01114400-HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs-October2
HPE SimpliVity 380Software Install Lab guide October 2017 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only Use of this material to deliver training without prior written permission from HPE is prohibited. Copyright 2017 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HPE products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Hewlett Packard Enterprise shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. This is an HPE copyrighted work that may not be reproduced without the written permission of Hewlett Packard Enterprise. You may not use these materials to deliver training to any person outside of your organization without the written permission of HPE. Printed in US HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Lab guide October 2017 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Lab: Preparing for deployment .................................................................................................................. 4 Task 1: Checking the Status of the Lab Equipment ................................................................................ 4 Task 2: Turn OFF vSphere DRS and Power Off VMs ............................................................................. 4 Task 3: Perform a SimpliVity Safe Shutdown of the OVC ....................................................................... 5 Task 4: Remove the Node from the Federation....................................................................................... 6 Task 5: Put the Node into Maintenance Mode then Remove from Inventory .......................................... 6 Task 6: Prepare the Second Node .......................................................................................................... 6 Task 7: Prepare the Last Node in the Federation .................................................................................... 7 Task 8: Perform a Factory Reset of All Three SimpliVity Hosts .............................................................. 7 Lab: Preflight Information .......................................................................................................................... 8 Standalone ESXi Access Node Information ............................................................................................ 9 Lab: SimpliVity Deployment Manager ..................................................................................................... 10 Task 1: Deploy SimpliVity Node ............................................................................................................ 10 Task 2: Post-Deployment Tasks ............................................................................................................ 11 Lab: OVC “Virtual machine memory usage” alarm ............................................................................... 12 Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 12 Symptoms .............................................................................................................................................. 12 Cause ..................................................................................................................................................... 12 Task 1: Resolution ................................................................................................................................. 12 Lab: Navigating and Using the SimpliVity User Interface ..................................................................... 13 Task 1: Accessing the SimpliVity User Interface ................................................................................... 13 Task 2: Backup Policies ......................................................................................................................... 15 Task 3: Datastores ................................................................................................................................. 17 Upload files to your datastore ........................................................................................................... 17 Datastore Summary Tab................................................................................................................... 18 Datastore Hosts Tab ......................................................................................................................... 18 Datastore SimpliVity Virtual Machines Objects Tab ......................................................................... 18 Task 4: Clusters ..................................................................................................................................... 19 October 2017 | © Copyright 2017 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP | Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Cluster Summary Tab ....................................................................................................................... 19 Cluster VMs Tab ............................................................................................................................... 20 Cluster Monitor Tab .......................................................................................................................... 20 Cluster Hosts Tab ............................................................................................................................. 23 Cluster VMs Tab ............................................................................................................................... 23 Cluster Datastores Tab ..................................................................................................................... 23 Task 5: Hosts ......................................................................................................................................... 24 Hosts Summary Tab ......................................................................................................................... 24 Hosts Monitor Tab ............................................................................................................................ 25 Host Configure Tab........................................................................................................................... 25 Host VMs Tab ................................................................................................................................... 25 Host SimpliVity Virtual Machines Objects......................................................................................... 25 Host Datastores Tab ......................................................................................................................... 25 Task 6: Virtual Machines........................................................................................................................ 26 Virtual Machines Summary Tab ....................................................................................................... 26 Virtual Machines Monitor Tab ........................................................................................................... 27 Virtual Machines Configure Tab ....................................................................................................... 27 Task 7: Working with SimpliVity Backups .............................................................................................. 28 Restore Virtual Machine ................................................................................................................... 28 Create Files on VM ........................................................................................................................... 29 Backup Virtual Machine .................................................................................................................... 29 Delete Files from VM ........................................................................................................................ 29 Restore Files ..................................................................................................................................... 30 Rename Backup ............................................................................................................................... 30 Copy Backup .................................................................................................................................... 30 Lock Backup ..................................................................................................................................... 31 Set Retention Time ........................................................................................................................... 31 Calculate Unique Backup Size ......................................................................................................... 32 Export Backups ................................................................................................................................. 32 Delete Backup .................................................................................................................................. 32 Task 8: Clone and Move ........................................................................................................................ 33 SimpliVity Rapid Clone ..................................................................................................................... 33 SimpliVity Move ................................................................................................................................ 33 vSphere Storage Migration ............................................................................................................... 33 Task 9: VM Templates ........................................................................................................................... 34 Lab: Upgrading the SimpliVity Federation ............................................................................................. 35 Task 1: Stage the SimpliVity upgrade files ............................................................................................ 35 October 2017 2 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Task 2: Prepare for the upgrade ............................................................................................................ 35 Preparation Steps ............................................................................................................................. 36 Task 3: Upgrade the Arbiter and Web Client Extension ........................................................................ 