
March 29, 2018 | Author: 김남균 | Category: Offshore Wind Power, Geotechnical Engineering, Beach, Liquefied Natural Gas, Wind Turbine



Marine and coastal engineeringServices for terminals, ports, harbours, coastal development and special marine structures Anton Petersen Senior Vice President Bridge, Tunnel and Marine Structures +45 56 40 28 88 [email protected] Ole Juul Jensen Director Marine and Coastal Engineering +45 56 40 29 06 [email protected] Thomas Dahlgren Vice President Marine and Foundation Engineering +45 56 40 26 69 [email protected] Sanjeev Dhar Marketing, Marine India +91 124 409 2500 [email protected] Stanley M. White, P.E. President Managing Engineer Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. +1 203 268 5007 [email protected] Dale E. Berner, P.E. President Ben C. Gerwick, Inc. +1 510 839 8972 [email protected] Jesper S. Damgaard, Managing Director Gulf Marine +9714 339 7075 [email protected] Mogens A. Hviid Senior Project Director +974 55 879 246 (Qatar) +961 70 580 800 (Lebanon) [email protected] COWI’s services COWI currently provides services within 33 areas of engineering, environmental science and economics. • Welfare economics and services • Public administration • Social development and HRD • • • • • • Development assistance Urban and regional development Environmental and social due diligence Geographical information systems and IT Mapping Energy planning and systems • Environmental policy and regulation • Natural resources management • Environmental protection Economics Environmental science • Health, safety and environment • • • • • Municipal and hazardous waste Water and wastewater Production and process plants Oil and gas Coastal engineering Engineering • Transport planning and management • Cadastre and land administration • • • • • • • Bridges Tunnels Ports and marine structures Roads Airports Railways and metros Telecommunications Picture on front page: Snøhvit terminal, Norway. Photo: Allan Klo • • • • • • Residential buildings Educational buildings Hospitals and health buildings Cultural and sports buildings Industrial buildings Commercial buildings COWI group COWI A/S is a leading international consultancy firm founded in 1930. The COWIfonden (the COWI foundation) is the majority shareholder and is totally independent of any third parties. The foundation supports research and development in various fields of consultancy activities. COWI’s head office is in Kongens Lyngby, 12 km north of Copenhagen, Denmark. COWI is a multidisciplinary firm providing services of the highest quality in the fields of engineering, environmental science and social economics. COWI employs more than 6,100 staff of which 3,200 are based outside Denmark in subsidiaries, branch offices or projects offices. A high percentage of the employees are professionals holding PhD, MSc or BSc degrees in civil, structural, geotechnical, mechanical or electrical engineering and other academic areas such as geology, hydrology, chemistry, biology, agronomy, sociology, economics and planning. The annual turnover is at present (2011) EUR 575 million (USD 825 million). About 2/3 of the company’s turnover is generated outside Denmark in more than 100 countries around the world. Transportation COWI has more than 80 years experience in transportation consultancy covering all phases of infrastructure projects from initial planning and feasibility studies over design, construction and commissioning to maintenance management and rehabilitation. 3 Marine and coastal engineering The COWI group provides consultancy and design services within the field of marine, geotechnical and coastal engineering from five centres of excellence with a total of 18 offices for marine staffs and works. The total staff in this field of engineering is presently about 330 and increasing. The total annual turnover on international marine and coastal projects is approximately USD 60 million which makes COWI a leading international company in this specialised field. Marine and coastal centres COWI’s marine and coastal engineering centres reside in COWI’s head office, Copenha- gen, Denmark; Ben C. Gerwick, Inc. (BCG), Oakland, California, USA; Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. (OCC), Trumbull, Connecticut, USA; COWI India, New Delhi and Chennai and in COWI’s offices in UAE and Qatar. COWIs marine and coastal teams are thus collaborating in a very integrated fashion to develop and deliver the services for our clients. For many projects this means that we, by use of today’s ways of communication, are able to ensure that we can call upon our best expertice in the company irrespectively of the country of the project, the client and the COWI office responsible for specific project. Key staff and contact information: 4 Marine and coastal consultancy services and expertise covering all project phases Investigation phase • Geotechnical investigations • Bathymetry & topography • Underwater engineer diver inspections • Condition surveys Feasibility phase • Generation and development of ideas • Feasibility studies • Studies of infrastructure needs • Layout studies • Assessment of design data • Remediation concept development • Cost estimation • Construction and procurement scheduling • Environmental impact assessment Design phase • Establishment of design basis • Study of oceanographically conditions • Design data studies • Geotechnical assessments • Durability design • Civil and structural design • Mechanical and electrical installations • Operational risk assessment Tender phase • Development of tender design • Management of tender procedures • Value engineering • Preparation of contract for construction Construction phase • Construction management • Quality, environmental and safety management • Construction risk management • Interface coordination • Programme and budget control • Site supervision • Contract and claims management Operation and maintenance (O&M) • O&M management systems • Inspection of structures and installations • Ranking of maintenance and reinvestment needs • Repair and strengthening design Carsten Sørensen [email protected] P. N. Ananth [email protected] Ashish Lamba [email protected] Bradley Allen Syler [email protected] Bushra Hussain [email protected] Hossam Abdella [email protected] Nigel Pickering [email protected] Jørgen S. Steenfelt [email protected] Jes Bojsen Abild [email protected] Jørgen Juhl [email protected] Jan Rønberg [email protected] Camilla Odgaard [email protected] Brian Foged [email protected] Lars Hansson [email protected] Torben Bang [email protected] Kaj Nykjær Jensen [email protected] Stig Balduin Andersen [email protected] Thomas Gierlevsen [email protected] Jørn H. Thomsen [email protected] Karsten N. Madsen [email protected] Henrik Hostrup-Pedersen [email protected] Hanne L. Svendsen [email protected] Christoffer Truelsen [email protected] Daniel James Kennedy [email protected] Mads Jørgensen [email protected] Christoffer Brodbaek [email protected] Sam Yao, Dr. [email protected] Ted Trenkwalder [email protected] Henrik Dahl [email protected] John E. Chapman Bryan N. Jones [email protected] [email protected] Douglas A. Gaffney Abdelaziz Abdalla Rabie [email protected] [email protected] Stephen A. Famularo [email protected] Usama M. Saied [email protected] 5 Marine and coastal consultancy The COWI Group has, over the past years, strengthened and developed its capabilities in marine and coastal engineering both by organic growth and acquisitions. The organic growth has taken place both by hiring staff with international experience and many new graduates. The staff in the six centres of excellence and sixteen offices is truly international with a multicultural background in education, language and nationality. Experience The COWI Group possesses extensive international experience in all aspects of port, marine and coastal engineering. This experience is documented by the many successful, completed projects on six continents of the world, from California in the west to Korea and Australia in the east and from Tierra del Fuego, Argentina in the south to Greenland in the north. Focus has been on developing the relationship with our clients with the aim of providing added value to the clients’ projects. The very diverse, multidisciplinary and multicultural background and professional experience have been brought to bear for the benefit of our clients and the projects we work on. Quality management COWI’s marine and coastal services are ISO 9001 certified. All design activities are carried out in accordance with the individual project quality plan tailored to meet the specific requirements of each project. Services and expertises COWI’s services cover the whole life cycle of a project from the early ideas over studies and design to the operation phase and rehabilitation or decommissioning. Our services range from professional advice on a specific problem to comprehensive planning and total engineering design and implementation of large scale projects. Our involvement in complex and demanding marine projects over the years has led to the development of particular in-house knowledge. Marine terminals, ports, waterfronts, manmade islands, breakwaters can be mentioned as special fields of experience. Clients COWI works for public and private infrastructure owners as well as for contractors. We advocate a close dialogue with the contractor (BOT and design-build projects) in order to take all data into account and to optimise the design and construction. Understanding our client’s needs and combining this with our knowledge and experience to successful project completion is our goal. Main types of marine and coastal structures Ports and harbours • Container terminals • General cargo • Ferry and roll-on-roll-of berths • Access channels and waterways • Navy • Small craft harbours • Fishing harbours • Supply bases • Marinas and pleasure craft harbours Marine terminals • Oil and gas (LNG) terminals • Bulk terminals • Cruise terminals Coastal/waterfront development • Land reclamation • Coastal flood mapping • Coastal protection • Man-made islands • Dredging • Breakwaters • Beaches Special marine structures • Foundations for offshore wind turbines • Water intake and outfall structures • Confined disposal facilities • Locks and dams • Dry docks Quality management system certificate and certification conditions, ISO 9001 6 . who have worked with COWI for ages. Idku. marine construction. We perform in-house dynamic mooring analyses including vessel downtime assessment. operational and maintenance philosophy. COWI uses selected sub-consultants for vessel manoeuvring studies to define dimensions for approach channels and turning basins. electrical and mechanical installations. We analyse meteorological and oceanographic data and use numerical wave and hydrodynamic modelling software to define design water levels and wave conditions and to calculate wave disturbance at the terminal. Physical model tests are made by subconsultants. undertake the assessment of geophysical data and define design parameters. access trestle and pipe racks/conveyors. buildings. Contractor's designer. Idku. We plan and manage site investigations. Planning of the berthing head arrangement is based on the project specific vessel range together with loading/unloading requirements. electrical systems and mechanical installations. breakwaters. construction docks. Egypt Liquefied natural gas (LNG) project. This includes layout planning. Saudi Arabia Liquefied natural gas (LNG) project. Egypt . facilities design includes tug berths.7 Marine terminals Oil and gas COWI offers completely integrated services relating to oil and gas marine terminals. including security features and emergency shutdowns. Shoaiba new tanker terminal. Facilities design includes berth and loading facilities. In addition. been involved in the planning. ship-to-shore gangway and lighting amongst other topside facilities. Snamprogetti. The loading platform accommodates 11 loading arms for each berth. Exxon Mobil Ras Laffan Marine Terminals. LNG berth 5 was also designed for LNG tankers up to 267. Ras Laffan is currently expanding the original port facilities and has identified the Expansion of port of Ras Laffan need for both new LNG berths as well as new multi-user liquid product berths from which gas-to-liquids (GTL) products can be exported. catwalks for access to the mooring dolphins. Fluor Corporation.000 to 300.000 DWT. The buildings consist of a common control building. design and construction of the following marine terminals: • Liquid product berths 1A and 1B • Liquid product berths 3A and 3B • LNG berth 3 • LNG berth 4 • LNG berth 5 • LNG berth 6 The liquid product berths were designed to enable simultaneous berthing. 