0_254624 400 SP INT 004 Specs for Actuated Valves

March 22, 2018 | Author: AdelCh | Category: Specification (Technical Standard), Valve, Automation, Paint, Packaging And Labeling



VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT - WHITE OIL TERMINAL Doc No: 254624-400-SP-INT-004 Rev: C Page1 of 10 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MOTOR OPERATED VALVES Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd Visakha Dispatch Station VR-ATP Area, Naval Base Post Visakhapatnam - 530 014 Andhra Pradesh Mott MacDonald Consultants (India) Pvt. Ltd. Kothari House, CTS No. 185 Off Andheri - Kurla Road Andheri (East) Mumbai 400 059 P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\254624 HPCL- White Oil Terminal\05 Control & Automation\Documents\Documents\Specs\Package -II MOV 05.11.09\0_254624-400-SP-INT-004 Specs for Actuated Valves Rev B.doc . Marking and Shipment P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\254624 HPCL.2 1.1 1.3 General Definitions White Oil product details 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Scope of Supply Specifications & Documents attached Inspection & Testing Information & Drawings to be furnished along with the offer: Details to be Submitted after Order Placement Final Documentation Painting.White Oil Terminal\05 Control & Automation\Documents\Documents\Specs\Package -II MOV 05.doc .09\0_254624-400-SP-INT-004 Specs for Actuated Valves Rev B.WHITE OIL TERMINAL Doc No: 254624-400-SP-INT-004 Rev: C Page 3 of 10 List of Content Page nos 1 Introduction 1.11.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT . White Oil Terminal\05 Control & Automation\Documents\Documents\Specs\Package -II MOV 05.08 0.92 Ambient Ambient (-) 23. Product Characteristics of the products in White Oil terminal are mentioned as general guidelines to bidders Product Flash point (OC) > 35 (-) 30 (-) 20 (-) 26 to (-) 101 > 35 33 Specific gravity gm/cc 0.01 1. Bidder/Vendor : Manufacturer Shall Should : : 1.05 0. The facilities at the terminal include storage and distribution for White Oil products.3 16.78 0. AP for distribution of petroleum products by road and rail.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT . Ltd.37 0.Motor Spirit Naphtha ATF Aviation Turbine Fuel SKO .1 Introduction General Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited is implementing the resitement installation project for White Oil Marketing Terminal at Vishakapatnam. Mott MacDonald Consultants (India) Pvt.WHITE OIL TERMINAL Doc No: 254624-400-SP-INT-004 Rev: C Page 4 of 10 1 1.73 0.7 < 0.97 14.8 Vapour pressure kg/cm2a < 0.2 Ambient Ambient P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\254624 HPCL.doc .Super Kerosene Oil MTO Mineral Turpentine Oil Hexane Ethanol 2-5 @ 40OC < 0.3 White Oil product details In the table below.4 Viscosity (cSt) Pumping Temp.2 Definitions Owner Consultant : : Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.4 0.High Speed Diesel MS .0.11.82 < 0.09\0_254624-400-SP-INT-004 Specs for Actuated Valves Rev B.86 0.66 0.8 0.69.79 0.7 2.6 0. 1.7 < 0.56 0.82-0. Valve Manufacturer & Supplier This is to be understood as a mandatory in relation to the requirements of this document This is to be understood as a strong recommendation to comply with the requirements of this document.277 1. (OC) Ambient Ambient Ambient Ambient HSD .7 < 0. workmanship and performance of the valve supplied.7 2. Bidder to include the start up & commissioning spares for valves. the offer will be deemed to be in compliance with complete tender and its attachments and subsequent claims for extra scope will not be considered. This specification does not relieve the Bidder from final guarantee as to materials. to this specification and all attachment thereof.9 2. shall be included in the Bidder’s proposal (prototypes shall not be proposed). Bidder shall include in the bid.). state of the art and of current manufacture. Only equipment of proven reliability in similar service conditions.WHITE OIL TERMINAL Doc No: 254624-400-SP-INT-004 Rev: C Page 5 of 10 2 2. or a special dispensation to deviate from the list has been granted in writing by the Owner/consultant. list of spares for 2 (two) years of operations shall be attached with technical bid. The designed. testing and