09 - Rutherford County Historical Society

March 20, 2018 | Author: vwindrow7070 | Category: Cherokee, Tennessee, Native Americans In The United States



a«'i' KJiMJj-: ) vi^ .-':;; •' i-' : ! liiiiiiiiift f1 T S U LIBRART 00527 702^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/publication09ruth . . S3. Dill 976.9 S ummer 1977 MURFREESBORO. TENNESSEE 37130 .50 The Copy Rutherford County Historical Society PUBLICATION N0. James M.857 R93lp V.9 Dr. . Smith is the author of this very fine history of Dilton. The Rutherford County Historical Society is proud to publish this history which Miss Smith has prepared. James Madison Dill (1831-1916) a native of Rutherford County. Jones for their assistance in publishing this book. respected member of the community. Susan R.Rutherford County Historical Society Publication No. His parents were Isaac and Gilley Cooper Dill The old country doctor. was buried in the Harrell Cemetery at Dilton. Tennessee 1977 . a highly who were natives of South Carolina. 9 THE COVER Dr. Rebecca L. for whom the community of Dilton was named. Thanks to Rutherford County Judge Ben Hall McFarlin and Mrs. Murfreesboro. is featured on the cover of this publication. . Johns Miss Mary Hall Mr.»... Robert Ragland Publication No... 00 (Family-$7„ 00) which includes the regular publications and the monthly NEWSLETTER to all members. The annual membership dues is $5. Dorothy Ma heny Mr.. Published by the 9 RUTHERFORD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY OFFICERS President . All correspondence concerning additional copies..<. Walter K..... 50 per copy. Homer Pittard Miss Louise Cawthon Mrs.. Mr...... Ernest K...... and membership should be addressed to.. contributions to future issues.. Rutherford County Historical Society Box 906 Murfreesboro...RUTHERFORD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATION NO. 9 may be obtained at $3.. Additional copies of Publication No.. TN 37130 . Jones Dr..... Dr. Robert B.... Hoover m .» . Vice-President... Publication Secretary Directors .. 9 (Limited Edition-350copies) is distributed to members of the Society... Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. . Sept. $3. Rev. $3. index and maps. Rutherford Co. Pre-history of 1803 Petition for Formation and Rock Springs Church + $. streams. Record of Jordan Williford.00 + postage Publication # 6: Link Community.00 + $. The Rutherford Rifles. $10. Stones River Presbyterian Church. Map of Rutherford County showing roads. $10. AVAILABLE FROM WILLIAM WALKUP. $10. War Pension.00 + $. Crowders of Readyville..50 + $. Company Roll of Hardy Murfree.50 postage 1840 Rutherford Census . 256 cemeteries with index and maps. 9. Tennessee.50 postage Deed Abstracts of Rutherford County . 1816-1883. Militia Commissions 1821-1830.00 + $. Murfreesboro. 4: Out of Print. 37167.1810 . Y. Names of land owners and other genealogical information from early deeds.. Griffith Rutherford.00 + $. 2. 202 RIDLEY ST.50 postage Vol. 37130. Fellowship Community.00 + $. Early Militia Order.50 postage 78-01915 .50 postage Publication # 8: Bethel-Leanna Community. $3.50 postage Griffith : A beautifully Illustrated bi-centennial publication.50 postage Vol.. 1?78. Times. 1857-59. $5. 1865.FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATIONS ARE FOR SALE BY THE RUTHERFORD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 3: Southwestern portion of Rutherford County. View of Stones River Battlefield from N. $3. Sept.50 + $. 193 cemeteries. SMYRNA.50 postage Publication # 3: Rutherford Marriage Records.00 + $. 241 cemeteries with index and maps.50 postage Publication # 7: Hopewell Church. $3. and the Sanders Family. $3. and Hardemans Mill. $10. Soldier. of County. History of LaVergne.50 postage 60 pages. Publication # 1. dated 1878. Cripple Creek Presbyterian Church. TENNESSEE.00 + $. Post Offices and Postmasters. 2: Eastern portion of Rutherford Co.00 Publication # 5: Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. Gen. 1803 .50 postage Cemetery Records published jointly with the Sons of the American Revolution: Vol. 1: Northwest portion of county including Percy Priest Lake area and parts of Wilson and Davidson Counties. 2. $2. and the western part of Cannon Co. With index. Rutherford Co. Petition by Cornelius Sanders for Rev. "istory. and land owners. Box 906.00 + $. . Samuel m. IMPORTANT: Publication of queries in this column is free to all members as space permits. 5603 Green Craig. Tex. etc. Box 906.QUERIES Prepared by Mrs. P. Murfreesboro. Wants to correspond with any person interested in Soape (& various spellings) family. 37130 Tel. 1860's. A member of our society is a genealogist: Mrs. without issue. College Grove. James E. d. Route 1. Tenn. especially need to know where they came from in Virginia and whether they settled temporarily somewhere else before coming to Ruth..e. No. 37130. Ruth. Jr. Address all correspondence relating to queries to the Society. Tenn. C. Queries should give as much pertinent data as possible. CA 1776-80 (parents: Elizabeth Clay and Joshua Morgan. Rachel Posey (great-granddaughter of Gen. Each query must appear on a full sheet of paper which must be dated and include member's name and address. 1 MORGAN -WINSTON: Carey Morgan b. John Coffee's sister): Elizabeth m. approximate/actual dates of birth. Tenn. 1817. Wortham: Mary m. VA. D. Is 1860 tombstone in old Murfreesboro Cemetery for Nancy Morgan. Children: John m.. m. 18 April 1851. in Denmark: Robert d. i. 1840 Cannon Co. Daniel. 37046. family of Elizabeth Warren b.. wife of Gary. Ruth. (615) 896-9089 .. Co.. 77035. 8 April 1821 Cannon Co. 7 Sept. 2 WARREN-SOAPE/SWOPE/SOPE/SOAP/SWOAP: Need parents... marriage. son of James Soape & Elizabeth Fov^ler. Co. Eleda Soape Decherd. 0. No. Tex.. Houston. Deadline Dates: March 31 for Summer Publication and August 31 for Winter Publication. hers? Nancy is daughter of Nathaniel Winston per Ruth. Sraotherraan.. Lalia Lester 1307 Wo Korthfield Blvd. Co. C. TENNESSEE FAMILIES and immediate connections. Queries must refer to RUTHERFORD COUNTY. Murfreesboro. Tenn. Co. Please type if possible. Compiling Morgan family tree. Panala Co. Tenn. Tabltha Avent: James m. death. Sam Moore. deeds CA 1824. m. 1791). J. Nancy Winston b. Mrs. Absolom Fowler Soape. . Joe J. and books. for their Mary Ann Harrell Smith memories not only of life in the community. Stories passed on by them were drawn of their from their own personal experiences but also from those parents and grandparents and from friends and neighbors who lived before them in Dilton. William Hoyt and Pearl Marlin Smith. Rebecca L. Smith (1871-1968) and to my grandparents. Two of these. Harrell and Jack R. Clemmie Harrell Ring and Mr. both of old and blessed with excellent whom are ninety-three years memories. I am grateful to my parents. are Mrs. and especially to Mrs. Ernest (1881-1960). to all those information to be used as source material. I am also indebted to Roy E. who suggested who contributed written or oral that this history be written. Oral information was provided by several men and women who either live now or have lived in the Dilton community. newspapers. Jemigan. and L. Smith . Tarwater. who were especially helpful. tax and census records. Jean Overall Thompson for reading the manuscript and making suggestions for its improvement.INTRODUCTION This history represents a blend of anecdotal information with infor- mation obtained from deeds. Raymond B. Mankin made their manu- scripts available as source material. wills. . pg. 36 The Philips and Childress Families Other Early Settlers rv. 49 pg. VI. Roads. B. 77 X. 47 pg. Location pg. VII. 2 m. VIII. 10 pg. and Industry pg. William smd Elizabeth Kelton pg. Outstanding Post Civil War Families pg. Trade.HISTORY OF DILTON by Rebecca L. Smith I. C. V. 51 pg. 1 II. Folklore and Folk Medicine Unusual Event Churches Schools Social Activities 67 IX. Agriculture. pg. 38 pg. 14 pg. 84: . Circumstances Surrounding Early Settlement Early Settlers A. . P. pg. Dilton Stores. pg. Fox Spring pg. 34 . Childress /Philips Genealogy (Two generations) 1915 pg. I6 Beers Map of Rutherford County. pg. 13 Matthew Rhea Map. Sketch of Philips House. compiled by J. 86 . 1896. 85. 35 pg. the old road pg.ILLUSTRATIONS Map of Cherokee Country. Oaklands Academy. . 9 Plat of Kelton Property. by Gari Webb. circa 1900. 1816 (See Black and Branch) . 71 pg. Brown (Shows Black Fox's Camp on the Trail of Tears). 46 Map of Rutherford County showing Dilton. 1878: District Eighteen. 1832 (Portion of map showing from Murfreesboro to Wartrace which followed Ljrtle Creek through the area now known as Dilton). 22 pg. . ^ the town of Murfreesboro with water. 814. postfive and one- master. The center of the community is half miles southeast of the Rutherford County Court House and two and three -tenths miles by way of Bradyville Pike from the present city limits of Murfreesboro.) Fox Camp. located The original settlement had its center at Black around an unusually large spring about one and one-fourth miles from the Dilton Store toward Murfreesboro. and her husband. History records that early settlers moved iu long before it acquired the a post office name of "Dillton" in 1887. 3 Carlton . Dill. Williamson . 2Raymond Harrell. ^ The Goodspeed Histories of Maury . is a descendant of William and to Elizabeth Kelton. (See map on page 45 . Sims. LOCATION The Dilton Store. situated on the southeast comer of the Bradyville - Pike and the Dilton-Mankin Lane. p. and Marshall Counties of Tennessee reprinted from Goodspeed's History of Tennessee 1886 (Columbia.). pag. Rutherford Bedford. TN: Woodward and Stinson. who were among the first settlers. d. 1971).. Jo Anne Kelton. 1976. "Genealogy of the Dill Family" (Workbook. Dilton was spelled with two I's during Mrs. sidered in 1811 was con- as a possible site for Rutherford County's seat of govern- ment. . Tarwater.l9. and storekeeper. community acquired named for Dr. 4jQterview with Roy E. . n. marks the center of the Dilton com munity. ^ James Madison who was physician. Sammie Kelton. December. 1974). Kelton is a great granddaughter of Dr. Mrs. n. . ^ lAccording the late 1800 »s. For many years this spring supplied Because of the extraordinary supinfluence of ply of water at Black Fox Spring and the men such as William it Kelton and Joel Childress. History of Rutherford County ( Murfreesboro: Sims. and Mrs. p. 1 the year the Dill. . 1975. and Choctaw Indians when they came here to hunt each year prior to 1790. the Cherokee chief the spring for whom was named. if these Indians could return today. Putnam. pp. p. they would recognize the spring beside which they camped. History of Middle Tennessee (KnoxvUle: University of Tennessee Press. first published. : Other spellings used were Enola and Inali. and the Long Ridge. December. • However. 2 It would be interesting to know the names by which they were known to Enolee. the Dave. Southern. quite different ia appearance from the virgin forest land which was used as a campground by the Cherokee. Enolee was the Indian name for Black Fox. Three of the hills are known to Dilton residents today as the Gowan. 479. 1859). 65. p. (See map on it ) The Indians used the spring and the area around as a base for hunting expeditions. Indian trails through the woodlands to were known as traces. Tenn. Prior to the Indian uprisings it served as a trading post where the Indians exchanged wares with the early settlers. the creek where they fished. P. 3 John first settlers from ^Interview with Charles B. 4. Ssims. 311. several traces led page 9 . 1971. Black Fox Spring. one sees a countryside. 4a. . and the hills which form a blue backdrop ia the southeast for the Dilton area scenery. 64. 1938).CIRCUMSTANCES PRECEDING AND SURROUNDING THE EARLY SETTLERS Approaching the Dilton commimity from Murfreesboro. Brown. as well as for surprise attacks on the early settlers. pp. Smith. ^Ibid. Old Frontiers (Kingsport. Chickasaw. 331. It is tempting for some to thiak that life for the Indians who camped around the spring was idyllic and peaceful before the •^Sims. W. . Tenn. In return.L. The Shawnees ^C.R. According to John Brown. The Story of Murfreesboro (Murfreesboro. 000 a year. p. and a large variety of smaller wild creatures. 2w. Indian invited the Southern Indians to join Vol. Chocktaws. . and Shawnees themselves. Ibid. the Cherokee nation received certain presents and an annual pay- ment of $1. we know was not always simple and peaceful. The woodlands and streams provided a plentiful amount of food and furs while the Indians hunted in this area for bear. 2 Tennessee had often fought among . p. feeling themselves intimidated and tricked. the 5 Cherokees were dissatisfied with the Treaty of Holston. Henderson. 1928). 17. : . p. ^Brown. elk. twelve hundred warriors. their life. p. found in the American State Papers.C. Smith. 1929). News Banner. 1. squaws and children assembled in July of that Fort (Knoxville) early year and agreed upon a treaty which to the ceded a large portion of that area of Tennessee United States. in 1791. ^ Black Fox's name and mark appear on the Treaty of Holston. Church of God Publishing House. ia The Cherokees. p. 264. Chickasaws. The Story of the Cherokees (Cleveland. evidence that the Indian troubles were is becoming serious by 1792 Affairs . at Forty White's chiefs. signed along with the names and marks of other Cherokee chiefs. but they in were to become a united people in the early 1790 's when they had tlers common a desire to push back the streams of white set- from Virginia and North Carolina.. North Carolina and Virginia arrived.style has appeal for that life for the Indians Although some people in our complex time. ^Ibid. 6. deer. 311. 312. . 3 2 At a Cherokee Council to June 26-30. It some other sources are Ustanaula and Oostanaula. the settlements. p. and pay attention to him. Dragging Canoe. 329. ^Spellings used by . c. Civil and Political History of the State of Tennessee is m (Knoxville: Tenase. Georgia on the Coosawatie River a few miles above its junction locatea with the Canasauga. Black Fox had these words say in eulogy: The Dragging Canoe has left the world. scouting Abraham Castleman. ^Jhid.368. pp. that both whites and reds may know ^ it. 1969. he reported that he had been as far as Black Fox's Camp. It is mentioned here publicly. for he promises fair to posess sentiments similar to those of his brother. He was a man of consequence in his country. with a quick sight. was sent as a messenger from the Cherokee nation to the Chickasaws with a plea for confederation. and I mention now in public. He made no noise or he seemed ever look- tramp as he walked and ing for Indians or . p. He was a friend both to his own and the white people. Sjohn Haywood. 1823). "^Brown. at Estanaula. an imcle of Black Fox. 1792. but he died soon after he returned. settlers. where he had seen signs indicating that a numerous party of Indians had been there shortly before him. his the favorite spy of is who withdrew from men and scouted alone described as "fearless. 392. But his brother is still ia place.' little bent. both with regard to the red and white. p. "^ Castleman had spied upon the Indians there before l lbid. Ilkid. 331. p. that I intend presenting him with his deceased brother's medal. . Because of the surprise attacks on the Tennessee parties were sent out in 1792.them ia war against the United States and hoped to drive back its entire western frontiers. . with his body a the trees. marks on When he returned from this mis- sion. 328. 6putnam. 369. and a sure shot. . Since this mission failed to accomplish its purpose. 1792. 5james G. 1923). S. 1853). General James Robertson wrote that Abraham Castleman was not only a soldier but also a disorderly person who ^ had several of his relations killed by Indians. vol. ^Haywood. . Black Fox and his people could have been among them. therefore he was concerned about their absence. p. who regarded his assessment with skepticism. p. 314.: and knew the hunting season was not over. State (Chicago: 3john Trotwood Moore. "^Putnam. Matthews. The Annals of Tennessee (Charleston. p. (Nashville: Parthenon. his report. General Robertson apologized to Castleman and. a party of two Soon after Castleman made hundred and eighty Indians'^ attacked Buchanan's Station about five miles south of Nashville^ on September 30. ^Putnam. Clarke. ^Moore. E. 214. The Volunteer p. 1. %aywood. ' were sent again into the area by Gen- eral Robertson with hope of checking the forays and plunderings of the Indians by a display of military power. ^Henderson. Ramsey. 407. C. but they turned back at Black o Fox Spring. p. as Castleman feared. 344. p. marched in pursuit and followed the retreating Indians as far as Stewart's Creek. reporting that at least seven hundred Indians In the spring of 1793. 394. Major James Ore's expedition of 550 men was sent out by General James Robertson.^ The Indians being Creeks (83) and Cherokees (197). soldiers were in the war party. loc. summoning a force of 150 men. In a letter to Governor Blount on August 22. 10. 600. ^Thomas 1934).-^ He felt it was an ominous sign and reported this to his superiors. Walker and Jones. General James Robertson . £it. 393. Tennessee S. 1793.J. p. p. . Interland. the number of Indians killed in the two towns must have been upwards of fifty and the loss sustained by the troops under my command was one lieutenant and two privates wounded. It name and mark appear in the Treaty with the appears again in the Treaty with ^ Ibid. Murphy Spring is located at the edge of the Bellwood Estates on the hillside across Broad Street from Mercury Blvd.They followed the Indian trace by 7. the Black Fox jumped into the spring and disappeared to avoid capture. 1794. Some said he drowned. ^ were said be the bones of Black Fox. to the legend took another twist. p. ^Plenderson. p. . ^Matthews. 11. powder and lead lately arrived from Spain. . J. 367. 84. p. 1973). they defeated the Indians. "^Sims. but the story that he came 4 is out alive the where the waters emerge from the earth delightful facet of the legend for those again at Murphy Spring most who have listened found in to the story tellers over the years. Indian Treaties i778-_1883 (New York: . way of Murfreesboro and camped at Black Fox Spring on September On the next day they proceeded toward Nickajack and arrived there on the following Thursday. Kappler (comp.' A legend grew that en route to Nickajack when General Ore's a group of Indians at Black men overcame Fox Spring. When bones were The bones to Murphy Spring Cave.). 