03 GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual

March 23, 2018 | Author: Paul Claver Allou | Category: Network Congestion, Telecommunications, Telecommunications Engineering, Technology, Electronics



GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual BOM Code Confidentiality Level Compiling DepartmentINTERNAL Product Name Product Version Document Version INTERNAL GSM BSC V1.1 Total 31 pages GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual (For internal use only) Prepared by GSM&UMTS Network Performance Research Department HUAWEI Confidential Date 2008-05-19 2013-09-16 Page1, Total18 Total18 . Ltd.GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual INTERNAL Yang Chunjie Reviewed by Reviewed by >Approved by Date Date Date Huawei Technologies Co. All rights reserved 2013-09-16 HUAWEI Confidential Page2.. 0 V1. 2006-12-20 Congestion Rate Yang Haiquan Baseline Specification of GSM BSS Wu Zhen 2007-04-09 Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) 2013-09-16 HUAWEI Confidential Page3. References Num ber 1 2 Reference Author Date Guide to Optimization of SDCCH Wang Weiji.0 Revision Record Description Draft completed Author Chunjie Chunjie Yang 00119951 Adjust the sequence of Yang problem location and 00119951 add some suggestions of adjusting the related parameters affecting SDCCH congestion rate according to the advices of the experts in our team and the experts of network optimization and planning.GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual INTERNAL Date 2008-05-19 2008-06-02 Revision Version V1. Total18 . ..........................................2.........2............................................9 3.........................11 3.................................3 Congestion Caused by Improper Data Configuration......7 3...........5 1..................................................................................7 2.................6 2 Factors of SDCCH Congestion Rate in GSM.....2........14 6 Feedbacks on High SDCCH Congestion Rate.....7 3...............................14 5......................................................................................................................3 Checking Data Configuration......................................15 Appendix Relevant Traffic Counters to BSC6000 SDCCH Congestion Rate..........................................................9 3.........4 Checking the Um Interface.........................................16 2013-09-16 HUAWEI Confidential Page4.......................2.........1 Checking Hardware..................................................................7 2....2 Checking Channel Configuration.....................................................................................6 2............................................7 3 Optimazation Method of SDCCH Congestion....................................................................................................................................................6 2.........................2 Congestion Caused by Insufficient Signaling Resources.....................1 Congestion Caused by Faults on Equipment or Transmission.............................................................................................. Total18 .......................1 Analysis Procedure of SDCCH Congestion Rate...............3 Signaling Procedure and Measurement Points.......................................2 Optimazation Method of SDCCH Congestion Rate...........................5 1.............9 3.......................................................GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual INTERNAL Contents 1 Principles of SDCCH Congestion Rate .1 Definition.........................................6 1...........................................................................................................................2 SDCCH Congesiton Caused by Improper Configuration of LAC....................................................................12 4 Test Method.14 5.........1 Congestion Caused by Improper Configuration of Power...................................4 Congestion Caused by Interference...2 SDCCH Seizure...13 5 Case Analysis of SDCCH Congestion Rate........ Total18 . SDCCH congestion rate indicates the failed requests for the SDCCH for various reasons. This counter provides the ratio of failed SDCCH seizures due to busy SDCCH to the total requests for the SDCCH.1 Definition The Huawei definition and formula of SDCCH congestion rate are as follows: • Definition: Ratio of failed SDCCH seizures due to busy SDCCH to the total requests for the SDCCH • Formula: SDCCH congestion rate = Failed SDCCH seizures due to busy SDCCH/Total requests for the SDCCH x 100% Failed SDCCH Seizures due to Busy SDCCH = [Failed Immediate Assignment due to Busy Channels or Failed Configurations (SDCCH)] + [Failed Internal Inter-cell Handovers (No Channel Available) (SDCCH)] + [Failed Incoming Internal Inter-cell Handovers (No Channel Available) (SDCCH)] + [Failed Incoming 2013-09-16 HUAWEI Confidential Page5. SDCCH congestion rate also indicates the status of the SDCCH resource utilization. Abbreviations: Abbreviation SDCCH Full Spelling Stand-alone Dedicated Control Channel 1 Principles of SDCCH Congestion Rate SDCCH congestion rate is one of the important counters that indicate accessibility in circuit service. 