
March 18, 2018 | Author: Manisha Verma | Category: Computer File, License, Copyright, Damages, Personal Computers



Honeywell International Inc.15001 N.E. 36 Street Redmond, Washington 98052-5317 U.S.A. CAGE: 97896 Telephone: (800) 601-3099 (U.S.A.) Telephone: (602) 365-3099 (International) Web site: http://portal.honeywell.com/wps/portal/aero SERVICE BULLETIN NAVIGATION — MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System — MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS), Part Number 965-1206-0XX, 965-1210-0XX, 965-1216-0XX, and 965-1220-0XX; Install a Terrain Database and an Envelope Modulation Database Legal Notice Export Control This document contains technical data and is subject to U.S. export regulations. These commodities, technology, or software were exported from the United States in accordance with the export administration regulations. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. ECCN: 7E994, no license required Proprietary Information Honeywell Confidential THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND ALL INFORMATION ARE THE PROPERTY OF HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC., CONTAIN TRADE SECRETS AND MAY NOT, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BE USED, DUPLICATED, OR DISCLOSED FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Honeywell Materials License Agreement The documents and information contained herein (“the Materials”) are the proprietary data of Honeywell International Inc. and Honeywell Intellectual Properties Inc (collectively “Honeywell”). These Materials are provided for the exclusive use of Honeywell Service Centers; Honeywell-authorized repair facilities, and operators of Honeywell aerospace products subject to an applicable product support agreement or their wholly owned-subsidiaries or their formally designated third party service providers; and direct recipients of Materials from Honeywell’s Aerospace Technical Publication Distribution. The terms and conditions of this License Agreement govern your use of these Materials, except to the extent that any terms and conditions of another applicable agreement with Honeywell regarding the operation, maintenance, or repair of Honeywell aerospace products conflict with the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, in which case the terms and conditions of the other agreement will govern. However, this License Agreement will govern in the event of a conflict between its terms and conditions and those of a purchase order or acknowledgement. 1. License Grant If you are a party to an applicable product support agreement, a Honeywell Service Center agreement, or an authorized repair facility agreement, Honeywell hereby grants you a limited, non-exclusive license to use these Materials to operate, maintain, or repair Honeywell aerospace products only in accordance with that agreement. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 Page 1 of 25 Publication Number 012-0709-157, Revision 000 22 January 2008 SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 If you are a direct recipient of these Materials from Honeywell’s Aerospace Technical Publication Distribution and are not a party to an agreement related to the operation, maintenance or repair of Honeywell aerospace products, Honeywell hereby grants you a limited, non-exclusive license to use these Materials to maintain or repair the subject Honeywell aerospace products only at the facility to which these Materials have been shipped ("the Licensed Facility"). Transfer of the Materials to another facility owned by you is permitted only if the original Licensed Facility retains no copies of the Materials and you provide prior written notice to Honeywell. 2. Rights In Materials - Honeywell retains all rights in these Materials and in any copies thereof that are not expressly granted to you, including all rights in patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. No license to use any Honeywell trademarks or patents is granted under this License Agreement. 3. Confidentiality - You acknowledge that these Materials contain information that is confidential and proprietary to Honeywell. You agree to take all reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of these Materials. 4. Assignment And Transfer - This License Agreement may be assigned to a formally designated service designee or transferred to a subsequent owner or operator of an aircraft containing the subject Honeywell aerospace products. However, the recipient of any such assignment or transfer must assume all of your obligations under this License Agreement. No assignment or transfer shall relieve any party of any obligation that such party then has hereunder. 5. Copies of Materials - Unless you have the express written permission of Honeywell, you may not make or permit making of copies of the Materials. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may make copies of only portions of the Material for your internal use. You agree to return the Materials and any copies thereof to Honeywell upon the request of Honeywell. 6. Term - This License Agreement is effective until terminated as set forth herein. This License Agreement will terminate immediately, without notice from Honeywell, if you fail to comply with any provision of this License Agreement or will terminate simultaneously with the termination or expiration of your applicable product support agreement, authorized repair facility agreement, or your formal designation as a third party service provider. Upon termination of this License Agreement, you will return these Materials to Honeywell without retaining any copies and will have one of your authorized officers certify that all Materials have been returned with no copies retained. 7. Remedies - Honeywell reserves the right to pursue all available remedies and damages resulting from a breach of this License Agreement. 8. Limitation of Liability - Honeywell does not make any representation regarding the use or sufficiency of the Materials. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER WRITTEN OR ORAL, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, (i) WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE, WHICH ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED, OR (ii) WARRANTIES AGAINST INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES, EVEN IF HONEYWELL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF ANY SUCH INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT WILL HONEYWELL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SPECIAL DAMAGES, INDIRECT DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF REVENUES, OR LOSS OF USE, EVEN IF INFORMED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THESE LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS WILL APPLY REGARDLESS OF WHETHER LIABILITY ARISES FROM BREACH OF CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NEGLIGENCE), BY OPERATION OF LAW, OR OTHERWISE. 9. Controlling Law - This License shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York without regard to the conflicts of laws provisions thereof. This license sets forth the entire agreement between you and Honeywell and may only be modified by a writing duly executed by the duly authorized representatives of the parties. Copyright - Notice Copyright 2008 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. Page 2 of 25 22 January 2008 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 Honeywell is a registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. All other marks are owned by their respective companies. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. Page 3 of 25 22 January 2008 .SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. has had no revisions as identified in Table 1. Table 1.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. Number 012-0709-157). 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 Transmittal Information Honeywell Pub. Revision History This Service Bulletin. Number 012-0709-157). ATA Number 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 (Pub. Service Bulletin Revisions Revision Date of Release Initial Release 22 January 2008 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. NOTE: The acronyms and abbreviations used in this Service Bulletin are identified in Appendix A. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. Page 4 of 25 22 January 2008 . Number 012-0709-157 Summary This is the initial release of Service Bulletin ATA Number 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 (Pub. – If a CD-ROM is used. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. Reason This modification gives the procedure to install a Terrain Database and an Envelope Modulation Database. no preparation is necessary. Refer to the applicable Service Letter for the full part numbers and for the serial number of the EGPWS when the factory installs the applicable databases. D. – If the Honeywell EGPWS web site is used. Refer to the applicable Service Letter for more data about the applicable Terrain Database and Envelope Modulation Database. The web site address is case-sensitive. Number 012-0709-157). 965-1210-0XX. the databases must be put into the PCMCIA card.honeywell.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. Refer to the EGPWS web site (http://www. Refer to the EGPWS web site (http://www.com/sites/aero/Egpws-Home.com/sites/aero/Egpws-Home. Refer to the EGPWS web site (http://www. • The Terrain Database and Envelope Modulation Database are put into the EGPWS.com/sites/aero/Egpws-Home.honeywell. Effectivity This Service Bulletin.htm) for the applicable Service Letter. The web site address is case-sensitive.htm) for the applicable Service Letter. Concurrent Requirements Refer to the applicable Service Letter for the concurrent requirements.honeywell. – If a PCMCIA card without the applicable databases is used. is applicable to MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) Part Numbers 965-1206-0XX. This Service Bulletin is applicable to the EGPWS if the items that follow are not installed: • The applicable Terrain Database • The applicable Envelope Modulation Database. Also refer to the applicable Service Letter for more data that is necessary to do the procedure in this Service Bulletin. Planning Information A. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. the data from the web site must be put on a PCMCIA card. B. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 1. the data on the CD-ROM must be put into a PCMCIA card. The web site address is case-sensitive. C.honeywell. The web site address is case-sensitive. Description NOTE: It is necessary to refer to the applicable Service Letter for the applicable Terrain Database and Envelope Modulation Database to do the work in this Service Bulletin. ATA Number 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 (Pub.htm) for the applicable Service Letter. 965-1216-0XX.com/sites/aero/Egpws-Home. A summary of the work necessary to do this modification is given below: • Preparation – If a PCMCIA card with the applicable Terrain Database and applicable Envelope Modulation Database is used.htm) for the applicable Service Letter. and 965-1220-0XX. Page 5 of 25 22 January 2008 . Refer to the EGPWS web site (http://www. • If this modification is done at a shop location: – 0.75 hour for the labor to do the modification of each EGPWS. • The Terrain Database version is identified on the EGPWS front label. The FAA is officially notified of the Terrain Database and Envelope Modulation Database updates. Weight and Balance Not changed. E. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. NOTE: This modification can be done at a customer location (in the aircraft) or at a shop location. Compliance This modification is optional.honeywell. and they are considered as minor changes per FAR 21. Approval This Service Bulletin includes approved modification instructions from the manufacturer.611(a). go to http://portal. F. J. Page 6 of 25 22 January 2008 . NOTE: The time identified above does not include the time to get access to the EGPWS in the aircraft or to do the return-to-service tests. H.