


April 2009contents (Please note that text in red denotes hyperlinks.) Standards South Africa What’s new News Highlights Promotions (no input) South African National Standards (SANS) Standards – New Standards – Revised Standards – Consolidated with amendments Standards – Amendments (not consolidated) Standards – Withdrawn Standards – Projects approved (i.e. proposed new standards) Standards – Projects cancelled Standards – Latest drafts for comment Standards – Drafts for comment International standards Standards World-Wide (News) New IEC standards New ISO standards ISO drafts New UN ECE and EC Regulations and Directives WTO notifications Standards Information Enquiries Tel: (012) 428-6666 Fax: (012) 428-6928 E-mail: [email protected] Standards Sales Enquiries Tel: (012) 428-6883 Fax: (012) 428-6928 E-mail: [email protected] Webstore: https://www.sabs.co.za/Business_Units/Standards_SA/WebStore/WebStoreHome.aspx Standards Bulletin 2 PUBLICATIONS List 04/09 All the SANS publications* as listed in the Standards South Africa Catalogue and in this Official Information are priced in accordance with the group system. The following list shows the selling price for hard copies of standards collected at Standards Sales, applicable from 1 April 2008. Prices are subject to change without notice. Please add VAT. Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Price R 18,00 25,50 38,00 45,50 57,00 71,00 89,00 102,00 117,50 139,00 169,50 191,00 212,00 237,50 Group 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Price R 262,00 285,00 305,00 324,00 340,00 355,00 372,00 417,00 469,50 527,00 584,00 636,00 680,00 730,00 Discount: Students and educational bodies are offered a 50% discount on publications required for educational purposes. Students’ orders must be accompanied by evidence of registration at an educational establishment. These prices do not include handling costs. Please note that: In the Republic of South Africa: a) • • handling charges will be levied as follows: Value R400,00 and less – R40,00 + VAT Value R401,00 and more – 10% + VAT; b) speed service (priority mail): price on enquiry; and c) delivery by courier must be arranged personally by the purchaser. For foreign countries: Handling costs will be levied on all consignments in accordance with Post Office tariffs or courier costs. * REDESIGNATION AND RENUMBERING OF SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS As from 8 November 2002, all South African standards that were previously published by the South African Bureau of Standards with the prefix “SABS” have been redesignated as South African National Standards and will henceforth be published by Standards South Africa (a division of SABS) with the prefix “SANS” (see Government Notice No. 1373 of Government Gazette 24002). Note that all standards in existence before 8 November 2002 may be referred to indefinitely, in any context, by either their “SABS” number or by their “SANS” number, both of which will be equally valid. Standards Bulletin Return to table of contents 3 TECHNICAL COMMUNIQUE SANS 10142-2: AN IMPORTANT NEW GUIDE FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE INSTALLATIONS As towns and cities have grown, so have the number of group housing developments (especially residential complexes), shopping malls (i.e. commercial complexes) and industrial parks (industrial complexes). Even agriculture has not escaped this tendency, with some agricultural installations requiring equipment very similar to a small industrial park. As each such complex requires at least one step-down medium voltage (that is, MV, between 1000 and 22 000 V a.c.) transformer to produce the necessary lower voltage (less than 1000 V) most electricians are more familiar with, so has the need grown for a new standard that can provide, in a convenient form, common rules for the safety of specific, fixed, MV installations of up to and including 3 000 kW installed capacity. That is what this new standard is all about: and why its contents will be important reading for all involved in designing, planning and providing the electrical power wiring for such complexes: especially electrical or mechanical engineers and master electricians (who will need to apply the standard) and, to a lesser extent architects (who will need to know whether SANS 10142-2 needs to be used in specifications for a design, besides SANS 10142-1). This standard does not cover MV installations in mines. Willa Breed, Chair of SABS SC 67F, commented as follows: “As there is a considerable need for guidelines for medium voltage installations, the publication of this standard has been eagerly awaited by many in the electricity supply industries”. Antony Falconer, who chaired the Working Group responsible for the new standard, commented on it as follows. Why was the standard written? “For years we have had a South African standard for low voltages, SANS 10142, but not for higher voltages, which are arguably more dangerous. How does it differ from SANS 10142-1? “This standard relies quite heavily on an ‘MV Installation Safety Report’ in which suitably qualified people are required to declare in writing that the installation has been designed, installed and tested correctly, and that it is safe to operate and will perform the job for which it was intended. This report gives guidance with respect to standards to be met, through a checklist referenced to the text. It should be noted that this standard is not intended to be a ‘cookbook’ on how to design and install MV installations. The people taking responsibility for the various aspects are expected to know their fields. Are there any key provisions or especially important sections? “No, other than as mentioned above. Other points? “It has taken a lot of time and effort by many people over many years to produce and publish this document. While much care has been taken in the document's preparation, people must now start using it and judging its effectiveness. The ultimate success of the standard will rely on users being involved in its maintenance. What persons will be needed to supervise medium-voltage installations? “The person taking responsibility for the design of the installation, and for judging if it has been installed correctly, must be appropriately registered as a Professional with the Standards Bulletin 4 Engineering Council of South Africa.aspx) on entry of a credit card number. There is also an expectation that the contractor is registered as an Electrical Contractor”.za/Business_Units/Standards_SA/WebStore/WebStoreHome.co.za Standards Bulletin . Head: SANS 10141-2 WG Telephone 011 456-4417 Fax 011 456 4317 Email afalconer@aberdare. Information on the standard: Antony Falconer. please contact: To purchase the standard: Standards Sales at the SABS Telephone 012 428-6883 Fax 012 428-6928 Email sales@sabs. Falconer concluded. Electrotechnical Strandards.co. For further information.za The standard can also be downloaded directly from our secure standards webstore (http://www.co. SABS Telephone 012 428-6732 Fax 012 428-6869 Email [email protected] Additional information on the standard: Willa Breed.co. Standards Communicator.za Media enquiries: Chris Meyer.co. SABS Telephone 012 428-6613 Fax 012 428-6246 Email [email protected]. Guidelines for the preparation of maintenance contracts is of considerable interest to all involved in providing such services. SMMEs and local businesses). to provide owners of infrastructure with a guideline for preparation of a contract for maintenance services. This is why the publication of ARP 078. a technical specialist involved in writing the standard comments on it as follows: Why was the ARP written? “In short. the drafting and negotiation of maintenance contracts and in specifying arrangements in the case of disputes • identify types of maintenance contracts and to make recommendations for the attribution of rights and obligations between the parties of the contract including risks.g. modify and adapt to their own contractual relationship. It offers headings which are not exhaustive and which parties may or may not include. Johan Viktor. Clause 4 ‘Maintenance activities and stages to the maintenance contract’ gives a structured overview of possible maintenance services offered or required. SMMEs. and advice on. thus creating an enabling environment for promoting maintenance contracting.Return to table of contents 5 TECHNICAL COMMUNIQUE TOWARDS BETTER MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS: ARP 078 Today. A generic document that can provide general guidelines for maintenance and other such contracts will therefore be of considerable use both to the organizations contracting out the services (e. whether large or small. What is its importance to local businesses. municipalities and local industry? “This ARP will assist municipalities. exclude. Clause 4 and Clause 5.g. This is a particularly relevant option to an organization that does not have the necessary specialised technical knowledge or capacity to maintain their own infrastructure. to prepare maintenance contracts in a structured and standardised way. SMMEs and local businesses will therefore get accustomed to the concept and format and be in a position to tender/negotiate these types of service contracts more easily. namely. Standards Bulletin . “These guidelines could also help specify the required output of maintenance activities. Its purpose is to give advice on activities which may be required in preparing a contract and prior to signing of agreements and also those activities which may be required during the period of any contract. municipalities) and those who are awarded the contract to provide the services (e. What are the key provisions or sections of the standard? “ARP 078 contains two clauses that are especially useful in assisting the user. the purpose of this recommended practice is to: • promote cross-border company/maintenance contractor relationships and to produce a clear interface between the company/employer and the • maintenance contractor/service provider for maintenance services • improve the quality of maintenance contracts so that disputes and adjustments are minimised • draw attention to the scope of maintenance services and to identify options for their provision • give assistance in. and is simply a working tool intended for parties who wish to draw up a maintenance contract. more and more municipalities and other organizations contract out maintenance and other services. As described in the ARP itself. and • simplify comparison between maintenance contracts. Standards Communicator.co. Technical Specialist Telephone 012 427-2788 Fax 012 427-2030 Email [email protected]. which maintenance services should be bought from a maintenance contractor/service provider and therefore be subject to a maintenance contract.e.aspx) on entry of a credit card number.za/Business_Units/Standards_SA/WebStore/WebStoreHome.co. Information on the standard: Johan Viktor. SABS Telephone 012 428-6732 Fax 012 428-6869 Email meyercm@sabs. please contact: To purchase the standard: Standards Sales at the SABS Telephone 012 428-6883 Fax 012 428-6928 Email [email protected] Standards Bulletin . Viktor concluded.za Media enquiries: Chris Meyer.6 “Clause 5 ‘Structure and content’ provides a standard check list for use when drafting maintenance contracts together with important elements for content..co. Step 2: A pre-qualification stage follows any decision to contract out part or all of any maintenance activity and it is during this period that the company/employer will identify any contractor/service provider(s) capable of performing the required maintenance tasks. i. • • For further information. and Step 3: The contract may be prepared using the guidance in this Recommended Practice and the maintenance contractor/service provider selected either by price negotiation or by competitive tender”.za The standard can also be downloaded directly from our secure standards webstore (http://www.co. Other points: “When using ARP 078 a three-step approach should be followed: • Step 1: The company/employer should decide which maintenance services will be provided in-house and which services will be contracted out. check. It therefore comes as no surprise that the structure of SANS 879 and ARP 136 also resembles that of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. as they provide general.Return to table of contents 7 TECHNICAL COMMUNIQUE TOWARDS BETTER MANAGEMENT OF ENERGY: WHAT TO DO (SANS 879) AND HOW TO ACHIEVE IT (ARP 136) As saving energy becomes an increasingly important national priority. and ARP 136 providing general guidance on how to achieve these requirements. comments on the standards as follows: Both SANS 879 and ARP 136 are adoptions of Danish standards. Energy management-Guidance on energy management) is important news. The standard lays down requirements for continual improvement in the form of a more efficient use of energy.e. Energy management system. act) found in both the environmental management standard ISO 14001 and quality management standard ISO 9001 applied as international standards around the world. Tony Golding. These two documents are intended to be used together. What is the importance of these standards to government and local Industry. SANS 879 specifies requirements for an energy management system. to enable an organization to address its present and future energy consumption systematically. Energy management-Specifications and ARP 136. and not ISO standards? “The Danes are particularly advanced in both energy management and generating electricity from wind. irrespective of the type of energy involved. Standards Bulletin . of the Department of Minerals and Energy. do. and is based on a systems approach that involves the four basic elements (plan. it is therefore the main target for energy management interventions. so do standards that can assist organizations to save energy. it is essential to government that all measures that can alleviate the electricity/energy shortages are taken i. Energy managers can also in principle be used in any organisation or sector of the economy. practical and easily understood guidance on what has to be done. But this may not be necessary if it can stand on its own two feet” Golding concluded. these Danish standards are the best currently available. As industry is the sector that uses energy most intensively. and will adopt this standard once it has been published. once the standard and the ‘infrastructure’ to implement it in SA is developed. South Africa is actively participating in the development of ISO 50001. As ISO has only recently started to work on a draft energy management standard. That is why the publication of two standards (SANS 879. with SANS 879 setting out the requirements. Will these standards eventually be referred to in legislation? “Quite possibly. Why were Danish standards chosen. An international standard for energy management will assist individual companies to manage their resources towards this aim by employing trained energy managers. and how will they help government to achieve specific goals in managing energy better? “In view of the power crisis in SA. to reduce energy demand. SABS Telephone 012 428-6732 Fax 012 428-6869 Email [email protected]/Business_Units/Standards_SA/WebStore/WebStoreHome.co.za Standards Bulletin .aspx) on entry of a credit card number.sabs.co.za Media enquiries: Chris Meyer.co.8 For further information. SABS Telephone 012 428-6379 Fax 012 428-6368 Email [email protected] The standard can also be downloaded directly from our secure standards webstore (http://www. Standards Communicator. please contact: To purchase the standard: Standards Sales at the SABS Telephone 012 428-6883 Fax 012 428-6928 Email sales@sabs. Manager: Services and Systems standards. Information on the standards: Irma Loots.co. marking location. where appropriate. marking surface preparation. For those currencies with minor units. where currencies and. Is designed to be equally suitable for manual users and for those who employ automated systems.aspx Standards Bulletin .040 To order. Establishes procedures for a maintenance agency. Distribution transformers (revised standard) Specifies requirements for single-phase and three-phase distribution transformers of the oilimmersed type. Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques — Guidelines for direct part marking (DPM) (new standard) Describes marking methods.Return to table of contents 9 Standards Bulletin Highlights : April 2009 South African National Standards most likely to interest local readers: SANS 780.za http://www.140.sabs.za/Business_Units/Standards_SA/WebStore/WebStoreHome.180 SANS 4217. ICS 35.co. Is intended for use in any application of trade. Codes for the representation of currencies and funds (new standard) Specifies the structure for a three-letter alphabetic code and an equivalent three-digit numeric code for the representation of currencies and funds.060 SANS 24720.co. and specifies the method of application for codes. ICS 29. protective coatings and other parameters that contribute to the production of quality symbols. ICS 01. funds are required to be described. it also shows the decimal relationship between such units and the currency itself.30. but does not specify the information to be encoded. 03. please contact Standards Sales: Tel: Fax: E-mail: Webstore: 012 428 6883 012 428 6928 sales@sabs. commerce and banking. interrelationships with other systems. vulcanized or thermoplastic .040 Return to table of contents 10 SANS 4217 (2009) (2009-04-24) Codes for the representation of currencies and funds Specifies the structure for a three-letter alphabetic code and an equivalent three-digit numeric code for the representation of currencies and funds. Is designed to be equally suitable for manual users and for those who employ automated systems. updates and maintenance of data.040 ISO/IEC TR 24720:2008. Ed 1 A4 38p EN PDF 38p EN Gr 11 ICS 35. 35.15 ISO/IEC 7811-9:2008.how to develop a technical performance test.Standards .040 ISO/IEC 19795-4:2008.060 ISO 815-1:2008. For those currencies with minor units.Determination of caking power . related data storage and security. where currencies and. development and deployment. idt SANS 7811-9 (2009) (2009-04-03) Identification cards .020. legal frameworks. operations enrolment and subsequent usage. idt Standards Bulletin . system audit and controlled system expiration.140.It presents and defines methods for determining . idt SANS 10815-1 (2009) (2009-04-09) Rubber. SANS 881 (2009) (2009-04-24) Hard coal . it also shows the decimal relationship between such units and the currency itself.Determination of compression set Part 1: At ambient or elevated temperatures Specifies methods for the determination of compression set at characteristics of vulcanized and thermoplastic rubbers at ambient or elevated temperatures. and specifies the method of application for codes.Biometric performance testing and reporting Part 4: Interoperability performance testing Prescribes methods for technology and scenario evaluations of multi-supplier biometric systems that use biometric data conforming to biometric data interchange format standards. idt SANS 24720 (2009) (2009-04-17) Information technology .New The dates in brackets following the document number are the year of publication and the approval date.240. idt SANS 24714-1 (2009) (2009-04-03) Information technology . funds are required to be described. idt SANS 10815-2 (2009) (2009-04-09) Rubber. marking surface preparation.Roga test Specifies a method of determining the caking power of hard coal by the Roga test.240. Ed 1 A4 54p EN PDF 54p EN Gr 13 ICS 35.15 ISO/IEC TR 24714-1:2008.30. idt SANS 19795-4 (2009) (2009-04-09) Information technology .Biometrics . protective coatings and other parameters that contribute to the production of quality symbols. Defines the area on the card for the tactile identifier mark (TIM) and the layout of Braille style embossed dots arranged in patterns to enable easy tactile recognition. Covers the capture and design of initial requirements.Recording technique Part 2: Tactile identifier mark Specifies the physical characteristics of a tactile identifier mark used by visually-impaired card holders to distinguish their cards. Ed 1 A4 15p EN PDF 15p EN Gr 8 ICS 83. 