09 September 1998

March 29, 2018 | Author: Monitoring Times | Category: Image Scanner, Radio, Telecommunications, Broadcasting, Technology



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RoadlOn Tune w,lh Seoul oCapt ure 5 walt UHF sign al graph °V,b ralor and teene r alert mode IrtlfTl~ reet • HIOO It eq ueoc y $349 SAVE $799 TA l OCS Al'llenna Inc lud ed Special Prices are for a Limited ime Only!! -the ::.potligL ~'I I 'j .C U COUNTERS \ H Andhe ld freque ncy co unters. all mcorp o rahr19 pa ten ted Dig Ital F,ller anc O,glta l Auto Ca ptu re All co unter s come with In ltlnl dcc u racy o f . /. I p pm HIgh rnpeoance ampuners standard on M I and 3000 APIU5. Call lor a:ld ,honal fe al ures on all th ree COUtllll rs " M1 CUB M1 3000A+ 3000 A+ ' Hogh spe ed tu ple COf1Ve'll.OQn GRE rece ive r · Track Moioroia 400. SOO.'tIOO. and goo tl Hz systems -o eeeee CTe SS, OCS. l TR. OTMF, and Motorola ta lk group lOs - scee It\lnlo.e d a 'ld eonv enllOna ll,equenoes somutt an eously · Reaet>on r uno ... ttl Scou l Freq uency Recorder ' Sotl ware Cont ' oll ed vo lu mllt & squeld'l lor remote co raro r ope ratIon OPTOTRAKKER · SI0. e & S<:an. (jOwnload u p to 28 dlff e' etl t trequ ences Of coe talk g roup 10 tor sca nnon9 WllhOut C:O"'puler control ' Sup pl led Wllt'>tile all ne w Tra~ ~s'ar sot1Voafe _ Tr u n ~ Tl a c~ LT R systems - $Cans convel'lll()llal irequeocles trom 2S-25O, 76O·82 3 99 S. 84 9 005 ·868.995 . 894 .00S ·13 00MHz (Cellula r freq uencIe s bloc ked ) OPTOSCAN -D ecodes CTC SS . DCS. LTR, Mot Ololl Type t and I!. and OTM F - Sca n mU~lpIe lrunked syste ms a t the same tIme ....c er computer cee com port $299 ~~~da~: R_ •••• _ " ... _ ~.... ........ R1OOO. R7100. A'UCI(lO 20351-12 R5000 , _ A e~ "'0 _ 20050 ~ ........ 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Save 548 Mi cr oRF Dete ct o r TMC 100 An lenna Sold Separa tely (S9) _.._----'-..,_.•.- FACTORY DIRECT ORDER LINE 800-:'<l!:r -:»~"<l!: ,,~rl "".."".. 11,.«- ® www.optoelectronics.com 5M2 1 N.E, 14th A\cl1uc · Fl. Lauderdale. FL . -'-'-'.' 4 Telephone: I'J;'i4jo77 I-211;'iO Fax : (1)541-771-2052 EMail : s:,lcsIii'01 Pluclcl'trnnics.clllll Price s and S!X'Cilic atiu n, arc suhjcc t In c ha nge withn ul notic e or l1hligal iun T"" 0pI0C0m has IlOl bovrlopprovo<llly!he F__nl <:omrn..nica lions ~ T.... dcMce may not be oold or oIIOffld 10), o.aIot ..," !he """"",.1oj fCC has boot'! _ . ConI.o>CI ClJ>k>RIolc::1fOACO, 1:>1' onI""""'loo<1 on 8Yw/OOjIly. Op1""!t>eI'onOCS, ScanS,.... MoIc>r.".,. EF Johnson l TR Md Mocrosofl W. - - ... al 'lIII'"te'ed IradI>rM'~I. SCout,:lOOQA., Rl l , Xpl,"e,. MicroCoomer, MI . Cub a.. cove,..., b)' U S Palll<llNo . S.471,402 CONTENTS (Jnitpring '------- Fimes Vol. 17, No.9 1M September 1998 Zambia's Christian Voice .........................•.............. 12 By Colin Miller The fi rst independent radio station in Zambia u he formerNorthern Rhodesia) beganbroadcasting on shortw ave at the end of 199 4 . Rad io Christian Voice is the project of Chri stian Vision. a nondenominational and international cha rily board based in Britain. Rad io C hris tian V oice demonstrates a rather unusual degree of cooperation between government and relig ion. but Zambia is a rather unusual country. ChinaRadioInternational Everything Chinadocs is done in a big way, says the author.and China Radio International is no exception. In an era whe n other govern ments are cutting back on broadcasting, China is just now reapi ng the frui t of a decade of investment into its "bridge to the Cover Story wo rld," Th e a utho r wa s privileged to visit C R t's ne w facilities firsthand . 11re Happy Hobbyist By Ron Perron As the shortwave bands are o pening up , so ar e the eyes of this fairl y recent co nv ert to shortwave li st ening. This is not a n HF band scan in the strict se nse o f the word, bu t more like a sca n of the aut hor' s journ ey into the shortwa ve spectrum. If you're not into sho rtw ave liste ning already, the au thor's e nth usiasm will make you anx io us to start - and co nditions were never better! Story starts on page 8. O ur cover photo is of two 12year-o lds from Stockho lm, Sweden, Sonja and Gabriel, "lis te n- ing to shortwave broadcast transmissions using the general coverage receive r built in the IC OM IC751 A tran sceiv er," says photo g rap he r Henry k Ko to visk i, SMOJHF. (' T hey ar e tempted to use the microp hone - but they a re not allowed ," ) Cover by John Ba iley 16 Take aShortwave DXpedition 20 By Hans Johnson In the never-ending search for more distant signals (DX), the hobbyist will rind it of benefit to change his base of operations - in other words, go on a DXpedi tio n. The Ten-Tee Shortwave Receiver Kit 22 By Mike Bryson II' you thought nothi ng serious could come in a kit. th ink again. The Ten-Tee SSB-CW AM receiver kit is about a 25-hour project, divided into logical phases whichcan be tested everystepof thc way. The result is a decent receiver at a real bargain - if you know what you're doing. Reviews: T he Motorol a TulkAbout Plu s FR S tra nsceiver del ive rs first-rate . . pe rformance and exce ptio na lly loud aud io says Ellio tt (p .7 1): plus it' «fun: "Truly a sight forsore eyes !" says Skip Are)' of the M FJ G iani Display clock (1'.85) M agn e says AOR clearly tried to make the AR5000+3 a stronger contender on shortwave than most DC-tn-daylight receivers ... with partial success (p.89), Of-f MONITORING TIMES (ISSN: 0889-5341; CPC IPN Soles Agreement # 1253 4921 is published month y by Grove Enterprises, Inc.• Brasstown, North Carolina, USA. Copyright© 1998 . Periodicals postage paid a t Brasstown , Ne, and a dditional mailing offices. Short exce rpts may be reprinted with a ppropriate cred it. Complete articles may notbe reproduced without permission. P.O. 80x 98. 7540 Highway 6A West. Address: Fox: Brasstown. NC 289020098 (828) 837-9200 (828) 837-2216 (24 hours) Intemel Address: web: www.grove-ent.com Telephone: or e-mcil: [email protected] Editorial e-mail: [email protected] Subscriptions: orcJe,(@grove.nef Subscription Rates: $23.95 in US; $36.50 Canada; a nd $55 .4 5 fore ign e lsewhere , US funds. lobel indicates lost issue of subscription. See page 95 for subscriptioninformation. Postmaster: Send addre ss changes 10 Monitoring Times, P.O. Bcx 98. Brosstcwn, NC 28902-0098 . Disclaimer: W hile Monitoring Times makes on effor l lo e nsure the informa tio n it pub lishe s is occ urate, it ca nnot be held liab le for the cont ents. The rea der a ssumes a ny risk for perf ormin g modificati o n or co nstruction pro jects pubIished in Monitoring Times. Opinion or conclusio ns exp ressed a re not necessa rily the view of Monitoring Times o r Grove Enterpr ise s. Un solici ted man uscript s are a ccepted . SASE if materia l is to bereturned . Owners Bob and Judy Grove judy@g rove.net Publisher Bob Gro ve, WBJHD bgro [email protected] Managing Editor Ra chel Baughn, KE40PD mtedi tor@grove. net Assistant Editor Lo rry Van Horn, N5FPW Art Director Belinda McDonald Advertis ing Svcs. DEPARTMENTS Washington Whispers 4 Radio Free Berkeley Unplugged Communications .•.................••..•........•.•. 6 26 Scan ning Report The Dig ilallnvasion U~lity World USAFMacDi//'s lost Sign-off Digitol Digest 30 33 Addressing ACARS Globa l Forum __ 34 The Problem with Digitol SW QSl Report 38 China Radio Int'I... A Bridge to the World English lang SW Guide 39 Prapogatian Conditions 60 Make this page work lor you Programming Sporlight 61 Make a Resolution to Write Beginner's Comer 62 Planning lor the Shortwave Season Ask Bob 64 Quieling the SP-200 Click Below 500 kHz 66 lF Book; More on the Titanic American Bondsccn ...•.....•...•.......•....... 67 OX Predictions Outer limits 68 On the Ham Bonds The Cherokee 6 Meter Hand-held And More! Motorola's TalkAbout+ FRS Antenna Topics The Right Antenna lor the Frequency Experimenters Workshop Updale on Computer Nelworking KIS Radio A Simple Antenna lor Shortwave NEW! MilCam Welcome to MilitoI)' Monitoring Plane Talk Curious about the Concorde? What's New Review MFJ Giant Display Calendar Clock Scanning Equipment Orange Book of Scanner Repair Magne Tests AOR's ARSOOO+3 Receiver Computers & Radio Cosio's Hand PC & Windows CE letters Stock Exchange Closing Comments Media Muddles 70 71 72 74 76 78 80 82 85 86 88 90 92 94 96 ODXA Expands Scope Outside Canada EDITORIAL STAFF bl: Correspondence to columnists may mcfled clo Monitonng Times, any request for a reply should include on SASE. Frequency Manager G oyle Von Horn Frequency M onitors Da v id Dot ko , Mork J. Fine Progra m Mona ger Jim Frimmel .. American Bcndsccn Doug Smith, W9WI . . Jack Elliott KB2GOM And More! Antenno Topics . W . Clem Smoll, KR6A Beginner's Corner T.J. Arey, WB 2GHA Below 500 kHz .. Ke in Core y, W B2QMY Computers o nd Rad io John Ca talano . Digita l Digest Bob E en s Experimenter's W kshp Bill Chee k............... . Feder al File . John Fulford, W A4VPY . K.I.S. Ra dio Richerd Arlo nd, K7SZ Magne Tests Lowrence Mogne Ike Kerschner, N JI K On the Ham Bonds O uter Limits . Geor ge Zeller .. . PCS Front Line Don Ve eneman Pla ne Ta lk . Jeon Boker , KIN 9DD Progromming Spotlight John Figlioz zi, KC2 BPU Propogotion Jo cqves d' Av ig non Q SL Corner .. G ay le Von Horn . Sconning Equipment Bob Porna ss, AJ9S Sconning Report Richard Barnell SW Broadco sting . G lenn Houser SW Broa dca st Log s Goyle Von Horn Utility World . Hugh Stegmon, N V6 H Wa shington W hispers f red Mo ia , W5Y I goyle@gro e.net frimmel@stor· telegrom com w9w i@bellsouth net [email protected] [email protected] tja [email protected] Iawband @gatewa y.net i-cata la [email protected] rev a [email protected] bcheek@san .rr .com .. JOHN F0413@ool. com k7 sz@juna .net Geo rge.Zelle [email protected] da n@decode .com jfiglio l @nycap .rr.com monitor@rac .ca [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] goyle@grov e.net dri [email protected] fma io@internelM Cl.com Beth Leinba ch (8281 389-4007 [email protected] t 2 MONITORING TIMES Seplembe, 1998 N OTE: The Grove Enterprises internet address ha s cha nged . To find 011 your fov orite pa ges follow the links from w ww.gro v e.net c r try the new ad dress www .grove -ent.com to find the M oniforing Times web pcqes. Only Sony can turn your PC into a watchdog of the airwaves with the Sony Radio Frequency Scanner and CD·ROM frequency database. Use the Sony Radio Frequency Scanner with PC tmcrracc ami he Iorewamed about approaching wea ther systems, traf fic conditions and emergency situations. You can even get inside information at some of your favori te sporti ng events. The Sony Cil- Rm l gil'es you easy access 10 listings of 3 million U.S. frequencies. It makes scanning fast- and easy. A unique hi-directional PCInterface lets you usc your PC lOcontrol all theSony Radio Frequency Sca nner's stnndard functions,as well as it s special features, inclnding: .20 programmahie Scanning Ranges. • Virtually unlimited Memory and Skip Preference Files. • Data lmport and Export between Scanner and l'C, • A searchable CD-ROM database of over 3 million U.S. frequencies. Performance you can rely on The Sony Radio Frequency Scanner with PC Interface is a powerful hand-held seanncr wlth the lat est scanuing clrcuury for top perlorm ance.It features tile full rangeof functions aod features scanner enthusiasts want: • 2:i\ llIz to 1.300\lIl z Frequency Scanning • ~lOO-Cha n nel \Iemory for personal customlzatton. • Puhlic Servi«: Scan of 9 pre-programmed hands. including police, ail', fir c/emergency, weather. mnrlnc. I'M. ami TV. . Intelligcut Active \Icmory that saves the III most rccenuv received frequenciesfor convctucnt recall. • AI\ I ami Narrow ami Wide FM Reception • Back-lit Display • Compati hle wit h Wlnrlows" 95 $349.95* Includes ICF-SCIPC Scanner. CD·ROM and interlacecable. To plaee au order or to local e a dealer neal' you, call 1·888-633·S0NY The Sony Radio Scanner with PC Interlace... watchdog of the airwaves. www .sony.ccm/rudiosc ur mcr "Dcaln pri "", 11101 ) \ <11') iV I 9! ~ 1 ~on\ ~]( ~'t fl u l in; hI<". R"I 'I'lK11H 1tuli III ", IKII,' Hr 11I' I~ut withou t ",ri1t ("II IK'l"mi~~"'1l i~ jl lllhil, lw ,1..\ 11 til!hl ~ ~m } Is a trark lll iJrl of S!IIlY, II11"IOIh Is a l r,l(lr llla r~ 1'1"",'" .1 ,,' \1inllsu ll O Wl' SONY By Fred Maia, WSYI [email protected] Free Radio Berkeley Unplugged On Jun e 16. U.S. Distri ct Cou rt Judge Claudia W ilke n (Northern District. California ) issued a perman ent inj unc tion aga inst Stephen P. Dunifcr fro m broadcastin g witho ut a licen se. Th e 18-p age deci sio n rea ffirm s the Federa l Com municat ions Co mmiss io n's aut hority to req uir e a licen se be fore any perso n can bro adca st on the publi c airwaves. Dunifcr. a broadcast e ngineer . had o pe rated the co m m unity FM statio n Free Radi o Bcrkele y (FRB I on 104. 1 MHz since 1993. witho ut payi ng a $:20.00 0 fine imposed by th e FCC for unlicensed operat ion. The station len the air after the judge issue d her injunction. Dunifcr suppo rts himself by assembling and shipping hackpack-sized radio kits around the globe . T he kits ena ble peop le to broadcast for as little as 5 1.000 plus the mon thly power bi ll -witho ut a license. of course. One of his cu sto mer s is the United Nations. Dun ifer foster ed a " m ic ro rad io" mo vem ent of una utho rize d statio ns. mo re tha n 200 of whic h ha ve been shut down by the FCC in the last two years . FCC C ha irman W illiam Kennard . who has publicly con ceded so me sym pathy for small. lo w- po we r broadcas ters . ha iled the "d eci si ve co urt ac tion" that " puts to rest any do ubts abo ut th e FCC's auth o rity to man age the publi c a irwa ves to prevent interference and pro tec t the publi c ' s safcty.t' T he inj unc tion . he sa id. " sho uld send a me ssage to all pi rate bro adcasters: obey the law - an d join the FCC in our- efforts to expand the legal uses of the pu bl ic airwaves : ' (His latter comment is peculi ar . bec ause the FCC ha s not pro pos ed to expand micro radio broadcasting nor to m ake it legal. It has expanded the flexibility of licen sees in other ser vices . but they have paid billi ons of do llars a t spec tru m auc tions . The FCC has pro posed to also auc tion rad io und TV broadcast licc nscs.) T he Com mission so ught a n inj unc tion again st Dunifer in 1995. Judge Wi lke n denied the FC C request at that tim e so th at the co urt co uld latera ddress Dum ler ' s co mpla ints that the FCC ' s licensing policies arc unconstitution ul. FRB con tinued to broadca st until the injuncti on wa s issued. Dunifcr has defi ed the FCC bec ause he c laims their reg ulat ion s 4 MONITORING TIMES September 1998 ag ai nst micro-power radi o broad ca stin g de ny citize ns access to a resource they arc supposed to own - the airwaves. "P sych ologicall y. her denial of a n injun ction at th at time W <lS seen as an umbre lla that protected micro statio ns and permitted them to co ntinue:' according to Phil ip Tymon of the Co m m ittee on Democratic Co m munication s of the Nationa l Law yers G uild . "That umbrell a is no lon ger there. But I dou bt that th e m icro statio ns ha ve go ne away fo rever." he said . His co m mittee has supported legal work on behalf of FRB . Mu ch of Duuifc r' s case co nce rned the FCC ' s so-c alled "Class D reg ulatio ns." whic h for merly recogni zed a legal class o f l o w ~ po we r ( 1O W ) no n-commercia l ed ucatio nal FM statio ns . Many unive rsity rad io stat io ns held the se lice nses. but the FC C later sto pped granting a nd rene wing the licenses wh en it dec ide d that the)' inhibited fu ll-power FM frequency assignmen ts.T he lo w-po wer statio ns. the FCC sa id. co uld not he allowed to "function in a manner which de feats the opport un ity for oth er more efficient operation s which co uld se rve large r areas . a nd brin g e ffec tive noncom mercial edu ca tional radio se rv ice 10 man y wh o no w lack it." Th e j udge ' s deci sion turned o n se vera l intricate lega l arg ume nts. For e xam ple. she conc lude d that because Dunifcr had no t asked the FCC for <I lice nse, or a waiver of the reg ulatio ns against a C lass D license. that the FCC ' s reg ula tio ns had not been appl ied to him and therefore " he docs not hav e sta nd ing to c halle nge those regul ati on s: ' The judg e found that the FCC 's reg ulatory schc mc vwithstan ds. constitu tiona l scrutiny" because it speci fies procedures for the FCC to follo w a nd pro vides for j ud ic ial revi ew o f an y impro per FCC rul ing. T he ordering c lause of the j udge'x opinio n states: "T he United States moti on for sum mary ju dgme nt m ust be GRA NTED. Acc o rdi ngly. Mr. Duni fcr . and all per son s in ac tive co nce rt or participation with him . arc hereby ENJO INED : (a) From m aki ng radi o transm ission s within the United State s unless a nd until they first obta in a licen se fro m the FCC: (b) From doing any act . wheth er direct or indi rec t. to ca use unli cen sed ra dio transm issions or to en able such radio transmissious to occ ur:' Stephen Dunifers reacti on was defi ant. "My atto rneys. Luke Hi ken and Alan Hoppe r. will be filin g a moti on to challenge this extremely flawe d ruling whi ch insists that o ne must.fi rst. take part in an obv iou sly fut ile pro cess be fore constitution a l standing can be establ ished ," he said. " For 64 years, the FCC ha s stood fo r th e protecLionofcorporate intere sts and profit . not the First Amend me nt. To he ll with the FCC. Na tiona l Association of Bro adcasters. a nd corp orat e con trol. We are goi ng to rec lai m o ur rig hts and resources thro ugh an e ver-increasi ng campaign of c lectro nic civ il disob edien ce a nd d irect act ion. Free speech by a ny mea ns necessary. No retreat, no surre nder." Mean while. the FCC conti nues to shut down un lice nsed broad cast statio ns. On June 22nd. FCC agent s and U.S. Ma rsha ls se ized the equipment of WPPR (West Philadelph ia Pirat e Radi o ) after se vera l atte mpts to have the statio n operator vo luntarily di scontinue tran sm issi on . Ab o ut 112 m ic robroadcaste rs still remain o n the air. More than 40 of those arc ope rating in South Flo rid a. T h e Price o f Vanity In a stunning re versa l ofprevious pol icy. the FCC is in the proce ss o f redu ci ng the Regul atory Fcc assoc iated with the issuanc e of" "Vanity"amaLeur stati onca ll sig n. In MD Docket No. 98 -36 . the FCC' s Offi ce o f Manag ing Director sa id that it would be reduci ng the cost 01'.111 a mateur Vanity station ca ll sig n from a n a nnua l charge of 55 to S 1.2 9~ That mean s the c urre nt $50 co st for <I full ten year licen se te rm Vanity c all sig n will be reduced to S I2.90. Hist oricall y. the new fees for vanity ca ll sig ns go into e ffec t in Sept ember . Un less so mething changes - und we doubt that it wi ll - amateu rs will W.II1 Lto co nside r wailing unt il Septembe r to get tha t spanking new call sig n ! SW-1 • Full Co verage • • • • LW/MW/SW -. --. Digi tal Readout Keypad Entry 32 Memories • RF Ga in - .~ -_. n jl rr J:..t uuu . . . ... - .- . - ~ ~ Made in Am er ica The Drake SW·' sets the stage for worldwide shortwave listening with ease, simplicity and clarity. The SW-l offers superb sensitivity . selectivity and full ,..r.",'~.1 audio. Coverage from 100 through 30000 kHz provides solid coverage of longwave. medi um wave and sho rtwav e in the AM m od e (no 8S B). This m akes it an ideal broadcast receiver for the desk or bed -stan d . Tuning is a sna p via the key pad. manual tuning knob. Up/Down butto ns or 32 programmable me mo ries . ..',.:-.:' "~'" The LED display is po sitivel y huge for easy accu rate frequency read out to 1 kHz . Antenna input is via a 50 ohm terminal or 80-239 jack. A 1I8~ mini jack is provided for use with earplug or headphones (nol supplied). Includes AC wall adapter for operation from 120 VAC 60 Hz. 10.87S· x4.37S· x7.62S· 4.7 Lbs. One year limited warranty. Proudly made in Ohio. U.S.A.! A limited time offer. List ' 299.00 Order# 1100 ,~ Sale 5199.99 (+'7 UPS ) ATS-606AP It's all here. You get continuous coverage of LW, MW and SW (153·30000 kHz) plus FM stereo. Enjoy 54 memories. scanning. dual clock timer, 1 kHz LCD, dual conversion circuit. dial light, dial lock, keypad entry and local OX switch. Includes multivoltage AC adapter and wind-up antenna! Limited time offer . One year limited warranty. Order #33 19 ' +79095 Sale 599.99 (+'6 UPS) SONY: ICF-SC1PC The new Son y ICF ~ SC1 PC scanner covers 25 to 1300 MHz (less cellular) in AM, FM-W and FM-N modes. It has a 300 channel memory plu s everything you need to command and control the scanner from your Windows 95 computer. It has a bi-directional PC interface with search and contro l capabilities. A special RS-232 serial cable (089) is completely assembled and ready to plug into your PC and scanner. A clamp filter to minimize RFI is thoughtfully supplied. The sophisticated Windows 95 program on COputs you in complete control of the scanner. All major control functions are supported including: scanning options, direct tuning, skip function. unlimited memories. unlimited skip preference files and imporVexport capab ility. You can even search the nationwide frequency database of 3 million records supplied on the included CD-ROM. A very cool radio! Order # 1574 .53 19.95 (+57 UPS) Universal is also your authorized dealer for the exciting line of Sony world band radios. Our extensive new catalog #98-06 includes ten pages covering all Sony shortwave radios! Universal Radio Communications Catalog #98-06 This new Universal catalog was pri nted in Ju ne' and is our biggest eve r ! Wit h 116 pages, it features everything fo r the rad io enthusiast. Please request your FREE copy today! Universal Radio, Inc. 6830 Am ericana Pkwy. 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Evans The definitive guide to commercial and military, HF and VHF -UH F aer onautica l co mm unica tio ns i nc ludi ng ACARS. Second Edition. 260 Pages. 110042 $19.95 (+'2 ) • Und erstanding ACARS . By E. Flynn Thir d Edition Learn the AGARS aeronautical format. 60012 S9.95 (+$2) .'000 r, Please add ' 2 per title lor sur/ace shipping. VISIT UNIVERSAL RADIO ON THE INTERNET www.unlversal~radlo.com • Prices and specs. are subject 10 change. • Returns subject 10 a 15% restocking fee. • Used equipment list available on request. COMMUNICATIONS ARRL Proposes Sweeping Changes During the annual Amateur Radio Relay Lea gue (A RRL) Boar d of Directors meeting hel d Jul y 1 6 ~ IS in Roc ky Hill. Connec tic ut. the d irecto rs agreed to prop ose a simplified amate ur license struc ture with only fo ur cl asses. Under the League pro posal the re would only he fo ur w ritten exam inat io n cle me nts instea d o f the presen t five. and (\,,.0 Mors e co de exa mination cleme nts (5 and 12 wp m ) instead of the prese nt three . Unde r the ne w plan. the e ntry le vel licen se fo r ham rad io \vould he kno wn as Cl ass D and wo uld co nvey the sa me priv ileges as the c urre nt no- code Te chni cian licen se. A ll no-cod e ham s would be conv erted 10 C lass D licen ses. A ll ama teurs now lice nsed as Ge ne ral. Technician Plus, and Nov ice wo uld be converted 10 the Class C licen se. ca rryin g the same privi leges as the current Ge nera l cla ss licen se. To upgrade fro m Cl ass D to Class C an amate ur would ha ve to pa ss a written exam and li ve word per minute Morse code ex am ination. Expanded phon e band privileges in the 80. 40. and 15 meter bands wo uld be av ai lable si nce Nov ice C\V ban ds would Il O lon ger be required . T he third step wo uld be known as Cl ass B. equal to the prese nt Adv anced c lass lice nse. To Sept 12: Monroe. NC Unio n Co ARC Hamfest & Co mpu ter Fair at the Na tiona l G uard Armory. Monroe. Talk-in 145.39(-) and 444.425(+), Ba.m-ap .m. $4 adm ission. Walk-in VE testing . Peggy Kn ight N4 MMM , (704) 764-7279 , l'eggy33@ Iw rmail.com move fro m Class C to Cl ass 8. an amateur would pass a more ad va nced written exam and a 11 word pe r minute Morse code exam inatio n. Th e final license grade wo uld be C lass A and it wo uld convey the full privileges of the presen t Amateu r Extra Class. To upgra de from Cl ass 13 to C lass A. a ham woul d be requ ired to pa ss the mo st difficult wr itten ex am of the licen se elements. But the Mors e code requi rement wo uld he ca pped at 12 word s per m inute. co ns iste nt w ith the practice ob served in man y othe r COUll · tries aro und the wor ld. Fol lowing the meeting. ARRI, President Rod Sta fford, W6R O D. sa id. "The deba te was at times co ntentious and the res ult was nut unnnimou s. Some Board memb ers pre ferred greater simplific ation: others were uncom fortabl e wi th so me o f the changes being proposed . Howe ver. eve ry Boa rd mem ber. w ithout exc ep tion. left the meetin g kno wi ng tha t eac h of his or her colleag ues did wha t they bel ieve d was in till: best interest for the futu re of am ate ur rad io ," Nine o f the 1.5 League Directo rs voted in favor o f the plan. with six op posed. Th e new cha nges mu st sti ll be appro ved by the Fed eral Commu nic ation s Co mm ission . Electra going, going, gone Doug Robertson spied this no tice in the cluss ificds: " In the US District Co urt for the Southe rn District of Geo rgia. Sa vanna h Divis ion... Notice of Marshal ' s Sale of Tu g Electra. Vessel Parti cular s: O ffs hore Radio Broudcust Station T ug ' Electra' ... T he T ug 'Electra ' is [a] tow boat fined wi th a co mplete radio broa dcast station, includ ing radio tower ... Will he so ld ' As Is. Whe re Is ' . . at public auction o n the 15th da y of July 1998 ... to the hig hes t bidder ..." The Electra v.. ·as o ut fitted as a radi o ship by Alan We iner fo r Sco tt Bed el' of Lightwave Mission Broa dcasting . Acc ordi ng to the on line Pirate Pa ges it left Boston in Murch head ed for the Caribbean but was force d to stop in Savannah for re pai rs. Information from the Numero Un o DX g roup says the re pairs were neccssitatcd by a collision with an other vessel. and between repairs and lavvsuits. the preacher funding the project ran out o f mon ey . We ine r and Becker had alr ead y moved o n to other proj ect s, when yet ano ther broadcastin g ship wen t dow n to history . Sept 19-20: Albuquerque ar ea, NM 1998 Duke City Harnfcst will be held at the Sept 20: Newtown, CT Nat ional Guard Arm ory in Rio Ra ncho , in the gre ater Albuq uerq ue area . Sa l. Sam - Spm: Sun. Bern - Jpm. Web site: ht tp.www.qsl.ner/dchr, ddlj@ q.'lf,ner. Contact: Richie Allen KC5 NZR Weith-KD I DD. Box 344 1, Danbury, CT 06813-3441 (203) 743-9 181. Talk-in 147.121 Western CT Humfest. Candlewoo d A RN Ken ,72. Set-up 7a .m.• public sa.m-zp.m. Ad mission $4. ta bles S J O. tailgating $6. SOS-242-020S E-Mail: KCSNZR @rt66.com Sept 26: T re nton, NJ. area Sept 19 - 20: Air For ce Anniversa ry QSO On -air ga the ring of acti ve and fann er mcm be rs o f th e Air Force, See h ttp :/ / ourworl d. compuserve .c om/hom epagesl k5xs. Enco urages o perution on frequ enci es en ding in "47 " to celebrate 1947. th e year of the form atio n of the Air Force as a se parate se rvice. Spo nso red by Razorback Rad io Club, 604 Ju lian Av enue. Hon ol ulu, H I 968 18. email k51IOg@ao/.com or k5xs@compusen'e. 6 Sept 20: Lenawec, I\U Adri an ARC 01" Ad rian. 26th Annual Hamfe st and Co mputer S how at the Len awee Co unty Fa irgro unds. VE Te sting. hou rly pri zes. Ca m ping availabl e. Star ts at 8 a.m . Contact Br ian . KGSCO at kg8c o@f" i.net or visit the AA RC we b page at: www.tnl.net/ -wstqe Sept 20: HlI. lel. NJ com Gar den State Hamfest at Vete ran' s Par k (GS P ex it 117, Rt 36 eas t. right onto M idd le Rd . right o n to G ree nac rc Rd.). T a lk -i n 14 5 .4 85 Sept 19-20: Anchorage, AK (-6), 224.96 (-1.6). $5 admission, Sam. VE Ala ska State Conve ntion, spo nso red by Anchora ge A RC , PO Bo x 101 987. Anc horage, AK 99510· 1987 rlmelll @afaska.ll et. $3 ad mission, tes ting. prizes. Ja ck Petr o KB 2GJ U 73 2-68 15994 : wwww .munmou t h.cemz.-gsura o r gS(/f£1 @moll1nou lh.co m MONITORING TIMES September 1998 Fall Fest 98 at the Tall Cedars of Lebanon picnic grove. Sa wm ill Rd . Ham ilton Tw p. NJ. Talk-in 146.67(-) 8a.m.• ad mission 55. More i n fo c a ll 60 9· 8 8 2 · 2240 o r www.s lac . eomlw2zq Sept 27: Sp r lngfl eld , OH T he Independent Radi o Assoc is ho lding the 16th annual harn fe st and co mputer sho w at the Clark Co unty Fairground s. 1-70 to Ex it 59 . north 1/4 mil e on S R 4 1. Talk-i n 145.4 5 (.). 8a.m.-3p .m.• $5 admiss ion, All indoor s. COMMUNICATIONS Radio Free Asia buys KHBI Th e govern me nt-funded sho rtwave broad cast station Radi o Free Asia has anno unced an ag ree me nt ( 0 buy broadcast faci lities in Sai pan be lo ngi ng to the f lerald Broadca sting Sy nd icute (3 subsidiary ofThe Fi rst Churc h nfChris t. Scien tist ). T he agreement includes broadcasting time for so me HB S pro grams 10 continue. Richard Richter, Presiden t ()fR FA. stressed. " KH BI is u wel l-ru n. e ffective ly located stat io n. II will serv e us wel l , IS we undertake 10 expand our broadcast ing to help meet the pent- up demand for unbiased re poning o f ev ents in As ia: ' Her ald Broadcast ing still retains its So uth Carol ina station. \\'S HB . and says the sale will e nable the c hurc h to foc us o n the editorial side o f programmi ng instead o f dist ribution . VOA's Africa Service Gears Up Call it Rad in De moc racy for Africa or a beefed -up African d ivision o f the Voice o f Ame rica. thc service to Afri ca proposed by President Clinton last April is beginning 10 lake shape. Prog ramm ing w ill be ge ared toward ci vic issues such as co nflict reso lution . democrac y. pol itics. and hum an rights in A frica, and the nu mber o f languages will he e xpanded for some "under-served" areas o f the contine nt. Programs wi ll be del ivered in the same way <IS VOA broadcasts: to Africa by satellite and re broadca st by shor tw ave a mi mcd ium wa vc networks. and the num ber of hours beefed up fro m VOA"s currc ur tj( ) hours to more than I(K) hours per week o ver a thn..c- year pe riod . RNZI Experiences Drastic Cuts Th e New Zealand M inistry of f oreign Affairs has mandated c utbac ks in Radio New Zea land lm emat ional ' v broadca stin g OUIPUt. RNZl's even ing broadcast s wi ll he dropped and re placed by the domest ic prograru - Dail y broadca sting output prepared for audiences in the So uth Pacific will he reduced from I I 10 5 hours. A ll Paci fic bland ind ige nous languages will be cut . Th e ~ I a t i o n's per sonnel have been cut ttl a staff filling nine full-t ime po sition s. The Chief Exe cutive of Radi o New Zealand, Sharon Crosbie. says she is sad and frus trated by the cuts to suc h a valuab le service. She says RNZ I' s cove rage of region al issue s ha s co ntributed much to New Zealand ' s increased understand ing o f its part o f the wo rld. Catholic Radio Network Father Jose ph Fessio say s that o ut of pe rhap s I.XOO rcligio us stat ions in the U.S., "o nly IOor l Sut thcm ost urc C ntholi c.rThcrc have been a few e fforts to establish indcpenden t Catho lic rad io stu- '-- ~ ~a ~li{ RI.il Ntrlor, -' lions using the sa tellite upl ink fuci lities o f Mothcr Angelica ' s Ete rnal Word Networ k, but Fathe r Fcssio co nclu ded u sig nificant airt ime prese nce could not he establ i...hcd thr ou gh don at ion s. "Why not set up a for -p rofit com pa ny and ge t inve stor s to put up mo ney to purchase statio ns and have a voice'!" he asked .., and he has done ju st that. Catholic Rudin Ne two rks has an agreement to pu rcha se ten statio ns from Chi ldre n' s Broadcasting Corp.. hu t C RN still need s $70 millio n in inve stments before Ca tholic ta lk rad io call become rea lity this September. T he American Auto mo bi le Assoc iation ha s petitio ned the FCC 10 at least retain control over the gro up of 43 channel s it has bee n using for o ver 40 years . " We do a read-service ca ll every ti v e seco nds:' said Gary Ruar k, AAA ' s frequency coordinator . "We don 't have the capac ity to share with anyone else." According 10 the \Vtu hillgtnll Post story, th e FCC isn't anx ious to open Pand ora ' s box, s ince taxis, truc kers and o thers have also asked for reconsid eratio n. Taking the Smart Bus to School B <IU~ hn "Communications" is comp iled b)' Rach el For ru ra l chi ldren headed bac k to schoo l a probl em is th ai they can ofte n he exposed 10 incle ment or dangerous cond itions while wa iling fo r the schoo l bus . A new so lution to this probl em i... Bu-Cull. "Bu sf 'nll marks the first loc ution ap plicat io n that uses cellula r co ntro l chan nel messaging: ' say s Ed Co mer o f Bc llSouth . Bel fSou ths Ccllc rnetry Data Se rvice enables a va riety of eq uipment to be remo tely monitored using the existing network' s control channels. In th is ca se, G lobal Posit ioning System satell ites estab lish the locution ofcach SClH10 I bus, Ccllcme try Data monito rs the bus' pro grcss, and BusCall' s Ill CSsagi ng sys temnot ifies the fam ily by ringi ng the horn e tele pho ne wi th a di stinctive ring . W hen answe red. the parent or chi ld hears, " Sc hoo l bus num be r-i-t will he ar riving at YOllr bus sto p in 5 minu tes and 21 secon ds." BlIsCall (deve loped by Global Resea rch Sy ..tcmsj had its firxt lest last year in Bimidji . Minn esot a. FCC Sits on Pandora's Box Last year the FCC carved the lan d- mobile scrvice into 1\\"0 po ol s o f freq uencies: one for pub lic safe ty and governme nt age ncie s and ambulance se rvices . and th e othe r for business and ind ustria l usc .The laucr pool incl udes arou nd 5, 140 frequenc ies to he assigned on a firstcom e. fir st-served ba sis. with help fr om the followi ng fine com municat ion s team: An on ym ou s, N Y: David Alpert. NJ: Mark A nse l. MI: Richard Ash ley. TX: EdCichorek. NJ: Perry Crahi ll. VA : Dav id Dean. FL : Kevin Klein, W I: Bob Mills, CA : Dou g Robert son , CA: Steve n Sc ha uer, OH: Dou g Robe rtson , CA : Tim Ro ske. N Y: Richa rd S klar, WA: Walter Sz czepaniak. PA: Robt T homas, CT : Lar ry Va n Ho rn, NC: George Ze ller , OB. KEEP YOUR C-BAND SYS7£M RUNNING STRONG! • Receivers, including 4DTV • DishMovers & LNBs, all kinds • Tune-up Kits, Tools & Parts • Skypac' Programming • Tall FreeTechnical Help 1010 Frontlet' Or. Flftlut h ll.. UN !06S37 hue 2 11,73 9-4 1 79 InI'I:: 2 11,7)9-52)1 800-543-3025 tiiSkyvis i01; www.5kyv ision .com lIffi(I1ill(]] OUR "BUILT UKf R BIITTLEBHIP" • Heavy dUlycommercial recorder NOTimprovised Irom consumer models .1 2.14, and 16 hour modelsalso available • BUILT-INvoiceactivation(add $30) • Applications information included • Dimensions: 11 .5x 7.0 x2.75" ~ ~ 150 ExecutivePark Blvd. 14600 San Francisco, CA94134 Factory Direcr Phone: (415) 468-2066 · Fax: (415) 468-2067 "Since 1971 " September' 998 MONITORING TIMES 1 By Ronald A. Perron Y )U cou ld say tha t I go t into sho rtwa ve listening throug h the side d oo r. For a while now I' ve been into VHF sca nning -c- or pcrha ps I shoul d S;'IY l' ve been HO OK E D into VHF sca nning. I bought a Rad io Shack PR O-2().J5 and used the tele sco ping anten na that came wi th it. I had so mu ch fun wit h this scan ner and I wa nted to find o ut mo re abo ut the ho bby. So I subsc ribed lO Monitoring Times and started surfing somcot'thc scanner groups on the Inte rNe t. W ith m y inte res t no w piq ued . I co nvince d wife that a llhoug h m)' eq uipment wa s o nly a few mo nths old it W ;'IS t ime to upgr ade . I bo ug h I a Diamo nd Disco nc a nten na and pu t that up in 111)' attic . Thai has rea lly ex pa nde d my VHFIUHF world . 111)' While learning mo re about scan ne rs. etc.. J started read ing some of the articl es on shortW:I\'C listening and rea lized that there is a lot or ac tivit y out there in th e Hf- spe ctru m . I was und er the impre ss ion that th is activi ty had d ried lip wi th the adve nt of ne w technologi es. satel lites. etc . I wa s wrong. The cautious approach Need less to say . afte r a few da ys of searching around the bands I w as hoo ked for good. I used that little wi re a ntenna fur a cou ple o f mo nths. stringi ng it o ut every time I wa nted to listen a nd ree lin g it buck in whe n I was done . Leavi ng the wi re pe rma nently strung o ut o ve r the boo kcase and curtain rod s in my " radi o roo m: ' wh ich is als o the fam ily co mputer room. w;:ISI1 ' t <1 11 optio n. Ju st a little too UI1 sightly. I figu red I' d start OUI econo mically j ust in ca se it wa sn't as interesting fo r me as the sc anne r world, I bou gh t a Sangcun AT S 909 and used the wire ro llou t ant en na they provide d. Boy. was I sur prised ! Th at little an tenna pro vided so me ve ry go od recept ion . I kn ew that I ju st had to ex pa nd my list ening ran ge so I started loo kin g into more eq ui pmc nt. I started usin g that d read ed wo rd "upgrade" uguin . (Yo u can see there ' s a patte rn deve loping he re. isn' t there" ) I wanted to sta rt w ith the ante nna . reali zing thai this was the I wo ndered what wa s o ut the re in the S W world? Wo uld it be as inte resting. as the V HF wo rld? I sta rted look ing into some of the eq uipme nt. The aut hor's "co zyvIistening post of a PRO-2IJ.15, A TS 909 and "the eva - present WRTII . " 8 MONITORING TIMES Sepfember 1998 On e oft he firs t statio ns I fou nd right o ut of the pac kage was the US Coast G uard 's Co mm u ni cation s M a ster Sta t ion A t la nt ic (CA MS l. ANT) Chesapeake o n 5.696 MH z. He wa s boo mi ng in. As luc k wo uld ha ve it I caugh t him in the middle of a rescue o peration involv ing an HC- U O. an HH-60 helicopter. und ac uttcr. So me pretty exci ting stuff right in the mid d le of one of o ur winter Nor'castcrs here o n the East Coast. most imp o rtant aspect of a ny ra d io system . Stringi ng a large dipole outside wasn 't a n o ptio n, So I did a littl e researc h, talked wi th so me of the tech nical fo lks at G rove and dec ided to go w it h a Sky wi re, which I st ru ng in my attic , Th e wire wa s lon ger tha n my attic sp ace so I had to im provise a co nfig uratio n. No t being a techni cal type, I fig ured that a para llelo g ram , ro ugh ly box sha ped, wo uld give me the best o vera ll recepti on coverag e . It may or ma y not be (he o pt imu m shape, but it sure ha s ex pa nde d the wo rld of sho rtwave fo r me. Looking from above the ante nna loo ks like th e ske tch below, It ' s orie nted ro ugh ly east to wes t. T he lo ng port ion is about 34 n. Iong. thc end port io ns abo ut 9 ft. lon g and the sho rt sides ab out 10 It. eac h, It ' s located abo ut 25 1'1. above the g ro und on a ho rizonta l plane. Using thi s ante nna, I' ve logged the US Air Line drawing of author 's ant enna confi guration Force Global HF Syste m (G HFS) sta tio ns at Hicka m (Hawaii) and Elme ndo rf (A las ka), as we ll as T h ule (G reen land) , As ce nsion Island, Croug hton (Eng land ). and lncirli k (T urkey) . I' ve a lso log ged civ iliun a ir tra ffic contr ol- ler s in Egypt, S udan. Libya and Ke nya. So ut bwa rd my range extends do w n to Brazil. Ve nezue la . Co lombia, and Mexico and the Ca ribbea n. So reception is pretty good from my locat io n in eas tern Ma ryland . . - Talk radio? Rush and Art never sounded so good! . Grove offers these th ree leading receivers at a bargain price ! GE SUPERADIO III This lat c ~t generation po nublc p rovides outs tan din g ;'v IW reception wi th irs smooth vernie r d ial and tune d RF (TRf) desi gn. hoth Oil Ar>.t and FM . Se ven tuned IF stage , and a ce ra mic filte r guaran tee top sele c tivit y. Automatic frequenc y control (A IT) may be switched 011 10 captu re r-:vI s\;ltin /ls withou t dr ift. o r defeated for finding wea k sig nal,. Th e two-way am plifi ed speak e r system ha s separa te buss . treble , a nd loudne ss C\llltro ls. Ext ernal ant enna co nnec tors invite att ac hme nt to long -dis ta nce ant ennas. ORDER RCV5- MT on lv $59.95 I'h" ~5'.51l 1.'S Pr i" r i!) Mui l "I" CPS l ull ll~) ,\ ir , hip pill J: Visll o ur site 00 the World Wide Weh: ,www.grove-ent.com • • • • • • • • • •• • • • : • • • • · . • " t¥... _.." . . • • : :: l . SONY ICF2010 • • • • • • • • • : - -;--- ~ .~ ':f~~ r -· DRAKESW8 For rnnrc Ih;1I1 a de cade. thc Sony 2tliO has pre va iled as the po rtable of cho ice. From its int er ference-reduc ing syn c hronous d etectio n and SS B prod uct de led o r. to its supe rior na rrow/ wide selec tivity scuingv. the 20 10 e xudes qualit y fe atur es . An automatic fou r-cycle clo c k! timer pre pme s yo ur radio for mo n itori ng your fa vori te prog ram" stored in any o f 32 memory channels . Tunes 150 k IlL-3D 7\.1111..76 - 1OX \Ulz F M broadcastin g. and even Il h- 136 M ll z air craft. · • -. ..- : . , I .. ..-- ,.' . ':;1"..;;..--;.1, - ORDER RC V2·l\ IT unl v $349.95 pIll.' Sill rs I'riori! ~ :'o lail or t:I'S l nd - I) ;, ) Air sh ipp irlJ: Call G r ove Toda y to Place Yo u r Order ! GROVE ENTERPRISES,INC., 1-800438-8155 US and Canada: 828-837-9200 FAX 828-837·2216; 7540 Highway 64 West Brasstown. NC 28902-0098: e-mail: oI1Icr @ brrovc ,l1 ~t September 1998 MON ITORING TIMES 9 Boring? Routine? Never! My main shortwave listen ing inte res t co ntinu es to be military co m municatio ns, a nd I'm co ntinually surprised at the variety of intere stin g loggin gs out there. Duri ng last win ter's buildup offorccs in the Persian G ulf to co unter old Sad da m. the GH FS was buzzing with loads of traffic. Th ere we re loggin gs ap len ty of Reach tran sport s and refu el ing tankers ferry ing aircraft and personne l back going to bu y is a Drake SW8 or maybe a n A R70 30and. of co urse , a M initune r Plus. and 100 ft. of outside wire and .... I guess the list nev er ends! and forth. For me it' s a thrill to tu ne in on our Airborne Co mmand Posts (N ightwatch) and US Air Force AWACS (Dragnet and Dark Star) aircraft as they pcrfonn their a irbo rne patrols and air defense exerci ses. In several instances I' ve been able to catch them coor dinating their activities on HF and then follow the m thro ugh the exercise on VHF/U HF. T he oce an area s off the Midd le Atlantic co ast a re a major training location for Air Force and Nav y. T he US Coast Guard co ntinues to provide so me inte restin g liste ning, incl ud ing some exci ting searc h and rescu es. T he tric ky wa ters off New Eng land and Cape Hatteras kee p the Coast G uard hopping. For a change of pace, there' s the Drug Enforce me nt Agency guys working wit h the Navy and Coast G uard to keep watc h ove rthe Caribbean . Th ey are usu ally good for one or two exci ting boa t chas es every mon th or so . Mayb c it' s my locati on here in the nort heast, but I get fairly good reception on Canadian Forc es and Coast G uard acti vities from T re nton, O ntario , and Hali fax. Nova Scotia . Every now and the n I can a lso pic k up co mmercial fish ing vesse ls working the George' s Ban ks a nd New Eng land fis hing ground s. T hey ' re a little differen t than yo ur usual util ity link and sometimes the con ve rsations can ge t prett y "salty! " I started ou t in the SWL worl d int erested mainl y in the utili ty wo rld. But of late I' m de veloping an inte rest in the broadcast wo rld . Rea ding Gayle Van Horn ' s a rticles in Monitoring Times has piqued m y interest. So I' ve been trying to sec wha t sort of ra nge I ha ve wit h my equipme nt in this area. So far I' m impressed with the varie ty of listeni ng that ' s out there . It' s ope ned up a who lc ne w area of sho rtwave listen ing for me. I real ize tha t compa red to some of you rea de rs I'm a roo kie at this hobby - but I think I'm catc hing up fast. The dreaded " U" word upgrade is creepin g into my vocabulary agai n. I'm lon gin gly eyeing the mor e sophistica ted SW rece ivers in the catalogs. Boy , if I ev er hit the lottery one of the first things I' m 10 MON ITORING TIMES September 1998 Search and rescu e operations by th e Canadian COQ.l;t Guard always pro vide dram atic listening, Band Burners Here are some of my favorite HF utility frequencies . I've included only the ones that a re usually fairly active and provide interesting listening: Freq (MHz) 4.7 39 5.277 5.696 5.7 17 6.501 6.694 6.697 6.761 8.764 8.968 8.983 8.992 8.97 1 10.780 11.175 11.214 11.232 13.257 14.686 Iden~fica~on Canad ian Fa rces (Sear ch & Rescuel DEA Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico/Atlantic (night primary) - Alpha US Coast Guard· CAMSlANTAir ta Ground / Search & Rescue O ps Canadia n Farces (Sear ch & Rescuel US Coast Guard stotions (vessels an 6.2001 Canodian Farces - Ha lifax Mil itary US Navy - Emergency Action Messages US Air Force {Air·to·air refueling, common] US Coast Gua rd stctions (vessels an 8 .2401 US Air Force GHFS {Various} US Coast Guard · CAMSlANTAir ta Ground / Search & Rescue O ps US Air Farce GHFS (Various) US Navy·Safety af Flight / Drug Interdiction Voice Coa rdination Net US Air Farce Cape Radio-Cope Canaveral US Air Force GHFS Primary (Various) NORAD·Conadion Forces-Trenton Military AWACS (Charlie 61 Canad ian Forces-Trenton Military Canadia n Forces-Trenton Military DEA Caribbean / Gulf of Mexico / Atlantic (day primary) - Papa Ifyou're interested in military aircraft there are the Mystic Star "F" and the Stratcom "Z" series frequencies. They're too numerous to list here but you can find them at severa l places on the Web. I found a good list for these and other militaryHF frequencies on the Wo rldwide Utility News (WUN) website at http: //www.gem.net/~berri/wun/newslet­ ter/v4/n05/mla.hhnl I a lsa fou nd a good reference listing of HF utilityfrequencies at Bob Colycrd's website at http://www.cybercomm.net/ ~slapshot/utelist.hhnl For broad cast listening I recommend the old standbys World Radio & TV Handbook and Passport to World Bonk Radio yearly editions. Good listening! We don't make SCANNERS or the I COM IC-R8500 RECEIVER - We make them better DELTACOMM 1-8S00 Communication Manager for the ICOM IC·R8S00 ccmmeracetton receiver. With speed as a oesiqn goal DELTACOMM's QUICK LOG function will log signal level. frequency. mode. date. lime and optional Global POSl!lonrng System (GPSI coordinates at speeds In excess 01 2400 channels per mmute. Here are a few examples of the many advanced features DELTACOMM 1·8500 has to offer. • Load 40 channels of information including ALPHA NUMERICS into one of the RaSCO's memory banks in 3 seconds • Separate volume level, resume scan delay and maximum monitor delay plus 40 character information field for each scan channel. • Priority channel operation samples at 2.5 second intervals. • Multi-receiver control will hand off active frequency to next receiver on line. Able to control up to 125 ICOM receivers (optional). • Traditional scanning is a thing 01 the past with our CYBERSCAN feature. used to track systems employing frequency hopping. Note to U.S. con sum ers only : It is unlawful to impo rt, monufochJre , or ma rket ce llula r-capable o r cellulcr -restorable scan ne rs into the U.S. Full coverage scanners - 800 MHz no-block World widesalesof full coverage scanners by Bandercom. Inc. Best modelsavailable at best prices. Inquire for the best quotebeforeordering! YuplteruMVT-9000 AOR AR·8200 AORAR·8000 Uniden UBC·3000XLT AUneo DJ.Xl0 leomIC·Rl0 USS 455 USS 599 US$ 388 US$ 279 US$ 388 US$ 399 All includingshIppingandI\at1dling VisaandMaSle-Card Europeal'llEUIECCI ,esldenls please add 1 ~" sales:a_ • Activity log function automat ically records and calculates total spectrum usage time. Brands include Ilniden, Realistic. learn. Yupiteru. Well ... • Unique search operation stores all frequencies found active and then automatically skips those frequencies during the remaining search cycles. This feature eliminates redundant logging. lIull refund on your order) to: Visil our Internel Web Page or Phone/FAX us for program feature s, new product releases and pricing schedule. DELTACOMM is available for ICOM R9DOO, R7tDO, R7DOO. R7t , R72. IC·735 (features vary wil h type of radio). Also check out our DELTATONE 2.0 repealer prog rammer. http://www.execpc.com/-deltacom l"l Delta Research VI S A Box 13677 • Wau watosa, WI 532 13 - FAX/P hone (4 14) 353 ·4567 For complete information send USSS Bandercom, P.O.Box 48. FIN·15801 Lahti. Finland Dealer/wholesale distributor inquries welcomeworld wide. US based repairshops wanted for complete wa rrantyprogram. Scanners, Ham Radio, ca,VHF/UHF, Antennas, Amplifiers etc.Customersin 29countries. Bcndercorn TeL 011 358 50558 0090 Fax 011 35850 8558 0090 FRS HANDlE-TALKIE FROM ICOM! A wo rld leader in rad io co mm unicatio ns has j ust re lease d their Family Radio Se rvice (F RS) 4008A. a ruggedi zed 462 M Hz tran sce iver ideal fo r camping, busine ss, car caravan s, and other applications req uiring re liab le, interference-free, short range co mm unica tion s. Operating on all 14 FRS channels. and running fu ll ha lf-watt maximum allowa ble power. the IC O :vI FRS does no t req uire a licen se, and an yo ne can eas ily ope rate it. The sharp. contrasty. LC D scree n ass is ts the simple, multifunction , pu shbutton operation: sele cting ch an nels. ass igning any of38 sub-a udible (CTCSS) group codes, choosi ng a mon g 10 ring ing tones, activating the aut o mat ic trans po nder system, turni ng o n the back light for nigh t operation. switching keyboa rd beep. and more Th e lCOM FR S has excel lent se nsitivity (0.2 microvolts) affo rd ing up to two mile range unde r ideal cond itions ! Sha rp selectivity (8.5 kHz @-6 d B) resists adj ace nt chann e l int erfer en ce ! Swin g-up flex a nte n na a llows co n ve nien t sto rage a nd immed iate use ! Mea su res only 2- I/S"W x 4 "H x 1"0. Req uires three alka line AA ce lls. Today O RDER TR 4-MT Cal! Grove order ! ACCESSORIES 95 BAT1 Energizer Induslrial "AA" (3 requned) $.79 o nly S to Place Your 119 Visit OUT site 0 11 the World Wide Weh: GROVE ENTERPRIS ES, INC., 1-8(Xl-43S-SI55 US and Canada: 82S-S37-92(X) www.grove-ent.com FAX828-837-2216. 7540 Highway6..1- West: Brasstown, NC 18902-eX )C.)X; C- I11,1I1. Oll.ler@gnl\c.ncl , Sepfember /998 MONITORING TIMES 11 Zambia 's Christian Voice By Colin Miller The Radio Christian Voice broadcast building ill Zambia . f c last time Monitoring Times looked at the Africancountry of Zambia was March of 199 0. in which we focussed on its histor y and the de velop ment of broa dcas ting there. Since then. a number of changes have taken place . amon g them the setting up of the co untry's first independent radio statio n. Radio C hristian Voice. Three peo ple in part icu lar. directly or indirectly. had an inlluencc on the es tab lishment of the statio n: Dr. Livin gsto ne. President C hiluha. and Bo b Ed minston. • The seed is planted O f Zambia's po pula tio n of over 9 million . between 50 - 75 g arc Chri stian s. The Scott ish mi ss iona ry . doctor, a nd ex p lo re r David Livingstone ( IX13-1X73Ijo urneyedex tensivcly in Central and South Af rica. He bel ieved in ending the slave trade and establ ish ing Chris- 12 MONITORING TIMES Sep/embe, 1998 tianit y andlegi tima te comme rce in its place . In his travels he d isco vered the mighty Victoria Falls. Zambezi River. and Lake Nyasa (now La ke Malawi ). Th e Victoria Falls is regarded as one of the seven won de rs of the wo rld. In '1866 Livi ngston e set out to discover the source of the Nile. He trave led along the Rovuma River towa rd Lake Tanga nyika, During. this ex pedition at Uj ij i he W'IS met by Henry Morton Sta nley . ajouruulist wi th thc N('w Yo rk Herald. w ho a s ke d th e fa mous q ue s ti o n : " D r. Livin gsto ne. I presume?" They became good frien ds and explored part s of E.lsl Af rica toge ther. Livingstone is co nsidered to he one of the most important explorers of Africa : a Zumbian town ncar the Victo ria Falls is nam ed afte r him. T hrou g h exploration Livin gston e changed We stern attitudes about Africa . People becam e mo re invol ved in the tight to abo lish slave ry and saw the val ue in African land. The first Europea n settlers arr ived and the country wa s admi nistered by the British South Africa Co mpany. Th e slave trade was finall y suppresse d in 1903. T hen called Nort her n Rhode sia . the co untry remained under British rule un til it recei ved its independence in 196·1-, changing its narnc to Za mb ia. For more tha n 27 yea rs. the co untry wa s ru led by Kenneth Kau nda . His C hrist ian or iented. socialist human ism becam e go vern ment ph ilosop hy. T his wa s a pe riod of soc ia l c risis, graphicall y portrayed by po vert y and econo mic stag nation us a resu lt of alm ost three de cades of po litic ally- insp ired decli ne . In October 1991 , the Mo vem ent for Multi part y Democracy (MMD) defeated the United Na tiona l Indep end ence Party (UN IP) with a major ity of 4: I in the nati on' s first dem oc ratic election. Frederick Chiluba, 54, was elected the new Presid e-nt. Since Chilubu ca me to pow er the nat ion' s econo my has progressed. inflation has dec rease d and exc hange co ntro ls ha ve been relax ed . Privatizati on ha s uccc lenuc d and c hanges have bee n introduce-d in legislation rela ted to mining. ind irect taxa tion and land. A "bc rn-ag ain't Chrisnau. Presidcnt Chiluba belongs to the mainline and ofte n co nservative Un ited Ch urch nf Zambi a. whe re he is an cide r and very act ive in religious ob se rvances. Every Ca bi net meeting starts with .1 wo rd of prayer. To nearly everyon e ' s surp rise. in 1992 Chil uba declared Zam bia a Chri...tian nation under the leudcrchip of Jesus Christ. • Ripe for a Christian Voice Bo b Edmin ston . a succe ss ful British businc ssman who used his succe ss to found Christian Vision . an internatio nal ch ari ty bo ard. recogni zed a potenti al for partnership when he hea rd of Chilubas Christian stance . Christ ian Vision UK tu...ked Ch rist ian Visio n 'i..a mbia with the follo wing projects: a radio station. mixed farm. and a Bib le Co llege . Ch ristian Vo ice wa s launched as the first private station in Zambia on Dece mber I. 1994 . by Preside nt Ch iluba . T he statio n i... located o n an 8.000-acr c farm. 35 kill (22 miles] so uthwes t of Lusa ka. the capital ci ty of Zan tbia. off Kufue Road. the road linki ng Lusaka to Livingsto ne. Th e buildi ngs ho use the trunxmittcr. ge nerator, stud io. produ ct ion . techn ical serv ices. canteen, adm inistrati on and mult i-trac k recordi ng stud io. The farm is full of mango and jacaranda trees. and lines at the top 01" the hou r. and news bull eti ns at 111111. 16110. and 2000 UTC (I :011 p.m.. 6:00 p.m.. and 10:00 p.m. local time) . T here an: severa l hours o f live broadc asting durin g eac h broad cast day. From 0400 to 0700 UTC (6:00 u.rn. to 9 :00 a.l11 . local) ther e is the Morning Sho ll'. a un ique \vay to start the da y. w ith news. health. Sc ripture read ings. a thou ght fo r the d ay. and of co urse music. From 0900 to 11311 UTC ( 11:(X lto 2:00 p.nl.)Gibbs Mwcemba Ac ting station manager Charles Maboshe shows a reporter th e SOW transmitter. construction is nearing co mp letion. From the site , one looks d O W Il o ver the farm to the Kafuc River. w hich flows into the Zam bcz i River and into the vast. ma n-made Lake Kar iha . T he sh ortwa ve trans mitter is a 100 kilowat t Co ntinenta l 4 18 E wi th a Tel 6 15-2 high ga in omnidirect ional an tenna . T he shortwa ve broadcasts cover So uthe rn and Central Africa from Ka mpal a ( Uga nd a) to Cape Town (So uth Africa) and from Mada ga scar to A ngol a - a pot entia l listening aud ience o f over 100 millio n pe op le. Accordi ng to the C hrist ian Voice web site (http:// www.ch r tstt an- vtst on .o r u/ j. las t winter' s sc he dule was as follo ws: 0400-1600 UTe on 6065 kHz 1600-2200 UTe on 3330 kHz Rea ders ma y be interested to know C hristian Visio n has also j ust launched Voz Cristiuna thi s year fro m the fo rmer Vo ice o f Chile facil ities. Radio Christian Voice is proud oJ its 16 multi-track recording studio. • Local service as we ll T he FM service for Lusa ka wa s lau nch ed hy V ice- P res iden t Br igad ier G en eral G odfrey Miyanda O il Augus t 14. 1996. T he FM tra nsmissio n is o n the air 24 hou rs a day on 106.2 M Hz stereo. Th e tran smi tter is loca ted on the roof of the y-stur Pumodzi Ho tel. and cov ers u rad ius of 120 km. As o f Janu ary I , 1996. the station laun ch ed a 16 track recording con sole w ith Q -base facilities at its stud ios . Th e sta ff are pro ud to say that this fa ci lity is the fi rst of its kin d in Zamb ia. an d it has so far recorded over 15 alb ums . Ac cord ing to The Post. Za mb ia' s leadin g inde pe ndent news pap er . Radi o C hristian Vo ice became the first radio station in Za mbia to pay roya lties to the writ ers o f music played 0 11 thei r sta tion when the)' prese nted the Za mb ian Cop yrights Socie ty (Z A MCO PS) wi th a s ubs tantia l chec k in 1996. Zam bia National Broad casting Corpor atio n (ZNB C ) so far had not recogn ized the art ists whos e music they p layed o n rad io and te levis ion by wa y of payi ng royuhic s. • Prog ramm ing Progr amm ing incl udes G os pel mus ic. Bible teaching . ge nera l inte rest pro gram s s uch as tra ve l. health and ag ricult ure. Nine ty percen t of the programs o n Christian Voice ar c prod uced locall y. altho ugh they do broad cast some prog ra ms prod uce d by Christian ministri es abro ad . Th e p ro g ram s ra nge fro m C hr isti an teach ing to ed ucatio n. agr icultu re. health and children' s interests. In add itio n. the s tation run s ne ws head- 14 MONITORING TIMES September 1998 present s Foc us . Panj i Chipctu ho sts Afternoon MaM a ~ill e bet ween 1230 an d 1430 UTC (2: 30 and 4:30 p. rn.) . guid ing listen ers th rou gh a va ried program . incl ud ing new s reports. Christian World new s. recipes and enterta ining facts. As the day hegins to co me to an end. CeI· eb rute incl u d e s t he G o o d Ne w s . the Not ice board. and the A-Z of C hristia n m usic. making the eve ning sta rt in a wo nderfully up lifting way. AI 2000 UTC ( 10 :00 p.m .) in Late N ig ht Extra Dennis Sham boko hel ps listeners re fl ect o n the Wo rd of God - the pe rfec t way to end a bu sy J ay. MoJya Phiri sits at the Studio One console. Becau se Christia n Voice is a charity. it has a small staff. Th ey all ge t excited when they rece ive lette rs fro m listeners and DXe rs from o verseas. T here has bee n a trem en dous respo nse from listeners. some o f them from E uro pe and as far as Austra lia and New Zealand . A t times. they arc overw hel med by the amount of responses req ui red. and apo logi ze fo r any del ays in repl y ing to letters. Testimonies of all kinds keep on po uti ng in and Christian Vo ice is very thankfu l for thi s ove rwhel ming response . Add ress: Radi o Chris t ian Vo ice Pri vate Bag E606. Lu saka . Za m bia Tel: + 260 1 27425 1 & Fax: + 260 32 302 82 T he best time to hear the statio n in No rth A merica is duri ng our local evening. before sig n-off at 2200 and fro m sig n-on at 04 00 UT C, o n 6065 k Hz. Yo u will ha ve to usc s ideband mo de . as the frequ en cy is dom ina ted by the Ca nad ian ti me station C HV . But give it a try . espe cially on the East C oa st. Further we st it may he more o f a ch alle nge . Go od luck ! Order Now and Save on the 1999 editions 01 Passport to World Band Radio and World Radio TV Handbook! Save 55 and get FREE shipping in the US on these Special Pre-Publication Discount Oilers! PASSPORT TO WORLD BAND RADIO WRTH TIME TO UPDATE YOUR PASSPORTl Thi s "DX er's Bible" has been the enc ycloped ic refere nce for professional monitoring Stations and serio us shortwave liste ners for over 50 years. Bulgi ng with stat io n info rmatio n. staff listing s. and co ntact info rmation. the WRT H lists wor ldw ide mediumwave and sho rtwave freq uenc ies and progra m sc hedu les in all languugcs. Arranged hy co untr y. and includ ing a freq ue ncy cross-reference. the new 1999 WRTH is yo ur co mp rehen sive refer en ce g uide to wo rldwide listening! A specia l Eng lish language prog ra m sec tio n makes station se lection a breeze . Includes nonU_S . TV and FM broadcaster s as we ll! C hapters iden tify abbre viations. explai n propagation fore cas ts. so rt o ut time zo nes, and recom mend eq uipment and acce ssories. Order before November JO. 1998. to take ad vant age of this spec ia l d iscount offer ! Available Janu ar y 1999. T he world's best se lling shortwave guide is now big ger and better! Ed ited by Lawre nce Magne, Passport is the ulti mate shor tw ave hobbyist's listen ing refe rcncc. At a glance, Passport's exhaustive cha rt sho ws wor ld broadcas ter s hy frequency and time, ind icati ng statio n pow er and language as we ll. Passport inc ludes ex te nsive chapters on prog ram pro files. English lang uage liste nin g. catching c landest ine and pirate broadca sters. rece ive r re view s and rati ngs. plann ing your listening po st. and Inte rne! Web radi o. A pow erful liste ning too l at a low. low price! Order now--beforc the offer closes Se ptem ber 30. 1998-- to rece ive yo ur spec ial d iscou nt! Available October 199X. ORDEIl BOKI R-99 $1695 with FR E E S H IP P IN G in US . w it h FREE SHII'PI NG ill US. (Atte r September 30. the price will he 519 .95 plus 55. 50 -,hipping. For foreign sh ipping. please add $6.25 for foreign . . urfacc printed mail. $6 for Air Mail in Canad a. and SI J for Air xtail clsewbcrc. ) (After November 30. the price will he S24.tJ5 plus $5.50 shipping. For foreign shipping. please add $6.25 for foreign surface printed mail. S6 for Air Mail in Cana da. and 5 13 for Air Mail elsc whcre.) '2~~' ,.11., G~'1;'" ~~~~ Visit oursite on theWorldWideWeb: www.grove-ent.com GROVE ENTERPRISES, INC. 1-800-438-8155 (US & Canada) 828-837-9200; FAX 828-837-2216 7540 Highway 64 West Brasstown, NC 28902-0098 e-mail: order @9rove.net Septembe r 1998 MONITORING TIMES 15 Chi clio Intern Story and photos by Valter Aguiar T he worlds la rge st popu lat ion (1.200 ,000.000 inhabitants) • Tho third large st co u ntry area size (j ust after Russia and Ca nadm - The largest human o pre sencc o n s ho rtwa ve. and acco rd ing ly we have China Radio Internntional - ju st like the co u ntry . the third biggcsi int ernati on al broadcas ter in the world . con struction in the wor ld and the onl y one that can he seen from the Moon (the Great \Vall) · ing into o the r reg ion s o f Ch ina . Fir st broadcasts of the ne w stat io n we re ther efore ob viou sly in Jap an ese . as a pan of the war e ffort. Engl is h bro ad cast s o nly sta rted in Scprc rnher I I. 194 7. with the fir st En gli sh announcer Early history The largest hydroel ect ric d am project in the world uh e Three Go rges Dam ) • Th e largest cit y in Asia and the fourth in the wo rld (Sha ng hai. in the so uth. wi th I J m ill ion inh abitan ts ), Beijing. the c apital. is o n ly slig htly sma lle r (jllll I I m illio n inhabita nts ), wi th its la rge a ve nue s and tho usa nd s of hicycles . In C hiou. e verything is big. W ith 1 . ~ bi llion peop le (0 feed . the co untry is the wo rld's lendi ng p rod uce r -orric e. w heat. so y and suga r. Th e C hinese prese nce in manu fac tur ing and ex port CUll he no ticed in e ve ry corne r of the wor ld, S uc h a large and im port ant cou nt ry co uld be ex pect ed to have a corre spo nd ing 16 MONITORING TIMES Sep tember ' 998 C hi nese radi o is fully owned by the C ommu n isl g ove rn me nt . as a n important mea ns to maint ain the co untry' s unit y. T he first broadcas ling stat io n ill C hina was ina ug urated in Decem ber 30. 1940: XNC R. Nev.' C hina Radio . wa s the firsl name o f the c urrent Ce ntra l Peop le ' s Broadcasti ng Station (C P BS ). In Dece mb er 3. 19~ 1. No rthe rn Shaanxi New C hina Broa dcastin g S tation made its first appearan ce 011 s ho rtwav e for inte rna tio na l aud ienc es , It wa s the time of the Pacific War bet ween C hina and Jap an . j ust afte r the Japanese invasion o fMan ch uri a and prog ress- The auth or presents a listener's leiter program ill Portugu ese, with Portugu ese departm ent vice-director Als. Wei Lin, The old gray building that first housed CRI. Ms. Wei Lin presenting daily 20-minulc programs from the cave studio in Hcbei province. T wo years later. when Mao Tse-T ung fou ndcd the Peop le' s Repub lic of China. the station was 1ll00'cJ to the new capital. Peking. and then re named Radio Peking (w hich beca me Radio Beij ing in the 1980s ). Radi o Beij ing has never sto pped its dev elopmen t towards beco ming one of the world's large st intern ational broad ca sters. In !()SO. standa rd Chinese and ot he r Asian language s wer e added to its tran smi ssions. Furt her la nguage s ha ve subse q uently bee n add ed , and now they arc 43. inc ludi ng four local C hinese dialects and also Esperanto. Dr. Zamc nhoff would surely be proud 10 hear daily Esperanto broadcasts from C hina. whi c h started in IlJ64 and arc now avai lable to listeners in As ia. Europe and Lat in America. Radi o Beiji ng beca me well known to shortwa ve listeners for three ma in reasons. First . the Chinese go ve rnm ent propaga nda, es pecially in its early day s. Second, the c ultural prog ram s which gradually re placed propagand a as time passed. Thi s inclu des typical Chinese music. program s 011 Chinese histo ry and tales. cooking shows and eve n Chinese lan gu age lesso ns. if yo u an: patien t e nough to learn what is probably the 1ll 0 !\1 diffi cult language in the world. T he third reason is the beautifu l souveni r packa ge offered by the station: nice Q SL ca rds, beautiful pe nna nts. sticke rs, bags a nd the like. Chinese pupcr cuts a rc es pec ially apprec iated by the listeners and mak e them mar vel at ho w these wo nde rful so uvenirs (a 200· ycar craft trad ition in China) can be mad e. (If you have n' t go tten your so uve nirs. don ' t lose mor e time : the station addre ss is at the bot to m of this arti cle .) If yo u are espec ially luc ky, yo u can e ven win a free trip to China in one of the var ious contests sponsored by the station from time to CRI's mode", llew home took tell years to build. time. It is indeed a deep emotion 10 walk downtown Be ijing . hearin g the chimes of the clock at the Beij ing Telecom build ing j ust a few quarters away from Tiana nmcn Squ are - the same ones used as the station ' s interval signa l! In Beijing you wi ll al so be able to hear the Cap ita l Service - foreign lan guage pro grams prod uced for loca l sta tion s in China. T his service. started in IlJ84 only in Beiji ng, is now bro adcast by thirtee n loc al statio ns in ten foreign languag es. Non-stop development of shortwave Whi le ot he r shortwave broadca sters wer e reducing their on-air time a nd languages. the 1990s have bee n ve ry spec ial yea rs for Rad io Beij ing. In Ma y 1990, the Eng lish de partment started to pub lish The Messenger , a bimonth ly guide to broadcasts in Engl ish and other Ian guages . At that ti me. the na me Radio Beiji ng was causing a bit of co nfu sion among local radi o listeners in China. Th is is because the local radio in the ca pital is also ca lled Radio Beijing. Sometimes eve n the post o ffice mixed up letter de live ry between the stations. To avoid confus ion. the ov erseas ser vice cha nged its name to Chinn Radio Interne tionul (CRI) o n Ja nuary I. 1993. In rea lity. it was ju st a tra nslati on of the officia l nam e alr ead y used by the Ch inese department since 1975. T his is now the station's officialname. all ho ugh some o ld-lime listeners (like the author) still like to ca ll it Radi o Be ijing as in old times. B UI the changes did not stop. Until rccc mly . China Rad io International occ upied the bu ilding of the Min istry of Radio , Film and Te lev ision. built in 1958. In the same address. local C PBS and CCTV (China Ce ntra l Tel e visio n) also had their offi ces and stud ios . Ch ina Rad io Intern ationa l wasn't the only that had grown over the years. CCT V, which in 1992 inaugu ra ted its internatio nal channel (CCTV-4 ). was now a vailable to TV viewe rs wor ldw ide by sat ellite, with Chi nese a nd En gli sh lan guage pro gram s. Th e o ld bui ld ing had therefore become too sma ll for all of them. Also. it presen ted technica l obstacles which wer e difficu lt to correct. To meet these prob lem s. CCTV mo ved to a brand -new build ing do wntown Beij ing. while ne w faci lities for China Radi o International wer e co nstructed in the Wester n d istr ict of Lugu. The Ilew CRJ newsroom. ~~-..I HF-VHF·UHF Receiver Mu/ticouplers & Preamplifiers Are yourlsillg seve ral H F radios or VH F/UHF scanners at your monit oring site?? ....consider including a mu lti coupler or a prcamplifier to your systcm. SWUScanning • Radio Surveillance - News Rooms Both our Passive and Acti ve Multlco uplers are commercial grade specially designed for demand Ing mo nitoring applications with multiple radios. Our 2 and 4 po rt co up lers are 50 ohms units with better than 24 dB of pert-to -pert isolation . Active couplers features wide-band Low-Noise distribu tion amplifiers with Hlgh-P ass/Low- Pass filtered inputs, BNG connectors standard. Price range: $70 to $150 depend ing on model Give us a call for data sheet, application llnd ordering infon nation. ffi STRIDSBERG ENGINEERING, INC. P.O. Box 5040 Shreveport, LA 71135-5040, USA. Phone: (318) 861-066 .0 Fax: (318) 861·7068 September 1998 MONITORING TIMES 17 The Eng lish departm ent replies to letters (and e-mail) - a high priority at CRI To No rth America 0 300 -0400 04 00-0500 0500-0600 1400-1600 on 9690 kHz on 9560 an d 9730 kHz on 9560 kHz on 7405 kHz To Europe 2000- 2200 on 6950 a nd 9920 kHz 2200- 2230 on 3985 kHz 2200-2300 on 7170 kHz To South East Asia 1200-1400 on 1341 , 971 5 a nd 11660 kHz To South Asia 1400-1500 an 953 5 and 11825 kHz 1500-1600 on 7 160 and 9785 kHz The inauguration of the new building in 1996also marked the first usc of d igi tal equipment for CRI. Computers arc now used to write news and programs. translate the m into each language. tape and edit each program. and send them to the tran sm itter sites inChina and overseas. The new building has fifty studios and facilities to broadcast 17 different programs simultaneously. China Radio international is finally a modem broadcaster, after all the investment in worldwide shortwave radio made by the country' sgovernment over a "decade o f decadence: ' Not that CRI is opposed to new broadcast- new technologies. especially ill the less dc vc loped countries. This includes large port ions of Asia. where Ch ina Radio International has a large number of listeners. Many of them have joined CRI listeners' d ubs ~ today. according to the station, over 2,000 wo rldw ide. especially in Asian countries like Pakistan. Visitors can view some of the ancient broad cast equipment! 