
EPRI Live Working ProjectSummaries of Published Reports 1983 – 2012 and Listing of Presentations at EPRI and Other Live Working Conferences 3002000890 EPRI Live Working Project Summaries of Published Reports 1983 – 2012 and Listing of Presentations at EPRI and Other Live Working Conferences 3002000890 Technical Update, August 2013 EPRI Project Manager G. Gela ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3420 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304-1338 ▪ PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303-0813 ▪ USA 800.313.3774 ▪ 650.855.2121 ▪ [email protected] ▪ DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY THE ORGANIZATION(S) NAMED BELOW AS AN ACCOUNT OF WORK SPONSORED OR COSPONSORED BY THE ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. (EPRI). NEITHER EPRI, ANY MEMBER OF EPRI, ANY COSPONSOR, THE ORGANIZATION(S) BELOW, NOR ANY PERSON ACTING ON BEHALF OF ANY OF THEM: (A) MAKES ANY WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, (I) WITH RESPECT TO THE USE OF ANY INFORMATION, APPARATUS, METHOD, PROCESS, OR SIMILAR ITEM DISCLOSED IN THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR (II) THAT SUCH USE DOES NOT INFRINGE ON OR INTERFERE WITH PRIVATELY OWNED RIGHTS, INCLUDING ANY PARTY'S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, OR (III) THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS SUITABLE TO ANY PARTICULAR USER'S CIRCUMSTANCE; OR (B) ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING ANY CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF EPRI OR ANY EPRI REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES) RESULTING FROM YOUR SELECTION OR USE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY INFORMATION, APPARATUS, METHOD, PROCESS, OR SIMILAR ITEM DISCLOSED IN THIS DOCUMENT. REFERENCE HEREIN TO ANY SPECIFIC COMMERCIAL PRODUCT, PROCESS, OR SERVICE BY ITS TRADE NAME, TRADEMARK, MANUFACTURER, OR OTHERWISE, DOES NOT NECESSARILY CONSTITUTE OR IMPLY ITS ENDORSEMENT, RECOMMENDATION, OR FAVORING BY EPRI. THE FOLLOWING ORGANIZATION PREPARED THIS REPORT: Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Lenox This is an EPRI Technical Update report. A Technical Update report is intended as an informal report of continuing research, a meeting, or a topical study. It is not a final EPRI technical report. NOTE For further information about EPRI, call the EPRI Customer Assistance Center at 800.313.3774 or e-mail [email protected]. Electric Power Research Institute, EPRI, and TOGETHER…SHAPING THE FUTURE OF ELECTRICITY are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. Copyright © 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The following organization prepared this report: Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Lenox 115 East New Lenox Road Lenox, MA 01240 Principal Investigator G. Gela This report describes research sponsored by EPRI. This publication is a corporate document that should be cited in the literature in the following manner: EPRI Live Working Project: Summaries of Published Reports 1983 – 2012 and Listing of Presentations at EPRI and Other Live Working Conferences. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2013. 3002000890. iii . this report includes titles of the presentations given at the EPRI Live Working Conferences. This research has resulted in a large number of reports and other products. Value. the ICOLiM Conferences. Objectives The objective of this report is to provide summaries of the various research studies that have been performed by the EPRI live working project between 1980s and the end of 2012. and other products. They must have full knowledge of live work rules. However. and Operation of Lines) Subcommittee hosts the ESMO Conference every few years. Applications. IEEE stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. it must be performed safely. practices. the proper tools and the training to use them. The researcher was not able to locate programs or presentations of ESMO Conferences prior to 1987. CARPI stands for the International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry. Approach The project team assembled summaries of reports and products based on abstracts and/or product descriptions available on the EPRI website (http://www. procedures. please contact George Gela at ggela@epri. the IEEE/ESMO Conferences. training materials.epri. The ESMOL (Engineering in the Safety. To help utilities achieve further improvements in cost reduction. and Use In addition to providing some high-level findings from EPRI research. and safety. this annual update provides brief descriptions of relevant EPRI products. This conference is held periodically in Europe. If readers of this report have and are willing to share such information.PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EPRI has been conducting research in the area of live working for several decades. EPRI conducts targeted research and transfers the findings to users through reports. To help users locate the results of EPRI’s research in live working. Results Besides providing descriptions of EPRI reports on live working and other related topics. and it helps utilities maintain overall transmission grid reliability and stability. or testing on equipment and circuits that are energized or that may become energized – is becoming increasingly popular for two principal reasons: it helps utilities avoid the revenue losses that result when lines are shut down for work. v . and the CARPI Conferences. Background Live work – the performance of maintenance. construction. and workers must be safe and believe they are safe. and or +1 413 445 3710 (office) or +1 413 329 7101 (cell phone). and information on potential hazards and the techniques available to avoid them. work efficiency. This report is a summary of products related to live working that have been developed by EPRI over the past several decades. the summaries included in this report should help the reader locate information on a particular topic or theme within the body of EPRI products. if utilities are to benefit from live work. ICOLiM stands for International Conference on Line Maintenance. Keywords Live-line maintenance Live working Overhead transmission line maintenance Safety Work methods vi . The summaries of reports are based on the abstracts and/or Product Descriptions available in the EPRI page. the IEEE/ESMO Conferences. or earlier projects that dealt with this subject matter before the live working research area was established within EPRI. vii . ICOLiM stands for International Conference on Line Maintenance. and the ESMOL – Engineering in the Safety.ABSTRACT This report provides summaries of the various research studies that have been performed by the EPRI live working project. This report also includes brief descriptions of EPRI reports published by other EPRI projects that may be of interest to the live working project funders. In addition to providing some high-level findings. Maintenance and Operation of Lines . and is held periodically in Europe. between 1980s and the end of 2012. the ICOLiM Conferences and the CARPI Conferences (IEEE stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. the summaries should help the reader locate information on a particular topic or theme within the body of EPRI products that has been generated. CARPI stands for the International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry).Subcommittee hosts the ESMO Conference every few years. This report also includes titles of the presentations given at the EPRI Live Working Conferences. . ....................................2-2 1021868 .........................................................2-2 1023046 .Live Work with High Temperature Conductors: Summary of Issues ...........................Equipotential Zones Preventing Induction Hazards: Case Studies ...................1-2 2 EPRI LIVE WORKING REPORTS ..Ladders of Insulating Material for Live Working: Research Plan – 2012 ............2006 .........................................2010 ....................2009 ...Ropes for Live Working and Energized Rescue ...................................................................2-5 1019978 ............1-2 References.................................................2-6 1020176 .........2-8 1014839 .........................................................................................2-1 1024141 ..................2010 .2-2 1021870 .................2-5 1019961 .........................2009...............................................................................Development of Video Camera for Live Working – 2012 .........Live Working Rope Storage – 2012 ......................................................Live Working Tools for High Temperature Conductors . and Transfer Voltages................2011 ...............................2009 ........2-8 1015912 .....Ropes for Live Working ... Touch.............EPRI Live Working Reference Book.................................................2-9 1013603 ..CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................Robotic Technologies for Live Working: Removing and Replacing Cotter Keys ............................................2010...............2-5 1019962 ...............EPRI 2010 Live Working Conference Demonstrations DVD .................Step............................................. Video Script and Selected Snapshots ..............Hazards of Step............2011 ....................Field Guide: Live Working Rope ......2-3 1023324 .....................................................................2-7 1018666 ....................2-5 1022319 ........................1-2 Additional Information.Aging of Live Working Tools and Equipment ...............................................................2-1 1025417 ..........................2-7 1017713 ........Aging of Live Working Tools and Equipment .............2008 ............2-4 1024554 ....Control of Worksite Fault Current – 2010......2007 ................2-7 1018974 .................................2-8 1015913 .1-1 Organization of this Report ...............Live Work on High Temperature Conductors ...................................................2011 .............2-6 1019963 .......................................... Third Edition ...........................................................EPRI Live Working Reference Book Edition 2 ................2-4 1024479 .......2011 ....2006 ..............2-7 1017716 .Aging and Retirement Criteria of Live Working Tools and Equipment: Part 3: Mechanical and UV Aging of Fiberglass Insulating Tools ....2011 .....................................................................................1-1 Purpose and Scope of this Report ....2-8 1013891 ....Investigate Use of and Requirements for Live Working Rope ..........2009 ................................................................2007 .......................................................1-1 Background ........Live Working Rope Selection Guide ..........................2007 ...................2008 ........................... and Transfer Voltage Training Materials.......................Field Guide: Live Working Rope .................. Touch...................................................2-9 1012324 .............................2009 .......Robotic Technologies for Live Working ....Live Working Tools for High Temperature Conductors .........2-8 1013897 .....EPRI Live Working Reference Book .........................2010 ............... DVD ......Live Work on High Temperature Conductors: Feedback from Field Crews and Contractors – 2012 .........2-1 1024140 ...............Mechanical Tests on Live Working Tools: Bending and Shock Loading Tests .....2-1 1024139 .................................2012 .....2-1 1024142 .2-10 ix ..................................................2011................................... .2-13 1001752 ..2004 .................2-20 TR-102318-V1 ...............................Survey of Utility Practices for Establishing Equipotential Zones During De-Energized Work ............................Development of Inspection Tool to Identify High Risk NCI and Composite Components In-Service ......................Use of Gloves and Cover-Ups above 46kV ................................Lineworkers Insulating Gloves and Sleeves: Injection Molding Demonstration Project ..........2-19 TR-104640 .......Energized Work on Idaho Power Company’s Existing 345 kV Structures .......2-10 1007952 .......2-17 TR-111947 .2003 ......................2006 ....................2-18 TR-108968 ..................Air Gap Sparkover and Gap Factors: Analysis of Published Data ........Optimizing the Transmission Line Design for Effective Live Working – 2003 ....................................................2005.........................2-13 1002032 ...........................2-13 1002031 ..........2-12 1011361 ...2-21 EL-5258 ......................................................................................Helicopter-Based Live-Line Work: Volume 2: Bosun’s Chair Work Near Suspension Insulators........................................................2-21 x .........2006 ..........................2-14 1007555 ....1997.2-19 TR-105184 .............2-16 TP-113980 ..................2000 ..............................Helicopter-Based Live-Line Work: Volume 1: Helicopter Platform Work between Phases......2005 ....2-11 1011766 .....................................Tools and Methods to Perform Live Work on Reduced Clearance Facilities .....Electrical Condition Assessment of Polymer Insulators for Live Working .......Linemen’s Protective Equipment .........................Overview of Incidents Related to Live Working .........Sparkover Performance and Gap Factors of Air Gaps below 1 Meter: Analysis of Published Data ...........................2-15 1001747 ....................................................................1993 .....2-17 TR-106335 .......1994 .........Electrical Performance of Conductive Suits .....2-11 1011655 ...Fusing Research on Personnel Grounding Cables – 1987...............................1998 .................1995 ....................2002........Ropes for Live Working: Current Status: White Paper ...Electrical Condition Assessment of Polymer Insulators for Live Working: Progress Reports for the Development of a Portable Tester .................Tools and Methods to Perform Live Work on Reduced Clearance Facilities: Electrical Performance of Pole Wraps and Guards .................Criteria for Development of an Improved Insulating Tool Tester ..........2-15 1001749 ...............1995 ...................Electrical Condition Assessment of Polymer Insulators for Live Working .....2-21 TR-102318-V2 ....................................1993 ........................................2003 ...........................2-20 TR-103860 ................2002 .........................Live Working on PSE&G 138 kV Double-Circuit Steel Lattice Tower ........1995 ....................2-19 TR-104437 .....................Electrical Performance of a Portable Protective Gap (PPG) in a Compact 550-kV Tower .2-12 1010244 ................ Final Report ...............20052-12 1008746 ...........2-14 1001751 ..............................................2006 .........2-16 1000047 ....................2-16 TP-113981 .....................................2002.........................................................2002 ..................2-13 1001750 .........................................2004 ....1999 .....Interim Report ..........................1997 ....Advanced Live Working Techniques and Tools ............1012321 ..........................................................Identifying Defects in Polymer Insulators That Are Detrimental to Live Working: Technical Progress ...............Live Work Guide for Substations ..........EPRI Improved Insulating Tool Tester .............................................................................2-18 TR-108329 ................................Temporary Protective Grounding of Transmission Lines: Training Video and Resources: DVD ..............1998 ....Injection Molded Lineworkers Gloves ............ Final Report ......1999 .............................................. .........Development of Improved Lineman’s Protective Equipment – Phase I: Identification of Needs and Potential Solutions .......................3-5 1025462 ..3-3 1024164 ..........Overhead Transmission Inspection and Assessment Guidelines – 2011 ......................3-1 1019975 ...............................................Evaluation of Remediation Techniques for Compression Connectors ............Field Guide: Visual Inspection of Avian Issues on Transmission and Distribution Structures .......2012 ...........................................2011 ..............................................3-8 1019943 .....Guide for Operating Overhead Lines at High Temperatures: 2010 Update......................................................................3-3 1026872 ....................3-10 1019947 ..................Maintenance Issues Related to Operation of HTLS Conductors .....2010 .Guide for Maintenance of High-Temperature Low-Sag Conductors: 2009 Progress Report ................................3-5 1021876 .....3-7 1019951 ...............Compression Connector Threshold Analysis ..Overhead Conductor Management Guide ................................................................................................Field Guide: Visual Inspection of Polymer Insulators .................3-5 Inspection and Assessment.......................................................................................2010......Field Guide: Visual Inspection of Porcelain and Glass Disc Insulators .......................3-10 1019948 ...............................................3-1 1021880 .......................2011 .................Field Guide: Visual Inspection of Avian Issues on Transmission and Distribution Structures ......Identification of New Compression Connector Inspection Technologies ......................................Evaluation of Crossarm Inspection Technologies ..............3-11 1019949 ......................3-8 1022255 .......................................2012 ........................3-5 1022168 ...... and Evaluations ..............................Guide for High-Temperature Operation of Overhead Lines ................................2011 ............2010 .....................................................2-22 3 OTHER EPRI REPORTS OF INTEREST..................3-6 1022168 .............................2010 ..................................................3-8 1022254 ......................3-9 1022253 ......2010 ..............2008 ......Emerging and Future Inspection of Overhead Transmission Lines -2011 ..................................... Techniques..2010 .........Report on Crossarm Inspection Tools....................3-1 1024156 ..........3-4 1021857 ............................................................3-6 1021744 ...................2012 ........................3-9 1022254 ..............EL-3208 ...............3-1 High Temperature Conductors ...........2010 ....................................................................Guide for Selection of Overhead Line Components and Design Parameters ..........3-7 1019952 .............................Member Survey of Industry Issues for Hardware and Conductors ..............2010 ........................3-2 1015981 ........Field Guide: Visual Inspection of Avian Issues on Transmission and Distribution Structures ...................................................Assessment of Phase Conductor Inspection Technologies .Field Guide: Inspection of Transmission Line Grounding Systems .......................2010 .............................3-2 1017784 .............Field Guide: Visual Inspection of Porcelain and Glass Disc Insulators .1983 ..........................3-7 1019944 .....3-11 xi ..........................................................................2012 ..........................................Refinement of Temperature Threshold Limits for Compression Connectors: Thermal Aging and Infrared Testing .........2010........3-3 Hardware and Components.............................................................Guide for High Temperature Operation of Overhead Lines: 2012 Updates ................2011 ............................2010 ........................................................................................................................... ............................................................................Transmission Line Lightning and Grounding Reference Book (Gray Book) ...Alternate Ground Electrode Materials ..3-17 1017697 ..........................2009 ................................................3-16 1021826 .....3-16 Vegetations and Wildlife Issues ...3-16 1019945 ......2010 ............................................................................Field Guide: Visual Inspection of Polymer Insulators ....................High Voltage Direct Current Live Line and Insulator Testing ...................................................Connector Inspection Technologies ...............2008 .........................Field Guide: Inspection of Transmission Line Grounding Systems ....................................................2012..............2008 .....1022255 .......Overhead Transmission Line Lightning and Grounding Reference Book 2012 .................3-13 1021957 .......................3-16 1016823 ...3-18 1022253 .............3-19 1019953 .......2010 ...............High Voltage Direct Current Live Line and Insulator Testing ......3-16 1025252 ..........Management of Riparian Areas on Electric Transmission Line Rights-of-Way ...........................................Touch and Step Voltage Measurements on Field Installed Ground Grid Overlaid with Gravel and Asphalt Beds -2010..............................................Effect of Seasonal Variations on Transmission Line Grounding ..................................EPRI Zed-Meter Construction Guide ....................EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book: 115-345 kV Compact Line Design .....2011 .........3-19 1020031 ..........................Sub-Grade Corrosion Management Guide – 2009 ...........................................................................3-13 1021957 .........................................................................3-12 1015899 .....................................................Cathodic Protection System Design Specification .........................................3-15 Compact Lines .........3-20 xii ........3-20 1017705 ......3-13 Arc Flash Issues – Transmission and Substations ....2011 ..................................Alternative Materials for Ground Electrodes .......................................................2012 ..........................................................................................Touch and Step Voltage Measurements on Field Installed Ground Grid and Concrete Pads .............................................3-17 1021862 ........................2011 .........................................................3-18 1019955 .....................................2010 ...............................................3-16 1017698 ....................................2009 .............Arc Flash Issues in Transmission and Substation Environments............................................3-17 1025451 .3-18 1023429 ................Using the Zed-Meter (R) .............3-19 1018976 .................2009 ..................2010 ................................2009 ..................3-13 1024324 ....3-14 1022632 .........2011...................................................2011......3-16 Corrosion .2011 .................................................3-17 Grounding – Permanent ..................................3-19 1022221 ........3-11 1017700 .................3-15 Planned Further Work ..............................................................Sub-Grade Corrosion Management Guide ...............Performance Requirements for Tools for Live Work on HVDC Systems ..................................3-20 1020243 .2009 ......................Conductor and Shield Wire Inspection and Assessment: New and Emerging Technologies .......................................................................................2010 ..........2010.......................................Arc Flash Issues in Transmission and Substation Environments: Modeling of Incident Thermal Energy of Long Arcs ...............Overhead Conductor and Shield Wires Management Guide ......Transmission Line Grounding ...................................3-20 Grounding – Plants and Substations ....................3-12 HVDC Systems .......................2011 .......................................................3-14 1022633 .......................... ...........Final Report on Leading Indicators of Human Performance – 2001 ....3-31 1004657 .............Application of Externally Gapped Surge Arresters: A Review of the State of the Art ........3-26 Human Performance .3-24 1021999 ................Application of Non-Gapped Transmission Line Surge Arresters: Review of Disconnector Specifications and Development of Mechanical Test Plan ......Guidelines for Trial Use of Leading Indicators of Human Performance: The Human Performance Assistance Package – 2000 ...................................3-23 1010233 ...3-22 1019954 ....Distribution Composite Crossarm Laboratory Testing .........................................3-22 1017709 .....................................................Application of Transmission Line Surge Arresters ........................2000.......................3-34 xiii ..............................................2011 ..............Transmission Line Surge Arrester ...................... and Specifications ........................ Current Practices................Application of Transmission Line Surge Arresters ..........3-34 1023110 ...............................Capturing Undocumented Worker-Job-Knowledge: Overview and 2000 Status Report – 2001 ..2011 .............White Paper ............................................................3-27 1000647 ........................White Paper ......3-23 Distribution ..............................3-30 1004658 ....................1016711 ...................................................Fault-Location Application for Improving Distribution System Maintenance ..........................................Overhead Lineworker Practices: Lincoln Electric System .............................Guidelines for Capturing Valuable Undocumented Knowledge from Energy Industry Personnel – 2002..................................................3-33 Occupational Health and Safety .....................................2012 ...............................................................................................................3-30 1004663 ................................................................3-28 TR-107315 ......................................................3-23 1000461 .3-29 Capturing Undocumented Knowledge ...............................Heat Stress for Workers in the Electric Power Industry ...........................Measured Breakdown Voltage and Leakage Current of Line Worker Boots .........Transmission Line Surge Arrester ................Transmission Line Surge Arrester Impulse Energy Testing ..2002 ...............Guidelines for Leading Indicators of Human Performance: Preliminary Guidance for Use of Workplace and Analytical Indicators of Human Performance – 1999...............................2009.......................2009 ....3-25 1021995 .......................................................3-21 1024135 .3-22 1012313 ........................................................................................................................................3-21 1021864 .2011 .............3-21 Transmission Line Surge Arresters .....................................................3-25 1019012 ..............................................3-24 1022011 ..............2012 ....................2012 ........................2011..3-24 1024394 ...................2011 .Outline of Guide for Application of Transmission Line Surge Arresters 42 to 765 kV ........3-26 1003033 ...........Temporary Grounding and Bonding Practices in Nuclear Electric Generating Stations – 2008 ..............3-23 1001740 ..........Occupational Exposure Database for the Electric Power Industry: Feasibility...................................Capturing Undocumented Worker-Job-Knowledge: Overview and 1999 Status Report – 2001 .Overhead Line Worker Practices Survey ............................2005 ...Application Guide for Determining Maximum Switching Transient Overvoltages of Overhead Lines Rated 100 kV and Above Using the Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) ...........................3-20 Overvoltages ..............................2011........................2006 .....................3-26 1023806 ..........................................................................2011 ..............3-21 1023637 ......................................... .......... 1995–2000 – 2001 ............................................................................ 2003... 2011...........Occupational Health and Safety Annual Report 2001: Injury and Illness Among the Electric Energy Workforce...............4-2 2010: Fifth EPRI Live Working Conference.3-42 TR-113884 ..Occupational Health and Safety Annual Report 2006: Occupational Health and Safety Trends 1995-2005 – 2006 ................ Massachusetts .......Benchmarking of Instructor Qualifications and Continuing Development of Training Staff – 2006 .............. Rhode Island ..................................... Klondike Substation.......1999 ........2004 ............ Albuquerque.....4-24 2000: Ninth ESMO Conference..................................................................................EPRI Occupational Health and Safety Annual Report 2003: Injury and Illness among the Electric Energy Workforce 1995-2002 ............................. Lithonia...... Florida .......Occupational Health and Safety Annual Report 2002: Injury and Illness Trends in the Electric Energy Workforce................... November 9. October 3-4... Canada ....Occupational Health and Safety Annual Report 2004: Occupational Health and Safety Trends 1995-2003 – 2004 ............1021834 ....... Lenox...........................3-37 1005426 .....4-34 xiv .... 2008.................................... Wyoming ........................................ September 29-30....... 2006...................................................................................................... 2012...............3-39 1005198 ....3-36 1005427 ................................4-14 2003: Tenth ESMO Conference................. Massachusetts ..................................................................................................................... August 1-2......... 2009...4-1 EPRI Live Working Conferences ................................Occupational Health & Safety Annual Report 2007: Occupational Health and Safety Trends Among Electric Energy Workers 1995-2007 – 2007.................. September 30 .........................................................................3-44 1008847 ...........................................................4-3 2009: Fourth EPRI Live Working Conference............3-45 4 CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS . May 16-19............... 2007........................ Cheyenne.......... October 8-12............... 2005........................... Lenox.......4-7 2006: Eleventh ESMO Conference............. Massachusetts ........ August 14-15..........4-6 IEEE ESMO Conferences ....Real-Time Expert Knowledge Acquisition and Transfer-Needs and Technology Assessment: Towards Self-Elicitation and Automated Knowledge Capture Methods – 2004 .3-34 1014041 .......... San Antonio..... Providence..............................4-5 2005: First EPRI Live Working Conference................... October 15-19......................................................... Texas .........................................Pilot Study: Occupational Health and Safety Surveillance Database ......................................... Montreal........Occupational Health and Safety Surveillance Database 1995-2010 -2011 .....4-4 2007: Second EPRI Live Working Conference. Lenox................... 2000......................4-7 2011: Twelfth ESMO Conference.... New Mexico ......... 2010................. 1995-1999 .....Best Practices for Recruiting and Training Potential Employees – 2004 ...4-4 2008: Third EPRI Live Working Conference........October 1...................................................................4-2 2012: Sixth EPRI Live Working Conference.................................3-38 1005425 .......3-44 1010305 ..................................... Orlando.........................2002 ...3-43 Training .................3-40 1000740 .................................................. April 6-10....................................................................................Occupational Health & Safety Annual Report 2000: Injury & Illness in the Electric Energy Workforce..................... 1995-2001 ............2000 ....3-44 1009581 ......General ............................. GA.......3-35 1012569 ...................................... ...............4-135 1998: Fourth ICOLiM Conference... September 11-13.. April 26-30......... 1994........ 1998.....June 2.................4-48 1995: Seventh ESMO Conference.. Monteal............... Portugal ...4-124 2000: Fifth ICOLiM Conference....................... Las Vegas............................. Poland ..... Italy ......... 2000.......................................... September 22-24....4-166 CARPI Conferences ......4-87 ICOLIM CONFERENCES.......... 1990. New Mexico ............ 1993............................. Spain .. Romania.................... 1987...............................4-156 1994: Second ICOLiM Conference....................... 2006.......................... May 31 ................. Czech Republic . 2002............ France .. May 20-22....4-97 2006: Eighth ICOLiM Conference... Germany ....... Ontario.................4-81 1987: Fourth ESMO Conference..................4-60 1993: Sixth ESMO Conference. Hungary ....................... Albuquerque...4-170 nd 2012: 2 International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry.......... Orlando........... Keszthely... May 17-19...4-89 2011: Tenth ICOLiM Conference.4-74 1990: Fifth ESMO Conference..................................... September 12-17.................... Switzerland .................4-106 2004: Seventh ICOLiM Conference......... Zurich.... QC....... Prague......... Torun........... May 24-27 Bucharest...... October 29 – November 3..4-170 2010: 1st International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry... June 5-7............... Nevada . Mulhouse.. 2012.................. 1996.... 1995...4-89 2008: Ninth ICOLiM Conference...............4-146 1996: Third ICOLiM Conference. June 19-21................. September 16-18.... 