
March 27, 2018 | Author: sailor21316 | Category: Hydrography, Websites, Visualization (Graphics), Navigation, Geography



For UKHOuse only 212401Notices 27 - 90/12 ADMIRALTY NOTICES TO MARINERS Weekly Edition 1 5 January 2012 (Published on the UKHO Website 26 December 2011) CONTENTS I Explanatory Notes. Publications List II Admiralty Notices to Mariners. Updates to Standard Nautical Charts III Reprints of Radio Navigational Warnings IV Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions V Amendments to Admiralty Lists of Lights and Fog Signals VI Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals Mariners are requested to inform the UK Hydrographic Office, Admiralty Way, Taunton, Somerset TA1 2DN immediately of the discovery of new dangers, or changes or defects in aids to navigation and of shortcomings in Admiralty charts or publications. Copies of form H.102, which is a convenient form on which to send in a report, may be obtained gratis from any Admiralty Distributor or the reproductionat the endof SectionVI of the Weekly Editionof Notices to Mariners may be used. A copy of the form, which may be used as a pro forma, is also printed in the Mariner’s Handbook (NP100). Reports can also be made through the UKHO website. In addition to postal methods, the following additional communication facilities are available: Notices to Mariners Website Web: www.ukho.gov.uk/msi Searchable Notices to Mariners Web: www.nmwebsearch.com Urgent navigational information: Fax: +44(0)1823 322352 Phone: +44(0)1823 353448 e-mail: [email protected] Other navigational information: General enquiries: General website e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.ukho.gov.uk Other matters: Fax: +44(0)1823 284077  British Crown Copyright 2012. All rights Reserved. Permission is not required to make analogue or PDF copiesof theseNotices, but suchcopiesmaynot besoldwithout thepermissionof theUKHO. For permission to sell copies of the Notices or to make (non-PDF) digital copies please email [email protected] I GUIDANCE NOTES FOR THE USE OF ADMIRALTY NOTICES TO MARINERS ON THE UKHO WEBSITE The Weekly Notices to Mariners (NM) updates for paper Charts and Publications can be accessed through the UKHO Website www.ukho.gov.uk. or the searchable NM Website www.nmwebsearch.com. The latest digital NM Weekly update is available 10 days prior to the paper publication date; there are no subscription fees for access to the UKHO Notices to Mariners Website. NB: The NM database includes historical NM data from 1 January 2000, for NMs prior to 2000 the Cumulative List of Notices to Mariners (NP234B-00) must be used. Software required: Adobe Acrobat Reader (Version 6.0 or later). Reader software can be obtained direct from the Adobe website (www.adobe.com). SEARCHABLE NOTICES TO MARINERS Enter the www.nmwebsearch.com website and select the search option that you require following the on screen instructions: ƒ Search NMs by - Chart Number only ƒ Search NMs by - Chart Number + Previous NM Number/Year ƒ Search NMs by - Chart Number + Between Previous and Present Dates ƒ Search for Single NM by NM Number/Year To view the NM, NM Note or full-colour NM Blocks, click on the relevant link. NOTICES TO MARINERS ON-LINE Enter the www.ukho.gov.uk/msi website, and then select Notices to Mariners. This will give you access to the following range of Notice to Mariners services: - Admiralty NM Web Search - Weekly NMs - NM Block, Notes and Diagrams - Annual NMs - Cumulative NM List FURTHER GUIDANCE NOTES For further details of the online NM facilities please see the NM Guidance Notes on the website, additional detail includes: ƒ File content and description ƒ PC and printer specifications CUSTOMER SERVICE If you experience any difficulties, please contact the UKHO Customer Service on: Tel: +44 (0) 1823 337900 Ext.5030 Tel Direct: +44 (0) 1823 723366 Fax: +44 (0) 1823 330561 e-mail: [email protected] 1.2 Wk01/12 I ADMIRALTY NOTICES TO MARINERS This Admiralty Notices to Mariners Bulletin (ANMB) is published by the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO). The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency accepts that both the paper and digital forms of the ANMB comply with carriage requirement for Notices to Mariners within Regulation of the revised Chapter V of the Safety of Life at Sea Convention, and the Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations, both of which came into force 1 July 2002. While every effort is made to ensure that the data provided through the Notices to Mariners service is accurate, the user needs to be aware of the risks of corruption to data. It is important that the user should only use the data on suitable equipment and that other applications should not be running on the user’s machine at the same time. Users should exercise their professional judgement in the use of data and also consult the Mariners’ Handbook (NP100) for further details. The user needs to be aware that there is a possibility that data could be corrupted during transmission, or in the process of display or printing on the user’s equipment, or if converted to other software formats, and is accordingly advised that the UKHO cannot accept responsibility for any such change, or any modifications or unauthorised changes, made by licensees, or other parties. 1.3 Wk01/12 I EXPLANATORY NOTES Dating Weekly Notices are dated for the Thursday appropriate to the week that the printed version is despatched from the UKHO. They are available earlier from the UKHO website. Charts and Positions The notices in Section II give instructions for the updating of standard nautical charts and selected thematic charts in the Admiralty series. Geographical positions refer to the horizontal datum of the current edition of each affected chart which is stated in the notice alongside the appropriate chart number. Positions are normally given in degrees, minutes and decimals of a minute, but may occasionally quote seconds for convenience when plotting from the graduation of some older-style charts. Where Leisure Products are referred to different horizontal datums from the standard nautical charts for that geographical area, positions in the notices cannot be plotted directly on these products. Bearings are true reckoned clockwise from 000° to 359°; those relating to lights are from seaward. Symbols referred to are those shown on Chart 5011. Depths and heights are given in metres or fathoms and/or feet as appropriate for the chart being updated (abbreviated where necessary to m, fm and ft respectively). Blocks and notes accompanying notices in Section II are placed towards the end of the section. Temporary and Preliminary Notices These are indicated by (T) or (P) after the notice number and are placed at the end of Section II. They are printed on one side of the paper in order that they may be cut up and filed. To assist in filing, the year is indicated after the notice number and an in-force list is published monthly. Information from these notices is not included on charts before issue; charts should be updated in pencil on receipt. Original Information A star adjacent to the number of a notice indicates that the notice is based on original information. Further Guidance The Mariner’s Handbook (NP100) gives a fuller explanation of the limitations of charts and details of the UKHO policy for the promulgation and selection of navigationally significant information for charts. Details of chart updating methods can be found in NP294, ‘‘How to Keep Your Admiralty Products Up-to-date’’. All users are advised to study these publications. Lights When a light is affected by a notice its Light List number is quoted. The detailed amendment to the List of Lights is given in Section V and may be published in an earlier edition than the chart-updating notice. The entire entry for each light amended will be printed (including minor changes) and an asterisk (*) will denote which column contains an amendment. In the case of a new light, or where a new sequence is added below the main light, an asterisk (*) will appear under all columns. All Section V entries are intended to be cut out and pasted into the book. It is emphasised that the List of Lights is the primary source of information on lights and that many alterations, especially those of a temporary but operational nature, are promulgated only as corrections to the List of Lights. Light positions should be regarded as approximate and are intended to indicate the relative positions of lights only. Charts should be consulted for a more authoritative position. The range of a light is normally the nominal range, except when the responsible authority quotes luminous or geographical range. Radio Signals When a chart-updating notice is issued for information that is also included within Admiralty List of Radio Signals, the appropriate volume reference number is quoted, followed in parentheses by the number of the Weekly Edition containing (in Section VI) the corresponding amendment to the service details. The amendments in Section VI should be cut out and pasted into the appropriate volumes. Sailing Directions Amendments to Sailing Directions are given in Section IV. Those in force at the end of the year are reprinted in the Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners Part 2 (NP 247(2)). A list of amendments in force is published in Section IV of the Weekly Edition quarterly. For volumes of Sailing Directions maintained by Continuous Revision, amendments may be cut out and pasted/corrected directly in to the book. Alternatively, and for the remaining volumes of Sailing Directions maintained by Supplement, it is recommended that amendments are kept in a file with the latest list of amendments in force on top. The list should then be consulted when using the parent book to see if any amendments, affecting the area under consideration, are in force. It is not recommended that amendments be stuck in the parent book, or the supplement of Sailing Directions maintained by supplement. Radio Navigational Warnings See Note at the start of Section III. 1.4 Wk01/12 I 1.5 CAUTIONARY NOTES Updating Updating information is published by Weekly Notices to Mariners supplemented by radio warnings for items of immediate importance. It should be borne in mind that they may be based on reports which cannot always be verified before promulgation, and that it is sometimes necessary to be selective and promulgate only the more important items to avoid overloading users; the remainder being included in revised editions of the charts and publications concerned. Laws and Regulations While, in the interests of the safety of shipping, the UKHO makes every endeavour to include in its publications details of the laws and regulations of all countries appertaining to navigation, it must be clearly understood:— (a) that no liability whatsoever can be accepted for failure to publish details of any particular law or regulation, and (b) that publication of the details of a law or regulation is solely for the safety and convenience of shipping and implies no recognition of the international validity of the law or regulation. Reliance on Charts and Associated Publications While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on Admiralty charts and other publications, it should be appreciated that it may not always be complete and up-to-date. The mariner must be the final judge of the reliance he can place on the information given, bearing in mind his particular circumstances, local pilotage guidance and the judicious use of available navigational aids. Charts Charts should be used with prudence: there are areas where the source data are old, incomplete or of poor quality. The mariner should use the largest scale appropriate for his particular purpose; apart from being the most detailed, the larger scales are usually corrected first. When extensive new information (such as a new hydrographic survey) is received, some months may elapse before it can be fully incorporated in published charts. On small scale charts of ocean areas where hydrographic information is, in many cases, still sparse, charted shoals may be in error as regards position, least depth and extent. Undiscovered dangers may exist, particularly away from well-established routes. Satellite-Derived Positions and Chart Accuracy Mariners must not assume that charts which are referred to WGS84 Datum, or those for which shifts to WGS84 Datum are provided, have been surveyed to modern standards of accuracy. On some charts, owing to the age and quality of the source information, some of the charted detail may not be positioned accurately. In such cases mariners are advised to exercise particular caution when navigating in the vicinity of dangers, even when using an electronic positioning system such as GPS. For further details, see The Mariner’s Handbook (NP100). This applies to both paper and digital (ARCS and ENC) versions of charts. Wk01/12 I [1/12] Admiralty Charts affected by the Publication List Admiralty Chart Admiralty Chart 210 Aus 133 420 Aus 135 666 Aus 289 900 Aus 293 917 Aus 296 1174 Aus 346 1276 INT 1376 1447 INT 1451 1471 INT 1452 1499 INT 1462 1500 INT 7702 1501 1547 Admiralty Publication 1732 2481 NP 28 2601 ADP Revised RRP 2626 2793 2908 2924 3319 3337 3619 3632 3841 4975 4976 4977 4978 5003 5007 5029 5035 5060 5085 5102 5301 5302 5330 B6238UA B6628UA B6988 B6991 D6084 D6472 ~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series. 1.6 Wk01/12 I ADMIRALTY CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS NOW PUBLISHED AND AVAILABLE NEW ADMIRALTY CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS Reproductions of Australian Government Charts (Publication dates of these charts reflect the dates shown on the Australian Government Charts) Chart Published Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2012 Catalogue page ~Aus293 18/11/11 Australia – North Coast, Torres Strait, Prince of Wales Channel. 10°23′⋅40S. — 10°36′⋅70S., 142°04′⋅20E. — 142°27′⋅16E. Provides additional coverage of the western approaches to Prince of Wales Channel; includes changes to the two-way route north of Alert Patches. Additional depths have been added to the Torres Strait. Note: On publication of this New Chart former Notice 5809(P)/11 is cancelled. This chart remains affected by Notice 5803(T)/11. 1:37,500 66 92 ~Aus296 18/11/11 Australia – North Coast, Torres Strait, Prince of Wales Channel to Varzin Passage. 10°26′⋅50S. — 10°39′⋅80S., 141°48′⋅36E. — 142°09′⋅60E. Provides improved coverage. Includes the extension of the two-way route from Prince of Wales Channel to Varzin and Gannet Passages. Additional depths have been added to the Torres Strait. Note: On publication of this New Chart former Notice 5809(P)/11 is cancelled. This chart remains affected by Notice 5803(T)/11. 1:37,500 66 92 ~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series. 