18 MON ITORI NG TIMES 5ep/embe, 1998 To Africa 1600-1700 on 956 5 and 9620 kHz 1700-1800 on 7 150 , 7405 and 9750 kHz 1900-2000 on 6955 and 944 0 kHz 2000-2 100 a n 7 160, 7 170 , 7 175 an d 9440 kHz 2 100-2130 a n 7 170 , 7 180 and 953 5 kHz CHINA RADIO INTERNATIONAL BROADCAST SCHEDULE IN ESPERANTO ing techno lo gies : Ag reeme nts fo rretransmi s- sion of CRI programs by local radio stations are being signed worldwide. thus making them audible to a vastly larger number or listeners. A Web site was put into operation by year-end 1997. and Real Audio transm issions may come soon o ver the Intern et. Howeve r, CRI knows that shortwave broadcasts still have a long time to go before (if ever) being completely substituted by the To South Pacific 0900-1100 on 97 85 and 11755 kHz 1200-1 300 a n 6950 kHz 1200-1400 an 7385 kHz tALL TIMES UTq To East Asia: CRI is proud to display souvenirs from its listeners all over tire world. And the station is really proud of its listeners ! More than 600.000 leiters arc received yearly. All of them are duly answe red and comments arc sent to the programs' producers. Now they have e-mail as well. and messages to all lang uage departments can be sent to the same address at the end of this arti cle. Nearly every publication issued by CR! includes comments received by listeners. In the new building. there arc three corridors where cabinets display a few souvenirs received from worldwide lis ten er s. There is one case foreach language department, COIll prising a worldwide exhibition of souvenirs from all countries. 1100- 1127 on 7170 , 95 35 and 11575 kHz To South East Asia' 1300-1327 on 11600 an d 11840 kHz To Europe: 2000-202 7 a n 4960 , 7405, 9900 a nd 9965 kHz To Europe and l atin America: 2230-2257 on 695 0 an d 9860 kHz China Rad io International Addresses: China Radio International Beijing 100039 People's Repub lic of China E-mail crieng@p ublic.bta.net.cn Officia l W eb site hltp: / /www.cn.cngb.com Constantly growing C hi na Rad io Internat io nal program s total 190 hours dai ly and arc broad cas t worldwide by 26 trans mitter ce nters throughout the country. CR I also has ,I rela y of its own in Ma li, and hol ds ag reements for pro gra m retransmissions with Rad io Fran ce Internat ional (us ing tran s mitt ers in Fran ce and Frenc h Gu yana), Vo ice of Russia. Sp a nish Forei gn Radi o. Radio Canada Inte rnation al and Rad iobras (Brazil). T his is why CRI signa ls can be heard at good condi tion s nearly Recording ill a CRI studio. wo rldwide.even in unfavorable propaga tion cond itions. Its 40 local offi ces in Ch ina and 23 interna- thi ng China undertakes. Howe ver , the main tiona l corresponden ts supply C RI wit h local reaso n for Ck fs pop ular ity is its peop le. Mos t and international ne ws. Over the pas t few of its announcer s ar c from Mainland Ch ina years. China Radi o Internatio nal' s fore ign and have Chinese (or local dialect s) as their correspondent tea m has a lso become a source mot her tongue . Even so. they arc able to of internat ion al ne ws for the Chinese med ia produ ce good quality programs and read thcm itself. T he station proudly sta tes that the ir on the air in foreign languages co nsiderably corres pondents se nd faster an d more acc urate we ll, thank s to [hei r academic forma tion in report s than the offi ci al Chi nese new s agency forei gn languages. Xin hua. Besides the langu age ability of its staff. Figu res arc real ly impressive. as in e very- Ch ina Rad io Intern ation al has learned how 10 dea l with listen er s in a uni q ue way and brin g them closer 10 the station. Thi s is do ne by means of its spec ial attention pa id to liste ne rs, both by ma il a nd on the air. It is true that po litica l prop aganda ca n be found in a ll govern me ntow ned statio ns throu gh out the world. But C hina is also a un iq ue co untry . Its tradition o f mill enniu m s ha ve forme d a country's his to ry that perhap s ca nno t be fou nd in any o the r place in the worl d. C hinese people norma lly live in a happy and friend ly environment, des pite al l the d ifficul ties the co untry has faced . Th ey we lcome foreig ner s. j ust like CR I doe s with its list en er s. T he only wa y for western people to understand Ch inese history. heritage. culture and way of living is visiting China. If this is not poss ible. the next possible a lterna tive is, of cours e... China Rad io Intern ational ! The author wishes to thank Ms. Yu Huiiuan, Ms. Wei Lin (somenome of the First Eng/isli announcer is iust a coincidence) and the stoff of eRrs Portuguese Depcrtment for their help in the p reparation of this article. Lis te n in Luxuryl SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE ATA DISCOUNT PRICEI What a combina tion! The superb Drake R8·B co mmunica tions receiver a nd the Grove SP200 Sound Enhan cer! Adjust the Drake for the best poss ible reception, then further enha nce the a ud io with the Grove. The bes t reception a nd the be st aud io --a perfect combination for the discriminating listener. The R8-B offers 100 kHz-30 MHz luning in fine 10H z steps, expandable to 33-55 a nd 10 8 -174 MHz with optional co nve rte r, intuitive con trol pa ne l, a lphanu meric ident ifica tio n d isplay, sig nal-seizing synchro nous detection , interfer en ce-sla shing pass ba nd tuning and multiple -selectivity filters, weak-sig na l-booster preamplifier, overload-reduction attenuator, no ise bla nker, dua l clock timers, muhimod e sig nal detection, RS232 com puter con trol, an d much mor e . The SP200 en hances voice , music, an d data with low-distortio n, all-analog , au d io bandshaping circuitry. A powerful ampli fied speaker offers custom co nto uring with sepa ra te bass a nd tre ble co ntrols, va riable passba nd notch / pea k filter, pulse-noi se limiter, squelc h control , tape recorder output and activator, a ll hou sed in a stylish, hand crahed oak ca binet. CALL rODAYI ORDER ReV 3-MT only 511 59 95 plus $2 0 US Priority Mo il or UPS 2nd Day A ir 19995 plus $1 0 US Prior ity Ma il or UPS 2nd Day A ir ORDER SPK 13·MT only 5 GROVE ENTERPRISES, INC. 1-800-438-8155 USa nd Canada; 828 -837-9200; FAX 828-837-2216 7540 Highway 64 West; Brasstown, NC 28902-0098 e-ma il: [email protected];web: WWW.grove-ent.com September 1998 MONITORING TIMES 19 Take a Shortwave DXpedition By Hans Johnson W ith sum mer ou t o f the way. the sho rtwave DX ing seas o n (the season of listening for di sta nt rad io statio ns ) can now beg in . What better way to kick things off tha n wi th a Dxpcdltion?' A D'Xpcditi on is a listen ing se ssio n aw ay from ho me that ca n last an y where fro m a few hours to wee ks . No ma tte r whe re yo u live . c hances arc that yo u do n ' I have a lot o f roo m for outdo or antenn as. A nd J' II bet thaI most o f you arc suffering fro m no ise proh lem s of o ne so n or a nothe r. Most Dxpcdi non s ar e d ri ve n by the fa ct that listen ers wan t to impro ve their rece ption. Wh ile yo u can' , change the limit atio ns at hom e. yo u ca n leave hom e - and tak e yo ur rad io with yo u. DXp editi o ns ha ve these characteristics : A ch a nge in listening location . mo re space for antenn as. less no ise , liste ning with ot he rs. and lon g O Xin g sessio ns. The more o f these c leme nts that yo u cun co mbine on yo ur DXpcd ition . the bet ter reception will be . C hang ing yo ur location ca n be us simp le as DXin g fro m a frien d ' s hou se . W ith a bi t of po king a ro un d, you ca n a lso di sco ve r suitable sites w ithin a few hours ' d rive . Th ese sites mig ht ei ther be a par k c ubin. u A typical D'Xpedition set-lip. This is fro m the Mahala IrXpedition in Maul, Hawaii, IJXpeditiollS bring hobbyists together. Here is the crew at Gifford Pinchot State Park (Front l-r) Rich U 'Angelo.Llans I ohnson, Dave Valko, Fred Kohlbrenner; (Rear l-r] Kris Field, TOllY Orr tcourtsy of Fred Kohlbrenner) hom e for re nt in a resort area . or a tent in the wildern ess. If po ssible, choose a site near the se acoas t for the e nha nced reception suc h sites offe r. T he bottom line is that by mer e ly c ha ng ing yo ur loc atio n yo u ar c getti ng a d iffere nt loo k at the band s and prov id ing yo urse lf with the oppo rtu nit y to hear so me new things. C alling ah ead to the loca tion to ask a fe w qu esti on s wi ll all o w yo u to ma ke a ro ugh gu ess as to how suitahle the site wi ll be: What is the ter ra in like (c lear. or full o f thick bru sh )? Arc yo u a llo wed to string antenn as there ? In what directiorus) is the re room for ant en nas? Is po wer av ai lable , and if so, ho w (o ve rhead or underground ut ilitie s )? If the sill' pa sses the " pho ne lest," (i.c .. there arc none! ) then give it a try . I DXpeditious antenna s Rigging antennas on a DXped ition take s a bit of coo rdin atio n amon g the partici pants. It is best to wor k as a tea m and string a se t of antennas th at can be sha re d. Do n' t rig antennas too cl ose together ; they 'll end llP inte rfering vvith one anot her. T wo o r three rece ive rs can easily use the same ant e nna wit h no ill e ffec ts thro ug h the usc of sho rt "j ump er " w ires - a shor t len g th of w ire wi th an all iga tor c lip o n on e e nd . Using the d ip make s it easy to switch from on e antenna to ano ther. Split ter bo xes can e ither be bou g ht or mad e for antennas that use coax fee ds. Be ver age ante nn as are a D Xpediti on favo rite . Fa vorites are mult i-band dipol es. Bring two and string o ne nort h-so ut h an d the o the r eas t-wes t. DXe rs w ill often co m men t on ho w stro ng signa ls arc on thei r first DXpedi tion . Wh at is rea lly go ing o n is that sig na ls seem stro ng er beca use yo u've decr eased the noi se le ve ls. If yo ur si te has wo rked o ut o kay. then the re will be a lo/less noi se . M ake sure that yo u wo rk the 2 and 3 MH z ran ge , a n area that is o ften partic uarl y noi se -p lagued at ho me . I You are not alone Listening wi th o the rs is pro ba bly the best pa rt of DX ped ilio ns. DXing is oft e n a so litary hob by, bUI it d oesn' t hav e to he that way. A DXpcdit ion is an o ppo rt unity to O X w ith o the r peo ple who arc a lso sc..trchi ng the spectrum . A bit of q uic k c oordi na tio n will have e ve rybod y searc hing a di ffe ren t ha nd. Need less to say, this leads to a 101 of 20 MONITORING TIMES 5eplembe, 1998 tipo ff's going hac k and fort h and the time ca n be qu ite p ro d uc tive if yo u wor k ux a team. Equ all y exciting i... ho w mu ch you can learn from ot he r D XL'rs an d thei r eq uip me nt. Ver y fe w of us arc lucky enough 10 try o ut ~l rece ive r before we hu y it: here is a ch an ce to try o ut se vera l receivers a nd compare the m W yo ur o\'..n. Want to test out that ho t new piece o fpc ripheral gear? Here may he your cha nce . The same is true fo r antenn as and va rio us tu nin g guides . But the great opportunities lie in learn ing fro m yo ur colleagues. he is j ust cruis ing th e hand s. ho w doc s it d o it'! A(o. I or side ban d , ho w fast docs he tU IlC and whe re doc s he start? Ho w docs he det ermi ne what a signal of intere st is '! Wh at signals are 100 weak and need to be le ft for another day ? Watch. as k. and lea rn . Buffalo Road is an oth er [a mn us D'Xpedition site ill western Pennsylvania No a rt icle 0 11 DXpc dit iuu s wo ul d be com plete wi thout some Larry )'lI l11rOIl sets up th e •·sha ck: ..during (l Ruffalo Road words o n ex te nde d liste n[)Xpeditioll. ing sess io ns. Th e re is SL·t lip .1 DXp cd itio n. Roo k a SPOI and do it. plent y o f'Dxc r lore o f favori te brews that they '{our log boo k wi ll th ank yo u. and yo u will usc to kee p themse lves aw ake . The re is ,11tak e horne tips and tech niq ues that yo uc an usc wa ys so me thing to hear but ify ou stay awake long eno ug h. yo u w ill start hearin g th ings cycry day. eve n whe n there isn't any thing there.You have to slee p sometime. so adj ust yo ur sc hedu le so that you arc awak e d uring the peak tim es for rad io ac tivit y. For No rth A meri ca. you sho uld he up by 0930 UTe. Work the statio ns from Latin Am er ica and yo ur morn ing o pe ning to Asi a tillmid -m orn GORDON WEST ing. Then it is off to bed till curly afternoon. HAM TEST PREP TAPES Enj o y the afte rnoo n A fricans. lo ng -path BOOKS • SOFTWARE • VIDEOS As ia ns. and Lat ins in the e veni ng. S tay lip unti l yo u SL'L' wh at kin d of lute eve ning openPrepar e for you r ham test with "Gordo" ings yO ll ha ve (if any ) fro m the Midd le Eas t W86NQA as your personal inst ructor. a nd Africa . Hack 10 hell till 0930. • THE THEORY on audio cassettes So c ull up so me o f yo ur D Xi ng buddies and N o-Code Techn ician (4 tapes) S19.95 Le t' s fac e it: mo st oru s learned to D X in a vac uum . W hil e we Illay haw pic ked lip so me tip s ill print . by and large . we learned largel y o n o ur 0\\'11 . w atch the o ther D X ~ r s a nd yo u \vill lea rn quit e a 101. D l lCS the Dx c r base his listenin g o ff .1 hit list'! (Sec "Wo rld Class DXin g" in the M ar lJX,\If) Doe s he rel y o fte n on reference matcriul x or doc s he kno w mos t of the sta tio ns in hi" head" W h.u are the settings on hi" rece ive r a ~ he tune... arou nd" If • Time out! Dipo le traps reach f or tile sky at tile Mahalo DXp editioll. General Class (2 tapes) Advanced Class (4 tapes) Ama teur Extra Class (4 tapes) $ 9.95 $19.95 $19.95 • THE CODE on audio cassettes Learning CW (6 tape s) j. ' . General Class CW (6 tapes) Extra Class CW (6 tapes) $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 • STUDY MANUAL S by "Gordo" No-Code Tech nician (2&3A) General Class (36) Advanced Class (4A) Extra Class (48) $12.95 $ 9.95 $11.95 $11.95 • IBM SOFTWARE with ma nual No-Code Technician (2&3A) General Class (36) + Code Advanced Class (4A) + Code Extra Class (48) + Code Morse Software Only • YJ..D..EJ2 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $ 9.95 with manual No-C ode Tech Vide o Course $29.95 Add $3 ,00 shipping charge· 3 Day Service VISA. MaslerCard , Discover & AMEX Accepted The W5YI Gro up, Inc. P.O. Box 56510 1 • Oallas.TX 75356 c. "To" F,~ 1-800-669-9594 September ' 998 MONITORING TIMES 21 The SSB-CW-AM Receiver I<it from Ten-Tee By Mik e Bryson I f yo u arc loo king for an ine xpe nsive shortwave receiver or i f YO LI arc nuts abo ut a so ldering iron. yo u Illay want to c heck out T C Il ~ T e c ' s 1254 SSB- CW A M rece ive r kit. I recent ly pu t th is kit together and I was im pressed at the tho ug ht that went int o the design an d documen tatio n o f this little shortwave receive r. If you have ever built a kit and thought it wa s no t vcry chal lengi ng. or ifth e end prod uc t seemed j ust a fancy bl inky toy. be pre pared ' Th e Te n-Tee kit is the rea l Mcf'oy. Afte r yo u co m plete this project. yo u wi ll ha ve a vcry ca pable sho rtwave receiver 011 yo ur hands . WHATTO DD FIRST. We ll, of co urse you sho uld read the manu a l and any ad dcndum s. That sho uld go witho ut say ing. but I know <J lot of fo lks who skip that step and li ve o n the "wild side ," Th e ne xt thing yo u sho uld do is to take an invent or y of you r parts for the Te n-T cc S hortwave Kit. T his kit comes wi th a we ll writte n Though tiny, th is receiver is no toy! instru ct ion manual, power supply. de tailed c irc uit diagram s. a nd ev e n a Silo!"! Wan ' Listening Hints book - and a buc ket toad of com ponent s. Yo u sho uld make sure that ~11 1 thc co mpone nts a nd ca bine t parts are the re before yo u start assembling the kit. T his w ill take a whi le bu t there is a hand y inve ntory ch eck list in the Separating the parts by type and value is II real time-saver. 22 MONITORING TIMES September 1998 manu al to help you determine wha t' s w hat. I fou nd that the components we re we ll orga nized w ith sep ara te bags of e ac h ty pe of co mponent s .. ,capac itors . resisto rs. in tegrated circuits (ICs) , ind uctor s and the like . Afte r spe nding so me tim e goi ng thou gh the part s, I was impressed that all the co m po ne nts. screw s. and miscell aneo us ite ms were accounted fo r. Con side ring ho w man y pa rts there we re. I felt much enco urage d that thi s was an ind ica tion of the o ver -a ll q ua lity of the proj ect. Wh ile I wa s taki ng stoc k of the kit. I also se parated out the differen t va lues of eac h ty pe ofcomponen t and assign ed them to their ow n. smalle r. part s ba gs. T his wo uld ease so rting thou gh the par ts eac h time I nee de d to find a spec ific value componen t. Later on in the project thi s tu rn ed o ut to be a really big time save r. A ttcr yo u d rudge through the invcnlor y. the fun beg ins, But if yo u skip thi s step yo u are ask ing for a heap o ' trou ble , SOME ASS EMBLY REQUIRED T en -Tee wisely split the assembly of its rece ive r into seve n d iffere nt phases. Wh en yo u first took a t the num ber of parts that comprise thi s project. it is q uite da unti ng, But like an y ove rwhel m ing project. split into sma ller tas ks it becom e s mo re manageab le , A lso. 011 co mpl etion of eac h pha se of this proj ect yo u get a wo rking c irc uit that is eas ily testable. o ~ICOM • GPSlll • Wideband. All Mode Receive Capability From .5MHz 10 1300 MHz. ::. '~I " ,; ~ • Real-Time Bandscope Shows Band ~ Conditions And Busy Frequencies. _ ~ - :- '7 ~ . ":w-:"':. • VSC Function, Voice Scan Control .I="",, • • ~ -::.....::..I. ~ Pauses Scan Only When Modulated Communications Receiver Signals Are Received. • Wideband. All Mode Receive • 1000 Memory Channels With Capability From 0.1 10 2000 MHz. a-Character Alphanumeric Names. o 1000 Me mory Ch annels With Channels Can Be Grouped rnto GPSII/ Combines a Glo bal Position Systems (GPS ) Receiver with an Electronic Map . It Not O nly Shows You the Lay of Land But Also Just Where You Sta nd . .... .. Communicatio ns Receiver For Computer • Co vers .Ot -130 0M Hz. • All Mod e WFM . FM . RF Filter s. SONY rIIInII1 - ~o~al uniden° ~~'r:II $319.95 o Handh eld " Trunk Tracker " UPS Inclu ded BC9000XL T $3 79.95 BC3000XL T $359.95 UPS included . 1. 1900M Hz AM , N FM , W FM , SSB . CW. o o $254.95 o Alpha-Numertc. o Computer Prog ramm able CALL FOR MORE INFO & PRICING UPS Inclu ded YAESU 14 Channel Digital Cooed FRS Two-Way RadIO. No l ice nse Req uired . Weat her Resistant. 500 MW O utpu t Powc rl2 Mile Rang e DCS Dig ita l Ced ed Sq uelch . ART S - Auto Range Tra nspo nd System Ale rts Yo u Wh en a Similar ly Programmed VX F· l is O ut of Range. Full Line of Accessorie s Available . each only AV,1 ,IJble ,n If!' 259.95 ., • • • • • " Trunk Tracker" Sony ICF-SCIPC Radio Frequency Scanner Co ntrol of Sca nning trom PC o r Scanner. • Sup pli ed C D· RO M LiSfS All Receivable Frequenc ies in Ihe US . • Scans All Frequ encies All owe d by the FCC from 25 MHz 10 1,30 0 MHz. ICF·SCt • 300 Channel/AMWFMiNFM (Not Computer Programmable, Call For More Info. No CD-Rom) o CALL FOR PRICINGI ~ , ~ , GPS 12..•$149.95 St ree t Pilot...$549.95 GPSII Plus ...$249.95 Call For Acces sories • Many More Featu res • Ma ny Ome r Features . Extem all UPS Included • Suoerb Hig h Receive Sensmvny Over Its Enure Range Up Scanning • Connects 10 Your PC GPSIII $369.95 a -Character Alpha nume ric Names. Banks With Each Ban k Capable Of Holding A t n-Charact er Name • Skip Functio n Helps Spe ed AM. SSB, GW. • Employs Band-TrackIng yt llOw Jnd &-GRRM'" .. IC·R10 ~ VX·1R Rec eive : 76· 200 MHz. 3OO-540 MHz 590-999MHz ce llular blocked Tra nsmit: t4 4· 148M Hz 430 ·4 50M Hz AM Aircra lt Rec eive Digil al Co ded Squelc h High Speed Sca nni ng 112 Memory C hannels M uch, Much Mo re ! or 2 for HS200 o Wor ld 's Small est Dual-Ban d Amaleur Handh eld o • Wide-Band Receive From 76-999MHz , C TCSS/ DCS o A lphanumeric, Display. • 500mW Power Onput 1 Wa tt w/E xtern al Power • Call For More Info o $219.95 UPS Inclu ded EImJlI. $99.95 $189.95 bl;>c~ UPS Included Cherokee CB A8A.. . . _$999 .95 + $14 UP S R8B (new ) $1159 95 + $14 UPS $ W8 ....... . $ 779 _95 + $ 10 UPS SW2 $489 95 $7 UPS SW I .... __ ._. _5 199_95 + $7 UPS CBS· lOOO AM/SSB Base CAl l CAl l CBS-5OD AM Base C M-10 AM Mob ile CAl l AH·27 Wa lkie .. . CAl l AH · 1oo AM/SSB Walkie CAl l FR-465 Family Bene CAl l CAl l FOR ALL CB EQUI PMEN T :.X":' _ ;', \~W~PN~ 'T"' _ fo-Meter 2950 .. . CALL CAl L CAlL CAll 2970 2990 .. · . North star . I . •• GRUNDIG ·w AMI FM.' - Q Q DD" - Drake Shortwave Radios SONY ICF20 10 $349 95+ $ 7 UPS ICFS Wi7 __ .. $469 95 + $7 UPS ICF -7600G $169 95 + $6 UPS ICF·76ooG S $234.95 $ 7 UPS ICF·SW 1QOOOTS $469 95 .. $ 7 UPS 200 Channels. 10 Banks 13 Band s From 26-960MHz , inc ludes CB and Aucratt. PU C TC SS and DPUDCS Included . =I::I .,D I:I , . " ... D ID O""" • Dell D " D C I • Shortwav e Yacht Bo y 400 $239.95 UPS Include d Base/Mob ile Scann er sse Shortwave $249.95 $169.95 + $8 UPS UPS Inc luded o 200 Channe ls, 10 Ba nks • 12 Ba nds From 29 ·960 MHz (Excl ud ing Cell ular) o PLJCTCSS and OPLJDCS • Alph a numeric Disp lay o Fast Scan ( 100 Ch . Pe r second ) SAT -tne m -tpm UPS Grou nd (48 stales) I f lil 8J. ~ •• . . i ii . w . I e b- I () e D ~ eee .~ f1j i · .~rn rn. BO m 21 Garfield St. Newington, CT 06111 .;~." . f ~ :I:cC: i': ' ,~ ~ aEF Yo u don ' t need a whole lot of test eq uip men t beca use Te n-T ee tho ught of that for you in their desi gn . Th e receiver is designed to ha ve built -in test fu nctions (ha t arc ea si ly used by ev en a novice. Agai n, this shows so me fo ret hou ght in the Ten-Tee design . Th e onl y requ ired piece of test eq uipment is a di rct c urrent (DC) vo ltage meter. Som e hand tool s are neede d. hut the main requi rem ent is that yo u kno w ho w to solde r. Though the kit is well thou ght out. I do n't think it is for a beginner . Th ere arc a lot of parts and a lot o f solde ring . The re are good descript ions for each co mpo ne nt so. if yo u read care fully. a bcg inn er coftldassemble thi s kit. But if this is yo ur fir st kit. yo u may want to get some help (preferably psycholog ical hel p!). Pa tience is the tool yoult nccd most.This proj ect is split into several different pha ses for a reason. Don 't try to assemble a ll the ph ases at o ne sitti ng. I sugges t tha t yo u try to co mple te the fir st pha se and then sec ho w it goe s fro m there. Th ere arc a lot of parts and thc on ly way to kee p from messing up (a nd spe nd ing many. many ho urs trou bleshooting a non fu ncti o nin g c ircuit) is to asse mble one phase at a time. If yo u take yo ur time. yo u w ill co me o ut o f thi s wit h mini ma l headach es a nd a good sho rtwave rece ive r. Yo u should spread the assembly of each pha se o ut over a few day s if pos sible. I built this kit in about 25 ho urs spread ove r a week or so. and c uts dow n on movi ng part s when yo u tum the boa rd over to so lde r it. I a lso mo unted a ll the resist ors in all pha ses with the same o rien tation . Thi s makes it ea sie r to read the va lues and a lso will help yo u tro ub leshoot later if you put a resistor in the wrong place (!). Phase olle is the simplest - and provides the test platform fo r the rest oj the stages. plied wor kshee t (recom mended in all phase s ) which also has compo ne nt placement marked . It turns o ut tha t the re sistor markin gs th at <Ire co vered up arc all th e same val ue. But the diode s arc not we ll mark ed o n the hoard for the IN4 14 H's so yo u wil l need to refer to the add itiona l assemb ly diag ram . T his d iagram is ve ry use fu l in all phases so hang o nto it. You will handle it so mu ch that it' ll look like a used nap kin by the time yo u arc thro ug h with th is projec t, PHASE TWO Pha se two of the assem bly moves to the ma in board of the receiver. Specifica lly. the pha se loc k loo p (PLL) sy nthe size r and its suppo rting circu itry arc insta lled . T he q uick refere nce summary g ives <I brief descript ion of what ea ch part is used for. so try to make use of th is. I used mask ing tape to ho ld the part s do wn wh ile I soldered. It makes a neuter board PHASE THREE Pha se thr ee involves assembling the volt age con trolled osci llato r (VCO)circuitry. Thi s rece iver uses two veo's to tu ne the wh ole range of the rece ive r. Be sure to usc caution when installing the se parts . As usual. keep the lead leng ths as sho rt as possibl e to avoid pa ra sitic induc tance , This section uses se veral different di od es and transistors a nd there is a handy part s iden tific at io n sec tion in the manual for he lp o n this. I fou nd that a fter co mp letion of th is ph ase. the align men t of the VCOs was off so mewhat. No t to worry: fine tuning afte rthe who le project is com plete wi ll tak e care of th is problem. PHASE FOUR Phase fo ur dea ls with th e aud io o utput and op eration o f the volume co ntro l. A lso after yo u co mple te this phase the rece iver can de tec t a 455 kl Iz sig nal in AM or single side band (SS B). You have to be cautio us abo ut so lde ring the aud io a mp lifier: o ne solde r brid ge co uld toast the chi p for good . T here are no spares. so wa tc h o ut. PHAS E FIVE PHASE ONE Phase five deal s with the assem bly of the Phase o ne is the asse mb ly of the disp lay seco nd mixer and the 45 MHz first inte nncdiboard . Thi s board is the simate frequ en cy stage ( IF). Thi s ples t part o f the proj ect and is sectio n is no t written as preThe main board of the receiver with assemb ly nearly completed. used as a wa rm- up for the as c isely as the previous secse mbler. Also. a fte rco mplet ion. tion s. It look s as though the the displ ay board is used to te st manu al m ight have been writprogress on all of the following ten by more than o ne pe rson. phases! It is still very usab le; it just I can' t wal k you through each took so me menta l adjustment phase step by step. but I can o n my part . sha re so me ass e mbly tip s for After completion of thi s each pha se. Ot her th an taking section. the rcceivcr has a bui It care not to sc a r up the light in 45 ~'1 Hz test signal capae m itt ing di od e (LED ) segbi lity. You ca n use th is to test men tcd d isp lay s with the so lthe ne xt phase. dering iron, there are not too ma ny thi ngs that cou ld go wrong PHASE 51X for yo u 0 11 phase o ne. Phase six dea ls wi th the I notice d in as sem bli ng this assemb ly of the radio fresec tion that the LED di sp lays q uency (R F ) input stage a nd cover up the hoard mark ings for the first mi xer cir cuit. After some of the resistor s. You co uld the co m pletion of phase six. wa it unti l last to put the displ ays the rece iver will be co rnplete. in or rel y instead 0 11 the supA ll th at is left now is so me 24 MONITORING TIMES Septemoer 1998 serio us tweaki ng of the var ious circu its have a working shortwave recei ver . 10 PHASE SEVEN Phase se ve n is simply the asse mbly of the rece iver ca bine try and ass oc iate d hardware. T his also invo lves moun ting the di sp lay board and the main hoard into the enclos ure. Now it ev e n looks like a rece iver. T his also inc ludes fi na l twe aking and tuning o f the ci rcuitry . WRTH.;. Business as Usual By Hans Johnson PERFORMANCE AND FEATURES No w that we hav e svv cured throu gh the se ve n-stage assem bly. we G.1Il c hec k out our ne wl y co nst ructed sho rtw a ve recei ver. No te that it took me about 25 ho urs to co m ple te assembl y o n thi s proj ect . I didn 't ha ve a ny problems to tro uble shoot. d ue. I fee l. to ve ry wel l wri tte n in struct ions and my taki ng the lim e to plan ou t ea ch pha se of co nstruct io n ahead of assem bly. I co uld have asse mbled thi s faster but I' m a lso sure th at I wou ld ha ve spe nt a large c hun k of time looki ng for thc misp laced co m po ne nt or so lde r bridge : Th e rece ive r has a frequ e ncy co ve rage fro m 100 kHz to 30 MHz wi th the ch o ice of nor mal or fas t tuni ng. Step size is 2.5 kHz in SSB. 5 kHz Aivl or 100 kHi'. in e ither mod e. There is e xce lle nt SSG and CW selec tivity d ue to the of kl-lz fi lter bandwidth . which also gives a fairly go od A!\-1 audi o res po nse . It has fine luning of SSB and C W using a c larifie r ci rc uitry that wo rks rather we ll. T he recei ver has d irect tu nin g using a 1'0tar y enco de r. which gives a smooth tu ning mo tio n. or me mor y tun ing wit h 15 pro g ram mable memories with a de fault memory at 15 M Hz (W V\'V ). Of co urse. it has a45 MHz first IF an d a455 kH z sec o nd IF wit h a synthesized 45-75 MHz local osci llator for m in ima l dr ift. Th er e is an o ptio n to supply a DC vo ltage for a n acti ve ant e nna . T ha i cou ld be han d y. T he audio o utp ut is 1.5 wa us with a built -in spea ker and head phone jack . If yo u like to bu ild kits. or a rc thi nking ab out ge tting a low cost sho rtwave rece iver. yo u sho uld give the Te n-T ee 1254 SSB-CWAM rece iver kit a try. rtf say that half the fun is asse mbling it. It is great fun 10 bu ild and it' s a dec e nt recei ver for the pricc . l think the fo lks at Ten -Tee gave thi s de sign a lot of tho ught . no t o nly for co nstruc ting a c ha lleng ing kit. bUI for de signin g a nice little sho rtwa ve recei ver. I am kind o f sad no w that it's toget her. I wo nder if Ten -Tee make s a bigger kit. ..... ? Mod el 1254 is ava ilable from Ten -Tee (ca ll 800 -833-7 373 or write 1185 Dolly Parto n Park wa y. Se vierville. T N 378 (2 ) for S 195 plus shipping. The World Radio TV Handbook, perhaps better known as the WRTH, is on annual publication detailingthe world's radio a nd televisionstations. Enthusiasts hove relied upon the book for over halfa centUry as a reference guide in their listening or 'watching. So the listening communitywas quite sha ken when it learned of the resigna tions of the main editorial teem lost fall, particular lywhen rumors of the , book's demise started to circulate. Thankfully, the rumor proved to be just that. The WRTH is olive and welland has a new editor, David Bobbett. Bobbett willbe editing the WRTH from offices near his home in Milton Keynes, Engla nd, which is abo ut 60 miles north of london. Bobbett is a longtime shortwave listener and he is a lso on amateur radio operator. He is a lso wellexperienced in writing a nd editing, havingonce been editor for Hom Radio Todayand Rodio Communicafio n. He comes to the WRTH from work as a telecommunications joumalist. One of the Arst things Bobbett did when he was hired losl April 2 ("Ididn't wont to risk sta rting something on April 1sl/' Bobbett says.) was to visit the WRTHs former editor in chief, Andy Sennitt. Thevisit to Amsterdam launChed on ongoing cooperativeeffort between the old learn and the new. Sen nif will probably be the one to creotethe planned WRTHwebpoge. A new company known as WRTH Publica tions Ltd has purchased the license to to produce the book from BPI. Theformer North American publisher, Watson-Guptill, will continue to publish and distribute the book in the US and Canad a . Ifone phrase could describe the upcoming 1999 WRTH, it would be "business as usual." In spite of the close cooperationwith Sennitt, BobbeR has his work cut out for him. Not only is he new to the position, he is else having to prepa re the book in half the time while hiring -, additiona l staffalong the way. Bobbett does expect the WRTH to be available at its usual time of ius!prior to Christmas in North America . Readersshould look for ad justments in the book, rother than wholesale chonges, as Bobbett needs to get on edition under his belt first. That is not to say that large changes will or will not be coming: only thot WRTH fans should not expect them in 1999 simply because a new editor is in place. Adjustments for 1999 will include a change in the na me. The book will now be known simplyas WRTH, to be reRected in a new cover design incorporating the acronym. Alsolookfor some changes in the features section of the book and perhaps a slightchange in the page count. The WRTH has had problems in the post with slowdistribution of the book, pa rticula rlyoutside North America, where some areas have wa ited months for the book to a rrive in their locale. Bobbett hopes that a new and simplified publishing and distribution arrangement will end this problem. Everyone will welcome one thing that won't be changing - the price, which will rema in at $2A.95. While the book could appear on CD-ROM post 1999, Bobbett is not convinced that this is the way to go. "I don't wont 10 give crwcry the fa mily silver," he explains. He is also skeptica l that such on offering would be profitable. A more likely scena rio is a CD with informotion that supplements the printed WRTH. Another long-term change tha t Bobbett hinted at is a reorganization of the country listings. These a re listed by continent now, but they may be listed olphobeficolly in the luture. The WRTH has else published a numberof other publicotions over the years. While someof these, suchas the WRTH Sotellile/ TV Handbook, may reoppear down the rood, don't look for them right away. "The WRTH is our first priority and remains our core business," expla ins Bobbett. The WRTH will continue to use monitors a nd collaborators in preparing the book. Bobbett has a n open door policy and he welcomes suggestions, constructive comments, and information from readers. You can reach him at: P.O Box 7373, Milton Keynes, MK12 SZl, United Kingdom. His email is [email protected] .co.ukor fax him at AA 1908 32 1030. "I a m open to any suggestion except resign," stresses Bobbett, laughing. September 1998 MON ITORING TIMES 7S ~!-------- The World Above 30 MHz Richard Barnett 5ranMast,[email protected] The Digital Invasion P ublic safety radi o sys tems utilizing fu ll-time di git a l vo ice tech no logy arc grad ua lly bec om ing mo re prevalen t aro und the United States. Up until last yea r. we had see n digit al syste m s co nstructed in C leve land and Akron. O hio (Akron wa s per haps the first). the Florida High wa y Pat ro l (and othe r state age nc ies) in th e sou thern and east ce ntral portions ofthe state. and ce rtai n troops ofthe New Hampshire S tate Po lice. Th er e ma y ha ve been other sys tems. hut these were the most notabl e. Now, in the last four month s alon e, we ' ve com e to und er stand th at fou r com m un ities in New Eng la nd alo ne have gone a ll di g ita l: Go ffsto wn. Ne w Hampshi re : West Warwi ck . Rhode Is land ; and Branford and M ilford , Co nnec tic ut. T hese are aver age- si zed co m muni ties. But the di gital cloud docs no t stop at suburban Am er ica or at a few hig city sy stems. T he e ntire state of De laware is switch ing o ver to an A PC O (Assoc iatio n o f Pub lic Safe ty Communicatio ns Officials ) 25 co mp liant digital sys te m . Public safety di g ita l ma kes sense in that it allows user s to employ fort hcom ing co m m unica tio ns techno logie s such as fingerpr int tran smittals and all man ner o f ad vance d gee-wh iz gear. It also pro vid es for spec tru m efficiency . In th is da y of crowde d airwaves , d igital transm iss ion s require a narrower ba nd width. So me publi c sa fety ag enc ies a lso tout the idea that di g ital provid es pri vacy. but th ey reco gn ize true privacy o nly co me s wi th encry ption , whi ch wou ld render all efforts to mo nitor their co m munication s use less. Encrypt io n on d igita l s ignals is not that d iffi cu lt. A law enfo rceme nt agen cy whic h claims it' s o nly go ing to dig ital because they can' t find freq uen cies w ill show its tru e co lor s if they actually spend the mon ey for fu ll enc ry ption. An A pril2 1articl e in the Providen ce Journal Bullet in revea led an interest ing case stu dy regardi ng the di gital d ichotom y ... or ambivalence, as it we re . O n the nn e hand the ci ty of We st Warwick. Rh od e Island . wa s proc laim ing the d awn of the sile nt age for sc a nner listeners as they we re sw itching toadi gita l syste m . Th e local po lice were unhapp y that crim inals had been using scanners to track their wh ereab outs. West W ar wick was spendi ng a ha lf-mi llio n do llars on their sys te m, which is no small chunk o f change for a co mm unity of the ir s ize . Upon hear ing thi s news. poli ce offic ials fro m other Rhode Island c ities and town s were apparen tly aghast. Th e poli ce ch ief in Warw ick, right ne xt doo r. co mme nted in the arti cle . " O ften. it' s those citizens who are o ur eyes and car s. Th ey ' ll hear we ' re a fter so meone on the sca nner - say a drunk dri ver - and th ey'l l ca ll in and g ive us a locatio n. So there are pro s and CO ilS . " Si nce A PCO is ove rseei ng a na tio na l standard for d igit a l publi c safe ty sys tems to allo w fnrco mpetitive pric ing of two -way 26 MONITORING TIMES September 1998 eq uipmen t and for the pur poses of intero pcr ubili ry. d igita l does not mean that scann ing w ill o ne da y co me to an end . Even witho ut a natio nal sta ndard. trunk ing certa inly didn't mean the end of scanner s - to the contrary, whi le late in com ing, tru nking sc anne rs have cause d a resurgence of intere st. As more co mm unities dip their toe into the di g ital wa ters and switch to the se new syste ms. co m munica tions offi cials aro und the country sho uld be mo nito ring the plu ses and mi nuse s o f digital ami wei gh ing their deci sion to switc h. Ultimately , we sho uld eventually see eno ug h critical mass o f di gital sy stems for scanner man ufacturer s to tak e note of the situatio n and respond , Ju st as tru nking sc anne rs pro ved esse ntial to firefighters o n Cap e C od who need ed to mo nitor th ei r new co unty trun ked sy stem . d igit a l scanners wil l one day pro ve vita l to volunteers and othe r publi c safety o fficia ls in Delaw are who need a low -cost mo nito ring so lutio n. We shou ld tak e it upon o urs elves to tra ck th e de ve lopment and op erat io ns o f digital pub lic sa fety systems aro und th e co untry. If your co mm unity or cou nty is suggesting a bond, tax or othe r effo rt to raise or spen d funds o n a di gital system. become invo lved and rai se the issue of whether the sys te m is intended for features or for pr ivacy. Po int out the fact that it' s in eve ryo ne 's interest to have the publ ic mon itor no n- sen sit ive co m municatio ns . inclu di ng routine pub lic sa fety traffic . As k wh eth er low-co st eq uipme nt (two way radi o s with tran smit disab led . mo st likely) wi ll be made avai lab le fo r the pub lic to mon itor. Pre ss for the purch ase of A PCO-25 co mp lia nt eq uip me nt so that nation al standa rds can at least be met. Please se nd me e-m ail (sca1l11las ter@(lol.com ) or w rite to me at P.O . Bo x 6 104 2S. Ne wto n Highlands. MA 02161. and let me know the details. Which system ha s been cho sen? Who is the manu factu rer ? \V ill enc ry ption be used ? W ill radios be made avail abl e to the public? W hat agen cies will use the system? W ill any agenc y remain on the ir o ld sys te m'? P lease send alon g any othe r informat ion yo u ha ve 0 11 the sys te ms as wel l. We 'l l try to pu t togethe r a listin g o f the d igit al buil d -out s around the country and keep all of o ur read ers infor med . T ha nk s! • Lm Radio - Who 's Using It? Th e rece nt Inte rnatio nal W ireless C om m unicatio ns Expo (I WC Ej in Las Veg as showed us quite clearl y th at SOO M Hz and U HF log ic trunking rad io (LT R ) com municatio ns is the curre nt wave in co m merc ial radio sys tems. At lea st it is for those prov iders who wish to battle with . or offer an alternati ve to , NEX T EL. NEX TEI.. w ith their iDEN rad ios . is gro w ing expo nentially as they have purchased hu nd red s of two-way bus iness tru nking systems aro und the natio n. have snapped up spectrum. and have chan ged the entire natu re o f the mob ile rad io busi ness in A merica . Yo u can hardl y go to wo rk a rgo o ut shopping tod ay w itho ut seeing a sma ll co ntracto r or landscaper talki ng o n their NEX TE L radios. Many sma ll two -way deal e rs have ba iled out of the busi ness in the face o f NEXT E L's multi -m illion dolla r adver tisi ng bud ge t and feature-rich pla tfo rm. O n (he o ther hand. many cla im that NEX TE L is ex pe nsive and actually does not offer all the disp atch fun ction a lity found o n traditi on a l analog rad io sys te ms. Th is is why man y two -way firm s offer LTR trunking as an alternative . Many radio manu facture rs prod uce LTR eq uipment and prices are the refore q uite rea son ab le. LTR decoders arc o n the market . but no scanner manu facturer has prod uced an L TR -capable receiver. \V hy not? T he primary reason is that there arc ac tually very few L T R public sa fety rad io sys tems o n the air. There arc a few Jo hnson Mu lti-net sys tems. hu t this is a mo re ad va nced version of LTR . Th ere arc. however. a grea t many businesses which usc LTR that many of us wo uld find interesti ng to monitor . incl uding co llege s, to w truck outfits. sec urity ti rms, and oth ers. I' d like to as k yo u to do so me more work in the name of the scanner ca use. If you kno w of LTR sys te ms in yo ur area . and yo u' re fam iliar w ith so me of the more interesting users of these sys te ms. plea se co ntact me at the add ress ab ove so that all of our read ers ca n kno w who's using the old ori ginal. nut still viable. trunk ing protocol. If we ca n dem o nstrat e enoug h interest in LTR , and pro vide exa mples of very co mpe lling sys tem use rs. we may be able to affect the future of sca nner desig n. These are important issues and I urge yo u all to take part. • Oklahoma Trunk ing Update A contributor. who wishes to be known as RDW. sent the following material ( 0 us a few months back in regard 10 the Oklahoma Highway Patrol trunking radio system. " During the Christmas holidays. the Troup A syste m was convertcd from Type I to Type Ih ..Here arc the talkgroups as I understand them ... Oklahoma Department of Public Safety Frequencies [Troop A . O klahoma G tyl: 86 1.2 125, 862 .2125 ,863.2 125, 86 4.2125, 865 .2 125 TG 3 1760 4 1616 41648 41680 4 1712 4 174 4 4 1776 4 1808 OHP ID USAGE RMA 4 1840 4 1904 4 1936 CH 4 Tom Units Oklahoma State Capitol Petrol Executive Security AM 1 Troop A Metro (Oklahoma County) Prima ry AM 2 Troop A Metro (Okla homa County) Secondary Paul, Union, a nd Victor Units (Minimal Traffic) AR 1 Troop A Rural (outsideOkla homa County) Primary AR2 Troop A Rurcl loutside Okla homa County) Secondmy Cha nnel A for unknown a gency Capitol Patrol or Governor Uni ts Channel 2? Treap A Supervisors CH 1 CH 5 CH I CH 2 CH 1 CH 2 42000 CH 2 DPS 2 .:1 2064 .:12128 . :1 2 160 43408 RADIO Radio Technicia ns (Paul Units) Tumer a nd Ki lpatrick Turnpike Units Turner and Kilpa trick Turnpike Chonnel2? "Centra l Control" CH 2 45360 Trcnsport [Deltc Un;t,) .:1 5..:188 Mabel Bossett Prison {Edi tor's Note: This materia l is somewhat old and limited. Ifyou hove further details on this system and its tolkgroups, please be sure to pass it along to us. Thanh .} • New York, New York; It's a'Changin' Around Th ere ' s bee n a resurgen ce in New York . T he Mayo r has cleaned up the image of the city and crime is down significantly. As part oft he effo rt to beef- up enforceme nt, the New York Police Depart ment (N YPD) has revamped their freque ncy plan and acqu ired (and inte nds to put into o peratio n) new 480 MHz cha nnel s. Ne w York is, alo ng with Washin gton .. D.C . and Los A nge les , o ne of the 1I1()st fascinating regions of the natio n to mon itor (write me if yo u q uibble with my assessment"). It' s also o ne of the most co mplex . Be lo w is a port ion of the information prov ided by Scanner Master edi tor Warren Silve rman on the new plan fo r the NYP D and o n othe r Big Apple agenci es. inc lud ing so me very co mplete dat a on the ci ty tr unking radio system. Scanner Master New York Metro/Northern New Jersey Guide 6th Editio n New York Police Department Frequency Update ~ 470 .6875R 470 .7 125R 470.8625R 470.8875R 470.7375R 470.7875R 470 1625R 471.0125 471.1 375 470.8125R 470 .6625 R CTCSS/ Ou'l>ul 136.5 110.9 136.5 114.8 167.9 100.0 110.9 151. 4 123.0 186.2 100.0 151.4 167.9 186.21 123.0 167.9 Planned 482.6875R 482.4625R 482.4875R 482.662 5R 482.6375R 470 .862 5R 482.4375R 482.4125R 482.7 125 482.7375 482.7875 110 .9 123.0 136.5 100 .0 110 .9 15 1.4 15 1.4 123.0 123.0 136.5 151.4 Citywide Interoperobility 5.1. Troffic 5.1. 5.0 .0 . ~~ 470 .8375R 482.3875R 470 .6375 470 .6625R 5eptember / 998 SOD 5.1. Citywide Interoperobility Intelligence/C ommand SCU SPI N CW I ON 2 Wa rra nt Checks only CW3 CW4 Detective 1 WIF ·56.:1? Detective 2 OCCB 1 WI F·563 OCCB 2 W IF·569 AB/Command Traffic SPIN S.I.CW I SICW 2 CW 3 SICW3 SICW4 Ma nhatta n Interopera bility Bronx lnteroperability Brooklyn Inlerope rability MO NITORING TIMES 27 482.8 125 482.8375 482 .53 75 47 1.0875R 47 1.0625R 47 1.0375R 470 .9875R 470 .9625R 470.9375R 470.9125R 482 .8625R 482.5625R Parking Enl. u.... 167.9 186.2 186.2 100.0 110.9 123.0 136.5 151.4 167.9 186 .2 100 0 100.0 Qu ee ns Inlerope robility Sta ten Island N. lnlerope robility Stoten Island S. lnteroperobility Palrol BoroManhattan South ooo - 12(l ) Man hattan Bore President' s Office ooo - 13{M} M.oyor's Office of Emergency Management-Operations 000· 0 (I S) Mayor' s Office of Emergency Management Interagency Petrel Bore M anhattan North Pe trol Boro Bro nx 200·A(0 l) 200-B(02} 200·((03} 200·DI04) 200 ·5IEj 200 ·F{06j 200·G(07) 200·H(08j 200·911) 200-J(1 0) 200·K(11) 200 ·NI 14j Palrol Bora Brooklyn South Patrol Bore Brooklyn North Patrol Boro Q ueen s South Petrel Boro Quee ns North Petrol Boro SI North Patrol Boro 51 South District i:KSS U1< d53.250R 151.d Q,gn!l.<!.llimo Bronx Operc ncns. some Ons Trc ffic Enf 3 !J.ni.!1...l,Itilizing n o1,202.dOl , 3P Flee' 2 Ta xi & Limo Commission Channel Ada m 2A Chonnel Boy 2B Channel Cha rlie 2C 20 T&LC Administra tion T&lCmmO- Correction - Radio Shop Correction - ERU - Emergency Response Unit Correction - Support Services/Constuction Department of Paries a nd Recrecficn Commissioner's Sta ff Dept. of Juvenile Justice/Transportation Deportment of Consumer Affairs/ Enforcement The Center for Anima l Care ond Control 2F 2G 2H 21 2J 2K 2N A01A ,A02, .s03, 453.825R 151.4 453.9S0R 15 1.4 Brooklyn Opercticos Traffic Enf 3A Traffic Enf 38 .471.1 62SR 15L4 Manhollan/Oueens/ Br'klyn Traffic Enf.4 471.1875R 15 1..4 Manhattan Tow Pound Treffie Enft 5 471.2125R 15 1.4 Highway/ TIUf fOD/ TOPS Traffic Enf 6 47 1.2375R 15 1.4 Highway Response DOT 7 dOd, 801, 802, 803 1·720. 730. 7dO 1·301. 302, 303. 30d, 30dA, 305, 802, 80d 1·101,102, 103, 10d. 105, 107 , 108, 109, 110 1·1 06, 10M , 108, TI U 1·50 1, 502, 503. 50d, 505. 800 DOT units FDNY Bureau 01 EMS Radio Usage Fr~ l&ag~ crcss 478.0125R 478.0 125 477.9125R 483.6 125R 478.2625R 477.8625R 484 .2375R 484 .4875R 483.3625R 483.4875R 483.2375R 477.8375R 478.2 125R 477.8625 487.4875 MED 1·10 Citywide Command Q uee ns 1 85 .4 85 .4 85 .4 85.4 85 .4 85 .4 85.4 85 .4 85.4 85.4 85.4 85.4 85.4 85.4 85.4 167.9 Q ueens 2 Brooklyn North Brooklyn Centrol Brooklyn South Richmond Manhatta n South Manhattan Centra l Manhattan North Bronx South Bronx North TAC 1 TAC 2 AlS Cccrdidc fion 28 MO NITORING TIMES Sep tember 19 98 400·HI08) 400 ·1109) 400·Jl l 0) 400 ·K(111 400 ·l (12) 400 ·M(13j 400 ·N (14) 400-0(1 5} Wf/ N+S Wf/PlN AIR WfR ·RG HAZMAT HC/ SEW FlT/ OP DOITT Bureau of Air Policy a nd Programs Wa ler Trea tment Bureau of Ha za rdous Materia ls Fleet/ Ope rations (Potched 10000 ·"0 " ond 200·"0" and ???) Type II Fleet 8224 8256 8288 8304 8320 8352 Specia l Na rcotics Prosecutor La w Enforcement Kings/ New York County DA? FDNYCha nnel 6 Adom-Administra tion FDNY Channel 6 Boy-Ope rations FDNY Cha nnel 6 Cha rlie-Communica tions Offices (CO) FDNY Channel 6 Dcvid-Ccmmunicoficns Administrative 8371 8384 8388 DP&R DP&R' 8432 8448 8464 8512 8528 8544 Department of Information, Technology and Telecommunications Trunked Radio System Uniclen Trunk"acker Fle e' Map bO:5·4; b 1:S-O; b2:S-12; b4 :5·13 Because of the sizes there a re no b3,b5,b6,b7 Sub-f lee tlTolkgroup ldentjficction s Fleet 3 (Cha nnel numbers in 3 series) 000-1(A) Mayor's O ffice of Emergency Ma nagement ALERT 000 -2IB) Department of Heolth 0OO-3(CI HPD????Kate come in please; 239 000-4{ DI New York Bota nical Ga rdens 000-5{ E) NYC Mayor's Office Community Assistance Unit 0001IG) NYPD Chiel of De port ment ODD-8[H) Dept. of Business Services; Security & Enforcement Section 000· 10(J) Deportment 01Buildinqs 000· 11(K) NYC Sher;ff/G v;1Process (Cha nnel numbers in I series) Description 400-A(01} EXEC Executive (DEP I=Commissioner) IA Ma nha ttan Repairs Water Supply and Was te400·B(02) WS/MAN water Collection IB Bronx IC 400 -((03) WS/ BX 400-D(04) WS/B Kl Brooklyn 1D 400·E(051 WS/ QNS Queens Sta ten Isla nd 400-FI061 WS/S I Administration Wa ter Trea tment/ Wa ste Wa ter 400-G1071 Wf/ADM Pollution Control Fleet 1 s.Ilb.!!«:! 8576 8592 8608 862A 86 40 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3G 3H 3J 8656 8688 8704 8720 8736 8752 8784 8BOO 6-A 6· B 6 -C 6 -0 FDNY FDNY BEMS inspections FDNY BEMS inspections DOl! FDNY/ BEMS Inspections HPD HPD HPD DOC/ DTC (Dept. ofDesignan d Ccnstrucfion l "Sub Surface Bose" Mayor's Office, Office of Specia l Projects and CommunityEvents FDNY Fire Marshals Deportment of Correction HRA: Office of Revenue Investigation IPRI) Eligibilty Verifica tion Review; Froud Investigators Crosswalk TV Computer,& DOlO Communications Agency Office of the Chief Medical Exa miner NYCHA-Citywide Maintenance NYCHA Emergency Crew DOH LAB MOEM Executive; DOH Security C~OMMUNICATIONS ITrunkTracking Radio I I . .ELECTRONICS INC. N ow•••M on/tor fnlnk.d radio broadc•• t. SavebigonBearcal235XLTor BC895XLT trunk tracking radio scanners from GEl. To get your freefax-ondemandcatalog. dial734·66J.8B88 from the telephone handset onyeur faxmachineandfollow merecorded voiceprompts. Visit CEI on the web at www.usascan.com for special savings. Get many freebenefits such asextended warranty coverage on new scannerswhen you useyour CommunicationsBectromcs Plati· numPlusMaster Cald@lssuedby "BNA. Noannualfee. Call 1· 800·523·7666anytime.Mf;f1110noffer Q3Kllorequestyours loday. I Il h T lI l Hl rr Oll 'S C01 "N ' " I EXI'lln."--l om "'lI ! ""_. \11 I #-------~ 1I SAVE $ 9 5oo ooeBC895XLT II 1 1 Save S9S..men yeN purchase yOU' BeaJeal895XLTscanner directly lromCorr'mncalIOOS Elet:trcIna Inc. PO 60_ 1045. Am AsboI 1lI 48106US"" Teleptlone Order$olC«llled _~ HlOO·USA·SCAN Men· borl O'li f UWM91 . TERMS ' Good onto, II'l USA & C3nada Only one ~ is redeemable perccrces e and my on sptd, ect prQdu:: ,-----------, Bearcal®895XLT-A Radio Scanner Mig. suggesled list priceS729.951Special $319.95 300 Channels - 10 banks - Built·in CTCSS- S Meter Size: 10-1/2" Wide x 7·1/2· Deep x 3-318· High Frequency Coverage:29.ooo·54.oooMHz., 108.000-174 MHz., 216,OO().51 2.000MHz., 806 000·823.995MHz., 849.012!Hl68,995 MHz ,. 894.0125-956.000 MHz TheBearcal895XlT is superblor interceptmg trunkedconmuneatens trensrnsscns (see BC235XLT oescronom withteaiures like t urt cscan'» to search VHF channels at 100 steps per seccnaThisbase andmobilescanner isalsoideal forintelligence professionals because it has a Signal Strengtll Meter. RS232C Port 10 allowcompuler-control of yOUf scanner VIa optional hardwareand30 lrunking channel lfldtCator annunciators to showyou reeterre trunking activity for an enhfe tmnking system. Other leatcres include Aulo Store - Automallcalfy stores all acnve lreqoeoces wittun thespecifiedbank/S). AuloRecording - This teature lets you record channel activity Irem me scannerontoa tape recorder. CTess Tone 803m /Continuous Tone Control SquelCh System) I'ttlich anows the squetd lto be broken duri'lg scannrq only 'NIlen a correct CTCSS toneis received. For manmm scanning eflJoyment, order the loIlOWlngoptional accessories: PSOOl Cg are n~ kghter power cora tortefTllOl"ary operallon IremYOlJr vehide'scigarelle.ghter $14.95: PSOO2 DCpower cord •enablespermanentoperatIOnfromyourvet*:le·slusebox$14.95; MBOOl Mobilemounting bracket$14.95; EX711External speaker withITlOIJntingbrackel & 10teel 01cable wimplug ~lIached S19 95. The BC895XLT comes with AC adapter, lClescopic antenna. owner'smanual andoneyearlimiledUniden warranty. Bearcal®3000XLT-ARadio Scanner Mfg. suggested list price S699.951Special $329.95 400 Channels' 20banks' Twin Turbo Search/Scan FrequencyTransler· VFO Control' Automatic Store 10 Prillrity Channels ' Selectable Mode· Data Silip Frequency stepresolution 5, 12.5 & 25KHz. Size:2·3/4· Wide x 1·112" Deepx 7·3/8" High Frequency Coverage: 25.000-549.995 "1Hz,. 760.QOO.823.995 MHz., 849.0125868.995MHz., 894.0125-1,300.000MHz TheBearcal 3OQOXlT is theIdealhandheldradIOscan· ner lor communications professionals. This handheld staMer scansatl 00channelsper secol"ld andsealches al a rate up 10 30J steps per second. A selectable atlenuatorehmmalesannoyingintermoduiationfrom aoj· jacent frequenCIes In highly populated areas Select· able AM, Wtee FM and Narrow FM modes allow youlo change the defaultrecer.; ngmode 01the BC3000XLT. Formaximumscanning pleasure, order the lollowing optl()I'lal accessones· UA502Cigarettelighter powercordfortempo· raryoperalionfromyOur vehicle'scigarette lightef $14.95; l C3000Deluxe swivel lealherc arrying case$49,95: BP2500rechargeablenickel·cad· miumbattery packlor uptoliveh:lurs01depend· able use$39.95: ANTMMBNC Magneticmounl scannerantenna with BNC jack and 12 feet of cable $29,95. ANTSGBNC Glassmounfscan· ner antenna with BNC cable 529.95. The BC3000XLT comeswith AC adapter, belt clop, flexible rubber anlenna, earp'1 one, owner's manualandoneyearlimile1 Uniden warranty. Ordertoday. ~ i:::s;::ti~If '~lI~~ i::x~~~., =! ~I~-:\" ·1 1SAVE $ 7 0oo one BC235XLT 1 Save$70 wtlen youpurcnasa r->llI 8ea~' m XlTtlan<flel:l SCill"Vlel dlrecttyfromCom:mllicalionsEtectrol'llcs lnc..POBo. l 045,AnnArtJor 1 1.4148106 USA Telephone orders accepted. GnUl 'bOO.USA.SCAN. 1 1 Menhonolfer uNIMa2, TERM S' Goodonly inUSA &. Canada Onlyooe " co. :"~d=~r =~=t,-':':P~ed~ ~ , Bearcal®235XLT-A TrunkTracker Trunk lockout . Trunk Delay' Extra banery & charger police, Monitor fire, weather, marine, medical, aircraft and other transmissions with your Bearcat scanner. BearcaI9000XLT·Abase/mobile Bearcal3000XLT·Ahandheld $344.95 $329.95 Bearcat 895Xl T·A TrunkTracker base $319.95 B earcat 760XLTAb / • ase mobile .. .. Bearce! 235 X LT·A TrunkTracker scanner Sportcat 150·A handheld with 800 MHz $179.95 $269.95 $144.95 $79.95 $169.95 $14995 earcat cc t z- In orma Ion rna Ie ................ . ICOM peR1OOO·A computer scanner S474.95 teOM R10handheld wideband scanner 10 Priority Channels " Programmed Service Search Size:2·1/2· Wide x 1·314· DeepJ 6· High S399.95 Aelm MS200·A computer programmable $219.95 Relm HS2oo·A2 handheld CTCSS/aoo MHz. •.S169.95 FfflIUNI&Y COr8r4p : 29lXX1·;4, OOO MHz. 108-174 MHz . 406·512 tAlll . 806·823995 MHz . 849 0125-868 sss IJHz.. 8~ 0125-956000 lJ.t1z The Beercat I runkItacker BC235XLT, IS the world's NEW/RElM®MPV32-ATransceiver 1.119· suggesledlist price $5l5JXWSpecial S299.95 Loolung lora great hand-hekf two-way lransceNer'1 Law ertorcemenl firstscanner cepab'e oftrackinga selected radiotransmission as it moves across a trunked radio system. Now It'S easy to monitor f leets and sucteets in ana trunked radio systems. The BC235Xl T can also work asa conventionalscanner. This3DO-channel, oeoeecs onthe RELIJMPV32 ltansce;wer lordiretllwo-way corrmri:aIlOIlS 'Io'IIh l!'leW Ite orpoice department. eM! defense agency or programmable handheld scanner prcvdes scanner userswith uflInterrupled monitoringcapabiU· ties 01Type I. 11. IIi and hybrid tNnkingsystems. Now it·s easyto ccntoucusfy rronaor conversenons even !hough lhe message is switching frequencies. The BC235Xl T comes with AC adapter, CRX120 battery charger, two reo chargeablelongIile n-cadbatterypacks.belt Clip, flexible rubber antenna, earphone, owner'smanual andone year limited Uniden warramv. The BC235XlT when ordered fromCEI '1 now features built·in attenuator feature. Not cOfTllatibie With AGEIS, ASTRO, EDACS,ESASand LTRsystems,Call CEIat l ·800·USA·SCAN 10orderyour Bearcat Trunktracker now [VHF/GMRS/CB RadiosI . Haw lun and use O'ur CB. GMRS. stc nwave and ccnmercet reoos to keep in tOlJdl with the wofld, lriendsandlaffilly. Cobra 148GTl·A CarsPECtAl $139.95 Cobra 148FGTl ·A SSB C8 with trequenC"f counter 5179.95 Cobra 29WXST-A CB Voi!h sound tradler:echnoIogy 5149.95 Cobra HH45WX·A HandheldC8 radIO w~ wealher 569.95 l,.laxon GMRS210_3·A GMAS Iransceiver!SPECIAl 5144.95 RELMMPV32-A5 wattVHF handheldtral'lSCenrer $299.95 Ul'llden GRANTXL·A SSB CBMobile . S124.95 UrndenPR0 538W·A CB& Weather . $54.95 Sangean ATS800·A2 shortwave receiver $4995 sse I BearcaI60XLT·A handheld scanner Bearcat BCT1 2·A information mobile B 1BCT7 A· I ,. bil . S Mfg. suggested list price $429.95/CEI pnce 269.95 300 Channels '1 0 banks ' Trunk Scan and ScanUsts • Radio Scanners hamradi)r~lerThe M PV32ISOU"rros1p:lpU1ar~llIe lreqverq a~ INe watt. 32 or optiOnal 64 dlamel l1anIilekl Ifanscerverl!\alhas buil!-in CTCSS.whiCh maybeprogralMlEld lor any 39 standard EtAtees. Frequency fange 136000» 17<4 000 1,lH2 . The ful lunctlOn, DTIJFcorfllCllible keypad also alows lor DTMF grcccenecooe and p~ra mmablE! ANt. Weighi'lg only 1550l,.lleaturesdealerprogrammable synllleSiZetltrequercleS erthef SIJllllex Olhalfd~lex 112.SKHl .increments.Otherleatures ir.Clude PC progra mming and clonjng capa~ln ies, scaniSl . prior ity C/laMe!. selectable scan delay. seleclable 5 walt/l wall power Ieve's.1qutd crySlaldispiay.lrme-oottimeranclmo.ch rnJi'e.When youorder lheMPV32 IromCEI,youllgetaromplelepack.1ge deal Includir,g antenna,700ma baltery(add S20.oo1osubsti· ~~:';!ltute a 1000 rna battery). baUery charger. tenClip arc iii _, usel opefating inSln.choflS Otner useful accessories ~ aleavai!able A healYdl.Cy eater carry-fig casew:Ih SWIVel bell loop part ' LCMP IS 549.95: fapld charge banerycharger.pal'!f BCMPIs $69.95; spea~ef/maopIIone. part ' SMMPIs$S4,95; extra IIighcapac(y 10CKl ~ ,><oo"'". _ ."" ","Pl.",,,,... 700 rna. e-eeo baIlery pack. pal'!. BPMP7 oS$59.95; cklnng cable pan.CCMP is S3-4 9S. PCprogralMling U, pal'!'PCKlTOJO is $22495 . A UHFverSIOn WIth a tfequency range ~ 450-460 IJHz part .t.lPU32 is $3-19 S5. You RElMladio lransceivetiSidylor rnany different appIcalioflS Since (can be prograrr:med WIlh justa screwdnvef arc prograrnmr'l!l lllSlrudlORS .. less than 10 minules. PrograrrmngIs eventasler WIth lhe tJPIiOnaI PC " The tedri::ian progral1lfT*'!J inSInJClions part , PIl.lPV 15 $18 00 ca~ 1·8O().USA·SCAN loorcler ( Buy with confidence I U's easyto order from us. Mail orders to: CommunicatiOfls Electronics Inc., P.O. Box 1045, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 USA, Add518,00 perwealherstalion or radio product for UPS ground shipping, handling and insurance 10 the continental USA unless otherwise stated. Add 512.00 Shipping for all accessories and publications. Add $12,00 shipping per antenna. For Canada, PuertoRico, Hawaii, Alaska, Guam, P,O. Box or APOIFPO delivery. Shipping charges are two limes continental US rales. Michigan residentsadd stale sales tax. No COO's. Salislaction guaranteed or retum item in unused condItion in or'g:nal packaging W1tnitl 61 days for refU'ld, less sh!pprngCharges. 10"10surcharge for nellObilling 10 qualdied accounts. All salesare subjecl lo availability, acceplanceand Sangean Shortwave Receiver verification. Prices. terms and specilicatiOfis are subject 10 MIg. SU9'Jesled tisl price S399.95/Sped. 1 cha!'lge wrthout notICe. We welcome your Discover, Visa. Amencan Ex ~re ss. MaslerCard, IMPAC or Euroca·d. Call Size: 8·114- Wide x 1·1/2- Deep J 5- High Frl'QuencyCoverage:l W: 153-513 KHz.; MW: 521)-1710KHz.; anytllTle 1·800-USA-SCANor 800-872-7226to order I-:>II-Iree. Call 734·996-8888it outside CanadaortheUSA FAXanytime, SW: 1711·29999 KHz.; FM: 87.5--1 08.0 MHz. Now manfO'the 'MJrld 011 lhe masl advanced sl'IorTwave lecerver dial 734-663·8888. Dealer and inlemaliotlal inquiries invited. ava,~ble lremCEI The Sangean ATS909 lcaMes 306memones. A.i>O OrderfromCo-nmunicalions Electronics Inc. today andsave. _ _ _ _ _ ... I,.M>lJ f:lilll'IMl I" " ' e - _ E _ " ' I~alures automate ll,ll'l ng to automatoca:ly MdaU!O'"...a1 statoons , ,.-rthIhe push 01,jl bultoo. frye tUrling melflOds. e'9hl characler a~ha nu menc display.uppef andbiller singleSIde bandreceptoon, Radio Dala System (ADS) aulomalcalty shows SlaliOn call ieners on ADS equipped FM SlallOllS AF Gam conUJI.adJuslablesleep timer.42 world c~y llrl"les.dual lillie system. Seleclable manuall une SlepS. wQ&'narrowMerreduces adjilcent Slation IOterterence,Banery & Signal Strellgthindicator.9KHz) Communic ations Ele ctro n ic s Inc. 10 KHz, swnch lighted LCD Display, Lock SWilch, separate audio Emergency Ope r atio n s Center wcorder OUlpul & stand·by ronuol iacks a~o ws user 10 program tape e ~mail: cei@us asc an.com rerordertotumonat threedilferentflmes Uses4AAbatleries Whcny:)u order theATS909Iromus. youl l get a cemple:epackage deal lncludng www.usas ca n .c o m e>:ternal ACadapler.portable antenna,carryingcasealldlimned one y~ar PO Box 1045, Ann Arbor, Michigan 481 06·1045 USA &lngeanwa nant ~ C.111 t·800·USA·SCANloorderyour short.....ave radIO For intormalian call 734·996·8888 or FAX 734·663·8888 ATS909-A2 $21 9.95 For credit card orders call 1-8OG-USA·SCAN The HF Communications Spectrum Hugh Stegman, NV6H [email protected] US Air Force, MacDiII: The last Signoff F e w shortw ave O fF ) utility statio ns we re better known than Macl.iill Global. the U.S . Air Force Global High Frequency Sy stem tG H FS) station at histor ic M acl j ill A ir Force Ba se. loc alcd o n a pen insu la ju st sou th of Ta mp a. Florid" . For many years it suppo rted co untle ss military and c ivil ia n o perations in the C aribbe an and Gu lf' of Mexico . not the least of these being anti -dr ug o peratio ns and hurri ca ne weat he r reco nnais sance. Though both mi ssion s no w have primary data lin ks o n oth er freq uencie s. the HF cir cuit s were and arc still in daily usc. Well. when June ended. so d id J\:lal'Dill Global . surprising almos t eve ryo ne. For yea rs. I'd been wo nde ring abo ut this station's status. T he base was dow n to om: air re fueling missio n. and the G loba l's fut ure was prett y much in limbo. Apparently. DISA. the U.S. mi litary's ow n De fen se Infor matio n Sys te ms Ag ency . ha d been as king the same quest ion s. Now we a ll know the an sw er. MacD ill's ex it co uld hard ly have been any mo re d ram atic. At 2400 UTC (Coordina ted U n iversal Time. or "Z ulu " ). they c ulled Andrews Global o n the b usy ami w ide ly monito red frequ en cy o f 11175 kHz US B. And re ws. the Ma ryl an d base probably be tter known to utility listen ers for its V IP ("Very Impo rtant Pe rMIIl ") communi cat ion s o n a d iffere nt se t o f freque ncie s.:mxwered . Mac ljill then reques ted permission to secure from the net. A ndrew s chal lenged the req uest . and Muc lj ill authcn ticared . W ith thi s procedure nut of the way. ~ l a eDili gnv c the short me-sage. "T his is M aeDill. Mac Dill. sign ing off afte r fifty years of service . at 01 0000 Zulu July 1995. Mal.'Dill nUL" And that wa s tha t. • The End of GHFS? We HF utilit y fans cun he a g loomy bunch. wat ching on e use r a fter ano ther move their commun ica tion s to satelli tes . The initial q llesuon. then . wus w he the r the A ir Force was al so goi ng aWily. After all. th is is the third G loh al statio n to van ish . Fortuna tel y. the an swer is no. G J-I FS is ind el'd pha sing nut. hu t Ih<: A ir Force is already huilliing its re phu:elllt:llt. It's called Sco pe Cl)ll1 rnand. Sco pc s tands for "Sys tt:1ll Capab lc or Plan lled Expa nsion ." A fter all. il \....ou IJ n't he 30 MONITORING TIMES September 1998 the U.S. military withou t a ca tc hy acronym. This one refer s to the fuct that Scope Command is thei r fir ..t comprehen sive approach to HF radio in well ove r a ge nerat io n. Let' s loo k at so me history. T he present G HFS is so me thing of a hodgep odge . It was pieced toget her at the en d of the Col d War. whe n the A ir Force reorgani zed . Most of its cle men ts came: fro m two o the r ne tworks. First wa s the G lobal Com man d and Co ntrol Syste m (GCes ). at thilt time u rad io sys tem used hy tact ica l and supply ai rcraft. though it co mp letely d iffere nt project has more reccntly take n o ver the name. Th e o the r wa.. "G iant Tal k." a gfobal nct used hy the Strat eg ic Air Comman d to Sll P P( lJ"( its nucle ar deterr en t. W hen S AC went away to becom e pa n o f the U.S. Strat egic Co mmand. most of G iant Talk was merged into GCes. Th e ult imate com hination . using some freq ue nc ies fro m one and ..o mc from the: other . evol ved qu ickl y into G HFS. Ju st about e ve ryo ne already kno ws the se frequen c ies. They're 47 2·1.. 67 12. 6739 . S96S. X992. 11175. JJ2 00. 15016. and 17976 H I,. " II US B. Mo st o ffici a l sources also list 10780 . a G H FS bac kup usuall y COll i ro lled by Cape Rad io. Cape Canaveral. Flo rida . I0 7S()is good for roc kct luuncbcs OIl the Easte rn Te st Ran ge . incl udi ng the s pace shuttle. This makes 10 frequenc ies to monitor. much be tter than the old 25 or 30. and these an.' SO IllC o f the be..t listen ing o n HE G H FS works. hut it's clunk y. W ha t with the U. S. Navy and even the Anny mo ving much of their traffi c there. operat ing proce dures get co nfusi ng . So do cs frequen cy sele ction. with users mov ing two or three times tryi ng to ge t <I clean link for a pho ne pauch . Finally. the furflung net i.. a logi:-otieal cha llenge to main tain . So e nte r SI.:t1llC Cunun nnd . Exit Bayonn e and Al bruok Glo bal . and . as we've j ust heard . exi t ~ 1 'll' D i J I. • In with the New Scope Co mmand. <I.. noted in its mi ssion state me nt. replal'cs o r co ntrol s j ust about ev cry !-I F radio over 1000 walts in thl' e ntire Ai r Force. It will l.:o l1t inue ltl usc the ex isting rrclJlIelll.' ies. hut wit h q uile a few d langes. T he mo st obviolls o ne is the "l.ig hts Qut " (,:apah ilily. It speci fics that all 14 g ro und faci Ii- ties will be remotely o perated from a Central Network Control Stat ion (CNCS) at A nd rews AFB . Everything else. the wo rld ove r. w ill be unat tended . T he Defen se Depart ment has d irect ed all services to inve stigate whether thei r highpowe r H F circuit s can he made pa n of Scope Co mmand . At a minimu m. we'l l see the huge. "Mystic Sta r" net (o ffi cial ly called SA MCOM. for S pecial A ir 7\1i s..ion s Com m unicatio ns) ge t iuco rporutcd . Even thoug h Mystic Star is already co ntrolled from And rews. I'll be intercstcd to sec ju st how Scope Com ma nd hand les SA MC O M's awesome global respons ibilities . Am ong the se 'Ire HF com m unic atio ns fo r the U.S. President and Vice - Presi de nt. Actually. Sc o pe C ommand was supposed III be finished by now . hut a request from the A ir Mobility Co mmand . a heav y G HF S use r. sen t the m hack to the draw ing board . Th e A MC want ed full Auto matic Link Estab lis hmcnt t A l.Ej capabili ty. A LE attempts to ma ke H F ci rcu its IIlOTe transpare nt to users by rcpcatcdl y op timiz ing suc h pa ramete rs as freque ncy. po wer. and an ten na . The ide al s uuation resembles the telepho ne. w here the e nd user never has to think " bo ut how much realtime grunt wo rk is goi ng into the co nnec tion. It's becoming popu lar 0111 over HF, and you may ha ve heard its link-o ptimi zin g data bursts. As for Macl.Iill . some of its communication mi ssions will move to Puert o Rico. Ot hers arc sim ply being termi nated . Ex panded statiun s at Andrews .1I1d O ffutt AFB. Ncbrusks. will take up so me o f the slac k. Me anwhile. the 199 5 hurr icane season j ust go t a little mo re interesting. So long. MacDil!. and good job ! Scope Command Ground Stations Anders,cn AFB Andrew'$ AFB Ascension Island Croughton AB DiegoGarcia Island Elmendorf AFB Hickam AFB Incirlik AB ~j~ s Field Ottutt AFB Salinos Thule AB Wesl Coa sf Yokota AB .. Guam tIlorykmd Atlantic,offAfrica United Kingdom Indion Ocean Alaska Hawaii Tur1l:ey Azores Island's Nebraska Puerto Rico ". Greenland N. California Japan DiegaGarcia isa NASAsite and Salina sisMystic.Sta r. West Coast is McClellan Globa l, near Sacramento, Calif., but base closures forced a new name. Utility Loggings Hugh Stegman Ahhr- evi atj ous us ed in th is co lum n Af6 AM ARO Air Force Base Am plitude Modulation Error-correctingteleprinter system AR06·90 Singlechannel6-character ARQ telepnntinq system ARO·E3 Single channel ARQ teleASW Baud printer system Anti-Subma rine Warfare Unitofdigital transmission speed CG CW EAM fax fEC f .S. GHfS Coast Guard Morsecodetelegraphy Emergency Action Message Facsimile Forward error correction teleprinter system French Ship GlobalHigh FrequencySystern (US Air Force) HMS [0 LOOC mlv Packet Pactor PIT RnY RYs UK UN unto US VIP Identilication l ong Distance Operational Control Motor Vessel Telepnntinq system that sendsdata inpackets Packet teleprtntinq over radie Post. Telegraph. and Iele phone Administration Radioteletype RnYteststong RYRYRY... United Kingdom United Nations Unidentified United Stales Very Important Person (distmguished visitor) All transmissions are USB (upper sideband) unless otherwise indicated. All frequenciesarein kH z(kilohertz)andall limesareUTC(Coordinated Universal Time). 