02 130205 V7.13 EVRC2A-N6,NT Manual Control

March 29, 2018 | Author: Giancarlo Barahona Aguilar | Category: Ac Power, Electrical Impedance, Direct Current, Electrical Wiring, Relay



Release Date: Feb. 2013 / Manual Revision: 7.13 RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT USER’S MANUAL ENTEC ENTEC ELECTRIC & ELECTRONIC CO., LTD Copyright © 2002 by ENTEC ELECTRIC & ELECTRONIC CO., LTD all right reserved. Forerunner Distribution & Automation RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr Release Note: [Oct. 2006] Ver4.00 1. Add explanations for new additional function below - Support ETHERNET Port(Port4) for EVRC2A - Support IEC60870-5-104 Protocol Communication (add the setup menu) [Sept. 2007] Ver4.10 1. Add explanations for new additional function below - Dialing Modem Support(add the setup menu) [Sept. 2009] Ver4.12 1. Add explanations for new additional function below - Support IEC60870-5-101 Protocol Communication (add the setup menu) - Support Overfrequency Protection Element (add the setup menu) [Jan. 2010] Ver5.00 After the Ver5.00, the manual is applied to the “EVRC2A-N(Network type)”. 1. Support “ETIMS(ENTEC Integration Management Software)” function(add the setup menu). This function is used to interface with ETIMS over Ethernet port. 2. Separate “Communication” setting into “Protocol” and “Port” settings. 3. Describe elements consisting of “Protection” section in order of the menu shown in LCD. 4. Add “CLOSE Function at Normal Frequency restored” in Frequency element. 5. Add the description related with “STATUS” menu omitted in the previous version. 6. Add the description related with “MAINTENANCE” menu omitted in the previous version. 7. Add “Fault Trip(option)” in “EVENT RECORDER” menu. [Jul. 2010] Ver5.10 1. Add contents of RVD(Resistance Voltage Divider), one of Voltage Divider Inputs. [Sep. 2010] Ver5.11 1. Add “6.10. Set Group Change”. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY i RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr [Mar. 2011] Ver5.20 1. Add “Loss of Phase” in “PROTECTION” menu according to an additional function (option), “Loss of Phase”. 2. Add “Supply Outage Measurement” as an additional function in menu. - Add “S-Outage” and “S-O Dura” set-up in “RELAY SETUP/ EVENT RECORDER” menu. - Add “S-Outage Count” and “S-Outage Event” set-up in “RELAY SETUP/ CLEAR SAVED DATA” menu. - Add “S-OUTAGE COUNTER” in “MAINTENANCE” menu. - Add “SUPPLY OUTAGE” in “EVENT RECORDER” menu. [Jan. 2012] Ver6.00 After the Ver6.00, the manual is applied to the “EVRC2A-N6(Network type)”. [Jan. 2012] Ver6.00 1. Change the terms related with battery testing. [Feb. 2012] Ver6.01 1. Add “Power Quality” set-up in “SYSTEM SETUP” menu. 2. Change “Supply Outage” to “Power Quality” in some menus. - Change “S-Outage Counter” to “Power Quality” in “MAINTENANCE” menu. - Change “Supply Outage” to “Power Quality” in “EVENT RECORDER” menu. - Change “S-Outage Count” and “S-Outage Event” to “P-Quality Count” and “P-Quality” in “RELAY SETUP/ CLEAR SAVED DATA” menu. 3. Add “HARMONICS” in “MAIN MENU/6.METERING” menu. [Jun. 2012] Ver6.02 Changed the manual based on EVRC2A-N6 firmware V6.12 upgrading. 1. Section to be rectified in the manual as a result of adding measuring function of voltage/current unbalance. - Change “METERING” in “1.2. Summary of Features”. - Change “Table 2-1. Metering Accuracy” in “2.3. Metering Accuracy”. - Add “10.1.9. Unbalance”. - Change “Table 10-1. Metering Accuracy” in “10.2. Accuracy”. 2. Section to be rectified in the manual as a result of adding detection function of voltage/current unbalance. - Change “MONITORING” in “1.2. Summary of Features”. ii ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr - Change “RECORDER” in “1.2. Summary of Features”. - Add “Power Quality” in “2.5. Monitoring”. - Change “SYSTEM EVENT RECORDER”, “POWER QUALITY EVENT RECORDER”, “COUNTER” in “2.6. Recorder”. - Change “Figure 3-12. Menu Structure Tree” in “3.2.1. Main Menu Summary”. - Add settings for Unbalance in “6.10. Power Quality”. - Add Unbalance Counter in “11.4. Power Quality”. - Change “12.2. System Event Recorder”. - Change “12.6. Power Quality Event Recorder”. 3. Section to be rectified in the manual as a result of adding “Daily Max I” and “Daily Energy” settings. - Change “5.2.5. EVENT&ETC”. 4. Section to be rectified in the manual as a result of changed range of reclose interval 1. - Change “Reclose interval 1” in “2.4. Protection Elements/ Reclose Control”. - Change “Range of Reclose 1” in “7.1. Reclose(79)”. [Aug. 2012] Ver7.00 Changed the manual based on EVRC2A_N6 firmware V6.15 upgrading. 1. Change “5.3. Clock”. 2. Change “5.8. Time Set & Display Type”. - Add “Set Type”, “GMT Sign”, “GMT Hour”, “GMT Min” and “Evt Send Type” set-up in “RELAY SETUP/ TIME SET & DIS TYPE” menu. 3. Change “SEF Pickup Current Setup” in “7.4. Sensitive Earth Fault (SEF)”. 4. Change “9.3. Clock”. 5. Change “10.1.4. Synchro Voltage”. 6. Change “Table 14-1. Warning Events” in “14.1. Warning Events”. [Nov. 2012] Ver7.10 1. Changed the manual based on EVRC2A_NT firmware V7.04 upgrading. - Change “ DNP 3.0 Protocol – Option” : Add “Time Req(m)” set-up in “COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 and DNP2” menu. - Change “ PORT2-RS232” : Add “Parity Bit”, “Data Bit” and “Stop Bit” set-up in “COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT1-RS232” menu. - Change “5.2.5. EVENT&ETC” : Add “Time Syn’ Ref” and “Evt Time Type” set-up in “COMMUNICATION/ EVENT&ETC” menu. - Change “5.8. Time Set & Display Type – Option” : Add “Time Syn’ Ref” set-up in “RELAY ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY iii RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr SETUP / TIME SET&DIS TYPE” menu. 2. Changed the manual based on EVRC2A_NT firmware V7.06 upgrading. - Change “ IEC60870-5-101 Protocol – Option” : Add the setting items in “COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / IEC60870-5-101” menu. - Change “ IEC60870-5-104 Protocol – Option” : Add the setting items in “COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / IEC60870-5-104” menu. - Change “6.3. Line VL Sensing” : Add “Install Type” set-up in “SYSTEM SETUP / LINE VL SENSING” menu. 3. Change the description for “SKIP at Fault” and “Fault ‘I’ Evt” setting in “5.2.5. EVENT&ETC”. 4. Add the Note in “6.4. System Power”. [Nov. 2012] Ver7.12 1. Changed the manual based on EVRC2A_NT firmware V7.07 upgrading : Delete “Tx Delay” set-up in “COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 and DNP2” menu. - Change the description for “Tx Delay” setting in “ DNP3.0 Protocol – Option”. 2. Change the description for “TX Post Delay” and “TX Pre Delay” in “ PORT2 – RS232”. 3. Change the setting examples of “Use of VD(CVD or RVD)” in “6.2. Line VS Sensing / 6.2.3. Setting Examples”. [Dec. 2012] Ver7.12 1. Add the Note in “5.8. Time Set & Display Type – Option”. 2. Add the Note in “5.2.5. EVENT&ETC”. 3. Change “Figure 7-33. Non Standard Curves (11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)” in “7.18. Time Overcurrent Curves”. [Feb. 2013] Ver7.13 1. Add the Notes in “2.4. Protection Elements”. 2. Add the Note of “SEF Pickup Current Setup” in “7.4. Sensitive Earth Fault (SEF)”. 3. Add the Note of “SEF” setting in “7.12.3. Cold Load Pickup Setup”. 4. Add the Note in “9.4. Control Type”. iv ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY ...................................... Communication ...................................... Clock ...........................3................................... Description ... Communications.......................................................... 2 2..........................2..................................................................RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6..................................... 23 3................ SELECT SETBANK ..........................................................................................7.....3......................................................................................... Clear Saved Data ..................................................................... 78 5............................................... Line VL Sensing ............................. 82 6........................................... 40 5....................................................................................... 5 2........... 22 3.......................................................................entecene... USER INTERFACE PANEL .............. Inputs and Outputs ...........NT http://www....................................co........................................ 8 2.....................................................................................................................4...........................................kr TABLE OF CONTENTS 1....1.. 1 1..............................................................................................................................2.........................5......................1........................................... 42 5......2.................. Summary of Features ............. 33 3................................................. RELAY SETUP ................ 80 6....................... Construction ......................................................................................................................... Metering Accuracy ........................................................4................ 41 5.................................2.................................................................................. Passcode ....... TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS...........................1........................................................ 82 6..... LCD Display ..... Time Set & Display Type – Option .......... SYSTEM SETUP ...................... 80 5..................................... Current Sensing ...... Protection Elements. Recorder ...................................................................................................8..... 19 2................ INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... Gas Sensor Type .................................................................... Type Withstand Tests ........2........1.......................................................................... 24 3...................................1..... 16 2................................................................................................... 84 6....................... Factory Debug ........... Using the LCD Menu ........ 76 5............. Event Recorder ......................................................... 1 1.................................... 5 2................................6.............................................................. Monitoring.............5................... 41 5............. 11 2.. 79 5.....6................... 79 5................................................. 37 4......................................................... 9 2.......3..............................................7...........3.......................................................................................................................................................................... Line VS Sensing ................... 86 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY v ............................................................................................... .................. Phase High Current Lockout (50P-2) .................................9...................................................6......................................................................... Recloser Wear ..........................5...............................7................................... Power Quality ....... 154 7.................................................................... Reclose (79).......4................................................9.........................................................6...........10.....2. Negative Sequence High Current Lockout (46(50)-2) ....................................... 128 7...................................................................................................................... Overvoltage (59).................................................. System Power ........... Negative Sequence (Fast/Delay) Time Overcurrent (46) ........................Option .. Phase High Current Trip (50P-1)....... Panel Sleep Time ........4......... 132 7.... 180 7.......................................................12..............................................Option ........................RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6............entecene................................ Demand .......................................................................................................7.................. Opto Input Set ................3........................................................... Directional Controls (67)........... 174 7..............................................................................5............................................2..................................... Set Group Change .Option ..... Time Overcurrent Curves ......... Fault Locator .............. Undervoltage (27)...........15............................. 150 7.................................................................................. 211 8.....8....................................14.....................................................................4.......... 122 7.. Gas Low Lock – Option ...... 207 8........................... 152 7......................................... Ground High Current Trip (50G-1) ................. Other Element.........3................................ 146 7...... Ground (Fast/Delay) Time Overcurrent (51G) ........ 91 6.. 144 7...............................17.............................. Ground High Current Lockout (50G-2) ......................................................... 208 8.................................................... 170 7........................................Option ............................ Cold Load Pickup .............................. PROTECTION ...................................................................... MONITORING .................... Battery Test....................................... 116 7.11... 96 6...... Output Relay Set .......................... Loss of Phase ........................................................6................ 208 8.............. 217 8......................................... 115 6...... 162 7.. 93 6.................. 218 8...................................................................................kr 6.. Phase (Fast/Delay) Time Overcurrents (51P) ................ 120 7.................................................................................................................................... Trip Counter ........ 215 8.................................................................................. 148 7.......... 136 7.. Negative Sequence High Current Trip (46(50)-1) ...16.............................................................................................co.................Option ..............10.................Option ..............NT http://www... Loop Control ......................... 213 8. 91 6.............. 177 7............................7................................................................... 142 7........... 138 7...........................1........................ 172 7.......................................................................................................... 220 vi ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY ............................................8....... Frequency(81) ................................... Synchronism Check (25) .......................................................5...........................19..................................................................... 88 6...................................... Sensitive Earth Fault (SEF) ........................................................13....1.................................18.... ....................................................................... 226 10............. Load Profile .................5..........2................... 258 13.................................................................... Dimensions and Mounting Plan .................................................................VT Type ..........................3........................................ 220 8.................. Diagnostic Event Recorder.... System Event Recorder ................................................................ 225 10......... 263 13...........9............ 262 13....................................2................................................................................................................................ Control Type ...................10.....................3........ 222 9.......................RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.................................... EVRC2A Wiring Diagram ......................... OPTO Inputs .......... 222 9.................................. EVRC2A Wiring Diagram – VD Type ......... 267 13............................................................................................... 239 12..............9.................................................................................................. EXT’ Trip & Lock – Option ...................................................................... 250 12. 259 13.............................2............ 241 12.................. 257 13...................................... Accuracy ........................... 268 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY vii ....................... 257 13.......................................................................................................................................................... User Interface Door and Power Switch .................................... Earth Wiring Diagram ...........................................2........................................ Waveform Capture ..........................11.............. Metering Elements ..............1........................Option ...................................................... Clock ........... Relay Outputs .......................... 237 11....................................................1.. 237 11..entecene.........4...........................co............... 238 11....... Power Quality ....................................................................NT http://www.........................................5........ MAINTENANCE .......................... 266 13....................................................................... 221 9.. User-Available DC Power ................................................................................................................... Inner Structure ...... Vent and Outer Cover ...................................................... 261 13...................................................8........................................... Output Relay Test ................2.......................................6. Side Panel ...................4......1...........................................................3.......................... 224 10.. Mount Accessories Dimensions ......................................6......................... 237 11.............................. 241 12..1.... STATUS ............................4.................................................... METERING ....................8.......................................................Option ........................ Counters......... 265 13.......................................................................................4............................................. 222 9........ Wear Monitor.........................Option......... Fault Trip Event Recorder ........................................ 254 13...................................................... Terminal Block and Fuses ...... Live Load Block – Option ......................................... Power Quality Event Recorder ...................7............................. INSTALLATION ................................................ EVENT RECORDER................ 245 12.............................................. 223 9......................................... 235 11...................................kr 8.............................1................ 252 12...................................................................................3.......................................... 247 12.......................................... 264 13..... ... 271 13................................................................................................................. 286 13....... 290 13.... Control Cable Receptacle Pin Descriptions ...................................................................................... 292 13.................. Uninterruptible Power Supply for Trip & Close ............................................................... Recloser Voltage Divider (VD) ...... 288 13........................... 275 13......................30...................... Control Cable Assembling / De-assembling.......................12......................................................................... 278 13............ 285 13....................26.................... Recloser 52 contact and 69 contact ... Battery and Control run time .............................................................................................13........... 278 13......37.............17....... MAINTANANCE ...........................................................39...................... Recloser EPR Wiring Diagram ........................... 269 13...................32..RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6................................................................. Hardware Block Diagram ... AC Power Cable ....28........ Charge Circuit ....................................................... AC Power Receptacle Pin Descriptions .......... VT Wiring Diagram .... 296 viii ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY ..38.........27......................... Recloser Trip and Close Circuits ......................................................... VD Wiring Diagram ........NT http://www.......... 278 13..........................29............... 272 13........23................................. 289 13.............................1.................................................................. Current Inputs Wiring Diagram ............. Recloser EVR Wiring Diagram ..............................................................................18................................ 281 13.......................................... Fuses ........ 277 13.........................19.................................................. 283 13.............................. 293 14. Communications ............................................................................... 282 13................................................................... Main Board ............................................35.... 287 13...................................................................................................... Recloser Test Kit .... 289 13..........................15.......................................25...21............................................................................................................33................ Recloser Current Transformer (CT) ...........................................kr 13................... 270 13......... 292 13....22....................... Battery Change ....... 294 14.............................................. Recloser Pressure Sensor (Only EVR Type) ...... 276 13................................................................31.................................................. 294 14. 275 13.......................co........................................................... 279 13.................. Battery Protection .... 276 13............................. Recloser Trip and Close Coil......................................... Warning Events ................................................2........................................................... Malfunction Events .......... 273 13................................................................................................... 284 13...........36......... Current and Voltage Inputs Phase Rotation ............. Communication Cables ....... Analog Board........................34..........20.........14......entecene.........................................................................................................24.............................16..... y In order to perform the protection function. maximum demand levels.entecene.kr 1. Hot line tag. acquisition of event data. and measured system parameters.1. SEF Enabled. y EVRC2A contains many T-C characteristic curves developed by IEEE C37. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 1 .Option) which fundamentally installed. Program 2. Remote enabled. and KEPCO to provide fully protective coordination for the continuous best quality of electric distribution. Protection Enabled.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. IEC255-3. Control Locked.NT http://www. McGraw Edison. and energy metering is also performed. y Users can operate Close and Trip. control. and monitoring functions with both local and remote.co. y Recording of past trip. Program 1. Alternate-settings. Users can select any time of current curve simply by programming and modifying. y Users can manage the Recloser interface software using a portable PC for modification of settings. Ground Enabled. Reclose Enabled.112. It also displays the present trip/alarm conditions. and management of operation history. line voltage and current signal filtered with analog filter and digital DFT full-cosin filter is used. INTRODUCTION 1. and also control EVRC2A with key buttons on the user interface panel. alarm or control events. y EVRC2A provides protection. y Remote monitoring and control can be provided by RTU(Remote Terminal Unit . Description y EVRC2A with the microprocessor-based digital control technology is designed to provide protective coordination and fault clearance of distribution systems for the continuous best quality of electric service. Option ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . MW.Option y Voltage and current unbalance . Ground and Sensitive Ground Current and Phasors y Line and Phase Voltage and Phasors(Source Side and Load Side) y Current and Voltage Symmetrical Component Phasors y Frequency Magnitude and Rate y Synchronizing Voltage. Mvar. Ib. MVA) y Voltage and current harmonics . Delta ㎐ and Delta Leg y Single and Three Phase Power(MW.entecene.co. Ground. Mvarh) y Maximum Demand(Ia.2.Option METERING 2 y Phase. Phasor and Frequency y Synchronizing Delta㎸. Mvar.kr 1.NT http://www. Sensitive Earth and Negative Sequence Directional Control y Automatic Reclosing(Up To 4 Shots) y Cold Load Pickup with Voltage Control y Sequence Coordination Control y Two Under-voltage Elements y Two Over-voltage Elements y Under-frequency Element y Over-frequency Element y Loop Control . PF) y Energy(MWh. Ic. MVA. Summary of Features PROTECTION y Phase Instantaneous Over-current Element y Phase Time Over-current Elements y Phase Definite Time High Current Lockout Element y Ground Instantaneous Over-current Element y Ground Time Over-current Elements y Ground Definite Time High Current Lockout Element y Sensitive Earth Fault Elements y Negative Instantaneous Over-current Element y Negative Time Over-current Elements y Negative Definite Time High Current Lockout Element y Phase.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.Option y Loss of Phase . there may be no gas pressure monitoring.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. COMMUNICATIONS y Front Panel PORT1 RS232 Serial Port : EVRC2A interface software y Side panel PORT2 RS232 Serial Port : EVRC2A interface software . MODBUS or IEC60870-5-101 Protocol . In order to use RS485 port for EVRC2A-N6.NT http://www.Option NOTE : According to a recloser type. the Pin4 and Pin5 of RS485 should be connected.Option y Recloser Gas Over and Low pressure .0.NT.0. the Port3 type of EVRC2A-N6.entecene.kr MONITORING y Fault Locator y Demand trip and alarm(Ia. Ib. DNP 3. Ic. Ig. I2) y Trip Counter Limit y Synchronism Check y Recloser main contact Wear(Per Phase) y Recloser Operation Failure y Voltage Transformer Failure y Battery Automatic Load Test y Breaker Failure with Current Supervision y Power Quality .Option y Side panel PORT3 RS485 or R232* Serial Port : DNP 3.0.co.NT can be selected as RS485 or RS232 by a user. However. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 3 . MODBUS or IEC60870-5-101 Protocol – Option y Side panel PORT4 RJ45 Port : DNP 3. MODBUS or IEC60870-5-104 Protocol and EVRC2A interface software – Option NOTE : The Port3 type of EVRC2A-N is a fixed RS485 port. battery status.Option y Power Quality event recorder . etc y RS232 port y Context Help Messages y Access Security(Passcode) AUXILIARY OUTPUTS .Option y System event recorder .Option y 4 8 Opto-isolated Programmable Inputs ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .NT http://www. sequence status.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.entecene.15 cycles × 32 events y Fault trip event recorder .Option y 7 Programmable Relays y 1 Programmable Alarm Relay AUXILIARY INPUTS .last 512 events .Option USER INTERFACE y Fault indicators y Manual Battery Load Test: Battery Voltage and Charge Voltage y Dual Functional keypads y 20×4 Character Display(LCD or VFD : Vacuum Fluorescent Display) y 32 LED indicators .co.last 213days y Fault Waveform .last 512 events .kr RECORDER y Trip and fault counter y Supply outage counter and time – Option y Sag/Swell detection counter – Option y Voltage and current unbalance detection counter .Fault indications.last 512 events y Load profile recorder .last 2048 events y Diagnostic event recorder . 27㎸ y Resistance value .kr 2.entecene.1. 15. Inputs and Outputs Systems y 3phase-3wire or 3phase-4wire.Option User available DC power Output .NT http://www.Phase Capacitor value : 20㎊ „ Resistance Voltage Divider Inputs (RVD) – Only EPR y Maximum Input Voltage : 5V y Burden : Bow 0.Option y DC Power Voltage : 12. prepare 110V/220V Selectable Switch .0015 VA y System Voltage : 15㎸. 38㎸ y Capacitor value .Phase Resistance value : 100MΩ ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 5 .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 2. 800 Amp maximum Frequency y 50 / 60㎐ system and ABC/ACB phase rotation Control Voltage Input y AC Voltage Input 110V/220Vac or other voltage (+10%. 27㎸.Standard „ Capacitor Voltage Divider Inputs (CVD) – Only EVR y Maximum Input Voltage : 5V y Burden : 2e-6 VA y System Voltage : 15㎸. 38㎸ maximum. 24Vdc y DC Power Continuous : 40W y DC Power for 60Sec : 60W Voltage Divider Inputs (VD) .-15%) y Nominal Battery Voltage : 24Vdc y Based on user requirement.co. entecene.Option y Voltage Inputs „ EVRC2A-N : 4 Channel(VA.2VA(220V).+20%) „ 125Vdc(-15%.+30%) y 6 Operating current : < 5mA at Nominal Voltages ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY http://www.05A Nominal „ 0.38VA(1A) y SEF Input Current Range „ 0. 0.VC .+20%) „ 48Vdc(-15%.02VA(67V) Current Transformer Inputs (CT) y Current Inputs IA.kr .IG Input Current Range „ 1A Nominal „ 2A continuous „ 25A 1 second „ Burden : 0.05A) Control Inputs .+20%) „ 12Vdc(-10%. 0.NT : 6 Channel .co.Option y Control Inputs 8 Channel y Nominal Voltages and Operating Range „ 250Vdc(-15%. VC and VL) „ EVRC2A-N6.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. 0.+20%) „ 24Vdc(-15%.IB. VB.0375VA(0.VB.NT Voltage Transformer Inputs (VT) .6A 1 second „ Burden : 0.IC and IG.VT y Input Voltage Range : Phase-Neutral Continuous <300V y Burden: 0.05VA(120V).IB.Source Voltage 2 VR.16A Continuous „ 0.VS.Source Voltage 1 VA.6VA(300V). SEF y IA.IC. entecene.NT http://www.co.1A 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.4) 125Vdc 48Vdc 24Vdc 250Vac 125Vac 0.8A 3A 3A 5A ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 7 .kr Control Output Contacts .Option y Control Outputs 8 Channel „ Normal Open 5 Channel „ Normal Close 2 Channel „ ALARM 1 Channel y 300Vac / 350Vdc Varistor for differential surge protection y Operate / Release time : < 5ms at +20℃(+68℉) y Maximum operating power (L/R=7ms) (cosΦ=0. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.entecene.2×50㎲). and seismic tests on measuring relays and protection equipment.5㎒. 3㎄(8×20㎲) Surge Withstand Capability y IEEE C37.Vibration tests (sinusoidal). bump.option(Vacuum Fluorescent Display) ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .standard y VFD : -40℃∼+85℃(-40℉∼+185℉) .NT http://www.1988 Electrical relays. Control Power inputs. 6㎸(1.2×50㎲) y IEEE C37. Control Operating Temperature 8 y Operating range : -25℃∼+70℃(-13℉∼+158℉) y LCD : -20℃∼+70℃(-4℉∼+158℉) . Type Withstand Tests Dielectric Strength y CT inputs. Section One .45 (1992) Withstand Capability of Relay Systems to Radiated Electromagnetic Interference Transceivers. Withstand Capability of Relay Systems to Radiated Electromagnetic Interference from Transceivers. Part 21 : Vibration.co. shock. 5 W transmitter 10㎝) Vibration Test y IEC 255-21-1 .1 .1987 IEEE Trial-Use Standard.1989 IEEE SWC Tests for Protective Relays and Relay Systems (3㎸ oscillatory 1㎒ to 1.2.90.kr 2. Class 2.2 .90. 10 V/m (150㎒ and 450㎒. Opto-isolated inputs and Relay outputs „ 2㎸(60㎐) for 1 minute Impulse Voltage y IEEE C62. 5㎸ fast transient 1. VT inputs. 3V0 ㎸ ±1% Rate ±0. C 3Φ Phase Phase A.000 MVar ±2% –32. V2. B. C 3Φ Phase Phase A. Metering Accuracy(1/2) Measurements Parameters Unit Accuracy Range A ±1% of 2×CT 20×CT ㎸ ±1% – Phase A RMS Current Phase B RMS Current CURRENT Phase C RMS Current Phase G RMS Current Phase SEF RMS Current A–N (A–B) RMS Voltage B–N (B–C) RMS Voltage VOLTAGE C–N (C–A) RMS Voltage R–N (R–S) RMS Voltage S–N (S–T) RMS Voltage* T–N (T–R) RMS Voltage* SYMMETRICAL I1. Table 2-1. 3Φ Real Power MW ±2% A/B/C. C 3Φ Phase Phase A/B/C/RG Current DEMAND ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY – – 9 .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. so all measurements based on these quantities respond to the fundamental components only except the measurement of harmonics. B.02 –1. B. I2.000 to 32.NT http://www. B.000 MWH ±2% –32000 to 32000 MVarH ±2% –32000 to 32000 A ±2% A/B/C. C POWER 3Φ Phase 3ΦAPPARENT Phase A. B. Metering Accuracy The harmonic components of current and voltage are removed from the input voltage and current parameters. C POWER 3Φ Phase WATT-HOURS VAR-HOURS Phase A. B.000 MVA ±2% –32.3.000 to 1.entecene. 3I0 A ±1% of 2×CT COMPONENTS V1.000 MW ±2% –32. C 3Φ Phase 3ΦREACTIVE Phase A.co.000 to 32. 3Φ Reactive Power MVar ±2% POWER FACTOR 3ΦREAL POWER Phase A.000 to 32.kr 2. co.00 ±1% 0% to 100% ±1% 0% to 100% 1st~7th Harmonic of Current st HARMONICS UNBALANCE th 1 ~7 Harmonic of Voltage THD of Current – ±3% 0% to 100% THD of Voltage ±3% 0% to 100% Voltage unbalance(V2/V1) in source side ±2% 0% to 999% ±2% 0% to 999% ±2% 0% to 999% Voltage unbalance(V2/V1) in load side % Current unbalance(I2/I1) If the VT connection type is set to delta. all single phase voltage quantities are displayed as zero.00~70.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. 10 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .kr Table 2-1.entecene.02 40. Metering Accuracy(2/2) Measurements FREQUENCY Parameters A-N (A-B) Source Voltage R-N (R-S) Load Voltage Unit Accuracy Range ㎐ ±0.NT http://www. ........................................................ 95 to 98% of Pickup Time Delay ..................... 1 ~ 600 in steps of 1s (supported from Ver 6..4...............................00 to 10........................................... 1 to 5 in steps of 1 Pickup Level Accuracy.................................................. 10 to 1600 in steps of 1A Dropout Level .03 of EVRC2A-N6........... 96 to 98% of Pickup Curve Type „ ANSI : Moderately.........NT) Pickup Level Accuracy............. Protection Elements Phase/Ground/Negative Sequence Time Overcurrent Protection Pickup Level....................01 Time adder.............. Definite Time (1s ...entecene.................................RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6... OFF...... U3..00 to 10......................................... Very..................00 to 10.. ± 5% of trip time or ± 20㎳ Phase/Ground/Negative Sequence Instantaneous Overcurrent Protection Pickup Level............................... Extremely......... 0...................................00 to 10....... 10 to 20000 in steps of 1A Dropout Level .............................................. at 0㎳ time delay (50㎳ max) 5% of trip time or ± 20㎳ ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 11 ......10s) „ IEC : Standard..................... at 0㎳ time delay (50㎳ max) 5% of trip time or ± 20㎳ Phase/Ground/Negative Sequence High Current Lockout Protection Pickup Level..............00 in steps of 0...............01s Minimum Response time ............. OFF......... U4 „ McGraw-Edison : Non Standard Curves 37 Time dial .............05 to 15..................... 0.....NT http://www......... Very................................ 0..................... 10 to 20000 in steps of 1A Dropout Level ........................ Extremely.......................................................................... OFF............. Long Very Inverse „ User programmable curves : U1...................... Instantaneous/Linear Low Set Definite Time ...... 0...................01s Active Trip ........................................................................ 5% Timing Accuracy ......................... 95 to 98% of Pickup Time Delay ............................................. Very....... Long................................. 5% Timing Accuracy ...........kr 2.......... Short Inverse...01s Active Trip .. 5% Timing Accuracy ..............................................................01s Reset Type ..... U2..00 in steps of 0.................... 1 to 5 in steps of 1 Pickup Level Accuracy.........00 in steps of 0....00 in steps of 0..............................co.......... 0............ Short Inverse „ ESB : Normally... Normally....00 in steps of 0.................................... .................10 to 600...... at 0㎳ time delay (50㎳ max) 5% of trip time or ± 20㎳ NOTE As per the user’s request.. 0...........00 in steps of 0..................................................kr Sensitive Earth Definite Time Overcurrent Protection Pickup Level*NOTE ........01(from Ver 6..01 Reclose interval 4 .. the “Pickup Level” setting range of the protection element is “OFF............. 0 to 5 in steps of 1 Operations of Fast curve ...... 5% Timing Accuracy ....01 Reset time from lockout ...... 4 to 160 in steps of 1A(prior to Ver 6.......Negative Seq’ trip .. 1 to 5 in steps of 1 Operations to Lockout ..............................50 to 600.....................00 to 600.......00 in steps of 0....1A”.............................00 to 600....... To check whether the product is dispatched with ZCT installed.. 1 to 5 in steps of 1 Operations of Fast curve .NT http://www..........OFF.00 in steps of 0.......15) OFF............... 0...........00 to 600..01 Timing Accuracy ..00 in steps of 0..01 Reset time for Auto Reclose Cycle............ground trip ..............01(prior to Ver 6................ 95 to 98% of Pickup Time Delay ................. 1......phase trip .....00 in steps of 0.......ground trip ........... ± 5% 12 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY ......00 in steps of 0.......... check “MAIN MENU/ STATUS/ CONTROL TYPE” menu........... 1.Negative Seq’ trip ............................... 1........................SEF trip .............. 1 to 5 in steps of 1 Operations to Lockout ..... 1 to 160 in steps of 1A(from Ver 6...........................................00 to 600.........phase trip... 0 to 5 in steps of 1 Reclose interval 1 ................................................................... 1.. 0................... 0 to 5 in steps of 1 Operations of Fast curve ......... 1.................00 to 600....01s Pickup Level Accuracy .................entecene...............RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6...............15) Dropout Level .......01 Reclose interval 3 ......1 to 16....0 in steps of 0...........00 to 600....... for the products that are dispatched with ZCT installed...............................11) Reclose interval 2 .........co....00 in steps of 0.............11) 0.......... 1 to 5 in steps of 1 Operations to Lockout ..........00 in steps of 0............. Reclose Control Operations to Lockout ...... ..........5cycle ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 13 ........................... 10 to 20000 in steps of 1A Reset Level .................. 1.... ± 2° Internal Operation Delay .......... 0 to 359° in steps of 1° Minimum Polarizing Voltage ................................................................... 1 to 720 in steps of 1min Pickup Level Accuracy............................. 10 to 20000 in steps of 1A Ground Pickup Level ..........................4 to 200...............entecene...................... Phase Directional Control Polarizing Voltage ............01 x VT Angle Accuracy ...................................NT http://www....1A”...01s Cold Load Pickup Multiplier.......................................00 to 600............25 in steps of 0...... 52A(Close) or Load Current Phase Pickup Level ......................co............... check “MAIN MENU/ STATUS/ CONTROL TYPE” menu..kr Cold Load Pickup Blocking Cold Load Pickup Trigger .......................01s Restore Minimum Time ......................... the “SEF Pickup Level” setting range of the protection element is “0........ 0....0 in steps of 0.......00 in steps of 0......25 in steps of 0...................... 0 to 359° in steps of 1° Minimum Polarizing Voltage ..................................... 10 to 20000 in steps of 1A SEF Pickup Level*NOTE ...................................00 to 1........................................................ 1................................................................. ± 2° Internal Operation Delay ...........0 to 5........ 0............................................... Zero Sequence Voltage Vo For voltage element polarizing the source VTs must be connected in Wye Maximum Torque Angle ...... To check whether the product is dispatched with ZCT installed........................................................................... OFF............... 95 to 98% of Nominal Pickup Outage Time ..00 in steps of 0.. 0..........................5cycle Ground/Sensitive Earth Directional Control Polarizing Voltage ..00 to 1...................................... 0....................00 in steps of 0............................ at 0㎳ time delay (50㎳ max) 5% of trip time or ± 20㎳ NOTE As per the user’s request..... 4 to 2000 in steps of 1A Negative Seq’ Pickup Level ............ 1....... Positive Sequence Voltage V1 Maximum Torque Angle .....01 x VT Angle Accuracy ...........0 in steps of 0................................. for the products that are dispatched with ZCT installed..... 0.......................................... 5% Timing Accuracy ........................01s Reset Time ........1 Cold Load Pickup Time Duration .........00 to 600...RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6..........00 to 600... ..........01 x VT Minimum Voltage .......................... Any One/Any Two/All Three Timing Accuracy ..................................................00 to 1...............25 in steps of 0...................01s(definite time) Normal frequency CLOSE function ......00 to 600.................................... 0.00 to 1...00 in steps of 0. ± 2° Internal Operation Delay ....01 x VT Angle Accuracy ....................... 1........00 in steps of 0..............................entecene.................. 2cycle 14 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY ...... 0 to 359° in steps of 1° Minimum Polarizing Voltage ..................... Negative Sequence Voltage V2 Maximum Torque Angle................... 0........00 to 70.................................. at VT ± 0...........................25 in steps of 0..... at VD ± 0.. 0........................... 0............... ± 20㎳ Under/Over frequency Minimum Voltage ...............00 to 1.........................01s Active Phases .................. OFF/ON Normal frequency CLOSE time delay ......................................00 to 60..........05㎐ Under/Over frequency Time Delay ... 102 to 105% of Pickup Time Delay ................................................25 in steps of 0...RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6........................... 50.................................................. 40..................................................0 to 6000......co......................................................01 x VT in Phase A Minimum Current ......................................... Any One/Any Two/All Three Timing Accuracy .............................01 x VT Dropout Level ......................... 0......25 in steps of 0....................... 0................................00 in steps of 0........................... ± 20㎳ Overvoltage 1/2 Protection Pickup Level ...........05㎐ Timing Accuracy ......... 0...01 x VT Dropout Level .....00 in steps of 0.....................00 to 1...00 in steps of 0.. at VT Pickup ±0................... 0.....................................................................02㎐ at VD Pickup ±0.NT http://www...01㎐ Over frequency Pickup Level .........................................1sec Level Accuracy .... 10 to 1600 in steps of 1A in Phase A Under frequency Pickup Level ......01㎐ Dropout Level ....kr Negative Directional Control Polarizing Voltage ......0 in steps of 0..25 in steps of 0............... 95 to 98% of Pickup Time Delay ...........5cycle Undervoltage 1/2 Protection Pickup Level ................................................. 0...............................00 to 600.......01s Active Phases .................................................00 to 600.............00 to 1............02㎐................ ......................10 to 100............................................RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6........co......................01s Time Accuracy ... 102 to 105% of Pickup Time Delay ..entecene...........................NT http://www........................................ 0............ ± 20㎳ ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 15 ........... 0.................01 x VT Dropout Level ..........00 to 1....Option Pickup Level...00 in steps of 0........kr Loss of Phase ....................25 in steps of 0.. ........................0 % in steps of 0.01 Synchro-check Phase........ 10 to 1600 in steps of 1A Ground Pickup Level...... 5............................. 0..................................entecene.................................RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6....25 in steps of 0.... OFF................... 38㎸ Rate Interrupt(㎸) ............. 0............... 0....... S(CB)..... Monitoring Demand Measured Values...........................1 Set Phase B Wear.. 10 to 1600 in steps of 1A Negative Seq’ Pickup Level .......................... Phase Pickup Level ............................... 1 to 7 in steps of 1day 16 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY ................................................5................. 0.... 1 to 999 in steps of 1 Set Phase A Wear ..................................... 20........0 % in steps of 0.............................01 x VT Live Voltage Maximum . OFF....kr 2............................. R(AB).0 to 100.......... 15............1 Number of Maximum Interruption ............. 0 to 100° in steps of 1° Maximum Frequency Difference ...............0 % in steps of 0........0 to 100.....NT http://www................ 30 or 60 min...... T of Load side Trip Counters Number of Pickup Limit....................................................0㎸ in steps of 0....................00 to 5............ 