1.7 Wk01/12 I ADMIRALTY CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS NOW PUBLISHED AND AVAILABLE NEW EDITIONS OF ADMIRALTY CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS Admiralty Charts published 5 January 2012 Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2012 Catalogue page ~420 INT1451 International Chart Series, North Sea, Denmark – West Coast, Grådyb. A Esbjerg Nord. B Esbjerg Syd. Includes changes to coastline, dredged areas, depths, works areas, buoyage, submarine cable area and a recommended track. (A modified reproduction of INT1451 published by Denmark). Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 4225(P)/11 is cancelled. 1:20,000 1:12,500 1:12,500 9 32 ~1471 Italy, Slovenia and Croatia, Gulf of Trieste and Approaches. Porto di Monfalcone. Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to depths and dredged areas from a 2011 survey in Porto di Monfalcone. 1:100,000 1:12,500 27 44 ~1547 Ireland – West Coast, River Shannon, Kilcredaun Point to Ardmore Point. Kilrush Creek. Includes significant safety-related information as follows: new anchor berths, pilot boarding area and changes to anchorage areas and pilot boarding places. 1:20,000 1:10,000 4 22 ~2481 Scotland – West Coast, Sound of Islay. 55°45′⋅54N. — 55°58′⋅75N., 5°54′⋅70W. — 6°10′⋅71W. Loch Tarbert. 55°57′⋅300N. — 55°59′⋅000N., 5°50′⋅800W. — 5°55′⋅800W. Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government survey of the Sound of Islay. The chart limits have been revised. The chart limits and scale for plan, Loch Tarbert, have been revised to provide coverage of Top Pool. The horizontal datum of this chart has been transferred to a WGS84 compatible datum. 1:25,000 1:15,000 5 30 ~2601 Baltic Sea, Denmark and Germany, Kadetrenden / Kadetrinne. Approaches to Gedser. Includes changes to depths. (A modified reproduction of Danish Chart 197). Note: This chart remains affected by Notices 1890(T)/11 and 5563(T)/11. 1:75,000 1:25,000 10 34 ~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series. 1.8 Wk01/12 I ADMIRALTY CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS NOW PUBLISHED AND AVAILABLE NEW EDITIONS OF ADMIRALTY CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS Admiralty Charts published 5 January 2012 (continued) Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2012 Catalogue page ~2626 Mexico – East Coast, Bay of Campeche. Includes new restricted areas, platform and buoyage. Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 3021(P)/11 is cancelled. 1:312,000 83 122 ~2793 England – South Coast, Isle of Wight, Cowes Harbour and River Medina. A Continuation of River Medina. B River Medina, Folly Point to Newport. Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government and Port Authority surveys. 1:3,500 1:3,500 1:10,000 1 24 ~2924 United States – East Coast, Potomac River, Lower Cedar Point to Washington. Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3 Washington Harbor. Panel 4 Includes changes to depths in Washington Channel from US surveys to 2011. 1:40,000 1:40,000 1:40,000 1:20,000 81 132 Admiralty Publications NP No. Title and other remarks Date Remarks NP28 Dover Strait Pilot (Ninth Edition 2011). 05/01/12 Updated to 07/10/11. First amendments in NM week 01/12. The Eighth Edition of NP28 (2008) is cancelled. ~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series. 1.9 Wk01/12 I ADMIRALTY CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS TO BE PUBLISHED ADMIRALTY CHARTS TO BE PUBLISHED 26 JANUARY 2012 New Admiralty Charts Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Charts to be WITHDRAWN Folio 2908 Indonesia and East Timor, Pulau Semau to Pulau Moromaho. 5°53′⋅0S. — 10°22′⋅0S., 122°53′⋅0E. — 125°46′⋅0E. One of a series of new metric charts providing improved coverage of the Archipelagic Sea Lanes through the waters of Indonesia. The chart is referred to WGS84 Datum. 1:500,000 - 60 4975 United States, Alaska – Southeast Coast, Dixon Entrance to Cape Saint Elias. 53°57′⋅0N. — 60°35′⋅0N., 128°29′⋅8W. — 144°40′⋅0W. One of a series of new charts of Alaska, providing improved coverage of the approaches to Dixon Entrance. (A modified reproduction of US Chart 16016). 1:969,756 1499 92 4976 United States, Alaska – South Coast, Cape Saint Elias to Shumagin Islands. 54°30′⋅0N. — 61°07′⋅8N., 142°10′⋅0W. — 159°20′⋅0W. Semidi Islands. 55°56′⋅00N. — 56°20′⋅00N., 156°30′⋅00W. — 157°12′⋅00W. One of a series of new charts of Alaska, providing improved coverage of the approaches to Cook Inlet and Prince William Sound. (A modified reproduction of US Chart 16013). 1:969,761 1:400,000 1499 92 4977 United States – Alaska, Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands to Seguam Pass. 51°30′⋅00N. — 58°34′⋅00N., 156°30′⋅00W. — 173°20′⋅00W. One of a series of new charts of Alaska, providing improved coverage of the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands to Seguam Pass. (A modified reproduction of US Chart 16011). 1:1,023,188 1500 92 4978 United States – Aleutian Islands, Amukta Island to Attu Island. 48°21′⋅7N. — 56°00′⋅0N., 170°20′⋅0E. — 171°27′⋅7W. One of a series of new charts of Alaska, providing improved coverage of the Aleutian Islands. (A modified reproduction of US Chart 16012). 1:126,321 1501 92 ~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series. 1.10 Wk01/12 I ADMIRALTY CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS TO BE PUBLISHED ADMIRALTY CHARTS TO BE PUBLISHED 26 JANUARY 2012 New Editions of Admiralty Charts Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Charts to be WITHDRAWN Folio 210 Scotland – East Coast, Newburgh to Montrose. Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government surveys. 1:75,000 210 6 666 INT7702 International Chart Series, Africa – East Coast, Kenya, Port Mombasa, including Port Kilindini and Port Reitz. 4°01′⋅90S. — 4°06′⋅32S., 39°35′⋅68E. — 39°43′⋅12E. Mbaraki Creek. 4°04′⋅190S. — 4°04′⋅524S., 39°39′⋅610E. — 39°39′⋅862E. Includes changes to depths from the latest United States Navy survey and general updating throughout. The chart limits have been revised. (This chart is included in the International Chart series). 1:12,500 1:3,000 666 36 900 INT1376 International Chart Series, Denmark, Lillebælt, Snævringen and Kolding Fjord. A Fredericia. B Lillebælt West Bridge Passage Spans. C Lillebælt East Bridge Passage Span. D Middelfart. E Kolding. A modified reproduction of INT1376 published by Denmark. 1:25,000 1:10,000 1:8,000 1:8,000 1:8,000 1:10,000 900 INT1376 10 917 Italy, Stretto di Messina. Includes significant safety-related information as follows: new submarine power cables in the northern approaches to Stretto di Messina. 1:30,000 917 26 1174 Spain – North Coast, Approaches to Bilbao. 43°18′⋅90N. — 43°29′⋅00N., 2°53′⋅70W. — 3°13′⋅75W. Castro Urdiales. 43°22′⋅400N. — 43°23′⋅300N., 3°12′⋅200W. — 3°13′⋅100W. Includes changes to depths and port installations. The chart limits have been revised. (A modified reproduction of Spanish Chart 394A). 1:25,000 1:10,000 1174 17 1276 Colombia – North Coast, Bahía Santa Marta to Punta Canoas. Puerto Zúáiga. Includes changes to submarine cables and a new marine reserve. 1:200,000 1:100,000 1276 88 ~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series. 1.11 Wk01/12 I ADMIRALTY CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS TO BE PUBLISHED ADMIRALTY CHARTS TO BE PUBLISHED 26 JANUARY 2012 New Editions of Admiralty Charts (continued) Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Charts to be WITHDRAWN Folio 1447 Ireland – East Coast, Dublin and Dun Laoghaire. A Port of Dublin. 53°20′⋅300N. — 53°21′⋅250N., 6°08′⋅900W. — 6°15′⋅200W. B Port of Dublin Entrance Channel. 53°19′⋅367N. — 53°21′⋅000N., 6°04′⋅100W. — 6°09′⋅250W. C Dun Laoghaire Harbour. 53°17′⋅250N. — 53°18′⋅883N., 6°06′⋅700W. — 6°08′⋅900W. Includes changes to depths from the latest Irish Government surveys of Dublin and Dun Laoghaire. The chart limits have been revised and the horizontal datum of this chart has been transferred to WGS84 Datum. 1:7,500 1:7,500 1:7,500 1447 3 1732 Spain – West Coast, Ria de Pontevedra. 42°15′⋅70N. — 42°25′⋅80N., 8°40′⋅25W. — 9°00′⋅00W. Includes changes to depths, buoyage and harbour developments. The chart limits have been revised to provide coverage of Combarro. (A modified reproduction of Spanish Chart 416A). 1:25,000 1732 18 3319 England – East Coast, River Thames, Tower Bridge to Teddington. A Continuation to Richmond. B Continuation to Teddington. Includes changes to depths from the latest Port of London Authority surveys. 1:12,500 1:12,500 1:12,500 3319 8 3337 England – East Coast, River Thames, Margaret Ness to Tower Bridge. A Barking Creek. B Thames Tidal Barrier. Includes changes to depths from the latest Port of London Authority surveys. 1:12,500 1:6,250 1:5,000 3337 8 3619 INT1452 International Chart Series, North Sea – Germany, The Elbe, Scharhörn Riff to Medemgrund. Cuxhaven. Includes changes to depths throughout. (A modified reproduction of INT1452 published by Germany). 1:50,000 1:12,500 3619 INT1452 9 ~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series. 1.12 Wk01/12 I ADMIRALTY CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS TO BE PUBLISHED ADMIRALTY CHARTS TO BE PUBLISHED 26 JANUARY 2012 New Editions of Admiralty Charts (continued) Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Charts to be WITHDRAWN Folio 3632 INT1462 International Chart Series, North Sea, Germany and Netherlands, The Ems, Dukegat to Pogum. A Emden. B Dollard (Dollart). 53°13′⋅76N. — 53°20′⋅46N., 07°03′⋅92E. — 07°14′⋅42E. Includes changes to depths and general updating throughout. Plan B provides improved coverage in the Dollard (Dollart). (A modified reproduction of INT1462 published by Germany). 1:25,000 1:12,500 1:50,000 3632 INT1462 9 3841 United States – Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi, Pascagoula Harbor. Includes changes to depths throughout. (A modified reproduction of US Chart 11375). 1:20,000 3841 83 CHARTS TO BE AVAILABLE 26 JANUARY 2012 New Charts Reproductions of Australian Government Charts (Publication dates of these charts will reflect the dates shown on the Australian Government Charts) Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Charts to be WITHDRAWN Folio Aus133 Australia – South Coast, South Australia, Plans in South Australia – Wallaroo Bay and Port Lincoln Wharves. - - 65 Aus135 Australia – South Coast, South Australia, Plans in South Australia – Port Bonython and Whyalla. - - 65 Aus346 Australia – South Coast, South Australia, Kangaroo Island (South Coast). - Aus346 65 ~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series. 1.13 Wk01/12 I ADMIRALTY CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS PERMANENTLY WITHDRAWN Admiralty Charts Chart to be WITHDRAWN Main Title On publication of New Chart/New Edition Aus289 Australia – North Coast, Torres Strait, Gannet and Varzin Passages. ~Aus296 Aus293 Australia – North Coast, Torres Strait, Prince of Wales Channel. ~Aus293 Aus296 Australia – North Coast, Torres Strait, Goods Island to Proudfoot Shoal. ~Aus296 420 INT1451 International Chart Series, North Sea, Denmark – West Coast, Grådyb. ~420 INT1451 1471 Italy, Slovenia and Croatia, Gulf of Trieste and Approaches. ~1471 1547 Republic of Ireland – West Coast, River Shannon, Kilcredaun Point to Ardmore Point. ~1547 2481 Scotland – West Coast, Sound of Islay. ~2481 2601 Baltic Sea, Denmark and Germany, Kadetrenden (Kadetrinne). ~2601 2626 Mexico – East Coast, Bay of Campeche. ~2626 2793 England – South Coast, Isle of Wight, Cowes Harbour and River Medina. ~2793 2924 United States – East Coast, Potomac River, Lower Cedar Point to Washington. ~2924 ~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series. 1.14 Wk01/12 I ADMIRALTY CHARTS INDEPENDENTLY WITHDRAWN Admiralty Charts Chart to be WITHDRAWN Main Title 5003 Mooring and Manoeuvring Board For Fleet Purpose. 5007 Diagram for Testing Station Pointers, Protractors etc. 5029 Great Circle Diagram for use in Navigation, Aviation and Radio Telegraphy. 5035 Plot Ship Position from Star Sights. 5060 Relative Plotting Diagram. 5085 World – Azimuthal Equidistant Projection. 5102 Mooring And Manoeuvring Board. 5301 World climatic chart – January. 5302 World climatic chart – July. 5330 Index Plotting Areas and Ocean Sounding sheets. B6238UA Indian and South West Pacific Oceans. B6628UA South Atlantic Ocean, including parts of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. B6988 Europe and Mediterranean. B6991 India to New Guinea – upper air chart. D6084 Millimetric Grid (on plastic). D6472 Diagram for Curves of Equal Angles. ~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series. 1.15 Wk01/12 I ADMIRALTY AVCS AND ECDIS SERVICE ENC Check Dataset The UKHO supplied an ENC check dataset on CD to AVCS and ECDIS service customers along with other CD media issued in week 45/11. Instructions for use are provided on the CD insert. The check dataset was provided on behalf of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). It is designed to highlight those ECDIS that are unable to display the latest IMO approved chart features and those that may show the anomalous display and alarm behaviour (as described below). Instructions on how to use the check dataset and further background information are contained in the INFO folder of the week 45 Update CD. This information can also be accessed from the IHO website (www.iho.int). The check dataset is also being made available to mariners by other ENC service providers. Mariners are strongly encouraged to complete the checks and provide feedback to the IHO. The combined results of the checks will be used to provide a report to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Maritime Safety Committee. If you have not received the check dataset CD then please contact your ENC distributor. Use of ECDIS - Anomalous display and alarm behaviour in some systems. Further examples of anomalous display and alarm behaviour have been noted in some ECDIS. A revised NAVAREA 1 warning (317/10) was issued on 30 October 2010 (see below). Some of this anomalous behaviour appears to relate to software implementation issues, especially in early ECDIS models. In addition to reminding mariners not to rely solely on the automated checks and alarms for dangers provided by ECDIS during route planning and voyage monitoring, the NAVAREA warning highlights the need to maintain ECDIS software to ensure any limitations in operational capability are resolved. It recommends that appropriate checks are made with equipment manufacturers, especially where the ENC display is the only source of chart information available. Examples of anomalous behaviour: 1. A very small proportion of shoal soundings, especially those marked as “reported” on paper charts, are not visible when operating in the default base or standard display modes and do not trigger automatic grounding alarms in route checking or monitoring modes. Most ENC producers, including the UKHO, have now amended the way in which these particular shoal soundings have been encoded in S57 to resolve this issue. 