111 .0 2391.0 2591.0 2598.0 2626.0 2670.0 2806.0 3840.0 4041.0 41 65.0 4460.0 4467.0 4665.0 4690.0 4880.0 5178.0 5206.0 5347.5 5598.0 5705.0 5717.0 Her Malesly's Ship (UK) SOA2 t t -w arsaw Metecroloqical, Poland.weather reports in RTTY at 001 3. (Ary Boender-Netherlands) PH FS· ml vRil nborg.at 2348. PIMT-mlv Wa lerman.at 2350. PHCX· ml v Roetot, at 2351. PEFA-ml v Gaastborg. at 2352. PORF' mlv Ooggersbank. at 2355. (Boender-Netherlands) Arcltitect-Boyal Air Force, UK. weainer at 2325. (Boender-Netherlands) Canadian CG, Stephenville. Newfoundland, with weather at 0214 . (Ron Perron· MO) FTJ·Mossad, Israel. numbers. also 4460 kHz. a12300. (Boen derNetherlands) US Coasl Guard. Moriclles. NY. with Iishinq vessel Ocean Gem. regarding sighting ot a life ring in tile water, al 011 1. (Perron-Mn) IGJ41-1talian IJavy. Augusta. Italy. RTTYat 2318. (Boender·Netherla nds) YHF· Mossad. Israel. numbers at 2300. (Boender-Netherlands) Unid-Station broadcasts nonstop clicki ng sound, signal never fades. first at 1803. (Boender-Netherlands) MIW2·Mossad.lsrael. numbers at 2218. (Boender·Netherlands) FTJ· Mossad.lsrael. numbers.also2626kHz.AMat 2300. (BoenderNetherlands) ELFM7·EIf/Soekor 011 Rlg .wllh message. "Good morning' Please send repo rt by e-mail." 1I1300-baudpacket.a t 0519. (Bob HallRSA) KPA2·Mossad. Israel . numbers at 2220. (Boender·Netherlands) Ur ud-Anotner clicking sound, at 11 37. [Boender-Nethertan ds) ULX2·Mossad Israel.numbersin AM. at 2301and 2203. (BoenderNetherlands) Unin-BackwardsMusicStation."mysterious odditythatproduces weird tones. at 2156. (Boender-Netherlands) Name apparently comes from similarity to the backward noises in rock songs. though it's nospecilictune. -Hugh "Conlrol"· Royal Navy training net. UK. at 0720. (Boender-Netherlands) "Al "·Conlrolling Dutch military tactical net. voice and RTTY. at 2134. (Boenuer-Ne therlandsl Gander-Ai r routecontrol,Canada, with Reach6303(aUSAir Force Air Mobility Command transport), at 0202. (Perron-MO) Implicate-US Strategic Com mand, wo rk ing Nightwatch 01, airborne CPoat 0333. (Jeff Haverlah, TX) Zotu-145. -Hugh 5760.0 5788 0 58000 6485.0 6501.0 6577.0 6637.0 6683.0 6694 .0 6695.0 6706.0 6730 0 6738.0 6739.0 6757.0 6761 0 6870.0 6980.0 7337.0 7550.0 7831.0 7912.7 8231.0 84500 8600.0 8650.0 8660.0 8670.0 8690.0 Coast Guard Rescue 1503·USCG HC· 130. telling Canadian Forces. Halifax Military. ot intent to return to basein Elizabelh City. at 0245. (Perron·MO) Unid-Sparush tamale5·ligurenumbers.in AM at 0228. (Gary NealTX) Unld·CWnumbersstation withmessage10 41 1.at 2030. (BoenderNelherlands) Impllcate·USStrategicCommand. calling Nightwatcli 01 at 0325. WAR 46-US Joint Alternate CPo PA, working Nightwatch. the airborne CP:went tolandlinealter copy wasbad.at0411. (HaverlahTX) l ulu- ISO. ·Hugh Lincolnshire Poacher. British numbers. possibly Cyp ru s. also on 5422 kHz. at 2200. (Boender·Netherlands) NMN-USCoastGuard.Chesapeake.VA. wealherat2351.(BoenderNetherlands) New Yo rk-Air route control. NY. with Razor 65. at 0158. (PerronMO) Could bean FB·l l1 ou: ot PeaseAFB. ·Hugh Houston Radio-Rockwell/Collins LO OC. TX. with aircralt Cappy 103. at 021 4. (Perron-MO) Andrews·US Air ForceSpecial Air MissionCommnet.working SAM 300. a VIP ffighl. at 0432. (Haverlah·TX) Ori on 54·US Navy anti-submarine aircralt from Oceana NAS. VA. reporting"Spare5" in patchto 433- number. via Halifax Military. at 0013. (Perron-Mll) Unid-"The Whales: ' a sweep-tone oddity that make s haunting , whale-likenoises, at 1934. (Boend er-Netherlands) There have been "wnstes" on HF betote. Tiley always seem to pop upnearUS Navy frequencies. Circuit noise, telemetry, or ???? -Hugh GUYW-HMS Guern sey. UK. with Hotel 19, at 0945. (BoenderNetherlands) Pa caf 01-Co mmander. US Pacific Air Force, in long patch via Andrews Mystic Star. two generals conferring on upcoming exercises. Iater given F·1 53 (8063), F·220 (11181), f ·287 (11226), and F·I 77 (unknown), a12000. (Perron-Mlr) GUSR·HMS Chaser. calling Architect (Royal Air f orce. UK). at 0826. (Boender· Netherlands) Oltut-US Air Force. OItUIt AF B. NE. controlling GHFS net for very long EAM. at 0542. (Haverlah·TX) Offutt is the first station being converted toScope Command. butnetcontrol will eventually move to Andrews. -Hugh Implicate-US Strategic Command. calling Nightwatch 01 at 0326. (Haverlah-TX) Zulu- 165. ·Hugh Va riousweak air-to-air comms at 0341 and 1413. (Haverlah·TX) Unid-Spanishmale5-digitnumbers.at 0217. (CamCastillo-Panama) llnid-Spanish female 5-digit numbers. interfering with new Radio For Peace Internalional broadcast frequency. at 0200. (CastiuoPanama) lincolnshirePoacher. numbers.also9251and 12603 kHz. at 2200. (Boender·Netherlands) Unid-Spanish female 5·digit numbers. in AM at 0303. [CastinoPanama ) lmpucate-us StrategicCommand.working NightIVatch. nocopy on response. at 0325. (Haverlah·TX) l u/,,· 170. ·Hugh) 9JZ·Lusaka Air. traffic and weather in RTTY al 0430. (Hall-RSA) Unid-CW numbers station. with "VW" marker. a12000. (Boender· Netherlands) A9M-CW marker. at 0155. (Castillo-Panama) OXZ2/0 XZ4· CW marker and Iraltic list. a12326. (Castillo-Panama) SPE41/63-CW marker. at 0158. (Casnuo-Panama) SPE42/61·CW marker at 2318. (Castillo-Panama) IAR-CW marker at 0201. TAH·. CW marker at 2320. (CastiltoPanama) EA03/EA044·CW marker at 2325. (Castillo-Panama) September 1998 MONITOR[NG TIMES 31 ~ 8734.0 87430 8764 .0 8968.0 8971.0 89830 8992.0 90160 9251.0 9996.0 10000.0 10075. 0 10204 0 10900.0 11 175. 0 11 181.0 32 UtilityWorld Loggings (continued) SVN42-Athens Radio, Greece, withvoice mirror,at2344. (BoenderNeth erlands) SVN44-Athens Rad io,Greece, withvoice mirrorat 2339. (BoenderNetherlands) NMN-US Coast Guard, Chesapeake,VA, weather at 2336. (BoenderNetherland s) Reach 90532 -US Air Force Air Mobility Command C-17, in patch throu gh Lajes, UK, to Charleston AFB, at 0155. Jaygo 42-US Air Force, in patch to An drews VIP, given Mystic Star frequencies F752 (8047) and F-354 (1 1053), at 0220. (Perron -MD) Bear 02-US Navy P-3, working Bluestar (US Navy anti-submarine and drug interdiction, Puerto Rico) , regarding track of suspicious vesse l near Haiti. at 0113. Bear 03-US Navy P-3, radio check with Bluestar, who had relay from Shadow 01, regarding intercept of Bear 03'scontact, at0523. Shadow 01 askingBluestarto go green (secure voice mode), told that hiscircuit didn't have the capability, at 0538. (Hug h Stegman-CAl Copper Pound03-Probab ly aP-3. in Caribbeantrack ing net withBlu estar, reporting ai rbo rne withcrew of 12. at 1137. Fighting Tiger 720-US Navy ASW, with V-1-K, repo rting "Spare Group 2" at 1835. (Perron-MD) Thanks. everyone, for the to on Bluestar. The P-3 opsare getting intense onthis frequency. -Hugh Rescue 1718-US Coast Guard HC-130, Clearwater, FL, in phone patch via Chesapeake to Miami Op eration s. regarding medical evacuation lrom Cuban waters , at 2139. (Perron-MD) Unknown-Possibly Portuguese Ai r Force, working Alpha 004 in Portugu ese, at 0203. MacDili (AFB) relaying EAM to Hotshot at 2358. (Perron-M D) WAR 46-US Joint Alternate CP, PA, worki ng Nig htwatch 01 . the n went to Z150(5800), at 0206. Nightwatch 01 asking WAR46 for phon e patches, which didn't con nect because the primary and backup systems were both inoperative, at 0238. (Haverlah-TX) Zuiu-175. -Hugh LincolnshirePoacher,numbers. jammed, at 2200. (Boender- Netherlands) RWM-Moscow, Russia, vlith time pips and 10, CW at 1958. (Boender-Netherlands) BPM-Xian,China.withtime signals and Morse ID,at2000. (BoenderNetherlands) Cedar Rapids-Rockwell/Collin s LDOC, airpo rt weather at 0110. (Perron-MD) RootAlum-USStratcom,wo rkingNightwatch 01,at0046.Clean cutUSStratcom, callingNightwatch01, at0508. (Haverlah-TX) Zulu190. -Hugh Unid Spanish male 5-figu re numbers at 0220. (Castillo -Panama) MacDill-MacDili Global, US Air Force GHFS, FL, telling And rews Global, Andrews AFB . the following: "Th is is MacDill, MacDil1. signing off permanently at 2400 hou rs Zulu with over 50years of service ," at 0000. (Lindsay C. Blanton-TX) See Utility World for more onMacDilf. -Hugh.Lightbulb-USAirForce, given Nightwatch net freq uencies of 2255 (unknown), Z210 (11229), and 2220 (132 45), al 0004. (Perron-MD) Z255 is most likely 17973 kHz.Hugh. AirEvac 4614-US Air Force C-141, patch Via MacD1 1i (when there was a MacDilf -Hugh), requested billeting for two patients. one distinguished visitor, 12 crew, and 65 passengers. Reported position over northwest Caribbean. Sooner 85, a C-130, advisi ng via Andrews AFB phone patch that the aircraft had toshutan engine down, at 1844. Reach 007-US Ai r ForceAir Mobility Command C17, patch via Thule to Sigonella, Italy CP for 0300 arrival from Bahrain, ca rgo and maintenancewriteup. at 0200. (Allan Stern-Fl.) Sea Bass-US Strategi c Command , working Nightwatch 01 , also using 901 6.0 (ZI75), 10204.0 (ZI90), and 13242.0 (Z215), at 1238. (Haverlah-TX) 11181 is Zulu-200. Hugh MONITORING TIMES Sepfembe, 1998 11187.0 Jaywalk-US Ai r Force, ca lling Boomtown , on "Charlie Bravo" frequ ency, no response, at 1356. (Haverlah -TX) 11 21 4.0 Dark Star Mike-US Air Force, in phone patch to Okie Sam, via Trenton Military (Canada) , at 11 35. (Perron-MO) 11244.0 Implicate-USStrategicCommand, askingThuleAirBase,Greenland, lor Nightwatch 01 working frequ en cies. at 0330. Reputable-US Stratcom , askingCrough ton (UK) for Nightwatch net freque ncies. Crou ghton patchedhimto Nightwatch01 instead. Nightwatch told himtoca llanumberat Offutt AFB, eventua llyCroughtonconnected himto "Stratcom Command Center," who asked wh ichnet hewas Iryin g to enter. Eventually, another patch, at which point stations fad ed . All this started at 0506. Accompany-U S Stratcom , tried to raise Offutt Global, then answered Mainsail (all station call) Irom what sounded like "Log Ro ll." Tried to move "Log Ro ll" to 2175 (901 6 kHZ), but couldn't, all this starting at 1801. Big Ranch -US Stratcom, with 26-character EAM, just before McClellan Global's scheduled transmission of same, at 2316. (Haverlah-TX) 11 267.0 Unid-two female US Air Force operators, different stations, both with same, unusually long, EAMan d steppingall over one another, at 2018. (Stern-FL) 11 545.0 Lincolnshire Poacher, numbers, at 1900. (Boender-Netherland s) 13375 0 LincolnshirePoacher,numbers at1500,1600,and 1700. (B oenderNetherlands) 14000.0 "Frank You ngPeter"-Numbers at 1400 an d 1700. (Boender-Netherlands) Attention, ham band intruder watch. -Hugh 14405.0 UN High Commission for Refugees, possible Swahili message, menti onedJoh annesberg,RSA,inpactorat1043. UNHCR,Kinhasa, withFrenchlanguageadm inistral ive trafficin pactor at1240. (HallRSA ) 14432 .0 PIT, Lumumbashi, with Fren ch language traffic to Renni es Cargo Terminal, then several personal Telexe s, in ARQ at 0950. (HallRSA) 14487.0 Lincolnshire Poacher, numbers at 1400 and 1700. (BoenderNeth erlands) 14686.0 Atlas-US Customs Service. TX, with aircraft 19 Charlie and 20 Charlie. at 1805. (Perron-MD) 14698.0 "1-A-V" -US Navy, withcoded traffic and EAM . at 1742. (HaverlahTX) 14996 0 RWM-Moscow, Russ ia, with time pips and ID, CW at 0630. (Boender-Nethe rla nds) 15049.0 "W-6-R ," with two EAMs. second of which was passed with note thatitem seven was garbled, at 1427. (Larry Van Horn-NC) 15097.0 Nightwatch-USAir Force jointairborneCP, inradio checkwith High Key, on "2240" freq uency, at 1950. (Perron-MD) 16995 0 Unid on-line encrypted traffic, RITY, at 121 0. (Boender-Netherlands) 17445.7 5YE-Nairobi Meteorological, Kenya, rebroadcastingMeteo Fran ce weather chart, fax at 1600. (Hall-RSA) 18597.5 Spanish Embassy, Kinshasa, Zai re. with encrypted traffic in code not seen betore, ARQ at 0747. (Hall-R SA) 18667.9 JMSFM-Egyptian Embassy. Madrid, traffic to Cairo MFA in both FECand AR Qmodes, at 1600. (Hall-RSA) 201797 RFFI C-Marine Sirpa Paris, French language traffic tor several routes. in arq -e3at 1142. (Hall-RSA) 20439.0 RYAD-Fre nch embassy, Riyadh , Saudi Arabia, coded arq6-90 traffic for routing via RD HX. at 1630. (Peter Thompson-UK) 20633.7 RFFINDI. French Navy, arq-e3 traffic on posi tions 01 Indian Ocean Fleet, for RFFIC. Marine Sirpa Paris.andvia RFVIFLR (F.S. Floreal), at 1507. (Thompson-U K) 20856.6 RFQP-French Navy, Djibouti, arq -e3 traffic for "ControledeVo le,' with DJK routing (through Dakar, Senegal). at 131 7. (ThompsonUK) , Baudot and Beyond ~--------'-Bob Evons [email protected] www.lololnel/ -fevoll5/ Addressing ACARS I n this month' s column we"1I take a break fro m our exa mina tio n u f HF mo des and foc us on one of the newer V HF modes ins tead: ACARS - Aircraft Com municatio ns Addressing an d Rep oning Sy ste m. During peak air traffi c peri od s. over 1.00 0 commerc ial tl ight s may be fou nd ju st in the skies ove r No rth Am er ica a lone. Air traffic co ntrol cente rs o pe rated by the Federal A viation Ad mi nistrat ion (fA A) in the United S tates and NAVCanada in Canada aTC entrusted with the gargantuan task of air traffic command and co ntrol man agement . No less oncr - nus an undertaking is the myriad of voice contacts between flight deck crews and ground control lers/flight ope rations managers tha t keep the airb orn e fleet flyi ng sa fely and efficiently . Much of the voice contact traffic in the past was devoted to describing routine air c raft maneuvers suc h as push hac k from the ga te. tuke off. landing and gate ar riva l at the de stination . Added In this we re mess age s o n air cra ft pe rformance, fuel con sumpt ion, po· sition reports, e tc. Voice co ntac ts general ly requ ire that the message recei ver repeat the message content in its e ntirety so that the se nde r ca n co nfirm successfu l trun smi sston. As flight e ng inee rs were elimi nated from the [light dec ks of mar ty a ircraft. the rep ort ing pan o f their job now fell to the pilot s and copil ot s. making the need 10 find a method to handle the se routine air/ground co mm unication s ev en more c ritical . Th e ACARS sol utio n was developed and imp lem ented for the a via tion industry by AR INC (Ae ronautica l Radi o Inc. ) in the mid 1970 ' s. T he sys tem W :'IS designed to cu t down on flight crew wo rk load by utilizing computcrs on board aircraft and at gro und faci lities to ex cha nge routine reports and me ssages. Howeve r, it look nearly two de cades for computer tec hnology a nd eq uipment cost effectivene ss to ca tc h lip w ith the rea lity. W hi le no t eve ry a irline c arrie r is ACARSequ ipped a nd not all a ircraft in the fleet may be outfitte d. the number of aircra ft utilizing the sys tem is grow ing sig nificantly. AC ARS is now a sta ndard pack age on all new Airbus and Boein g del ive ries. • What is ACARS? ACARS is the acronym for Aircraft Commu nicati ons Addressing and Re porting System . Thi s system is an air/ground network wh ich enables airc raft to functi on as mob ile computer terminals linked to a gro und -based comm and and control man agement sys tem. Information co llect ed from sensors onboard ACA RS ·equipped ai rcra ft is aut omatically tra nsfe rred by VH F radio link to ACARS ground faci litie s . It is the n relayed via the grou nd statio ns to a centra l co m pute r processor whe re the data is co nve rted into interai rline ope ra tiona l mes sage s throu gh the AR INC E lectro nic Swi tchi ng System (E SS). O ver 9 million ACARS messages are curre ntly pro cessed in any give n mo nth. • ACARS Components T h ree maj or c le me nts c o m p rise th e ACA RS Ne two rk. 1. T he Airborne Subsys tem (onboard the a ircra ft). which co nsists of the Managemcn t a nd Control unit s. 2. T he AR INC Ground Sy stem, consis ting of the ACA RS VHF Remote Ne tworks. the ACARS Front-end Processor System (A FE PS) and the AR INC Elec tronic Sw itching System (ESS). 3. The Air Carrier C ~ (Co mma nd and Control) and Manage ment Subsystems which include gro und-bas ed flight operations. main ten ance centers. di spatch offices. etc.. of the various airlin e carriers who are ACARS -equ ipped. I. ACARS traffic occ urri ng immediately after departure. 2. ACARS traffic from high a ltitude flight s c rossing the Center' s Ri ght Infonnation Region . 3. AC ARS traffic fro m a ircraft on a pproach to land . T he ge nera l rule of thumb regarding di stant ACA RS tran sm ission s is that if VHF vo ice transmissions ca n be hea rd fro m your locat ion. yo u \\!i11 also be ab le to receive AC ARS traffic fro m the same location . ACAR S transmi ssion s fro m airc raft 011 the gro und will not generally be audib le unless yo u live withi n sight of a major airpo rt. • What Equipment Do You Need? T o mo nito r ACA RS transmission s yo u require a VH F sca nne r/receiver capable of tun ing the AM Airc ra ft ba nd ( 118.00 MH z to 136.00 MH z). A suitable VH F an te nna is a lso required . Whil e tabIe· top scanner/receivers are preferred , they certainly arc IH)t necess a ry. Th ere 'Ire seve ra l standa lone and C0l11 puterre lated decoder s available to the ACARS monit or today. Most unit s are re latively incxpen sive (u nde r S200) and do a n adequate job of decoding airborne traffi c. For further information on ACA RS a nd othe r dig ita l mod es. plea se see my web site at : www.interlog .com/-rcc\·anslradio/ 4 1he Kiw.. Uul h Monifor • What Can You Monitor? For most ACA RS mon itors (ex cept those livin g within clo se proximity to a major ai rPOTt). tra nsmi ssion s from the aircraft ' s airbor ne subsyste m are audi ble only when the airc ra ft is ac tually air bo rne . On good VHF propagation days . wit h aircraft flying at Flight Lev el s FL350 and above, yo u can ex pect to recei ve trans miss io ns from up to 300/400 mi les a way . Ge nera lly these tran sm issions fall into one of thrcc broad ca teg ories : i~.An EU.E:.tn'mdy Low Ft~oqUl'f\()' receiver for listening to thtna tul.IIl t.&dio si gnolls fro m pluoet Earth . lin t whi Slk'tS, twt'eks, the d.llwn chorus with this ~ti\'t' receiver . Tuning range is from 50 Hz to 15 U ta. Fe.. tur es Includ e a rem ote f ...IJ probe Ult" nn.., noise filter and \'.&ri.. ble bandpa ss filter. Kiwa Electronics 612 Sou th 14th Ave., Yakima WA 98902 @ 5{)9-453· 549 2 or 1-800-398-1146 (orders) kiwa@w olfCl\et .com (Internet/ catalog) ,., http :/ / w ww .kiw a .com Q"I Sepfember 1998 MONITORING TIMES 33 Shortwave Broadcasting Glenn Hauser, P.O. Box 16B4-MT, Enid, OK 73702 E·moil:<gholJSel@ho/moilrom>; fox: (5BD}233-294B, AIT: Houser The Problem with Digital Shortwave Ernie Behr of Onta rio, Canada, offers the following opinion : "l ' vc been listening to shortwave radio for nearly 45 ye ars, but I ne ve r hea rd suc h horri ble a udio before 1996. Radio Nethe rlands , Radi o Can ada Intern ational and HCJ B are a mong the wors t, te rribly ovc rmo dulated. with wide splatte r and click ing sounds between ea ch word, apparen tly due to poor audio processing. and tinnysounding d igita l pho ne lines. In fact, the audio qu a lity of RN , RCI a nd HCJ B is so bad. one ca n bare ly understand pho ne conversations, even whe n the signa ls are 50 ove r S9 on my R ~ 5 0 00 rece iver . "According to RN, ' the biggest differ en ce w ill co me as we mo ve to complete ly di gital AM . It should then be possible to make SW sound like FM -m ono .' Don ' t count on it. My pred icti on is. this will put SW radi o back into the stone age. It will a lso be the end of OX ing. Band wid th for these d igi tal sig nals w ill be 2 0 ~ 30 kHz, a nd we can e xpec t a horri ble mess on the SW bands. ca using listen er s to leave in droves. "Can you imagine 30 kiiz wide signals on SW ? (20 kHz if only o ne digita l side band is tran sm itted). SW Ls a nd D Xe rs should be lip in arms about these future plans. and a massive protest should be organ ized agai nst d igi tal SW BC . by OX cl ubs, SW L magazines, etc.. be fore it is too late and the SW band s are rui ned forev er: ' Bob Za nott i of Swi tze rland sheds so me light on the ca se : "T he proble m may we ll be in the aud io proce ssing now w idely in use by SW stations. II' s a ver y sophis ticate d. state-of-the-art processor ca lled the O rban 9 105a (they have a Web site) . T his is a modernization of the old Voice of A merica audio c lipper of theCold Wa r days. All the ' big boys ' arc using it today, inc lud ing BBC, RN, Deutsc he Welle (DW) . Norway. Swe den, Finland. Radi o France International , Austria. and the VOA itself. "T he re's one big hitch: the O rba n produces an incredibl y punch y. high-le vel au dio signal, a nd if the tra nsmitter is old or impro pe rly adj usted. serious splatte r and /or poor-so undi ng modulation will resul t. Eve n the usually carefu l and reliable OW has had splatter trouble bec ause of the Orb an . " I' ve ha d a hands -o n e xpe ri e nce w ith th e 9 105a i n Sc hwarzenburg , a nd I ca n te ll you it' s fa ntastic. But if it ' s not set up properly, it sounds awfu l a nd is act ua lly co unterproduc tive. T he year 1996 has been menti oned as the turn ing point in audio/ modul ation prob lem s at some stations. and thi s in ex actly the per iod whe n the Or ba n 9 105a caught on." I' ll bet that ex pla ins the splatte r from 2 1505 to 2 1770 put out by RN-Bonaire 2 1590 in Dut ch for a Worl d Cup ga me at 2030 -2130. Sec a lso N EW ZE ALAN D (gh) two station stickers. and a schedule. AUSTRALIA Revival of 21740 (see Shortwave Guide for revised RA schedule-ed) , used "II t remember correctly I sent 51 US. 1 International Reply Cou pon (IRC), and one atprevious sunspot peak. isabighelp in NAm. including Feedback UT Sat 0005-0030 postcard 01 Clevelan d. Ohio. about 60 days ago. My report was sent to him airmail. opening with the Kookaburra call seldom heard elsewhereon RA(gh) but not registered. Ke mstates in part that hewas pleased I enjoyed the'Khmer song Former RadioAustraliatransmitters areupfor sale.Ase niorFederal Minister says and music program.' The transmitters are old and they have no spare parts.so the themajo r shortwave transmitters near Da rw in are being sold. Government leader in 'output power can not reach theoriginallevel." theSenate. Robert Hill. says theshortwave facility at theCox Peninsula was closed Schedule indicates 1360 kHz and 11940: last year because it is no longe r relevant to Southeast Asia. He told theSenate that English 0000·00 15 a nd 1200 -1215 Southeast Asia has myriad commu nication alternatives and there is no longer the french 00 15·0030 a nd 1215-1230 need lor theRadio Australia shortwave broadcasts Thai 00 30·0045 a nd 1230-1245 ~ I t was our opinion that areas into Southeast Asia nolonger required shortwave lao 00 45·0 I00 a nd 1245-1300 because 01 access to communications through more popular methods - normal Vietnamese 0 100·01 15 and 1300- 1315 (Lee Silvi. OH, Cumbre OX) radio being an obvious example" (RA website via Pete Costello) CANADA As01 theend 01June, Canadian Forces Network.as weknowit, disappearedBELARUS R. Minsk moved 0400-0600 broadcast for Eu rope to 0100-0300, so is it now the en d of CFN programme productionat RCI . Therewasa debate inthe Depa rtment lor NAm? On 7210, 11 670, Englishat 0200 MfWlF/S/S (Pan/view, BU lgaria) of National Defence asto howbest tobroadcast totheForcesoverseas. It wasdecided [non] Dueto the lack 01 aIree press in Belarus. a Radio Free Belarus will beset to put the whole thing out to tender. DND apparently wanted about twice as much upthisautumn in Poland to broadcast onMWIromBialystok. withapproval of Polish government andrumored USbacking;theBelarus government objects (Polish press programming asbefo re, and were willing to pay about halftheamountof money. Under those terms. RCIdidn't even bother to tender. I wouldn't besurprised il they reports via BBCM ) just cobble together some bits trom vario us commercial stations. Of course, that BDUGAINVILLE Radio Free Bnupainvillehas been used for communications recently. not means theend of CFN programmingnot onlyonRCl's satellite channels. butalsoon broadcasting . but broadcasting isaboutto resume. It isknowncntheislandas simplv shortwave. Radio Free and it will serve asthe voice of the independence movementduring the RC I has anewOSL ca rd.thefirst since1995.showingsome RCMP ontheir 125th next several months, explaining and promoting its inte rests on 3865 kHz AM anniversary (Bill Westenhaver. RCI) modulation.0900·1100UTC withabout80watts.Whilethetransmiller siteisremote. CANADA [non] Phillip P. Koneswaran. Vice Presithey are now able with the cease lire to go into dent & Operations Manger lor Radio Asia Canada, town to getsupplies, sotheir previous tue! probAll times UTe; AI/frequencies kH z; before hr = sign [whodoestheEnglishnewscast at 2100himself -gh1 lemsmight ease. Lookfor RFBto stayonthrough Oil, af ter Irr = sign off; II = parallel programming; gave me an extensive look at the background and the year asthe island moves towards permanent + ;; continuing but not monitored; 2 x f req = 2nd plans 01RAC. Radio Asia Canada had its origin asa peace (Sam Voron. Australia. Cumbre OXCopylocal program airedfor half anhouronCHOW·1470 right Hans Johnson) harmonic; J.98=May. Seplj Z.98;;.Summer season; ll'CAMBODIA National Radio of Cambodia. Received a 98=lVinler season; [ noll} = Broadcastto orfo r the listed in 1990. This resulted in their application for 1670 kHz. which theCanad ian Radio-Television and Telehand- written. personalized. full page letter Irom country, but not necessarily originating there. com municationsCom mission(CRTC)deniedearlier "Kern Yam. Director of International Relations." * 34 MONITORING TIMES Septembe, t 998 * Rad io Asia Canada World Senlce RAe ONLINE Asiatigue R ad io C an ada '1Iringing Canada to the World" this 'lear. tn 1995 they began making plans for an international service. Tile lirst shortwave broadcasts took place in January of this year. with three hours 01 programming per week towards AsiafromVoiceof Russiatransmitters. Aswitchto prog rams towards North America wasmade May 10th when transmitters operated by Merlin Communications in theU.K. were used for one week. Coverag e was not satisfactorybutthenacontact withDeutscheTelekomresultedinthemove toJOhch. Germany. These transm itters are putting a verygood signal into North America. Totalairtimeis now8 hours perday. InOctoberthis snoutc increase10 12hours per day. The current shortwave schedule is: Tamil 2000-2100 15560 Eng 2100 ·2200 15560 Tamil 2200-‫סס‬OO 11975 Tamil ‫סס‬OO-0200 9560 Tamil 0200·0400 9855 Radio AsiaCanadaalsohasplans toaddanumber 01 otherlanguagesinOctober. includingRussian. German. fr ench, Spanish andanAfricanlanguage.RAC's goal is to represent Canadato the world and if this sounds like a goal thatRCI would also have.itshouldcomeasnosurprisethatRAC has beentalkingtoRC I. They arehoping locooperatewithRCI inprogramming,but nothingisconclusiveyet. Mr. Koneswaran was enthusiastic lor RAC to be aCanadian voice to the world. The North American audie nceisgrowing .judging from listenerscontacting thestationand thepopularity of talk showsthat areaired. In North Americathere are 250.000to 300,000 people with Tamil roots. according to Mr. Koneswaran. Due to aban imposed bytheSriLankan govern ment. it is not possible for news 10be obtained fromtheSLBC. Announcers come fromToronto,but RAC hasoffices in anumber of countries. Studios in France, Germany and Switzerland contributea small amount of local programmi ng (Harold Sellers, OXOf/tario) Is RAG a terrorist operation? asks Ernie Behr, who points out that Radio Asia Canada openly sym pathizes with the"Liberatron Tigers of Tamil Ham" (LTIE) , one of the world'smost bruta l terrorist groups, responsible far horrific atrocit iesin Sri Lanka. Co mpared to LTi E, the PlO and Hamas arelikeboyscou ts. Says Benr. Canada has been a sale have n for Tamil terrorists since 1987 when many at thesebogus"refugees" arrived here. Mostof themhavesernec in Toronto and it is no secret that they finance the anti-government terror in Sri Lanka with Canadian drug money. Germany is another major base for I arml terronsts. who havealso attacked the Deutsche Welle relay station in Sri Lanka. OTK in Julien. which sells shortwave airtimeto Radio AsiaCanada. is apparently unaware of theterrorist connection, and it is surprising that theSri Lankan government hasn't protested to theGerman and Canadianauthorities. I suspect they don't even know about the RAC broadcasts or theGermantransmittersite. RadioAsiaCanada. 15560. has alongEnglish newscast at 2100-2159· (Ernie Behr. Onl .) A few days later RAe startedcalling itself in English. "Hadio Voice 01Canada." What righi does thisprivate immigrant staten without alicense inCanadaitself.have to represent theenti re country vs. RCI ? (gh) CHILE VozCristiana added moreand moretransmittersin July. heard at various times not only on 21 550. but 11 890, 11 690. 15375. 21500. 17680. and announced addresses in Miami (gh) COLOMBIA LaVal de101 Resistencia. FARC clandestine, heard on aSunday t410·1430 on 6259.4 with polit ical comments and revolutionary songs; says ir s operated by FARC's Comando Conjunlo dec ccc ente andalso has stereoFM 106.9Saturdays at 5pmlocal(Rafael RodriguezR., Colombia) Also1800-1900intermittently on 6260v (variable) (BBCMonitoring) Rdil. Nacional. 4955. has anEng lish program. On Line with f ernando Camelc. Tue-Sat 0200-0300. genuinely interested in reception reports, some publishedin monthly glossy program bulletin (Henrfk Klemetz. Colombia, OSWCI OX Window) COSTARICARfPI'smirrorsite,belonging.orgisdown,andmaybeforsometime .Please go 10 the original Site, which includes a profile of gh from the April issue01VISTA: hll p://www.clark,neVpub/cwilkins/rlpi (Joe Bernard. RfPI Mailbag) More RFPI news from James Latham on another Mailbag: The supe r Quad for 6975-AM is 58 teet longand mounted180 feet high. Tried 6980first. butsignalwas too stronq in Tasmania. RFPI plans to put all programming onlive stream Internet byyearend (viagh)FIRE (Feminist InternationalRadioEndeavor) programmingwas dropped by RFPIin mid-Julydue to "irreconcilabledifferences" with theproducers (RFPII CZECHREPUBLIC A. Pragueannounced thatan agreement has been reachedallowing it to continue Spanish and other languages through the end 01 1999 (Jorge Aloy, Argentina. LosGuatro Vlentos) ERITREA(non) ClandestinefromSUDAN:9229.7, Radio volceot FreeEritrea,1535Arabic 10 Hazih Il a'at sawl Eritreaal-Hora. Sal'ltal-Shabal-Eriteryal·Monadel,SalVt al·Hak l'Iaal-Horia IVa al-Karama. Sswt at Ahrar wa st-snoau ; SarA al-Tahatot al-Watany al·Eritery(Thisis Radio Voiceof FreeEritrea,Voice cttne Eritrean People's Struggle. Voiceof theTruth,Freedomand Dignity,Voiceof the Free andHonorableMen, Voice of theEritrean National Alliance). f ollowed by areading of theholy Duran. schedule given as 31 mb at 6:30-7 p.m. local Eritrea time. 1542 main news and commentary about the Entrean-Ett nopian unresolved border dispute and renewed fighting between the1\'/0 nations. Poetryat 1557and folkchant, 1603newsbrief with 10 1605". Thestationstartstransmissionat· 1500inanEritreanvernacular till 1535where they shift to Arabic. SINPO 33433. Immediately followedby: Clandestinefrom SU DAN : 9229.7. Radio Voice 01The Truth. At °1605 interval signal (IS) of machinegun fire, male 10 (Arabic) trs'stSawt al·Hai. Sawt Harakit al· Jehad al-Isfamy al-Eritery (Radio Voice of The Truth, Voiceof the Eritrean Islam ic 'Jenad' Movement). 1615 a bitter commentary about Afwerki but loyal to the governorsinKhartoum . At 1620religious commentary then1627political view point 01thePeople's Armedf orcesFront. 1635' end transmission withrepeat of schedule and 10 with IS machinegun lire. SINPO 33433 (Mahmud saladin K. Fathi, Egypt, CumbreD.x) IRAQBaghdadwasheard hereinl ondonon 11788(ex- 11785) withArabicat 1945.When I checked thefrequencyagain at 2020 German was in progress, and at 2100, after some"pips" andmusic. English. Modulationwasclear,without thedistortionthathas previously plagued this station, but there was a noticeable transmitter hum and. althoughmusical items were easyto listen10, speech was much weaker and difficult to follow. Therewas aRMfrom Qatar on11785. It is not clear whether Baghdadhas "drifted" to 11788 or deliberately moved because of Qatar (Roger Tidy, England, WORLDOFRADIO) KURD/STA N V. 01 the People of Kuroistan set up website: http://www.aha.ru/-said/ dang.htm(Clandestine Radio Watch) MALTA [non]. V. of the Mediterranean, via Russia, 12060, 1900-2000 English news, features, 10. English is on Sat-Thu only. Into Arabic at 2000 and Koran (Brian Alexander, PAl MA URITIUS MBChadafeasibility studyon resumi ngSWto Mau ritians abroad with 100 kW: butnewtechnologies would be cheaper: SSB digital SWBC, or radio via internet (MBCvia Tony Vaughan. British OXClub) MONGOLIA VOM·s English to Australia. 1210·1240 on 12085, made it also to NAm on certainmidsummer days; amailbagappeared oneTuesday, but not thenext, at 1225 (gh. Joe Hanlon, l arry Russell) NEWZEALAND RNZI MailboxMan at0430 on 17675, better at 1130on 6100 included another interview with RNZI Chief Engineer Dave Henderson by Adrian Sa insbury about digital transmissioncomingtoSW.Saysit'sQuitetolerant01multi-pathintests up to three hops, but no tests yet aboul short-path and long-path arriving simultaneously. ls about 2·3 years away from starting. Signal level required lor high-Quality audio is significantly less with digital than analog-l /4of thevoltageinreceiver, or 1/16 of thepower (output transmitted), so RNZl's single 100kW transmitter should be excellent for all the Pacific. Includes feature bywnicn receiverscanautomaticallychangefreQuencywhenastationsignals it is about to chang e: readouts canbeused forany purpose, such as name of station, name of recordbeing played. upco mingprog ramming, etc. RNZI will probably start sooner rather than later. in order to ens ure a good signal for relaying by Pacific broadcasters, preferably at firstwith acombination digital andanalogtransmission, DX Listening Digest More broadcasting information bycountry compiled by Glenn Hauser Review of International Broadcasting SW Programming, op inion, equipment, satellite moniloring. Samples $2 .50 each (outside North America US $3 or 6 IRCs) 10 issue SUbscriptions$26 in USA, or both for $49 Glenn Ha user, Box 1684·MT, En id, OK73702 Sep rember / 998 MONITORING TIMES 35 "~ "V the Global Forum (continued) i1allowed (via gh, Review OfInternational Broadcasting) The cuts we are to suffer from August: Ou r large stafl of 12 will reduce to 9. Dedicated programmes for South Pacificislandsreduced from 11 to 5 hoursdaily at breakfast. Domestic radio will fill the gap. Hours will becut by two. closing at 1010 instead of 1205. Future of Mailbox uncertain (Adrian Sainsbury, RNZI) NICARAGUA R. Miskut. 5770. is nowputting 500 watts of RF into the ante nna; new equ ipment has beeninstalled. Government troopsoccupied the station briefly in an effort to prevent broadcast of news of a rebellion in Mismu na. But operationshave been restored and there is no longe r any interference with broadcasting. Sked is approximately 1200-0230, to be expanded in evening; reports are wanted (John Freeman, Tech Systems . June 21) Checked June22at1121, found weak butsteady open carrier, and programming started1126 on USB. still audible at 1200(gh) NIGERIA [non]. The Wednesday prog ram viaWHRA 15460 at 2100-2200 is/was Ogene Ndigbo Radio, a projectof the Eastern Mandate Union-Ab road and theWorld Igbo Council: P.O. Box 91425, Washington, DC 20059 (Ugo Anakwenze . ree.radio.shortwave) PARAGUAY Attheinauguration of anew studio, R. Nacional reported they plan afore ign service in English, German, French (Levi Iverson, NUvia Be-OX) POR TUGAL Due to conflict in Guinea-Bissau, ROP International expanded SW to there with relay of Lisbon station on 101 .5, RDP Africa, on 13745 and 21655 M-F 06002400, Sat/Sun 0700-0100(Carlos L. R. de Assuncao. viaNoli! Gree n, BC·OX) The highe r channel could be heard in NAm allthe way to sign-off, a good oropacatlonal sign (gh) SA /PAN KHB I is beingsoldbyHerald Broadcastingto RadioFree Asia, price undisclosed, and Herald will retain some airtime for Christian Science proTHE W0 RLD grams (Christian Science Monitor via Jim Moats) RFA had already been buying lots of time on KH BI; when Monitoradio quit, KHBI was for sale, thennotfor salewhilethiswas pending (gh) SOMALIA Sam Va ron plans at yearend to take at leasttwo5watttransmitterswithcrystalsfor3999toremote townsstarved for informatio n so they can have radio stations of their own (Cumbre OXCopyright Hans Johnson ) SRILANKA SlBG has anew we bsite withlotstoread and many Rea lAud io links: http://www.infolanka.com/people/sisira/ or T11 r ell R1ST [ \ x slbc.html (Andy Sennitt. DSWCI OX Window Caught in the SC I !: ' !: ': .\I O \" I T O R Web) SUDAN [non] Clandestine, 6999.9, from ER ITREA? Radio Vo ice ofFreedom and Renewal.6999.9. Ataround1545aSu danese tribal folk song started and lasted for 15 minutes. ' 1600 IDby a female voice(Arabic) Iza'at Sawt al Horia waal-Tagded,ashort march and Sawt al·lntifidah st-Stu'biaal-Mosalaha, ssw: Nedal af-Shab a/-Sudany al-Mosalah (Radio Voice of Freedomand Renewal, Voiceof The People's Armed Uprising, Voice of TheSudanese Armed Struggle).Then amale voice, Sawt Kuwat al-Tahalof al-Sudanyah (Voice of The Sudan Alliance Forces) . Schedule given as7MHz, 7pmto8 pm. local Suda nlime. Station is heavily jammed bythe Sudanese government agents apparantly, with call sign Mahdom---there are threeor maybe four stations. Onecan ha rdly followacompleteprog ram. Concluded at 1703 · with news briel and 10. SINP0\22332 (Mahmud Saladin K. Fat hi. Egypt, coma e OX) V. of Sudan, som etimes jammed byOmd urman,0400-0500 and 1600·1700 daily inArabicwith occasional English on8000v; E-mail sudanvoice@um ma.org{BBCM) SWEDENWe'reexperimentingwith saving themost recent RealAudio file of theprogram containing MediaScan. This means theentire English half hour, soyou would have toscrolluntil around 15 minutesinto theprogramtoget toMediaScan.lt will probably be available the dayafter the broadcast. The direct URL is: http://www.sr.se/rs/media/sound s/ scdx.ram Or you can download it with FTP Irom: http://www.sr.se/ralll es/rs/ pmq ram/scdx.ra(MediaScan) TAHITI R. Tahiti missing from 15170 again for a few weeks (Bryan Clark, New Zealand; Randy Stewart, MO) Heard WYFR instead around0500 (gh) TIBfT lnon] RadioFree Tibet onInterval Signals Archive. Hearaclea r recordingofthenew clandestine station Radio Free Tibet signing -on. at the Interval Signals Archive website. tn the External Services section,thesitealsonow incorporates links to the web pages of thefeatured radio stations/broadcasters. Anothernew feature is the "Vintage Clips" section. which includes interval signals and announcements from days gone by.Thewebsite has many add itional sound clips of interval signals and IDs at: http://www.blinlernet.com/- dkernick/index.htm(Dave Kernick) S E R VI C E H-l Sveriges Radi o 36 MONITORING TIMES September 1998 UK 0 GBAN I TheChancellor of theExchequer has announced he is makingavailable an extra44megapoundsforthe BSC World Service overthenextIhreeyea rs (Roger Tidy, England; and Ray Woodward, British DX Club) Among thenames onthisyear's Queen's Honours List were som ebroadcasting figures:veteranDJJohnPeel,OBE ,whosaidhe hoped itwouldget himaseasonticket toAnfield: BBC DirectorGeneral SirJohn Birtgetsaknighthood (BBCNews webpage via Larry Nebron) Rad io London(Big L) will bebroadcastingontheMerlin One network (shortwave on three wave bands) from August. 1700·2300 on Saturday nights only. Radio London will be broadcasting its usual 1960s format from the studios of EAP in Frintcn-un Sea, Essex (East AnglianProductions via Dave Kenny, British OX Club) USA WWBS · Hereiswhat CharlesJosey told CumbreOXabout thestatus of thestation heisbuilding: Whilerunn ing aload throughthe transmitter,avacuu mcapacitor went baa ,takingwithit several other parts.Antennahasbeen assembled andisontheroof, butwe still need to get acrane to erect it. It is pretty hotto be working up thereright now. We expect it to take amonth or two to have everything ready. Another reason that we are waitingis that thecontract wehave withthepowe r company has usata rateor 15cents akilowatt hour, but thiswill cropin afewmonths toless than 4ce nts. Our initial tests will be with justtheexciter at750wattsonthisschedu le-11910 kHz at2300-0000 and11905kHzat0000-0400.Weare talking withtheFCCabout getting anotherclear freque ncy inthis band. We havequiteafewreligiousprogram cassette tapes already hereatthe station,about 40 hours worth. Our plan to is begoingwith reqular transmission s by Octobe r (via Hans Johnson Copyright Cumbre OX) BrotherStair via Germanymoved from3945 to3955 and3975.I heard thathe cited complaints from North American amateurs as the reason. It seems that the3945 usage was at the recomm endation of BrotherStair's US consultant, who has now learned alessonintherealitiesof European frequency selection. I doubt that theFCCI ARRL intervention had theclout thatits promoters claim or assume. Far morelikely isthefact that the nearby utility fre quencyor 3943.5is registered for and used bythe Frenchmilitary(Bob Zanotti, HB9ASa, Berne, Switzerland) Subsequentlymost ofthe DTK relays of B.S. including 75m were dropped (Kai Ludwig ) I askedBrother Stair about the possibility of buying WRNO. He gave this reply, "Will not buyWRNO andnever work with Mr Baker inhis perversion of the truth. He will notget that station to work." (BrotherStair, Thomas Dixon) [latter refers to the supposed Honduran setup] After the item inlast month's column was setandupon theinsistenceof Rev. Mr. R. Wm. Steltemeier. President of EWTN, Owen Williamson decided to retract the statements hemadein the lead item in ourApril column. We suggest that readers consult the National Catholic Reporterarticle which prompted thecomments, "Mahonyappeals to Romeabout Angelica"; http://www .natcath.com/archives{013098{01309Se .htm(9h) The June 20 Spectrum, 0200 UT Sunday on WWCR 5070 , was the final show (GeorgeThu rman, TX) Vague plans formed to return with revampedshowin thefall on WGTG-2. Keep an eye on their website hllp://speclrum.orn.com (Jim Wishner, PeteCastello, Hans Johnson) WGTGisadvertisingtime forsaleat550anhour;and Dave Frantz isalso interested insigningup"liberal" programs such asthose carried onRFPI.Another surpriseFCC inspection of WGTG has taken place, the fou rthin ayear, andonce againthey found nothing wrong. Dave believes these are politically motivated, but in fact increasethe station 's standingas techn icallyapproved bytheFCC . It may be another twomonths before the second transmitter is on theair, and three and four are in the planning stages. The new trans mitter is equipped to use anyof several digita l systems once astandard is decided upon (Glenn Hauser) WBCO, Allan Weiner'snewSW stationinMaine.'ThePlanet," planstostarttesting the2ndor3rdweekof August ontheoldpirate frequency of741 5(Scott Becker,Free Radio NetworkGrapevine) Abcok-in-prcqress onthe netgoesintooffshorerad ioand Weiner: http://www.freebornjohn.nel(gh) The "C" segment of VOA Communications World became audiblein NAm when it was switched to 1936on Sat, 15580 with "6" moving to 21 36 (gh) ZANZIBAR Do yourememberthemai lingof M. scnoecn informing usthathereceived a OSL-Ietter from Voice of Tanzania Zanzibar in which they appealed to the OXcomunityto dosome printingof ost-carcsv I havetaken upthis challengeand sent themapackage of some100colour QSL ca rds. One of thesecardsarrivedback here after a trip of 10 weeks. It was accompanied bya kind leiter from Abdulrah'man M. Said in which he expressed his thanksand stated that 'this will mark another erato Radio DX Listeni ngClu bs' beca usethey will beable to supplytheneeded cards. So if you want a OSL-card from Sa uti ya Tanzan ia Zanzibar, write now! (Gu ido Schotmans. OX·Antwerp) ...Untilthe Next. Best of OXand 13 deGlenn! http://www.angelfire.com/ok!worldotradio 0000 UTe on 9022 IRAN: Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran. English/Arabic newscasl. Holy Koran recit ations to 0300; English on 9685 at 011 1. (Ronald A. Perron . Glen Burnie, MO) 0000 UTC o n 6010 ITALY: RAI. Italia n program on easy-listening music, If (parall el) 9760 , 11800. (Bob Fraser, Cohasset. MA; Perron , MO: Micha el C. McCarty, Galloway, OH; Frank Hillton, Cha rleston, SC) 0030 UTe o n 7115 SERBIA: Radio Yugoslav ia. Station interval signal to multillng ual news items and features. (Howard Mo sser , Linco lnshir e, IL) 0034 UTe o n 4904.8 PERU: Radio La Oroya . Spanish with fair signal quality fOr news and Panorama program . Identification "siempre pe r Radio La Orcya." Peru's Rad io Tr o pic al on 4935 at 00S5. (Pedro Arrun alegui, Lima, Perul Four Win ds) 0045 UTe o n 6060 BRAZIL: Radio Universo. Portug uese music and programming to 10. Brazil's Rad io Br as il Central on 4985 at 2340 : Radi o Record's soccer match on 6 150 at 0055; Radi o Aparec ida on 6 135 at 01 20 with Portuguese religious text. (Enrique Alejandro Wembagher, Buenos Aires, Argentina) 0105 UTe on 6085.2 BOLIVIA: Radio San Gabri el. Evening messages and mentions of La Paz including station 10 in Ayma ra lang uage. Boliv ia's Radio Fid es in Spanish, Saturday and Sunday broad cast only on 6155 at 0140. Radi odifusoras Tr opico with Span ish 10 and soccer match on 4552 at 0 145. (Wembaghe r, ARG ) 0110 UTe o n 5047 TOGO: Radio Togo. Presum ed broadcasting late l onight, with excelle nt signal.French news with numerous remotes to live crowd scene. Chuck Rippel, VAlCumbre OX) 0127 UTe o n 4915 BRAZIL: Radio Anhang uera. Portuguese. News ite ms to station jing les of "CBN Anh angu era" and cann ed 10 to 0200. Signal poor to fair . (Piet Pijpers , NetherlandslTHVj 0149 UTe on 6055 SPAIN: Radio Exterior de Espan a. Spanish service wit h interv iews and music, noted on 17805 at 1710: 15110 at 2125 . (Perro n. MD; Hilllon, SC) website: <w ww .rt ve.esl rn e/ reel> 0149 UTe on 7535 USA: WSHB Cyp ress Creek. SC. Religiou s serv ices to IDs. Additional religio us prog ramming noted as; WRNO New Orlea ns,lA 15420 a11657 ; WHRI Nob les vi lle, IN 13760 If 15 105 at 1650; WYFR Okeechobee, FL 15600 at 1700. (Perron. MO) 0150 UTe o n 21670 JAPAN : Radio Japan. Gene ral Serv ice ending bits of World of Triv ia prog ram. Stati on 10, 0300 program previe w to abru pt sign off at 0200 . {Waliace C. Treibel. WNCumbreOX;McCarty, OH)w ebsite: ewww.nbk.or.l p/ rJneU> 021 5 UTe on 15485 PAKISTAN: Radio Pakistan . Urdu broadcas t contin uing past scheduled 02 1S'; gave 10 at 0216 and ended transmissi on at 0225. Signal only fair deteriorating very quickly, unreada ble by 0230. (Bob Hill, Littleton, MAlTF\t\1 0215 UTe on 5985 TA NZANIA: Radio Tanzania . African hilif e music with ann ouncem ent in Swahili. strong interference Irom S980 kHz. Stat ion noted on pa rallel 5050 . (Pijpers. NLOI TFW'J 0217 UTe o n 11900 FINLAND : YLE/Radio Finland. Discussion on pedestrian ce nters and thei r advantages . (McCarth y, OH) website:<www _y le.flfrf inlandl> 0238 UTe o n 9655 AUSTRIA: Radio Austria Inti. English service with newspape r headlin es. Good signal. minimal fading . (McCarty , OH) web site: <www.orf.aUro i/> 0245 UTe o n 48 20 BO TSWA NA: Radio Botswana . Station sign on at 0245 with interva l signal lasting 14 minutes (cow bells /te rm animals) followed by national anthem. 10 in Setswan a givin g FM, SW and medium wav e frequencies. More chat to tribal style mus ic . (Pijpers, N LOITH V) 0250 UTe on 328 1 MOZAM BIQUE: Emissao Provincial de Sofata. Station sign on with national anthem. Announcement by woman in unknown language, interval signa l and a presum ed news bullet in in Portuguese with "Emissao Provlnct ar' noted . Local music followed while weak signal was fading. (Pijpers, NLDITFW'j 0306 UTe on 7450 GREECE: Voice of. Tune in to Greek language lesso ns to Greek folk music and news brief s. (Moser, ILl VOG on 7450 . 9375, 9420 . 11645. (McCarty, OH) 0333 UTe on 50 30 COS TA RICA: AWR (Adv entist World Radio). Battle Hymn of Republic song to Spanish religious text, strong static noise level. (Klaus Etsebusch . Marienthal, Germanyl Hard Core OX) 0345 UTe on 6950 PIRAT E: Star New York Club Radio. Programm ing monitored in lower sideband , identifying as a "tree station in Germany." Station addre ss: P.O . Box 220 342, 0 ·42 373 wuppertal. German y. Additi onal pirates aud ible : Jolly Roger Radio Inti on 6980 at 2200 , address : P.O. Box 39, Waterlord, Ireland; Radio Plr an a Inti via Radle eochlgu az in Spanish on 6980 at 230 0-addres s: P.O. Box 2571, 1000 Buenos Aires,Argentina. (Wembagher, ARG) 0432 UTe on 5025 CUBA : Radio Rebelde. Spanish. Male/lema le hosting Rebe/de OX show discussing Cuban TV programs . (Nicolas Eramo, Buen os Aires, Argent ina! TFW) 0453 UTe on 3945 GERM ANY : Ove rcome r Minis tries. Brother Sta ir's serm on to closing shortwave radio oHer and 1-800 numb er. Stati on 10 and South Carol ina address. (Elsebusch, GermanylH CDX) 0526 UTe on 4914.5 PERU: Radio Cora. Spanish ballads to rooster crow sound ettect at 0529 . "Radio Cora en Lima, Peru ," monit ored in LSB to tune out Ghana on 4915. (Harold B. Frodge . Midland , MI) 1000 UTe on 9580 AUST RALIA: Radio Australi a. English report on Kashmir. (Fraser, MA) Monit ored 0315 on 17795; 0325 on 15510 . (McCarty, OH) 1041 UTe on 4599.29 BOLIVIA : Radio Emisoras Viltamonte s. Spanish. Very weak signat fo r progra m A man ecer Cha queno w ith regional folklore. Bolivia's Rad io Andes noted on 4777.7 at 2220; Radi o Mov lma 2330 on 4471.9 . (Hermond Pedersen, Swedenl Cumbre OX) 1256 UTe on 6125 URUGU AY: SOORE. Heard to 1302 with strong signal. Information to navigators in the river plate zone . Statio n 10 as. ''transmlte CX38 en 1290 kiloh ertzios, Emisoras del SOORE, Montevi deo. Uruguay, " the n program Est am os a Tiempo. (Gab riel Ivan Barre ra, Argen tina!Cumbre OX) 1500 UTe on 15305 CANADA: Radio Canada Inll. Special lighthouse progra m in French, If 17880, 15365,17795 kHz. (Lee Silvi , Mento r, OH; McCarty, OH) 1730 UTe o n 17757 UK: BBC World Service . Seeing Stars program on how stars were named . U.K: s Merlin Network One on 13690 at 2 130. II 15590 with Media Zoo featu re. (Fraser, MA) 1930 UTe on 17735 ECUADOR: HCJB. Ham Radio Today. with a series discussi ng aud io qua lity in radio. (Fraser , MA) 0437 on 9745. (McCarty, OH) 1942 UTe on 17605 NETHERLANDS ANTILLE S: Radio Netherlands relay. Newsl ine program, repeat at 2353 on 9845. Dutch servi ce noted on 6020 116 165 (Netherlan ds Antille s) (Perron, MD; McCart y, OH) 2020 UTe on 21550 CHILE: Voz Chri stiana. Good signal for test transmissi on in Spanis h and English, to abrupt sign off at20S8 . (Terry Powers, La Mesa, CA; Fordge, Ml ) 2025 UTe on 11625 VATICAN: Radio Vatica n. English letters to program closing at 2027 , "Atrtcan service" 10 to interval signal 2028·2030, into French service. (Frodge , MI: McCarty , OH) 2040 UTe o n 151 20 NIGERIA: Voice of. Agri cultural program on crop growth. Slight mterterence to signal. (Moser, IL; Frodge , MI) 204 0 UTe on 11775 ANGUILLA : Cari bbean Beacon. Or. Gene Scott pontificating a text on Adam yieldin g his sovereignty. (Frodge.MI) 2101 UTe on 153 45 MOROCCO: RTV Marocaine . Upbeat vocal pops to Morocca n music . Station 10 and info to 2103".(Moser, IL) Arab ic programming 1750·1928 on 15345. (Silvi, OH) Snit! TO Thanks to our contributors - l lave you .n:1lt in YOUR logs? Dayle Va" Ho r n, do Monitoring Timex (o r e-mail gll yl e@grovI.'.fler) English broadcas t unless otherwise noted. September 1998 MONITORING TIMES 37 The QSL Report Gayle Van Hom, ga~e@grove. nel China Radio International....A Bridge to the World Look ing to add so me new COUlltrie s to yo ur ver ificat ion (QSL) collec tio n? T ha nks to C Rl's wor ldwi de rclay sites . yo u can do ju st that. Yo u c an add Brazil. Canada, Fra nce, Fre nc h Guiana. Ma li, Spai n and Sw itze rland . (Do n' t for ge t to ask for notatio n o f the site 0 11 your curd.r T he friend ly sta ff will usuall y reply sho rt ly with cards, pe nna nts, stic kers, ca lendars and more. Wha t a deal! Send yo ur re port to : 16A Shiji ngsha n Str eet, 1000:W Beijing. C hina. To lea rn more abou t the statio n. staff. histo ry a nd mo re go to their we bs ite at: <htt p:! •www .c r l.cng b.com/ » Ha ve you not iced Zambia"s C hristian vo ice we bsite <http :! / ww w.c b r tstia n -vislo n .c r g/>? A mo ng the links is a QSL- link. comple te with a fi II in the blanks receptio n re po rt. and a "p ress button " for you r cc rtific.uc ' Presto c hango...tha t' s it. Th e wa ve AUSTRIA Radio Aus tria IntI, 96 55 kHz. Full da ta QSL letter unsigned. Receiv ed ill 16 da ys fu r a n English taped re po rt. S ta tio n addre ss-A 1 136 Wlc n. wurzbuggasswe 30. Vienna. Austria . (Walte r Szczepaniak. Phil adelp hia. PA) we bsite: <https/www.o rr.at/roi/> BRAZIL Radio Apu rc clda. 5035 k Hz. Full data suui cn ca rd with illegi ble signature. Recei ved in 30 days for a Port uguese report . Station add ress : Av. Gctulio vargus. ISS, Apar ccida. Sao Paulo Bruzil 12570 000. (Jo se Moura , Was hington. DC ) CAMBODIA Nation al Radi o of Ca mbod ia. 11940 kllz. Hand written full page letter from Ken Yam -Director (If lr ucrnau ona l Re lati on s. plus two statio n stickers and a prog ram sc hed ule. Recei ved in 60 days for an English repo rt. one U.S . dollar.one IRC and a souv e nir postca rd. scnt uinnail (not registere d ). Station add ress : Monivon g Blvd . No. 106 , Phnom Pe nh, Cambodia. (Lee Silvi. Mcmor. 0 11 ) g re at QSU - /l of UPONI'll (!{f {'ll ! - ed. COSTA RICA Radio Rcloj . 4H32 kllz. Full data QS L card signed hy Franc isco Baraho na. Rece ived in 15 days for a Spani sh rep ort. Station add ress: P.O . Box 34 1, San Jose . 101X) Costa Rica. (Moura . DC) GIlEECE Vo ice of Greece . 6260 kl-lz. Fu ll da ta QSL card un sig ned. plus min t souve nir stamps. schedule a nd stat io n h istory sheet. Rece ived in 59 da ys for a taped report and one U.S . dollar. Stat ion address: 4 32. Mcssog fon Av.. Athens. (S zcz epaniak . PA ) S ta ti on web s it e : <h tt p :// G ree c e . a l ph a. ser vlccnet. url adn e-t .grlD ocsIE ra 5_ I,MrnI> LITHUANIA Radio Vilnius . 595 0 kHz. Full data QS L ca rd un signed. Recei ved in 37 day s fo r an Eng lish taped repo rt. Stati on add re ss: Lie ruvo s Radij us. S . Konars k io 49. LT· 26 74 Vilni us. Lithuan ia. (Szcze pan iak. PA: Ed Lind ley. Biddefo rd. ME) l\IEDl UJ\.1 WA VE Ca ri bbe an Beacon 6YO Al'vt kjl z. Fu ll d ata verifi cation on station letterhead sig ned by B. Mu nsell Hazell- C hie f En gineer. plus program sch edule sheet. Rece ived in fo ur month s for an AM repo rt. Angu illa mint stamps and a souve nir pos tcard . Station ad dress: P.O . Box 690 . Angu illa, West Indi es. (Loyd Van Hom . Brasstown , NC) 38 MONITORING TIMES September 1998 of the futu re'! T his one I' ll have 10 think abou t. Se e ms 10 take the thr ill n u l of wai ting for the postman. You he the j udge. folk s. Rad io Finland reminds us that receptio n reports arc welcom e (as we ll as return postage) . Se nd yo ur dc tai Is di rectl y 10; Rad io Finland. Attc n: M r. Raimo Makela. PL 11.1. 28 101 Pori. Fi nland. or vtu emai l 10: <ra lmo.m a kcla w p p.luet.fl>. Station website: < h tt povwww. yle .fl/r fl nla ndcReception repor ts fu r the Adve ntist World Rad io o utlets in So uth Afri ca and Madagascar should be se nt to A WR-Euro pe. Bo x ]X3. I:or li 47 100, Ita ly . Th e co m plete sc hed ule for a ll AW R pro g ramm ing on sho rtwa ve and mcdium wavc a nd o n the Wo rld Radio Ne twork may he see n on the A W i{ wchpagc s at : < htt p :/ /www.awr.org» C KL Y· AM lJlO k Hz. No data verification on statio n letterhead (nice large logo) signed by Dave Illman-Prng ra m Director. Recei ved in 22 days for an AM report and SASE (used fo r reply) . Station states they plan to leave AM for FM 9 1.9 short ly. Statio n address: 249 Kent Str eet -We st. Lindsay O N Ca nada K9 V 2Z3. (Harold Frodge. Midland . M I) KA YK-AM 1690 kll z. Two partial data ve rification letters signed by Ju lia Newton-T raffic' Man ager . Received for all Arv1 report. Statio n addre ss : 730 We st Hampden # 300. Eng lewo od . CO 80 110-2 12 1. Sig ner stat ed the stat ion had bee n sold and would soon sign on with Rad io Disney. (Pa tric k. Martin . Se as ide, OR ) WCMQ·AM 1700 kHz. No data verific ation letter signed by Ralph Chambers-Director of Engi nee ring. Received in 2 26 day s fo r an AM report and S ASE (used for repl y). Stat ion addres s: IIXI I Ponce de Leon, Coral Gab les. R .. (Frodgc. ~H; Lee Silvi. Mento r, 01-1) WJAE-AM 1440 k l lz. No data form letter signed byTim Moorc-Opcrntlon s Ma nager. Received in 70days for an AM report. Snnion address: 583 Warren Ave .. Po rtland. ~1E 04 103. (WJA B noted on the lett er, WL PZ on the e nve lope) (Mauricio Molano, Madri d. Spain/Ha rd Core IJX) ~I EXI CO XERM X/ Rad io Me xico 111I1. Y705 kl-lz. Full data station !Ol!O card with illeg ible initials signature. Received for an Eng lish re port. Station addre ss; Grup e IMER. lnstit uro Mexicauo de 1:1 Radio. Apart ado Pm t:11 2 1-300 . 04021 Mexico D.F.. Me xico . (Enriguc Alejandro Wemba gher. Bue nos Aires. Argentin a ) MOROCCO RT V Marocaine. 15345 k Hz. Partial datu QSL and postcard un signed. Received in 60 da ys for a n Engli sh report . on e U.S. dollar, one Internatio na l Rep ly Coupon (lR C ) and a sou veni r postcard . Stat ion address; RTM . I rue al-Bri bt. Morocco. (Silv i. OH) PORTUGAL RDP Int!, Y570 kl lz. Full data Bele m sce nery card un sig ned. Rece ived in 3 1 day s for an English re po rt. Station add ress: Apertado 10 II. Lisboa Co de x. Portugal. (Bill Wilk ins. Springfield. MOl USA Radio Taipei Int'I v ia WYFR-Oke echo hcc . FL. rela y. 595 0 ktlz. Full data QS L card. sticke rs and sched ule enc lose d. Rece ived in 4 3 days for-au English repo rt. Sta tio n addre ss: P.O. Box 24- 38 . Taipei. Taiwan , Rep of China. (Randy Stewart. Springfield . MO; Lind ley. MEl SHORTWAVE.GUIDE Eng/ish Language 7\" How TO USETHE SHORTWAVEGUIDE. 1: Convert your tim e to UTe . Eastern and Pacific Times are already converted to Coordinated Un iversal Time (UTe) at the top of eac h page. Th e ru le is: convert station name. Irregular broadcasts are indicated ''tent'' and programming which includes languages besides English are coded "vl" (various language s). you r local tim e to 24 -hour forma t; add (dur ing Dayli ght Savings Ti me) 4, S,6,o r 7 hours for Eastern , Central, Moun la in or Paci fic T imes, 4: respectively. locati on and cond itions. Note that atl dates, as we ll as times, are in UTe; for exam ple, a show which might air at 0030 UTe Sunday will be heard on Saturday evening in Not all stations can be heard and none all the time on all frequencies. To help you find the most promising frequ ency, we've included information on the target area of each broadcast. Frequencies beamed toward your area will generally be easier to hear than those beamed elsewhere . even though the latter will often still be audible. Every frequency is followed by one of these target codes: America (8:30 pm Eastern , 5:30 pm Pacific). 2: Choose a program or station you want to hear. Some selected programs appear on the lower half of the page for prime listenin g hours- space does not permit 24-hour listings. Occa sionally program listings will be followed by "See X 0000."This information indicates that the program is a rerun, and refers to a previous summary of the program's content. The letter stands for a day of the week, as indicated below, and the four digits represent a time in UTC. S: Sunday T: Tuesday H: Thursday A: Satu rday M: Monday W : Wednesday F: Friday 3: Choose the most promis ing frequencies for the ti me, am: na: ca: sa: eu: af: me: The Ame ricas North America Central America South America Europe Africa Middle East as: au: pa: va: do: om: Asia Australia Pacific various dom estic broadcast omnidirect ional Find th e frequ encies for th e program or station yo u want to hear. Look at the page which corresponds to the time you will be listenin g, Comprehensive frequency information for English broadcasts can be found at the top half of the page. All frequencies are in kHz. The frequency listing uses the same day codes as the program listings; if a broadcast is not daily. those day codes will appear before the HOT NEWS Consult the propagation charts. To further help you find the right frequency, we've included charts at the back of this section which take into account conditions affecting the audibility of shortwave broadcas ts. Simply pick out the region in which you live and find the chart for the region in which the station you want to hear is located. The chart indicates the optimum frequencies for a given time in UTC. . • • • • • • • • • • COMPILED BY J IM FRIMMEL THEMINIDISC COMES Recent price red uct io ns in Mi niD isc equ ipment makes this a "must hav e" item for rad io listeners, Th e Sharp po rtabl e Minifr isc reco rder model MD -M S70 2 was o n sale al Fry e 's Electron ics in Jul y for S 199. fl lank MiniDi scs prices have also dropped to the S3. 50 to S5 .00 ra ng e, dep end ing on the qua ntit y in th e pack age . It is claimed th at these nea t little 3- 112" d iam eter di scs arc reco rd a ble for Lip to a milli on time s eac h and can co ntain up to 74 minut es o f ste reo so und, the same amo unt of musi c as a co m me rc ial C D. Si nce the di scs arc sea led in a pla stic case, much like a Floppy di sk . the y are not susce pt ible to dropout s ca used by f ngcrprint s. On e of the th ings that mak es the MiniD isc spec ial for radi o listeners is its a bi lity to reco rd in mon au ra l so und . thu s increasing the co ntinuo us recordin g timc to a lmost 1.5 hours. Thi s is 2.5 tim es g reate r th an a sing le s ide o f the lon gest mu sic ca ssett e. Makin g a rec or d ing is as easy as co nnec ti ng a line cor d to the record o utp ut o f yo ur rad io or wha teve r sig na l so urce yo u are record ing fro m. You ca n moni to r the s ignal w ith head phones and start the rec ord ing manua lly or set it to begi n whe n a sig na l is de tected . Sou nd is rec or de d in tracks . just like a C D, and yo u ca n d ig ita lly la be l the trucks with text to ide nt ify the mat erial recorde d . You co uld recor d \Vorld or Ra d io O il OFAGE. track I , Me d ia Networ k on track 2, Co m mun icatio ns World o n track 3, and still ha ve an hour left fo r something else. Copying a ste reo musi c C D to yo ur M iniD isc: is sim ple . Th e Minifrisc reco rde r aut omatica lly inserts the same trac k numbers as on the o rig inal C D. T he track s the n can be labe led using the c hara c te r ge nerato r 0 11 the recor der and tile tra ck nam es will di sp lay as eac h track is played back , Playbac k o f a record ed radio broadca st also provides a un iqu e feature not found on a ta pe record er. Bec a use th e so und was recorded di g itally. it can be played back at tw ice the spee d witho ut the human vo ice sound ing like M ick ey Mou se. Th er e is a noticeab le lo ss of sound qua lity, but it' s a handy way to find so mething O il a recording of G len n Ha user' s World ofRadio. And. the recorder is smart enoug h to send a mo no s ig na l to bo th sides o f yo ur earp hone s. Th e Mi n iD isc recorder co uld be the perfect com panion to yo ur portable recei ver for recording w hen on a trip. Playback through yo ur car a ud io sys tem is a snap by co nnecting the head set output of th e recorder 10 th e ca sse tte playe r using a C D car kit. MiniDisc s will soon be found in auto radi o s, rep lacing cassettes. Th ey also are ava ilab le in m ini -mus ic syste ms in co mb ina tio n wi th radio and CD p layers, and as standalo ne hit! com po ne nts. Lei the re vo lution begi n ! September ' 998 MONITORINGTIMES 39 fREQUENCIES . 0000-0100 0000-0100 0000-01 00 vi 0000-0100 vi 0000-0015 0000-0100 0000-0100 0000-0100 0000-01 00 0000-0100 0000-0100 0000-01 00 0000-0 100 0000-0005 0000-0027 0000-0100 ‫סס‬OO- 003 0 0000-0100 0000-0015vi 0000-0045 0000-0100 0000-0015 . Anguilla,Caribbean Beacon Australia, Radio Australia. Vl8K Katherme Australia, Vl8T Tent Crk Cambodia, Natl Radio Ot Canada. esc N Quebec Svc Canada.CFRX toronto canaoa CFVP Calgary Canada, CHNX Halifax Canada, CKZNSt John's Canada, CKZU vancouver Costa Rica, Adv World R Costa Rica,RFPeace Inll Croatia,CroatianRadio Czech Rep, Radio Praaue Ecuador, HCJB EOYpt. Radio Cairo cermaoye verccmer Mlf\istr Ghana, Ghana Broadc Corp India, All India Radio Ireland, unt Christian BC Japan, RJapanlNHKWorld 0000-0100 liberia.LCNIR Liberia Int 0000-0100 Malaysia,Radio 0000-0100vi Namibia, NBC 0000-0030 Netherlands, Radio 0000-0100 New Zealand, R NZInti 0000-0057 North Korea, R Pyongyang Papua NeVI uumea.NBC 0000-0100vi 0000-0100 Philippines, FEBCtR Inti 0000-0030 mtwhfa Serbia, Ra dio Yugoslavia 0000-0100 SinqapureRgorp Singapore 0000-0100 Spain, R Exterior Espana 0000-0: 00 "lbailard. Radio .. . .. . . . . . 6090am 9660pa 17795pa 5025do 0000-0100 12080a5 21740pa 15240pa . . UK. BBC Asian Service 1771 5pa 0000-0100 UK.BBC World Service 0000-0100w UK. Merlin Network One Ukraine, RUkraineInti 0000-0100 6070do 603(}{1o 6130do 6160do 6160do 5030am 6975am 9925am 5930na 9745na 9900am 3975eu 3366do 7410as 620Odo 6155eu 1181 5as Sloodo 7295do 3270al 6020rm 17675pa llB45ca 9675do 1545Das 9580na 6150do 6055am 9655as 9725am 15050am 7345na 12015na 9500as 4915do 9705as 618Deu 13650as 1546Dam 0000-0100 0000-0059 0000-0100 0000-0100 0000-0100 USA, KAIJ Dallas TX USA, KHBI N MarianaIs USA, KTBNSaltLk City UT USA, KWHR NaalehuHI USA, Voice 01America 0000-0030twbta USA, Voice of America 0000-0100 0000-0100 twnta 0000-0100 0000-0100 0000-0100 0000-0100mw! 0000-0100 irreg 0000-0100 0000-0100 0015-0100 0030·0100 0030-0100 0030-0100 0030-0100 USA, WEWN Birmingham AL USA,WGTGMcCaysvilleGA USA, WHRt NoblesvilleIN USA, WINS Redlion PA USA, WJCR upton KY USA, WRMIIRMiami Inti USA, WSHBCypress Cr~ SC USA,WWBS Macon GA USA, ~WlC R NashvilleTN USA. WYFR Okeechobee FL Japan, RJapanlNHK World Austria, R Austria Inti Iran, VOIRI Lithuania, Radio Vilniu s xeme-unos. Radio 0030-0100 0030-0100 0030-0100 0045-0100 00SO-0100 Sri Lanka.Sri Lanka BC Thailand, Radio UK. BBC Asian Service Albania. RTirana Inti Italy. RAl inli 21455am 9950as 11620as 96B5at 11705na 3289af 6165rla 9845na 13650sa 15230na ocoe-oreo 11870na 11905as 15395na 6195as 7110as 11945as 11955as 15280a5 1531035 15360a$ 17790as 5975am 61i5na 9590am 5970S3 9915sa 9645eu 5905eu 7240eu 12050na 5810am 15665as 15590am 17510as 7215as 15290as 5995am 9775am 5825eu 5085am 5745am 11950am 7490na 9955ca 7535am 11905na 5070am 5950na 6155eu 9655na 60SSeu 9855am 5{)20na 11655as 9730as 9655as 9410as 6115na 6010na 491 0do 11940a5 9625do 3915as 9410a5 12095sa 11 985na 5915eu 9445na 6020eu 13690va 9770as 17735as 6130ca 11695ca 1175{)as 17820as 7405am 13740am 9550na 7180na 12040na 15185as 9455ca 13595na 1528Ssa 7435am 6085na 618Deu 9475am 9505na 9665af 9022eu 9685eu 6165na 12Q9{1as 15425as 11905as 11955as 7160na 9675na 9845na 13845am 11705na 9855as 15395na 11800na SELECTED PROGRAMS. • • • • . Sundays 0000 Australia, Radio; RA New.;, FiveOf len minutes of world_ Australian, andregional news. 0000 Egypt, Radio Cairo: Stamps. 0000 USA, WEWNBirmingham AL: TheBest 01Mother AngeliCa Live. Repeal broadcast of a the TV simulcast. 0005 Australia, Radio: Oz Sounds fl_Twenty minutesof music selectionsbyRadio Australiaannouncers 0009 Egypt, Radio Cairo: Egyptian Songs. 0015 Egypt, Radio Cairo: News. 0030 Aus tralia, Radio: Correspondents' Report TheABC's foreign correspondents reporl home with HamishRobertson. 0030 VOA (Special English): News(Special English). Five or ten minutes 01news in slow English 0040 VDA (Special English): Words and their Stories (Special English). Theoriginand use of common words and phrases in American English. 