1.GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual INTERNAL SDCCH Congestion Rate Optimization Manual Keywords: SDCCH Congestion Rate Abstract: This document introduces the definition and optimization method of SDCCH congestion rate. he procedure of SDCCH handovers (including both the intra-BSC and interBSC handovers) 1. such as broken LAPD link. 2013-09-16 HUAWEI Confidential Page6. cause the SDCCH congestion. 2 2. call re-establishment. BSC.GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual INTERNAL External Handovers (No Channel Available) (SDCCH)] 1. B.3 Signaling Procedure and Measurement Points M S Channel Reques t B TS B S C Channel Requir ed Channel ACT A 1 B 1 Channel ACTACK Immediate assignment Command Figure 1 SDCCH requests and failed SDCCH requests due to busy SDCCH in the immediate assignment procedure A1: Immediate Assignment Requests B1: Failed Immediate Channel Assignment due to Busy SDCCHs or Failed SDCCH Configurations For details. location updating (only SDCCH). refer to the Baseline Specification of GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate).2 SDCCH Seizure The requests for the SDCCH in GSM are mainly made in the following two procedures: A. The alarm "Excessive Loss of E1/T1 Signals in an Hour" also causes the SDCCH congestion. or short messages. Total18 . and Abis interface.1 Factors of SDCCH Congestion Rate in GSM Congestion Caused by Faults on Equipment or Transmission The faults on BTS. The procedure for requesting the SDCCH for services such as point-to-point calls. For example. The SDCCH congestion rate of a BSC is composed of the SDCCH congestion rate of a series of cells.4 Congestion Caused by Interference Interference on the Um interface also causes congestion. 2. Total18 . In addition. the time of the SDCCH being occupied increases. If these parameters are set correctly. As a result. 2. Proper setting of the number of SDCCHs and TCHs.1 Optimazation Method of SDCCH Congestion Analysis Procedure of SDCCH Congestion Rate SDCCH congestion rate is classified into BSC-level and cell-level according to the statistic object of the counter. 3 3.3 Congestion Caused by Improper Data Configuration The SDCCH congestion relates to the relevant parameters of the BSC such as SDCCH Availability. the Huawei SDCCH congestion rate cannot exclude the congestion in the handover procedure. Compared with the SDCCH congestion rate of the competitors. the SDCCH is abnormally allocated and congestion occurs. The excessive receive sensibility can also make the interference signal mistaken as access signal. Procedure of SDCCH congestion rate analysis 2013-09-16 HUAWEI Confidential Page7. and T3212 (the timer used for periodic updating).GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual 2. if the main BCCH in the serving cell and the TCH in the neighboring cell share the same TRX frequency and BTS BSIC. Few networks are enabled with the function of SDCCH handover. the SDCCH congestion can be relieved. the handover access on this TCH may be mistaken as random access. therefore.2 Congestion Caused by Insufficient Signaling Resources INTERNAL The heavy traffic and burst traffic cause the SDCCH congestion. and the SDCCH dynamic conversion function can relieve the congestion. LAC and T3101 (the timer used in the immediate assignment procedure). the formula of SDCCH congestion rate of Huawei is almost the same as that of the competitors. if the assignment procedure is set to Late Assignment. which leads to congestion. which may lead to congestion. Total18 .GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual INTERNAL 2013-09-16 HUAWEI Confidential Page8. query the alarms of transmission. determine the level of the SDCCH congestion rate.2 Checking Channel Configuration Query the traffic statistics to see whether the traffic volume on the SDCCH and TCH are higher than the normal value. a TCH can be used as only one SDCCH. for multi-TRX BTSs. Total18 . check the traffic volume and the setting of T3212. BTS. To see whether there are faults on the hardware. For cells with only one TRX or without extra channels. enable the very early immediate assignment procedure.1 Optimazation Method of SDCCH Congestion Rate Checking Hardware Faults on the TRX. check the hardware. which is a waste of the TCH resources. If congestion occurs in only a few cells. In this case. CDU VSWR. and Um interface quality of the cell. Ca BSC-Level Cell-Level use s Tra Help of Performance Counter TS3010: Traffic Volume of ffic Reference > BSC Signaling Channels (SDCCH) Lo Measurement > Access CS3010: MRs on Signaling ad Measurement per BSC Channels (SDCCH) SDCCH Congestion Rate CS3023: Traffic Volume of Speech (overflow) (%) Service on SDCCH ZK3004: Traffic Volume on CS3024: Traffic Volume of Short SDCCH per BSC Message Service on SDCCH 2013-09-16 HUAWEI Confidential Page9. data configuration. Then.2.GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual Figure 2 Procedure of SDCCH congestion rate analyses INTERNAL First.2 3. Some counters related to the BSC6000 are listed in the following table. 