
March 28, 2018 | Author: Breno Jasser Cordeiro Rodrigues | Category: Rope, Wire, Deformation (Engineering), Wear, Mechanical Engineering



SECTION 02WIRE ROPE & STRAND Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand GENERAL INFORMATION A. Noble & Son Ltd. has been stocking and distributing wire rope almost since the inception of the company in 1911. Apart from the distribution of wire rope Nobles personnel can supply guidance on correct usage and selection of wire rope. Nobles branches throughout Australia have swaging presses for terminating wire rope and NATA accredited tensile testing laboratories. The testing laboratories can be used for destruction testing and proof loading of wire ropes and wire rope assemblies. A. Noble & Son Ltd. represents a range of wire rope manufacturers from all over the world who each have their own specialities in mine winding, crane and general purpose ropes. Wire Rope & Strand Construction The main components of a wire rope are shown below. Description, Size & Construction A wire rope is made up of the basic components illustrated. The terms used to describe these component parts should be strictly adhered to, particularly when reporting on the conditions of ropes. Describing wires as strands and strands as wire can be grossly misleading. For example, a report that a rope has a broken strand in most applications calls for immediate discarding of the rope, and subsequent cessation of operation, while a report that a rope has a broken wire in it should call for early inspection but seldom for discarding the rope. In the above example, each individual wire is arranged around a central wire to form a 7-wire strand. Six of these strands are formed around a central core to make a wire rope. The rope is specified as 6x7 (6/1) – i.e. six strands each of seven wires. The size and number of wires in each strand, as well as the size and number of strands in the rope greatly affect the characteristics of the rope. In general, a large number of smallsize wires and strands produce a flexible rope with good resistance to bending fatigue. The rope construction is also important for tensile loading (static, live or shock), abrasive wear, crushing, corrosion and rotation. Core Equal Laid Rope Wire Rope Wire Strand Cross Laid Rope Composition of Wire Rope Wire Rope Description The properties of a wire rope are derived from its size, construction, quality, lay and type of core. Size Ropes are referred to by a diameter size. The correct way to measure wire rope is shown below. Correct Method Incorrect Method 22 GENERAL INFORMATION Rotation Resistant: The conventional rotation resistant wire rope is composed of a number of strands that are laid up in opposite directions to produce a non-rotating effect. The 4 strand Mono Track is a complete departure from this convention and is created through theoretical analyses of the working torques. Multiple Operation Triangular Strand: The wires are specially formed to produce a strand with a triangular section – this type of rope is only produced in Lang’s lay. This construction has improved wear and crush resistance and has wide application in winding and haulage systems. Galvanised Strand: These are single strands of concentric layers of wires, some of which are cross laid to produce a non-rotating result. Half Locked Coil: A strand with the outer layer composed of alternate shaped and round wires covering one or two layers of round wires laid in the opposite direction. Full Locked Coil: A strand used as a rope and composed of one or two layers of Z-shaped wires laid over layers of half lock coil and/or layers of round wires. Rotation Resistant Mining Ropes: A rope composed of flattened strands of six or eight wires contra laid over a triangular strand rope to produce a rotation resistant result. Single Operation Rotation Resistant Cores & Wire Tensile A number of core types are available and each gives specific properties to the rope: Triangular Strand 1. Fibre Core (FC) – sisal or polypropylene. 2. Wire Strand Core (WSC) – strand usually of the same construction as the outer strands. 3. Independent Wire Rope Core (IWRC) – a wire rope usually of 6x7 (6/1)/1x7(6/1) construction. Fibre Core (FC) in 6 x 7 rope A fibre core, generally sisal, provides a resilient foundation for the strands in the rope structure. Fibre cores are used for ropes that are not subjected to heavy loading and where flexibility in handling is required. Fibre cores are inadequate where wire rope is subjected to heavy loading, prolonged to outdoor exposure and crushing on small drums and sheaves. Galvanised Strand Half Locked Coil Wire Strand Core (WSC) in 6 x 7 Rope Full Locked Coil Non-Rotating Mining These cores are used chiefly for standing ropes (guys or rigging), and offer higher tensile strength and, owing to the larger wires in the core, greater resistance to corrosion failure. Multiple Operation: Individual strands are composed of successive layers of wire laid up at different lay lengths. This results in a cross laid rope. This type of construction is now confined to a limited range of products such as ropes below 8mm diameter, and large sling and static ropes. Single Operation: All wires in the strand are laid up in the one manufacturing operation. This type of rope is standard production, providing an equal laid rope that eliminates internal cross-mating and forms a compact strand of high metallic content. There are three main types: 6x9/9/1, 6x25 FW and 6x36 SW. Independent Wire Rope Core (IWRC) in 6 x 25 FW Rope In many instances it is recommended to use a wire rope with an independent wire rope core (I.W.R.C). Such a core is usually made up of 6 strands of 7 wires each plus centre strand. 23 Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand is denoted with U (formerly B). It reduces the stretch caused by "bedding-in" the wires and strands onto their respective cores.R. Steel Wire Ropes are conventionally produced Right Hand lay unless special circumstances require Left Hand lay. Uncoated or Bright wire rope (Black) . Having better resistance to deterioration and deformation. unless specifically ordered otherwise. and the strands in the rope are formed into the completed rope. the wires are laid in the same direction as the strands in the rope. it will also last longer before deterioration and deformation set in when wound on a drum in multiple layers. may be somewhat less flexible than a new rope with fibre core. Better performance for operating in very high temperatures. abrasion. Greater stability and better resistance to shock loading and abrasion. It is commonly applied to ropes used in aerial ropeways. This makes the rope easier to handle. Tensile Strength Grades Wire ropes are usually supplied in the following tensile ranges: Rope Grade 1570 1770 1960 2160 Range of wire tensile strength grades N/mm2 1370 to 1770 1570 to 1960 1770 to 2160 1960 to 2160 Lay This refers to the way the wires in the strands. 4. Greatly improved resistance to bending fatigue particularly in operation over small drums and sheaves. as factors other than strength influence the life of wire rope.C. This is illustrated on the following page. where it can be seen that wear on an outer wire is distributed over a far greater area than in Ordinary lay.g. "Lay" is also a measure of the pitch of a strand in a rope.C. and that of an 8-strand rope by approx. In addition to controlling stretch. The advantages of preforming are mainly: 1. An independent wire rope core increases the weight of a 6-strand rope by about 10%. Wire Rope & Strand Preforming. This factor also reduces wear on equipment in contact with the rope. 6. 5.Zinc coated Class A is denoted with A (formerly G Class A). The term "lay" is used in three ways: 1. 4. is less susceptible to damage when used on small sheaves and drums than a rope with fibre core. Postforming is particularly useful in overcoming stretch in long lengths of rope and where take-up adjustment is restricted. That is. 5. Permanent support and uniform spacing of the strands laid around it. guying. It increases the actual breaking load of the rope by at least 8% in the case of 6-strand ropes and about 25% in the case of 8-strand ropes. 3. Galvanised wire rope . 3. Lang’s lay is the reverse of Ordinary lay. 3. Increased resistance to deterioration and deformation. In a Right Hand lay strands are laid around the rope core in a clockwise direction – see illustration. Permanent elastic stretch of the wire rope over a longer period of time. 2. Ordinary lay or Lang’s lay. chairlifts and control cables. 24 .R.g. it retains its relative flexibility whereas a rope with fibre core gradually loses its flexibility during use. Delay of internal corrosion. Postforming & Lay Preforming A preformed rope is one in which the component strands are shaped to their final helical form before being laid into the rope. the specific application must be kept in mind when tensile strength of wire is selected. Although a new rope with I. a rope with I. postforming produces results closely related to those achieved by preforming.Zinc coated Class B is denoted with B (formerly G). However. Greater safety in handling of ropes as broken wire ends do not protrude.W. reduces its tendency to kink and gives better spooling onto drums. the lubricant is not squeezed out of the core. To describe the direction in which the wires are stranded in relation to the direction of the strands in the completed rope. The wire strands are essentially laid up in a planetary motion with controlled twist being imparted to produce a tightly formed rope. Rope Grade Equivalents Rope Grade Designation IPS EIPS EEIPS Equivalent Rope Grade 1770 1960 2160 With the increasing use of heavy-duty and more compact equipment (e. power winches on mobile cranes and mine winding) there is a gradual upward trend in the required rope wire tensile range. 2. 