4 and 6 were constructed using mass concrete blocks some of which weigh up to 700 t. mooring and loading of two vessels from 20. Due to the rough seas during construction. LNG berths 3. berth furniture as well as an access causeway.000 m3. quick release hooks. . fire fighting facilities. navigation lights. road/ drainage and associated infrastructure 8 • Bathymetric and topographic investigations • Mooring and berthing analysis and layout • Dredging plans • Materials specifications • Design of block wall structures • Design of pile-supported structures • Design of up to 11 arm loading structure and associated structures Project period 2003 . Archirodon Construction. catwalks. The LNG berths were designed to enable berthing of LNG carriers up to 267. The port was designed as an export facility for LNG. Condensate and Sulphur derived from the processing of gas landed from the North Field Gas Reservoir situated 67 km NNE of the Port. mooring and breasting dolphins. Chiyoda. The berths are constructed using mass concrete blocks and consist of breasting and mooring dolphins. an electrical substation and a firewater pump house as well as pipe racks and other piping structures. Qatar Petroleum.000 m3 but by using pile supported structures and constructed outside the existing main breakwater before the new main breakwater was in place. Qatar was built in the early 1990s and is now becoming the world’s largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporting port. Qatar Ras Laffan Port. pile supported structures were selected for this berth. The berths consist of a loading platform with topside structures and equipment.2009 Clients Technip.Services • Offshore geotechnical investigations • Design of pipe racks and bridges • Design of buildings. COWI has. so far. fenders. The berths have a common approach jetty with approach road and have pipe racks on either side leading from the lee breakwater to the loading platform area. S. The berths shall accommodate LPG carriers with a capacity of up to 125.9 Ruwais third NGL train jetty project.A. The work included design of jacket structures to be installed in 10-17 m water depth.2010 Client Archirodon Construction (Overseas) Co. design of module support frames to accommodate topside facilities and design of a 700 m long access trestle to the new loading berths. .000 m3. UAE The GASCO plant is expanding the export facilities at their Ruwais plant in Abu Dhabi.7 km E-W trestle and access platforms Project period 2006 . Services • Review of project basis including berth layout study and the geotechnical investigations • Execution of dynamic mooring analysis • Preliminary and detailed design of steel structures • Construction support • Design of jacket structures to be placed on 10 - 17 m water depth • Design of module support frames to be supported by the jacket structures • Design of 0. UAE with a third train export line and the construction of two new berths for export of natural gas liquid (NGL). Abu Dhabi. emergency repairs. dredging. New York Harbour liquid terminal facility Services • Underwater investigation with PEdivers • Moored vessel analysis • Hydrographic survey • Maintenance dredging Project period Ongoing Client Large Liquid Terminal Operator Gabbro berth Mesaieed. The services include underwater investigation with registered professional engineer (PE) divers. In the last 5 years we have been responsible for rehabilitation of piers and wharfs. The facility has six recently dredged deepwater tanker berths and twelve barge berths. permitting. and environmental remediation. Qatar . including marine engineering. New York Harbour. USA Consulting engineering services for a large multipurpose liquid terminal facility in the New York Harbour area have been provided since 1994. dredging.10 Large liquid terminal port. and program management services. landreclamation and pivot foundation for shiploader. The project involved construction of berthing and mooring dolphins. feasibility studies. Olivine terminal. The latter is normally tailored to the actual type of bulk material to be loaded or unloaded at the terminal. tendering and construction support are included.000 DWT. The designer works with suppliers of such special systems to develop optimum solutions. Services • Met-ocean study • Dynamic mooring analysis • Detailed design of marine facility • Tendering and construction support Project period 2006 . Abu Dhabi. conceptual and detailed design. ranging from traditional grab handling to various types of conveyor belts to systems using pipes for pumping of the material in question. UAE Ruwais sulphur expansion. contracting and contract supervision and management. surveys. environmental assessments. The new berth accommodates vessels up to 65. dynamic mooring analysis. detailed design of marine facility. Otherwise bulk handling terminals can be made at long quays like general cargo or container berths or at jetty structures quite similar to the ones used for oil and gas terminals. tender documents. quadrant beam and support trestle. layout studies. The design thus requires knowledge of the requirements associated with the specific type of bulk material and the various types of handling systems.11 Bulk terminals Like other ports and port terminals the study and design of bulk terminals rely on general marine engineering and special expertise on the systems for handling of bulk. Greenland TAKREER Sulphur Plant in Ruwais. Also met-ocean study. . hydraulic studies. COWI undertakes all types of services for bulk terminals ranging from planning. UAE TAKREER has been expanding the production and berth facilities at their plant in Ruwais with a new berth for the export of granulated sulphur.2009 Client Pegasus TSI Inc. 12 Photo: Mogens Bech . Each type of vessel and operation and type of loading or unloading equipment has its specific requirements. Through the internet. the preparation of which was headed by COWI staff. the same studies and design tasks and types of civil engineering structures as other marine structures. such as “Criteria for Movements of Moored Ships is Harbours”.13 Ports and harbours The services for ports and harbours are thus multidisciplinary in nature and include. Port of Copenhagen The Port of Copenhagen A/S undertook a large port development project that includes a new ferry terminal in Søndre Frihavn (Southern Free Port) and planned for construction of commercial and residential buildings on the former DANLINK sites. COWI. Services • Project management • Conceptual design • Prequalification of contractors • Tender documents • Contracting and supervision • Review of contractor’s design • Traffic analysis • EIA • Cost estimate • Digital document management Project period 2000 . in principle. this gives all project participants full accessibility and control of digital documents and drawings from the planning phase to the final phase. As the client’s representative COWI provided multidisciplinary services and project management. which included the following components: • Planning and design of quay structures and piers in 9 m water depths • Dredging plans • Traffic analysis on the terminal area • Testing of the proposed layout using 3D real time ship navigation simulation at the Danish Maritime Institute (FORCE) • EIA (environmental impact assessment) and environmental screening • Estimate of construction costs including maintenance using successive calculation • Soil logistics (recycling of polluted soil as landfill within the project area).2003 Client Port of Copenhagen A/S . However. Such requirements come from experience and are defined in the International Navigation Association (PIANC) guides. have implemented a commercial document control program. of special importance is the specific use of the ports and harbours and which boats or ships they shall accommodate. The development includes relocation of ferries operated by DFDS Seaways away from the congested Copenhagen City. together with the client. A container yard has very heavy traffic and the design of the heavy duty pavement requires special attention. The landside rail is supported by a reinforced crane beam on bored concrete piles. thus requiring depth at the quay front of about 17 m. These piles can be an integrated part of the quay structure.000 TEU Panamax vessels. electrical and buildings Project period 2007 . The new quay wall is a block wall designed with un-reinforced precast blocks for a water depth 13. phase 1 and 2. Otherwise the designer of a container terminal works closely with the operator to develop a tailored optimal system for the specific terminal including the requirements to container cranes and the special type of equipment required for moving and stacking of containers such as straddle carriers. most often. the crane rails require piles as foundation. The quay structures for a container terminal are thus quite similar to the ones used for other types of port terminals with the exception that. Services • Planning of the terminal operational concept • Site surveys • Environmental assessment • Design of marine works • Specification of container handling equipment.5 m. roads.The berth is for 4. Port Atonome de Cotonou. Qatar) into a dedicated container terminal. Mesaieed. Qatar Berths 7A and 7B container terminal. New container terminal. Container vessels are becoming larger and larger and the latest development in vessel size implies vessels up to 400 m in length and a draft fully loaded in the order of 16 m. mechanical. Benin . The quay wall is supporting rail for STS-cranes.2010 Client Mesaieed Industrial City Detailed design of container terminal. Preparation of tender documents and tender assistance • Design of onshore works including pavement. Qatar QP/MIC has expanded the berth 7 at Mesaieed Port (located 40 km southeast of Doha.14 Container terminals Container terminals are normally made in connection with a long straight quay as the terminal requires quite a width perpendicular to the quay to make room for container cranes at the quay front and for transport laterally along the quay and finally for storing/stacking of containers in the container yard. crane stops. concrete piling. USA As part of the Port of Oakland “15 m channel deepening project. mechanical design of potable and fire water. construction phasing. steel sheet pile bulkhead wall.” the port has strengthened the Evergreen Terminal (berths 35/37) with the construction of a new waterside crane girder and sheet pile bulkhead wall. drafting. vessel moorings. The work included development of design criteria for future crane loads. electrical design of crane and communication requirements. crane anchors. seismic and geotechnical analyses. bollards. cost estimates. Port of Oakland. As the prime consultant for the structural analysis and design of wharf improvements we performed: new concrete crane girder. . crane rail. cable trench and utility vaults and trenches. CA. and specification writing.Services • Existing structure condition survey and assessment • Bollard and fender systems improvements • Crane girder and piling strengthening • Wharf embankment bulkhead design • Operational and seismic analyses • Construction document design • Construction assistance Completed 2007 Client Port of Oakland 15 Wharf embankment strengthening berths 35-37. seismic monitoring. fenders. geotechnical investigations. incl. access ramps. utilities and security. financial evaluation and boat mix assessments • Layout planning and studies including terrestrial and bathymetric surveys. Denmark Improvement of navigation conditions and future expansion of the Port of Frederikshavn. numerical modelling of various hydraulic aspects such as sedimentation and wave disturbance assessment.16 Marinas and small craft harbours The planning. buildings and roads and fuel and pump-out facilities Services • Numerical modelling of wave disturbance and current conditions for optimisation of new foreharbour • Analysis of expected down time due to wave disturbance • Assessment of sedimentation conditions • Full bridge navigation simulations with new foreharbour • Numerical modelling of sediment spill and spreading during dredging operations • Geotechnical investigations • Conceptual design of new foreharbour. definition of spatial requirements. hydraulics and marine/coastal structures. slipways. COWI has developed concept designs for a new foreharbour and a furture expansion of the northern part of the Port. traffic forecasting. maintenance and service areas. Denmark The Port of Frederikshavn is among the 10 largest ports in Denmark and has plans for further expansion. shiplifts.2008 Client Port of Frederikshavn. The improve navigation condition and to meet the future demands. COWI has in-house experience covering the core competencies required for marina planning and design which are: • Demand studies consisting of transport trend analyses. navigation aids. For marina design COWI has experience in developing the project from the initial surveys and studies through preliminary and detailed design to tendering and construction completion.design of two new breakwaters and breakwater head caissons • Conceptual design of future expansion • Investigation of legal bindings. environmental impact assessments. . walkways. optimisation of berth layouts and protection measures such as breakwaters and slope protection • Infrastructure design being the design and specification of pontoons. regional and local planning aspects and requirements to an EIA for the port expansion Project period 2006 . moorings. development and design of marinas and small craft harbours utilises COWI's experience in geotechnics. The wave disturbance modelling was undertaken using MIKE 21 BW.2002 Client Archirodon Construction (overseas) Co. Dubai Tuborg Syd waterfront development. Technical and material specifications were also produced.A. Denmark . Qatar Halul Harbour is located on the southern side of Halul island 80 km east of Qatar.17 Wave disturbance modelling in harbour Wave height coefficients Halul Harbour refurbishment. Further. The refurbishment of the harbour commenced with a review of hydraulic design conditions and numerical wave disturbance modelling to determine the environmental parameters for the breakwater design. Several different arrangements of the western breakwater were modelled to minimise the wave disturbance within the harbour. 