1992................ Berlin.. Florida ........... October 5-7...1998: Eighth ESMO Conference.... 2011...................... Canada .. 2008........... 2010.. Croatia . Madrid...... Venice.4-177 xv .... Toronto. Canada ..... June 7-9............. Lisbon.............. September 7-9.. Columbus......... 1998....... June 4-5...4-113 2002: Sixth ICOLiM Conference.4-162 1992: First ICOLiM Conference. Zagreb....... September 25-26................ Ohio.... . well thought-out live working procedures will save lives and pay back in reductions in lost time and increases in reliability. revenue is improved by $7. it must be performed safely. and is held periodically in Europe.Subcommittee hosts the ESMO Conference every few years. the fiscal consequences of a fatality or serious injury might be on the order of $1 million or more. The summaries of reports are based on Abstracts and/or Product Descriptions available in the EPRI page. If live working helps a utility void a load loss of 100 MW for an hour. ICOLiM stands for International Conference on Line Maintenance. the combined annual revenue of all U.INTRODUCTION Background Live work – the performance of maintenance. If average customer outage time were reduced by one minute per year.) This report also includes brief descriptions of EPRI reports published by other EPRI projects that may be of interest to the live working project funders. the IEEE/ESMO Conferences. and workers must be safe and believe they are safe. They must have full knowledge of live work rules. Purpose and Scope of this Report The purpose of this report is to provide summaries of the various research studies that have been performed by the EPRI live working project between 1980s and the end of 2012.000 MW. and information on potential hazards and techniques available to avoid them. Maintenance and Operation of Lines . the proper tools and the training to use them. the increase in sales would be about $500. the improvement is $70. procedures.000. practices and regulations. and (2) it helps utilities maintain overall transmission grid reliability and stability. and the ESMOL – Engineering in the Safety.07 per kWh.000 at a rate of $0. construction. (IEEE stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.S. or testing on equipment and circuits that are energized or that may become energized – is becoming increasingly popular for two principal reasons: (1) it helps utilities avoid the revenue losses that result when lines are shut down for work. and the ICOLiM.000. if utilities are to benefit from live work.000 at a rate of $. Indeed. Of course. However. According to the EEI Statistical Yearbook. electric utilities was $250 billion in 2002. the summaries should help the reader locate information on a particular topic or theme within the body of EPRI products that has been generated. 1 1-1 . safety of workers performing live work is always of prime importance. In addition to providing some high-level findings and recommendations.07 per kWh [1]. This report also includes titles of the presentations given at the EPRI Live Working Conferences. Proper. For a utility averaging 5. Financial models back up this statement. the improvement would be $6. If live working avoids a 500 MW loss for 2 hours. EDF Project OT-3 References 1. Please contact George Gela.Organization of this Report Section 2 provides a brief abstract or summary of each of the reports produced by the Live Working project. W0 7044-1 Evaluation of the Performance of Non-Ceramic Insulators for Live Working Applications: Replacing Ceramic Insulators with NCI. draft 09. Section 4 lists titles of presentations given at the annual EPRI Live Working Conferences sponsored by the project. at ggela@epri. EPRI. they do not have PID numbers).com for further information. 2003. CA: 1999 Final Report. Palo Alto. “Live Work – A Management Perspective”. prepared by CIGRÉ Joint Working Group B2/B3. Interim Report 1998. hence. 2002. 2002. 1-2 . or earlier projects that dealt with this subject matter before the live working research area was established within EPRI. Palo Alto. CIGRÉ Technical Brochure. 1994. 1993 Special Transient Overvoltage (Switching Surge) Tests of Gary Guards. they are requested to contact George Gela at ggela@epri. HVTRC-94R-5. CA: 1998. AC Tests of Gary Guards. • • • • • • • • • • High Voltage Tests on TOMCAT 2000 System in Live-Line Working Environments (Horizontal Line Configuration). 1996. PSE&G Metuchen-Trenton 138kV Re-Conductoring. Additional Information The following reports were prepared by EPRI for specific clients but were not published as EPRI products (i. 220672 Live Working on dc Systems Operating at Less than 60 kVdc. The researcher was not able to locate programs or presentations of ESMO Conferences prior to 1987. 2012. Identifying Defects in Polymer Insulators that are Detrimental to Live Working. Draft Final Report. require special permission to be made available.e. EPRI. CA: 1998. EPRI. The entries are listed in reverse-chronological sequence (from most recent back to early 1980s) by year in which they were completed. and titles of presentations delivered at the ESMO and ICOLiM conferences. Palo Alto. 1994 PECO 34. Product ID Review of ATC Structure Drawings from Live Working Viewpoint. EPRI Project Manager. If readers of this report have and are willing to share such or +1 413 445 3710 (office) or +1 413 329 7101 (cell phone). Section 3 presents brief summaries of recent publications by other EPRI projects that may be of interest to the Funders of the Live Working project.27.5 kV System Operation and Reliability. Live Working on Alabama Power Company Structures. tools. and can transmit the video (and audio) signal remotely to a receiver. Depending on the method used for LW on overhead transmission lines. can be placed directly near or at the object to be observed. 1024141 .2012 December 2012. several Kernmantle ropes meet the desirable performance requirements when dry. and procedures. Technical Results EPRI Lenox High Voltage Laboratory tested various ropes over the past few years. directly with the lineman’s hands (barehanding). updated guidebook on live working standards. published by EPRI in 2011.Development of Video Camera for Live Working – 2012 December 2012. In particular. This report documents the results of two surveys examining concerns associated with LW on high-temperature (HT) conductors. This report addresses the challenge of how to protect ropes from absorbing moisture. Unfortunately. 1024139 . or both. The receiver can be located at the other end of the insulating tool (hotstick) or at any place convenient for the worker. which are designed to operate—temporarily or for extended periods of time—at temperatures on the order of 200ºC–250ºC. Technical Results This report is a fully revised.EPRI LIVE WORKING REPORTS 1024142 . updated. Technical Results This report is an update on the progress in the development of a small lightweight video camera for use in live work. This research and testing program determined that many ropes available on the market could be suitable for live work (LW) and rescue under energized conditions provided they do not contain a detrimental amount of moisture. their performance degrades when the ropes are exposed to moisture. 2 2-1 . Third Edition . The EPRI Live Working Reference Book. The camera is designed to be attached to the end of an insulating tool.Live Work on High Temperature Conductors: Feedback from Field Crews and Contractors – 2012 December 2012.EPRI Live Working Reference Book.Live Working Rope Storage – 2012 December 2012. 1024140 . the contact is made with special LW insulating tools (hotsticking). Third Edition provides the utility industry with a single. Technical Results Live work (LW) requires contact with energized conductors. comprehensive. and expanded edition of the EPRI Live Working Reference Book. Second Edition (1024479). For application to live working tasks. the camera and its remotely operated mounting need to be very rugged. and requested input and photographs of insulator strings from project funders. Technical Results This report outlines a planned research and test program aimed at addressing concerns from field crews regarding undesirable mechanical behavior of insulating ladders used for live work. 1021870 . Each action involved in the task of removing and inserting the cotter key includes or would benefit significantly from a video camera with zooming and panning capabilities. Long and spliced ladders can flex and twist.2011 December 2011. Developing such a camera system has therefore been identified as the research goal for the near future. and remotely operated mountings with panning and zooming capabilities are a common feature in many installations. or some other device. Researchers reviewed EPRI report 1019962.Live Work on High Temperature Conductors . however. and must have reliable communications capabilities over a sufficient range.2011 December 2011. erected insulator strings for full-scale tests. 2-2 . 1021868 . the soft aluminum strands are deformed and "birdcage. Robotic Technologies for Life Working (2010).Robotic Technologies for Live Working: Removing and Replacing Cotter Keys . Tests showed that actually disengaging the cotter key was often the most complicated and effortintensive part of the overall process.Ladders of Insulating Material for Live Working: Research Plan – 2012 December 2012. hydraulic pressure. and evaluated the effort to develop the robotic device. Small lightweight video cameras are commercially available in abundance.1025417 . Powering the actuators would in turn require on-board power sources in the form of batteries. Each of these options would result in a very large and heavy robotic device that could not be easily handled by a lineman with a long insulating tool ("hotstick"). This problem is an apparent "show-stopper" in the development of a small. in particular regarding ladders that have been in service for some time. Technical Update This project investigated the feasibility of developing a robotic device for removing and inserting the cotter key on a suspension or deadend insulator string—the Cotter Key Remover-Installer and Camera (CKRIC)." This is of course a concern to the field crews and the utility operating the line. immune to high voltage (electric field) and high current (magnetic field) environments. which could pose difficulties or safety issues to the worker on the ladder. To enable the CKRIC robotic device to perform this action would require unavoidably large and massive actuators capable of exerting a very large pulling force or of causing side-to-side motion to "wiggle" the cotter key out of producing a jerking action to "yank" the key out. They then prepared animation sequences to study needed motions and degrees of freedom of the device. Technical Update Feedback from field personnel working with high-temperature conductors indicates that when a dead-end compression yoke assembly (DCYA) is installed on the conductor according to normal utility procedures. lightweight CKRIC device. EPRI launched an extensive investigation into the issue of moisture absorption of Kernmantle rope—the moisture regain property. because Kernmantle ropes absorb moisture. The objective of the 2011 project. Further research is recommended to study several additional issues. Kernmantle rope is suitable for human rescue because it possesses appropriate abrasion friction-induced heat resistance. but larger shoes are needed for the DCYA. In this project.This report presents results of research and tests performed on selected conductors operating at high temperature (approximately 250-260°C) with selected live working tools (strain sticks and DCYA) installed on the conductor. and Protective Grounding. such as the rate and extent of relaxation of the strands after the DCYA has been removed. 2008) was the culmination of several years of research on the subject of live working ropes. particularly mountaineering. The EPRI product number for the "Advanced Conductor" project is 1021882. Annealed aluminum strands birdcage more significantly than hard-drawn alloy strands. therefore. Massachusetts. and possible degradation of the mechanical strength of birdcaged strands. and does not cause the load to spin. was to identify performance requirements of rope suitable for live work and energized rescue. and project 35. Unfortunately. 1023046 . Some Kernmantle ropes tend to absorb large amounts of moisture within two to three hours. these two projects share the same report. Based on experience in other disciplines. laboratory. • Birdcaged strands tend to relax after the DCYA is removed. the effect of birdcaging on corona performance. researchers looked beyond the published standards and asked the question.2011 December 2011. some 45 samples of 12 different ropes were tested electrically at the EPRI-Lenox laboratory. Procedures. Technical Update EPRI's Ropes for Live Working report (1015912. The arrangement was made to take advantage of shared financial resources and to avoid duplication.010. The tests were performed at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Lenox. the rope failed the strict wet electrical tests that are part of qualification requirements for rope suitable for use in energized environments. possible birdcaging caused by other tools and the armor rods. Live Working Research for Overhead Transmission Equipment. The results of the tests are as follows: Birdcaging observed in the field has been reproduced in controlled tests. Birdcaging is a function of operating conductor temperature. has low elongation.Ropes for Live Working and Energized Rescue . while others tend to stabilize and not show 2-3 . As part of that research. • • • • • This research is a joint effort between project 35. summarized in this report. "how much moisture can the rope absorb or contain and still be suitable to use in energized environments?" To address this question. Birdcaging can be avoided by installing the DCYA on the dead-end compression sleeve rather than on the conductor itself. "how much moisture will lead to electrical failure of rope?" or conversely.015. Advanced Conductors. Birdcaging is less pronounced on conductors with a greater number of aluminum layers. conductor temperature was set to approximately 250°C. Techniques. work procedures. 2-4 . and displays of traditional and innovative live working tools and equipment. crew supervisors. At the same time. This finding is very useful in selecting rope for live work and for human rescue in energized environments. issues. it should be kept in mind that rescue of an injured person from energized equipment must be performed quickly in order to maximize the chances of recovery. Technical Update Over the past few years. and expanded version of the Live Working Guide for Overhead Lines (EPRI report 1008747). Conference field day activities have included demonstrations of hazards of induced voltages and currents that may exist at the worksite. However.EPRI Live Working Reference Book Edition 2 . installation of splices. EPRI therefore concludes that selected Kernmantle rope could provide a controlled-risk alternative for rescue operations in energized environments. The 2009 first edition of the this report was a fully revised. The advisors and funders of the EPRI live working project requested that selected demonstrations from the 2010 conference be videoed and made available on DVD for use as training material. the final decision to use Kernmantle rope for rescue rests with the user. Of course. including the utility safety department and live working crews. published in 2004.EPRI 2010 Live Working Conference Demonstrations DVD . stored appropriately.2011 July 2011. updated. This DVD contains six demonstrations: • • • • • • Installation of an IMPLO® splice by IMPLO Technologies. Inc. the rope must be kept dry and must not have the tendency to absorb excessive amounts of moisture rapidly. utility safety personnel.2011 November 2011.significant increase in the moisture regain after the first hour or so of exposure to normal humidity levels. Vacuum packing is one option for keeping the rope dry and preventing moisture absorption prior to use. comprehensive guidebook on live working standards. Technical Update This report contains updated information on the 2012 edition of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) and on glass insulators that became available after publication of the first edition of the Tan Book (Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI] report 1018974) in 2009. and equipment related to live work. tools. Hazards and control of induced voltage at the worksite Hazards and control of induced current at the worksite Prototype of an innovative portable protective air gap Installation of a PLP splice shunt by Preformed Line Products Installation of a ClampStar shunt splice by Classic Connectors. 1024479 . and procedures. and others who deal with live work. 1023324 . and used for only a short period of time (and removed as quickly as possible). engineers. Inc. EPRI has held conferences on live working that include a field day to discuss and illustrate various concepts. provided that the rope is kept dry. The new EPRI Live Working Reference Book provides the utility industry with a single. The conferences have been attended by linemen. 2010 December 2010.015 “Advanced Conductors” to investigate the suitability of live-working tools for high-temperature conductors. please order product 1018666.2010 December 2010. Techniques.2011 December 2011. Procedures and Protective Grounding” and project 35.010 “Live Working Research for Overhead Transmission Equipment. A comprehensive understanding of live working rope use is necessary for safe and efficient operations wherever such ropes are used. little is known in general about rates of aging or deterioration.e. Only strain link sticks were tested to date.1024554 . This field guide has been optimized for viewing on electronic devices. EPRI is continuing research and testing to help close this knowledge gap. Technical Update Also available as EPRI report 1019978 In long-duration (several days) tests. when it should be retired from service. The research is a joint effort between project 35. Technical Update Ropes are an essential tool in many applications associated with the electric power industry. Only strain link sticks were tested to date. Technical Update Live working tools and equipment are often exposed to harsh conditions during use that cause aging or deterioration of their inherent integrity. i. The research is a joint effort between project 35. 1019978 .Live Working Tools for High Temperature Conductors . 2-5 . strain link sticks used for live work were removed from service and exposed to conductors operating at high temperature of about 250-260°C. Ropes used in proximity to or in contact with high-voltage power lines require demanding dielectric properties as well as strength and durability. Results obtained do not indicate damage or deterioration of the tested sticks. 1022319 .010 “Live Working Research for Overhead Transmission Equipment. The arrangement shares financial resources and avoids duplication. 1019961 .. and there are no general quantitative guidelines for determining the "end of life" of a tool or other piece of equipment. However.Live Working Tools for High Temperature Conductors . The arrangement shares financial resources and avoids duplication. strain link sticks used for live work were removed from service and exposed to conductors operating at high temperature of about 250-260°C. Techniques. Technical Update Also available as EPRI report 1022319 In long-duration (several days) tests.015 “Advanced Conductors” to investigate the suitability of live-working tools for high-temperature conductors. Procedures and Protective Grounding” and project 35. Results obtained do not indicate damage or deterioration of the tested sticks.Field Guide: Live Working Rope . For a copy of this product printed on high-quality paper and ring-bound in a conveniently sized format.Mechanical Tests on Live Working Tools: Bending and Shock Loading Tests .2010 December 2010. mechanical load capacity. reducing the expected maximum fault current at the worksite. The report considers and briefly discusses several concepts of reducing worksite fault current.Robotic Technologies for Live Working . Much can be done to advance the application of robotics to live work. which included live work. The selection criteria for robotic technologies included suitability for operation in a high-voltage environment. size. and Construction using Advanced Technology). and the current state of robotic technologies shows that robotics in live work is in its infancy. Research should be aimed at developing autonomous robots that would significantly improve the safety of linemen and the efficiency of live work. Technical Update The objective of this report is to review selected available robotic technologies and evaluate their possible applicability to live working. The narrative continues from the development of smaller robots in various countries and by various organizations across the world to the 2010 CARPI Conference on robotics in the power industry. specifically. Technical Update In 2010. and extent of reach. It is recommended to continue this research in 2011 and to improve the test setup and data collection instrumentation for the shock loading tests. consists of injecting additional resistance into the fault current in the ground cables at the worksite to divert a part of the current to other grounding cables that are installed at some distance from the worksite. and weight compatible with live work applications. the grounding cable is looped 2-6 . The work included research into and execution of bending (cantilever and simple beam bending) tests and shock loading tests on selected tools. To avoid interrupting the ground cable to insert a resistance in series with the ground cable. 1019963 . These issues could be alleviated if the worksite fault current could be reduced. research was undertaken to identify and assess methods of controlling and. Hence.This report summarizes work performed on this topic in 2010. This effort may lead to development of improved industry standards for mechanical performance requirements for live working tools.Control of Worksite Fault Current – 2010 December 2010. a brief survey of utilities and contractors identified issues that arise when installing and removing large-diameter heavy temporary grounding cables on de-energized overhead transmission lines with multi-conductor bundles and/or on lines that may experience high fault currents. One concept.2010 December 2010. The survey indicated two main issues: (1) length and weight of the cables to be installed and (2) number of temporary grounding cables to be installed and connected and then disconnected in proper sequence. The report provides a brief history of robotics in live work dating back to late 1970s and the development of the EPRI TOMCAT (Teleoperator for Operations. A review of the available lessons learned. which became the focus of this research. The report identifies several avenues of research that may be undertaken now based on the foundations developed through previous research and have a high probability of producing useful devices within a short period of time. a robotic arm system capable of live line work in a high voltage field up to 800 kV. the literature. Maintenance. 1019962 . However. It is recommended that the concept be studied further and the additional issues raised in this report should be investigated. This report summarizes work performed on this topic in 2009.. EPRI is continuing research and testing to help close this knowledge gap. and there are no general quantitative guidelines for determining the "end of life" of a tool or other piece of equipment. Test results confirmed the feasibility of controlling (reducing) the worksite fault current. 1017716 . little is known in general about rates of aging or deterioration.2009 December 2009.Live Work with High Temperature Conductors: Summary of Issues 2009 December 2009. Technical Update Live working tools and equipment are often exposed to harsh conditions during use that cause aging or deterioration of their inherent integrity. a simple small-scale laboratory setup was constructed to measure currents for various values of the inserted resistance. and expanded edition of the Live Working Guide for Overhead Lines (1008747).through a current transformer (CT) and the current controlling resistance is connected on the secondary of the CT. The small-scale test setup provided a laboratory demonstration of the concept. Technical Update This report is fully revised. updated. tools. The training material is derived from reports of actual incidents that occurred during de-energized work.EPRI Live Working Reference Book . 1018974 .e. The new EPRI Live Working Reference Book provides the utility industry with a single. published by EPRI in 2004.2009 December 2009. comprehensive guidebook on live working standards.Aging and Retirement Criteria of Live Working Tools and Equipment: Part 3: Mechanical and UV Aging of Fiberglass Insulating Tools . 1017713 . i. The research also identified at least two important issues that should be investigated further: • • The installation of additional temporary grounding cables at locations remote from the worksite–the exact locations of the additional cables need to be determined by analysis The ability of circuit breakers to interrupt the fault current in a short period of time (several cycles).2009 December 2009. 1020176 . Technical Update This DVD is a training tool on establishing equipotential zones to mitigate hazards that may occur if proper procedures for use of grounding and bonding cables are not followed during work on de-energized facilities. To test the feasibility of this approach. Technical Update This report examines issues that may arise when live work is undertaken on conductors that operate at high temperatures (HT conductors) and provides the results from selected tests on the 2-7 . when it should be retired from service.Equipotential Zones Preventing Induction Hazards: Case Studies . and procedures. A comprehensive understanding of live working (LW) rope construction. 1013897 . Technical Update Live working tools and equipment are often exposed to harsh conditions during use that cause aging or deterioration of their inherent integrity.temperature levels reached by tools in contact with hot conductors. The report forms the basis for a LW rope guidebook. there has been a lack of detailed knowledge of aging mechanisms and rates as well as the end-of-life criteria of live working tools and equipment.Aging of Live Working Tools and Equipment . Technical Update This technical update summarizes work performed in 2007. For this reason. 2007.Aging of Live Working Tools and Equipment . There is a lack of detailed knowledge of aging mechanisms and rates as well as end-of-life criteria of live working tools and equipment. Ropes used in proximity to or in contact with high-voltage power lines require demanding dielectric properties as well as strength and durability. It also discusses possible concerns that may arise during de-energized work on lines that use HT conductors.2009 March 2009.2007 Sept. 2-8 . This report summarizes the relevant work performed in 2007 and outlines planned future work. and development of retirement criteria for live working (LW) ropes.Ropes for Live Working . performance. A comprehensive understanding of live working rope use is necessary for safe and efficient operations wherever such ropes are used. 1015912 . and use is necessary for safe and efficient operations wherever such ropes are used.2008 November 2008. the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) launched a pilot project in 2007 to study the issue (report 1013891). analysis of the effects of knots on the mechanical strength of ropes. Ropes used in proximity to or in contact with high-voltage power lines require demanding dielectric properties as well as strength and durability. Technical Update Ropes are an essential tool in many applications associated with the electric power industry.2007 Nov. 1015913 .2008 November 2008. the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) launched a pilot project to study the issue.Live Working Rope Selection Guide . 1013891 . So far. which included electrical tests on various rope samples.Field Guide: Live Working Rope . The work continued in 2008 and is summarized in the current report. 2007. Technical Report Fiber ropes represent an essential tool in many applications associated with the electric power industry. Technical Update Live working tools and equipment are often exposed to harsh conditions during use that cause aging or deterioration of their inherent integrity. 1018666 . For this reason. testing. DVD . Technical Report The video is approximately 20 minutes in length and uses both computer animation and live action footage sections. A professional actor was used for narration.2006 Dec. The overall research plan of this multi-year project includes several broad activities: Analysis of applicable industry standards Small-scale tests on rope samples per these standards Identifying strengths and weaknesses of ropes. and rope knots were tested mechanically. use and retirement of live working (LW) rope. and Transfer Voltages. not all rope needs to meet the most demanding requirements since it is not subjected to the same service duty. It was found that knots degrade the mechanical strength of rope more than predicted by existing industry guidelines. industry performance requirements for LW rope have changed drastically. The video consists of three main parts: • • • Overview of the training material: some introductory comments. which included necessary preliminary work and development of the electrical test setup based on the draft IEC standard 62192 (IEC document 78/661/CD). Several LW rope samples were tested electrically and mechanically. performance requirements and test protocols Designing and performing tests on full-scale structures and worksites Deriving guidelines and recommendations for both the utility industry and rope manufacturers This Technical Update report summarizes the work performed in 2006. Technical Update In recent years.1014839 . In view of this situation.Hazards of Step. analysis of how rope is used in the field and how it endures field use. EPRI has been asked by its funders to analyze the new standards so that suitable rope types can be used safely for different tasks in the LW environment. • • • • • 2-9 .Investigate Use of and Requirements for Live Working Rope .2007 March 2007. manufacturers lack market incentives to develop rope that would meet new and overly-stringent requirements. handling. 2006. However. While utility stocks of rope are being used up. summary of the video presentations and a disclaimer Body of the training material: detailed discussions of each topic with examples and comments Closure: summary of the presented material and acknowledgements 1013603 . resulting in an undersupply of rope suitable for LW applications. and development of recommendations for storage. This project includes studies to evaluate the performance of commercially available live working rope and prototype rope. Touch. 2006 Dec. touch and transfer voltages in order to help increase safety and reduce the risk of accidents. and the mitigating measures you can use to protect ground personnel. is released separately. 2006. The video. In an effort to increase worksite safety. Touch and Transfer Voltage video with selected scenes from the video. and the concept was demonstrated. summary of the video presentations and a disclaimer Body of the training material: detailed discussions of each topic with examples and comments Closure: summary of the presented material and acknowledgements It is anticipated that the instructor will use the video along with classroom and hands-on instruction. use and retirement of LW rope. 2-10 . Video Script and Selected Snapshots . Technical Update To ensure worker safety when performing live work with polymer insulators. The video consists of three main parts: • • • Overview of the training material: some introductory comments. EPRI produced a training video on Temporary Protective Grounding in 2004 that introduced general principals of using temporary personal grounds to establish Equipotential Zones to protect workers on the structure.Subsequent reports will detail future research results and provide recommendations for storage. it is necessary to confirm the short-term electrical integrity of both the installed and the replacement polymer units. and Transfer Voltage Training Materials. In 2006 work began on a prototype device. In 2006. 1012324 .Step. testing. handling. 1012321 . touch and transfer voltages at ground level.Electrical Condition Assessment of Polymer Insulators for Live Working . Currently there are no generally accepted and easily applied procedures to accomplish this. 2006. The objective of the video is to improve viewer’s understanding of safety issues. This report is an update on the development of the prototype device. Touch.2006 Dec. procedures and practices related to step. In 2005 EPRI identified a technology to assess the electrical integrity of a polymer insulator prior to live working. Technology Update This Technical Update contains the script of the Step. an in-depth training video was developed on the hazards related to step. It is expected that the final report on this project will be completed in 2008 or 2009. In that presentation issues related to protecting workers on the ground were merely introduced. A technology demonstrator was built. in DVD format. Sufficiently detailed narrative descriptions of incidents that can be used to derive important “lessons learned” are rare and not easily available.2006 May 2006.2006 March 2006. it appears that many less-serious incidents are not reported in any depth. This report is a summary of research on injury and fatality information among workers who perform energized (live) and/or de-energized work. Also. they do occur. This collaborative project will develop this technique further. and “near-misses” are practically never available for public inspection. both electrical and mechanical. Technical Update While every effort is made in the industry to avoid incidents during work on energized and deenergized lines. some specific conclusions and observations are presented in this report and can be used as seeds for “lessons learned. root causes are identified. non-ceramic insulators (NCI) insulators have failed in service both in the United States (approximately 1 in every 65. 