2. Some ECDIS may not activate alarms for all land areas shown on ENCs, even where these are surrounded by a shoal depth contour. Whilst land areas such as islands are generally clearly identifiable on ECDIS, in some display configurations small islands can be difficult to see as they may be obscured by other detail such as contour labels. This is most likely to be a problem where only very small scale (usage band 1 and 2) ENCs are available. There are many oceanic areas for which the largest scale chart (both paper and ENC) issued is 1:3.5 million. 3. It has been noted that on some ECDIS some underwater obstruction hazards only display in ‘full / other’ display mode rather than in default standard mode as might be expected. The observed anomalies reinforce the need for the continued application of established navigation principles and skills including the need to avoid over-reliance on a single system. Mariners should always undertake careful visual inspection of the entire planned route using the ‘other / all’ display mode to confirm that it, and any deviations from it, is clear of dangers. NAVAREA I – 317/10 290525Z OCT 10 As previously notified by NAVAREA warning, mariners using ECDIS are reminded not to rely solely on automated voyage planning and monitoring checks and alarms. Some ECDIS appear only to undertake route check functions on larger scale ENCs and therefore alarms might not activate. This may not be clearly indicated on the ECDIS display. Mariners should always undertake careful visual inspection of the entire planned route using the ‘other / all’ display mode to confirm that it, and any deviations from it, is clear of dangers. Recent preliminary investigation indicates that some ECDIS may not display certain combinations of chart features and attributes correctly and on rare occasions may fail to display a navigationally significant feature. This appears to be caused by anomalous behaviour in some ECDIS software, especially early versions. The existence of such anomalies highlights the importance of maintaining ECDIS software to ensure that operational capability and reliability are maintained. It is recommended that appropriate checks are made with the equipment manufacturer. This is of particular importance where ECDIS is the only source of chart information available to the mariner The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) is investigating these matters in consultation with ECDIS equipment manufacturers. Further information will be made available through Notices to Mariners and within the UK element of the README.TXT file included on ENC service media. Cancel 230/10. ~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series. 1.16 Wk01/12 I ~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series. 1.17 ADMIRALTY AVCS AND ECDIS SERVICE (continued) The README.TXT file located within the ENC_ROOT folder on the latest Base and Update discs contains important safety related information relating to the contents of the disc. This file is updated on a regular basis and should be consulted to ensure that all related issues are taken into consideration. The last 3 updates are identified at the start of the file. The latest README.TXT file is also located on the UKHO website at: www.ukho.gov.uk/ProductsandServices/ElectronicCharts/Documents/README.txt AVCS and ECDIS Base CDs will be reissued in Week 05/12, 2 February 2012. Latest Issue Dates of the AVCS and ECDIS Base CDs is Week 49/11, 8 December 2011. ADP The following changes to the prices of ADP will take effect from 5 th January 2012, and refer to Recommended Retail Prices in Sterling (GB Pounds), excluding local taxes (where applicable). ƒ An annual subscription to Admiralty Total Tide becomes £55.00 per area and £385.00 for world coverage. ƒ An annual subscription to the Admiralty Digital List of Lights becomes £55.00 per area and £495.00 for world coverage. ƒ An annual subscription to the Admiralty Digital Radio Signals Volume 6 becomes £55.00 per area and £495.00 for world coverage. ADMIRALTY RASTER CHART SERVICE – LATEST ISSUE DATES OF REGIONAL DISCS RC Last issue date Reissue Date RC1 23 rd June 2011 RC2 22 nd September 2011 RC3 24 th November 2011 RC4 28 th July 2011 RC5 10 th March 2011 23 rd February 2012 RC6 14 th July 2011 RC7 17 th February 2011 9 th February 2012 RC8 10 th November 2011 RC9 26 th May 2011 RC10 31 st March 2011 8 th March 2012 RC11 6 th October 2011 Wk01/12 2.1 II GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX (1) Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 (2) British Isles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 – 2.8 (3) North Russia, Norway, The Færoe Islands and Iceland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 (4) Baltic Sea and Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10 (5) North Sea and North and West Coasts of Denmark, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.11 (6) France and Spain, North and West Coasts, and Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.11 (7) North Atlantic Ocean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.11 (8) Mediterranean and Black Seas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.12 (9) Africa, West Coast and South Atlantic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10) Africa, South and East Coasts, and Madagascar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.13 (11) Red Sea, Arabia, Iraq and Iran. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12) Indian Ocean, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Burma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.13 (13) Malacca Strait, Singapore Strait and Sumatera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (14) China Sea with its West Shore and China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.14 (15) Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.14 – 2.19 (16) Korea and the Pacific Coasts of Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (17) Philippine Islands, Borneo and Indonesia except Sumatera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.19 (18) Australia and Papua New Guinea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.19 (19) New Zealand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (20) Pacific Ocean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (21) Aleutian Islands, Alaska and West Coast of North America including Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (22) West Coasts of Central and South America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20 (23) Antarctica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (24) East Coast of South America and The Falkland Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (25) Caribbean Sea, West Indies and the Gulf of Mexico. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.21 – 2.22 (26) East Coast of North America and Greenland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.23 (27) T & P Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.24 – 2.26 Wk01/12 II 2.2 INDEX OF NOTICES AND CHART FOLIOS Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio 27 2.12 27 28* 2.5 4 29* 2.5 1 30* 2.6 5, 6 31* 2.7 1 32* 2.7 5 33 2.19 65 34 2.11 20 35 2.21 83 36 2.14 53 37 2.15 55 38 2.15 55 39 2.15 53, 55 40 2.16 53 41 2.16 53 42 2.16 53 43 2.16 53 44 2.16 53 45 2.17 53 46 2.17 53, 54 47 2.17 54 48 2.18 54 49 2.18 54 50 2.18 54 51 2.18 53 52 2.19 53 53 2.19 53 54(T)/12 2.24 55 55(T)/12 2.24 53 56(T)/12 2.24 53 57(T)/12 2.25 54 58(T)/12 2.25 54 59(T)/12 2.26 53 60 2.21 86 61 2.21 86 62 2.23 81 63 2.23 81 64 2.23 81 65 2.10 10 66 2.10 12 67 2.9 13 68 2.9 13 69* 2.8 7 70* 2.19 48 71 2.22 83 72 2.22 83 73 2.10 10 74 2.10 10 75* 2.8 5 76 2.11 9 77 2.11 9 78* 2.8 5 79 2.12 31 80 2.9 14 81* 2.8 6 82 2.22 83 83 2.13 41 84 2.12 25 85 2.22 83, 88 86 2.20 98 87* 2.13 36 88 2.11 9 89 2.14 50 90 2.4 5 Wk01/12 II 2.3 INDEX OF CHARTS AFFECTED Admiralty Chart No. Notices Admiralty Chart No. Notices Admiralty Chart No. Notices 2 30 108 69 223 81 299 67 396 85 699 83 858 73, 74 870 66 886 34 1077 81 1078 81 1200 69 1218 85 1225 35 1350 88 1473 27 1515 84 1701 84 1704 84 1721 89 1796 30 1819 28 1873 88 2003 60, 61 2006 61 2016 60 2041 31 2168 90 2169 90 2171 30 2183 61 2257 86 2258 86 2268 29 2284 79 2291 67 2317 80 2318 86 2319 86 2361 65 2372 78 2390 32 2392 30 2456 63 2489 63, 64 2635 30 2652 75 2816 65 2817 65 2969 87 3150 72 3186 82 3267 77 3384 71 3457 62 3531 67 3553 68 3618 76 4489 70 Australian Chart No. Notices Aus 136 33 Aus 776 33 Aus 777 33 Aus 778 33 Japanese Chart No. Notices JP 67 56T JP 70 44 JP 77 46 JP 80 36, 43, 44, 45 JP 87 36, 39, 45 JP 90 36, 42 JP 91 36, 40, 59T JP 106 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 JP 126 57T JP 127 58T JP 131 49 JP 135 58T JP 149 54T JP 150C 46, 47, 48, 50 JP 150A 50 JP 1062 36, 40, 41 JP 1067 55T JP 1081 36, 40, 55T JP 1083 36 JP 1097 39 JP 1101 58T JP 1133C 57T JP 1150 47 JP 1155A 37, 38 JP 1221 51, 52, 53 JP 1262 58T International Chart No. Notices INT 160 30 INT 1061 30 INT 1310 66 INT 1316 73, 74 INT 1454 77 INT 1460 76 INT 1480 88 INT 1482 88 INT 1556 69 INT 1627 30 INT 1733 31 INT 4180 60 INT 7001 87 Wk01/12 II 2.4 90 MISCELLANEOUS UPDATES TO CHARTS Source: UKHO Chart Previous Update Details 2168 5949/11 Insert magenta limit and chart number, 2481, joining the following positions: Delete former magenta limit and chart numbers, 2481, in positions: 2169 4615/11 Insert magenta limit and chart number, 2481, joining the following positions: Delete former magenta limit and chart numbers, 2481, in positions: 55° 49´·50N., 6° 10´·65W. (title panel) 55° 58´·76N., 6° 10´·65W. 55° 58´·76N., 5° 55´·74W. 55° 59´·00N., 5° 55´·74W. (N border) 55° 59´·00N., 5° 50´·74W. (N border) 55° 58´·21N., 5° 50´·74W. 55° 58´·21N., 5° 52´·44W. 55° 57´·31N., 5° 52´·44W. 55° 57´·31N., 5° 54´·64W. 55° 45´·55N., 5° 54´·64W. 55° 45´·55N., 6° 05´·00W. (title panel) 55° 58´·60N., 6° 11´·60W. 55° 56´·95N., 5° 53´·40W. 55° 45´·65N., 5° 58´·40W. 55° 55´·50N., 6° 10´·65W. (S border) 55° 58´·76N., 6° 10´·65W. 55° 58´·76N., 5° 55´·74W. 55° 59´·01N., 5° 55´·74W. 55° 59´·01N., 5° 50´·74W. 55° 58´·21N., 5° 50´·74W. 55° 58´·21N., 5° 52´·44W. 55° 57´·31N., 5° 52´·44W. 55° 57´·31N., 5° 54´·64W. 55° 55´·50N., 5° 54´·64W. (S border) 55° 58´·65N., 6° 11´·60W. 55° 56´·95N., 5° 53´·30W. Wk01/12 2.5 II 28* IRELAND - West Coast - Approaches to the River Shannon - Beal Point Northwards, Turbot Bank Eastwards and Westwards - Anchor berths. Swinging circles. Maritime limits. Anchorage area. Pilot boarding places. Cautionary note. ALRS Vol. 6, 2011/12: (51/11) Source: Shannon Foynes Port Company Chart 1819 [ previous update 5317/11 ] OSI DATUM Insert the accompanying block, showing new anchor berths, swinging circles, maritime limit and amendments to anchorage area and pilot boarding place, centred on: 52° 35´·78N., 9° 36´·97W. maritime limit, pecked line, joining: 52° 33´·48N., 9° 44´·97W. 52° 33´·78N., 9° 42´·88W. 52° 33´·20N., 9° 42´·88W. 52° 32´·95N., 9° 44´·96W. and 52° 33´·43N., 9° 51´·20W. 52° 33´·55N., 9° 48´·76W. 52° 31´·20N., 9° 48´·73W. 52° 31´·69N., 9° 51´·24W. the accompanying note, PILOT BOARDING AREAS, centred on: 52° 25´·80N., 9° 36´·50W. Replace + Vessels over 20 000 GT with + Vessels over 20 000 GT (see Note), centred on: 52° 33´·40N., 9° 43´·70W. + Vessels over 13m draught with + Vessels over 13m draught (see Note), centred on: 52° 32´·50N., 9° 50´·15W. 29* ENGLAND - South Coast - Portland Inner Harbour - Portland Port - Q Pier - Coastline. Pier. Lights. Depth. Light List Vol. A, 2011/12, 0330, 0332 Source: Portland Harbour Authority Ltd Chart 2268 (plan, Portland Port Berthing Plan) [ previous update 3239/10 ] ETRS89 DATUM Insert coastline, single firm line, joining: 50° 34´·384N., 2° 26´·242W. (a) 50° 34´·386N., 2° 26´·231W. (b) 50° 34´·382N., 2° 26´·229W. 50° 34´·380N., 2° 26´·240W. pier, single firm line, joining: (c) 50° 34´·374N., 2° 26´·275W. (existing pier) 50° 34´·382N., 2° 26´·241W. ÷ Fl.R.5s5m5M (a) above ÷ Fl.G.5s5m5M (b) above Delete ÷ Fl.R.5s5m5M, close NW of: (c) above ÷ Fl.G.5s5m5M, close S of: (c) above depth 8 8 , close ENE of: (c) above Chart 2268 [ previous update 3239/10 ] ETRS89 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to pier and lights, centred on: 50° 34´·42N., 2° 26´·18W. Wk01/12 II 2.6 30* SCOTLAND - West Coast - Isle of Mull North-westwards and Eilean Mòr Eastwards - Depths. Source: mv Icebeam Chart 2 (INT 160) [ previous update 5485/11 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM Insert depth 19 enclosed by 20m contour (a) 56° 40´·5N., 6° 25´·0W. Delete depth 31, adjacent to: (a) above Chart 1796 (INT 1627) [ previous update 5712/11 ] ETRS89 DATUM Insert depth 15 1 enclosed by 20m contour 56° 38´·90N., 6° 13´·82W. depth 9 6 enclosed by 10m contour 56° 38´·34N., 6° 13´·95W. depth 36 and extend 50m contour W to enclose 56° 41´·40N., 6° 19´·82W. depth 40 and extend 50m approximate contour NE to enclose 56° 41´·79N., 6° 21´·81W. depth 30 enclosed by 30m contour 56° 41´·34N., 6° 22´·57W. depth 26 enclosed by 30m contour (a) 56° 40´·73N., 6° 23´·08W. depth 41 enclosed by 50m contour (b) 56° 41´·27N., 6° 23´·65W. depth 19 1 enclosed by 20m contour 56° 40´·48N., 6° 24´·98W. depth 46 enclosed by 50m contour (c) 56° 41´·51N., 6° 25´·73W. Delete depth 33, close NE of: (a) above depth 55, adjacent to: (b) above depth 52, adjacent to: (c) above Chart 2171 [ previous update 5660/11 ] OSGB36 DATUM Insert depth 15 1 enclosed by 20m contour 56° 38´·91N., 6° 13´·76W. depth 9 6 enclosed by 10m contour 56° 38´·35N., 6° 13´·89W. depth 7 2 and extend 10m contour NW to enclose 56° 37´·19N., 6° 15´·25W. depth 6 2 and extend 10m contour N to enclose (a) 56° 37´·09N., 6° 15´·69W. depth 14 3 enclosed by 20m contour (b) 56° 37´·10N., 6° 16´·83W. depth 36 and extend 50m contour W to enclose 56° 41´·41N., 6° 19´·76W. depth 40 and extend 50m approximate contour NE to enclose 56° 41´·80N., 6° 21´·75W. depth 30 56° 41´·35N., 6° 22´·51W. depth 26 56° 40´·74N., 6° 23´·02W. depth 41 enclosed by 50m contour (c) 56° 41´·28N., 6° 23´·59W. depth 19 1 enclosed by 20m contour 56° 40´·49N., 6° 24´·92W. depth 46 enclosed by 50m contour (d) 56° 41´·52N., 6° 25´·67W. Delete depth 8 8 , close S of: (a) above depth 21, close NW of: (b) above depth 55, adjacent to: (c) above depth 52, adjacent to: (d) above Wk01/12 2.7 II Chart 2392 [ previous update 5660/11 ] ETRS89 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to depths, centred on: 56° 37´·90N., 6° 15´·40W. depth 36 and extend 50m contour W to enclose 56° 41´·40N., 6° 19´·82W. depth 40 enclosed by 50m contour 56° 41´·79N., 6° 21´·81W. depth 30 enclosed by 30m contour 56° 41´·34N., 6° 22´·57W. depth 26 enclosed by 30m contour (a) 56° 40´·73N., 6° 23´·08W. depth 41 enclosed by 50m contour 56° 41´·27N., 6° 