65. p. In a Major Ore says "From the best judgment that could be formed. is The legend which allowed him his escape alive the more reasonable one as Cherokee of 1805. The water which submicrges at Black Fox Spring comes up again at Todd Lake and again at Murphy Spring. finding many scalps and a quantity of ammunition letter to Robertson. ^C. 3lhid. p.-^ At Nickajack and Running Water. 368. . a rifle. 512. The area around Black Fox Spring was probably used as an Indian campground in 1839. in jump into the Spring in 1794. should be paid annually $100 by the United States during his A secret agreement or bribe was arranged in 1807 by Agent R. 000. The pool around the spring is large. p. thirteen thousand for the last time From October of the 1. 1956). perhaps covering almost a half acre and containing many reeds. and a great amount of water cress. and an annual allowance of $100 in return ^ promise to keep the Indians content. which states that the old Cherokee Chief. 1838. of the Old South_ (Athens: University Brown. pp. Black Fox could have hidden himself beneath the water cress or among the cattails and breathed through a reed. . until March into of members Cherokee Nation. %appler. S^j^-own. 75. 1806. cattails.J. " If Black Fox to did. p. Cherokees of Georgia Press. Malone. traveled westward from the mountains of East Tennessee on their forced and tragic migration Mississippi River. Meigs with Black Fox allowing him for his $1. 1839.the Cherokee. ^HenryT. life. save for a two year period (1808-10) during which he was "broke" from power because of his leading roll in an unpopular scheme fact. to lands west of the After crossing the Tennessee River at Hiwassi Island. Black Fox. 90. 76. p. "From 1801 to 1811 Black Fox was Principal Chief. . divided contingents of one thousand each. he must have found a way keep his nose out of water until dark or until the soldiers had gone away. to effect westward movement of the tribe. 453. . p. ^ Ibid . p. . south of Pikevillc. . ^Brown. 513. through to Nashville. each contingent buried the dead." they foJlowed the old Black Fox Trail. p. McMinnville and across the Cumberland The "Trail of Tears" passed through the Dilton area as shown on the map on the following page. 515. and at the its end of each day. ^ There is a legend in community that Indians It were buried that in the vicinity of the present day Dilton Cemetery. may be some of the Cherokees v/ho is began the journey but could not finish it were buried in this area. . 3 Ibid . It known that four thousand Cherokees were left in unmarked graves along the "nunna- da-ul-tsun-yi" or "trail where they cried. The Indians traveled an average of ten miles per day. 519. . . . to a stake in the original 16. Rutherford County. 30. William Kelton purchased 619 acres from Thomas Harris's 2. 1922). 7. . they lived with a large family lived in Smith County. Sjbid. . 215. ^ 1801. thence. A. The deed was registered on October at that and was acknowledged before Andrew Jackson. ^iienry G. They short time before purchasing land in Rutherford County.057 acre grant. the danger of Indian attacks had diminished.). The first house in Rutherford County is believed by some to have (Chattanooga: ^Zella Armstrong (comp. corner to Joseph McDowell. Tennessee ^eed. in the The tract began in the middle of a "blue hole Black Fox Spring. according to the 1780 ^ Tennessee from North Carolina.10 WILLIAM AND ELIZABETH KELTON Many Tennessee families from North Carolina and Virginia began when to move into in the late 1790's. Tenn.). They were an agressive. who were among the early the Black Fox Spring area. 1804. ^ . Abstracts (Smyrna: Henry G. Vol. Wray. n. to the corner past Hawkins and Cummings property. " etc. for a ^ and numerous slaves. Rutherford County. ). p. ^Register's Office. p. to William and Elizabeth Kelton came where. Wray (comp. Tennessee. hardy. the time one of the judges of 7 Tennessee Supreme Court of Law and Equity. liberty -loving people who were mostly Outstanding examples of such men and women settlers in were the Keltons and Childresses. Deed Book : Goodspeed. 1. p. Scottish Presbyterians. 811. 1804-1810. p.d. census record. for $600. ^Ibid- . The indenture was made on July 23. Lookout. Notable Southern Families Sjbid. . ^ 1804. were divided among his widow and A has plat of the property made at the 13. that elections were ordered be held at Murfreesboro of the county business instead of Black Fox Spring. time of this division (October 1816) been reproduced on page is the The boiondary drawn at the top of the page eastern boundary. Rutherford County was organized by an act of Assembly at Knoxville. but to it Murfreesboro was founded was not until November 5.Kelton was one of the in 1811. p. ^Goodspeed. 217. 815.. 1813. p. ^ is known that on a plantation around the spring. . the first court 3. 19. and the one on the right at is the southern boundary.11 been built at Black Fox Spring. 10. indicating that much had been transacted there. the holdings of William Kelton eight living children. William and Elizabeth Kelton established their family. p. met at the home of Thomas Rucker on January grand jurymen. but It it is not known v/hen or by whom. Armstrong. 217. ^ Ibid. According (1753-1813) to Deed Book K. p. ^ Elizabeth Kelton was a charter of the First Presbyterian member Church near Murphy Spring. 2Apn^sti. in which William. 1803.ong. 4 ISims. 195. 4 hew logs for On October the General 25. It is said that her four sons went into the woods around the Kelton plantation to the building of the church. ^gij^g^ p. 457. a branch Although shown in the plat flows toward the northwest from the spring. Although most of the water goes underground Black Fox Spring. p. . and Lot Alexander and Margaret Lackey. Tennessee. John and Mary Sloan. Lot . . and Agnes Sloan. Jr. James 9. William Kelton. 3. Deed Book K. p. As shown in the plat. . 457. James Gilley across the Bradyville Road east Many of the stones have disappeared or are illegible. Elizabeth Kelton. Sr. Kelton. Archibald 4. Lot 5. Lot 6.12 not shown. Lot 7. Lot 8. Elizabeth Kelton. Lot 2. lots one through nine were bequeathed to the followiag heirs: Lot 1. 1 Register's Office. the Kelton cemetery may be seen today on the farm owned by of the spring. Rutherford County. Lot Samuel Kelton. Robert Kelton. . ^ Lr \/ i^ 9 iy ^/ '^c///. o// jf ^^/-/i) - <'- "T.i'^r/ ../ p -/ N ^ '^///?^. /«^<.> Cc -#' • V . . p. of 1837. Tllmojs! A History of the Pra i. (Nashville. Vanderbilt University Press. to his daughter. 5 married in 1850 Sarah Paicker. Rutherford County. Correspondence of James K. Judge Philips' son. ^Register's Office. It still stands in the of and descendants Dilton community today and has been occupied by of both the Philips and Childress families. p. 9. Rutherford County. . Daily American. to ^ and Joseph Philips two area before going off war in 1812 since the men are to said to have been friends. V/ills 4county Court Clerk's Office. Howard. there were marital connections between the two families. James W. Oct. members Location of Childress Family's First Settlement Joel and Elizabeth Childress moved from North Carolina to %ashville. vol. ^ By the time Joseph Philips returned '^ Tennessee Joel Childress had died. Inventories. Folk 497.rie_Slate (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. ^ in 1822. a niece of first The Philips family home. John W. 5. 196. 117. The Joel Childresses first settlers at in the Black Fox Spring. 1972). and Deed Book W. In later years. Tennessee. p.]4 Joel Childress and Joseph Philips Families Closeness of the Two Families members of both the Childress and the Philips families Some of the were outstanding were among the must have lived citizens and very closely associated. Childress. p. p. 297. 2Hcrbert Weaver (ed. Tennessee. 1. mentioned in a deed may have been built in the early 1830's. ). 1884. Mary Elizabeth in 1851. SRobertP. named John Whitsett was married Sarah Williams in 1831 first to Judge Joseph Philips' niece named and later . 1969). Book 4. Joel Childress' soa. . It had found were logs these of Evidence of logs in low places along the trail. 75. cit. Tennessee. pp. Tennessee. . Daily American . Deed Book F (Microfilmed by Tennessee State Library and Archives). land about the bulldozing was he 6 as 195 around (1906-19 62) by Carl Marlin one half mile northeast of Mt. of land for 000 from Benjamin Roberts on August 1803. Upon comparing this plat with Joel Childress' indenture with Benjamin Roberts. when Rutherford County was organized. 306. Carmel Baptist Church. 5 was bordered on the west by Sarah Rutledge's grant.-'- Deed records reveal that they lived for a few in Sumner County before purchasing one thousand acres 13. p. Deed Book A. then followed Lytle Creek a foundation for several miles before leading off toward Wartrace.36. I^6The old road came by Black Fox Spring. ^ one might conclude that the Childress property was near Black Fox Spring. cit. 302. and after reading deeds of what were probably portions of this one thousand acre tract v/hich were sold by Joel Childress to John Jetton and John Lawrence about a month afterward. Rutherford County. When Joel and Elizabeth Childress moved to Rutherford County. 1803. %ashville. . R. ^ at Joel Major John Wood told of a tin cup his mother bought for him Childress' store near Black old. 10c. 36. p. A '•Nashville. Davidson County. SRegister's Office. they are said to have settled at a place near the spring and on the old road which led in the direction of Manchester and to have kept a store there. Daily American loc. The deed states that the land 2. in the 1790's. ^ This property was iQ Davidson County until October 25. A plat of her 60 acre grant may be seen in Rutherford County's Deed Record Book K. p. ^ Fox Spring when he was four or to five years The "old road" referred by Major John Wood may be seen plat of 5 67 acres on Matthew Rhea's 1832 map of Tennessee{page 16). Register's Office.15 Tennessee years $1. . . Charles B. According to the map's legend. The house had burned by the time the 1878 map Ernest Smith said it was a two-story log structure which was prepared. It is possible that this had been the home of some of the Childresses.Photocopied from Rhea's 1832 map of Tennessee to show the "old road" which followed Lytle Creek for several miles before leading off toward Wartrace. the dot under the words "Lytle It is also the approximate location Creek" marks the location of a fort. of the foundation of a log structure which Ernest Smith pointed out to his grandson. was the first home of Joel Childress in Rutherford County. Smith. . Their children were Anderson. Census of Tennessee. 1972). later the to James became the most well known individual have lived in the com- munity about which this history is written. Elizabeth. 2jimmie Lou Claxton. S. 2. Fox Camp area. died in infancy. Sarah said. National Archives. Childress acquired Several deed record books are missing so that one cannot be it seems probable that he acquired the land from his father or from his older brother. acquired means and property. of Commerce. this There are no deed records property. pag. Children of Joel and Elizabeth Childress The children of Joel and Elizabeth Childress are believed to have lived a few years of their childhood in the Black 1810 census. John W. to Joel Childress' son. In speaking of her parents. Microfilm Publications) n. is A copy of a portion of the Rhea map showing the "old road" reproduced on the preceding page. (New York: Randolph. County. •^U. Memorials of Sarah ChiVrenP^olk. but show how John W. In the we find that the couple had two girls '• and two hoys under ten years of age and owned sixteen slaves. sure. but were enterprising and industrious. Rutherford Population. and v/ife of Two Their daughter Sarah. p. 11. Sarah. 3Anson and Fanny Nelson. Susan. 1892). other children. C. Anderson. Eighty. they had limited advantages for education.rah^Pcllr^ (New York: Vantage. p.eight Years V/ith S^. Benjamin. a.nd possibly may be seen to Deed Book 27 on page 438. is and educated their children.: 17 in this to Joel area which belonged Childress himself. "^ Their appreciation for books made There evident by the inventory of Joel Childress' property after his death. in . D. Polk. ^ K. "At that early day. Department . 1810 (Washington. and John Whitsett. Bureau of Census. . Samuel P. 4. 4 Register's Office. Tenn. p. Deed Book L. Rutherford County. each-^ in the Sarah and her sister Susan were taught afternoons by Daniel mornings and early in the Elam at a little log school house neighborhood. active in public affairs. p. the Joel Childress family may have moved from '^ the Black Fox Camp area to the town of Murfreesboro. and she frequently moved from one place to the •^County Court Clerk's Office. who owned plantations frequently maintained town houses in addition to their plantation houses and lived a part of the year in each. 5 vols. Sarah was ^ sent to Abercrombie Boarding School on the outskirts of Nashville. when the exercises of the academy for boys were over for the day. Black. Letters from John W. p. Joel Childress. 3 ibid . 2Nelson. could never make up her mind whether to live in town or in the country. . Book 5. they were given additional lessons by the principal. 244. 1 1 1 1 1 History of the Late Medical Guide Ovid Paley's Philosophy Simpson's Euclid War 1 1 Horace Xenophen Cicero 1 Atlas 40 voluines of large and small books assorted 6 of Arrowsmith's large maps 2 sets of Bigland's View of the World. Polk in later years reveal that his mother. Wills and Inventories. A few years after their arrival in Rutherford County. 291. 5 vols. Mrs. and in the afternoons. Tennessee.18 were listed the following: 1 1 set of Scott's Family Bibles. Rutherford County. . Mr. Childress to James K. Prosperous men. ^ When she was twelve or thirteen. . signed nine days before his death. "Mah and myself have to it purchased the old plantation and are now moving Childress' .. He mentions the Stones River plantation in his will.10 other. left their first Rutherford County home on the "old road" near the Black Fox Spring for good except for Anderson. Mr. vol. ChUdress writes. his wife and daughter. Margaret Dismukes. 159. ^Interview with Mrs. at times prior to his death however. in 1815. Joel Childress and his family . 554. ." John W. 3. The Shelbyville Road Plantation In 1815 Joel Childress bought for $1.. John W. Book 4. Rutherford County. Tenn. December. • It seems probable that. 2. and a plat of the property may be seen in Deed Book 27 on page 437. 860 from Thomas Smith 186 acres 3 on the West Fork of Stones River bordering the meanderings of the river. ^Weaver. name appears on the site of the plantation on the Beers map of 1878. Polk. Deed Book K. Tenn. by Joel Childress' son. 165. as being land on v/hich he lived. 159. James K. 14.594. 195. ^Register's Office. 3 Register's Office. p. p. . Book L. 1975. Joel Childress. a great granddaughter of Joel Childress and of Joseph Philips. vol. ^County Court Clerk's Office. vol. After his death. pp. . p. 4 Ibid. . 444. the descendants of Joel Childress continued to own property from time to in the Black 2 Fox Camp district and to live on that property time until 1895. the plantation was sold but was purchased again . Deed Book W. to in 1833. "Mah" is Mrs. 1833. Childress purchased in 1817 thirty additional acres bordering this property 4 from Bennett Smith. Rutherford County. p. ^ Weaver. Tennessee. Rutherford County. p. Wnis and Inventories. who may have lived there v/ith in 1827. In a letter of December 8. 1. 205. vol. John W. p. Mary. pp. 122. 2. . 3 . A. n. pp. "The ChHdress FamHy in Tennessee. Charles G. wrote that he owned and lived framed portion of the tavern house on the v/est side of the square. and as a director of the Murfreesboro. p. 1813.819. and a large scale land ^ speculator in Alabama during the boom years. p. " Rutherford County Historical Society. ^ Interview with William T. of 1818 to live there on a continuous basis until his 1819 at 42 "^ death on August years of age. 1795-1843 (Princeton. 830. Tenn. 1973. . p. which was chartered in 1817. 1 Summer.20 Joel Childress' Public Life Joel Childress was active in public affairs during his lifetime. 1957). 17. Deed Book W. 4 Henry Wray. . 815. 1976. in the In who knew Joel Childress. 8 to The parts of remain are presently being put together and are become a part ^ Ibid. April. pag. Samuel McLaughlin. made Joel Childress and six other men com- missioners of Murfreesboro. Rutherford County. in a In later years his built tombstone was installed face down as a hearth farm house on this property. Goodspeed. 000. An Act of October 15. planter. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Stephenson. Jacksonian. ^ He was buried in a garden tomb near his house. a tavern keeper. Mr. Childress sold a on the public square with a dwelling "in which he had lived" to Alpha Kingsley for $11. ^ It is quite probable that he returned to his Shelbyville Road home in December 18. and postmaster of Murfreesboro from 1812 until 1817. Polk. 75. the stone was broken that into several pieces. 1 . James K. 2 He was a merchant. 246. Sellers. 5 Register's Office. less than a December lot year before his death." Tennessee State Library and Archives. no. 69-316. Tennessee Bank. pp. 6 '7 Tombstone of Joel Childress.L. Publication No. of 1818. He served as commissioner until 1815. Childress. When the house was torn down. Ms. 74. "Sojourn in Murfreesboro. . story log house on this farm through which Lytle Creel: ran. 1 Anderson Childress Ernest Smith (1871-1968) remembered. as a boy. named Cannonsburgh in -. Smith. just seven years after Anderson's marriage Sansom. 1811.lary In 1827. Peed F-^ck 2".. Charles B. 2 The houre The farm. reputed to be an excel- horseman. ^ ^ r a_. Anderson was thrown from his horse. 1976. January. p. who served as a representative in the state legislature and eventually as governor o". -P m^ -t- . YI . in Deed Record Eco). 1 From October 17. The approximate location of the old foundation has been marked with a star on the 1878 map on page 22. lie adjacent to his to his own farm on once pointed out tv. made so sharp an impression upon Ernest Smith v/Mle he was a child that he would never fasten the girth on the saddle V'hen he rode for fear he would hang his toe in the stirrup if the horse threw 1811 to November 15.p.'o- grandson. 