08 Program Book

March 27, 2018 | Author: MohitGupta | Category: Natural Products, Pharmacognosy, Drug Discovery, Metabolomics, Herbalism



7th Joint Meeting of AFERP, ASP, GA, PSE & SIFNATURAL PRODUCTS WITH PHARMACEUTICAL, NUTRACEUTICAL, COSMETIC AND AGROCHEMICAL INTEREST Athenaeum Intercontinental Athens Greece, 3-8 August 2008 Final Programme INDEX Organisation Prefaces Acknowledgements Venues, Registration and Instructions Scientific Programme Workshops Social Programme General Information Meeting and Exhibition Areas List of Posters Topic A: Topic B: Topic C: Topic D: Topic E: Topic F: Topic G: Topic H: Topic I: Topic K: Pharmacology, toxicology and clinical studies of natural products and herbal drugs Phytochemistry and structure elucidation of natural products Extraction, isolation, formulation and analysis of natural products and herbal drugs Natural Products with photoprotective (skin protective) activity and cosmetic interest Botanical/Natural Products with agrochemical interest/Natural Products in animal health care Traditional medicines/ethnopharmacology Synthesis and biosynthesis of natural products/drug discovery/biotechnology Nutraceuticals/bioactive compounds in food Essential oils Other related topics 3 4 14 16 17 28 29 30 36 38 38 54 62 69 70 72 74 79 82 85 ORGANISATION AFERP and Local Organizing Committee Chairmen: J. Boustie (Rennes) / A.L. Skaltsounis (Athens) F. Bailleul (Lille) I. Chinou (Athens) N. Fokialakis (Athens) S. Haroutounian (Athens) E. Kalpoutzakis (Athens) E. Kokkalou (Thessaloniki) P. Kordopatis (Patras) M. Kouladis (Athens) A. Loukis (Athens) E. Melliou (Athens) S. Michel (Paris) S. Mitakou (Athens) V. Roussis (Athens) E. Seguin (Rouen) H. Skaltsa (Athens) E. Tsitsa (Athens) O. Tzakou (Athens) L. Voutquenne (Reims) Scientific Committee S. Alban (Kiel) M. Alexis (Athens) N. Aligiannis (Athens) R. Bauer (Graz) A. R. Bilia (Florence) W. Blaschek (Kiel) B. Bodo (Paris) L. Bohlin (Uppsala) V. Butterweck (Gainesville) G. Constantine (Albany) M. Curini (Perugia) D. A. Guo (Shanghai) B. Gehrmann (Hamburg) S. Gibbons (London) K. Glowniak (Lublin) M. Halabalaki (Athens) M. Hamburger (Basel) M. Heinrich (London) Y. Yang (Shanghai) A. Hensel (Munich) J. W. Kim (Seoul) D. Kinghom (Columbus) B. Kopp (Vienna) M. A. Lacaille-Dubois (Dijon) C. Lavaud (Reims) P. Magiatis (Athens) E. Mikros (Athens) N. Oberlies (Research Triangle Park) M. Petersen (Marburg) L. Pieters (Antwerp) C. Pizza (Salerno) J. Quetin-Leclercq (Bruxelles) H. Stuppner (Innsbruck) F. Tillequin (Paris) C. Vagias (Athens) A. Vlietinck (Antwerp) H. Vuorela (Helsinki) H. Yamada (Tokyo) Patronage Ministry of Rural Development and Food Ministry of Health National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Organizing Secretariat AFEA SA 39-41 Lykavittou street Athens 10672, Greece. Tel:+302103668852/Fax: +302103643511. www.afea.gr Scientific items Prof. Dr. Alexios-Leandros Skaltsounis Laboratory of Pharmacognosy and Natural Products Chemistry Faculty of Pharmacy University of Athens Panepistimiopolis Zografou, Athens 15771, Greece E mail: [email protected] 3 PREFACE Welcome from Prof. A.L. Skaltsounis and J. Boustie Dear Participants On behalf of AFERP, we are very pleased and honoured to welcome all of you in Athens. This event is the major world-wide rendezvous of Natural Products experts which takes place every 4 or 5 years with the support of their respective Scientific Societies. At this time we acknowledge the participation of the Italian Society of Pharmacognosy (SIF), which joined the American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP), the Society for Medicinal Plant Research (GA), the Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE) and AFERP for this meeting. It is a great honour and opportunity for AFERP to be in charge of the main organisation. AFERP is no longer the French Society of Pharmacognosy since 2001, but the Pharmacognosy Society of French speaking persons. In this opening frame, we decided to organize this joint meeting in Greece for three reasons. The first is that Greece is considered to be at the basis of occidental civilisation and medicine. In the historical city of Athens during the classical period (500-300 B.C.) the Greek philosophers and physicians started to separate the discipline of Medicine from religion, believing and arguing that disease was not a punishment inflicted by the gods, but rather the product of environmental factors, diet and style of life. Four centuries later, a Greek physician, Dioscorides wrote his fundamental work “περι Ιατρικης υλης” De materia medica and put the basis of Pharmacognosy. The name of our discipline “Pharmacognosy” derives from two Greek words, “pharmakon” meaning drug and “gnosis” meaning knowledge. Secondly, as a link between Europe and other Mediterranean countries, Athens is the most suitable city as a world-wide checkpoint to bring together African, American, Asian, Australian and European scientists. Thus, about 1100 participants from 70 countries from all over the world are coming to this congress to attend lectures, debate and initiate fruitful collaborations issuing from the scientific presentations or from the social program. The third reason that led to the choice of Athens as a venue for this congress is the strong historical relationship that exists between the French natural products’ scientific community and the School of Pharmacy of the University of Athens, which dates back over 70 years. The scientific program deals with all the possible applications of natural products as pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, cosmetic and agrochemical agents. A variety of topics , focused on phytochemistry, bioactivity, new drug sources and drug discovery, traditional medicines, new trends in extraction, separation and structural elucidation processes, biosynthesis and synthesis, will be discussed during the meeting. Many colleagues from the five scientific societies have contributed to the preparation and organisation of this joint meeting. We specially want to thank the organising and scientific committees and the BoD of the other four Scientific Societies for their constant and active participation in the preparation of this joint meeting. We also want to thank Thieme Publishers for printing the major part of the abstracts in Planta Medica and all the sponsors for their generous contributions. Last but not least, the full involvement and commitment of the staff of the department of Pharmacognosy and Natural product Chemistry of the University of Athens to this event is particularly acknowledged. We wish you all to enjoy a fruitful and stimulating meeting. Prof. Leandros A. Skaltsounis University of Athens Prof. Joël Boustie University of Rennes Prof. Leandros A. Skaltsounis Prof. Joël Boustie 4 Chairman of the Congress Co-chairman and AFERP President nutraceutical.V. The Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity supports all efforts that promote scientific research and projects in the vital area of pharmacognosy. Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy. Dimitris L. providing opportunities for extensive discussions. The Country’s long tradition in the study of natural sources for the discovery of compounds with pharmaceutical interest is honored by the Faculties of Pharmacy at Greek Universities. cosmetic and agrochemical interest. the fathers of modern medical sciences. With my warmest regards. (GA). of the Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE) and of the Società Italiana di Fitochimica (SIF). Dimitris L. exchange of knowledge and ideas and collaboration in the field of research and development. pharmacology and related fields. of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research .Gesellschaft für Arzneipflanzenforschung e. The conclusions of the Congress are expected with great interest. I wish to all participants a productive and successful organization. of the American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP). Mr. The Department of Pharmacognosy at the University of Athens took the important initiative to organize the 7th Joint Meeting of the Association Francophone pour l’ Enseignement et la Recherche en Pharmacognosie (AFERP). Ancient Greek scientists like Hippocrates. Dioscorides and Theophrastos offered an invaluable contribution to Medicine. Dimitris L.PREFACE Message from the Minister of Health and Social Solidarity of the Hellenic Republic. Avramopoulos Minister of Health and Social Solidarity 6 . Avramopoulos A large number of scientists are gathered in Athens to present their papers and to describe current scientific trends in natural products with pharmaceutical. Avramopoulos Greece is universally known as the birthplace of distinguished doctors. the quality of the products produced. ASP. The balanced development of local societies. Konstantinos Kiltidis. It is a great honor for our country and especially for the University of Athens to host distinguished experts from all over the world and give them the opportunity to present their research work and describe the current scientific mainstream in natural products with pharmaceutical. The preservation of biodiversity combined with the research on aromatic and medicinal plants can lead to new opportunities for the development of high added value products. PSE & SIF is an outstanding world congress and the most important event in the field of natural products. mastic. ASP. the multi-functioning and the creation of supplementary incomes constitute the principal political directions to be followed in the forthcoming years. we feel the need to treat a foreigner as a guest. cosmetic and agrochemical interest. nutraceutical. will be a memorable experience. We look forward to welcoming you in Athens. and crocus. wine. The Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food expresses the Government’s intention to support the research and its outcome on this scientific field. GA.PREFACE Greeting of Mr. This congress offers to the international scientific audience a closer look on Greek medicinal plants and traditional agricultural products like olive oil. As Greeks that honour the hospitality from ancient years. the protection of the environment and the ecosystem. Deputy Minister of Rural Development and Food The 7th Joint Meeting of AFERP. Konstantinos Kiltidis Konstantinos Kiltidis Deputy Minister of Rural Development and Food 8 . in hope that the 7th Joint Meeting of AFERP. GA. Greece is a biodiversity hotspot with a flora of more than 6000 plant species including more than 1000 endemic ones. In addition. PSE & SIF. PSE & SIF. D. Today. Natural products are an important source of new drugs and an exciting research field. ASP. Assimakopoulos The Faculty of Pharmacy of our University and especially the Department of Pharmacognosy and Natural Products Chemistry has a long tradition in the study of natural products for the discovery of compounds with pharmaceutical interest and today is one of the most active faculties of our university. Our university supports all the activities promoting the research and the knowledge exchange. Assimakopoulos Vice Rector for Financial Affairs and Development of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 10 11 . and one of the largest universities in Europe. was the first University not only in the Greek State but in all the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean in general. GA. I would like to welcome the numerous scientists from all over the world that will be gathered in Athens to present their researches in natural products with pharmaceutical. The University of Athens aims at excellence in both teaching and research in a significantly varied range of disciplines and in this frame it is a great honor for our university to organize an outstanding congress like the 7th Joint Meeting of AFERP. the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens is the largest state institution of higher learning in Greece. nutraceutical. cosmetic and agrochemical interest. founded in 1837.PREFACE Message from the Vice-Rector of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. I wish to all organizers and participants a successful meeting D. coordonnatrice de la manifestation. I do hope that this meeting. Welcoming message by his Excellency the Ambassador of France in Athens. These products being one of the most important links between man and Nature. ont inspiré les poètes et légitimé le développement des sciences. Aujourd’hui.PREFACE Message de bienvenue de Son Excellence Monsieur l’Ambassadeur de France à Athènes. the use of natural products relies on very old traditions. which is responsible for the organization for the year 2008. les savoir-faire traditionnels peuvent maintenant être étudiés et exploités de manière rationnelle grâce aux avancées des sciences : ces produits à valeur culturelle forte représentent aujourd’hui un marché en croissance exponentielle qui allie la notion de patrimoine à l’innovation technologique. which associates both cultural heritage and innovating technologies. Il s’y joint une recherche en phase avec l’époque contemporaine où l’homme prend conscience de la nécessité d’entretenir dans sa vie. Mr Christophe FARNAUD It is a great pleasure for me to greet the organization in Athens of the joint meeting of the American and European societies of pharmacognosy and natural products chemistry. ces végétaux récoltés ou cultivés depuis si longtemps par l’homme constituent les matières premières d’une industrie sophistiquée en termes de compétences. de technologies employées et d’excellence sanitaire requise. collected by Humans since the very beginning of history. En un mot. une industrie au développement durable si tant est que la biodiversité est bien protégée! Je pense que la remarquable audience de votre colloque permettra d’excellents travaux. L’emploi des substances d’origine naturelle s’inscrit dans une tradition très ancienne. will be a unique opportunity to develop fruitful collaborations and give stimulating ideas for future research. I should thank the organizers and the audience for this wonderful meeting and wish you a very agreeable stay with our friends in Greece. Consequently. fertiles et féconds. are now the starting materials used to obtain products which quality. these products of high cultural value also currently represent a market of increasing value. les senteurs et la médecine par les plantes’’ ont fondé les échanges commerciaux.social. avec son écosystème. de leur congrès international placé cette année sous l’égide de l’Association Francophone pour l’Enseignement et la Recherche en Pharmacognosie (AFERP). safety and efficiency constantly improved because of sophisticated industrial processes and methodologies. Historically. C’est avec grand plaisir que je salue l’organisation à Athènes. The knowledge compiled by folk medicine and ancient civilisations can now be rationally explored and exploited. This congress is held under the auspices of the French “Association Francophone pour l’Enseignement et la Recherche en Pharmacognosie” (AFERP). un équilibre subtil. . Christophe Farnaud Ambassador of France in Athens 12 13 . they stand as additional evidence for the urgent need of a strong protection of the biodiversity. cette année 2008. thanks to the continuous progress of science. Christophe Farnaud Hier constitutives d’un socle de valeurs culturelles. par les sociétés américaine et européennes de pharmacognosie et de chimie des substances naturelles. Naturally occurring drugs of vegetal origin. which brings together eminent experts and scientists in the field of natural products. which were transmitted at first orally and later in a written form. environnemental et économique – . ‘‘les saveurs. Transmis de génération en génération. Je remercie les organisateurs et les participants de cette manifestation et souhaite à tous de fructueux échanges scientifiques ainsi qu’un excellent séjour chez nos amis en Grèce. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Platinum Sponsors ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Bronze Sponsors Golden Sponsors Silver Sponsors KAPLANIDIS MILLS S.A FLOUR & SEMOLINA INDUSTRY 14 15 . Wednesday. Tuesday. You are requested to be present next to your poster during the poster session Tuesday 5th of August from 17h10 to 18h45 • Subsequently.VENUES. August 3. McGuffin M Chair: Bilia AR University central building INTERCONTINENTAL Hotel Registration and information desk opening hours: Sunday. • All material needed for the poster affixing will be provided to authors by the Congress Secretariat which will be operating at the Congress Venue. 2008 12h00 – 14h00 15h00-20h00 Registration for Workshops Participants REGISTRATION WS 1: Workshop on Regulatory Affairs on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPs) “Medicinal Herbs: drugs or dietary supplements? What are the legal consequences in terms of quality. equivalent to A0size. it is very important to keep to the allotted speaking times. 2008 August 4. Greece http://www.intercontinental. Thursday.84m (33 inch) x 1. SL: Short lecture 16 17 . Please bring the ppt-file of your presentation (preferably in Windows XP format for PC use) the latest at the morning of the day you have to give your lecture. Chairpersons are kindly requested to secure that time limits allotted to each speaker are kept.athens. PA4. Boustie J Award Session Chair: Baker B. VIP-Lamda-Omega and Theta-Sigma-Delta Meeting Rooms (refer to floor plan given in pages 36-37) JNP Meeting KAPPA *AWL: Award lecture. Kruger R. • Poster area is Omikron. Greece SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Sunday. REGISTRATION AND INSTRUCTIONS Congress Venue Athenaeum Intercontinental Hotel 89-93 Syngrou Avenue 117 45 Athens. Video data projector will be available. 2008 August 6. Roussis V PSE AWARD Silver medal: New frontiers in the quality of herbal medicinal products (HMPs) GA Honory membership AWARD ESA Gold Travel Grants Announcement AWARD ESA Bronze Willmar Schwabe AWARD LUNCH Vlietinck A AWL1 BALLROOM I-II-III Crews P Bodo B AWL2* AWL3 Personalities Presidents of Associations INTERCONTINENTAL Hotel INTERCONTINENTAL Hotel INTERCONTINENTAL Hotel BALLROOM I-II-III BALLROOM I-II-III 08h30 - 9h10 09h10-10h30 09h10 09h50 10h30 - 11h00 11h00 - 13h00 11h00 11h40 11h50 12h05 12h10 12h20 13h00 - 14h30 13h00-14h30 …poster contributions The size of the posters should be 0. 2008 August 7. L: lecture. Tillequin F. The posters should be mounted on Monday morning and dismounted on Tuesday after the end of the poster session I. safety and efficacy of each option?” Workshop for young researchers WELCOME PARTY Panelists: Vlietinck A. PA2. PA5… will be presented on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th of August . please contact the Congress Secretariat as soon as possible. If you require a slide projector or overhead projector. Monday. 2008 15h00-20h00 Intercontinental 07h45-19h30 Intercontinental 08h00-19h30 Intercontinental 08h00-19h30 Intercontinental 08h00-19h30 Intercontinental 13h00 - 17h00 University central building 13h00 - 17h00 20h00-23h00 University central building Roof Garden of “ETHNIKI ASFALISTIKI” Conference Center Instructions for … …oral contributions The duration of a lecture is 35 min. such as PC. Knöss W. • Authors are kindly requested to affix their posters on the predetermined poster board which will be numbered according to the code number of their abstract. 2008 August 5. • The code number of each abstract will have been placed on each poster board by the Organizer. PA3. August 3rd.g. August 4th.com University of Athens Central Building 30 Panepistimiou str.20m (47 inch) (width x height). Athens. For oral presentations basic audiovisual equipment. The posters should be mounted on Wednesday morning and dismounted on Thursday after the end of the poster session II. 2008 7h45-19h30 08h30 - 19h30 Registration Exhibits open Opening ceremony Chair: Skaltsounis L. Pieters L. all posters ending in an even number e. All oral presenations at the end will have 5 min for discussion. Posters presenters are kindly requested to follow the below instructions: • All posters ending in an odd number e. PA6… will be presented on Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th of August. ASP Research achievement AWARD: Discovery of Inspirational Marine Natural Products: Some Effective Paradigms and Significant Outcomes AFERP Joseph Pelletier AWARD: Diversity of plant nitrogenous compounds: recent results from biodiversity COFFEE BREAK (SETTING Posters ODD numbers) Award Session Chair Kopp B. PA1. You are requested to be present next to your poster during the poster session Thursday 7th of August from 14h30 to 16h00. Sievers H. In the interest of smooth functioning of scientific meetings. Frankos V. You will not allowed to use your own laptop for your presentation. and of a short lecture 10 min.g. Monday. and biological properties of (-). Natural product sources and the biodiversity convention Alkaloid semisynthesis: searching for anticancer drugs Sustainable development of natural product research in drug discovery Phylogeny and Chemography Screening of a natural compound library for potential protein kinase inhibitors Discovery of new secondary metabolites mediating insectmicroorganism symbioses Automated natural product extract screening using H NMR 1 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME BALLROOM 1-2-3 18h00 Examination of adaptogenic effect of infusions of Bergenia crassifolia black and fermented leaves in the forced swimming test Triterpenoid saponins from the cytotoxic root extract of Sideroxylon foetidissimum. Pieters L Plant derived ligands of nuclear receptors and their biological effects Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs) in human disease: the therapeutic potential of pharmacological inhibitors The isolation.SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 14h30 - 16h30 Opening Lectures Health improvement through dietary phytochemicals Cell cycle and natural products Biosynthesis and biomimetic synthesis of natural products Chair: Molinski T. Pizza C The World Traditional Medicine Patent Database TCM collaborative R&D of Traditional Chinese Medicine Program for international cooperation in science and technology . Wang Y From the field collections to clinical trials: Industrial and academic approaches. Pharmacology of natural products Chair: Houghton P. August 5th. Examples of Drug Discovery from screening and bioguided approaches. kingdom of novel leads for drug development PARALLEL SESSION 2 Traditional medicine.oleocanthal: a natural NSAID found in extra virgin olive oil COFFEE BREAK PARALLEL SESSION 1 Chair: David B. ethnopharmacology. an endemic Yucatecan medicinal plant Andhira: from biodiversity to chemo diversity – the database of Sardinian endemic plants and their molecules Early antiviral activity of CYSTUS052 against H5N1 influenza virus is more efficient compared to oseltamivir Study of antihypertensive activity of Elaeocarpus ganitrus water extract in renal artery-occluded hypertensive rats Analysis of medicinal potions currently used in the Mayan traditional medicine Free radical scavenging activity of two medicinal plants used by diabetic patients in Botswana PARALLEL SESSION 3 Pharmacology of natural products and herbal drugs Chair Alexis M. Blaschek W Molecular basis of Tocotrienols activity in modulating the growth and proliferation of breast cancer cells Phytochemicals as modulators of hormone physiology Indirubin derivatives inhibit SFKs/Stat signalling with apoptosis in human cancer cells Pro-apoptotic properties of vitamin E isomers and novel derivatives in prostate cancer Hedgehog signalling inhibitors isolated from myxomycetes and a Solanaceae plant Modulation of innate immune cell activation and function by Polysaccharide Krestin (PSK) Virgili F Vollmer G Nam S L7 L8 L10 Shikov AN SL12 18h15 Gustafsson JA Meijer L Smith AB III L1 L2 L30 19h00 19h15 19h30 17h00-19h45 David B Fahy J Wang Y Backlund A Issinger OG Oh DC Colson KL Kinghorn AD Oberlies NH L3 L4 L5 SL64 SL1 SL2 SL3 SL4 SL5 17h00 17h20 17h40 18h00 18h15 18h30 18h45 19h00 19h15 BALLROOM I 19h30 20h30 - 23h15 Liu Y Liang X Mahady GB Ingrey SD SL7 SL8 SL9 SL11 18h30 18h45 SànchezMedina A Floris M Planz O Juvekar MR Vera-Ku M Motlhanka DM SL13 SL14 SL108 SL28 SL10 SL 084 BALLROOM III 14h30 15h10 15h50 16h30 - 17h00 17h00- 19h45 BALLROOM II 17h00 17h20 17h40 18h00 18h15 18h30 18h45 19h00 19h15 19h30 Constantinou C L9 Ishibashi M Wenner CA SL16 SL17 SL18 SL19 SL20 SL114 Bioactivity-guided isolation of cytotoxic constituents of Brucea javanica collected in Vietnam Anticancer drug discovery from filamentous fungi The island Madagascar a megadiversity area. structural assignment. 2008 08h00-19h30 08h30 - 19h30 Registration Exhibits open INTERCONTINENTAL Hotel INTERCONTINENTAL Hotel 18 19 .Herbalome Project Ethnomedical investigation of plants from Central America for women’s health The genetic basis for bioactivity in the traditional medicine plants of Australia Quercetin suppresses pro-inflammatory cytokine release in human respiratory cells infected with rhinovirus and morbidity Gangemi JD and mortality in mice infected with influenza virus Molecular Interactions of Artemisinin with DNA and Specific Target Proteins in Cancer Cells Discovery of a novel cannabinoid in food The impact of sesquiterpene lactones on the expression of NF-kB1 and inflammatory genes controlled by NF-kB SOCIAL EVENT Efferth T Gertsch J Gusenleitner S Andriantsiferana M SL15 17h00-19h45 DORA STRATOU Theater 17h00 17h15 17h30 17h45 Tuesday. to xenobiotics Simultaneous monitored fractionation and structural identification of bioactive molecules from crude plant extracts using on-line preparative liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry Advanced Analytical Technology as Applied to Natural Products for Drug Discovery: Segment Deux Van Heerden FR SL31 15h55 Michalet S SL68 16h10 16h25 Mulholland DA Strnad M Yang CR Yin J SL33 SL34 SL75 SL104 PARALLEL SESSION 1 Natural products with agrochemical interest Chair: Wolfender JL BALLROOM I 16h40 BALLROOM I 16h55 Duke SO L16 BALLROOM I Mandeau A Milesi S SL21 SL22 14h30 14h50 Wölfle U SL23 15h05 BALLROOM I Kelber O Abdel-Aziz H SL24 SL25 15h20 15h35 14h30 - 17h05 14h30 Phytochemicals for pest management Natural products with cosmetic interest Chair: Martin R BALLROOM III 15h10 15h25 A multifactorial anti-acne extract for a multifactorial pathogenesis Research for plant active ingredients of cosmetic interest: Innovation process for a cosmetic company The effect of a highly purified betulin-based triterpene extract on human keratinocytes and epidermal Langerhans cells ex vivo and in vivo Pharmacology of Natural Products and Herbal drugs Chair: Bilia AR. prostaglandin F2α and substance P Clean recovery of flavonoids from citrus peel: studying lipid-flavonoid interactions as a tool for understanding the antioxidant activity PARALLEL SESSION 2 Drug discovery from Natural sources Chair: Heinrich M. Mikros E Identification of an apple juice compound directly in the 1Hspectrum of the mixture with hyphenated techniques and push button NMR: example fruit juice screening Development of quantitative 31P NMR methods for the trapping of phenoxy & ketyl free radicals Isolation and characterization of complex oligomeric type-A proanthocyanidins from Cinnamon: Applications of high field multidimensional NMR. Isolation and characterization of complex oligomeric proanthocyanidins from grape: applications of CCC and high field multidimensional NMR methods. Blunt J New antibiotics and antitumor agents from the deep oceans Wars in the sea: chemical weapons from microalgae.SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 08h30 - 10h30 New sources of bioactive natural products / Marine Pharmacognosy Chair: Munro M. ecological and biological activity of geranyllinalool Jassbi AR diterpene glycosides Anti-infective compounds from South African plants Use of Efflux Pump Inhibitors (EPIs) to overcome bacterial Multi-Drug Resistance (MDR): plants as a source of chemodiversity and their adaptive response toward bacterial stress Phytochemistry and chemotaxonomy of the Madagascan Cedrelopsis New anticancer drugs derived from plant hormones Further study on the chemistry and standardization of Notoginseng Studies on standardized extracts of Schisandra chinensis PARALLEL SESSION 3 New trends in extraction. Butterweck V Humpfer E Argyropoulos DS Tempesta MS L18 SL35 SL122 (BA) 15h40 15h55 16h10 New options for the treatment of functional gastrointestinal diseases with the phytomedicine STW 5 Herbal medicine in bowel diseases: Mechanisms of action of STW 5 in colonic inflammation The aqueous willow bark extract STW 33-I has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties comparable to Aspirin and diclofenac Killday KB Aliferis KA SL36 SL37 SL123 (BA) SL38 21 16h25 Metz J SL26 15h50 Toribio A O’Neil-Johnson M *BA: Book of abstracts (Not published in Planta Medica) 20 16h05 . Oberlies N Antibacterials from plants – new templates to counter bacterial resistance A role for non-alkaloidal constitutes in the antibacterial activity of Hydrastis canadensis Gibbons S Cech NB L17 SL29 SL121 (BA) Wald K SL27 16h55 Londoño J SL83 14h30 - 17h10 L12 14h30 15h10 15h25 15h40 BALLROOM II Chemistry. separation processes and structure elucidation Chair: Bolzani VS. 1 H nuclear magnetic resonance fingerprinting of the responses of Lemna minor L. macroalgae and seagrasses Chemistry and biology of bioactive natural products from marine and other sources COFFEE BREAK Drug discovery from natural sources Chair: Kinghorn AD 11h00 11h40 Marchantiophyta and inedible mushrooms: marvellous sources of bioactive molecules HPLC-based profiling for natural products leads – GABAA receptor modulators and PI3 kinase inhibitors Quality of Herbal Drugs Chair: Quetin-Leclercq J 12h20 13h00 - 14h30 14h30 - 17h10 Methodologies for the quality assessment of medicinal plants and phytopharmaceuticals LUNCH Hostettmann K L15 Asakawa Y Hamburger M L13 L14 BALLROOM I-II-III BALLROOM I-II-III Fenical W Cimino G Kobayashi J L31 (BA) L11 BALLROOM I-II-III 08h30 09h10 09h50 10h30-11h00 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 16h40 Spasmolytic effects of STW 5 and its components on ileal contractions induced by acetylcholine. heracleifolia. and Europe COFFEE BREAK New trends in extraction. 