


How to Install SAP Enhancement Package 4 for SAP ERP 6.0 A Practical Guide This document serves as a set of step-by-step instructions for the installation of SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP ERP 6.0. It describes the necessary actions for configuring and using SAP Solution Manager as well as the most important steps in the SAP Enhancement Package installer. Version 1.03 2009-06-26 Table of Contents 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 1.2 1.3 Purpose of This Document ..................................................................................................... 3 Target Group........................................................................................................................... 3 The Big Picture – Step by Step .............................................................................................. 4 2 Pre-Installation Tasks ........................................................................................................ 6 2.1 2.2 Identification of Required Functionality .............................................................................. 6 SAP Solution Manager ........................................................................................................... 6 3 SAP Solution Manager....................................................................................................... 7 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Support Package Level of SAP Solution Manager .............................................................. 7 System Landscape (SMSY) of SAP Solution Manager........................................................ 7 SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer................................................................ 11 SAP Solution Manager Troubleshooting ............................................................................ 18 4 The SAP Enhancement Package installer....................................................................... 22 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 How SAP Enhancement Packages are installed................................................................. 22 Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................... 22 Where to Get SAPehpi and Its Documentation ................................................................. 23 Roadmap Steps of SAPehpi ................................................................................................. 25 Installation Prerequisites ..................................................................................................... 25 Startup of SAPehpi ............................................................................................................... 25 SAPehpi Tips & Tricks......................................................................................................... 26 SAPehpi Troubleshooting .................................................................................................... 27 5 Further Information......................................................................................................... 29 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Relevant SAP Notes .............................................................................................................. 29 Relevant SAP Documentation.............................................................................................. 30 EHP Technology Backoffice ................................................................................................ 30 Feedback ................................................................................................................................ 31 Page 2 1 INTRODUCTION SAP enhancement packages represent a new software delivery strategy that allows you to add innovations on top of SAP ERP 6.0 without the need for fully upgrading your current release. SAP enhancement packages for SAP ERP include functional enhancements, industry-specific enhancements, UI simplifications, as well as enterprise service bundles. To discover and evaluate which innovations are shipped in which SAP enhancement package, visit the SAP Service Marketplace: http://service.sap.com/erp-ehp. 1.1 Purpose of This Document This document serves as an end-to-end guide and describes the necessary steps for installing SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP ERP 6.0. Therefore, it not only covers the actual installation, but also explains the setup of SAP Solution Manager, now a mandatory requirement for the installation of SAP enhancement package 4. However it does not replace the Installation Guide for SAP Enhancement Package Installation. Furthermore, this document links to the guides and SAP Notes that SAP provides. Getting familiar with that documentation will help you to minimize implementation efforts. This document contains screenshots to better visualize the installation procedure. Please note that of course all screenshots are for demonstration purposes only, all shown hostnames, system IDs, software patch versions and similar information only serves as an example and might be different in your case! 1.2 Target Group This document is written for technical consultants and SAP administrators, so you should be experienced in SAP technology, installations and ideally also in upgrades. This document assumes that you have read the SAP enhancement packages Must-Know-Guide. Further important sources of information are the SAP enhancement packages Technology Facts presentation and the Lifecycle of an SAP Enhancement Package for SAP ERP presentation. Page 3 2. To calculate that stack configuration. Maintenance Optimizer also places all packages that have to be installed in your download basket in order to facilitate an easy download of all required packages. 