23´·65W. depth 19 1 enclosed by 20m contour 56° 40´·48N., 6° 24´·98W. depth 46 enclosed by 50m contour (b) 56° 41´·51N., 6° 25´·73W. Delete depth 44, close NW of: (a) above depth 52, close SE of: (b) above Chart 2635 (INT 1061) [ previous update New Edition 17/11/2011 ] ETRS89 DATUM Insert depth 19 1 enclosed by 20m contour (a) 56° 40´·5N., 6° 25´·0W. Replace depth 33 with depth 26 56° 40´·7N., 6° 23´·1W. Delete depth 80, adjacent to: (a) above 31* ENGLAND - South Coast - Port of Southampton - River Test - Eling Channel and Marchwood Basin - Maritime limit. Legends. Source: ABP Southampton Chart 2041 (INT 1733) [ previous update 3931/10 ] ETRS89 DATUM Insert the accompanying block A, showing new maritime limit and amendments to legends, centred on: 50° 54´·40N., 1° 27´·86W. the accompanying block B, showing amendments to maritime limit, centred on: 50° 53´·99N., 1° 26´·14W. 32* SCOTLAND - West Coast - Sound of Mull - Lochaline - Pontoons. Light. Light List Vol. A, 2011/12, 4125.4 Source: Morvern Community Development Company Chart 2390 (Lochaline) [ previous update 756/11 ] ETRS89 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, showing new pontoons and light, centred on: 56° 32´·628N., 5° 46´·290W. Chart 2390 [ previous update 756/11 ] ETRS89 DATUM Insert · Fl.R (a) 56° 32´·56N., 5° 46´·29W. pontoon, single firm line, joining: (a) above 56° 32´·60N., 5° 46´·31W. (shore) 30* SCOTLAND - West Coast - Isle of Mull North-westwards and Eilean Mòr Eastwards - Depths. (continued) Wk01/12 II 2.8 69* ENGLAND - East Coast - The Wash - Hunstanton South-westwards - Light-beacon. Obstruction. Buoy. Light List Vol. A, 2011/12, 2362.12 Source: Mr B Harris & King’s Lynn Conservancy Board Chart 108 [ previous update 5570/11 ] ETRS89 DATUM Replace · Fl.Y.2s with Obstn (a) 52° 55´·97N., 0° 28´·26E. Insert Fl.Y.2s, close W of: (a) above Chart 1200 (INT 1556) [ previous update 5570/11 ] ETRS89 DATUM Replace · Fl.Y.2s with Obstn (a) 52° 55´·97N., 0° 28´·26E. Insert Fl.Y.2s, close W of: (a) above 75* SCOTLAND - West Coast - Loch Na Keal - Geasgill Islands Northwards - Marine farm. Source: The Scottish Salmon Company Chart 2652 [ previous update 3200/10 ] OSGB36 DATUM Move ¯ , from: 56° 27´·76N., 6° 10´·02W. to: 56° 27´·68N., 6° 09´·81W. 78* SCOTLAND - West Coast - Corpach Harbour - Dolphin. Light. Light List Vol. A, 2011/12, 4141.1 Source: ClydeBoyd Fort William Ltd Chart 2372 (plan B, Fort William and Corpach) [ previous update 2211/09 ] ETRS89 DATUM Replace ¤ Dn with ÷ Fl(2)R.6s4m2M Dn 56° 50´·429N., 5° 07´·951W. 81* SCOTLAND - East Coast - North Channel - Rosemarkie Bay - Buoy. Source: University of Aberdeen Note: Former Notice 3920(T)/10 is cancelled Chart 223 [ previous update New Edition 18/08/2011 ] ETRS89 DATUM Insert 57° 35´·16N., 4° 05´·90W. Chart 1077 [ previous update New Edition 24/03/2011 ] ETRS89 DATUM Insert 57° 35´·16N., 4° 05´·90W. Chart 1078 [ previous update 4529/10 ] ETRS89 DATUM Insert 57° 35´·16N., 4° 05´·90W. Wk01/12 2.9 II 67 NORWAY - West Coast - Buefjorden, Sognesjøen and Sognefjorden - Geita South-south-eastwards, Losna and Lamholmen - Lights. Light List Vol. L, 2011/12, 0053, 0067, 0180, 0181 Source: Norwegian Notices 22/40174/11, 22/40234/11, 22/40375/11 & 22/40400/11 Chart 299 [ previous update 5682/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert ÷ Iso.G.4s 61° 14´·16N., 4° 50´·15E. ÷ Iso.R.4s 61° 14´·80N., 4° 49´·32E. ÷ F.R 61° 06´·95N., 5° 05´·54E. Chart 2291 [ previous update 3233/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert ÷ Iso.G.4s 61° 14´·16N., 4° 50´·15E. ÷ Iso.R.4s 61° 14´·80N., 4° 49´·32E. ÷ F.R 61° 06´·95N., 5° 05´·54E. Amend light to, F.R 61° 06´·63N., 5° 16´·27E. Chart 3531 [ previous update 5367/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend light to, F.R 61° 06´·63N., 5° 16´·27E. 68 NORWAY - West Coast - Lysefjorden - Rishavnholmen - Light. Light List Vol. B, 2011/12, 3792.1 Source: Norwegian Notice 22/40235/11 Chart 3553 [ previous update 5161/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert ÷ Iso.R.4s2M 60° 12´·61N., 5° 17´·65E. 80 NORWAY - North Coast - Varangerfjorden - Skipsholm Westwards - Depths. Source: Norwegian Chart 116 Chart 2317 [ previous update 4821/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert depth 7 6 with seabed type, R, and extend 10m contour N to enclose (a) 69° 49´·32N., 30° 36´·40E. Delete depth 1 with seabed type, R, close SSW of: (a) above Wk01/12 II 2.10 65 SWEDEN - East Coast - Öland North-eastwards - Data collection buoy. Automatic Identification System. ALRS Vol. 2, 2011/12: (51/11) Source: Swedish Notice 381/7567/11 Chart 2361 [ previous update 3607/11 ] SWEDISH DATUM Insert Fl(5)Y.20s ODAS (a) 57° 31´·02N., 17° 37´·20E. Automatic Identification System, AIS, at light-buoy (a) above Chart 2816 [ previous update 5840/11 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM Insert Fl(5)Y.20s ODAS (a) 57° 31´·0N., 17° 37´·0E. Automatic Identification System, AIS, at light-buoy (a) above Chart 2817 [ previous update 5723/11 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM Insert Fl(5)Y.20s ODAS (a) 57° 31´·0N., 17° 37´·0E. Automatic Identification System, AIS, at light-buoy (a) above 66 SWEDEN - West Coast - Northern Approaches to Stenungsund - Halsefjorden - Marine farm. Buoyage. Source: Swedish Notice 381/7543/11 Chart 870 (INT 1310) [ previous update 4874/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert limit of marine farm, pecked line, joining: (a) 58° 07´·07N., 11° 47´·03E. (b) 58° 07´·08N., 11° 47´·70E. (c) 58° 07´·00N., 11° 47´·71E. (d) 58° 06´·99N., 11° 47´·04E. · (a) above (b) above (c) above (d) above 73 SWEDEN - West Coast - Approaches to Göteborg - Vingabåk - Buoy. Source: Swedish Notice 382/7572/11 Chart 858 (INT 1316) [ previous update 5553/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Replace · with · Fl.R.3s 57° 38´·29N., 11° 37´·49E. 74 SWEDEN - West Coast - Approaches to Göteborg - Vrångö Eastwards to Skarholmen - Power transmission line. Vertical clearance. Source: Swedish Notice 381/7559/11 Chart 858 (INT 1316) [ previous update 73/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert power transmission line, pecked line, joining: (a) 57° 34´·66N., 11° 47´·54E.(shore) 57° 34´·70N., 11° 47´·67E.(shore) symbol, vertical clearance 15m, close W of: (a) above Wk01/12 2.11 II 76 GERMANY - North Sea Coast - The Jade - Umschlagbrücke - Depth. Source: German Notice 49/(21)7/11 Chart 3618 (INT 1460) [ previous update 5721/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert depth 9 9 enclosed by 10m contour 53° 38´·64N., 8° 06´·92E. 77 GERMANY - North Sea Coast - The Elbe - Groß Kollmar - Depths. Source: German Notice 49/(21)47/11 Chart 3267 (INT 1454) [ previous update 5717/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert depth 5 3 and extend 10m contour SW to enclose (a) 53° 43´·79N., 9° 27´·50E. Delete depth 5 8 , close N of: (a) above 88 FRANCE - North Coast - Dunkerque - Avant-port Est - Light. Light List Vol. A, 2011/12, 1123 Source: French Notice 49/27/11 Chart 1350 (INT 1482) [ previous update 4897/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend light to, Fl.G.4s10m6M & Q (occas) 51° 03´·36N., 2° 20´·79E. Chart 1873 (INT 1480) [ previous update 5489/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend light to, Fl.G.4s Q 51° 03´·36N., 2° 20´·79E. 34 NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN - Islas Canarias - Isla de Lanzarote - Puerto de Los Marmoles - Coastline. Lights. Buoy. Works. Light List Vol. D, 2011/12, 2777.2, 2777.4 Source: Spanish Notice 48/357/11 & Spanish Hydrographic Office Chart 886 (plan, Puertos de Arrecife, Naos and Los Marmoles) [ previous update 5516/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to coastline, lights, buoy and works, centred on: 28° 58´·078N., 13° 31´·811W. Wk01/12 II 2.12 27 ITALY - East Coast - Trieste Northwards, Southwards and Westwards - Coastline. Breakwaters. Restricted area. Wreck. Light. Anchor berth. Depths. Light List Vol. E, 2011/12, 2576 Source: Italian Chart 237 Chart 1473 (plan A, Trieste) [ previous update 5646/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to coastline, breakwaters, restricted area, wreck and light, centred on: 45° 38´·93N., 13° 44´·56E. ´ S1 Tankers, centred on: (a) 45° 37´·795N., 13° 43´·211E. depth 7 5 enclosed by 10m contour 45° 40´·506N., 13° 45´·143E. depth 3 3 enclosed by 5m contour 45° 40´·408N., 13° 45´·231E. depth 7 6 and extend 10m contour W to enclose 46° 40´·058N., 13° 45´·430E. depth 6 7 (b) 45° 39´·914N., 13° 45´·618E. depth 9 8 enclosed by 10m contour 45° 37´·955N., 13° 46´·340E. depth 7 9 enclosed by 10m contour 45° 37´·975N., 13° 46´·438E. depth 0 5 and extend 2m contour NW to enclose (c) 45° 36´·020N., 13° 47´·025E. breakwater, double firm line, width 20m, joining: 45° 37´·596N., 13° 46´·307E. 45° 37´·727N., 13° 46´·403E. Delete former ´ S1, and associated legend, Tankers, 2·5 cables W of: (a) above depth 8, close E of: (b) above depth 7 8 , close W of: (b) above depth 3 8 , adjacent to: (c) above 79 ROMANIA - Constanţa - Portul Tomis - Light. Light List Vol. E, 2011/12, 5028.2 Source: UKHO Chart 2284 [ previous update New Edition 22/12/2011 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend light to, Fl.R.3s10m4M 44° 10´·66N., 28° 39´·74E. 84 SPAIN - Mediterranean Sea Coast - Approaches to Alcanar - Restricted area. Submarine pipeline. Source: Spanish Notice 49/373/11 Chart 1515 (plan D, Sant Carles de la Rapita and Alcanar ) [ previous update 4151/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert limit of restricted area, ' , joining: 40° 31´·38N., 0° 31´·50E. (W border) 40° 30´·60N., 0° 32´·73E. (S border) Wk01/12 2.13 II Chart 1701 [ previous update 5543/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert submarine pipeline, , joining: (a) 40° 31´·2N., 0° 30´·9E.(shore) (b) 40° 23´·7N., 0° 42´·6E. legend, Gas (see Note), along: (a)-(b) above limit of restricted area, ' , joining: 40° 31´·7N., 0° 31´·0E.(shore) 40° 24´·1N., 0° 43´·0E. (existing limit of resricted area) and 40° 30´·7N., 0° 30´·5E.(shore) 40° 23´·4N., 0° 42´·1E. (existing limit of resricted area) Chart 1704 [ previous update 5543/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert submarine pipeline, , joining: (a) 40° 31´·2N., 0° 30´·9E.(shore) (a) 40° 27´·0N., 0° 37´·4E. (S border) legend, Gas (see Note), along: (a)-(b) above limit of restricted area, ' , joining: 40° 31´·7N., 0° 31´·0E.(shore) 40° 27´·0N., 0° 38´·4E. (S border) and 40° 30´·7N., 0° 30´·5E.(shore) 40° 27´·0N., 0° 36´·4E. (S border) 87* SOMALIA - Garacad Northwards - Landmark. Source: RFA Fort Victoria Chart 2969 (INT 7001) [ previous update New Chart 03/07/2003 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert MAST PA 7° 03´·4N., 49° 21´·2E. 83 INDIA - West Coast - Gulf of Kachchh - Sikka Creek Northwards - Restricted area. Legend. Source: Indian Notice 22/258/11 Chart 699 [ previous update 5312/11 ] INDIAN DATUM Insert circular limit of restricted area, radius 0·5NM, , centred on: (a) 22° 33´·50N., 69° 45´·78E.( ) legend, SPM Working Area (see Note), within: (a) above 84 SPAIN - Mediterranean Sea Coast - Approaches to Alcanar - Restricted area. Submarine pipeline. (continued) Wk01/12 II 2.14 89 CHINA - East Coast - Yueqing Wan - Buoyage. Automatic Identification Systems. ALRS Vol. 2, 2011/12: (52/11) Source: Chinese Notice 49/1845/11 Chart 1721 [ previous update 5769/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert · Fl(3)G.10s Y13 (a) 28° 02´·93N., 121° 07´·95E. Fl(3)R.10s Y14 (b) 28° 03´·32N., 121° 07´·58E. · Fl(3)G.10s Y13-1 28° 03´·77N., 121° 07´·73E. Fl(3)R.10s Y14-1 28° 04´·12N., 121° 07´·40E. Automatic Identification System, AIS, at light-buoy (a) above (b) above Delete Iso.4s Y13, close NW of: (a) above 36 JAPAN - Honshu - - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Uraga Suido - Daini Kaiho Eastwards and Otsu Wan - Buoy. Depths. Legends. Danger lines. Submarine power cables. Fish havens. Source: Japanese Notice 50/1712/11 Note: Former Notices 6242(T)/10 and 3831(T)/11 are cancelled. Chart JP 80 [ previous update 5141/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, showing new light-buoy and amendments to depths, centred on: 35° 18´·23N., 139° 44´·43E. Chart JP 87 [ previous update 5029/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, showing new light-buoy and amendments to depths, centred on: 35° 18´·20N., 139° 44´ 40"E. Chart JP 90 [ previous update 5029/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, showing new light-buoy and amendments to depths, centred on: 35° 18´·20N., 139° 43´·95E. Chart JP 91 [ previous update 3821/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, showing new legends, danger lines and amendments to depths, centred on: 35° 16´ 34·8"N., 139° 42´ 26·8"E. Chart JP 1062 [ previous update 4419/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block A, showing amendments to depths and submarine cables, centred on: 35° 18´·67N., 139° 45´·82E. the accompanying block B, showing new legends, danger lines and amendments to depths and fish havens, centred on: 35° 16´·32N., 139° 42´·40E. Chart JP 1081 [ previous update 4415/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block A, showing amendments to depths and submarine cables, centred on: 35° 18´ 53"N., 139° 45´ 39"E. the accompanying block B, showing new legends, danger lines and amendments to depths, centred on: 35° 16´ 35·0"N., 139° 42´ 26·8"E. Chart JP 1083 [ previous update 4045/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, showing new legends, danger lines and amendments to depths, centred on: 35° 16´ 34·8"N., 139° 42´ 19·0"E. Wk01/12 2.15 II 37 JAPAN - Honshu - - Northwest Coast - Niigata - No 2 West Breakwater - Lights. Breakwater. Legend. Source: Japanese Notice 50/1713/11 Chart JP 1155A [ previous update New Chart 04/08/2011 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert Y Lt (a) 37° 58´ 30·3"N., 139° 04´ 34·7"E. Replace breakwater, double pecked line, with breakwater, double firm line, joining: (a) above (b) 37° 58´ 28·1"N., 139° 04´ 32·7"E. (existing breakwater) Delete breakwater, double pecked line, joining: 37° 58´ 31·2"N., 139° 04´ 35·5"E. (a) above Y Lt (b) above legend, Under construction, close W of: (a) above 38 JAPAN - Honshu - - Northwest Coast - Niigata - Kubota Northwards - Jetty. Legend. Source: Japanese Notice 50/1714/11 Chart JP 1155A [ previous update 37/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert submerged jetty, double dotted line, width 90m, joining: (a) 37° 56´ 38·7"N., 139° 03´ 03·0"E. 37° 56´ 38·2"N., 139° 03´ 01·9"E. legend, Submerged Jetty, close N of: (a) above 39 JAPAN - Honshu - - East Coast - Choshi Ko - Lights. Light List Vol. M, 2011/12, 6482.2, 6482.4 Source: Japanese Notice 50/1715/11 Chart JP 87 [ previous update 36/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light to, 5M 35° 45´·0N., 140° 51´·6E. 35° 45´·2N., 140° 51´·7E. Chart JP 1097 [ previous