1011655 . Some findings: • The incident rate during live/de-energized work is – fortunately – quite low. While the rate is greater that the general national industry rate for all workers. if the incidents are thoroughly analyzed. and there are lessons embedded within every incident from which the utility industry can benefit. Preliminary tests performed by the EPRI base-funded project have shown that measuring the dynamic mechanical response of composite components has promise as an inspection and assessment technique.1007952 . transmission class. yet effective methods to identify high-risk NCI prior to failure are unavailable.Overview of Incidents Related to Live Working . have resulted in costly outages and numerous safety concerns. This proposed project will investigate and develop a dynamic mechanical response inspection method to evaluate mechanical condition of NCI and other composite components in service. it is significantly lower that the rate for many other occupations. and corrective actions are taken. A secondary objective is to present statistical information about the frequency and likelihood of incident occurrence during work on energized and deenergized lines. The primary objective of this research is to derive “lessons learned” from incidents that would help EPRI member utilities prevent future occurrences and/or limit their severity. Although the amount of useful and detailed narrative information is limited. Supplemental Project A recent EPRI survey indicated revealed that a significant number of overhead.” • • 2-11 .Development of Inspection Tool to Identify High Risk NCI and Composite Components In-Service . These failures.000 units sold) and worldwide. Requirements for future developments to convert the bench top device to field ready unit are also presented. Technical Update A requirement for ensuring worker safety when performing live work with polymer insulators is to confirm the short-term electrical integrity of both the installed and the replacement polymer units. This report provides test results that are invaluable to the future testing and development of a tool to detect defects within polymer insulators. The focus of this research report is therefore on the development of a simple detector to assess the electrical integrity of a polymer insulator. Understanding this will prevent unnecessary safety risks. Currently there are no generally accepted and easily applied procedures to accomplish this. field personnel are more likely to correctly implement procedures and correctly address non-standard situations that may be encountered.) The results also show that conventional meters commonly found at work sites cannot be used to judge the safety of a polymer insulator prior to or while live working. and at present there are no portable tools line workers can use to detect polymer insulator defects in situ. (Increased confidence in live working means less need to take an outage for line work. A proposed concept for the detector is given as well as the results from a laboratory bench top prototype. The DVD contains a 20-minute educational video as well as multimedia clips and images that may be included in electronic presentations. 2005. the popularity of polymer insulators has created a problem: Unlike porcelain or glass insulators. Increase workers’ confidence in live working by ensuring their safety by detecting defective units prior to work.Electrical Condition Assessment of Polymer Insulators for Live Working: Progress Reports for the Development of a Portable Tester .2005 April 2005.Electrical Condition Assessment of Polymer Insulators for Live Working . 1010244 . which provides resources for training field personnel on temporary protective grounding of transmission lines. However.Temporary Protective Grounding of Transmission Lines: Training Video and Resources: DVD .1011766 . emphasizes both the why and how transmission lines should be safely grounded.2005 October 2005. 1011361 . electrically defective polymer insulators are difficult to identify. Technical Report Identifying the condition of transmission line equipment prior to initiating live work is critical to worker safety. Research has indicated that if the fundamental principles are appreciated and understood. Technical Update This educational DVD. Development of such a tool will: • • Reduce the safety risk of live working by detecting defective polymer insulators. 2-12 .2005 Jan. Although grounding procedures and practices are often well defined and implemented. the reason for them is not always well understood by line workers. Live work (work on energized circuits) is the preferred method of maintenance where system integrity. While demand has increased recently.S. Earlier EPRI research showed that the ac performance of pole wraps and guards holds promise for use above stated ratings in live-line work. identifies areas where relatively minor and inexpensive modifications to the design and/or construction can be implemented to render the line more “live-working-friendly. After 1996. 1002032 .1008746 . law enforcement. system reliability. and operating revenues are at a premium and removal of a circuit or a substation from service is not acceptable. 1002031 .Live Work Guide for Substations .S.S. and intrusion alarms if standby local generation is not available. Rope made of various materials has been used in LW tasks for many decades. U.-made LW rope is no longer available. To improve this situation.2004 March 2004. This report summarizes the results obtained from recent tests on pole wraps using ac and switching impulse voltages. to remove impediments to 2-13 . 2004.2004 Oct. which is written for line designers and line maintenance staff. this report analyzes the current status of LW rope and offers conclusions and recommendations for possible EPRI involvement in addressing technical issues and working with manufacturers and technical/standardization bodies to define mutually acceptable but perhaps less restrictive requirements. manufacturers from re-opening their production lines. but most applications were initially at distribution voltage levels and later were expanded to subtransmission levels.Ropes for Live Working: Current Status: White Paper .” that is. and producing the rope at prices comparable to those of a decade ago. and today U. 1001750 .Tools and Methods to Perform Live Work on Reduced Clearance Facilities: Electrical Performance of Pole Wraps and Guards . transmission owners are increasingly turning to live-line working techniques as standard practice. performing required tests. Technical Update The “Live Work Guide for Substations” is an outgrowth and a natural extension of EPRI’s research in the area of live working. market conditions still prevent U. In addition.Optimizing the Transmission Line Design for Effective Live Working – 2003 Aug. utilities are now interested in using LW rope at higher voltages. fire departments. Final report To ensure that transmission lines remain in service every day of the year. demand for the rope decreased. 2003. live work may be unavoidable in the case of substations that serve essential facilities such as hospitals. This EPRI Technical Update is an outline of the Guide that will be developed and completed in 2005.2003 Nov. Live work (LW) may also be beneficial in construction and storm damage repair. Technical Report Live working (LW) rope is a tool used at all voltages in live working tasks. Technical Update This report. 2003. which raises new safety concerns. Furthermore. This project developed an improved prototype portable insulating tool tester for use at the work site. there is no need to re-position the test electrodes as is currently done with shop-type tests. the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires establishing equipotential zones at the worksite. there is no need to rotate the tool and repeat the test as is the case with existing portable testers.2002 Dec. The tester is designed to concentrate on the resistive surface leakage current of the tool under test by eliminating the capacitive component of the measured current. In addition to demonstrating satisfactory and consistent performance.EPRI Improved Insulating Tool Tester . the prototype tester exhibits several other useful features: • • During testing. To address this deficiency. The entire surface area of the tool under test is tested in one motion – the tool slides through the electrodes. One section includes practical examples and lessons learned illustrate both the options available to the designer and the possible consequences of not considering live work at the design stage. and cost of a line if a “live-working-friendly” approach is considered. touch. and transfer touch voltages that occur at the worksite during de-energized work can expose workers on structures and on the ground to serious hazards and can result in electrocution leading to injury or death. Hence.Survey of Utility Practices for Establishing Equipotential Zones During De-Energized Work . and the growing number of upgraded lines and multi-circuit corridors only exacerbates the problem of establishing equipotential zones. the electrodes cover the entire circumference of the tool. It also identifies areas that could have a major effect on the design. • 2-14 . The project also recommends that the guidelines should be introduced through a set of well-prepared hands-on training courses or refresher courses with illustrative demonstrations. hence. Yet despite these requirements. construction. and cost-effective live work. The test electrodes and conductive inserts are designed to accommodate various tool diameters without loss of full circumferential contact with the tool surface. efficient. Technical Report Step. 1007555 . 1001752 .2003 April 2003. Technical Report Fiberglass insulating tools used to isolate the worker from energized parts and to support conductors and hardware must meet strict voltage withstand requirements to perform satisfactorily in service. injury and fatality rates have been increasing in North America in recent years. To reduce these risks. EPRI launched a survey of utility practices as the first step in a comprehensive effort to help its members improve safety and productivity while performing work on energized and de-energized power system facilities. Survey results indicate that comprehensive guidelines for establishing equipotential zones need to be developed for industrywide use. i. considerable work efficiency might be realized by developing cover-up equipment for use at higher voltages.2002 Nov. it should incorporate provisions to eliminate.In addition..2002 Nov.” In its second phase. Results from prior research by utilities and tests performed in Lenox.Tools and Methods to Perform Live Work on Reduced Clearance Facilities -. Technical Update Deregulation is forcing utilities to ensure that transmission lines remain in service every day of the year. This project developed criteria for an improved portable insulating tool tester. researchers analyzed four categories of electrical tests for insulating tools that are described in IEEE Std 978-184.. the capacitive current between the electrodes.e. This project focused on the possible use of 46 kV and 69 kV cover-up equipment on 69 kV and 115 kV systems. This report summarizes the results of AC and switching impulse 2-15 . transmission owners are turning to live-line working techniques as standard practice. The distance between the electrodes should be greater than about 3 in. Because cover-up equipment for live working is only available up to 69 kV. Technical Report Fiberglass insulating tools that isolate the worker from energized parts and support conductors and hardware must meet strict voltage-withstand requirements to perform satisfactorily in service. 2002. In the first phase of the project. The applied test voltage should be less than about 20 kVrms to avoid corona on the electrodes. 2002. “IEEE Guide for In-Service Maintenance and Electrical Testing of Live-Line Tools. respectively. the EPRI/EPRIsolutions portable insulating-tool tester meets the criteria for the four test categories set forth in IEEE Std 978-184. Increasingly. “IEEE Guide for In-Service Maintenance and Electrical Testing of Live-Line Tools” (now under revision): • • • • Category 1: “Portable Electronic Live-Line Tool Tester” test Category 2: “Moisture or Dielectric Property Determination Meter” test Category 3: “High-Potential AC” test (a DC test may be substituted) Category 4: “AC Dielectric-Loss (Watts-Loss)” test 1001751 .Interim Report . Massachusetts as part of a base funded project in 1999 suggest that both the use of existing equipment beyond its stated rating. electronically or through other means. and development of equipment for voltages above 69 kV may be possible in some cases. As such they must be tested on a regular basis. • • 1001749 .Criteria for Development of an Improved Insulating Tool Tester . but little advantage is gained by increasing the distance beyond about 5 in. this project developed the following scientific guidelines for designing a portable insulating-tool tester: • The tester should detect the resistive current between the electrodes. changes in the prototype mold design and construction to facilitate increased pressures and reduce the porosity are required. This technical progress report covers a background study that outlines the concerns. Three of six formulated materials studied were found suitable for glove production.Use of Gloves and Cover-Ups above 46kV . These tests were performed with the following objectives in mind: • • • To assess the withstand/flashover characteristics. Size 11 gloves. “Tools to Satisfy OSHA Rules for Live Working” (product number: 102071). Also. Technical Update The lack of appropriate tools and techniques to live working in and around polymer or nonceramic insulators has been cited as the single largest reason why transmission asset owners are reluctant to embrace this technology. Technical Progress This report summarizes the work performed in 1999 as part of the two-year EPRI base-funded project. Using a prototype mold assembly. Type II. A technique for facilitating removal of the glove from the mold was successfully developed. 1000047 . and mold venting enabled gloves manufactured to withstand AC voltage of 19kV. 1001747 .tests on existing commercially available cover-up equipment rated at 46 kV and 69 kV. 1999. including voltage-upgraded and compact lines. of existing commercially available cover-up equipment.2000 July 2000. the AC breakdown must be raised by about 40%.Injection Molded Lineworkers Gloves . to meet ASTM D 120 requirements. Technical Report This tailored collaboration funded project demonstrated progress in developing suitable materials and molding technology for manufacture of lineworker gloves. The deliverables of this project include: 2-16 . it then surveys what is presently being researched both at EPRI and elsewhere. The objective of the project is to facilitate the cost-effective adjustment of work practices to OSHA rules for live working. To explore enhancements to the equipment and/or its use that would allow the application of such equipment on systems above the equipment’s rating. To identify the electrical performance factors that may limit the application of such equipment on systems above the equipment’s rating.Identifying Defects in Polymer Insulators That Are Detrimental to Live Working: Technical Progress . researchers were able to manufacture Class 2.2002 July 2002. TP-113981 . The benefits of the project consist of increased safety and efficiency of live work on medium-voltage lines.1999 Nov. in a systematic manner. This report provides a springboard for future research activities that may ultimately lead to the development of tools capable of assessing the integrity (primarily electrical but possibly also mechanical) of polymer insulators before and while live working is performed on and around these fittings. resulting in an insulating layer of polymer in the shape of a glove. Section 5 outlines future work planned on this two-year project. Section 2 presents a description of the project as given in the Statement of Work approved by the live Working Advisory Group in April 1999. 1999. By repeating the process.1998 Dec. the solvent is allowed to evaporate. Section 3 contains two laboratory test reports from tests on various commercially produced cover-up equipment. However. Technical Report Protective gloves. Additional work is needed to balance polymer materials property requirements with the 2-17 . • TR-111947 . For over forty years.• • • Data. utilities often endured long waiting periods for delivery.Lineworkers Insulating Gloves and Sleeves: Injection Molding Demonstration Project .Advanced Live Working Techniques and Tools . “Tools to Satisfy OSHA Rules for Live Working” (Product number: 102071). Section 4 presents results of tests performed at the EPRI Lenox laboratory on full-scale simulated worksites. Researchers took advantage of prior work performed in TR-105184. and is coupled with a high rejection rate. faced with a process that takes days or weeks. in conjunction with special grounding tools and protective clothing. a glove can be molded to any desired thickness for the high voltage work at hand. enable linemen to work close to live lines without risk of electrical shock. when the die is removed. Section 6 contains references. gloves have been manufactured by dipping a die into a solvent containing an elastomeric rubbery polymer. Technical Progress This progress report summarizes the work performed in 1999 as part of the two-year EPRI basefunded project. as opposed to the conventional solvent-dipping process. criteria and live working techniques for use of cover-up equipment on medium-voltage lines Specific recommendations for modifying the design of cover-up equipment that would allow its safe use at voltage levels above the Class 4 glove rating The transfer of this technology to EPRI-member utilities through technical workshops TP-113980 . subject to continuity of funding in year 2000. The test results identify technical limitations of the tested conductor covers and also suggest viable concepts for addressing these limitations and improving the electrical performance of the cover-up equipment. The opportunity to apply modern polymeric materials and processing techniques was obvious. Appendix B contains the calculated atmospheric correction factors for each test. It presents and discusses data from electrical tests performed on various kinds of commercially available cover-up equipment and points out their electrical limitations: • • • • Section 1 provides an introduction and background information on the project. The Contractor demonstrated the feasibility of preparing lineworkers insulated gloves and sleeves using an injection molding process. 1998. Appendix A presents all test data.1999 Nov. Data for the various air gaps are organized in individual sections: rod-to-plane. The report displays in tables and graphs experimental data extracted from the literature. Subsequently.power frequency alternating current (AC). and the vertical bundles were reconfigured to horizontal two-conductor bundles.1998 July 1998. EPRI used a full-scale mockup of the structure. the tests identified some situations under which these conditions are not met with sufficient margin.1997 Nov. I-string). They were initially energized and operated at 138 kV (single conductor bundles. representative of typical live working situations on overhead transmission lines. the lines were upgraded to 230 kV by adding more insulator units to each string (single conductor bundles. 1997. a second conductor was added to each phase (two-conductor vertical bundles. hoop-to-plane. then extracted and analyzed it. after the final report was submitted. In the early 1970s line voltage was increased to 345 kV. lightning.injection molding parameters. and worker-to-tower. late in the project.Sparkover Performance and Gap Factors of Air Gaps below 1 Meter: Analysis of Published Data . 2-18 . Later. Accordingly. They calculated gap factors for power frequency AC energization and positive DC and impulse polarity energization. To conduct the tests. the tests have confirmed that conditions can be met for safe live work on the tested compact 345 kV wood H-frame structure. fast front impulse. the Contractor successfully molded gloves of the desired uniform thickness and flexibility. At the same time. where applicable. The NCI also does not appear to degrade the sparkover performance of the worksite on this structure. but this project addressed was designed to confirm that live working operations could be performed on them.Energized Work on Idaho Power Company’s Existing 345 kV Structures . I-string). As a general conclusion. Technical Report Sparkover data for air gaps. rod-to-rod. They located information dating back to 1930’s in published papers and reports. TR-106335 . Technical Report Idaho Power Company’s 345 kV wood H-frame lines were originally designed and built for 230 kV electrical dimensions (clearances). IPCO does not perform live work on these structures at this time. which had been built for other projects. researchers conducted an exhaustive literature search for data on sparkover of air gaps representative of air gaps below 1 meter in typical live working situations. direct current (DC). TR-108968 . sphere-toplane. are needed for determining safe minimum approach distances for live working. Additional insulator units were added by replacing the I-strings on the outside phases with inverted (upside-down) V-strings. bundle-to-plane. I-string).and for both polarities. however. The team used sparkover voltage data for the rod-to-plane air gap energized with the corresponding voltage type as a reference for the calculation of gap factors. The team analyzed data for all voltage types -. and switching impulse -. This was accomplished by using state-of-the-art thermoplastic elastomer blends formed by injection molding to replace the older conventional fabricated rubber products prepared by a dipping process. and ability to prevent penetration of spark discharges. Technical Report This report is a full account of switching impulse testing of work sites on the top. New elastomeric systems have been developed employing state-of-the-art technology.TR-108329 . Technical Report The insulated gloves and sleeves currently in use to protect linemen from electric shock employ materials and technology that are over 40 years old.Live Working on PSE&G 138 kV Double-Circuit Steel Lattice Tower 1997 May 1997. low electrical resistance. The porcelain insulators are the original units installed during line construction. Technical Report This report provides valuable analysis and test data on the performance characteristics of conductive suits. Each insulator string consists of nine units and includes large steel arc rings at each end. The goal of this project was to identify materials and demonstrate the feasibility of employing them as lower-cost. middle. Although the original work was performed in 1986-1987.1995 April 1995.Linemen’s Protective Equipment . which must meet certain electrical and mechanical criteria. and neither does the replacement of the original units with NCI. and findings and conclusions that are still applicable to present-day suits are summarized. As a general conclusion the tests confirmed that conditions can be met for safe live work.1995 Aug. higher-performance gloves and sleeves for electric utility linemen. TR-104640 . Placing tools and workers in locations recommended by PSE&G does not appear to degrade the sparkover performance of the worksite. and quality assurance procedures reveal relatively high rejection rates before the product reaches the linemen. the entire work was reviewed. and bottom phases of PSE&G 138 kV double-circuit steel lattice towers built in the 1920s. A patent application has been filed. At the same time researchers identified several situations under which these conditions are not met with sufficient margin. but manufacturing involves a slow and costly dipping process that was developed many years ago for conventional elastomers. these new materials can be adapted to more-economical manufacturing processes such as injection molding and thus lead to reduced costs and improved reliability. little additional fundamental research progress has been made since. 1995. At the time of publication of this report. including good shielding. TR-105184 . Tests were also conducted with the porcelain string replaced with NCI of approximately the same length. 2-19 . Certain deficiencies exist.Electrical Performance of Conductive Suits . Not only are the rubber materials currently in use old. One live working operation that may need to be performed on the tower involves removal of defective insulator units and the installation of new ones. 2-20 . the goal of this report was to locate. are needed for determining safe minimum approach distances for live working. The report also summarizes the gap factor values suggested for general use by EC-TC78-WG10. Test results confirm that coordination of the PPG is possible. and present all the data available in the literature on sparkover performance of various gap configurations. and nine shorted insulator units in the center of each of the V-strings or sixteen broken (but not shorted) units in each leg with three additional shorted units at the end of each leg. Technical Report A portable protective gap (PPG) provides positive overvoltage control to ensure personnel safety during live work on compact towers. and live working tools and equipment. Technical Report Because sparkover data for air gaps. by the method of making electrical contact during measurement.Effective suit resistance is not a fixed value. Available national and international standards provide guidance in evaluating suit performance. The investigation -performed at EPRI’s High Voltage Transmission Research Center -. 1994. analyze. The worst cases that still assure proper coordination of the PPG involve the presence of the worker. It depends on the measuring current and exhibits a hysteresis-type behavior as the measuring current is increased and then decreased. TR-104437 . and by movement of the suit during testing. the worker. and present the calculated gap factors using the CRIEPI formula as reference. gap factors were determined for various gap configurations and appear in the report’s tables. discuss several formulae in common use for calculation of U50.Electrical Performance of a Portable Protective Gap (PPG) in a Compact 550-kV Tower . This report describes research and testing on the coordination of a PPG in a compact 550-kV tower with worksite insulation. that the PPG can be used to provide positive overvoltage control at a worksite. No correlation has been found between the suit resistance and its shielding efficiency.Air Gap Sparkover and Gap Factors: Analysis of Published Data 1995 Jan. fixed strain sticks.1994 Dec. which is difficult to determine by test. For conditions exceeding those listed above. The second parameter is the suit’s shielding efficiency. 1995. proper coordination of the PPG was not always possible because worksite insulation failed occasionally without the PPG sparking over. Test results show that the resistance of high-resistance suits can be drastically reduced in strong fields. TR-103860 . However. insulator cradle.included the presence of damaged porcelain cap-and-pin insulators. The resistance is also affected by a strong electric field. representative of typical live working situations. the resistance is only one parameter of importance. The experimentally determined U50 data showed good agreement with the CRIEPI formula. The study also determined and compared the average gap factors for each gap configuration with the gap factors that IEC-TC78-WG10 has suggested for general use. but they do not yet concentrate on the more important parameters such as the shielding efficiency of the entire suit and the suit-to-body voltages. Based on the CRIEPI formula. Phase-to-phase (AC) or pole-to-pole (DC) spacings that cause sparkover were always 50-60% smaller than the typical spacing on actual existing overhead transmission lines of corresponding voltage rating. Technical Report To determine sparkover distances for a helicopter performing maintenance operations using the platform method on energized transmission lines. Final Report The present method for sizing personnel grounding cables consists of applying a derating factor to a set of theoretically approximated cable fusing characteristics. show that the sparkover voltage depends on the position of the worker relative to the energized conductors and grounded tower parts. There is a strong polarity effect for DC transmission.57 (V corr /V ph-g ) for the ac sparkover tests. Final Report .Helicopter-Based Live-Line Work: Volume 2: Bosun’s Chair Work Near Suspension Insulators. Rotating helicopter blades have little effect on sparkover voltage. Massachusetts. Tests indicated that phase spacing of conventional horizontally configured transmission lines is adequate for helicopter live-line maintenance. For most cases. This derating factor varies from user to user and is generally chosen to be quite conservative. Tests conducted at HVTRC in Lenox. Final Report . Technical Report Safe use of helicopters with suspended bosun’s chair and worker requires a knowledge of how they perform when positioned close to the tower and in the vicinity of the energized conductors and what the safe working distances and operating procedures should be. Sparkover values varied from 1. and the head-suspension hook area. A McDonnell Douglass 500 Series helicopter was supported on an insulated platform between two phases of the test line. the normal working position (waist at conductor level) resulted in the highest sparkover voltages for both ac and switching surge energization. though sparkover may impact helicopter maintenance operations on compact or upgraded lines. Its point of contact with energized parts varied and included the mannequin’s feet. They varied the location of the helicopter between phases and varied phase spacings for line AC operating voltages in the range of 300-800 kV ph-ph and for DC operating voltages up to plus or minus 600 kV. researchers conducted tests with the 500-mlong three-phase test line at HVTRC in Lenox. They also determined the effects of the rotating helicopter blade and of bonding the mannequin to the conductor. For power systems with low fault currents this approach was adequate. Its point of contact with grounded parts EL-5258 .1993 June 1993.Helicopter-Based Live-Line Work: Volume 1: Helicopter Platform Work between Phases. TR-102318-V2 . sparkover voltage is lower at a critical location than would occur when the helicopter is bonded to one phase.65 to 2. When a helicopter is floating between phases. Sparkover did not always follow the shortest striking distance path. in recent years there has been a substantial 2-21 . Massachusetts. the energized bundle.Fusing Research on Personnel Grounding Cables – 1987 July 1987. However. Researchers positioned a mannequin clad in a conductive suit on a work platform attached to the skids of the helicopter.1993 June 1993.TR-102318-V1 . failures of complete personnel grounding assemblies under high asymmetrical currents usually entail premature mechanical failure of the cable close to its ends where the assembly mounting hardware is attached. develop improvements of protective equipment where needs exist. but also for asymmetrical currents. 2-22 . These larger sized cables are unwieldy to handle and make the personnel grounding assemblies difficult to install. Similar results were found during the testing of parallel assemblies. several hundred tests were carried out on cables varying in size from 1/0 to 250 MCM with current magnitudes ranging between 17 kA and 80 kA. Such failures can be attributed to the design of the cable/ferrule/clamp interface. EL-3208 . The analytical derivation upon which the model is based allows for prediction of cable failure characteristics not only for symmetrical. Tests were also done to investigate the effects of dc offsets in current waveforms.Development of Improved Lineman’s Protective Equipment – Phase I: Identification of Needs and Potential Solutions . these ratings will represent standards of performance which can be used for improving the design of assembly terminations and overall assembly performance. and using two single grounding cables installed in parallel. Chemical analysis of several commonly used grounding cable jackets showed that the most hazardous fumes released during pyrolysis were hydrochloric acid gas and hydrogen cyanide. which this report details. The computer model is based on an approach which relates the temperature rise of a cable to the time integral of current density. In addition to the high-current tests. In addition to ensuring proper cable sizing. This has required the use of larger and larger cables for personnel grounding applications. The tests on breaker reclosure operations showed that the time-to-failure of grounding cables is not significantly reduced by such operations. To generate a statistically valid data base for checking the accuracy of the model. Phase I. possible hazards associated with fumes emanating from cable jackets during cable heating were investigated. Analysis of the data obtained from these tests shows that the failure characteristics predicted using the model agree well with those determined experimentally. This report describes the theoretical development and experimental verification of a computer program for generating high-current short-duration failure characteristics of personnel grounding cables. On this basis.1983 August 1983. and provide prototypes of equipment for field testing and evaluation. Technical Report The objective of this program (to be conducted in four phases) is to identify where improvements of protective equipment are most needed. it was decided to establish and verify a more realistic and accurate method for determining cable ratings. While extensive testing and work has been done to determine the rating of cable terminations. breaker reclosure operations. hardly any reliable data exists on the rating of the cables themselves.increase in available fault current levels. resulted in the identification of several promising concepts for improving each piece of protective equipment studied and the recommendation that Phase II be initiated for further development of these concepts. Results of the tests indicate that although the model is capable of accurately predicting the effects of dc offsets on cable failure characteristics. EPRI research will continue to address knowledge gaps in order to produce reliable technologies for high temperature operations. information from manufacturers. but also provides four calculators to evaluate conductor annealing. The mitigation tests are now complete. and results from research conducted outside of EPRI. To assist the users in easily locating information and evaluating the impacts of high temperatures on the mechanical. The Guide has evolved from a collection of numerous EPRI reports published in the past. and the results are reported in this update. In 2012. New calculators will be developed as required. The Guide is updated every year as new research data are available. the Guide has been re-organized to further improve navigation around the Guide. temperature effect on single-stage connectors. and conductor rating. Thermal Models of Overhead Transmission Lines Operating at High Temperatures (1019977). The updated Guide also provides the most current information on the HTC Matrix. Effect of High3-1 . It is based on a wealth of knowledge accumulated from extensive research conducted internally at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). a software package named HTC Matrix for high temperature conductor operation has been developed.2011 December 2011.OTHER EPRI REPORTS OF INTEREST High Temperature Conductors 1024156 .2012 December 2012. The chapter on the HTC Matrix has been revised to reflect the new improvements. This Matrix not only facilitates the users in retrieving relevant information for a given operating temperature. 