2. all standard ropes are supplied preformed. fatigue and scuffing. it is not compressible and has greater wear resistance than fibre core. Reduction of internal stresses in the rope. install. In a Left Hand lay. To describe the direction in which the strands are laid in the rope. right or left. Postforming Postforming is a manufacturing process applied to ropes to minimise stretch in service. the strands are laid anti-clockwise – see illustration.W.Wire Rope & Strand GENERAL INFORMATION The independent wire rope core provides: 1. Improved rope life due to the better equalisation of loading between strands in the rope and reduction of internal stresses in the rope. e. Surface Finish The most common are: Galvanised wire rope . Lang’s lay ropes have superior properties in resistance to wear. 20%. Ordinary lay means the wires in a strand are laid in a direction opposite to the direction in which the strands are laid in the final rope. Preforming can be applied to both Ordinary lay and Lang’s lay ropes and. To reduce the resultant friction within the rope as well as the friction between the rope and drum or sheave. Testing & Plastic Coating Lubrication When a rope is operated over a drum or sheave. For example. the core and inner wires of the strands may be heavily lubricated while the lighter lubrication may be applied to outer wires and strands. steering lines and holding lines in the shipping. Ordinary lay RHOL / RHRL (sZ) LHOL / LHRL (zS) Lang’s lay RHLL (zZ) LHLL (sS) Note: The first letter of the symbol denotes strand direction and the second letter denotes rope direction. Characteristics of Lay: The direction of rope lay does not affect the Breaking Force of a rope. while the company is also accredited by NATA to carry out non-destructive testing on wire ropes in situ. Testing & Inspection of Wire Ropes Nobles can offer special services for rope users to assist in their inspection of used ropes. Our personnel have in many cases had a lifetime in the industry during which considerable experience has been gained. handrails. z (right lay) s (left lay) Specifications All standard ropes are produced to generally comply with the requirements of Australian Standards. In addition this lubrication also retards corrosion and inhibits possible rotting of the fibre core. Left hand ordinary lay (zS) Left hand lang’s lay (sS) Right hand alternate lay (aZ) One rope lay Standard Blue PVC Coating on 6 x 19 FC B 1570 Wire Rope 25 Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand . Wire rope cores are normally heavily lubricated irrespective of the outer strand lubrication.. However some of our more technically advanced wire ropes have special characteristics required to provide superior performance. pearling and fishing industries.GENERAL INFORMATION Lay Directions & Types Lay direction of strands for stranded ropes are right (z) or left (s) and correspond to the direction of lay of the outer wires in relation to the longitudinal axis of the strand. ropes are lubricated in manufacture. Specifications.g. Although the lay length can slightly affect rope behaviour the dominant aspect that influences performance is the direction of lay and whether it is Lang’s lay or Ordinary lay. the strands and wires move relative to one another. Lubrication. However. the importance of rope lay is evident in a four-part highlift grab where rotation of the grab is prevented by the use of alternate right-hand and left-hand ropes. the combination of strand lay and rope lay will greatly affect the rope characteristics and this factor must be taken into consideration when choosing a rope. the outer strands in a stranded rope or the unit ropes in a cable-laid rope in relation to the longitudinal axis of the rope. Plastic coated ropes are available in the following rope size and construction range: 6x7 and 7x7 up to 8mm galvanised 6x19 and 7x19 up to 12mm galvanised 6x24 up to 12mm galvanised Typical applications are rigging lines. Right hand ordinary lay (sZ) Plastic Coated Wire Ropes Right hand lang’s lay (zZ) Plastic coatings are extruded onto a range of rope and stranded products for applications requiring a high resistance to corrosion. Plastic coated strands are also available in PVC and black polyethylene. In special applications a combination of lubricants may be called for. e. The NATA accredited tensile laboratories in the various Nobles branches throughout Australia can provide tensile destruction testing services. Lay direction of ropes are right (Z) or left (S) and correspond to the direction of lay of the outer wires in a spiral rope. As a rule. It is important therefore to quote (a) the direction of lay. strength. sheave and drum diameters. (d) End attachments to inside or outside end. (b) Special diameter tolerance. anchorage details and lagging. can be costly to produce. (f) Special lubricant type and amount. B or U 1770 Grade RHLL (zZ) IWRC. (b) Load exclusive of mass of the rope. if ordered in single units. shaft sizes. information should be supplied on loading. It is often possible to gain economies in the overall life of the rope by providing additional length to enable feeding through of the new rope from the drum to spread the area of wear. this should be specified in the order. (h) Despatch instructions. Consideration of the number of such ropes in use and their probable service life can often make it more economical to order several such ropes at one time. exact length. Prestretching & Seizing Abbreviations The following abbreviations have been standardised for ordering and identification purposes. mining regulations require a test length be cut at specified periods. EXAMPLE A typical order for wire rope would read: "500m 16mm 6x9/9/1 A. Wire Qualities 1570 MPa 1770 MPa 1960 MPa I. – Improved Plough Steel E.0% When a closer length is required.S. A simple sketch of the rope rigging is a convenient means of showing this type of information. It should be remembered that ropes 8mm and above are made to a diameter tolerance of minus 0% to plus 5% with the exception of 6x24 construction. The illustration shows a right hand lang’s lay (zZ) or RHLL rope. Wire Rope & Strand Rope Core The type of rope core must be specified because of the significant differences in properties of a wire rope core and fibre core. it is advisable to consider the following practical points for economy in operation: 1. In calculating rope length requirements. corrosive conditions and fleet angles etc.I. grade and construction of a rope must match the specific application and design factors. (e) Sketch of the application. the rope illustrated is ordered as 6x25 Filler Wire. It is also advisable to make allowance for "cropping" in service as a consequence of wear or accidental damage at the capel end. Larger ropes should never be used without modification of drum and sheave grooving to suit the new rope. which has a tolerance of plus 7%. Rope Length Wire rope is manufactured to length tolerances as follows. For example. Up to 400m = +5% . (g) Special reel dimensions.P. Lay of Rope Lay affects behaviour and operating life of a wire rope. Ropes are normally supplied right-hand lay. Rope Grade The minimum tensile strength of the wire is expressed in megapascals. This practice is regularly used to advantage on cable-operated earthmoving equipment and oil-well drilling rigs.S. and (b) the type of lay and details of the rope application and operating conditions. this helps to expedite production and lessens the possibility of delays in supply. – Extra Improved Plough Steel Right Hand Lang’s Lay 26 . (c) Dimensions of drums and sheave. 6 x 25 FW Fibre Core Ordering for Special Applications To obtain the best rope recommended for particular equipment and operating conditions.P. (c) Rope end preparation. On existing equipment the rope size is generally fixed by the grooving of the sheaves and drums. wear and other deterioration are concentrated in spots along the length of the rope. In many rope applications. Sufficient extra length to cater for such tests over the expected service life of the rope should be added to the necessary operating rope length. (e) Stretch considerations.0% 400 to 1000m = +20m Over 1000m = +2% ." Abbreviations. All orders should contain information on the above factors. speed of operation. Short lengths of special rope constructions. plus a minimum of 2 1/2 drum turns for anchorage. 4.Wire Rope & Strand GENERAL INFORMATION Ordering The size. 3. Construction The construction of a rope for any given application should be suited to the equipment and to the conditions under which it will operate. Special aspects of rope supply may be necessary The following check list is suggested:(a) Special length considerations such as minimum length. 2. It is important to nominate the construction when ordering. When purchasers are not sure of the exact requirements the following particulars should be submitted:(a) Length and size. (d) Corrosive conditions. In most cases. Storage & Handling Transporting Ropes are supplied on reels or in coil form. 3. care must be taken not to damage rope by contact with other goods.00 2. 5.90 1. Transport. whether on reel or in coils. 3. Suitable sizes are listed below:List of Seizings Recommended For Standard Ropes Rope Diameter (mm) 7 wire seizing strand Up to 14 16 – 26 28 – 38 Over 38 7/0. to avoid damage. The above method is best applied using a seizing mallet or bat. Ropes should be uncovered as soon as they are received and checked for possible transit damage. Seizing Wire Both soft annealed single wire and stranded seizing wires are used in the seizing of steel wire ropes. 2. Reels and coils should be lifted rather than dropped. When transporting.75 Seizing Either of the following methods of seizing will ensure that the rope will later perform its job satisfactorily. Long Seizing Seizing Mallet or Bat Storage Ropes.90 7/1. Short Seizing Prestretching Is the loading of a rope or strand from 33. Take the long end of the wire and turn at right angles to itself and wind back over itself and the rope in a close tight seizing of the required length. Lang’s lay rope with wire rope core and rotation resistant ropes – 2 seizings. Alternate tightening and twisting of the ends will draw the seizing up tight. The following minimum number of seizings are recommended:Preformed or Postformed ordinary lay – 1 seizing. Long Seizing (for ropes over 26mm diameter) 1. Alternate tightening and twisting of the ends will draw the seizing up tight. sulphur or acid fumes.GENERAL INFORMATION Constructions & Lays RHOL LHOL RHLL LHLL RHAL Pref Post IWRC WSC FC FW TS W S SW SF D or d FS HLC FLC Right Hand Ordinary Lay (sZ) Left Hand Ordinary Lay (zS) Right Hand Lang’s Lay (zZ) Left Hand Lang’s Lay (sS) Right Hand Alternate Lay (aZ) Preformed Postformed Independent Wire Rope Core Wire Strand Core Fibre Core Filler Wire Strand Construction Triangular Strand Construction Warrington Strand Construction Seale Strand Construction Seale Warrington Construction Seale Filler Construction Diameter (in millimetres) Flattened Strand Half Locked Coil Full Locked Coil Short Seizing (for ropes below 26mm diameter) 1. 4. The number of seizings required depends on the type and diameter of the rope.3% to 50% of its breaking load to remove constructional stretch. Place one end of seizing wire in the valley between strands. Wrap the seizing wire around the rope eight or ten turns. Twist the two ends of the wire together.25 2. Twist the two ends of the seizing wire together approximately at the centre position of the seizing. 27 Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand . Cut the end of the twisted wires and knock down into a valley between two strands. The amount of seizing should not be less than 6 to 8 times the rope diameter. After this initial stretch (or constructional stretch) has been removed the strand will have a truly elastic measure where elongation is proportional to applied load.25 Single seizing wire 0. The initial stretch cannot be accurately determined by theoretical means and will continue to take place until it has been completely removed. 