1. See below for the interaction of all involved parties.) The System Landscape Directory is a Java software component that is installed on any SAP NetWeaver Java system.0 system or an SAP NetWeaver system (such as a Portal or a BI system). It can also contain information about ABAP systems. This system-specific list is saved in a stack configuration file.3 The Big Picture – Step by Step With SAP enhancement package 4. You install the software on the target system with the SAPehpi (SAP enhancement package installer) tool. Usually you use one central SLD for your whole SAP system landscape. This could be an SAP ERP 6. Maintenance Optimizer is part of SAP Solution Manager and uses the information that is stored in the SAP Solution Manager System Landscape. Maintenance Optimizer calculates a systemspecific list of packages that have to be installed on the target system. (SMSY is the name of the transaction in SAP Solution Manager. the installation steps have changed from previous SAP enhancement packages.1. Here is a short overview of some technical terms used in this document: SMSY The SAP Solution Manager System Landscape collects information about the SAP systems in the landscape. First. It imports the software components into the target system. The SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer is a functionality that guides the user through maintenance procedures for any system in the landscape. It can be configured to contain information about all the Java systems in a landscape. SLD Maintenance Optimizer Page 4 . SAP Solution Manager relies on the information of SMSY and from the SLD about the target system. you have to select the required technical usages in the Maintenance Optimizer functionality from SAP Solution Manager. 0 system on which you are going to install SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP ERP 6.0. For a complete overview of the architecture of SAP enhancement package 4 please read the SAP enhancement package 4 Master Guide. The SAP enhancement package installer is the tool that installs the SAP enhancement packages in the systems. Page 5 . It reads the software components to install from the stack configuration file. Maintenance Optimizer calculates the required software components that file have to be installed additionally in order to reach a certain target configuration. See the chapter “Relevant Documentation” further down in this document for information about where you can find the Master Guide and other SAP enhancement package 4 related documents. If you have questions on SAP enhancement package 4 feel free to contact the SAP EHP Technology Backoffice. Depending on the software components that are installed in a system. It can drastically minimize the downtime of the system compared to the previous installation method. You can find more information about the Backoffice in the section “EHP Technology Backoffice”.The stack configuration file is created by the Maintenance Optimizer and is Stack configuration system-specific. Target system SAPehpi The SAP ERP 6. See section “Getting the Documentation for the SAPehpi Installation” for information on where to find the respective installation guide (different versions for different operating systems and databases exist). All software components that are contained in those technical usages are added to the stack automatically. In order to use the new functionality.1 Identification of Required Functionality SAP enhancement packages contain new functionality. In accordance to that strategy. Even though this is technically possible. From a technical point of view. but instead you install a technical usage.e.2 PRE-INSTALLATION TASKS 2. If you have not yet activated an Industry usages that you select. Solution in your system and you are not planning to do so. Business functions are grouped into technical usages. 2. because in Maintenance Optimizer of SAP Solution Manager you only select the required technical usages. then there is no need to install the technical usage of any Industry Solution at all. all or most of the technical usages). 1 Note that switchable business functions only exist for ABAP systems. In Java all installed software is automatically switched on. This will be described in the next section. The concept of SAP enhancement packages is to enable the customer to enhance only specific software components of the system with new functionality. you should always install a very limited number of technical usages and never need to install the complete set (i. You use the Maintenance Optimizer of SAP Solution Manager in order to calculate a systemdependant stack of software components to be installed in the target system. Please make sure that you have performed all activities that are listed in the “Planning” section of the respective installation guide. you do not really need to deal with that part of the SAP Note by yourself. of course. you have to activate a business function in your ABAP system 1 . Page 6 . must be set up correctly. This is especially true for Industry Solutions: You should try to be as If you have already activated an Industry Solution or plan to do so conservative as possible with regards to the in the near future. The technical usages that you are going to install contain the software components that you have to install in your system.2 SAP Solution Manager SAP Solution Manager 7. then please select only the technical usage of that number of technical Industry Solution.0 plays a central role in the SAP enhancement package 4 installation process. Even though this mapping is described in SAP Note 1165438 as well. SAP Solution Manager must be up to date. you should try to be as conservative as possible with regards to the number of technical usages that you select. and needs to have up-to-date information about the system landscape. Therefore. you do not install single business functions. You can map the business functions that you want to activate to the technical usages that you have to install in the system using SAP Note 1165438 (EHP4). If it has not yet been created. then create it as follows: Page 7 . Go to transaction SMSY and in the left frame choose Landscape Components → Server.0.2. you can also use the assistant that guides you through the following steps.0. This example assumes that you are already on SAP ERP 6.2 System Landscape (SMSY) of SAP Solution Manager The target system for the SAP enhancement package installation must be maintained correctly within the SAP Solution Manager’s system landscape (transaction SMSY). Check if the server name is listed.0. the SAP Solution Manager must meet certain prerequisites. navigate to Landscape Components and right click on Systems. It is SAP’s recommendation to always use the latest Support Package level for SAP Solution Manager 7. 