0045 VOA (Special English): Peoplein Amerit:a (Special English). Stories about famous emencans. Mondays 0000 0000 0000 Australia, Ra dio: RA News. See S0000. EgyptRadio Cairo: Egyptian Music. USA, WE'NN BirminghamAL: Mother Angelica Live (encore).Down to earth (ana sometimeshumorous) Inspiration. 0005 Egypt, Radio Cairo: Islamic Civilization. 0010 Australia, Radio: Asia Pantie. SeeS 2310. 0015 Egypt, Radio cairo: News. 0030 Australia, Radio: Innovations. Destey Blanch reports on Australian inventions ami innovative practces. 0030 VOA (Special EllQlish): News(Special EngliSh). See S0030 0040 VOA (SpecialEngliSh): Development Report (Special English). Helplul information 'or developing nations. 0045 VOA (SpecialEngliSh): This is America (Special English). lnfcrmativereports on life in theUnited States. 0030 VOA (Special English): News (Special English). SeeS 0030. 0040 VOA (Special English): Agriculture Report (SpecialEnglish). Developments andreportsonfarming andapricullure. 0045 VOA (Special English): Sciencein meNews (Special English). Recent scientific developments ~:d~~a~a ~l~o: RA News, See S0000, USA, WEWNBirmingham At: Mother Angelica live Family 0000 0010 001 5 0030 0030 0040 0045 r~oU~~~ Radio: RA News. See soeco. Merlin NetworXOne: Rock Radio Network. 0000 0000 USA,WEWNBirmingham AL: Mother Ang elica uce. See M 0000. 0010 Ausfralia, Radio: Asia Pacific. SeeS 231 0. 0015 EgyptRadio Cairo: News. 0030 Australia, Radio:Book Talk. Jill Kitson presents an entertaining mixof l eviews and critical discussionof new books. 0030 VOA (Special English): News (Special English)_See S0030. 0040 VOA (Special EnGlish): Science Report (Special English), SeeW0040. 0045 VOA (Special EngliSh): The Making of a Nation (Special EngliSh). Chapters 'rom U,S. historyin special English. Fridays ‫סס‬oo Tuesdays 0000 0010 0015 0030 0010 0015 0030 0000 0000 40 Australia, Radio: RA News. See S0000, USA,WEWN Birmingham At: Pillars of Faith (Iive)_Bishop D.Foley lakes telephoneQuestionsabout Ca tholic doctrine Australia. Radio:Asia Pacilic. See S2310. Egypt. Radio Cairo: News Australia, Radio: ArtsAustralia.Usa Harris presents reviews and comment oncurrent events within tileAustralian arts scene. MONITORING TIMES Sep tember '998 Night. Asimulcast of the TV program. Australia,Radio: Asia Pacific. SeeS2310 Egypt, Radio cairo: News. Australia, Radio: Rural Reporter.flo information available. VOA (Special English): News (SpecialEnglish). SeeS0030, VOA (specat English): Science Report(Special English). Developments in the wortdof science and fechnology. VOA (Special English): Exploration (Special English). Steve Emberand ShirleyGrilfith report onspace news. Australia, Radio: RA News. See S ‫סס‬oo USA, WEWN BirfQ,ingharnAL: lifeonthe Rock (live). Join Jeff Ca~lfls and his weekly guestas theymeet at acottee houseto discuss mejoysandchallengesof being a young Christian in the9O·s. Australia, Radio: Asia Pactne. See S2310. Egypt.RadiOCairo:News. Australia, Radio: Eannbeat.PeterJacklyn examines envtrcnmentatissues of theregion from ascientific perspective. 0030 VOA (Special English): News(Special English). see S0030_ 0040 0045 VOA. (SpecialEnglish): Envirunrnent Report (Special English), A live-minute reportona specific environmental subject. VOA (Special English): American Mosaic (SpecialEnglish). Reports about music, books. movies, and student life in the USk Saturdays 0000 Australia, Radio: RANews. See S 0000, oood" USA, WEWN Birmtnqham AL:TheJourney Home (live). See W 1400_ 0005 Australia, Radio: Feedback. See S 0305, 0015 EfMlt, Radio Cairo: News 0030 Australia,Radio:Asia Pacific. SeeS 2310. 0030 VOA (Special English): News (Special English). See S 0030. 0040 VOA (Special English): In the News (SpeCial EngliSh). Focus onaperson, organiZiltion, or issuein newsreports. 0045 VOA (Special English): Amelican Stories (Special English). Readings 01shortstoriesby American authors inslow English. HAUSER ' S HIGHLIGHTS MALI: CHINA RADIO INTERNATIONAL RELAY UTC on 9770 kHz 1830 Arabic 1930 Port uguese :!O()() Engf . . h UT C on 7 170 k Hz 2 100 Engli xh 2 130 French 2230 C hinese 2300 -2357 Spunixh (N agoya DX Circle v ia Electronic DX Pr('.\',\" ) FREQUENCIES • 0100-0200 0100-0200 0100-1)200 vi Ot()().Q200 vi 0100-0200 a 0100-0200 0100·0200 OHlO-0200 0100·0200 AngUllla,carlbbean Beacon Auslralia. Radio """'m Auslralia, Vl6K Kathe n~ Australia. Vl8T Tenl erk 11715pa S025do .t91Odo Belarus. RBela/us Inti Canada. cae Nueeoec Svc Canada. CfRX toronto 0100·0200 0100·0200 0100·0129 Canada, CFVP Calgary Canada, CHNX H a hfa~ Canada, CKZN SI John's Canada, CKZU vancouver Canada, R canaoa InU 0101}0200 0100-0105 0100-0200 010(1-1)127 0100-0200 0100-0150 Costa Rlca,RF Peace Inll Croatia, Croatian Radio cuba. Radio Havana CzechRep, Aallio Plague Ecuadar, HCJB Germany. DeutscheWerle 0100-0200 0100-011 5 0100-0130 0100-0200 01lX).ll1 30 0100·0200 0100-011 0 0100-D200 Germany.Ove/comer Mmistr Ghana. Ghana Broadc Corp Hungary. RadiOBudapest IOOOflfSia. Voice 01 Iran. VOIAI Ireland, Unt cnnsnan BC Italy. RAI Inll Japan. RJapantNHKWolld 0100·0200 ubena LeNIRliberia Int 0100-0 ~30 lifhuanla. RadiOVilnius MalaYSia, RadiO Namibia. NBC Netnertano s. Ra diO 0100-0200 0100-0200 ~I 0100·0125 0100-0200 0100·0200 ~I 0100·0200 . . . . .. New Zealand, RNZ Inti Papua New Guinea. NBC Philippmes FEBCIR Inti 9660p, 7210eu 0100 0100 0100 0105 0106 0114 6030do 6130do 6160do 6160do 5960am 13670am 6975am 9925am 6000", 6200na 974500 6040", 11810am 3975eu 3366do 6120na 9525.1s 6055eu 620010 601(l,,, 61503r 15590as 21670pa 5l()Odo 9855am 7295do 3270al 6020na 11655a5 17675pa 9675do 15450as see Mondays 0100 Australia, Rar:lio: RA News, See S 0000 0100 Croatia: NeVlS_ 0100 Germany. Deutsche Welle: News. See S 0100. 0100 USA, WEWN8irminQIlam Al : Thesacraments. FatherGiles Dimock leaches whallhe sacraments areand practical wayS that ~erl Calholic canlivethem. 0106 Germany. DeutscheWelle: Mailbag North America. l istener mail lrom North AmeriCa is answered 0106 Germany, OeutscheWelle: World OXMeeting (4/5). t eutscne Welle's lasl-d3y-ol-lt\e-mOllth program lor ShOrtwave ieteners. Australia, Radio: Aware. l orenaAllam hosts a program 01 indloenousartsand ISSUes. 0115 Germany. Deutsche Welle: Ms on ~ Air, A program 01 reperts and interviews onwjor tullural events and eeeeoc ments nceeo b1 Gareth E~ans . 0115 Germany. Deutsche We~e : FeatUfe 01theMorth (1). A specetteature on important d~elopm entll issuesot our lime T uesdays 0100 Australia, Radio: RA News. SeeS 0000. 0100 0100 Croatia:News Gelmany, DeutscheWelle: fi ews. See S0100. 15415as 21740pa 11670eu 607Odo Auslralia, Radio: RANews. S 0000. CI03tia: News. Germany, Deutsche wene: News. Worldnews Irom Deutsche Welle. USA. WEWNBirmingllam AL: SI. Joseph Radio Presents (encore), A diSCuSSion 01Cattlohc teuetsard practices lor all eencmeaucns. Auslralia, Radio: The Europeans. Maria Zi~Slra presents reports andteannes onaspects01European politics. culture and society. Germany, DeutscheWelle: WeekendReview. A saturday update 01current eventsand sports in Germany. Germany, aeetscne W! !Ie: Spectrum. A magazine program presenting a broad range 01newcevetcnments in science and technology. 0110 15240pa 17795pa 9625do SELECTED PROGRAMS. Sundays 0100 1208Das 1775Oa:s . ... 9535am 9755am 11715am 15050am 982& a 7345na 1201500 6'''5", 21455.1m 6H5oo 11765as 9022eu 155103S 9685eu 9675na 11860as 17810as ll llOOoa 11a7DaI 17835sa 3289al 6165na 12090as 0100-0200 Russia.VOiCe 01 RussIa WS 0100-0200 0100-0130 Sllgapore,RCorpSmoapore Ql(l(H)200 scam. R Ertenor Espana Slovakia. R SlovakiaInti 0100-0200 0100-0130 0100-0200 Sri la nka. SnLanka Be SWitzerland. Swiss R Inti UK, BBC Asian Service 0100·0:WO UK. BBC World Service 0100·0200 0100-0200 0100-0200 0100-0200 OtOO·02oo USA, KAIJ DallasTX USA. KJES MesQuite NM USA, Kl BNSallLk City UT USA. KWHR Naalehu HI USA, Voice 01America 0100·0200twhla USA. Voice 01America Ot OO-02OO 0100·0200 twnta 0100-0200 0100-0200 D100{)2()() 0100-0200 0100-0200smwta 0100-0200ineo 0100-0200 0100-0200 0100-0130 0100-0127 0125-0200 0129-0159 0129-0159sm 0130·0200 0130·0150 0130,0200 0138·0143 014().0200 USA. WEWN BlrmmQham Al USA, WGTGMcCaYSVilleGA USA, WHRI N obles~,lIe IN USA, WINBRed Lion PA USA. WJCRUpton KY USA. WRMVR Miami InU US,\, WSHB Cypress Cr. SC USA. 'IIWBSMacon GA USA. WIoVCR NashVille m USA.WYFROkeechobee FL Uzbekistan, RTashkenl Vietnam, Voice 01 Netherlands, Radio Canada. RCanada Inti Canada, RCanada InU Albania. RTirana Inti Greece, Voice 01 Sweden, Radio Croatia, Croatian RadiO Vatican Stale, Vatican A 13605na 964"" 9500as 49t 5OO ,,- . . .. 9845n3 15570as 21610pa 9855as USA, WEWNBirmingham AL TruthTalks. DealHudson 01 CrisISMagazineandhisguests discuss relevant issues, includingethics, charityand democracy. 0106 Germany, Deu1sdle Welle: ' jewsUnk. M 1106. 0110 Australia, Radio: Scence Show. Robyn Williams presents lhe world 01scerce. bothat homeandatlroad. 0130 VOA (Special English): (Special EAQlish), SeeS 0033. 0133 Gelmany, Deutsche Welle: Manand Enyironment. Various topicsrelating to me environment in industrial and developing · countries. 0140 VOA (Special English): AQricunureReport (Special English). See T0040. 0145 VOA (Special EnQlish): SCiencein the News (Special EngliSh). SeeT 0045. 0100 see "ews ~:d~~~a~a~la~io : RANews. See S 0000. 0100 0100 0100 Croatia: News. Germany. Deutsche Welle: News, SeeS 0100, USA, WEWN Birmingham AL: OurFalher'S Plan, 01. seen Hahn andJeff castos leadan In-depth studyof GOd's relationship to manthroughout Biblicalhistory, 0106 Germany, DeutscheWelle: NewsUnk. See M 1106 0110 Australia, Radio: flationall nlerest. New program- no inlo available. 0130 Germany, Deutsche Welle: Insight. A weekly analysis 01major developments onee international scene. 0130 'IDA (Special EngliSh): News(Special English). SeeS 0030. 0140 VOA (Special English): SCIence Report (Special Eoolish). See W 0040. 01 45 VOA (Special English): Exploration (Special Engtish). W 0045. see !~U~!~~~Radio: RAuews . SeeS0000. 0100 Croatia: News. 0100 0100 0106 0110 0130 Germany, Deutsche Welle: News. See S0100. USA, WEWU BirmingllamAL: liveWrre (1!Ve). Livecall-in program. Germany, Deutsche Welle: Newslink. See M 1106. Australia. RadiO: Background Briefing,Australia's topawardwinning current affairs program. Germany, Deutsche Welle: living in Germany. A weekly l oo~ at thesocialand political issues in it e 19905, 0130 7105na 15520na 615Odo 9665", 1205"" S930na 6055am 973035 9885na 5965a5 7300al 9440sa 15425as 11955as 5970sa 9915sa 5810am 7555am 7510am 17510as 7115as 11725as 17820as 5995.1m 9775am 5825eu 5085am 5745am 11950am 7490na "'500 7535am 1190500 3215.1m 6065", 7190as 5940am 9855as 5960am 9535am 62200a 74500a 9435as 9925fla 5980as 15425na 9905" 6195a5 15280a5 5975am 12095sa 94tQas 15310a5 9605as 15360a5 6175na 9590arn 7200as 11 820as 9635as t 5250as 11705as 17740as 6130am 137JOarn 7405.1m 9445am 7J35am 1155Das 9530as 13845am i315am 13595na 15285sa 5935am 9505", 9375as 7250am 11 655as 9755am 11715am 7160na 9375n3 11 985au 7335as 9715as 12090as 13670am 9420na 11645na 96503S VOA(Special English): News (Special English). SeeS 0030. 0140 0145 VOA (Special English): Science Reporl (Special English). see W0040. VOA(Special English): TheMaking 01a Nation [Special English). See H 0045. Fridays Australia, Radio: RA Nf'NS. SeeS 0000. Cloatia: News. 0100 Germany, DeutscheWelle:Ne....-s, SeeS 0100. 0100 USA, WEWN Birmingham AL: The Abundanl tne. See W 0400. 0106 Germany, DeutscheWelle: NewsUnk. See M 111>6. 0110 Australia, Radio: Hindsight. See H 1605. 0130 Germany, DeutscheWelle: Spotlight on Sport.Weekly magazine program wilh background stones and coverage 01important events. 0130 VOA (SpecialEnglish): News (SpeCial English). SeeS 0100 OHIO 0030. 0140 VOA (Special EngliSh): Environment Report (Special EngliSh), seeF0040. 0145 VOA (Special EnOliSh): American Mosaic (Special English). F0045 see Saturdays Australia, Radio: RA News. See S 0000 0100 0100 0100 0100 0105 0106 0130 0130 0130 Croatia:News. Gelmany, Deutsch eWelle: ~ws . S0100. USA. WE\\'N BirmingllamALThe WortdOvel. OMne Worship. Australia, Radio: Oz Sounds 11. See S 0005. Germany. DeutscheWelle: NevISUnk. M 1106. Austa lia. Radio: Ms Australl3.. T 0030. Germany, DeutscheWelle: German by Radio. Anadvanced German language course lor Englishspeakers. VOA (Special EnOlish): News (Special EngliSh). See S see see see 0030. 0140 0145 0150 VOA(Special EnoliSh): In theNews(SpecialEngliSh). See A 0040. VOA (Special English): smencan Stories(Special EngliSh). See A 0045. USA, WEWN BirminQham AL:Pro-Lile Update. See W ll OO September 1998 MONITORING TIMES 41 FREQUENCIES . 0200-0300 0200-0300 twbta Anguilla.CarlbbeanBeacon 609O;om Argenlina. RAE 11] 10am 0200-0300 Auslrall3. RadiO 9660" 15510pa 020(H)300 vi 0200-oJOO ~ 0200-02 10 0200-0300m\'lfas 0200-0300 0200-0300 Australia. Vl SKKathe rine Australia,VL8T rent Crk S025do Bangladesh. Bangia Betar "gO" Belarus. R BelarusInll 7210eu "'85", Bulgaria. Radio caeaea. eBe N Quebec Svc 0200-Q3()() 0200-0300 0200-0J00 0200-0J00 0200-0300 0200-0229 0200-0300 0200·0205 0200-0300 0200-0300 0200-0000 0200-0230 0200-0251l Canada, CfRX Toronto Canada. Cf\l PCalgary Canada.CHfl X Halifax Canada. CKIN StJohn's Canada.CKZU Vancouver Canada. RCanada Inti Costa Rica.RF Peace Inll Croalia, ccaten Radio Cuba RadiOHavana Ecuador, HCJB Egypt. RadIO Cairo Finland. YLEIR Fintand Germany. Deutsche Welle 0200-0300 0200-0300 0200-0300 as/vi 0200-0300 0200-0300 0200-0250 0200·0300vi 0200·0225 0200·0300 0200·0230 m 0200·0300vi 0200-030-) Germany.Overcomer Ministr Ireland, unt cnnsnan BC ltaly, lRRS Kenya. Kenya aroaccCorp Malaysia. RadiO M ~anma r, RadiO Namibia, NBC Netherlands. Radio New Zealand, R NZ loti Norway, Ra(1I0 Norway loti PapuaNew Guinea, NBC Romania. R Romania Inti 0200·0300 nussa.vnrceof Russia WS 0200-0300 Singapore.RCorp Singapore . . . . .. . 120aGas 17715pa 15240pa 17750as 154153s 21725pa ol91Odo 02oo·030J 0200·0300 0200-0300 11720na 613Odo 616Odo 9755am 15050am 11715am 21460am 9820na 12015na 13605na 21455am 11900am 9615as 12045as ,- , 96"", 973Das Taiwan, RadioTaipei Inll 5950na 4935do 3289af 11655as 12090as 1I 990na 9570na 15380as 966511a 9£90as l1i40as 12050na 154250a 11715am 15425<15 11810am 15575am 7130as 1534ia s 968011.1 11740am 0200-0300vi 0200-0300 Tanzania Radio 0200-0300 UK, BBC Asian Service 960sa, 1195535 15280as 15310as 02O(}0300 UK. BBC WorldService 1536035 5970sa g·HOeu 5975am 617511.1 9915sa 6195eu 0200·0300 USA. KAlJDallas TX USA. KJ!:S MesqUite NM USA. KTBN saltlk CityUT USA. KV/HR Naalehu HI USA, of America 117053s 177403s 11725as 17820as 50703m 9S05na 7165do 11 655as 9755am 9670sa 11600as 11910na 13610as 15120as 9495am 5935am 7435am 11715am 13730sa 13670am 9375na 9605am 9420na UK. BBC Afncan Service voce 136703m 11945,as n 75am South Korea. RKorea tnll Sri l anka. Sri l anka Be 11825pa 0200-0230 02()()-Q3()() 0200·0300 0201}·0300 603000 . .... .... 116701:u 9625do 607Odo 616Odo 9535,am 6975am 9925na 6000", 9745na 9475na 9780eu 7285as 119653s 3975eu 6200do 7120va 4885do 7295do 7t85do 3270al 9855as 17675pa 11600as 9675do 6155na 11940as 7105na 15520na 615Odo .. 0200-0300 0200.mOO rwnta 0200,0300 0200·0300 02oo·0J0JO 0200-03::M) 0200-0300mh 0200-0300irreg 0200·0300 0200-0300 0215·0125 0225·0300 0229-0259 sm 0230-0:!OO 0230·0257 0230-0300 0230·0245 0230·0300 vi 0230,0300 0230·0300 0230·0300 0250·0300 sr 0250·0300 USA, WEWN Birmingham Al USA. WGTG Mccaysville GA USA, WiiRI Noblesville IN USA. WINBRed lion PA USA, WJCR UptonKY USA. WRMIIR Miami Inll USA. \'o'SHB Cypress Crk SC USA, W\VBS Macon GA USA, WWCR Nashville TN USA, WYFR Okeechobee Fl Nepal. Radio Netherlands. Radio Canada. R Canada Inll Austria R Austria Inti Czech Rep, Radi o Prague Hungary. Radio Budapest Pakistan. Radro Phmppnes, RPuipmas Sweden, Radio UK. BBC World Service Vietnam. Voice of Greece, Voiceof Vatican Stale. vancanR SOSOdo 6135a! 581Dam 7555am 7S1aam 17510as 7115as 1182{las 5825eu 9590am 12OOa, 152503s 5085am 5745am I 1950am 7490na 9955ca 585003 I 19O5na 321 5am 6065., SOO5do 985Sas 9535am 9655na 9480me 98400a 7485as l 1B8Sas 7135am 9895am 59-10am 7450na 7305ca 7315am 13595na 7S35am 15485as 15270as 11645na SELECTED PROGRAMS . Sundays 0200 0200 0200 Australia, Radio: RA News, SeeS0000. Germany.DeutscheWelle: News. SeeS 0100. USA. WEWN Birminoham AL 51. Joseph Radio Presents (encore) (Part2). Tilesecond hour 01a discussion 01 calholiCbeliefs and practicesfor all denominations. 020S CrOolIr,a: News 0206 Germany. Deutsche W~lle : Weekend Review. SeeS 0106. 0210 Australia.. Radio: Fine MUSiCAustralia. Thebest Australian line music performances andcompOSitionsare pre5eflted by Ivan l loyd. 0214 Germany, Deutsche Welle: Mailbag. listener mail lromthe Americas i$ answered 021S EOYPI. Radio Cairo: News. 0230 Australia, RadiO: tne ReligionReport. Hostedby John Cleary. USA, WEWN BirminQham AL: Prc-ute Issues. See M 2328 Germany, DeutscheWelle: Man and Environment. See T 0133, 0230 USA, WEWN8irmingham AL: IMRA Reporton Missionaries. Faeer Mike Mullen reports fromSt.Jolin's Universityin New York. 0228 0230 ~d~~ia~lt: RA fl ews, SeeS 0000. 0200 Germany, DeutscheWelle: News. SeeS 0100_ 0200 USA, WEWN Birmingham At : Calhollc World Today. See M 0600 Croatia: News. Gtnnany, DeutscheWelle: NeYlSlink. See M 1106. Australia. RadIO: The Work! Today ~Part 1). See M 0210. Egypt, RadIO Cairo: NevIS, USA. WEWN Birmingham At: Parenting Children and Teens. SIeve WoodetterspracllcalQuideli!"leS tor SlJengtheninotamnes G ermany, DeutscheWelle: Insight. See W0130 0230 Mondays 0205 0206 0210 0215 0228 0205 0206 0200 Australia. Radio: RA News, See S0000 0200 Germany, DtutscheWelle: flews. See S0100. 0200 USA. WEWN Birmingham Al: CathOlic Work! Today.See M 0200 0200 0200 0200 0210 02tS 0215 0225 0230 Auslralia. RadiO: RANews. See S0000. Germany, Deutsche Welle: News. SeeS 0100. Norway, RadioNorway Inti: Norway Now. SeeS 0600. USA, WfWNBIrmingham At: TheTeacllinos of Jesus Christ Father John Corapi ellllains theparables andteachingsof Jesuscnnst Croolla: News Germany, Deutsche Welle: Weekend Review Two, ASunday update 01 currentevents in Germany. Australia, Radio: The World Today (Part 1). TonyEaslleywith currentaNairs updates Egypt.RadiOcairo: News. Germany, DeutscheWerle: Marlr.s andMarkets. See S0515. Egypt. Radio Cairo: Commentary E ~ pt. Radio Cairo: MusiC, Tuesdays 0200 Auslralia, Radio: RA News. See S0000. 0200 Gellnan)', DevtscneWelle: News. See S 0100 0200 USA. WEWN Birmingham Al: Catholic Work! Toda~. See M 0600 020S Croatia: News. 0206 Germany, DeutscheWelle: tl ewsUnk, See M 1106. 0210 Australia. Radio: TheWorld Today(Part 1). See M 0210. 021S Egypt, Radio Cairo:News 0225 USA, WEWNBirmingham AL: l oday'SSaint.A short biography 01a saint whoseteastcayIs being celebrated 42 MONITORING TIMES September 1998 Egypt Radio Cairo: t~ews . USA, WEWNBirmingham AL: CrisiSMagazine, SeeH 1100. Germany, Deutsche Welle: Spotlight on Sport. SeeF0130. 0215 0226 0230 Saturdays Auslralia, RadiO: RANews. SeeS 0000. 0200 Germany, DeutscheWelle: IIews. See S0100. 0200 0200 USA, WEWN Birmingham .AL: CalhetlCWorld Today. See M 0600. 0205 Auslralia. Radio: Ockham's Razor. SeeS 0605, 0205 Croalla: News. 0206 Germany, DeutscheWetle: flewslink . See M 1106. 0215 Egypt, RadiO Cairo: News. 0228 USA, WEWN Birminoham AL 2000· The Greal J ~bilee. neme WOlSIlip 0230 Austratia, Radio: The Healtll Report SeeM 1530 0230 Gerrr.any, DeutSChe Welle: Germanby RadiO. SeeA 0130. Thursdays 0600. 0205 D206 0210 0215 0225 0228 0230 0230 Croatia: N€\'Io'S Germany. DeutscheWelle: Newslilk. See M 11 06. Australia, Radio: TileWorld Today Wall 11· See M 0210 EOYPI. Radio Cairo: News USA, WEWN Bil mingham At: Teday's Saint. See T022S USA,WEWNBirmingham Al : Pro-ute Issues. SeeM 2328. Germany, Deutsche Welle: Uvmgin Germany. See H0130. USA, WEW,. airrmrcnamAl : MOlal DeciSIons. Oivme Worship. Fridays 0200 0200 0200 Auslralia, RadiO: RA News. See S0000. Germany, DeutscheWolte: News. See S0100. USA, WEWNBirmingham Al : Ca tholicWorld Today. SeeM 0600. 0205 Croatia: News, 020£ G e rm a n~, DeutscheWelte: NewsLink. SeeM 11 06. 02tO Aosrraua. Badio: TheWorld Today (Part 1). See M0210 HAUSER' S HIGHLIGHTS AUSTRALI A: RADIO AUSTRALIA Revi sed skcd in lute June . Eng lish toward NA ill: !..!:K kH, 2 100 -02IK) 2 IlX)·08(XI 11(Kl-Ol00 02CX )·0900 OXOO':! 100 2 17--10 17115 15510 9 5XO 1200- 1400 6010 I..HK l-\ SOO 5995 1700- 2200 11X80 17795 (NigelHolmes. RA ) FREQUENCIES . . . 0300.... 00 D300-G400 Angu'IIa,Gafibbean Beacon Auslnl13, Radio 60903m 0300-0.:00 vi 502500 0300-Q400 vi 0300·0400 0300-0.100.,.1 0300·0-100 A:;slralla. VL8K Kalhellne Auslralla. Vl 8TTenl elk AU$lralla [)efenseFOIcesR Canada. N Quebec Svc canaca CFRX rcrorac 60l 0do 0300·0400 Canada crvp Calgary 6030do 0300-0400 Canada. GHNXHa!l!ax Canada. CKZN SI John's Canada. CKZU Vancouver China, Ctuna Ra<llo inn Costa Rlca.RF Peace tnt! c roana Croatian garnc c eca. RadiO Havana Czech Rep. RadiOPraque Ecuador HCJB E(jf pt RadIO CallO G~lmarty. neutscr e Welle 6130do 6160do 6160do 9690na 6975am 9925na 6000na 7345na 9745310 9-\75am 6085na 9640na 3975eu 3300do 11785eu 62OOdo 7120va I 7685pa -t885do -t800do 7295do 5985na i520na 327Da f 9855as 17675pa 9675do , 1885as 9825na 13790na 5955al 615Odo 9iJOas 5950na 0300·C~OO 0300.( 400 0300·0400 0300·0400 0300·0305 0300·1)400 0300·0327 0300·0400 0300·0330 0300·0350 0300-0400 0300·0~00 03OO.Q.lOO IIleQ 030Q·Q.lOO 0300-0400asM 0300-0400 0300·0-100 0300-0-100 ~1 0300·Q-l00 03OO-0330mlwhla 0300·0325 0300-0400 vi 0300-0325 0300-0~ OO 0300·0.:00 vi 0300·0330 vt 03 00· 0 ~ 0 0 03OO'O~30 OJoo·Q-lOO 0300·0400 0300·0400 eec Germany.OvercomeJ Mlnistr Guatemala. RadiOCulllilal rrau. RadiOl,aQ InU tretaro. Unl Chnsnan BC Ilaly.IRRS Japan. R Japanl'lHK World Kerr/ a Kenya Broadc Corp tesott e. RadiO rescue MalaYSia, RadiO Menco. RadiO Me.lco Inti Moldova RMoldova InU ~JarmbiJ. NBC Nethertanns. RadiO New Zealand, R NZ Inll Papua New Guinea, NBC Philippines, R Pmpmas ncssavoce of RusslJ WS S Africa, Channel Africa Singapore,RCorp Smgapore Sri l anka, SnL anka BC Taiwan, Ra(JIQTaipei Inll 9660p. 15510pa .. . . . . Il O8Oas 15240pa 17750as 1i715lu . . . 0300-1)400 UK, BBC Alrican Service 325531 1173DaI 6005.' 6190<11 9600a1 030J-GJOO UK BBC Asian sevce ssosas 1531Das 15360. , 17790as UK BBC WOfld Service 21660as 5970sa 5975310 941Qeu 9895am 61750a 991Ssa 6195eu 11760me G02Deu 60HUeu 7410eu 95_ 1204003 S8l0am 7510310 9975am 17510as 6080al 729llal 11695al 4960a1 5825eu 5085am 135900a 7105af 9575al 72BOa! 9BB5al 5935310 7435am 0300-0330 491Odo 1563 53S 12095me 9625do 0300-0400 0300-0400 0300-0-100 0300-0400 0300·0400 0300·0400 15050am 9820na 9435na 12015na 21455am 61-\5na 6185113 Ianzann RadiO 505"'0 Thailand. RadIO Turkey. VOIce 01 Uganda, RadIO 965"'m 1270as 4976<10 0300-0330 smlwll 030Q-0400 030G-0400 l\'Ihta 9535113 """', I 7825ea 493Sdo 17855as 9705na """ 32f9al 116553S 15\20as 12000na 15425na 15425.1S 968Jna 11905.110 9655va uuame. R lf kraine Inti USAKAIJ Dallas TX USA. KlBN Saltlk City UT USA, KVDH Los AngelesCA USA. KWHRNaalehu HI USA. Voice 01America 13605na 15270as 12050na 15455na 11 745as 15~5as OJOO-MOO vl 0300-0330 0300·0400 0300-0315 mlVllIl 15415a5 21725pa . 15395na 1770Sas 13640na 15595na 11825as 030(}.04oo 03()(1.()400 03()(1.()400 030Q-0JOO 0300-04(1() 10 0300-0400 0300-0400 irreg 03OO-Q400 OJOO..O·HXl 0300·0310 0300-Q400 0300-0400vi 0310-0340 0330-0357 0330-Q400 vi 0330-0400 0330·0355 0330·0400 0330-0400 0330-0400 USA. Voice of America USA, WEWN BIJmingliamAl USA. WGTGMcCaySvilleGA USA. WHRA Greenbush ME USA, WHRINoblesvdle III USA. WINBRedlion PA USA. WJCR lj ptcn KY USA, VlMLKBethel PA USA.WRM IIRMlJml lnll USA, WSHB CypressCr1l SC USA.WWBS Macon GA USA WWCRNash",lle TN USA.WYFR meecnctee Fl Vatican Stale. vaucen R Zambia,Natl BCCorp Zimbabl'le. Zimbabwe BC vancan State, vancan R Czern Rep, Ra(J1O Prague Philippines, R Pilipmas Sweden, Radio UAE. Radio Dullal UK. BBCAlrican Service UK. BBCAsian Service UK, BBC World Service 0330-0400 s O3J0-Q400 03-t0-0350 0345-Q400 0345-0400 0345-0400 as 0356-!)400 UK. BBC Worldservice Vietnam, Voice of Greece. Voice01 Burundi. RadIONahonale Talikistan,RadlO Uganda, Radio Zambia, cnnsuan VOICe 0300-0400 "00m, 5745am ,,- 6115af 734llal 7315<110 11950am 13595na 9-I65am '''''' 5850113 11905na 3215310 6065na 7305ca 6165do 3306do 7360al 948o...a 13770as 9475am 12oo5na 961 0al 11955as 5975am 12095me 618Qeu 5905am 7450na 61-tOdo 1245as 497600 3330<>1 5070am 9505.. 9605.m 6265do ~828d o 9660., 11600<ls 15330as 11665am 13675na 15400na 15280as 6175na 15310as 9895am 619seu 7260am 9375na 9420na 17730as I 1760me 941Qeu 11645na 606"" SELECTED PROGRAMS· Sundays Tuesdays 0300 0300 0300 Auslrall.1, RadiO: RANel'iS. see S0000. Turkey. Voice01:News. Asummaryof wortdandregional. USA. VlE\\lN Bi rm i fll;lh ~ m Al: TheHoly Rosary (Living). 0300 0300 0300 0305 kustrallJ. Radio: ~ed llack . RogerBmacuent answersteners and discusses MI'I croewns.receonoo probems,and cuesuons about Austraha Turkey. Voice 01: Revi ewof theDay'STurkish Press, Items 01 current interest in the Turkishnewspapers. Turkey, VOicect Outlook Aneconomy and finance update. Turkey, VOice ct MusiCJl ln!eflude. jurkishinstrumental. Turkey,Voice 01: Cross Section o! Turkey'SRecentHistory lbiweeklyl The evcsunon of modern Turkey trcm an hiSloncal perspective lJrkey. VOice01: VOT ex Corner (biweekly). Fifteenminutes ollis temflgnos. OX/medIa news. andmusic Australia. Radio:Couespondenls' Report SeeS0030 USAWfW tl Bl rmif19t:~m AI.:The lillie FlOwer A program commemoratmg mece11enary ctme death of $alntTherese <t. Lisleu. Turkey. Voice of: TUlklSh Sonqs . Popular vocal music 0310 0315 Invme worsmp 031 1 031·1 0319 0323 0323 0330 0330 0338 ~n~~~ia. RadiO: RAIleNS SeeS 0000 Turlley. voce ot: uews. See S0300 0300 0300 0308 0310 0318 0324 0330 0331 USA, WFI/N Birmingham At: The HOly Rosary wdh Father Scallon, See S0300 Turkey.VOICeof: TurkIshCustomsand I radmcns AlookInlo lime-honored ~..ays01TurkIsh life Australia, Radio: TheWOl ld Today (Parl2). SEe M 0210. T~ r1ley. Voice of: TUlklSh Songs SeeS 0338. Turkey, VOice of: E~ tens . Newproqlam - no inromanon. USA,WEWN 81rmlllllhal1 At: Salvation andGlace. See S 1500 Turkey. Voice ot As[lIeWorld Turns. Bchmd-the·scenes news bits Irorn around llieglobe, 0322 0329 0330 033B Australia. Radio:RANews. SEe S0000 Turkey. Voice 01:News. seeS0300. USA. WEWN Birmingham At: The Holy Rosary (Joyful). See S 0300. Australia,Radio: TheWorld Today(PaI1 2). See M 0210. Turkey. Voice01: LastWeek. A recap 01 events alfecling Turkey duringthe previous week. Turkey. Voiceof: Turkish Songs. See S0338 Turkey, Voiceof: Science in Turkey See M 1252. USA, WEWN Birmingham AL: stanens 01 the Cross. Praying the rouneen stances. Turkey. Voice ct; Turkish Ponrarts. Pnrtrayals01 Ihe ute storiesctramousTurks. ~d~~~a~a~l~io : RANf\ vs. seeS0000 0300 Turkey. Voice01:News. SEe S0300. 0300 0310 0314 0324 0330 C334 0342 USA. Wf WN Illrmingham Al : The Holy Rosary (Sorrowful). See S 0300. Ausltalia. Radio: TheWorld Today (Part21· SeeM 0210 Turkey,Voice of: Prormnent Turksin History. A biographital sketch of a tamousTUlk. Tuaey. Voicect rnat MagmllClent Sullan Sulleyman. Tales 01rte 161h century Sultan noted hiS culturalachievements. USA, WfWN Birmingham AL: Stations01the Cross. See T 0330 Turkey, Voice01: In IheWake 01an Essay Wilting ContesL Readingsof 1997contest winnersa:H)Ut Anatolia- The Cradle of TurkISh Civilization TUlkey, Voice01: Turkish Songs. See S 0338 ~~U~~~'a ~Rad iO: RANews. See S0000. TUlkey, Voice 01:News. See S0300. OJoo 0300 0310 USA, WEWN Birmingham AL: The Holy Rosary (Glorious). See S0300 Auslralia, Radio: The World Today(Parl2) . See M 0210. 0310 OJI9 0330 Turkey, Voice 01: A Review01 theFOIeion Media. Items of interest to Tur1leylound in themedia 01other counlries. Turkey, Voice 01: t et ter BQ.(. The weekly mailbag program. USA. WEWN Birminlltlam AL: Stationsol i lle Cross. seeT 0330 0334 0338 Turkey, Voice01: Tu!kiSIiMusic. ClassicalTurkish. Turkey, Voice 01: TurkishDecorativeArts. A looks at woodcarvingandsimilar crafts in Turkey. Fridays 0300 0300 0300 0310 0314 0322 0330 Australia, Radio: RA News, SeeS 0000. Turkey, Voice of: News, SeeS 0300. USA. WfWNBirminghamAL:The Holy Rosary (Joyful). See S0300 Australia, Radio: TheWorld Today (Parl2). See fA 0210. Turkey, Voice ot I Am Anlolia. Theevolution 01modern Turkeyasseen fromtheSCience 01 archeolOgy. Turkey, Voice 01: Impressions of Turkey_Places to goand thinos to seein Turkey_ USA. WfWNBirmingtlam At: Stations O'lhe Cross. See T 0330 0332 0337 Turkey, Voice01: Elements 01 AnatOlian Culture. The meld;no 01 the oldand newliI~tyI~ in modern Turkey. TUlkey, Voiceot Turkish Songs. SeeS0338. ~~tu~~s~ra ~~ Radio: RANews. SeeS 0000, TUlkey, VOice of: News. See S 0300, 0300 0300 0305 0311 0328 0330 0330 0338 USA, WfWN Birmingham At: TheHoly Rosary (SOIrowful). See S0300. Australia, Radio: Book Readino. See F2305. Turkey, Voice of: Turkish Album. See F 1245. Turkey, Voice of: sacredSites01Turkey. A mind'seyeview 01 Turkish mosques andotherreligiousplaces. Auslralia, Radio: Rural Reporler. SeeW0030. USA, WEWN BirminghamAL: Thelillie Flower. See S 0330. Turkey, Voice01: VOT OX Comer (biweekly). SeeS0323. Seplembe, 1998 MONITORING TIMES 43 fREQUENCIES • . . 0400-0500 Anguilla,Caubbean Beacon ""","m 0400{);()() Australaa. RadIO 9660" t 5510pa 0401J.{1500vi 0400·0500vi 0400·0500 0400-0500 0400-0500 0400·0500 040(1-0500 (14(10·0500 0400·0500 0400·0429 0400·0500 0400·0500 0400·0405 0400·0500 0400·0500 0400·0450 0400-0500 0400·0500vi Auslral\3, Vl8K Kathenne Australia. Vl8T Tent e l k Australia,OelenseForc.esR Canada. CBe /1 nueoec Svc Canada. CFRXtoronto Canada. CFVPCalgary Canada.CHNXHautax Canada.CKZN 51John's Canada.CKZU Va n C OII~ e r Canada, RCanadaInll China, ChinaRadio Inti Costa Rica.RF Peace InU Croatia. CroatianRadio Cuba, Radio Havana Ecuador. HCJB Germany. DeutscheWelle 0400·0500aslvt 0400-0500 0400·0410\'Vm-I 0400·0500 0400·0500vi 0400·0-n o mtwhl 0400·0425 0400·0500 0400·0430 m 0400·0500vi 0400·0500 0400·0500 Germany.Overcomer Mlnlstr Guatemala. Radio Cultural Ireland. umcnnsten BC Israel. xorlsrae! Italy.IRRS Kenya. Kenyaarcade Corp Malawi. MBC MalafSlJ, RadiO MalaYSIJ RTM Kuchmg Mexico, RadiOMeXICOInU Moldova. R Moldova Inti N'!w Zealand. RNZlnll Norway. Radio rl or.vay Inll Papua NewGUinea. NBC Romania,R Romania Inti aussn.vcce01RussiaWS 0400,0430 0400·0500 0400,0430 0400-043::1 04oo·050Jvi 0400·0415 S Alrica, Channel Atnca sincaoore.at orc Singapore Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka BC Switzerland. SWISSR Inlt Tanzania. Radio Uganda. Radio 0400-0500 0400·04 1 ~ 120B0as 17715u .. 15240pa 11750as 154153S 21725pa .. 0400-0500 UK. BBC Atrican SeI'V1U 0400-0500 UK. BBC Asian servc e 5025do 0400-0430 491Odo 156353S 962Sdo 607Odo 6030do 6130do 6160do 6160do 9715rne 9560na 6975am 5945eu 600000 9745na 599Oa1 11765a! 3975eu 33OOd0 61OOdo 9-l35eu 7120va 48S5do 5993do 7295do 716Odo 59S5na 7520na 17675pa lJ445na 9675do 9570na 9665na 13645na 5955.11 6150do 973Das 5840eu 5050do 4976do (}.lOO·O500 0400-0500 0400-0500 0400·05ClO 0400·05JO 11835me 9730am 15050Jm 11 975me 9820ru 12015am 6015a! 13605na 21455am 722SaI 9~al 1i 535na 9705na 15425as 6165eu 0400-0500 0400·0500 lwh!a 0400·0500 0400·0500 0400·0500 0400-0500 0400-0500 0400-0500 mtwhla D400-0WO mw ().fOO-OSOO 0400-0500 0400-0s00vi 0425·().W0 vi 0425·0500 0430-0500 0430.0500 vI 0430·0500 0430·0500 0430·0500 0430·0500 0430·0500 USA. WEWN BirminQham Al USA. WG TG McCaysville GA USA. WHM Greenbush ME USA. WHRI Noblesville IN USA, WINB Redlion PA USA. WJCRUpton KY USA. . .·.MLK Bethel PA USA. WRMlIR Miami Inti USA. WSHBCypress Cl k SC USA. WWCR tlashville TN USA. WVFR meechObee FL Zambia. ChristianVOICe zamba Nail BC Corp zencaewe. Zlmtiabwe Be Italy,R"'llni l Nigeria. f RCNJRadio Austria. RAustria Inll tescmc. Radio tesomo Netneraros. RadiO Serbia. Radio Yugostavia Swaziland, Trans World R Switzerland. Swiss R Inti UK. usc World Service 0430-0500 as UK. BBC World Service 0455·0500 0455·0500 Malaysia. Voice01 fJigelIJ. Voice 01 l)4(X).(ISOO 0400-0500 4935/l0 11940na 9825na 13790na USA. KAU DallasTX USA. KlBN Salt u Cily UT USA, KVDH LosAngeles CA USA. KWHR Naalehu HI USA. Voice of America 600Sal 1542031 619031 1160af 119::53 5 1528035 15310a5 17i9Oas 216603s 3955eu 5975am 9410eu 155; 5a5 617503 9895am 1764l1eu 61811eu 7170al 9575al 7265a! 9885a! 7275al 11965me 5935na 99S5va 7435am 499Odo 6025do 9590n.a 11870na 4775a! 9905na 6175am t1760me 15575as 6180eu 6195eu 9410eu 9750as 1512aal 15295au 6195eu 12095eu S8lQam 7510am 11760me 99i5am \ 7780as 6080af i290at 15 205 ~a 119103s ll605eu UK. BBCWorld Service 3255a! 9600a' 9605as 15325as 12000na 15455na 9885am 17720as 12050na 15495na 99Q5,m 5825eu 5085am 9400me 5745am 11950am 7490na 9465am 9955ca 7535eu 3210am 606500 333001 6165do 3306do 5975al 3326do 6155eu 4800do 6165na 9580na 3200.11 9885na 5975am 17640me 3955eu 12095eu 6175as 7255al 7315am 13535na """'I 507aam 9505na 6ll65a1 62€5do 4828do 727Ga! 47iOdo 13i30eu SELECTED PROGRAMS . Sundays 0400 0400 0400 0400 Australia. Radio: RA Nco.'o'S. See S 0000. Croalia: NevIS. Germany. DeutscheWelle: News. See S0100. USA. WfWl l Birmingham AL: TeachmQ01Jesus. father arcescterhosts this seres. 0405 Australia, Radio: Pacific f ocus. CovclaQe01rssues 01 relevance to people ot the PacifiCregion. 0406 Germany. Deutschewere. weekend Review. See5 0106. 041 4 Germany. Deutscte Welle: Inside Europe. Helen seenes, a native of Australia, hosts this radio magazine that oilersa European perspecuce onevents 01theweek. 0430 auenaua. Radio: Week's End. No inlormation available lor mrs newprogram. Mondays 0400 0400 0400 0400 0400 0406 Australia. Radio: RA tJews. SeeS 0000. Croatia: fl ews. Germany, Deutscne Welle: News, See S 0100. fl orway, Radio Norway Inn:Norway Now. See S 0600. USA. WEWN BjrminchamAl : SpanishMass(encore). S 1600. Germany. Ck!utsche weue. Weekend Review Two. See M see 0106 0410 0415 Australia, Radio: TheWorld Today (Part 3). See'" 0210. Gennany. Deutsche Welle: Marts andMarlo;ets. See S 0515. Tuesdays 0400 0400 0400 0400 0406 041 0 0430 44 Australia. Radio: RANews, SeeS0000 Croatia: N~ Germany. DeutscheWelle: News. See S0100. USA. WEWfl BirminghamAt : TheSacraments.SeeM 0100. Germany. DeutscheWelte: NewsUnk. See M 1106 Au stralia. Radio: TheWorldToday (Part 3). See 1.1 0210. Germany, Deutsche Weile: Good Morning Africa, Music, gossip and listeners' messages tor andnomAlrica MONITORING TIMES September 1998 ~:d~~a~a ~~o: RA News. See S Croatia: News. 00)3. 0430 0430 Aus:ralIJ, Radio: AsiaPacific. See S2310 Germany. Deutsche Welte: German by Radio, See A0130. Q.tOO 0400 0400 0406 0410 0430 Germany. ~utsche Welle: New5. See S 0100 USA. WEWN BtrmlAgham At : The Abunaant tee. Johnnelle BenkovicwithcllallenginQsueects dealingwilh improving lamily life. Germany. Deutsche Welle: NewsLink. SeeM 1106. Australia. Ra~ lO : The Worlel Today (part3). See M 0210 Gelmany, DeutscheWelle: Good MorAing Alnta . See T0430. !~U~~~af~Radio: RA News. SeeS0000. 0400 0400 0400 0406 0410 0430 Croalia: News. Germany, Deutsche Welle: News. See S0100 USA, WE'NNBilmingham At: MotherAngelicaLive terccre). See Pot 0000 Germany. DeutscheWelle: Newslink. See M 11 06 Australia. Radio: The Wond Tooay (Pan 3). See M 0210 Gelmany. Oeulsche Welle: Good MorningAlrica. See T 0430. Fridays 0400 Australia. Radio: RA News. see S 0000. 0400 Croalia: News. 0400 Germany. nectscne Wetle: Ne\vs. see S OHIO 0400 USA. WEWNBirminollam AL: MotMr Atloebca LM (encore). See M0000. 0406 Germany. eectscne Welle: PlewsLinK. See M 1106. 0410 AUSlralia.Radio: TheWorldToday {Part 3), seeM0210 0430 Germany, Deutsche Welle: GoodMorningAlrica. See T0430. Saturdays NEWZEALAND: RADIONEW ZEALANDINT'L 07 Septe mber 25 October 1995 !lJI !JJl Mon -Fri Sun-Tlltl 1650-175 1 6 145 1752- 1951 11675 Fri-Sat 175 2- 195R Sun- Tim 195.2-07 16 17h75 Fri-Sal 1959-07 16 Mon-Fri 07 16-10 15 9700 07 16-101 5 Sat & Sun OFF·AIR 1015-1650 Occasional use for sporti ng broadcasts 1~ 06 -1 65 0 6 100 • RJ'\Zr s News from NZ and the Pacific can be heard via WorlJ Rad io Netwo rk I twww. wm .e r g j at these 0400 0400 0400 0400 Auslratia, Radio: RA News. See S0000 CroaM : News. Germany. Deutsche Welle: News. See S OtOO. USA, w8Im BirminghamAL:Pillars01f aith (encore). SeeT times UTe: 0000. USA 15CK) IXIX) Sa l Sill 0405 0406 Australia,Radio: PacucFocus SeeS0405. Germany. Deutsche Welle: New sll~k. SeeM 1106. Africa/A sia 05 (X) S Ut1 Europe FREQUENCIES . 051)(Hl600 0500-()6l)(} 050IHl600vi 0500-0600 vi 0500-0600 0500-0600 vl 0500-0600 0500·::1600 0500·%00 0500-0600 0500-0600 0500·0529 mtwh f 0500·0600 0500·0505 0500·0600 0500·0600 0500·0550 0500-0600 0500·0600 0500·0600 vi 0500·0600 0500-0ti00 0500-0530vi 0500-0600 0500-0600 0500·OS I0vVm-1 0500-0000 0500·(600 vl 0500-(600 050Q·C600 vi 0500-0525 0500-0600 .. . . . . AngUllla,Caflbt>e.1n Beacon Ausl rallil, RJdlQ 6090am 9660pa Australia. Vl6Tl enl e lk AUSlralia.DetenseForces R Cameroon. RadiOcameroon Canada. CBe N Quebec Sv: Canada, CFRXt oronto l i7 15pa 502511o -'91Odo 156353S 485Odo 9625do 6070do Canada. CFVP Calgary 6030do Canada, CHNXHalilax Canada,CKZU Vancouver Canada, RCanada Inti tes ta fl lca.RF Peace Inti create. CroatianRadiO Cuba, RadiO Havana Ecuador. HCJ6 Germany. Deutsche Welle Germ)ny.Overcomer MlllIs:r Irelaoo.Un! ChriSl lanBC lta~f. ,RRS Japan R JaparvJ.,[HKWolle 6130do 6160do 7295eu 6975am Australia. Vl6 KKatrlellne Kerrf a, Kenya Bruadc Corp t esomo. Barno tesomo uoena. Star RadIO libella.LCNIRliberl3 Inl Malawi, MBC Malaysia. RadiO MalaYSIa, RlI.t Kuchmr,; MalaYSIa. VOice01 Namrte. NBC aemerunos.aaom 0500·0505 0500-0600 0500-OS57 050Q·()3QO vi 0500·0600 NewZealand.R NZInti Nigeria. FRCNIRadlo Nigella, Voice 01 f-/ orth Korea. R ?,.ongy,lng Papua tie\'! aumea NBC aussa.voce 01RussiaWS 0500·0530 SAlllea. AWR Allica 593 ~eu 9550na 9745na 6045na 3975eu 6200do 3985va 6110113 117603s 178103s J885do J800do 1208Qas 21820P3 152-'Opa .. 15510pa 0500-0530 O5OO-1l6OO 0500-<J600 0500-0600vI 0500-0515 Ofl()(HI600 0500·0600 OSOQ·0600 9595eu 15050am 9830eu 9820na 1201 5na 6185113 1191Qas 11 835.11 15430al 13830au 9830na 21455.110 9615.1m 1181On.1 7230eu 118403s 9835na 11850pa 11715.1s 15230pa 4770do 15120al 11 710eu 4990do 17495au 17665au 13790eu 21760au uc. BBC ASian servce 9525al 615Odo 60553m SOSOdo 4976do 325531 9600a1 9740as UK. BBCWorld Service 153603s 395Seu 177603S 5975am 6195eu 15575eu 5810am 7510.110 9975ca 17780as 5970.11 7195.11 15205eu 11565.11 5745.110 11950am 7490na 941 0eu 17640me Tanzania. RadIO Uganda. RadiO UK. BBC African Service USAWHRA Greenbush ME USA. WHRI 140blesvllle IN USA. WINB seo uon PA USA. WJCR Uplon KY USA, WMLK Belhel PA USA. WRI.UiRMiami Inti USA. WSHB CypressCrk SC USA, \W'CR r~ashvllie TN USA. WYfR meecnctee fL Vatican State, vancan R OSOO·06OO 0500-0600 O5OO-1l6OO O5OO-1l6OO 0500·0600 0500·0530 15295au SAlrlCa. Channel Aluu SIngapore.RCorp Singapore Saam. R E!l:terJOI Espana 0500·0600 0500·0600 lO W 71 60<10 9750as 3289.11 9590r\3 . . USA, KAIJ Dallas r x USA. KlBN Sail lk City UT USA, KVOH los AngelesCA USA. KWHR Naalehu HI USA, Voice 01AmeriCa 0500-0600 ION/hI 41}35do . . . . 0500·0600 0500·0500 0500·0600 0500·0600 0500-0600 0500·0600 ",)(,,, 5100do 599300 7295do 4895do 61i5as 3270.11 6165"a 11690pa 3326do 7255a! 3560cu 9675do 9450au 21790i!u 6000.11 . . 0500·0600 0500-0600 05(0·0530 vI 0505·0600 0520·0530 0525·0600 0530·0600 0530·0600 0530·0600 0530·0600 0~30 ·0600 vi 6005" 15ol20a1 119553S 5035.11 9630.11 7160at 15280as 17790a5 216603S 61 75am 11 760:'l1e Glalleu 12095eu 6080a! 11965rne 7170eu 1208031 507Q.am 11S8Oal 7250eu 5935am 153 103S 7315.110 13595113 saesam 9955« 7535eu 2390am 5985na 4005eu 11625.11 3330al 6165do 3306do 3200al 9660al 3366do 601 511a 5840eu 9655eu 17830eu 482Bdo Za-nbia. Christian VOIce Zarnbra. NatJ BC Corp Zimbabwe.Zimbab we Be Swaziland, Trans WOIld R Vatican Slate. Vatican A Ghana, Ghanaercaoc Corp Austria. R Austria Inll Swilzerland, SwissR lnll Thailand, Radio UAE, Radio Oubai Zimbabwe,Zimbabwe BC 6190al 17885al . .. 9835.11 3210am 998"'" 5883eu !l66Oa1 15570al 6065a1 6265do 4828do 9500al 15570.11 4775.11 11625al 4915do 6165eu 11905eu 2170lJeu 501 2clo 1511 5eu 6100.11 SmaEO PROGRAMS . Sundays 0540 Australia, gaco: RA flews. See5 0000. Croataa: News 0500 Germany. DeutscheWelle: News. SeeS 0100. 0505 Atrslralia, Radio' Ot Sounds 11. S 0005. 0506 Germany. Deutsche Welle: Weekend gevew See S 0106 OS15 Germany, Deutsche Welle: MarksaM Markets. Germany·s rolein worldnaue 0530 Australia. Radio: MedI3Repofl. Agnes Warren presents the inside story on howthe communcatons industry operates and putsmespotlight on media peopleand their acnvities. 0500 0500 see Mondays Australia.RadiO: Paollcsear (At!ernoon Edlbon) (Pafl2). See M0510 Wednesdays osoo AUSfrall3, Radio: RANews. See S0000. CroaM: News 0500 Germany. Deutsche Welle: News. SeeS 0100. 0506 Germany, Deutsche Welle: NewsUnk SeeM 1106 OSlO Australia, Raclio: Pacilic Beat (Allemoon Edition) (Part 11. See M0510. 0530 Australia,Radio: Sport See M 0530, 0530 Germany, Deutsche Welle: Insight. See W0130. 0540 Australia, Radio. Pacnc Beat(AltemoonEdition)(Part 2). See M 0510. 0500 0500 Australia, Radio: RA News. See S0000 0500 Croalia: News 0500 German". Deutscne Welle: News. See S0100. 0506 Germany. neu tscne Welle: Mailbag. See S0214. 0510 Australia, Radio: Pacuc Beat (Al1ernoon EditiOn) (Part 1). The anemcon magwnemat prOVides a focusonthe people and issues ct me region. 0515 Germany. peetscne Welle: COOl. See S 111 5. 0530 Australia, RadiO: sect. Fiye or len mmctes of sports news. Q5.40 Australia, RacliO: Paollc Beat (Altemoon EdItion) (Part 2), See MOSlO OSl O Australia. RadIO: Pacdic Beat (Alternoon Eclilion){Part l }. See MOSI O. 0530 Australl3, Radio: Sport. See M0530 0530 Gelmany, Dertscre Welle: livinginGermany. SeeH0130 0540 Australl3, Radio: PacihcBeat (Anernoon EdItion) (Part 2). See M0510. Tuesdays Fridays 0500 Australia, Radio: RA ~lews . See S 0000. 0500 Cfootia: News 0500 Germany, neursct e Welle: ~lews . See S0100 0506 Germany, DeutscheWelle: NewsUnk. See M 1106. 0510 Australia,RadIO: Pacmc Beat(Alternoon Edition) (Part 1). See M 0510. 0530 Auslralia,Radio: Sport. See M 0530. 0530 Germany, DeutscheWelle: ManandEnvuenrnent SeeT 0133. Australia, aado . RA News. See S0000. 0500 CfOa1La: News. 0500 Germany, Deutsche Welle: News. See S 0100, 0506 Germany, DeutscheWelle: NewsUnk. See M 1106. 0510 Auslralia, Radio: Pacdic Beat (AllernoonEdItion) (Part 1). See M 0510. 0530 Australia, Radio: Sport. See M 0530. a530 Germany, neutscne Welle: SpOtlight on Sport. See F0130. 0540 Australia, Radio: Pacific Beat (Alternoon Edilion) (Part2). See M 0510 Saturdays 0500 Australia, Radio: RA Nl!'WS. ~ S 0000. 0500 Crooba:News. 0500 0505 OS06 Germany, DeutscheWelle: News. See S 0100 Aastralia., RadIO: Oz Sounds12S 0005. Germany. ueutscnewene: NewsUnk. SeeM 1106. 0530 Australia, RadiO: TheSports Factor. See M2330. 0530 Gellnany.DeutseneWelle: German by Radio. See A 0130 see Thursdays 0500 0500 0500 Australia, Raclio: RA News. See S0000. crcene:News. Germany, Deutscne Welle: News. SeeS0100. 0506 Germany, Deutsche Welle: NewsUnk. See M 1106. Macintosh Software SHORTWAVE NAVIGATOR FREOUENCY VALET • UTCLOCK 0500 FREQUENCIES/P ROGRAMS/COMPUTER CONTROL (DRAKE • KENWOOD • JRG SEND $2 FOR DEMO DISK TO : OX COMPUTING • 232 SQUAW CREEK RD. TX 76087 W illOW PARK , September 1998 MONITORING TIMES 4S FREQUENCIES 0600·0700 0600-0700 0600-0700 vi 0600-0700 vl 0600·0700 vi 0600·0700 0600-0700 . . . .. Anguilla.Canbbean Beacon Australia. Radio """"m 9660pa 15510113 AustralIa. VUKxamenne 5025(/0 -l91Odo 0600-0610 rutwhta 0600-0700 0600-0700 0600-0650 Australia, V18T Tent Canada. esc fl Quebecsvc Canada. CFRX Toronto Canada. CFV? Calgary Canada. CHNX Halrfax Canada. CKZU Vancouver Cos ta Rica.AFPeaceInti Croatia, Croa tian Radio Cuba. Radio Havana Ecuador. HCJB Germany, DeutscheWelle 0600·0700 vI 0000-0700 0600-0615 0600-0700 0600-0630vi 0600-0700 Germany, Sunnse Radio Germany,Overcomer Ministr Ghana. nnaoa arcane Corp Ireland. Unl t nnsnan BC Itat-/,IRRS Japan. R Japan-NHK World 0600-0700 0600·0700 vi 0600-0700 0600·0700 0600-0700 0600-0700 0600-0700 vi 0600-0700 0600-0700 Vi 0600-0700 0600-0630 0600-0700 0600·0630 m 0600·0700vi 0600-0iDO 0600·0700 Kenya. Kenya Broadc Corp Kiribati, Radio teere . Ra:1io venus liberia. StarRadiO liberia.LGrl,R teena In! Malaysia. RadIO Malaysia. RTM Kuchlng Malaysia, Voice 01 Namibia, NEC Ne',..Zealand, RNZInU Nigeria, FRCNIRadlO Nigeria, Voice 01 Norway, Radio Norway Inll Papua NewGUinea, NBC Romania, RRomania inti aussra.voce01Russia WS 0600·0630 0600-0630 0600-0610 0600-0700 0600-0700 ~t 5 Africa, Channel AITica 0600·0700 0600·0700 0600·0700 e,k S Alrica, Irens World R Sierra l eone, SlBS Singapore,RColp Singapole Solomon Islands, SIBC 12080as 17715pa 607Odo eOJOdo 6130do 6160do 6975am 5945eu 9550na 9745na 11915.11 17860.11 585Ov.1 3915eu 3366do 6200do 3985va 5975eu 11 840.as 4885do 981Odo 547Odo 3400do 5100do 7295do 4B95do 5175as 3270011 11690pa 3326do 7255al 7180eu 9675do 9510na 9450au 21i60 au 11900a1 11735a! 3316<10 615Odo 502Odo 150S0am 9830eu 9820na 12015na 13790.11 21680me 13820au 9830n.1 21455am 15185.11 13810au 4915do 157353s 7230eu 11850pa 493500 9835na 17810as 7160do 9750as 3289a! 4770do 15120af 9590eu 11940na 15490au 21790au Mondays 505ll<fo UK. SBC AfllCan sevce 6005, 1 6190at 7160011 9600,,1 UK. BBC ASian servce 11835a1 71-lSpa ltS-;Qa l 974Qas 15420a1 11955pa 1531035 1536Q.as 17790<15 21660as 5975am 1776Das 6175am 6180eu 7325eu 9410eu 11760me 6195eu t2095eu 15565eu S8l0am lSS7Seu 17fi.lOme 6035.1! 963Qa! 11995.11 6080a f 9680.1 f 12080.11 7t70eu 1t805al 15205va 5070am 5935am AuWaha. RadIO: Music Deli. Paul Petran present music trcm avanely 01cultures. Germany, Deutsche Welle: Marks and Markets See S 0515. Australia, Radio: Sports Report Twenly minutes 01 news Irom ltleworld 01 sports. USA. WEWN Birminllham Al : Moments of Truth. See S 1500. September 1998 15295au 4990do 17495au UK. BBC World Service 0600·0700 0600·0700 0600-0630 USA. KAIJ Dallas TX USA, KTBN Salllk Cily UT USA, KWHR Naalehu HI USA,Voice of America 0600·0700 0600-0700 0600-0100 0000-0700 06()()-{1700 0600-0700 mlwhl 0600-{)7oo tf 0600-0700 0600·0700 0600-07(}) 0600·070) 0600-(70) 0600-0700vi 0605-0700 0630-0700 0630-0700 as/vi 0630-0700 smtwna 0630-0700 0630-07(0as USA. WEWN anmmcnam Al USA, WHRAGreenbush ME USA, WHRI Noblesville IN USA. WJCRUptonKY USA.WMlK Bethel PA USA. WRMliR Mr.ami InU USA. WSHB Cypress CrkSC USA. \VI't'CR Nashville TN USA WYFR Okeechobee Fl Yemen, RadiO Aden Zambia, Christian Voice Zambia, tlaUBCCorp bmbab.-.e.llmbabwe Be Swaztlaed, Trans Wortd R Finland. YlE/R Finland llaly,IRRS Matta. VO Mediterranean USA. voce01 Amenca USA.Voice 01 America 0630-0045 0630-0645 mtwhta Vatican Stale, vatican R VaticanStale, Vatican R 17665au 064 Hro~6 Romania. R Romania lntl Albania. T\VR Tirana Monaco, Trans World Radio vatcan Slate. vatcan R Albania. TWR Tirana Monaco. Trans World RadiO 0645-0655 s 064S-0655 as 0645-0700 0655-0700 0655-0700 mlwhl lI600 0630 lI600 ll600 Australl.1, RaclIO: RANews. See S ‫סס‬OO . Croalia: News Germany, DeutscheWetle: News. See S0100. USA.WEWrl BirminlTham Al: Catholic Wortd Today, See Pot 0600. 0608 Germany, ueutsene Welle: Newsli nk_SeeM 1106. 0610 0630 0630 0630 Australia, Radio: TheAustralian Music Show. KimTaylor presents the music, people, and issues 01IheAustralian contemporary music induslry Australka, Radio: SpartaReport. See M 0630. Germany, Deutsche Welle: GoodMorninll Alrica, SI!! T0430. USA,WEWN Birmifl\lham Al : Off the Shelf. Aweekly plOgram wittllively interviews 01 authors and others on tomes important 10 the lile andmission 01the Catholic cnurch. ~dlluCroatta: ~a~~l~i o RANews. see S News. 0600 0600 GOO) Germany, DeUlSCheWelle: News. see S0100. USA. WEWNBirmingllamAl: Catholic World Today, See M 0600. OGre 0610 Germany, D1!U1SCheWelle: NewsUnk see M 1106. Australia, Radio: At YourRequest Dietl: Patm an plays tavente 0630 0630 Auslralia. Radio: SportsReport. M0630 Germany, Deutscbe Welle: GoodMorning Alrica, SeeT 0430. USA. WEWN Birmingtlam Al : Bright and Good. Monsignor Clarll mscesses society andchristianity. muse. 0630 0206 MONITORING TIMES 4775a1 Ianzaraa. Radio 17820as 11740.as see Thursdays 0600 Ausll aha, Radio: RANews SeeS ‫סס‬oo 0600 0600 0600 Croatia: News. Germany, DeutscheWelle: News. See 5 0100 USA,WEWN BirminghamAL:Catholic World Today. See M O6OB Germany, DeutscheWelle: Newsli nk. see M 1106. 0600. . . Swaziland, Trans World R 0610 0600 0600 AuslTatia. Radio: RANews. See S ‫סס‬OO . 0600 Croatia: Ne'HS 0600 Germany. DeutscheWelle: News. see S 0100 0600 USA, WE\'/N Birmingtwn Al: CalhOlic World Today. Glen Tapley covers the head me stonesollhe day lrom a dislmctly catholic peISpectiVl!. 0606 Germany. neutscne weae: Weekend gevewrwo. see M 46 0600-0700 . .. Tuesdays 0600 0630 21725pa 0600-0605 0600-0700 vi 0600-0700 0600·0700 Australia. Radio: RANews. SI!! S ‫סס‬OO. 0600 Croalla: News. 0600 Germany. DeutscheWelle: News. SI!! S0100 0600 Norv.-ay. Radio tJorway Inti: Norway Now, A \\ft kty rragazine 01news rrcm Norway and special teaturesabout pohtics, economy, foreign retations, culture, and everyday life 0600 USA, WE\YN Birmingham AL: TheBeatitudes Father Andl ewAposloli presents this series as an eillht step lluideto holiness. 0605 Australia. Radio: Ocnams Razor. Robyn Wllhams wilh straight. sharp talk about science 0606 Germany, DeutscheWelle: Weekend Review. See S0106. 0616 Germany, DeutscheWelle: InsideEurope, See S0414. 0630 Australia, Radio: Correspondents' RepOft See S0030. 0630 USA. WEWNBirmingtum Al : Purgatory - TheD09ma ExplOred. Father Clement Machado explores me tradition and decmne of Purgatory 0630 15415015 .. 0600·0700 0600 0615 1S240pa 17750as . 9625do SELECTED PROGRAMS . Sundays 0610 . 0630 0630 7510am 17780as 5970af 7195af 11965me 5825eu tl565.11 57453m 7490na 9J653m 9500<>1 17885011 7315am 13595na 9955u 7535eu 2390am 59853m 978Odo 3330<11 6165do 4828do 4775.11 11945as 7120\1a 983531 3210am 7355va 6065.11 6265do 5012do 6100.11 1783Dau 9500" 9600<" 717Qeu 5970a! 9630011 11625.11 4005eu 11740eu 955Qeu 9685eu 9755eu 11625af 9685eu 9755eu 11805a! 603531 11995a! \3765011 5883eu 15595eu 9625eu 11965me 6080a! 120803f 155703f 7250eu t5205eu ;1 95011 9645eu 9665eu 11885eu 13765.11 15570.11 Australia. RadiO: BlaCktracker. MalHoness WIth aninsight into t~e musicand cencnnaoce of Australia's aboriOifll!S. Auslralia. Radio: seons Report See M 0630. Germany. neurscne Welle: GoodMoming Af'l ta. SeeT 0430 USA, WEWN Birmingham Al: aeveiatcn - The second Commg, Hosl Fr. AllredMcBride teachesIromthe Book ol Revelations. Fridays 0600 Australia, Radio: RA News. See S0000. Cloalia:News. Germany, Deutsche Welle: flews. SeeS 0100. USA, WEWN Birmingham Al: catnonc World Today. SeeM 0600. 060!l Germany, DeutscheWelle: Newslink . See M 1106 0610 Australia, Radio: AustralianCounlry Style, Graham Betl goesup COiJn!ry 0630 Australia. Radio: Sports Report. SI!! M0630 0630 Germany. Deutsche Welle: GoodMorning Alnca. See T 0600 0600 0600 0430 0630 USA. WEWN BirminghamAL:Fatima and theFamily. Fr. Rotler1 Fox 01FatimaFamily AposIOlale teachesthe story. lIi$tory andmessage ol Patrna Saturdays 0600 Ausllallol. Radio: RANews. see S 0600 0600 0600 0605 0608 0630 0630 0630 ‫סס‬oo Croatia: News. Germany. Deutsche Welle: News. SeeS0100. USA, WEWN Birmingllam AL: Gel a Ute In Christ Father Benedict arcescret hosts I ~i$ series Ausllalta, Raclio: Fetdback. See S0305. Germany, DeutscheWelle: Newsllnk.See M 1106. Ausllalia, Radio: ArtsAustralia, seeT 0030. Germany,DeutscheWelle: German by Radio. SeeA 0130. USA, WEWN Birmingham Al : The Gospel 01ur e Father Richard H09anexpounds upon theprinciples in mePope's encyclical onlile FREQUENCIES 0700-0800 0700-0800 . .. 0700-0&0 vi AuslrabJ. Vl 8K Kalherlne 6090am 9660pa 15510pa 5025do 0700-08CO vi 0700-08CQ AUSlralia, Vl8T tent erk Canada, CFR X rorcorc J91Odo 60iQdo 0700-0800 Canada :FVPCalgary 6030do 0 700-0800 Canada CHNX Halila ~ 0700-0000 0100-0800 0700-0727 0700-OSM canada CKlUvancocver 613Odo 616Odo 6975am AngUllla.Carlbbean Beacon Australia.RadIO 07oo-Q800 as/vi 07oo-osoo 0700-0800vi 0700-0800 0700-0800 0700·0715 0700-0800 0700-0800 0700-0800 0700·0800 0700-0715vI 0700·0716 0700·0800 as 0700·0730 s 0700-0800 vi 0700·0800 0700·0800 Costa RICa,RF Peace 1011 Czech Rep. RadiOPrague Ecuador. HCJB Et\lGUinea R East AtrlCa fill Guinea. RadIO Ahica GermarlY SennseRadio Gelmany(Nelcomer Mm,SIr Ghana.Gnana Broadc Corp Guyana GBCNoi(:e 01 Ireland LnTcnnsuan Be 11all'.IR RS Kenya. Kt nVa arcaoc Corp «uoan. PadlO liberia, RadIOvenus Liberia. Star RadIO Llberia.l CWR Liberia In: MalaVSla, RadiO Malaysia, VOice 01 Monaco, Trans WorldRadiO Myanmal, Raum Namibia, NBC New Zealand, RNZtmr New Zealand, RNZ Inti Norway,Baom Norway Inti Papua New Guinea , NBC Romania. RRomania Inll aossra.vcce01Russia WS 0700·071 0 0700·0800 0700·0730 0700·0800vi 0700·0735 07DO·0800 0700·0800vi 0700·0730 SierraLeone, SLBS smeaocre RCorp smcaoore Slovakia, R Slovakia 11\11 Solomon Islands. SlBC Swaztland. Trans World R Iauvan. RadiOTaipei Inti rareama. RadiO UK SBC Ahicafl Service 0700·0800 as 0700·0800 UK. BBC A'riCan Service UI(, BBC AsIan Service 0700·0800 UK BBC World Service 0700-080) as 0700-080) mlwhl 0700-08()) vi 07Q0-0800 070()-O715 0700-0800 Om:J.OBOO 0700·0800 0700-0800 07(1(}-O8OO 07QO-OBOO 0700-oaOO 07Q0-0800 0700-0800 07oo.Q8DO 0700-0800mT',vhl 07OO-OaOO 0700-0800 0700-0800 0700-0715 \1 0700·0800 0700-0800 0700-0800vi 0705-0710 S 07150-0730s USA, KAU Dallas TX USI\. KTBIl Salt Lk CII'IUT USA. KWHR Naalehu HI USA. WEWN BlfmmghamAL USA. WHRA Greenbush ME USA, WHRI Noblesville ttl USA, WJCRUpton KY USA. WMLK BethelPA USA WRML'R Miami tnu USA. WSHBCypress Cl k SC USA.WWCR tl astlVll!e TN USA. WYFR me echobee FL Vanuatu. RadiO Zambia. ChllstianVOICe Zambia tlal! BCCorp Zlmtlabv:e, bm babwe Be CroaTIa, CroatianRadiO areece VOice 01 0715·0800 lit 0716-0800mt.....hl 0716·0800as 0730·0800 0730-0755 0730-0740 S Namibia. NBC New Zealand, R NZ Ifill New Zealand, R r~z Inll Auslrla. R AJslflJ Inti Belgium. R a aanoeren tnt Greece. VOICe 01 0730-0800 0730-0800 0730-0800 Nemertands. Radio SWllzerland, SWISS R tnt! UK. BBC Atncan servce 0730-0800 as 0735·0800as 0740-0800 0745-0800s UK.BBC World Service Swaziland. Trans World R Guam, TWRIKTWR Ghana. Ghana Broaoc Corp 7345eu 9&l00' . . 0800·0820 12080015 17715pa 15240pa 17750as 0800-0900 A~uilla.Caribbean 08(XHJ9<Kl Australia. Radio 0800.0830 vi %0; " 11960eu 15755as 4915do 595Odo 4885<10 98HMo 547Odo 3400do 5100do i295do 6175as 9755eu 973Odo 3270al 11690pa 6100pa 13800eu 9675do 17735a! 9450au 21790au 3316do 6150do 9440cII 5020do 4775al 5950na 505Odo 6005al 11940al 17885al 1145pa 15360Js 5975am 941Geu 15565eu 581Gam 7510a1Tl 17780as 5825eu 11565al 574Sam 7490na 9465am 4935do 21455am 97503s 15295au 3289al 1 5640~u 21480al 17495au 17665au 15460au 17550au 6100al 9500al 6190al 17830al 9740as 17760as 6175am 11760me 15575eu 9600,1 21760au 11835al 7535<, 0800-0830 vi 08()(}{)g(J() vi 08<Xl-09OO Q80().0900 O8<Xl-09OO 01lOO-O9OO O8<Xl-09OO 0800-0810ml\'lhla O8<Xl-09OO 0800-0900 as 0800-0900 mtwht 0800-0900 vi 0800-0830 s 0800-0900 0800-0805 s Q80().09oo 080<>0900 OBCM)-09OO Oeoo-0900 0800-0900 asiVl 0800-0900 0800-Q9oo vI 0800-0900 0800·0900 0800·0900 0800-)830 0800·0900 s 0800-0835 a 0800·0820 as 0800·0830 0800·0900 vi 08oo·09DO 0800·0900 rntwnt 0800·0900 as 0800·0900 as 0800·0900vi 0800·0900 0800·0810 t 1955pa 17790as 6195eu 12095eu 176-lDme 15310as 2166Qas 7325eu 15485eu 0800-ogoo as UK. B8C World servce USA, KAIJ Dallas TX USA, KHBI N MarianaIs USA. KNLS AnchOl Point AK USA. KTBrl sen lk CII'I UT USA KWHR Naalehu HI USA.. WE Vm BirmioghamAL USA.WHRI /l oblesville IN USA. VlJCR UptonKY USA.VlRMlfR Miami InU USA. \'/SHBCypress Crk SC USA. VI\ VCR Nashville TN vaouam. Radio Zambia. Christian VOIce Zambia. NanBCCorp bmbat we. b mbabwe Be Pakistan. Radio tllgeria FRCNiRadlO sevcreses. FEBA RadiO Albania,TWR TIrana Austrana VL8A Alice Spg Australia, VL8KKatherine AUSTralia, VL8T Tent Crk Georgia. Radio Switzerland, Swiss R mtt Albania TWR Tirana Monace, Trans World Radio Guam,TWRiKTWR 983SaI 321Qam 9985al -1 96Oao 0800-0900 0800-0900 0800-0900 0800-0900 0800-0900 080<>0900 1382Qau 9755au O8OO-D900 rnl',vhl 0800-0900 smtWh 0800-0900 0800-08 15vi 11645eu 4965al 1373Geu 9940au 9425eu 15410me 17870lne 9755au 11645eu 9820pa 11860al 9600al 13635a1 11940al 15400al 6100al 9500al Canada. CFVP Calgary Canada. CHNXHahfax canaea. CKZU Vancouver Costa RICa.RFPeaceInll Ooata . Croalian Radio Ecuador. HCJB Eqt aomea. R East Atrca Eqt Sumea. Radio Alrica Germany, Sunrise Radio Germany. umversarute Germany,Overcomer Minlslr Ghana.Ghana Broadc Corp Guam. TWRi KTWR Guyana, GBCNoice 01 Indonesia voce 01 Ireland,Unl cnrenanBe ltaly, lRRS Kenya, KenyaBroadc Corp KiribatI. Barno Liberia. Radio veruas Liberia.lCNIRLiberia Inl Mala'lsia. Radio Malaysia, Voice 01 Malta, va Medllerranean Monaco, Trans World Radio Monaco, TransWorld Rado Myanmar, Radio Namibia, NBC Netherlands, Radio New Zealand. A NZ Inti New Zealand. R NZInti Palau, KHBN-N oice 01Hope PapuaNewGuinea. NBC gussav oiceof Russia WS UK.BBC World Servc e 08(1(}-O9OO s 6265do 501200 983Geu 9425.1u cae NQuebec Svc canaca. CFRX toronto 0800-0900 0800-0900 t 3595na S9::Sam Canada. 0800·0900 as 0800-0900 0800·0900 vi 0800-(900 0800·C805 as 0800·0900 vi 08ff0.0900 S070am 13695\'a AUSlralla VLBK xatrenre Auslralt.l. Vl8T rem e lk SierraLeone, SLBS SingallOre.RCorpsmaacore Solomon Islands, SIBC South Korea. R Korea Inti swaasno. Trans World R Tanzania. Radio UK. B8C Alrican servc e UK. BBC atncan Service UK. BBC Asian Service 0800·0900 9955ca 2390am '3 55eu 3945do 6065" 6165do -1828do 5945eu 9375eu 156503U 4930al 6t OOpa 11690pa 6155eu 7290eu 9375eu 15650au 9720pa 9885al 6190al 17830al 15575eu 4775al 15200as 3366do Albania. TWRTirana Beacon 15-1 1535 . . 968;" 609"'m sm pa 1208llas 1381Gau 3366<10 329Odo 6200110 ,,- . 21725pa 151 86a1 15186a1 58""" . 0800-0900 0800-0900 0800-0900 vI 08050·0010 0815-lIWOOll\'ltf 0815·09001 0820-0835as 0830-0900 vi 0830·0900v, 0830-0900vI 0830-0900 0830·0900 0835·0850 s 0835·0850 s 0855·D9){J 17750as 502500 49Hlllo 962500 607Odo 6Q3Odo 613Odo 616Odo 6975am 7185eu 9&40pa 15186a1 15186a1 5850va 17780as 138I Oau 3366110 15200as ';SO,,, 15415as 21725pa 98JOe, 11960eu 9S80pa 15510pa . . 9710pa 17715pa 13820au 21455am 157553s 329O<lo 595O<io 95253s 6200do 7120va 4885<10 981Odo $47Odo 51 0Odo 7295do 6175as 96DOeu 9755eu 9i 55eu 9730do 4930,,1 9720pa 6100pa 11690pa 9985as 9675l!0 9450au 21790au 3316do 615Odo 502Odo 9570au 4775al 505Odo 619Oa1 17885a1 7145pa 15360as 7325eu 15565eu 15575as 5810am 11765as 1551Qas 4935do 9750as 15295au 4965al 9820pa 17495au 17665au 21760au 13670eu 6100a1 95"'1 1194Gat 15400al 17830al 974Qas 177603s 941Qeu 17&4Geu 11955pa 17790as 12095eu 15310as 216603s 15485eu S07Qam 5935am 15665e, 9615.1s 751Qam 11565pa 5825eu S745.1m 7490na 17780as 7315am 13595na 9955<0 9835eu 239Qam 9845pa 321Qam 3~5do "'0'' "';'1 6165do 4828do 1553Qeu 3326do 15540Js 6265do S012do 17835eu 477Odo 49'0,,, 968"', 231Odo 2485lto 2325do 1191Deu 9885au 968Seu 9755eu 15330pa 13685au 4915do Seplember ' 998 MONITORING TIMES 47 FREQUENCIES 0900·1000 0900·1000 0900·' 000 'II 0900·'000 "I 0900,' 000 'II 0900·1000 0900·1000 0900,1000 0900-1000 0900-1000 0900· 1000 0900-0927 0900,1000 0900-1000 as 0900-1000 mtwtu 0900-0950 .. . Anguilla,Caribbean Beacon Australia. Radi o Australia. Vl8AAlice Spg Australia,VLSKKatherine Australia,VL8T Tent Crk Canada. CFRX Toronto Canada, CFVP Calgary Canada, CHrJX Hahtax Canada, CK ZU Vancouver China. ChinaRadio Inti Costa Rica,RF Peace 11'111 Czech Rep, Radio Prague Ecuador, HCJB Eqt Guinea. R East Atrrca EQt Guinea. Bar no Atnca Germany, Deutsche Welle 0900-1000 0900·1000 0900·0915 mtwtl 0900·091 5 0900-0930 0900·1000 0900-1000 as/vl 0900·1000 0900-0930 vi 0900·1000 0900·0915 0900-1000 0900·1000 vi 0900,0930 s 0900·1000 'I I 0900·0925 0900·1000 0900·1000as 0900-0930s 0900· 1000 vi 0900·1000 0900·1000 vi 0900·1000vi 0900·1000 Germany, Sunrise Ra dio Germany.Overcomer Minislr Ghana. Ghana aroaec Corp Guam, TWR/KP,vR Guyana. GBCNuice01 Ireland, unt ChristianBC l1aly, IRRS Kenya, Kenya Breece Corp Kiribati. Radio liberia. Radio ventas Liberia.LCNIR Liberia Int Malaysia, Radio Malaysia. RTM Kuching Malta, VO Mediterranean Namibia,NBC Netherland s, Ra dio New Zealand , R NZ Inti New Zealand, R NZ Inti Norway, Radi o Norway Inti Papua New Guinea , NBC Singapore,RCorpSmqapore SolomonIslands, SIBC Tanzania, Radio UK, BBC African Service 0900·0915 UK, BBC Asian Service OgoO·1000 UK, BBC World Service 0900·1000 0900-1000 0900-1000 0900-1000 0900-1000 0900-1000 0900·1000 0900·1000 mtwht 0900-1000th 0900-1000 0900,1000 0900-1000 0900-1000 vi 0905-0910 s 0915-1000 091 5-0945 0915-0945 as USA. KAIJ Dallas TX USA, KHBI N Mariana Is USA. KTBNSallLk City UT USA. KWHR Naalehu HI USA. WEWN Birmingham AL USA, WHRI Noblesville IN USA, WJCR UptonKY USA.WR/AI/R Miami Inti USA, WSHB Cypress Clk SC USA. VllWCR Nashville TN Zambia.cnnstan Voice Zambia. Nall BC Corp Zimbabwe,ZimbabweBC Croatia, Croatian Radio Ghana, Ghana Broadc Corp UK, BBC Asian Service UK, BBC Asian Service 0930-1000 mtwhla 0930-1000 0930-1000 0930· 1000 0930-1000 0930·1000 0930-1000 0945-1000 Austria, R Austria Inti Canada , CKZNStJohn's Georgia, Radi o Guam. TWR/KTWR Italy, AWR Europe Lithuania. RadioVilnius Nett rertanus. Radio UK,BBC AsianService 0945-1000 a UK. BBC AsianService 0945-1000 smtwht UK.BBC SlewSpeed News . . 6090am 60803S 2310do 2485do 2325do 6070do 6030do 6130do 616000 9765pa 5975am 17485al 9640pa 15186al 15186al 6160pa 15410al 21680as 585Gva 13810au 3366do 15200as 3290do 6200do 712o...a 4935do 9810do 5470do 5100do 7295do 4895do 9600eu 4930al 9720pa 6100pa 11 690pa 18950au 4890do 6150do 5020do 5050do 6190af 17885al 6065as 11765as 17760as 9410eu 15,185eu 17705eu 5810am 9385pa 7510am t1565pa 5825eu 5745am 7490na 9955ca 9455sa 2390am 6065af 6165do 4828do 7185eu 6130do 15310as 6195as 21660as 15455as 6160do 11910eu 9865as 7230eu 971 0eu 120653S 6195as 17760as 6065as 15280as 6065as 15280as 9580pa 9890pa 11880a5 1775035 11755pa 21745a5 21455arn 48 Anguilla Caribbean Beacon Australia.Radio Australia,Vl 8AAlice Spg Australia. Vl 8KKatherine Australia, VL8T Tent Crk Canada. cac N Quebec Svc MONITORING TIMES 6090am 6080as 2310do 2485d o 2325do 9625do . 1000-1100 1000-1100 1000-1100 1000-1100 1000-1100 1000-1100 1000-1100 1000· 1100 1000-1100 as 1000-11 00 mtwhl 1000-1100 1000-11 00 1000-1100as 1000-1030 17715as 12055as 17800al 15205al 21600al 15735as 4915do 5950do 716Odo 4965al 9820pa 11940af 15400al 1783Qaf 6195as 11955as 17790as 11 760me 15565eu 9580a5 1531 03S 21660as 12095eu 15575eu 9740as 15360as 151 90sa 17640eu 15665as 17780as 7315am 13595na 9835al 3210am 6265do 5012do 9830eu 729500 17790as 9740as 5070am 11765as 5935am 15360as 17870au .. . . 1000·11 00 Canada CFR XToron to Canada. CFVP Calgary Canada. CHNX Halifa~ Canada. CKZN StJohn's Canada. CKZU Vancouver China, China Radio Inll Costa Rica,RF Peace tnn Ecuador, HCJa Eqt GUinea, R East Alflca rot Guinea, Radi o Alrica Germany. SunriseRadiO Germany,Overcomer Ministr Germany.Overcomer Minislr Guam, AWRIKSOA Guam, TWRlKTWR India, All IndiaRadio 1000·1100 1000-11 00 asM 1000-1100 1000-11 00 1000·1100 1000·11 00 1000·11 00 irreg 1000-1100vr 1000-1030 1000-1100 1000-1100 1000·1100vI 1000-11 00 1000-11 00 1000·1100 1000-1100vl 1000-1030 1000'11OO vl 1000-1100 1000·1100as 1000·1030 Ireland, Unt ChristianBC Italy, IRRS Japan, RJapanlNHKWorld Jordan, Radio Kenya,Keny a Broadc Corp Malaysia, Radio Malaysia,RTM Kotakinabahs Namibia. NBC Netherlands. Radi o New Zealand, R NZ Inti Nigeria, Voiceo! Papua New Guinea , NBC Philippines FEBC/R Inti Philippines, FEBCIR Inti Singapore.RCorp Sinqapore Solomon Islands, SIBC Switzerland, Swiss R Inll Tanzania. Radio UK, B3C AtricanService UK, BBC AfricanService UK, BBC AsianService 1000-1100 UK, BBCWorld Service 1000·1100as 1000·1100 1000·1100 1000-1100 1000-1100 1000-1100 UK,BBC WOlld Service USA, KAIJ Dallas TX USA. KHBI N Mariana Is USA, KTS t" Salt LkCity UT USA, KWHR Naalehu HI USA, Voice of America 1000·1100 1000-1100rmwhta 1000-1100 1000·1100 1000-1100 mtwhla 1000-1100mwh 1000-11 00 1000-11oomtwhf 1000-1100 as 1000-1 100mlwhfa 1000·1030 1000·1100 1000·1100 1000-1100 vi 1030·1100s 1030-1055 1030-1057 1030·1100 1030-1035 1030·1 100 1030-1100 1030·1100 1030·1100 1030-1100 USA, WEWN BrmunqharnAL USA, WGTG McCaysville GA USA, WHRI Noblesville IN USA, WJCR Upton KY USA, WRMIIR MiamiInti USA, WSHB Cypress Crk SC USA, WWCR Nashville TN USA, WWCR Nashville TN USA.WWCR Nashville TN USA, WYFR Okeechobee Fl Vietnam. Voiceo! Zambia, ChristianVoice Zambia, Na1l BCCorp Zimbabwe.Zimbabwe BC Austria. R Austria Inti Belgium, Rvaanoeren 11'11 Czech Rep. Radio Prague Guam, AWRlKSDA Israel.Kol Israel Netherlands, RadIO South Korea. R Korea Inti Sri Lanka.Sri Lanka BC UAE, Radio Dubai UK,BBC Asian Service 1030·1045 Vatican State, VaticanR rouo-uoo 9565al 607Odo 6030do 6130do 6160do 6160do 9785pa 6975am 9640pa 15186a! 15186al 585o...a 15715au 5900eu 11790as 9865as 11585au 17387au 620Odo 7120va 9695as 11690eu 4935do 7295do 5980do 4930af 12065as 6100pa 7255af 4890do 11 635as 11635as 6150do 502Odo 6165eu 5050do 6190al 15400al 6195as 15360as 6195am 15485eu 17705eu 15190sa 5810am 15665as 751 0am 9930as 5985pa 11720as 9465na 9400am 6040am 7490na 9955ca 6095na 2390am 3210am 15685am 5950na 9840as 6065al 6165do 4828do 15455as 9925eu 7345eu 11790as 15640eu 6045eu 11715am 11835as 13675eu 6195as 17790as 5883eu 9890pa . . 11755pa 21455am 15755as 17505pa 11735au 17840as 13700au 11730as 11850pa 15050au 4965al 1371Qas 151 20al 9535eu 1194QaI 17830al 9740as 17790as 9410eu 15565eu 17885al 11765as 21660as 11760me 15575eu 15310as 7405ca 9590ca t2095ell 17640eu 15725pa 11565pa 6165ca 15425as 15745eu 9495arn 13595na 9455sa 5070am 5935am 12020as 15010as 6265do 5012do 17870au 15595eu 11640eu 15170as 15650na 9860eu 12065as 13710as 15120as 15370eu 9740as 17850as 15395eu 11765pa 21605eu 15310as 9645ell 11 740eu 15595\'a 13710as 9740as 17790as 9580as 11765as 21 660as 11 945as 15360as 9580as 11945as 11 955as THANK YOU••• 17750as Bob Fraser. Cohasset, MA; Glenn Hauser. Enid. OK/World of Radio & DX Rep011; Richard Jary, AustralialH CDX; Michael McCarty. Galloway, OH ; AI Quaglieri. Albany. NY: Lee Silvi, Mentor. OH: George Wood sJR Sweden: BBCMSlWorld Media; Cumbre DX; Uscnet newsgroups. 11955as ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS MONTH 'S SHORTWAVEGUIDE: 1000 UTe 1000·1100 1000-11 00 1000-1100vl 1000-1100vl l000-1100vl 1000·1100vl . 9580pa September 1998 11 880as FREQUENCIES 1100- 1200 1100-1200 11()().1100 vl 1100-1200 vl 1100-1200vi . . Angull,a,Caribbean Beacon Australia. RadiO AUSlra a. Vl 8A Ahce Spg 1100,1200 11 00·1200 1100,1200 1100-1200as 1100·1200 1100-1150 1100-Hoo 1100-1200as 11 00· 1200 1100, 1200 1100·1200 1100-1 200as/vI 1100-1200 1100-1200 l 100·1120 1a 1100·1200 11\XJ.1 110 1100-1200 llDO-1 2Ji) lrreg ll00-12] () vi 1100-1125 1100-12'JO 11 00-1157 Auslra13. VLS KKalhenne Auslra!ia. Vl 8T Tenl Crk Bulgar,a. Radio Canada. CfRX Iorornc Canada, CfVP Catuary Canada. CHtiX Halifax Canada. CKZN51John's Canada, CKlUVancouver Costa Rica,RF PeaceInti Ecuador. HCJB EqtGuinea, R East Africa Eqt Guinea, Radio Atnca Germany. DeutscheWelte Germany. sennseRadio Germany,Overcomer MmiSlr Germany,OvercomerMmlslr Iran. VOIRI Ireland. Unl crmsuen Be Italy. IRRS Japan. il Japan:NHK World Jordan, Radio Kazakhstan. RAlmatyInti Kerrj3, o(enya BroadcCorp llbe na.lCNlRliberia tnt Malaysia, RadiO Mala:f$ll .RTM KOlaKmabalu Namibia. fl BC Netherlands, RadIO NewZealand. R NZlnll Northxerea. R Pyongyang 11 00-1130 as 11 00·1200v l 1100-1200 1100-1130vl 11 00-1200 1100-1130 Palau. KHB tW oice01Hope Papua 1<;ew Guinea, NBC Singapore,Rsmcaccre Inl Solomon Islands. SIBG South Karea. R Korea Inll Sri la nka, Sri la nkaBG 1100-1200 11(10·1200 1100·1200 ltOO·1200 11 00·1200 .. . .. . n rzsam 60Bl)" 1100-1200 1100-1200 9580pa 231Odo 2485do 2325do 15175eu 607Odo 603Odo 613Odo 616Odo 6160do 6975am 12oo5ca 15186al 9530as 1537031 5850va 5900eu 15375as 11830as 6200do 7120va 6120na 11690eu 9505" 11 ()().1200 vi 1100-1200 17585eu 15115am 21455am 15410al 17765a! 15715au 118753s 17505pa 13605me 96953s 11730as 9620eu 11720as 17800a1 15260as ~93OJI 6100pa 3560as 4965<' 986Oe" 12065as 1371 0Js 964031 9975me I 1335va 15230va 9965as ol890rlo 6015as 5020do 7275as 11835as 6150as 15120as 17850as . . .. . Switzerland. S\'/ISSR mu 98Hlas Iaiwan, Voice 01 Asia 744535 tarcama . Radio UK. BBCAlriCan Service 5050<1. 1100-1200 UK. BBCAsian Service 11O(}.1130mtwhl UK, BBCCaribbean Report UK. BBC World Service 1100· 1130 ol93Sdo 5100do 7295410 598Odo 604"" . 1100-1130as 1100-1200 1100-1200 1100-1200 1100,1200 1100·1200 UK.BBCWorld Service USA,KAU DallasTX USA, KHB I NMariana IS USA. KTBN Salt lk City UT USA.KWHR Naalehu HI USA.VOice 01Amenca 1100·1200 11[)O- I2oo mrenta 11{)(}1200 11 00-1200 1100·1200 1100-1 200 wI 1100-1200 1100-1200 mlwhla 1100-1200 1100-1 130 1100-1 200 11()O.1200 l l 00-1200vl 1105,1120 11 20·1140 w 1125,1200 1130-1200 1130·1200 as 1130,1200 11 30,1200 1130·1200 1 1140-12oo t USA. WEWNBirminghamAl USA. WGTG McCaysville GA USA. WHRI Noblesville IN USA WJCR Upton KY USA. WAMIJR Miami Inti USA. WSHB Cyp,ess Crk SC USA WI/'I'CR Nashvllle TN USA \'o'Yf R Okett hobee fL USA. WYf R neeecrcoee FL vemam voce of Zambia.Chrislian VOICe la mbia. flail BCCOIP Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Be Paustan, RadiO Kazakhstan. RAlmaty Inti Netherlands, Radio Sweden, RadiO UK,BBGASianService UK, BBCWorld Service USA, Voice 01America vaticanSlate,VaticanR Kazakhstan, R Almaty Inti 17515as 6190af 1788531 21660af 61953S 1528035 6195c3 5965'" 1548Seu 17705eu 6195am 5810am 9385au 7510am 9930as 5985pa 11720as 7425na I540Claf 1183031 958035 153103s 15220ca 974035 1195535 94IDeu 11760me 12095eu 15565eu 17790sa 15190sa 15575eu 1764Qeu 11940al 17785as 15220am 15665as 11565pa 6160as 151603s 9465na "''''''m 60403m 9645as 15425as 15745eu 9760as 7435301 15685am 9495am 13595na 749()na 9955«> 9455sa 5935301 6095'" 5070301 5950na 5850", 72853s 9730as 6065" 6165do 4828do 15530eu 950Seu 6045eu 15235am 153103s 6195am 11680eu 6265410 5012do 17835eu 9620eu 9860eu 15240am 17785as 15220am 15595va 17550va 950Seu 962Deu 1I 720as 17870am 11720as 5mmD PROGRAMS . . • • • . . . Sundays 1100 Australia, gaoo: RANtwS. see S ‫סס‬oo 1100 Germany, Deutsche Welle: News. SeeS 0100. 