2008 08h00- - 19h30 08h30 - 19h30 Registration Exhibits open New sources of bioactive natural products: from biodiversity to chemodiversity Chair: Issinger OG. americana Ankli A Maschek JA Orabi A SL42 16h10 Development of new phytopharmaceuticals – Bioassay Berger Bueter K guided medicinal plant breeding and extract development as a tool for quality improvement Phytoequivalence in the global marketplace for botanical products: chemical and biological characterization of Lee S Equisetum arvense extracts from America. Asia. Wright A SL120 (BA) SL62 PARALLEL SESSION 1 BALLROOM I 23 . Michel S 08h30 09h10 09h50 10h30 - 11h00 Chemical and biological diversity from the rain forest Bioactive natural products from plant origin: 1) biological screening 2) rational design of antitubulin agents In the footsteps of Linnaeus – an integrated view on Pharmacognosy COFFEE BREAK (SETTING POSTERS EVEN NUMBERS) Modern approaches to traditional medicines Chair: Bauer R 11h00 11h40 Modern research of traditional chinese medicine-case studies of Salvia and Ganoderma Mexican copalchis (Rubiaceae): One hundred years of research of a medicinal plant complex Health improvement through dietary phytochemicals Chair: Virgili F 12h20 13h00 - 14h30 14h30 - 16h40 14h30 22 Translational investigations of turmeric supplements for arthritis treatment: A review of lessons learned LUNCH PARALLEL SESSION 1 New trends in extraction. Hattesohl M. Tempesta M New trends in extraction and separation processes Bombardelli E L24 BALLROOM I Timmermann BN L22 16h25 16h40 - 17h00 17h00 - 19h45 Guo De-an Mata R L32 (BA) L20 BALLROOM I-II-III 15h55 BALLROOM I-II-III Kingston DGI Guéritte F Bohlin L L19 16h25 L21 14h30 - 16h30 L23 14h30 - 15h55 INTERCONTINENTAL Hotel INTERCONTINENTAL Hotel BALLROOM I-II-III 15h25 15h40 15h55 16h10 NMR Studies. dahurica. N′-formylkynurenine and 3-hydroxykynurenine Rationally designed Tocotrienol analogues in order to enhance their antiproliferative activity PARALLEL SESSION 3 Chair: Roth-Ehrang R WS2: Innovation by cooperation Innovation by cooperation: An example for the development of a refined Valerian extract with a new field of application Development of new phytopharmaceuticals Chair: Lacaille-Dubois MA A rapid HPTLC method for detecting 5 % of adulteration of Cimicifuga racemosa (A.and protein expression profiles of a standardized willow bark extract with Quercetin and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs in human chondrocytes COFFEE BREAK UlrichMerzenich G SL39 SL40 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 15h10 15h25 15h40 15h55 16h10 Reversible adsorption of natural extract on polymeric resin Joron L SL43 SL44 SL45 SL47 SL48 SL124 (BA) BALLROOM II Theodorakis EA Graziani E I Fomekong Fotsop D Epifano F L33 (BA) SL125 (BA) SL49 SL51 SL65 SL126 (BA) SL50 BALLROOM III Panelists: Feistel B. separation processes and structure elucidation Chair: Tsarbopoulos A. C. Solid Phase Synthesis and MD/SA Simulation as a Tool for Structural Elucidation of New bioactive Altei WF Peptides from the Latex of Jatropha curcas l. or C.SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 16h20 16h35 Quantification of Activin® grape seed extracts for procyanidin Glinski JA composition with reverse phase and normal phase HPLC Pharmacoproteomic and toxicoproteomic study of the natural product Ebenfuran III in DU-145 prostate cancer cells Garbis DS using iTRAQ with 2D LC and tandem mass spectrometry Comparison of gene. August 6th. foetida. Walker L Natural products: lessons from total synthesis Natural product modulators of neurodegenerative disease provide insights into mechanisms of neuroprotection Towards the biomimetic total synthesis of Meiogynine Topical anti-inflammatory activity of boropinic acid and of its natural and semi-synthetic derivatives Md Salleh L Bergamelli F Willför S Omirou M 16h50 17h10 17h15 - 18h45 18h45 20h15 18h45 - 20h15 18h45 - 20h15 SL41 POSTER SESSION 1 (ODD NUMBERS) AFERP MEETING GA MEETING SIF MEETING BALLROOM I BALLROOM II BALLROOM III 16h25 14h30 - 16h40 14h30 15h10 Wednesday. separation processes Chair: Marston A. Synthesis of the 13C labelled tryptophan catabolites kynurenine. Kennedy DO A supercritical licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis) extract inhibits growth of oral pathogens and reduces LPS-induced cytokine Gafner S secretion by macrophages and whole blood Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of bioactive flavonoids from Strobilanthes crispus Microwave-assisted extraction of volatile substances from natural sources Effect of the extraction method on the lignan yield from different plant materials Microwave-assisted extraction of glucosinolates from Eruca sativa seeds and soil PARALLEL SESSION 2 Biosynthesis and biomimetic synthesis of natural products Chair: Haroutounian SA. racemosa) with C. C. Khan IA Natural product based urease inhibitors for the treatment of ulcers Effects of Hop (Humulus lupulus L. Zierau O A review: Nutraceuticals as adjunctive therapy for the management of obesity Improvement of menopausal symptoms by soy isoflavones: a randomized double-blind study Clinical effect of phytosterol containing milk on serum cholesterol Mechanistic studies on anticancer benzophenones from Clusiaceae fruits Cyanobacteria used as a dietary item in highland Peru produce the non-protein amino acid BMAA Improved cognitive performance and mood in healthy adults following acute consumption of a cocoa flavanol-rich drink Antioxidant activities of phytochemicals from five flavonoid groups in a heme-amyloid b-enhanced oxidation reaction Bhatti WH Schmidt M Wang CK Kennelly EJ Johnson HE Haskell CF Vieira A SL85 SL86 SL87 SL88 SL90 SL91 SL92 25 INTERCONTINENTAL Hotel INTERCONTINENTAL BALLROOM I .) enriched diet on xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes in female rat livers A pilot randomized placebo controlled trial of 2 Aloe vera supplements in patients with pre-diabetes/metabolic syndrome Plants for diabetes: Identification of plant extracts and metabolites as partial PPARγ agonists with potential antidiabetic effects In vivo antioxidative activivty of a Pueraria lobata root extract in a diabetic rat model Uterine effects of the phytoestrogens 8-prenylnaringenin and 6-dimethylallylnaringenin in vivo Analysis of 1.3-cyclopentadiones from hops and proanthocyanidins from Acacia nilotica and their combined efficacy in treating metabolic syndrome and hypercholesterolemia A novel standardized chromone extract (UP780) from Aloe regulated adiponectin production and improved insulin resistance Choudhary MI Girard C L25 SL76 BALLROOM III Screening potential inhibitors against Alzheimer’s amyloidosis using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry Negative ion ‘chip-based’ nanospray tandem mass spectrometry for the analysis of flavonoids in glandular trichomes of Lychnophora ericoides Mart.) and Sesame (Sesamum indicum L. such as curcumin and analogues. coli using human cytochrome P450 3A4 Analysis of expressed sequence tags (EST) from Panax quinquefolium root 17h55 Devaraj S SL77 18h15 Lopes NP SL57 18h10 18h25 18h40 Christensen KB Pieters L Zierau O Carroll BJ SL79 SL80 SL81 SL82 18h30 18h45 19h00 19h15 19h30 17h00-19h45 17h00 17h15 17h30 17h45 18h00 18h15 18h30 18h45 19h00 19h15 19h30 24 Tamvakopoulos C SL58 Matthias A Toselli F Baser KHC Rollinger JM SL59 SL60 SL61 SL63 18h55 19h10 19h25 BALLROOM II 19h45-21h15 Yimam M SL78 SL30 BALLROOM II New Cucurbitane triterpenoids from bitter melon with potent Ye Y antidiabetic properties associated with activation of AMPK ASP MEETING Besson T Bitzer J Lebar M Copp BR Molinski TF Gliszczyńska A Fuss E Lopes LMX Clark BR Kayser O Chen S SL52 SL127 (BA) SL67 SL32 SL69 SL70 08h45 SL71 SL72 SL73 SL74 SL129 (BA) 09h00 09h15 09h30 09h45 10h00 Thursday. Poupon E Eco-compatible syntheses of pharmaceutical and natural molecules via microwave-assisted chemistry Semi-synthetic optimization of cinnabaramide-type proteasome inhibitors Degradation and partial reconstruction (C3-C14) of cytotoxic macrolide palmerolide A The first enantiomeric discorhabdin alkaloids and determination of absolute configuration using TDDFT calculations of electronic circular dichroism data Configuration of natural products: Liposomal circular dichroism (LCD) for acyclic stereocenters Microbial transformation of nerylacetone by fungal strains Stereochemistry in lignan biosynthesis Biosynthesis of Antimalarial Aryltetralone Lignans from Holostylis reniformis Pyrrolylpolyenes from Fungi: Biosynthesis and Analogue Production Bioconversion of deoxypodophyllotoxin into epipodophyllotoxin in E. Novel LC-MS/MS approaches for metabolite identification of natural compounds. August 7th. 2008 08h00-19h30 08h30-18h30 08h30-11h15 08h30 Registration Exhibits open PARALLEL SESSION 1 Health improvement through dietary phytochemicals Chair: Wenner C. characterisation and structural elucidation of natural products UPLC-TOF-MS for high resolution plant metabolite profiling and metabolomics Role of LC/UV/MS in the search for antiplasmodial Polycyclic Polyprenylated Acylphloroglucinols 2 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Katzlinger H Volmer DA Wolfender JL Marti G Bazoti FN SL128 (BA) SL53 17h00 SL54 SL55 SL56 17h40 17h00-19h40 PARALLEL SESSION 3 Pharmacology of natural products and herbal drugs Chair: Bucar F. with anticancer activity Bioavailability of Echinacea alkamides in human breast milk Metabolism of Echinacea alkamides by human recombinant P450 enzymes Chemotypic variations of the essential oils of Mentha taxa collected in the Marmara region of Turkey Target fishing for constituents from Ruta graveolens using a virtual parallel screening approach PARALLEL SESSION 2 Biosynthesis and biomimetic synthesis of natural products Chair: Marakos P.SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 17h00 17h15 17h30 17h45 18h00 Structure elucidation of small molecules with subsequent MSn and accurate mass Advanced mass spectrometry techniques for identification. chemistry and molecular modelling studies of secondary metabolites isolated from the tropical marine sponge Cymbastela hooperi Marine-derived Penicillium sp.4-benzoxazin-3-one (DIMBOA) and 2. POROS. a novel metabolic route towards the isoprene units in bacteria and plant plastids LUNCH POSTER SESSION 2 (EVEN NUMBERS) Drug discovery from natural products Chair: Curini M Molecular targets of natural drug substances Innovative strategies for the discovery of lead structures from nature Award session Chair: Baker B. August 8th.Cyclotides – Circular plant peptides for protein engineering GA award ESA Bronze Closing ceremony-Concluding remarks Chair: Skaltsounis L.SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 10h15 10h30 Inhibition of the L-type calcium channel by a standardised Olea europaea leaf extract: A phytochemical and electrophysiological examination Nutraceutical interest of phytoecdysteroid in Microsorum species of French Polynesia Determination of aneugenic 2.4-dihydroxy-1. Roussis V ASP Matt Suffness Young Investigator Award Discovery and development of novel agents to treat drug abuse PSE Apivita AWARD. Boustie J GALA DINNER Presidents of Associations ISLAND club Prisinzano TE Göransson U AWL4 AWL5 Imming P Stuppner H L26 L27 BALLROOM I-II-III Ferreira D Rohmer M L28 L29 BALLROOM I-II-III MartinezVazquez M Goedecke T Houghton PJ Champy P FernandesFerreira M Kouretas D SL113 SL115 SL116 SL117 SL118 SL130 (BA) 10h45 11h00 08h30-11h15 08h30 08h45 09h00 09h15 09h30 09h45 10h00 10h15 10h30 10h45 11h00 08h30-11h15 08h30 08h45 09h00 09h15 09h30 26 Pontiakos G Friday. Chair: Verpoorte R Unravelling polymeric proanthocyanidin structure via synthesis The methylerythritol phosphate pathway. inhabiting the Cavern beard Lichen. Corynespora sp. John’s wort as antistress medication Boswellic acids from the anti-inflammatory remedy frankincense: Identification and functional analysis of novel molecular targets within the arachidonic acid cascade Pharmacological and toxicological studies on anticancer properties of piplartine Atia-tul-Wahab Hostanska K Butterweck V Siemoneit U Costa-Lotufo LV SL107 SL109 SL110 SL111 SL112 Capon RJ Luesch H Wright A Grovel O Tsuda M Kashman Y Carmeli S Jimenez PC Tiralongo E Paranagama PA Quang DN SL96 Rauwald HW SL93 Raharivelomanana SL94 P Prinz S SL95 SL131 (BA) BALLROOM II SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 09h45 10h00 10h15 10h30 10h45 11h00 11h15-11h45 11h45-13h05 SL97 11h45 SL98 12h25 SL99 SL100 SL101 SL102 SL103 SL105 SL106 17h20 SL132 (BA) BALLROOM III 17h40 18h00 18h20 20h15 departure 16h00 16h40 17h20-18h20 13h05-14h30 14h30-16h00 Nitric oxide production by several cytotoxic sterols and triterpenes Chemical evaluation of cimicifugic acids and serotonergic activity of Cimicifuga racemosa roots Tyrosinase inhibition by extracts and constituents of stem bark of Sideroxylon inerme L. 2008 Departure from Piraeus port ONE DAY CRUISE TO HYDRA.: fungal diversity as a promising source of bioactive compounds Cytotoxic macrolides from benthic Amphidinium dinoflagellate Salarins and Tulearins. Atypical parkinsonism induced by Annonaceae: Where are we yet? Salvia phytomedicines: from the “salvãre” properties to demonstration of some pharmacological effects Assessment of antioxidant activity of plant extracts by a combination of molecular methods COFFEE BREAK Biosynthesis and biomimetic synthesis of natural products. Kopp B.4benzoxazin-3-one (DIBOA) contents in sprouts of various Triticum species Organic and herbal ingredient trends in North America PARALLEL SESSION 2 (Marine & Fungi Compounds) New sources of bioactive natural products Chair: Capon R. Ireland C Australian marine biodiscovery Bioactive natural products from marine cyanobacteria: new structures and modes of action Potential ecological role. new cytotoxic sponge derived nitrogenous macrolides Biologically active cyanobacteria metabolites – Ecological and biomedical perspectives Bioprospection of cytotoxic compounds in the Brazilian endemic tunicate Eudistoma vannamei Investigations into the cytotoxic effects of Australian indigenous mushrooms Bioactive secondary metabolites from an Endolichenic Fungus. Ishibasi M Cholinesterase inhibiting Bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids from Cocculus pendulus A herbal preparation Imupret® inhibits LPS and IL-1βinduced release of IL-8 and human β-defensin 2 in lung epithelial A549 cells Potential of St. AEGINA 27 . Usnea cavernosa Novel unusual alkaloids from the rare mushroom Pseudobaeospora pyrifera (Agaricales) PARALLEL SESSION 3 Pharmacology of Natural Products and Herbal drugs Chair: Gafner S.4-Dihydroxy-7-methoxy1. we enter the port of Hydra. Alban) A. 20h30-23h30 The traditional Greek dance show takes place in the DORA STRATOU Theater.Bilia This special workshop for young researchers is organized as a pre-symposium on Sunday 3rd of August. 2008. Apart from its harbor there are numerous interesting sites to discover on the island. Sievers. A famous dance group with impressive dresses will perform a unique programme. Your leisure time in Poros will be about 50 minutes. V. Traditional Greek dance show (dinner included) – Monday August 4. European Medicines Agency (EMEA) .Viewpoints of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Europe Coffee break V. Within 2 hours. Phytolab GmbH & Co.Viewpoint of the US Regulatory Authorities M. 2008. 13:30 13:55 14:20 14:50 15:15 15:40 16:50 28 29 . whose old traditional stone houses and mansions silently stand witness to a long and turbulent history. Sievers. 20h00-23h00 The welcome party takes place in the Roof Garden of “ETHNIKI ASFALISTIKI” Conference Center (just 5 min walk from Athenaeum Intercontinental Hotel) which is the last work of the famous architect Mario Botta. Vlietinck). The show includes folklore dances and music from several Greek regions. Alban Panelists: A. KG. Vlietinck. you will be able to admire the very special architecture and dramatic landscapes of this island. Knöss. The traditional Greek dance show will start at 21. USA . Upon arrival Greek food will be served in a beautiful surrounding at 20. After a two hour trip we shall arrive to our last port of call. Germany . problems and unclear results related to their work. Participants who are already booked to the cruise will receive their vouchers at the Congress Secretariat. Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM). USA .30. 20h15 The congress dinner is organized at the seaside club “ISLAND”. 2008. metro station: Panepistimio). W. The best oral presentation will be selected and awarded. as well as means of expanding personal knowledge and to expand their studies by acquiring ideas in a constructive and divers environment. Division of Dietary Supplement Programs. the smallest of the three islands. Registration for this workshop is necessary for all participants.Viewpoint of the European Regulatory Authorities W. Alban. Poros. 2008.Viewpoint of the US Industry Panel discussion Conclusions (S. Finger food and drinks will be served with the companion of a musical duet. When you get out of the metro station “Acropolis” turn left and follow the pedestrian road “Dionysiou Areopagitou” that leads to Acropolis (10-12 min). When you arrive close to the entrance of Acropolis turn left uphill to “Filopapou hill” and follow the signs to “Dora Stratou” theatre (5-7 min).. separated from the Peloponnese by a narrow strait and offering a most enchanting view of Poros Town. The workshop will serve as a forum to share methodologies and knowledge of instruments. McGuffin. the ship will depart for the port of Piraeus. The place has a unique Greek style architecture and decoration. A DJ with a selection of music promises to make this dinner unforgettable. The order in which we shall visit the islands is either Poros – Hydra – Aegina or Aegina – Poros – Hydra which does not change the duration of stay on any of the islands. An hour and 15 minutes later. In that route you can enjoy Greek neoclassical architecture and some famous houses like the one of the music composer “Vangelis” and the ancient theatre of “Herodion”. Frankos. Programme 13:00 13:05 Introduction (S. Aegina In the morning the ship sails for the three beautiful islands of the Saronic Gulf. The presentations (15 min) will be commented upon by experienced panellists and time for general discussion will be provided. The workshop is restricted to diploma and Phd students and serves as an opportunity for them to give an oral presentation and to discuss special issues. Transportation will be provided. The menu will be mainly Mediterranean cuisine.30-21. Access only with the special buses departing from Athenaeum Intercontinental Hotel or by taxi (around 45 min ride). Relevant information on the transportation plan will be announced at the Congress Secretariat announcement board. AEGINA is the largest of the three islands.WORKSHOPS Young Researcher and Regulatory Affairs on Herbal Medicinal Products workshops will be organized on 3rd August 2008 in the central University building (30 Panepistimiou str. McGuffin. After such a full and enjoying day.Viewpoint of the German Regulatory Authorities H. we will arrive to the island of Poros. a club with a magnificent view to the Saronic Gulf. Vlietinck. M.45 Τickets will be given to each participant upon registration Congress Dinner – Thursday August 7. A. The theatre is located in a 20 min walk distance from the metro station “Acropolis” and is highly recommended to take a walk. whose amphitheater shape once served as a safe shelter for Saronic Pirates. safety and efficacy of each option?” Chair: S. H. Knöss. the island of Aegina. Germany .R. Member of the Committee of Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC). From the decks. Young Scientists Workshop Chairman: A. SOCIAL PROGRAMME WELCOME PARTY-Sunday August 3. Registration for this workshop is necessary for all participants Departure: Return: 20h15 Intercontinental hotel 23h30-24h00 EXCURSION on 8 August. Director. You will have about 1 hour and 30 minutes at leisure to enjoy the unique charms of Hydra and while returning back on board you will receive a homecoming welcome. President of the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA). A young researcher will also be selected and awarded for the most valuable involvement in the discussion. Frankos. Participants who wish to join us to the cruise are kindly requested to proceed to the Congress Secretariat. 2008 One day cruise to Hydra. The Roof Garden offers a magnificent view to Acropolis. Vouchers to participants who have already paid will be given upon registration Workshop on Regulatory Affairs on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPs) “Medicinal Herbs: drugs or dietary supplements? What are the legal consequences in terms of quality. 30h - 13. Paul lived and preached. Parliament. On the Acropolis visit the architectural masterpieces of the Golden Age of Athens: the Propylaea.) famous for its astonishing acoustics. CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE A Certificate of Attendance will be given to each registered participant at the last day of the conference. Lunch in the modern village of Delphi. bus transfer. Then we will continue to visit one of the most famous vinery of NEMEA. We will learn everything for the production of Greek quality red wine and then we will proceed to the underground cellars with more than 1000 French oak barriques. Visit the Treasury of the Athenians. the Erechtheion.C. myth and legends blends harmoniously with the modern way of life. Athens Airport The Athens International Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos” is located in Spata (appr. GETTING TO ATHENS Arrival by air Athens is connected by air directly with most European Countries. the Memorial to the Unknown Soldier and the National Library. We will visit the state of the art winery facilities. Metro and tram stations are also nearby. the House of Parliament. is the ideal setting for such an important event. the Homeric city of Atreides – the city “rich in gold “of the ancient’s poets. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.30h - 14. you will see the Evzones in their picturesque uniform and the Presidential Palace. which connects the Aegean Sea with the Ionian Sea. On the slopes of Mount Parnassus. history and architecture represents more than 3000 years of Hellenic and Byzantine culture. Please bear always visible your badge in order to gain access to the Conference and other events. University. Constitution Square (Syntagma). Return to Athens by the National road connecting Epidauros with Corinth.t. abiding by tradition but invigorated by modem technology. return to Athens by the same route. NEMEA is one of the most popular vineyards in Greece. the monument that “puts order in the mind“. Short pleasant walk through the old unique Athens city to one of the popular taverns for dinner with live bouzouki music and Greek folk dances. Finally we will taste some of the best wines of the domain. 45 min drive from Athen’s city center) 31 • • • • NOTE: All excursions include English speaking guide. Arrive at Delphi. Old Parliament we arrive at Plaka. You complete the visit with the Museum of Acropolis. One day excursion to Argolis Leave by the coastal road along the Saronic Gulf to the Corinth Canal. the temple of Apollo.30h Friday 08. The award winning Premiere is the hotel’s fine dining roof top restaurant with stunning views of the Acropolis. offers a wide variety of fine wines. which combines a rich archeological past. Athens by night (daily in the evening) The tour starts with a visit to the main Greek port of Piraeus. and the modern infrastructure. Cafezoe. - but also to the fact that wine has long been adored. a city where a world of antiquity. Athens hosted the Olympic Games in 2004 and major projects have radically transformed the city into an ultra modern capital of southeast Europe. crossing the towns of Thebes connected with the tragedy of King Oedipus – Levadia and Arachova (short stop on the way back). Lunch in Mycenae or in Nauplion. Afternoon. Partcipants who have already submitted participation to the above mentioned excursions are kindly requested to proceed to the Social Events Desk in order to submit their preferable date for the excursion. Drive to Mycenae. DL and CO and from Phliladelphia on US. we reach Corinth canal (short stop). The opening hours are as follows: Monday - Thursday 08. entrance tickets (where applicable). The Athenaeum InterContinental is renowned as a top business hotel in Greece. visit the Temple of Olympian Zeus and you will make a short stop at the Panathenaic Stadium where the first Olympic Games of the modern era were held in 1896. Please do not forget to mention to the designated staff the time of your presentation and the name of the meeting room as well. Visit the Lion’s Gate. One day excursion to Delphi Drive through the fertile plain of Boeotia. C. GENERAL INFORMATION THE CITY OF ATHENS The city of Athens is an exciting and vibrant city of the 21st century. Depart for Nauplion through the fertile plain of Argolis. At “Athens by night” excursion drinks are not included. the Cyclopean Walls. OFFICIAL LANGUAGE The official language of the Congress will be English.800 persons. the picturesque town nestling at the foot of a cliff crowned by the mighty ramparts of the Palamidi Fortress. the center of Ancient World – the “Omphalos “(Navel of Earth) – whose prestige extended far beyond the boundaries of the Hellenic World. designed by the renowned architect Tony Chi. Participants who wish to book one of the above excursions are kindly requested to proceed to the Social Event Desks. National Library. WiFi wireless internet connection is accessible throughout the hotel. and finally “the harmony between material and spirit“. THE VENUE No wonder the Athenaeum InterContinental has been named Greece’s leading hotel time and again. Athens’ largest guest rooms. Speakers and kindly requested to proceed to the Speakers Ready Desk in order to test their presentations and give them to the appointed staff. We will visit the Agora and One of the most outstanding monuments of pre –Roman period. offers all day dining. the Parthenon. Ancient Corinth was one of the most important cities of ancient Greece. weather permitting. the Parthenon. Adjacent to Cafezoe. fine dining venues and a central location appeal to business and leisure travellers alike. the most spacious guest rooms plus Club InterContinental floors providing the best Club product in the city with exclusive complimentary services. (short stop).OTHER EXCURSIONS • Athens sightseeing (daily in the morning) This tour gives you an opportunity to observe the striking contrasts that make Athens such a fascinating city. With its 543 rooms the Athenaeum InterContinental can satisfy the most demanding conference organisers and delegates. Catholic Cathedral. From the other States of USA and from other continents you can reach Athens on connection flights through most European countries. Following the principal avenues and passing by the Temple of Olympian Zeus. Academy. is the outdoor pool which operates from May - September.30h ELECTRICITY Electricity current in Greece is 220/240 AC/50Hz. Within a few kilometres are the Acropolis. the largest ballroom accommodating up to1. BADGES Badges will be given to all registered participants upon registration at the Congress Secretariat. Athens is a city. Not only is this due to Greeks producing wine since the Neolithic Age - 4000 B. Greek wine production. There will be no provision for translation in other languages. Drive to the Ancient Corinth where St. passing by the most important points of the city (City Hall. Greece may well possess first place in the hierarchy of countries known for their tradition in viticulture. BANKS Banks in Greece operate daily except from Saturday and Sunday. lie the ruins of the Sanctuary of Apollo Pythios. the Temple of Apollo and the Museum containing such masterpieces of Ancient Greek sculpture as the bronze Charioteer and the famous athlete Aghias. the Temple of Athena Nike. Our expert guides take you to see the center of the city. Direct flights are also available from New York on OA. 30 . INTERNET Computers with internet access will be provided at the Internt corner next to Congress Secretariat (-1 level) SPEAKERS READY DESK Speakers Ready Desk will be located outside Ballroom Meeting room. Nowadays. picturesque yacht’s harbour of Microlimano etc). Within the city of Athens it boasts the best conference facilities.c. National Garden. leave for Epidauros to visit the Theatre (4th century B. Driving down Herod Atticus street. praised and chanted in the name of god Dionyssos. On your way to the acropolis you will see the Hadrian’s Arch. Wine tasting and Ancient Corinth (open only on Friday) Driving along the coastal road. the Temple of Apollo and the Plaka. in a landscape of unparalleled beauty and majesty. and the Royal Tombs e. The ToBar is a contemporary and fashionably furnished bar. The plugs have 2 or 3 round pins similar to those in many European countries. which along with the treasures of art. LOCAL MAP-VENUE MAP . The ticket cost 6€. Day ticket for all transport costs 3€ (except airport buses) Weekly ticket costs 10€ Night buses are: 500 Pireaus – Kifisia. The bus line E95 (Direction Syntagma) serve Athens City Center (Syntagma Square). X14 Kifisia - Syntagma Square. tram except the lines connecting Athens city and the airport) for 1. Faliro - Kifissia Athens public Transport Athens greater area is covered by a vast network of transportation of all kind. The ticket costs 3.20€. From Friday to Sunday the tramway is operating a night service from Glyfada - Syntagma and Syntagma - Peace and Friendship Stadium. 040 Pireaus - Syntagma Square. metro. Transport to the venue You can get to Athenaeum Intercontinental Hotel: By metro: SYNGROU FIX.80€ and it is valid for all public transport (bus. By taxi: An average journey by taxi from Athens International Airport to Intercontinental Hotel or Syntagma Square should cost approximately 30 to 35 € per way.GENERAL INFORMATION From Airport to Athens City Center Three express lines serve the Athens International Airport to Athens City Center and the port of Piraeus on 24 hour By bus: basis. The cost of the ticket is 0. By metro: You can reach the Athens City Center by metro.5hour. Distance 1km South to Hotel Station Name: Direction: Follow Syngrou Avenue towards Piraeus (10 min walk) By tram: Station name: KASOMOULI station is just one block away from Hotel entrance (300m) Direction: By Bus: PANTEIOS (just opposite to the hotel) Station name: Buses: 040 Piraeus - Syntagma / 550 P. . MEETING AND EXHIBITORS AREAS Level -1 Ypsilon Room MEETING AND EXHIBITORS AREAS Level -2 Level -1 Level -2 Athenaeum Ballroom 36 37 . modulates T cell differentiation through suppression of IL-12 expression in human dendritic cells Wei WC. Ayelaagbe OO. Choo BK. Kwon SW. Idowu PA. Rasmussen HB PA47. The anti-staphylococcal activity of new diterpenes from Pycnostachys urticofolia Bascombe K. α4β2 Receptors of ventral hippocampus and memory consolidation Garín-Aguilar ME. Potent inhibition of Prostaglandin D2 induced inflammation by Hibiscus rosa-sinensis crude extract. Ezer N PA11. Tikhonov VP. Fernandes E. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of willow herb (Epilobium angustifolium L. Jung SH PA30. Hayashi K. and Thonn. Zuraini A. Adaptogenic and stamina improving activities of Rubia peregrina and Asparagus acutifolius in mice Maxia A. Yang NS The effects of Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) extract on cell viability and its antioxidant activity Lantto TA. Hernández R AG. PA10. Kim J PA14. PA8.Tona L. Baker E. Fernandes-Ferreira M. Fajardo A. Kim YE. Lee K. Hrdina R. Martin-Nizard F. Simão MR. Dechsukum C PA28. bloodroot) Savigni DL. RodríguezLópez V PA21. Mayor A. Br (Mardja. Effects of Yukmijihwang-tang derivatives (YMJd) on ibotenic acid-induced amnesia in the rat Kang M. Nazrul Somchit M. Min HY. Rodrigues V. Isoquinoline alkaloid berberine inhibits IL-5dependent growth of pro-B Y16 cells through arresting cell cycle at G1 phase and inducing mitochondria-dependent apoptosis Lee IJ. Ku HO. Oguntuase BJ. Moody JO. Shyur LF.t. Šimánek V. Lee WH. Antioxidant properties of some Turkish medicinal plants Tatli II. Choi BH. Hiltunen R. Moraes ACG. Antimicrobial activities of the flower extract of Celosia cristata L. Prado-Alcalá RA PA33. Hong JY. Alberício F Romano A PA49. Kim YS. Pan CH.LIST OF POSTERS Topic A: Pharmacology. a whole grape extract. (Connaraceae) leaf aqueous extract Adeyemi OO. Salvia officinalis and rosmarinic acid Xavier CPR. Silva MLA Antimicrobial activities of Trichilia heudelotii (Meliaceae) Planch. Yoon T. MAO-A inhibitory activity of quercetin from Calluna vulgaris Hull. Antioxidant phenolics from Hypericum calycinum Kırmızıbekmez H. PA3. Sahpaz S. KG-135 sensitizes human cervix carcinoma. Hayashi T PA35. Lancioni C. Moon BC. Gibbons S PA24. Evans L. Yang WC. Adagbasa OO. Oyedeji AO. Park JH. Adeniyi BA. a Nigerian medicinal plant Adeniyi CBA. In vivo antiplasmodial activity of a crude ethanolic stem bark extract of Nauclea pobeguinii Mesia K. Lee YJ. PA7. Vlietinck A. Chintana P. Inhibitory effects of constituents from Anemarrhena asphodeloides on the growth of human cancer cells Lee SK. Chatuphonprasert W PA40. Han SB. Alberício F. Escapa AL. Nwumeh KI PA27. Pepeljnjak S PA44. Kang SS PA31. Bailleul F. and Jatropha multifida L. Lima CF. Chemopreventive effect of Lawsonia inermis L. Jahodar L PA34. Ferrous and ferric chelation activity of selected natural flavonoids Macakova K. Pieters L. Nam JW. Evaluation of the anti-cancer potential of extracts of the Australian native plant Haemodorum spicatum R. Hernández-De Jesús ML. Antiproliferative and apoptotic activities of extracts from carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L. Promma P. Ajuga iva treatment is more effective to improve the antioxidant capacity of red blood cells than that of tissues in hypercholesterolemic rats Bouderbala S. Cheon MS. Leaf and cortex extracts of Mikania scandens (Asteraceae) exhibit cytotoxic effects against Spironucleus meleagridis trophozoites from turkey-cock and antibacterial properties Radtke OA. Kim J. Gressier B. Kasture S PA39. Lee KJ. increases the antioxidant capacity in professional sportsmen during a competition period. Romano A PA50. Suppression of testicular 17β-HSD3 and hepatic CYP1A2 by a bovine testes extract Jarukamjorn K. PA5. Mendoza DS. König W 38 . Yang NS PA13. Bassarello C. Nam HM. Zatloukalova L. Makarov VG. HeLa cells to anti-cancer drugs via increasing expression level of p53 and Bax Choi JS . Kim G. Park SW. Nardon K. Goytia PS. Dorman HJD. Nor Laili M. Zovko M. Sezgin A. Argyropoulou C.d. Soto-Hernández M. Song DG. Lee SC. Lee JB. organisms Aiyelaagbe OO. antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Berkheya bergiana leaves Odeleye OM. Marques L. Azuine MA. Penge A PA18. Induction of apoptosis and inhibition of proliferation in colon cancer cells by Salvia fruticosa.) Custódio L. Phytochemical screening. Bae H PA41. Chootip K. Pharmacology study of Kalanchoe crenata (Andr) Haw. Lee HK. Kremer D. Kim HK PA46. Karlickova J. Fatunsin OF. Opoku AR PA22. Kang YJ. Lee HW. Inhibitory effects of compounds isolated from Thuja orientalis on human recombinant aldose reductase and advanced glycation end-products Lee EH. Yun SM. Čomić L. Magalhães LG. Mbenkum T. Oates PS. Saaby L. BonillaBarbosa JR. Celep E. Atay İ. Gonçalves UO. Takayasu J. PA16. Mohd Fadzelly AB Cytopiloyne. Kim Y PA29. Cardiovascular action of Piper longum Inchan A. Antioxidant activity of some Mexican medicinal plants extracts Bazaldúa GS. PA4. Hattori M. Sankovic K. Karioti A. Lee AY. Yeşilada E 39 PA2. Takayasu M. Ambrósio SR. Analgesic activity of secondary metabolites from two Centaurea species Djeddi S. Mechanism for anti-inflammatory and cancer chemopreventive effect of the flower of Chrysanthemum indicum Yoon T. Jäger AK. PA6. Lee SK PA48. Shikov AN. Stanojević D LIST OF POSTERS PA26. Kim HK PA45. Raasmaja A cancelled Shikonin can enhance the efficiency of DNA vaccine via induction of Rantes and recruitment of dendritic cells Chen HM. Lee MH. Kuypers K. cancelled PA17.) in MDA-MB231 human breast cancer cells Custódio L. Lee N. Cunha WR. Son SW PA32. Maes L PA23. Gibbons S PA15. LacailleDubois MA. Valencia del T G. Cheema MS PA42. Da Costa FB. Jeon GI. Woodall G PA43. Alonso P. Takeshita A. Skaltsa H PA38. Lee JB . Lee DY. Park EJ. Takenaka H. Pozharitskaya ON. Lamri-Senhadji M. Staniforth V. Lee MK. Chatter R. Tan WP. PA9. Tokuda H. Anti-inflammatory effects of Asparagus cochinchinensis extract in acute and chronic cutaneous inflammation Lee DY. Martín FJA. Kharrat R. Nguimatsia F.) Kosalec I. Severiano ME. Jang HJ. Inhibition of HIV-1 protease and RNase H of HIV1 reverse transcriptase activities by long chain phenols from the Sarcotestas of Ginkgo biloba Lee JS. Mladenka P. Choi G. Hayashi T PA36. Idowu O Powergrape®. Acute and subchronic toxicological assessment of Byrsocarpus coccineus Schum. Cheon MS. (Crassulacae) Yimta F. Evaluation of the antimalarial activity of extracts of carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L. Svobodová A. Park E In vitro antischistosomal activity of the pimaradienoic acid against Schistosoma mansoni Da Silva Filho AA. López-Avilés S. Prunella vulgaris extract and rosmarinic acid suppresse lipopolysaccharide-induced alteration in human gingival fibroblasts. Saekoo J. Molecular cytotoxic mecanism of Dioscorealide B on human breast cancer cells Itharat A. Opletal L. Pizza C. Usefulness of algal polysaccharides for viral infectious diseases Ohta Y. Akindele AJ. toxicology and clinical studies of natural products and herbal drugs PA1. Choo BK. Fontaine F PA25. Cimanga K. Seo EK. Anti-influenza A virus activity of an acidic polysaccharide from a blue-green alga Nostoc flagelliforme Hayashi K. powder in the Epstein-Barr virus early antigen activation assay and the mouse skin two-stage carcinogenesis Kapadia GJ. Antimicrobial activity of Jatropha curcas L. Konoshima T. a polyacetylenic glucoside from Bidens pilosa. Antitumorigenic activity of Styela clava on DMHinduced colon carcinogenesis in male SD Rat Kim JM. Mercanoğlu G. Sheu JH. PA19. Um BH. Zdařilová A. Synergism between Salvia officinalis extract and antibiotics against human pathogenic bacteria Stefanović O. Rehakova Z. Aligué R. Arısan O. PereiraWilson C PA20. against bacteria and fungi s. Kanekiyo K. Ulrichová J PA37. Prost J. Lafay S Free radical scavenging activity of two Hylocereus species (Cactaceae) and their effect on the proliferation of HeLa and MDA-MB-231 cancer cell lines Asmah R. Choi G. Ohta Y. Kwon Y. Bouchenak M PA12. Moon BC. Bioassays in biodiscovery Capon RJ. Effects of lichen secondary metabolites on bacterial functions and biofilm formation Riedel K. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of Cotinus coggygria extracts Simić M. Shen G. Kovačević N 40 PA63. Flesar J PA68. Kiss AK. Vyawahare NS. Kojouri G. Inyanya SI Odukoya O.4)-glucan in commercial mushroom extracts Hamill FA. Costa SS. Rosas-Acevedo H Garlin-Aguilar MG. Zarei M PA80. Biological activity of extracts of Cyrtocarpa procera Kunth. Pinto M. Shin S PA101. Liu Z. Romanik G. Tundis R. Singh RK. Inhibition of caspase-3 by isolates from Lonchocarpus haberi from Monteverde. Sim Y. Ríos C. Mota-Filipe H. Menichini F. Hung TM. Zhou HY. Hong JT. Evaluation of nootropic activity of Slimaluma. Charles C. Romussi G. Araújo MEM. Houghton PJ. Duez P PA70. Magos GA PA97. Antifungal activity of a flavonoid-rich fraction from Costus spicatus leaves against dermatophytes Silva DN. Marrelli M. an endemic plant from Panama Cubilla-Rios L. Dias T. Stafford GI. Seidlová-Wuttke D PA59. Karagouni E. Ascensão L. Delporte C. Lumbu Simbi JB. Szpitter A. Grube M PA86. Donelson R. Cartwright CA. Mokoka TA. Alkaloids from Boophone disticha with affinity for the serotonin transporter Neergaard JS. The in vitro screening for hypoglycemic and antihypertensive activities of Dipsacus fullonum L. Deguin B. van Staden J. Screening of glycemic attributes of Trichosanthes dioica leaves in vivo Jaiswal D. Kovačević N PA64. Acetylcholinesterase inhibition by Rosmarinic acid from Plectranthus (Lamiaceae) species Falé PLV. Frattani FS. Pittaluga A PA88. Jäger AK PA66. Anxiolytic-like effects of sanjoinine A isolated from Zizyphi spinosi semen: Involvement of GABA receptors Han H. Eloff JN PA65. Ngoy E. JNK and p38 MAP kinases Guo LY. Hamid RA. Dotsika E PA84. Kim YS. Nkurunziza JP. Hulen C. Backhouse N. Chérigo L. Vučićević D. Khandare RA. Hejtmankova K. Lameiras P. Rada V. Psodorov Đ. Effects of Bixa orellana leaves extract on increased paw volume and peritoneal vascular permeability induced by 5-HT in rats Zuraini A. Phagocytic activity is related to total polysaccharide concentration and percent (1. Lee HK LIST OF POSTERS PA76. Maciąg M. Sukardi S. Gerwick W PA99. Wang SY PA72. Reyes-Chilpa R. Contribution of oenothein B in the antiinflammatory activity of Epilobium sp. Grubin J. Statti G. Bisalla M PA83. Torres R PA79. Gonçalves MJ. Kiarszys U. The effect of peppermint (Mentha piperita) on ruminal physiological parameters in Lori sheep Pourjafar M . Duez P PA71. Aligiannis N. Evaluation of hypoglycaemic and histopathological effects of “Diabetes 5” in rats Agunu A. Kwon Y. Antifungal constituents of Curtisia dentata and Maytenus undata active against Cryptococcus neoformans and Candida albicans McGaw LJ. Mohammadnia A. Mandić A. Sakač M. Rajendran R. Lucidone inhibits iNOS and COX-2 expression in LPS-induced RAW 264. Oh SR. Zappettini S. Castro C. Antibacterial activity of herbal preparation to treat sore throats Reichling J. Screening of plant extracts for antimicrobial and anticancer activities Laouirem S. Yun NR. Chaves DSA. Xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity of medicinal plants and spices Havlik J. Persea americana and Cupressus lusitanica Tomani JC. Bae H PA52. Piovano M.Woltering E. Faini F. Kim YS 41 . Anti-inflammatory effects of schisandrin on modulation of NF-κB. Effects of organic and inorganic compounds isolated of Argemone mexicana on the perfusion pressure of the mesenteric vascular bed. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of Haplopappus taeda extracts. Yusuf S. Wenner CA PA96. Kyriazis ID. Jayabal K. extracts. Protective effect of ferulic acid against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in mice Kim JK. Bioassay-guided isolation of apigenin with GABA-benzodiazepine activity from Tanacetum parthenium Jäger AK. Kim SH. In vitro hypoglycaemic effects of some Salvia species from Iran Nickavar B. Antifungal effects of ligustilide and butylidene phthalide and its synergism with antibiotics Lee JY. Moutsatsou P PA82. Newman RA PA98. Oh KW PA100. Loizzo MR. Bonesi M. Odugbemi T PA74. Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of twelve Congolese medicinal plants Okusa PN. Sofidiya MO. Kanezeza R. The anticoagulant and antithrombotic profile of a root methanolic extract from Strophioblachia fimbricalyx Boerl (Euphorbiaceae) Almeida AP. Kang SS. Lomri N. Lee N. Holmes-Caudle T. Mechanisms of action of antiosteoporotic effects of a special Cimicifuga racemosa (CR) extract: Inhibition of the RANK-RANKL-Osteoprotegerin triad Wuttke W. Krydsfeldt K. Antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of Ampelopsis brevipedunculata and Parthenocissus tricuspidata Kundaković T. Moutsatsou P PA85. Amaral MT. Coker HAB. Rasmussen HB PA57. Yun SR. Lekakis I. Antioxidant lignans from petroleum ether extract of Schisandra chinensis Slanina J. A comparative study of the anti-inflammatory properties of Allanblankia floribunda and Kigelia africana fruits. Frasca G . Sergent JA. Suter A PA81. Paulo A PA62. Effects of various phytoestrogens and of Cimicifuga racemosa (CR) in the mammary gland of ovariectomized (ovx) rats Seidlová-Wuttke D. Abolhasani L PA75. Okoye FBC PA69. Paraschos S. Escobar JL. Humpa O PA55. Skaltsounis AL. Antihyperglycaemic effect of Coreopsis tinctoria aqueous extract in streptozotocin-induced glucose-intolerant rats. Lee K. In vitro testing of biological action of Origanum species from Greek flora in various cancer cell lines Loizou S. Chung EY. Kim HP. Milenković M. Biskup E. Bazylko A PA94. Mathouet H. Zingali RB. Azadi P. The anti-depressant effect of Nelumbinis semen on the rats under chronic mild stress inducing depression-like symptom Kang M. Apoptosis pathway of triterpenoids from Tiarella polyphylla on HL-60 cells Kwon OK. Mimica-Dukić N PA67. Vladimir-Knežević S PA53. Sweet E. Eun JS. Hayatifard M PA77. Lee SM PA54. Jarry H. Staszewska A. Kim CS. Togna GD. Costa Rica Cassidy C. Mukazayire MJ. Kleopas A. Pro-apoptotic activity of ergosterol derivatives in human prostate cancer cells Russo A. Kim YE. Ambikar DB.Vijjeswarapu M. Cardile V . Stanojković T.7 murine macrophage cells via NF-κB and MAPKs dual pathways Kumar S. Twigg PD. Kim J. Baziruwitonda E. Andersen J. Neri E. Juranić Z. Cyathula uncinulata. Antioxidant activity of ethanolic extracts of Lavandula species cultivated in Croatia Blažeković B. Ahmadu AA. Węgrzyn G . Gilgenast E. Akpanika GA. Ngouala G. Elomri A PA78. Mehta S. Pedersen ME. Fernandez J. Soteriadou K. Shai J. Derakhshanfar A. Březinová L. Batista MT PA91. Evaluation of antioxidant activity of some plant extracts and their heat stability Mišan A. Lojkowska E PA92. Menichini F PA73. Antibacterial activity of the secondary metabolites from in vitro cultures of Drosera aliciae Krolicka A. Antidiarrhea activity and preliminary phytochemical screening of Indigofera arrecta. The effect of garlic and garlic tablet on blood cholesterol and atherosclerosis in rats with high cholesterol diet Pourjafar M . Kang SS. Osunkalu VO . Naengchomnong W. Espinoza C L and Garbarino J PA90. Cassani J. Salvinorin A modulates the neurotransmitters release from different mouse brain areas through presynaptic metabotropic receptors activation Marchi M. Olive tree extracts with95 potential leishmanicidal activity. Arifah AK. Grilli M. Shin EM. Lomri A. Anti-angiogenic activity from the fruit latex of Ficus carica (Fig) Pawlus AD. Bae K. Conforti F. Martínez-Vázquez M PA95. Kaminski M. Eberl L. Tillequin F. (1. Stévigny C.LIST OF POSTERS PA51. Hill A. Berg G. Rai PK. Serralheiro MLM PA89. Antimicrobial evaluation of crude methanolic extracts and fractions of Prosopis africana stem bark Ezea SC. Sessarego M. Papoutsi Z. Piwowarski J. Boustie J. Kijjoa A PA58. Soto-Hernández M. Kalpoutzakis E. Mitaku S. Chios mastic gum neutral extract and isolated tirucallol exhibit anti-inflammatory activity in human aortic endothelial cells Loizou S. Watal G PA87.3). Chrousos GP. Kim G. Wuttke W PA60. Nowrooziasl A. Sedej I. Setzer WN PA93. Lee DU. Ahn KS. Martzen MR. Suschke U. Schildt S. Sannapuri VD PA61. Somchit MN. Ma Y. an enriched phytochemical composition of Caralluma fimbriata in mice. Bisio A. Devleeschouwer M. Paulová H. Yong YK PA56. Phytochemical analysis and antileishmanial activity of Desmotes incomparabilis. Labbé C. Ayoola GA. Stevanović B. Hong BN. Choudhary MI. Effect of a multi-herb mixture. Harle UN. Wilke DV. Costa-Lotufo LV PA131. Martínez-Vázquez M PA150. Tiralongo E PA104. Luanratana O. Ramírez T.) extract on Baf3p210 and Baf3p210-T315I leukemia cell lines Altinok B. Cheng MH. Antifungal effects of Ellagitannin isolated from leaves of Ocotea odorifera (Lauraceae) Yamaguchi MU. Cell cycle regulation of emodin through p53. Antioxidant properties of methanol extracts of wild garlics (genus Allium L. Neuner A. Kremer D. Diosgenin protects diabetic neuropathy by induction of nerve growth factor in animal model Kang TH. Ramalhete C. Kim DH PA107. Anackov G. Zhou HY. Lee SH. Lee MW PA117. Bu Y. Kachhawa JBS. Tsoleridis K. Tai WCS. Saxena P PA124. Timosaponin A3 and Sarsasapogenin inhibit nuclear factor-kB and p38 signaling in TNF-a stimulated BV-2 microglia cells Lee B. Jamarkattel N. UedaNakamura T . Kim H PA112. Cortez DAG. Bauer R PA142. Lou Y. Comic L. Khandare RA. Olafsdottir ES. Jamarkattel N. Chemopreventative effect of familial adenomatous polyposis and hyperlipidemia by Gynostemma pentaphyllum in ApcMin/+ mouse model Tai WSC. Yi TH. Siripong P. Gonzalez EAR . Sagong J. CO. and cyclin D pathway in human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells Lee CY. Haddad P PA130. Heimer E PA139. Silva Lautenschlager SO. Free-radical scavenging capacity and antioxidant activity of Berberis croatica Horvat and B. Awemu GA. Pereda R. Reichling J PA106. Esimone CO PA133. Lehmann R. a herbal formulation on elicitation of penile erection and anti-fatigue effect in the rats Lim DW. Wang YH. Ochiogu IS. Yang YC. Kwon JH. Kristiansen K. Park YM. Antipruritic effects of petals of Hibiscus syriacus L. Cos P PA144. Saleem A. Bianco EM. Gray) Greene Figueroa-Hernández JL. Petkovic M. Hypoglycemic. Nieto A. Karlović K . Karadag A. reveals antiviral activity against herpes simplex virus in cell culture Schnitzler P. PPARγ agonists identified in extracts of elderflowers (Sambucus nigra) by bioassay-guided fractionation Christensen KB . Igic R PA122. Biological activities of iridoids from Scutellaria rupestris ssp.) seed extract on reproductive functions of male rats Gupta RS. Estrada-Reyes R. Karioti A. Merfort I. Lim DW. García A. Biyikli Z. Kim H PA113. Anti-diabetic potential of naturally-occurring cinnamates Eid H. Palsdottir GM. Zovko M. Rojas A PA140. Han SJ. Antidepressant effect of an alkaloid extract from Annona cherimolia Ubaldo SD . Mulhovo S. Lee D. Pessoa ODL. Sun B. Kim JA. Kang SS. Iweala C. Mbaoji FN PA132. Allium) Bozin B. a standardized extract of Scrophularia buergeriana have both cognitive-enhancing and antioxidant activities in mice given scopolamine Jeong EJ. Kim YT. Bu Y 42 PA114.. Grevsen K . Kim YT. Maes L. Kim SH. adenotricha Lazari D. Investigations into the antibacterial activities of herbal medicines against Helicobacter pylori and Campylobacter jejuni Cwikla C. PA147. Figueroa-Espitia JL. Park SH. Kim MY. Kim YC PA105. Martínez-Vázquez M PA129. KD-501. Paik HD. Kim S. Zin Z. liver weight and serum fat contents in albino rats Nebedum JO. Omarsdottir S. Rojas A. Pessoa. Calcium-dependent effect of Tricolorin A on intestinal and arterial smooth muscle contractility Hernández R. Yang HJ. Pegklidou K. Moraes MO. Combined Effect of Doxorubicin with MODEL26 peptide Shin WG. Lee BJ PA108. Sanković K. Ibarra C. Anti-proliferative activity of Thai Noni (Morinda citrifolia linn. (Asteraceae) on aldose reductase in vitro Lazari D. Sudati DB. Kim M-Y. Effects of ethanolic root and leaf extracts of Cissampelos mucronata on length of gestation period Ndu OO. Grevsen K. Khan IA. HT042 on the longitudinal bone growth in adolescent female rats Kim MY. Hsiao WLW PA110. Panditl NR. Effect of HTE001. Pandit NR. Induction of apoptosis by the triterpene saponin PX-6518 in promastigotes and amastigotes of Leishmania infantum Vermeersch M. Demopoulos V.) leaf extract Thani W. Wong IMH. J and Bilobalide in Caco-2 and MDR-MDCK monolayer models Khan SI. Mimica-Dukic N. Gallegos MA. Schmidt K. Effects of ethanolic extracts of Nigerian Citrus peels on body weight. Kim NT . sect. Yoon YC. Phytoestrogenic activity from Iris songarica Schrenk. Ezike AC. Aydos S. Arfan M PA145. Ferreira MJU PA137. UedaNakamura T. Immunomodulative and anti-atopic properties of flavonoids from the roots of Rhododendron mucronulatum Joo SS. Plantak K PA136. Środa K. Tsioumela C. Bone KM. Anwar HG PA116. Lee S. Development of yeast-based high-throughput screening platform to screen for potential antiHMG-CoA reductase compounds in Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine. Guo LY. Chen TR. Michalak K. Kim YB. Dos Santos AO . Lee DK. Antibacterial activity of Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. Oku H. Amagase H. Inhibitory activity of extracts and bioactive constituents of Centaurea phyllocephala Boiss. Obonga W. Anti-plasmodial activity of extracts of five species of Icelandic liverworts Jensen JSR. Botanical characteristics. Christensen LP PA148. Pereira RC. Christensen LP PA149. Arunporn I. Anticancer activity of Dioscorea membranacea Pierre extract and its isolated compound (Dioscorealide B) in non-small cell lung carcinoma cells Hansakul P. Sagong J. Neuroprotective effects of Sesame seed on in vitro and in vivo ischemia models Lee D. Vucic D. Petersen RK. Park KH. Petersen Rasmus K. Jaroszewski JW 43 . Gadkari MR PA120. Vuelvas A. Khan IA PA143. Kristiansen K. Ozkan T.LIST OF POSTERS PA102. Effect of whey protein hydrolysates produced by various enzymes on H2O2 induced DNA damage in human leukocytes Jeon GI. Curcuminoids possess acetylcholinesterase inhibitory and memory enhancing activities Touqeer A. Kim KS. Sung SH. Akah PA. Chung MI. Ibarra C. Kobarfard F. Bu Y. Avula B. Lee DK. Filho BPD . Choi SE. Hajdu E. Kalođera Z. Ambikar D B. Martineau L . Filho BPD. Oliveira JR. Madgula VLM. Ayatollahi SM. Kuypers K. Sunguroglu A PA128. Jimenez PC. Kim J. Antioxidant and antidiabetic activity of leaves of Ipomoea batatas grown in continental Croatia Zovko M. Rocha KJP. Development of a new anti-atopic agent using the diarylheptanoid from the barks of Alnus japonica and its role in immunological activity Joo SS. Silveira ER. Ruangwises N LIST OF POSTERS PA127. and Ishiguro K PA141. Vyawahare NS. Deschacht M. Antitrypanosomal activity of Elatol isolated from red seaweed Laurencia obtusa Veiga-Santos P. An aqueous extract of root/stem bark of Rhus aromatica AIT. Apoptotic effect of wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum L. Kim HS. García M. Kołaczkowska A. Evaluation of neuroprotective effect of Slimaluma in cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury in rats Rajendran R. Gabrieli C. Moein MR. Arnason J. Park E PA119. Kim H. Gwacham NC PA126. Fragoso M. Papi R. Kalođera Z PA135. Petlevski R. Histological and haematotoxic effects of Azadirachta indica (Neem) leaf extract in albino rats Nwodo NJ. Nance DM PA134. Zlatkovic B. Kim SY PA115. Ledesma VI . Anti-inflammatory effects of glycyrol isolated from Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Leguminosae) in LPSinduced RAW264. Fernández-Saavedra G. Kunert O. Matthias A. Transport properties of Ginkgolides C. on inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) Blunder M. anti-inflammatory and cytotoxicity evaluation of aqueous and organic extracts from Ibervillea lindheimeri (A. Kim YS PA103. Inhibitory activity of Cynara scolymus L. Kyriakidis D PA146. Brazil Ferreira EG. Bioassay-guided fractionation of the crude extract derived from the marine sponge Monanchora arbuscula collected at Pedra da Risca do Meio Marine State Park. Skaltsa H. Metabolites from purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) identified as PPARγ agonists Christensen KB. Jjardón A. Ali Z. Martinet W. Nakamura CV PA121. Choi SE. Antifungal and multidrug resistance modulatory activities in extracts of medicinal plants Kołaczkowski M. Nasim S. Role of PLA2 activity in the hemolytic and histopathological effects induced by the venom of the “fire coral” Millepora complanata García A. chemical constituents and clinical relevance of Lycium barbarum Farnsworth NR.7 macrophages Shin EM. Lee KY. p21. Lee MW PA118. Vallerand D. Nam SY. Jung K. Stefanovic O PA138. Nakamura CV PA123. Chiu HF PA125. vulgaris L. Ceará. Hsiao WLW PA109. Araujo EAG . Watcharin P PA111. Choi HY. Reversible contraceptive effect of isolated fractions of Cuminum cyminum (Linn. Kosalec I. Ferreira CIP. on the human hepatoma cell line HepG2 Nayal R. Serafini M. Namieśnik J PA190. Zaki AK PA167. Assessment of the anti-microbial and anti-viral properties of extracts from Nepeta septemcrenata Soltan MM. Nworu CS PA180. Dheeranupattana S. Antiproliferative activity of ent-abietane lactones against resistant human cancer cell lines Duarte N. Mustafa AO. Genotoxic effects of aquatic extract of Dinaric’ populations of species Tussilago farfara L.α secretion by Polysaccharide Krestin. Haddad PS PA198. Antidepressant activity and toxicity of Hypericum foliosum aerial part Ramalhete N. naturally occurring flavolignan. Antitumor and antifungal activities from red algae Bostrychia radicans and B. Wang X. Choudhary MI. Won EK. Esposito F. (Alliaceae) Redzic S. Lee SM PA193. Lonardoni VMC. Adeoye AO PA160. Kotabin N.) Moris essential oil Bicchi C. Induction of differentiation and anti-proliferative effects of aqueous extract from the bark of Quercus infectoria in the human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells. Adeshile OI. Sloper D. mirifica (Airy Shaw et Suvatabandhu) Niyomdham] crude extract containing puerarin on vascular relaxation in the White Rat (Rattus norvegicus) Chaowiset W. Elias SO. HIV-1 reverse transcriptase and K562 cell replication inhibition by Ridolfia segetum (L. Ung AT PA188. Scartezzini P. Sewald N PA161. Poli F. Abdolmohammadi MH. Debonsi HM PA154. Protective effect of mixture of Aloe and Silybum on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatotoxicity and liver fibrosis Moon YJ. Chemical constituents and antimicrobial activity of Verbena tenuisecta Daboob AA. Wansi JD. Newman SP PA162. Padrón JM PA152. Lage H. Pyne SG. Amanlou M. de Moraes MO. Rauwald. in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes Sarkhail P. Koch E PA156. Tramontano E. Gomes ET. Carcache de Blanco EJ PA197. Regulation of microglial activities by components from Schizandra chinensis Jeon SJ. Kupittayanant S. Screening for anti-diabetic activity of medicinal plant extracts from the Canadian Boreal Forest Harbilas D. AdliMoghaddam A. Pilav E PA185. Vestergaard HT. Heyerick A. Caffeine withdrawal retains anticataleptic activity but Withania somnifera withdrawal potentiates haloperidol-induced catalepsy in mice Kasture S. Demopoulos V. Cholinesterase inhibiting. Proksch P. Kelber O PA157.) Drude Kamrani YY. Methanolic extracts of Plantago species as 12lipoxygenase inhibitors Beara I. Amin Gh. Stimulation of TNF. Barhate S. Nakamura CV PA153. de Felício R. Alqasoumi SI PA172. Phytochemical and antitrypanosomal study of a Libyan medicinal plant Ermeli NB. In vitro genotoxic studies of Thai noni fruit juice by chromosomal aberration and sister chromatid exchange assays in human lymphocytes Thitiorul S. Spina L. Oben J PA170. Choi HK. Assaf-Diab M. South African traditional medicine inhibits the spontaneous epileptiform discharges in slices of the mouse cerebral cortex Pedersen ME. Johns T. Osadebe PO. SN. Activity of coumarin extracts from leaves of Calophyllum brasiliense on Leishmania braziliensis Brenzan AM. van Staden J. Petitto V. Antihyperlipidemic and antiobesity effect of defatted seeds of Irvingia gabonensis Ngondi JL. Novack J PA183. Analysis of gene and protein expression of p53 and Bcl-2 in human breast cancer T47D cells treated with extracts of Astrodaucus persicus (Boiss. Jäger AK LIST OF POSTERS PA176. Martineau LC. Filho BPD. Ebrahimi SN PA175. Stanzione A. The antioxidant properties of anthocyanins in different Aronia products Piasek A. Henry M PA164. Anti-cancer effects of malvidin-3. Ueda-Nakamura T. Manakasem Y PA158. Edson RF. Stuppner H PA195. Laoye TA. Ebrahimi SN PA173. Harris CS. Osteoporosis-inhibitory properties of the hop special extract WS® 1242 Erdelmeier CAJ. Bamigboye AO. Piano A. Kim HP. In vitro antiproliferative activity of Xanthones and Guttiferones from Securidaca spp Meli AL. Three anti-inflammatory stigmastane steroids from Alchornea floribunda leaves Okoye FBC. The effect on angiogenesis of constituents of Cajanus cajan leaves Ashidi JS. Abdollahi M PA166. Houghton PJ. Ratanavalachai T. Tabaraei B. Stafford GI. Serrilli AM. Fouladdel Sh. antileishmanial and antiplasmodial steroidal alkaloids from Sarcococca hookeriana of Nepalese origin Devkota KP. a Trametes versicolor mushroom extract. Ko KH PA189. Bianco A. var. Olagunju JA. Pharmacological studies on Ephedra nebrodensis Tineo Ballero M. Ferreira MJU PA184. Extracts of Cynomorium songaricum protect SKN-SH human neuroblastoma cells against Aβ25-35 induced cytotoxicity potentially through their antiapoptotic activity Lu Y. Pinto AC. J-W. Lau EKC. Ballero M PA178. Nakamura CV. Yazdanyar A. Redžić S. Pilipovic S. (Asteraceae) Redžić A. Protective activities of the aqueous root extract of Harungana madagascariensis in acute and repeated acetaminophen hepatotoxic rats Adeneye AA. Lee SH PA177. The in vitro inhibition of human neutrophil elastase activity by some Yemeni medicinal plants Alasbahi R. Shin EJ. Shafiee A. Melzig MF PA171. De Keukeleire D. Cuerrier A. do Ó Pessoa C. Orčić D. Clements CJ. Matteodo M. Pan L. Olatunbosun OD. Kim HY. NFκB inhibitors exhibiting rapid intracellular amplification of reactive oxygen species Kim JA. Yazdanyar A. Filipe HM. Lee WC. Castilho PC . Haegeman G. Rollinger JM. Alexiou P. Ueda-Nakamura T. Kim SJ. Rubiolo P. Mohan M PA182. Jabbari M. Wenner C. Azizi E PA174. Antioxidant and aldose reductase inhibitory capacities of Tephrosia humilis aerial parts’ extracts Plioukas M. tenella (Rhodophyta) de Oliveira ALL. Filho BPD. Libert C. Schwaiger S. Synergism of lyoniside and triterpenic acids in allelopathic potential of Vaccinium myrtillus L. Young MCM. Potential anti-diabetic and anti-oxidant activity of essential oil of Zataria multiflora leaves Kamrani YY. Lee SM PA192. Yokoya NS. Mimica-Dukic N PA200. Comparative analysis of anti-microbial activity of fresh extracts of certain species of genus Allium L. Kasture S PA179. Jatisatienr C. Bioguided determination of the anti-inflammatory action of STW 5 and STW 6 Nieber K. The effect of White Kwao Krua [Pueraria candollei Grah. Ljubojević S. Gatea F. Sanna C.7 macrophage cells Chang HW. Grötzinger K. is toll-like receptor 4-dependent and dectin-1 independent Price L. Longoni R . Esmaeelian B. Mroueh M. Kinghorn AD. Efficacy and safety of Juniperus phoenicea extracts used as remedy for liver in Saudi Arabia Abdel-Kader MS. inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced iNOS expression require inhibition of NF-B activation in RAW264. Ashaolu AO. Boukarim C PA165. Volk RB PA196. Radu GL PA194. Gačanović M PA186. Bioactive constituents and antioxidant activity of some traditional medicinal herbs extracts Danila AO. Ghaffari SM. Saleem A. Therapeutic effects of Aloe vera in experimental sepsis Lee KH.) amazonensis dos Santos AO. Bennett SAL. Deoxypodophyllotoxin. Jovin E. Antioxidant effect of Phlomis persica Boiss. Choi MS. Adeyiwola-Spoor DCA. Silva O PA199. Slaton J. Jenett-Siems K. Oh ST. Foddis C. Red Ginseng extract inhibits 3T3-L1 preadipocyte differentiation through the PPARγ pathway Lee DH. Son KH. Michael S. Costa-Lotufo LV. Seidel V. Shim KS. Wang Q 45 . da Veiga Jr VF.5-diglucoside from Alcea longipedicellata. Jin MH. Effect of Copaifera reticulata on amastigote forms of Leishmania (L. Prast H. Kim TH. Phytochemical studies on Stemona plants: biological activities of some stemofoline alkaloids Sastraruji T. Kim YK. Lenta BN.LIST OF POSTERS PA151. Esimone CO. Bartoszek A. Melzig MF 44 PA163. Oral application of Thuja occidentalis enhances immune parameters in rats and immunosuppressed mice Bodinet C. Szakiel A. Nandhasri P PA169. Cortez DAG PA181. Investigations of cytotoxicity of Lippia dulcis Trev. Fadyevatan S. Arnason JT. Cotinus coggygria heartwood: a new source of acetylcholinesterase inhibiting compounds Antal DS. Hornick A. Gray AI PA187. Kokkalou E PA191. Shin CY. In-vitro and in-vivo evidence for the antiinflammatory activity of hop bitter acids in mouse Van Cleemput M. Abdulshafeek K PA168. on gastric cancer cell line (AGS) Kamrani YY. Okpanyi. Lesjak M. Honda PA. Zinzula L . Choung SY PA155. De Bosscher K PA159. Bae KH. Manaila N PA210. Arsić I. Antioxidant response