03 Sn2073eu01sn 0002 Admin Dn Subs Pbx



Variants of Subscriber Connections to EWSDV5.2 LTG DIU DIU Access network S IE M E N S NIXD O R F 2 Mb/s 2 Mb/s DLU Access network S IE M E N S NIXD O R F LTG 2 Mb/s V5.1 MDF SLMX SLMA SLMD S IE M E N S NIXD O R F SN LTG ISDN PBX 2 Mb/s PA DIU Fig. 1 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN, Subscriber and PBX, 5) Important Objects of Subscriber Administration AREACODE =08027 Remote DLU S IE ME NS N IX D O R F LTG DN=66001 DNATT DN=66001 DLUPORT DLU LTG AREACODE DN range with CPT=66 =089 S IE ME NS N IX D O R F SN DN=66990 PBX SUB LTG 2 Mb/s PA PBXLN PA DIUPORT Fig. 2 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN, Subscriber and PBX, 7) Voice, text, data, image Transmission of voice, text, data, image Telegram Telex Teletex Data Videotex Facsimile Telephony Gentex network Telex network circuit-switching CSPDN PSPDN packetswitching PSTN circuitswitching Fig. 3 Historical development of communication networks (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN, Subscriber and PBX, 11) 11) .Telephone Telefax PSTN nodes or or Data transfer S IE M E N S N IX D O R F MODEM Videotex MODEM Telex Telex nodes Teletex CSPDN nodes S IE M E N S N IX D O R F Data transfer Data transfer PSPDN nodes Fig. Subscriber and PBX. 4 Conventional networks (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. analog Telephone. 13) . 5 ISDN (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. 7 D igital TA S ubscriber S ignaling system 1 no. ISDN Videotex. ISDN Teletex. ISDN Conventional terminals S ignaling system 7 no. 1 Fig. ISDN S ervices S IE M E N S N IX D O R F uniform network for various services digital network D igital N etwork C ommon C hannel Data transfer. ISDN Telefax. Subscriber and PBX.Telephone. ISDN NT A D ISDN EXCHANGE CCS7 ISDN PSTN CSPDN PSPDN others DSS1 I ntegrated Data transfer. 15) .Public Switched Telephone Network audio information with a bandwidth of 3. 6 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. PC or FAX via MODEM) * two call with 64 kb/s at the same time * the type of the used A-terminal (service of the call) is signaled to the B-side compatibility of A and B terminal is guaranteed Fig. distance 8 km) * one call at the same time * no identification of the type of the used terminal (telephone.1 kHz Integrated Services Digital Network any kind of digitalized information with an information transfer rate of 64 kb/s Information to be transferred analog or digital CAS or CCS7 with Telephone User Part * analog a/b interface on copper wire pair (max. Subscriber and PBX. distance 8 km) Required Switching/ Transport Technology digital Required Interchange Signaling Characteristics of main station subscriber accessed CCS7 with ISDN User Part * digital interface (Basic Access) on copper wire pair (max. 17) . 7 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.Basic Access main station small PBX main station small PBX 2 x Cu 2 x Cu AN V5. Subscriber and PBX.1 SLMD SLMD DLUC0 PCM30 PCM30 DLU DLUC1 PCM30 PCM30 2 x Cu 2 x Cu PCM30 SLMX Primary Access LTGB medium/large PBX 4 x Cu (2 Mb/s) DIU GS LIU GP Fig. 8 km copper wire pair (Uk0 interface) Terminal Adapter a/b Modem FAX Terminal Adapter X. 19) . Subscriber and PBX.25 Data Terminal S0 S0 S IE M E N S N IX D O R F Fig. 8 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.Subscriber Network Terminator S MN IE E S S MN IE E S digital telephone PC with S0 card S0 S IE M E N S N IX D O R F S0 4 wire S-Bus max. data. image. 21) . information speech B 64 kbit/s ↔text. information speech D 64 kbit/s ↔ signaling B 64 kbit/s ↔text. data. image. data. Subscriber and PBX. information speech B 64 kbit/s ↔text. information speech Fig. data. image. image.PABX Network Terminator S MN IE E S S MN IE E S 2 Mb/s (Uk 2PM interface) PABX terminals S IE M E N S N IX D O R F S IE M E N S N IX D O R F Uk2PM B 64 kbit/s ↔text. 9 ISDN subscriber line types (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.Subscriber 2 Mb/s S2PM ISDN . 