03. idt SANS 19795-3 (2009) (2009-04-09) Information technology . where appropriate.given a specific biometric modality . Ed 1 A4 7p EN PDF 7p EN Gr 5 ICS 73. training and awareness system evaluation.Automatic identification and data capture techniques . Ed 1 A4 31p EN PDF 31p EN Gr 11 ICS 35.060 ISO 815-2:2008. Ed 1 A4 13p EN PDF 13p EN Gr 7 ICS 83.Determination of compression set Part 2: At low temperatures Specifies a method for the determination of the compression set characteristics of vulcanized and thermoplastic rubbers at low temperatures. Is intended for use in any application of trade.Biometric performance testing and reporting Part 3: Modality . accessibility of the widest population. Areas addressed are limited to the design and implementation of biometric technologies with respect to legal and societal constraints on the use of biometric data. Ed 1 A4 26p EN PDF 26p EN Gr 10 ICS 35. commerce and banking. Ed 1 A4 8p EN PDF 8p EN Gr 6 ICS 35.040 ISO/IEC TR 19795-3:2007. Ed 1 A4 33p EN PDF 33p EN Gr 11 ICS 01. health and safety regarding direct potential hazards as well as possibility of the misuse of inferred data from biometric information. but does not specify the information to be encoded.060 ISO 4217:2008. Establishes procedures for a maintenance agency.Specific testing Describes the methodologies relating to modality-dependent variations.Guidelines for direct part marking (DPM) Describes marking methods.Jurisdictional and societal considerations for commercial applications Part 1: General guidance Gives guidelines for the stages in the life cycle of a system's biometric and associated elements. vulcanized or thermoplastic . marking location. 50 EN 10025-6:2004. in this case the pressurized part only for low pressure and controlled atmosphere plasma spraying. An annex describes the work of creating International Standards for biometrics and provides a layered model for the placement of the various International Standards being produced. idt SANS 51395-4 (2009) (2009-04-24) Thermal spraying . used in spray jobs to produce thermally sprayed coatings of reproducible quality. with a short description of each. in this case arc spraying. used in spray jobs to produce thermally sprayed coatings of reproducible quality. Should be used in conjunction with SANS 51395-1.220.220. idt SANS 50025-6 (2009) (2009-04-24) Hot rolled products of structural steels Part 6: Technical delivery conditions for flat products of high yield strength structural steels in the quenched and tempered condition Specifies requirements for flat products of high yield strength alloy special steels.Acceptance inspection of thermal spraying equipment Part 2: Flame spraying including HVOF Specifies requirements for the acceptance inspection of thermal spraying equipment in the case of flame spraying including HVOF (high velocity oxygen-fuel). idt SANS 51395-5 (2009) (2009-04-24) Thermal spraying . Techniques are described to minimize electrostatic discharge and transponder damage.Acceptance inspection of thermal spraying equipment Part 4: Plasma spraying Specifies requirements for the acceptance inspection of thermal spraying equipment. adhesives. The grades and qualities are given in chemical composition tables and mechanical properties tables and are supplied in the quenched and tempered condition. idt SANS 51395-2 (2009) (2009-04-24) Thermal spraying .Acceptance inspection of thermal spraying equipment Part 6: Manipulator systems Specifies requirements for the acceptance inspection of thermal spraying equipment in this case manipulator systems used in spray jobs to produce thermally sprayed coatings of reproducible quality.Standards . idt SANS 24741 (2009) (2009-04-03) Information technology .20 EN 1395-5:2007.220. 77. used in spray jobs to produce thermally sprayed coatings of reproducible quality.60 ISO/IEC TR 24729-1:2008. Guidance is provided for transponder selection. Ed 1 A4 11p EN PDF 11p EN Gr 7 ICS 25. or SANS 1395-4 when carrying out acceptance inspection for plasma spraying equipment. and inks.Biometrics tutorial Describes the main biometric technologies. Ed 1 A4 12p EN PDF 12p EN Gr 7 ICS 25.20 EN 1395-4:2007.240. A second annex contains some of the terms and definitions currently used in these International Standards or the drafts of these International Standards.20 EN 1395-3:2007.Implementation guidelines Part 1: RFID-enabled labels and packaging supporting ISO/IEC 18000-6C Provides guidance on the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) enabled labels and packaging in the supply chain. idt SANS 51395-7 (2009) (2009-04-24) Thermal spraying .Acceptance inspection of thermal spraying equipment Part 5: Plasma spraying in chambers Specifies requirements for the acceptance inspection of thermal spraying equipment.140. Should be used in conjunction with SANS 51395-1.Acceptance inspection of thermal spraying equipment Part 3: Arc spraying Specifies requirements for the acceptance inspection of thermal spraying equipment. as well as the selection of media. 11 Standards Bulletin . used to produce thermally sprayed coatings of reproducible quality.New The dates in brackets following the document number are the year of publication and the approval date. Should be used in conjunction with SANS 51395-1.Radio frequency identification for item management . in this case plasma spraying. idt SANS 51395-3 (2009) (2009-04-24) Thermal spraying .040. and also used in addition to SANS 51395-2 when carrying out acceptance inspection for flame and/or HVOF (high velocity oxygen-fuel) spraying equipment. Ed 1 A4 64p EN PDF 64p EN Gr 15 ICS 35. Should be used in conjunction with SANS 51395-1. Ed 1 A4 13p EN PDF 13p EN Gr 7 ICS 25. SANS 24729-1 (2009) (2009-04-03) Information technology .20 EN 1395-6:2007. Should be used in conjunction with SANS 51395-1. Ed 1 A4 25p EN PDF 25p EN Gr 10 ICS 77. Should be used in conjunction with SANS 51395-1.040 ISO/IEC TR 24741:2007.220.10. Ed 1 A4 13p EN PDF 13p EN Gr 7 ICS 25.Acceptance inspection of thermal spraying equipment Part 7: Powder feed systems Specifies requirements for the acceptance inspection of thermal spraying equipment in the case of powder feed units used in spray jobs to produce thermally sprayed coatings of reproducible quality. idt SANS 51395-6 (2009) (2009-04-24) Thermal spraying . Ed 1 A4 10p EN PDF 10p EN Gr 6 ICS 25. facestocks. 35.20 EN 1395-2:2007.220.140. Ed 1 A4 69p EN PDF 69p EN Gr 14 ICS 35. with some historical information. Radio disturbance characteristics .Does not apply to fixed automotive installations. performance and the environment.060 ISO 188:2007.020.Includes references to associated equipment for vapour or liquid service. 35. Ed 2 A4 24p EN PDF 24p EN Gr 10 ICS 83.5 L up to 150 L water capacity. vulcanized or thermoplastic .020 CISPR 22:2008.040 Revision of SANS 5924:1978 (SABS SM 924) SANS 5941 (SABS SM 941) (2009) (2009-04-24) Carbon dioxide content of coal (titrimetric method) Specifies a volumetric method for the determination of the carbon dioxide content of coal. Ed 2 A4 4p EN PDF 4p EN Gr 3 ICS 73.Determination of flex cracking and crack growth (De Mattia) Specifies a method of test intended for use in comparing the resistance of rubbers to the formation and growth of cracks.100.060.100. idt Revision of SANS 222:2006 (SABS CISPR 22) SANS 780 (SABS 780) (2009) (2009-04-09) Distribution transformers Specifies requirements for single-phase and three-phase distribution transformers of the oil-immersed type. idt SANS 5236 (SABS SM 236) (2009) (2009-04-17) Bacteriostatic efficacy of water miscible liquids Describes a method to determine the bacteriostatic efficacy of water miscible liquids. These devices restrict operation or provide the operator or other persons (or both) with operational information.Accelerated ageing and heat resistance tests Specifies two methods of accelerated ageing or heat resistance tests on vulcanized or thermoplastic rubbers.40 Revision of SANS 199:1972 (SABS 199) SANS 222 (SABS CISPR 22) (2009) (2009-04-24) Information technology equipment .01. when subjected to repeated flexing on the De Mattia type machine.Limits and methods of measurement Gives procedures for the measurement of the levels of spurious signals generated by the ITE and specifies limits for the frequency range 9 kHz to 400 GHz for both class A and class B equipment. idt Return to table of contents 12 SANS 61-1 (2009) (2009-04-09) Cranes . Ed 2 A4 3p EN PDF 3p EN Gr 3 ICS 07. idt SANS 199 (SABS 199) (2009) (2009-04-24) Shut-off valves for refillable liquefied petroleum gas cylinders Specifies requirements for design.060.Revised The dates in brackets following the document number are the year of publication and the approval date.180 Revision of SANS 780:2004 (SABS 780) SANS 1132 (2009) (2009-04-24) Rubber. Ed 2 A4 3p EN PDF 3p EN Gr 3 ICS 07. Ed 2 A4 6p EN PDF 6p EN Gr 4 ICS 73. specification and type testing of dedicated LPG cylinder valves specifically for use with transportable refillable LPG cylinders from 0.040 Standards Bulletin .Standards . Ed 2 A4 14p EN PDF 14p EN Gr 7 ICS 53. Ed 6 A4 79p EN PDF 79p EN Gr 14 ICS 33.10 Revision of SANS 5236:1981 (SABS SM 236) SANS 5730 (SABS SM 730) (2009) (2009-04-17) Antibacterial efficacy of solid and semi-solid antiseptics Describes a method to determine the antibacterial efficacy of solid and semi-solid antiseptics. Ed 2 A4 27p EN PDF 27p EN Gr 9 ICS 23. SANS 54 (2009) (2009-04-24) Rubber.20 ISO 132:2005.20 ISO 10245-1:2008. Ed 4 A4 47p EN PDF 47p EN Gr 11 ICS 29. 83.100.10 Revision of SANS 5730:1975 (SABS SM 730) SANS 5924 (SABS SM 924) (2009) (2009-04-24) Moisture content of coal samples intended for general analysis (vacuum-oven method) Specifies the vacuum-oven method for the determination of the moisture content of coal samples intended for general analysis. Ed 2 A4 15p EN PDF 15p EN Gr 8 ICS 83.Limiting and indicating devices Part 1: General Specifies general requirements for limiting and indicating devices for cranes that are applicable to loads and motions.080. vulcanized or thermoplastic . using an angle test piece. Ed 2 A4 17p EN PDF 17p EN Gr 8 ICS 83. Ed 2 A4 31p EN PDF 31p EN Gr 11 ICS 83.060 ISO 34-1:2004. location and co-ordination of SPDs to be connected to 50 Hz to 60 Hz a.Immunity to conducted disturbances. and method C. both natural and synthetic. Ed 2 A4 14p EN PDF 14p EN Gr 6 ICS 73.r.s. vulcanized or thermoplastic . Cables may be provided with a common screen over the cable core.c.Determination of solvent extract Specifies two methods for the quantitative determination of extractable material from raw rubbers. idt SANS 10037 (2009) (2009-04-09) Rubber.Sectional specification Covers individually unscreened pairs in cables for work area wiring. operation.10 13 IEC 61643-12:2008.120.Determination of tear strength Part 2: Small (Delft) test pieces Specifies a method for the determination of the tear strength of small pieces (Delft test pieces) of vulcanized or thermoplastic rubber. vulcanized or thermoplastic . using a trouser test piece.m. vulcanized or thermoplastic .060 ISO 37:2005.c. idt SANS 61000-4-6 (SABS IEC 61000-4-6) (2009) (2009-04-24) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4-6: Testing and measurement techniques . idt SANS 10048 (2009) (2009-04-09) Rubber. idt Standards Bulletin . angle and crescent test pieces Specifies three test methods for the determination of the tear strength of vulcanized and thermoplastic rubber. idt SANS 11407 (2009) (2009-04-09) Rubber . Ed 3 A4 57p EN PDF 57p EN Gr 13 ICS 33. method B.060 ISO 1407:1992.20 IEC 61000-4-6:2008. power circuits and equipment rated up to 1 000 V.10 IEC 61156-3:2008. with or without a nick of specified depth. induced by radio-frequency fields Relates to the conducted immunity requirements of electrical and electronic equipment to electromagnetic disturbances coming from intended radio-frequency (RF) transmitters in the frequency range 9 kHz up to 80 MHz.Determination of hardness (hardness between 10 IRHD and 100 IRHD) Specifies four methods for the determination of the hardness of vulcanized or thermoplastic rubbers on flat surfaces (standard-hardness methods) and four methods for the determination of the apparent hardness of curved surfaces (apparent-hardness methods).060 ISO 48:2007. Ed 2 A4 16p EN PDF 16p EN Gr 8 ICS 83. or 1 500 V d. idt Revision of SANS 61000-4-6:2006 (SABS IEC 61000-4-6) SANS 61156-3 (2009) (2009-04-03) Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications Part 3: Work area cable . and to d.100. using a crescent test piece with a nick. namely. method A. The cables are intended to operate with voltages and currents normally adopted for communication systems.Determination of tensile stress-strain properties Describes a method for the determination of the tensile stress-strain properties of vulcanized and thermoplastic rubbers.Standards .c. idt SANS 61643-12 (2009) (2009-04-24) Low-voltage surge protective devices Part 12: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems Selection and application principles Describes the principles for selection.040 Revision of SANS 6072:1984 (SABS SM 1072) SANS 10034-1 (2009) (2009-04-09) Rubber.060 ISO 34-2:2007. Ed 3 A4 15p EN PDF 15p EN Gr 8 ICS 33. SANS 6072 (SABS SM 1072) (2009) (2009-04-24) Coking properties of coal (Ruhr dilatometer test) Specifies a method for the determination of the coking properties of coal by using the Ruhr dilatometer.240. Ed 2 A4 155p EN PDF 155p EN Gr 18 ICS 29. idt SANS 10034-2 (2009) (2009-04-09) Rubber. vulcanized or thermoplastic . Ed 2 A4 27p EN PDF 27p EN Gr 10 ICS 83.Revised The dates in brackets following the document number are the year of publication and the approval date.Determination of tear strength Part 1: Trouser. and their unvulcanized and vulcanized compounds Ed 2 A4 12p EN PDF 12p EN Gr 7 ICS 83. SANS 62271-109 (2009) (2009-04-09) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 109: Alternating-current series capacitor by-pass switches Applies to a. idt Standards Bulletin . Ed 2 A4 128p EN PDF 128p EN Gr 18 ICS 29.Standards . series capacitor by-pass switches designed for outdoor installation and for operation at frequencies of 50 Hz and 60 Hz on systems having voltages above 52 kV. Is only applicable to by-pass switches for use in three-phase systems.Revised The dates in brackets following the document number are the year of publication and the approval date.130.c.10 14 IEC 62271-109:2008. Ed 1. and other waste water fitments that have appropriately sized outlets.01 A4 33p EN PDF 33p EN Gr 10 ICS 91.140.60 Am 1. such as sound-insulation properties and resistance to fungal attack. and also requirements for a grading system for location or areas. Ed 2.02 A4 13p EN PDF 13p EN Gr 6 ICS 59. idt Am 1. the erection of prefabricated timber trusses.40 IEC 60335-2-5:2008.30.040. 1999-04-16 Am 1.80 Am 1. 2009-04-09 Revision of SANS 60335-2-5:2006 (SABS IEC 60335-2-5) SANS 60335-2-10 (SABS IEC 60335-2-10) (2009) (2009-04-09) Household and similar electrical appliances .20 15 SANS 6164 (SABS SM 1164) (2008) (2009-04-24) Determination of lead (inorganic and tetra-alkyl) in workplace air by atomic absorption spectrophotometry Specifies the determination of lead (inorganic and tetra-alkyl) in the workplace air by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.140. the erection of rafters and purlin rafters. and designed to be used for domestic purposes with baths. the fixing of purlins and battens. 71.Safety Part 2-5: Particular requirements for dishwashers Deals with the safety of electric dishwashers for household use that are intended for washing and rinsing dishes. Ed 1. sinks.160 Col 1. 2009-04-03 Revision of SANS 1844:2005 (SABS 1844) SANS 2001-CT2 (2009) (2009-04-24) Construction works Part CT2: Structural timberwork (roofing) Covers the construction of timber roof assemblies in buildings. 2008-02-22 Am 2.Consolidated with amendments The dates in brackets following the document number are the year of publication and the approval date. 2008-05-23 Am 2.02 A4 20p EN PDF 20p EN Gr 9 ICS 97.01 A4 16p EN PDF 16p EN Gr 7 ICS 83.080.02 A4 12p EN PDF 12p EN Gr 6 ICS 55.080.040. cutlery and other utensils.99. fibre-cement board or similar boards.01 A4 11p EN PDF 11p EN Gr 6 ICS 13. Return to table of contents SANS 1321-1 (SABS 1321-1) (2009) (2009-04-24) Non-metallic waste traps Part 1: Plastics waste traps Covers waste traps.Standards .040.020. other than traps for soil water. their rated voltage being not more than 250 V. 91. 2009-04-24 Revision of SANS 6164:1990 (SABS SM 1164) SANS 60335-2-5 (SABS IEC 60335-2-5) (2009) (2009-04-09) Household and similar electrical appliances . Requirements for resistance to UV degradation are included.50 Am 1. idt Am 1.Safety Part 2-10: Particular requirements for floor treatment machines and wet scrubbing machines Deals with the safety of electric floor treatment and wet scrubbing machines intended for household and similar purposes. Does not cover specific characteristics. Ed 1. moulded from thermoplastic materials. Ed 1. 2006-07-28 Am 2.060. 2009-04-03 Revision of SANS 1394-1:2008 (SABS 1394-1) SANS 1419 (SABS 1419) (2009) (2009-04-09) Carpet underlays Specifies the basic requirements for carpet underlays. 97.03 A4 18p EN PDF 18p EN Gr 7 ICS 59. 2009-04-09 Revision of SANS 60335-2-10:2003 (SABS IEC 60335-2-10) Standards Bulletin . 2005-08-26 Am 2.01 A4 13p EN PDF 13p EN Gr 7 ICS 97. their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances. Ed 2. 2009-04-24 Revision of SANS 1321-1:1981 (SABS 1321-1) SANS 1394-1 (SABS 1394-1) (2009) (2009-04-03) Duvets and pillows Part 1: Plumage filled Covers the requirements of three types of plumage filled duvets and one type of plumage filled pillow Ed 2. Ed 2.01 Am 1. 2009-04-09 Revision of SANS 1419:2008 (SABS 1419) SANS 1844 (SABS 1844) (2009) (2009-04-03) The testing of polypropylene woven fabrics for use in flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs) for non-dangerous goods Specifies methods to be used to test polypropylene woven fabrics for use in flexible intermediate bulk containers for non-dangerous goods. and the fixing of brandering to roofing members to support ceilings that comprise gypsum plasterboard. 59. showers.080 IEC 60335-2-10:2008.040. Includes the manufacture of bolted trusses that are designed in accordance with the requirements of SANS 10400. warming trays and similar appliances intended for keeping food or vessels warm.040.Standards .Safety Part 2-12: Particular requirements for warming plates and similar appliances Deals with the safety of electric warming plates. SANS 60335-2-12 (SABS IEC 60335-2-12) (2009) (2009-04-03) Household and similar electrical appliances .01 A4 14p EN PDF 14p EN Gr 7 ICS 13. their rated voltage being not more than 250 V. idt Am 1.Consolidated with amendments The dates in brackets following the document number are the year of publication and the approval date. Ed 3.170 IEC 60335-2-52:2008.50 IEC 60335-2-12:2008. 2009-04-03 Revision of SANS 60335-2-12:2003 (SABS IEC 60335-2-12) SANS 60335-2-52 (SABS IEC 60335-2-52) (2009) (2009-04-03) Household and similar electrical appliances . for household and similar purposes. 2009-04-03 Revision of SANS 60335-2-52:2003 (SABS IEC 60335-2-52) 16 Standards Bulletin .01 A4 12p EN PDF 12p EN Gr 7 ICS 97.Safety Part 2-52: Particular requirements for oral hygiene appliances Deals with the safety of electric oral hygiene appliances for household and similar purposes.120. 97. their rated voltage being not more than 250 V. idt Am 1. Ed 2. ovens and similar appliances Deals with the safety of stationary electric cooking ranges. 