04. Engg Des

March 23, 2018 | Author: Trigger Dinesh | Category: Fracture Mechanics, Mathematical Optimization, Fracture, Composite Material, Stress (Mechanics)



ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI AFFILIATED INSTITUTIONS REGULATIONS - 2013 M.E.ENGINEERING DESIGN I - IV SEMESTERS (FULL TIME) CURRICULUM AND SYLLABUS 408 THEORY Course Code MA7169 ED7101 ED7102 ED7103 ED7104 M.E. Engineering Design SEMESTER I Course Title Advanced Numerical Methods Advanced Mechanics of Materials Computer Applications in Design Quality Concepts in Design Vibration Analysis and Control Elective I L 3 3 3 3 3 3 T 1 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 2 0 2 0 C 4 3 4 3 4 3 PRACTICAL Course Code ED7111 CAD Laboratory Course Title Total SEMESTER II L 0 18 T 0 1 P 2 6 C 1 22 THEORY Course Code ED7201 ED7202 ED7203 ED7204 Course Title Finite Element Methods in Mechanical Design Mechanisms Design and Simulation Mechanical Behavior of Materials Integrated Mechanical Design Elective II Elective III L 3 3 3 3 3 3 T 1 0 0 1 0 0 P 0 2 0 0 0 0 C 4 4 3 4 3 3 PRACTICAL Course Code ED7211 Analysis and Simulation Laboratory ED7212 Design Project Course Title Total SEMESTER III THEORY Course Code Elective IV Elective V Elective VI PRACTICAL Course Code ED7311 Project Work (Phase I) Course Title L 0 0 18 T 0 0 2 P 2 3 7 C 1 2 24 L 3 3 3 T 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 Course Title Total SEMESTER IV L 0 9 T 0 0 P 12 12 C 6 15 PRACTICAL Course Code ED7411 Project Work (Phase II) Course Title Total L 0 0 T 0 0 P 24 24 C 12 12 TOAL NO OF CREDITS 73 ELECTIVES 408 M.E. Engineering Design SEMESTER I Course Code ED7001 ED7002 ED7003 ED7004 ED7005 Course Title Optimization Techniques in Design Engineering Fracture Mechanics Composite Materials and Mechanics Design of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems Design of Material Handling Equipments Total SEMESTER II Course Code ED7006 ED7007 CC7201 ED7008 ED7009 Course Title Plates and Shells Modal Analysis of Mechanical Systems Design for Manufacture Assembly and Environments Advanced Metal Forming Techniques Design of Pressure Vessel and Piping Total SEMESTER III Course Code IC7072 ED7010 ED7011 ED7012 ED7013 Course Title Computational Fluid Dynamics Tribology in Design Bearing Design and Rotor Dynamics Surface Engineering Advanced Finite Element Analysis Total L 3 3 3 3 3 15 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3 3 15 L 3 3 3 3 3 15 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3 3 15 L 3 3 3 3 3 15 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3 3 15 TOAL NO OF CREDITS 45 W... 2010. orthogonal collocation with finite element method. orthogonal collocation method. numerical stability analysis. Leibmann’s iterative methods. Galerkin finite element method. UNIT I ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS (9+3) Systems of linear equations: Gauss Elimination method.orthogonal collocation method.K.Systems of nonlinear equations: Fixed point iterations. “Numerical solution of partial differential equations". shooting method. 5. Morton K.D. Galerkin finite element method. numerical stability. this will also serve as a precursor for future research. Cengage Learning. method of lines – Wave equation: Explicit scheme-Stability of above schemes. Iyengar S. Newton Method.. Dirichlet and Neumann conditions – Laplace equation in polar coordinates: finite difference schemes – approximation of derivatives near a curved boundary while using a square mesh. Saumyen Guha and Rajesh Srivastava. 3. R.Dirichlet and Neumann conditions – Two dimensional parabolic equations – ADI method. different explicit and implicit methods. and Mayers D. SOR iteration methods . 2009 4.. 1 . inverse power method. weighted average approximation . 1993. and Faires.L. Adams-Bashforth multistep method. UNIT V FINITE ELEMENT METHOD (9+3) Partial differential equations – Finite element method . BVP: Finite difference method.F. “Numerical methods for Engineering and Science”. New Age Publishers. First order hyperbolic equations – method of characteristics. Faddeev – Leverrier Method. “Numerical Methods for Engineers”. UNIT III FINITE DIFFERENCE METHOD FOR TIME DEPENDENT PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION (9+3) Parabolic equations: explicit and implicit finite difference methods. J.. Gauss Seidel. OUTCOME:  It helps the students to get familiarized with the numerical methods which are necessary to solve numerically the problems that arise in engineering.MA7169 ADVANCED NUMERICAL METHODS L T P C 3 1 0 4 OBJECTIVE:  To impart knowledge on numerical methods that will come in handy to solve numerically the problems that arise in engineering and technology. India Edition. Gupta S. UNIT II ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (9+3) Runge Kutta Methods for system of IVPs. B. New Delhi. Thomas algorithm for tridiagonal system – Jacobi. K. Jain . pivoting techniques. Kanchi M. Eigenvalue problems: power method. orthogonal collocation with finite element method. “Computational Methods for Partial Differential Equations”. “Numerical Analysis – Theory and Applications”. New Age Publishers. New Delhi. 2002. R.. TOTAL: 60 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. 2. Jain M. 1995. UNIT IV FINITE DIFFERENCE METHODS FOR ELLIPTIC EQUATIONS (9+3) Laplace and Poisson’s equations in a rectangular region: Five point finite difference schemes. Cambridge University press.. Oxford Higher Education. solution of stiff ODEs. Burden. Cambridge. . 2002. Ltd. “Advanced Mechanics of solids”. UNIT II SHEAR CENTER AND UNSYMMETRICAL BENDING 10 Location of shear center for various thin sections . Methods of computing contact stressdeflection of bodies in point and line contact applications. Solution of rectangular plates – pure bending of plates – deflection – uniformly distributed load – various end conditions UNIT IV TORSION OF NON-CIRCULAR SECTIONS 7 Torsion of rectangular cross section .. UNIT III STRESSES IN FLAT PLATES AND CURVED MEMBERS 10 Circumference and radial stresses – deflections . Ane Books Pvt. 2 . medicine. Srinath. UNIT I ELASTICITY 9 Stress-Strain relations and general equations of elasticity in Cartesian. Warren C. 2010 7. 1992. “Theory of Isotropic/Orthotropic Elasticity”. 3. Robert D. Tata McGraw Hill. 4.St. Energy methods.curved beam with restrained ends . 5. etc. Stresses and Deflections in beams subjected to unsymmetrical loading-kern of a section. Schmidt. Allan F. UNIT V STRESSES IN ROTATING MEMBERS AND CONTACT STRESSES 9 Radial and tangential stresses in solid disc and ring of uniform thickness and varying thickness allowable speeds.S.K. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Mc-millan pub. “Advanced mechanics of materials”.John Wiley.chain links and crane hooks. 2009 ED7102 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN DESIGN L T P C 3 0 2 4 OBJECTIVES:  To impart knowledge on computer graphics which are used routinely in diverse areas as science.. G H Ryder Strength of Materials Macmillan. 2.closed ring subjected to concentrated load and uniform load . OUTCOME:  It helps the students to be familiarized with the stresses under different loading conditions.shear flows. "Advanced Mechanics of Materials".St.Venants theory . CRC press – Special Indian Edition -2012. K. India Ltd. 1985. 2007. Cook.elastic membrane analogy .Airy's stress function. "Theory of Elasticity". Bower. Varadan. Baskar and T. engineering. “Applied Mechanics of Solids”. McGraw Hill.Prandtl's stress function . New Delhi. Venant's principle . Timoshenko and Goodier. L. Arthur P Boresi. Polar and curvilinear coordinates.plane stress . Richard J. differential equations of equilibrium-compatibility-boundary conditions-representation of three-dimensional stress of a tension generalized hook's law .ED7101 ADVANCED MECHANICS OF MATERIALS L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To know the fundamentals of mechanics of materials under various loading conditions. Young. 6. Co.torsional stress in hollow thin walled tubes. Graphics and computing standards– Open GL Data Exchange standards – IGES.mass property calculations . surface of revolution and tabulated cylinder – synthetic surfaces: Hermite bicubic surface.mechanism simulation.view ports .). 1992. T=30.curves . Mc Graw Hill Book Co. TOTAL : 75 PERIODS Laboratory session: Writing interactive programs generate graphics and to solve design problems using any languages like Auto LISP/ C / FORTRAN etc. Wan Dam. UNIT IV VISUAL REALISM 9 Hidden – Line – Surface – solid removal algorithms shading – coloring. 1989. 3. Regularized Boolean set operations . arcs. 2007. William M Neumann and Robert F.constructive solid Geometry . Pearson Education – 2003. 2-D & 3-D transformation (Translation. International Edition.surface manipulations. lines. Feiner and Hughes – Computer graphics principles & practices. Singapore..Analytical surfaces: Plane surface.clipping transformation. lines. Tata McGraw-Hill edition. UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER GRAPHICS FUNDAMENTALS 8 Output primitives (points.rotators) windowing .sweep representations . Donald Hearn and M. curves etc. STEP etc– Communication standards.Basics. 4. ruled surface . 