1021880 .Guide for High Temperature Operation of Overhead Lines: 2012 Updates . and results from research conducted outside of EPRI.Guide for High-Temperature Operation of Overhead Lines . and many others. Performance of Compression Fittings at Elevated Temperatures (1018782). and electrical performance of overhead lines. This Guide includes detailed coverage of tests being conducted at EPRI for high-temperature operations. The Guide evolves from a collection of numerous EPRI reports published in the past. A new chapter has been added to describe the objectives and the initial setup of quenching tests for compression connectors. information from manufacturers. temperature creep effect. Technical 3 Results This Guide assists users in raising the capacities of overhead transmission lines by increasing the conductor temperature. which is improved each year to meet users’ new needs. thermal. It is based on a wealth of knowledge cumulated from extensive research conducted internally at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). including Effect of HighTemperature Cycling on Conductor Systems (1012312). for example. Technical Update This Guide assists users in raising capacities of overhead transmission lines by increasing conductor temperature. a software package. Effect of HighTemperature Cycling on Conductor Systems (EPRI report 1017782). The Guide also describes in detail tests being conducted at EPRI for high temperature operations. temperature creep effect. and conductor rating. temperature effect on single-stage conductor. New calculators will be developed as required. it also provides four calculators to evaluate conductor annealing. It is based on a wealth of knowledge accumulated from extensive research conducted internally at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).Temperature Cycling on Conductor Systems (EPRI report 1017782). a roadmap has been created to assist users in navigating the Guide. temperature effect on single-stage conductors. The Guide evolved from a collection of numerous EPRI reports published in the past. Performance of Compression Fittings at Elevated Temperatures (EPRI report 1018782). To assist the users in locating information and evaluating the impacts of high temperatures easily on the mechanical. thermal. HTC (High-Temperature Conductor) Matrix (1019976). The guide will be updated annually to include the most current information. and conductor rating. the Guide covers the research carried out to mitigate high temperature effects on connectors. a software package named HTC Matrix for High Temperature Conductor operation has been developed.Guide for Operating Overhead Lines at High Temperatures: 2010 Update December 2010. Technical Update 3-2 . thermal. New results from EPRI research are detailed in the Guide. temperature creep effect. In 2011. Thermal and Corona Models of Overhead Transmission Lines Operating at High Temperatures (1015976). In this 2010 Update. and electrical performance of overhead lines. information from manufacturers.Guide for Maintenance of High-Temperature Low-Sag Conductors: 2009 Progress Report December 2009. for example. and results from research conducted outside of EPRI. Research will continue to address knowledge gaps in order to produce reliable technologies for high temperature operations. has been developed. and many others. it also provides four calculators to evaluate conductor annealing. and many others. 1017784 . Technical Update This Guide assists users in raising the capacities of overhead transmission lines by increasing the conductor temperature. New calculators will be developed as required. 1019975 . The Guide also details tests being conducted at EPRI for high-temperature operations. This software not only facilitates users in retrieving relevant information for a given operating temperature. Thermal and Corona Models of Overhead Transmission Lines Operating at High Temperatures (EPRI report 1015976). This Matrix not only helps the users retrieve relevant information for a given operating temperature. To assist users in locating information and evaluating impacts of high temperatures easily on mechanical. and electrical performance of overhead lines. Research will continue to address knowledge gaps to produce reliable technologies for high-temperature operations. Future research needs also are identified. special tools for splicing and terminating. as a result. it is crucial to address some of the outstanding issues that arise with these conductors.Member Survey of Industry Issues for Hardware and Conductors . One such issue. Hardware and Components 1026872 . HTLS conductors are more complex than conventional Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR) conductors.2012 December 2012. shield wires. HTLS conductors are generally less forgiving of sloppy workmanship than conventional conductors during the stringing. EPRI carried out a field demonstration of the application of HTLS to gain experience on the design and handling of this type of conductors.2008 December 2008. HTLS conductors are more complex than conventional ACSR conductors. and.Maintenance Issues Related to Operation of HTLS Conductors . Technical Update The new High-Temperature Low-Sag conductors (HTLS) are used to raise current capacity of an existing transmission line. Technical Results This report presents the results of a survey to obtain information on atmospheric corrosion issues associated with overhead transmission line hardware and conductors exposed to the environment. as revealed during a field demonstration carried out by EPRI to gain experience on the design and handling of this type of conductors. As the use of these conductors increases. The survey obtained information in the following areas: • Environmental conditions 3-3 . In addition. and. it is crucial to address some of the outstanding issues that arise with these conductors. In addition. require special training on installation. and termination processes.High-Temperature Low-Sag conductors (HTLS) are used to raise the current capacity of an existing transmission line. 1015981 . Survey results will help support research and development activities to extend the capabilities of existing inspection and maintenance technologies and procedures. clipping. hardware or components and result in momentary or even sustained outages. and termination processes. HTLS conductors are generally less forgiving of sloppy workmanship than conventional conductors during the stringing. A web based survey tool was used to construct a set of focused questions to obtain information on corrosion issues associated with transmission line conductors. This report follows up on the recommendations from that report. personnel require special training prior to their installation as well as special tools for splicing and terminating and unique terminations and fittings. shield wires and hardware and to assess current utility practices regarding corrosion inspection and maintenance. an EPRI project identified issues that are crucial to the maintenance and repair of HTLS conductor systems and recommended further investigations including laboratory or field studies to resolve these issues (EPRI Report 1015981). Atmospheric corrosion is a natural and unavoidable phenomenon that can lead to the premature failure of conductors. One such issue is conductor maintenance. and unique terminations and fittings. clipping. is conductor maintenance. in 2008. As the use of this new type of conductors increases. Guide for Selection of Overhead Line Components and Design Parameters .• • • • Circuits and components susceptible to corrosion Traceability of failure Pollution sources Failure analysis Results will be used to shape and guide research and development efforts in key areas related to combating corrosion on transmission lines. and at the same time. It identifies the topics to be covered and the scope to be developed for each topic. Technical Results This report outlines the contents for the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) report Guide for Selection of Overhead Line Components and Design Parameters that is to be developed under the Design and Construction—Approach and Practice project. The parameters and components have been identified in this report. In this report. they must work together as a system to produce an acceptable level of overall performance. and electrical effects. A transmission line system is a connection of many components. covers not just the components but also system-related subjects. Detailed information suitable for use in the design of overhead lines on a few topics will be added each year. which are parameters for system designs. It will be updated continuously as new information is available. therefore. such as insulation coordination. lightning performance. The goal of this guide is to allow engineers to locate useful information and tools that were developed by EPRI under the Overhead Transmission research program to assist the electric power utilities in the design of overhead lines. Sufficient information for line designs will be prepared for each topic according to the scope outlined in the report. The guide will direct overhead line engineers to information resulting from research conducted at EPRI to improve the probability of selecting proper designs for their lines. New topics will be added to the list whenever such needs arise. The guide. These components must perform well individually. including: • • • • • Inspection tools and practices Condition assessment techniques Maintenance practices Mitigation measures Life extension decisions 1024164 . a draft on electrical effects and a draft on insulators were prepared. Both overhead line system parameters and overhead line components will be addressed. Information and tools developed within the Overhead Transmission program but outside the overhead line design projects may be useful to the line designers. 3-4 .2012 December 2012. safety. nests have been known to collapse and span critical clearances during storms.Emerging and Future Inspection of Overhead Transmission Lines -2011 December 2011. there is a need to develop differential threshold values for the temperature between the conductor and the connector being inspected.Refinement of Temperature Threshold Limits for Compression Connectors: Thermal Aging and Infrared Testing . That document was intended to provide a roadmap for near.and long-term strategic planning and R&D investment in future inspection technologies. Accordingly. Flaws were placed in two-stage connectors during installation. and the thermal mechanical tests were conducted at temperatures of 100°C and below. 1021876 . In 2008. and health issues must also be considered. 3-5 . no uniform threshold is used across the industry. Outdoor infrared (IR) measurements were made on one test conductor-connector system to determine the impact of solar radiation. emissivity. Technical Results This technical update report describes research by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) into emerging and future overhead electric transmission line inspection and assessment technologies. and distance when inspecting with IR imaging. An array of legal. EPRI published a report entitled Future Inspection of Overhead Transmission Lines (product 1016921) that documented scenarios and viable technologies that could be applied for the inspection of transmission lines over a multi-decade timeframe. reflectivity. it is important for utilities to regularly inspect for bird-related problems. Connector temperature thresholds were monitored and analyzed to determine the impact of the flaws and the specific threshold values that could be used to differentiate between a good and poor connector. Some avian activities can have deleterious effects on outdoor structures and transmission—for example. resulting in outages. This report details the tests performed on two-stage compression connectors carried out at the Electric Power Research Institute’s laboratory in Charlotte. Technical Results Although temperature measurements are useful in determining the condition of compression connectors operating on a transmission line.2011 December 2011. Currently.1021857 . Technical Results Electric transmission lines and wild birds must co-exist. Inspection and Assessment 1025462 .2012 November 2012.Field Guide: Visual Inspection of Avian Issues on Transmission and Distribution Structures . Power lines traverse birds' flight routes. North Carolina. and birds make their nests—the largest of which weigh thousands of pounds—on transmission structures. birds commonly roost on lines and poles. safety. 3-6 . Accordingly. In the early 1990s. An array of legal. the expectations for development in the future. and radio frequency communication technologies for implementing an instrumented structure concept. and birds make their nests—the largest of which weigh thousands of pounds—on transmission structures. and life of existing facilities. The objectives of this current technical update report are to identify and describe any changes that have occurred since the 2008 report in terms of communications architecture and sensor design and to provide updated information on sensing and mobile collection platform technologies. EPRI established an initiative to examine the capabilities and limitations of existing inspection and assessment methods and technology. 1021744 . Information about EPRI technology field demonstration projects is also presented in this technical update. nests have been known to collapse and span critical clearances during storms. 1022168 . such as unmanned airborne vehicles. performance. Technical Update Replaces EPRI report 1020292 Electric transmission lines and wild birds must co-exist. These guidelines—an outgrowth of this need—are an evolving resource designed to become a single living repository of information on the inspection and assessment of overhead transmission lines.2011 December 2011. and any other design constraints. One of the key needs identified was information on methods and technologies for inspecting/assessing the conditions and life expectancy of overhead transmission line components. Technical Report Replaces 1019940 The emphasis within the transmission arena has shifted from designing and building new transmission facilities to optimizing the use. Candidate technologies are examined with regard to their suitability and state of readiness for the application. The report addresses gaps (limitations and challenges) in the technology and presents a roadmap for needed research based on the gaps for each individual candidate technology.Overhead Transmission Inspection and Assessment Guidelines – 2011 December 2011. it is important for utilities to regularly inspect for bird-related problems. and health issues must also be considered.Field Guide: Visual Inspection of Avian Issues on Transmission and Distribution Structures . robotics. resulting in outages. This need has been recently accentuated as the industry makes adjustments to cope with the impacts of a streamlined workforce and the accompanying loss of institutional memory. birds commonly roost on lines and poles.The 2008 report presented and described the fundamental system concepts and candidate inspection technologies. Some avian activities can have deleterious effects on outdoor structures and transmission—for example. Power lines traverse birds' flight routes. 1022168 . and health issues must also be considered. Recognizing the technology and technique gaps in crossarm inspection. and surface probing are widely used for their inspection. more importantly. resulting in outages. nests have been known to collapse and span critical clearances during storms.Report on Crossarm Inspection Tools. like other wood components. Accordingly. Technical Update Wood transmission crossarms. many wooden structures are aging rapidly. However. and so on. The first step in a program to develop new technologies and procedures for evaluating crossarms was to develop a test stand capable of ultimate strength loading and. durability. are subject to deterioration from mechanical stresses. Researchers identified available inspection tools and techniques and evaluated traditional inspection practices and promising nondestructive evaluation methods. and wood remains a valued crossarm material due to its strength. and crossarms of various lengths and materials of construction. A prospective goal is to achieve long-term load testing with cyclical loading. An array of legal.Evaluation of Crossarm Inspection Technologies . Wood crossarms that were removed from service. alley arms. the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) initiated research activities to develop reference information on crossarm inspection techniques. no methods beyond visual inspection. of duplicating the actual conditions of transmission line crossarm loading. availability.Field Guide: Visual Inspection of Avian Issues on Transmission and Distribution Structures .2011 December 2011. Technical Update Replaces 1017699 Electric transmission lines and wild birds must co-exist. There is also potential to use the test stand for testing and evaluation of davit arms. Although the condition of these components is critical to maintaining line integrity. birds commonly roost on lines and poles. as well as dimensional timbers with simulated defects. it is important for utilities to regularly inspect for bird-related problems. 1019951 . Power lines traverse birds' flight routes. decay. weathering. and Evaluations 2010 December 2010. insect attack.2010 December 2010. Achieving this level of realism requires loading a single crossarm beam in the proper locations with forces that simulate the weight of transmission line conductors. safety. Technical Update Crossarms used for the support of high voltage transmission lines are abundant across the country. Some avian activities can have deleterious effects on outdoor structures and transmission—for example. Techniques. and low procurement cost. and there are no generally accepted methods to inspect their integrity. were used to 3-7 . The objective of this project was to demonstrate and assess the capabilities of currently available inspection tools and methods that might be applicable to the inspection and condition assessment of wood crossarms. 1019952 . hammer sounding. and birds make their nests—the largest of which weigh thousands of pounds—on transmission structures. Conductors that had been gathered from field testing were evaluated using a standard NIR spectrometer assembly and then compared to the results using a laser light source. It is generally believed that digital radiography shows promise and could be deployed. especially ACSR conductors.2010 December 2010. 1022255 . with proper safeguards and logistics. indicating the key features and root causes. one in a series of practical guides designed as reference aids for utility personnel working in the field. Results were promising and demonstrated that the presence of steel core corrosion may be identified by a ratio of reflected light intensity at specific wavelengths.Field Guide: Visual Inspection of Polymer Insulators .evaluate the ability of the inspection technologies to assess the condition and performance of transmission-size wood crossarms. This report provides an introduction to the issues involved in inspecting and managing overhead conductors and describes how a population assessment model can be constructed to optimize utility maintenance efforts. suggesting that this approach could be used as a screening tool and perhaps be incorporated with a new or emerging technology.Assessment of Phase Conductor Inspection Technologies . using traditional hammer sounding and surface probing. which cannot be assessed visually because of the layers of aluminum strand that cover their cores.Overhead Conductor Management Guide . Early "Near Infrared Spectroscopy" testing in a semi-controlled environment and in the field revealed many environmental conditions must be overcome in order to gather accurate reflectance light spectra.2010 December 2010. A tiered approach. Utilities wishing to determine how much core strength remains in these conductors can only do so by sampling the conductor and subsequently subjecting it to tensile testing or by looking at the significant circuits that pose a reliability risk using the Cormon Device or Electro-Magnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT). Technical Report As transmission systems age. Technical Update This EPRI report. This report presents the findings confirming the stages of development to date and what is required to proceed in future development. 1019944 . The latest design change was to add a monochromatic light source to overcome varying ambient light intensity during testing. This PDF version of the report supersedes several earlier editions of the guide.2010 December 2010. Technical Update A feasibility study was completed in 2003 to determine if iron oxide deposits can be identified on the surface of ACSR conductors. showed a high probability of finding degradation. However. Sonic and ultrasonic technologies require substantial development before they can be used as inspection tools in the field. both ultrasonics and digital radiography show promise as final-tier inspection technologies. 1019943 . 3-8 . visually catalogs the various condition issues that commonly affect transmission line polymer insulators (also known as composite or non-ceramic insulators (NCIs)). and includes a section on failure modes. utilities are increasingly concerned about the reliability of aging conductors. The guide is conveniently organized according to the portion of the polymer insulator affected. visually catalogs the various condition issues that commonly affect transmission line grounding systems. including corrosion. cracking. and dielectric shell damage. Technical Update Replaces EPRI report 1020290 This EPRI report. This field guide is one of a series under development. A maintenance priority rating system is incorporated to aid decision making. It presents photographs and short written descriptions of the conditions and lists associated causes. The guide 3-9 .For a copy of this product printed on high-quality paper and ring-bound in a conveniently sized format. contamination. The guide is conveniently organized and deals with each technology separately. please order product 1013283.Field Guide: Inspection of Transmission Line Grounding Systems 2010 December 2010. Technical Update This EPRI visual guide. Full-color photographs support visual evaluation of the range of conditions likely to be encountered in the field. failure modes. one of a series of field guides designed to support inspection and assessment of transmission components. Intended for practical use. Other field guides that are currently available include: • • • • • • • • • • • Corona Rings for Polymer Insulators Daytime Discharge Inspection of Transmission and Distribution Overhead Lines and Substations Did That Transformer Really Fail? Inspection of Transmission Line Grounding Systems Live Working Rope Lubrication of High-Voltage Circuit Breakers (HVCBs) Visual Inspection of Avian Issues on Transmission Structures Visual Inspection of Polymer Insulators Visual Inspection of Steel Structures Visual Inspection of Steel Structure Foundations Visual Inspection of Wood Structures 1022253 . one in a series of practical guides designed as reference aids for utility personnel working in the field. 1022254 .Field Guide: Visual Inspection of Porcelain and Glass Disc Insulators 2010 December 2010. is devoted to the subject of porcelain and glass disc insulators. and impacts. the guide is ring-bound and sized to fit in a pocket. Full-color photographs support visual evaluation of the range of conditions likely to be encountered in the field. is devoted to the subject of porcelain and glass disc insulators. one of a series of field guides designed to support inspection and assessment of transmission components. and dielectric shell damage. please order product 1016480. The guide is conveniently organized and deals with each technology separately. Intended for practical use. 1022254 . This field guide is one of a series under development. Technical Update Replaces EPRI report 1020288 This EPRI visual guide. the guide is ring-bound and sized to fit in a pocket. cracking. contamination. A maintenance priority rating system is incorporated to aid decision printed in color on high-quality paper and is ring-bound. including corrosion.Field Guide: Visual Inspection of Porcelain and Glass Disc Insulators 2010 December 2010. Other field guides that are currently available include: • • • • • • • • • • • Corona Rings for Polymer Insulators Daytime Discharge Inspection of Transmission and Distribution Overhead Lines and Substations Did That Transformer Really Fail? Inspection of Transmission Line Grounding Systems Live Working Rope Lubrication of High-Voltage Circuit Breakers (HVCBs) Visual Inspection of Avian Issues on Transmission Structures Visual Inspection of Polymer Insulators Visual Inspection of Steel Structures Visual Inspection of Steel Structure Foundations Visual Inspection of Wood Structures 1019948 .2010 December 2010. It is therefore recommended that members order printed copies rather than downloading and printing the document themselves. Technical Update Although temperature measurements are useful in determining the condition of a compression connector operating on a transmission line.Compression Connector Threshold Analysis . For a copy of this product printed on high-quality paper and spiral-bound in a conveniently sized format. there is a need to develop threshold values for the 3-10 . Some utilities have also developed their own mitigation devices. Technical Update Replaces EPRI report 1020289 This EPRI report. one such device is discussed in the report. This PDF version of the report supersedes several earlier editions of the guide. 1019949 . This report investigates the mitigation measures that can be applied to a connector before it fails in order to extend its life expectancy.Identification of New Compression Connector Inspection Technologies . Being able to accurately assess the condition of a compression connector will improve line reliability and maintenance practices. which are either to replace the connector or to apply mitigation measures to prevent the connector from failing.2010 December 2010. no uniform threshold is used across the industry. and provisional test results are presented. This report details several new compression connector inspection technologies. Also covered are the effect of the conductor’s emissivity and the ways in which the IR camera’s emissivity setting can affect measurements of temperature from surfaces with different emissivities. indicating the key features and root causes. 1022255 . one in a series of practical guides designed as reference aids for utility personnel working in the field. Some of the technologies/techniques described are in an advanced stage of development. Previous EPRI testing is also discussed together with the main results of these tests.Evaluation of Remediation Techniques for Compression Connectors 2010 December 2010.temperature differential between the conductor and the connector under investigation. 3-11 .2010 December 2010. Currently there are two main types of mitigation or shunt devices commercially available. Technical Update The assessment of the condition of overhead line compression connectors is an important part of any overhead transmission line maintenance and assessment program.Field Guide: Visual Inspection of Polymer Insulators . The guide is conveniently organized according to the portion of the polymer insulator affected. and includes a section on failure modes. Currently. These are the bolt on type and the wrap around type. This report details the tests done under indoor laboratory conditions on connectors with machined flaws to determine what (if any) thresholds (by direct or infrared [IR] temperature measurements) can be applied to the temperature differential between the conductor and connectors on the line. visually catalogs the various condition issues that commonly affect transmission line polymer insulators (also known as composite or non-ceramic insulators (NCIs)). Current EPRI work is described. Technical Update When an overhead line connector starts failing the utility operating the line has two options. 1019947 . some are at an intermediate stage while others are at the initial stages of development. Resistance measurements were made and are compared to the temperature measurements (both direct and IR). This report details some recent utility applications of the mitigation devices and the various reasons utilities apply these devices including the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Technical Update With thousands of miles of transmission lines nearing the end of their expected service life.2009 December 2009. ACSR conductors have a steel stranded core to carry the wire tension load and two or more layers of aluminum strand covering the core to carry the electrical loads. ACSR conductors have been identified as the most problematic of all the conductors because the conductor core cannot be assessed visually. This report describes the development and initial testing of a new inspection scheme that uses Near Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy as a screening tool to identify line sections with a high probability for corrosion and the Conductor Corrosion Assessment System (CCAS) to assess the present condition of these sections and estimate their Remaining Service Life (RSL).Connector Inspection Technologies . 3-12 . the amount of compression connector failures that occurs is expected to increase. Utilities wishing to determine how much core strength can only do so by sampling the conductor and subsequently subjecting it to tensile testing or by looking at the significant circuits that pose a reliability risk using the Cormon Device or Electro-Magnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT). however. conductor life and reliability are of increasing concern to many utilities. 1017700 .Conductor and Shield Wire Inspection and Assessment: New and Emerging Technologies . Compression connectors undergo the following operational stresses: • • • Release of compression force by thermal cycling resulting from load and fault currents Creep resulting from line tension Fatigue cracking on bent compression connectors With an increased demand for heavier loading. 1015899 . Technical Update Inspection and assessment of compression connectors (splices and dead ends) are a major challenge to electric utilities. isolating the components early enough to avoid failure is challenging because of the limitations and interpretation of existing inspection techniques. This report documents the approach that will be taken to address these issues and includes some preliminary laboratory testing results.2008 December 2008. These limited options leave the utility with a high probability that a segment of a circuit may be severely corroded and cause an outage. please order product 1013283. The consequences of conductor failure can be significant and its impacts widespread. Inspection and assessment play a key role.For a copy of this product printed on high-quality paper and ring-bound in a conveniently sized format. This report is an account of EPRI’s continuing research to fill this knowledge gap. References. These topics have been previously studied and investigated. More detailed information on the general topic of live work can be found in the references cited throughout this report and summarized in Section 11. and it identifies important differences—from the LW viewpoint—in worksite conditions between ac and dc applications.High Voltage Direct Current Live Line and Insulator Testing . 1021957. In addition. A questionnaire was developed and sent to five insulator manufacturers. positive dc. The questionnaire was aimed at determining the differences.Performance Requirements for Tools for Live Work on HVDC Systems 2012 December 2012. and negative dc voltages. The results of these tests are included in this report. The first part of the report contains sections that describe the basic principles of design testing and use of live working (LW) tools on ac and dc overhead lines. One of the significant differences that has not been studied in detail relates to the possible detrimental effects of corona-generated space charge that occupies a large amount of space around dc lines. rather. • The second part of the report is about HVDC insulators. 