supply of actuated valves to be installed in the pipeline network for distribution of White Oil products & for Utilities as per the specifications and data sheets attached. in respect of this tender.doc . Approved vendor list provided in this tender is for the manufacturer name only.4 2. procure material from Bidders listed in the Approved Bidder list only. list of specific deviations. unless the particular type of material is not covered by the list. The Bidder shall.3 2. For any instrumentation item. manufacture. Bidder shall prepare and submit all necessary documents during various stages of the project as listed in this tender document. engineered and supplied equipment/system shall be suitable for the site conditions specified. design and workmanship shall satisfy the relevant standards. 2.10 P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\254624 HPCL.1 Scope of Supply The scope of this tender bid covers the design. Where the specifications stipulate requirements in addition to those contained in the standard. the offered model must meet the relevant specification and proven track record (PTR) requirements.2 2. The Bidder shall supply the complete assembled and tested valve with actuator & related accessories. and not for any specific model. apparatus.5 2.White Oil Terminal\05 Control & Automation\Documents\Documents\Specs\Package -II MOV 05. if any.6 2. etc.11. specifications & codes referred in this document.09\0_254624-400-SP-INT-004 Specs for Actuated Valves Rev B. otherwise. All components/consumables used shall be new. The Bidder shall provide the related necessary evidence (reference lists with installation dates and run hours accumulated by date. Bidder shall train Owner’s maintenance personnel for valve maintenance. separately. However. codes and specifications. The materials.8 2.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT . these additional requirements shall also be satisfied. actuators and other accessories in the quoted price along with list. intended for petroleum product services at the Marketing White Oil Terminal. data sheets. Providing necessary manpower & equipment support during FAT/testing is in bidders scope.WHITE OIL TERMINAL Doc No: 254624-400-SP-INT-004 2. Sr. i. 2. 2006. and other sub-Bidder’s works shall be in accordance with approved QA/QC procedure. 501533. Environmental Impact Assessment. Motor Operated On/Off Pressure Balanced Plug Valves.12 2. for “Isolated storage and handling of hazardous chemicals”.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT .13 2. This terminal falls under category 6B. Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) shall be performed for the total quantity of valves in this tender. of Sheets 22 10 20 7 Rev C C C C 5 254624-400-SP-INT-023 22 C 6 7 254624-400-DS-INT-023 254624-400-SP-PIP-003 15 23 C B P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\254624 HPCL.11. ii. schedule of quantities for valves of White Oil products as listed below are appended to the specification. notification no. Motor Operated On/Off High Performance Butterfly Valves.White Oil Terminal\05 Control & Automation\Documents\Documents\Specs\Package -II MOV 05. sub-assemblies and complete assemblies of items manufactured at Bidder’s works. 1 2 3 4 Document / Drawing No. iii.doc . This specification covers the following types of fire safe valves as per standards mentioned against each type. no. dated 11th Sept.09\0_254624-400-SP-INT-004 Specs for Actuated Valves Rev B.1 Specifications & Documents attached Specification. 254624-400-SP-INT-021 254624-400-DS-INT-021 254624-400-SP-INT-022 254624-400-DS-INT-022 Description Specifications for Motor Operated Plug Valves Data Sheets for Motor Operated Plug Valves with Tag List Specifications for Motor Operated Ball Valves Data Sheets for Motor Operated Ball Valves with Tag List Specifications for Motor Operated Triple Eccentric High Performance Butterfly Valves Data Sheets for Motor Operated Triple Eccentric High Performance Butterfly Valves with Tag List Specifications for Painting No. Motor Operated On/Off Ball Valves.14 3 3.11 Rev: C Page 6 of 10 Inspection and testing of all components. 