update 4050/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light to, 5M 35° 45´·0N., 140° 51´·6E. 35° 45´·2N., 140° 51´·7E. Wk01/12 II 2.16 40 JAPAN - Honshu - - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Uraga Suido - Nobi Westwards - Breakwater. Source: Japanese Notice 50/1716/11 Chart JP 91 [ previous update 36/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert breakwater, double firm line, width 8m, joining: 35° 12´ 33·1"N., 139° 42´ 09·0"E. 35° 12´ 33·8"N., 139° 42´ 12·9"E. Chart JP 1062 [ previous update 36/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert breakwater, single firm line, joining: 35° 12´·55N., 139° 42´·15E. 35° 12´·56N., 139° 42´·22E. Chart JP 1081 [ previous update 36/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert breakwater, double firm line, width 8m, joining: 35° 12´ 33·1"N., 139° 42´ 09·0"E. 35° 12´ 33·8"N., 139° 42´ 12·9"E. 41 JAPAN - Honshu - - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Uraga Suido - Minamishitauramachi-Kaneda - Pile. Source: Japanese Notice 50/1717/11 Chart JP 1062 [ previous update 40/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Delete · Pile (R Lt) 35° 09´·58N., 139° 40´·15E. 42 JAPAN - Honshu - - South Coast - Sagami Wan - Buoy. Source: Japanese Notice 50/1718/11 Chart JP 90 [ previous update 36/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert 35° 12´·30N., 139° 27´·35E. 43 JAPAN - Honshu - - South Coast - Suruga Wan - Tagonoura Ko - Light. Light List Vol. M, 2011/12, 6264.2 Source: Japanese Notice 50/1719/11 Chart JP 80 [ previous update 36/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend light to, Iso R 6s 8M & Iso G 5M 35° 08´·1N., 138° 41´·9E. 44 JAPAN - Honshu - - South Coast - Omae Saki South-eastwards - Wreck. Source: Japanese Notice 50/1720/11 Note: Former Notice 3851(T)/07 is cancelled Chart JP 70 [ previous update 5143/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert 34° 32´·7N., 138° 18´·2E. Chart JP 80 [ previous update 43/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert 34° 32´·7N., 138° 18´·2E. Wk01/12 2.17 II 45 JAPAN - Nanpo - Shoto - - O Shima Eastwards - Wreck. Source: Japanese Notice 50/1721/11 Chart JP 80 [ previous update 44/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert 34° 45´·9N., 139° 26´·5E. Chart JP 87 [ previous update 39/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert 34° 45´·9N., 139° 26´·5E. 46 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Kii Suido - Yuasa Wan - Hirogawa, Oi and Hii Wan - Lights. Light-beacon. Light List Vol. M, 2011/12, 5967.82, 5968, 5969.4 Source: Japanese Notice 50/1722/11 Chart JP 77 [ previous update 3823/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert · 34° 01´·83N., 135° 09´·62E. Amend range of light-beacon to, 5M 33° 54´·87N., 135° 04´·20E. range of light to, 5M 34° 04´·23N., 135° 06´·13E. Delete · 34° 01´·78N., 135° 10´·15E. Chart JP 106 [ previous update 5035/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert · Fl (2) R 5M 34° 01´·83N., 135° 09´·62E. Amend range of light to, 5M 34° 04´·23N., 135° 06´·13E. Delete · Fl (2) R 5M 34° 01´·78N., 135° 10´·15E. Chart JP 150C [ previous update 3823/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert · Fl (2) R 6s 5M 34° 01´·83N., 135° 09´·62E. Amend range of light-beacon to, 5M 33° 54´·87N., 135° 04´·20E. range of light to, 5M 34° 04´·23N., 135° 06´·13E. Delete · Fl (2) R 6s 5M 34° 01´·78N., 135° 10´·15E. 47 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Wakayama-Shimotsu Ko - Wakayama - Outer Harbour - Ushi-no-Hana Southwards - Light. Light List Vol. M, 2011/12, 5965.12 Source: Japanese Notice 50/1723/11 Chart JP 106 [ previous update 46/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Replace · with · Fl G 5M 34° 10´·93N., 135° 09´ 22"E. Chart JP 150C [ previous update 46/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light to, 5M 34° 10´·93N., 135° 09´·22E. Chart JP 1150 [ previous update 2421/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light to, 5M 34° 10´ 56"N., 135° 09´ 13"E. Wk01/12 II 2.18 48 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Tokushima-Komatsushima Ko - Komatsushima Ku - Light. Light List Vol. M, 2011/12, 5565.4 Source: Japanese Notice 50/1724/11 Chart JP 106 [ previous update 47/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light to, 5M 34° 00´·82N., 134° 35´·98E. Chart JP 150C [ previous update 47/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light to, 5M 34° 00´·82N., 134° 35´·98E. 49 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Awaji Shima - Myojin Hana and Minato Ko - Lights. Light List Vol. M, 2011/12, 5803, 5809, 5809.2 Source: Japanese Notice 50/1725/11 Chart JP 106 [ previous update 48/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light to, 4M 34° 27´·00N., 134° 48´·00E. range of light to, 5M 34° 19´·97N., 134° 43´·52E. 34° 20´·00N., 134° 43´·45E. Chart JP 131 [ previous update 3367/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light to, 4M 34° 27´·0N., 134° 48´·0E. 50 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Awaji Shima - Shizuki and Naru-ga-Shima - Light-beacon. Light. Light List Vol. M, 2011/12, 5815.5, 5822.16 Source: Japanese Notice 50/1726/11 Chart JP 106 [ previous update 49/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light to, 5M 34° 25´·92N., 134° 54´·95E. range of light-beacon to, 7M 34° 17´·33N., 134° 57´·73E. Chart JP 150A (plan, Tomogashima Suido) [ previous update 4416/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light-beacon to, 7M 34° 17´·33N., 134° 57´·73E. Chart JP 150A [ previous update 4416/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light to, 5M 34° 25´·92N., 134° 54´·95E. range of light-beacon to, 7M 34° 17´·33N., 134° 57´·73E. Chart JP 150C [ previous update 48/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light-beacon to, 7M 34° 17´·33N., 134° 57´·73E. 51 JAPAN - Kyu - shu - - South Coast - Kagoshima - Light. Light List Vol. M, 2011/12, 4827 Source: Japanese Notice 50/1728/11 Chart JP 1221 [ previous update 4431/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light to, 8/5M 31° 32´·65N., 130° 33´·03E. Wk01/12 2.19 II 52 JAPAN - Kyu - shu - - East Coast - Aburatsu Ko - Hadaka Bae - Light. Light List Vol. M, 2011/12, 4870 Source: Japanese Notice 50/1729/11 Chart JP 1221 [ previous update 51/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light to, 5M 31° 33´·8N., 131° 25´·0E. 53 JAPAN - Nansei Shoto - - Tane-ga-Shima - West Coast - Nishinoomote Ko - Light. Light List Vol. M, 2011/12, 4797 Source: Japanese Notice 50/1730/11 Chart JP 1221 [ previous update 52/12 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend light to, F Fl G 6s 7/3M 30° 44´·1N., 130° 59´·4E. 70* PHILIPPINE ISLANDS - Luzon - Pagbilao Grande Island Southwards - Pilot boarding place. Source: Southwest Ships Agencies Inc. Chart 4489 [ previous update 3388/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert + 13° 52´·00N., 121° 45´·00E. 33 AUSTRALIA - South Australia - Spencer Gulf - Port Augusta to Point Turton - Marine farms. Legends. Depths. Cautionary note. Source: Australian Notice 24/1253/11 Chart Aus 136 [ previous update 3944/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert ¯ (see Note) 32° 53´·60S., 137° 49´·55E. limit of marine farm, pecked line, joining: (a) 32° 56´·16S., 137° 45´·43E. (b) 32° 55´·66S., 137° 46´·98E. (c) 32° 55´·63S., 137° 48´·40E. (d) 32° 58´·05S., 137° 48´·48E. (e) 32° 58´·09S., 137° 46´·64E. (f) 32° 57´·44S., 137° 46´·07E. ¯ (see Note), within: (a)-(f) above the accompanying note, MARINE FARMS, centred on: 32° 57´·7S., 137° 43´·0E. Chart Aus 776 [ previous update 3691/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert ¯ (see Note) (a) 34° 27´·62S., 136° 10´·25E. 34° 30´·71S., 136° 09´·78E. limit of marine farm, pecked line, joining: (b) 34° 51´·99S., 137° 20´·46E. (c) 34° 51´·36S., 137° 20´·43E. (d) 34° 51´·38S., 137° 22´·85E. (e) 34° 51´·99S., 137° 22´·89E. ¯ (see Note), within: (b)-(e) above Delete depth 19 5 , adjacent to: (a) above Wk01/12 II 2.20 Chart Aus 777 [ previous update 5817/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to marine farms, centred on: 33° 55´·92S., 136° 39´·58E. ¯ (see Note) 34° 05´·01S., 136° 31´·33E. (a) 34° 27´·62S., 136° 10´·25E. ¯ 34° 11´·15S., 136° 19´·88E. (b) 34° 11´·73S., 136° 19´·17E. legend, (see Note), close NE of: (b) above Delete depth 19 5 , adjacent to: (a) above Chart Aus 778 [ previous update 5269/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, showing new marine farms, centred on: 32° 55´·4S., 137° 47´·6E. the accompanying note, MARINE FARMS, centred on: 33° 51´·4S., 137° 50´·8E. ¯ (see Note) (a) 33° 34´·40S., 137° 52´·94E. Delete depth 0 2 , close E of: (a) above Chart Aus 778 (plan, Approaches to Port Augusta) [ previous update 5269/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert ¯ (see Note) 32° 32´·66S., 137° 46´·94E. 86 COLOMBIA - Pacific Ocean Coast - Bahía de Buenaventura - Buoyage. Source: Colombian Notices 183-184/11 Note: Radar beacon remains unchanged. Chart 2257 [ previous update 5827/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Replace Fl(2) with Iso.4s 3° 47´·8N., 77° 19´·2W. Chart 2258 [ previous update 5827/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Replace Fl(2) with Iso.4s 3° 47´·7N., 77° 19´·2W. Chart 2318 [ previous update 5826/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Replace Fl.10s with Iso.4s 3° 47´·65N., 77° 19´·14W. Chart 2319 [ previous update 2618/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert Fl.R.3s ’12’ (a) 3° 47´·58N., 77° 14´·41W. Replace Fl.10s with Iso.4s 3° 47´·65N., 77° 19´·13W. Delete Fl(2+1)R.5s ’12’, close ENE of: (a) above 33 AUSTRALIA - South Australia - Spencer Gulf - Port Augusta to Point Turton - Marine farms. Legends. Depths. Cautionary note. (continued) Wk01/12 2.21 II 35 MEXICO - Caribbean Sea Coast - Gulf of Campeche - Punta Buey North-eastwards and Westwards - Restricted areas. Platform. Data collection buoy. Legends. Cautionary notes. Light List Vol. J, 2010/11, 4358.1 Source: Mexico Section 1 Notice April 2004 & Mexican Chart 840 Chart 1225 [ previous update 5608/11 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM Insert the accompanying block, showing new restricted areas, platform, data collection buoy and legends, centred on: 19° 37´·2N., 92° 19´·1W. circular limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, radius 3M, centred on: (a) 18° 37´·5N., 93° 10´·2W. legend, Entry Prohibited (see Note), close W of: (a) above the accompanying note, ENTRY PROHIBITED, centred on: 18° 20´·0N., 95° 22´·0W. the accompanying note, RESTRICTED AREA, centred on: 18° 12´·0N., 95° 22´·0W. 60 WEST INDIES - Puerto Rico - Isla de Vieques - Punta Arenas Northwards and South-south-westwards - Depths. Buoy. Source: US Chart 25650 Chart 2003 [ previous update 1499/11 ] NAD83 DATUM Insert depth 25 5 enclosed by 30m contour 18° 04´·02N., 65° 36´·12W. · Fl.G.4s ’11’ 18° 11´·35N., 65° 34´·90W. Chart 2016 (INT 4180) [ previous update 1582/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert depth 25 5 and extend 30m contour SE to enclose (a) 18° 04´·0N., 65° 36´·2W. Delete depth 27, close NW of: (a) above depth 437, close SW of: (a) above 61 WEST INDIES - Virgin Islands - Saint Thomas - Water Island - Flamingo Point Westwards - Depth. Source: US Chart 25650 Chart 2003 [ previous update 60/12 ] NAD83 DATUM Replace depth 7 3 enclosed by 10m contour with seabed type, R, with depth 6 4 enclosed by 10m contour with seabed type, R 18° 18´·41N., 64° 58´·02W. Chart 2006 [ previous update 3402/11 ] WGS84 DATUM Replace depth 7 3 enclosed by 10m contour with depth 6 4 enclosed by 10m contour 18° 18´·41N., 64° 58´·02W. Chart 2183 [ previous update 242/11 ] NAD83 DATUM Replace depth 7 3 with depth 6 4 18° 18´·41N., 64° 58´·02W. Wk01/12 II 2.22 71 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Mississippi River - Fairview Crossing Northwards - Obstruction. Source: US Coast Guard District 8 LNM 49/11370/11 Chart 3384 (Panel A) [ previous update 5927/11 ] NAD83 DATUM Insert Obstn PA 29° 57´·44N., 90° 18´·08W. 72 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Alabama - Mobile Bay - Mobile Bar Channel - Fairway. Depths. Source: NOS & US Chart 11377 Chart 3150 [ previous update 5930/11 ] NAD83 DATUM Insert limit of fairway, pecked line, joining: 30° 14´·51N., 88° 02´·36W. (existing limit) 30° 13´·58N., 88° 02´·18W. (a) 30° 11´·28N., 88° 02´·80W. (existing limit) and 30° 14´·55N., 88° 02´·24W. (existing limit) 30° 13´·57N., 88° 02´·07W. 30° 11´·23N., 88° 02´·68W. (existing limit) Delete depth 48 30° 14´·13N., 88° 02´·19W. depth 49 30° 12´·53N., 88° 02´·40W. depth 47 30° 11´·88N., 88° 02´·56W. depth 41, adjacent to: (a) above 82 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Texas - Galveston Bay - Houston Ship Channel - Wreck. Source: US Chart 11326 Chart 3186 (Panel, 2) [ previous update 5456/11 ] NAD83 DATUM Replace ~ PA with 29° 33´·50N., 94° 53´·97W. 85 CARIBBEAN SEA - Clark Basin North-westwards - Cayos de Albuquerque and Isla de Providencia - Lights. Light List Vol. J, 2010/11, 6045, 6042 Source: Colombian Notices 180-181/11 Chart 396 [ previous update 5828/11 ] NAD27 DATUM Amend light to, Fl.12s32m15M 12° 11´·1N., 81° 49´·5W. light to, Fl.20M 13° 19´·3N., 81° 23´·3W. Chart 1218 [ previous update 5902/11 ] NAD27 DATUM Amend light to, Fl.20M 13° 19´·3N., 81° 23´·3W. Wk01/12 2.23 II 62 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - New Jersey and New York - Arthur Kill, Kill Van Kull and Newark Bay - Dredged depth. Channel depths. Buoyage. Source: US Coast Guard District 1 LNMs 48/12333/11 & 49/12333/11 Chart 3457 [ previous update 5674/11 ] NAD83 DATUM Amend dredged depth to, 33ft (2011), centred on: 40° 39´·647N., 74° 09´·165W. Replace existing table with accompanying table, CHANNEL DEPTHS, centred on: 40° 39´·500N., 74° 12´·400W. Delete Fl.R.2·5s ’20A’ 40° 38´·860N., 74° 09´·930W. · Fl.G.2·5s ’19B’ 40° 38´·752N., 74° 09´·664W. · Q.G ’19A’ 40° 38´·720N., 74° 09´·525W. 63 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Massachusetts - Nantucket Sound - Main Channel and Cotuit Anchorage - Buoyage. Fog signal. Source: US Chart 13237 Chart 2456 [ previous update 3857/11 ] NAD83 DATUM Delete Fl.R.4s ’6’ 41° 36´·02N., 70° 24´·07W. Chart 2489 [ previous update 5115/11 ] NAD83 DATUM Replace · Fl.G.6s Gong ’17’ with Fl.G.6s Bell ODAS ’17’ 41° 26´·58N., 70° 11´·19W. 64 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Cape Cod Southwards - Chatham Roads North-westwards - Lights. Light List Vol. J, 2011/12, 0425.3, 0425.35 Source: US Coast Guard District 1 LNM 47/13237/11 Chart 2489 [ previous update 63/12 ] NAD83 DATUM Delete · Fl.Y ’N’ PA 41° 39´·12N., 70° 05´·70W. · Fl.Y ’S’ PA 41° 38´·78N., 70° 05´·70W. Wk01/12 2.24 II 54(T)/12 JAPAN - Honshu - - Northwest Coast - Mi Shima - Depths. Source: Japanese Notice 50/1737(T)/11 1. A depth of 18m exists in position 34° 48´·0N., 131° 08´·4E. 2. A depth of 9·5m exists in position 34° 47´·8N., 131° 07´·4E. (All positions are referred to WGS84 Datum) Chart affected - JP 149 55(T)/12 JAPAN - Honshu - - South Coast - Toyko Wan - Kisarazu Ko - Depths. Source: Japanese Notice 50/1739(T)/11 1. Depths of between 1·5m and 2m less than charted exist on and in the vicinity of a line joining the following positions: 2. Depths of between 3·5m and 4m less than charted exist on and in the vicinity of a line joining the following positions: 3. Depths of between 0·5m and 1m less than charted exist on and in the vicinity of a line joining the following positions: 4. Depths of 0·5m less than charted exist in the vicinity of the following positions: (All positions are referred to WGS84 Datum) Charts affected - JP 1067 - JP 1081 56(T)/12 JAPAN - Honshu - - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Keihin Ko - Kawasaki Passage North-eastwards - Depths. Source: Japanese Notice 50/1740(T)/11 1. Depths of 0·5m to 5m less than charted exist within an area bounded by the following positions (WGS84 Datum): Chart affected - JP 67 35° 23´ 03·0"N., 139° 51´ 34·8"E. 35° 23´ 00·0"N., 139° 51´ 38·4"E. 35° 22´ 46·6"N., 139° 53´ 26·0"E. 35° 22´ 47·0"N., 139° 53´ 35·4"E. 35° 24´ 26·3"N., 139° 52´ 19·4"E. 35° 24´ 36·4"N., 139° 52´ 29·7"E. 35° 19´ 43·3"N., 139° 47´ 34·7"E. 35° 19´ 49·0"N., 139° 47´ 25·3"E. 35° 19´ 57·6"N., 139° 47´ 25·7"E. 35° 19´ 57·7"N., 139° 48´ 20·4"E. 35° 30´ 33·0"N., 139° 47´ 55·3"E.