36 Upgrading the SimpliVity Arbiter ....................................................................................................... 36 Upgrading the SimpliVity Web Client Extension on vCenter ............................................................ 37 Task 4: Perform the Upgrade using SimpliVity Upgrade Manager ........................................................ 37 Using SimpliVity Upgrade Manager .................................................................................................. 38 Task 5: Commit the Upgrade on the Federation ................................................................................... 39 Lab: SimpliVity SVT Commands Workshop ........................................................................................... 41 Introduction to the Virtual Controller CLI................................................................................................ 41 Prerequisites for using the CLI .............................................................................................................. 41 Task 1: Logging in to the CLI on a Virtual Controller ............................................................................. 41 Access the CLI through the Virtual Controller console screen (remote console) ............................. 42 Access the CLI through PuTTY ........................................................................................................ 42 General Command Options ................................................................................................................... 43 Command Control Options .................................................................................................................... 44 Using the XML Output ...................................................................................................................... 45 Task 2: Exploring Command Options .................................................................................................... 45 Task 3: CLI Policy Commands............................................................................................................... 46 Task 4: CLI Datastore Commands ........................................................................................................ 46 Task 5: CLI VM Commands ................................................................................................................... 47 Task 6: CLI Backup Commands ............................................................................................................ 47 Task 7: CLI Federation Commands ....................................................................................................... 48 Task 8: CLI IWO Commands ................................................................................................................. 48 Task 9: CLI Shutdown Commands ........................................................................................................ 49 Lab: Using a Standard ESXi Host as an Access Node.......................................................................... 50 Task 1: Create an Access Node ............................................................................................................ 50 Task 2: Create a Backup Policy and Datastore ..................................................................................... 50 Task 3: Share a Datastore with a Standard ESXi Host ......................................................................... 50 Task 4: Migrate a VM from a Standard ESXi Host into the Federation ................................................. 50 Task 5: Verify the VM was Migrated to the SimpliVity Datastore .......................................................... 50 Lab: Performing a Factory Reset of a SimpliVity Host ......................................................................... 51 Factory Reset Procedure Overview ....................................................................................................... 51 Factory Reset Procedure Detailed Steps .............................................................................................. 51 Appendix A: Safely Shutdown a SimpliVity Node ................................................................................. 53 SimpliVity Safe Shutdown ...................................................................................................................... 53 Restarting a SimpliVity Node ................................................................................................................. 53 October 2017 3 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Lab: Preparing for deployment In a production environment, the customer would be required to go through the Site Readiness Checklist then the Pre-Deployment Checklist prior to scheduling an assisted deployment. Those documents are available on the SimpliVity Online Support Center and have been provided in the lab handouts for your convenience. These checks have already been done in our lab environment. It is possible that the lab environment has not been cleaned up from previous deployments. The remaining labs assume the following: • The vCenter inventory has been cleaned to remove the SimpliVity nodes that you will use for deployment • The vCenter has two empty Cluster objects to deploy into: o SVT-Cluster o SVT-DR-Cluster • The SimpliVity nodes have been Factory Reset. Task 1: Checking the Status of the Lab Equipment 1. RDP to the vCenter Server. 2. Open the web browser then connect to the vCenter URL. 3. Login to the vCenter. 4. Check to see if your assigned SimpliVity hosts are in the vCenter Inventory. a. If the hosts are not in the inventory, ensure that you have two empty clusters, SVT-Cluster and SVT-DR-Cluster, then go to Step 5. b. If the hosts are in the inventory, skip to the next section “Turn OFF vSphere DRS and Power Off VMs” and complete the remainder of the lab. 5. Login to the iLO for each of your nodes. 6. Power on the nodes if necessary. a. If they boot to the SimpliVity Installer, then they have already been reset. Skip to the lab for “Preflight Information” then complete the remainder of the lab. b. If not, then skip to the section below for “Perform a Factory Reset of All Three SimpliVity Hosts” and complete the remainder of the lab. Task 2: Turn OFF vSphere DRS and Power Off VMs 1. In the vSphere Web Client go to Hosts and Clusters view. 2. Expand the display as necessary to see the nodes and VMs. 3. Select the SVT-Cluster object, then click the Configure tab. 4. Select vSphere DRS, if the vSphere DRS status is Turned ON, then click the Edit button. 5. Clear the checkbox, then click OK to turn OFF vSphere DRS. 6. Ensure that vSphere DRS is Turned OFF for SVT-DR-Cluster. 7. Power off any running VMs on the node that you want to shutdown, except the OmniStackVC VM. October 2017 4 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Task 3: Perform a SimpliVity Safe Shutdown of the OVC 1. Once all of the VMs are powered off, right-click the host, select All SimpliVity Actions, then click Shut Down Virtual Controller. 2. A dialog box will appear with the Virtual Controller name and Management IP address displayed asking if you are sure that you want to proceed. Click Yes to proceed. 3. After a few seconds, the OmniStackVC VM should show as Powered Off. October 2017 5 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Task 4: Remove the Node from the Federation 1. Right-click the host again, select All SimpliVity Actions, then click Remove from Federation. 2. A dialog box will appear showing the host that is to be removed and asking for confirmation. Check the box to Force removal. Click Yes to proceed. 3. A second dialog box will appear warning you that a forced removal may cause data loss. Click Yes to continue. Task 5: Put the Node into Maintenance Mode then Remove from Inventory 1. Once the task has completed, right-click the host, select Maintenance Mode, then click Enter Maintenance Mode. 2. If applicable, deselect the checkbox about moving VMs to other hosts 3. Click OK to confirm Maintenance Mode. 4. Right-click the host, then select Remove from Inventory. 5. A confirmation dialog box appears. Click Yes to continue. Task 6: Prepare the Second Node 1. Perform a SimpliVity Safe Shutdown of the OVC 2. Remove the Node from the Federation 3. Put the Node into Maintenance Mode then Remove from Inventory October 2017 6 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Task 7: Prepare the Last Node in the Federation 1. Perform a SimpliVity Safe Shutdown of the OVC 2. Attempt to Remove the Node from the Federation. You will see an error message appear stating that you can not remove the last node. 3. Click OK, then click No. 4. Put the Node into Maintenance Mode then Remove from Inventory 5. If there are any alarms, reset them to green. Task 8: Perform a Factory Reset of All Three SimpliVity Hosts 1. Look in the Table of Contents to find the lab for “Performing a Factory Reset of a SimpliVity Host”. Use the steps in that lab to do a Factory Reset on each of the three nodes. 2. Once the Factory Reset is complete for all of the nodes, you are ready to continue with the “Preflight Information” lab. October 2017 7 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Lab: Preflight Information These are the data items that you will need to use Deployment Manager. This would normally be provided by the customer, but for class, the facilitator will provide a PreFlight document with the information specific to the lab environment being used for the class. Download that document and review the settings. • vCenter name or IP address • vCenter username with administrative privileges • vCenter password • Arbiter IP address, if it is not installed on the vCenter Server. • Management Network Connection Settings – MTU – VLAN ID • OmniStack Virtual Controller Management Settings (OVC Management) – Virtual Controller IP Address – Virtual Controller Netmask – Virtual Controller Gateway • OmniStack Host Management Settings (ESXi Host) – Host IP Address – Host Netmask – Host Gateway • Storage Network Connection Settings – MTU – VLAN ID • OmniStack Virtual Controller Storage Settings (OVC Storage) – Virtual Controller IP Address – Virtual Controller Netmask – Virtual Controller Gateway (Optional – usually blank) • OmniStack Host Storage Settings (ESXi Host) – Host IP Address – Host Netmask – Host Gateway (Optional – usually blank) October 2017 8 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs • Federation Network Connection Settings – MTU – VLAN ID • OmniStack Virtual Controller Federation Settings (OVC Federation) – Virtual Controller IP Address – Virtual Controller Netmask – Virtual Controller Gateway (Optional – usually blank) • OmniStack Host DNS Settings • Domain • Search Domain • Primary Server • Secondary Server • Three NTP Servers Standalone ESXi Access Node Information • Standalone ESXi Host IP Address • Username • Password October 2017 9 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Lab: SimpliVity Deployment Manager When deploying in a customer environment, there should be a Preflight sheet that has the information you will need to input into the Deployment Manager. For this lab exercise, please refer to the Preflight document provided by your instructor which is specific to the lab environment you will be using. Task 1: Deploy SimpliVity Node 1. Login to the Windows system where Deployment Manager is installed. 