0 to 100% in steps of 0.............01 x VT Maximum Voltage Difference ..........01 x VT Maximum Angle Difference .... 15㎸................................25 in steps of 0..........1 Battery Test Period for automatically check a battery ..... 1 to 20000 in steps of 1 Trip Counter Set ......... OFF..................00 to 1............ 0...0 to 100..... Phase A/B/C/G Current(A) Phase A/B/C/G 3Φ Real Power(MW) Phase A/B/C/G 3Φ Reactive Power(Mvar) Measurement Type .....1 Rate System ........................................................... 10.......................................................... Thermal Exponential/Rolling Demand Time Constant ..................0 to 50.......00 to 1.. 0....00㎐ in steps of 0................. 0 to 10000 in steps of 1 Recloser Wear Pickup Wear............ ± 5% Synchronism Check Dead Voltage Maximum ... OFF..............................................................................00 to 1............co...... 27㎸...... 10 to 1600 in steps of 1A Level Accuracy ...... 5.1 Set Phase C Wear............................................ 0..........................25 in steps of 0..................... ...Option Pickup Low Level ...............1ohms Real impedance of the feeder zero seq... LOCAL.05 to 1.............0 of 0............4...0 of 0..... DISABLE.......1 to 99. DISABLE....RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6................. 0............ ...................................NT.30 to 0. ENABLE Detect Level of Voltage Unbalance .............1 to 6000........ DISABLE................... ............ 0....01 x VT Detect Time of Voltage Sag....... ENABLE Detect Level of Current Unbalance ...1bar External Trip & Lock ....... .....1km Real impedance of the feeder positive seq.. 0...... .............kr Fault Locator Total Length of Feeder .......12 of EVRC2A-N6.. ± 5% NOTE : The setting for voltage/current unbalance is supported from version 6........ .............Option Use Input Port ...............01 x VT Detect Time of Voltage Swell.........6... LOCAL&REMOTE ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 17 ................. .. DISABLE..................... 1 to 60 in steps of 1cycle Detect Function of Voltage Swell. 1...... 0..0 in steps of 0....... .9 of 0.... 0............1 to 60.1 to 60...0 of 0... ENABLE Supply Outage Duration ....Option Detect Function of Supply Outage........1ohms Imaginary impedance of the feeder positive seq.........1 to 6000.......1 to 6000...... 0.................1 to 6000....................... 1 to 3600 in steps of 1s Detect Function of Voltage Sag...............7 or 8 Reset Method .. 0............95 in steps of 0.... 0.................. ..... 0......................25 in steps of 0... DISABLE.........2............... ENABLE Detect Level of Voltage Swell..entecene...................... .......3.............................. Opto Input 1.................... Gas Low Lock .........1s Detect Function of Current Unbalance.................... ....................NT http://www........1s Limit Current to Detect Current Unbalance ...............1ohms Power Quality ....................... 1 to 60 in steps of 1cycle Detect Function of Voltage Unbalance.................... 1 to 100 in steps of 1% Detect Time of Current Unbalance......co. 1 to 630 in steps of 1A Level Accuracy. ...1ohms Imaginary impedance of the feeder zero seq ....... ENABLE Detect Level of Voltage Sag..........5.........0 in steps of 0...........0 of 0................. 1 to 100 in steps of 1% Detect Time of Voltage Unbalance ........................... RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6....01s Timing Accuracy ..... 0........... ± 20㎳ 18 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .....kr Live Load Blocking .................Option Blocking Pickup Voltage .............10 to 0.................................... 95 to 98% of Pickup Time Delay ..............90 in steps of 0............................................00 in steps of 0....entecene..............................00 to 600........co........... 0........01 x VT in Load side Dropout Level ........NT http://www............... y Trigger Time : each 1/4 cycle y Trigger type : Pick up and Dropout y Storage Capacity : Last 2048 Events ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 19 . 4 voltages. Recorder WAVEFORM CAPTURE y Trigger Source „ Protection pickup Elements „ Trip command active y Data Channels „ 5 currents. V2(Load) „ Power Quality detect.6. 8ch output relays.co.kr 2.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. 85 logic input states. 8ch Input y Sample Rate : 16 per cycle y Trigger Position : 1 to 15cycle y Storage capacity : 32 events with 15cycle SYSTEM EVENT RECORDER y Trigger Source „ Protection Elements „ 52A Contact „ Sequence status „ Front panel control „ AC supply „ External control „ Fail operation „ External input status „ System alarm „ V1(Source). etc.entecene.NT http://www. 15.G. B. NOTE : According to a recloser type. +5V) „ A/D Conversion(A/D Fail. C. 213days/60min. 30. etc.co. B. G) „ Demand Real Power(A. FAULT TRIP EVENT RECORDER . SEF phase and Negative Sequence „ Current[A] each phase when fault occurs y Trigger Time : each 1/4 cycle y Trigger type : fault occurrence y Storage Capacity : Last 512 Events 20 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .Option y Trigger Source „ Trigger elements : A. y Trigger Time : each 1/4 cycle y Trigger type : Pick up and Dropout y Storage Capacity : Last 512 Events LOAD PROFILE y Trigger Source „ Demand Current(A. there may be no diagnosis of gas pressure status. Battery.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Reference Voltage 2) „ Sleep Mode „ Power Down Mode(Charge Volt High Alarm) „ Setting Change „ Gas Status „ Alarm Status.NT http://www.B. 3ф) „ Demand Power Factor(3ф) „ Demand Energy( 3ф) „ Trigger Time : 5.entecene. C. ±12V. B. Reference Voltage1.kr DIAGNOSTIC EVENT RECORDER y Trigger Source „ System Power(AC. C. 60minute y Storage Capacity : Total 5120 Events.C. 10. 3ф) „ Demand Reactive Power(A. 20. Option y Sag Counter : 0 to 60.co.kr POWER QUALITY EVENT RECORDER .000 .Option y Current Unbalance Counter : 0 to 60.0 to 100.12 of EVRC2A-N6.entecene.0 to 100. current unbalance occurrence NOTE : The detection of voltage/current unbalance is supported from version 6.0% ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 21 .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.000 .000 . y Storage Capacity : Last 512 Events COUNTER y Trip Counter : 0 to 65.534 y Supply Outage Counter : 0 to 60.NT.999 hours .0% y Phase B Wear : 0.0% y Phase C Wear : 0.534 y Fault Counter : 0 to 65.Option y Voltage Unbalance(Load Side) Counter : 0 to 60.000 – Option y Voltage Unbalance(Source Side) Counter : 0 to 60. Load y Trigger Time : each 1/4 cycle y Trigger type : supply outage occurrence.Option y Trigger Source „ Trigger elements : Source.NT http://www.Option y Supply Outage Time : 0 to 9.Option y Swell Counter : 0 to 60. swell occurrence. voltage unbalance occurrence.0 to 100.000 .000 . sag occurrence.534 y System Restart Counter : 0 to 65.Option RECLOSER WEAR y Phase A Wear : 0. 0.kr 2. Communications Table 2-2. the Port3 type of EVRC2A-N6. and EVRC2A Interface software NOTE : The Port3 type of EVRC2A-N is a fixed RS485 port.Option DNP 3. 10BASE-T/100BASE-T Side panel Port4 – Option DNP 3. No Parity. 1 Stop bit EVRC2A Interface software RS232. 1200-19200bps. However.NT http://www. 57600bps. In order to use RS485 port for EVRC2A-N6. Modbus or IEC60870-5-104 Protocol.0. 1 Side panel Port3 – Option Stop bit DNP 3. the Pin4 and Pin5 of RS485 should be connected.NT. 8 Data Bits.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. 22 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . Modbus or IEC60870-5-101 Protocol and EVRC2A Interface software RJ-45. 8 Data bits. 8 Data bits.NT can be selected as RS485 or RS232 by a user. 1200-19200bps. Modbus or IEC60870-5-101 Protocol and EVRC2A Interface software RS485 or RS232*.0.7. Communications Front Panel Port1 RS232. 1 Stop bit Side panel Port2 . No Parity.entecene. No Parity.co. NT http://www.co.kr 3. y Directly control the recloser y Verify control status y View system status y View metering value y View information stored in the EVRC2A unit y View and change the EVRC2A settings Figure 3-1. USER INTERFACE PANEL This section describes the User Interface Panel (front-panel) The User interface Panel control is used for.entecene. User Interface Panel ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 23 .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. POSITION LED Indicates the position of the Recloser. Units operating with firmware version 2.00 seconds after pressing the close push-button before closing the recloser.00 to 600.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.NT http://www. Operation Section 24 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . y Operation section y Local control section y Fault indication section y Voltage elements section y Sequence status section y System diagnostic section y Battery test section y Menu control section 3. CLOSE Pressing CLOSE push-button sends a close signal to the Recloser. Position indicator is based on the Recloser 52a contacts.1.1. Figure 3-2. Construction Panel consists of 8 sections as below.co.1. Operation Section OPEN Pressing OPEN push-button sends a trip signal to the Recloser.18 or later have a feature of Close Time Delay.kr 3.entecene. The Close Time Delay allows a delay of 0. PROTECTION ENABLED All Protection elements are enabled GROUND ENABLED Ground Protection elements are enabled SEF ENABLED SEF Protection elements are disabled RECLOSE ENABLED Reclose function is enabled CONTROL LOCKED Front panel function is unlocked REMOTE ENABLED Remote control is enabled ALTERNATE SETTINGS Alternate setting is disabled Figure 3-3. Local Control Section All indicators show status of Control function.co.NT http://www. Local Control Section Primary Setting is enabled PROGRAM 1 Program 1 function is disabled PROGRAM 2 Program 2 function is disabled HOT LINE TAG Hot Line Tag function is disabled ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 25 . The indicators are continuously ON when the control function is enabled and the indicators are continuously OFF when control function is DISABLE.2. The push-button toggles Enable/Disable.entecene.kr 3.1.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. co.0.g. SEF Enabled When SEF Enable LED is on. The front panel LED will illuminate on each source of all protection enabling. These can be unlocked by pressing the Control Locked push-button on the front panel. Reclose Enabled When Reclose Enable LED is on. The protection enabled condition can be disabled by pressing the Protection Enabled push button on the front panel. Battery Load Test and menu control section can be normally operated. the ground over-current elements are enabled.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. This can be disabled by pressing the Remote Enabled push-button on the front panel. SCADA control refers to supported communications protocol such as DNP3. all remote control functions (e. NOTE : Even though Control Locked function is locked. OPEN. The enabled Ground can be disabled by pressing the Ground Enabled push-button on the front panel. Control Locked When Control Locked LED is on. The enabled SEF can be disabled by pressing the SEF Enabled push-button on the front panel. the primary setting is activated. Remote Enabled When Remote Enabled LED is on. ground protection elements and SEF element are operated individually.entecene. 26 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . When Alternate Enabled LED is off. NOTE : Although all protection elements are enabled.kr Protection Enabled When illuminated. SCADA system) are enabled. Lamp Test. Alternate Enabled When Alternate Enabled LED is on.NT http://www. The enabled reclose element can be disabled by pressing the Recloser Enabled push-button on the front panel. the Alternate setting is activated. all functions in operation section and all functions in Local control section are locked. the Sensitive Earth Fault(SEF) element is enabled. the reclose(79) element is enabled. Ground Enabled When Ground Enable LED is ON. all protection elements are enabled. kr Program 1 A function installed in Program1 is operated when Program1 LED is On.co. Hot Line Tag When Hot Line Tag LED is on. y Phase Instantaneous over-current Elements y Phase Time over-current Elements y Phase Definite Time High Current Lockout Element y Ground Instantaneous over-current Elements y Ground Time over-current Elements y Ground Definite Time High Current Lockout Element y Sensitive Ground Time Over-current Elements y Negative Instantaneous over-current Elements y Negative Time over-current Elements y Negative Definite Time High Current Lockout Element y Phase. Manufacturer sets a function in Program2. 3. Fault Indication Section ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 27 .entecene. Depending on user’s request. Fault Indication Section Indicates current on the phase or neutral lines is above the minimum pickup setting as programmed in any of the EVRC2A over-current elements. Depending on user’s request. Manufacturer sets a function in Program1.NT http://www. Ground. the Hot Line Tag function is enabled. Program 2 A function installed in Program2 is operated when Program2 LED is On. Neutral. and Negative Sequence Directional Control Figure 3-4. Sensitive Ground.3.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.1. C : Indicates an over-current fault has occurred on one of the phase lines y G : Indicates an over-current fault has occurred on the neutral line y SEF : Indicates a sensitive earth fault has occurred on the neutral line y FI RESET : Reset fault indication/Lamp test 3. y Two Under voltage Elements y Two Over voltage Elements y Synchronism Element y Under/Over frequency Element 27 : Under voltage pickup 59 : Over voltage pickup 25 : Synchronism check pickup 81 : Under/Over frequency pickup Figure 3-5. Voltage Elements Section Indicates that voltage pickup element is operated. Voltage Elements Section 28 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .co.entecene.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. B.4.NT http://www.kr TRIP TYPE y INST : Shows high current trip (50-1) y DELAY : Shows delay trip(51) y HIGH CURR’ : Shows high current lockout(50-2) FAULT INDICATION y A.1. Control run indicates (green) the EVRC2A has successfully passed its internal diagnostic test. RESET : Sequence shows resetting CYCLE : Sequence shows running LOCKOUT : Sequence shows lockout Figure 3-6. Sequence Status Section 3.6. System Diagnostic Section Indicates Diagnostic status of the EVRC2A. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 29 .1. CONTROL RUN Status of EVRC2A systems shows normal SELF CHECK Status of EVRC2A systems shows warning Figure 3-7.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Self Check (Red) indicates the EVRC2A has failed in its internal diagnostic test. System Diagnostic Section NOTE : Control Run LED is blinking when system functional status is normal.NT http://www.entecene.5.1. Sequence Status Section Indicates the current status of programmed sequence procedure.co.kr 3. entecene.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Charge indicates the EVRC2A is charging Battery.50 STATUS : B-OK C-OK Push-button for battery load test. LCD displays during Battery Load Testing.B-OK : When the battery voltage is between 21V ~ 28V .B-DF : When the battery voltage is between 15V ~ 21V . Battery Test Section Indicates the system power status of the EVRC2A.B-HI : When the battery voltage is over 28V . BATTERY LOAD TEST [BATTERY TEST MODE] LOAD(V) : 25. CHARGE Figure 3-8. CHARGE[V] : Display the voltage of charge circuit. Battery is disconnected from the Figure 3-9.co.1.C-OK : When the charge circuit is between 25V ~29V . .C-LO : When the charge circuit is below 25V NOTE : All information above is provided by remote mode. STATUS : Display Battery status and charge circuit status. 30 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .C-HI : When the charge circuit is over 29V . AC supply indicates the EVRC2A has external power source.B-LO : When the battery voltage is below 15V . Discharge indicates the EVRC2A has failed in battery load testing. Battery Test Section Status of charging the battery. DISCHARGE Status of discharged battery. LOAD(V) : On Test. Battery Test Mode charge circuit and connect the battery with load resistor and check the battery. AC SUPPLY Status of supplying the external AC power.7.NT http://www. Load resistor shall be connected with AC supply.kr 3.00 CHARGE(V): 26. operable in menu starting mode [▼] (AWAKE) : Down arrow key is used for panel awake from sleep mode [◀] (EVENT) : Left arrow key is used to move to the event menu.kr 3.1. Menu Control Section ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 31 .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.NT http://www. LCD DISPLAY 4x20 Characters display CONTROL KEYS [▲] [▼] [◀] [▶] Arrow keys are used for moving through the menu window and the changing of the setting value [▲] (METER) : Up arrow key is used to move to the meter menu. operable in menu starting mode [FUN] : To move to main menu when present mode is in starting mode [ESC] : To cancel for data input mode or return the display to the previous level [ENT] : To select sub menu or data input Figure 3-10.8. operable in menu starting mode [▶] (SET) : Right arrow key is used to move to the setting menu.co.entecene. Menu Control Section The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) of the EVRC2A displays four lines of twenty characters each. [ENT] Key ENT key is used to select a menu by using Up and Down arrow key. [ESC] Key The ESC key can be used to cancel data input mode and return to the previous menu.kr [FUN] Key Press [FUN] key to enter Main menu for displaying information or changing settings.co. 32 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .NT http://www. Enter key is also used to accept a new setting by using Up or down arrow key.entecene.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. [▲] [▼] Key Use Up and Down arrow keys to move through the various menus and to decrease or increase value in the data input mode. [◀] [▶] Key Use the left and right arrow keys to move cursor in the data input mode and change display message. PORT1 PORT1 is the port to communicate whit an Interface Software. [FUN] key is also used to display a help message in setting change mode and to cancel the help message display. Communication frame between EVRC2A and a master can be monitored and saved by using “DNP Frame Monitor” menu of the Interface Software. co. y Primary : Select BANK to be applied to System. if you press [▲] key.2. Figure 3-11. Press [Alternate Enabled] button and make the lamp on. y When cursor is in top menu. 3. Select Setbank Consists of Primary.NT http://www.1. Alternate.2.2. you go to the bottom menu due to Rotation Menu Algorithm. EVRC2A Main Menu consists of 8 sub-menus.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Alternate setting Menu is applied to the system. LCD Display y 20 x 4 Character Display(LCD or VFD : Vacuum Fluorescent Display) y All menus are arranged in rotation algorithm. EditBank Setting is used for setting value. Main Menu Tree 3. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 33 . BANK in Primary Setting Menu is applied to System.2. y Displays Context Help Message. y Edit : Select a BANK to edit.entecene.kr 3. Main Menu Summary EVRC2A has 6 Setting Menu BANKs which can be changed individually. BANK in Alternate Setting/EditBank Setting Menu is not applied to System. y Alternate : Press [Alternate Enable] button and select a BANK to apply in the system. Edit. For more details.kr 3.6. Alternate Setting The same as “PRIMARY SETTING” 3. PROTECTION Set items related to protection elements. RELAY OUTPUTS : Shows status of Output port. 3.NT http://www. Primary Setting RELAY SETUP Consists of PASSCODE. SAVE SETTINGS Save all changed values. PANEL SLEEP TIME.2. METERING) 34 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . FACTORY DEBUG. OUTPUT RELAY SET.2. CONTROL TYPE : Shows specs of Hardware. 3.entecene.5.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.4. SYSTEM SETUP Consists of CURRENT SENSING. Status OPTO INPUTS : Shows status of External port.7. CLEAR SAVED DATA. LINE (VS. SYSTEM POWER.2. refer to (see 10. Metering It shows metering values.co.3. COMMUNICATION. Editbank Setting The same as “PRIMARY SETTING” 3. MONITORING Set items related to measurement and maintenance. CLOCK : Shows the present time. LOOP CONTROL(option) and SET GROUP CHANGE(option).2. OPTO INPUT SET. EVENT RECORDER.2. CLOCK. GAS SENSOR TYPE and TIME SET&DIS TYPE. VL) SENSING. RELAY OUTPUT TEST : Tests External Output port. EVENT RECORDER). sag and unbalance – Option. refer to (see 12.2. WEAR MONITOR : Shows any damage Interrupter. Maintenance COUNTERS : Shows counters related with SYSTEM.entecene. POWER QUALITY : Shows counters and time related with supply outage and counters related with swell.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. For more details.kr 3.co. Event Recorder It shows about Event recorder items. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 35 . For more details.NT http://www. refer to (see 11.2.8. MAINTENANCE) 3.9. COUNTERS 2.Fault Cycle 2.HARMONICS EVRC2A .entecene.SELECT SETBANK 2.GROUND DIRECTION 3.FREQUENCY 4.05 [METERING] >1.CLEAR SAVED DATA 6.FAULT CYCLE 2.POWER QUALITY Figure 3-12.H/C LOCKOUT-PHA 15.PHASE DELAY 6.SYSTEM SETUP 3.0 Lag [GROUND CURRENT] 0 A 0.Max Demand 6.TRIP COUNTER 4.INTERVALS 3.GROUND FAST 7.DIALUP MODEM-2 5.LOSS OF PHASE [MONITORING] >1.Daignostic 5.Load Profile 4.METERING 7.L-VOLTAGE 10.USER CURVE SET 23.H/C TRIP-PHA 12.GAS LOW LOCK 8.WEAR MONITOR 3.0 Lag [NEG SEQ CURRENT] 0 A 0.BATTERY TEST 6.PRIMARY SETTING 3.CONTROL TYPE A CURRENT] A 0.COMMUNICATION 3.PROTECTION 4.USER 3.LIVE LOAD BLOCK [EVENT RECORDER] >1.SYNCHRO VOLTAGE 5.0 Lag [POS SEQ CURRENT] 0 A 0.SAVE SETTING [SENSTV CURRENT] 0 A 0.NEQ DIRECTION [VOLTAGE] >1.0 Lag RECLOSER CONTROL EVERC2A-N6 LOOP CONTROL ENTEC E&E CO.OUTPUT RELAY SET 8.LOOP CONTROL 9.PROTOCOL SETUP 2.RELAY SETUP 2.RELAY OUTPUTS 3. Menu Structure Tree 36 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY [COMMUNICATION] >1.EDITBANK SETTING 5.LINE VL SENSING 4.POWER 6.Fault Trip 10.DEMAND 8.RECLOSER WEAR 5.H/C LOCKOUT-GND 16.OVER VOLTAGE 1 4.0 Lag PRIMARY ALTERNATE EDITBANK [SETTING] >1.SEF DIRECTION 4.UNBALANCE 11.FAULT LOCATOR 7.UNDER VOLTAGE 1 2.OTHER ELEMENT 22.DIRECTION 19.FREQUENCY 21.OPTO INPUTS 2.OPTO INPUT SET 7.PANEL SLEEP TIME 6.FACTORY DEBUG 7.USER 2.PICKUP CURRENT 4.EVENT RECORDER 5.kr [LINE CURRENT(A)] A: 0 B: 0 C: 0 G: 0 SG: 0 I2: 0 [ZERO SEQ CURRENT] 0 A 0.ALL Saved data [DIRECTION ELEMENT] >1.CURRENT 2.NEG SEQ FAST 10.PHASE DIRECTION 2.CURRENT (A) A: 0 B: 0 C: 0 G: 0 SG: 0 I2: 0 EVR2A-SYSTEM STATUS CONTROL : NOPANEL BREAKER : OPEN BAT:24.CLOCK 4.EXT TRIP&LOCK 9.VOLTAGE 20.NEG SEQ DELAY 11.LINE VS SENSING 3.SYSTEM STATUS 3.GROUND DELAY 8.Energy 7.CLOCK 4.TIME SET&DIS TYPE [SYSTEM SETUP] >1.H/C TRIP-NEQ 14.Comm 13.POWER QUALITY [PROTECTION] >1.SYSTEM POWER 5.PORT SETUP 3.SEF ELEMENT 9.co.PHASE FAST 5.P-Quality Count 11.CLOD LOAD PICKUP 18.ENERGY 7.Wear Monitor 9.USER CURVE CURVE CURVE CURVE CURVE SET] 1 2 3 4 .UNDER VOLTAGE 2 3.System Status 3. V6.S-VOLTAGE 3.MAINTENANCE 8.OPERATION 2.USER 4.SYNCHROCHECK 3.DEMAND 2.ALTERNATE SETTING 4.GAS SENSOR TYPE 8.DIALUP MODEM-1 4.H/C TRIP-GND 13.00 GAS:NOGAS [MAIN MENU] >1.MONITORRING 5.0 Lag B CURRENT] A 0.OVER VOLTAGE 2 [USER >1.PASSCODE 2.0 Lag [PHASE C CURRENT] 0 A 0.EVENT RECORDER [MAINTENANCE] >1.0 Lag [PHASE 0 [PHASE 0 [STATUS] >1.DIAGNOSTIC 5.SET GROUP CHANGE 10.NT http://www.P-Quality Event Event 12.H/C LOCKOUT-NEQ 17.EVENT&ETC [CLEAR SAVED DATA] >1.OUTPUT RELAY TEST 4.Counter 8.CURRENT SENSING 2.LOAD PROFILE 4.SYSTEM 9.POWER QUALITY [RELAY SETUP] >1.STATUS 6.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.FAULT TRIP 6. 49 GAS: NOGAS Starting mode Message Display.SELECT SETBANK >2. 3. As above explanation. Only 4 lines are displayed on LCD Screen.EVENT RECORDER Main Menu consists of 8 sub-menus. You can choose any sub-menu by using [▲] [▼] key. Press [ENT] key to select the sub-menu. press [FUN] key. use [▲] [▼] key to see next lines. INITING LOGO EVRC2A-SYSTEM STATUS CONTROL : NORMAL BREAKER : CLOSE BAT:27. you can move and select sub-menu. STATUS / OPTO INPUTS [OPTO INPUTS] >Input 1: OPEN >Input 2: CLOSE >Input 3: OPEN >Input 4: OPEN >Input 5: OPEN >Input 6: OPEN >Input 7: OPEN >Input 8: CLOSE >Door st: CLOSE OPEN : Shows External Input is de-asserted.1.MAINTENANCE >8.co. you go to the bottom menu due to Rotation Menu Algorithm. MAIN MENU [MAIN MENU] >1. Using the LCD Menu Starting mode Screen appears after powering on Control and initializing System. When cursor is in top menu.ALTERNATE SETTING >4.STATUS >6.3. Use [▲] [▼] key to select submenu.EDITBANK SETTING >5. Move to “MAIN MENU / STATUS / OPTO INPUTS”.NT http://www. View Example To see External input port status.entecene. to see Main Menu. Control : Control Status displays Breaker : Breaker Status displays Battery : Battery Voltage displays Gas : Gas Status displays On Starting mode screen.METERING >7.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. if you press [▲] key.3. CLOSE : Shows External Input is asserted. The following screen is displayed.kr 3. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 37 .PRIMARY SETTING >3. to move to Phase.E.phase (OFF. Help Message Pick up current .3.entecene.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. 1) Move to “PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / PICKUP CURRENT / PHASE”. 10 ~ 1600 Default 500 Step 1A Set the pickup current of Phase Fast/Delay Time Overcurrent Elements. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / PICKUP CURRENT / PHASE [PICKUP CURRENT A] >Phase: 500 Ground: 250 S. NOTE: You must save all changed values at Setting Save menu. Press [ENT] key and then you can see the changed Phase value.ph >Phase: 500 Ground: 250 S.3.2.10~1600A) ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . Help Function Help function displays the detail requirements for the setting.kr 3. 3.3. User can check the detail requirements of a setting after selecting the setting item by pressing [FUN] key.E.co. A following screen is displayed.F: OFF Range OFF. Setting Example Step to change Phase Pickup current of protection elements in Primary setting. 3) Use [▲] [▼] keys and [◀] [▶] keys to change a new value. 2) As above screen.NT http://www. use [▲] [▼] key and press [ENT] key to move into value column.F: OFF 38 Help Message : Pickup current . NOTE : The changed setting can be effective after it is saved. steps are as follows.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.kr 3.4.30.entecene. However. otherwise screen ① (Left) appears again. the changed setting is applied after rebooting. the setting keeps previous value. PRIMARY. SAVE SETTING If the “save” procedure is canceled. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING / SAVE SETTINGS ① 1) Type Passcode and press [ENT] key ENTER PASSCODE 0000 2) If Passcode is correct. Setting Save To save all changed values. Move to “PRIMARY. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING / SAVE SETTINGS” and follow each step as below. by EVRC2A version 5. if a setting related with communication is changed and then saved.NT http://www. screen ②(Left) appears. press [ENT] key to save changed value. ② SETTING VALUE SAVE <ENT>:SETTING SAVE ③ 3) If screen ② appears.3.co. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 39 . SELECT SETBANK / PRIMARY [SELECT SETBANK] >Primary: BANK1 >Alternate: BANK2 >Edit: BANK3 Range BANK1 ~ 6 Default BANK1 Step ~ Step ~ Step ~ Set Primary for BANK1.entecene.40 and 4 more banks added since version 4. SELECT SETBANK / EDIT [SELECT SETBANK] >Primary: BANK1 >Alternate: BANK2 >Edit: BANK3 Range BANK1 ~ 6 Default BANK3 Set Edit for BANK3.co. 40 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.NT http://www. SELECT SETBANK There were only Primary and Alternative banks before version 4.kr 4. EVRC2A has 6 setting banks and the user can have 6 different sets depending on Distribution circumstance.40. SELECT SETBANK / ALTERNATE [SELECT SETBANK] >Primary: BANK1 >Alternate: BANK2 >Edit: BANK3 Range BANK1 ~ 6 Default BANK2 Set Alternate for BANK2. However. Sets following items for Relay y Passcode y Communication y Clock y Event Recorder y Clear Saved Data y Factory Debug y Gas Sensor Type y Time SET&DIS Type NOTE : According to a recloser type. and press [ENT] key. ② Enter new PASSCODE. from version 4.NT http://www. it will be applied to all other banks if it is set in a bank. ③ To change and store PASSCODE. and press [ENT] key.41. Passcode PRIMARY.1. new PASSCODE will be displayed. y PASSCODE has 4 digits. regardless of bank. 5.entecene. [ENT] key. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING / RELAY SETUP / PASSCODE ① [PASSCODE CHANGE] ENTER PASSCODE 0000 ② [PASSCODE CHANGE] ENTER NEW PASSCODE 0000 ③ [PASSCODE CHANGE] ENTER NEW PASSCODE 0000 PRESS <ENT> TO SAVE y Press PASSCODE to store changed value. ④ After changing PASSCODE. there may be no “Gas Sensor Type”.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. enter. y Passcode change procedure is as follows. ④ [PASSCODE CHANGE] ENTER NEW PASSCODE 0000 PASSCODE SAVED: 0000 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 41 . ① Enter the old PASSCODE.co.kr 5. RELAY SETUP Relay set shall be set independently for each bank. DNP3. The Port3 type of EVRC2A-N is a fixed RS485 port. the Pin4 and Pin5 of RS485 should be connected.NT http://www. Table 5-1. A user can select the protocol and configure the Port2 for the selected protocol by changing baud rate and/or other settings for the Port2. Overview EVRC2A has four ports for communication.0 or IEC60870-5-101 protocol.2. Communication Ports setting of EVRC2A”.0 or IEC60870-5-101 protocol.entecene. the side panel RS485 port(or RS232 port) and the side panel Ethernet port. The EVRC2A has the front panel RS232 port. Communication port settings are available as follows in “Table 5-1.19200 bps No parity 8 1 User Interface Side Panel 1200 .19200 bps No parity 8 1 User Interface Side Panel PORT3 Type RS-485 or RS-232 PORT4 RJ45 10BASE-T/100BASE-T Location User Interface Side Panel PORT1(RS232) A port to interface with Interface Software. the Port3 type of EVRC2A can be selected as RS485 or RS232 by a user. Communication Ports setting of EVRC2A Port Speed Parity bit Data bit Stop bit PORT1 RS-232 57600 bps No parity 8 1 User Interface Front Panel PORT2 RS-232 1200 . PORT2(RS232) – Option The Port2 is a port for a serial communication for MODBUS. PORT3(RS485 or RS232) – Option The Port3 is a port for a serial communication for MODBUS. DNP3. In order to use RS485 port for EVRC2A. However. 42 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .2. the side panel RS232 port.1.co.kr 5. Communication 5. A user can select the protocol and configure the Port3 for the selected protocol by changing baud rate and/or other settings for the Port3.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Port3 or Port 4. if a setting related with communication is changed and then saved.0 communication through Port2. Please refer to “DNP3.co. During IEC60870-5-104 or DNP3. “MODBUS Protocol Technical Manual” or “IEC60870-5-101/-104 Protocol Technical Manual” for more information about setting for each protocol.0 Protocol Technical Manual”.kr PORT4(RJ-45) – Option The Port4 is a Ethernet port for TCP/IP communication (10 BASE-T /100 BASE-T speed) for Modbus. the changed setting is applied after rebooting. IEC60870-5-104 or DNP3. NOTE: From EVRC2A version 5.30. A user can select the protocol and configure the Port4 for the selected protocol by changing its settings.NT http://www.entecene. a user can connect with the Interface Software “ETIMS(ENTEC Integration Management Software)” and use it.0 Protocol.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 43 . 2. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / Slave Address [DNP3.0 Protocol .0 Protocol.0-1] >Function: ENABLE Use Port: P2-232 Master Addr’: 60000 DISABLE. P3-232.0 Protocol Technical Manual” Move to “PRIMARY.co. refer to “DNP3.entecene.2. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / Function [DNP3.0 Protocol or not. 44 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 1 . COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / Master Address [DNP3. ENABLE Range Default DISABLE Step ~ Select whether to use DNP3. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING / RELAY SETUP / COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2” to select setting for DNP 3. Protocol Setup 5. P3-485. For details.0-1] >Master Addr’: 60000 >Slave Addr’: 1 >D/L Confirm: SOME 0 ~ 65519 Range Default 60000 Step 1 Enter the master station address. DNP 3. port3 or port4. P4-TCP Range Default DNP1 : P2-232 DNP2 : P3-232 Step ~ Select DNP3 communication port.NT http://www. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / Use Port [DNP3.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.0-1] >Master Addr’: 60000 >Slave Addr’: 1 >D/L Confirm: SOME 0 ~ 65519 Range Default DNP1 : 1 DNP2 : 2 Step Enter the slave(EVRC2A) address.Option EVRC2A can be programmed for communication using the DNP] >Function: ENABLE >Use Port: P2-232 >Master Addr’: 60000 P2-232.0 through communication port2.kr 5. YES : Data Link Confirm is used.0-1] >D/L Confirm: SOME >D/L Retries: 2 >D/L Timeout: 55 NO.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / A/L Retries [DNP3.entecene. NO : Data Link Confirm is not used. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 45 .0-1] >D/L Retries: >D/L Timeout: >A/L Retries: 0~ 255 Range 2 55 1 Default 1 Step 1 Select the number of retries that will be issued for a given application link layer. When Data Link Confirm use-setting.co. SOME : Data Link Confirm is used in case of Multi-frame. EVRC2A will send Data Link Frame again. the communication may be failed due to Data Link Reset.NT http://www.0-1] >D/L Confirm: SOME >D/L Retries: 2 >D/L Timeout: 55 0 ~ 255 Range Default 2 Step 1 Enter the number of retries that will be issued for a given data link layer. If the setting is different from Host setting. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / D/L Retries [DNP3. it shall be set as Host setting.kr COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / D/L Confirm [DNP3.0-1] >D/L Confirm: SOME >D/L Retries: 2 >D/L Timeout: 55 1 ~ 255 sec Range Default 55 Step 1 sec Set a waiting time between Data Link Frame transfer till to receive Data Link Confirm(ACK) of Master. If there is no Data Link Confirm receiving and Data Link retry is available. YES. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / D/L Timeout [DNP3. SOME Range Default SOME Step ~ Choose whether Data Link Confirm is used or not. ENABLE Default ENABLE Step ~ Select the unsolicited mode.10 Range 0. Enable : Unsolicited response is transmitted.05 0.00 sec Default 0. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / Tx Delay [DNP3. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / Multi Inter [DNP3.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.10 Step 0.entecene.00(OFF). in case that Confirm is requested during Data transfer from Slave Application to Master Application.01 sec Delay time of sending Real data after RTS Signal is on. 0.0-1] A/L Retries: A/L Timeout: >SBO Time: Range 1 55 15 1 ~ 255 sec Default 15 sec Step 1 sec Set a time interval between Select Function and Operate Function.07 of EVRC2A_NT.0-1] >A/L Timeout: 55 >SBO Time: 15 >Multi Inter: 0. Select command is cancelled.00 sec Default 0. If no operation command during set time.kr COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / A/L Timeout [DNP3.05 Step 0.0] >DNP Address: >Multi Inter: >Tx Delay : Range 1 0. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / PowUp Unsol [DNP3.10 >Tx Delay : 0.01 ~ 300.0-1] >Multi Inter: 0. Disable : Unsolicited response is not transmitted.0-1] D/L Timeout: A/L Retries: >A/L Timeout: Range 55 1 55 1 ~ 255 sec Default 55 Step 1 sec Set a waiting time for Slave Application to receive A/L Confirm(ACK) from Master Application.10 0.NT http://www. 46 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .01 sec Enter a time delay between frames when Multi-frame replies. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / SBO Time [DNP3.01 ~ 300.05 >PowUpUnsol: ENABLE Range DISABLE. NOTE : The setting does not apply to communication and is not indicated from Ver 7.co. co.0-1] >PowUpUnsol: ENABLE >Unsol Time: 5 >Unsol Type: NOTRIG Range NOTRIG.0-1] >Multi Inter: 0.10 >PowUpUnsol: ENABLE >Unsol Time: 5 Range 0 ~ 255 sec Default 5 Step 1 sec Set a delay time of transmission of event data after the last event occurs. PERIOD Default NOTRIG Step ~ Set a type to configure a method to send event data.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.0-1] >Class 1: DISABLE >Class 2: DISABLE >Class 3: DISABLE Range DISABLE. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / Unsol Type [DNP3. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / Class 2 [DNP3.0-1] >Class 1: DISABLE Class 2: DISABLE >Class 3: DISABLE Range DISABLE. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / Class 1 [DNP3.NT http://www. NOTRIG : If there is no more event occurrence during setting “Unsol Time” after the last event occurs. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / Class 3 [DNP3. ENABLE Default DISABLE Step ~ Select the unsolicited response mode of Class 2 events. PERIOD : Unsolicited message is sent to a master with whole event data occurring after setting “Unsol Time” starting and elapsing when the first event occurs.entecene.kr COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / Unsol Time [DNP3. ENABLE Default DISABLE Step ~ Select the unsolicited response mode of Class 1 events.0-1] Class 1: DISABLE Class 2: DISABLE >Class 3: DISABLE Range DISABLE. the event data is transmitted. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 47 . ENABLE Default DISABLE Step ~ Select the unsolicited response mode of Class 3 events. xxx.0-1] >Master IP Oct1: 192 >Master IP Oct2: 168 >Master IP Oct3: 7 >Master IP Oct4: 2 Range 0 ~ 255 Default ~ Step 1 Select the IP Address for DNP3 Communication. IP Address : 192. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 1 . UDP Default TCP Step ~ Select TCP or UDT communication at the use of Port4(Ethernet).kr COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / Master IP Oct 1~4 [DNP3. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / Fragment Size [DNP3 SLAVE1] >UDP Port: 20000 >K-Alv Check Tm: 10 >Fragment Size: 2048 48 Range 64 ~ 2048 Default 2048 Step Set the size of DNP3.0-1] >TCP/UDP Select: TCP >TCP Port: 20000 >UDP Port: 20000 Range 0 ~ 65535 Default 20000 Step 1 Set the TCP/IP port number of EVRC2A for TCP communication.xxx. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / TCP Port [DNP3.entecene.co. 1 ~ 600 sec Default 10 Step 1sec Set the Time period that checks the communication connecting status during the idle status. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / UDP Port [DNP3.0-1] >TCP/UDP Select: TCP >TCP Port: 20000 >UDP Port: 20000 Range 0 ~ 65535 Default 20000 Step 1 Set the TCP/IP port number of EVRC2A for UDP communication. COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / Keep Alive Check Time [DNP3 SLAVE1] >UDP Port: 20000 >K-Alv Check Tm: 10 >Fragment Size: 2048 Range 0(OFF).③.④ COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / TCP/UDP Select [DNP3.3.②.NT http://www.2.0-1] >TCP/UDP Select: TCP >TCP Port: 20000 >UDP Port: 20000 Range TCP.xxx ① ② ③ ④ IP Addr´1.4 is ①.0 fragment.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Option EVRC2A can be programmed for communication using the IEC60870-5-101 through communication port2 or port3.entecene.NT http://www.04 of EVRC2A_NT. P3-485 Range Default P2-232 Step ~ Select a port to use IEC60870-5-101 communication. 5. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-101/ Link Address [IEC60870-5-101] >Function: DISABLE >Use Port: P2-232 >Link Addr: 1 0 ~ 65535 Range Default 1 Step 1 Enter the slave(EVRC2A) address for IEC60870-5-101 communication.co.2. ENABLE Range [IEC60870-5-101] >Function: DISABLE >Use Port: P2-232 >Link Addr: 1 Default DISABLE Step ~ Select whether to use IEC60870-5-101 protocol. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-101/ Use Port [IEC60870-5-101] >Function: DISABLE >Use Port P2-232 >Link Addr: 1 P2-232. Move to “PRIMARY. P3-232.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-101/ Function DISABLE.kr COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / DNP1 or DNP2 / Time Req(m) [DNP3 SLAVE1] >K-Alv Check Tm: 10 >Fragment Size: 2048 >Time Req(m): 1440 0(OFF). ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 49 . 1 ~ 30000 min Range Default 1440 Step 1 min Set Time Sync in order to synchronize internal system clock with time received from master station. NOTE : The setting is supported from Ver 7. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING / RELAY SETUP / COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / IEC60870-5-101” to select setting for IEC608705-101 Protocol.2. IEC60870-5-101 Protocol .2. Timeout: 10 >Max Poll Time: 10 Range 1 ~ 255 sec Default 15 Step 1 sec Set the wait time till receive the Data Confirm (ACK) of master after transferring the Data.Timeout: 10 >Max Poll Time: 10 Range 0 ~ 255 Default 0 Step 1 Set the Data retires number. Timeout [IEC60870-5-101] >Retries: 0 >Conf. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-101/ Event Period [IEC60870-5-101] >ASDU Addr: 1 >Cyclic Period: 60 >Event Period: 15 Range 0~255 sec Default 15 Step 1sec Select the delay time before events are sent. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-101/ Retries [IEC60870-5-101] >Retries: 0 Conf. EVRC2A transfers the Data again. If there isn’t the Confirm during this setting time and Data retries is available. the event(s) already generated is(are) sent to a Master.entecene. Single event or several events occur and then if new event is not generated during the delay time. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-101/ Max Poll Tim [IEC60870-5-101] >Retries: 0 >Conf.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.Timeout: 10 >Max Poll Time: 10 Range 1 ~ 255 sec Default 60 Step Set the Data Polling period time. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-101/ Cyclic Period [IEC60870-5-101] >ASDU Addr: 1 >Cyclic Period: 60 >Event Period: 15 Range 1~60000 sec Default 60 Step 1 sec Select the Cyclic Period.NT http://www. 50 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 1 sec . COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-101/ Conf. It is to set interval time between Point set for Cyclic.kr COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-101/ ASDU Addr [IEC60870-5-101] >ASDU Addr: 1 >Cyclic Period: 60 >Event Period: 15 Range 0~65535 Default 1 Step 1 Select the Application Service Data Unit Address.co. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-101/ Tx Frame Size* [IEC60870-5-101] >Tx Frame Size: 261 >COT Size : 1 >IOA Size : 2 Range 0 ~ 261 Default 261 Step 1 Enter the maximum size of transmitted frame. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-101/ Rx Frame TO* [IEC60870-5-101] >Rx Frame Size: 261 >Rx Frame TO : 15 >Tx Frame Size: 261 Range 0(OFF).entecene. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-101/ Link Confirm* [IEC60870-5-101] >ADSU Addr Size: 2 >Link Confirm:ALWAYS >Link Addr Size: 1 Range NEVER. 1 ~ 255 sec Default 15 Step 1 sec Enter the maximum amount of time to wait for a complete frame after receiving the frame sync.co. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-101/ Rx Frame Size* [IEC60870-5-101] >Link Addr Size: 1 >Rx Frame Size: 261 >Rx Frame TO : 15 Range 0 ~ 261 Default 261 Step 1 Enter the maximum size of received frame. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-101/ Link Addr Size* [IEC60870-5-101] >Link Addr Size: 1 >Rx Frame Size: 261 >Link Addr Size: 1 Range 1~2 Default 1 Step 1 Enter the size of link address. ALWAYS Default ALWAYS Step ~ Enter the Link layer confirm mode.kr COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-101/ ADSU Addr Size* [IEC60870-5-101] >ADSU Addr Size: 2 >Link Confirm:ALWAYS >ADSU Addr Size: 2 Range 1~2 Default 2 Step 1 Enter the size of cause of transmission. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 51 .NT http://www. entecene. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-101/ Fram Repet’ TO* [IEC60870-5-101] >One Ch Response: NO >Frame Repet’ TO: 30 >Select Timeout: 5 Range 0(OFF). 1~255sec Default 30 Step 1 sec Enter the time out for repetition of frames(or incremental application layer timeout). COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-101/ One Ch Response* [IEC60870-5-101] >One Ch Response: NO >Frame Repet’ TO: 30 >Select Timeout: 5 Range NO. 52 ~ ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-101 / Select Timeout* [IEC60870-5-101] >Select Timeout: 5 >CMD Termination:YES >CSE Termination:YES Range 0(OFF). COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-101/ IOA Size* [IEC60870-5-101] >COT Size : 1 >IOA Size : 2 >One Ch Response: NO Range 1~3 Default 2 Step 1 Enter the size of information object address. YES Default NO Step ~ This allows to send one character response instead of a fixed length NACK when no response data available.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-101/ CMD Termination* [IEC60870-5-101] >Select Timeout: 5 >CMD Termination:YES >CSE Termination:YES Range NO. YES Default YES Step Select whether to send Activation Termination upon completion of commands other than set point commands.NT http://www.co. 1~255 Default 5 Step 1 Enter the period after a previously received select will timeout.kr COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-101/ COT Size* [IEC60870-5-101] >COT Size : 1 >IOA Size : 2 >One Ch Response: NO Range 1~2 Default 1 Step 1 Enter the size of cause of transmission. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-104/ Function Range [IEC60870-5-104] >Function: DISABLE >ASDU Addr: 1 >Cyclic Period: 60 DISABLE. IEC60870-5-104 Protocol . ENABLE Default DISABLE Step ~ Select whether to use IEC60870-5-104 protocol or not.kr COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-101/ CSE Termination* [IEC60870-5-101] >CMD Termination:YES >CSE Termination:YES >Clock Sync’ Evt:YES Range NO.Option EVRC2A can be programmed for communication using the IEC60870-5-104 through communication port4.2.entecene. 5. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-101/ Clock Sync’ Evt* [IEC60870-5-101] >CMD Termination:YES >CSE Termination:YES >Clock Sync’ Evt:YES Range NO.06 of EVRC2A_NT. YES Default YES Step ~ Select whether to send Activation Termination upon completion of set point commands.co. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING / RELAY SETUP / COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / IEC60870-5-104” to select setting for IEC608705-104 Protocol. Move to “PRIMARY.2.3.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. YES Default YES Step ~ Select whether to generate spontaneous clock synchronization events NOTE : The above set values marked with * are indicated from Ver 7. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 53 .NT http://www. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-104/ ASDU Addr [IEC60870-5-104] >Function: DISABLE >ASDU Addr: 1 >Cyclic Period: 60 Range 0~65535 Default 1 Step 1 Select the Application Service Data Unit Address. NT http://www.kr COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-104/ Cyclic Period [IEC60870-5-104] >Function: DISABLE >ASDU Addr: 1 >Cyclic Period: 60 1~60000 sec Range Default 60 Step 1 sec Select the Cyclic Period. Single event or several events occur and then if new event is not generated during the delay time. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-104/ Time Out(t1) [IEC60870-5-104] >Time Out(t0): 120 >Time Out(t1): 15 >Time Out(t2): 10 1~255 sec Range Default 15 Step 1sec Select the Timeout for send or test APDUs. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-104/ Time Out(t3) [IEC60870-5-104] >Time Out(t1): 15 >Time Out(t2): 10 >Time Out(t3): 20 Range 1~255 sec Default 20 Step 1sec Select the Timeout for sending test frame in case of a long idle state. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-104/ Time Out(t2) [IEC60870-5-104] >Time Out(t0): 120 >Time Out(t1): 15 >Time Out(t2): 10 1~255 sec Range Default 10 Step 1sec Select the Timeout for acknowledgements in case of no data message ( t2<t1).entecene. the event(s) already generated is(are) sent to a Master. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-104/ Time Out(t0) [IEC60870-5-104] >Time Out(t0): 120 >Time Out(t1): 15 >Time Out(t2): 10 1~255 sec Range Default 120 Step 1sec Select the Timeout for connection establishment. 54 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .co. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-104/ Event Period [IEC60870-5-104] >Time Out(t2): 10 >Time Out(t3): 20 >Event Period: 5 Range 0~255 sec Default 5 Step 1 Select the delay time before events are sent.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. It is to set interval time between Point set for Cyclic. YES Default YES Step ~ Select whether to send Activation Termination upon completion of set point commands. YES Default YES Step ~ Select whether to send Activation Termination upon completion of commands other than set point commands.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-101/ CMD Termination* [IEC60870-5-101] >Select Timeout: 5 >CMD Termination:YES >CSE Termination:YES Range NO. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-104/ Rx Frame Size* [IEC60870-5-104] >Rx Frame Size: 255 >Tx Frame Size: 255 >Select Timeout: 5 Range 0 ~ 255 Default 255 Step 1 Enter the maximum size of received frame. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-104/ Tx Frame Size* [IEC60870-5-104] >Rx Frame Size: 255 >Tx Frame Size: 255 >Select Timeout: 5 Range 0 ~ 255 Default 255 Step 1 Enter the maximum size of transmitted frame.kr COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC60870-5-104/ TCP Port Range [IEC60870-5-104] >Time Out(t3): 20 >Event Period: 5 >TCP Port: 2404 0 ~ 65535 Default 2404 Step 1 Set the TCP/IP Port of EVRC2A for IEC60870-5-104 Protocol communication.entecene.NT http://www. 1~255 Default 5 Step 1 Enter the period after a previously received select will timeout. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-101/ CSE Termination* [IEC60870-5-101] >CMD Termination:YES >CSE Termination:YES >Clock Sync’ Evt:YES Range NO. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-104 / Select Timeout* [IEC60870-5-101] >Select Timeout: 5 >CMD Termination:YES >CSE Termination:YES Range 0(OFF).co. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 55 . 2.entecene. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ MODBUS/ Function Range [MODBUS] >Function: DISABLE Use Port: P3-485 >Slave Addr: 1 DISABLE.4.kr COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ IEC870-5-101/ Clock Sync’ Evt* [IEC60870-5-101] >CMD Termination:YES >CSE Termination:YES >Clock Sync’ Evt:YES Range NO. P4-TCP Default P4-TCP Step ~ Select MODBUS communication port. MODBUS Protocol . port3 or port4.NT http://www. P3-232.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. refer to “MODBUS Protocol Technical Manual” Move to “PRIMARY. YES Default YES Step ~ Select whether to generate spontaneous clock synchronization events NOTE : The above set values marked with * are indicated from Ver 7. P3-485.co. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING / RELAY SETUP / COMMUNICATION / PROTOCOL SETUP / MODBUS” to select setting for MODBUS Protocol. 5.2. ENABLE Default DISABLE Step ~ Set whether to use MODBUS communication or not. For details.06 of EVRC2A_NT. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ MODBUS/ Use Port [MODBUS] >Function: DISABLE >Use Port: P3-485 >Slave Address: 1 Range P2-232. 56 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 1 . COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ MODBUS/ Slave Address [MODBUS] >Function: DISABLE >Use Port: P3-485 >Slave Address: 1 Range 1 ~ 254 Default 1 Step Enter the Modbus address.Option EVRC2A can be programmed for communication using the MODBUS through communication port2. UDP Default TCP Step ~ Select TCP or UDT communication at the use of Port4(Ethernet).entecene. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 57 .500 sec Default 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.005 Step 0.NT http://www.005 >TCP/UDP Select: TCP Range 0.001 sec Delay time of sending Real data from RTS Signal is on.000 ~ 0. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ MODBUS/ TCP Port [MODBUS] >TCP/UDP Select: TCP >TCP Port: 502 >UDP Port: 502 Range 0 ~ 65535 Default 502 Step 1 Set the TCP/IP port number of EVRC2A for TCP communication.co. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ MODBUS/ UDP Port [MODBUS] >TCP/UDP Select: TCP >TCP Port: 502 >UDP Port: 502 Range 0 ~ 65535 Default 502 Step 1 Set the TCP/IP port number of EVRC2A for UDP communication. COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ MODBUS/ TCP/UDP Select [MODBUS] >TCP/UDP Select: TCP >TCP Port: 502 >UDP Port: 502 Range TCP.kr COMMUNICATION/ PROTOCOL SETUP/ MODBUS/ Slave Tx Delay [MODBUS] >Slave Address: 1 >Tx Delay: 0. 1. COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT1-RS232/ Line Speed [PORT1-RS232] >Line Speed: 19200 >Parity Bit: NONE >Data Bit: 8 Range 1200. 2400.2.co. 19200 bps Default 19200 Step ~ Select the baud rate for PORT2. 8 Default 8 Step ~ Select the Data Bit.04 of EVRC2A_NT.entecene.3. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING/ COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT2-RS232” to select setting for PORT2. COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT1-RS232/ Stop Bit* [PORT1-RS232] >Parity Bit: NONE >Data Bit: 8 >Stop Bit: 1 Range 1. NOTE : The above set values marked with * are indicated from Ver 7. PORT2-RS232 EVRC2A side panel PORT2 and related elements are set. 9600. ODD.NT http://www. 2 Default 1 Step ~ Select the Stop Bit. 58 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Port Setup 5.2. COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT1-RS232/ Parity Bit* [PORT1-RS232] >Parity Bit: NONE >Data Bit: 8 >Stop Bit: 1 Range NONE.kr 5. 4800. Move to “PRIMARY.3. EVEN Default NONE Step ~ Select whether to use Parity Bit. COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT1-RS232/ Data Bit* [PORT1-RS232] >Parity Bit: NONE >Data Bit: 8 >Stop Bit: 1 Range 7. transfer a data. ON Default OFF Step ~ Set whether to use DCD signal or not. COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT2-RS232/ DCD Function [PORT1-RS232] >CTS Function: ON >DCD Function: OFF >RTS Function: AUTO Range OFF. DIALUP : Dial-Up modem1 is used. AUTO Default AUTO Step ~ Set whether to use RTS signal and the mode or not. COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT2-RS232/ RTS Function [PORT1-RS232] >CTS Function: ON >DCD Function: OFF >RTS Function: AUTO Range OFF. transfer a data. 4-WIRE Default 4-WIRE Step ~ Select a modem for communication. RTS signal of EVRC2A is off. 2-WIRE. ON : After confirming CTS signal is Asserted.kr COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT2-RS232/ Line Type [PORT1-RS232] >Stop Bit: 1 >Line Type: 4-WIRE >CTS Function: ON Range DIALUP. OFF : RTS signal of EVRC2A is always OFF(Deassert). 2-WIRE : 2-wire private line is used and continuously Carrier is monitored to control data flow by DCD(Data Carrier Detect). AUTO : On requesting data transfer to Modem.NT http://www. after RTS signal of EVRC2A is on and after data transfer completion. ON Default ON Step ~ Select whether to use CTS signal or not. ON : After confirming DCD signal is Asserted.co. transfer a data. OFF : Regardless of CTS signal. COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT2-RS232/ CTS Function [PORT1-RS232] >Line Speed: 19200 >Line Type: 4-WIRE >CTS Function: ON Range OFF. OFF : Regardless of DCD signal. ON.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 59 . ON : RTS signal of EVRC2A is always ON(Assert).entecene. 4-WIRE : 4-wire private line is used and RTS(Request To Send) and CTS(clear to Send) signal are used to control data flow. transfer a data. EVRC2A does not transfer the data and treat it as DCD Fail after the set time.NT http://www. In case of radio communication system. It is available if ‘CTS Function’ setting is ON. COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT2-RS232/ TX Post Delay [PROT1-RS232] >CTS CheckOut: 5 >DCD Timeout: 5000 >TX Post Dly: 50 Range 0 ~ 60000 msec Default 50 Step 1 msec Set the delay time of RTS OFF after data transmission. COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT2-RS232/ TX Pre Delay [PORT1-RS232] >DCD Timeout: 5000 >TX Post Dly: 50 >TX Pre Dly: 50 Range 0 ~ 60000 msec Default 5 Step 1 msec Set the delay time of starting transmission after CTS signal is received.kr COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT2-RS232/ CTS Chk Out [PORT1-RS232] >CTS Chk Out: 5 >DCD Timeout: 5000 >TX Post Dly: 50 Range 1 ~ 255 sec Default 5 Step 1 sec Set a waiting time that waits CTS signal after RTS signal is ON. It is available if ‘DCD Function’ setting is ON.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. 60 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .co. By this setting. try the transmission with high RTS during checkout time. when transfer data at the same time from various Slave. it produces transmission permission delay time due to the wireless network traffic congestion.entecene. COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT2-RS232/ DCD Timeout [PORT1-RS232] >CTS Chk Out: 5 >DCD Timeout: 5000 >TX Post Dly: 50 Range 0 ~ 60000 msec Default 5000 Step 1 msec Set a delay time for checking DCD signal which determines modem status before sending RTS signal in 2-wire communication type. If DCD signal is ON. Refer to “5. COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT4-TCP/IP / IP Addr’1 ~ 4 [PORT4-TCP/IP] >IP Addr’1: IP Addr’2: IP Addr’3: >IP Addr’4: Range 0 ~ 255 Default ~ 0 0 0 0 Step 1 Select the IP Address for EVRC2A.3.2. Move to “PRIMARY.②.③.000 Range 255. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 61 .3. Gateway Address : 192.4 is ①. PORT2-RS232”.3.0 ~ 255.3.xxx ① ② ③ ④ IP Addr´1. PORT3-RS232/485 EVRC2A side panel PORT3 and related elements are set. The setting item of this menu is same as “PORT2-RS232”.2.2.④ COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT4-TCP/IP / SubnetMask [PORT4-TCP/IP] >Gateway Oct3: 0 >Gateway Oct4: 0 >S/M:255.xxx ① ② ③ ④ Gateway Addr´1.kr 5.255 Default 255. Move to “PRIMARY. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING/ COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ POR4-TCP/IP” to select setting for PORT4.③.000 Step 1 Select the Subnet Mask Address for EVRC2A.0.3.NT http://www.1.3.255.entecene.4 is ①.255. PORT4-TCP/IP EVRC2A side panel PORT4 and related elements are set.xxx.xxx. IP Address : 192.255.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.255.xxx.xxx.2. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING/ COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ POR3-232/485” to select setting for PORT3.④ COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT4-TCP/IP / Gateway Addr’1 ~ 4 [PORT4-TCP/IP] >Gateway Addr’1: Gateway Addr’2: Gateway Addr’3: >Gateway Addr’4: Range 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 255 Default ~ Step 1 Select the Gateway Address. 5.②. Alv’ Function Range [PORT4-TCP/IP] >K-Alv’ Func:DISABLE >K-Alv’ Idle T: 4 >K-Alv’ Interval: 2 DISABLE.NT http://www. check the communication connecting maintainance status.entecene. COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT4-TCP/IP / K-Alv’ Idle T Range [PORT4-TCP/IP] >K-Alv’ Func:DISABLE >K-Alv’ Idle T: 4 >K-Alv’ Interval: 2 1 ~ 255 sec Default 4 Step 1sec If Idle status is maintained during the setting time. COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT4-TCP/IP / K-Alv’ Retry Range [PORT4-TCP/IP] >K-Alv’ Idle T: >K-Alv’ Interval: >K-Alv’ Retry: 4 2 1 1 ~ 255 Default 1 Step 1 Check the communication connecting maintainance status as much as the setting number.kr COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT4-TCP/IP /K.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. 62 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . COMMUNICATION/ PORT SETUP/ PORT4-TCP/IP / K-Alv’ Interval Range [PORT4-TCP/IP] >K-Alv’ Func:DISABLE >K-Alv’ Idle T: 4 >K-Alv’ Interval: 2 1 ~ 255 sec Default 2 Step 1sec After checking the communication connecting status.co. take as communication fail and close the communication connection. If there isn’t a respond. ENABLE Default DISABLE Step ~ Select whether to use the Ethernet communication connecting status check function or not. check the status again if there isn’t any reply during the setting time. the modem is ready to receive calls. Dialup Modem Setup” for more information about the configuration of Port2 and Port3 for the dial-up modem communication.kr 5.NT http://www.4. Configure Data Terminal Ready(must be done) Data Terminal Ready should control the modem.4.co. The configuration of the Port2 for use of dial-up modem can be set on the menu “DIALUP MODEM-1”. Configure port speed(must be done) Set DNP communication speed the same as the speed between EVRC2A and Modem. Configure Data Set Ready(must be done) Data Set Ready should verify the modem. For the configuration of the Port3. 5. and set DNP communication speed slower than the speed between modems.entecene. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 63 .1. it can be set on the menu “DIALUP MODEM2”. If DTR is high.4. The AT command is AT&S0.2. RTU Communication Setup (DIALUP MODEM) . If DTR is low. Refer to “5. following setting shall be confirmed. The AT command is AT&C1.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. The AT command is AT&D2. Hayes-compatible.4.2. DSR is always ON. the modem should not receive any more calls and should hang up any existing call. through Port2 and Port3 when their port types are both RS232.2.Option EVRC2A can support dial-up modem communication. Configure modem with AT commands Before using Modem connected with EVRC2A. Configure Data Carrier Detect(must be done) Data Carrier Detect should follow the presence or absence of a calling modem. Configure answer mode(frequently) The modem will answer an incoming call on the second ring using the command ATS0=2. Configure silent connection(must be done) Most modems have a speaker. The speaker can be annoying on answering modems. Configure no echo of commands(must be done) Echoing commands can confuse the console. Operation functions when to use Dialing Modem Transmitting a Communication Packet y Checks DCD is asserted(Check Online) y The Communication packet is transmitted ※. y Checks DCD is Asserted ※.4.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. The AT command is ATQ1.5 second y Make a phone call by using Dialing String and Dialing Number.2. so turn off command echoing. Dialing y The user should insert an order for Reset.kr Configure no CONNECT messages(must be done) A Hayes AT-style modem usually outputs a message when a call is received.2. y Wait 0. 5. receiving is not working. Dial connection waiting time is depending on “ Data Link Timeout” set by the user.NT http://www.entecene. The AT command is ATE0. By default this is connected whilst a modem is connecting and negotiating a common protocol and speed. as it prevents a human being accidentally repeatedly called.co. There will be no OK printed in response to this command. For example: CONNECT 9600 The modem has a "quiet mode" that disables these messages. The AT command is ATM1. Dial when DCD is Deassert Receiving a Communication Packet y Checks DCD is asserted(Check Online) y The Communication packet is received ※. This is very useful for a dialing modem. if DCD is Deassert. 64 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . In order to figure out what this description means. The total maximum events for each a phone number are 48 events. ※ The current SMS function supports to send a message only for Binary Input event. see the DNP point table.kr Hang up y DTR Line is deasserted y Wait 2 second y DTR Line is asserted y Wait 2 second ※.2.4. Following information are included in a single message for SMS.Option SMS function is provided for communication based on the dialing modem to send messages of significant events occurrences to the phones or other communication devices whose phone numbers are assigned to EVRC2A for SMS function by the Interface Software. Short Message Service (SMS) Support . Maximum 5 phone numbers are able to be assigned for receiving SMS and maximum 6 events on a signal message per one phone number can be sent at a time.entecene. EVRC2A will hang up the modem after a delay of 30 seconds with no valid packet received or transmitted.co.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.3. Point index Description: This point index description to indicate which event occurs is described with maximum 5 characters and it is the same with the point index used for DNP.NT http://www. Point Index Value: This indicates the current status value of the point where an event occurs. 5. Device Name: This is the device name sending a short message. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 65 . Insert “Calling String” which a user wants. space). Dialup Modem Setup Calling String In order to set “Calling String”. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING / RELAY SETUP / COMMUNICATION / DIALUP MODEM-1 or DIALUP MODEM-2 / CALLING STRING”. !!! SAVE ABORT !!! If the [ESC] button is pushed at ②.4. NOTE: The changed setting is effective after it is saved at “*. ATD : Default Dial ATDT : Tone Dial Type(Already set in modem(Default Dial type) ATDP : Pulse Dial ② [NEW CALLING STRING] ATDT At ①. ④ is shown. Change of setting is completed and then ③ is shown.SAVE SETTING” menu. 66 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . [▶] button to move cursor.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. COMMUNICATION / DIALUP MODEM / CALLING STRING Select a proper dial string in accordance with communication ① [CALLING STRING] ATDT circumstance (Master or Switchboard dial method). [▼] button.kr 5. then ② is shown. but changed setting is not applied yet.entecene.4. then “Calling String” is changed. use [▲].2. 2) Push the [ENT] button after “Calling String” is changed. PRESS ENTER TO SAVE 1) In order to change each alphabet(A~Z. ③ [NEW CALLING STRING] ATDT !!! SAVE OK !!! use [◀].co. go to “PRIMARY.NT http://www. ④ [NEW CALLING STRING] ATDT If [ENT] button is pushed at ②. [▶] button to move a cursor. but changed setting is not applied yet. the 0000000000000000 rest should be inputted with “X”.co. go to “PRIMARY.SAVE SETTING” menu. !!! SAVE ABORT !!! NOTE : The changed setting is effective after it is saved at “*. 2) Press [ENT] button after changing and then ② is shown. [▼] button to change each number(0~9. X) and use [◀].NT http://www. ④ [NEW CALLING NUMBER] 0000000000000XXX If the [ESC] button is pushed at ②. ③ [NEW CALLING NUMBER] 0000000000000XXX !!! SAVE OK !!! “Calling Number” is changed if [ENT] button is pushed. ① [CALLING NUMBER] Total 16 numbers can be inputted. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 67 . COMMUNICATION / DIALUP MODEM / CALLING NUMBER Insert [Modem(Master station) phone number] for calling. ② [NEW CALLING NUMBER] 0000000000000000 PRESS ENTER TO SAVE 1) Use [▲]. If numbers under 16 are inputted. ④ is shown. Changing setting is completed and then ③ is shown. Insert “Calling Number” which a user wants at ①. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING / RELAY SETUP / COMMUNICATION / DIALUP MODEM-1 or DIALUP MODEM-2 / CALLING NUMBER” menu.entecene.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.kr Calling Number In order to set “Calling Number”. ④ is shown. space or special character and use [◀]. EVRC2A should be reset before making a phone call(connection). ③ [NEW INITIAL STRING] AT+FCLASS=0 !!! SAVE OK !!! NOTE : continuous double spaces or the character next to “\” is ignored. 2) Press [ENT] button after changing and then ② is shown. “PRIMARY. space or special character. [▶] button to move a cursor. alphabet. ④ [NEW INITIAL STRING] AT+FCLASS=0 “Initial String” is changed if [ENT] button is pushed. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING / RELAY SETUP / COMMUNICATION / DIALUP MODEM-1 or DIALUP MODEM-2/ INITIAL STRING” menu.NT http://www.co.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. [▼] button to change each number.kr Initial String In order to set “Initial String”. !!! SAVE ABORT !!! If the [ESC] button is pushed at ②. 1) Use [▲].entecene. Changing setting is completed and then ③ is shown. ※ Continuous double Space or ‘/’ shall ignore next String. COMMUNICATION / DIALUP MODEM / INITIAL STRING Modem can be initialized by inserting total 30 figures of number. ② [NEW INITIAL STRING] AT+FCLASS=0 PRESS ENTER TO SAVE Insert “Initial String” which a user wants on ①. NOTE : The changed setting is effective after it is saved at “*. 68 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . but changed setting is not applied yet. ① [INITIAL STRING] ATQ1E0M1&C1&D2S0=1 <AT+FCLASS=0 > < > character.SAVE SETTING” menu. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. the status of modem failure is maintained. If there is no connection during setting time.entecene. COMMUNICATION/ DIALUP MODEM / CONNET PARAM’ / Cmd Res’ TO Range [CONNECT PARAMETER] >Cmd Res’ TO: 2 >Connect TO: 30 >Idle Time: 60 0 ~ 255 sec Default 2 Step 1 sec Setting the Command response waiting time.ENABLE Default DIABLE Step ~ Enable or disable Short Message Service (SMS) function. it is considered as a connection failure after the setting time. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 69 . If there is no response from a modem during setting time. the connection is closed after the setting time. it is considered as a communication failure after the setting time and the status of modem failure is maintained. COMMUNICATION/ DIALUP MODEM / CONNET PARAM’ / Idle Time Range [CONNECT PARAMETER] >Cmd Res’ TO: 2 >Connect TO: 30 >Idle Time: 60 0 ~ 255 sec Default 60sec Step 1 sec Setting the Modem connection close time. During setting time. COMMUNICATION/ DIALUP MODEM / CONNET PARAM’ / SMS Time (Option) Range [CONNECT PARAMETER] >Idle Time: 60 >SMS Use: DIABLE >SMS Time: 5 0~255sec Default 5sec Step 1sec SMS Time is a waiting time to wait for response after a short message of SMS is sent.kr Connect Parameter Move to “PRIMARY. COMMUNICATION/ DIALUP MODEM / CONNET PARAM’ / SMS Use (Option) Range [CONNECT PARAMETER] >Idle Time: 60 >SMS Use?: DIABLE >SMS Time: 5 DIABLE. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING / RELAY SETUP / COMMUNICATION / DIALUP MODEM-1 or DIALUP MODEM-2 / CONNECT PARAM’”. COMMUNICATION/ DIALUP MODEM / CONNET PARAM’ / Connect TO Range [CONNECT PARAMETER] >Cmd Res’ TO: 2 >Connect TO: 30 >Idle Time: 60 0 ~ 255 sec Default 30 Step 1 sec Setting the Modem connection waiting time.co.NT http://www. entecene. Multiple type is to send maximum 4 events’ information(max.co. SMS Use. Single type is to send one event’s information(max. 11 characters respectively) including only description of each event in one SMS message. NOTE: The setting items. 70 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . MULTI Range [CONNECT PARAMETER] >SMS Use: DIABLE >SMS Time: 5 >SMS Type: MULTI Default MULTI Step ~ Single or Multiple type is supported for SMS message.NT http://www. SMS Time and SMS Type.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. 25 characters) including description and the occurring time of event in one SMS message.kr COMMUNICATION/ DIALUP MODEM / CONNET PARAM’ / SMS Type (Option) SINGLE. are shown on the menu of EVRC2A supporting SMS function. Use EVRC2A interface program to set “Event Active” enable or disable of AI point and the Threshold value and Deadband value.128.NT http://www.YES Default YES Step ~ NO : No Fault current event generated.entecene.YES Default YES Step ~ Determine whether Threshold and Deadband AI event is generated during Fault pickup. OFF : AI Point Event doesn’t occur. YES : Fault current event is generated at every fault sequence.5. COMMUNICATION/ EVENT&ETC / BI Queue Size Range [EVENT&ETC] > BI Queue Size: 256 > BI Evt Mode: ALL > AI Queue Size: 256 32.BOTH Default OFF Step ~ Select the Analog Event Type.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.kr 5. COMMUNICATION/ EVENT&ETC / Fault ‘I’ Evt Range [EVENT&ETC] > AI Evt Method: OFF > SKIP at Fault: YES > Fault ‘I’ Evt: YES NO.DB. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 71 . This setting value is applied only to the AI point with vitalized “Event Active” in DNP point map. TH : Event occurs when the AI Point data is over or less than Threshold value. BOTH : TH and DB are both used.2.64. DB : Event occurs when the AI data change value is over the Deadband value. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING / RELAY SETUP / COMMUNICATION / EVENT&ETC”. COMMUNICATION/ EVENT&ETC / SKIP at Fault Range [EVENT&ETC] > AI Evt Method: OFF > SKIP at Fault: YES > Fault ‘I’ Evt: YES NO.256 Default 256 Step ~ Set the Binary Queue Size. COMMUNICATION/ EVENT&ETC / AI Evt Method Range [EVENT&ETC] > AI Evt Method: OFF > SKIP at Fault: YES > Fault ‘I’ Evt: YES OFF.TH. EVENT&ETC Move to “PRIMARY.co. COMMUNICATION/ EVENT&ETC / AI Evt Mode Range [EVENT&ETC] > AI Evt Mode: ALL > CI Queue Size: 256 > CI Evt Mode: ALL ALL.128.64.64. LAST : Only last event is buffed for the same point. LAST : Only last event is buffed for the same point.co.256 Default 256 Step ~ Step ~ Set the Counter Queue Size.128.kr COMMUNICATION/ EVENT&ETC / BI Evt Mode Range [EVENT&ETC] > BI Queue Size: 256 > BI Evt Mode: ALL > AI Queue Size: 256 ALL. 72 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . COMMUNICATION/ EVENT&ETC / CI Queue Size Range [EVENT&ETC] > AI Evt Mode: OFF > CI Queue Size: 256 > CI Evt Mode: ALL 32. LAST Default ALL Set the Analog Event Mode.entecene. COMMUNICATION/ EVENT&ETC / AI Queue Size Range [EVENT&ETC] > BI Queue Size: 256 > BI Evt Mode: ALL > AI Queue Size: 256 32. LAST Default ALL Set the Counter Event Mode.256 Default 256 Step ~ Step ~ Set the Analog Queue Size. COMMUNICATION/ EVENT&ETC / CI Evt Mode Range [EVENT&ETC] > AI Evt Mode: ALL > CI Queue Size: 256 > CI Evt Mode: ALL ALL. LAST Default ALL Step ~ Set the Binary Event Mode.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. ALL : All Counter is buffed for the same point. LAST : Only last event is buffed for the same point.NT http://www. ALL : All status is buffed for the same point. ALL : All status is buffed for the same point. entecene.NT http://www.NT. 10K: 10K per 1count of transmitted data. 10V: 10V per 1count of transmitted data. the corresponding AI point transmits 66.kr COMMUNICATION/ EVENT&ETC / AI ‘V’ Unit Range [EVENT&ETC] > CI Evt Mode: ALL > AI ‘V’ Unit: 10V > AI ‘P’ Unit: 10K 1V. If a voltage magnitude is 13. 1V: 1V per 1count of transmitted data. 10K Default 10K Step ~ Set the data format of AI(Analog Input) points associated with a power. NOTE : These settings are supported from version 6. If a voltage magnitude is 13. NOTE : These settings are supported from version 6. If active power is 660kW.NT. 1K: 1K per 1count of transmitted data.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. COMMUNICATION/ EVENT&ETC / AI ‘P’ Unit Range [EVENT&ETC] > CI Evt Mode: ALL > AI ‘V’ Unit: 10V > AI ‘P’ Unit: 10K 1K.2kV. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 73 . the corresponding AI point transmits 13200. the corresponding AI point transmits 660. 10V Default 10V Step ~ Set the data format of AI(Analog Input) points associated with a voltage.04 of EVRC2A_N6.2kV. The data format of AI points associated with a voltage on previous version is fixed to support 10V per 1count . If active power is 660kW. the corresponding AI point transmits 1320. The data format of AI points associated with a voltage on previous version is fixed to support 10K per 1count .co.04 of EVRC2A_N6. co.NT.NT http://www.YES Default NO Step ~ Select whether to transfer the AI event about energy at midnight. COMMUNICATION/ EVENT&ETC/ Daily Energy Range [EVENT&ETC] > AI ‘P’ Unit: 10K > Daily Max I: NO > Daily Energy: NO NO. Load Current is not recorded as event. YES : Daily Max. Load Current is recorded as event. COMMUNICATION/ EVENT&ETC/ Time Syn’ Ref Range [EVENT&ETC] >Daily Energy: NO >Tims Syn’ Ref:LOCAL >Evt Time Type:LOCAL LOCAL. NOTE : This setting is set to be GMT and the setting values associated with GMT(in “TIME SET&DIS TYPE” menu) are set up incorrectly. NO : Daily Max. load current.NT. It signifies the time data type when Time Synching with the master station.12 of EVRC2A_N6.entecene. the time internal clock in EVRC2A can be changed incorrectly at time synchronization.12 of EVRC2A_N6.04 of EVRC2A_NT. NOTE : This setting is supported from version 7. YES : Daily Energy is recorded as event.kr COMMUNICATION/ EVENT&ETC/ Daily Max I Range [EVENT&ETC] > AI ‘P’ Unit: 10K > Daily Max I: NO > Daily Energy: NO NO.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.GMT Default LOCAL Step ~ Set Reference Time Type. NOTE : This setting is supported from version 6. 74 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . NOTE : This setting is supported from version 6.YES Default NO Step ~ Select whether to transfer the AI event about daily max. NO : Daily Energy is not recorded as event. GMT Default LOCAL Step ~ Set the time type for event recorders in DNP Communication. NOTE : The location of “Evt Time Type” setting depends on EVRC2A_NT version. The name of this setting is indicated as "Evt Sent Type".entecene.kr COMMUNICATION/ EVENT&ETC/ Evt Time Type Range [EVENT&ETC] >Daily Energy: NO >Tims Syn’ Ref:LOCAL >Evt Time Type:LOCAL LOCAL. y Prior to Ver 7. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 75 .co.04 : Within “RELAY SETUP / TIME SET&DIS TYPE”.NT http://www.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.04 and later : Within “RELAY SETUP / COMMUNICTION / EVENT&ETC” menu. y Ver 7. go to “PRIMARY.co. press [ENT] button to save. Press [ENT] button at ③ to save the changed time settings ③ [SAVE TIME] 2009/11/06 15.3.15 of EVRC2A RELAY SETUP / CLOCK Press [ENT] button at ① and then as shown at ②. ④ [SAVE TIME] * SUCCESS * ⑤ [SAVE TIME] * ABORT * 76 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . a cursor is marked ① [CURRENT TIME] 2009/11/05 21:02:38 PRESS <ENT> TO SET to be able to change current date and time 1) Use [▲][▼] button to change number and press [▶] button to move to next item.kr 5. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING / RELAY SETUP / CLOCK” menu. Clock In order to configure current date and time.01:50 PRESS <ENT> TO SAVE If procedure of saving is completed. Prior to Ver 6. ④ is shown.NT http://www. ⑤ is shown and the changed time settings are not saved.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. The “CLOCK” menu screen can vary according to the EVRC2A version. If [ESC] button is pressed at ③. ② [SETTING TIME] 2009/11/05 21:02:38 PRESS <ENT> TO SAVE 2) After all settings for time are changed.entecene. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. ⓑ Indicates the GMT time type’s present time. ④ is shown.co. ⑤ is shown and the changed time settings are not saved. ① [CURRENT TIME] L2009/01/01 09:00:00 G2009/01/01 00:00:00 PRESS <ENT> TO SET [CURRENT TIME] L ⓐ G ⓑ PRESS <ENT> TO SET ⓐ Indicates the local time type’s present time. ⑤ [SAVE TIME] * ABORT * ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 77 . 2) After all settings for time are changed.NT http://www. a cursor is marked to be able to change current date and time. Press [ENT] button at ① and then as shown at ②. press [ENT] button to save. It sets the present time to GMT Time or Local time according to the “TIME SET&DIS’ TYPE” menu’s “Set Type” setting.kr From Ver 6. ③ [SAVE TIME] L2009/01/01 09:00:00 PRESS <ENT> TO SAVE Press [ENT] button at ③ to save the changed time settings If procedure of saving is completed.entecene. ④ [SAVE TIME] * SUCCESS * If [ESC] button is pressed at ③. ② [SETTING TIME] L2009/01/01 09:00:00 PRESS <ENT> TO SAVE 1) Use [▲][▼] button to change number and press [▶] button to move to next item.15 of EVRC2A RELAY SETUP / CLOCK Screen ① indicates the present time. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.entecene.4. RELAY SETUP / EVENT RECORDER / Len’ of Pre F [EVENT RECORDER] >Fault Cycle: ON >Len’ of Pre F: 4 >Load Profile: ON Range 0 ~ 14 cycle Default 4 Step 1 cycle Enter the length of prefault in fault cycle.kr 5. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING / RELAY SETUP / EVENT RECORDER” to select setting for the event recording elements.60 min Default 15 Step Set Load Profile recording interval.20. 15. OFF Default ON Step ~ Select On or Off for Load Profile recording. 78 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY ~ . RELAY SETUP / EVENT RECORDER / Load Profile [EVENT RECORDER] >Fault Cycle: ON >Len’ of Pre F: 4 >Load Profile: ON Range ON. “EVENT RECORDER”. OFF Range Default ON Step ~ Select On or Off for Fault Cycle recording. Move to “PRIMARY.P save time(m) [EVENT RECORDER] >Fault Cycle: ON >Len’ of Pre F: 4 >L.P save time(m):15 Range 5. RELAY SETUP / EVENT RECORDER / L. Event Recorder Event Recording elements are set such as Recording and Sampling timing and so on.NT http://www.30. “EVENT RECORDER”. Recorded Fault Cycle can be viewed in menu. Recorded Load Profile can be viewed in menu.10. RELAY SETUP / EVENT RECORDER / Fault Cycle [EVENT RECORDER] >Fault Cycle: ON >Len’ of Pre F: 4 >Load Profile: ON ON.co. Fault Trip >10.System Status >3.Energy >7.Wear Monitor >9. go to “PRIMARY.NT http://www.Load Profile >4. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 79 .6.Counter >8.entecene. RELAY SETUP / CLEAR SAVED DATA [CLEAR SAVED DATA] >1.co.Max Demand >6. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING / RELAY SETUP / CLEAR SAVED DATA” menu. Clear Saved Data In order to reset saved data.Daignostic >5. If procedure of clearing is completed. Factory Debug This menu is for Manufacturer’s maintenance purpose.kr 5.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. “EVENT CLEAR SUCCESS” is shown. y Fault Cycle y System Status y Load Profile y Diagnostic y Max Demand y Energy FAULT CYCLE DATA !! DATA CLEARED !! y Counter y Wear Monitor y Fault Trip y P-Quality Counter y P-Quality Event y Communication Buffer y All Saved Data NOTE : It is recommended to have Backup data because Cleared(Deleted) data can not be recovered.All Saved Data FAULT CYCLE DATA PRESS ENT TO CLEAR Clear Saved Data Select item for clearing and then press [ENT] button.Comm’ Event >13. the message. 5.P-Quality Event >12.5.Fault Cycle >2.P-Quality Count >11. select ‘-’. select ‘+’. they may be no this setting on the menu. 5.entecene. Time Set & Display Type – Option It is to set Date Display for all related Menu. 2005. TYPE2 Range Default NONE Step ~ NONE : Gas Sensor is not used. RELAY SETUP / TIME SET&DIS TYPE / GMT Sign* [TIME SET&DIS’TYPE] >Set Type: LOCAL >GMT Sign: >GMT Hour: 0 Range +. Local time is faster than GMT time. TYPE1 : Set TYPE1 if Recloser manufactured before JUNE.8.NT http://www. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING / RELAY SETUP / TIME SET&DIS TYPE”. ALTERNATE or EDITBANK SETTING / RELAY SETUP / GAS SENSOR TYPE” to select setting for the gas sensor type. RELAY SETUP / TIME SET&DIS TYPE / GMT Hour* [TIME SET&DIS’TYPE] >Set Type: LOCAL >GMT Sign: >GMT Hour: 0 80 Range 0~23 Default 0 Step 1 Set the hour difference between local time and GMT.7.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.- Default + Step ~ Set GMT time and the local time off-set direction. NOTE : According to a recloser type. TYPE1. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . PRIMARY SETTING / RELAY SETUP / GAS SENSOR TYPE [GAS SENSOR TYPE] >Type Select: TYPE2 NONE.kr 5. Gas Sensor Type Move to “PRIMARY. Move to “PRIMARY. otherwise.co. 2005. TYPE2 : Set TYPE2 if Recloser manufactured from JULY. entecene. the time of event transmitted is not correct. NOTE : The above set values marked with * are indicated from Ver 6. Sing : +. NOTE Korea Local time is 9 hour faster than UTC time.04 of EVRC2A_NT. - If the "Time Syn’ Ref" is set to be GMT. Hour : 9.co. - If the time type of the DNP communication event is set to be GMT. MDY Default YMD Step ~ YMD : it displays in turn Year / Month / Date MDY : it displays in turn Month / Date / Year RELAY SETUP / TIME SET&DIS TYPE / Time Syn’ Ref [TIME SET&DIS’TYPE] >GMT Min : 0 >Disp’ Type: YMD >Time Syn’ Ref: GMT Range LOCAL. set it as follows (+9:00).15 of EVRCA. RELAY SETUP / TIME SET&DIS TYPE / Disp’ Type [TIME SET&DIS’TYPE] >GMT Min : 0 >Disp’ Type: YMD >Time Syn’ Ref: GMT Range YMD. Min : 0 NOTE If the setting values associated with GMT are set up incorrectly. the time of the internal clock in EVRC2A can be changed incorrectly at time synchronization. the problems can be happened as follows. NOTE : The setting is supported from Ver 7.kr RELAY SETUP / TIME SET&DIS TYPE / GMT Min* [TIME SET&DIS’TYPE] >GMT Hour: 0 >GMT Min : 0 >Disp’ Type: YMD Range 0~59 Default 0 Step 1 Set the minute difference between local time and GMT.NT http://www.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 81 . GMT Default GMT Step ~ Set Reference Time Type when time need in a device is synchronized with GPS(or IRIG). 41. and sensitive ground CT inputs must be specified as 1 Amp. or a CT in a neutral grounding conductor may also be used. Phase rotation y Panel sleep time y Opto-Input setting y Relay output setting y Loop Control setting – Option y Set Group Change setting – Option y Power Quality – Option 6.1. regardless of bank.1. Current Inputs Wiring Diagram). As the phase CTs are connected in wye (star).1. In addition.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. ground. refer to (see 13. from version 4.NT http://www. the sensitive ground CT primary rating must be entered. Sets following items for System y CT Ratio y VT or PT Ratio y Power Line Frequency.co. SYSTEM SETUP System set shall be set independently for each bank. To detect low level ground fault currents. Current Sensing 6. Description This Setting group is critical for all over-current protection features that have settings specified in multiples of CT rating. a zero-sequence (core balance) CT which senses current in all of the circuit primary conductors. it will be applied to all other banks if it is set in a bank. In this case. the phase. However. For additional details on CT connections. For this configuration.12.kr 6. the sensitive earth input may be used.entecene. 82 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . When the relay is ordered. the ground CT primary rating must be entered. the calculated phasor sum of the three phase currents (Ia + Ib + Ic = Neutral Current = 3 I0) is used as the input for the neutral over-current. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 83 .entecene.2. Setting PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / CURRENT SENSING / PHA CT Ratio [CURRENT SENSING] >PHA CT Ratio: 1000 GND CT Ratio: 1000 SEF CT Ratio: 1000 Range 1 ~ 1200 Default 1000 Step 1 Enter the phase CT primary current value.co.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.1.NT http://www. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / CURRENT SENSING / SEF CT Ratio [CURRENT SENSING] PHA CT Ratio: 1000 GND CT Ratio: 1000 >SEF CT Ratio: 1000 Range 1 ~ 1200 Default 1000 Step 1 Enter the sensitive earth CT primary current value. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / CURRENT SENSING / GND CT Ratio [CURRENT SENSING] PHA CT Ratio: 1000 >GND CT Ratio: 1000 SEF CT Ratio: 1000 Range 1 ~ 1200 Default 1000 Step 1 Enter the ground CT primary current value.kr 6. entecene. Line VS Sensing 6. VD-W. NONE : VT uninstalled.1.0 ~ 760. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LINE VT SENSING / VS 2nd(v) [LINE VS SENSING] Connect Type: NONE >VT 2nd(v): 100.0 ~ 250. VD-D : If the user system made to 3 phase 3 wire.0 >VT Ratio: 155. 2nd Nominal Voltage.0 VT Ratio: 155. Description To measure Source Voltage. power calculations. enter the VT connection made to the system as Wye or Delta.9 Range 10. If installed VT of Capacitor Voltage Divide type. Setting PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LINE VS SENSING / Connect Type [LINE VS SENSING] >Connect Type: NONE VT 2nd(v): 100. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LINE VT SENSING / VS Ratio [LINE VS SENSING] Connect Type: NONE VT 2nd(v): 100. DELTA. With Line VTs installed.co. VD-D Default VD-W Step ~ Enter None if line VTs are not to be used.2.9 Step 0. DELTA : Install type delta.2. If used. 84 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.0 V Default 100. external PT by user.1 Enter the VT primary to secondary turns-ratio with this setting. WYE : Install type wye.9 Range 30.2.kr 6. set Connect Type. VT Ratio.0 VT Ratio: 155. VD-W : If the user system made to 3 phase 4 wire.2. WYE.0 Default 155.0 Step 0. 6. the EVRC2A can be used to perform voltage measurements.9 Range NONE.1 V Enter Secondary Nominal Voltage(V) This setting is the voltage across the VT secondary winding when nominal voltage is applied to the primary.NT http://www. and directional control of over-current elements. If external rated PT is 14400 : 120.7V and set VT Ratio of 155.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. then VT Ratio is 14400/120.entecene.1 VT Ratio 120 (14400:120) 215 (25800:120) 300 (36000:120) ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY Delta connection VT 2nd (v) 125 125.66㎸Ф-N = 55. VoltageФ-Ф = VoltageФ-N × SQRT(3) VoltageФ-N = VT 2nd(v) × VT Ratio Hence.9 (11㎸Ф-Ф => 6.59㎸Ф-N.66㎸Ф-N.59㎸Ф-N = 100(V) × 155. If external rated PT is 14400 : 120. Usable in Wye connection. setup as follows.66㎸Ф-N / 120 = 71.9 If user line voltage between phases (VoltageФ-Ф) is 11㎸.6 126.5 38㎸ 100 219.9 Use of External PT by User Line is Wye connection type and has VФ-Ф = 15㎸.35㎸ = 40. 15㎸Ф-Ф = 8.3.7(V) × 155. 6.9) 27㎸Ф-Ф = 15. VT2nd(v) is 8. VT Ratios of External PTs Line-Line Voltage Voltage Divider Potential Transformer Wye connection Wye connection VT 2nd (v) VT Ratio VT 2nd (v) 15㎸ 100 86.2 27㎸ 100 155.35㎸Ф-N.co.NT http://www.5(V) × 155. therefore 21. Setting Examples Use of VD(CVD or RVD) Case of VD(CVD or RVD) installed in Recloser.9 72.7(V) × 155. therefore 8. PT Ratio is calculated as below.6 71.2V Line with Delta connection type and has VФ-Ф= 15㎸.7 VT Ratio 120 (14400:120) 215 (25800:120) 300 (36000:120) 85 . then VT Ratio is 14400/120 and VT2nd(v) is 15㎸Ф-Ф / 120 = 125V Table 6-1.2. Because of 15㎸Ф-Ф = 8.9 38㎸Ф-Ф = 21. therefore 15. set VT2nd(v) of 40. Set VT2nd(v) 100 as Default.94㎸Ф-N = 140.4 73.66㎸Ф-N.94㎸Ф-N.kr 6. WYE : Install type wye. 6. Line VL Sensing 6.entecene.0 V Default 100.1 Enter the VT primary to secondary turns-ratio with this setting.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.9 Step 0. With Line VTs installed.3.3. NONE : VT uninstalled.2. enter the VT connection made to the system as Wye or Delta. VT Ratio.co. WYE.0 VT Ratio: 86. 2nd Nominal Voltage. If installed VT of Capacitor Voltage Divide type. DELTA : Install type delta.0 Step 0. 86 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .6 Range 30. DELTA.1. If used.3. external PT by user. VD-D : If the user system made to 3 phase 3 wire.NT http://www. set Connect Type.0 ~ 250.9 Range 10. Setting PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LINE VL SENSING / Connect Type [LINE VL SENSING] >Connect Type: NONE VT 2nd(v): 100. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LINE VL SENSING / VT 2nd(v) [LINE VL SENSING] Connect Type: NONE >VT 2nd(v): 100.0 ~ 760.kr 6.1 V Enter Secondary Nominal Voltage(V) This setting is the voltage across the VT secondary winding when nominal voltage is applied to the primary. VD-W.0 VT Ratio: 155. VD-D Default VD-W Step ~ Enter None if line VTs are not to be used.0 >VT Ratio: 155. Description To measure Load Voltage. VD-W : If the user system made to 3 phase 4 wire. the EVRC2A can be used to perform synchronism elements.0 Default 155. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LINE VL SENSING / VT Ratio [LINE VL SENSING] Connect Type: NONE VT 2nd(v): 100.9 Range NONE. Setting Example Refer to (6. the following functions performed by the voltage measurement are operated incorrectly if this setting is changed.2.NT http://www. 3P : Three phases voltage sensing installed 1P-R : One phase voltage sensing installed to the R phase of the recloser body unit.9 >Install Type: 3P Range 3P. 1P-T : One phase voltage sensing installed to the T phase of the recloser body unit. 1P-T Default 3P Step ~ Insert the type of sensing voltage for the recloser body unit. Setting Examples) ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 87 .co.3. 6.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.0 VT Ratio: 155. 1P-S.04 of EVRC2A_NT.3. 1P-R. y Directional Control y Loss of Phase y Synchronism Check y Voltage Unbalance Detection y Live Load Blocking y Loop Control NOTE : The setting is supported from Ver 7.entecene.kr PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LINE VL SENSING / Install Type [LINE VL SENSING] VT 2nd(v): 100.3. NOTE : When the voltage sensor to the load side is installed to only one phase or none of the phase. 1P-S : One phase voltage sensing installed to the S phase of the recloser body unit. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. change only this setting to convert a load side to a source side or reversely. the following functions performed by the voltage measurement are operated incorrectly if this setting is changed.2. 88 y Directional Control y Loss of Phase y Synchronism Check y Voltage Unbalance Detection y Live Load Blocking y Loop Control ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . 60 ㎐ Default 50 Step ~ Select the nominal power system frequency. ACB Default ABC Step ~ Select the phase rotation of the power system.NT http://www. System Power 6. During operating after setup.kr 6.co.4. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / SYSTEM POWER / Phase Rotation [SYSTEM POWER] Frequency: 50 >Phase Rotation: ABC >Install Dir’: NOR Range ABC.1. Description Menu to set Frequency of Protected Line and installed Phase rotation 6. REV(REVERSE) Default NOR Step ~ Select the install direction of Recolser. This value is used as a default to set the optimal digital sampling rate.4.4.entecene. Setting PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / SYSTEM POWER / Frequency [SYSTEM POWER] >Frequency: 50 Phase Rotation: ABC >Install Dir’: NOR Range 50. NOTE : When the voltage sensor to the load side is installed to only one phase or none of the phase. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / SYSTEM POWER / Install Direction [SYSTEM POWER] Frequency: 50 >Phase Rotation: ABC >Install Dir’: NOR Range NOR(NORMAL). it means that bushing A is connected with phase C and bushing B is connected with phase A. NOTE: The “Phase Combination” setting will be shown from version 6.04.04 of EVRC2AN6.co.NT from version 6. As example.NT. Figure 6-1. Phase Connection ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 89 .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.entecene. refer the following figure and table. cba Default abc Step ~ Put real phase of power system to a bushing or a terminal of a control device. bca. cab.NT http://www. if setting value is cab. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / SYSTEM POWER / Phase Combination [SYSTEM POWER] >Phase Rotation: ABC >Install Dir’: NOR >Phase Combi’: abc Range abc. In order to get the details relevant to the connection for EVRC2A-N6. acb.kr NOTE: The voltage sensing type to the load side can be checked on the setting of "Install Type" in the "LINE VL SENSING" menu. bac. NT http://www.entecene.