(shore) 35° 30´ 31·5"N., 139° 47´ 57·9"E. 35° 30´ 22·4"N., 139° 47´ 54·0"E. 35° 30´ 23·4"N., 139° 47´ 47·6"E. 35° 30´ 23·8"N., 139° 47´ 47·4"E.(shore) Wk01/12 2.25 II 57(T)/12 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Tokuyama-Kudamatsu Ko - Shin-Nan-Yo - Section 3 - Dredging area. Source: Japanese Notice 50/1741(T)/11 1. Dredging operations are taking place, until 14 March 2012, in an area bounded by the following positions (WGS84 Datum): Charts affected - JP 126 - JP 1133C 58(T)/12 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Approaches to Kanmon Ko - He Saki Southwards - Depths. Source: Japanese Notice 50/1742(T)/11 1. Depths of 5m exist on and in the vicinity of a line joining the following positions: 2. Depths of 6m exist on and in the vicinity of a line joining the following positions: 3. Depths of 8m exist on and in the vicinity of a line joining the following positions: 4. Depths of 8m exist on and in the vicinity of a line joining the following positions: 34° 03´ 02"N., 131° 43´ 31"E. 34° 02´ 53"N., 131° 43´ 14"E. 34° 03´ 01"N., 131° 43´ 09"E. 34° 03´ 09"N., 131° 43´ 26"E. 33° 56´ 52"N., 131° 01´ 20"E. 33° 56´ 48"N., 131° 01´ 24"E. 33° 56´ 38"N., 131° 01´ 22"E. 33° 56´ 00"N., 131° 01´ 14"E. 33° 56´ 00"N., 131° 01´ 20"E. 33° 55´ 50"N., 131° 01´ 20"E. 33° 57´ 36"N., 131° 01´ 30"E. 33° 57´ 00"N., 131° 01´ 46"E. 33° 56´ 52"N., 131° 01´ 48"E. 33° 56´ 50"N., 131° 01´ 46"E. 33° 57´ 00"N., 131° 01´ 32"E. 33° 57´ 00"N., 131° 01´ 28"E. 33° 56´ 34"N., 131° 01´ 26"E. 33° 56´ 32"N., 131° 01´ 22"E. 33° 56´ 22"N., 131° 01´ 16"E. 33° 56´ 14"N., 131° 01´ 40"E. 33° 55´ 34"N., 131° 02´ 00"E. Wk01/12 2.26 II 5. Depths of 10m exist on and in the vicinity of a line joining the following positions: 6. Depths less than charted exist in the following positions: (All positions are referred to WGS84 Datum) Charts affected - JP 127 - JP 135 - JP 1101 - JP 1262 59(T)/12 JAPAN - Honshu - - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Yokosuka Ko - Section 5 - Depths. Source: Japanese Notices 32/1135(T)/08 & 50/1712/11 1. Depths of up to 3m less than charted exist in the vicinity of position 35° 16´ 02"N., 139° 41´ 28"E. (WGS84 Datum). 2. Former Notice 4828(T)/08 is cancelled. Chart affected - JP 91 58(T)/12 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Approaches to Kanmon Ko - He Saki Southwards - Depths. (continued) 33° 57´ 34"N., 131° 01´ 31"E. 33° 56´ 38"N., 131° 02´ 06"E. 33° 56´ 30"N., 131° 01´ 58"E. 33° 56´ 06"N., 131° 02´ 12"E. 33° 55´ 42"N., 131° 02´ 48"E. 33° 55´ 52"N., 131° 03´ 00"E. 33° 56´ 13"N., 131° 03´ 06"E. 33° 56´ 08"N., 131° 03´ 18"E. Depth Position 3·4m 33° 57´ 08"N., 131° 01´ 25"E. 7m 33° 56´ 59"N., 131° 01´ 39"E. 5·7m 33° 56´ 55"N., 131° 01´ 24"E. 7·6m 33° 56´ 31"N., 131° 01´ 29"E. 7·3m 33° 56´ 28"N., 131° 01´ 26"E. 10m 33° 56´ 16"N., 131° 02´ 27"E. 8·7m 33° 54´ 58"N., 131° 03´ 09"E. 8·6m 33° 54´ 52"N., 131° 03´ 48"E. Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 33/12 On Chart Aus 136 MARINE FARMS Marine farms, which may be floating or fixed structures and their associated moorings should be avoided. The farms are generally marked by buoys or beacons, which may be lit. Their charted positions are approximate. To accompany Notice to Mariners 33/12 On Chart Aus 778 MARINE FARMS Marine farms, which may be floating or fixed structures and their associated moorings should be avoided. The farms are generally marked by buoys or beacons, which may be lit. Their charted positions are approximate. To accompany Notice to Mariners 62/12 On Chart 3457 CHANNEL DEPTHS (see Note) ARTHUR KILL, KILL VAN KULL, NEWARK BAY AND UPPER BAY TABULATED FROM SURVEYS BY THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS - REPORT OF APR 2011 AND SURVEYS TO MAR 2011 CONTROLLING DEPTHS FROM SEAWARD IN FEET AT MEAN LOWER LOW WATER (MLLW) PROJECT DIMENSIONS NAME OF CHANNEL LEFT OUTSIDE QUARTER LEFT INSIDE QUARTER RIGHT INSIDE QUARTER RIGHT OUTSIDE QUARTER DATE OF SURVEY WIDTH (FEET) LENGTH (NAUT. MILES) DEPTH MLLW (FEET) ARTHUR KILL (A) FRESH KILLS REACH 30.3 34.6 35.9 34.0 4-09 500 1.65 35 TREMLEY POINT REACH 30.5 35.6 36.3 29.2 4-09 500 0.85 35 PRALLS ISLAND REACH 31.9 33.6 35.2 27.0 4-09 500 1.13 35 GULFPORT REACH 34.4 37.4 37.9 35.0 4,12-09;1-10;1,2-11 500-600 1.03 35 ELIZABETHPORT REACH 40.1 43.1 43.9 39.7 1,2-11 600-800 0.91 35 NORTH OF SHOOTERS ISLAND REACH 40.9 43.4 39.3 36.8 1,2-11 600 0.97 35 SOUTH OF SHOOTERS ISLAND REACH B6.5 B13.8 B14.5 B10.1 11-04 400 0.94 30 KILL VAN KULL (A) BERGEN PT. WEST REACH 49.0 52.8 52.5 47.4 1,2-11 800-1150 1.12 45 BERGEN PT. EAST REACH 48.5 52.8 53.0 50.1 1,2-11 800 1.09 45 CONSTABLE HOOK REACH (PARTIAL) 45.4 46.2 48.3 49.1 1,2-11 800-2000 2.52 45 NEWARK BAY SOUTH REACH 44.0 47.3 45.3 41.4 7-10 1000-1775 1.32 45 PORT ELIZABETH SOUTH REACH 41.7 42.6 42.6 43.2 7-10 140-290 0.43 45 NEWARK BAY REACH B: MIDDLE REACH PORT ELIZABETH CHANNEL REACH 43.0 40.4 46.6 40.9 40.2 40.8 33.1 38.4 7-10 7-10 800-1700 500-800 0.88 1.26 45 45 NEWARK BAY REACH B1: MIDDLE REACH NEWARK BAY NORTH REACH 34.4 21.4 38.2 21.6 34.1 19.6 27.3 7.4 7-10 7-10 560-800 500-1030 0.53 1.36 40 35 TURNING BASIN 21.3 21.5 19.6 8.6 7-10 900 0.26 35 PASSAIC RIVER: KEARNY PT REACH 13.1 13.9 13.9 10.3 6,7-10 300 1.01 30 HACKENSACK RIVER: DROYERS REACH 25.3 24.1 24.1 17.3 3-11 300-500 1.55 C32 PORT NEWARK: BRANCH REACH 27.0 38.8 36.1 30.5 7-10 400-1775 0.37 40 INSHORE REACH 33.2 32.0 30.7 30.7 7-10 400 1.06 40 PIERHEAD REACH 31.0 31.3 31.3 28.7 7-10 300-750 0.65 40 A. CONTROLLING DEPTHS IN ARTHUR KILL AND KILL VAN KULL ARE REFERENCED FROM SEAWARD WHEN ENTERING FROM LOWER BAY. B. NUMEROUS WRECKS AND OBSTRUCTIONS WITH MINIMUM DEPTH TO 4 FEET WITHIN CHANNEL LIMITS. C. REACH WAS NEVER COMPLETED TO A 32 FOOT DEPTH. PREVIOUS DREDGING WAS TO 30 FEET ONLY. * CONTROLLING DEPTHS IN CHANNELS OF RARITAN BAY - EAST REACH TO AND INCLUDING GULFPORT REACH ARE REFERENCED FROM SEAWARD WHEN ENTERING FROM LOWER NEW YORK BAY. CONTROLLING DEPTHS FROM CONSTABLE HOOK TO AND INCLUDING ELIZABETHPORT REACH ARE REFERENCED FROM SEAWARD WHEN ENTERING FROM UPPER NEW YORK BAY. NOTE - CONSULT THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS FOR CHANGES SUBSEQUENT TO THE ABOVE INFORMATION Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 28/12 On Chart 1819 PILOT BOARDING AREAS Pilot transfer will take place within designated areas dependent on prevailing weather. To accompany Notice to Mariners 35/12 On Chart 1225 ENTRY PROHIBITED All vessels are prohibited from entering or transiting these areas unless involved in oil production or exploration. To accompany Notice to Mariners 35/12 On Chart 1225 RESTRICTED AREA Only vessels involved in oil production or exploration, and fishing vessels in transit to their fishing grounds, are permitted to enter these areas. Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 27/12. Image Size (mm) 154.8 by 250.3 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 28/12. Image Size (mm) 74.4 by 103.9 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 29/12. Image Size (mm) 37.9 by 47.9 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 30/12. Image Size (mm) 167.7 by 145 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 31/12. Image Size (mm) 69.9 by 75.1 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 31/12. Image Size (mm) 83.6 by 102.3 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 32/12. Image Size (mm) 53.1 by 61 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 33/12. Image Size (mm) 89.3 by 124.3 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 33/12. Image Size (mm) 87 by 66.4 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 34/12. Image Size (mm) 78.7 by 103.6 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 35/12. Image Size (mm) 192.7 by 154.1 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 36/12. Image Size (mm) 61.9 by 75.4 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 36/12. Image Size (mm) 61.9 by 75.4 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 36/12. Image Size (mm) 94.3 by 111.6 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 36/12. Image Size (mm) 127.9 by 164.7 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 36/12. Image Size (mm) 67.8 by 97.3 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 36/12. Image Size (mm) 63 by 65 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 36/12. Image Size (mm) 66.7 by 197.7 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 36/12. Image Size (mm) 65.7 by 72.4 Wk01/12 To accompany Notice to Mariners 36/12. Image Size (mm) 129.6 by 131.5 Wk01/12 III NAVIGATIONAL WARNINGS See The Mariner’s Handbook (2009 Edition). Warnings printed below were all in force at 220500 UTC Dec 11. It is recommended that this reprint should be kept in a file or book, followed by subsequent weekly reprints. Only the most convenient Admiralty Chart is quoted. All warnings issued within the previous 42 days are broadcast via SafetyNET and/or NAVTEX. The complete texts of all in-force NAVAREA I warnings, including those which are no longer being broadcast, are available from the UKHO website at: www.ukho.gov.uk/RNW Alternatively, these may be requested by e-mail from NAVAREA I Co-ordinator at: [email protected] The RNW web page also contains a link to the IHO website which allows direct access to all the other NAVAREA Co-ordinators around the world who have made their NAVAREA warnings available on the web. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weekly Edition 1, 5 January 2012 (published on the UKHO Website 26 December 2011). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Navarea I (NE Atlantic) Weekly Edition 1 NAVAREA I warnings in force at 220500 UTC Dec 11: 2008 series: 341. 2010 series: 317. 2011 series: 203 294 303 305 307 308 312 316 324 326. 2008 series: 341 SOUTHERN NORTH SEA, UK Sector. Chart BA 1408. Unexploded seabed ordnance exists: (a) within area bounded by 52-25N, 53-12N, 002-00E and 003-15E. (b) within 3 miles either side of line joining: 52-05N 002-32E and 52-20N 003-00E. (c) in vicinity of positions 52-46.4N 001-41.9E and 53-22N 001-31E. 2010 series: 317 As previously notified by NAVAREA warning, mariners using ECDIS are reminded not to rely solely on automated voyage planning and monitoring checks and alarms. Some ECDIS appear only to undertake route check functions on larger scale ENCs and therefore alarms might not activate. This may not be clearly indicated on the ECDIS display. Mariners should always undertake careful visual inspection of the entire planned route using the ‘other / all’ display mode to confirm that it, and any deviations from it, is clear of dangers. Recent preliminary investigation indicates that some ECDIS may not display certain combinations of chart features and attributes correctly and on rare occasions may fail to display a navigationally significant feature. This appears to be caused by anomalous behaviour in some ECDIS software, especially early versions. The existence of such anomalies highlights the importance of maintaining ECDIS software to ensure that operational capability and reliability are maintained. It is recommended that appropriate checks are made with the equipment manufacturer. This is of particular importance where ECDIS is the only source of chart information available to the mariner. The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) is investigating these matters in consultation with ECDIS equipment manufacturers. Further information will be made available through Notices to Mariners and within the UK element of the README.TXT file included on ENC service media. 2011 series: 203 SOUTHERN NORTH SEA. Off Southwold and Lowestoft. Chart BA 1504 (INT 1510). 1. Numerous ships at anchor or manoeuvring slowly, including ship to ship transfer operations, in area bounded by 52-10N 001-40E, 52-10N 002-05E, 52-26N 002-15E, 52-30N 002-00E and 52-26N 001-46E. Caution advised when transiting this area. 2. Any vessel anchoring in this area must keep well clear of all charted submarine cables. 3. Cancel 056/10. 294 SCOTLAND, WEST COAST. Outer Hebrides. Chart BA 1796 (INT 1627). Barra Head Light, 56-47.1N 007-39.2W, range temporarily reduced to 10 Miles. 303 LORAN-C. NORTH-WEST EUROPE. Station Vaerlandet, Chain rates 9007Y and 7499Y off-air. 305 ENGLAND, WEST COAST. Morecambe Bay approaches. Chart BA 2010 (INT 1640). Morecambe light-buoy 53-52.0N 003-24.1W moved to 53-52.0N 003-22.0W. 307 ENGLAND, SOUTH COAST. Outer Approaches to the Solent. Chart BA 2615. 1. Special buoys, Fl(5)Y.20 sec, marking subsea equipment established 50-33.20N 001-43.14W and 50-26.02N 001-48.59W. 2. Seabed moorings with subsea buoys established 50-30.99N 001-44.17W and 50-28.42N 001-45.82W. 308 NORTH SEA, UK SECTOR. Ganymede Gas Field Southward. Chart BA 105. Platform 49/22 Europa 53-14.8N 002-17.8E, Racon, Mo (U), established. 312 SCOTLAND, WEST COAST. Kerrera Sound. Heather Island. Chart BA 1790. Light Fl.R.2.5 sec 11 metres 2M established 56-24.414N 005-30.243W. 3.1 Wk01/12 III 3.2 316 NORTH-EAST ATLANTIC OCEAN. Rosemary Bank Northwards. Chart BA 1129. Underwater operations in progress by C/S Leon Thevenin with submersible along charted cable between 60-10.5N 009-18.0W, 59-57.1N 009-26.5W and 59-37.7N 011-38.5W. 2 mile berth requested. 324 Navarea I Warnings in force at 161000 UTC Dec 12. Cancel 321/11. 