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. Manpower This modification can be completed in the approximate times that follow: • If this modification is done at a customer location (in the aircraft): – 0. see. K.75 hour for the labor to do the modification of the EGPWS – 0. I.com/wps/portal/aero. The EGPWS is not disassembled and the inspection seals are not broken. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. • If this modification is done at a shop location. and download Honeywell Technical Publications. Electrical Load Data Not changed. The operator can make the decision if this modification is necessary. a test is done on the EGPWS. NOTE: This is a software change only. Software Accomplishment Summary Not applicable.5 more hour for the labor to do a test of the EGPWS. The configuration made by this upgrade is approved by the applicable regulatory agency. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 • A check is done to make sure the Terrain Database and Envelope Modulation Database are correct. G. References NOTE: To find. Page 7 of 25 22 January 2008 . This Service Bulletin has no effect on the test procedure.htm) for the applicable Service Letter. ATA Number 34-45-40 (Pub. you can use subsequent revisions. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 The document that follows is necessary to complete this modification: • The applicable Service Letter for the applicable Terrain Database and Envelope Modulation Database. ATA Number 34-45-40 (Pub. If this modification is done at a shop location. L. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. The web site address is case-sensitive.com/sites/aero/Egpws-Home. • CMM. Unless specified differently. the document that follows is necessary to complete this modification. will be revised because of this Service Bulletin. Revision 19. Refer to the EGPWS web site (http://www.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. Interchangeability or Intermixability of Parts Not applicable. Number 012-0709-001). M. Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS). Other Publications Affected CMM.honeywell. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS). Number 012-0709-001). Unless specified differently or a Honeywell part number is given.htm) for the applicable Service Letter.C.com/sites/aero/Egpws-Home. Do not send an order to Honeywell for the equipment as part of this modification. The web site address is case-sensitive.honeywell. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. REFER TO THE MANUFACTURER’S MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS. NOTE: Equivalent alternatives are permitted for the materials specified in Table 2. Reidentified Parts Not applicable. C.honeywell. Operator-Supplied Material Part/Specification Number Qty — A/R D.htm) for the applicable Service Letter. E. B. Do not send an order to Honeywell for the material as part of this modification.htm) for the applicable Service Letter. Refer to the EGPWS web site (http://www. Equivalent alternatives are permitted for the equipment specified in this paragraph. Keyword Marking material. Refer to the EGPWS web site (http://www.com/sites/aero/Egpws-Home.com/sites/aero/Egpws-Home. the equipment is available from commercial sources. Industry Support Information Refer to the applicable Service Letter for the data about the industry support. CAUTION: DO NOT USE A MATERIAL THAT IS NOT EQUIVALENT TO THE MATERIAL SPECIFIED BY HONEYWELL. The material is available from commercial sources. Material Information A. The web site address is case-sensitive. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 2. permanent. Use the applicable procedures to get and install the databases to make a decision about the necessary equipment. The item specified in Table 2 is necessary to do this Service Bulletin.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. Material — Price and Availability Refer to the applicable Service Letter for the data about the material price and availability. SOME MATERIALS CAN BE DANGEROUS. The web site address is case-sensitive. black — Optional source Material Necessary for Each Spare Same as Paragraph 2. F. Refer to the EGPWS web site (http://www. Tooling — Price and Availability The equipment specified in the locations identified below can possibly be necessary to do this modification. A MATERIAL THAT IS NOT EQUIVALENT CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENT AND CAN MAKE THE WARRANTY NOT APPLICABLE. Table 2.honeywell. Material Necessary for Each Component Refer to the applicable Service Letter for the data about the operator-purchased material necessary for each component. WARNING: BEFORE YOU USE A MATERIAL. Page 8 of 25 22 January 2008 . Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell.(1) 3.C.(1) 3.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No.(1).B. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 • • • • • • Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph 3.E.(1) 3.(1) 3.F.D. If this modification is done at a shop location.K. the equipment specified in the document identified in Paragraph 1.G. can also possibly be necessary.(1) 3. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. Page 9 of 25 22 January 2008 . CAUTION: DO NOT USE A MATERIAL THAT IS NOT EQUIVALENT TO THE MATERIAL SPECIFIED BY HONEYWELL.F. Do the instructions in Paragraph 3.htm) is copied to a PCMCIA card. Use all CAUTIONS and WARNINGS.D. must be used.C.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 3.honeywell. Only one PCMCIA card is necessary for each location that does this modification. Do the instructions in Paragraph 3. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. must be used. Accomplishment Instructions A. • The data from a PCMCIA card with the applicable Terrain Database and Envelope Modulation Database is copied to a PCMCIA card.E. THE INDICATION OF LOW VOLTAGE SHOULD NOT BE IDENTIFIED AS A SAFE CONDITION. the instructions in Paragraph 3. THE EGPWS CONTAINS ESDS ITEMS. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. USE APPROVED PRECAUTIONS. SOME MATERIALS CAN BE DANGEROUS. If this modification is done at a shop location. Do the instructions in Paragraph 3. The EGPWS is not disassembled and the inspection seals are not broken. refer to the Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) CMM. unless specified differently. for procedures and precautions. VOLTAGES AS LOW AS 28 VOLTS CAN CAUSE BAD INJURY IN SOME CONDITIONS. Do the instructions in Paragraph 3. REFER TO THE MANUFACTURER’S MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS. NOTE: If this modification is done at a customer location (in the aircraft). Page 10 of 25 22 January 2008 . Number 012-0709-001).G. • A new PCMCIA card with the applicable Terrain Database and Envelope Modulation Database installed is used. NOTE: If this modification is done at a shop location. NOTE: This is a software change only. • The data from a CD-ROM with the applicable Terrain Database and Envelope Modulation Database is copied to a PCMCIA card. The web site address is case-sensitive. A MATERIAL THAT IS NOT EQUIVALENT CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENT AND CAN MAKE THE WARRANTY NOT APPLICABLE. One of the four procedures identified below is permitted to get the PCMCIA card. ATA Number 34-45-40 (Pub. • The applicable data from the EGPWS web site (http://www.B.com/sites/aero/Egpws-Home. NOTE: A PCMCIA card with the applicable Terrain Database and Envelope Modulation Database installed is necessary to do this modification. General Data WARNING: CAUTION: TO PREVENT INJURY TO PERSONNEL. the instructions in Paragraph 3. WARNING: BEFORE YOU USE A MATERIAL. Refer to the IPL in the CMM for the location of the parts. KNOW THAT VOLTAGES ARE IN THE EGPWS AND IN THE TEST EQUIPMENT. This will show the contents of the PCMCIA card on the right side of the window. • Blank PCMCIA card. If necessary. Refer to the applicable Service Letter for the correct part number. C. (a) If this modification is done at a customer location (in the aircraft). (2) Do the instructions given below to copy the applicable data from one PCMCIA card to another.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. 98. Remove all the folders and files as necessary. click on the TDB folder. (1) No special equipment is necessary to do this procedure. (d) Put the other PCMCIA card into the PCMCIA card reader. 2000. (1) The equipment identified below is necessary to do this procedure: • PCMCIA card with the applicable Terrain Database and Envelope Modulation Database. PCMCIA Data NOTE: This paragraph gives the procedure to copy the applicable data from one PCMCIA card to another. or XP – PCMCIA card reader. click on the PCMCIA card reader device letter. Refer to the applicable Service Letter for the correct part number. 3 On the left side of the window.G. Move the APP and TDB folders (with all included files) from the PCMCIA card to the new folder in the PC hard drive. Refer to the applicable Service Letter for the correct part number. (c) Remove the PCMCIA card from the PCMCIA card reader. (3) Make a decision about how to do the modification of the EGPWS.(2). Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. and the items identified below: – Windows 95. (g) Make sure that all the necessary files were put in the PCMCIA card. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 B. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. (b) If this modification is done at a shop location. (2) Get a new PCMCIA card with the applicable Terrain Database and Envelope Modulation Database. • IBM PC or an equivalent with a Pentium processor. 1 On the left side of the Windows Explorer. 133 MHz or higher. (f) Copy the APP and TDB folders (with all included files) from the folder that was made in Paragraph 3. (e) Use the Windows Explorer to make sure there are no folders or files in the PCMCIA card. ME. 2 Make sure that the APP and TDB folders are in the PCMCIA card. New PCMCIA Card NOTE: This paragraph gives the procedure to use a new PCMCIA card.C. (b) Make a new folder in the PC hard drive.F. (a) Put the PCMCIA card into the PCMCIA card reader. go to Paragraph 3.(b) to the PCMCIA card. go to Paragraph 3. Page 11 of 25 22 January 2008 . This will show the contents of the TDB folder on the right side of the window. ARRANGE ICONS. then click on the OK button. Make sure they all have the correct date and time as given in the applicable Service Letter. 6 Make a menu selection of FILE and PROPERTIES. 5 Make sure all of the files in the folder are highlighted. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 make a menu selection of VIEW. If the file extensions are not shown. Refer to the applicable Service Letter. Page 12 of 25 22 January 2008 . check the READ-ONLY attribute box and click on the APPLY button. 7 Make sure that the size and number of files and folders are correct as given in the applicable Service Letter. check the READ-ONLY attribute box and click on the APPLY button. 9 Make sure that the contents of the APP folder are correct. 6 Make a menu selection of FILE and PROPERTIES. 12 Make sure all of the files in the folder are highlighted. If not. 11 Make a menu selection of EDIT and SELECT ALL. This will show the contents of the APP folder on the right side of the window. b For each file. a For each file. make a menu selection of VIEW. If not. and BY NAME to put the names in alphabetical order. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. If not.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. click on the APP folder. 5 On the left side of the window. 7 Make sure that the READ-ONLY attribute box is checked. check the READ-ONLY attribute box and click on the APPLY button. 