3. Also make sure to execute the guided setup procedure SOLMAN_SETUP. If you have your system already registered in SMSY. If your target system is not yet registered. you have to register the system according to the start release of the upgrade. use this documentation to check for the correct registration. 2. Then we sketch the installation process itself. it is essential to review if an entry was created for your server: 1. 3. we provide an overview of how to set up and use SAP Solution Manager 7. the corrections listed in the collective SAP Note 1122966 and SAP Note 1172948 should be implemented. 3.1 Support Package Level of SAP Solution Manager In order to calculate the individual software stack for an SAP enhancement package installation. In order to use the assistant.0 and only want to install SAP enhancement package 4.1 Server Before you can check the set up of your system.3 SAP SOLUTION MANAGER This section gives you an overview of the steps for successfully installing SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP ERP 6. First. The requirements are described in SAP Note 1165438. In addition. If you are combining the installation of SAP enhancement package 4 with an upgrade. SAP recommends using the latest version of SAP Solution Manager 7.0. Select Create System With Assistant to start the guided procedure. in transaction SMSY. then create it as follows: 3. Open the subtree SAP ERP and check if the system ID of your target system is in place.2. To create a new entry.3 RFC Wizard Choose the tab Clients and maintain at least client 000. Go to transaction SMSY and in the left frame choose Landscape Components → Systems.0. Page 8 . register the system as a regular SAP ERP 6. click with the right mouse button on Server.0 system! The ERP 6.2 Product Version and System After having checked your server.0. click with the right mouse button on Systems and fill in your system’s data. 3. Make sure that it is not accidentally maintained as SAP ECC 6. Now you can use the RFC wizard to create the required RFC connections between the SAP Solution Manager system and the target system. To create a new entry. If there is no SAP ERP entry yet. Even if you already have installed SAP enhancement packages. 1.0 system must have the product version SAP ERP 6.2. 2. make sure that your system is not registered as an SAP ECC 6.0 system! Also. Click the button for the RFC wizard to start the wizard. choose Create New Server and enter your server’s data (usually this is the host name). 3. check the system in transaction SMSY.3. then make sure that the Java part is correctly maintained in SMSY.3. The correct way is to register both the Java system and the ABAP system in a central SLD and to schedule SLD update jobs from within SMSY_SETUP (see SAP Help). click on the button Read System Data Remote.5 Java Systems If you have a dual-stack system. The Java system is registered via Visual Administrator (see SAP Help) and the ABAP system is registered via transaction RZ70 (see SAP Help). You should schedule automatic data transfers using transaction SMSY_SETUP.2. Page 9 . On the left. you can see an example for a properly maintained Java system.2. To initiate the transfer. SAP Solution Manager can log in to the target system and read the system data remotely.4 Data Transfer After you have created the required RFC connections. 3. We recommend adding all systems of one product to one Logical Component. create one. Also in transaction SMSY.0 system to the solution as follows: 1. Page 10 . 2. Place the cursor on a new line in the column Logical Component.8 Adding the System to a Solution Use transaction “solution_manager” to check for an existing solution. 3. 2.2. choose System Groups and Logical Components.”. Then add your SAP ERP 6. Change to edit mode. The name of your logical component should start with “Z. Enter your system data. 3. choose your solution and go to Solution Landscape and Solution Landscape Maintenance.7 Assigning the System to the Logical Component In the Current System Assignments of the newly created logical component.6 Creating the Logical Component Create a new logical component or check your existing setup as follows: 1.. the Quality Assurance system and the Production system to the same Logical Component. 3. If you do not have a solution yet. With the right mouse button click on Logical Components and create a new logical component.2. add your systems with the appropriate roles (such as Development System or Production System).3. In transaction “solution_manager”.2. This means that you create one Logical Component and add the Development system.. Choose Complete System Data Replication before saving. Then choose the solution that contains the SAP ERP 6. Save your selection. In the left frame.3. logical component). Page 11 .3. a system-specific SAP enhancement package stack definition has to be calculated by SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer. 3. SAP enhancement packages.0 system on which you want to install the SAP enhancement packages.2 Navigation Log on to your SAP Solution Manager system and start transaction DSWP (or SOLUTION_MANAGER).0). The stack definition is then used by the SAP enhancement package installer (SAPehpi) and informs the installer about the packages that have to be installed on the target system.1 Overview For each SAP enhancement package installation. and Support Packages for the SAP enhancement packages.3. The SAP enhancement package stack definition consists of Support Packages of the start release (Support Packages of SAP ERP 6. 4. Use the input help to select your system from the list (SAP ERP. select Solution Overview. 3.3 SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer 3. 5. 3. select all the systems for which you want to generate the stack definition.1. Page 12 . Therefore. Choose Create New Maintenance Transaction. In the lower part of the screen. quality assurance. 2. This will result in a single stack definition file for all of the systems. 3. Select your SAP ERP 6. 