1 TA a/b TA a/b NT ISDN exchange ISDN/PSTN exchange D A 2 Fig. Subscriber and PBX. 23) . 10 Internetwork interface to PSTN (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. TA X.25 B NT D ISDN exchange S IE M E N S N IX D O R F TA X. 25) .25 PSPDN exchange S IE M E N S N IX D O R F X. Subscriber and PBX. 11 Internetwork interface ISDN-PSPDN (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.25 Packet Handler (PH) X.25D X.25B X.25 Fig. 12 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. 27) .Telecommunication services Basic services Supplementary services Bearer services Teleservices Fig. Subscriber and PBX. 29) .singaling of the information ‘basic service’ B-TE Generate the information element containing the basic service of the A-TE A-TE Exch. Fig. 13 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. B DSS1 CCS7-ISUP DSS1 All B-TE check the service received in the D-channel SETUP and determine whether or not their own service is compatible to the signaled service. Subscriber and PBX. A Exch. 14 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. 29) . Subscriber and PBX.Exchange Exchange NT SETUP Authorization check DN → Service CCS7/ISUP IAM Authorization check DN → Service SETUP NT Fig. 15 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. 31) .User-terminal interface Terminal-network interface NT EX User Terminal Network Teleservice access point Bearer service access point Fig. Subscriber and PBX. 33) . 16 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.Exchange a) S IE M E N S N IX D O R F a) NT b) SETUP: BC = 64kbit/s UNRST b) SETUP: BC = Speech Fig. Subscriber and PBX. 2. Telephony Teletex Telefax Group 4 Mixed Mode -T I. 4.240 Further teleservices (defined by ETSI Telephony 7 kHz Videotelephony a) SETUP S IE M E N S N IX D O R F ) BC: 64kbit/s UNRST LLC: 64 kbit/s UNRST a) NT HLC: Fax 4 Exchange b) SETUP: BC: Speech LLC: 64 kbit/s Speech HLC: Telephony (G. 35) Videotex .711) Fig.List of teleservices as specified by ITU Teleservices 1. 17 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. Subscriber and PBX. 5. 3. 2. 1. 37) . HLC TAB 1 IS-TEL3K Example: Service Conversion on A-side TAB 2A IS = TEL3K → AS=TEL3K & CMSPEECH Database of subscriber with DN=4000 AS: TEL3K & FAX4 AS-A = TEL3K services signaled to CP: IS = TEL3K and AS = TEL3K Fig.Exchange BC: SPEECH HLC:Telephony Digital telephone DN=4000 Signaled service BC. 18 Service Conversion A-side (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. Subscriber and PBX. CMSPEECH CMSPEECH. TYPE = VOICE) or CTYPE = VOICE) Fig.. TYPE = TRAFFIC) or CTYPE = TRAFFIC) Modifiable during installation recovery (MOD CALLPOPT: SERV = .MOD CALLPOPT: SERV=TCMSPEECH.. COMPTERM=CMSPEECH & TEL7K &TEL3K & VIDEOTEL & VOICEGRP & ALLGRP & ANALOG. TEL7K. TEL3K. COMPORIG=CMSPEECH & TEL3K & VOICEGRP & ALLGRP. ALLGRP. TAB 2A Internal Compatible Administrative Services Service (IS) (AS) . VIDEOTEL VOICEGRP. VOICEGRP. Allowed administrative services (AS) ANALOG CMSPEECH CMAUDIO CMAUDI7K CMUNRST PMBCHAN PMBDCHAN TEL3K TEL7K FAX3 FAX4 TTX64K VIDEOTEX VIDEOTEL VOICEGRP NONVCGRP ALLGRP Modifiable during installation recovery (MOD CALLPOPT: ADM SERV = TYPE = ADMIN) or CTYPE = ADMIN) Allowed internal services (IS) ANALOG CMSPEECH CMAUDIO CMAUDI7K CMUNRST UNKNOWN PMBCHAN PMBDCHAN TEL3K TEL7K FAX3 FAX4 TTX64K VIDEOTEX VIDEOTEL Voice services ANALOG CMSPEECH CMAUDIO CMAUDI7K TEL3K TEL7K VIDEOTEL Modifiable during installation recovery (MOD CALLPOPT: SERV = .. ANALOG . Subscriber and PBX.. 39) CMSPEECH CMSPEECH. TEL3K. ... ALLGRP MOD CALLPOPT: SERV=TCMSPEECH.. Compatible Administration Services (AS) . TAB 2B Internal Service (IS) .. 19 Examples for the modifications TAB2A and TAB2B (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. 41) . 