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Materials System Specification09-SAMSS-070 16 July 2011 Qualification Requirements for Splash Zone Epoxy Compound (APCS-19A) and (APCS-19B) Document Responsibility: Paints and Coatings Standards Committee Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards Table of Contents 1 Scope............................................................. 2 2 Conflicts and Deviations................................. 2 3 References..................................................... 3 4 General Requirements................................... 4 5 Qualification Tests and Requirements........... 4 6 Method of Packaging..................................... 7 Previous Issue: 28 February 2005 Next Planned Update: 16 July 2016 Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin Primary contact: Mansour, Mana Hamad on 966-3-8760264 Copyright©Saudi Aramco 2011. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 7 Dhahran. Page 2 of 7 . Standard Drawings (SASDs). The periodic product compliance check of this specification shall be every five (5) years from the date of issuing the revised standard. 2 Conflicts and Deviations 2. 1. or industry standards. The RSA shall notify the supplier/s to recheck their products for compliance.Document Responsibility: Paints and Coatings Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-070 Issue Date: 16 July 2011 Qualification Requirements for Splash Zone Next Planned Update: 16 July 2016 Epoxy Compound (APCS-19A) and (APCS-19B) 1 Scope This Specification defines the minimum mandatory requirements for qualifying individual coating products for use in Saudi Aramco's approved protective coating systems APCS-19A and APCS-19B for hand-applied and spray-applied splash zone coatings. Engineering Standards (SAESs). Consulting Services Department of Saudi Aramco.2 Purchase Requisitions/Purchase Orders This specification shall be attached to Purchase Requisitions or Purchase Orders when those documents address the procurement of coating products that have not been previously qualified in accordance with this specification. who wish to obtain initial approval for products that have not previously been qualified in accordance with this specification.1 Initial Product Approval This specification shall be given to coating manufacturers. or other vendors of coating products. It shall be made available to the organization conducting the compliance tests. Exception: This specification should not be included with purchase orders or requisitions for coating products that have been previously qualified per this specification and in compliance with the periodic checking. This specification should also not be included with purchase orders or requisitions for coated items or equipment when a Saudi Aramco approved protective coating system has been specified.3 Periodic Product Compliance Checks This specification shall be used for periodic product compliance checks on previously approved coatings. 1.1 Any conflicts between this specification and other applicable Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs). codes. It shall be used when any of the following situations occur: 1. and forms shall be resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer Representative through the Manager. Curing or Film Formation of Organic Coatings at Room Temperature ASTM D1849 Package Stability of Paint ASTM D2794 Resistance of Organic Coating to the Effects of Rapid Deformation (Impact) ASTM G42 Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline Coatings Subjected to Elevated or Cyclic Temperatures National Association of Corrosion Engineers NACE TM-01-74 Laboratory Methods for the Evaluation of Page 3 of 7 . Hand Applied Grade SAES-H-101 APCS-19B Splash Zone Compound.1 Saudi Aramco Documents Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement Saudi Aramco Materials System Specification 09-SAMSS-060 Packaging Requirements for Coatings Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards SAES-H-101 APCS-19A Splash Zone Compound. References Material or equipment supplied to this specification shall comply with the latest edition of the references listed below. Dhahran.2 Industry Codes and Standards American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM A36 Structural Steel ASTM D610 Evaluating Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces ASTM D714 Evaluating Degree of Blistering of Paints ASTM D1640 Drying. Spray Applied Grade 3.Document Responsibility: Paints and Coatings Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-070 Issue Date: 16 July 2011 Qualification Requirements for Splash Zone Next Planned Update: 16 July 2016 Epoxy Compound (APCS-19A) and (APCS-19B) 2.2 3 Direct all requests to deviate from this specification in writing to the Company or Buyer Representative. Consulting Services Department of Saudi Aramco. unless otherwise noted. who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302 and forward such requests to the Manager. 3. or streaks . pressure and corrosion .0 b) Skinning.2 and allow the coating to cure for 7 days at 25°C ± 1°C.1. This report shall be submitted to the RSA for review and approval.1 Prepare test panels as described in paragraph 5. Qualification Tests and Requirements 5.10 c) Settling . 4.Document Responsibility: Paints and Coatings Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-070 Issue Date: 16 July 2011 Qualification Requirements for Splash Zone Next Planned Update: 16 July 2016 Epoxy Compound (APCS-19A) and (APCS-19B) Protective Coatings Used as Lining Materials in Immersion Service The Society for Protective Coatings 4 5 SSPC-PA2 Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with Magnetic Gages SSPC-Vis 1 Visual Standard for Abrasive Blast Cleaned Steel General Requirements 4. the Buyer's Representative shall be the Responsible Standardization Agency Representative (RSA) in the Consulting Services Department of Saudi Aramco. the coating Supplier shall submit a certified test report documenting that the proposed coating system meets the qualification tests and requirements of this specification. Page 4 of 7 .6 or better d) Grains.3 All initial product qualification tests shall be carried out at no cost to Saudi Aramco.1 Physical Property Tests 5.1. the sample shall meet the following requirements: 5. 