1021957 . • The possible detrimental effect of the deposited charge on flashover/withstand characteristics of an LW tool with deposited charge. There is very little detailed information on the performance of these tools when used on HVDC lines because these tools were initially developed for use on AC lines.HVDC Systems 1024324 . Technical Results This report summarizes research on tools for live work (LW) that may be used for work on live high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) lines. The following two aspects are investigated: • The possible deposition of space charge (ions resulting from corona on energized electrodes) on the surface of an LW tool (fiberglass-reinforced plastic rod).High Voltage Direct Current Live Line and Insulator Testing . Technical Results This report has two main parts. Technical Update This report has two main parts.2011 December 2011. The focus of the first part is on live work in overhead highvoltage direct current (HVDC) lines operating above 100 kV dc. addresses the main issues related to dc live work.2011 December 2011. This report aims to address this issue through reduced-scale tests. It does not address issues related to lines for electric transport that typically operate below 60 kV dc worldwide. The focus of the first part is on live work in overhead highvoltage direct current (HVDC) lines operating above 100 kV dc. In 3-13 . • Preliminary insulator tests were carried out to determine corona inception levels under wet and dry conditions for an insulator under ac. this first part of the report is not a detailed treatise on live work but. It does not address issues related to lines for electric transport that typically operate below 60 kV dc worldwide. if any. that exist in the material and manufacturing processes of their ac and dc insulators. The results of this questionnaire are presented in this report. The results of these tests are included in this report. and that various regions of the arc contribute differently to the total incident thermal energy that could impinge on the worker. the fault current 3-14 . The following two aspects are investigated: • • The possible deposition of space charge (ions resulting from corona on energized electrodes) on the surface of an LW tool (fiberglass-reinforced plastic rod) The possible detrimental effect of the deposited charge on flashover/withstand characteristics of an LW tool with deposited charge The second part of the report is about HVDC insulators. that the arcs in long gaps meander and are thus longer than the gap length. Arcs in long gaps in open air. More detailed information on the general topic of live work can be found in the references cited throughout this report and summarized in Section 11.2011 December 2011. The results of this questionnaire are presented in this report.Arc Flash Issues in Transmission and Substation Environments: Modeling of Incident Thermal Energy of Long Arcs . In the case of transmission lines. and negative dc voltages. References. that exist in the material and manufacturing processes of their ac and dc insulators. A questionnaire was developed and sent to five insulator manufacturers. if any. must be modeled with full recognition that the entire arc consists of regions that must be modeled individually. especially in the case of transmission structures and in substations where insulators most often occupy the gap. positive dc. The 2011 EPRI report 1022632 showed that these methods are not applicable to practical transmission and substations situations and lead to inaccurate estimates of incident thermal energy. Most methods available at this time for analyzing the incident thermal energy of arc flash were developed for low and medium-voltage industrial and commercial settings. rather. and it identifies important differences—from the LW viewpoint—in worksite conditions between ac and dc applications. The questionnaire was aimed at determining the differences. this first part of the report is not a detailed treatise on live work but. One of the significant differences that has not been studied in detail relates to the possible detrimental effects of corona-generated space charge that occupies a large amount of space around dc lines. addresses the main issues related to dc live work. This report builds on these results and also proposes needed future research and tests on an actual full-size transmission structure and on actual full-size substation equipment. Arc Flash Issues – Transmission and Substations 1022633 .addition. Technical Results Arc flashes are a serious hazard that may put people in life-threatening situations and cause great damage to existing assets. These topics have been previously studied and investigated. This report aims to address this issue through reduced-scale tests. The National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) introduced requirements for electric utilities to perform arc flash hazard assessment of their facilities operating at and above 1000 V. The first part of the report contains sections that describe the basic principles of design testing and use of live working (LW) tools on ac and dc overhead lines. Preliminary insulator tests were carried out to determine corona inception levels under wet and dry conditions for an insulator under ac. A new empirical arc model was formulated in this project. Most methods available at this time for analyzing the arc-flash incident thermal energy were developed for low.Arc Flash Issues in Transmission and Substation Environments. fault current may consist of components from many sources. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) testing and analysis summarized in this report shows that the currently available methods for calculation of incident thermal energies are not applicable to practical transmission situations and lead to inaccurate estimates of incident thermal energy. Technical Results Arc flashes are a serious hazard that may potentially put people in life-threatening situations and cause great damage to existing assets. The following research is planned: • • • • Investigation of voltage gradient and resulting arc power at various regions of the arc Investigation and modeling the physical relationship between arc power and incident thermal energy for live working situations Tests on full-size transmission and substation structures with high fault current Further development of statistical methods to predict the probability of exposure to given incident energy levels in live working situations 3-15 . Planned Further Work The equations developed in this project for calculating incident thermal energy are based on empirical (test) data.and medium-voltage industrial and commercial settings. In the case of substations. 1022632 . that ARCPRO has not been validated for situations outside the tested conditions. Alternatively. one from each end of the line. arc gap length. and distance from the arc gap axis based on long gap tests (gaps up to 5 ft [1. A statistical factor was derived that allows the user to define a desired “worst-case” scenario and determine the average expected energy levels. It must be recognized. however. Methods to deal with such situations need to be developed.2011 June 2011. National Electrical Safety Code and Occupational Safety and Health Administration safety rules have introduced requirements for electric utilities to perform arc-flash hazard analysis of all electric facilities operating at and above 1000 volts.consists of two components. and more realistic curves of incident thermal energy versus arc energy. Analysis of obtained test data and high-speed video records indicates a need for further refinement of the arc model and incident thermal energy equations for arcs in long gaps that are different from the tested vertical gaps. The research performed as part of this project is expected to enhance the safety of live work on overhead lines and in substations.5 m]) were developed. the user may choose to take advantage of the fact that the commercially available ARCPRO software tends to provide overestimates of incident thermal energy for the tested vertical gaps. and modifying or upgrading cathodic protection systems at nuclear generating stations. Technical Update Managing subgrade corrosion in steel transmission structures is an ongoing concern of the electric power industry. with emphasis on proper use of herbicides. materials. Plant communities along the edges of these water resources are important because of their role in soil conservation and habitat diversity as well as the influence they have on fauna and aquatic ecosystems.Sub-Grade Corrosion Management Guide . ponds. The area of vegetation affected by the water-based habitat—and that in turn affects the water—is the riparian area. field methods for locating and measuring corrosion. A key feature is an outline of a model three-tier inspection program designed to optimize the use of existing resources and minimize inspection costs. 1019945 . monitoring.Management of Riparian Areas on Electric Transmission Line Rights-ofWay . and corrosion mitigation methods. the guidance presented is also applicable to cathodic protection of other facilities within nuclear stations. The inspection. Vegetations and Wildlife Issues 1021826 . 3-16 . rivers. Although the primary focus of the report is buried piping. Corrosion 1025252 . assessment. laboratory methods for measuring corrosion. and lakes.Cathodic Protection System Design Specification ." which was last published in 1978.2012 December 2012.EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book: 115-345 kV Compact Line Design . installation. This report provides guidance on the definition and management considerations for riparian areas on electric transmission line ROWs.2008 November 2008.Compact Lines 1016823 .2010 December 2010. Technical Results This report covers the requirements for design. Technical Report Electric transmission line rights-of-way (ROWs) commonly cross streams. Publication of this new edition is the culmination of three years of research by a team of experts in the field. maintenance. This guide to the management of subgrade corrosion reviews the electrochemical mechanisms of corrosion and the properties of steels used in transmission structures and provides a rundown of types of corrosion.2011 December 2011. technology. Technical Report This report is an updated edition of the industry standard on overhead line compaction. commonly known as the "Blue Book. and utility experience with compact lines. the EPRI Transmission Line Reference Book: 115-138 kV Compact Line Design. The report includes the latest information on research. many structures are now approaching 40 years of service. and maintenance of existing facilities have become increasingly important topics: since transmission construction peaked in the early 70s. 1017697 . and remediation of existing facilities have become increasingly important topics. the inspection. nontrivial design calculations are required. utilities face the challenge of a skills shortage and the effective transfer of experience-based knowledge from the generation of power engineers involved in the development of extra high voltage (EHV) and ultrahigh voltage (UHV) transmission line designs to young engineers now joining utilities. Grounding – Permanent 1025451. Increasingly. providing a low impedance connection to ground. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) hopes to facilitate this process by collecting all the information on specific topics in a series of reference books. This report is a comprehensive summary of corrosion basics including the electrochemical mechanisms of corrosion. assessment. lightning remains the primary cause of transmission line outages. laboratory methods for measuring corrosion.Overhead Transmission Line Lightning and Grounding Reference Book 2012 December 2012. As this vast fleet ages. The success of these measures is not always guaranteed. Technical Update As transmission systems age.1017698 . utilities are increasingly concerned about the reliability of aging conductors. Utilities wishing to determine how much core strength remains in these conductors can only do so by sampling the conductor and subsequently subjecting it to tensile testing or by looking at the significant circuits that pose a reliability risk using the Cormon Device or Electro-Magnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT). and available remediation options. corrosion mitigation methods.Overhead Conductor and Shield Wires Management Guide . the role of environmental factors. This report provides an introduction to the issues involved in inspecting and managing overhead conductors and describes how a population assessment model can be constructed to optimize utility maintenance efforts. Technical Update In North America and many other parts of the world. types of corrosion.2009 December 2009. especially ACSR conductors. 3-17 .Sub-Grade Corrosion Management Guide – 2009 December 2009. and selecting appropriate insulation levels for the phase conductors. The lightning performance of transmission lines may be improved by applying overhead ground wires. Technical Update The electric power industry maintains an immense number of transmission and distribution structures that are subject to subgrade corrosion. field methods for locating and measuring corrosion. which cannot be assessed visually because of the layers of aluminum strand that cover their cores. and reliability and maintenance problems. momentary interruptions. and in many cases. 1021862 . Technical Update This EPRI report. The lightning performance of transmission lines may be improved by applying overhead ground wires. and reliability and maintenance problems. and selecting appropriate insulation levels for the phase conductors. visually catalogs the various condition issues that commonly affect transmission line grounding systems. failure modes.2011 December 2011. 1023429 . the report covered the theoretical and practical aspects of transmission line grounding practices. Increasingly. utilities face the challenge of a skills shortage and the effective transfer of experience-based knowledge from the generation of power engineers involved in the development of extra high voltage (EHV) and ultrahigh voltage (UHV) transmission line designs to young engineers now joining utilities. momentary interruptions. The guide is printed in color on high-quality paper and is ring-bound. It presents photographs and short written descriptions of the conditions and lists associated causes. Technical Results In 2008. please order product 1016480. 1022253 . Furthermore. It is therefore recommended that members order printed copies rather than downloading and printing the document themselves. lightning remains the primary cause of transmission line outages. the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) published a comprehensive grounding report. nontrivial design calculations are required. For a copy of this product printed on high-quality paper and spiral-bound in a conveniently sized format. and in many cases.Transmission Line Grounding . one in a series of practical guides designed as reference aids for utility personnel working in the field. The success of these measures is not always guaranteed. an investigation into practical ways to calculate the fault current distribution and ground potential rise of the transmission line grounding system was conducted. Technical Update Replaces EPRI Report 1021190 In North America and many other parts of the world. To further improve the tools available for grounding analysis. 3-18 .Transmission Line Lightning and Grounding Reference Book (Gray Book) . and impacts. providing a low impedance connection to ground. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) hopes to facilitate this process by collecting all the information on specific topics in a series of reference books.Field Guide: Inspection of Transmission Line Grounding Systems 2010 December 2010.2011 December 2011. Published in two parts. a survey of utilities has documented industry practices in designing and installing ground electrodes. 1019955 - Effect of Seasonal Variations on Transmission Line Grounding - 2010 December 2010, Technical Update The accurate measurement of transmission line structure grounding is important from both a performance and safety point of view. Meteorological and geological factors can have a considerable impact on structure grounding values. Bimonthly grounding measurement tests were done using the Electric Power Research Institute’s Zed-Meter® on a 230-kV lattice structure. In addition, a literature survey was also done. The results of the testing and literature survey are presented in this report. 1019953 - Alternative Materials for Ground Electrodes - 2010 December 2010, Technical Update Power utility companies struggle with issues resulting from copper theft—especially on transmission line support structures accessible to the public and fitted with copper grounding conductors. It is increasingly important to identify alternative materials that can be used to provide a durable grounding system yet not be targeted for theft. In response, EPRI is investigating the use of alternative materials for electrode designs—examining life expectancy, corrosion, material compatibility and current handling capabilities. This report focuses on the current carrying capabilities of a range of alternative materials. 1020031 - Touch and Step Voltage Measurements on Field Installed Ground Grid Overlaid with Gravel and Asphalt Beds -2010 December 2010, Technical Update Gravel and asphalt are commonly used as surfacing materials in and around substations. Both the electrical characteristics of the surfacing material and its moisture condition substantially affect the exposure (step, touch) voltage and the resulting current. This project evaluates the effects of various types of surfacing materials (three gravel types and asphalt) and conditions (dry and wet) on step and touch voltages in and around substations. 1022221 - EPRI Zed-Meter Construction Guide - 2010 December 2010, Technical Update EPRI developed the Zed-Meter® to effectively evaluate transmission line structure grounding. The Zed-Meter has a number of advantages that include faster implementation, provision of an indication of impedance rather than resistance, and shield wires that do not need to be disconnected. The Zed-Meter is constructed from several off-the-shelf components together with software. This report outlines the way in which a Zed-Meter can be constructed by a utility and how to install the software. This document is an update of EPRI Report 1018972, EPRI Zed Meter® Construction Guide, and reflects changes made to the Zed-Meter instrument based on feedback from EPRI members and ongoing research. 3-19 1018976 - Touch and Step Voltage Measurements on Field Installed Ground Grid and Concrete Pads - 2009 December 2009, Technical Update Concrete is commonly used as building material in substations (within the substation fence) and around substations (outside the fence) for driveways, foundations, walkways, oil containment, sidewalks, walls, and other structures. This project evaluates the effects of various types (reinforced, non-reinforced) and conditions (dry, wet) of concrete structures on step, touch, and transfer touch voltages in and around substations. 1020243 - Using the Zed-Meter (R) - 2009 December 2009, Technical Update Lightning flashovers are the most common cause of transmission line outages, costing utilities more than $1 billion per year in the form of damaged or destroyed equipment. The indirect cost to customers from lightning-caused outages is estimated to exceed $50 billion per year. The subject of this report is the Zed-Meter, a test instrument developed and trademarked by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) that measures the high-frequency impedance of transmission line ground electrodes. Because the electrodes reveal information about the response of transmission lines to electrical surges, utilities can use the Zed-Meter to predict and improve the lightning performance of their lines, minimizing the frequency of costly lightningrelated disturbances. 1017705 - Alternate Ground Electrode Materials - 2009 December 2009, Technical Update Theft, material cost, and structural corrosion caused by a galvanic couple are concerns for utilities maintaining a grounding system within their service area. Engineers, maintenance personnel, and management need to understand the factors that drive their structures to early retirement and consume remediation funds that could be applied elsewhere within their system. Grounding – Plants and Substations 1016711 - Temporary Grounding and Bonding Practices in Nuclear Electric Generating Stations – 2008 Final Report, December 2008 Correct written temporary grounding practices inside generating stations are an important industrial safety issue, as well as an important plant status control issue. An extraordinary amount of regulations, standards, and information is available for temporary grounding practices in transmission and delivery (T&D), but very little is written about inside plant practices. 3-20 Overvoltages 1023637 - Application Guide for Determining Maximum Switching Transient Overvoltages of Overhead Lines Rated 100 kV and Above Using the Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) - 2011 November 2011, Technical Update In recent years, through attrition and in other ways, utilities have lost many of the engineers that once performed time-domain (transient) simulations of their power systems. As a result, using the electromagnetic transients program (EMTP) to perform time-domain simulations of the power system has become a lost art; and, as a consequence, such tasks as being able to easily determine the maximum transient overvoltage for a particular transmission line have become arduous for some utilities. At the same time, there is considerable pressure from regulatory entities such as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for utilities to confirm their required clearances to support their maximum design operating temperatures, right-of-way management, and live-line maintenance programs. Knowing what the maximum transient overvoltages are for various operating conditions and scenarios is an important component in confirming required clearances. Of most importance are the maximum transient overvoltages that occur on overhead transmission lines. These transient overvoltage values are used to determine the National Electric Safety Code (NESC) clearance, NERC vegetation clearances, and minimum approach distances (MAD) required for live line maintenance. Therefore, restoring the capability to perform these types of studies and making an accurate determination of the resulting maximum transient overvoltage are of paramount importance for today's electric utility companies. This application guide can be used by system planning engineers or anyone else involved in performing time-domain simulations to determine maximum transient overvoltages. Guidelines are provided to aid the user in determining which simulation scenarios are relevant for a particular clearance type. Step-by-step guidelines are also provided to show the user how to simulate these scenarios using EMTP-RV to determine the worst-case overvoltages. Transmission Line Surge Arresters 1024135 - Application of Non-Gapped Transmission Line Surge Arresters: Review of Disconnector Specifications and Development of Mechanical Test Plan - 2012 December 2012, Technical Update This report presents the results of a survey to obtain information on industry issues related to steel crossarm degradation and failures, and utility practices regarding inspection, life assessment, and mitigation. Survey results will help improve understanding of crossarm issues to be addressed, and provide guidance for further research on degradation modes, inspection technologies, and mitigation techniques. A web-based survey tool was used to construct a set of focused questions to obtain information on steel crossarm degradation and utility crossarm management practices. Responses were tabulated and analyzed to identify degradation issues of concern, assess current utility practices, and identify industry needs to be addressed. 3-21 Results will be used to shape and guide research and development efforts in key areas related to crossarm management, including: • • • • • Inspection tools and practices Condition assessment techniques Maintenance practices Mitigation measures Life extension decisions 1021864 - Application of Externally Gapped Surge Arresters: A Review of the State of the Art - 2011 December 2011, Technical Update A literature study has been conducted to compile a technical update on the state of the art of applying externally gapped transmission line arresters. Special attention is given to the coordination of the external gap with respect to the line insulation to ensure reliable arrester operation under lightning conditions while maintaining its integrity during switching surges in case of a failed surge arrester. 1019954 - Application of Transmission Line Surge Arresters - 2011 December 2010, Technical Update Service experience has shown that many transmission line surge arrester (TLSA) failures can be ascribed to installation-related issues. Often the connections between the arrester and energized conductor or grounded structure are subjected to static and dynamic loads that could lead to fatigue or overloading, resulting in broken connections or damage to the arrester. This report provides an overview of various types of arrester installations, including a description of good engineering practice for particular installations. 1017709 - Application of Transmission Line Surge Arresters - 2009 December 2009, Technical Results Lightning flashovers are the most frequent cause of transmission line outages, resulting in a direct cost to utilities of more than $1 billion per year in damaged or destroyed equipment. There are also substantial indirect costs involved due to the reduction in power quality caused by frequent lightning outages. The lightning performance of transmission lines is usually improved by installing overhead ground or shield wires or by increasing the tower footing resistance; however, in some cases, these measures are not enough. In recent years, transmission line surge arresters (TLSAs) have been used more and more to improve the lightning performance of transmission lines when other measures have failed. TLSAs limit lightning overvoltages between phase conductors and towers, thereby eliminating most outages on protected structures. To effectively use TLSAs, it is necessary to understand how lightning affects the performance of transmission lines. 3-22 1012313 - Outline of Guide for Application of Transmission Line Surge Arresters 42 to 765 kV - 2006 October 2006, Technical Update Lightning flashovers are the most frequent cause of transmission line outages. Transmission line surge arresters (TLSA) limit lightning overvoltages between phase conductors and towers, and thus eliminate most outages on protected structures. This guide provides a tutorial on the relevant lightning phenomena, with an in-depth look at the operation, application, and placement of TLSA to maximize flashover protection and minimize capital investment. The guide also describes ways to improve tower grounding for better performance of overhead groundwires. 1010233 - Transmission Line Surge Arrester - White Paper - 2005 July 2005, Technical Update The development of this White Paper on Transmission Line Surge Arresters was based on engineering standards review, consulting experience, manufactures sales literature, and the EPRI Survey of 22 Utility Companies on their collective experience with Transmission Line Surge Arresters. The issues identified in this white paper may be used to better focus future EPRI R&D activities on the current needs of the member utilities. 1001740 - Transmission Line Surge Arrester - White Paper - 2002 April 2002, Technical Report Deregulation of the power industry has increased the need for strengthening the reliability of the transmission system. Unplanned outages can have significant financial implications, and lightning activity is often cited as one main reason. To address this issue, EPRI is conducting research to increase understanding of the lightning performance of transmission lines. This report details results of one such study involving EPRI's state-of-the-art Transmission Line Lightning Performance Prediction Software, or TFlash. 1000461 - Transmission Line Surge Arrester Impulse Energy Testing - 2000 December 2000, Technical Progress The historical challenge of providing reliable electrical service is of even greater importance today. With the use of electronic equipment in almost all facets of life, even momentary outages and power quality problems can adversely affect customers at home and work. Many such momentary customer outages are caused by lightning, and EPRI's Tflash program was developed to help utility engineers evaluate the lightning performance of power systems. Tflash is a state-of-the-art design tool that allows engineers to analyze the effect of a specified lightning challenge on a given transmission line as well as specified mitigation techniques such as shielding, improved grounding, line arresters, and upgraded insulation. With this software utility, engineers can analyze the degree of protection of an existing line, define changes to the line to improve protection, or design a new line with economical lightning protection. As a result, application of Tflash has the potential to help utilities to achieve cost-effective improvements in lightning protection and customer reliability. 3-23 This report summarizes the results of a 2012 overhead line worker practices survey issued by EPRI to gather information about line worker practices in the areas of physical and general characteristics of the system. and develop an action research roadmap to address longer term industry needs. some preliminary testing was conducted to determine the impulse energy capability of commercially available line arresters. improve the work environment for line workers. which has been made available to maintenance division engineers and technicians through a Web interface. The technique.2011 December 2011. greatly facilitating the identification and resolution of latent faults. This report documents the results of the preliminary tests. The application's impact on one Hydro-Québec feeder afflicted with one of the worst service 3-24 . and the use of this tool. Distribution 1024394 . Testing of the MILE application using the VDFL technique has been under way in the Richelieu maintenance site since 2005 and has allowed the concept's technical feasibility to be demonstrated. 1021999 . which forms the basis of the development of an intelligent electrical line maintenance application known as MILE (French for "Maintenance Intelligente de Lignes Électriques"). A key strategy for understanding generally accepted current practices across the industry is to issue periodic surveys. Two studies conducted as part of this research in 2003 and 2004 allowed researchers to develop and validate a new voltage drop fault location (VDFL) technique for which a patent has been filed. originates from a generally held idea whereby the precursor signs of distribution system equipment failure can be detected by continuous power quality measurement.Fault-Location Application for Improving Distribution System Maintenance . considerably restricts the search area and provides information that can be used to characterize the source of the problem. has led to the definitive resolution of recurring problems on feeders with poor service continuity. training and workforce issues. The project now covers seven distribution lines.Overhead Line Worker Practices Survey .In order to refine the Transmission Line Surge Arrester (TLSA) model used in Tflash. tools. This effort is intended to identify and document industry overhead distribution line work practices of note. identify shortterm products (such as practices guidelines) that EPRI can provide to meet imminent industry needs. cost. Technical Update Hydro-Québec has been conducting research since 2001 in the area of distribution line predictive maintenance based on the use of power quality measurements and the localization of nonpermanent faults. and work-hour effort of dealing with these systems. and improve safety and reliability. The goal of this research is to aid utilities in managing their overhead distribution systems by providing information that can reduce the time. and transportation.2012 August 2012. This concept. safety. which locates faults using voltage triangulation. construction. Technical Results The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has undertaken a multiyear research project to identify and describe leading industry overhead line worker practices. Nebraska–based utility. a Lincoln. tools. Composite crossarm manufacturers continue to refine their products through material and manufacturing enhancements. It is also desirable for a crossarm to add to the overall insulation level of the distribution structure. A crossarm's primary role is to provide mechanical support for the distribution conductors. generally reducing both strength and flashover resistance with time in service. Furthermore. 1021995 . create a need for laboratory testing to better understand how composite crossarms will perform and age while in service. crossarms (as well as all other distribution components) age and degrade while in service due to exposure to various stresses. For these reasons. and dimensional stability. This report is the first in a series of EPRI reports summarizing overhead line worker distribution practices at participating companies.continuity performances was conclusive. Technical Results Composite materials are finding ever-increasing applications on utility distribution lines including in several models of crossarms that are now commercially available. and location combined with the identification of problem vegetation zones.Overhead Lineworker Practices: Lincoln Electric System .2011 December 2011. both mechanical and electrical characteristics are key attributes for composite crossarms. More specifically. composite crossarms offer several benefits over wood and steel crossarms and are gaining popularity for distribution applications. Additional data will be collected as Hydro-Québec is currently (2011) planning the deployment of measurements on 28 new distribution feeders. no need for preservatives. particularly when considering lightning performance. Advantages of composite crossarms include a lower installation cost. The immersion was conducted as part of a multiyear effort by EPRI to identify noteworthy line worker practices related to the management of overhead distribution systems. worker safety. The aging process can alter a crossarm's mechanical and electrical performance. 1022011 . Corrections on this feeder reduced "avoidable" outages by 51%. The deliverables will identify noteworthy line work practices. Technical Results This report describes the findings of an overhead distribution line worker practices immersion conducted by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) with the Lincoln Electric System (LES). Composite crossarm products are a relatively recent development for distribution circuits and therefore lack a long-term performance history.2011 December 2011. These product refinements. coupled with a relatively short history of field service. and the annual costs associated with these outages by 40%. The ultimate goal of this research is to produce deliverables that will aid utilities in managing overhead distribution systems. However. and equipment that can improve the work environment for line workers. a high mechanical strength-to-weight ratio. 