20 Protocol architecture for transfer of user information in the B channel (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.Terminal equipment Layer 7 6 5 CCITT Recommendation I.430 (basic access) or I. Subscriber and PBX.431 (primary rate access) 4 3 2 1 Layer 1 ISDN Layer 7 6 5 4 3 Exchange Exchange Layer 1 2 1 B channel Terminal equipment B-channel Fig. 930/I.440 and Q.441 I.931/I.430 (basic access) or I.431 (primary rate access) DSS1 Layer 3 2 1 Layer 3 2 1 Exchange Exchange Layer 3 2 1 Layer 3 2 1 D channel D channel Fig.921/I. 21 Protocol architecture for the transmission of signaling information in the D channel (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. Subscriber and PBX.451 Q. 41) .920/I.Terminal equipment ISDN Terminal equipment CCITT recommendations Q.450 and Q. Subscriber and PBX. 43) . 22 Layers 1-3 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.Terminal equipment Layer 3 Network layer entity "Service primitives" 2 Data link layer entity "Service primitives" 1 Physical layer entity Layer 1 protocol Layer 2 protocol (logical connection) Layer 3 protocol (logical connection) Exchange Layer Network layer entity "Service primitives" Data link layer entity "Service primitives" Physical layer entity 1 2 3 D channel Fig. ) I (TEI=73) INFORM.A-side Activation of layer1: So and Uko interfaces are established SABME (TEI=73) UA (TEI=73 TEI 73 I (TEI=73) SETUP (Bearer Cap. (Called Party Number) B-side EWSD Dialing Fig. Subscriber and PBX. (Called Party Number) I (TEI=73) INFORM... Calling Party Number) I (TEI=73) SETUP ACK. 45) . (Channel Identific. part 1 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. High/Low Layer Comp. 23 Call setup. A-side EWSD I (TEI=73) CALL PROC. TEI 73 B-side Activation of layer1: So and Uko interfaces are established UI (TEI=127) SETUP (Bearer Cap., High/Low Layer Comp., Called/Calling Party number Channel Identific.) SABME (TEI=84) UA (TEI=84) TEI 84 I (TEI=84) I (TEI=73) ALERTING SABME (TEI=69) UA (TEI=69) ALERTING ringing TEI 69 I (TEI=69) ALERTING ringing Fig. 24 Call setup, part 2 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN, Subscriber and PBX, 47) A I (TEI=73) CONNECT TEI 73 I (TEI=73) CONN. ACK. EWSD B I (TEI=84) CONNECT TEI 84 I (TEI=84) CONN. ACK. I (TEI=69) RELEASE (Cause) TEI 69 I (TEI=69) REL- COMP. ringing stops DISC (TEI=69) UA (TEI=69) Fig. 25 Call setup, part 3 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN, Subscriber and PBX, 49) A Terminal Originating / Terminating exchange B Terminal DISC REL REL COMP DISC REL REL COMP symbol for "disconnect B channel" Fig. 26 Call cleardown (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN, Subscriber and PBX, 51) Subscriber and PBX.Munich exchange Local network 089 Local network 088 Subscriber A Subscriber B 4001 4002 Subscriber n 4999 Subscriber A 4001 Subscriber B 4002 Subscriber n 4999 Fig. 27 Multiple directory number volume (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. 55) . Fig. Subscriber and PBX. 55) . 28 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. 29 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.Fig. Subscriber and PBX. 56) . 57) . Subscriber and PBX. 30 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.Creation of code points for directory number ranges CR CPT: CODE= <specifies the common initial digits of the directory number range> LAC= <code of the local area of the directory number range> TRATYP= CPTDN Protocolling of code points for directory number ranges DISP CPT TRATYP= X CODE= <digits> Display of all CPT's assigned to a TRATYP which begins with the specified digit(s) DISP CPT TRATYP= CPTDN Display of all CPT's for directory number ranges Fig. Subscriber and PBX. 31 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. 57) .A-subscriber in the local network 089 dialing information 66333 Digit translator LAC= 089 CPT= 66 CPTDN dialing information 089 66333 Jump to DN table: DNVOL= 66000 && 66999 in local network 089 A-subscriber not in the local network 089 Fig. SLCAFPE or SLCD) •TYPE (e.SLM 15 SHELF 0 SLM 1 SLM 0 SLC 0 EQN = 10-1-0-1 SLC 1 SLM 1 SLM 0 SLM 1 SLM 0 SLM 15 DLU 10 SHELF 1 SHELF 2 SLM 15 Displaying a DLUPORT: DISP DLUPORT: EQN=10-1-0-1. SUB or FREE) SHELF 1 SHELF 2 SHELF 3 Fig. SHELF 3 SHELF 0 Output of the •LCTYPE (e. 32 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. 