03-Msoftx3000 v100r006c05 Asn.1 Cdr Description

March 22, 2018 | Author: mariotrevelin | Category: Data Type, Bit, Computer Programming, Notation, Software Engineering



03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.1 CDR Description MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 Issue 1.00 Date 2008-02-25 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.1 CDR Description HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Issue 1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page ii of 173 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. provides customers with comprehensive technical support and service. Please feel free to contact our local office or company headquarters. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address: Administration Building, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen, 518129, People’s Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: [email protected] Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2007. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders. Notice The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute the warranty of any kind, express or implied. Issue 1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 3 of 173 CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 5 of 173 . Li Chunlin Date 2004-8-9 Reviewed by Gao Yue. Jia Yongli Date 2005-3-14 Approved by Yang Jun Date 2005-3-14 Summary This document introduces HUAWEI CDR structure.1 CDR Description About This Document Author Prepared by Guo Jin. Issue 1. CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.00 (2008-02-25) Details Date Huawei Technologies Proprietary Author Approved by Page 6 of 173 .1 CDR Description History Issue Issue 1. ..113 Issue 1................109 2.................................76 2................16 1........1 Additional Charging Information....................................................67 2............................................................................................................2 Mobile Originated Emergency Call Attempt.............................8 Transit Call Attempt..84 2.................................................................................46 2........................2 ASN..............................................................................................................................................................6 Incoming Gateway Call Attempt.............................................18 1...................................................................................................................................................................................95 2..............93 2............................15 HLR Interrogation...........................................21 2 Record Contents.................2.......................17 Terminating CAMEL Call Attempt............19 1........................................................12 Mobile Originated Location Request (MO-LR)......................................................................................................2............................................................................13 Network Induced Location Request (NI-LR)...................1 Encoding Format......................................1 CDR Description Contents 1 ASN......................................................1 Encoding Format........................98 2.......................................................CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN...............................................................................................................................................................................................2..........................................................................14 Supplementary Service Actions.................21 1.....................................................................................104 2....................................................................................................................90 2...................................................................3 AoC parameters / change of AoC parameters......19 Location Update (VLR)............................100 2.....110 3 Description of Record Fields..16 1..............................87 2.............................10 Short Message Service........................................................................2...........................................................................................................2 aiurRequested..........................................................................................................................1 Mobile Originated Call Attempt......1 Encoding Format..112 3.............................................................72 2...................................36 2..............................................................................................3 Encoding Rules of Contents Octets...57 2....9 Short Message Service...................................................................1 ASN..........................................112 3..........................3 Mobile Originated Call Forwarding Attempt.................................5 Structure of CDR Files............................................................................................................................................................................................4 Encoding Rules of End-of-Contents Octets........2 Encoding Rules of Length Octets................................4 Mobile Terminated Call Attempt...................112 3............................................................................ Mobile Terminated................................25 2......... Mobile Originated.16 1.............................2.1 Encoding Rules of Identifier Octets...............................................................................16 1..................................................................................................7 Outgoing Gateway Call Attempt.............................................................11 Mobile Terminated Location Request (MT-LR)...101 2.................................................................................18 IMEI Observation Ticket..................................................................................................................................................................................................25 2.......................................................................16 Common Equipment Usage Record.......00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 7 of 173 ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................80 2........5 Roaming Call Attempt.......... .............................34 destinationRoutingAddress..126 3....................37 eaSubscriberInfo...40 emsKey...........................................................................................................................126 3......................121 3................................127 3...........................................................................................132 3..............................125 3.................133 3..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................17 callEmlppPriority/ callerDefaultEmlppPriority/calledEmlppPriority...............................42 equipmentType.................................................................................................................................................129 3................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................43 eventTimeStamps.................20 Category........121 3........................................................................132 3...........................................................................................................................................................................................7 callDuration................................114 3..........124 3............................................................129 3...............................................................................................................................................24 csReference..........................................................132 3.........27 cUGOutgoingAccessIndicator.........................25 csaReference....................................................................................................................................44 firstmccmnc/intermediatemccmnc/lastmccmnc......................32 defaultCallHandling /defaultSMSHandling...............................................................................................................................................6 bCategory...........................4 audioDataType...................................................................................................................118 3.........................................118 3.........13 cAMELInitCFIndicator...........................................................................127 3.................128 3..................................................................131 3.......................123 3..................................................15 chargeAreaCode...............................................................................131 3..........................................................................................................................................................10 CallType.....................................16 calledChargeAreaCode..21 chargedParty...........................................................................................................................................................................CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN..............5 basicService/changeOfService/isdnBasicService...................................45 fnur.......................................................................................122 3......................................................................................................127 3......23 concatenatedSMSReferenceNumber.....................................41 equipmentId...............................................113 3.................................................38 eCategory.........28 cUGInterlockCode.....................................................................................................129 3.....................................................................................................................121 3......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................132 3.....................124 3..........................................................125 3.........................11 cAMELCallLegInformation...................................................................................................................................39 emsDigits.................................14 cAMELSMSInformation...........................36 disconnectParty.120 3..............124 3..........................................................................................................................................26 cUGIndex.................................................................................................9 callReference.................................................125 3...........133 Issue 1..................................................127 3..............................................................22 classmark3.....................19 cARP.........123 3..............131 3....................125 3......................................................................35 Diagnostics........................................................................33 destinationNumber....122 3.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................131 3...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................127 3...........................................................................................................................................................................................129 3..................................................30 causeForTerm............................31 cmnFlag.............................................................................................................00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 8 of 173 ...................29 cUGOutgoingAccessUsed/ cUGIncomingAccessUsed.................................12 cAMELDestinationNumber....124 3....1 CDR Description 3.............................................8 calling Number/called Number / connected Number/translated Number................................18 camelphase........................................ 142 3....................................................................................54 hotbillingTag.................................................73 MCTType..................................................................................134 3.......................................................................................................56 imeiCheckEvent.......................................85 networkCallReference.........................................................................79 molr-Type....................55 interrogationResult........................................................................................................51 groupCallType....................................................................................................................................137 3.................................CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN............58 initialCallAttemptFlag............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................135 3..................................................................................................................52 groupCallReference.............................................................................................................137 3......................................................138 3.............................................................................................................................86 networkOperatorId..........................................................................137 3.................................84 mscServerIndication.........................................................68 location / changeOfLocation..........46 freeFormatData...........138 3.......60 iSDN-BC.............140 3..................................................................143 3....................................................................................................................................................................78 modemType......................................................................................................................................................................57 imeiStatus.................136 3....50 gsm-SCFAddress....................................74 measureDuration..........................................................................................................137 3.......47 freeFormatDataAppend....................141 3...........................................80 mSCAddress.....................................................................................72 maximumNumberOfSMSInTheConcatenatedSMS...................87 notificationToMSUser.....................................................................62 lcsClientIdentity.........................................145 3...............................77 msClassmark / changeOfClassmark..........................................................................................................................146 Issue 1............................................................48 globalAreaID / changeOfglobalAreaID.............................63 lcsClientType.....................................................................82 mscIncomingROUTE / mscOutgoingROUTE.............................................71 maximumBitRate....................................................................136 3.......................................00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 9 of 173 .................................................................1 CDR Description 3.........145 3..............144 3.138 3...............................................................................143 3..............144 3...........................................................................................................................................................................65 lcsQos...............................................................136 3...................61 lcsCause..................................................................................................................................................................66 levelOfCAMELService...........................................................139 3.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................59 interactionWithIP.........................146 3...........................................................................................138 3.........75 messageReference.....................................................................................................139 3.................................................................................................142 3..................................................................................................................................................................................................145 3.....................................140 3...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................70 locationType................................................................................................................................................143 3......142 3.........................................................134 3.................................................49 guaranteedBitRate......140 3................................139 3.........144 3.................................................................................................................................................................................138 3..145 3....................................................64 lcsPriority....................................................................................69 locationEstimate...................................................135 3...............................136 3.........144 3..............................................................................................................................................................................53 hLC..................76 mlc-Number....81 mscIncomingCircuit / mscOutgoingCircuit.................................................143 3........................................67 lLC.......................................................83 mscIncomingRouteAttribute / mscOutgoingRouteAttribute.......................................................................141 3.................................... ............................................153 3.................................................................................................00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 10 of 173 .............................................................................................................................................152 3.................150 3..................................146 3.............................149 3...........................98 privacyOverride...................................................................................................................................................................92 orgMSCId.........................................................................................................................118 systemType..................................................................................128 tariffCode........................109 routingNumber.................................................................122 ssParameters..............151 3.....................................89 numberOfForwarding...........................................................................................................................................123 smstext..........................................160 3................................................................................................................105 redirectingnumber........................99 radioChanRequested/ radioChanUsed / changeOfRadioChan.......................................115 serviceKey...........124 smsUserDataType..........102 recordExtensions.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN......154 3.................................................................................................................................................................153 3.....................................................................................................................................147 3.......................................................................................................................................155 3.....120 ssAction.......................................................................162 3............................................161 3....................................................100 rateIndication...112 servedIMSI/calledIMSI...............................................152 3..............................................147 3..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................147 3.......................................................91 origination...................146 3.............................................................................................................................146 3.....................................................125 selectedCIC................150 3.........155 3.....................................................119 supplServiceUsed/supplService.........................................................................................................104 recordType............................160 3.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................151 3................................................................................................................................................................88 numberOfDPEncountered.............................................162 Issue 1.....................................................................................................117 speechVersionSupported/speechVersionUsed.........................................................................................................................................129 transparencyIndicator.......................................93 orgRNCorBSCId.........1 CDR Description 3...................................................152 3...............156 3.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................147 3........................................................96 portedflag...............................................121 ssActionResult......................................111 servedIMEI.............................................152 3..................................149 3........................................................................................................................108 Roaming number.............................................................................................................151 3..............160 3........................................................................................................159 3.....................148 3............................................................................................152 3................................................160 3...............................................................97 positioningData............148 3.................................................148 3............................103 recordNumber.........................................................90 originalCalledNumber.................................................................................................................................150 3..................................162 3..................................................................110 sequenceNumber...94 partialRecordType........................................156 3..............................161 3.....................................................................................................126 sequenceNumberOfTheCurrentSMS...................................................................106 redirectingcounter..................113 servedMSISDN....................................116 smsResult.......................95 partyRelCause................................................................................................107 resourceChargeIPnumber.....................................................................155 3.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................155 3................................101 recordingEntity.......................................................127 subscriberCategory..............................114 serviceCentre........................................................ ............................163 3.......................163 3................................................................................139 zoneCode.164 3.............................................................1 CDR Description 3...........................................................164 4 ASN.............................135 ussdRequestCounter............................................................................................................................................................164 3..................................................................164 3...........00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 11 of 173 .....................................................137 uuslType......................131 Usertype......................136 ussdCallBackFlag...................................................163 3.......................................................163 3........164 3....................................................................CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN......................170 Issue 1..............................................................163 3..........138 voiceIndicator...............................................167 6 Revision History.....................................................................................................................................................................133 ussdString............................130 typeOfSubscribers.......................................................................134 ussdNotifyCounter..................................................................................132 ussdCodingScheme.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 Description of the CDR File......................................................................................................................................................................166 5 Examples of CDRs.................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................126 Structure of the IMEI...............................119 Method of splitting the short message...........................................................................................00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 13 of 173 ...................................................................................................1 CDR Description Figures Encoding diagram when the value of tag ranges from 0 to 30 (inclusive)..........................................................17 Structure of a CDR file........................................17 Encoding diagram when the value of tag is equal to or more than 31.....1 CDR file............................................................................................................................................................154 Issue 1.................................................................22 Binary code stream of the ASN..................23 Call duration...............153 Structure of the IMSI.............CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN...................................154 Structure of the MSISDN......................................................... ...............................................................................................57 Roaming record...................................................................98 HLR interrogation record........................................................................................................................................................................46 MTC record..............................80 SMS-MO record...............................................................36 MOC...................................84 SMS-MT record.....................90 LCS-MO record.........................................................................102 Terminating CAMEL call attempt record..119 The correlation between CDRs and examples....................................................................................72 Outgoing gateway record...........................................................................................................................................................104 IMEI ticket................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................167 Issue 1...................................................................................................................................76 Transit record..........................................................................................................................................110 Description of the time information..................................................................00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 15 of 173 .................................................CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN..........................................................................................................................95 SS-action record................1 CDR Description Tables MOC record.........................................................................................................................................................................................................25 MOC emergency record....................68 Incoming gateway record...........................................................................................................................................................87 LCS-MT record........................... call forwarding record.........................................................................................................................................................................109 Location update (VLR) record.......................................93 LCS-NI record.........................................100 Common equipment usage record............................................................... 00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 16 of 173 . More complex data types can be built from a set of simple types by using the unique Tags."  End-of-contents octets They are used only in indefinite length encoding mode.3"Encoding Rules of Contents Octets. a CDR can be structured with a serial of combinations of data fields."  Length octets For details.1 Encoding Format This section describes the encoding rules of each ASN.2. see section 1. integer.2.1 is short for Abstract Syntax Notation One. For example.1 unit and the CDR file structure. see section 1.2. see section 1. Each data field can be an encoding unit or a combination of several encoding units. ASN." 1. Based on these simple types. for instance. An encoding unit consists of 4 components at most:  Identifier octets (also called Tag) For details.1 CDR Description 1 ASN.1 Encoding Format 1. and it is widely accepted as the syntax standard for the application layer protocols. Boolean.2.1 provides protocol designers with simple types. ASN. see section 1. 1.2.1 ASN. For details.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.4"Encoding Rules of End-of-Contents Octets.1 Encoding Rules of Identifier Octets The identifier octet identifies the protocol data type corresponding to this encoding unit. The meaning of each bit is as follows: Issue 1. the protocol designer can construct more complex data types.2"Encoding Rules of Length Octets. It can be used to clearly describe the complex data structures.1"Encoding Rules of Identifier Octets.2 ASN.1 Encoding Format ASN. and octet string.1 is regarded as a high-level protocol language."  Contents octets For details. The encoding is classified into the following cases: Case 1 A single octet is used when the value of tag ranges from 0 to 30 (inclusive). is 1. − The value of bits 7-1 from the first subsequent octet to the last subsequent octet is equal to the tag number. − Bits 7-1 of the first subsequent octet cannot be all 0s. and therefore it is not described here.  Private can be negotiated based on the actual conditions. The values are Primitive0 and Construct-1. and Private-11.1 Encoding diagram when the value of tag ranges from 0 to 30 (inclusive) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +-------+---+------------------+ 1 ¦ CLASS ¦P/C¦ TAG NUMBER ¦ +------------------------------+ Bits 8-7: Class identifier: +----------------------------+ ¦ Bit: 8 7 ¦ +----------------------------¦ ¦ Universal 0 0 ¦ ¦ Application 0 1 ¦ ¦ Context-specific 1 0 ¦ ¦ Private 1 1 ¦ +----------------------------+ Bit 6 : Primitive (0) or Constructed (1) Bits 5-1: binary integer with bit 5 as msb Case 2 A leading octet together with several subsequent octets is used when the value of the tag is equal to or more than 31.  Universal is a basic class defined in the ASN. It is used to allocate tags for the basic class. see Figure 1. and 6 of the leading octet are the same as those of the single octet. Boolean is used when the value of Tag is 1.2.  