3. and transmission may cause SDCCH congestion. query transmissionrelated traffic counters such as the CRC frames received by the BTS on the LAPD link in the LAPD performance measurement. and clock. board communication. In addition. 3. enable SDCCH dynamic allocation function or increase the number of SDCCH channels to relieve the congestion.2. calculate the SDCCH capacity to check whether it meets the system demand and whether the faults exist on system-level equipment or transmission. For the method of computing the capacity. refer to the Guide to Capacity Planning. the TCH channel is immediately assigned when the SDCCH has no available resource during the processing of access request. In the very early immediate assignment procedure. If the congestion is caused by excessive traffic on the SDCCH. If the congestion occurs in a large area. MS attach/detach. It is difficult to avoid the SDCCH congestion caused by network burst services. Cause BSC Cell-Level s 2013-09-16 HUAWEI Confidential Page10. enable the SDCCH dynamic allocation function or increase the number of SDCCH channels. enable the immediate assignment procedure. In the immediate assignment procedure. MOC. check whether the abnormity of Channel Requests. b. you can take some relief measures such as increasing the number of SDCCHs or enabling the SDCCH dynamic conversion function. you can find out the reason why congestion occurs in the network or cell. For the cell with only one TRX or without extra channels. a. Note that you should check the history traffic statistics when querying these traffic counters to see whether they fluctuate during a certain period. By analyzing these counters. or short message. however. Increase the number of TRXs. For the BTS with multiple TRXs. Successful Immediate Assignments or Successful SDCCH Seizures is caused by the service of location updating. short messages are performed on the Schiff a certain service causes burst traffic. use the following methods according to the specific configuration of the BTSs. The traffic counters related to the SDCCH request and seizure are listed in the following table. call setup. c. In this case. Some counters related to burst services of the BSC6000 are listed in the following table. If the SDCCH congestion is caused by certain burst services such as location updating and short messages.GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual INTERNAL CS3025: Traffic Volume of USSD Service on SDCCH All the services such as location updating. the SDCCH congestion may occur. paging. the TCH is immediately assigned when the SDCCH has no available resource during the processing of access request. Total18 . If the LAC is too small. SDCCH Congesiton Caused by Improper Configuration of LAC 2. proper planning of LA can reduce the SDCCH congestion. the number of MS location updating increases. the signaling flow increases during the paging in the BTSs within the LA. the SDCCH congestion can be relieved. Setting the T3101 to a small value can effectively reduce the congestion caused by double SDCCH allocation. set T3101 to a small value. set the relevant counters according to the actual situations. To prevent this problem. 3. the MS possibly sends no 2013-09-16 HUAWEI Confidential Page11. Setting T3212 to a great value can decrease the SDCCH load caused by periodical location updating. Set relevant timers such as T3101 and T3212 properly.2. and thus the signaling flow of the system increases. but also decreases the utilization of the TCH resources. and thus the network load increases. which leads to a waste of resources. If the parameters are set correctly. If the LAC is too great. Therefore. especially when enabling the queuing function.3 Checking Data Configuration The SDCCH congestion relates to the parameter settings of the BSC. LAC planning: The LAC setting is very important to the network performance. To optimize the utilization of the signaling resources. A3030A: Call Setup Indications (MOC Non SMS) (SDCCH) A3030B: Call Setup Indications (MOC SMS) (SDCCH) A3030C: Call Setup Indications (MTC) (SDCCH) A3030D: Call Setup Indications (Emergency Call) (SDCCH) A3030E: Call Setup Indications (Call Reestablishment) (SDCCH) A3030F: Call Setup Indications (Location Updating) (SDCCH) A3030G: Call Setup Indications (IMSI Detach) (SDCCH) A3030H: Call Setup Indications (PS Service) (SDCCH) A3030I: Call Setup Indications (SS) (SDCCH) A3030J: Call Setup Indications (LCS) (SDCCH) A3030K: Call Setup Indications (Others) (SDCCH) INTERNAL 3. the signaling resources are occupied for a long period. SDCCH dynamic allocation: Enabling the SDCCH dynamic allocation function reduces the SDCCH congestion. Total18 . 