003 Specification for Piping Stress Revamp

May 26, 2018 | Author: saugan | Category: Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Heat Exchanger, Pump, Structural Load, Stress (Mechanics)



Sheet 1 of 27UNIT PENGOLAHAN VI BALONGAN REKAYASA PERTAFENIKKI ENG GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS PROJECT : BALONGAN REFINERY REVAMP PROJECT PHASE II CLIENT : PERTAMINA LOCATION : BALONGAN, INDRAMAYU DOCUMENT NO. : S- 00-1360-901-NRP2 JOB NO. : 9- 0045-05-0000 FOR INTERNAL USE I 0 Issued for Review 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT REV DESCRIPTION DATE PREPARED CHECKED APVD Sheet 2 of 28 JOB NO. : 9 – 0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . DOC. NO. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 0 0 FOR PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT ........................................................................2 Pump.................................................................................................... : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT CONTENTS 1 GENERAL......................................................................................................2 Electronic data.............................17 6..................................................................................................................................3 1..2 Spring Support.....................2 Calculation Numbering System.......................................................................................................3 2....................14 5..............................3 Flange Leakage Check.............................................................................................................................................................. Sheet 3 of 28 JOB NO.......................................................................................................................................... 17 6...................................................................................................................................................1 Calculation sketch cover sheet.................................................................... 12 4....................................................1 Pressure Vessel and Heat Exchanger........................................................................19 ATTACHMENT 2 : Sample of Load Combinations.............................................3 2 CRITICAL LINE LIST.....................................................................27 ..................... 3 2......................................................................7 4 EVALUATION OF LOAD ON EQUIPMENT................................................................................................................15 5................................................................................................................................................................................4 Air Fin Cooler................................17 Figures FIG 3-1 : Temperature Break Point..........................................................................................................................................................................................1 General Guide lines for Piping Support..............................................................................1 CAESARII set up.......................................................3 Load Combinations........................................5 3...........................................................................................................1 Levels and Method of Analysis... 5 3.........................................................................................................................................11 Attachments ATTACHMENT-1 : Unit Definition...16 6 DOCUMENTATION........................................................12 4..12 4....3 1.............................................................................................................25 ATTACHMENT 5 : Allowable Nozzle Loads................................................................12 4...20 ATTACHMENT 3 : Wind Pressure Input in CAESARII..........................................5 Tank................................................................................................. : 9..................................10 FIG 3-3 : Outlet of PRV............5 3......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12 4.......... 