4 Look at a random sample of the files with the file extension . click on the APP folder so that it is highlighted. click on the TDB folder so that it is highlighted. then click on the OK button. 2 Make a menu selection of FILE and PROPERTIES. ARRANGE ICONS. make sure that the file name. 10 Make sure that the READ-ONLY attribute box is checked. date. 4 Make a menu selection of EDIT and SELECT ALL. 8 On the left side of the Explorer window. click on the TDB folder so that it is highlighted. Make sure the size of the file is correct. 8 On the left side of the window. 1 On the left side of the window. and time are correct. (h) Make the files READ-ONLY. make a menu selection of VIEW and DETAILS to show the file extensions. If necessary.BMF. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. right click on the file name and make a menu selection of PROPERTIES. 9 Make a menu selection of FILE and PROPERTIES. 13 Make a menu selection of FILE and PROPERTIES. and BY NAME to put the names in alphabetical order. then click on the OK button. 3 Make sure that the READ-ONLY attribute box is checked. ARRANGE ICONS. 15 Remove the PCMCIA card from the PCMCIA card reader. click on the TDB folder. 1 On the left side of the Windows Explorer. Page 13 of 25 22 January 2008 . 133 MHz or higher. This will show the contents of the TDB folder on the right side of the window. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. (b) Put the PCMCIA card into the PCMCIA card reader. ME. 98. Remove all the folders and files as necessary. and the items identified below: – CD-ROM drive – Windows 95. make a menu selection of VIEW. Identify the PCMCIA card as the applicable Terrain Database version with the applicable Envelope Modulation Database.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. CD-ROM Data This paragraph gives the procedure to copy the applicable data from a CD-ROM to a PCMCIA card. (d) Copy the APP and TDB folders (with all included files) from the CD-ROM to the PCMCIA card. NOTE: (1) The equipment identified below is necessary to do this procedure: • CD-ROM with the applicable Terrain Database and Envelope Modulation Database. then click on the OK button. (e) Make sure that all the necessary files were put in the PCMCIA card. Refer to the applicable Service Letter. (a) Put the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. go to Paragraph 3. • IBM PC or an equivalent with a Pentium processor.F. If not. click on the PCMCIA card reader device letter. Refer to the applicable Service Letter for the correct part number. Refer to the applicable Service Letter for the correct part number. 2 Make sure that the APP and TDB folders are in the PCMCIA card. 3 On the left side of the window.G. (c) Use the Windows Explorer to make sure there are no folders or files in the PCMCIA card. If necessary. or XP – PCMCIA card reader. D. and BY NAME to put the names in alphabetical order. (a) If this modification is done at a customer location (in the aircraft). (3) Make a decision about how to do the modification of the EGPWS. This will show the contents of the PCMCIA card on the right side of the window. check the READ-ONLY attribute box and click on the APPLY button. 2000. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. (2) Do the instructions given below to copy the applicable data from a CD-ROM to a PCMCIA card. go to Paragraph 3. (b) If this modification is done at a shop location. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 (i) 14 Make sure that the READ-ONLY attribute box is checked. • Blank PCMCIA card. right click on the file name and make a menu selection of PROPERTIES. This will show the 8 contents of the APP folder on the right side of the window. a b For each file. On the left side of the window. check the READ-ONLY attribute box and click on the APPLY button. click on the TDB folder so that it is highlighted. click on the APP folder. 4 Make a menu selection of EDIT and SELECT ALL. 9 Make a menu selection of FILE and PROPERTIES. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. then click on the OK button. Make the files READ-ONLY. check the READ-ONLY attribute box and click on the APPLY button.BMF. If not. 6 Make sure that the size and number of files and folders are correct as 7 given in the applicable Service Letter. 10 Make sure that the READ-ONLY attribute box is checked. 5 On the left side of the window. then click on the OK button. If not. make a menu selection of VIEW. 6 Make sure that the READ-ONLY attribute box is checked. ARRANGE ICONS. Make sure that the contents of the APP folder are correct. Make a menu selection of FILE and PROPERTIES. and time are correct. Make sure all of the files in the folder are highlighted. 12 Make sure all of the files in the folder are highlighted. 5 Make a menu selection of FILE and PROPERTIES.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. If not. check 3 the READ-ONLY attribute box and click on the APPLY button. click on the TDB folder so that it is highlighted. make a menu selection of VIEW and DETAILS to show the file extensions. then click on the OK button. check 7 the READ-ONLY attribute box and click on the APPLY button. On the left side of the window. 2 Make sure that the READ-ONLY attribute box is checked. 11 Make a menu selection of EDIT and SELECT ALL. On the left side of the Explorer window. Refer to the 9 applicable Service Letter. make sure that the file name. Page 14 of 25 22 January 2008 . 1 Make a menu selection of FILE and PROPERTIES. If necessary. click on the APP folder so that it 8 is highlighted. 15 Remove the PCMCIA card from the PCMCIA card reader. For each file. If not. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. Make sure the size of the file is correct. Make sure they all have the correct date and time as given in the applicable Service Letter. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 4 (f) Look at a random sample of the files with the file extension . 14 Make sure that the READ-ONLY attribute box is checked. 