2. tipped or rolled. such as milldust. Cut the end of the twisted wires and knock down into a valley between strands. and this allows for the more accurate setting of lengths for guying and suspension cables. should be stored on blocks off the floor to prevent sweating and corrosion and under cover in dry conditions free from possible attack by corrosive agents. If a coil is too large to be handled manually it should be mounted on a turntable or suspended by a spindle from a swivel crane hook. as over-running could cause the rope to slacken. Handling Incorrect handling of rope from reels and coils can result in springing of wires and strands and kinking of the rope. Correct methods of taking ropes from reels: When a large reel is used. sockets and drums anchorages. Correct methods of taking ropes from coils: Roll the coil along the ground or use a turntable. an occasional coil wound “underhand” relieves torque and provides a more easily handled coil. The fleet angle has an important bearing on the winding of a rope from sheave to drum. 28 . The transport reel should be firmly mounted and braked to prevent overrunning and give tight rewinding. Tensioning Rope Wire rope for multi-layer drums must be installed under tension. Installation Rope Equipment Checking Improved rope performance can be obtained by paying attention to the following areas: • Sheaves should be grooved to the nominal rope diameter plus an allowance of 7% to allow for rope manufacturing tolerances and should be re-machined when worn to nominal diameter plus 3%. The drawings show correct and incorrect methods of reeling a rope from the transport reel onto a drum or another reel. no further preparation is necessary. Smaller angles are required for high speed haulage such as mine windings. lubricated and stored under the same conditions as new ropes. serious injury or death. inspected. • Drum grooves should be checked for size and riser plates checked for effectiveness. such as drum anchorages and blocks systems. • Grabbing clutches and brakes should be repaired and adjusted to obviate impact loads on the rope. As a rule. the reels should be mounted on a horizontal shaft and turned over periodically to maintain uniform lubrication of the rope. there will be different values for the left and the right fleet angles. and should run free and true.5˚ for grooved drums. Unless the head or guide sheave is centred with respect to the drum. should be inspected for excessive wear. Correct method Incorrect method • End fittings. should be thoroughly cleaned.5˚ for plain drums and to a maximum of 2. the fleet angles on both sides of the drum will have to be kept within acceptable limits. Right Hand lay ropes should be coiled down clockwise. Fleet angles normally range to a maximum of 1. This type of damage can seldom be entirely corrected and can greatly reduce the effective life of the rope. If winding is to take place smoothly. Care must be taken to brake such turntables. but in some cases where ropes must be reeved through restricted openings. particularly at high operation speeds. • Displaced or damaged cheek plates in rope blocks or safety guards should be repaired. Left Fleet Angle Sheave Incorrect method: Don’t pull the rope from a stationary coil. fall off and foul under the turntable. care must be taken to retard the violent release of the rope end which could cause damage. preferably mounted on the floor. may be used for unwinding ropes from reels stored on their sides. Drum Right Fleet Angle Rope End Preparation Normally wire ropes are delivered with seized ends. run freely and be true. Excessive fleet angles can result in considerable abrasive damage to both sheave flanges and rope and considerably reduce the life of the rope and the equipment. Left Hand lay ropes anti-clockwise. Methods of removing rope from reels & coils Turntables. Additional lubrication may be necessary. it is recommended that a plank is used as a brake against the reel flange or on the shaft or side plate. • Guides and rollers must be free from undersized grooving and broken flanges.Wire Rope & Strand GENERAL INFORMATION If ropes are to be stored for any length of time in warm or hot conditions likely to cause the lubricant to drain to the lower side of the reel. It is imperative that the bottom layer is tight with the exact number of turns on the drum. A suitable stand for the reel is also shown. the rope can be supplied with welded tapered ends or with links welded on the ends. Removed ropes awaiting further use. such as wedges. The latter enables the new rope to be installed by attaching it either to the old rope or a tow rope and drawing onto the equipment. Wire Rope & Strand WARNING • When releasing rope from coils or reels. Sheaves must also be free from score marks. When coiling ropes down by hand on the floor. regular rope inspection. If additional rope can be accommodated on the drum. Where ropes are used for lifts. Noble & Son Ltd. then progressive cutting back (cropping) will bring "new" rope into the system. 29 Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand . The effects of corrosion can be partly offset by the use of galvanised wire rope. crane ropes and hoist ropes should be discarded whenever any of the types of degradation exceed the limits given in the Table below. e. particularly of the IWRC. based on experience.g. Basic design of equipment or installation: Sheave size. The mining industry frequently requires more stringent discard criteria.2 applies.. 1. Temperature – excessively high operating temperatures can lead to deterioration of the wire rope core.GENERAL INFORMATION Wire Rope Life The main factors. For example. This will give longer rope life due to the wear points being re-located. minimises down time of plant and equipment and increases the efficiency of the operation. Treatment of broken wires – broken wires affecting the life of adjacent wires should be removed. Discard practices . This does not apply to wire ropes having a number of layers of strands (typically multistrand constructions). drag ropes. wire breaks occur principally at the external surface. For Casar and 4 x 39 Mono Track wire ropes refer to A. If more than one third of the outer wires in a strand are broken over a length of six times the rope diameter. Rope Maintenance: Recommended Minimum Ratio of Drum & Sheave Diameter to Rope Diameter Rope Construction 6x7 6 x 19S (9/9. 4. the rope life may be ended before these limits are reached. Noble & Son Ltd. it is possible to "end for end" the rope. AS 1735. Broken Wires General purpose ropes. and if wire breaks are concentrated in one strand.clear policies regarding discard should be formulated. should be drawn up to provide periodic inspections and removal cycles for each rope as well as inspections of individual components such as the sheaves. 3. is essential. The minimum ratios in the following table should be adhered to:- 3. Ratio 43 32 30 30 23 22 22 22 22 21 21 23 20 20 End for ending and cropping – in certain applications. the rope shall be discarded. Regular maintenance ensures optimum rope life. However. Crane Ropes & Hoist Ropes (see Notes 1 & 2) Limit of degradation for discard (see Note 4) Type of degradation Construction (see Note 3) Maximum allowable number of broken wires over a length of 6 times the rope’s diameter 5 3 5 5 7 5 5 6 7 10 9 1 2 2 Maximum allowable number of broken wires over a length of 30 times the rope’s diameter 10 6 10 10 14 10 10 13 14 19 18 2 4 4 Broken wires 6 x 19 6 x 19 6 x 26 6 x 25 6 x 29 6 x 24 8 x 19 8 x 25 6 x 36 6 x 37 6 x 41 18 x 7 34 x 7 4 x 48 (12/6/1) S (9/9/1) SW (10/5 and 5/5/1) FW (12/6 and 6/1) FW (14/7/7/1) (15/9/F) S (9/9/1) FW (12/6 and 6/1) SW (14/7 and 7/7/1) (18/12/6/1) SW (16/8 and 8/8/1) NR NR Wear Loss of area Corrosion All types All types All types Outer wires are worn more than one third of their diameter The loss of metallic area due to visible combined wire wear and broken or cracked wires exceeds 10% Corrosion is marked by noticeable pitting or loosening of outer wires NOTES: 1. 2.1) 6 x 21FW (10/5 + 5F/1) 6 x 19W (6 & 6/6/1) 6 x 25FW (12/6 + 6F/1) 6 x 36SW (14/7 & 7/7/1) 6 x 26WF (7 & 7/7/4/1) 6 x 24 (15/9/F) 6 x 29FW (14/7 + 7F/1) 6 x 41SW (16/8/8 & 8/8/1) 6 x 37 (18/12/6/1) 19 x 7 35 x 7 4 x 39 Mono Track For Casar Ropes refer to A. The number of wire breaks before discard in the above table is quite high. which affect rope life are: 2. The table below allows for internal wire breaks and is valid for all constructions of rope. drum design and drum diameter can directly affect wire rope life. which is less stringent than the above table. In 6-strand and in 8-strand ropes. and thereby cause rope fatigue. where the majority of wire breaks occur internally and are therefore non-visible fractures. doubling the sheave size can produce up to four times the rope life. and will re-locate wear points. Rope of Lang’s lay construction other than rotation resistant ropes shall have no more than 50% of the above values. Number of broken wires alone is not the only factor in discarding a wire rope. Rope Maintenance Schedules. Limit of Degradation for Discard of General Purpose Lifting Ropes. lower levels for discard are appropriate. Operating Environment: Corrosion – when corrosive conditions exist. or drastic reduction in diameter and lengthening of the lay. Wire Rope & Strand Deterioration Typical examples of wire rope deterioration 1. Non Destructive Testing This method of inspection of wire ropes has become part of the mining industries standard requirements for over 20 years. Corrosion of severe degree caused by immersion of rope in water. Life of costly wire ropes may be extended by this sophisticated method. Rope deterioration becomes noticeable through the presence of broken wires. The use of ‘spinners’ or swivels should be avoided whenever possible. Sufficient records should be kept to provide a reliable history of the ropes under their control. It is therefore essential to inspect the equipment on which the rope is used as well as the rope itself. 8. Where the Statutory Regulations are laid down for the inspection and discarding of wire ropes and their attachments. With strand 6 and 8 stranded ropes. Inspection of both operated and discarded ropes frequently indicates equipment faults that have a large bearing on the service life and safety of the rope. by loading it very lightly for a few cycles and then gradually stepping up the load. Multi-strand rope ‘bird caged’ due to torsional unbalance. 