
March 29, 2018 | Author: Sravan Yadav | Category: Nutrition, Low Birth Weight, Pregnancy, Prenatal Development, Infants



RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES4th ‘T’ BLOCK, JAYANAGAR, BANGALORE – 560 041. KARNATAKA STATE PROFORMA FOR REGISTRATION OF SUBJECT FOR DISSERTATION Submitted by Mrs. ALICE SOPHIA. B I Year M.Sc. (Nursing) VIVEKANANDA COLLEGE OF NURSING 02.Sc (N) STUDENT. NAME OF THE INSTITUTION 03.2008 05.11.T. B I M. CHITRADURGA – 577 501.VIVEKANANDA COLLEGE OF NURSING B.L. ALICE SOPHIA.O. VIVEKANANDA COLLEGE OF NURSING. GOWDA LAYOUT.SC NURSING 1ST YEAR OBG NURSING 04. KARNATAKA RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES BANGALORE. KARNATAKA PROFORMA FOR REGISTRATION OF SUBJECT FOR DISSERTATION 01 NAME OF THE CANDIDATE AND ADDRESS MRS. NEAR R. BASAPPA MULTI SPECIALITY HOSPITAL. TITLE OF THE STUDY ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF . CHITRADURGA. OFFICE. COURSE OF THE STUDY AND SUBJECT M. DATE OF ADMISSION TO COURSE 26. HEALTH EDUCTION ON KNOWLEDGE OF ANTENATAL DIET OF ANTENATAL MOTHERS ATTENDING ANTENATAL CLINIC IN A SELECTED HOSPITAL. CHITRADURGA . BRIEF RESUME OF THE INTENDED WORK INTRODUCTION:“Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it outside” -Mark Twain A man must eat to live and what he eats will affect his ability to keep well.6.2 Adequate nutrition during pregnancy is important to enable to fetus to grow and develop physically and mentally to full potential. and further influences heath during childhood and adulthood with possible effects into next generation. It is widely believed that fetal nutrition plays a key role is the well-being of the newborn. The food people consume governs the ways they respond to different patterns of eating. development and the child’s health is its early and adult life. The improvement of nutrition and health is a major aim of the American special supplemental food programs for women. Infant. nutrition education and . They are as integral part of a person’s life generally developed is childhood and particularly during pregnancy.1 A balance diet that results in appropriate weight gain during pregnancy.4 There is some evidence that intervention studies of dietary advice given during pregnancy are effective. The quality of nutrition during preparing is important and food intake in the first trimester should include balanced portions of essential nutrients with emphasis to quality.3 Material nutrition before and during pregnancy may influence the course of the pregnancy. infants and children which is directed at low – income nutritionally-at risk payment women and preschool children and provides supplemental food. fetal growth and pregnancy demand additional nutrients. generally supplies the required vitamins and minerals needed for pregnancy. Poor nutrition during pregnancy can cause low birth weight is infants and decreased chances of survival. Personal exposure of the investigator while working with antennal mothers at clinical postings as a staff nurse was that women try to eat very less so that they will deliver a very small baby to make delivery easier. Hence women have responsibility for the nurture of the growing baby. knowledge an antenatal diet will help the mother to achieve her ultimate objective HEALTHY MOTHER AND HEALTHY BABY. For many women. It is said that consumers of antenatal care seem to welcome advice above diet. nurses are the first trained staff to inform. Keeping all these views in mind. 6.1 NEED FOR THE STUDY According to the National Academy of Science report entitled “Maternal Nutrition and the course of pregnancy”.coordination of health case So during recent years. but we as a society also have a responsibility to support women’s access to a healthy diet. advice or reenforce health messages about nutrition and other life style considerations at this first antenatal visit. Investigator feels that if mothers had adequate knowledge. antenatal clit by giving health education. many nutrition programs have been started and are implemented so that women will get a sound knowledge regarding their food and apply it is practice. the above complications can be presented. the most important environmental factors diet during pregnancy.2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE A literature review is important for developing a broad conceptual context into which a research problem will fit reviews of literature helps the investigator to . the researcher has decided to conduct a study to create an awareness among the antenatal mothers residing. 6. 2. Studies related to effect of health education on antenatal diet. The women did not eat the recommended number of servings of meat (45%) milk (53%) vegetables (62%) fruits (65%) or bread (52%) hence it was concluded that in some women diet may need to be modified during pregnancy as the importance of nutrition during the child bearing years extends to the well being of the infant in the first years of lift5 2) Adequate nutrition during pregnancy reduces the risk of some antenatal complications. 