2. Launch Deployment Manager 3. Enter the vCenter Server name or IP address 4. Enter the vCenter credentials, then click the Login button 5. On the Select Deploy Location screen, expand the appropriate Datacenter, then select the appropriate Cluster where you want to install the node, then click the Next button. 6. On the Select Deployment Method screen, if you have an existing configuration file from a previous deployment, you can import that, otherwise leave the default to deploy a host manually, then click Next. 7. On the Select an OmniStack Host screen, you can use the Scan button if your hosts are on the same network broadcast domain as the Deployment Manager. If not, manually enter the IP address then click the Add button. a. If the host is not found, verify the IP address was entered correctly. b. If the IP address was correct, but the host was still not found, login to the console of the host via the iLO and verify the network settings (IP address, netmask, MTU, and gateway) are set properly. Also ensure the host is in the “Waiting to be discovered” status. 8. Once you have the host you want to deploy listed, select the NIC to be used during deployment, then click Next. IMPORTANT: The NIC that you choose here should match the one that was used when you configured the host IP address. 9. If this is the first node to be installed, you will be prompted about the Federation. Select to Create a New Federation. October 2017 10 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs 10. If the Arbiter is installed on the same system where the vCenter is running, leave the default setting, otherwise select the second option and provide the IP address where the Arbiter is running, then click Next. 11. On the Configure Management Network Settings screen, the vSwitch name and the Virtual Controller Port Group Name are preset. You will need to fill in all of the other boxes using the information from your Preflight document. Once you have completed that, click Next. 12. On the Configure Storage Network Settings screen, the vSwitch name and the Virtual Controller Port Group Name are preset. You will need to fill in all of the other boxes, except the Virtual Controller Gateway and the Host Gateway, using the information from your Preflight document. Leave the Gateway boxes empty. Once you have completed that, click Next. 13. On the Configure Federation Network Settings screen, the vSwitch name and the Virtual Controller Port Group Name are preset. You will need to fill in all of the other boxes, except the Virtual Controller Gateway, using the information from your Preflight document. Leave the Gateway box empty. Once you have completed that, click Next. 14. On the Configure Host DNS Settings screen, fill in the boxes using the information in the Preflight document, then click Next. 15. On the Select NTP Servers for Host screen, enter the first NTP server in the Alternate Server box, then click Add. Repeat for the remaining NTP servers. Once all of the NTP servers listed in the Preflight document are listed under Selected NTP Servers, click Next. 16. Review the Summary information, then click Next. 17. The Test Host Settings screen will populate. Once it is available, click the Start Test button. 18. The test will run for about 2 minutes. You can monitor the progress using the sliding bar on the right side. a. If there are any errors, correct them, then click Rerun Test. b. If the tests passed, click Next 19. If this is the first time that you are deploying this node, check the box to Save settings in a configuration file, then click the Browse Location button to choose a directory. 20. Click Finish. 21. The installation will begin. Click the first icon on the top right to see the progress. NOTICE: If this is the first node in the Federation, do not start the installation of any additional nodes until the first one has completed and you verify that it was successful. If you are adding additional nodes to a Federation, you can start the installation process for another node while an installation is in progress. Task 2: Post-Deployment Tasks In a customer environment, once you have deployed the nodes, you should complete the tasks in the Post-Deployment Checklist to ensure that the systems are working as expected. However, for this training environment, we will be using the systems so we will check it out as we work with it. You are likely already starting to see an alarm on the first OVC that was setup in the environment. You will take care of that in the next lab. October 2017 11 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Lab: OVC “Virtual machine memory usage” alarm Overview In certain circumstances memory usage alarms are triggered within vCenter for certain types of Virtual Machines (VMs) in ESXi 6.x, including the OmniStack Virtual Controller (OVC). This alarm is being triggered erroneously and occurs because the OVC is configured with a PCI passthrough device. This issue was identified by VMware and is outlined in VMware Knowledge Base Article 2149787. TIP: Refer customers to SimpliVity Knowledge Base Article 20474. Symptoms Virtual machine memory usage alarm is displayed for the OmniStack Virtual Controller (OVC) virtual machine. Cause This behavior, depending on the ESXi version, is by design for Virtual Machines in the specified configurations. • On vSphere 6.0, the Virtual Machine is configured with Latency Sensitivity set to High. • On vSphere 6.5 and later the Virtual Machine is configured with at least one of these options: – PCI passthrough devices – Fault Tolerance (FT) enabled – Latency Sensitivity set to High ESXi's active memory heuristic is a weighted moving average based on reads and writes to a small subset of pages of the Virtual Machine's memory. It is used in making memory reclamation decisions in addition to other resource controls like shares, limits and reservations. To sample this subset of 100 random pages over one minute, a minimal overhead is incurred. The virtual machine configurations mentioned in the Symptoms section force a full memory reservation and are not subjected to reclamation techniques, hence memory sampling is disabled and active memory will default to a display value of 100%. Task 1: Resolution This is a display artifact only and has no negative performance impact on the virtual machine or the host it is running on. To work around this issue, disable the Virtual machine memory usage alarm to avoid false positives. To disable the alarm definition: 1. Select the vCenter object in the navigation pane of the vSphere Web Client. 2. Click the Monitor tab > Issues sub-tab. 3. Select Alarm Definitions and search for Virtual machine memory usage. 4. Highlight the alarm and click Edit. 5. Deselect Enable this alarm. 6. Click Finish. October 2017 12 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Lab: Navigating and Using the SimpliVity User Interface The SimpliVity User Interface is integrated in to the vSphere Web Client once the SimpliVity Extension for vSphere Client is installed on the vCenter Server. NOTE: There may be more than one way to complete many of the following tasks. This guide is not meant to be a comprehensive list of the methods to use, but will show you at least one way to accomplish each given task. Task 1: Accessing the SimpliVity User Interface 1. Ensure that you are logged into the vSphere Web Client using the credentials provided. 2. In the blue border at the top, click anywhere in the words that say VMware vSphere Web Client. This is a shortcut to the vSphere Web Client Home tab. 3. From the vSphere Web Client Home tab, click the SimpliVity Federation icon, or the SimpliVity Federation menu option on the left side. This will take you to the SimpliVity Federation which has the following menu options: Backup Policies, Clusters, Datastores, Hosts, Virtual Machines, and VM Templates. 4. Across the top, next to the SimpliVity Home tab, you will see additional tabs: Topology, Throughput, Backup Consumption, and About October 2017 13 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs 5. Click on the Topology tab to view the clusters in the Federation. You can use the zoom scroll bar to zoom in or zoom out of the datacenter view. You can also use the Find a cluster dropdown to highlight a specific cluster. a. Within each cluster box you’ll see information on number of OmniCube Systems and number of Virtual Machines. b. Click on a cluster’s name within the box to navigate to that cluster. We’ll look at the Cluster screen later in the lab. c. Maneuver back to the SimpliVity Federation. 6. Click on the Throughput tab to view the current backup throughput speeds between clusters. Note that you can change the Refresh Interval to 5, 15, 30, or 60 seconds. You will not see any throughput displayed at this time because nothing has been transferred yet. 7. Click on the Backup Consumption tab to view the percentage of daily backups created and stored, and how much room left to add more backups. IMPORTANT: If the daily or predicted steady-state consumption values come close to the capacity threshold (yellow or red zone) adjust your backup policies. 8. Click on the About tab to access information on the SimpliVity Extension for vSphere Web Client version and access links to SimpliVity Support. October 2017 14 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Task 2: Backup Policies A default Backup Policy will be assigned to each SimpliVity Datastore and any virtual machines that are on that Datastore will be backed up according to that policy. However, a Backup Policy can be assigned to an individual virtual machine and then that VM will be backed up according to the policy assigned to it. 1. From the SimpliVity Federation menu, click Backup Policies. 