1100 USA, W[WNBirmingtlam AL RelJectionsonthe sacraments. fltller Pavone 1105 AUS1ralia, Radio: Jazz NOles. The best 01 Australian jazzis introduced by Ivan lJo)'d. 1106 Germany, Deutsche Welle: ReligionandSociety. News anc developmentsconcernmg me world'smajor religions. ms GermafIY, neutscneWelle: COOL NEW! Ayouth Magazine. 1130 Ausl ralia. RadiO: Week's End. SeeS0430. 1130 USA, WEWN Birmingham Al : The Catholic Broadcast Sandra McDevitthostsa program 01inspirationalstories. music, interviews. and scripture readings. Mondays 1100 A ~st ralia. Radio: RANe'NS, See S0000 11 00 Germany, Deutsche Welle: News. See S 0100 11 00 USA, WEWNBirminghamAt: The Spinluality of thecatholic Church. Father Paul Keenan teaches en Godand man and the new catecnsm of tileCatholic Church. 1106 G~rmany. Deutscheweae: Newslink. Global currentaltairs as seen Iromtile heart01 Europe 1110 Ausl,alia. RadiO: AsiaPacific (,epeat). SeeS 2310. 1130 Australia. Radio: seen. seeM0530. 1130 Ge,many, Deutsche Wel e: AIm Report Reports and background 10 the news fromAlncaby Deutsche wene ecrresccnoems. 1130 USA. WEWN Birmingham ALMo,nlfIQ PRyer A haJI-llourof devotion to begin tte day. 1135 Australia. Radio: Countr(Wide. Shane Mallooy with daily issues in primary industry. Tuesdays 1100 1100 1100 A~slralia, gaeo: RA News. see S ‫סס‬OO. Gtrmany. Deutscne Welle: Plews. see S 0100 USA. WEWtl Bi,miogham Al : You Better BelieveIt Fr. Ken Roberts givesslraighl 'on answers10teens whowish to share (need 10 share) their questions. doubts. friendship and 101'e. 1106 1110 1130 1130 1130 1135 Germany, DeetscneWelle: rlewslink. seeM 1106 Australia, Radio: Asia PaCifIC (repea!). See S2310. Australia, Radio: Sport. See M 0530. Germany, Deutsche wene: Alfica, Report. See M 1130. USA, WEWN Birmingham AI.: Morn no Prayer- SeeM 1130. Australia, Radio:Countrywide. M 1135 see ~:d~~ia~~o: RA News. see S ‫סס‬OO. 1100 Germany, DeutscheWelle: News. See S()100. 1100 USA, WEWN Birmingham Al: PIO-li le Update. Father Frank Pavone speaks out againstaborbon. 1106 Germany, DeutscheWelle: NewsUnk. See M 1106. 1110 Australia, Radio: Asia Pacific (repeat). See S 2310. 1130 Australia,RadiO: Sport. See M 0530. 1130 Germany, Deutsche Welle: Africa Report,See M1130. 1130 USA, WEWN BirminghamAt : Morning Prayer. SeeM1130, 1135 Australia. Radio: Countrywide. See M 1135. 1130 1130 1130 1135 Auslralia, Radio: soon.see M0530 Germany. Deutsche Welle: AlriCa Report. SeeM1130. USA. WEWN Bil mlllgham Al: Morning Prayer. M 1130, AustralQ, Radio: Countrywide. See M 1135. see Saturdays Ausl'alia, Radio: RA News. See S ‫סס‬OO. Germany, peetscre Welle: News. see S 0100. USA. WEWrl Birmll1gham Al: 51. Francis - Mirra, 01 ChriSt. SeeW2300. 1105 Aust,alia, Radio: FineMusic Australia. S 0210. 1106 Gennany, OelJlSct1e Welle: Talking Point Journatists discuss major trends andevents. 1130 Australia,Radio: BookReading. SeeF2305. 1130 Germany, ueutscne Welle: arrcan Kaleidoscope. Aweekly reviewof trends and events onIheAtrican ccntoent 1130 USA, WEWNBirminghamAl: Kids Sing·A-long. Adrianne leaches. IhrouOh joYous music, abcot me Catholic tann. 1100 1100 1100 see Thursdays Australia. RadiO: RA News. SeeS ‫סס‬OO. Germany, Deutsche Welle: N!\ys. S01(1) USA. WEWN Birmiflgham At : Crisis MaOJllRe. NEW! Host Deal Hudsonprobes current issues 'roma dlslinctly Cottlolic peIS~ . 1106 Germany. Oeutsd'le Welle: Newslink.See M 1106 1110 Australia, Radio: Asia Pacific l'epeal). See S2310. 11 30 Au stralia. Radil); s port. seeM 0530. 1130 Germany. Oeutsche Welle: AlricaReport. See M 1130. 1130 USA. WEWN Birmingham Al : MomifIQ Prayer. See M 1130. 1135 Australia. Radio: Countrywide. see M 1135. 11(1) 11 00 1100 Fridays see 11 00 Australia. Radio: RA News. SeeS ‫סס‬OO. 11 00 Germany, nesscne Welte: News. SI!!S 0100. 1100 USA. WEWNB;rmiogham Al : Answering Common Objections. SCott HaM explains anddefendsIhe teachmqs 01IheCatholicfaith. 1106 Germany, OeutscheWelle: NewsUnk, See M 1106. 111 0 Auslralia, Radio: Asia Pacitic (repeat). See S2310. I'ROI'AGAn ON FORECASTING J ACQUES O' AVIGNON, VE3VIA 248 T OWERHILL R OAD P ETERBOROUGH, ON K9H 7N1 C ANADA D tS T1/IBVTOR ASAPS P ROPAGAIKm S OFTWARE E-MAIL: MONrTOR @RAC.CA September 1998 MONITORING TIMES 49 1200·1300 1200·1300 AngUllla,carlbbea n Beacon Australia. RadIO 1200·1300'11 1200- 1300vi Australia. VL8A Alice Spg Australia. Vl8KKatherine 1200-1300 1200·1300 1200·1300 1200·1300 1200·1300 1200·1229 Ausl ralia. VL8TTenl erk BraZil. RadIOBras Cambodia, Nal!RadiO 01 Canada. NQuebecSvc Canada. CFR XToronto Canada, CFVP Calgary Canada, CHNXH al ll a~ Canada. CKZN St Jol1ll's Canada CKZU Vancouver Canada, RCanada lntl 1200·1300 Chlf1a. C~ina Radio Inll 1200· 1300 1200-1300 12lJO.13Oo) as 1200·130) 12Ol)·130{} Costa Rlta.Rf PeaceInti Ecuador.HCJB EQt Guinea R EaSI Alrte:l EQI GUlf1ea. RadiO Ailica Fiance. RadiOFiance inn 1200-1300 vi 1200·1300 12lXH215 1200·1300vi 1200·1 300 1200·123Os 1200·1300 1200-1 300 1200· 1300 aslvl 1200· 1300 1200-1300 1200-1300 1200-1JOO irreg 1200·13OO vl 1200-1225 1200-1206 1200-1230s 12OQ· 13GO 1200· 1300 vl 1200· 1255 1200·1300 1200· 1230 1200· 1230 1200·1300 1200· 1300 vi 1200-1300 esc Germarr/, SunriseRadIO Germany, Unrversallile Germany,Overcamer Mmlstr Ireland. Unl cnnsuan Be ltaly. IRRS Jo-oan RadIO Kenya. Kenya Brcaoc Corp Malaysia. RadiO Malaysia,RTM KolaKtnabalu rl amibia, NBC uemenanos. RadiO New Zealand, RNZ Inti Norway. RadiONorway Inll Palau. KHBNNolce 01Hope Papua New numea. NBC Poland. Polish AWarsaw Srllgapo'e.RSillgaporeInl Soulh Korea. RKorea ron Swillerland. Swiss R Inll Tar:lan, RadIO Taipei Inll Ianrama. RadiO UK, BBC Atncan Service . .. . . . . . . . FREQUENCIES . 117i 5am 6020pa szzoas 231Odo 2485do 2325do 15445am ""'"' 9580pd UK. BEC Asian servce 6195015 9530as 1200-1300 UK, BBCWorkl sevce 152603s 5965na 11760me 6195am 1200·1300 121XH 300 1200· 1300 1200·1300 1200·1300 9660as 11855am 13650am 7385pa 11675as 2146O;1m 15115.3m 9715as 11980as 9945as 21-155am 15~oal 15155eu 1757sam 15735as 17S05pa 11600as 15195eu 585<>.0 9710Js 15715au 6200do 7120va 11690eu 4935do 7295do 5980do .1930al 6045eu 61DOpa 17535as 9965as 4890do 6095eu 6015as 7285as 6165eu 713Das 505Odo 6190al 2166Oa1 1200·1300 9660", nsaoas 9625do 6070da 6030do 6130do 6160do 616Odo 9640am 15195as 6950pa 11660as 6975am 12oo5ca 15186al 95303s 9805eu 15530am 4965a1 986Qeu 7270eu 6150as 9525eu 11820eu 9535eu 9610au 119JDaI 17830a1 . 1200'1 300 1200·1300 mtwnta 1200·1300 1200·1300 1200·1300 1200·1300 mwh 1200·1300 1200-1300mlWhla 1200-1300 1200-1228 1200·1300 1200-1300 1200·1300vl 1205-1210 1206-1300 cccsnat 1209-1215mtwhl 1209-:215as 1210·1240 1215·1300 1229· t259 1230-1300 1230-1300 1230-1255 1230·1300 1230· 1300 1230· 1300 1230·1300 1230· 1300 1230-1300 1230·1300 1230· 1300 a 1230·1300 1240· 1250 1240-1 255smtwh USA. !(AUDallas rx USA. KHBI NManana Is USA. KlBNSalt l k City ur USA. KWHRNaalehu HI USA.Voice of America USA, WEWNBirmmqham AL USA. WGTG McCaysville GA USA. WHRI Noblesville IN USA. WJCR Upton KY USA. WRMI/R Miami Inll USA.WSHBCypress Crk SC USA. WWCR NashVille TN USA, WYfROkeechobee fl USA, WVfROkeechobeeFl uzteestan. R Tashkent Zamba. consnan VOICe Zemba, NailBCCOIP Zimb<.bwe. Zimbabwe BC Croatia. Croalian RadiO New Zealand. R NZ Inli UK.B3C Caribbean Report UK. B3C World Service Mongolia. VOICe 01 Egypt Radio Darru Canada, R Canada Inll AustroJ , RAuslna Im! Bangladesh, Bangia Betar Belgium. R vtaanneren tnt Guam. AWRlKSDA Italy,AWR Europe Suuth Korea, R Korea Inti Sri Lanxa. Sri LankaBC Sweden, Radio Thailand. Radio Turkey. Voice 01 USA. VOice 01Amelica Vietnam. Voice01 Breece, Voice01 UK. BBC Slow Speed News 17885al 153lOas 15565eu 12095eu 15575015 58laam 9355.15 9385au 9740<15 17785as 11955as 9-l10eu 152200101 17640eu 9515n.a 154SSeu 17705eu 9760as 11715as 7510<101 993035 616035 151 60as 7425na 9400al11 6040am 7490na 9955ca 6095na 5010am 5950na 58_ 728Sas 6065.>1 6165<10 4828do 7125eu 6100pa 11565pa 9645015 15-t25as 9465na 15745eu 9435am 13595na 11660sa 7435am 13845am 15685am 6015na 9715as 177501\3 152953s 17775as 6265do 5012do 9E30eu 61"" 1522Dca 15220am """'m 11855am 137300a 9548as 13650am 9570as 15425as 15?40au 9885as 15185as 9640am 12020as 15010as 11820me 17585al 1366Oa1 6195.3m 12085au 17595as 6155eu 7185as 15545na 13720as 72303s 6055as 9730as 13740as 9655as 11995as 7768eu 984QaS 1i525a1 7140me 15555me 13670as 11 905as 15290eu IS180a1 SELECTED PROGRAMS Sundays 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1204 1205 1208 1230 1230 1237 Australia. Radio: RA Nfw5, See S 0000. Brazit, nauoeras: Sunday Special.Focus on a specialized topic mi~ed with Blazilianmusic. Norway, Radio NorwayIntI: Norway flow.S!!1! S 0600. Poland. Polish RWarsaw: News IromPoland USA. WEWNBirminghamAL: Sunday Mass Live, From Our Lady 01the An gels Monastery Poland. Polish RWarsaw: weekendCommeillary, Auslralia. Radio: CountryClub(Part 1I. ABC's program or ccnremocrarv andtraditional country music wilh Richard Porteous t tst Hour). Pol.J.nd. Polish RWarsaw: Panorama Poland.Polish RWarsaw: Postbag TUlkey, VOiceof: News. See SOJoo Turkey. Voice 01: Reviewal theDay's TurlriS~ Press. SeeS 63 11. Mondays 1200 AustrallJ, RadIO: RAnews. SeeS 0000 1200 Braz~ . Radiobras: Brazilian Panorama. A magaline progfam 01Brwlian musicand ieatcres 1200 Poland. Polrsh RWarsaw: 'ltwS 110m Poland 1200 USA, WEWN Blrmingllam At: Daily Masslive, FromOur lady oI lhe Angels MOfIa$tery in Alabama. 1205 Auslralia, Radio: Late Night live. Topa !. polllical. cultural ancphilosophical eseesWIth Phillip Adams 01 RadiO NallonaJ. 1220 Poland. Polish RWarsaw' JazztFolk:Rockll'op lrom Poland. 1230 Turkey. VOice 01: Nev.s . See S 1237 Turkey, Voice 01:gevew 01the Day's TOlklsh Press. SeeS 0311. 1252 Turkey, Voice01: SCiencein Turkey. A umerent tOPiCin me realm01science.technology, and languageeach week rooo so MONITORING TIMES September ' 998 Tuesdays 1200 1200 1200 1200 1205 1223 1229 1230 1237 1240 Australia, RadiO: RANews. See S 0000. Blazil, Radiobras: BrazilianPanorama. M 1200. Poland. Polish RWarsaw: Newsfrom Poland. USA. WEWNBlfmingham AL: Daily Mass live SeeM 1200. Australia, RadiO: Late Nighl Live. SeeM 1205. Poland, Polish RWarsaw: A Day in meLileOf, Poland, Polish RWarsaw: Request Concert. Tur ~ey, Voiceof: News, SeeS Turlrey. Voice01: Review 01the Day's Turkish Press.See S 0311. see rooo. Wednesdays 1200 1200 1200 1200 1205 1220 1230 1237 12.10 AUSlralia, Raj io: RANews, See S0000. Brazil. Radiobras; BrazilianPanorama. See M 1200. Poland, Polish RWarsaw: flews l rom Poland, USA, WEWN BirminghamAt: Daily Mass live. See M 1200. Auslralia. Raj io: Late Nighl l ive. SeeM 1205. POland. Polish RWarsaw: The Classics. Turlrey. VOice 01: Nev.-'S. SeeS 0300. Turkey, Voice 01: Review ettneDay's TurlrishPress. SeeS 0311 . Poland. PolishR Warsaw- Flashback. Thursdays 1200 1200 1200 1200 1205 1220 1230 1237 see AuSlralaa. RadiO: RANews. S0000 Bralll, Radlooras: BraZIlian Parorema. seeM 1200. POlanll, Polish RWarsaw:Newslrom Poland. USA, WEWNBirmingham AL: Dai ~1 MassLive. seeM 1200. AUSlralia, Radio: tate Nighllil.-e See M 1205. Polanll, PolishRWarsaw: PolishRadio OX Club. Tu r ~ey, Voice01: NeWS. SeeS0300. Turkey, Voice 01: Review 01 the Dai s Turkish Press. See S 0311 Poland, PoliSh RWarsaw: tener trcm Poland. Fridays 1200 1200 1200 1200 1205 1220 1230 1237 1240 1245 Australia, Radio: RA News. SeeS 0000. Brazil, Radiobras: BrazilianPanorama. See M 1200. Poland, PolishRWarsaw: NewsIrom Poland. USA, WEWNairrmrcnamAL: Daily Mass live. See M 1200. Australia, Radio: Late Night uve. See M 1205. Poland, Polish RWarsaw: Landscapellitefary Se.-iesIFeaturel The Best 01Polish Radio Warsaw. Turkey, Voice 01: News. See S uaeu. Turkey, Voice01:Review 01 the Day'S Turkish Press. See S osu. Poland, PolishRWarsaw: BusinessWeek. Turlrey, Voice 01:Turkish Album. Music and cullura! intero'iew$. Saturdays 1200 1200 1200 1200 1205 121 0 1230 1230 1237 see Australia, Radio: RANe....'S. S 0000 Brat,1. Ralliobras: The Best 01 araauanPapular Music. Eighty minutes01great music. Pola'\d, Polish R Warsaw: NewslWeekendPapers USA. WrWN Bil mingtlamAt: Dally Mass Live. See M 1200 Australia, Radio: cmer Wands(Part 1). See S 1405 Poland. PolishRWarsaw: What We said. Poland. PolIshRWarsaw: Focus. Turkey. Voiceot News. seeS0300. TUlkey. Voiceot Review01the Day's Turkish Press. See S 63 11. 1240 1245 1257 Tur!rey, Voice 01: Outlook. SeeS 0314. Turkey. voce oj: VDT OXCorner (biwee~ly) , SeeSOJ23. Turkey. Voice01: BlueVoya ge. The anracucn s 01Turkey's coastal reccns. FREQUENCIES . 1300- 1 ~OO . Anguilla.canbbean Beacon Australia. RadiO Australia. RadIo Australia. VL8AAlice $pg Australia. VL8K Katbenne Australia. Vl8 T Tent el k 1300-1330 1300-1-100 1300-l olOOvt 1300-1400vi 1300·1400vi 1300·1320 Brazil. Radio Bras Canada. cae NQuebec sve 1300·1ol00 vl 1300,1400 1300,1400 1300·1400 1300·1400 1300-1400 1300·14Q{) smlwhf 1300·1400rntwnt 1300·1400 1300· 1400 1300· 1330 1300·1400 1300· 1330 1300·1400 1300-1400 1300-14ooas 1300·1400 1300·13305 1300·1400 13(XH -l00 15 1300· 1400 1300·1400 as/V1 1300-1400 1300· 1400 1300-1310 1300· 1400 1300-1400 'rreg 1300·1400 '/1 1300·1400occsnal 1300· 1330 s 1300·1400 1300· 1400vi 1300·1400 1300-1400 1300-1400 1300-1400as 1300-1400 1300· 1400 ..... . ... . Canada. CFRXToronto Canada. CFVP Calgary Canada. CHNXHalifax Canada. CKZN SI John's Canada, CKZU Vancouver Canada. A Canada Inti canada. A Canada Inll China. China Radio lntt costa Rica.RFPeace Inll CzechRep. RadiOPral)ue Ecuador. HCJB Egypt. RadiOCairo Eqt Guinea. REast AlrlCa Eqt Guinea. Radio Afnca Germany. RAsia Canada Germany. Sunrise RadIO Germany. Universalute Germany.OverCtlmef MlOistr Germany.RAsia Canada Ireland. Unl Christian BC Ilaly.IRRS Jordan. Ra:lio Kenya. Kenya Broade Corp Uberia.lCN/R liberia Int Malaysia. Radio Malaysia.ATM KotaKlOabalu Namibia, NBC New Zealand. RNZInti Norway. Radio Norway Inti Palau. KHBNNoice 01Hope Papua Ne..... Guinea. NBC Philippines FEBCtR Inll Romania. RRomania Inll Russia,Voice 01RussiaWS SAlrica. Channel Alflca Singapore.RSingapore Inl Sri l anka. Sri Lanka BC 11 775am 9770as 6020" 2310<10 248Sdo 2325do 1S445am 96251:10 607Odo 60301:10 6130do 6160do 6160do 11855am 9640am 7385pa 11675pa 6975am 13580as 12oo5ca 17595as 151 86a1 95303s 15510as 6<l8oa, 9580pa -po 13650am 7405na 11980as 21460am 21745iil 15115iim 9945pa 1518Qas 11660as 21455am sa_ 12025as 15625pa 15735as 222 52llOdo 7120va 11690eu 4935do 510Odo 7295do 5980<10 4930al 6100pa 9590eu 9985as 489000 11995as 15250na 11655as g.l45al 6015as 9730as 4965al 15640na 15390eu 15510as 17675a1 61503s 15425,as 15650as 17770eu 17570as 1787Qal 17790na 21760as . .. . . .... . . . . 1300-1400 1300-1.:00 vi 13()().1 330 Switzerland, swss R Inti rev ene. RadiO Turkey. Voice 01 1300· 1400 UK. BBC African Service 1300-14(1) UK. BBC Asian Service 1300-1400 UK. BBCWOlld Service 1300·1400 1300,1400 1300-1400 1300-1400 1300·1400 1300-1400 1300-1400 USA. KAIJ Dallas TX USA. KHBI N Mariana Is USA. KJES Mesquite NM USA. KNLS Anchor Paint AK USA. KlBNSailLkCity UT USA, KWHR Naalehu HI USA, Voice 01America 13(}O-1400 1300·1400mtwhla 1300·1400 13(XH400 13CXl-1330a 13OQ-14oo If 1300·1400 l30Q-1400 13OQ-1400 1300-1400 l3OQ-1400 vl 1302·1400 1315· 1400mtwhla 1330·1359 133lH359 mtwnta 1330·1400 1330-1400 1330·1400 1330· 1400 1330,1400 1330-1400 1330-1400 1330· 1400as 1330· 1400 1330· 1400 1335· 1345 1345· 1400 USA, WEWN Bumlngham At USA. WGTG McCaysvilleGA USA. WHRI NoblesvilleIN USA. WJCR Uplon KY USA. WRMlIR MLJmi Inti USA. WSHB Cypress CrkSC USA. WWCR Nashville TN USA. 'NYFROkeechobee FL Zambia. ChlistLJn VoiC1! Zambia. Nail BCCorp Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe BC USA. WYFR OkeeChobee Ft Bhutan. Bnutan BCService Canada. RCanada inn Canada. RCanada Inn China. HeilongjiangPBS Georgia. Voice 01Hope Guam, AWRlKSDA India,All India Radio Netherlands, Radio Sweden, Radio UAE, Ra ~io Oubai USA. WRMJlR Miamiinn UZbekistan. RTashkenl VIetnam. Voice 01 Greece, Voice 01 Vatican Stale, ValiCan R 723Das 505Odo 11995eu 619Oa1 17885.11 5990as 1531Qas 59650.1 11760me 154B5eu 17705eu 5810am 9355as 11715am 7365as 7510am 9930as 6160as 15160as 7425na 9400am 6040am 7490na 9955<.> 74BOas 15185as 11940al 21660al 619Sas 6195am 118650.1 15565eu 11565pa 9645as 15425as 9465na 974Das 11750as 941Deu 15575eu 95150.1 1522Qam 17640eu 9760as 11715as 12095eu 15745eu 15105am 13595na 11660na 9475am 11830na 12160am 11970na 4828do 1155<las 503Odo 953Sas 17820va 4840<10 15715as 9650as 9545as 98903s 1374035 13630eu 9955ca 7285as 9840eu 9395eu 13765au 17830al 9385pa 94_ 606' " 6165do 15290eu 1542Oa1 13845am 13695na 15685am 17750na 11795as 11935eu 15325eu 11620as 15585as 13710as 152403m 17515au 15395eu 5265do 5012do 13675eu 9715as 1202Qas 11730na 15540au 15295as 1501035 15175eu 21605eu 17775as 156300. SELECTED PROGRAMS . Sundays 1300 1300 1300 1305 1328 1330 1330 1340 Australia,Radio: RANews. see 5 ‫סס‬OO. NOfWaY, Radio Norway Ind: Norway Now. see S 0600. USA,WEWNBirmingham At.:5unday Mass live(Irom 1300). 1200. AlJStralia.Radio: Country Club (Part 2). ABC'sprogram 01 contemporary andtraditional country music withRichard Porteous (2nd Hour). Egypt, Radio Cairo: NewsHeadlines. UAE, Radio Dubai: News. USA, WEWNBirmingham AL: TheHoly Rosary (Glorious). See S0300. VAf, Radio Dubai: Variable Feature. sees Mondays 1300 1300 1301 1308 1310 1310 1315 1319 1328 1330 1330 1340 Australia, Radio:RANews See S ‫סס‬OO. USA. WEWN Birmingham AL TheHoly Rosary (Joyful). See 503JO. Turkey, Voice01: Turkish Songs. see S 0338. Turkey, Voice of: TreasuredPOllraits. A glimpse intothelile 01 a tamousTurk. Br3Zi,RadiObras: BrazilianReporter. Focus onIde in Brazil. Egypt. RadIO Cairo: Arabicby Radio. Auslralia, Radio: The Planet(Part 1). l ucky oceans plays ricl1/y variedmusic IromaroundtheWOf1d. Turkey. VoiC1! 01: TurkiSh So~ . See S 0338. EII'fIll-. Radio Cairo: News Hwllines. VAf . Radio Dubai: NevIS. USA WEWN Birmingllam AL: TheChaple1 of DMne Mercy, See 50300. UAf, Radio Dubai: VariableFeature. Tuesdays 1300 1300 AuslJalia, Radio: RA News. See 5 ‫סס‬OO. USA.WEWN BirmingllamAt : The HolyRosary (Sorrowful). See S 0300. 1310 Brazil, Radiobras: BrazifLJn Reporter. see M 1310. 1315 Australia, Radio: The Planet (Part1). see M t 315. 1328 Egypt. Radio Cairo: News Headlines. 1330 UAf. Radio Dubai: News. 1330 USA. WEWN Birmingham Al : The Chaplel 01Divine Mercy. SeeS 0300. 1340 UAE, Radio Duba!: VariableFeature. ~:d~=ia ~fiO: RA News. See S0000. 1300 USA, WEWN Birmingham Al : The Holy Rosary (Glorious). See S 0300. 1310 Brazil. Radiobras: Brazilian Reporter. See M 1310. 1315 Australia, Radio: The Planet (Part1). See M 1315. 1328 Egypt. RadioCairo: News Headlines. 1330 UAE, Radio Dubai: News. 1330 USA. WEWN Binningtwn At.:The Chaplel of Divine Mercy. see S 0300. 1340 UAf. Radio Oubai: Variable Fut ure. r~~ "" ,.,RA_.sees ‫סס‬OO. 1300 USA, WEWN Birmingtwn At.:TheHoty Rosary (Joylull. see 50300. 1310 1315 1328 1330 13JD 134a Brazil. Radiobras: BrazilianReporter. see M 1310. Austratia, Radio: ThePlanet (Part 1). M 1315. Egypt.Radio Cairo: News Headlines. UAE.Radio Dubai: News. USA, WEWN Birmingham AL:The Chaplet of DivineMercy. see 5 0300. UAE. Radio Oubai: VariableFeature. 1310 1315 1319 1328 1330 1330 1340 see Brazil. Radiobras: BrazilianReporter. M 131D. Australia. Radio: TheP1aoet (Part 1). see M 1315. Turkey. Voice of: TurkishPOPUlaf Music. selectiOns 01mUSic beingplayed in Turkey. EOYPl RadioCairo: NI!W$ Headlines. UAE, Radio Dubai: News. USA, WEWN Birmingham AL TheChaplet 01 Olvine Mercy. SeeS0300. UAf , Radio Dubai: Variable Feature. Saturdays 1300 1300 Australia. Radio: Radio ~tio ll3l News. see F1400. USA, WEWN Birmingllam AL: The HolyRosary (liviOO). see S 0300. Australia. Radio: Other Worlds (Part 2). See5 1505. Turkey, Voice 01: Popular Turkish Music. Turkey'smusic01 today. 1318 Turkey, Voice 01: Turkisl1 Literature(biweekly). A view 01 Tur1<ish cullure as revealed in thewritten word. 1328 EgyPl Radio Cairo:NewsHwlines. 1330 UAf, Radio Dubai: News. 1330 USA, 'HEWN Birmingham At.:TheChaplet of Divine Mercy. 1305 1313 sees 0300. 1340 UAE. Radio Oubal: Variable Feature. see Fridays 1300 1300 Australia. Radio: RA News. See 5 0000. USA. WEWNBirmirH;lham AL The Holy Rosary (Sorrowful). See S 0300. Septembe r ' 998 MONITORING TIMES 51 fREQUENCIES •• 1400-1500 1400-1500 Anguilla,Caribbean Beacon Australia, RadIO 1400-1500 vi 1400-1500 vi 1400-1500vi 1400-1500 vi 1400-1500 1400-1500 1400-1500 1400-1500 1400,1500 1400·1500s 1400·1500 Austraillo, VLSA Abeegpo Australia, Vl8K KalhenOf 1400·1500 1401}15oo 1400-15OO as 14(1).1500 1400-1500 1400-1500 1400-143O s 1400-1 500 1400·1500 1400·1500 1400·1430 14QlJ.1500asM 140(H5OO 1401}-15OO 1400-1500 1400·1500 1400-1500 vi 1400-1500irreg 1400-1430 1400-15OOvl 1400-1500 1400-1500 occsnat 1400·1410 1400· 1500 as 1400·t 5oovI CostaRica.Rf Peace Inti Ecuador, HCJB Eql Guinea. R Easl Alrica f rance. RadiOfr ance InU Gemgia. Voice 01Hope Germany. Sunrise Radio Germany. UniwlrW lile Germany.Overcomer Mlnistr India. AI1lnelia RadiO Ireland, UntChristian BC Israel.KoIlsrael Italy, lARS Japan. RJapanINHKWoOd Jordan. Radio Kenya. Kenya Broadc Corp Malaysia. Radio Malaysia. RTM Kuching Malaysia.RTM KotaKlnabalu Mexico, Radi o Mexico Inti Namibia, NBC Nelherlands, Radio NewZealand. R NZ Int! Pakistan. Radio Palau, KHBNNoice01Hope Papua NewGuinea. NBC Australia. Vl8TTent e,k Canada. cec N Quebecsvc Canada. CFRX Toronto Canada. CFVP Calgary Canada. CHNX Halifax Canada. CKZN SIJohn's Canada.CKZU Vancouver Canada. RCanada Inti China. China Radio Inll ... . . . . . . . . . l1nsam 5995pa 9660" 602"". 6080a' 95""" 1400-1 455 as 1400-1500 231Odo 2485110 2325do 9625do 6070<10 6030(10 6130(10 616Odo 6160<10 11855am 7260as 11825as 6975am 12005ca 1518631 1191Qas 1571535 9535as 21460am 15115am 21455.1m 15405as 1756Oa1 9700as 95<'" 6200do 12535eu 1120va 9505", 11690eu 4935do 7295do 4895do 598Odo 5985na 4930al 9890as 6100pa 9650as 9985as 4890do 15625pa 1162Qas 11730as 11880af l1 6Odo 97Q5na 4965al 15585as t1570me 15t 70al 11655a5 9445al 61 5Odo 973Das 1400-1500vi Tanzania. Radio 9575as 5050110 1400· 1430 Thailand. Baoo UK. BBC African Service 9655as 6190al 1400,1500 UK.BBCAsian Service 1400·1500 UK,BBC World Service 1400-1500 1400-1500 1400-1500 1400-1500 1400-1500 14{)(}-1 5oo USA, KAIJ Dallas TX USA. KHBI N Mal ianaIs USA. KJES MeSQuile NM USA, KlBN Salllk City UT USA. KWHR NaalehuHI USAVoice 01America 13710as 15640na 11995as 473Das 1400-1500 1400·1500 13650am 7405na Philippines, FEBCIR Inti ausse.vcce 01 Russia WS S AhlCa. Channel Africa Singapore,RCOIp SlIlgapore Sri Lanka. Sri l anka Be Switzerland. Swiss R lnll 1400-1500 58"'" 9955na 13810me 1400-1500 1400-1500 .. . . .. . . . .. 1400·1500 1400-1500mtwhla 1400·1500 1400-1500 1400-1 500 as 14{)(}-1500 1400-1500 1400-1405 1400-1 500 1400· 1500 14QO·1500 vl 1415·1425 1430·1500 1430·1500 1430·1500 1430-1500 USA. WEWN Birmingham Al USA. WGTG McCaysville GA USA. WHRI Noblesville IN USA. WJCR upton ICY USA. WRMIIR Miami Inti USA. WWCR Nashville TN USA. VNFR OkeechObee f l vatcan Stale.vancan R zambia.Christian Voice zambia. Natl BC Corp Zimbabwe,Zimbabwe Be Nepal. Radi o Australia. Radi o Guam. AWR/KSOA Mongolia. Voiceof Myanmar. Radio 21660af 5990as 15310as 9410eu 15220na 17S4oeu 13815am 9355as 11715.1m 7510am 993Qas 6160as 97603s 15425as 9455na 9400am 604"m 7490na 4940<; ' 2025a5 4975as 7510as 1S51 0as 17570as li67Sai 17870at 15425as 152653S 9830a5 11940al 11905a5 17830al 21490af 6195as 9]40as 11750as 9515na 15485eu 17705eu 11865na 15565eu 17840am 12095eu 15575eu 11565pa 7125as 15160as 721 5as 15255va 964'" 11875n3 15745eu 15395as 15105am 13595na 995'" 947Sam 11502as 13765au 12160am 118JOna 1554Qau 13845am 11970na 15685am 1775Of1a 6Q65,j 6165do 4828do 5OO5do 9500as 9385as 9720as 5986do 6265dCl S01 2do 7165do 11660as 12085as SELECTED PROGRAMS Sundays 1400 1400 Australia. Radio: RANews. See S ‫סס‬oo China. China Radio Ind: News. A ten-minute summary of world news. 1400 USA. WEWN Biminollam At.:lite on the Roell(encore). Jell Cavinsandhis weekly guest astheymeet ataecaee bouseto diSCuSS thejoysanlIchallenges of being ayoung Chris1ian in the 90's. 1405 Australia,Radio: OtherWorlds (Part 1). Brent Clough playslateniohtIollnge music (ls i hour). 1411 China. ChinaRadio InU: News aboutChina. Ten minutes 01 nome news. 1413 China, China Radio Inti: Sports Beat. News trcm theworld 01 sports. 1420 China. China Radio Inll: China Snapshots. Alour around eteeandtown in China wilh locuson locaIllavor and customs. 1425 China, ChinaRadio Inti: Report on Oeve!oping Countries. A reportonprojects in theThird World. 1435 China, China Radio Ind: Song ol lM Week. A selectionof ltIe new popmusic: In China. 1445 China, ChinaRadio Ind: VoicesfromOtherLands. A culturalplogram aboulthe world andits people. Mondays 1400 1400 1400 Australia, Radio: RA News. See S ‫סס‬OO, China.China Radio Inll: News. See S 1400. USA. WEWN BirminghamAt.:Teaclling of Jesus. seeS 0400. 1405 1411 1420 1425 1430 1434 52 Australia. fQ{lio: ThePlanet (Part 2). seeM 13t5. China, ChinaRallio Inti: News aboulChina. SeeS 1411. China. ChinaRadio Inll: Current Affaj~ . An in-depth look at events and Ilappenings in China. China.ChinaRadio Inn: PressClippings. several items IromtheChinesepress. China, China Radio InU: China's OpenWindows. Focus on a particular area ol lnvastment in China. China. ChinaRadio Inll: Changzhou Reports. A look atthis industrial city in East China's Jlangsu Provinceand the MONITORING TIMES Septembe, 199 8 peoplewtIoIiv! and worktnere. 1445 Chin.l. China Radio Inti: Idioms andTheir Slories. A r~la r lealUrelor stooents studying Chinese Tuesdays 1400 1400 1400 1405 1411 1420 1434 1439 1445 Australia.Radio: RA News. see S ‫סס‬OO. China. China Radio Inti: News. See S 1400. USA. WEWH Birmingham At: Truth Talks. see T0100. Australia. RadiO: The Planet (Part 2). see M 1315. China, ChinaRadio Inll: Newsabout China. SeeS 1411. China, ChinaRadio lnll: terremAffailS, See M 1420. China, ChinaRadio Inti: Press Clillplngs. See M 1425. China, ChInaRadio lnff: OrientArena. Focus onsportinQ events and Chinese sportspersonalities. China, ChinaRadio Inll: Voicesfrom OIher lands.SeeS 1445. Wednesdays 1400 1400 1400 Australia, Radio: RANews. See S0000. China, ChinaRadio Inti: News, SeeS 1400. USA. WEWN Birmingham At.:The JourneyHome(encore). A call-in show thatexamineswhysomany peopleare being drawn home10 the catholic Church. 1405 AU5tralia,Radio: The Planel (Part 2). See M 1315. 1411 China. ChinaRadio Inll: News about China.SeeS 1411. 1420 China, ChinaRaOIO Inti: Currenl Aflajrs. Set M 1420. 1434 Chin.l, ChinaRadio Ind: Press Clippings. See M 1425. 1438 China. China Radio Inti: Profile. The activities of an In1erestino individual are examined. 1445 China. Chin.l Radio InII: learn 10 Speak Chinese. Chinese language lessons tor English speakers. Thursdays 1400 1400 1400 Australia. Radio: RA rlf!W5. See S ‫סס‬OO. China, ChinaRadio Inll: News. See S 1400. USA, WEWN Birmingham Al : Pillars01 Faith (encore). SeeT 1405 1411 1415 Australia, Radio: ThePlanet(Part2). See M 1315. China, ChinaRadio Intf: News about China. SeeS 1411. China. China Radio Inti: News Analysis. Background on ‫סס‬oo. current news events. 1420 China. China Radio Inll: Currenl Altai~. M 1420. 1434 China. China. Radio Inti:: Press Clippings. SeeM 1425. 1438 China, China RadioInlt Focus. l ookingal anissue of signifiCance 10China's develoPment 1444 China, China Radio Inll: Cultural Spectrum. The rich culluralheritage 01 Ctmain Iileratule, musicand art see Fridays 1400 1400 1400 1405 1411 1420 1433 1437 1444 Australia, Radio: RadioNational News. News from me Australian BroadcastingNetwork (ABC). China, China Radio 1n1!: News. See S 1400. USA, WEWN Birmingllam Al: l tveWire (encore). Repeat of livecall-in program. Australia, Radio: The Planet (Part2), See M 1315. China, China Radio Inti: News about China. SeeS 1411 . China, China Radio InU: currentAltairs. SeeM 1420. China.China Radio Inll: Press Clippings. See M 1425. China., China Radio Inti: ute in ChIna. Focus onan aspect 01 everyday living. Chin.l, ChinaRadio Inll: Global Review. Neo.w about developinonations. Saturdays 1400 AU5tra1i.a. Radio: Radio National News. seeF t4oo. 1400 China. China RadioInlt: News. See S 1400. 1400 USA, WEWN Birminoham At: Our f a!he( s Plan. See W OHIO. 1411 1420 China. ChinaRadio Inti: Newsabout China. See S 1411 . Chin.l, China. RadiO Inti: Chinese fQlktales. The lraditions, meurvalues. etiquetteandcustomsof thisancient counlry and slories aboutreal andlegendaryligures 01 China. 1425 China, ChinaRadio Inll: The CookingShOw. Chinese recipesandcooking tips dirett IromBeijing 1430 China. China Radio Inti: China SCrapbook. Snippets of facts aboutChina's pastand present. 1435 China, China Radio Inti: Music Irom China. Chinese music from traditional to pop10 annual music festivals. FREQUENCIES 1500·160(1 15O(). 1600 . . .. Anguilla.C.lrlbbean aeaccn Austra:ia. Radio 1500·1601)0.1 1500'1600 '11 1500-1600'II 1500-1600'11 1500-1600 1500,1600 1500·1600 assuana 'ILeAAlice Spg Australia. '1l8K Kathenne Australia VLST Tent Canada. cee r. Quebec Svc Canada. CFRX Toronto Canada. CFVP Calgary 1500·1 600 1500-1600 1500· 1559 5 1500-1600 1500· 1600 1500-1530 1500-1600 1500-1600as 1500-1530 1500-1600 1500·1600 1500· 1600 1500-1600 1500-1600 Otslvl 1500-1600 1500-1 600 1501H600 15O(}-15 10 1500·1600 1500·1600 lneg 1500·1530 1500-1600 1500,1600 \1 1500·1525 1500·1600 occsnat 1500· 1600 1500-1557 Canada. CKZN St John's Canada. CKl U Vancouver Canada.R Canada InU Chma.Cnma Radio Inll Costa Rica RF Peace Inll Costa Rica Rf Peace nur Ecuacor. HCJB EQI Guinea R East Alflca Georgia, VOice 011--10pe Bermany. Scnnse RadiO Germany.Overcomer MmlSlr Guam. TWR·1<TWR Ireland. Uri! Chnsfldn BC llaly.IRRS Japan, R Japaf\iflHK World Jordan. RadIO Kenya. Ken/ a sroaoc Corp llbena.lCNIR t .cena Inl Malaysia. RadiO Mala,.sia.RTM KotaKmabatu MeXICO. Raj lOMeXICOInU Myanmar, naoc Namibia. 'laC 1500· 1530 s lS00·1530 as ~l o r w a,/. tsOO· 1 600~ 1 e,k Canada. CHtlX Hahtax aemenancs. Barno New Zealand. RNZ Inll r~ lgeria, VOice of North Korea, R Pyongyang Bane Norway Inti Palau. KHBNN oice ot Hope Papua NewGuinea NBC . 11775am 5995pa 9580p3 . 602Op.> %6Op. 6080;>s l 166O.Js . '"1(''' .. 1500-1600 1500·1530 2485do 2325do 9625110 607Odo &030<10 6130110 5160do 5160uo 11855am 71 60:;,s 6975am 697Sarn 12005ca 15186al 15715as 5850va 13810me 15330as 6200do 7120va 7200as 1169"Jeu -1935do 5tOOd o i295do 5980do 5985113 5986do -1930al 9890as 6100pa 7255al 3560ca 13650va 13800va 9985a5 -1890do 15OO· 1530 1wh13 1500' 1600 S Allied.. Channel AlmA Seychelles. FEBARadio Seychelles. FEBA Radio S1flyapOle.RCorp $mgapolf Sri Lanka. Sf! Lanka Be Taiwan. VOice or Asia Tanzania. RadiO UK, BBC A/rican Service 1500· 1600 UK, BSC ASian Service 1500·1600 UK. B8CWorld Service 1500·1600 1500·1600 1500·1600 1500·1600 USA. KAIJ Dallas rx USA, KIStl Salt Lk Cityur USA. KWHR Naalehu HI USA. Voiceof America 15Q('·t545 sm lS(Ml1500 1500- 1600 1500·1600 1500"600 vl 21'160am 151 15am 21-155am 15625na gussa.vcce 01 Ru~l3. WS "'Orne 11775me 4730me 9975me 231Odo 136SDam 9785as 15050arn . . . 9750as 117303s 9705na -1965al 15585as 15120al 964031 9!J75me 117 3 5s~ t 500-1600 1500·1600mt .\ hla 1500-1600 1500·1600 1500·1EOO as 1500,1£00 1500-1600 1500·1502 1500-1600 1500-1600 1500· 1600 vi 1530·15-10 1530·t 600 1530·1600 1535· 1550 15·15,1600 1545·1600s h 15-\5·1600 1550'16:)0a USA. V/fW~l Bllmmgham At US;' . VlGTGMcCaysVIlle GA USA. VlHRl NobleSVIlle IN USA. WJCR uctcn KY USA. WR"'UiR Ml3ffil lntl USA. \\ WCR r~ashvllle TN USA_.....'YFR Okeechobee Fl USA, ';I,'YFROkeechobee FL Zambia. cnnsuan VOice Zambia. Nat! BC Corp Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Be sancraeesn. Bangia Betar Guam, AWRIKSOA Iran, VOIRI Vatican State. VaticanR Albania. R Tirana Inti Banqladesh, Banqla Betar Israel, Kollstaet vaacanSlate. veucan R 7325me 15470me 15540me 11860al 17830al 11940al 21470al 15400al 21490al 5990as 11750Js 9515na 15220na 17840Jm 6195as 1531 0as 11865na 1548Seu 7135as 7125<1s 9760as 7215as 15205va 116OO<1s 11600as 615Odo 97303s 154253s 744535 5050do 6190al 15420al 21660al 5975as 9740as 9410eu 12095eu 17705eu 13815am 15590am 993Das 611Das 1156spa 6160as 9700me 15395as 11875na 96450s 15255va 9505'" 4975me 17580me 9-I-t5al 9455na g.;ooam 13760am 7490113 995Sca 9475a01 11830113 11550as 6065al 6165do 4828do -1 8803s 9385as 721 5as 13765au 11734eu 4880as 11605eu 12040eu 15575eu 15745eu 15105affi 13595113 121GOam 17750na 13845301 15685am 6265do 5012do 15520as 9780as 15500<lu 12034eu 155203s 15650na 15500va 13765va 13605me 1751 5na SELECTED PROGRAMS Sundays 1500 1500 1500 1500 1505 1506 1530 1530 1540 1545 Au.tralia. Ra<ho: RA Nev.s. SeeS ‫סס‬oo Norway. Radio Norway Inti: NorwayNO'.'f. see S 0600. USA. WE't'm BlrmlOgllam At: Salvation andGrace. No InlOlmalion availa!lte. VOA (Special English): VOA News. Ten n aeures 01 worldwidenews on thehour. Ausll aha, Radio: OIlierWOfidS(Part 2). Brent Clough plays late night lounge muse (2M hour). VOA(Special English): All About Enallsh. A program deSIgnedIOf those learning to speak English thatmcnces ccnversancns about everyday htein the U San d explaraticns 01.grammar andusage USA. WEWN Birmingham Al: Moral' Decisions. See S 1500 VOA Is pecial English): Nsws (Special English). See S0030 VOA, Special English): WOlds and metrStones (Special EngliSh). See S 0G40. VOA (SpecialEnglish): People in Amenca (Special English) See S 0045. ~n~~Na~ la. Radio: RANews seeS ‫סס‬OO. 1500 USA.WEWN Birminghaf11 Al : The Best 01JourneyHome 1500 1505 1506 1530 1530 15-10 1545 SeeS 1500 VOA (SPetI3I Engbsh) VOA News, SeeS 1500. AU$ltalia. RadIO: Asia Pactc. See S 2310 VOA (Special English): AllAbout English. SeeS 1506. Australia. Radio: The Heath Report, A program tnat esa-nmes neenn ssues and maeescomplex scentrtc data understandable. VOA ISpeciai English): NtwS(Special Ef'I9fish). See S 0030. VOA sceea Enollstl): DtveIopfT\l! nl Report (Speoal Eno:lShl. set M 0040. VOA (Specal EnollSh): Thisis Amena (Special Enghsh). see M 0045. Tuesdays 1500 1500 1500 1505 1506 Australia. Radio: RA flews, seeS ‫סס‬OO . USA. WEVm BirminghamAL: Abiding in cnnst (encore). MartUS Grodi takesa closer look al scncmre dunng WEWN's newest live talkshol'l leaturmg tn-studiOguests anda live call-In segment VOt, (Special English): VOA News. See S 1500. Australia. Radio: Asia Pacac. SeeS 2310. VOA (Special EnOlishl: All AtlouT English. SeeS 1506. 1530 1530 1S-10 1545 Australl3. Rauro. The Law Report. Susanna t ooez bnngsan Insider's perspective to thecomplexities01the law. VOA (Special En-1Iish): flews(Special EllQlish). set S 0030. VOA (Specla . 1Enillish): AollCultureRecort (Special EfI9llSh). see f 0040 VOA (Special EngliSh): SCiencein me flews(Special English). See T0045 1545 ~~tu~~s~x~ Radio: Radio NationalNews. See F1400. 1500 USA. WfWrl BirmillQham Al: TheCatholic Broadcast. See S 1130. VOA ISpeoalEnglish): VOANews, seeS 1500. Australia. Radio: Melisma(Part 1). Musicalrevelations(1st hour). 1506 VOA (Special English): All About Enqlish. See S 1506. 1530 USA.WEWN BlrmmghamAl: The urne Aower. seeS 0330 1530 VOA (Special English): News(Special English). See S 0030. 1540 x~~peCial English): In Ihe News(Special English). See Wednesdays 1500 1505 1500 1505 1506 1530 1530 t 540 1545 1500 1500 1545 Australia.lt"al:llO: RANews. See S0000 USA, WEWN Birmingham AL: The Best 01Lite on ue Rock. See S 1-100 VOA (Special English): VOANews, SeeS 1500. Australia.RadIO: ASia Pacitrc. See S2310. VOA (Special English): AllAboul English. SeeS 1506. ausnana. Radio: The ReliglonReport. See S0230. VOA IspeCialEngliSh): fl ews(Special English). See S0030. VOA Special English): SCience Report(Specet English). See W00-10. VOA (Special English): Exploration (Special Englishj. See W ()().IS. ~~U~~~¥Ia ~Radio: RA NelVS, See S ‫סס‬oo 1500 USA. WEWN Birmingham AL:Our Father's Plan. seew 0100 1500 1505 t~ 1530 1530 15.\0 1 ~5 VOA (Special English): VOA uews. See S 1500. Australia. RadIO: AsiaPaclhc. see S 2310. VOA( S~1 En\<lish): All About El19llsh. See S 1506 AUSllaUa. RadIO: Media Re~rt S053O. VOA( SpecJal E~lishl: News {S~al English). See S 0030 VOA (Special English : SCience Report (Special English). See W0040 VOA(Special Enljlish): TheMakingof a Nahon (Special EngliSh). SeeH 0045 see Fridays 1503 ISO:l 1500 150S t506 1530 1530 15-10 Australia. RadIO: Radio NatlOll3l News. See F 1400 USA. W.E\Vfl Birmingham Al: Abidingin Chnst (live). seeT 1500. VOA (SpeCial English): VOA News. see S 1500 Australia. Radio: Asia Pacific. seeS 2310 VOA (Special English): All About EOl;lhsll, SeeS 1506. Australia. RadiO: The Sports Factor, See M 2330 VOA Ispecial English): News (Special EngliSh). SeeS0030 VOA Special English} Environment neecn (Special En(llish). Sell F0040. VOA ISpeclal English}: Amentan Mosaic (Special English). SeeF0045. VOA{Special English): AmericanStories (Special English). See A0045 HAUSER' S HIGHLIGHTS SPAIN: RADIO EXTERIOR ESPANA (REEl From summer schedule. Engl ish ~ on 9855 kH /. 3K degrees :!O()()·2 JI)() ~ l- F 2 I CI()- 2 ~ OO Sa/Su AI" rica on 11830 kf-l z 170 degrees 2( )( )O ':~ I()() M · F, 21()(}-2200 Sa/S u North Alllcrica on 6055 kflz 290 degrees ()(11 10-0:!C)(1 050(J·055 6 ( KEE Vi;l IlC-DX) September 1998 MONITORING TIMES 53 FREQUENCIES 1600·1700 1601J.1 700 1600·1700 AI!JCI13. R Aigiels Inti Alltluilla,Canbbean Beacon Australia. Radio 1600-1700 vl Australia, '1L8AAliceSpg Aus tralia. Vl 8KKath erine Australia, '/LST Ter'll erk Canada. N Quebec s-c 1600-1700 ,,1 1600-1700.,.1 1600·1700,,1 .. . . . . . . . cae Canada. CfRX Toronto 1600· 1700 1600·1700 1600· 1700 160IH 700 1600-1700 1600-1700 1600·17ooas 1600-1627 1600-1700 1600·1700 caoaoa. CtvP Calgary Call.lIla CrltlX Halital caoaoa. CKlN SI Jonn's Canada. CKlUvancouver China. Chll\J RadiOinn Costa RICa. AdvWOl ld R CrechRep. Radio Prague EthIopia. RadiO t rance. RadiO France Inti 1600·1650 Germany, Deutsche Welle 1600·1700 1600·1700 l GOO·H OG 1600·1630 1600-1630 1600·1700 1600-1700 asM 1600·1630 1600-1700 1600·1700 1600· 1700 1600·1700\~ 1600·t650occsnat 1600-1700 1600·1630 s 1600'1630 1600-1700 vi 1600-1700 Germany, Sunrise Rall io Germany.Overcomer MlrJlslr Guam. AVlRiKSOA Guam. TV/R.iKTWR Iran. VOIRI Ireland. Unl cnesnan BC IIaly.IRRS Jordan. gene Kenya. Kenya Broadc Corp le banon. Voiceof Hope Malaysia. Radio tlamillia NBC NewZealand. R NZlnll Nigeria. Voiceor Norway. Radio NorwayInti Pakistan.aaoo Papua New Guinea, NBC nussa.vmce 01 Russia WS 1600·1625 1600·1700 1600· 1700 as 1600-1700 1600·1615 160(H 700vl 1600·1645 1600-1700 S Alrlca. ChannelAlflca South Korea. R KoreaInll SriLanka. Sri Lanl(JBC Swaziland. trans WOIld R SWltzerlalld. SwissR Inti Tanzania. RadIO UAE . RadiODu!)ai UK. BBC Alrlcan service 11715011 11775am 15160me 5995pa B020pa 95BOpa 2310do 2485do 9660pa 6080as "660.15 9500.15 962Oa! 17485al 11705.11 17850011 7130al 1181 0<11 12015al 15210al 7225as 15145as 9735011 2169531 13810me 15625na 9780as t 3605me 9960me 7295do 4930al 6100pa 7255al 13800va 965D.as 4890do 9675me 15540rne 6llOOo1 59753s 9730as '500>1 9575as 505Od0 136~u 3255.31 17830<11 3915<15 5~75as 1600·1700 UK BBC World Service 7160as 9.\10eu 15575eu 9i40 as 9515n3 l i 840am 160Q· 1700 USA, KAIJ Dallas TX USA, KTBN Saltlk City ur USA, KWHR Naalehu HI USA,Voice01 Amerlta 1600·1700 1600·1 700 1600·1700 2325do 9625do 607Odo 603Odo 613Odo 6160110 6160<10 9565al 9725na 593Qeu 7165al 11615al 15640al 617D.as 9875<1s 5850va 6130eu 9355as 153303s 721Sas 6200do 3985va 11690eu 4935do UK BBC ASian Serwce 1600·, 606 496521 15120.11 15340na 11570rne 1895Qva 15170011 17720al 11775rne 11850me 12065me 9515va 987();]s 15425.1s 15265<1s 13675eu 6190at 21470<11 15395eu 15-400011 2166Oa1 21 605eu 17705.3f 16QO-.1700 160(H700 ml·.~h la 1600-1700 1600·1700 1600-1700 1600·1700mlwhl 1600-1700 srntha 1600·1700 1600·1700 USA. WEVIN Bll mingham l\l USA. WGTG McCaySVille GA USA. WHRI NobleSVIlle IN USA. WJCR upton KY USA. WMlK setter PA USA. WRNO NewOrleans LA USA. WSHBcvcressClk SC USA.WWCRNashville TN USA. WYFR Okeechobee Fl 1600·161001 t600·1630 1600-1700 1600-1 700 1600·1630'11 1606-1615 vatican State, VaticanR Vietnam. voce of Zambia. ChriSllan VOIce Zambia. NailBC Corp Ztmtabwe. ZenbabweBC UK.BBC Asl.an sevce 1606·161 5 mtl'ltll 161 5·1645as 161 5-1645 1615-1700 UK. 8BCAsian Service UK. 8BC Alrican Servce UK.BBC AlricanService UK.8BC AsianService 161 5·1700as 1615-1630 UK, BBC World Service Vatican State. vaucan R 1630-1700 1630·1655 1630·1657 1630-1700 1630-1700 1630·1700 a 1630·1700 1630·1700vi 1645-1 700 1650·1700 Austria, R AUsl ril Inti Belgium. Rvtaanceren Int Canada. RCanadaInU Egypt. RadiOCairo Georgia. Voice01Hope Gernany. urwersarute SlovaklJ.R SIO'-IaklJ Int! ZtOlblbl'.'e. ZImbabweBe UK. SBC Alncarl servc e Eqt Guinea, RadIO AlrlCa NewZealand. R NZIntt 1 650 · 1 700 m~Nhl 5990a5 11750015 6195as 12095cu 15310.15 150lBSeu 15395a ~ 6160JS 97(lOme 15205';a 15--1H1.11 71253S 976();]s 15225al 15·USaf 136'~lrJa 1 5 74~u 13815.1111 15590am 9930as 6035.1' 6110as 7215as 13600al 15255'13 17895al 11875na 9":00am 137603m 7':9Qrla 9465am 15420am 18930al 9475am 11 705na I 7750n3 9645as 13710at 13765va 98·l(leu 333();]1 6165110 48l ado 39153s 11 750as 5990as 11860.11 15420al 3915as 9740as 9515ml 4005eu 11810eu 6155eu 5910eu 6140as 1525531 6285eu 12015.11 592(Ru 3306<10 1186Oa1 15186Jf 61.f5pa 15105am 13595na 12160<1m 11830na 21525vo1 1550Ovo1 1201Deu 4%5.11 6265do 5:J12do 5975.1s 138453111 15695va 6195as 1531 0as 5975as 11751)as 7160as %lO as 5883eu 7250eu 9645eu 11855me 7290eu 71 50as 1371 0,1s 13730va 15685am 17555va 15010eu 7160as 9740.1S 12125eu 'OSS" 7345eu ~ 828d o 15420.11 SELECTED PROGRAMS Sundays 1600 1600 1600 1600 1605 1606 1630 1630 164' 1645 Australia. Radio: RANews, See S 0000. RadiONorway InU: Norway Now. See S0600 USA. WEWN Birmingham Al : scanen Mass (lI~e) . Catholic Mass in Spamsh. VOA (Special EngliSh): VOA Ne....'S SeeS 1500 Austraha. gado ; The Natt{ll131Imerest. Terry tanetakes an InciSive Joolc at theweek's major events. VOA (Special EngliSh): AllAbout ErJglish. seeS 1506 UAE, Radio Dubai: News VOA (Special EngliSh): News (Special English). See S0030 VOA (Special English): Wordsand their Siories (Special English). See S(1)40 VOA \SpeCI3I Erlglish): People in Amenca(SpecIal Erlglishl See S 0045. r~or.~ay. Mondays 1600 1600 1600 1605 1606 163' 1630 164' 1645 Australia. Radi O: RANews, See S0000. USA. WEWN Birmingham Al : Oaily Mass (encore). From Our lady 01theAngels Monastery in Bilmingham, Alabama VOA (Special EngliSh):VOA News See S 1500. Australsa. RadiO: MUSICDeli. See M 0610. VOA (Special EngliSh): All About English. See S 1506. UAE. Radio Oubar Nsws VOA tSpeoal E!l9liSt:): flews(Special Engl!Shl. See S0030. VOA (Spect31English): Development Report (Special Eng~sh ). seeM 0040 VOA (SpeCIJI EngllS!'): nus is Amenca (Speoal EnglISh). See M 0045 1605 1606 1630 1630 1640 1645 ~d~a~~~o: RANews. See S ‫סס‬OO. 1600 USA. WEWN BirminghamAL: Daily Mass (encore). See M 1600. 1600 VOA [Specal EngliSh): VOA Ney,'$ See S 1500 Auslralia. Radio: WomenOut l oud!.Aweekly radiOorocram 1605 documenting.el ploring and challengirlg theccnomcnso! women's lives. 1606 VOA (Special English): All Aboul English. See S 1506. 1630 UAE, Radio Dubai: News. 1630 VOA (Special English): News (Special English). See S 0030 1640 VOA (Special EngliSh): SCIence Report (Special Engllsh), See WIJO.l' 1645 VOA (Special Em;lliSh): b ptoration(Spedal English), See W 1JO.l5 Thursdar-s 1600 Auslra e. RadiO: RA News. See S ‫סס‬OO. 1600 Tuesdays 1600 1605 1600 1630 1630 1600 1600 S4 Aoslralla. RadiO: RA News See S0000 USA.WEWN Bi,mingham Al: Dally Mass (encore). See M 1600 VOA (Special EngliSh):VOA News. SeeS 1500 MO NITORING TIMES Seplember 1998 Auslralia. Radio: Music Deli. See M0610 VOA (Special EngliSh): All About English. See S 1506. UAE, Radio Dubai: News VOA (Special English): News (Spetial EngliSh). SeeS0030. VOA (Special EnoliSh): Aoncullule Report (Special EngliSh) See T 0040. VOA (Speoal English): SCience in ~he r~eW$ (Special EngliSh). SeeT 0045 1606 USA. WEWrl Birmingtlam AL: Daiy Mass (encore). See'" l6flll VOA (Special English): VOA News. See S 1500 Auslralia. RadiO: Hindsight MichElle Rayner presents eunent events Iromanhisloricalperspecnve VOA (Special ErlgliSh): AI! Aooul English. See S 1506. UAE. Radio Dubal: News VOA (Special English): News (Special English), See S0030 1640 VOA (SpeCial Erlglish) Science Report (Special English), See WfJO.lO 1645 VOA (SpetlJl EngliSh)' The Makll\9 01a N.atlon (SpeCIal English). seeH0045 Fridays 1600 1600 1600 1605 1606 1630 1630 1640 1645 AJStrallJ, Paco: RadiOt~alional Ne....'S. See F 1400 USA. WEWN Birmingham AL: Dart')' Mass (eorore), See M 1600 VJA(SpeclJl EngliSh): 'lOA NeW'S .seeS 1500 Australia. RadiO: Awaye See MOll O. VOA (Special English): All Aboul hgllsh. See S 1506 UAE. Radio Duba!: tlews VOA (Special English): News (SpeCial Erlgllsn). See S0030 VO A(Special English) : Environment Report (Special English). See F0040. VOA (Specat EngIiSh): ll.mericao Mosaic l Special Erll;lhSh). See F0045 Saturdays 1600 1600 1600 1605 1606 1630 1630 1630 1640 1645 Auslralla. RadIO: RadiOtlali<lrlal ftews. SeeF 1400. USA. WEWN BltmlOgtlam Al : DallyMass (encore). SeeM 1600 VOA (Speoal Engllshl' VOA News. seeS 1500 AustrallJ. RadIO: P.lel,s~a (part2). Musical 1t\.-elalJOl'S rzr o hour). VOA( SpecIJI EngliSh)' NI About hgllsh SeeS 1506 EIJYPl,. Ra diOcairo: Eqo,-phan Muslt . lIAE. RadiOOubai: Nev,s. VOA (Speoal ErlgIISh): News (Special Erlgllsh) see S0030. VOA(Special English): In Ute News (Special English), See A 1JO.l0 \iDA(SpecialErlghshl: Amencarl Stories(Special English). See A 0045 fREQUENCIES ••• 1700-1800 1700-1800 AngllIlla.Caribbean Beacon Australia. Radio I700-1800 v1 1700-180Ih 1 Australia. vtSAAlICe Spg AUSllalia. Vl 8K xamerme Ausllalia. VL8T Tent C,k Canada. CBC Ncuebec svc canaoa. CFAX toronto Canada. CFVP Calgary Canada. CHNXHalifax Canada. CKZN St John's Canada. CKZU Vancouver China, China R,1(lio tnt! Costa Rica.RF Peace Inti Czech Rep. PaemPrague Egypt, Radio cane EQI Guinea. RadiOsrnca f iance. RadiOfia nce Inll Georgia. VOice01Hope Germany, SunriseRadio Germany,(h.ercomer t.!lfllslr Ireland, unr Chllshan BC lIaly. IRRS Japan. RJatlaniNHKWorld 1700-1800..-1 1700-180Ih i 1700-1800 1700-1800 1700·1800 1700-1800 1700-1800 1700·1800 1700·1800 1700-1727 1700·1600 1700-1aOO 1700-1730 1700,1800 1700-1800 1700·1800 1700-1800 1700-1800 v: 1700-1800 1700-1800 1700-1800 1700-1800 110CH SOO 1700· 1800 mt\"lhl 1700·1715 vi 1700-1800 vi 1700-1755 1700-1800 1700-1800 Kenya. Kenya Broeoc Corp lebanon, Vcice 01 Hope l iberia, Stargarno Mala~ia, Radio ~le ....Zealand. RNZ InU Palau. KHBl\NolCe 01Hope PapuaNewGuinea, NBC Poland. Polish RWarsaw Romania,R Romania Inti aussta.voce 01 RussiaWS 1700·1800 a 1700·1715 mtwh 1700-1800 1700-1800 vi 1700-1800 S Amca . Channel Africa Swaziland. Commercial R Swaziland, Trans World R Swaziland, Trans World R Tanzania, Radi o UK. BBCAlri::an Service 1700-1745 UK, BBCAsian Service 1700·1800 UK. BBCWorld Service 1700·1730 1700-1800 \'i 1700-1800 1700·1800 1700-1800 liOO-1800 1700- 1800 mlwhl UK. Merlin N~f\'lork One USA. KAU Dallas TX USA. KTBNSah lk City UT USA. KWHRNaalehu HI USA, Voic e of AmerICa USA. VOIC/! 01 Amenca 1700-1800 1700-1800 mlwhfa 1700·1800 1700·1800 1700·1800 USA. WEWNBlrnllflgham Al USA. WGTG McCaysville GA USA, WHRI ~~o b le sv lne Itl USA, WJCR upton KY USA, WMlK BethelPA USA, WRNONew Orleans lA 1700-1800 mrwht 17oo-1800ha USA. WSHB Cypress Crk SC 1700·1800 USA, WWCR Nashville TN 1700-1800 USA,WYFR Okeechobee Fl 1700-1800 Zambia. ChristianVOice 1700-1800 Zambia. Nail BC Corp 17oo-1aOO ..1 Zimbabwe, ZimbabweBC 1715·1745 ,,1 Palau. KHBNNoice of Hope 1715·1800 Swazllaod, Trans World R 1730-1755 Belgium, RV113nderen tnt 1730-1800 Guam. AWRIKSOA 1730-1800 Netherlands. RadiO 1730-1800 Philippines. RPil,pinas 1730-1800 S Al rica. AWR AhlCa 1730- 1800 5 Sweden. Radl) 1730-1800 mtenta Sweden. Radi, 1730-1800 S UK.BBCAsian Service 1730-1800 vatcenState. Vatican R 1145-1800 Bangladesh. BangiaBelar India. All India RadIO 1745-1800 1745-1800 ,,1 1745,1800 t l175am 5995pa 11SBOpa 231Odo 2485do 2325do 9625do 607Odo 603Odo 6130<10 6160do 6160do 7405al 7385am 5930eu 15255al 15186al 11615al 6285eu 585{lva 513Deu 6200do 3985va 6090.;, 9570al 15050am 17485al 9500" 9745al 21460am 1521031 12125eu 15460af 138 10m~ 15625na 711Qeu 9535na 11910al 98253s 9960m, S880do 7295<10 61-15pa 9965as 489Odo 6095eu 951Qeu 7445al 11695eu 15240at 6155do 3200al 9500al 5050do 3255al 11 860al 3915as 97403s 6095me 12095eu 15200eu 13815am 15590am 99303s 6110as 9645as 15255va 17895al sssoas 97703s 15255as 11875na 9400am 9-195am 7-190na g-l6Sam 15420am 18930al g-l75am 15695eu 3330al 6165do 3306do 9965as 3200ai 11810me 9355as 6020al I172Das 12130dl 13855va 6065'/a 975& s 13765al 7-l62eu 7-l1Deu 11935al 7285eu 1194Qeu 9740eu 1554031 15250eu 9765eu 619Oa1 1783031 71603s sst eas 6180eu 15485eu 6195eu 15575eu 9-l10eu 17840na 7125as 9760JI 15-1tOal 721 5as 151 35eu 1544531 ""5.>, 11870as 71503s 12oo5as 95"", 13615na 15745eu sszsas Anguilla,Caribbean Beacon Argenlina, RAE 11775am 15345eu 1205Jas 13760am I 3595n3 9500al 1765531 13660me 712031 1189035 13845am 15685am 11655a1 151903s 15735va 15735va 12~5as 15565as 1755031 1552Deu 1557031 954Beu 96503f 1378031 9950,,, 95103s 97-l0as 15Q75al 11 62Ceu 6<l8IJ.>' 9660<>, 1800·1900vt 18QO- l900 vt 1800-1900 vt 1800·1900 1800·1900 1800· 1HlO 18oo-1HlO 1800· 1900 1800-1900 1800-1900 1800·1900 1800·1830 1800·1900 1800-1900 1800-1900 1800-18305 1800-1900 1800·1815 1800·19JO Austraba. IJlSA Alree Spg Auslraba. 1Jl8K xamenne Auslralia, VL8T Tent Crk Bangladesh. Bangia Bela. Br.llIl, Radio Bras Canada. CFRX Toronlo Canada.CFVP Calgary Canada.CHNX Halilax Canada. CKlN St John's Canada, CKlUVancouver Costa Rica,RF Peace Inll Egypt Radio Cairo EQt sumea. RadiOAfrica Georgia, Voice 01Hope Germany, Sunrise Radio Germani'. Univelsal lile Germany.Ovelcomer Mmislr Greece. Voice01 India. A l India RadIO 1800· 190)0 1800-1g.)() vi 1800-1900 ItI(lQ.1 900 1800-1900 1800-1900 1800-1900 1800-1 815 1800·1900 180(I-1900s 1800-1830 1800-1850 mtwhl 1800· 1857 Ireland, Unl cnnsuan BC Italy. I R ~ S Kenya. KenyaBroadc Corp Kuwait Radio lebanon. Voice 01 Hope l iberia, Radio venas liberia, Star Radio liberia.LCN.· Rl iberia Inl MalaYSia. Radio Morocco. RTVM Marocaine Netherlands. Rar no New Zealand, R NZ Inll NorthKorea, R Pyonqyang 1800· 1830 s 1800·1900 vi 1800-1900 1800·1900 Norway, Radio Norway Inll PapuaNewGuinea, NBC Philippu:es. R Pilipinas aussu.voce 01Russia WS 1800· 1630 1800· 1830 1800·1900 ineg 1800-1900a 1800-1830 1800·1900vi 18()().1 9OO S Atrica. AWRAfrica 9630al 6160as 9700m< 153953s ssss as Palau. KHBNNolt e 01Hope UK.BBCAsian Service 9775eu 6005al 15-1 ooal 5975as 12160al(] 17555at 4965al 6265do -l828do Austraka. RadiO 958iJpa 15355al -1935<10 1800 UTe 1800· 1900 1800·1900mtl'lhl 1800·1900 60803s 1800-1830 18()(). 1900 SAlrica, Channel Africa Sudan. Ra dio Omdurman SW3111aod. CommercialR Swanland . Trans World R Tanzama Radio UK. BBCAlrican service UK. BBCAsian Service UK. BBCWorld Service 180(1-1900 IV 1800-1900 1800-1900 1800-1900 1801). 1903 1800· 1900 1800·1900 UK. Merlin Network One USA. KAU Dallas TX USA. KHBI N Mariana Is USA. KJES MesQuile NM USA. KTBN SaUlk City ut USA. KWHR t~aalehu HI USA, Voice 01 Amellca 1B()(). 19oo 1800-1900 mtwnta 1800·1900 1800·1900 1800·1900 1/l 00·1900 1800·1900 rnl\'11l1 1800·1900 1800·1900 1800·1830 1800·1900 1800-1900 18Q1l1900 1800·1900vt 1805·1810 1830·1900 1830-1900 s 1830·t900 1830·1900 USA,WEWN smmncnamAl USA. WGTG McCaysville GA USA.WHRAGreenbush ME USA. WHRI Noblesville IN USA. WJCR upton KY USA. WMLKBethel PA USA. WRrm New Orleans LA USA, WWCR Nashville TN USA.wym Okeechobee n viemam. Voice 01 Yemen. Radio Aden Zambia. Chrislian Voice zemoe. NailBC Corp Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe BC Croatia Croatian RadiO GeorOI3. Ra diO Germany. Universal ute Mongolia. Voice 01 Nelherlanj s aaoo 1830·1900 1830-1900 1830·1900 1830-1900 1830·1900 1830·1900 1830·1900"" 1830·1900 as 1840·1850 1850·1900 smlwhl Serbia. RadiO Yugoslavia Slovakia. ~ SlovakiaInti Swanlano. Trans Wo.1d R Turkey, Voice 01 UK. BBC" Irican Service UK. BBC"sian service USA. FEBC N Manana Is USA, Voice 01America Greece.Voice 01 NewZealand, R NZ Inll 231Odo 248500 2325do 7462eu 15265va 607Odo 6030do 6130do 616Odo 6160do 15050am 15255al 15186al 6285eu 5850va 11785al 397Seu 7450eu H1 0eu 1193531 6200do 3985va 4935do 11990na 7240pa 118llOpa 9500" 954&, 15520eu 9580pa 21460am 121 25eu 9800al 942Seu 1377031 12055me 17705sa 9950eu 15075.31 712031 11655a! 6575eu 933Seu 11700na 15705na 15735va 18950al 118903s 73S0eu 9775eu 11985al 339031 15190as 744531 9820eu 974Qeu 9895al 61903f 1186Oa1 ~ 5400a1 95101S 6180eu 1548Seu 974035 6195eu t 557Seu 941 0eu 9650.' 15625na 17765na 11620eu 9960m. 345Odo 588Odo 5100do 729500 17815al ""0.' 6145pa 4405eu t 3760fla 7485eu 4890do 11720as 7290eu 9765eu 11695al 33-15al 15240al 7200al 6155do 3200al 50SOdo 3255a1 1783031 5975as 6095rn. 12W5eu 15200eu 13815am 9385al 15385am 15590am 13625as 6035al 1541031 11875na 9400am 17655al 9495am 7490na 9465am 15420am 9475am 15695va 74-lOeu 978Odo 333DaI 616500 3306ll. 59000, 920Da f 950Da1 11945eu 7415a1 15580al 13615na 9760al 17695al 15745eu 1197531 12160am 13845am 15685am 984Qeu 12020eu 15010eu 9895al 11655a1 13760301 13595na 4965al 6265do 4828do 6230eu ""'" 9720eu ""0.' 1531 5a1 6100eu 5920eu 32DOal 944Seu 6005a1 97-l0pa 9465as 7170al 11645al 9875pa September ' 998 12085eu 712{}al 17605a1 9720al ""500 7345eu 11765na 9630.' 7330al 15150al 986Dal MONITORING TIMES 55 FREQUENCIES . .. . .. . 191Xl-2000 1900-2000 AngUllla.Canbbean Beacon austrana. Radio 19OG-ZOOoJ vi 1900-2(}()(J vi 1900-2003 vi 1900·1920 1900-2000 1900-2000 Australia, VL8A Alice Spg Australia, VLBK Katherine Australia Vl BTtent elk Bra2il, Radio Bras 1900-2000 1900-2000 1900-200) 1900(200) 190(1-200) 1900-2000 19OQ·2QCXl 19O(}2000 1900-2OCO 19(XH950 Ganal1a. CFVP Calgary Canada. CHNXHahl.u Canada, CKZN 51 John's Canada. CKZU VaocouYeI Chma. Crllna RadIO Inll costa RiC3.RFPeace Inll Ecuador. HCJB EQI Guinea. RadIO Alrita GeorgL3. Voice 01 Hope Germany. Deutsche Welle 1900·2000 1900-2000 1900·1910 1900·2000 1900-1930 1900-1945 Germany. Sunnse RadiO Eermany.Gverccmer MIOIstr Greece, Voice ot Guatemala. AdvWorld R Hungary. Radi o Budapest India. All India Radio 1900-2000 1900-1925 1900-2000vt 1900-2000 1900-2000 1900-1930a 1900-1930 1900-2000 Ireland. unt cnrenan Be rsraet Kaltsraet ltaly. IRRS Kenya. Kenya Brcadc Corp Ku....all, RadiO latvia. Aadio Latva InU lebanon.Voice 01 Hope liberia, AadlO ventas ucena. StarRadIO l ibena.LCNJR liberia Inl Malaysia Radio Malta. VO Me(lllellanean Me_lCo, Radio MeXICOInti Nel!lerlands,Radio 19QO·1950 smlwh' 1900·2000 1900-1957 1900' 211JO vi 1900-1930 1900-2000 New Zealand. A NZInti Ni\leria, Voice 0' Norm Korea, R Py on g~an \l Papua New aumea. N C Philippines, R Pilipinas gussie.vcc e 01RussiaWS '_2000 '_ 2000 1900-1915 '_ 2000 1900-2000s 1901}2000 Bulg:lIia. Radio Canada. CFRX Icrcnto 94 ~DaI ,soso.m 17735eu 15186a1 6285eu 964"" 1900· 1930 1900-2000 UK, BBCASian Service Uk, BBCWorld Service 1900·2000 1'1 1900-2000 1900·2000 1900-2000 1900-2000 1900-2000 UK, Merlin Network One USA. KAIJ Dallas TX USA. KHB t N Mariana Is USA. KTB tl Salt l k CityUT USA KWHR Naalehu HI USA, Voice or America 1900-2000s 1900-2000 1900-2000 mlwhla 1900-2000 1900-2000 1900-2000 1900-2000 19O(}2oo0a 1900-2000 mtwhl 1900·2000slh 1900-2000 1900-2000 1900·1930 1900-2000 1900·2000 1900-2000 vi 1930-20001 1930-2QOO 1930-2QOO 19JO.2000 1930-2000rntwtha 1930-2JOO 1930-2000 1930-2000mtwnta 1935-1955 1945-2000smtnt 1950·2000smlwh 1950-2000ra 1950·2000 1956·2000 USA, VOice 01 America USA. WEWN Birmingham AL USA WGTG McCaf'Svi1le GA USA. WHRAGreenbush ME USA. YIHRI Noblesville IN USA. WJCRueton KY USA.WMl K Bethel PA USA, VlRMI/R Miami lnll USA, WRNO New Orleans LA USA, VlSHBCypressCrk SC USA,YNiCA Nashville TN USA. W'fFROkee chobee fl Vietnam. Voice01 Zambia, Chrisllan Voice Zambu . Nail BCCorp Zimbabwe, ZimbabweBC Belarus. R Belarus InU Geor~. saoo Iran. IAI Polallll, Polish R Walsaw S.....eden. RadiO Uganda. RadiO UK, BBCAsian service UK. BBC World Service l1al~. F.Allntl Germany. umversatute New Zealand. R NZ Inti New Zealand, R NZ Inti VaticanState. VallcanR S Africa, Voice ct Hope '_ 2000 1900-1930 56 MONITORING TIMES 2000-2100 7240pa 118aOpa 9SQOas 9580pa 13790at 585Q\.'a 3975eu 751 5eu 5980am 3975eu 7410ell 11935al 6200do 9435eu 3985va 4885<10 11990na 5935eu 2000-2100 11720eu 2000-2100 2000·2059 2000·2100 721Deu 9445eu 3255al 11835a1 5975as 6180eu 1548Seu 13690na 13815am 93B5al 727Sas 2000·2005 2000·2015 2000·21 00 mlwhl 2000,2015 2000,2030 2000·2100 vi 2000-2015 2()()().2100 988Seu 2000·2100 2000·2100 UK BBC Asian Service UK BBCWood service 200)-2100w 200]·2100 200J·21oo 2ooJ-2100 2000-21 00 2000-21 00 2000-2100 UK Merlin Nelwork One USA. KAlJDallas TX USA. KHBI N Marianas Is USA. KJE S Mes1U1le NM USA, KTBNSalt k City UT USA,KWH R Naalehu HI USA.Voice 01America 2000-2030 2000-2100 2000-2100 mt:l hla 2000-2100 2000-2100 2000-2100 2000-2100 2000-2100 s 2000-2100 2OC0·2100 USA. Voice 01America USA. WE WNBlrmmgham Al USA. WGTGMcCaYSVilleGA USA.WHRA Greenbush ME USA. WHRI NoblesVIlle IN USA. WmB Aed t e n PA USA, WJCR Upton KY USA, WRMliR Mlalm In:1 USA, W\VCRNashville TN USA. WYFR Okeechobte FL 1I 785al 15390al 11 81031 12055me 15625ne 9800a1 9375eu 7170eu 9650a' 13780al 9950ell 15075al t 1620eu 11605na 15640na 15650eu 4935do 9705na 7120.11 17605.11 98953f 15120.11 9600.11 9975rne 11890as 7350eu 9765tu 9895al 15190as 7440eu 9775eu 1169531 1165531 7445al 9820eu 1185031 965"" 11765na 11905eu 6005" 6190al 17830al 9630al 9410eu 12095eu 15400at 9740pa 6195eu 3J06do 721Deu 62JOe" 7160eu 6035," 6065ell 4976<11 9740pa 5975me 597Deu 58"", 11735pa 9875pa 4oo5eu 6290al aemeuanos. gene 11945eu 7375.11 11l!7Opa 15-U5at 7415al 1197531 1558Oa1 13615n3 15745eu 9525pa 15180p.l 13760am 13595na 1751 0al 12160am 12020cu 4965al 6265do 4828do 13845am I 5685am 15010eu 11960eu 1260eu 609", 71.:5eu 5883eu Sep tember 1998 9022eu 7285eu 9525eu 9760eu 125Deu 9645eu 2000-2010 20r0·21oo 2000-2100 2000·2100 vi 2005-2100 2010·2030 2015·2045 mtwhla 2025-2045 2030·2100 th 2030-2100 2030-2100 2030-2 100 2030-2100 IrfEII 2030-2035 rmwnt 2030-2055 2030-2100 2030·21 00 as 2030·2045 2030-2100 2030-2100as 2030-2 100 2030·2100 2045-2 100 20~0·2100 smtwh 2050·21001a 11715.11 11775am i240pa 11aaOpa 231 0do a Vatican Slate. VaticanR Za-nba, Chnstian VOIce zaree. Nail Be Corp ZImbabwe,ZimbabweBC Syria, Radio Damascus vatcan Stale, Vatican R Armenia.Voice 01 Italy, RAI Inll Belarus. A Belarus Inti Cuba RadIO Havana Egypt. Radio Callo Germany. AWR Eurcpe Iraq. Aadlo IraqInti Latvia. Radio Latvia InU Moldova. RMOldova In:1 S Alrica. AWRAlriCa S....eden. RadiO Ha Jland. Radio Turkf"t Vorce 01 USA. oce 01Amelita urteustan . R rasment veuam Voice 01 India, AllIndia Radio New Zeatand, A NZ mu New Zealand. RNZ Inti 11750<11 95DOa, 12080a5 9580pa 966035 VL8KKatherine 2485do CFVPCalgary CKl N 51 John's 6030do 2325do GOl Otla 6t30do 616Odo 5995'13 15150va 65""" 977Qeu 15050am 5930eu 17735eu 1518631 6135va 6285eu 9615eu 5890eu 3975eu 3366do 5980am 9525as 6200do 3955va 4885do 11990eu 1235v3 15325va 7160al 992Qeu 2146Dam 116OO3s 2H553m 11690va 17820va 717031 1184031 GlGOdc 13650va 17870\'a 9440al 12125eu ~ 2055me 15625na 4915do 11765a5 15510as 4935do 9960me 345Odo 5100do 1295<10 5985113 327031 602fu' 15565va 9955ca 15420am 15665eu 9475am 15695eu 9840eu 3330al 616510 sust-aua. VL8A AliceSpg Australia. VL8T tenterk Canada. CFR X t oronto Canada.CHNX Halifax Canada, CKl U Vancouver Canada. R canaoa Inti 13670va China. Chllla Radio Inti New Zealand, RNZ InU Niger. VOicecu Sahel Nigeria. f RCN:Aadlo Nigeria, Voice01 Norway. Radio Norwa Inti Papua New aumee. N C Poland, Polish R Warsaw Rossa.voce 01 Bussia WS 9765eu 9775eu S Alrlca, Voice 01Hope Sierra l eone. SlBS Spain. R En enor Espana Swaziland. Trans World R SI'/.tzerland. Swiss R Inll Tanzania. RadiO Uganda. Radio UK.BBC Alrican service 12125eu 967031 1524Sat 2146Dam 2145Sam 9-100"" 17655al 9495.1m 7490na 9465am AJgell3. R Alglelsinn Anguilla.Caribbean Beacon Aust;alia, Radio 2000-2050 2000-2015vi 2000-2005 2000-2100 2000-2030 s 2000-2100vi 2000-2025 2000-2100 H8403l . .. . . CostaRIC.a.RF Peaceinn Czech Rep, RadIOPrague Ecuador, HCJB EQI Guinea. Radio Alnca FIIlI<md. YlEtR FlIlland Georgia. VOice 01tlope Gel many, DeutscheWelle Germany, umversatute Germane.overcomer MlIlisl! Ghana. nana aroaoc Corp Guatemala. AdvWorld A Indonesia. Voice 01 Ireland. Unl Christian BC ltaly,I RAS Ken/ a. KenyaBroadc Corp KUI'.ail. RadiO l ebanon, VOice 01Hope l iberia. Radioventas l lb~ria . lCN:R liber~ In! Mab'jsla.Radio Me)ico. RadiO Me_lco Inll Namibia. NBC 11515al 1~59Oam 13625as 6035al 9760al 15410a! 495DaI 11875na .. . 2000·2100 2C00-2027 2000·2100 2000-2100 2000·2030 2000·2100 2000·2050 2000-2015 smlhl 2000-2 100 2000·2030 2000·2100 2000·2100 2000·2100 2000-2100 as/vi 2000·2100 2000·2100 2000-2100 2000-2 100 2OQC"2015 2000-2100 2000-2030 2()(l(}-2100 vt 2ooo-2{}25 9600" 9960me 505Od0 2000-2100 2000-2100 vi "SOdo '88Odo 5100do 7295do 12060eu 5985113 6020al 15315.11 9875pa 7255.11 6520al 489Odo 1I 120me 7290eu 9440af 9865eu 11985a1 72303u 59753s 5975eu 320Gat 6165eu 2000·2100 2000·2100 vi 2000·2 100 6OO0do 613Odo 6160do 616Odo 1900-2000 '_ 2000 1900-2000a 19oo.2ooo 1900-1 930 1900-2000vi 966"', 2310do 2485do 2325do 15265'0'3 9700eu GOl Qda serbe. Radio Yugostavia SoulhKorea. A Korea mn Sn lanka, Sn lanka BC SWalll3nd. Trans World R Switzertand. Swiss R Inll Tanzania. Badto Tllalland, Radio Turkey. Voice01 UK. BBC African service 1900-1930 11775am SOSOas . .. 1531531 1I 735pa 5019do 3326do 7255al 15220au 489Q{l0 6035eu 7350eu 982Qeu 6290at 3316do 9855eu 3200al 984031 50SOdo 4976do 3255al 11835al 5975pa 6180eu 12095sa 13690na 13B15am 9385all 15385am 15590am 15405as 6035al 9760.11 15445af 495031 11875na 940Qam 15olfiOai 9495am 13790am 9705113 3289al 712031 17605.11 9895al 11655af H7Odo 15120al 499Odo 6095eu 9440.11 11850al 7285eu 9470.11 11930eu 9525eu 9710eu 11980eu 988531 9905" 11725af 6005" 6190al 178JOal 963"" 7325eu 94IDeu 7375at 11975al 17725al 7415al 15410.11 17755al 11830al 15400a! 9740pa 6195eu 15565va 6095me 9770al 15580.11 I 1855al 13615na 15745eu WMlK aemer PA 13760am 9465am """'" 13595na WSHBCypressCrkSC '5665eo 12160am 13845am 15685am 15645va 15695eu 17555\'a 41'0", 5883eu 4965al 6265<10 4828do 13610na 11625al 9965eu 9710.1' 1196Qeu 1375Deu 99'501 9475am 11855na 17845va 333031 6165do 3306do 12085eu 966"" 4810eu 7170.11 7210eu 1312Qeu 15375al 9835al 11785eu 5935eu 752Qeu 9745.1! 606", 9655eu 1210as ~950a' 954Deu 984Qeu 7150au 11620eu 17675pa 11735pa 1250eu 964'" 13765.11 11800al 1383Oa1 9680e" l1905eu 9545eu 12020eu 7410eu 11715au 150I Qeu 9910au 995Deu ~~oOp~ ~~~:OO PM PDT SHOr«1UU1\1E ~lnU~ , 6:00 PM EOT~~~OOp~Jo~ .. . FREQUENCIES 2100-2200 2100-2200 Anguilla,Caribbean Beacon Australia. Radio 6070do 2115-2130mtwhl 2115-2130a5 2130-2200 2130-2200 2130·2200 2130-2157 2130-2200 2130-2200 2130-2200 2130·2155 2130-2200 as 2130-214511 2130·2200 6030da 6130(10 2130-2200 smtwht USA, Voice 01smenca 11775am 7240a5 17715pa 2100,2130 2100-2130'11 2100-2130'11 2100-2200 Australia, Radi o Australia,VL8A Alice Spg Australia, VLBK Katherine Australia, VLBK Katherme Australia,Vl BT Tent erk Australia, VL8T Tent erk Bulgaria. Radio Cameroon. Radi o Cameroon Canada, esc N Quebec Svc Canada. CFAX Toronto 2100·2200 Canada. CFVP Calgary 2100-2200 2100·2200 canaoa. CHNX Halifax Canada. CKZN51 John's 2100-2200 Canada. CKlUVancouver 616000 2100-2129 Canada, RCanada Inti 2100-2130 China, China Radio IntI 2100-2200 2100-21 30 2100-2200 2100-2200 2100-2200 2100-2200 2100-2150 Costa RicaRF Peace InU Cuba. aaoc Havana Ecua<101, HCJB Egypt. naoo Cairo EQt GUlJ1ea, Radio Africa Georgia, Voice 01Hope Germany, Deutsche Welle 2100·2159 2100-2200 2100·2130 2100-2200 Germany, RAsiat enaca Germany.OvercomerMinistr Hungary, Radio Budapest India.All India Radio 2100-2200i'reg 2100·2200 2100-2200 aslvl 2100-2200 2100-2200 2100-211 5 2100-2200 2100-2200vi 2100-2105 smtwh 21oo-2105 1a 2100-2200 2100-2157 Iraq, Ra dio Iraq Inti Ireland, UntChristianBC ltaly,IRRS Japan. RJapanftlHK World Liberia, Radio venrae Liberia.lCN.'R Liberia Inl Malaysia, Radio Namibia, NBC NewZealand, R NZInti NewZealand, R NZInti Nigeria, FRCNfRadio NorthKorea, RPyongyang 2100-2200'II 2100-2200 2100-2130 2100-2130 2100-2200 2100-2200as 2100-2130 2100-2200 2100-2200 'II 2100-2130 2100-2110 2100-2200 2100-2200 Papua New Guinea, NBC Romania, RRomania Inll serbia, Radi ~ Yugoslavia South Korea, RKorea tnll South Korea. RKorea InU Spain, RErtenor Espana Swil1erland, Swiss R Inti Syria.Radio Damascus Tanzania, Bafio Turkey.Voice01 Uganda, Radi o UK,BBC African Service UK.BBC AsianService 2100-2200 UK, BBC World Service 2100-2200'II 2100-2200 UK, MerlinNetwork One Ukraine, R Ukraine Inll 2100-2200 2100-2200 2100-2200 2100-2200 USA, KAIJ DallasTX USA. KTBN Salt l k City UT USA, KWHRNaalehu HI USA, Voice 0: America 7235va 13670va 3985eu 9535al 15050am 13720eu 17735eu 15375al 15186al 6285eu 7115as 11785a5 15560am 3975eu 3975eu 7150au 11620eu 11 785eu 6200do 3955va 6035pa 3450do 5100do 7295do 3270al 17675pa 11735pa 3326do .t405eu 13760na 4890do 7105eu 6100eu 3970eu 15575eu 9855eu 3985eu 12085na 5050do 7210as 4976do 3255al 3915as 9740pa 5975am 9410eu 11915eu 5905eu 7240eu 9560eu 13815am 15590am 15405as 6035al 7415al 11975al 15580al 5825na 9400am 15460al 9495am 13790arn 7490na 9955ca 15665eu 9475am 11855na 3330al 6165do 3306do 17675pa 9900eu 2100-2200 'II 2100-2130'11 2100-2200 '11 2100·2200 2100-21 15'11 2100-2200 'II 2100-2200 2100-2200 mt ....nta 2100·2200 2100-2200 2100-2200 2100-2200 2100-2200as 2100-2200 'II 2100-2200 2100-2200 2100-2200 2100-2200 2100-2200'II 2105-2200 2115-2200 USA.WEWN 8irmingham AL USA.WGTG McCaysville GA USA, WHRA Greenbush ME USA,WHRI Noblesville IN USA. WINBRed lion PA USA, WJCR Upton KY USA,WRMIIRMiami Inti USA, WSHB Cypress CrkSC USA, WNCRNashville TN USA. WYFR Okeech obee Fl Zambia, Christian Voice Zambia, NallBC Corp Zimbabwe. ZimbabweBC NewZealand,RNZInti Egypt. Rad io Cairo 9660pa 21740pa l 1a80pa 12080as 95DOJs 2310do 2485C10 5025do 2325do 4910do 9700eu 4850do 11720eu 9625do UK, BBC Caribbean Report UK,BBC World Service Albania, RTirana Inll Austna. R Austria Inll China, Ctuna Radi o Inti Czech Rep, Radio Prague Ghana, Ghanaaroaoc Corp Guam. AWRiKSDA Iran,VOI RI Moldova. R Moldova Inti Sweden, Radio UK, B8CCallingramanos USA, Voice01 America 6160do 2130-2200 11690"a 1515fr.1a 6590eu 9920eu 21460am 137Sl)eu 21455am 12125eu 9670a5 11865al 95103s 11700eu 741Qeu 11715au 9725eu 11890va 15325va 7170af 13650va 17820va 7180al 9735al 15135va 9765as 1162553 12050sa 9910au 11850pa 9950eu 13630na 3289af 4770do 6575eu 4990do 9335eu 9550eu 6185eu 6480eu 9690eu 11700na 1183031 13610lla 6oo5al 5965as 11945as 6180eu 12095sa 11985eu 6020eu 7380eu 12040na 6040me 9535af 15185as 17725al 13615na 6190al 5975pa 11835a! 6195as 6195eu 7325eu 13690va 608Qeu 7410eu 1359Qeu 718Deu 9550na 6095me 9760eu 15410al 17735as 15745eu 7375al 11870pa 15445al 13760am 13595na 12160am 15215va 4965al 6265do 4828do 13845am 15695va 15685am 17845va Uzbekistan. RTashkent 5975ca 5975am 6025eu 5945eu 659Deu 11600va 3366do 15310as 6025au 752Qeu 6065eu 11680sa 6040me 11870pa 6035al 1541Qaf 9540eu 15390Ca 1771 5ca 7165eu 6155eu 9920eu 13730va 6175au 9430al 6095me 15185as 7375al 15445al 9545eu 9535al 17735as 7415al 15580al 976Deu 1771 5pa 17795pa 21740pa 9755am 11705as 13670am 11975al 17725al 2200 UTe 2200-2300 2200-2300 2200-2300'II 2200-2300 'II 2200-2300 2200-2300 2200-2300 2200·2300 2200-2300 2200-2300 2200-2229 Anguilla,Caribbean Beacon Australia, Radio Austratia. Vl8K Katherine Australia,VL8T Ten t Crk Canada, eBC N Quebec Svc Canada. CFR X Toronto Canada, CFVP Calgary Canada, CH NXHalifax Canada, CKZN StJohn's Canada, CKZU Vancouver Canada, R Canada Inti 2200·2300 2200-2300 2200-2245 2200-2300 2200-2300 2200-2215 2200-2230 China,ChinaRadio lnll Costa Rica,RF Peace Inti Egypt. Radio Cairo EqtGuinea, Radio Africa Germany,Overcomer Ministr Ghana,GhanaBreece Corp India,All IndiaRadio 2200-2230 2200-2300 irreg 2200-2300 2200-2225 2200·2215 2200-2300 2200-2300'II 2200-2300 2200-2215 2200-2230 s 2200-2300 'II 2200-2215 2200-2205 2200-2300 2200-2300 2200-2300 2200-2300 Iran, VOIRI Iraq,Radio Iraq Inti Ireland. UntChnsttan BC Italy. RAllntl liberia,lCNIRliberia Inl Malaysia, Rad io Namibia,NBC NewZealand.R NZ Inti Nigeria, FRCNfRadio Norway. naco Norway Inti Papua New Guinea, NBC Sierraleone, SlBS Syria. Radi o Damascus Taiwan, Radio Taipei Inti Turkey. Voice of UK, BBC AfricanServrce UK,BBC Asian Service 2200-2300 UK. BBC World Service 2200-2300'11 UK, Merlin NetworkOne 2200-23GO 2200-2300 2200-2300 2200-2300 USA, KAIJ Datlas TX USA, KlBN Salt LkCityUT USA, KWHR Naalehu HI USA, Voice01 America 2200-2230 mtwhf USA, Voice 01America 2200-230':1 2200-2300mtwnta 2200-2300 2200-2300 2200-2300 2200-2300 2200·2300 2200-2300 sn 2200-2300 2200-2300 2200-2210 2230-2300 2230-2300 2230-2257 2230-2300 USA, WrnN Birmingham Al USA.WGTGMcCaysville GA USA, WH RA Greenbush ME USA,WHRI Noblesvitle IN USA, WlflB Re d lion PA USA, WJCR Upton KY USA. WRMIIR Miami Inti USA, WSHB Cypress Crk SC USA, WWCR Nashville TN USA, WYFR Okeechobee Fl Zambia, Nail BC Corp Canada, RCanada Inti Cuba. RadioHavana Czech Rep, Radio Prague UK. BBC World Service 2240-2250 2245-2300 2245-2300 2245-2300 Greece, Voice 01 Ghana, Ghana Broadc Corp India. All India Radio vaucan State, VaticanR 11775am 12080as 5025do 491Odo 9625do 607Odo 6030do 6130do 6160do 6160do 596Dam 15305am 9880eu 15050am ''''''" 15186al 3975eu 4915do 7150au 11620eu 6025au 11785eu 620Odo 6150pa 5100do 7295do 3270al 17675pa 3326do 11 635au 9675do 3316do 12085na 1560Qeu 7190cu 11835al 5965as 9890as 5975am 941 0eu 9645eu 13690na 13815am 1559Dam 17510as 7215as 15185as 1782Das 6035a! 11975al 5825na 94QOam 15460al 5745am 13790arn 7490na 9955ca 13770eu 5070am 11855na 6165do 5960arn 9550arn 9435na 5975am 12095sa 9420au 3366do 7410as 7305au September 1998 21460am 9510as 116255a 12050sa 741Deu 1171 5au 6175au 9910au 9950eu 9675pa 11900as 3289a! 4770do 4990<10 13610na 17750eu 9655na 15400al 6195as 11955a5 6175na 9590am 9780na 7110as 12080ps 6195na 9915sa t 1915eu 9660as 9705as 15290as 9770as 15305a5 11760as 17735as 7340al 7375al 7415al 9975eu 13615na 7325eu 12095sa 11985na 9495am 13595na 15285sa 7435am 15215va 6265do 9755am 9475am 17845va 13845am 13670am 11600na 6175na 9590na 991 5sa 11645au 4915do 9705as 9600au 9950as 11830au 11620as MONITORING TIMES 57 . . FREQUENCIES 2300-‫סס‬OO AngulIla,Caribbe,Ul Beacon Allstral'J RadIo G"""m 9660" 2300-0000 vi Auslral13 . Vl8KKatherine S025do -t91Oda 9-l85na 9625do 607Odo 603Odo 613Odo 616Odo 616Ollo 2300-‫סס‬OO 12080as . ... 