14 5.....................................................................................................................................................................................................6 FIG 3-2 : Inlet of PRV........... NO.....................................................................................13 5 DESIGN CRITERIA................................................1 Scope...........2 Design Conditions......................3 Centrifugal Compressor..........................................2 References...........................................................................4 3 DESIGN................................................................................................................10 FIG 3-4 : Slug Force...........0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV ..............23 ATTACHMENT 4 : Seismic Load Input in CAESARII............................................. 0 DOC................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4. NO. .2 Industry Codes and Standards American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME B31. 0 DOC. (1) Detailed Analysis This refers to lines where formal piping flexibility analysis is mandatory. Checking levels and method of analysis are defined as follows.2. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT 1 GENERAL 1.3 Process Piping 2 CRITICAL LINE LIST The critical line list includes all lines to be reviewed by Piping Stress Engineer.5 or equivalent). (2) Simplified Method Simplified analysis indicated the analysis method described in ASME B31.1 Levels and Method of Analysis All lines are categorized into 3 Levels. It’s also permissible to apply detailed analysis above instead of simplified analysis. These lines are selected according to the criteria given in H-00-1360-901-NRP2. 1.1-(C) equation (16) and chart method in ASME B31. 1.2.3 Para 319.3 Para 319. : 9. unless otherwise noted. 2.4.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV .1 Power Piping ASME B31. Piping system will be modeled and calculated using computer analysis (CAESARII version 4.2 References The general specification for piping stress analysis covered by this document shall comply with the latest edition of the references listed below.2-(C).1 Scope This document describes a set of standard working practices for flexibility analysis of piping to be used by piping stress engineers for Revamp Phase II Project.1 Project References Project Specification S-00-1360-001-RP2 General Specification of Piping Design S-00-1360-002-RP2 Piping Material Specification 1. Sheet 4 of 28 JOB NO. NO. 2. hardcopy and computer data shall be numbered as follows: C-XX-1360-YYY_RN Computer calculation data shall be defined as C-XX-1360-YYYZ_RN. Sheet 5 of 28 JOB NO. (PCWBS Number) 1360 FWBS code YYY 3-digit counter numbers such as 001. B. 0 DOC. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT (3) Engineering Judgment The adequacy of the piping flexibility shall be verified by a review of the piping layout. Detailed analysis above may be applied to those piping systems if the stress engineer judge so 2. “A” for client issue N Revision numbers such as 1.… . where: C Calculation XX Plant Unit No.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . 002.2 Calculation Numbering System All stress calculation sketches and CAESARII files.…if any R “J” for internal issue. : 9.… Z Condition Cases such as A. (3) If there are a lifting support on W+P+T case. When temperature difference between bottom of pipe (liquid) and top (gas) is more than 60degC. : 9. “Thermal Bowing Delta Temperature: 0”. the calculated displacement shall be input on the assumed support location.1. This entry (dT) should be computed from the equation: dT = Ttop .0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . However. (2) Fixed point shall be included in the calculation model.1 Set up file The following files should be copied in individual PC (C:/CAESARII/system) in order to maintain uniformity of the input and output data.2 Design Conditions 3. However. translational effect shall be considered. “Activate Bourdon Effect: Translation and Rotation”. 0 DOC. if moving up is less than 1mm. In case of absence. 3.2. support may still be considered effective. This is to ensure that there would be no sustained load overstress on the piping system during actual operation where lifting is expected. JGC.1 General (1) If branched piping diameter is larger than one half of the header. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT 3 DESIGN 3. “Activate Bourdon Effects: Translation only”. “Activate Bourdon Effects: None”. Refer to Attachment-1. Exceptions are mentioned on the following. thermal bowing shall be considered. For 36” and larger piping connected to pressure vessel. virtual anchor point shall be placed. For large diameter piping connected to centrifugal compressor. NO.fil project standard input & output units file.1. Sheet 6 of 28 JOB NO. branch piping shall be calculated together with the header in order to evaluate stresses at branch connections.Tbottom 3. (2) Thermal Bowing Delta Temperature Use computer default. . delete the support and re-calculate sustain stress. translational and rotational effect shall be considered.1 CAESARII set up 3.2 Special Execution Parameters (Kaux) (1) Activate Bourdon Effect Use computer default. A A= calculation temp. For example. the following calculation cases shall be considered.2. Temperature break is at the upstream side of the block valve flange face and branch connection. : 9.2 Installation Temperature 28. Sheet 7 of 28 JOB NO. Case C Pump A=Cold / B=Hot. 3. B C PUMP-A (Operating) PUMP-B (Stand-by) FIG DESIGN-1 : Temperature Break Point . two pumps in a piping system with one as stand-by. A B B= calculation temp. 0 DOC. Case A Pump A & B All Hot.2. Case B Pump A=Hot / B=Cold. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT (4) Flexibility Factor and Stress Intensification Factor shall be calculated and input manually as per ASME B31. 3. NO.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . various conditions shall be taken into consideration. 2 C=installation temp.3 Temperature Break If the temperature is not same throughout the piping system.5 deg Celsius shall be taken as the installation temperature.+ installation temp.3 Table D300 for the piping of D T  100 . 2. . wind and slug force. 3.06 Frictionless support shall be assumed when the entire system is supported by means of hanger rod or spring hanger. NO.05 Others See Insulation Specification 3.3.4 Friction Factor The effect of friction shall be calculated based on the following: Materials Friction Factors Steel to Steel 0. Sheet 8 of 28 JOB NO. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT 3.1 Sustain Stress W+P + F Weight of standard valves and flanges should be in accordance with CAESARII libraries.22 PIR 0.3 Load Combinations The following load combinations shall be considered.2.30 Teflon to Teflon 0.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV .5 Specific Gravity Insulation Mineral wool 0. : 9. if any T: calculation temperature D: thermal displacement 3. 0 DOC.10 Teflon to Stainless Steel 0. (Refer also to Attachment-2) Abbreviations: W: pipe weigh + fluid weight + insulation weight WH: pipe weigh + water weight + insulation weight P: calculation pressure PH: hydrostatic test pressure F: permanent external force. if any FO: occasional force such as seismic. Wind pressure shall be considered in 4 directions (+Fx.1 Hydrostatic Test WH+PH+F Hydrostatic test case shall be considered. AFC header and flare header. 0 DOC.2.2. Design Pressure in the latest Line Designation Table (LDT) shall be used as calculation pressure. : 9.15m and large size (30” and above).3 302. 3.4 Pressure Relief Valves Reaction Force W+P+F+Reaction Force All pressure relief valves (PRV) shall be designed to cater for out of balance reaction forces.3. -Ux.33.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . Sheet 9 of 28 JOB NO.2 Occasional Stress W+P+F+ FO Occasional loads shall be in accordance with ASME B31. Design Pressure or Flex conditions in the latest LDT shall be used as calculation pressure.e. lines over EL. -Fz) and the combination loads of each directions need not be considered. if it is applicable. Reaction force “F” should be calculated and transmitted to Civil. 3.2.3 Seismic Load W+P+F+Seismic Seismic load case shall be considered basically for high elevated and exposed lines such as over head line of tower. seismic case is applicable for the top elevation of pipe rack. Allowable stress may be multiplied by a factor of 1.15m and large size (20” and above). Refer to Attachment-3 for Wind Pressure Input in CAESARII.2. At least. However. etc) can be assumed if not readily available. lines over EL. Test pressure shall be taken from LDT.6. it should be noted as “HOLD” in the calculation sketch. it should be properly reflected in the calculation sketch and model. etc. Relief Valves. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT Non-standard components (i. strainers. AFC header and flare header.3. 3.3. 3. control valves with actuators. 3. etc.3. +Uz. wind case is applicable for the top elevation of pipe rack. Refer to Attachment-4 for Seismic Load Input in CAESARII. . -Uz) and the combination loads of each directions need not be considered.3. At least. +Fz. Once the data is available. NO. -Fx. Seismic load shall be considered in 4 directions (+Ux.3.2 Wind Load W+P+F+Wind Wind load case shall be considered basically for high elevated and exposed lines such as over head line of tower. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT (1) Inlet Impact force “H” shall be half of “F” and “H” shall be half of “F” which is calculated by the formula (DESIGN-0). See FIG DESIGN-3 (2) . NO. : 9. The outlet direction of the PRV should be in parallel to the axial direction of the main piping. Stack piping shall be installed and outlet piping shall be up to the first elbow. Thrust force shall be applied to the opening end in the opposite direction to discharge direction as load “Fx2(DLF)” according to API520. so thrust force should be acted on just above the main piping at the opening end. Appendix II.1. as shown in ASME B31. See . (2) Outlet Closed System The header connection portion is the opening end. 0 DOC. See FIG DESIGN-3 (1).0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . Sheet 10 of 28 JOB NO. Open System Thrust force shall be applied to the opening end acting towards the opposite direction to discharge direction as load “Fx2(DLF)” according to API520. P = static pressure within the outlet at the point of discharge [bar] . W = flow of any gas or vapor [kg / sec]. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT P= Tight Strap H(up)=1/2 F H Dummy pipe (Typ. A = area of the outlet at the point of discharge [mm2]. NO.1( AP ) (DESIGN-0) (k  1) M Where: F = reaction force at the point of discharge to the atmosphere [N]. T = temperature at inlet [K]. k = ration of specific heats ( Cp / Cv ).) ”A” H (Trunnion) H H H H ”A” (1) Impact force around PRV (2) Indication on information dwg H=1/2 F (Typ. : 9. 0 DOC. Sheet 11 of 28 JOB NO.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . Cv = specific heat at constant volume. M = molecular weight of the process fluid. Cp = specific heat at constant pressure.) H=1/2 F PLAN VIEW “A”-“A” Tight Strap FIG DESIGN-2 : Inlet of PRV PRV F x 2(DLF) Flow PRV Opening end Header line F x 2(DLF) (1) Closed System (2) Open System FIG DESIGN-3 : Outlet of PRV kT F  129W  0. 3. (2) Static equipment (Vessels. 0 DOC. thermal stress shall be based on the total difference of the positive and negative temperatures (full stress range).. Column. (DESIGN-0) F Where: F = Force [ Kgf ]  = Density of fluid [ Kg /m3] A = Pipe internal area [ m2 ] V = Fluid Velocity [ m/s ] G = gravitational constant.4 Loads on Equipment Nozzle (1) Rotary machine. Aluminum Heat Exchanger and Cold box The operating temperature can be used for calculation of loads. Tank.5 Slug Flow Force W+P+F+Slug Flow Force Two phase flow lines.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . NO. AFC. The slug force “F” is calculated by the following formula.2. 9. These lines are specified in H-00-1360-901-NRP2. etc. Reciprocating machine. Tower. A dynamic load factor of 2 shall be used. should be designed under this condition. Securing anchors or hold down guide support are necessary to handle high excitation forces and to increase the first mode of vibration (natural frequency) to a value above 5Hz.8 [ m/s2 ] FIG DESIGN-4 : Slug Force 3.3.3 Thermal Stress T+D Design temperature in the latest LDT shall be used as calculation temperature.3. Exchanger. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT 3. F  2 AV 2 g …………………………………………………………………………. Sheet 12 of 28 JOB NO. 3. For lines under hot and cold services. . : 9. which are susceptible to slug flow.) The design temperature shall be used for calculation of loads. The static force on a 90 Elbow due to slug flow impinges at 45 to the direction of flow into the elbow radially outwards from the elbow. WRC 297 and ASME Section VIII or Finite Element Method (4) For Brazed Aluminum Heat Exchanger (BAHE). actual loads shall be informed to Equipment group for the detail evaluation or They may be evaluated by WRC 107. . Flange bolts are removed. (3) Allowable nozzle loads up to 24” shall be in accordance with Attachment-5. Select the applicable method accordingly. allowable nozzle loads shall be in accordance with the vendor allowable loads. 0 DOC. nozzle loads shall be in accordance with vendor allowable. (2) The dead loads on the nozzles should be as close to zero as possible by the use of spring supports.0mm for all directions.2 Pump (1) Positioning the reducer away from the nozzle can increase flexibility on the piping system. (2) No alignment between nozzle and piping flange need to be checked.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . nozzle flexibility can be considered at the nozzle neck using Caesar II nozzle model option. Therefore. (3) The alignment check is required at nozzle of compressor. However.4 Air Fin Cooler (1) The following three methods are available for installation of AFC. 4. and spring support is active. any change in routing for flexibility or reducer positioning should be immediately advised to Process Engineer. 4. When loads exceeded to the allowable. However.3 Centrifugal Compressor (1) Compressors have several stages generally. more flexibility is required to branched piping from header to each nozzle. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT 4 EVALUATION OF LOAD on equipment Unless otherwise specified. NO. Sheet 13 of 28 JOB NO. This method is most widely used. This check shall be performed by measuring clearance between compressor nozzle and piping flange at ambient temperature without fluid weight. 4. such piping should be regarded as a part of the piping system and nozzle load shall be evaluated at the connection point of the equipment. it is imperative to obtain from the compressor vendors the tabulated values of line temperatures and nozzle displacements for the operating / upset conditions. (2) Nozzle flange face shall be regarded as fixed anchor with imposed displacements. If the load is exceeding the allowable. (a) The center point of each independent header box is fixed.1 Pressure Vessel and Heat Exchanger (1) When there is elbow between the equipment and nozzle flange such as tower bottom. : 9. pressure drop may take place. Allowable displacement is less than 1. 4. The evaluation result shall be recorded in the nozzle evaluation form. the connection to the tank nozzle will be made after hydrostatic test. The movement of header box gets increasingly as it gets farther from the center. : 9. Spring supports may be used. The load shall be informed to Civil and Equipment group. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT (b) Adjoining header boxes are connected and will be fixed at the center of the whole assembly. branch lines also will be imposed horizontal load from movement of each header box. However. 0 DOC. the following information shall be obtained from the vendor in advance. nozzle loads shall be requested to Tank Group for evaluation. nozzle loads shall be evaluated by Calculation Form. (c) Header boxes are installed without connection and will be shifted along header pipe movement. it should be carefully checked if the header box is separated into two parts or share the same header box. . For even pass AFC. If tank is out of API-650 scope.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . (2) For odd pass AFC. (2) Tanks will be subject to settlement. differential expansion between the two manifolds should be checked. Future settlement shall be considered by locating the first support within the suitable distance from the nozzle to prevent over loading. If not. (3) If bundle flexibility is to be considered. Horizontal load caused by header box movement will act on the fixed point of header line. calculation model for both inlet and outlet can be made into one. Tube bundle stiffness Header box weight Header box maximum allowable thermal displacement Friction coefficient between the header box and support Length between the header box supports AFC Detailed GA drawing 4. (3) If API-650 is applicable. separated calculation models can be applied. NO. If separated. Horizontal load caused by header box movement will act on the fixed point. Sheet 14 of 28 JOB NO.5 Tank (1) The definition of tank bulge / nozzle rotation / allowable loads (NOMOGRAM chart) is under the responsibility of tank group and must be clarified with Calculation Form for API650 Tanks. In addition. 15-STR-005-001) XX : Plant Unit No.g : D-15-1362-YYY-RP2-N-J) ZZZ : 3-digit counter number starting from 001 . pressure is zero and temperature is ambient. support bottom plate temperature shall be ensured by calculation form.g. 0 DOC. such as 15. Friction factor for guide support is not required. such as 15. Piping shall be supported from below in preference to hanging from above. XX-SPS-YYY-ZZZ (e.16.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . friction factor shall be considered. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT 5 DESIGN CRITERIA 5. If the span exceeds the allowable. For high temperature lines. if the limit guide is required. (4) Dummy pipe or trunnion that is directly welded on the main pipe shall be modeled.1 General Guide lines for Piping Support (1) Allowable support span and guide span shall be as specified in D-00-1360-003-NRP2. it shall be ensured that the allowable stress in the pipe is not exceeded and the maximum deflection of pipe with full of water is not too much.16. “Sh” at the design temperature of the run pipe shall be applied for the allowable stress of the reinforced tee. (3) Standard supports for guides and stops provide a 3mm gap actually. Sheet 15 of 28 JOB NO. 15-SPS-005-001) XX : Plant Unit No. (6) Strut can be an effective restraint of zero friction factor. Connection shall be modeled as a reinforced tee. (8) Tag numbering system for special pipe supports shall be as follows.56 YYY : Sequence Number for Each Work Breakdown Structure of Piping Plan Drawing (e. However.19. (2) Maximize