2. To create a new backup policy: a. When Backup Policies is selected, go to the Objects tab, then click the first icon to Create Backup Policy, or b. When an existing Backup Policies is selected, go to the Getting Started tab, near the bottom under Basic Tasks, click the link to Create Backup Policy 3. Create a new backup policy using your first name as the Policy Name. Click the Create Rule button to add the following rules to the policy: a. Backup to local cluster every 15 minutes and retain for 2 days. b. Backup to remote (SVT-DR-Cluster) cluster every hour and retain for 3 days. c. Backup to local cluster every 4 hours and retain for 7 days. d. Backup to remote cluster every 6 hours and retain for 14 days. e. Backup to local cluster with a Frequency of 1 day, retaining for 1 month, then set the Advanced options to Sunday only. October 2017 15 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs f. Backup to local cluster with a Frequency of 1 day, retaining for 1 year, then set the Advanced options to the last day of the month only. 4. Click OK to create the policy. 5. Right-click on any backup policy to see the actions that can be performed on the selected policy. You can do this either in the left menu, or in the Objects tab to the right. There are three actions available: a. Edit Backup Policy b. Rename Backup Policy c. Delete Backup Policy 6. Edit the policy that you created. Change the Frequency on one of the rules to 10 minutes, then click OK to close the Edit Policy Rule box. 7. Click OK to close the Edit Backup Policy box. 8. Review the Federation Backup Consumption, then click Yes to apply the policy changes. 9. Rename your policy to your first name and today’s date. (i.e. Lance-20170922) October 2017 16 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Task 3: Datastores 1. From the SimpliVity Federation menu, click Datastores. 2. In the Objects tab, click the first icon (it looks like a disk with a green plus sign). 3. The Create Datastore dialog box opens. Use the following information to create a unique SimpliVity Datastore: a. Cluster: SVT-Cluster b. New datastore name: SVT-DS-yourfirstname c. Default backup policy: yourfirstname-YYYYMMDD d. Size: 2 TB 4. Right-click on any datastore to see the actions that can be performed on the selected datastore. You can do this either in the left menu, or in the Objects tab to the right. The action menu has the same options normally seen in the vSphere Web Client for a datastore, but there is a new option near the bottom: All SimpliVity Actions. Mouse over that option and a sub-menu will appear: There are four actions available: a. Online Resize b. Set Default Backup Policy c. Manage Standard ESXi Hosts d. Delete Datastore 5. Select your datastore. Notice that the tabs available are the same as for standard datastores. 6. Create a second 2TB datastore named SVT-DS2-yourfirstname on the SVT-Cluster using your backup policy. 7. Create a third 2 TB datastore named SVT-DRDS-yourfirstname on the SVT-DR-Cluster using your backup policy. Upload files to your datastore 8. Select SVT-DS-yourfirstname in the left menu, then click the Files tab. 9. Click the icon to “Upload a File to the Datastore” 10. Select the Windows Svr Std ISO file from your SimpliVity directory, then click Open. 11. If you get an unknown error which states that it is likely due to an untrusted certificate, then open the URL listed in the error in another tab of your web browser and accept connecting to the system with untrusted certificates. 12. Return to the Web Client tab, then click the icon to “Upload a File to the Datastore” 13. Select the Windows Svr Std ISO file from your SimpliVity directory, then click Open. 14. Watch the progress to ensure that the file upload completes. October 2017 17 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Datastore Summary Tab 15. Click the Summary tab. 16. There is a new SimpliVity box on this screen which shows the Default backup policy and well as the Stored and Free Capacity. Datastore Hosts Tab 17. Click the Hosts tab 18. Here you can ensure that all of the hosts have a state of Connected. Datastore SimpliVity Virtual Machines Objects Tab 19. Click the SimpliVity Virtual Machines Objects tab. 20. Here you can see the SimpliVity Virtual Machines associated with this datastore as well as the Backup Policy being used by the VM and the Storage HA status. October 2017 18 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Task 4: Clusters A cluster is a container for inventory objects such as SimpliVity hosts and virtual machines. A Federation can contain multiple clusters, but objects within a cluster have limited interaction across different clusters. 1. From the SimpliVity Federation menu, click Clusters. 2. Right-click on any cluster to see the actions that can be performed on the selected cluster. You can do this either in the left menu, or in the Objects tab to the right. The action menu has the same options normally seen in the vSphere Web Client for a cluster, but there is a new option near the bottom: All SimpliVity Actions. Mouse over that option and a sub-menu will appear: There are four actions available: a. Create Datastore b. View Capacity c. View Performance d. Search Backups 3. Select SVT-Cluster. Notice that the tabs available for the cluster look the same as for non- SimpliVity clusters. The difference is that the SimpliVity Extension has added additional information in various places. 4. Select the Configure tab. 5. Ensure that vSphere DRS is Turned ON. If it is not, edit the settings to enable it for Fully Automated operation. Cluster Summary Tab 6. On the Summary tab, notice that there is a new box titled SimpliVity, which provides a quick overview of the SimpliVity Cluster. 7. Right-click on SVT-Cluster, select New Virtual Machine New Virtual Machine 8. Create a virtual machine named Win01-yourfirstname in SVT-Cluster. a. Ensure that SVT-DS-yourfirstname is the selected datastore October 2017 19 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs NOTICE: Do NOT use the datastores that have the name datastore-hostserialnumber. Those are only to be used by the OmniStack Virtual Controller. b. Select the Guest OS Version to support Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (64 bit) c. Select Datastore ISO File as the New CD/DVD Drive, then select the Windows Server ISO that you uploaded to the SVT-DS-yourfirstname Datastore earlier. Click OK. d. Click the box to Connect the CD/DVD, then click Next e. Review the settings, then click Finish Cluster VMs Tab 9. Click the VMs tab. 10. Select the Win01-yourfirstname VM, then click Power On 11. Click Open Console 12. Install Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Server with a GUI). The installation will take about 5 minutes. 13. Set the Administrator’s password to Windows123! 14. Login to the Windows desktop 15. Return to the vSphere Web Client 16. Edit the settings on Win01-yourfirstname so that the CD/DVD is set to Client Device Cluster Monitor Tab 17. Click the Monitor tab. Noce that there are two new buttons that were added by the SimpliVity Extension to the vSphere Web Client: a. SimpliVity Capacity b. SimpliVity Performance 18. Click the SimpliVity Capacity button. Now you can see the Logical Capacity vs. Used Capacity and the resulting SimpliVity Efficiency. October 2017 20 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs 19. Analyze the Logical Capacity information. You can see that it is broken down into: a. Virtual Machine Data b. Local Backups c. Remote Backups 20. In the middle, the SimpliVity Efficiency is shown with details for a. Deduplication b. Compression October 2017 21 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs 21. On the right-side, the actual Used Capacity on the storage is shown along with the total Savings. 22. Along the bottom of the window is the Total Cluster Physical Capacity bar graph showing Used and Free capacity compared to Total Physical Capacity. 23. Click the SimpliVity Performance button. Here you can see the Throughput, IOPS, and Latency for the selected Cluster. You have choices about what Refresh Interval to use as well as the timeframe choices of: a. 1 minute b. 1 hour c. 1 day d. 1 week e. 1 month f. 1 year October 2017 22 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs 24. Click the Open Top Contributors button. This will open a list of the VMs that are the Top Contributors. If no VMs are listed, mouse over the performance graph and click on a specific point in time. Cluster Hosts Tab 25. Click the Hosts tab. 26. Here you will see both SimpliVity hosts and Standard ESXi Hosts in the Cluster. How many hosts are assigned to this Cluster? __________ Cluster VMs Tab 27. Click the VMs tab. 28. Notice that the OmniStackVC VMs as well as any VMs that you created are all listed here. You can see the power State, the overall Status, and the resource utilization of the VMs. Cluster Datastores Tab 29. Click the Datastores tab. 30. Notice that the OVC datastores as well as the SimpliVity Datastores are all listed here. The OVC datastore will have the name datastore-<serialnumber> and a type of VMFS5. The SimpliVity Datastores will all have a Type of NFS 3. You can view the Capacity and Free information for the datastores here. October 2017 23 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Task 5: Hosts 1. From the SimpliVity Federation menu, click Hosts. 2. Right-click on any host to see the actions that can be performed on the selected host. You can do this either in the left menu, or in the Objects tab to the right. The action menu has the same options normally seen in the vSphere Web Client for a host, but there is a new option near the bottom: All SimpliVity Actions. Mouse over that option and a sub-menu will appear: There are six actions available: a. View Hardware b. Create Support Capture c. Shut Down Virtual Controller d. Cancel Virtual Controller Shut Down e. Force Virtual Controller Shut Down f. Remove from Federation Hosts Summary Tab 3. Select a Host. 4. Click the Summary tab. There is a new SimpliVity box containing the Model, Serial Number, SimpliVity software Version, and the Hardware Status. October 2017 24 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Hosts Monitor Tab 5. Click the Monitor tab. 6. Click the SimpliVity Hardware button. Information about the OmniStack System is displayed including details about the OmniStack Accelerator, the front disks used by SimpliVity and the array controlling them. Host Configure Tab 7. Click the Configure tab 8. In the Settings Menu, under Hardware, click PCI Devices. The Accelerator card and array controller that have been assigned as DirectPath I/O PCI Devices to the OVC are shown. You can click on each one to get more details. Host VMs Tab 9. Click the VMs tab. You will see the OVC VM as well as any other VMs that are assigned to this host. Host SimpliVity Virtual Machines Objects 10. Click the SimpliVity Virtual Machines Objects tab. Any SimpliVity VMs that are assigned to this host will be listed here. The OVC VM is not seen here. Host Datastores Tab 11. Click the Datastores tab and you will see the local datastore used by ESXi on the back drives as well as the SimpliVity Datastores. October 2017 25 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Task 6: Virtual Machines 1. From the SimpliVity Federation menu, select Virtual Machines. 