17715pa Auslral'a './l8TTent Crk 2300- ‫סס‬OO BulgaflJ , RadiO Canada.CBC N Quebec svc Canada.CFRXt oronto Canada. CFVPCalgary canada. CHNXHalifax 2300·‫סס‬OO 2300-eeoo 230lHXXXl 2300..... 230lHIOOC 23OO{)OOC 2300-2329 Canada. CKIN51John's Canada CKl U varcower Canada, RCanada Inti 5",,"m 11720'1<1 costa RICJ.RFPeace Inti 1505O<>m 2300-2330 2300-ceoo 2300·2350 Cuba.R<ldlo Havana Egypt. naoo Callo GeHnany. Deutsche Welle Geunany.OvercornerMlnistr Guam AWRlKSDA Guam AWR'KSDA India. All IndiaR<ldlO Ireland, unt Chrlsll.'lrI BC l lbefla.l Ctl,R teeua Int MalaYSIJ, RadiO NamIbia. NBC New Zealand RIII Inti Nigeria. FRCN/Radlo North korea. R Pyongyang ~Ior\'lay, ~adlO r~or" iay Inti Papua New GUinea, NBC Rcmama R Romama Inti SIIlQ;lPore.RCorp smcaccre 9550am 2300 -‫סס‬OO 23l1lJ.2330 as 2300-‫סס‬OO mtwhl 2300-0000 2300 -‫סס‬OO 2300-2315 2300-‫סס‬OO 2300-0ooo vI 23oo·00(») 2300-2315 2300·2357 2300·233::1 s 2300-0000vi 2300-0000 2300-0000 391501$ 711035 2300-‫סס‬oo UK. 3BCWorld Service 597!)am 12095s<I 230lHlOOOw UK. \..lerbn fjelvKll k One USA.KAIJ Dallas TX 9645eu 2300-‫סס‬OO 230l).lJOOO 23()()-OOOO USA. VOIce of Amelita USA, KlBN Salllk CIty UT USA. WEWN Burningham Al mr...ntam USA.WGTGMccaysvilleGA 2300 USA. WHRA Greenbush ME 2300-‫סס‬oo USA WHRI Noblesville Itl US/., Wltl S Red lion PA 23oo.()()QO USA. WJCR Upton KY USA. WRML'R Miami Iml 230lHlOOO s 2300-‫סס‬OO s USA.. WRNONew Orleansl A 2300-‫סס‬OO SID USA.. WSHB CypressCrk SC 230lHXIOO Irreg USA. WWBS Macon GA 2 300 -‫סס‬OO USA. WlVCRNashVille Ttl USA. WYFROkeechobee Fl 2300 -‫סס‬oo 2300-23 15 vatcan Slate. VaticanR Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz RadiO 2310-2315 Canada, R Canada Inll 2329·2359as Canada, R Canada hu! 2329·2359 2330{l()OO vi Ghana, enana Broadc CO/P 2330-‫סס‬OO Netherlands. RadiO 2330-0000 Vietnam. Voice 01 2335·2345 Greece. Voice ot 2335-234:' Sierrale one, SlBS 2345·0000 mtwhl UK.BBC Asian Service 2JOlHlOOO 2300,‫סס‬OO 9755arn 11895a1l1 1367Qam 21':6OJm """"'m 5975as 39i5eu 11775.15 llii5.1s 7410as 62l1Odo 5100do 7295do """" 951Qas 7235as 11 625sa 9590as 12050sa 9705as 9950as 11 620as 3~ 70a l 3289.11 l i 675pa 3326<10 11335na 9935as 9675do 6130eu 6150do UK.BBC Asianservice 13815am 15590am 72153S 1518535 15305am 2300 -‫סס‬OO 2300-‫סס‬OO 17795pa 217.l0pa 2300- ‫סס‬OO ~I . 477Odo 11700na 1164iJas 4990<10 13760na 11735sa 1513Qna 13805am 7195eu 95701).1 11830na -eoco zice-ecoo 17820as 5825na 508"m 1546Oa1 13760am 13i9Oam 7490na 9955ca 7355.1m 1377QaI 11910na 507Dam 11855na 7305au 401Odo 11895.101 596l1a01 49t 5al 60200.1 9840eu 9395sa 3316<10 5965as t 19453s E175na G03<"" 11955<1$ 9590na 619535 17790a5 9780na 11985na 13690na 9705a5 'S29Oas 9770as 15305.15 11760as 177353S 9975eu 13615na 9915sa 13595na 15285sa , 435am 9475am 9600au 40SOdo 15305.101 9755.101 11830au 1367Dam 6165na 12020eu 9425sa 9845na 1501 0eu 1159553 138J5am 11645sa 3 91 5 ~s SELEaED PROGRAMS Wednesdays Sundays 2300 2300 2300 2300 Australia. Badto: RA News, See S0000 Egypt. RadiOtaeo Egyptian Music. Norway. Radio Nomay Inll: Nor....ay Now SeeS 0600 USA, WEWN BirmmghamAl : Sunday Mass (encore) (from 2300). See S 1200 2305 Egypt Radio Cairo: The Holy Koran and lts Meaning 2310 Australia, RadiO: Asia Pacnc. News andanalySIS from across the Pacific and AsraWith Di Martm. 2315 Egypt. aeoo G.1iro rle....s 2330 Australia, Radio: MediaReport. SeeS 05J0 2330 Egypt. RadIO CaIlO Egyptian Songs 2330 USA, WEWtl Brrmmgham At : TheBeatitudes, see S 06lI0 2335 Egypt. RadiOCaIro InterView 2345 Egypt. RadIOCauo Business RadiO 2300 2300 2300 2300 2303 2310 2315 2328 2330 2330 2330 2350 Mondays 2300 Australia, Radio: RANews See S ‫סס‬OO. 2300 USA, WEWNBumlngham Al CaUlOlic History In the U.S. ramer ChallesConner surveys thegrowth and develo9l11enl ol lhecatholiC Church in ue umted States. 2310 AUSlrall3. RadiO: AsI3 Pacfhc See S 2310_ 2315 Egypt. naeoCairo fle-.vs 2328 USA. WEWNe.rrnll'l!lllam AI.: Pro-l lle Issues. Dr.John Wilke. prtsldent c' tre InternatIOnal RlQht to life, presents hisVIews 2330 Australia, Radro TheSports Factor. AmandaSmrth hosts theprogramthatdebates Australla's sportingculture 2330 Egl'Pt. RadiO CaIlO ArabIC MusIC 2330 USA. WfWNBlrfl'lll'l!lham AI.: FrallClsea1 University ConnectIOn. FaUlef Mlchai!1Scanlonand uuesrs speak 110m SteubenVIlle. OhIO 2350 USA. W£Wtl Bllmlngham At: srecocsBloodl itany Divine Worship Australia, RadiO: RANews, See S 0000 Egypt, Radi o Cairo:Program Preview. Merlin Network One: News. USA. WEWNBirmingnarnAl : Sf.Francis- Mirror 01Christ. FatherAndrewAposloli discusses Sf. Francis andhis leachings Merlll1 NetvlOrk One: Rock Paoo f~etwor k Australia, RadiO: Asia Pacific. see S 2310 Egypt,RadiOCairo: News USA. WEWtj Birmingham Al : Pro-tueIssues. See M 2328. Australia, Radio: The law Report. See T 1530. ElM'l RadiO Cairo: Arabic Music USA. W£WIl Birmingham Al : fr anciscan Umvelsl1y Connection. See M 2330 USA. WEWNBIrmingham Al : Precious BlOOd li tany. Oiline Worship. Fridays 2300 Australia, Radio: RA NeNs. SeeS 0000. 2300 USA, WEWN BirminghamAl : Momentsof Truth, Divine Worship 2305 Australia, Radio: BookReading, Serialized readings of me best Australian novels. 2305 EllYill , geno CairO: The Holy KoranaM Irs Meaning. 2315 E!n'pl, Radio Cairo: News. 2328 USA, WfWNBirmingham At: Pro-l ife Issues, See M 2328. 2330 Australia, RadiO: Week's End. See S0430 2330 Egypt Radio Cairo: ArabiCMusic 2330 USA. WEWN Birmingham At: Franciscan Unrversil'I Connection. See M 2330. 2350 USA. WEWN Blrmingh.1m At: Precious Bloodlitany_ Divine Woohlp Thursdays Saturdays 2300 2300 2300 Australia. RadIO: RANews. See S ‫סס‬oo 2300 USA. WEWN Blrmingtum At: Feminism and Feminity. Dr. IJice Von Hildebrand andher guests discuss howthe philosophyof some feministsh.1vedenigratedwomen's femininenalurc 2310 Australia. Radio: AustraliaAllOver. Join li sle ~rs across tileislandcontinentasIan McNamara throws ee spotlight on lrIe111 Australra 2315 Egypt. Radio cairo: News. 2328 Egypt. RadIO Carro: Press Review. 2330 USA, WEWN Birmingham AL theShelf. SeeT 0630 2335 Egypt RadiOCairo: TtleCivilizalion 01 Islam 2344 Egypt. RadiOCairo: Faces 2356 Egypt. RadiOCairo: Egyptian Songs 2310 2315 2328 2330 2330 2330 2350 Australl3. RadIO RANt\ YS See S ‫סס‬oo USA. W£WN BIrmingham AL: Our lady in Scriptureand TraditIOn. Inrs seriesdrawsIromthe rich teachings lound in scriptureandlradltionabOut Mal'f and her manyeccarmons i Ff. AndrewApostolij Australia. Ratlio: Asia ractc. See S 2310. ElM't. Ra dioCairo: News USA, 't1EWN Burningham At: Pro-lile Issues. See M 2328 Austrafia, RadIO: The Rehgion aecot. SeeS0230 Egypt. RadioCairo: ArabiC MuSiC USA. WEWN 8lrmlngham AI.: Funcscan UnIVerSity Connection. SeeM 2330. USA.WEwtl Blrmll1gham At : Preoous Bloodl ilany Divine Worstllp. on Tuesdays 2300 2300 2305 2310 2315 2328 2330 2330 2350 58 Auslralla, RadiO: RANt\'t's. See S 000lI USA, WEWNBllfliingham Al cree IrI Cuhure, Father George Rutter esammes acurrent issue Egypt. RJdlo cane. E-Mail. Auslfalia, Radio: Asia Pacihc. See S2310 Egypt, Radro Cairo News USA, WEWN Bilmingham AI.: Pro-lite Issues See M 2328 Auslraha. RadiO: The Health Report See M 1530 USA, WFWN Birmingham AL Franciscan University Connectiun. See M2330. USA. WEWN Bnnlll1gham Al Precious Blood litany. Divine Worsn,p MONITORING TIMES September 1998 MT MON ITORINGTEAM Ga yle Van Hom ltrcquc ncy :\ L,umger gCly!dI,J\g 1'0\ '(' .1/(" J im Frimmcl Program Man ager [rinnnelcostur-tclegnnn.com Jacqu es d'Avi g non Prupagnt ion For ecavtv Ont ario.Ca nada mOllilor @ra c',c o Dave Dal ko, Ca lifor nia t\la rk Fine, VA BUITAIN'S BEST SELLING UADIO MAGAZINES Every month Short Wave s tag a xtne has essential Practical Wireless has features on new products, antennas, packet radio, HF band, vintage radio construction and many o ther topics as well. tr's the monthly magazine no radio amateur sh o u ld b e without. information on scanning, decoding, maritime beacons, propagation. satellites, broadcasting and much more. In fact it has all th e information a short wave listener could possibly want. Buy both of Britain's best selling radio magazines in the U.S. from Grove Enterprises, Inc. PW - $45, SWM - $45. Together - $80. Call to order: 1·800·438·8155. Fax: 704·837·2216. Visit our web site at www.grove.net Austin Antenna "The World Leader in Mulli ba nd Tecb nology" Ma nufact ure rs or multi-band Land Mobile, Microwave, a nd Scanner Antennas for Government Agency operations, Drug anJ Law Enforcement ope ra ti ons, Communications at the Kennedy Space Center and major networks such as NBC and ESPN. ~rel ~N£~~nbrino, ~~ The Ultimate Omnidirectio nal Muftiband Station Antenna .... New Dimensions lor POttable s ! i / _ Specira Superb Performanc e ! With Maximum Versa tiliw for Mobile and Base Station Send $1.00 for an Austin Scanner Antenna User's Guide [a regular $3.95 value) A u s t i n A n t e n n a 1'.0 . Box 920 Truro. MA 02666 (60~)335 ·6339 Make this page work for you We are no w starting a new DX season! After nearl y two yea rs of using the present tabular format on this pro pagation co nd itions page, I bel ie ve it' s time to re fresh the memory on how to use the tab le. The table covers three areas of the continent al US. and the same circui ts are calculated for each area . The forecas ts arc calculated for mid-month to mid -month - an unu su al span of dates that wa s prompted by the ob servatio n that magazines. including MT. are sometimes delayed in the mai l. What is displayed in the table is the OWF (O ptimum Workin g Frequency) for a parti cular c ircuit. Thi s freq uen cy sho uld give yo u the be st chan ce, 90 percent of the time, to hear a station located at the other end of the ci rc uit. If you feel adv e ntu ro us, loo k up in the higher freq uenc y area for possible sig nals. The tab ulated OW F is eq uiva lent to 80 percent of the MUF (Maximum Usable Frequ ency), so theoretically yo u co uld se arch as high as the M UF and hope to hear a signal. Fnr example, if the tabul ated OWF is 8.0 MH z, the M UF wou ld be approxim atel y 10MHz, so yo u co uld go lurking in th e upper 2 MH z. When yo u reach the MUF yo ur cha nce s of he aring a go od sig nal have now decr eased to abo ut 10 per cent of the tim e , but it is not impossibl e to hear so mething. As it is re lati ve ly safe to assume reciprocity in th e for ecasts, the circ uits are labeled "TO/FRO M." We know that the MTforecasts have been used with succ ess by ove rsea s listen ers to listen to No rth Ameri ca broadcas ts. A fe w m ont hs ago, I recei ved an e -ma il fro m a list ener in Sw itzer land who use s the "Western Europe" circ uit to choose hi s best frequenc y to liste n to sho rtwav e stations o n the East Coast and m id- weste rn USA. Ama teur radio ope ra tors ha ve also used , w ith suc cess, the va lues in the tab le for two-way co mm unicatio ns a rou nd the wor ld. If yo u see a "P" afte r the name of an area , that mean s that the sig na l o n that part icu lar c ircuit can be influen ced by aurora l zo ne flutter, disto rtion or ot he r phe nome na whi le tra ve ling over the pole. T he O WF can be ze ro at certa in tim e s. Th e number "0" is re placed by a starred ce ll in our table presentati on . Wh en you see thi s, do n't give up ; kee p o n looking in th e area of the last 60 MONITORING TIMES September 1998 OPTIMUM WORKING FREQUENCIES (MHz) For the Period 15 September to 14 October 1998 Flux=146 SSN=108 Predictions prepored using ASAPS lor Windows'" ure co '1 02 03 SOUTH AMERICA 25 13 11 11 " 21 17 15 15 14 14 14 WE STER,., EUROPE to 9 r\i= TOtfROM USWU T COAST " ~ " " " " " " 12 11 15 14 13 11 9 16 15 15 " MIDDLEEAST (P) 12 12 13 17 15 13 CENTRAL AfRICA 22 21 EASTERN EUROPE(PI MEDITERRANEAN SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH EAST ASIA (PJ FAR EAST AUSTRAllA 9 ee 13 14 "au 18 15 22 23 23 22 9 " , '~;: "" 29 29 28 26 22 ts 18 12 12 15 22 26 26 27 " " i ili I~~ I'.' I ~~ I' 15 " 14 17 19 19 19 " ee 21 28 28 28 28 27 18 16 15 .. " tu to 17 16 15 10 15 14 SOUTH AMERICA 22 ac 13 12 12 11 11 11 11 EASTERN EUROPf 9 9 ro 11 11 MEDITERRAN EAN 16 15 15 15 13 12 12 11 MIDDLEEAST (p) 13 12 13 15 13 12 , . .'." . ' -,'.; :," CBHRAL Af RICA 23 ao 14 13 13 SOUTH AfRICA SOUTH EAST ASIA (P) fAR EAST AUSTRAllA 17 15 19 17 16 15 13 14 13 .~' 10 12 , ro " 16 18 17 14 16 16 16 14 13 .,., """""" 16 22 26 27 27 27 zc 12 25 25 26 25 23 21 10 m 11 13 17 " 10 to 12 12 12 12 12 15 21 2J 13 19 13 17 21 19 17 14 14 13 12 12 12 15 16 15 14 aa 21 19 17 ~ 23 22 ac 28 28 25 18 15 ac "' 13 13 11 tu 11 11 11 ( :: 11 , ' '\ 13 13 .~ 13 12 11 10 17 15 14 14 14 11 :i l 1\'"I "~ ;j " ; .~ ;" ~); i'Vi :1:' ." ,,: ,;;:. .;,. ... :~ "ao 25 25 25 ts 21 26 29 26 26 26 25 " ::,\ 17 21 22 22 22 " 14 17 19 19 18 16 ee 25 25 25 16 23 27 27 27 ". ~ : to 10 11 14 te 10 to 13 13 " 16 15 14 13 13 12 12 11 " . : ", 11 9 12 19 11 11 15 WESTERN EUROPE 11 11 10 10 tu to EASTERN EUROPE 10 MEDITERRAtlEAN "ta MIDDLEEAST (P) " " 9 CENTRAL AFRI CA 19 18 17 16 16 14 14 14 13 SOUTH AfRICA 19 17 16 15 13 15 14 14 : ;.,;1 SOUTHEAST ASIA (P) 9 15 15 14 13 13 13 11 9 to " HI t::..~ 12 12 12 11 ' If,: 13 12 12 11 17 19 ea ec 13 13 18 16 15 ~ Il&i II,;; I'll' FAREAST 21 19 16 15 13 12 11 AUSTRAllA 26 22 18 15 14 .. ta ' . 11 r ~ . 11 11 11 22 26 28 28 2J " 14 12 18 te 14 13 11 10 to 2J 23 21 18 17 16 16 zo aa 22 21 19 17 "I 28 21 21 26 27 27 28 28 28 14 17 ts ec ec za 21 15 14 14 13 13 25 26 26 25 22 26 25 24 19 18 17 16 14 22 " 13 16 '- 4; b. :~ 15 19 22 22 18 18 17 15 14 16 22 26 28 27 13 13 13 13 " Unf avorable conditions: Search around the last listedfrequ ency for freq ue ncy listed for that circ uit. You ne ver know what is lurking o ut there! Th e reaso n why the O WF is 0 is simply that the absorp tion frequ en cy o n th is circuit at tha t part icular time is hig he r than the OWF , and in theor y co mm unicatio n at th e OWF sho uld be imp ossible. But I ha ve been in the radio fiel d lo ng eno ugh to know that so metimes the theory is no t co mp lete ly correct. so do no t despa ir! Wh at do so me of the various area s e nco mpa ss? " Me diterranean" co vers an area bo unded in the Nort h by Malta . in the Ea st by Lebano n, " 2J 22 23 23 2J 11 12 ts 19 17 16 15 19 13 13 13 13 12 12 13 ao ee 16 21 :;;.~ 11 22 12 13 16 21 22 23 "" " ee 13 13 18 16 14 13 22 23 23 24 23 23 24 2J 15 22 26 27 27 :,;Z 14 14 13 28 26 25 2J 19 12 16 17 16 15 14 19 . 21 19 18 17 16 24 25 25 25 25 24 ao ao ao 19 13 17 :'~' v, ., ts 23 22 21 21 19 17 15 14 ' 14 17 19 19 18 te 14 12 .~ " " 13 13 13 12 26 "au " " 21 21 TO,fROM US EASTCOAST SOlfTH AMERICA ;,. 18 WESTERNEUROPE 9 13 12 .. I>:,; I'; I,. ' - ,. 13 TO/fROM USMIDWEST 9 23 ; tu to 17 15 14 13 13 " . .ii j.t i¥ l 11 ".' 16 19 21 21 21 21 19 18 16 16 13 13 18 15 13 ta 17 11 " ," ,,;c' ~. l~,i 12 11 , .. ' . 17 15 13 12 12 19 17 16 14 23 2J 9 """ '1 actIvity . in the So uth by a ll of No rth Africa and in the West by Gibra ltar. " Midd le Ea st" is area bo unded by th e Ca spian Sea to the North: Sa ud i Ar abia in the West, Yeme n in the So ut h and by Eas te rn [ran in the Eas t. "Sou th East Asia" is an area thatco vers a wide area bo unded by Sr i Lank a, Ce ntra l C hina, Vietnam a nd Singapore. The " Fa r East" region co mprises the broadca ster s in the Wes tern Pac ific,J apan and the Phillippin es. T he sunspots are rea lly cli mbin g and the co m ing w inter sho uld be a go od DX se as o n. Make a Resolution to Write I is cus tomary at the beg inni ng of ;'1 new year (for explana tion. sec last mont h ' s colu mn) to set ~O Ill C goa ls and o bje ctives and. t yes. make some resolutions toward accom- pli shing tho se ends . M<:lY I stro ngly suggest the one that sho uld be top on our list: II is for us. the listeners. to prov ide regular and though tful feedback 10 the stations wh ich bro adcast [ 0 us o n o ur favo rite medium. Thcre' v ns muc h to he i mpro ved :'IOOu{ Sh(H1wave radio as there is to laud- frequency us- age. transm itter mai ntenan ce . program produ ction va lues. coord ina tion or program and tran smille r limes. quality of on- air talent. All of these and more shou ld be grist fo r the mill. But. as Bob Gro ve so aptly po inted out in his Ma y 199 9 edito rial. as a gro up we listeners an: largel y up ussive and uninvo lved lut-e-w hic h in this case is ha rd to explain. give n the fact that listen e r co ntact progr am s reg ular ly show up second only 10 DX pro grams in listene r po pu lar ity survey s. W hen I' ve had the opport unity to discu ss the state o f international broadcast ing with shortwav e stat ion mana ge rs or pro gram produc cr s. the one message that they ask be {,:O I1ve ycd is tltt' lind jt" listen ers to UTi1{' to 51a1;01/.\ und nrovnlr comll /{'J/t 011 programs . Lackin g any reliable or recogn ized mean s o f mea suring aud iences and their reactions. it' s easy to unde rstand wh y dire ct co rrespo nden ce wi th listene rs is so vital to international broadcas te rs. And thut feedback is eve n more vital today. Stati on s no lon ger au to matic ally get fundi ng as they did w hen the Cold War pro vide d the i mpe ratives that protected the bud ge Is of internat ional broa dcaster s. New ration ales-many o f them not well or fully though t out -arc bei ng applied 10 stations and are already hav ing consequences in ma ny cases that devotees of our ho bby wo u ld he hard -pressed to find prom isin g. T his V;l L'UU Ill cries o ut for the ac tive invo lve ment o f the listen ing co mmunity. In fact. circumstances are suc h rna t we . as listeners. have at thi s time a singu lar and unique opportunity 10 have <I rea l voice in ...haping the med ium o f internat ion al broadcasti ng for the future. My pe rsonal e xpe rience has bee n that whe n yo u lake the time 10 pro vide so me thoughtful comment s on what yo u hear. those com ments carry a great dealmore weig ht than one mi ght at first th ink. Chan ces arc quit e goo d that yo u will ge t a dir ect respo nse from the statio neith er on a "mailbag" prog ram such as those sc i out bel ow or . with the g rowing importance of the Internet, viae -mail Irom a statio n o fficia l or progra m producer. Stat ion s regu larly and freque ntly give their pos ta l mail and e-mai l ad dresses ove r the air. And with the adve nt o f e-mail. co rrespo nd ing with a grow ing num ber of sho rtwave broadcas ters is bec omi ng easi er and morc convenient . But. whether yo u usc e- ma il or the po stal service. set time as idc to ge t involved for the good oft he hohhy and thc med ium. TI1C side bar pro vide s .1 list of programs in w hich you arc likely III hear you r comme nts and tho se of other liste ne rs di scussed. Radio Jordan · Friends Abroad ~-H 1130 ' ; A1430·. Radio Korea International "From Us to You' -Al040·. 1135, 1235. 1240, 1635. • Liste ners' Progra mming Radio Romania Inlernational "listeners' l etterbox"- SH0725, 1325, 172S. 2125, All India Radio 2325; MF0225. 0425. 0625. "Faithlully Yours' - Ml 030, 1425, 1830, 2120; T2330. Radio Singapore International "Friends of the Airwaves'·- S1305. Radio Slovakia International "Listeners' Tribune"-S071 5, 1645' , 1845' ; MOllS. RadioSweden BBC Wo rld Service "Vlrite On'·-Africa stream: S0905, 2135: M0305. Americas/Europe stream: S0905. 1205. 210S: M0305. As ia/Pacific stream: S0030. 090S, 1205. 1705, 2105. China Radi o International "Listeners' Letterbox."-S1240, 1340, 1440, 1540. 1640. 1740, 1940, 2040, 2140,2 240; M0340, 0440, 0540, 0940, 1040, Deutsche We lle 1935. 2110' ,2 135; S0235. OB35. Radio Mexico International (XERMX) ' Mail Box' - S1400' : T1500' : A0400', 1900' . Radio Miami International (WRMI ) ~Viva Mlamr -Hlf0330· . Radio Netherlands "SincerelyYours'- S0739, 0939, 1139' . 1339. 1739. 1939; M0039. 0239. 0439. Radio New Zealand International "Around the Wo r ld ~-T0915 ; FD430. 'Mailbox' - M0430. 1130; HOB30; F1930. Radio Prague "Between You and Us"-F0345, 071 5'. 0915',1045' , 1315', 1615' . 171S' . 2015'. 2145. 2245; Aoo1 5, 0115. 0315. "In Touch With Slockholm'·-S I130· . 1230' . 1330' , 1730' , 1930' , 2030' ,2 130' ; M01 30. 0230. 0330. RadioTaipei International "Mailbag Time"-S0230. 0730. 1230. 2230; M0330. Radio Ukraine International ·'Maitbag' - M0105. 0505 "Mailbaq Asia·'-A2 115, 2330; S0215. "Hello From Kiev' -S1706· . 2106' : M0006· . 0306' . Islamic Hepubllc of Iran Broadcasting "us teners' Special"'-F1200, 2000; A0 100. NHK World Radio Japan ·'P.O. Box 26·'-S0744' . 1244' , 1644' . 1744' . '·Hello Irom Tokyo"- A0510. 1010, 2110; SOOI0. 0110. 0310. 0610. 1110, 1510, 1710. KTBN "Jay Jones"- M-F1600. Polish Radio Warsaw '·Postbag' - SI230"; F2000'; A1730". Radio Argentina al Exterior ' P.O. Box555"-HOI 40· . Rad io Australia ' Feedback' - F2105; A0005 , 0605; S0305. RadioAuslria International "Listeners' Letters"-A123S·. 163S· . 2135": S003S ". 0235.0435 ' .0535. 0735,07 35' . 1035 109351rom No.. .ember]. Radio Bang ladesh "From UstoYou ~-f124S . 1830. Radio Bu dapest ~ ...And the Gatepost"- (3rd week of the month ) A2 110' ; Radio Vlaanderen InternaUonaal Radyo Pilipinas "Listeners and Friends"- W030S. Spanish Foreign Radio ·'Radio Club"-S2135: M0035, 0135. 0535. Sw iss Radio International "Capital Letters"- (2nd and 4th week 01the month] A061 0. 0740. 0840, 1110, 1210.1310, 1410.2 010. 2110; S0110. 0410, 11 40. 1340, 1440: M0440. Voice of Malaysia "Mailbag"-H0710. Voice of Nigeria ~ Uste n e r s ' le ne r s~-S0 6 1 5; H1930. Voice of Russia "Moscow Mailbag"-S0211', 0611'. 1411 ' : M0211' , 0511 '. 1411' . 1911": T04 11' .06 11". 0832· , 2011· ; WI611 · ;H0211", 0611 ",1411".19 11· :F0411· , 0711'. 1611·. 2011 · :A0611 · . "You Write to Moscow"-S0246' , 0746'.1346 ' ; M2046' , W0246": FI546' : A1746· . S0240 · . Voice 01 theAndes (HCJB) Radio Cairo "Listeners' Mall"-HiS232S: F/S0245. Rad io Canada International ~ T he MaiJbag"- S133S' (to Europe. theMiddle East and "Leher,Box'-WI25S·. 1655', 2055' , 2225' ; H0325". Alrica). 1335 110 Asia). 1635. 2030' ; MOI 30· . 0405. Radio uamascas "Listeners Overseas" T2045; W2130. Radio ForPeace Internati onal ·'RFPI Mailbag' -S0230, 0930; T1 930. W0330. 1030. 1700; H2030; A0100 0430. 0600. 11 30, 1830. Radio fr ance Internationale "Musical Mailbag' - A0830, 2000: S0030. 0500. "Saludos Amigos' - S0709, 0909, 1909: M0109,0409. Vo ice of Turkey Voice of Vietnam "Lenerbox' -W041S.101 5, 111 5. 1245.1345, 1615. 1615. 1915.2045, 2345: H0115. 0145, 0245 WWCR ··Ask WWCR'- M0430' , A0915' Ion 5070 khz.]: M1630' . M2100". F2000 ' [,II on 15665 kHz,); A2030" Ion 12160 kHz.1 "Club 9516'-SI235. 1435, 1635. "letter From a listener'·-W/H/S12S0: MffJA1450; MfTJ F/A1 650. Radio Habana Cuba "Mailbag Show··-S2047:M014 5, 034 5, 0545: W210S; H0235. 0435, 0635. [Abbreviation s are ;IS used in the MT Shortwa ve G uide section. A " *" indicates that the broad ca st time of the program will be one hour later starting the last Sunday in October. ] Septemoer 1998 MONITORING TIMES 61 BEGINNER.S CORNER UNCLE SKIP'S GUIDE TO MONITORING SKIP AREY, N2EI [email protected] Planning for the Shortwave Season W e ll. hen: we urc. gett ing ready to begin anoth erseaso n ill the wo nderful world o f short wave listenin g. T hose ju st starting out in this hobby arc go ing to reap the benefit s of a vastly imp roved sunspot cyc le. making co nditions for long distance listening better than they ha ve been in rece nt memor y. In fact. yo u call pretty much spin your d ial across the 49 meter ban d or a couple of other place s o n the hand s 0 11 any eve ning and hear e noug h new stuff to keep you mo re than busy. But. soo ner or later. yo u're going to be wh ere most folks are - so mew he re between the first twen ty-five and fifty co untries logged - and yo u' re likely to say to yourself, "Y a know. Ljust gotta get myself or ganized !" A fter yo u have bee n liste ning aro und a bit. you may detect a tre nd in yo ur listen ing style . You may be we ll o n the way to becomi ng a hard co re DXer, scrounging aro und for weak signals in langu ages that yo u can barely iden tify , much less tran slate . Or yo umay be o ne oft hose peopl e who finds a great deal of plea sure in learnin g about the wo rld from the pro gram co nte nt of Englis h lang uage bro adcasts from foreign lands. Th en again. yo u could be the kind of person who fi nds their fun in trac king do wn point-to-point utility statio ns. • Plan for success DXer, SWL. or Ute Hunter, lack of a so und plan wi ll lead yo u to monitori ng frustratio n. Just like in the real world, a litt le plannin g and selling a few goa ls ca n go a lon g wa y in mak ing life a happy place . For the purpo ses of thi s ar ticl e, let' s co ncentra te on trying to log new countries. Th is is a co mmo n goal amo ng beg inning sho rtwa ve ho bbyists, but yo u can easily ado pt these ideas to logging whatever target yo u choo se to shoot for. Man y beginners set rather lofty goa ls such as '" am goi ng to log IOO co untries in a season." Ca n it be do ne? Sure . Can it be do ne witho ut so me so rt of plan ? Possi bly, bu t I wo uld n't wa nt 10 try it. 62 MONITORING TIMES Sepfember 1998 Before you e ven establish a goa l. take a good . hard loo k at yo ur listening habits. T here arc probably a few folk s out there who are able to co me hom e fro m work, grab a q uick bite to eat (right at the receiver contro ls, of co urse) and spe nd thei r e ntire night chas ing sig na ls across the sho rtwav e band s. Well goo d for them! Most of us live in a wor ld where we want to spend a rea so nab le amo unt of tim e w ith our fami lies. not to mention cut the grass , write OUl the bills, do the laundr y and at least a do zen ot her necessar y life activi ties that take away time from fillin g our log hooks w ith stations. But that doesn' t mean yo u ca n' t get some reui listcn ing do ne . A fter life' s var iou s resp on sibilities are all taken care of. yo u may be able to li nd an ho ur, possibly two , 011 any weckni g ht to fit in so me serious listening. If yo u get all yo ur "honey do' s" do ne, co me the weekend yo u migh t even be able to tack an extra hour o r so on to yo ur eve ning listening times. Now let' s go ov er these fig ures a bit mo re close ly. G ive n two hours for an evening's listening sess ion and allow ing an average time for ea ch logging of abo ut an bourtfigure twenty o r so minutes for tuning around to find that ne w one and a good 1'0111' or so minutes listeni ng to gather eno ugh informatio n to write a reall y goo d confi rma tio n requ est lett er), then, o n a goo d night whe n everything coo perates, the best yo u are likely to achieve is two new log entries. Co nside ring life' s vario us respo ns ibilities and eve n a bit o r devot ion to ot her hobbi es. you can co unt on mayb e getting thr ee 2-ho ur nigh ts at the dials in any give n wee k. So yo u' re looking at add ing around five or six statio ns to yo ur log book in a good wee k. \Ve have about 30 weeks fro m Septe mber unti Ithe se rious static cras hes o f sp ring and summer begin to get in the way of yo ur listening enjoy ment. So that ' s two statio ns per night. three nigh ts per week fo r thirty wee ks. (2 x :3 .\ 30 = 180 loggings !) If you ca n put in that le vel of co mmitment to mon ito ring you will be loo ked upo n with aw e by most if not all yo ur rad io moni tor ing co m panion s. Eve n if yo u can ju st log one new signal in an eve ning under th is ga me plan ( 1 x :3 x 30 =90), yo u could very we ll be o n yo ur way to gett ing that fi rst hund red co untries in o ne sea son , A ll yo u wo uld need is ten "bo nus" nig hts when yo u pic k lip an ex tra station. 50 ... ls it possible to grab 100 co untries in a seaso n'!...Yep. Is it like ly that yo u' ll do it'!" .No pc , T he real wor ld, the vag aries of propagation co nd itio ns and goo d old Murphy's Law all wi ll chip aw ay at that ultim ate 180 num ber. So don ' t ge l 10 0 exc ited if yo ur num bers <Ire sig nifica ntly lower . Relax, yo u ha ve the rest of yo ur life to do this hobby. E ven the hottest folks in the hob by w ith the best eq uipme nt and antennas that stretc h across a co uple of co unties run into the ve ry same roa d bloc ks to runni ng up their totals. I Improve your chances of success You can do ;,1 few things by way of planni ng that can all ow yo u to maximize yo ur chances at gett ing all the stations yo u can dur ing this listen ing scusou. • Take a hin t fro m yo ur co mp a triots in the a ma te ur radio wor ld. Build yo urself a " hit" list o f need ed co un tries. If yo u ha ve se t yo ur sel f the e ntirel y reason a b le goa l o f gr a bb ing 25 - 50 ne w co untries d uring this co ming listeni ng season, yo u need to ha ve a goo d und er stand ing o f the " p lay ing fiel d ." Yo u need to go to a so lid sig nal reso urce. In the wo rld o f logg ing shortwave bro ad ca st sta tio ns. the best tool s rem ain Passport to Worl dhw u/ Radi o a nd The World Rt/dio TV Handbook. Bot h bo ok s ar e av ailable fro m seve ral of the ad ve rtise rs fo und in M T. Eac h resource has a lot to sa y for it. If yo u' re tryi ng to figu re o UI wh o is o n w he n a nd on w hat freq uen c y for the purpo se of bu ild ing a go od hit list. for the begi nne r I wo u ld lea n mo re to wa rd Passpo rt to Worldhm ul Radio. If you arc so meone who has their fi rst fift y or so co untries und e r their belts, yo u ma y find the add itio nal informat ion on tran smitte r power le vel s an d a nte nna or ie nt at ion fo un d in the WRTH will hel p yo u pic k o ut the ha rde r ones. Eit her book is go ing to give yo u good infor mati on on wh ere to se nd for that co nfirma tion card or lcne r. So me peop le ca n't manage the e xpe nse of b uy ing both of these books ne w eve ry ye a r (they are p ubl ish ed a nnua lly). My sug gestion wo uld be. buy one in e ven yea rs a nd the ot he r in odd years. Al so. d on' t forg et MT s own Short wa ve G uid e co lumn, It will give yo u a goo d sho t at a num be r of co untries o n your hi t list since it ha s the added adv a ntage o f being updated 12 time ... a year. • Now give a bit o f tho ug ht as to ho w you wi ll se t up the information in yo ur hit list. Se tt ing lip the dat a by co untry ma y no t be th e most useful way to do bu siness . A be tte r wa y to ma ke yo ur list. g iven how most peopl e do their liste ning , wo uld be based up on th e time the sta tions a rc on the ai r. If Ra dio F reed onia is on ly on at 2 a.m. your loca l tim e bu t yo u really ne ed it for your log . yo u wil l ha ve to decide w het he r to se t yo ur alarm cl oc k to try to g rab it. T he ne xt mo st im portant list infor matio n is probab ly ava ila b le freq uency . If yo u loo k at the S hortw a ve G uide and Propagation co lumns in MT, yo u w ill q uic kl y get a not ion o f w hic h ba nd s of fre que ncies a rc likely to be heard in yo ur locat io n at a giv e n tim e o f da y or night. T he re' s not muc h po int in ge tting lip in the midd le o f the nigh t to hear Radio Freed on ia if its o nly go ing to be o n a freq ue nc y that doesn 't p ropa gate to yo u. ...T hat sa id , the re is a not a ble exce ptio n to this rul e. Propaga tio n is on ly bare ly a sc ie nce . Strange thin gs happe n w hic h allow thing s to be hea rd th at hav e no b usiness mak ing it to yo ur a nten na. If yo u've logged . all yo u can nor mall y expect to hear at a give n lime, thercs no law that says yo u ca n ' t tune your radi o o ve r to so me o f those unl ikel y freq uenci es o n the o ff c ha nce that "so me th ing weird" m igh t happe n. I ha ve to say that the re are about a doz e n ca rds in my QS L co llec tion tha t ca me from sig nals th at had no busi ness be ing hea rd w he n I heard the m . • As you go throug h the season, c hec kin g off those countries o n yo ur h it list. yo u are bo und to ru n into a few " had" nigh ts. T here will be nights wh e n cond it ions j ust do n' t ho ld up. T im es w he n yo u ju st ca n' t ge t to the di als at the sa me tim e th at you r hit list statio ns a re go in g to show up . W hat a re you go ing to do ? W hy. yo u ' re goi ng to ha ve fun a nyway. Ju st tune into a stro ng sig na l s uc h as the BB C , sit back and listen to the pro g ram ing for the e ve ning. In the ru sh to gra b ev ery country that ca n be had by hu ma n effort, yo u may forget that the re a re oth e r reaso ns to listen to the rad io . Le t' s ch ange tha t ma th mode l a ro und . You ca n ea s ily sp e nd twe nty ye a rs in this hobby . Th at mean s yo u wo u ld on ly ha ve to log five ne w station s per yea r to ge t yo ur hun d red c ou ntries durin g you r c are e r (5x20= 100). Wh at' s your ru sh '>Rela x an d ha ve fun . Th at ' s w hat thi s hohby is a ll abou l. • Use coaxial cable from antenna to receiver for less noise. • Matches antenna to coax for more sign al strength. • Static charges go to ground , not through the radio , • For 500 KHz to 30 MHz. Model MLB- 1 $49.95 + $6 S&H. Tax in Calif. • Improves shortwave reception. • Cuts overload & crossmod from local AM and TV/FM stations. • 20 dB gain or attenuator. Low/Highpass filters. Model PA-360 (for 12v DC) . .. $89,95 + $6 S&H. Tax in Calif. Model PS-90 AC Adapter . . . . IOeiiIil ~ $9.95 send lor FREEcalliog THE WORLDWIDE SHORTWAVE I.ISTENING GUIDE Edited by John A Figliozzi Completely revised and updated... Over 7000 comprehensive wo rldwide listings of shortwave programs in English . Unique classification system to assist you in finding the programs you wan t. Easy orient ation section for new listeners . Improved and expanded cross-reference to program titles . New section on using your PC for listening to international broadcasters. 112 pages w ith a w ire binding so book can lay conveniently flat. A "Must" Reference for Every ShorflVave Program listener! September 1998 MONITORING TIMES 63 ASK BOB ANSWERS TO YOUR RADIO QUESTIONS Bob Grove, WBJHD [email protected] Q . As a farmer New York resident, are there any shortwave broadcasts originating from my home state that I can hear in Canada? (Ronald Cohen, Toronto, Ont.) A. No t tha t we are were some, b UI aware o f. Years ago there A. It mean s thai yo u ha ven', consulted the user's guide on pages 9- 15. "cp" mean s thai a co ns tructio n prcmi t ha s bee n authorized: DA1 indi ca tes that the sta tion's d irection pa tte rn is the sa me day and night : "J c 6c " shows that the stations ha s changed its calllcuc rs hoth in 1993 and 1996. all U.S . short wave statio ns must direc t their broadca sts outsid e of the U.S . si nce that medi um is no t recogni zed in o ur stales. then beaming to Canada . cove ring much Maritime VHFchannels are number 1-28 and 60 -88; where are the channels missing from this list? (Norm Budd) or the U.S. in the process- accidentally. of co urse! A. There co untry as a domestic service. U.S. stations often defeat this po licy by locat ing in so uthern Q. Street Radio Directory which is ne ver we re any. T he ori g inal channel s 1-:!8 we re spaced 50 k Hz apart : the more rece nt chan nels ()() 488 were sandwiched hetwee n the old channels. ma kin g the presen t spacing 25 kHz. bigger and easier to read, but / am puzzled by the abbreviations next to the listings, like cp, DA-l , 3c6c, and so on. What does this mean? (Robert Brock, Phoenix, AI) planning to move from sunny California to the Canadian border of New York State. Do I Q . I recently purchased the latest M Q . / am regUla; / 64 MONITORING TIMES September 1998 need to take extra winter precautions for my antennas, coax, guy wires, and rotator? Should / move at all? (M ike Elcsisin, Lake Berryessa, CA) A. T he tech nical q uestio ns are easy . but the last one go t me . While m)/ wh imsica l nat ure mo ves me to adv ise you not to mo ve at all. I think more tha n a few New York S tate subscribers wou ld tak e me 10 task ! It ge ts ver y co ld up the re . w ith mou ntainou s snow accumu lations: I ha d a ta ste or it growing lip in C leve land. Vert ica l ante nnas an: not a problem for snow and ice accumu lation. no r are mos t angled guy w ires and ve rtical coax and rotator co nt rol cable ru ns. Horizo ntal wire an tenn as and guy wi res sho uld he heavy gauge . stranded . wi th a pulley-a nd- we ight mecha nism at one end recommcnded to allow the insta llat io n to sag under snow and icc load ing with out break ing. Coaxia l cable is capable o f withsta ndi ng very low - as we ll as high - temperatu res. hut he sure it is we ll insulat ed at the connecto rs to pre vent moi st ure intrusion . Icc can, indeed. loc k up the rotator. altho ugh well-des igned uni ts utilizing low -tem per ature grease mini m ize this. •mel the co ntrol cable won't be affected by the: co ld. Th e bottomli ne is that the wea ther will have minimum impact 0 11 yo ur radio hobby. and the reception of Europea n ..hort wuve broadcasters will be improved sub..-tantially . Good thing. too. beca use you will be inside a lot ! Does lightning trovel from cloud to ground, or vice versa? And what is heat lightning? (Mark Burns, Terro Haute, IN) Q. A. Ro ughly xo~ of all lightnin g strokes arc cloud -to-cloud ; the remai ning 20ge arcapproxi mately evenly dividcd betweencloud-to-ground and g round-to -clo ud. dependin g upon the natu re of the upd rafts and the terrain. All lightning genera tes thunder . hut the farther awa y it is. the fainter it will he heard. When it is too distant to be heard . that's heat lightning. so named becau se of its common oo..: urre nce 0 11 hot summe r e venings. You can estimate the dis tance of a lightning stroke by co unting the seconds until yo n hear the thunder. approximately live seconds per mile. Quieting the Click on the Grove SP-200 Sound Enhancer T heGroveSP-200So und Enhan cer is a very popular act ive speaker acce sso ry for shortwave , scanner, ham radio. co untermeasure s. ami many othe r applications. W ith its adj ustable notch. peak. band width , noi se limitin g, bass and treb le control. and tape reco rde r activa tion. as we ll as a powerful internal amp lified speaker. the allanalog de sign improves listenin g o n virtually every receiving instrum ent. But it doc s draw one occ asional user co mplaint: a noisy re lay whic h audibly clicks as it opens a fter a few seco nds if there is no audio being received. W hile most users grow used to the small distraction. some listene rs find it annoyin g. Fortunately, there is uneasy remedy which requires no modi fication whatsoe ver. The instruc tio ns ca ll fo r the rece iver' s volume to be set so that the green "A udio Le ver' ligh t blinks on the SP -200: this is to assu re that the tape-activator relay will respond pro perly. But if you are n' t using the tape activator function, simply lower the co mpa nion receiver ' s volume slightly so that the green light doesn ' t blink. and tum up the SP200 volume control to co mpensate. All other functions will co ntinue to work normally. and the re lay won' t cli ck. It' s that simple ! BELOW SOO KHZ Kevin Care , WB2QMY [email protected] DXINGTHE BASEMENT BAND New IF Book; More on the Titanic E ver since the untimely passing of Ken Co rne ll. W2IMB. I' ve had many inqu iries regarding the avail ability of his famous book . Tilt' Lo w lind Medium Frequ ency Radio Scrapbook . I' ve spo ken with ;:1 clo se fr iend of Ken' s fami ly wh o plan s to republi sh the boo k in the future . but to date it remai ns unavailable. It sho uld come as welcome news then. that the Radio Soc iety of G reat Br itai n (RSG B) has recently published the 2nd Edition of the LF Experimenter's SOllrn ' Book. Th e new book is 50 % bigger than the lir st and co ntains man y artic les ne ver before pub lished . Alt hou gh it focu ses ma inly on the JJ6 k Hz Euro pean expe rime nter' s band. al most all of the information in the hook ca n be app lied to othe r part s of (he longwave spectru m ;:IS wel l. It is impor tan t to understan d tha t this is not the sort o f boo k you're likel y read from cover to cover. Rat her, it is <I co llection o f art icles loosely urrungcd by subjectm uucr. T he articl es in the book arc grouped into the foll owing six chap ters : General low frequency informatio n Antennas a nd propaga tion Low freq uency receivers low freq uency tra nsmitters Spec ial ist tech niq ues Measuring a nd mod eling In my opin ion , the pr int q ualit y of the book lea ves something ro be desiredInstead of using trad itional offset priming , the book has bee n photocopied. Thi s is fine as lon g as precautions are taken to properl y scree n pho tos and center the text on the page . Unfortun ate ly(in my copy, at least ) it appea rs that so me shortcuts were taken in these areas. For exa mple, o ne photo (page 5. lot) is virtuall y a black box that is totally uni ntelligible. Also, the text on the left-ha nd side of page 5. 10 is cl ipped becau se the page wa s not properly centered during copying. All of this is q uite out of c haracter for RSGH boo ks wh ich ha ve a reputatio n for high qua lity print ing that is crisp and dear. In partial defe nse of the hoo k, there is <I passage in the fron t section stating that it is no t inte nded to he a fancy "wo rk of art:' bur rathe r to se rve as a re ference "s traight from those who arc carrying out the expe rime nts." To this ex te nt, the book hits the target. and it docs co ntain a wea lth o f usefu l informatio n, altho ugh in a somew hat d ispersed ma nner. Bottom Line- Althou gh the print q uality co uld stand improveme nt, this boo k is wel l wo rth having o n yo ur she lf if yo u arc invo lved 66 MONITORING TIMES September 1998 --.. __ T heLF Exp erime nters S ource Book (146 pa ges. comb hound ) is a vailable from th e Rad io So ciety of G rea t Brltaln (RSG II). in any face t of l.F ex perimc ntation-partic ularly on the lice nse-free transm itting band s. Th e articles inside cover the latest wor k in LF ex pe rime ntation and contain loads o f useful data that call he applied anyw he re in the long wave spectrum. • Ordering information: T he cove r price of the hoo k is £7.5 0 plus £ 1.25 UK post and packing (£4.00 a ir post 10 the U.S . o r Ca nada ). The best way to place an order fro m ou tside the UK is wit h a charge car d. In this way. the currency exchange rate will be ha nd led au toma tica lly. For more infor ma tio n or to place an orde r write to: Radio Society o f Grcat Britain, Lambda Hou se , Cranbome Road. Potters Ba r, Hcrts. UK. EN6 3JE. The RSGB can also be reached by telephone at: +44 1707 6590 15. or FAX at: +4-t 1707645 105. A th ird option is to use their secure ordering site on the Worl d Wide Web at: www.rsgb .org.uk. • Titanic Revisited In April. we covered the sinking of the Titan ic in 19 J 2 and the rarefy to ld story of her brave wireless operators. Jack Ph illips and Harold Bride. Onc thing that I (a nd ma ny histo ria ns I spo ke with) d id not know was the exact trans mission frequenc y of the Titan ic dist ress call. The number of peop le alive today w ho Illay have tun ed into the transmission is ex tremely s mall. I knew o nly th at the transmi ssion W<l S made so mew here o n the longwa ve band . T hanks to a d ipping from the EWlII sv iIJe (IN) Press sent in by Ed Diamond ( IN), we now have a mo rt: de finite an swe r. Th e cli pping is based on a 1992 inter view with Russel Sc hoe ne, 89, who monitored so me of the transmissions as a yo ung boy. Acco rdin g 10 the article , M r. Schoene had pieced toge ther a pri mitive ham rece iver and on the morning o f April 15. 1912. W 3 S tun ing across 600 met ers (500 kHz ). Instead of the ro utine ship traffic he norm all y heard . thi s morning was vcry d ifferent. T here were hastily sent QRTs (a warning for all statio ns to cease tran smitti ng) , and then refe rc nccs to an 50S d istress cull heard. It wa s ob viou s that a ship some wh ere o n the high sea was in ser ious tro uble . Alth ough Sc hoen e d idn' t c laim he heard thc Titanic' s signals d irectly, he did moni tor muc h o f the rescu e traffic, and he knew lon g before mo st peo ple tha: the loss of life was far high er [han origi nally thought. My thanks 10 Ed Dinmond fo r sharing this interesting art icle with MT readers. Speaki ng of the Titanic. I recei ved another le t te r v ia e - ma il fr o m MT rea d er J o h n McD ermott. Jo hn s<lys that he enjoyed the Titanic arti cle and found it very accurate-with one minor error. T he Titani c'« sister s hip wa s the Olymp ic. not Olympia , as I had mistakenl y re ferred to it. As it turn s out , there we re three such ships in the Titanic series- all end ing in the letters "ic ." The Olympi c was first. the Titanic second , and the Britannic the last. The Britannic was sunk by German mines in the Medit erranean Sea in 191 6. The Olym pic had the longest ca ree r of all three ships. but her record was not s potless. In the 19 30s she ga ined the dubi ou s d ist inction of running down the Nantucket Lightship wit h much lo ss of life aboard the ligh tship. Afte r four re-fin ings. ex rcnsive wartime service, and 500 crossi ngs o f the Atlan tic, she was retired in 1935 wit h the nickname "O ld Rel hlble ." M r. McDcrmo ll recommends an additional book for those wanting to Jearn more abo ut the Titanic. It is tit led A Night to Remember by w alter Lord, who as a young hoy sailed aboard the Olympic. That ' s it forthis mo nth. See yo u in Oc tober. VLFRADIOI 60 Mi n. Cassett e featu rin g -The Soun ds of Long w8ve- ~ Ij V ~ Hear 'WWVB, Omega , Whistlers. Beacons, European Broadca sters and many othe r fascinating signals from radio's "down under.' Includes many tips for Improved reception. A superb introductio n for the newcome r and a handy reference for the seasoned listener. $11.95 Postpaid (U.S. funds) from: Kevin Carey P.O. Box 56, West Bloomfi eld, NY 14585 AMERICAN BANDSCAN Dou Smith, W 9Wt w9wi@be/lsoufh.net THE WORLD OF DOMESTIC BROADCASTING OX Predictions O ne ~f the T11or~ popular sections of any radio magazme are the propagation pred ictio ns. Jacques d'Avignon's mo nthly column of prediction s can be qu ite helpful when you' re looking for that dista nt station on the 17 MHz shortwave band. But how docs it apply 10 the domestic AM band ? Propag ation predi cti on tables are, unfo rtunately. not much good for the AM band . The table s arc bused o n ca lculations of the maximum usable freq uency (MUF) . the hig hest frequency on wh ich radio signals will skip back to earth rather than shooting into outer space . But the MU F is alm ost always well above 2000 kl-lz. so it' s ve ry rar e for these tab les 10 have any beari ng o n AM DX . So if AM broadc ast signals are always skippin g around the earth. why do n' t yo u hea r worldwi de DX all day lo ng'! Unfortun ately fo r the Dx er. the "s kip" process is not lossless. Another process, ca lled "absor ptio n." literally soaks up signals bo uncing aro und the ion osphere. Abso rptio n is worst at lo wer freq uencies, decl ining as frequ ency inc reases. AM DXcrs should keep a c lose eyc on the A and K indices. T hese numbers are available fro m WWV at IX minu tes after the hour or o n a variety of Inte rnet sites. (I use a ham-radi o " OX Cluste r" at ohzaq. kofumbus.co m/dxs/ old loo k.htm l? ) T hese numbers indicate the level of stor m activit)' on the sun. Higher numbe rs - g reater than 3 for the K index , greater than 10for the A- indica te severe solar storms. The se can cause a con siderable increase in ab sorpt ion. especi ally in areas closer to the North and South Poles. In the Northe rn Hemisphere , this increase in absorption make s station s at northe rn lat itude s weaker ... which is both bad and good. DX stations in ot her nort hern areas will be weaker SKIPPING IN John Vanderbeck af Las Vegas read my column in the May issue of M r, an d sent in a list of some of the sta tions he's seen by sporc dlc-E over the yea rs; all stations mentio ned are on Channel 2: Q!x Tulsa, OK Regina , SK, Canado Houston, TX Grea t Bend, KS St. Joseph, MO St. Poul, MN Vermillion, SD SIa~an KJRH CKCK·TV KPRC·TV KSNC KQTV KfCA·TV KUSD·TV migh t be surpri sed what yo u' ll hear during daylight! Tw ootherexpanded-ba nd stations have been assigned new ca llsig ns. The 1700 kHz station at Shennan, Texas, is now KTBK, and the one on 1690 in John son City, Illinois, is now WHTE. • Chicago Megalower These are f our of th e IJ Chicago TV stations that would use the proposed new 1,000 fo ot lower ill the Willd)' Cit)'. and harder 10 hear . Co nditio ns, in ge nera l. will be poo rer. On the othe r hand, since many of the powerful " pests" else where in the north will have faded aW;'IY, you may get so me interesting catches from the south on some of the frequencie s that have ope ned up. For genera l informatio n o n rad io prop agation, l ca ll highly reco mmend The ARRL Handbookfor Radio Amort'lO·s, available from Gro ve. It isn 't an inexpensive boo k, but it's s f antustic refe rence for anyo nc with a hobb y interest in radio. Besides the propag ation info rmatio n, there' s also data on co nstructio n of simple antennas, o n radio theory, on sources of parts for co nstruction projects. and ju st about everything e lse. • Expanded Band Noles There' s been quit e a bit of activity in the expanded band department lately. After co nsiderable delay (and some testing) WAWY1670 Madi son . Wisconsin, has com e on the air with a new s-talk fo nn at. The y alm ost immed iately ado pted the call s of the ir old 1480 kHz station. WTOY . chang ing the 1480 kHz operation to WTDA . Bob Comb s KCA6 RC of New Mexico rcport s a format c hange o n one of the first ex pand ed -band stations, K G X L ~ J650 ncar Los Angele s. The statio n is now KKT R (" K-Traffie ") with - yo u guess ed it - co ntinuous traffic re ports. Bob is also hearing new expanded-band station KAYK - 1690 Arvada, Co lorado . Th is is the expanded- band opera tion of KQ XI-1550 and has been runn ing " Radio Disney" ch ildren's prog ramming since June 5. Both stat ions arc do ing qu ite well into New Mexico: "The ir signals are so loud here they manage to come in du ring dayligh t hours! ... losin g it a litt le between noon and apm." Too many DXers shut their radios off when the sun co mes up. You Digita l TV is co ming, but some of the problem s it will face aren' t exactly technica l. W illiarn Hassig of suburban Chicago sen t a copy of an article fro m the Ch icago Sun-Times reporti ng plans for a new co mmunity TV to wer in that city. Currently. 13 of the Windy City's 16 TV stations transmit from eitherthe Sears Tower or the John Hancoc k Cente r. But re nts on the Sears Tower are quite high (W1TW channe l II , a PBS station, pays $250,000 a year; co mmerc ial stations pay much more ) and station engineers say the shorter Hancock Bu ildin g is not tech nically suitable for digital broadca sts. Besides, it' s report ed the Sears To we r doesn 't have enough space fo r the addition al antennas and transmitters that wou ld be requ ired for digital broadc asting. So , the statio ns pro pose to build a new 2,000 foot towe r. The structure would be used o nly for T V broadcasts and would be on the west or nort hwes t side of the city. Th e cos t of abo ut $35.000.000 would be shared by all participating statio ns. Plans are sure to be co ntroversial. While the stations are only co nsidering indus trial areas fo r the tower, it wou ld be visib le thro ug h much of the city . The mayo r' s office (wh ich would have to amen d zoning rules to pcnn it the towe r) to ld the pape r it's discu ssed the plan but has not yet reached any con cluslons. I ' ve sta rt e d m y own we b p age a t pe rso n a l. b n a . be 11 50 u t h. n e tl- w 9 w i l index.h tm . My DX logs and a database af TY stations are online at this address . I do not. ho wever, hold this up as the mos t aurac tive page on the ' Net! Send yo ur co mments 10 Box 98, Brasstown NC 28902-0098. or by email at w9 wi @b ellsouth.net. G~~I~~~~~~"I ~ ~ and VertiCal Sync LInts from l Oll SJI'C Oistorted Video ~ For Free Inlormation Package and Pricing ~ iE ] Call 219-233-3053 . www.south-bend.neUrcd ~ "n'M ill..""" VSG R.C. DIstributing, PO Box 552, South Bend, IN46624 Sepfember 1998 MONITORING TIMES 67 OU TER LIMITS THE CLANDESTINE, THE UNUSUAL, THEUNLICENSED George Zeller [email protected] OOXA Expands Scope Outside Canada F or many yea rs, DX Onrar ioof the Ontario ox As soci ation has been a fine mo nthly source of radio information, mainly on shortwave but also including DC to Dayligh t coverage. Their pirate and clandestine material is interesting. OD XA recentl y repealed a longstanding policy that only logs from Ontario reside nts would he printed in thei r magazine. If you'd like to check them out, write to ODXA, PO Box 161, Station A, W illowd ale. Ontario M 2 N 5 5 8, o r view t hei r http://www. durhamradio.calodxa internet web site. • Radio Free Berkeley Federal Judge Claudia Wilken' s third ruling, this time agai nst the long-ru nn ing Ca lifo rnia microp irate Ra d io Free Berkeley, shut the station do wn in Jul y. Thi s impo rtant news is co vered elsewhere in MT, but it' s worth not ing tha t the Steve Dunifer of the station says he and his lawyers have " lOIS of creative ideas to fight this thin g." Fo r the latest updates, che ck o ut their web site at http://www.free radio.org on the internet. • SWRS Short Wav e Relay Se r vice has been widely reported in North America with tests and relays fro m thei r European location. Saturday night and earl y Sunday aro und sunse t are yo ur best bet. They have been usi ng 11470 kl-lz, but 13960 kHz sometimes gets out, with reports via Wup pertal (be low) or via swrs @usa.net email. Other Europiratcs are being heard o n frequenc ies such as 5800, 6950, and 15200 kHz; it pays to tune around ! American relays. (Blue Ridge Summ it) Free Hope experience- Major Spook plays rock or transmits in CW Morse code. (Blue Ridge Summit) Indira Calling- They specializein East Indianmusic. (Providence) JerryRigged Radio- Rock music, sometimes supplemented by bagpipes, is heardhere. (Providence) KIRK- The news here is that they now have anaddress. (Blue Ridge Summit) laser Radio- This Europirate announces a regular frequency of 7145 kHz. (Merlin) lounge Lizard Radio- For their first anniversary show they played multiple arrangements of 'volare." (Providence) MysteryRadio- The Shadow's distinctive sound: progressive rock instrumental music. (Stoneham) RadIo Beaver- Bucky Beaver's falsetto voiceofferssly Canadian humor. (Merlin) Radio Clandestlne- R. F. Burns is backfor a third decade 01pirate mayhem, at least on tape. (None) Radio Doomsday- Nemesis' rock, rap, parody, and pirate radio advocacy is back. (Providence) Radio Ecllpse- Steve Mann plays hard rock. (Providence) Radio Free Speech- Bill O. Rights mixes satire and support for individual freedoms. (Belfast) Radio Free Vinyl- This new one discusses freedom and the constitution. (Providence) Radio Joystick- European rock in German, French, and English is heard here viaNorth American relays. (Wuppertal) Radio Nonsense- Comedy and rock fromJoeMama. (Belfast) Radio Three- Sal Amoniac QSL's only via logsprinted in TheACE. (None) Radio Four- Pictured here, they feature satire about licensed USA shortwave broadcasters. (None, verifying logs in TheACE) Action Radio- They changed their e-mat address to [email protected] (Pittsburgh) AlanMasyga Prolect- The Alanstation; Parsons for rock and Masyga for OX commentary. (Providence) Brllaln's BetterMusic Station- A Euro with North Ame rican relays of its rock music. (London) Caribbean Sound System-Count Whip plays Caribbean music or Bob Dylantunes. (Stoneham) Crazy Wave Radio- Another European rocker with North 68 MONITORING TIMES September 1998 Reception rep orts to pira te stat ions req uire 3 first cla ss sta mps for USA ma iJdrops or $2 US to add resses out side the USA. Send yo ur letters to PO Box I. Belfast. NY 147 11, PO Bo x 284 13, Providence , RI 0290 8; PO Bo x 109. Blue Ridge Sum mit. PA 17214 ; PO Box 146 . Stoneh am. MA 02 180; PO Box 2530 2. Pittsburgh, PA 15242; PO Box 293. Merlin. Ontario NOP IWO; 55 D C heste r Road , l ondon N 19 5 DF, England; and PO Box 22034 2. Wuppertal, Ge rmany. YOtAVE ?O(( iY?lya(lEb f2AbjO uco.: • Thanks! YOtA,."ic;nHAI/E Q{l.E"'b f2AbfO 7HI2EE... Reader input is always welco me via PO Box 98, Brassto wn, NC 28902, or via the e-m ai l address ato p the column. We tha nk the following radio hobb yists for material used this month: 8 tA71JOW, YOtAVE C Ef2.7AiIJlY a(lEh.. H .. f2A biO FOW2II11 • Shortwave Pirate Activity North American shortwave pirate activity rem ains robust. With Ihe end of summer ap· pre ach ing, pirate s appea r earlier in the day before and after sundo wn. Pirates heard by our reade rs last month all used frequen cies within 500 kHz of 6955 kHz on you r di al. Starion formats and contact maild rops (whe n known) are listed . WBIG- Big Mike spins rock tunes and discusses the pirate sce ne. (Belfast) WBLK- Rap music, mixed with parodies of pirate listeners. (Providence) WUQ- Oldies from the 1940's through the 1960·s are heard here. (Providence) WLlS- Jack Bogganplays shortwave broadcast station interval signals. (BlueRidge Summit) WMFQ- They playrock music, but mainly promote the idea of OSL's. (Providence) WMPR- Their techno dance music is mysterious; they nevercontact listeners. (None) WPIG- Tapes of Ira's imaginary land of pigs,listener calls, and the Bundymobile have resurfaced. (None) WREC- P. J. Sparx blends rock music,comedy, and nove lty tunes. (Belfast) WRKD Shortwave- This recreation of an oldrock station uses 6950 kHz anda [email protected] address. (BlueRidge Summit) WSRR- Soul music predominates here; try Dr.Love's web site at http://Www.lrn .neVstationsIWSRR/ index.hlml(Belfast) WUNH- Ranier Brandt heard their oldies music in Germany! (Providence) #4 in the numbered pirate station series! Radio USA- Mr. Blue Sky's punk rock hasbee n with us for almost three decades. (Belfast) Radio USA (lake)- A pirate broadcasting parody; the real station usesan address. (None) Reefer Madness Radio- HarryAnsli nger attacks marijuana, but in a clumsy parody fashion. (Belfast) RFM- H. V. Short's rock music and original parodies are entertaining. (Belfast) Scream ollhe Butterfly- Their format is classic rock and rock novelty songs. (Providence) Take It EasyRadio- Rock songs are always heard on this one. (Belfast) WACK- Live shows feature a toll-free 800number rock req uest line. (Use announced telephone number) John T . Arthur, Belfast. N Y ; Shawn Ax elrod . Winnipeg, Manitoba; Ranier Brandt. Hoefer. Gcrmany; Jerry Coatswort h. Merl in , Ontario; Ross Comeau.Andover, MA; Cumbre lJX; Joe Filipkowski . Providence, RI; Jesse Finrelsrein. Media, PA; Viis Fleming, Glen Burnie, M D; Harold Frodgc.M idland, M I ; Nick Grace, Washington. DC; Paul Griffin, San Francisco. CA ; Vi nceHavrilk o. APOKorea; Will iam Hearty, Kent, OH; HansJohnson. Houston, TX; Fred Kell y. Houston, TX ; Zacharias Liangus. Italy; Chris Lobdell . Stoneham, MA; Greg Majewski , Oakdale, cr. Bill McClintock. Minneapolis, MN; A .J. Mi chaels, Pinsburgh. PA ; Gary Neal, Sugar Land. TX ; Dick Pearce, Branlcboro. VT; Mi chael Pri ndle, New Suffolk, NY; AI Quagheri. Albany, NY; Robert Ross, London, Ontario; Martin Schocch. Mcrseburg. Germany;Harold Sel lers. Newmarket, Ontario; LeeSilvi. Mentor. OH; Kirk Trummcll , Montreal, Quebec; Nicl Wolfi sh,Toronto,Ontario; Andrew Yoder,Blue. Ridge Summit; PA, and David Zanow, Janesville , WI. 199B /1 9 99 GUID E TO WO RLDWIDE WEATHER SERVICES Inte rnet - Navtn ' Radiof ax ' Radlot eln! 420 pages . S 38 (WOl1<lII.'Ide se amail~ ) Wh ile many ndiofn and radiOlClex 'lCrvicc l co ntinue 10 U1Ins mil on sbonv.'uc . today' , prim ary sou.rce CO'!' , Iobal ....-eather infonnalion is the f. ntau ic Inte~ . This tom pn:hensive refere nce guide lills mcleorol ogic al infOmull ion SOUrDeS from all over the world . The the apesl and mos t Up" teNl le handbook on the very 1J.1~1 worldwide metec dlta . Incilldcl hundreds of umple chltU. diauams. g,.phicl .lnd images received in 1998! r;i-..-.._--. -- OO-'j I - ~ I"'''''' =- : ,::-...:::: c:: ' RADIO DA TA CODE MANUAL - -- ~"" ""' -""J ;. s tate-of-t he -art digIta l data ana lyzing an d decoding I 788 pagel ' $ 49 (worldwi de seamail includ od ) The most up-to-d ate and comprehensive reference: book Iv ailable today! Covers aerona utical and meleorologicaJ codes and telecom munications. modulation types, telepri nter alphebeta, modern digital daLi tnnsmiuion syslcms, cryptology. inlclli, cnce . nd secret service s, and \be grut new UnicOOc gloo.J I landud for .11 C10lic ~pts wor ldwide . Thi s unique boo k includes m.ny reci· naling Interne t websites . nd d02ens or superb screc nshot.s IIlken ..i lh equipment on the C\I ning edge or technol ogy! 11m; 199 8 Gu ide 10 Utillry Radio Statio ns . S 49 . 1998 Shortw.~ Frequency Guide = S ,.. 1998 Supe r F~uency LiSl on CD-ROM - S 38 . Doubl e CO Record in, or Mooul. tion T)la = S 64 (cassette S 38). Digital Ow. Decoder Screenshol Dis kette Sel .. S 94 . Package dra b a ra jwb 1r ' Samp le pa~s and cctoc r scm:nshou can be viewed on our eate asive Internet World Wide Web homcpa JC (5eC below). We b.ave published our inlemahOl1ll radIo books rOf 29 ~'ean_ P. yme nt can be made: by cbeque or cred it card . ....'t' acapt Alll(ri c.n E~press. Euroeard . MlJ teteani .nd Visa. Dealer discoun l I'leS . vail. ble on requesc. Please ask for our lftt eatalogue with rC't:ommcndations from all OVCT the wOl ld' 0 Kling en fu ss Publ ication s Ha genlohe t Str, 14 . 0 · 72070 Tu e b lnge n . German.,. f u + +49 7071 600849 . Phone + +4 9 707 1 62830 E-Mail klingan lu nOcompu.erva .com Internet http://ou rw o r1d.c o m pu. erve .c o mih om epl g e el Klln g enfu s s l . , Note to U.S. consumers only: II is unlawful to impo rt. ma nufacture. or mar ket cellclcr-cc pcble o r ce llular-resto ra ble scc nners into the U.S. We have Scanners with ' : 800MHz coverage! . AOR AR-5000 , 5000/3+ , 3000, 8000 Yupiteru MVT-9000, 7100, 8000 OPTOELECTRONICS Xplorer, R11 nearfie ld re c e ive rs New Welz/Stan dard WS-200 0 (very tiny) W inRad io WR-1 OOOi, WR3000i ICOM R9000, R8500, R100, R10, PCR1000 leom R-10 500KHz - 1300Mhz coverage AM/NFMIWFM/USB/LSB/CW Modes 100 x 10 banks = 1000 memories Computer Control interface Selectable Step Size True SSB (Lower and Upper) We do Modifica ti ons for your Scout! All Orders Shipped Ex=ed =-i::.te::.:d=--- I ATLANTIC HAM RADIO LTD. (416) 636-3636 [email protected] 368 Wi lson Ave (4 16) 63 1-0 747 (fax) Down svi ew ,ONT www.inter log .com/-ahrl scan .htm Ca nada M3H 189 TrunkTrac . ® . - Now, the same breakthrough trunking technology that brought you the BC235™ is available for your desktop! With TrunkTrac, you r compute r, and a serial port equ ipp ed scanner yo u can sec and follo w Motorola" trunkcd system ac tivity, controlling and observing a wide variety o f trunking parameters and features. TrunkTrac co nsists of non-i nfri nging software, an FCC Class B approved signal processing bo ard that plugs into an ISA slot in you r PC, a serial inte rface and discriminator buffer for yo ur scanner. plus all required cab les. • [loth 800 MHz and 900 Ml lz system support. • Track up to 4 systems at once (Pro vers ion) • Follow Private Call and phone Interconnects. (Pro version only with proper authorization) • Individual 10 display option w/Typc I IDs (Pro version) • Alphanumeric tags up to 30 chars for each talk group, flect-subfleet. or 10. • He'll: or Decimal (Uniden'") display modes. • Multiple Scan lists with priority. • 300 lockouts per system. • Temporary lockout for Scan list entries. • Scan, Track, Search modes w/indiv idual user selected delay values. • Handles Type I, II, IIi, and all 3 Hybrid variants • Advanced flexible fleet map management with presets, or eas ily tailored user defined maps. • Unidcn'" or Motorcl a'" style size-code entry. • Only control channel freqs needed. • Co rrect channel mappi ng for a//8001900 MHz U.S.freq plans. • Frequency finder mode shows all the frequencies in use by a system. • System finder mode helps you find new systems. • Personality files for named scan list and lockout files you can recall between sessions. • Supports 0 5456. Ieom R7000, 7100. 8500. 9000. • Only a single radio required to do it all. • Real time repeater acti vity and frequency displa y. • Easy, intuitive. menu driven operation with mouse support. TrunkTrac v4.0 (Pro version) TrunkTrac v4.0 S599+sIh .$399+sIh Distributed by: Scanner Mast er PO Box 610428 Newlon Highl ands. MA 02161 Order line: More info: September ' 998 1-800- 722-6701 www. seannermaster.com MONITORING TIMES 69 ON THE HAM BANDS ... THEFUNDAMENTALS OF AMATEUR RADIO Ike Kerschner, N3/K The Cherokee 6 Meter Hand-held T he major problem getting hams on six meter FM ha s been a lack of rigs for the ba nd . Recentl y seve ra lcompanies ha ve introdu ced hand held un its fo r th e hand . O ne o f the most intri gui ng is the C herokee (A H- 50 ) from Wirclc s.. Marketin g Co rp. The Ch erokee is dedicat ed 10 six meter FM. is reaso nably priced . easy 10 usc. rugged. rel i- The radio is easy to ha ndle , Th er e <Ire six b uttons on the face o f the C herokee . Fi ve of them do do ub le d uty tha nks to a fu nction button . A fter rece ivi ng my Ch ero kee and c harg ing the battery pac k it too k o nly a few min ute s till I bud the un it 0 11 the ai r than ks to a well written illustrated instruction manu al . abl e and d arn ed good loo king. While the Cherokee is strictly an FM tran sceivcr. it doe s co ve r the e nt ire band fro m 50 10 I How Does It Work? My first co ntac t wa s with a ha m ubo ut tc n m iles <I\\'.IY Oil 52 .525 M Hz sim plex. The re port wa s e xcellent co ns idering I W<lS using the rubber du ck a nte nna that ca rne with the unit. Se vera l 10C<11 re peaters were e asily ac cessed usin g the rubber duck y . A hand op en ing later in th e we ek allo wed me to work se ve ra l midwe stern states while running on ly one wat llO a ha lf wave vertical. I put a two cle me nt, six meter qu ad on the roo fo f my Cherokee A ll-50 house (about 20 feet above ground) and fo und I could work sim plex as far as 75 mi les w ithout a pro blem , Us in g th e qu ad wit h th e C herokee hils a llow ed me to wor k 63 grids o n simple x as o f thi s writing. C he ro kee ha s several acccsso rics av ai lable the user might fi nd useful. for exa mp le. a 2:S·inc h su per fle x a ntenna(5 A· 5) whi ch sho uld a llo w mu ch greater ra nge for po rta ble usc. And the M A'27 mobile kit a llo ws the Cherokee 10 be powered by the cigarette ligh ter in yo u r car. and d irec t conne ction 10 the mo bile a ntenna . Se vera l batterylcharg ing o ptio ns a rc a lso avai lable . llikc my C he ro kee a 101. and tak e it w ith me everywhe re . For the price (arou nd $2 -19.(5) this lillie rig: c anno t he beat. To lin d o ut where yo u C ~1Il sec/purc hase a Ch ero kee andla test pr ici ng infor marion cull- 1· 800-259-0959 or visit the ir web site at: 54 M Hz . Thi s wo rth while feature will alert yo u 10 other activ ity o n the band e ven if you ca nft understan d the sig nal bein g received: se ve ral times I was a lert ed to single side band (SS B) O X openings wh ile run ning the A H-50 in the scan mode. I Features In transmit the Cherokee has switc hable po wer output of I or 5 watts. The receiver is vcry se nsiti ve; the manufac- turer claims .3 uv, but my unit has considerabl y grea ter sensitivity (less than . IIlV will open the squelch), Tuning is by means of up/dow n buttons above the push-to-talk switch. And4 00m \Vofaudiois more (han adequat e for normal usc . A power sa ve option can sav e up to 80 % of the bau er)' power. There arc five memories ava ilable and each mem ory can store tonc frequency. tone on/off. repeater on/offand +5 kHz of information, A speaker Imike jack :.1 1lows use of a speaker mike (works we ll with my Radio Shack 19-310). Physica lly the C he ro kee is 2- 1/8 inches by 5· 1/8 by 13/8 inches. wei gh s less th an a po und . antllit s the ha nd vcry comfortably. Th e a ntenna is co nnected to a BNC ti tl ing o n the top len side; the sq uelc h co n tro l is next to the an te nna co nnector; and o nllllT/vollime is o n the far right. 