2009-04-03 Standards Bulletin .040. hobs. idt Cor 1. Ed 3.Safety Part 2-6: Particular requirements for stationary cooking ranges. hobs. The date following the amendment number is the approval date of the amendment.20 IEC 60335-2-6:2008.Amendments (not consolidated) Return to table of contents 17 The dates in brackets following the document number are the year of publication and the approval date of the document. ovens and similar appliances for household use.02 A4 40p EN PDF 40p EN Gr 11 ICS 97.Standards . SANS 60335-2-6 (SABS IEC 60335-2-6) (2008) (2008-08-15) Household and similar electrical appliances . and 480 V for other appliances. their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances connected between one phase and neutral. Limiting and indicating devices Part 1: General Specifies general requirements for limiting and indicating devices for lifting appliances that are applicable to loads and motions. Ed 5.Withdrawn The dates in brackets following the document number are the year of publication and the withdrawal date.020 Replaced by: SANS 595 (SABS 595) (2009) SANS 629 (SABS 629) (1983) (2009-04-09) Softwood flooring boards Covers 3 grades of flooring boards manufactured from either solid or laminated softwood timber grown in Southern Africa.02 A4 79p EN CISPR 22:2006. 2004-04-02 ICS 23.140 Replaced by: SANS 777 (SABS 777) (2009) Standards Bulletin .40 Am 5. Ed 1 A4 16p EN PDF 16p EN ICS 53. Ed 5 A4 13p EN PDF 13p EN ICS 11. idt Replaced by: SANS 61-1 (2009) SANS 199 (SABS 199) (1972) (2009-04-24) Cylinder shut-off valves for liquefied petroleum gas Lays down constructional. 2003-07-11 PDF 15p EN Am 2. 1980-11-01 Am 6.060 ISO 188:1998. 2006-05-05 Replaced by: SANS 222 (SABS CISPR 22) (2009) SANS 595 (SABS 595) (2008) (2009-04-09) Sterilized sodium chloride intravenous infusion Covers chemical and biological requirements for a solution of sodium chloride in water for injections that has been dispensed into suitable containers. dimensional and functional requirements for screw-down shut-off valves for liquefied petroleum gas cylinders of water capacity not exceeding 500 kg.02 A4 15p EN Am 1.Limits and methods of measurement Gives procedures for the measurement of the levels of spurious signals generated by the ITE and specifies limits for the frequency range 9 kHz to 4OO GHz for both class A and class B equipment. idt Am 1.Accelerated ageing and heat resistance tests Specifies accelerated ageing or heat resistance tests on vulcanized or thermoplastic rubbers. 1981-08-01 Am 1. It also specifies the required marking.080. 35. 2006-05-05 Am 2. 1978-08-01 Am 9. 97.140. vulcanized or thermoplastic . 1992-02-01 Am 4.120.20 ISO 10245-1:1994.060. SANS 54 (2003) (2009-04-24) Rubber. 1976-03-01 Am 8. 1995-11-27 Am 3.020.060. 1973-11-01 Am 7.Standards . 2004-09-10 ICS 11. Ed 3 A4 20p EN PDF 20p EN ICS 79. Ed 1 A4 13p EN PDF 13p EN ICS 83.30 Replaced by: SANS 629 (SABS 629) (2009) SANS 777 (SABS 777) (2004) (2009-04-03) Overbed tables Covers dimensional. 91. Ed 1 A4 15p EN PDF 15p EN Am 2. performance and environment. 1980-02-01 Replaced by: SANS 199 (SABS 199) (2009) SANS 222 (SABS CISPR 22) (2006) (2009-04-24) Information technology equipment .01. idt Replaced by: SANS 54 (2009) Return to table of contents 18 SANS 61-1 (2003) (2009-04-09) Cranes .10 PDF 79p EN ICS 33. sealed and sterilized. Ed 3. constructional and performance requirements for two types of overbed tables for use in hospitals and other medical institutions.Radio disturbance characteristics . Grade and physical requirements are laid down.100. 100. an artificial cut is made in the test piece to initiate cut growth.20 ISO 132:1999. for use in mortar and plaster. construction.15. resistance to compression-extension cycling. Ed 1 A4 11p EN PDF 11p EN ICS 83. performance. 77. Ed 2 A4 20p EN PDF 20p EN Am 2.140.99.Fine aggregates for plaster and mortar Specifies requirements for fine aggregate from natural sources. sinks. idt Replaced by: SANS 1132 (2009) SANS 1291-2 (SABS 1291-2) (2005) (2009-04-24) Flexible polyurethane foam sleeping mats and mattresses Part 2: Foam mattresses for domestic and hotel use Specifies the characteristics of five types of foam mattresses suitable for domestic and hotel use.50.060. 1990-08-01 Replaced by: SANS 1077 (SABS 1077) (2009) SANS 1090 (SABS 1090) (2002) (2009-04-09) Aggregates from natural sources . and for trim sections designed for use in conjunction with tile units of the same material and of appropriate profile.Determination of flex cracking and crack growth (De Mattia) Specifies a method of test intended for use in comparing the resistance of rubbers to the formation and growth of cracks.080. Specifies requirements for heat-aging. For determination of crack growth.100. 83.060. Requirements are laid down for materials. constructional and performance requirements for innerspring mattresses of 2 classes.140 PDF 12p EN ICS 91. packing and marking. tack-free time and hardness.80 Replaced by: SANS 1321-1 (SABS 1321-1) (2009) Standards Bulletin . 1988-03-01 Am 4.150. a pouring grade and a gun grade. Methods of test for the spring units and finished mattresses are included. Class 1 for institutional use and Class 2 for domestic use. 91.50 Am 1. design.180 19 Replaced by: SANS 780 (SABS 780) (2009) SANS 1005 (SABS 1005) (1979) (2009-04-03) Innerspring mattresses Covers the materials and the dimensional. Ed 3. 2004-07-23 ICS 29.02 A4 42p EN Am 1. Ed 1 A4 14p EN PDF 14p EN ICS Replaced by: SANS 1291-2 (SABS 1291-2) (2009) SANS 1321-1 (SABS 1321-1) (1981) (2009-04-24) Non-metallic waste traps Part 1: Plastics waste traps Covers waste traps (other than traps for soil water). polyurethane-base Covers 2 types.140. Ed 2 A4 14p EN PDF 14p EN ICS 77.Withdrawn The dates in brackets following the document number are the year of publication and the withdrawal date.140. 91.Standards . 97. SANS 780 (SABS 780) (2004) (2009-04-09) Distribution transformers Specifies requirements for single-phase and three-phase distribution transformers of the oil-immersed type. 2002-05-08 Replaced by: SANS 1090 (SABS 1090) (2009) SANS 1132 (2003) (2009-04-24) Rubber. Ed 2 A4 9p EN PDF 9p EN ICS 83. adhesion in peel before and after ultraviolet radiation. showers and other waste water fitments that have appropriately sized outlets. vulcanized or thermoplastic . two-component. 91.20 Replaced by: SANS 1022 (SABS 1022) (2009) SANS 1077 (SABS 1077) (1984) (2009-04-24) Sealing compounds for the building and construction industry. dimensions. Ed 2. Ed 1 A4 17p EN PDF 17p EN ICS 83. when subjected to repeated flexing on the De Mattia type machine. 1993-05-01 ICS 97. 1992-05-01 Am 3.01 A4 12p EN Am 1.10. moulded from thermoplastic materials and designed to be used for domestic purposes with baths.100. 1996-03-25 Replaced by: SANS 1005 (SABS 1005) (2009) SANS 1022 (SABS 1022) (2006) (2009-04-24) Metal roofing tiles Covers the requirements for metal roofing tiles supplied in the form of carbon steel sheets or aluminium alloy sheets. 2003-11-14 PDF 42p EN Am 2.140 Am 1. 01 PDF 26p EN ICS 91. 2008-05-23 Replaced by: SANS 1419 (SABS 1419) (2009) SANS 1549 (SABS 1549) (1993) (2009-04-09) Raised access flooring Specifies the characteristics of floor panels. SANS 1394-1 (SABS 1394-1) (2008) (2009-04-03) Duvets and pillows Part 1: Plumage filled Covers the requirements of three types of plumage filled duvets and one type of plumage filled pillow. such as sound-insulation properties and resistance to fungal attack.040.60 Replaced by: SANS 2001-CT2 (2009) SANS 5236 (SABS SM 236) (1981) (2009-04-17) Bacteriostatic efficacy of water miscible liquids Specifies a microbiological count method for the determination of the bacteriostatic efficacy of water miscible liquids Ed 1 A5 2p EN Loose-leaf PDF 2p EN ICS 07. 1993-03-01 Replaced by: SANS 52825 (2009) SANS 1844 (SABS 1844) (2005) (2009-04-03) The testing of polypropylene woven fabrics for use in flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs) for non-dangerous goods Specifies methods to be used to test polypropylene woven fabrics for use in flexible intermediate bulk containers for non-dangerous goods.040 Replaced by: SANS 5924 (SABS SM 924) (2009) Standards Bulletin .01 A4 13p EN Am 1. Ed 1.Standards . Does not cover specific characteristics.160 20 Replaced by: SANS 1394-1 (SABS 1394-1) (2009) SANS 1419 (SABS 1419) (2008) (2009-04-09) Carpet underlays Specifies the basic requirements for carpet underlays. Ed 1 A4 33p EN PDF 33p EN ICS 91. 59.30 PDF 13p EN ICS 59. pedestals and stringers (in the case of floors other than stringerless floors) for use in the construction of 3 classes of raised access flooring.080. Ed 1. 1999-04-16 PDF 18p EN Am 1. It covers the erection of trusses.10 Replaced by: SANS 5730 (SABS SM 730) (2009) SANS 5924 (SABS SM 924) (1978) (2009-04-24) Moisture content of coal samples intended for general analysis (vacuum-oven method) Specifies the vacuum-oven method for the determination of the moisture content of coal samples intended for general analysis Ed 1 A5 3p EN Loose-leaf PDF 3p EN ICS 73. purlins.02 A4 18p EN Col 1.01 A4 26p EN Cor 1.060. battens and purlin rafters. 97.01 A4 12p EN Am 1. 2008-02-22 ICS 59.10 Replaced by: SANS 5236 (SABS SM 236) (2009) SANS 5730 (SABS SM 730) (1975) (2009-04-17) Antibacterial efficacy of solid and semi-solid antiseptics Specifies method of antibacterial efficacy of solid and semi-solid antiseptics A5 2p EN Loose-leaf Am 1.100. 1977-08-01 Ed 1 PDF 2p EN ICS 07. Requirements for resistance to UV degradation are included. and also requirements for a grading system for location or areas. rafters. Ed 2.Withdrawn The dates in brackets following the document number are the year of publication and the withdrawal date.100.20 PDF 12p EN ICS 55. Ed 2. 2005-08-26 Replaced by: SANS 1844 (SABS 1844) (2009) SANS 2001-CT2 (2007) (2009-04-24) Construction works Part CT2: Structural timberwork (roofing) Establishes construction requirements for the erection of roof assemblies.060.080.020. 060 ISO 34-1:1994.040 Replaced by: SANS 6072 (SABS SM 1072) (2009) SANS 6164 (SABS SM 1164) (1990) (2009-04-24) Determination of lead (inorganic and tetra-alkyl) in workplace air by atomic absorption spectrophotometry Specifies the determination of lead (inorganic and tetra-alkyl) in the workplace air by atomic absorption spectrophotometry Ed 1 A5 11p EN Loose-leaf PDF 11p EN ICS 13. Ed 1 A4 13p EN PDF 13p EN ICS 83. The coal is treated with hydrochloride acid.Standards . 1985-02-27 Ed 1 PDF 6p EN ICS 73. Ed 1 A4 13p EN PDF 13p EN ICS 83. vulcanized or thermoplastic .040. Means of specifying or determining the yield point are also given.040. A5 6p EN Loose-leaf Am 1. vulcanized or thermoplastic . 71.Determination of tear strength Part 2: Small (Delft) test pieces Specifies a method for the determination of the tear strength of small test pieces (Delft test pieces) of vulcanized or thermoplastic rubber. which reacts with the carbonates in the coal to liberate carbon dioxide.50 Replaced by: SANS 6164 (SABS SM 1164) (2008) SANS 10034-1 (2003) (2009-04-09) Rubber. Ed 1 A4 14p EN PDF 14p EN ICS 83. idt Replaced by: SANS 10034-1 (2009) SANS 10034-2 (2003) (2009-04-09) Rubber. vulcanized or thermoplastic . the stress at a given strain and the elongation at a given stress. using thymol blue as indicator. which is in turned absorbed by a benzylamine salt formed is titrated with potassium methoxide (in a mixture of toluene and methanol). idt Replaced by: SANS 10048 (2009) Standards Bulletin . vulcanized or thermoplastic .060 ISO 48:1994. idt Replaced by: SANS 10037 (2009) SANS 10048 (2003) (2009-04-09) Rubber.Determination of hardness (hardness between 10 IRHD and 100 IRHD) Specifies four methods for the determination of the hardness of vulcanized rubber on flat and curved surfaces.Withdrawn The dates in brackets following the document number are the year of publication and the withdrawal date.060 ISO 37:1994.Determination of tear strength Part 1: Trouser.060 ISO 34-2:1996.040 21 Replaced by: SANS 5941 (SABS SM 941) (2009) SANS 6072 (SABS SM 1072) (1984) (2009-04-24) Coking properties of coal (Ruhr dilatometer test) Specifies a method for the determination of the coking properties of coal by using the Ruhr dilatometer. SANS 5941 (SABS SM 941) (1980) (2009-04-24) Carbon dioxide content of coal (titrimetric method) Specifies a volumetric method for the determination of the carbon dioxide content of coal. Ed 1 A5 16p EN Loose-leaf PDF 16p EN ICS 73. Ed 1 A4 19p EN PDF 19p EN ICS 83. angle and crescent test pieces Specifies three test methods for the determination of the tear strength of vulcanized rubber. idt Replaced by: SANS 10034-2 (2009) SANS 10037 (2003) (2009-04-09) Rubber. The properties which may be determined are the tensile strength.Determination of tensile stress-strain properties Describes a method for the determination of the tensile stress-strain properties of vulcanized and themoplastic rubbers.30. the elongation at break. Ed 2 A4 18p EN PDF 18p EN ICS 33. 2006-09-22 Replaced by: SANS 61000-4-6 (SABS IEC 61000-4-6) (2009) SANS 61156-3 (2007) (2009-04-03) Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications Part 3: Work area wiring .040. Ed 2 A4 12p EN PDF 12p EN ICS 97. Ed 2. 2006-07-28 Replaced by: SANS 60335-2-5 (SABS IEC 60335-2-5) (2006) SANS 60335-2-10 (SABS IEC 60335-2-10) (2003) (2009-04-09) Household and similar electrical appliances . induced by radio-frequency fields Relates to the conducted immunity requirements of electrical and electronic equipment to electromagnetic disturbances coming from intended radio-frequency (RF) transmitters in the frequency range 9 kHz up to 80 MHz.02 A4 51p EN IEC 61000-4-6:2006.Safety Part 2-5: Particular requirements for dishwashers Deals with the safety of electric dishwashers for household use that are intended for washing and rinsing dishes.20 PDF 21p EN ICS 97. idt Am 1(National). both natural and synthetic.170 IEC 60335-2-52:2002. Ed 3 A4 12p EN PDF 12p EN ICS 97. idt Replaced by: SANS 11407 (2009) SANS 60335-2-5 (SABS IEC 60335-2-5) (2006) (2009-04-09) Household and similar electrical appliances .Determination of solvent extract Specifies two methods for the quantitative determination of extractable material from raw rubbers. The cables are intended to operate with voltages and currents normally adopted for communication systems.Sectional specification Covers individually unscreened pairs in cables for work area wiring.Safety Part 2-10: Particular requirements for floor treatment machines and wet scrubbing machines Deals with the safety of electric floor treatment and wet scrubbing machines intended for household and similar purposes.40 22 Standards Bulletin .080 IEC 60335-2-10:2002.080. idt Replaced by: SANS 61156-3 (2009) PDF 51p EN ICS 33. Ed 1 A4 24p EN PDF 24p EN ICS 29.100.01 A4 21p EN IEC 60335-2-5:2005. idt Replaced by: SANS 60335-2-10 (SABS IEC 60335-2-10) (2009) SANS 60335-2-52 (SABS IEC 60335-2-52) (2003) (2009-04-03) Household and similar electrical appliances .060 ISO 1407:1992. 2005-08-26 Am 2. Ed 2. their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances.Standards .Safety Part 2-52: Particular requirements for oral hygiene appliances Deals with the safety of electric oral hygiene appliances for household and similar purposes. while method A is for use in cases of dispute.120. Ed 1 A4 9p EN PDF 9p EN ICS 83.10 IEC 60815:1986. and their unvulcanized and vulcanized compouds. Cables may be provided with a common screen over the cable core. SANS 11407 (2003) (2009-04-09) Rubber . idt Replaced by: SANS 60335-2-52 (SABS IEC 60335-2-52) (2009) SANS 60815 (SABS IEC 60815) (1986) (2009-04-24) Guide for the selection of insulators in respect of polluted conditions Mainly applicable to three-phase systems op to 525 kV (phase-to-phase).Immunity to conducted disturbances. SANS 60815-2 (2009). their rated voltage being not more than 250 V. their rated voltage being not more than 250 V.10 IEC 61156-3:2003. 2007-05-25 Replaced by: SANS 60815-1 (2009). SANS 60815-3 (2009) SANS 61000-4-6 (SABS IEC 61000-4-6) (2006) (2009-04-24) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4-6: Testing and measurement techniques . Method B is a rapid extraction method . idt Am 1. cutlery and other utensils.Withdrawn The dates in brackets following the document number are the year of publication and the withdrawal date. idt Am 1. c. Ed 1 A4 129p EN PDF 129p EN ICS 29.c.s. Return to table of contents SANS 61643-12 (2003) (2009-04-24) Low-voltage surge protective devices Part 12: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems Selection and application principles Describes the principles for selection.Standards .Withdrawn The dates in brackets following the document number are the year of publication and the withdrawal date. location and co-ordination of SPDs to be connected to 50 Hz to 60 Hz a.10 IEC 61643-12:2002. Ed 1 A4 119p EN PDF 119p EN ICS 29.130. and to d.c.m. operation. power circuits and equipment rated up to 1 000 V. idt Replaced by: SANS 61643-12 (2009) SANS 62271-109 (2007) (2009-04-09) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 109: Alternating-current series capacitor by-pass switches Applies to a.10 IEC 62271-109:2006.c.r.240. series capacitor by-pass switches designed for outdoor installation and for operation at frequencies of 50 Hz and 60 Hz on systems having voltages above 52 kV. idt Replaced by: SANS 62271-109 (2009) 23 Standards Bulletin . or 1 500 V d. Is only applicable to by-pass switches for use in three-phase systems. idt SANS 7816-3 (SABS ISO/IEC 7816-3) (2009-04-09) Identification cards .99 SANS 2589 (2009-04-17) Leather .240.30 ICS 35.Test methods .Standards .200.Physical and mechanical tests .Electrical interface and transmission protocols Ed 3 ICS 35.20 ISO 8686-1:1989.140.High coercivity Ed 3 ICS 35.15 ISO/IEC 7816-2:2007. idt SANS 10373-7 (2009-04-09) Identification cards .080. 97. idt SANS 1718-2 (SABS 1718-2) (2009-04-17) Gaming equipment Part 2: Limited payout gaming equipment Ed 4 21.020.Dimensions and location of the contacts Ed 2 ICS 35. principles for loads and load combinations Part 1: General Ed 1 ICS 01.Part 7: Vicinity cards Ed 2 ISO/IEC 10373-7:2008.080. idt SANS 7816-2 (SABS ISO/IEC 7816-2) (2009-04-09) Identification cards .Determination of thickness Ed 1 ICS ISO 2589:2004. ICS 35.Projects Approved The date in brackets following the document number is the project approval date. 53. idt SANS 3001-GR30 (2009-04-03) Civil engineering test methods Part GR30: The determination of the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content Ed 1 ICS 13. idt SANS 11731-2 (2009-04-17) Water quality .05 SANS 3001-GR40 (2009-04-03) Civil engineering test methods Part GR40: The determination of the California bearing ratio Ed 1 ICS 93.200.Detection and enumeration of Legionella Part 2: Direct membrane filtration method for waters with low bacterial counts 59.20 23. 97.080.99 SANS 1718-9 (SABS 1718-9) (2009-04-17) Gaming equipment Part 9: Central monitoring system for limited payout machines Ed 3 ICS 35. 13.Integrated circuit cards Part 2: Cards with contacts .240.99.01.Integrated circuit cards with contacts Part 3: Cards with contacts . SANS 615-3 (2009-04-09) Cranes . idt SANS 8686-1 (2009-04-09) Cranes .060.020. handling. transportation and storage of living modified organisms (LMO) not approved for general release Ed 1 ICS SANS 1700-2-8 (SABS 1700-2-8) (2009-04-03) Fasteners Part 2: Screw threads Section 8: ISO miniature screw threads Ed 2 ICS ISO 1501:2009.15 ISO/IEC 7816-3:2006. idt SANS 665-1 (2009-04-03) Wedge gate and resilient seal valves for general purposes Part 1: General Ed 1 ICS Return to table of contents 24 ICS 53.20 SANS 7811-6 (SABS ISO/IEC 7811-6) (2009-04-09) Identification cards .240.Recording technique Part 6: Magnetic stripe .15 ISO/IEC 7811-6:2008.99.040.Limiting and indicating devices Part 3: Tower cranes Ed 1 ISO 10245-3:2008.15 Standards Bulletin .99 SANS 910 (2009-04-24) Requirements for receiving. idt SANS 18014-1 (2009-04-09) Information technology .Evaluation criteria for IT security Part 3: Security assurance requirements Ed 3 ICS 35.020. including the use of environmental performance evaluation Ed 1 ICS 13.060 ISO 20864:2004. 35.240.040 ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008.240.60. idt SANS 20864 (2009-04-24) Footwear .040 ISO/IEC 15946-1:2008.Colours. idt SANS 17235 (2009-04-24) Leather .140.Security techniques . 11.25 ISO 26825:2008.Security techniques . 35. idt SANS 26825 (2009-04-03) Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment .Projects Approved The date in brackets following the document number is the project approval date.040 ISO/IEC 14888-1:2008. idt SANS 15609-5 (2009-04-24) Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials .Digital signatures with appendix Part 1: General Ed 2 ICS 35. idt SANS 15946-1 (2009-04-09) Information technology . idt SANS 15189 (2009-04-03) Medical laboratories . 