3. We recommend creating one maintenance transaction for the entire system landscape (development. select the Product Version from the drop-down list.3 Setting up Initial Data To set up initial data for the new Maintenance Optimizer transaction. Choose Maintenance Optimizer. In the left frame switch to Operations. 4. Choose the button “Continue”. Then. choose the tab Change Management. you can assign a priority and a short text to the Maintenance Optimizer transaction. production).0 target system from this list. 3. Choose Find Download Files. If you do not see the option Enhancement Package Installation. choose Enhancement Package Installation as the desired action. then Maintenance Optimizer might switch back to “EHP3”. Make sure that you have still selected “EHP4” before proceeding.4 Selecting the Target Configuration On the next screen.0” When you are using the “Back” button. but instead only Maintenance.On the next screen. 3. you select the target configuration that you want to reach on the system where you want to install SAP enhancement package 4. A target configuration consists of: • A product version (for example SAP enhancement package 4) • • A Support Package stack number for that product version One or more technical usages that should be installed If you are using an ABAP only system and if you don’t want to update connected systems (like Portal or BI systems) then choose the product version “EHP4 FOR SAP ERP 6. Select the product version which should be installed You can choose one of the following two product versions for SAP enhancement package 4: Page 13 . check the SAP Solution Manager Troubleshooting chapter further down in this document. 1. In order to be able to select the technical usages. Also note that if you have activated an industry solution in your system.01 o o Use this option for dual-stack systems. you can refer to the blog “How Techies can select "relevant" Technical Usages of SAP enhancement packages”. Use this option if you want to update your Portal or your BI system to 7. the database type.• EHP 4 for SAP ERP 6. If you do not yet know.01. Select the checkbox of the technical usage(s) that you want to install. SAP recommends to always download the latest available Support Package stack. 3.5 Select OS/DB-Dependent Files When the calculation is finished.3. 3. In any case you should have read the SAP enhancement packages Must Know Guide. and whether you want to use a Unicode or a non-Unicode kernel. This may take a few moments.0 o Use this product version for ABAP-only systems and if you do not want to update your connected Portal or BI to 7. • EHP 4 for SAP ERP 6. After you choose the button Find Download Files.0 / NW 7. Please note that restrictions apply regarding the selection of technical usages: It is not allowed to have different versions of technical usages in one system. That means that if you have already installed a technical usage on some enhancement package release.01. Choose the button Find Download Files. you always have to include the corresponding technical usage. a stack calculation takes place on SAP Service Marketplace. SAP Solution Manager prompts you to select the kernel that you want to use. you will always have to include this technical usages and update it to the latest enhancement package release. you should know which business functions will be activated in the system after the installation. Select the operating system. Page 14 . 2. An update for the transactions SPAM and SAINT is a common example for that.3. Page 15 . Choose Continue. Select the correct OS/DB kernel parts.6 Select Files Without Stack Dependence In the next step you are asked to confirm the files that do not depend on the stack of files to be installed. In most cases you can just confirm by choosing the button Continue. If you are on IBM DB/2. please note the following SAP internal technical names for the various IBM DB/2 products: DB2 IBM DB/2 for z/OS DB4 IBM DB/2 for i5/OS DB6 IBM DB/2 UDB for Linux.1. It is sufficient to only select the database-dependent part. Unix. 3. and Windows 2. SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer then automatically selects the databaseindependent part of the kernel for you. If you do unselect such a required software component. Page 16 .7 Confirming the Selection You can download the calculated software components either by means of SAP Solution Manager Software Lifecycle Manager or via SAP Download Manager.Check Files with Stack Dependence In this step. you will get an inconsistent queue! SAP Note 1301879 helps you identifying required software components (the SAP Note is only valid for Solution Manager SP16 to SP18 – part of Solution Manager SP19).3. Be careful not to unselect a software component that is necessary for SAP enhancement package 4. SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer displays the result of the stack calculation from SAP Service Marketplace. this type is not selectable. 3. If SAP Solution Manager Software Lifecycle Manager is not completely set up. Choose the button Confirm Files in Download Basket. 4. Page 17 . You can download the files either using SAP Solution Manager Lifecycle Manager or you choose the traditional way and use the SAP Download Manager to download the software to your local computer. Then choose the button Confirm Download to confirm the download for the selected files. Choose the download type and choose the button Select Download Type. you can also just select the checkbox in the upper left corner to select all entries in the list. On the next screen. Instead of selecting every single line. 2. proceed by choosing the button Continue. you get a confirmation of your choice.1. Before you are able to download the files. you need to confirm the files in your download basket. There. 5. 3. Make sure you have enough free space in that file system (check the SAPehpi prerequisites further down in this document for details on the space requirements). Solution: The solution is to go back to transaction SMSY and mark the missing main instances as being relevant. you might have to select the column to the right. 