1. If the T3212 is too great.GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual Troub leshoo ting Burst Traffi c None . which may lead to the SDCCH congestion. If the T3101 is set to an over-great value. GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual INTERNAL request for location updating. The BSC may assign multiple SDCCHs to a single MS. 5. The interference of GSM is classified into inter-network interference and intra-network interference.2. The methods of eliminating the interference are as follows: a. the SDCCH congestion rate increases. The traffic measurement counters related to the interference include the number of idle TCHs in interference bands 4 and 5. query the number of idle TCHs in interference bands 4 and 5 to determine whether the uplink interference exists. a power difference band forms. The setting of RACH Min.Access Level may cause SDCCH congestion. 6. If the immediate assignment success rate and the paging success rate decrease. call failures may occur though there are signals. the number of MSs that access the network increases. the TCH cannot be occupied and the time of the SDCCH occupation increases. The setting of RXLEV_ACCESS_MIN also causes the SDCCH congestion. MS MAX Retrans is increased. the system may receive many random interference signals and assign each random access signal a SDCCH. Thus. Therefore. Improper setting of power also causes the SDCCH congestion. If the parameter is set too great. the calling MS always occupies the SDCCH during the period of waiting for the called party to pick up the phone. the SDCCH congestion may occur. if the late assignment is enabled. If the power of the main BCCH is set normal but the power of the TCH on the non-main BCCH TRX is set too small. Thus. To eliminate the 2013-09-16 HUAWEI Confidential Page12.1 "Congestion Caused by Improper Configuration of Power" 3. When an MS requests the SDCCH successfully in the power difference band. thus leading to congestion. To increase the paging success rate. the rate of bad quality handovers and the TCH seizure failures in the measurement of the call drop performance. thus leading to the SDCCH congestion. 8. the lowest MS access level and the interference. the interference signal access increases and excessive SDCCH requests are initiated. The setting of MS MAX Retrans also causes the SDCCH congestion. the RACH during the performance measurement may be overloaded. see section 5. and the system displays "The subscriber you dial is power off" even though the called MS is on. thus leading to the SDCCH congestion. In this case. When the MS requests MOC or location updating. Total18 . For details. If this parameter is set too small.4 Checking the Um Interface Interference on the Um interface also causes congestion. Therefore. In the network with small space between BTSs and tight BCCH frequency reuses. set the parameter according to the actual BTS sensitivity. In the assignment procedure. Inter-network Interference For inter-network interference. the MS is identified as implicit off-line. 7. If the RXLEV_ACCESS_MIN is set too small. the time of the SDCCH occupation increases and other MSs may fail to request the SDCCH. the congestion occurs. Find out the faulty cell. Interference band measurement per TRX rence AS4200A:Mean Number of SDCCHs in Interference Band 1 AS4200B: Mean Number of SDCCHs in Interference Band 2 AS4200C: Mean Number of SDCCHs in Interference Band 3 AS4200D: Mean Number of SDCCHs in Interference Band 4 AS4200E: Mean Number of SDCCHs in Interference Band 5 S4350D: Radio Link Failures (SDCCH) 4 Test Method The SDCCH congestion rate is one of the KPIs. and modify the frequency planning to eliminate the interference. incomplete test routes. The UL frequency and DL frequency are paired. the network cannot achieve high Carrier-to-Interference Ratios (CIRs). The following tables lists some KPIs related to the BSC6000 interference. refer to the G-Guide to Eliminate Interference. In actual measurement. you should register the specific counters and use an appropriate formula to calculate the value of the counter. modify the antenna planning or frequency planning. adjust or close the interference source. which causes intrafrequency or inter-frequency interferences or the SDCCH congestion. Check the actual distribution of signals to determine whether the interference exists. 