3D physical modelling was used to confirm the breakwater design. Following the agreement of the layout detailed design of the western breakwater was completed using CORE-LOC units as the primary armour. Based on these findings and with consideration to navigation. Services • Numerical wave modelling • Physical modelling • Engineering design of marine structures • Technical specifications and drawings Project period 2001 . S. optimisation of the breakwater layout was then completed. 18 . It includes the physical processes of the sea and coastal regions and the movements of sediments due to the water in motion. placing a port or similar installation where it requires the least movement of materials. by. when working on marine projects. physical as well as flora and fauna environment. The structures are founded on the sea bed or on the shoreline and exposed to water level changes. It further includes the interaction between interventions and man-made structures and the physical environment. Further. Muscat. subject to morphological changes which have to be analysed and understood prior to construction. The engineer or designer often has to be imaginative and exercise personal judgement in calculations in order to arrive at correct and yet still acceptable structural solutions.e. for example. Further. It is. currents and wave impacts. Palace Seawall. in many cases. it is our aim to seek solutions that involve the smallest possible changes in the natural.19 Coastal engineering and waterfront development Coastal engineering Coastal engineering is a special field within civil engineering. therefore. natural for us to try and minimise the use of man-made structures on a shoreline and attempt to use beach nourishment wherever possible. Oman . i. selecting the site and distance from the shoreline such that the quantities in breakwaters and other structures as well as dredging and filling volumes are minimised. the site and the area around the structures are. Numerical models are more and more used as a tool and COWI has strong in-house capabilities in this field as described elsewhere. seek solutions attempting to minimise human intervention. It is our strong aim “to work with nature rather than against it”. It is this complexity that makes coastal engineering such a special field compared to many other civil engineering disciplines and what fascinates coastal engineers. This may be taken as our mission statement within coastal engineering. In line with this mission we will. 20 Irish Rail sea defence works A significant section of the Irish rail network lies close to the shoreline and is subject to ongoing coastal erosion. At several locations. COWI has carried out a feasibility study for coastal defence works as part of this Cuttings and Embankments Programme. At other locations. the coastline is subject to rapid coastal erosion. These are fronted by sandy beach and with low hinterland. the new revetments have been partially burried into the beach and the reconstructed dunes have been planted with marram grass. the railway runs on top of what is thought to be ancient littoral berm formations. in which geotechnical and coastal defence works were planned and prioritised. new revetments have been established. instability of coastal defence structures and wave overtopping. as part of the Cuttings and Embankments programme. In order to preserve the amenity of the beaches. The project programme included the following coastal projects: • Malahide Causeway • Sorrento Point • Bray Head • Ballygannon (south of Greystones) • Kilcoole • The Breaches • Six Mile Point (Newcastle) • Five Mile Point • Rogerstown Causeway • Merrion Gates to Blackrock • Rosslare Strand A variety of geotechnical and coastal defence works are adopted in order to suit the local site conditions. The study produced a 10-year strategy. Iarnród Éireann (The National Irish Rail Company) is currently implementing a longterm plan for protection of the coastal railways. rock and concrete block revetments behind the beach protect the track.2009 Client Iarnród Éireann . Since 2000. especially along the east coast between Dublin and Wicklow. Heavy rock berm structures have been applied to the coastal defences in areas of steep rocky headland where the railway line runs in a series of embankments and rock cuttings supported at their base by masonry retaining structures. At these locations. Services • Feasibility study • Design of protection works • Tendering and contracting of work • Construction supervision Project period 2000 . Therefore. accropodes. Main breakwater armoured with CORE-LOC. tetrapods. In addition. LNG project at Idku. We also study and design caisson breakwaters including numerical and physical modelling. and CORE-LOC. Our experience reaches from fundamental scientific research to numerical model studies and physical model testing to design and supervision of construction. The experience includes all types of breakwaters from rubble mound to caisson.21 Breakwater projects COWI is an international name in the design of breakwaters. dolos. cubes. state-of-theart soil structure interaction analysis software is used to analyse the breakwater foundation and define soil improvement works as necessary. We specify and supervise 2D flume tests and 3D physical model tests. the experience includes an extensive variety of armour units such as quarry rock. If ground conditions are poor. COWI uses its in-house capabilities in numerical modelling of wave propagation as the basis for defining design waves and then for the configuration of breakwaters and to perform conceptual analyse and design. COWI’s staff has more than 35 years experience from over 150 international breakwater projects in 5 continents. soil-structure interaction modelling and design of the caissons using IBDAS. grooved cubes. Egypt Rock breakwaters for coastal protection Placing of CORE-LOC . COWI’s own integrated design and analysis software tool. MIKE21 numerical modelling of the hydraulic environment including the impact of hurricanes. Preparation of alternative concepts. dredging and reclamation • Hydraulic studies • Mechanical water quality system • Navigational locks • 8 marinas scattered around the site with a total capacity of more than 800 boats Dellis Cay development. environmental impact assessments. a theatre and art centre as well as the iconic Opera House on the existing island. a cargo handling jetty & ro-ro berth and a 50.22 Waterfront developments Waterfront developments include both the development of existing ports and harbours for residential purpose and the study and design of large-scale dredging and reclamation works. Assessment & Design of marine works associated with Dellis Cay Development. surveys. Block work quay wall built in the dry for The Lagoons. British West Indies The developer ‘O Property Collection’ is currently developing a multiple facility tourist complex with low-level hotels and condos on the island of Dellis Cay. provide extensive navigable waterfront. Turks & Caicos. The development has approximately 40 km of waterfront land. marinas. cost estimation and production for a master plan for marina cay reclamation (70 acres) and detailed design and tender documents for 1. with the Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary to the south-west and the sixth crossing to the north. preparation of tender documents to supervision and construction management. We specialise in developing projects from master planning. design of edge structures and reclamation. which. interview associated parties and prepare a preliminary assessment of the existing Master Plan. It is a mixed use waterfront development to accommodate both high-rise and low-rise residential and commercial buildings. UAE The Lagoons was a landmark project. five star hotels. part of the Turks & Caicos Islands. In 2006 COWI was appointed as marine consultant. utilizing our services to review all existing documentation of the project. resulting in the development of a protection strategy and definition of design flood elevations for the island. and situated at the end of Dubai Creek. detached rubble mound breakwaters and timber groynes. the development holds a prime location along the Dubai Creek. Project period 2008 2010 Client Sama Dubai LLC . The Lagoons. Rendered image or “vision” for The Lagoons.000 m3 saline lake with tidally driven flushing system. north east of the Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary.5 km of beaches including beach nourishment. Dubai. a planetarium. resorts. together. British Virgin Islands. It comprised of seven man-made landscaped islands representing the seven Emirates of the UAE. Services • Several kilometers of concrete block work quay wall and revetments • Navigational locks providing access to the impounded lagoons • Navigable canals and waterways • Excavation. Positioned adjacent to Dubai Festival City. Transportation around the islands is to be supported by a series of bridges and causeways as well as public transport facilities. 23 The Pearl – Qatar The Pearl. Various concepts have been developed to create a variety of beach environments that are optimised to suit the local conditions and requirements. COWI has. subsequently to the island design. Private open beaches have been separated by beach breakwaters at one of the shorelines facing southwest. Each of the Isola Dana islands feature a private beach. Generally. Concrete block gravity quay walls are used in the western cove (Porto Arabia) and along the channels in the Venice type development (Qanat Quartier) at the north-west shore to facilitate mooring of boats and to create the confined channel system. Numerical hydrodynamic model studies were carried out to determine the hydrodynamic design basis.5 million m3 of fill and the associated sea defence structures for the 40 km of new shoreline. The terraced type consists of a low crested revetment behind which a sand beach is constructed. a project in Qatar. terraced beaches have been used where the wave impact is oblique and an open beach would be eroding.2008 Client United Development Company (UDC) . rendered technical assistance during construction and made design of the marinas. Along the shores facing north and east relatively long pocket beaches have been created. harbour and terraced beach fringed by a low crested revetment. The sand is retained between groyne structures. involved detailed design of the reclamation works for the 400 hectares new island requiring approximately 13. Services • Bathymetric survey • Geotechnical site investigations • Environmental management plan • Design assistance during construction • Design of marinas • Design of culverts • Design basis • Conceptual design • Detailed design • Tender and contract documents • Technical assistance Project period 2003 . The development includes private beaches along most of the perimeter which adds to the aesthetics and exclusiveness of the development. Qatar The waterfront development is located along the shoreline north of Doha. COWI completed planning and design activities of the marine and earthworks for the Lusail Development as sub-consultant to Bechtel Overseas Corporation. The project will transform the present shoreline through dredging and reclamation. 10 km • Rock revetments. 