2 Interview with Charles B. "where one of the Childress boys lived" had burned down. All evidence of the old foundation has been swep avray by farm machinery. and the injury lent was fatal. in 1878. Smith. . and he understood this tragic event to have occurred on the Childress farm which Avas the west and southwest. possibly a part of the 000 acre tract purchased hy Joel to in 1803 on which he first settled when he came Rutherford to D. 32. Mi\rfreesboro was honor ofl^ewton Cannon. is known to have belonged (5 to Anderson's younger brother Jo^ix). ST: 3 Register's Office. This story of a young man.27 on page 438 and Childress County. Tennessee. the foundation of an old. 4 Claxton. Rutherford County. his neck was broken.the museum village to be known as "Cannonsbiirr^h". hearing the timers" in the "old- community tell of Anderson's death. Tenn. ^ A plat of the land is 67 acres) may be seen 1. . ML_ii"l lU^ici- . Umyy^iif This map of the Dilton area was photocopied from the Beers Map of Rutherford County of 1878.U4- X „.v3i <% ^/^> *ni. page li38. > AP. belonged in 1878 to his father and mother. A. It stood on Childress property called the "quarter tract" in Deed Book 27. A'»" .v 7////'/lf- Cnlliin din h'liiirUi II \. T.„i. S.„y.sV so' l''^^?^ 22 -^ — \' L.rnl/tfmt^ I n.•'•• -. the name W. / X ..I/ / / « !. and MaryElizabeth Philips Childress."'c. * A 1 ' ^'' \\ '' /f \\ ilrx Wiiixlnil JllrxMJIi/U'i I'l'- K J/ii/iT Jl. AR._--^ r\ |l V . A'liriHUjAV I J il l.• •!...1 . and 9U6 acres of land. John W./ /' >'//'///.is ii„r..^ J/ J. Judge Joseph Philips. '•> ./. .v/ wtniil " //.ST '^V J/.<•''.. called the "Philips tract" in Deed Book 27 on page U38.. "• • ** .// . Welpt r 'Hzx V I'SmiTh \ *. ''• % . The star drawn in near the center of the map has been placed there by the author of this history to mark the approximate location of the two-story log house iirtiich burned prior to 1878. Unrhm- V.x fiiin / A>/.„„// %* .. On it.- Z^\ui:s'rmriti If' I'rnti-:' %n. Childress appears The house on the home site of his grandfather..^. f'rns./-/• • /. ^..'. ^'^''. . The farm on which he ^ lived was purchased " from William and Ephraim McLean. 1808-1810. . who was in partnership with Michael Campbell. to the 1820 Susannah. and his According census. Rutherford Co. In his will stills Philip Philips bequeathed his to his eldest son. Tenn. 1976. . p. 3 County Court Clerk's Office.23 him. ^ That Philip Philips was a man of con^ siderable wealth is attested to by the length of his will.: National Archives. Tenn.C. Minutes. His name appears once as Joseph 1 2 . n. A deed of 1791 tells us that William McLean owned seem to land on Knobb Creek north of Duck River. farm to his wife. 5 Register's Office. . R. Bedford Co. when his father's Interview with Charles B. p. . Archives). D. Davidson Co. . pag. John. Book C. Census of Population. Smith. Tenn. Joseph Philips' Background Judge Joseph Philips was a son of Philip Philips. 89. a surveyor and land speculator.. . Court ^ County Court Clerk's Office. . pag. ^ Joseph was sixteen time of his father's death in 1797. Joseph. Although his first acquisition of property was in 1812. Tenn. 1820 (Washington.S. Joseph 7 Philips was licensed to practice law in Tennessee during that year. . 306. 000 acres of Philips and Campbell land Rutherford County in 1811. Rutherford Co. Book 2 (Microfilmed ^ Ibid. n. p. January. Tax records indicate there were in 7. Microfilm Publications). Rutherford Co. Tax Book. built his home. 1811 (Microfilmed by the Tennessee State Library and Archives). 1811-1812 on page 60. 142. Philips in Book E. According to court minutes of 1809. John and his family at the were living in Bedford County at that time. Tenn. . 6 U. Deed Book C. which v/as probated in October of 1797. WHls and Library and State Tennessee the by Inventories. This would indicate that Philip Philips lived in Bedford County rather than in the Dilton area where his son. . at 38 ^ died about this time. ^ and. ° His first wife. Tenn. 5 Robert P. Davidson County. Davidson County Marriage Record Book I. p. Elouise Morrison. . he a captain of artillery. 75. p. S. he resigned as Supreme Court became a candidate for governor of Illinois. Census of Population. 97. 117. Illinois. 2 .R. Illinois: A History of the Prairie St ate (Grand 1 . 1970). John. p. 75. Rutherford Co. "^ Court Justice of Justice to In 1822. ^ serving from 1816 because of his excellent reputation. '^ Sims. . Theodore C. and he returned to Tennessee in 1822 6. and remained in that state for ten years. power of attorney to act for him in settling his father's estate and identified himself as Secretary of the Illinois Territory. Rapids: Eerdmans. 3 Register's Office. 1972). In 1817. 117. Deed Book K.A. p. 90. 6 John Clayton. but he lost the election because of his pro. . Rvitherford 1850. to 1818. Sims. p. ''' 8 Jan. was appointed Supreme Illinois in 1818. 9 Letter to Mrs. 75. 1952). Tenn. 11 see also U. p. Howard. p. Tenn. 1963. Co. Judge Philips served Register's Office.^O On September in 1825. The Story of Illinois (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. years of age. The Illinois Fact Book and Historical Alm anac. Howard. Selene Woodson from Miss Philippa Gilchrist. French Lick Chapter. 77. which gives his age in that year as 66. on Lytle Creek.partner and executor deeded 408 acres to him and to his brother. 97. 1789-1837 (Nashville. . their Dorothy Drake Sumner. 1965). he gave his brother- in-law. Pease.. Deed Book M. 10 Clayton.slavery stand. p. Rutherford Co. . ^ When Joseph became Philips left Tennessee to fight in the V/ar of 1812. After the war he settled in Randolph County. p. p. -"^ he left Tennessee in 1812. Robert Purdy. 8. D. he' ^^ married his second wife. 1673-1968 (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. He followed Nathaniel Pope as Territorial Secretary of Illinois. 348. They made home in Nashville at least until 1830: during these years. . . . Tenn. lation. The two story house was constructed in the archi- tectural style of country houses built in the early years of the nineteenth century. James W. pag. 263. Battle. After John Sumner's death. 2 Register's Office. " Tennessee State Library and Archives. The 1830 census^ shows the Philipses but to be in Davidson County during that year. Joseph who deeded it to his daughters. 267. . Rucker and Williams Families. . deeded his one third interest Philips. Publications) Microfilm ^ Register's Office. Robertson. 291. 3 U. Rutherford Co. his half-brother. Deed Book W.25 as president of the People's Bank 1 Joseph Philip's Return Prior to 1830 to Rutherford County Joseph Philips acquired many acres of land in ^ Rutherford County as an inheritance from his father. and could have been during this time that the Philips house was built " near the "old road. No mention is made in deed records of a house on any of the land which he acquired. p. John W. acres of land beginning at a hickory on the south boundary of the tract on which Joseph Philips now resides. Deed Book O. sometime between 1830 and it 1837. 1820 (Washington. in the Sumner estate to his father. Tenn. A deed of 1837 transfers from Robert Bates "fifty to Joseph Philips and his stepson. Childress. Bureau of Census. they moved to Rutherford County. Davidson Co. S. it being the northwest corner of land on which Robert Bates " resides which he purchased from John Fulks. Maney. Rutherford Co. Census of PopuTenn. . . D. . John H. n.C: National Archives. but this does not preclude the possibility that there was one. Department of Commerce. Sumner. Ms=1102. pp. Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Philips. Judge Philips then deeded his Childress) and Ellen Philips Gilchrist. 1 "Genealogical Data. . James. 19. 186. 355. . in Dilton Ernest Smith remembered hearing people "used te " say that Judge Philips go down the road every day. . 143. Rutherford 4 .eight. Judge Philips died in 1857 at seventy. 3 Register's Office. for and during the time of their natural lives. James. the child Sarah Rucker Philips and her child died two years later when in 1854 3 was born 2 and James W. it and he recalled seeing the old surrey in a dilapidated condition as sat in the yard of the Philips' homeplace in later years. Census of Rutherford County. Co. . Tennessee 1850 (Nashville: Deane Porch. subject v/ifo.three years of age. A plat of the "Joseph Philips ^ Register's Office. Judge Philips was one of the wealthiest 4 with property valued at $33. Rutherford Co. 583.. pp. 5 County Court Clerk's Office. . four wheel surrey. who married in that year a neice of Sorah Childress Polk. 627. in his fancy. p. . Tenn.. 141. 2 Claxton. Deed Book 5. p. Tenn. 78. to this reservation: "Joseph Philips reserves to himself and his Dorothy. fixtures and garden and of so much of such part or parts of the land to as they or either of them or the survivor may choose occupy .own farm and twenty -three of his slaves to his son. rain or shine. . use and enjoyment of the dwelling house. p. Sarah Rucker. 356. out- houses. . Deed Book 23. 000 and fifty-five slaves. pp. 1967). Philips died that at age tv/enty. Tenn. to retire " Judge Philips must have planned and these slaves were deeded from farming in 1850 when this land to his son. Rutherford Co. no. the exclusive right of possession. The 1850 Census reveals farmers in the county. . at the Philips home some time between to 1870 and 1875. of the First National Bank established here. John W.-'- but by 1850. Son of Joel Childress and Son-In-Law of Joseph Philips Letters from John W. Claxton. are believed to have lived with his widowed mother-in-law. page 438. be found in Book page 186. 1850 (Nashville: Deane Porch. He recalled seeing John W. Dorothy Sumner Philips. and Mr. County Court Clerk's John W. Tennessee. Childress continued use the land for agricultural in 1871. born remembered that when he was a child. 3 owned 49 slaves. 2. Daily American. 'he served as president his wife. purposes until his death. who was known Weaver. ^ cit. his own home had been destroyed. and an inventory of his in the estate office. 14. Childress. v. 27. Childress.000 and that he Griffin. p."* He and Mary Elizabeth. Childress probably returned to Murfreesboro to live in the early 1870 's. Census of Rutherford Cotmty. 4 Nashville. p. 1967) p. Polk reveal that he had a difficult time financially during the 1830's. from 1872 to 1880. Childress to James K. . 1 2 . Mr. 361. loc.27 tract" may be seen may iii Deed Book 19. census records indicate that his real estate was valued at $28. After serving for a few years as Circuit Judge in Nashville. 2 When he brought his family from from Georgia after the Civil War. 157. Ernest Smith. when he began serving as president of the branch of the Planter's Bank of Tennessee at Murfreesboro. Childress and his family lived at the Philips house. . 6 Register's Office. 1850 (Nashville: Deane Porch. ride to and from Murfreesboro everj^ day on his horse. Rutherford Co. Rutherford Co. and he told of visiting him at the Philips home with his father. Tenn. ^ It is probable that she lived alternately in her country house and town house during these latter years of her life. their son. Dorothy Philips. . 5 Census of Rutherford County. Deed Book 23. and by properties owned by Dr." 28 as Major Childress. ' A deed years in the of 1878 states that the homeplace "is now and has been for use and possession of Mrs. 3 Ibid "^ Book 21. Rutherford County tax records indicate that she was "* still alive in 1881. Register's Office. Major Childress as man attempted and failed to ride which had not been broken When John and Mary Elizabeth moved to their home on W. Tennessee. at which time she would have been ninety. p. n. Childress paid Gilchrist of Joseph Philips Alabama for his interest in the Philips property. pag. 1965). Tenn. the corner of Lytle and Academy Streets around 1875. . . 000 to old. Knox and by Jasper Knox. his father and a horse He also told his grandchildren that he watched with a hired in. p. . During 1878 John W. 1878. "^ Peed reclot in ords and tax records reveal that she also owned a house and Murfreesboro from 1873 until her death. Robert N.tv/o years $4. Alexander T. Rutherford Co. 355. . Childress and his family moved into the Philips house. p. 583. S. The 1 Beers Map . . Tax Records (Microfilmed by Tennessee State Library and Archives. 1967) p. The property was bordered on the north by land already owned by John. Tenn. 583. . . . ^ of Rutherford County. Deed Dook 23. Smith. 369. . Gilchrist's son. The Philips House and Homeplace The following description of the Philips house and outhouses was given to the writer orally by Charles B. Smith.T. may be seen in plats in Deed Book page 438. and Mrs. January. The blood may • Interview with Charles B. W. a grandson of Ernest L. Dorothy. lizards. Smith.29 Knox properties lay to the east of the property already ov/ned by John W. Bivins and A. and rats. Cannon Overall. Childress as did property Childress tract of 5 67 of H. they restored the interior of the old house to some degree of its former beauty. one daughter Mary Elizabeth Childrcso) and her family. Gilchrist died. Justice in had done in 190 6. as Robert N. Smith. with the financial backing of the owners. Mr. the north side has a large blood stain on the to The upstairs bedroom on floor which the sanding machine was unable remove. Virginia Ljmn. the remaining heirs of the Philips property ( were the Judge's widow. There were times when it had been occupied by only snakes. Joseph Philips Gilchrist was a grandson of Judge Joseph Philips and the child of Ellen Philips Gilchrist. in the Charles and Ann Smith and their daughter. The acres and the Philips tract of 946 acres 27. It had been used for grain storage and by coon hunters on v/eekends.-^ The house was badly need of repair in 1962. and Mrs. lived home from 1962 to 1970 and. . 1976. When Mrs. Smith. . Split were hewed down to six inches wide« hickory laths hold the plaster on the interior walls. probable that the bricks for the chimney and the front v/alk were made on the premises. Since it is evidence of a brick kiln was found by Ernest Smith near the house. eighteen feet long. oyster shell. January. March. twenty.?0 have been that of a soldiers since the home vas the Union soldiers during the Civil user^ os a. Overall. of lime. Smith. .four inches in diameter. and hog hair. 1976. The floor is one and a half inch thick yellow ash. ^Interview with Charles B. feet The rooms are seventeen by seventeen feet and the ceilings are about eight and a half feet high except for the back part of the house v/here they are nine and a half feet high. hand-^-planed boards. Its use as a hospital may have accoimted for its survival of the war. is The plaster was v/as for bondinfj. All the ceilings are yellow poplar. Cannon J. built of virgin The house was cedar logs.ocpxt^T by '^ War. south side is cf yellow The floor of the upstairs bedroom on the poplar and the room contains no fireplace. tongue and groove boards. six inches wide. 1976. The doors to the house are sturdy with extremely large iron ^Interview with Mrs. The butt ends. made The hog hair The exterior covered with hand hewn cedar vyeatherboarding and the floor joists are of round cedar logs up to twelve inches in diajneter. b. 31 keyholes and keys, and the front doors are double panel doors made of yellow poplar. The house, facing the west, has a one story front porch, to the which leads upper hall. into a lower entrance hallway with a stairv/ay leading is There a large room on each side of each hall on both the entire house on the floors. The east porch originally went across east side; however, today, behind the southwest dov.Tistairs room, the porch is enclosed as another hall opening onto the south porch, A steep indoor stairway, which has now been torn away, led to the upstairs attic over the two back rooms. Four of the sons of the John Nelson family, the 1880 's, slept in this attic, but there who rented the farm during was room enough for twenty people to have bvoiked in the large latrine. a.tt^c^ The privy was unusually nice with a copper kitchen, just south of the south porch, The old log was torn down in 1963. v/ith Above the kitchen and pantry were servants' quarters paneled yellow poplar paneling. The log carriage house and the log barn may Not far from the barn is a still be seen on the property. dug well. At one time, there that the IP'^H. were nine slave cabins on the property. The Beers map shov/s road which ran past the house was near the front of the house in A sunken o " brick walk led from the front steps of the house to the old road. During the early 1960's, two artifacts were found near the house. Interview with Charles B. Smith, January, 1976c 2 Ibid. 33 moved to Murfreesboro. '• The homeplace, including 75 Edgar Smith 1/2 acres and the house, became the property of Mrs. in 1900 when the property (947 acres) was divided among the heirs of Philips Childress. Mary Elizabeth it A plat may be seen with the deed. ^ in 1906, ^ was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Justice. In her widowhood, Mrs. Justice (formerly Lizzie Overall) married Mr. the property Sam Paschal. In 1945, was sold by Mrs. Paschal's heirs J. to his deceased wife's nephew Cannon Mrs. Overall Overall and his wife, Mary Virginia Bock Overall. ^ (197 6). ^ is the owner at the present time The house of it is now occupied by Gari Webb, a local artist, whose sketch to the appears with this article. A window is in the end of the house right side of the south chimney not shown in the sketch, but possibly is was not there in the sketch originally. A window, which to the not actually there, is shown by the door enclosed south hall, but the hall was not the outside, which enclosed originally. The house had window shutters on deteriorated condition. the reader were removed due the sketch, and it to their With this information, "see" the house as it is some imagination, may may have appeared during the 1830's and 1840's when believed to have been visited by the president and and Mrs. James K. Polk. 6 first lady of the land. President Interview with Mrs. Margaret Dismukes, December, 5. Register's Office, Rutherford Co. Tenn. Deed Book 41, p. 3 Interview with Mrs. Margaret Dismukes, December, 1976. 4 Interview with Mrs. Jean Overall Thompson, July, 1976. Tenn. Deed Book 95, p. 135. 5 Register's Office, Rutherford Co. Mrs. Smith 6 Interview with Mrs. Pearl Marlin Smith, July, 1976. community. Dilton the of residents was told this around 1910 by older 1 1976. 2 , , , , . ""^^^^^^ 1 •I -y > i . . . . Tenn. Daniel Maberry. Joel Childress. 