03_Rock reinforcement.ppt

March 31, 2018 | Author: Pato Carmona | Category: Screw, Industries, Building Materials, Building Engineering, Nature



Basics of Rock SupportRev. April 2008 Why reinforcing the rock?  Reinforcing the rock is usually seen as:  Time consuming.  Non directly productive.  Expensive.  Complicated.  So why reinforcing the rock ?  Human workforce SAFETY.  Secure the access to the orebody. Sandvik Mining and Construction How?  Rock & cable bolting.  Meshing.  Shotcreting (sprayed concrete).  Timber support.  Steel Arches, concrete lining:  Used in special conditions, I.e. production level development for block caving  Backfilling. We won’t go further on those 4 because they’re not part of current SMC UGHRM offering. Sandvik Mining and Construction Rock Support  To create a compressive stress arc around the opening  Helps the rock to support itself  To support the loose blocks Prevents the loose blocks of falling out and prevents the progression of cave-in Compression stress field in tunnel roof created with fully grouted bolts. Sandvik Mining and Construction . RMR-Bienawski / Relationship stan up time Sandvik Mining and Construction . RMR-Bienawski Determination of support using Sandvik Mining and Construction .  FULLY-EMBEDDED BOLTS  Either resin or cement grouted    FRICTION BOLTS Split Set® or Swellex® Sandvik Mining and Construction .Bolt types ANCHOR-POINT BOLTS  Commonly known as «expansion shell» bolts or wedge type.  Friction bolts  Immediate support  Full column anchor Sandvik Mining and Construction .  The bolt is acting as a standard mechanical split pin and stabilize the rock masses by creating compressive stress.Split set bolt  Drill a hole smaller than the outside diameter of the bolt:  The drilling bit size is critical.  Request an impactor or a rockdrill on the bolting line. Split set bolt  2 of the most common split set bolt: Sandvik Mining and Construction . but the friction is created by inflating the bolt with high pressurized water.  Friction bolts  Immediate support  Full column anchor Sandvik Mining and Construction .Swellex bolt  This bolt is acting like a split set. Swellex -DIAGRAM – 0 Bar 150 Bars 15 Bars 300 No leak DRAIN SEALING SEALING FILLING + + INFLATION SEALING Sandvik Mining and Construction . Swellex bolt  Some of the most common swellex bolts Swellex Swellex Mn12 Swellex Mn16 Swellex Mn24 Breaking load 120 kN 160 kN 240 kN Hole diameter 32 – 39 mm 43 – 52 mm 43 – 52 mm Sandvik Mining and Construction . Grouted bolt  Resin grouted (immediate support and can be pre-tensionned). simple steel rebar cement or resin fill Sandvik Mining and Construction .  Cement grouted (no immediate support):  Cable bolting replace the rebar by a steel strand. Grouted cable bolt  Used to bind and secure large rock masses  Used both before and after excavation:  Sublevel stoping: To prevent cave-in from hanging wall & to support pillars  Cut and fill stoping: To reinforce the roof (mostly overhand cut and fill)  Room and Pillar: To reinforce the roof and the pillars  Block caving: To reinforce the drawbell.and production area for safer operation and extended drawpoint lifetime  Drifting (long bolts within limited space) Cable used: .15. or .Often 2 strands / hole Sandvik Mining and Construction .15.2 mm steel strand.Breaking strength 25 tonnes .2 mm bulb anchor .  Immediate support.Point Anchor bolt  Mechanical bolts.  Can be cement-grouted:  Wedge type cement grouted = Kiruna Bolt expansion shell Sandvik Mining and Construction wedge type . Other types Combination: CT bolt Immediate support + fully grouted + corrosion protected Sandvik Mining and Construction . fairly low cost Fast installation. Availability of resin may be problem. immediate support Good properties. Immediate support Immediate support Fast installation. immediate support. expensive Expansion shell Cement grouted wedge-type Swellex Split-set (or copy of) CT-bolt 1.Lifespan & cost  Properties of different bolt types Bolt type Cement grouted rebar Resin grouted rebar Lifespan Permanent Permanent (when fully grouted) Temporary / Permanent when grouted Temporary / Permanent when grouted Temporary (longer than split-set) Temporary Permanent Relative cost 1 2 General comments Low cost. good availability.5 1. immediate support Fast installation.25 3 1 4 Sandvik Mining and Construction . No immediate support Reasonable cost.  