3-25 . effectiveness. the system average interruption duration index (SAIDI) by 62%. nonconductivity. Several issues were corrected: incipient faults from faulty hardware and equipment assemblies.Distribution Composite Crossarm Laboratory Testing . and technology) in place at LES. processes. and efficiency without compromising system reliability. improper protective device coordination. this report profiles the practices (the people. and arc-resistant clothing that allow them to work electrical power transmission and distribution lines without service interruption. Knowledge of those factors that place workers at greatest risk of becoming a heat casualty will provide opportunities for implementing intervention strategies to manage these risks. Technical Results Electric power workers can be exposed to the high temperatures and humidity of the coastal and Midwest regions of the United States during the summer or the hot. which comprise an important part of a model for minimizing hazardous outcomes. Technical Results Worker safety is every electric power company's number one priority. De-energized line maintenance is an important task to ensure reliable operation of a transmission line. As a result. The grounding installed during this operation must be designed to shunt any unforeseen fault current and prevent electric shock and any associated consequences. For mechanical performance.2012 June 2012. In addition. In addition. The resultant rise in body temperature. while identifying areas in which additional research would be of direct benefit to workers in the electric power industry. the severity of the exposure to heat stress and the resultant heat strain experienced by electric power workers is not known. 1019012 . Currently. or heat strain. could place these workers at increased risk of heat injury. linesmen may be required to don personal protective equipment such as coveralls. Personnel working indoors may be required to don respirators and chemical or specialized protective garments to create a barrier between their respiratory system and skin surface and the potential hazards of their work environment. dry conditions typical for the Southwest of the United States. the test objective was to assess the strength of each sample when new and aged and in relation to the strength as stated by the manufacturers. Human Performance 1023806 .2009 November 2009. For electrical performance. The research described in this report describes electrical characteristics of work shoes. Information about the rates of heat production required to conduct daily operational work tasks and rates of fluid loss together with the thermal burden associated with wearing specific protective clothing ensembles is critical to help prevent heat injuries.Heat Stress for Workers in the Electric Power Industry . and rubber gloves as well as flame. the report discusses options that have been used successfully in other occupational settings to help slow the rate of increase in body temperature and/or increase the worker's ability to safely store heat. a helmet. the objective was to assess the critical flashover (CFO) performance of each sample and how the crossarms are affected by flashovers.This laboratory testing was designed to evaluate the mechanical and electrical performance of the test samples both as new and after aging. time lost due to workplace injury or poor health could be reduced and productivity may be increased. 3-26 .Measured Breakdown Voltage and Leakage Current of Line Worker Boots . This report summarizes the factors that determine body heat storage and subsequent heat tolerance. Implementation of both PAOWF and Leading Indicators of Organizational Health can be integrated with other human performance and plant performance improvement activities in a consistent and systematic manner. PAOWF is a software-based assessment tool. 3-27 • • . One side effect of the industry's progress has been the elimination of events. the requirement arose for tools to provide a basis for proactive management interventions. The software and supporting documentation are available from EPRI. such as scrams and significant events. Leading Indicators of Organizational Health has been implemented at one plant and is being implemented at another. To summarize lessons learned from the current applications of PAOWF and Leading Indicators of Organizational Health.Final Report on Leading Indicators of Human Performance – 2001 November 2001. • PAOWF can be implemented successfully in different ways to identify strengths and weaknesses in the task and workplace factors at a nuclear plant. PAOWF has been implemented at two plants. it can provide a basis for management actions. to provide a basis for identifying the next improvements. These tools allow leaders to proactively manage human and thus organizational performance.1003033 . These tools help continue the progress made by the industry in improving human and overall plant performance in the last decade or so. To provide a perspective on the evolution of the proactive approach and its role in managing human performance at nuclear plants. Technical Report This report provides guidance and lessons learned for implementing Proactive Assessment of Organizational and Workplace Factors (PAOWF) and Leading Indicators of Organizational Health. the economic penalties associated with these kinds of events in the deregulated environment mean that learning from experience alone is cost-prohibitive. Leading Indicators of Organizational Health does not require any special software. For these reasons. As a result. In addition. The objectives of the project were: • • • To provide step-by-step guidance to implement PAOWF and Leading Indicators of Organizational Health at a power plant. This report was developed from the analysis of information received from the plants that have implemented PAOWF and Leading Indicators of Organizational Health. PAOWF and Leading Indicators of Organizational Health were developed and tested in prior phases of this project. to take actions to improve performance without waiting for the analysis of plant events to provide a basis for improvements. Leading Indicators of Organizational Health can be implemented successfully in plants through a structured step-by-step procedure. The experiences in these implementation efforts provide the basis for this report. that is. a publication by the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO 1997). Then. and these results manifest themselves as organizational factors that can be articulated and managed. These principles focus on conditions in the workplace and organization that are the result of leadership and organizational behavior over time. To provide beta software to support leading indicator data collection and analysis at utilities. The Human Performance Assistance Package (HPAP) is the EPRI process for identifying and applying leading indicators of human performance to the organization. Leading indicators of human performance are based on the industry's conclusion that the environment for the activities of individual workers and teams can be improved. Improving that environment will increase the effectiveness of human activity and reduce the likelihood of events caused by human error. the process sets the stage for an integrated approach for dealing with human performance in the context of the human performance system that is the organization. and decisions can be made to improve the environment as needed. These projects have created the following products available to EPRI-member utilities: this report and two software programs with user manuals. these elements constitute the Human Performance Assistance Package (HPAP).Guidelines for Trial Use of Leading Indicators of Human Performance: The Human Performance Assistance Package – 2000 September 2000. Leading Indicators of Human Performance and Corrective Action Selection System. The environment results from leadership and organizational behavior adding up over time. implement. 3-28 . Proactive Assessment of Organizational and Workplace Factors (PAOWF) and Corrective Action Research and Evaluation (CARE). To provide guidelines to help utility management develop. HPAP integrates into utility self-assessment and corrective action processes. It achieves this benefit by providing a set of concepts and a vocabulary that tie together the different levels of influences and how they interact. 1000647 . using the indicators. and respond to leading indicators based on analytical models of organizational performance that are predictive of influences on human performance. The objectives of the project were: • • • To integrate results of previous research into a single package for use by utilities. changes to the environment can be detected.• The process of implementing PAOWF and Leading Indicators of Organizational Health can have a beneficial effect on the ability of all levels of the plant staff and management to understand issues associated with human and organizational performance. Together. which follow the guidelines of Principles for Effective Self-assessment and Corrective Action Programs (INPO 1999). As such. Its structured approach to understanding and responding to organizational factors affecting overall human performance integrates current research with principles contained in Excellence in Human Performance. Technical Report This report documents ongoing research and the results of two projects. The development of leading indicators of organizational factors is a first step in improving the environment. The objectives of the project were: • • To provide a compendium of human performance indicators currently in use in commercial nuclear power and other industries that may help utility management develop programs to identify and prevent undesirable events caused by human performance problems. Testing of the PAOWF system at several plants has proved its usefulness. The project's premise is that it is possible to identify potential human performance problems before they result in undesirable events and inefficiencies.• To provide beta software to support development of successful human performance preventive and corrective actions based on plant experience and industry research results. The main conclusions of this work include the following: • The development and use of leading indicators of human performance is a reasonable expectation given the amount of data that is being collected already in the nuclear industry." at several test sites to gather user input and experience with developing plant-specific leading indicators of human performance. Technical Report This report documents the research performed and the results of a project entitled "Leading Indicators of Human Performance. 3-29 . The system uses worker and supervisor input to effectively assess the factors that influence human performance." This project has created two product deliverables available to EPRI-member utilities: this report and a software program with user's manual entitled Proactive Assessment of Organizational and Workplace Factors (PAOWF). A structured approach to analyzing the data is needed to establish a useful focus on available proactive. Leading indicators of organizational health can be developed to provide an assessment of programmatic and cultural drivers of human performance. The project team applied the guidance contained in TR-107317. industry interest is increasing for leading indicators that will anticipate problems in human performance before undesirable events occur. "Guidelines for Leading Indicators of Human Performance. • • TR-107315 . The research software used previously was updated and transitioned to a web-based platform in response to industry needs. Although corrective action programs have served—and will continue to serve—the nuclear industry extremely well. There is particular interest in developing leading indicators that will both help utility managers recognize existing problems and provide a basis for developing effective preventive actions.Guidelines for Leading Indicators of Human Performance: Preliminary Guidance for Use of Workplace and Analytical Indicators of Human Performance – 1999 October 1999. Hence. information and intelligence. preventive action can be a more cost-effective approach by preventing problems from developing. Guidelines were developed for integrating the assessment of leading indicators with the eventual selection of actions in response to changes in the leading indicators. or leading. • • To identify factors that may cause human performance problems at a particular plant by developing a human performance indicator tool. To provide guidelines that help utility management develop and implement leading indicators—based on analytical models of organizational performance—that predict developing, undesirable human performance. The project team selected and reviewed models of organizational and human performance to provide a basis for selecting analytical indicators. In all, the team surveyed four industries for information regarding performance indicator programs: nuclear, chemical, aviation, and transportation. They were selected for their similarity to the commercial nuclear industry in that they are designed to be "well defended" against human errors (for example, all practice the "defense-in-depth" concept). In most cases, the project team conducted the surveys through personal contacts (letters, telephone calls, and e-mails. Based on this survey, the team hypothesized initial candidate indicators using joint inputs of utility, EPRI, project, and other contractor staff at a two-day workshop. One plant has now started to develop plant-specific indicators, and work is continuing to finalize the candidate indicators and apply them in the first trial site. The main conclusions of this work include the following: • Little work has been accomplished to date in developing and using leading indicators of human performance. Most currently used indicators are incomplete or do not allow management to proactively avoid problems in human performance. However, with increasing cost of human performance problems, decreasing opportunities to learn the causes of such problems, and the changing environment of the industry, there is a growing strategic need for such indicators. The PAOWF system has been tested at several plants where it has proved useful. Based on field experience, guidelines have been developed for implementing the system at new sites. A companion document also presents detailed guidelines on using PAOWF. Future work is recommended to refine PAOWF use and to further integrate it with existing plant management processes. Development of analytical indicators is based on the recognized importance of management and organizational processes in influencing human performance. This work has demonstrated that potentially usable indicators can be developed from analytical models of management and organizational performance by rational process, and that these indicators can be applied in a power plant setting. • • Capturing Undocumented Knowledge 1004663 - Guidelines for Capturing Valuable Undocumented Knowledge from Energy Industry Personnel – 2002 March 2002, Technical Report This report provides guidance for capturing the valuable undocumented knowledge of managers and workers and making it available to other personnel when needed. The guidance, developed through strategic research performed in conjunction with four cooperating energy companies, is 3-30 designed to help mitigate negative consequences as experienced personnel become unavailable due to retirement or other reasons. Many organizations are experiencing the departure of experienced and highly knowledgeable managers and workers. Furthermore, experts are not always around when needed. The unavailability of valuable knowledge can have negative operational, environmental, safety, and economic consequences. EPRI reports 1004657 and 1004658 describe results from strategic work on this topic in 1999-2000. During 2001, testing activities performed at four diverse energy industry sites led to the development of a four-step process for use by companies in capturing valuable undocumented knowledge from departing or other workers. To deliver practical guidance for identifying managers and workers who possess valuable undocumented knowledge, for evaluating whether the knowledge is worth capturing, eliciting and storing the valuable knowledge, and retrieving and presenting this knowledge to other personnel when needed. Working over a 3-year period under the Strategic Human Performance Program, the project team performed a needs analysis to determine the perceived importance of capturing valuable undocumented knowledge within the energy industry. The team surveyed energy company personnel to assess the extent of undocumented knowledge problems and gain insights into current approaches for addressing these problems. After a literature review, the team developed a prototype process for identifying valuable undocumented knowledge and identified methods suitable for eliciting, storing, retrieving, and presenting this knowledge when needed. They evaluated this approach at four energy company sites on 20 workers/teams representing a range of organizations and work types and used this experience to develop guidelines for capturing valuable undocumented knowledge within the energy industry. Extracting tacit knowledge is very difficult because such knowledge is located in the expert's "head" at what might be termed a subconscious level and is, by definition, not documented anywhere. This report provides a detailed description of a four-step process for capturing valuable undocumented knowledge from departing or other workers. The report identifies and describes methods and tools to support knowledge elicitation, storage, retrieval, and presentation. It presents lessons learned regarding the four-step process during testing activities at four energy company sites. This information may be useful in implementing or expanding programs to capture valuable undocumented knowledge, as well as in selecting appropriate methods and tools for specific knowledge types. 1004658 - Capturing Undocumented Worker-Job-Knowledge: Overview and 2000 Status Report – 2001 September 2001, Technical Report This report details the end-of-year 2000 status for the "Capturing Undocumented Worker-JobKnowledge" project under the Strategic Human Performance Program. The project is developing solutions for mitigating negative consequences resulting from the loss of valuable undocumented knowledge as experienced personnel become unavailable due to retirement or other reasons. By the end of 2001, the project will issue practical guidance for capturing valuable undocumented knowledge in a variety of energy industry settings. 3-31 Many industry and government organizations are experiencing the departure of experienced and highly knowledgeable managers and workers. Furthermore, expert workers are not always around when needed. The unavailability of valuable knowledge can have negative operational, environmental, safety, and economic consequences. The aging workforce, the loss of the expert knowledge and skill of departing workers, and the difficulties experienced in finding qualified replacements are expected to pose growing challenges as deregulation accelerates and companies strive to reduce costs. To deliver practical guidance for identifying managers and workers who possess valuable undocumented knowledge; to evaluate whether such knowledge is worth capturing; to elicit and store the valuable knowledge; to retrieve and present this knowledge to other personnel when needed. The project team conducted four major activities during 2000: • • • • They surveyed energy company personnel to assess the extent of undocumented knowledge problems and gain insights into current approaches for addressing these problems. They conducted a literature review to identify and assess methods, techniques, and tools for undocumented knowledge capture, storage, retrieval, and presentation. They developed a prototype process for identifying valuable undocumented knowledge and then eliciting, storing, retrieving, and presenting this knowledge when needed. They identified and established agreements with disparate energy industry "test sites" willing to participate in 2001 studies to develop and evaluate the prototype process; relevant methods, techniques, and tools; and the guidance document. Significant progress was accomplished in 2000. In the telephone and e-mail survey of 37 personnel at 21 energy companies, 92 percent of respondents reported that loss of unique valuable expertise would pose a problem within the next 5 years. Several tools and methods are being used to collect valuable undocumented knowledge from departing workers, but a systematic, proactive process is not generally available. The extensive literature review surveyed the knowledge management, psychology, and expert systems/artificial intelligence fields. Methods, techniques, and tools being used in various industrial, defense, corporate, and other settings were identified and evaluated. Several show particular promise for energy industry applications. The prototype process provides step-by-step guidance for (1) identifying managers and workers who possess valuable undocumented knowledge and evaluating if such knowledge is worth capturing; and (2) selecting and applying effective methods, techniques, and tools for eliciting, storing, retrieving, and presenting the valuable knowledge to other personnel when needed. Three energy companies expressed interest in serving as lead test sites and helped select appropriate settings for guidance development. Test sites include a nuclear corporate location and a nuclear plant, a fossil generating station, and two transmission control centers. To ensure that the final guidance is broadly applicable within the energy industry, these sites and the 15 workers/teams selected to participate in the study represent a variety of organization and work types. 3-32 1004657 - Capturing Undocumented Worker-Job-Knowledge: Overview and 1999 Status Report – 2001 October 2001, Technical Report Many industries and government organizations are undergoing changes in workforce composition, due, in part, to the departure of seasoned, highly knowledgeable managers and workers. EPRI's Capturing Undocumented Worker-Job-Knowledge Project is dedicated to mitigating the negative consequences resulting from the loss of valuable undocumented knowledge as experienced personnel become unavailable. This report details end-of-year 1999 status for the project. Whether due to retirement, job transfers, resignations, downsizing, or other reasons, the unavailability of expert workers and valuable knowledge can have negative operational, environmental, safety-related, and economic consequences. The aging workforce, worker departures, and difficulties in finding qualified replacements all pose growing challenges as competition increases and companies strive to reduce costs. EPRI sponsored this project to address these challenges and provide direction to energy companies and other organizations where the demand is high for expert knowledge in areas such as engineering and computer sciences. To deliver practical guidance for 1) identifying managers and workers who possess valuable undocumented knowledge, 2) evaluating their undocumented knowledge, 3) eliciting and storing such knowledge, and 4) retrieving and presenting it to other personnel when needed. In 1999, investigators performed a preliminary "needs" analysis to determine the perceived importance of capturing undocumented knowledge within the energy industry, as well as to identify the types of methods and tools that might prove valuable to the industry. Information collection efforts included meetings with 1) managers from three nuclear and two fossil generating stations, 2) senior managers from two energy companies, and 3) knowledgeable senior personnel from the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Each of these individuals expressed concern about the loss of expert knowledge within their organizations. Literature reviews and Internet searches provided additional background information. This document provides a brief overview of the project and 1999 end-of-year status. Key observations include the following: • Nuclear and fossil generating stations and selected parts of the U.S. government are experiencing economic losses due to the unavailability of valuable undocumented knowledge. Compounding the problem is the growing difficulty in hiring qualified replacement personnel. Based on a limited number of generating station visits, fossil sites appear to be more severely impacted than nuclear sites by undocumented knowledge loss. In addition, downsizing appears to impact a higher percentage of workers at fossil generating sites. Generating stations are using traditional methods to collect, store, and make available valuable undocumented knowledge, including revision and update of training materials by departing senior personnel. • • 3-33 • Several tools for knowledge elicitation, storage, retrieval, and presentation have been successfully applied in other industries, but did not appear to be in use at the generating stations visited. In certain situations, these approaches may be more cost-effective than traditional techniques. Occupational Health and Safety 1023110 - Occupational Exposure Database for the Electric Power Industry: Feasibility, Current Practices, and Specifications - 2011 December 2011, Technical Update The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) occupational exposure database project aims to build on previous research done in the area of occupational exposure assessment by collecting information on chemical, physical, and biological exposures not addressed in earlier efforts. The major focus of the overall pilot project is to describe current exposure assessment practices in the electric power industry and the methods companies currently use to store and process data. The project objectives include defining of current industry practices in quantitative exposure assessment, review of best practices for electronic capture of industrial hygiene data collection and coding, evaluation of commercially available industrial hygiene exposure databases, and development of technical specifications for an industry-wide occupational exposure database. This technical update describes the development of a survey to assess current industrial hygiene data collection, management, and use, and also reviews current recommendations for occupational exposure databases. 1021834 - Occupational Health and Safety Surveillance Database 1995-2010 -2011 December 2011, Technical Report This twelfth annual report of illness and injury occurrence in the electric energy industry is based on data collected as part of the Electric Power Research Institute's Occupational Health and Safety Database (OHSD) program. OHSD provides the capability for monitoring trends, benchmarking, evaluating intervention programs, and conducting research on occupational health and safety issues. OHSD integrates 16 years of personnel, injury, and claims data from eighteen companies into a single data system. These data are summarized according to company, occupation, work location, injury type and source, demographics, and other factors. Discussions of time trends utilize data from core utility companies participating for at least 15 of 16 data reporting years since 1995, while analyses on injury type and source, sex, or age utilize data from all participating utilities. Currently OHSD includes 1,703,455 employee-years of follow-up and 58,381 observed lost time and recordable injury events. For the most recent available reporting year, annual injury rates for the core utility companies ranged from zero to 4.0 per 100 full time workers, with an overall rate of 2.6 per 100 employee-years (all companies). Substantial variation in rates occurred by demographic (such as sex and age), occupational (such as company, occupation, and primary work location), and outcome characteristics (such as nature of injury and body part affected). Contents of the OHSD represent a snapshot of currently available injury and illness data from a dynamic ongoing surveillance process. The assessment and descriptive analyses are intended to 3-34 and claims data from sixteen companies into a single data system. OHSD enables users to: • • • • Identify occupations or job classifications and work environments that have higher workrelated injury and illness rates Quantify costs and lost time caused by work-related injuries and illnesses Prioritize central injury/illness issues for the energy industry that merit more focused research activities Evaluate the effectiveness of prevention programs 3-35 . injury source). the database has been updated with historical personnel. The OHSD summarizes injury data by company. sex. this year's database has been updated with historical personnel. or age includes data from all applicable utilities. This is the eighth annual report of illness and injury trends in the electric energy industry based on data collected for the OHSD program. and claims files to ensure that the database contains the most current available information. Technical Report EPRI's Occupational Health and Safety Database (OHSD) program provides the capability for monitoring annual injury/illness trends.Occupational Health & Safety Annual Report 2007: Occupational Health and Safety Trends Among Electric Energy Workers 1995-2007 – 2007 December 2007. To keep the program current with up-to-date information. 1014041 . As part of this year's data processing effort. The OHSD currently integrates twelve years (1995-2006) of personnel. Electric energy industry workforce characteristics (both demographic and occupational profiles) are discussed. Three special injury topics are described in this report: 1) analysis of injury occurrence by days of the week and months of the year. OHSD presents a snapshot of current available data. injury. The report describes the types of information collected for the database and the analytical methods and statistical procedures used to evaluate injury rates and risk severity. injury. and investigating occupational health and safety research. discussions of observed calendar time trends are based on data provided by the core utility companies. demographic factors (age and sex). and body regions affected. 2) injuries sustained during motor vehicle crashes. as are overall injury and illness trends by company. the report provides in-depth analysis on a special category of injuries. seven have provided data over the entire twelve-year study period and are referred to as "core utility companies.prompt renewed emphasis on health and safety programming and injury prevention in the power generation sector. By monitoring trends of injury and illness over time and across job characteristics and demographic factors. Of the sixteen utilities contributing data to the OHSD program. evaluating intervention programs. nature of injuries. injury. and other factors (for example. occupation. injury type. and claims files. and 3) injuries occurring among generation station workers." Other utilities have provided data for periods of less than twelve years but are still included in many of the trends analyses. but discussion focused on injury types and nature of injuries by job classification. In general. Each year. benchmarking. Electric energy industry workforce characteristics (both demographic and occupational profiles) are discussed as are overall injury and illness trends by company. By monitoring trends of injury and illness over time and across job characteristics and demographic factors.• Establish specific benchmark standards for the purpose of monitoring injuries and illnesses in the electric energy sector 1012569 . and claims data from sixteen companies are integrated into a single data system. this year's database has been updated with historical personnel. This year's report discusses injuries among employees working storm duty or performing storm restoration. The report describes the types of information collected for the database and the analytical methods and statistical procedures used to evaluate injury rates and risk severity. Currently." Other utilities have provided data for periods of less than eleven years but are still included in many of the trends analyses.Occupational Health and Safety Annual Report 2006: Occupational Health and Safety Trends 1995-2005 – 2006 December 2006. and body regions affected. occupation. injury. OHSD enables users to: • • • • Identify occupations or job classifications and work environments that have higher workrelated injury and illness rates Quantify costs and lost time caused by work-related injuries and illnesses Prioritize central injury/illness issues for the energy industry that merit more focused research activities Evaluate the effectiveness of prevention programs 3-36 . or age. day of week. seven have provided data over the entire eleven-year study period and are referred to as "core utility companies. injury type. To keep the program current with up-to-date information. This is the seventh annual report of illness and injury trends in the electric energy industry based on data collected for EPRI's OHSD program. and time of year. discussions of observed calendar time trends are based on data provided by the core utility companies. the report provides in-depth analysis on a special category of injuries. Of the sixteen utilities contributing data to the OHSD program. injury. data from all applicable utilities are included. eleven years (1995 — 2005) of personnel. and investigating occupational health and safety research. sex. and other factors (for example. The report also briefly examines injury occurrence by and injury type. These injury data are summarized by company. Each year. In general. evaluating intervention programs. injury source). OHSD presents a snapshot of current available data. benchmarking. nature of injuries. Technical Report The Occupational Health and Safety Database (OHSD) program provides the capability for monitoring annual injury/illness trends. and claims files. demographic factors (age and sex). Where discussion is focused on injury types and nature of injuries by job classification. annual injury rates for the core utility companies ranged from 0. occupational health and safety research. occupation. They also calculated injury rates and medical costs by type of injury. there is no comprehensive. To identify occupations that have higher work-related injury and illness rates.65 to 6. workforce size in 2003 has remained similar to the workforce size in 2002.