13 Make a menu selection of FILE and PROPERTIES. If the file extensions are not shown. date. then click on the OK button. and BY NAME to put the names in alphabetical order. go to Paragraph 3. E. NOTE: (1) The equipment identified below is necessary to do this procedure: • An internet connection with a password to access the EGPWS web location (http://www. (a) If this modification is done at a customer location (in the aircraft). Page 15 of 25 22 January 2008 . 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. ME. EGPWS Web Data This paragraph gives the procedure to copy the applicable data from the EGPWS web location to a PCMCIA card. 133 MHz or higher.htm). 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 (g) Identify the PCMCIA card as the applicable Terrain Database version with the applicable Envelope Modulation Database. Refer to the applicable Service Letter for the correct part number. go to Paragraph 3. 98. • Blank PCMCIA card. (3) Make a decision about how to do the modification of the EGPWS. (d) Do the instructions as given on the download page. (h) Remove the CD-ROM from the CD-ROM drive. click on the PCMCIA card reader device letter.(2).F. (a) Make a folder in the PC hard drive. Put the files in the folder that was made in Paragraph 3. 2000. Remove all the folders and files as necessary.E.E.(a) to the PCMCIA card.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. Refer to the applicable Service Letter. This will show the contents of the PCMCIA card on the right side of the window.(2). (c) Use the Database link on the left side of the window to go to the Terrain Database download page. Use the Database link on the left side of the window to get the instructions to download the applicable database. or XP – The PCMCIA card reader. • IBM PC or an equivalent with a Pentium processor. (f) Use the Windows Explorer to make sure there are no folders or files in the PCMCIA card.com/sites/aero/Egpws-Home. (b) Use the internet browser in the PC to go to the EGPWS web location (http://www.honeywell. 2 Make sure that the APP and TDB folders are in the PCMCIA card. (e) Put the PCMCIA card into the PCMCIA card reader. (h) Make sure that all the necessary files were put in the PCMCIA card. 1 On the left side of the Windows Explorer. and the items identified below: – Windows 95.G. (2) Do the instructions given below to copy the applicable data from the EGPWS web location to a PCMCIA card. The web site address is case-sensitive.htm). Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell.honeywell. (b) If this modification is done at a shop location.com/sites/aero/Egpws-Home. (g) Move the APP and TDB folders (with all included files) from the folder that was made in Paragraph 3.(a). SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. Page 16 of 25 22 January 2008 . Make sure the size of the file is correct. click on the TDB folder so that it is highlighted. make a menu selection of VIEW. 3 Make sure that the READ-ONLY attribute box is checked. date. check the READ-ONLY attribute box and click on the APPLY button. 9 10 Make sure that the READ-ONLY attribute box is checked. 4 Look at a random sample of the files with the file extension . 13 Make a menu selection of FILE and PROPERTIES. If not. If the file extensions are not shown.BMF. This will show the contents of the APP folder on the right side of the window. 8 On the left side of the Explorer window. click on the APP folder. click on the APP folder so that it is highlighted. click on the TDB folder. 12 Make sure all of the files in the folder are highlighted. Make the files READ-ONLY. On the left side of the window. make a menu selection of VIEW and DETAILS to show the file extensions. then click on the OK button. 7 Make sure that the READ-ONLY attribute box is checked. Make sure they all have the correct date and time as given in the applicable Service Letter. and time are correct. make sure that the file name. click on the TDB folder so that it is highlighted. 5 6 Make a menu selection of FILE and PROPERTIES. b For each file. Make sure all of the files in the folder are highlighted. 5 6 Make a menu selection of FILE and PROPERTIES. then click on the OK button. and BY NAME to put the names in alphabetical order. Refer to the applicable Service Letter. check the READ-ONLY attribute box and click on the APPLY button. If necessary. ARRANGE ICONS. 11 Make a menu selection of EDIT and SELECT ALL. If necessary. 7 Make sure that the size and number of files and folders are correct as given in the applicable Service Letter. If not. If not. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. and BY NAME to put the names in alphabetical order. 1 On the left side of the window. right click on the file name and make a menu selection of PROPERTIES. 2 Make a menu selection of FILE and PROPERTIES. This will show the contents of the TDB folder on the right side of the window. a For each file. 4 Make a menu selection of EDIT and SELECT ALL. check the READ-ONLY attribute box and click on the APPLY button. ARRANGE ICONS. make a menu selection of VIEW. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 3 (i) On the left side of the window. 9 Make sure that the contents of the APP folder are correct. then click on the OK button. 8 On the left side of the window. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. Make a menu selection of FILE and PROPERTIES. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. check the READ-ONLY attribute box and click on the APPLY button. Refer to the applicable Service Letter. Modification at Customer Location (in the aircraft) (1) The equipment identified below is necessary to do this procedure: • Smart cable assembly (Part Number 951-0386-001). (a) If this modification is done at a customer location (in the aircraft). (a) Make sure the power to the EGPWS is on. Page 17 of 25 22 January 2008 . (3) Make a decision about how to do the modification of the EGPWS. Identify the PCMCIA card as the applicable Terrain Database version with the applicable Envelope Modulation Database. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 (j) 14 Make sure that the READ-ONLY attribute box is checked. Make sure the COMPUTER OK LED on the EGPWS front panel is on.F.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. go to Paragraph 3. Refer to Figure 1 of this Service Bulletin. 15 Remove the PCMCIA card from the PCMCIA card reader. (2) Install the applicable Terrain Database with the applicable Envelope Modulation Database in the EGPWS. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell.G. F. If not. go to Paragraph 3. (b) If this modification is done at a shop location. then click on the OK button. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 Figure 1 (Sheet 1 of 1). EGPWS Front Panel 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. Page 18 of 25 22 January 2008 . Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 (b) Connect the smart cable assembly to the connector J3 on the front panel of the EGPWS. make sure the XFER COMP LED on the smart cable assembly comes on.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. Page 19 of 25 22 January 2008 . (e) After the databases are installed. This identifies that the databases were installed correctly. (h) Disconnect the smart cable assembly from the connector J3 on the front panel of the EGPWS. Smart Cable Assembly (c) Put the PCMCIA card into the PCMCIA card slot in the smart cable assembly. Make sure the POWER ON LED on the smart cable assembly is on. (g) After approximately 30 seconds. (d) While the databases are installed. make sure that the IN PROG LED on the smart cable assembly stays on. (f) Remove the PCMCIA card from the smart cable assembly. Figure 2 (Sheet 1 of 1). make sure that the COMPUTER OK LED on the EGPWS comes on. Refer to Figure 2 of this Service Bulletin. To help go through the different levels.. the ST sequence stops. where XXX and YYY are the correct versions: • TERRAIN DATABASE VERSION: XXX • ENVELOPE DATABASE VERSION: YYY. (d) When the message PRESS TO CONTINUE is heard.). • The ST button behind the front panel door of the EGPWS. (b) After the Level 1 ST message starts.5 second but less than two seconds) • Long cancel (push and hold the ST button for more than two seconds but less than eight seconds). Use of the cockpit ST function can be different from one aircraft to another. or to continue from one level to another. push the ST button. For example. the ST function can be started when the GPWS PULL-UP indicator is pushed or when a separate ST switch is pushed. NOTE: The data check is done with the ST function. push and hold the ST button for approximately five seconds. (a) Push the ST button to start the Level 1 ST. (4) Go to Paragraph 3. When the instruction "push the ST button" is given below. The short cancel and long cancel functions operate differently when the ST is in different levels. This cancels the Level 2 ST. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 (3) Make sure the correct data was installed in the EGPWS. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. This cancels the Level 1 ST and starts the Level 2 ST.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No.H.. (e) Make sure that the messages given below are heard. Page 20 of 25 22 January 2008 . the message PRESS TO CONTINUE is heard. use the short cancel sequence. “ST button” means to start the ST function from the aircraft cockpit or the EGPWS front panel. use the short cancel. (c) After the Level 2 ST message starts (CURRENT FAULTS. push the ST button. If the ST button is not pressed. (f) When the Level 3 ST is complete. Most of the Level 1 and Level 2 ST are not done. The EGPWS ST function has six levels that identify the data given below: • Condition and configuration of the EGPWS • Fault and warning history • Condition of the different inputs. To start the ST sequence. NOTE: The ST function cannot be started if the EGPWS does not identify that the aircraft is on the ground. there are two cancel functions: • Short cancel (push and hold the ST button for more than 0. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. The procedure given below moves the operator directly to the Level 3 ST (system configuration). and identify the Terrain Database version that was installed in the EGPWS. This starts the Level 3 ST (system configuration). The ST function may be started from the two possible locations identified below: • The aircraft cockpit with the GPWS test switch. ) (417) 866-4115 http://www.(b) for the instructions necessary to get the EGPWS WinViews software.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No.A. Campbell Avenue Springfield. (d) In the Interface and Installation Documents scroll down list. NOTE: Refer to Paragraph 3. 423 N. (a) Make sure the power supply is off.com/sites/aero/Egpws-Home.com • IBM PC with the minimum of an Intel 286 processor • EGPWS WinViews communications software. click on the applicable EGPWS IDG. Modification at Shop Location (1) The equipment identified below is necessary to do this procedure: • A 28 V dc power supply with a minimum supply current of 2 amperes • Smart cable assembly (Part Number 951-0386-001) • RS-232 cable assembly (Part Number 704-2617-001) • Configuration module assembly (Part Number 700-1710-001) • Connector (P2) identified in Table 3. Table 3. (a) Go to the EGPWS web location (http://www. Page 21 of 25 22 January 2008 . Connect the power supply to the EGPWS as identified in Table 4. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 G.S. (3) Install the applicable Terrain Database with the applicable Envelope Modulation Database in the EGPWS. Telephone: Fax: Web site: (800) 641-4054 (U.G.htm). Refer to the instructions in the Configuration Module Installation section of the applicable IDG.honeywell. (e) Click on the red arrow next to the Download link to get the applicable IDG. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. (b) Click on the Installation Information link in the left frame of the window.