03 Standardsfrp

March 29, 2018 | Author: Pchit Ton | Category: Standardization, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Engineering, Building Engineering, Industries



STANDARDS 3.1 3.1 Standards 3.1.1 ISO 3.1.2 CEN 3.1.3 DIN 3.1.4 SFS 3.1.5 Other Standards STANDARDS 3.2 3.1. STANDARDS KWH PIPE manufactures its product range in accordance to different international and national standards. The following are only some examples of the most common standards for plastic pipes and accessories. For complete listings, please refer to the standardization organisations. 3.1.1 ISO 1. The outside diameters and pressure classes are specified in the ISO standard ISO 161 Part 1. 2. The tolerances are specified as follows: PE-HD pipe tolerances ISO 3607 PP pipe tolerances ISO 3609 3. The latest ISO document for PE pipe is the product specification DP 4427,4 4. The chemical resistance of polyethylene pipes and fittings is presented in the ISO document ISO / DATA 8 5. The chemical resistance of polypropylene pipes and fittings is presented in the ISO document ISO / DATA 8 6. The ISO standard for gas pipe is ISO 4437: Buried polyethylene (PE) pipes for the supply of gaseous fuels - Metric series -Specification. Other requirements in the national standards are also based on ISO standards or in some cases on ASTM standards. 3.1.2 CEN The European Committee for Standardisation, CEN, is working on the same quality requirements for all Europe. Finland is also a member of CEN. The members have agreed to accept the CEN standards as national standards and translate them into the national language. Until the CEN standards are approved, the prevailing national standards can be used. 3.1.3 DIN The German Industrial Standards - DIN - are widely used. The quality requirements are very close to the Finnish - SFS - Standards. KWH PIPE is producing PE- HD and PP pipe in accordance to the DIN standards. STANDARDS 3.3 The following basic standards are used: PE-HD pipe DIN 8074 Dimensions DIN 8075 Testing PP pipe DIN 8077 Dimensions DIN 8078 Testing 3.1.4 SFS KWH PIPE is producing both PE-HD, PE-MD and PP pipe in accordance to the prevailing Finnish - SFS - Standards. The following basic standards are used: PE-HD pipe, Design stress 5.0 N/mm 2 SFS 2336:E Dimensions and general requirements SFS 2335 Quality requirements PE-HD pipe, Design stress 6.3 N/mm 2 SFS 4231:E Dimensions and general requirements SFS 2335 Quality requirements PE-HD pipe, Gravity applications SFS 5103 Non pressure pipes for inside buildings and underground pipe systems SFS 2335 Quality requirements PE-MD pipe, Design stress 5.0 N/mm 2 SFS 3421 Dimensions and general requirements SFS 2335 Quality requirements GAS pipe, Special requirements SFS 3469 Dimensions and general requirements SFS 3470 Quality requirements PP pipe, Design stress 5.0 N/mm 2 SFS 3425:E Dimensions and general requirements SFS 3426 Quality requirements STANDARDS 3.4 3.1.5 OTHER STANDARDS KWH PIPE is producing pipe in accordance to other standards when required. Some examples: ASTM BRITISH CANADIAN DANISH MALAYSIAN NORWEGIAN PORTUGUESE SPANISH SWEDISH THAI SPECIAL STANDARDS Many of the accessories and testing methods have their own standards. Below some of the most important ones: SFS 3127 PE-HD and PP butt fused flange adaptors dimensions SFS 3128 Loose backing flanges for thermoplastic pressure pipes. Dimensions SFS 3468 Plastic wells for underground sewage SFS 3113 Watertightness test for underground sewage and drainage pipelines and manholes SFS 3115 Watertightness test for pressure pipelines. STANDARDS 3.5 International Standards ISO DIN SFS Diameters and pressure classes: PE-HD R 161 part 1 8074 2336 E Diameters and pressure classes: PP 8077 3425 E Testing: PE-HD 8075 2335 Testing: PP 3426 8078 Tolerances on dimensions: PE-HD 3607 2336 E Tolerances on dimensions: PP 3609 3425 E Chemical resistance: PE-HD Data 8 Chemical resistance: PP Data 8 Butt fused flange adaptors. Dimensions 3127 Loose backing flanges. Dimensions 3128 Plastic wells for underground sewage 3468 Watertightness test for underground sewage 3113 Watertightness test for pressure pipelines 3115
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