9.Wire Rope & Strand GENERAL INFORMATION Care & Maintenance Breaking in A wire rope may be looked upon as a machine composed of a large number of moving parts. Severe wear in Lang’s Lay. as distinct from ‘crown’ fractures caused by failure of core support. the torque can greatly diminish after breaking in by releasing the connection and allowing the torque to run out. Inspection Wire rope is tough and durable. Localised wear due to abrasion on supporting structure. to enable both wires and strands to ‘bed down’ into the working positions. caused by abrasion at crossover points on multi-layer coiling application. 3. Typical wire fractures as a result of bend fatigue. This procedure may have to be repeated until the constructional stretch has been worked out of the rope and it has become neutral. 10. wire or strand distortion due to mechanical abuse. or core interface. corrosion. Mechanical damage due to rope movement over sharp edges whilst under load 2. 4.LOCAL FAULT CHART - 30 . 5. While Statutory Regulations govern the inspection and discarding of certain wire ropes. Also deterioration can be detected by the use of non-destructive testing techniques. 7. It incorporates a sensor head that is able to induce a magnetic field in a section of rope that is located within the instrument. with the load distributed as uniformly as possible. As such it should be broken in as soon as it is installed. Narrow path of wire breaks caused by working in a grossly oversized groove or over small support rollers. Wire ropes should periodically be inspected for signs of deterioration. Wire fractures at the strand. The proper frequency and degree of inspection depends largely on the possible risk to personnel and machinery in the event of rope failure. the same rules cannot be applied to all ropes. Changes in the metallic field enable a chart to be produced showing changes in metallic cross-sectional area and any wire breaks or other anomalies. The determination of the point at which a rope should be discarded for reasons of safety requires judgment and experience in rope inspection in addition to knowledge of the performance of previous ropes used in the same application. Protrusion of IWRC resulting from shock loading. An electromagnetic instrument is used to non-destructively examine the rope. All ropes should be reeled onto winch drums as tightly and uniformly as possible during the initial installation. surface wear. but nonetheless expendable and eventually reaches the end of its safe service life. . Typical of build-up seen at anchorage end of multi-fall crane application. Typical example of localised wear and deformation created at a previously kinked portion of rope. 6. wire rope users should become fully acquainted with the regulations and see that they are carried out.METALLIC AREA LOSS CHART % REDUCTION . 0112 x 106 kgs/mm2) (0. if the results of such a test are not available.596 0.0084 x 106 kgs/mm2) (0.0127 x 106 kgs/mm2) (0.0119 x 106 kgs/mm2) (0.0127 x 106 kgs/mm2) (0.0012 x 106 kgs/mm2) (0.38 0.0141 x 106 kgs/mm2) For used ropes 20% should be added to these figures. This is referred to as the Initial or Manufacturing Stretch.0084 x 106 kgs/mm2) (0. with strand core add 20% For flattened strand rope with IWRC. add 20% Factor F Rope Construction 6x7 6 x 19/6 x 21 6 x 25 Filler Wire/6 x 36 Group 7 Wire Galvanised Guy Strand 19 Wire Galvanised Guy Strand Factor F 0. add 10% For 8 strand rope with IWRC. an indication of the increase in length can be obtained from the formula.0148 x 106 kgs/mm2) (0.0091 x 106 kgs/mm2) (0.GENERAL INFORMATION Stretch in Ropes When load is first applied to a new rope it stretches due to the individual wires settling down. Subsequently a gradual stretch takes place during the whole of the rope’s life.395 0.0098 x 106 kgs/mm2) (0. T = (2W + Lw) Where T W L w a E = = = = = = To forecast the amount of stretch accurately for a rope under a given set of conditions. Calculation of Cross Sectional Area of Wire Rope A = F x d2 A = Metallic area of rope with fibre core in mm2 F = Compactness factor d = Nominal diameter of rope in millimetres For 6 strand rope with IWRC add 15%. kgs / mm 2 Approximate Modulus of Elasticity for New Ropes 6 x 7 FC 7X7 6 X 19 FC 6 X 19 IWRC 7 Wire Strand 19 Wire Strand 36 Wire Strand 6 x 36 IWRC 6 x 36 FC 6 x 12/12/ Δ FC Locked Coil Winding Rope Locked Coil Guide Rope 96 GPa 117 GPa 89 GPa 110 GPa 145 GPa 125 GPa 110 GPa 82 GPa 82 GPa 96 GPa 125 GPa 138 GPa (0. the amount depends on many variables such as length. calculations must be based on the result of a load / extension test on a sample from the particular rope.580 31 Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand . However. loading and the modulus of elasticity of the particular rope.0098 x 106 kgs/mm2) (0. type of construction.405 0. ( 2aL E ) Stretch in metres Load in kgs Length in metres Weight of rope in kgs / metre Cross sectional area of rope in millimetres 2 Modulus of Elasticity. Wire Rope & Strand GENERAL INFORMATION Tolerances on rope diameter Nominal Rope Diameter d mm 2≤d<4 4≤d<6 6≤d<8 ≥8 * For example 6 x 24FC Wire Rope & Strand Tolerance as percentage of nominal diameter Ropes with strands that are exclusively of wire or incorporate solid polymer centres +8 -0 +7 -0 +6 -0 +5 -0 Ropes with strands that incorporate fibre centres* +9 -0 +8 -0 +7 -0 Permissible differences between any two diameter measurements Nominal Rope Diameter d mm 2≤d<4 4≤d<6 6≤d<8 ≥8 * For example 6 x 24FC Tolerance as percentage of nominal diameter Ropes with strands that are exclusively of wire or incorporate solid polymer centres 7 6 5 4 Ropes with strands that incorporate fibre centres* 8 7 6 32 . 29FW 36 25FW.Boat General Purpose 5-8 8 . at sea level.. Starlift 35x7.0 Core Factors of Safety Logging Skylines……….64 WINCHES Note: 6 Strand ropes except where otherwise stated.Luffing For safety factors on cranes refer to AS 1418.42 13 .. 4x39 Stratoplast.……5.Standard Slings ..28 18 .65 tonnes 9..24 9 .4x39 Eurolift. 36SW 19x7. Special non preferred sizes to suit existing deep mining and large excavator equipment are available although new equipment should use only preferred diameters. Turboplast 25FW. Turboplast 25FW. 4x39 24..Holding Closing WATER DRILLING DRILLING Diamond FC FC FC FC FC FC.. 36SW. divide kilonewtons by 9. divide by 10 in lieu of 9.. FC ……………………………. 7x19 19S.32 16 . 25FW. the value 1570.. Alphalift Eurolift.18 SLINGS CRANES Tower . 36SW. The minimum rope breaking force required will depend on the factor of safety covered by the application and in the case of a single supporting rope where the rope mass is ignored will be equal to the gravitational force multiplied by the factor of safety.……. 33 Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand . 1770 etc.26 18 ...24 6 . IWRC IWRC IWRC AS 1666 . corresponds to the minimum tensile strength of the wire expressed in megapascals.. 41SW Lay Preformed RHOL RHOL RHOL RHOL RHOL RHOL RHOL RHOL RHOL RHOL RHOL or RHLL RHLL RHOL RHOL RHOL or RHLL RHOL or RHLL RHOL or RHLL RHOL or RHLL RHLL RHOL or RHLL LHOL or LHLL LHOL.5 16 . RHOL RHOL RHOL* RHOL RHOL RHOL RHOL RHOL RHOL RHOL RHOL RHOL RHOL IWRC IWRC IWRC IWRC FC IWRC FC IWRC.81 Example: 12mm 6 x 7 Fibre Core G1570 grade 75 = 7. 19x7.3 Falls Overhead 4 Falls or more Mobile ..81 = 75 kN = TYPICAL ROPE RECOMENDATIONS Applications LOGGING Log Winch Log Skidder Yard Rope PILING Pile Driving Hammer Drop Hammer Pile Handling Slings . 36SW. this being the force which. Starlift.32 13 . 4x39 19x7.81 For most practical purposes. 36SW. applied to a mass of one kilogram. Betalift.42 20 .20 22 . IWRC FC IWRC FC FC. 4x39 35x7. (mm) 13 32 13 16 28 36 28 20 Rope Recommendations 19S 25FW 19S.High Tensile Size Range Dia. To calculate approximate mass equivalent.. 19x7.. The breaking forces of rope of tensile grades other than 1770 can be calculated by multiplying the value of 1770 grade by the ratio of the grade number. 35x7. produces an acceleration of one metre per second..Hoist Tower . 41SW Eurolift. Other 6 strand constructions in galvanised rope should be ordered in 1770 grade. It will be noted that the value varies from group to group since the various constructions contain different steel areas and variable losses are incurred as the result of the stranding of the wires. 41SW 36SW. 35x7. FC FC. 25FW 25FW..….. 35x7 and most Casar ropes.5. 36SW 36SW.. The breaking force unit is the kilonewton. 35x7.32 9 . Powerlift.29 14 .32 32 .Lashing Rigging SLIPWAY 16 .Luffing Trolley Line Overhead 1 .10 12 .56 Trailer .. 36SW 25FW. 41SW 19.. 36SW 36SW. 36SW 36SW..104 20 . Eurolift. 4x39 25FW 24. 7x19 24. Marine and General Purpose galvanised ropes have been nominated in 1570 grade and are confined to certain rope constructions.4x39 25W. 4x39 Stratoplast.28 32 . Only preferred sizes have been included in the tables..1995………….1:2002 IWRC IWRC 11 ... Non preferred sizes should be the subject of special inquiry.BREAKING FORCE TABLES The following tables show rope mass in "kg per 100 metres" and breaking force in "kilonewtons" for the various rope groups.16 16 .. Turboplast 24.20 16 26 32 12 10 26 40 56 32 32 SHIPPING Mooring Towing Loading Gear . The grade of 2070 is the preferred high tensile grade for 6 strand ropes but 1960 is preferred for 19x7. IWRC IWRC.32 13 . Starlift 4x39. Stratoplast.18 IWRC IWRC. FC IWRC IWRC 12 .Hoist Mobile . 41SW 24 7x7. Starlift. Stratoplast. Wire quality has been nominated in 1570. Turboplast 25FW. 1770 and 1960 grade for the majority of wire ropes. All ropes are in millimeter diameter.81.28 32 . Minimum rope breaking force (kN) = Mass (tonnes) per rope part x factor of safety required x 9. 36SW 25FW.0 GRABS Grab .3.. 6 107 Minimum Breaking Force Grade 2070 Wire Rope Core IWRC kN 11.3 96.9 54.4 44.1 48.6 88.7 58.5 13.4 8.7 27.3 64.1 102 133 169 208 252 300 Wire Rope Core IWRC kg/100m 1.1 45.9 88.5 94.5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 20 22 24 6 x 19 (12/6/1) Nominal Diameter 6 x 19S (9/9/1) Approximate Mass 6 x 19W (6 & 6/6/1) Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1570 Fibre Core FC kN 5.1 27.3 8 10 11 16 7 x 19 7 x 19 7 x 19 7 x 19 6 x (9/9/1) S 7 x 19 6 x 25FW 6 x 25FW 34 .8 33.9 111 145 183 225 273 324 381 442 577 mm 3.9 22.4 42.3 33.4 38.7 8.6 12.5 41.4 31.5 13.8 64.3 68.8 58.1 75 88.8 38.2 19.5 81.2 81.3 42.Wire Rope & Strand GENERAL PURPOSE WIRE ROPES Galvanised Wire Ropes for Marine and General Purposes Round Strand 6 x 7 Galvanised Wire Ropes for Marine and General Purposes Round Strand 6 x 19 Wire Rope & Strand Nominal Diameter mm 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 32 kg/100m 1.2 58.7 56.3 25.6 23.6 31.6 124 156 193 234 278 Wire Rope Core IWRC kN 6.0 115 145 180 217 259 304 352 460 7 x 19 WSC 6 x 19 S (9/9/1) 6 x 25 FW (12/6 & 6 F/1) mm 4 5 6 6.5 8.1 38.0 45.8 7.2 52.1 18.3 124 154 186 221 260 301 393 Fibre Core FC kg/100m 4.4 16.5 55.7 15.4 38.4 188 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 32 Approximate Mass kg/100m 20.1 9.1 9.3 5.2 63.4 30.4 69.1 28 34.6 41.1 9.6 36.7 18.5 3.3 74.1 50.1 75 88.7 24.7 49.6 12.9 75.4 16.1 61.2 5.9 49.4 46.5 6.5 67.6 34.3 3.6 13.1 5.3 67.6 112 138 167 199 Wire Rope Core IWRC kg/100m 4.5 8.5 80.1 9.7 12 17.2 94.4 47 68.8 19.4 30.4 123 152 184 219 Galvanised Wire Ropes for Marine and General Purposes Round Strand 6 x 24 Fibre Core Galvanised Wire Ropes (Higher Tensiles) 6 x 24 (15/9/F) Nominal Diameter mm 8 9 Nominal Diameter Construction Approximate Mass Wire Rope Core IWRC kg/100m 6.1 25.3 33.0 75.6 89.9 18.4 13.8 88.1 46.1 63.6 97.3 27.9 22.9 39.1 102 133 169 208 252 300 353 409 534 Wire Rope Core IWRC kN 2.1 4.5 13.2 52.1 24.6 6.3 64.2 53.8 18.1 54.3 112 138 167 199 233 270 353 6 x 7 (6/1) Approximate Mass Fibre Core FC 7 x 7 (6/1) Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1570 Fibre Core FC kN 2.7 36.0 14.4 102 126 152 181 212 246 322 Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1570 kN 28.1 20.8 24. 