60) SLC15 SLM 15 SLM 1 SLM 0 SLM 1 SLM 0 SLM 1 SLM 0 SLM 1 SLM 0 SLM 1 SLM 0 SLM 15 SLM 15 SLM 15 SLM 15 DLU 20 .g.g. Subscriber and PBX. Subscriber and PBX. 61) . DIRECTORY NUMBER DATA LAC = 081 DN STMGRP = = 800000 0 && 800099 ACT = YES 02-07-16 2805/06057 09:28:39 DN TYPE INCEPT EXTDN ------------+--------+---------------------------------+----800000 SUB END JOB 9955 TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 9963 NetM IPATH4N2 DISPDN:LAC=081.DN=800000. 33 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.Display of DN . DIRECTORY NUMBER DATA LAC = 081 DN = 800000 0 && 800099 ACT = YES 02-07-16 2805/06057 09:28:54 STMGRP = DN TYPE INCEPT EXTDN ------------+--------+---------------------------------+----800001 FREE UNOBDN END JOB 9963 Fig.Status TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 9955 NetM IPATH4N2 DISPDN:LAC=081.DN=800001. 0 TO 0. EQN LCTYPE TYPE LAC DN TGNO LNO OPMODE -------------+--------+--------+------+------------+------+----+------10.3 NON END JOB 9991 .0.0. + NUC-STATUS -------------------+--------+----+------------+------------+-----------0. EQN LCTYPE TYPE LAC DN TGNO LNO OPMODE -------------+--------+--------+------+------------+------+----+------10.0 SLCAFPE SUB 081 800000 END JOB 9971 TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 9979 NetM IPATH4N2 DISPDLUPORT:EQN=10-0-0-1.1 SLCAFPE FREE END JOB 9979 TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 9991 NetM IPATH4N2 STATDLUPORT:DLU=10. 61) 02-07-16 3102/01925 09:29:57 + SIDE .0: + SIDE .0.Display of DLU Port . 34 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.1: + + ACCESS + ACCESS + LC MOD-TYPE OST + LTG DEG. + LTG DEG. Subscriber and PBX.0.0.2 NON 0.Application/Status TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 9971 NetM IPATH4N2 DISPDLUPORT:EQN=10-0-0-0. OPERATING STATES OF PORT(S) IN DLU 10: 02-07-16 3080/04104 09:31:11 02-07-16 3102/01925 09:30:18 Fig.LC=0-0-0&&0-0-1.0.1 SLMAFPE ACT 0. 0.DN=800001.1 DIDLE & 1.0.CAT=MS.0 IDLE END JOB 3459 Fig. Subscriber and PBX.0.0 1.1 MASKNO:03774 MASKNO:08641 MASKNO:03787 .DN=800001. END JOB 3452 TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 3458 NetM IPATH4N2 DISPSUB:LAC=081. LAC DN CATYPE EQN STATUS DNCTR LNCTR ------+------------+-------+-------------+-------+-------+------081 800001 MS 10.0. 63) 02-07-16 3058/06081 13:59:55 = MS = 1 = PB DN = 800001 EQN = 10. 02-07-16 2816/03800 13:59:38 MASKNO:03800 LAC = 081 CAT NUMCAL LNATT END JOB 3458 TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 3459 NetM IPATH4N2 STATSUB:LAC=081.TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 3452 NetM IPATH4N2 02-07-16 2812/08813 13:59:11 SUBSCRIBER CHARGING : CHARGE METER FOR THE CREATED SUBSCRIBER LAC DN/LSN CNTR1 CNTR2 CNTR3 CNTR4 CNTR5 -------+-------------+-------+-----------+-------+-----------+---------081 800001 0 0 0 0 0 END TEXT 3452 TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 3452 NetM IPATH4N2 02-07-16 2812/00007 EXEC'D 13:59:12 CRSUB:LAC=081.EQN=10-0-0-1. 35 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.DN=800001. LAC = 081 CAT NUMCAL DIV LNATT COS END JOB 3472 TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 3484 NetM IPATH4N2 02-07-16 2812/00007 = = = = = DN MS 1 DIVI PB CLIP = 800001 DIVIMOD FSK EQN = 02-07-16 2816/03800 14:01:08 MASKNO:03800 10.DN=800001. LAC = 081 CAT NUMCAL DIV LNATT COS END JOB 3485 = = = = = DN MS 1 DIVI PB CLIP = 800001 DIVIMOD FSK EQN = 02-07-16 2816/03800 14:01:58 MASKNO:03800 10.0.TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 3471 NetM IPATH4N2 02-07-16 2812/00007 14:00:54 EXEC'D MODSUB:LAC=081. END JOB 3484 TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 3485 NetM IPATH4N2 DISPSUB:LAC=081.DN=800001.NEWEQN=10-0-0-2.1 MASKNO:03774 MASKNO:08641 MASKNO:08598 MASKNO:03787 MASKNO:03777 14:01:48 EXEC'D MODEQN:LAC=081.0.2 MASKNO:03774 MASKNO:08641 MASKNO:08598 MASKNO:03787 MASKNO:03777 Fig.0.0.COS=CLIP&FSK. END JOB 3471 TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 3472 NetM IPATH4N2 DISPSUB:LAC=081. 