494). . John Kirk (B. Thomas Yeardley (E.117). Bennett Smith. . ^ Betty G. James Wilson {F. Howell Tatum and Henry Wiggin (C. is 30). Deed Books with page the names of the grantees. a branch of the West Fork of Stones River. Nelson. David Fleming (F. North Carolina Land Grants in Tennessee. 33. James Wilson. Census records for 1850 and deed records disclose other land owners in the community during the years prior to the Civil War. 1958). John Fulks. see also Rutherford County. Thomas Yeardley and Joseph Marlin (L. Some of men were Archibald Lytle. John W. 36). 421). Childress.493). Joseph Philips. William D. 200 acres through which the creek ran. William Kelton. received 7. (A. Deed Book D. in 1786. Rutherford Co. 305). ^ (H. Tenn.70). 30). 35). Henry Winburn (D. p. Some of the men who purchased 1810 land in the Black Fox Spring area between 1803 and Zebulon Jetton John Jetton were William Kelton (A. 75. James Neely. 29). (E.525). James Hawkins (A.185. Isaac Jetton {S.139). by parentheses in placed been numbers have .). Lytle Creek. 1778-1791 (Memphis: Nortex. 2 Register's Office. 305). John Kirk. and Thomas Harris (A. 30). 434). John Fleming. Deed Book F. 421). believed to have been named for Archibald Lytle who. James Conway (B. John Cummings (A.36 OTHER EARLY SETTLERS In addition to Philip Philips and Michael Campbell. Davidson Co. .118). James Kelton. Thomas Love as assignee of Giles Brooks (B. H. Cartwright (comp. . John Lawrence (A. p. Robert Bates. Andrew 3 Miller (E. Hugh Montgomery (B. James Montgomery (B. p. 81. Some of these were John Lawrence. 333). 296). 3 Register's Office.96). there were others who received land grants these in the area to become known as Dilton. . 5. Rogers' grandmother was Mary Louise Jetton Overall. farm and north of owned the farm on the west side of Isaac Jetton's ^ Roy E. ^ Among who many descendants Mrs. Tennessee Cemeteries (Murfreesboro: Rutherford County Historical Society. Hodge. ^ Register's Office. Deed Book S. Several years ago. Clarence Rogers (nee "Totsie" Overall) to the Jettons still owns some of the property which once belonged and Overalls. Kirk took a wagon load of apples "^ to a still in Bradyville have them processed into a barrel of apple brandy. 1850 (Nashville: Deane Porch.. ^ Register's Office. 4 Interview with Roy E. B. 1975) vol. Clarence Rogers. Rutherford County. January. 4. The house burned in 1863 during the Civil his War and Isaac Jetton died in is the following year. A plat in Deed Book page 185. December. William M. . Tarwater that his father had an apple orchard extending from one end of his farm to the other along the edge of the Bradyville Pike. Todd was known as "The Quarter" during the late 1800 's. . 1967). Tarwater. and Samuel. Tarwater's farm. Ruth. 2. reveals the location of land owned by John Lawrence to that and Isaac Jetton in relation Isaac Jetton's known to have been owned by Hugh Kirk. S. Mrs. one half mile southwest of Black Fox Spring. Sr. Jr. Samuel H. Ruth. 563. Clemmie Ring who recalls that the property presently owned by Mrs. A quarter master depot where Confederate soldiers picked up supplies was located at this place just six-tenths of a mile to the north of B lack F ox Spring. ^ Hugh Kirk. Deed Book 14. 6 Interview with Mrs. to Each year Mr. John and William Bellah. home seems to have been located across the road from the Dilton Store and about one fourth to one half mile to the northwest. 1975. a granddaughter of Isaac Jetton. 185. (That the Dilton area had a significant role during the Civil War is also attested to by Mrs. Co. F. p. Hugh Kirk. Moore. 1976. is one of the oldest cemeteries in Rutherford County. of Rutherford County.l The Bellah Cemetery. Co. T enn.. p. '^ .) ' ' 37 Hugh Kirk. pp. recalled for Mr. ^Census . T enn. . Robert M. born in 1846. a democrat. Robert M. 3 Ibid p. Dr. . and a War of the member Rutherford County Medical Society. January. Knox. named for him. 1976. William McAllister Moore in 1859 came to Dilton from Virginia and settled on a hill about a mile to the east of the Dilton Store of today. Two children. Those who have walked Moore Hill have been rewarded with a splendid. p. Knox. According to Goodspeed. and a Civil veteran. Knox (nee Lucy Catherine Fox). Sanders. Robert M. Robert N. he was a physician as well as a farmer. pastoral view of the Dilton countryside. Sanders. Margaret Lee. 1 Interview with Mrs. 2 Goodspeed. and Mrs. was a Baptist. live near the Leanna community today. she married William Their daughter. and her husband. . who had articles published in the Nashville Journal of Medicine and Surgery ^ . Sanders.38 According to Mrs. A daughter named Mary was born to to William and Margaret Nesbett Moore as they made their journey Tennessee by covered wagon. . were born to Dr. Sallie and O "^ William. Gilley. 817. OUTSTANDING POST CIVIL WAR FAMILIES Two men known to have lived in the Dilton area in the post Civil War years who have brief biographical sketches in the Goodspeed His- tories are Dr. Sanders' grandfather settled was to the top of The hill on which Mrs. 1046. When Mary grew up. Knox and John A. . Gilley. he had no trouble keeping this resolution. Their names may be seen on the 1915 map of Rutherford County. live at Dilton today on land inherited from their fathers. he moved his family from Big Springs to the Dilton community. son of Ephraim. and Arthur T. Four sons (Ephraim D. His "bank" was an old pair of overalls with a knot tied in one leg to keep his money from falling through. man of integrity is whose word was as good as phrased from his sketch.39 Goodspeed records the following facts about John A. Gilley. . According author of the sketch. Jessie P. 1036. -^ . but rather to pay cash time of purchase. William A. Gilley (18431917): After a period of service in the Civil War which culminated in his capture and imprisonment for two months. Harrell has been written by his great grandson Raymond B. the Dilton portion of which has been repro- duced and included with this history. . to the Harrell is spelled as "Heared" on the 1878 map. and his "purse" 1 Ibid. p. his astuteness as a trader. . Because of his extraordinary thriftiaess. Mr. A biographical sketch of Reuben C. Harrell. and James W. ) were born John and Nancy McCrary Gilley. Raymond Harrell 's sketch supplied vivid details about a his bond. . and his willingness to work hard. Gilley was released. son of Jesse. to John F. In 1878. the name Harrell has been spelled and pronounced many different ways over the years. Reuben Harrell resolved never at the to charge anything again. The following information para- Having once been denied credit at a store when a young man. . Lorenzo Dow. in a vault in the Reuben and Catherine Hastings Harrell were buried Harrell Cemetery located on the farm at Dilton on which Mr. 2. and Mrs. became a successful Methodist minister. whom he provided educational opportunities which . Periodically. he would buy a farm and pay cash which he pulled from one of his boots. p. ^Ibid. as is the home 3 which was owned by Lorenzo Dow Harrell. ^ Elisha Monroe Harrell. The house which he inherited from his father was originally the home of Captain is Ed Arnold. 82. later known as Bellwood. The Harrell Cemetery volume. Tenn. Hearthstones (Murfreesboro. 1942). for he had lacked. this in Quadrangle Dilton the of map the on Cemetery no. 4 Rutherford County. 81. Hughes. Cemeteries (Murfreesboro: Rutherford is Co. 12.) 40 was his boot. Their names were James N. p. had accumulated enough money. William Henderson (nee Fannie Bell Jarman) lived for many years 1 as well-known and respected members of the Dilton Raymond B. Mr. Historical Society. one of Nathan Bedford ^ Forrest's officers. but to exchange into bills of large denominations. . name appears many times in the indexes to the deed records. Harrell. continued in this fashion until large number of farms between Bradyville and Murfreesboro. Mr. . pp. Harrell. . 11. Elisha M. not for deposit. Harrell lived until his death in 1899 at seventy-two years of age. William L. Thomas. n. and Matilda. known as he had purchased a His "Greenback Rube". well educated for his time. Reuben Harrell had seven children. John Wesley. 1975). pag. vol. When for it. he took the it money he had accumvilated to the bank.d. and described in Hearthstones. 2 Mary B. "The Harrell Generations" (Mss. 93 . he. n. Mid South. . has provided the follow' ing information about her father. neighborhood who needed He once gave one of the last two sides of meat in his smoke- house to a man who was in need. Having learned to make medicine and liniment. he was often called upon by his neighbors to lance a boil or to administer medical aid to a person or an animal. became Mr. which at the grandmother's death. Henderson planted another for anyone vegetables. down without a Appreciative of book in his hand and a stack of books beside his chair. lanthia Henderson Ross. Their daughter. including Prosperity Baptist Church at Dilton and Mt. many books about He never sat the Bible. Mrs. 1976. his grandmother and her husband purchased a small farm at Dilton. After the slaves were freed. a let of leather bound encyclopedias. A minister for sixty-two years. he only missed voting once in his life and that ^ Letter from Mrs. all of which is owned by his daughter. Ross. April 7. Mrs. William Henderson lived almost the entirety of his ninety-two years as a free man. he ^ preached for a number of churches. who lives activity. Zion in Murfreesboro. he purchased additional land. Henderson was a self- educated man with a library composed of an eight-volume set of Shakespeare. Tennessee. in the Mr. . Later. still Henderson's. books about the presidents and books of poetry. his opportunity to vote. In addition to his farming Mr. After planting a garden for his family. lanthia Ross. Born into slavery in 1862.41 community. He worked as a barber and as a cobbler. in Nashville. Mr. Henderson was a blacksmith who ^ could design anything out of iron or wood. . Dr. n. Dill. but also for her charitable nature. ^ Raymond B. James Madison Dill's '^^ store in 1887.42 was due to an illness which confined him to the hospital. lanthia Henderson Ross. n.d. Harrell. thin. 2 When a post office was established at Dr. April 7. Jestina Kelton Elizabeth Kelton^) Dilton which (a descendant of William and a had lived in Carlocksville. who had a lovable and humble disposition.d. pag. 197 6.). "The Dill Family" (Mss.! Those in the -^ community who knew William Henderson remember him as a large. Dill moved into the community which was Hill. Raymond Harrell. white-haired woman sitting by the fireside with a Bible in hand. the community officially acquired the name of Dilton. 2 . ^ Dr. 197 6. 5 Raymond B. and for her excellent knowledge of the Bible. '^Armstrong. was willing to serve anyone in the community regardless of his ability or inability to ^ Letter from Mrs. 228. April. who practiced the Bible princi- ples he preached. Dr. p. destined to be named for him and married Mary Catherine Hill. Her grandson. n. 5 the daughter of James and Olivia Hutchinson Mary Hill Dill was known not only for her talkativeness and outspoken manner. 6 Ibid. in 1883. smoking her pipe and telling Bible or family stories to her grandchildren. "The Dill Family" (Mss. Dill and his first wife. n. strong man with a good mind and a generous heart. community south of Jestina may be seen on the 1878 map of Rutherford County. remembers her best as a tall. . pag.. Dill died in 1880.). Harrell. Interview with William Hoyt Smith. . in his autobiography. . . pag. I can't sell you but one of them because Even so. n. Dr. Deed Book 35. it was often with farm produce. to his someone else might come along and want his the other one. d. n. He is listed in the school's catalog of students in 1856 and 1857. Those who remember visiting home describe it as a six. 1 2 . Raymond B. 2 making a it impossible to deter- mine the year of his graduation. '" work as storekeeper and postmaster was probably necessary financial survival because he never sent anyone a bill.. Harrell. Rutherford Co. d. Beers map of 1878 as owned by the Dill W. which was used as a bedroom. Mankin. ). so he said "John. p. "Papa said he went into his store one day to buy two spools of thread but Dr. A Jack R. 3 Goodspeed. Mankin. "Autobiography" (Ms. Dr.). Dill only had two. "The Dill Family" )Mss. Mary. ^ Register's Office. 1031. which met in their building in 1894. p. n. 155. He was member ^ of the Rutherford County Medical Society and was a democrat. Some of the later catalogs are missing. home until it acquired a Their home was situated on property indicated on the J. He is said to have been a friend to everybody Jack R.room log structure with an upstairs bedroom and an enclosed back porch. Dill received his medical training from the University of Nashville Medical School. writes.43 pay for those services. p. Dill and his wife. are credited with having founded the Dilton Church of Christ. but himself. 517. Jacobs. Tenn. . When he was paid for administering medical aid. . 44 yuest went. bedroom was maintained for use by the preachers who came and On June 23, 1916, Dr. Dill died at the age of eighty-four. He was survived by his wife, Mary; their children, Kate, Annie, and Scobey; and one son, Joseph, by his first wife. of injury incurred Ilcr Mrs. Dill died in 1928 as a result in 1927. 2 from smoke inhalation when her home burned widowed daughter, Annie (Mrs. Oscar Harrell) and Mrs. Harrell's children were living with her at the time of the fire. built in A new house was by the people of Dilton for this family. to all that It was a small contribution comparison 's Dr. and Mrs. J.M. Dill had done for the Cora- munity. In the late 1870 's, three brothers named J. Philip (1833-1904), A. into the Jackson (1838-1913), and Benton P. Mankin (1843-1921) moved Dilton area. Philip and his wife, Jane Robinson (1836-1901), had two sons, John Benton and Welcom Hodge. Their homeplace was situated just south- west of the point where Dilton-Mankin Lane today crosses Lytle Creek. Jackson Mankin settled across the road from Philip. He and his wife, Fannie Miller (1838-88), had three children: Oscar, Horace, and Irene. Oscar was for many years a magistrate on the county court and was known Interview with William Hoyt Smith, March, 1976. Raymond B. Harrell, "The Dill Family" (Mss. n. d.), n. pag. 2 Interview with William Hoyt Smith, March, 1976. The house is presently owned by the Dill's granddaughter, Mrs. Houston Brown (nee Mary Catherine Harrell). 1 2 , 45 as "Square" Mankin not out of disrespect but because of local custom. ^ Benton P. Mankin settled on the east side of the Manchester Pike about two and one-half miles south of Murfreesboro. He and his first wife, Alice F. 2 Hearn (1853-1882), had two daughters, Mardilla H. and Mary L. By his second wife, Sally Atkinson (1851-1935) he had one daughter, Jessie, who died early. ^ All three brothers were veterans of the Confederate '^ army and are believed to have fought in the battle of Murfreesboro. There were so many at the Mankins in the community by 1900 that the little hamlet which grew up intersection of the Manchester Road and the lane which led to Dilton became known as Mankinville. ^ The title "Square" is derived from the Middle English title Squire or Esquire sometimes applied to certain public officials in the United States ^ such as magistrates. 2 Mary L. Mankin became the wife of A. T. Gilley of the Dilton Community. •^ Goodspeed, p. 1049. ous Elizabeth Hodge Mankin (1800-1878), who came to Tennessee from North Carolina and settled in the Big Springs community a few miles south of Dilton. to John and Elizabeth Mankin were the parents of eleven children who lived adulthood. Jack R. Mankin, August, 1976. Interview with Mr. Mankin, August, 1976. Mr. J. R. Mankin is a son of John Benton and Octavia Hendricks Mankin, and grandson of J. Philip variand Jane Robinson Mankin all of whom lived in the Dilton community for periods of time. His great grandparents were John (1798-1883) and 4 Interview with 5 U>Tttn Boov :/. n}"^ X: S^'-::-^^ . .^ -v*»-'^\ -It .^t AltiM Sundeti •W4.'jemlgan ChoB .> •^ ' -V V -• r C* •i«:?i jflrSir* w-.-i^-S^i^ ^XbHsftinw^ \ . \ t^*^ -sltA ••^J^BU^SKfcV*"'^ .B • itu>. <• ..r./oB*) '"'ft'u-'"""- Ski > t*.j?3Ei^i.^ \ [..F^filaod N l^ettle T.Jo hi -- t.. :: ^^r^t^^: : F.Pukett ^ J^ y^ -Sfflltli L » Mrt.nendereon \ ^ISo-r JoiiijN/.O. •von TisM< \.nogers s \ Qrc«Q 'jiim.' - * '•it '^'• Luks ^<°K =?^' Anitt*?' y^-'y^- J .ril ^Ai*^^^?*"™***- BA1cxmatf«r LnUa LAdC«»' ^. Conch •Vi'f .f<at.>iKS.6.fciSuc. ":^. — -Ar / Zumbro °"»" /... 'n - •»"• • -i"--».H \lowe j.A.Broi]iberg • U.. X A^Dr&adons Form I XJ Ear? .W00A '"/"•""o ISam.tt B. 47 FOLKLORE AND FOLK MEDICINE Dr. Dill was a trusted friend and physician people had confidence in their to the community, but the Joe Jernigan, who that asafetida, home remedies as well. lived at Dilton in the late 1800's and early 1900's remembers coal oil and sugar and sassafras were frequently used for medicinal purposes. Asafetida bags were put on strings and placed around the necks of children to ward keep off colds all and fevers. It had a strong and impleasant odor, which could This children at a distance, including those with colds or fever. its may have been the reason for effectiveness. Coal oil and sugar was the medi- cine used for croup both externally and internally, and a mixture of turpentine and lard was applied tea to the chest of children with bronchial colds. Sassafras was made from the dried bark of roots of the sassafras tree which it were boiled in water. This was a favorite of the people who believed In the would help them stay well.^ to decade between 1910 and 1920, a child was believed ^ have "caught" pellagra by eating too much corn bread. In Joel Childress' time, there were "bleeders" in the community who were called to the of an ailing person to tin to home draw blood from him. Major Woods said that the cup which his mother had bought for him at Joel Childress' store was put use as a receptacle for the blood drawn off from those in the family who .sick; this, wore he said, separated him from his cup. 3 When "Aunt Jo" the children of Dow Harrell misbehaved, it did not take long for to bring them back into line. Mrs. Annie Harrell Smith knew 1 2 3 Interview with Mr. Joe J. Jernigan, December, 1975. Letter from Jack R. Mankin, January 12, 197 6. Nashville, Daily A mer ican, October 9, 1884, p. 5. 