5 63.16mm Approximate Mass 6 x 29 FW (14/7 + 7 F/1) 10 .2 74.35 5 6 7 8 9 10 35 Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand .44mm 6 x 36 SW (14/7 & 7/7/1) 9 .60mm Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1770 mm 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 58 60 64 70 75 6 x 19 to 6 x 25 FC kg/100m 23 29.6 12.9 116 144 174 207 243 281 368 465 574 695 827 971 1130 1290 6 x 19 to 6 x 25 IWRC kg/100m 25.4 91.7 60.7 114 150 189 234 283 336 395 458 598 757 935 1130 1350 1580 1830 IWRC kN 40.7 70.4 60.1 22.60mm 6 x 26 WF (7 & 7/7/4/1) 9 .1 98.5 17.2 21.4 102 130 160 194 230 270 314 410 518 640 774 922 1080 2250 1440 6 x 26 to 6 x 49 FC kg/100m 23.9 31.2 105 133 164 198 236 276 321 419 530 654 792 942 1110 1280 1390 1470 1730 2080 2360 FC kN 37.1 mm 3.8 37.6 31.1 35.1 47.4 57.1 27.5 29.7 84.1 40.1 24.8 62 71.4 52.1 38.2 33.6 47.4 70.6 13.9 94 119 147 178 211 248 288 376 476 587 711 846 992 1150 1320 6 x 26 to 6 x 49 IWRC kg/100m 26.5 58.7 44.8 24.4 47.9 49.4 16.8 16.5 18.7 36.60mm 6 x 41 SW 6 x 49 SFW (16/8 & 8/8/1) (16/16/8 + 8 F/1) 22 .6 Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1770 Polypropylene Core kN Wire Strand Core kN Grade 2070 Polypropylene Core kN Wire Strand Core kN 8.8 18.6 78.1 37.4 21.9 22.1 80.3 51 63 76.6 58.9 69.1 40.52mm 52 .GENERAL PURPOSE WIRE ROPES General Purpose Wire Ropes 6 x 19 S (9/9/1) 8 .44mm Nominal Diameter 6 x 21 FW (10/5 + 5 F/1) 8 .6 67.6 32.6 34.2 90.60mm 6 x 25 FW (12/6 & 6 F/1) 8 .3 58.4 40 48.7 51.3 51.8 27.7 106 124 161 204 252 305 363 426 494 645 817 1010 1220 1450 1700 1980 2200 2270 2691 3090 3622 Travelling Irrigator Galvanised Wire Ropes 6 x 7 (6/1) FC Nominal Diameter 7 x 7 WSC Approximate Mass Polypropylene Core kg/100m 8.5 Wire Strand Core kg/100m 4.9 43.4 9. 3 238.2 268.0 649.0 952.6 119.7 450.3 848.3 560.7 745.3 229.5 180.4 536.0 298.8 401.4 212.6 36 .8 371.1 1205.9 44.Wire Rope & Strand ROTATION RESISTANT WIRE ROPES 1960 Grade Wire Ropes are recommended as they still provide very high breaking loads but the slightly lower tensile ensures an excellent service life.5 1074. Approximate Mass kg/100m 15 27 34 42 60 70 82 107 135 Approximate Mass kg/100m 87 114 144 160 178 215 256 300 348 399 455 513 575 Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1960 kN 162.8 70.9 335.7 729.6 138.2 Nominal Diameter mm 14 16 18 19 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 L = Langs Lay.5 477.1 Rotation Resistant 35 x 7 L “Compacted” Nominal Diameter mm 14 16 18 19 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 L = Langs Lay. Wire Rope & Strand Rotation Resistant 19 x 7 L Nominal Diameter mm 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 18 L = Langs Lay.8 56.4 837. Rotation Resistant 35 x 7 L Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1960 kN 25. 19 x 7 Construction Wire Ropes are not recommended in diameters above 18mm. Approximate Mass kg/100m 100 131 165 184 204 247 294 345 400 459 522 590 661 Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1960 kN 182.1 628. 35 x 7 ropes should be used above 12mm diameter.1 301.7 101.6 1075.9 957.9 331. 1 277.7 231.5 40 42. This can cause damage to the wire rope or load.6 251.5 655.3 SH Grade kN 69.ROTATION RESISTANT WIRE ROPES Rotation Resistant 4 x 39 (SES) Mono Track It is well known that wire ropes tend to spin or rotate under load.7 687.3 1000. work delays and Nominal Diameter mm 10 11.9 136.3 1127.5 108.8 973.2 12 12.7 872.5 45 a hazardous environment.8 1255.1 385.7 1225.4 432.5 35.8 208.5 14 4 x 39 (SES) 16 18 19 20 22.8 543. These rotation resistant wire ropes are commonly used in the construction industry to minimise rotation in single and multi-part hoisting systems.3 89 100 125.1 431. To overcome this problem a 4-strand rope with a unique construction has been designed.8 1078.5 709 777. Minimum Breaking Force Approximate Mass kg/100m 41 51 59 63 80 104 134 149 163 205 235 255 276 325 373 411 424 465 522 582 663 748 838 H Grade kN 63.7 356 399.3 623.7 634.4 24 25 26 28 30 31.1 717.5 37.5 225.9 80.7 163.8 1372.5 348.3 177.1 575.8 806.9 37 Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand .4 256 321.5 32 33.5 466.1 899.2 87 96.5 502. 9 299.5 1231.4 119.0 227. • Is known worldwide for its excellent service life.9 100.6 • Is a rotation resistant. Other diameters are available on request 38 .9 277.1 159.4 471.3 791.0 877.4 652.7 142.4 950.3 178.8 307.4 661.0 Grade 1960 kN 230.5 66.8 710.7 337. • Has a high breaking load.3 736.5 474.1 385.8 377.4 Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1770 kN 69.0 1319.8 391.3 398.8 439.9 216.9 1262.1 843.5 249.9 1000.5 906.Wire Rope & Strand CASAR SPECIAL WIRE ROPES Wire Rope & Strand Hoist rope for tower cranes.2 443.5 173.4 116.5 78. Nominal Diameter mm 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 Metallic Area mm2 145.0 400.9 1002.0 1360.9 293.5 1111.6 250.1 Grade 1960 kN 76.0 266.5 519. Nominal Diameter mm 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 24 26 28 32 36 38 40 42 Metallic Area mm2 51.7 204. • Has a core of special design avoiding crossovers between the strands of the core which reduces the danger of internal rope destruction. • Is fully lubricated.2 246.3 643.7 595.0 250.8 177.1 1005.6 238.4 1113.3 361.3 567.6 110.9 614.8 150.6 815.9 86.5 607.3 1412.1 609.4 235.4 657.0 411.0 1462.2 738.7 430.9 184.9 410. • Regular Lay or Langs Lay.0 735.7 1003.4 505.5 197.7 129. electrical hoists and other applications where rotation resistant ropes are required.0 567.8 348.2 99.9 117. flexible hoist rope with a compacted steel core.9 266.9 329. • Is fully lubricated.5 469.0 1045.0 347.9 654.3 640.8 524. Hoist rope for mobile cranes.1 149.4 • Is a rotation resistant.4 1667.0 296.1 329.2 Grade 2160 kN 249.0 709.8 1070.3 183.3 668.6 870.4 312.3 135.4 104.2 712.1 222.9 1234.6 284.7 765. Especially suitable for multiple layer spooling.5 742.0 402.0 197.6 821.0 167.5 373. electrical hoists and other applications where rotation resistant ropes are required.6 163.7 73.5 186. flexible hoist rope made out of compacted outer strands and a compacted steel core. mobile cranes.0 598.4 930.3 303.2 396.0 1611.3 260.9 472.9 754.3 165.2 548.9 297.5 328.3 812.1 441.9 156.3 512.3 909.1 902.6 257. • Regular Lay or Langs Lay.5 352.0 273.0 362.0 132. • Has an extremely high breaking load and a very good resistance against drum crushing.2 1560.0 513.2 564.5 442.0 1191.3 1366.7 786.1 526.0 1455.8 555.4 579.4 711.8 Approximate Mass kg/100m 126.0 1185.6 817.8 1130.6 317.7 504.5 818.1 280.2 90.5 473.5 431.5 277. • Has a core of special design avoiding crossovers between the strands of the core which reduces the danger of internal rope destruction.5 225.7 690.7 Approximate Mass kg/100m 46.7 Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1770 kN 209.8 357.6 326.6 205.9 473.3 362. 6 43.2 21.0 147.2 72.2 60.3 275.1 19.0 10.7 172.7 216.6 55.3 118.5 239.0 Grade 2160 kN 68.5 148.2 143.4 23. Nominal Diameter mm 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Metallic Area mm2 36.9 47.4 24. Hoist rope for electrical hoists and lifting devices with multiple part reeving and twin hoist systems with left and right hand ropes.4 210.4 432.6 60.1 Grade 2160 kN 14.3 • Is an 8 strand rope in parallel lay construction made out of conventional strands.0 23.5 8 8.5 7 7.5 257.5 33.8 219.7 389.2 309.1 352.3 57. • Has an extremely high breaking load.4 214. • Has a high breaking load.1 79.9 128.2 28.4 87.8 34.6 10.0 16.5 5 5.2 234.0 102.6 12.2 38.2 82.6 97.6 83.4 24.1 520.1 110. Other diameters are available on request 39 Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand .8 8.1 Grade 1960 kN 13. • Is fully lubricated.8 157.7 619.3 175.4 50.CASAR SPECIAL WIRE ROPES Hoist rope for electrical hoists and lifting devices with multiple part reeving.3 253.3 84.6 64.5 28.2 507.3 241.7 19.5 317.6 107.9 233.3 129.9 126.6 53.9 42.3 92.2 52.3 465.5 97.3 14.7 187.9 302.4 150.1 164.1 41.7 41.1 • Is a 10 strand rope in parallel lay construction made out of compacted strands.4 113.9 35.0 12.6 49.5 154.1 250.2 130.0 65.0 37.4 318.5 125.8 254.6 142.1 476.6 79.3 206.4 31. where rotation resistant ropes are not required.4 181. • Regular Lay only.1 31.3 68.2 175.5 34.5 6 6.0 58.2 22.5 388.7 21.8 87.8 49.7 196.9 111.5 113.8 96. where rotation resistant ropes are not required.2 561.9 183.8 47.6 429.8 198. • Is very flexible.5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Metallic Area mm2 8.7 167.2 62.3 549.2 567.5 276.9 333.7 72.0 84.5 159. Nominal Diameter mm 4 4. • Betalift should NOT be used with a swivel.2 130.6 280.2 110.5 283.1 Grade 1960 kN 62.3 197.5 37.7 58.3 18.9 Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1770 kN 56.9 28.8 15.1 670.7 72.5 351.6 190.9 226.7 97. • Alphalift should NOT be used with a swivel.5 362.4 194.8 92.4 112.6 217.7 15.4 140. twin hoist systems with left and right hand ropes.2 349.1 26.1 426.3 71.0 515.9 123.5 Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1770 kN 11.6 28.8 608. • Is very flexible.9 84.0 54.4 40.8 98.4 286.3 135.3 Approximate Mass kg/100m 31.5 307.0 472.0 75.1 71.5 44.6 390. • Is fully lubricated.3 166.2 48.5 Approximate Mass kg/100m 6.8 18.9 106. 