36 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. 65) .DN=800001.DIV=DIVI&DIVIMOD.DN=800001. Subscriber and PBX. 37 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.NEWDN=800002.2 MASKNO:03774 MASKNO:08641 MASKNO:08598 MASKNO:03787 MASKNO:03777 14:02:56 SUBSCRIBER CHARGING : CHARGE METER FOR THE CANCELLED SUBSCRIBER LAC DN/LSN CNTR1 CNTR2 CNTR3 CNTR4 CNTR5 -------+-------------+-------+-----------+-------+-----------+---------081 800002 0 0 0 0 0 END TEXT 3499 TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 3499 NetM IPATH4N2 CANSUB:LAC=081.0.DN=800001.0. END JOB 3499 02-07-16 2812/00007 EXEC'D 14:02:56 Fig. 67) .DN=800002.DN=800002.TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 3487 NetM IPATH4N2 02-07-16 2812/08813 14:02:21 SUBSCRIBER CHARGING : CHARGE METERS FOR THE SUBSCRIBER WITH MODIFIED DN LAC DN/LSN CNTR1 CNTR2 CNTR3 CNTR4 CNTR5 -------+-------------+-------+-----------+-------+-----------+---------081 800001 0 0 0 0 0 081 800002 0 0 0 0 0 END TEXT 3487 TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 3487 NetM IPATH4N2 02-07-16 2812/00007 EXEC'D 14:02:21 MODSUBDN:LAC=081. LAC = 081 CAT = NUMCAL = DIV = LNATT = COS = END JOB 3496 TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 3499 NetM IPATH4N2 02-07-16 2812/08813 DN MS 1 DIVI PB CLIP = 800002 DIVIMOD FSK EQN = 02-07-16 2816/03800 14:02:34 MASKNO:03800 10. Subscriber and PBX. END JOB 3487 TAC1/000TAC1MPS/NCGCBK1V1530/P00/003 3496 NetM IPATH4N2 DISPSUB:LAC=081. 69) . Subscriber and PBX. 38 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.Default for allowed subscriber services CMSPEECH CMAUDIO CMAUDI7K CMUNRST PMBCHAN PMDCHAN TEL3K TEL7K FAX3 FAX4 TTX64K VIDEOTEX VIDEOTEL VOICEGRP NONVCGRP ALLGRP Default for standard subscriber services CMSPEECH CMAUDIO CMUNRST Modifiable during installation recovery (MOD CALLPOPT: ADMSERV = TYPE = SUB or CTYPE = SUB) Modifiable during normal operation (MOD CALLPOPT: ADMSERV = TYPE = SUBSTD or CTYPE = SUBSTD) Fig. EQN = .CR SUB: LAC = . CHRG =DEB. SERV=CMAUDIO&TEL3K. (PATH IBA) (DLU-PORT of a SLMD) Fig. 39 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. (PATH IBA) (DLU-PORT of a SLMD) CR SUB: LAC = . CAT = IBA. 71) . CAT =IBA. DN = . Subscriber and PBX. (PATH IBA) (DLU-PORT of a SLMD) CR SUB: LAC = . EQN = . DN = . SERV =CMAUDIO&TEL3K. DN = . EQN = . CAT = IBA. CAT = IBA.4 . DN = 258143 EQN =20 . Subscriber and PBX. TEL3K NT SLMD CMAUDIO TA a/b S IE M E N S N IX D O R F CMUNRST 2) Non-Standard Services: CR SUB: LAC = 01. TEL3K NT CMAUDIO TA a/b S IE M E N S N IX D O R F CMUNRST Fig.1)Standard Services: CR SUB: LAC = 01. SERV = CMAUDIO &CMUNRST. DN = 258149 EQN = 20 . 40 Examples for CR SUB (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.2 . CAT = IBA.4 . 73) .2 . CAT = IBA.2.0. MOD SUB: LAC = DN = SERV = CSERV = . SERV = . Fig. • • and service related parameters / supplementary services (PATH SERV) add a service remove a service (PATH SERV) One or more services may be specified. • • and DN-related parameters / supplementary services (PATH DNISDN) . 75) MOD SUB: LAC = . DN = . MOD SUB: LAC = . DN = . 41 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. Subscriber and PBX. Subscriber and PBX.0 ACT 0 0 TEL3K END JOB 8045 STAT Fig.XITE/CTYCPZ1V1150/P44/000 8042 OMT-00/NETZ0 STATSUB:LAC=030.DN=3001200.1 BUSY & DLUX END JOB 8042 EXEC'D XITE/CTYCPZ1V1150/P44/000 8045 OMT-00/NETZ0 STATBA:LAC=030.1 2.DN=3001200. BASIC ACCESS CALL DATA EQN 3058/04543 99-04-29 17:03:15 EXEC'D TRANSACT SERVICE OF SERVICE OF WITHOUT B1-CHANNEL B2-CHANNEL B-CH B-SUB ------------+-----------+-----------+-----------------+----------------30-0-12. 2816/06081 99-04-29 17:02:59 LAC DN CATYPE EQN STATUS DNCTR LNCTR ------+------------+-------+-------------+-------+-------+------030 3001200 IBA 30.0 DBUSY & 2.0 030 3001200 1 1 0 0 0 END TEXT JOB 8045 LAC DN 99-04-29 17:03:14 EXEC'D 3058/04541 XITE/CTYCPZ1V1150/P44/000 8045 OMT-00/NETZ0 STATBA:LAC=030.0-12. 