2.Analytical curves: line. circle and bi linear surface. Inc. circle and conics – synthetic curves: Hermite cubic spline.. This understanding reinforces the knowledge being learned and shortens the overall learning curves which are necessary to solve CAE problems that arise in engineering. UNIT V ASSEMBLY OF PARTS AND PRODUCT DATA EXCHANGE 9 Assembly modeling .Bezier curve and B-Spline curve – curve manipulations. James Alan Adams “Mathematical elements for computer graphics” second edition.Bezier surface and B-Spline surface. REFERENCES 1. Introduction to parametric and variational geometry based software’s and their principles creation of prismatic and lofted parts using these packages. 3 . Pauline Baker “Computer Graphics”. Introduction to surfaces .scaling.Sproul “Principles of Computer Graphics”.primitive instancing .interferences of positions and orientation .boundary representations . It helps the students to get familiarized with the computer graphics application in design. Each assessment should contain a component of Laboratory session. Foley. David F. 5. Rogers. UNIT II CURVES AND SURFACES MODELLING 10 Introduction to curves . UNIT III NURBS AND SOLID MODELING 9 NURBS.comparison of representations .OUTCOME:  With laboratory classes in conjunction.tolerances analysis . Prentice Hall.user interface for solid modeling. Ibrahim Zeid Mastering CAD/CAM – McGraw Hill. SIX SIGMA problem solving.swlearning. International Editions.experimental design – testing noise factors. EPPINGER. S/N ratios UNIT V STATISTICAL CONSIDERATION AND RELIABILITY 9 Frequency distributions and Histograms.Probability distribution-Statistical Process control–Scatter diagrams –Multivariable charts –Matrix plots and 3-D plots. Product Design Techniques in Reverse Engineering and New Product Development. Singapore. mechanical embodiment principles-FMEA method. Dieter. failure mode effect analysis and various strategies of designing experiments. ANOVA.Design for Manufacture. Forging. Fundamentals of Quality control and improvement 2nd edition.Advanced methods: systems modeling. Machining and Welding UNIT II DESIGN FOR QUALITY 9 Quality Function Deployment -House of Quality-Objectives and functions-Targets-StakeholdersMeasures and Matrices-Design of Experiments –design process-Identification of control factors. Data Analysis. KARL T. noise factors. Basic principles of Design. Metal Forming. William M Lindsay Pub:son south-western(www. Steps in Experimentation. 2.Running the experiments –Conducting the analysis-Selecting and conforming factor-Set points-reflecting and repeating. Randomized Block design.-Reliability-Survival and Failure-Series and parallel systems-Mean time between failure-Weibull distribution TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. 3.SIX SIGMA in service and small organizations . 2001. UNIT III FAILURE MODE EFFECT ANALYSIS AND DESIGN FOR SIX SIGMA 9 Basic methods: Refining geometry and layout. TATA McGRAW-HILL. Taguchi’s approach . Multifactor experiments .Control and Noise factors.3rd Edition. Product Design And Development.linking fault states to systems modeling .com) 5.Pareto diagrams-Cause and Effect diagrams-Box plots. Experimental Strategies. Pearson Education (LPE). KEVIN OTTO & KRISTIN WOOD.. statistical process control method. Pearson Education Asia. UNIT I DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS. 2000. Evens. ULRICH. Confounding and Blocking designs. AMITAVA MITRA. “Engineering Design . The Management and control of Quality-6th edition-James R. 2003. general process of product embodiment Embodiment checklist. and performance metrics . Fractional factorial design.ED7103 QUALITY CONCEPTS IN DESIGN L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To impart knowledge on various concepts in engineering design and principles of implementing quality in a product or service through tools such as quality houses. Terminology. George E.Basis of SIX SIGMA –Project selection for SIX SIGMA.Two and three factor full Factorial experiments. 2002.Steps in experimentation. Single Factor experiments . Robust Design.Run charts –stem and leaf plots. Design using Orthogonal Arrays. Design for Assembly – Design for casting. control charts. McGraw Hill. 2K factorial Experiments. quality and reliability principles in the design of an engineering product or a service.SIX SIGMA and lean production –Lean SIX SIGMA and services UNIT IV DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS 9 Importance of Experiments. METHODS AND MATERIAL SELECTION 9 Morphology of Design – The Design Process – Computer Aided Engineering – Concurrent Engineering – Competition Bench Marking – Creativity – Theory of Problem solving (TRIZ) – Value Analysis . Statistical Analysis.Completely Randomized design.developing the experimental plan. 4.A Materials and Processing Approach”. 4 . Sample size. STEVEN D. methods to uphold the status of six sigma and improve the reliability of a product. OUTCOME: It helps the design cum quality engineer to get familiarized with various concepts in design. S. W. “Mechanical Vibrations”. System Identification from Frequency Response -Testing for resonance and mode shapes T= 30. Since vibration is a critical problem today in engineering industries.Rose. 2.Continuous System: Vibration of String. UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS OF VIBRATION 10 Introduction -Sources Of Vibration-Mathematical Models. – “Theory of Vibration with Applications”. Kudari. vibration control and analysis techniques in the engineering field. ED7104 VIBRATION ANALYSIS AND CONTROL** L T P C 3 0 2 4 OBJECTIVES:  To understand the Fundamentals of Vibration and its practical applications  To understand the working principle and operations of various vibration measuring instruments  To understand the various Vibration control strategies OUTCOME: To make the students understand the basics of vibration.6...Active Vibration Control UNIT V EXPERIMENTAL METHODS IN VIBRATION ANALYSIS 10 Vibration Analysis Overview . CBS Publishers and Distributors.Flexibility Matrix and Stiffness Matrix – Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors-Matrix Iteration Method –Approximate Methods: Dunkerley. 1996.-Vibration Measuring Instruments . Montgomery. Graham Kelly & Shashidar K. its importance in engineering field. Electromagnetic And Electrodynamics –Frequency Measuring Instruments-.-Dynamic Vibration Absorber.Damped Vibration absorbers-Static and Dynamic Balancing-Balancing machines-Field balancing – Vibration Control by Design Modification.T. 4. Tata McGraw–Hill Publishing Com. Taguchi techniques for quality engineering. John Wiley and Sons. 2003.Accelerometer Mountings. Shafts and Beams UNIT IV VIBRATION CONTROL 9 Specification of Vibration Limits –Vibration severity standards. “Mechanical Vibration Practice with Basic Theory”. Ltd New Delhi. Hydraulic. S. -Vibration Exciters-Mechanical.Forced Vibration With Harmonic Excitation System –Coordinate Couplings And Principal Coordinates UNIT III MULTI-DEGREE FREEDOM SYSTEM AND CONTINUOUS SYSTEM 9 Multi Degree Freedom System –Influence Coefficients and stiffness coefficients.Vibration as condition Monitoring tool-Vibration Isolation methods. Rayleigh’s. Thomson. New Delhi. Lanczos method . 1990 3. Ramamurti.harmonic Excitations – Transient Vibration –Impulse loadsCritical Speed Of Shaft-Rotor systems. Design and Analysis of experiments.” Mechanical Vibrations.Displacement.S. 7. Torsional and Pendulum Type Absorber. V. and Holzer Method -Geared Systems-Eigen Values & Eigen vectors for large system of equations using sub space.2007 5 . Phillip J. D.” Addison Wesley Longman. UNIT II TWO DEGREE FREEDOM SYSTEM 7 Introduction-Free Vibration Of Undamped And Damped.C. New Delhi.Response To Arbitrary and non. 1995.Experimental Methods in Vibration Analysis.. 2000. TOTAL = 75 PERIODS ** a Term Project must be given for Assessment – 3 (Compulsory) REFERENCES 1. velocity and AccelerationReview Of Single Degree Freedom Systems -Vibration isolation Vibrometers and accelerometers . Rao. the students are equipped with the working operations of various vibration measuring instruments.Selection of Sensors. McGraw Hill. Narosa. it helps the students to get familiarized with the computer applications in design and preparing drawings for various mechanical components.V. History operations etc. 2D Boundary problems. Revolve. Free form etc  Feature manipulation – Copy.  Apply various solution techniques to solve Boundary value problems and Eigen value problems UNIT I FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF ONE DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS 11+3 Historical Background – Weighted Residual Methods . quadrilateral. Pattern. Interference check  Drafting-Layouts.ED7111 CAD LABORATORY L T P C 0 0 2 1 OBJECTIVES:  To impart knowledge on how to prepare drawings for various mechanical components using any commercially available 3D modeling software’s OUTCOME:  With laboratory classes. Beam Elements – Bars and beams of arbitrary orientation Applications to Heat Transfer problems. Suppress. 6 . Detailing & Plotting.  Sketcher  Solid modeling –Extrude.etc  Surface modeling –Extrude. Edit.  Assembly-Constraints.Assembly using Parametric and feature based Packages like PRO-E / SOLID WORKS /CATIA / NX etc TOTAL = 30 PERIODS ED7201 FINITE ELEMENT METHODS IN MECHANICAL DESIGN L T P C 3 1 0 4 OBJECTIVES:  To develop a thorough understanding of the basic principles of the finite element analysis techniques with an ability to effectively use the tools of the analysis for solving practical problems arising in engineering design OUTCOME: Upon understanding this course the students will be able to  Understand how to mathematically model physical systems and solve using numerical techniques.  