7 139.4 498.7 Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1770 kN 218.0 855.9 164.5 352. hoist rope for container cranes.4 836. • Regular Lay or Langs Lay. • Turboplast should NOT be used with a swivel.9 501.8 1687.0 1220.6 352.5 1422.4 304.8 702. • Has a very high breaking load and good resistance against drum crushing.4 • Is an 8 strand rope in parallel lay construction made out of compacted strands.5 277.2 729.8 879. Nominal Diameter mm 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 38 Metallic Area mm2 147.2 292.0 691.1 115.4 799.1 486.1 185.3 911. mobile cranes.6 251.6 306.3 207.4 288.4 2018.1 700.2 650.2 532.1 328.0 135.8 375.4 655.8 408.3 583.3 988.9 629.1 207.9 Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1770 kN 80.8 89.0 795.5 753.0 1285.6 1004.7 174.7 552.4 340.8 598.5 103.9 356.Wire Rope & Strand CASAR SPECIAL WIRE ROPES Wire Rope & Strand Pendant rope for tower cranes.5 942.0 1129.7 1201. • Has a plastic layer between the steel core and the outer strands giving the rope a high structural stability.9 255.6 560.5 357.4 248.5 1543.6 1395.5 433.0 415.5 548.2 1095.4 930.2 260.3 1858.5 302.0 417.7 107.6 436.7 464.1 452.5 519. when high breaking load is required.1 666.3 342.2 166.9 914.5 Approximate Mass kg/100m 123.9 299.4 721.6 155.7 89.3 1206.0 593.5 307.7 542. • Is fully lubricated.4 532.1 119.0 1362.0 391.4 822.6 300.8 339.4 183.2 533.7 1010.3 391.3 192.8 77.5 560.3 219.8 670. The plastic layer also assists in avoiding internal rope destruction and protecting the core against corrosive environments.0 490.7 229.0 414.7 574.9 636.6 828.7 1230.2 323.9 1101.1 55.5 1501.0 1135. • Has an extremely high breaking load.3 375.5 65. • Is very flexible.6 157.2 1262.4 405.1 Approximate Mass kg/100m 46. • Turbolift should NOT be used with a swivel.9 183.0 63.1 278.1 837.7 457. • Is fully lubricated.9 211.1 260.9 146.8 75.5 355.3 379.0 210.7 103.4 Grade 2160 kN 266.0 1554. grabs.8 697.0 • Is an 8 strand rope made out of compacted outer strands.8 202.2 330.5 117.8 742.5 229.9 874.7 514.6 424.1 321.1 136.4 624.0 1040.9 762.3 911. Nominal Diameter mm 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 24 26 28 32 36 38 40 42 44 48 Metallic Area mm2 53.3 Grade 1960 kN 241.5 127.8 Grade 1960 kN 88.1 1163.3 607. Boom hoist rope for mobile cranes and grabs.3 1067.2 379.1 880.4 453.5 772.1 278.4 634.2 1030.8 589.0 233.9 274. • Regular Lay or Langs Lay.8 308.8 1344.7 670. floating cranes etc.4 818.5 168. Other diameters are available on request 40 .4 470.9 189.3 968.2 97.8 747. In multiple part reeving for smaller lifting height. suspended structures etc.2 458.1 627.4 151.5 464.3 1044.3 174.6 505.7 251. 8 48. where a rotation resistant rope is not needed due to great lifting heights.9 605.1 240.9 1448.4 280.4 157.3 764.7 456.9 160.7 122.3 Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1770 kN 29.0 394. • Has a plastic layer between the steel core and the outer strands giving the rope a high structural stability.4 158.7 217.0 598. Hoist rope for electrical hoists and lifting devices with multiple part reeving. • Is fully lubricated.4 556.5 705.7 1186.0 1307.0 176. floating cranes.3 1054.8 308.7 184.2 290. • Regular Lay or Langs Lay.9 558. harbour cranes.5 144.6 37.5 102.6 491.4 159.1 1308. High breaking load.2 245.9 294.2 423.1 123.8 333.1 147.1 326. • Regular Lay or Langs Lay.1 1181.3 356.0 199.8 325.3 342.4 198.9 191.2 68.0 138.4 408.7 952.3 81.4 29.3 225.8 837.6 118.2 159.2 435.3 220.0 118.0 26.9 945.4 1071.0 326.9 713.5 467. Other diameters are available on request 41 Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand .2 Grade 2160 kN 35.0 Grade 1960 kN 32. • Has a very high breaking load.0 76.7 368.7 95.0 239.8 626.8 638.2 666.8 517.4 218.7 45.5 134.0 737.3 550. The plastic layer also assists in avoiding internal rope destruction and protecting the core against corrosive environments.8 100.0 168. Nominal Diameter mm 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 19 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 Metallic Area mm2 30.1 209.CASAR SPECIAL WIRE ROPES Hoist rope for container cranes.5 412.8 276.8 609.6 84.1 770.4 327.5 295.0 507.3 304.5 43.3 34.7 414.5 292.9 387.9 327.6 140.8 212.1 22.3 34.6 78.1 246.6 187.4 60.5 41.8 172.7 353.2 166.9 Approximate Mass kg/100m 16.4 46.5 106.7 178.0 74.5 468.1 139.5 1430. In multiple reeving for smaller lifting heights.9 144.6 627.6 38.4 137.3 942.2 65.4 273.0 662.3 265.5 Approximate Mass kg/100m 27.1 254. • Has a plastic layer between the steel core and the outer strands. portal cranes etc.3 66.5 113.0 379.6 125. Nominal Diameter mm 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Metallic Area mm2 19.8 72.4 53.9 556.9 64.9 67.2 48. low number of falls or non guided loads.1 383.0 54.4 249.1 55.9 495.1 Grade 1960 kN 52.8 299.9 342. • Paraplast should NOT be used with a swivel.4 123.8 274.4 82.9 1583.0 88.6 81.8 375.8 495.0 655.3 756.0 93.8 264.7 150.1 204.9 300.9 374.8 838.8 59.1 54.7 79.1 125.1 859.0 98.8 Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1770 kN 47.1 104.7 • Is an 8 strand rope made out of conventional strands.7 91.5 176. • Stratoplast should NOT be used with a swivel.1 561.0 60.6 189.6 258.5 685.6 92.6 557. Holding rope and closing rope for grabs.4 264.6 198.7 853.0 228. • Is fully lubricated.3 240.4 504.1 • Is an 8 strand rope in parallel lay construction made out of compacted outer strands.6 111.9 440.8 44.6 107.9 446.6 68.2 60.7 84.7 576. 7 276.0 1045.7 473.6 147.7 738.3 1060.4 200.0 287.1 841.4 266.8 432.0 670.0 1565.1 1165.4 413.7 127.5 260.6 98.6 293.3 560.3 861.0 1185.4 359.5 289.9 1145.0 393.9 646. • Regular Lay or Langs Lay.9 613.9 968.6 514.8 1038.5 1725.9 614.3 398.1 650.3 112.3 567.0 604.0 643.8 480.7 950.2 • Is a rotation resistant hoist rope made out of compacted strands.9 656.5 363.3 268.2 266.8 503.9 949.6 429.8 134.0 1611.0 361.0 605.0 1455.0 194.7 151.0 1319.2 723.0 737. • Is fully lubricated.9 741.0 161.1 843.3 358.9 927.0 186. Other diameters are available on request 42 .6 654.4 243.6 246.5 665.9 329.6 176.2 1065.3 129.2 438.3 389. floating cranes.8 351.9 297.4 166.6 1890.0 286.0 516. hoist rope for container cranes. portal cranes etc.2 446. Boom hoist rope for mobile cranes and grabs.7 236.0 481.3 342.7 207.8 185.0 517. The plastic layer also assists in avoiding internal rope destruction and protecting the core against corrosive environments.0 326.3 204.7 925.8 1070.3 585.8 336.8 720.1 1298.7 708.0 1191.1 204.2 704.1 630.8 846. where rotation resistant ropes are required.0 549.7 470.4 237.4 930. • Superplast 8 should NOT be used with a swivel.4 392.9 738.4 1046.3 1581.5 474.1 774.0 292.3 512.7 390. • Is fully lubricated.2 542.4 950.9 712.6 822. Nominal Diameter mm 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 24 25 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 Metallic Area mm2 81.8 Grade 2160 kN 248. The plastic layer also assists in avoiding internal rope destruction and protecting the core against corrosive environments.2 139. • Has a very high breaking load and good resistance against drum crushing.2 326.8 Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1770 kN 118.4 312.2 441.5 1282.4 891.4 585.5 360.5 1405.7 1567.5 393.0 727.0 291.2 315.7 514.2 566.8 320.7 184.2 336.0 1172.7 179.Wire Rope & Strand CASAR SPECIAL WIRE ROPES Wire Rope & Strand Hoist rope for deck cranes.7 260.3 1436. Nominal Diameter mm 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 38 40 42 44 Metallic Area mm2 137.4 164.0 215. • Regular Lay or Langs Lay.1 284.5 587.3 445.7 578. In multiple part reeving for smaller lifting heights.5 1429.5 1014.3 872.0 85.1 329.4 Approximate Mass kg/100m 72.3 Approximate Mass kg/100m 117.2 227. • Has a plastic layer between the steel core and the outer strands giving the rope a high structural stability.8 320.5 509.8 434.0 230.2 473.0 452.4 312. • Has a high breaking load and good resistance against drum crushing.0 1360.8 152.4 396.3 815.0 879.8 555.3 182.0 Grade 1960 kN 130.9 817.4 383.7 • Is a 10 strand rope made out of compacted outer strands.4 524.5 518.0 362.8 892.0 1462.9 Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1770 kN 205.4 926.5 209.0 156.7 420.9 1284.8 1732.2 816. • Has a plastic layer between the steel core and the outer strands giving the rope a high structural stability.8 796.0 808.6 826.4 223.8 Grade 1960 kN 226.8 769. offshore cranes and other applications in the marine environment.2 111.4 662.8 97.4 584.6 1013. 5mm or 53. The detailed specifications of various Casar mining ropes are given in 1mm diameter increments.7690 0. any breaking strength or any specific weight between the figures of Starplast M and Starplast VM. Casar specialises in this technology and is a world leader in the manufacture of sophisticated wire rope products for a broad range of lifting applications. e. Casar can manufacture ropes with every metallic cross sectional area.0545 0.0748 0.8581 0. This allows for automated rope diameter selection given basic winding system parameters. but with rope factors it is also possible to calculate the rope specifications for intermediate diameters.7987 0. The internal plastic layer stabilises the construction and experience has shown that Casar winding ropes are less prone to torsional distortions like waviness and slack outer strands.67238 0.00445 0.96 • FF • SF • II • (d[mm])2 / 4 or MBL 1960 [kN] = BLF 1960 • (d[mm])2 Caculating a minimum rope diameter in mm for a given MBL and a given tensile strength dmin 1770 [mm] = dmin 1770 [mm] = dmin 1960 [mm] = dmin 1960 [mm] = 4 • MBL 1770 [kN] / (FF • SF • II • 1.5176 0.7938 0.5mm. This is the core competence of Casar.6571 0.5685 0.8845 0. which Casar can manufacture on request. diameter.00459 0.8800 0. By varying the degree of strand compaction. The higher breaking strengths of Casar Special Mining Ropes allow for an increase of payload for the same Casar Mining Rope Factors Fill Factor FF [-] Spin Factor SF [-] Weight Factor WF [-] Wir Dia.77) or MBL 1770 [kN] / BLF 1770 4 • MBL 1960 [kN] / (FF • SF • II • 1.0500 0. How to select the most suitable design This catalogue sets out a range of different mine hoisting applications that Casar ropes can be used for and identifies which rope construction should be used in particular circumstances.0546 0.g.6517 0.6746 0. Factor DF [-] Cross Section Factor CF [-] MBL Factor BLF 1770 MBL Factor BLF 1960 Mass Factor MF [-] [-] [-] 0. Special features of Casar mining ropes include galvanising. The increased capacity of the shaft will lead to increased profitability of the mine. Tailor made rope construction Within a particular rope construction family Casar are able to deliver a wide range of fill factors and strength to mass ratios.96) or MBL 1960 [kN] / BLF 1960 Caculating the outer wire diameter of the rope for a given rope diameter = DF • d Caculating the rope mass for a given rope diameter Rope mass [kg/m] = MF • d2 43 Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand .5161 0.00450 0.0630 0.8239 0.8415 0.8399 0.6590 0. We are therefore able to adapt the rope specifications to the exact requirements of your shaft.7441 0.CASAR SPECIAL MINING WIRE ROPES Hoisting ropes in underground mining operations play a vital role in the production cycle.7585 0. Quality and high tech design Every effort is made to maintain and improve the quality of Casar wire rope products for the mining industry.00482 0.8372 0. compacted strands and a plastic layer between steel core and the outer strands.68459 0.8700 0. In Australia Casar has established a strong position in the mining industry.00500 Caculating the MBL in kN for a given rope diameter and a given tensile strength MBL 1770 [kN] = 1.7749 0. Reliability and value for money Casar Special Mining Ropes offer benefits such as increased reliability of the hoisting system and reduced downtime due to less servicing and fewer rope changes.8700 0. In order to assist you in rope selection. tables that follow give factors that can be used to calculate for example the rope minimum breaking loads (MBL) and masses for a given rope diameter.8200 0.77 • FF • SF • II • (d[mm])2 / 4 or MBL 1770 [kN] = BLF 1770 • (d[mm])2 MBL 1960 [kN] = 1. Careful attention to quality and engineering design details ensures that a Casar rope will routinely outperform conventional six strand and rotation resistant ropes.8900 0.9100 0.5298 0. An example of this is the comparison between Starplast M (with no compacted strands) and Starplast VM (with fully compacted strands).5119 0. not only to hoist minerals but also to transport men and materials safely and efficiently.8515 0. 