42 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.DN=3001200. BASIC ACCESS CALL DATA EQN SUM TRANSACT NUC/SP CONN B1 B2 B1 B2 A H A H ------------+------+------------+---+---------+------------------------30-0-12. 77) . 43 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. 78) .Fig. Subscriber and PBX. DN= .CR SUBPRFID: CR SUB: PRFID=1. SERV=ALL. DIV=DIVI&DIVIMOD. MOD SUB: PRFID=1. CR SUB: LAC= . 79) . 44 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. REFPRF=1 Fig. CAT=IBA. PRFID=1. COS=CCBS. Subscriber and PBX. COS=FCTPROT. EQN= . Subscriber and PBX. 45 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.722 333 S IE M E N S EWSDS I E M E N S EWSD S IE M E N S EWSD S I E M E N S EWSD EWSD database PBX with pilot DN 722 ports of all PBXLN's EWSD database MLHG with pilot DN 88000 ports of all PBXLN's a/b connections with random access (no explicit selection of terminal device) 88000 333 2 Mb/s per PCM30: 30 PBXLN and timeslot 16 for CAS per a/b interface: 1 PBXLN Multi-line hunting group PBX with DDI Extension 333 Fig. 83) . .. CODAT=..SSDI=. COS=. DIV=. TYPE=. charging features of the PBX CHRG=.. MINMAX=...... TLIM=.... OPTRCL=. EOS=... DN=.. preselected CAC..... ABURSTR=.. GCOS=....... OPN=. Subscriber and PBX.... DIAL=.. ABB=....... OPMODE=.) for the digits transfer between EWSD/PBX • NOTDIAL is set for PBX without DID and all MLHGs defines.. 85) pilot DN of the PBX PBX or MLHG allowed operating modes for lines of this PBX (ABW / AIC / AOG) operator DN (PDN + extension of PBX operator) BLK=... DINO=. HUNT=. TRARSTR=... SUBTRCL=. 46 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. blocking of the PBX outgoing traffic restriction of the PBX call diversion features of the PBX abbreviated dialing data of the PBX in EWSD handling of digits to be sent to the PBX (only used for PBX with DID) • special features for the signaling between EWSD and PBX • administrative blocking of the PBX defines the EWSD method used for idle line hunting in case of terminating traffic • method (MFC/PULSDIAL..Parameters for Creation of an non ISDN PBX (CR PBX) LAC= . which are also available for normal subscribers • PBX specific features like DDI or no DDI .. Fig. DEBCL=........ how EWSD determines the dial end in case of calls to a PBX with DID call processing timers used in EWSD for this PBX • assignment of features like calling line identification CLIP.. 47 PBX lines (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.Create/modify PBXLN CR PBXLN MOD PBXLN Importatnt Parameters of aaPBXLN: Importatnt Parameters of PBXLN: •DN/LAC of the PBX •DN/LAC of the PBX •EQN of the line •EQN of the line •CAT=MS •CAT=MS •OPMODE of the line •OPMODE of the line •Line Service Number •Line Service Number •CHRG= line specific charging attributes •CHRG= line specific charging attributes •COS= line specific features like DCANORM •COS= line specific features like DCANORM •ORIG1/2= originating mark •ORIG1/2= originating mark Display PBXLN DISP PBXLN STAT PBXLN Operating mode (OPMODE) of a PBXLN • PBXLN's which can only be used for calls coming from the PBX: OPMODE=AIC S IE M E N S PBX • PBXLN's which can only be used for calls going to the PBX: OPMODE=AOG • PBXLN's which can be used for both kinds of calls: OPMODE=ABW EWSD Fig. Subscriber and PBX. 87) . Subscriber and PBX. 48 Example for an ISDN PBX (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. 89) SLMD SLMD TA a/b LTGB NT Primary Access DIU S IE M E N S N IX D O R F LTGB NT Primary Access DIU .ISDN PBX NT NT NT Basic Access DLU Fig. 49 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.CR PBX: LAC= DN= OPMODE= SERV= OPN= ..... 91) . Fig. Subscriber and PBX.. OPMODE = IIC I S D N P B X Sync D SLMD Sync D SLMD OPMODE = IOG Sync D D I U (OPMODE = IIC) OPMODE = IBW Fig. Subscriber and PBX. 50 Incoming. 91) . outgoing and bothway PBX groups (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. SLMD 2B. 93) . 