the use of standard support. if the calculation model is not provided with such gap.56 YYY : Sequence Number for Each Work Breakdown Structure of Piping Plan Drawing (e.g.19.g : D-15-1362-YYY-RP2-N-J) ZZZ : 3-digit counter number starting from 001 (9) Tag numbering system for struts shall be as follows. Stopper shall always take the friction effect. : 9. XX-STR-YYY-ZZZ (e. NO. (7) Vibration dampeners shall be used when necessary to prevent vibration in the piping system. (5) Maximum allowable temperature for PTFE (sliding plate) is 200degC. (7) Springs attached to compressors or pump piping that require frequent maintenance. (4) Spring with the highest variability factor should be given priority. because piping system is becoming unstable against wind and other external loads. piping still lifts up at the support location or large force acts on the support. *Note: Calculation model shall be re-run by removing the lift off support. (6) Piping displacement at spring hanger shall be checked to keep within the inclination of 4deg. However. However. but not limited to the following cases. (c) Even after piping modification. spring with bolt mechanism (permanent bolt locking device) is recommended. Variability Factor (%) = (Cold Load . If there is no sustained overstress (W+P) and the loads on the nozzles are within the allowable then spring may not be necessary. NO. 0 DOC. Constant spring that has zero variability will be selected as last option. If it fails to meet the calculation requirements.Hot Load) / Hot Load x 100 Load variability factor should be less than 25 % generally.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . and there is sustained overstressed (W+P). deflection due to deadweight shall be taken into consideration. or when there is sustain overstressed (W+P). then the next spring with lower variability factor can be selected. (2) For initial input. : 9. (*Note) (b) When there is no lift off support but +Y support or equipment nozzle cannot withstand large force due to thermal expansion (W+P+T). : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT Spring Support (1) Minimize the use of springs. . spring supports immediately downstream of rotating equipment shall be limited to 10-15% load variation. spring can be selected either by manually or through CAESAR II libraries. Sheet 16 of 28 JOB NO. (a) When piping lifts up due to thermal expansion (W+P+T) and equipment nozzle cannot withstand piping weight. Spring should be used. (3) Spring variability is calculated by the following equation. (*Note) (d) Rigid supports that cannot handle excessive displacement (e) Piping on centrifugal compressors or pumps to decrease nozzle loads. or when there is sustain overstressed (W+P) even if +Y support can withstand large force. (5) Friction shall be considered for spring supports and shall not be considered for spring hangers. 2 Flange Leakage Check Flange leakage check shall be confirmed by calculations when the design temperature exceeds 204degC and for all temperatures when the nominal size exceeds 24-inch. bolts of flanges. XX-SHY-ZZZ-NRP2 (e.g. loads on spring location shall include the weight of the spring itself. Sheet 17 of 28 JOB NO. Then. 16M 4F Peq  3  G G 2 P  Peq Effective flange pressure = Where: M external bending moment F external axial force (tension only) G diameter at location of gasket load reaction P design pressure Effective flange pressure shall be less than working pressure as per ASME B16. shoe. nuts. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT (8) Hydrostatic test loads must be noted on the spring hanger control sheet. At first. fluid inside the valves and others. SH3 for Constant Spring ZZZ : Serial number starting from 001 5. Also. (9) Support loads shall have a factor of 20% to cover for miscellaneous piping attachments. (10) Tag numbering system for springs shall be as follows. SH2 for Spring Hanger. 0 DOC.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . NO. such as clamp. location and piping configuration shall be changed to decrease the bending moment. 15-SH1-001-NRP2) XX : Plant Unit No.5 or B16. rod. the result is still over the allowable. 16.47. outer cover plates of insulation. 19. : 9. detail analysis shall be checked as per ASME SECTION VIII DIVISION I APPENDIX 2. . support type. such as 15. the following formula shall be used. Spring shall be selected taking into account the said items. where it exceeds twice the rated loads. If the result is not good. The evaluation result shall be recorded in the evaluation form. 56 SHY: SH1 for Spring. 0 DOC. *. 2. XX plant unit no. P-0111AB-N1N2. “A” for client issue N Revision numbers such as 1.… 6. 