3. you cannot select this technical usage.4 SAP Solution Manager Troubleshooting This section lists some common and known problems that can occur with SAP Solution Manager’s Maintenance Optimizer. SAPehpi can automatically download the file from SAP Solution Manager.8 Download Directory When the download is finished. See the following example: SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer cannot find some required main instances on your system. SAPehpi also prompts you for the stack configuration file that has been created by SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer. Also installed. When you provide SAPehpi with the download directory.4.3. If you get a warning. SAPehpi starts to extract the files and places the extracted files in the EPS-Inbox directory of the system. Reason: Move the cursor over the name of the technical usage in order to see which main instances are required for that technical usage. SAPehpi prompts you for the download directory (that is. However. you do not need to extract the files. but the checkbox is grayed out. Page 18 . but you can also copy the stack configuration file manually and specify the path to the file in SAPehpi. The main instances that have an asterisk (*) are not available because they are not marked as relevant on the system.1 A Technical Usage cannot be selected Issue: You would like to select a technical usage. 3.3. the directory that contains all of the archives that you have downloaded). If not all of the required technical usages are available. you have to move the files to the server where you want to run the SAP enhancement package installer (SAPehpi). you might get an error message after the stack calculation.0). The message text explains the problem in more detail. 3. Solution: SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer requests you to select more technical usages and proposes a list for you to choose from. which is a state that is not supported. 2 Page 19 .2 Only one EHP release is allowed Issue: You get the error message: “Only one EHP release is allowed” Reason: This problem is documented in SAP Note 1139602. the following could be the reason: You have installed software components of a previous SAP enhancement package without a clear mapping to technical usages. However. So in the end. If you continued with this selection.3 Old product data in SAP Solution Manager Make sure that you update the product data in SAP Solution Manager. In the example here. if you continue to the next screen. If you do not update the product data. For example. If you implement SAP Note 1287216. The reason for this is that you updated software components without properly covering technical usages 2 .4. Now not all technical usages are completely installed. In this case. That way you would have several SAP enhancement package versions in one system. the technical usage Central Applications has been installed on a previous version of SAP enhancement packages. some software components would be on SAP enhancement package 3 while others would be on SAP enhancement package 4. a technical usage consists of three software components but you have installed only two of them. that is.3. If you select all proposed technical usages and still get the error. you would not update all of the software components to SAP enhancement package 4 that are currently on SAP enhancement package 3. Maintenance Optimizer displays this error and shows a list of technical usages that are only partly installed on your system. In rare cases you still get the error after accepting what SAP Solution Manager proposes. you have installed only parts of technical usages. This is described in SAP Note 1277035 which is referenced from the collective SAP Note 1122966. then Maintenance Optimizer automatically pre-selects the technical usages that are already installed on the system. Maintenance Optimizer does not preselect this technical usage for you. then you already have installed another SAP enhancement package on this system before (for example SAP enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP 6.4. The error tells you that you have chosen too few technical usages. If you get this error message. 5 System is registered as SAP ECC 6. Page 20 . You can use transaction RZ11 to check the value of that variable. In both cases. update your product data as described in SAP Note 1277035 and try again. You pass this file to the SAP enhancement package installer. The name of the stack configuration file is as in the following example: SMSDXML_SID_20090112140052.0. the reason is outdated product data as well. Additionally. make sure that you have performed the IMG activity SOLMAN_MOPZ_SLM_CONF (Configuration of Extended Functions). Solution: If the file is not generated. The stack definition file is written to the subfolder “in” of $(DIR_EPS_ROOT).4. not as SAP ERP 6. SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer tells you to select the product version “SAP enhancement package 4 for ERP 6. This is documented in SAP Note 1134872.xml Issue: The stack configuration file is not generated by SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer. Reason: Your system is not registered as “SAP ERP 6.0” in SMSY.4. Here. 3.4 No Stack Configuration File is generated The stack configuration of SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer is also written to a file. If you have already the current product data and still get this error message. Reason: Configuration of SAP Solution Manager is missing.532. make sure that you also have implemented the correction of SAP Note 1233954.There is another case however.01” but you cannot find it in the list of the Target Stacks. 