0903 Nobill MVNO Low
0903 Nobill MVNO Low
March 25, 2018 | Author: Slobodan Kaludjerovic | Category:
Short Message Service
Multimedia Messaging Service
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N OB I L L® M V N O – TH E PL ATFOR M OF CHO I CE1 N O B I L L M VN O – T H E P L AT F O R M O F C H O I C E Nobill MVNO – the platform of choice Are you looking for a complete MVNO solution that will let you maximize your business opportunities through the delivery of a differentiated offering? Do you need to replace a complex. but the key to success is to combine this with a solution which enables efficient cost-control. inflexible and costly legacy solution with one which has more services and the ability to meet changing market demands? Do you need to introduce new services which combine voice. Flexibility and short lead times are essential when configuring attractive campaigns. 2 . messaging anda data into easily understood packages at a range of price points? The market for MVNO solutions is complicated and an in-depth technical knowledge across a range of services is required to identify the optimal solution. The logical partitioning also guarantees separation of all traffic including SS7 traffic. Customer Care. Nobill MVNO gives the operator the tools to keep the customer in focus. A wide range of application modules within convergent charging. ON E-sTOP-sHOP Symsoft has developed the Nobill Platform which is unique in its extensibility. content and bandwidth. phone numbers and SIM cards. postpaid. M u LTI PLE MVNO:s ON ON E PL ATFOR M An important strength with Nobill is its support for multiple MVNOs and MNOs within a single system. Ideal for MVNOs! The system is capable of real-time routing. etc. With Nobill.N O B I L L M VN O – T H E P L AT F O R M O F C H O I C E USS D SMSC Charging Voucher Mgmnt GGSN Voi c eM a il G ROw ON DE MAN D Packet Charger Nobill can be tailored to suit each MVNO’s requirements. Using logical partitioning in Nobill. thereby ensuring complete data separation and integrity between MVNOs. affecting the customer’s account balance immediately. This means that each MVNO has its own set of subscribers. It’s always real time! Real time means that service use is rated as it happens in the network. or a hybrid account. products. By providing a complete management of subscriptions. It includes all service functionality an MVNO needs. Nobill can also be configured to span multiple networks. rating and charging of voice. messaging. The system scales linearly to handle future subscriber growth in an efficient manner. tariffs. It uses the same principles to rate usage. each MVNO has its own dedicated Service Data Point (SDP) instance. new functionality can be enabled efficiently in parallel with already installed applications. accounts and billing data. billing or VAS. Segmentation and loyalty programs are easily managed across payment channels and service offerings. USSD services. MMSC Nobill solutions are well proven and in full commercial operation worldwide. whether it belongs to a prepaid. whether it is charging. billing and value added services (VAS) are available on a common platform. SIMs and other resources. vouchers. This capability is possible because MVNOs can be configured to share the same network. 3 . IVR services. the window of fraud is effectively closed. Thereafter. if needed. 4 . It offers a smooth migration to an all IP environment. sTATE-OF-TH E-ART TECH NOLOGy Nobill is years ahead of its competition. Symsoft is a Sun OEM Partner. Using state-of-the-art hardware. It is important to find the balance between a best-of-breed approach and maintaining control over growth expenditures. reuse of functionality and providing an extensive portfolio of applications on a common platform. security audits and monitoring. reducing the number of operations staff. Nobill is installed on a single integrated hardware platform. administration. System operations. Oracle® databases are used in a Solaris® environment running on high performance hardware from Sun Microsystems. A common platform requires fewer third party licenses. enabling short lead times for development and rapid rollout of new services. Nobill MVNO is designed to keep costs down. the system is prepared for efficient capacity expansion. The foundation of Nobill is based on sharing of resources. file systems. maintenance and support can be centralized for several MVNOs. All Nobill applications are written in Java. large and growing MVNOs. New services reach the market within weeks. The Nobill Client is a common graphical user interface that is used to administer the entire system.N O B I L L M VN O – T H E P L AT F O R M O F C H O I C E CONTROL COsTs Nobill is designed to support small. All upgrades are performed centrally simplifying software planning and avoiding software upgrade conflicts. This simplifies administration of databases. supporting both current and future network requirements. usage time. a powerful concept of events. premium and data traffic as postpaid f Traffic during work hours as postpaid and off-work hours as prepaid RAPI D sE RVICE CR EATION The Nobill promotion toolkit. SMS.g.g. This gives several benefits: f Enables categorizing of customer.g. e. USSD Special cascaded offers for new customers Service bundled with vouchers (e. and loyalty and bonus programs based on spent money. rules and actions. Examples are: f Advanced price plans including rate depending on usage. regardless of their charging