48 about this from her own experience as a child. When Annie and her sister Clemmie were young children, their mother died. Mrs. Jo Lasseter, house- keeper for the Harrells, was given the added duty of caring for them. When Annie and Clemmie were bad children, they were told that ''old bloody head and raw bones" would get them if they didn't behave. This prospect sent shivers down their spines and they instantly reformed their behavior. They were dark told that this sinister creature lurked about near the apple barrell in a hallway. 2 It may be that some children in the community were frightened during the Civil its War by soldiers who had bloody heads and raw bones; hence to use later to scare children into good behavior and make the apples last longerl A small pox epidemic in the 1890's in the caused terrible misery for many is and even death for a few people it community,3 but there a legend that did one man some good. One of the community's prominent citizens who lived no more than a mile from the present Dilton store had a son who was At the time of the small pox epidemic, the the "black sheep" of the family. young man was said he died to be in jail, which was his frequent habitat. Some said in jail of this " dreaded disease, but others believed he was "buried out of jail. On the day he was buried, the father rode his mule ahead of the son's casket, which rested on a horse drawn cart, and warned the people Interview with Charles B. Smith, grandson of Ernest and Annie Harrell Smith, July, 1976 2 Interview with Mrs. Clemmie Harrell Ring, August, 197 6. Interview with Joe J. Jernigan, December, 1975. '• . •^ . In eight years after February of 1976. He had been to see a girl friend and had just arrived home some making a sizzling. an unusual putting his horse in the barn event occurred which he witnessed as he was for the night. disappearance of the Black Fox in the spring which now which has been related in a previous section of this history. place. hissing time after dark when a "star" whizzed by the barn noise and lighting up the countryside as the object that startled it went. Hendrick. children about this unusual experience several was " assumed tliat it could have been a meteor and that it probably burned itself out in the atmosphere. Mankin wrote around to the his oldest brother. brought house an object about the . There are those who are alive today who know there. 1976. UNUSUAL EVENT When Ernest Smith was in his early twenties (1891-95). Ernest Smith never found him that night. the location of the grave. 1910. v/ hich was learned by the writer that a boy found an object may have been In a letter of a meteorite about two miles from Ernest Smith's home that. although a tombstone was never placed The most widely known legend originating in the area was that of the bears his name. February 24. Jack R. almost ninety years later and it Ernest Smith-s death.- 49 avoid contagion. but he told his chHdren and grandIt times over the years. along the way to stand back as the coffin passed in order to Some who helped opinion that it to carry the coffin from the cart to the grave were of the supposed contained rocks rather than a corpse and believed the to "corpse" to be well on his way Texas. . was an iron containing it meteorite rather than just stone. 713b. if not quite. ^ . Mr. F ebruary 24. T he idea he has of the parent meteorite is that "roughly the size of a Since igneous rocks barrel and was almost. p. Olivier. "Meteorite. 1974." are not found in this area. 197 6. to he believes this one to be significant.50 size of a skull which was quite heavy and had a melted look on Mankin believes it the outside. but has not been located at this Letter from Jack R Mankin. More meteors are said survive their passage through our atmosphere in the even- ing than in the morning hours. buried in the earth. 2 . ^ T he parent meteorite has been an object of it search time." Encyclopedia Americana. in recent years by several people. Judging by its weight. Charles P. 18. The Mankin family used it is as a door prop. Vol. . 1843. 1822-1936. . the Associa- tion purchased E. John Mollow. . January gation left its location at Fletcher's Schoolhouse and moved new ^ building on the corner of Sevier and Spring Streets in Murfreesboro. P illar and 3 Ibid. the surveyor records having r 1 Homer P 2 Ibid. G round ^ Ibid . 18. 1843. In a land survey book of Rutherford County. 9. Mount Hermon Baptist Church Although Mount Hermon Baptist Church was not established 1879 its at Dilton until when a building was erected on the chruch's present building site. Eaton was ordained 3 preach following Robert January of the j who had served as interim pastor. p. (Murfreesboro. it Although was closer was to Murfreesboro than to the spring. . The membership included slaves members and. Calling themselves the United Baptist Church of Christ. it is mentioned here because -^ it the first church known to have assembled near the Black Fox Spring settlement. ittard. and for the following six years the church met in this one room log structure which stood a little more than a mile from Murfreesboro •' and about two and one half miles northwest of Black Fox Spring. 14. 11. the congreinto its ^ his time to preaching to those of his race.51 CHURCHES The United Baptist Church of Christ a church at Fletcher's Schoolhouse The Missionary Baptists organized on June 9.p. and James Fletcher as deacons. . 24. . it had beginnings on Cripple Creek about four miles east of Dilton. 1968) p. p. they selected Burrell Gannaway. the church became affiliated with the to Concord Associa- Joseph H. upon recommendation from Eaton and January. 2 On August tion and 12. ^ jbid^ p. Kelly in 1846 from his owner In in order that he might devote of 1849. . Hermon Baptist . Land Sirvey. John Stroope. 2. a daughter 4 of Archibald and Margaret Jetton Sloan. trustees for the * Baptist denomination of Christians on Nov. 1976. After their building burned in 1877. Ibid. Hermon Road and Bradyville Pike under 3 the name of Mt. Hermon Church in the early 1900's. Church.52 surveyed four acres of land includiag the Cave Spring Meeting House on Cripple Creek for John Earwood (sic) and Jonathan Hall. Jane and Mary Beasley. Ann Stewart. John Yearwood John Prater. Yearwood. Mrs. wiiite house with fancy bannistered verandas on the west and south sides. Thompson is a great neice of Mr. S. When the men and boys lingered outside on to the SutfiKiays after worship had begun. Erskine Thompson (nee Mattie Eugenia Sloan) March. 1976. . John McFadden and Emily 2 Warren. that the land The original deed could not be located. Yearwood would go door and urge their large them to come in. Mr. Hermon it / Baptist Church. '^Interview with Mrs. Erskine Thompson. Samuel and Eliza Cox. Wm. 1825. On Nov." (Mimeographed sheet) . Rutherford County.^ The house. 1822-1836. and Mrs. ^Interview with Mrs. thejr worshipped in different places until 1879 when another building was erected on the northeast comer of Mt. 1856 its members members adopted the Articles of Faith and Church Convenant. He and wife Sarah Sloan Yearwood and family lived in a two story. 5. ^C. William and Cinthia Zumbro. both upstairs and downstairs. March. its being Jacob and Isack Yearwood. Samuel Mitchell. "History of Cripple Creek and Mt. but is thought was given by Mrs. Sally Cotton. William Yearwood was one of the leaders of the Mt. Abemathy. . . Raymond built In 1961. 125. who. Comer Jakes and Mr. Wolfe on Mt. Jim Davenport.53 facing west. Byivui the father of Comer Jakes. 2. . Ode Medlock was Woodrow Medlock. Ibid •'• . ^ 1972 Directory of Mt. Charles Lowe. Davenport. Many were invited to Sunday dinners by the Yearwoods who were known for their plentiful supply of food and for their hospitality. stood on Yearwood Hill behind the Mt. Deed Book. . Alf Hayes. in turn. J. in 1967 A new brick educational unit was added in and the church entered its new brick sanctuary April of 1971. and James O. time were Cliff Ghee. During the 1930's Dee Roberts and Ed Yearwood were deacons. Hermon Baptist Church pg. Board of the Clint Medlock sold the property for one dollar to the Executive Tennessee Baptist Convention. Hermon's Trustees at this southeast boundary. 2 Rutherford Co. As one was necessary. Hermon: Adam Harrell. pastor of the Bellwood Baptist Church in Murfreesboro. Wolfe and Lloyd R. a pastorum was and additional property was purchased for the church in 1966 from W. Dorris Willard. . H. Jim Davenport (nee Bertha Tolliver) January 1976. 2 A deed was not registered for the church property until 1958. . Book 127. Rowland. and Jesse Harrell who worshipped at Mt. Hermon for sixty years. 5 Interview with Mrs. Ode Medlock. M. deeded the property to the following trustees of Mt. 47. was the father of Mrs. pg. 162. Abernathy (Mimeographed sheet). Medlock. pg. and Irvin Wallace. to In 1939 a small frame building was erected on the same site replace the old church. Sloan. Jr. Arthur Watts. Hermon church and could be seen for miles around. and Mrs. Leo Harrell. Mr. ^ . the Some of members during those years were members of the families of Jesse Harrell. Phillips. and Mrs. . Joe McCluskey. The deacons of the church at this time are Leo Harrell. Jared Warren. . Bill Baines. W. Gregory Ogles. T. Hutchinson. Vance. Oglesby. less than a mile away from its present location. J. Lewis York. 1943. Elvin L. Hermon Baptist Churches: Pastors A. J. Jaco. Bertha Davenport. O. James Haynes. Davenport. O. Q. ^ Interview with Mrs. The church met about 1860 in a building on the Virgil Haynes place on the northwest of Tennie Beard's farm. Frank Messick was ordained. 1937. and. R. the third Sunday of October. Barbee. Nolan Tobias. Joe White was to ordained. and Don Harrell. Drake. P. and Woodrow Medlock was ordained on on April 4. McNabb. G. ^ Interview with Robert Randolph. Watson. Burnett. 1976. 1976. at the present time. Oakley. January. McPherson. Hermon Church. Devault. J. J. February. Later. Hoyte Huddlestou. January. James A. 2 Eldrich Dorris. 5 The Prosperity Baptist Church y About four years after the Cripple Creek Baptist Church was established. Davis. W. Randy Sledge was licensed preach. Grimes. the black members of the Baptist faith established the Prosperity Baptist first Church. S. Ratcliff. 1973. D. Carr. 1976. and on May 6. John T.54 Through the years the following have served as pastors of the Cripple Creek and Mt. Frank Messick. Jaggers. James Rowland. C. Intei*view with Nathan Sledge. Abemathy. Abernathy (Mimeographed sheet). January. The first building at the present location had been Abemathy (Mimeographed sheet). S. 1976. Interview with Mrs. Some have been ordained to preach by the Mt. Mahaffey. . Taz Fleming. According Mrs. The old bell. and Bill Fleming bought a structed on the present site. Other pastors who have served were Lewis J. Robert Randolph recalls several The first pastor known to have served the Prosperity Church was William Henderson. and Simon Leigh were leaders of this church during the latter part of the nineteenth century and the earJy ^ part of the twentieth century. T. fifty poiuids. William Hope deeded one acre to Zack Gresham. William Henderson. deacon in the Prosperity Baptist Church to at this time. ' to their faith The property was bordered "" by that of Taz Fleming. the oldest 4 . but the bell has not been used by the church since its present building was constructed in 1960. Older members remember facts: its history. Albert Beard. February. Harry Alexander. Sarah Ldgh. Charles Evans. and Mrs. IntervieTW with Robert Randolph. George Francis. 52. Caroline Las seter. Charles Vanderleer. Ruth. William Fleming. Mrs. and Jolm Oscar Jordan. Mr. Tenn. •'Register's Office. p. 1976. who is pastor at the present time. Marcel Kellar.erected by 1892 when the church acquired a deed to its property. 3 Tennie Beard said that his bell for the first church con- father. 1976. and Mrs. Aron Jordan. Nels Lasseter. Ridley. Deed Book 34. 2 Ibid. George Wade. Co. ^Interview with Tennie Beard. and Caleb Jarrett as trustees "in consideration of their having erected a church house for the pui*pose of worshipping Almighty God according and belief as they understand the Scriptures. Lizzie Gris so m. Sarah Lyons. Hendrix. . February.. . ^ William Henderson. and Rube McKnight. McCord. a five tone bel] weighing is now iii the possession of Mr. Beard. some of the leaders during the early years of this century were her father. . Charles Tolbert Sawyer Randolph. ^ Interview with Tennie Beard. George Sneed. School Records. Interview with Mrs. Rutherford Co. Daily News Journal. and himself. Gladeview folder. Mollie Leigh Jones. Lyons' son. Mary Goodman Randolph. of 2 The Leigh's grandson. Gladeview School during Luther Glanton. . Iowa.56 Mrs. has been nominated Judge by the Des Moines Chamber of Commerce whose nominating commission said he "has been an invaluable asset to the commuinity and has conducted himself in the highest tradition of the court. and Mary Randolph was ordained at this the Hurricane Creek Baptist Church near sixty / The Prosperity Baptist Church has about Morgan's Chapel members at the present time„ P leas aat Grove C hurch Although no longer in use. Murfreesboro. 1976. 22.^ . James Beard. ^ Ibid . March. . Kenneth James. Mrs. Judge Luther for District Court Des Moines. January. Sr. 1976. son of Robert church. On 2 Sept. in the Prosperity Church of today James Randolph. Simon and Sarah Leigh's daughter. 15. p. School Supt. 1873. Bass. Samuel McHenry Lyons. has served her commimity as a teacher and later served throughout Middle Tennessee as a registered nurse. served as a teacher at Dilton's Robert Randolph reports that the deacons are Tennie Beard. . Aug. Sarah Lasseter Lyons^ Dec. Glanton. 20. was ordained to preach at the Prosperity Baptist Church aad serves as pastor of the Cedar Grove Baptist Church in Eagleville. the building of the Pleasant Grove Methodist Church 1 still stands on the east side of the Dilton Cemetery. but presently preaches for Shelbyville. the 193 O's. " 3 Judge Glanton' s father. 1976. Interview with Mrs. 1976. Jr. . Overall. Ibid. W„ P. January.). M. with p. F. who had moved neighborhood by this time. '* was a member of this church in the early days of into the its existence. recalled that stewards at that time were John Overall. is not known for whom Morgan's it Chapel was named. were members. John W. 349. W. W. E. Ward. Overall. ^Interview with Mrs. "^J. a Methodist minister named G. is church was known as Morgan's Chapel and labeled as such on for tlie Beers Map. Henderson. later an elder of the Murfreesboro district of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. . Harrell.. Clemmie Harrell Ring. 241. William Knox. Morgan who preached a in 1906. p. W. December. the building are of In 1878 the The studs of hewed cedar poles and the nails are square. Robert M. and their son. Reuben and Catherine Harrell. S. A. . CuUum. Co. Baker. that he whom Moore Hill was named. ^Interview with Mrs. 7 funeral of a prominent man in Murfreesboro H. and Nace cluding himself) one acre of South. Margaret Lee Knox Sanders. Warm Hearts Saddlebags. 1976. but it is reasonable to assume that was named for a man who preached ajid there. M. 1976. W. Ruth. 6 Ibid. Warm Hearts and Saddlebags (n. Tarwater. J. Overall deeded to B. 1975. 3 Interview Deed Book 19. often preached at Pleasant Grove.57 Nacc S. February. pastor of the Pleasant Grove Church in 1919 and 1920. Tenn. We know from a descendant of William McAllister Moore. E. It 5 Pastor Tucker is said to have preached for the church around 1896. Neal. Roy E. and James '•Register's Office. T. Cullom mentions in his book.p. OveraU. laxid Overall (in- for the use of the Methodist Episcopal in 1874 Church The building was probably completed and was used as a subscription school as well as a meeting place for the church. . Mrs. and William Elrod families. January. Interview with Mrs. served the Pleasant Grove a month. Mrs. 197(. W. 1975. Other members at this time included the Robert N. Frances Johns). Frank Overall. 3 Church witn one afternoon service James Reed Cox. Mrs. visited the church from time time and led singing on some occasions. "* Ibid. Mr. Baker. Tarwater. Robert Sanders).2 58 Delbridge and that John Overall was song leader and the keeper of the keys to the building. Jesse Gilley. Baker remembered staying often to in the home of L. Pate and her daughter Aileen (Mrs. December 8. of Grand Ole Opry fame. that he and his wife organized a Mr. and Mr. Frances Tarwater Jolins. and Mr. E. Tarwater. 1975. H. served as church organist. and Mrs. George Weeks. Mr. began serving this congregation of about eleven in the fall of 1929. an English professor in at Middle Tennessee State Normal School Murfreesboro. William Knox and their daughter Margaret Lee (now Mrs. Aileen Bilbrey). Mrs. a granddaughter ^ of Reuben Harrell. Harrell when he came here from Woodbury preach. George H. Lynch and her son Jack (Dr. In the late 1920's. Cox remembers Sunday School before the regular preaching services on Sunday afternoons and every revival. Letter from Rev. Neal D. Tom Overall. Lela B. Howell J. Sanders is a granddaughter of William McAllister 2 3 5 Interview with Rev. the George Landrum and Thomas Paschal families. December. Roy E. summer they conducted a week's Some members of the church mentioned by him as having attended during his period of service were Mrs.'^ Mrs. 1 Uncle to Dave Macon. March. . 1976. Lynch). Frazier. D .. now Tennessee Conference Historian of the United Methodist Church. James Reed Cox. Interview with Roy E. Tarwater and her daughter. Frances (now Mrs. Justice. . Ruth. Hermon was Charlie Todd. Hannah ^ Henderson. . January. Sally Carney. In the early years of the church's existence. Nell Lyons rang the church bell of Walkup's Chapel on Interview with Mrs. In the earl}' years of this century. ^ The church was probably built during that year and its location was just around the corner from Road. January. and Lamb Smith. On December Philips. 1877. Lamb and Agnes Smith deeded to Starling James Blackstock. Cannon J. the last funeral conducted there was for Mrs. Mary Lizzie Beard. Mrs. Mrs. Overall. Overall. 3 Interview with Roy E. they worshipped with the white Methodists at r> :-i^ Pleasant Grove. Ruth. Miss Mariah Lasseter and Mrs..59 Moore. ^ Those who attended church at Pleasant Grove in the 1930's remember to rocks in the front yard of the church which marked graves. one fourth bound by property owned by Abe Carney and William Mayberry. 1976. . 