The subsequent octets comply with the following rules: − Bit 8 of all the subsequent octets. that is.  Construct indicates that the field is composed of multiple ASN encoding units.1 specifications. 7.  Primitive indicates that the minimum ASN encoding unit is applied for the field.  Application is seldom used.  Bits 5-1 specify the class numbers. The values are Universal-00. Context-Specific-10.  Bit 6 specifies whether the data unit is primitive or constructed. For example. Figure 1. Figure 1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 17 of 173 . Application-01.  Context-Specific is used to define the class types. bits 5-1 of the leading octet are 11111. number of tag.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.1 CDR Description  Bits 8 and 7 specify the class identifiers of the data. For details. except for the last one.2 Encoding diagram when the value of tag is equal to or more than 31 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +-------+---+---+---+---+---+---¦ 1 ¦ CLASS ¦P/C¦ 1 ¦ 1 ¦ 1 ¦ 1 ¦ 1 ¦ Issue 1.  Bits 8. Short Encoding Mode A single octet is used when the value of the length octets is equal to or less than 127. 1. If L is equal to 26H.  Bits 7-1 specify the length. +-------------------------------¦ last ¦ 0 ¦ NUMBER of TAG (lsb) ¦ subsequent +-------------------------------+ Bits 8 : set to 1 in all non-last subsequent octets Bits 7-1: Bits 7-1 of all subsequent octets encoded as a binary integer equal to the tag number with bit 7 of the first subsequent octet as most significant bit. therefore.0110. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +----------------------------¦ 1 ¦ 0 L L L L L L L ¦ +----------------------------+ LLLLLLL represents the length of the content Long Encoding Mode More octets are used when the value of the length octets is more than 127. The indefinite encoding mode is not applied in ASN. long. There are three modes for encoding length octets: short. the length is encoded as 0010.2 Encoding Rules of Length Octets The length octets identify the length of the content fields.1 CDRs.2. . .00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 18 of 173 . and indefinite. it is not described in the subsequent sections. without the length of other fields. .  Bit 8 is 0.1 CDR Description +-------------------------------+ Bits 8-7: Class identifier as for single octet id Bit 6 : Primitive (0) or Constructed (1) Bits 5-1: all bits set to 1 Subsequent octets are encoded as follows: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---+---------------------------¦ first 2 ¦ 1 ¦ NUMBER of TAG (msb) ¦ subsequent +-------------------------------¦ .CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---+-------------------------¦ 1 ¦ 1 ¦ 0 < n < 127 ¦ +-----------------------------+ +-----------------------------¦ Issue 1. CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.1 CDR Description 2 ¦ L L L L L L L L ¦ +-----------------------------+ ... +-----------------------------¦ n+1¦ L L L L L L L L ¦ +-----------------------------+ LLLLLLL represents the length of the content  Bit 8 of the first octet is 1 fixedly and bits 1-7 specify the number of octets occupied by the length.  The second octet to the n+1 octet specify the value of the length. 1.2.3 Encoding Rules of Contents Octets The content octets can be null, or a single octet, or more octets. The value of the content octets depends on the data class it stands for. The content octets are encoded as follows: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +------------------------------¦ ¦ most significant byte ¦ octet 1 +------------------------------¦ ¦ ¦ octet 2 +------------------------------¦ . . . . +------------------------------¦ ¦ least significant byte ¦ octet n +------------------------------+ The following describes different data classes:  BOOLEAN This class can be encoded only in primitive mode. The false encoding is as follows: Tag Length Value +------------------------------¦ ¦ 01H ¦ 01H ¦ 0000, 0000 ¦ +------------------------------¦ The true encoding is as follows (with any of bits is not 0): Tag Length Value +------------------------------¦ ¦ 01H ¦ 01H ¦ 1111, 1011 ¦ +------------------------------¦  NULL This class can be encoded only in primitive mode and has only one value. Therefore, if you do not fill the value, it does not consume the space. Tag Length Value +------------------------------¦ ¦ 05H ¦ 00H ¦ Issue 1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 19 of 173 CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.1 CDR Description +------------------------------¦  INTEGER This class can be encoded only in primitive mode. It is classified into the positive and the negative. The negative number is not applied in the ASN.1 CDRs; therefore, it is not described in the subsequent sections. For the positive number, if the highest bit is 0, this class is encoded directly; if the highest bit is 1, an octet with all 0s is added before the highest bit, that is, the code-filling mode is adopted. For example, 250 is encoded as follows: Tag Length Value +-------------------------------------¦ ¦ 02H ¦ 02H ¦ 0000,0000 1111,1010¦ +-------------------------------------¦  ENUMERATED The encoding mode of this class is the same as that of the INTEGER class.  BIT STRING This class can be encoded in primitive mode or in structured mode. The following takes the bit string 1011011101011'B as an example to describe the two modes for encoding. Primitive Tag Length Value +------------------------------------------¦ ¦ 03H ¦ 03H ¦ 03H 10110111 01011xxx¦ +------------------------------------------¦ Note: An octet is added before the bit string '1011011101011'B and its value ranges from 0 to 7. This octet indicates the number of bits filled after the bit string and is mainly applied when the bit string is not the multiple of number 8. Constructed The constructed mode is used when certain encodings are still unsure. The bit string '1011011101011'B is encoded as follows: Tag Length Value +----------------------------------------------¦ ¦ 03H ¦ 80H ¦ T L V ¦ ¦ 03H ¦ 02H ¦ 00H 10110111¦ ¦ ¦ 03H ¦ 02H ¦ 03H 01011xxx¦ 00H 00H +-----------------------------------------------¦ Note: In this case, the length of the whole bit string uses the indefinite encoding mode  OCTET STRING The encoding rule of this class is the same as that of the BIT STRING class. This class takes an octet as a unit; therefore, you need not fill any bit any more.  SET This class can be encoded only in constructed mode. Each member is encoded in the TLV format. The following takes MOC {recordType ENUMERATED, callDuration INTEGER }:={ recordType 0,callDuration 11} as an example: Tag Length Value +--------------------------------------------¦ Issue 1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 20 of 173 CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.1 CDR Description ¦ 16H ¦ 80H ¦ T L V ¦ ¦ 02H ¦ 01H ¦ 0000 0000¦ ¦ ¦ 02H ¦ 01H ¦ 0000 1011¦ +--------------------------------------------¦  SEQUENCE The encoding mode of this class is the same as that of the SET class. The sequence of members of this class must be consistent with the defined sequence, but this requirement does not apply to the SET class.  SET OF The encoding mode of this class is the same as that of the SET class.  SEQUENCE OF The encoding mode of this class is the same as that of the SEQUENCE class. Other types are not common; therefore, they are not described in the subsequent sections. 1.2.4 Encoding Rules of End-of-Contents Octets The end-of-contents octets exist only in the indefinite mode; therefore, they are not described in the subsequent sections. 1.2.5 Structure of CDR Files If a CDR file is of the SEQUENCE type and uses the TLV format, its value is composed of following parts:  Header: It is the header of the CDR file and the TAG value is A0.  Event Record: It is the content of the CDR file. SEQUENCE OF indicates that the event record can be composed of many CDRs and the TAG value of the callEventRecords is A1.  Trailer: It is the trailer of the CDR file and the TAG value is A2.  Extensions: The TAG value is A3, without contents. The length is 0. For details, see Figure 1.1. Issue 1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 21 of 173 CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.1 CDR file as an example to show its binary code stream.1 Structure of a CDR file Figure 1. Issue 1.1 CDR Description Figure 1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 22 of 173 .2 takes the ASN. 1 CDR file The following shows the ASN.1 BER moCal l Record.2 Binary code stream of the ASN.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. CellID-0001 Issue 1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 23 of 173 . dat  Decoded files record no.1 CDR Description Figure 1.: 0 recordType: moCallRecord servedIMSI: 460007001002000 servedMSISDN: (91)8613720012000 callingNumber: (91)8613720012000 calledNumber: (A1)13720012010 roamingNumber: (A1)136755002201 recordingEntity: (91)86136755002 mscIncomingROUTE: TO_BSC1 mscOutgoingROUTE: TO_BSC2 location: LAC-3001.1 files corresponding to the figure above:  ASN. CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.1 CDR Description basicService: teleService(11) msClassmark: 021C00 answerTime: 070809141502 releaseTime: 070809141513 callDuration: 11 radioChanRequested: fullRateChannel radioChanUsed: halfRate causeForTerm: normalRelease diagnostics: gsm0408Cause(90) callReference: 16 00 00 00 ED additionalChgInfo: chargeIndicator-charge networkcallReference: 16 05 A2 30 1B mSCAddress: (91)86136755002 speechVersionSupported: 1 speechVersionUsed: 1 systemType: gERAN chargedParty: callingParty mscOutgoingCircuit: 1 orgRNCorBSCId: orgMSCId: 01 0B 00 0B callerDefaultEmlppPriority: EMLPP_CallPriorityLevel4(1) globalAreaID: 64 F0 00 30 01 00 01 subscriberCategory: Common(A) firstmccmnc: 64F000 lastmccmnc: 64F000 calledIMSI: 460007001002010 typeOfSubscribers:visiting audioDataType:audio disconnectparty:unknown Issue 1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 24 of 173 . This field is present if it is available.  n: It specifies the number of "sequence" or "set". servedMSISDN M M 0x83 ADRESS(2. callingNumber M M 0x84 ADRESS (2.  2G: The MSOFTX3000functions as an MSC in a 2G network.. Figure 1.  C: This field is only available under certain conditions.1 Mobile Originated Call Attempt If the generation of these records is enabled. and a description of the contents. an MOC record shall be created for each outgoing call attempt made by a mobile station.1 lists the formats of MOC records.  3G: The MSOFTX3000 functions as an MSC in a 3G network. a key indicating whether or not the field is mandatory.1 MOC record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordType M M 0x80 ENUMERATED Mobile originated.8) The IMSI of the calling party..  The numbers in the brackets after field types specify the value range of this field length. servedIMEI O O 0x82 TBCD(8) The IMEI of the calling ME. Figure 1.1 CDR Description 2 Record Contents The following tables describe the contents of each of the call and event records defined in the present document.  O: This field is optional in this CDR.9) The primary MSISDN of the calling party. CallEventRecordType = 0x00 (1) servedIMSI M M 0x81 TBCD(3. The key fields have the following meanings:  M: This field is mandatory and always present in this CDR..CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.17) The address of the calling party.  -: This field need not be encoded in this CDR. Issue 1. if available. These MOC records shall be produced in the originating MSC. 2. Each table contains the name of the field.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 25 of 173 . . mscOutgoingROUTE M M 0xAB IA5(1.32) The MSC route on which the call is originated.17) The called number after digit translation within the MSC (if applicable).17) The Mobile Station Roaming Number employed to route this connection. recordingEntity M M 0x89 ADRESS (2. This parameter is provided only for those basic services which may be employed in both transparent and nontransparent mode..... location M M 0xAC OCTET(8) The identity of the cell or the SAC at the time of CDR creation.17) The address of the called party.17) The number of the connected party if it is different from the Called Number. translatedNumber O O 0x86 ADRESS (2.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description calledNumber M M 0x85 ADRESS (2.. roamingNumber O O 0x88 ADRESS (2.9) The E. basicService M M 0xAE OCTET(3) The bearer or teleservice employed. the number dialed by the calling subscriber.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.32) The route on which the call left the MSC.164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number). if applicable. changeOfLocation O O 0xAD SEQUENCE OF ( 23 * n ) A list of changes in Location Area Code / Cell Identifier each timestamped. (1) Issue 1. connectedNumber O O 0x87 ADRESS (2. for example.. including the location area code. transparencyIndicator O O 0x8F ENUMERATED Indicates whether the basic service was used in transparent or nontransparent mode. usually from the BSC or RNC.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 26 of 173 . mscIncomingROUTE M M 0xAA IA5(1. 00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 27 of 173 . as a result of a tariff switchover.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description changeOfService - - 0xB0 SEQUENCE OF ( (18. setupTime C C 0x9F 81 49 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the Setup message or IAM message is received from the calling party side. msClassmark M M 0x94 OCTET(2. Issue 1. changeOfClassmark O O 0xB5 OCTET (16 ) A list of changes to the classmark during the connection each timestamped. alertingTime C C 0x9F 81 4A OCTET(9) The time stamp when the Alerting message or ACM message is received from the called party side. This field shall be present when one or more supplementary services have been invoked. changeOfAOCParms O O 0xB3 SEQUENCE OF ( 43 * n) The new AOC parameters sent to the MS. (16 * n) aocParameters O O 0xB2 OCTET(4. for example... releaseTime M M 0x98 OCTET(9) The time stamp when either of the calling or called party releases the traffic channel. supplServicesUsed O O 0xB1 SEQUENCE OF Supplementary services invoked as a result of this connection. including the time at which the new set was applied.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.3) The mobile station classmark employed on call setup. seizureTime C C 0x96 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the assignment at the calling party side is completed.27) * n) A list of changes of basic service during a connection each timestamped..28) The charge advice parameters sent to the MS on call setup. answerTime M M 0x97 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the call is answered during a successful connection. .CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. changeOfRadioChan O - 0xBD OCTET (14.2) The chargeable duration of the connection for successful calls.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS. Issue 1. (1) radioChanUsed M - 0x9C ENUMERATED (1) The type of radio channel actually used (full-rate or half-rate). radioChanRequested M - 0x9B ENUMERATED The type of radio traffic channel (full-rate or halfrate) requested by the MS. causeForTerm M M 0x9E INTEGER (1) The reason for the release of the connection. the holding time for call attempts..1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description callDuration M M 0x99 INTEGER(1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 28 of 173 . when available. additionalChgInfo M M 0xBF 22 SEQUENCE(3) Charge/no charge indicator and additional charging parameters. recordExtensions - - 0xBF 23 SET OF (11 * n) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record.. gsm-SCFAddress O O 0x9F 24 ADRESS(2. only present in case of partial records.9) The CAMEL server serving the subscriber. callReference M M 0x9F 20 OCTET(1. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied.. Reserved for future use. diagnostics M M 0xBF 1F INTEGER(4) A more detailed reason for the release of the connection. sequenceNumber O O 0x9F 21 INTEGER(1) The partial record sequence number.17 ) A list of changes to the types of radio traffic channels each timestamped. cAMELInitCFIndicator - - 0x9F 28 BOOLEAN(1) Indicates that the CAMEL server initiates call forwarding in the CFW record. (1) fnur O O 0x9F 2D ENUMERATED (1) aiurRequested O O 0x9F 2E ENUMERATED (1) The user data rate applied for the connection in the fixed network.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. speechVersionUsed M - 0x9F 32 OCTET(1) The speech version used for that call. defaultCallHandling O O 0x9F 29 ENUMERATED Indicates whether a CAMEL call encounters default call handling. Shall only be present for nontransparent HSCSD connections.. mSCAddress M M 0x9F 27 ADRESS(2.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 29 of 173 . Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. Issue 1.. speechVersionSupported M - 0x9F 31 OCTET(1) The speech version supported by the MS with highest priority indicated by MS..164 number assigned to the MSC that generated the network call reference.4) The CAMEL service logic to be applied.8) An identifier to correlate transactions on the same call taking place in different network nodes. networkCallReference M M 0x9F 26 OCTET(1.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description serviceKey O O 0x9F 25 INTEGER(1.9) The E. The total Air Interface User Rate Requested by the MS at call setup. Shall only be present for 2G HSCSD connections and for UMTS data connections. This field shall be present only if default call handling has been applied. . Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied.160) This field contains data sent by the gsmSCF in the FCI messages. Each of these IEs contains information related to one outgoing CAMEL call leg.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description numberOfDPEncountered O O 0x9F 33 INTEGER(1) Number that counts how often armed detection points (TDP and EDP) were encountered.. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied.9) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Indicates the CAMEL server serving the subscriber for the second service such as the dialed service. levelOfCAMELService O O 0x9F 34 BIT STRING(2) The indicator for the complexity of the CAMEL feature used.124) * n) freeFormatDataAppend O O 0x9F 37 BOOLEAN (1) Indicates that free format data from this CDR is to be appended to free format data in previous partial CDR. This field shall be present only if default call handling has been applied.00 (2008-02-25) O O 0x9F 39 ADRESS (2. The data can be sent either in one FCI message or several FCI messages with append indicator. freeFormatData O O 0x9F 35 OCTET(1. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. Page 30 of 173 . ((104. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service.. defaultCallHandling-2 O O 0x9F 38 ENUMERATED Indicates whether a CAMEL call encountered default call handling for the second service such as the dialed service. cAMELCallLegInformation O O 0xBF 36 SEQUENCE OF A set of CAMEL information IEs.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. (1) gsm-SCFAddress-2 Issue 1. see TS 24. This field is mandatory in case of partial records. The data can be sent either in one FCI message or several FCI messages with append indicator.. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service. partialRecordType O O 0x9F 45 ENUMERATED The event that caused the generation of a partial record.160) Indicates the data sent by the gsmSCF in the FCI message(s) for the second service such as the dialed service.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. freeFormatData-2 O O 0x9F 3B OCTET(1.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description serviceKey-2 O O 0x9F 3A INTEGER (1. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service.. UTRAN (or a value of unknown). (1) Issue 1. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service. This field is present when either the UTRAN or GERAN air-interface is used on call setup. (1) rateIndication O O 0x9F 3E OCTET(1) Present if "rate adaptation" parameters for the basic service were signaled between the MS/UE and the network. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service.008. systemType M M 0x9F 3D ENUMERATED This field indicates the use of GERAN. freeFormatDataAppend-2 O O 0x9F 3C BOOLEAN (1) Indicates that free format data for the second service such as the dialed service from this CDR is to be appended to free format data in previous partial CDR.4) Indicates the CAMEL service logic to be applied for the second service such as the dialed service.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 31 of 173 . . (1) originalCalledNumber - - 0x9F 81 0E ADRESS (2..00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 32 of 173 . 2) to allow maximum wanted user bit-rate to be defined for applications able to operate with different rates (e.17) The address of original called party in CFW record. The type of Modem used.. mscOutgoingCircuit O O 0x9F 81 26 INTEGER (1. Issue 1. chargedParty M M 0x9F 81 0D ENUMERATED Indicates whether the calling party or the called party is charged for the call.2) The CIC. and for resource allocation within UMTS. It is invalid in the MOC record. applications with adapting codecs). This field may be used to facilitate admission control based on available resources. Its purpose is: 1) to limit the delivered bitrate to applications or external networks with such limitations. calledChargeAreaCode - - 0x9F 81 12 OCTET(1.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN..g. (1) maximumBitrate - M 0x9F 47 ENUMERATED (1) modemType O O 0x9F 81 0B ENUMERATED The maximum bit-rate that can be used to make code reservations in the downlink of the radio interface.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description guaranteedBitrate - M 0x9F 46 ENUMERATED The bit-rate the UMTS bearer service shall guarantee to the user or application. (1) classmark3 O O 0x9F 81 0C OCTET(2) The mobile station classmark 3. chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1. only present in case of outgoing bear type being TDM. Shall only be present for UMTS data connections.3) The called party logical area for distance charge.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge. See 29. changeOfglobalAreaID O O 0xBF 81 3D SEQUENCE OF A list of changes in the GCI / SAI each timestamped. optimalRoutingFlag - - 0x9F 81 31 NULL Shall be present when the optimal routing function is applied. portedflag O O 0x9F 81 34 ENUMERATED Indicates whether the user is ported. Reserved for future use.002. optimalRoutingLateForwardFlag - - 0x9F 81 32 NULL Shall be present when the optimal routing function is applied in the case of the late forward..8) The IMSI of the called party. orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC. (1) calledIMSI O O 0x9F 81 35 TBCD(3.002.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.00 (2008-02-25) M M (22 * n) Huawei Technologies Proprietary The category of subscribers. Reserved for future use. callerDefaultEmlppPriority O O 0x9F 81 2B OCTET(1) The priority of the EMLPP service registered by the calling party. optimalRoutingEarlyForwardFlag - - 0x9F 81 33 NULL Shall be present when the optimal routing function is applied in the case of the early forward. Page 33 of 173 . globalAreaID M M 0x9F 81 3C OCTET(7) The GCI of the GSM network or the SAI of the WCDMA network. See 29. eaSubscriberInfo O O 0x9F 81 2E OCTET(3) The calling subscriber's information of Equal Access. Reserved for future use.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description orgRNCorBSCId M M 0x9F 81 27 OCTET(3) The SPC of f the RNC or the BSC. Reserved for future use. selectedCIC O O 0x9F 81 2F OCTET(3) The selected code of Carrier identification. callEmlppPriority O O 0x9F 81 2A OCTET(1) The EMLPP priority of the call. 0x9F 81 3E OCTET(1) subscriberCategory Issue 1. voiceIndicator O O 0x9F 81 4B ENUMERATED Indicates that the announcement is played for the local office or other offices when the call is released. tandem. hotBillingTag O O 0x9F 81 48 INTEGER(1) Indicates that the charged party is a subscriber who subscribes to the hot billing service. incoming.00 (2008-02-25) C C C C (1) (1) (1) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Indicates whether the called party is busy or idle. (1) cUGIndex O O 0x9F 81 46 OCTET(2) The index of the CUG subscribers. Page 34 of 173 . GsmSCF play announcement to SSP and start charging. Only present after handover. intermediatemccmnc - - 0x9F 81 41 OCTET(3) Reserved for future use. lastmccmnc O O 0x9F 81 42 OCTET(3) The MCC and MNC of the network when the call is served. 0x9F 81 4C ENUMERATED 0x9F 81 4D ENUMERATED bCategory callType Issue 1. Indicates the call type. such as the intra-office. Shall be present only if the hot charging function is applied. (1) cUGInterlockCode O O 0x9F 81 44 OCTET(4) Network code + CUG interlock cUGOutgoingAccessUsed O O 0x9F 81 45 ENUMERATED Indicates whether the calling party and called party are in the same CUG group.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. outgoing. or unknown.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description firstmccmnc M M 0x9F 81 40 OCTET(3) The MCC and MNC of the network when the call is initiated. cUGOutgoingAccessIndicator O O 0x9F 81 43 ENUMERATED The access indicator of the CUG call. interactionWithIP O O 0x9F 81 47 NULL (0) In the case of interaction between SSP and IP. typeOfSubscribers O O 0x9F 81 60 ENUMERATED(1) The type of roaming subscriber. groupCallReference O O 0x9F 81 51 OCTET(4) The reference number of a group call.4) The call segment association reference number. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 35 of 173 . uus1Type O O 0x9F 81 52 ENUMERATED(1) The type of UUS1.. networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET(1) The ID of virtual operators. csReference O O 0x9F 81 5C OCTET(1.17) The address of the IP equipment that plays the announcement in the case of resource charging. disconnectparty O O 0x9F 81 5A ENUMERATED(1) The party who releases the call first. MCTType O O 0x9F 81 75 ENUMERATED(1) The MCT record type. groupCallType O O 0x9F 81 50 ENUMERATED(1) The type of a group call.. usertype O O 0x9F 81 63 ENUMERATED(1) Indicates the user type. zoneCode O O 0x9F 81 70 OCTET (2) The zone code of a cell. eCategory O O 0x9F 81 57 INTEGER(1.. tariffCode O O 0x9F 81 59 INTEGER(1) The tariff code.8) The call segment reference number. partyRelCause O O 0xBF 81 6C PartyRelCause Indicates the cause of call release. csaReference O O 0x9F 81 5D INTEGER (1. camelphase O O 0x9F 81 5E ENUMERATED(1) The CAMEL version number.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. audioDataType O O 0x9F 81 61 ENUMERATED(1) Indicates whether the data service or speech service is employed by a subscriber. Issue 1.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description resourceChargeIPnumber O O 0x9F 81 4E ADRESS (2..2) The enhanced subscriber category. 17) The Mobile Station Roaming Number employed to route this connection.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description cARP O O 0x9F 81 76 INTEGER(1) The CARP value registered by the subscriber..8) The IMSI of the calling party in case of an emergency call with a SIM card. the number dialed by the calling subscriber.2 MOC emergency record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordType M M 0x80 ENUMERATED Mobile originated. calledNumber M M 0x85 ADRESS (2.17) The address of the calling party. 2..2 Mobile Originated Emergency Call Attempt If the generation of MOC records is enabled. Issue 1... servedIMEI O O 0x82 TBCD(8) The IMEI of the calling mobile equipment if available.g.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.2 lists the formats of MOC emergency records.. connectedNumber O O 0x87 ADRESS (2.. roamingNumber O O 0x88 ADRESS (2. These records shall be produced in the originating MSC..00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 36 of 173 .9) The primary MSISDN of the calling party. CallEventRecordType = 0x00 (1) servedIMSI O O 0x81 TBCD(3.17) The number of the connected party if it is different from the Called Number. Figure 1. an MOC emergency record shall be created for each outgoing emergency call attempt made by a mobile station.17) The address of the called party e. Figure 1. servedMSISDN O O 0x83 ADRESS(2. translatedNumber O O 0x86 ADRESS (2.17) The called number after digit translation within the MSC (if applicable). callingNumber M M 0x84 ADRESS (2. 32) The route on which the call left the MSC. This parameter is provided only for those basic services which may be employed in both transparent and nontransparent modes. supplServicesUsed O O 0xB1 SEQUENCE OF Supplementary services invoked as a result of this connection. usually from the BSC or RNC..00 (2008-02-25) O O 0xB2 OCTET(4. transparencyIndicator O O 0x8F ENUMERATED Indicates whether the basic service was used in transparent or nontransparent mode. location M M 0xAC OCTET(8) The identity of the cell or the SAC at the time of CDR creation.164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number).CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. Teleservice 'emergency call' in the case of the MOC emergency record.9) The E. ( 23 * n ) basicService M M 0xAE OCTET(3) The bearer or teleservice employed. changeOfLocation O O 0xAD SEQUENCE OF A list of changes in Location Area Code / Cell Identifier each time-stamped. (16 * n) aocParameters Issue 1. including the location area code.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordingEntity M M 0x89 ADRESS(2.28) Huawei Technologies Proprietary The charge advice parameters sent to the MS on call setup. This field shall be present when one or more supplementary services have been invoked. mscOutgoingROUTE M M 0xAB IA5(1. Page 37 of 173 .. mscIncomingROUTE M M 0xAA IA5(1...32) The MSC route on which the call is originated.27) * n) A list of changes of basic service during a connection each time-stamped. (1) changeOfService - - 0xB0 SEQUENCE OF ( (18.. ( 43 * n) msClassmark M M 0x94 OCTET(2. seizureTime C C 0x96 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the assignment at the calling party side is completed. changeOfClassmark O O 0xB5 OCTET (16 ) A list of changes to the classmark during the connection each timestamped setupTime C C 0x9F 81 49 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the Setup message or IAM message is received from the calling party side. (1) radioChanUsed M - 0x9C ENUMERATED (1) The type of radio channel actually used (full-rate or half-rate). callDuration M M 0x99 INTEGER(1. causeForTerm M M 0x9E INTEGER(1) The reason for the release of the connection.2) The chargeable duration of the connection for successful calls.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 38 of 173 . including the time at which the new set was applied. changeOfRadioChan O - 0xBD OCTET (14.3) The mobile station classmark employed on call setup.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description changeOfAOCParms O O 0xB3 SEQUENCE OF The new AOC parameters sent to the MS e. the holding time for call attempts...CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. alertingTime C C 0x9F 81 4A OCTET(9) The time stamp when the Alerting message or ACM message is received from the called party side. releaseTime M M 0x98 OCTET(9) The time stamp when either the calling or the called party releases the traffic channel. radioChanRequested M - 0x9B ENUMERATED The type of radio traffic channel (full-rate or half-rate) requested by the MS. answerTime M M 0x97 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the call is answered during a successful connection.17 ) A list of changes to the types of radio traffic channels each time-stamped. as a result of a tariff switchover..g. Issue 1. networkCallReference M M 0x9F 26 OCTET(1.164 number assigned to the MSC that generated the network call reference. serviceKey O O 0x9F 25 INTEGER(1. callReference M M 0x9F 20 OCTET(1. when available.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description diagnostics M M 0xBF 1F INTEGER(4) A more detailed reason for the release of the connection. sequenceNumber O O 0x9F 21 INTEGER(1) The partial record sequence number. Reserved for future use.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 39 of 173 . It is not available in the emergency call.. only present in case of partial records.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS. Issue 1.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. mSCAddress M M 0x9F 27 ADRESS(2.9) The E.4) The CAMEL service logic to be applied.. gsm-SCFAddress - - 0x9F 24 ADRESS(2. cAMELInitCFIndicator - - 0x9F 28 BOOLEAN(1) Indicates that the CAMEL server initiates call forwarding in the CFW record. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied.. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. additionalChgInfo M M 0xBF 22 SEQUENCE(3) Charge/no charge indicator and additional charging parameters.9) The CAMEL server serving the subscriber.8) An identifier to correlate transactions on the same call taking place in different network nodes... recordExtensions - - 0xBF 23 SET OF (11 * n) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record. It is also used to identify all partial records and transactions belonging to the same connection. Shall only be present for non-transparent HSCSD connections. M - 0x9F 31 OCTET(1) The speech version supported by the MS with highest priority indicated by MS. levelOfCAMELService - - 0x9F 34 BIT STRING(2) The indicator for the complexity of the CAMEL feature used. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. numberOfDPEncountered - - 0x9F 33 INTEGER(1) Number that counts how often armed detection points (TDP and EDP) were encountered. It is not available in the emergency call.