CAD Introduction. higher order elements – Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equation – Weak Formulation – Element Matrices and Vectors – Application to scalar variable problem Introduction to Theory of Elasticity – Plane Stress – Plane Strain and Axisymmetric Formulation – Principle of virtual work – Element matrices using energy approach – Examples related to one-dimensional and two-dimensional problems. Standard & Sectional Views. Exploded Views. Sweep. Exercises in Modeling and drafting of Mechanical Components .P. Loft .Basic Concept of FEM – Variational Formulation of B.  Select appropriate element and boundary conditions for various 1D. Sweep. Trim . – Ritz Method – Finite Element Modelling – Element Equations – Linear and Quadratic Shape functions – Bar. UNIT II FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF TWO DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS 10+3 Basic Boundary Value Problems in two-dimensions – Triangular. etc and Variational sweep..etc and Mesh of curves. Front width Methods.G. Published by Elsevier India Pvt. *Zienkiewicz..N.. Huebner. New Delhi..L. OUTCOME:  It helps the students to get familiarized with the advanced mechanisms which are necessary to design and simulate mechanisms.K.2007. two. reprinted 2006. Taylor.L. **Cook.Smith. S. 2.John Wiley&Sons(Asia)Pve. Banded Solver method. Plesha. and basic procedures only need to be emphasized without expecting a complete numerical solution to practical problems.J “ Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis”.UNIT III ISO-PARAMETRIC FORMULATION 8+3 Natural Co-ordinate Systems – Lagrangian Interpolation Polynomials – Isoparametric Elements – Formulation – Numerical Integration – Gauss quadrature – one-. Ltd. Malkus.. India Reprint ISBN:978-81-312-1118-2. Ramamurthi. V.Illustrative Examples.D.. “The Finite Element Method for Engineers”. choice of elements. New Delhi. January 2009.& Zhu. loading conditions. boundary conditions. As for the examination.R.R.O. Band width reduction Techniques.C. 2008 5. “Finite Element Method in Machine Design”. Butterworth-Heinemann(An imprint of Elsevier).C. Skyline procedure method. modelling considerations. ISBN-13 978-81-265-1336-9 3. Wiley Student Edition.. J. Fourth Edition.S. REFERENCES 1. 7 . First printed in India 2007.Z “The Finite Element Method: Its Basis & Fundamentals”.H. Transverse and torsional vibration – Introduction to transient field problems.. published by Elsevier India Pvt. 4th Edition. Indian Reprint ISBN: 978-81-8147-885-6 6.D.L “The Finite Element Method” McGraw Hill International Editions.R..E. ISBN: 9812-53-154-8 7. Use of softwares – h & p elements – special element formulation – Solution techniques – Explicit & Implicit methods TOTAL: 60 PERIODS NOTE At the post-graduate level of instruction the contact hours are to be supplemented by self study by students. New Delhi. Ltd.. Reddy. R. Oxford Uniiversity Press. 1991.Ltd.M. Free meshing and Mapped Meshing UNIT V SPECIAL TOPICS 8+3 Dynamic Analysis – Equation of Motion – Mass & damping matrices – Free Vibration analysis – Natural frequencies of Longitudinal.S. Volume 2 (Chapters 7&8) 4. “The Finite Element Method in Engineering”.and three-dimensional triangular elements formulation – rectangular elements – Serendipity elements .J.O.D. Fourth Edition 2004. and Witt. Butterworth-Heinemann (An imprint of Elsevier). “Introduction to Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis”. Rao.E & Byron.. Authorized reprint by Wiley India(P) Ltd. First Reprint 2007. Narosa Publishing House. UNIT IV SOLUTION TECHNIQUES 8+3 Inversion Method. D. Dewhirst. Wiley Student Edition. ISBN: 978-81-7319-965-3 ED7202 MECHANISMS DESIGN AND SIMULATION** L T P C 3 0 2 4 OBJECTIVES:  To develop a thorough understanding of the various mechanisms and its design and simulation with an ability to effectively use the various mechanisms in real life problems. Non-linear analysis..T. Taylor... ***Zienkiewicz. Decomposition Method. motion generation. 3. OUTCOME:  To familiarize the researchers in the area of material behaviour under different loading and selection of materials for the design of engineering structures.F. J. geared five bar and six bar linkages. Oxford University Press.Freudenstein’s Equation-Bloch’s Synthesis. J. Amitabha Ghosh and Asok Kumar Mallik. Mechanism defects.determination of optimum size of cams. G. 1999. Narosa. Geared five bar mechanism-multi-dwell. Students should design and fabricate a mechanism model as term project.. inverted slider crank. “Kinematics. Ramamurti. 2005.Tata McGraw Hill. Euler Savary equation. Analytical methods for velocity and acceleration Analysis– four bar linkage jerk analysis. Analytical methods. ED7203 MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF MATERIALS L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To know the mechanical behaviour of both metallic and non-metallic materials under different loading and temperature conditions. “Theory of Mechanism and Machines”. Robert L. Design of six bar mechanisms-single dwell-double dwell-double stroke. Waldron. Gary L. 8 . multi loop kinematic chains.J. Dimensional synthesis – function generation.O. T =30... Delhi. “Mechanics of Machines”.Norton. UNIT II KINEMATIC ANALYSIS 9 Position Analysis – Vector loop equations for four bar. Sandor G. UNIT III PATH CURVATURE THEORY. “Advanced Mechanism Design Analysis and Synthesis”. 1984. EWLP. Prentice Hall. 6. Spatial RSSR mechanism-Denavit-Hartenberg Parameters – Forward and inverse kinematics of robot manipulators. Network formula – Gross motion concepts-Basic kinematic structures of serial and parallel robot manipulators-Compliant mechanisms-Equivalent mechanisms. 2005. path generation. 5. slider crank. Plane complex mechanisms-auxiliary point method. “Design of Machinery”. COUPLER CURVE 9 Fixed and moving centrodes.G. R. inflection points and inflection circle. Four bar coupler curve-cusp-crunodecoupler driven six-bar mechanisms-straight line mechanisms UNIT IV SYNTHESIS OF FOUR BAR MECHANISMS 9 Type synthesis – Number synthesis – Associated Linkage Concept.. John Wiley-sons... Kinzel. Kenneth J. Uicker. three and four position synthesis of four. graphical constructions – cubic of stationary curvature.N. Graphical methods-Pole techniqueinversion technique-point position reduction-two. Dynamics and Design of Machinery”. “Theory of Machines and Mechanisms”. Cam Mechanisms. 2005. V. 1999.E. 4. TOTAL: 75 PERIODS ** a Term Project must be given for Assessment – 3 (Compulsory) REFERENCES 1. Study and use of Mechanism using Simulation Soft-ware packages.bar mechanisms. and Shigley. and Erdman A. 2.UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Review of fundamentals of kinematics-classifications of mechanisms-components of mechanisms – mobility analysis – formation of one D. Pennock. UNIT V SYNTHESIS OF COUPLER CURVE BASED MECHANISMS & CAM MECHANISMS 9 Cognate Lingages-parallel motion Linkages. work hardening. (4th Edition) Jaico. High strength low alloy (HSLA) steel. sources of failure. strength. fibre and dispersion strengthening. 5. marine.. 1997. Butterworth-Heiremann. 1988 2. (10th Edition). UNIT III SELECTION OF MATERIALS 10 Motivation for selection. TaC. creep – Larson Miller parameter – Deformation and fracture mechanism maps. fatigue and creep – Selection for surface durability corrosion and wear resistance – Relationship between materials selection and processing – Case studies in materials selection with relevance to aero. cost basis and service requirements – Selection for mechanical properties.F. TIC.A. J. Metals Hand book. brittle transition in steel – High temperature fracture. UNIT IV MODERN METALLIC MATERIALS 8 Dual phase steels. TOTAL:45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Crane. procedure of failure analysis. (34d edition). www. Mechanical Metallurgy. materials selection in Mechanical Design 2nd Edition. UNIT II BEHAVIOUR UNDER DYNAMIC LOADS AND DESIGN APPROACHES 10 Stress intensity factor and fracture toughness – Fatigue. strain-life and fail safe design approaches -Effect of surface and metallurgical parameters on fatigue – Fracture of non metallic materials – Failure analysis.K. Jaico. adhesives and coating – structure.. and Trojan. WC. 7. SiC.G. Nitrogen steel – Intermetallics. shape memory alloys – Metallic glass and nano crystalline materials. Ni and Ti aluminides – smart materials. (2nd edition). Maraging steel. Si3N4 CBN and diamond – properties.org/labs/pages/131350.– Ductile. and Fumess. auto. Transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) Steel. OUTCOME:  This will familiarize the students with the concepts of integration of design of machines and structures. machinery and nuclear applications – Computer aided materials selection. Al2O3. foams.A. McGraw Hill. Stress-life. Selection and use of engineering materials. poly phase mixture. particle.. Thomas H.A. Charles. 2000 3. 4. Effect of temperature. ED7204 INTEGRATED MECHANICAL DESIGN (Use of Approved Data Book Is Permitted) L T P C 3 1 0 4 OBJECTIVE:  To know the integrated design procedure of different machine elements for mechanical applications. 1999. 