2013-09-16 HUAWEI Confidential Page13. so we can query the interference band to find out the cells with high mean number of SDCCHs in interference band four and five. Total18 . Then. For intranetwork interference. use a spectrum analyzer and check the network parameters to locate the interference source. b. For detailed methods of checking interference. and the irregular occurrence of the congestion in areas with low traffic. At present. perform drive tests. Then. Then check the frequency planning of the network. the vendors and mobile operators use different formulas to calculate the SDCCH congestion rate. thus leading to different values of this counter. Intra-network Interference If the frequency planning and antenna tilt planning are improper. Generally. SDCCH congestion rate is not measured through drive tests because of the limited samples. Cause BSC-Level TRX-Level Interfe None. which can be obtained through the registration or reporting of the related KPIs.GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual INTERNAL interference. Block the TCHs of TRX1. b. The SDCCH is occupied in the following situations. [Cause Analysis] The possible reason is that the output power of TRX1 is small and is not detected by the BTS3001C. Handling Procedure a. however.86 Erl.91%. and the SDCCH counters are normal. and the congestion rate is up to 4. The traffic volume is up to 1. The number of SDCCH seizure requests is large. Handling Procedure 1. even reaching 3. Query the counters of TCHs and SDCCHs and find that the traffic on TCH is not high with each cell less than 3 Erl. Normally. Therefore. which is within the normal range. the traffic of each cell is generally less than 3 Erl. Total18 . the traffic volume on the TCH is 2. Then the engineers observe the status of the TCH and find that the TCH of TRX1 is idle whereas the TCH and SDCCH of TRX0 are busy. 5. show that the congestion rate in this BTS is high (13%). Alarm Information None. 2013-09-16 HUAWEI Confidential Page14.GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual 5 Case Analysis of SDCCH Congestion Rate INTERNAL 5. Transmitting the signaling of handover c. Transmitting the signaling of location update in idle mode 3. Transmitting the signaling before call setup b. The traffic measurement results. however. This causes the SDCCH to be occupied for a long time. thus leading to the SDCCH congestion.2 SDCCH Congesiton Caused by Improper Configuration of LAC Description The SDCCH Congestion Rate of two cells in a BTS (S1/1/1) is up to 4. Replace the BTS and all counters are normal.79 Erl (the number of available TCHs is 6). the congestion may be caused by frequent location updates. a.032 times during busy hours. Use a power meter to measure the output power of TRX1 and TRX0. which is also within the normal range. The number of TCH handover requests is 146.91%. c. The result shows that the output power of TRX1 is very small but that of TRX0 is normal.1 Congestion Caused by Improper Configuration of Power Description The engineers observe the status of each board of the BTS3001C-204 (configured with two omni-directional antennas) on the LMT and find that they are in normal state.The number of TCH seizure requests (including handovers) is 318.Most MSs are not assigned a TCH of TRX1 successfully except those close to the BTS. send a feedback about the relevant traffic statistics to the headquarters. The value of LAC should not be set too great or too small. the boundary of the LA should not be parallel or vertical to the streets but beveled to the streets. Total18 . Therefore. rivers. the mountains. 3. the traffic volume is high in urban areas. 5. the number of SDCCH seizure requests becomes 298. If the LAC is changed on the BSS side. signaling availability and traffic volume) 2013-09-16 HUAWEI Confidential Page15. the congestion rate becomes 0. When changing the LAC. in rural-urban fringe zone. Generally. Suggestion and Summary 1.GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual INTERNAL 4. the streets or the place with heavy traffic (for example malls) should not be set as the boundary of the LA. The LACs of the cells near this BTS are 0520. It is recommended that the number of TRXs be not more than 300. and the version number of the BSC software and BTS software. Check the LAC of this BTS and find that it is 0500.   6 Feedbacks on High SDCCH Congestion Rate The SDCCH congestion rate can be obtained through the analysis of the traffic statistics. or other natural resources should be set as the boundary of the LA to minimize coverage overlapping of different cells in two neighboring Lassie there is no mountain or river. The RSL tracing data of the faulty cell. Plan the LAC according to the geographical locations and habits of the MSs to minimize the location updates at the edge of a Lifer example. The configuration files (.DAT files) of the faulty cell or BSC. and the traffic volume becomes 0. the LAC should be changed on the MSC side accordingly. If there are more than two LAs.27 Erl. note that the cells cannot have the same CGI. the boundary of an LA should be set in the area with least traffic instead of in the area with high traffic to avoid frequent location updates. During busy hours. The list of the cells with high SDCCH congestion rate. 2. and the traffic statistics (cell-level) of the faulty cell (including the congestion rate. Change the LAC of this BTS into 0520. 