• Establish specific benchmark standards for the purpose of monitoring injuries and illnesses in the electric energy sector 1005427 . the average number of injuries decreased from 198 per utility in 1995 to around 140 per utility in 2003. and by demographic factors. In 2003. Technical Report This is the fifth annual report of illness and injury trends in the electric energy industry based on data collected as part of EPRI's Occupational Health and Safety Database (OHSD) program. and demographic characteristics. To provide a reliable basis for ranking occupational health research priorities. During the study period.000 employee-years of follow-up and almost 14. This report summarizes injury/illness trends over the period 1995-2003 from fourteen participating companies.100 observed lost time and recordable injury/illness events among the fourteen companies in the nine-year period. occupation. To establish specific monitoring benchmarks. with a 3:1 population ratio of male to female workers. The team applied standardized coding and classification procedures to the data to make them comparable across the different companies. ongoing injury/illness reporting. The database facilitates epidemiological monitoring. and demographic factors (age and gender). Six of these fourteen. injury type. The current dataset reflects approximately 654. Based on the data provided by the core utility companies. by job characteristics. • • • • • • To monitor trends of injury and illness in the electric utility industry over time. To evaluate the effectiveness of prevention programs. The project team compiled information on illness and injury trends in the electric utility industry based on data from fourteen utilities. and program evaluation. To quantify costs and lost time due to work-related injuries and illnesses. The report summarizes injury/illness trends over the period 1995-2003 from fourteen participating companies.12.Occupational Health and Safety Annual Report 2004: Occupational Health and Safety Trends 1995-2003 – 2004 December 2004. The team summarized injury trends by company. there have been seventeen 3-37 . Although injury rates among some sectors of the electric energy workforce are higher than in many other industries. The demographic composition of the workforce appears to have remained steady. the core utility companies. EPRI has established OHSD to provide information about the occurrence of workplace injury and illness among the electric energy industry workforce. nationwide surveillance system for reporting and monitoring occupational injury/illness data for the electric energy industry. For the core utility companies. have been participants in the OHSD program since its inception and provide a baseline. and demographic factors (age and gender). nature of injury. and body part affected.EPRI Occupational Health and Safety Annual Report 2003: Injury and Illness among the Electric Energy Workforce 1995-2002 .and labor-intensive data collection from participants (personnel. Technical Report Although injury rates among some sectors of the electric energy workforce are higher than in many other industries. This report summarizes injury/illness trends over the period 1995-2002 from twelve participating companies. and four companies new to the program provided only 2002. The project team applied standardized coding and classification procedures to make data comparable across the different companies. The main objectives of this project are to 1) monitor trends of injury and illness over time. and by demographic factors. and standardizing internal data to produce a comprehensive and accurate analysis of occupational health and safety trends. Six companies provided data over the entire eight-year study period (the "core utility companies"). and program evaluation. The team summarized injury trends by company. occupation. by job characteristics. The majority of high cost injuries occurred in the trade/craft occupational groups. occupation. there is no comprehensive.000 to $600. 5) establish specific monitoring benchmarks. As members of EPRI's Occupational Health and Safety Research program. and demographic characteristics. The database facilitates epidemiological monitoring. workers' compensation. and these rates were substantially higher than the average company injury rate. Previous EPRI 3-38 . nationwide surveillance system for reporting and monitoring occupational injury/illness data for the electric energy industry.fatalities. linking. The most commonly affected body regions were the back and hands/fingers. electricians. and personnel data to EPRI for this multi-company health and safety database. The most commonly affected body regions were the back/trunk and hands/fingers.000 employee-years of follow-up and 11. and 6) provide a reliable basis for ranking occupational health research priorities. More than 532. twelve electric energy companies provided health and safety. EPRI has established an ongoing Occupational Health Surveillance Database to provide detailed information about workplace injury and illness among the electric energy workforce.2004 February 2004. ongoing injury/illness reporting. Significantly higher injury rates were observed for selected occupational groups. followed by fractures/dislocations. Strain/sprain injuries accounted for the largest percentage of injuries and days lost from work. occupational health and safety research. and workers' compensation groups). 1005426 . nine of which involved line workers. and maintenance workers were the four highest groups based on percentage of medical claim costs. The report includes a detailed evaluation of the injury rate by occupation. two provided data for a limited number of years.000 lost-time and recordable injuries/illnesses were observed in the eight-year period among the twelve companies. occupational health and safety. 3) quantify costs and lost time due to work-related injuries and illnesses. 2) identify occupations that have higher workrelated injury and illness rates. The major challenge involves the extremely time. injury type.000 per injury. EPRI is providing an invaluable service in coordinating. plant and equipment operators. 4) evaluate the effectiveness of prevention programs. sprains/strains account for the largest number of days lost from work. The highest claims costs from individual companies ranged from $6. As in previous years. They also calculated injury rates and medical costs by type of injury. Line workers. there are no comprehensive. and 6) provide a reliable basis for ranking occupational health research priorities. The project team applied standardized coding and classification procedures to make data comparable across the different companies. The main objectives of this project are to 1) monitor trends of injury and illness over time. which are well recognized and consistent across electric energy companies.and labor-intensive activities always necessary in order to submit data from company participants (personnel. EPRI has established an ongoing Occupational Health and Safety Surveillance Database designed to provide more detailed. injury. by job characteristics. 3-39 . As members of EPRI's Occupational Health and Safety Research program.2002 December 2002. This report summarizes injury/illness trends over the period 1995-2001 from eight participating companies. it appears that the workforce size is decreasing. Technical Report Although injury rates among sectors of the electric energy workforce are higher than in many industries. and claims data were obtained and integrated into a single data system. four of which involved line workers. and 1005425 also documented these trends. The database will facilitate epidemiological monitoring. eight electric energy companies provided health and safety. occupational health and safety. workers' compensation. 165 full-time equivalents (one person working one full year) were lost because of injury or illness. 3) quantify costs and lost time due to work-related injuries and illnesses. The major challenge involves the extremely time. Based on the data provided by the core utility companies. and demographic factors (age and gender). 5) establish specific benchmarks for injury/illness monitoring. Ongoing efforts focus on recruiting smaller energy companies into EPRI's Occupational Health and Safety Surveillance Database. 4) evaluate the effectiveness of prevention programs. occupation. Sample results highlight differences between estimates of injury risk across occupational and demographic characteristics that require continuous monitoring and consideration in prevention program planning. During the study period. nationwide surveillance systems for reporting and monitoring occupational injury/illness data for the electric energy industry.Occupational Health and Safety Annual Report 2002: Injury and Illness Trends in the Electric Energy Workforce. 1005425 . and workers' compensation groups within the company). 2) identify occupations that have higher work-related injury and illness rates. precise information about workplace injury and illness among the electric energy workforce than is available from other sources. and demographic characteristics. 85 were from strains/sprains and 28 from fractures. occupation.reports 1000740. The team summarized injury trends by company. Seven years (1995–2001) of personnel. 1995-2001 . ongoing injury/illness reporting. Since these three sectors within a company usually do not communicate internally. They also calculated injury rates and medical costs by type of injury. New analyses included in this report include a more detailed evaluation of the injury rate by occupation for each company. 1005198. and by demographic factors. EPRI is providing an invaluable service in coordinating and standardizing internal data to produce a comprehensive and accurate analysis of occupational health and safety trends on a continuing basis. with a 3:1 ratio of male to female workers. and personnel data to EPRI for this multi-company health and safety database. The demographic composition of the workforce appears to remain steady. injury type. and program evaluation. For these twelve companies. occupational health and safety research. and an evaluation of injury occurrence among electrical generation plant workers to provide a better understanding of the causal factors of workplace injuries. there were eight fatalities. one person working one full year) were lost due to injury or illness. This health and safety database provides the capability for epidemiologic monitoring. when examining specific occupational categories. annual injury/illness reporting. 1005198 . there are no comprehensive. However. Although injury rates among sectors of the electric energy workforce are higher than many industries. these summary reports do not provide specific data relevant for epidemiologic analyses and injury prevention. females often have a higher risk of injury. The database provides accurate information for epidemiological monitoring. This report summarizes injury/illness trends over the period 1995-2000 from eight participating companies. For these eight utilities. company-specific systems may include substantial details about events surrounding an injury. 1995–2000 – 2001 December 2001. there are no comprehensive nationwide surveillance systems for reporting and monitoring of occupational injury/illness data for the electric energy industry. Sample results highlight differences between estimates of injury risk across occupational and demographic characteristics that need to be monitored continuously and considered in prevention program planning. and occupational health and injury research. and Edison Electric Institute.Occupational Health and Safety Annual Report 2001: Injury and Illness Among the Electric Energy Workforce. program evaluation. These trends—well recognized and consistent across electric energy companies—are documented in EPRI's first injury trends reports (1000740 and 1005198). Furthermore. This report discusses additional characteristics of injury among workers. and the Edison Electric Institute (EEI). yet lack background information on work histories. and demographics of the population at risk.Over 480. important variation in injury risk within industry subgroups is not adequately reflected. Even in publicly available summary data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Results of new analyses presented include those for hand and wrist injury rates. or EEI. 72 of these were due to strain injuries. Technical Report EPRI has established an ongoing health and safety database designed to provide more precise and detailed information about workplace injury and illness among the electric energy workforce than is available from other sources. and a summary of high-cost injuries.000 person-years of follow-up and 10. At present. examination of injury rates by injury source. Electric energy company health and safety professionals can use this database in establishing and evaluating injury prevention programs. the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). males are more likely to experience a work-related injury in the electric utility industry than females. Most commonly affected body regions were back and hands. 3-40 . Strain/sprain injuries accounted for the largest percentage of injures and days lost from work. In general. Important variation in injury risk within industry subgroups is not adequately reflected in publicly available summary data from BLS. ongoing injury/illness reporting. However.000 lost-time and recordable injuries/illnesses were observed in the seven-year period among the eight companies. and program evaluation. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. occupational exposures. nationwide surveillance systems for reporting and monitoring occupational injury/illness data for the electric energy industry. 142 full-time equivalents (FTEs. occupational health and safety research. There are systems that report summary data such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Age also affects injury rates and days lost among selected occupational groups. OSHA. 24 due to fractures. 14. training. 73 of these were due to strain injuries.0 for most office staff. As new data becomes available. workers' compensation. and electricians. to quantify costs and lost time due to work-related injuries and illnesses.2000) of personnel. These trends are well recognized and consistent across electric energy companies and documented in the first injury trends report (EPRI Report 1000740. and demographic characteristics. and.000 lost-time and recordable injuries/illness were observed in the six-year period among the eight companies. These sample results highlight differences between estimates of injury risk across occupational and demographic characteristics that need to be monitored continuously and considered in prevention program planning. Injury rates by occupation varied from a high of 8. Most commonly affected body regions were back and hands. There was a total of 142 full-time equivalents (FTEs. 3-41 . and other factors may further reduce injury risk.5 days was assigned to estimate days lost. Six years (1995 .4 for plant equipment operators.000 person-years of follow-up and 8. By occupation. to establish specific benchmarks for injury/illness monitoring. but could not provide detailed personnel data to be included in this report. it will be accessible through the Web-based reporting system and summarized in annual reports. injury. 2000). and demographic factors (age and gender). FTEs lost were 26. The project team applied standardized coding and classification procedures to make data comparable across the different companies. Fractures accounted for the second largest percentage of days away from work. line crew workers. 15. One company provided complete injury data.To monitor trends of injury and illness over time. 0. For all other injuries. which allowed for calculation of full-time equivalents lost due to injuries. females often have a higher risk of injury. The team summarized injury trends by company. to identify occupations that have higher work-related injury and illness rates. Analytical methods included calculating injury rates and medical costs by type of injury. However. and claims data from eight companies was obtained and integrated into a single data system. and personnel data to EPRI for this multi-company health and safety database. Over 400. injury type. and demographic factors. 1 person working 1 full year) lost due to injury or illness. males are more likely to experience a work-related injury in the electric utility industry than females. respectively. meter readers. occupation. and ongoing efforts are focusing on recruiting smaller energy companies into EPRI's Occupational Health and Safety Surveillance Database (OHSSD). Two additional companies have committed to participation. Additional characteristics of injury among these workers are presented and discussed in this report. In general. occupation.9 per 100 workers for meter readers to less than 1. Four of the eight utilities provided information on lost time. 24 due to fractures.4.6. Electric energy companies that are members of EPRI's Occupational Health and Safety Research program provided health and safety. Strain injuries accounted for the largest percentage of injuries and days lost from work. to provide a reliable basis for ranking occupational health research priorities. These findings imply that ergonomic intervention. when examining specific occupational categories. The most striking variation in injury rates was shown to occur across different occupational groups. by job characteristics. and 13. to evaluate the effectiveness of prevention programs. Company-specific systems may include substantial details about events surrounding an injury. work environments. However. their reports do not provide specific data relevant for epidemiological analyses. workforce demographics. injury. Injuries to the head. the type of injury. and 6) providing a reliable basis for establishing specific occupational health research priorities. Overall. and demographic factors (age and gender). workers' compensation. as well as specific information on occupations. The database provides the capability for epidemiological monitoring. The database now covers approximately 135. The project team applied standardized coding and classification procedures to make these data comparable across the different companies.Occupational Health & Safety Annual Report 2000: Injury & Illness in the Electric Energy Workforce. occupational exposures. Cuts. occupation. They integrated five years (1995-1999) of personnel. neck/shoulders and knees were the next most common specific body regions affected. back injuries and injuries to the hand/fingers were the most commonly affected body regions. Technical Report EPRI has established an ongoing health and safety database that is designed to provide more precise and detailed information about workplace injury and illness occurrence. and abrasions account for another 25 percent of the injuries. and claims data into a single data system summarizing injury trends by company. whereas use of such results from sound epidemiological analyses may lead to injury prevention. and training experience. and demographics of the population at risk. These trends are consistent across electric energy companies with different workforce sizes and varying personnel. The Bureau of Labor Statistics. and personnel data. Objectives for developing the full database structure are: to provide detailed health and safety information for 1) monitoring trends of injury and illness over time.000 employee-years. This report presents the first annual set of injury trends analyses. and occupational health and injury research. and demographic factors. job characteristics. 3-42 . and the Edison Electric Institute provide summary data. yet they lack background information on work histories. 1995-1999 . 2) identifying occupations that have higher work-related injuries and illnesses rates. program evaluation. Strains and sprains were the most common type of injury accounting for nearly 40 percent of all injuries. Electric energy companies participating in EPRI's health and safety research program provided health and safety. These databases usually lack adequate information on the circumstances surrounding injuries. and other details. Very few illnesses or work-related diseases are recorded in the health and safety databases. There are no comprehensive nationwide surveillance systems for reporting and monitoring of occupational injury/illness data for the electric energy industry. annual injury/illness reporting. lacerations. with each accounting for approximately 8 percent of all work-related injuries.2000 December 2000. the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. injury type. bruises.1000740 . 4) evaluating the effectiveness of prevention programs. 3) quantifying costs and lost time due to work-related injuries and illnesses. injury. 5) establishing specific benchmark standards for injury/illness monitoring purposes. Electric energy company health and safety professionals can use this information for establishing and evaluating injury prevention programs. and claims management systems. they translated data from each of the four utilities into a common coding system. and a summary file for querying and reporting. In general. and costs of occupational illnesses and injuries in the energy sector. claims. Service occupations include security guards. detailed integrated standardized data for in-depth analyses. standardized injury and illness surveillance database for EPRI's energy company members that will serve as a stable tool with which to assess the status of current health and safety programs. Occupational health and safety information collected by various government and private agencies does not address the specific needs of this industry.and nine-fold higher injury rates compared to administrative personnel. and meter readers had four-. injury type. or any of myriad specific information that may be desired. operating units. In sample data analyses. To explore development of a comprehensive. training. and trends and cost analyses to illustrate the capabilities of an ongoing surveillance database. OHSSD consists of a three-level architecture that includes the original unmodified utility data. and lost time. and operators. Service. Technical Report This report describes work successfully completed on the pilot phase of a novel Occupational Health and Safety Surveillance Database (OHSSD). and other claim-related information. males are more likely to experience a work-related injury in the electric utility industry than females. occupation. mechanics. Further. However. when different occupational categories were examined specifically. Three of the four participating utilities provided claims data that included injury/illness costs. Overall. such data as do exist are not standardized and thus do not allow meaningful multi-faceted comparisons of such endpoints as injury and illness rates or cost estimates and projections. prevalence. and personnel data from participating companies.) The project team completed five activities in the pilot phase: (1) recruited and retained EPRI member electric utilities for participation. females often have a higher risk of injury. and demographic factors (age and gender). results of interventions over time. these findings could imply that ergonomic intervention. and (5) performed sample injury analyses. (Results of database analyses also may serve to reveal additional issues that may then be comprehensively addressed. and porters. trade/craft includes job titles such as line workers. The project team developed a common code for describing claim types.The most striking variation in injury rates was shown to occur across different occupational groups. results of interventions. TR-113884 . OHSSD summarized injury trends by utility size. "trade/craft" occupations. There currently exists no reliable source of information on the incidence. This is the pilot phase of a multi-company database that encompasses standardized occupational health and safety information necessary to accurately assess status of current programs. and cost impacts. and cost impacts and trends. demographic sectors. (3) developed standardized coding systems for these data.Pilot Study: Occupational Health and Safety Surveillance Database 1999 December 1999. If substantiated in the larger database and with further detailed investigation. The aggregated information available cannot be used to specify rates across specific occupations. (4) determined injury rates for several job titles and other descriptors. electricians. days lost from work. The total and average cost of injury also 3-43 . (2) acquired three years (1995-1997) of injury. custodians. and other factors could help to reduce injury risk. six. amount of compensation. and sharing high-value tacit knowledge retained by expert personnel in the nuclear power industry.General 1010305 . and checklists provide pre-written benchmarks.was calculated by utility size. Technical Update Continuous improvement the fourth part of a skilled workforce maintenance strategy and refers to process improvement. however. the process is laborintensive and disruptive to normal work activities. Trends observed in the sample analyses were consistent with results previously reported in the epidemiological literature. the EPRI process helps mitigate the problem. knowledge self-elicitation and automated knowledge capture. 3-44 . and year of occurrence (95. when applied after the problem has become acute. are considered preliminary and are presented for demonstration purposes pending development of the full database. Because it is stored "in the heads" of individuals or team members. and knowledge—developed or learned from previous experience by individuals or shared by work teams. training staff. the trainees. provided a basic process for using knowledge elicitors to capture the bulk of tacit knowledge.Benchmarking of Instructor Qualifications and Continuing Development of Training Staff – 2006 March 2006. 1009581 . However. Technical Report This report explores opportunities to save time and money by using two new approaches. injury type. safety. and the program itself. and economic consequences to the nuclear power industry. Instructor evaluation instruments such as numerical rating scales. the technical training program can be considered a process to which improvement techniques can be applied. Benchmarking of technical instructors is mainly a matter of common sense. occupation. In addition to evaluating instructors. In addition to the obvious subject matter knowledge are presentation style. In this sense. environmental. Experience in using these reports indicates that when prospective loss of knowledge is acute. 97). capturing. As much as 80% of the knowledge valuable to an organization is "tacit knowledge. A previous EPRI report. passion for training. Results of analyses in this pilot study.Real-Time Expert Knowledge Acquisition and Transfer-Needs and Technology Assessment: Towards Self-Elicitation and Automated Knowledge Capture Methods – 2004 November 2004. 96. Experience also shows that it may be possible. to supplement EPRI's existing guidelines and methods for eliciting. tacit knowledge is inherently difficult to transfer to others. it is also a good idea to periodically evaluate the entire training structure including the training manager/coordinator. Sample analysis results from the pilot database revealed important variations in injury risk across occupational and demographic factors. "Capturing and Using High-Value Undocumented Knowledge in the Nuclear Industry: Guidelines and Methods" (1002896)." consisting of unique capabilities. and competency with audio-visual equipment. questionnaires. skills. Training . The loss or unavailability of valuable knowledge can have negative operational. consistent with the state of development of information management infrastructure at a given utility. The work on this project involved the following activities: • • • • The existing EPRI process can be modified to include appropriate consideration of knowledge self-elicitation and automatic knowledge capture methods. Appendix A provides the primary project results. to avoid acute problems and to reduce costs by capturing knowledge in real time (that is. Technical Update The utility industry has begun to feel the effects of an aging work force as baby boomers are retiring. To provide guidance for those instances when self-elicitation or automatic knowledge capture is feasible. To describe additional methods for self-elicitation and automated expert knowledge capture.4% from 1992. It includes detailed flow diagrams for each of the three steps involved in planning and implementing undocumented knowledge capture programs. Updating the existing EPRI process by presenting draft self-elicitation and automatic knowledge capture guidance to industry personnel to obtain evaluation and input regarding utility needs. EPRI’s Workforce Training and Development (WT&D) Center examined sever best practices for recruiting and training potential employees. yet few are entering the industry to replace those who retire. Reviewing results from previous EPRI knowledge-elicitation and capture projects and related projects in other industries. • • To review and identify best current practices and state-of-the-art processes for accomplishing self-elicitation and automated expert knowledge capture. during normal work activities or at a self-driven pace that can be balanced with ongoing activities). facilitating navigation between the process diagrams and resources. 1008847 . Key insights include the fact that identifying the type of knowledge to be captured is important in deciding whether self-elicitation or automatic knowledge capture will be feasible. The hyperlinks enable interactive use of the guidance. Identifying and assessing methods for self-elicitation and automated expert knowledge capture. To develop a process for determining appropriate approaches for real-time knowledge elicitation and capture. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Integrating the proposed guidance with the existing EPRI process. the number of employees in the utility industry is down many instances. These diagrams list key substeps and provide hypertext display links to 45 resources containing supporting information—including detailed descriptions of applicable methods and techniques—to assist users in accomplishing individual substeps. the EPRI process has been updated with 15 new resources. References to several best practices are found in the 3-45 .Best Practices for Recruiting and Training Potential Employees – 2004 November 2004. As part of that meeting. which works with high school students to provide them an introduction to power plant operations as a viable career choice.Department of Energy. Several other utility attendees at that meeting shared their experience with recruiting older workers and minorities. especially women. Progress Energy shared information on their Power Careers Program. a breakout session was held to draw out the utility industry’s best practices for recruiting. 3-46 . This paper provides details on the programs listed above as best practices for recruiting and training potential employees. and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. During the WT&D Center’s summer Interest Group Meeting. Generation Electric Corporation. the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The researcher was not able to locate programs or presentations of ESMO Conferences prior to 1987. ESMOL. If readers of this report have and are willing to share such information. ICOLiM 4 IEEE stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 4-1 . Maintenance and Operation of Lines. Titles of presentations at the conferences were taken from the published conference program or the actual presentations. ESMOL hosts the ESMO Conference every few years. stands for Engineering in the Safety. The listings are arranged by conference sessions according to the published program.CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS This Section contains titles of presentations at the following live working conferences: • • • EPRI Live Working Conferences. they are requested to contact George Gela at [email protected] or +1 413 445 3710 (office) or +1 413 329 7101 (cell phone). Some presentations at the ICOLiM conferences were delivered in French. Subcommittee within IEEE. The first ICOLiM Conference was held in 1992. ICOLiM stands for International Conference on Line Maintenance that is held periodically in Europe. The first EPRI Live Working Conference was held in 2005. German. or other languages. where available. IEEE/ESMO Conferences. K.S. G. LW on HVDC Lines.A.A. 1048. United Kingdom) Gela. D.) Gela. LW Rope Storage MAD and Its Components – What Exactly is MAD? Standards and Rules: IEEE (516. (Hubbell ABChance. OSHA.) Wallace. D. Interrupting Jumper Loops. (EPRI). T&S Arcflash. Other LW Friendly Structures New LW Rope Developed by NG UK EPRI Research in LW: Next Generation PPAG. (EPRI. F1701.A. 62192). G. U. 61472.S.S.) Holloman. Mechanical Performance of Splice Ladders. Gela.S. U. GA Author (Affiliation) Neuenschwander. (EPRI.) Land. 1654). U.A. Lithonia.A. Childs. C.) Bell.A.S. 1307.S.) Childs. Klondike Substation.S. LW on HT Conductors 4-2 . 1067.) Hunt.) Title History of LW tools and LW with HT Conductors Induction GPR Monitor Robotic Arm LW Camera.A. G. U.S. (IEC (60895. U.S. E.) Zevenbergen. (WAPA). A. (EPRI) (U.. (NG UK. . 2012. 61482. U. NESC..EPRI Live Working Conferences 2012: Sixth EPRI Live Working Conference.A. K. G. (Quanta Services. ASTM (F855. G. U. U. (Southern Co. (EPRI. (WAPA. August 1-2.A. (Southern Co. B. R. D. B.2010: Fifth EPRI Live Working Conference.A. C. A.A. T. (ClampStar) Whapham. United Kingdom) Fediuk. Massachusetts Author (Affiliation) Verdecchio. (WAPA) Hoogkamp.) Zevenbergen. (NG UK. (PLP) Helicopter-Based Live Working Temporary Grounding and Equipotential Zones QES Robotic Arm and Insulating Scaffolding IMPLO Splices Live Working at NU Barehanding at BPA Live Working at NG UK Live Working at NYPA PPAG Implementation in Southern Co GPR Meter Opening Jumper Loops – Utility Survey ClampStar Splice Shunt PLP Splice Shunt Title 4-3 . Tuttle J.. G. (BPA) Grey. Bell G. (NG US) Tamm. (PSE&G. M. September 29-30. G. (IMPLO) Surmanis. U. (Quanta Energized Services) Ditroia. (Southern Co. (NU) Swanson.) Huel. Lenox. G.S. 2010. (NYPA) Holloman. E. P. Wyoming Author (Affiliation) Hunt. L. Zevenbergen. (NU) Zevenbergen. September 30 .October 1. A. Lenox. 2008. G. E. G. G. (IBEW) Malloy. (PSE&G) Bell. Massachusetts Author (Affiliation) Kluge.2009: Fourth EPRI Live Working Conference. (EPRI) Ferraro. J. (ATC). (Quanta Energized Services) Gharzani. Tomaseski. 