35.Guidelines for the phased implementation of an environmental management system. idt SANS 53121-1 (2009-04-17) GRP tanks and vessels for use above ground Part 1: Raw materials .Specification conditions and acceptance conditions Ed 1 ICS 23.Security techniques .70 ICS 35.040 ISO/IEC 18014-1:2008. idt SANS 15408-3 (2009-04-09) Information technology .Determination of softness Ed 1 ISO 17235:2002.020.240.Security techniques .100 ICS 59.10 ISO DIS 14005:1111. design and performance Ed 1 ICS 11. idt SANS 19111 (2009-04-17) Geographic information .70 Standards Bulletin . idt 25 idt SANS 19141 (2009-04-17) Geographic information . idt SANS 14888-1 (2009-04-09) Information technology .040.User-applied labels for syringes containing drugs used during anaesthesia .Particular requirements for quality and competence Ed 2 ICS ISO 15189:2007.160.10 ISO 15609-5:2004.50.240.Spatial referencing by coordinates Ed 2 ISO 19111:2007.040.Test methods for stiffeners and toepuffs .Schema for moving features Ed 1 ISO/IEC 19141:2008.Physical and mechanical tests .Cryptographic techniques based on elliptic curves Part 1: General Ed 2 ICS 35. SANS 14005 (2009-04-03) Environmental management systems .30 ICS 35.Time stamping services Part 1: Framework Ed 2 ICS 35.Welding procedure specification Part 5: Resistance welding Ed 1 ICS 25.10. 35.Standards .Mechanical characteristics Ed 1 ICS 61.10 EN 13121-1:2003. 10 EN 13121-2:2003.30.40 29.020.130. idt SANS 53923 (2009-04-17) Filament-wound FRP pressure vessels .Macrobending loss Ed 3 ICS 33.130. idt SANS 53121-4 (2009-04-17) GRP tanks and vessels for use above ground Part 4: Delivery.10 EN 13121-3:2008.020. idt SANS 53121-3 (2009-04-17) GRP tanks and vessels for use above ground Part 3: Design and workmanship Ed 1 ICS 23. design.10 IEC 60793-1-47:2009.180. idt Standards Bulletin . idt SANS 61439-1 (2009-04-09) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies Part 1: General rules Ed 1 ICS IEC 61439-1:2009.20 IEC 61439-2:2009. 75. installation and maintenance Ed 1 ICS 23. idt SANS 60598-1 (SABS IEC 60598-1) (2009-04-09) Luminaires Part 1: General requirements and tests Ed 5 IEC 60598-1:2008.180. manufacturing and testing Ed 1 ICS 23.Switched protective earth portable residual current devices for class I and battery powered vehicle applications Ed 1 ICS 29.10 EN 53923:2005.20 SANS 62335 (2009-04-09) Circuit breakers .Projects Approved The date in brackets following the document number is the project approval date.140.020. idt Return to table of contents 26 ICS 29.120.020. idt SANS 60793-1-47 (SABS IEC 60793-1-47) (2009-04-09) Optical fibres Part 1-47: Measurement methods and test procedures .Standards .Materials. idt SANS 61439-2 (2009-04-09) Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies Part 2: Power switchgear and controlgear assemblies Ed 1 ICS 29. SANS 53121-2 (2009-04-17) GRP tanks and vessels for use above ground Part 2: Composite materials .Chemical resistance Ed 1 ICS 23.50 IEC 62335:2008.10 EN 13121-4:2005. idt Return to table of contents 27 Standards Bulletin .Security techniques .Projects cancelled The date in brackets following the document number is the project cancelled date.Standards . idt SANS 18028-2 (2009-04-24) Information technology . SANS 583-2 (2009-04-09) Cradles for lift trucks Part 2: Safe use and maintenance SANS 1549 (SABS 1549) (2009-04-17) Raised access flooring SANS 9459-3 (2009-04-03) Solar heating .Domestic water heating systems Part3: Performance test for solar plus supplementary systems ISO 9459-3:1997.IT network security Part 2: Network security architecture ISO/IEC 18028-2:2006. Standards .c.130.za SANS 21-1 (2009-04-14) Safety of escalators and moving walks Part 1: Construction and installation Ed 1 EN 115-1:2008.140.co.50 SANS 1273 (SABS 1273) (2009-04-14) Fasteners for roof and wall coverings in the form of sheeting Covers the material. voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 36 kV Specifies the characteristics of new.100.20 Closing Date: 2009-06-13 SANS 1874 (SABS 1874) (2009-04-14) Switchgear . 91.10 NRS 006:2008. operation and safe use of paraffin fuelled appliances primarily intended for domestic use with a gauge pressure close to the burner < 2 kPa.060.060.20. 97. 53. Ed 2 Closing Date: 2009-06-29 ICS 91.c.040. Ed 2 ICS 21. voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 36 kV. idt Closing Date: 2009-05-29 SANS 871 (SABS 871) (2009-04-28) Boron timber preservatives Covers requirements for three types of boron timber preservatives. dimensional.40 Closing Date: 2009-06-20 SANS 5621 (SABS SM 621) (2009-04-20) Determination of total ash content of leather Specifies a method for the determination of total ash content of leather.01. Ed 3 Closing Date: 2009-06-22 SANS 8686-1 (2009-04-21) Cranes .200 ICS 13.5 kW for a single burner.140. 91.30 Standards Bulletin .Drafts for Comment The date in brackets following the document number is the date on which the draft was issued.20 ICS 59.Metal-enclosed ring main units for rated a. idt Closing Date: 2009-06-15 SANS 1906 (2009-04-21) Non-pressure paraffin stoves and heaters Covers the requirements for the construction. contact: The Standards Information Centre Telephone: +27 12 428-6666 Fax: +27 12 428-6928 E-mail: info@sabs. and are designed for indoor or outdoor operation at a rated frequency of 50 Hz.90 2009-05-14 Report Run: to Return table of contents 28 ICS 71.100. Ed 3 ICS 97. factory-assembled metal-enclosed ring main units that are rated for use on a three-phase cable system for rated a.Design principles for loads and load combinations Part 1: General Ed 1 ISO 8686-1:1989. For more information on any of these draft standards. and mechanical strength requirements for 10 types of fasteners and 5 types of washers that are used in the building industry for the fixing of roof and wall coverings in the form of sheeting.060. Ed 2 ICS 29.99.020. idt Closing Date: 2009-05-22 SANS 10264-1 (SABS 0264-1) (2009-04-06) Disaster management Part 1: Terminology and implementation Ed 2 Closing Date: 2009-06-05 SANS 10264-2 (SABS 0264-2) (2009-04-06) Disaster management Part 2: All-risk emergency operation planning Ed 2 Closing Date: 2009-06-05 ICS 13.200 ICS 01.10.080.gauge and with a maximum heat rating of 4. The character string is intended to be represented in a bar code label or other AIDC media attached to the item to meet supply chain needs. Ed 1 ICS 35.040 ISO/IEC 15459-4:2008. idt Closing Date: 2009-05-29 SANS 15415 (2009-04-15) Information technology . To address management needs.040 ISO/IEC 14888-1:2008.Bar code print quality test specification . and interpretable by the receiving system. non-significant string of characters for the unique identifier for individual items. idt Closing Date: 2009-05-22 SANS 15459-4 (2009-04-14) Information technology . idt Closing Date: 2009-05-21 SANS 15424 (2009-04-14) Information technology . understood to mean the layers zero and one as will be defined in two future International Standards (ISO 17367 and ISO 17366. contact: The Standards Information Centre Telephone: +27 12 428-6666 Fax: +27 12 428-6928 E-mail: [email protected] symbols Defines methods for evaluating and grading these measurements and deriving an overall assessment of symbol quality. respectively).Drafts for Comment The date in brackets following the document number is the date on which the draft was issued. Ed 3 ICS 35. Ed 2 ICS 35.co.Automatic identification and data capture techniques . indicating the bar code symbology or other origin of transmitted data. For more information on any of these draft standards. together with details of certain specified optional processing features that are associated with the data message.200 Report Run: 2009-05-14 29 SANS 14888-1 (2009-04-28) Information technology . the composed assurance packages (CAPs) that define a scale for measuring assurance for composed TOEs.Unique identifiers Part 4: Individual items Specifies a unique.Contains general principles and requirements for digital signatures with appendix.040 ISO/IEC 15415:2004.Data Carrier Identifiers (including Symbology Identifiers) Applicable to automatic identification device communication conventions and standardizes the reporting of data carriers from bar code readers and other automatic identification equipment.za SANS 10264-3 (SABS 0264-3) (2009-04-06) Disaster management Part 3: Hazard-specific response planning Ed 2 Closing Date: 2009-06-05 ICS 13.040 ISO/IEC 15424:2008. the individual assurance components from which the assurance levels and packages are composed. for use by medical laboratories in developing their quality management systems and assessing their own competence.Evaluation criteria for IT security Part 3: Security assurance requirements Includes the evaluation assurance levels (EALs) that define a scale for measuring assurance for component TOEs.and gives information on possible causes of deviation from optimum grades to assist users in taking appropriate corrective action. Ed 1 ICS 35.Particular requirements for quality and competence Specifies requirements for quality and competence particular to medical laboratories.Standards . idt Closing Date: 2009-05-29 SANS 15189 (2009-04-21) Medical laboratories .Security techniques . Ed 2 ICS 11.100 ISO 15189:2007. definitions and symbols. idt Closing Date: 2009-05-22 Standards Bulletin . idt Closing Date: 2009-05-20 SANS 15408-3 (2009-04-28) Information technology . Specifies a preamble message generated by the reader. different classes of items are recognized in the various parts of ISO/IEC 15459. and for use by accreditation bodies in confirming or recognising the competence of medical laboratories.040 ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008. Ed 2 ICS 35.Security techniques .Digital signatures with appendix Part 1: General Specifies several digital signature mechanisms with appendix for messages of arbitrary length. The rules are defined for the individual items to identify the unique occurrence of an item. which allows different requirements to be met by the unique identifiers associated with each class.Automatic identification and data capture techniques . and the criteria for evaluation of PPs and STs. which are used in all parts of ISO/IEC 14888. idt Closing Date: 2009-06-12 SANS 20048 (SABS ECE R 48) (2009-04-21) Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the installation of lighting and light-signalling devices Ed 3 ECE R48:2008. idt Closing Date: 2009-05-15 SANS 31000 (2009-04-28) Risk management .Cryptographic techniques based on elliptic curves Part 1: General Specifies public-key cryptographic techniques based on elliptic curves.040 ISO/IEC 15946-1:2008.Security techniques .040 ISO/IEC 18014-1:2008. Describes the mathematical background and general techniques necessary for implementing any of the mechanisms described. For more information on any of these draft standards. Describes a general model on which time stamping services are based. Ed 2 ICS 35.040.Drafts for Comment The date in brackets following the document number is the date on which the draft was issued. Ed 2 ICS 35.040 ISO/IEC 15459-6:2007. different classes of item are recognised in the various parts of ISO/IEC 15459.za Report Run: 2009-05-14 30 SANS 15459-6 (2009-04-14) Information technology . radio frequency identification (RFID) transponder or other automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) media attached to the product and/or material to meet the management needs in a batch or lot unit. Includes the establishment of keys for secret-key systems. non-significant string of characters for the unique identifier of product groupings. idt Closing Date: 2009-05-22 SANS 15946-1 (2009-04-28) Information technology .01 ICS 13.40 Standards Bulletin . To address management needs.Standards .50 ICS 43. and the emission of gaseous pollutants from positive-ignition engines fuelled with natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas for use in vehicles Ed 2 ECE R49:2008.040.Time stamping services Part 1: Framework Identifies the objective of a time-stamping authority.20 ICS 43.Security techniques . Ed 1 ICS 35. idt Closing Date: 2009-05-29 SANS 20013-H (2009-04-07) Uniform provisions concerning the approval of passenger cars with regard to braking Ed 2 ECE R13-H:2008. idt Closing Date: 2009-05-27 ICS 03. the basic protocols of time stamping and the protocols between the identities. The character string is intended to be represented in linear bar code and two-dimensional symbols. This allows different requirements to be met by the unique identifiers of each class. contact: The Standards Information Centre Telephone: +27 12 428-6666 Fax: +27 12 428-6928 E-mail: [email protected] on principles and implementation of risk management Ed 1 ISO 31000:1111.040. idt Closing Date: 2009-05-29 SANS 18014-1 (2009-04-28) Information technology . and digital signature mechanisms. idt Closing Date: 2009-05-22 SANS 20049 (2009-04-07) Uniform provisions concerning the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from compression-ignition engines for use in vehicles.co.100. Defines timestamping services.Unique identifiers Part 6: Unique identifier for product groupings This standard specifies a unique. Measurement microphones Part 2: Primary method for pressure calibration of laboratory standard microphones by the reciprocity technique Specifies a primary method of determining the pressure sensitivity so as to establish a reproducible and accurate basis for the measurement of sound pressure.160. Ed 1 ICS 17.Standards .Safety Part 2-60: Particular requirements for whirlpool baths and whirlpool spas Ed 3. Gives guidelines for the incorporation and use of fire detection and fire alarm systems into buildings or other construction works.10 ICS 97.Explosive gas atmospheres Ed 1 IEC 60079-10-1:2008.50.20 EN 54-1:1996.080. Ed 2 ICS 13. idt Closing Date: 2009-05-15 SANS 51317-2 (2009-04-21) Road restraint systems Part 2: Performance classes. idt Closing Date: 2009-06-02 SANS 60793-1-47 (SABS IEC 60793-1-47) (2009-04-28) Optical fibres Part 1-47: Measurement methods and test procedures . contact: The Standards Information Centre Telephone: +27 12 428-6666 Fax: +27 12 428-6928 E-mail: info@sabs. 33.za 2009-05-14 Report Run: to Return table of contents 31 SANS 50054-1 (SABS EN 54-1) (2009-04-14) Fire detection and fire alarm systems Part 1: Introduction Specifies requirements. idt Closing Date: 2009-05-21 ICS 33.260.Macrobending loss Ed 3 IEC 60793-1-47:2009.220. 93. idt Closing Date: 2009-05-26 SANS 61094-2 (2009-04-21) Electroacoustics . idt Closing Date: 2009-05-21 SANS 60335-2-60 (SABS IEC 60335-2-60) (2009-04-02) Household and similar electrical appliances .180.Drafts for Comment The date in brackets following the document number is the date on which the draft was issued.170 ICS 29. impact test acceptance criteria and test methods for safety barriers Ed 1 EN 1317-2:1998.140. For more information on any of these draft standards.20 ICS 13.30 Standards Bulletin .200. Specifies requirements and test methods against which the ability of components to be combined into an effective system can be assessed. idt Closing Date: 2009-05-22 SANS 60079-10-1 (2009-04-21) Explosive atmospheres Part 10-1: Classification of areas .50 IEC 61094-2:2009.co. test methods and performance criteria against which the effectiveness and relaiability of the component parts of fire detection and fire alarm systems can be assessed.02 IEC 60335-2-60:2008. There are thus excellent reasons to believe that it is better to rely on a single comprehensive data protection method”. Commenting on scope of ISO/IEC 19772:2009 the Project Editor. as shown by recently demonstrated practical attacks on implementations of widely used security protocols such as IPsec and SSH. ISO/IEC 19772:2009 specifies six encryption methods (based on a block cipher algorithm) that can be used to ensure: Data confidentiality (protecting against unauthorized disclosure of data) Data integrity (enabling recipients to verify that the data has not been modified) Data origin authentication (helping recipients to verify the identity of the data). Chris Mitchell goes on to explain that “it has recently become widely recognised that using encryption on its own (or even combining encryption and MACs in non-optimal ways) can be dangerously weak. but also for furthering the development of online transactions and e-businesses and other applications involving sensitive data“. Not only will it be useful for protecting information. but not all combinations will provide the same security guarantees. while encryption may be used to prevent eavesdropping when data is being exchanged. (IEC Press Release 30 April 2009 @ http://www.iec.Authenticated encryption which defines authenticated encryption mechanisms that provide an optimum level of security. such as the transfer of bank data or personal identity information. sequence numbers and so forth).ch) Standards Bulletin . Message Authentication Codes (MACs) or digital signatures are ideal for protecting data from being modified.Return to table of contents 32 Standards World-Wide News This portion of the Standards Bulletin includes both electronic and printed news items relating to standardization world-wide that we hope will interest you. says that with the “rise of electronic transactions involving sensitive information.Security techniques . The source document is given at the end of each news item and those appearing in the print media are available in the new combined SABS Standards Information Centre and SABS Media Centre. Professor Chris Mitchell. The standard also includes mechanisms that can be applied to ensure the integrity of data even when not encrypted (for example. ============================================================================== IEC PREVENTING UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO ELECTRONIC DATA ISO/IEC JTC 1 Information Technology SC 27 IT Security techniques have recently published ISO/IEC 19772:2009 Information technology . Some situations may require a combination of operations. For instance. In conclusion. Chris Mitchell says that “ISO/IEC 19772 will give confidence to users that their data is safe. The mechanisms specified in ISO/IEC 19772:2009 have been designed to maximize the level of security and provide efficient processing of data for optimum results. ISO/IEC 19772:2009 takes the specific security needs of different operations into account. to prevent modifications of e-mail addresses. this standard responds to a growing need for increasingly demanding security requirements“. Reinar Mittelback adds that newspapers “act in a global market. office printing equipment and “Universal Plug and Play“. Rainwater is then abstracted from Standards Bulletin . Rob Steel says that awareness of the ISO brand and the benefits of ISO standards is increasing in both the consumer and the business media. In an interview with the CEO of IFRA Reinar Mittelback he stated that standardization “can save up to 7. images. Standards have also facilitated the explosive growth of new communication media. In fact. while MPEG has helped generate the multi-million dollar DVD industry. bamboo. In addition. using a system of gutters and down pipes (made of local wood.33 ISO HOW INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS SUPPORT AND BENEFIT THE MEDIA In April 2009 ISO Focus highlighted the relationship between ISO and the media and showcased the standards that have widely disseminated innovative technological advances in the media industry and increased its viability. Roof rainwater catchment systems gather rainwater from the roofs of buildings.org/iso/iso-focus_current-issue. Articles on ISO and joint ISO/IEC standards that serve as key tools for the media industry are also included in the "ISO and the Media" feature.org/iso/de/magazines/iso-focus-index/iso-focus__current-issue.iso. they publish advertisements for global brands aimed at an international market and the use of worldwide-accepted standards is the only way to be able to do this and to obtain consistent results . Other articles deal with standards for graphic technology. ISO Secretary-General