21 km • Beaches.2011 Clients Bechtel Overseas Corporation and Qatari Diar Real Estate Investment Company . Hyder and David Adamson. The construction of the infrastructure works is scheduled to be completed in 2011. In early 2006 COWI. the owner entered a 2½ year contract with the Chinese contractor Sinohydro for the construction of the marine works. the development will include business. corporate and mixed use areas as well as quality beaches with top class hotels.and highrise residential housing for about 200. The new development will include low. two golf courses and an entertainment district. Marine components • Dredging/excavation of 24 million m3 • Reclamation/landfilling of 17 million m3 • Block walls. were selected by Qatari Diar to design and supervise all infrastructure for this multi-billion dollar development project. access channels and beaches. creating new islands. In February 2006. From August 2004 to January 2006. 4 km Services for marine and earthworks • Bathymetric and topographic surveys • Geotechnical investigations • Master planning • Environmental impact assessment • Conceptual and detailed design • Preparation of tender documents • Assistance in tendering and contracting phase Services for infrastructure • Supervision of the marine works • Design and supervision of nine marine bridges • Design and supervision of marinas • Geotechnical investigations • Environmental impact assessment • Supervision of part of the infrastructure construction works Project period 2004 . 19 locations.000 inhabitants. It will cover an area of about 21 km2 which is about the same size as the entire Midtown and Lower Manhattan in New York. in cooperation with Halcrow. Further.24 Master plan Lusail Development. 25 . .26 Construction of the up to 44 meter heigh gravity base foundations. Belgium. Thornton construction site. Germany. Belgium. geotechnics. COWI’s project approach. and impact during installation. supervise and interpret geophycical og geotechnical surveys. Denmark. The project is one of the first to introduce a new design of grouted connections. Norway. The Nysted and Thornton Bank gravity base foundations were innovative designs developed together with the contractors to meet site specific challenges set by foundation conditions as well as fabrication and installation requirements. Drawing: COWI 3D visualisation of planned wind farm. France. . England and USA. Our foundation design expertise also includes monopiles. The verification of structural strength and the stability in the construction phase are coherent in the design activities. structural engineering and fabrication/installation procedures into integral solutions. dynamic impact during transportation. COWI has recently carried out concept studies in Denmark. We conduct installation studies taking the permissible weather windows into account and we provide the client with a basis for optimising his installation requirements. This includes impacts during transport and installation such as loads induced from lifts. basic and detailed foundation design COWI also carry out metocean studies and plan. provides the client with optimal solutions for his specific project needs. Photo: Petri & Betz Nysted Offshore Wind Farm. Beyond conceptual. The London Array transition piece and monopile foundation COWI has improved the design methods for the soil structure interaction to allow for an optimized design. four-legged jackets as well as jack-up installed STAR tripods. combining hydraulics.27 Offshore wind turbine foundations Over the years COWI has developed innovative off-shore foundation concepts for offshore wind turbines that are today regarded as proven and accepted. COWI has experience in detailed design of offshore wind turbine foundation structures in both steel and in concrete and is therefore the preferred consultant for feasibility studies for many developers and EPC contractors. COWI has more than 150 geosciences staff with a solid educational background and an extensive experience with geotechnical engineering worldwide. Butendiek. and vertical distribution of marine sediments with e. • Assessment of suitability of equipment. • Supervision of site investigations • Interpretation of provided geotechnical data and assessment of geotechnical design basis • Preparing geological models in 2D or 3D. • Representation on any kind of offshore survey from seabed mapping (bathymetry. It also comprises PS-logging. Djursland/Anholt.and single beam echosounder.g. The investigations covered among others the following sites: Denmark Baltic Sea (Kattegat). Meerwind and Nordsee Ost. Germany Arkona-Becken Südost. risk of punch through of softer layer below footings. optimisation. Jack-up risk assignments COWI has carried out risk evaluation regarding the seabed conditions for jacking up on a number of offshore wind turbine sites. • Consultancy on marine and offshore survey practices. other ground related risks in conjunction with jacking up operations. Horns Rev I and II and Great Belt. coring and ground truthing (any kind of grab sampling or visual inspection). The risk assignment is focusing on: The sea bed conditions. COWI has the appropriate expertise in all kind of offshore geotechnical and geophysical engineering and the necessary skills to undertake the planning. Oersund. Kriegers Flak. COWI´s approach is based on close communication lines with the client. Services • Desktop studies to assist planning and providing risk assessment for surveys • Assessment of requested geotechnical and geophysical investigation tailored for the actual project • Preparation of tender documents: Assessment of what is needed. vessels and personnel. Borkum Riffgrund. supervision and interpretation of any kind of marine survey assignments. bearing capacities and penetrations of footings. techniques and equipment to use. Sweden Lillegrund. In shallow water we have supervised CPT and vibrocoring from smaller ships. ensuring that all information is efficiently distributed. Bokum West II. Rødsand I and II (Nysted). The supervision comprises CPT and boreholes carried out from jack-up by traditional drilling in overburden and wireline core drilling in rock. supervision and interpretation of marine geophysical surveys such as bathymetry with multi. • Selection of contractor and assistance on contract negotiation. Sprogoe. Sky 2000. North Sea. drill out CPT and pressuremeter testing. selection of best contractors to approach.28 Offshore geotechnical and geophysical investigations Prerequisite for successful offshore projects are proper and appropriate geotechnical and geophysical site investigations. acoustic imaging of the seafloor and seabed profiling. COWI can assist in planning. sub-bottom profilers. Baltic I. Photo: Ian_Cormack . 15 of the employees have valid safety and survival certificates and participate in offshore supervision around the world. seabed characterisation with side-scan sonar or multibeam methods. The soil includes both sand profiles. The offshore wind farm will be located on and between the sandbanks of Kentish Knock and Long Sand representing depth variations of up to 25 m. UK With 175 monopiles.000 MW in total and will cover the electricity needs of 750. E. London Array will be the largest offshore wind farm in the world when completed in 2012. Monopiles of 4.29 London Array. The project will be one of the first to introduce a new design of grouted connections and improvements in the geotechnical calculations of soil structure interaction to allow for an optimized design.7 m in diameter will be installed in water depths between 0 m and 25 m. The present project constitutes phase 1 of a 2 phased setup and is planned to deliver 1.000 homes in the UK. designed to carry the Siemens 3. also the soil represents a challenge to the design. these foundations will range among the largest ever built. ABJV has engaged COWI as lead in a joint venture with IMS GmbH. world's largest offshore wind farm. To carry out the detailed design of the steel foundations.6 MW turbines.7 m and 5.com/offshorewind . COWI-IMS JV. stiff London Clay profiles and mixtures including also gravel layers. A consortium of DONG. With a total length of up to 85 m. Project period 2009-2011 Client Aarsleff | Bilfinger Berger Joint Venture www.cowi. Services • Structural design • Geotechnical design • Hydraulic calculations.ON and Masdar has commissioned Aarsleff | Bilfinger Berger Joint Venture (ABJV) as contractor to undertake fabrication and installation of the steel foundations. With layers potentially prone to liquefaction. 2010 Clients Aarsleff . site supervisions Project period 2001 . located off the southern coast of the Danish island of Lolland. wave and ice forces during their 25 year lifetime. The services comprise installation loads. The wind turbines are founded at 7. Several offshore wind farms are planned and COWI served as consultant for the two at Rødsand. the latter validated by hydraulic model tests. The detailed design included geotechnical.2002. structural and scour protection design.3 MW Siemens to be founded at 6 to 12 m water depth.75 m depth on stiff clay till. Denmark Denmark has formulated an energy policy giving high priority to sustainable energy. Photo: Petri & Betz . COWI has carried out detailed design for 72 wind turbine gravity foundations located in the Baltic Sea some 9 to 10 km off the southern coast of the Danish island of Lolland.g. The wind turbines are 2. The foundations are designed to sustain cyclic loads from wind.5 to 12. e. The foundation is provided with an ice cone. where wind turbines are very important elements. Rødsand 2. hydraulic load assessments.30 Services • Structural design • Geotechnical design • Design of scour protection • Project follow-up • Detailed design.2 MW Siemens wind turbines.Ballast Nedam International Joint Venture Aarsleff - Bilfinger-Berger Joint Venture Foundation production site. Poland Nysted offshore wind farm at Rødsand. PLAXIS and IBDAS. The geotechnical and structural designs were carried out using state-of-the-art numerical tools. The gravity foundations are open reinforced concrete structures that are subsequently filled with ballast and covered with armour stones. 2008 . structural design and geotechnical design. The design is based on an optimal utilisation of the subjacent soil conditions versus load conditions when defining the foundation level of each position. They are 2. Denmark COWI in a joint venture with Aarsleff and Bilfinger-Berger is carrying out basic and detailed design of 90 wind turbine foundations. 700 t..5 m. The weight of the concrete foundation structure is about 2. The gravity base foundations for the wind turbines are founded in sand of medium grain size. Belgium . The first phase completed in 2008 comprised 6 wind turbines. The base diameter is 23. sufficient to ensure the stability against overturning moments. the gravity base foundation structure extends from -27 m TAW to +17 m TAW. In 2003-2004 COWI carried out a concept study for alternative foundation solutions including the innovative conical shell structure eventually adopted by the project owner. depending on quantity and type of infill.5 m and the shaft diameter is 6.000 t. on a pre-installed gravel bed. Belgium The Thornton Bank is located in the North Sea some 30 km off the Belgian coast. The prestressed concrete foundation structure is composed of a cylindrical shaft on top of a conical base transferring the loads from the wind turbine directly to the base slab. The wind turbines for the first phase are REpower 5 MW turbines. Services • Structural design of foundation • Geotechnical design • Hydraulic design of installation stages • Numerical and physical hydraulic modelling of installation stages. The post-tensioned structure provides favourable strength and stiffness properties as well as fatigue and crack resistance. The total dry weight may of the ballasted gravity base foundation be up to 7. the Thornton Bank offshore wind farm will comprise approximately 54 wind turbines.31 Thornton Bank offshore wind farm. including dynamic loads and scour • Appurtenances design including boat landing and J-tubes • Project follow-up during construction stage Project period 2006-2008 Client Dredging International n. the foundation is ballasted by a combination of sand and heavy fill. When fully developed. matching the diameter of the turbine tower. At the deepest location. and installed at sea by a heavy lift crane. The foundation gravity base structures are prefabricated on land.v. The turbine hubs are 94 m above sea level. After placing. 