation of Investment-Deposit ratio pertain to investments in Government and Other Approved Securities. The ratio of bank deposits to National Income for the years 2006 to 2008 is based on the series of National Income with 1993-94 as the base year.11 are based on place of utilisation of credit.17 Data relate to accounts with credit limits of ` 0.17 are based on place of sanction of credit.2 million and less. 1. Cash includes cash in hand and balances with Reserve Bank of India. Table Nos. Tables on credit based on Place of Utilisation Table Nos. Deposits and credit of scheduled commercial banks in India are as per return under Section 42(2) of the Reserve Bank of India Act. from 2009 onwards it is based on the series with 2004-05 as base year. 1. The number of bank offices of scheduled commercial banks excludes administrative offices. 1. 1.10 & 1. 1.16 & 1.16 and 1. 1.2 million) are also presented separately as ‘Of which’ item to facilitate comparison with the earlier years.5. Tables on credit based on Place of Sanction Table Nos. For the year 1969. 28 . 1. per capita deposits and per capita credit are based on provisional population figures as on 1st March 2011 obtained from Census of India Website.13 to 1. the base year is 1970-71. For the year 1969. 1. it is based on 1961 census.2 Figures relate to the banked centres served by scheduled commercial banks only. Table No. Due to change in the definition of the Priority Sectors from time to time.3. Population per office. Data based on large borrowal accounts (accounts with credit limit more than `0. Deposits are net of inter-bank deposits and credit is exclusive of dues from banks and bills rediscounted under the Bill Market Scheme. Table Nos.1 Classification of bank offices according to population groups is based on 2001 census. Classification of Population Groups is based on 2001 census.15 The data on outstanding credit presented in these tables is based on all borrowal accounts. broad interest rate ranges and size of deposits are also collected through BSR-2 return.05.29. 1.24 to 1.692 branches. percentage distribution of term deposits according to these classifications are worked out and presented in Table Nos. In the case of joint accounts under Individuals. 1.27 to 1. Table Nos. 1. Corporate Sector (Non-Financial & Financial excluding Banks) and Other Institutions.692 branches. However.27 to 1. The distribution of term deposits according to interest rate range in Table No. 1.24. The distribution of term deposits according to size of deposits in Table No. The distribution of term deposits according to residual maturity in Table No. to 1.8 present the data on credit according to both the place of sanction and the place of utilisation. Table Nos.26 These tables present the data on term deposits according to original maturity. 1. ‘Individuals’ include Hindu Undivided Families.29 is based on the data reported by 1.29 Distribution of term deposits according to residual maturity. ******************** 29 . The category ‘Others’ includes Government Sector. 1.27 is based on the data reported by 1.101 branches.6A. data on these items have not been uniformly reported by all the branches. 1. 1. 1.7 and 1.24 For Table Nos. 1. the gender of the first account holder is considered for classifying the account under Male / Female category.28 is based on the data reported by 1.Tables on credit based on Place of Sanction as well as Utilisation Table Nos. Table Nos. Based on reported data.6.21 to 1.
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