2. Right-click on any virtual machine to see the actions that can be performed on the selected VM. You can do this either in the left menu, or in the Objects tab to the right. The action menu has the same options normally seen in the vSphere Web Client for a VM, but there is a new option near the bottom: All SimpliVity Actions. Mouse over that option and a sub-menu will appear: There are eight actions available: a. Backup Virtual Machine b. Clone Virtual Machine c. Move Virtual Machine d. Set Backup Policy e. Edit Backup Policy f. View Performance g. Search Backups h. Save Credentials for VSS 3. Double-click the Win01-yourfirstname VM Virtual Machines Summary Tab 4. Click the Summary tab. Notice the new SimpliVity box which shows resource assignments as well as Storage HA status, Used Capacity of the storage, and Backup Policy Name. October 2017 26 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Virtual Machines Monitor Tab 5. Click the Monitor tab. There is a new button added here by the SimpliVity Extension. 6. Click the SimpliVity Performance button. It will show you the same performance counters that we saw earlier for the Federation, but this time it is only showing information about the selected VM. Virtual Machines Configure Tab 7. Click the Configure tab. There is a new menu added here by the SimpliVity Extension. 8. Click the SimpliVity Search Backups menu. This will display a list of backups that have been filtered by the VM name. October 2017 27 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Task 7: Working with SimpliVity Backups Right-click one of the backups, or select one of the listed backups, then click the drop down list to see the Backup Actions. Restore Virtual Machine 1. Select the most recent backup 2. Select Restore Virtual Machine. A dialog box will appear. Read the details and leave the default settings. Click OK. 3. You will see “Recover a VM from a Backup” in the Recent Tasks window. The new VM will appear in the left menu. October 2017 28 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs 4. Select the most recent backup again, then open Backup Actions menu and select Restore Virtual Machine again. This time select Replace existing virtual machine. 5. A new dialog will appear informing you that the VM will be powered off to complete the process. Click Yes to continue. 6. You will see “Restore VM to Point in Time” in the Recent Tasks window. There is also a Power Off Virtual Machine task shown. 7. Right-click the VM, select the Power menu, then click Power On. TIP: The following steps will be easier if you first install VMware Tools onto your new VM. Create Files on VM 1. Now you will restore individual files or folders from a backup to a VM associated with the backup. Right-click on the Win01-yourfirstname VM, then click Open Console. IMPORTANT: You can only use the Restore Files option if the guest OS is Windows. 2. Login to the Windows desktop. 3. Create a new folder named yourfirstname on the Desktop. 4. Inside the new folder, create a new text document called README. 5. Edit the README file so that it has some contents. For example, you could add “This file is used to test Restore File functionality.” 6. Save the file. Backup Virtual Machine 1. In the vSphere Web Client, right-click on the Win01-yourfirstname VM, select All SimpliVity Actions, the click Backup Virtual Machine. 2. Leave the name blank, then click OK. Delete Files from VM 1. Once the backup has completed, return to the console of the Win01-yourfirstname VM. 2. Delete the yourfirstname folder. 3. Return to the vSphere Web Client. October 2017 29 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Restore Files 1. In the Virtual Machines tab of the SimpliVity Federation, select the Win01-yourfirstname VM. 2. Click the Configure tab. 3. Click the SimpliVity Search Backups menu. 4. Select the Manual backup that you made of the VM. 5. From the Backup Actions menu, select Restore Files. 6. Read the information on the About screen, then click Next. 7. Expand the VMDK. 8. Expand Partition 2. 9. Expand Users. 10. Expand Administrator. 11. Expand Desktop. 12. Select yourfirstname, then click Next. 13. Select Win01-yourfirstname, then click Next. 14. Review the Summary information, then click Finish. 15. In the Recent Tasks window you will see SimpliVity File Level Restore. 16. Once the task completes, return to the Win01-yourfirstname console. 17. Open File Explorer. 18. Double-click the DVD Drive. 19. You will see a Disc1 directory. Navigate through the contents of that directory until you see your yourfirstname folder. 20. Copy that folder back to the Desktop. 21. In File Explorer, navigate back to This PC. 22. Right-click on the DVD, then click Eject. NOTE: If you do not unmount the drive, it will be automatically unmounted after 24 hours. 23. Close File Explorer. 24. Double-click the folder, then open your README file. You will see the contents of the file. 25. Close the file, then close the folder. Rename Backup 1. Return to the vSphere Web Client 2. Select one of your backups, then from the Backup Actions menu, select Rename Backup. 3. For the New Backup Name, enter Win01-yourfirstname-backup-renamed 4. You may need to click the vSphere Web Client Refresh arrow to see the name change reflected in the display. Copy Backup 1. Select the Win01-yourfirstname-backup-renamed backup, then from the Backup Actions menu, select Copy Backup. 2. Select the SVT-DR-Cluster from the Destination Cluster dropdown box, then click OK. October 2017 30 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Lock Backup 1. You can prevent a policy-generated backup from expiring and then being automatically deleted by locking it. Select one of the newest automatic backups, then from the Backup Actions menu select Lock Backup. 2. Click Yes to verify you no longer want this backup to be deleted during scheduled cleanup. 3. You will likely need to scroll to the right to see the Expires column. For that backup it should now be set to Never. If you do not see the change, in the list, refresh the screen using the Refresh Arrow at the top. Set Retention Time 1. You can manually set an expiration on a backup after it has been created. Select the Win01- yourfirstname-backup-renamed, then from the Backup Actions menu select Set Retention Time. NOTE: Manual backups normally never expire, unless an expiration was explicitly set during creation. You can change the retention time for one or more backups at any time. 2. Set the retention for 7 days, then click OK. NOTICE: Changing the retention time changes the lifetime of the backup, and can make some backups delete automatically. For example, if the current retention time is three weeks and you change the retention time to two weeks, OmniStack deletes the backup if it is already older than two weeks. However, prior to being automatically deleted, you will see a prompt to Cancel or Confirm the deletion process as seen in the screenshot below. October 2017 31 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Calculate Unique Backup Size 1. Select one of the backups, then from the Backup Actions menu select Calculate Unique Backup Size. You will see a notice that this can have an adverse impact on IO. Click Yes to continue. 2. Scroll to the right to see the Unique Backup Size column. This is the amount of data that is unique to that backup and therefore the amount of space that can be reclaimed if the backup is deleted. Export Backups 1. Select one of the backups, then from the Backup Actions menu, select Export Backups. 2. Navigate to the Desktop. For the file name enter exportbackup.csv, then click Save. 3. Open File Explorer, navigate to the Desktop, then right-click on the exportbackup.csv file and select to open with WordPad. If the file already exists, replace it. This is simply a list of the backups and their characteristics. Delete Backup 1. In the vSphere Web Client, select one of the backups, then from the Backup Actions menu select Delete Backup. 2. At the pop-up caution window, click Yes to confirm deletion. October 2017 32 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Task 8: Clone and Move In this lab, we will look at the benefit of using SimpliVity Clone and SimpliVity Move functionality rather than the standard VMware functions. SimpliVity Rapid Clone Here we will create a SimpliVity Rapid Clone 1. Right-click on the Win01-yourfirstname VM. Select All SimpliVity Actions, then click Clone Virtual Machine. 2. A dialog window will open showing the Cluster, vCenter, Datastore, Host, Backup Policy, and Original VM Name. The Clone Virtual Machine Name will auto-populate with <Original_VM_Name>-clone-<date_and_time>. Leave the default name, then click OK. 3. A SimpiVity Rapid Clone task will appear in the Recent Tasks. How long did it take from Start Time to Completion Time? __________ (It should take about 10 seconds for this VM) SimpliVity Move A SimpliVity Move is used to move a powered-down VM from one Datastore to any other Datastore in the Federation. 1. In the vSphere Web Client Hosts and Clusters view, right-click on the Win01-yourfirstname clone VM that you made using the SimpliVity Clone process, select All SimpliVity Actions, then click Move Virtual Machine. 2. A Move Virtual Machine dialog box appears informing you of the VM Name, current Datastore, Cluster, and vCenter. The New VM Name box is pre-populated with the original name of the VM, but you have the ability to modify it. Leave the default name. In the Destination Datastore, select SVT-DS2-yourfirstname, then click OK. 3. A Move Virtual Machine task appears in Recent Tasks. The task should complete in about 10 seconds. 4. Return to the SimpliVity Federation, then click the Virtual Machines menu 5. In the Objects tab, examine the clone VM that you moved a. The Datastore will change to SVT-DS2-yourfirstname b. The Storage HA status will temporarily change to No after the move, then back to Yes once the replica has been created. You may have to use the Refresh Arrow to see the change on the screen. 