3. increases the likelihood that the new born will gain optional birth weight. KNOWLEDGE OF MOTHERS ABOUT ANTENATAL DIET 1) A comparative study was reported that the woman’s diet (without supplements) was insufficient in energy and all nutrients except fat. location.develop deeper insight into the problem and gain information on the problem and an what has been done before it involves the systematic identification. Mothers with nutritional deficiencies before and during pregnancy are more likely to experience certain complications like pregnancy-induced hypertension. compared with the Indian recommendations aggravating low intakes of micronutrients were found . IMPORTANCE OF NUTRITION IN PREGNANCY 1) A study was conducted in nutritional knowledge and dietary inflate. anemia and increased prenatal morbidity and mortality due to low birth weight and improper development of cited that the infant’s brain development can be arrested if it is malnourished in the early weeks of life as cited by May and Mahlneister. It consists of 3 aspects. helps normal growth of tissues of the newborn. Studies related to importance of antenatal diet. indicates that many women had inadequate general nutritional knowledge and their dietary intake did not meet all the nutritional requirements of pregnancy. scrutiny and summary of the written material that contains information an a research problem (Polit and Hungler 1995). 1. Studies related to knowledge of mothers about antenatal diet. pregnancy and folk dietetics seen to have negative effect. non affording 39%. fruits. family type. The study concluded that women’s nutritional status is likely to be improved when nutrition health education is given to them. The study revealed that the proportion of low birth weight deliveries decreased in mothers receiving adequate nutrition. 20th week and 26 weeks of gestation too revealed that fats. The diet survey conducted at both.72% and no visits 25. A sample of 615 mothers was selected.which were reflected in low intake of foods other than rice. the intake of Vitamin A. . protein.6 2) A study was conducted on fetal growth in association with antenatal care in a rural area in Haryana. their health awareness is also better. Hence it was concluded that higher nutrition knowledge level of mother results in better practice. Factors responsible for not using food supplements n=100.8 2. milk and milk products. mothers who were regular for antenatal checkups the percentage of low birth weight babies was 13.26%. do not like to eat 36%.7 EFFECT OF HEALTH EDUCATION ON ANTENATAL DIET 1) A study was conducted on the impact of nutrition education on food and nutrient intake of 66 pregnant women in Ludhiana. and vegetables and some nutritional practices like eating good eating good nutrition’s foods. oils. thiamine.2% the study concluded that antenatal clinic regularly are more likely to have better nutritional status. No concept 21%. A study was conducted on the prevalence of antenatal care and awareness of food supplements during pregnancy in antenatal mothers. those with irregular antenatal checkups had 25. jaggery and sugar was less when compared with recommended dietary allowances. folic acid and vitamin C are higher than the control group due to the higher than the consumption of pulses. The study concluded that eating customs and economy appeared to influence the women’s food choice negatively in relation to recommendations while factors such as education level. The study identified that in experimental group. It was reported 56% was prevalence of antenatal care. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM A study to assess the effectiveness of health education on knowledge regarding antenatal diet among antenatal mothers attending antenatal OPD in selected hospital. . comments and observation. To prepare and implement of Health education regarding antenatal diet among antenatal mothers. To determine the effectiveness of health education regarding antenatal diet by post test.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY 1. self completion questionnaire. diaries. The methods used to collect the data in the various studies were semi structured. To assess the level of knowledge of the antenatal mothers regarding antenatal diet. In such the literature review helped the investigator to become aware of various methodologies used in studies pertaining to antenatal diet. Those mothers who lacked understanding should be provided with health education on the benefits of antenatal diet during pregnancy. 6. 2.Nausea and vomiting 4% results emphasized the need for antenatal checkup and dietary advice during pregnancy and lactation the study concluded that only 50% women utilized antenatal care and they were more knowledgeable. Chitradurga.9 SUMMARY Thus from the review of literature it is seen that diet prays an important role in maintaining the health of the mother and baby. 3. Inter view schedules. 