4. Preparation and testing shall be performed and/or witnessed by an independent laboratory or inspection agency that should be acceptable to the Paints & Coatings Standards Committee in Saudi Aramco.1 Package Stability of Paint When stored at 52 + 1°C for 6 months in accordance with ASTM D1849. lumps.2 In order to qualify a coating system as acceptable under this specification.1.1 For purposes of this specification.2.2 a) Weight loss .8 or better Adhesion Test 5. the condition of the test panel shall be equivalent to Page 5 of 7 .2 5. the viscosity of the ready-mixed compound shall remain within the range recommended by the manufacturer for hand (APCS-19A) or spray (APCS-19B) application without adding thinner for not less than the following times: APCS-19A: 30 minutes APCS-19B: 20 minutes 5. Lightly sand the coated surface and the aluminum dolly and apply an epoxy adhesive.6 Usable Potlife At 40°C. 5.1.1 Surface Preparation a) Make the test panels from ASTM A36 hot-rolled steel approximately 100 mm X 150 mm. The average shall be at least 4125 kPa (600 psi) to be acceptable. non-sticky condition within 24 hours at 25°C.1.5 Cure Times When applied at the recommended thickness the compound shall cure to solid.1.2.4 Drying Times When tested in accordance with ASTM D1640. Make a minimum of three trials and report the average. Prior to preparation of the surface.1. tough.Document Responsibility: Paints and Coatings Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-070 Issue Date: 16 July 2011 Qualification Requirements for Splash Zone Next Planned Update: 16 July 2016 Epoxy Compound (APCS-19A) and (APCS-19B) 5.2.1. 450 kg capacity. 5. When applied and cured underwater at 25°C the compound shall cure to a solid. Application Properties The ready mixed paint shall be easily applied by hand and/or spray to a minimum dry thickness of 2500 micrometers (100 mils) on vertical surface with no tendency to sag. the Dry-Through (or Dry-To-Handle) Time shall be 16 hours or less. 5.3 Determine the adhesion of the splash zone coating to the substrate by using an adhesion tester. tough.2 Steel Panel Preparation 5. non-sticky condition within 7 days. Scribe the coating and adhesive around the dolly prior to testing. Allow the adhesive to cure as directed by the adhesive supplier. creep or run. c) The profile of the blasted surface shall be 75 micrometers (3. 5. c) The dry film thickness shall be 2500 . The impact resistance shall not decrease more than 20% of this value after immersion testing per paragraph 5.3 Performance Tests 5. Rusted. Procedure A-One Sided Testing.2 b) The surface cleanliness of the test panels shall meet (but not exceed) the requirements of SSPC SP10. Spray-applied grades shall be applied to the panels using appropriate spray techniques. cold-rolled steel panel and tested in accordance with ASTM D2794. Hand-applied grades shall be applied to the panels using appropriate hand techniques.3.2 and subsequent panel conditioning.3. and cure the coatings in accordance with the Vendor's recommendations. Page 6 of 7 .2. The fully cured coating systems shall be tested per NACE TM-01-74. Near White Blast Cleaning (SIS Sa2-½. Recommended application is wet-on-wet to build up the required thickness. 5.0 mils) minimum. b) Measure and record the dry film thickness in accordance with SSPC PA2.120 mils) except where otherwise stated. Coating systems shall be tested in a brine solution (5% by weight sodium chloride in water) at 80°C ± 2°C.3000 micrometers (100 . apply. Very Thorough Blast Cleaning).2. The minimum thickness of the test panels shall be 5 mm.3. 5. the sample shall pass impact of at least 1.25 N-m (11 in-lb). All tests shall be performed in duplicate.1 Impact Resistance When applied to a dry film thickness of 1000 micrometers on a sanded 1mm thick.2 Immersion Tests Test panels shall be prepared in accordance with paragraph 5.Document Responsibility: Paints and Coatings Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-070 Issue Date: 16 July 2011 Qualification Requirements for Splash Zone Next Planned Update: 16 July 2016 Epoxy Compound (APCS-19A) and (APCS-19B) SSPC-Guide to Vis 1 Rust Grade C. Coatings Application a) Mix. The fully cured compound shall show no cracking or chipping. After conditioning in a laboratory for seven days there shall be no difference. Evaluating Degree of Blistering of Paints No blisters ASTM D610. Table 1 – Immersion Tests Standard 5. the coating system shall be evaluated for and shall meet the Table 1 criteria. at 80 + 2°C.4 of TM-01-74.” Reaffirmed the contents of the document. Page 7 of 7 . there shall be no disbonding of the coating beyond the artificial defect after 30 days. 6 Method of Packaging Coatings shall be packaged in accordance with 09-SAMSS-060.Document Responsibility: Paints and Coatings Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-070 Issue Date: 16 July 2011 Qualification Requirements for Splash Zone Next Planned Update: 16 July 2016 Epoxy Compound (APCS-19A) and (APCS-19B) At the conclusion of six months exposure.3 Acceptable Rating ASTM D714. and reissued with editorial revision to remove the committee members list.2. Evaluating Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces 9 or better NACE TM-01-74.3. Cathodic Disbonding Test When tested in accordance with ASTM G42. 16 July 2011 Revision Summary Revised the “Next Planned Update. Hardness and Adhesion When tested in accordance with paragraph 6. the coating shall show no more than a two pencil hardness change and the adhesion between wet and dry portions of the panel shall be similar.
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