4. The interference measurement report of the faulty cell (TRX-level). The alarm logs of the faulty cell. 2. if the SDCCH congestion rate on site is too high. Generally. The information that needs to be sent is shown as follows: 1. GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual INTERNAL Appendix Relevant Traffic Counters to BSC6000 SDCCH Congestion Rate BSC-Level Cell-Level SDCCH Seizure Requests R3300A: Channel Activation per BSC Attempts in Immediate Assignment Procedure (SDCCH) Failed SDCCH Seizures due R3300B: CHAN ACTIV to Busy SDCCH per BSC NACK Messages Sent by BTS in Immediate Assignment Procedure (SDCCH) Successful SDCCH Seizures R3300C: Channel Activation per BSC Timeouts in Immediate Assignment Procedure (SDCCH) Call Drops on SDCCH per R3330A: Channel Activation BSC Attempts in Internal IntraCell Handover Procedure (SDCCH) Traffic Volume on SDCCH R3330B: CHAN ACTIV per BSC NACK Messages Sent by BTS in Internal Intra-Cell Handover Procedure (SDCCH) Available SDCCHs per BSC R3330C: Channel Activation Timeouts in Internal IntraCell Handover Procedure (SDCCH) Configured SDCCHs per R3340A: Channel Activation BSC Attempts in Incoming Internal Inter-Cell Handover Procedure (SDCCH) Congestion Ratio on R3340B: CHAN ACTIV SDCCH per BSC NACK Messages Sent by BTS in Incoming Internal Inter-Cell Handover Procedure (SDCCH) Call Drop Ratio on SDCCH R3340C: Channel Activation per BSC Timeouts in Incoming Internal Inter-Cell Handover Procedure (SDCCH) 2013-09-16 HUAWEI Confidential TRX-Level R4400A: Attempted Immediate Assignments (SDCCH) R4400B: Immediate (SDCCH) Successful Assignments R4430A: Attempted Handovers (SDCCH) R4430B: Completed Handovers (SDCCH) S4310D: Uplink Quality during Radio Link Failure (SDCCH) S4330D: Downlink Quality during Radio Link Failure (SDCCH) S4300D: Uplink Level during Radio Link Failure (SDCCH) S4320D: Downlink Level during Radio Link Failure (SDCCH) S4350D: Radio Failures (SDCCH) Link Page16. Total18 . GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual SDCCH BSC Availability per R3350A: Channel Activation Attempts in Incoming External Inter-Cell Handover Procedure (SDCCH) R3340B: CHAN ACTIV NACK Messages Sent by BTS in Incoming External Inter-Cell Handover Procedure (SDCCH) R3340C: Channel Activation Timeouts in Incoming External Inter-Cell Handover Procedure (SDCCH) A3030A: Call Setup Indications (MOC Non SMS) (SDCCH) A3030B: Call Setup Indications (MOC SMS) (SDCCH) A3030C: Call Setup Indications (MTC) (SDCCH) A3030D: Call Setup Indications (Emergency Call) (SDCCH) A3030E: Call Setup Indications (Call Reestablishment) (SDCCH) A3030F: Call Setup Indications (Location Updating) (SDCCH) A3030G: Call Setup Indications (IMSI Detach) (SDCCH) A3030H: Call Setup Indications (PS Service) (SDCCH) A3030I: Call Setup Indications (SS) (SDCCH) INTERNAL S4340D: TA during Radio Link Failure (SDCCH)   AS4310D: Mean Uplink Quality during Radio Link Failure (SDCCH)   AS4330D: Mean Downlink Quality during Radio Link Failure (SDCCH)                 AS4300D: Mean Uplink Level during Radio Link Failure (SDCCH) AS4320D: Mean Downlink Level during Radio Link Failure (SDCCH) AS4200A:Mean Number of SDCCHs in Interference Band 1 AS4200B: Mean Number of SDCCHs in Interference Band 2 AS4200C: Mean Number of SDCCHs in Interference Band 3 AS4200D: Mean Number of SDCCHs in Interference Band 4 AS4200E: Mean Number of SDCCHs in Interference Band 5       2013-09-16 HUAWEI Confidential Page17. Total18 . Total18 .GSM BSS Network KPI (SDCCH Congestion Rate) Optimization Manual     A3030J: Call Setup Indications (LCS) (SDCCH) A3030K: Call Setup Indications (Others) (SDCCH) H3500: Outgoing Inter-RAT Inter-Cell Handover Requests (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) H3510: Outgoing Inter-RAT Inter-Cell Handover Commands (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) H3240: Number of Incoming Internal Inter-Cell Handover Detection Messages Received by BSC (SDCCH) H3040: Number of Internal Intra-Cell Handover Detection Messages Received by BSC (SDCCH) H3440: Incoming External Inter-Cell Handover Detection Messages Received by BSC (SDCCH) H3600: Incoming Inter-RAT Inter-Cell Handover Requests (SDCCH) H3520: Failed Outgoing Inter-RAT Inter-Cell Handovers (SDCCH) (Excluding Directed Retry) S3010A: MRs on Signaling Channels (SDCCH) (M900/850 Cell) S3010B: MRs on Signaling Channels (SDCCH) (M1800/1900 Cell)     INTERNAL                                     2013-09-16 HUAWEI Confidential Page18.
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