Rob Steele makes the point that. other standards. Last year alone. The articles making up this special feature on "ISO and the Media" in ISO Focus can be accessed at http://www. “ISO is well on its way to becoming an internationally recognized brand with the power to inspire confidence. galvanized iron or PVC) and lead it to storage containers that range from simple pots to large ferrocement tanks.Portable document format .htm) BS NEW CODE OF PRACTICE FOR RAINWATER HARVESTING Roof rainwater harvesting is a process of capturing rain water off a roof and storing it for future use. videos.Part 1: PDF which is the standard for the universal PDF file format.5 % of total production costs. JPEG and MPEG standards between them have three times been honoured by Emmy Awards bestowed by the US television industry. (ISO Focus April 2009 @ http://www. says Rob Steele. the Meltwater Report …identified between 16 000 to 30 000 direct references to ISO and ISO standards in news releases and articles each month”. have changed the way in which people work.globally and locally". digital cinema. which would be wasted if no standards were applied”. These articles cover a broad range of standards for photography. ISO standards benefit users. digital TV set top boxes and DVD. there are hundreds of new references to ISO on the Internet. “Each day. Also included is an article on ISO 32000-1 Document management . not only by the media.iso. such as those for digital file formats and office printing equipment. with over 18 000 published standards. And providing confidence is a particularly important added value during the current global financial crisis”. such as CDs and DVDs. optical data storage and formatting text for data storage and exchange.htm Included in the "ISO and the Media" feature are articles on the JPEG and MPEG standards for digital compression with respective applications to still photography. JPEG is widely used. it follows that ISO standards have an impact on practically every industry and business. manufacturers and service providers in the media industry. video CD and MP3. but by millions of members of the public to send photo files via e-mail. Standards Australia in conjunction with ARID (Australian Rainwater Industry Development Group).org. free-standing or fully or partially buried tanks.standards. ARID (at http://www. “Greywater” refers to the wastewater generated from kitchens.environment-agency. installation. BS 8515:2009 takes into account the internal or external locations for tanks. single or multiple linked tanks. dishwashing and personal hygiene. installation.bsi-global. In terms of BS 8515:2009 there are three basic types of rainwater harvesting systems. Apart from the UK (BS) and the German (DIN) standards for rainwater harvesting. Code of practice to protect the public and promote industry “best practice”. Non-potable water cannot be used for human consumption. In addition to three harvesting systems. toilet flushing.uk/static/documents/Leisure/geho0108bnpnee_886790. the third harvesting system is where the water is collected in storage tanks.au) has also published HB 326-2008 Urban Greywater Installation Handbook for Single Households. Gutter mesh to prevent leaves and debris from blocking gutters and mosquito mesh to seal the storage from insects and vermin should also be installed. maintenance and repairs to existing installations. It then goes on to discuss the design and installation of greywater treatment systems and greywater diversion devices as well as the appropriate use of greywater.Part 2: Filters. community and commercial properties (excluding rainwater used in industrial processes).Part 1: Planning. HB 230-2008 outlines minimum standards and performance criteria and applies to new rainwater tank installations as well as to alterations. is an arid country and has a serious water shortage problem at present. HB 230-2008 Rainwater Tank Design and Installation provides practical information for the collection.au) is a non-profit organisation that assists manufacturers and other stakeholders to promote the benefits of rainwater and addresses water sustainability issues in Australia in general.34 the storage container by a tap. DIN 1989-3:2003 Rainwater harvesting systems . Finally. but it can be used for many other purposes such as like laundry. food preparation. a new standard has been published by BSI entitled BS 8515:2009 Rainwater harvesting systems.arid. packaged systems and components. Australia. testing and maintenance of rainwater harvesting systems supplying non-potable water. BS 8515:2009 covers the design. In the light of the expansion of the rainwater harvesting industry in the UK. also published a handbook on rainwater harvesting last year. Consequently BS 8515:2009 does not cover systems supplying water for drinking. Airborne particles and air pollution can have an impact on rainwater quality. Consequently Standards Australia (at http://www. HB 326-2008 first identifies the potential risks associated with greywater. Consequently a major consideration when harvesting rainwater is that the roof is constructed of a suitable material for collecting quality rainwater and that the roof gutters are installed to building standards. cooking. storage and use of rainwater within private. It is interesting to note that in the bibliography of BS 8515:2009 there is a reference to DIN 1989-1:2002 Rainwater harvesting systems .com) Standards Bulletin . laundries and bathrooms that can be used on site for garden irrigation. like South Africa. The second type is where rainwater is collected in storage tanks and fed by gravity to the points of use. operation and maintenance which is also mentioned in Harvesting rainwater for domestic uses published by the Environment Agency in 2008 at http://www. additions. WC flushing and watering the garden.pdf Other current DIN standards for rainwater harvesting include DIN 1989-2:2004 Rainwater harvesting systems . pumped to an elevated cistern and fed by gravity to the points of use.asn. communal tanks supplying multiple properties. washing machines and other outdoor uses. (BSOL Subscriber Newsletter April 2009 @ http://www. hand pump or bucket-and-rope system.Part 4:Components for control and supplemental supply.Part 3:Collection tanks for rainwater and DIN 1989-4:2005 Rainwater harvesting systems . The first type is where rainwater is collected in storage tanks and pumped directly to the points of use.gov. including an adequate fall to outlets to prevent sludge build up. org/Resources/Standards. such as contamination. scientific. including pipes. chemicals. population in the US. drinking water quality. “We all have a role in protecting our water resources” said Mike Leonard. In addition Mike Leonard also said that one of the best ways to keep water safe and abundant is to protect it at its source. system malfunctions. And we as consumers can properly dispose of prescription medications and other products that are too often flushed into the wastewater system and out to the environment. Throughout the week. Preparing for water emergencies at home include storing at least 4 litres of water per person per day and having enough water on hand to last at least three days. the AWWA and its members have celebrated “Drinking Water Week” which provides a unique opportunity for both water professionals and the communities they serve to join together to acknowledge the vital role water plays in daily life. water efficiency. US media reports about trace amounts of pharmaceutical compounds and personal care products in drinking water have underscored the connection between what is released into the environment and what finds its way to our source water. Consequently Drinking Water Week 2009 highlighted the importance of keeping watersheds and waterways free from pollution. When it came to home preparedness for water-related emergencies. As the result of droughts in the US over the past three years many experts predict that at least thirty-six states will face water shortages within the next five years. As long as disinfected tap water is stored in a clean. AWWA regularly issues new and revised standards and official notices of such actions are published online at http://www. Paper containers that will weaken over time should be avoided. Mike Leonard. water conservation and the importance of water infrastructure. AWWA President. it should remain safe indefinitely. The theme of Drinking Water Week 2009 which took place from 3 to 9 May 2009 was “Only Tap Water Delivers”.” As analytical methods improve. water should be valued and used wisely. Water should be stored in quality food-grade plastic containers instead of glass. Agriculture operations and industry can take steps to reduce pollution in our waterways and aquifers. the AWWA highlighted water-related preparedness. If possible it should also be refrigerated after boiling. power outages or other emergencies. industry professionals identified source water supply and protection as the top area of concern. Members of the AWWA Standards Committees have produced more than 140 Standards that provide industryapproved technical guidance for 24 categories of products and processes in municipal water supply. educational and standards development organisation dedicated to safe water in North America. performance and manufacturing of products used in the water industry.awwa. installation. valves and other appurtenances.cfm?ItemNumber=44362&navItemNumber=44363 For more than 30 years. They specify the minimum requirements for design. If problems exist with the tap water. storage facilities. the AWWA (American Water Works Association) is the oldest and largest nonprofit. said that Drinking Water Week 2009 was a good time for consumers to ensure they were prepared for water service interruptions resulting from natural disasters. AWWA standards provide guidance for all facets of the drinking water community. compounds from pharmaceuticals and personal care products are being found in drinking water at very Standards Bulletin . any water used for drinking should be boiled for at least three minutes (five minutes at higher altitudes).S. “Elected leaders can work for smart public policy that protects source water. In the AWWA’s 2008 State of the Industry Report. airtight container in a cool location. Mike Leonard added that as the demand for water continues to grows and impact of climate change are felt. AWWA has more than 60 000 members worldwide and its 4 500 utility members serve 80% percent of the U.35 AWWA DRINKING WATER WEEK 2009 .ONLY TAP WATER DELIVERS Established in 1881. Install water-efficient appliances in your home. Leaky toilets can waste as much as 200 gallons per day. The rainwater can be used for outdoor plants and trees or to wash a car. Help preserve the quality of the available water supply by not overusing pesticides and fertilizers. Don't over-water your lawn. cooking.Return to table of contents 36 low levels. researchers are continuing study the occurrence. the National Water Research and Development Initiative Act of 2009 was passed the US House of Representatives. Water utilities are also highlighting the need to invest in water infrastructure to limit leaks from water mains and encouraging water efficient devices. Place rain barrels beneath your downspouts. On 23 April 2009. Consider landscapes that use native or drought-resistant plants that do not require much water.awwa. communities use approximately 40 billion gallons of tap water each day for drinking. In the US alone.org) Standards Bulletin . removal techniques and possible health impacts of these emerging contaminants. If you have a swimming pool. To meet increased demand. This legislation aims to coordinate research efforts in the US to ensure adequate water supplies and to study of human health impacts associated with pharmaceuticals and personal care products and other emerging contaminants.it’s the health impacts at the levels we find them” Mike Leonard said. and water early in the morning or at night to avoid excess evaporation. the water community is investing in new technologies such as water reuse and desalination of ocean and brackish water. “What matters most is not if we can find these substances . consider a broom instead of a hose. but rather what it means”. Fully load the dishwasher and clothes washer before running them. While science has not found human health impacts these levels. and disposing of hazardous materials properly. Repair dripping faucets and leaky toilets. avoiding flushing medications down the toilet or sink. “It’s very important that we study not only what is there. As part of their water drive the AWWA offers consumers the following top ten conservation tips: Don’t leave the sink running while you brush your teeth. When the driveway or sidewalk needs cleaning. cleaning and other everyday uses. use a cover. You will cut the loss of water by evaporation by 90%. (AWWA Press Releases May 2009 @ http://www. Dripping faucets can waste up to 2 000 gallons of water each year in the average home. It can save up to 80 gallons of water. It is recalled that all ISO deliverables are protected by copyright and we are grateful to you for your help in protecting ISO's intellectual property.Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -. ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd 32:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 en XZ . Table of contents • • Standards published Standards withdrawn List of ISO standards and other deliverables published between 2009-03-30 and 2009-04-05 # 1.standards distribution newsletter ISO/Standard Week/Semaine 14 (2009) Instructions on how to download ISO deliverables By decision of the ISO Council (Council Resolution 8/2002).download area 4.Corporate telecommunication networks -.details on ISO Online .Tunnelling of QSIG over SIP Information technology Price Actions Group R . reproduced. under no circumstances may any of the documents listed below be copied.Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -. Access by ISO Members To access the ISO deliverables.details on ISO Online . and download the ISO deliverables listed below. please click on the download area hyperlink in the Actions column of the list below. Indeed. resold or placed on a network without the prior consent of ISO. Access by ISO TC/SCs and International Organizations in liaison To access the ISO deliverables which you are entitled to download. ISO/IEC 22535:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 en K . please connect to the ISO Central Secretariat's ISOSTD server using your log-in name and password.download area 3.details on ISO Online Standards Bulletin . it was agreed to distribute all ISO standards and other deliverables from the Central Secretariat in electronic form as from 1 January 2004.details on ISO Online . Reference ISO/IEC TR 12860:2009 Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Language en Title Information technology . ISO/IEC TR 12861:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 en K .Next Generation Corporate Networks (NGCN) -General Information technology .Return to table of contents 37 STADIST . stored. transferred.Next Generation Corporate Networks (NGCN) -Identification and routing Information technology .Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -.download area 2. ISO/IEC 14496-5:2001/Amd 14:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 en Information technology .details on ISO Online .download area 13.details on ISO Online .Part 5: Reference software -Amendment 14: Open Font Format reference software Information technology .details on ISO Online .Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) -.download area 12. ISO/IEC 23000-6:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 en XA .download area 10.Amendment 1: Extensions to support SVGT1.Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) -.download area 14.Part 25: 3D Graphics Compression Model Information technology . ISO 725:2009 ISO/TC 1 en G . ISO/IEC 14496-20:2008/Amd 1:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 en XZ .details on ISO Online .Coding of audio-visual objects -.download area 6. ISO/IEC 15938-3:2002/Amd 3:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 en XZ .download area 7.Keyboard layouts for alphanumeric inputs -Description of ISO/IEC 9995 issues regarding users' needs and necessary innovations ISO inch screw threads XZ .Part 8: Reference software Information technology .download area 8. ISO/IEC 14496-25:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 en G .Coding of audio-visual objects -.Part 8: Reference software -Amendment 1: Extra reference software Information technology .Part 3: MPEG photo player application format -Amendment 1: Reference software for photo player MAF Information technology .Part 20: Lightweight Application Scene Representation (LASeR) and Simple Aggregation Format (SAF) -.details on ISO Online .Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) -.details on ISO Online .download area . ISO/IEC 21000-8:2008/Amd 1:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 en XZ .Part 6: Professionnal archival application format Information technology . ISO/IEC TR 24784:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35 en H .2 Information technology .38 .Part 4: Conformance testing -Amendment 32: Framebased Animated Mesh Compression conformance 5. ISO/IEC 23004-8:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 en N .download area 11.details on ISO Online Standards Bulletin .details on ISO Online .Coding of audio-visual objects -.details on ISO Online . ISO/IEC 23000-3:2007/Amd 1:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 en XZ .Multimedia content description interface -Part 3: Visual -Amendment 3: Image signature tools Information technology .Multimedia Middleware -.Coding of audio-visual objects -.download area 9.details on ISO Online . details on ISO Online .Part 3: Special cases Dried rosehips -Specification and test methods Imaging materials -Processed imaging materials -.Marine echo-sounding equipment Ships and marine technology -.download area 17.download area .details on ISO Online . ISO 8262-1:2005 ISO/TC 34/SC 5 ru 1 D .Technical Corrigendum 1 U .details on ISO Online . ISO 18902:2007/Cor 1:2009 ISO/TC 42 en free Standards Bulletin .details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online . ISO 8262-2:2005 ISO/TC 34/SC 5 ru 1 E .download area 23.details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online . framing and storage materials -.Coarse thread and fine pitch thread Ships and marine technology -.download area 20.download area 21.details on ISO Online .Marine echo-sounding equipment -.Basic dimensions Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel -. ISO 8262-3:2005 ISO/TC 34/SC 5 ru 1 E . ISO 23391:2006 ISO/TC 34/SC 14 ru 1 E .Part 2: Edible ices and ice-mixes Milk products and milkbased foods -Determination of fat content by the WeibullBerntrop gravimetric method (Reference method) -.download area 19.details on ISO Online . ISO 11452-10:2009 ISO/TC 22/SC 3 en D .Albums.download area 18.Part 10: Immunity to conducted disturbances in the extended audio frequency range Milk products and milkbased foods -Determination of fat content by the WeibullBerntrop gravimetric method (Reference method) -.download area 24. ISO 9875:2000 ISO/TC 8/SC 6 ru 1 L .Part 1: Infant foods Milk products and milkbased foods -Determination of fat content by the WeibullBerntrop gravimetric method (Reference method) -. screws and studs with specified property classes -. ISO 898-1:2009 ISO/TC 2/SC 1 en fr -. ISO 80000-9:2009 ISO/TC 12 en fr R .download area 16.39 fr 15.Technical Corrigendum 1 Quantities and units -Part 9: Physical chemistry and molecular physics Road vehicles -Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy -.download area 22.download area .Part 1: Bolts.details on ISO Online . ISO 9875:2000/Cor 1:2006 ISO/TC 8/SC 6 ru 1 free . details on ISO Online . ISO 13628-8:2002 ISO/TC 67/SC 4 fr 1 V .details on ISO Online .download area 27.40 25.download area 31.details on ISO Online .download area 26.Design and operation of subsea production systems -Part 8: Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) interfaces