32 Photo: Shaw E&I . cofferdams. Failures of floodwalls overwhelmed by storm surge during Hurricane Katrina in 2005 along IHNC contributed greatly to the flooding of the city. is responsible for the detailed design of the flood barrier and the monoliths and foundations. marine skidways. dewatering. hydraulic modelling. precast yards. underwater repair. levees. a natural funnel identified as an area of critical vulnerability. S. waterway traffic and navigation studies. tidal flows. for the main sector gate structure which will be used both to regulate navigation. The IHNC barrier is to be built by the end of 2011 near the confluence of the Gulf intracoastal waterway and the Mississippi River Gulf outlet.2009 ber 2008. Steel cofferdam associated with construction of CDF and 305 m heavy duty wharf. USA Ben C. . coastal engineering and geotechnical engineering. cofferdams. the final structure could be longer than 2.7 km. except Detailed design during storm-surge emergencies. Our unique solutions minimize risks and reduce the time for construction through the use of innovative design and construction methods that avoid long lead times. Inc. float-in and in-the-wet construction methods. Our expertise includes pump stations. bulkheads. included “adClients vanced measures” to reduce the storm surge The U. FE modelling. heavy lift and transportation technology. New Orleans flood protection barrier. float-in and inthe-wet construction technology. flexible revetments and articulated concrete mats. Depending upon the design and site chosen. and storm surge into the inner harbour navigation canal (IHNC) in New Orleans. The contract. Project period which began on Septem2008 . seismic analyses. canal lining. It is to include a combination of static and gated barriers that are to remain Services open for shipping.33 Locks. fish-bypass structures. dams and barriers We have a proven track record of providing cost-effective solutions to lock and dam projects using off-site prefabrication. floodwalls. Gerwick. Army Corps of Engineers and Louisiana’s Coastal Protection flood risk for residents and Restoration Authority around IHNC until the barrier is finished. The federally funded contract is for construction of a stormsurge barrier to keep surges from entering New Orleans’ inner harbour navigation canal. dredging design. Our services include soil-structure-interaction and foundation analyses. and by closely coordinating vessel traffic on the river. transport.S. As a key consultant on the Braddock Dam. and reducing environmental impact. construction time. USA Gerwick was retained by the USACE Pittsburgh District to design and assist with construction supervision of the New Braddock Dam. This project proves that the innovative construction method can provide substantial benefits in cost. and immersion while maintaining a 3. immersion. The problems were solved using the float-in method of construction. utilizing very short construction windows. we designed the float-in precast dam segments and developed in-the-wet construction methods and procedures. a first within the USACE. and one that could revolutionize the future construction of navigation projects. The application of this innovative in-the-wet approach is a landmark event.000-ton dam segments. Dam segment float-in and set-down sequence . we successfully completed a major portion of the detailed design following an aggressive sevenmonth schedule. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District Float-in of dam segment Braddock Dam lock 2. and developing a transport. As the Engineer-of-Record for all final structural design drawings. positioning. developing a 102 m long precast shell with sufficient strength for launch.1 m maximum draft. Problems faced during construction centered around construction of the dam without adverse impact to the heavy traffic on the river. and facility utilization while minimizing disruption to river traffic. Monongahela River.34 Precast concrete dam segment floats to the project site on the Monongahela River Services • Detailed design • River navigation structures • Precast concrete construction • Construction sequencing and scheduling • Construction means and methods • Tremie concrete mix design • Construction engineering Completed 2003 Client U. and dam completion plan that would safely accommodate a 500year flood at anytime with 48-hour notice. The key to the success of this project is that the design and construction utilized precast concrete modules as the in-situ form into which tremie concrete was placed directly without use of a cofferdam. 11. risk reduction. The challenges presented by this project and subsequently solved included: developing a cast and launch facility for two. The Braddock Dam was constructed using a new and innovative float-in method. lifting/mating details for the precast shells. Ohio River between Illinois and Kentucky Olmsted locks and dam. we provided the detailed design for the new dam and also construction design support of the precast yard including the marine skidway for load-out of the pre-cast shell segments.100 t gantry crane to a skidway where they will be lowered down into the water on a cradle using push-pull units. The construction design encompassed concrete and steel retaining walls.ongoing Client U. precast shell cradle. steel frame tremie mat templates. Army Corps of Engineers. the precast shell segments will be lifted by a 5. We also completed the shell design for the navigable pass precast segments. USA After construction. As part of the detailed design and construction of the Olmsted Dam. gantry crane beams. Services • Casting yards/launch system • Diving activities • Dredging • Heavy lift systems • Off site prefabrication • Positioning control systems • Screeding/subgrade preparation • Concrete durability • Headed reinforcement • Pre-cast concrete • Precast shells (hulls) • Tremie concrete • Non-linear soil pile interaction • Ice loading/abrasion resistance • Liquefaction • Mooring and berthing • Seismic analysis • Seismic non-linear soil pile Interaction • Constructability studies • Cost estimating • Scheduling preparation/review • Specification preparation/review • Value engineering Project period 2005 . Louisville Distric . skidway rail including beam and foundation system both above and below water.35 Olmsted. mooring anchors and dolphins. paving blocks and the lifting frame for the navigable pass segments and supported the design of the tainter gates.S. Once they are in the water they will be lifted by a catamaran barge and positioned in the river. Aerial view of Olmsted Dam precast yard showing the five 46 m × 38 m concrete slabs where the precast concrete shells will be cast. 36 . The design of a seawater cooling system is a multidisciplinary task and it requires coordination of the hydraulic. Typically the design is done in close collaboration with a contractor and COWI is therefore also used to consider scheduling and constructability issues during the design phase. screens is also included as well as design of automation and instrumentation. Saudi Arabia The plant located on the Red Sea Coast south of Jeddah is a major power and desalination plant with water intake and outfall structures at the shoreline. structural and electromechanical aspects. structural design tools and 3D modelling systems such as PDS. and assess the impact on longshore sediment transport. intake and outfall systems and structural design of pumping stations and seal weirs.37 Many industrial plants around the world use once-through systems for their process cooling. Model test of marine outfall structures. and the environment. Completed 2001 Client Saudi Archirodon Limited . hydraulic modelling packages for waves. PDMS or SmartPlant. the environmental impacts have to be addressed due to the heat load discharged back to the marine or fluvial environment. COWI has the specialist resources required for all aspects of the design. coastal morphology. revetments. coastal. In addition we conduct studies to optimise locations of intakes and outfalls. canal and guiding structures. racks. thermal dispersion and recirculation. thermal dispersion and steady-state pipe flow. Shoaiba steam power plant. and design of coastal structures such as breakwaters. Furthermore. Design of mechanical equipment such as pumps. Seawater cooling systems We have in-house experience in the modelling tools used to support the design process: surge protection analysis packages. establish metocean design parameters using advanced numerical models. It includes hydraulic design of entire cooling water string and design of surge protection. Services Design of large intake structures consisting of glass reinforced plastic pipes and accropode breakwater intake basin and outfall weir. intake basins. outfall structures. was used to integrate the design. discharge header structure. is sub-contractor to Doosan regarding the marine works that forms part of the overall EPC scope of work. and shore protection. on the Red Sea coast. aiming at increasing the gas production in the United Arab Emirates. intake basin surrounded by revetments. COWI´s scope of work covered marine and coastal. Huta Marine Works Ltd. pumping station. 2 project. outfall structure and breakwaters. SmartPlant. 2. manifold. COWI carried out the full detailed design of the once-through cooling water system with a design flow close to 60. Saudi Arabia The project is located in Rabigh. three offshore supply pipes.Services • Hydraulic design of cooling water system • Foundation design 38 • Design of coastal structures • Structural design of risers. north of Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. UAE In relation to the substantial Integrated Gas Development (IGD). mechanical. Fourth NGL train. piping. sealing weir and an outfall structure. COWI carries out the studies and design of the marine and coastal elements of the seawater cooling system for the power plant covering the following items: Seawater intake pipes.000 m3/hr. electrical and instrumentation systems. hydraulic. an additional four power generation units of 700 MW capacity each will be installed. Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction has been awarded the EPC contract by Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) to deliver the Rab- igh power plant no. Project period 2010-2011 Client TARGET Engineering Construction Co. two large supply pipelines. geotechnical. outfall channel. Rabigh power plant no. structural. The elements comprised offshore intake risers. the ADNOC company GASCO constructed a 4th NGL train at its site in Ruwais. An integral part of this project was the seawater cooling system. discharge structure. seal weir and outfall • Piping design • Mechanical design • Electrical & instrumentation design • SmartPlant 3D modelling. pumping station. The advanced 3D modelling plant design system. pumping station. The design flow is close to 300 m3/s. As part of the expansion programme for Rabigh power station. . The end client is MARAFIQ . breakwaters. Project period 2010-2011 Client Huta Marine Works Ltd. • Design of buildings and infrastructure. .39 Yanbu 2 power and water project. thrust block and culverts Services • Numerical hydraulic modelling of waves. The Yanbu 2 power and water project is split into four different contracts: • Power and water production facilities • Marine facilities (Archirodon’s package) • Fuel facilities • Seawater cooling pipeline network. Saudi Arabia Saudi Archirodon Ltd has appointed COWI the detailed design of the marine facilities for phase 1 of the Yanbu 2 power and water project on the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia. the power and water utility company for Jubail and Yanbu. and thermal dispersion • Management of physical modelling of breakwater and revetment stability • Management of physical modelling of pump station • Hydraulic engineering of intake pipes and basin • Specifications for and analyses of pumping tests • Geotechnical interpretative report • Conceptual and detailed design of marine and coastal engineering works (intake GRP pipes. currents. shore protection. Services • Met-ocean study and numerical modelling of wave and hydrodynamics • Recirculation modelling for confirmation of the location of seawater intake and outfall • Numerical flow modelling for optimisation of seawater intake channel • Layout and design of seawater outfall transition structure and GRP pipelines covered by rock protection • Design of seawater intake channel and breakwaters • Design of dredging. reclamation and foundation of structures • Structural design of pumping station. Project period 2011-2012 Client Saudi Archirodon Ltd. outfall weir) • Review and check of structural design of pumping station. process/ potable water as well as seawater cooling. revetments. who intends to construct a new power and water plant for Yanbu 2 Industrial City in order to satisfy a growing demand for power. 