(4). (c) Click on the Installation & Design Guides link in the center frame of the new window. Connector (P2) Part Number and Manufacturer Part Number RD50F00J0X Manufacturer Positronic Industries Inc.A. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell.S. do the instructions given below. (2) If the configuration module assembly (Part Number 700-1710-001) is not connected to the connector (P2) identified in Table 3. MO 65806 U. (f) Connect the configuration module assembly to the connector (P2).connectpositronic. click on WinViews Software. (j) Disconnect the smart cable assembly from the connector J3 on the front panel of the EGPWS. Connect the connector P2 (with the configuration module assembly attached) to the connector J2 on the front panel of the EGPWS. 60 Power 28 V dc (+) 41.honeywell. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 Table 4. 3 Below the box. Power Supply Connections J1 Pin Pin Nomenclature 40. (f) While the databases are installed. (i) After approximately 30 seconds. If the EGPWS WinViews software is not installed on the PC. make sure that the IN PROG LED on the smart cable assembly stays on. This identifies that the databases were installed correctly. (k) Remove power from the power supply. (a) Connect one end of the RS-232 cable assembly to the connector J3 on the front panel of the EGPWS.htm). Page 22 of 25 22 January 2008 . (d) Apply power to the power supply. Refer to Figure 2. (c) Make sure the COMPUTER OK LED on the EGPWS front panel is on. (e) Put the PCMCIA card into the PCMCIA card slot in the smart cable assembly. use the Maintenance link on the left side of the window to go to the EGPWS Maintenance page. Make sure the COMPUTER OK LED on the EGPWS front panel is on.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. (d) Connect the smart cable assembly to the connector J3 on the front panel of the EGPWS. but do not disconnect it from the EGPWS.com/sites/aero/Egpws-Home. make sure that the COMPUTER OK LED on the EGPWS comes on. Refer to Figure 1. 2 In the EGPWS Maintenance (Line Maintenance Manuals) box. 61 Power 28 V dc (–) 42 Chassis GND (b) Apply power to the power supply. make sure the XFER COMP LED on the smart cable assembly comes on. (h) Remove the PCMCIA card from the smart cable assembly. click on the arrow next to Download. (g) After the databases are installed. (4) Make sure the correct data was installed in the EGPWS. (b) Make sure the PC has EGPWS WinViews software installed and connect the other end of the RS-232 cable assembly to the PC. do the instructions given below: (c) 1 From the Honeywell EGPWS home page (http://www. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. Make sure the POWER ON LED on the smart cable assembly is on. Refer to the instructions in the TESTING AND TROUBLESHOOTING section of the CMM. Refer to the applicable Service Letter for the correct part number. (2) Use permanent black marking material to put the applicable Terrain Database number on the label. where XXX and YYY are the correct versions: • TERRAIN DATABASE VERSION: XXX • ENVELOPE MOD DATABASE VERSION: YYY. and ENTER keys one after the other. (3) Install the new Terrain Database label in the approximate location shown in Figure 1. S. Make sure the Terrain Database version number that had been installed in the EGPWS cannot be seen. It is also permitted to not use a label. Modification Status Marking (1) Get a new Terrain Database label. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 (e) Start the EGPWS WinViews communication software in the PC. I. Disconnect all of the test equipment and power leads from the EGPWS.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. (i) H. NOTE: It is not necessary to use the label identified above. (g) Make sure that the data identified below is correct. do a test of the EGPWS. push the P. NOTE: The above data is shown on the PC display after the EGPWS data identified below: • Part number • Modification status • Serial number • Software version. Testing (1) If this modification was done at a shop location. (h) Remove power from the power supply. Refer to the applicable Service Letter for the part number. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. (f) When the character > (greater than symbol) is seen on the PC display. Push the CTRL and Z keys on the PC keyboard at the same time. A label with a permanent adhesive is a permitted alternative. Page 23 of 25 22 January 2008 . Use the configuration matrix diskette. The Terrain Database number can be put directly on the EGPWS front label with permanent ink. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. Page 24 of 25 22 January 2008 . Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 Blank Page 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc. post office Pub. incorporated IPL illustrated parts list LED light emitting diode MHz megahertz (hertz * 10 6) MB megabytes (bytes * 10 6) No.SERVICE BULLETIN MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System / Part No. United States of America V volts 965-1206/1210/1216/1220-34-57 © Honeywell International Inc.A.S.O. number PC personal computer PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card Interface Association P. publication Qty quantity ST self test U. List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Term Term Definition ATA Air Transport Association CAGE Commercial and Government Entity CD-ROM compact disk-read only memory CMM component maintenance manual dc direct current ECCN Export Control Classification Number EGPWS Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System ESDS electrostatic discharge sensitive GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System IBM International Business Machines ID identification IDG installation and design guide Inc. Page 25 of 25 22 January 2008 . Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell. 965-1206/1210/1216/1220 Appendix A Acronyms and Abbreviations Table A-1.
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