on subsea production systems Petroleum and natural gas industries -. ISO 26304:2008/Cor 1:2009 ISO/TC 44/SC 3 en fr free .Design and operation of subsea production systems -Part 2: Unbonded flexible pipe systems for subsea and marine applications -.details on ISO Online .Design and operation of subsea production systems -Part 7: Completion/workover riser systems Petroleum and natural gas industries -. ISO 10441:2007 ISO/TC 67/SC 6 fr 2 U .details on ISO Online .download area Standards Bulletin . ISO 17201-1:2005/Cor 1:2009 ISO/TC 43/SC 1 en fr Acoustics -.Specialpurpose applications free .Technical Corrigendum 1 Petroleum and natural gas industries -.download area 33.Design and operation of subsea production systems -Part 9: Remotely Operated Tool (ROT) intervention systems Petroleum. ISO/TR 28118:2009 ISO/TC 46/SC 8 en X .download area 28.details on ISO Online .Part 1: Determination of muzzle blast by measurement -Technical Corrigendum 1 Welding consumables -Solid wire electrodes.Noise from shooting ranges -.details on ISO Online . ISO 9047:2001/Cor 1:2009 ISO/TC 59/SC 8 en fr free .download area 30.details on ISO Online . tubular cored electrodes and electrode-flux combinations for submerged arc welding of high strength steels -Classification -Technical Corrigendum 1 Information and documentation -Performance indicators for national libraries Building construction -Jointing products -Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties of sealants at variable temperatures -Technical Corrigendum 1 Petroleum and natural gas industries -.download area 32.download area 29. petrochemical and natural gas industries -Flexible couplings for mechanical power transmission -.details on ISO Online . ISO 13628-9:2000 ISO/TC 67/SC 4 fr 1 M . ISO 13628-7:2005 ISO/TC 67/SC 4 fr 1 XF . ISO 13628-2:2006/Cor 1:2009 ISO/TC 67/SC 4 en fr free . details on ISO Online . protective and occupational footwear Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers . ISO 18549-1:2009 ISO/TC 119/SC 2 en C .download area Standards Bulletin . ISO 16063-21:2003/Cor 1:2009 ISO/TC 108/SC 3 en free .download area 35.details on ISO Online . ISO 18549-2:2009 ISO/TC 119/SC 2 en C .details on ISO Online .Gas phase titration -Calibration of analysers for ozone Cardiovascular implants and artificial organs -Blood-gas exchangers (oxygenators) Cardiovascular implants and artificial organs -Hard-shell cardiotomy/venous reservoir systems (with/without filter) and soft venous reservoir bags free .download area 41.download area .details on ISO Online .download area 43.details on ISO Online .Part 2: Determination of flow rate at elevated temperatures Cigarettes -.details on ISO Online .download area 38.Fire testing of service installations -. use and maintenance of safety.details on ISO Online .Part 3: Printing terms Graphical symbols -Safety colours and safety signs -.41 34. ISO 7010:2003/Amd 4:2009 ISO/TC 145/SC 2 en fr L 42. ISO 12637-3:2009 ISO/TC 126 ISO/TC 130 ru 1 en F K . ISO 15337:2009 ISO/TC 146/SC 3 en fr E .Technical Corrigendum 1 Guidance for the selection.download area 36.Part 2: Linear joint (gap) seals .Sampling Graphic technology -Vocabulary -.details on ISO Online . ISO 7199:2009 ISO/TC 150/SC 2 en F .Part 1: Determination of apparent density at elevated temperatures Metallic powders -Determination of apparent density and flow rate at elevated temperatures -.download area 39.Amendment 4 Ambient air -.download area .download area 37.Part 21: Vibration calibration by comparison to a reference transducer -Technical Corrigendum 1 Metallic powders -Determination of apparent density and flow rate at elevated temperatures -.download area 44. ISO/TR 18690:2006 ISO/TC 94/SC 3 ru 1 K .details on ISO Online . ISO 10295-2:2009/Cor 1:2009 ISO/TC 92/SC 2 en Fire tests for building elements and components -.details on ISO Online . ISO 8243:2006 40.details on ISO Online . ISO 15674:2009 ISO/TC 150/SC 2 en E .Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas -. delayed publication of language version 2 . ISO/IEC 27011:2008 JTC 1/SC 27 en free . ISO 7176-23:2002 ISO/TC 173/SC 1 ru 1 Q .details on ISO Online .Chemical determination of formaldehyde content -Part 2: Method using colorimetric analysis -Technical Corrigendum 1 Information technology .details on ISO Online . ISO 16212:2008 ISO/TC 217 fr 2 K .download area 1 .download area 50.corrected version 3 .details on ISO Online .multilingual document Standards Bulletin . ISO 17268:2006 ISO/TC 197 fr 1 K 53.details on ISO Online .download area .download area 51.download area 55. ISO 24415-1:2009 ISO/TC 173 en fr D .download area .details on ISO Online . ISO 19440:2007 ISO/TC 184/SC 5 fr 1 XA 52. ISO 15675:2009 ISO/TC 150/SC 2 en Cardiovascular implants and artificial organs -Cardiopulmonary bypass systems -Arterial blood line filters Prosthetics -.details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online .download area 49.Testing of ankle-foot devices and foot units -Requirements and test methods Tips for assistive products for walking -Requirements and test methods -. ISO 9001:2008 ISO/TC 176/SC 2 ru 1 N . ISO 7176-24:2004 ISO/TC 173/SC 1 ru 1 X .download area 47. ISO 22675:2006 ISO/TC 168 ru 1 X . ISO 17226-2:2008/Cor 1:2009 IULTCS en fr free .details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online .Security techniques -Information security management guidelines for telecommunications organizations based on ISO/IEC 27002 E .details on ISO Online .Part 1: Friction of tips Wheelchairs -.download area 54.42 45.download area 48.Part 24: Requirements and test methods for useroperated stair-climbing devices Quality management systems -Requirements Enterprise integration -Constructs for enterprise modelling Compressed hydrogen surface vehicle refuelling connection devices Cosmetics -Microbiology -Enumeration of yeast and mould Leather -.Part 23: Requirements and test methods for attendantoperated stair-climbing devices Wheelchairs -.details on ISO Online .download area 46. 2. Reference ISO/IEC 22535:2006 ISO 898-1:1999 ISO 31-8:1992 ISO 31-8:1992/Amd 1:1998 ISO 12637-5:2001 ISO 7199:1996 ISO 15674:2001 ISO 15675:2001 Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 ISO/TC 2/SC 1 ISO/TC 12 ISO/TC 12 ISO/TC 130 ISO/TC 150/SC 2 ISO/TC 150/SC 2 ISO/TC 150/SC 2 Replaced by ISO/IEC 22535:2009 ISO 898-1:2009 ISO 80000-9:2009 ISO 80000-9:2009 ISO 12637-3:2009 ISO 7199:2009 ISO 15674:2009 ISO 15675:2009 Copyright ISO 2009 Standards Bulletin . 8. 4.43 List of ISO standards withdrawn between 2009-03-30 and 2009-04-05 # 1. 7. 6. 5. 3. Part 3: Anticollision and transmission protocol Forestry machinery -.corrected version 3 .details on ISO Online .Return to table of contents 44 STADIST .details on ISO Online . it was agreed to distribute all ISO standards and other deliverables from the Central Secretariat in electronic form as from 1 January 2004.Portable chain-saws -. transferred. stored. ISO 23812:2009 ISO/TC 201/SC 6 en fr K .Vicinity cards -. It is recalled that all ISO deliverables are protected by copyright and we are grateful to you for your help in protecting ISO's intellectual property.Non-manually actuated chain brake performance Surface chemical analysis -Secondary-ion mass spectrometry -.details on ISO Online . Access by ISO TC/SCs and International Organizations in liaison To access the ISO deliverables which you are entitled to download.multilingual document Standards Bulletin . please click on the download area hyperlink in the Actions column of the list below.download area 3. resold or placed on a network without the prior consent of ISO. please connect to the ISO Central Secretariat's ISOSTD server using your log-in name and password. and download the ISO deliverables listed below. reproduced. Access by ISO Members To access the ISO deliverables.download area 2. Table of contents • • Standards published Standards withdrawn List of ISO standards and other deliverables published between 2009-04-06 and 2009-04-12 # 1.Method for depth calibration for silicon using multiple delta-layer reference materials Price Group S Actions . Reference ISO/IEC 15693-3:2009 Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 17 Language en Title Identification cards -Contactless integrated circuit cards -. Indeed. ISO 13772:2009 ISO/TC 23/SC 17 en fr E .standards distribution newsletter ISO/Standard Week/Semaine 15 (2009) Instructions on how to download ISO deliverables By decision of the ISO Council (Council Resolution 8/2002).delayed publication of language version 2 .download area 1 . under no circumstances may any of the documents listed below be copied. 45 List of ISO standards withdrawn between 2009-04-06 and 2009-04-12 # 1. 2. Reference ISO/IEC 15693-3:2001 ISO 13772:2004 Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 17 ISO/TC 23/SC 17 Replaced by ISO/IEC 15693-3:2009 ISO 13772:2009 Copyright ISO 2009 Standards Bulletin . Part 7: Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) -.download area Standards Bulletin . ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd 13:2007/Cor 2:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 en free . Access by ISO Members To access the ISO deliverables. please click on the download area hyperlink in the Actions column of the list below. transferred. Indeed.standards distribution newsletter ISO/Standard Week/Semaine 16 (2009) Instructions on how to download ISO deliverables By decision of the ISO Council (Council Resolution 8/2002). and download the ISO deliverables listed below. please connect to the ISO Central Secretariat's ISOSTD server using your log-in name and password. It is recalled that all ISO deliverables are protected by copyright and we are grateful to you for your help in protecting ISO's intellectual property. reproduced. Table of contents • • Standards published Standards withdrawn List of ISO standards and other deliverables published between 2009-04-13 and 2009-04-19 # 1.Part 4: Conformance testing -Amendment 2: Additional audio conformance test sequences -.details on ISO Online . Access by ISO TC/SCs and International Organizations in liaison To access the ISO deliverables which you are entitled to download. it was agreed to distribute all ISO standards and other deliverables from the Central Secretariat in electronic form as from 1 January 2004. stored. Reference ISO/IEC 13818-4:2004/Amd 2:2005/Cor 2:2009 Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 Lang.Technical Corrigendum 2 Information technology -Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information -.Title uage en Information technology -Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information -. ISO/IEC 13818-7:2006/Cor 1:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 en free . under no circumstances may any of the documents listed below be copied.download area 3.Technical Corrigendum 1 Information technology -Coding of audio-visual objects -.details on ISO Online .Return to table of contents 46 STADIST .Technical Corrigendum 2 Price Group free Actions .download area 2.details on ISO Online .Part 4: Conformance testing -Amendment 13: Parametric coding for high quality audio conformance -. resold or placed on a network without the prior consent of ISO. ISO/IEC 14496-15:2004/Cor 3:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 en free .download area 12. ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Cor 6:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 en Information technology -Coding of audio-visual objects -. ISO 22935-3:2009 ISO/TC 34/SC 5 en fr D .47 4. training and monitoring of assessors Milk and milk products -Sensory analysis -.download area 8. ISO 27085:2009 ISO/TC 34/SC 10 en fr M . ISO 7240-11:2005/Amd 1:2009 ISO/TC 21/SC 3 en XZ .Part 15: Advanced Video Coding (AVC) file format -Technical Corrigendum 3 Information technology -Multimedia content description interface -Part 12: Query format -Technical Corrigendum 1 Information technology -Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) -.download area 9. selection.details on ISO Online . ISO 22935-2:2009 ISO/TC 34/SC 5 en fr L .Part 2: Recommended methods for sensory evaluation Milk and milk products -Sensory analysis -.download area 15.details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online .download area 6.Part 10: Video surveillance application format Rolling bearings -Explanatory notes on ISO 281 -. ISO/TR 1281-2:2008 ISO/TC 4/SC 8 fr 1 T .download area 10. free .Part 4: Musical slide show application format -Amendment 1: Conformance and reference software for musical slide show application format Information technology -Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) -. ISO 9416:2009 ISO/TC 6 en E .download area 14.details on ISO Online .download area 7.details on ISO Online . ISO/IEC 15938-12:2008/Cor 1:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 en free .Part 4: Conformance testing -Technical Corrigendum 6 Information technology -Coding of audio-visual objects -. ISO/IEC 23000-4:2009/Amd 1:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 en XZ . based on a systems approach to fatigue stresses Paper -.Part 2: Modified rating life calculation.details on ISO Online .Part 3: Guidance on a method for evaluation of compliance with product specifications for sensory properties by scoring Animal feeding stuffs -Determination of calcium.details on ISO Online .download area Standards Bulletin .download area 11.details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online . ISO 22935-1:2009 ISO/TC 34/SC 5 en fr K 13. ISO/IEC 23000-10:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 en U .Part 11: Manual call points -.details on ISO Online .download area .Part 1: General guidance for the recruitment.Determination of light scattering and absorption coefficients (using Kubelka-Munk theory) Fire detection and alarm systems -.details on ISO Online .download area 5.Amendment 1 Milk and milk products -Sensory analysis -. Measurement of room acoustic parameters -. lead and cadmium by ICP-AES 16.details on ISO Online .Part 2: Reverberation time in ordinary rooms -Technical Corrigendum 1 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials -. arsenic.download area 22. phosphorus. ISO 14855-2:2007/Cor 1:2009 ISO/TC 61/SC 5 en free .Methods for the description and physical measurement of single impulses or series of impulses -. manganese.download area 18.Part 2: Arc welding of aluminium and its alloys -.download area 20. ISO 23936-1:2009 ISO/TC 67 en N .48 sodium. iron.details on ISO Online .Welding procedure test -. copper. ISO/TR 24699:2009 ISO/TC 45 en E . zinc. petrochemical and natural gas industries -. ISO 10843:1997/Cor 1:2009 ISO/TC 43/SC 1 en fr free 19. ISO 15614-2:2005/Cor 2:2009 ISO/TC 44/SC 10 fr 1 free .General guidelines for their inclusion in standards Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials under controlled composting conditions -Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide -Part 2: Gravimetric measurement of carbon dioxide evolved in a laboratory-scale test -Technical Corrigendum 1 Petroleum.Determination of polymerized triacylglycerols by highperformance sizeexclusion chromatography (HPSEC) Graphic technology and photography -.download area 24.Technical Corrigendum 2 Rubber and rubber products -. potassium.Non-metallic materials in contact with media related to oil and gas production -Part 1: Thermoplastics Petroleum and natural gas industries -. magnesium.download area Standards Bulletin .Environmental aspects -.Drilling and production equipment -Part 3: Running tools.download area 21.download area 17. cobalt.details on ISO Online . ISO 3382-2:2008/Cor 1:2009 ISO/TC 43/SC 2 en fr free . molybdenum.Viewing conditions Acoustics -. ISO 3664:2009 ISO/TC 42 en Q .download area . pulling tools and kick-over tools and latches for sidepocket mandrels E .details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online . ISO 16931:2009 ISO/TC 34/SC 11 en fr Animal and vegetable fats and oils -.Technical Corrigendum 1 Acoustics -. ISO 17078-3:2009 ISO/TC 67/SC 4 en S .details on ISO Online .download area 23.details on ISO Online . corrected version 3 .Offshore production installations -Requirements and guidelines for emergency response -.download area . ISO 11663:2009 ISO/TC 150/SC 2 en H 30. ISO 19739:2004/Cor 1:2009 ISO/TC 193/SC 1 en fr free . Reference ISO 9416:1998 ISO 16931:2001 ISO 3664:2000 ISO 15394:2000 ISO 5667-11:1993 ISO 5667-18:2001 ISO 13958:2002 ISO 13959:2002 Committee ISO/TC 6 ISO/TC 34/SC 11 ISO/TC 42 ISO/TC 122 ISO/TC 147/SC 6 ISO/TC 147/SC 6 ISO/TC 150/SC 2 ISO/TC 150/SC 2 Replaced by ISO 9416:2009 ISO 16931:2009 ISO 3664:2009 ISO 15394:2009 ISO 5667-11:2009 ISO 5667-11:2009 ISO 13958:2009 ISO 13959:2009 Copyright ISO 2009 Standards Bulletin . ISO 5667-11:2009 ISO/TC 147/SC 6 en M .multilingual document List of ISO standards withdrawn between 2009-04-13 and 2009-04-19 # 1. 6.download area .Bar code and two-dimensional symbols for shipping.details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online . 8.details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online . transport and receiving labels Water quality -.49 25. 7.download area 28.details on ISO Online .delayed publication of language version 2 .details on ISO Online . ventilation and air-conditioning Petroleum and natural gas industries -.details on ISO Online . ISO 15138:2007 ISO/TC 67/SC 6 fr 1 Petroleum and natural gas industries -.Amendment 1 Packaging -.download area 29.Part 11: Guidance on sampling of groundwaters Quality of dialysis fluid for haemodialysis and related therapies Concentrates for haemodialysis and related therapies Water for haemodialysis and related therapies Water treatment equipment for haemodialysis applications and related therapies Natural gas -Determination of sulfur compounds using gas chromatography -Technical Corrigendum 1 XA . 32. ISO 13958:2009 ISO/TC 150/SC 2 en L 31. 5. 4. 3.details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online . ISO 15544:2000/Amd 1:2009 ISO/TC 67/SC 6 en fr XZ .Sampling .download area 26. ISO 15394:2009 ISO/TC 122 en U . ISO 13959:2009 ISO 26722:2009 ISO/TC 150/SC 2 ISO/TC 150/SC 2 en en G P 33.download area .download area 27.download area .Offshore production installations -Heating.download area 1 . 2. download area .download area Standards Bulletin . Indeed.details on ISO Online . transferred.Methods for calculating the modified reference rating life for universally loaded bearings -Technical Corrigendum 1 Road vehicles -. ISO 21299:2009 ISO/TC 23/SC 13 en fr L .Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy -.Part 1: Steel balls -.details on ISO Online . under no circumstances may any of the documents listed below be copied. it was agreed to distribute all ISO standards and other deliverables from the Central Secretariat in electronic form as from 1 January 2004.details on ISO Online . Reference ISO 3290-1:2008/Cor 1:2009 Committee ISO/TC 4 Language en fr en fr Title Rolling bearings -. please connect to the ISO Central Secretariat's ISOSTD server using your log-in name and password.details on ISO Online .Technical Corrigendum 1 Price Actions Group free . Access by ISO Members To access the ISO deliverables. reproduced. and download the ISO deliverables listed below. stored.standards distribution newsletter ISO/Standard Week/Semaine 17 (2009) Instructions on how to download ISO deliverables By decision of the ISO Council (Council Resolution 8/2002).Technical Corrigendum 1 Rolling bearings -.Return to table of contents 50 STADIST .details on ISO Online . resold or placed on a network without the prior consent of ISO. It is recalled that all ISO deliverables are protected by copyright and we are grateful to you for your help in protecting ISO's intellectual property.Roll-over protective structures (ROPS) -Test procedures and acceptance criteria Hard coal and coke -.download area 5.Manual sampling -. Table of contents • • Standards published Standards withdrawn List of ISO standards and other deliverables published between 2009-04-20 and 2009-04-26 # 1.Part 10: Immunity to conducted disturbances in the extended audio frequency range Powered ride-on turf care equipment -. ISO/TS 16281:2008/Cor 1:2009 ISO/TC 4/SC 8 free 3.Balls -.download area 4. Access by ISO TC/SCs and International Organizations in liaison To access the ISO deliverables which you are entitled to download. ISO 11452-10:2009 ISO/TC 22/SC 3 fr 1 D . please click on the download area hyperlink in the Actions column of the list below. ISO 18283:2006/Cor 1:2009 ISO/TC 27/SC 4 en free .download area 2. ISO/TR 12389:2009 ISO/TC 74 ISO/TC 74 en fr en N U . ISO 105-B07:2009 ISO/TC 38/SC 1 en fr C .details on ISO Online . ISO 17078-2:2007 ISO/TC 67/SC 4 fr 1 XB .Drilling and production equipment -.Part 2: Flow-control devices for sidepocket mandrels Guidance on the application of statistical methods to quality and to industrial standardization Cement -.download area 10.details on ISO Online .Textile-reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based or water-based fluids -Specification Adhesives -.download area 12.Part 4: Examples of spectra of polymer-coated specimens Textiles -. ISO 9125:2009 ISO/TC 77 en R .details on ISO Online .download area . ISO 1436:2009 ISO/TC 45/SC 1 en F .Tests for colour fastness -. ISO 16773-3:2009 ISO/TC 35/SC 9 en fr Paints and varnishes -Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) on highimpedance coated specimens .Part 1: M and N categories -Technical Corrigendum 1 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies -.Part B07: Colour fastness to light of textiles wetted with artificial perspiration Measurement of noise emitted by accelerating road vehicles -Engineering method -.download area 15.download area 13. ISO 4079:2009 ISO/TC 45/SC 1 en G .details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online .Rubber-covered spiral-wire-reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based or waterbased fluids -.Part 3: Processing and analysis of data from dummy cells Paints and varnishes -Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) on highimpedance coated specimens . ISO 3862:2009 ISO/TC 45/SC 1 en G .download area 8. ISO 362-1:2007/Cor 1:2009 ISO/TC 43/SC 1 en free . ISO 16773-4:2009 ISO/TC 35/SC 9 en fr J .details on ISO Online .download area 9. ISO 25217:2009 ISO/TC 61/SC 2 en M .download area .download area 11.details on ISO Online .Product specification and test methods Laminated veneer lumber -Measurement of dimensions E .Test methods -Determination of strength Methods of testing cement -Report of a test programme -Chemical analysis by x-ray fluorescence Fibre-cement slates and fittings -.details on ISO Online .Specification Rubber hoses and hose assemblies -. ISO 27567:2009 ISO/TC 89/SC 3 en C Standards Bulletin .download area 19. ISO/TR 18532:2009 ISO/TC 69 en XD .Determination of the mode 1 adhesive fracture energy of structural adhesive joints using double cantilever beam and tapered double cantilever beam specimens Petroleum and natural gas industries -.download area 14.Wire-braidreinforced hydraulic types for oil-based or water-based fluids -.download area 7.details on ISO Online .Specification Rubber hoses and hose assemblies -.details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online . ISO 679:2009 17.details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online .51 6.download area 16.download area 18. ISO 10972-2:2009 ISO/TC 96/SC 6 ISO/TC 96/SC 6 en fr en fr en A C . products and assemblies using an intermediate-scale calorimeter (ICAL) Cranes -.Part 3: Reference data for geometry and topology U .details on ISO Online . 10.details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online .Requirements for mechanisms -.corrected version 3 . 4.Radio frequency identification (RFID) -.Part 2: Mobile cranes Cranes -. 6. ISO 14696:2009 ISO/TC 92/SC 1 en Reaction-to-fire tests -Determination of fire and thermal parameters of materials.download area 23.Technical Corrigendum 1 Mechanical vibration -Torsional vibration of rotating machinery -.download area . 7. 13.download area 25.Part 1: Landbased steam and gas turbine generator sets in excess of 50 MW Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment -.Nebulizing systems and components Industrial automation systems and integration -. 3. 11.details on ISO Online .details on ISO Online .52 and shape -. 9. 12.Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities -.Licence plate tag -.download area .Part 2: Mobile cranes Freight containers -.download area 21. 8. ISO 22266-1:2009 ISO/TC 108/SC 2 en M . 2. ISO/TS 10891:2009/Cor 1:2009 ISO/TC 104/SC 4 free 24. ISO/TS 15926-3:2009 ISO/TC 184/SC 4 en N 1 . ISO 27427:2009 ISO/TC 121/SC 2 en S . Reference ISO 2382-22:1986 ISO/IEC 11159:1996 ISO 1436-1:2001 ISO 1436-2:2005 ISO 3862-1:2001 ISO 3862-2:2005 ISO 4079-1:2001 ISO 4079-2:2005 ISO 679:1989 ISO 9125:1990 ISO 9125:1990/Amd 1:2004 ISO 9125:1990/Cor 1:1993 ISO 9125:1990/Cor 2:2005 Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 28 ISO/TC 45/SC 1 ISO/TC 45/SC 1 ISO/TC 45/SC 1 ISO/TC 45/SC 1 ISO/TC 45/SC 1 ISO/TC 45/SC 1 ISO/TC 74 ISO/TC 77 ISO/TC 77 ISO/TC 77 ISO/TC 77 ISO 1436:2009 ISO 1436:2009 ISO 3862:2009 ISO 3862:2009 ISO 4079:2009 ISO 4079:2009 ISO 679:2009 ISO 9125:2009 ISO 9125:2009 ISO 9125:2009 ISO 9125:2009 Replaced by Standards Bulletin .Method of test 20.Classification -.download area 26.details on ISO Online .delayed publication of language version 2 . 5.download area .details on ISO Online . ISO 4301-2:2009 22.multilingual document List of ISO standards withdrawn between 2009-04-20 and 2009-04-26 # 1. 53 14. 15. ISO/TR 14696:1999 ISO 4301-2:1985 ISO/TC 92/SC 1 ISO/TC 96/SC 6 ISO 14696:2009 ISO 4301-2:2009 Copyright ISO 2009 Standards Bulletin . Return to table of contents 54 STADIST - standards distribution newsletter ISO/Standard Week/Semaine 18 (2009) Instructions on how to download ISO deliverables By decision of the ISO Council (Council Resolution 8/2002), it was agreed to distribute all ISO standards and other deliverables from the Central Secretariat in electronic form as from 1 January 2004. Access by ISO Members To access the ISO deliverables, please connect to the ISO Central Secretariat's ISOSTD server using your log-in name and password, and download the ISO deliverables listed below. Access by ISO TC/SCs and International Organizations in liaison To access the ISO deliverables which you are entitled to download, please click on the download area hyperlink in the Actions column of the list below. It is recalled that all ISO deliverables are protected by copyright and we are grateful to you for your help in protecting ISO's intellectual property. Indeed, under no circumstances may any of the documents listed below be copied, stored, reproduced, transferred, resold or placed on a network without the prior consent of ISO. Table of contents • • Standards published Standards withdrawn List of ISO standards and other deliverables published between 2009-04-27 and 2009-05-03 # 1. Reference ISO/IEC 15018:2004/Amd 1:2009 Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 Lang- Title uage en Information technology -Generic cabling for homes -- Amendment 1: . Information technology -Security techniques -Information security management systems -Overview and vocabulary ISO miniature screw threads Security management systems for the supply chain -- Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of supply chain security management systems Security management systems for the supply chain -- Guidelines for the implementation of ISO 28000 Price Actions Group C - details on ISO Online - download area - details on ISO Online - download area 2. ISO/IEC 27000:2009 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 en K 3. 4. ISO 1501:2009 ISO 28003:2007 ISO/TC 1 ISO/TC 8 en fr ru 1 H S - details on ISO Online - download area - details on ISO Online - download area 5. ISO 28004:2007 ISO/TC 8 ru 1 U - details on ISO Online - download area Standards Bulletin 55 6. ISO 9943:2009 ISO/TC 8/SC 3 en Shipbuilding -Ventilation and airtreatment of galleys and pantries with cooking appliances Security management systems for the supply chain -- Best practices for implementing supply chain security, assessments and plans - Requirements and guidance Milk -- Determination of freezing point -Thermistor cryoscope method (Reference method) Paints and varnishes -Drying tests -- Part 1: Determination of through-dry state and through-dry time Textiles -- Method for assessing appearance of apparel and other textile end products after domestic washing and drying Petroleum and natural gas industries -Evaluation and testing of thread compounds for use with casing, tubing, line pipe and drill stem elements Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Fixed concrete offshore structures Fibre-cement flat sheets -- Product specification and test methods Hardmetals -Determination of transverse rupture strength Non-invasive sphygmomanometers -Part 2: Clinical validation of automated measurement type Prosthetics -- Structural testing of lower-limb prostheses -Requirements and test methods External limb prostheses and external orthoses -Requirements and test methods Optics and photonics -Specification of reference dictionary -- Part 1: F - details on ISO Online - download area 7. ISO 28001:2007 ISO/TC 8/SC 11 ru 1 N - details on ISO Online - download area 8. ISO 5764:2009 ISO/TC 34/SC 5 en fr J - details on ISO Online - download area 9. ISO 9117-1:2009 ISO/TC 35/SC 9 en fr D - details on ISO Online - download area 10. ISO 15487:2009 ISO/TC 38/SC 2 en fr F - details on ISO Online - download area 11. ISO 13678:2009 ISO/TC 67/SC 5 en fr T - details on ISO Online - download area 12. ISO 19903:2006 ISO/TC 67/SC 7 fr 1 XA - details on ISO Online - download area 13. ISO 8336:2009 ISO/TC 77 en T - details on ISO Online - download area - details on ISO Online - download area 14. ISO 3327:2009 ISO/TC 119/SC 4 en fr C 15. ISO 81060-2:2009 ISO/TC 121/SC 3 en Q - details on ISO Online - download area 16. ISO 10328:2006 ISO/TC 168 ru 1 XB - details on ISO Online - download area 17. ISO 22523:2006 ISO/TC 168 ru 1 X - details on ISO Online - download area 18. ISO 23584-1:2009 ISO/TC 172 en fr G - details on ISO Online - download area Standards Bulletin 56 General overview on organization and structure 19. ISO 16201:2006 ISO/TC 173 ru 1 Technical aids for persons with disability -Environmental control systems for daily living Skin barrier for ostomy aids -- Vocabulary In vitro diagnostic medical devices -Measurement of quantities in samples of biological origin -Requirements for content and presentation of reference measurement procedures In vitro diagnostic medical devices -Measurement of quantities in samples of biological origin -Requirements for certified reference materials and the content of supporting documentation Materials for the production of primary aluminium -- Dense refractory bricks -Determination of cryolite resistance F - details on ISO Online - download area 20. ISO 24214:2006 21. ISO 15193:2009 ISO/TC 173/SC 3 ISO/TC 212 ru 1 en fr B K - details on ISO Online - download area - details on ISO Online - download area 22. ISO 15194:2009 ISO/TC 212 en fr H - details on ISO Online - download area 23. ISO 20292:2009 ISO/TC 226 en D - details on ISO Online - download area 1 - delayed publication of language version 2 - corrected version 3 - multilingual document List of ISO standards withdrawn between 2009-04-27 and 2009-05-03 # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Reference ISO/IEC 15802-2:1995 ISO/IEC 15802-4:1994 ISO 269:1985 ISO 415:1975 ISO 416:1974 ISO 6924:1983 ISO 9943:1991 ISO 5764:2002 ISO 9117:1990 ISO 15487:1999 ISO 13678:2000 ISO 3893:1977 ISO 8336:1993 Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 ISO/TC 6 ISO/TC 6 ISO/TC 6 ISO/TC 6 ISO/TC 8/SC 3 ISO/TC 34/SC 5 ISO/TC 35/SC 9 ISO/TC 38/SC 2 ISO/TC 67/SC 5 ISO/TC 71 ISO/TC 77 ISO 8336:2009 ISO 9943:2009 ISO 5764:2009 ISO 9117-1:2009 ISO 15487:2009 ISO 13678:2009 Replaced by Standards Bulletin 20. 19. 16. ISO 8336:1993/Amd 1:2004 ISO 8336:1993/Cor 1:2005 ISO 5660-4:2008 ISO 3327:1982 ISO 2835:1974 ISO 15193:2002 ISO 15194:2002 ISO/TC 77 ISO/TC 77 ISO/TC 92/SC 1 ISO/TC 119/SC 4 ISO/TC 130 ISO/TC 212 ISO/TC 212 ISO 15193:2009 ISO 15194:2009 ISO 3327:2009 ISO 8336:2009 ISO 8336:2009 Copyright ISO 2009 Standards Bulletin . 15. 17. 18.Return to table of contents 57 14. Determination of resistance to axial withdrawal of screws Committee : ISO/TC 89 Close of voting: 2009-06-21 ISO/FDIS 12151-6 Connections for hydraulic fluid power and general use -.Tubing tolerances -.Part 1: Solution method Committee : ISO/TC 74 Close of voting: 2009-06-22 ISO/DIS 12573 Aircraft -.Inch series Committee : ISO/TC 20/SC 10 Close of voting: 2009-09-21 ISO/DIS 11852 Rubber -.Determination of the heat of hydration -.2 Implants for surgery -.Determination of the heat of hydration -.Return to table of contents 58 ISO DIS/FDIS BALLOTING (OPEN BALLOTS) 2009-04-22 List of DIS and FDIS ballots that have recently been opened for voting : ISO/FDIS 16900-2 Respiratory protective devices -. life-saving appliances.2 Ships and marine technology -.Aqueous liquid repellency -.Part 6: Hose fittings with ISO 8434-6 60 degree cone ends Committee : ISO/TC 131/SC 4 Close of voting: 2009-06-21 ISO/FDIS 27448 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics. and use of shipboard signs for fire protection.Measurement of water contact angle Committee : ISO/TC 206 Close of voting: 2009-06-21 ISO/FDIS 23232 Textiles -.Part 1: Ceramic materials based on high purity alumina Committee : ISO/TC 150/SC 1 Close of voting: 2009-06-20 ISO/DIS 24409-1. shock and condition monitoring -.Hose fittings -.Ceramic materials -.Design.Test method for self-cleaning performance of semiconducting photocatalytic materials -.Determination of magnesium content of field and concentrated natural rubber latex by titration Committee : ISO/TC 45/SC 3 Close of voting: 2009-09-21 ISO/DIS 12759 Fans -. and means of escape -Part 1: Design principles Committee : ISO/TC 8/SC 1 Close of voting: 2009-06-21 ISO/FDIS 27528 Wood-based panels -.Vocabulary Committee : ISO/TC 108 Close of voting: 2009-06-20 ISO/DIS 6474-1.Water/alcohol solution resistance test Committee : ISO/TC 38/SC 2 Close of voting: 2009-06-22 ISO/FDIS 29582-2 Methods of testing cement -.Efficiency classification for fans Committee : ISO/TC 117 Close of voting: 2009-09-21 Standards Bulletin .Part 2: Semi-adiabatic method Committee : ISO/TC 74 Close of voting: 2009-06-22 ISO/FDIS 29582-1 Methods of testing cement -. location.Methods of test and test equipment -.Part 2: Determination of breathing resistance Committee : ISO/TC 94/SC 15 Close of voting: 2009-06-20 ISO/FDIS 2041 (Ed 3) Mechanical vibration. advanced technical ceramics) -. Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN. wires and rods for fusion welding of nickel and nickel alloys -.1): Parameterization of ASN.Wire and strip electrodes.1 specifications -.Determination of the melt volume-flow rate (MVR) and melt mass-flow rate (MFR) of thermoplastics materials -.Part 2: Method for materials sensitive to time-temperature history and/or moisture Committee : ISO/TC 61/SC 5 Close of voting: 2009-09-23 ISO/DIS 1133-1 Plastics -.Test methods for footwear Committee : ISO/TC 94/SC 3 Close of voting: 2009-09-23 Standards Bulletin .Classification Committee : ISO/TC 44/SC 3 Close of voting: 2009-09-23 ISO/DIS 1133-2 Plastics -.Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.Determination of the melt volume-flow rate (MVR) and melt mass-flow rate (MFR) of thermoplastics materials -.Part 1: Committee : ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Close of voting: 2009-06-23 ISO/IEC FDIS 8824-4 (Ed 4) Information technology -.Classification Committee : ISO/TC 44/SC 3 Close of voting: 2009-09-23 ISO/DIS 17633 (Ed 2) Welding consumables -.End-of-life activation of on-board pyrotechnic devices -.Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.Part 5: Additional communication line with pulse width modulated signal Committee : ISO/TC 22/SC 3 Close of voting: 2009-06-24 ISO/DIS 18274 (Ed 2) Welding consumables -.Nomenclature Committee : ISO/TC 54 Close of voting: 2009-06-23 ISO/FDIS 5667-15 (Ed 2) Water quality -.Part 15: Guidance on the preservation and handling of sludge and sediment samples Committee : ISO/TC 147/SC 6 Close of voting: 2009-06-23 ISO/FDIS 26021-5 Road vehicles -.Part 4: Committee : ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Close of voting: 2009-06-23 ISO/IEC FDIS 8824-3 (Ed 4) Information technology -.Sampling -.Part 1: Standard method Committee : ISO/TC 61/SC 5 Close of voting: 2009-09-23 ISO/DIS 20344 (Ed 2) Personal protective equipment -.Tubular cored electrodes and rods for gas shielded and non-gas shielded metal arc welding of stainless and heatresisting steels -.1): Constraint specification -.1): Specification of basic notation -.Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.59 ISO DIS/FDIS BALLOTING (OPEN BALLOTS) 2009-04-27 List of DIS and FDIS ballots that have recently been opened for voting : ISO/IEC FDIS 8824-2 (Ed 4) Information technology -.Part 3: Committee : ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Close of voting: 2009-06-23 ISO/FDIS 10517 (Ed 2) Powered hand-held hedge trimmers -.Safety Committee : ISO/TC 23/SC 13 Close of voting: 2009-06-23 ISO/FDIS 4720 (Ed 3) Essential oils -.Part 2: Committee : ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Close of voting: 2009-06-23 ISO/IEC FDIS 8824-1 (Ed 4) Information technology -.1): Information object specification -. Part 4: Moulding of prepregs -.Part 3: Low-temperature method Committee : ISO/TC 61/SC 5 Close of voting: 2009-09-24 ISO/DIS 16014-2 (Ed 2) Plastics -.Generation of metal nanoparticles for inhalation toxicity testing using the evaporation/condensation method Committee : ISO/TC 229 Close of voting: 2009-09-23 ISO/DIS 16014-1 (Ed 2) Plastics -.CALM Management Committee : ISO/TC 204 Close of voting: 2009-09-24 Standards Bulletin .Determination of average molecular mass and molecular mass distribution of polymers using size-exclusion chromatography -.Determination of thickness -.Communications access for land mobiles (CALM) -.Amendment 1 Committee : ISO/TC 61/SC 13 Close of voting: 2009-09-24 ISO/DIS 4602 (Ed 3) Reinforcements -.Determination of hydroxyl number by NIR spectroscopy Committee : ISO/TC 61/SC 12 Close of voting: 2009-09-24 ISO 4603:1993/DAmd 1 Textile glass -.Determination of average molecular mass and molecular mass distribution of polymers using size-exclusion chromatography -.Polyols for use in the production of polyurethanes -.Determination of average molecular mass and molecular mass distribution of polymers using size-exclusion chromatography -.Methods of producing test plates -.Determination of average molecular mass and molecular mass distribution of polymers using size-exclusion chromatography -.Woven fabrics -.CALM using millimetre communications -.Safety footwear Committee : ISO/TC 94/SC 3 Close of voting: 2009-09-23 ISO/DIS 20346 (Ed 2) Personal protective equipment -.Part 2: Universal calibration method Committee : ISO/TC 61/SC 5 Close of voting: 2009-09-24 ISO/DIS 16014-4 (Ed 2) Plastics -.60 ISO/DIS 20345 (Ed 2) Personal protective equipment -.Amendment 1 Committee : ISO/TC 61/SC 13 Close of voting: 2009-09-24 ISO/DIS 21216-1 Intelligent transport systems -.Occupational footwear Committee : ISO/TC 94/SC 3 Close of voting: 2009-09-23 ISO/DIS 10801 Nanotechnologies -.Protective footwear Committee : ISO/TC 94/SC 3 Close of voting: 2009-09-23 ISO/DIS 20347 (Ed 2) Personal protective equipment -.Wireless communications -.Woven fabrics -.Determination of number of yarns per unit length of warp and weft Committee : ISO/TC 61/SC 13 Close of voting: 2009-09-24 ISO 1268-4:2005/DAmd 1 Fibre-reinforced plastics -.Part 4: High-temperature method Committee : ISO/TC 61/SC 5 Close of voting: 2009-09-24 ISO/DIS 15063 (Ed 2) Plastics -.Part 1: Air interface Committee : ISO/TC 204 Close of voting: 2009-09-24 ISO/DIS 24102 Intelligent transport systems -.Part 1: General principles Committee : ISO/TC 61/SC 5 Close of voting: 2009-09-24 ISO/DIS 16014-3 (Ed 2) Plastics -. Vocabulary. validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices Committee : ISO/TC 198 Close of voting: 2009-06-29 ISO/FDIS 11664-5 Colorimetry -.2 (Ed 4) Rubber compounding ingredients -.Palmqvist toughness