strategies f Provides cross-product. e. cross-segment bonuses and discounting plans for individuals and family contracts Hybrid accounts and subscriptions behave as prepaid for some traffic cases and postpaid for others. not the payment method or the system type. e. data volume and other services. when using a certain voucher type an extra bundle of 100 SMS is obtained) 250 free SMS per month Flat rate tariff for monthly fee 1000 SMS (usable on-net and valid 15 days) to subscribers having monthly consumption > 10 Euros 20 voice minutes to new subscribers activated during May f f f f f f f f f 5 . by the margin of revenue. mobile ANSI. data and content f Different network types. prepaid and postpaid f Different service types. type of services used and usage level f Enables the same service offering indifferent of payment method f Accepts providers and aggregators of content and Value Added Services.g. fixed network and IP network With convergence the customer is in focus.N O B I L L M VN O – T H E P L AT F O R M O F C H O I C E Convergence – the customer in focus Nobill MVNO is a convergent system capable of handling convergence in several dimensions: f Customers with different contractual agreements.g.g. Some examples of how this can be used include: f Traffic in home network as prepaid and traffic when roaming as postpaid f Voice. MMS. e. refill and service period Minimum monthly consumption plans Bonus and loyalty schemes Pricing of service requests. renders the possibility to create flexible schemes for innovative service offerings. MMS. SMS. e. mobile GSM. The concept allows the operator to set up innovative pricing schemes. voice. Interface) Voucher s Provisioning B2B accumulation B2C accumulation Discounting TAP import Transactions / Accumulations Provisioning/ Payments BSS Invoicing Payments Dunning Scoring Accounts Receivables B2B settlement B2C settlement CRM Logistics Nobill Back End Self Management 6 . NOBILL MVNO Nobill Front End SMSC MMSC SCP GGSN (incl Packet Charger) Event Charger Number Portability DB Voice Mail IVR USSD WAP GW Nobill Client Charging requests Rating Charging Subscriber services Customer Care CAI (Customer Admin . collection and similar functions. Nobill integrates with a BSS (Business Support System) responsible for invoice generation.N O B I L L M VN O – T H E P L AT F O R M O F C H O I C E Nobill system architecture The Nobill system is divided into a number of functional entities as outlined in the illustration below. Contains customer. Real-time charging is applicable to roaming. Number portability gives the service provider the means to use number portability information (network operator ID) for rating and traffic routing. like top up management and customer self care with interactive voice responses. Accumulation based discounts. Handles MMS traffic together with real-time charging of MMS. Full voucher lifecycle logistics are supported. Real-time charging is applicable to roaming. interacting with external applications. Contains CDR data that is kept online for a set period and then archived/exported to other systems. Handles event charging requests from external applications such as content providers and value-added service platforms. Receives charging requests and ensures these are rated. Packet Charger) WAP Gateway Number Portability DB Voice Mail IVR USSD Event Charger Charging Rating Subscriber services Vouchers B2B and B2C accumulations Outbound and inbound provisioning Discounting TAP Import Nobill Client 7 . Responsible for rating all traffic types for all subscription types. Handles call control and real-time charging of voice/data/fax/video calls. Prior to granting an SMS submission (or reception) the Nobill SMS Charger requests permission from Nobill Charging. loyalty bonuses. Includes features such as multi-language support. e. generation of invoicing files. Handles various subscriber interactions. Real-time charging is applicable to roaming.and home network users. as well as administration and management of the system. reserved and committed.and home network users. Handles various subscriber interactions. Responsible for handling billing.N O B I L L M VN O – T H E P L AT F O R M O F C H O I C E NOBILL MODuLEs SMSC DEsCRIPTION Handles SMS and real-time charging of SMS.g.and home network users. Importing and B2C charging of TAP3 roaming files. Inbound provisioning is handled via CAI (Customer Administration Interface).e. insufficient funds. Prior to granting data traffic the Packet Charger requests permission from Nobill Charging.g. All traffic is monitored in real time with refusal of service if e. The USSD Gateway also acts as a USSD Menu Server. The Nobill Client is a graphical user interface (GUI) for configuration and creation of products and services. like top up management and customer self care with interactive text message. account and subscription data. Prior to granting an MMS submission (or reception) the Nobill MMS Charger requests permission from Nobill Charging. auto provisioning and self management (via USSD. MMS and e-mail voice message delivery. complete message convergence. Great flexibility in creating customer structures/packages. etc. Includes tools to administrate customer-related logistics (in batch or individually) for phone numbers and SIM cards. rate plans and billing schemes. Outbound provisioning is handled towards external systems such as HLR. Flexible and integrated solution for recording and storage of voice messages. Handles all