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description defaultCallHandling - - 0x9F 29 ENUMERATED Indicates whether a CAMEL call encounters default call handling. The total Air Interface User Rate Requested by the MS at call setup. It is not available in the emergency call. Shall only be present for 2G HSCSD connections and for UMTS data connections. This field shall be present only if default call handling has been applied.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 40 of 173 . It is not available in the emergency call. speechVersionUsed M - 0x9F 32 OCTET(1) The speech version used for that call. 0x9F 2D ENUMERATED 0x9F 2E ENUMERATED fnur aiurRequested speechVersionSupported O O O O (1) (1) (1) The user data rate applied for the connection in the fixed network. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. Issue 1. Page 41 of 173 ...00 (2008-02-25) - - (1) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Indicates the CAMEL server serving the subscriber for the second service such as the dialed service. It is not available in the emergency call.124) * n) freeFormatDataAppend - - 0x9F 37 BOOLEAN (1) Indicates that free format data from this CDR is to be appended to free format data in previous partial CDR. It is not available in the emergency call. It is not available in the emergency call. - - 0xBF 36 SEQUENCE OF A set of CAMEL information IEs. It is not available in the emergency call. ((104. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service. It is not available in the emergency call.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. The data can be sent either in one FCI message or several FCI messages with append indicator. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied..160) This field contains data sent by the gsmSCF in the FCI messages.1 CDR Description Field freeFormatData cAMELCallLegInformation 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description - - 0x9F 35 OCTET(1. 0x9F 39 ADRESS (2. This field shall be present only if default call handling has been applied. defaultCallHandling-2 - - 0x9F 38 ENUMERATED Indicates whether a CAMEL call encountered default call handling for the second service such as the dialed service. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service.9) gsm-SCFAddress-2 Issue 1. Each of these IEs contains information related to one outgoing CAMEL call leg. - - 0x9F 3C BOOLEAN (1) Indicates that free format data for the second service such as the dialed service from this CDR is to be appended to free format data in previous partial CDR. UTRAN (or a value of unknown).4) Indicates the CAMEL service logic to be applied for the second service such as the dialed service. M M 0x9F 3D ENUMERATED This field indicates the use of GERAN.. It is not available in the emergency call.160) Indicates the data sent by the gsmSCF in the FCI message(s) for the second service such as the dialed service. This field is present when either the UTRAN or GERAN airinterface is used on call setup. 0x9F 3E OCTET(1) freeFormatDataAppend-2 systemType rateIndication Issue 1.. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service. The data can be sent either in one FCI message or several FCI messages with append indicator. It is not available in the emergency call. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description serviceKey-2 - - 0x9F 3A INTEGER (1. Page 42 of 173 .00 (2008-02-25) O O (1) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Present if "rate adaptation" parameters for the basic service were signaled between the MS/UE and the network.008.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service. see TS 24. It is not available in the emergency call. freeFormatData-2 - - 0x9F 3B OCTET(1. CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description partialRecordType O O 0x9F 45 ENUMERATED The event that caused the generation of a partial record. This field is mandatory in case of partial records. 0x9F 46 ENUMERATED 0x9F 47 ENUMERATED 0x9F 81 0B ENUMERATED guaranteedBitrate maximumBitrate modemType - - - M M - (1) (1) (1) The bit-rate the UMTS bearer service shall guarantee to the user or application. This field may be used to facilitate admission control based on available resources, and for resource allocation within UMTS. Shall only be present for UMTS data connections. The maximum bit-rate that can be used to make code reservations in the downlink of the radio interface. Its purpose is: 1) to limit the delivered bit-rate to applications or external networks with such limitations, 2) to allow maximum wanted user bitrate to be defined for applications able to operate with different rates (e.g. applications with adapting codecs). Shall only be present for UMTS data connections. The type of Modem used. (1) classmark3 O O 0x9F 81 0C OCTET(2) The mobile station classmark 3. chargedParty M M 0x9F 81 0D ENUMERATED Indicates whether the calling party or the called party is charged for the call. (1) originalCalledNumber - - 0x9F 81 0E ADRESS (2..17) The address of original called party in CFW record. It is not available in the emergency call. chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1..3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge. calledChargeAreaCode - - 0x9F 81 12 OCTET(1..3) The called party logical area for distance charge. Issue 1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 43 of 173 CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description mscOutgoingCircuit O O 0x9F 81 26 INTEGER (1..2) The CIC, only present in case of outgoing bear type being TDM. orgRNCorBSCId M M 0x9F 81 27 OCTET(3) The SPC of the RNC or the BSC. orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC. callEmlppPriority O O 0x9F 81 2A OCTET(1) The EMLPP priority of the call. See 29.002. callerDefaultEmlppPriority O O 0x9F 81 2B OCTET(1) The priority of the EMLPP service registered by the calling party. See 29.002. eaSubscriberInfo O O 0x9F 81 2E OCTET(3) The calling subscriber's information of Equal Access. selectedCIC O O 0x9F 81 2F OCTET(3) The selected code of Carrier identification. optimalRoutingFlag - - 0x9F 81 31 NULL Shall be present when the optimal routing function is applied. Reserved for future use. optimalRoutingLateForwardFlag - - 0x9F 81 32 NULL Shall be present when the optimal routing function is applied in the case of the late forward. Reserved for future use. optimalRoutingEarlyForwardFla g - - 0x9F 81 33 NULL Shall be present when the optimal routing function is applied in the case of the early forward. Reserved for future use. portedflag - - 0x9F 81 34 ENUMERATED (1) Indicates whether the user is ported. Reserved for future use. calledIMSI O O 0x9F 81 35 TBCD(3..8) The IMSI of the called party. globalAreaID M M 0x9F 81 3C OCTET(7) The GCI of the GSM network or the SAI of the WCDMA network. changeOfglobalAreaID O O 0xBF 81 3D SEQUENCE OF (22 * n) A list of changes in the GCI / SAI each time-stamped. 0x9F 81 3E OCTET(1) The category of subscribers. subscriberCategory Issue 1.00 (2008-02-25) M M Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 44 of 173 CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description firstmccmnc M M 0x9F 81 40 OCTET(3) The MCC and MNC of the network when the call is initiated. intermediatemccmnc - - 0x9F 81 41 OCTET(3) Reserved for future use. lastmccmnc O O 0x9F 81 42 OCTET(3) The MCC and MNC of the network when the call is served. Only present after handover. cUGOutgoingAccessIndicator O O 0x9F 81 43 ENUMERATED The access indicator of the CUG call. (1) cUGInterlockCode O O 0x9F 81 44 OCTET(4) Network code + CUG interlock cUGOutgoingAccessUsed O O 0x9F 81 45 ENUMERATED Indicates whether the calling party and called party are in the same CUG group. (1) cUGIndex O O 0x9F 81 46 OCTET(2) The index of the CUG subscribers. interactionWithIP - - 0x9F 81 47 NULL (0) In the case of interaction between SSP and IP, GsmSCF play announcement to SSP and start charging. hotBillingTag O O 0x9F 81 48 INTEGER(1) Indicates that the charged party is a subscriber who subscribes to the hot billing service. Shall be present only if the hot charging function is applied. voiceIndicator O O 0x9F 81 4B ENUMERATED Indicates that the announcement is played for the local office or other offices when the call is released. 0x9F 81 4C ENUMERATED 0x9F 81 4D ENUMERATED 0x9F 81 4E ADRESS (2..17) bCategory callType resourceChargeIPnumber Issue 1.00 (2008-02-25) C C O C C O (1) (1) (1) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Indicates whether the called party is busy or idle. Indicates the call type, such as the intra-office, incoming, outgoing, tandem, or unknown. The address of the IP equipment that plays the announcement in the case of resource charging. Page 45 of 173 CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description groupCallType O O 0x9F 81 50 ENUMERATED(1) The type of a group call. groupCallReference O O 0x9F 81 51 OCTET(4) The reference number of a group call. uus1Type O O 0x9F 81 52 ENUMERATED(1) The type of UUS1. eCategory O O 0x9F 81 57 INTEGER(1..2) The enhanced subscriber category. disconnectparty O O 0x9F 81 5A ENUMERATED(1) The party who releases the call first. csReference O O 0x9F 81 5C OCTET(1..8) The call segment reference number. csaReference O O 0x9F 81 5D INTEGER (1..4) The call segment association reference number. camelphase O O 0x9F 81 5E ENUMERATED(1) The CAMEL version number. networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET(1) The ID of virtual operators. typeOfSubscribers O O 0x9F 81 60 ENUMERATED(1) The type of roaming subscriber. usertype O O 0x9F 81 63 ENUMERATED(1) The user type. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR. partyRelCause O O 0xBF 81 6C PartyRelCause Indicates the cause of call release. 2.3 Mobile Originated Call Forwarding Attempt If the generation of MOC records is enabled in case of call forwarding, the forwarded-leg of the call shall also result in the production of an MOC record in the MSC that forwards the call. Figure 1.3 lists the formats of MOC call forwarding records. Figure 1.3 MOC, call forwarding record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordType M M 0x80 ENUMERATED Call forwarding. CallEventRecordType = 0x64 (1) Issue 1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 46 of 173 CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description servedIMSI M M 0x81 TBCD(3..8) The IMSI of the forwarding party. servedIMEI O O 0x82 TBCD(8) The IMEI of the forwarding mobile equipment if available. servedMSISDN M M 0x83 ADRESS (2..9) The MSISDN of the forwarding party. callingNumber M M 0x84 ADRESS (2..17) The number of the calling party if available at this node. calledNumber M M 0x85 ADRESS (2..17) The address of the "forwarded-to" party. translatedNumber O O 0x86 ADRESS (2..17) The called number after digit translation within the MSC (if applicable). connectedNumber O O 0x87 ADRESS (2..17) The number of the connected party if it is different from the Called Number. roamingNumber O O 0x88 ADRESS (2..17) The Mobile Station Roaming Number employed to route this connection, if applicable. recordingEntity M M 0x89 ADRESS (2..9) The E.164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number). mscIncomingROUTE M M 0xAA IA5(1..32) The MSC route on which the call is originated at the forwarding MSC. mscOutgoingROUTE M M 0xAB IA5(1..32) The route on which the call left the forwarding MSC. location O O 0xAC OCTET(8) The identity of the cell or the SAC in which the call is forwarded including the location area code. changeOfLocation O O 0xAD SEQUENCE OF A list of changes in Location Area Code / Cell Identifier each timestamped. ( 23 * n ) Issue 1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 47 of 173 CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description basicService M M 0xAE OCTET(3) The bearer or teleservice employed. It is not available in the forwarding record. transparencyIndicator O O 0x8F ENUMERATED Indicates whether the basic service was used in transparent or nontransparent mode. This parameter is provided only for those basic services which may be employed in both transparent and nontransparent modes. (1) changeOfService O O 0xB0 SEQUENCE OF ( (18..27) * n) supplServicesUsed O O 0xB1 SEQUENCE OF (16 * n) A list of changes of basic service during a connection each time-stamped. Supplementary services invoked as a result of this connection. This field shall be present when one or more supplementary services have been invoked. aocParameters O O 0xB2 OCTET(4..28) The charge advice parameters sent to the MS on call setup. changeOfAOCParms O O 0xB3 SEQUENCE OF The new AOC parameters sent to the MS e.g. as a result of a tariff switchover, including the time at which the new set was applied. ( 43 * n) msClassmark O O 0x94 OCTET(2..3) The mobile station classmark employed on call setup. changeOfClassmark O O 0xB5 OCTET (16 ) A list of changes to the classmark during the connection each timestamped setupTime C C 0x9F 81 49 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the Setup message or IAM message is received from the calling party side. Issue 1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 48 of 173 00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 49 of 173 .CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. answerTime M M 0x97 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the call is answered during a successful connection. causeForTerm M M 0x9E INTEGER(1) The reason for the release of the connection. It is also used to identify all partial records and transactions belonging to the same connection. diagnostics M M 0xBF 1F INTEGER(4) A more detailed reason for the release of the connection.. (1) radioChanUsed M - 0x9C ENUMERATED (1) The type of radio channel actually used (full-rate or half-rate).17) A list of changes to the types of radio traffic channels each timestamped. alertingTime C C 0x9F 81 4A OCTET(9) The time stamp when the Alerting message or ACM message is received from the called party side.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS. changeOfRadioChan O - 0xBD OCTET(14. callReference M M 0x9F 20 OCTET(1. callDuration M M 0x99 INTEGER(1. releaseTime M M 0x98 OCTET(9) The time stamp when either the calling or the called party releases the traffic channel. It is not available in the forwarding record.2) The chargeable duration of the connection for successful calls.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description seizureTime C C 0x96 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the assignment at the calling party side is completed.. radioChanRequested M - 0x9B ENUMERATED The type of radio traffic channel (full-rate or halfrate) requested by the MS. Issue 1. the holding time of call attempts.. only present in case of partial records.. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description sequenceNumber O O 0x9F 21 INTEGER(1) The partial record sequence number.00 (2008-02-25) O O 0x9F 2D ENUMERATED (1) Huawei Technologies Proprietary The user data rate applied for the connection in the fixed network.8) An identifier to correlate transactions on the same call taking place in different network nodes. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. Page 50 of 173 . This field shall be present only if default call handling has been applied. recordExtensions - - 0xBF 23 SET OF (11*n) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record. gsm-SCFAddress O O 0x9F 24 ADRESS(2. Reserved for future use. additionalChgInfo M M 0xBF 22 SEQUENCE(3) Charge/no charge indicator and additional charging parameters..9) The CAMEL server serving the subscriber. mSCAddress M M 0x9F 27 ADRESS(2.9) The E. defaultCallHandling O O 0x9F 29 ENUMERATED Indicates whether a CAMEL call encounters default call handling. Shall only be present for 2G HSCSD connections and for UMTS data connections. when available. serviceKey O O 0x9F 25 INTEGER(1. cAMELInitCFIndicator O O 0x9F 28 BOOLEAN(1) Indicates that the CAMEL server initiates call forwarding in the CFW record.164 number assigned to the MSC that generated the network call reference.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.. networkCallReference M M 0x9F 26 OCTET(1..4) The CAMEL service logic to be applied. (1) fnur Issue 1. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. cAMELCallLegInformation O O 0xBF 36 SEQUENCE OF A set of CAMEL information IEs.160) This field contains data sent by the gsmSCF in the FCI messages. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied.00 (2008-02-25) O O ((104.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. (1) speechVersionSupported M - 0x9F 31 OCTET(1) The speech version supported by the MS with highest priority indicated by MS.124) * n) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Indicator if free format data from this CDR is to be appended to free format data in previous partial CDR. Each of these IEs contains information related to one outgoing CAMEL call leg..1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description aiurRequested O O 0x9F 2E ENUMERATED The total Air Interface User Rate Requested by the MS at call setup. freeFormatData O O 0x9F 35 OCTET(1. numberOfDPEncountered O O 0x9F 33 INTEGER(1) Number that counts how often armed detection points (TDP and EDP) were encountered. 0x9F 37 BOOLEAN(1) freeFormatDataAppend Issue 1.. Shall only be present for non-transparent HSCSD connections. speechVersionUsed M - 0x9F 32 OCTET(1) The speech version used for that call. Page 51 of 173 . The data can be sent either in one FCI message or several FCI messages with append indicator. levelOfCAMELService O O 0x9F 34 BIT STRING(2) The indicator for the complexity of the CAMEL feature used. CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. UTRAN (or a value of unknown). Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service. Reserved for future use. freeFormatData-2 - - 0x9F 3B OCTET(1.4) The CAMEL service logic to be applied for the second service such as the dialed service. systemType O O 0x9F 3D ENUMERATED This field indicates the use of GERAN. serviceKey-2 - - 0x9F 3A INTEGER (1.. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service. Reserved for future use. Reserved for future use. The data can be sent either in one FCI message or several FCI messages with append indicator. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service. This field shall be present only if default call handling has been applied.160) This field contains data sent by the gsmSCF in the FCI message(s) for the second service such as the dialed service. Issue 1. Reserved for future use.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description defaultCallHandling-2 - - 0x9F 38 ENUMERATED Indicates whether or not a CAMEL call encountered default call handling for the second service such as the dialed service. freeFormatDataAppend-2 - - 0x9F 3C BOOLEAN (1) Indicator if free format data for the second service from this CDR is to be appended to free format data in previous partial CDR.. (1) gsm-SCFAddress-2 - - 0x9F 39 ADRESS (2..9) The CAMEL server serving the subscriber for the second service such as the dialed service.00 (2008-02-25) (1) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 52 of 173 . This field is present when either the UTRAN or GERAN air-interface is used on call setup. 008. see TS 24.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. The maximum bit-rate that can be used to make code reservations in the downlink of the radio interface. The type of Modem used. Shall only be present for UMTS data connections. This field is mandatory in case of partial records. (1) guaranteedBitrate - M 0x9F 46 ENUMERATED (1) maximumBitrate - M 0x9F 47 ENUMERATED (1) modemType - - 0x9F 81 0B ENUMERATED (1) The bit-rate the UMTS bearer service shall guarantee to the user or application. classmark3 O O 0x9F 81 0C OCTET(2) The mobile station classmark 3. Its purpose is: 1) to limit the delivered bitrate to applications or external networks with such limitations. and for resource allocation within UMTS. This field may be used to facilitate admission control based on available resources.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description rateIndication O O 0x9F 3E OCTET(1) Present if "rate adaptation" parameters for the basic service were signaled between the MS/UE and the network. applications with adapting codecs).00 (2008-02-25) (1) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 53 of 173 .g. It is not available in the forwarding record. partialRecordType O O 0x9F 45 ENUMERATED The event that caused the generation of a partial record. Shall only be present for UMTS data connections. 2) to allow maximum wanted user bitrate to be defined for applications able to operate with different rates (e. chargedParty M M 0x9F 81 0D ENUMERATED Indicates whether the calling party or the called party is charged for the call. Issue 1. 2 The CIC. This field is not available in the forwarding record. selectedCIC - - 0x9F 81 2F OCTET(3) The selected code of Carrier identification. chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1. This field is not available in the forwarding record. optimalRoutingLateForwardFla g - - 0x9F 81 32 NULL Shall be present when the optimal routing function is applied in the case of the late forward. Reserved for future use. only present in case of outgoing bear type being TDM.17) The address of original called party. Reserved for future use. orgRNCorBSCId O O 0x9F 81 27 OCTET(3) The SPC of the RNC or the BSC. optimalRoutingEarlyForwardFl ag - - 0x9F 81 33 NULL Shall be present when the optimal routing function is applied in the case of the early forward.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 54 of 173 .3) The called party logical area for distance charge. See 29. calledChargeAreaCode - - 0x9F 81 12 OCTET(1. callEmlppPriority O O 0x9F 81 2A OCTET(1) The EMLPP priority of the call.002. orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC.. See 29. callerDefaultEmlppPriority O O 0x9F 81 2B OCTET(1) The priority of the EMLPP service registered by the calling party. Reserved for future use. optimalRoutingFlag - - 0x9F 81 31 NULL Shall be present when the optimal routing function is applied..002.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description originalCalledNumber M M 0x9F 81 0E ADRESS (2. mscOutgoingCircuit O O 0x9F 81 26 INTEGER()1.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge. Issue 1. eaSubscriberInfo - - 0x9F 81 2E OCTET(3) The calling subscriber's information of Equal Access... Reserved for future use. cUGOutgoingAccessIndicator O O 0x9F 81 43 ENUMERATED The access indicator of the CUG call. (1) cUGIndex O O 0x9F 81 46 OCTET(2) The index of the CUG subscribers. hotBillingTag O O 0x9F 81 48 INTEGER(1) Indicates that the charged party is a subscriber who subscribes to the hot billing service. (1) cUGInterlockCode O O 0x9F 81 44 OCTET(4) Network code + CUG interlock cUGOutgoingAccessUsed O O 0x9F 81 45 ENUMERATED Indicates whether the calling party and called party are in the same CUG group. changeOfglobalAreaID O O 0xBF 81 3D SEQUENCE OF A list of changes in the GCI / SAI each time-stamped. GsmSCF play announcement to SSP and start charging.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description portedflag - - 0x9F 81 34 ENUMERATED Indicates whether the user is ported. firstmccmnc O O 0x9F 81 40 OCTET(3) The MCC and MNC of the network when the call is initiated.. Shall be present only if the hot charging function is applied. globalAreaID O O 0x9F 81 3C OCTET(7) The GCI of the GSM network or the SAI of the WCDMA network. Issue 1. Only present after handover. (1) calledIMSI O O 0x9F 81 35 TBCD(3.8) The IMSI of the forwardedto party. intermediatemccmnc - - 0x9F 81 41 OCTET(3) Reserved for future use.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 55 of 173 . (22 * n) subscriberCategory M M 0x9F 81 3E OCTET(1) The category of subscribers. interactionWithIP O O 0x9F 81 47 NULL (0) In the case of interaction between SSP and IP.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. lastmccmnc O O 0x9F 81 42 OCTET(3) The MCC and MNC of the network when the call is served. 1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description voiceIndicator O O 0x9F 81 4B ENUMERATED Indicates that the announcement is played for the local office or other offices when the call is released.. networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET(1) The ID of virtual operators. usertype O O 0x9F 81 63 ENUMERATED(1) The user type. uus1Type O O 0x9F 81 52 ENUMERATED(1) The type of UUS1. bCategory callType C C C C (1) (1) Indicates whether the called party is busy or idle.4) The call segment association reference number. audioDataType O O 0x9F 81 61 ENUMERATED(1) Indicates whether the data service or speech service is employed by a subscriber. tandem. Issue 1. outgoing.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. csReference O O 0x9F 81 5C OCTET(1. disconnectparty O O 0x9F 81 5A ENUMERATED(1) The party who releases the call first.8) The call segment reference number..00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 56 of 173 . or unknown. such as the intra-office. partyRelCause O O 0xBF 81 6C PartyRelCause Indicates the cause of call release. camelphase O O 0x9F 81 5E ENUMERATED(1) The CAMEL version number. groupCallReference O O 0x9F 81 51 OCTET(4) The reference number of a group call. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR. 0x9F 81 4C ENUMERATED 0x9F 81 4D ENUMERATED (1) Indicates the call type. groupCallType O O 0x9F 81 50 ENUMERATED(1) The type of a group call.2) The enhanced subscriber category.. eCategory O O 0x9F 81 57 INTEGER(1. csaReference O O 0x9F 81 5D INTEGER (1. incoming. typeOfSubscribers O O 0x9F 81 60 ENUMERATED(1) The type of roaming subscriber. callingNumber O O 0x84 ADRESS(2. redirectingcounter O O 0x9F 82 11 INTEGER(1) Times of call forwarding.17) The number of the calling party if available. The MTC records shall be produced in the terminating MSC. Figure 1.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. recordingEntity M M 0x86 ADRESS(2. Issue 1.9) The E.8) The IMSI of the called party. Figure 1. connectedNumber O O 0x85 ADRESS(2..1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description cARP O O 0x9F 81 76 INTEGER(1) The CARP value registered by the subscriber.. servedIMEI O O 0x82 TBCD(8) The IMEI of the called mobile equipment if available. 2..00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 57 of 173 .164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number).4 Mobile Terminated Call Attempt If the generation of these records is enabled. an MTC record shall be created for each incoming call attempt made for a mobile station. CallEventRecordType = 0x01 (1) servedIMSI M M 0x81 TBCD(3. servedMSISDN M M 0x83 ADRESS(2.4 lists the formats of MTC records.9) The primary MSISDN of the called party..17) Only relevant in case of call forwarding where the forwardedto number is recorded.4 MTC record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordType M M 0x80 ENUMERATED Mobile Terminated.. . (1) changeOfService - - 0xAD SEQUENCE OF ( (18. transparencyIndicator O O 0x8C ENUMERATED Indicates whether the basic service was used in transparent or non-transparent mode.. changeOfLocation O O 0xAA SEQUENCE OF A list of changes in Location Area Code / Cell Identifier each time-stamped. The charge advice parameters sent to the MS on call setup.. Supplementary services invoked as a result of this connection..1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description mscIncomingROUTE M M 0xA7 IA5(1. Page 58 of 173 . ( 23 * n ) basicService M M 0xAB OCTET(3) The bearer or teleservice employed. location M M 0xA9 OCTET(8) The identity of the cell or the SAC at the time of CDR creation.28) Huawei Technologies Proprietary A list of changes of basic service during a connection each timestamped.32) The MSC route on which the call is originated at the forwarding MSC.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.32) The route on which the call left the MSC. This field shall be present when one or more supplementary services have been invoked. mscOutgoingROUTE M M 0xA8 IA5(1.27) * n) supplServicesUsed O O 0xAE SEQUENCE OF (16 * n) aocParameters Issue 1. usually to the BSC or RNC.00 (2008-02-25) O O 0xAF OCTET(4. This parameter is provided only for those basic services which may be employed in both transparent and nontransparent modes. . the holding time of call attempts. callDuration M M 0x96 INTEGER(1. ( 43 * n) msClassmark M M 0x91 OCTET(2. releaseTime M M 0x95 OCTET(9) The time stamp when either the calling or the called party releases the traffic channel. Issue 1. including the time at which the new set was applied.3) The mobile station classmark employed on call setup. alertingTime C C 0x9F 81 4C OCTET(9) The time stamp when the Alerting message or ACM message is received from the called party side. as a result of a tariff switchover. answerTime M M 0x94 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the call is answered during a successful connection.g. changeOfClassmark O O 0xB2 OCTET (16 ) A list of changes to the classmark during the connection each time-stamped setupTime C C 0x9F 81 4B OCTET(9) The time stamp when the Setup message or IAM message is received from the calling party side.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.. seizureTime C C 0x93 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the assignment at the called party side is completed.2) The chargeable duration of the connection for successful calls.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description changeOfAOCParms O O 0xB0 SEQUENCE OF The new AOC parameters sent to the MS e.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 59 of 173 . 1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description radioChanRequested M - 0x98 ENUMERATED The type of radio traffic channel (fullrate or half-rate) requested by the MS. sequenceNumber O O 0x9E INTEGER(1) The partial record sequence number. callReference M M 0x9D OCTET(1. when available.. networkCallReference M M 0x9F 21 OCTET(1. only present in case of partial records. (1) radioChanUsed M - 0x99 ENUMERATED (1) The type of radio channel actually used (full-rate or half-rate). changeOfRadioChan O - 0xBA OCTET (14. recordExtensions - - 0xBF 20 SET OF (11 * n) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record. Issue 1. causeForTerm M M 0x9B INTEGER(1) The reason for the release of the connection.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. additionalChgInfo M M 0xBF 1F SEQUENCE(3) Charge/no charge indicator and additional charging parameters. Reserved for future use.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS.17 ) A list of changes to the types of radio traffic channels each time-stamped. diagnostics M M 0xBC INTEGER(4) A more detailed reason for the release of the connection. It is also used to identify all partial records and transactions belonging to the same connection.8) An identifier to correlate transactions on the same call taking place in different network nodes..00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 60 of 173 .. 9) The CAMEL server serving the subscriber. This field is present when either the UTRAN or GERAN air-interface is used on call setup. Shall only be present for 2G HSCSD connections and for UMTS data connections..1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description mSCAddress M M 0x9F 22 ADRESS(2. fnur O O 0x9F 26 ENUMERATED The user data rate applied for the connection in the fixed network. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. UTRAN (or a value of unknown).164 number assigned to the MSC that generated the network call reference. (1) Issue 1. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. serviceKey O O 0x9F 2D INTEGER(1. (1) aiurRequested O O 0x9F 27 ENUMERATED (1) The total Air Interface User Rate Requested by the MS at call setup.9) The E..4) The CAMEL service logic to be applied.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. systemType M M 0x9F 2E ENUMERATED This field indicates the use of GERAN.. Shall only be present for nontransparent HSCSD connections. speechVersionSupported M - 0x9F 2A OCTET(1) The speech version supported by the MS with highest priority indicated by MS. gsm-SCFAddress O O 0x9F 2C ADRESS(2.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 61 of 173 . speechVersionUsed M - 0x9F 2B OCTET(1) The speech version used for that call. 00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary The bit-rate the UMTS bearer service shall guarantee to the user or application. Page 62 of 173 .g. This field may be used to facilitate admission control based on available resources. The maximum bitrate that can be used to make code reservations in the downlink of the radio interface. and for resource allocation within UMTS. partialRecordType O O 0x9F 36 ENUMERATED The event that caused the generation of a partial record. This field is mandatory in case of partial records.008.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. applications with adapting codecs). Shall only be present for UMTS data connections. (1) guaranteedBitrate - M 0x9F 37 ENUMERATED (1) maximumBitrate - M 0x9F 38 ENUMERATED (1) Issue 1. 2) to allow maximum wanted user bit-rate to be defined for applications able to operate with different rates (e. Shall only be present for UMTS data connections. Its purpose is: 1) to limit the delivered bit-rate to applications or external networks with such limitations.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description rateIndication O O 0x9F 2F OCTET(1) Present if "rate adaptation" parameters for the basic service were signaled between the MS/UE and the network. see TS 24. .3) The called party logical area for distance charge. (1) originalCalledNumber O O 0x9F 81 0E ADRESS(2.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description initialCallAttemptFlag O O 0x9F 81 09 NULL(0) Indicates whether the call is set up through the Initial Call Attempt (ICA) operation sent by the SCP. (1) classmark3 O O 0x9F 81 0C OCTET(2) The mobile station classmark 3. defaultCallHandling O O 0x9F 81 16 ENUMERATED Indicates whether a CAMEL call encounters default call handling.