42. Winding ropes are therefore clearly safety critical throughout their operating life. Rope load balancing and accurate drum spooling between rope pairs are critical on BMR winders. but for depths exceeding 900 m it is critical that non-spin or rotation resistance constructions are used.g. For multi-rope winders. In cases where the ropes are free to rotate during the winding cycle (e. non-spin ropes with swivels under both conveyances are recommended. in such cases the lay length changes from the manufactured state would be significant. For free looping tail ropes. single layer rope constructions can be used even in very deep shafts in even in excess of 3000 m. rope load balancing and equal driving sheave/drum circumferences are critical to ensure good rope life. In general the combined unit mass of the head and tail ropes are equal to ensure balanced winding.Wire Rope & Strand TYPICAL MINE WINDERS Wire Rope & Strand Ground mounted Koepe friction winder single rope Ground mounted Koepe friction winder multi-rope Tower mounted Koepe friction winder single-rope no deflection sheave Tower mounted Koepe friction winder multi-rope no deflection sheaves Koepe friction winders are either installed in a ground or tower mounted configuration. Single layer rope constructions are widely used for shallower shaft Koepe winders. For these winders. The number of head and tail rope pairs can vary between 1 and 10 depending on the hoisting duty of the winder. non-spin or rotation resistant constructions are used. Ropes which offer high drum crushing resistance are preferred for these applications as the ropes normally deteriorate first at the _ turn and layer crossovers on parrellel grooved drums. kibble winders) or where the shaft uses rope guides. However. Tower mounted Koepe friction winder singlerope with deflection sheave Tower mounted Koepe friction winder multi-rope with deflection sheaves Double drum winder Blair mult-rope (BMR) winder Double drum and BMR winders are almost always ground mounted. 44 . 3 460.8 1004.3 2691.0 563.7 598.1 2886.3 2320.4 1605.7 524. • Has a plastic layer between the steel core and the outer strands giving the rope a high structural stability. Minimum Breaking Force Nominal Diameter mm 32 33 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 Metallic Area mm2 530.2 Approximate Mass kg/100m 461 490 521 584 650 720 794 872 953 1038 1126 1218 1313 1412 1515 Grade 1770 kN 793.3 1213.2 2606.7 682.0 1112. • Regular Lay or Langs Lay.1 913.5 755.6 1896. The plastic layer also assists in avoiding internal rope destruction and protecting the core against corrosive environments.4 2259.9 1083.1 1373.9 1367.5 843.1 819.3 1639. Minimum Breaking Force Nominal Diameter mm 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Metallic Area mm2 401. • Has a plastic layer between the steel core and the outer strands.2 Grade 1960 kN 658.7 663.8 Other diameters are available on request 45 Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand . • Has a very high breaking load and good resistance against drum crushing.7 2430.9 895.9 1088.5 1937.3 1119.1 591.0 1002.4 739.9 Grade 1960 kN 878.6 776. • Is fully lubricated.1 2145.5 1212.MINING WIRE ROPES • Is an 8 strand rope made out of compacted outer strands.2 2099.0 902.5 1294. • Has a very high breaking load and a good resistance against drum crushing.1 1179.0 1500.6 1509.1 1777. avoiding internal rope destruction and protecting the core against corrosive environments.4 2502.6 Approximate Mass kg/100m 349 401 456 515 577 643 712 786 862 942 1026 1113 Grade 1770 kN 594.3 1935. giving the rope a high structural stability. • Duroplast should NOT be used with a swivel. • Turboplast should NOT be used with a swivel.0 1399.5 992.1 1095.6 1626.0 1239.1 970.7 • Is an 8-strand rope made out of compacted outer strands.9 990.8 1343.3 1623.7 876.8 1785. • Regular Lay or Langs Lay.0 1095. • Is fully lubricated.0 1468.2 1192.3 1815.3 1279.3 2095.4 828.8 747.6 1338.9 860.9 1481.7 934.2 1741.7 1661.8 983.8 1977.3 670.0 1513.1 1239.0 1747. 4 2059.7 Grade 1960 kN 741. • Is fully lubricated.5 1440.6 1432.0 996.1 847. • Has a high breaking load and good resistance against drum crushing.1 1220. • Has a plastic layer between the steel core and the outer strands.4 1356.5 1067. • Has a high breaking load and good resistance against drum crushing.0 2169.6 1025.7 765.4 872.6 1362. • Regular Lay or Langs Lay.1 964.2 1092. • Has a plastic layer between the steel core and the outer strands. avoiding internal rope destruction and protecting the core against corrosive environments.3 1074.5 843.1 1648.1 787.Wire Rope & Strand MINING WIRE ROPES Wire Rope & Strand • Is a rotation resistant hoist rope made out of compacted outer strands.7 1545.4 1103.1 1189.2 1771.8 2227.6 1110.8 1189.5 1574.4 999.4 1595.9 2302.8 1627. giving the rope a high structural stability.5 1488. giving the rope a high structural stability.1 1290.9 2402. • Is fully lubricated.7 761.6 668.9 745. Minimum Breaking Force Nominal Diameter mm 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 Metallic Area mm2 464.5 889.0 2128.5 1312. avoiding internal rope destruction and protecting the core against corrosive environments.9 1962. • Regular Lay or Langs Lay.4 1714.6 • Is a rotation resistant hoist rope made out of compacted strands.6 1505. Minimum Breaking Force Nominal Diameter mm 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 Metallic Area mm2 476.0 984.9 860.5 686.8 910.3 1395.5 1898.5 596.5 528.3 1860.4 Grade 1960 kN 766.5 2079.6 2483.4 1190.3 1453.4 1230.2 2012.7 1324.7 934.4 2242.5 1502.7 952.8 542.0 Approximate Mass kg/100m 434 494 557 625 696 771 851 933 1020 1111 1205 1304 1406 Grade 1770 kN 692.6 1801.1 1743.1 Other diameters are available on request 46 .6 1229.8 1922.8 1318.3 825.0 Approximate Mass kg/100m 413 470 531 595 663 735 810 889 972 1058 1148 1242 1339 Grade 1770 kN 669.8 1121.5 612. Minimum Breaking Force Nominal Diameter mm 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 Metallic Area mm2 465.0 1469.4 552.9 Grade 1960 kN 756.8 428.6 1779.1 1500.9 1627.1 509.3 826.9 923.0 Approximate Mass kg/100m 414 471 532 596 664 736 811 891 973 1060 1150 1244 1341 Grade 1770 kN 683.2 • Is a 12 strand rope made out of compacted strands.0 1937.9 971.6 860.5 1749.9 1096.4 877.3 1214.9 1408. • Regular Lay or Langs Lay. • Is fully lubricated.5 Other diameters are available on request 47 Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand .2 1415.7 511. Minimum Breaking Force Nominal Diameter mm 20 22 24 25 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 Metallic Area mm2 227.0 1345.1 529.8 1371. • Has a plastic layer between the steel core and the outer strands.7 1292.4 796.5 1190.0 2101.3 777.2 1898.1 1000. giving the rope a high structural stability.3 384.1 1560.3 1277. The plastic layer also assists in avoiding internal rope destruction and protecting the core against corrosive environments.0 1397.7 820.9 921. avoiding internal rope destruction and protecting the core against corrosive environments. • Has a high breaking load and good resistance against drum crushing.0 905.8 597.8 746.4 669.8 1606.4 355.1 1153.1 657.9 626.5 1093.3 1277.9 909.6 1002.2 597. • Has a plastic layer between the steel core and the outer strands giving the rope a high structural stability.0 2052.3 2451.6 460.3 1035.1 327.7 983.4 275.7 1022.8 817. • Is fully lubricated. • Has a high breaking load and good resistance against drum crushing.5 386.2 539.9 693.9 2213.3 445.9 1089.9 Grade 1960 kN 353.8 Approximate Mass kg/100m 200 242 288 313 338 392 450 512 578 648 722 800 882 Grade 1770 kN 319. • Langs Lay only.6 1214.1 499.4 1146.MINING WIRE ROPES • Is a rotation resistant hoist rope made out of compacted strands.2 718.4 1507.2 736.8 2273.6 582. 9 13 13.78 6.800 94.14 6.200 62.3 19.400 106.L.000 Wire Rope & Strand Half Locked Coil Guide Ropes Nominal Diameter mm 29 32 35 38 41 45 48 51 Approximate Mass kgs/m 4.197 = Aggregate B.3 Nominal Breaking Load kgs 42.7 23.000 282.000 351. 186 Triangular Strand 6 x 8 to 17 6 x 19 6 x 22 6 x 23 6 x 25 6 x 27 or 28 Nominal Diameter mm 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 Outer Wires .Fibre Core (8/10/Δ) (9/12/Δ) (10/12/Δ) (12/12/Δ) (14 OR 15/Δ) Approximate Mass 6 x 19 to 6 x 25 kg/100m 105 132 164 200 237 276 320 420 530 653 800 945 637 782 923 1080 1250 1440 6 x 27 to 6 x 28 kg/100m Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1770 kN 164 206 255 312 369 432 500 655 825 1020 1250 1475 1730 2000 2300 6 x 15/12/9TS 6 x 10/12/3TS 6 x 12/12/3TS 48 . x 1.74 7.900 52.C.000 Nominal Breaking Load x 1.14 9.L.C.000 160.02 9.8 16.000 319.000 184. Over 57mm Nominal B.700 103.63 6.L.000 139.000 244.1 12.4 10.B.000 208.000 133.212 = Aggregate B.94 9.500 73.1 Nominal Breaking Load kgs 88.48 10. Spec.000 146.Wire Rope & Strand MINING WIRE ROPES Full Locked Coil Winding Ropes Nominal Diameter mm 32 33 35 37 38 40 41 43 44 46 48 49 51 53 54 56 57 59 61 62 64 Approximate Mass kgs/m 5.000 200.000 226. These ropes conform to N.5 14.900 85.000 125.7 18. x 1.72 8.082 = Aggregate Breaking Load These ropes conform to N.000 298.B.4 17.7 14.L.000 272.000 168. Spec 388 Full Locked Coil Half Locked Coil Up to 57mm Nominal B.6 21 21.91 7.000 117.63 5.000 119.000 329.000 253.9 11.7 15.25 11. 2 25.6 31.34 2.1 22.8 113 138.AMERICAN WIRE ROPES Hoist and Luffing Ropes for Lattice Boom Cranes (American Manufacture) Alternate Lay for Luffing Ropes Right Hand Ordinary Lay for Hoist Ropes 6 x 25 FW or 6 x 31 WS IWRC Nominal Diameter Inches 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/4 Nominal Strength is an American term. Minimum Breaking Force is 2 1/2 % lower than the Nominal Strength. Approximate Mass mm 15.6 103.8 167 197.16 4.8 192 228 264 306 49 Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand .8 kg/100m 107 155 211 275 348 430 Nominal Strength in kN Extra Extra Improved Plough Steel 202 288 390 506 636 782 Extra Improved Plough Steel 183 262 354 460 578 711 OIL INDUSTRY WIRE ROPES Drilling Lines 6 x 19 SEALE Right Hand Ordinary Lay. Ungalvanised IWRC to API Spec 9A Nominal Diameter Inches 7/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 3/8 1 1/2 1 5/8 1 3/4 mm 22 26 29 32 35 38 42 45 Approximate Mass kg/100m 211 275 348 430 521 619 726 844 lb/ft 1.89 3.8 230 266 kN 354 460 578 711 854 1014 1174 1361 EIPS Grade 1000 lb 76.5 4.88 5.42 1.2 89.67 kN 308 399 503 617 743 880 1023 1183 Minimum Breaking Force IPS Grade 1000 lb 69.9 19.4 130 159.85 2.4 28. 