WAP traffic. Handles real-time charging of packet traffic. etc). virtual calling cards and PIN codes. Voucher Management handles creation and management of vouchers. i. MMSC SCP GGSN (incl. N O B I L L M VN O – T H E P L AT F O R M O F C H O I C E Nobill network interaction The Nobill system supports industry standard interfaces for interacting with the surrounding network. SNMP NOBILL MVNO FTP SMPP/ SMTP Event Charging i/f Nobill Client Content Delivery System Nobill MVNO solution External systems * CAI = Proprietary Customer Administration Interface 8 . HLR SGSN MSC SS7 Gn SS7 CAI* Operating Support Systems (OSS) Business Support System (BSS) SIM provider Payment Broker Etc. preconfigured and tested. providing an easy-to-use. This has proven to be of significant value when analyzing fault conditions. The platform has a log system for all events. and management. The same client is used to administrate all parts of the system. Nobill MVNO has the capability of being accessed remotely via ISDN or VPN over Internet. reducing time of installation and integration on-site. cost. All Symsoft products are delivered preinstalled. The Nobill system contains comprehensive tracing facilities on all levels of the SS7 stack.N O B I L L M VN O – T H E P L AT F O R M O F C H O I C E World class usability and technical support The Nobill system client is intended to be the primary way of interaction with the system for both administrators and customer care personnel. etc. 9 . errors. operation and technical support.and time-efficient maintenance. The Nobill Client is fully configurable with individual permissions and access rights for different groups of users. an SNMP interface and capability to send alarms via e-mail to designated addresses. converged and hybrid environments f f f f f Scalability: start small and linearly expand your Nobill installation at your own pace Extreme performance Proven technology: built on de facto industry standards Java. open. messaging and IP services. Sun Microsystems and Oracle Comprehensive experience and expertise: proven track record of successful implementations and know-how in advanced multi-dimensional converged solutions Best value: shared components. We focus on creating key convergence building blocks that can be assembled on top of a generic platform. to realize true voice and data convergence for all subscribers 100 % real-time: operator staff. modular and IP-based platform for all Nobill installations. all based on the Nobill Platform.N O B I L L M VN O – T H E P L AT F O R M O F C H O I C E wHAT wE DO Symsoft develops leading and future proof real-time solutions for charging. scalable and are in operation all over the world. development time and costs R E FE R E NCEs Symsoft works closely with leading operators to innovate. Nobill is undoubtedly one of the most all-encompassing common-platform systems for telecom operations on the market. customers and business partners share the same updated view of rated traffic since all events in Nobill are processed in real time Multi-environment support: solutions running over IMS. whose architecture allows for generic use and combination of any resource True convergence: designed from the bottom up with the customer in focus. Nobill applications are proven. to give operators a variety of ways to offer cost effective and revenue-generating charging and messaging services in a competitive world. develop and deploy competitive services. standardbased interfaces and centralized functions reduce complexity. Ou R E DG E f f f f Generic platform: a common. 10 . More than 100 million subscribers are served by Nobill solutions. administration and maintenance support f reduced integration times and efficient management processes 11 .N O B I L L M VN O – T H E P L AT F O R M O F C H O I C E Make Symsoft your choice! Symsoft is a specialist in MVNO solutions! We offer: f a world class complete solution for MVNOs on a common platform f integration with current and legacy networks f easy expansion with new functionality f linear capacity growth f real-time fraud control f centralized system operation. Telenor and TeliaSonera. Symsoft has local presence in four regions and operational systems in more than 30 countries. Renowned for its ability to deliver. Symsoft’s customers include leading telecom operators such as Millicom.Symsoft develops leading real-time telecom solutions for mobile and convergent operators within the areas of charging. Sweden Tel +46 8 566 166 00 Middle East & Africa Symsoft MEA Dubai Internet City P. Texas 75024. All rights reserved. messaging. Corporate Headquarters Symsoft AB Kista Science Tower Färögatan 33. USA Tel +1 972 731 6708 © 2009.O. Symsoft AB. Polkomtel. 23 March 2009 . PO Box 1219 SE-164 28 Kista. Founded in 1989 and headquartered in Stockholm. Sweden. 5700 Granite Parkway. call completion and mobile data. Saudi Telecom. Box 500649 Dubai. Ste 200 Plano. Qtel. All application solutions are based on the carrier grade Nobill platform which exceeds operators’ requirements for business critical functions due to its modular platform architecture and innovative technology. Symsoft enables operators in an increasingly competitive world to improve both attractiveness and ARPU. United Arab Emirates Tel +971 4 36 16 637 Asia Pacific Symsoft Asia Pacific 9 Temasek Boulevard #31-02 Suntec Tower Two Singapore 038989 Tel +65 6559 6189 Americas Americas Symsoft Inc. Telefonica.
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