3. The file is generated just before you are asked to confirm the files of your download basket. the problem might also be the one documented in SAP Note 1326123.0 Issue: You do not get the option Enhancement Package Installation in SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer.0 / NW7. On that solution you can create a Maintenance Transaction and then you are offered the selection Enhancement Package Installation. Go to Header Data and choose Installed Product Versions.0”.0” system or you could just configure “SAP ERP 6.Solution: As mentioned earlier in this document.6 The latest Support Package Stack is not visible in Maintenance Optimizer Issue: You cannot see the latest Support Package Stack in Maintenance Optimizer Reason: Maintenance Optimizer retrieves the list of available Support Package Stacks from Service Marketplace. the required product version is “SAP ERP 6.0 system.4.0” system. The selection item Enhancement Packages appears in the Maintenance Optimizer only if you registered this product version. However it caches that information and retrieves a new version only once a day. That way you force Maintenance Optimizer to reread the list of Support Package Stacks from Service Marketplace. You can either re-register your system as an “SAP ERP 6. Selection in SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer for an SAP ERP 6.0 system. Page 21 . you still have to add your new SAP ERP 6.0” as an additional product version for your existing “SAP ECC 6. which in turn has to be added to a solution. Solution: You can delete the cached information.0” by choosing the Copy button. Selection in SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer for an SAP ECC 6. Go to transaction SMSY and select your system (select the system ID). This issue is documented in SAP Note 1165587. 3.0 system to a Logical Component. Add the product version “SAP ERP 6. Afterward. 0 EHP4 Ready” media.2 Prerequisites Space requirements: • • • Prepare free space for the Installation directory “EHPI” of approximately 10-15 GB (temporary requirement). For in-depth information about the installation process. SAP enhancement package installer offers further advantages: • • The downtime is reduced drastically. Please note that this document does not intend to replace the installation guide for SAP enhancement package 4 but just gives additional information especially on the relationship between SAP Solution Manager and SAP enhancement package installer. 4. Even when the shadow system has been built up you can still reset the installation completely. This gives you the possibility to additionally install technical usages that do not include SAP_APPL 604 with transaction SAINT once the system does already have other technical usages installed on version 604 or – as a special case – once the system has been installed from scratch with “SAP ERP 6. the shadow system. you provide a valid stack configuration file from SAP Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer to transaction SAINT. the system can stay up and operate for a longer time.4 THE SAP ENHANCEMENT PACKAGE INSTALLER 4.SAP Enhancement Package Installation”. Prepare free space for the download directory for SAP enhancement package 4 and additional Support Packages of approximately 10-30 GB (temporary requirement). The point-of-no-return is reached very late. This procedure installs a copy of the system. in parallel with the original system. In comparison to the previously used method of implementing SAP enhancement packages with transaction SAINT. The shadow system is used to update the affected software components and to install the additional components while the original system is still in production operation. Page 22 . please refer to the “Installation Guide . Prepare free space for the extraction directory (DIR_TRANS) for SAP enhancement package 4 and additional Support Packages of approximately 10-30 GB (temporary requirement). The old method of installing SAP enhancement packages via transaction SAINT is valid if the following conditions are met: • • • SAP_APPL 604 is not in the installation queue the software components of SAP NetWeaver are already on the release SAP Netweaver enhancement package 1.1 How SAP Enhancement Packages are installed The SAP enhancement package installer (SAPehpi) installs the enhancement packages in an ABAP system using a system cloning and switch procedure. select “SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP ERP 6.• • • Prepare free space for the shadow instance of approximately 100 GB. Increase the size of the Archive Log / Transaction log directory (for example: /oraarch) before starting the EHP Installation. There are two links in the text. You can get there directly using the quick link http://service.0”. In the navigation tree on the left of the page. We recommend setting the autoextend setting for tablespaces.00 The version you download depends on the operating system and the database that you are using. Also read SAP Note 1245473 for further. we recommend a continuous monitoring of the filling degree of the database directories. check the section “SAP Enhancement Package Installer (SAPehpi) Tool and Documentation”. There.com/swdc go to → Support Packages and Patches → Entry by Application Group → Additional Components → Upgrade Tools → SAP EHP INSTALLER → SAP EHP INSTALLER 7. 4.1 Downloading SAPehpi On SAP Service Marketplace http://service. one for downloading the tool and the other one for the documentation. 4. the phases “RUN_RSDBSCPY” and “SHADOW_IMPORT_INC” can produce a high value of archive logs or transaction logs. Page 23 . we recommend that you use the latest one. Make sure that you download the latest available tool version. up-to-date information on SAP enhancement package installer. Attention: To avoid an “archiver stuck” or data overflow.3.3 Where to Get SAPehpi and Its Documentation The central point for all installation related material is the page of SAP enhancement package installation on SAP Service Marketplace.sap.sap. (Note that the size required depends heavily on the customer situation – temporary requirement) Prepare additional space for existing tablespaces (depends on available freespace in each tablespace). Especially during the EHP Installation step Postprocessing.com/ehp-inst. The tool is updated regularly. • Troubleshooting and Administration (see above) • Phase list of the installation SAP provides a detailed phase list of the whole installation.0. Portal Content) you would use JSPM. This documentation is located in the /EHPI directory. to install Java components of SAP enhancement package 4 on a NetWeaver 7. It delivers background information of each single installation step and refers to the error log and log files of each phase.2 Getting the Documentation for the SAPehpi Installation On the documentation page that you access as described above. The SAPehpi archive also contains technical documentation