1976. Co. and Mrs. Tenn. the property indicates there to be several graves there^ "it The deed having been used " ' as a burying ground many years ago for the servants of Isaac Jetton. The congfc^- gation disbanded in the early 1940 's. the present location of the Prosperity Baptist In the 1890's. as trustees of the Methodist of an acre of land Church known as Walkup's Chapel. before the black Methodists con- structed Walkup's Chapel. p. its pastor Church on Mt. Lynch is a granddaughter of Nace S. Jo Lasseter. January. Register's Office. Some of the members at that time were Mrs. ^ Interview with Mrs. 197 6. January. . Interview with Tennie Beard. 2 . p. Tarwater. Co. 349. Walkup's Chapel / Gray's Chapel 10. 197(). Deed Book 19. Thomas Pascal (nee Lizzie Overall) in 1943. 220. Tulley Weatherly. Tenn. 4 Register's Office. Deed Book 25. . .ars. William Gordon Ernest. . 341. Parrish's home site may be found on the 1878 map of Rutherford County. instead The church was yc. Co. Robert Keeble. -'- 2 Interview with Mrs. 109. p.named for J."^ still Gray's in tlio Chape] is no longer in active use. 211. which fi'ustccs was built later and has since been torn down. According of to the deed. become known as Walker's Chapel. Term. '^ Book 33. Parrish's southwest corner. which had been built across the road and about one fourth mile cast of the Dilton store and next to Mrs. and Isaac Henderson. Ruth. sold one acre of land to the following trustees: [loyte William Goodman. Keeble's Chapel Fourteen years before the white people built a Christian Church in the community. Lena. Sarah Lasseter Lyons. January. Sr. Ruth. Ilciidorson. who preached there for inany In ]936 the elders and trustees of Gray's Chapel were Robert J. and James Bass. Marshall Keeble. Co. Deed Book 25. Jr. p. Register's Office. . by later re.. 4 Mrs. The named in the deed for this church were Marshall Keeble. the church stood on the west side of the location of the Dilton School. Register's Office. Gray. the black members of the Christian Church In 1880 Isaac built Keeble's Chapel. Tenn. p. . the church had this time. Waverly Grissom and B. 197 6. . Henderson deeded one half acre of land to the trustees of this to 1lio church. Dick Goodman. Gordon. According to the deed. 2 Henderson. R.. a short distance In 1928 the church moved its location away when John Beard and his wife. Walkup's Chapel.60 Sunday mornings and for funerals. Deed Book 7 2. Rusk Henderson. 3 Ibid. although the building stands community. . . who was. _^Ibid. 1891 to Reuben Harrell. but deed records show that the small farm was sold on December 23. p. On January 21. remembers the church but reports that it -^ did not last for very many years. his grandfather. home of Major Keeble. . 14. Keeble. Tenn. . and Marshall Keeble. according to his biographer. 2 > The first church that Marshall ever saw was undoubtedly Keeble 's Chapel. Gospel Advocate Co. 6 Ibid. traveled with 7 Major Keeble during the war as his valet. p. his uncle. Murfreesboro to live with her sister- in-law. Register's Office. was owned by Major Horace Pihkney Keeble. p. 8 p. Choate. Deed Book 9 Ibid. bom in 1884. black or white. Tennie Beard. 1870. three of trustees were closely related to Marshall Keeble. the most outstanding evangelist of his time in the Church of Christ. 1878. who owned a small acreage on the Bradyville Pike. Jr. During the Civil War.61 Mr." on the 1878 map. Robert Keeble. Book 33. first that he remembered. -^ Ibid. 23 2. p. '^ . Marshall Keeble. Marshall's ^grandfather bought forty acres from George G. Roll Jordan Roll (Nashville. Marshall . 14. 2ibid. . is indicated This property with the initials "M. . 17.. when the Yankees took the his wife went to . Sr. 3 He was bom on December about two and one half miles from Murfreesboro in a log house on the Bradyville Pike. 5 Ibid. Rutherford County. Sr. 41. Ibid. its Although this church did not enjoy growth or longevity. ^ Robert Keeble moved his family to Nashville in 1882. but young ^/ 'Julian E. His father. ix. bom into slavery. 16. 1968). K. it although was not the 7. . p. . Tompkins. Marshall's grandfather. Robert Keeble was his father. . . 30. . Interviewwith Joe J. M. J. 4 . Mrs. his last years. 1975. December. her farm to the sawmill.62 Marshall spent his summers with his grandparents on their farm. in his adult life. 35. . the bush country of Africa. The Search for the Ancient Order 1953). 517.d. . ° church. Jernigan. p. Co. Smith donated the lumber for construction of the building from her farm. (Nashville. p. to haul the Mr. Earl Irvin West. vol. n. p. Ruth. he was unusuaJly its effective as an evangelist in the Restoration Movement. Dill gave the land for the in 1883. brush arbors. which first began meeting in their home and their home continued to be "home" for the preachers who came and went.^ / Dilton Christian Church Dilton Church of Christ The building for the Christian Church. ^ Ibid. . tobacco warehouses. which became known as the Dilton Church of Christ during the early part of the 1900 's. the Far East. Deed Book. William Jernigan. "^ Noted for his use of parables and humor in his sermons. throughout the world.pag. Keeble is said to have baptized 000 people and to have established 350 congregations. he recalled for his biographer pleasant -' Durinsr memories 2 of riding the work horse on the farm and enjoying Marshall Keeble. Gospel Advocate Co. 14.). was built in 1894. 7 Dr. Alexander T. besides the Dills. S Raymond B. Philip Mankin. xiii. and Mrs. n. Harrell. log cabins. John Nelson. lumber sheds. and in air-conditioned municipal auditoriums. Jack 1 Choate. 18. Tenn. p. ^ Ibid . "The Dill Family" (Mss. ^ According to Joe J. his grandmother's cooking. prisons. which had begin- nings in the United States in the early part of the 19th century with the efforts of Alexander Campbell and Barton W. 1 5 6 '^ Choate. Jernigan. Jernigan remempoplar logs fi-om bers going with his father. The original organizers were. Stone. Register's Office. dance halls. preached all over the nation and He preached in tents. . Mankin . Daily News Journal ' . few occasions on which the building was used at night. Albert McCrary.63 Mankin. the church is known to have been composed of about twenty families. ing was paid for. of the church as it was in the early 1900 's is described in his autobiography: . however. 14. 6 Around 1912 to 1918. Other preachers who came to conduct meetings were L. . Pullias preached for this church when he was about eighteen years held by H. . "Autobiography" (Mss. ^ Ibid. . flat plot of the buildground on a poorly kept country road. Jack R. Brewer preached ^ pro- tracted meetings at the church in 1908. Ernest Smith. The walls were For the ceiled and had never been painted or varnished. 21. the Arnettes. L. . . "7 Ibid. p. 13. The appearance by Jack R. 1909. 2 Ibid. of age. John T. Mrs. . which happened to be about the third week in July during the •^' very hottest summer weather.). who led the singing. Will Harris. n. and 1910. C. The pews were hand made and uncomfortable wooden benches." . there were coal oil lamps with reflectors back of them around the . 6 Ibid. walls. Ike Mayo. p. The 2 first protracted meetings were in Denton. L B. •' Joe Jernigan recalls that Charles M. E. S. Oct. and Richard Carter. 17. 5 ^ Ibid. . The time for the meeting was usually set for the first available two weeks of the preacher's time after crops were laid by. p. The interior was not any more imposing than its box-like exterior. Charles '^ Brewer. G. Smith. Arthur Tolbert. Smithson. Mrs. Jones. d. and Oscar Harrell families. Lola Mankin and her children. Q. p. P. Mankin. Week and Oscar Mankin. Brigance."^ Mr. Fleming and C. Besides the Dills. 1962. there were the John Benton Mankin. 10. Mankin provides us with a 1 Murfreesboro. Fannie Overall and her children.a rather unpretentious frame building set in a low. John Benton Mankin and William Jernigan. . • - 64 description of the manner in which the church carried out of cleaning and heating the building in those days: its mundane tasks In theory, the building was to be heated by a large cast iron stove in one corner. In practice, it wasn't heated very much. The windows were few, small and propped up with sticks when they were open. Screens had not yet become a necessary convenience. Country people were not afraid of wasps and dirt daubers which inhabited the building in abundance. Spiders, too, liked the quietness of it and built webs between the pews and from the ceiling. Dr. Dill's wife served as voluntary janitor and usually had most of them cleaned up before Sunday morning.. In the winter time it was the duty of the first arrivals to bu/ld the fire. This was no small chore as there was seldom any paper or kindling, and the ashes from the last week needed taking out. After getting there early several times and having to build the fire. Papa began to carry a bundle of kindling and a coal oil cob (a cob soaked in kerosene) so as to be prepared. There wasn't much need for rivalry for the honor of being the first there. We children, to avoid having to do any work in connection with the fire, usually ran into the surrounding wood to hunt for persimmons or hickory nuts. We rarely found any, but we got away from any responsibility for the fire. . •' Mr. Mankin goes on to describe the people and the activities in and around the church on Sunday mornings: The congregation arrived piecemeal. All of them were farmers, and most of them lived a mile or more away. The Harrises were among the first arrivals. They had a two seated surrey with a top that looked like an inverted mortar box with fringe around it. Mr. Will Harris and wife, Lela, were blest by being the parents of boys, Ellis and Ray, about the age of Clyde and me. I privately thought that Mr. Harris was still further blessed in having only the slightest fringe of hair left to comb and one of the roundest and shiniest bald heads I ever saw. Mrs. Harris always brought a wicker basket that contained the communion emblems and linen, spotlessly clean, for the communion table. I thought then and I still think 1 Jack R. Mankin, "Autobiography" (Mss. , n. d.), p.l4 . 65 now, that if there was ever a good, kind, generous, hospitable man. Will Harris was he. .After the horses were securely hitched, the men folk and what boys that had not . gone to the woods, would saunter toward the steps as if they had formed a good resolution to go in immediately, but once close to the steps, they faltered, started to discuss the crops or the weather until finally Mr. Harris would reluctantly break away, go inside the door, stick his head back out and announce, after ceremoniously looking at his watch, that he expected they had better come in and "lets get started. ". Once in and seated, Richard Carter would take charge. The first verse of the first song was the signal for us children who had taken to the woods to get back and we came scurrying. Several songs, which members would select, prayers usually led by Dr. Dill, Papa, or Mr. Harris, the Sunday School lesson, and communion usually composed the service. What it lacked in beauty. was generously made up for in sincerity, and I still feel that the Kingdom of Heaven would be nearer realization today if there were more congregations whose devoutness went all through the week . . . . . . with them as it did with the members of that one. ^ During the 1930's and early 1940's, Will Harris, Cannon Overall, Calvin Carter, Ben Arnette and P. V. Irby were some of the leaders of the Dilton Church of Christ. 2 William Harrell remembers that the old building was torn down and congregation is the present building was completed Its in 1963. Today's made up Dill: of about fifty members. leaders include tWo J. grandsons of Dr. William and Wesley Harrell, W. Duncan, Herbert Batey and Carl Dabbs. Ben Arnette served as at this a leader until his death on May ber 20, 1976. The minister time is T. Coy Porter, a faculty mem- at Middle Tennessee State University. Other ministers who have years are Charles Locke, ^ preached regularly for this congregation in recent Granville Brown, Fred Winslett, Boone Douthitt, and Leon Stancliff. • 2 "^ Jack R. Mankin, "Autobiography" (Mss. n.d.), Murfreesboro, Daily News Journal loc. cit. Interview with William Harrell, March, 1975. , , p. 16. . James Mofield on Avenue at and in 1971 a building was purchased from the Apostolic Church ' a location on Bradyville Road two miles southeast to the of Dilton Store. the following facts were in Dilton. Mofield's father."^ Interview with Mrs. it impending destruction. 7 Ibid. and his wife. . Powell Pendergrast. in The Apostolic Church came belief that California community from California 1969 with the was doomed. Don Stacy and Luther Judkins. Mabel Judkins Mofield. Mabel J. Dorothy. Benjamin Rice Judkins. 1976. a son of Mr. to Virginia. ^ Elder Mofield served as pastor of the church from 1947 until his death in 1974. learned about the most recently established church the Bible Church of Jesus.^ Douglas Mofield. Mofield is prayer band leader for the church and was married to the church's founder. the church was founded by in 1947. 197 6. served as trustee for the church until his death at ninety-s even years of age in 1973. Charles Spurlock. James P. is secretary treasurer. 2 Ibid 6 Ibid. serves as song leader for the church. 3 When the Apostolic of the Church sold moved on The trustees Bible Church of Jesus are Gains Walker.66 The Bible Church of Jesus In an interview with Mrs. 3 j|3i^_ 4 Ibid. ^ Mrs. James P. of the earthquakes that had occurred in that 2 state were considered a sign its building. March. March. Mrs. Averaging 65 Battle to 70 members. ^Interview with Mrs. and Elder Olen Carden presently serves the congregation a§ pastor with the assistance of Thomas Hewell. and Mrs. Mofield. Douglas Mofield. Mofield. Mabel Judkins Mofield. Mofield. . 4. . cit. wrote that Sarah went with her brothers to "the sclinol. "in a little log house just over there (pointing field). Ibid. p. to Fox Spring was closer mentioned here since Murfreesboro than however. Anson and Fanny Nelson. Fletcher farm to have been close enough to the Woods from have been the location of the school "just across the field" is John Woods. Daily American. loc.SCHOOLS The Firs^t 67 J^chools first school believed to to The have been in the neighborhood near Black to the spring. The Subscription School The deed of 1873 to the property donated by Nace S. in their biography of Sarah Childress Polk. Spittard. p. logs and known to have been in existence It men- Church which met at the tioned in the minutes of the Missionary Baptist 4 schoolhouse for a period of six years from 1843 until 1849. 24. "1 In a common John his newspaper account of the highlights in 1hc life of Whitsett Childress. Sarah. Nashville. Overall for the 1 2 Nelson. however. Jolin Woods tells of attending school with him and across the sister.9. Our teacher was Daniel Elam. there no evidence that the Fletcher family owned children and John the plantation at the time Joel Childress' Woods attended built of is school at this location. 9."^ Major Woods The lived about a mile ^ out of town on the road which led to Brady-viUe. have lived it is it was attended by children known in the Fox Camp community. . Fletcher's School was a one room school ^ prior to the Civil War. F. 137 8 map of Rutherford County shows the property to J. pp. . p. 1 . rode his horse ^ each day of the school session from Burk's Hollow. They took the fleas. Harrell. Minnie Overall. Tenn. " Ernest Smith recalled that Mr. and Ernest Smith. 4 Interview with Mrs. . Elisha M. Its first four. February. ^ Ibid. Lorenzo Among his students were Elisha Monroe Dow Harrell. and on the pretense of want- ing to ask their teacher a question. who grew up to preach many times to at this church. Co. to the delight of the boys. Assuming that the building its was coinplcted soon after the time of the deed. McNabb would select a boy to go with him to the well on the Overall farm on days when the weather prohibited the entire class from going. preferring to stay behind to have some fun while the teacher and his helper went for water. Interview with Mrs. Smith. to the front of the school floor. Burk's Hollow is located amid the steep hills ten miles southeast of the school. McNabb's salary was eight dollars a month. ^ Harrell. ^ Ibid. It One typical mischievous prank is told by his niece. Charles McNabb. ^ Tom Overall.. At recess. presumably to rid himself of the fleas. Deed Book. 1976. 2 ]07f) . Clemmie Harrell Ring. the teacher would disappear into the woods nearby. 19. room. ^ Interview with Wm.month sessions2 and only known teacher. No boy wanted to be chosen. Hoyt Smith who quoted Ernest L. Feb. Matilda Harrell. Ruth. this school began about 1874. they would drop one down his back. seems that he and other boys liked to catch fleas. 1976. McNabb. Register's Office. Ring.68 Methodist Church at Dilton reveals plans for the ^ church building to be used "^ also for a subscription school. Mr. 349. Jan. was among the mischievous little boys who went school to Mr. which were easy to find because hogs made themselves at home underneath the schoolhouse one at a time. . December. Smith and his son. Jernigan. Book 25. the school was named Oaklands Academy. 6 Interview with Hoyt Smith. when a Academy was established. Oaklands ^Ernest L. Childress. 1880. ^ Ibid. The well was a "dug well" with a platform of planks over Mr. 4 Tenn. Jasper Knox had the lumber moved back constructed. pag. . William H. deeded an acre of land (on the corner of property presently owned by Hoyt Smith at a location where Overall Road. and on the next day. . the weather was pleasant. Dec. ^ Oaklands Academy On June 5. ^ The deed indicates was bordered on west by property of John W. "Memories of My Early Life" (Ms. ^ A school was built in 1882 after con. Ruth. Smith said he had some concern about the water drawn from the well because of the large cracks between the planks and the gaggle of geese which were also frequent visitors to the well. 212. ^ to its first location and the new school was soon Because of the large oak trees 6 in the school yard. Knox and others as school directors that this property for the the 18th district. 1961). William Yearwood hauled the lumber during the night from the corner deeded by the Smiths to a location about a mile away on the corner of the Bradyville Turnpike and Overall Road. p. . siderable controversy over its location. 3 ^ Ibid. 1975. Smith. Clemmie Ring. n . Register's Office. it. Alexander T. the children would all go to the McNabb for water. Co. Smith. Interview with Joe J. 1975. J. . Wilson Road and Lytle Creek Road come together) to W. According to Mrs./ Prior to the school's construction. 