6. Now do another SimpliVity Move but this time move the VM to the SVT-DRDS-yourfirstname datastore. The task should take about 1-2 minutes for this VM. The VM will not have Storage HA because there is only one node in the SVT-DR-Cluster. vSphere Storage Migration 1. Right-click the Win01-yourfirstname VM, select Migrate. 2. The Migrate dialog box opens. On the Select the migration type screen, select Change storage only, then click Next. 3. On the Select storage screen, select SVT-DS2-yourfirstname, then click Next. IMPORTANT: Notice that only SVT-DS-yourfirstname, SVT-DS2-yourfirstname, and the OVC’s datastore are listed. There is no option to move it to a datastore in another Cluster. In order to migrate to any Datastore on any Cluster in the Federation, you must use the SimpliVity Move. 4. Review the summary, then click Finish. 5. A Relocate virtual machine task will appear in Recent Tasks. October 2017 33 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Task 9: VM Templates 1. There is no change in the way that Templates are normally created in the vSphere Web Client. a. Power off a VM b. Right-click the VM, select Template, then click Convert to Template c. Click Yes when prompted to confirm 2. Convert the Win01-yourfirstname-clone to a VM Template. 3. Once you have one or more Templates, you can manage them from the SimpliVity Federation menu, by selecting VM Templates. IMPORTANT: Templates in the Federation are backed up also, just like Virtual Machines. 4. Right-click on any template to see the actions that can be performed on the selected template. You can do this either in the left menu, or in the Objects tab to the right. The action menu has the same options normally seen in the vSphere Web Client for a template, but there is a new option near the bottom: All SimpliVity Actions. Mouse over that option and a sub-menu will appear: There are five actions available: a. Backup VM Template b. Clone VM Template c. Move VM Template d. Set Backup Policy e. Edit Backup Policy 5. Examine the Win01-yourfirstname-Clone template Backup Policy. 6. Right-click the template, then select Rename. 7. In the dialog box, change the name to Win01-yourfirstname-Template, then click OK. 8. You may need to click the Refesh Arrow to see the change reflected in the display. October 2017 34 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Lab: Upgrading the SimpliVity Federation The SimpliVity Upgrade Manager can be used to upgrade a single Host, a Cluster, or even the entire Federation. There are five main steps to performing the upgrade: • Stage the SimpliVity upgrade files • Prepare for the upgrade • Upgrade the Arbiter and Web Client Extension • Perform the upgrade using SimpliVity Upgrade Manager • Commit the upgrade on the Federation Task 1: Stage the SimpliVity upgrade files In a production environment, you would do the following steps, however for the lab, the files have already been staged in the SimpliVity folder on the desktop of the vCenter/Arbiter system. Read through the steps of Task 1, but do not perform the actions. Start performing the actions with Task 2. 1. Download the SimpliVity upgrade software from the Online Support Portal (currently https://support.simplivity.com/). This has already been done in our lab environment. You will need the following files: a. OmniStack vx.x.x Upgrade.zip b. OmniStack vx.x.x Upgrade.sha1 2. The following supporting documentation from the Online Support Portal is recommended: a. OmniStack HPE Interoperability Guide NOTE: When upgrading legacy systems, be sure to choose the correct Interoperability Guide according to the vendor name. b. OmniStack Release Notes vx.x.x c. OmniStack for vSphere Web Client Administrator Guide 3. Save the files together in the same directory on a system that has connectivity to the Management network of the Federation. TIP: The Arbiter system would be a good choice to use for running Upgrade Manager. Task 2: Prepare for the upgrade Review the SimpliVity Federation prior to upgrading any software. Here are some important things to consider: • Guest VMs running on single-node SimpliVity Clusters just be powered off during the upgrade. • ESXi root password and SSH access are both required for completing the upgrade. • Clusters with two or more SimpliVity Hosts will rely on Storage IP Failover during the upgrade process. Therefore, there is no need to vMotion the guest VMs, unless the node is flagged for an ESXi reboot after the upgrade is complete. • Remote, single-node SimpliVity Clusters must be upgraded first. • Federation connectivity issues can prevent the upgrade from completing successfully. • Older versions of OmniStack were based on Datacenters, while current versions are based on Clusters. Therefore, if you are upgrading older systems, you will need to create a vSphere Cluster for each of the old Datacenters, even if there is only a single node. The Clusters must be created before starting the upgrade. October 2017 35 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs • The vCenter Administrator account credentials will be required to complete the upgrade. Preparation Steps For our lab environment, steps 4 through 6 have already been completed. They were left in this procedure for your future reference. After step 3, skip to Task 3. 1. Confirm Storage HA status for all guest VMs (except VMs in a single-node cluster) a. In the vSphere Web Client, go to the SimpliVity Federation b. Click Virtual Machines in the left menu c. Verify that all VMs have a Yes in the Storage HA column 2. Confirm ESXi SSH access by using PuTTY (or another SSH client) to connect to the Host Management IP address. a. Login using root credentials. b. Exit from the SSH session 3. Review any unacknowledged vCenter alarms 4. Check platform firmware interoperability a. Refer to the OmniStack HPE Interoperability Guide to find the highest support firmware version. b. Use the iLO to upgrade the platform firmware prior to upgrading OmniStack software. 5. Confirm ESXi and vCenter interoperability. Starting with OmniStack 3.6, ESXi and vCenter versions must be 6.0 or later. 6. Verify ESXi root credentials stored on the OmniStack Virtual Controller Identity Store: a. Microsoft PowerShell 4.0 is required. IMPORTANT: If you have to upgrade your version of PowerShell, a reboot may be required. b. Run IdentityStoreUtility.xxx.exe c. Login using your vCenter credentials and the Management IP address of an OVC d. Select Clusters e. Click Test Credentials f. A successful test will display a green checkmark. If the test fails, enter the ESXi root password, then click Update Task 3: Upgrade the Arbiter and Web Client Extension The SimpliVity Web Client Extension will need to be upgraded on each vCenter instance. The SimpliVity Arbiter will also need to be upgraded. This needs to happen prior to upgrading the SimpliVity Hosts. Here are some important considerations: • The SimpliVity Arbiter is a Windows service and may become stuck in a stopping state, which will require a manual restart of the service. • Do not uninstall the SimpliVity Arbiter. • SimpliVity Web Client functionality may not work properly until the Federation is upgraded and committed. • The vCenter Administrator credentials are required to install the Web Client Extension. • The SimpliVity Arbiter can not be running on SimpliVity storage. If it is, you will need to contact Level 3 support prior to beginning the upgrade. Upgrading the SimpliVity Arbiter 1. Login using Administrator credentials to each vCenter Server or Windows Server running the SimpliVity Arbiter service. 2. Execute the SimpliVity-arbiter-x.x.x.xx.msi 3. Check the box to agree to the EULA, then click Install. Click Finish when it is complete. October 2017 36 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Upgrading the SimpliVity Web Client Extension on vCenter 1. Close the Web Client. 2. Uninstall the SimpliVity Web Client Extension from the Control Panel 3. Execute the Windows installer SimpliVity-Extension-for-vSphere-Client-windows-xx.x.xx-psix.exe IMPORTANT: If you are using the VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA), you will need to use the SimpliVity-Extension-for-vSphere-Client-linux-x64-xx.x.xx-psix.run file and follow the steps outlined in the SimpliVity OmniStack for vSphere Administration Guide to uninstall the old extension and install the new one. 4. Click Next, click to accept the EULA, then click Next. 5. Leave the default Installation Directory and click Next 6. Enter the vCenter Administrator credentials and email address to register the extension with vCenter 7. Login to the vSphere Web Client immediately following installation to complete the registration process. 8. From the SimpliVity Federation, click the About tab to verify the new Extension version. Task 4: Perform the Upgrade using SimpliVity Upgrade Manager The SimpliVity Upgrade Manager is used to upgrade the SimpliVity OmniStack software running on the OmniStack Virtual Controller on previously deployed SimpliVity nodes. Here are some important considerations: • Avoid upgrading during heavy I/O or high backup periods • Avoid using vMotion on guest VMs during a SimpliVity upgrade • SimpliVity upgrades can be manually rolled back when the upgrade status is “Ready to Commit” • Do not close the Upgrade Manager during the upgrade process • Post-upgrade ESXi reboot flag may appear. The reboots can be done at a later time after the upgrade is committed • You should plan on the upgrade process taking about one hour per node. It may take less than that, but this allows you time to restart the process or troubleshoot if something goes wrong. October 2017 37 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Using SimpliVity Upgrade Manager 1. Execute the simplivity-upgrade-manager-x.x.x.xxx.exe 2. Enter the vCenter Server name or IP address and Administrator credentials. 3. Review the Upgrade Prerequisites and Best Practices, then click OK 4. To upgrade the entire Federation, check the box next to SimpliVity Federation, then click Next NOTICE: Single-node Clusters should be upgraded prior to multi-node Clusters. 5. On the Administrator Credentials screen, enter root as the User Name and the password for your ESXi Hosts. IMPORTANT: If the root password is different in the other Clusters, then uncheck the box to “Apply the credentials for…”, then enter the additional credentials. 6. Click Finish. NOTE: If you want to upload files for staging purposes, but not perform the upgrade now, check the box in the bottom left corner to Upload only prior to clicking Finish. 