40 . ROV safety assesses damaged navigation structure in deep water .41 Structure investigation and maintenance The aging port infrastructure provides significant opportunities for marine structure underwater and topside investigation. can be overlooked and are the most vulnerable to environmental attack and deterioration. Association of Diving Contractors guidelines. The repaired and new structures are designed to meet today’s codes. develop recommendations. and design of replacement and new structures are provided. US Coast Guard. not visible during routine inspections. repair schemes. We strongly believe that this approach provides clients with the most cost effective and constructible designs. Underwater inspection The below water structures. restore load ratings. we operate highly portable but powerful mini remotely operated vehicles (ROV) that has a range of 230 metres. and our own Dive Safety Manual. half of which are registreted professional engineers. This gives the dive team the ability to assess safety concerns about a potential dive. Solutions that include remediation design to extend the existing structure service life. Much of the existing waterfront infrastructure was constructed in the early to mid-1900s. alternatives and prepare the designs. The engineers who perform the inspections also write the investigation reports. Furthermore. Our services include underwater investigations using surface supplied air with one of the largest contingencies of 20 professional engineer and engineer divers in the United States. view areas that may be considered hazardous for manned dives and provide rapid deployment because of its portability. remediation and maintenance. including seismic requirements. The services live up to safety standards and regulations including the US Occupational and Health Administration (OSHA). The primary objective of the investigation was to assess the existing condition of the structure to determine the improvements required to accommodate the additional dredge depth. an engineer-diver. It measures approximately 730 m and is currently dredged to approximately 12 m depth.42 Port of Salalah inspection.5 m at these facilities and an investigation was required. . Diving inspections were conducted using surface-supplied diving equipment with full- time hardwire communication between the diver and topside personnel. The diving operation was conducted by a three-person inspection team consisting of professional engineer-divers and a diver-technician. Sultanate of Oman We performed an above and underwater inspection of berths 21-24 and the liquid handling berth (LHB) at the Port of Salalah. The underwater investigation included a level I inspection effort on 100% of the structure and a level II inspection effort on approximately 10% of the structure. and a dive supervisor. This berth is also currently dredged to approximately 12 m depth. We mobilized a full surface supplied dive station. Berths 21-24 are constructed of precast concrete caisson bulkhead that supports a cast-in- place concrete cap. The LHB consists of four precast concrete caissons that comprise the mooring and breasting structures and support the catwalks and manifold platform. The Port of Salalah retained us to perform a feasibility study to dredge an additional 2. COWI’s recognised leading position within durability design and concrete technology is based on more than 40 years worldwide experience within the design. risk management requires detailed quantitative input. operational risks. Risk management ensures consistence and transparency in the decision process and provides a basis for risk communication.The quantitative output can easily be expressed in economic terms. Risk and decision support COWI offers all types of risk assessments for projects. This surpasses by far the assumed design life on which most codes and standards are based. Project risks include development risks. which is especially useful in cost-benefit analyses. construction risks. All decisions or actions may result in unwanted consequences. i. operation and maintenance of exposed reinforced concrete structures. risk assessment makes use of probability calculus and statistics. Environmental risk from oil and chemical spillage in Danish waters . and chairing all durability-related activities within the international organisations of CEB (Comité Euro-international du Béton) and now fib (Fédération Internationale du Béton). COWI provides the only available reliability-based service life design methodology against chloride.43 Service life and risk assessment Service life design Internationally. To this purpose. Risk management can lead to decisions supporting the decision maker’s goals. Experience shows that implementation of risk management will result in profitable decisions and improved allocation of resources. financial risks and revenue risks. Risk is inherent in any activity. in European research projects such as: DuraCrete. Marine structures are usually now designed for 100.e. DuraNet and DARTS. the proper procedure is always to consider risk and to make use of the information gained in the decision process. 120 or even 200 years of service life.and carbonation-induced corrosion of reinforcement in concrete. Thus. COWI has been spearheading the international research and technical development of the rational service life design of concrete structures. Risk management Risk management is basically a managerial tool to support the decision maker. which are applied to the underlying physical or economic models. Risk assessment In many cases. . It allows for geometrical modelling. It allows for proper storing and analyse of data and presentations in AutoCAD. HOLEBASE HOLEBASE is a database system for geotechnical data. OPTIMOOR OPTIMOOR is a computer program for the analysis of vessel moorings. truss. ROBOT ROBOT is a finite element program for analysis and design of beam. SESAM Sesam is a finite element program used for analysis and design of steel jackets structures. shell and 3D structures. PLAXIS is a finite elements program specifically developed for numerical analysis of geotechnical and underground structures and soilstructure interaction. slab. IBDAS IBDAS is COWI’s own integrated design and analysis software tool.44 Design tools COWI uses stateof-the-art numerical models and tools in all phases of projects. ABAQUS ABAQUS is one of the leading multi-purpose finite elements programs for a wide spectrum of numerical analyses in engineering and natural science with special focus on FEM and soil-structure interaction. structural analysis and verification of engineering structures and generation of construction drawings. PLAXIS LITPACK LITPACK is a state-of-the-art numerical model for the simulation of shoreline developments including erosion and accretion. Pearl of The Pearl – Qatar Hydrodynamic flow modelling . The colours illustrate the wave height and the arrows show the wave direction.45 Dredging spill modelling . The simulations are run from the artificial bridge in our office. MIKE 21 NSW and SW are spectral wave models. The numerical navigator controls rudder and engine and can be applied for navigational simulations until tugs or thrusters are used. The length of the arrows is proportional to the wave height . estuaries. the in-house navigational software SimFlex simulations are based on numerical models of the physics of ship response to hydrodynamic conditions and wind. Numerical modelling using MIKE 21 COWI has acquired the professional engineering software package MIKE 21. A numerical navigator can be used for fast time simulations. The models include the effect of wind. The figure show the modelled wave field in the sea between Bahrain and Qatar. bays.concentration of artificial tracer after 104 hours simulation for the Development situation SimFlex.design flow velocities at The Pearl – Qatar Flushing . which have set the standard in 2D modelling. which are capable of calculating the growth and decline of wind waves in the neareshore region. Typically fast time simulations are applied for studies of navigational channels or routes. MIKE 21 provides the design engineer with a unique and flexible modelling environment using techniques. necessary use of engine power from both own ship and tugs and safe space around ship when manoeuvring • Arrival and departure process • Mooring systems • Emergency scenarios such as engine failure.modelled wave height and direction for wind from north north east. sediment and wave processes. refraction and wave breaking. and consists of more than twenty modules covering coastal and environmental hydraulics. failed rudder and/or extreme environmental conditions • Efficiency when loading or unloading vessels.g. The simulation studies comprise: • Time required for approach and berth and departure • Complexity of manoeuvring • The need for tug assistance • Optimisation of port layouts • Optimisation of access channel dimensions using real or fast time simulations • Safety margin in respect of e. coastal areas and seas. It is applicable to the simulation of hydraulic and related phenomena in lakes. The virtual environment allows simulations to test different design options as well as different ships. Nearshore wave modelling . 46 . structural analyses. The berth has a tidal range of 6 m between mean lower low water and mean higher high water. environmental impact assessment. wave disturbance in marinas. recreational. The mixed-use development will stretch along 3 km of coastline and include commercial. assistance during tendering and construction supervision. Analyses for Aframax tankers. One of the features of the development will be an existing mangrove area. Part of the study was to determine the capacities of existing mooring hardware and assess the affects of ice floes on vessels moored at the berth. the berth is exposed to ice formation and ice floes. The environmental impact assessment considers both terrestrial and marine aspects and includes studies of air pollution. flushing characteristics of the channels and water bodies. currents and water levels.47 Selected references Al Zorah Development. determine what structural upgrades would be required according to Marine Oil Terminal Engineering and Maintenance Standards.000 DWT tankers. cost estimate. thickness. assessment of beach stability.000 DWT Polar tanker at the Conoco Phillips Rodeo facility. Rodeo terminal upgrade. residential. . approximately 12 square kilometres. Alaska Description: Mooring analyses completed for Aframax tankers to assess limits for transfer of oil products. Client: Al Zorah Development (Private) Company Limited Project period: Ongoing Services: Numerical modelling of waves. and loads incurred to mooring hardware. cost estimates. power station impact study. UAE Description: A parcel of land. is going to be developed along the coast of Ajman by the Al Zorah Development (Private) Company Limited. design of marine structures. educational and healthcare facilities as well as a golf course. noise and cooling water from a nearby power plant. In the winter months. marina design. and currents running parallel to the berth can reach 4-7 knots. speed. and secondly. quantities and MOTEMS compliance. Richmond. Client: Tesoro Maritime Company Completed: 2008 Services: A probabilistic analysis was employed to determine the frequency of ice floes. dredging and reclamation. USA Description: Develop options for upgrading the Rodeo terminal facility to accommodate 200. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the possibility of berthing a 200. thrust on fenders. CA. Dynamic mooring analysis simulations were utilized to determine the excursion of moored vessels. the tension in mooring lines. Conoco Phillips. COWI’s part of the project concerns environmental and engineering services related to the marine works. eutrophication modelling study. Ajman. Client: Conoco Phillips Completed: 2003 Services: Mooring analyses. and their distribution in terms of size. marinas and hotels. and proximity to the berth during passage. detailed design of slipway and coastal protection. i. Completed: 2011 Services: Numerical modelling of waves and currents. numerical environmental modelling. construction support. 180 m access trestle and piled jetty structures. specification and interpretation of marine investigations. navigation study. Client: Dredging International. detailed design. specifications of ground improvement.4 km quay front length. 