1 The subscription school continued public school called Oaklands in existence until 1882.69 On days when well with Mr. . . John Northcutt. p. In 1885 the Emma Ring and schools average teacher's salary ^ in the public ^ was twenty-five dollars per month. John Lavata Mitchell. 835. a man. Stanton Smith. Interview with Miss Mary Hall. . Ona Morrison.ee. in 1896 than had occurred over the Most of the details have been told by Jolin Harrell Mrs. James A. He was M. Mattie Tucker. twenty-seven years That day. 5. John Harrell and Edgar Puryear became involved in an argument over the appointment at the Dilton store operated by Jim Tolbert. Jan. Mr. music room. Elisha M. ^ 3 Goodspeed. Harrell. Harrell made known o]d. 1896. Puryear was buried the son of P. The length of the school term was J four to five months. D. Flint Speer. Some who served as teachers were Lee Yearwood. Clemmie Harrell Ring. April. February. Mr. the author's great aunt. When the argument increased in intensity. L. 197 6. interviewed the evening.teacher school having two " rooms and a side room called "the L. Edgar Puryear and were prospective teachers at Oaklands. A more serious controversy arose school's location. Harrell. 197 6. ^ Within the year John •'• Interview with Mrs. Gilley. ^ Interview with 5 Nashville Banner. his preference for 15 Mr. 16. p. Ring. the two men 3 stepped outside the store and John Harrell fatally shot Edgar Puryear. Flora Montgomery. 1976. a graduate of Princeton University and principal of the Science Hill Academy from 1870 to 1887. Puryear. March. January . Joel Coates. On the following morning at the breakfast table. after which they slept together in the two men in his home one guest room. a school director. 1896.70 was a two. in the Abernathy Cemetery at Kittrell. Puryear. . Virgil Year^^rood. Will Hayes). Milton Tolbert (last four boys seated) . Grace Harrell. Frank Tolbert. Tolbert. Annie Harrell (Mrs. X. Ring) Ella Hutton. Hurley Mingles) Gleta Arnold. Will Yearwood. Cora Harrell. f- y i+t- These dressed-ip young folks attended old Oakland School on the BracJfville front rcw . Edd Yearwood. S. L. R. Enma Hutton.U. Oscar Jemigan. Harrell) . Will Lee. John Lee (teacher.e^ ^ X- V . second rCTv . R. Lula Tolbert (Mrs. Vivian Yearwood. John Gordon. ) . Okla. Smith). Freeland Harrell. E. Gordon. . Mamie Overall. Annie Yearwood. L.i^i^-ar if^ M-r-j^^ /va^^A^j^J-. third rcw . . back row . Jess Jacobs). ^^?'2l^K^c ^'^i^'^' U. N. Ida Hutton. Qna Harrell. Bartie Nelson. they are: Overall (Mrs. Viola Nelson. Alice Harrell. Gin*/ Hutton. Tom Overall. K. MDran Shuler) . White Yearwood. B. Bettie Arnold. Colvin Tolbert. M.h. B. of Eldorado. . Shellie Tolbert (Mrs. Will Helton. John Yearwood.Mattie Pike in the good year 1896. Ellis Arnold. Ella Tolbert (Mrs.Edgar Overall. Overall.Miss Emna Ring (teacher) . H.Annie Smith (Mrs. Anna Nelson. Lckeyi Ethel Nesbitt. Joe Jemigan. Florence Tolbert (Mrs. Left to right. Cleinrnie Harrell (Mrs. Russell Gordon. . C. Mr. Gladeview folder. Septeniber 13. .72 Harrell died of typhoid fever before his case came up for students who attended Oaklands around this time trial. . . but it was moved during location across the road from Prosperity Baptist Church. Frank Overall by F. Gladeview School On J. Hermon Road near Walkup's Chapel. "^ Tennie recalls that they went to sclioo] February. Some of the teachers at Gladeview were Henry and Lula Bright. Knox. June. School Superintendent's Office. August and part of September. 585. between February and School was not in session. J. Bass and McGowan. Leanna Smith. Rutherford County. to assist with the planting of corn in March and cotton to School was out again in September when cotton was ready be picked. A list of may be seen with the school picture included in this paper. he said. in the school in the 1890's. 417. May. 1884. 197 6. Annie "^ . W. January. Beard. half acre for ^ In 1909 John Overall deeded a that year to its later Gladeview School. Rutherford Co. . May because the chilin dren were needed April. "^ Carney for a school house "now standing on the Gladeview school was originally on Mt. Tenn. Interview with Tennie Beard. January. Co. 197 6. Coleman. Ransom. a student in January. Beard adds that in those days school began with a prayer and ^ ^ 3 5 Tenn. Book 50. . Interview with Tennie Beard. Ruth. School Records. Robert Meeks and Mollie Leigh (Mrs. Book 27. Register's Office. and M. lot. p. one half acre was deeded to school directors G. which was just around the corI ner from the Prosperity Baptist Church. Anse Jones) There were also teachers named Robinson. Register's Office. p. Luther Glanton. . Deed Book 28. Clemmie Harrell Ring. School directors W. Ruth. Register's Office. Co. it When the building began to lean ' was propped up with cedar poles. April. Elizabeth Puckett (Mrs. C. and arithmetic. 73 a song and subjects studied were reading. 1976. 1 2 . ^ was torn of the down and replaced by a new building similar Some teachers who taught at Dilton School were B. Genoa Bowling. Term. April. during the early 1920 's. Rutherford Co. Annie Bell Becton (Mrs. Henderson. Tenn. 197 6. it when it was considered too deteriorated to be used any longer. Ellen Brown. Crass and Reuben Harrell. 2 Its location was on Pike about two miles northwest of the Dilton Store on property presently owned by R. February.tenths of a mile east of the Dilton Store ^ and on the north side of the Bradyville Pike. . About 1927. 1976. to the old one. A. January. Tom Gregory. January. 86. Miss Owen. p.. Bell.. 197 6. 4 Register's Office. 6 Interview with Mrs. Calvin Carter) Interview with Tennie Beard. Lela Osborne. Sallie McClain. May. p. Deed Book 28. D. 7 Interview with Ernest Howard Smith. the land deeded to the school directors was bordered by property owned by M. "^ At that time. Lokey. school remained in existence until about 1910. 3 Interview with Fred Rogers. 86. writing. but name is not known. the Oaklands schoolhouse was rolled through the fields to a new location three. P. Beard. ^ Interview with Mr. Sloan and half acre James Gilley were deeded one the Bradyville by Marshall and Mary Keeble. 8 Interview with William Hoyt Smith. Dilton School ^ The During the winter of 1898. J. in the 1 Another school for the children black community at Dilton was its established about a year after Gladeview. Roberts).. 1976. . W. 197 6. H. . Interview with Mrs. 197 6. 3 Interview with Mrs. Kenneth Williamson). Co. Zella Potts. Hoyt) Whitfield. Ernest Howard Smith. Ellis Harris (nee Clara Parman) directed the parents and friends of stunts. 4 Register's Office. J. The width 23 feet. of the tree. In the 1930's. Deed Book 55. Grover Sneed). Mrs. Bessie Puckett. Ann Between the kitchen and the Jones in charge of the preparation of the food. ^ stage was the large class room. of the building was 34 feet. ^ it The it girls at Dilton School were fond privy. except at the rear. when the tree grew ripe and fell to the ground. Macy Grady Biggers Mrs. A. The community derived much enjoyment and ^ a stage as a result of these efforts. . A deed to a part of the school property mentions a persimmon tree in the school yard. of (Mrs. reveals the school to have been approximately 66 feet in length. Irene Ycarwood (Mrs. April. R. Cannon Overall). Christine Harrell (Mrs. the school in the performance and songs which she had the school acquired written. p. Ellis Harris. April. . Craddock (Nee Alice Hill). Ray Donnell) J. skits. being place. April. Wliite). still in The foundation of the school. James Haynes. Susie Ashley (Mrs. considering theirs because stood behind their fruit of the In the fall of the year and after the first frost. . Frank White. Ruth. where of the building it measured A small room across the front the hot-lunch was used for a kitchen when program began about 1936 with Mrs. On the southeast side of the building were two small rooms and a small porch. Virginia Bock (Mrs. Bright Brandon (Mrs. White Wood). 197 6. 506. there was always a sharp increase in *• Interview with Mrs. ^ Davenport). 1976. Ernest Howard Smith.74 Pauline Jennings (Mrs. Elizabeth White (Mrs. 2 . Tenn. Howard Smith) . . "we were taught reading. May. was a frame building with weatherboarding on the outside and wood ceiling on the inside. Pearl Marlin Smith. The school was located on of that pike the Manchester Pike near the southeast corner and Dilton-Mankin to the south. 5 Ibid. The school closed in 1942 when the children began to be bussed to the consoli- dated grade schools in the town of Murfreesboro2 and the tree o fell during a severe storm of June 20. The schoolhouse was "T" shaped with It one large room and two small rooms on each side. 1976. -^ Henderson School Henderson School. except that privet switches were more available and "^ acceptable substitute for hickory. 4 Letter from Jack R. The roof was covered with wood shingles and there was a belfry on the front contain" ing a bell which called the students in to "books. was a reasonable facsimile of Whittier's schoolhouse. 1970. writing and 'rithmetic to the tune of a made an hickory stick. 197 6. Smith. at Lane. their thoughts were on the tree and the newly it. Fowler Todd. clas More fruit often than not. " Jack Mankin writes. but the foundation of the school and the roots of the tree are still there.75 the number of girls who held up their hands to ask to be excused from ss. 1976. ^ Interview with Dr. 1 6. according to Jack R. May. It is thought to have been built in the Interview with Mrs. ^ fallen which might be found beneath The school and the tree are gone. February. Mankin. 197 ^Interview with Charles B. "Literally. Mankin. but on the opposite side of the pike and a short distance Since a number of children in the Dilton community attended school Henderson. it is mentioned here. . March 30. 1 . Irene Yearwood (Mrs. Deed Book 38. Kenneth Williamson) and Mary Frank Auberry. Professor Parker. AndrewPrice). Mary Snell (Mrs. ^ at Henderson and 1915 for thirty dollars per By this time. Willie Mary Watson (Mrs. 76 late 1800 's when the Fimixklin Hendersons owned the plantation. in 1914 4 Alline Youree remembers teaching month. Mrs. April. 3 ^ ^ ^ Tenn. ^ Register's Office. Ruth. . Mattie Overall (Mrs. p. Irene Downing (Mrs. Fannie Youree. . Shellie Tolbert. March 30. Some others who taught there were Carroll Brown. she recalls. I. p. Interview with John Benton Mankin. school sessions were eight months long.. R. William M. Book 186.. who was (1934) in grade at Henderson School the year the school closed remembers being very much in love during that year with his teacher. 152. Snell).. 269. April. Letter from Jack R. K. Co. 2 Ibid. 6. who was teaching and before. when it was established is uncertain. Since no deed is on record for the sale or donation of the property for the school. Interview with Mrs. Harrell) Snell. Ethel McCrary. grades in a John Benton Mankin. Mankin. W. DeLeon Horton). Arthur Watts) Bessie Puckett. Mary Frank Auberry. Book 194. . was the first teacher known to have taught at Henderson. p. 197 6. Sade (Fannie Robison). 1976. A number their of teachers who taught at Henderson are remembered by in 1906 3 former students. . Ellis Ransom). This land with its antebellum house was purchased from the Hendersons by Henry Pfeil and is in 1897 presently owned by the Price Harrisons. in the early Miss Youree remembers having seventeen children small room with a stove first in the center. 1976. Ann Puckett (Mrs. Alline . McNeill (nee Mary Frances Interview with Miss Alline Youree. . April. •*• The boxes were auctioned to to the highest bidders. folks. before the automobile and consolidated schools. the social activities of the community were closely associated with the school and with not only for children. Interview with Mrs. Admission was charged and funds were thereby raised for equipment for the school. especially enjoyed the box suppers which were given to raise money for the school. "cry" the box supper sale. . the churches. Some men who believed maybe some their wives to be the best cooks would bid for their boxes. Each woman of the family. The children derived much At recess periods. 1976. including the daughters who were of marriageable age. A "crier" (auctioneer) was called in to One of the men often called upon to "cry" the Dilton School's box suppers in the early 1900's was John Puckett. and upon arrival it at the schoolhouse. A young man would bid high because the girl buy the box prepared by his choice of girls its shared the supper with buyer. but for the adults as well. place on a large table with the other boxes. would prepare a delicious supper. Ellis Harris. they pleasure as well as "book learning" from school. 1 ^ Interview with William Hoyt Smith. " as the The "grown children called them. April. 197 6. or bid for fear of a tongue lashing when they got home if they failed to do sol Plays or minstrels were sometimes performed by the parents or by any local talent which could be found. J.77 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES As in all typical communities during the 1800's and early 1900's. pack it in a fancy box which had been carefully decorated. . Roley holey was a marble game. Joe Jernigan. town ball. chosen to be "hares". Jernigan. Two boys. that old bell "But. ante-over. which ^ 2 Jack Mankin. has the scar. 33. There. oh. roley holey. Behind Henderson School was Mr. Pfeil's woods with a dense growth of cedars and a few hardwood trees.me-lou. a (iO student at Henderson around 1910.). writes that this was no small job in a acre plot of dense wood. it was fun. Four holes were placed in the ground and boys took turns shooting their marbles from hole to hole. 1975. were given a bits of few minutes start. inside for recess. "Autobiography" (Ms. Mr. or skip-to. Jernigan Roley holey was a favorite marble game. who was an elementary school student at Oaklands and at Dilton School^ tells of being hit in the leg by a rock by a boy who grew still angry with him over a marble game. They ran ahead dropping small paper to make a trail for the rest of the boys (the "hounds") to follow. Interview with Joe J. sometimes taken seriously by some boys. p. . they played If the weather made it necessary to stay games such as clap-in-and..d. a good game of hares and hounds could be enjoyed. n. Another game with a hard penalty for losing was mumble peg. December. niunVolc peg.clap-out. and how we did hale to near on the schoolhouse "•' toll the doleful warning that it was just five minutes to books.78 played games called hares and hounds. The one who got his marbles in the fourth hole first was rewarded with the privilege of shooting marbles at the knuckles of the other boys as ihey held them to the ground. Jack Mankin. 2 At ninety three. . " acquired its name from was the rule that the team was "in town. from old socks wound very The children divided into two teams and assembled on opposing sides of the school building. Many older men who are in their sixty's and seventy's today carry pocket knives because they acquired the habit when they were boys.79 was played with pocket knives. he yelled When a team member threw the child ball over the roof of the ball would rush If "ANTE-OVER!" The who caught the ar-ound the school house and try to hit one of the children with the ball. The team out on the field said to be "in the country. a certain number of points were scored. . The game continued or until until one side lost in all its team niembers to the other side recess ended. Jernigan recalled the The players took turns throwing If their knives at the ground with both blades out. 1975. Ante-over was played with a ball made of yarn tightly together to the size of a soft ball. but child dodged the ball successfully. Every boy carried a pocket knife. rules: Mr. his team acquired this child as a new member. The boy who scored wooden peg the most points in the game had the privilege of driving a it. December. Town ball was similar at bat " to baseball. Jernigan. tain the knife stuck in the ground with the blade straight out. cerif it points were scored. stuck in the ground by the blade which was at an angle. he succeeded. which case. he had to return to his if the team alone. into the to ground as far as he could drive pull the and the boy who scored the least had peg out with his teeth. school. All the boys and girls would participate in games such as town It ball and ante-over. the team with the most members won '• Interview with Joe J. . excitement and pleasure provided by the annual church affair known as the "protracted meetin'. and in those days. The women and the girls inside the church awaiting the beginning of the service exchanged 1 Interview with Mrs. nothing could compare with the followship. A would he boy to the doorkeeper. their hairdos. Jack R. December 1975. he "stuck" as the clapping ceased. whether for better or for worse. marriage. Pearl Marlin Smith. and their pretty to show off their wasp-like new organdy or satin dresses.clap-out wa^ an indoor game. meetings at the Dilton Church of Christ in tiio some of which typify the social life of any of Dilton churches. the clap-' ping increased and he was "clapped out" of the room. Mankin. Young men had opportunity to show off their newly acquired smoking habits.and. in an autobiography for his children.in. The in woods nearby would be full of younger boys who were more interested in whatever the woods contained and each other than in girls. he sat down by the girl who If called for him. the girls began to clap. describes liis memories early 1900 of the protracted 's.80 the game Clap. their sideburns and their moustaches. who would call him If in. where boys had opportunity to meet girls from other communities. When entered the door. The girls would remain girl in the rooni and the boys would go out of the call for a particular room or vice versa. he did not. " The following is paraphrased from Mr. was for keeps. . According to Mr. Such meetings often resulted in romance and marriage. and the girls had a chance waists. Mankin. Mankin's to manuscript: People came from fifteen twenty miles away to attend a meeting. . d. - stewed tomatoes. pickled peaches. the family who had the honor of getting the preacher to go home with them for dinner would invite as It many others it as they could get to come. butter beans. slaw. If of the year. home made light bread. iced tea. but was the The protracted meeting was scheduled for a week in July. fried corn. buttermilk or sweet milk "^ When the children ^ came in for the "second table. potato salad. 