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.co.kr Table 6-2. Phase Connection & Display Mapping Table Line feeding Recommend Setting Bushing Terminal Phase Phase Mapping Result Install Direction Combination Case 1 : abc abc NORAMAL ABC Case 2 : cab cab ABC Case 3 : bca bca ABC Case 4 : acb acb ABC Case 5 : bac bac ABC Case 6 : cba cba ABC Case 7 : abc abc RST Case 8 : cab cab RST Case 9 : bca bca RST Case 10 : acb acb RST Case 11 : bac bac RST Case 12 : cba RST 90 cba REVERSE LCD/INDEX Display : Bushing/Controller Source V(Load V) / Current Terminal Va(Vr)/Ia A(R)/IA Vb(Vs)/Ib B(S)/IB Vc(Vt)/Ic C(T)/IC Va(Vr)/Ia B(S)/IB Vb(Vs)/Ib C(T)/IC Vc(Vt)/Ic A(R)/IA Va(Vr)/Ia C(T)/IC Vb(Vs)/Ib A(R)/IA Vc(Vt)/Ic B(S)/IB Va(Vr)/Ia A(R)/IA Vb(Vs)/Ib C(T)/IC Vc(Vt)/Ic B(S)/IB Va(Vr)/Ia B(S)/IB Vb(Vs)/Ib A(R)/IA Vc(Vt)/Ic C(T)/IC Va(Vr)/Ia C(T)/IC Vb(Vs)/Ib B(S)/IB Vc(Vt)/Ic A(R)/IA Va(Vr)/Ia R(A)/IA Vb(Vs)/Ib S(B)/IB Vc(Vt)/Ic T(C)/IC Va(Vr)/Ia S(B)/IB Vb(Vs)/Ib T(C)/IC Vc(Vt)/Ic R(A)/IA Va(Vr)/Ia T(C)/IC Vb(Vs)/Ib R(A)/IA Vc(Vt)/Ic S(B)/IB Va(Vr)/Ia R(A)/IA Vb(Vs)/Ib T(C)/IC Vc(Vt)/Ic S(B)/IB Va(Vr)/Ia S(B)/IB Vb(Vs)/Ib R(A)/IA Vc(Vt)/Ic T(C)/IC Va(Vr)/Ia T(C)/IC Vb(Vs)/Ib S(B)/IB Vc(Vt)/Ic R(A)/IA ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . Description Menu to set the interval time that User interface panel turns into sleep mode.5.1. Setting PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / PANEL SLEEP TIME OFF. 6.kr 6.6. Status LCD Display EXTERNAL INPUT Debounce time X Triger Function execute X REMOTE mode Figure 6-2. On “sleep mode”.entecene. Opto Input Set . press [▼] button to be out from the “sleep mode”.5.6.1. 6.5. 1 ~ 100 min Range [PANEL SLEEP TIME] >Interval(m): 5 Default 5 Step 1 min Enter the sleep mode entering time Setting the interval time of which Panel indicator turns into Sleep mode.Option 6.NT http://www.co.2.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Description Menu to set External input terminal function and Debounce time The opto input is available as an ordering option. Input logic ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 91 . Panel Sleep Time 6. OPTO INPUT FUNCTION”. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / OPTO INPUT SET / I1 Debounce [OPTO INPUT SET] I1 Func: NONE >I1 Debounce: 0.01 ~ 9. … .02 I2 Func: NONE Range 0.02 Step Enter debounce time to prevent chattering in Input Input 2 ~ Input 8.kr 6.NT http://www. NONE TRIP CLOSE PROTECTION GROUND SEF Enable/Disable Enable/Disable Enable/Disable RECLOSE CONTROL ALTERNATE SETTINGS Enable/Disable Locked/Unlocked Enable/Disable PROGRAM1 PROGRAM2 HOT LINE TAG Enable/Disable Enable/Disable Enable/Disable FAULT INDICATION RESET BATTERY LOAD TEST OUTPUT RELAY 1∼8 RESET. OUT8 RESET Range Default NONE Step ~ Enter the function of External input terminal Opto input can have following functions. Setting PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / OPTO INPUT SET / I1 Func [OPTO INPUT SET] >I1 Func: NONE I1 Debounce: 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.2. For more details. TRIP.6.co.entecene. refer to “Appendix A.01 sec ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .99 sec Default 0.02 I2 Func: NONE NONE. the same as Input 1 above 92 0. entecene.Option 6.NT http://www. Description Menu to set External Output Terminal Function and Output type The output relay is available as an ordering option.etc ) Function Occurrence Status LCD Display S/R LATCH Pulse T Type PULSE Y LATCH Latch S Q R OUTxx Relay OPTO INPUT SET(OUTxx Reset) Pulse OUTPUT RELAY TEST 2s Figure 6-3.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Output logic ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 93 . Output Relay Set .7. Protective Elements Relay Setting ( 6..co.27.. S/R LATCH Default S/R LATCH Step ~ S/R LATCH: Output signal is delivered only this function activates (ON).52B* SYSTEM OK* CLOSE BLOCK* MECHANISM LOCK* GAS LOW LOCK* EXT’ TRIP LOCK* INST FAULT* DELAY FAULT* PHASE FAULT* GROUND FAULT* ALTERNATE SETTINGS Enable HIGH CURRENT LOCKOUT FAULT* SEF FAULT* NEQ FAULT* For more detail. it needs Reset signal and it is set in “OPTO INPUT SET” 94 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . LATCH: Output signal is delivered once this function ON. To activate Output again. To turn it off. Setting PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / OUTPUT RELAY SET / O1 Func [OUTPUT RELAY SET] >O1 Func: NONE O1 Type: S/R LATCH O1 Pulse T: 0. LATCH. PULSE: Output signal is delivered only during PULSE T.2. turn it ON again. NOTE : The function marked with ‘*’ is an option.52A INPUT 1~ 8 GAS LOW* OPEN .co.kr 6. RELAY OUTPUT FUNCTION”.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.7. TRIP. Output Relay can have following function. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / OUTPUT RELAY SET / O1 Type [OUTPUT RELAY SET] O1 Func: NONE >O1 Type: S/R LATCH O1 Pulse T: 0.entecene.05 NONE. … . turn this function OFF and then. NEQ FLT* Range Default NONE Step ~ Enter the function of External output terminal. refer to “Appendix B.NT http://www. That function may not be supported by the option type. NONE TRIP CLOSE FAIL TRIP FAIL CLOSE FAIL AC FAIL BATTTERY 27 ELEMENT 59 ELEMENT 25 ELEMENT 81 ELEMENT 79 RESET 79CYCLE 79LOCKOUT SELFCHECK PROTECTION Enable GROUND Enable SEF Enable RECLOSE Enable CONTROL Locked REMOTE Enable PROGRAM1 Enable PROGRAM2 Enable HOT LINE TAG Enable LO/RE OPEN ALARM CLOSE .05 Range PULSE. 05 Range 0.01 ~ 99.co.01 sec Sets Duration time if OUTPUT TYPE is PULSE Output 2 ~ 8 is the same as above. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 95 .entecene.99 sec Default 0.kr PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / OUTPUT RELAY SET / O1 Pulse T [OUTPUT RELAY SET] O1 Func: NONE O1 Type: S/R LATCH >O1 Pulse T: 0.05 Step 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.NT http://www. Loop Control . TIEpoint Recloser (TIE) TIEpoint Recloser automatically closes when either Source side or Load side becomes DV. After Sectionalizing Recloser is opened and TIEpoint Recloser is closed. connect C/B and when the line becomes LV.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. when a fault occurs. the current flows in opposite way. After changed to Alternate setting. 96 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .kr 6. then automatically the setting is changed to Alternate setting. MID point Recloser. MIDpoint Recloser trips once and lockouts. the line becomes DV and if it continues. OCR Function is operated and the load side is disconnected. when TIEpoint Recloser is closed. it is figured as a permanent fault.8.entecene. When Load side of Sectionalizing Recloser has a fault. Sectionalizing Recloser is opened. the setting is automatically changed to Primary setting and MIDpoint Recloser is closed.NT http://www.co. Hence. Therefore. the line becomes DV status and if it continues. When a fault occurs during automatic closing. TIE point Recloser. the current flows in opposite way. OCR Function is operated and disconnects the load side. When Load side of MIDpoint Recloser gets a fault. Loop control is able to provide automation system with using Sectionalizing Recloser. MIDpoint Recloser(MID) When a fault is occurred in the source side of MIDpoint Recloser and backup C/B or Sectionalizing Recloser operates. After recovering the fault.Option The purpose of using LOOP CONTROL is to isolate a fault area and protect the normal operation area by coordinating with C/B or Recloser when a fault occurs. Loop control is performed by voltage sensing of DV(Dead Line Voltage). the load side of Sectionalizing Recloser can keep the live line. the recloser trips once and locks out. TIEpoint recloser automatically opens when loop control operates automatic closing at both side and when both sides become DV. Sectionalizing Recloser(SEC) When a fault is occurred from the source side of Sectionalizing Recloser and backup C/B operates. it is figured as a permanent fault. During TIEpoint Recloser closed. LV(Live Line Voltage). [TIE] Display a selected type. MID. [RUN] Displays loop control function is operating due to the dead line voltage of Recloser’s Source side. LOOP CONTROL KEY Use PROGRAM KEY to use Loop control on User interface Panel. after loop control operation.] AUTO RESTORE T [ .] Display Load side voltage of Recloser either Dead line voltage or Live line voltage. [LV] Display Source side voltage of Recloser either Dead line voltage or Live line voltage.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. [MID]. VS: [DV]. and restores the preset values.] VL-[DV] VLDLT-[ . Figure 6-4.]. Press “ENT” KEY to check operation status on the Initial Screen to see loop control mode. Loop Control Key Lamp is on when Auto restoration function is enabled.NT http://www. Program 1: Enable/Disables Loop control function. Auto Rest’ T” timer operates till timeout. [RUN] Displays Restoring status after Loop control operation. MID can be selected on CLOSE status and TIE can be selected on OPEN status. [LV] LOOP CONTROL [TIE] VS-[DV] VSDLT-[ . Program 2: Enable/Disables Auto restoration function of SEC. Auto restoration function is. SEC.]. LOOP CONTROL: [SEC] . VL: [DV]. Lamp is on when Loop control function is Enabled. VSDLT: [ . AUTO RESTORE T: [ . [RUN] Displays loop control function is operating due to the dead line voltage of Recloser’s Load side.kr LCD Initial Screen Recloser type that is selected in Loop control. are displayed on LCD Initial Screen. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 97 .co. VLDLT: [ .entecene.]. T phase) Voltage Standard Model.entecene. VS : Recloser’s Source Side(A.S. MID.1. TIE operates upon selected side of voltage sensing.B.Tie: VS Range NONE. phase S and T are not measured.kr 6. SEC : SECtionalizing Recloser MID : MIDpoint Recloser TIE : TIEpoint Recloser PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LOOP CONTROL / VRS to S/M [LOOP CONTROL] >Type Select: NONE >VRS . TIE Default NONE Step ~ Select the Recloser Type and add Loop Control function. VL.NT http://www. VL Default VS Step ~ Voltage Response Side to SEC&MID : The setting values are used in SEC.C phase) Voltage VL : Recloser’s Load Side(R. After selecting. Select the Voltage response side when Recloser type is SEC & MID VS : Recloser’s Source Side(A. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LOOP CONTROL / VRS to Tie [LOOP CONTROL] >Type Select: NONE >VRS .8.S/M: VS >VRS . NONE : Loop control is not in use.S/M: VS >VRS . R phases.S/M: VS >VRS . B. SEC.T phase) Voltage VS&VL : Loop control operates one of either Source side or load side voltage becomes dead line voltage. VS&VL Default VS Step ~ Voltage Response Side to Tie : The setting value is used in TIE.Tie: VS Range VS. CVD or RVD) to measure the voltage.Tie: VS Range VS. Recloser operates upon selected side of voltage sensing. 98 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . MID. C.C phase) Voltage VL : Recloser’s Load Side(R. EVRC2A uses VD(Voltage divider.S. Setting PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LOOP CONTROL / Type Select [LOOP CONTROL] >Type Select: NONE >VRS .B.co. press Program 1 Key to enable Loop Control.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. It measures only A. Selected phase is used to figure dead/live line voltage.T phase) voltage sensor(VD or VT) connection type.entecene. 3PN : 3 Phase-Neutral 3PP : 3 Phase-Phase 1PN(A) : Phase A-Neutral 1PN(B) : Phase B-Neutral 1PN(C) : Phase C-Neutral 1PP(AB) : Phase A-Phase B 1PP(BC) : Phase B-Phase C 1PP(CA) : Phase C-Phase A PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LOOP CONTROL / VL wire [LOOP CONTROL] >VS Wire: 3PN >VL Wire: 1PN(A) >Cng Alt-Mid : OFF Range 3PN. Selected phase is used to figure dead/live line voltage. 3PP.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Select 1PN(A) to measure R phase voltage for VD(CVD or RVD) type Control S. 1PP(AB). B. 3PP. 1PP(CA) Default 3PN Step ~ Line VS Wire : Select Recloser’s Source side(A. 1PP(AB). 1PN(C). 1PN(A). 1PN(B). 1PP(BC).NT http://www. 3PN : 3 Phase-Neutral 3PP : 3 Phase-Phase 1PN(A) : Phase A-Neutral 1PN(B) : Phase B-Neutral 1PN(C) : Phase C-Neutral 1PP(AB) : Phase A-Phase B 1PP(BC) : Phase B-Phase C 1PP(CA) : Phase C-Phase A ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 99 .S. 1PN(C). C phase voltage.B.C phase) voltage sensor(VD or VT) connection type.co. VD type Control measures A. 1PP(CA) Default 3PN Step ~ Line VL Wire : Select Recloser Load side(R. 1PP(BC).T phase are not measured. 1PN(B).kr PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LOOP CONTROL / VS wire [LOOP CONTROL] >VS Wire: 3PN >VL Wire: 1PN(A) >Cng Alt-Mid : OFF Range 3PN. 1PN(A). Loop control (setting value) of Primary and Alternate shall be set as the same. To use this function.Mid [LOOP CONTROL] >VS Wire: 3PN >VL Wire: 1PN(A) >Cng Alt-Mid : OFF Range OFF. after set time (LL Regain T).RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. ON(VL). Select if Primary setting is automatically changed to Alternate setting. ON(BOTH) Default OFF Step ~ Change Alternate Setting at Tie Point : Set value is used in TIE. To use this function. ON(VL) : Turn on Auto change by measuring VL.co. ON(VS). Select if Primary setting is automatically changed to Alternate setting.entecene. OFF : Turn off auto change.kr PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LOOP CONTROL / Cng Alt. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LOOP CONTROL / Cng Alt-Tie [LOOP CONTROL] >Cng Alt-Tie: OFF >LC After Cl:DISABLE >LC After Op:DISABLE Range OFF. ON(BOTH) : Turn on Auto change by measuring VS or VL. ON Default OFF Step ~ Change Alternate Setting at Mid Point : Set Value is used in MID. ON(VS) : Turn on Auto change by measuring VS. ON : Turn on auto change. OFF : Turn off auto change. 100 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . Loop control (setting value) of Primary and Alternate shall be set as the same.NT http://www. after set time (LL Regain T). NT http://www.0 Range 1. source and load sides become dead line for a certain period. Loop control function is not automatically activated. When Loop control function is enabled. PROGRAM 1 LED on User interface panel is turned on.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Manual open is referred when the operation signal is coming from remote or local. After TIE closed.00 Step 0.00 >Auto Rest’ T: 5. ENABLE Range Default DISABLE Step ~ Select After Manual Open : Setting Value is used in TIE.kr PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LOOP CONTROL / LC After Cl [LOOP CONTROL] >Cng Alt-Tie: OFF >LC After Cl:DISABLE >LC After Op:DISABLE DISABLE. DISABLE : After Manual close. Loop control function is automatically activated.00 >DL V Max(%): 50. DISABLE : After Manual open. Loop control function is automatically activated.00 sec Default 10. To select Loop Control automatically enable after recloser is closed by Manual operation.00 ~ 600.entecene. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LOOP CONTROL / LC After Op [LOOP CONTROL] >Cng Alt-Tie: OFF >LC After Cl:DISABLE >LC After Op:DISABLE DISABLE. (Use PROGRAM 1 to activate it) ENABLE : After Manual open. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 101 . PROGRAM 1 LED on User interface panel is turned on. ENABLE Range Default DISABLE Step ~ Select After Manual Close : Setting value is used in SEC. To select Loop control function automatically enable after recloser is opened by manual operation. Manual close is referred when the operation signal is coming from remote or local.01 sec Open Time on Both Dead Bus : Setting value is used in TIE.co.(Use PROGRAM 1 to activate it) ENABLE : After Manual close. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LOOP CONTROL / OT Both DL [LOOP CONTROL] >OT Both DL: 10. Loop control function is not automatically activated. When Loop control function is enabled. TIE opens by Loop control. it is figured from a selected phase from “VS Wire”. After opened. SEC operates Loop control (Automatic Open) if a voltage selected from “VRS – S/M” becomes dead line. the voltage becomes Live Line. In Source side.1 % Dead Bus Maximum Voltage(%) : Sense Dead Line Voltage.co. it is figured from a selected phase from “VL Wire”.0 Range 20. In Load side.0 ~ 70. In Live Line. In Dead Line. Live Line becomes Tie Close.kr PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LOOP CONTROL / Auto Rest’ T [LOOP CONTROL] >OT Both DL: 10.NT http://www. In Source side.0 % Default 70.0 % Default 50.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.1 % Live Bus Minimum Voltage(%) : Sense Live Line Voltage. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LOOP CONTROL / LL V Min(%) [LOOP CONTROL] >LL V Min(%): 70. it is figured from a selected phase from “VL Wire”. a certain period later. when a voltage is decreased below a set value.0 Step 0.00 Step 0. Restore (auto close and change to Primary setting). it determines Live Line. and when Loop control (“Chg Alt-Tie” is on.00 sec Default 5.00 ~ 600. and during operation. restores (Automatic Close). This is active when Program 2 on User Interface Panel is enabled.entecene. if a voltage selected form “VRS – S/M” becomes dead line.00 >DL V Max(%): 50.00 >DL V Max(%): 50. when a voltage is increased over a set value.01 sec Auto Restoration Time : Setting value is used in SEC. MID. MID.0 Step 0.0 >DL Pickup T: 50.00 >LL Regain T: 10. After Loop control.0 ~ 85.00 >Auto Rest’ T: 5. it determines Dead Line. it automatically changes to Alternate Setting. it is figured form a selected phase from “VS Wire”.00 >Auto Rest’ T: 5. it figures as a fault and Trip Lockout. In Load side.00 Range 50. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LOOP CONTROL / DL V Max(%) [LOOP CONTROL] >OT Both DL: 10.0 Range 1. 102 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . After it becomes Live line. SEC’s reset Time shall be longer than MID 5 seconds.00 ~ 600.kr PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LOOP CONTROL / DL Pickup T [LOOP CONTROL] >LL V Min(%): 70.0 >DL Pickup T: 50. and MID’s shall be longer than TIE’s 5 seconds.entecene. Setting shall be the same or bigger than the sum of C/B or recloser’s reclosing time.01 sec Live Bus Pickup Time Delay : “DL Pickup T” shall be finished and during reset time. the line becomes Dead Line and “LL Regain T” Timer shall be operated so that SEC.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.00 >LL Regain T: 10.00 sec Default 50. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LOOP CONTROL / DBRT Time [LOOP CONTROL] >LL Regain T: 10.01 sec Dead Bus Pickup Time Delay : During “DL Pickup T”.00 sec Default 5.00 ~ 600. MID. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LOOP CONTROL / LL Regain T [LOOP CONTROL] >LL V Min(%): 70.00 sec Default 10.00 Range 1.00 Step 0. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 103 .NT http://www. the line shall not be Live Line. SEC is opened. This timer operates when “DL Pickup T” is set and the line becomes Live line.00 >LL Regain T: 10. and TIE is closed automatically after changing settings form Primary to Alternate(if Chg Alt-Tie is enable).00 Step 0. Timer is not reset regardless of Live Line and it is reset by “DL rest T” Timer. When timer is finished. MID changes Settings from Primary to Alternate(if Chg Alt-Mid is enable).0 >DL Pickup T: 50.00 >DL Reset T: 5. TIE can operate.01 sec Dead Bus Reset Time : It is a delay timer to reset accumulated time from “DL Pickup T”. “DL Pickup T” Timer is the Cumulative Timer to count Dead Line time while C/B or Recloser is doing re-close operation.00 Range 1.00 Range 1.00 ~ 600.co.00 >NRT After LC: 10.00 Step 0. MID reclose.NT http://www.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.co. reclosing is executed. If a fault occurs and MID trips after a set time. MID trips once and lockouts.00 Step 0. TIE also.entecene. while backward distributing line operating.01 sec Non Reclose Time After LC Action : Setting values are used in MID. After “LL Regain T” and changed Settings.00 >NRT After LC: 10.00 Range 0. 104 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . If a fault occurs and TIE trips after a set time. if a fault occurs and MID trips within a set time. trips once and lockout.00 sec Default 10. TIE. reclosing is executed.00 >DL Reset T: 5.kr PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / LOOP CONTROL / NRT After LC [LOOP CONTROL] >LL Regain T: 10.00 ~ 600. This timer prevents from Reclosing when recloser operates due to a fault after Loop control. when a fault occurs and TIE trips within a set time. After “LL Regain T”. Sectionalizing Recloser Logic ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 105 .2.co. Loop Control Logic Diagram Figure 6-5.kr 6.entecene.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.8.NT http://www. co.kr .NT Figure 6-6.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. MID Point Recloser Logic 106 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY http://www.entecene. NT http://www.co.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.kr Figure 6-7.entecene. TIE Point Recloser Logic ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 107 . 00 X - PROGRAM 1 - ENABLE ENABLE ENABLE ENABLE ENABLE - PROGRAM 2 - ENABLE ENABLE X ENABLE ENABLE - Reclose Time 2sec-1st reclose.00 5.00 X X - Auto Rest’ T - 5.0 22.00 5.00 5. In “Table 6-3. 108 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.0 50.00 10.0 22. 15sec-3rd reclose (lockout) “X” is not used.0 50.0 70.8.0 - LL V Min(%) - 70.00 5.kr 6. Table 6-3. Setting is in-turn form Source side to SEC-MID-TIE. 2 sets of MID(MIDpoint Reclosers) and 1 set of TIE(TIEpoint Recloser). 5-Reclosers Setting”.0 22.0 - LL Regain T - 5. RC3 are installed for CB1 side.00 15.00 5.3.00 5.0 70. RC5 are installed for CB2 side.NT http://www.00 - DL V Max(%) - 50.00 - NRT After LC - X 10.0 50.0 22.00 5.co.0 70. RC2. Loop Control Application 5-Reclosers Loop Control For five reclosers loop control.0 50.0 70.00 10.entecene. 5sec-2nd reclose. it consists of 2 sets of SEC(Sectionalizing Recloser).00 5. And the source side bushings of RC4. the source side bushings of RC1.00 - DL Reset T - 5. 5-Reclosers Setting SETTING CB1 RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 RC5 CB2 Type Select - SEC MID TIE MID SEC - VRS – S/M - VS ←⎯⎯ VS ←⎯⎯ X VS ⎯⎯→ VS ⎯⎯→ - VRS – Tie - X X VS&VL X X - VS Wire - 3PN 3PN 3PN 3PN 3PN - VL Wire - 1PN(A) 1PN(A) 1PN(A) 1PN(A) 1PN(A) - Cng Alt-Mid - X ON X ON X - Cng Alt-Tie - X X ON X X - LC After Cl - ENABLE ENABLE X ENABLE ENABLE - LC After Op - - X ENABLE X - - OT Both DL - X X 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.0 - DL Pickup T - 22. TIE(RC3) setting to Primary setting.entecene. TIE shall have longer time set than MID. change MID(RC2). close CB1. SEC(RC1). accumulates Dead line time and the accumulated time becomes “DL Pick T”. MID(RC2) changes to Alternate setting. TIE has the same setting time. Step4 : After removing a Fault. TIE(RC3) operate. CB1 operates reclosing sequence and then Trip Lockouts. SEC(RC1) is opened automatically.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.NT http://www.co. 5-Reclosers Loop Control at F1 Fault Step1 : When Permanent Fault occurs at F1. Step5 : Manually open TIE(RC3). “LL Regain T” operates. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 109 . “DL Pick T” is set by summing all reclosing time of back line equipment. the rest of region shall be alive by backward distributing line. MID shall have longer time set than SEC. MID. and if the line is not becoming Live line within a set time. Step3 : When “LL Regain T” is finished. During CB1 operation. When a line is Dead Line. SEC(RC1) automatically close after AutoRestoration Time. Enable Loop control of TIE(RC3) to recover the line as previous normal line. TIE(RC3) changes to Alternate setting automatically. and then automatically close. Step2 : “LL Regain T” is set.kr 5-Reclosers Loop control at F1 Fault Figure 6-8. When “LL Regain T” is enable. F1 is isolated by Loop control operation. then. To operate “LL Regain T” from SEC→MID→TIE in turn. MID(RC2). SEC. 110 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . MID(RC2) trip once and lockout because of F2 fault. SEC(RC1) operate reclosing sequence and tirp lockout. and the accumulated Dead line time becomes “DL Pick T”. and if the line is not becoming Live line within a set time. TIE point recloser has the same setting time.co.entecene. MID(RC3) automatically changes to Alternate setting after Auto Restoration Time. Enable Loop control of TIE(RC3) to recover the line as previous normal line.NT http://www. During SEC(RC1) operation. TIE shall have longer time set than MID. Step4 : When closing TIE(RC3). the rest of region shall be alive by backward distributing line.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. “LL Regain T” operates. Step6 : Manually open TIE(RC3) and change to Primary setting. “DL Pick T” is set by summing all reclosing time of back line equipment. When “LL Regain T” is enable. Step2 : “LL Regain T” is set. MID(RC2) changes to Alternate setting automatically. 5-Reclosers Loop Control at F2 Fault Step1 : When Permanent Fault occurs at F2. TIE(RC3) operate. MID(RC2).kr 5-Reclosers Loop control at F2 Fault Figure 6-9. Step5 : After removing a Fault. F2 is isolated by Loop control operation. TIE(RC3) automatically close after changing to Alternate setting. close SEC(RC1). To operate “LL Regain T” from MID→TIE in turn. When the line is Dead Line. accumulate Dead line time. then. Step3 : When “LL Regain T” is finished. MID. “DL Pick T” is set by summing all reclosing time of back line equipment. and recover the previous the line as the previous normal line. MID(RC2) operate reclosing sequence and tirp lockout. accumulate Dead line time. TIE(RC3) trip once and lockout because of F3 fault. Enable Loop control of TIE(RC3). F3 is isolated by Loop control operation. Step3 : When closing TIE(RC3). 5-Reclosers Loop Control at F2 Fault Step1 : When Permanent Fault occurs at F3. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 111 .entecene. When “LL Regain T” is enable. During MID(RC2) operation. Step2 : “LL Regain T” is set. TIE(RC3) operate. and if the line is not becoming Live line within a set time. TIE(RC3) changes to Alternate setting automatically.kr 5-Reclosers Loop control at F3 Fault Figure 6-10. the rest of region shall be alive by backward distributing line.NT http://www.co. When the line is Dead Line. close MID(RC3) Step5 : Manually open TIE(RC3) and change to Primary setting. “LL Regain T” operates.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Step4 : After removing the fault. and the accumulated Dead line time becomes “DL Pick T”. Setting is in-turn form Source side to SEC and to TIE. 3-Reclosers Setting”. In “Table 6-4. 15sec-3rd reclose (lockout) “X” is not used. 5sec-2nd reclose.00 5.kr 3-Reclosers Loop Control For three .entecene.NT http://www. And the source side bushings of RC3 are installed for CB2 side.co.00 X - PROGRAM 1 - ENABLE ENABLE ENABLE - PROGRAM 2 - ENABLE X ENABLE - Reclose Time 2sec-1st reclose.00 10.0 50.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.0 22.0 - DL Pickup T - 22.00 5. the source side bushings of RC1.0 70.00 - DL Reset T - 5.00 X - Auto Rest’ T - 5. 112 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .00 5.0 22. Table 6-4.0 - LL Regain T - 5. RC2 are installed for CB1 side. it consists of 2 sets of SEC(Sectionalizing Recloser).00 5.reclosers loop control.00 5. 3-Reclosers Setting SETTING CB1 RC1 RC2 RC3 CB2 Type Select - SEC VRS – S/M TIE SEC - - VS ←⎯⎯ X VS ⎯⎯→ - VRS – Tie - X VS&VL X - VS Wire - 3PN 3PN 3PN - VL Wire - 1PN(A) 1PN(A) 1PN(A) - Cng Alt-Mid - X X X - Cng Alt-Tie - X ON X - LC After Cl - ENABLE X ENABLE - LC After Op - - ENABLE - - OT Both DL - X 10.0 50.00 - DL V Max(%) - 50.0 70.00 - NRT After LC - X 10. 1 set of TIE(TIEpoint Recloser).0 - LL V Min(%) - 70. F1 is isolated by Loop control operation.co. During CB1 operation. Enable Loop control of TIE(RC2) and recover the line as the previous normal line. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 113 . TIE(RC2) operate. When “LL Regain T” is finished.kr 3-Reclosers Loop control at F1 Fault Figure 6-11. SEC(RC1) is automatically closed after Auto Restoration Time. 3-Reclosers Loop control at F1 Fault Step1 : When Permanent Fault occurs at F1. SEC(RC1) is opened automatically. “LL Regain T” operates. close CB1. Step2 : “LL Regain T” is set. Step3 : After removing the fault.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.entecene. “DL Pick T” is set by summing all reclosing time of back line equipment. When a line is Dead Line. To operate “LL Regain T” from SEC→TIE in turn. TIE(RC2) automatically changes to Alternate setting and close. the rest of region shall be alive by backward distributing line. accumulates Dead line time and the accumulated time becomes “DL Pick T”. SEC. CB1 operates reclosing sequence and then Trip Lockouts. SEC(RC1). TIE has the same setting time. TIE shall have longer time set than SEC. and if the line is not becoming Live line within a set time.NT http://www. Step4 : Manually open TIE(RC2) and change to Primary setting. and if the line is not becoming Live line within a set time. Step4 : Manually open TIE(RC2) and change to Primary setting.NT http://www.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. TIE(RC2) automatically changes to Alternate setting and close. accumulates Dead line time and the accumulated time becomes “DL Pick T”. 114 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . When a line is Dead Line. MID(RC2) trip once and lockouts because of F2. “LL Regain T” operates.co. When closing TIE(RC2). close SEC(RC1).kr 3-Reclosers Loop control at F2 Fault Figure 6-12. Enable Loop control of TIE(RC2) and recover the line as the previous normal line.entecene. 3-Reclosers Loop control at F2 Fault Step1 : When Permanent Fault occurs at F2. Step3 : After removing the fault. SEC(RC1) operates reclosing sequence and then Trip Lockouts. Step2 : “LL Regain T” is set. During SEC(RC1) operation. 9. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 115 . During fault detecting(pickup status) or in fault condition.co. In this case. And these settings can be selected automatically by “Set Group Change” function. it does not work.Option Sometimes. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP/ SET GROUP CHANGE / Time interval [SET GROUP CHANGE] >Function: DISABLE >Time interval: 30 Range 10~180sec Default 30 Step 1sec If power flow is changed for this set time. setting group is changed. PRIMARY SETTING / SYSTEM SETUP / SET GROUP CHANGE / Function [SET GROUP CHANGE] >Function: DISABLE >Time interval: 30 Range DISABLE. Set Group Change . y This function shall be operated when 3 phase voltages are more than 50% of rated voltage and at least 1 phase has more than 10% of rated current.entecene.ENABLE Default DISABLE Step ~ Set whether to use Set Group Change.NT http://www.kr 6.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. it is necessary to change Protection setting. Primary setting is applied if power flow is forward and Alternate setting is applied if power flow is reverse(backward). Applying rules y This function is operated when Power line system is in normal condition. Recloser can be installed reversely against Power Flow(supply). EVRC2A has two options includes Primary Setting and Alternate Setting to help in this situation. When this function is used. 4.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. POWER QUALITY” in SYSTEM SETUP menu. Power Quality elements are set in this menu and sub-menu is as below. SYSTEM SETUP / POWER QUALITY / S-O Func (Option) [POWER QUALITY] >S-O Func: Disable >S-O Duration: 20 >SAG Func: Disable Disable.10. Detect level is set by multiplying a set value in here to source side rated voltage.NT http://www. Enable Range Default Disable Step ~ It is to set event recording of sag enable or disable. SYSTEM SETUP / POWER QUALITY / SAG Func (Option) > [POWER QUALITY] >S-O Func: Disable >S-O Duration: 20 >SAG Func: Disable Disable.80 Step 0. “MAINTENANCE” and “EVENT RECORDER. 116 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . Outage time. number of times and duration can be viewed in menu. Power Quality – Option” for more information.kr 6. Power Quality – Option” for more information. Refer to “11.80 0.co. Power Quality .” Refer to “11.entecene.4.95 × VT(secondary nominal voltage) Range Default 0.01 Set a detect level of Voltage sag(low voltage) for Power Quality.Option Place the curser on “10.30 ~ 0. Enable Range Default Disable Step ~ It is to set event recording of supply outage enable or disable. SYSTEM SETUP / POWER QUALITY / S-O Duration (Option) > [POWER QUALITY] >S-O Func: Disable >S-O Duration: 20 >SAG Func: Disable 1 ~3600 sec Range Default 20 Step 1 sec It is to set event recording detect supply outage and to set time to get recovered from supply outage. press [ENT] button to move into this menu. SYSTEM SETUP / POWER QUALITY / SAG Pickup (Option) > [POWER QUALITY] >S-O Duration: 20 >SAG Func: Disable >SAG Pickup: 0. 20 >SWL Duration: 20 Range 1.co. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 117 . SYSTEM SETUP / POWER QUALITY / UBI Func (Option) > [POWER QUALITY] >UBI Func: Disable >UBI Pickup: 30 >UBI Duration: 4.80 >SAG Duration: 5 Range 1~60 cycle Default 5 Step 1 Set a detect time for voltage sag(voltage low).20 Step 0.NT http://www. NOTE : This setting is supported from version 6. Enable Default Disable Step ~ It is to set event recording of current unbalance enable or disable.NT. Detect level is set by multiplying a set value in here to source side rated voltage.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.25 × VT(secondary nominal voltage) Default 1.0 Range Disable.80 >SAG Duration: 5 >SWL Func: Disable Range Disable.01 Set a detect level of voltage swell(high voltage) for Power Quality. SYSTEM SETUP / POWER QUALITY / SWL Duration (Option) > [POWER QUALITY] >SWL Func: Disable >SWL Pickup: 1.entecene. SYSTEM SETUP / POWER QUALITY / SWL Pickup (Option) > [POWER QUALITY] >SWL Func: Disable >SWL Pickup: 1. SYSTEM SETUP / POWER QUALITY / SWL Func (Option) > [POWER QUALITY] >SAG Pickup: 0.05 ~ 1.kr SYSTEM SETUP / POWER QUALITY / SAG Duration (Option) > [POWER QUALITY] >SAG Func: Disable >SAG Pickup: 0.12 of EVRC2AN6. Enable Default Disable Step ~ It is to set event recording of swell enable or disable.20 >SWL Duration: 20 Range 1~60 cycle Default 5 Step 1 Set a detect time for voltage swell(voltage high). NT. SYSTEM SETUP / POWER QUALITY / UBI Duration (Option) > [POWER QUALITY] >UBI Func: Disable >UBI Pickup: 30 >UBI Duration: 4.1 ~ 60.0 sec Default 4. NOTE : This setting is supported from version 6.0 Range 0.12 of EVRC2A-N6. NOTE : This setting is supported from version 6.NT.1 sec Set a detect time of current unbalance.NT. UI rate = I2 × 100 I1 NOTE : This setting is supported from version 6. then current unbalance status point does not maked. SYSTEM SETUP / POWER QUALITY / UBI Limit (Option) > [POWER QUALITY] >UBI Pickup: 30 >UBI Duration: 4.0 1 ~ 100 % Range Default 30 Step 1% Set a detect level of current unbalance for Power Quality.co. Current unbalance is calculated by following formula.NT http://www.entecene. 118 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .kr SYSTEM SETUP / POWER QUALITY / UBI Pickup (Option) > [POWER QUALITY] >UBI Func: Disable >UBI Pickup: 30 >UBI Duration: 4.12 of EVRC2A-N6.0 >UBI Limit: 10 Range 0 ~ 630 A Default 10 Step 1A Set the minimum current value to detect the current unbalance element.12 of EVRC2AN6.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. If load current is smaller this level.0 Step 0. SYSTEM SETUP / POWER QUALITY / UBV Pickup (Option) > [POWER QUALITY] >UBV Func: Disable >UBV Pickup: 30 >UBV Duration: 4.0 1 ~ 100 % Range Default 30 Step 1% Set a detect level of voltage unbalance for Power Quality.co.0 sec Default 4.NT.0 Disable. Voltage unbalance is calculated by following formula.12 of EVRC2A-N6.NT http://www. SYSTEM SETUP / POWER QUALITY / UBV Duration (Option) > [POWER QUALITY] >UBV Func: Disable >UBV Pickup: 30 >UBV Duration: 4.NT. NOTE : This setting is supported from version 6.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.12 of EVRC2A-N6.1 sec Set a detect time of voltage unbalance. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 119 .12 of EVRC2A-N6.0 Step 0.kr SYSTEM SETUP / POWER QUALITY / UBV Func (Option) > [POWER QUALITY] >UBV Func: Disable >UBV Pickup: 30 >UBV Duration: 4.entecene. UVrate = V2 × 100 V1 NOTE : This setting is supported from version 6. Enable Range Default Disable Step ~ It is to set event recording of voltage unbalance enable or disable.1 ~ 60.NT. NOTE : This setting is supported from version 6.0 Range 0. PROTECTION Protective Elements Block diagram .entecene.ANSI Designations 120 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . Protective Elements Block Diagram .kr 7.ANSI Designations Figure 7-1.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.co.NT http://www. ANSI Designations Table 7-1.NT http://www.entecene. Protective Elements -ANSI Designations Protective Elements ANSI Designations Four shot recloser 79 Phase fast time overcurrent 51P1 Ground fast time overcurrent 51G1 Negative sequence fast time overcurrent 46(51)-1 Phase delay time overcurrent 51P2 Ground delay time overcurrent 51G2 Negative sequence delay time overcurrent 46(51)-2 Sensitive Earth Fault protection 51SEF Phase directional time control 67P Ground directional time control 67G Negative sequence directional time control 67I2 Directional Sensitive Earth Fault 67SEF Phase instantaneous high current trip 50P1 Ground instantaneous high current trip 50G1 Negative sequence instantaneous high current trip 46(50)1 Phase High current trip lockout 50P2 Ground High current trip lockout 50G2 Negative sequence High current trip lockout 46(50)2 Under voltage 1 27-1 Under voltage 2 27-2 Over voltage 1 59-1 Over voltage 2 59-2 Under frequency 81U Over frequency 81O Synchronism check 25 Cold load pickup Sequence coordination Loss of Phase ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 121 .kr Protective Elements .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.co. and each reclose shot has its own separate reclose interval timer. This setting is used to change the total number of the phase trip operations.co.kr 7. This setting is used to change the total number of the ground trip operations. the reclose logic lockouts. The number of operation lockout setting is programmed one to five. The reclosing element can be disabled in the Primary. The Reclose Element should be enabled to the following settings. Alternate settings by one operating lockout or by [RECLOSE ENABLED] push button on user interface panel. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / OPERATIONS / Lockout-PHA [OPERATIONS] >Lockout-PHA: Lockout-GND: Lockout-SEF: Range 4 4 4 1~5 Default 4 Step 1 Select the total number of the phase trip operations.NT http://www. If this continues to the maximum number of the operating lockout programmed in the Reclose element. the Reclose element closes the recloser when the programmed reclose interval time expires. the Reclose element will continue to increment the operating counter. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / OPERATIONS / Lockout-GND [OPERATIONS] Lockout-PHA: >Lockout-GND: Lockout-SEF: Range 4 4 4 1~5 Default 4 Step 1 Select the total number of the ground trip operations. then the reclose logic is reset by the reset logic. This setting is used to change the total number of the SEF trip operations 122 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .entecene.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. If the fault is transient. If the fault is permanent and the recloser continues to trip and reclose. Reclose (79) After a fault has occurred. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / OPERATIONS / Lockout-SEF [OPERATIONS] Lockout-PHA: Lockout-GND: >Lockout-SEF: Range 4 4 4 1~5 Default 4 Step 1 Select the total number of the SEF trip operations.1. The difference between setting [OPERATION] Lockout-NEQ and setting [OPERATION] Fast Curve-NEQ is the number of remaining negative sequence delay curve operations. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / OPERATIONS / Fast Curve-GND [OPERATIONS] Lockout-SEF: Fast Curve-PHA: >Fast Curve-GND: Range 4 2 2 0~5 Default 2 Step 1 Select a number for the ground fast curve operations. The difference between setting [OPERATION] Lockout-PHA and setting [OPERATION] Fast Curve-PHA is the number of remaining phase delay curve operations.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.entecene. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / OPERATIONS / Fast Curve-NEQ [OPERATIONS] Fast Curve-PHA: Fast Curve-GND: >Fast Curve-NEQ: Range 2 2 2 0~5 Default 2 Step 1 Select a number for the negative sequence fast curve operations. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 123 . This setting is used to change the number of the ground fast curve operations. This setting is used to change the total number of the negative sequence trip operations. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / OPERATIONS / Fast Curve-PHA [OPERATIONS] Lockout-GND: Lockout-SEF: >Fast Curve-PHA: Range 4 4 2 0~5 Default 2 Step 1 Select the number of the phase fast curve operations.NT http://www.co.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / OPERATIONS / Lockout-NEQ [OPERATIONS] Lockout-GND: Lockout-SEF: >Lockout-NEQ: Range 4 4 4 1~5 Default 4 Step 1 Select the total number of the negative sequence trip operations. This setting is used to change the number of the phase fast curve operations. The difference between setting [OPERATION] Lockout-GND and setting [OPERATION] Fast Curve-GND is the number of remaining ground delay curve operations. This setting is used to change the number of the negative sequence fast curve operations. The Reset time for auto reclose is used for the recloser to automatically reclose.00 Reclose 3: 15.01 sec This setting is used to change the first reclose interval time between the first trip operation and the close operation.00 sec Default 15. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / INTERVALS / Reclose 4 [INTERVALS] Reclose 2: 2.00 ~ 600.00 >Reset T(AR): 30. the Reset time for auto reclose setting is used to set time for a delay longer than the incomplete sequence.60 Reclose 2: 2. Traditionally. 124 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .10 ~ 600.00 sec Default 2.co.01 This setting is used to change the first reclose interval time between the first trip operation and the close operation.00 Step 0.60 Step 0.00 >Reclose 3: 15.01 sec Select Reset time for auto reclose.00 Step 0.entecene. If any overcurrent elements are picked up.00 Range 0.11 of EVRC2A) 0.00 ~ 600.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.01 sec This setting is used to change the first reclose interval time between the first trip operation and the close operation.00 Step 0.00 Reclose 4: 15.00 sec Default 30.00 Range 1.01 sec This setting is used to change the first reclose interval time between the first trip operation and the close operation.60 Reclose 2: 2.00 sec(prior to Ver 6. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / INTERVALS / Reset T(AR) [INTERVALS] Reclose 3: 15. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / INTERVALS / Reclose 3 [INTERVALS] Reclose 1: 0.00 Range 1.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / INTERVALS / Reclose 1 [INTERVALS] >Reclose 1: 0.NT http://www.00 Step 0.00 sec(from Ver 6. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / INTERVALS / Reclose 2 [INTERVALS] Reclose 1: 0.00 ~ 600.50 ~ 600.00 ~ 600.00 Range 1.00 Reclose 3: 15.11 of EVRC2A) Default 0. Reset timer can only count if all the overcurrent elements are cleared. the reset timer is reloaded.60 >Reclose 2: 2.00 Range 1.00sec Default 15.00 Reclose 3: 15.00 >Reclose 4: 15. 00 >Reset T(LO): 10. This timer is used to set the close power waiting time delay allowed to reclose. If this timer expires. The auto reclose logic is disabled for a setting time delay after the recloser is manually/remotely closed.01 sec Select the close power waiting time.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.entecene.00 Reset T(LO): 10.00 Step 0.00 ~ 600. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / INTERVALS / C/P Wait [INTERVALS] Reset T(AR): 30.0 >C/P Wait: 60.NT http://www. If no overcurrent trip occurs after a manual close and this timer expires. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 125 .00 Range 1.00 sec Default 60.01 sec Select the Reset time for lockout.00 ~ 600.co. This delay must be longer than the trip time delay for any protection not blocked after manual closing. Traditionally. the auto reclose logic automatically resets. the Reset Time from lockout setting is set shorter than the Reset time for auto reclose setting.00 sec Default 10.00 Step 0. the reclose logic is locked out.00 Range 1.00 Reset T(AR): 30. It is activated when the reclose logic is in the reclose cycle state.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / INTERVALS / Reset T(LO) [INTERVALS] Reclose 4: 15. This prevents a fault from manual reclosing. y The recloser is manually closed and a fault occurs before the expiration of the reset time.co.NT http://www.3rd TCC (6) 3rd Reclose Interval Time (7) 4th Trip .1.entecene.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. The Lockout State is cleared when the recloser has been manually closed by local/remote control and the reset time has expired. Lockout The lockout state occurs under any of the following conditions : y After a fault of distribution systems. y The close power waiting time delay has expired. y When recloser is manually opened. AMP FAULT CURRENT (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) * LOCK-OUT * PICKUP CURRENT NORMAL CURRENT TIME (1) 1st Trip .2nd TCC (4) 2nd Reclose Interval Time (5) 3rd Trip . The following diagram shows the typical full protection sequence containing 2F2D (two fast and two delay) operations followed by lockout.1.kr 7. the RECLOSE ENABLED LED in user interface panel is not lighted(ON). Protection sequence containing 2F2D operations followed by lockout 126 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .4th TCC Figure 7-2. the fault current is not removed or the recloser’s 52a contacts do not change status of the recloser opened.1st TCC (2) 1st Reclose Interval Time (3) 2nd Trip . y When the high current lockout has occurred. y After TRIP occurs. co.3rd TCC Figure 7-3.kr 7. If the fault condition occurs again during the reset time. Reset Sequence operation after the 3rd reclosing as the fault current is cleared ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 127 . Reset If the faulted current is cleared before the lockout condition.2nd TCC (4) 2nd Reclose Interval Time (5) 3rd Trip .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.NT http://www. the recloser will operate lockout after the completion of the remaining sequence.entecene. The following block diagram shows the reset sequence operation after the 3rd reclosing as the fault current is cleared.1st TCC (2) 1st Reclose Interval Time (3) 2nd Trip .2. AMP FAULT CURRENT (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) AUTO RESET TIME * RESET * PICKUP CURRENT NOMAL CURRENT TIME (1) 1st Trip . the reclosing sequence automatically reset after passing the reset time interval.1. the time overcurrent element will reset instantaneously when the measured current level drops below the pickup setting for one cycle. time dial. Alternate settings and [PROTECTION ENABLED] in user interface panel. The phase time overcurrent element provides a time delay versus current for tripping that is used for an inverse time curve characteristic coordinated with current pickup value. 128 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . The phase time overcurrent element is the most commonly used as a protective element for distribution systems and also used in both down-line and back-up recloser protection. ESB. The phase time overcurrent element contained in the EVR2A.kr 7. In the instantaneous mode. ESB. minimum response time setting and reset type. The instantaneous mode is used to coordinate with other instantaneous reset devices such as a recloser or other protective equipment on the distribution system. A User Programmable curve option is also available for user to allow creating custom’s time current curves for more enhanced coordination than the standard curve types.