326 RIGLIST. Correct at 220500 UTC Dec 11. Southern North Sea: 51° to 55°N. 52-22.7N 003-25.6E Noble Lynda Bossler 52-59.0N 002-18.2E Energy Enhancer 53-36.2N 001-45.4E Noble Julie Robertson 54-19.0N 002-37.2E Ensco 80 North Sea: 55° to 60°N, East of 5°W and the Baltic Sea. 55-56.3N 003-01.3E Transocean Prospect 56-22.9N 004-14.2E Maersk Giant 56-39.0N 002-29.8E Maersk Resilient 56-54.9N 002-24.0E Rowan Gorilla 6 56-56.9N 002-01.9E GSF Galaxy 2 57-01.0N 002-35.5E Maersk Gallant 57-03.9N 003-02.7E Maersk Guardian 57-09.7N 000-37.3E Wilphoenix 57-11.0N 002-13.0E Sedco 711 57-13.4N 001-53.7E Ensco 101 57-35.0N 000-24.1E Transocean John Shaw 57-36.0N 001-38.6E Ensco 100 57-45.0N 001-04.9E Rowan Gorilla 7 NEW 57-48.4N 001-50.2E Ocean Nomad 58-08.5N 000-06.6W Sedco 704 58-22.4N 000-56.4E Noble Ton Van Langeveld 58-25.4N 001-43.4E West Epsilon 58-44.7N 002-38.0E Bredford Dolphin 59-09.8N 001-37.1E Paul B Lloyd Jr Norwegian Sea: 60°N to 65°N, East of 5°W. 60-32.8N 001-43.0E Sedco 714 60-43.8N 003-39.4E West Venture 60-51.3N 003-26.7E Transocean Leader 60-52.1N 003-33.5E Stena Don 60-54.9N 003-35.2E Songa Trym 60-56.7N 001-33.7E Wilhunter 61-01.8N 001-56.0E COSL Pioneer 61-01.9N 003-26.8W Stena Carron 61-05.9N 002-16.6E Deepsea Atlantic NEW 61-08.2N 002-00.9E Songa Dee 61-18.0N 002-21.8E Ocean Vanguard 61-20.3N 003-57.4E Transocean Searcher 61-22.7N 002-06.2E Bideford Dolphin 61-29.8N 001-36.0E Byford Dolphin 61-47.7N 002-43.1E West Alpha 64-46.8N 006-59.5E Transocean Arctic 64-58.1N 006-41.2E Transocean Winner South and West Coasts of the British Isles. 51-12.1N 008-17.2W GSF Arctic 3 NOTES: A. Rigs are protected by a 500 metre safety zone. B. ACP - Adjacent to Charted Platform. C. For Rigs located North of 65°N, East of 5°W, refer to Navarea XIX Warnings or visit www.navarea-xix.no 2. Cancel 325/11. Wk01/12 IV 4.1 [01/12] AMENDMENTS TO ADMIRALTY SAILING DIRECTIONS NP3 Africa Pilot Volume 3 (2010 Edition) Mozambique – Beira — Approach and entry; arrival information; directions 201 Paragraph 5.158 1 line 2 For 13 miles Read 9 miles Paragraph 5.158 1 line 3 For 20 miles Read 24 miles 202 Paragraph 5.167 1 line 3 For (19°56′⋅03S35°02′⋅46E) Read (19°53′⋅78S 34°59′⋅21E) Paragraph 5.168 1 line 3 For (19°56′⋅03S35°02′⋅46E) Read (19°53′⋅78S 34°59′⋅21E) 204 Paragraph 5.175 1 line 4 For (19°56′⋅03S35°02′⋅46E) Read (19°53′⋅78S 34°59′⋅21E) Paragraph 5.177 2 lines 3 and 4 For (19°56′⋅03S 35°02′⋅46E) Read (19°53′⋅78S 34°59′⋅21E) Paragraph 5.178 1 lines 6 and 7 Replace by: ...9 mshould make to a position 4 miles ESEof Light Buoy A, thence follow a WNW course to the vicinity of Light Buoy A. Paragraph 5.179 1 line 2 For (19°56′⋅03S 35°02′⋅46E) Read. (19°53′⋅78S 34°59′⋅21E) 207 Paragraph 5.196 1 line 4 For (19°56′⋅03S35°02′⋅46E) Read (19°53′⋅78S 34°59′⋅21E) Mozambique NM 59/2011 (SDD 2011000 185047) [01/12] NP13 Australia Pilot Volume 1 (2011 Edition) Navigation and Regulations – Traffic and Operations — Fishing; marine farms 2 Paragraph 1.8 including heading Replace by: Marine Farms 1.8 1 Marine farms, which may be floating or fixed structures, and their associated moorings should be avoided. The farms and beds are generally marked by buoys or beacons, which may be lit. Their charted positions are approximate. Australian Notice 24/1253/11 [01/12] South Australia – Point Boston — Directions; marine farms 361 Paragraph 11.63 1 line 1 Replace by: 1 Caution. Marine farms may be encountered in this passage (see 1.8). From a position SE of Point Boston the track leads... Australian Notice 24/1253/11 [01/12] South Australia – Point Turton — Directions; marine farms 367 After Paragraph 11.91 1 line 10 Insert: 2 A mari ne farm exi sts i n the vi ci ni ty of 34°51′⋅54S 137°21′⋅75E, (see 1.8). Australian Notice 24/1253/11 [01/12] South Australia – Port Augusta — Directions; marine farms 380 Paragraph 11.229 1 line 1 Replace by: 1 Caution. Marine farms may be encountered in this passage (see 1.8). From a position SE of Point Lowly (33°00′S... Australian Notice 24/1253/11 [01/12] NP14 Australia Pilot Volume 2 (2010 Edition) Navigation and Regulations – Traffic and Operations — Fishing; marine farms 2 After Paragraph 1.5 1 line 6 Insert: Marine Farms 1.5a 1 Marine farms, which may be floating or fixed structures, and their associated moorings should be avoided. The farms and beds are generally marked by buoys or beacons, which may be lit. Their charted positions are approximate. Australian Notice 24/1253/11 [01/12] Wk01/12 IV 4.2 Tasmania – Cape Sorell — Directions; rock 228 After Paragraph 8.51 2 line 2 Insert: WSW of a rock (42°23′⋅65S 145°12′⋅80E) which dries, thence: Australian Notice 24/1255/11 [01/12] NP15 Australia Pilot Volume 3 (2009 Edition) Navigation and Regulations – Traffic and Operations — Fishing; marine farms 2 After Paragraph 1.8 Insert: Marine Farms 1.8a 1 Marine farms, which may be floating or fixed structures, and their associated moorings should be avoided. The farms and beds are generally marked by buoys or beacons, which may be lit. Their charted positions are approximate. Australian Notice 24/1253/11 [01/12] NP24 Black Sea and Sea of Azov Pilot (2010 Edition) Turkey – ™zmit Körfezi — Traffic separation scheme 100 Paragraph 2.272 1 Replace by: 1 The Turkish government has advised that ™zmit Traffic Separation Scheme, consisting of four TSSs, two precautionary areas, two two-way routes and inshore traffic zones, leads into ™zmit Körfezi from the vicinity of 40°44′N 29°22′E to the head of the gulf, 26 miles E. After Paragraph 2.274 1 Insert: Vessel traffic service 2.274a 1 A VTS is established for the regulation of traffic within the boundaries of the traffic separation scheme. Paragraph 2.276 1 lines 1-3 Replace by: 1 Pilotage in ™zmit Körfezi is compulsory for all Turkish vessels over 1000 gt, and all foreign vessels over 500 gt. Pilots board 2 miles S of Yelkenkaya Burnu Light (40°45′N 29°21′E) (2.267). After Paragraph 2.277 1 line 1 Insert: Inshore traffic zones are established for vessels that are not required to take a pilot. IMO Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation, 57th session, Agenda item 3, 8th April 2011 (Turkish ENC TR400291) [01/12] NP31 China Sea Pilot Volume 2 (2010 Edition) Sarawak – Pulau Burong — Light 100 Paragraph 4.90 1 line 6 Replace by: ...wooded islet, 71 m high, from which a light (lattice mast, 27⋅5 m in height) is exhibited, and: Sarawak Marine Department Notice 72/11 (SDD 2011000 211254) [01/12] NP67 West Coasts of Spain and Portugal Pilot (2008 Edition) Portugal – Foz do Arelho — Buoy 152 Paragraph 5.170 4 lines 1-3 Delete Portuguese Notice 348/11 (SDD 2011000 226083) [01/12] NP72SouthernBarents SeaandBeloyeMorePilot (2010 Edition) Barents Sea – Otmel ’ Pakhtusova — Drilling Platform 186 After Paragraph 6.98 1 line 5 Insert: 2 The drilling platform Prirazlomnaya situated in position 69°15′⋅95N 57°17′⋅29E (2011) has a safety zone of 3 miles radius centred on that position. Vessels should not enter the safety zone of the marine ice-stable platform without permission of the operator of the platform. Russian NM 6623/51/11 (SDD 2011000 225619) [01/12] Wk01/12 V AMENDMENTS TO ADMIRALTY LIST OF LIGHTS AND FOG SIGNALS Vol A Edition 2011/12. Weekly Edition No. 1, Dated 05 January 2012. Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 52, dated 29 December 2011. SOUTH COAST. THE SOLENT. LYMINGTON RIVER A0545·55 - No 3A 50 44·54 N 1 30·73 W Fl G 2s 3 1 Green % on green beacon TE 2011 * WEST COAST. LOCH LINNHE A4141·1 - Corpach. Harbour. Inner Dolphin 56 50·43 N 5 07·95 W Fl(2)R 6s 4 2 Dolphin * * * * * * * * EAST COAST. DUBLIN BAY. DUN LAOGHAIRE HARBOUR A5872 - E Breakwater. Head (IE:CIL) 53 18·14 N 6 07·62 W Fl(2)R 8s 16 17 7 Granite tower, red lantern 12 fl 1, ec 1, fl 1, ec 5. Intens 142°-332°(190°). Unintens 332°-142°(170°). Also shown in reduced visibility. Sync with A5874 - - - Fog Det Lt . . VQ W . . . . . . Azimuth unknown * Wk01/12 5.1 Vol B Edition 2011/12. Weekly Edition No. 1, Dated 05 January 2012. Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 52, dated 29 December 2011. RIVER MAAS. EUROPOORT. BEERKANAAL B0646·35 Remove from list; deleted ZEEGAT VAN TERSCHELLING. WADDENZEE B0913·3 - Harlingen. Boontjes. Aanbrengen 53 10·36 N 5 23·99 E Fl(5)Y 20s * * * * * * * * Wk01/12 5.1 Vol C Edition 2011/12. Weekly Edition No. 1, Dated 05 January 2012. Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 52, dated 29 December 2011. SJÆLLAND ISLAND. KØBENHAVN. PORT. NORDHAVNEN C1978 DK, , 2705 - Trekroner. E side of battery 55 42·20 N 12 36·87 E Iso WRG 2s 20 W17 R13 G13 White round tower 12 R175°-195°(20°), G195°-207°(12°), W207°-211°(4°), R211°-215°(4°), G215°-221°(6°), W221°-224°(3°), R224°-255°(31°), G255°-316·5°(61·5°), W316·5°-320°(3·5°), R320°-336°(16°) * SJÆLLAND ISLAND. KØBENHAVN. PORT. ØSTHAVNEN. KONGEDYBET C2024 DK, , 2870 - Prøvestenshavn. Oil Jetty. Root. Prøvesten 55 41·00 N 12 38·19 E Oc(3)WRG 15s 10 W12 R10 G10 White framework tower, white hut, red band 8 G175°-178·2°(3·2°), W178·2°-180·3°(2·1°), R180·3°-182·1°(1·8°), G182·1°-203°(20·9°) * Wk01/12 5.1 V Vol C Edition 2011/12 continued. KADETRENDEN. RØDSAND. RØDSAND S WIND FARM C2186·757 DK, , 5796A - A1 54 34·18 N 11 40·04 E Fl(3)Y 10s 7 5 Wind turbine (fl 1, ec 1) x 2, fl 1, ec 5. light flashing asynchronously with an unknown range (T) 2011 * Wk01/12 5.2 Vol D Edition 2011/12. Weekly Edition No. 1, Dated 05 January 2012. Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 52, dated 29 December 2011. NORTH COAST D1686 ES, I, 03100 - Punta Estaca de Bares 43 47·17 N 7 41·06 W Fl(2)W 7·5s 99 25 8-sided stone tower and white dwelling with red roof 10 fl 0·2, ec 1·5, fl 0·2, ec 5·6. Vis 000°-291°(291°) * * * * * * * * WEST COAST D2024 PT, I, 58 - Vila do Conde. Barra. Rio Ave Entrance. N side. 2nd Ldg Lts 356·7°. Front 41 20·51 N 8 44·93 W Oc R 3s 6 6 White column, red bands 3 ec 1. TE 2011 * D2060 PT, I, 102 - Cabo Mondego 40 11·46 N 8 54·31 W Fl W 5s 96 28 White tower and dwelling 15 fl 0·2 - - . . Horn 28s . . . . . . bl 6. TD 2011 * D2105 PT, I, 176 - Ericeira. N Pier. Head. Ldg Lts 083°. Front 38 57·79 N 9 25·41 W Fl(3)R 12s 11 6 Red column, white stripes 5 (fl 0·5, ec 2·5) x 2, fl 0·5, ec 5·5 * * * * * * * * D2106 PT, I, 176·1 - Ericeira. Ldg Lts 083°. Rear 38 57·85 N 9 25·06 W Oc R 3s 34 6 Black & on white tower, on building 8 ec 1 - - - - . . Siren 70s . . . . . . bl 16 * WEST COAST. ENSEADA DE SESIMBRA D2146 PT, I, 370 - Serra de Achada. Cables E. Lts in line 000°. Front 38 26·21 N 9 04·07 W Fl W 2·5s 146 2 White % fl 0·3. Mark E limit of cable area. TE 2011 * D2146·2 PT, I, 370·2 - Serra de Achada. Cables E. Lts in line 000°. Rear 38 26·32 N 9 04·07 W Fl W 3·5s 312 2 White % fl 0·4. TE 2011 * ILHA DE SÃO JORGE D2682·2 PT, I, 783 - Velas. Quay. Pier. Head 38 40·68 N 28 12·19 W Fl R 5s 15 7 White tower, red bands 3 fl 0·5. Range 2M (T) 2011 * Wk01/12 5.2 V Vol E Edition 2011/12. Weekly Edition No. 1, Dated 05 January 2012. Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 52, dated 29 December 2011. GOLFO DI NAPOLI E1688 IT, , 2561·5 - Sarno River 40 43·02 N 14 27·02 E Fl(2)Y 4s 3 4 Yellow × on yellow buoyant beacon fl 0·5, ec 0·5, fl 0·5, ec 2·5. Marks end of submarine pipeline. Private * E1689 Remove from list; deleted STRETTO DI MESSINA E1827 IT, , 2792 - Aci Castello. Molo Porticciolo. N corner 37 33·31 N 15 08·94 E Fl R 4s 6 3 Red post 3 fl 1. Private. TE 2011 * * E3041 HR, , 264·9 Otočič Kozjak 44 28·48 N 14 32·76 E Fl R 3s 7 8 Red post on base 6 fl 0·5. 044°-019°(335°) * PAŠMANSKI KANAL E3173 - Hrid Školjić 43 58·64 N 15 21·40 E Fl(3)W 8s 9 4 * * * * * * * * İSTANBUL BOǦAZI. İSTANBUL E4903·75 - Kabatas Ferry Pier 41 01·98 N 28 59·59 E Fl(4)Y 12s 7 3 * * * * * * * * İSTANBUL BOǦAZI. HAYDARPAŞA E4904·8 - Kadıköy. İnci Burnu. E Pier. Head 40 59·50 N 29 01·10 E Fl(4)Y 15s 7 3 * * * * * * * * İSTANBUL BOǦAZI. HAYDARPAŞA HAREM E4907·1 - Harem Ferry Pier 41 00·65 N 29 00·54 E Iso Y 3s 7 3 * * * * * * * * İSTANBUL BOǦAZI E4949·55 - Beykoz. Ferry Pier 41 08·06 N 29 05·41 E Fl(4)Y 12s 7 3 * * * * * * * * Wk01/12 5.3 Vol F Edition 2011/12. Weekly Edition No. 1, Dated 05 January 2012. Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 52, dated 29 December 2011. GULF OF KHAMBHĀT (CAMBAY) F0444 - Gopnāth Point 21 12·25 N 72 06·63 E Fl(3)W 20s 41 18 Red and white square masonry tower 34 (fl 0·3, ec 3·7) x 2, fl 0·3, ec 11·7 - - . . Racon . . . . . . ALRS Vol 2 Station 78955 * F0636·2 Kārwār Bay. Kārwār Harbour. Anjadip Island. E Head 14 45·21 N 74 07·37 E Fl W 5s . . . . . . TE 2011 * Wk01/12 5.3 V Vol F Edition 2011/12 continued. F0718 Vilinjam 8 22·98 N 76 58·78 E Fl W 15s 57 31 White round masonry tower, red bands 36 fl 0·5 - . . Racon . . . . . . ALRS Vol 2 Station 79093. TD 2011 * F0756 Suheli Par. Cheriyakara Islet 10 02·31 N 72 17·03 E Fl(2)W 20s 36 19 White metal column, red band 37 Vis 207°-199°(352°). TE 2011 - - . . Racon . . . . . . ALRS Vol 2 Station 79070. TD 2011 * CHENNAI HARBOUR (MADRAS) F0936 - Madras (Chennai) 13 02·39 N 80 16·77 E Fl(2)W 10s 57 28 White triangular tower, red bands 46 fl 0·3, ec 2·2, fl 0·3, ec 7·2 - - . . Racon . . . . . . ALRS Vol 2 Station 79135. On Trial (T) 2011 * RUTLAND ISLAND F1211 - South end of Island 11 20·70 N 92 36·70 E Fl(3)W 15s 10 10 White square tower 3 TE 2011 * GREAT NICOBAR F1226 - Campbell Bay. Ldg Lts 319°30′. Front 7 00·42 N 93 55·09 E Q W 10 5 Red % on white rectangular tower 8 * F1226·1 - Campbell Bay. Ldg Lts 319°30′. Rear. 200m from front 7 00·44 N 93 55·08 E Fl W 5s 22 5 White % on white square concrete tower, red bands 19 * F1566 Pulau Jarak 3 58·65 N 100 05·75 E Fl(2)W 15s 162 20 White metal framework tower, red bands * SINGAPORE PORT. SELAT SINKI F1686·4 Remove from list; deleted SINGAPORE PORT. SE COAST F1735·6 - Changi Naval Base. S Breakwater 1 18·48 N 104 01·77 E Dir F WRG 12 W 7 R 6 G 6 White + on white beacon F G260°-267·5°(7·5°). F W267·5°-272·5°(5°). F R272·5°-280°(7·5°) * * * * * * * * XIAMEN GANG (HSIA-MEN (AMOY)) AND APPROACHES F3618·6 Remove from list; deleted F3618·7 Remove from list; deleted F3618·75 Remove from list; deleted F3618·8 Remove from list; deleted Wk01/12 5.4 V Vol F Edition 2011/12 continued. QUANZHOU WAN F3622·54 CN, G102, 3091 - Qiangcheng 24 51·19 N 118 38·90 E Fl(2)W 6s 6 4 White wooden pole 5 fl 0·5, ec 1, fl 0·5, ec 4. TE 2011 * Wk01/12 5.5 Vol J Edition 2010/11. Weekly Edition No. 1, Dated 05 January 2012. Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 52, dated 29 December 2011. LONG ISLAND SOUND. NEW LONDON HARBOR. THAMES RIVER J0737·931 Remove from list; deleted J0737·934 Remove from list; deleted J0737·937 Remove from list; deleted NEW YORK BAY AND HARBOR. LOWER BAY J1050 US, I, 35596·2 - Atlantic Highlands. No. 2 40 25·07 N 74 01·24 W Fl R 5s . . . . On pile Private * * * * * * * * J1050·1 US, I, 35596·3 - Atlantic Highlands. No. 3 40 25·00 N 74 01·39 W Fl G 5s . . . . On pile Private * * * * * * * * J1050·2 US, I, 35596·4 - Atlantic Highlands. No. 4 40 25·03 N 74 01·39 W Fl R 5s . . . . On pile Private * * * * * * * * J1050·5 US, I, 35596·7 - Atlantic Highlands. No. 7 40 25·04 N 74 01·82 W Fl G 5s . . . . On pile Private * * * * * * * * J1051 US, I, 35597·2 - Atlantic Highlands. West Entrance 40 25·25 N 74 02·00 W Fl R 5s . . . . On pile Private * * * * * * * * J1051·1 US, I, 35597·3 - Atlantic Highlands. West Entrance 40 25·22 N 74 02·02 W Fl R 5s . . . . On pile Private * * * * * * * * J1051·2 US, I, 35597·4 - Atlantic Highlands. West Entrance. No. 10 40 25·20 N 74 02·05 W Fl R 5s . . . . On Pile Private * * * * * * * * J1051·3 US, I, 35597·5 - Atlantic Highlands. West Entrance. No. 11 40 25·20 N 74 02·03 W Fl G 5s . . . . On pile Private * * * * * * * * SAVANNAH RIVER J2798 US, III, 4955 - Fort Jackson. Inbound Range. Front 32 05·18 N 81 01·49 W Fl G 2·5s 5 . . Red U, white stripe, on framework tower on piles Vis 4° each side of rangeline. Shown 24 hours * * * J2798·1 US, III, 4960 - Fort Jackson. Inbound Range Ldg Lts 212°36′. Rear. 145m from front 32 05·11 N 81 01·54 W Iso G 6s 13 . . . . Vis 4° each side of rangeline. Shown 24 hours * * * Wk01/12 5.5 V Vol J Edition 2010/11 continued. CAILLOU BAY J3967·2 Remove from list; deleted Wk01/12 5.6 Vol L Edition 2011/12. Weekly Edition No. 1, Dated 05 January 2012. Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 52, dated 29 December 2011. L6046 RU, 2103, 80 Mys Nemetskiy. Vaydagubskiy 69 56·92 N 31 56·24 E Fl(3)G 11s 62 20 Red round tower 29 (fl 0·2, ec 1·8) x 2, fl 0·2, ec 6·8 - - 335m 058° . . Horn Mo(U) 30s . . . . . . (bl 3, si 3) x 2, bl 8, si 10. TD 2011 * POLUOSTROV RYBACHIY L6082 RU, 2103, 100 - Mys Voronkovskiy. Tsypnavolokskiy 69 43·87 N 33 05·70 E AlFl WWRR 16s 49 W18 R18 Red round tower, white bands, red lantern 27 W fl 0·1, ec 1·8, W fl 0·1, ec 6, R fl 0·1, ec 1·8, R fl 0·1, ec 6. Vis 090°-030°(300°) - - - . . Horn(5) 60s . . . . . . bl 2, si 4, bl 4, si 4, bl 8, si 4, bl 10, si 8, bl 2, si 14. TD 2011 * MOTOVSKIY ZALIV L6136 RU, 2103, 190 - Ostrov Kuvshin-Zapadnyy 69 30·10 N 32 32·77 E Fl G 5s 37 5 Black 4-sided truncated pyramid, white band 6 fl 0·5. Ra refl. Ra refl withdrawn (T) 2011 * L6218 RU, 2103, 275 Mys Set'navolokskiy 69 23·90 N 33 29·83 E AlQ RRRGGG 10s 73 R22 G19 Yellow tower on yellow building 12 (R fl 0·2, ec 0·9) x 2, R fl 0·2, ec 2·6, (G fl 0·2, ec 0·9) x 2, G fl 0·2, ec 2·6. Vis 135°-025°(250°) - 150m NNW . . Horn(5) 60s . . . . . . bl 1·5, (si 6, bl 5) x 3, si 6, bl 1·5, si 18. TD 2011 * * NOVAYA ZEMLYA. WEST COAST. SOUTH ISLAND L7680 RU, 2103, 2235 - Mys Lil'e 71 27·52 N 52 18·02 E Fl W 3s 27 6 White 3-sided truncated pyramidal tower 7 fl 0·5 * L7718 RU, 2103, 2325 - Ostrov Golets 73 03·70 N 53 07·00 E Fl W 6s 38 7 Yellow tower, black stripe 13 fl 1. Ra refl. Ra refl withdrawn (T) 2011 * Wk01/12 5.6 Vol M Edition 2011/12. Weekly Edition No. 1, Dated 05 January 2012. Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 52, dated 29 December 2011. M4135·8 KR, 410, 3746 Baengnyeongdo. Yonggipo Hang. Outer Breakwater. S Head 37 57·18 N 124 44·40 E Fl R 5s 13 6 Red round concrete tower 9 * * * * * * * * Wk01/12 5.6 V Vol M Edition 2011/12 continued. M4135·85 KR, 410, 3747 Baengnyeongdo. Yonggipo Hang. Inner Breakwater. Head 37 57·24 N 124 44·30 E Fl G 5s 12 6 White round concrete tower * * * * * * * * M4187·61 KR, 410, 3235·5 Biin Hang. N Breakwater 36 08·02 N 126 30·38 E Fl(2)Y 6s 13 8 Yellow round concrete tower * * * * * * * * M4187·63 KR, 410, 3235·3 Biin Hang. N Breakwater 36 07·84 N 126 30·57 E Fl G 6s 13 8 Red round concrete tower 10 * * * * * * * * M4187·65 KR, 410, 3235·4 Biin Hang. N Breakwater. Head 36 07·79 N 126 30·60 E Fl R 6s 13 8 Red round concrete tower 10 * * * * * * * * TOKUSHIMA-KOMATSUSHIMA KO. KOMATSUSHIMA KU M5565·4 JP, 411, 3431 - E Breakwater. N Head 34 00·82 N 134 35·98 E Fl G 4s 11 5 White tower 13 * Wk01/12 5.7 VI 6.1 AMENDMENTS TO ADMIRALTY LIST OF RADIO SIGNALS Weekly Edition No. 1 dated 5 January 2012 The Admiralty List of Radio Signals diagrams included in the paper version of the weekly Notice to Mariners (Section VI) are printed in black and white. If required, a colour version of these diagrams can be downloaded from the UKHO website. To obtain a colour version of these diagrams go to: www.ukho.gov.uk - select PRODUCTS AND SERVICES - select Maritime Safety Info - select View and download NMs - select Weekly - select Year - select Week - go to Selected Week Content - select File (for example: NP286(3)-WK01-10-PAGE149_Week01_2010.pdf) VOLUME 2, NP 282, 2011/12 Published Wk 11/11 (Last Amendments: Weekly Edition No. 52 dated 29 December 2011) AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (AIS) PAGE 151, CHINA, after Luyu Jiao Lt Bn entry. Insert: Ma’ao Lt Buoy No 1 30°09′⋅65N 122°04′⋅99E 999412368 Broadcasts every 3 minutes Real Chinese Notice 50/1873/11 (RSDRA2011000234585) 1/12 Wk01/12 VI 6.2 VOLUME 6, PART 7, NP 286(7), 2011/12 Published Wk 48/11 –––––––––––––––––– (Last Amendments: Weekly Edition No. 48 dated 1 December 2011) PAGE 107, COLOMBIA, TUMACO, including Pindo Oil Terminal, Pilots, Port and Terminal, PROCEDURE, section (4). Delete and replace by: (4) Pilot boards in position 1°52′·00N 78°46′·45W. DIMAR, (RSDRA2011000230994), 1/12 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Printed in the United Kingdom for the UKHO Wk01/12 HYDROGRAPHIC NOTE H.102 (ver 4.2 Nov 10) Forwarding information for Admiralty Charts, ENCs and Nautical Publications and reporting ENC display issues Date Ref. Number Name of ship or sender Address Tel/Fax/Telex/E-mail address of sender General Locality Subject Position (see Instruction 3 below) Latitude Longitude GPS Datum Accuracy Admiralty Charts affected Edition Latest Weekly Edition of Notice to Mariners held Replacement copy of Chart No IS/IS NOT required; (see Instruction 4 below.) ENCs affected Latest Update disk held Week Publications affected (Edition No.) Date of latest supplement, page & Light List No. etc Details: Signature of observer/reporter HYDROGRAPHIC NOTE H.102 (ver 4.2 Nov 10) Tick box if not willing to be named as source of this information INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Mariners are requested to notify the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) (by mail: SDRA, UKHO, Admiralty Way, Taunton, Somerset, TAI 2DN, United Kingdom or by email: [email protected]) when new or suspected dangers to navigation are discovered, changes observed in aids to navigation, or corrections to publications are seen to be necessary. Mariners can also report any ENC display issues experienced. The Mariner's Handbook (NP100) Chapter 4 gives general instructions. The provisions of international and national laws should be complied with when forwarding such reports. 2. This form and its instructions have been designed to help both the sender and the recipient. It should be used, or followed closely, whenever appropriate. Copies of this Form may be obtained gratis from the UKHO at the above address, or from Admiralty Chart Agents (see Annual Notice to Mariners No. 2). This form is also available on the web: www.ukho.gov.uk/msi 3. Accurate position or knowledge of positional error is of great importance. Latitude and longitude should only be used to specifically position the details when they have been fixed by GPS or Astronomical Observations. A full description of the method, equipment, time, estimated error and datum (where applicable) used should be given. When position is defined by sextant angles or bearings (true or magnetic to be specified), more than two should be used in order to provide a redundancy check. Where position is derived from Electronic Position Fixing (eg LORAN C) or distances observed by radar, the raw readings of the system in use should be quoted wherever possible. Where position is derived after the event, from other observations and/or Dead Reckoning, the methodology of deriving the position should be included. 4. Paper Charts: A cutting from the largest scale chart is the best medium for forwarding details, the alterations and additions being shown thereon in red. When requested, a new copy will be sent in replacement of a chart that has been used to forward information, or when extensive observations have involved defacement of the observer's chart. If it is preferred to show the amendments on a tracing of the largest scale chart (rather than on the chart itself) these should be in red as above, but adequate details from the chart must be traced in black ink to enable the amendments to be fitted correctly. ENCs: A screen shot of the largest scale usage band ENC with the alterations and additions being shown thereon in red. If it is to report an issue with the display of an ENC, a screen shot of the affected cell should be sent along with details of the ECDIS make and version in use at the time. 5. When soundings are obtained The Mariner's Handbook (NP100) should be consulted. The echo sounding trace should be marked with times, depths, etc., and forwarded with the report. It is important to state whether the echo sounder is set to register depths below the surface or below the keel; in the latter case the vessel's draught should be given. Time and date should be given in order that corrections for the height of the tide may be made where necessary. The make, name and type of set should also be given. HYDROGRAPHIC NOTE H.102 (ver 4.2 Nov 10) 6. For modern sets that use electronic ‘range gating’, care should be taken that the correct range scale and appropriate gate width are in use. Older electro- mechanical echo sounders frequently record signals from echoes received back after one or more rotations of the stylus have been completed. Thus with a set whose maximum range is 500m, an echo recorded at 50m may be from depths of 50m, 550m or even 1050m. Soundings recorded beyond the set's nominal range can usually be recognised by the following: (a) the trace being weaker than normal for the depth recorded; (b) the trace passing through the transmission line; (c) the feathery nature of the trace. As a check that apparently shoal soundings are not due to echoes received beyond the set's nominal range, soundings should be continued until reasonable agreement with charted soundings is reached. However, soundings received after one or more rotations of the stylus can still be useful and should be submitted if they show significant differences from charted depths. 7. Reports which cannot be confirmed or are lacking in certain details should not be withheld. Shortcomings should be stressed and any firm expectation of being able to check the information on a succeeding voyage should be mentioned. 8. Reports of shoal soundings, uncharted dangers and aids to navigation out of order should, at the mariner's discretion, also be made by radio to the nearest coast radio station. The draught of modern tankers is such that any uncharted depth under 30 metres or 15 fathoms may be of sufficient importance to justify a radio message. 9. Changes to Port Information should be forwarded on Form H.102A and any GPS/Chart Datum observations should be forwarded on Form H.102B together with Form H.102. Where there is insufficient space on the forms an additional sheet should be used. 10. Reports on ocean currents should be made in accordance with The Mariner's Handbook (NP100) Chapter 4. Note. - An acknowledgement or receipt will be sent and the information then used to the best advantage which may mean immediate action or inclusion in a revision in due course; for these purposes, the UKHO may make reproductions of any material supplied. When a Notice to Mariners is issued, the sender's ship or name is quoted as authority unless (as sometimes happens) the information is also received from other authorities or the sender states that they do not want to be named by using the appropriate tick box on the form. An explanation of the use made of contributions from all parts of the world would be too great a task and a further communication should only be expected when the information is of outstanding value or has unusual features. HYDROGRAPHIC NOTE FOR PORT INFORMATION (To accompany Form H.102) H.102A (Oct 2008) Forwarding information for Admiralty Charts, ENCs and Hydrographic Publications Date Ref. Number Name of ship or sender Address Tel/Fax/Telex/E-mail address of sender General Locality 1. NAME OF PORT 2. GENERAL REMARKS Principal activities and trade. Latest population figures and date. Number of ships or tonnage handled per year. Maximum size of vessel handled. Copy of Port Handbook (if available). 3. ANCHORAGES Designation, depths, holding ground, shelter afforded. 4. PILOTAGE Authority for requests. Embark position. Regulations. 5. DIRECTIONS Entry and berthing information. Tidal streams. Navigational aids. 6. TUGS Number available. 7. WHARVES Names, numbers or positions & lengths. Depths alongside. HYDROGRAPHIC NOTE FOR PORT INFORMATION (To accompany Form H.102) H.102A (Oct 2008) 8. CARGO HANDLING Containers, lighters, Ro-Ro etc. 9. REPAIRS Hull, machinery and underwater. Shipyards. Docking or slipping facilities. (Give size of vessels handled or dimensions) Divers. 10. RESCUE AND DISTRESS Salvage, Lifeboat, Coastguard, etc. 11. SUPPLIES Fuel. (with type, quantities and methods of delivery) Fresh water. (with method of delivery and rate of supply) Provisions. 12. SERVICES Medical. Ship Sanitation. Garbage and slops. Ship chandlery, tank cleaning, compass adjustment, hull painting. 13. COMMUNICATIONS Nearest airport or airfield. Port radio and information service. (with frequencies and hours of operating) 14. PORT AUTHORITY Designation, address, telephone, e-mail address and website. HYDROGRAPHIC NOTE FOR PORT INFORMATION (To accompany Form H.102) H.102A (Oct 2008) 15. VIEWS Photographs (where permitted) of the approaches, leading marks, the entrance to the harbour etc. 16. ADDITIONAL DETAILS Signature of observer/reporter Tick box if not willing to be named as source of this information NOTES: 1. This form is designed to assist in the reporting of any observed changes to Port Information details and should be submitted as an accompaniment to Form H.102 (full instructions for the rendering of data are on Form H.102 - email: [email protected]). In addition, the Mariner's Handbook (NP100) Chapter 8 gives general instructions. If practicable the Mariner should also contact the originating Hydrographic Office when navigating on IMO Approved non-UKHO ENCs. The provisions of international and national laws should be complied with when forwarding such reports. 2. Form H.I02A lists the information required for Admiralty Sailing Directions and has been designed to help both sender and recipient, the sections should be used as an aide-mémoire, being used or followed closely, whenever appropriate. Where there is insufficient space on the form an additional sheet should be used. 3. Reports which cannot be confirmed or are lacking in certain details should not be withheld. Shortcomings should be stressed and any firm expectation of being able to check the information on a succeeding voyage should be mentioned.
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