17-19. n. The men were dressed in overalls or suits. not easy. . "Autobiography" (Ms. not quarts. fried ham. . but these gave linencollars way worn high up under silk shirts. preserves. and the housewife prepared the it. In the to stiff early 1900 's there were a few celluloid collars. 20. There was an unbelieveable abundance on the table on such a day: "three or four fried chickens fried to a delicious golden brown and served hot from the stove. Mankin writes: Jack R.coffee.81 recipes and secrets and every woman carried a fan. Their faces were white their hair with dover chalk and they wore large hats which were attached to with long hat pins. p. cuff links The men who wore and sleeve bands suits would wear gaudily striped shirt sleeves up. -/ to drink . ' to hold the When the services were over. was the housewife's day of glory. Mankin.) pp. Many of the men would stay outside and talk during the services and later offer the excuse to their wives that there was no more room available inside. dinner was over. butter and jelly for dessert home made ice cream reckoned in gallons. roast beef or mutton. the chin. warmest month hot stove. meal over a to the family could afford a servant was hired help with of food the cooking and dish washing." Mr. 2 Ibid. and at least two kinds of cakes. hot biscuits. . and it was even more true in the men enjoyed the fellowship of a lodge in the early 1900's called the United Sons of Relief. 21. it seenu'd as if the}' would eat foreverl We would think there was a lull and begin to be hopeful when the good housewife would insist that the preacher try some of this or that and then they would start all over again./- before going back to "meetin' Social gatherings " that night. And. If Their primary a purpose was to help one another when there was a need.It was infinite torment to be helpless and voiceless while the last piece of white meat was eaten or the last good piece of ham had the heart cut out of it. ^Ibid. Finally. ' When dinner was over. even ice cream.. and in spite of our thinking a few minutes before that there would not be anything left. p. ^ Interview with Tennie Beard. each of the other members contributed a ^ Ibid. We didn't get much service or choice dishes. the women washed dishes and the talk. p. Some of the officers who served the lodge were Simon "^ ^ Ncls Lassiter.cigh. J. men would sit under the shade trees and smoke. to They met once a month and continued do so for about four years. they did quit. 20. . though. This was true case of the schools and the black community. Jess Alexander. to chew tobacco and it and perhaps take a walk do the look over the crops until was time to go home and farm chores . where the churches. to member became ill and unable work. but we didn't need much. . 197 6. Our hopes sank as low as the pancreas. and then some mother would remember the children hadn't eaten yet. January. What we lacked in finesse. ^ among the adults often had a serious purpose as well in the as recreational value. I never knew of a child leaving the second table without having had more than he should have eaten. we made up for in appetite. and Tennie Beard. . January.- wilhoui ir. 1976. it Since times were hard and to invite a money scarce during very large group to the 1930 's. ^ DLii-ing the depression years. . the "pound supper" was popular in the- community. to These social gatherings were similar to the "covered dish SLip- pers" with which we are familiar today. was probably not practical one's lionit.viting each family to also bring a pound of food to contribute the meal. ^ Interview with Mr. Beard.83 dollar a week for his family's support until he was able to work again. . Jernigan is a son Interview with Joe J. Daily American . The black- smiths were George Blair and William Henderson. 23. J. it Because of this demand. 197 6. Will 2 ^Sims. Jim Tolbert. '^ 1975. knives. Dill opened a store in 18835 across the Bradyville road and ^ about 200 yards northwest of today's Dilton Store. M. and trinkets for pelts. p. A School History of Tennessee (New York: World 1925). Book Company. of William and Betty Thompson Jernigan. guns. ^ . Dave Bivins. traders found profitable to exchange guns. ^ The first store known to have been operated in the area by a white settler was Joel Childress' store on the old ^ road near Black Fox Spring. whiskey. cit. loc. Dill's store. loc_. ammunition. products from the farm and the woods. Harrell. In those days stores are said to have sold dry goods. 1 Cumberland settlement to exchange goods with The animal furs which the Indians obtained in the wilderness were in demand by the colonists as well as the Europeans. AGRICULTURE. and hides. cit. hatchets. AND INDUSTRY The oldest trading post known the Black to have been in the Dilton area was near Fox Spring many years before Rutherford County was established the when traders came from the Indians. . Mr. cloth.84 ROADS. Jernigan. p. whiskey. 210. By 1900 there were two '^ other stores and two blacksmith shops near Dr. S. 4 5 Goodspeed. 812. and some of the store- keepers were James Hill. Dec.E. Scates. who owned a farm in the Dilton Commvinity across the road and east of Moore Hill. 3 Nashville. p. Interview with William Hoyt Smith. TRADE. "The Dill Family". Leighton Tolbert. Dr. March. . DILTON STORE PLEASAMT GROVE CHURCH LYTLE CREEK DILTON COUNTRYSIDE . . -. -Rvo The store was CTvned by John Overall and people in the picture are said to be Tom The store burned around 1904. f ni i. Jr. Benson and Hugh Kirk. operated by M. Ernest Smith is second person to the ri^t of Mr..-Mn » A Dilton store of about 1900. Willard 's wife and child are standing in front of the windcw on the left side of the picture. V.A Dilton store of about 1906. Willard with dark hat and moustache. . Storekeeper Sylvester Willard is standing with ants crossed near the center of the picture.. Baugus. Mr. . hogs. Publication No. Ibid. Historical Society. Wray. Deed Book Y. "Autobiography" (Ms. Oscar Harrcll. "Rutherford County Post Offices and Postmasters. December. cotton. March. horses. ^ Oscar Harrell i-an the store from about 1910 until 1925. 1975. •'• 2 Henry . 1976. Co. "^ . Tenn. and wheat and kept "milch" cows. a yoke of oxen. Mr. 5 p. Register's Office. Dill. and cattle wei'e driven to Murfrecsboro past his home near the Dilton store from farms as far away as Bradyville and that the drivers frequently stopped along the road with the animals to spend the night. a concrete block structure. The post office was discontinued in l90fi.. in 1 After Dr. presently owns and operates the only Dilton store. Jernigan. M. p. William Harrell. 31. Joe Jernigan. Smith. 197 6. a youngster during the inCO's and ICOO's rcrneml:)ers that hogs. 1973). until 1905.stor 1803 and Sylvester Willard in 1901. and Grovor ArnolU'. These products are mentioned in this deed of 1857 of property from William Nelson The property was located in the area to become knov/n as to John Nelson. Dillon. in the com- The first plantation owner raised corn. Pcutherford Co.V. chickens. 123. geese and ducks. Ruth. Baugus. " G. '^ . ^ Interview with William Hoyt Smnth. ISO. p. turkeys.''' The products of the farm which were not used for the families sustenance were sent to market. Sylvester Willard. Leighton Tolbert began a term as poslriia. 6 Jack R. .Overall. The Murfreesboro and Bradyville Turnpike was Interview with Joe J. ^ during the years from Agriculture was the main means of livelihood for the people munity. mules. Mankin. 5 Hatton Adams operated the only store on at a store to Dilton Moore Hill and Hendrick Mankin was storekeeper on the corner of the Manchester Pike and the old road which led 1914 to 1917. March. 5 Interview with Mr. ^ His son. . 1857-58. of State. "^ Receipts recorded by Goodspeed for the Murfreesboro and Bradyville turnpike in 1886 were $1. 4 Ibid. Reeves. Jernigan. 1875. December. Okla: Harlow. The Story of Tennessee (Norman. p. another was at the foot of Moore The and the third was located in the Donnell's Chapel community. -could be charged. . Murray and J. Carr. 793. Turnpike companies perforined valuable service for the people. Levi W. p. 197 6. 78. 1976. . 1855-56. Hugh Kirk. 5 60. January. The road was barely wide enough for wagons pass when •' they met. p.H. ^ ' 2 Interview with Joe J. but it had little resemblance to our present conto cept of a turnpike. 1963). A. E.88 in operation at this time. Keeble. D. 817. and horses and cattle would sometimes sink knee deep in mud. Tenn. March. Woods. 6 Qoodspeed. W. May 4. 1976. 373. ^ Letter from Joe C. wagons. B. Todd Lake. Carney. p. 185. ^ Interview with Roy Tarwater who quoted W. Joseph H. 6 There were three toll gates along the pike about five miles apart.. H. 18 and expenditures were $1. 3 Acts of the State of Tennessee . 241. 7 Interview with William Hoyt Smith. C. ^ On the day that the turnpike opened. Carnahan. it was toll free and "wagons and carts and horses came out the pike all day. A. and William Spence. the directors were L. Sloan (1853-1933). Holmes. ^ The legislature amount of toll that When the Murfreesboro and Bradyville Turnpike Company was chartered in 1855. Sec. The first was along the road to the northwest of Hill. 1975. directors of the turnpike in 1903 were Charles R. Some of the toll money was considered income on "^ their investments and the set the remainder was used for repairs. 385. Parks. The companies chartered by the state legislature were inade up of men who owned rock crushers. p. and teams of horses and who hired drivers and laborers for the purposes of constructing roads and bridges and charging tolls. . One was owned by John W. 1976. 1872-79. Childress and another by W. Mankin. Alexander T. but Mr. Some millers were to inclined to keep a little more. Road Books. boys pick them only if they were qualified by the ability to whistle. 2 . always In addition to the grist mill. Overall. stationary gasoline engine which was started by a kitchen m. . Frank Overall also remembered by several people today were hired to for his cherry orchard. Co. Jan. the Dilton The 1878 map reveals several cotton gins scattered over countryside. ^ . 197 6. 12. Letter from Jack R. When the cherries ripened. a small William Yearwood had in the home broom factory. ^ Ibid.89 People liii'iipikes in the community took turns working the roads which woi'c not 'oeds in l^ard with picks and shovels. Yearwood was said have been fair and just in his dealings with the farmers.atch. Ruth. Fr-ank is Mr. Tenn. March. Smith was appointed overseer of the road between the turnpike and the home of Mrs. in the latter part Most grist mills a were propelled by water power. Yearwood's mill was powered by large. 3 A miller was expected to keep an eighth of the meal which he had ground for the farmer. but Mr. 4 Interview with William Hoyt Smith. Mr. Dorothy Philips and served in that capacity from 187 3 to 1879. Both men and horses worked it keep the roads in good condition. giving good measure. Some of the farmers neighborhood County Court Clark's Office. Overall wisely required that the boys whistle while they worked 1^ William Yearwood operated a grist mill on his farm of the 19th century and in the early part of this century. but seemed a losing battle as both weather and wagon wl>eels would soon undo what had been done. Gravel was hauled from creek wagon loads pulled by teams 1o of horses. . hay and all.). was a progressive farmer of the early 1900's who was willing hay fork.. recalls that she had to meet her father with a bucket of water for ^ the tractor each time he oil made it a round in the field. 1 JackR. to try new gadgets such as to try the Dr. March. father of Jack R. ^ Jasper Knox. but it was "thirsty" water. Hoyt Smith (nee Peai-1 first tractor in the Marlin). The fork was let down into the load of hay and the triggers set to hold it. 1976. Yearwood who made brooms on the shares. His daughter. It was a sensation in the neighborhood and was the forerunner of many more to be installed by farmers of Dilton. Mrs. could be heard throughout the countryside. n. John Benton Mankin. for It was a gasoline or coal it powered tractor. Mules instead of men furnished the power to unload the hay. and it dropped from the fork. Marlin owned the property shown on the to From Beers Map of 1878 as belonging by William Elrod. Then a pair of mules attached to a long rope would pull the fork. A man pulled the trip rope when the load was where it was wanted. property presently owned Mr. ^ Interview with Mrs. "Autobiography" (Ms. ^ Ibid. high up into the roof of the barn where it would roll on the track to the place it was to be tripped. Jack Mankin recalls that they were good brooms without the fancy trimming and fancy handles found on today's factory made brooms. and it often did.90 raised broom corn and took their harvests to Mr. Mankin was the first farmer in the community its it. 4 Ibid. Jack Mankin explains use in his Autobiography: "The hay fork was a device for unloading loose hay from a wagon by means of a large fork on a track. When backfired."2 1906 to 1918 Raleigh W. Pearl Marlin Smith. . Marlin may be credited with having acquired the community. Mankin. Mankin. 26. People came from ^ town and from miles around to see the tractor in operation.d. p. . Nadene Harrell Duncan. March. tling plant were scarce due to a shortage Mr. he established the Soft drinks R. December. He purchased two block molds while Dilton. December. in Chattanooga and brought them to where he made the concrete blocks with which to build his house. Hooper. During World War H. and bought two trucks with which the drinks. that her father Mr. ^ 2 ^ Interview with Mrs. J. Mrs. Mrs. he purchased a rock crusher and a block machine. Mildred Harris Hooper. The car was pur- chased about 1906 and kept until 1912. . Kelly Harrell moved to Chattanooga with his family and operated a grocery store His daughter. He established the Rutherford County Lime and Block Company and made concrete blocks for sale on his property at Dilton. His interest stirred by concrete blockmaking as a means of livelihood.ytlc Harris owned and operated a saw mill on the Marlin property near the years of 1912 and 1913. 197 Interview with Mrs. 1976. of sugar. He marketed the drinks to stores throughout middle Tennessee. Interview with Mrs. 4 Ibid. Harrell returned and built a house near the southwest corner of the Bradyville Pike and Overall Road.91 Jolin J. Hugh Hooper. Harrell Bottling Company. ^ W. 2 After having lived in Dilton as a young man. Harrell obtained a sugar allotment. 1976. Duncan. built and equipped a botto distribute on his property. is The block making machine believed to have been the first in Rutherford County. 6. K. recalls was the first man in Dilton to own a car. Harris' daughter. Creek during when he and his large family lived in the Marlin house. in that city. provided the following information about to Dilton in the early 1940's her father: Mr. . Overall married School. Overall became a genial and successful salesman of his products. A processing plant was built on his farm and operated for several years. Tarwater and Cannon J. Thompson. mailed far and wide and planted several foreign countries such as Egypt. who is now retired and lives in Murfreesboro. March. improving cultural methods. Jean Thompson. and Mrs. in Seed from Mr.92 Roy E. he was the first farmer in the When hybrid corn was county to raise hybrid corn for sale. William H. His specialty was raising certified and foundaintroduced. Rutherford County in 1918 after serving army during World War at Dilton. and other African countries. August. 1976. Cannon Justiss Overall was born to Fannie Justiss and Thomas R. Tarwater's farm was Italy. Tarwater did general farming. he sold evergreens such as mistletoe. who was teaching at Dilton a large scale and supplied the Mr. Tarwater. until his death in 1974. '- 2 Interview with Roy E. 1976. holly. Interview with Mrs. he came to I. Mr. Tarwater. . in the county as well as in the community because Mr. Overall were outstanding agriculturists of their specialized farming. He married Susie Mae Harrell in that year and bought a farm Mr. Overall gardened on markets of Murfreesboro with a wide variety of garden vegetables throughout his life. his land and using the latest agriin the He was the first farmer community to use contoui- farniing and to build terraces. (nee Jean Overall). provided these facts about her father: 1924 Mr. supplied the following facts about his life and work: Born in the in Missouri. During the Christmas season. In Mary Virginia Bock. -^ Overall at Dilton in 1899 and lived at his birthplace His daughter. rion seed. Jr. . 1976. who they lived during those early times remember it. Mr„ Overall processed. ^An entry Interview with Mrs. and packaged during the years of peak production.93 pine. sold to grocery stores throughout middle and west Tennessee these seasonings bearing recipes for their use on the labels. multi-purpose building used for the processing. People community. The young think of those times as another world and wonder what they have missed. began change. but mostly remember the good and they miss The feeling is as one of homesick- ness. the good and the bad. the Dilton commionity acquired electricity. Today's older generations have had the unique privilege of living in "two worlds" or eras: the agricultural and the industrial. Agriculture continued to be a primary source of income in the Dilton community for thirty-five to forty years into this century- On a joyous day lived in 1937. In 1949 he expanded the sage and pepper business by constructing and equipping a concrete block. as all other communities in the land. 1937 reads "My grandparents " are just now getting their electricity. August. in the author's diary on January 31. and cedar ia lots and in handmade wreaths. 2 Some people who there at the time remember came well just where they were and what they were doing when the lights Lliis on. . Jean Overall Thompson. With this and other technological to advancement. packaging. and storing of his homegrown seasoningSo Thirteen acres of sage and pepper were grown. . 94 Index for Publication Number 9 Abernathy . . 95 Harrell . . 96 Overall . . Society AUTHOR Publication LIBRARY MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY MURFREESBORO.3 3082 00527 7024 976. TENNESSEE .9 78-019^45 Rutherford Coimty Hist.857 R931p V. K . . . DATE DUE "Hp-^ ^ tT"/'^^ I .
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