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge.. chargedParty M M 0x9F 81 0D ENUMERATED Indicates whether the calling party or the called party is charged for the call..17) The address of original called party. ussdCallBackFlag O O 0x9F 81 0A NULL(0) Indicates that the call is set up when a CAMEL subscriber roaming outside the HPLMN uses the UCB service. (1) Issue 1. calledChargeAreaCode - - 0x9F 81 12 OCTET(1. chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 63 of 173 . This field shall be present only if default call handling has been applied. modemType O O 0x9F 81 0B ENUMERATED The type of Modem used.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC. levelOfCAMELService O O 0x9F 81 1A BIT STRING(2) The indicator for the complexity of the CAMEL feature used.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 64 of 173 . roamingNumber M M 0x9F 81 20 ADRESS(2. only present in case of incoming bear type being TDM.17) The Mobile Station Roaming Number employed to route this connection.2) The CIC. numberOfDPEncountered O O 0x9F 81 19 INTEGER(1) Number that counts how often armed detection points (TDP and EDP) were encountered. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied.. orgRNCorBSCId M M 0x9F 81 27 OCTET(3) The SPC of the RNC or the BSC. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service.. freeFormatDataAppend O O 0x9F 81 18 BOOLEAN(1) Indicator if free format data from this CDR is to be appended to free format data in previous partial CDR.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description freeFormatData O O 0x9F 81 17 OCTET(1. Issue 1. mscIncomingCircuit O O 0x9F 81 26 INTEGER(1. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. The data can be sent either in one FCI message or several FCI messages with append indicator.002.160) This field contains data sent by the gsmSCF in the FCI messages. callEmlppPriority O O 0x9F 81 2A OCTET(1) The EMLPP priority of the call.. See 29.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. This field is not available in the MTC record. Reserved for future use.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description calledDefaultEmlppPriority O O 0x9F 81 2B OCTET(1) The priority of the EMLPP service registered by the calling party. See 29. changeOfglobalAreaID O O 0xBF 81 3D SEQUENCE A list of changes in the GCI / SAI each time-stamped. intermediatemccmnc - - 0x9F 81 41 OCTET(3) Reserved for future use. Only present after handover. Issue 1. (1) globalAreaID M M 0x9F 81 3C OCTET(7) The GCI of the GSM network or the SAI of the WCDMA network. optimalRoutingFlag - - 0x9F 81 31 NULL Shall be present when the optimal routing function is applied. eaSubscriberInfo - - 0x9F 81 2E OCTET(3) The calling subscriber's information of Equal Access. portedflag - - 0x9F 81 34 ENUMERATED Indicates whether the user is ported.002. Reserved for future use. firstmccmnc M M 0x9F 81 40 OCTET(3) The MCC and MNC of the network when the call is initiated. OF (22 * n) subscriberCategory M M 0x9F 81 3E OCTET(1) The category of subscribers.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 65 of 173 .CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. lastmccmnc O O 0x9F 81 42 OCTET(3) The MCC and MNC of the network when the call is served. selectedCIC - - 0x9F 81 2F OCTET(3) The selected code of Carrier identification. This field is not available in the MTC record. (1) cUGIndex O O 0x9F 81 46 OCTET(2) The index of the CUG subscribers.. groupCallReference O O 0x9F 81 54 OCTET(4) The reference number of a group call.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description cUGOutgoingAccessIndicator O O 0x9F 81 43 ENUMERATED The access indicator of the CUG call.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. the number dialed by the calling party. or unknown.17) The address of the called party e. (1) bCategory M M 0x9F 81 4F ENUMERATED (1) callType M M 0x9F 81 50 ENUMERATED (1) Indicates whether the called party is busy or idle. calledNumber C C 0x9F 81 4D ADRESS(2. redirectingnumber O O 0x9F 81 49 ADRESS(2. redirectingcounter O O 0x9F 81 4A INTEGER(1) The number of times of call forwarding. groupCallType O O 0x9F 81 53 ENUMERATED(1 ) The type of a group call.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 66 of 173 .. voiceIndicator O O 0x9F 81 4E ENUMERATED Indicates that the announcement is played for the local office or other offices when the call is released. (1) cUGInterlockCode O O 0x9F 81 44 OCTET(4) Network code + CUG interlock cUGIncomingAccessUsed O O 0x9F 81 45 ENUMERATED Indicates whether the calling party and called party are in the same CUG group. such as the intra-office. outgoing.g. Shall be present only if the hot charging function is applied. Issue 1. hotBillingTag O O 0x9F 81 48 INTEGER(1) Indicates that the charged party is a subscriber who subscribes to the hot billing service.17) The MSISDN of the forwarding party. Indicates the call type. tandem. incoming. 17) The called number after digit translation within the MSC (if applicable).00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 67 of 173 .8) The call segment reference number.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description uus1Type O O 0x9F 81 55 ENUMERATED(1 ) The type of UUS1.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. usertype O O 0x9F 81 63 ENUMERATED(1 ) The user type. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR. zoneCode O O 0x9F 81 70 OCTET (2) The zone code of a cell.. a roaming record shall be created for each call Issue 1. disconnectparty O O 0x9F 81 5A ENUMERATED(1 ) The party who releases the call first. csaReference O O 0x9F 81 5D INTEGER (1. networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET(1) The ID of virtual operators. audioDataType O O 0x9F 81 61 ENUMERATED(1 ) Indicates whether the data service or speech service is employed by a subscriber. partyRelCause O O 0xBF 81 6C PartyRelCause Indicates the cause of call release.. translatedNumber O O 0x9F 81 75 ADRESS (2. 2. tariffCode O O 0x9F 81 59 INTEGER(1) The tariff code. csReference O O 0x9F 81 5C OCTET(1.4) The call segment association reference number.5 Roaming Call Attempt If the generation of these records is enabled. typeOfSubscribers O O 0x9F 81 60 ENUMERATED(1 ) The type of roaming subscriber... eCategory O O 0x9F 81 57 INTEGER(1. cARP O O 0x9F 81 76 INTEGER(1) The CARP value registered by the subscriber.2) The enhanced subscriber category. . Figure 1.5 Roaming record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordType M M 0x80 ENUMERATE D Roaming record. roamingNumber M M 0x84 ADRESS(2. A list of changes of basic service during a connection each time-stamped..9) The E. CallEventRecordType = 0x02 (1) servedIMSI M M 0x81 TBCD(3.. mscIncomingROUTE M M 0xA6 IA5(1.32) The route on which the call left the GMSC.32) The incoming GMSC route on which the call is originated.17) The Mobile Station Roaming Number employed to route this connection.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. basicService M M 0xA8 OCTET(3) The bearer or teleservice employed.. transparencyIndicator O O 0x89 ENUMERATE D (1) changeOfService O O 0xAA SEQUENCE OF ( (18.5 lists the formats of roaming call attempt records. Calling Number O O 0x83 ADRESS(2.8) The IMSI of the called (roaming) party. if available. servedMSISDN M M 0x82 ADRESS(2.1 CDR Description redirected to a mobile subscriber roaming outside the HPLMN...17) The address of the calling party. recordingEntity M M 0x85 ADRESS(2.164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number).. Page 68 of 173 .27) * n) Issue 1. Figure 1. mscOutgoingROUTE M M 0xA7 IA5(1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Indicates whether the basic service was used in transparent or nontransparent mode. These roaming records shall be produced in the GMSC of the roaming subscriber's HPLMN.. This parameter is provided only for those basic services which may be employed in both transparent and nontransparent modes.9) The MSISDN of the called (roaming) party. causeForTerm M M 0x91 INTEGER(1) The reason for the release of the connection. recordExtensions - - 0xB5 SET OF (11 * n) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record.. Reserved for future use. diagnostics M M 0xB2 INTEGER(4) A more detailed reason for the release of the connection. (16 * n) seizureTime - - 0x8C OCTET(9) The time of incoming traffic channel seizure (for unsuccessful call attempts). callReference M M 0x93 OCTET(1. It is also used to identify all partial records and transactions belonging to the same connection.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS.. releaseTime M M 0x8E OCTET(9) The time stamp when either the calling or the called party releases the traffic channel.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description supplServicesUsed O O 0xAB SEQUENCE OF Supplementary services invoked as a result of this connection. answerTime M M 0x8D OCTET(9) The time stamp when the call is answered during a successful connection. sequenceNumber O O 0x94 INTEGER(1) The partial record sequence number. the holding time for call attempts. only present in case of partial records..8) An identifier to correlate transactions on the same call taking place in different network nodes.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. networkCallReference M M 0x96 OCTET(1.2) The chargeable duration of the connection for successful calls. it is not available. callDuration M M 0x8F INTEGER(1. This field shall be present when one or more supplementary services have been invoked. Issue 1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 69 of 173 . At present. See 29. This field indicates the CIC. This field is not used in ROAM. Reserved for future use...3) The called party logical area for distance charge.) that caused the generation of a partial record. This field is not used in ROAM. partialRecordType O O 0x9E ENUMERATE D (1) additionalChgInfo chargedParty M M M M 0xBF 81 05 0x9F 81 0D The event (time limit etc. only present in case of outgoing bear type being TDM.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge. when available.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 70 of 173 . chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1. callEmlppPriority O O 0x9F 81 2A OCTET(1) The EMLPP priority of the call. mscOutgoingCircuit O O 0x9F 81 26 INTEGER(1... calledChargeAreaCode - - 0x9F 81 12 OCTET(1. selectedCIC - - 0x9F 81 2F OCTET(3) The selected code of Carrier identification.2) mscIncomingCircuit O O This field indicates the CIC. ENUMERATE D Indicates whether the calling subscriber or the called subscriber is charged for the call.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description mSCAddress M M 0x97 ADRESS(2. Issue 1.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. only present in case of incoming bear type being TDM.2) 0x9F 81 27 INTEGER(1. (1) originalCalledNumber O O 0x9F 81 0E ADRESS(2. eaSubscriberInfo - - 0x9F 81 2E OCTET(3) The calling subscriber's information of Equal Access.17) The address of original called party. SEQUENCE(3) Charge/no charge indicator and additional charging parameters. orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC.9) The E. This field is mandatory in case of partial records...002.164 number assigned to the MSC that generated the network call reference. serviceKey O O 0x9F 81 59 INTEGER(1. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied..1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description optimalRoutingFlag - - 0x9F 81 31 NULL Shall be present when the optimal routing function is applied. levelOfCAMELService O O 0x9F 81 5A BIT STRING(2) The indicator for the complexity of the CAMEL feature used.2) The enhanced subscriber category.. typeOfSubscribers O O 0x9F 81 60 ENUMERATE D(1) The type of roaming subscriber. It is available only when the hot charging function is applied. cUGOutgoingAccessIndicator O O 0x9F 81 43 ENUMERATE D The access indicator of the CUG call. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR. Issue 1. subscriberCategory M M 0x9F 81 3E OCTET(1) The category of subscribers. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. (1) cUGInterlockCode O O 0x9F 81 44 OCTET(4) Network code + CUG interlock hotBillingTag O O 0x9F 81 48 INTEGER(1) Indicates that the charged party is a subscriber who subscribes to the hot billing service. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied.4) The CAMEL service logic to be applied. partyRelCause O O 0xBF 81 6C PartyRelCause Indicates the cause of call release.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. eCategory O O 0x9F 81 57 INTEGER(1..9) The CAMEL server serving the subscriber. gsm-SCFAddress O O 0x9F 81 58 ADRESS(2.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 71 of 173 . Reserved for future use. networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET (1) The ID of virtual operators. These records.. setupTime C C 0x9F 81 49 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the Setup message or IAM message is received from the calling party side. may be used to settle accounts with other networks. calledNumber M M 0x82 ADRESS(2. produced in the gateway MSC..32) The route on which the call left the GMSC. seizureTime O O 0x86 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the assignment at the called party side is completed. mscIncomingROUTE M M 0xA4 IA5(1. an incoming gateway record shall be created for each incoming call attempt received by a gateway MSC from another network. The generation of gateway records shall not be influenced by the production of MTC records i. Issue 1.. recordingEntity M M 0x83 ADRESS(2.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description translatedNumber O O 0x9F 81 75 ADRESS (2.17) The called number after digit translation within the MSC (if applicable). CallEventRecordType = 0x03 (1) callingNumber O O 0x81 ADRESS(2.9) The E.17) The number of the calling party if available at this node.6 Incoming gateway record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordType M M 0x80 ENUMERATED Incoming gateway record.6 lists the formats of incoming gateway call attempt records. even if the GMSC and terminating MSC are co-located a gateway record shall still be produced.17) The address of the called party as seen by the GMSC.32) The incoming GMSC route on which the call is originated..164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number). 2.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 72 of 173 ..6 Incoming Gateway Call Attempt If the generation of these records is enabled. Figure 1.e.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. Figure 1. This is the number employed by the GMSC for routing. mscOutgoingROUTE M M 0xA5 IA5(1.. Page 73 of 173 . sequenceNumber O O 0x8E INTEGER(1) The partial record sequence number.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS.007. callDuration M M 0x89 INTEGER(1. causeForTerm M M 0x8B INTEGER(1) The reason for the release of the connection. It is also used to identify all partial records and transactions belonging to the same connection. Reserved for future use. This field is mandatory in case of partial records.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. see TS 29.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description alertingTime C C 0x9F 81 4A OCTET(9) The time stamp when the Alerting message or ACM message is received from the called party side. recordExtensions - - 0xAF SET OF (11 * n) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record. (1) iSDN-BC Issue 1.00 (2008-02-25) O O 0x97 OCTET(1. only present in case of partial records.2) The accountable duration (answer -> release of incoming trunk) of the connection if successful.12) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Present if this parameter is signaled back from the VMSC to the GMSC in the access transport parameter of the Answer message (ANM). releaseTime M M 0x88 OCTET(9) The time stamp when either the calling or the called party releases the traffic channel. partialRecordType O O 0x96 ENUMERATED The event (time limit etc.. answerTime M M 0x87 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the call is answered during a successful connection. diagnostics M M 0xAC INTEGER(4) A more detailed reason for the release of the connection...) that caused the generation of a partial record. callReference M M 0x8D OCTET(1. see TS 24. when available.007. (1) originalCalledNumber O O 0x9F 81 0E ADRESS(2. mscIncomingCircuit M O 0x9F 81 27 INTEGER(1. chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1. eaSubscriberInfo O O 0x9F 81 2E OCTET(3) The calling subscriber's information of Equal Access.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description lLC O O 0x98 OCTET(1.17) The address of original called party. see TS 29. See 29..008.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 74 of 173 . only present in case of incoming bear type being TDM.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge.18) Present if this parameter is signaled back from the VMSC to the GMSC in the access transport parameter of the Answer message (ANM). additionalChgInfo M M 0xBF 81 05 SEQUENCE(3) Charge/no charge indicator and additional charging parameters. hLC O O 0x99 OCTET(1.. see TS 29.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN..2) This field indicates the CIC. basicService M M 0xBF 81 02 OCTET(3) The bearer or teleservice employed.12) Present if this parameter is signaled back from the VMSC to the GMSC in the access transport parameter of the Answer message (ANM).. rateIndication O O 0x9F 81 1F OCTET(1) Present if "rate adaptation" parameters for the basic service were signaled between the MS/UE and the network. chargedParty - - 0x9F 81 0D ENUMERATED Indicates whether the calling party or the called party is charged for the call.002. Issue 1. callEmlppPriority O O 0x9F 81 2A OCTET(1) The EMLPP priority of the call.17) The Mobile Station Roaming Number employed to route this connection. selectedCIC O O 0x9F 81 2F OCTET(3) The selected code of Carrier identification.. orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC..007. roamingNumber O O 0x9F 81 20 ADRESS(2. 8) An identifier to correlate transactions on the same call taking place in different network nodes. (1) cUGInterlockCode O O 0x9F 81 44 COTET(4) Network code + CUG interlock cUGIncomingAccessUsed O O 0x9F 81 45 ENUMERATED Indicates whether the calling party and called party are in the same CUG group. tandem.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 75 of 173 . partyRelCause O O 0xBF 81 6C PartyRelCause Indicates the cause of call release. (1) mscIncomingRouteAttribute O O 0x9F 81 46 ENUMERATED (1) mscOutgoingRouteAttribute O O 0x9F 81 47 ENUMERATED (1) The attribute of incoming routes. networkCallReference M M 0x9F 81 48 OCTET(1.. audioDataType O O 0x9F 81 61 ENUMERATED (1) Indicates whether the data service or speech service is employed by a subscriber. translatedNumber O O 0x9F 81 75 ADRESS (2.. voiceIndicator O O 0x9F 81 4B ENUMERATED Indicates that the announcement is played for the local office or other offices when the call is released. cUGOutgoingAccessIndicator O O 0x9F 81 43 ENUMERATED The access indicator of the CUG call.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR. servedIMSI O O 0x9F 81 6F TBCD(3.. or unknown. Issue 1. The attribute of outgoing routes. (1) bCategory C C 0x9F 81 4C ENUMERATED (1) callType C C Indicates whether the called party is busy or idle. disconnectparty O O 0x9F 81 5A ENUMERATED (1) The party who releases the call first. networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET (1) The ID of virtual operators.8) The IMSI of the called party. incoming. 0x9F 81 4D ENUMERATED (1) Indicates the call type.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description subscriberCategory M M 0x9F 81 3E OCTET(1) The category of subscribers. outgoing. such as the intra-office.17) The called number after digit translation within the MSC (if applicable). produced in the gateway MSC. lastmccmnc O O 0x9F 81 7A OCTET(3) The MCC and MNC of the network when the call is served. 2. CallEventRecordType = 0x04 (1) callingNumber O O 0x81 ADRESS(2..7 Outgoing Gateway Call Attempt If the generation of these records is enabled. Only present after handover. changeOfLocation O O 0xBF 81 78 SEQUENCE OF ( 23 * n ) A list of changes in Location Area Code / Cell Identifier each time-stamped.17) The MSISDN of the forwarding party.7 lists the formats of outgoing gateway call attempt records. Issue 1. redirectingnumber O O 0x9F 82 10 ADRESS(2.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 76 of 173 . These records.17 ) The address of the called party as seen by the GMSC. an outgoing gateway record shall be created for each outgoing call attempt from a gateway MSC to another network. calledNumber M M 0x82 ADRESS(2.e. This is the number employed by the GMSC for routing.. Figure 1.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description location O O 0xBF 81 77 OCTET(8) The identity of the cell or the SAC at the time of CDR creation. Figure 1.. may be used to settle accounts with other networks.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.17 ) The number of the calling party if available at this node. firstmccmnc O O 0x9F 81 79 OCTET(3) The MCC and MNC of the network when the call is initiated. including the location area code. even if the GMSC and originating MSC are co-located a gateway record shall still be produced. redirectingcounter O O 0x9F 82 11 INTEGER(1) Times of call forwarding.7 Outgoing gateway record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordType M M 0x80 ENUMERATE D Outgoing gateway record. The generation of gateway records shall not be influenced by the production of MOC records i. Issue 1. seizureTime O O 0x86 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the assignment at the calling party side is completed.164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number).1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordingEntity M M 0x83 ADRESS(2.32) The route on which the call left the GMSC. only present in case of partial records. answerTime M M 0x87 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the call is answered during a successful connection.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 77 of 173 .. It is also used to identify all partial records and transactions belonging to the same connection.. diagnostics M M 0xAC INTEGER(4) A more detailed reason for the release of the connection. callReference M M 0x8D OCTET(1.2 ) The accountable duration (answer -> release of incoming trunk) of the connection if successful.9) The E. callDuration M M 0x89 INTEGER(1. mscIncomingROUTE M M 0xA4 IA5(1.. sequenceNumber O O 0x8E INTEGER(1) The partial record sequence number.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS. setupTime C C 0x9F 81 49 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the Setup message or IAM message is received from the calling party side. causeForTerm M M 0x8B INTEGER(1) The reason for the release of the connection. mscOutgoingROUTE M M 0xA5 IA5(1.32) The incoming GMSC route on which the call is originated..CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.. alertingTime C C 0x9F 81 4A OCTET(9) The time stamp when the Alerting message or ACM message is received from the called party side. releaseTime M M 0x88 OCTET(9) The time stamp when either the calling or the called party releases the traffic channel. chargedParty - - 0x9F 81 0D ENUMERATE D (1) Indicates whether the calling party or the called party is charged for the call. only present in case of outgoing bear type being TDM.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 78 of 173 . subscriberCategory M M 0x9F 81 3E OCTET(1) The category of subscribers. chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.2 ) This field indicates the CIC.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge. mscOutgoingCircuit M O 0x9F 81 26 INTEGER(1. partialRecordType O O 0x96 ENUMERATE D The event (time limit etc. when available.) that caused the generation of a partial record. selectedCIC O O 0x9F 81 2F OCTET(3) The selected code of Carrier identification. orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC. See 29. Issue 1.008. Reserved for future use.. additionalChgInfo M M 0xBF 81 05 SEQUENCE(3 ) Charge/no charge indicator and additional charging parameters.002. This field is mandatory in case of partial records.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordExtensions - - 0xAF SET OF (11*n ) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record.17 ) The address of original called party. see TS 24. eaSubscriberInfo O O 0x9F 81 2E OCTET(3) The calling subscriber's information of Equal Access.. rateIndication O O 0x9F 81 1F OCTET(1) Present if "rate adaptation" parameters for the basic service were signaled between the MS/UE and the network. (1) basicService M M 0xBF 81 02 OCTET(3) The bearer or teleservice employed. originalCalledNumber O O 0x9F 81 0E ADRESS(2. callEmlppPriority O O 0x9F 81 2A OCTET(1) The EMLPP priority of the call.17 ) The Mobile Station Roaming Number employed to route this connection.. roamingNumber O O 0x9F 81 20 ADRESS(2.. CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. (1) cUGInterlockCode O O 0x9F 81 44 OCTET(4) Network code + CUG interlock cUGIncomingAccessUsed O O 0x9F 81 45 ENUMERATE D (1) Indicates whether the calling party and called party are in the same CUG group. ENUMERATE D The attribute of incoming routes. ENUMERATE D Indicates whether the called party is busy or idle. outgoing. voiceIndicator O O 0x9F 81 4B ENUMERATE D (1) Indicates that the announcement is played for the local office or other offices when the call is released.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 79 of 173 .. or unknown. mscIncomingRouteAttribute O O 0x9F 81 46 (1) mscOutgoingRouteAttribute O O 0x9F 81 47 ENUMERATE D The attribute of outgoing routes.8) An identifier to correlate transactions on the same call taking place in different network nodes. tandem. partyRelCause O O 0xBF 81 6C PartyRelCause Indicates the cause of call release.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description cUGOutgoingAccessIndicator O O 0x9F 81 43 ENUMERATE D The access indicator of the CUG call. networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET (1) The ID of virtual operators. bCategory C C 0x9F 81 4C (1) callType C C 0x9F 81 4D ENUMERATE D (1) Indicates the call type. (1) networkCallReference M M 0x9F 81 48 OCTET(1. disconnectparty O O 0x9F 81 5A ENUMERATE D(1) The party who releases the call first. audioDataType O O 0x9F 81 61 ENUMERATE D(1) Indicates whether the data service or speech service is employed by a subscriber. Issue 1. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR. such as the intra-office. incoming. Figure 1.8 Transit record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordType M M 0x80 ENUMERATE D Transit record.. The transit records. may be used to record traffic from particular origins or to particular destinations. Only present after handover. a transit record shall only be produced if no MOC or MTC record is produced for this call attempt. For the avoidance of doubt.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description translatedNumber O O 0x9F 81 75 ADRESS (2.17) The called number after digit translation within the MSC (if applicable).8 lists the formats of transit call attempt records. changeOfLocation O O 0xBF 81 78 SEQUENCE OF ( 23 * n ) A list of changes in Location Area Code / Cell Identifier each time-stamped. including the location area code. Figure 1. Page 80 of 173 .8 Transit Call Attempt If the generation of these records is enabled.9) Huawei Technologies Proprietary The E. redirectingcounter O O 0x9F 82 11 INTEGER(1) Times of call forwarding. a transit record may be generated for each incoming call attempt received by a Transit MSC i.. redirectingnumber O O 0x9F 82 10 ADRESS(2.164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number). CallEventRecordType = 0x05 (1) recordingEntity Issue 1..e.00 (2008-02-25) M M 0x81 ADRESS(2. 2. firstmccmnc O O 0x9F 81 79 OCTET(3) The MCC and MNC of the network when the call is initiated. neither originating nor terminating.17 ) The MSISDN of the forwarding party. lastmccmnc O O 0x9F 81 7A OCTET(3) The MCC and MNC of the network when the call is served. produced in the TMSC.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. location O O 0xBF 81 77 OCTET(8) The identity of the cell or the SAC at the time of CDR creation. callingNumber O O 0x84 ADRESS(2.17 ) The address of the called party as seen by the TMSC. calledNumber M M 0x85 ADRESS(2. callDuration M M 0x8A INTEGER(1. releaseTime M M 0x89 OCTET(9) The time stamp when either the calling or the called party releases the traffic channel. alertingTime C C 0x9F 81 4A OCTET(9) The time stamp when the Alerting message or ACM message is received from the called party side.17 ) The number of the calling party if available at this node.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 81 of 173 ..2 ) The chargeable duration of the connection if successful.. setupTime C C 0x9F 81 49 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the Setup message or IAM message is received from the calling party side.32) The TMSC route on which the call is originated. It is not available at present. mscOutgoingROUTE M M 0xA3 IA5(1.32) The route on which the call left the TMSC.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. Issue 1..1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description mscIncomingROUTE M M 0xA2 IA5(1... isdnBasicService O O 0x86 OCTET(1) The ISDN basic service employed. causeForTerm M M 0x8C INTEGER(1) The reason for the release of the connection. answerTime M M 0x88 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the call is answered during a successful connection. seizureTime - - 0x87 OCTET(9) The time stamp of incoming trunk seizure for unsuccessful call attempts. diagnostics M M 0xAD INTEGER(4) A more detailed reason for the release of the connection. CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. additionalChgInfo M M 0xBF 81 05 SEQUENCE(3) Charge/no charge indicator and additional charging parameters. rateIndication O O 0x9F 81 1F OCTET(1) Present if "rate adaptation" parameters for the basic service were signaled between the MS/UE and the network.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS. Issue 1. mscOutgoingCircuit M O 0x9F 81 26 INTEGER(1. It is also used to identify all partial records and transactions belonging to the same connection.. when available. only present in case of partial records. (1) basicService M M 0xBF 81 02 OCTET(3) The bearer or teleservice employed. originalCalledNumber O O 0x9F 81 0E ADRESS(2.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge.2 ) This field indicates the CIC. only present in case of outgoing bear type being TDM. partialRecordType O O 0x97 ENUMERATE D The event (time limit etc. Reserved for future use.008.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 82 of 173 . only present in case of incoming bear type being TDM.) that caused the generation of a partial record.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description callReference M M 0x8E OCTET(1. This field is mandatory in case of partial records. roamingNumber O O 0x9F 81 20 ADRESS(2. sequenceNumber O O 0x8F INTEGER(1) The partial record sequence number...17 ) The Mobile Station Roaming Number employed to route this connection.17 ) The address of original called party. see TS 24..2 ) This field indicates the CIC. mscIncomingCircuit M O 0x9F 81 27 INTEGER(1.. chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1.. recordExtensions - - 0xB0 SET OF (11 * n) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record. cUGOutgoingAccessIndicator O O 0x9F 81 43 ENUMERATE D The access indicator of the CUG call. bCategory C C 0x9F 81 4C (1) callType C C 0x9F 81 4D ENUMERATE D (1) Issue 1. tandem. (1) mscIncomingRouteAttribute O O 0x9F 81 46 ENUMERATE D The attribute of incoming routes. ENUMERATE D Indicates whether the called party is busy or idle. eaSubscriberInfo O O 0x9F 81 2E OCTET(3) The calling subscriber's information of Equal Access. Page 83 of 173 . outgoing. (1) cUGInterlockCode O O 0x9F 81 44 OCTET(4) Network code + CUG interlock cUGIncomingAccessUsed O O 0x9F 81 45 ENUMERATE D Indicates whether the calling party and called party are in the same CUG group.002. subscriberCategory M M 0x9F 81 3E OCTET(1) The category of subscribers.. (1) networkCallReference M M 0x9F 81 48 OCTET(1. incoming. or unknown.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Indicates the call type.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. selectedCIC O O 0x9F 81 2F OCTET(3) The selected code of Carrier identification.8) An identifier to correlate transactions on the same call taking place in different network nodes. See 29.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC. (1) mscOutgoingRouteAttribute O O 0x9F 81 47 ENUMERATE D The attribute of outgoing routes. voiceIndicator O O 0x9F 81 4B ENUMERATE D (1) Indicates that the announcement is played for the local office or other offices when the call is released. such as the intra-office. callEmlppPriority O O 0x9F 81 2A OCTET(1) The EMLPP priority of the call. 9 lists the formats of SMS-MO records. if available.. redirectingnumber O O 0x9F 82 10 ADRESS(2. Figure 1. Figure 1. servedIMEI O O 0x82 TBCD(8) The IMEI of the ME sending the message.9 Short Message Service.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. Issue 1.17) The called number after digit translation within the MSC (if applicable). CallEventRecordType = 0x06 (1) servedIMSI M M 0x81 TBCD(3. redirectingcounter O O 0x9F 82 11 INTEGER(1) Times of call forwarding. for each short message sent by a mobile subscriber. 2. networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET (1) The ID of virtual operators.8) The IMSI of the subscriber sending the short message.9 SMS-MO record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordType M M 0x80 ENUMERATE D SMS-Mobile originated record.17 ) The MSISDN of the forwarding party. Mobile Originated If the generation of these records is enabled.