Can be installed mechanized with screen manipulator on Robolt.Meshing  Used together with bolting (and shotcrete)  Does not prevent deformations.  Can stand up large deformations without breaking.  Screen the size of loose rocks that might fall. but prevents loose rock from falling. Sandvik Mining and Construction . How to choose a bolter Rev. April 2008 . DS510 DS310 Robolt 5  Cable bolt:  DS420. DS410.How to choose a bolting unit?  Rock bolts:  DS310. DS520 DS410 Robolt 7 DS420 Cabolt 7 Sandvik Mining and Construction . the same bolting head shall be proposed to the customer. BH TUC Sandvik Mining and Construction .  As far as possible.  The bolting heads are so different that it is really hard to get used to the other type once trained used to one kind.  TUC from Lyon.How to choose a bolting unit?  What type of bolting head does the customer is already using ?  BH from Tampere. DS310/DS410 Sandvik Mining and Construction .How to choose a bolting unit?  What is or are the average drift height to be bolted?  What is the bolt length to be installed?  Check first B value:  The drift height should be < B. and as close possible to utilize the bolter at his maximum output. manoeuvrability is critical in operation.How to choose a bolting unit?  Check then A value:  Don’t hesitate to add a safety margin when possible. Sandvik Mining and Construction . or really high spot bolting. Sandvik Mining and Construction .How to choose a bolting unit?  C is the maximum reachable height and is usually used for bolting over blasted or excavated areas.  C value is usually not be considered as normal bolting height. 6m 7 x 6m 8 x 6.9m ZRU 1407 12 x 9m 12. Drift (8' bolt) 7 x 6.2m 8.2m 13 x 10.8m Max.7 x 9.How to choose a bolting unit? Boom DS310 DS310 DS410 DS510 B26B B26BXL ZRU 707 Basic WxH Roughly (8' bolt) 6 x 5m 7 x 6m 8 x 7m 6 x 5.5m 8 x 7.9 x 7.6m Sandvik Mining and Construction . How to choose a bolting unit?  Need for a second optional boom?  Basket boom => DS410.  Screening (meshing) boom :  Better to propose that option on separate boom for manoeuvrability: • Available from DS410 classe size Sandvik Mining and Construction . or DS510. it is better to offer DS310 (Robolt5) even if the DS410 (Robolt 7) could fit the application. … Sandvik Mining and Construction .  The benefit will be carrier spare parts communality. less operator training.How to choose a bolting unit?  Fleet effect:  If the customer owns a large fleet of DD310 (Axera 5).  Resin cartridges OD and length.  Bolt diameter.  Plate sizes.Mandatory informations  Bolt type.  Bolt length. Sandvik Mining and Construction .  Working with HLX1 & RHR 50. Sandvik Mining and Construction .  TU LP & LPM:  Available on LP bolters DS210L (M) and only for Expandable shell and resin bolts.ppt  Available on DS310 and DS410  Working H 200. DS510  Working with HL300 or HL 510. HH200.Bolting heads  TUC:How Does it Work.  Video TULP & TULPM. RHR 50.  BH:  Available on DS410. Bolting booms  Bolting booms B26 B & XLB: DS310 ZRU 707: DS410 ZRU 1407: DS510 Sandvik Mining and Construction . DS510 Sandvik Mining and Construction .  Available & standard on DS410.Bolting controls  THC 560C:  Fully hydraulic controls based on standard THC 560 face drilling controls.  Available & standard on DS310  TPC 301 EW:  Electric controls based on a PLC unit. DS510  On the drilling boom on DS310 Sandvik Mining and Construction .pdf  Videos  Spec sheet  Available on:  As a separate boom DS410.Screen handler  Screen Handler. DS510.Bulk cement system  Video  Bulk cement system available on:  DS410.  Standard on DS420 Sandvik Mining and Construction . DS310 (Robolt 5)  Small cross sections  Compact size (5 size class)  Max reach 7.0 m  Screen handler option  Spec sheet Sandvik Mining and Construction .3 m  Bolt length up to 3. 9 m  Bolt length up to 3.0 m  Screen handler option  Basket boom option  Spec sheet Sandvik Mining and Construction .DS410 (Robolt 7)  Small to medium cross sections  Max reach 7. 4 m  Bolt lengths up to 6.DS510 (Robolt 8)  For medium.0 m  Basket boom option Sandvik Mining and Construction .to large cross sections  Max reach 12. DS110L / DS210L (Robolt LP & XLP)  DS210L  XLP DS110L  Video Sandvik Mining and Construction . Cable bolting .Cabolt  Fully mechanized working cycle  Drilling  Grouting  Cable installation  Cabolt 7  Spec sheet Sandvik Mining and Construction . Tools Sandvik Mining and Construction .Rock bolting .
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