of brain regions in adult mice after daily consumption of herbal tea from Sideritis clandestina Linardaki Z. Chariot A. A randomized double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial of topical herbal drug against recurrent Herpes Simplex Zolfaghari B. Cha KH. Oroxylin A has an awakening effect. Odesanmi OS PA248. Angenot L. Yu G PA249. Seong YH PA239. Nilforushzadeh MA PA216. The study of inflammatory cytokine-induced pigmentation and antibacterial activity of panduratin A isolated from Kaempferia pandurata Roxb. Tóth J. Mantion G. Bazzocchi IL. Fabre MS. Yamagishi T. Itharat A PA237. Copra-Janicijevic A. van Staden J. Evaluation of antioxidant activity and the content of phenolics in some Mentha species cultivated in South-West Slovakia Fialová S. Lee IS PA222. anti-anaemic. roots Armatu A. Cordopatis P PA217. Determination of antioxidant and radical scavenging activity of Inula helenium L. Ju HS. Sofic E PA225. Elemental compositions. Marston A. Inhibition of monoamine oxidase and acetylcholinesterase by Rhodiola rosea L. Juvekar MR. Ajani Y PA205. Kim HJ. Lee SJ. against Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto (Bbss) in vitro Liebold T. Protective effects of Aralia cordata on oxidative stress-induced brain damage Ju HS. Ryu JH. Pilc A. Crocetin alters the gene expression pattern of metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in breast cancer cells MDA-MB-231 Chryssanthi D. Abadie C. Effects of Labisia Pumila var alata extracts and estrogen replacement therapy on body weight gain. Cao M. protocetraric acid and stictic acid isolated from different species of lichen Mišić M. Kodja H. Grančai D. Song KS PA211. Juan X. Omisore NO. Papandreou MA. against Acne Lee CW. Smith P PA233. Romani A. Ieri F. Berthelot A. Moein MR PA235.LIST OF POSTERS PA201. Pirali M. Cytotoxic activity and antioxidative properties of Sideritis scardica extracts Tadić VM. Gligorijevic N. Karamanos N. Protective effect of Vitis amurensis against amyloid β protein (25-35)-induced neurotoxicity Kim JY. Redžić S. Bamba YN. polycarpos Moein S. Antimicrobial activity of fumarprotocetraric acid. Kauk IY. Cho SO. Daniyan OM. Tekeľová D. PA208. Juvekar AR PA245.) DC. Yapna DB PA236. Burger A. Inoue H PA212. Constantinou AI PA244. Effect of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn on Compound 48/80 induced systemic anaphylaxis in mice Venkatesh P. Triterpene derivatives and their reversing activity against multidrug resistant cancer cells Kashiwada Y. Lee SB. Omeje EO PA218. Heyd B. Lee DG. Agardh (Rhodomelaceae) Saravanakumar DEM. Kim HK. Šober M. Imamovic A. Bilia AR. Fournel J. Iwalewa EO. Rimpapa Z. Gu HF. Kulkarni MP. exerts an estrogenic effect through extracelullar signal-regulated kinase (ERK)dependent pathway Kang K. Adewunmi CO. Tectoridin isolated from Belamcanda chinensis (L. Fazliana M. Slavin M. nootropic and anticonvulsant potential of fruit extracts of Piper longum L. Immunomodulatory activities of n-hexane and methanol extracts of Loranthus micranthus Linn. Adeyemi OO PA246. Moujir L PA221. Reist M. Kunugi A. Takaishi Y PA242. Wu YH. Östenson CG PA228. Andersen J. Maiori G. Abedi Z. Mrižová M. Mukherjee PK. Total content of phenols and anthocyanins in leaves and flowers of some medicinal plants from Bosnia Tahirovic I.Bieb. Radulović S. Marković G PA207. adipokine levels and uterus weight in ovariectomized rats. Wu YC PA215. Jung SH. Ngadjui BT. Osadebe PO. Rosmarinus officinalis leaves water extract: a possible anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcerogenic remedy Daher CF. Antibacterial activity of Celastrol against Bacillus subtilis Padilla-Montaño N. Kalantari N. Soleimani H. Grančai D PA220. Djordjević S. Carrupt PA. Syringin from Fraxinus rhynchophylla Hance inhibit the apoptotic neuronal cell death induced by Aβ25-35. Antioxidative properties of enzymatic hydrolysates from Mussel (Mytilus coruscus) Kim EK. Nikolić K. Bandyopadhyay A PA213. Skaltsounis AL. Nho CW 46 PA214. Vincieri FF. Marjanović A. Effects of South Africa traditional medicine in animal models of depression Pedersen ME. Bonet A. Park HJ. Sim JS. Croft SL PA223. Campbell BW. Sukdolak S PA229. Cardioactivity of 2 mg/ml Leonotis leonurus in the Langendorf rat heart not due to [K+] and [Mg+]. Vasiljevic P. Folb PI. Berthou C. Enshaeiyeh SH. Kabatembe J PA209. Quetin-Leclercq J PA250. Skaltsounis AL. Cytotoxic and NF-κB-modulating effects of cannabis constituents Pesche Wl. Jäger AK PA247. and it also alleviates ADHD behavior in SHR Cheong JH. Hwnag JK PA238. El Alami M. Lamari FN. Hwang JW. fractions and some isolated compounds of Harungana madagascariensis stem bark. Antiproliferative and cytotoxic activity of infusions from four Staphylea L. Antioxidant activity of some lichen growing in Serbia Manojlovic N. Bae KH. Blanchard N. Cytotoxic and antioxidant activities of Thai medicinal plants for cancer treatment. Heinrich M. Kouam SF. Gibbons S. Taniguchi M. Biochemical evaluation of Mitragyna ciliata Aubrev & Pellegr (Rubiaceae) Ogbunugafor HA. Kashour BM PA204. Modulation of metalloproteinases by alkylphenols from Phagnalon rupestre Giner RM. Ficková. Antiprotozoal activity of sesquiterpenes from Warburgia ugandensis towards Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Plasmodium falciparum in vitro Wube AA. Frédérich M. Kim JW. species Laciková Ľ. Colceru-Mihul S. Constantinou AI PA243. rhizome extract Yun YS. Hypoglycemic effects of the aqueous seed extract of Hunteria umbellata in normoglycemic and glucose and nicotine induced hyperglycemic rats Adeneye AA. Odiatou EM. Growth inhibiting activities of Dipsacus sylvestris Huds. Lamari F. Wieronska J. Ko KH PA234. Antioxidant properties of Juniperus excelsa M. Okpuzor J. Antimycobacterial potential of an extract of the red alga Polysiphonia virgata C. In vitro cytotoxic and immunomodulative activities of low molecular weight ι-carageenans partially methylated and pyruvated Bondu S. In vitro antiplasmodial activity of five plants used in Benin in traditional medicine to treat malaria Bero J. Yang EJ. Effects of Andrographis paniculata crude extract and Andrographolide on hepatic cytochrome P450 mRNA expression and monooxygenase activities Pekthong D. parasitic on Parkia biglobosa. Wan Nazaioon WM. Bogdanovic-Dusanovic G Manojlovic I PA232. Antioxidant properties of thyme and lavender botanical extracts Whent M. Seong YH. Dedes P. Stafford GI. Moshgel-gosha V. Deslandes E.Yoon SY . Song KS. Total phenolic and antioxidant capacity of the Potentilla argentea and Potentilla tommasiniana (Rosaceae) extracts Pilipović S. Mašterová I. Modulation of the in vitro antimalarial effects of artemisinin by selected extracts: the case of olive leaf water extract Sannella AR. Hostettmann K PA203. Moniri-fard R. subsp. Bravo J. Toromanovic J. Sapcanin A. Anti-stress. Iatrou G. antimalarial and anti-trichomonal properties of the extract. Kim HS. Equol and 6-bromoindirubin-3-oxime modulate invasive activity of prostate cancer cell lines through inhibition of urokinase type plasminogen activator Nicolaou KA. M PA219. Margarity M PA241. De Mol P. Zahedi H. Constant Ai. Cheng Z. Asres K. van Diermen D. Máñez S PA206. Ku HY. Park PJ PA224. Stachowicz K. Bucar F. Straubinger RK. Antioxidant constituents from the rhizomes of Cibotium barometz Ryu M. Ibrulj A PA202. Rauwald HW PA227. Ocnaru D. Oleuropein’s anti-cancer effect on MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells is mediated through DNA damage and is independent of Estrogen Receptors alpha and beta. DeMol P. lecanoric acid. Inhibitory effects of bractelactone on superoxide anion and elastase release in human neutrophils Hwang TL. Frédérich M 47 . Richert L. Shin CY. Charles DJ LIST OF POSTERS PA226. Evaluation of medicinal plants from Reunion Island for antimalarial and cytotoxic activities Jonville MC. Okochi VI. Seong YH PA240. Humeau L. Analysis of some Iranian Mentha species Hajimehdipoor H. Taiwo BJ. Chang FR. Sim EJ. Martin H PA231. Dehghan M. Prieto Garcia JM PA230. Fatokun OA. Oluborode IO. Rattray L. Ranković B. Inhibition of human P450 enzymes by compounds from Curcuma aromatica Salisb. Szewczyk B. Ghannadi A. Appendino G. Muradic S. Messori L . Severini C. Yu L. Antidiabetic and antioxidant effect of Panax ginseng El-Khayat Z. Gbededo MO. Quetin-Leclercq J PA254. Lee KY.LIST OF POSTERS PA251. Ozkan T. Choi H 48 PA264. Antimicrobial activities of different extracts of Lecanora atra. Hypoglycaemic and hypolipidaemic effects of Treculia africana Decne. Microbial activity of Larrea tridentata against pathogen strain and potential effect whit chitosan and Agave lecheguilla stracts. Bae H PA265. Prophylactic effect of STW 5 in acute reflux esophagitis: Pharmacological evidence Khayyal MT. Zuraini A. Seitz S. Mosleh I PA279. Dang GK. Chung HS. Choi H PA261. El-Kady AA. Oh J. Kelber O. Scindia AM. Vyawahare NS. Kim Y.7 cells Bang C. Effects of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis ethanol extract and its constituents on anti-gastritis and anti-gastric cancer cells Lee JH. Purification and identification of active compounds of Carpobrotus edulis against the reversal of resistance of human mdr1 gene transfected mouse lymphoma cells Martins A. Paradkar AR. Fakeye TO Ngere LO PA258. Papas K. Joublanc EL. Development of novel in situ Turmeric gel for the treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Gilda SS. Zou LB. Shamaki. Youn UJ. Kokkalou E. Vinson B. Kelber O.and δ-tocotrienols in androgen receptorpositive prostate cancer cells Vraka PS. Lee YM. Sedaghathoor SH PA298. Acute immune modulatory effects of bioavailable Echinacea alkamides Matthias A. Cognitive-enhancing and antioxidant activities of iridoid glycosides from Scrophularia buergeriana in scopolamine-treated mice Jeong EJ. Screening of herb medicines for recovery of acetaminophen-induced nephrotoxicity Sohn SH. Constantinou C. Moraceae and Bryophyllum pinnatum Lam. Choi H PA263. Tsao SW. Ibrahim N. Ranković B. from Iran Hasanloo T. Ogbadoyi EO PA291. Srivastava A. Daher CF PA277. Weiser D PA295. Lee J. Evaluation of antimycobacterial activity of some Piper species Jachak S. Kshirsagar A. Lecanora muralis. Ramzy T. Viveros-Paredes JM PA266. Ham I. Takasaki M. Jiang N PA283. Altinok B . Saldívar RHL 49 . Thompson D. Hohmann J. IL-1β and nitric oxide on LPS-stimulated mice Gutiérrez-Coronado O. Kim YS PA286. Kondo R PA253. Okpanyi SN. Effect of wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum L. The biological actions of alpha hederin on cancer cells Lorent J. Koreana Nakai) polar extracts Kim SH. Kim JW. Comparison of anti-inflammatory activity of Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn. Jia S. L i Y. Chemopreventive effects of stevioside against naturally occurring tumor promoter. Kelber O. Chung HG. Neophytou C. Comparative evaluation of antioxidant potential of Ashwagandha arishta and self generated alcoholic preparation of Withania somnifera Dunal Mahadik KR. Equol and genistein enhance the apoptotic effects of γ. Castilho PC. Lee JH. Potent anti-tumor promoting effects of Daucus carota oil extract in mice Abou Zeinab RM. Aydos S. Kasture A PA255. Roussis V. Anti-platelet and anti-inflammatory activity of Plumbago zeylanicus (Pz). Adeyemi TA. Biflavonoids isolated from Selaginella tamariscina regulate the expression of matrix metalloproteinase in human skin fibroblasts Lee CW. Potamitis C. Martínez Hernández JL. Ajadotuigwe JO. Miranda-Beltran ML. Woo ER PA268. Antitumor and antiviral activities of Magnolia grandiflora L. Kim PN. Ambikar DB. Vasas A. Karadag A. Han J PA287. Bioactivity guided quantification of leaf extracts of Psoralea corylifolia Linn. Mingeot-Leclercq MP. Parmelia saxatilis. Deepshikha P PA294. Teleocidin Konoshima T. Bioactivity of Mentha cervina (Hortelã da Ribeira) from Southern Portugal Gouveia SC. Traut U. Jamil A PA300. Lechner D. Liu J. Kaneko M. Sepehrifar R. Baheti SS. Aguwa CN. (Annonaceae) leaves extract Roslida AH. Moon HT. Iida A PA272. Yang HJ. Weiser D. Lee J. Müller J. Sofidiya MO. Weiser D PA280. Antioxidant activity and anthocyanin content in Vaccinium arctostaphylos L. Comparative functional genomic studies of anti-inflammatory phytocompounds on immune signaling mechanisms in human monocytes Chiu SC. Ham I. Sunguroglu A PA285. Kim SH. Effect of Prunus yedoensis on free radical scavenging activity and anti-inflammatory properties in Raw 264. Antidopaminergic activity of isoflavone isolated from Butea monosperma flowers Velis H. Ficus sycomorus sap: a psoralene source with potential for the treatment of psoriasis Mavromoustakos T . Guo LY . Nasir I. Gurleyik E . Gilda SS. Vanisree S. Shin M. Abdel-Aziz H. Choi H PA262. Kinscherf R. Crassulaceae ethanolic extracts on Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. Diuretic activities of a methanolic petal extract and fractions of Hibiscus sabdariffa Ndu OO. Mavromoustakos S PA267. Yang NS PA293. AbedelWahhab MA PA274. Tokuda H PA273. Kang KJ. Capsaicin and berberine inhibit the production of TNF-α. Parmelia sulcata and Parmeliopsis ambigua Mišić M. Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effects of Annona muricata L. Ham I. Rege NN PA299. Hassan EM PA269. an enriched phytochemical composition of Caralluma fimbriata in long term hypoperfusion injury in rats Rajendran R. Shimizu K. Christofi V. Bone KM. Khandare RA. Póvoa O. Aldose reductase inhibitors from Ganoderma lucidum Fatmawati S. Rai PK. Kim HK. Wen CC. Blood pressure lowering action of active principle from Ocimum basilicum Aftab K PA284. Trichosanthes dioica mediated biochemical alterations in STZ induced diabetic rats Rai DK.7 cells and free radical scavenging activity Tae J. KangSS. In vitro anti-amoebic and anti-giardial activity of some medicinal plants of the family Myrtaceae Bader A. Sukdolak S PA282. Sharma B. Menon SS. Metz J PA296. Hepatoprotective and blood alcohol lowering effects of Korean Raisin Tree (Hovenia dulcis var. Yang S. Hussein JS.) on oxidant/antioxidant status in Baf 3p210 and T315i cell lines Avci A. leaves growing in Egypt Mohamed SM. Regulation of the insulin resistance pathways in 3T3-L1 adipocytes by Tangnaikang (a herbal formula)-medicated serum Liu T. Schelz Z. Retroselective study of STW 1 in diseases of the locomotor system in a medical specialist practice Adler M. Antimicrobial activities of Garcinia kola seeds extracts on dental caries-causing microorganisms Ajayi TA. Chen YA. Olaleye OO PA252. Takayasu J. Abdel-Aal WE. Inhibition of lipid peroxidation by anti hemorrhoid herbs Odukoya OA. Mroueh M. Effect of Betula platyphylla on LPS-induced inflammatory in 264. Wang Fen. Watal G PA275. Efficacy of Panax ginseng against oxidative stress induced by PCBs in rats Farrag AH. Anti-inflamatory effect of Bletilla striata through the inhibition of inflammatory mediators expression in Raw 264. Fahmy H. Bucar F PA297. Anti-inflammatory activity of 4-methoxyhonokiol is a function of the inhibition of iNOS and COX-2 expression in RAW 264. Mahadik KR PA289. Uchil DA. Hong M. Yamashita M .7 cells Lee J. Ko E. Efthimiou G. Sung SH. Bae KH. Tabebuia avellanedae and its constituents as antagonists of human derived tumour cells Tokuda H. Influence of biotic stress induction on the antimicrobial and biochemical parameters of Nigella sativa Shahid M. Ham I. Durdagi S. Moody JO. Vidhu A. Kim HS. Tay CE. Shyur LF. Lehmann RP PA278. Ukpoma MI PA292. Petrou C. Choi HJ. Deshmukh V LIST OF POSTERS PA276. Chan PF PA270. Yang HK. Nworu CS. Phyllanthus emblica (Pe) and their combination. Hwang PI. Connellan P. Paradkar AR PA260. Ogbonnia SO PA271. JNK and p38 MAPK inactivation Zhou HY. Nwanma CC. Weinhold TS PA256. Martins M.7 macrophages via NF-κB. Viveiros M. Effect of Slimaluma. The effect of Tridax procumbens treatment on Trypanosoma brucei brucei infections in mice Abubakar A. Molnár J. Angelica decursiva Franchet et Savatier and Anthriscus sylvestris Hoff Lee J. BU. Odimegwu JI. Kim YC PA288. Tanvir A. Jeong CS PA290. Villalobos-Gutiérrez PT. Kamat SK. Constantinou AI PA257. Amaral L PA259. Shin EM . Gopu CL. Farrag A PA281. Anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects of the phytomedicine STW 5 and its components in vitro Bonaterra GA. Reichling J. Effects of protolichesterinic acid. Kachhawa JBS LIST OF POSTERS PA325. Nana P. Khayat Z PA334. Patcharaporn S. Phytochemical and pharmacological studies of Crotalaria madurensis leaves Hala SHM. Ludwig S PA324. Costa LCB. Thamaree S. Optimizing lutein production from Spirulina platensis ARN 740 by response surface methodology Juvekar AR. Altmann K-H PA303. Bjornsdottir A. Kamtchouing P PA304. Lee YM. Timonina N PA319. Younos C . Tapondjou AL. Andreeva L. Soulimani R PA338. In vitro antigenotoxic studies of Thai noni fruit juice (Morinda citrifolia L. Carle R. Tytgat J. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of extracts from the bulbils of Dioscorea bulbifera L. Shmatkov D. Kassi E. Nguelefack TB. Asongalem EA. Menghini L. El Batran SA. Niculau ES. Eckl P. Aligiannis N. Eike R. Kalpoutzakis E. Ritter M. Grenier D PA341. Antimycobacterial activity of plant extracts and isolated compounds from plants of the Greek island of Crete Fokialakis N. Adaptogens exert a stress protective effect by modulation of expression of molecular chaperons Panossian A. Kulkarni MP. Possible mechanism of the uterotonic activity of the ethanolic leaf extract of Newbouldia leavis (Bignoniaceae) I Bafor EE. Titova E. The differential estrogenic activity of the phytoestrogen-rich herb. Efficacy of an aqueous Pelargonium sidoides extract against herpesvirus Schneider S. Jachak SM PA321. Antiatheromatic and hypolipidemic activity of Chios Mastic Gum in anesthetized rabbits Paraschos S. Kim PN Jeong CS PA315. Nandhasri P PA305. Foyet HS. Magada TI. Kamanyi A PA317. Pinto JEBP. Barhate SA. a lichen compound. CYSTUS052. Evaluation of antioxidant activity and ameliorative effect of Dactylorhiza hatagirea on sexual dysfunction in hyperglycemic male rats Thakur M. Kremastinos DTh PA344. Widelski J . Chu S. Idakieva K. Mohan M PA311. Teronno RB. var sativa (Dioscoreaceae) in mice and rats Mbiantcha M. Properties of concentrated Bio-extract of noni – Thai “yor” Morinda citrifolia Nandhasri P. Watcho P. Malaivijitnond S PA307. Iliodromitis E. Valte RD.antiestrogenicl activity of extracts obtained from Greek Legumes Tsiapara A. Kalpoutzakis E. Antimicrobial activity of Eurycoma longifolia and Momordica charantia Łos R. Contraceptive evaluation of isolated fractions of Cressa cretica (L. Kunert O. Lo CP. Andreadou I. Ilyina A. Analgesic and neuropsychological effects of Echinacea N-alkylamides Gertsch J. Shyur LF PA312. Chiu CY. Antidiabetic principle from Eclipta prostrata Rashid AM. Schmolke M. Alves PB. Bresgen N. Aguilar-Gonzales CN. Hrincius ER. Schnitzler P PA323. Shahare MB. Ogmundsdottir HM PA335. Butterweck V PA336. Mohamed SAM. Peigneur S. Protective effect of Apium graveolens against experimental myocardial oxidative-stress induced injury in rats Juvekar AR. Kolyvanov G. Martínez-Hernández JL PA302.) whole plant methanol extract in male albino rats Gupta RS. Skaltsounis AL. a polyphenol rich plant extract. Franzblau S. Sriwatcharakul S. Hsieh MC. Holmbom B. Skaltsounis AL PA342. Zoga A . In vitro investigation of estrogenic . Rahman SM PA322. Evaluation of biological activity of lignans extracted from tree knots Spilioti E. Lalas S. Bhargava S. Pötter A. Stintzing FC. The effects of extracts of some indigenous South African plants on in vitro cultures of Brucella abortus Luseba D PA337. Bandawane DD. PA330. Głowniak K PA343. Inhibitory effect of Rhamnus alpinus and Rhamnus saxatilis extracts on chemokine secretion induced by lipopolysaccharide in monocyte-derived macrophages Epifano F. Abou Zeid AHS. Developmental and reproductive outcome of F1 generation of Wistar rats exposed to Acanthus montanus aqueous extract during organogenesis. Appolonova S. Alexandrova R. Alexi X. Alexis MN. Zherdev V. exerts potent anti-influenza virus activity in cell culture by blocking viral attachment to host cells Ehrhardt C. Antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of selected Greek Labiatae plant species.. Bessadottir M. Marçal RM PA339. Schötz K PA316. Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of Dihydroquercetin isolated from Larix sibirica Ledeb. Punjanon T. Menezes FV. Kolesnik Yu. Litvin A. Moutsatsou P PA333. Anti-inflammatory and cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitory activities of Rumex nepalensis Spreng. Sariev A. Angelis A. Mitaku S. Derdour A. Juvekar MR PA309. Cytotoxic and apoptogenic properties of the hemocyanin derived from the marine mollusk Rapana thomasiana in vitro Genova-Kalou P. In vitro investigation of estrogenic activity of extracts and pure compounds obtained from the aerial parts of Glycyrrhiza glabra Tsiripillou P. Phytochemical and pharmacological characterization of plant extracts containing flavones with antidepressant activity. Echinacea alkamides induce heme oxygenase-1 expression and prevent lipopolysaccharide / Dgalactosamine induced acute hepatic injury Hou CC. Hypoglycemic and antidiabetic activity of leaves of Aegle marmelose in normoglycemic and streptozotocin induced diabetic rats Juvekar AR. Gastrointestinal effects of Ocimum selloi essential oil is mediated by calcium channel blockade and potassium channel activation Souza SDF. Moutsatsou P PA347. Hepatoprotective effect of Pistacia lenticus var. Lee JH. Lea RW PA318. Luanratana O. Aligiannis N. Tikhonov V. in human lymphocytes Ratanavalachai T. Gautam R. Wakade AS PA308. Baranov P PA332. Nikiforova D. Methanolic extract of Phlomis lanata as a source of natural antioxidant compounds Koutsogiannopoulou A. Sanni U 50 PA313. Hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic effects of Haloxylon articulatum (Forssk) Moq. Omarsdottir S. cancelledPA329. Rauwald HW PA327. Antifungal activity of hydrosoluble extracts of plants from Coahuila desert Cano-Cabrera JC. The effects of orally administered lavender in response to mood eliciting film clips on male and female participants Bradley BF. Khan S. in stone forming rats Vanachayangkul P. The potential analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of Panax ginseng head BuOH fraction in vivo Lee JH. Mohamed RS PA328. Chiavaroli A. Boykova A. Shahat AA. Omayma DE PA345. Mazur I. Anti-leukemic activity-guided fractionation of Mammea siamensis flowers Noysang C. La VD. Alvarado-Espinosa J. Gunjal MA. Kulkarni MP PA310. Ahmed HH. Pappas IS PA340. Deoxyelephantopin exhibits potent effects against mammary tumor growth and metastasis in vitro and in vivo Huang CC. Bilkei-Gorzo A. Aligiannis N. Magiatis P. Dimo T. Benziane M. Shyur LF PA331. Pueraria mirifica Cherdshewasart W. Yotovska K. Kaklamanis L. mitomycin c. Bellahouel S. Nöldner M. Juvekar MR. Droebner K. Cantrell C. Zimmer A. Hussein AA 51 . Rubiacecae) against a chemotherapeutic agent. Brown SL. Wan B. Glycyrrhiza glabra as an adjuvant in treatment of Parkinsonism and depression Kasture SB. Thitiorul S. Dixit VK PA314. Mohmmed A PA320. Mitaku S PA346. Huang CC. Kietinun S PA306. Kulkarni MP. Dhein S. Argirova R. Bouzidi N . Skalicka-Wozniak K. Wikman G. Melichar K. Paraschos S. Prevention of nephrolithiasis by an extract of Ammi visnaga L. on the ERK1/ERK2 signalling pathway in cancer cells and normal endothelial cells. Chia total extract against carbon tetrachlorideinduced liver damage in rats Mavridis SK. Gortzi O. Franca CS. Merah B. Hifnawy MS . Antioxidant activity of proanthocyanidins from Adansonia digitata fruit. Orlando G. Raduner S. Malm A. Toxicological properties of thymoquinone in primary rat hepatocyte cultures Khader M. Efferth T. Dundarova D. Bauer R PA326. Hepato and nephroprotective activities of Ruta graveolens and Sophora japonica and their flavonoids in normal and carcinogenic rat model Rafaet H. Skaltsounis AL PA348. Hassan RA. The antiarrhythmic effects of Leonurus cardiaca on cardiac electrophysiology Kuchta K.LIST OF POSTERS PA301. Korte V. Anti-tumour activity and phytochemical constituents of the aerial parts of Dichrostachys cinerea L. Quednow B. Skaltsounis AL. Planz O. Karan M. Screening of marine microbe. Nikolic D. Lee MS. Li X. Analysis of in vitro serotonergic activity of black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) and identification of a potential active constituent. Evaluation of the antimicrobial potential of three Zanthoxylum species against sexually transmitted pathogens Oyedeji AO. Anti-complementary activity of triterpenoides from the whole plant of Aceriphyllum rossii Min BS. Lee DY. Curcuminoids as efflux pump inhibitors (EPIs) in Mycobacterium smegmatis mc²155 Lechner D.‘Shankhpushpi’ Malik J. Magnolol and Honokiol: inhibitors against mouse passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction and scratching behaviour Kim DH. Butterweck V PA369. Naidoo V. Kim DC. Eloff JN. Kim JH. Wang ZH. Screening for antioxidant activity of Greek plant extracts Kalpoutzakis E. 6-Br-indirubin-3’-oxime (6-BIO) induces G2/M arrest and apoptosis-like death in Leishmania donovani promastigotes. Ip SP. Proteasome inhibitory components from Psoraleae semen and processed Psoraleae semen Shim SH.LIST OF POSTERS PA349. Role of glycemic elements in diabetes management . Haghighi S. Bae KH PA382. Hung TM. Antioxidant and chemopreventive properties of Vicia faba extract and its flavonoid fractions Spanou C. Jachak S. Jaiswal D. Crotti AEM. Study of processing mechanism and allergenic substances of the root of Changium smyrnioides Wolff (radix Changii) Chen J. Constantinou C. Ko DO. Lee H PA380. Kim JA. a herbal preparation for antisickling properties Alaribe CSA. Kim J PA396. Kumarappan CT. Aligiannis N. Nabavi SM. Antimicrobial activity of Pentanema divaricatum and its active constituent Monsef-Esfehani HR. Papa KA. Bae KH PA358.. Vihan VS PA352. Magiatis P. Ganabadi S. Kwak JH. Odumosu BT. Huacuja-Ruiz L 52 PA361. Lee HK. Boyd K PA387. Lindequist U PA364. Skaltsounis AL. Patil AT PA392. Goedecke T. Horgen FD PA389. and Plantago lanceolata L. Ahmad H. Kim Y. Stavropoulos NE. Poerzgen P. Tetede E PA357. Bolton JL PA350. Screening of the antioxidant activities of some Mentha species from Iran Nickavar B. Bhattacharjee BB. neurochemical and pharmacological evaluations. Choi JY. Piao MJ. Che CT PA376. Zuraini A PA353. Coker HAB. algae. Antidepressant-like effect of total glycosides of peony in mice Mao QQ. Smirlis D. Arantes GM. Hypoglycaemic effect of Leandra lacunosa (Melastomataceae) in normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats Cunha WR. leaves in diabetic rats induced by streptozocin Lalhlenmawia H. Yuanhuadine induces cell cycle arrest and autophagy by inhibiting the AKT/mTOR pathway in non-small lung cancer cells Hong JY. Miranda-Beltran ML. Watal G PA394. Ryu JH PA377. as a rich source of natural radical scavengers Ebrahimzadeh MA. Han SJ. Stalikas CD. Papas K. Monsef–Esfahani HR PA393. Aligiannis N. Antimalarial agents from marine sponge. Angelis A. Panduro A. Ajala OS. Zierler S. Wang HM PA386. Studies on enhancing U937 cells phagocytosis from the leaves of Chloranthus glabra (Tunb) Mak Lee MH. Gurav SS. Antidepressant effect of Eucalyptus globulus leaf extracts. Gibbons S. Stoltenberg I. Alinaghi H. Adeniyi BAO. Soteriadou K PA370. Ha I. van Breeman R. Farnsworth NR. Galanos A. Poor MT . Morphological and phytochemical evaluation and biological activity of selected basidiomycetes from Yemen Al-Fatimi M. Skaltsounis AL PA365. Ayelaagbe OO. Han HK PA383. Fleig A. Skalkos DC PA363. Chung HS. The effect of a polar extract obtained from Sideritis euboea on bone density of ovariectomized rats Dontas I. Ferreira DS. Antidiabetic activity of Mallotus roxburghianus Muell. Antidiabetic and antihyperlipidemic activities of methanolic seed extract of Citrus paradisi Macfad in normal and alloxan induced diabetic rats A. The anti-microbial and anti-oxidant activities of Scottish algae Mutton R. Choudhury MH PA384. Kolude BM PA359. identification of true source and isolation of bio-active marker/s from a controversial Indian nootropic drug. Yu HM. Macelignan: A New Modulator of P-glycoprotein in Multidrug-Resistant Cancer Cells Im YB. Kim JY. Kim ES. Hajiaghaee R. Paliogianni A. Antimicrobial effects of Plantago major L. Anti-fertility effects of Plumbagin on male mice reproductive system Sukardi S.an evidence based critical assessment Rai PK. Shahverdi AR PA362. Kumar A. Vollmar AM. Lalas S. cancelled PA379. Adeneye PA368. Chanthathamrongsiri N. Lee SK PA374. Furtado NAJC. Kouretas D PA381. Aligiannis N. New anti-microbial agents for pandrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumanii Chen HA. Bioactive compounds from medicinal plants and microbes of Bangladesh Mohammad AR. López Alvarado MA. Mitaku S PA366. Xu H. Identification of cytoprotective principle from Artemisia iwayomogi on chinese hamster lung fibroblast cells against oxidative stress-induced apoptosis Shin JS. Nitric oxide producing effect and cytotoxicity activity of six extracts from Harungana madagascariensis stem bark. Skaltsounis AL. Study of anti allergy-inflammatory effects in natural products Ra J. and Anogiessus leiocarpus(Verbenaceae). PA355. da Silva Filho AA. Xingi E. Nabavi SF. Bagla V. In-vitro antimicrobial activity and preliminary phytochemical screening of two Nigerian medicinal plants Distemonanthus benthamianus (Caesalpiniaceae). Evaluation of memory-enhancing activity. Skaltsounis AL PA367. Penner R. Huang SC LIST OF POSTERS PA373. Moeme –Roknabadi N. Lelovas P. Lawal A. Youn UJ. Thoma S. Kreisel H. Gohari AR. Antitumor activity and bio-active compounds identification of Hypericum perforatum L. Amin G PA388. Zahler S. Kivi B.clinical evaluation of Solamin. Protective effect of Rosmarinus officinalis L in the cerebral cortex of rats with hepatic damage induced by CCl4 Soria-Fregozo C. HuacujaRuiz L PA399. Duragkar NJ. Na MK PA378. Alexi X. Effect on bioactivity of crude extract of Jatropa curcus leaves prepared from different drying methods Mahor K. Zhu Q PA395. Neophytou C 53 . Anti-inflammatory activity of Quercetin derivatives from Siegesbeckia glabrescens Kim DH. and invertebrate extracts for antagonism of human trpm7 cation channels Kuo WC. Alimirzaee P. A standardised Crataegus extract protects against endothelial hyperpermeability Fürst R. Anyakora C PA398. identification of the active ingredients Fiorini-Puybaret C PA351. Kang KA. Gohari AR. Lee HS. Yao G. Asgari T. Alpha-viniferin and its moiety: NF-κB-targeted antiinflammation Lee SH. Gioti EM. Cai B. Rosales Muñoz G. Kamalinejad M PA391. Srivastava A. Yiannakopoulos C. Parrotia persica Mey. Amjadi M. extract against urinary bladder tumor in mice Tsimaris IP. A murine model for the evaluation of dietary supplementation of antioxidant compounds in alleviating diabetic nephropathy Hadjivassiliou V. PA371. Dietz B. Wattanapiromsakul C. Enhancement of the antibacterial activity of ampicillin against Staphylococcus aureus by 1Methyl malate from Berberis integerrima fruits Shahverdi AR . Pauli GF. Flores Soto ME. Araújo ARB PA375. Raptou P. Mitakou S. López-Velázquez AL . Tsai SH. Chen SN. Plubrukarn A PA356. Mandal SC PA372. Shin SW. Zhang R. Kim YJ. Silva MLA. Nabavi SS PA390. Phytochemical analysis and biological evaluation of several extracts from roots of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Tsiripillou P. Vasisht K PA360. Lyritis GP. Hamid AR. Pérez-Vega MI. Gortzi O. Pre . Stefanou D. Phipps SM. Adeniyi CBA. Iwalewa EO . Lopez Velazquez AL. Ciocalapata sp. Hyun JW PA385. Aligiannis N. Yaakub H.A. Tavakolizadeh M. Lim HJ. Song KS PA397. Bucar F PA354. Alexis MN. The hypolipidemic effect of Lagenaria siceraria fruit in Triton induced hyperlipidemia in rats Gulkari VD. Lucarini R. Inhibitory activity on acetylcholineesterase in vitro and memory enhancing effect in vivo of the constituents from Gardeniae Fructus Lee DU. Alaka SA. Huang Z. Mexican plants used in the treatment of liver diseases Miranda-Beltrán ML. Bubik MF. N-methylserotonin Powell SL. Digitization of the compulsive gnawing test and its use in assessing various extracts of Salvia divinorum. Koo KA PB26. Berger-Büter K. illicioides Chou TH. Dijoux-Franca MG. Quesnel B. Martínez-Vázquez M Cytotoxic and anti-plasmodial activities of constituents of Pentadesma butyracea Zelefack F. Durić K PB27. Michel S. Lin YW. Antioxidant properties and five new phenylpropanoid esters of apigenin from Sideritis syriaca L. Arun S. a new 16-membered macrolide from dinoflagellate Amphidinium species Oguchi K . Kokkalou E PB13. Cha BC. New dihydroagarofuranoid sesquiterpenes. New jatrophane diterpenoids from Euphorbia esula L. P. Contribution to the phytochemical study of Paronychia chionaea Boiss. (Juglandaceae) Kavroulaki E. Hennebelle T. flowers Mohamed SM PB12. Ondeyka J. Hadjiakhoondi A Phytochemical study and CNS effects of Satureja mexicana Estrada-Reyes R. Lacaille-Dubois MA PB25. Kelly M. Ito C. structure elucidation and biological activity of Virgineone from Lachnum virgineum using the genome-wide Candida albicans fitness test. Galaaraidii O. Kahn J. cancelledPB14. Čeljo A. Gabrieli C. Tillequin F PB30. Sarıyar G. Oh WK PB31. Lenta B. Sahpaz S. Russo E. Szypowski J Cytotoxic screening of selected Euphorbiaceae species. Kim HJ. Isolation of new flavonol glycosides from the aerial parts of Lamium amplexicaule Nugroho A. Brattström A. Fabre N. PB3. PB9. Kim JS PB39. Lacaille-Dubois MA. benzenoid. PB6. Ju-ichi M PB17. Głowniak K. wislizeni (Asteraceae) León A. Forgo P. Luesch H PB36. Plioukas M. Wang YS. Heinze MG. Park JH.) Verd. a vietnamese medicinal plant Doan TN. and inhibitory activities of its constituents on Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 protease Lee JS. Stone R. Ritesh R PB33. Fomum ZT. Ross C. Jin C PB11. Ngouela S. Lavaud C PB18. Gohari AR. Metzger A. Olive oil polyphenols and bone health Puel C. Platas G. Huang YM. Basilio A. 54 . Lotufo LV. Cavalheiro AJ PB20. Suthar A. Delgado G Two new triterpenes from the rhizome of Dryopteris crassirhizoma. Determination of coumarins and flavonoids in fruits of Apiaceae Kovač-Besović E. Alabdul Magid A. El-Naggar M. Çalışkan ÖA PB21. Kim YS. Jiang B. Fukushi E. Sewald N PB32. Preudhomme C. Jiménez IA. Fraternale D. Cytotoxic triterpenes from Garcia parviflora Reyes B M. Paul V. Novel cytotoxic heterocycles from southern Australian marine sponges Capon RJ. Mathee K PB29.LIST OF POSTERS PA400. Khan IA PB23. Devkota KP. Reyes B. Chen IS. New Clerodane diterpene from the twigs of Casearia obliqua (Salicaceae) Vieira GMJ. do Ó Pessoa C. Lee BJ. Jang DS. Somesh S LIST OF POSTERS PB19. Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B triterpenoids from the leaf of Diospyros kaki Thuong PT. Hwang TL. Zhang H PB34. Ferguson K. Avunduk S. Immunomodulatory Indoloquinazoline and Furoquinoline alkaloids from Oricia suaveolens (Engl. Ram V. Bazzocchi IL PB2.Gilman RH. Matkowski A. Arun B. Gallegos SA. Isolation. Collado J. Karioti A. saboten Makino and their hepatoprotective effects against tert-butylhydroperoxide-induced cytotoxicity in human HepG2 cells Lee YS. Nakamura N. Giridharan. Chen JJ PB40. New isobenzofurans and anti-inflammatory constituents from the root of Pittosporum illicioides var. Wojnowski L PA402. Choi JK. Examination of PXR-dependent CYP3A4 induction through the St. Romussi G. Steroidal saponins from the roots of Chlorophytum borivilianum Acharya D. Yoo JL. Bailleul F PB16. Plants as potential pharmaceutical agents – the future challenges: a decade of experience with clinical trials involving plant products Kulkarni C PA403. Joha S. Flavan-3-ols from the roots of Actinidia arguta inhibit the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in vitro Lee GY. Lacaille-Dubois MA PB24. Hydrolyzable tannins from the cores of Cornus officinalis with inhibitory activity in vitro on the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) Lee GY. Miyamoto T. antihyperglycemic activity and chemical composition of Cassia glauca Lam. Dawlaty J. Agalias A. Yang CS. Chemical and biological evaluation of Lathyrus odoratus L. Vicente F. Isolation of Tylocrebrine from Ruellia tuberosa through bioassay directed column chromatography and elucidating its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory potential. (Rutaceae) Wansi JD. PB5. Secondary metabolites from the pericarps of Juglans regia L. Metabolites from Australian marine microbes Capon RJ. Kulkarni-Almeida A. Ausubel FM. Ali Z. Sesquiterpene lactones and other bioactive constituents from Schkuhria pinnata var. Skaltsounis L. SaeidniaS. Skaltsa H PB43. Ślusarczyk S. Kato M. Isolation and chemistry of the alkaloids from Papaver arachnoïdeum Şerbetçi T. Adeniyi CBA . Giacobbe R. Horcajada MN. Leaves El-Sawi SA. Mulabegović N. Lee YM. Terminalia glauscens (Combretaceae) and Pseudocedrela kotschyii (Meliaceae) three Nigerian Chewing Sticks. Antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of compounds isolated from stem bark of Garcinia oblongifolia (Clusiaceae). Yoo JL. Qui HJ. Diacylglycerol galactosides from Lycium barbarum Gao Z. Cafaggi S. Vasas A. a lignan derivative. Liao SJ. Kaushik N. Yasa N. Ferreira PMP. Paululat T. Chen IS. Lebecque P. Phytochemical constituents of Opuntia ficus-indica var. Kim EK. Vijay C. Sulyok E. Velmurugan R. Idziorek T. Malmir M. PB8. Bolzani VS. PB7. Miyashiro H. Hohmann J PB44. Jang DS. Son EM. Moreno AJ. Osorio AA.. Jung SY. Roeme T.Youn HJ. Mesaik MA. Steroidal saponins from the roots of Smilax aspera subsp. Lee YM. Tyrosinase inhibitors and acylated sesquiterpene diglycosides from Guioa crenulata and G. and antitubercular constituents from the stem of Microtropis japonica Chen JJ. First isolation of a naturally-occurring quinolone-coumarin dimer Furukawa H. Serine protease inhibitors from the Floridian marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya confervoides Matthew S. Structure and biological activity of coumaquinoline A from Toddalia asiatica. Galuska S. Fouladi F. Park HJ PB42. Hattori M Cytotoxicity and phytochemical investigation of Satureja atropatana Bunge Moradi F. El-Toumy SA. Delgado G PB28. Odumosu DO Phenolic acids in fruits of Peucedanum alsaticumAntioxidant activity Skalicka-Wozniak K. Miaw CL. Guilet D. Xu D. Bills G. Meyer JJM Phytochemical and in-vitro antimicrobial activity of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (Rutaceae). Zervou M . Tsamo E PB10. Anti-infective pyrroloiminoquinone alkaloids from a deep-water Alaskan sponge of the genus Latrunculia Na MK. Miyamoto T. Molnár J. Woo ER. Bilia AR. Davicco MJ. Regasini LO. Kim JS PB38. Oh WK PB37. Iriomoteolide-4a. New sesquiterpene esters and a saponin from Ferula elaeochytris and their cytotoxic evaluation against leukemia cell lines Al Khatib R. Miyamoto T. New clerodane diterpenoids from Salvia miniata Fernald (Lamiaceae). Harris G. Lin YC. John’s Wort extract Ze 117 spiked with increasing amounts of hyperforin Wildi E. de Tommasi N PB45. Abruzzo G. Gonçalves TO. PB4. Sleem AA Phenolic constituents and antimicrobial studies on the aqueous methanolic extract of the Plectranthus ecklonii leaves Hawas UW. Gohari MR. Ellagitannins from Conocarpus erectus exhibit antiquorum sensing activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Adonizio A. Litaudon M. Mitaine-Offer AC. Clardy J. Kim YS. cancelledPB22. Rojas RD. Chen SH PB41. Sautour M. villosa Voutquenne-Nazabadioko L. Schinazi RF. Naik V. New Prenylated Flavanones from Stem Bark of Erythrina abyssinica Cui L. Bisio A. Antimycobacterial activity of sesquiterpenes isolated from Celastrus vulcanicola (Celastraceae) Torres DF. Zink D. Coxam V PA401. Antihyperlipidimic. mauritanica Belhouchet Z. del Val A. Hamann MT PB35. Peng CF. Tsuda M 55 Topic B: Phytochemistry and structure elucidation of natural products PB1. Singh S PB15. Gödtel-Armbrust U. Lee JE. Moulis C. Wang TY. Kintia P. Jaroszewski JW PB54. Chang WH. Dufat H. Anti-staphylococcal activity of novel diterpenes isolated from Pycnostachys reticulata Bascombe K. Mojab F. Inhibitors of bacterial multidrug efflux pumps from the resin glycosides of Ipomoea species Pereda-Miranda R.Chiu Wang YL. Tajixanthones analogs from a new Emericella sp. Moujir L LIST OF POSTERS PB71. Heyden YV. Beourou S. Reisenzein S. Ferreira MJU PB56. Esteves M. Llanos G. Baker B 57 . Gibbons S PB67. benzenoid. New cytochalasan alkaloids and neuroactive communesins from marine-derived Penicillium expansum Link. Tillequin F. Labdane diterpenes and phenylethanoid glycosides from the Greek endemic species Marrubium thessalum (Lamiaceae) Argyropoulou C. Shvets S. Lopes MN PB94. Skaltsa H PB85. Bolzani VS. Two new metabolites of an undescribed endophytic fungus belonging to the order pleosporales isolated from Alibertia macrophylla (Rubiaceae) Oliveira CM. Stuppner H PB91. Indole alkaloids from a traditional medicinal plant: Tabernaemontana elegans Staph. Ferreira MJU PB55. Varel M PB65. Pizza C 56 PB58. Secondary metabolites and cytotoxic activities from the stem bark of Zanthoxylum nitidum Yang CH. Hauck B. Antal DS. Ngadjui BT. A new sesquiterpene lactone from the aerial parts of Anthemis melanolepis L. Nagatsu A. Hostettmann K PB51. Marty R. Piacente S.spirostanol glycosides from the seeds of Hyoscyamus niger L. Dufat H. Kuo LMY. Akaydın G. Hwang TL. and anti-inflammatory constituents from Melicope semecarpifolia Chen JJ. Ngamga D. Bedir E PB60. Chen IS PB64. New sesquiterpenoid metabolites from the tropical coral Pseudopterogorgia rigida Georgantea P.Tillequin F PB77. Eguereva K. Karaalp C. Duarte A. Butaud JF . phenylethanoid and iridoid glycosides from Globularia aphyllanthes Kırmızıbekmez H. Humam M. Roussis V PB83. Antimicrobial activity of 7α-acetoxy-6βhydroxyroyleanone 12-O-benzoyl esters Rijo P. Lallemand MC. Chung CY. Alkaloid composition of Rauvolfia sachetiae Forsberg from Marquesas islands Paetz C. Karioti A. Elomri A. Young MCM. Skaltsounis AL PB79. Lin SC PB49. CubillaRios L PB68. Ting CW. Kintia P . Ozgunes H. from Algeria Djeddi S. Young MCM. Silva GH. Akkal S. New acyl-glucosylsterol with unusual fatty acids from Ficus exasperata Dongfack MDJ. Fabre N PB61. Antileishmanial constituents of the panamanian endophytic fungus Phoma herbarum strain M16 Martínez-Luis S. Bezabih M. Tillequin F PB76. Bazzocchi IL. Tillequin F PB87.T. (Apiaceae) Benahmed M. and anti-inflammatory constituents from Callicarpa pilosissima Chen JJ. Extraction. New triterpenoids from Drypetes species Wandji J. Bassarello C. Sakar MK. Kerzaon I. New alkaloid. Chiozem DD. Malbrancheamides B and C. Alkaloids and phenolic compounds from Acronychia laurifolia Kouloura E. Isolation and identification of six tropane alkaloid derivatives from Schizanthus tricolor. New results on the phytochemistry and pharmacology of Doronicum austriacum Jaqc. Cytotoxic activity and structural aspects of iridoids isolated from Veronica thymoides subsp. New polyisoprenyl benzophenone derivatives and antitubercular constituents from Garcinia multiflora Chen JJ. Termentzi A. Chemical composition of the leaf and fruit oils from Grammosciadium platycarpum Nickavar B. Gerwick WH. Rahman MM. Chu SD. Schelz Z. Ho YH. Winters A . Bianchini JP. New dolabellanes from the brown alga Dilophus spiralis Ioannou E. Further investigations into abeohyousterone. Chen IS PB50. Gibbons S PB70. an endophytic fungus of Michelia champaca L. Roussakis C. Almeida C. Threadgill MD. Bassarello C. Della-Togna G. Chevalley S. Mulhovo S. Chemical and biological investigations of Taxillus lonicerifolius var. Chang HS. Pizza C PB57. Harput-Hudaverdi US. Antimicrobial activity of withanolides from the leaves of Withania aristata Araujo L. Flavonoids of Retama raetam Webb. Muñoz O. a new ecdysteroid from the Antarctic tunicate Synoicum adareanum Wheeler K. Steroidal glycosides from the seeds of Nicotiana rustica. Robiou du Pont T. Phenolic compound isolated from Struthanthus venetus (HBK) Blume whith hypotensive effect in normotensive anesthetized rats Lorenzana-Jiménez M. Vagias C. Rotenoid derivatives and other constituents of the twigs of Millettia duchesnei De Wild. a chilean Solanaceae species Cretton S. Toth A. Chérigo L. Halabalaki M. Çalış İ PB53. Hong VNT. lignan ferivatives. Two new bioactive metabolites produced by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Miyata Y. acetophenones. Chen IS PB74. Ellmerer EP. Roussis V PB78. et Heldr Sohretoglu D . Wu HM. A new prenylated flavanone. Hwang TL PB72. from Vojvodina (Serbia) Jovin E. and a chromene: Anti-inflammatory constituents from Zanthoxylum avicennae Chen JJ. Shvets S. Gibbons S PB96. Demir S. Ngandeu F. Liao CC. Skaltsa H PB84. Christen P. Structure of rusticoside G. Khan I. Lunga I. Constituents of Neohyptis paniculata and their antistaphylococcal activity Rahman MM. Lunga I. Kehraus S. kamalinejad M PB89. Flavonoids from Bupleurum montanum Coss. Karioti A. Chemical composition and antioxidant capacity of Marrubium peregrinum L. Lallemand MC. Raharivelomanana P . Yamaguchi K. Skaltsa H PB86. Olafsdottir ES. Antioxidant activities of polyphenols isolated from Mallotus metcalfianus Croizat Rivière C. Flavonoid. Zervou M. Silva DHS. Secondary metabolites from anatolian endemic Centaurea ensiformis Baykan Erel Ş. Lin CW PB52. Alkaloid content of the Icelandic club moss Lycopodium annotinum . Rollinger JM. A novel complex phenolic constituent from medium matured Sorbus domestica (Rosaceae) fruits. a coumarinolignan. Leu YL PB69. New seco-abietane diterpenoids. González M. Chemical structure of hyoscyamosides D and D1 . Bolzani VS. strain 25379 Figueroa M. Hwang TL. Isolation and structure elucidation of new polyketides from the marine-derived fungus Phaeosphaeria spartinae Elsebai MF. Valeriote F. Kuo YH PB73. lonicerifolius (Hayata) S. Bassarello C. Silva DHS. Seguin E PB90. and anti-inflammatory constituents from Zanthoxylum ailanthoides Chen JJ. Araújo AR PB95. Atasayar Sabuncuoglu S. Lopes MN. Gijón E. Mata R PB93. Beara I. Simões MF. Magos GA PB63. Huang WT. Leptokarydis IH. Lee SJ. Jacobo-Herrera N. Molnár J. Minh CV. Dufat H. Cassani J. Abegaz BM. Diterpenes from Euphorbia mellifera Ait – Search for multidrug resistance modulators in cancer cells Valente I. Neolignans. Schwaiger S. Chalo Mutiso PB. Tillequin F PB75. Antimalarial and cytotoxic activities of schizogane alkaloids isolated from Schizozygia coffaeoides Le Lamer AC. Pouchus YF PB81. Antioxidant polyphenolic compounds from Geranium lasiopus Boiss. phenylethanoid. Bernhard D. Tegos G. Sterner O PB47. Cytotoxic and anti-oxidative constituents from Garcinia subelliptica Zhang LJ. pseudocinerea Saracoglu I. Peng CF. from Millettia duchesnei De Wild. Cheng MJ.LIST OF POSTERS PB46. Dongfack MDJ. Laouar H. Benzoic acid derivatives. Balog K. Chen IS. Edikinone. Piacente S. MimicaDukić N PB66. (Leguminosae) Ngandeu F. Morris P PB88.acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity in vitro Halldorsdottir ES. Kaatz GW. Fragoso-Serrano M. Saroglou V. Asakawa Y PB59. Rodriguez B PB82. Tchinda AT. Cerda-García-Rojas C. Silva A. Moreau D. Cho JY. Gibbons S . Hwang TL. Padilla N. Yang CW. Mata R PB92. QuetinLeclercq J PB62. Mansoor TA. Kokkalou E PB80. GrovelO. Vagias C. novel alkaloids from the fungus Malbranchea aurantiaca Figueroa M. Araújo ÂR. Piacente S. structural characterisation and evaluation of hydroxycinnamate esters of orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata) as substrates for polyphenol oxidase Parveen I. Vérité P. Su YC. Silva GH. König GM PB48. Chen JF. Wandji J. Orčić D. García X. Glauser G. Karioti A. Pupo MT PB138. Choi P. Pupo MT. Pessoa C. Rodríguez-Sotres R.) Sandw. Makatini M. candilicus Pitarokili D. González M. Miyamoto T. a new betaine from the red alga Solieria chordalis and its occurrence in some purified peptides Bondu S. Delaude C. Chen IS PB135. Miyamoto T. New triterpene glycosides from the Roots of Securidaca longepedunculata Pénez N. Lacaille-Dubois MA PB143. Tammaro F. Diterpenoids of the oidiolactone family and other metabolites from a hawaiian fungicolous fungal isolate Jordan AM. Gloer JB. Pezzuto JM. 1899). Henry M PB118. Crouch NR PB114. Roussis V PB146. Kuo YH. Three new tyramine and two new phenolic constituents from Limonia acidissima Kim KH. Heinrich M PB134. New linear meroditerpenoids from the Aegean brown alga Taonia atomaria Abatis D. Butcher R. New 2-acetoxy fatty acid methyl esters from Nepeta parnassica Gkinis G. Ahmed SA. Moudachirou M. Pupo MT PB139. Tzakou Ο. TomasoPeterson M. Long C. Shah G. Kim SY. Walker L. Lacaille-Dubois MA PB144. Prodelphinidins from Gingko biloba leaves Qa’dan F PB110. Mitaine-Offer AC. Ioannou E. Calmodulin-inhibitor activity of tajixanthone analogues from the fungus Emericella sp strain 25379 Figueroa M. Skaltsa H PB149. Pagiotti R. Carbonizi C. Kashiwada Y. Kortenkamp A. Crouch N PB127. Temraz A. Ibrahim NA. Lee KR PB117. Paululat T. Deslandes E PB121. Yao GM. Johnson RC. Muhammad I PB107. Antimicrobial. Lee HY. Tzakou O. Sporulenes.B. Miyamoto T. Isolation and characterization of novel antiplasmodial compounds from Siphonochilus aethiopicus Lategan C. antimalarial and cytotoxic spermine alkaloids from Albizia schimperiana Samoylenko V. Moretti C PB113. Roussis V PB145. Mitaine-Offer A-C. Takaishi Y. A new cytotoxic 2-amino-n-alkyl-carboxylic acid mixture obtained from the zoanthid Protopalythoa variabilis collected at Paracuru beach. Ross SA PB130. Smith P. Three new biphenyl constituents from Colocasia antiquorum var. van Soest RWM PB115. Two cycloartane-type glycosides from the roots of Astragalus glycyphyllos Linnek J. Lee KR PB116. Sung SH. New indolic compounds from the stem bark of Isolona hexaloba (Annonaceae) Sénéjoux F. Pinto M. a new polyketide from Harrisonia abyssinica Baldé AM. New vismione from berries of Vismia reichardtiana (O. Menghini A. Silveira ER. Duke OS. Young MCM. Vlietinck A. Pieters L PB111. Sylvester P. Antiproliferative constituents isolated from Dendrobium nobile stem on hepatic stellate cells Yang H. Preliminary phytochemical screening on Potentilla detommasii Ten. Sondengam BL. De Tommasi N. Voutquenne-Nazabadioko L. Lee IK. Prenylated xanthones and other constituents from the wood of Garcinia merguensis Kijjoa A. Mitaine-Offer AC.Clardy J PB99. de Moraes MO. New Saponins from the roots of Tocoyena Formosa (Rubiaceae) Harmesky L. Sinulodurin A and B. Jacob M. Jimenez PC. Jorge JA. Menghini L LIST OF POSTERS PB123. Menachery M. Torres LB. Chen IS PB104. Vagias C. Herath WHMW. Pieters L. Wicklow DT PB98. Sahpaz S. Chang LC PB119. Pearson A. Kehraus S. Gibbons S. three new polycyclic terpenoids from Bacillus subtilis spores Kontnik R. Apers S. Furtado NAJC. Lopes NP. ingens (Thiele. Dal Piaz F. Kawazoe K. Guerra RNM 58 PB109. Gupta MP. König GM PB131. Epifano F. Vlietinck A PB112. Pegnyemb DE.Ktze) Ewan Torres LMB. Midiwo J. an endophyte in Smallanthus sonchifolius (Asteraceae) Gallo MBC. Wilson L. Nascimento MSJ. Barros FWA. Lee SJ. Bae W. Kim YC PB101. Skhiri FH. Roussis V PB148. CostaLotufo LV PB106. Pereda-Miranda R PB133. Bader A. Durán-Patrón R. Cerantola S. Triterpene saponins from Cussonia arborea Kougan GB. Bioactive sulfated sesterterpene alkaloids from the marine sponge Fasciospongia sp. Lacaille Dubois MA PB141. Jenett-Siems K. Bastos JK PB100. Secondary metabolites and cytotoxic activity of the stem bark of Litsea akoensis Chen IS. Quinteros V. δ-Lactam from soil’s fungus Humicola grisea var. Kim SY. Vagias C. (Rosaceae) Curini M. Shahat AA. Pessoa C. Chemical constituents and cytotoxic activity of the root wood of Magnolia kachirachirai Chang HS. Suter A. Phytotoxic tetranorditerpenoids from the fungus Sclerotinia homoeocarpa. Identification of a free base form Manzamine A from a marine sponge. Bigot A. Vagias C. Hennebelle T. Kasper J. Bazzocchi IL PB132. Mondranondra IO PB124. Ioannou E. Mulholland D . Collado IG. Slade D. New cytotoxic withanolides from Withania aristata Llanos GG. Sikora A. Campbell W 59 .LIST OF POSTERS PB97. and its neuritogenic activity Zhang B. Hay AE. Akendengué B. Li SL PB103. esculenta Kim KH. Novel triterpenoids from South African Bersama species Koorbanally NA. Cyclopeptides from Gypsophila arabica (Caryophyllaceae) Bruzual De Abreu M.K. New terpenoids from Thymus teucrioides subsp. Yang MC. LacailleDubois MA PB142. Mata R PB147. Bae W. causal agent of dollar spot in turfgrass Herath HMT. Lee SJ. CYP3A4 inhibitory compounds from Echinacea extract (Echinaforce®) Modarai M. El Sayed K. Cavalheiro AJ. Studies on the constituents of Chloranthus spicatus(Thunb. Lavaud C. Moon EJ. Wali V. Hostettmann K PB128. Hydroxylated Sclerosporin derivatives from a cytotoxic Wardomyces inflatus extract Almeida C. Lee SJ. Tekwani B. Separation and structural analysis of lignan glycoside isolated from Vaccinium myrtillus L. Jabrane A. Bolzani VS PB102. Lee KH. Brazil Wilke DV. Two new acylated triterpenoid saponins from Tetrapleura tetraptera. Identification and chemical study of plants used in the traditional treatment of Buruli Ulcer in Benin. Miyamoto T. Chemical constituents of Plumeria acutifolia leaves Hassan EM. Kervarec N. Ha SK. Yang YJ. Isolation and characterization of erythramide from Hyperbaena prioriana: Nicotinic receptor pharmacology of erythramide and erythroculines Fitch R. Nanayakkara NPD PB108. Losick R. Champy P PB137. Lacaille-Dubois MA PB140. Trans-4-methoxy-β-prolinebetaine. Higuchi R. Araújo RM. Zinsou C. Jiménez IA. Lee IK. Relative and absolute configurations of azaphilones isolated from the Brazilian endophytic fungus Chaetomium globosum Borges WS. Cavalcanti BC. Non-cannabinoid constituents from a high potency Cannabis sativa variety Radwan MM. Moraes MO. Karioti A. Freyer A PB105. Portaels F. Noté OP. Apers S. Luzzi R. Chang HS PB136. Zamblé A. Phytochemical investigation of Acmella ciliata (H. Pereira SG. New diterpenoids from Croton sylvaticus and Croton pseudopulchellus (Euphorbiaceae) and antiplasmodial screening of entkaurenoic acid Langat M. Brocks J. Ross S PB126. Bastos JK. Cardoso-Lopes EM.) Makino Kim SY. New phenylethanoid glycosides from Jacaranda caucana (Bignoniaceae) Martin F. Quetin-Leclercq J PB129. Dalandaone. rhizomes Szakiel A. Cheng MJ. Tsai IL. Alkaloids and saponins from twigs and leaves of Abuta grandifolia (Mart. Bailleul F PB120. Chang SY. Braca A PB125. Ben jannet H. Shari AF. Kondratyuk TP. Miyamoto T. Marcotullio MC. Novel cytotoxic natural products from Papulaspora immersa. Gbenou JD. Lee KH. Murakami K. ElSohly MA. Djego JG. Secondary metabolites of the genus Marrubium: Strategies of isolation and structure elucidation Argyropoulou C . Costa-Lotufo LV.Martin A. Quarré S. anticancer diterpenes from the soft coral Sinularia dura Radwan M. Araujo LB. Chemical constituents from a cytotoxic root extract of Anneslea lanceolata Huang HY. Melzig MF PB122. Ceará State. Phytochemical study from the roots of Ferula lutea L. Moujir L. Manly S. Acanthostrongylophora aff. Al-Alfy AT. Bajin I. Bacterial resistance modifying tetrasaccharides from the flowers of Ipomoea murucoides Roemer & Schultes Chérigo L. Pessoa ODL. Awate B. New polyamine derivatives from Microdesmis keayana and Microdesmis puberula Roumy V. Khan S. Gonzalez MJ. thermoidea Andrioli WJ. Miyamoto T. Sayagh C. Yemoa AL. Bosak T.) Cass. Schmaljohann R. Halabalaki M. Cerda-García-Rojas CM. mediate pigmentation in B16 melanoma cells Abrahams A. The Lodopyridones. Dijoux-Franca MG. Gimenez A . Fokialakis N. Riener M. Galibert MD. Mooberry SL. Liao SJ. Alexis MN. Lu YH. Bedir E. Comparative analysis of sterols and fatty acids. Kauffman CA. their chemical structures and effects on the activation of peroxisome proliferators activated receptor gamma Kim MC. Tekwani B. Won YS. Bae G. Roussis V PB199. Bassukas I. Onobrychis species: a source of novel Cprenylated cytotoxic 3-formyl-2-arylbenzofurans Halabalaki M. two new cyclodepsipeptides from the marine sponge-derived fungus Scopulariopsis brevicaulis Kajahn I. Mono-tetrahydrofuran annonaceous acetogenins from Annona squamosa as cytotoxic agents and calcium ion chelators Liaw CC. Radical scavenging activity and acetylcholineasterase inhibition of phenolic compounds from Dioscorea opposita Thunb.cancelled PB156. Syagrusins A and B. var. Chen CK. Piacente S. Loveridge ST. Meroterphenols A-D. Şenol SG. Identification of Indirubin as a metabolite of Malassezia furfur strains isolated from diseased skin Giakoumaki D. Macalou S. Fokialakis N. Polygonophenone. Pimarane-type diterpene analogues from Nigella sativa Ali Z. Kusznierewicz B. Alligiannis N. Michalet S. Magiatis P. Grougnet R. Rouaud I. Bassarello C. Bayet C. Lam SH. Fokialakis N. Harput-Hudaverdi US. Kim HS. Alexis MN. Piacente S. Magiatis P. Ammosamides A and B new cytotoxic alkaloids isolated from a marine Streptomyces sp. Lee J. Phytochemical analysis of yellow flower petals of Iceland poppy (Papaver nudicaule) and other papaver species with yellow petal flowers. Njamen D. & Zucc. Yang SC. Tenney K. Agalias A. Szumska A. Structure of somelangoside F. Kwon HC PB193. a new megastigmane glycoside from Rhus sylvestris. Jensen PR. Aldgamycins I and J. Characterization of white cabbages from different cultivations by isothiocyanates and antioxidant activities Śmiechowska A. Park JH. Chen M. Wu TS PB184. Two new Nyasol derivatives from Anemarrhena asphodeloides with inhibitory activity against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Lee J. Skaltsounis AL PB165. Lignans and sesquiterpenoids from Lactuca sibirica Michalska K. Lawton P. Bull A. Jaspars M. two new stilbenoids against α-glucosidases from the seeds of Syagrus romanzoffiana Lam SH . Aligiannis N.LIST OF POSTERS PB150. Velegraki A. MacMillan JB. Phytochemical investigation of Drypis spinosa subsp. Rios L PB160. Phloroglucinols with prooxidant activity from Garcinia subelliptica Wu CC. Skaltsounis AL. Valeriote FA. Acebey L . Tanee Fomum Z. Skaltsounis AL PB182. Crews P PB159. Kwon HC PB192. Kintia P. Beck S . Wei BL. Cancelled PB188. Skaltsounis AL PB183. Mitaku S. Yang HO. Hwang TL. Bedir E. Chemical and biological studies on sesterterpenes from Salvia dominica Dal Piaz F. Primot A. Lang G. Milne BF PB161. Schneider B PB175. Fokialakis N. Huang YT PB187. Bedir E. Aligiannis N. Nagatsu A. spinosa Kounadi S. Glionitrin A. Lee TF. Yang MH. Guilet D 61 . Novel adducts of flavone glycosides and butanolides from the leaves of Machilus japonica Sieb. Sauvain M . New peltogynoids from Acacia nilotica Ahmadu AA. plastoquinones from Sargassum yezoense. Bae KH. Yu JR. Phytochemical investigation of Leguminosae plants originated from Cameroon Djiogue S. antibacterial 16-membered macrolides from abandoned mine bacterium. Fenical W PB173. Skaltsounis AL PB164. Constituents of Pterocephalus pinardii Boiss. Saracoglu I PB157. Kawecka A. Yu Z. Identification of phytochemical constituents of the roots of Angelica tenuissima Nam JW. Kalpoutzakis E. Sheng ZB. Cheng XZ PB170. Kwon HC. Aligiannis N. Nam JW. A new oxindole alkaloid from propagated plantlets of Hamelia patens Paniagua-Vega D. New isobenzofurans and anti-inflammatory constituents from the root of Pittosporum illicioides var. Chang J. Wu YC PB155. Rhusonoside A. Lin YC. Multi-Drug Resistance modulation activity of sesquiterpenes isolated from Ferula vesceritensis Oughlissi-Dehak K. Aligiannis N. modified peptides from a marine-derived Saccharomonospora sp. Scopularides A and B. Skaltsounis AL PB167. Constituents of Euphorbia acanthothamnos and evaluation of their antileishmanial activity Myrianthopoulos V. Tatsis E. Kim SN. Zoidou E. Iridoids from Anatolian endemic Linaria kurdica subsp. RamosValdivia AC PB190. Alexi X. a new sesterpene with an unusual skeleton from Hedyosmum angustifolium. Alexi X. Bartoszek A. Jensen PR. Chang FR. Di Pietro A. Cantrell C. Lin CN PB178. Su CR. Phytochemical investigation of Raputia simulans Kallunki Vougogiannopoulou K. Badjah-Hadj-Ahmed YA. Yang HO. Lunga I. Pratsinis H. LeeYJ. Chen IS. Shvets S. Pizza C PB189. Biologically active brominated diterpenes from the red alga Sphaerococcus coronopifolius Smyrniotopoulos V. Youn UJ. Maloney KN. Kalpoutzakis E. Polysaccharides and oligosaccharides designing: Development of new families of pharmaceutical drug Delattre C. Magiatis P . Lin YW. Bolivianine. Seo EK LIST OF POSTERS PB176. Cycloartane-type glycosides from Astragalus amblolepis Polat E. Phytochemical and biological studies on Acanthus hirsutus Boiss. Magiatis Ρ. Phytochemical analysis of Lathyrus ochrus (Fabaceae): a fuse for the discovery of compounds with estrogenic activity Tsiripillou P. Karayildirim T. Won SJ. Tahir MN PB177. Berthon JY. Neolignans from the roots of Bupleurum chinensis attenuates hepatic stellate cell migration Lin YL. Lichen-derived compounds. Isolation of Puupehenone analogs and further development of the structure activity relationship within this compound class Robinson SJ. Chen IS. Choi EM. Steroidal glycosides from the roots of Solanum melongena. Matera EL. Vassallo A. Chen WP. a naturally MEM-substituted acetophenone from Polygonum maritimum Kazantzoglou G. Streptomyces sp. Alexi X. Fenical W PB179. increases the function of osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells Ding Y. Chemical constituents and cytotoxic activity of the root of Antidesma hiiranense Lin CH. Alexis NM. De Tommasi N PB154. between two brown algae Cystoseira crinita and Cystoseira compressa from Aegina island (Greece) Tsitsa E PB181. Lee SS PB185. New diterpenoids and other constituents from Erythropheleum fordii Tsao CC. Isolation of bioactive compounds from Genista halacsyi (Leguminosae) and evaluation of their estrogenic activity. Skaltsounis ΑL PB169. Skaltsounis AL PB166. purification and bioactivity of polyprenols from Ginkgo biloba L (GP) Wang CZ. New iridoid derivatives from table olives cv Throuba Thassos and olive mill waste waters. Tillequin F PB158. Melliou E. Dumontet C. Karayildirim T. Um BH PB194. Lohézic-Le Dévéhat F. Chang HS. Jullian V PB186. Studies on separation. Stathopoulou K. Youn UJ. Boustie J PB171. lichesterinic and protolichesterinic. new antimicrobial diketopiperazine derived from abandoned mine M microbial competition Park HB. Yang YL. Şenol SG. Kang SW. Seo EK PB198. Kisiel W PB174. Zheng GY. AlankuşÇalişkan Ö PB196. Agunu A. Moulis C . Khan IA PB153. eriocalyx Aydoğdu I. Eletto D. Gülcemal D. Kim YH PB201. Lee YJ. Chen SL. Magiatis P. Alankuş-Çalişkan Ö PB197. AlankuşÇalişkan Ö PB195. Won YS. Horikoshi K. Namieśnik J PB151. Bader A. Michaud P. Hadj-Mahammed M. Lepore L. . Aligiannis N. Bassarello C. MacMillan JB. KMA001 Park JS. Gaudêncio SP. Flavonoid glycosides from the leaves of Impatiens bicolor Hasan A. Skaltsounis AL PB168. and its isomer. Lee SJ. Wu SH. Imhoff JF PB172. Skaltsounis AL 60 PB163. Yoon KD. illicioides Chou TH. Goodfellow M. isobolivianine. New heteroatomatic compounds from the deep Abdel-Mageed MW. Zhou H. Skaltsounis AL PB162. Kim J PB200. Tsioumani E. Chen JJ PB180. Gaitanis G. Lee SS PB191. Tsai IL PB152. Vagias C. kusanoi Lin YS. Pereira JA. Noites A. Seabra RM. Nofal S. Meijer L. Lonni AASG. PC8. Asmah R. Gritsanapan W. Demoulin V. Dumontet V. Pinto E. Chosson E.) G. Dias M. Gonçalves RF. Danila AO. Discovery of metallo-β-lactamase inhibitors in extracts via an enzyme assay with HPLC/ES detection Berger J. Changwijit K. Ingkaninan K PC19. Čeljo A PC14. reared on Brassica rapa var. Ichim M PC35. isolation. Ferreira DT PB207. Yang HO PB205. Łojkowska E. Gritsanapan W . Stuppner H PC31. Maryati M. Apel C. Sukrong S PC21. Isoflavonoids from the bark extract of Erythrina mildbraedii Tchokouaha RF. Wirmum C. Rezende MI. rapa L. PB208. Apers S. Karlović K. Braz-Filho R. Waterman PG. Jang J PB203. Ortega JC. Schühly W. Protein kinase inhibitors from the New Caledonian rainforest Litaudon M. Flores-Sanchez IJ. Optimal conditions of ramentaceone and plumbagin separation and isolation from carnivorous plants extracts using revers phase–high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). (Acanthaceae) Blanca BM. Total phenolic and flavonoid contents of selected parts of Mangifera pajang (bambangan) and Artocarpus odoratissimus (tarap) fruits Mohd Fadzelly AB. Pinto JP. Identification of some compound of biological interest in muicle mayotli Jacobinia spicigera (Schldl. Verpoorte R . Tenney K. Ndjoko K. Interleukin-5 bioactivity inhibitory effect of 21methylmelianodiols isolated from Poncirus trifoliata in Pro-B cells Xu GH. Molecular authentication of Thai medicinal plant Khamin khruea by PCR-RFLP analysis Rojsanga P . Cedillo FD. Pereira DM. Hawas U. Smith R. Pereira DM. Fry J PC5. var. Apers S PC2. He L. Dušek J. Sanchez P. Structural and biological studies on novel natural anti-MRSA agent. Romanik G. Na MK. Jansen C. Choi JY. Pereira JA. PC9. costata DC) leaf free amino acid profile Silva BM. Kim NJ. Pieters L. Triclisia sacleuxii (Pierre) Diels: A potential source of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors Murebwayire S. Séraphin D. Tsuboy MSF. Pieters L. Gritsanapan W PC16. Wandji J. Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) followed by parallel chromatography to rapidly pinpoint new chemistry and scale-up the isolation of bioactive marine natural products for in vivo evaluation. mansonone F Suh YG. PC4. Skrzypczak A. Identification and characterization of phenolic antioxidants in water extract of Orthosiphon grandiflorus tea by LC-ESI-MS/MS coupled to DPPH assay Nuengchamnong N. Lin S Bioassay-guided isolation of African ethnobotanical anthelmintics Waterman C. Gilgenast E. (Radix Isatidis) Li X. Sousa C. Efange S. Vlietinck A. Apers S Application of a selective method in the search for new bioactive natural products from fungi Chamyuang S. Taveira M. Don plant determined by Solid-phase microextraction and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry de Pinho PG. Determination of furanocoumarins in Citrus hystrix by HPLC photodiode array Paramapojn S. Huefner A. Kawashty SA. Amiot C. Frédérich M. extracts with antileishmanial activity Foubert K. Gomes D. Morleo B. Wang M. Paun G. Screening method for detecting proteases in plant latices Domsalla A. Johnson TA. Levillain L PC32. Phenolics and organic acids with potential bioactivity in Pieris brassicae L. Mukherjee PK PC12. Pereira DM. New methods using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Pieters L. Shin D. Richomme P. Loveridge S. Andrade PB . Żuk Ł. Vale-Silva L. Faccione M. Valeriote FA . B. Volatile profile of Catharanthus roseus (L. Screening of antioxidant phenolic compounds produced by in vitro shoots of Brassica oleracea L. sample lots by NMR based metabolic profiling Pieri V. Mabry TJ PB206. Daniel JFS. Nualkaew S Validation of an HPLC method for the determination of alkaloids in a stem bark extract of Nauclea pobeguinii Dhooghe L. Tronchuda cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. Ferreres F. Oliveira AP. Farzami B PC11. Cai B. Sanguinet L. Ferreres F. Genomics-guided isolation of cryptic secondary metabolites from Pseudomonas syringae pv.28-epoxy-oleanane saponins in Maesa spp. Mukherjee K. Chen J. Crews P PC26. Kamiński M PC23. PC3.Valentão P. Quercetin and rutin contents in Siamese neem flower extracts prepared by different extraction methods Chaisawangwong W. PC6. Valentão P. Fidelis QC. Multivariate data analysis using magnetic resonance spectroscopy for the in silico analysis of the Mexican anxiolytic and sedative plant Galphimia glauca Cardoso-Taketa AT. group type separation and back flush in a column for determination of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals compounds. Wittlin S. Skaltsounis AL. New usage of fluorometric method to assay antioxidant activity in plant extract Moein S. Kalođera Z. Kremer D. Villarreal ML PC34. formulation and analysis of natural products and herbal drugs PC1. Mbah J. Andrade PB PC28. Quantitative HPLC determination of naphthoquinones in Impatiens balsamina leaves Sakunphueak A. cell suspension cultures Peč J. Chromatographic fingerprinting of Berberis croatica vs. Pereda-Miranda R. Ibrahim LF. Guéritte F PC33. Gilgenast E. Beutler J PC7. vulgaris (Common and Croatian barberry) using HPLC Zovko M. Łojkowska E. Tits M. de Tullio P. Toney J Optimal conditions of ramentaceone and plumbagin separation and isolation from carnivorous plants extracts using normal phase– high performance liquid chromatography (NP-HPLC). Derbré S. Panichayupakaranant P PC25. Seguin E PB210. Angenot L PC20. Kwon HC. costata DC Valentão P. Sturm S. Kim Y. Blairvacq M. Seger C. Seabra RM. 62 . Nyongbela K.LIST OF POSTERS PB202. Kalođera Z 63 Topic C: Extraction. Królicka A. Chemical constituents and biological activities from Coccoloba mollis Barros IB. Desorption/ionization on self-assembled monolayer surfaces (DIAMS): a new matrix-free laser desorption/ionization promising for the analysis of vegetal extracts Bounichou M. Study on anti-viral activity of constituents of the roots of Isatis indigotica Fort. PC10. Han SB. Enhancement of bioavailability of phytomolecules with value added formulation Venkatesh M. Choi YH. Rodrigues MÂ. Pereira C. Munro M. A new flavonol triglycoside from Fagonia taeckholmiana and the cytotoxic activity of its extracts Nassar M I. Rondeau D. Alexi X. Moein M. Foubert K. Andrade PB PC29. Baley. Ganzera M. Duez P PB211. Cole A. Rashed K PB212. Theunis M. Seabra RM. Vermeersch M. Sun D. Choi YH. Lozach O. Makolo F. Mesia K. Seabra RM. Wang H PB209. Martins A. Muyard F PB213. Durić K. Metabolomic analysis of Echinacea sp. Differentiation of Thymus vulgaris L. Alévêque O. Isolation and structure elucidation of novel antimalarial compounds from the Cameroonian spice Scleria striatonux De Wild (Cyperaceae). Romanik G. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of pharmacological active triterpenes in birch bark Kovač-Bešović EE. Gonçalves R. Constituents from Achronychia octandra (Rutaceae) Girard C. Aratow N. Lee SH PB204. Characterization of Echinacea fractions obtained by an ultrafiltration process Gatea F. Alexis MN. Brantner A. Pharmaco-chemical investigation of Diospyros lotus leaves Said A. Valentão P PC30. Stuppner H PC17. Andrade PB PC27. Ribeiro GS. NMR metabolic profiling of biomass and medium extracts of Jasmonate or Pectin treated Cannabis sativa L. Sottomayor M PC18. Reto B. new diketopiperazine derived from co-culture of two different microorganisms Yoo JH. Maes L Metabolic profiling of saponins in methyl jasmonate treated Medicago truncatula aerial parts using HPLC-ESI/MS/MS. Akam M. Anti-tumor effect of Glionitrin A. Królicka A. Verpoorte R LC-MS analysis of 13. Seabra RM. syringae Smid N. Andrade PB. Kamiński M PC24. var. Ingkaninan K. Pereira DM. Martin J. Sousa C. Melzig MF PC15. Krittasilp K. Park HB. Kamiński M Variation of anthraquinone content in the leaves and pods of Cassia fistula Gritsanapan W. Oleszek W.) l. by H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectrometry and multivariate analysis techniques Frédérich M. Gross H PC22. Morgan M. Skrzypczak A. Lee S. Rumex induratus leaves: phytochemical profiling and antioxidant activity Guerra L. Mantovani MS. Kapusta I. Blunt J. Leelamanit W . Der Marderoisan A. Maiti K. Elouarzaki K. Hostettmann K LIST OF POSTERS PC13. Chapleur Y. Toribio A. High-resolution bioguided screening of Ganoderma capense for P-GP modulating activity Ta HP. Comparative study of the effect of a herbal preparation (Imupret®) dissolved in different solvents on LPS-primed type II-like human lung epithelial A549 cells Hostanska K. Fliniaux MA PC84. Lee SB. Nho CW. The rapid identification of radical scavenging constituents from the root of Belamcanda chinensis by the HPLC coupled to an on-line ABTS+ based assay and LC-NMR/MS Kang SW. Papageorgiou VP PC51. Screening of Colombian plants for antimalarials using LC-Bio-MS Muñoz K. Graikou K. Papageorgiou VP PC54. (Fagaceae) Karioti A. De la Poype F PC63. Wainer IW. Boisroux A. Hohmann J PC59. Göransson U PC57. Antioxidant evaluation and liposome formulation of Phyllanthus emblica extract Ingkatawornwong S. Sturm S. Chertkov V. Tirillini B PC46. Um BH PC72. Monti J-P. Kolesnik Yu. Atay İ. Shmatkov D PC40. Boudesocque L. Rauwald HW 64 PC49. Combination of botanical and APCI-LC-MSn analyses to assess the quality of a homoeopathic herbal drug: Chondodendron tomentosum Ruiz et Pavon. Comte G. Development of a high-throughput LC-APCIMS method for the determination of 13 phytoestrogens (including gut microbial metabolites) in human urine and serum Wyns C . Bilia AR. Janssen HG. Park PJ PC44. Veres K. Simultaneous determination of polyphenolics in extracts of Potentilla species Tomczyk M. Phythochemical analysis of Uncaria products commercially available in Hungary Csapi B. HPLC . Cho EJi. Pinsuwan S PC37. Phytochemical characterization of artichoke leaf extract and assessment of its protective effects from alcohol and chemically-induced damage in human liver cells. Pharmacokinetic profiling of dodeca-2E. Knöß W PC68. Volk R-B. Çaliş I. Coulerie P. Hyptis suaveolens. Beara I. Hacker C. Frye R. Genovese S. Chemical analysis and anti-aging properties of Greek pollen Graikou K. Sanchez AM. van Beek TA PC67. Tomasi S. Fabre N. Bellvert F. Purification of antioxidative peptides from enzymatic hydrolysates of venison protein Kim EK. Romano A PC64. Welti S. Assimopoulou AN. Champy P. aristolactam alkaloids and flavonoids in the Saururus chinensis by validated HPLC-DAD-MS/MS Lee KY. Chollet-Krügler M .fingerprint analysis and quantification of phenolic compounds in Leonurus cardiaca L. Utilisation of photolysis of neutral red for analysis of antioxidant capacity in various flowers of medicinal plants from Bosnia Rimpapa Z. Kim YC. Chiou A. Eur. Villarreal ML. Kim SJ . Maciuk A. Vautier S. Chinou I PC65. Mehmedagic A. Bigovic D. High performance liquid chromatographic separation of undeclared corticosteroids in topical herbal products Uzunovic A. Sofic E LIST OF POSTERS PC62. Park JH. Park PJ PC45. Melzig MF PC41. Bertrand C PC74. Boustie J PC82. Kartal M. Şener B PC76. Bernard A. Kim EK. Le Lamer AC. Marcotullio MC. Henry M. an alternative source of podophyllotoxin? Lautié E. Um BH PC71. Assimopoulou AN. Lopes NP . Karapanagiotis I. Stuppner H. Purification and characterization of an antioxidative peptide from enzymatic hydrolysates of duck processing by-products Lee SJ. Bernard A. De Keukeleire D. Şenol FS. Purification of hydroxystilbenes from vine stalks cv. Derendorf H. Aligiannis N. Skaltsa H PC53. Phytochemical analysis of Anchusa arvensis roots Tsermentseli SK. Tooulakou G. Antioxidant appraisal and LC-MS characterization of some freshwater and marine macrophytes and algae Orhan I. van der Klift EJC. Assimopoulou AN. Bodinet C. Fernandez C. Bauer R. Bolca S. Nobnob N. Karathanos VT PC38. Shestakova A. Determination of four major flavonoids in the methanolic extract of Hypericum perforatum by HPTLC-densitometry Kırmızıbekmez H. Nuzillard JM. Galloway C. Mourtzinos I.DADradical scavenging detection system with on-line sample enrichment Zhang Q. Mother tincture Bertrand C. Zdunic G. Encapsulation of Hypericum perforatum (St John’s wort) methanolic extract in βcyclodextrin Kalogeropoulos N. Zieg H. Spectroscopic and structural approach to search smallest active analogue of an antimicrobial peptide from frog Lee BJ PC39. del Campo CP. Lafosse M.4E. Sofic E PC48.): effect of parabens on the degradation of crocetin esters in aqueous extracts Maggi L. Atici T. Trexler L PC50. Hwang JW. Development of an automated HPLC. Londoño J. Luzzi R. Simultaneous determination of lignans. Epifano F. Dhein S. Yeşilada E PC73. Chandra A. Bankova V.Yannakopoulou K. Pressurized liquid extraction of lignans with quinone reductase inducing activity from the fruits of Schisandra chinensis Lee HJ.Taoubi K. Kang SW. Articus K. Kapeta S. The rapid analysis and identification of prenylflavonoids in Sophora flavescens roots by on flow LC-NMR/MS Kim MC . Chardonnay by centrifugal partition chromatography Zga N. Goncalves F. Boisbrun M.LIST OF POSTERS PC36. Leporini L. Kehraus S. Comte G. Richard T. Bellvert F. (Ph. Vervoort J. Savikin K. Szendrei K. Menkovic N PC81. Optimization of qualitative determination of Gratiola homeopathic tinctures by applying rapid horizontal TLC Gehrmann B. Staszewska A PC79. Amon A. Mapping of small cysteine rich defense proteins in Violaceae: A novel suite of cyclotides from the genus Gloeospermum. Kaew-on P. Dupire F. Alonso GL PC66. Tashlitsky V. Moś M . Heyerick A PC58. Phenolic variations in mite infected leaves of Quercus ilex L. Tahchy AE. Figadère B PC86. Saller R PC77. Butterweck V PC75. Toromanovic J. Papastamoulis Y. Marchand S. Urushiol congeners of Rhus sp. Tahirovic I. Melzer J. Zdunic G.assisted extraction and ionic liquids used to obtain lichen metabolites from Pertusaria & Aspicilia species Bonny S. Preparative isolation of Alkannin/Shikonin derivatives by High-Speed Counter-Current Chromatography Assimopoulou AN. Figadère B 65 . Use of FCPC (Fast Centrifugal Partition Chromatography) for the purification of a crude methanolic extract of the marine lichen Lichina pygmaea Roullier C. Csupor D. König GM. Toribio A. Waffo-Téguo P. Bravo K. Pinel B. Sakdiset P. Moulis C. Quantification of characteristic marker substances in various Cimicifuga racemosa products and evaluation of their effects on MCF-7 cell proliferation Omer-Adam M-A. Bazylko A. Pleho-Kapic A. Chemical composition of the water extract of Gnaphalium uliginosum. Korac F. Microencapsulation of shikonin in Pistacia lentiscus oleoresin matrix Kravva MT. Hwang JW. Kanaze FI. Taoubi K PC70. Pupo MT PC55. Lee SJ. Chondrogianni N. Renault J-H. Laurain-Mattar D PC43. Saffron spice (Crocus sativus. van der Hooft JJJ. Karabourniotis G. Isolation and on-line identification of marcfortines by HPLC-DAD-MS/MS Momesso LS. Optimization of the extraction procedures and HPLC characterization of Helichrysum plicatum DC flower extracts Jankovic T. Burman R.) and in an antiarrhythmic refined extract Strahler S. Abou-Asaker M. Liske E PC78.10E/ Z-tetraenoic acid isobutylamides in rats using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry Woelkart K. Purification of commercial Alkannin and Shikonin samples Assimopoulou AN. Microwave . From lab-scale CPC to 5L-pilotscale FCPC Renault JH. Phytochemical investigation on Gentian roots from populations of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park Menghini L. Chemical investigation of Pinguicula lusitanica by HPLC-MS and HPLC-SPE-NMR Grevenstuk T. Maciuk A. Fourasté I. BoustieJ PC83. Orlando G. Identification of medicinal plants in pharmaceutical products using ITS sequences and metabolomic fingerprinting Daniel C. Taoubi K PC42. Kim CY PC47.8E. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of some Plantago species from Serbia and Montenegro Jankovic T. Part 1. Papageorgiou VP PC60. Kersten T. Osorio E. Carmona M. Kim CY. Tichohov V. Kim SH. GianovitsArgyriadou N. LC-MS analysis of alkaloids in bulbs and in vitro cultures of Leucojum aestivum (Amaryllidaceae) Ptak A. Milane A. Papageorgiou VP PC56. Chinou I PC61. Boucaud B. Papageorgiou VP PC52. Chemical composition of 10 selected samples of Mediterranean propolis Popova M. Mimica-Dukic N PC85. Hydroxycinnamic derivatives in Ilex aquifolium mother tincture. Large-scale purification of glucosinolates by strong ion-exchange centrifugal partition chromatography. Ikonte C. Gonos ES. Sung SH PC80. Savikin K. Titova E. de la Roque O. Gioxari A. L. Mérillon J-M PC69. Carollo CA. Liposome formulations of shikonin Kontogiannopoulos KN. Martin SF. Effects of pH and temperature on the stability of sesquiterpene lactones Saroglou V. Ko BS PC93. New approach to study metabolite profiling of plant extracts Novák O. Castillo N. Strnad M PC120. Scheffler A PC138. Lee JW. Franz G PC130. Gaertn Hasanloo T . Ramos P. A new HPLC method for the analysis of Crocus sativus styles Koulakiotis NS. Development of HPTLC method for quantification of vasicine in marketed Herbal formulations containing Adhatoda vasica Kasture V. Annotation and analysis of ESTs from leaves’ trichomes of Salvia fruticosa Chatzopoulou FM. Rios MY PC99. Lee KW. High throughput semi-automated extraction method for the creation of a collection from microbial fermentations of fungi and Actinomycetes Tormo JR. Triterpenes from natural sources for parenteral and topical application Jäger S. Lee JH. Lee JH. Veres K. Rhourri-Frih B. Xu H. Chaimbault P. Analysis of Coptis sp.the major bioactive components of Olea europaea . Ingkaninan K PC127. Pongsamart S. Novák O. Tawaha K. Rojas V. Chou G. Hostettmann K PC105. Suo F. Novel extraction technique for L-DOPA from seeds of Mucuna pruriens Gopu CL. Ketkar SS. Balbi A. Classification of resinous plants based on the LC-MS and the LC-UV finger-prints: Similarities and differences between the plants chemical compositions using ACP and CAH. Saracoglu I PC89. Schempp CM. Arana A. Lafosse M PC128. A phylogenetic analysis of Lonicera japonica using nuclear ITS and chloroplast trnL-F sequence Ryuk JA. Conway D. Itharat A PC124. Encapsulation of complex extracts in βcyclodextrin: an application to propolis ethanolic extract Karathanos VT. Stecher G . Fillola A. Oh SE. Salehi P. Zatloukal M. Feuerstein I. Jetiyanon K. Park SU PC97. Laszczyk MN.in milk Gikas E. DNA barcoding the Polygonaceae in Chinese pharmacopoeia Song J. Articus K. Hajduch M. Wada K. Gregorio MJ. Development of Multiplexed PCR marker to discriminate between Saposhnikovia divaricata. Solubilization of piperine from pepper fruit powder with hydrophilic lipid treatment: An alternative approach for traditional extraction methods Aher S. Ko BS. Jesadanont S. Salehi P. Popp M . Stojičević S. Li YS. Lazić M. Quantitative determination by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography of novel biflavonoids in Selaginella lepidophylla Aguilar MI. Koga N. Pop M. Variation of mineral content in different cultivars of bitter melon collected from Japan and The Philippines KimYK. Piras D. Genilloud O. Li Y. cymbalaria Harput-Hudaverdi US. Comparative phytochemical and biological studies on Veronica cuneifolia subsp. Liktor-Busa E. Kim YS PC90. Ebrahimi SN. Wittaya-areekul S. Shin S LIST OF POSTERS PC113. Park SY. The synephrine content of Shiikuwasha (Citrus depressa HAYATA) fruit: Analytical method and change during fruit growth Miyagi K. Gikas E. Gikas E. Study on the isolation of bioactive components and the identification of biomarker genes from Ostericum koreanum Maximowicz Choung SY. Ottaggio L PC114. Colchicinoids from Colchicum crocifolium Boiss. Chyau CC PC115. Variations in gingerols and chromatographic fingerprints of ginger root extracts from different preparation methods may account for bioactivity discrepancies among investigations Liu Z. methanolic extracts’ antioxidative activity Stanisavljević I. Konteles S. Chávez MI . Lee CK . Padilla-Camberos E. Simultaneous determination of atropine and scopolamine in Hyoscyamus arachnoideus by HPLC Hosseini N. Mejía IA. Swaczynová J. Estarron-Espinoza PC107. Chen S. Glycosidically bound volatile constituents of the leaves of Morus alba L. Chang CH. Bonn G PC111. Quality specifications of identity and composition for the medicinal plant Heliopsis longipes Aguilar MI. Collado J. Nayak SH PC131. Kim YW. Oh SE. Gharaibeh A. Millot M . Paradkar A. cuneifolia and V. Abel G . Klier B . Li X. Le-Floch M. Salazar O. Formulation development of film coated tablets of Malvastrum coromandelianum (Linn. Antimicrobial activity of essential oil from Oregano (Lippia graveolens) encapsulated in cyclodextrins Lugo-Cervantes E . Demetzos C. Stability studies of saponins from Bacopa monnieri dried ethanolic extracts Phrompittayarat W. Hadian J. Pattern recognition analysis of Angelicae Radix Piao XL. Xu S. Chryssanthi DG. Fujise T. Carbon-13 CP-MAS NMR studies of some lichens of the Genus Cladonia section Cladina Chollet-Krugler M. Park JH PC98. Stecher G. Ritthidej GC PC132. Hong JK. Veličković D. Yoo HH. Bandella A. Bazoti FN. Tanaka H. Ryuk JA. Relation between the podophyllotoxin derivatives and the cytotoxic activity in Linum scabrellum extracts Lautié E. Noël E PC91. Extraction and characterization of gum from Lepidium sativum Linn. Automation of solid phase extraction Krieg C. Nikolova M. Rahnama H . Urbain A. Kwon YS. Dutillieux K. Mazzei M . Elicitor-enhanced Silymarin production in hairy root cultures of Silybum marianum L. New sources of Taxol and taxanes to be used as antimitotic compounds Miele M. Ma X PC109. Peucedaum japonicum and Glehnia littoralis Kim YH. Patil VR. Ye J 66 PC100. Duez P. Bestoso F. Determination of selected phytochemicals in different variety of salak (Salacca zalacca) Sitti A. Shin JS. Zuberi A. Hashir MA. Ko BS PC92. Han J. Heilmann J. The influence of extraction tehniques on polyphenol content and Artemisia vulgaris L. Makris AM. Oh SE . Kim YH.) Garcke spray-dried extract Prasertwaree P. Shi L. Dolezal K. Ginsenoside content in berry and root of three typical Korean Ginseng (Panax ginseng) cultivars Kim YK. Kalogeropoulos N. Lamy C. Ankli A. Sepehrifar R . Gulkari VD. Troulidou E. Lamari FN. Salhi Arjmand H PC101. Maryati M. Mourtzinos I 67 . Wu Q . Tsarbopoulos A PC134. Aguilar-Guadarrama AB. Ghawanmeh A . and Artemisia campestris L. Andre P. Discrimination between Forsythia viridissima and Forsythia suspensa using SCAR marker Ryuk JA. Báthori M PC129. Kiyanpour V. Kwak HC. Peng CC. Putalun W. Sultana T. Hauserová E. Fliniaux MA PC116. Tandem mass spectrometric studies of polyphenolic metabolites from Olea europaea Bazoti FN.: A case study in dereplication strategies for (-)Colchicine and related analogs using LC-MS and LC-PDA techniques Alali FQ. Swaczynová J. Study on the comparison of bioactive components by drying methods of Rehmannia glutinosa Kim ES. Fan P.. Strüh CM. Asghari B. Liu D. – a new approach concerning the antidiabetic activity of the drug Hunyadi A. Yao H. Comparative study development of extraction processes and stability of Dioscorea membranacea for cancer treatment Sukkarn B. for its film forming properties Pachpor MP. Oberlies NH PC117. Boustie J PC133. Devleeschouwer M. Asghari B PC102. Park SU PC94. Villarreal ML. Bonn GK PC112. Lee JW. Evaluation of different analytical methodologies for the analysis of amino acids in plant extracts Nasimullah Qureshi M. Lin Y. Ahmadi M. Tabanera N. Optimization of a rapid luminescence bioassay for the assessment of toxicity of contaminants in XTC’s pills Gosset S. Comparative study of the anti-inflammatory effect of two polyphenol preparations of Perilla seed manufactured by different processes Su JD. Jia X. Bills G. Introducing investigations of a herb extract of the Zhi Mu plant Anemarrhena asphodeloides containing steroid saponins Radtke OA PC108. Xu H. Degenhardt J. Cordopatis P. Dolezal K. Romero MG. Veljković V PC88. Lee MY PC95. Ohta H PC121. Mohd Fadzelly AB PC118. Lee MY. Determination of rosmarinic acid content in some Iranian Satureja species by HPTLC Ebrahimi SN. Lee MY. Hradecká V. Paradkar A PC126. Shams MR PC135. Method development for the determination of oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol . Abel G .LIST OF POSTERS PC87. for the purpose of establishing a monograph draft proposal for the German Pharmacopoeia Brem T. Obledo-Vazquez N. Chung HS PC104. Lee JW. Oztunca FH. Tsarbopoulos A PC122. Redondo A. Tsarbopoulos A PC123. Skaltsa H PC103. Yano M. Novel immunoaffinity purification approach for isolation of new cytokinin based anticancer drug and its identification in plant tissues Hauserová E. Gopu CL. Strnad M PC110. Reference substances for plant materials of toxicological interest Ketteler C. Isolation of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors from plants using centrifugal countercurrent chromatography Marston A. Preparative isolation of six platycosides from Platycodi Radix by high-speed countercurrent chromatography with evaporative light scattering detection Ha YW. Aurangabadkar VM. Treble R PC119. Biradar S. Peláez F PC106. Stévigny C. Kanellis AK PC136. Kadlag V PC137. Rhim JW. Navarrete A PC96. Mahadik KR PC125. AMD. Haroutounian SA. Magiatis P. Pessoa C. Gonnet JF. Heyerick A PC174. Svobodová A. Mitaku S. Heinzmann B. Jülich WD 69 . Diehl H PC172. Reference materials and the quality of a product Hoekstra B. Zira A. Jürgenliemk G Structure elucidation of components with inhibitory activities of atopic dermatitis from Actinidia arguta Park HM. Skaltsounis AL. Quantification of anti-oxidative constituents isolated from Diospyros kaki calyces Qui HJ. Zga N. Chen CK. Bracke M. Aligiannis N. Chang FR. PD9. Mikros E Topic D: Natural Products with photoprotective (skin protective) activity and cosmetic interest PD1. Kim EK. Udiak E. Maldini M. Geographical origin of Saffron spice by MidInfrared spectroscopy (MIR) Anastasaki EG. Chemical investigation of Sageretia thea by general methods and HPLC-SPE-NMR Shen CJ. Lee BS. NMR chromoprints: A tool for herbal validation Menghani E.: A rich source of novel lipids Benavides A. Dicentrine metabolites characterized in miniature pig urine by HPLC-SPE-NMR Lai YC. Sdudzinska E. Colepicolo P. Chaidedgumjorn A. Natural preservative. Kim MC. Ketteler C. Chauhan VS. Laakso I. Ankli A PC145.Le Dévéhat F. PD8. Stathopoulou K. Chuan LT PC159. Analytical and dyeing techniques used for the evaluation of natural yellow dyes for textiles Villela A. Kostakis I. Profile of taxanes in Taxus globosa Schelectendal (Mexican yew) and in pure cultures of endophytic fungi Arroyo OAG. Guaratini T. Chryssoulakis Y PC157. Şenol S. Saggese P. Rambousková J. Wende K. Son EM. Tikhonov VP. Koo KA PC153. Bedir E PC168. Fokialakis N. Magiatis P. Kuo TF. Opanasopit P. Bassarello C. Woo SS PD6. Pozharitskaya ON. Kim SY Protective effect of phenolics from Lonicera caerulea fruits against UVB-induced damage to HaCaT keratinocytes. Hong YJ. – HPLC-PDA-MS analysis of the dyed wool fibers Valianou L . PC173. HPLC-PDA analysis for the identification and quantification of styryllactones in Goniothalamus amuyon Lan YH. Hiltunen R PC140. Korkmaz KS. Rahman RA. Lambert C. Flausino OJ. Characterization and purification of proanthocyanidins from cranberry fruits by modern planar chromatography (TLC. ManzanoChávez L. Lohézic. Jang YP PC170. Purification of novel stilbene oligomers from vine stalks by centrifugal partition chromatography guided by mass spectrometry Papastamoulis Y. Ollilainen V. Magiatis P. Kwon HC. UV-protecting potential of clay minerals and Ganoderma pfeifferi Harms M. Oinonen PO . Ivanova SA. Lee KW. Hayta S. OPLC) Pothier J. Extraction and determination of major bioactive flavonoids in mint (Mentha spicata) Bimakr M . Suh YT. Dorat J. Identification of minor components of Cotinus coggygria Scop. Landsberg K. Jung JB. Kim JH. Dracontium loretense Engl. Lee SS PC165. Furlan M. Oh MS. Schmitter JM. Dorman HJD. Shikov AN. Ma Y. Balkans) Redzic S. Aligiannis N. Lee BJ. Recovery of bioactive compounds from roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra by novel techniques of extraction Tsiripillou P. Ko HH Photoprotective compounds from the lichen Diploicia canescens. Silva DHS PC151. Park J. Bolzani VS. and Pizza C 68 PC152. Lee J. Merillon JM PC150. Mantzouris D. Tang HH. Karapanagiotis I. Evaluation of effiency. DeBatt A. Taip FS. TLC seperation of certain medicinal and aromatic plants Bahtiyarca Bağdat R PC 178. Sejdic N. Zdařilová A.based metabonomics for the classification of Greek wines according to variety and region Anastasiadi M. Dollet J PC155.LIST OF POSTERS PC139. Lopes AA. Skaltsounis AL PC147. De Keukeleire D. Marsh MR. Merfort I Relief from atopic dermatitis by Uniflavon™ Kim DS. Richard T. etermination of iridoid glycosides in micropropagated plantlets and hairy roots of Gentiana cruciata by reverse phase HPLC Akgün IH. Derksen DCH. Plant pigments in some medical plants of family Lamiaceae (Bosnia and Herzegovina. Differential bioactivities and metabolic profiles of Lychnophora ericoides from diverse provenances Gobbo-Neto L. Makarov VG. Youn HJ. Palic A. Son MW. Jadhav P. Sevimli C. Cha J. Jin M. Napolitano A. Tarantilis PA. Kim J. PD3. Chang S PC161. Waffo-Teguo P. Galambosi B PC142. attica and study of antioxidant activity Papaefstathiou G. Pharmacokinetics of icariin in rats using microdialysis and tissue distribution Lin CW. Heilmann J. Free radical scavenging activity of Garcinia mangostana fruit hull extracts: the effect of pH during aqueous extraction Sittisombut C. Quality assessment of Mori Folium by HPTLC and HPLC analysis Lim S. Maharaj V PC144. Rapid analysis of phenolic acids by UPLC-MS/MS Gruz J. release and oxidation stability of seabuckthorn encapsulated oil using FTIR spectroscopy Trif M. Socaciu C. Trinh DH. W. Characterization of the co-pigmentary diversity of the genus Hydrangea Dulac A. Lindequist U. Investigation into the presence of Monatin in related plant species Moodley N. Reich E. Son EJ. Son EJ. Rekkas D. Batista JMJ. Ko JS. Ahn J. Salleh LMd. Ganjloo A. PD7. Doan TN. Kanakis CD. ShinJ. Reppas C PC146. Bittencourt C. Carbone V. Ngawhirunpat T PC177. Nam JB. Schaneberg B PC143. Vieira RF. Polissiou MG LIST OF POSTERS PC166. de Moraes MO. Escamilla SE. Wu YC PC169. Altei W. Vostálová J The scratch assay: A suitable in vitro tool for studying wound healing effects Fronza M. Novák O. Stathopoulou K. Mitaku S PC148. Compositional analysis and acetyl-cholinesterase inhibitory screening of Melissa officinalis Dastmalchi K. Ze K. Bedir E. Esparza GF. peel Canales-Aguirre A. Lee SS PC162. Pappas CS. Lopes NP PC154. Polychronopoulos P. Haita E. Ganzera M. Melzig M. Lugo-Cervantes E PD2. Tomasi S. Dermination of benzo[a]pyrene in herbal medicinal products containing the steamed root of Rehmannia glutinosa by HPLC/FLD Lim S. Woo SS Tyrosinase inhibitory effect and antioxidant activity of Formosan Phyla nodiflora for cosmetic use Shue YJ. Chen PC. Montoro P. Ganzera M. H NMR. Piacente S. Kourafalos V . Costa-Lotufo LV. Kim MR. PD5. Chen CK. Chryssoulakis Y PC158. Epithelial transport of cohumulone across caco-2 cell monolayers Cattoor K. Mane T. Boustie J Wound healing and antioxidant activities of extracts from Musa paradisiaca L. Laufer S. LC-ESI-MS with monolithic stationary phase and ESI-MS/MS characterization of proanthocyanidins from selected antinflammatory plants. Determination of naphthazarin derivatives in Turkish Alkanna species by reverse phase HPLC Akgün IH. Pizza C PC141. Skaltsounis AL. Ha