test Committee : ISO/TC 119/SC 4 Close of voting: 2009-06-29 ISO/DIS 20857.Dry heat -. wire or textile reinforced.Requirements and test methods Committee : ISO/TC 84 Close of voting: 2009-06-29 ISO/FDIS 22915-7 Industrial trucks -. for dredging applications -.Communications access for land mobiles (CALM) -.Symbols and abbreviated terms Committee : ISO/TC 45 Close of voting: 2009-06-29 ISO/FDIS 20072 Aerosol drug delivery device design verification -.Part 5: CIE 1976 L*u*v* Colour space and u'.Specification Committee : ISO/TC 45/SC 1 Close of voting: 2009-06-27 ISO/FDIS 22241-4 Diesel engines -.Part 4: Refilling interface Committee : ISO/TC 22/SC 5 Close of voting: 2009-06-29 ISO/DIS 6472. designation and classification -.Requirements for the development.Part 1: Contaminants and purity classes Committee : ISO/TC 118/SC 4 Close of voting: 2009-09-28 Standards Bulletin .NOx reduction agent AUS 32 -.Determination of glass transition temperature by DSC Committee : ISO/TC 45/SC 3 Close of voting: 2009-09-28 ISO/DIS 29661 Reference radiation fields for radiation protection -.Part 7: Bidirectional and multidirectional trucks Committee : ISO/TC 110/SC 2 Close of voting: 2009-06-29 ISO/FDIS 28079 Hardmetals -.2 Sterilization of health care products -.Verification of stability -.61 ISO/DIS 21215 Intelligent transport systems -.v' uniform chromaticity scale diagram Committee : CIE Close of voting: 2009-09-27 ISO/DIS 28343 Rubber compounding ingredients -.Process oils -.CALM M5 Committee : ISO/TC 204 Close of voting: 2009-09-24 ISO DIS/FDIS BALLOTING (OPEN BALLOTS) 2009-04-29 List of DIS and FDIS ballots that have recently been opened for voting : ISO/FDIS 28017 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies.Definitions and fundamental concepts Committee : ISO/TC 85/SC 2 Close of voting: 2009-09-28 ISO 17893:2004/DAmd 1 Steel wire ropes -.Amendment 1 Committee : ISO/TC 105 Close of voting: 2009-09-28 ISO/DIS 8573-1 (Ed 3) Compressed air -. Part 5: Committee : ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Close of voting: 2009-06-30 ISO/IEC FDIS 8825-3 (Ed 2) Information technology -.1 encoding rules: Registration and application of PER encoding instructions -.ASN.ASN.Electro-pneumatic pressure control valves -.Conformance testing methodology for biometric data interchange formats defined in ISO/IEC 19794 -.1 encoding rules: Specification of Encoding Control Notation (ECN) -.Part 1: Requirements and test methods for all systems Committee : ISO/TC 173/SC 1 Close of voting: 2009-09-28 ISO DIS/FDIS BALLOTING (OPEN BALLOTS) 2009-05-03 List of DIS and FDIS ballots that have recently been opened for voting : ISO/IEC FDIS 8825-1 (Ed 4) Information technology -.Biometric sample quality -.ASN.Part 1: Main characteristics to include in the supplier's literature Committee : ISO/TC 131/SC 5 Close of voting: 2009-09-28 ISO/DIS 29942 Prophylactic dams -.ASN.Part 3: Committee : ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Close of voting: 2009-06-30 ISO/IEC FDIS 8825-2 (Ed 4) Information technology -.Part 4: Committee : ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Close of voting: 2009-06-30 ISO/IEC FDIS 8825-6 (Ed 2) Information technology -.ASN.62 ISO/DIS 10094-2 Pneumatic fluid power -.1 encoding rules: Mapping W3C XML schema definitions into ASN.Part 2: Test methods to determine main characteristics to include in the supplier's literature Committee : ISO/TC 131/SC 5 Close of voting: 2009-09-28 ISO/DIS 10094-1 Pneumatic fluid power -.Wheelchair tiedown and occupant-restraint systems -.Part 6: Committee : ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Close of voting: 2009-06-30 ISO/IEC FDIS 29794-1 Information technology -.1 encoding rules: XML Encoding Rules (XER) -.1 encoding rules: Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER) -.Requirements and test methods Committee : ISO/TC 157 Close of voting: 2009-09-28 ISO/DIS 29941 Condoms -.Determination of nitrosamines migrating from natural rubber latex condoms into various media Committee : ISO/TC 157 Close of voting: 2009-09-28 ISO/DIS 10542-1 (Ed 2) Technical systems and aids for disabled or handicapped persons -.1 -.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER).Part 1: Framework Committee : ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 Close of voting: 2009-06-30 ISO/IEC FDIS 29109-1 Information technology -.Part 1: Committee : ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Close of voting: 2009-06-30 ISO/IEC FDIS 8825-5 (Ed 2) Information technology -.Part 1: Generalized conformance testing methodology Committee : ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 Close of voting: 2009-06-30 Standards Bulletin .Part 2: Committee : ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Close of voting: 2009-06-30 ISO/IEC FDIS 8825-4 (Ed 2) Information technology -.ASN. Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) -.Electro-pneumatic pressure control valves -. Part 1: Test methods Committee : ISO/TC 127/SC 1 Close of voting: 2009-06-30 ISO/FDIS 25424 Sterilization of medical devices -.Part 5: Light-scattering method Committee : ISO/TC 61/SC 5 Close of voting: 2009-09-30 ISO/DIS 7599 (Ed 2) Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys -. validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices Committee : ISO/TC 198 Close of voting: 2009-06-30 ISO/FDIS 14161 (Ed 2) Sterilization of health care products -.Part 1: BioAPI specification -.Individual case safety report -.Optimal design for user friendliness and electronic document management systems (EDMS) Committee : ISO/TC 171/SC 2 Close of voting: 2009-09-30 ISO/DIS 27953-1 Health informatics -.Determination of e-caprolactam and w-laurolactam by gas chromatography Committee : ISO/TC 61/SC 5 Close of voting: 2009-09-30 ISO/DIS 16014-5 Plastics -.63 ISO/IEC 19784-1:2006/FDAmd 2 Information technology -.Amendment 2: Framework-free BioAPI Committee : ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 Close of voting: 2009-06-30 ISO/FDIS 14401-2 (Ed 2) Earth-moving machinery -.Determination of average molecular mass and molecular mass distribution of polymers using size-exclusion chromatography -.Field of vision of surveillance and rear-view mirrors -.Part 1: The framework for adverse event reporting Committee : ISO/TC 215 Close of voting: 2009-09-30 Standards Bulletin . definitions.Field of vision of surveillance and rear-view mirrors -.Care labelling code using symbols for workwear to be industrially laundered Committee : ISO/TC 38/SC 2 Close of voting: 2009-09-30 ISO/DIS 10927 Determination of the molecular mass and molecular mass distribution of polymer species by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-offlight mass spectrometry (MALDITOF-MS) Committee : ISO/TC 61/SC 5 Close of voting: 2009-09-30 ISO/DIS 11337 (Ed 2) Plastics -.Polyamides -. abbreviations and acronyms Committee : ISO/TC 22/SC 3 Close of voting: 2009-09-30 ISO/DIS 30023 Textiles -.Biological indicators -.Requirements for development.Part 2: Performance criteria Committee : ISO/TC 127/SC 1 Close of voting: 2009-06-30 ISO/FDIS 14401-1 (Ed 2) Earth-moving machinery -.Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics -.General specifications for anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium Committee : ISO/TC 79/SC 2 Close of voting: 2009-09-30 ISO/DIS 12029 Document management -.Part 2: Terms. use and interpretation of results Committee : ISO/TC 198 Close of voting: 2009-06-30 ISO/DIS 15031-5 (Ed 2) Road vehicles -.Guidance for the selection.Part 5: Emissions-related diagnostic services Committee : ISO/TC 22/SC 3 Close of voting: 2009-09-30 ISO/DIS 15031-2 Road vehicles -.Pharmacovigilance .Machine-readable paper forms -.Low temperature steam and formaldehyde -.Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics -.Biometric application programming interface -. Part 2: Heavy-duty (S series) stud ends Committee : ISO/TC 131/SC 4 Close of voting: 2009-10-05 ISO/DIS 11926-1 (Ed 2) Connections for general use and fluid power -.Capability and performance -.Standard data format for colorimetric communication -.Pharmacovigilance .Part 8: Links Committee : ISO/TC 215 Close of voting: 2009-09-30 ISO DIS/FDIS BALLOTING (OPEN BALLOTS) 2009-05-06 List of DIS and FDIS ballots that have recently been opened for voting : ISO/FDIS 20806 (Ed 2) Mechanical vibration -.Determination of centre of gravity Committee : ISO/TC 22/SC 9 Close of voting: 2009-10-05 ISO/DIS 9815 (Ed 3) Road vehicles -.64 ISO/DIS 27953-2 Health informatics -. called mass per hectolitre -.Ports and stud ends with ISO 263 inch threads and O-ring sealing -.Passenger-car and trailer combinations -.Part 1: General principles and concepts Committee : ISO/TC 69/SC 4 Close of voting: 2009-07-05 ISO/DIS 10392 (Ed 2) Road vehicles -.Textiles and related measurements Committee : ISO/TC 38/SC 1 Close of voting: 2009-10-05 ISO/DIS 11926-2 (Ed 2) Connections for general use and fluid power -.Determination of bulk density.Part 2: Method of traceability for measuring instruments through reference to the international standard instrument Committee : ISO/TC 34/SC 4 Close of voting: 2009-07-07 ISO/FDIS 7971-1 (Ed 2) Standards Bulletin .Part 1: Ports with truncated housing for O-ring seal Committee : ISO/TC 131/SC 4 Close of voting: 2009-10-05 ISO/DIS 11926-3 (Ed 2) Connections for general use and fluid power -.Criteria and safeguards for the in-situ balancing of medium and large rotors Committee : ISO/TC 108 Close of voting: 2009-07-04 ISO/FDIS 16063-31 Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -.Ports and stud ends with ISO 263 UN and UNF threads and O-ring sealing -.Part 3: Light-duty (L series) stud ends Committee : ISO/TC 131/SC 4 Close of voting: 2009-10-05 ISO DIS/FDIS BALLOTING (OPEN BALLOTS) 2009-05-10 List of DIS and FDIS ballots that have recently been opened for voting : ISO/FDIS 7971-2 (Ed 2) Cereals -.Part 31: Testing of transverse vibration sensitivity Committee : ISO/TC 108/SC 3 Close of voting: 2009-07-04 ISO/FDIS 22514-1 Statistical methods in process management -.Individual case safety report -.Patient healthcard data -.Lateral stability test Committee : ISO/TC 22/SC 9 Close of voting: 2009-10-05 ISO/DIS 10617 Textiles -.Part 2: Human pharmaceutical reporting requirements for ICSR Committee : ISO/TC 215 Close of voting: 2009-09-30 ISO/DIS 21549-8 Health informatics -.Ports and stud ends with ISO 263 inch threads and O-ring sealing -. 65 Cereals -.Scratch test Committee : ISO/TC 35/SC 9 Close of voting: 2009-10-07 ISO/DIS 11120 (Ed 2) Gas cylinders -.Corrosion test methods Committee : ISO/TC 106/SC 2 Close of voting: 2009-10-07 ISO/DIS 15883-6 Washer-disinfectors -.Procedure for the Registration of Assigned Numbers for ISO/IEC 26907 and ISO/IEC 26908 Committee : ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Close of voting: 2009-10-07 ISO/DIS 1518 (Ed 3) Paints and varnishes -.Part 2: Materials for long-term use Committee : ISO/TC 106/SC 2 Close of voting: 2009-07-07 ISO/FDIS 1456 (Ed 4) Metallic and other inorganic coatings -.Part 3: Routine method Committee : ISO/TC 34/SC 4 Close of voting: 2009-07-07 ISO/FDIS 4063 (Ed 4) (http://isotc.Part 1: Reference method Committee : ISO/TC 34/SC 4 Close of voting: 2009-07-07 ISO/FDIS 7971-3 Cereals -.Fundus cameras Committee : ISO/TC 172/SC 7 Close of voting: 2009-07-07 IEC/FDIS 81346-2 Industrial systems.org/livelink/eb3/part/fdis/ballotAction.Determination of bulk density. called mass per hectolitre -.Part 6: Requirements and tests for washer-disinfectors employing thermal disinfection for non-invasive.iso.Soft lining materials for removable dentures -. nickel plus chromium.Part 2: Classification of objects and codes for classes Committee : ISO/TC 10 Close of voting: 2009-07-10 ISO/FDIS 21969 (Ed 2) High-pressure flexible connections for use with medical gas systems Committee : ISO/TC 121/SC 6 Close of voting: 2009-08-07 ISO/IEC DIS 13560 Information technology -.Laryngoscopes for tracheal intubation Committee : ISO/TC 121/SC 2 Close of voting: 2009-07-07 ISO/FDIS 10940 (Ed 2) Ophthalmic instruments -. copper plus nickel and of copper plus nickel plus chromium Committee : ISO/TC 107/SC 3 Close of voting: 2009-07-07 ISO/FDIS 7376 (Ed 2) Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment -.Design construction and testing Committee : ISO/TC 58/SC 3 Close of voting: 2009-10-07 ISO/DIS 10271 (Ed 2) Dental metallic materials -. non-critical medical devices and healthcare equipment Committee : ISO/TC 198 Close of voting: 2009-10-07 Standards Bulletin .Structuring principles and reference designations -.do?method=doView&id=80683 ) Welding and allied processes -Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers Committee : ISO/TC 44/SC 7 Close of voting: 2009-07-07 ISO/FDIS 10139-2 (Ed 2) Dentistry -.Electrodeposited coatings of nickel.Refillable seamless steel tubes of water capacity between 150 l and 3000 l -. installations and equipment and industrial products -.Determination of bulk density. called mass per hectolitre -. Guidelines for the inspection of mechanical sampling systems Committee : ISO/TC 183 Close of voting: 2009-10-12 ISO/DIS 11794 Copper.Part 18: Detection and enumeration of moulds -.Specification Committee : ISO/TC 45/SC 1 Close of voting: 2009-10-13 ISO/DIS 16000-18 Indoor air -.Part 1: Weave test Committee : ISO/TC 22/SC 9 Close of voting: 2009-10-13 ISO/DIS 4641 (Ed 4) Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for water suction and discharge -.Part 1: General machines Committee : ISO/TC 23/SC 15 Close of voting: 2009-07-11 ISO/FDIS 10984-2 Timber structures -.Characterization of optical materials used in the infrared spectral range from 0. zinc and nickel concentrates -.78 µm to 25 µm Committee : ISO/TC 172/SC 3 Close of voting: 2009-10-08 IEC/DIS 62264-5 Enterprise-control system integration -.Sampling by impaction Committee : ISO/TC 146/SC 6 Close of voting: 2009-10-13 Standards Bulletin .Determination of cohesive resistance -.Guidance on the use of ISO 4074 and ISO 23409 in the quality management of natural rubber latex condoms and synthetic condoms Committee : ISO/TC 157 Close of voting: 2009-10-11 ISO/DIS 11790 Copper.Laboratory tests and performance requirements for roll-over protective structures -.Strip-bend test for electrofusion assemblies Committee : ISO/TC 138/SC 5 Close of voting: 2009-10-08 ISO/DIS 11382 Optics and photonics -.Dowel-type fasteners -.Sampling of slurries Committee : ISO/TC 183 Close of voting: 2009-10-12 ISO/DIS 13674-1 (Ed 2) Road vehicles -. zinc and nickel concentrates -.Optical materials and components -. lead.Part 8: Solid fertilizer distributors Committee : ISO/TC 23/SC 3 Close of voting: 2009-07-11 ISO/FDIS 8082-1 Self-propelled machinery for forestry -.Return to table of contents 66 ISO/DIS 21751 Plastics pipes and fittings -.Dowel-type fasteners -. lead.Part 1: Determination of yield moment Committee : ISO/TC 165 Close of voting: 2009-07-12 ISO/DIS 16038 (Ed 2) Male condoms -.Part 5: Business to manufacturing transactions Committee : ISO/TC 184/SC 5 Close of voting: 2009-10-08 ISO DIS/FDIS BALLOTING (OPEN BALLOTS) 2009-05-13 List of DIS and FDIS ballots that have recently been opened for voting : ISO/FDIS 4254-8 Agricultural machinery -.Part 2: Determination of embedding strength Committee : ISO/TC 165 Close of voting: 2009-07-12 ISO/FDIS 10984-1 Timber structures -.Safety -.Test method for the quantification of on-centre handling -. 1/Add.36/Rev.4 2008-11-04 19 E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.2/Amend.2 2008-11-04 19 E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.1 2008-11-04 86 E/ECE/324/Rev.45/Rev.2/Amend.1/Add.1/Add.signalling devices Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of agricultural or forestry tractors with regard to the installation of lighting and light-signalling devices Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of parking lamps for power-driven vehicles Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of agricultural or forestry tractors with regard to the installation of lighting and light-signalling devices Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of daytime running lamps for power-driven vehicles 96/96/EC 2009-03-12 18 E/ECE/324/Rev.76/Rev.1/Amend.86/Rev.3 2008-11-04 65 E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.1 2008-11-04 37 E/ECE/324/Rev.Return to table of contents EC AND UNECE DIRECTIVES / REGULATIONS 18/09 2009-04-29 67 Reg Document Designation 2009/19/EC Date 2009-03-12 Title Commission Directive 2009/19/EC of 12 March 2009 amending.5/Amend.5/Amend. Council Directive 72/245/EEC relating to the radio interference (electromagnetic compatibility) of Corrigendum to Council Directive 86/86/EC of 20 December 1996 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of motor vehicles with regard to their protection against unauthorized use Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of powerdriven vehicle front fog lamps Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of powerdriven vehicle front fog lamps Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of filament lamps for use in approved lamp units of power-driven vehicles and of their trailers Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of devices for indirect vision and of motor vehicles with regard to the installation of these devices Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the installation of lighting and lightsignalling devices Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of special warning lamps for motor vehicles Uniform provisions Concerning the approval of category L1 vehicles with regard to the installation of lighting and light.1/Add.18/Rev.4/Amend.1 2008-11-04 46 E/ECE/324/Rev.3 2008-11-04 48 E/ECE/324/Rev.64/Rev.1/Add.5/Amend.4 2008-11-04 77 E/ECE/324/Rev.3/Amend.73/Rev.4 2008-11-04 87 E/ECE/324/Rev.17/Rev.1/Add.1/Add.2/Amend.1/Add.4 2008-11-4 86 E/ECE/324/Rev.85/Amend.1/Add. for the purposes of its adaptation to technical progress.75/Amend.2 2008-11-04 74 E/ECE/324/Rev.47/Rev.1 2008-11-04 Standards Bulletin .1/Amend.18/Rev. 1/Add.2/Amend.1/Add.118/Amend.97/Rev.1/Amend.4/Rev.1 2008-11-06 66 E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Amend.120/Amend.5 2008-11-04 119 E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.12H/Rev.tales and indicators Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of passenger cars with regard to braking 116 E/ECE/324//Rev.4/Corr.2 2008-11-04 5 E/ECE/324/Add.2/Add.1/Add.2 2008-11-04 13-H E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.48/Rev.112/Rev.2/Add.115/Amend. tell.2/Add.2/Add.1 2008-11-06 Standards Bulletin .65/Rev.1 2008-11-04 98 E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Amend. and the emission of gaseous pollutants from positive-ignition engines fuelled with natural gas or liquified petroleum gas for use in vehicles Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of large passenger vehicles with regard to the strength of their superstructure Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of sidemarker lamps for motor vehicles and their trailers Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of motor vehicle headlamps equipped with gas-discharge light Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of cornering lamps for power-driven vehicles Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to the location and identification of hand controls.3 2008-11-04 121 E/ECE/324/Rev.4 2009-11-06 49 E/ECE/324/Rev.2 Date 2008-11-04 Title Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of motor vehicle headlamps emitting a symmetrical passing beam or a driving beam or both and equipped with filament Uniform Provisions Concerning the protection of motor vehicles against unauthorized use Uniform Provisions Concerning the approval of powerdriven vehicle's sealed-beam headlamps (SB) emitting a European asymmetrical passing beam or a driving beam Uniform Provisions Concerning the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from compression-ignition engines for use in vehicles.1 2008-11-04 91 E/ECE/324/Rev.90/Rev.Return to table of contents EC AND UNECE DIRECTIVES / REGULATIONS 20/09 2009-05-13 68 Reg 113 Document Designation E/ECE/324//Rev.1/Amend.
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