70 MONITORING TIMES www.wirele.........marketing.com. September 1998 GM f) m iniature straight key (Milestone Technologies } • 6 Meters in CT From G las ton bu ry . Connecticut. Mike Roberts. N IRFM writes to te ll us about the K IJC L six me ter AM rcpeutcrin Ve rnon. CT. T he transm itter site is located on Bo x Mo un ta in at an ele vation 01" 1000 fcc ! above sea level. T he receive site is in Coventry. CT. a t SOO feet e levatio n. Input freq ue nc y is j0.40{) M Hz. out put is 50 .S00 r.'l Hz . T his is a n op en repeat er and serves New York. Connec ticu t. Massachusc tts. a nd Rh od e Isla nd on a reg ular basis . T hank s for the info. M ike . I Milestone Technologies Morse code keys manu factu red by LT A in Sp a in a re now ava ilable from Milestone T echnolog ies. Th e key s arc ha nd as se mbled o n poli shed wood bases wi th so lid brass me cha nica ! parts (option al gold plat ing available) . Included in the LT A o ffering arc th ree strai ght key s. a semi -auto matic bu g:. a co m bination stra ig ht key a nd padd le, and a side swi per o r cootie key. Prices a rc qui te reason able : for examp le. the G MP mi niature stra ight key is pr iced <II S49.lX) a nd can be gold pl ated fo r o nly ten dollars more. T he mo st e xpe ns ive uni t is a co mbina tio n du a l paddle/strai g ht ke y fo r S I 19.(XJ in brass or 5 139.0 0 in go ld. For more in fo contact Mi lesto ne Te ch no log ies at ~ 140 Pco riu 5 1. Unit K· 156 . Au ror a . CO SOil 14-31 -'5. ph on e 3 03-7 5 ~ - 3 3 8 ~. or visit web site http://www. i\l o rscx.com o r htt p :// www.m lcdlll ologics.com. Tcll thcm MT sellt yo u. Kee p the lett e rs and info corni ng. ga ng. Rem ember DX season is j ust beginn ing: check out the an ten na sys te m a nd ge l ready for som e great band open ing s this yea r. ·.. AND MOREl RADIO FUN WITHOUT A LICENSE ' Jack Elliaff, KB2GOM [email protected] • Motorolas TalkAbout+ FRSTransceiver O f all the co mpan ies that have e nter ed the pote ntial ly lucrative Family Rudiu Service market, none has done so with powe r of Motorola. Already known as a manufacturer of high-quality communicatio ns gea r. Mot o rol a is bac king the launch o f its TalkA hou l® two-way radi os w ith a conside rab le war chest. For exa mple. Motoro la ha s hi red a pub lic relati o ns firm to publici ze the T alkAb out rad ios. To my knowledg e. no Th e Motorola TalkA hmll + delivers first- rate performance and exceptionally loud audio. othercompany in the FRS market has done so. In addition. ad vertis ing for Motoro la' s FRS radios is popping up in all kind s of places. Open a co py of Family Fun maga zine . and you' ll find the TalkAhoul. So it wa s with more than a lill ie interest th at I beg an the te st of Motorola' s top of the line TalkAbout Plus. T he first thing that struck me: about the TalkAbout-e is its appearance : it doesn' t look like a reg ular, stra ight. coo l hand ital kie ; it looks. we ll, FUN . M y w ife: too k o ne loo k at the: ye llow -a nd -black tran sce iver a nd sa id. 'Thi s radio is mine!" Wit h its rounded case (which can be: park ed uprig ht o n a Oat surface), ch unky 1()Ok, striking co lo r sche me (it co mes in five differen t co lors), and o nly six controls . the TalkAbout+ loo ks very nnin timidating, At the upper righ t of the front panel is an ora nge Po we r but ton ; slig htly to the left, Up and Down butt on s; about an inch belo w them, .1 Mo nitor button for defeati ng the a uto- sq ue lch. At the top left corner ofthe front panel is a volume whee l; to its rig ht. a liqui d c rys ta l display tha t shows channel. code, and battery co ndi tio n: below that, a Co de butt on for setting what Mo torol a ca lls Interfere nce Elim ina tor C odes. and next to it , an opening for the mic rop ho ne . At the bo ttom o f the fro nt pan e l is a grill fo r the speake r. Surpri singl y. in the dead cc rncr o f the rad io yo u' ll lind the push-to-talk swi tch. On e of Mot orol a ' s publ icist s says the button was plac ed there to make o pera tion equ all y dex te rou s for left a nd righ t hand ers. On top of the radi o is a ch unky ru bber duck y antenna . On the left side of the case , a pl astic O;'IP lift s to reveal jacks for a wh o le slew of spea ke r a nd mic rophone acc essories. On the back of the case. yo u' ll lind a large plastic be lt cl ip and a blac k plast ic pa ne l that slides off to provid e access to the batte ry compartme nt. T he tra nsce ive r is po wered by three AA bat teries that. accord ing to Moto rola . provide up 10 30 ho urs o f use - three ho urs of talk time. 27 ho urs of standby tim e . With the rad io off , pre ss the power hu tto n and hol d it for two seconds , and the transcei ve r will a nno unce . in a fun ky robe -voice. the curre nt cha nne l and co de to whic h the rad io is set. To tum the tra nsceive r o n without the announce me nt. press the po wer button unt il th e radi o beeps o nce. then release . When the radi o is powe red up, a smal l lig ht e mitting d iotic (LE D ) ind icator next to the ante nna blink s to re m ind yo u tha t the TalkAbout-e is ac tiva ted. To turn it o ff. press the power button until the radio beeps once, then rele ase the button . To change chan ne ls. si mp ly press the Up o r Dow n button. To se t a n Interference Elim ina tor Co de (rea lly a Co ntin uo us T one Contro lled Sq ue lch S ystem or CTCSS co de) , press the Code button, the n use the Up an d Do wn button s to selec t the co de of yo ur choice. T his is. hands down, the eas iest code-setting sche me I have seen yet. With the co de set, all o ther tran smissi o ns, except those o n the sa me c hannel using the same code. arc blocked. Th is makes it ea sy for members of a gro up to co m municate with each o ther while elim ina ting a lot of interference. Whe n a code is se t for one cha nnel on the TalkAb out+, it is applied to all channels. Unlike so me FRS tran scei ve rs. it is not possible 10 set a code fo r on e channe l and no t fo r ano the r, or to se t d iffer ent co des for different channels. In add itio n, there is, as nea rly as I ca n tell , no means of locking thc rad io to prevent inad verte nt cha ng ing of cha nnel s or co des . T he performance of the TalkA bo ut+ is e xceptio nal. T ra nsmi t ran ge is eq ua l with ot her FR S tran scei ve rs tha t prod uce a full ha lf-watt of power. T he receive a ud io is clear a nd is the loudest of any FRS transceiver tested to date . That can beexceptionally ha ndy if yo u're in a noisy environme nt and so meone is trying to rea ch you . Motorol a offers a nu mber of accessories th at make the TalkAbout+ very attractive fo r specia lized applica tio ns. Th ese include a remo te speaker m icrophone ; a voice-operated tran sm it (VOX) headset; a VOX ea rbud with in- line m icro pho ne; ann . sho ulde r and fann y pac ks; a waterproof ba g. a 12- \'0 It vehicle ada pter, and m ore . S uggested retai l pri ce of the T al kAbout+ is $ 179 per rad io. For re tailer locatio ns. call 1800 -353-2729 or vis it www.mot or ola.com/ ta lk a bo ut. AMERICA'S #1 ALL-CB PUBUCAll0Nl Equipment reviews, modifications. bot Tips and gossip, Citizens Ihnd Review is a publicatioa for CBeI'1 only . One year SI9.95. Samples S2 cash. Citizens &ad Review, Box 360, Wagonlown, PA 19376. Sep'ember / 998 MONITORING TIMES 71 ANTENNA TOPICS Clem Small, KR6A BUYING, BUILDING AND UNDERSTANDING ANTENNAS The Right Antenna for the Frequency F reque ncy of operat ion is an important co nside ration in determi ning wh ich antenna design you choose for your monitoring. Th e main fact or de termined by frequency is the ante nna ' s size. Other co nsiderations related to size include weig ht, diffi culty oferec ting. ma gnitude of maintenance problem s. and cost. T his month let' s take a look at how these factors vary with some common antenna designs. • Beam Antennas Antenna element size decrease s as antenna operating frequency inc rease s. T hus an antenna de sig ned for use on the ultra high freque ncy (U HF) band appears to be but a tiny toy co mpare d to the sa me design when used on high frequency lH F) - the HF beam will be on the order of 100 times larger than the UHF beam ! Becau se of thi s freque ncy differe ntial we fi nd that. from perhaps 50 MHz or so and higher in frequency, antenna designs such lIS the Vag i or quad are ofa practical size . weig ht and cost. On the othe r hand. such antenna de signs - even if used on the HF band with many fewer el emen ts than at VH F or UHF - will still be large and hard to handle. If you have the pro per resou rces they can still be a practica l cho ice, but even then an HF beam is usuall y no more than four cleme nts for the Vagi and three for the quad . Beam ante nnas ca n have excellen t ga in and directi vity. If equ ippe d with a rotor they can be pointed to any compass direction you wish. Their gain in the favored directio n. coupled with the ir reject ion of noise and interference in non-favo red directions. improves co mmunications co nsidera bly over antennas lacking such features. • Wire Ante nnas Becau se of the problem s mentioned above, beam antennas are not so comm on on HF and low er ba nds as on very-hi gh freq uency (V HF) and higher. Anten nas ofa more practical size . weig ht. and ease of installatio n are therefore needed - which (a long with lowe r cos t) acc ounts for the popularity of wire antennas on the I-IF bands. T he hor izon tal halfwa vc dipo le. horizo ntal random -len gth long wire. inve rtedV. sloper. and hori zom al trap or coi l-loadcd dipo les are probably the most popu lar ofthe HF wire ant ennas . Longwire-bearn desig ns offering gain. such as the rhom bic. vee. and longwire. are se ldom used today due 10 thei r very large size. Nevertheless they are good performers. Th e directional characte ristics of recep tion patternin g of the various wire-antenna de s ig ns var ies fr o m mo d e rat e ly nondirectiona l for hor izon tal d ipoles (practica l dipoles have shallow nulls). to fairly nondirectional for invencd-vees, to moderately directional for slopers, to very directional for the longwire beam s. Direct ionality of the random -len gth wire will vary as the length varies , In general these anten nas will have better low-angle pattern ing as they are erected higher abo ve the gro und. As the low-angle rad iation increases, DX (long dista nce) performa nce generally improves. W hen closer to the gro und these ante nna s usuall y have more high-angle vertical-rece ptivity pattern ing, leadi ng to bett er short di stance recept ion . Wire antenna designs ca n also be utilized on the higher frequencies. but there they are usual ly constructed of tubing . Ncvcrtheless . because the popu lar tubu lar-con - TABLE ONE 3-ELEMENT YAGI HLEMENT QUAD HALfWAVED1PLOLE HALfWAVE INVERTED-V HALfWAVESLOPER 1/4 WAVE GND PLANE TABLE-TOPLOOP WHIP 72 COMMON BANDS °IR EcnONAl VERTICAL ANGLE UPPER Hf . VHf . UHf UPPER Hf. VHf . UHf Mf . Hf. VHf . UHf Mf. Hf Mf. Hf u , Mf. Hf . VHf . UHf u, Mf. Hf ALLBAN DS HIGHLY HIGHLY RELATIVElY LITTLE NO MODERATELY NO NULLS NO RELATIVELYlOW RElATlVELYl OW HIGH TO MOOERATE MODERATE TO LOW MODERATE TOLOW MODE RAT ETO VERY LOW MODERATE MODERAT ETO LOW MO NITORING TIMES September 1998 struc t io n be am a nte n na de si gns a nd grou ndp lane designs are rel atively easy to implement at VHF and UHF. there is little incentive 10 utiliz e wire antenna design s on the VHF or higher bands. • Vertical Antennas At VHF and higher freq uencies. vertica l-whip and groundplane antennas are of quite reasonable size eve n for designs with lengths grea te r than the basic quarte rwave co nfiguration. As we move into the HF ba nd quarterwave whips and groun dp lanes arc still practical for many inst allations. But. as we move lower dow n that band both inductive and ca pac itive loading (add ing an inductor in series with the antenna. or a wire "top-hat" as a ca pac itor ) often become nece ssary to keep the ante nna ' s height practical. For HF usc. pop ular vert ical anten nas includ e gro und pla ne a nte nnas , gro undcd-quan erwave. and the pop ular allband vertica ls sold by vario us ham-equ ipmen t manu facturers. All of the vert ica l antennas de scribed above are nondi recti onal . and have predom inately low-angle vertical reception pauerni ng. • Special Size Constraints Some rad io-recei ving sites leave little room for antennas. One example of thi s is w here the operator lives in an apart me nt with se vere antenn a restrictions; usc of a receiver in a hote l roo m whi le travelin g is another. Receiv ing antennas whic h oft en give good service in such situat ions include activ e antennas. desktop loops. and short whips and short ra ndom- length wires. Ac t ive a nte n na s are ge nera lly nondircctional and have good am plifie rgain. A few have co il ante nna e leme nts. and therefore ha ve use ful nulls in their receptio n patterns . Th ey are use ful from low frequency (LF) to UHF. but are subject to intermodu lation distortio n and descn sitization problems if used near a powerful transmitter. Desktop loop s are popu lar on LF , medium frequency (M F). the AM broadcas t ba nd. and even into the low-freq uency end of the HF band at times. They have very low gain. but can null -out inte rference in man y cas es. and often have low recei ved- noi se. For short whips and short random length wires se e the note o n s ignal-to-no ise ratio (s/n) bel ow, • In Closing T his survey has been o rie nted to ward ge neral cons ideratio ns usefu l in choos ing yo ur ante nna for the desired freq ue ncy or frequ en cies o f o peratio n. Th ere are man y book s av ailab le wh ich cover the ante nnas d iscu ssed . as we ll as other po pula r antenna desi gns. T wo good book s arc The ARRL Antenna Book. and Bill Orr' sA11lellJla Handhook. In a less orga nized fashi on the ARRL Antenna Compendium ser ies covers a large amo unt of interesting material ab out ant en nas and their usc . A final not e on a so metimes puzzl ing occurrence which ofte n ten d s to equa liz e performan ce be twee n some antenna designs, regardl ess of the ir size: O n the o ne han d. in m an y app lications , ther e is co nsidera ble di fferen ce bet ween the perfo rman ce of va rio us antenna design s utili zed for receptio n. O utstanding perfor mers incl ude anten nas featuring desirab le d irectivit y, or desirab le vert ical-an g le recepti vity patt ern ing consiste nt with their appli catio n. O n the othe r hand . particu larl y whe n co m paring these with the simp le r w ire antenna desig ns used for HF or lo wer-freq uen cy rec eption. man y oper ator s not ice that signals receive d on one antenna can usually also be rece ived o n their ant enna s o f o ther desi gn s as j ust we ll. T he reaso n for th is " leve ling of perfor ma nce" bet ween so me ant enna d esig ns is that rece ived -no ise leve l is oft en s izab le at HF and lowe r frequ en cies. T he result ant high signal-to -no ise level (sI n) essentia lly de termines q ualit y of rece ptio n. Often the sIn doesn ' t cha nge w ith greater sig nal inp ut fro m a "b etter" ante nna because rece ivednoi se increa ses alo ng wit h the signal. Thus the sIn is not s ig nificantly improved , and qua lity o f reception is not improved . ~ RADIO RIDDLES ~I • Last Month: I said "Wh at is th e rela tio nsh ip between the 'k nife-e dg e ' phe nom en on , the eart h 's c ur vature, and gro und wave s bel ow abo ut 3 M Hz'>" We ll. the kn ife edge phen om eno n, or knife-ed ge diffrac tion. is the effect that RF signals und ergo when pro pagating past an ob stacle in their path with a "s harp" top, T hi s a llows VHF com municatio ns beyond th e oft -m entio ned line-of-sight propagation path: for these freq uenc ies, For inst ance, whe n a VHF sig nal pro pagates across th e top of a ridge, so me po rtion o f the signal is o fte n d iffracted do wn ward in the direction o f wa ve tra vel s uc h th at the signal can be rec e ived in the va lley be low the rid ge. Be lo w abo ut 3 M Hz the curvat ure o ft he earth is sufficiently like a "knife edge" in rel at io n to the lo nger wave leng ths p rod uced by th ese freque nc ies suc h that th e sig nals arc d iffr ac ted do wnwa rd along th e surface of the earth. T his co ntinua l bend ing o f the wave pa th give s us wha t is know n as a "g ro und wave ." T hese gro und wa ves can propagat e far beyo nd the hori zo n. Th ey ca n even suppor t com m unication co mple tely aro und the wor ld if su ffic ient sig na l power is utilized. rid dl e, and mu ch mor e, in next mon th' s issu e of Monito ring Time s, 'T il then Peace . DX, 73 Note to U.S. consumers only : It is unlawful to impo rt, manu facture, or market cellu lar ·co pabl e or cellula rrestorable scanners into the u.s. • This Month: Wh at was the firs t antenna '? You ' ll find an answe r for thi s mo nth' s OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 1-800-990-2929 WE FEATURE ALL MAJ OR BRANDS OF SHORTWAVE RECEIVERS AND SCANNERS AT THE BEST PRICES YAESU • ICOM • KENWOOD • DRAKE • SANGEA N • JRC BEARCAT · RELM MOTOROL A RA DIOS 540 BROADWAY. NY, NY 10012 For Ord ers Ca ll 1-800 -990-292 PHONE 212·92 5-7000 FAX 212·925·700 1 e-m ail: barry_el ectronics@co mp use rv e. c om , OPTIMIZE THOSE SIGNALS! Your antenna is the most important accessory you will ever own: choose the best! For longwa ve. medi um wavc . and shortwa ve, we recommen d the famed Grove Skywirc : 66 feet of signal-seizing. high-strength copper w ire. fully assem bled . Fo r space restrict ions. try the no -compromise M iui-Sk ywire. a 40 foot du al dipole. Both antennas co me fully equipped with a Budwi g ce nter insulator ready to connect yo ur PL<?:59 cahle . e. . .0 ·~.a ~.==.!!..-. ""rr 3 Milll ·.\ J...\ \l IlI' A."''T'1Skl-wi,./, CALL TO DAYTO OIUl ER ANT 2-MT Skywlr e on ly $39.95*, or ANT 3-M T M lni-Skywlre only $29.95* " plu s S5.5tl l 'S J' riurlt,· \ tail fir l"I'S 2nd I)a ,· Air shiJ) pi n~ Looking for the best. all-direction. widcbund antenna for scanning? You ca n't heat the Grove ANT-7 Scantcnnu for excellent 25-1JOO MI-II. reception, It even comes \.. . ith 50 feet of low-loss coax, Motoro la or BNC connec tor! ORD ER ANT 7 ~ l\ IT T O DAY fo r only $39.95** . AXT ? ....plus S i l l 'S I'rioril,· \ Jail or IJ I'S 2nd Ua,· .\ ir shippinj! GROVE ENT ERPRISES, INC. (Visit us at www.grovc-ent .com) (800) 438-8155 (US & Ca na da ): 828·837·9200: 828·837-22 16 (Fax) 7540 Hwy 64 W, Brasstown, NC 28902 : e- mail: ordcrrsi gruve .nc t September ' 998 MONITORING TIMES 13 EXPERIMENTER'S WORKSHOP Bill Cheek TWEAK, TUNE, AND MODIFY! em ail: bchee [email protected] Update on Computer Networking M y J une -o x co lu m n pr esented the simple mech anic s of local area net works (LA Ns ) for tho se who have two or mor e com pute rs. You r o verw helming ly fa vorable respo nse to thai articl e pro mpt s me to offer (in the immortal words of Paul Harvey). the rest of the story. Tha t co lumn is fairly vital to this mont h' s article , as wel l as for the backgro und mate rial and ref ere nces. You s hou ld save it or co ntact ,HT direct ly for a repri nt or the back iss ue. First, a word for tho se who aren't inter ested in computer s: beli eve me. I empathize. I still re me mber when I had no desire 10 mi x rad io and com pute rs. E ve n aft er cosmi c force s change d my mind, J want ed to mi x radio only wi th my ancient Apple lie co mputers. I loathed tho ugh ts of learn ing MS- DO S. and Wi ndow s Z.x. So. the cos mic bill y clubs thu mp ed me again . Co smic c udgel s might not disturb yo ur equilibri um. but the tidal forces of the rad io indu stry and market surely will. soo ne r or later. Radios and co mputers arc married . pro bably until dea th do them part . So if com pute rs don ' t interest yo u yet. that' s okay. Sa ve my "computer" columns for poste rity ....the day may come whe n you will cherish the m. • IOBase-2 Networks Revisited Th e simple . low cos t. IOHuse-l coa xial cabl e ethe me t networ k d iscu ssed in the Jun e-9S col u mn tremendousl y increa se s the pml,'er and flex ibility of the person al computer wh en tw o or more arc networ ked togethe r. Th is kind of LAN requires on ly a low cost Netwo rk Inter face Ca rd (NIC ) per computer; one BNC "tee" adapter per N IC; a leng th of RG -58 co ax between eac h N IC; and a 50-ohm termi natio n l:ap on the BNC "tee" of eac h of the tw o end co mpute rs. Though the IO-Base -2 net work probably remains the be st c ho ice for th e cas ua l hobby ist and neoph yte nctwo rkcr (coax cabl e net wo rks are cheap and uncom plicated >. they can he trouble-prone, cranky. and pcrxnickety whe n e ve rything' s not perfe ct. Not o nly that , but so me thing s ca n' t be done with a IO- Rase-2 LAN that on a IOBas e-T net wor k are a piece of cake. If yo u've set up a simple Hl-B uxe2 LAN, study the better 1OBase-T Variet y. As you will see ahea d. the two types o f LAN s can coe xist - you 74 MON ITORING TIMES September 1998 \.. . on't hav e to imm edi ately rep lace the forme r with the latter, sho uld you want to upgrade . • I a Base-T Networks Sl igh tly less simple, so mewhat cost lier , but more re liabl e and fle xibl e. a IOB as e ~T cthernc t "s tar" network is show n in Figure 1. D isregard the "c able modem" port ion of Fig ure I unti l you've read ahead. For-now .just "s ec" the three PC s and {he hub . A di ffe rent type of cabl e and an e xterna l de vice called an Ethernet Hu b chara cterize the I DBase-T. Th e cable. called UTP (u niversa l twisted pair) . co ns ists of four tw iste d conductor pair s inside an insulated jacket. T he "star" topo logy of IOBase-T starkly co ntrasts with the end-to-e nd seriall ayo ut of 1OBase- 2 network s. O ther than the physi cal difference s, the two type s o f ne tworks arc functi onally the same. If you took my previou s advi ce fo r "co mbo" NlCs, then you won 't nee d new car d s. You ' ll ju st need Cate gory 5 UT P cab le, an RJ-45 modu lar plu g o n each en d of the UT P cab les. and one cthe mc t hub. If yo u hav en 't networked your co mputers ye t. re view my June -S'Sarticle and this month ' s. side by side. If you take a leap of faith for the bett er I Ouusc- T networ k, first abso rb both articles in fu ll before yo u dec ide . Either on e ca n ope n ham doors for yo u. • UTP Cable T he correct type of cable is "C ategory 5 UTP," exa mp les of w hich incl ude Belden FIG-1: 10BASE-T NETWORK 15 R3 A and Belki n A7 L504 . bu t there are many others. The UTP cable te rmi nates at each end with an RJ-45 modular plug, similar to , but larger tha n the co mmon RJ-I I modu lar telep ho ne plug. A spec ial cri mp ing tool is requ ired to instal l RJ-45 mod ula r p lugs onto the ends of the UTP cab le . Th is tool adds to the cos t, but not prohib itively . Cat 5 UT Pcable cos ts abou t 7-15 cents per fo ot in bu lk - more if yo u buy it cut to length wi th RJ-45 p lugs alrea dy attac hed. You decide . Unlike coax ial cable in IOBase-2 networ ks (7-ft, min ), UTP cables can be of an y length 10 a maximum o f 323- fee l. Figures 2 and 3 sho w the necessary w irin g and connec tion schem es fo r UT P cables and RJ-45 plugs. Figu re4 might prove helpful. The T IA/EIA ·568 ind ustry s tandard spccifies e ither of two w iring sche mes to be e mplo yed in Category 5 UT P installation s. Th e only d iffer en ce betw een the T 56 8A and T568B schemes is that pair s 2 and 3 are rev ersed . A lthoug h IOBase-T only need s two pai r. all fo ur pairs must he ter minated in ei ther the T568A or T 56 8B sche me . Th e T568B sche me is the most popular. On e co lor-c ode sche me shou ld be cons istent througho ut a sys te m, bu t parti cularly end -to -end of anyone cabl e. The importan t th ing for yo u is not so much the sche me . but the act ual pair connec tions . St ick to the sc heme in upper half of Figure 3 ~Ul(J yo u' ll not go wrong. The wi ring sc he me for ready -made or preexisting cab les ca n be determ ined by comparing wir e co lor s in plug s held side by side. Yo u can see th rough the clear plastic RJ·45 p lugs. In worst ca ses , usc an ohmmeter I'Of end-to- end cont inui ty chec ks. • The Hub CABLE MOOEM Et he rne t hub s used to sca re me . Not no w ! Rela x and th ink of it as a " black bo x." with a pla ce to p lug in a DC wa ll cube and se ve ral UTP cables with RJ-45 mod ular plugs. Th at' s it! Yo u don ' t need to know wha t' s insid e a hub or how it wor ks. Hubs arc chea p, if you shop. I' ve seen basic 5-port etheme t hubs for as low as S 19, and X-port hub s for $41)S89. An idea l hub for the ho bby ist probab ly has 5 (0 8 ports: a specia l separate port desig nated as an " Uplink Port" (see ahead ): and one BNCportto Standard T568 Wiring Schemes frd ~ Cat 5 Usee to connect a PC to a hub RJ-45 fU RJ-45 UTP Cable . 1 2 3 4 5 678 0 0 $: (;> ....l ...J ocro:: ;: Ul lD ~ " IJ)Ill ~ T568B Plug Wiring More common R J-~5 Modular Plugs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <::) C>o ...J...J oO:: a: ~ ~ ll:l ~ ;< ~ (D ;< ~ / 323-feH max L_-J~---l SPECIAL UPLINK OR CROSSOVER WIRING U6ed lo connect OM tw b 10 another hub. or a hub 10a router, brkJge orceoe-irooem interfaces to the ou tside wo rld. On e upcomin g and low cos t means of high speed. full time co nnection to the Internet is a "c a ble mod em " (see Dec-97 co lumn). Figure I shows how you can connect the vas t trea suretro ve o f th e Int ernet straight toyourhome network . The "ca ble modem" (not really a mo- dem ), func tion s as a router or a bridge between a LAN and the lo- T568A Plug Wiring Less common ca l ca ble TV ethern et network . Standard UTP Color Codes More and morecable Pair 1 ; While-Blue (W-BL) and Blue (BLI Pair 2; White -Orange (W-O) and Orange (0) Pai r3 ; While-Green (W-G) and Green (G) Pair 4 ; Whil e-Brown (W-BR) and Bro wn (BR) accommod ate IOBasc -2 network co nnec tions. Lin kSys, Inc . makes a variety of low-cost hubs: htlp:/Iwww.linksys.cnmi If yo u' ll ne ver connect to a coaxial cab le network, the n you can di spen se wi th the BNC po rt on the hu b, hut you reall y shou ld req uire that your hu b have either an " Uplink Port" o r a loose Upl ink Adap ter; or an Uplink Ca ble. Any of the three will do. • Odds 'N Ends An Uplink po rt, ca ble, or adapter is a rough equivalent of a "null mode m" cable or adapter in RS-232 and ser ial port app lications. If yo u don ' t know what that is, do n't worry : ju st see the lower half of Figur e 3 that shows how the two ac tive pa irs arc crisscrossed to make an Uplink connect ion . You can make an Uplink ca ble fro m the lower half of Figure 3. An Uplink adap te r is a short cable seg ment wi th a male RJ-45 on one end and a fema le RJ-45 on the other. So long as your network is sma ll and is never conn ected to the out side wo rld, yo u may never need an Uplink port. cable, or ada pter. But let' s suppose yo u ge t a 5 ~ port Hub fo r you r 3- node network. and a few mo nths later. yo u add three more PC' s. Yo ur first incl ination mig ht be to ju nk the S-port huh for a new 8-port mode l. You reall y need on ly anothe r 5· port hub and an Uplink connec tion betwee n the two to effec tively bind them into one Hub ! The docs that co me with thc hub will explai n this. Figurc4 po rtrays RJ-45 modular plugs. a typical modular plug crimping too l; and an RJ-45 in-line co upler for j uining two sho rter VTP cables into a lo nger one . You ju st never know ..... A mai l o rder source for low- co st net- TV companies are brin gin g hi gh spee d ( 10 Usually short, can be a cahle, an adapter plug, or an Uptink jackon !he hub Mbps), full-time (24m 365) Internet connecti vwo rk supp lies is Miles'Tek: 1506 1-35W; ity to the home. The thing is. you can not conDenton. TX 76207 -2402 ;(800)524-7444; Web: www.rmlestek.com and E-mai l: milestek@ neet a home IOBase-2 (coax) LA N to a cable modem. but it' s easy with a IObase-T netwo rk milestek.com and a hub. Wi ndow s 95 /98/NT simplify IOBasc-T setImagine the Intern et in eac h roo m of your ups. If you don't have a "co mbo" NIC, yo u' ll hom e and shack ! Imagine on-line, real-tim e need one with a fem a le RJ-45 port for each PC, co llaborat ion w ith yo ur rad io buddies, even to but they' re cheap. thc e xtent of using "Netwo rk DOE" to cont rol and operate eac h othe r' s computer-controll ed • Going Wild rad ios (like W iNRADi O) for benefi ts of space If yo u ever gel a wi ld hair to con nect your and freque ncy divers ity reception! You might home and shuck to the Intern et. the simplest be in New Jersey and yo ur budd y in Ne w way is with a IOBase-T netw or k and a hub. Zealand; but thanks to the Internet and a IObaseObviously, your co mputers connec t to the hu b, T network , yo u j ust might be able to run each hut it then connects to whate ver devi ce that ot her's radio stations.....and a whole lot mor e! Yo u SCC, W indo ws 95/9 8/ NT offer a slick co ncept ca lled VP N (virtua l private net working) where yo u and friends can sec urely co nnec t yo ur LANs as one via the Intern et. So if you think this is a computer art icle , perish the th ought. It' s got radio pasted all ove r it. Let yo ur imagination run amok. Open up yo ur mind and let yo ur fant asies unw ind. Rad io can take on a whole new dimension with a IDbase-T net wo rk co nnected to the Intern et S upport for this and all my columns is free ly ava ila ble by e- mail. Program s and files can be do wnloaded from my Web and FrP sites. If you' re not co mputerized, please include an SAS E with any postal request s. .- E-mail: [email protected] WWW: http:// FTP: FAX: Postal: September 1998 ourworld.compuserve.com/ homepog es/bcheek Ito:!/ (619) 578-9247 anytime PO Box 26 2478 ; Son Oiego, CA 92 196-2478 MONITORING TIMES 75 KIS RADIO Rich Ar/and, K7SZ [email protected] SIMPLE SOlUTIONS FOR THE FRUGAL MONITOR A Simple Antenna for Shortwave A UgUSl iSagOod time to cheCk _ --. FIGURE I out your antenna farm and plan for the upcoming contest and OX season . This month we -, will take a clo se look at a mu lti-band antenna and explore why some HF antenna s work so well while others fail to perform as exp ected . Although Il ive in a city, my property allows me to experiment with -, \ \ \ \\ I '-0.0 ~k,..J.~ e, f'c,....t ( U ''f'l'''eN l- some rather large wireantennas.Since my main interest on HF is shortwave DXing and low power operatin g we ll on harm onic ally related ba nds (i.e., 160-80-40-20-1 0 meters). However , if we mak e the element length s nonresonant on the various bands (i.e., our EDZ with its 90 foot legs) we can then present reasona ble impeda nces to the antenna tuning unit that it can easily match from 160 through 10 meters which also inel udes the SW bands. We are not feed ing the EDZ at a RF voltage peak ; instead it is bei ng fed so mewhere in between the voltage and curre nt peak . It' s no secret that by using a bala nced feedline antenn a tun er (ATU) and open wi re feedlineor450 1(.,0 1-«1\ liz. u.:A'4( o;f'citt. (QRP) I am alw ay s on the alert for some new wire antenna that might 1.8 1-1 1,11' . give me the edge on 80, 40 aod 30 - - - -- - Volf",,'fc. meters and that I can press into service on the SW bands. as well. ohm ladder line you ca n take a no nresonant dipo le antenna and tum it Last year, I read an article in a .... ... FIGURE 2 -, into a mu ltiband antenna. T he ATU radio magazin e about an extended -, ,/ d isgu ises the feedline impedance ex doubl e Zepp antenna for 40 meters. \ I \ cursions at the transm itter end of the My current HF wire workh orse an..,,,~ I , antenna syste m so the transm itte r tenna was a full size 80 meter doubl e t!~...·d ':" "se es" a 50 ohm source . Using this Zepp, a 134 foot long dipole, fed with k---c- ,s<>' 150' idea, it is relative ly easy to see how 450 ohm ladd er line via an antenna Yz " ,I " \Yz..,\ the EDZ ca n be made to reso nate on tuner . Thi s antenna worked well on / ,, .: 80 meters, since eac h leg is longer 40 and 30 meters, but only mar gin... _. _ _ " ~H""\ to. than a quarte r wave length for that ally on 80 and not at all on 160 band . O n 80 meters the EDZ permeters. form s like the plain vanilla dipo le Enterthe 40 meter extended double t loa K+. 1z W." l);f< 1e. with litt le ga in. On 40 meters the Zepp (henceforth called the EDZ) fo' EDZ behaves like it is sup pose d 10 ante nna. Thi s dipole type antenna and pro vides almo st 3 dB of gain has an overall length of 180 feet (90 over a dipo le (d Bd). mu ltiband antenna on 160 through 10meters? feet per leg) and is fed with either open wire Lookin g at the EDZ per formance on 160, The theory has to do wit h nonresonant wire feedline or450 ohm ladder line. Accord ing to the 90 foot legs of the E DZ are much too short lengt hs. Look at the 160 meter half wa ve computer modeling, this ED Z should provide for eve n half wa ve dipole per form ance on this about 3 dBd gain on 40 mete rs and resonate dipole antenna in Fig I. Each leg is 1/4 wavelength long . Notic e the RF curre nt and band. Howe ve r, since the leg len gth is on 160 through 10 meters, incloding the SW voltage distributi on along the element legs. nonresonant on any od d or eve n multiple of a broad cast band s. My intere st was piqued, and 1/4 wave length on 160 meters, the ante nna At the feedpoint, the impedan ce is low and I just had to investigate. the RF current is high while the RF voltage is will operate as a short dipole with a slight loss The ARRL Antenno Book describ es the o f ga in on this ban d. I have been able to make EDZ as a fonn of collinear arra y antenna, low . Th is is an ideal condition for feedin g the dipol e correctly. this antenna work successfully on 160 using where the two 1/2 wave length elements are If you take this dipole and tune up on 80 the ATU. although the bandw idth on 160 is operated in phase which , in tum , produces a meters (a multipl e of 160 meters) the feed extremel y narrow and requires retu ning the gain over a common dipole. The idea behind point impedance would be extremely high . AT U if moving more than 30 kHz. At least I the EDZ is to mak e both legs of the antenna can tune this antenna on 160 ...something I slightly longer than a half wave length (about Thi s is due to the 1/4 wave element lengths for 160 meters bein g a 1/2 wavelength long was not able to do with my old ~ o meter Zep p. .64 wavelength , to be exa ct) at the op erating on 80 meters (Fig 2). Since you arc now I have included so me plots from \V7E L' s frequency . Thi s move s the actu al half wavetryin g to feed an 80 meter foil wavelength EZNEC antenna mode ling software to show length seg men ts slightly farther apart (electrianten na in the center, yo u will encounter an curre nt distribu tion and free space rad iation ca lly) and increases the gain of the array. Each extr emely high feedpoint impedance. This pattern s on the 40 meter EDZ for 160 , 80. 40, leg of the EDZ is 90 feet long. Thi s is j ust results in a huge amount ofRF voltag e present 30 and 20 meter ham ba nds. Using antenna slightly longer than the .64 wavelength remode ling softwa re makes it much eas ier to at the feed point, conditions that are exactly qui red for a true 40 meter EDZ array , which ge t a feel for ho w antennas wor k and wheth er oppos ite that of a 1/2 wave ante nna. Thi s is fits the model in the ARRL Antenna Book. or not they will be able to perform as predic ted the main reason resonant dipoles do not work Wh y does the EDZ antenna work as a +0': ;::======================~ -- , , -- 3.5"'"" 76 MONITORING TIMES September 1998 10ntll eez Ob "Ih- I't~/j "' : 17.:0 0 Of, · ( ~. ·l'J'JIl I't H~ rrc 4 • 1 . 11 f r ~ 'r - :10 li~ l " : """ / l c ' 0 dC!1 r.-3 i d.. : 'l'J 'J'J .I ll Ilnu l4 th . IIi <1"9 3d" ' :11lJ, ~ 2 <1 ",:/ :-'In h,, : -u.z.r d U re r n''4 l c : HIO <1~q. - - ' r~ SI " l.t, : lI " f = o.. t ~ s.I~ - Ill ,,21) / , \ -- ~t~ · , -0 l ] <lUr e l - -J9I . , ', \ ~ ­ ------_. II,,! 0 .2 3 <lUre!' 0;;'1 ,W,.,·f I\r.i " u t h P I"t n ""dl "H' rmg\ e: ' 0 .0 ,t"9 ~ ll "l l <1ll r .. r n "u l~ ' I) .leU f / Si J ..,: 'J'J . '1'1 au 1I.... I 'lth · b~ dI':!I 1d O, >llS , :14 d" !1 , ~ ln "" : IL l 1 ,l lIr d '-fl'.l le ' l HO d~ 'r r/.l lo w,: 000 ,W {;.o I II , , \ 0 no aa \.\ . ",/ ,/ " t--~-,~- --, - --- c- r~.-- d il l .. 11 1" 4 ",n . (;" i n " 1.& • 3 .!> 1IH r. - 1'1 ~ -- - ~ Zh[ C '" 1 'J : U ~i: l0 I. - ·-- ) 0 <lr.g . ; -, /\ '\ l. \ S d ll . Oute r 11 1"4 ~ 0.:1 1 d Ure l Md . f", io. _ O.J I aa-er ""'-1I.lIth PI " t £h,.... li o " /'tn'l l " - 0. 0 de y . 160 and 80 meter performan ce for tile 40 meter EJJZ are pretty much alike. In both instan ces th e fre e space radiation pattern looks like a classic dipole ant enna: a fi gure 8, broadside to th e wire. Gain 0 11 80 is only .31 dlJd while there is loss ofgain Oil 160 of ~.23 dBd. 1011111 o ,tn ~Dl Ib- I'r llj F..,'1 " "/ IIH" (,ll. oe 10ntll [Ill Gdln . I . 'I ~ d6 ret n"g Je : llll d"~ , .---., f/ Il : o.]'! d ll \ llnwl dth : 3 J de g ) - aa a . 20J , lJL de y S IObe ; 1 . 'Il.o au rer , O"g l ,, ' JU del{ ~ ' f /S l " l\c : 0 .00 dll - lll (, \ -?'-f " - .lI t I . , eaec 1. 0 1'] :17 :00 I'rel{ • lO . l I'tH>: 6b- lI ~"I ,],] R 1Il : ~ ;{l: 1 0 r.em: I. .Bl ,l ll r d - j . n n'lle : 0 de 'l Fo'S I,I.. : 'l'J '1'1 dU •. 1 . ' . o deg . n ('J ,~. , i 1II'1 wldU' ; 30 dey - 3<1 U: 'H '; , I!. de4 S i n"" ; z.rz d ll r ef _ ~­ / n"'f 1e : 1110 de!f F/S Jut,., : n 00 aa K.. t - i. I " MI . U"tcr ~ i , ... . (. . 11'<: d h, r . M,,. G~ i .. " ;: III ,tfl" d Kef ,,~ ; ..,'tlo PI "I nng II: ,. II () d"y n """ti n" In -10 meter performan ce th e two major lobes hare becom e very pronounced ana four smaller lobes ltave appeared. Gain is 2.8 dIM Oil 7 MH z. The pattern is broadside to the antenn a wire. 0" air performan ce is l1111 ch better thun my oid 80 meter doubl e Zepp. or ad vertised. W hil e we have dw e lt on the ham radio banos regar din g thi s EDZ antenna. rest assu red this ant enna wo rks great Oil the S\V bro adc ast and utilit y OX bands. too . I use it co nstantly with my Heath ki t 58-303 5 W rece ive r and it works like gangbu stcr s: W hile most SW and utility OXers are not lou wo rried abou t anten na impedance s and the ability of an antenna 10 radiate a signa l, the shee r size of the EDZ ante nna makes it a real signa l grubber for the S\V enthus iast. For initial tuni ng da ta. I rel y upo n my MFJ Mode l 259 a nten na ana ly zer hooked into the antenn a tu ner. On 160, 80 and 40 mete rs. I usuall y ma ke three to four mea sur em ents at the low . middl e and high e nd of eac h hand.Th ese tuner se ttings are not ed on a piece ofcardboard a nd arc used as a reference for rapi d ha nd cha nges, Th e same goes for the SW bands. Pic k your fav or ite frequenc ies on the 90. 60. 49 a nd 4 1 meter han ds . and usc an ant e nna ana lyze r or an tenna no ise bridg e to cor rectly adju st the tu ner. Record these setting s for qu ick band c ha nges. If you hav e the roo m to erect thi s ante nna, I highl y reco mmend do ing so. Rem e mber: wire ante nnas provide the biggest bang for the huck in rad io. arc ultra inex pe nsive to con struct . and ar c much lower profil e than a large rotatable array . Until ne xt month, enjo y yo ur new H F anten na and rem embe r to Keep It S imp le. = i. l ~ dK I Out e , n il", • 1.11.0 dllr e r " ... .... i n ~ I ~f, ,l n ~ t, r ttr.h.u t ll l' llJl (l " ua t i" " l1"yl r ; ,jl:y 30 meter performance of the EDZ !';}IO W ,fi a milch more ,skewed radiation pat/em, with four major lobes and two major nulls, at right angle:s to th e wire. The EDZ exhibits a 1.46 dHd gain 011 30 meters but be caref ul when erecting this antenna that th e lobes are positioned properly to enhance reception from the areas yo u (Ire int erested ill. 100111 eea rr~ 'l 11 "" j 'J:1.l :! i.l Ob · I'!, \ 'J'Jll 111 , ~ .' / I -, ) '. ------- o d rg- , rtB~-~1 C","" i ,'U fl u4 Ie : .. ~, ,I~ y '" !'/II : II 1\ dll 1I".. ldt h . l 1 ,Ir~, - J d lt : 44 , l.ll d " !1 :i lu t>e: l .'JJ dUr"l t1,w J le : lI.5 dey f'/ Sl nb e : 000 a n \ , Krt I. . I., d ll , iJutc . ll il 'll • ,: .'H dUrd 0 1'1 .. . I;"' i" 0 "'" I...,t lo P IUl fl "'ua ti n" 011(11" ~ 0 n 7 ') ] dll r d J ~y 20 meter performance of th e EDZ is a little mor e bizarre. Thefour major lobes hove become more enhanced and siz minor lobes have appear ed, at right angles to th e wire. Gain (as measured OIJ the major lobes) is almost 3 dBd , but care mu st be taken when erecting this antenna to assure proper position ing . Septembe r 1998 MONITORING TIMES 71 MILCOM A GUIDE TO MJUTARY COMMUNICAnONS La Van Ham , N5FPW emai l: larry@g rove.net Welcome to Military Monitoring A so me o ft he mos t exciting m ilitary co rnmunica tiou s ava ilabl e inthe rad io spectru m on m ilitar y frequenci es. Ag ain. taxies his E-2C Hawkeye off Ta ble One ha s an ex te nsive list ing of the ship's e leva to r in pre par ation fo r band s a nd mo de s o n whi ch to se arc h fo r launch. From his privileged position in activity. A good omni-directional a nthe cockpit. he scans the flig ht dec k. A te nn a. q ua lity co ax and scanner receive r crew of multi-co lored jerseys scurry wi ll afford the mo nitor a lo t of inte res tabo ut below. As he moves his aircraft ing mil itary traffic . tow a rds the catapults and his lau nch You do n't need to live nea r a mil ifrom the ship. flig ht deck activity ucceltary ba se 10 hear mi lita ry aircraft traffi c. cra tes. llivc more th an 90 mile s from the nea rA sailor with a ye llow je rsey uses est military ba se with ai rcraft. but I ha nd signals to guide the pilot 10 the regularly hear air to g ro und co m m uniright posi tion. Ano the r one wit h a blue catio ns from all so rts of US mi litary j e rsey moves to within inc hes o f the aircraft tha t transit this area o f ru ra l turn ing propell ers and attac hes the ca ble that will link hi s airc raft 10 the ship's # I Standby It' launch... A VA W·I 12 £ · 2C Hawk eye is No rth Ca rolin a. We live at the so uthwes t edge of the fo rward catap ul t. directed onto o ll e off our catapults 0 11 board th e carrier S nowb ird M OA (M ilitary Operating The pilot throttles his engines for USS Nim it z (C VN 6X). (U. S. Nm'Y photo by takeoff. Human se nses reel at the ex plo- Pltotogrupher 's Male Znd Class J am es U'al.\'On ) Area) und we get regul ar vis its by aircra ft fro m all bran ch es of the Dep art sio n of noi se as th e twin turboprop e nind icated in Ta ble On e offer the ne wcom er a gi nes pour o ut wave s o f thund er and sc ari ng men t o f De fense . \ Ve can hea r everything concentrated area to search for military com- from Marine and Navy 1:/ A- IX a ircra ft dogheat . "N imitz co ntro l. G hos t 11 rea dy fo r municutio ns ac tivity. Most voi ce hig h Ire lau nch o n Ca t ) . r sc rc nms the UHFrad io in air lig hting to lo w level run s at night by Air For ce qucncy ( UF) m ilitary commun ications uti lize opera tio ns . "Ghost I I has pe rmi ssion to B·I anti B-2 bombers . u ppe r side band (US B) mode . with onl y a n la unch ." a nswers the ai r boss. But the secre t to be ing succes sful at V HF/ occas io nal smanering oflowe r side ba nd (LS B ) Hand signa ls arc pas sed . dec k c rew men UHF rnilcom listen ing is knowing where to vo ice commu nica tion s. sc ramble fro m the aircraft' s pa th . A nd then liste n. being in the right place at the right time. If you do n't live close to a military ba se. . md being very. ve ry patient. Case in poi nt : I it's off. The ca ta pult slams forward. shooting HF o ffers o ne of the few wny s to hea r a high the 52.000 po un d ai rc ra ft from zero to 150 have had the frequen cy of 225.--150 ~ I Hz in volume of mi litary com munications. There mi les pe r hour in less tha n two seconds. NGmy scanner for two or th ree yea rs IH I \\' . And it a re literall y thousand s of such frequenci es in 600 a.k.a . G host I I is o n its way to ho rne base . has been a ver y q uiet frequency un til rece ntly . usc hy m ilitary or gun izurio ns a ll over the Imagine Ill y sur prise in the last mo nth to S hort ly after take -off. G ho st I I co ntact s wo rld . Prot ecting one 's natio n is a 2...J- hour a Gbo st O ps (ho me ha se ) using the G lobal High no t onl y bear a n Air Force E-8 Jo int Stars day o pe ration . so there is ne ve r a sho rtage of (1St:.lrs) using 22 5.450 M Hz for ai r-to -a ir Frequ en cy System (G HrS ) primary frequency m ilitary co mm unicatio ns. co m municatio ns . but Lock heed Mart in used of 11. 175 MHz to repo rt that they arc no w it as an air-to- a ir freq ue ncy for the sec o nd rest " feet dr y," mean ing they arc o ver lan d. • Scanner Owners Welcome of the F-2 2 Raptor lig hter a ircr a ft. Y ou ju st T his is ju st o ne ex am ple of the many typ e s ne ver know whe n o ne of these freq ue ncies of co m m unica tio ns that ca n he mon ito red o n Mil ita ry com munica tio ns arc j ust not lim will beco me active! Hut. you ha ve to have it in U.S . m ilitary frequ encies. Listeners who pro wl ited to HF. If yo u ha ve a sc anner. you ca n hear the se frequ enc ies regul arly ge t a birdsc yc vie w of day-to-day m ilitary operatio ns. s the USS Nimir: pokes her bow into the w ind.u navy pilot TABLE ONE: MAJOR MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS BANDS • Where do you hear the mil itary? This is a more co mmo n question [ha n you migh t think. Old hands know. but ne wcom er s to the radi o hobby strugg le to hear thei r first m ilitary com mu nicatio ns. Table O ne g ive s the mil mo nito r so me of the ge ne ral areas in which to loo k for m ilita ry co m munic ations. In the sho rtwave spectru m. m ilit ary co mmun ication s can he hear d j ust about any· where . hut the aero nau t ica l o ff-ro ute band s 78 MONITORING TIMES September 1998 Shortwave (frequencieskHz: lor transmission mode. see text) 3026-3152 4700-4745 5684-5726 6685-6760 13200-1 3257 1501 0-15097 17970-18027 23200-23250 VHF/UH F 30.00-30.55MHzIAMIfM -l0 kHz spacing) 32.00-32.99 MHz (AM/FM-l0 kHz spacing) 34.00-34.99 MHz (AMIfM-l 0 kHz spacing) 36.00-36 99MHz (AMIf M-l0 kHz spacing) 38.00-38.99 MHz (AM/FM-l 0 kHz spacing) 40.00-41 .99MHz (AM/FM- l0 kHz spacing) 46.60-47.00 MHz (AM/FM·1Q kHz spacing) 8965-9037 11175-11271 49.61-49.99MHz IAMIfM· l 0 kHz spacing) 118.000-138.000 rl.Hz (AM-25 kHz spacing) 138.000-144000MHz (AM/FM-12.5 kHz spacing) 148.000-150.750 MHz (AMIfM-12.5 kHz spacing) 162.0125-174.000 MHz (FM-12 .5 kHzspacing) 225.000-400.000 MHz (AM/FM-25kHz spacing) 406. 125-419.975 MHz (FM-12.5 kHzspacing) your scanner and be there or rec ord it whe n it is in use . • Searching for Activity So how do you find ne w freq uencies to mo nitor? T he first sugges tion l ' 111 going to make is tha i you get a subscription to Monitoring Times. You're go ing to gct a boa t load of frequ enci es in each a nd e ve ry issue . Look not onl y in this co lumn every othe r month , bUI also check out Hugh Stegman ' s Utility World column and le gging s for new HF frequencies. A sub to AfT is wo rth every penn y o f the $2 3.95 yo u' ll spend and yo u won 't miss an issue if the ne wsstand sells out. Second, learn to usc the searc h button on yo ur scanne r. Yo u wo uld he surprised how many new frequenc ies I have found o n my BC-895 trun k tracke r in the 225-400 M Hz band . (Just a hint 1O those looking for a ne w sca nne r for milita ry air, the 895 is more tha n j ust a trunk tracker. It' s a grea t co nventiona l sca nner at a grea t price. It is an exce llent perfor mer in the milit a ry co mmun ications bands.) But the big sec ret in sea rching the mi litary frequencies is to kee p the search limits small. For inst ance. don't try to cover the e ntire 225400 MHz range in o ne search. Th at ' s 7,000 25-k Hz channels: Mo st scanners are not fast enoug h to make un effective sea rch of a range that wide . Keep yo ur search ranges to within one or two megah ert z. You shou ld also search each range for more than ju st a J ay: Let it run for a week or mor e. Also rem ember that you will find more milcorn activity during daylight hours (norma l working hours for military fo lks ) than at night. You should also do a mo nth of week ends in eac h search ran ge you try (US military reser vists only drill one weekend a mont h). Hopefully. the information above wi ll get you started in one of the most exci ting aspec ts in all the radio hobby - mili tary cornmunications mon ito ring . • True Stor ies " 1 live in Ridgecrest . Ca lifornia. which is the Hom e of the Naval Air Weapons Ce nter. China Lake. where they test bombs a nd other weap ons on the ranges 0 11 a daily bas is." write s DP (a. k.a. Dr. Pepp e r), one o f the top milc om listeners in the co untry. ··...Th is convers ation descri bing a wea pon drop took place one day:" " Range con tro ller: ' Inbound hot from the So uth, with a reta rded weapon.' (Mea ning the weapon had eit her a para chute or air brakes .) " Znd voic e: 'Th is iS llol a retarded weapon. It is merely ae rody namica lly challenged ...• • Milcom Frequency Spotlight In eac h edition o f Ali/com I will target two milcom frequencies (HF and VHFfUHFj that sho uld affo rd the mon itor a lot of inte resting activ ity regardless of his or her location . Th e HF spotlight frequency for this issue is 11.175 kHz (US B): Glob al HF System primary . And the VHF/U HF spo tlight frequency is 255.40 MHz (AM): the Federal Avia tion Ad ministra tion flight service station nat ionwide frequency (w here the pilots file their flig ht plans while flying). • And Finally ••• If you have a milc om freq ue ncy or call sign list. we wa nt to hear from you. Send it to our Brasstown mailing address or ema il me at the address in the masthead . See you in two mon ths and goo d hu nting . SCANNER POWERl THE BC895XLTDOES IT ALLl This top-rated Bearcat de livers all conventional communi cations. plus those elusive Motorola trunking signals as well! Land. SC<l. air. and spaccwith triple conversion design . Police. fire, ambul ance. civilian und military aircraft. ship to shore communi cations. ham repe aters. business and industrial systems. even instant weather- with storm alert ! Offers wide frequency coverage (29-54. 108- 174. 216-5 12. and 806-956 Ml-l z less cellular). With lightning-fast scanning and searching for new signals (3(X ) steps per second' ). built-in subaudiblc tone squelch (CTCSS). individual-channel lockout and delay, bargraph signal-strength indicator. automatic storage of search-discove red frequencies. 10 priority channels. eve n a tuning dial for stepping through channels or frequency ranges! B UI the features don' t stop there. Data skip passes by those annoying pager tones. and you com operate your Bcarcut from a computer using the optional interface cable and Scancat-Gold software for Windows! Powerful 2.7 W,11t audio drives the internal speaker above noisy environments. and external speaker and tape recorder jacks are provided. The X95 is powered by 12 VOc. so you ean use it as a base receiver with its AC adapto r. or in a mobile installation with the optional cigarette lighte r adaptor. Includes manual. telescoping whip. AC adaptor . ACCESSOR IES ACC 15 Computer interfacecable BRK 2 MobIle mcuntmq bracket DCC 3 Mobile DC adaptor SFT 2·W Scancat-Gord lor Windows S2995 $15.95 S1295 S99.95 CALL NOW TO ORDER SeN 9-MT Only $29595 I'h l\ $ 10 l 'S l'r iudt .l· :'tlltil ur l 'PS 2nd I)a~ .\ Ir S hip pi n!: D GD fi:ft,"\ ro n~~y,'y Call Today!! GROVE ENTERPRISES, INC. 1.JlOO.438.lliSS US and Canada; 828-837·9200; FAX828-837·2216 7540 Highway 64West; Brasstown, NC28902-0098 e-mail: [email protected]; web: www.grove-ent.com Septembe r 1998 MONITORING TIMES 79 ~LANE TALK MAKING SENSE OF CIVIUAN AERONAUTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Jean Boker, KIN9DD Curious about the Concorde? W ClcomCabOard!TOd3YWChi.l vc ror you intere sti ng fact s abo ut the Concorde supe rso nic transport. OB TAIN A PReFL IGHT weATH eR BRIEFltlG FLIG HT PLAN REME MBE R TO CLOSE 'l'OUR VFR f LIGH T PUll , . t:I'1JlS>f'olG AlllfUD£ and a topic for which we have received man y request s: airlincrcallsigns ! \Ve also include a copy of a general aviation night plan. since mos t folks have n't had an op portunity to see one . • Facts and Statistics for Concorde Did you know that ... '? Concord c is the only supersonic passenger airliner in the wo rld : Briti sh Airways a nd Air Fra nce are the on ly two a irlines operating this flagship of the wo rld's ci vil av iation fleet. . ,~ . Nu ... 9 FA Aa OAll!! More than 1.3 million passengers have flow n superso nica lly on British Airways tleet of Co ncordcs alone since they e ntered commerc ial se rvice in 1976 . With many regu lar tra ve lers, on e of the most freque nt passengers mad e 68 round-trip transatlantic crossings in one year alone . Today' s typical Concorde passen ger is a business exe cutive, who apprec iates the uniq ue adv antag es thai come with supersonic fli ght. Pri ncip al among these adva ntages is time sav ing. Cruising at 1.350 m ph. or bene r than tw ice the spee d o f sound. a typical tran satlantic cross ing takes lill ie more tha n thre e and a ha lf hou rs . T rave ling wes tward, the fi ve hou r tim e differe nce mean s Co nco rde arrives before she has ta ke n off- in local time . at least. For a growi ng ban d of businessmen. day tri ps fro m London to Ne w York an d back are scheduled regularly into thei r d iaries . Aro und o ne fifth of a ll those on boa rd the daily BA mornin g flight (BAOOl) from Heathrow to Kenn ed y w ill be tucked up in bed bac k home in the U K by the end of the day . Some of the above do not eve n leave the a irport building at Kennedy. using the spec ial conference rooms Briti sh Airways make s avai lable at its JFK termina l for thei r busi ness mee tings . By reg ular sub son ic airc raft. such a j ourne y would tak e two wo rking days at least. Th e sav ings this ca n re presen t in a top co nsultant or lawyer' s fee s more than covers the price d ivide nd c harged for fly ing Co nco rde . Qui te a pa rt fro m th is tim e- sa v in g s , Concordc ' s passenge r cabi n is pressurized to a more co mfortab le le vel than on subsonic aircraft. reduc ing fligh t fatigue still furt he r. Today. Briti sh Airw ays opera tes Conco n.1e 80 MONITORING TIMES Sep fembe, ' 998 SPECIAl EOUIP"' EN' SUFF1.ES Ill· No ' .. nlpo nde' IT . n,n.pond" no A'IItU<l. E n-c:<><I ln ~ IV · ' te n. po nOt . Allll"'" fnc od ;ng ..0 · DIol E. NO l . l n.p ond l ' ,6 .OM E.-,; ;;;; P;,~;;"~ ;;;;";W;~ ;';';d ln\l 'A _OMf. l'. n ' pOn d•• A'tltud e £ " (<><1'"11 C· RrIAV. lfe n.po _ no Alltl""" £"<o<U"O ,,,. RNAV. " e n,pon d e' A!lllu de [ nc od 'n ll rw .I"....V. no , ; ;;,_ _• !IoI . ' ACA,... n o l lln, po""e. iN · l ACAN. l ll "'POnde . n o "'1>lU<I. [nc od, nll IP . l ACA,... T.onlponder All1tU<l.f n(<><Ilno Flight Plans : FOT readers who have never had a chance t O I, e t ' what a fli ght pianlook s like, here is a .\·C(l U of the general aviation fo rm. sc heduled services twice a day to New York . on e ni gh t leaving in the morni ng and one in the eve ning from Heath row. BOIh Air Fra nce and British Airways ' Co nco rdcsalsoopcra rc a range of c harter flights, which have take n the aircraft to more tha n 150 de stinations wo rldw ide. • Airline Callsigns ABEX • Airborne Express AEROMEXICO- Aerovias deMexicoSA OECV AIR FORCE ONE- US Presidential Flight AIR FO RCE US Vice Presidential Flight AIRFRANS - AirFrance AIR VAN- Air·Vanuatu AIRZAIRE - Ai r Zaire Societe ALASKA · Alaska·Airlines. Inc. ALLNIPPON - All Nippon Airways. Co., Ltd. ALOHA · Aloha Airlines. Inc. AMER ICAN CH ECK - Flighl line. Inc. AMERIJET - Amenjet International AMTRAN - American Trans-Air. Inc. ANKGASA - Royal MalaysianAir Force ANK AIR · Air Nippon Company. ltd. ANSETI • Ansen Airlines of Australia ANZA - Ansell New Zealand ARGENTINA·Aerolineas Argentinas ARPA - Air Panama Internacional ASCOT· Air Support CommandOperations Task (RAF Air Transport) ASIANA - Asiana Airlines AS PEN AIR · Aspen Airways AUSSIE· RoyalAustralianAir Force AVIANCA • Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia SA BANG LAOESH - Banglad esh Biman BEECH TEST- Beech Aircraft Corp. BIG "A" · Arrow Airways, Inc. nvo - BLUE STR EAK - USAirways Commuter BLUERIDGE - United Airlines Commuter BIZEX- Business Express BRUNEI - Royal Brunei Airlines CACTUS · America West Airlines CANFORCE• Canadian Forces Aircraft CANFORCE1 - Canadian Prime Minister Flight CARGOLUX • CargoluxAirlines International CARNIVAL AIR- Subsidiaryof Carnival CruiseLines CATHAY· Cathay Pacific Airways. Ltd. CAYMAN· Cayman Airways. ltd. CHAUTAUQUA · USAlrways Commuter COMAIR- Comair. Inc. CONNIE· Connie Kalina Services. Inc. DAHL - DHL Airways. Inc. OEHAVI LLND - Boeing-Dehavilland Canada DU BAI • Dubai Airv/ing OOVE- Oanube Air ltd EGYPTAIR- Egypt Air EL AL- EI AIIsr,,1Airlines. ltd. EXAM - CAA Flight Examiners EXECJET - Executive JetAviation. Inc. EX ECUTIVE 1 FOXTROT · US President's Family Flight FEDEX • Federal Express FtRST AIR · First Air Courier. Inc. FltGHT CHECK · FAA FINFO FlightInspeclion Aircrah FORD· Ford Molor Company FRANCE AIRFORCE - Force Aerienne Fra ncaise GREAT AM ERICAN- Great American Airways GULFFLIGHT - Gullstream International Airlines. Inc. GUY AIR· Guyana Airways Corp. GENERAL MOTORS· General Molors Corp. HAPAG-LLOYD - Hapag-lloyd Fluggesellschah MBH HAWKER - DunstoldBAE HUSTLER - Exec Express. Inc. ICEAI R· Icelandair INDONESIA· Ga ruda Indonesian P. T. From the Pioneers of Computer Controlled Radio now comes a whole new range. The popular WiN RADiO WR1 OOOi is the world's first commercially available PC-controlled scanning receiver. No wonder it has received the coveted Most Innovative Receiver Award for the Year 199B, by WRTH. However , this fine receiver has now finally encountered serious competition: Internal Model (WR-t500i) Our own. WiNRADiO Communications now proudly introduce a new series of radio-controlled PC-based receivers, in both internal andexternal versions: ' WR1000i 100% internal 1300MHz scanning receiver • WRl OOOe 100% external 1300MHz scanning receiver with standard RS-232 control and optional PCMCiA (PC-card) interface · WR1500i 100% internal 1500MHz scanning receiver • WR1500e 100% external 1500MHz scanning receiver with standard RS-232 control and optional PCMCIA (PC-card) interface External Model ( WR- t500e) (computer not included) iii - - - ,;r. "":...! I -,.... I.' . . '" ... .~~ _ w... '_'(' ... ~. __ The WiNRADiO Virtual Control Panel The 1000/1500 series products offer cost-effective solutions for a wide variety of applications. The products come in two form s: internal ISA-bus cards, and compact external units with an RS-232 interface (PCMCIA interface optional). The advantages of an internal card model are in its neatness - there are no external cables required, no external interface ports are occupied , no external power supplies or extra desk space are needed . And if you wish , nobody needs to know that you have a scanning receiver hidden inside your PCI Multi-channel operation is simple to achieve, as up to eight WiN RADiO internai receivers can be used simuitaneously in one PC. The advantage of an external model is in its portability - the optional plug-and-play PC card interface (PCMCiA) allows a very fast and simple installation for any portable PC. Serial RS232 interface is also available as standard. Sp ectrum Scope Both models are very well shielded from PC interference. We use specially deve loped shielding materi als and innovative design methods to prevent any interference directly entering the receiver. Software options: WiN RADiO Digital Suite softw are for decoding of WEFAX , HF fax, packet, ACARS , DTMF, CTCSS ; for signal classification, audio spectrum analysis, squelch-controlled playback and recording . WiNRADiO Databa se Manag er Hardwa re options (for exte rnal models): WiNRADiO Portable Power Source for a truly portable computer-controlled radio system , containing nickel-metal-hydride batteries and an intelligent battery charging facility with battery charg e indication. WiN RADiO PC Card Adaptor allows the use of PCMCIA card interfaces commoniy used with laptop computers. WiN RADiO receivers are available from sele cted radio dealers in North America. See our Web site www.winrad io.com for more details or email [email protected]. Technical Specifications are subject to change without notice. WJNRADiO, WlNRADiO Digital Suiteand VIS/TUNEare trademarks of WINRADiO Communications. Aval/ability subject to FCC certification(application pending at lime of printing). Contact us fordetails. WHAT/S NEW? TElL THEM YOU SAW IT IN MONITORING TIMES -~·· . ~~l Complete Shortwave Handbook Worldwide THE COMPLETE Shortwave Listening SHORTWAVE Guide -.- -~ Ove r 400 pages make this 5t h edi tion of The Complete Sho rtH'Ol'e Listener 's Handbook one of the largest broadside referen ces for radio listenin g e ver pub lished . and vetera n shortwave writer Andrew Yod er has done it we ll. Th e boo k present s persp ectives on amate ur. CB. broadcast ing. pirates and clandestines, utilities. lon gwavc and natural radio ,QS Ls. eq uipment and memorabil ia collecti ons. publications and dealers, eve n so me tutori al hints on ge tting the best signals. Fully half the book is devoted to intern ational broad casting. the granddaddy of hobby radi o listeni ng. Th e book prov ide s history. anecdotes. and co nsiderable insight into the statio ns y Oll will - -~" _~._, __ ~~-:,~.;t~.:>~ ....-:o.:~..-l..~_' ..... -."_ .. LISTENER'S HANDBOOK ~ ' ;~" ANDREW YO D E R hea r to night as yo u tunc thro ugh your shortwave dial. Th e Comptetc Shortwave Listener 's Handbook, published by McGraw-Hi ll. is $29.95 from Grove Enterprises at 800-438 8 \ 55. fax: 8282 -837-22 16. e-mail ordertio g ro ve.nct, o r v is i t www .grove-ent.com. Radio Shack has co me ou t with a co mplete ly updated seco nd edition of The worldwide Shortwa ve Listening Guide. Th e Guidi' is a uthore d a nd edi ted by Jo hn Figliozzi , who a lso writ es MT s month ly "Prog ra mm in g S pot light" co lum n. Th e attrac tive. 112-page book is wire- bo und. so it can lie flat on a surface . Its main listi ngs section prov ides a 24-ho ur gu ide to English lang uage prog rams broadca st by 97 intern ational bro adcasting serv ices around the wo rld. Th e 7000+ listings are arrang ed by UTe time and incl ude the statio n, days of broadc ast, pro gram title and de sc riptio n. as we ll as the area of the wo rld targe ted and the freque ncie s used to broadca st each program. Programs targe ted to the Ameri ca s are high lig hted in bold print a nd there is a n introductor y section designed to ori ent th e read er to the book . as we ll as to the basic s of shortwav e lis- Once you use SCANCAT wl1I1 YOUR radIo, yoU'll NE\'EIl use your radIo allaln WI11lOUT SCIWCA'n SCANCAT supPOrtS almost All comput er CO'llrolfed reo cs by: AOR, DRAKE. KENWooD.ICOM. YAESU and JRC lNRD) Plus PRO-2005.i&'3S/42 {wilh 0 S456'S35), l owe HF·l 50 , and Walki ns-Johnson _ SCANCAT GOLD FOR WINDOWS "se" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 FEA TURES • E. dusnte ·MACRO· COI'IJoI by tfequency 01 [hoell, Ha ng _Resume Sog T'es/'IIoId .nd ~"" 6 separa T. progtammiltlle . 3\JdIbIe alarms • Command' lne qltlOnS lot TIMED ON.'OfF IlJr'.1l11erdedl logt;j."9searcnes • Run as many as 6 dollOl'Il'"CloY a4d.~ .adIOs ~ '1.4.»lef.Slave • Unanendeod l O9ll""9 of "~ • Scan Creale Drs!< FIie's • Spedrvm M3IysIs '0 Screen OR Pr ,nk!f " U./'I1, VER$AIi"4JJEQ INTERFACE P\lTsaM[ ~~. IN):OUII ., You 're Not Uslnll MAGIC, You're only EnJol1nQ ~Tbe Hobby. ~Io: '" '1JPfI'_ISIOoIlJ1ilify fIlM wIIItNdVld.me 1<>0_ ,,,,,._.. ~u IIIJ r-: . MAG IC for --iikt;p... ' ~~te~,:ea~m~=fr~==:~=,~~ Windows $ 34.95 C'.alll$~l.abasesl'omplaJn ASCll le >:'l n . SCANC" T, e scnreo. eomma OOIrm,ted. HTI.1L, DBase. ScanSta,. Aad>oManager aM Scan""" Wea, !pi(J$ S5 00 S & HI Con.. ";,~WS"~.~-;''';~~'~''''~t.~~~~~~~~~ PCR1DOO ".MCH• NEW WINRADl O. ~Ie' . • Su ppo rts ICOU.1C-Rl0, AR8000. YAESU and SCOUT • Comes ""th 6 FOOT ea~. "nd ~...-s II) 1'1 "," UM$ .. otI\On a s-ngle pad<age (Mus, Speoty Yaesu f • Uni"'-e ' 5ingle 'a(bo- adapte rs . c an be us.ed ....,In ANY ' adlO supported. simpj y ch aOogll lhe a(1lo1e<, tt>en·P1ug .0ld P ,l y ' • E.pandaOle lulu'e WIlh a SImple add on ad3pIe< • No .,. ,e,nal POWI!' feQU,,9d. O,aws powef I' l)m Cl)mpu te, • ' Reaetoen Tune' scou t WIlh NO nodmcatlQfl$ to 'ad lO ,n DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED To"·Fretl Orde rs BBB·SCANCAT 888-722-6228 82 MONITORING TIMES September 1998 ten ing. The re is an e xpanded a nd rearra nged cro ss reference for sixtee n ofthe most popu lar types of programs arran ged by pro gram title. T here is even a sec tion on alterna te mean s o f access ing internatio nal broadcasts such as via Internet aud io. At 58.99. this handy. one- of- akind refe rence boo k is an incre dib le bargain for sho rtwave program listeners. Th is second edition o f The Worldwide Sho rtwave Listening Guide is ava ilable through Radio Sh ack.The a uthor adv ises that , since there are stiII some co pies of the first ed ition in sto res , readers should speci fy that they wa nt the edition with the Eiffel Tow er on the cover. One-Man Mast Alpha Della has a solution forthe hobb yist who needs to be ab le to raise or lower a vertica l shortwave antenna - a tricky operation at best, and very nearl y impossible as a oneperson operation. Alpha Della' s hydrau lic-a ssist ed, fold-over mounts • R1OOO. R7100 ICOM • AR3OOl)A 5000 . Var.able b.:lncw.;nll . up 10 107 MI-i;z' " lnsta nl R. aae."t ot F~ -_. , . ., place on'" PC's O<$Qlay . 1raslat1l: eI\;lng& 01cenle< "equet'I(:y WItha".,.,pe ~ ~ nRE D e ve n make it a one-handed operation! Set the stee l pOSI o f the DH I (or yo u supply a 4x4 wood post for the DH-2) in co ncrete, attach the pre-assembled hydraulic ann . and you ' re in business. You supply the mast forthe antenna . Th e fix ture will safely support a 29-foot HF a nte nna up to 25 pounds in wei ght, or a fivepound VHF/UH F gro und plane or discone on a 20-foot mast. T he self locking nut is adj usted by the user on the " Pre- load/P ivot,. bolt until the ante nna can be raised or lower ed witho ut effort: it is locked into posit ion with a pin bo lt. W het her you lowe r yo ur ante nna for maintenance , to swap out antennas. or to keep the neig hbors huppy. this solution makes it simple. Call Alpha Della toll- free at 888-302 -8777 and ask for the DH-I (5 24 9. 9 5) o r DH -2 ($229 .95) Hydraulic Dampened Fold-Over Ma st Fixtu re (P.O. Bo x 620 , M a nc he s te r. KY 40962 ). Palstar's R30 HF • receiver Pa lstar is the brainchild of Paul Hrivnak (original ow ner and fou nder of Vec tro nics Canada) . who found ed Palsrar to prod uce a range of quality products which are distr ibuted in North Ameri ca and Euro pe . O ne of his latest brainstorm s is the R30 receiver. e xpec ted to become available later this month. T he tiny (8 inch by 9 inch ) R30 will cover the shortwave spec trum fro m 100 to 30 kHz in AM a nd upper and lower sideband modes; tunin g steps of 20 Hz, 500 Hz. and I M Hz arc indi ca ted in prom otional ma te rial, but Paul indicated this spec is not ye t linn. Bandwidth is selectab le at 6 kHz and 2.5 kHz . Other specs as listed on the co mpa ny 's US we bs i te www.pu lste rj nc.corn rea d as follows: 45 M Hz Isl lF, 455 kH z 2nd IF; a-pole crystal filter at 45 M Hz; 6-d igit LCD disp lay; analo g S -me tc r ; 100 c ha n ne l me mory: ()auto switchable input ti lle rs. • MosI ICOl'As WIllI 10 ,7MH, IF ·Sa.... Spoct<vm<bl a 10 dISI< P1ay!)a(:k 01 Reooroed $pedrum cl.ala !rom drs!< .Sq\al A_ q "ll . PLUS 0..• •dwsove"VARI·COlOR" .. -- ..:. - - . Vanab/e P. all Reacloul . TH REE ll ,'ler enl grapl'ocal .,;, . ...... eeees · Oownloall OU' demo \01 -~ 'esl ~ OFYOUR HANDHELD SCANNER FAWNG OUER? T"y eur ~ I....... ~base 1. 1escopoc: scan"" antenn a CAT WHISKER leIS ,ts llaCk and st,. keep me ant&r\l1a vltrtlCal ' • SWlvll'lSIe ANY ang ~ adtusts to any le"lltl'l you lay your tlandheld SCllflrl&t on • FItS AN Y scanr'lOl WI\I'I a BN C anle<>ni oonneclor CAT-WHISKER. I (5 10 23 Inc hes ) CAT WHI$KfRI2 je 1036 lnellesl .,..... ,.. ~5 4 " $ 19. 