SK. Dallas P. in archaeological textiles of Mount Athos Valianou L . Kim D. Lee YC. Standardization of anti-cancer phytoactives in selected varieties of Piper betle (Betel) leaves Tewari N. Detection of bioactive compounds on TLC by DART-MS Kim HJ. Castro-Gamboa I. Furanocoumarins can affect oral bioavailability of drugs to both directions Vertzoni M. Search for Protease-inhibiting compounds from Cerrado and Atlantic plant species. van Beek TA PC167. Karapanagiotis I. Jain SC PC160. Alkaloid Profile of leaves of horticultural cultivar of Catharanthus roseus Kapadia GJ. Gürel A PC171. Richomme P PC164. Wang MC. Validated HPTLC method for the identification of Hoodia gordonii Widmer V. Ito Y PC156. Variation in concentration of oenothein B in different samples of cultivated Epilobium angustifolium L. Padilla-Camberos E. Reconstruction of the wool dyeing process using Hexaplex trunculus L. Flores E. Inhibition of ICAM-1 expression and elastase by an extract and fractions from the roots of Ruscus aculeatus Barbič M. Carvallo-Aceves A. Sharma S PC179. Strnad M PC163. PD10. Tsai TH PC176. XoconostleCB. Suthar A. Kim I. Paterakis P. Lin LC. Comparative study of accelerated solvent extraction and supercritical fluid extraction of total phenolics and flavonoids from Sideritis raeseri subsp. Soung R. Do SG. Flores CLB PC149. Geller F. Kim EH PC175. Purinol™ Kim DS. Millot M. PD4. Medina JG PE24. Martin SF PD23. Curcuma longa and Thai white mud on acne occurrence in teen-age female volunteers. Martínez-Hernández JL. Mihele D. Kersten A. Khon Kaen province.LIST OF POSTERS PD11. Fouraste I. Czerpak R PD21. Gicquel A. Bento AC. Nashan D. Szlգzak A.: morphological and chemical characterization Frazão S. Shine R PE17. Vincieri FF PD18. Pop A PD27. Villarreal S. Zaidi-Yahiaoui R. 70 . Light ME PE20.pectin system under high pressure and its application for treatment of skin injury Gregorio-Jáuregui KM. García-Mateos R. Havlik J. Ingkatawornwong S. The efficacy of natural mask powder made from Centella asiatica. Pinsuwan S. Skaltsounis AL Panopoulos N Goumas D. Lee SJ PD17. PE6. Hassanzadeh Khayyat M. Anatomical study of Argania spinosa (L. Šalamon I. Bannayan M An acetonic extract of Nicotiana tabacum leafs against pseudococcinide insects as pests on coffee shrubs in horticulture Radtke OA cancelled Phytotoxic activity of Calia secundiflora (Ortega) Yakovlev Pérez Laínez D. Tumukdakorn K. Stability of papain . Photoprotective activity of extracts obtained from Arrabidaea chica Siraichi JTG. Skandalis N. Effectivity of a novel betulin-based oleogel in the treatment of actinic keratoses. Kloucek P. Suktalea P. Determining the antioxidant activity of certain gemoderivates Raiciu AD. Franco J. subacute and dermal toxicology of the bioinsecticide from Stemona curtisii Hook. Preeprame S PD30. Jäger S. The antimicrobial efficacy of natural ingredients for the production of self-preserving cosmetics Papageorgiou S. Shimada N. Hagman M. Gomes ET. Goral ” Azizi M. Tsirivas E LIST OF POSTERS PE3. Mercado D. Choung SY PD29. Lackzian A Effects of irrigation frequencies and planting density on herbage biomass and oil production of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) Khazaie HR. Bianchini JP. Aguilera A. Michaelakis A. Van Damme P PE19.. Cano-Cabrera JC. Goncalves F. Development of lipsticks containing rice bran oil liposome Amnuaikit T. High quality bergamot oil from Cephallonia (Greece): chemical analysis using enantiomeric GC-MS and larvicidal activity against mosquitoes Melliou E. Cane toad chemical ecology: controlling an invasive pest Capon RJ. Identification of Frangula azorica bark a Portuguese Medicinal Drug Curica C. Allelopathic potential of Avena sativa L. Schempp CM PD20. Scheffler A. Evidence of natural hybridization on Portuguese Digitalis thapsi L. Kokoska L. Maciag M.M. Herbicidal properties of Peganum harmala under laboratory condition SodaeiZadeh H . Scheffler A. The effect of different levels of vermicompost and irrigation on morphological properties and essential oil content of German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) C. Banga D. Hannarong N. Vârban D. Braca A. Kijjoa A PE23. Suzuki F. The influence of a plant extract on the quality of Hisex braun layers’ eggs Poráčová J. Flamini G. Botanical characterization of Maytenus senegalensis leaf an African medicinal plant Serrano R. Abu-Darwish MS PE22. Benzyladenine and kinetin influence on skin fibroblasts proliferation and morphology Jabłońska-Trypuć A. PE12. From allelopathy to agrochemistry: a new approach for the valorisation of invasive plants Bertrand C. Rezwanee F. Impact of different extracts of Rhamnus dispermus Ehrenb. Taoubi K PD14. PE5. on apterous adults of woolly apple aphid Ateyyat MA. Varvaresou A.. Soto-Hernández M. Teai T. Chomnawang MT. Lightening effect of Lindera obtusiloba BL. Treatment of striae gravidarum in postpartum by applying a natural product containing yogurt with ripe tamarind extract. Boonarch R. PE10. Bilia AR. Microbial production of potent antioxidants from fungal fermentation of tannin-rich plants Aguilar CN. Ascough GD. Blaščáková M. Acaricidal efficiency of some local plants from Thailand Chaiyong S. Jäger S. Hayes RA. Pop A PD26. Scheffler A. Allelopathic effects of extracts from several plant species on seed germination and seedlings growth of Lactuca sativa L. PE8. Cosmetic assessment of triterpenoids in Ilex rotunda Sawabe A. Skaltsounis AL PE26. Filho BPD. Popovici J. PE9. Wongcome T. chemical composition and bioactivity Leu T. Gomes ET. Rada V. Simon-Haarhaus B. Soulet S.) Skeels and its antimalarial activity and cytotoxicity El Babili F. Dheeranupatana S. Jatisatienr A PE15. Lee JE. Preeprame S PD31. Zaidi F. Romano A Topic E: Botanical/Natural Products with agrochemical interest/Natural Products in animal health care PE1. randomised. Chiba Y. Nadjafi F. Raharivelomanana P PD19. Bergonzi MC. Schempp CM PD25. Worachotekamjorn K PD15. Characterization of a cosmetic raw material “Tamanu Oil” from French Polynesia: physical and chemical properties. Zahatňanská M. Activity of essential oils in vapour phase against Paenibacillus larvae Kloucek P.V. De Bertoldi C. Comte G. Vincieri FF PD16. Paphassarang S. Kite G Exploring the potential of natural substances from olive and grape pomace in phytoprotection Mavrakis T. (oat) var. Natural compounds and extract for the control of American foulbrood Flesar J. Šutiaková I 71 PE4. Flesar J. Silva O PE21. Barajas N. Beneficial effect of curcumin on epidermal permeability barrier function Jeon HY. Titera D PE28. Chanut A. Kokoska L. Schempp CM. Gemoderivates with protective and regenerative action for hair Manea S. Belmares R. Agalias A. León E. Bechar S PE16. SeguraCeniceros EP. Jatisatienr C. comparative pilot study with histology Huyke C. Kulkarni MG. Kim JK. case study of customers at Aree Drug store. Jatisatien A. Nedorostova L. Silva O PE2.I. Ilyina A PD24. Cermak T. Ververidis F Effect of Olea europaea L and Salvia officinalis leaves phenolics extracts on potato tubers soft rot disease. Raiciu AD. Bergonzi MC . Hernández M. Baesso ML. Photoreactive substances in homoeopathic mother tinctures: analysis and risk assessment Barbosa J. Giurginca M. Nakamura CV PD13. Komemushi S PD22. KimWG. Gonçalves S. Manea S.. Fierini E. Toure H. Serrano R. Muntean S. Titera D PE18. PE7. Activity of Garcinia mangostana fruit rind extracts from various locations of Thailand against acneinducing bacteria Pothitirat W. Argentina: bioassay-guided isolation of allelochemicals De Leo M. Bellvert F. Silva O PE11. Won EK. Isacchi B. Rodríguez-Pérez E. Pedrochi F. The increasing effect on heels cracked therapy by Carica papaya latex. Gomes ET. Koliopoulos G. Reuter R. Martin SF. Vatafu M. Stimulatory effects of smoke and smoke-derived butenolide on crop plants Van Staden J. A prospective. Rödig M. Khonsung P. Sakatani K. leaf extract from UVB-induced pigmentation in C57BL/6 mice Bang CY. Valentin A. Ercoli L. Evaluation of several cultivars (Tagetes sp. Preeprame S PD28. Formulation and skin permeation behaviour of a commercial standardised bilberry extract Bilia AR. Acute. Dheeranupatana S. Penetration of a biologically active triterpene extract (TE) through the stratum corneum of human epidermis Laszczyk MN. Cochinaire A. Rodríguez R PE25. PE13. Serrano R.) as a proper source for bioactive products Duda M. Morgenni F. Piola F PE14. Solubilized triterpenes from mistletoe show antitumor effects on skin-derived cell lines Strüh CM. Magiatis P. Cortez DAG. Isacchi B. Antimicrobial properties of resinous plant extracts from Mexico with agrochemical and pharmaceutical potential Lira-Saldivar RH. UedaNakamura T. The alkaloid Berberine from Coscinium fenestratum is an inhibitor of phytopathogenic organisms Singburaudom N. Gritsanapan W PD12. Maurel S. Cosmetic formulations containing volatile constituents of Artemisia annua L. Moulis C PE27. Panthong A. Mihele D. Martínez JL. F. Laszczyk M. Grice D. In vitro antiplasmodial activity of ethnobotanically selected plants from Burkina Faso Jansen O . Oates PS. Tarantilis PA. Neighmogha T PF33. Herbal therapy in women’s healthcare amongst Ijebus of Ogun state south western Nigeria Odukoya OA. Tits M . Micropropagation of Nepeta binaludensis a highly threatened ethnomedicinal plant of Iran Nadjafi F. Perdikis DC.LIST OF POSTERS PE29. Investigations into the cytotoxic effects of Bangladeshi medicinal plants Uddin SJ. Putra DP. Efferth T. Kontodimas D. Isolation and identification of phytoanticipins from Musa acuminata cv. Abadi NISA PE41. Ferreira MJU Serotonin modulating activities of plants used for menopause in Guatemala Mahady GB. Gutiérrez-Coronado O. Locklear T. an antidiabetic plant in traditional Dominican medicine Keller AC. Heinrich M In vitro evaluation of antiplasmodial activity of plant samples used in traditional medicine in Benin Ganfon H. Ghahremanzadeh R PE34. Evans L. Manosroi A 73 Topic F: Traditional medicines/ethnopharmacology PF1. Kimbaris AC. Evaluation of the anti-cancer potential of extracts of desert plants traditionally used as medicines by aboriginal people Savigni DL. Identification of Euclea natalensis root as an herbal drug Filipe M. MayoMosqueda A. Abdel-Kader MS Acute toxicity study on artifacts from Prasaplai preparation. Grant I. Hamzehei R. Polissiou M. Kennelly EJ PF14. Tangyuenyongwatana P. The Thai medicinal plants used in traditional rejuvenating medicines exhibit potent antioxidant activity Panriansaen R. Screening of Yemeni medicinal plants for antioxidant and cytotoxic activities Harms M. Sze DM. Anti-inflammatory activity of medicinal plant recipes from Thai Lanna medicinal plant recipe database Manosroi J. Phianrungrueang A. Rezvani Moghaddam P. Doyle B. Lopes D. Oluwalana S PF32. Kimbaris A. Angenot L. Kohpayeh A PF27. Peña-Rodriguez L PE40. Prieto JM. Frederich M. Anticancer. PF4. Ramírez-Tec G. in semiarid lands of Jalisco. Mexico. Osbourn A. Friedman M. Medicinal plants: use in antiquity and current experimental proofs Rhizopoulou S. Okogun JI PF13. Kimbaris AC. Manosroi A PF36. Brillantes AMB. Flavonoid contents of some Sumatran medicinal plants Bakhtiar A. Serrano R. NF-κB inhibitory and antioxidant properties of Thai traditional anti-inflammatory plants Siriwatanametanon N. Asgari T. Orjala J The iatrosophia of Cyprus: a valid resource in the search for new drugs? The example of resins. Greece – Current role and future trends Patsoura A. Milonas P. Survay of traditional medicine. New approach for TCM quality control in China Qian ZZ PF26. Liu H. Hill L. Use of species of order Veratrum L. Sinchai S. Scindia AM. Endemic species from Dinarides (W. Brazil Santos CS. Screening for antimalarial activity of crude extracts from African medicinal plants Ramalhete C. Treatment of memory disorders in historical texts – A potential source for new memory drugs Paavilainen H PF18. Lykouressis DP. Biodiversity and the search for new medicines medicinal plants popularly used in Caueira village. Garcia-Sosa K. Veliz M. Bioassay-guided isolation of hydrophilic phytotoxic metabolites produced by Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet Cruz-Cruz C. Moudachirou M. Wende K 72 . Principles of Iranian traditional medicine Zolfaghari B PF31. Frausto-Reyes C LIST OF POSTERS PF11. Consequences of changing plant density and nitrogen rates on yield and essential oil of German Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L. Ogbadoyi EO. Medical uses of Heracleum sp. Rosário V. Subtang S PF12. Honermeier B. PF3. Escalante-Erosa.Balkan) of interest for phytochemical investigations Redzic S PF22. Bioprospecting for endophyte related natural products in Traditional Chinese Medicine anticancer herbs Miller K. PF6. Garcia-Sosa K. Oikonomou S PF23. Ribeiro AS. development and equity Osunderu OA. a coast location in the Sergipe state. Chimedragchaa Ch. Elliott CT. Katsarou A. Kamat SK. Insecticidal activity against Myzus persicae and chemical composition of three Lamiaceae essential oils obtained by microwave-assisted hydrodistillation: Comparison with traditional hydrodistillation Petrakis EA. MirandaBeltrán ML. Ingrey S. PF5. Vaideeswar P. Frederich M PF15. Therapeutic effects of extracts of some African medicinal plants in experimental African Trypanosomiasis. Perez A. An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal herbs used by the ethnic community of Chaharmahal and Bakhtyari. in historical sources – An ethnopharmacological approach Paavilainen H PF19. Prieto-Garcia J. Tiralongo E PF17. Soman AD. The stimulation of insulin secretion in a β-cell assay of Momordica charantia. Perdikis DC. PF8. Mat A Traditional medicine in the Pomak community. Sofidiya MO PF29. Michel J . Gomes LJ. Sacré PY . Quetin-Leclercq J PF9. PF7. Afshari RT. Heinrich M PF2. Gomes ET. Evaluation of Ayurvedic plants for antiatherosclerotic and anti-hyperlipidemic effects Uchil DA. Cherdshewasart W. gums and balms Lardos A. Arbain D PF20. Adaptation effect on the natural silymarin content and seven quantitative characters of wild milk thistle genotypes Ottai MES PE33. Ngwoke KG. Polissiou MG PE38. Rege NN PF21. Kriegisch S. Caceres A. Silva O PE32. Dhuri SA. Marçal RM PF24. Lykouressis DP. Golparvarand AR. and Peña-Rodriguez L PE35. Grande Naine. Fouladdel S. Escalante-Erosa F. Iran Ghasemi Pirbalouti A. PF35. De Mol P . Koliopoulos G. phytochemical and cytotoxic effects of Tussilago farfara L. Some phytochemical and anatomical characters of Opuntia spp. Survey of plants used by traditional birth attendants (TBAS) in southwest Nigeria Osunderu OA. Repellent properties of hydrosols derived from three Lamiaceae species against the insect pest Myzus persicae Petrakis EA. cancelled PE36. Mayo-Mosqueda A. Loza-Cornejo S. Neilan B PF34. Jabbari A. Molecular biology interpretation of the traditional Chinese medicine Xu J. Gritsanapan W An overview on Hypericum species of Turkey Eroglu E. Aparicio-Fernández X. Tarantilis PA. Mulhovo S. Mbenkum T. Salako AA. Situ C PE30. Traditional medicine as an instrument for health. Nicolas JP . Contribution of the ethnopharmacological survey in Nde division (Cameroon) Yimta F. Baker E PF16. Study of herb using in Thailand and anti-cancer activity screening of Thai medicinal plant recipes Manosroi J. An attempt to correlate toxicity with chemical structure Michaelakis A. Heinrich M Screening of traditional Saudi plants for hepatoprotective effect Alqasoumi SI. Kabiru AY. Amin G PF30. Mothana R. Azizi E. Western Thrace. PF10. in ethnoveterinarian medicine in Bosnia and Herzegovina Redzic S PE31. Gbaguidi F. Aksu B. Jonville MC . Papachristos D PE37. a Thai traditional medicine. Development and current situation of traditional medicine in Mongolia Altantsetseg A. Zhou J PF25. Polissiou MG PE39. Lindequist U. Koocheki A. Nguimatsia F.) Hosseini NM. Penge A PF28. Activity of non-oxygenated versus oxygenated monoterpenes against mosquitoes. Feasibility of utilising natural products in animal production for the control of animal diseases and food pathogens Wong YYS. 5-c]quinolin-1(2H)-ones as a novel class of antimitotic agents: Synthesis and in vitro cytotoxic activity Metwally K. Sjöholm R Biomimetic synthesis of polycyclic alkaloids from the Nitraria and Myrioneuron genus Salame R. Tyrosine phosphorylation Regulated Kinases (DYRKs) in human disease: the therapeutic potential of pharmacological inhibitors Lozach O. New N9-substituted cytokinin derivatives for affinity chromatography and proteomic analyses Mik V. San Miguel-Chávez R Soto-Hernández M Ramos-Valdivia AC. Matera R. Tillequin F.5’-trimethoxy-benzoyl)-1H-indole (BPR0L075). Bosisio E PG34. Spíchal L. Stokes SL. David-Cordonnier MH. Léonce S. Belluti F. cytotoxic activity. An insight into the recognition mechanisms of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) for flavonoids quercetin. Pratsinis H. Pagliuca G. Sobarzo-Sánchez E. S. Cruzain inhibition by terpenoids Agius BR. Ueda. Cinnamamides from Piper capense with affinity to the benzodiazepine site on the GABAA receptor Pedersen ME. synthesis and biological evaluation of 13-aza derivatives of benzo[b]acronycine Tian W. Hernández-Galán R. Spitzner D Enantiodifferentiated derivatization of natural bioactive dimeric phtalides rac-diligustilide and rac-tokinolide B León A. Léonce S. Koch M. Zatloukal M. Sharma PD. Strnad M PG39. Langer T. PG36. Zironi E. Léonce S. Gaslonde T. Maurel S.4’. Michel S PG15. Peptides – A source of acrylamide? Buhlert J. Nuhant P. Kletsas D Structure-activity relationships in the acronycine and benzo[b]acronycine series: Role of the pyran ring Do Q. Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) a powerful biophysic method for drug discovery: study of Alexa532-endothelin 1 binding on the endothelin ETA receptor on living cells Caballero-George C. PG10. Pereira AC. Doan Thi Mai H. Recent advances in the chemistry and biological activities of canthin-6-one analogs Cebrían G. An approach to the biosynthesis of the polyketide toxins excreted by the phytophagen fungus Botrytis cinerea Rámirez-Fernández J. Pfeiffer B. Janin Y. as potential antivascular agents Ty N. Rasmussen HB. Michel S. El Mourabet M. PG8. Alexacou KM. Ni P An usnic acid derivative as new tweezer for noncovalent aromatic interaction complex Legouin B. Chollet-Krugler M. Uchino Y. Pfeiffer B. Dufat H PG14. Design and synthesis of pentacyclic triterpenoid Lantadene A analogues as antitumor agents Sharma M. PG6. Singh J 75 PG2. Do Q. Marazano C. Deguin B. Setzer WN PG20. Structure-activity relationship of (-) mammea A/BB derivatives against Leishmania amazonensis Brenzan MA . Purification hemisynthesis of xanthatin derivates and in vitro evaluation of their activity towards farnesyltransferase (PFTase). Au do G. Loury N. Stafford GI. Häberlein H PG38. Schyschka L. Pavan FG. Collado IG PG17. and cytotoxicity Takeya K. van Staden J. Tillequin F. De la Poype F. Baratte B. Dual Specificity.: structure. Stuppner H PG25.Nakamura T. Bansal MP. Tillequin F. Richter LR. A biomimetic approach to manadomanzamine A Yan LH. Hanazawa S. Poupon E Pentacyclic triterpenes. Tillequin F PG13. Rollinger JM. Silva MLA PG27. Poupon E PG40. Arai MA PG23. Kim IH. Stereospecificity of Daidzein metabolism leading to S-Equol by human intestinal bacterium Kim MH. Cunha. inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase. Tillequin F PG16. Carle R. Andrade LN. and DNA binding properties of antitumor cis-1. and Poupon E.2dihydrobenzo[b]acronycine cinnamoyl esters Yougnia R. Evaluation of antioxidant activities of synthesized iminochalcones Rasheed L. Pinel B.2-dihydroxy-1. Koch M. Tian W. PG11. Sato DN. kaempferol and hydroxytyrosol Steiakaki MA. Cachet X PG12. Hao J. Pfeiffer B. semi-synthesis. In silico discovery of natural chemosensitizers from Eriobotrya japonica Pfisterer PH. Chatzidakis G. Kraus-Berthier L. Chabot GG. Michel S. Scherman D. Kraus-Berthier L. PG3. Seraphin D. Stuppner H PG24. Trihydroxylated 5-cyano-8a-oxazolopiperidine: a new building block towards the synthesis of natural polyhydroxypiperidine analogs. Ferandin Y. Sorkalla T. Tomasi S. PG7. Tite T. Seguin J. Tillequin F. Novel potential antitumor analogues of fagaronine and nitidine in the Benzo[c]phenanthroline series Genès C. Vokáč K. Porée FH. PG9. Lallemand MC. Kite G PG26. Tsimilaza A. Metzler B. Jung YJ. Rouaud I. Zhang P. Hasuda T. Combretastatin anlogues: synthesis and biological evaluation of new disubstituted analogues of 6-methoxy-3-(3’. Le Sourd F. Young MCM . Lansiaux A. Richomme P PG32. Bermingham E. Vinholis AHC. Meijer L PG28. Total synthesis of melleumins A and B and their analogs: Determination of stereochemistry and Wnt signal inhibitory activity Ishibashi M. Koch M. Michel S. Majer Z.LIST OF POSTERS Topic G: Synthesis and biosynthesis of natural products/drug discovery/biotechnology PG1. Silva R. Dal Cero E. Szüčová L. Ververidis F PG22. Boustie J PG18. Antiplasmodial and cytotoxic activities of synthetic alkaloids Haddad M. Quetin-Leclercq J PG37. cytotoxic activity and mechanism of action of new Psorospermin-Acronycine analogs Gaboriaud-Kolar N. Natural products as privileged structures for the conception of novel antimycobacterial agents Nguyen M. Boutefnouchet S. Lemus C. PG4. Lallemand MC 74 . Immunobiological properties of sesquiterpene lactones with specific active diol moiety Harmatha J. Mouriès C. Prado S. Jeon R PG31. Hasan A. A novel bicyclic hexapeptide from Rubia cordifolia l. Corrêa AG . Pierré A. In vitro antimycobacterial activity evaluation of (-)-Cubebin and its semi-synthetic derivatives against three species of Mycobacteria Martins CHG. Doležal K. Boutefnouchet S. Kefalopoulos D. Fournet A. Da Silva Filho AA. Kim SU PG19. Lenobel R. Dufat H Chemistry of aucubin Rakotondramasy VC. Tillequin F. Gravel E. Kmoníčková E. Valentin A. Li X . WR. Markt P. Filho BPD . Michel S. Tillequin F PG41. Prado. Cachet X. Tillequin F. Design and synthesis of azaisoflavones Kang B. Liu J. Leonidas DD. Hayes JM. Negrhra A. Michel S. Hasuda T PG30. Rollinger JM. Gaslonde T. Cheng K. Cortez DAG PG29. Pierré A. Han JH. Lohezic-Le Devehat F. PPARα – In silico screening for activators from natural sources Baumgartner LT. Dupeyre G. Oikonomakos NG. Zídek Z PG33. Vollmar AM. Bastos JK. Synthesis. Landreau A. Delgado G Semisynthesis and cytotoxicity of some guaiacyl type 9-norlignans Eklund P. van de Weghe P Pyrimido[4. Serbetci T. Dubois J. Carvalho TC. Dell’Agli M. Synthesis. as potential drugs for type 2 diabetes: X-ray crystallographic studies Zographos SE. Zhang L. Hitotsuyanagi Y. Júnior JA . Gaslonde T. Michel S. Jäger AK PG35. Salicylic acid elicitation induces erythrinane alkaloids accumulation in suspension culture of Erythrina americana Miller. Design. Lee JE. Pierré A. Nakamura CV . Kim SI. Potent inhibition of human phosphodiesterase-5 by icariin derivatives in an enzyme assay Galli GV. PG5. Zhang L. Uriac P. Sun H. Rearrangements of Germacrane sesquiterpenoids – An ab initio investigation Setzer W LIST OF POSTERS PG21. Bianco TNC. Wen X. Schwaiger S. Gimisis T. Bolzani VS. Hamburger M. Amiranashvili L. Sampaio SV. Villarreal ML PG73. Palee J. Corbière-Divialle H PG45. Tanaka H PG67. Furlan M PG65. Kuźma Ł. Strnad M PG44. Batista Junior JM. Pietrosiuk A. Ramawat KG PG68. Moazami N PG74.) seedlings Tsiri D. Benaducci T. Biosynthesis of bromopyrrole alkaloids in Agelas oroides Cachet N. Van der Sar SA. Microbial metabolism of Yohimbine Orabi KY. Nkembo MK. Freydank AC. Sylte I PG77. Jeziorek M PG55. Meyer AD. Influence of elicitation on the lignan biosynthesis in cell cultures of Linum album L. Satake T. Pavlov A. Biosynthetic origin of medicarpin in elicited fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Pietrosiuk A. Xu H. Synthesis and antioxidant activity of 3-(3. Pupo MT. Hasanloo T. Al-Mourabit A. Monomer of a biologically active polyether isolated from Symphytum asperum and S. Simão MR. Fernandes MX PG76. Khan MTH. Jatisatienr C. Kongel M.f. Alfermann AW. Dávila Y. Kim YK. Dehshahri S PG48. Biosynthesis of justicidin B and diphyllin in cell cultures of Linum perenne L. Fuss E PG62. Bihamta MR PG83. caucasicum. Ingkaninan K. Gafner F.9-di-substituted derivatives as potent anti-aging substances Szüčová L. Ramawat KG PG69. Chotikadachanarong K. Biotransformation of onopordopicrin. Schuster D. Antifungal piperolides. Furmanowa M. Schmidt T. Putalun W. Ilieva M PG66. Targeting secondary metabolite biosynthetic genes from the metagenome of the sponge Mycale sp. Rosmarinic acid biosynthesis: Investigations of enzyme activity and genes in cell cultures of Melissa officinalis Weitzel C. Ropero DR. Haralampidis K. a sesquiterpene lactone. Use of [C-methyl]Tropinone to follow the fate of the methyl group during calystegine formation in root cultures of Solanum dulcamara (Solanaceae) Bartholomeusz TA. Gobbo-Neto L. Kairys V. Hong MK.) Lehm. Biotechnological approaches for the production of guggulsterones through organised and unorganised cultures of Commiphora wightii in shake flask and bioreactor Dass S. Sastraruji T PG75. Oberhänsli F. Molinié R. RobinsRJ. Gianinni MJSM. Spyropoulos CG. Gertsch J. Ung AT. Bazzocchi IL PG79. Zucarelli ME. Lee IS PG71. Zatloukal M. Szypuła W. Hayashi T PG49. Chen YR. cancelled PG54. Dheeranupattana S . Dräger B. Kamonwannasit S. Jatisatienr A. pyrones and amides from Piper species and synthetic analogs Marques JV. de Figueiredo US. Silva DHS 77 . Jeffree R PG72. Kato MJ. Gallic acid from Alchornea glandulosa as a prototype for antifungal semi-synthetic alkyl-gallates Petrônio MS. Georgiev M. Carollo CA. Álvarez L. Kartal M. Komemushi S PG52. Ozeki C. Establishment of Rindera graeca transgenic root culture as a source of shikonin derivatives Sykłowska-Baranek K. Chinou I PG61. Young MCM. Panopoulos N. Tokuda H.) Britton var. Kuo PM. Methyl jasmonate influences secondary metabolism and protein expression in Scoparia dulcis Lee JB. Identification of molecular targets in anti-cancer therapy using protein-ligand docking Sousa I. Doležal K. Şener B. Aslan S. Thomas OP. Spíchal L. de Matos ATS. cultivated in mist bioreactor Sykłowska-Baranek K. Silva DHS. Danzl B. Phrompittayarat W. Piel J. Lopes NP. Ung AT. Increasing chemical diversity through biotransformation of terpenoids by fungi Arakawa NS. Park SU PG58. Pyne SG. Petersen M PG59. Biotransformation of lupeol by Penicillium roqueforti Severiano ME. Webb V PG46. Voller J. Federolf K. Nguyen TA. Use development of functional materials in the leaves of Perilla frutescens (L. Pyne SG . Sastraruji T PG60. genistein and kaempferol from Saccharomyces cerevisiae Trantas Em. Ambrósio SR. Fuhrmann HG. PG84. Target fishing for constituents from Ruta graveolens using a virtual parallel screening approach Rollinger JM. Kayagi K. Jiménez IA. Wang SY PG51. Lopes AA. Pauletti PM. Regasini LO. Secondary compound production in root cultures of Stemona curtisii Hook. Gogilashvili L. Structure-Activity relationship of sesquiterpenes dihydro-β-agarofuran as chemopreventive agents Perestelo NR.) with Agrobacterium rhizogenes Kim YK. Characterization and detection of major micromolecular constituents from species of Brazilian Cerrado and Atlantic rainforest using in silico and hyphenated techniques Castro-Gamboa I. Anti-senescence effect of naturally occurring cytokinins and their 6. Crotti AEM. Suthar S. Merlani M. Turatti ICC. Dheeranupattana S. Ag+ -induced silymarin production in cell suspension culture of Silybum marianum L. Production of shikonin derivatives in transgenic roots of Lithospermum canescens (Michx. Herrera Y. by Aspergillus niger Esmaeili A . Boland W. Radurner S. Jatisatienr A. Effects of methyl jasmonate on alkaloid production in callus culture of Stemona curtisii Hook. Göransson U PG43. Cloning and characterization of pinene synthase from Chamaecyparis formosensis Matsum Chu FH. Antonucci GA. Effects of calcium and W-7 on flavonoid accumulation in cell cultures of Hypericum androsaemum L. Torres LMB. Mulkijanyan K. f. Young MCM. Suzuki S. Himmelszelt Hemmati S. Aizawa R. Gaertn Ashtiani SR . Lopes EMC. Mohagheghzade A. Ivanov I. Bolzani VS. Said S. de Oliveira A. Jeziorek M 76 PG53. Papadopoulos K. Developmental expression of gene transcripts involved in ginsenoside biosynthesis in ginseng flower. Christodouleas D PG80. The use of hairy root cultures to screen for bioactive principles in Cichorium intybus Lienert N. Clark RJ. Ortiz A. Mesnard F PG47. Barbakadze V. Paranhos A PG50. Castro-Gamboa I. Pseudojujubogenin glycosides from in vitro regenerated Bacopa monnieri (L. Ververidis F PG64. Genetic transformation of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum M. Padrón JM. Furtado NAJC PG56. Chinou I. Galanthamine production by Leucojum aestivum in vitro shoot cultures Georgiev V. Yannakopoulou E. Da Costa FB PG63. Induction of Pyridine alkaloid formation in transformed root cultures of Nicotiana tabacum Zayed R PG70. Fuss E PG82. Langer T. Gurgui C. Synthesis and folding of the circular cystine knotted cyclotide cycloviolacin O2 Leta Aboye T. acuta Kudo (red perilla) with Japanese dietary pickled plum (Umeboshi) Sawabe A. Fisch KM. Molecular docking studies on the alkaloid (+)buxabenzamidienine from Buxus sempervirens L. Halabalaki M. Stuppner H PG78. Microbial metabolism of kava lactones from Piper methysticum Kim JH. Accumulation of Lignans in in vitro cultures of three Linum species. Schwaiger S. Roscher A. Heterologous biosynthesis of resveratrol. Rogg-Le Claire E. Isoflavonoids production in cell suspension cultures of Pueraria tuberosa grown in shake flasks and bioreactor Goyal S. Craik DJ. Schneider B. Jatisatienr C. Kim SU. Alfermann AW.) Wettst. Sary HG PG81. High –yield production of antifungal saponins using transformed cell suspension cultures of the Mexican species Solanum chrysotrichum Nava E. Bioactive C-geranylated metabolites from Piper crassinervium: biological and biosynthetic studies LIST OF POSTERS López SN. Park SU PG57. with anticholinesterase effect Orhan I. Schmidtke M. Rustaiyan A.LIST OF POSTERS PG42.Bolzani VS. Hamada Y. Arellano J. Teyssié JL. Kato MJ PG85.4dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid. coumarins. Giannis A. Şenol FS. Alkoxyalkyl esters of asiatic acid as asiaticoside mimetics Kim HD. Nance DM Antioxidant activity and principle constituents of Vietnam bitter tea Ilex kudingcha Thuong PT. Schmaljohann R. Mikros E. Barrón-Yánez M. Grape seeds – a waste product as source for antibacterial agents Stecher G. Forino M . Mckee J. Docimo T. Santelia FU. Benzophenones and biflavonoids antioxidants from Rheedia edulis fruits (Clusiaceae) Acuña UM. Synthesis and biological activity evaluation of new spiropyranocoumarins and spiropyranoquinolinones Kostakis IK. Panteleon V. Lin WN. Skaltsounis AL PG93. Lee SC PH15. placebo-controlled clinical studies Amagase H. Stafiej A. Wu YH. Search for natural products as inhibitors of cathepsins L and V Vieira P. Lischner N PH9. The effect of steaming on the free amino acid contents and antioxidant activity of ginseng Cho EJ. Tsiripillou P . PH7. Pailasse M. Lee CH. Toczylowska B. Design and synthesis of some new aminosubstituted benzofurans as potential inhibitors of TNF-α. Kota R. Lessons learned from the optimization of natural product based kinase inhibitors through molecular calculations Myrianthopoulos V. Shin YW.Skaltsounis AL. Yoon JA. Imhoff JF PG90. Marakos P PG100. Cardoso-Taketa A. Saponin content of sprouts from Chenopodium nuttalliae Saff. Leontiadis L. Magiatis P. Fardis M. Bonn GK Principle component analysis of isoflavone content in hybrid soybean genotypes Tepavčević V. Lang G. Park SY. Pastrana L PG110. Cho WJ Topic H: Nutraceuticals/bioactive compounds in food PH1. Effect of synthetic Bastadins and analogues on the activity of ryanodine receptors in cultured cerebellar granule cells Zieminska E. Kennelly EJ PH4. Izaddoost M. Papadopoulou KK PG107. Skaltsounis AL . Hinokinin biosynthesis in Linum corymbulosum Reichenb. Heo HJ. Schneemann I. Cvejić J. Athinaios N. Kazantzis A PG99. Balzarini J PG102. Mohagheghzadeh A. Effect of S fertilization on the glucosinolate content and biosynthesis of Eruca sativa Omirou M. Cucurbita pepo L. Zikos C. Sun B. PH10. Ahn MJ PH16. Fungal enzymes production induced with fucoidan from brown seaweed Laminaria jap__onica Rodriguez-Jasso RM. Lee SC PH14. Teixeira JA. Duric K. Synthetic studies towards Laurenditerpenol. Lazarewicz J PG96. Basile MJ. Karpouzas D. Fernandes J. Fetea F PG103. Grauso L. Brassica napus L. Marine habitats – promising sources of novel microoganisms and new natural products with biotechnological applications Wiese J. Colinas-León T PH2. PH3. Brömme D PG111. Popp M. Abel G. Bae KH. Structure-based identification of ER and ACAT as molecular targets involved in the chemopreventive activity of the citrus auraptene De Medina P. Popović J Garlic extracts protects from genetic damage by hydrogen peroxide and 4-Hydroxy-2-Nonenal in human leukocytes Jeon GI. and Amaranthus leucocarpus S. Sun B. a novel flavonoid triglycoside from Anthyllis hermanniae Paschali A. Pitsinos EN. Lu WC. Bayindir Ü. Pitsinos EN. Marakos P. Ehaliotis C. Lee YJ. Chang WT PG94. Clinical studies of improving general well-being by a standardized Lycium barbarum fruit juice Amagase H. Morel D. Amin GhR. Lougiakis N . Kolokythas G . Total synthesis of Hermannioside A. Mikros E PG91. Epifano F. Genovese S. Ha JL. Cytotoxicity evaluation of some cobalt and copper amino acids complexes using Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture as in vitro model Stanila A. Mayer R. Aguilar CN. Effects of hydroxyl and prenyl groups on oxidative DNA damage inhibition by isoflavones and their HOMO electron density distribution Hanawa F PG105. Synthesis of long chain phosphinic peptides as zinc metalloproteases inhibitors Cheilari M. The production of catalpol using hairy root culture of Rehmannia glutinosa L. Givi E PH13. Jang MH. Wascholowski V 78 PG97. Ahn GH. Kozlowska H. Moutsos VI. Lee H. Villanueva-Verduzco C. Pouli N. Kazantzis A. da Silva MFGF. Pouli N . Ramos-Valdivia AC PG109. Kwon SW. Daniilides K . Şener B Chemical composition of strawberries and blueberries Sofic E. Colonia Silva R. Curini M. Choi SG. Silvente-Poirot S. Leondiadis L. García-Mateos R. Severino R. Braicu C. Dive V. De Tommasi N. Kartal M. Timmermann BN. Cerda-García-Rojas C.N. Thuan ND. Park JH PH12. Leone A PG88. Development of Indonesian medicinal plants: the use of biotechnological approach Elfahmi PG95.LIST OF POSTERS PG86. Katsarou M.M. Porter J. Couladouros EA PG98. Park EH. Enhancing phenylpropanoid secondary metabolites in Nicotiana tabacum and Salvia sclarea by overexpression of a rice myb4 transcription factor. PH8. Kim JW. Heindl H. Dell’Aversano C. Park E Inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor by highbush blueberry fruit (Vaccinium corymbosum v bluecrop) in Eahy 926 and U937 cell lines. 