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. the phase time overcurrent element is prevented from tripping for a period specified by the Cold load pickup scheme. or by an remote control or via SCADA. This inverse characteristic means that time overcurrent element operates slowly on small values of current above the pickup value and operates faster when current increases significantly above the pickup value. Multiple time curves and time dials are available for the phase time overcurrent element to respectively coordinate with other protection elements in the EVRC2A and other external devices on the distribution system. Phase (Fast/Delay) Time Overcurrents (51P) The EVRC2A has two phase time overcurrent elements.NT http://www. time adder. curve type. If the recloser is closed by pressing the CLOSE button on the front panel. USER curves. IEC.entecene. The phase time overcurrent element is enabled in the Primary. ANSI. The phase time delay reset mode applies to the ANSI.2.co. is set based on CT secondary current as connected to the current inputs. The Reset type can be either instantaneous or linear. USER and non-standard time current curves are included in the EVRC2A. IEC. NT http://www. the feature is operational. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 129 .co. the feature is operational. When the feature asserts a TRIP condition. 0000(off) : No Output Relay is selected. 1234 : Operate output signal through 1. When the feature asserts a TRIP condition. Trip operates. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / PHASE FAST / Function [PHASE FAST] >Function: TRIP Relays(0-8): OFF Curve: ANSI-STI Range TRIP.E. 3.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. If function = Trip & AR.F: OFF Range OFF. 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Selects the relays required to operate when the feature generates a Trip. TR&AR Default TRIP Step ~ If function = Trip. Phase Fast Time Overcurrent Setup The following setting is used to program the phase fast time overcurrent element. 2. 10 ~ 1600A Default 500 Step 1A Set the pickup current of Phase Time Overcurrent elements. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / PICKUP CURRENT / Phase [PICKUP CURRENT(A)] >Phase: 500 Ground: 250 S. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / PHASE FAST / Relays(0-8) [PHASE FAST] Function: TRIP >Relays(0-8): OFF Curve: ANSI-STI Range OFF. TRIP and any other selected output relays operate.entecene.kr Phase Pickup Current Setup The following setting is used to program the phase pickup current. 4 Output Relay. Maximum 4 of Relay outputs can be selected to operate output signal. Extremely.00 ~ 10.co.00 >M.00 Step 0. Long Very Inverse User programmable curves : U1. Short Inverse.00 Default 0.01 A time dial set point allows shifting of the selected base curve in the vertical time axis. Long.00 sec Default 0.10s) IEC : Standard. Normally. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / PHASE FAST / M.01 sec The minimum time delay that will occur between pickup and trip.R. Definite Time(1s .T: 0. Very.50 Time Adder: 0.01 sec An additional time delay is added to the time delay resulting from the time overcurrent curve function.50 >Time Adder: 0. even if the time delay is shorter. KG(165) Default ANSI-STI Step ~ Select the desired curve type : ANSI : Moderately.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.U4 McGraw-Edison : Non Standard Curves 37 PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / PHASE FAST / Time Dial [PHASE FAST] Relays(0-8): OFF Curve: ANSI-STI >Time Dial: 0. 130 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . … .00 sec Default 0.00 Step 0. ANSI-NI. Very.T [PHASE FAST] Time Dial: 0.00 Range 0.U2.R.00 Range 0.50 Range 0.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / PHASE FAST / Curve [PHASE FAST] Function: TRIP Relays(0-8): OFF >Curve: ANSI-STI Range ANSI-MI. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / PHASE FAST / Time Adder [PHASE FAST] Curve: ANSI-STI Time Dial: 0.NT http://www.entecene.05 ~ 15. Short Inverse ESB : Normally. This function can be useful for other protective device and line fuse coordination. Very.50 Step 0.00 ~ 10. Extremely.U3. 00 >Reset Method: INST INST. which set the energy capacity directly to zero when the current falls below the reset threshold. NT. the variable must be reduced.T: 0. 1 ~ 600sec Range Default OFF Step 1sec Low set definite time is used to restrict a trip time to be a definite time adjacent to a pickup current by T-C curve.R. such as most static units.co. NOTE : This setting is supported from version 6. Phase Delay Time Overcurrent Setup The phase delay time overcurrent settings process is very similarly to the phase fast time overcurrent. The Instantaneous selection is intended for applications with other relays.03 of EVRC2A-N6. a time overcurrent trip is generated. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / PHASE FAST / Low Set Definite Time [PHASE FAST] >M. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 131 .R. When this variable indicates that the energy capacity has reached 100%. LINEAR Range Default INST Step ~ Overcurrent tripping time calculations are made with an internal energy Capacity memory variable.00 M.NT http://www. Two methods of this resetting operation are available. If less than 100% is accumulated in this variable and the current falls below the dropout threshold of the pickup value. Instantaneous and Linear.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / PHASE FAST / Reset Method [PHASE FAST] Time Adder: 0.entecene.00 >Reset Method: INST >Low Set DT: OFF OFF. When the trip time is greater than the low set definite time. low set definite time is applied for operation. The Linear selection can be used where the relay must coordinate with electromechanical units.T: 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. co. The ground time overcurrent element provides a time delay versus current for tripping that is used for an inverse time curve characteristic coordinated with current pickup value.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. ANSI. ESB. curve type. USER curves. time adder. USER and non-standard time current curves are included in the EVRC2A. 132 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . Alternate settings and both [PROTECTION ENABLED] and [GROUND ENABLED] in user interface panel. The ground time overcurrent element in the EVRC2A is set based on CT secondary current as connected to the current inputs. minimum response time setting and reset type. IEC. The instantaneous mode is used to coordinate with other instantaneous reset devices such as a recloser or other protective equipment on the distribution system.kr 7. ESB. The ground time delay reset mode applies to the ANSI. Multiple time curves and time dials are available for the ground time overcurrent element to closely coordinate with other protection elements within the EVRC2A and other external devices on the distribution system. The Reset type can be either instantaneous or linear. or by an remote control or via SCADA.NT http://www. The ground time overcurrent element is enabled in the Primary.3.entecene. Ground (Fast/Delay) Time Overcurrent (51G) The EVRC2A has two ground time overcurrent elements. In the instantaneous mode the time overcurrent element will reset instantaneously when the current level measured by the EVRC2A drops below the pickup setting for one cycle. This inverse characteristic means that time overcurrent element operates slowly on small values of current above the pickup value and operates faster when current increases significantly above the pickup value. A User Programmable curve option is also available allowing the user to create customer time current curves for more enhanced coordination than the standard curve types. the ground time overcurrent element is prevented from tripping for a period specified by the Cold load pickup scheme. time dial. If the recloser is closed by pressing the CLOSE button on the front panel. The ground time overcurrent element is the most commonly used as a protective element for distribution systems and also used in both down-line and back-up recloser protection. IEC. When the feature asserts a TRIP condition. Very.kr Ground Pickup Current Setup The following setting is used to program the phase pickup current. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / PICKUP CURRENT / Ground [PICKUP CURRENT(A)] >Phase: 500 >Ground: 250 S. KG(165) Default ANSI-STI Step ~ Select the desired curve type : ANSI : Moderately. TR&AR Default TRIP Step ~ If function = Trip. the feature is operational.E. ANSI-NI. Long.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Very. Extremely. … . Definite Time(1s .entecene. Normally. Short Inverse. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / GROUND FAST / Function [GROUND FAST] >Function: TRIP Relays(0-8): OFF Curve: ANSI-STI Range TRIP. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / GROUND FAST / Curve [GROUND FAST] Function: TRIP Relays(0-8): OFF >Curve: ANSI-STI Range ANSI-MI. Long Very Inverse User programmable curves : U1. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / GROUND FAST / Relays(0-8) [GROUND FAST] Function: TRIP >Relays(0-8): OFF Curve: ANSI-STI Range OFF. When the feature asserts a TRIP&AR condition.10s) IEC : Standard.U2. Very.co. If function = Trip & AR.U3. the feature is operational.NT http://www.U4 McGraw-Edison : Non Standard Curves 37 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 133 . 10 ~ 1600A Default 250 Step 1A Set the pickup current of Ground Time Overcurrent elements. it trips and alarms. 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Selects the relays required to operate when the feature generates a Trip. Extremely. Ground Fast Time Overcurrent Setup The following setting is used to program the ground fast time overcurrent element. which will operate the Trip.F: OFF Range OFF. Short Inverse ESB : Normally. This function can be useful for other protective device and line fuse coordination.00 Range 0.00 ~ 10.R.50 Step 0. even if the time delay is shorter. Two methods of this resetting operation are available. If less than 100% is accumulated in this variable and the current falls below the dropout threshold of the pickup value.00 >Reset Method: INST Range INST. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / GROUND FAST / Reset Method [GROUND FAST] Time Adder: 0.00 ~ 10.00 >M. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / GROUND FAST / Time Adder [GROUND FAST] Curve: ANSI-STI Time Dial: 0.T: 0.00 Default 0.00 Range 0.R. a time overcurrent trip is generated.T: 0.co. which set the energy capacity directly to zero when the current falls below the reset threshold. Instantaneous and Linear.00 sec Default 0. the variable must be reduced.R.50 Time Adder: 0.01 sec An additional time delay is added to the time delay resulting from the time overcurrent curve function.50 Range 0. such as most static units. The Instantaneous selection is intended for applications with other relays.00 Step 0.01 A time dial set point allows shifting of the selected base curve in the vertical time axis.00 M. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / GROUND FAST / M. The Linear selection can be used where the relay must coordinate with electromechanical units.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. LINEAR Default INST Step ~ Overcurrent tripping time calculations are made with an internal energy Capacity memory variable. When this variable indicates that the energy capacity has reached 100%.00 sec Default 0.NT http://www. 134 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .50 >Time Adder: 0.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / GROUND FAST / Time Dial [GROUND FAST] Relays(0-8): OFF Curve: ANSI-STI >Time Dial: 0.00 Step 0.05 ~ 15.T [GROUND FAST] Time Dial: 0.01 sec The minimum time delay that will occur between pickup and trip.entecene. co. Ground Delay Time Overcurrent Setup The ground delay time overcurrent settings process is very similarly to the ground fast time overcurrent.T: 0. When the trip time is greater than the low set definite time. low set definite time is applied for operation. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 135 .NT http://www. 1 ~ 600sec Range Default OFF Step 1sec Low set definite time is used to restrict a trip time to be a definite time adjacent to a pickup current by T-C curve.R.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.03 of EVRC2A-N6.00 >Reset Method: INST >Low Set DT: OFF OFF. NT. NOTE : This setting is supported from version 6.entecene.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / GROUND FAST / Low Set Definite Time [GROUND FAST] >M. SEF Pickup Current Setup PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / PICKUP CURRENT / S.15 of EVRC2A) OFF.E. It is possible to check whether the product is dispatched with ZCT installed by checking “MAIN MENU/ STATUS/ CONTROL TYPE” menu. EVRC2A has the separate SEF terminal on side panel.1~16.0 (0.co.15 of EVRC2A) OFF Step 1A Set the pickup current of SEF element. NOTE : The user shall request a CT that satisfies the relevant accuracy when setting below 2A so that the SEF element operates properly. 1 ~ 160A (from Ver 6. Sensitive Earth Fault (SEF) The sensitive earth fault (SEF) is applicable to systems that have restricted current flow for phase to earth fault.kr 7. The VD or PTs should be connected Wye-grounded. Control Type”.NT http://www. The SEF is not applicable to the case in 4 wire multi-earthed systems. 4 ~ 160A (prior to Ver 6.F [PICKUP CURRENT(A)] >Phase: 500 >Ground: 250 >S.4.E. For SEF element.4. The directional control is polarized by a zero sequence voltage(V0). The SEF element in the following three settings should be enabled. Alternate settings and both [PROTECTION ENABLED] and [SEF ENABLED] in user interface panel. a directional SEF is available. Refer to “9. NOTE : For the products that are dispatched with ZCT installed.entecene.1A Step)”.F: OFF Range* Default OFF. The SEF element is enabled in the Primary. the setting range of this item is “OFF. For user systems. 0. This input can be connected in series with the provided phase CT’s (standard) or connected to a separate window type ZCT.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. The SEF element provides a definite time delay versus current. The sensitivity of SEF element for non-earthed systems is dependent upon available fault current and the accuracy of CTs. 136 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . TR&AR Default TRIP Step ~ If function = Trip.00 Range OFF.entecene.01 sec The Time delay of Sensitive Earth Fault setting programs a definite time delay for the Sensitive Earth Fault.00 Range 0. 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Selects the relays required to operate when the feature generates a Trip. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / SEF ELEMENT / Time Delay [ SEF ELEMENT ] Function: TRIP Relays(0-8): OFF >Time Delay: 1.00 sec Default 1. If set to zero.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. When the feature asserts a TRIP & AR condition. Trip operates. phase high current trip operates instantaneously.00 ~ 600. When the feature asserts a TRIP condition. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 137 .00 Range TRIP. the feature is operational.00 Step 0.co. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / SEF ELEMENT / Relays(0-8) [ SEF ELEMENT ] Function: TRIP >Relays(0-8): OFF Time Delay: 1. the feature is operational.kr SEF Element Setup PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / SEF ELEMENT / Function [ SEF ELEMENT ] >Function: TRIP Relays(0-8): OFF Time Delay: 1.NT http://www. it trips and alarms. If function = Trip & AR. E. time adder. The negative sequence time overcurrent element provides a time delay versus current for tripping using that an inverse time curve characteristic is operated to coordinate. The negative sequence element measures the amount of unbalance current in the system.NT http://www. Multiple time curves and time dials are available for the negative sequence time overcurrent element to closely coordinate with other protection elements in the EVRC2A and other external devices on the distribution system.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. USER curves. If the recloser is closed by pressing the CLOSE button on the front panel. Negative Sequence (Fast/Delay) Time Overcurrent (46) The EVRC2A has two negative sequence time overcurrent elements. The negative sequence overcurrent element can also be used to detect phase to ground and two phase ground faults. the time overcurrent element will reset instantaneously when the measured current level drops below the pickup setting for one cycle.entecene. 10 ~ 1600A Default OFF Step 1A Set the pickup current of NEG Seq Time Overcurrent elements. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / PICKUP CURRENT / NEG Seq [PICKUP CURRENT(A)] Ground: 250 S. curve type. Alternate settings and [PROTECTION ENABLED] on user interface panel. and reset type. The negative sequence time delay reset mode applies to the ANSI. the negative sequence time overcurrent element is prevented from tripping for a period specified by the Cold load pickup scheme. NEG Pickup Current Setup The following setting is used to program the NEQ pickup current. The negative sequence time overcurrent element is enabled in the Primary. IEC. The Reset type can be either instantaneous or linear.F: OFF >NEG Seq: OFF Range OFF. The instantaneous mode is used to coordinate with other instantaneous reset devices such as a recloser or other protective equipment on the distribution system. minimum response time setting.co. 138 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .5. time dial.kr 7. ESB. current pickup value. In the instantaneous mode. or by an remote control or via SCADA. TR&AR Default TRIP Step ~ If function = Trip.10s) IEC : Standard. the feature is operational. Short Inverse. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / NEG SEQ FAST / Curve [NEG SEQ FAST] Function: TRIP Relays(0-8): OFF >Curve: ANSI-STI Range ANSI-MI. Long. TRIP and any other selected output relays operate.01 A time dial setpoint allows shifting of the selected base curve in the vertical time axis.entecene. When the feature asserts a TRIP condition. the feature is operational. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / NEG SEQ FAST / Function [NEG SEQ FAST] >Function: TRIP Relays(0-8): OFF Curve: ANSI-STI Range TRIP.50 Step 0. Extremely. Trip operates. Normally. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / NEG SEQ FAST / Relays(0-8) [NEG SEQ FAST] Function: TRIP >Relays(0-8): OFF Curve: ANSI-STI Range OFF. If function = Trip & AR. 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Selects the relays required to operate when the feature generates a Trip.05 ~ 15. ANSI-NI.co.U2.50 Range 0. Very.U3. … . When the feature asserts a TRIP condition. KG(165) Default ANSI-STI Step ~ Select the desired curve type : ANSI : Moderately. Short Inverse ESB : Normally.kr Negative Sequence Fast Time Overcurrent Setup The following setting is used to program the negative sequence fast time overcurrent element.U4 McGraw-Edison : Non Standard Curves 37 PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / NEG SEQ FAST / Time Dial [NEG SEQ FAST] Relays(0-8): OFF Curve: ANSI-SI >Time Dial: 0.00 Default 0. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 139 . Definite Time(1s . Very. Extremely.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Very.NT http://www. Long Very Inverse User programmable curves : U1. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / NEG SEQ FAST / Low Set Definite Time [NEG SEQ FAST] >M. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / NEG SEQ FAST / M.50 >Time Adder: 0. low set definite time is applied for operation. the variable must be reduced. The Linear selection can be used where the relay must coordinate with electromechanical units. even if the time delay is shorter. When the trip time is greater than the low set definite time.00 sec Default 0.01 sec The minimum time delay that will occur between pickup and trip. 140 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .00 >M.00 Range 0. LINEAR Default INST Step ~ Overcurrent tripping time calculations are made with an internal energy Capacity memory variable. Instantaneous and Linear.T: 0.00 M.T [NEG SEQ FAST] Time Dial: 0.00 ~ 10. When this variable indicates that the energy capacity has reached 100%.50 Time Adder: 0.R.00 >Reset Method: INST >Low Set DT: OFF Range OFF.co. NT.R.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / NEG SEQ FAST / Time Adder [NEG SEQ FAST] Curve: ANSI-STI Time Dial: 0. The Instantaneous selection is intended for applications with other relays. If less than 100% is accumulated in this variable and the current falls below the dropout threshold of the pickup value.00 Step 0.entecene. Two methods of this resetting operation are available. such as most static units.00 Range 0. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / NEG SEQ FAST / Reset Method [NEG SEQ FAST] Time Adder: 0.01 sec An additional time delay is added to the time delay resulting from the time overcurrent curve function.R.00 sec Default 0.T: 0.00 Step 0.T: 0.03 of EVRC2AN6.00 ~ 10.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. 1 ~ 600sec Default OFF Step 1sec Low set definite time is used to restrict a trip time to be a definite time adjacent to a pickup current by T-C curve.00 >Reset Method: INST Range INST.R. NOTE : This setting is supported from vesion 6.NT http://www. This function can be useful for other protective device and line fuse coordination. which set the energy capacity directly to zero when the current falls below the reset threshold. a time overcurrent trip is generated. NT http://www.kr Negative Sequence Delay Time Overcurrent Setup The negative sequence delay time overcurrent settings process is very similarly to the negative sequence fast time overcurrent. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 141 .entecene.co.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. The phase high current trip element provides a definite time delay versus current. Alternate settings and [PROTECTION ENABLED] on user interface panel. When the feature asserts a TRIP & AR condition. If function = Trip & AR. 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Selects the required relays to operate when the feature generates a Trip. Trip operates. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C TRIP-PHA / Relays(0-8) [ H/C TRIP-PHA ] Function: OFF >Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 4000 Range OFF.6. When the feature asserts a TRIP condition. the feature is operational. The operating time of phase high current trip element should be set for equal to or faster than the phase time overcurrent elements.kr 7. the feature is operational.co. the feature is not operational. This value is the minimum operating current of Phase High Current Trip Element. is set based on CT secondary current as connected to the current inputs. TRIP.NT http://www. The phase high current trip element is enabled in the Primary. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C TRIP-PHA / Pickup(A) [ H/C TRIP-PHA ] Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF >Pickup(A): 4000 Range 10 ~ 20000 A Default 4000 Step 1A Set the pickup current of Phase High Current Trip Element. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C TRIP-PHA / Function [ H/C TRIP-PHA ] >Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 4000 Range OFF. TR&AR Default OFF Step ~ If function = OFF. Phase High Current Trip (50P-1) The EVRC2A has a phase high current trip element. it trips and alarms. Phase high current trip is not affected by the cold load pickup scheme.entecene. The phase high current trip element in the EVRC2A. If function = Trip. 142 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. The phase high current trip element in the following five settings should be enabled for phase high current trip. entecene.00 ~ 10.01 sec The Time delay of phase high current trip setting programs a definite time delay for the phase high current trip. 1 ~ 5 Default OFF Step 1 If Active Trip = OFF.00 sec Default 0. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C TRIP-PHA / Active Trip [ H/C TRIP-PHA ] Pickup(A): 4000 Time Delay: 0. If set to zero.00 >Active Trip: OFF Range OFF.00 Range 0. the feature is not operate. phase high current trip operates instantaneously. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 143 .NT http://www. then phase high current trip is enabled for the second trip operation and every following trip operation.00 Step 0.co.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C TRIP-PHA / Time Delay [ H/C TRIP-PHA ] Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 4000 >Time Delay: 0. If Active Trip = 2.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. TRIP. the feature is operational. the feature is not operational. The ground high current trip element is enabled in the Primary.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. TR&AR Default OFF Step ~ If function = OFF. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C TRIP-GND / Relays(0-8) [ H/C TRIP-GND ] Function: OFF >Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 4000 Range OFF.co. 144 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . Ground high current trip is not affected by the cold load pickup scheme. Alternate settings both [PROTECTION ENABLED] and [GROUND ENABLED] in user interface panel. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C TRIP-GND / Function [ H/C TRIP-GND ] >Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 4000 Range OFF. The ground high current trip element in the following five settings should be enabled for ground high current trip. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C TRIP-GND / Pickup(A) [ H/C TRIP-GND ] Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF >Pickup(A): 4000 Range 10 ~ 20000 A Default 4000 Step 1A Set the pickup current of Ground High Current Trip Element.NT http://www.kr 7.entecene. 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Selects the required relays to operate when the feature generates a Trip. If function = Trip. When the feature asserts a TRIP & AR condition. The ground high current trip element in the EVRC2A is set based on CT secondary current as connected to the current inputs. The operating time of ground high current trip overcurrent element should be set for equal to or faster than the ground time overcurrent elements. The ground high current trip element provides a definite time delay versus current. Trip operates. the feature is operational. Ground High Current Trip (50G-1) The EVRC2A has a ground high current trip element. This value is the minimum operating current of Ground High Current Trip Element. When the feature asserts a TRIP condition. it trips and alarms.7. If function = Trip & AR. 00 ~ 10. then phase high current trip is enabled for the second trip operation and every following trip operation.01 sec The Time delay of phase high current trip setting programs a definite time delay for the phase high current trip. If set to zero. the feature is not operate.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C TRIP-GND / Time Delay [ H/C TRIP-GND ] Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 4000 >Time Delay: 0. If Active Trip = 2. phase high current trip operates instantaneously. 1 ~ 5 Default OFF Step 1 If Active Trip = OFF. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 145 . PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C TRIP-GND / Active Trip [ H/C TRIP-GND ] Pickup(A): 4000 Time Delay: 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.00 >Active Trip: OFF Range OFF.entecene.00 Range 0.NT http://www.co.00 Step 0.00 sec Default 0. The negative sequence high current trip element provides a definite time delay versus current. When the feature asserts a TRIP condition. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C TRIP-NEQ / Function [ H/C TRIP-NEQ ] >Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 4000 Range OFF.kr 7. If function = Trip & AR. Trip operates. The negative sequence high current trip is not affected by the cold load pickup scheme. Alternate settings and [PROTECTION] on user interface panel. the feature is operational. When the feature asserts a TRIP & AR condition. The operating time of negative sequence high current trip element should be set equal to or faster than the negative sequence time overcurrent elements. High Current Trip Element. The negative sequence high current trip element is enabled in the Primary. 146 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C TRIP-NEQ / Relays(0-8) [ H/C TRIP-NEQ ] Function: OFF >Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 4000 Range OFF. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C TRIP-NEQ / Pickup(A) [ H/C TRIP-NEQ ] Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF >Pickup(A): 4000 Range 10 ~ 20000 A Default 4000 Step 1A Set the pickup current of Negative Seq. The ground high current trip element in the following five settings should be enabled for negative sequence high current trip.8. the feature is operational.co. 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Selects the required relays to operate when the feature generates a Trip.NT http://www.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. This value is the minimum operating current of Negative Seq. If function = Trip. TR&AR Default OFF Step ~ If function = OFF.entecene. Negative Sequence High Current Trip (46(50)-1) The negative sequence high current trip in the EVRC2A is set based on CT secondary current as connected to the current inputs. the feature is not operational. High Current Trip Element. TRIP. it trips and alarms. 01 sec The Time delay of phase high current trip setting programs a definite time delay for the phase high current trip. the feature is not operate.00 ~ 10.00 Range 0. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C TRIP-NEQ / Active Trip [ H/C TRIP-NEQ ] Pickup(A): 4000 Time Delay: 0.00 >Active Trip: OFF Range OFF.00 sec Default 0. If Active Trip = 2. If set to zero.co.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C TRIP-NEQ / Time Delay [ H/C TRIP-NEQ ] Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 4000 >Time Delay: 0. phase high current trip operates instantaneously. 1 ~ 5 Default OFF Step 1 If Active Trip = OFF. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 147 .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.NT http://www.entecene. then phase high current trip is enabled for the second trip operation and every following trip operation.00 Step 0. the feature is operational. 148 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . the feature is operational.entecene.kr 7. When high current lockout element is enabled. The operating time of phase high current lockout element should be set for equal to or faster than and phase high current trip element. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C LOCKOUT-PHA / Relays(0-8) [ H/C LOCKOUT-PHA ] Function: OFF >Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 8000 Range OFF. The phase high current lockout element is enabled in the Primary. When the feature asserts a TRIP & AR condition. the feature is not operational.NT http://www. high current lockout element is operated prior to any other phase protection elements. Phase High Current Lockout (50P-2) The EVRC2A has a phase high current lockout element. This function is very useful to prevent widespread line faults due to reclosing operations in case of permanent fault. Lockout is operated. The phase high current lockout element can be set by a number of its active trip that is applied to the full operation to lockout. time delay and fault current. TRIP.9. The phase high current lockout element in the following five setting should be enabled for phase high current trip.co. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C LOCKOUT-PHA / Function [ H/C LOCKOUT-PHA ] >Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 8000 Range OFF. When the feature asserts a TRIP condition. Trip operates. The phase high current lockout element provides a definite time delay versus current. The phase high current lockout element is not affected by the cold load pickup scheme. it trips and alarms. 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Selects the required relays to operate when the feature generates a Trip. If function = Trip.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Alternate setting and [PROTECTION ENABLED] in user interface panel. TR&AR Default OFF Step ~ If function = OFF. If function = Trip & AR. The phase high current lockout element in the EVRC2A is set based on CT secondary current as connected to the current inputs. If a fault current is higher than the pickup setting value. If Active Trip = 2. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C LOCKOUT-PHA / Time Delay [ H/C LOCKOUT-PHA ] Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 8000 >Time Delay: 0. then phase high current trip is enabled for the second trip operation and every following trip operation. This value is the minimum operating current of Ground High Current Lockout Element.NT http://www.00 Range 0.00 ~ 10. phase high current trip operates instantaneously.co. 1 ~ 5 Default OFF Step 1 If Active Trip = OFF. the feature is not operate. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C LOCKOUT-PHA / Active Trip [ H/C LOCKOUT-PHA ] Pickup(A): 8000 Time Delay: 0.00 Step 0.entecene.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.00 sec Default 0.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C LOCKOUT-PHA / Pickup(A) [ H/C LOCKOUT-PHA ] Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF >Pickup(A): 8000 Range 10 ~ 20000 A Default 8000 Step 1A Set the pickup current of Ground High Current Lockout Element.01 sec The Time delay of phase high current trip setting programs a definite time delay for the phase high current trip. If set to zero.00 >Active Trip: OFF Range OFF. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 149 . TRIP. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C LOCKOUT-GND / Pickup(A) [ H/C LOCKOUT-GND ] Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF >Pickup(A): 8000 Range 10 ~ 20000 A Default 8000 Step 1A Set the pickup current of Ground High Current Lockout Element. the feature is operational.co. The ground high current lockout is not affected by the cold load pickup scheme.entecene. Trip operates. The ground high current lockout element is enabled in the Primary. If function = Trip. Alternate settings and both [PROTECTION ENABLED] and [GROUND ENABLED] in user interface panel.10. The operating time of ground high current lockout overcurrent element should be set for equal to or faster than the ground high current trip element. When the feature asserts a TRIP & AR condition. When the feature asserts a TRIP condition. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C LOCKOUT-GND / Function [ H/C LOCKOUT-GND ] >Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 8000 Range OFF. it trips and alarms. the feature is not operational. is set based on CT secondary current as connected to the current inputs. The ground high current lockout element in the following five settings should be enabled for ground high current lockout. Ground High Current Lockout (50G-2) The EVRC2A has a ground high current lockout element.kr 7. TR&AR Default OFF Step ~ If function = OFF. If function = Trip & AR. the feature is operational. The ground high current lockout element in the EVRC2A. 150 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Selects the required relays to operate when the feature generates a Trip. This value is the minimum operating current of Ground High Current Lockout Element. The ground high current lockout element provides a definite time delay versus current.NT http://www. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C LOCKOUT-GND / Relays(0-8) [ H/C LOCKOUT-GND ] Function: OFF >Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 8000 Range OFF.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. NT http://www.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C LOCKOUT-GND / Time Delay [ H/C LOCKOUT-GND ] Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 8000 >Time Delay: 0.00 ~ 10. phase high current trip operates instantaneously. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 151 .00 >Active Trip: OFF Range OFF. 1 ~ 5 Default OFF Step 1 If Active Trip = OFF. If Active Trip = 2.00 Range 0.00 sec Default 0.entecene. then phase high current trip is enabled for the second trip operation and every following trip operation. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C LOCKOUT-GND / Active Trip [ H/C LOCKOUT-GND ] Pickup(A): 8000 Time Delay: 0. the feature is not operate.00 Step 0.co.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.01 sec The Time delay of phase high current trip setting programs a definite time delay for the phase high current trip. If set to zero. The negative sequence high current lockout element provides a definite time delay characteristic versus current.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. the feature is not operational. The negative sequence high current lockout element should be set equal to or faster than the negative sequence high current trip element. Negative sequence high current lockout element in the EVRC2A is set based on CT secondary current as connected to the current inputs. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C LOCKOUT-NEQ / Relays(0-8) [ H/C LOCKOUT-NEQ ] Function: OFF >Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 8000 Range OFF. 152 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . If function = Trip & AR. it trips and alarms. Negative sequence high current lockout is not affected by the cold load pickup scheme. If function = Trip. When the feature asserts a TRIP condition. Negative Sequence High Current Lockout (46(50)-2) The EVRC2A has a negative sequence high current lockout element. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C LOCKOUT-NEQ / Function [ H/C LOCKOUT-NEQ ] >Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 8000 Range OFF.11.kr 7. Alternate settings and [PROTECTION ENABLED] on user interface panel. Trip operates.co. TRIP. The negative sequence high current lockout element in the following five settings should be enabled for the negative sequence high current lockout. The negative sequence high current lockout element is enabled in the Primary. 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Selects the required relays to operate when the feature generates a Trip. the feature is operational.entecene. TR&AR Default OFF Step ~ If function = OFF. the feature is operational. When the feature asserts a TRIP & AR condition.NT http://www. High Current Lockout Element.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C LOCKOUT-NEQ / Pickup(A) [ H/C LOCKOUT-NEQ ] Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF >Pickup(A): 8000 Range 10 ~ 20000 A Default 8000 Step 1A Set the pickup current of Negative Seq. If set to zero.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.00 Range 0. 1 ~ 5 Default OFF Step 1 If Active Trip = OFF.00 sec Default 0.00 >Active Trip: OFF Range OFF. If Active Trip = 2.co. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C LOCKOUT-NEQ / Time Delay [ H/C LOCKOUT-NEQ ] Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(A): 8000 >Time Delay: 0. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / H/C LOCKOUT-NEQ / Active Trip [ H/C LOCKOUT-NEQ ] Pickup(A): 8000 Time Delay: 0. the feature is not operate. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 153 .entecene. phase high current trip operates instantaneously.01 sec The Time delay of phase high current trip setting programs a definite time delay for the phase high current trip. then phase high current trip is enabled for the second trip operation and every following trip operation. High Current Lockout Element. This value is the minimum operating current of Negative Seq.00 Step 0.00 ~ 10.NT http://www. Cold Load Pickup The cold load pickup function is used to prevent the recloser from incorrectly operating caused by the restoration of load supply or the cold load current of load side. EVRC2A provides “CLPU-Type 1” to prevent the recloser from operating wrong by instantaneous inrush current occurring by the closing of device on a power line and “CLPU-Type 2” to prevent protection elements from operating wrong by the cold load current caused by applying voltage to a transformer. EVRC2A increases the pickup level of overcurrent element during a certain period of time.kr 7. In the state of the function to restrain the inrush current activated.co.entecene. When a distributed system is closed after long-time outage. the decision is made when a recloser is closed (52A) by local or remote control. 7. a reactor or a long-distance line. an overcurrent protection element is operated by the cold load pickup function and a recloser becomes lockout after oneshot trip regardless of total number of shots. ground. SEF or negative phase over current element. the condition to decide the restoration of load supply will be changed.12. the Fast overcurrent protection element is not operated and the Delay overcurrent protection element is always operated regardless of the cold load pickup function. A power is lost and then after certain outage time. If “YES” is set. the inrush current over overcurrent pickup level may occur. At occurrence of the cold load pickup. the decision is made when the load current becomes over 2A.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. (The High Current Trip and High Current Lockout are always operated regardless of the cold load pickup function) If a fault occurs on distributed system. the overcurrent protection element will be operated under settings of “CLPU-Type 1” function at the restoration of load supply. Cold Load Pickup – Type 1 The settings of “CLPU-Type 1” are separated and set respectively for phase. NOTE: According to setting of “Make use ‘I’”.NT http://www.1. If the “Make use ‘1’” is set to be “YES”. the algorithm 154 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .12. If “NO” is set. the algorithm of cold load pickup function is applied at the restoration of load supply. the algorithm is applied when a recloser is opened and then after certain outage time. After the restoration of load supply (manually closing or restoration of load current).entecene.NT http://www. protection functions are normally operated when the Restore minimum time (RMT) is expired. The setting to use the cold load pickup function is set to be ON (set to TRIP or TR&AR). The Cold Load Pickup Characteristic The cold load pickup function is operated according to the following rules. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 155 . The Restore Minimum Time Characteristic”). If the power loss (opening or load current loss) is sustained for a long time more than certain outage time.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.kr is applied when a load current becomes 0 and then it is restored after certain outage time. If “NO” is set. the Lockout is done by protection function after oneshot trip (Refer the Inrush Current 1 in “Figure 7-5. If the level of over current occurring at the restoration of load supply is over the cold load pickup current. the pickup current of time overcurrent element is changed to be the setting value of the cold load pickup current. If the fault current over the cold load pickup level occurs.co. the protection element by the cold load pickup function is operated immediately. Trip Area Time Non Trip Area Delay Curve Current Overcurrent Pickup Level Cold load Pickup Level Figure 7-4. the cold load pickup level is preset and then the cold load pickup function is activated at manual close or restoration of load current. the recloser is closed manually. if the over current is dropped below overcurrent pickup current during the RMT. the cold load pickup function is reset after reset time (Refer the Inrush Current 3 in “Figure 7-5.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.kr If the over current is below cold load pickup current and overcurrent pickup current. protection functions are not operated during a period of Restore minimum Time (RMT).NT http://www. Current Outage time Restore Minimum Time Inrush current 1 Trip CLPU Pickup Level Inrush current 2 Trip Overcurrent Pickup Level Inrush current 3 Time Figure 7-5. the high current trip and high current lockout functions will be operated prior to the cold load pickup function.co. However. After RMT. (Refer the Inrush Current 2 in “Figure 7-5. the protection functions are operated.entecene. 156 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . The Restore Minimum Time Characteristic”). The Restore Minimum Time Characteristic If high current trip and high current lockout functions are activated and the fault current is higher than the current setting of High current trip and high current lockout. The Restore Minimum Time Characteristic”). 2. Over Current Pickup Level Step Up At power loss (a recloser is opened or a load current is 0A).kr 7. incoming heavy load etc. Cold Load Pickup – Type 2 In the state of cold load.0 and 60min respectively. the graph of the cold load multiple in “Figure 7-6. NOTE: The risen level of overcurrent pickup by multiple of cold load is the pickup level to operate overcurrent protection element. Cold Load Multipilier” is shown as follows. the current of Over Current Pickup is risen as follows. The standard current level of TC curve is a minimum working current. over 30 min after power loss. In addition.12.NT http://www.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. the current of Over Current Pickup becomes 400A. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 157 . the cold load multiple is fixed to be 3.co. When E-CLP Multi and E-CLP Time are set to be 3. twice as much as the minimum working current. the current of Over Current Pickup is dropped with the same speed when rising until the cold load multiple becomes 1.entecene. the applied cold load multiple is 2.0 and 60 min respectively. after 60 min. Over Current Pickup Level Step Down If power is restored (manual closed or restoration of load current (over 2A)). ⎛ Without Supply Time ⎞ Operational Cold Load Multi' = 1 + ⎜⎜ × ( E − CLP Multi' −1) ⎟⎟ ⎝ E − CLP Time ⎠ As example. This function to restrain protection functions rises or drops the pickup level of time overcurrent element during certain time (E-CLP time) defined by a user. when E-CLP Multi and E-CLT Time are set to be 3. If the minimum working currentis set to be 200A.). this type is used to restrain the operation of protection functions to over current occurring by change of load (the close of a switch on long-distance line. 12. Cold Load Pickup Setup The Cold Load Pickup feature in the following settings should be enabled. TRIP. When the feature asserts a TRIP & AR condition. CLPU COMMON Setup PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / COLD LOAD PICKUP / CLPU-COMMON/ Function [CLPU-COMMON] >Function: TRIP Relays(0-8): OFF Make use ‘I’: NO Range OFF. the feature is operational. If function = Trip & AR. it trips and alarms. Cold Load Multipilier 7.entecene. 158 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .co.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.NT http://www. 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Selects the relays required to operate when the feature generates a Trip.3. the feature is not operational. If function = Trip. TR&AR Default TRIP Step ~ If function = OFF.kr Figure 7-6. the feature is operational. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / COLD LOAD PICKUP / CLPU-COMMON/ Relays [CLPU-COMMON] Function: TRIP >Relays(0-8): OFF Make use ‘I’: NO Range OFF. NOTE : For the products that are dispatched with ZCT installed. If “YES” is set. the cold load pickup function is activated when a recloser is manually closed by local or remote control. It is possible to check whether the product is dispatched with ZCT installed by checking “MAIN MENU/ STATUS/ CONTROL TYPE” menu.4.