2D and 3D model tests by DHI. Client: UTE (JV) Andrade Gutierrez-Ormas Completed: 2002 Services: Studies of waves and tides in numerical modelling. specifications and cost estimates. Saudi Arabia 48 Description: New marine terminal for unloading of 100. who has signed a contract with Rakeen.Shoaiba new tanker terminal. Argentina Description: Review and redesign of the project and all structures for this port consisting of a 1. design of quay and deck structures. Client: Archirodon (Overseas) CO. Completed: 2002 Services: Assessment and design of the terminal structures. Caleta La Mision Port. concept design.L.6 km trestle on piles. steel piles and concrete deck. costs of excavation and marine structures. The project includes 4 berths for container carriers and 2 berths with movable end ramps for ro-ro traffic. Client: Grandi Lavouri Fincosit (Middle East W. The concept design for the RAK Canal will focus on the feasibility of this part of the project. Sweden Description: A phased green-field port development of a 60 ha site located about 65 km south of Stockholm. UAE Description: COWI is rendering design services to develop an offshore island complex and a canal through existing land located along the coast of Ras Al Khaimah. detailed design of CORE-LOC breakwater. Mesaieed small craft berth. etc. a company representing the Government of the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah.000 DWT vessels and a main island breakwater for protection of the berth. design basis.000 DWT tankers. construction report and drawings. Qatar Description: The small craft harbour is for mooring of tugs and pilot boats. flushing of the canal and the need and cost for installing a mechanical flushing system and/or sluices and locks. quarry assessment.L) Completed: 2002 Services: Definition of design basis. The terminal consisted of 500 m access causeway. This project includes development of a cluster of man-made islands covering 5 million square metres to accommodate commercial and residential complexes and hotels as well as a canal of 18 kilometre 'snaking' through the adjacent existing land area.e. detailed structural design of berth. Client: NCC-Aarsleff Consortium Project period: 2011 Services: COWI’s services comprise the fully developed container and ro-ro terminal with about 1. UAE. a berth for 25. preliminary design. Stockholm Nynässhamn Norvikudden container and ro-ro terminal. Tierra del Fuego. The planned depth at quays ranges from 10 to 16 m. Al Dana Island and RAK Canal project. . It consists primarily of gravity block structures. master plan. Hurricane Frances and Hurricane Jeanne. and for providing protection against future storms. seismic analyses. Oman Description: New blockwork seawall for protection of the Royal Palace in Muscat plus small craft landing platform. others were left teetering on the brink of scarped dunes only a few feet from collapse. up to 275. The mooring and turning area is protected by a 850 m long island breakwater located in an area with up to 15 m of soft clay. The site is very exposed with offshore design waves of Hs = 11 m reduced to approximately 6. The terminal caters for 140. sampling and analysis plans. design of wall sections and outfall structures for storm water run-off. Client: Tarmac Alawi L. . Idku. drawings and material specifications.000 m³ LNG vessels. It consists of a construction harbour on the side of which a 2. Client: Scotland Cay. electrical and mechanical design. Since these official numbers were reported for 2006. The trestle is supported on steel piles and the composite superstructure modules are 40 m long. A site visit was performed to assess the current conditions followed by an evaluation of different options for restoring the dunes. hydrographical analyses. Bahamas Description: In August and September of 2004.8 m at the breakwater by wave breaking as the water depth is 12 to 13 m. Egypt Description: Idku is located on the Mediterranean coast 50 km east of Alexandria.49 Dune restoration and stabilization. Client: New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) Completed: 2005. USA Description: The New York City cruise terminal in Manhattan serviced over 1 million passengers from most of the major cruise lines in 2006 and the economic impact of the cruise industry to the City was over USD 1 billion. and volume calculations and performed resident engineer services. An export terminal for LNG was needed due to the finding of sizeable gas fields.000 cubic meters of maintenance dredging is required every year. cost estimates. sampling and testing of dredge materials. back to back hurricanes. Situated on the west side of Manhattan on the east bank of the Hudson River. Qasr Al Alam New Seawall. design of access channel and navigational lights. While many of the homes were severely damaged. breakwater design.4 km long access trestle extends out to the berth for the gas tankers. dynamic mooring analyses.L. Egyptian (LNG) project. design of jetty structure. design of layout and cross-sections of wall. building design. dredge plans and specifications. 2006. Bahamas Completed: 2005 Services: The chosen design consists of sand fill in front of homes and placement of geosynthetic sand-filled bags on the lower dune face. Completed: 2004 Client: Archirodon Construction/Bechtel International Services: Assessment of geotechnical investigations. Completed: 2002 Services: Assessment of geotechnical condition as well as seismic design. followed almost identical paths over the Bahamas. a steady growth in passengers and economic benefit for the City has occurred. resulting in extensive wind damage and erosion. vessel downtime assessment. 2007 and 2008 Services: Hydrographic surveys. New York City cruise terminal dredging.C. The land formed by the headlands has been utilised as park with grass and palm trees. tender. The result of the beach nourishment is an immediate advance of the beach and a long term supply of sediment to the adjacent coastal areas in the downstream direction. breakwater and groyne. Using a hopper dredge approximately 113. condition surveys. Qatar Description: Al-Sharq Resort is located in Doha. archaeology. conceptual design. Australia Description: The Chevron-lead liquefied natural gas project on Barrow Island will bring on stream a three-train 15 m t/y plant by 2013. Client: Det Nordfynske Kystsikrings-. Army Corps of Engineers. exploiting offshore gas fields off Australia's western coast (130-200 km from Barrow Island). The previous shoreline was characterised by a shallow foreshore and the bay towards east was severely affected by siltation.og Pumpelag Project period: Ongoing Service: Beach nourishment. which will form the basis for future maintenance of the beach. protection. concrete promenade and stepped slabs. between Diversey and Fullerton. The jetty is roughly 2 km off the shore. Project cost: USD 60 million Client: Slots. Future development of the coastline is monitored by periodic bathymetric surveys and land surveys. Gorgon LNG project. geo. The IDV include preparation of independent calculations (Contre Calculs) for documentation of the structural integrity. The resort beach is sheltered by Doha Port but is orientated towards the dominant northerly and north-westerly winds. Shoreline storm damage reduction. Gradual removal of sediments and breakdown of the existing groynes resulted in shoreline retreat. Photo: winther airphoto 50 Development plan for Kronborg Castle and Elsinore Harbour. The previous beach quality was not acceptable for the luxurious resort. a blue water basin has been dredged along the new beach to provide deeper water.Beach nourishment on Funen. Chicago. traffic analysis.2 kilometre stretch of coastline resulting in an initial advance of the coastline by approximately 40 m. Chicago District Completed: 2004 Services: Detailed design. Denmark Project period: 2005-ongoing Services: COWI is the client’s consultant and provides multidisciplinary services within project management. contracting and supervision. Dige.og Ejendomsstyrelsen. design of beach. marine biology. authority contact. Denmark Description: A comprehensive coastal survey was undertaken by COWI.and environmental investigations. coastal protection and environmental impact assessment (EIA). leaving a beach consisting mainly of gravel and pebbles. Additionally. Client: U. . consisting of revetment. risk assessment and successive calculation of costs. in which topographic and bathymetric surveys were conducted along with geological and morphological studies and assessment of the littoral transport. numerical wave modelling. IL. Beach at Al Sharq Resort. Client: Qatar National Hotels Company Completed: 2005 Services: Geotechnical investigations.000 m3 of sand was placed along a 2. and rock fill. It is the largest of more than a dozen planned LNG projects in Australia. Doha. Restoration of Kronborg’s fortification and the marine development of the abandoned shipyard. steel sheet pile.S. A connecting trestle is made of steel trusses spanning 70-80 m between caissons.The shallow bay at the eastern half of the site has been reclaimed to provide a continuous beach. Client: Saipem-Leighton Consortium Project period: ongoing Services: COWI carries out Independent Design Verification (IDV) for the marine facility design which includes more than 1000 documents. COWI was therefore contracted. Denmark Description: Kronborg Castle is on UNESCO’s World Heritage list. architectural coordination. USA Description: Shore protection for 530 m of shoreline avenues along Lake Michigan. dredging.China Harbour JV Completed: 2005 Services: Feasibility studies. Baja California. Client: South Carolina Department of Transportation Completed: 2005 Services: Detailed design and ship collision risk analysis. Construction included 340. and demolition of piers 2 and 5. downtime assessment. Dubai. The basin served for manufacturing of concrete caissons that were floated out and sunk to form a breakwater that protected an LNG terminal approximately 20 km north of the basin. structural design. Charleston. vessel manoeuvring study and technical services for construction support. The islands are 20 m high. phase 1B bulkhead.000 m3 of rock comprising an outer layer of primary and secondary rock armor placed on a filter and quarry run core. design of all breakwaters and revetments. Mexico Description: Detailed design of a 105 m wide by 155 m long and 8 m deep casting basin facility.000 m3 dredging for foundation of the islands. . The new area required the relocation of the main breakwater protecting as well as additional perimeter protection and marine structures. change of basic layout. construction support and supervision. pile load test evaluation. geotechnical analyses and design. numerical wave disturbance study. Inner harbour turning basin. built from 346. Design of artificial islands for protection of main span bridge piers against ship collision. Client: Archirodon Construction Project period: Ongoing Services: Design basis. seismic design. hydraulic and dewatering design.Dubai Maritime City development. CA. USA Description: Design of a 12 m tall bulkhead required for widening of inner harbour turning basin (ITHB). oceanographic studies. construction staging. value engineering. USA Description: Design of drilled sharft foundations for the in-water piers. Port of Oakland. numerical modelling. Drilled shafts were 3 m diameters. Client: DUTRA Construction Completed: 2006 Services: Geotechnical analysis and design. SC. Client: Costain . detailed design. 51 Cooper River Bridge. UAE Description: The project included new large reclaimed area in front of Port Rashid adjacent to the Dubai Dry Dock. structural design. coastal engineering. Casting basin Costa Azul. Georgia Description: Upgrading and development of existing container terminal in Batumi. Doha. Qatar Coastal engineering study Description: The museum was located in the water off the shoreline in the Doha Bay. water and sediment quality sampling and analysis. coastal stability analysis. Albania Completed: 2007 Services: Port planning and engineering. archaeological survey. The development is given a maritime environment with marina and canals in between the buildings.Tuborg Syd. Client: ICTSI Completed: 2007 Services: Planning for civil works. The port basin is transformed into housing and recreational areas including 210. Batumi terminal. construction supervision. environmental impact study. The overall objective of the Saranda Gateway project is to support the transformation of Saranda’s downtown port into a dedicated ferryboat and passenger terminal to facilitate the access of passengers and vehicles to Albania’s valued southern coastal zone. Denmark 52 Description: Tuborg Syd (south) is a development of the former Tuborg Brewery Port. assessment of geotechnical conditions. structures. sea walls. traffic studies and socio-economic studies. detailed design of edge treatment slopes. design of all works/structures. building and infrastructure works. Client: Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture.000 m2 of buildings. The transformation into a tourist and commercial gateway involves the following elements: Relocation of the existing cargo berth in Saranda Bay to a refurbished all-cargo berth facility in the nearby Limioni Bay. design basis. design of new protecting rubble mound breakwater. numerical modelling of current and waves. Museum of Islamic Art. geotechnical investigations and geological studies. numerical modelling of waves and current and water