5.2 4.White Oil Terminal\05 Control & Automation\Documents\Documents\Specs\Package -II MOV 05.1 Overall general arrangement and cross sectional drawings of valves & its accessories.1 Inspection & Testing All the tests as specified in the respective valves specifications and as indicated in the testing standard specified for the valves shall be carried out for each valve. The bidder shall furnish in his offer. 5. 4.09\0_254624-400-SP-INT-004 Specs for Actuated Valves Rev B. Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) proposed to be followed at the factory and the tests to be conducted as per enclosed format in document no. no.5 5 Information & Drawings to be furnished along with the offer: The following drawings / documents (3 hard copy sets shall be submitted with 1 soft copy along with the offer) shall be furnished in addition to the documents requested with individual specifications.2 P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\254624 HPCL.Actuated Valves Quality Assurance Plan for Actuated Valves Data Sheets for Motor Operated Gate Valve with Tag List Overall Instrument Location Plan No. showing dimensional details & estimated weight.11. Inspection will be carried out as per the scope of inspection detailed in this specification and as per the relevant standard. of Sheets 5 11 9 2 5 2 Rev D A C A B B 4 4.3 4. 8 9 10 11 12 13 Document / Drawing No. It should also include the date of manufacture and surface preparation/painting. Painting shall be in line with Painting specifications. 254624-400-SP-PIP-002 254624-400-DB-GEN001 254624-400-SOQ-INT002 254624-400-PL-INT-001 254624-400-DS-INT-024 254624-400-INT-A05307 Rev: C Page 7 of 10 Description Piping Specification Index Project Design Basis Schedule of Quantity . Test certificates should make specific mention that the valves conform to its relevant Standard. Owner shall have the right to inspect/ witness the tests.doc .WHITE OIL TERMINAL Doc No: 254624-400-SP-INT-004 Sr. approval and release by the inspection agency designated by Owner. Sizing calculations for selected valve & actuators.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT .4 4. 254624-400-PL-INT-001 Acceptance of the materials shall be subject to inspection. for which all arrangements/ facilities shall be made by successful bidder. 10 5. Bidder shall firm up the Make & Model of valve.5 5.7 5. 5. testing and despatch duration. Delivery Schedule Confirmation regarding the codes & standards specified for different works.9 5.WHITE OIL TERMINAL Doc No: 254624-400-SP-INT-004 Rev: C Page 8 of 10 5. actuator.11 5. Detailed bar chart showing different stages of design.1 Sizing of valve. at the time of submission of bids & same shall not be changed after PO placement. of the following documents / drawings within the time stipulated. plug & butterfly valves from internationally reputed testing / inspection agencies.4 5.14 5. actuator & selected model for approval (2 weeks from LOI/PO). Details of manufacturing / testing facilities available with the bidder and rated production capacity. Consultants QAP formats document no.8 5.doc . List of recommended spares and accessories for valves & actuators for 2 (two) years normal operation. 6.15 5. unless mentioned otherwise.11. Operating time for each valve (opening & closing time).12 5.3 As a mandatory requirement.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT .6 5. Deviations from specifications and attachments if any.White Oil Terminal\05 Control & Automation\Documents\Documents\Specs\Package -II MOV 05.09\0_254624-400-SP-INT-004 Specs for Actuated Valves Rev B. Power consumption for Motor Operated Valves. List of recommended spares and accessories for valves & actuators for startup & commissioning. Details of valves supplied to similar installations. Bidder shall submit de-codification sheet for each type and size for all major parts along with torque valve detail for valve & actuator.16 6 Details to be Submitted after Order Placement The successful bidder shall furnish four sets. manufacture.13 5. Copy of valid API-6D certificates & fire safety test certificates for ball. 254625-400-PL-INT-001 duly filled and signed. P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\254624 HPCL. workmanship & materials of construction. other accessories like limit switch etc. Guarantee for performance. All the above documents shall be in addition to those mentioned in individual specifications of valves.09\0_254624-400-SP-INT-004 Specs for Actuated Valves Rev B.White Oil Terminal\05 Control & Automation\Documents\Documents\Specs\Package -II MOV 05.7 P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\254624 HPCL. Torque details for valves & actuators for approval (2 weeks from LOI/PO). Installation requirements.2 Rev: C Page 9 of 10 Overall general arrangement and dimensional cross sectional drawings of valves.