that you can find in the /EHPI directory after extracting SAPehpi. use the documentation from this section.xsl for display. b) Installation on an ABAP + Java system If you have a 64-bit dual-stack system. On 32-bit systems you install the ABAP part of the system with transaction SAINT and the Java part with JSPM. This phase list (“phaselist.3. using transaction SAINT is not supported! You have to use the SAPehpi tool to install SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP ERP 6. use the documentation from this section. c) Installation on a Java only system If you have a 64-bit Java only system. The documentation depends on the operating system and the database you are using. Every technical consultant or Administrator working with the SAP enhancement package installer should be familiar working with this phase list! Page 24 .4. • SAP Enhancement Package Installation on ABAP/Java Systems (using SAINT and JSPM) This documentation is only relevant for 32-bit systems.xml”) requires the SAPupPhaselist. If you are on 64-bit. use the documentation from this section. you will find the following types of documentation: • SAP Enhancement Package Installation using SAPehpi a) Installation on an ABAP only system If you have a 64-bit system with an ABAP stack only. Also.0 system (such as. • Troubleshooting and Administration The Troubleshooting guide contains important information on how to correct errors in different phases of the installation as well as general recommendations about topics like downtime reduction or performance improvements. also located in the same directory. The documentation depends on the operating system and the database you are using. you can still reset the installation at any time. check the stack configuration file and make sure that it also contains Java components. Note that if you have a dual-stack system.4. the Transport Management System is locked (phase REPACHK2). Make especially sure that your profile directory is cleaned up. then check your SMSY configuration! 4. you must provide the JCE policy file (see SAP Note 1240081) as shown in the following table: Page 25 . you first have to extract it.0 system. If it does not. 4. You should not still have old profiles in the directory. Attention: Please make sure that you have performed all activities that are listed in the “Preparation” section of the respective installation guide before you start the SAPehpi program. It also moves and converts dictionary objects. If you are running a dual-stack system.6 Startup of SAPehpi After downloading the archive. both stacks are updated at the same time by SAPehpi.5 Installation Prerequisites Please note that there exist several mandatory activities that you have to perform for a successful installation. During the Downtime Roadmap Step. SAPehpi has to be run as the <sid>adm user. the old system no longer exists and the previous shadow instance has become the new system. Please note that at the beginning of the Preprocessing Roadmap Step. Before starting SAPehpi. the installation process exchanges the kernel and restarts the system. While in one of the Preparation Roadmap Steps.4 Roadmap Steps of SAPehpi SAPehpi contains the following Roadmap Steps: Until you reach the Roadmap Step Preprocessing. make sure you have read SAP Note 1245473 which contains additional information on the installer tool. In the end. When you start the tool for the first time. Additionally it is a good idea to update SPAM to the latest release and to empty the $(DIR_TRANS) directory. no changes are made to your SAP ERP 6. During the Preparation Roadmap Steps. From then on you can not develop or transport anything in the system anymore. even if they are renamed. the shadow system is built up. 7.2. refer to the Troubleshooting and Administration Guide. During the installation process. as described in the installation guide.BAT "jce_policy_zip=<Policy-Zip file>" (mind the double quotes) You only have to provide the JCE policy file the first time you start SAPehpi. It is always recommended that you choose the Manual selection of parameters since that way you can best adapt the number of processes to your specific system.7. You can manually download and then include those Support Packages in SAPehpi.3 Background Process and Tool Parameters (located in the SAPehpi Installation directory)./STARTUP jce_policy_zip=<Policy-Zip file> EHPI> STARTUP. After you have started the server process. 4.Startup procedure (also check SAP Note 1245473) On Unix On Windows EHPI>. chapter 3. For additional information. Your choice influences the number of parallel processes that work during the installation.2 Including the Latest HR Support Packages in the Installation HR Support Packages (software components SAP_HR and EA_HR) are released more often than complete SAP enhancement package Support Package stacks. you can start the GUI process either from the command line or via a web browser. Page 26 .1 Setting the Performance Parameters During the configuration Roadmap Step you are prompted to select one of three performance models. in phase BIND_PATCH you are prompted if you want to add further Support Packages to the target release. 4.7 SAPehpi Tips & Tricks This section lists some possibilities that SAPehpi offers that you should be aware of. 4. 7.8.8 SAPehpi Troubleshooting This section lists some common and known problems with SAP enhancement package installer.sdn. For more information.0. 4. SAPehpi scans the EPS/in directory and should now propose that you add the extracted Support Packages to the installation queue. and in SAPehpi. Page 27 . for example.1 Dealing with Add-Ons During the installation of SAP enhancement package 4. You can upgrade the add-on with a SAINT package. 