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description disconnectparty O O 0x9F 81 5A ENUMERATE D(1) The party who releases the call first. partyRelCause O O 0xBF 81 6C PartyRelCause Indicates the cause of call release.. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR. translatedNumber O O 0x9F 81 75 ADRESS (2. cmnFlag O O 0x9F 81 7B ENUMERATE D(1) Indicates whether the CMN call is invoked. within the originating MSC. audioDataType O O 0x9F 81 61 ENUMERATE D(1) Indicates whether the data service or speech service is employed by a subscriber..00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 84 of 173 . an SMS-MO record shall be produced. 17 ) The destination short message subscriber number.. smsResult O O 0xAA INTEGER (4) The result of the attempted delivery if unsuccessful.9) The E. recordingEntity M M 0x86 ADRESS(2.164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number).58) A set of CAMEL information IEs.. recordExtensions - - 0xAB SET OF (11 * n) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record. (1) Issue 1. Each of these IEs contains information related to CAMEL call leg related for the SMS. originationTime M M 0x89 OCTET(9) The time at which the message was received by the MSC from the subscriber.9) The E. messageReference M M 0x88 OCTET (3.. UTRAN (or a value of unknown).. cAMELSMSInformation O O 0xAD SET (34. destinationNumber M M 0x8C ADRESS(2.164 address of the SMS service center. location M M 0xA7 OCTET(8) The Location Area Code and Cell Identifier from which the message is originated.9) The primary MSISDN of the subscriber sending the message.3) The mobile station classmark.. msClassmark M M 0x84 OCTET(2.8) A reference.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 85 of 173 .CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.. serviceCentre M M 0x85 ADRESS(2. Reserved for future use.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description servedMSISDN M M 0x83 ADRESS(2.. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. provided by the MS uniquely identifying this message. systemType M M 0x8E ENUMERATE D This field indicates the use of GERAN. This field is present when either the UTRAN or GERAN airinterface is used on call setup. classmark3 O O 0x9F 81 0C OCTET(2) The mobile station classmark 3. such as 1. firstmccmnc M M 0x9F 81 40 OCTET(3) Indicates the MCC and MNC of the network where the SMS is initiated. … maximum Number Of SMS In The Concatenated SMS. Issue 1. smstext O O 0x9F 81 44 OCTET(1. additionalChgInfo M M 0xBF 81 05 SEQUENCE(3) Charge/no charge indicator and additional charging parameters. or text.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.. such as the normal SM. picture. concatenatedSMSReferenceNum ber O O 0x9F 81 46 INTEGER(1. orgRNCorBSCId M M 0x9F 81 27 OCTET(3) The SPC of the RNC or the BSC. (1) chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1..2 ) Indicates the reference number of the concatenated short messages. chargedParty M M 0x9F 81 0D ENUMERATE D Indicates whether the calling party or the called party is charged for the call. when available.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description basicService M M 0xBF 81 02 OCTET(3) The bearer or teleservice employed. maximumNumberOfSMSInThe ConcatenatedSMS O O 0x9F 81 45 INTEGER(1) Indicates the maximum of the concatenated short messages. subscriberCategory M M 0x9F 81 3E OCTET(1) The category of subscribers.160) Indicates the content of a short message. globalAreaID M M 0x9F 81 3C OCTET(7) The GCI of the GSM network or the SAI of the WCDMA network.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 86 of 173 .. smsUserDataType M M 0x9F 81 43 OCTET(1) Indicates the user data type. 2. orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge. sequenceNumberOfTheCurrentS MS O O 0x9F 81 47 INTEGER(1) Indicates the sequence of the current concatenated short message. if available. within the terminating MSC.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. servedMSISDN M M 0x84 ADRESS(2.9) The E.10 Short Message Service. Figure 1. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR.9) The MSISDN of the receiving party.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description hotBillingTag O O 0x9F 81 48 INTEGER(1) Indicates that the charged party is a subscriber who subscribes to the hot billing service. Shall be present only if the hot charging function is applied.. zoneCode O O 0x9F81 70 OCTET (2) The zone code of a cell. Issue 1. Figure 1. for each short message received by a mobile subscriber...8) The IMSI of the receiving party. typeOfSubscribers O O 0x9F 81 60 ENUMERATE D(1) The type of roaming subscriber. networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET (1) The ID of virtual operators. servedIMSI M M 0x82 TBCD(3.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS. CallEventRecordType = 0x07 (1) serviceCentre M M 0x81 ADRESS(2. callReference M M 0x9F 81 49 OCTET(1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 87 of 173 . Mobile Terminated If the generation of these records is enabled. an SMS-MT record shall be produced.10 SMS-MT record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordType M M 0x80 ENUMERATE D SMS-Mobile Terminated record. tariffCode O O 0x9F 81 4A INTEGER(1) The tariff code..164 address of the SMS service center. 2.10 lists the formats of SMS-MT records. servedIMEI O O 0x83 TBCD(8) The IMEI of the receiving party. smsResult O O 0xA9 INTEGER(4) The result of the attempted delivery if unsuccessful. systemType M M 0x8B ENUMERATE D This field indicates the use of GERAN. SMS MT CSI is not available in MSC-Server.9) The E. (1) cAMELSMSInformation O O 0xAC SET (34. additionalChgInfo M M 0xBF 81 05 SEQUENCE(3 ) Charge/no charge indicator and additional charging parameters. when available. time at which message was sent to the MS by the MSC.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 88 of 173 .3) The mobile station classmark.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description msClassmark M M 0x85 OCTET(2. basicService M M 0xBF 81 02 OCTET(3) The bearer or teleservice employed. recordingEntity M M 0x86 ADRESS(2. recordExtensions - - 0xAA SET OF (11 * n) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record. Issue 1.58) A set of CAMEL information IEs. Each of these IEs contains information related to CAMEL call leg related for the SMS. deliveryTime M M 0x88 OCTET(9) Delivery time stamp. In CAMEL phase 2 or 3. UTRAN (or a value of unknown). Reserved for future use.. location M M 0xA7 OCTET(8) The Location Area Code and Cell Identifier to which the message was delivered. This field is present when either the UTRAN or GERAN air-interface is used on call setup..CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. so that the CAMELSMSInformation is also not available in SMSMT records.164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number).. Issue 1.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description classmark3 O O 0x9F 81 0C OCTET(2) The mobile station classmark 3. such as 1. such as the normal SM. hotBillingTag O O 0x9F 81 48 INTEGER(1) Indicates that the charged party is a subscriber who subscribes to the hot billing service. Shall be present only if the hot charging function is applied. subscriberCategory M M 0x9F 81 3E OCTET(1) The category of subscribers. chargedParty M M 0x9F 81 0D ENUMERATE D Indicates whether the calling party or the called party is charged for the call. globalAreaID M M 0x9F 81 3C OCTET(7) The GCI of the GSM network or the SAI of the WCDMA network. orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC. 'orgRNCorBSCId M M 0x9F 81 27 OCTET(3) The SPC of the RNC or the BSC. firstmccmnc M M 0x9F 81 40 OCTET(3) Indicates the MCC and MNC of the network where SMS is terminated. or text. concatenatedSMSReferenceNumb er O O 0x9F 81 46 INTEGER(1.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. sequenceNumberOfTheCurrentS MS O O 0x9F 81 47 INTEGER(1) Indicates the sequence of the current concatenated short message.. picture.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge. maximumNumberOfSMSInTheCo ncatenatedSMS O O 0x9F 81 45 INTEGER(1) Indicates the maximum of the concatenated short messages. … maximum Number Of SMS In The Concatenated SMS. (1) chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 89 of 173 . smstext O O 0x9F 81 44 OCTET(1... smsUserDataType M M 0x9F 81 43 OCTET(1) Indicates the user data type.160 ) Indicates the content of a short message. 2.2 ) Indicates the reference number of the concatenated short messages. 11 lists the formats of LCS-MT records. Figure 1.164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number).8) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Further identification of the LCS client. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description origination M M 0x9F 81 49 ADRESS(2. within the visited MSC. Page 90 of 173 . lcsClientType M M 0x82 ENUMERAT ED The type of the LCS client that invoked the LR.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. for each mobile a terminated location request is performed for. (1) lcsClientIdentity M M 0xA3 SEQUENCE (13. 9) The E. The IMSI of the subscriber the LR is invoked for.. Figure 1. typeOfSubscribers O O 0x9F 81 60 ENUMERATE D(1) The type of roaming subscriber.17 ) The originating short message subscriber number.00 (2008-02-25) M M 0x84 TBCD(3. networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET (1) The ID of virtual operators.. 2. CallEventRecordType = 0x17 (1) recordingEntity M M 0x81 ADRESS(2.. callReference M M 0x9F 81 4A OCTET(1..11 LCS-MT record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordType M M 0x80 ENUMERAT ED LCS-MT record.11 Mobile Terminated Location Request (MT-LR) If the generation of these records is enabled.29) servedIMSI Issue 1.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS.. zoneCode O O 0x9F 81 70 OCTET (2) The zone code of a cell. tariffCode O O 0x9F 81 4B INTEGER(1) The tariff code. an LCS-MT record shall be produced. measureDuration M M 0x8B INTEGER(1. This field is present when either the UTRAN or GERAN airinterface is used on call setup. systemType M M 0x93 ENUMERAT ED This field indicates the use of GERAN.. (1) privacyOverride O O 0x8D NULL(0) This parameter indicates whether the MS privacy was overridden by the LCS client.... locationType M M 0xA6 SEQUENCE The type of the location request. UTRAN (or a value of unknown).21) lcsQos O O 0xA7 SEQUENCE QoS of the LR.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description servedMSISDN M M 0x85 ADRESS(2. if available.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. if available. location M M 0xAE OCTET(8) The LAC and CI when the LR is received.20 ) The location estimate for the subscriber if contained in geographic position and the LR was successful. mlc-Number M M 0x89 ADRESS(2. diagnostics O O 0xB2 INTEGER(4) A more detailed information about the Cause for Termination if any failure happened. locationEstimate M M 0x8F OCTET(1. eventTimeStamp M M 0x8A OCTET(9) The time at which the LR was received by the MSC. 9) The E. with the result of the notification recorded in the CDR. lcsCause O O 0x91 OCTET(1) The result of the LR if any failure or partial success happened as known at the radio interface. notificationToMSUser M M 0x8C ENUMERAT ED The privacy notification to MS user that was applicable when the LR was invoked.33 ) The positioning method used or attempted. (1) recordExtensions Issue 1. Reserved for future use. (6.00 (2008-02-25) - - 0xB4 SET OF (11 * n) Huawei Technologies Proprietary A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record.. if available. 9) The MSISDN of the subscriber the LR is invoked for.. 2) The duration of preceding the location request.164 address of the requesting GMLC. Page 91 of 173 . positioningData M M 0x90 OCTET(1. (11) lcsPriority M M 0x88 OCTET(1) Priority of the LR. 00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 92 of 173 . recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR.. servedIMEI O O 0x9F 66 TBCD(8) The IMEI of the party who the LR is executed for if available.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge. subscriberCategory M M 0x9F 81 3E OCTET(1) The category of subscribers. (1) chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1. Shall be present only if the hot charging function is applied. globalAreaID M M 0x9F 81 3C OCTET(7) The GCI of the GSM network or the SAI of the WCDMA network..8)) Reserved for future use. networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET (1) The ID of virtual operators. when available. firstmccmnc M M 0x9F 81 40 OCTET(3) Indicates the MCC and MNC of the network where LCS is initiated. tariffCode O O 0x9F 81 59 INTEGER(1) The tariff code. lcsReferenceNumber - - 0x9F 65 OCTET STRING (SIZE (1. zoneCode O O 0x9F 81 70 OCTET (2) The zone code of a cell. additionalChgInfo M M 0xBF 81 05 SEQUENCE( 3) Charge/no charge indicator and additional charging parameters. Issue 1. callReference M M 0x9F 81 49 OCTET(1.. chargedParty M M 0x9F 81 0D ENUMERAT ED Indicates whether the calling party or the called party is charged for the call.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS. orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC. typeOfSubscribers O O 0x9F 81 60 ENUMERAT ED(1) The type of roaming subscriber. orgRNCorBSCId M M 0x9F 81 27 OCTET(3) The SPC of the RNC or the BSC.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description causeForTerm M M 0x95 INTEGER(1) The reason for the termination of the location service. hotBillingTag O O 0x9F 81 48 INTEGER(1) Indicates that the charged party is a subscriber who subscribes to the hot billing service. .29) Further identification of the LCS client. Issue 1. for each mobile an originated location request is performed for.9) The E.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 93 of 173 .. lcsClientType O O 0x82 ENUMERATED The type of the LCS client that invoked the LR.2) The duration of preceding the location request.9) The E. locationEstimate M M 0x8D OCTET(1. molr-Type M M 0x86 INTEGER(1) The type of the LR.20) The location estimate for the subscriber if contained in geographic position and the LR was successful. measureDuration M M 0x8B INTEGER(1.. Figure 1. (1) lcsClientIdentity O O 0xA3 SEQUENCE (13. mlc-Number O O 0x89 ADRESS(2. lcsQos O O 0xA7 SEQUENCE(11) QoS of the LR. servedIMSI M M 0x84 TBCD(3. Figure 1.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. location M M 0xAC SEQUENCE (8) The identity of the cell or the SAC occupied by the originating party when the LCS was applied. if available. if available. lcsPriority M M 0x88 OCTET(1) Priority of the LR.12 Mobile Originated Location Request (MO-LR) If the generation of these records is enabled..8) The IMSI of the subscriber the LR is invoked for.164 address of the involved GMLC.9) The MSISDN of the subscriber the LR is invoked for.12 LCS-MO record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordType M M 0x80 ENUMERATED LCS-MO record.12 lists the formats of LCS-MO records.164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number).. servedMSISDN M M 0x85 ADRESS(2. CallEventRecordType = 0x18 (1) recordingEntity M M 0x81 ADRESS(2.. within the visited MSC. an LCS-MO record shall be produced.1 CDR Description 2. eventTimeStamp M M 0x8A OCTET(9) The time at which the LR was received by the MSC.. CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 94 of 173 . UTRAN (or a value of unknown). (1) chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge. if available. orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC. (1) recordExtensions - - 0xB2 SET OF (11 * n) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record. lcsCause O O 0x8F OCTET(1) The result of the LR if any failure or partial success happened as known at the radio interface. Issue 1.. subscriberCategory M M 0x9F 81 3E OCTET(1) The category of subscribers.. when available.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description positioningData M M 0x8E OCTET(1.33) The positioning method used or attempted. systemType M M 0x91 ENUMERATED This field indicates the use of GERAN. servedIMEI O O 0x9F 66 TBCD(8) The IMEI of the party who the LR is executed for if available. orgRNCorBSCId M M 0x9F 81 27 OCTET(3) The SPC of the RNC or the BSC. causeForTerm M M 0x93 INTEGER(1) The reason for the termination of the location service. diagnostics O O 0xB0 INTEGER(4) A more detailed information about the Cause for Termination if any failure happened. chargedParty M M 0x9F 81 0D ENUMERATED Indicates whether the calling party or the called party is charged for the call. additionalChgInfo M M 0xBF 81 05 SEQUENCE(3) Charge/no charge indicator and additional charging parameters. lcsReferenceNumber - - 0x9F 65 OCTET STRING (SIZE (1. This field is present when either the UTRAN or GERAN air-interface is used on call setup. globalAreaID M M 0x9F 81 3C OCTET(7) The GCI of the GSM network or the SAI of the WCDMA network.8)) Reserved for future use. Reserved for future use.. g..00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Further identification of the LCS client. within the visited MSC. tariffCode O O 0x9F 81 59 INTEGER(1) The tariff code.. 2. hotBillingTag O O 0x9F 81 48 INTEGER(1) Indicates that the charged party is a subscriber who subscribes to the hot billing service. CallEventRecordType = 0x19 (1) recordingEntity M M 0x81 ADRESS(2. Figure 1.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description firstmccmnc M M 0x9F 81 40 OCTET(3) Indicates the MCC and MNC of the network where LCS is initiated.. networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET (1) The ID of virtual operators. (1) lcsClientIdentity O O 0xA3 SEQUENCE (13. an LCS-NI record shall be produced. Page 95 of 173 . in case of emergency call.9) The E. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR. callReference M M 0x9F 81 49 OCTET(1.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS. typeOfSubscribers O O 0x9F 81 60 ENUMERATED( 1) The type of roaming subscriber.13 Network Induced Location Request (NI-LR) If the generation of these records is enabled. Figure 1.164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number). lcsClientType O O 0x82 ENUMERATE D The type of the LCS client that invoked the LR. zoneCode O O 0x9F 81 70 OCTET (2) The zone code of a cell. Shall be present only if the hot charging function is applied.29) Issue 1.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.13 lists the formats of LCS-NI records.13 LCS-NI record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordType M M 0x80 ENUMERATE D LCS-NI record. for each network induced location request performed for a MS e. 33) The positioning method used or attempted.164 address of the involved GMLC.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description servedIMSI M M 0x84 TBCD(3. eventTimeStamp M M 0x8C OCTET(9) The time at which the LR was received by the MSC.9) The emergency service routing key. servedMSISDN M M 0x85 ADRESS(2. if emergency call.9) The emergency service routing digits.8) The IMSI of the subscriber the LR is invoked for.. systemType M M 0x93 INTEGER(1) This field indicates the use of GERAN.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.2 ) The duration of preceding the location request. servedIMEI O O 0x86 TBCD(8) The IMEI of the subscriber the LR is invoked for.20) The location estimate for the subscriber if contained in geographic position and the LR was successful. if available. positioningData M M 0x90 OCTET(1. lcsPriority M M 0x8A OCTET(1) Priority of the LR.. UTRAN (or a value of unknown).. if available.. locationEstimate O O 0x8F OCTET(1.9) The E. emsDigits O O 0x87 ADRESS(2. diagnostics O O 0xB2 INTEGER(4) A more detailed information about the Cause for Termination if any failure happened.9) The MSISDN of the subscriber the LR is invoked for. emsKey O O 0x88 ADRESS(2... mlc-Number M M 0x8B ADRESS(2. Issue 1.. if available. measureDuration M M 0x8D INTEGER(1. lcsCause O O 0x91 OCTET(1) The result of the LR if any failure or partial success happened as known at the radio interface..00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 96 of 173 . lcsQos O O 0xA9 SEQUENCE(1 1) QoS of the LR. if emergency call. location M M 0xAE OCTET(8) The identity of the cell or the SAC occupied by the terminated party when the LCS was applied. This field is present when either the UTRAN or GERAN air-interface is used on call setup. firstmccmnc M M 0x9F 81 40 OCTET(3) Indicates the MCC and MNC of the network where LCS is initiated. Issue 1. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR. when available. callReference M M 0x9F 81 49 OCTET(1.8)) Reserved for future use.. lcsReferenceNumber - - 0x9F 65 OCTET STRING (SIZE (1. orgRNCorBSCId M M 0x9F 81 27 OCTET(3) The SPC of the RNC or the BSC.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 97 of 173 .. (1) chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1. orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET (1) The ID of virtual operators. hotBillingTag O O 0x9F 81 48 INTEGER(1) Indicates that the charged party is a subscriber who subscribes to the hot billing service.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordExtensions - - 0xB4 SET OF (11 * n) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS. Shall be present only if the hot charging function is applied.. additionalChgInfo M M 0xBF 81 05 SEQUENCE(3) Charge/no charge indicator and additional charging parameters. Reserved for future use. causeForTerm M M 0x95 INTEGER(1) The reason for the termination of the location service. globalAreaID M M 0x9F 81 3C OCTET(7) The GCI of the GSM network or the SAI of the WCDMA network. subscriberCategory M M 0x9F 81 3E OCTET(1) The category of subscribers. chargedParty M M 0x9F 81 0D ENUMERATE D Indicates whether the calling party or the called party is charged for the call. typeOfSubscribers O O 0x9F 81 60 ENUMERATE D(1) The type of roaming subscriber.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge. 8) The IMSI of the MS performing the action.. Registration of call forwarding. from which the request originated.g. Each supplementary service action shall be performed on one or more basic service groups. Figure 1. including the location area code.) performed or initiated by the subscriber. Issue 1.  Non-call related i.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.14 SS-action record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordType M M 0x80 ENUMERATE D Supplementary service action record. Figure 1. location M M 0xA6 OCTET(8) The identity of the cell or the SAC. as these actions are non-standard they may not include an appropriate action type. invocation etc.14 Supplementary Service Actions A supplementary service record may be produced in the NEF of the appropriate MSC or HLR for each supplementary service action (activation.9) The E. These actions may also be recorded in SS-action records..164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number). as a result of Subscriber Controlled Input (SCI) e.3) The mobile station classmark.. Additional non-standard supplementary service actions may be made available within some networks in the form of Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD). SCI actions may be recorded in individual SS-action records. Call related actions may be recorded in either the appropriate call record (MOC/MTC) or in separate SS-action records. Invocation of CLIP / CLIR / AOC etc.g. If the action applies to all teleservices and all bearer services (i.9) The primary MSISDN of the party performing the action. deactivation. servedMSISDN M M 0x83 ADRESS(2. servedIMEI O O 0x82 TBCD(8) The IMEI of the ME performing the action. There are two fundamental types of SS-actions:  Call related i. basicServices O O 0xA7 OCTET(3) The basic service group(s) to which the supplementary service applies. However.e.1 CDR Description 2. CallEventRecordType = 0x0A (1) servedIMSI M M 0x81 TBCD(3. recordingEntity M M 0x85 ADRESS(2. to all basic services) then the basic services field shall be omitted.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 98 of 173 . msClassmark M M 0x84 OCTET(2. supplementary service code or basic service code.14 lists the formats of SS-action records.e. as a result of a connection e.e.. deactivation. Issue 1. The field is set to 0 in case of USSD. additionalChgInfo M M 0xBF 81 05 SEQUENCE(3) Charge/no charge indicator and additional charging parameters.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. indicates the times of notify procedure. Reserved for future use.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS. interrogation etc. indicates the times of request procedure.. This field is present when either the UTRAN or GERAN airinterface is used on call setup. UTRAN (or a value of unknown).53) ssActionResult O O 0xAC INTEGER(4) A more detailed reason for the release of the connection. (1) ssActionTime M M 0x8A OCTET(9) The time at which the action was requested. systemType M M 0x8F ENUMERATE D This field indicates the use of GERAN. ussdString O O 0xBF 7F SEQUENCE OF OCTET(1. classmark3 O O 0x9F 81 0C OCTET(2) The mobile station classmark 3. recordExtensions - - 0xAE SET OF (11 * n) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record. ssAction M M 0x89 ENUMERATE D SS actions such as activation. ssParameters O O 0xAB OCTET STRING Service dependent parameters or unstructured supplementary service data. ussdNotifyCounter O O 0x9F 81 00 INTEGER(1) In the case of USSD. (1) ussdCodingScheme O O 0x9F 7E OCTET(1) Indicates the USSD coding scheme in the SS-action record generated for USSD. (7. ussdRequestCounter O O 0x9F 81 01 INTEGER(1) In the case of USSD.. when available. callReference M M 0x8D OCTET(1.. The field is set to ussdInvocation (7) in case of USSD.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description supplService M M 0x88 OCTET(1) The supplementary service or group of supplementary services for which the request was made.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 99 of 173 . if defined for the SS action recorded in this CDR.40) Indicates the USSD string entered by subscribers in the SS-action record generated for USSD. firstmccmnc M M 0x9F 81 40 OCTET(3) Indicates the MCC and MNC of the network where SS action is initiated. 2. orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC. typeOfSubscribers O O 0x9F 81 60 ENUMERATE D(1) The type of roaming subscriber. Figure 1. Figure 1. These records may be produced in either the HLR itself or the interrogating MSC. globalAreaID M M 0x9F 81 3C OCTET(7) The GCI of the GSM network or the SAI of the WCDMA network.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge.15 HLR Interrogation If the generation of these records is enabled. hotBillingTag O O 0x9F 81 48 INTEGER(1) Indicates that the charged party is a subscriber who subscribes to the hot billing service. (1) chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1. Shall be present only if the hot charging function is applied. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR. subscriberCategory M M 0x9F 81 3E OCTET(1) The category of subscribers. zoneCode O O 0x9F 81 70 OCTET (2) The zone code of a cell.15 HLR interrogation record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordType M M 0x80 ENUMERATE D HLR interrogation record. an HLR interrogation record shall be created for each interrogation performed for a mobile subscriber. networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET (1) The ID of virtual operators. CallEventRecordType = 0x0B (1) Issue 1. tariffCode O O 0x9F 81 59 INTEGER(1) The tariff code.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN..1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description chargedParty M M 0x9F 81 0D ENUMERATE D Indicates whether the calling party or the called party is charged for the call.15 lists the formats of HLR interrogation records. orgRNCorBSCId M M 0x9F 81 27 OCTET(3) The SPC of the RNC or the BSC.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 100 of 173 . . 2.. chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1. callReference M M 0x9F 81 29 OCTET(1.2) The enhanced subscriber category. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR. eCategory O O 0x9F 81 57 INTEGER(1. recordExtensions - - 0xA9 SET OF (11 * n) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description servedIMSI M M 0x81 TBCD(3. Reserved for future use.. interrogationResult O O 0xA8 INTEGER(4) Reserved for future use.) provided by the HLR if the interrogation was successful.g.8) The IMSI of the party being interrogated.164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number). recordingEntity M M 0x83 ADRESS(2. conference Issue 1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 101 of 173 .CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET (1) The ID of virtual operators. interrogationTime M M 0x86 OCTET(9) Time at which the interrogation was invoked. numberOfForwarding O O 0x87 INTEGER(1) The number of times the call has been forwarded if provided by ISUP.17) Routing number (MSRN. routingNumber O O 0xA5 ADRESS(2.. a common equipment usage record shall be created in the VMSC to record the usage (duration) of common equipment. servedMSISDN M M 0x82 ADRESS(2.16 Common Equipment Usage Record If the generation of these records is enabled.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS. forwarding no.. basicService O O 0xA4 OCTET(3) The bearer or teleservice employed..9) The MSISDN of the subscriber being interrogated.. Only for teleservice 21 (SMS-MT). e. if successful.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge.9) The E. orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC. Figure 1. servedMSISDN M M 0x84 ADRESS(2. changeOfService - - 0xA7 SEQUENCE OF A list of changes of basic service during a connection each timestamped. It is also used to identify all partial records and transactions belonging to the same connection.16 lists the formats of common equipment usage records.27) * n) supplServicesUsed M M 0xA8 SEQUENCE OF (16 * n) Supplementary services invoked as a result of this connection. This field shall be present when one or more supplementary services have been invoked.. servedIMEI O O 0x9F 66 TBCD(8) The IMEI of the calling ME.. CallEventRecordType = 0x0E (1) equipmentType M M 0x81 INTEGER(1) The type of common equipment e.g. if available. recordingEntity M M 0x85 ADRESS(2. ( (18.1 CDR Description circuits.16 Common equipment usage record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordType M M 0x80 ENUMERATED Common equipment usage record. basicService M M 0xA6 OCTET(3) The bearer or teleservice employed.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS. Conference circuit.2) The total duration of the usage of the equipment.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 102 of 173 . callReference M M 0x8C OCTET(1.. Issue 1. Figure 1.9) The E. callDuration M M 0x8B INTEGER(1. servedIMSI M M 0x83 TBCD(3. equipmentId M M 0x82 INTEGER(1) The local ID of the equipment employed.8) The IMSI of the party responsible for the seizure of the equipment.164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number). employed by a mobile subscriber. releaseTime M M 0x8A OCTET(9) The time stamp at which the equipment was released.9) The primary MSISDN of the served party... seizureTime M M 0x89 OCTET(9) The time stamp at which the equipment was seized..CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. Reserved for future use. Shall only be present for 2G HSCSD connections and for UMTS data connections. only present in case of partial records. Issue 1. orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC. Shall be present only if the hot charging function is applied. diagnostics M M 0xBF 65 INTEGER(4) A more detailed reason for the release of the connection. Reserved for future use. causeForTerm M M 0x9F 64 INTEGER(1) The reason for the release of the connection.. This field is mandatory in case of partial records.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge.) that caused the generation of a partial record. see TS 24. additionalChgInfo M M 0xBF 81 05 SEQUENCE(3) Charge/no charge indicator and additional charging parameters.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description sequenceNumber - - 0x8D INTEGER(1) The partial record sequence number. subscriberCategory M M 0x9F 81 3E OCTET(1) The category of subscribers. UTRAN (or a value of unknown). This field is present when either the UTRAN or GERAN airinterface is used on call setup.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 103 of 173 . orgRNCorBSCId M M 0x9F 81 27 OCTET(3) The SPC of the RNC or the BSC.008. fnur - - 0x91 ENUMERATED The user data rate applied for the connection in the fixed network. hotBillingTag O O 0x9F 81 48 INTEGER(1) Indicates that the charged party is a subscriber who subscribes to the hot billing service. (1) rateIndication - - 0x90 OCTET(1) Present if "rate adaptation" parameters for the basic service were signaled between the MS/UE and the network. systemType M M 0x8F ENUMERATED This field indicates the use of GERAN. (1) partialRecordType - - 0x92 ENUMERATED (1) The event (time limit etc.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. when available. chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1. recordExtensions - - 0xAE SET OF (11 * n) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record. . The record is generated in the GMSC/gsmSSF carrying out the terminating CAMEL call handling and in the MSC server/gsmSSF carrying out the visited terminating CAMEL call attempt.17 Terminating CAMEL Call Attempt If the generation of these records is enabled. Figure 1. a terminating CAMEL call attempt record shall be generated for each call toward a subscriber with a T-CSI or VT-CSI and if the terminating triggers criteria are met. Issue 1.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.8) The IMSI of the called party.17) The number available for routing after the CAMEL server enquiry. destinationRoutingAddress O O 0x85 ADRESS(2. recordingEntity M M 0x83 ADRESS(2... Figure 1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 104 of 173 .9) The MSISDN of the called party.9) The E.164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number).1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET (1) The ID of virtual operators. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR.17 lists the formats of terminating CAMEL call attempt records.. interrogationTime M M 0x84 OCTET(9) Time at which the interrogation with HLR was invoked. CallEventRecordType = 0x11 (1) servedIMSI M M 0x81 TBCD(3. typeOfSubscribers O O 0x9F 81 60 ENUMERATED( 1) The type of roaming subscriber. servedMSISDN M M 0x82 ADRESS(2.17 Terminating CAMEL call attempt record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordtype M M 0x80 ENUMERATED Terminating CAMEL interrogation record. 2. gsm-SCFAddress M M 0x86 ADRESS(2.9) The CAMEL server serving the subscriber.. 9) The E. Issue 1.32) The incoming GMSC route on which the call is originated. mscIncomingROUTE M M 0xAE IA5(1.32) The route on which the call left the GMSC.17) The address of the calling party. mSCAddress M M 0x89 ADRESS(2.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description serviceKey M M 0x87 INTEGER(1. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. calledNumber M M 0x8C ADRESS(2... At present. mscOutgoingROUTE M M 0xAF IA5(1.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 105 of 173 . Reserved for future use. callingNumber O O 0x8D ADRESS(2.. if available.4) The CAMEL service logic to be applied.8) An identifier to correlate transactions on the same call taking place in different network nodes. seizureTime - - 0x90 OCTET(9) The time of incoming traffic channel seizure (for unsuccessful call attempts). (1) recordExtensions - - 0xAB SET OF(11 * n) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record. This field shall be present only if default call handling has been applied. releaseTime M M 0x92 OCTET(9) The time stamp when either the calling or the called party releases the traffic channel.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. networkCallReference M M 0x88 OCTET(1. answerTime M M 0x91 OCTET(9) The time stamp when the call is answered during a successful connection. it is not available..164 number assigned to the MSC that generated the network call reference....17) The address of the called party as received by the GMSC/gsmSSF. defaultCallHandling O O 0x8A ENUMERATED Indicates whether a CAMEL call encounters default call handling. Each of these IEs contains information related to one outgoing CAMEL call leg.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description callDuration M M 0x93 INTEGER(1. sequenceNumber O O 0x98 INTEGER(1) The partial record sequence number. diagnostics M M 0xB6 INTEGER(4) A more detailed reason for the release of the connection... only present in case of partial records. freeFormatData O O 0x9B OCTET(1. the holding time of call attempts. ((104. callReference M M 0x97 OCTET(1. causeForTerm M M 0x95 INTEGER(1) The reason for the release of the connection.. levelOfCAMELService M M 0x9A BIT STRING(2) The indicator for the complexity of the CAMEL feature used. numberOfDPEncountered O O 0x99 INTEGER(1) Number that counts how often armed detection points (TDP and EDP) were encountered. The data can be sent either in one FCI message or several FCI messages with append indicator.124) * n) Issue 1.160) This field contains data sent by the gsmSCF in the FCI messages. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service. It is also used to identify all partial records and transactions belonging to the same connection. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied.2) The chargeable duration of the connection for successful calls..8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. cAMELCallLegInformation O O 0xBC SEQUENCE OF A set of CAMEL information IEs. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 106 of 173 . defaultCallHandling-2 - - 0x9F 1F ENUMERATED Indicates whether or not a CAMEL call encountered default call handling for the second service such as the dialed service.9) The CAMEL server serving the subscriber for the second service such as the dialed service. freeFormatDataAppend-2 - - 0x9F 23 BOOLEAN(1) Indicator if free format data for the second service from this CDR is to be appended to free format data in previous partial CDR. This field shall be present only if default call handling has been applied.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.160) This field contains data sent by the gsmSCF in the FCI message(s) for the second service such as the dialed service. The data can be sent either in one FCI message or several FCI messages with append indicator.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description freeFormatDataAppend O O 0x9D BOOLEAN(1) Indicator if free format data from this CDR is to be appended to free format data in previous partial CDR. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service.4) The CAMEL service logic to be applied for the second service such as the dialed service. (1) gsm-SCFAddress-2 - - 0x9F 20 ADRESS(2. mscServerIndication O O 0x9E BOOLEAN(1) Indication if the CAMEL call handling is active in the MSC server.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 107 of 173 . Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service. freeFormatData-2 - - 0x9F 22 OCTET(1. Issue 1. serviceKey-2 - - 0x9F 21 INTEGER(1.. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied for the second service... chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1. when available. Issue 1. This field is mandatory in case of partial records... networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET (1) The ID of virtual operators.. resourceChargeIPnumber O O 0x9F 81 4E ADRESS (2. additionalChgInfo M M 0xBF 81 05 SEQUENCE(3) Charge/no charge indicator and additional charging parameters.17) The address of the IP equipment that plays the announcement in the case of resource charging. camelphase O O 0x9F 81 5E ENUMERATED (1)l The CAMEL version number. hotBillingTag O O 0x9F 81 48 INTEGER(1) Indicates that the charged party is a subscriber who subscribes to the hot billing service..4) The call segment association reference number. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR. typeOfSubscribers O O 0x9F 81 60 ENUMERATED( 1) The type of roaming subscriber.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 108 of 173 . csReference O O 0x9F 81 5C OCTET(1.17) The address of original called party. subscriberCategory M M 0x9F 81 3E OCTET(1) The category of subscribers. Shall be present only if the hot charging function is applied. orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description partialRecordType O O 0x9F 2A ENUMERATED The event (time limit etc.) that caused the generation of a partial record.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN. (1) originalCalledNumber O O 0x9F 81 0E ADRESS(2. (1) basicService M M 0xBF 81 02 OCTET(3) The bearer or teleservice employed. csaReference O O 0x9F 81 5D INTEGER (1..8) The call segment reference number. chargedParty M M 0x9F 81 0D ENUMERATED Indicates whether the calling party or the called party is charged for the call.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge. 9) The MSISDN of the subscriber currently using the observed mobile equipment.18 IMEI ticket Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description servedIMEI M M 0x80 TBCD(8) IMEI of the observed mobile equipment imeiStatus M M 0x81 ENUMERATED The result of the IMEI check e. (1) servedIMSI M M 0x82 TBCD(3. if the ticket was triggered by a call attempt.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 109 of 173 . 2.. interactionWithIP O O 0x9F 81 47 NULL (0) In the case of interaction between SSP and IP. eventTime M M 0x85 OCTET(9) The time at which the IMEI check was performed. Figure 1.8) The IMSI of the subscriber currently using the mobile equipment.9) The E.18 IMEI Observation Ticket An observed IMEI ticket is generated whenever greylisted. The IMEI tickets are generated by the NEF of the MSC performing the IMEI check. The ticket also includes information describing when and where the equipment was used to enable the tracking of such equipment. greylisted. Figure 1.18 lists the formats of IMEI tickets. translatedNumber O O 0x9F 81 75 ADRESS (2. GsmSCF play announcement to SSP and start charging. a call reference is provided in order to locate the corresponding call record.17) The called number after digit translation within the MSC (if applicable).164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number).. only available if the event that triggered the IMEI check was an MOC. unknown. MTC. blacklisted or non-whitelisted mobile equipment is detected during an IMEI check. recordingEntity M M 0x84 ADRESS(2. Finally.. SMS-MO or SMS-MT.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description partyRelCause O O 0xBF 81 6C PartyRelCause Indicates the cause of call release. servedMSISDN O O 0x83 ADRESS(2. Issue 1. The purpose of the ticket is to link the mobile equipment under observation with its current user (IMSI). blacklisted..CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.g. Issue 1. networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET (1) The ID of virtual operators. callReference M M 0x88 OCTET(1. imeiCheckEvent M M 0x87 INTEGER(1) The event that caused IMEI checking to take place..8) The IMSI of the served MS.00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 110 of 173 ..19 Location Update (VLR) If enabled...CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS. 2.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge. Figure 1. orgMSCId M M 0x9F 81 28 OCTET(3) The SPC of the MSC. newLocation M M 0xA5 SEQUENCE (16) Location area and cell after the location update.164 number of the visited MSC producing the record (MSC/VLR number: TON+NPI+MSC identifier number).1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description location M M 0xA6 OCTET(8) The location area code and cell identity of the cell from which the mobile equipment was used.19 lists the formats of Location update (VLR) records.9) The primary MSISDN of the party performing the location update. oldLocation O O 0xA4 SEQUENCE (16) Location area and cell before the location update.19 Location update (VLR) record Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description recordType M M 0x80 ENUMERATED (1) Location update (VLR) record. CallEventRecordType = 0x0D servedIMSI M M 0x81 TBCD(3.9) The E. servedMSISDN M M 0x82 ADRESS(2. Figure 1. a VLR location update record shall be produced in the VLR for each location registration or location update received by the VLR for a mobile subscriber. chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1. recordingEntity M M 0x83 ADRESS(2. Reserved for future use.. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR. recordExtensions - - 0xA9 SET OF (11 * n) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record. 9) The CAMEL server serving the subscriber. updateResult O O 0xA8 CHOICE (4) The result of the location update if unsuccessful. Reserved for future use.1 CDR Description Field 2G 3G TAG TYPE Description msClassmark M M 0x86 OCTET(2.3) The mobile station classmark.3) The subscriber logical area for distance charge. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied. serviceKey O O 0x8B INTEGER(1. (1) chargeAreaCode O O 0x9F 81 11 OCTET(1. callReference O O 0x8C OCTET(1. gsm-SCFAddress O O 0x8A ADRESS(2. updateTime M M 0x87 OCTET(9) Time at which the update was invoked.4) The CAMEL service logic to be applied..00 (2008-02-25) Huawei Technologies Proprietary Page 111 of 173 .. recordExtensions O O 0xA9 SET OF (11 * n) A set of network or manufacturer specific extensions to the record. Issue 1. networkOperatorId O O 0x9F 81 5F OCTET(1) The ID of virtual operators. It is also used to identify all partial records and transactions belonging to the same connection.8) A local identifier distinguishing between transactions on the same MS.CONFIDENTIAL MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 03-MSOFTX3000 V100R006C05 ASN.. Shall be present only if CAMEL is applied.. locationUpdateType M M 0x8D ENUMERATED The type of location update. recordNumber O O 0x9F 81 68 INTEGER The serial number of a CDR.. 3." This section describes the functions of each field in the CDR and the ASN. It is applicable only to non-transparent data services for High Speed Circuit Switched Data (HSCSD) connections.1 Additional Charging Information This field is used to identify whether to charge the record and the additional charging information of the record.3 Description of Record Fields The CDR fields are the specific segments in the CDR. a charge indicator and additional charging parameters.  The charge indicator is derived from the information contained within the ISUP "backward call indicator" and may be used to store a charge indicator (charge/no charge) received from another network node.1 encoding of this field is as follows: ChargeIndicator ::= INTEGER { noIndication (0).008 .2 aiurRequested This field refers to the total Air Interface User Rate Requested by the MS at call setup. charge (2) } 3.1 encoding. The ASN. This field consists of two parts.  The additional charging parameters are non-standard and intended to permit the inclusion of further charging information received from Intelligent Network and/or Value Added Service nodes.1 encoding of this field is as follows: AiurRequested ::= ENUMERATED { --.See Bearer Capability TS 24. noCharge (1). Refer to chapter 2"Record Contents. The ASN. 4 audioDataType This field indicates whether the service used by the user is voice service or data service.1 encoding of this field is as follows: AOCParameters ::= SEQUENCE { --. It should be noted that the Change of AoC Parms.3 AoC parameters / change of AoC parameters This field contains the set of charge advice (AoC) parameters sent to the MS on call set-up.because it is not used in TS 24.-.See TS 22. e6 [6] EParameter OPTIONAL. (7). e4 [4] EParameter OPTIONAL. e2 [2] EParameter OPTIONAL. The ASN. e5 [5] EParameter OPTIONAL. fax (1). AUDIO_DATA_BUTT (255) } . (9). as a result of a tariff switch-over for example. (3). e7 [7] EParameter OPTIONAL } 3. (12) } 3. (5). -e1 [1] EParameter OPTIONAL.024. then this may be recorded in the Change of AoC Parameter field including the time at which the change occurred. (10). field is optional and not required if partial records are generated on tariff switch-over. (8). If further sets of parameters are sent during the call. Refer to The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: audioDataType ::= ENUMERATED { audio (0). (2). e3 [3] EParameter OPTIONAL. (6). (11).008) -aiur09600BitsPerSecond aiur14400BitsPerSecond aiur19200BitsPerSecond aiur28800BitsPerSecond aiur38400BitsPerSecond aiur43200BitsPerSecond aiur57600BitsPerSecond aiur38400BitsPerSecond1 aiur38400BitsPerSecond2 aiur38400BitsPerSecond3 aiur38400BitsPerSecond4 (1).(note that value "4" is intentionally missing -. or all teleservices.(bits 4321) ------------------------ allTeleservices (0x00). (0x21). if the device on which the call originates/terminates is connected via ISDN digital subscriber signaling then the appropriate ISDN basic service code should be recorded in the record. The following non-hierarchical Compound Teleservice Groups are defined in TS GSM 02.5 basicService/changeOfService/isdnBasicService  This field contains the code of the basic service employed on call set-up. allShortMessageServices shortMessageMT-PP shortMessageMO-PP (0x20).teleservice.002 for details. automaticFacsimileGroup3 (0x62). However. a group of teleservices.30: allDataTeleservices (0x70).3. Any alteration to the basic service during the connection may be recorded in the change of service field including the time at which the change took place.This type is used to represent the code identifying a single -. The -. allSpeechTransmissionServices (0x10). Refer to 3GPP TS 29.bits 87654321: group (bits 8765) and specific service -. -. telephony (0x11). facsimileGroup4 (0x63).  In the case of the transit record the ISDN basic service employed is generally not available.1 encoding of the three fields is as follows: BasicServiceCode ::= CHOICE { bearerService [2] BearerServiceCode.03. teleservice [3] TeleserviceCode. covers Teleservice Groups 'allSpeechTransmissionServices' and 'allFacsimileTransmissionServices' . isdnService [4] IsdnServiceCode } TeleserviceCode ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -.  This field is optional and may be omitted if partial records are created whenever the basic service is changed. facsimileGroup3AndAlterSpeech (0x61). allFacsimileTransmissionServices (0x60).The internal structure is defined as follows: -. (0x22). One possible example includes the direct connection of an ISDN PABX to an MSC/VLR.services are defined in TS GSM 02. The ASN. covers Teleservice Groups 'allFacsimileTransmissionServices' and 'allShortMessageServices' allTeleservices-ExeptSMS (0x80). emergencyCalls (0x12). they are not used in InsertSubscriberData or in DeleteSubscriberData messages. dataCDA-300bps (0x11). a group of bearer services. voiceGroupCall (0x91). (0xde). --not transparency service.002. dataCDS-1200bps (0x1a). allPLMN-specificTS plmn-specificTS-1 plmn-specificTS-2 plmn-specificTS-3 plmn-specificTS-4 plmn-specificTS-5 plmn-specificTS-6 plmn-specificTS-7 plmn-specificTS-8 plmn-specificTS-9 plmn-specificTS-A plmn-specificTS-B plmn-specificTS-C plmn-specificTS-D plmn-specificTS-E plmn-specificTS-F (0xd0). dataCDS-2400bps (0x1c). (0xda).services. (0xd4).bits 7654321: group (bits 7654). and rate. The services are defined in TS 3GPP TS 22. (0xd9). (0xd8).bits 87654321: defined by the HPLMN operator -. if applicable -. dataCDA-2400bps (0x14). general-dataCDA (0x17). (0xd6). (0xdf) BearerServiceCode ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -.1k HZ audio allDataCDS-Services (0x18). dataCDA-9600bps (0x16).This type is used to represent the code identifying a single -.rest of bearer services: -. (0xd2). dataCDA-1200-75bps (0x13).The internal structure is defined as follows: --. or all bearer -.(bits 321) --------------- allBearerServices (0x00). -.plmn-specific bearer services: -. (0xd7). (0xdb). dataCDA-4800bps (0x15). (0xdc).e.bit 8: 0 (unused) -. such as 3. dataCDS-4800bps (0x1d). voiceBroadcastCall (0x92).-------------------------- Compound Teleservice Group Codes are only used in call independent supplementary service operations. (0xd1). dataCDS-9600bps (0x1e). dataCDA-1200bps (0x12). allDataCDA-Services (0x10). (0xd3). (0xd5).bearer service. allVoiceGroupCallServices (0x90). i. . (0xdd). "allAlternateSpeech-DataCDA" and "allSpeechFollowedByDataCDA" allDataCircuitSynchronous (0x58). padAccessCA-300bps (0x21). (0xd2). "allSpeechFollowedByDataCDS" and "allDataPDS-Services" Compound Bearer Service Group Codes are only used in call independent supplementary service operations. "allSpeechFollowedByDataCDA" and "allPadAccessCDA-Services" allSynchronousServices (0x68).245 VP allPadAccessCA-Services (0x20). (0xd3).223 and H. (0x2f). allAlternateSpeech-DataCDS (0x38). PadAccessCA-1200-75bps (0x23). padAccessCA-1200bps (0x22). . (0xd6). "allAlternateSpeech-DataCDA". padAccessCA-2400bps (0x24). allAlternateSpeech-DataCDA (0x30). covers "allDataCDS-Services".-. (0xd1). (0xd4). i. allSpeechFollowedByDataCDS (0x48). -. padAccessCA-9600bps (0x26). (0xd5). such as 64K UDI H. allSpeechFollowedByDataCDA (0x40).e. covers "allDataCDA-Services". "allAlternateSpeech-DataCDS". padAccessCA-4800bps (0x25). (0xd8). The following non-hierarchical Compound Bearer Service Groups are defined in TS GSM 02. (0x2e). (0x2c). allDataPDS-Services dataPDS-2400bps dataPDS-4800bps dataPDS-9600bps general-dataPDS (0x28). covers "allDataCDA-Services". they are not used in InsertSubscriberData or in DeleteSubscriberData messages. general-padAccessCA (0x27). (0x2d). "allAlternateSpeech-DataCDS" and "allSpeechFollowedByDataCDS" allAsynchronousServices (0x60). (0xd7). allPLMN-specificBS plmn-specificBS-1 plmn-specificBS-2 plmn-specificBS-3 plmn-specificBS-4 plmn-specificBS-5 plmn-specificBS-6 plmn-specificBS-7 plmn-specificBS-8 (0xd0).transparency service.30: allDataCircuitAsynchronous (0x50).general-dataCDS ------------------------------------------------------ (0x1f). covers "allDataCDS-Services". unrestricteDigtalInfo '02'h -.unrestricteDigtalInfo '02'h -. (0xdf) NOTE:UMTS Bearer servide code: general-dataCDA (0x17).telefaxGroup2-3 '25'h -.-.videotextSyntaxBased '23'h -.audio3k1HZ '03'h -.videotextSyntaxBased '23'h -.transparency service. fnur [4] Fnur OPTIONAL } ISDN Basic Service ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) --This parameter identifies the ISDN Basic service as defined in ETSI specification ETS 300 196. (0xdb).speech '01'h -.unrestricteDigtalInfowithtoneandannoucement '04'h -. -.telefaxGroup4Class1 '22'h -.telephony7kHZ '26'h . (0xde).teletext '21'h -.telefaxGroup4Class1 '22'h -.telefaxGroup2-3 '25'h -. transparencyInd [1] TransparencyInd OPTIONAL.speech '01'h -.allServices '00'h -.223 and H.allServices '00'h -.telephony7kHZ '26'h ChangeOfService ::= SEQUENCE { basicService [0] BasicServiceCode. such as 3.245 VP IsdnServiceCode ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) --This parameter identifies the ISDN Basic service as defined in ETSI specification ETS 300 196.videotelephony '24'h -.audio3k1HZ '03'h -. (0xdd). changeTime [2] TimeStamp.telephony3k1HZ '20'h -.unrestricteDigtalInfowithtoneandannoucement '04'h -. such as 64K UDI H.-------- plmn-specificBS-9 plmn-specificBS-A plmn-specificBS-B plmn-specificBS-C plmn-specificBS-D plmn-specificBS-E plmn-specificBS-F (0xd9). (0xdc). (0xda).1k HZ audio general-dataCDS (0x1f).telephony3k1HZ '20'h -.teletext '21'h -. rateIndication [3] RateIndication OPTIONAL.videotelephony '24'h -. -. --not transparency service. containing local time plus an offset to universal time. the value of this field is subscriberFree.For successful calls this is the chargeable duration.10)) --.7 callDuration This field contains the relevant call duration in seconds.DD = Day 01 to 31 BCD encoded -.ss = second 00 to 59 BCD encoded -.1 encoding of the time stamp is as follows: TimeStamp ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(9. The format of the time stamp is closely related to call duration. -. "-" ASCII encoded -. For each outgoing leg the call duration is stored in the respective 'CAMELInformation' module. The ASN.The contents of this field are a compact form of the UTCTime format -.mm = minute 00 to 59 BCD encoded -. subscriberNoIndication (3) } 3.g.YY = Year 00 to 99 BCD encoded -.3.The call duration in seconds.For call attempts this is the call holding time. the call might continue after a RELEASE or a DISCONNECT from the called party side received by the gsmSSF. The ASN. The call duration of the incoming leg is stored in the main body of the call record. If the call disconnection is not due to called party busy. If the call is disconnected due to called party busy.where -.hh = hour 00 to 23 BCD encoded -.S = Sign 0 = "+". Binary coded -.e.1 encoding of this field is as follows: BCategory ::= ENUMERATED { subscriberFree (0) .6 bCategory This field indicates the status of the called party. For complete (answered) calls the relevant duration is the chargeable duration from answer to release of the traffic channel.decimal encoding is employed for the digits to reduce the storage and -.hh = hour 00 to 23 BCD encoded -. . -. The ASN. For partial records this is the duration of the individual partial record and not the cumulative duration of the call.transmission overhead -. YYMMDDhhmmssShhmm -..1 encoding of this field is as follows: CallDuration ::= INTEGER --. the value of this field is subscriberBusy.MM = Month 01 to 12 BCD encoded -.mm = minute 00 to 59 BCD encoded -.DST = 00 to 120 INTEGER encoded (DST is optional) If CAMEL is invoked for the call and a control relationship is existing. subscriberBusy (1). leg 2 t8 ACM t9 ANSWER seizure of outg. t8 and t12 mentioned in Figure 1-3 and Table 1-20 are for completion reasons only. t3.20 Description of the time information Point in Time Signaling Message Sent/Received Duration Logging Trigger Detection Point Encountered t1 SETUP. EDP(control) stop of call duration (outg. leg 3 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 time call duration of incoming leg = call duration of outgoing leg = holding time of outgoing leg = Figure 1. t2.1 Call duration  inc. leg  outg. leg 1) t5 CONNECT start of call duration (inc.1 and Figure 1. The uppermost arrow  marks the over all duration of the call that is to be measured and stored in the main body of the respective MOC record. leg) t6 RELEASE. leg 1 start of call duration (outg. The call duration measurement of the second outleg is started with t9 and ended with t10 (interval ).20. leg 2) . Figure 1.An example of how to use the call duration and the timestamps is given in Figure 1. TDP(control) t2 IAM t3 ACM t4 ANSWER start of call duration (outg. The timestamps t1. leg 2  outg. leg 1) t7 IAM seizure of outg. t7. The duration before t5 (incoming leg) or t4 (outgoing leg) needs not to be stored since the call is answered later on. leg 1  outg. The call duration in the first outgoing leg module contains the time interval from t 4 to t6 (period ). It shows a CAMEL controlled mobile originated follow-on scenario. The following examples are intended to explain the use of these fields: EXAMPLE 1:Called Number = Connected Number Normal call from a mobile subscriber to a mobile subscriber or to a PSTN subscriber EXAMPLE 2: Called Number != Connected Number In case of routing to a PABX with Automatic Call Distribution or to an ISDN Basic Access with several devices attached. In case of CAMEL initiated call forward (CF).  The translated number is the result of any digit translation performed by the MSC on the called number received from the mobile station on mobile originated call set-up. EDP(control) stop of call duration (outg. leg 3 start of holding time (outg. EXAMPLE 3: MTC record for Call Forwarding ("A" -> "B" -> "C") In case of call forwarding. but may also include other numbering plans. This parameter is not included if identical to the called number.008 [4].008. The calling party field contains the number of the "A" subscriber. leg 3) 3.  The connected number is the number of the actual party reached as defined in 3GPP TS 24.  The calling number is the number received from the network on mobile terminated call set-up as defined in 3 GPP TS 24. EDP(control) stop of holding time (outg. a calling Number/called Number / connected Number/translated Number is in the format of ITU-T E. the connected number recorded in the MTC record of the "B" subscriber is that of the forwarded-to party or "C" subscriber. N.8 calling Number/called Number / connected Number/translated Number In general. for example.Point in Time Signaling Message Sent/Received Duration Logging Trigger Detection Point Encountered t10 RELEASE. Each of these fields includes the type of number and number plan as specified in detail in 3GPP TS 24. leg 3) t12 ACM t13 RELEASE. X 121. .B.008 [4].164.008. leg 2) t11 IAM seizure of outg. the called (forwarded-to) number is returned by CAMEL. The recording of the actual number connected may be limited by the capability of intermediate signaling connections. The connected number is that of the party actually reached. Although this is normally identical to the called number it may differ.  The called number is the number received from the mobile station on mobile originated call set-up as defined in 3GPP TS 24. internal (1). For example. The value of this field can be one of the following:  Unknown  Incoming  Outgoing  Internal  Tandem The ASN. with the first part as address information and numbering plan of the number and the second part as the number information about the TBCD format. a unique callReference generated during a call can uniquely identify the call.1 encoding of this field is as follows: CallType ::= ENUMERATED { unknown (0). The ASN.EXAMPLE 4: Translated Number This field is only present if digit translation is applied by the MSC to the called number received from the mobile station. Examples include abbreviated dialing codes and service numbers. tandem (4) } 3. incoming (2).. called number. The descriptions of the number consist of two parts.008.e. For the definitions of the numbers described.8)).1 encoding of the above fields is as follows: CallingNumber CalledNumber TranslatedNumber ConnectedNumber ::= BCDDirectoryNumber ::= BCDDirectoryNumber ::= BCDDirectoryNumber ::= BCDDirectoryNumber 3. outgoing (3). 3. CallReference ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1.10 CallType This field indicates the type of the call.9 callReference This field uniquely identifies a call or transaction on one side of the interface (i. 'A' or 'B' side) It is also used to identify all partial records and transactions belonging to the same connection. and the connected number in the TS 24.11 cAMELCallLegInformation This field contains a set of CAMEL information elements (IEs) according to the number of . refer to the descriptions of the calling number. mscOutgoingROUTE [4] ROUTE OPTIONAL.250 for details. freeFormatDataAppend [15] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL. See CAMEL IEs in the following description and refer to 3GPP 32. answerTime [6] TimeStamp OPTIONAL. dataVolume [9] DataVolume OPTIONAL. cAMELModification [12] ChangedParameters OPTIONAL. and the CDR is then correlated to the corresponding main CDR by the Huawei iGWB. partialRecordType [24] PartialRecordType OPTIONAL } 3. causeForTerm [11] CauseForTerm OPTIONAL. gsm-SCFAddress-2 [21] Gsm-SCFAddress OPTIONAL. seizureTime [5] TimeStamp OPTIONAL.12 cAMELDestinationNumber This field contains Destination/Called Subscriber Number modified by CAMEL service. connectedNumber [2] ConnectedNumber OPTIONAL. freeFormatData [13] FreeFormatData OPTIONAL. cAMELInitCFIndicator [10] CAMELInitCFIndicator OPTIONAL. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: CAMELInformation ::= SET { cAMELDestinationNumber [1] CAMELDestinationNumber OPTIONAL. freeFormatDataAppend-2 [17] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL.1 encoding of this field is as follows: CAMELDestinationNumber ::= DestinationRoutingAddress DestinationRoutingAddress ::= BCDDirectoryNumber 3. callDuration [8] CallDuration OPTIONAL. translatedNumber [18] TranslatedNumber OPTIONAL. This field consists of CAMEL IEs in the SET structure. diagnostics [14] Diagnostics OPTIONAL. The ASN. From the Basic Call State Model (BCSM)'s point of view this field is set to 'CF' whenever the Originating CAMEL Subscription Information . If not modified then this field may contain original Destination Number also when CAMEL is not active. roamingNumber [3] RoamingNumber OPTIONAL. defaultCallHandling-2 [20] DefaultCallHandling OPTIONAL. serviceKey-2 [22] ServiceKey OPTIONAL. A CDR is generated by the Huawei MSC for the CAMEL LEG Information. releaseTime [7] TimeStamp OPTIONAL. Only the destination delivered by the SCP is valid. freeFormatData-2 [16] FreeFormatData OPTIONAL.13 cAMELInitCFIndicator The purpose of this field is to distinguish CAMEL call forwarding service scenarios from standard GSM call forwarding scenarios. additionalChgInfo [19] AdditionalChgInfo OPTIONAL.outgoing CAMEL call legs. legID [23] CAMELLegID OPTIONAL. (O_CSI) was applied after terminating CAMEL call processing had been taken place and the call destination is changed. one containing the charging information related to the terminating CAMEL service and one containing the charging information related to the originating CAMEL service.15 chargeAreaCode This field indicates the logical charging area code for the calling number. cAMELSMSCAddress [7] AddressString OPTIONAL.1 encoding of this field is as follows: ChargeAreaCode ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (1. This field shall be present only if default SMS handling has been applied.) received in the CAP_CONNECT message of the Terminating CAMEL Subscription Information (T_CSI) service.  CAMEL modified service centre: This field contains SMS-C address modified by CAMEL service. The ASN.3)) ..1 encoding of cAMELSMSInformation is as follows: CAMELSMSInformation ::= SET { gsm-SCFAddress [1] Gsm-SCFAddress OPTIONAL.  CAMEL Destination Subscriber Number: This field contains short message Destination Number modified by CAMEL service. cAMELCallForwarding (1) } 3. defaultSMSHandling [3] DefaultSMS-Handling OPTIONAL. etc. The ASN.  Free format data See Free format data.g. The ASN.   