7. You can monitor the upgrade process from the Upgrade Manager screen. a. Prior to committing the upgrade, upgrades can be canceled. b. To cancel a queued upgrade, click the blue menu button to the right of the SimpliVity node. c. Only nodes “Waiting for upgrade to start” can be canceled. d. Upgraded nodes can be manually rolled back to the previous version if needed. October 2017 38 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Task 5: Commit the Upgrade on the Federation Once all SimpliVity software upgrades are completed, the upgrade must be committed. IMPORTANT: • SimpliVity software commit is an irreversible action that makes the upgrade permanent. Once the commit is completed, the option to rollback upgrade goes away. • In the event of a failed SimpliVity upgrade, the OmniStack software will be rolled back to the previous version automatically. • The new software version features may not be available until the new software is committed. • The Arbiter service may prevent the software commit from completing. The service may become stuck in a stopping state and require a manual restart. 1. Confirm that all OmniStack nodes are in a “Ready for Commit” status. 2. Click Commit. 3. A dialog box will appear warning you that this is irreversible. 4. Click Yes. 5. Once the changes have been committed, the Upgrade Status will change to Completed. 6. Take note of any hosts that may be flagged for reboot. October 2017 39 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs 7. Click Close to exit the SimpliVity Upgrade Manager 8. If any hosts were flagged for a reboot, refer to Appendix A for the procedure to do a SimpliVity Safe Shutdown and Restart. October 2017 40 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Lab: SimpliVity SVT Commands Workshop Introduction to the Virtual Controller CLI The Command Line Interface (CLI) provides an alternative method of creating and managing a Federation. The OmniStack software runs on the Virtual Controller, a virtual machine contained by each OmniStack host in an OmniStack Federation. The CLI is part of this software that enables you to use a terminal to manage your Federation from a login to the Virtual Controller. You can run the CLI interactively or use it in scripts to automate frequent or recurring tasks. Any changes that you make to a Federation by using CLI commands are immediately visible in the graphical user interface and vice versa. Because the CLI interacts with vCenter Server, you must provide vCenter Server authentication credentials when using CLI commands. Prerequisites for using the CLI Before using the CLI, ensure that you have the required information and resources: • OmniStack Virtual Controller Management IP address • vCenter Administrator credentials Task 1: Logging in to the CLI on a Virtual Controller You can use the built-in svtcli account or the appropriate vCenter account and credentials to log in. In the latter case, you do not need to use the svt-session-start to establish a session with vCenter server. The vCenter Server account is the preferred account to use when logging into the OVC VM because it will create a session with the vCenter Server automatically. The svtcli account is a restricted shell intended for emergency access to run SimpliVity svt-* commands on a Virtual Controller. If you use the svtcli account, it does not log you in to the vCenter Server. Avoid using this account when you can log in using Active single sign on. IMPORTANT: If you enter an invalid password more than ten times, the OVC locks your account. After 30 minutes, you can attempt to log in again. October 2017 41 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Access the CLI through the Virtual Controller console screen (remote console) 1. Using the vSphere Web Client, click on the OmniStack VM that you wish to access. 2. Click the Summary tab. 3. Click the thumbnail showing the remote console. 4. A new tab will open, showing the OVC console. Login with the svtcli user and the emergency password you created during installation. (simplicity) 5. Type svt- then press the Tab key twice. 6. You will be prompted whether you want to display all of the commands or not. Enter Y for yes. This is a list of the SimpliVity commands available. Some of these commands many not be usable dependent on the vCenter account that you use to authenticate and create a session. NOTE: Each CLI command uses the following format: svt-noun-verb The noun variable specifies the subject of the action that you specify with the verb variable. Access the CLI through PuTTY 1. Open PuTTY, then enter the Management IP address of the OVC 2. Click Open. 3. If applicable, click Yes to accept the server’s key. 4. Login with the SSO Domain account credentials for your vCenter. 5. A window will open showing the OVC console. October 2017 42 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs General Command Options The command options start with two hyphens followed by a word. Some options are used to provide additional information that the command needs to use. With any svt- CLI command you can specify the - -help option or --? option to display the command syntax and the command options. For example: October 2017 43 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Command Control Options Some options are used to control the behavior of the command, for example: October 2017 44 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Using the XML Output The option to write the XML output of a command (SVTCLI_OUT) provides additional information that you can use when scripting. For example, if you use the --output xml option with svt-federation-show, you obtain XML output similar to the following: Task 2: Exploring Command Options 1. Login to the console of your OVC using the svtcli account. 2. Attempt to run svt-federation-show 3. Start a session with the vCenter server: svt-session-start 4. Enter the vCenter Administrator credentials 5. View the help information for the command: svt-federation-show --help 6. Use a command without any options: svt-federation-show 7. Generate XML output from a command: svt-federation-show --output xml October 2017 45 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Task 3: CLI Policy Commands 1. Use PuTTY to login to the OVC with the SSO Domain credentials for your vCenter. 2. Maximize your PuTTY window. 3. Execute svt-policy-show to display the backup policies in the Federation. Notice the backup policy rules are also listed and numbered. 4. Create a 2 new policies: a. svt-policy-create --name yourfirstname-CLIpolicy b. svt-policy-create --name yourfirstname-CLIpolicy2 5. Execute svt-policy-show 6. Create a policy rule in your new policy: svt-policy-rule-create --frequency 15Mins --policy yourfirstname-CLIpolicy -- retention 18Hrs 7. Create a second policy rule for your second new policy: svt-policy-rule-create --frequency 1H --policy yourfirstname-CLIpolicy2 -- retention 2D 8. Edit the second rule so that it send backups to the DR cluster: svt-policy-rule-edit --policy Lance-CLIpolicy2 --rule 0 --cluster SVT-DR- Cluster 9. Execute svt-policy-show and verify the settings of the two policies 10. Delete rule number 4 from your original yourfirstname-YYYYMMDD policy: svt-policy-rule-delete --policy yourfirstname-YYYYMMDD --rule 4 11. Display the Policy Backups Report showing the current daily and total retained system backups as percentages of the maximum backup system limit: svt-policy-show 12. Rename your CLI policy: svt-policy-rename --policy yourfirstname-CLIpolicy --name yourfirstname-CLI 13. Delete your second CLI policy: svt-policy-delete --name yourfirstname-CLIpolicy2 14. Suspend the backup policies on your DR cluster: svt-policy-suspend --cluster SVT-DR-Cluster 15. In the Web Client, select the SVT-DR-Cluster object, then click the Summary tab. Notice the Alert that says the SimpliVity backup policy is suspended. 16. Return to your PuTTY session, and resume the backup policy for your DR cluster: svt-policy-resume --cluster SVT-DR-Cluster 17. In the Web Client, verify that the Alert regarding suspended backup policy is gone. You may need to use the Refresh Arrow in the Web Client. Task 4: CLI Datastore Commands 1. Return to your PuTTY session, then create a new 1 TB datastore that uses your CLI policy: svt-datastore-create --name DS-yourfirstname --size 1T --policy yourfirstname-CLIpolicy 2. Modify the SVT-DS2-yourfirstname datastore to use your new CLI policy: svt-datastore-policy-set --datastore SVT-DS2-yourfirstname --policy yourfirstname-CLIpolicy 3. Increase the size of the DS-yourfirstname datastore to 3 TB: svt-datastore-resize --name DS-yourfirstname --size 3T 4. View the datastores in the Federation: svt-datastore-show 5. Delete the new datastore that you created: svt-datastore-delete --name DS-yourfirstname October 2017 46 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Task 5: CLI VM Commands 1. View the VMs in the Federation: svt-vm-show 2. View the VMs for a specific cluster: svt-vm-show --cluster SVT-Cluster 3. Move the VM that is on your DR cluster to the SVT-DS-yourfirstname datastore: svt-vm-move --vm Win01-yourfirstname-<date:time> --source SVT-DRDS- yourfirstname --destination SVT-DS-yourfirstname 4. After the move, view the VMs in the Federation again. You will see that the VM which just moved is not In Storage HA. 5. Wait about 1 minute, then view the VMs in the Federation again. Repeat this step until the VM that you moved has a green Yes under Storage HA. 6. Clone a VM from the command line: svt-vm-clone --vm Win01-yourfirstname --name Clone-yourfirstname --datastore SVT-DS2-yourfirstname 7. View the VMs in the Federation and notice that your clone is using the default backup policy for the datastore that you set in the previous task. 8. Change the policy for the Win01-yourfirstname VM svt-vm-policy-set --vm Win01- yourfirstname --policy yourfirstname-CLIpolicy - -datastore SVT-DS2- yourfirstname 9. Backup the clone you created: svt-vm-backup --vm Clone-yourfirstname --datastore SVT-DS2-yourfirstname 10. In the Web Client, right-click your Clone-yourfirstname VM, then click Delete from Disk. 11. Click Yes to confirm. 