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / COLD LOAD PICKUP / CLPU-COMMON/ Make use ‘I’ [CLPU-COMMON] Function: TRIP Relays(0-8): OFF >Make use ‘I’: NO NO. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / COLD LOAD PICKUP / CLPU-TYPE1 / GND [CLPU-TYPE1] >PHA(A): 2000 >GND(A): 2000 >SEF(A): 20 Range 10 ~ 20000A Default 2000 Step 1A Selects the raised pickup current for the ground overcurrent element while cold load pickup feature is activated. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / COLD LOAD PICKUP / CLPU-TYPE1 / SEF [CLPU-TYPE1] PHA(A): 2000 GND(A): 2000 >SEF(A): 20 Range* 4 ~ 2000A Default 20 Step 1A Selects the raised pickup current for the SEF overcurrent element while cold load pickup feature is activated. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 159 . Control Type”.NT http://www.0A (0.4~200. Refer to “9.co. CLPU-TYPE1 Setup This setting is to restrain the inrush current occurring at restoration of load supply.YES Range Default NO Step ~ This setting changes the point of time to activate a cold load pickup function.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.entecene. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / COLD LOAD PICKUP / CLPU-TYPE1 / PHA [CLPU-TYPE1] >PHA(A): 2000 GND(A): 2000 >SEF(A): 20 Range 10 ~ 20000A Default 2000 Step 1A Selects the raised pickup current for the phase overcurrent element while cold load pickup feature is activated. the cold load pickup function is activated when a load current is restored (over 2A). If “NO” is set.1A Step)”. the setting range of this item is “0. 00 Step 0.00 Range 0.00 sec Default 5.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / COLD LOAD PICKUP / CLPU-TYPE1/ NEQ [CLPU-TYPE1] GND(A): 2000 SEF(A): 2000 >NEQ(A): 2000 Range 10 ~ 20000A Default 2000 Step 1A Selects the raised pickup current for the negative sequence overcurrent element while cold load pickup feature is activated. The Restore Minimum Time have to raised pickup levels for overcurrent detection from cold load pickup value back to nominal pickup level. ON : After recloser close and after Restore Minimum Time(RMT time).0 Range 0.00 >RMT Func-PHA: ON Range OFF. Outage Time Logic Diagram PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / COLD LOAD PICKUP / CLPU-TYPE1 / RMT Time [CLPU-TYPE1] NEQ(A): 2.0 RMT Time: 5.0 Step 0. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / COLD LOAD PICKUP / CLPU-TYPE1 / RMT Func-PHA [CLPU-TYPE1] Outage Time: 10.00 Outage Time: 10. Inrush current restraint algorithm remains. ON Default ON Step ~ Set whether to use Phase Minimum operation current reset function. Lower than over current pickup level shall be kept for Cold load reset time(Rst TimePHA set time) so that Inrush Current Restraint algorithm is stopped and over current protection function operates.NT http://www.co. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / COLD LOAD PICKUP / CLPU-TYPE1 / Outage Time [CLPU-TYPE1] SEF(A): 2000 NEQ(A): 2000 >Outage Time: 10. 160 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . OFF : After recloser close and after Restore Minimum Time(RMT time).00 ~ 600. Figure 7-7. Inrush Current Restraint algorithm is stopped and phase overcurrent protection function operates(Pickup level is changed from Cold load pickup to Overcurrent pickup level).01 sec Select the restore minimum time required for the inrush load.0 >RMT Time: 5.entecene.00 sec Default 10.00 ~ 600.01 sec Select the outage time required for a open of recloser to be considered cold.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. If the cold load currents drop below nominal pickup levels.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.co. If OFF is set. NOTE : RMT Func-GND.0 >E-CLP Time(m): 10 Range 1~720min Default 10 Step 1 Set the cold load time.NT http://www. the same as RMT FuncPHA above. the overcurrent pickup level is risen or dropped.60 Range 0. the cold load multiple is not applied and the setting of minimum working current is always applied for overcurrent pickup current.0 Default 2.0 (OFF).0~5.1. CLPU-TYPE2 Setup This setup is to rise or drop the current for Over Current Pickup of a protection element PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / COLD LOAD PICKUP / CLPU-TYPE2 / E-CLP Multi’ [CLPU-TYPE2] >E-CLP Multi’: 2. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 161 . PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / COLD LOAD PICKUP / CLPU-TYPE1 / Reset Time [CLPU-TYPE1] RMT Func-SEF: ON RMT Func-NEQ: ON >Reset Time: 0.entecene. During this set time.0 Step 0.0 E-CLP Time(m): 10 Range 0.00 ~ 600. the cold load pickup feature is returned the normal sequence when the cold load reset time expires. RMT Func-SEF and RMT Func-NEG.00 sec Default 0.kr ※.60 Step 0.01 sec Select the cold load reset time required for the inrush load. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / COLD LOAD PICKUP / CLPU-TYPE2/ E-CLP Time [CLPU-TYPE2] >E-CLP Multi’: 2.1 Set the multiple of cold load. NOTE : In case of VD(CVD or RVD) type Recloser. selected Maximum Torque Angle (MTA).co. Phase Directional Controls (67P) The positive sequence voltage V1 provides the direction of phase pole in the power system. If directional controls are selected. which is non-directional. 162 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . If the polarized voltage drops below minimum polarized voltage. The directional controls settings can be different in the Primary and Alternate settings. To increase security of all directional controls. neutral. when it has the necessity of finding faults in different directions.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. the phase direction control will lose direction and will not trip. The directional controls are composed of phase.13. The phase direction is determined as comparing the positive sequence voltage(V1) to the direction of the positive sequence current(I1).1. The maximum torque angle is set between ∠0 to ∠359 degree. The factory default value for maximum torque angle has a lead of ∠300 degree over V1. Directional Controls (67) The directional Controls provide time protection in the direction of power flow. 7.13. and negative sequence overcurrent elements.entecene. Then any fault on the distribution line may trip due to the phase overcurrent element. Following diagram shows the phasor diagram for I1 directional polarization in the complex plane. The directional Controls are necessary for the protection of multiple feeders. The phase direction control can be programmed for non-direction or to provide a trip for current flow in the forward or reverse direction only. The directional controls have each three settings.kr 7. voltage and current phasors. add one power frequency cycle of intentional delay to prevent incorrect operation. as determined by the connection of the phase CTs. it will determine whether current flow in each phase is in forward or reverse direction. EVRC2A only measures voltages without checking directional elements. sensitive ground.NT http://www. For typical distribution systems.kr V1 T ro Ze Typical Fault Angle orq e Lin ue I1 M um im ax T e Lin ue q r o Maximum Torque Angle : set 300 degree ard rw Fo rse ve Re Figure 7-8.P.20 Range 0 ~ 359 degree Default 300 Step 1 degree Enter the Maximum Torque Angle.T. Phasor Diagram for I1 Directional Polarization The phase direction control in the following four settings should be enabled.A [PHASE DIRECTION] Type: OFF >M. REV Default OFF Step ~ OFF : None direction FOR : Forward direction REV : Reverse direction PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / DIRECTION / PHASE DIRECTION / M.co.T.NT Polarizing Referance Voltage: http://www.T.entecene. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / DIRECTION / PHASE DIRECTION / Type [PHASE DIRECTION] >Type: OFF M.A: 300 M.P.V: 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.V: 0. the faulted angle of the phase will be approximately ∠30∼∠60 degree ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 163 .A: 300 M. FOR. The Maximum Torque Angle setting determines the range of current direction for the polarizing voltage.20 Range OFF. The ground direction control can be programmed to either non-direction or provide a trip for current flow in the forward or reverse direction only. the ground direction control will lose direction and will not trip. The ground direction is determined as comparing the zero sequence voltage(3V0) to the direction of the zero sequence current(Ig).P.A: 300 M.P.co.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / DIRECTION / PHASE DIRECTION / M.T. then tripping by the overcurrent elements will be permitted.entecene. which is non-directional. then tripping by the overcurrent elements will be blocked. Then any fault on the distribution line may trip due to the ground overcurrent element.P.V [PHASE DIRECTION] Type: OFF M. “NO” indicates that directional elements will be blocked by M.A: 300 >M.V: 0. YES Default NO Step ~ The BLOCK OC setting determines the overcurrent tripping conditions when the polarizing voltage drops below minimum polarizing voltage.1 this setting is applied conversely. NOTE ) EVRC2A version prior to 5.01 Enter the minimum polarizing voltage as a fraction of the secondary nominal voltage.20 Range 0 ~ 1. If the polarized voltage drops below minimum polarized voltage.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.25 xVT(secondary nominal voltage) Default 0. “YES” indicates that directional elements will be operated regardless of M. The Maximum Torque Angle is set between ∠0 to ∠359 degree.P. For example.V. Ground Directional Controls (67G) The zero sequence voltage 3V0 provides the direction of ground control in the power system.V: 0.V. 164 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .T. If BLOCK OC = NO. The factory default value for maximum torque angle has a lead of ∠135 degree over 3V0. 7. PRIMARY SETTING/PROTECTION / DIRECTION / PHASE DIRECTION / BLOCK OC [PHASE DIRECTION] M. If BLOCK OC = YES.NT http://www.20 Step 0.13.20 >BLOCK OC: NO Range NO.2.P. A: 135 M. rq ue Li n e -V0 To im um Ig To ro Ze Fault Current M ax ue rq Re ve rs e Fo rw ar d ne Li Polarizing Referance Voltage: V0 Figure 7-9. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / DIRECTION / GROUND DIRECTION / Type [GROUND DIRECTION] >Type: OFF M.V: 0.20 Range OFF.co.kr The following diagram shows the phasor diagram for Ig directional polarization in the complex plane.NT http://www.P.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. FOR. REV Default OFF Step ~ OFF : None direction FOR : Forward direction REV : Reverse direction ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 165 . Phasor Diagram for Ig Directional Polarization The ground direction control in the following four settings should be enabled.T.entecene. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. The maximum torque angle setting determines the range of current direction for the polarized voltage.A [GROUND DIRECTION] Type: OFF >M. “NO” indicates that directional elements will be blocked by M.A: 135 M.T.V: 0.10 x VT.P.NT http://www.25 xVT(secondary nominal voltage) Default 0.V: 0.V will be approximately 0.P.01 Enter the minimum polarizing voltage.A: 135 M.V.P.P. For example.T. NOTE ) EVRC2A version prior to 5. If BLOCK OC = NO. then tripping by the overcurrent elements will be blocked.20 Range 0 ~ 359 degree Default 135 Step 1 degree Enter the maximum torque angle.V: 0. For system with solidly grounded or resistively grounded the M.V [GROUND DIRECTION] Type: OFF M.co. then tripping by the overcurrent elements will be permitted. For system with solidly grounded or resistively grounded the maximum torque angle will be approximately ∠90 degree. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / DIRECTION / PHASE DIRECTION / M.P. PRIMARY SETTING/PROTECTION/DIRECTION/GROUND DIRECTION/BLOCK OC [GROUND DIRECTION] M.20 Step 0.T.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / DIRECTION / GROUND DIRECTION / M.P. this M.entecene.P. 166 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .P.1 this setting is applied conversely.20 >BLOCK OC: NO Range NO. YES Default NO Step ~ The BLOCK OC setting determines the overcurrent tripping conditions when the polarizing voltage drops below minimum polarizing voltage. the ground maximum torque angle will be approximately ∠135 degree.A: 135 >M. “YES” indicates that directional elements will be operated regardless of M.V. For system with high-resistance grounding or floating neutrals. If BLOCK OC = YES.20 x VT.T.V will be approximately 0. For systems with high-resistance grounding or floating neutrals.20 Range 0 ~ 1. 7.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. The negative sequence direction control is determined as comparing the negative sequence voltage(V2) to the direction of the negative sequence current(I2). the negative sequence direction control will lose direction and will not trip. The following diagram shows the phasor diagram for I2 directional polarization in the complex plane.kr 7. The negative sequence direction control can be programmed for non-direction or to provide a trip for current flow in the forward or reverse direction only.4. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 167 .co. Then any fault on the distribution line may trip due to the negative sequence overcurrent element which is non-directional.entecene.3.13. Negative Sequence Directional Controls (67(46)) The negative sequence voltage V2 provides the direction of negative sequence pole in the power system.13. The factory default value for maximum torque angle has a lead of ∠135 degree over V2.NT http://www. SEF Directional Controls (67SEF) The SEF direction control process a very similar method to the ground directional controls. The Maximum Torque Angle is set between ∠0 to ∠359 degree. If the polarized voltage drops below minimum polarized voltage. A [NEQ DIRECTION] Type: OFF >M.V: 0. FOR. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / DIRECTION / NEQ DIRECTION / Type [NEQ DIRECTION] >Type: OFF M.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.co.entecene.A: 135 M. REV Default OFF Step ~ OFF : None direction FOR : Forward direction REV : Reverse direction PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / DIRECTION / NEQ DIRECTION / M. 168 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .A: 135 M.P.V: 0.kr To rq ue Li ne -V2 To im um ro Ze Fault Current I2 n Li M ax ue rq e Re ve rs e Fo rw ar d Maximum Torque Angle : set 135 degree Polarizing Referance Voltage: V2 Figure 7-10.20 Range 0 ~ 359 degree Default 135 Step 1 degree Enter the maximum torque angle.P.T.NT http://www. The maximum torque angle setting determines the directional operating current for the polarizing voltage. Phasor Diagram for I2 Directional Polarization The negative sequence directional controls in the following four settings should be enabled.20 Range OFF.T.T. P.P. For system with solidly grounded or resistively grounded the M. NOTE ) EVRC2A version prior to 5. this M.1 this setting is applied conversely.A: 135 M.V.P.co. “YES” indicates that directional elements will be operated regardless of M. For example. For systems with high-resistance grounding or floating neutrals.V will be approximately 0.01 Enter the minimum polarizing voltage.20 Range 0 ~ 1.V: 0.T.V: 0.P.V [NEQ DIRECTION] Type: OFF M.20 x VT.P.20 >BLOCK OC: NO Range NO. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 169 .NT http://www.V will be approximately 0.20 Step 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. YES Default NO Step ~ The BLOCK OC setting determines the overcurrent tripping conditions when the polarizing voltage drops below minimum polarizing voltage.10 x VT. then tripping by the overcurrent elements will be blocked. then tripping by the overcurrent elements will be permitted.P. If BLOCK OC = NO.P. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / DIRECTION / NEQ DIRECTION / BLOCK OC [NEQ DIRECTION] M.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / DIRECTION / NEQ DIRECTION / M. “NO” indicates that directional elements will be blocked by M.25 xVT(secondary nominal voltage) Default 0.entecene. If BLOCK OC = YES.V.A: 135 >M.T. If function = Trip & AR.NT http://www.co. Alternate settings. TR&AR Default OFF Step ~ If function = OFF. it trips and alarms.70 Range OFF. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / VOLTAGE / UNDER VOLTAGE 1 / Function [UNDER VOLTAGE 1] >Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(xVT): 0.14. TRIP. 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Selects the relays required to operate when the feature generates a Trip. the feature is operational. To increase security. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / VOLTAGE / UNDER VOLTAGE 1 / Relays(0-8) [UNDER VOLTAGE 1] Function: OFF >Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(xVT): 0. all undervoltage elements add two power frequency cycle of intentional delay to prevent incorrect operation. Undervoltage (27) Two undervoltage elements are provided for trip. alarm and control when the voltage drops below a specified voltage for a specified time.70 Range OFF. 170 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . the feature is not operational.entecene. When the circuit breaker is closed by a local/remote controls. the undervoltage element is disabled from detecting for the cold load pickup during periods. The undervoltage element can be selected the type of operation required with any one phase. Undervoltage 1 Setup The undervoltage 1 should be enabled to the following settings. The undervoltage element can be used to supervise that torque control other overcurrent protective elements.kr 7. When the feature asserts a TRIP & AR condition. If function = Trip. The undervoltage element can be ON or OFF in the Primary. the feature is operational.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. any two phase and three phase. Undervoltage 2 Setup The undervoltage 2 settings process a very similar method to the undervoltage 1. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / VOLTAGE / UNDER VOLTAGE 1 / Time Delay [UNDER VOLTAGE 1] Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(xVT): 0.25 × VT(secondary nominal voltage) Range Default 0.00 Min.10 >Pickup Type: 1P Range 1P.70 5. 3P Default 1P Step ~ Select the type of phase required for operation.00 Step 0. V(xVT): 0. 2P.00 0.10 Step 0. and an alarm is required whenever the voltage goes below 70V. For example.01 Enter the pickup value as a fraction of the secondary nominal voltage. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / VOLTAGE / UNDER VOLTAGE 1 / Min.NT http://www.10 0. V(xVT) [UNDER VOLTAGE Pickup(xVT): Time Delay : >Min. Used to prevent the undervoltage 1 element for voltage below this level. enter(70/100) = 0. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 171 . 2P : Function operates when two or more than two phase voltage values are under the pickup voltage level.25 × VT(secondary nominal voltage) Range Default 0.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / VOLTAGE / UNDER VOLTAGE 1 / Pickup(xVT) [UNDER VOLTAGE 1] Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF >Pickup(xVT): 0.70 >Time Delay : 5.70 × VT for the pickup. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / VOLTAGE / UNDER VOLTAGE 1 / Pickup Type [UNDER VOLTAGE 1] Time Delay : 5. 3P : Function operates when all three phase voltage values are under the pickup voltage level.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.10 xVT will allow a dead line to be considered a trip condition.00 ~ 1.70 0.00 sec Range Default 5.co.01 Enter the minimum voltage for the undervoltage.00 ~ 600.00 0. if the secondary nominal voltage is 100V. Setting to 0.00 ~ 1.70 Step 0.entecene. V(xVT): 1] 0.01 sec Set the definite time delay. 1P : Function operates when one or more than one phase voltage value is under the pickup voltage level. 20 Range OFF. if the secondary nominal voltage is 100 V. TRIP. The overvoltage element can be ON or OFF in the Primary. the feature is operational.20 for the pickup.entecene. The overvoltage element can be selected the type of operation required with any one phase. and an alarm is required whenever the voltage exceeds 120 V. Alternate settings .25 xVT Default 1. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / VOLTAGE / OVER VOLTAGE 1 / Pickup(xVT) [OVER VOLTAGE 1] Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF >Pickup(xVT): 1. the overvoltage element is disabled from detecting for the cold load pickup during periods.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.00 ~ 1. alarm and control when the voltage rises above a specified voltage for a specified time.20 Range 0. Overvoltage (59) Two overvoltage elements are provided for trip. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / VOLTAGE / OVER VOLTAGE 1 / Relays(0-8) [OVER VOLTAGE 1] Function: OFF >Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(xVT): 1. any two phase and three phase.20 Range OFF. When the circuit breaker is closed by a local/remote controls. When the feature asserts a TRIP & AR condition. To increase security. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / VOLTAGE / OVER VOLTAGE 1 / Function [OVER VOLTAGE 1] >Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(xVT): 1. Overvoltage 1 Setup The overvoltage 1 should be enabled to the following settings. If function = Trip & AR. it trips and alarms. all overvoltage elements add two power frequency cycle of intentional delay to prevent incorrect operation.kr 7. TR&AR Default OFF Step ~ If function = OFF. 172 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .15. 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Selects the relays required to operate when the feature generates a Trip. If function = Trip. enter 120 / 100 = 1.NT http://www. the feature is not operational.co.20 Step 0. the feature is operational. For example.01 Enter the pickup value as a fraction of the secondary nominal voltage. 00 ~ 600. 1P : Function operates when one or more than one phase voltage value is over the pickup voltage level. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / VOLTAGE / OVER VOLTAGE 1 / Pickup Type [OVER VOLTAGE 1] Pickup(xVT): 1.co.20 Time Delay : 5.20 >Time Delay : 5.entecene. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 173 .kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / VOLTAGE / OVER VOLTAGE 1 / Time Delay [OVER VOLTAGE 1] Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(xVT): 1. 2P. Overvoltage 2 Setup The overvoltage 2 settings process a very similar method to the overvoltage 1.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.01 sec Set the definite time delay.00 Range 0.NT http://www. 3P : Function operates when all three phase voltage values are over the pickup voltage level.00 sec Default 5.00 Step 0. 2P : Function operates when two or more than two phase voltage values are over the pickup voltage level.00 >Pickup Type: 1P Range 1P. 3P Default 1P Step ~ Select the type of phase required for operation. The overfrequency element can be ON or OFF in the Primary. The underfrequency element can be ON or OFF in the Primary.entecene.16. If function = Trip & AR. The overfrequency minimum voltage and overfrequency minimum current are used to prevent incorrect operation when the recloser is closed by a local/remote control and the overfrequency is disabled from tripping for cold load pickup during periods. Frequency Setup The underfrequency and overfrequency element should be enabled to the following settings. The underfrequency minimum voltage and underfrequency minimum current are used to prevent incorrect operation when the recloser is closed by a local/remote control and the underfrequency is disabled from tripping for cold load pickup during periods. The power system frequency is measured from the zero crossing on the VA-N voltage input for Wye connected VTs and VA-B voltage for Delta connected VTs. Alternate settings. If function = Trip. alarm and control when the frequency drops below a specified frequency setting for a specified time delay. Underfrequency (81U) Underfrequency element is provided for trip. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / FREQUENCY / Function [FREQUENCY] >Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF Under Pu(Hz): 55. it trips and alarms. alarm and control when the frequency rises above a specified frequency setting for a specified time delay. When the feature asserts a TRIP & AR condition. Alternate settings. Frequency(81) EVRC2A has underfrequency and overfrequency elements to detect unusual frequency in power system. 174 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.00 Range OFF. TRIP. the feature is not operational. TR&AR Default OFF Step ~ If function = OFF. the feature is operational.NT http://www.kr 7. Explanation for each element is below. Overfrequency (81O) Overfrequency element is provided for trip.co. The power system frequency is measured from the zero crossing on the VA-N voltage input for Wye connected VTs and VA-B voltage for Delta connected VTs. the feature is operational. 00 ~ 600. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / FREQUENCY / Overfreqency Time Delay [FREQUENCY] Under TD: 2. enter 55.00 Range 50.00㎐. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 175 .NT http://www.00 for this setting.00 Step 0.00 Over Pu(Hz): 65. For example.00 Range OFF.01 Hz Enter the level of which the underfrequency element is to pickup. 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Selects the relays required to operate when the feature generates a Trip.00 >Over Pu(Hz): 65.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / FREQUENCY / Relays(0-8) [FREQUENCY] Function: OFF >Relays(0-8): OFF Under Pu(Hz): 55. if the system frequency is 60㎐.00 sec Default 6.entecene.00 ~ 60.00㎐.00 Range 0. For example.00 Step 0.01 sec Set the definite time delay for Overfrequency.co.01 sec Set the definite time delay for underfrequency. if the system frequency is 60㎐.00 Hz Default 45.00 Step 0.00 sec Default 2. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / FREQUENCY / Underfreqency Pickup(Hz) [[FREQUENCY] Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF >Under Pu(Hz): 55.00 ~ 70.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.00 Range 40. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / FREQUENCY / Underfreqency Time Delay [FREQUENCY] Relays(0-8): OFF Under Pu(Hz): 55.00 ~ 600.00 Hz Default 55.01 Hz Enter the level of which the overfrequency element is to pickup.00 Under TD: 2. and load shedding is required at 55.00 >Over TD: 6.00 Range 0. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / FREQUENCY / Overfreqency Pickup(Hz) [[FREQUENCY] Under Pu(Hz): 55.00 for this setting.00 Step 0.00 >Under TD: 2. and load shedding is required at 65. enter 65. 25 Range Default 0.0 Range OFF.1 . V(xVT): 0. I(A): 10 Range 10 ~ 1600A Default 10 Step 1A Enter the minimum value of current required for any phase to allow the frequency element to operate.NT http://www. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / FREQUENCY / NFCL TD [FREQUENCY] >Min.00 >Min.00 ~ 1.10 >Min. I(A) [FREQUENCY] >Over TD: 6. V(xVT): 0. ON Default OFF Step ~ Enable or disable “CLOSE” function when the frequency becomes normal.00 >Min.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / FREQUENCY / Min.10 >Min.0 Range 0. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / FREQUENCY / NFCL Func’ [FREQUENCY] >Min. I(A): 10 0.01 Enter the minimum voltage required to allow the frequency element to Operate.co. V(xVT) [FREQUENCY] >Over TD: 6.01 >NFCL Func’: OFF >NFCL TD: 60. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / FREQUENCY / Min.0 Step Set the time delay before “CLOSE” operation. 176 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 0. I(A): 0.10 Step 0.entecene.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.0 sec Default 60. I(A): 10 >NFCL Func’: OFF >NFCL TD: 60.0 ~ 6000. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. ON Default OFF Step ~ Sequence coordination offers the function of preventing unnecessary operation of the backup recloser when two more reclosers are connected in series. 2) The identical reclose interval time should be set for all Reclosers in series.O Priority: GND F/I Reset: AUTO Range OFF. 3) To coordinate the protection characteristics.co. The Sequence Coordination feature should be enabled to the following settings. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / OTHER ELEMENT / Seq' Coordi' [ OTHER ELEMENT ] >Seq’ Coordi’: OFF L.1. 4) The reset time of Back-up Recloser should be set longer than any reclose interval time of all Down-line Reclosers. The following rules should be kept to activate Sequence Coordination feature. Sequence Coordination When several Reclosers are connected in series to protect distribution systems. the feature is operational.17. 1) The same characteristics of fast and delay operations in the total number of the trip operations and identical basic Time Current Curves should be set for all Reclosers connected in series. Sequence Coordination feature is activated only if one out of several Down-line Reclosers connected to one Back-up Recloser detects a fault current. the feature is not operational.entecene. If function = ON.NT http://www.17. EVRC2A contains Sequence Coordination feature which can prevent the simultaneous trip operations in both of Back-up and Down-line Reclosers due to phase/ground fault. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 177 . not to those of Down-line Reclosers.kr 7. If function = OFF. an additional delay operation time (at least 100 ms) should be applied to the Time Current Curve characteristics of Back-up Recloser. Other Element 7. This setting will prevent the reset operation of Back-up Recloser during the reclose operation of Down-lines. O Priority: GND F/I Reset: AUTO Range PHA. if Sequence Coordination feature at Back-up Recloser is enabled and a phase/ground fault occurs in distribution systems. Sequence Coordination function cannot be operated.entecene. If Auto Reclose switch is set to one TRIP. During the count at the Back-up Recloser. Other Element PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / OTHER ELEMENT / L.2.NT http://www.co. Increase Trip Counter without Trip Starting Reset Time Counter Close Back Up EVR 1 Down line EVR 2 Open Close Lockout Status Open Time Faulted Figure 7-11. GND Default GND Step Lockout priority PHA : Phase prior GND : Ground prior 178 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY ~ . if the distribution system is restored to normal by TRIP with Down-line Recloser.O Priority [OTHER ELEMENT] Seq’ Coordi’: OFF >L.kr As shown in “Figure 7-11. Sequence Coordination Operation Block Diagram”.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Sequence Coordination Operation Block Diagram 7.17. the number of the trip operations of Back-up Recloser is increased one step. the Back-up Recloser operates timing counter by overcurrent elements. Back-up Recloser performs trip operation instead of activating Sequence Coordination feature at the last sequence of the full sequence. MANUAL Default AUTO Step ~ Faulted Indicator reset method AUTO : Reset shall be performed by pressing [FI RESET] button or shall be performed automatically after High Voltage line becomes normal.entecene.kr PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / OTHER ELEMENT / F/I Reset [OTHER ELEMENT] Seq’ Coordi’: OFF L.co.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.00 sec Default 0.00 Step 0.O Priority: GND F/I Reset: AUTO >D/T M-Close: 0.NT http://www.01 sec Time delay for manual close ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 179 . MANUAL : It shall be reset by pressing [FI RESET] button. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / OTHER ELEMENT / D/T M-Close [OTHER ELEMENT] L.O Priority: GND >F/I Reset: AUTO Range AUTO.00 Range 0.00 ~ 600. entecene. otherwise which added 30㎳(±4㎳) are used when it is 38㎸. The operation times and reset times are defined as follows : ANSI/IEEE Trip Time(Sec) = TD × ( (α / (Mβ-1) + γ) + TA) IEC Trip Time(Sec) = TD × ( (α / (Mβ-1)) + TA) ESB Trip Time(Sec) = TD × ( (α / (Mβ-1) + γ) + TA) USER-DEFINED Trip Time(Sec) = TD × ( (α / (Mβ-1) + γ) + TA) Reset Time(Sec) = TD × (Rt / (1-M2)) Table 7-2. user-defined curves and all 37 non standard recloser curves are available. ESB curves. The operation times and reset times refer to ANSI/IEEE C37.18. A Configuration setting determines whether elements set to use ANSI/IEEE curves.NT http://www.112 and IEC 255-3.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. β. IEC curves. IEC curves. 2) “Recloser clearing time curves” are used when rated voltage of recloser is 15㎸ or 27㎸. Curve Factor TD Time dial TA Time adder α. γ Characteristic constant M Multiples of pickup current Rt Reset characteristic constant NOTE ) 1) “Time Dial” and “Time Adder” settings of each Time Overcurrent(Fast/Delay) menu are applied to Time dial(TD) and Time adder(TA) respectively. or corresponding with electromechanical. Time Overcurrent Curves The EVRC2A is equipped Standard ANSI/IEEE curves. 180 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . user-defined curves reset instantaneously.co. ESB curves.kr 7. 0001 User defined curve factor rt 2) USER CURVE 2. 4 : USER CURVE 2 ~ 4.NT http://www.0001 User defined curve factor α PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / USER CURVE SET / USER CURVE 1 / Factor b [USER CURVE 1] Factor a: 59.0000 Factor r: 1.0000 >Factor r: 1.8000 Range 0.0000 Step 0.0001 User defined curve factor γ PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / USER CURVE SET / USER CURVE 1 / Factor rt [USER CURVE 1] Factor b: 2.8000 Range 0.0000 ~ 150.0000 Factor r: 1. the same as USER CURVE 1 above ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 181 .5000 >Factor b: 2.co.9999 Default 1.5000 Range 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.9999 Default 59.5000 Factor b: 2.0000 ~ 150.9999 Default 2.0000 Factor r: 1.8000 Step 0.5000 Step 0. 3.9999 Default 59.5000 Factor b: 2.0000 ~ 150.0000 ~ 150.5000 Step 0.kr Related Setting Menu 1) USER CURVE 1 PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / USER CURVE SET / USER CURVE 1 / Factor a [USER CURVE 1] >Factor a: 59.0001 User defined curve factor β PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / USER CURVE SET / USER CURVE 1 / Factor r [USER CURVE 1] Factor a: 59.8000 Range 0.entecene.8000 >Factor rt: 59. 095 3.0000 0.0231 1.8500 User3 59.9925 2.3450 59.0 135.95 0.0 0.500 1.00 Short Time Inverse 0.1400 0.4336 15.500 Curves α β γ Rt Standard Inverse 0.000 1.000 0. User Defined 182 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .9500 39.02 1.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 0.0400 0.NT http://www.985 2.1000 User4 5.0000 0.0475 1.8500 2.entecene.020 0.94 Curves α β γ Rt User1 59. ANSI/IEEE Curves α β γ Rt Moderately Inverse 0.95 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.5000 2.0107 0. ESB Table 7-6.0200 0.000 Very Inverse 3.0 13.0700 Normally Inverse 5.985 Extremely Inverse 5.9500 Very Inverse 3.0500 0.56e-3 0.6700 2.992 Curves α β γ Rt Standard Inverse 0.356 Short Time Very Inverse 1.8000 59.95e-2 0.94 1.9500 2.042 9. IEC Table 7-5.0 9.985 Long Time Very Inverse 15.000 Long Time Inverse 135.6700 Table 7-4.0000 0.000 0.011 0.0352 5.500 Extremely Inverse 80.000 0.18 5.9100 Short Time Inverse 3.0000 1.985 1.700 Very Inverse 13.02 0.1084 3.0345 5.9100 2.0 80.co.kr Standard Curve Coefficients Table 7-3.000 0.1000 2.5000 User2 39. 0 10.co.0 1.kr Table 7-7.entecene.NT http://www.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.0 - 10. Non Standard Curves McGraw-Edison recloser curves Phase Ground Old New Old New A 101 1 102 B 117 2 135 C 133 3 140 D 116 4 106 E 132 5 114 F 163 6 136 H 122 7 152 J 164 8 113 KP 162 8* 111 L 107 9 131 M 118 11 141 N 104 13 142 P 115 14 119 R 105 15 112 T 161 16 139 V 137 17 103 W 138 18 151 Y 120 KG 165 Z 134 - - ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 183 .0 Definite Time 10sec 0. Definite Time Curves α β γ Rt Definite Time 1sec 0.0 Table 7-8.0 - 1. 2 1.04 100 0.05 0.07 0.1 0.09 0.2 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.09 0.3 0.00 TIME(SECONDS) 2 2 9.3 0.00 0.02 600 0.08 0.8 0.04 200 0.03 400 0.co.01 SECONDS 50 40 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 15.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.5 0.9 0.00 3.01 800 900 1k 0.4 2.00 7.00 11.06 0.4 0.kr 100 90 80 70 60 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 1) ANSI/IEEE Moderately Inverse Curves 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : ANSI MODERATELY INVERSE CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ±5% OR 0.7 0.00 4.5 0.07 0.9 0.00 1 0.7 0.8 0. ANSI/IEEE Moderately Inverse Curves 184 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 0.02 500 0.01 700 0.00 13.08 0.1 0.entecene.03 300 0.05 .6 5.05 PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-12.6 1 0.NT http://www. 06 0.00 0.co.01 800 900 1k 0.00 13.7 0.00 2 2 9.4 2.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.00 0.04 200 0.1 0.06 0.6 5.1 0.5 0.4 0.00 3.50 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 0.00 7.09 0.03 500 0.entecene.01 2k 0. ANSI/IEEE Normally Inverse Curves ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 185 .09 0.3 0.8 0.05 0.00 0.2 0.02 700 0.01 SECONDS 50 40 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 15.04 300 0.5 0.8 0.9 0.02 600 0.3 0.03 400 0.kr 100 90 80 70 60 7k 6k 5k 4k 8k 9k 10k 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : ANSI NORMALLY INVERSE CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ± 5% OR 0.08 0.08 0.7 0.6 1 0.07 0.05 100 TIME(SECONDS) 3k 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 2) ANSI/IEEE Normally Inverse Curves PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-13.9 0.00 11.NT http://www.2 1.00 4.07 0.00 1 0. 3 0.00 0.1 0.7 0.2 2.08 0.01 SECONDS 50 40 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 15.6 9.9 0.4 4.1 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.00 11.00 1 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.9 0.00 13.05 0.03 400 0.00 0.02 500 0.03 300 0.05 PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-14.8 0.00 0.01 800 900 1k 0.kr 100 90 80 70 60 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 3) ANSI/IEEE Very Inverse Curves 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : ANSI VERY INVERSE CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ±5% OR 0.00 7.co.08 0.2 0.04 100 TIME(SECONDS) 2 . ANSI/IEEE Very Inverse Curves 186 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 0.02 600 0.09 0.8 0.entecene.4 0.00 0.5 0.5 5.3 3.6 1 0.NT http://www.01 700 0.06 1.50 0.09 0.06 0.7 0.04 200 0.07 0. 00 0.00 0.1 0.09 0.NT http://www.entecene.kr 100 90 80 70 60 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 8k 9k 10k 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : ANSI EXTREMELY INVERSE CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ± 5% OR 0.04 0.6 0.co.4 0.03 0.5 13.3 0. ANSI/IEEE Extremely Inverse Curves ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 187 .2 0.00 0.02 0.09 0.9 0.00 3.2 5.7 0.06 2.04 0.00 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.01 SECONDS 50 40 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0.07 0.8 0.00 0.05 0.01 200 0.07 0.00 0.4 9.08 0.02 0.9 0.03 0.7 0.06 0.00 0.00 4.08 0.50 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 0.8 0.5 11.01 100 TIME(SECONDS) 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 4) ANSI/IEEE Extremely Inverse Curves PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-15.6 15.3 7.1 0.05 1.00 1 0. 4 0.02 200 0.00 0.2 0.1 0.01 400 0.00 0.8 0.05 0.9 0.NT http://www.8 0.kr 100 90 80 70 60 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 8k 9k 10k 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : ANSI SHORT TIME INVERSE CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ± 5% OR 0.01 SECONDS 50 40 TIME(SECONDS) 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 5) ANSI/IEEE Short Time Inverse Curves 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0.9 0.6 0.3 4.1 0.06 1.09 0.00 1 0.06 0.03 100 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.05 0.3 0.entecene.08 0.00 3.00 0.08 0.50 PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-16.7 0.5 11.co.00 9.03 .6 15.00 0.00 13.4 5.02 300 0.00 0.5 7.01 500 0.7 0.07 0.04 0. ANSI/IEEE Short Time Inverse Curves 188 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 0.00 0.07 0.2 2.09 0.04 0. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.7 0.5 0.00 0.08 0.02 100 TIME(SECONDS) 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 6) ANSI/IEEE Short Time Very Inverse Curves PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-17.00 0.03 0.entecene.7 0.5 9.1 0.00 0.07 0.9 0.07 0.4 7.01 SECONDS 50 40 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0.00 0.1 0.9 0.NT http://www.8 0.05 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 1.2 4.01 400 0.00 11.04 0.09 0.06 2.03 0.08 0.09 0.3 0.00 13.04 0.kr 100 90 80 70 60 8k 9k 10k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 7k 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : ANSI SHOTR TIME VERY INVERSE CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ± 5% OR 0.50 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 500 0.2 0.01 300 0.4 0.02 200 0.6 1 0.06 0.8 0.3 5.co. ANSI/IEEE Short Time Very Inverse Curves ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 189 .6 15. 09 0.4 0.NT http://www.6 0.8 0.04 200 0.9 0.06 0.04 100 0.05 0.8 0.5 0.1 0.07 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.03 400 0.3 0.01 SECONDS 50 40 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 TIME(SECONDS) 4k 3k 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 7) IEC Standard Inverse Curves 2 1 0.06 PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-18.1 0.5 0.5 1 0.2 0.02 500 0.4 0.7 0.kr 100 90 80 70 60 7k 6k 5k 8k 9k 10k 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : IEC STANDARD INVERSE CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ±5% OR 0.6 0.7 0.03 300 0.02 600 0.6 1 0.01 800 900 1k 0. IEC Standard Inverse Curves 190 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 0.05 0.entecene.co.3 0.07 0.4 0.2 0.08 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.1 0.3 0.09 0.01 700 0.05 .08 0.2 0. 4 0.07 0.01 SECONDS 50 40 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0.01 300 0.4 0.07 0.05 0.co.06 0.2 0.2 0.02 200 0.09 0.08 0.7 0.03 0.7 0.5 1.05 0.6 1 0.1 0.09 0.00 0.3 0.NT http://www.7 0.4 0.kr 100 90 80 70 60 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 900 1k 8k 9k 10k 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : IEC VERY INVERSE CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ± 5% OR 0.3 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.03 0.05 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 500 0.02 100 TIME(SECONDS) 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 8) IEC Very Inverse Curves PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-19.1 0.04 0.6 0.5 0.01 400 0.entecene.8 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. IEC Very Inverse Curves ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 191 .08 0.3 0.9 0.04 0.8 0.06 0. 1 0.7 0.06 1.8 0.06 0.8 0.04 0.09 0.2 0.kr 100 90 80 70 60 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 8k 9k 10k 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : IEC EXTREMELY INVERSE CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ±5% OR 0.8 0.03 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.08 0.6 0.co.entecene.1 0. IEC Extremely Inverse Curves 192 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 0.6 0.01 .03 0.01 100 0.2 0.5 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.7 0.05 0.7 0.00 0.01 SECONDS 50 40 TIME(SECONDS) 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 9) IEC Extremely Inverse Curves 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0.3 0.4 0.9 0.05 0.04 0.05 PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-20.02 0.6 1 0.NT http://www.5 0.9 0.09 0.1 0.4 0.02 0.5 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.9 0.6 0.07 0.entecene.09 0.02 4k 0.3 0.03 2k 0.01 5k 0.5 0.09 0.7 0.kr 100 90 80 70 60 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 10) IEC Long Time Inverse Curves 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : IEC LONG TIME VERY INVERSE CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ± 5% OR 0.2 0.NT http://www.4 0. 4 0.9 0.04 600 0.08 0.03 800 900 1k 0.05 8k 9k 10k 7k 0.8 0.06 300 0.05 500 0.8 0. 5 2 0.co. 3 1 0.1 0.6 1 0.1 0.00 4 4 0.01 6k 0.7 0.06 400 0.07 0. 7 0.3 0. 6 3 3 0. IEC Long Time Inverse Curves ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 193 .05 0.2 100 TIME(SECONDS) 2 PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-21.8 0.2 200 0.4 0.01 SECONDS 50 40 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 1.02 3k 0.1 0.08 0.04 700 0.5 0. 07 0.04 0.02 0.7 0.03 0.08 0.4 1.01 .entecene.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.08 0.8 0.07 0.05 0.3 0.01 SECONDS 50 40 TIME(SECONDS) 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 11) IEC Short Time Inverse Curves 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0.7 0.3 0.9 0.06 0.2 0.6 0. IEC Short Time Inverse Curves 194 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 0.6 1 0.5 0.04 0.01 100 0.05 0.9 0.00 0.6 0.4 0.co.1 0.NT http://www.02 0.kr 100 90 80 70 60 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 8k 9k 10k 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : IEC SHORT TIME INVERSE CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ± 5% OR 0.8 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.09 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.05 PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-22.09 0.06 0.7 0.03 0.4 0. 6 5.05 100 TIME(SECONDS) 3k 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 12) ESB Inverse Curves PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-23.5 0.7 0.00 4.4 0.00 0.00 11.3 0.02 600 0.2 1.1 0.04 300 0.7 0.3 0.9 0.07 0.kr 100 90 80 70 8k 9k 10k 6k 5k 4k 7k 100 90 80 70 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : ESB INVERSE CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ± 5% OR 0.4 2.00 3. ESB Inverse Curves ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 195 .00 0.1 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.6 1 0.00 2 2 9.03 500 0.entecene.9 0.50 0.8 0.08 0.01 2k 0.00 7.09 0.05 0.5 0.01 800 900 1k 0.2 0.08 0.06 0.8 0.02 700 0.00 0.NT http://www.03 400 0.00 1 0.09 0.co.01 SECONDS 60 50 40 60 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 15.07 0.04 200 0.06 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 0.00 13. 04 PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT 196 0.01 600 0.04 .06 0.00 11.00 13.05 0.00 1 0.7 0.3 2.05 Figure 7-24.00 0.05 0.kr 100 90 80 70 60 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 13) ESB Very Inverse Curves 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : ESB VERY INVERSE CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ±5% 0.00 0.02 400 0.03 200 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.8 0.entecene.9 0.00 5.4 0.1 0.5 0.8 0.2 1.01 500 0.03 100 0.00 0. ESB Very Inverse Curves ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 800 900 1k 700 0.4 3.1 0.00 7.2 0.5 4.6 1 0.08 0.08 0.9 0.02 300 0.07 0.07 0.6 9.00 0.NT http://www.06 0.co.7 0.09 0.09 0.01 SECONDS 50 40 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 TIME(SECONDS) 2 2 15.3 0.00 0. 5 1.05 0.NT http://www.