6. toughness. Engineering Materials and their Applications. Ashby M.A. Failure Analysis and Prevention.UNIT I BASIC CONCEPTS OF MATERIAL BEHAVIOR 12 Elasticity in metals and polymers– Strengthening mechanisms. Butter worth 1999. strain and strain rate on plastic behaviour – Super plasticity –.Dieter. R..A.. crack initiation and propagation mechanisms and Paris law. McGraw Hill.10. properties and applications of engineering polymers – Advanced structural ceramics. F.Safe life. 1999. Courtney. low and high cycle fatigue test. precipitation. UNIT V NON METALLIC MATERIALS 7 Polymeric materials – Formation of polymer structure – Production techniques of fibers.htm.. 9 . Flinn. George E. J. P. Griffith’s theory. Mechanical Behavior of Materials. solid solutioning.astm. Vol. grain boundary strengthening. processing and applications. M.. Valve gear Mechanisms. automobiles and mechanical handling equipments. Tata McGraw Hill. Norton L. MIR Publishers. Oblique stresses – Transformation Matrix – Principal stresses – Maximum shear stress . New Delhi. 1958. K. Materials Handling Equipments. Vol. 1985. Chapman and Hall. Maitra G.. and Narayana Iyengar. 2003. The Ronald Press Company. rope. 1983 ED7211 ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION LABORATORY L T P C 0 0 2 1 OBJECTIVES:  At the end of this course the students would have developed a thorough understanding of the Computer Aided Finite Element Analysis packages with an ability to effectively use the tools of the analysis for solving practical problems arising in engineering design OUTCOME:  It helps the students to get familiarized with the Computer Aided Finite Element Analysis packages which are necessary to solve the engineering problems numerically. Machine Tools T=15. “Machine Design – An Integrated Approach” Pearson Education. Kalaikathir Achchagam. Shigley. Materials Handling Handbook. UNIT III BRAKES & CLUTCHES 7 Dynamics and thermal aspects of brakes and clutches – Integrated design of brakes and clutches for machine tools. 2nd Edition. “Mechanical Engineering Design”. Alexandrov.. “Machine Design Data Hand Book”. bevel and worm gears – Design for sub assembly – Integrated design of speed reducers and multi-speed gear boxes – application of software packages.P.Design of Elevators. brittle component design Analysis and Design of shafts for different applications – integrated design of shaft. BS. A. ISO. 6. Newcomb. 1986.G. Suma Publishers. 4. bearings. 1975. UNIT IV INTEGRATED DESIGN 18 Integrated Design of systems consisting of shaft. ASTM Standards. Tata McGraw Hill. 7.. helical. T. Gear Box. M. 10 . gears. and Spur. Lingaiah.UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS AND DESIGN OF SHAFTS 8 Phases of design – Standardization and interchangeability of machine elements . McGraw Hill. J. R.. 2005 2. ** a Term Project must be given for Assessment – 3 (Compulsory) REFERENCES 1. Tech. Boltzharol. Approved Data Books 1. bearing and casing – Design for rigidity UNIT II DESIGN OF GEARS AND GEAR BOXES 12 Principles of gear tooth action – Gear correction – Gear tooth failure modes – Stresses and loads – Component design of spur. springs. 1 & 2.Theories of Failure – Ductile vs. 3. 2. V. P. “Automobile Brakes and Braking Systems”. Coimbatore. belt. pulleys.E. “Design Data Book”. “Machine Design”. DIN. Cam & Follower.Process and Function Tolerances – Individual and group tolerances – Selection of fits for different design situations – Design for assembly and modular constructions – Concepts of integration –BIS. Escalators. Prasad. chain.T. Bangalore. L. “Hand Book of Gear Design”. motor.. R.S.. TOTAL: 60 PERIODS The Pattern of Question Paper will consist one Question from Unit – 4 for 50% of total marks. 1981.. 1992. flywheel etc. Example . 5. UNIT I UNCONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 10 Introduction to optimum design . Each student is required to select any new component or an integrated mechanical system that involves various sub components which are to be designed as per design standards and further required to be analyzed for optimum dimensions with respect to the strength and stiffness.. Lagrange multipliers . OUTCOME: It helps the engineers to get familiarized with the different approaches of optimizing (maximizing or minimizing) an engineering problem or a function which is essentially required in industries today. Random.Single variable and multivariable optimization. Exercises shall include analysis of i) Machine elements under Static loads ii) Thermal Analysis of mechanical systems iii) Modal Analysis iv) Machine elements under Dynamic loads v) Non-linear systems Use of kinematics and dynamics simulation software like ADAMS. This helps the students to get familiar with respect to the design methodologies applied to any component or mechanical system subjected to static. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS ED7001 OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES IN DESIGN L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To impart knowledge on various categories of existing engineering problems and solutions to such problems through different optimization techniques and approaches. design calculations and analysis in designing any mechanical component or system.Geometric programming 11 .General principles of optimization – Problem formulation & their classifications .Analysis of Mechanical Components – Use of FEA Packages like ANSYS/ NASTRAN etc. Analysis of velocity and acceleration for mechanical linkages of different mechanisms. dynamic and thermo-mechanical loads. TOTAL: 30 PERIODS ED7212 DESIGN PROJECT L T PC 0 0 3 2 OBJECTIVES:  It is proposed to carryout detailed design calculations and analysis of any mechanical component or mechanical system. MATLAB. pattern and gradient search methods – Interpolation methods. OUTCOME:  It helps the students to get familiarized with respect to design standards. UNIT II CONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 10 Optimization with equality and inequality constraints .Direct methods – Indirect methods using penalty functions. Techniques of unconstrained minimization – Golden section. “Genetic algorithms in search. Genetic algorithms and Simulated Annealing techniques. UNIT V DYNAMIC APPLICATIONS 7 Dynamic Applications – Optimum design of single. “Optimum design of mechanical elements”. UNIT IV STATIC APPLICATIONS 8 Structural applications – Design of simple truss members . New Delhi. weight – Design of shafts and torsionally loaded members – Design of springs. 2000. “Engineering Optimization – Theory & Practice”. UNIT II STATIONARY CRACK UNDER STATIC LOADING 9 Two dimensional elastic fields – Analytical solutions yielding near a crack front – Irwin’s approximation . 12 . elastic deformation. Goldberg. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Neural network & Fuzzy logic principles in optimization.E. Johnson Ray.. 4.Design applications – Design of simple axial. UNIT IV FATIGUE CRACK GROWTH CURVE 9 Empirical relation describing crack growth law – life calculations for a given load amplitude – effects of changing the load spectrum -. Prentice Hall of India Pvt.R curves .. Multi objective optimization.leak before break analysis. 1990. 2. 1989. S. stochastic programming. “Optimization for Engineering design algorithms and Examples”. C. John & Sons. optimization and machine”. OUTCOME:  It helps the engineers to get familiarized with the design of components that contain crack under static load condition.limit analysis – Airy’s function – field equation for stress intensity factor. UNIT III ENERGY BALANCE AND CRACK GROWTH 9 Griffith analysis – stable and unstable crack growth –Dynamic energy balance – crack arrest mechanism –K1c test methods . New York.. vibration absorbers.. Kalyanamoy Deb. UNIT I ELEMENTS OF SOLID MECHANICS 9 The geometry of stress and strain. D. two degree of freedom systems. Wiley. Singaresu. 3. Rao.  It helps the engineers to get familiarized with the design of components that contain crack and its growth under fatigue load condition. New Age International (P) Limited. Application in Mechanisms – Optimum design of simple linkage mechanisms. ED7002 ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To impart knowledge on mechanics of cracked components of different modes by which these components fail under static load conditions.rain flow method– external factors affecting the K1c values.determination of collapse load. Barnen.plastic zone size – Dugdaale model – determination of J integral and its relation to crack opening displacement. transverse loaded members for minimum cost.UNIT III ADVANCED OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 10 Multi stage optimization – dynamic programming. 1995. plastic and elasto-plastic deformation . AddisonWesley.  To impart knowledge on mechanics of cracked components of different modes by which these components fail under fatigue load conditions. 1985. “Elements of Fracture Mechanics”. Fifthoff and Noerdhoff International Publisher.  Thermo-mechanical behavior and study of residual stresses in Laminates during processing. filament winding. spray technique. Generalized Hooke’s Law. 1977 5. Strain Displacement relations.vapour state processing. Evaluation of Lamina Properties from Laminate Tests. Cross Ply Laminates.  Implementation of Classical Laminate Theory (CLT) to study and analysis for residual stresses in an isotropic layered structure such as electronic chips. Manufacturing fiber and composites. UNIT II MANUFACTURING OF COMPOSITES 10 Manufacturing of Polymer Matrix Composites (PMCs)-handlay-up.UNIT V APPLICATIONS OF FRACTURE MECHANICS 9 Crack Initiation under large scale yielding – thickness as a design parameter – mixed mode fractures . Manufacturing of Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) –hot pressing-reaction bonding process-infiltration technique. 