1D-channel EQN = 10-0-2-0 EQN = 10-0-2-1 EQN = 10-0-2-2 0) CR PBX : LAC DN OPMODE SERV = = = = 1) CR PBXLN: LAC DN EQN CAT LNATT OPMODE LNO etc. 1D-channel 2B. 1D-channel 2B. 51 Creation of the BA-channels of an ISDN PABX (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. Subscriber and PBX. = = = 10-0-2-0 = IBA = LAY2HOLD&PTTOPT = = Fig. 95) . DN = 187. OPMODE = IIC. 52 Creation of the PA channels of an ISDN PBX (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. TYPE = FIXED. CAT = IPADCH. 3) CR PBXLN: LAC = 01. 2) CR PBXLN: LAC = 01. LNO = etc. SERV = . EQN = 0-27-2-16. CAT = IPABCH. LTUP = 1. .LTGB (LTG 0-27) DIU30 P B X 0 1 2 B 15 16 17 18 B D B B 31 DIU30 Sync B B DIU30 DIU30 2 3 1 0 0) CR PBX: LAC = 01 DN = 187 OPMODE = IIC& . EQN = 0-27-2-1. 1) CR PA: PA = CHARLY. Fig. . DN = 187. Subscriber and PBX. OPMODE = LNO = etc. . . . . LTG = 0-27. 96) . Subscriber and PBX. 53 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.Display of semipermanent PBX/PBXLN Data DISP PBX DISP PBXLN STAT LINE (FORMAT=BLOCKED) Display of transient PBXLN data STAT PBXLN STAT BA DISP PACHSTAT STAT LINE Fig. 0.1 DIDLE& 1.0 NCAR & NMNT . OPMODE : ISDN BOTHWAY 2816/06080 99-04-29 17:21:48 LAC DN LNO C EQN STATUS DNCTR LNCTR CHBAR ------+------------+-----+-+-------------+------+-------+-------+------080 7220 1 B 0.0 0. PRIMARY ACCESS CHANNEL STATUS DATA SUM OF D CHANNEL TRANSACTIONS : SUM OF CALL FORWARDINGS: 3069/06127 99-04-29 17:22:12 EXEC'D 0 0 B-CHANNEL MAINTENANCE STATUS TRANSACTIONS SERVICE NUC/SPCONN ----------+-------------------+-------------+--------+---------1 ACT 0 2 ACT 0 3 ACT 0 4 ACT 0 5 ACT 0 6 ACT 0 7 ACT 0 8 ACT 0 9 ACT 0 10 ACT 0 11 ACT 0 12 ACT 0 13 ACT 0 14 ACT 0 15 ACT 0 17 ACT 0 18 ACT 0 19 ACT 0 20 ACT 0 21 ACT 0 22 ACT 0 23 ACT 0 24 ACT 0 25 ACT 0 26 ACT 0 27 ACT 0 28 ACT 0 29 ACT 0 30 ACT 0 Fig.X522/CTYCPZ1V1150/P55/100 8138 OMT-00/ADMIN STATPBXLN:LAC=080.9.0 1. 97) LAC DN LNO C EQN STATUS DNCTR LNCTR CHBAR ------+------------+-----+-+-------------+------+-------+-------+------080 7220 1 0.9.0 1. 54 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. Subscriber and PBX.0-16 DIDLE& 0.0 NPA & NCAR & NMNT END TEXT JOB 8138 X522/CTYCPZ1V1150/P55/100 8138 OMT-00/ADMIN STATPBXLN:LAC=080.DN=7220.DN=7220.0 0. OPMODE : ISDN INCOMING 99-04-29 17:21:50 2816/06080 END JOB 8138 EXEC'D X522/CTYCPZ1V1150/P55/100 8140 OMT-00/ADMIN DISPPACHSTAT:EQN=0-9-0. 55 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.ISDN PBX . EWSD Mixed PBX with common Pilot DN ANALOG PBX . . . Subscriber and PBX.. Fig.. . 99) . CR PBX: LAC= DN= OPMODE=AIC&ABW&AOG& IIC&IBW&IOG SERV= ANALOG&. . ext Sub 1 is calling SUB2 DSS 1 QSIG or CoreNet SUB1 CCS7 DSS1 EWSD Fig. Subscriber and PBX.DN3 & OVRFEX .DN2 & OVRFIN3 .DN4.DN1 & OVRFIN2 .int 2 QSIG or CoreNet LAC =089.PBX. 56 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. COSDAT =OVRFIN1 . DN =722.int 1 QSIG or CoreNet SUB2 Overflow PBX with PDN 089 722 MOD PBX: PBX. . 101) EWSD PBX.int 3 DSS 1 DSS1 DSS1 QSIG or CoreNet PBX. CR PBXLN: DN=1111. CR PBXLN: DN=1111. 103) . EQN= a-b-c-2. EQN= a-b-c-6. EQN=a-b-c-16 LNATT=MPN CR PBXLN: LAC= DN=2222 CAT=IPADCH. CAT=IPABCH. CAT=IPABCH. CAT=IPABCH. Subscriber and PBX.and 30 B channels PDN= 1111 4B D CR PA CR PBX: LAC= DN=1111 LAC= DN=2222 PDN= 2222 CR PBX: CR PBXLN: LAC= DN=1111 CAT=IPADCH. CAT=IPABCH. EQN= a-b-c-7. EQN= a-b-c-3. EQN= a-b-c-5. EQN= a-b-c-1. EQN=a-b-c-16 LNATT=MPN CR PBXLN: DN=1111. Fig. CAT=IPABCH. CR PBXLN: DN=2222. CAT=IPABCH. CR PBXLN: DN=2222. CR PBXLN: DN=2222. 57 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.EWSD PBX 3B PA with 1 D. CR PBXLN: DN=2222. CAT=IPABCH. EQN= a-b-c-4. 105) . 