95 $24.95 ~====::-:='==:-cc::-"'C'----:----c::::=-=--::cc:---:-::---:--, I'" ":iiiii'tl'l:;"o:;~rr.:l': TolI·Fr-ee Or d e n 888·SCANCAT 888-722-6228 Sepfember 1998 MONITORING TIMES 83 The R30 co mes with standard modes through a tuning range of ceramic filters at a price of around about 500 kHz at 7 MHz. The OCR Kit is $84.95 plus $7 sIh from Jade Produ cts at 800JADEPRO (p.O, Box 368, Eas t Hampstead , NH 038 26-036 8) or $4 9 5.95 . W ith th e o p tio na l Collins mech an ical filter the pri ce goes to $595.95 - still $ I00 less than the retail price quoted on the website . For additional informa - tion on pricing, availability, and fi na l fea tures. see Pal star ' s visit www.jad ep rod. coml for more information. website orcall937-773-6255 (fax: 937- 773-8003 ). PC Radio The OCR Receiver wi th theirsmall "bl ack box" radio that runs on your computer. "De- There'sanewmeaningtoOCR - which in usual parlance stands signed for two types of people: the PC user who has never lis- for "o ptica l charac ter recogni- tened to shortwave and the experienced listener who appreciates LED tunin g, built-in speaker, and headph one jack. The Mini World 100 is ava ilable for $49.95 Canadi an (about $35 US) from the Authorized Grundig Store at S3555 Don Mills Rd ., Sui te 6-1715 , North York , Ontario , C an ad a M2H 3N3, (4 16)467-4948 or visit their web S W-98 is$ JO(includin g s hipping) in the US; writ e TOP, clo Ludo Maes, P.O. Box I. B-2310 Ri jk ev or s el, Belgium . site at ww w.speedlin e. ca/ Swpm Made Easy grundig/home. htm l Ten -Tee has entered the ring tion." Now you can add the "Optically Co upled Regenerati ve" Receiverfor40 meters, which is a kit available from Jad e Produ cts. Inc. A fiber-optics coupler in the front end allow s smoo th rege neration control, virtually no ra- diation. and excellent sensitivity. according the developer. The 6.6-inch by 3-inch circuit board has two integrated circuits (ICs), a voltage regulator, a fieldeffect transistor (FET) , and an HP opto-co upler, Two 9 volt batteries (not included) power the entire receiver; one is used as bias for the front end and should practically last the shelf life of the battery. Th e other is the main powe r battery and draw s 10 mA at high audio levels. The receiver obviously makes an ideal portab le unit. · :r::~?~=~ ' l~~ .• .. ~.' ~, h · · ·-~·: ~ i3 • ":·OJ . • ' ·: · l : ·~-'? ~. I'::i. ,. ~__ I. au • ~_ Assembly is easy. taking the average builder abo ut 2.5 hou rs. The receiver has four controls: audio. fine tuning. main tuning, and regeneration control.There is an etch on the board 10 build a muting circ uit for those builders tha t want 10 use the receiver with a transmitter. The OCR receiver can he used for rece ption of single sideband (55 B) , Mo rse code (C W) , radioteletype (RTT Y1, and AM 84 MONITORING TIMES Radio Amateur's Satellite Handbook l rrAlol Q~' first-time listener started. PC Radio requires access to a serial port and one megabyte of free hard drive space, and runs on Windows 3, I or Windows 95; the package includes a b uilt-i n telescoping whip antenna, though range will be significantly increased with an external wire antenna. PC Radio accomm odates AM , synchronous AM, upperandlower sideband, and CW modes; selectable fillers include 6, 3, 2.5, 1.8 kHz or 500 Hz.IF frequencies are ( I st) 45 MHz, (2nd) 455 kHz, (3rd) 12kHz. I Thi s all-new ~·~.·'U7. D a v id off , K2UB C' s pepular satel- • 1_' . ~·s .._.-.tf : I the powerful marriage of PC and the shortwa ve hobby," model RX320 runs in the background while you do other tasks. A beginner' s manual by Joe Carr helps get the S3te1li .· Hanlru ._ .r: . - - ._ ~ ,I . " editi on of Mart in lite reference is expanded, and includes extensive, illustrated chapters on analog and digital communications, antenna design andtracking, and all other aspects of satellite communicationsof interest to the experimenter. A special section of appendices covers profilesof active satellites,computerprograms. Internet sites, FCC rules and regulations, and even a comprehensive glossary of space terminology. . ;; " _ . ~ ~4 ' .' ' The Radio Amateur's Satellite Handbo ok is $2 1.95 plus $5.50 shipping fromGrove Enterprises. The software-based technology of digital signal processing enables sophisticated features at P,O , Box 98, Bras stown, NC 28902: order toil-free by calling (800 ) 438-8155 or v isi t the the very affordable price of$295. Internet Web site at www.grove- For mor e info rmat ion vis it www.tentec.com orcall Ten-Tec en t.co rn. at 423-45 3-7172 or 800-83 3737 3. Transmitter Do(umentation All Band Anywhere You don't have to leave your listening at home when you go on vacation or on a business trip.The Grundig Mini World 100 pocket radio gives you access to AM (no expandedband)/FMand sixshortwave band s (5800-6400; 69007500; 9400- 7500; 11650-12150; 150 0 0-1 5 6 50 ; 17500-1 8 140 kHz). Features include telescoping antenna, AM ferrite antenna, September 1998 If you want to know everything about all the shortwave broadcasttransmitters installed all over the world. be sure to order a copy of the 5th editi on of the TDP SW-98, the "T ransmitter Docu - mentation Project." Ordering instructions for this informative booklet and TDP' s numerous shortwave-related services can befoundon their website at htt p://www.ping.beltd p.TDP If you want to make full use of the proposed restructuring of amateur radio classifications (see "Communications").Bmd' sSoftware has released Morse Code Made Easy, a menu-driven learning tool that allows you to set your own pace when learning Morse code. The three main modes are lessons, Practiceand Word List. You can switch between sound card and internal speaker, change the tone, words per minute, number of characters sent at a time, and whether the characters displayed as d its and dahs arc sounded through the computer's sound system. The program tracks your progress and displays a score at the end of each lesson, based on level of difficulty. Separate versions areavailable for DOS, Wind ows 3.1 and Windows 95. Morse Code Made Easy for Wind ows is ava ilable for $25 plus $4 sth from Brad ' s Soft ware, 4969 Wyoming Drive, Dallas,TX 75 2 11-7843 ; (2 14 ) 339-6920. Email : brads_s @compusen'e. com . You can download a free trial version of the software from htt p://ou r world.compuserve. c o m l h o me pa ges/ b ra d s_ sl codedow n.h tm Books and equipment forannouncement or review should be sent to "What's New?" c/o Monitoring Times, P.O. Box 98, 7540 Hwy 64 West, Brasstown, NC 28902 Press releases may be faxed to 704·837·2216 or emailed to mteditor@grove ,nel. MFJ Giant Display 24/12 Hour Calendar Clock By Skip Arey W hen I first approached Rac he l Baugh n about do ing this re view. her response wa s "How much can you say about a c lock?" We ll as it tu rns o ut, the new MF J- 119 is not your everyday c loc k and it has qu ite a fe w features that make it the ideal timep iece for many mon itorin g posts. Let' s heg in with the mo st sa lie nt po int: T his c lock is BIG! Th e liq uid crystal display (LC D) mai n time characte rs o n the fa ce of this 8- 1/2 inch hy 9 inch clock are a full 2- (/4 inches ta ll. maki ng them eas ily vi sib le acros s e ven a twenty fo ot room. Back in the di gital early days, I bu ilt a lig ht e mitt ing d iod e (LED ) clo ck with a readout of less than 1/4 inch. and co st ing well ove r $75 - all for a c lock that I had to squint to read : We ll, I can eve n tak e offmy bifocals and read the new MFJ - 119. T he size of the time readou t alone is eno ug h to make thi s clock an ex tre me ly pra cti cal item for any shac k, but it has a few more fea tu res thai I didn 't ha ve on Illy o ld ho me-bre wed "squ inty " c lock , Below the time reado ut we find thre e s maller, J/4 inch readouts that list month and dat e. da y. and tempe rature. T he time can be set to read o ut in eithe r the 12 hour or 24 hou r for mat , so local tim e or UTe time ar e poss ible. T em peratu re can be sw itch ed with a touch of a button betw ee n Fahrenhe it and Celsi us read ings. Th e clock co mes with excellent d irec tio ns that I never reall y needed . A li I had to do wa s pop in the two sup pl ied AAA batteries and fiddl e with the we ll-marked buttons on the back o f the clo ck and I wa s up and runnin g in less than five minute s. Ju st set it and for get it. All yo u need do is fin d a nice place on the wa ll to hang it. usi ng the moun ting hole on the ba ck. T he reado ut ap pears to have slig htly improved co ntra st when the un it is placed slightly abo ve eye level , but that may be m y bifocal s kicki ng in. However , I have mi ne on a she lf as opposed to han ging it o n the wa ll. for rea so ns I'll ex plain. As men tioned earlie r. the MFJ-1 19 is controlled by a series of buttons and a sw itch on the back of the un it. One of these buttons allow s yo u 10 change the temperature readout betwe e n Fa hren heit and Ce lsius with a single tou ch . Well , as a dedicated CW op erator, it is common " rag che wing" practice in an in ternatio nal Morse code co nvcrsatios to swap local weathe r condilions a nd temperature. Since we live in a wor ld that goes by two different te mpe ra- tu re record ing sys tems. the M FJ-l 19 makes it very easy to give my local temperature in Fa hren he it or , with a touc h of a butt on, in Celsi us for ma t fo r o perators in mo st forei gn co untries. No more co nvers io n formulas for the sake of keeping the co nve rsation go ing . Ye s. I know thi s o nly wo rks while I have the win dows ope n: mayb e the nice folk s at M FJ will co me up with an ind oor/outdoor d igita l therm om eter befor e the co ld sea so n sets in. Th e clean lin es and un iversall y neu tral co lor scheme of thi s clock make it a nice addi tio n to 'most any roo m or o ffice . A "professio nal" setup wo uld be to have two units side by side - one set to UTe and Ce lsius and the other to local time and Fa hre nheit. The MF J- l J 9GiantCloc k is $49,95 fro m MFJ Enterprises (PO Box 494. Mi ssissippi State. MS 39762) at 800-647- I800 or on the web at www.mfjenterprises.com P.S .: I' ve on ly had this clock aro und my shack for abo ut a week no w and I'm alrea dy spo iled , 1 need to tell the recei ver manu facturers these 2- 114" inch readout s are the way to go ! TRADE-IN BARGAINS! Grove Enterprises offers liberal trade-in allowances for yo ur used recei vin g eq uipme nt; we even bu y it o utrig ht. Ca ll us lo ll-free with a description of what yo u have ; our ope rators wi ll te ll yo u what it's wort h. And if yo u are loo king for used bargains. all trade-in s are care fully checked and/or recond itioned. and carry a 90day warra nty. Visit our Web site (www.grove-ent.co rn/ grove/hmpgbbb.htm l) for a list of o ur used radio eq uipment. or ca ll us now for a qu ote . t!f*..... n; GR~'\' ~ Call Today! GROVE ENTERPRISES, INC. \ GbA .(\VVi? 1-800438-8155 US a nd Canada;828-ll37-9200; FAX 828-ll37·2216 7540 Highway 64 W",1; Brasstown, NC 28902-0098 e-mail: [email protected]; web:\vww.grove-ent.com Sepfember /998 MONITORING TIMES 85 SCANNER EQUIPMENT Bob Pornoss, AJ95 EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR MONITORING POST Orange Book of Scanner Repair G euina the technical information rcquired to repair scanners became more di fficult this year with news that Unidcn and Radio Shack are not going 10 sell schematics or serv ice manual s for new sca n- Oran!!e Book of SCanner Repair ne r mod el s. Th ou gh I ca nnot su pp ly sc he matic s or se rvici ng data . this co lu mn w ill poin t yo u in th e right di recti on if yo u arc intere sted in finding the data needed 10 restore older sc a nners. Serv ice ma n ua ls for o lde r Radi o Shack .-.ua_ol ........... models may be ordered through Tand y Nation al Part s, tel e ph o ne (800) 4 42-24 25 or (8 17)fnO-5600. or through your local Radio S hac k store. Parts lists fo r recent and man y o lde r Radio Shack mo de ls are ava ilab le o n line at: http://support.tandy,eom/supporC clectronicsl2S49.html Sche ma tic d iag ra ms a nd se rv ice manu a ls for so me mod els may be obtai ned fro m Uniden! Bea rcat' s pa rts depa rt. ment, (8 00) 297- 1023. It ' s more d iffic ult to li nd information about the o lde r Bcarcat scanner s made by Elect ra. T he re -incorporated Elec tra Corporation ( 119 15 E. Wash ing ton St., C um be rla nd. IN 46229, ph on e 3 17-8943 229) se lls ow ne r's manuals. but no t se rvice m anu al s. Ho ward Sams Publi shin g d ivi si on of Prentice - Ha ll publishes a 15 vo lu me set of Scanner.Monitor Servicing Data bo o ks. kn own as th e S Dsc ries. Each vo lume co nta ins sc he ma tics and serv icing inform ation for a half dozen or m or e mod els. up throug h 19 79. Sams publishes an an nual index of service doc ume ntation. over 300 pages lon g. Co ntac t Sa ms at 264 7 Waterfron t Park way. East Drive , Indi anapoli s, IN 462 14-204 1, tel. (80 0)428 7 26 7 . o r v isi t th ei r w e b s i te http: // www.al.com/hwsams. David F. Norma n' s 250 page book , VHFI UHF Fire, Police, Ham Scanners - Schematic/Servicing Manual, is a great co llec tion of sc hematics and parts plac ement di agr am s for o ld crysta l sc anners. It was published by Tab Books (TA B Boo ks, Blue Ridge S ummi t, PA 172 94-( 850 ) in Ju ne 19 76 (ISBN 0-83065835 · 1) a nd is no w o ut of print. but o ld cop ies oft en ap pear at ham fcst s. I use a 12· inch he at seal po uch lam inato r to protect m y mo re valued sche matic s in 7 mil plas tic. My laminator is ma de by Banner America (4 238 1 Rio Ncdo. Temecu la. CA 9 259 0, USA , te l. HOO-572-2 144 , http:// 86 MONITORING TIMES September' 998 1DOdifk::I1Ionsf. -.. of ,.1Ice scuDUSl fowUl edttloa kDToahe, ..".taII1 I 99l www.lnland.net/banner/rn a il.htrnl ), and is o ne of the hand iest g ifts I' ve ever rec e ived . It se lls as m odel PL 12 A fo r un der $ 260 by Th e Lamination S tatio n (837 Mira ma r St reet. Ca pe Coral, FL USA 339()4, 1-800-419-0247, http:! /www.lamlnatlonstatlon.com). Yo ur local Kink os or office su pply store w ill also lami nate docume nts for a cou ple of doll ars per page . I Orange Book of Scanner Repair Ken To uhey provided a 4t h edit io n copy of hi s Orang e Book ofScann er Repair. It is a 61 page co mpilatio n of Ken ' s servicing notes an d m odifi cati on information . T he first II pa ges co ntain scanner re pai r ad vic e app licable to severa l models. T he re arc list ings of th e po pul ar IF/squ elch and audio a mp lifie r IC s alo ng with pin ass ignments. Th e rem ainder of the Orang e Book IS a listing of scores of scanner mod e ls, Some models arc listed w ith re pai r no tes fro m customer radios. c.g .. "Un ide n Bearca t XOOXLT : ... Di storted sou nd: C75 = 47uF 16V bad ; usc 22 0u F 25V. Als o replace C 73 = 47uF 10V with 47 uF 25V ..... Man y models arc listed for which there is 110 information pro vided. e .g .• " Roby n 4000: 55 D· 14" which mean s repair informat ion for the Robyn 400() sca nner ma y be found in Sa ms Sca nner- Mo nitor Servicing Da ta volume SD- 14 . T his bo ok is ro ugh . It co ntai ns few dia g ra ms an d many of the notes arc mer el y refe re nces to o ther boo ks an d mo d ificati on s already published on the Intern et. Th at sa id . the re arc va luable nugge ts of info rmati o n her e that arc d ifficult to li nd elsew her e - the kind of lips tech nic ian s sha re amon gst the m selves o ver a beer. II is be st suite d to e lectronics techn ic ian s and c xpc rlmentors a lrea dy fami liar with electronics, Th e Orangl' Book is avuilublc for $ 25 plu s $3 shippi ng fro m Ken' s Elect ronics. 2825 Lake St reet Kalamazoo . M I 4900 I (te l. (6 16 ) 345-4609. email kt?l/@kells£.1ectronics .com ). I Tone Out Testing In the 1970s and 80 s. Motoro la, AlE (Auto ma tcd Ind ustrial Elec troni cs Corp.). He lper Inst rumcnts. and o ther co mpan ies so ld d igital tone ge ne rat ing test eq uipmen t desig ned to troubleshoot receiver to ne sq ue lch c ircuitry. I use to ne ge ne rato rs to lest CTeSS decod ers and two-t o ne Plectron and Motorola Ale rt Mo nitor rece ive rs. Th ey ca n be used to test ton e-con troll ed base stations and two-tone seq ue ntia l pag er s. as we ll. You ca n connect the ton e ge ne rator to the tone decod er input inside the receiver or to the external modulu- Motorola, left , and A l E 2TSG - J. right, digital tone gene rators, $20 tunnfest harguins. ,,,,, ,, ~ . , , ~. ' ~ , , \"K". " .:;., . .:.!Jllllj,t .: '" I ll tl 0 " .. , 1111 ,1 ' '' ' ' .~ ' •~ ,c,:,r ' ",,, ~" ' ..:' • \ ~ I ' 1If • I,J ' ".,' ;llI tl \Il " ". ;,. ". '"' , (;J , I ''' '' l, " , " ' ..." V:" Thi s is an LTR-type trunk ing system and a short data burst can be heard every 10 seco nds on eac h of the idle trunkcd channe ls. Lest you think there' s noth ing to be heard but " boring" business co mmunication s, the FCC recentl y allocated 15 new frequency pairs in the 220 - 222 MHz hand 10 public safety. The systems will be narr ow band , as arc the SMR trunk ed systems already licensed there. R ad i o Map ™ T'.""miIlC' " '" in )''' " ' ar c, arc ",,,,,,,,hoo d,nJ nlID...J "" • ...."" 1,,' S·II.!, I I lull e,~ .., r ''''' · """ l COM l C-R8500 and other receivers with SS B product detectors communications. ca ll he used to scan " SCll 1 1 " ,,,,~h Fe'(' ',,0,,"='.1 " r<' r" "" \' I ,~ ",,,'m,,,,.< H..:l". hn ~ I""lice . ti l<. « lIutar r h,, 'U:. ile , . ...... ""' ,,. i,oJ".,,,,,1. h,,\ldca. .. " , nd ""« Icd ~.", ,,, 1r.""lll il1c,, ''c ' . C, II"~n , ""l """"'~' ••'; ~" "",n,, _,nJ """ .... l",wKlcd. It .... ,...10" .!:Illn,,, "''' ,,,,·lud..J y"" " h<~ "C ,he map " '"«' h-o"oo-y," " ""i~h t>- ~h , ~"j . ""., ~'O" ' ",f,... .lI, .. nJ ' p"'" .'ad,"m'_.lIIp, I",,< "' '' h' '' ,he l'n ,(.,j SIJ/e " We ..JJu" tion input jack of an RF signal ge nerator . Pro fessional tone generators arc now appearing athamfexts and electronics swap mccts. Shown are the Motorola S- I.133A and AlE 2TS G- 1 two-tone ge ne rators 1 boug ht at ha mfests for $20 each. The two mo dels arc so similar that AIEco uld have made the Motorola model. tOO. Both generate stable toiles from 10 HI:- 10 kHz. Th e ton e frequ encies are programmed by tbumbwhccl sw itches and the o utput level is adj ustable via potentiometers, You ca n ge nerate a single tOIlC or a seque nce o rt wo Innes. Tone duration and intcrtouc delay are adj ustable. You can eve n connect two or more ge nerators in tandem to prod uce lo nger tone seq uences. • Monitori ng ACSB Readers are already awa re of trunking radio sys tems which employ nar rowhand FM (N FM) in the 400 and SOO MHz ranges, Did yo u know there ' s ano ther type of trunkin g system in lise nat ionwide which Unidcn and Rad io Shac k trunk tracking scanners won't receive? I' m talking about ACSB . wh ich stands for arnplitude co mpandorcd sideband, If you have a VHf</UHF receiver wit h SS B capability (e.g., an lCOM IC· RX500, R7 100. R7000, or AOR AR-50(0 ), yo u ca n use the US B mode to mon itor ACS B rad io systems, I' ve monitored ACS B simp lex transmission s befor e. and now there arc new ACS B trunkcd syste ms in use in the Chicago area. T hree SMR (specialized mobile radio ) trunke d business systems wi th transmi tter sites in Chicago and Cook Co unty suburbs ca n he heard 50 miles fro m the city. Each trun ked system co nsists of fi vc repeater outpu ts in the 220 - 22 1 Mll z range. In pu ts are I MH z hi gh e r. T he se ar c narrowband. LTR (logic trunking radio) sys- ~ f",""., "' orJ., h,hl y. ,j,"I'< ",J," ~ " " Iro,,'mOiter'Ole dc" 'i l}' "" r "',.. ,,~< terns with ou t a contro l channel. The signals arc ACS B and the cha nne l spaci ng is 5 kH z. I use an IC-R8500 10 monitor them. but tuning requires prac tice . Like other single sideband modes. tuning ASC B requi res more precision than FM signals. which arc intclligiblc even when mistuned a few kHz off frequency . l usc a 10 I-I z tuning ste p size and my R8500 displays frequ encies about 1.75 kHz abo ve the FCC assig ned center frcqucn cics . Comm ercial AC S B tra nsce iver s. man y made by SEA Inc. (7030 220lh Street S.W.. Mountlake Ter race. W A 9X04 3. we b page h Up:l/ww w.sca-dmi.com ). use a pilot signal to automaticall y tunc the receiver to the same frequ ency as the transm itter. akin to a hi-fi Automa tic Fine Tuning Co ntrol. Unless you arc using a real ACS B rad io. an annoy ing warbl ing pilot tone is heard durin g tran sm issions. lIw"l u.h l~ ' " " d' " 1""r. " ",n, l, " " d hnhh}" ' l' fo' i do" l i t}',n~ """C". ".."... " f ,;0,) ,,,i,,'clformcc c,. SenJ "".... " ",,"' , ;n,<.....n in".nJ d"'-'1. rOll \lII.Y$I'0yohk ' " M"hc" I',,,,..., , 1I:' ~"'fll'........ 1I:. ,rI" '!oj "I! ... \ 1<.; ( .. n",llo" ~ II Mlq\ n 'pH ·1 j &0 tM ;:;o.o _ - . . . 0 ............ "'""" ' ....... '.; 0:--. '" ... " e 'n".... Ol.2llO'lll'~OOO F .. ..."0"1'10' fll:' ' ''01111,1 ;. .,_.. Pe "" .. Ie '-" "'~ "~* ""'''''';>'i'''''' '' i.. · . :' : :' '' :':"'-i':" .;:' . ' wa-":~ ''' R""1lll"'O-O O'~~ .. ·'! 3l ... '3 ES '" S II' . _ I r. l~JUg~1 8 (895)(~.T. , 'oWl) "" rot .. ¥II.J.WoC$_.~cv.sCQl,f'~. WwdF.. ~ l1~l;ll '-' 14t ii ,; lloUOCIXl , ~ · : @ tt'li1a @ li : J,Jo ...... ,jh i: , e I Monit or what's hap pening in REAL TIME , Search , sort. scan by freqs, comme nts. hits etc. etc. PC can eve n speak the freq. l hit time!. A sci i and drect OBF file support. Tape control s, alarms , many new features. Compa re (0 othe rs co sting so much more! Functi onal demo WNW.fut ures c ann i ng. co m or call RadioMax .. .just $45 (includes s/h in USA) FUTU RE SCANNI NG SYSTEMS 6 t05 SE Nowata Road #6 , Bartlesville OK 740 06 Ph. 918·335-33 18 FAX 918-335-3328 ~ 310 Garfield St Suite 4 !..1.1l!1.l.l!J PO Box 2748 E !ECTRON ics Eugene, Oregan 97402 Ne¢/DTMrD~C~;de r ~t.~1""'K' ~ \~ II II,m ~I .. II:""I .Il." . ", ~ Sale Price : $59.00 Plus SIH The N£I'I ToneLogger™ DTMF Decoder Display Board with ASC/f Serial Output decodes all 16 DTMF digits and features a large 8-digit LED display, an amplifi ed audio output. jumper selectable Normal and High-speed decoding, and an ASCII seria l output at 9600 baud. The 56 character memory is viewed. without loss of data, by scrolling either left or right. Although a computer is not required, the serial ASCII output allows for automatic logging of decoded number groups . Logging software for both DOS and Window s enviro nments is included with each Ton eL ogger l M purchase. The NEil! ToneLogger l M is 2-1/4" x 6 ~ and requir es 9 VDC at a minimum of 150 ma current. Ton eLogg er ™ Assembled C A B-3 Aud io & & Tested PCB Co mpute r C abl es $ 7 9 ,0 0 20 .00 PMK·1 Plastic Mounli ng Kit P$·912 9 VDC @ 200 rna AC Adaptor $1 5 ,00 10,00 V isa , Ma st erC ar d , Ame rican E xpres s, an d Disco v er /N o vus accepted . .I!!!I~~ " I VISA COD on Cash or Money Order basis only. ",.-,.,. . SIH: $8 USA;$1,' Canada: $16 Fore ign: COD: $5. Premium Shipping available at additional charge 1.-.:. 1111 ~ .!>lDo 1 M,_ ~~I~ (5~1~87~1 1~_O---,,-~ ~~O~8-~ ~~2 ~~ Sep fember 19 98 MONITORING TIMES 87 MAGNE TESTS Lawrence Mogne Edifor-in-Chief, Passport 10 World Bond Radio SHORTWAVE EQUIPMENT REVIEW AORs ARSOOO+3 "DC-to-Daylight" Receiver I n the world of pe rso nal co mputers ( pes), there is a vigorous debate und erwa y. On e camp fee ls that the long-term nonn will be the all- pow erfu l PC which does every thinglike what we ' ve seen for so me years, now. Another, ne wer, group forecasts that co mpu ter powe r will beco me balk ani zed . with eac h product having lim ited but spec ialized ca pabilities. T hese folks feel the do-it -al l PC will fade into relati ve insigni ficance . much as have mainframes vis-a-vis pes. So it is with communications recei vers, but in re verse. Until recentl y, if you wanted a tablet op shortwa ve rece iver, you purch ased a radio which could pick up shortwave, plus the band s lowe r down, such as mediu rnwave AM and longwave. If yo u wa nted a receiver co vering VHF , UHF and above, you got a scanner. But with impro ved circuit design. it has becom e possible to manufact ure receivers that can do it all, co vering every thing from VLF (very long wave ) to the periphery of the light spectru m. Kno wn as "DC -to-daylight recei ver s," these ha ve gott en bette r over time, but have not lit any sales fires thus far. The problem is not o ne of techno logy so much as co st. Th e requ irements of a sho rtw ave rad io and a scanner are d iffere nt eno ugh that while much is common to both types of reception , so me is not. In principl e , synt hesized design should help im prove upo n this, but thus far synthesi zed receivers themsel ve s have bee n co stly, whic h brin gs the issue full c ircle: Ho w ma ny folks are going to pay this kind of money for a radio recei ver ? Compo unding this are market realities. The vast majori ty of sho rtwa ve listeners are not interested in scanning, and many scanner buffs aren' t interested in shortwave . Thi s leaves a thin market for DC-to-daylight rigs-plus ma ny o f those who are interested in both sho rtwave and scanning see m to prefer separate un its, notwithstand ing the ava ilab ility of alI-cov erage model s. • Optional filter excruciating to install Take AOR' s latest do -it-all offering, the AR5000+3 (" Plus 3-' ). Unlike AOR's high ly rate d AR 70 30, it has been designed and ma nufactured in Jap an . Sugge sted retail in the United States is $2. 895, a ltho ugh street price is expected to settle in aro und $2 ,600, g ive or tak e. O ur unit has an op tional 6 kHz Co llins mechanical filter. which adds $ 150 to the price . 88 MONITORING TIMES September 1998 plus the $ 140 AS 5000 antenna selector. Botto m line, a three kilobuck recei ver. No surp rise, that. What was unexpected was to find that the opt ional6 kHz Co llins filter was not installed at the factory. instea d. the user has to rem ove the standa rd ceramic filter and replace it with the Co llins Ml-. The supplied instruction s we re wro ng. and it took over two hours to c o mp lete for Ro b Sherwoo d, of all people , who ha s done thousands of thi ngs like this over the years. We not ified AOR o r the prob lem . and to thei r cred it they re vised the instr uctions in a matter of days. T hat' s a big help. hut e ve n wi th these we don' t reco mme nd th at anybod y other than a thorou ghIy ex perienced elec tronics technician und erta ke this task. More to the po int: wh y. at this price. make peo ple ant e up S I5 0 for a filter that requir es a Han)' Hou dini to install? Fo r three Big On es AOR ought to install the Co llins MF as standard at the factory . per iod. The new " +3"' version add s synchrono us AM recept ion, autom atic freq uency contro l (A FC) and a no ise blanker to the feature ros ter of the standard AR50nO-which, by the way, co ntinue s to be made available . Interestingly, whereas AFC ci rcuits arc norm ally on ly for FM. that on the '5 000+3 also works on AM mode signals. Few shortwave broadcast signals drift appreciably, but pan elist Geo rge Ze ller wa s pleased to find the ' 5000+3 nicely bird doggi ng. pirate Rad io Metalli ca Worldw ide as it d rifted do wn the band. • Many featu res included, but not all • Disappo inting synchronous detector Th e AR5 00 0, in all versio ns, covers 10 kH z thro ugh 2600 MHz. with the appropr iate "hol es" in the ve rsion for the United States which , along with such enlightened soc ieties as the Democrat ic Peo ple' s Repub lic of Korea. fo rbid s the publi c fro m tun ing to certai n frcqucn cie s. Th ere are all manner oftun ing good ies , such as 2,000 presets that store just abo ut everything but the ope rator's finge rprints, kn ob tuni ng. a small keypad (not in te lephon e format) for d irect-frequency acce ss and. of co urse. scan ning. But there is no pa ssband offset control. nor is there a tunable notch for heterody ne rejec tio n. The World T ime dock ca nnot be read while the frequ ency is be ing d isplayed. Here, we look at the '5000+3 strictly as a non-scanner: that is, for recei ving signals be low 30 MHz. In the pas t, o thers at M T have re viewed the reg ular '5000 as it sc anner (sec Dec ' 96 " Scanner Equipme nt" ), so we wo n' t try to reinvent the whee l here . Afte r all. exce pt for additional presets. the enhanceme nts in the +3 version arc reall y for non scanning rcccp- Less fortu nate is the pe rfo rma nce of the sync hronous det ector. T he good news is that it acts both as sy nchronous dou ble side band and synchrono us sele ctable side band. al tho ug h its reje ction ofth e unwanted sideband is not equ al to that of many other mod els (on the '50 nO+3, manu al " ECSS"' tuning wor ks bet ter at adjacent-chan ne l rejectio n). Th e had ne ws is that it loses lock faster tha n my wire misplaces key s. T hc co nstant "brrrrp. br rrrp' as it loses. the n tries to regai n lock is so ann oying that man y will skip using this pote ntia lly useful fea tu re altogether. We did. tion. • AFC works on shortwa ve • Super b skirt selectivity; mediocre ultimate rejection a nd dyna mic range For shortwave listen ing ami DXing, two vo ice bandwidt hs are offe red : no minally J kHz and 6 kl-lz. bot h using ce ramic filters . We insta lled the o ptio nal 6 kH z C o llins mech an ical filter. but not before measuring performance of the standard 6 kHz filte r. The standard filters measure 7.6 kHz and 2.7 kHz at -6 dB. Th e optional Co llins wide filter measures a much bcn cr 6.0 kHz (5.95 k l-lz. act ua lly) . hut that ' s only half the story. T he Co llins filter a nd standard 2.7 kHz filter bot h have supe rb sk irt selectivity. as we ll. Wh at abou t the standard wide (7.6 kH z) fi Iter? Read o n . .. Wh at reall y threw us for ;,1 loop was tha t. fo r an unpreced ented second tabletop receiver in a row (see lust month ' s review of the Japan Radio NR D-S4S). the ultimat e rejectio n was SOdB for the sta nda rd wide filter .Th is is so poor that s kirt select ivity (-6/-60 dB ) cannot he co mputed. Thi s is virtu all y unacceptab le in any serio us piece of hard ware . but fortunatel y the ultimate impro ves to 60 dB wit h the Coll ins filler installed. Ultima te for the 2.7 k Hz filter routinely mea sured 60 dB . Whi le -60 dB is acc eptable. it is not the stuff of u serio uscommunica tions rece iver.The Drake R8 B. for-e xample. co sts less than hal f the price of the '5000 +3. and its ultima te rejection is 80 dB. Ultimates of SOdB and 60 dB a re what you e xpec t fro m simple portab les. not pr icey superscts. Sti ll. for ma ny--cspe cia lly in such place s as Nort h America wher e signal strengths tend not to be great-60 dB can he acceptable. Fift y decibels is beyond the Pale. though . so the o ptio nal 6 kH z Co llins filter, with its 60 dB ultimate. is stro ngly recomm ended. Dynam ic range also disap poi nts. Excess ive phase noise ma kes it unm eas urable at the customary S k Hz and 20 kH z separatio n poin ts. But eve n at a rela tive ly no-strain 50 k Hz separatio n. w here phase noise is less of a prob lem. the '5000+3 has dy namic range of o nly S8 dB and a third-order inte rce pt poi nt of -37 d Bm-both poor. Again. this is go ing to he .1 problem mainl y in such parts o f the worl d as Euro pe. Nort h Africa und the Near East. In North Am erica. parti cularly west of the East Coast-not to ment ion such weak-signal locales as A ustra lia and Israel-ulti mate rejecti on and dynam ic range are nowhere: as im portant. • Other measurements worthy Thi s is especi all y relevant with the ' SOOO+3. because in ot her respect s its shortwave performanc e is quite respect able . Its front -e nd selectivit y and image rejecti on are both exce llent. and second IF reject ion is simply super b. Sensitivity with the pre amp on is e xcel le nt. and a lmos t as good with the pre am p off. The related mea su re ment o f blocking is goo d. AGC threshol d and stabi lity are also of a high ca liber. although the noise blanker is o nly fa ir and is surprising ly co mp lex to o perate . O vera ll distort ion in the AM mode is minimal. slightly higher but still wo rthy in the sing lesideb and mode . and good but higher ye t with thc synchro nous det ect or in usc . Wi tha l. aud io qua lity using the interna l speaker is o nly okay. but it imp roves to ple asant with a suitable ex ternal spea ker. • Best receiver ever t ested in two respects The ' S000+3 is un beatable in two unusual areas : freque ncy readout acc uracy and no ise rad iat ion . On most receivers. as you tune up or dow n the radio spectrum. a certain degree of inaccuracy shows up in the frequency readout. Not so the ' SOOO+3. which on our unit reads out with ab solute. unfailing acc ura cy to the neare st Hert z . WW V o n 5000 k Hz read s oUl5000.000 k Hz; on 10.000 kHz it' s 10000.000 kHz. and sn on . This is the M ichael Jordan of receiver frequen cy readouts ! Broadcast ban d (mediurnwave AM) DX ers will also be pleased 10 find tha t the '5000+3 emits no detect able noise from its com ple x dig ital ci rcuitry . Thi s is the qui et est rad iat or a mo ng all digital recei vers we have tes ted. eve r. Wh at thi s mea ns : lon g wave an d med iu mwave loop antennas wo n' t pick up a single ato m of nois e from the '5OOO+3' s whis per-quie t cir cuitry. • Poor ergonomics encumber op eration Dea lers who carry the AOR AR7030. the software menus whic h usu ally ac t up on instruc tion s from the key pad . Add ed to thi s are default settings and ot her so ftware spec ifics that are un handy . inappropriate o r both. Hel ping o verco me the vari ou s operating hurdles is an unusually tho rou gh opera ting manual. whic h is " must" rea d ing . G iven its imp ortance and complexity. an index wou ld have been helpful. though, The history ofOC-to-day light recei vers reads pretty muc h the same. By and large. these rigs are V HF+ scanne rs that also pick up sho rtwave and below. rather tha n sho rtwave recei vers that also happen to be scanners. The A RSOOO fit s into this pattern like a g love. although AO R has clea rly tried to make (he +3 a stro nger co ntender as a shortwave rece ive r. Th is is a recei ver that o ught to be purchased o n a money- back basis . if on ly because the ergonomic framework is such tha t, while so me will accept it. others won't. This equipmenf review is perfonned independenrly by lawrence Megne and his colleagues in accordance with the policies and procedures of Intemational Broadcasfing Services, Ltd. If is completefyindependent of the policies and procedures of Grove Enterprises, Inc., its advertisers and affiliated organizations. 'SOOO's sibling recei ver. have been kn own to mutter darkly abo ut the high return rat e because people can' t figure o ut how to op erate it. O r, once the y do. don 't wis h to put up with s uch ho stile ergonomics. Whil e the '5000+3 isn't q uite in thi s ergo nomic ce llar. its ope ration is exceptio nally cumbersome . On the plus side . most fu nctions of the receiver are adj ustable. But as with the '7000. there are few co nventio nal control s. T hus. mo st recei ver functions are adju sted from RADIO DATABASE I NT E R N A T IONAL WHITE PAPER" reports contain virtua lly everythin g found during ex ha ustive tests of premi um s hortwav e receivers and outdoor an ten nas. Fo r a co mplete list. please send a self-addressed sta mped envelope to RDI White Pape rs. Box 300M,Penn's Park PA 1894 3 USA ; or go to www.pas spo rt.co m. Listening Post - The Advanced Scanning Solution 0 " ,,-_ . · ITe--·· -"'! -:::~:"7::", ~ ·· . ·· , ... .-,......... ...... ,... .... .-I.T.....'_..'.. . . ···. .... .."" _-"' ...."""' • .... . ....-.. "'_ .." '11.. -- '-'- ·· ""'. ...... -' ... " "' ·· _ .'"IT' \1'''-''''''' ." _... ....,... 13-- "-.. .. - · ... .":':.. .iI :: .. ':'.. "_." _ _ ~ ~ •_ , ~, _ ~ ' ,~ <t o'" .~ _ :'~' ''~ ....'.' Il" ~ ~ ._ ~ o ·~ ·_ · - .. ~ ' ~ ........... 5 .~'. ' .~ ~, ~ ,~: . , .- c-:: - » Includes Listening Post Frequ ency Datab ase on CD, All lor $99.95 Listening Post Frequency Database - Includes the FCC database, Marine, Coast, Aviation database, Federal, Airport tacilities, Cellular, PCS, Paging and much more. Includes full-teatured search and reoortlnc enaine. S29.95 on CD LP Communications, Inc., 5114 Balcones Woods Dr. 307·305, Austin, TX 78759 Phone (512) 260-3478 Call for more information or see us at www.lpcom.com September / 998 MONITORING nMES 89 RADIO-RELATED sonwARE REVIEWS John Cololono, phD [email protected] Observing Cassiopeia - Hand PCs & Windows CE or a min ute, I bet yo u tho ught you we re rea di ng Sate llite Times. lm not tal king abo ut the co nste llation Cassiopeia, b ut the Hand Co mputer fro m C as io whi ch run s Wi ndow s C E o W e first spo ke abou t this produ ct after the W inter 98 Consume r Elec tro nics S how (CES). But q uestio ns still lingered in m y min d. Is it a toy. o r a real co mp ute r? Ca n it run rad io mo nitoring prog ram s? A nd " Is it wort h the mon ey?" Hol d yo ur wa llet closed w hile we try to answer these qu estio ns. After a recent trip to Hon g Kon g o ne o f these little bab ies is now at my di s posal. Th e A- I IA S uper model comes with 6 megabytes of Random Access Memory (RAM ) in a 7 x 3.5 inch case thai' s tr uly hand-he ld (F ig ure 1). It is po wered by two alkaline AA batt eri es and aCR2032 lithiu m battery. T he lithium is for data backup si nce the un it does not co ntai n a ha rd dr ive. Th e AA batt er y life is typ icall y 18 hours o f co ntinuo us usc, wh ile th e back up w ill last five years. But add a 33 .4 kbs mod em in th e miniature PC card slot of the Cassiopeia, and the buttery life tumbles to j ust a few ho urs. An AC adapter. rec hargeab le hatt er ies and ex pa nsi on port arc a lso avai lable . • Navigating in a small space T he di sp lay of the A- I IA is a mo nochrome liquid crystaldi splay which is backl it for lo w ambient light viewing. T he d isplay has a transpare nt. p ressure sens itive. sw itc h m atr ix overlay . T his a llo ws th e user 10 invoke co mm ands by to uch ing the des ired task w ith a pen-like sty lus (inc lude d and stored in the fro nt o f the un it). Al ternntivel y, if yo u hav e sm all finge rs, yo u ca n usc them o n the screen in place of the sty lus . Th e Ca ssiopeia can also be co ntro lled via a m iniatu re . bu t trad itio na l, keyboard. T yping here is strictly "o ne finger." • Windows who? \Vindo ws C E (cons ume r electroni cs ) was develo ped by M icrosoft for the ap pl ian ce 90 MONtTORING TtMES September 1998 mar ket. It ca n even be found sc ree n was j ust begg ing to be in car radi os. It co mes loaded fi lled . T his req ui red lo adin g in Read O nly Mem o ry (ROM ) CE App lica tio ns o n m y deskand its desktop sc ree n look s to p W indo ws 95 Pent iu m via ve ry fam iliar to W indo ws 95 the inetuded C D RO M .A " Mousers. Bu t what so ftware will bile Devi ce" ico n th en ap it run? Wi ndows 3. 1'? \Vinpe a red o n th e d e s k to p dows 95 '!O r neither'!That was FIGURE 1: Cosio's co mputer"s sc ree n. Using this software , we can now co nnec t the biggest q uestion in my H and PC Run nin g mind. Anothe r nagg ing ques- Microsoft's Windows CE the Cassiope ia to the desk top tion wa s. "H ow do I co nnec t to the o utside via their se rial ports and transfe r files and world?" Th e C ass iopeia's entire side was programs...mayb e. no t mu ch larger than a 9 pin serial connecSure eno ugh. the Ca ssio peia and the tor. T rad itional connectors we re no where deskto p star ted " talk ing" to eac h othe r. Startto be round. ing s low ly. I Hi ed copying an E xcel spreadFurther inspectio n o f the left side of the she et file from the desktop to the CassieA- I IA ind icated n sma ll fl ip- up doo r, which pcia. A fte r a mystery sc ree n announcin g ex posed a tiny co nnector. Casio prov ides a " Valid File C on vers ion" wa s d isplayed , the "tiny co nnecto r" to standard 9 pin se ria l Exce l file app ea red on the Ca ssiopeia and loaded witho ut p roblem s into the CE Exce l ca ble. Flimsy , b ut ade q uate. S preads heet. Great! Now let' s try filling the My Program s folder with so me radi o -re• Light years, ahead or away lated so ftwa re. S tarti ng s low, let' s try tra nsAlso o n the s ide is a dark red len s whic h ferri ng a DO S based program. Ham Commay hold the fu ture o f data com m unicapanio n, that we have reviewed in a pre viou s tion s, T his is Cassiope ia' s Ir DA port. lrDA , co lumn. Infr ared Data Assoc iatio n. is a g roup o f m ajo r co m p ute r co mpanies who have • Hey! What is that screen? fo rmed a co nsort iu m and pro d uced a wireT he inst ruction files. whic h are plai n text less da ta tran smi ssion stand ard usi ng infra red beams. The fir st standa rd , (rDA vers io n files (.txt) tra nsfe rred w itho ut a probl em . ] .0. has a ra nge o f 3 mete rs and a d ata rate T hen it happened. W he n the main " HC.ex e·· o f up to J 17 kbs, W indo ws CE provides a file wa s attemp ted to he co pied. the mystery q uick and easy infra red (Ir) dat a port tr an s- sc ree n ag ain ap pea red, hu t it wo uld no t go fer program included o n the Cassiopeia. awa y. Instead , it anno unced "No File Co nve rsion Fo und" (F ig ure 2). W ha t does it Th e who le concep t is ve ry use r friendly and makes portable co mputi ng ea sily tra nsfer- mea n? Trouble . able hac k to yo ur deskt op . As it turn s o ut, T he file was tra nsfe rred fro m the deskth is may be the o nly shining view o f the to p to the C as siope ia. Ho wever. cl icking 0 11 future that we saw. • Lift off (maybe) A number o f standalo ne "a pplicatio ns" pro gram s are pre lo aded into the C assiopeia. T hese incl ude W indow s CE vers ions of W o rd . Exce l. M icroso ft ' s Intern e t Browser and Sc hed uler. Rut the empty fo lder labeled "My Progra ms" o n the C assio peia CD ~C31 ' FIGURE 2 . No convertet ~ been ffied~ 101' tm fie type The fie .....be l/mmerredmh outconvertion. Toview <w~ble tkl eonverler$. ieleel ~ conveifion homthe ToOlr menu • ICJl'CJI . ,,--,e::.;:,---' ~ r ,D O JlOl ~ ~ mem'}e i'llhe h.ttre. _ G ' . The " Beginning ofthe End" Screen it brings up a sc reen that I couldn' t believe . It bas ically said that since HC.exe was not a Windows CE program it would be tra nsferred . but wou ld not run! Uh. oh. I qu ickly (and nervous ly) repeated the process with Windows 3.1 and 95 programs. The same message and no working program. Windows CE 2.00 does incl ude a number of conversion tools. But these are primaril y for text conversion . I'm still angry just thinking abou t the "experts" that had written all those glow ing Hand PC articles. • Fooled again by a name After readin g and heari ng all the hype abou t the wonde rful Hand PCs and Window s CE o all I can say is. what garbage! Well peop le. we (I) have been fooled. Thi s crop of Hand PCs are little more than a wordprocessor, spreadsheet and an internet e-ma il retriever. That' s it. Not quite a Hand Personal Co mputer. As for Windows CE 2.00 . at best it is a misnoma. At worst ... WELL! Windows CE 2.00 is not compatible with Windows 3. 1, 95 nor 98. It ca nnot eve n run DOS program s. I tried in vain for a numb er of days. Reading the entire manual cover to cover I thought I was missing something. So I ca lled Casio's Cassiopeia' s Tech Service s. They confirmed what should have been put in all the misleading adve rtisements and articles concerning Windows CE o " Only Windows CE programs can be run . Es se ntia lly on ly th e Wo rd CE Wordprocessor, CE Excel Spreadshee t and CE Scheduler can be run." the Casio representative patiently rep lied . Th inking] most have misunderstood I said . " Windows 3.1 programs? Windows 95/98'1 DOS'!" "No" to all, Iwas firmly told . With that. I slammed the phone down and thought about the hundreds of dollars I had wasted on the Hand PC con sum er joke. Yes, ne w Windows CE 2.00 programs are bei ng written. But I was told by anothe r industry source that it' s at a rate of one per week. I hope radio software people take notice and join in. But for now, there are very few program applications that have been co nve rted to CEoWithout bei ng downward co mpatihle with anything. how co uld they name it Windows? By the time a useful base of CE programs are available, the curre nt Hand PCs will have as much value as a 80286 mac hine has today : almo st nothing. If yo u have to have the latest techn ical gadget to impress you r friends and make you feel special the n ... get a life. but don ' t get this . or any other Window s CE Hand Computer. In my opin ion . at this time you are just throwing away money. Someday the Hand PC will be a reality. Just not yet. Perhap s Wind ows CE ZOO3 will be what its name implies. Just think of all those exciting pub licity campaigns and product release fanfa res that lie ahead . I can 't wait. Pocket Loop 1 N T1u.> Kiw . PocUt tc ....p is. 12..5inch diollme1('r Air Con.' Loop Anlenna that collapses, 1.0 iii in your podw t! This oll nlennoll is dcstgned (or portab le receivers eo enha nce MW and SW rece ption . Tuning is fro m 5JO klli to 23 ~ I Iz. Idea l for tr;l\"\.>l.crs. NEWI Pocket Rege nerat ion Mo dule The I'RM is an aeeesscry to th~ J'od:.et Loop pro vid ing rt'g("Jll'foll!ion from SJOkl lz to >10 MHz. Increase gain 18 ae wi th Improved selectivity! K iw a Elect ro nics 612 Sou th 14th Ave ., Yakima \VA 98902 @ 509 -453-5492 or 1-800-398-1146 (ord ers) ~l kiwa@Wolfcnct .com (lnternet /Oi talog) . . http:/ /www ,wolfe.nct /-kiwa • Coming up Next time, wc 'I l go back in history to visit a restored missile site and a get a com plete tour of its comm unications, co mputer and radar va ns. If you lived thro ugh the Co ld War it will bring back me mor ies. And eve n if you do n't remember that period in histor y, the computer "technology" will shoc k yo u. 'Til next time, as the Rom ans ca utioned. Caveat Empto r. Antique Radio'S Largest-Circulation Monthly Magazine Artic les - Clas sifled s - Ad s tor Part s & Serv ices Also : Early TV, Ham Equ ip ., Books, Telegr aph , 40's & 50's Radio s & more... Free 2o-word ad eac h month. Don't miss out! ~ t- vear: $40.95 ($57.95by 1st Class) r.tIii!iIIiI Wiiil!l fi..Month Trial - 520.95.Foreign · Write. A.R.C., P.O. Box 802·P13, Carlisle, MA01741 Phone: (978) 371·0512: Fax: (978)371-7129 Web: www.antiqueradio.com September 1998 MONITORING TIMES 91 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Rachel Bau hn, Editor NEWS AND VIEWS FROM OUR READERS from the Editor's Desk RFenergyin a lightningstroke occursin the • Readers will note there's no Grove Buy er ' s Guide enclosed in this issue . No , your postal carrier has not tak en a s udden interest in radi os; ju st watch for the Grove Christmas catalog in your mailbox in late October instead of the insert, andas always, visit www.grove -ent.com forthelatest on G rove products and publications. • I'm very pleased to welcom e Assistant Edit or Larry Va n Hom back to the pages of MT as editor of a new column on military co m munications : " M iICo m." The co lumn w ill be bi-monthly, alternating with John Fu lford ' s " Fed File." • We wish to acknowled ge the legacy of John Bail ey-our art director for the past se veral years, and the person resp onsi ble for the clean desi gn and high standa rds the magazine has ac hieved. He ' s been producing covers for Monito ring Times for even longer. designing ourearliest covers under the name "Owassa Graphics." John was recently forced to resign as art director wh en a maj or illn ess prevented him fro m doing the work he loves. But, as this month, he 'll be keeping his hand in, still doin g MT covers from time to time! • Ihave some corrections from readers on items in the Jul y " What' s New" co lum n: the webs ite address for BayG en radi os is now www.Freeplay.net. A reader tried to co ntac t Cutting Edge Enterprises in Santa Cruz and was unab le to fi nd them; we ha ve also been unable to locate the com pany which so ld portable power supplies . If anyone has information, please let us know . Colin Leath was interested in the Sk yScan lightn ing dete ctor, but whe n he called Eq uity Indu stri es, they quo ted a price of$ 199.50 instea d of the $99.50 told us for " W ha t 's New ." ( T he ir we bsi te www.eiesafety.eom/order/index.htmlquotes $ 149. 95!) Co lin says, " I pa ssed . It looked like a good unit. M aybe lightning detection or a built-in yourself detector might be a good subject for an article ." Read o n. Colin ... Home·brew storm tratking In res po nse to Jul y' s "C los ing Co m- ments" on alternate means of storm detection:"Ihave been using a home-brew lightning det ect or that wo rks prett y we ll. Mo st 97 MONITORING TIMES Septembe r 1998 ELFIV LF spec trum. I co nnec t my 80-foo t Windom to a series L-C network (500 mHI 2000 pF), resonan t at 5 kH z. Thi s is fed to the input of a Radio Shack battery ope rated audi o amp. I co nnec t a VU meter to the external speake r jack, and adj ust the gain for a -10 background noise reading, which short vortex danglin g from the clouds. In resignation, he ' ha rru mphed' and we both ran out to watch the show. It was brief and soon vanished into the overcast. Several such funnels were an estimated 30 miles or more distant , but the broa d bands of white screen persisted in most cases. Plenty of time to take cover. " What bu gs me is why this phenom en on is mostly power line hum. "Li ghtning strokes produ ce sharp deflecti on s. At a radius up to abo ut 100 mile s, hasn't been developed and put in general use . It has bee n known for almos t half storms produce spikes up to around· 7. As ce nt ury and is available to ali with T V. If I they approach, they rea ch up to abou t -3 be fore I hear thunder. Loca l storms send the needl e abo ve 0 V U. Th ere is no dir ecti vit y to this, but that cou ld be acc om plished with develop a si mple circuit ind ependent of TV, ca pable of so und ing a rau co us no ise. T esting co uld prove a probl em, unl ess a random a loop. It ain't radar, but it's something to watch." -John H. Cobb, Jr., Roswell, GA were younger,an attempt would be made to noise generator is created to produce snow bands with their widths and duration s also being random. Tuned between channel 2 and 3, a lot of lives could be sa ved . " Bo b Grove's re ply: " Regarding the storm detector , that' s cert ainly a cute idea. I woul dn 't be surprise d that a small active- antenna module could be made to sit on a de sktop , hi-Q tun ed to the ELF ran ge to hear and display strokes . "T he NOA A Hurricane Center in Miami had (and possibly still has) a co nso le with a giant, flashing neon bulb to visually register nearb y lightning strokes. It was neat to wa tch, kinda like a Franken stein movie !" -Bob Grove "By coincidenc e I also used TV for twister detection. The ones we have around the Phoen ix area ro tate too slow ly and ge nerally ne ver tou ch do wn . During the spa n be tween 1950 and the present, half do zen wer e spotted on C hanne l 3. Until video ca me ras supplied funn els as proof, the typi- cal official government attitude here was, 'No to rna does form in this region, what yo u experienced was a straight wind.' "M y brother-in -law and I were watching C ha nne l 3 news. It wa s late afternoon and suddenly broa d bands of steady snow began obliterating the program, increasing until the channel faded int o the background . " I told my gu est it ind icated we have a tornado, probably bet ween us and the tra ns- mitter 10 miles south. Being in his best redneck mode he delivered a put-down. Being certainit wouldn'tdo any damage we continued watching for a minute orso, then the screen changed back to TV showing a - Will Rhodes, W7KLA. AZ Sobering Numbers JIBoon e passed along (via email) the news that the American ShortWave Listeners Club (A SW LC) may be faci ng its demise. He reported thathis membershipcheck was returned and that a letter from general man ager Stewart McK en zie indicated that ther e wo uld be no more mo nthl y bull etins [SWL], due to lack of operatin g funds . He opened up the floor to other remedies, but cited the fact that long time members were not renewing in sufficient enough numbers to ju stify the cl ub's o ngo ing existence. Boone asks , " Is this trend go ing to co n- tinue do you think? Are there no major clubs left ? Can' t SPEED X and AS WLC merge, or so me thing? Or have we old tim ers j ust go tten tired of figh ting the fight and given in to the siren song of the Internet and (dare I say it) 'Scanning' ? Has SWL listening go ne the way of the CB radi o? Fe liow hobbyists, if we are go ing to co ntinue, per- haps we'd better circle the wagons and come up with some solutions." T ho ugh the recent proposal by the ARRL to significantly lower the CW requirement and simplify the license classes is a welcome one (see "Communications"), Robert Homuth makes a point no hobb yist should forge t: (Continued on page 94) INDEX OF ADVERTISERS ' SCANNER POWERt Alpha Delta 13 Antique Radio Clossilied 91 Arlantic Ham Rad io ........ ......•......... 69 These two newhand-held scanners redefine the standards for full-range reception! A LlNCO DJ-XIOT AOR AR8200 AOR's leading scanner has been improved eve n further! With 500 kHz (usable down III 100 kHzj-2040 MH/. (less cellular) frequency coverage . three AM bandwidths. three FM bandwidths. USB. LSB. and CW modes. the new AR8200 provides a Covering 100 kHz- 2000 MHz (less cellular). the trip leconversi on Alinco DJX lOT allows all-mode monit oring- -AM . NF M. WFM. USB. LSB. and CWoA Channe l Scope provision visually d isplays.+Ochannels sim ultaneo us ly so you can qu ickly tunc to a signal as soo n as it appea rs on the sc reen, Help messag es ass ist op era tion ; yo u call even choose your leve l of operation from beginner through ex pert: Th e alph an umeri c displ ay a110\\'5 yo u to nam e-t ag eac h channel's co ntents fo r instant ID. Au to- me mory wri te automat ica lly stores freq uenc ies discove red during unattended searching-sup to 1200 channels in 30 ba nks. Higl y versat ile scanning modes include IO-g roup prog ram . memory. prog rammed memory. selected mode. VFO. dual-VFO. linkedrange . and priorit y. Up to 1000 unde sired channels may be locked out from the scan/search sequence. Add itional features include autotimer on/off, clock. cable clo ning. demo mode. key lock . piro rity watch. disp lay contrast. low battery a larm . Vf'Oe-mc mory entry. selectable attc nuator. and bac klig ht. plug-in medium-wa ve ferrit e ha r ante nna and a functio n expansion port for anyo ne of seve ral opt iona l cards. including 4000 channel memory. CTCSS squelch and search. 256 step tone e liminator. or 20 second audio record/playback, Fine tu ned in 50 Hz steps and fea tur ing a noise limiter and aue nuato r, the AR8200 sports a band scope to display all signals lip to 10 MH z span! Smart tuning matches freq uencie s with approp riate modes and tuning steps <ed itable). and a gian t. high-contrast display permits alphanumeric 10 of memory information . Scan ning or searching is done at 37 steps per second . Signal stre ngths are displayed on a n LCD bargruph . Up to 1000 frequenc ies may be stored in 20 variable-siz e me mory banks. as we ll as lockout. select scan. priority. and searc h autostore. Austin Antenna Avai lability pe ndi nu FCC a p- for only $389.95 plus $ 10 US Prio ri ty Ma il or UPS Znd Day Ai r shipping . p rova l. Cull Grove or e-mail aor@grovc .nct for price and availab ility. GROVE ENTERPRISES, INC. (Visit liS at www.gruve-ent.cnrn) (800) 438-81 55 (US & Ca nada); 828-837· 9200; 828-837-22 16 (Fax ) 7540 Hwy 64 W, Brasstown. NC 2X902; e-mail: orde r@grove. net 59 Bandercam 11 Bony Electronics 73 Boger Electronics 73 Cabinet Communications .:.............• 91 Citizens Band Review 71 Communications Electronics _.. 29 ComputerAided Technologies B2, 83 Delta Research 11 OX Computing 45 Future Scanning Systems 87 Glenn Hauser 35 Grave Enterprise>.... 9, 11, 15, 19, 73, 79,85,93 ICOM Caver III Jacques d'Avignan 49 John Figliazzi 63 Kevin Carey 66 KWVA Electronics 33, 91 Klingenfu" 69 Lentini Communications ..•....•.......•... 23 LP Communications 89 Monitoring Times 95 Motron Electronics 87 OptoElectronics Caver II, IV Palamar Engineering 63 PW Publishing 59 Radiamap 87 R.C. Distributing 67 R,D.!. White Papers 89 Sotellite Times 95 Scanner Moster 69 Skyvision 7 Sony Call tod ay 10 order WllR 2-MT _ 3, 64, 65 Stridsberg Engineering 17 Universal Radio 5 Viking International 7 WiNRADIO WSYI September 1998 81 _ MONITORING TtMES ,\ 21 93 STOCK EXCHANGE Monitoring Thill'S a .HlI/l1l'.\' IW responsibili tv fo r mis represented merchandise, Ad" for Stock Exchange must be received 45 Jays prior (0 pub licatio n date. All ads m ust be pa id ill advance to M onitoring Times. Ad COP)' must he typed for legibility. CO MMERCIAL, NON·SUnSC R18ER, AND I'\iIUl:n PLE SALES RAT ES: $ 1.0U per word. Commercialline ads printed in hold type. 1· 3/~" SQ UARE nISPLAY AI>: $50 per issue if NO N-CO:\lI\IERC IAL SUBSC R IBER RATES: camera -read y copy or. $85 if copy (0 he typese t. Photo-redu ction 55 add itiona l c harge. For more $.25 per word - Subscribers ollly! A ll merch andise must be person al and radi o-related . information on commercial ads. contact Beth L IG HTN ING RO DS . In stall yourself. Webs it e: www.lightningrod.com or call 1-800-532·0990. FREE 80-PAGE RADIO CATALOG. Call 1-800·5228863, or visit our website: ccrane.corn " HEAR TH E DIF FERE NCEl" New Pro be V4.0 snftware. Developed exclusivel y for Optoelectronic ' s " OptnScan." Runs on most IBM compatible compute rs. DataFile, Inc., POB 20111, St. Louis, MO, 63123. Email [email protected]. Le inb ach . 82 8-J lN ·..W07 . radionics, exotic weap onr y, coun ter measures. Cata log $3US,$7 foreign, PO Box 23097,Albuquerque, NM 87192, www.tsc·globa l.colII/consu mer .ht ml WA NT ED : K & L SIA· 200 (only) interface. 609-822-5 114. FOR SA LE : ICOM R- I00 rece iver. unblocked . mi nt co ndition. $550. Ron Price, 520 -295-2 152 . FOR SALE: Drake R-8 rece iver . goo d co ndition , $600. Patrick Brow n. 28 1-996-5920. 1805 Crooked Creek La ne. Pearland. T X 7758 1, patmbrown rs'jun o.com HOBBY SHOP: customized filters, professional coa x, RF connectors, Econn Elect ronics, 624 West Main Street, Suite 60, Norwich, CT 06360. 860-823-1230. WANT ED: Message Tr ac ker , Basic, Plus or Pro vers ion. Ca l! 24 hrs. 3 10-9 15-9625. CO NSU M E RT RON IC S 200+ hi gh-tech s u r viva l publications, Special Proj ects, Elect ro nics, microwave, computers, Int ernet, phones, security, energy, financi al, FO R SA LE : Radi o Shac k PRO -200 4 with 800 MHz upgr ades, $200 a BO . Radi o Shack PRO-46, goo d cond ition . $ 100 OBO. Ema il me at [email protected] or ca l! 520-625-2668 Sco tt. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (Continue d from page 92) NEWS AND VIEWS FROM OUR READERS " 1do not share the view that 'Real ham s work HF.' ... When the new Technician or Nov ice gets his or her first licen se, this operator is now a 'Real fla m.' Everything else is an op tiona l bonu s. "No change in legislation orbrea kthro ugh in ham eq uipment can replace the elmer. If a new Technician wants to learn C\V, the best way to drive him off is to say, ' I' m too busy to help yo u myself, but yo u must upgrade to be a real ham o perator: " How about the CW fan w ho lament s findin g ragchewers, then in the sa me senrenee gripes that too many poor operators with a bad fist annoy him ? " It' s the same with scanning, SWL, satellite, FM- DX. and any other radio -re lated hobb y.T rea t ever..v new ham , SWL, satellite DXer . F M DX hun ter, fox-hunter . or other radio hobb yist as a valucd friend and indi- 94 MONITORING TIMES September 1998 vidual. " l' m bored with pseudo stat istics that predic t the 'e nd of radio in ten years' if nothing else chang es. Radio c hanges by the minute: ' - Robe rt Hom uth . Phoeni x. AZ Great reteption 'rom He}B " Last Jun e, dur ing a trip to Co lombia and Ecua dor , I was pr ivileged to visit and be the guest of HCJB there in Quito. Wh ar J tremendous experience !Wh ile there Iobse rved the recording of Ken Mac Harg' s program "S aludos Amigos." He interviewed me on the show and it was a thrill to real ize my voice we nt out to all the wo rld hy means of thei r powerful transmitters. " Late r, during a sho rt term mi ssion proj ect in El Salvado r, I liste ned on my Grund ig YB400 to the same broad cast! Ironicall y, IH T s Ju nc issue incl uded an artic le on HCJ B, or I wo uld have writte n up my visit and submitted it as an artic le. " I wa s totally overw helmed d uring my visit to Pi fo. the ir transmitte r and antenn a site. Abso lutely fantastic ! It is such a shame that soon they will have to tear it all down and move it somewhere else becau se of the const ruction of the new airpor t. HCJ B has do ne so much for the country o f Ecuador through its hospital and othe r proje cts thai it see ms to me the gove rn me nt ought to help the m wit h the expe nse s o f the move and relocation ." - Dm' ill Solli day. Wheal RidX£', CO Your lett ers a re welcome at P.O. Box 98, Br assto wn, NC 28902 or email nueditortiigrove.net Open 10 hobby ists worldw id e, the CANADI AN INT ERNATI O NAL OX CLUB is Canada's nalional, general coverage rad io dub se(\ling members si nce 196 2. The Messenger featur es columns on AM/FM. shortwave. utiliti es. scanning. a Sling, pirates, ham radio and more. Find All of Your Scanner a nd Shortwave Ne eds On-Line! Oc tober 2-4, 1998 Ir,lchntl; CoIege. Han1ton, Orurkl Ontario DX Association Bor 1&1. SWIon A, Wl bwdaIIi Send $2 lor a sampl e cop y 10: CIOX 79 Kipps R F P I THE RMO MUGS 1 6 ·o z $ 10 e ach , ppd Radio Fest 98 Join the Ontario ox Aa&oda1Ion aI:ourannualCD"N8ftlon totone or .... )'eafl lop radio eY8fU. Onwt:l 1.l2N SSB canada si.. Greenfield Park. PhOne(41 6}2Q3.ijg19 Fax (416)293-&'KXJ Intemel: 704OCI ~ .c:om Ouebec. CANADA J4V 38 1 e-m ai l: ve2shw @rac.ca Web: www.anarc.orglcidxl . ...·s painless, vve prcu....ll s e . Con"'ac'" our adver...ising IT'Ia n a g e r , Be...h Leinbach, a'" 704- 3 89-4 0 0 7 -------------- - - - - - - ------ -1-- ----------- Subscribe to M10r S1for as little as S12.95 (U.S. Second Class Mail) {J M.n,"tor,"ng Times- Clip and mailIhis adalongwithyour payment or calf us to subscribeor renew to Monitoring limesor sneme limes! ST Now Monthly! Beginning wilh its January issue.Ihe lormerly bi-monthly Satellite Times is being produced monthly. Sf's international reputation for timeliness. accuracy, and comprehensive coverage of space communications and other orbital events makes it a natural complement to MT. 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If your mailing address uses a route number. have you been assigned a 911 street address. instead? The P.O. has inlormed us they will begin delaying delivery of maillhal does not contain thesecorrect elements. We will not be able 10 honor replacem ent requests lor a monl h alter non-delivery if your address does not com ply. Look at your label to see if it lacks the required information. If so. please send your updated mailingaddress to us at P.O. Box 98, Brasstown. NC 28902"0098, or e-mail to [email protected]. Th anks tor helping us get Monitoring Times to your doorstep in the most spee dyan d economical way possible. September 1998 MONITORING TIMES 9S LOSING OMMENTS By Bob Gro ve, Publisher Media Muddles A recent manhunt in the mountains points out how not to start a tactical maneuver. "Well, The re porter went on to advise his readers just how easy it is to convert a (presumably we ' re go ing to be here T hursd ay with abo ut 50 men; we' ll begin ahouse-to-house search in the ( ) com muni ty , then move on to ( )," the han d-he ld) scanner to recei ve ce llular c ha nne ls: "C ut the lead on diode 50 2," he continued . O nly the discontinued Radio Sh ack models PR0 2005 and PR02006 (bas e/mo bi le models) had this diode fix: perhaps our intr ep id writer spokesman for the investigative team said. Talk about sig na ling yo ur pu nche s ! Their ga me plan was aired by the radio statio ns and q uot ed in all the regi on al ne wspapers. Oddly e no ugh, the culprit got away. Go fig ure . As technology moves for ward, another kind of muddle emerges as news reporters seem to get fanher and farther behind . Admitted ly, it' s difficult to keep pace with progress, but it's q uite anothe r to ignore fac ts, mind le ssly quote sources, andcopy the uncorroboratedreport sof others. T hat' s notjoumalism, that's lazy hackmg. Occasiunal errors are forg ivab le, but the mor e yo u know abo ut a spec ia lized subject like radio communications, the more you spot the pitfall s of ignorant rep oning . A recent a rtic le from a wes tern newspaper come s to mind. I'll spare them the e mbarrass me nt of bein g identified. envisioned the escapees dragging anenormous extension cord or carrying a car battery with them . But communications ignorance didn't stop with the re porter; it cont inued with public safety office rs. A SW AT team comma nde r wa s quoted as saying that he expected every communication wo uld be compro mised becau se the)' didn't have scrambling. Now that ' s inexcusable. If I didn 't want anyone to know what I was up to.Td simply say, " Alpha uni ts, ro meo fo ur bravo." That could mean anything from "l' rn go ing home before I fall aslee p" to "S uspec ts are probably one mile ahead; watch the right side of the trail." Reporting on theescapades offugitivesroam- Competent teams have learned how to secure thcircommunications without using scrambling. Local maps are divided into grids C'AIpha one:' etc.): team mem bers are issued tacti- ing a remote area, presumably armed with a cal calls (" 106" ). T he co de list is ret ain ed hy the scanner, the writer expressed his astonishment members and may he changed at any time. Radio frequencies can he changed at prearranged. erratic intervals so as not to lip off anyone who might be listening in. But perhaps the worsl gaffe of all was sug- that. along with maps. bombs. survivalist instructions. andextremist propaganda. there was also a list of po lice frequ en cies. A ppare ntly he has never visited the FCC Web site wh ere these are available to anyone-no charge-noris he aware of the asso rtment of CD- RO Ms , Police Call andotherscanner frequency directories, or the scanners that come pre programmed with pol ice (and othe r) freq uen cie s! ge sting tha t if the culprits had pocket sate llitetracking GPS units. they could monitor the keypad presses of their pursuers to find out where they were! I really don't think so. fi~­ I 96 MONITORING TIMES Seplembe, 1998 WH AT TH E EXPE RTS SAY: " BOTIOM LIN E: · A top notch receiver/scanner with.qua lity and. featu re s to plea se the di scrimi nati ng -and, serious S\VL or monit oring buff. .Thi s handsome recei ver is a terrifi c centerpiece or complement to any listening shack:' -QSf.4/97 "R8500 construction is impressive. A rugged. die-cast aluminum chassis is used to hold and shield the various circuit boards. Good ground ing and shielding are requiredto preventa receiver from ' hearing' its own circuitry. resu lting in birdies." - Monitoring Times. 1/97 " . . .it 's on HF where the ICOM really shines. TheR8500 has both a Noise Blanker circuit and Intermediate Frequency Shift that really help red uce or eliminate interference all shortwave frequencies. The ICOM's Audio Peak Filter is also very effective at helping voices to ' pop out' of the HF back ground n~) ise." - Popular Communications. 2/97 Limited lime offer. See your authorized rCOM Americodealer today 101 deloi~. om THE NEW OP COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVER WITH MOTOROLA TRUNK TRACKING ·H igh speed triple conversion GRE receiver board · Track Motorola 400MHz, 800MHz, and 900MHz systems , as well as conventional frequencies , simultaneously (EXCLUSIVE TO OPTOCOM) -Decode CTCSS, DCS, LTR, DTMF, and Motorola talk group 10 (EXCLUSIVE TO OPTOCOM) · " Featuring NEW Pass Through Technology which allows a CI-5 or AOR receiver tointerface with the OPTOCOM using one com port (EXCL USIVE TO OPTOCOM) · Reacti on Tune with the Scout Frequency Recorder · Software controlled volume and squelch for remote control operation · Introducing Store & Scan, download up to 28 different frequencies or one Talk Group 10 for scanning away from the computer (EXCLUSIVE TO OPTOCOM) · Supplied with the all NEW TRAKKSTAR software from SCanStar · Trunk Track LTR systems (EXCLUSIVE TO OPTOCOM) · Scans conventional frequencies from 25-520, 760-823.995, 849.005-868.995, 894.005-1300MHz (Cellular frequencies are blocked) ' Ship u ps Ground Continental U.S. only " Only Receivers suppo rted by Trakkstar software . .•.: • "' 'IFA CTd 'RY -DI RE TORDER LI HE 800-327-5912 Documents Similar To 09 September 1998Skip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextDocPoint User ManualeS255-6530C_Management_EN_Ver04_D618GB418A_3_0ecosys_fs3540mfpGrundig Yb4005c1397b9-e599-4303-a89a-8122a8d19bcc30233278 Toshiba E Studio User Function Guidesim-ar160image bro2400WD User TroubleshootingBest Practices for Scanningcase-study amrita bhachuReadMe.txtTASKalfa_181MartinJonesFlowLength 2011-01-06Codici Errore RicohKyocera 1820en Og-AdvancedUserManual_DigiBook_V54Ds4308 Ds4308p Digital Scanneraficio_3025_3025sp_3025spf_3030_303sp_3030spf_b205_smJobswire.com Resume of dbuchanan09LaserJet CompanionArh ComboscanVersaDoc MP 4000 Sole Source SpecificationsRSNetWorx for DeviceNetBasic.pdfIndustrial Scanners Catalog en LTR 201602Af2075_SMimagingPakon f235 Service ManualRBI grade BMore From Monitoring TimesSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel next07 July 198810 October 198807 July 198708 August 198809 September 198812 December 198807 July 198611 November 198711 November 198603 March 198712 December 198609 September 198709 September 198605 May 198711 November 198809 September 198905 May 198811 November 198904 April 198803 March 198802 February 198808 August 198906 June 198812 December 198910 October 198907 July 198906 June 198901 January 198806 June 198905 May 1989Best Books About TelecommunicationsComputer and Information Security Handbookby John R. 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