8 ASSUMPTIONS The study assumes that . Health Education Planned health education to antenatal mothers related to antenatal diet. scores.5 OPERATIONAL DEFINITION Knowledge In this study knowledge refers to the level of understanding of mothers regarding antenatal diet as measured by the correct responses of the women of the knowledge items of questionnaires. 6. To find out the association between the post test level of knowledge and socio demographic variables among antenatal mothers. 6. 6. Effectiveness Impact created by health education. Antenatal Diet Refers to the food items taken by the woman during pregnancy.4. 2. Antenatal Mothers Refers to a pregnant mother who is prime gravid or multi gravid and attending to antenatal clinic at or after 12 weeks gestation is selected hospital Chitradurga.4 HYPOTHESIS 1. There is a significant association between post test level of knowledge There is a significant difference between pre and post test knowledge and selected socio demographic variables among antenatal mothers. 1 RESEARCH DESIGN One group pre and post test design.2. 2) Those who speak Kannada and English language.2. or above 12 weeks of gestation and are attending antenatal clinic at district hospital. 2) Positive attitude of mothers regarding antenatal diet leads to better practice.2.2.4 POPULATION All the primi and multigravida women between age group of 20-35 years and are at. MATERIALS AND METHODS 7.2 TYPE OF STUDY Pre experimental design 7. Chitradurga.1 SOURCE OF DATA Antenatal mothers who are attending the antenatal OPD in the selected hospital Chitradurga. . 6. 7. 7.3 SETTING OF THE STUDY Study is conducted in antenatal OPD in selected hospital because of the availability of the sample.9 DELIMITATION 1) The study is limited to antenatal mothers attending to antenatal clinic in District Hospital. 7.2 METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION 7. 7.1) Better knowledge of mothers regarding antenatal diet leads to good practice. 8 INCLUSION AND EXCLUSION CRITERIA INCLUSION CRITERIA 1) All the primi and multigravida women between the age group of 20-35 years who are attending antenatal OPD.6 SAMPLING TECHNIQUE Non probability convenient sampling. 7.2. 2) Gestational age at or above 12 weeks 3) Mothers who can understand Kannada and English 4) Those who are willing to participate in the study EXCLUSION CRITERIA 1) Those who are not willing to participate 2) Those who are not co-operative. INSTRUMENTS .2.2. 7. 7.9 FOLLOW UP Follow up will be carried out 09 days after the post test.7 SAMPLE SIZE 50 samples 7. 7. DEPENDENT VARIABLE Knowledge on antenatal diet.10 DURATION OF THE STUDY 6 weeks 7.5 VARIABLES INDEPENDENT VARIABLE Health Education.2.2. investigation is to be conducted to assess the knowledge and intervention to be done to improve the knowledge. type of family. area of residence (rural and urban). 7. income. educational status. Part B . 7.12 DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE Data collection period will be one month written permission will be obtained from ethical committee at Head of the Department before the time of data collection.4 HAVE ETHICAL CLEARANCE FROM YOUR INSTITUTION Will be obtained . 7.2. occupation.3 DOES THE STUDY REQUIRE ANY INVESTIGATION OR INTERVENTION TO BE CONDUCTED ON PATIENTS OR OTHER HUMANS OR ANIMALS Yes.13 PLAN FOR STATISTCIAL ANALYSIS Suitable statistical techniques will be adopted to analyses and interpret the results.Part A – Age.2.Structured interview schedule. 7. Religion. 32-36. 2002. (4 Screens). 7) Badole.M. 5. 2005. . 1992. British Medical Journal 1991. Barker DJP. Journal of obstetrics and Gynecology of India.org. 303.. Food Nutrition and diet therapy. Stylus.8.rmj. Foetal growth association with maternal intake.P. Sylvia Escott.Stump. Osmond C. P.pk/rmj-jul-dec-2006/original articles/ prevalence%20of% 20ante. Agarwal. Perry AG. 3) Hales CN. P. Available from URL http://www. 4) Mohammed Zubair. COxLJ. 27: 171-177. Fundamentals of Nursing.183-187. use of food supplements during pregnancy and lactation. Philadelphia.CM. The American Journal of maternal and child nursing. 2006 Dec. 5) Eileen R. Fetal and infant growth and impaired glucose tolerance at age 64. Hemoglobin and antenatal care in rural area. Saunders. LIST OF REFERENCES 1) Potter.NK. Public health nutrition 131-137 URL http://www.. 42(1). 2) Kathleen Mahan.com/antenataldiet -Study.google. Clark PMS. Mosby.1282-1291.Fowlers. 6) Anderson CT. 2004. 1019-1022. Prevalence of antenatal care. FallC.Journal Search 2003. Tyagi. Chawla.3 Co-Guide (IF ANY) . 9. Name & Designation of (In Block Letters) 1. Indian journal of maternal and child health 1996 7(i) : 10-15.8) Puri. 9) Malik Muhammed Adil.2 Signature 11. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association 2006. DEC 31:2. Paramjit. Impact of nutrition education an food and nutrient intake of pregnant women.Leena Madhura.K. Remarks of the Guide 11. Mrs. Signature of the Candidate 10.N Guide 11.R. Ali Yawar Alan Akhtar Ali Quereshi. 1 Remarks of the Chairman & Principal 12.5 Head of the Department 1.2 Signature . 12.11. Signature 12.4 Signature 11.
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