1st Indian Reprint. “Fundamentals of Fracture Mechanics”.fiber fabrication. Determination of Lamina stresses within Laminates. Orthotropic Stiffness matrix (Qij). Fiber-reinforced composites Rule of mixtures-Characteristics of fiber-Reinforced composites. Basic Assumptions of Laminated anisotropic plates. New Delhi/ CRC Press. Definition of stress and Moment Resultants. OUTCOME:  At the end of the course the students will be in position to understand the mechanics and design related to layered components such as fiber reinforced polymer composites. Symmetric Laminates.numerical methods TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Laminate Structural Moduli. metal filaments.Solid state. whiskers. injection moulding. Balanced Laminates.crack instability in thermal and residual stress fields . LAMINA CONSTITUTIVE EQUATIONS 12 Lamina Constitutive Equations: Lamina Assumptions – Macroscopic Viewpoint. Dispersion-Strengthened composite. Quasi-Isotropic Laminates. “Introduction of Fracture Mechanics”. ”Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics “. bag moulding. Kare Hellan. Mechanical properties and applications of composites. Englewood cliffs. inorganic fibers. Preshant Kumar. liquid state.Rolfe Fatigue and fracture control in structures Prentice hall Inc. Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM)-. 1999. 4. 13 .natural composite wood. Reduction to Homogeneous Orthotropic Lamina – Isotropic limit case.interfaces UNIT III INTRODUCTION. Laminate Constitutive Equations – Coupling Interactions.Manufacturing of Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) . Ltd. Jute Advantages and drawbacks of composites over monolithic materials. direct oxidation. Sandwich Mould Composites (SMC) . Ane Books Pvt. 3. Pultrusion. isotropic layered structures (example electronic chips) etc and its manufacturing methodologies. Wheeler Publishing. 1978. UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO COMPOSITE MATERIALS 10 Definition-Matrix materials-polymers-metals-ceramics . 2012 ED7003 COMPOSITE MATERIALS AND MECHANICS L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To understand the fundamentals of composite material strength and its mechanical behavior  Understanding the analysis of fiber reinforced Laminate design for different combinations of plies with different orientations of the fiber. McGraw-Hill Book Company.Reinforcements: Particles. Particulate-Reinforced composite Materials.ceramic fibers. Tribikram Kundu. 2. John M. David Broek.Barson and Stanely T. Angle Ply Laminates. E. Hyderabad. Generalized Hill’s Criterion for Anisotropic materials. J.T. specification and characteristics. “Stress Analysis of Fiber – Reinforced Composite Materials”. 2009 ED7004 DESIGN OF HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To impart students on the science. Symmetric Balanced Laminates. McGraw-Hill.D. Orthotropic Lamina C. R. “Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials”. B. Ltd. Zero C. Mallick./Springer. Hansen Publisher. Chung.K. Buckling Analysis. 1994. “Primer on Composite Materials. pump characteristics. (edition).L. Prediction of laminate Failure Equilibrium Equations of Motion. Modification of Laminate Constitutive Equations. and Newman. John Wiley and Sons. Hyer. 14 . Also to impart knowledge on the methodology of basic and advanced design of pneumatics and hydraulics systems. 6.2007 4. Thermally Quasi-Isotropic Laminates TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Manufacturing and Design”.J. C. use and application of hydraulics and pneumatics as fluid power in Industry. 1st Indian Reprint. Second Edition . Fiber –”Reinforced Composites: Materials. P.. Principles of Composite Material Mechanics. McGraw-Hill.. Mallick.. Daniel and Ori Ishai. Tensor Polynomial (Tsai-Wu) Failure criterion. 1990.W.. Maneel Dekker Inc. 7.E’s for special Laminate Configurations – Unidirectional.F. 1993.E’s. M. Deborah D. and Broutman L. “Composite Materials Technology: Processes and Properties”. Von-Misses Yield criterion for Isotropic Materials. Ltd. Linear and Rotary Actuators – selection. 1990.Maximum Stress and Strain Criteria. Analysis”.. Munish. Halpin..Modification of Hooke’s Law. Static Bending Analysis. Techomic Publishing Co. “Analysis and Performance of Fiber Composites”.. “Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures”. Agarwal.K. Ane Books Pvt. 8.T.T. Energy Formulations. 1998 3. non-return and safety valves . S. First Indian Edition .. University Press (India) Pvt. Free Vibrations – Natural Frequencies UNIT V THERMAL ANALYSIS 5 Assumption of Constant Co-efficient of Thermal Expansion (C. 2004 (Reprinted 2008) 9. Off-axis. New York.UNIT IV LAMINA STRENGTH ANALYSIS AND ANALYSIS OF LAMINATED FLAT PLATES 8 Introduction . 5. 1984.E laminates.. “Composite Materials: Science and Applications”. Oxford University Press-2006. Tsai-Hill’s Failure Criterion for Composites. OUTCOME:  It helps students to get knowledge on the need.relief valves.actuation systems.) . New Delhi. Gibson. P. UNIT II CONTROL AND REGULATION ELEMENTS 12 Pressure .C. UNIT I OIL HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS AND HYDRAULIC ACTUATORS 5 Hydraulic Power Generators – Selection and specification of pumps.T..direction and flow control valves . Madhujit Mukhopadhyay. Issac M.CRC press in progress. 2. use and application of fluid power and make them familiar to industrial design that lead to automation. quick return. 2. position and pressure sensing . UNIT I MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT Types.design calculations – application -fault finding hydro pneumatic circuits .press circuits . apron conveyors and escalators Pneumatic conveyors. “Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems “. equipments and machines used in common use and in industrial sector OUTCOME:  The course would familiarize the student on the technique to select suitable material handling equipment and design them based on the need. 1987. W. “Basic fluid power”.PLC. 3.cogwheel drive . counter weights. “Hydraulic and Pneumatic Controls: Understanding made Easy" S. UNIT III DRIVES OF HOISTING GEAR 10 Hand and power drives . Design of forged hooks and eye hooks – crane grabs . planning. Pippenger. Load handling attachments. UNIT V INSTALLATION. safety devices . Bolton. guides.shaft way. TOTAL :45 PERIODS 15 . synchronizing circuits .Design of arresting gear Brakes: shoe. Prentice Hall.accumulator circuits . .selection of components . earth mover circuits.Cage elevators . Screw conveyors and vibratory conveyors.Design of ropes.. selection and applications 5 UNIT II DESIGN OF HOISTS 10 Design of hoisting elements: Welded and roller chains .slewing.control elements.design and applications of Belt conveyors. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. pulley systems.use of microprocessors for sequencing . Andrew Parr.fringe conditions modules and these integration .selecting the motor ratings.cantilever and monorail cranes .logic circuits switching circuits . jib and luffing gear . sequencing.compound circuit design . UNIT IV CONVEYORS 10 Types . A. K.Chand & Co Book publishers. 1999. Prentice Hall. 5. Butterworth –Heinemann. use.mapping methods .Traveling gear .Shanmuga Sundaram. UNIT V ELEVATORS 10 Bucket elevators: design . “Hydraulic and Pneumatics” (HB). MAINTENANCE AND SPECIAL CIRCUITS 7 Pneumatic equipments.safety and emergency mandrels.industrial circuits . 1980. band and cone types.Grabbing attachments . UNIT IV PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS AND CIRCUITS 16 Pneumatic fundamentals .forklift. hoisting machine.Hemp and wire ropes . “Fluid Power with Applications”. Jaico Publishing House.UNIT III HYDRAULIC CIRCUITS 5 Reciprocation. Pease and John J.grinding. Low cost automation Robotic circuits. New Delhi.Design of fork lift trucks. Dudleyt. copying.loading and bucket arrangements . 1997.hydraulic milling machine . 2006 (Reprint 2009) ED7005 DESIGN OF MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENTS (Use of Approved Data Book Is Permitted) L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To impart students on the need. pulleys.sequential circuits . application and design of different material handling techniques. 4.Rail traveling mechanism . sprockets and drums.description .cascade methods . Antony Espossito.design and selection of components .combination circuit design.step counter method .lifting magnets . equations of equilibrium in Cartesian coordinates and in polar coordinates.the Navier solution.kinematics. Materials Handling Handbook. MIR Publishers. Lingaiah. 2003. A.functionals. 5. 1985.principle of minimum total potential. Materials Handling Equipments. MIR Publishers. OUTCOME: After undergoing this course.displacement fields and strains. discussion of various elements used and their capabilities.Levy’s solution.governing equations. Vol. 1970.transient analysis of rectangular plates.finite element analysis(elementary treatment only. N..K. 1981.constitutive relations. 