58 Service dependant channel selection (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. Compressor Transmission route with compressed and transparent time slots.PSTN/ISDN of network operator XY EWSD All time slots are not compressed. Compressor Private PBX network island of company ABC. Directs the distribution of connecetions to the compressed (COS = VOICEBCH) / non-compressed time slots in the compressor depending on the service. PBX PBX PBX Fig. Subscriber and PBX. 59 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.Setting up a PA Slave in the Gateway Exchange of the Private Operator Setting up a CCSPA connection: CR LTU: LTG= LTU= TYPE=D30 APPLIC=CCSPA Configuration of the DIU as S2M: ENTR PDCCHR: PDCLNK= PDCID= INIT=14 REAC=4 Setting up the PA: CR PA: PA= TYPE=FIXED LTG= LTUP= Setting up a Slave PBX: CR PBX: CR PBXLN: TYPE=SLAVEPA EQN=a-b-c-16 OPMODE=IIC CAT=IPADCH Setting up the B channel of the Slave PBX CR PBXLN: EQN=a-b-c-d OPMODE= CAT=IPABCH Setting up the D channel of the Slave PBX Fig. 106) . Subscriber and PBX. 107) . Subscriber and PBX.S U B A Public Network A LTG B PA Master Private Network B LTG with DIUS2M S U B B NT S2M S2M PA Slave Fig. 60 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. Subscriber and PBX. 109) . 61 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.EWSD QSIG Extended ISUP EWSD QSIG PBX PBX BGID=x BGID=x •Release QSIG service: MOD CALLPOPT: TYPE=QSIG TYPE=QSIGSTD LAC= DN= TYPE=QSIG COSDAT=BGID-<bgid> •Fix standard QSIG service set: MOD CALLPOPT: •Create PBX: CR PBX: Fig. extensions 100 . 111) . PBXVOL = 1&&6 CR PBX: LAC DN = 2501. Pilot Directory Number ODN = 2501000. DN = 2501.699 for PBX-DN 250 EWSD PBX PBX-Lines Access to PBXLN of this PBX by following codes: 2501-2506 (PDN) The PBX was created as follows: CR DN: LAC =. 62 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN. Operator Directory Number Fig. Subscriber and PBX. PBXVOL = 7&&9. DN = 1707. 63 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.extensions 100-699 for PBX-DN 250 EWSD Access to PBXLN of this PBX by following codes: 2501-2506 (PDN) 1707-1709 (ADDNO) PBX extensions 700-999 for PBX-DN 170 PBX-Lines CR DN: LAC =. ADDNO (second number) * If the first PBX was created without an operator directory number (OPN). too. the OPN must be created in the MODPBX command * A CPTDN with CODE = 1707 has to be created. MOD PBX: LAC = DN = 2501 PDN (root number) ADDNO= 1707. 113) . Fig. Subscriber and PBX. Subscriber and PBX..always 8 digits) flag: indicating whether a . 117) .8388607.UNIQUEID • stored in semipermanent subscriber database & new SCI related facility database (VSD) • automatically assigned to each SUB/PBX/PBXLN when created Main Key mainKey range: mainKey value: 1. 64 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.327680 (up to 6 digits) checked by EWSD for uniqueness Suppl.PBX-line (flag=1) was created Fig. Key flag counter counter: increased with each CR-CMD (max.sub/PBX (flag=0) .. 3 DISPLINEDATA:UNIQUEID=X.LAC=054. 65 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN.2.DISPSUB:LAC=054. END JOB 4101 EXEC'D .DN=800043. 119) UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION OBJECT UNIQUEID LAC DN OPMODE LNO LSN ------+---------------+------+------------+-------+----+----SUB 82-06270612 054 800043 END JOB 4077 EXEC'D DISPLINEDATA:UNIQUEID=82-06270612. Subscriber and PBX. Fig. LAC = 054 DN CAT = MS NUMCAL = 1 LNATT = PB END JOB 4046 EXEC'D = 800043 EQN = 10.DN=800043. UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION OBJECT UNIQUEID LAC DN OPMODE LNO LSN ------+---------------+------+------------+-------+----+------SUB 82-06270612 054 800043 END JOB 4084 EXEC'D CANSUB:LAC=054.0.DN=800043. CAT=MS.EQN=10-0-2-3.NAME PARAMETER VALUE -----+--------+--------------------------------------------------UNIQUEID =<82>-<06270612> END JOB 4124 DISPLINEDATA:UNIQUEID=X. UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION OBJECT UNIQUEID LAC DN OPMODE LNO LSN ------+---------------+------+------------+-------+----+--------SUB 83-06270613 054 800043 END JOB 4128 EXEC'D DISP FILETEXT: FILE=LG. OBJECT(S) DO NOT EXIST NOT EXEC'D CNTXT PAR. ...LAC=054.UNIQUEID=83-06270613.. <CMDFILE.DN=800043. 66 (SN2073EU01SN_0002 Administration of DN... <CANSUB:LAC=054. 119) .DN=800043. /*+++ 01:10:12 / 11:32:34 / 14310502 +++*/ ... Fig.. ..DN=800043. <CRSUB:LAC=054.A1..LOG1.. Subscriber and PBX..DISPLINEDATA:UNIQUEID=82-06270612.
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