6.1 Caesar II input and output data Sub-directories will be provided as C-XX-1360-YYYZ_RN containing the following.2. NO. Caesar *. R “J” for internal issue.A. such as D-0001-N1. 2. … EQPID Equipment No. : 9. … R “J” for internal issue.xls.2. such as 15.xls.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV .… .P and *.2 Electronic data The following sub-directories shall be created under “Calculation Data” directory. 002. Refer to Attachment-Error: Reference source not found.cfg and nozzle initial displacements (Nozzle initial displacements file is defined as C-XX-1360-YYY_RN_Disp.2 Nozzle Load Evaluation sheet Filename is defined as C-XX-1360-YYY-EQPID_RN. 002.16. “A” for client issue N Revision numbers such as 1.) XX plant unit no.19 and 56 YYY stress calculation sequence numbers such as 001. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT 6 DOCUMENTATION 6.1 Calculation sketch cover sheet The following items shall be indicated in the cover sheet so that designers and even stress engineers can keep track on historical data.J. & Nozzle No. 6. such as 15. 16. *. 19 and 56 YYY stress calculation sequence numbers such as 001. Sheet 18 of 28 JOB NO. E-0110A-N2. 2. Filename shall be the same as calculation number. “A” for client issue N Revision numbers such as 1. such as R230.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV .…if any R “J” for internal issue. 002.pdf.3 Scanned Sketches All copies of scanned calculation sketches will be saved. : 9. B. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT 6. Sheet 19 of 28 JOB NO. … ZCondition Cases such as A. NO.… . 0 DOC. XXXX plant unit nos. Filename is defined as C-XX-1360-YYYZ_RN.2. R340 and G000 YYY stress calculation sequence numbers such as 001. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT ATTACHMENT-1 : Unit Definition .0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . NO. Sheet 20 of 28 JOB NO. 0 DOC. : 9. 0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT ATTACHMENT 2 : Sample of Load Combinations Table-1 For Civil Information . 0 DOC. NO. : 9. Sheet 21 of 28 JOB NO. : 9. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT Table-2 For Formal Analysis .0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . NO. Sheet 22 of 28 JOB NO. 0 DOC. Sheet 23 of 28 JOB NO.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . 0 DOC. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT Table-3 For Formal Analysis with Spring Support . NO. : 9. Y. Wind1 = +Fx direction : (X. 0) Wind3 = +Fz direction : (X. Z) = (1. : 9. Sheet 24 of 28 JOB NO. Y. Z) = (0. 0) Wind2 = -Fx direction : (X. Y. (2) Wind load set up Wind direction shall be in accordance with the following definition. Z) = (-1. Z) = (0. 0 DOC. 1) Wind4 = -Fz direction : (X. 0.65. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT ATTACHMENT 3 : Wind Pressure Input in CAESARII (1) Input window Check on the “Wind/Wave” box. -1) . NO. then set “Wind Shape Factor” as 0. Y. 0. 0.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . 0. 0 DOC. : 9. . Sheet 25 of 28 JOB NO. NO. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT Clic “User Wind Profile” and set Wind Pressure vs.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . Elevation as below. (4) Input Window. Check on the “Uniform Loads” box. Check on the “Uniform Load in G’s” box. 0 DOC. . : 9. NO. then set Ux and Uz as per the subject piping elevation.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . Sheet 26 of 28 JOB NO. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT ATTACHMENT 4 : Seismic Load Input in CAESARII (3) Special Execution Parameters. Pipe rack section view . Sheet 27 of 28 JOB NO. NO. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT Ux and Uz value shall be calculated by using the following data with proportional distribution. 0 DOC.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . : 9. For 26” and larger nozzles. allowable load shall be confirmed to Equipment Dept. : 9. Sheet 28 of 28 JOB NO. (HOLD) Allowable Loads Acting on Nozzles (up to 24”) on Towers. ) 1/4 66 30 31 3/8 74 34 35 1/2 84 39 40 3/4 99 46 47 1 120 56 56 1-1/4 151 70 71 1-1/2 175 81 82 2 230 106 108 2-1/2 319 147 150 3 406 188 191 4 622 287 292 5 907 418 425 6 1270 584 593 8 2250 1040 1060 10 3650 1680 1710 12 5530 2550 2590 14 7240 3340 3400 16 10100 4670 4740 18 13700 6300 6400 20 17900 8280 8410 24 29000 13400 13600 . Drums and Other Pressure Vessels.0045-05-0000 GENERAL SPECIFICATION REV . Nozzle Nozzle Axial Load Rectangular Load Moment Fa ( kg ) ( In two Directions ) ( In three Directions ) Size Ft ( kg ) Ma ( kg・m ) ( in. 0 DOC. : S-00-1360-901-NRP2 FOR 00 PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS DATE BY CHKD APVD 21-May-07 BYU SGT SPT ATTACHMENT 5 : Allowable Nozzle Loads. NO.
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