4. You have two options: • You can keep the current version (but a vendor key is required for that). You can be alerted by e-mail or SMS.sap.com/irj/scn/weblogs?blog=/pub/wlg/12870 4. You can also configure an alert mechanism that informs you if the installation is stopped and is waiting for input.Therefore you have to download the Support Packages manually from Service Marketplace. you are asked how to deal with add-ons. check out the blog entry at https://www.3 Observer Mode and Alert Mechanism It is possible to monitor the installation of SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP ERP 6. Check SAP Note 1226284 for details. answer “Yes” to the question: “Do you want to add further Support Packages to the target release”. See SAP Note 1262124 for a list of vendor keys for add-ons that are released to be installed with SAP enhancement package 4. • Note that not all add-ons are already released for SAP enhancement package 4. Extract the Support Packages to the EPS/in directory. See the chapter on the available documentation for more details. Note that there is a guide called Troubleshooting & Administration. then log on to the target system and check table BCOS_CUST using transaction SM30.2 Retrieving the Stack from SAP Solution Manager by RFC You do not need to transfer the stack configuration file manually from SAP Solution Manager to the target system. but make sure that the other columns have the exact same value as in the screenshot).4. and make sure that you see the name of the RFC connection to SAP Solution Manager. Then check this RFC connection via SM59. If you cannot get this to work.8. Page 28 . SAPehpi can get that file automatically by an RFC call. Maintain the other columns as you can see in the screenshot here (the name of the RFC connection can differ in your case. Required Technical Usages and BFs Release Info SAP Enhancement Package 4 for SAP ERP 6.2 For SAP Solution Manager SAP Note 1122966 SAP Note 1287216 SAP Note 1139602 SAP Note 1134872 SAP Note 1233954 SAP Note 1172948 Maintenance Optimizer: Notes for Enhancement Packages Maintenance Optimizer: pre-select technical usages Several enhancement package releases on one system Maintenance Optimizer: FAQ for Stack Delta Files Maintenance Optimizer: No XML Generated in EPS Inbox SAP Solution Manager .1 For General Information on SAP Enhancement Package 4 SAP Note 1165438 SAP Note 1224284 SAP Note 1165067 SAP Note 1064635 SAP Note 1165437 SAP Note 1160106 SAP Note 1326576 SAP Note 1226284 Enhancement package 4 for SAP ERP: Required SWC ES Bundles . Info.SAP Enhancement Package Installer (7.1 Relevant SAP Notes 5.1.10/2) Vendor Keys for Add-ons released with Enhancement Packages Add.0 SAP ERP Enhancement Packages: SP Stacks Release Info Note Enhancement package 4 for SAP ERP: Required support packages Enhancement package 4 for SAP ERP: Installing JAVA SAP NetWeaver Systems Containing SAP ERP Software Components SAP Enhancement Package 4 for SAP ERP 6.5 FURTHER INFORMATION 5.0: Compatible Add-ons 5.0 ABAP ERP Enhancement Package: Installing the SAP Library Using transaction SAINT to install SAP ERP 6.3 For SAP Enhancement Package Installer SAP Note 1143022 SAP Note 1245473 SAP Note 1262124 SAP Note 1156968 SAP Note 1066110 SAP Note 1256600 SAP Note 1240081 Page 29 Installation of Enhancement Package 4 on SAP ERP 6.1. .1. info.Basic functions 5.0 EHP4 "Java Cryptography Extension Jurisdiction Policy" files .0 (ABAP) Add. on upgrading to EHP 4 for SAP ERP 6. Here is a list of the most common components related to SAP enhancement packages: Page 30 .2 Relevant SAP Documentation • The SAP enhancement packages Must Know Guide On SAP Service Marketplace http://service.sap. feel free to contact EHP Technology Backoffice.5.com) and you can reach it by sending an e-Mail to EHP-TECH@sap. please open a customer message in SAP Support Portal (http://service. Procedure If you encounter problems that are specific to the enhancement package installation.com/ehp-inst go to → SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP ERP 6.0 • The SAP enhancement package 4 Master Guide On SAP Service Marketplace http://service.3 EHP Technology Backoffice If none of the measures described in the documentation solves your problem or if you have questions regarding EHP technology in general.SAP enhancement packages for SAP ERP 6.sap.0 • The SAP enhancement packages Lifecycle presentation On SAP Service Marketplace http://service.0 (in the navigation tree to the left) → Master Guide .com/support) and assign it to the correct [email protected]/erp-ehp go to → Media Library – SAP enhancement packages (in the navigation tree to the left) → Enhancement Packages: General → Lifecycle of an Enhancement Package • The SAP enhancement packages Technology Facts presentation On SAP Service Marketplace http://service. please follow the procedure given here.0 (in the navigation tree to the left) → Must Know Guide .com/ehp-inst go to → SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP ERP 6.com/erp-ehp go to → Media Library – SAP enhancement packages (in the navigation tree to the left) → Enhancement Packages: Technical → SAP Enhancement Packages Technology Facts IT 5.sap. The Backoffice is led by Christian Oehler (christian. To enable us to help you as quickly and efficiently as possible.sap.SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP ERP 6. 0 with SAP enhancement package 3) 3.e.g.4 Feedback SAP is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions. If you are certain that the problem is not an installation-specific one but a product-specific one. Note We can find the cause of the issue more quickly if you set up an online connection to the SAP system. Please provide the document title in your e-Mail. Which operating system type and version are you using? Which database are you using? 4. In which installation program phase does the error occur? This information is listed at the end of the SAPehpiConsole.com.log file located in the installation directory EHPI/abap/log. then please assign your message to the appropriate product-specific component.• • • • SV-SMG-SYS – Solution Manager System Landscape SV-SMG-MAI – Solution Manager Maintenance Optimizer BC-EHP-INS-TLA – SAP enhancement package installer tools for ABAP BC-EHP-INS-TLJ – SAP enhancement package installer tools for Java Please answer the following questions and put these answers in your customer message: 1. SAP ERP 6. Page 31 . What is the release of your SAP system? (e. 5. you can send feedback directly to christian. For which SAP component do you want to install an enhancement package (i. which Technical Usages have you selected)? 2. To share your comments.oehler@sap.
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