12. In PuTTY, find the deleted VMs that are available for a restore operation: svt-vm-show --deleted 13. Look at the backup parameters to see if Application Consistent Backups are being done: svt-vm-backup-params-show --vm Win01-yourfirstname --datastore SVT-DS2- yourfirstname NOTE: We will look at the svt-vm-restore command during the next task as it requires you to know the name of a backup. Task 6: CLI Backup Commands 1. Find the backups associated with your Win01-yourfirstname VM: svt-backup-show --vm Win01-yourfirstname --datastore SVT-DS2-yourfirstname 2. Restore the Win01-yourfirstname VM using the newest backup: svt-vm-restore --vm Win01-yourfirstname --datastore SVT-DS2-yourfirstname -- backup <backup_name> TIP: If you use your mouse to highlight the text in a PuTTY session, it is automatically copied into a buffer and can be pasted back to the command line by right-clicking. This makes it easier to put the backup name that you want to use on the command line. 3. Restore the VM again, but this time using the svt-backup-restore command. If you do not specify the backup to use, then the most recent one will be used. svt-backup-restore --vm Win01-yourfirstname --datastore SVT-DS2-yourfirstname 4. Rename one of the backups: svt-backup-rename --backup <old_backup_name> --name <new_backup_name> -- datastore SVT-DS2-yourfirstname --vm Win01-yourfirstname 5. Copy one of your backups to another cluster svt-backup-copy --datastore SVT-DS2-yourfirstname --vm Win01-yourfirstname -- dst-cluster SVT-DR-Cluster October 2017 47 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs 6. Change the retention of the manual backup that you created in the Web Client to 1 minute. Get the name of it by repeating the command from step 1: svt-backup-retention-set --vm Win01-yourfirstname --datastore SVT-DS2- yourfirstname --backup Win01-yourfirstname-backup-<date:time> --retention 1Min 7. Confirm the change, then view the list of backups again to verify that it is gone. 8. Delete the backup which has “renamed” in the name: svt-backup-delete --datastore SVT-DS2- yourfirstname --vm Win01- yourfirstname --backup <backup_name> 9. Delete all of the backups for Win01-yourfirstname svt-backup-delete --datastore SVT-DS2-yourfirstname --vm Win01-yourfirstname Task 7: CLI Federation Commands One of the most common commands you will need is used to view the Federation members and status: svt-federation-show IMPORTANT: If Arbiter’s IP address changes, you will use the svt-arbiter-address-set command to redirect cluster members to point to the new address. Run the command without any options to see the syntax and required option that you would use. Task 8: CLI IWO Commands 1. To view the status of the Intelligent Workload Optimizer: svt-iwo-show 2. To disable IWO: svt-iwo-disable 3. Note that while IWO is disabled, there will be an Alert message in the Web Client. To re-enable IWO: svt-iwo-enable October 2017 48 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Task 9: CLI Shutdown Commands Option Description svt-shutdown-safe Shuts down the Virtual Controller and powers off the OmniStack host. During the process, you may see any of the following messages: None (task complete) or Cancel in Progress. svt-shutdown-cancel Cancels the shut down process to leave the Virtual Controller powered on. During the process, you may see any of the following messages: None (task complete) or Cancel in Progress. svt-shutdown-force Forces the Virtual Controller to shut down. During the process, you may see any of the following messages: None (task complete) or Cancel in Progress svt-shutdown-status Shows the status of the Virtual Controller (shutdown not started or completed, in progress, reached storage HA compliance, cancelling shutdown, or forcing shutdown) 1. Verify your virtual machines are in HA compliance by using the “svt-vm-show” commands 2. Shutdown the OVC virtual controller using the “safe option” 3. Monitor using the “svt-shutdown-status” 4. Verify the VM is powered off through the WebClient 5. Power back on the virtual controller VM 6. Log back into the OVC VM and verify the federation is healthy by issuing the command “svt- federation-show” October 2017 49 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Lab: Using a Standard ESXi Host as an Access Node It is possible to allow a Standard ESXi Host to access and use the SimpliVity Datastores. This allows the Access Node to be utilized for compute (CPU and Memory) while the SimpliVity nodes deduplicate, compress, and optimize the data. Task 1: Create an Access Node 1. In the SimpliVity Federation menu, click on Clusters under the Inventory List. 2. Right-click your Cluster and select Add Host. 3. Enter the IP Address of the ESXi Access Node. 4. Enter the Username and Password for the external node, then click Next. 5. Answer Yes to the Security Alert. 6. The VMs in the Cluster should appear on the screen, click Next. 7. On the Assign Licenses screen, click Next. 8. On the Lockdown Mode screen, click Next. 9. On the VM Location screen, select the appropriate location, then click Next. 10. Click Finish Task 2: Create a Backup Policy and Datastore 1. Create a SimpliVity Backup Policy named Gold Standard with the following policies a. Backup hourly, retain for 7 days b. Backup daily, retain for 30 days 2. Create a new 1 TB SimpliVity Datastore named AccessNodeDatastore and assign the Gold Standard backup policy, then click OK 3. Wait for the Datastore creation to finish Task 3: Share a Datastore with a Standard ESXi Host 1. Right-click on the AccessNodeDatastore, select All SimpliVity Actions, then click Manage Standard ESXi Hosts 2. Under the Shared column, check the box next to the Access Node’s IP Address, then click OK Task 4: Migrate a VM from a Standard ESXi Host into the Federation 1. From the vSphere Web Client home screen, click Hosts and Clusters 2. Expand the inventory of the Standard ESXi Host that you added earlier 3. Right-click on the VM that matches your student number and select Migrate 4. Select to Change both compute resource and storage, leave Select compute resource first as the default, then click Next 5. Select the Cluster that you want to migrate the VM onto, then click Next 6. Select the SVT-DS2-yourfirstname, then click Next 7. Ensure that Destination Network is set to VM Network, then click Next 8. Review the summary, then click Finish. Task 5: Verify the VM was Migrated to the SimpliVity Datastore 1. From the vSphere Web Client Home screen, click SimpliVity Federation 2. Select Datastores, then click the Related Objects tab 3. Click on SimpliVity Virtual Machines and verify that you see the VM that you migrated October 2017 50 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Lab: Performing a Factory Reset of a SimpliVity Host The Factory Reset procedure is used whenever a host needs to be redeployed. The deployment image is put onto a bootable USB drive. For this lab environment, the image is already on the USB drive and will not be modified. We will be doing a deployment using an older version of the OmniStack software, then we will be doing an upgrade later. NOTE: In a production environment, you could download an updated image to burn to the bootable USB drive in order to deploy a newer version from the beginning. Factory Reset Procedure Overview You will login to the iLO and from the remote console reboot the system, choose to boot from the USB drive, then select Factory Reset. NOTICE: The Factory Reset procedure is data destructive. This procedure erases all data on the system. Factory Reset Procedure Detailed Steps 1. Login to the iLO of your assigned host using the credentials from the PreFlight document. 2. Click the .NET link next to Integrated Remote Console in the middle of the screen. 3. At the Security Warning dialog box, click Run. 4. In the Remote Console window, open the Power Switch menu, then click Reset. 5. Watch the system as it goes through the boot process. When the screen changes and displays function key options at the bottom, press the F11 key to be taken to the Boot Menu. 6. Wait for the Boot Menu to appear, then press Enter to choose Legacy BIOS One Time Boot. 7. Press Enter again at the confirmation prompt. October 2017 51 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs 8. When the Boot Override Options menu appears, press 2 to select One Time Boot to USB DriveKey. 9. Watch for the GNU GRUB menu to appear. Press the down arrow to select the Factory Reset option. IMPORTANT: You will need to pay attention and watch for this menu, otherwise the default option to Deploy will be auto-selected 30 seconds after the menu appears. If that happens, you will need to restart the server again and go through these steps again. 10. Once you have selected Factory Reset, you will see some Linux boot messages. Eventually, you will see a message at the bottom of the screen indicating that the image is installing to /dev/sda and informing you that the log is stored at /var/log/svt-factoryreset.sda.log file. A highlighted message will show “Waiting for data… (interrupt to abort)”. 11. After about 12 minutes, a message will appear near the bottom of the screen saying “FACTORY RESET SUCCESSFUL”. Reset the power on the server. 12. Once the system boots to the SimpliVity Installer screen, type Ctrl-n to configure the network. 13. Use the down arrow to highlight the appropriate NIC to use. Ensure that it shows a status of Up, then press Tab. 14. Press Tab two more times until Dynamic IP is highlighted, then use the Down Arrow to highlight Static IP. 15. Press Tab, then enter the Host Management IP address for the host. 16. Press Tab, then enter the Netmask. 17. Press Tab twice, then enter the Gateway IP address. 18. Press Tab twice until Apply is highlighted, then press Enter. 19. After about 10 seconds the IP address will appear at the top next to the NIC you had selected. The status of that NIC will temporarily go Down, then return to Up status. 20. Press Tab to highlight Done, then press Enter. 21. The IP address should be displayed next to Network and the Status should be: “Waiting to be discovered”. October 2017 52 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only HPE SimpliVity 380 Software Install Labs Appendix A: Safely Shutdown a SimpliVity Node It is necessary to follow the proper procedure to safely shutdown a SimpliVity node. Failure to follow these steps could result in serious problems up to and including data loss for the customer. SimpliVity Safe Shutdown 1. Ensure there are no running VMs on the Host (except for the OVC) a. vMotion running VMs to another Host, or b. Shutdown the VMs 2. There are three ways to perform a Safe Shutdown of the OVC a. From the vSphere Web Client, right-click on the Host, select All SimpliVity Actions, then click Shut Down Virtual Controller. Read the notice then click to accept it. b. From the OVC CLI, run svt-shutdown-safe c. From the OVC CLI, run stop svtfs && shutdown –h now 3. Put the Host into Maintenance Mode 4. Power off the Host Restarting a SimpliVity Node 1. After maintenance on the node has completed, power on the Host. 2. Once the Host has powered up and is manageable in the vSphere Web Client again, take the Host out of Maintenance Mode 3. Power on the OVC VM. NOTE: You can also refer to the Knowledge Base article#11374 How to Safely Restart an OmniStack Virtual Controller at https://support.simplivity.com/kb/hta/11374 October 2017 53 Confidential – For Training Purposes Only
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