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.entecene.00 1 0.4 0.05 500 0.50 8k 9k 10k 7k 0.1 0.8 0.00 4 3 7.2 100 TIME(SECONDS) 2 PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-25.00 3.08 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.06 400 0.1 0.09 0.7 0.00 5 11.03 800 900 1k 0.00 5 4 9.00 3 5.8 0.00 0.01 SECONDS 50 40 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 15.9 0.00 0.5 0.08 0.06 300 0.2 200 0.03 2k 0.6 1 0.01 6k 0.04 600 0.00 2 4.07 0.kr 100 90 80 70 60 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 14) ESB Long Time Very Inverse Curves 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : ESB LONG TIME VERY INVERSE CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ± 5% OR 0.02 3k 0.00 13. ESB Long Time Very Inverse Curves ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 197 .9 0.09 0.01 5k 0.7 0.co.6 2.07 0.04 700 0.02 4k 0. 9 0.08 0.6 D1 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.5 PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT 198 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : D1.02 7k 0.01 Figure 7-26.NT http://www.04 2k 0.09 0.7 0.7 0.3 300 0.6 1 0.08 0.1 0.05 0.09 0.06 600 0.05 800 900 1k 0.5 0.03 5k 0.06 700 0.04 3k 0.01 SECONDS 50 TIME(SECONDS) 3k 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 15) Definite Time Curves (D1. D2) ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 8k 9k 10k 0. Definite Time Curves (D1.4 0.9 0.co.4 100 0.02 6k 0.03 4k 0.2 500 0.3 200 0. D2 CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ± 5% OR 0.07 0.kr 100 90 80 70 60 40 7k 6k 5k 4k 8k 9k 10k 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 D2 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0.2 400 0.1 0.01 0.entecene.8 0.8 0.07 0. D2) . 3 0. E) ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 199 .2 0.01 SECONDS 50 40 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0.1 0.7 0. B.9 0. E) PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-27. C.entecene.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.4 0.9 0.6 0.08 0.05 0.02 500 0.02 600 0. D.1 0.04 100 TIME(SECONDS) 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 16) Non Standard Curves (A.8 0. D.01 800 900 1k 0. B.4 0. C.co.6 1 0. C.06 0.3 0.01 700 0.03 300 0.06 C D B E 0. E CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ± 5% OR 0.NT http://www. D.2 0.5 0.07 0.8 0. Non Standard Curves (A.09 0.08 0.09 0.5 0.03 400 0.05 A 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 0.kr 100 90 80 70 60 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 8k 9k 10k 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : A. B.04 200 0.7 0.07 0. Non Standard Curves (KP.03 300 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.01 800 900 1k 0.06 0.2 KP 0.05 0. L.01 SECONDS 50 40 TIME(SECONDS) 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 17) Non Standard Curves (KP.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. M.03 400 0.kr 100 90 80 70 60 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 8k 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : KP.05 .04 200 0.02 500 0.01 700 0.08 0.07 0.07 0. N) 200 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 0.5 0.6 0. M.09 0. L.9 0. L.02 600 0.08 0.7 0.09 0. M.5 0.1 0.co.2 0. N CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ±5% OR 0.9 0.NT http://www.06 L M N PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-28.3 0.7 0.1 0.entecene. N) 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0.04 100 0.6 1 0.8 0. 8 0.07 0.5 0.08 0. R.4 0.8 0.04 100 TIME(SECONDS) 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 18) Non Standard Curves (P.03 300 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. V) ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 201 .1 0.09 0.1 0.6 V 0.3 0.05 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 0.07 0.co. Non Standard Curves (P.05 0. R.7 0.3 0.08 0.entecene.06 R P 0. V) PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-29.01 800 900 1k 0.6 1 0.09 0. V CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ± 5% OR 0.5 0.2 0.2 T 0.04 200 0.7 0.03 400 0.02 600 0.02 500 0.06 0.4 0.9 0. T.9 0. T. T. R.kr 100 90 80 70 60 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 8k 9k 10k 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : P.NT http://www.01 SECONDS 50 40 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0.01 700 0. 07 0.01 SECONDS 50 40 TIME(SECONDS) 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 19) Non Standard Curves (W. Z) 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0.9 0.08 0.02 700 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.01 3k 0.09 0. Z) 202 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 0.kr 100 90 80 70 60 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 8k 9k 10k 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : W. Non Standard Curves (W.2 Y PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-30.07 0.03 500 0. Y. Y.01 2k 0.04 400 0.7 0.2 0. Z CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ± 5% OR 0.9 0.03 600 0.02 800 900 1k 0.04 300 0.3 0.4 0.09 0.6 1 0.4 0.5 Z 0.05 200 0.06 .05 0.8 0.7 0.08 0. Y.6 0.8 0.NT http://www.3 W 0.1 0.1 0.entecene.co.06 100 0.5 0. 09 0. 5) ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 203 .01 2k 0.9 0.6 1 0.4 0.9 0.kr 100 90 80 70 60 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 8k 9k 10k 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : 1.05 0.7 0. 2.8 0.07 0.4 0.5 0. 5 CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ± 5% OR 0.5 0.3 0. 4.08 0.co.6 3 2 0.04 300 0.3 0.NT http://www.03 500 0.07 0.2 5 0. 5) PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-31.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. 3.01 800 900 1k 0.entecene. 4.02 600 0. Non Standard Curves (1.02 700 0.7 0. 2.01 SECONDS 50 40 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0. 3. 2. 4.8 0.03 400 0.04 200 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.06 4 1 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 0.05 100 TIME(SECONDS) 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 20) Non Standard Curves (1. 3.09 0.06 0. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr 100 90 80 70 60 7k 6k 5k 4k 8k 9k 10k 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : 6, 7, 8, 8*, 9 CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ± 5% OR 0.01 SECONDS 50 40 30 50 40 30 7 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 9 5 TIME(SECONDS) 3k 2k 900 1k 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 21) Non Standard Curves (6, 7, 8, 8*, 9) 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 8 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 8* 0.05 0.05 6 PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-32. Non Standard Curves (6, 7, 8, 8*, 9) 204 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 800 900 1k 0.01 700 0.01 600 0.02 500 0.02 400 0.03 300 0.03 200 0.04 100 0.04 RECLOS SER CONTR ROL EVRC2A A-N6,NT http p://www.enttecene.co.krr 22) Non N Standardd Curves (11,, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18) Figure 7-333. Non Standdard Curvess (11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 118) ENHA ANCED TEC CHNOLOGY Y 205 RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr 100 90 80 70 60 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 8k 9k 10k 100 90 80 70 60 RECLOSER CLEARING TIME CURVE : F, H, J, KG CURVES ARE AVERAGE CLEARING TIME VARIATIONS ±5% OR 0.01 SECONDS 50 40 TIME(SECONDS) 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 23) Non Standard Curves (F, H, J, KG) 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 F 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 J KG 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.05 H 0.04 0.04 PERCENTAGE OF PICKUP CURRENT Figure 7-34. Non Standard Curves (F, H, J, KG) 206 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 8k 9k 10k 7k 6k 5k 4k 3k 2k 800 900 1k 700 600 0.01 500 0.01 400 0.02 300 0.02 200 0.03 100 0.03 RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr 7.19. Loss of Phase - Option EVRC2A has a loss of phase element. The element is provided for trip, alarm and control when loss of phase is occurred. Loss of Phase can be turned on and off by Primary and Alternate settings and is an optional element depending on the specification of EVRC2A. If any phase voltage of source side becomes 110% higher than Loss of Phase level and one or two phases voltage keeps lower than Loss of Phase for a certain period, circuit breaker determines Loss of Phase. The loss of phase element in the following four settings should be enabled for loss of phase. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / LOSS OF PHASE / Function [LOSS OF PHASE] >Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(xVT): 0.30 Range OFF, TRIP, TR&AR Default OFF Step ~ If function = OFF, the feature is not operational. If function = Trip, the feature is operational. When the feature asserts a TRIP condition, Trip operates. If function = Trip & AR, the feature is operational. When the feature asserts a TRIP & AR condition, it trips and alarms. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / LOSS OF PHASE / Relays(0-8) [LOSS OF PHASE] Function: OFF >Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(xVT): 0.30 Range OFF, 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Selects the required relays to operate when the feature generates a Trip. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / LOSS OF PHASE / Pickup(xVT) [LOSS OF PHASE] Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF >Pickup(xVT): 0.30 Range 0.00 ~ 1.25 Default 0.30 Step 0.01 Enter the pickup value as a fraction of the secondary nominal voltage. For example, if the secondary nominal voltage is 100V, and an alarm is required whenever the voltage goes below 70V, enter(30/100) = 0.30 × VT for the pickup. PRIMARY SETTING / PROTECTION / LOSS OF PHASE / Time Delay [LOSS OF PHASE] Relays(0-8): OFF Pickup(xVT): 0.30 >Time Delay: 20.00 Range 0.10 ~ 100.00 sec Default 20.00 Step 0.01 sec The time set-up is to delay time for loss of phase trip. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 207 RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr 8. MONITORING EVRC2A has Monitoring function for following items and also has functions for user to output Alarm signal or Trip signal. y DEMAND y SYNCHRO CHECK y TRIP COUNTER y RECLOSER WEAR y BATTERY TEST y FAULT LOCATOR y GAS LOW LOCK – Option y EXT’ TRIP & LOCK – Option y LIVE LOAD BLOCK – Option 8.1. Demand 8.1.1. Description EVRC2A is programmed to monitor following items to be operated as user sets. y Phase Current demand value y Ground current demand value y Negative sequence current demand value 8.1.2. Related Setting Menu 1) Function Setting Select for system to operate when Demand elements were picked up. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / DEMAND / Function [DEMAND] >Function: Relays(0-8): Type: Range OFF OFF THM OFF, TRIP, TR&AR Default OFF Step OFF : OFF Monitoring TRIP : Generates Trip signal TR&AR : Generate Trip and Alarm signal 208 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY ~ RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr 2) Alarm Output Relay Setting Select Relay output for alarm. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / DEMAND / Relays(0-8) [DEMAND] Function: >Relays(0-8): Type: Range OFF OFF THM OFF, 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Maximum 4 of Relay outputs can be selected to operate output signal. 0000 : No Output Relay is selected. 1234 : Operate output signal through 1, 2, 3, 4 Output Relay. 3) Demand Method Setting Setting for Demand calculation method. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / DEMAND / Type [DEMAND] Function: Relays(0-8): >Type: Range OFF OFF THM THM, ROL Default THM Step ~ THM : Calculated by Thermal Exponential demand. ROL : Calculated Rolling demand. 4) Time constant Setting Setting for 90% Response time in Thermal calculation method. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / DEMAND / Time Constant(m) [DEMAND] Relays(0-8): OFF Type: THM >Time Constant(m): 5 Range 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60 min Default 5 Step ~ Enter the time required for a steady state current to indicate 90% of the actual value. 5) Phase demand pickup current setting Setting for Phase demand pickup current. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / DEMAND / PHA PU(A) [DEMAND] Type: THM Time Constant(m): 5 >PHA PU(A): 600 Range OFF, 10 ~ 1600A Default 600A Step 1A Set Phase demand pickup current. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 209 10 ~ 1600A Default 600A Step Set Negative sequence demand pickup current. 210 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 1A .kr 6) Ground demand pickup current Setting Setting for Ground demand pickup current. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / DEMAND / GND PU(A) [DEMAND] Time Constant(m): 5 PHA PU(A): 600 >GND PU(A): 300 Range OFF.NT http://www. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / DEMAND / NEQ PU(A) [DEMAND] PHA PU(A): GND PU(A): >NEQ PU(A): Range 600 300 600 OFF. 10 ~ 1600A Default 300A Step 1A Set Ground demand pickup current.entecene. 7) Negative sequence demand pickup current Setting Setting for Negative sequence demand pickup current.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.co. 25 Default 0.01 Enter the dead line maximum voltage for synchronism check. the feature is not operational.Max(xVT): 0. If EVRC2A is the type of VD. If function = ALARM.2. phase angle position.NT http://www.co. the synchronism check voltage input VL is connected to load side(VR phase) in recloser.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / SYNCHROCHECK / Function [SYNCHROCHECK] >Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF D. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / SYNCHROCHECK / Relays(0-8) [SYNCHROCHECK] Function: OFF >Relays(0-8): OFF D. the synchronism check can allow for local/remote close. The synchronism check element in the following settings should be enabled. for phase-phase voltages Vab or Vcb. and frequency. Vs or Vt.V. on load side in recloser.50 Range OFF. the synchronism check will be performed before local/remote close with the exception of automatic reclose for fault.kr 8. Used to Prevent the synchronism check element for voltage below this level. the feature is operational.50 Step 0.50 Range OFF. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 211 .V.V. ALARM Default OFF Step ~ If function = OFF. Synchronism Check (25) EVRC2A provides the manual close for the synchronism check element that synchronism voltages are within the programmed differentials of voltage magnitude. If this feature is enabled.Max(xVT): 0.50 Range 0.entecene.00 ~ 1.Max(xVT): 0. The other synchronizing phase can be connected for phase-neutral voltage Vr. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / SYNCHROCHECK / D. When either or both of the synchronism check voltages are de-energized.Max(xVT) [SYNCHROCHECK] Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF >D. 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Selects the relays required to operate when the feature generates an Alarm.V. Used to activate the synchronism check element for voltage over this level.V.Max(xVT): 0.V.V. A frequency differential between the synchronism voltages below this value is within the permissible limit for synchronism.Min(xVT): 0.D(Hz) [SYNCHROCHECK] M. An angular differential between the synchronism voltage angles below this value is within the permissible limit for synchronism.V. T(AC) Default R(AB) Step ~ Select the synchronism check phase on load side.Min(xVT): 0.00 >Sync Phase: R(AB) Range R(AB). PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / SYNCHROCHECK / Sync Phase [SYNCHROCHECK] M.V.01 Enter the maximum voltage difference of the synchronism voltages.00 ~ 5.10 Range 0.A.entecene.co.85 Step 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.85 >M.85 M.V.V.F.00 ~ 1.01 Enter the live line minimum voltage for synchronism check.01 Hz Enter the maximum frequency difference of the synchronism voltages. S(CB). PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / SYNCHROCHECK / M.D(Hz): 2.Min(xVT) [SYNCHROCHECK] Relays(0-8): OFF D.D(Deg): 15 Range 0 ~ 100 deg Default 15 Step 1 deg Enter the maximum angle difference of the synchronism voltages.10 Step 0.00 ~ 1.D(Deg): 15 >M.00 Step 0.00 Range 0.10 >M.D(Deg) [SYNCHROCHECK] L.V.25 Default 0. 212 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .NT http://www.D(V): 0.D(V): 0.Min(xVT): 0.10 M.00 Hz Default 2. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / SYNCHROCHECK / M.D(Deg): 15 M.D(V): 0.D(V) [SYNCHROCHECK] D.A.50 L.D(Hz): 2.A. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / SYNCHROCHECK / M.V.A.25 Default 0.V.kr PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / SYNCHROCHECK / L. A voltage magnitude differential of the two input voltages below this value is within the permissible limit for synchronism.50 >L.85 Range 0.Max(xVT): 0.F.F. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 213 .1. 3.3. 1234 : Operate output signal through 1. Trip Counter Explanation EVRC2A records counter related with System operation. 0000(off) : No Output Relay is selected.kr 8. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / TRIP COUNTER / Function [TRIP COUNTER] >Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF Limit: 10000 Range OFF.2. Especially Trip Counter is operated depending on Monitoring function set by user.3. y Trip : Records trip operation count y Fault : Records Fault count y System Restart : Records system restart count MAIN MENU / MAINTENANCE / COUNTERS [ COUNTER ] 1.entecene.RESTART: 00011 User can confirm in “MAIN MENU/MAINTENANCE/COUNTERS” 8. 0 ~ 8 Default OFF Step 1 Maximum 4 of Relay outputs can be selected to operate output signal.TRIP : 00000 2. 4 Output Relay. 2.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / TRIP COUNTER / Relays(0-8) [TRIP COUNTER] Function: OFF >Relays(0-8): OFF Limit: 10000 Range OFF.NT http://www. ALARM Default OFF Step ~ OFF : OFF Monitoring ALARM : Generate Alarm signal 2) Alarm Output Relay Setting Select Relay output for alarm.FAULT : 00000 3.co. Related Setting Menu 1) Function Setting Select for system to operate when Trip Counter reaches Limit value set by user.3. Trip Counter 8. 5) Stored Value Clear Select “7.Counter” in “PRIMARY SETTING / RELAY SETUP / CLEAR SAVED DATA” to clear the Trip Counter.NT http://www.co.entecene. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / TRIP COUNTER / Limit [TRIP COUNTER] Function: OFF Relays(0-8): OFF >Limit: 10000 Range 1 ~ 20000 Default 10000 Step 1 Select for system to operate when Trip Counter limit value was picked up. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / TRIP COUNTER / Counter set [TRIP COUNTER] Relays(0-8): OFF Limit: 10000 >Counter set: 0 Range 0 ~ 10000 Default 0 Step 1 Enters a value for Trip Counter Clear.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. 214 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .kr 3) Limit value Setting Setting for Trip Counter Monitor value. 4) Clear value Setting Use to synchronize EVRC2A counter with Recloser Counter. NOTE : The rated voltage determines the Recloser type.4. 8. 38 ㎸ Default Note Step ~ Select rated voltage.70 2.70 User can confirm in “MAIN MENU / MAINTENANCE / WEAR MONITOR” Phase A Wear : Shows phase A contact life.NT http://www.2.CONTACT C : 98. Phase B Wear : Shows phase B contact life.CONTACT B : 98. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 215 . 3) Rated Voltage Setting PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / RECLOSER WARE / Rated Volt(kV) [RECLOSER WEAR] Function: ALARM Pickup(%): 20.0 >Rated Volt(kV): 15 Range 15.70 3.4. Recloser Wear 8.1 % Enter Pickup value of contact life.0 Rated Volt(kV): 15 Range OFF. Related setting menu 1) Function Setting PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / RECLOSER WARE / Function [RECLOSER WEAR] >Function: ALARM Pickup(%): 20. 2) Pickup Setting PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / RECLOSER WARE / Pickup(%) [RECLOSER WEAR] Function: ALARM >Pickup(%): 20. Recloser Wear Explanation Maintenance of contact life of Recloser.0 % Default 20. 27.0 ~ 50.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.0 Rated Volt(kV): 15 Range 0.kr 8. Manages the contact life calculated from fault current size when faults interrupted.0 Step 0.4.CONTACT A : 98. ALARM Default ALARM Step ~ Select for system to operate when Recloser wear elements were picked up.co. Phase C Wear : Shows phase C contact life. The initial value is 100% MAIN MENU / MAINTENANCE / WEAR MONITOR [WEAR MONITOR (%)] 1.entecene.1. 0 >C Wear Set: 100.0 Range 0.1 kA Enter the capacity of rated Interrupter.00 ~ 100.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.0 >B Wear Set: 100.00 Step 0. Max I [RECLOSER WEAR] Rated Volt(kV): 15 Interrupt(kA): 12.00 % Default 100.NT http://www.00 ~ 100.entecene.0 Range 0. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / RECLOSER WARE / B Wear Set [RECLOSER WEAR] >A Wear Set: 100.00 ~ 100. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / RECLOSER WARE / A Wear Set [RECLOSER WEAR] >A Wear Set: 100.0 >C Wear Set: 100.5 >No.01 % Enter a value of Phase B ’s contact wear.00 Step 0. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / RECLOSER WARE / C Wear Set [RECLOSER WEAR] >A Wear Set: 100. Max I: 100 Range 1 ~ 999 Default 100 Step 1 Enter the capacity of rated Interrupter.01 % Enter a value of Phase A ’s contact wear.5 Range 5. 5) Maximum Rated Interruption Number Setting PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / RECLOSER WARE / No.0 >C Wear Set: 100.00 % Default 100.0 Range 0.0 >B Wear Set: 100. 6) Clear value Setting Use to synchronize EVRC2A contact wear with Recloser contact wear.kr 4) Interrupter capacity setting PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / RECLOSER WARE / Interrupt(kA) [RECLOSER WEAR] Pickup(%): 20.00 % Default 100.0 >B Wear Set: 100.0 kA Default 16 Step 0.00 Step Enter a value of Phase C ’s contact wear.0 Rated Volt(kV): 15 >Interrupt(kA): 12. 216 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 0.0 ~ 50.01 % .co. Battery Test PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / BATTERY TEST / BT Time(day) [BATTERY TEST] >BT Time(day): OFF Range 0(OFF).5. WEAR MONITOR” in “PRIMARY SETTING / RELAY SETUP / CLEAR SAVED DATA” to clear value.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.kr 7) Stored value Clear Select “8.NT http://www. B.entecene. C Wear” from LCD menu. 1 ~ 7 day Default OFF Step 1 day Select the period for automatically checking the battery status. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 217 . Insert the value set in “PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / RECLOSER WEAR / A.co. 8. Faulted distribution system circuit” for example. In calculating.co. The algorithm for the fault locator is most applicable to a radial three-phase feeder. Faulted distribution system is considered as following simplified “Figure 8-1. and fault distance can be calculated by the estimation of the apparent impedance. (1-m)Z mZ IA IF VA RF L O A D Figure 8-1. during a reclose sequence. the prefault data is required at least 2 cycles.NT http://www.1.). (phase to phase to ground). If the line impedance per unit and total length were known. For more details. but source impedance is not required. refer to “12. 218 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . Waveform Capture”. the fault distance can be easily achieved. Fault Locator The fault locator calculates the distance to the fault. This calculation is based on the assumptions that the feeder positive and zero sequence impedance are a constant per unit distance and fault impedance is composed of pure resistance.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. errors could be introduced by several reasons(fault resistance etc. phase to phase.6. Faulted distribution system circuit The calculated “Fault Location” can be checked on the “FAULT CYCLE” event menu.kr 8. the apparent distance of the first fault is very useful. For more accurate calculation. Fault data may not be accurate for a close-into-fault condition where there is no prefault power flow. the major error due to fault resistance can be reduced by comparing the prefault current and voltage to the fault current and voltage. When fault occurs the magnitude and the phase of voltage and current are varied. and then fault type(phase to ground.entecene. three phase) can be determined by the analysis of these variations. and the after fault data is required at least 2 cycles. In case of closing. 0 Step 0. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / FAULT LOCATOR \ Z0-Resistive [FAULT Z1(RES) Z1(IND) >Z0(RES) LOCATOR] : 10.0 Z1(RES) : 10.0 : 10.entecene.0 Z1(RES) : 10.0 Step 0.1 Enter the total real components of the feeder zero sequence impedance.0 Range 0.1 km Enter the total length of the feeder in kilometers PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / FAULT LOCATOR \ Z1-Resistive [FAULT LOCATOR] Function : OFF Length(km) : 50.1 ~ 6000.0 Range OFF.0 Default 10. If function = ON. in actual ohms.0 Range 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / FAULT LOCATOR \ Feeder Length [FAULT LOCATOR] Function : OFF >Length(km) : 50.1 Enter the total imaginary components of the feeder zero sequence impedance.0 Step 0. the feature is not operational. the feature is operational. in actual ohms.NT http://www.0 Step 0.0 Default 10.1 ~ 6000.0 Default 10.9 km Default 50.0 : 10.0 Range 0.0 Range 0.0 Default 10.1 Enter the total real components of the feeder positive sequence impedance.1 ~ 6000.0 : 10.1 ~ 99.co.1 Enter the total imaginary components of the feeder positive sequence impedance. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / FAULT LOCATOR \ Z0-Inductive [FAULT Z1(IND) Z0(RES) >Z0(IND) LOCATOR] : 10.kr The fault locator settings are as follows : PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / FAULT LOCATOR \ Function [FAULT LOCATOR] >Function : OFF Length(km) : 50.0 >Z1(IND) : 10.1 ~ 6000. ON Default OFF Step ~ If function = OFF. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 219 .0 Range 0. in actual ohms. in actual ohms. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / FAULT LOCATOR \ Z1-Inductive [FAULT LOCATOR] Length(km) : 50 Z1(RES) : 10.0 >Z1(RES) : 10.0 : 10.0 Step 0. kr 8. 8. EVRC2A can be opened or closed even if it is on the gas pressure low status. this function is activated or not by the signal value on IN01 port.ENABLE Default DISABLE Step ~ If function = ENABLE.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. NOTE : This function is applies only to Gas Type Recloser. the function is not activated even if the signal is received.8. As example.Option This function can make EVRC2A opened and then close lock when the corresponding signal sent from SCADA is received. 220 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . EVRC2A will be open and then close locked when the signal from SCADA is received. If function = DISABLE.7.entecene. if “1” is set.ENABLE Default DISABLE Step ~ If function = ENABLE. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / EXT’ Trip & Lock / USE Inputport [EXT’ Trip & Lock] >Function: DISABLE >USE Inputport: 1 >Reset Method: LOCAL Range 1~8 Default 1 Step 1 Set the port to receive the signal from SCADA. Gas Low Lock . PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / EXT’ Trip & Lock / Function [EXT’ Trip & Lock] >Function: DISABLE >USE Inputport: 1 >Reset Method: LOCAL Range DISABLE. EXT’ Trip & Lock . EVRC2A can’t be opened or closed on the gas pressure low status (below 0.Option PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / GAS LOW LOCK / Function [GAS LOW LOCK] >Function: DISABLE Range DISABLE. If function = DISABLE.1bar). And EVRC2A can be reset from close lock status by “FI Reset” command.co.NT http://www. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / EXT’ Trip & Lock \ Reset Method [EXT’ Trip & Lock] >Function: DISABLE >USE Inputport: 1 >Reset Method: LOCAL 0:LOCAL,1:LO&RE Range Default LOCAL Step ~ LOCAL : By pushing [FI Reset] Key on the panel, the close lock is released. LO&RE : By pushing [FI Reset] Key on the panel or remote “FI Reset” command, the close lock is released. 8.9. Live Load Block – Option When closed, EVRC2A provides the Close Block function operated by whether or not there is voltage live line on the load side. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / Live Load Blocking / Function [Live Load Blocking] >Function: OFF >Pickup(xVT): 0.30 >Time Delay: 1.00 Range OFF, RECLO, CLOSE, BOTH Default OFF Step ~ If function = OFF, the function is not operational. If function = RECLOSE, the function is operated when reclosed after fault occurrence. If function = CLOSE, the function is operated when manually closed locally or remotely. If function = BOTH, the function is operated when reclosed or manually closed. PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / Live Load Blocking / Pickup(xVT) [Live Load Blocking] >Function: OFF >Pickup(xVT): 0.30 >Time Delay: 1.00 Range 0.10 ~ 0.90 Default 0.30 Step 0.01 Enter the pickup value as a fraction of the secondary nominal voltage in load side. As example, if secondary voltage of load side is 100V and a user wants that the close lock is operated when the voltage of load side is over 30V, set 0.3090.30x100V = 30V) PRIMARY SETTING / MONITORING / Live Load Blocking / Time Delay [Live Load Blocking] >Function: OFF >Pickup(xVT): 0.30 >Time Delay: 1.00 Range 0.00~600.00sec Default 1.00sec Step 0.01 At open, if the voltage on load side is over the Pickup setting and maintained for this setting time, the close block is operated. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 221 RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr 9. STATUS This menu shows the current status of EVRC2A like below y OPTO INPUTS y RELAY OUTPUTS y CLOCK y CONTROL TYPE 9.1. OPTO Inputs Move to “MAIN MENU / STATUS / OPTO INPUTS” to see external input port status.. STATUS / OPTO INPUTS [OPTO INPUTS] Input 1: OPEN Input 2: CLOSE Input 3: OPEN Input 4: OPEN Input 5: OPEN Input 6: OPEN Input 7: OPEN Input 8: CLOSE Door St: CLOSE Display 8 input port statuses. They are indicated as “OPEN” or “CLOSE” depending on the input signal status. OPEN : Shows External Input is de-asserted, CLOSE : Shows External Input is asserted. Use [▲] [▼] button to see all input port statuses 9.2. Relay Outputs Move to “MAIN MENU / STATUS / RELAY OUTPUTS” to see external output port status. STATUS / OPTO INPUTS [RELAY OUTPUTS] Output 1: OPEN Output 2: CLOSE Output 3: OPEN Output 4: OPEN Output 5: OPEN Output 6: OPEN Output 7: OPEN Output 8: CLOSE Display 8 output port statuses. They are indicated as “OPEN” or “CLOSE” depending on the output signal status. OPEN : Shows External Output is de-asserted, CLOSE : Shows External Output is asserted. Use [▲] [▼] button to see all output port statuses 222 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr 9.3. Clock Move to “MAIN MENU / STATUS / CLOCK” to see current time. The “CLOCK” menu screen can vary according to the EVRC2A version. Prior to Ver 6.15 of EVRC2A STATUS / CLOCK Check current time [CURRENT TIME] 2009/11/05 21:02:38 From Ver 6.15 of EVRC2A STATUS / CLOCK Check current time [CURRENT TIME] L2009/01/01 09:00:00 G2009/01/01 00:00:00 ⓐ Indicates the local time type’s present time. ⓑ Indicates the GMT time type’s present time. [CURRENT TIME] L G ⓐ ⓑ ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 223 RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr 9.4. Control Type Move to “MAIN MENU / STATUS / CONTROL TYPE” to see EVRC2A information. STATUS / CONTROL TYPE Preset EVRC2A in information is displayed. [CONTROL TYPE] EVRC2A-Mn-xxxxxxx5xxSLLHP-xXN13DxXX 03-9707-FBFB-xx-6060 [CONTROL TYPE] EVRC2A-Mn-xxxxxxx5xxSLLHP-xXN13DxXⓐ 03-9707-FBFB-xx-6060 EVRC2A information screen consists of 2 screens, first screen shows firmware option, second screen shows firmware version. Screen is changed by [▲] [▼] button. NOTE The letter located at `ⓐ’ in the “CONTROL TYPE” screen on the side indicates whether ZCT is installed or not. [CONTROL TYPE] MPU: 7.00 CPU: 2.00 DSP: 1.00 If the letter located at `ⓐ’ is `X’ then it is a product that was dispatched without ZCT installed(normal mode) while, if the letter located at `ⓐ’ is `S’ then it is a product that was dispatched with ZCT installed(special option) as per user’s request. Depending on whether the product was dispatched with ZCT installed or not, the setting range of the “S.E.F” in the “PICKUP CURRENT” menu and the setting range of the “S.E.F” in the “CLPU-TYPE1” menu will be different. 224 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr 10. METERING The following values are contained in the metering elements of EVRC2A. y Current y Voltage(Source Side, Load Side) y Frequency y Synchronism Voltage y Power y Energy y Demand y System y Harmonics y Unbalance NOTE : Unbalance is supported from version 6.12 of EVRC2A-N6,NT. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 225 RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr 10.1. Metering Elements 10.1.1. Current The following values are contained in the current metering. IA : Displays the measured phase A RMS current and phasor (A, Lag) IB : Displays the measured phase B RMS current and phasor (A, Lag) IC : Displays the measured phase C RMS current and phasor (A, Lag) IG : Displays the measured ground RMS current and phasor (A, Lag) ISG : Displays the measured sensitive earth RMS current and phasor (A, Lag) I2 : Displays the calculated negative sequence RMS current (A) You can confirm in “MAIN MENU / METERING / CURRENT” MAIN MENU / METERING / CURRENT [LINE CURRENT(A)] A: 0 B: 0 C: 0 G: 0 SG: 0 I2: 0 [ZERO SEQ CURRENT] 0A 0.0 Lag [PHASE A 0 A [PHASE B 0 A CURRENT] 0.0 Lag CURRENT] 0.0 Lag [POS SEQ CURRENT] 0A 0.0 Lag [NEQ SEQ CURRENT] 0A 0.0 Lag [PHASE C 0 A [GROUND 0 A CURRENT] 0.0 Lag CURRENT] 0.0 Lag [SENSTV CURRENT] 0 A 0.0 Lag Display measured values of current and current phase per phase. Use [▲] [▼] button to check metering information of current. 226 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr 10.1.2. Voltage(Souce Side, Load Side) The following values are contained in the voltage metering. A-N : Displays the measured A-N RMS voltage and phasor(㎸, Lag) B-N : Displays the measured B-N RMS voltage and phasor(㎸, Lag) C-N : Displays the measured C-N RMS voltage and phasor(㎸, Lag) A-B : Displays the measured A-B RMS voltage and phasor(㎸, Lag) B-C : Displays the measured B-C RMS voltage and phasor(㎸, Lag) C-A : Displays the measured C-A RMS voltage and phasor(㎸, Lag) AVERAGE PHASE : Displays the calculated average of the RMS phase voltage(㎸) AVERAGE LINE : Displays the calculated average of the RMS line voltage(㎸) POS SEQ : Displays the calculated positive sequence RMS voltage and phasor(㎸, Lag) NEG SEQ : Displays the calculated negative sequence RMS voltage and phasor(㎸, Lag) ZERO SEQ : Displays the calculated zero sequence RMS voltage and phasor (㎸, Lag) You can confirm in “MAIN MENU / METERING / S-VOLTAGE or L-VOLTAGE” MAIN MENU / METERING / S-VOLTAGE or L-VOLTAGE [VOLTAGE (kV)] AN: 0.00 AB: 0.00 BN: 0.00 BC: 0.00 CN: 0.00 CA: 0.00 [ZERO SEQ VOLTAGE] 0.00 kV 0.0 Lag [AVERAGE PHASE] VOLTAGE --> 0.00 [AVERAGE LINE] VOLTAGE --> 0.00 [POS SEQ VOLTAGE] 0.00 kV 0.0 Lag [NEG SEQ VOLTAGE] 0.00 kV 0.0 Lag [PHASE 0.00 [PHASE 0.00 A-N kV B-N kV VOLTAGE] 0.0 Lag VOLTAGE] 0.0 Lag [PHASE 0.00 [LINE 0.00 C-N kV A-B kV VOLTAGE] 0.0 Lag VOLTAGE] 0.0 Lag [LINE 0.00 [LINE 0.00 B-C kV C-A kV VOLTAGE] 0.0 Lag VOLTAGE] 0.0 Lag Display measured values of voltage and voltage phase. Use [▲] [▼] button to check metering information of voltage. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 227 59 kV 240.59 kV 120. Frequency The following values are contained in the frequency metering.59 kV 59. Synchro Voltage The following values are contained in the synchronism voltage metering. NOTE : The “SYNCHRO VOLTAGE” menu screen can vary [SYNCHRO FREQUENCY] 50.59 kV 0.NT http://www.co.0 Deg B:15.0 Lag T:15.00 Hz/Sec Frequency Display 10.3.59 kV 359.entecene.00 Hz according to the EVRC2A version. y Frequency(㎐) y Frequency decay rate(㎐/Sec) You can confirm in “MAIN NEMU / METERING / FREQUENCY” MAIN MENU / METERING / FREQUENCY [FREQUENCY (Hz)] 0. Use [▲] [▼] button to check metering information of Synchronism voltage.1.09 kV 0.kr 10.9 Deg [SYNCHRO DELTA] 50.4.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.9 Deg C:15. y Synchro Voltage(㎸) y Synchro Phasor(deg°) y Synchro Frequency(㎐) y Synchrocheck delta(Phasor. voltage. [SYNCHRO DELTA] A: 0.0 Lag S:15.00 Hz 228 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .00 Hz 0.1. Frequency and Synchronism Delta.0 Lag Display measured values of Synchronism Voltage. frequency) You can confirm in “MAIN NEMU / METERING / SYNCHRO VOLTAGE” MAIN MENU / METERING / SYNCHRO VOLTAGE [SYNCHRO VOLTAGE] R:15. Second) The updated rate of the energy meters is based on the “Time Constant” setting “MAIN MENU / SETTING / MONITORING / DEMAND” The meters will update every 1/15 of the Demand Constant.00 [REACTIVE POW(MVAR)] Pa: 0.0 P3: 0.5. y Positive watthour(MWh) & start date (Year/Month/Date Hour:Minute.kr 10.00 Pc: 0.Second) y Negative watthour(MWh) & start date (Year/Month/Date Hour:Minute.00 P3: 0. For example : if the Demand Constant is set to 15 minutes.00 P3: 0. y Real power(MW) y Reactive power(Mvar) y Apparent power(MVA) y Power factor(%) You can confirm in “MAIN NEMU / METERING / POWER” MAIN MENU / METERING / POWER [REAL POWER (MW)] Pa: 0. the energy meters will update every 1 minute (15min × 1/15 = 1 min) The watt-hour and VAR-hour meters can be reset to 0 through “PRIMARY SETTING / RELAY SETUP / CLEAR SAVED DATA / ENERGY”. Energy The following values are contained in the energy metering.1. Use [▲] [▼] button to check metering information of power.6.0 Pb: 0. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 229 .entecene.00 Pc: 0.co.0 Display measured values of power and power factor per phase. 10.0 Pc: 0.00 Pb: 0.00 Pb: 0.NT http://www.Second) y Positive varhour(Mvar) & start date (Year/Month/Date Hour:Minute.Second) y negative varhour(Mvar) & start date (Year/Month/Date Hour:Minute. Power The following values are contained in the power metering.00 P3: 0.1.00 [POWER FACTOR] Pa: 0. The “SD(start date)” on LCD indicates the time when the watt-hour and VAR-hour meters are reset.00 Pc: 0.00 [APPARENT POW(MWA)] Pa: 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.00 Pb: 0. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.entecene. When a new maximum value is determined.Second) During each demand value.co.1.Second). the EVRC2A also captures and stores maximum values for the measurements listed below.7. Actual demand & maximum demand with Value (Current. Real power. The Max demand meters can be reset to 0 through “PRIMARY SETTING / RELAY SETUP / CLEAR SAVED DATA / MAX DEMAND” 230 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . the old value is replaced. is placed with the latest maximum values.kr You can confirm in “MAIN NEMU / METERING / ENERGY” MAIN MENU / METERING / ENERGY [POSITIVE W/H(MWh)] Pa: 0 Pb: 0 Pa: 0 Pb: 0 SD:09/12/31 00:00:00 [POSITIVE V/H(MVar)] Pa: 0 Pb: 0 Pa: 0 Pb: 0 SD:09/12/31 00:00:00 [NEGATIVE W/H(MWh)] Pa: 0 Pb: 0 Pa: 0 Pb: 0 SD:09/12/31 00:00:00 [NEGATIVE V/H(MVar)] Pa: 0 Pb: 0 Pa: 0 Pb: 0 SD:09/12/31 00:00:00 Display energy. Reactive power) and Date (Year/Month/Date Hour:Minute. A time stamp in the following format (Date: Year/Month/Day and Time: Hour:Minute. Use [▲] [▼] button to check energy information. It functions as a standard maximum meter.NT http://www. 10. Demand The following values are contained in the demand metering. 00 MWar 10/01/01 00:00:00 [DEMAND CURRENT A: 0 B: C: 0 G: SG: 0 I2: (A)] 0 0 0 Demand Current.00 MWar 10/01/01 00:00:00 [P-C REACTIVE POWER] DEMAND: 0.00 MWar MAX : 0.kr You can confirm in “MAIN NEMU / METERING / DEMEND” MAIN MENU / METERING / DEMAND [PHASE A CURRENT] DEMAND: 0 A MAX : 0 A 10/01/01 00:00:00 [PHASE B CURRENT] DEMAND: 0 A MAX : 0 A 10/01/01 00:00:00 [PHASE SG CURRENT] DEMAND: 0 A MAX : 0 A 10/01/01 00:00:00 [PHASE G CURRENT] DEMAND: 0 A MAX : 0 A 10/01/01 00:00:00 [PHASE C CURRENT] DEMAND: 0 A MAX : 0 A 10/01/01 00:00:00 [PHASE I2 CURRENT] DEMAND: 0 A MAX : 0 A 10/01/01 00:00:00 [PHASE A REAL POWER] DEMAND: 0. Real power and Reactive power Display.00 MW MAX : 0.NT http://www.00 MW MAX : 0.00 MW 10/01/01 00:00:00 [P-B REACTIVE POWER] DEMAND: 0.entecene.00 MWar MAX : 0.00 MW MAX : 0.00 MW 10/01/01 00:00:00 [PHASE C REAL POWER] DEMAND: 0.00 MW 10/01/01 00:00:00 [P-A REACTIVE POWER] DEMAND: 0.00 MW MAX : 0.co.00 MWar MAX : 0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Use [▲] [▼] keys to move to next value.00 MWar 10/01/01 00:00:00 [3P REAL POWER (MW)] DEMAND: 0.00 MWar MAX : 0. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 231 .00 MWar 10/01/01 00:00:00 [3P REACTIVE POWER] DEMAND: 0.00 MW 10/01/01 00:00:00 [PHASE B REAL POWER] DEMAND: 0. +5V) y Temperature(℃) y Battery voltage(V) y Gas pressure(Bar) NOTE : According to recloser type.44 GAS: 0. 10.38 +5 : 5. Unbalance The following values are contained in the unbalance metering.58 BAT:27.NT http://www.12 of EVRC2A-N6.8.9.entecene.35 –12:-12. You can confirm in “MAIN NEMU / METERING / SYSTEM” MAIN MENU / METERING / SYSTEM [ SYSTEM METER] +12:12.12 TMP:27. there may be no gas pressure measurement.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.kr 10.%] SOURCE-VOLT: 0 LOAD-VOLT: 0 CURRENT: 0 Unbalance metering display. 232 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . y Board power(±12. y Voltage unbalance(V2/V1) – Source Side y Voltage unbalance(V2/V1) – Load Side y Current unbalance(I2/I1) You can confirm in “MAIN NEMU / METERING / UNBALANCE” MAIN MENU / METERING / SYSTEM [UNBALANCE.00 System metering display.co. NOTE : This menu is supported from version 6.1.NT.1. System The following values are contained in the system metering. Current-C >5. MAIN MENU / METERING / HARMONICS / THD [Total Har’ Dis’(%)] >Ia : 0 Va : 0 >Ib : 0 Vb : 0 >Ic : 0 Vc : 0 This menu is to display the total harmonic distortion of current and voltage. THD You can confirm in “MAIN NEMU / METERING / HARMONICS / THD”.Voltage-C Current and Voltage Harmonics display. Use [▲] [▼] keys to move to next value.NT http://www.entecene.THD >2.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Current-A You can confirm in “MAIN NEMU / METERING / HARMONICS / Current-A”.1. Harmonics The following values are contained in harmonics metering.10.co. y y y y 1st~7th Harmonic of Current 1st~7th Harmonic of Voltage THD of Current THD of Voltage You can confirm in “MAIN NEMU / METERING / HARMONICS” MAIN NEMU / METERING / HARMONICS [HARMONICS] >1.Current-B >4.Voltage-A >6.kr 10. MAIN MENU / METERING / HARMONICS / Current-A This menu is to display the 1st~7th harmonic of current through phase A.Current-A >3. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 233 .Voltage-B >7. Voltage-A You can confirm in “MAIN NEMU / METERING / HARMONICS / Voltage-A”.NT http://www.co.kr Current-B(C) The same Menu as “Current-A” function. MAIN MENU / METERING / HARMONICS / Current-A This menu is to display the 1st~7th harmonic and THD of voltage in phase A. You can confirm in “MAIN NEMU / METERING / HARMONICS / Voltage-B(C)”. You can confirm in “MAIN NEMU / METERING / HARMONICS / Current-B(C)”. Use [▲] [▼] keys to move to next value.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. 234 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .entecene. Voltage -B(C) The same Menu as “Voltage-A” function. 3Φ Real Power MW ±2% A/B/C.entecene. B.000 MVar ±2% –32.02 –1. B. 3Φ Reactive Power MVar ±2% POWER FACTOR 3ΦREAL POWER Phase A.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Table 10-1.000 to 32.000 to 1. Metering Accuracy(1/2) Measurements Parameters Unit Accuracy Range A ±1% of 2×CT 20×CT ㎸ ±1% – Phase A RMS Current Phase B RMS Current CURRENT Phase C RMS Current Phase G RMS Current Phase SEF RMS Current A–N (A–B) RMS Voltage B–N (B–C) RMS Voltage VOLTAGE C–N (C–A) RMS Voltage R–N (R–S) RMS Voltage S–N (S–T) RMS Voltage* T–N (T–R) RMS Voltage* SYMMETRICAL I1.000 to 32.000 MWH ±2% –32000 to 32000 MVarH ±2% –32000 to 32000 A ±2% A/B/C. C POWER 3Φ Phase 3ΦAPPARENT Phase A. B. C 3Φ Phase Phase A. 3V0 ㎸ ±1% Rate ±0. B. so all measurements based on these quantities respond to the fundamental components only.000 to 32. B. B. Accuracy The harmonic components of current and voltage are removed from the input voltage and current parameters.000 MW ±2% –32.000 MVA ±2% –32. 3I0 A ±1% of 2×CT COMPONENTS V1.kr 10.NT http://www.2. C POWER 3Φ Phase WATT-HOURS VAR-HOURS Phase A. C 3Φ Phase 3ΦREACTIVE Phase A.co. C 3Φ Phase Phase A/B/C/RG Current DEMAND ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY – – 235 . C 3Φ Phase Phase A. V2. I2. 00 ±1% 0% to 100% ±1% 0% to 100% 1st~7th Harmonic of Current st HARMONICS UNBALANCE th 1 ~7 Harmonic of Voltage THD of Current – ±3% 0% to 100% THD of Voltage ±3% 0% to 100% Voltage unbalance(V2/V1) in source side ±2% 0% to 999% ±2% 0% to 999% ±2% 0% to 999% Voltage unbalance(V2/V1) in load side Current unbalance(I2/I1) % If the VT connection type is set to delta.kr Table 10-1. 236 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .NT http://www.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. all single phase voltage quantities are displayed as zero.entecene.02 40.co. Metering Accuracy(2/2) Measurements FREQUENCY Parameters A-N (A-B) Source Voltage R-N (R-S) Load Voltage Unit Accuracy Range ㎐ ±0.00~70. Wear Monitor EVRC2A displays the each phase’s contact wear of the recloser. y Trip y Fault y System Restart 11. The recorded counter items are below. refer to “8. In order to check information of the recloser’s contact wear.entecene.Option 11. Counters EVRC2A records counter related with system operation.co.3.1.1. go to “MAINTENANCE / WEAR MONITOR”.4. For more detail information. Trip Counter Explanation”. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 237 . refer to “8. For more detail information.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.2.1.NT http://www.kr 11. go to “MAINTENANCE / COUNTERS”. y COUNTERS y WEAR MONITOR y OUTPUT RELAY TEST y POWER QUALITY . Recloser Wear Explanation”. MAINTENANCE EVRC2A has maintenance function for following items. In order to check counter information. entecene. For the output test.NT http://www.kr 11. Press [FUN] button at ② and then ③ is shown.3. “END TESTING”. Output Relay Test EVRC2A is capable to perform the output test of the relay output ports(1~8). is shown and then back to the previous menu. Press [ENT] button and then ② is shown.co. The output signal has ② [OUTPUT RELAY TEST] SELECT RELAY :RLY 1 Press <FUN> : Start Press <ESC> : Cancel ③ been “asserted” for 2 sec. [OUTPUT RELAY TEST] SELECT RELAY :RLY 1 Press <FUN> : Start TESTING ④ [OUTPUT RELAY TEST] SELECT RELAY :RLY 1 Press <FUN> : Start TEST Canceled 238 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . If the [ESC] button is press at ②. the message.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. MAINTENANCE / OUTPUT RELAY TEST ① [OUTPUT RELAY TEST] SELECT RELAY :RLY 1 Select output signal at ① for testing. go to “MAINTENANCE / OUTPUT RELAY TEST” menu. ④ is shown and the output test is canceled. If the test is completed. User can confirm in “MAIN MENU/ MAINTENANCE/POWER QUALITY”.1.12 of EVRC2A-N6. MAIN MENU / MAINTENANCE / POWER QUALITY [SUPPLY OUTAGE] T-Time T-Cnt S: ① ② L: ③ ④ [SUPPLY OUTAGE] T-Time T-Cnt S: 0000/00/00 0000 L: 0000/00/00 0000 [PQ COUNT] SAG SWELL A Phase: ⑤ ⑧ B Phase: ⑥ ⑨ C Phase: ⑦ ⑩ [PQ COUNT] SAG A Phase: 31012 B Phase: 31011 C Phase: 31029 SWELL 31003 31002 31023 [PQ COUNT] UNBALANCE SOURCE-VOLT : ⑪ LOAD-VOLT : ⑫ CURRENT : ⑬ [PQ COUNT] UNBALANCE SOURCE-VOLT : 000 LOAD-VOLT : 000 CURRENT : 000 ① It indicates the time of outage on a power source side.NT.entecene.co. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 239 .