3 58.Wire Rope & Strand ONESTEEL FISHING WIRE ROPES The OneSteel range of fishing ropes are characterised by the very high levels of galvanising achieved in the high strength 1770 MPa grade wire.0 Minimum Breaking Load 1770 kN 63.9 Minimum Breaking Load 1770 kN 252.2 Minimum Breaking Load 1770 kN 84. 1570 may be available upon request.3 113.0 252.4 47.4 70.0 107. The product is popular for warps and bridles in trawling. Note: • Information on other rope sizes. 50 . This along with the special treatment that ropes receive in manufacture to prevent nicking and marking the zinc ensures a product that is highly resistant to corrosion. ALUMAR fishing ropes have 5% aluminium in the zinc galvanising mix with the inclusion of the aluminium ensuring superior resistance to corrosion and a longer working life.6x9/9/1 Wire Rope Core RHOL Nominal Diameter mm 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 Approximate Mass kgs/100m 41.7 92. AB Galvanised fishing ropes also available upon requests. • There is a limit to the wire size available with the marine grade levels of galvanising in high strength 1770 MPa grade.0 161.4 30.0 1770 Grade Wire is standard. 1570 may be available upon request.0 135.8 38.6x9/9/1 Poly Core RHOL Nominal Diameter mm 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 Approximate Mass kgs/100m 24. Galvanising levels at 25% above Class A (now Class W10Z to AS/NZS 4534) are targeted in manufacture.5 144. In accord with occupational health and environmental principles the use of bitumastic based lubricants has been discontinued.3 90.8 124.0 149.5 70. Also the rope strands are lubricated in manufacture using a wax base lubricant with extreme pressure additives and corrosion inhibitors.0 Galvanised .6 60.1 114.0 Galvanised . Wire Rope & Strand Galvanised .0 363.3 123. ALUMAR ropes have performed extremely well in laboratory Salt Spray (NaCI) and SO2 Atmosphere humidity tests.0 Minimum Breaking Load 1770 kN 37.5 283. In larger sizes these may need to be of 1570 grade tensile wire to obtain the same high levels of galvanising.7 149. OneSteel refer to these as marine grade galvanised wire products. Rope cores are lubricated laid polypropylene for best results.8 50.0 1770 Grade Wire is standard. constructions and compak fishing ropes are available on request. The level of 5% provides the optimum balance of corrosion resistance.5 97. durability and working life.0 204.0 167.3 240.0 46.0 234.1 76. Galvanised .0 152.8 173. KISWIRE FISHING WIRE ROPES Kiswire fishing ropes are available in both A & B galvanising and ALUMAR.2 82.6x9/9/1 Fibrillated Poly Core RHOL Nominal Diameter mm 12 14 16 18 20 22 Approximate Mass kgs/100m 54.7 84.8 198. ALUMAR fishing ropes are the end product of many years of testing in regard to the correct level of aluminium to be included in the zinc mix.0 54.7 74.9 119.6x9/9/1 Wire Rope Core RHOL Nominal Diameter mm 20 22 24 Approximate Mass kgs/100m 163.0 189.1 189. These test indicate that ALUMAR technology improves corrosion resistance by approximately 3 times.0 234.0 305. • Non conductive to 70 Kv Ideal for harsh and highly corrosive environments Lubricates. Additional lubrication should be added to the rope during service. Nobles Wire Rope Lubricant Nobles standard wire rope lubricant offers the benefits of. rigging and marine applications. Note: smooth regular all-over coating. Commitment to Testing The Lanotec range is manufactured to strict quality standards and independent application testing using NATA certified laboratories ensures Lanotec products are tested and proven. By using Lanotec’s naturally based products Nobles can provide lubrication. harder wearing areas. Rope after application through same pressure lubricator using Bitumen Rope Oil. protects and extends the life of wire rope. as do wet and/or corrosive conditions. chain and associated fittings Provides excellent corrosion protection for stainless steel rigging and balustrading Suitable for high speed and load bearing chains Battery terminals and connectors such as electric fork trucks and the like Assembly lube for rubber hoses and multi pin plugs Component preservation and internal protection of motors and bearings Outside storage protection 51 Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand . Heavy Duty (HD) Lanolin HD Lanolin is recommended for wire rope and is particularly well suited to industrial lifting. HD Lanolin is suitable for harder working. Nobles are a leading stockist and distributor of Lanotec and like Nobles Lanotec is a 100% Australian-owned and operated company manufacturing a range of naturally based products that are suitable for use on wire rope and in general industry. high-speed heavy duty operation calls for more frequent lubrication. and a citrus based cleaner/degreaser (Citra-Force). • • • • Better rope life Cleaner operation – no fling off Easier application of lubricant Cost savings Naturally-based Products Lanotec products comprise a range of lanolin based surface coatings in both liquid and grease forms.WIRE ROPE LUBRICANTS Lubrication impregnated into a wire rope during manufacture is not sufficient to last the life of the rope. The frequency of lubrication in the field is determined by the operating conditions of the rope e. Nobles offer two main options for the lubrication of wire rope.g. corrosion protection and degreasing solutions that are both environmentally friendly and user safe. Note: poor uneven coverage with some strands not coated. Lanotec Where environmental considerations are paramount Nobles recommends the use of Lanotec environmentally friendly sealants and lubricants. • • • • • • • • Wire rope with Nobles Wire Rope Lubricant (applied with a pressure lubricator). Wire Rope & Strand 7 x 19 7 x 19 is the most common and versatile construction of stainless steel wire rope. change directions or where ferrule secured thimble eyes and wire rope grips are used. Although 7 x 7 is stiffer than 7 x 19 it is still capable of limited angles and can be used with thimble eyes or swage fittings. 1 x 19 1 x 19 consists of a single strand with 19 wires. 7 x 7 is an excellent choice for fixed rigging applications such as balustrading and safety barrier rails. 1 x 19 is very stiff and is suitable for fixed "straight line" rigging only such as mast stays. 7 x 19 can be used in either fixed rigging or for limited working rope applications such as on a boat winch. guy ropes and structural applications.Wire Rope & Strand STAINLESS STEEL WIRE ROPE There are three common constructions of stainless steel wire rope used in fixed rigging applications. 52 . 7x7 7 x 7 consists of 7 strands each with 7 wires and is not as flexible as 7 x 19. Nobles are stocking stainless steel wire rope mainly in 316 grade but some 304 grade product is available. It cannot be used with thimble eyes and is best utilised and looks very effective with machine swaged end fittings. It consists of 7 strands each with 19 wires and is the most flexible and the easiest construction to work with particularly where the rope needs to turn corners. 7 x 7 has very limited applications as a running or working rope. 490 1.480 4.2 1.3 1.1 Minimum Breaking Load kg 340 756 1.345 2.100 3. • Other constructions and sizes available on request.380 8.060 295 540 1.STAINLESS STEEL WIRE ROPE Approximate Mass kg/100m 1.310 Stock Code AS0201196 AS0301196 AS0401196 AS0501196 AS0601196 AS0801196 AS1001196 AS0207076 AS0307076 AS0407076 AS0507076 AS0607076 AS0207194 AS0307194 AS0407194 AS0507194 AS0607194 AS0807194 AS0207196 AS0307196 AS0407196 AS0507196 AS0607196 AS0807196 AS1007196 Grade & Construction Nominal Diameter mm 2 3 4 316 Grade 1x19 5 6 8 10 2 3 316 Grade 7x7 4 5 6 2 3 304 Grade 7x19 4 5 6 8 2 3 4 316 Grade 7x19 5 6 8 10 • 316 Grade ropes are preferred but 304 Grade is also usually available.83 14.54 6.57 3.09 9. • White is the standard colour for PVC covered ropes but other colours may be available.030 5. • Reels are available in 305m.520 2.7 49.8 31.400 232 520 1.93 12. Please nominate grade required at time of order.3 38.42 6.09 9. 500m or 1000m lengths. 53 Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand .46 7.7 3.089 1.42 6.400 5.52 13.912 3.4 17.5 1.000 1.7 3.29 9.8 24.8 24.082 212 478 850 1.52 13.820 2.98 4. Galvanised Strand for General Purpose Applications 1x7 1 x 19 Minimum Breaking Force.2 4. Wire Rope & Strand 1 x 37 Galvanised Strand Characteristics Galvanised Strand is less flexible than wire rope.92 10.6 31.97 5.9 12.8 15.8 21.6 75.4 109 74 101 137 182 Nominal Diameter mm 4.2 46 63.7 12. broadcasting towers.7 17 23.3 57. It is furnished with Class A galvanised finish.5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 12 14 16 Construction (abbreviated form) 1x3 1x3 1x7 1x7 1x7 1x7 1x7 1x7 1x7 1x7 1x7 1x7 1x7 1x7 1 x 19 1 x 19 1 x 19 1 x 19 380 Grade Nominal Mass kg/100m 7.3 39.2 119 144 54 .4 2 2.6 11.8 27.7 21.4 50.6 98.8 3.4 47. it is stronger and has a higher modulus of elasticity.3 6.5 3 3.1 49.3 87.7 25.9 26.6 31.43 17.8 51.Wire Rope & Strand GALVANISED STRAND Galvanised Strand is commonly used for guys on communication towers.1 30.4 72.5 32.4 7.7 40.2 48.2 38.2 86 9.6 75. kN 820 1320 Grade Grade 11.4 37.4 1.2 7.2 60.9 26.7 2.3 8.9 10.1 92.8 76.8 17.6 61.17 3.7 14.3 88 60.6 17.4 6.2 18.6 13.5 63.6 3 4.5 5.2 5.56 7. power poles and as load carrying members in building structures.4 3.4 68.8 129 Nominal Area mm2 9. 3 87.2 119 145 183 254 305 357 400 491 618 789 975 1240 1450 1700 1850 2020 2580 3150 3430 4050 4400 5050 5500 6440 1 x 61 Young Modulus** GPa 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 * For strand 70mm diameter and greater. ** The values shown are indicative of values obtained after removal of constructional stretch.4 72. the number of wires may vary from that shown in the table provided that the other physical properties are in accordance with those shown in the table.8 129 163 212 255 299 348 427 538 687 848 1080 1260 1480 1610 1760 2250 2750 2990 3520 3830 4400 4790 5610 Nominal Area mm2 60.6 98.GALVANISED STRAND TO AS 2841 Galvanised Strand for Guying Purposes 1 x 19 Nominal diameter mm 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 54 58 64 70 76 82 86 90 95 102 1 x 19 1 x 19 1 x 19 1 x 19 1 x 19 1 x 19 1 x 19 1 x 19 1 x 37 1 x 37 1 x 37 1 x 61 1 x 61 1 x 61 1 x 91 1 x 91 1 x 91 1 x 127 1 x 127 1 x 169 1 x 169 1 x 217 1 x 217 1 x 271 1 x 271 1 x 271 Construction* (abbreviated form) 1 x 37 Minimum Breaking Force Grade 1570 kN 88 126 172 210 265 368 442 518 580 713 897 1150 1420 1800 2050 2400 2610 2850 3640 4450 4850 5560 6040 6940 7550 8850 Nominal Mass kg/100m 50. 55 Wire Rope & Strand Wire Rope & Strand . If a precise value is required. it should be determined by experiment. 56 .
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