1958. Boltzharol. Kalaikathir Achchagam.natural vibrations of plates simply supported on all edges.buckling of plates simply supported on two opposite edges.O. Tech..G. 6. discussion of various elements used and their capabilities.assumptions made in the classical theory.S.vibration of plates with two parallel sides simply supportedLevy’s solution.Rayleigh-Ritz methodNatural vibration of plates with general boundary conditions.finite element analysis(elementary treatment only.not for examination) 16 . strains and stiffness-energy principles and variational methods in elasticity.boundary conditions – bending of rectangular plates with various boundary conditions and loading. Volumes I and II. The Ronald Press Company. Suma Publishers. stress measures.biaxial compression of a plate.buckling of plates with various boundary conditions. 1983 ED7006 PLATES AND SHELLS L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To impart knowledge on the behavior of plates and shell elements.transformation of stresses. 3. the students would be in a position to understand the behaviour of these commonly occurring structural elements in engineering design and would have developed the capability to design and analyse them in their normal design practice.finite element analysis(elementary treatment only. “Design Data Book”. “Machine Design Data Hand Book”. A. P. Coimbatore.not for examination) UNIT IV VIBRATION OF PLATES 9 Governing equations for natural flexural vibrations of rectangular plates.virtual work-external and internal virtual workvariational operator. discussion of various elements used and their capabilities.. ELnvee Publishers. 2.not for examination) UNIT III BUCKLING ANALYSIS OF RECTANGULAR PLATES 10 Buckling of simply supported plates under compressive forces.. UNIT I GENERAL INTRODUCTION 7 Review of equations of elasticity. Bangalore. and Dyachkov.energy principles.equations of motions.uniaxial compression of a plate. V. compatibility equations. M. 4.vibration of plates with different boundary conditions.stress and moment resultants.applications UNIT II CLASSICAL THEORY OF PLATES 10 Plates as structural elements..symmetrical and asymmetrical bending of circular plates-limitations of classical theory. and Narayana Iyengar. Alexandrov.REFERENCES 1. Spivakovsy. Materials handling equipment.Euler Lagrange equations. their places of utility and of course the design procedure of such elements in practical applications. K. Conveying Machines. Rudenko.Hamilton’s principle.general formulation. 1 & 2. discussion of various elements used and their capabilities. S.Verlag 5. 2013 ED7007 MODAL ANALYSIS OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To impart knowledge on modal testing. “Plates.Subramanian. Timoshenko..equations of motion of thin shellsanalytical solution for thin cylindrical shells. modal analysis of single and multi. Ltd. modal analysis of single and multidegree of freedom systems. UNIT II THEORETICAL BASIS 12 Introduction – Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) System Theory – Presentation and Properties of FRF Data for SDOP System – Undamped Multi-degree of freedom (MDOF) system – Proportional Damping – Hysteretic Damping – General Case – Viscous Damping – General Case – Characteristics and presentation of MDOF – FRF Data – Complete and incomplete models . and Krieger S. S. McGraw Hill Book Company.J. C. Theory of Plates and Shells. Wheeler Publishing Co. 1990 6. UNIT III MOBILITY MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES 10 Introduction – Basic Measurement System – Structure preparation – Excitation of the Structure – Transducers and Amplifiers – Analyzers – Digital Signal Processing – Use of Different Excitation types – Calibration – Mass Cancellation – Rotational Mobility Measurement – Measurement on Non linear structures – Multi point excitation methods. UNIT IV MODAL PARAMETER EXTRACTION METHODS 11 Introduction – Preliminary checks of FRF Data – SDOF Modal Analysis-I – Peak-amplitude – SDOF Modal Analysis-II – Circle Fit Method – SDOF Modal Analysis III – Inverse Method – Residuals – MDOF curve-fitting procedures – MDOF curve fitting in the Time Domain – Global or Multi-Curve fitting – Non linear systems.general strain displacement relations for shells of revolution. McGraw Hill. Szilard.NY.Press. Theory and Analysis of Plates.C..K.bending of spherical shells. Timoshenko. New York 1990. 1995 3. Ane Books Pvt.equations of equilibrium. Reddy.degree of freedom systems.geometric properties of shells of revolution.S.. G. Principles of Space Structures .finite element analysis(elementary treatment only. Springer . Theory of Plates and Shells.N. 1986 7. 4.W. R.flexure under axisymmetric loadsshells with double curvature.Theories and Applications”. Prentice Hall Inc.not for examination) TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. stresses in shells.N.Nonsinusoidal vibration and FRF Properties – Analysis of Weakly Nonlinear Structures. Ramasamy. New Delhi.stress resultants.geometric considerations. Design and Construction of Concrete Shells Roofs. Dr. 1999 8.UNIT V ANALYSIS OF THIN ELASTIC SHELLS OF REVOLUTION 9 Classification of shell surfaces..USA. 2nd Edition 2..membrane theory. CBS Publishers. 17 . OUTCOME: It helps the students to get familiarized with the modal testing. Baskar and T.vibration of cylindrical shells. “Theory and Analysis of Elastic Plates & Shells”. K. Varadan. UNIT I OVERVIEW 6 Introduction to Modal Testing – Applications of Modal Testing – Philosophy of Modal Testing – Summary of Theory – Summary of Measurement Methods – Summary of Analysis – Review of Test Procedure. Wilhelm Flügge.R. ASSEMBLY AND ENVIRONMENTS L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To know the concept of design for manufacturing. 1994. Product Design. Nuno Manuel Mendes Maia et al. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Design. Design for the Environment Angle Wood Cliff. 7.simplification by amalgamation . UNIT IV COMPONENT DESIGN – CASTING CONSIDERATION 10 Redesign of castings based on Parting line considerations . Bralla. B. assembly and environment. Marcel Dekker. G. 1980 Design for Assembly Automation and Product Design.form design of welded members. machined holes.group technology . Dickson.Reduction of machined area. Product Design for Manufacture. “Modal Testing: Theory and Practice “.drills .Design for accessibility . 5. Graedel T.Doweling procedures.Minimizing core requirements. Boothroyd. Heartz and Nike. Kevien Otto and Kristin Wood. Design for Manufacture handbook.Modifying the design . and Corroda Poly. counter sunk screws .Influence of materials on form design . 4. Boothroyd. 3. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 5 General design principles for manufacturability ... USA. Pearson Publication.simplification by separation . Process capability .  To know the computer application in design for manufacturing and assembly. McGraw hill. 1996.Possible solutions . Prentice Hall.Tolerance stacks.strength and mechanical factors. Wiley John & sons. redesign of cast members to obviate cores. 1996.” Theoretical and Experimental Modal Analysis”. 1995. 6. G.milling cutters .Materials choice . 1999. 2. J. UNIT III COMPONENT DESIGN .Design for machinability . R. Design for the Environment McGraw hill. mechanisms selection. Manufacture.UNIT V DERIVATION OF MATHEMATICAL MODELS 6 Introduction – Modal Models – Display of Modal Model – Response Models – Spatial Models – Mobility Skeletons and System Models.Design for economy . 1988 2. UNIT II FACTORS INFLUENCING FORM DESIGN 13 Working principle. Reason Pub.Weighted sum assessment method – Lifecycle assessment method – Techniques to reduce environmental impact – Design to minimize material usage – Design for disassembly – Design for recyclability – Design for remanufacture – Design for energy efficiency – Design to regulations and standards.MACHINING CONSIDERATION 8 Design features to facilitate machining . TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Allen By. Marcel Dekker.Design for assembly. Material. Ewins D J. Fixel.Design for clampability . Identification of uneconomical design . New York. 2004. evaluation method. Engineering Design and Design for Manufacture and Structural Approach. 1997. CC7201 DESIGN FOR MANUFACTURE. 18 . Field Stone Publisher. John. assembly and environment.. OUTCOME:  To make the students get acquainted with the design for manufacturing.Feature tolerances Geometric tolerances Assembly limits -Datum features .Computer Applications for DFMA UNIT V DESIGN FOR THE ENVIRONMENT 9 Introduction – Environmental objectives – Global issues – Regional and local issues – Basic DFE methods – Design guide lines – Example application – Lifecycle assessment – Basic method – AT&T’s environmentally responsible product assessment .keyways . John Wiley & Sons Inc. forgings and castings. L.ED7008 ADVANCED METAL FORMING TECHNIQUES L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To study the concepts of latest metal forming techniques and their applications in metal forming industry. ASM Hand book. work done – Process parameters. Rolling. fundamentals and Applications. HL – Metal forming. .Z.Orbital forging – Isothermal forging – Hot and cold isostatic pressing – High speed extrusion – Rubber pad forming – Fine blanking – LASER beam forming UNIT V ELECTROMAGNETIC FORMING AND ITS APPLICATIONS 9 Electromagnetic Forming Process – Electro – Magnetic Forming Machines – Process Variables – Coils and Dies – Effect of Resistivity and Geometry – EM tube and sheet forming. T.Formability of laminated sheet . Dieter G.Metal forming and Finite Element Method. 4. 7. process parameters and applications.J. American Society of Metals. Altan T. Extrusion and Drawing processes – Design consideration in forming . 