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT . (2 weeks from LOI/PO) QA plan for approval.1 7. electrical power consumption for each type and size of valve. material list.WHITE OIL TERMINAL Doc No: 254624-400-SP-INT-004 6.3 6. Model.doc . 7.2 Sizing of valve. (2 weeks from LOI/PO) Inspection certificates & test reports shall be supplied for all mandatory test as per the applicable codes. Technical catalogue for valves.5 7. weights etc.4 6. weights etc.10 7 Final Documentation Eight sets of final documentation shall be submitted in hard copy along with 4 sets of data on compact disc storage media 7. Other relevant information / drawings / documents as required by Consultant/Owner. Material test certificates for other parts shall also be furnished during inspection. Calibration certificates. for approval before start of manufacturing (2 weeks from LOI/PO). Material test and analysis certificates (physical properties.8 6. 6.6 7. Installation requirements.6 6.7 6. chemical composition & heat treatment report) shall be furnished for the valves supplied. electrical power consumption for each type and size of valve for approval (2 weeks from LOI/PO). Actuator Make. showing part list.11. actuator & selected model with torque details for valves & actuators Overall general arrangement and dimensional cross sectional drawings of valves. Inspection certificates & test reports shall be supplied for all mandatory test as per the applicable codes. details of selection based on torque.9 6. Operation and maintenance manual.4 7. Hazardous area classification for valve accessories.3 7. showing part list.5 6. material list. actuators & all accessories mounted on valve. ball & butterfly valves. All valves shall be marked as per API 6D. All threaded and machined surfaces subject to corrosion shall be well protected by a coat of grease or other suitable material.3 8. following shall be marked legibly with suitable marking ink: a) Order Number b) Manufacturer’s Name c) Valve size and rating d) Tag Number – at least on 3 sides of packing. On packages. All valves shall be provided with suitable protectors for flange faces. legible from distance. Valve ends shall be suitably protected to avoid any damage during transit.11.09\0_254624-400-SP-INT-004 Specs for Actuated Valves Rev B.5 8. All valves shall be transported in the fully close condition for plug.6 in accordance with “Steel Structures Painting Council – Visual Standard SSPC-VIS-1”.2 8. Packaging and shipping instructions shall be as per API 6D and procurement documentation. The units of marking shall be metric except Nominal Diameter which shall be in inches.6 8. in the drawings submitted for approval. All sealant lines and other cavities of the valve shall be filled with sealant before shipment.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT . Marking and Shipment Valve surface shall be thoroughly cleaned. the external surfaces of buried portion of the valve shall be painted with three coats of suitable coal tar epoxy resin with a minimum dry film thickness of 300 microns. securely attached to the valves. freed from rust and grease and applied with sufficient coats of corrosion resistant paint. Surface preparation shall be carried out by shot blasting to SP. e) Serial Number 8.WHITE OIL TERMINAL Doc No: 254624-400-SP-INT-004 Rev: C Page 10 of 10 8 8. For the valves to be installed underground. Manufacturer shall indicate the type of corrosion resistant paint used.7 8.4 8. Marking shall be done by die-stamping on the cover or on the housing.White Oil Terminal\05 Control & Automation\Documents\Documents\Specs\Package -II MOV 05.1 Painting. when indicated in Valve Data Sheet.doc .8 P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\254624 HPCL.
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