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.kr 11.4. ⑫ It indicates the number of voltage unbalance on a load side. ⑤⑥⑦ They indicate the numbers of sag on A.B.C phase. Especially Supply Outage and Power Quality counter are operated depending on power quality function set in “SYSTEM SETUP” menu. ④ It indicates the number of outage on a load side. NOTE : These counter for unbalance are supported from version 6. ② It indicates the number of times of outage on a power source side.B. Power Quality Explanation EVRC2A records the related number of times and duration when the outage or sag/swell/unbalance occurs. The number of times and the hour of outage will be recorded by the end of outage. ⑧⑨⑩ They indicate the numbers of swell on A. The time of outage is displayed as hour/minute/second. Power Quality . ⑬ It indicates the number of current unbalance.NT http://www.4.Option 11. The time of outage is displayed as hour/minute/second.C phase. ⑪ It indicates the number of voltage unbalance on a source side. NOTE : The number of times and the hour do not increase during the outage if the power of EVRC2A is off. ③ It indicates the time of outage on a load side. 240 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .4. 2) Stored Value Clear Select “10. Related Setting Menu 1) Function Setting For more details.2. P-Quality Count” in “PRIMARY SETTING / RELAY SETUP / CLEAR SAVED DATA” to clear the Supply Outage Counter and Power Quality Counter.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.entecene. please refer to “6.co.kr 11.NT http://www.10 Power Quality-Option”. 1.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.Option y POWER QUALITY .co. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 241 .kr 12. y FAULT CYCLE WAVEFORM CAPTURE y SYSTEM EVENT RECORDER y LOAD PROFILE y DIAGNOSTIC EVENT RECORDER y FAULT TRIP . EVENT RECORDER EVRC2A has recording function for following items.entecene.NT http://www. Waveform Capture In case of Fault. Waveform Capture records 32 Data of 15-Cycle with 16-Smple per 1 Cycle resolution. Fault cycle summary is displayed on LCD screen Captured fault waveforms can be showed by the interface software.Option 12. Ⓑ screen in term.) Each phase fault current unit : Ampere(A) ④ Event occurred time : Year/Month/Day(or Month/Day/Year) Hour: Minute: Second ⑤ Fault Location Indicated when “Fault Locater” function is ON. - S: Sensitive Earth Fault - Q: Negative Sequence Fault - O: Other Trip(Demand Current Trip.co. ① Fault No: There are 32 events are recorded and the latest event is displayed in advance. C. press [▲] key.NT http://www.kr MAIN MENU / EVENT RECORDER / FAULT CYCLE Ⓐ [NO-①] ② IA: ③ IB: ③ IC: ③ IG: ③ ④10/01/01 19:51:58 Ⓑ [NO-①] Locate: --⑤ IS: ③ IQ: ③ ④10/01/01 19:51:58 Ex> Move to ”MAIN MENU / EVENT RECORDER / FAULT CYCLE” to see Fault cycle summary y To see previous value.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. For more details about settings of “Fault Locater” function. refer to “8. On screen Ⓐ use [◀] or [▶] key to see Ⓐ.6. Fault Locator”. G: Fault phase shows LED ON. y To see next value. Loss of Phase etc. 242 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . ② Fault Type [NO-01] Fault Pickup IA: 0 IB: 0 IC: 0 IG: 0 10/01/01 19:51:58 [NO-01] Locate: --IS: 0 IQ: 0 10/01/01 19:51:58 ③ - Fault Pickup - 27: Under Voltage Trip - 59: Over Voltage Trip - 81: Under Frequency Trip - A. press [▼] key.entecene. B. if interval between pickup and trip is within 15 cycles including prefault cycles(4 cycles).1. then record pickup cycles and trip cycles. then record pickup cycles.2. 12. Related Setting Menu 1) ON/OFF Setting Fault Cycle waveform capture function can be set ON/OFF by user. These operations are very useful to examine.3. But if the interval between pickup and trip are not within 15 cycles.co. Data Channels Stores following data : y 5 currents : Ia.NT http://www.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.1. Ib.5. 12.kr 12. Trigger Source y Occurred Protection element pickup y Occurred Fault trip command active Depending on pickup size. Storage capacity The capacity of storage is last 32 events of 15cycles. Isef y 3 voltages (Va. 12. ON Default ON Step ~ ON : Record fault cycle waveform. Sample Rate Captures one period of 16 sampling per cycle.1. Vc) : not passed digital-filter y 85 logic input states y 8Ch output relays y 8Ch Inputs 12. Vb. OFF : No record of fault cycle waveform.1. Ic.1. PRIMARY SETTING / RELAY SETUP \ EVENT RECORDER \ Fault Cycle [EVENT RECORDER] >Fault Cycle: ON Len' of Pre F: 4 Load Profile: ON Range OFF.1. Ig. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 243 .entecene.4. 12.co. PRIMARY SETTING / RELAY SETUP \ EVENT RECORDER \ Len' of Pre F [EVENT RECORDER] Fault Cycle: ON >Len' of Pre F: 4 Load Profile: ON 0 ~ 14 Range Default 4 Step 1 Usually sets 4 cycles as default.entecene.1.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.NT http://www. Interface software Interface software shows Data and captured waveform (below) Figure 12-1. 3) Stored Value Clear Select “1. Data and captured waveform showed by Interface Software 244 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .6.kr 2) Pre-fault length Setting User sets the length of pre-fault before Trigger. FAULT CYCLE” in “PRIMARY SETTING / REALY SETUP / CLEAR SAVED DATA” to clear the stored value. System Event Recorder Record changes of system status up to 2048 lists when trigger source asserted and deasserted. refer to “Appendix C.1.2. MAIN MENU / EVENT RECORDER / SYSTEM STATUS [NO-0001] SLEEP MODE STATUS : LO/DEASSERT DATE : 10/01/22 TIME : 19:51:58:387 Confirm in ”MAIN MENU / EVENT RECORDER / SYSTEM STATUS” 12. 12.SYSTEM STATUS” in “PRIMARY SETTING / RELAY SETUP / CLEAR SAVED DATA” to clear. User can clear only stored events. 12.kr 12.2.2. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 245 . V2(Load) Power Quality detect NOTE : For more details about Trigger Source.2. 1) Stored Value Clear Select “2. V1(Source). Storage Capacity Stores last 2048 events. 12.co.entecene.3.NT http://www.2. Trigger type Stores type of Trigger source : Pickup(assert) or Dropout(deassert) 12.2.4. Trigger Time Monitors changes of Trigger source status in every 1/4 cycle.2. EVENT TEXT & DESCRIPTION”. Related Setting Menu System automatically maintains system event recorder.5. Trigger Source y Protection Element y 52A Contact y Sequence status y Front panel control y AC supply y External control y Fail operation y y y y External input status System alarm etc.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. NT http://www.2. Figure 12-2. System Status Events showed by Interface Software 246 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.6.entecene.co. Interface software Interface software shows system status events.kr 12. kr 12.0 10/01/22 21:45:00 12. 10. 15. ②. ③.3. 30. y On screen ①. Positive Varhour(3ф) 12. ③ REAC POW(Mvar)[0001] A : 0 B : 0 C : 0 3P: 0 10/01/22 21:45:00 ④ PF&ENERGY-3P [0001] P-F(%) : 0.co.Positive Watthour(3ф). 10. 20. C.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. C. B.3. 15. use [◀] or [▶] key to see ①. Storage Capacity y Stores 5120 events ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 247 . 60minute). 3ф) y Demand Power Factor( 3ф) y Demand Energy . Trigger Time y 5. 20. ④ screen in term. y To see next value.0 MVh: 0. C. B.NT http://www.3. press [▼] key.entecene.0 MWh: 0. Load profile has 5120 Banks that can store values of 213 days if setting time is 60minute. Load Profile Record the Demand value when reaches in setting time (5. Trigger Source y Demand Current(A.3. press [▲] key.1. LOAD PROFILE ① CURRENT (A) [0001] A: 0 B: 0 C: 0 G: 0 10/01/22 21:45:00 ② REAL POW(MW) [0001] A : 0 B : 0 C : 0 3P: 0 10/01/22 21:45:00 Confirm in ”MAIN MENU / EVENT RECORDER / LOAD PROFILE” y To see previous value.2. 3ф) y Demand Reactive Power(A. 60 Minute 12. 30.3. G) y Demand Real Power(A. B. 248 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .co. 60 min Default 15 Step ~ Sets the interval time between Records.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.P save time(m):15 Range 5.5. 30.entecene. 2) Recording time interval setting PRIMARY SETTING / RELAY SETUP / EVENT RECORDER / L. 20. Stored value Clear Select “3.kr 12.4. OFF : No record of load profile.3. LOAD PROFILE” in “PRIMARY SETTING / RELAY SETUP / CLEAR SAVED DATA” to clear. 15.P save time(m) [EVENT RECORDER] Len' of Pre F: 4 Load Profile: ON >L. 10. 12.NT http://www. PRIMARY SETTING / RELAY SETUP / EVENT RECORDER / Load Profile [EVENT RECORDER] Fault Cycle: ON Len' of Pre F: 4 >Load Profile: ON Range OFF.3. ON Default ON Step ~ ON : Records load profile. Related Setting Menu 1) ON/OFF Setting Load Profile can be set ON/OFF by user. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Figure 12-3.NT http://www.entecene.6.kr 12. Interface software Interface software shows load profile data.3. Load Profile Data showed by Interface Software ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 249 .co. 3. NOTE ) According to a recloser type. MAIN MENU / EVENT RECORDER / DIAGNOSTIC [NO-001] GAS HIGH STATUS : LO/DEASSERT DATE : 10/01/22 TIME : 19:51:58:387 Confirm in ”MAIN MENU / EVENT RECORDER / DIAGNOSTIC” 12.4. Related Setting Menu System automatically maintains Diagnostic event recorder.4.1. Reference Voltage1. Storage Capacity Stores last 512 events. 12. 12.4. Reference Voltage 2 y POWER DOWN MODE y GAS STATUS etc ※. 250 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . Trigger type Stores type of Trigger source : Pickup(assert) or Dropout(deassert) 12. EVENT TEXT & DESCRIPTION”.4.2.4. User can clear only stored events.kr 12. refer to “Appendix C. Trigger Time Monitors status of Trigger source in every 1/4 cycle 12. Battery. +5V y A/D Conversion : A/D Fail.NT http://www. Diagnostic Event Recorder Record diagnostic events up to 512 lists when trigger source asserted and deasserted.DIAGNOSTIC” in “PRIMARY SETTING / RELAY SETUP / CLEAR SAVED DATA” to clear.4. there may be no diagnosis of gas pressure status.entecene. y NOTE : For more details about Trigger Source.5. Trigger Source y SYSTEM POWER : AC.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.4. 1) Stored Value Clear Select “4.co. ±12V. Figure 12-4.co.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.4.kr 12.entecene. Diagnostic Events showed by Interface Software ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 251 .6.NT http://www. Interface software Interface software shows Diagnostic events. ⑤ Display fault time. MAIN MENU / EVENT RECORDER / FAULT TRIP Confirm in “MAIN MENU / EVENT RECORDER / FAULT TRIP”.1.co.kr 12.5. On screen Ⓐ use [◀] or [▶] key to see Ⓐ.Option When fault trip occurs. press [▼] key. fault time and fault current of each phase are recorded. Ex> ③ Display fault type. Trigger Source y y 252 Target elements - A: A Phase Overcurrent Trip - B: B phase Overcurrent Trip - C: C phase Overcurrent Trip - G: G phase Overcurrent Trip - S: Sensitive Earth Overcurrent Trip - Q: Negative Sequence Overcurrent Trip - 27: Under Voltage Trip - 59: Over Voltage Trip - 81: Under Frequency Trip - O: Other Trip(Demand Current Trip. Negative Sequence current ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . Loss of Phase etc. C and G phase currents. Ⓑ [①/②] IS: ④ IQ: ④ ⑤10/01/01 ③ ① Display the order of the fault trip occurrence and events from the most recent fault to the oldest fault. y To see next value. Fault Trip Event Recorder .NT http://www.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. 00:00:00 12. press [▲] key.entecene. Ⓑ screen in term. Ⓐ [①/②] ③ IA: ④ IB: ④ IC: ④ IG: ④ ⑤10/01/01 00:00:00 y To see previous value. SEF current. Total 512 events can be stored. 00:00:00 ② Display fault sequence(shot counter).) fault current[A]: A .5. B. [001/1] IA: 0 IC: 0 10/01/01 ABCG IB: 0 IG: 0 00:00:00 [001/1] IS: 0 IQ: 0 10/01/01 ABCG ④ Display current of each phase when fault occurs. Storage Capacity Stores last 512 events. Fault Trip Events showed by Interface Software ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 253 . User can clear only stored events. Trigger Time Monitors status of Trigger source in every 1/4 cycle 12. 1) Stored Value Clear Select “9.2.5. 12. Related Setting Menu System automatically maintains fault trip event recorder.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.co.5. Figure 12-5.entecene.kr 12. 12. Fault Trip” in “PRIMARY SETTING / RELAY SETUP / CLEAR SAVED DATA” to clear.5.NT http://www. Interface software Interface software shows Fault Trip events. C) : A(B. ④ Displays the time of outage. Total 512 events can be stored. Power Quality Event Recorder . [NO-001] OUTAGE-S OT: 0000 h 00 m 00 s DATE : 10/01/01 TIME : 00:00:00:000 [NO-①] OT: ③ DATE : ④ TIME : ⑤ ② ② Displays the event type and detect value. - SWL-A(B. it also records the occurrence time of sag/swell event and unbalance event. sag.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.C) : A(B.C) phase sag. EVRC2A records the outage time and duration. Besides.co.Option EVRC2A always monitors the voltage on both power source side and load side. NOTE : It does not record outage or sag/swell event if the power of EVRC2A was off during the outage.C) phase swell.NT http://www. and records the data of power outage in order to analyze the cause when the outage is detected on either side. When the outage is detected. swell or unbalance detected. - UBL-SV : Voltage Unbalance on source side - UBL-LV : Voltage Unbalance on load side - UBC : Current Unbalance ③ Displays the duration of outage as in hour/ minute/second and cycle message added after duration.entecene.kr 12. 254 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .6. - OUTAGE-S : power supply side outage - OUTAGE-L : load side outage - SAG-A(B. Power Quality event can be viewed at “MAIN MENU / EVENT RECORDER / POWER QUALITY” MAIN MENU / EVENT RECORDER / POWER QUALITY ① Displays the order of the event occurrence and events from the most recent event to the oldest event. 5.Current 12. Related Setting Menu 1) Function and Outage duration Settings Refer to menu.1.entecene. 12.2.Source side Voltage .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 255 .” 2) Stored Value Clear System automatically maintains power quality event recorder. Interface software All the supply outage events can be viewed at interface software. Trigger Time Monitors status of Trigger source in every 1/4 cycle 12.3. User can clear only stored events. Select “11. Trigger Source y y Target elements - Source Outage - Load Outage - Sag/Swell - Voltage Unbalance - Current Unbalance Monitoring elements . P-Quality Event” in “PRIMARY SETTING / RELAY SETUP / CLEAR SAVED DATA” to clear.4. Storage Capacity Stores last 512 events.2 Related Setting Menu.co.6.4.NT http://www.6. “11.6.6.Load side Voltage .6.kr 12. 12. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.kr Figure 12-6.entecene. Power Quality Events showed by Interface Software 256 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .co.NT http://www. right side one is for AC Power. you see 2 Switches. Left side switch is for Battery Power.To open the door. Inner Structure” ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 257 . AC Power Outlet For user convenience. Location of fuse is referred to “Figure 13-5. Fuse is installed for safety from overload. AC Power Outlet is located on User Interface Door. pull the handle.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. User Interface Door and Power Switch Figure 13-1. Turning on either one of two activates control.1.entecene.co.NT http://www. User Interface Door and Power Switch User Interface Door User Interface Door has two magnets upper and down(or top and bottom). INSTALLATION 13. Control Power Switch After opening the User Interface Door.kr 13. 2. Air Vent and Outer Cover Outer Cover It is for blocking the direct ray of light to delay raising temperature inside of Control Cubicle. The gap between control cubicle and cover is 10mm.NT http://www.co. Vent and Outer Cover Figure 13-2.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Vents are on left and right side covered with Outer Cover. 258 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .entecene.kr 13. Air Vent To protect control part from humidity by temperature fluctuation. co.kr 13.NT http://www. y Large size is able to make “User available Space” larger. Dimensions and Mounting Plan y EVRC2A has Small size and Large size depending on Recloser Type. the space unit is referred to “Figure 13-6.entecene.3. Mount Accessories Dimensions” ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 259 . Dimensions and Mounting Plan Figure 13-3. Large size is available for EVR3. EVR2. y Small size is available for EVR1.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. EVR2 is small size and for EVR3 is large size. the lifting hole is indicated.NT http://www.866") and two of Standard Receptacle "MS22" Series can be extended. y There is an Exit hole for external cable that can be connected to additional functioning hardware. y EVRC2A should be fixed top and bottom with 16㎜(5/8") Bolt.co. y Weight of EVRC2A small size is 85㎏ and large size is 90㎏. y The diameter of the hole is 22㎜(0. 260 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .kr y Standard for EVR1. y EVR1 (Recloser Rated Voltage : 15.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.5㎸) / EVR2 (27㎸) / EVR3 (38㎸) y For installation on a Pole.entecene. kr 13. y Earth cable from Pole Neutral and from EVRC2A Earth Terminal must be connected to the ground.NT http://www.entecene. Earth Wiring Diagram Figure 13-4. Earth Wiring Diagram y After installation of Control cubicle.4.co. connect the ground. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 261 . y Earth Terminal can connect with core of cable size up to 12㎜(0.470") diameter.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. User Available Space Space for additional hardware connection.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.co.5. Mount Accessories Dimensions”. 262 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .entecene. Fuse TF1. Fuse”) Terminal Block Place for AC Power line. Inner Structure Figure 13-5. Heater Optional Heater is 40W Battery Use 2 of 12Vdc in series. TF3 are for circuit protection. there are two ports for user. TF2.NT http://www.20. Inner Structure Controller Power NFB (No Fuse Breaker) Left side switch is for Battery and right side one is for 220Vac(or 110Vac – option).kr 13. Installation and space size refers to “Figure 13-6. refers to (see “13. Use (+) screwdriver for replacement. entecene.NT http://www.co. Mount Accessories Dimensions y Shows base plate measurements that can be attached in User Available Space. y On Base plate. 10㎜/M6 Nut is used to fix the base plate. Mount Accessories Dimensions Figure 13-6.6.kr 13.8㎜ (7”) ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 263 .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.6㎜ (4”) to 177. y Available space for height of base plate is from 101. 5Vdc Short 1second (2-AGND/-) Standard Voltage : 12Vdc / User can select Voltage Rating y 30W DC Power is provided.0∼12. Input of the additional power is referred to “Figure 13-7.5Vdc 60W 60second (1-VCC/+) 12Vdc 11. and connect Jumper Pin to either JPI (24Vdc) or JP2 (15Vdc).0∼15. automatically circuit breaks current. Terminal Block and Fuses” y Remove cable coating at the end of cable length of 8mm(0. User-Available DC Power Voltage Rating Voltage Range Maximum Power output Positions 24Vdc 20∼25Vdc 40W Continuous Side Panel CN5 15Vdc 14.entecene. contact manufacturer.co. y When overload.315"). 264 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . Be sure of the voltage rating due to disassembly. With using (+) CN5 connector terminal on side panel should be connected to Wire size AWG24 up to 12.NT http://www. additional power should be attached. User-Available DC Power Table 13-1.7. In case of the necessity of larger than 30W.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. disconnect Jumper Pin in JP3 “Figure 13-31. In case long-term overload time. y To change Voltage ratings. ANALOG BOARD”. For more details. there is a fuse on analog circuits to protect circuits from failure.kr 13. 5 are for connecting additional AC Power. y Terminal 4. 52 Contact Auxiliary Specs Rating (Resistive load) : 30Vdc 5A / 125Vdc 0. In need of more terminals. y Terminal 6. 2 are connected from Receptacle to Terminal block. 8 are spare for Recloser 52 contact.kr 13.8. Terminal 3 is the ground. 7. green wired line is for the ground.co. Terminal Block and Fuses Figure 13-7. 10 are for User Available Terminal block. blue wired line is for Neutral. y In AC line connection. Terminal 4 is connected with TF3 for protection. Terminal Block and Fuses y Caution for an electric shock due to AC Power loaded in Terminal block. Reference for branching.3A ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 265 .entecene. use User Available Space. white wired line is for Phase wire. terminal 5 is in series with AC Power y On TF3 Fuse. y AC Power input terminal 1.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.6A / 250Vdc 0.NT http://www. y Standard AC Power is 220Vac(Optional AC Power is 110Vac). AC Power Outlet is connected with 40W Heater. y Terminal 9. “Figure 13-8.9.co. Current Inputs Wiring Diagram” y CN2 is Voltage Input Connector. y CN1 has different system wirings depending on User system. EVRC2A Wiring Diagram . y VT type is standard and VD type is for optional.NT http://www.kr 13. EVRC2A Wiring Diagram . CN1 is marked as Earthing System. EVRC2A Wiring Diagram .VD Type” is VD(CVD(Capacitor Voltage Divider) or RVD(Resistance Voltage Divider)) type and “Figure 13-9. refer to “Figure 13-11.VT Type” is VT type. EVRC2A Wiring Diagram – VD Type Figure 13-8. VD type and VT type are not exchangeable. In “Figure 13-8. EVRC2A Wiring Diagram . For non-Earthing system.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.VD Type”.entecene. 266 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .VD Type y Wiring diagram of EVRC2A standard. VT Type Figure 13-9. EVRC2A Wiring Diagram .NT http://www. VT Wiring Diagram” y VD type and VT type are not exchangeable. EVRC2A Wiring Diagram .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. EVRC2A Wiring Diagram .kr 13. y CN2 is Voltage Input Connector.co.VT Type” is wiring diagram of VT type of which Voltage Input is optional. For wiring.entecene.10. VT type is standard and VD type is optional.VT Type y “Figure 13-9. refer to “Figure 13-13. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 267 . Close.NT http://www.kr 13. 2) Remove the coating of cable length of 8㎜ (0.SEF CN2 Voltage Inputs VA.IB.Option ETHERNET NOTE : 1) I/O Terminal (CN10.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. CN9) has functions to control basic operation of Recloser and can be connected with SCADA System for use.315").11. VR.IN. Side panel connector for user should be connected to Wire size AWG24 to 12 268 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY Figure 13-10. Side Panel . VT CN3 AC24V IN Relay Module AC Power Input CN4 BATT` IN Relay Module DC Power Input CN5 POWER OUT . OUT6~OUT7(B Contact) OUT8(ALARM) IN01~IN08 PORT2 .VB.VS.Option User-Available DC Voltage Source CN6 CONTROL Recloser Open. Pressure CN9 CN10 OUTPUTS and INPUTS .Option OUT1~OUT5(A Contact). Lock.Option SERIAL RS485/422 PORT4 .entecene.VC.IC. Close CN7 UPS Monitors and controls Close and Trip Power CN8 RECLOSER STATUS Open. Side Panel Current Inputs IA.co.Option SERIAL RS232 PORT3 . Non Earthing System.5A Nominal y 2A continuous y 25A 1 second y Burden : 0.A10) of Side Panel in. IG(A07.A08) should be connected to each other.co. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 269 .A10) should be connected. Phase Rotation” CT Phase rotation must be arranged comparing with Voltage Inputs Phase rotation.19VA(0.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.0375VA(0. Current Inputs Wiring Diagram Recloser Phase should match with User system.entecene.05A) Figure 13-11.12.6A 1 second y Burden : 0. SEF Input Current Range y 0.5A) Current IG should be connected with SEF(A09.NT http://www.A08) in Earthing System.kr 13. SEF(A09.16A Continuous y 0. so called “JUMPER” IG Input Current Range y 0. Current Inputs Wiring Diagram Current IG is connected with Side Panel IG(A07.05A Nominal y 0. Refer to “Figure 13-14. y Option CVD 15㎸.NT http://www.entecene.kr 13.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. 27㎸ Class 270 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . 27㎸. Voltage Inputs phase should be re-arranged. y VD Type and VT Type are not exchangeable. y Current Inputs and Voltage Inputs should be the same phase.co.13. If CT Inputs changed Phase rotation. VD Wiring Diagram y VD(CVD(Capacitor Voltage Divider) or RVD(Resistance Voltage Divider)) measures Voltage with using Capacitor or Resistance installed in each Bushing of Recloser. VD Wiring Diagram Figure 13-12. 38㎸ Class y Option RVD 15㎸. 0.co.05VA(120V).entecene.kr 13. VR. VT Wiring Diagram Figure 13-13.NT http://www. VT „ Input Voltage Range : Vphase-Vcom Continuous < 300V „ Burden : 0.02VA(67V) ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 271 . y VT wiring should match Current Inputs. y Voltage Inputs VA.14. 0. VT Wiring Diagram y VD(CVD or RVD) Type can not be used when VT(Voltage Transformer) Type was selected. 0.2VA(220V). VB.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.6VA(300V). VS. VC. correct CT and VD(CVD or RVD) wiring in side panel to be matched.NT http://www.co. y If the phase rotation is not the same in User system and Recloser. y “Figure 13-14.entecene. Phase Rotation y For Metering accuracy.15. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . y 272 EVR Recloser phase A is the Bushing the nearest from Trip lever on the side.kr 13. phase rotations of User system and Recloser should be the same. Phase Rotation” shows the same phase rotation between User System and Recloser.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Current and Voltage Inputs Phase Rotation Figure 13-14. T Phase B b 52b(Auxiliary) C C.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.16.co.5”) y Cable Shielding layer is connected to Pin “R” ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 273 . Control Cable Receptacle Pin Descriptions Table 13-2.T Common(G) d Close and Trip Coil Common E VD Source Phase C e Close and Trip Coil Common F VD Source Phase B f Close and Trip Coil Common G VD Source Phase A g Close Coil H VD Load side Phase T h Close Coil J VD Load side Phase S j Close Coil K VD Load side Phase R k not connected L Pressure Sensor Output(controller input) m Trip Coil M not connected n not connected N Pressure Sensor Power AGND p Trip Coil P Pressure Sensor Power 12Vdc r Trip Coil R Cable shield and Ground s not connected S not connected T Recloser Status 69b(locked a connect) U Recloser Status Common(24Vdc) V Recloser Status 52b(Monitored Trip) W Recloser Status 52a(Monitored Close) X not connected Z not connected y Control EVRC2A Receptacle : MS3102 28-21S(Female) y Recloser Receptacle : MS3102 28-21P(Male) y Control Cable : Shield Cable 8meter(31.T Phase A c 52a(Auxiliary) D C.T Phase C a 52 common(Auxiliary) B C.entecene.kr 13. Control Cable Receptacle Pin Descriptions Pin Function Pin Function A C.NT http://www. co.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Control Receptacle “Figure 13-15. Control Receptacle” shows Female Receptacle installed in Control EVRC2A. 274 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .entecene.kr Figure 13-15.NT http://www. NT http://www.17. y For Control Cable assembling. „ Turn Plug nut clockwise carefully to prevent Pin winding or out of gearing. connect with Receptacle check based with Pin Guide position. do the opposite way of Control Cable assembling Figure 13-16. AC Power Receptacle Pin Descriptions Pin Function A AC Power Input B AC Power Input (Neutral) C not connected Standard Input Voltage of Control EVRC2A is 220Vac(110Vac – option).18.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. repeat this to complete connection. „ Turn Plug nut to tighten for Control Cable de-assembling. Control Cable Assembling / De-assembling y Do not turn Plug body when Control Cable assembling/de-assembling.kr 13. Recloser Receptacle Figure 13-17. Figure 13-18. Control Cable 13. AC Power Receptacle Pin Descriptions Table 13-3. Power Receptacle ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 275 .co. Following notices are suggested.entecene. „ Push Plug Body little by little with shaking left and right side into Receptacle. 385×31.co.197"×0. AC Power Cable TYPE : MS22-2S(Female) Cable Length : 2C-3.19.75)㎜ 3A/220Vac 0.385×31.Power Input 10A 1A 1A 2A 5A (6.75)㎜ Control EVRC2A AC Power.197"×0.5㎟ 6meter(236") A PIN Wire Color : White(Phase) B PIN Wire Color : Black(Neutral) C PIN : not connected 13. Fuses Table 13-4. 0.787" (5×20)㎜ 0.kr 13.NT http://www.25" Input Line of Transformer in UPS 15A/110Vac (6.25" AC Power outlet and Heater External AC .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.25"×1.25" 6A/110Vac (6.197"×0.25×1.75)㎜ 0.25"×1.20.entecene.197"×0. Fuses Positions Terminal Block TF1 Terminal Block TF2 Terminal Block TF3 Inside Relay Module F1 (Analog board) Inside Relay Module F2 (Analog board) Inside Relay Module F3 (Analog board) Inside Relay Module F4 (Analog board) 276 Rating / Dimensions Purpose 7A/220Vac 0.385×31.787" (5×20)㎜ 0.787" (5×20)㎜ 0.787" (5×20)㎜ ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY Module AC Power Input Line of Transformer in User Available AC Power Trip Control Close Control Relay Module Power User-Available DC Power . kr 13. y Sealed lead .co.entecene. turn NFB1 “OFF” without disconnecting Harness connector. If the battery voltage is less than 22. Remove Battery Connector CN11(3191-2R) and measure the battery voltage. y The approximate depth of discharge or remaining capacity of an battery can be empirically determined from “Figure 13-20. y 24Vdc Battery supplies Relay Module and UPS Module through NFB1(Battery Switch).NT http://www. use 12Vdc 2 Batteries in series. In order to store Battery for a long time. Relay Module supplies through CN4 Connector in Side Panel and UPS Module supplies through P2 Connector of UPS Module. The self-discharge rate varies with ambient temperature. Open Figure 13-19. Battery and Control run time Table 13-5.acid Battery Type.21. Battery Specs Nominal capacity 24V/17A (12V×2pcs) Service life Time 5 years Battery Connector(CN11) Molex Connector 3191-2R Controller run time 40hours Recharge Time SOC: ~80%/ 15hours NOTE : Battery capacity can be changed by request of a user.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. y The self-discharge rate of batteries is approximately 3% per month when batteries are stored at an ambient temperature of +20℃(+68℉). the residual capacity is 0%. Battery Circuit Voltage” y Turn off NFB1 to disconnect Battery from circuits. y Harness connector(CN11) from Battery Terminal is connected to battery switch NFB1. Open Circuit Voltage ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 277 . The voltage can be recharged but requires maintenance. Figure 13-20.5Vdc. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr 13.22. Charge Circuit Charger uses current-control-circuit to prevent sudden-recharge and use voltage-steady-circuit to prevent over-recharge. Charge inspection use 24Vac the same power as Relay Module has. Disconnecting CN11 may cause spark, turn off NFB1(Battery Switch) and NFB2(Ac Power switch) before disconnect CN11. Limit Current measuring should be tested on 10Ω in series with CD Ammeter. Charge Voltage : 27.5Vdc(±0.5V) Charge Current : 300mAdc(±50mAdc) NOTE : The battery charger is fully temperature compensated. Battery charger capacity can be changed by request of a user. 13.23. Battery Change Battery Mounting consists of two of Bolt M6-15L. Battery Wire consists of M5 Bolt & Nut and is connected to Battery Terminal. Bolt can be replaced using with (+) screwdriver. For Battery wire de-assembling, disconnect Jumper wire first and disconnect CN11 wire(red and black). When CN11 is disconnected first, battery short is considered in case of worker’s mistake. For Battery wire connection, connect CN11 wire (red and black) first and connect Jumper wire later. Reference “Figure 13-19. Battery” 13.24. Battery Protection Battery protection is to protect the battery from over-discharge by disconnecting the battery from the control circuit when AC power is lost and before the battery is completely discharged. CPU measures the battery voltage and when the battery is below 21 volts, timer is operated and after 10 minutes, Latch Relay is set to disconnect the battery circuit. On Power Down status, if the external power is re-supplied or the Power Switch is changed from OFF to ON, Control Module is operated as normal. When AC Power is not supplied, in order to operate it by Power Switch, OFF for 5 seconds and turn it ON. When it is turned ON without Battery, it is Power downed after 10 minutes. 278 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr 13.25. Communications 1) RS232 Pin Functions for Port1 and Port2 Table 13-6. RS232 Pin Functions for Port1 and Port2 Pin Serial Port1 Serial Port2 Definition 1 N/C DCD Data Carrier Detect 2 RXD RXD Receive Data 3 TXD TXD Transmit Data 4 N/C DTR Data Terminal Ready 5 GND GND Ground 6 N/C DSR Data Set Ready 7 N/C RTS Request To Send 8 N/C CTS Clear To Send 9 N/C N/C No Connection Positions User Interface Panel(Male) Side Panel (Male) Cable CC201 CC201,202,203 Purposes Maintenance DNP Figure 13-21. RS232 Port 2) RS232/485 Pin Functions for Port3 Figure 13-22. Port 3 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 279 RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr Table 13-7. PORT3(RS-232/RS485) Pin Description Pin(RS-232) Signal Description Pin(RS-485) Description 1 DCD Data Carrier Detect 1 RS485+ 2 RXD Receive Data(IN) 2 RS485- 3 TXD Transmit Data(OUT) 3 SG (Cable Shield) 4 DTR Data Terminal Ready(OUT) 4 485 ON 5 GND Ground 5 485 ON 6 DSR Data Set Ready(IN) 7 RTS Request To Send(OUT) 8 CTS Clear To Send(IN) 9 N/C No Connection ※. Note) ① PORT3 provides RS-485 communication and uses Digital power and insulated power of CPU Part for surge protection. Each terminal is Anti-Over-voltage. ② To minimize the noise of communication line, Terminal Resistor is used in the both end of the line and Twisted Shied Cable is advisable for connecting cable. ③ In order to use RS-485, the Pin4 and Pin5 of RS485 Port should be connected. 3) RJ-45 Pin Functions for Port4 Table 13-8. RJ-45Pin Functions for Port4 Pin Port4 Pin Port4 1 TX+ 6 N/C 2 TX- 7 N/C 3 RX+ 8 N/C 4 RX- Purpose IEC60870-5-104 5 N/C 280 Figure 13-23. RJ-45 Port ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr 13.26. Communication Cables 1) Cable CC201: Connect to Computer Figure 13-24. Cable CC201 (connect to computer) 2) Cable CC202: Connect to Modem, etc. - option Figure 13-25. Cable CC202 (connect to modem, etc.) 3) Cable CC203: Connect to Modem, etc. - option Figure 13-26. Cable CC203 (connect to modem, etc.) ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 281 RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT 13.27. Hardware Block Diagram Figure 13-27. Hardware Block Diagram 282 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY http://www.entecene.co.kr RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6,NT http://www.entecene.co.kr 13.28. Recloser Trip and Close Circuits Figure 13-28. Recloser Trip and Close Circuits CC Close Coil TC Trip Coil MC Magnetic Contactor C Capacitor IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor F Fuse UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply y Recloser Trip and Close Power is charged from C1, C2, C3 in UPS module. y C1 is used for Trip power, C2, C3 are used for Close power. y Trip(Close) runs when IGBT is “ON”. MC runs and the charged Capacitor transfer the Power to TC(CC), eventually Recloser runs. y F1, F2 are Fuses to protect IGBT from MC damage. These are on Analog Board. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 283 29. Uninterruptible Power Supply for Trip & Close Figure 13-29. y UPS Module runs by 120Vac Power or by Backup Battery. Its rated output voltage is 120Vdc.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. y Trip and Close Capacitor are individually located and do not affect to each other during Trip and Close.co. y Transformer in EVRC2A connected with External AC Power generates 120Vac. UPS Module Block Diagram y UPS Module charges Capacitor for Trip/Close.NT http://www.entecene.kr 13. y Sealed lead-acid Type is used for Battery. runs over 20Vdc. 284 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . Battery voltage does not run under 20Vac. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. and main parts location. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 285 . Also indicates backup battery type. RTC(Real Time Clock).NT http://www.co. MAIN BOARD Indicates Firmware Upgrade Port. Main Board Figure 13-30.30.kr 13.entecene. 286 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .NT http://www.co.entecene. y F3 is for Relay Module protection. F2 are use to protect IGBT for Close and Trip.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. y F1. ANALOG BOARD y JP1. JP3 are Jumper Connectors and define User Available DC Power rating. JP3 are Jumper Connecter.31. y JP1. JP2.kr 13. JP2. Analog Board Figure 13-31. defining User Available DC Power Output Rating. RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 287 .co.entecene.32.kr 13. Recloser EVR Wiring Diagram Recloser EVR standard wiring diagram y CT Protection is automatically protected when Control Cable is disconnected.NT http://www. y The capacity of CVD is 20㎊. and also automatically protected when Control Cable is disconnected. Recloser EVR Wiring Diagram Figure 13-32. 33. Recloser EPR Wiring Diagram Figure 13-33.entecene.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.NT http://www. and also automatically protected when Control Cable is disconnected. Recloser EPR Wiring Diagram Recloser EPR standard wiring diagram y CT Protection is automatically protected when Control Cable is disconnected.kr 13. 288 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . y The resistance of RVD is 100MΩ.co. co. use High Impedance AC K CVD Load side Phase R Voltmeter(Digital Multimeter) at Output Pin. MOV is connected between H CVD Load side Phase T Phase and Ground. Capacitor Voltage Divider (VD) Description Pin Function E CVD Source Phase C EVR RECLOSER F CVD Source Phase B 1) Pin R is connected to Ground. Recloser Voltage Divider (VD) Table 13-10. Recloser Current Transformer (CT) Table 13-9. J CVD Load side Phase S For voltage measuring.T Phase A D C.34. MOV is connected between J CVD Load side Phase S K CVD Load side Phase R R Cable shield and Ground EPR RECLOSER E RVD Source Phase C 1) Pin R is connected to Ground. (measure a voltage between MOV arms) y Voltage Measuring Method 2 Place the capacitor(C2) in parallel with MOV. R Cable shield and Ground Phase and Ground.NT http://www. VD Wiring Diagram ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 289 . G CVD Source Phase A 2) CVD Capacitance : 20㎊ H CVD Load side Phase T 3) For CVD Protection. y y Voltage Measuring Method 1 measure MOV voltage.entecene. Figure 13-34. Current Transformer (CT) Description Pin Function A C. and measure MOV voltage.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.kr 13. F RVD Source Phase B 2) RVD Resistance : 10MΩ G RVD Source Phase A 3) For RVD Protection.35.T Phase C CT Ratio : (1000:1/standard) B C.T Common(G) 13.T Phase B CT Resistance < 5Ω C C. Table 13-11.co.5bar at 20 ℃ Figure 13-35.5 %) and N(-) P Pressure Sensor Power 12Vdc 2) Sensor Output is Pin L(+) and N(-) 3) SF6 Gas is the insulating material and is affected by depending on pressure (density). TYPE1 Sensor It is used of Recloser manufactured before JUNE.36. Pressure Changes depending on Temperature and Sensor Output voltage” shows pressure changes depending on temperature and Sensor Output voltage depending on pressure. Recloser Pressure Sensor (Only EVR Type) 13.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Pressure Changes depending on Temperature and Sensor Output voltage 290 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . 4) “Figure 13-35.36.entecene.NT http://www.kr 13. EVR Pressure Sensor Description Pin Function L Pressure Sensor Output 1) Sensor Power is delivered from N Pressure Sensor Power AGND Pin P(+12Vdc±0. 5) EVR has 0. 2005.1. Table 13-12.5 -0.2 0.36.0 Pressure (bar) Figure 13-36.0 3.5 0.6 -0.2 -0.9 1.0 1. EVR Pressure Sensor Description Pin Function L Pressure Sensor Output 1) Sensor Power is delivered from N Pressure Sensor Power AGND Pin P(+9~30Vdc) and N(-) P Pressure Sensor Power 12Vdc 2) Sensor Output is Pin L(+) and N(-) 5.7 0. TYPE2 Sensor It is used for Recloser manufactured after JULY.5 3.6 0.co. 2005.NT http://www.kr 13.8 -0.3 0.4 -0.5 1.1 0.entecene.7 -0.5 Output voltage(Vdc) 4. Pressure Changes depending on Sensor Output voltage ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 291 .1 0.3 -0.0 4.8 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.5 0.5 2.2.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6.0 -0.0 2. 37.kr 13. Recloser Trip and Close Coil Table 13-14. e and f are combined as one line. h and j are combined and placed as one f Close and Trip Coil Common g Close Coil h Close Coil j Close Coil 4) Close Coil Resistance : < 5Ω m Trip Coil 5) Trip Coil Resistance : < 2Ω p Trip Coil r Trip Coil line 3) Pin m. p and r are combined and placed as one line.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Trip and Close Coil Description Pin Function d Close and Trip Coil Common 1) Pin d.co. 52 contact and 69 contact Description Pin 69 is b Contact when unlocked. e Close and Trip Coil Common 2) Pin g. 292 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY .NT http://www. Recloser 52 contact and 69 contact Table 13-13.entecene.38. Function T 69b(Monitored locked) U Common(52 and 69) V 52b(Monitored Trip) W 52a(Monitored Close) a 52 common(Auxiliary) b 52b(Auxiliary) c 52a(Auxiliary) 13. Interval oon LCD screeen and allso can varioously test Callibration Moode.RECLOS SER CONTR ROL EVRC2A A-N6..02V V) BI01~02: DC12~150V D or o Dry contactt(User select) BI03~04: DC12~150V(P D Pulse below 1sec) BO01~04 130mA/3500V.5Arms ×3ch (Burden below 1Ω) Currrent output 4. 150W W ENHA ANCED TEC CHNOLOGY Y 293 .RTS S2010 Stan ndard Ratin ngs and Features Tablee 13-15.NT http p://www.co.2kg(caable). Re ecloser Test Kit 1) RTS R 2010 Moodel tests EV VRC2A by Faault Simulatiion. ON Resistance (below 35 Ω) Timee Accuracy ±5ms Weigght 6kg(RTS20010). Mannual Mode. 1. Stan ndard Ratinggs and Featu ures CLA ASSIFICATION N RATINGS AND A FEATUR RES 1. Recloser Test Te Kit .enttecene. Externaal Mode. Trip currennt.4mA A) Voltaage output Binaary input Binaary output 7Vrms ×4cch (Burden ov ver 1㏀) Accuracy ( 1% or 0. F Figure 13-377. 6kg AL Case Dim mensions 325×150×270 (RTS201 10) 521×258×348 (AL CASE) Conttrol Interface Cable 2M Operrating Temperrature -20∼+50℃ AC180~2664 @ Select AC220V Pow wer input AC 90~1322 @ Select AC C110V Max.39.5Arms×1ch (3ch Paraallel) Accuracy ( 1% or 0. OCR Mo ode.krr 13. 2) RTS R 2010 cann display Fuull Sequence of Trip timee. Check AC supply.7V) 294 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY Replace A/D Converter Module . or ≧-11V) A/D converter 4) Reference voltage 1 REF1V FAIL FAIL 3. or ≧13V) 2) +5 V FAIL 3.1. Check AC Power NFB 1) BATTDISCHG Battery Discharge (15V < Value ≦ 21V) 2.3V. REF1V FAIL display POWER 5. SYS ALARM display 2. NO BATTERY display 1. Replace UPS Module System power 1.co. ensure AC connector is securely connected 4. Check battery connection 1. Warning Events In control panel warning led if is lighted up bellow table refer and inspects. or ≧5. SYS ALARM display Replace A/D Converter Module 2. SYS ALARM display 1. Protection disabled (Value≦2. Check AC Power fuse - 3.7V) A/D converter 5) Reference Voltage 2 REF2V FAIL FAIL 1. ensure AC connector is securely connected 1. Protection disabled 2. +5 V FAIL display System power FAIL 3. Protection disabled 2. Check System power connection +12V FAIL 2. Table 14-1.NT http://www. Check AC supply. Protection disabled 2.R SYSTEM 2) NO Battery NO BATTERY (Value < 15V) SYSPW FAIL - 1.6V. Replace UPS Module 1. Check AC Power fuse 3. Check battery NFB 2. Check System power cable fault (Value ≦4. or ≧ 2. Check System power connection +5V FAIL 2. Check System power cable fault (Value ≦11V. SYS ALARM display 1. SYS ALARM display 1. Check System power cable fault (Value ≦-13V.kr 14. Check AC Power NFB AC POWER LO/DEASSERT External power FAIL - 2. Check Battery charge Voltage (range DC 27 ~ DC 28V) 3. Replace Analog Module - 1.3V. REF2V FAIL display 1) +12V FAIL System power 1.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. BATT DISCHG display 2. Protection disabled 2. Warning Events(1/2) EVENT EVENT TEXT EXPLANATION EVR2A ACTION USER’ RECOMMENDED ACTION 1. Replace UPS Module System power 1. +12V FAIL display 2.entecene. SYS ALARM display 1. Check System power connection -12V FAIL 2. MAINTANANCE 14. Check AC supply Battery charge circuit CHGBD FAIL FAIL - (Value ≦25V) BATT FAIL Battery Discharge or No Battery 2. Replace Battery charge T.or≧ 2. Protection disabled (Value ≦2.4V) 3) -12V FAIL 3. -12V FAIL display 4. on Jan. Execute System Restart 3. 0 min. 2. and 0 sec. Opteional) connected 2.Ensure Control cable is securely (*. Change to Default Setting MEMORY R-RAM FAIL RTC NV RAM FAIL SYS ALARM display Replace Main Processing Module 1. Replace Main Processing Module 4. 2.entecene. Replace Main Processing Module I-SET FAIL COMMUNICATION Ect. 1.RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. Warning Events(2/2) EVENT POWER DOWN MODE EVENT TEXT POWER DOWN GAS LOW EXPLANATION Power down mode Gas pressure Low EVR2A ACTION USER’ RECOMMENDED ACTION SYS ALARM display No problem Protection disabled 1. Check Recloser. Store Value Clear 2..NT http://www.kr Table 14-1.co.1 Bar) 3. SYS ALARM display Main Alarm Contact Wear - ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY 1. Replace Relay Module 4. Set up time & data at RTC FAIL RTC Time FAIL RTC BAT LO RTC Battery LOW 0 hr. Replace Main Processing Module Setting Communication Communication restart Replace Communication Module SYS ALARM display Replace Main Processing Module Option Board FAIL AD BUSY A/D Conversion BUSY ORER-ALM Trip Counter Alarm WEAR-ALM 1. Change to Default 3. I-VAL FAIL Initial Value FAIL SYS ALARM display Replace RTC Battery 1.5 Bar) 2. Execute System Restart 2. Check Control cable fault (Value < 0. SYS ALARM display Replace Main Processing Module FAIL Serial EEPROM FAIL D-RAM FAIL Data RAM FAIL S-RAM FAIL Setting RAM FAIL 2. Replace Recloser. 1. 295 . C-BD FAIL Initial Setting Value FAIL 1. Replace Recloser. Execute All Clear Event 2. SYS ALARM display 1. Replace Recloser. 200. GAS STATUS 1. Replace Recloser No problem SETTING SYSTEM RESTART SET CHANGE Setting Changed - RESTART System restarted - No problem COLD RST Cold Restarted - No problem P-ROM FAIL S-ROM FAIL Parallel EEPROM SYS ALARM display Replace Main Processing Module SYS ALARM display Replace Main Processing Module SYS ALARM display Replace Main Processing Module 1. SYS ALARM display Replace Main Processing Module 2.Ensure Control cable is securely GAS HIGH connected Gas pressure High - (Value > 1. Check Control cable fault 3. Check Recloser. Figure 13-15 Reference 1 Connection state of control cable 2.Figure 13-10 . control Box inside CN6 connection state check OPERATION FAIL .Figure 13-10 .Figure 13-15 Reference 3.Figure 13-8 .NT http://www.Figure 13-9 Operation Fail .Figure 13-10 .Figure 13-9 . . Replace Relay Module 4.co. control Box inside FUSE state check Etc.Figure 13-10 Reference 1. It also suggests steps to follow to assist in determining why the event was generated.kr 14. Replace Recloser 1 Connection state of control cable 2. control Box inside CN8 connection state check .Table 13-2 Control Cable .That control switch point of contact check 2.Figure 13-8 .2.Figure 13-8 .Figure 13-9 .entecene.Figure 13-15 Reference 296 ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY . Table 14-2. control Box inside CN2 connection state check .. Malfunction Events The following table of events describes the malfunction events available from the control and what they indicate.Table 13-2 Control Cable voltage measurement Voltage measure .RECLOSER CONTROL EVRC2A-N6. control Box inside CN1 connection state check Current measure Fail of current & .Figure 13-9 .Figure 13-31 Reference 3.Figure 13-8 .Table 13-2 . Malfunction Events EVENT DESCRIPTION POSSIBLE CAUSE RECOMMENDED ACTION 1 Connection state of control cable 2.
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