2004 2.E. SAE Transactions. ButterworthHeinemann An Imprint of Elesevier. Marciniak. Oxford University Press. Of National Seminar on “Advances in Metal Forming” MIT. UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO THEORY OF PLASTICITY AND FORMING 9 Theory of plastic deformation – Yield criteria – Tresca and Von-mises – Distortion energy – Stressstrain relation – Mohr’s circle representation of a state of stress – cylindrical and spherical coordinate system – upper and lower bound solution methods – thermo elastic Elasto plasticity – elasto visco plasticity UNIT II THEORY AND PRACTICE OF BULK FORMING PROCESSES 9 Analysis of plastic deformation in Forging. ‘Mechanics of Sheet Metal Forming’. Metals Park. Anna University 3. Proc. Mechanical Metallurgy (Revised Edition II) McGraw Hill Co. stamping.. Rolling. GEGEL. 2003. equipment used – Defects – applications – Recent advances in Forging. SOO-IK-oh-ALTAN. Ninth edition..Overview of FEM applications in Metal Forming analysis. Journal of Materials and Manufacturing Section 5. UNIT III SHEET METAL FORMING 9 Formability studies – Conventional processes – H E R F techniques – Superplastic forming techniques – Hydro forming – Stretch forming – Water hammer forming – Principles and process parameters – Advantage.T. Ohio. 1993-2007 19 . SHIRO KOBAYASHI. 2006 8.. Extrusion. Metal forming – Fundamentals and applications – American Society of Metals. shearing and welding – Applications – Finite Element Analysis of EM forming. Limitations and application UNIT IV POWDER METALLURGY AND SPECIAL FORMING PROCESSES 9 Overview of P/M technique – Advantages – applications – Powder preform forging – powder rolling – Tooling. SOO-IK-oh. Vol – 14. Duncan J. 2003 5. Proceedings of International Workshop on EMFT 2010. 6. Forming and Forging. ALTAN. Hu S. 2001.... TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. rod/wire drawing and tube drawing – Effect of friction – calculation of forces.  To study the thermo mechanical regimes and its requirements of metal forming OUTCOME:  The course would familiarize the students on the latest metal forming techniques and help them decide on the suitable method to form the metals for various industrial applications. Metals park. March 2000 9. 1983. M. J. selection and Design. cylinder – Membrane stress Analysis of Vessel Shell components – Cylindrical shells. procedures and design principles for pressure vessels and enhance the understanding of design procedure of pressure vessel and Design of piping layout. Bees. Harvey. Design Hand Book. 4. 4 TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. CBS Publishers and Distributors. 1987. Pre ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. OUTCOME  It helps the student to get familiarized with the various theories and practice on pressure vessel and piping design and procedures which are necessary to solve the industrial practical problems that arise and also for the research in the field of pressure vessel design. 20 . 1997. 2. John F. it will enable the students to understand the various discrimination methods and solving methodologies and to create confidence to solve complex problems in the field of heat transfer and fluid dynamics. “Pressure Vessels. conical heads – Thermal Stresses – Discontinuity stresses in pressure vessels.ED7009 DESIGN OF PRESSURE VESSELS AND PIPING L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES  The main objective is to present the industrial related problems. Introduction to ASME pressure vessel codes UNIT IV BUCKLING OF VESSELS 8 Buckling phenomenon – Elastic Buckling of circular ring and cylinders under external pressure – collapse of thick walled cylinders or tubes under external pressure – Effect of supports on Elastic Buckling of Cylinders – Buckling under combined External pressure and axial loading. Buterworths series in Chemical Engineering. Bedner. spherical Heads.. UNIT V PIPING Introduction – Flow diagram – piping layout and piping stress Analysis. vertical and horizontal vessels – stress concentration – at a variable Thickness transition section in a cylindrical vessel. “Approximate Methods in the Design and Analysis of Pressure Vessels and Piping”. Henry H. elliptical openings. Wales. 1987. UNIT I INTRODUCTION Methods for determining stresses – Terminology and Ligament Efficiency – Applications. CBS publishers and Distributors. UNIT III DESIGN OF VESSELS 15 Design of Tall cylindrical self supporting process columns –Supports for short. Theory and Design of Pressure Vessels. “Chemical process equipment. 3. about a circular hole. Stanley. 3 UNIT II STRESSES IN PRESSURE VESSELS 15 Introduction – Stresses in a circular ring. IC7072 COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS L T P C 3 0 0 3 AIM This course aims to introduce numerical modeling and its role in the field of heat and fluid flow. William. Theory of Reinforcement – pressure vessel Design. 1988. Determination of pressure for viscous flow. and Pletcher. Prediction of fluid flow and heat transfer using standard codes.K. USA.J.I. 1995. wear and lubrication aspects of machine components  To understand the material properties which influence the tribological characteristics of surfaces. UNIT III INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID FLOW 10 Governing Equations. “Computer Simulation of flow and heat transfer” Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. Ghoshdasdidar. 1981. Hemisphere Publishing Corporation. R. Bose. Uniform and non-uniform Grids.. Unsteady two-dimensional convection – Diffusion – Introduction to finite element method – Solution of steady heat conduction by FEM – Incompressible flow – Simulation by FEM. Fletcher.S.. UNIT II CONDUCTION HEAT TRANSFER 10 Steady one-dimensional conduction. T. Standard and High and Low Reynolds number models. 1987. 8. Subas. J. “Numerical Fluid Dynamics” Narosa Publishing House.. Springer – Verlag. C and Hughes. C. Computation of Boundary layer flow.H. 1998. P.. V... Initial and Boundary conditions.OBJECTIVES:  To develop finite difference and finite volume discredited forms of the CFD equations. Grid Independence Test. “Computational fluid Mechanic and Heat Transfer “ Hemisphere Publishing Corporation.B. UNIT I GOVERNING DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION AND FINITE DIFFERENCE METHOD 10 Classification. 1987. Fletcher. 1997. “Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics 1” Fundamental and General Techniques. Newyork. Transient one-dimensional problem. Finite difference approach.  To formulate explicit & implicit algorithms for solving the Euler Eqns & Navier Stokes Eqns. Models.X. New Delhi. SIMPLE Procedure of Patankar and spalding. 7. Taylor. 6. 1980. Numerical Errors. D. ED7010 TRIBOLOGY IN DESIGN L T PC 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To impart knowledge in the friction . “Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics 2” Specific Techniques for Different Flow Categories.A. K. Unsteady onedimensional convection – Diffusion.A. Stream Function – Verticity method. C.A. Pineridge Press Limited.J. UNIT IV CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER AND FEM 10 Steady One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Convection – Diffusion. T. Muralidhar. UNIT V TURBULENCE MODELS 5 Algebraic Models – One equation model.  To understand the analytical behavior of different types bearings and design of bearings based on analytical /theoretical approach 21 . TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. Two and Three dimensional steady state problems. 5. U. 4. Anderson. K . Backward difference. Initial and Boundary value problems. and Sundararajan. “Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer”. Tannehill.Patankar “Numerical heat transfer fluid flow”. Forward. Finite difference method. 1984. J... Two-dimensional Transient Problems. “Finite Element Programming of the Navier Stock Equation”. Central. 3. Springer – Verlag. 2.. Narosa Publishing House. 5. Williams J. G..contact stresses – Hertzian stress equation. UNIT I SURFACE INTERACTION AND FRICTION 7 Topography of Surfaces – Surface features-Properties and measurement – Surface interaction – Adhesive Theory of Sliding Friction –Rolling Friction-Friction properties of metallic and non-metallic materials – friction in extreme conditions –Thermal considerations in sliding contact UNIT II WEAR AND SURFACE TREATMENT 8 Types of wear – Mechanism of various types of wear – Laws of wear –Theoretical wear modelsWear of Metals and Non metals – Surface treatments – Surface modifications – surface coatings methods.A.International standards in friction and wear measurements UNIT III LUBRICANTS AND LUBRICATION REGIMES 8 Lubricants and their physical properties. A. UNIT IV THEORY OF HYDRODYNAMIC AND HYDROSTATIC LUBRICATION 12 Reynolds Equation.Lubricants standards ISO.W . 1981 3. Oxford Univ. Prentice –Hall of India Pvt Ltd .Film shape within and outside contact zones-Film thickness and friction calculation.Batchelor .Stachowiak & A. J.Ahuja .E.Basu. load capacity and friction calculations in Hydrodynamic bearings-Long and short bearings-Pad bearings and Journal bearings-Squeeze film effects-Thermal considerations-Hydrostatic lubrication of Pad bearingPressure .Oil film effects.Stresses and deflections-Traction drives TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1.Elasto Hydrodynamic lubrication TheorySoft and hard EHL-Reynolds equation for elasto hydrodynamic lubrication. “Engineering Tribology”..Boundary LubricationHydrodynamic lubrication –– Elasto and plasto hydrodynamic .Pressure wave. “Basic Lubrication Theory”. 