quality. conversion of the existing cargo berth in Saranda Bay to a 180 m long cruise liner berth and construction of a yacht marina. Transport and Telecommunication. Client: Ministry of Public Works. marine works. bathymetric and topographic surveys. engineering and environmental impact studies. Albania Description: COWI has completed a multidisciplinary project involving port planning. benthic flora and fauna survey. numerical modelling and hydraulic studies. Saranda Gateway. Client: Carlsberg Properties Completed: 2009 Services: Master planning of marina in collaboration with the architect. . Qatar Completed: 2002 Services: Surveys. The museum and the surroundings required costal protection works. tendering. contracting and supervision of marine works construction. magnetometer and side scan sonar survey. Client: QBC Consortium (Vinci. traffic. The CDF structure consisted of nine continuous 12 meter wide by 34 meter long cells consisting of HZ king piles and AZ sheet piles. roads and plazas.5 hectare site requiring containment and stabilization of in-situ and dredged sediments. The structure was designed to withstand a variety of intermediate loading conditions during construction.53 Sutong Bridge. one close to the coastline of Bahrain. China Description: The Sutong Bridge over the Yangtze River is the world’s longest cablestay bridge with a span of 1088 m between the main pylons.R. P. marine modelling. By compensation dredging the final solution had zero impact on the water exchange. CCC. it will be the longest man-made road-link in the world. embankment and fill depots. Phase 3 over the next 51 months: construction of the causeway. Being exactly 40 km coast-to-coast. environment and ecology. including underwater investigations. desk study of scour and conceptual and recommendations on detailed design of the scour protection consisting of temporary protection of sand bags and permanent protection using quarry stones with falling apron at the edges to cope with potential large scour depths. Included in this phase is a study of optional provision to be implemented to facilitate the later addition of a rail-link along the causeway alignment. The marine modelling studies for the Qatar-Bahrain causeway project included modelling of current. COWI prepared assessments of the hydraulic design data. The road-link will be of motorway standard with traffic lanes and emergency lane in each direction. hydrography. USA Description: Remediation of a 2. one on the Qatar side close to the international border. sediment dispersion from dredging activities and waves using MIKE 21. risk assessment. including a 3 meter tide variation. Qatar Services 2008-2013 In May 2008 an agreement was signed between the Qatar-Bahrain Causeway Foundation (representing the two governments) and the QBC Consortium to design and build the causeway. COWI undertakes detailed design and provides on-site follow-up services during this period. Qatar-Bahrain causeway Description: This road-link will connect the west coast of Qatar near the Zubarah fortress with the east coast of Bahrain south of the capital Manamah. bridges tolling & border facilities. geology and geophysics. QDVC and Dredging International/ MEDCO) . COWI was appointed to undertake the preliminary engineering and environmental investigations and studies for the causeway and completed the studies in only 10 months. Phase 2 over the next three months: a basic design to enable a firm lump sum to be established. At the same time. Services 2001-2002 Confined disposal facility (CDF) and commercial wharf. meteorology. scour protection. mechanical and electrical installations Client: Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture. The 40 km is made up of 18 km embankments and 22 km marine bridges including two navigation span cable-stayed bridges. The CDF and concrete deck structure was designed with a capacity of 57 kilopascals to accommodate the crane loads expected for the industrial use of the facility. For the scour. These are founded in the river bed in a water depth reaching about 30 m. During construction reviewed contractor’s submittals and performed full time resident engineer services. MA. Everett. Hochtief. topography and bathymetry. geotechnique. Client: Jiangsu Province SuTong Bridge Construction Commanding Department Completed: 2005 Services: Expert engineering services and construction management for the bridge and its scour protection. COWI signed an agreement with the QBC Consortium to act as design consultant for the causeway project. design basis Conceptual design: Alignment. Client: ARCADIS BBL Completed: 2007 Services: Provided waterfront structural engineering for the CDF design from concept design through final design. COWI's services will be undertaken in three phases: Phase 1 over five months: update and amend the conceptual design carried out in 2002 including re-assessing the environmental conditions and conduct an update of the EIA studies made during 2002. Studies: Planning. UAE Description: Al Reem Island is a multi-billion dollar man-made island and residential. The project involves construction of a jetty with mooring dolphin to handle import of raw materials (bulk alumina. An access trestle shall be constructed to connect the jetty to land. Client: Private investor Completed: 2008 Services: Conceptual design of edge treatment structures. Beach Club with high class recreational facilities. geotechnical. Qatar Petroleum is building a giant double dry-dock due for completion in 2010. breakwaters and navigational canals. coastal and materials engineering expert services. 1. Qatalum project. Client : Solidere Completed: 2000 An architectural concept impression of the Plot 4 development Services: Construction management and special marine. Al Reem Island Plot 4. jetty and mooring dolphin. project coordination and supervision. coke and liquid pitch) for the production of aluminium at the plant. Qatar Description: Eight kilometres offshore. The project has a total value of USD 450 million. detailed design of access trestle. Qatar Description: Qatar Petroleum and Hydro Aluminium AS are developing an aluminium production plant at Mesaieed Industrial City. Qatar. shopping. Mesaieed. restaurants.A. Client: Main client is QP/Nakilat Completed: 2008 Services: Responsible for the offshore design – including quays. Seafront. Completed: 2008 Services: Met-ocean study.54 Double dry-dock at Ras Laffan.3 km long consisting of large concrete caissons with wave-absorbing chamber and wide submerged reef in front. Marina protected by major Accropode breakwater.ongoing Services: Preliminary and detailed design of all marine structures. establishing marina operational basis and marina concept design and modelling of water flushing to validate master plan from a marine point of view and assessment of waves and wave disturbance in marinas. Phase 2 Description: Eastern Marina designed for 200 yachts with all marina facilities. foundation piles and block walls for the dry-dock – and the design of onshore buildings. recreational and commercial development on reclaimed land in the shallows off the coast of Abu Dhabi. liquefied natural gas. Organisation and supervision of 3D physical model tests. facilities and services. business facilities and residential units resulting in a unique lifestyle for residents and visitors alike. mooring analysis. 500 m long rubble mound breakwater.000 DWT. . The basis for the Al Reem Island Plot 4 is in providing high-class facilities. Plot 4 is being developed into a mixed. Client: Archirodon Construction (Overseas) CO. Client: Solidere Project period : 2010 . Tender documentation and construction supervision. S. Eastern Breakwater. The dry-dock – Nakilat Ship Repair Yard – lies off the port of Ras Laffan and will be capable of receiving the very largest vessels sailing with LNG. Description: Marina and Seafront Structures. marine works. The jetty shall accommodate bulk carriers up to 70. Abu Dhabi. Lebanon Phase 1. residential and commercial zone. Beirut Central District. . detailed design of breakwater and concrete quay and sheet pile quay and access road. preparation of FEED design and specifications and carrying out environmental impact assessment for the marine facility. transport economy. definition of site investigations.60. product deliverability and constructability. operability. design report and construction drawings. environmental impact assessment.000 . Completed: 2004 Services: Port planning. The new ship loading facility involves a Sulphur Pier (SP). Russia Description: The Client intends to establish a gascondensate facility in the Teriberka Bay on the north coast of the Kola Peninsula. Sulphur pier. Provision of an integrated assessment of the completeness and robustness of the studies carried out and a comparative assessment of the two proposed locations for the marine facility with respect to: safety. waterways and roads). Shtokman LNG terminal.55 Study of transport corridor from Umm Qasr via Basrah to Baghdad. Client: Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC) Project period: Ongoing Services: COWI services comprised: site location study and navigation simulations. Provision of an integrated assessment of the design basis data and the numerical and physical models applied in the studies. Two locations are being considered for the marine terminal and have been studied during the Pre-FEED. Services COWI services comprised review of Pre-FEED study documents and the FEED study documents. The harbour is on the south side of the island and is protected by two CORE-LOC breakwaters. Kuwait Description: The Client KNPC has launched a revamping of their solid sulphur handling and loading facilities at the Mina Al Ahmadi (MAA) Refinery.000 DWT. tender design. Evaluation of the wave model results. Client: Shtokman Development AG Completed: 2010 Halul Harbour upgrade. topographic and bathymetric suveys. They are now subject to more detailed assessments during the FEED phase. which consists of marine structures that facilitate safe and reliable mooring and loading of ocean going bulk carriers in the range from 16. the conveyor system and the establishment of a new ship loading facility in the MAA area. Client: Consolidated Engineering Construction Ltd. COWI further assisted in the preparation of the invitation to bidders for EPC contractor and prepared cost estimate and programme for the EPC contract. The commercial ports in the south of Iraq play an important role in the transport infrastructure. project identification and planning for two pilot projects (Umm Qasr and Road 26). waterways and roads). berthing and mooring studies. hydraulic and sediment modelling. The project involves upgrade of the onshore sulphur plant. metocean. QRA for onshore and offshore works. onshore and offshore geotechnical investigation. The study of the transport corridor from Umm Qasr via Basrah to Baghdad has involved: Procurement and training of Iraqi authority staff in the use of state-of-the-art surveying equipment (ports. GIS. Kuwait. transportation forecasting. Client: Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Danida) Completed: 2010 Services: Port planning. condition surveying of the main infrastructure in the corridor (ports. marine and road surveying. Iraq Description: The recovery of the Iraqi economy is dependent on a fast revival of the Iraqi transport infrastructure. Qatar Description: Halul harbour is a supply base located on Halul Island 80 km off the coast of Qatar. Inc. Box 23800.com COWI UAE Office MF-10 Reemas Building Al Quoz 1 PO Box 52978. C-ring road. +91 124 409 2500 www.www.com www.Ltd. ChaoYang District Beijing 100125 P..com @ @ @ COWI offices Centres for marine and coastal engineering Selected marine and coastal projects Confluence of Gulf intercoastal waterway and Mississippi River Gulf outlet. +45 56 40 22 11 www.+86 10 8527 6970 www. Ole Juul Jensen. China Tel. CT 06611 United States Tel. Gerwick.com www. COWI group marine and coastal offices Editors: Susanne Johansen.ocean-coastal.cowi.R. UAE Tel.in COWI Consulting(Beijing) Co. Doha – Qatar Tel.com Ben C. Hanne Aagaard Jensen et al. 2011 021-1700-023e-11e COWI A/S Parallelvej 2 DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby Denmark Tel.cowi.ocean-coastal..cowi. CA94612 United States Tel. +971 (0)4 339 7076 www.cowi. Phase I Udyog Vihar Gurgaon. 8th floor Suhaim Bin Hamad St.cowi.gerwick.cn Printed in Denmark by Kailow Photo: Shaw E&I .cowi. +974 442 3827/43/45 www. 121. +1 203 268 5007 www.O.com COWI India Private Ltd. Harnyana India Tel.com Ocean and Coastal Consultants. Suite 2010 Sunflower Tower 37 MaiZiDian Street. Dubai. 35 Corporate Drive Trumbull.gerwick. +1 510 839 8972 www. Bin Mahmoud Area P. 1300 Clay Street 7th Floor Oakland.com COWI Qatar Al Mana Tower. Inc.
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