Calling Party Number: This field contains Calling Party Number modified by CAMEL service.1 encoding of this field is as follows: CAMELInitCFIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { noCAMELCallForwarding (0). destinationSubscriberNumber [6] CalledNumber OPTIONAL. For the avoidance of doubt: this flag does not depend on other modified call parameter(s) (e. freeFormatData [4] FreeFormatData OPTIONAL.: redirection information. callingPartyNumber [5] CallingNumber OPTIONAL.14 cAMELSMSInformation This field contains following CAMEL information for mobile originated and terminated SMS:  Default SMS handling: This field indicates whether or not a CAMEL encounters default SMS handling. This flag also indicates that another record might be generated. serviceKey [2] ServiceKey OPTIONAL. smsReferenceNumber [8] CallReferenceNumber OPTIONAL } 3. wincamelbutt (255) } 3. wininapphasesiemens (16).3. The ASN.3) 3. wininapphaserussion (144).17 callEmlppPriority/ callerDefaultEmlppPriority/calledEmlppPriority This field contains the enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Preemption (eMLPP) priority information of the subscriber. wincamelphase3 (3). The ASN. wininapphaseuk (152).18 camelphase This field indicates the CAMEL phase used by a CAMEL call. wininapphasenortel (24). For more details.1 encoding of this field is as follows: ChargeAreaCode ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (1. wincamelphase2 (2).. wininapphasechina (128). wininapphaseericsson (8).1 encoding of this field is as follows: CAMELVPHASE ::= ENUMERATED { wininapphase0 (0).16 calledChargeAreaCode This field indicates the logical charging area code of the called number. The ASN.19 cARP cARP (short for Circuit Assignment Reserve Priority) indicates the CARP value registered by the subscriber. wininapphase902 (32). wincamelphase1 (1).1 encoding of this field is as follows: EmlppPriority::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) --priorityLevelA EMLPP-Priority ::= 6 --priorityLevelB EMLPP-Priority ::= 5 --priorityLevel0 EMLPP-Priority ::= 0 --priorityLevel1 EMLPP-Priority ::= 1 --priorityLevel2 EMLPP-Priority ::= 2 --priorityLevel3 EMLPP-Priority ::= 3 --priorityLevel4 EMLPP-Priority ::= 4 3. wincamelphase4 (4). refer to the 3GPP TS 29.002. wininapphasebrazil (136).1 encoding of this field is as follows: . The ASN. germanuser = 03.specialuser = 06.1 encoding of this field is as follows: ChargedParty ::= ENUMERATED { callingParty (0). -.1 encoding of this field is as follows: Classmark3 ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(2)) 3.englishuser = 02. the MS splits the short message into several short messages.datacalluser = 0c.isup224 = 0xe0 3.spareuser = 0e.commonuser = 0a.frenchuser = 01. This field may be modified by the SCP.spanishuser = 05. The ASN. -.superioruser = 0b.255) 3. -. -.21 chargedParty This field indicates whether the calling party or the called party is charged or it indicates whether the call is charged.20 Category This field contains the Category information saved in the MSC/VLR by the HLR through inserting subscriber data during location updating.russianuser = 04. -. -. The ASN.unknownuser = 00.1 encoding of this field is as follows: SubscriberCategory ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -. -. -. -.. -. To correlate these split .22 classmark3 This field contains the radio access capability information about the MS.payphoneuser = 0f. calledParty (1) } 3.CARP ::= INTEGER(0. -.reserveuser = 09. -. -. -.testcalluser = 0d.coinuser = 20.23 concatenatedSMSReferenceNumber This field indicates that if the length of a short message exceeds the maximum length (140 bytes). -. The ASN. Figure 1.1 encoding of this field is as follows: CAMELCSReference ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1. Figure 1. The ASN. and the call legs are controlled by the same SSF. Concatenated SMS Reference Number Maximum Number Of SMS In The Concatenated SMS Sequence Number Of The Current SMS Picture1 X 2 1 Picture2 Y 4 1 First Segment Second Segment … Last Segment 2 2 3 4 The ASN. the call legs in different call segments within the same CSA.24 csReference This field indicates that a call segment may contain one or multiple call legs. This field is used to correlate the CSA flags of . This field identifies the call segment used for communication by all the participants in a call.1 encoding of this field is as follows: ConcatenatedSMSReferenceNumber ::= INTEGER(0..25 csaReference This field indicates that a CSA may contain one or multiple call segments.65535) 3. The sequence number of the current SMS increases by one for each split segment. the protocol uses the same concatenated SMS reference numbers (CSRNs) to identify the segments..1 shows the method of splitting the short message.segments.8)) 3.1 Method of splitting the short message Compression Header HHeannder Header Compressed Data (CD) Compression Footer Segmentation / De-segmentation TP-UDH CH CD TP-UDH First segment CD TP-UDH CD Intermediate segments CF Final segment For example. the subscriber sends two messages in two segments and in four segments respectively. The maximum number of SMS in the concatenated SMS indicated the number of split segments. cUGCall (1) } 3. The ASN.29 cUGOutgoingAccessUsed/ cUGIncomingAccessUsed This field indicates caller and called whether or not is in the same CUG group.1 encoding of this field is as follows: CUG Interlock Code = Network code + CUG interlock CUGInterlockCode ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)) 3.1 encoding of this field is as follows: CAMELCSAReference ::= INTEGER (0.28 cUGInterlockCode This field is used by the network (not by the MS) to identify CUG membership at MOC.26 cUGIndex A value assigned by the network to identify a CUG.the call segments.1 encoding of this field is as follows: CUGOutgoingAccessIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { notCUGCall (0).4294967295) 3. The ASN.. and ROAM. The ASN. callNotInTheSameCUGGroup (1) } 3. The ASN. MTC.30 causeForTerm This field contains a generalized reason for the release of the connection including the following: . The ASN. CFW.1 encoding of this field is as follows: CUGOutgoingAccessUsed ::= ENUMERATED { callInTheSameCUGGroup (0). the CUG index has significance only between the subscriber and network.27 cUGOutgoingAccessIndicator This field indicates the subscriber with an Outgoing Access.1 encoding of this field is as follows: CUGIndex ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (2)) 3. TS 29.  Partial record call re-establishment.  Abnormal termination during the stable phase. -. isCmnCall (1) } .(cause for record closing). -{ normalRelease (0).  Unauthorized network originating a location service request. cAMELCPHCallConfigurationChange (6). A more detailed reason may be found in section 3. The ASN. partialRecord (1). unknownOrUnreachableLCSClient (58) } 3.  Unsuccessful call attempt.1 encoding of this field is as follows: CmnFlag ::= ENUMERATED { notCmnCall (0). cAMELInitCallRelease (5).002. partialRecordCallReestablishment (2). stableCallAbnormalTermination (4).  Unknown or unreachable LCS client at a location service request. positionMethodFailure (54).35"Diagnostics. Normal release. -.LCS related causes belong to the MAP error causes acc.  CAMEL initiated call release.015 as 'CauseForRecClosing' -." The ASN.  Position method failure at a location service execution. unauthorizedRequestingNetwork (52). unauthorizedLCSClient (53).31 cmnFlag This field indicates whether the CMN call is invoked.Cause codes from 16 up to 31 are defined in TS 32.There is no direct correlation between these two types. unsuccessfulCallAttempt (3).1 encoding of this field is as follows: CauseForTerm ::= INTEGER --.  Unauthorized client requesting a location service.  Partial record generation. 32 defaultCallHandling /defaultSMSHandling This field indicates whether or not a CAMEL encountered default call/SMS handling.008.  a Cause from ITU-T Recommendation Q. The technical cause value in this field is set as follows.008 cause { unassigned-or-unallocated-number (0x01).002.1 encoding of this field is as follows: DestinationRoutingAddress ::= BCDDirectoryNumber 3.35 Diagnostics This field contains a more detailed technical reason for the release of the connection and may contain one of the following:  a MAP error from TS 29. Parameter is defined in HLR as part of CAMEL subscription information. The diagnostics may also be extended to include manufacturer and network specific information. The ASN. For example 24. according to the description in the protocol: The most significant bit is always set to 1 as an extended bit. releaseCall (1) } 3.1 encoding of this field is as follows: DestinationRoutingAddress ::= BCDDirectoryNumber 3.078.1 encoding of this field is as follows: DefaultCallHandling ::= ENUMERATED { continueCall (0).  a Cause from TS 24. The less significant seven bits are set to the technical cause value defined in the protocol. This field shall be present only if default call/SMS handling has been applied.3.  a Cause from TS 29.34 destinationRoutingAddress This field contains called party destinationRoutingAddresscalled number modified by CAMEL flow. The ASN. . The ASN.33 destinationNumber This field contains the destination number in case of SMS MT.767. requested-circuit-channel-not-available (0x2c). interworking-unspecified (0x7f) } The ASN. non-selected-user-clearing (0x1a). . normal-unspecified (0x1f). message-type-non-existent-or-not-implemented (0x61). incompatible-destination (0x58). invalid-mandatory-information (0x60). no-user-responding (0x12). conditional-ie-error (0x64). bearer-service-not-implemented (0x41). resources-unavailable-unspecified (0x2f). information-element-non-existent-or-not-implemented (0x63). semantically-incorrect-message (0x5f). recovery-on-timer-expiry (0x66). operator-determined-barring (0x08). service-or-option-not-available-unspecified(0x3f). network-out-of-order (0x26). pre-emption (0x19). quality-of-service-unavailable (0x31). channel-unacceptable (0x06). call-rejected (0x15). access-information-discarded (0x2b). destination-out-of-order (0x1b). incoming-calls-barred-within-the-cug (0x37). bearer-capability-not-authorized (0x39). only-restricted-digital-information-bearer-capability-is-available(0x46). service-or-option-not-implemented-unspecified (0x4f). requested-facility-not-subscribed (0x32). response-to-status-enquiry (0x1e). protocol-error-unspecified (0x6f). normal-call-clearing (0x10). invalid-transit-network-selection (0x5b). temporary-failure (0x29). message-not-compatible-with-protocol-state (0x65).no-route-to-destination (0x03).1 encoding of this field is as follows: Diagnostics { gsm0408Cause ::= CHOICE [0] INTEGER. facility-rejected (0x1d). requested-facility-not-implemented (0x45). no-circuit-channel-available (0x22). invalid-number-format-incomplete-number (0x1c). user-not-member-of-cug (0x57). user-busy (0x11). user-alerting-no-answer (0x13). bearer-capability-not-presently-available (0x3a). invalid-transaction-identifier-value (0x51). message-type-not-compatible-with-protocol-state (0x62). switching-equipment-congestion (0x2a). number-changed (0x16). acm-equal-to-or-greater-than-acmmax (0x44). 39 emsDigits This field only applies to location for an emergency services call in North America and gives .3. -.1 encoding of this field is as follows: EASubscriberInfo ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) -.may be encoded as 3 digits using "000" to "999" or as 4 digits -.36 disconnectParty This field indicates the disconnect party in the CDR.To be defined by manufacturer } 3. for full details -.parameter in ANSI T1.See ITU-T Q. The ASN. -. 3.See TS 24.767 networkSpecificCause [3] ManagementExtension. Carrier codes between "1000" and "9999" are -.38 eCategory This field indicates the enhanced subscriber category.see TS 29.37 eaSubscriberInfo This field indicates the calling subscriber’s information of Equal Access.-.the local values defined in the MAP-Errors and -. ccittQ767Cause [2] INTEGER. calledPartyRelease (2).using "0000" to "0999".113. Carrier codes between "000" and "999" -.MAP-DialogueInformation modules.encoded using 4 digits.1 encoding of this field is as follows: ECategory ::= INTEGER (0.The internal structure is defined by the Carrier Identification -. callingPartyRelease (1). The ASN.002. networkRelease (3) } 3..1 encoding of this field is as follows: Disconnectparty ::= ENUMERATED { unknown (0).255) 3.Note: The value to be stored here corresponds to -.To be defined by network operator manufacturerSpecificCause [4] ManagementExtension -.008 gsm0902MapErrorValue [1] INTEGER. The ASN. -. the Setup time is the time at which the setup (or IAM) message from calling side is received. ssActionTime.  The time at which the call was answered or at which charging commences (Answer time). originationTime. These fields contain the event time stamps relevant to each of the individual record types.002. the Seizure time is the time at which the traffic channel is allocated i. The ASN. answerTime. 3. The call records may contain five significant call handling time stamps:  The time at which the setup (or IAM) was received (Setup time). deliveryTime.002. For both Mobile Originated and Mobile Terminated calls. the time at which the ASSIGN COMMAND .the North American Emergency Services Routing Digits as defined in 3PGPP TS 29. 3.41 equipmentId This field contains a local identifier used to distinguish between equipment of the same equipment type e. conference circuit for multiparty service. releaseTime.1 encoding of this field is as follows: EquipmentId ::= INTEGER 3.1 encoding of this field is as follows: emsDigits ::= ISDN-AddressString. interrogationTime.40 emsKey This field only applies to location for an emergency services call in North America and gives the North American Emergency Services Routing Key as defined in 3GPP TS 29. Usually.  The time at which the call was alerting (Alerting time).43 eventTimeStamps eventTimeStamps contain the event time stamps relevant for various record types. seizureTime. The ASN.  The time at which the resource was released (Release time). and eventTime.g. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: emsKey ::= ISDN-AddressString.g. The ASN.e.1 encoding of this field is as follows: EquipmentType ::= INTEGER { conferenceBridge (0) } 3. the number of the conference circuit employed if more than one is available. these fields can be setupTime. For both Mobile Originated and Mobile Terminated calls. alertingTime.  The time at which the resource in question was seized (Seizure time).42 equipmentType This field contains the type of common equipment employed e. 44 firstmccmnc/intermediatemccmnc/lastmccmnc The MCC and MNC represent country code and mobile network code. All time-stamps include a minimum of date. In UMTS.e.e.45 fnur This field indicates the user data rate applied for the connection in the fixed network. see section 3. 3.  SMS-MT: The transmission of an RP_DATA message to the MS containing an SMS_DELIVER PDU. The Release time is the time at which the connection is released by either party i. In GSM.002. The ASN. and the MNC of China Mobile is 00. For successful calls. MAP_REGISTER_SS. For the ASN. hour.g.1 encoding of this field is as follows: MCCMNC ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(3)) -.6"bCategory. minute and second. the release time is the time at which the failure was detected by the MSC. refer to the 3GPP TS 24. the country code of China is 460.  The receipt of a MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION_AREA request by the VLR or the receipt of a MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION request by the HLR. this parameter is part of the HSCSD connection parameters.e. when the ASSIGN COMMAND is sent to the MS. For Mobile Terminated calls the time at which the CONNECT message is received from the called party.1 encoding of this field.  SS-Action: The receipt of a supplementary service request by the VLR. In the case of a radio link failure. e. the difference between the Answer and Release time stamps.network code (MNC) of a PLMN. the Answer time is mandatory and both the Seizure and Release times are optional.message is sent to the MS. For both Mobile Originated and Mobile Terminated calls. For specific MCCs and MNCs. . it shall be present for all bearer services as specified in TS 22. The call duration recorded is the chargeable duration i. For example. a DISCONNECT or RELEASE is sent by the network or a DISCONNECT is received from the MS.This type contains the mobile country code (MCC) and the mobile -. MAP_INVOKE_SS  SMS-MO: The receipt of an RP_DATA message from the MS containing an SMS_SUBMIT PDU." 3. For Mobile Originated calls the Answer time is the time at which the CONNECT message is sent to the calling party. The event records include the following time stamps:  HLR-int time: The receipt of a MAP_SEND_ROUTING_INFO request by the HLR. the Alerting time is the time at which the alerting (or ACM) message from called side is received.008. In case of call re-establishment the answer time is the time at which the new traffic channel is allocated by the MSC i. fnur33600BitsPerSecond (9). If one or more of the received FCIs for that call leg during the partial record . The ASN. fnur64000BitsPerSecond (8). fnur48000BitsPerSecond (6)..The ASN. If field is missing then free format data in this CDR replaces all received free format data in previous CDRs.See Bearer Capability TS 24.160)) 3. Append indicator is not needed in the first partial record. the append indicator defines whether the FCI information is appended to previous FCI and stored in the relevant record or the information of the last FCI received is stored in the relevant record (the previous FCI information shall be overwritten).1 encoding of this field is as follows: Fnur ::= ENUMERATED { --.47 freeFormatDataAppend This field contains an indicator whether free format data is to be appended to free format data stored in previous partial CDR. fnur56000BitsPerSecond (7). In the event of partial output the currently valid 'Free format data' is stored in the partial record.008 -fnurNotApplicable (0). 'Free format data' sent to the legID=1 is always stored in the top level of the respective record. The data can be sent either in one FCI message or several FCI messages with append indicator. 'Free format data' sent to the legID >1 is stored in the appropriate CAMEL call leg information field. fnur14400BitsPerSecond (2). fnur32000BitsPerSecond (10).46 freeFormatData This field contains charging information sent by the gsmSCF in the Furnish Charging Information (FCI) messages as defined in TS 29. fnur31200BitsPerSecond (11) } 3.1 encoding of this field is as follows: FreeFormatData ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1. This data is transferred transparently in the CAMEL clauses of the relevant call records. fnur9600-BitsPerSecond (1). fnur38400BitsPerSecond (5).078. fnur19200BitsPerSecond (3). If the FCI is received more then once during one continuing incoming/outgoing CAMEL call leg. This field is needed in CDR post-processing to sort out valid free format data for that call leg from sequence of partial records. Creation of partial records is independent on received FCIs and thus valid free format data may be divided to different partial records. In following partial records indicator shall get value true if all FCIs received during that partial record have append indicator. fnur28800BitsPerSecond (4). -. The ASN.008.1 encoding of this field is as follows: freeFormatDataAppend ::= BOOLEAN.AMR speech gBR6700BitsPerSecond (110). -.BS20 non-transparent gBR28800BitsPerSecond (2). 3.AMR speech gBR7400BitsPerSecond (109).AMR speech gBR7950BitsPerSecond (108).do not have append indicator then this field shall be missing.AMR speech gBR5900BitsPerSecond (111).1 encoding of this field is as follows: GuaranteedBitRate ::= ENUMERATED { gBR14400BitsPerSecond (1). This field is SAI for the WCDMA system. -. -. -. -. -. -. -.BS30 transparent and multimedia gBR32000BitsPerSecond (3).BS30 transparent and multimedia gBR57600BitsPerSecond (6).AMR speech . -.AMR speech gBR10200BitsPerSecond (107).BS20 non-transparent gBR64000BitsPerSecond (7). -. The bit-rate of the UMTS bearer service shall guarantee to the user or applications refer 3GPP TS 22. For details.002. The ASN. -. -. changeTime [1] TimeStamp } 3. refer to the 3GPP TS 24. -.AMR speech gBR5150BitsPerSecond (112).48 globalAreaID / changeOfglobalAreaID This field contains the GCGI in the GSM. The ASN.BS30 transparent and multimedia gBR12200BitsPerSecond (106).1 encoding of changeOfglobalAreaID is as follows: A list of changes in GCI / SAI each time-stamped.1 encoding of globalAreaID is as follows: Indicates GCI of GSM or SAI of WCDMA GAI ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(7)) --such as 64 F0 00 00 ABCD 1234 The ASN. -.BS30 multimedia gBR56000BitsPerSecond (5).001 or AMR speech.49 guaranteedBitRate This field contains the Guaranteed Bit Rate based on the FNUR for transparent and Wanted AIUR for non-transparent CS data services based on the described mapping in TS 27.BS20 non-transparent and transparent. ChangeOfglobalAreaID ::= SEQUENCE { location [0] GAI.BS30 multimedia gBR33600BitsPerSecond (4). -. -. For details. The ASN.AMR speech } 3. -.1 encoding of this field is as follows: Gsm-SCFAddress ::= ISDNAddressString 3.AMR speech gBR12650BitsPerSecond (116). refer to ITU-T Q. VBS_CALL_TYPE(2) } 3.1 encoding of this field is as follows: HLC ::= OCTET STRING . The ASN. The ASN.AMR speech gBR6600BitsPerSecond (118) -.AMR speech gBR15850BitsPerSecond (115).AMR speech gBR23850BitsPerSecond (114).53 hLC This field contains the comprehensive contents of the high layer compatibility (hLC). of a group call. Address is defined in HLR as part of CAMEL subscription information.52 groupCallReference This field is the Reference No.1 encoding of this field is as follows: TCallType ::= ENUMERATED { NORMAL_CALL_TYPE(0). -.gBR4750BitsPerSecond (113). The ASN. VGCS_CALL_TYPE(1).AMR speech gBR8850BitsPerSecond (117). -.931.51 groupCallType This field indicates the type of a group call.1 encoding of this field is as follows: GroupCallReference ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(4)) 3. it is composed of decimal numerals and is a number of four bytes in inversed BCD system.50 gsm-SCFAddress This field indicates the CAMEL server that serves the subscriber. mobileTerminatedCall (1). Nonwhitelisted. The ASN. ssAction (4). refer to 3GPP TS 29. This field is provided only when the query fails. Blacklisted. The ASN. smsMobileTerminating (3). . For details.1 encoding of this field is as follows: IMEIStatus ::= ENUMERATED { greyListedMobileEquipment (0).002.54 hotbillingTag This field indicates whether a user is a hotblling subscriber.  Mobile originating call attempt  Mobile terminating call attempt  Mobile originating SMS  Mobile terminating SMS  Supplementary service actions performed by the subscriber  Location update The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: HotBillingTag ::= INTEGER 3.57 imeiStatus This field contains the result of the IMEI checking procedure: Greylisted.3.55 interrogationResult This field indicates the result of the interrogation on the routing from the MSC/VLR to the HLR.1 encoding of this field is as follows: HLRIntResult ::= Diagnostics 3. blackListedMobileEquipment (1).56 imeiCheckEvent This field indicates the type of event that causes the IMEI check to take place. smsMobileOriginating (2).1 encoding of this field is as follows: IMEICheckEvent ::= INTEGER { mobileOriginatedCall (0). The ASN. locationUpdate (5) } 3. The ASN. The ASN. refer to ITU-T Q.58 initialCallAttemptFlag This field indicates whether a call is originated from the GsmSCF. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: initialCallAttemptFlag ::= NULL.1 encoding of this field is as follows: LCSClientIdentity ::= SEQUENCE .59 interactionWithIP This field indicates whether to play announcement to the subscriber and to start charging in the case that the SSP interacts with the GsmSCF.1 encoding of this field is as follows: ISDN-BC ::= OCTET STRING 3.031.1 encoding of this field is as follows: InteractionWithIP ::= NULL 3. The ASN.931. refer to3GPP TS 49. For details. The ASN.62 lcsClientIdentity This field contains further information on the LCS Client identity:  Client External ID.nonWhiteListedMobileEquipment (2) } 3. 3. For details.  Client Dialed by MS ID.1 encoding of this field is as follows: LCSCause ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) 3.  Client Internal ID.61 lcsCause This field provides the reason for an unsuccessful location request.60 iSDN-BC This field contains the comprehensive contents of the bearer capability (BC). lawfulInterceptServices (3) } 3. targetMSsubscribedService (4) } 3.031. plmnOperatorServices (2). OPTIONAL } LCSClientExternalID ::= SEQUENCE { externalAddress [0] AddressString OPTIONAL -. valueAddedServices (1).64 lcsPriority This field indicates the priority of the location request as defined in TS 49.1 encoding of this field is as follows: LCS-Priority ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -. The ASN. o-andM-VPLMN (2).0 = highest priority -. o-andM-HPLMN (1). OPTIONAL.031.{ lcsClientExternalID lcsClientDialedByMS lcsClientInternalID [0] LCSClientExternalID [1] AddressString [2] LCSClientInternalID OPTIONAL.63 lcsClientType This field contains the type of the LCS Client as defined in TS 29. The ASN. anonymousLocation (3).002.65 lcsQos This field indicates the Quality of Service (QoS) for a location request as defined in TS 49.all other values treated as 1 3.extensionContainer [1] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL } LCSClientInternalID ::= ENUMERATED { broadcastService (0). The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: LCSClientType ::= ENUMERATED { emergencyServices (0).1 = normal priority -.1 encoding of this field is as follows: . SCI. The ASN.66 levelOfCAMELService This field briefly describes the complexity of CAMEL invocation.g. For details.931. OPTIONAL.67 lLC This field contains the comprehensive contents of the low layer compatibility (lLC). is received from the gsmSCF). to modify the destination) of the call only. the location area code (LAC) and the (CI). The ASN.  Call duration supervision is set whenever the call duration supervision is applied in the gsmSSF of the VPLMN (apply charging message is received from the gsmSCF).68 location / changeOfLocation This field comprises two parts.  The LAC and CI are both 2 octet quantities coded according to TS 24. Any change of location may be recorded in the change of location field along with the time at which the change took place. .  Basic indicates that CAMEL feature is invoked during the setup phase (e.  The location field contains a combination of the Location Area Code (LAC) and Cell Identity (CI) of the cell in which the served party is currently located. OPTIONAL 3. callDurationSupervision (1). callPartyHandling (3) } 3.1 encoding of this field is as follows: LLC ::= OCTET STRING 3.1 encoding of this field is as follows: LevelOfCAMELService ::= BIT STRING { basic (0).  The change of location field is optional and it is not required if partial records are generated when the location changes. OPTIONAL.  Online charging indicates that CAMEL supported AoC parameter were sent to the mobile station (the Send Charging Information message.008.LCSQoSInfo ::= SEQUENCE { horizontal-accuracy verticalCoordinateRequest vertical-accuracy responseTime } [0] [1] [2] [3] Horizontal-Accuracy NULL Vertical-Accuracy ResponseTime OPTIONAL. refer to ITU-T Q. onlineCharging (2). exception handling: -.008 and for 3G by the Service Area Code refer TS 25.69 locationEstimate This field indicates an estimate of a geographic location of a target MS according to TS 29.The ASN. currentOrLastKnownLocation (1).002. activateDeferredLocation (3).70 locationType This field contains the type of the location as defined in TS 29.413. The ASN.Coded according to TS 24.1 encoding of this field is as follows: LocationEstimateType ::= ENUMERATED { currentLocation (0). deferredLocationEventType [1] DeferredLocationEventType } OPTIONAL .1 encoding of this field is as follows: LocationType ::= SEQUENCE { locationEstimateType [0] LocationEstimateType.008 -- 3.002. cancelDeferredLocation (4) } -. The ASN. initialLocation (2).refer TS 24. -} LocationAreaCode ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) CellId ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) --.shall be rejected by the receiver with a return error cause of unexpected data value 3.For 2G the content of the Cell Identifier is defined by the Cell Id -.1 encoding of this field is as follows: LocationAreaAndCell ::= SEQUENCE { locationAreaCode [0] LocationAreaCode.a ProvideSubscriberLocation-Arg containing an unrecognized LocationEstimateType -. cellIdentifier [1] CellId --. 1 encoding of this field is as follows: MCTType { ::= ENUMERATED .73 MCTType This field indicates the MCT type of an MOC for which the malicious call trace (MCT) application is implemented.BS30 transparent and multimedia mBR12200BitsPerSecond mBR10200BitsPerSecond mBR7950BitsPerSecond mBR7400BitsPerSecond mBR6700BitsPerSecond mBR5900BitsPerSecond mBR5150BitsPerSecond mBR4750BitsPerSecond mBR23850BitsPerSecond mBR15850BitsPerSecond mBR12650BitsPerSecond mBR8850BitsPerSecond mBR6600BitsPerSecond (106). The ASN. -. (113). -.001. (117).BS30 transparent and multimedia mBR57600BitsPerSecond (6). -.BS20 non-transparent mBR64000BitsPerSecond (7). (112). (116). -.BS20 non-transparent mBR28800BitsPerSecond (2). For details. -.255) 3. -.71 maximumBitRate This field contains the Maximum Bit Rate based on the Fixed Network User Rate (FNUR) for transparent and Wanted Air Interface User Rate (WAIUR) for non-transparent CS data services based on the described mapping in TS 27.BS30 multimedia mBR33600BitsPerSecond (4). -. (115). (111). Or this field contains the Maximum Bit Rate of the AMR for voice services. (108). (118) -------------- AMR AMR AMR AMR AMR AMR AMR AMR AMR AMR AMR AMR AMR speech speech speech speech speech speech speech speech speech speech speech speech speech } 3.1 encoding of this field is as follows: MaximumBitRate ::= ENUMERATED { mBR14400BitsPerSecond (1)..3. (114). -.1 encoding of this field is as follows: MaximumNumberOfSMSInTheConcatenatedSMS ::= INTEGER(0. (107). refer to 3GPP TS 27. The ASN. The ASN.BS30 transparent and multimedia mBR32000BitsPerSecond (3).72 maximumNumberOfSMSInTheConcatenatedSMS This field indicates the maximum number of SMS in the concatenated SMS.BS30 multimedia mBR56000BitsPerSecond (5).BS20 non-transparent and transparent. (109). (110).001. For call attempts this is the call holding time.008 as follows). This field corresponds to the TP-Message-Reference element of the SMS_SUBMIT PDU defined in 3GPP TS 23.74 measureDuration This field contains the duration for the section of the location measurement corresponding to the location request and the location report messages.For successful calls this is the chargeable duration.1 encoding of this field is as follows: Measure Duration ::= INTEGER --. (1) } 3.The call duration in seconds.040.1 encoding of this field is as follows: Classmark ::= OCTET STRING(size(3)) --. -. The ASN. -- 3.75 messageReference This field contains a unique message reference number allocated by the MS when transmitting a short message to the service center.008 -- .See Mobile station classmark 2 or 3 TS 24.164) number of a mobile location center (MLC).77 msClassmark / changeOfClassmark This field contains the mobile station classmark employed by the served MS on call set-up as defined in 3GPP TS 24. Any alteration in the classmark during the connection may be recorded in the change of classmark field and will include the time at which the change took place. The ASN.MCTI MCTC (0). The ASN. The ASN. -.1 encoding of this field is as follows: MessageReference ::= OCTET STRING(size(1)) 3.76 mlc-Number This field quotes an ISDN (E.1 encoding of this field is as follows: mlc-Number ISDN-AddressString 3.008 (excerpt from 3GPP TS 24. 3. modem-v32 (6).78 modemType This field indicates the type of the modem applied by the terminal from the network when implementing the data service.81 mscIncomingCircuit / mscOutgoingCircuit This field contains the trunk circuit assigned by the MSC to the call. modem-v21 (1). The ASN. The ASN.164 number assigned to the MSC. modem-v22 (2). modem-v26-ter (5).080. modem-v23 (4). modem-v22-bis (3). The ASN. modem-autobauding1 (8).80 mSCAddress This field contains the ITU-T Recommendation E. no-other-modem-type (31).1 encoding of this field is as follows: MSCCIC ::= INTEGER(0.. modem-v34 (33) } 3. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: ModemType ::= ENUMERATED { none-modem (0). modem-undef-interface (7).79 molr-Type This field quotes the type of MO-LR invoked as defined in3GPP TS 24.1 encoding of this field is as follows: MSCAddress ::= AddressString 3.65535) Circuit Identity Code 1 will be coded as 01 00 .1 encoding of this field is as follows: MOLR-Type --0 --1 --2 ::= INTEGER locationEstimate assistanceData deCipheringKeys 3. 82 mscIncomingROUTE / mscOutgoingROUTE This field contains the incoming route and outgoing route described as following: The incoming route / outgoing route describes the trunk group name or trunk group ID on which the call comes from / routes to.3.83 mscIncomingRouteAttribute / mscOutgoingRouteAttribute This field indicates the attribute of the incoming/outgoing route. The ASN. tup (1). As an optional function.1 encoding of this field is as follows: NetworkCallReference ::= CallReferenceNumber . isup (2). and it also indicates whether the TCAEML record is generated in the terminating office. and the terminating MSC. rOUTEName [1] GraphicString } 3.85 networkCallReference This field is used to correlate call records from the originating MSC (when applicable). 3.1 encoding of this field is as follows: RouteAttribute ::= { cas (0). the GMSC. For mobile originated/terminated calls this will generally be a BSS trunk or RNS route. The ASN. it can also be used to correlate call records from the gsmSCF. The ASN. bicc (4).84 mscServerIndication This field indicates whether the VT-CSI is activated in the VMSC. sip (5). pra (3). The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: ROUTE ::= CHOICE { rOUTENumber [0] INTEGER. others (255) } ENUMERATED 3.1 encoding of this field is as follows: mscServerIndication ::= BOOLEAN. 3. notifyAndVerify-LocationNotAllowedIfNoResponse (2).1 encoding of this field is as follows: numberOfDPEncountered ::= INTEGER. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: NotificationToMSUser ::= ENUMERATED { notifyLocationAllowed (0). The ASN.88 numberOfDPEncountered This field indicates the number of service triggering points and even detection points detected during a CAMEL service.90 originalCalledNumber This field indicates the address of original called party in case of call forwarding. The ASN. The ASN. contains the number of times a call has been forwarded prior to the interrogation of the HLR as defined in TS 29. For details.002.5) 3. refer to TS 29. this field is used to indicate the carrier for which the current record is generated so that the carrier can read the records correctly from the corresponding channels.86 networkOperatorId When the carriers use independent RAN and shared CN. notifyAndVerify-LocationAllowedIfNoResponse (1).1 encoding of this field is as follows: NumberOfForwarding ::= INTEGER (1.1 encoding of this field is as follows: OriginalCalledNumber ::= BCDDirectoryNumber .002. locationNotAllowed (3) } 3.3.87 notificationToMSUser This field contains the applicable privacy notification to an MS user when the LR is invoked. if provided through the ISUP signaling..1 encoding of this field is as follows: NetworkOperatorId ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(1)) 3.89 numberOfForwarding This field. The ASN. for example rnc id = 123 will be coded as 00 01 23 --OCTET STRING1 --OCTET STRING2 --OCTET STRING3 3.93 orgRNCorBSCId This field contains the originating RNC or BSC SPC...92 orgMSCId This field indicates the originating and terminating MSC SPC of an SMS. The ASN.91 origination This field contains the originating short message subscriber number.10)) 3.1 encoding of this field is as follows: TimeStamp ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(9. then OCTET STRING1 will filled with 00. locationChange (2). serviceChange (1). . classmarkChange (3). then OCTET STRING1 will filled with 00 . aocParmChange (4). The ASN. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: PartialRecordType ::= ENUMERATED { timeLimit (0). radioChannelChange (5).1 encoding of this field is as follows: MSCId ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (3)) --National network format .1 encoding of this field is as follows: RNCorBSCId ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE (3)) --octet order is the same as RANAP/BSSAP signaling --if spc is coded as 14bit. The ASN. changeOfCAMELDestination (7). octet order is the same as ISUP signaling --if spc is coded as 14bit.3. hSCSDParmChange (6).94 partialRecordType This field indicates the type of a partial record.for example rnc id = 123 will be coded as 00 01 23 --OCTET STRING1 --OCTET STRING2 --OCTET STRING3 3. ranap (1). (23). releaseCause [1] INTEGER } ReleaseParty ::= ENUMERATED { bssmap (0).031. (24) } 3. The ASN.95 partyRelCause Indicates the cause of call release..firstHotBill severalSSOperationBill iSTalertTimeOut bearRedirectStart bearRedirectStop (20). (1) 3. (22). PartyRelCause ::= SEQUENCE { releaseParty [0] ReleaseParty.33)) .96 portedflag This field indicates whether the served party uses the number ported service. relbutt (255) } 3.1 encoding of this field is as follows: PortedFlag ::= { numberNotPorted numberPorted } ENUMERATED (0). the call release is caused by the wireless side. isup (3). The ASN. The field includes two sub-fields: release type and release cause. (21).1 encoding of this field is as follows: PositioningData ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1. When the release type is bssmap or ranap. dtap (2).97 positioningData This field provides the positioning data associated with a location attempt for a target MS according TS 49. 3.98 privacyOverride This field indicates whether the MS privacy is overridden by the LCS client when the GMLC and VMSC/SGSN for an MT-LR are in the same country as defined in TS 29.1 encoding of this field is as follows: TrafficChannel ::= ENUMERATED { fullRate (0).002.99 radioChanRequested/ radioChanUsed / changeOfRadioChan This field contains three parts as the radio channel requested. dualFullRatePreferred (3) }  The radio channel used field indicates the type of the traffic channel actually employed for the connection as described in GSM 05. The ASN. .  The radio channel requested field contains the type of channel requested by the user. halfRate (1) }  Any change in the type of channel used may be recorded in the change of radio channel used field along with the time at which the change occurs and the speech version used after the change of radio channel. 3.See Bearer Capability TS 24. fullRateChannel (1). radio channel used and the change of radio channel.008 -halfRateChannel (0).1 encoding of this field is as follows: privacyOverride ::= NULL.1 encoding of this field is as follows: RadioChanRequested ::= ENUMERATED { --. The following values are permitted: − Full rate − Half rate − Dual mode half rate preferred − Dual mode full rate preferred The ASN. dualHalfRatePreferred (2). The following values are permitted: − Full rate − Half rate The ASN.01. . This field contains a set of management extensions defined in ITU-T X. speechVersionUsed [2] SpeechVersionIdentifier OPTIONAL } 3.164 format. The ASN. VLR. and HLR that generate records.101 recordingEntity This field contains the entity numbers.110. refer to 3GPP TS 23. refer to TS 24.460/X. RateIndication ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(1)) --0 no rate adaption --1 V. For details. in ITU-T E. This field is constructed from the information in the parameters rate adaption and other rate adaption signaled between the MS/UE and the network.The ASN. Bits 4-7: not used.102 recordExtensions This field enables network operators and/ or manufacturers to add their own extensions to the standard record definitions.120 --7 H.223 & H. The ASN.008 .008.003.1 encoding of this field is as follows: ManagementExtensions ::= SET OF ManagementExtension ManagementExtension ::= SEQUENCE { identifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER. I. Bits 2-3: the Other Rate Adaption field as defined in TS 24.245 --11PIAFS 3. The ASN.721. For details. of the MSC.31 flag stuffing --3 V. changeTime [1] TimeStamp.1 encoding of this field is as follows: ChangeOfRadioChannel ::= SEQUENCE { radioChannel [0] TrafficChannel.100 rateIndication This field indicates the rate adaptation used for the connection.30 --2 ITU-T X.008 .1 encoding of this field is as follows: The format of this field is a single octet with the following format: Bits 0-1: the Rate Adaption field as defined in TS 24.1 encoding of this field is as follows: RecordingEntity ::= AddressString 3. 104 recordType The field indicates the type of the record e. etc. (11). (6). (2).1 encoding of this field is as follows: RedirectingNumber ::= BCDDirectoryNumber . (1). (25). [2] OCTET STRING } 3.significance information [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE.1 encoding of this field is as follows: CallEventRecordType { moCallRecord mtCallRecord roamingRecord incGatewayRecord outGatewayRecord transitCallRecord moSMSRecord mtSMSRecord ssActionRecord hlrIntRecord commonEquipRecord moTraceRecord mtTraceRecord termCAMELRecord mtLCSRecord moLCSRecord niLCSRecord forwardCallRecord } ::= INTEGER (0). (15).g. (5). (100) 3.103 recordNumber This field is used to record the record numbers of CDRs. call forwarding.1 encoding of this field is as follows: RecordNumber ::= INTEGER 3. (16). mobile terminated. (3). (14). The ASN. The ASN. (4). (24). The ASN. mobile originated. (17).105 redirectingnumber This field contains the number of the forwarding party. (10). The record number is incremented by 1 after each CDR is generated. (7). (23). in case of call forwarding.002. this field indicates the number of the equipment that plays the announcement to the subscriber under the control of the GsmSCF.106 redirectingcounter This field indicates the forwarding times. The ASN.109 routingNumber The routing number field of the HLR interrogation record contains either an MS roaming number or.1 encoding of this field is as follows: RoamingNumber ::= ISDN-AddressString 3.003 and coded according to 3GPP TS 29.107 resourceChargeIPnumber In the case of interaction between SSP and IP. The record is generated for the first part of a call. The ASN. The ASN. [2] ForwardToNumber 3.1 encoding of this field is as follows: RoutingNumber { roaming forwarded } ::= CHOICE [1] RoamingNumber.3.110 sequenceNumber This field contains a dynamic sequence number employed to link the partial records generated for a particular connection. a forwarded-to number.1 encoding of this field is as follows: ResourceCharge IP number ::= AddressString 3.1 encoding of this field is as follows: RedirectingCounter ::= INTEGER 3. The ASN. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: SequenceNumber ::= INTEGER .108 Roaming number This field contains the MS roaming number as defined in 3GPP TS 23. and it begins with 1. there is no spare digit in the IMEISV.1 encoding of this field is as follows: IMEI ::= TBCD-STRING (SIZE (8)) 3. Figure 1. The term "served" party is used to describe the mobile subscriber involved in the transaction recorded e.3.003. the calling subscriber in case of an MOC record.  Facility Allocation Code (FAC): It is used to identify the manufacturing and packing locations of the terminal. The structure of the IMEISV which is the combination of the IMEI and the SVN is shown in the following figure: 8 digits 6 digits 2 digits TAC SNR SVN IMEI 16 digits The difference between the IMEISV and the IMEI is the software version number (SVN) which indicates the software version information of the currently used terminal.111 servedIMEI This field contains the international mobile equipment identity (IMEI) of the equipment served.1 shows the structure of the IMEI.  Spare digit: This field is permanently set to 0.1 Structure of the IMEI 8 digits 6 digits 1 digits TAC SNR spare IMEI 15 digits The IMEI is composed of the following elements (each element shall consist of decimal digits only):  Type Allocation Code (TAC): It is a string of six digits used to identify the manufacturer and type of the terminal. Besides.112 servedIMSI/calledIMSI This field contains the international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI) of the served party. Figure 1. The term served equipment refers to calling MS in the record generated for the calling party and called MS in the record generated for the called MS. The structure of the IMEI is defined in 3GPP TS 23. The ASN.  Serial Number (SNR): It is an individual serial number uniquely identifies the terminal when the TAC and FAC of the terminal are provided. .g. 003.1 shows the structure of the MSISDN defined in 3GPP TS 23.1 Structure of the MSISDN CC NDC SN National(significant) mobile number Mobile station international ISDN number The MSISDN is composed of two parts:  Country Code (CC): It identifies the country in which the MS is registered.  Mobile Subscriber Identification Number (MSIN): It identifies uniquely the mobile subscriber within a PLMN.digits of MCC. The term "served party" is used to describe the mobile subscriber involved in the transaction recorded.8)) -. MNC. Figure 1.  Subscriber Number (SN): It identifies the number of the mobile subscriber. for example..003.  National Destination Code (NDC): It identifies the mobile access number.113 servedMSISDN This field contains the MS ISDN number (MSISDN) of the served party. 3.  Mobile Network Code (MNC): The MNC identifies the home PLMN of the mobile subscriber. the called party in an MTC.Figure 1. Figure 1. .1 Structure of the IMSI Not more than 15 3 2 or 3 MC MN MSI NMS IMSI IMSI is composed of three parts:  Mobile Country Code (MCC): The MCC identifies uniquely the country of domicile of the mobile subscriber.003. The structure of the MSISDN is defined in 3GPP TS 23.1 encoding of this field is as follows: IMSI ::= TBCD-STRING (SIZE (3. The ASN. Figure 1.1 shows the structure of the IMSI defined in 3GPP TS 23. MSIN are concatenated in this order. For details..010 0101 GSM speech ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) full full full half half half rate rate rate rate rate rate version version version version version version 1 2 3 1 2 3 used for enhanced full rate for future use for future use for future use .000 0101 GSM speech -.1 encoding of this field is as follows: SpeechVersionIdentifier -. Service key is defined in HLR as part of CAMEL subscription information. The speech version supported field contains the speech version supported by the MS with the highest priority.010 0001 GSM speech -. short message service centre (see TS 23. It should be noted that the change of radio channel field is optional and not required if partial records are generated. refer to 3GPP TS 29.117 speechVersionSupported/speechVersionUsed The field speechVersionSupported/speechVersionUsed consists two parts as follows.2147483647) 3. The ASN.040).1 encoding of this field is as follows: serviceCentre AddressString 3.08. The ASN. The ASN.The ASN.164 number identifying a particular service center e.001 0001 GSM speech -.1 encoding of this field is as follows: ServiceKey ::= INTEGER (0.115 serviceKey This field identifies the CAMEL service logic applied.see GSM 08.1 encoding of this field is as follows: MSISDN ::= ISDN-AddressString 3.001 0101 GSM speech -.08 -.g.002. The ASN. The coding is according to 3GPP TS 08. and the extension bit 8 is set to 0. The speech version used field contains the speech codec version assigned for that call.1 encoding of this field is as follows: SMSResult ::= Diagnostics 3.114 serviceCentre This field contains a ITU-T Recommendation E.116 smsResult This field contains the result of an attempt to deliver a short message.000 0001 GSM speech -. 004. reserved for possible future use all SS allLineIdentificationSS reserved for possible future use all line identification SS (0x10).This type is used to represent the code identifying a single -. (0x15).119 supplServiceUsed/supplService This field contains the code of the supplementary service on which the action was performed.118 systemType This field indicates whether the current air interface used is GERAN or UTRAN (or a value of unknown).defined as follows: --. gERAN (2) } 3.(bits 4321) USSD = ff ------------------------ allSS (0x00).For details on the coding of the supplementary service code. (0x19).used are defined in TS 3GPP TS 22.1 encoding of this field is as follows: SystemType ::= ENUMERATED { unknown (0). (0x13).3. The ASN. The services and abbreviations -.bits 87654321: group (bits 8765). refer to TS 29. . (0x14). The internal structure is -.supplementary service. iuUTRAN (1). a group of supplementary services. allNameIdentificationSS all name identification SS calling-name-presentation (0x18). calling-line-identification-presentation calling line identification presentation calling-line-identification-restriction calling line identification restriction connected-line-identification-presentation connected line identification presentation connected-line-identification-restriction connected line identification restriction malicious-call-identification reserved for possible future use malicious call identification (0x11).1 encoding of this field is as follows: SS-Code ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -. and specific service -.all supplementary services.002. or -. (0x12). The ASN. to '00011111'B. allCommunityOfInterest-SS (0x60). allCallCompletionSS reserved for possible future use all Call completion SS (0x40). call deflection allCondForwardingSS (0x28). all forwarding SS call-forwarding-unconditional (0x21). originating side completion-of-call-to-busy-subscribers-destination-side (0x44). allMultiPartySS reserved for possible future use all multiparty SS (0x50). call-waiting (0x41).-------------------------------------------------------- calling name presentation SS-Codes '00011010'B. allForwardingSS (0x20). completion of call to busy subscribers. call forwarding unconditional call-deflection (0x24). call hold completion-of-call-to-busy-subscribers-originating-side (0x43). call forwarding on mobile subscriber not reachable allCallOfferingSS (0x30). call forwarding on no reply call-forwarding-on-mobile-subscriber-not-reachable (0x2b). are reserved for future NameIdentification Supplementary Service use. . completion of call to busy subscribers. call waiting call-hold (0x42). all conditional forwarding SS call-forwarding-on-mobile-subscriber-busy (0x29). (0x32). destination side this SS-Code is used only in InsertSubscriberData and DeleteSubscriberData multicall multicall (0x45). reserved for possible future use all call offering SS includes also all forwarding SS explicit-call-transfer explicit call transfer mobile-access-hunting reserved for possible future use mobile access hunting (0x31). multiPTY multiparty (0x51). call forwarding on mobile subscriber busy call-forwarding-on-no-reply (0x2a). .allBarringSS (0x90).uUS1-user-to-user-signalling (0x81). -advice of charge information -. -barring of all incoming calls -.advice-of-charge-charging (0x72). -all barring SS -.-reserved for possible future use -all community of interest SS -.allCallPrioritySS (0xa0). -barring of outgoing international calls except those directed -to the home PLMN -. -all LCS Privacy Exception Classes -.barring-of-outgoing-international-calls (0x93).boicExHC (0x94). -UUS2 user-to-user signalling -.barring-of-all-outgoing-calls (0x92). -advice of charge charging --. -closed user group --. -barring of outgoing international calls -. -barring of incoming calls when roaming outside home PLMN -Country --.allAdditionalInfoTransferSS (0x80).enhanced-Multilevel-Precedence-Pre-emption-EMLPP-service -enhanced Multilevel Precedence Pre-emption 'EMLPP) service --. -UUS1 user-to-user signalling -. -barring of outgoing calls -. -allow location by any value added LCS client to which a call (0xa1).barringOfIncomingCalls (0x99). -barring of all outgoing calls -.uUS2-user-to-user-signalling (0x82).barring-of-incoming-calls-when-roaming-outside-home-PLMN-Country (0x9b).barring-of-all-incoming-calls (0x9a).advice-of-charge-information (0x71).callrelated (0xb2). -barring of incoming calls -.uUS3-user-to-user-signalling (0x83). -allow location by any LCS client -.allChargingSS (0x70).closed-user-group (0x61). -reserved for possible future use -all additional information transfer SS -.universal (0xb1). -reserved for possible future use -all charging SS -. -reserved for possible future use -all call priority SS -. -UUS3 user-to-user signalling --.allLCSPrivacyException (0xb0).barringOfOutgoingCalls (0x91). (0xf5). allow location by designated external value added LCS clients plmnoperator (0xb4).1 encoding of this field is as follows: SSActionType ::= ENUMERATED { registration (0). all Mobile Originating Location Request Classes basicSelfLocation (0xc1). (0xf7). allow an MS to request its own location autonomousSelfLocation (0xc2). erasure (1). (0xf4). (0xfb). activation (2). deactivation (3). (0xf2). (0xfa). USSDInvocation (7) } -. (0xf9). invocation (5). The ASN. (0xfe). (0xfc). (0xf8). allow an MS to request transfer of its location to another LCS client allPLMN-specificSS plmn-specificSS-1 plmn-specificSS-2 plmn-specificSS-3 plmn-specificSS-4 plmn-specificSS-5 plmn-specificSS-6 plmn-specificSS-7 plmn-specificSS-8 plmn-specificSS-9 plmn-specificSS-A plmn-specificSS-B plmn-specificSS-C plmn-specificSS-D plmn-specificSS-E USSD (0xf0). allow an MS to perform self location without interaction with the PLMN for a predetermined period of time transferToThirdParty (0xc3). allow location by designated PLMN operator LCS clients allMOLR-SS (0xc0).USSDInvocation (7) include USSD phase 1. passwordRegistration (6). (0xfd). (0xf1).120 ssAction This field contains the type of supplementary service action requested by the subscriber or performed by the network. interrogation (4).--------------------------------- is established from the target MS callunrelated (0xb3).phase 2 . (0xf3). (0xff) 3. (0xf6). The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: SMSTEXT ::= OCTET STRING 3.002). For further details of the parameters involved see the GSM 02.124 smsUserDataType This field indicates the information on the subscriber type contained in the short message sent.1 encoding of this field is as follows: SSActionResult ::= Diagnostics 3.123 smstext This field records the contents of the short message when the SMS uses text format. In the supplementary service record generated for USSD. unstructuredData [1] OCTET STRING } 3.8n series of documents. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: . the corresponding fields are filled with the following values:  Supplementary service parameters field: USSD  SSActionType: ussdInvocation(7)  Supplementary service code: 0  Basic service code: not be coded into ASN. The ASN.3.122 ssParameters This field contains the parameters associated with a supplementary service action requested by the subscriber. the supplementary service parameters field is filled with the forwarded-to number.121 ssActionResult This field contains the result of an attempted supplementary service action (refer to 3GPP TS 29.1 In the supplementary service record generated for call forwarding. The ASN. Note that this field is only provided if the SS-action is at least partially unsuccessful.1 encoding of this field is as follows: SSParameters ::= CHOICE { forwardedToNumber [0] ForwardToNumber. SmsUserDataType ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) --00 concatenated-short-messages-8-bit-reference-number --01 special-sms-message-indication --02 reserved --03 Value not used to avoid misinterpretation as <LF> --04 characterapplication-port-addressing-scheme-8-bit-address --05 application-port-addressing-scheme-16-bit-address --06 smsc-control-parameters --07 udh-source-indicator --08 concatenated-short-message-16-bit-reference-number --09 wireless-control-message-protocol --0A text-formatting --0B predefined-sound --0C user-defined-sound-imelody-max-128-bytes --0D predefined-animation --0E large-animation-16-16-times-4-32-4-128-bytes --0F small-animation-8-8-times-4-8-4-32-bytes --10 large-picture-32-32-128-bytes --11 small-picture-16-16-32-bytes --12 variable-picture --13 User prompt indicator --14 Extended Object --15 Reused Extended Object --16 Compression Control --17 Object Distribution Indicator --18 Standard WVG object --19 Character Size WVG object --1A Extended Object Data Request Command --1B-1F Reserved for future EMS features --20 RFC 822 E-Mail Header --21 Hyperlink format element --22 Reply Address Element --23 - 6F Reserved for future use --70 - 7F (U)SIM Toolkit Security Headers --80 - 9F SME to SME specific use --A0 - BF Reserved for future use --C0 - DF SC specific use --E0 - FE Reserved for future use --FF normal SMS 3.125 selectedCIC This field indicates the selected code of carrier identification used in the (North American equal access) NAEA service. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: SelectedCIC ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) 3.126 sequenceNumberOfTheCurrentSMS This field indicates the sequence number of the current short message in the concatenated short message. It is numbered from 1. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: SequenceNumberOfTheCurrentSMS ::= INTEGER(0..255) 3.127 subscriberCategory This field indicates the type of subscriber. The subscriber category information is stored in the MSC/VLR after it is inserted into the subscriber data flow by the HLR during the location update. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: SubscriberCategory ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- unknownuser = 00, -- frenchuser = 01, -- englishuser = 02, -- germanuser = 03, -- russianuser = 04, -- spanishuser = 05, -- specialuser = 06, -- reserveuser = 09, -- commonuser = 0a, -- superioruser = 0b, -- datacalluser = 0c, -- testcalluser = 0d, -- spareuser = 0e, -- payphoneuser = 0f, -- coinuser = 20, -- isup224 = 0xe0 3.128 tariffCode This field indicates the tariff code of the cell. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: TariffCode ::= INTEGER (0..255) 3.129 transparencyIndicator This field indicates whether the basic service is employed in transparent or non-transparent mode. It should also be noted that this field is only relevant to those services which may be operated in both transparent and non-transparent modes. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: TransparencyInd { transparent nonTransparent } ::= (0), (1) ENUMERATED 3.130 typeOfSubscribers This field indicates the roaming type of subscribers. The value all is not available currently. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: TypeOfSubscribers { home visiting all } ::= ENUMERATED (0), (1), (2) -- HPLMN subscribers -- roaming subscribers 3.131 Usertype This field indicates the type of the user. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: UserType ::= ENUMERATED { gsmnormaluser (0), gsmprepaiduser (1), gsmcameluser (2), gsmunknowuser (31) } 3.132 ussdCodingScheme This field indicates the coding scheme of USSD in the case of the USSD service. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: UssdCodingScheme ::= OCTET STRING 3.133 ussdString This field indicates the subscriber input in the case of the USSD service. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: UssdString ::= OCTET STRING 3.134 ussdNotifyCounter This field indicates the times of notify procedure in the case of the USSD service. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: UssdNotifyCounter ::= INTEGER(0..255) 1 encoding of this field is as follows: UssdRequestCounter ::= INTEGER(0. UUS1_SS_UNUSED(3) } 3.136 ussdCallBackFlag This field indicates whether a USSD call back is originated by a CAMEL subscriber roaming aboard. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: VoiceIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { sendToneByLocalMsc(0) .3. 3.255) 3. voiceNoIndication (3) } 3.135 ussdRequestCounter This field indicates the times of request procedure in the case of the USSD service. .1 encoding of this field is as follows: ussdCallBackFlag ::= NULL.137 uuslType This field indicates the type of the UUS1 supplementary service. The ASN. UUS1_EXPLICIT_NOT_REQUIRED(2)..1 encoding of this field is as follows: UUS1Type ::= ENUMERATED { UUS1_IMPLICIT(0). sendToneByOtherMsc(1).139 zoneCode This filed indicates the zone code of a cell. The ASN. UUS1_EXPLICIT_REQUIRED(1). It also indicates whether the local office or other offices play the announcement to the subscriber. The ASN.138 voiceIndicator This field indicates whether to connect the call or to play an announcement to the subscriber. The ASN.1 encoding of this field is as follows: ZoneCode ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) . which sends the encoded CDRs to the billing center.1 description of the CDR file. .1 (BER) description of the CDR file describes the encoding of CDRs on the iGWB.1 Description of the CDR File The ASN.4 ASN.ASN”. For detailed ASN. refer to Appendix A “CDR Encoding/Decoding Description. 1_MOC. CSdomain bearer services. Figure 1.1_MOC. HLR interrogation.1_CallRecord(partial3)_MOC.1_MOC.1-encoded CDRs of various services.dat 008-ASN.1_CallRecord(partial2)_MOC.txt partial record3 009ASN. and emergency calls.1_MOC.txt .21 The correlation between CDRs and examples Service Record Name ASN.txt Other bear service call MOC Record 004-ASN.1_MOC.1 CDR example" in Appendix B "CDR Examples".1_MOC.1_MTC.1_CallRecord(partial1)_ MOC.txt Forwarding record Forwarding record 005-ASN.1_CFW. VP calls.1_CFW.1_MTC.  The suffix of an example of a CDR in the ASN.1_MOC.1_CallRecord(partial1)_MOC. USSD.dat 004-ASN. SMS.dat 006-ASN.txt MTC Record 002-ASN.dat 005-ASN.5 Examples of CDRs This chapter describes the ANS. Detailed CDR examples in the ASN.txt Vp Call MOC Record 003-ASN. such as voice calls.1 encoding format is dat.txt partial record2 008ASN.1 BER Code Record Decoded Record Voice Call MOC Record 001-ASN.dat 003-ASN.1_MOC.dat 007-ASN.1 encoding format and the text (after decoding) format are provided in "ASN.dat 002-ASN.dat 009-ASN.1_CallRecord(partial3)_ MOC.  The suffix of an example of a CDR in the decoded text format is txt. This chapter describes only the correlation between different CDRs and their examples.dat 001-ASN. supplementary services.txt Emergency record Emergency call record 006-ASN.1_CallRecord(partial2)_ MOC.txt Middle billing partial record1 007ASN. 1_SMS_MTC.dat 015-ASN.1_SMS(partial3)_MOC.txt partial record5 011ASN.txt Interrogation Interrogation record 020-ASN.1_CallRecord(partial7)_MOC.txt USSD USSD record 021ASN.dat 018-ASN.1_SS_Act(USSD).txt Concatenated Long Sms4 019ASN.dat 024-ASN.1_SMS(partial2)_MOC.txt CommonEquip Record CommonEquip Record 024-ASN.1_Handover_MOC.1_CallRecord(partial5)_MOC.dat 019-ASN.1_SS_Act(USSD).dat 014-ASN.1_SMS_MOC.txt Sms MOC record 014-ASN.txt Concatenated Long Sms1 016ASN.Service Record Name ASN.txt Concatenated Long Sms2 017ASN.dat 017-ASN.1_GWI.1 BER Code Record Decoded Record partial record4 010ASN.1_SMS(partial3)_MOC .txt Handover Handover MOC record 023ASN.txt Sms Concatenated Long Sms .dat 010-ASN.txt Sms MTC record 015-ASN.1_CallRecord(partial6)_MOC.1_CommEquip.1_CallRecord(partial7)_ MOC.1_CallRecord(partial4)_ MOC.dat 023-ASN.1_GWI.1_SMS(partial1)_MOC.1_CommEquip.dat 020-ASN.1_SMS_MOC.txt partial record7 013ASN.1_SMS(partial4)_MOC .dat 013-ASN.1_CallRecord(partial6)_ MOC.1_SMS_MTC.1_CallRecord(partial5)_ MOC.1_SS_Act(Forward).dat 016-ASN.1_SS_Act(Forward).dat 012-ASN.txt IncGatewayRec ord IncGateway Record 025-ASN.dat 021-ASN.1_SMS(partial4)_MOC.txt Concatenated Long Sms3 018ASN.dat 025-ASN.da t 022-ASN.1_SMS(partial1)_MOC .txt partial record6 012ASN.1_Handover_MOC.dat 011-ASN.txt Supplementary service Forward registration 022ASN.1_Query_HLR.1_CallRecord(partial4)_MOC.1_SMS(partial2)_MOC .1_Query_HLR. 1_MTC(Camel).txt Moc(FCI) Moc(FCI) 032ASN.1_LR_MTC.1_MOC(Hot).1_MTC(Camel).1_Transit.1_GWO.dat 031-ASN.dat 033-ASN.1_MOC(Camel).1_Transit.1_LR_MOC.1_MOC(withFCI).1_GWO.dat 034-ASN.txt NI-LCS MT-LCS record 038-ASN.dat 026-ASN.1_MOC(Hot).txt SS_PLMN_SP ECIFICSS1 record SS_PLMN_SPE CIFICSS1 record 034ASN.1_SPECIFICSS1_MOC.txt MO-LCS MO-LCS record 036-ASN.dat 032-ASN.dat 029-ASN.txt Moc(CAMEL) Moc(CAMEL) 029ASN.1_MOC(Camel).dat 035-ASN.1_LR_NI.txt RoamingRecor d Roaming Record 028-ASN.1_SPECIFICSS1_MO C.txt Moc(hotbilling) Moc(hotbilling) 033-ASN.txt MT-LCS MT-LCS record 037-ASN.txt TCAMEL TCAMEL 031-ASN.1_LR_MOC.txt .1_MOC(withFCI).1_Tcamel.dat 030-ASN.txt TransitCallRec ord TransitCall Record 027-ASN.1_SPECIFICSS3_MO C.Service Record Name ASN.1_SPECIFICSS3_MOC.dat 028-ASN.1 BER Code Record Decoded Record OutGatewayRe cord OutGateway Record 026-ASN.dat 037-ASN.1_LR_MTC.1_Roam.dat 036-ASN.dat 027-ASN.txt SS_PLMN_SP ECIFICSS3 record SS_PLMN_SPE CIFICSS3 record 035ASN.1_Roam.dat 038-ASN.txt Mtc(CAMEL) Mtc(CAMEL) 030ASN.1_LR_NI.1_Tcamel. 06 20065-22 Tan Feng The following fields were added: groupCallType groupCallReference  uus1Type  csReference  csaReference  camel4CDRflag  networkOperatorId  typeOfSubscribers   For details.6 Description of Record Fields ' were arranged according to alphabetical order. 03 200505-05 Guo Jin The description of the M/C/O field in section 1.02-V2.08: CR 01.5 Record contents' were modified and the fields in section '1. see section 2.” . 04 20058-11 Guo Jin/ Zhou Qiang The field eCategory was added.05: CR 01.04 were added. The field names in section '1.03: CR 01 and V2. For details.04: CR 01.5 Record contents was modified.04-V2.02 to V2.6 Revision History Issue Date Author Description 01 200504-10 Guo Jin Records for the revision from V2.03-V2. 200504-15 Guo Jin/ Zhou Qiang 02 For details.2 “V2. see V2. see V2. 05 20058-25 Zhou Qiang The field resourceChargeIPnumber was added.07-V2. 12 200608-01 Zhou Qiang Section 1. 09 20066-20 Zhou Qiang The type ofCS reference was changed from INTEGER to OCTET(1.19 “LocUpdateVLRRecord” was added. 19 200701-13 Wang Fengkui CMN flag was added to TRANSIT. gwo/gwi/transit: Disconnectparty was added. firstmccmnc.10) to IA5(1. GWI. 15 20069-18 Zhou Qiang The fields interactionWithIP and resourceChargeIP were deleted from numberIncGatewayRecord and TransitCallRecord.Issue Date Author Description 07 200605-31 Zou Qiang The field tariffCode was added. 20066-22 Yu Bin The field tariffCode was added.8). and TRANSIT. 10 20067-31 Yu Bin The field audioDataType was added. and lastmccmnc were added) to GWI and GWO..32). and disconnectparty and usertype were added. . mtc: Disconnectparty and usertype were added. 13 200608-04 Zhou Qiang CallPartyHandling(3) was added to the structure LevelOfCAMELService. 20 20072-1 E Xiaofei The TAG value of disconnectParty and tariffCode was modified. 18 200601-06 Wang Fengkui LAI&CI interface was added (location. 17 200612-12 Wang Fengkui RecordNumber was added for all the records. The fields interactionWithIP and resourceChargeIP were added to TermCAMELRecord. and translatedNumber field was added to MTC.5. tcamel: Camelphase was added. 14 20069-13 Du Haiwei The moc/cfw record was changed from CDR CAMEL4_CDR_flag to camelphase. changeOfLocation. 11 200608-01 Zhou Qiang The type of the camel4CDRflag field was changed from null to ENUMERATED(1). 08 The type of mscIncomingROUTE and mscOutgoingROUTE was changed from IA5(1. 16 200610-13 Du Haiwei The field interactionWithIP was deleted from the incoming gateway records and transit records. ROAM. The length of mscIncomingROUTE and mscOutgoingROUTE was changed to 32 bytes. GWO. . 22 20074-2 Du Peng Area code was added to MOC.GWO. and SS_ACT. 30 20086-17 Wangfen gkui 1)The following fields were added to the TRANSIT CDR: redirectingnumber,redirectingcounter; 2)The field partyRelCause was added to the MOC. SMSMT.CFW,MEC. 28 200712-12 Dong Zhengpin g The document structure was re-designed based on the modification of the billing document. CFW. The field servedIMSI was added to the GWI CDR.ROAM CDR . 24 20077-31 Wang Xianping The field MCTType was added to the MOC record. The interface description types of the maximumBitRate and guaranteedBitRate were added. LCS (the LCS launched by the network is exclusive).Issue Date Author Description 21 20072-2 Du Peng The field callingChargeAreaCode in the MOC record.TRANSIT. MTC record and roaming record was changed to the field chargeAreaCode. emergency record.EMC. 25 20078-6 Wang Xianping The following intelligent fields were added to the ROAM CDR:  gsm-SCFAddress  serviceKey  levelOfCAMELService 26 20078-16 Du Haifeng The CDR examples were added.TCAME L. 29 20081-7 Wang Fengkui The document was revised based on the modification of the billing document. The field interactionWithIP was added to TCAMEL.GWI. 27 20078-20 Wang Fengkui The CARP field was added to the MOC. 23 20074-6 Du Peng The field cAMELCPHCallConfigurationChange = 0x6 was added to CauseForTerm. CFW and MTC records. forwarding record. MTC. And the field chargeAreaCode was added to the other CDRs. SMSMO. Issue Date Author Description 31 20086-24 Wangfen gkui The following fields were added to the GWO、GWI 、TRANSIT CDR:: redirectingnumber,redirectingcounter; The following fields were added to the CFW CDR:: redirectingcounter 32 200808-06 Lin Hua Update the TAG VALUE IN CDR 33 20088-25 Lin Hua ADD roaming-number in transit record 34 20089-12 Lin Hua ADD The category of subscribers. Field IN GatewayIncoming redord、OutGoingway record 、transit record .
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