79 . Pouli N . Nance DM PH17. Mitova M. Lee MS. Ranga F. Uzunovic A. Monroy MR. Kim JM. Zampounis A. Quantum mechanical studies of indirubin derived CDK and GSK3b inhibitors Gikas E. double-blind. Muradic S. Oh WK Assessment of antioxidant activities and phenolic contents of some edible plants Orhan I. Cho SH. Novel Scyphostatin analogues: Synthesis and biological evaluation as inhibitors of neutral sphingomyelinase (N-SMase) Pitsinos EN. Lee SW. Villarreal ML LIST OF POSTERS PG108. a novel HIF-1 inhibitor Pitsinos EN. Orozco-Cárdenas ML. Huseinovic S. Medicinal Zingiberaceae in the prevention of menopausal bone loss Wright LE. Howell A Immune modulation by a standardized Lycium barbarum fruit (Goji) juice in randomized. PH5. Chun HS.. Arellano J. Toromanovic J. Marakos P . Kajahn I. Tartaglione L. Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation of Uncaria tomentosa root cultures for monoterpenoid oxindole alkaloid production Garrido-Gutiérrez MI. Andreadou I PG101. Fuss E PG87. Variation in the carotenoid composition during storage and cooking in carrots Lim CJ. Abou-Asaker M.3’-dideoxy-C-nucleosides as potential antiviral agents Tite T. Pitsinos E. Gärtner A. Wuerzner R. Fattorusso E. Nagase H. Alfermann AW. Matziari M. hypochondriacus L. The synthesis of novel 2’. Vourloumis D PG104. Effect of storage humidity on quality of green tea Lee JM. Piao XL. PH6. Chun MS. Nagel K. Jang IC. Delis C. New contrast agents exploiting natural products for targeted magnetic resonance imaging Efthimiadou E. Beischel Frye J.. Der Marderosian A. Couladouros EA. Watson syn. Coraggio I. Poirot M PG89. Funk JL PH11. Stereostructural determination of Oxazinins based on a combination of synthetic and NMR studies Ciminiello P. Yiotakis A PG106. Moutsos VI. Transformed cell suspension cultures of Galphimia glauca producing triterpenes Ortíz A. Mikros E PG92. Katsarou D. Identification and quantitative determination of blood lowering sugar amino acid in Fenugreek Hajimehdipoor H. Sadat-Ebrahimi SE. Meijer L. Antioxidant activities of non-astringent persimmon fruit in different parts Bae MS. Myrianthopoulos V. Halabalaki M. Dimakopoulou A. Ina H.) Lam ) Rosas-Ramírez D. Statistical methods for optimization of xylanase production by solid state fermentation from Aspergillus foetidus mtcc 4898 Sakat SS. Ćeran-Tepavčević V. Inflammatory process and virgin olive oil phenols: modulation of platelet aggregation and LIST OF POSTERS metalloprotease-9 expression in monocytes Dell’Agli M. Rafter JJ. Panagiotou A. Fagnani R. PH35. Neves FAR. Wongcome T. Jones G. wines and vinification byproducts of Greek origin—assessment of their in vitro antioxidant activity Anastasiadi M. Effect of polyphenol rich blueberry extract on cognitive performance of mice. Changes during ripening in the content of the principal bioactive polyphenols in five Greek native Vitis vinifera cultivars Anastasiadi M. Lamari FN PH58. Imamovic A. Toromanovic J. Nance DM PH19. Kupittayanant P. Pestorić M PH53. as a potential source of karahanaenone and other terpenoids. Jug M PH30. Pratsinis H. Kupittayanant P PH27. Antiradical efficiency and aldose reductase inhibitory capacity of Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) fruits’ extracts. Tahirovic I. Deabes MM PH57. Medina E. Sofic E PH46.LIST OF POSTERS PH18. Effects of the pickled fruit and the constituents of the fruit of Prunus mume for relieving tension in man and rats Yamada K. Determination of biologically interesting polyphenols from grapes. Sánchez A M. Stefanova NA PH28. Demopoulos V. Menghini L PH32. Total content of phenols and anthocyanins in fruits from Bosnia Toromanovic J. Chorianopoulos NG. Pop A. Tsatalas P. Mandić A. Haroutounian S 81 . Total polyphenols and phytoestrogens concentration and DPPH-radical scavenging activity in soybean of different origin Malenčić Dj. Theotokatos SA. Khat-Bhet N. Nakamura CV .) arils Jaiswal V.Muell. García A. In vivo antidiabetic activity of Greek propolis and Royal Jelly Dania F. Miyazaki T PH37. Bohlin L PH44. Determination and quantitative analysis of the principal polyphenolic compounds present in stem extracts of native Greek islands grape varieties-assessment of their antioxidant activity in Vitro Anastasiadi M. Munglue P. Lijuan W. Antioxidant capacity of various medicinal plants. Dărmănescu D. Choi YH. PH49. Tahirovic I. Selman S. Ahmad HH. Caruso D. Table olives as a source of natural antimicrobials Romero C. Mandarino JMG. Skaltsounis AL. Matsumoto K. Popović M PH24. Morel D. Timmermann BN. Bazotte RB. Geographical differentiation of saffron according to amino acids and ammonium content del Campo PC. Comparative studies regarding the influence of the esters and the ethanol amides of the fatty acids from extra-virgin Oleum Olivae on the experimental ulcers and on the gastric activity on rat Mihele D. Mišan A. Melliou E. Klimis-Zacas D. The Australian desert shrub Eremophila longifolia (R. placebo-controlled human clinical study Amagase H. Effect of Montepulciano d’Abruzzo red wine and main phenols on mouse skeletal muscle cells Fulle S. Total polyphenols and tannin concentration and DPPH-radical scavenging activity in olive varieties from Montenegro Malenčić Dj. De Castro A. Bosisio E PH39. Cvejić J. Tucker D. Derwińska M. hull and flours Sedej I. Juvekar AR PH56. Effects of noni fruit extract on intestinal contractility in rats Buddhakala N. Mandarino JMG . Quantitation of polyphenolic content and determination of antilisterial activities of grapes and vinification byproducts Anastasiadi M. Amato A. Cortez DAG PH33. Khonsung P. EL –Damaty EM . (Schrophulariaceae). Filho BPD. Kupittayanant S PH26. Rada M. Amra HA. Cocu F PH51. Tsimidou MZ PH54. Valte RD. Cortez DAG PH34. Carmona M. Brenes M PH36. Antioxidative properties of buckwheat grain. Bazelidze N. Smith J. Antibacterial activity of Pleurotus spp. Vegetarian fecal water inhibits COX-2 in colon cancer cells Pettersson J. Verpoorte R. de Fabiani E. Funk JL PH42. Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Probiotic bacteria potentially inhibit aflatoxins production in vitro -Study of their ptotective activity in rats Omara EA. Chinou I. Turmeric reduces cardiovascular disease risk factors in rheumatoid arthritis Frye JB. Haroutounian SA PH20. Popović M PH23. Nychas GJE. Anti-inflammatory activity of the soybean methanolic fraction containing isoflavones Carrara VS. Papaioannou G PH43. Huss U. Karlsson PC. Estefan SF PH55. Lazović B. Kaycsa D. Estrogenic effects of pomegranate extracts in ovariectomized rats Promprom W. Margarity M. Mucoadhesive and antioxidant activity of low-thiosulfinate Allium extracts Zovko M. Cortez LER. Improvement of sleep quality by a standardized Lycium barbarum fruit juice shown in a randomized. Kletsas D. Effects of dietary phytoestrogens on bone markers in senile female rats Manaa F. Haroutounian SA PH21. Dietary supplementation with bilberry extract prevents macular degeneration and cataracts in 80 senescent accelerated OXYS rats Kolosova NG. Indrapichate K. Filho BPD. Skaltsounis AL. Papras A. Pongsamart S PH41. Effect of a soybean methanolic fraction containing isoflavones on beta/delta peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptors (PPAR) da Silva Carrara V. Der Marderosian A. Garde T. Téllez Jaimes MÁ. Samoila C. hexanic extracts Valencia del Toro G. Lijuan W. Melliou E . Effect of drying on anthocyanins and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzyme in pomegranate (Punica granatum L. Pietrangelo T. Kupittayanant S. Kletsas D. Haroutounian SA PH22. Identification of volatile components of Greek distillates (Tsipouro) Lelis K. Moyna G PH25. Exploiting olive leaves for herbal preparations rich in bioactive radical scavengers Papoti VT. Escalante-Sánchez E. Papras A. Sakač M. Durán Páramo E PH45. Theotokatos SA. Magiatis P. Alexiou P. Fursova AZh. Pratsinis H. Rallis M. Alonso GL PH47.Br. double-blind. PeredaMiranda R. The ANTIATERO-ALIM Study: Effects of functional foods with vegetal bioactive ingredients in the metabolic syndrome Dragan S. Epifano F. Galli G. Bersani-Amado CA. Anti-inflammatory activities of new succinic and maleic acid derivatives from the fruiting body of Antordia camphorata Kuo YH PH31. Maschi O. The laxative effect of fresh pulp aqueous extracts of Thai Tamarind cultivars Panthong A. Watson K.) F. Kovac-Besovic E. Socaciu C PH40. Leporini L. Sapcanin A. Uzunovic A. Novel pharmacological approach to medicinal effects of Allium vegetables: The interactions of organosulfur and flavonoid constituents with membrane lipids Tsuchiya H PH50. Kletsas D. Panagiotou A. Cordopatis P. Ursoniu S. Sofic E PH38. fruits and vegetables Sapcanin A. Five novels oligosaccharides from sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L. Naruszewicz M PH48. Garín Aguilar ME. Nada SA. Duric K. Cortez LER. Toromanovic E. Rowayshed GH. Haroutounian SA PH52. Kokkalou E PH29. concominant changes of brain antioxidant markers and acetylcholinesterase Papandreou MA. Effects of Oenothera paradoxa defatted seed extracts on metallopeptidase activity Kiss AK. Nakamura CV. Pratsinis H. Melo JO. Kunanusorn P. Porter J. Pedro LG Biotransformation of menthol and geraniol by hairy root cultures of Anethum graveolens: effect on growth and volatile components Faria JMS. cultivated in different locations of Iran Nazari F. Niketić M Composition of the essential oils of three Hypericum species from Florida Couladis M . Kloucek P. Milenković M. Bozin B Composition of essential oil from Salvia officinalis L. brachysiphon and S. Kukić J. Chalchat JC. Fernandes-Ferreira M Repellent activity of essential oils on Triatoma infestans Vilaseca LA. Melliou E. Maksimović M Composition and antiradical capacity of Achillea grandifolia essential oil from Serbia Pavlović M. Mimica-Dukic N. PI28. from Bosnia Ćavar S. italica Plenk. Mukazayire MJ. Rutayisire J. PI31. Pavlović M. Cañigueral S Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of flowers. Chalchat JC. PI10. Arsic I. PI25. Shahverdi AR. Pitarokili D. Georgiou S. Mihailović V. Wild edible plants of Aegean Coast (Turkey) Durmuşkahya C PH70. Zavareh SH. Tomani JC . Figueiredo AC. Shaabani S. Constantinou Μ . Yousefzadi M. Chantraine JM.Duez P In vivo investigation on antifungal activity of cream with Carlina acanthifolia essential oil Djordjevic S. Kontogiorgis C.subsp. Okusa NP. Nićiforović N. Medjroubi K. Antioxidant and antitumorous properties of in vitro cultivated broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. Vila R. Ahmed SS PI6. Fernandes-Ferreira M Hypericum androsaemum L. PI7. Vidic D. PI23. Couladis M. Kukić J. Papadopoulou KP LIST OF POSTERS PI11. of Iran Nazari F. Mukazayire MJ. Vérité P Organ and season dependent variation of the Hypericum undulatum essential oils composition Guedes AP. PI16.Skaltsounis ΑL PH63. Topic I: Essential oils PI1. Couladis M. Niketić M Menthol and geraniol biotransformation and glycosylation capacity of Levisticum officinale hairy roots Nunes IS. Ballivian C. Hadjipavlou-Litina D. Papadopoulos A . Osbourn A.) Čakar J. Moustakas A. Antioxidant properties of methanolic extracts from peels of different pomegranate varieties cultivated in Pakistan Bhanger MI PH68. Sonboli A. Niketić M Laser trilobum essential oils: composition. Application of chiral GC-MS analysis in the detection of natural products adulteration – The example of Chios mastic gum essential oil Paraschos S. Linares E. Chemical composition of the essential oils of three Mexican oreganos species Rivero I. Parić A. Skaltsounis AL PH61. PI4. PI2. Nychas GJE. Tzakou O Chemical composition and evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of Ocimum lamiifolium and Crassocephalum vitellinum essential oils Mukazayire MJ . Essential oil composition of Cachrys libanotis growing in Algeria (Apiaceae) Bouderdara N. Kazemizadeh Z. Chalchat JC. Barroso JB. Pedro LG Essential oil composition of different parts of Greek Foeniculum vulgare and larvicidal activity of the stem oil Manolakou S. Antioxidant activity of olive leaves extracts from Greek cultivars Kiritsakis K. Couladis M. Effect of γ-irradiation on antioxidant properties of soybean Popović B. Milenković M. Costa J. Triterpenoid biosynthesis in legumes Delis C. Tomani JC. Oleuropein as a bioactive constituent of functional milk and yogurt Zoidou E. Vuković N Cytotoxicity. Pavlović M. PI19. Quantitation of oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol in Greek edible olives Zoidou E. Petrović S. Sadeghi E PH67. Kokoska L. Tzakou O. essential oils: characterization of their variation profiles Guedes AP. Mata R Composition and antifungal activity of the essential oil of the root of Ferula hermonis Al-Ja’fari AH. Maksimovic M PI27. Adamovic A Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oil of Callistemon speciosus (Sims) DC. Stolcova M Pastinaca hirsuta essential oils: composition and antimicrobial activity Petrović S. Figueiredo AC. 82 . PI20. Sonboli A. Kazemizadeh Z. PI29. Magiatis P. Duez P Comparison of essential oils of endemic Satureja visianii Šilić with other Satureja species of Croatia Dunkić V. PI14. Štajner D. Ghiasi S. Trindade H. Stévigny C. Mohamed DA PH65. Trindade H. Duez P Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils of 3 Helichrysum species Kajangwe V. PI30. PI5. Mandić A. Kavroulakis N. PI17. Rustaiyan A. var. Krokida A. Koliopoulos G. Michaelakis A.LIST OF POSTERS PH59. Petrovic S. PI3. Miraghasi F. PI26. sclareopsis. Barroso JB. Milenković M. Tzakou O. Shaabani Sh. Seguin E. Ibañez R Investigation of essential oil of Triumfetta flavescens Hochst growin wild in the egyptian desert Ibrahim ME. Siavelis S. balsamita Ebrahimi SN. PI8. Lakic N. Gromadzka J. Magiatis P PH62. Maksimović M. Djarri L.Skaltsounis AL PH60. Gholson A. Kiritsakis A PH64. Jafari E Chemical constituent of the essential oil and antioxidant activity of various extracts of Anthemis haussknechtii (Asteraceae) from Iran Salehi P. Bajrović K PH69. Magiatis P. Elomri A. verbascifolia growing wild in Iran. Comparison of head-space analysis (HSA) and solidphase microextraction (SPME) for assessment of edible oils oxidation stability. Comparison of antimicrobial properties of essential oils in vapour and liquid phase against foodborne pathogens Nedorostova L. and Coriandrum sativum L. antimicrobial and antiradical properties Petrović S. Ndagijimana A. PI18. Pilarinou E. growing in Rwanda Kajangwe V. Nejad Ebrahimi S Antioxidant activities of Carum carvi L. antimicrobial activity and composition of essential oil from Tanacetum balsamita L. Magiatis Ρ. Tadic V. Lazarou D. Sesamolinol glucoside and other lignans from Sesame seeds with antimutagenic and lipid peroxidation inhibitory activities Grougnet R. Milenkovic M. Mazraati F Antiparasitic activity of carvacrol obtained from Thymus caramanicus Jalas Yazdanyar A . Solujić S. Bogavac M. Apiaceae essential oils Samojlik I. Freixa B.. Loukis A Volatile Constituents of Thymus moesiacus Velen. Wardencki W PH66. Determination of total flavonoid contents in eight Cousinia species Khanavi M. Zangeneh M Volatile constituents of three Salvia species: S. Barami Z. PI13. Duarte G. Attar F. Tzakou O. S. Nikolic A. Mašić S PH71. PI15. Haroutounian SA 83 PI12. Xanthine oxidase inhibition and antioxidant activity of some plant foods Al-Okbi SY. Chemical Constituents of the Headspace and Essential oil of Thymus balcanus Borbàs Vidic D. Vučićević D. leaves and stems of Cotinus coggygria Milošević T. Jamzad M Use of essential oil treatments to control the Listeria monocytogenes growth in various food commodities Chorianopoulos NG. PI24. Ćavar S. PI22. Bye R. Mosaffa N Comparison of chemical composition from Thymus vulgaris L. PI9. Laborie H. Tzakou O. Skandamis PN. Laurent D. Bezić N PI21. Isailovic G. Tomi F. Van Damme P Activities of the essential oil fraction of Artemisia capillaris and its main component. Juniperus brevifolia Lima AS. vulgarone B against antibiotic-resistant pathogenic bacteria Chung EY. Monteiro P. Rodríguez-Herrera R. PI50. PI63. and standardization of plant raw material and homoeopathic mother tincture on its basis Obolskiy DM. Cioanca O. PK7. Fokialakis N Chemical analysis of high quality rose oil. Rosselli S. Goren AC The chemical composition and antibacterial activity of the volatile oil from Micromeria rupestris L. Mercury as an important contaminant of environment and its occurrence in the blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) in Sovakia Kimáková T. Veres K. Vloutoglou I.Kermanshahi R . sage. Skandamis PN. PI53. Pedro LG. 1753) from the Pannonian plain Malenčić Dj. Lima MEL. Argyropoulou C. Gulpinar AR. Ucan US. Atalay T In situ volatile organic compound analyses to provide a new dimension to the evaluation of host plant specificity of prospective biological control agents Beck JJ. PI51. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil from Bidens segetum Mart. PI47. Sun Q. Cordeiro I. Solujić. PK3. Djebil K. Kadoglidou K. Skaltsa H Volatile composition of three Trifolium species Sabudak T. Adams A. Kasra. PI33. Lee SC Transformations of Mentha spicata essential oil in the soil environment Karamanoli K. Pedro LG Chemodiversity studies on Mentha cervina L. Moreno PRH. Aslan S. Birkemeyer C. Souza A. PI52. Romano A Effect of drying conditions on antioxidant activities and volatile compounds of chrysanthemum Seo HK. PI37. Monteiro A Isolation of essential oils of Allium ursinum L from Bosnia Copra-Janicijevic A. Nychas GJE. Magiatis P. Papapetropoulos A. Roussos C. Nascimento AL. PI59. Rusch C. Mosquito repellents from essential oils and crude extracts of plants of French Polynesia Adam F. Shin S Antimalarial effect of essential volatile oils from Nigerian medicinal plants on Plasmodium yoelii nigeriensis (in-vivo) and Plasmodiun falciparum (in-vitro). PK4. Teixeira G. Neamati H Antimicrobial activity of Santolina chamaecyparissus L. Achour Z. Straubinger RK Influence of soil nitrogen level and plant spacing on essential oil content and composition of German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) Rafieiolhossaini M . flowers and fruits. PI42. Senatore F PI44. Bettiga J Activity of a microencapsulated mixture of constituents of essential oils against grey mould and powdery mildew in grapes and vegetables Markellou E. Yang N. Aprotosoaie C. Sofic E PI43. and evaluation of synergism between plant extract and preservatives Dragana S. Mavroeidi VI. Póvoa O. Barroso JB. PI38. Hadjbourega G. hyssop and mint essential oils Bäcks H. De Kimpe N. PI36. Bae SM. López-Vallejo F. Kartal M. PI 64. Lee JY. Bernasovská K In vitro antibacterial activity of Antennaria dioica L. Zhang S. Giaouris ED. Blana V. Yang R. Melliou E. populations from Portugal Rodrigues L. Chemical composition of essential oil of Nepeta nuda L. Kalamarakis A. Hasanzadeh khayyat M. PI39. Sapcanin A. Cardoso-Lopes EM. Azizi M Chemical composition and acetylcholinesterase inhibition of volatile oils from Marlierea racemosa (Vell. Kasapidis G. Young MCM. Mojarrad M PI 68. Yu J 85 PI40. Higbee BS. Trindade H. Tananaki C. Nutt. Boža P Variation in the yield and composition of essential oils in German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) according to flower development stage Rafieiolhossaini M . Kokkalou E Molecular characterization and analysis of the volatile oils of two endemic Portuguese species: Angelica lignescens and Melanoselinum decipiens Mendes MD. Ucan U. Nepeta pannonica L. PI54. Kan R Antimicrobial activity and composition of essential oils of Mentha spicata cultivated under organic farming conditions in Turkey Kartal M. against Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto (Bbss) in vitro Rauwald HW. Apostolides Arnold N.Sukdolak S Conformational analysis of Hyptolide by DFT molecular modeling calculations and theoretical versus experimental NMR coupling constants analysis Mendoza-Espinoza JA. Čomic L. Young MCM Antimicrobial activity of dragonhead. Merrill GB A seasonal study of volatile production of Prunus dulcis. Hutschenreuther A. PI58. Topic K: Other related topics PK1. Stanescu U PI46. Gee WS. Nychas GJ PI 66. Van Damme P Inhibitory effect of essential oils from Lavandula viridis and Eucalyptus globulus on acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase enzymes Gonçalves S. Sokolskaya TA. Smith L. Vahirua-Lechat I Analysis of volatile oil from Nepeta glomerata Montbret et Aucher ex Bentham from Lebanon Piozzi F. PI57.S. Stefanović O. De Kimpe N. Karioti A. Antibacterial coactions between Lavandulae aetheroleum and selected antibiotics Hancianu M. Merrill GB. Muradic S. Establishment of the micronucleus assay in the human hepatoma cell line HepG2 to identify genotoxic natural products Nitzsche D. Souza A. Figueiredo AC.) KiaersK. PI60. 84 . Iwalewa EO . Comte G PI 67. rose water and rose vinegar from Greece using enantiomeric gas chromatography-mass spectrometry Magiatis P. Bertrand C. Paraschos S. Aguilar CN. PI41. Vandishev VV Disinfectant test in biofilms: natural against chemical sanitizers Chorianopoulos NG. Lee YH. Nonpareil cultivar Beck JJ. Jasso-Cantu D. Fontinha SS Molecular polymorphism and volatile oil composition of the endemic Azorean species. Moreno PRH Analysis of the volatile constituents of Cornus mas (Cornaceae) fruits. Skaltsounis AL PI56. Costa MM. Constantinidou HIA. Nneji CM Synergistic antibacterial activity of Bunium persicum and Cuminum cyminum essential oils Oroojalian F. PI34. Antimicrobial activity and composition of the essential oils of Echinacea species cultivated under organic farming conditions in Turkey Kan Y. (Lamiaceae) Hasan Agha MI. Skaltsounis AL. volatile oil Djeddi S. Silva MC. Kan Y. 1753 (Syn. Khaiat A LIST OF POSTERS PI55. PI62. chia suppresses metastasis of mouse B16 melanoma cells Magkouta S. Deslandes E. Máthé I. Gbolade AA. Ex Colla leaves. PK6. Mastic oil from Pistacia lentiscus var. Adams A. Barroso JG. (Myrtaceae) collected in two different areas of the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest. Rigano D. Skaltsa H Chemical composition of the essential oil of the Greek endemic species Marrubium thessalum (Lamiaceae) Argyropoulou C. Sobral MEG. Euphorbia antysyphilitica wax extraction and study of its application as edible nutraceutical film on avocados to improve their shelf life quality Saucedo-Pompa S.LIST OF POSTERS PI32. Moldão M. Skaltsounis AL A comparative qualitative and quantitative analysis of the essential oils of 159 cultivated aromatic plant samples of seven different species from six areas of Northern Greece Paraschos S. Vokou D The effects of different level of nitrogen and plant density on flower yield and essential oils content of two improved chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) cultivars: “Bodegold” and “Germania” Rahmati M. Pereda-Miranda R An assessment of nrITS sequence for use in barcoding traditional Chinese medicinal herbs Guo H. PI48. Gille E. oregano. Tsatalas P. Argyri A. Haroutounian SA PK5. Toromanovic J. PK8. PK2. Sáenz-Galindo A. Ademowo OG. Figueiredo AC. Spanakis M. Formisano C. PI45. Myrica gale fruit essential oil: Chemical composition and antifungal activity for a conservative use Popovici J. Kolisis FN. PI61. PI35. Tahirovic I. Holm Y Growth inhibiting activity of volatile terpenoids from Cistus creticus L. Trindade H. Thrasyvoulou A. Huseinovic S. Omisore NO. Chung HS. PI49. Melzig MF Phytochemical and pharmacognostical study of Cimicifuga racemosa L. Figueiredo AC. Menut C. Gholipour A. Tuchilus C. Cerda-García-Rojas CM. Potential use of essential oils for beef preservation Doulgeraki A. Loutrari H PI 65. Biological activity and composition of the essential oil of Nepeta menthoides from Iran Sonboli A. Poiata A. Azizi M. Bernier U. Suh YG. Mateos G. Pachpor MP. Characterization of the mechanical. mercury) from human blood and urine by Cystus-Sud (Cistus incanus ssp. Siegers CP PK22. Valte RD. Asensio F. Study of the effect of hormones. Choi MY. Hamman JH. Siegers CP PK21. Yapabandara YMHB. Viljoen AM PK31. The challenges of high quality to supply the demands of the US mass-market Pontiakos G PK20. Johannisson R. Omidi M. Redondo A. Production of polyclonal antibodies against dioscin Phrompittayarat W. (Black pepper) Dharmadasa RM. Natural coumarins and PLS analysis for antibacterial activity using VolSurf descriptors Koukoulitsa C. Oh SE. Robles A. Sclerotia of the plant pathogen Rhizoctonia solani Kühn as a new source of bioactive compounds Aliferis KA. pH and temperature on “shiitake” mycelium growth on solid and liquid culture conditions Azizi M. Putalun W Prieto P. Bovet L. Nayak SH PK23. Lu Z. Drug absorption enhancing properties of Aloe vera across intestinal epithelial cells Chen W. Green synthesis of gold nanoparticles using Camellia sinensis ethanol extract Shahverdi AR . Kim J PK24. Abd El-Hamid SR PK35. chemical and thermal properties of antimicrobial (AM) starch-based films Eraricar S. Panderi I PK33. Bhusawang P PK11. Hamman JH PK30. Tormo JR. Ko BS. toxicity study. Ida Idayu M.LIST OF POSTERS PK9. Banoee M. Tsantili-Kakoulidou A. tauricus) Ali SFA. Selective and rapid liquid chromatography/ positiveion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry method for the quantification of methotrexate. Mavromoustakos T. Effect of matrix pretreatment on microwave assisted extraction of curcumin as an alternative to conventional solid liquid extraction Mandal V. Margeli A. Träder JM. In vitro propagation of Piper nigrum L. Chinou I PK32. Patil VR. The effect of simulated gastrointestinal conditions on the antimicrobial activity and chemical stability of extracts of two indigenous South African plants Vermaak I. Hettiarachchi PL PK26. Ingkaninan K. Fermentative production of glucose oxidase from Aspergillus niger NCIM 545 Sakat SS. Chawengrattanachot W PK15. Maity S. Farsee M PK27. Evaluation effect of media formulation. Arsenic test kit in medicinal plant products Leuprasert L. Peyghambari SA PK16. Ramos P. antioxidant and anticancer activities of essential oil of Citrus sinensis fruit peels grown under Egyptian condition Youssef AA. Release of heavy metals (cadmium. Measurement of thiocyanate and COHb in the human blood as a function of smoke Ali SFA. Dewanjee S. Okra Gum: A novel natural film forming polymer Gulkari VD. Juvekar AR PK14. Kim ST. A systems biology approach to develop assay systems for maturity-onset diabetes of the young Han K. Razeghee L . Ross J PK19. Lee EK PK29. Akhavani A PK28. Lee JW. Rösti S. Identification of genes involved in trichome specific metabolism in Nicotiana tabacum Goepfert S. Vuorela P PK12. 86 . DNA sequence and chemical assessment of Thai tamarind cultivars with laxative activity Pongsamart S. Nozieana K PK17. Ivanov N. Viljoen AM. Chemical composition. Mandal SC PK10. Lee MY PK13. Khanthapok P. Kang H. Lee WY. Sukrong S. medium and explant on the callugenesis of Foeniculum vulgare Mill Sarkheil P. Vollbrandt T. Jabaji S PK18. Permeability studies of coumarins with new accelerated Caco-2 cell model Galkin A. García JB. folinic acid and folic acid in human serum Koufopantelis P. Traditional remedies validation in scientific frame Devi V PK34. Peláez F PK25. Automated Cherry Picking Process of natural products extracts by using remote data on a robotic platform Tabanera N. Induction of nutritive corms through in vitro culture of Gastrodia elata immature tubers Ahn JK. Ryuk JA. Georgakakou S. Genetic diversity of Peucedanum japonicum using Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) sequence Kim YH. 88 89 . Leandros Skaltsounis Laboratory of Pharmacognosy Faculty of Pharmacy Panepistimiopolis Zografou Athens 15771. NUTRACEUTICAL.gr For other information.A.2008athens. please contact AFEA Travel & Tourism S.afea.gr e-mail: afea.jointmeeting. Greece e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTS WITH PHARMACEUTICAL. Tel.gr . (+30) 210 3668852 Fax: (+30) 210 3643511 web: www. COSMETIC AND AGROCHEMICAL INTEREST All correspondence concerning scientific items should be addressed to: [email protected] www.
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