1994.Viscosity and other properties of oils –Additives-and selection of Lubricants. flow .Sengupta & B. Engineering Tribology. Macmillian – 1984.UK. New Delhi.OUTCOME:  Ability to select material / surface properties based on the tribological requirements  Methodology for deciding lubricants and lubrication regimes for different operating conditions  Analysis ability of different types of bearings for given load/ speed conditions. Cameron. S.Surface Topography measurements –Laser methods – instrumentation . BIS standards – Lubrication Regimes –Solid Lubrication-Dry and marginally lubricated contacts. S. John Willey &Sons .-Assumptions and limitations-One and two dimensional Reynolds EquationReynolds and Sommerfeld boundary conditions. UK. Rabinowicz.K. (Editor) – “Principles of Tribology “.Spherical and cylindrical contacts-Contact Fatigue life. Butterworth-Heinemann.Various types of flow restrictors in hydrostatic bearings UNIT V HIGH PRESSURE CONTACTS AND ELASTO HYDRODYNAMIC LUBRICATION 10 Rolling contacts of Elastic solids. Halling.Magneto hydrodynamic lubrication – Hydro static lubrication – Gas lubrication.B. Ellis Herward Ltd. 4.SAE. flow.AGMA. load and friction calculations-Stiffness considerations.Rolling bearings. UK. “Friction and Wear of materials”.1995 2. 2005 22 .”Fundamentals of Tribology”.N.W. Press. 2005 6. support stiffness on critical speeds. New Delhi. United Kingdom 2001. “ Engineering Tribology”. fixed and pivoted journal bearings design procedure-Minimum film thickness – lubricant flow and delivery – power loss.-Mounting arrangements-Materials for rolling bearingsManufacturing methods.Ahuja . Heat and temperature distribution calculations. 5.Batchelor . “Tribology Hand Book”.  Ability to make specifications of all types of bearings  Skill for conducting dynamic / vibration analysis and trouble shooting of bearings UNIT I CLASSIFICATION AND SELECTION OF BEARINGS 6 Selection criteria-Dry and Boundary Lubrication Bearings-Hydrodynamic and Hydrostatic bearingsElectro Magnetic bearings-Dry bearings-Rolling Element bearings. Neale.flow regulators and pump design UNIT III SELECTION AND DESIGN OF ROLLING BEARINGS 10 Contact Stresses in Rolling bearings. UK.Basu. Macmillian – 1984. S.. Cameron.A.Bearings for Precision Applications-Foil Bearings-Special bearings. partial. (Editor) – “Principles of Tribology “. alternating and impulse loads in journal bearings – Journal centre Trajectory. Press.Selection of plain Bearing materials –Metallic and Non metallic bearings UNIT II DESIGN OF FLUID FILM BEARINGS 10 Design and performance analysis of Thrust and Journal bearings – Full.J. 1981 3.Stiffness and damping coefficients of journal bearings-computation and measurements of journal bearing coefficients -Mechanics of Hydro dynamic Instability.Selection of lubricantsInternal clearance – Shaft and housing fit. 4.Centrifugal stresses-Elasto hydrodynamic lubricationFatique life calculations. 2.Design based on Charts & Tables and Experimental curves-Design of Foil bearings-Air Bearings.Stiffness consideration . Prentice –Hall of India Pvt Ltd .Finite difference solution for dynamic conditions UNIT V ROTOR DYNAMICS 9 Rotor vibration and Rotor critical speeds. Engineering Tribology.B.Half frequency whirl and Resonance whipDesign configurations of stable journal bearings TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1.Sengupta & B. Ellis Herward Ltd.K. G.ED7011 BEARING DESIGN AND ROTOR DYNAMICS L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To know about different types of bearings available for machine design and their operating principles  To design hydrodynamic/ hydrostatic / rolling bearing for given specifications and analyze the bearings for their performance  To understand the bearing behavior under dynamic conditions OUTCOME:  Acquisition of knowledge in the analysis of all types of bearings. S.Design of Hydrostatic bearings-Thrust and Journal bearings. Butterworth-Heinemann. “Basic Lubrication Theory”. Oxford Univ.W.Analysis of short bearings under dynamic conditions. 1994. Butterworth Heinemann. 2005 23 . 2005 6.”Fundamentals of Tribology”. UK.Stachowiak & A.Ceramic bearings-Rolling bearing cages-bearing seals selection UNIT IV DYNAMICS OF HYDRODYNAMIC BEARINGS 10 Hydrodynamic Lubrication equation for dynamic loadings-Squeeze film effects in journal bearings and thrust bearings -Rotating loads .Bearing operating temperature.N.Lubrication. Halling. Williams J. J.W . A. M. (Editor) – “Principles of Tribology “. 2005 2.UK. Superficial layer – Changing surface metallurgy – Wear resistant coatings and Surface treatments – Techniques – PVD – CVD – Physical CVD – Ion implantation – Surface welding – Thermal spraying – Laser surface hardening and alloying. Aluminium alloys.W . Press. Erosive. Butterworth-Heinemann. Fontana G.Basu. 2005 6.International standards in friction and wear measurements UNIT III CORROSION 10 Introduction – Principle of corrosion – Classification of corrosion – Types of corrosion – Factors influencing corrosion – Testing of corrosion – In-service monitoring. S. Laboratory testing – Evaluation of corrosion – Prevention of Corrosion – Material selection. This will also serve as a precursor for future research in the same field. Titanium alloys.B. Williams J.ED7012 SURFACE ENGINEERING L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To impart knowledge on surface engineering and surface modification methods that will come in handy to solve the industrial problems. Fatigue wear and Fretting WearLaws of wear – Theoretical wear models – Wear of metals and non metals . Cathodic and Anodic Protection. 1985 24 . Halling. New Delhi.”Fundamentals of Tribology”. G. OUTCOME:  It helps the students to get familiarized with the various theories and practice on surface engineering and surface modification methods which are necessary to solve the industrial practical problems that arise and also for the research. J.Ahuja . John Willey &Sons . “Corrosion Engineering”.Stachowiak & A. 1994.1995 3. Macmillian – 1984. Adhesion. Oxford Univ. “Engineering Tribology”. McGraw Hill. Alteration of environment. S. “Engineering Tribology”. “Friction and Wear of materials”. Corrosion inhibitors UNIT IV SURFACE TREATMENTS 12 Introduction – Surface properties. Applications of coatings and surface treatments in wear and friction control – Characteristics of Wear resistant coatings – New trends in coating technology – DLC – CNC – Thick coatings – Nano-engineered coatings – Other coatings. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1.N. and Nickel based alloys – Ceramics – Polymers – Biomaterials – Applications – Bio Tribology Nano Tribology.W..A.E.Batchelor . Rabinowicz. UK. Design.K. Prentice –Hall of India Pvt Ltd . 4. Cavitation.Sengupta & B. Magnesium alloys. Simulated service. 5. UNIT I FRICTION 7 Topography of Surfaces – Surface features – Properties and measurement – Surface interaction – Adhesive Theory of Sliding Friction – Rolling Friction – Friction properties of metallic and non metallic materials – Friction in extreme conditions – Thermal considerations in sliding contact UNIT II WEAR 6 Introduction – Abrasive wear. Corrosion resistant coatings UNIT V ENGINEERING MATERIALS 10 Introduction – Advanced alloys – Super alloys. D.J. Fourth Edition.C. 25 . TOTAL: 45 PERIODS REFERENCES 1. McGraw Hill International Edition.Lanchzos.Application and Examples. UNIT V ERROR ESTIMATES AND ADAPTIVE REFINEMENT 9 Error norms and Convergence rates – h-refinement with adaptivity – Adaptive refinement. UNIT IV FLUID MECHANICS AND HEAT TRANSFER 9 Governing Equations of Fluid Mechanics – Solid structure interaction . R. O..L..Conforming and Non Conforming Elements – C0 and C1 Continuity Elements –Degenerated shell elements. Transient and Forced Response – Solution Procedures – Eigen solution-Subspace Iterative Technique – Response analysis-Houbolt.. and Taylor. UNIT II NON-LINEAR PROBLEMS 10 Introduction – Iterative Techniques – Material non-linearity – Elasto Plasticity – Plasticity – Visco Plasticity – Geometric Non linearity – large displacement Formulation –Solution procedureApplication in Metal Forming Process and Contact Problems. 1991. Wilson.ED7013 ADVANCED FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS L T P C 3 0 0 3 OBJECTIVES:  To develop a thorough understanding of the advanced finite element analysis techniques with an ability to effectively use the tools of the analysis for solving practical problems arising in engineering design OUTCOME: It helps the students to get familiarized with the advanced finite element analysis techniques which are necessary to solve the engineering problems.John Wiley and Sons Inc. Cook R. “The Finite Element Method”. Reduced method for large size system equations. 1990.Inviscid and Incompressible Flow – Potential Formulations – Slow Non-Newtonian Flow – Metal and Polymer Forming – Navier Stokes Equation – Steady and Transient Solution.. Physics Services. UNIT III DYNAMIC PROBLEM 8 Direct Formulation – Free. 1989. Newmark – Methods – Explicit &Implict Methods. Newyork. Bathe K. 2. UNIT I BENDING OF PLATES AND SHELLS 9 Review of Elasticity Equations – Bending of Plates and Shells – Finite Element Formulation of Plate and Shell Elements . “Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis”. “Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis”. Volumes 1 & 2. Prentice Hall. 3. Zienkiewicz.
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