2009. G. J.. (WAPA) McCurly. (WAPA) Childs. R. J. Fall Protection and IEEE Std 1307 Fall Protection and Rescue Ground Potential Rise Meter “What Not to Do” – Examples of Wrong Procedures and Things to Be Avoided Title 4-4 . Title IEEE Std 516-2009 MAD and NESC-2007 Values Live Working on High-Temperature Conductors IMPLO Splices Ground Potential Rise Meter LW Rope LW-Friendly Structures QES Robotic Arm Emergency Restoration Structures 2008: Third EPRI Live Working Conference. Cheyenne. R. August 14-15. A. C. Lahey. D. (WAPA) Wild. (ABChance) Tyburski. Transfer Voltages. D. October 3-4. (Southern Co. R. (OSHA) George. C. Sediver) Title Field Application of PPAGs and Next Generation PPAG LW Rope Hotstick Failures IEEE/ESMOL Papers.M. (WAPA). 2007. D. G. McKosky. Kile. G. A. (IBEW). Massachusetts Author (Affiliation) Hoppe. E. (Southern Co. Touch. G. (TVA) Hunt. PSE&G/EPRI Projects Step. (EPRI) Gela. Lenox. J. (S. (PSE&G) Gela.A. J. (EPRI).) Tomaseski. Wallis. Holloman. L. (EPRI) Gordon.). Equipotential Zones Aging of Tools and Equipment Arc Flash Issues What We Do Not Know in LW OSHA Leakage Current Limits. Gela. J. A.. (CPS) Ivanitski. (FE) Childs. R. EPRI Tests Live Working with Glass Insulators 4-5 . (EPRI) Holloman.2007: Second EPRI Live Working Conference. San Antonio. G. (Quanta Energized Services) Ivanitski. E. G. (WAPA) Brown. PSE&G/EPRI Projects LW Considerations in Designing 345 kV Towers Error Prevention Strategies Hotstick Flashover Incidents EPRI Research in LW and Safety-Related Issues 4-6 . (PSE&G) Kowalik. Texas Author (Affiliation) Kile. November 9. 2005. (Beare Ergonomics) Bestvater. Hunt. C. J. (WAPA) Gela. B. the ECF Project Step. (BPA) Timmons.2005: First EPRI Live Working Conference. K. A. Touch Voltages at BPA Step. D. (EPRI) Title Insulated OHGW Support Jib for Energized Work Live Working Rope Step. Glavenich Reichmeider . (Manitoba Hydro) Gela. Touch Voltages During Live Reconductoring IEEE/ESMOL Papers. Beare. L. T. Touch Voltages and WAPA T&D Worksite Shock Protection. (EPRI). P. they are requested to contact George Gela at ggela@epri. (TESMEC..IEEE ESMO Conferences The researcher was not able to locate programs or presentations of ESMO Conferences prior to 1987. 2011: Twelfth ESMO Conference. Maintenance of Overhead and Underground Lines and Substations Includes Live-Line Maintenance Author (Affiliation) Oscar.S. If readers of this report have and are willing to share such information. 2011. Providence. Italy) Title New Technology for Multiple Conductor Stringing Machinery (continued) 4-7 .A. May 16-19. G. Safety. T.) Title Geotechnical Investigations for Above-Ground Electrical Transmission Structures in New England Session 4 (Paper Session): (ESMO) Engineering. U. Rhode Island Session 1 (Panel Session): Aging Transmission Infrastructure and Advanced Robotic Technologies for Energized Maintenance and Construction Session 2 (Panel Session): Minimal Approach Distance/TOV Effect Session 3 (Panel/Paper Session): Foundations Author (Affiliation) McAllister. or +1 413 445 3710 (office) or +1 413 329 7101 (cell phone). A.. (GZA GeoEnviromental Inc. ) Dickes. Safety.A. S.A.. (Romania) Title Fiber Optic Installation and Maintenance Voltage Detection and Indication by Electric Field Measurement Advanced Aerial Inspection and Asset Management of Electricity Towers Bio Phyto Dynamic Modulators or How to Protect the Bare-Hand.A. Atre..2011: Twelfth ESMO Conference.S. G.J.S. R. Maintenance of Overhead and Underground Lines and Substations Includes Live-Line Maintenance (continued) Author (Affiliation) Deshmukh. Dinca. A.A. (HD Electric Co. H.. G. D. Rhode Island (continued) Session 4 (Paper Session): (ESMO) Engineering.) Kleinfelder. Ellam.) Title Network Secondary Distribution System Fault Current Analysis and Application Thermal Grouting of Underground Transmission and Distribution Conduits Assessing the Integrity and Increasing the Service Life of HPFF Pipe Type Cables (continued) 4-8 . Eyre-Walker. (Consultant) (U. Wangde.S. Thomas. S.) Earp. Rane.R. H. W. A.V. U. U. U.S. Smith.A.A. S. (Quanta Integrity Solutions. 2011.A. A.. Live-Line Workers Under the Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Influence Session 5 (Paper Session): Distribution/ICC Author (Affiliation) Mungovan. (EA Technology). (Constellation Group LLC. (Tata Power Co. (National Grid US). (Central Networks) (United Kingdom) Gal. B... D. May 16-19. (CE Electric UK). G. India) McNulty. Florea.. D. Providence. Sevastre. Brabete. May 16-19.A.2011: Twelfth ESMO Conference.) Title Live Replacement of 400 kV Busbar Insulators in Brasov Substation Title Detection of Internal Arcing Faults in Distribution Transformers Connectors—The Weak Link in the Chain 4-9 .. 2011.. Providence. P.S. M.A. S.. (SC Smart SA) (Romania) Tamm. U. C. I. (IFD Corp. Rhode Island (continued) Session 5 (Paper Session): Distribution/ICC (continued) Author (Affiliation) Henault. L. (CN Transelectrica SA).. Oltean. Fagarasan. (Classic Connectors Inc. Canada) Session 6 (Panel Session): Smart Grid Session 7 (Panel Session): Use and Construction of Temporary Structures Session 8 (Panel Session): Use of Existing R/W to Maximize Construction-Siting Session 9 (Panel Session): OSHA ET&D Partnership Session 10 (Paper Session): Substations/TP&C Author (Affiliation) Gal.. T. A. M. Barbulescu. BAIA MARE by Reconductoring Using LM Technologies Florea. D. Murugan. (Elia). G. S. Providence. (Transelectrica SA SMART S. C. Marginean. V. (Univ of Liege) (Belgium) Uprating Transmission Lines Through the Use of an Innovative Real-Time Monitoring System 4-10 . G.. (Tehnorob SRL). (“Politehnica” Univ.A.)..2011: Twelfth ESMO Conference. Rhode Island (continued) Session 11 (Panel Session): Major Projects (Transmission) Session 12 (Panel Session): Labor Training Session 13 (Panel Session): Work Methods – Safety Rules in Canada Session 14 (Paper Session): TP&C Author (Affiliation) Surange. J. Case Study on Increasing the Transport Capacity of 220kV DC OHL IERNUTOltean. Mateescu. P. (P& L Tehnorob Co. (Fichtner Engineering Co. (Fichtner). Kilyeni. 2011. Raina. (C..I. Gal. C. D. Florea.. India) Mateescu. Lilien. Matea.. I.L. E. Marginean. (Romanian Power Grid Co. May 16-19.A).).). Timisoara) (Romania) Cloet. E.. S.. (Tata Power Co. D. E. TRANSELECTRICA SA) (Romania) Title Implementing a Voltage Upgrade in a Mega City Reconductoring Using HTLS Conductors—Case Study for a 220kV Double Circuit Transmission Line in Romania Ardelean.N. B. A. Safety.. U.A. U.L. Prazan.2011: Twelfth ESMO Conference. (BC Hydro. D.S. Maintenance of Overhead and Underground Lines and Substations … Includes Live-Line Maintenance Author (Affiliation) Cain. Rhode Island (continued) Session 15 (Paper Session): (ESMO) Engineering.A.A. (Hi-Line Utility Supply Co. (National Grid US. Canada) Title Nonlinear Behavior of Wood Pole Structures (continued) 4-11 .) Kalokitis.A. M. May 16-19. G.S. U.S.) Reynolds..K. (U. Providence.) Rubber-Insulating Goods Managing Electrical Safety in Power Utilities Technique for Accurate Voltage Measurement of Energized Street Level Objects Avian Transmission Projects at National Grid Title Session 16 (Panel Session): Power Line Operations with Helicopters Session 17 (Panel Session): Permanent Structures – Construction and Maintenance Session 18 (Panel Session): Ground Potential Rise at the Work Site Session 19 (Paper Session): TP&C Author (Affiliation) Lu.S. D. (AVO Training Inst. LLC.) Neitzel. 2011. Rodean. I. (Smart S. Oltean.) (Romania) Lauletta. (CN Transelectrica S. (Sc Smart SA)..S.S.N. Matea.2011: Twelfth ESMO Conference. Florea.) Title On-Line Monitoring of OHL Conductor Temperature. S. (Exacter Inc.A.. Opincaru. Barbete. R. Fuks.A. A. (Osmose Utilites Serv. D. (CN Transelectrica S. U. J.S. (Univ.. (AEMC Instruments. H.).) Title Advanced NDE Technology for Below-Grade T&D Infrastructure Corrosion Detection Live-Line Procedures to be Applied for the Painting of the 400/220 kV Iron Gates (Romania) s/s Structures Painting Ground Testing of Transmission Towers 4-12 . Live-Line Installation Transforming Existing 220 kV Double Circuit Line into 400 kV Single Circuit Line in Romania A Novel Sensing Device for Power System Equipment Condition Monitoring Session 20 (Paper Session): (ESMO) Engineering.. (Power & Lighting Tehnorob S. (Fichtner Engineering Co. E.A.A.). J. Maintenance of Overhead and Underground Lines and Substations … Includes Live-Line Maintenance Author (Affiliation) Stranovsky. J. C. 2011. M. (NYPA). G. U. L. Rodean.. Kile. G. I.Transelectrica). of Denver).). Safety.. M. M. A.) Florea. Shoureshi. Oltean. Mateescu. (General Management) (Romania) Marginean.A.).S.) (U.A. Rhode Island (continued) Session 19 (Paper Session): TP&C (continued) Author (Affiliation) Gal. Providence.N. Wechsler. (C. May 16-19. A. G.) (Romania) Cunnie.A. E. (P&L Tehnorob Co. A. Safety.) (Romania) Cunnie. May 16-19. G.S. A. Wire Session 23 (Panel Session): Equipotential Grounding 4-13 . (Power & Lighting Tehnorob S.). M. E. Rhode Island (continued) Session 20 (Paper Session): (ESMO) Engineering. Oltean.A.2011: Twelfth ESMO Conference. (Smart S.A. U. Providence. Rodean.). Maintenance of Overhead and Underground Lines and Substations … Includes Live-Line Maintenance (continued) Author (Affiliation) Florea.) Title (continued) Live-Line Procedures to be Applied for the Painting of the 400/220 kV Iron Gates (Romania) s/s Structures Painting Ground Testing of Transmission Towers Session 21 (Panel Session): Portable Protective Air Gaps (PPAG) Session 22 (Panel Session): Transmission Structures. 2011. (AEMC Instruments. A. (CN Transelectrica S. I. . Otal.) Eissa. .S.M.S. S. (Newport News) (U. (Avistar Inc. October 15-19. AbdelLatif.A.S.. U.2006: Eleventh ESMO Conference.S. Inspection and Planning Session 2: Substation Protection Technology Author (Affiliation) Worth. T.. Reliability for Hardened Systems in Substations Dispelling the Myths Associated with Spread Spectrum Radio Technology in Electric Power SCADA Networks 4-14 . A.) Johnson. U.) Title Insulated Bus Pipe (IBP) for Power Utility Applications A New Protection Scheme for Short Transmission Lines Using IEEE 802. S. U.A.) Paladino. (GarretCom Inc. Inc.) Title Implementing New Technology in an Aged Infrastructure: Case Study of Incremental Automation Predicting Future Asset Conditions Based on Current Health Index and Maintenance Level Infrastructure Aging and Maintenance Costs Are Rising—Extending the Life Expectancy of Transmission Lines Through the Use of Data. U.) Hjartarson. M.. Smith. Albuquerque.E..L. (Northrop Grumman Ship System). Masoud.A. 2006.A.S.M..S. (FreeWave Technologies Inc. (NSWCCD/ NAVSEA).S. M. R. K.A.A. C. J. D.11 Protocol Temperature vs. (Minnkota Power Coop.. M. Ali.. J. (University of Helwan. New Mexico Session 1: Aging Infrastructure and Asset Management Author (Affiliation) Willard. U. (Kinectrics Inc. Egypt) Hammond. Islam. Davis.) Panelists Title Session 6: Inspection Methods and Technology Author (Affiliation) Hunt.S. (PAR Electric).A.260 Author (Affiliation) Theis.) Panelists Title Panelists Title Session 5: Proposed Changes to OSHA Construction 1926 Subpart V and 1910. Hartley. (PG&E). October 15-19. U. (Euclid) (U. Erga. (OSMOSE). E.S.) Title Energized Line Working with Polymer Insulators for Voltages 60 kV and Above (continued) 4-15 . Albuquerque. E. 2006. R. New Mexico (continued) Session 3: Guide for the Protection of Personnel Working in the Vicinity of Wireless Communications Antennas Author (Affiliation) Brown. (ESCI Inc.A.A.S. (BPA). (WAPA. (MYR Group). S. (PG&E). J. D.F. (InfraSource Power) (U.S. B. K. T. Christiansen.) (U.) Session 4: Wood Pole Asset Management Author (Affiliation) Harris. R. (IBEW). Rasher. Brown.A. E.2006: Eleventh ESMO Conference. Johnson. Gillies.). SeungHyun (KEPRI. U.. Kolcio. Byun.) Verdecchio.. N. Romania) Grose.A. E.S. S. L. J. Canada). F. Cho.2006: Eleventh ESMO Conference. Surianu. Ardelean.D.I. T. U.A. Gal. October 15-19. (Gillies and Associates) (U. B.W (Kinectrics Inc. Albuquerque. (2K Consultants).) Dinca. (2K Consultants) (U. S. J. (Romanian National Power Grid Co... G.A.A. South Korea) Kolcio. 2006. Joon-Young. (Consultant.) Title Development of Automatic Cleaning Robot for Live-Line insulators Test Results -Test Method for Determining the Protective Performance of a Shield Attached on a Live-Line Tool or on Racking Rods for Electric Arc Hazards Session 7: Safety in Working Around Electric and Magnetic Fields and Energized Lines Author (Affiliation) Florea. C.. Byung-Hak. G. (PSE&G. Stillwagon.S. Software and Comparison with Measurements at Real Scale Personal Filters for Live-Line Workers to Mitigate the Biologic Impact of the Low Frequency Magnetic Field Causes and Control of the Maximum Anticipated per-Unit Transient Overvoltage Factor (T) Used in Energized Work Recommended Practices for Using a Helicopter in a Wire Environment 4-16 .I. Florea.A.A. A. Gal.) Title Safety of the Personnel Working on Multi-Circuit Power Overhead Lines Implies the Precise Knowledge of the Magnetic Induced Voltages— Algorithm..). Page..A. I. New Mexico (continued) Session 6: Inspection Methods and Technology (continued) Author (Affiliation) Park. (Romanian National Power Grid Co.S. Lipan. Mateescu. D..S. (Gary Guard Inc. ). J. (U. (PAR Electric) (U. (ESCI Inc. R. Rege. Albuquerque. Andrew (EPRI) (U. New Mexico (continued) Session 8: Temporary Protective Grounding Author (Affiliation) King.2006: Eleventh ESMO Conference.) Panelists Title Session 10: AEP-Wyoming-Jackson 765-kV Ferry Line Construction Project Author (Affiliation) Poff. B.S. Phillips. Dehaan. Willard.). (NYPA).S.A. C. 2006.) Panelists Title 4-17 . (ESCI Inc. Ron (AEP). (San Diego Das and Electric) (U.A.) Panelists Title Session 9: New Technologies for Monitoring Line and Substation Conditions Author (Affiliation) Schwabe. Steve (PNM Resources). James F. Pandey. Arun (EDM International). October 15-19.A. Bureau of Reclamation). T. Christiansen. Erga.S.S. A. (CPFLPaulista and USP-Sao Paulo University. (Hoosier Energy REC. R. Seely. Damon W.) Roncolatto.A.) Baskin. Clifford H. Romanelli.A.. (Altalink Management Ltd.2006: Eleventh ESMO Conference. U.A. M.. Bruce D. (Zhejang University). T..) Padavick. A. A. New Mexico (continued) Session 11: Maintenance of Distribution Facilities Author (Affiliation) Holladay.N.S.S. U. (Hunan Electric Power). Zhu...Hulman Institute of Technology) (U. October 15-19.A. Hirakawa.S. Dallman. Jeff (Austin Energy. C.A.) Kilroe. Inc. Brazil) Title Reliability Centered Maintenance Study on Voltage Regulators Methods to Mitigate Contamination and Moisture Ingress in Switchgear Austin Energy Builds Stronger Distribution System. (Safety One Inc. O. Horikawa. Grigg. Amancio. Silverio. Jerry (Federal Pacific. N. Cost Effectively with Steel Poles Automatic Elevator System for Maintenance Services Session 12: Operations Under Adverse Conditions Author (Affiliation) Wang.. (Indiana State University). Canada) Title Impacts of the Blackout on August 14 on the Renovation of Power Market in China Snow Rescue Task Force Utility Flight Operations. He. (China Southern Power Grid) (China) Marcoux. W. 2006. H.).S. Albuquerque. Flights for Light 4-18 . S.X.. U. (Rose.M. Carriera. New Mexico (continued) Session 13: Shifting the Risk – Outsourcing and EPC Projects in Utilities Author (Affiliation) Maslonka.) Session 14: Live-Working with NCI/Polymer Author (Affiliation) Phillips. (BPA) (U. October 15-19. R. 2006. M. K. Chris (Consultant).S.).S. (AEP. Brown.S. B. Haunty. (K-Line Insulators. (Quanta Services) (U. Albuquerque.A. Rod (Power Engineers). Poff. T. (InfraSource Power). Trump. (EPRI). Ken (Gulf Power) (U. U.2006: Eleventh ESMO Conference. Marlette. A.S.A.) Panelists Title 4-19 .A.A.) Panelists Title Panelists Title Session 15: Restoration and Construction During Natural Disasters and in Hazardous Environments Author (Affiliation) Riehl. (Force Capital Partners) Bosco. Canada). J. New Mexico (continued) Session 16: Ratings. Murray. K. U. (Alabama Power) (U.A. Oye. (BPA).S. R.. October 15-19.2006: Eleventh ESMO Conference. J.).) Reisdorff. N.. Halpin. Lazar. Fitzgerald. (Auburn Univ. Dynamic Thermal Rating System Relieves Transmission Constraint B.)) Using the Phase Raiser Structure Lifting System to Increase Groundline Clearances Session 17: Management of Lines and Substation Assets – Guideline for Emergency Resource Planning for Overhead Transmission Line Asset Owners Author (Affiliation) Brown. E.S.L. Albuquerque. Electric Field and Structures for Transmission Lines Author (Affiliation) Horton. (Xcel). R. K. (Shaw Energy Delivery Serv. D.A. (NSP/Xcel). Gust.S. (Laminated Wood Systems Inc. (Alabama Power). (Xcel) (U. J. R.A. (Shaw Energy Delivery Serv.). (Marshall Municipal Utilities). Lawry.S.) Title Induced Voltage in Parallel Transmission Lines Caused by Electric Field Induction Engineered Wood Structures for the Electric Utility and Telecommunications Industries Ausen.A.).A.) Reisdorff.F. (Lindsey Manuf. (OSMOSE).) Panelists Title 4-20 . R. Wallace. U. M. McCarthy.) (U.A.S. T. 2006. (Laminated Wood Systems Inc. (CenterPoint Energy) (U.) Panelists Title Session 20: High Capacity.S. Chan. Harness. Damianakes. M. P. Blum.). R.S.2006: Eleventh ESMO Conference. R.A. (USFWS).A.S.A. D. New Mexico (continued) Session 18: Avian/Bird Protection Part 1 Author (Affiliation) Roper. (Siemens Energy) (U. Part 1 Author (Affiliation) McCoy. (PG&E) (U. (ACA Conductor Accessories). Albuquerque. (EPRI). C.) Panelists Title 4-21 . J. (TransElect). Schultz. High Temp Conductor Safety Considerations and Work Methods. Reynolds. (International Transmission Co. 2006. D.) Panelists Title Session 19: Independent (Merchant) Transmission Projects Author (Affiliation) McCoy. October 15-19. R.J. (EDM International). . Res.) Title Protective Grounding Methods and Requirements on Distribution Line Wood Pole Construction Qabazard. A. C. Corrosion and Electric & Magnetic Fields Author (Affiliation) Garrett. Song. South Korea) Nielsen. On-Site PD Diagnosis of Power Cables Using the Oscillating Voltage Method Germany). U..S. The Netherlands). New Mexico (continued) Session 21: Distribution Cables and Regulators Author (Affiliation) Title Petzold. Albuquerque.E. Elhirbawy. R. (Delft Univ. Oetjen. Shashi (NEETRAC) (U. (Inertia Eng.) Development of Improved Underground Distribution Power Cables Minimizing Outages and Safe Switching of Line Regulators Session 22: Grounding. K. Kuwait) Korasli. E. Kim. October 15-19.S.2006: Eleventh ESMO Conference. 2006.. Indeliecto.A. (SEBAKMT GmbH. (Alabama Power). M. Gulski.S.. Kim. L. Ju-Yong. M.) Lee. of Techn.. Ground Resistance Measurement Using Fall-of-Potential Method Using Capacitive Test Probes 4-22 .A. Il-Keun. Beigert.M. For Corrosion and Electromagnetic Field Coupling in the State of Kuwait Scient. H. F. Wallace. Jae-Bong.A..A. (Kuwait Inst.. Byung-Sook (KEPRI. (HDE Electronics. C. U. Patel. A. of New Mexico). Albuquerque. Ayres. D. High Temp Conductor Safety Considerations and Work Methods. M. (Nat. Bridges.S.S. (EDM Intern. New Mexico (continued) Session 23: Avian/Bird Protection. Harness. (3M). Precekm R. of New Mexico) (U. J. Center)..) Panelists Title 4-23 . Co.) (U. R. Part 2 Author (Affiliation) Acklen. (WAPA). October 15-19. (Raychem).A.) Session 24: Fire Retardant Issues Author (Affiliation) Not available Panelists Title Panelists Title Session 25: High Capacity. A.2006: Eleventh ESMO Conference.K. 2006. (EDM Intern. (Public Serv. (Public Serv. M. (CTC Cable Corp.).). J. Padney. Stine. J. Cummings. Wildlife Res. Part 2 Author (Affiliation) Johnson. Co. D. Shriner. A. Grimsley. Tomaseski.2003: Tenth ESMO Conference.A. (MYR Group.) (U. Theis. (Southern California Edison).) Panelists Title Panelists Title 4-24 . (EDM International).) Session 3: Last Mile Fiber Deployment Solution Author (Affiliation) Eckman Jr. April 6-10. C. of New Mexico). A.S. Canada).S. Stewart. U. Naumann. J. B. (Public Serv. Co. A. Phillips. Dobbins.S. (Toronto Hydro.A.). (Linear Visions). (AFL Telecommunications): Lundeen. U.) Panelists Title Session 2: Utility Monitoring & Tracking Systems for Outages and Maintenance of Transmission Lines Author (Affiliation) Hickman. O. (IBEW. Florida Session 1: The Effects of Deregulation on Safety Author (Affiliation) Bailey.A. S. Orlando.S.). (EPRI) (U. J. (Dura-Line Corp. A. T. 2003. (Oasis Micro Networks Inc. J. (Hydro-Quebec.A. South Africa) Ferrnandez. (IREQ.G. Canada) Montambault. (Eskom. Florida (continued) Session 4: Inspection and Maintenance Techniques Author (Affiliation) Schweiner.) Kilroe. K. Visser. Lindsey. E. (Lindsey Manf.E. S.2003: Tenth ESMO Conference.S. E.. (Cobra) Spain) Title Equilibrium Between Environmental Protection and T&D of Electric Utility: A Case Study of Seychelles Fiber Optic Roll Out on ESKOM Transmission System Working Method for Live-Line Optic Fibre Stringing 4-25 . Republic of Seychelles) Marshall.J. G. R..A. (Atalink LP.R. April 6-10. Vishwakarma. K. Fernandez. Fernandez M.) (U. N. LADWP). (Public Utilities Corp. S. Meloche.. Twomey.. R.. C. Canada) Title Transmission Line Emergency Restoration Philosophy at Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Line Inspection . N.. J.. Pouliot.Eyes and Ears of RCM Innovative Tools for Better Live-Line Maintenance The HQ LineROVer: Contributing to Innovation in Transmission Line Maintenance Session 5: Fiber Optics and Environmental Protection Author (Affiliation) Banerjee. Orlando. C. Canada) Dansereau. (Red Electrica). Beauregard. R. S. 2003. L. 2003. S. Florida (continued) Session 6: Changes to the Conductor Stringing Guide: IEEE Standard 524 Author (Affiliation) Proctor. Frey.L. (HeliMax Ltd.) (U. (PG&E) (U.S. April 6-10. (Fiber Planners). (GAI Consultants Inc. Magnus.). Buchholz.). (Proctor Eng.) Panelists Title Session 7: Foundation Construction in Today’s World Author (Affiliation) Haag. D. Serv. (PSE&G).). D. (Nicholson Construction Co.) Panelists Title Session 8: Guide for the Maintenance of Energized Power Lines Author (Affiliation) Verdecchio.S. Orlando.).). F.A.S. K. Newman.2003: Tenth ESMO Conference. Serv.A. F. (Sherman &Reilley Inc. (Proctor Eng. Proctor.) Panelists Title 4-26 .B. B. T.M.A.) (U. D. (Irby Construction Co. Caulkins. R. Pearlman. M. Santos.. (ELETRONORTE) (Brasil) Title Conductor Cable Substitution Using the Live-Line Technique Improvement in the 500kV Substations Using Barehand Methods Without Outage of Power Flow in Brazil's North-South Interconnection (continued) 4-27 . (Hot Line Construcoes Electricas).L.C.. (Hot Line Construcoes Electricas).E. 2003.A. C. L. (Israel El. A.L. April 6-10.A.. Mailey.N. R. M.. Lacasse. (Manitoba Hydro. and Grounds Author (Affiliation) Mendes. Orlando. (Laminated Wood Systems Inc. (EPRI. Braga.A.2003: Tenth ESMO Conference. Israel) Ostendorp. Canada) Tukachinsky. Canada) Title The Henday Radisson Dorsey 500kV DC Transmission Line Spacer Damper Rehabilitation Project Combined Lattice-Tubular Electric Pole Ground Line Corrosion Damage Activity and Damage Assessment for Direct Embedded Steel Structures and Guy Anchors Lifting Structures to Increase Ground Line Clearances Applicability of Resistance and Temperature Measurements for the Characterization of Full Tension Compression Splices Session 10: Live-Line Maintenance. RF Protection.R. U.C.) Reisdorff.P.X..S. (IREQ. J. G.) Comte. U. (COELBA) (Brasil) Assad.. M.W.S. Corp. Rosa. S.. Hardware & Clearances Author (Affiliation) Smith.A.J. Florida (continued) Session 9: Structures. Pinheiro..G. R. R. (BPA) (U. J..2003: Tenth ESMO Conference.. R.J. (KEMA Consult. K. of T&D Comm.A.S.).. Techn. Maintenance. (K-Line Insulators. Bush. Page. A. T. N. RF Protection. (T&D World Magazine). (NGKPanelists Locke Polymer Insul. PES. 2003. (GE Energy Serv. and Grounds (continued) Author (Affiliation) ESMOL Subcomm. Rasler.A.S. Chisholm. T. (AEP). (Potomac El.) (U. IEEE Kolcio. W. Pierpoint.). R. J. R. (EPRI).).. Co. Sweden). Foland.A. Florida (continued) Session 10: Live-Line Maintenance. April 6-10. R.). Canada) Title RF Protection of Personnel Working in the Vicinity of Wireless Communications Antennas Attached to Electric Power Line Structures Electrical Resistance Data from Fault Tests for 2/0 and 4/0 Temporary Grounding Jumpers Session 11: Remote Monitoring & Diagnostics for Power Equipment Author (Affiliation) Spare. Orlando. Carreira. Phillips. Pow. (Ontario Hydro Pow. Canada) Title 4-28 . T. (Arizona State Univ.) (U. R.) Panelists Title Session 12: Inspection. Gorur.S. and Change Out of In-Service Polymer Insulators Author (Affiliation) Hartings.).S. U.).A. Canada). Burnham.S. (Lakeland El. Dotson. (Kinectrics.A. Brown. Canada). (STRI. B. (PG&E) (U. A. April 6-10.) (U. I. and Distribution Service Drops Author (Affiliation) Gravito. Orlando.S. Z.. (King Fahd Univ. N.) Thorne. Poles. Florida (continued) Session 13: Emergency Rescue Methods Author (Affiliation) Roberts. U. L.A. F. R. Brazil) Hamoudi.2003: Tenth ESMO Conference. (Ropes that Rescue Ltd. (POWER Engineers Inc..of Petroleum and Minerals) (Saudi Arabia) Title Inspection and Maintenance of Wooden Pole Structures Reliability and Cost Effectiveness of Silicone Rubber Insulators in the Eastern Coastal Industrial Area of Saudi Arabia (continued) 4-29 . Davidson. Al-Hamouz. L.M. (Altra Medical Corp.A. (CEMIG.).S. dos Santos Filho.. (Saudi Electric Co. G.S. 2003.) Panelists Title Session 15: Insulation. U. (Consultant).) Panelist Rope Access for Transmission Line Maintenance and Construction (TLM&C) Trends in Safely Managing Power Delivery Systems Title Session 14: P1441 – Guide to the Inspection of Overhead Lines Author (Affiliation) Consalvo. (SEL Inc.A. Italy) Title Assessing the Integrity and Remaining Service Life of Vintage High-Voltage Ceramic Insulators Electromechanical Fuse for Storm Damage Mitigation and Outage Reduction on Distribution Line Customer Service Drops Conversion With Live Maintenance of the Medium Tension Power Lines (15 kV) from Rigid Insulators Into String Insulators Session 16: Fault Locating With Distance Relays Author (Affiliation) Hou. (ICORP-IFOAM Specialty Products).S. Rope. Florida (continued) Session 15: Insulation. (EPRI. Orlando. D.) Boschetti. U. J. Healy. (Osmose Inc.) Ostendorp.).) Panelists Title Session 17: Wood Pole Maintenance and Repair Author (Affiliation) Landers. Poles. B.A. M. (ENEL. M. and Distribution Service Drops (continued) Author (Affiliation) Ostendorp.S. Reed.A.) (U. P. (EPRI. U. (Koppers Industries).. B. M.S. T.A. 2003. Royse. April 6-10.2003: Tenth ESMO Conference.) Panelists Title 4-30 .S. (Progress Energy Carolinas) (U. ) (U. Salisbury).A.. U. Hoagland. N. H. (W. P. A.) (U. (DTE Energy Technologies Inc.) Title Repair or Replace? Reliability Assessment of Primary XLPE Distribution Cable Systems in the Utility Industry A Pragmatic Approach to a Complex Problem Condition Assessment of Distribution and Transmission Class Voltage Cable Systems VLF Testing and Diagnosis on Medium Voltage Power cables Prevention of Potential Hazards in Underground System Maintenance Srinivas. Orlando. Neal.)... T. Ahmed. Ostrovsky. April 6-10.S. (Hoagland Consult.A. 2003. (ESCI. Maur.A.2003: Tenth ESMO Conference. N. (Neal Assoc. (BAUR Prufund Messtechnik.S.).N. U. Schlick. T.) Panelists Title Session 19: Reliability and Assessment of Cable Systems Author (Affiliation) Oetjen. M.. C.S.) Mohaupt. (HDW Electronics Inc.S. H.H. V.) 4-31 .A. Germany) King. (Bingham Consult. Florida (continued) Session 18: The Thermal Effects of the Electric Arc Author (Affiliation) Bingham. 2003: Tenth ESMO Conference, April 6-10, 2003, Orlando, Florida (continued) Session 20: Reasons for Sag and Clearance Errors Author (Affiliation) Chisholm, B. (Kinectrics, Canada); Douglass, D. (PDC Inc.); Black, B. (Georgia Tech. Univ.); Reding, J. (BPA) (U.S.A.) Panelists Title Session 21: Live Working with New Testing Methods Author (Affiliation) Gela, G. (EPRI, U.S.A.); Chisholm, B. (Kinectrics, Canada); Rasler, T. (PG&E); Springer, P. (NEETRAC) (U.S.A.) Panelists Title Session 22: Managing Helicopter Operations in Utility Systems Author (Affiliation) Dow, J.W. (Aerotec); Branbury, A. (SCE); Burns, R. (Haverfield Helicopter) (U.S.A.) Panelists Title 4-32 2003: Tenth ESMO Conference, April 6-10, 2003, Orlando, Florida (continued) Session 23: Lineman Training in Deregulated South America Author (Affiliation) Bilek, K. (Global Live Line); Meekings, W. (PSE&G) (U.S.A.); Smith, R. (SAESA, Chile) Panelists Title Session 24: December 2002 Carolina Ice Storm Restoration Author (Affiliation) West, D. (Duke Energy); Joyner, J. (Progress Energy Carolinas); Price, Ph. (Wahe El. Memb. Coop.) (U.S.A.) Panelists Title 4-33 2000: Ninth ESMO Conference, October 8-12, 2000, Montreal, Canada Session 1: Fiber Optics Installation, Maintenance, and Reliability Author (Affiliation) Borrows, M.J. (BPA, U.S.A.); Pon, C. (Kinectrcs, Canada); Taylor, R.L. (Salt River Project, U.S.A.) Panelists Title Session 2: Live-Line Work Techniques Author (Affiliation) Braga, A.; Braga, M. (Hot Line Construcoes); da Veiga, D.; da Silva Moreira, I. (COPEL, Brazil) Montambault, S.; Cote, J.; St. Louis, M. (Hydro Quebec, Canada) Al- Bassam, A.; Al Dehami, A.; Gafoor, K.S.A. (Saudi Electric Co., Saudi Arabia) Gela, G. (EPRI, U.S.A.); Vincent, C. (Hydro Quebec); Charest, M. (ABM Charest Consultants) (Canada) Title Upgrading and Refurbishment of an Energized Transmission Line Preliminary Results on the Development of a Teleoperated Compact Trolley for Live Working Adoption of “Live Line Work” in S.E.C. Central Region Branch, Saudi Arabia IEC/TC 78 “Live Working”: Structure, Strategy, and Program of Work 4-34 2000: Ninth ESMO Conference, October 8-12, 2000, Montreal, Canada (continued) Session 3: Helicopter Construction and Maintenance Inspection Methods Author (Affiliation) Anderson, J. (Erickson Air Crane Co.); Horn, R. (AgRotors Haverfield) (U.S.A.) Panelists Title Session 4: Restoration Techniques - Distribution Author (Affiliation) Lauderdale, C. (Reliant Energy, U.S.A.); Levasseur, R. (Hydro Quebec, Canada) Panelists Title Session 5: Insulator Cleaning Methods Author (Affiliation) Burnham, J.T. (NGK Locke, U.S.A.) Chisholm, W.A.; Kuffel, J. (Kinectrics Inc.); Kwan, F.; Kydd, T. (HydroOne) (Canada) Rasler, T. (PG&E, U.S.A.) Thomas, K. (Arizona Public Serv., U.S.A.) Title Washing Withstand Test on Energized Porcelain Station Post Insulators Hydro-One Smart Washing Program; The Seven Year Itch Establishing a Maximum Stream Length Distance Insulator Washing 4-35 2000: Ninth ESMO Conference, October 8-12, 2000, Montreal, Canada (continued) Session 6: Insulated Conductors Author (Affiliation) Boone, W. (KEMA, U.S.A.) Tarnowski, J.; Ioordanescu, M.; Awad, R. (HydroQuebec, Canada) Croteau, A.; Dubuc, Y. (Hydro-Quebec); Pelletier, J.-G. (Pelcam Technologies) (Canada) Title Branched Cable Circuits Testing: Meeting a New Challenge Restraining Devices to Counter the Migration of High-Voltage Cables in Duct Panocam: A Digital High-Resolution Panoramic Camera for Underground Installations Survey Session 7: In-Service Testing of Live-Line Tools Author (Affiliation) Dacome, R. (Manitoba Hydro); Page, J. (Ontario Power Generation) (Canada); Panelists Title Session 8: Restoration Techniques Author (Affiliation) Al- Bassam, A. (Saudi Electric Co., Saudi Arabia); Gervais R. (Hydro Quebec, Canada) Blackout Restoration Techniques (continued) Title 4-36 Breakers. Canada) Agrawal. K. M. (Consultant. (Hydro Quebec.A. M. A. Co.) Pohlman. India. (EnergyLine) Panelists Title 4-37 .S. (Hydro-Quebec. 2000. C. U.. (HydroQuebec. (Lindsey Manf.2000: Ninth ESMO Conference. R. (Power Grid Corp.A. Venne. India). October 8-12.N. (CITEQ). Slimani. (Schneider Electric). Montreal. R. J.. U.) Title De-Icing EHV Overhead Transmission Lines Using Electromagnetic Forces Generated by Moderate Short Circuit Currents Planning and Training to Reduce Restoration Time for Damaged Transmission Lines in India The Case for Universal Standards to Cover the Structural Components and Practices Used in Emergency Restoration Systems Session 9: Catastrophic Transmission & Substation Failures – What Have We Learned? Author (Affiliation) Not available Not available Title Session 10: Distribution Transformers. Erickson.S. Chaaban. M. Switches and Arresters Author (Affiliation) Bidaut. Canada (continued) Session 8: Restoration Techniques (continued) Author (Affiliation) Landry. Beauchemin. D. Canada).. Kearns. Bergeron. L. P. Canada). A. Montreal. J. (UtiliCorp.S. Canada) Session 12: Inspection of Overhead Lines Author (Affiliation) Ostendorp. (ESCI.) Tamm. Canada (continued) Session 11: Grounding Techniques Author (Affiliation) Erga. (EPRI.O. B. B. Renowden. (Consultant. Australia) Title Probabilistic Assessment of Risk Associated with Mobile Antennas on HighVoltage Towers (continued) 4-38 . (Snell Infrared). P. J.) and Distribution Lines Frate..A. (Hydro Quebec. U.S. Canada) Evaluation of Overhead Line and Joint Performance with High-Definition Thermography Session 13: Safety Aspects Related to Mobile Telephone Antennas in High-Voltage Towers (Part 1) Author (Affiliation) Carman. C. 2000. D.. U. (Consultant) Improving Results of Thermographic Inspections of Electrical Transmission (U. W.A. J. Morgan.S. U. R.D. (Energy Australia. Gagnon. Vilandre. October 8-12.S.A.. Damsereau. R.2000: Ninth ESMO Conference. M.) Title Innovative Airborne Inventory and Technology for Electric Power Line Condition Assessments and Defect Reporting Stored Energy Electrical Connectors Panelists Title Snell. Hotte. (Cyto Meridian. Canada).. .E. Canada (continued) Session 13: Safety Aspects Related to Mobile Telephone Antennas in High-Voltage Towers (Part 1) (continued) Lessard.).A. U.) Milodragovich. F. van Deursen. B.A. J.B. Bedrijf) (The Netherlands) Touminen. Fish & Wildlife Serv.).M. of Tech.S. (NUON Tech. van Riet.M (NUON Tech. Bedrijf).. G.) Hartman. Emerging Issues Not available Mitigating Avian Interaction: What Products are Available? Title 4-39 .2000: Ninth ESMO Conference. M..J.S. U. Montreal. M.) Safety Issues Related to the Connection of Medium Voltage and High Voltage Grounding Systems Outside Substations Safety Aspects Related to the Installation of Mobile Telephone Antennas on High Voltage Towers Safety Aspects of GSM Systems on High Voltage Towers Not available Session 14: Birds and Power Lines: Emerging Issues Author (Affiliation) Gale.S. J.J.A. U. Provoost. (U. R.S. Canada) Poulin. (BPA). Canada) van Waes. S. U.) Harness. 2000. (EDM Intl. (Bell Canada. October 8-12. of Tech. J. (Hydro-Quebec. A.A. (Montana Power Co.P.S. (Eindhoven Univ. (Eindhoven Univ. (Kaddas Enterprises) Not available Raptor Electrocutions. October 8-12. J. (Power Tech. (Consultant) (U.Transformers Author (Affiliation) Poulin. H.). G. (Hydro-Quebec). (GE Syprotec) Panelists Title Session 17: New Development in Protective Clothing Author (Affiliation) Bingham. A. (Lyncole XIT Grounding) (U. (ABB).S. Aubin. Canada) IEEE/ESMOL Task Force 1067 Panelists Title Service-Aged Conductive Clothing Measurements: ESMOL Task Force Revision of IEEE Standard 1967-1996 4-40 . (Hydro-Quebec. (Bingham Asoc.). Picher. S. (Dairyland El.A.2000: Ninth ESMO Conference. Montreal.S. Ind. J. Krymer. H.) Panelists Title Session 16: Substations . B.A.) (Canada). P. 2000. Canada (continued) Session 15: Innovative Grounding Techniques Author (Affiliation) Tachick. D. Krizow. Watts. (Secutitex).). Vandermaar.A. Gillies. N.. Co. U..) (U. Olenik. Canada (continued) Session 18: Vibration Analysis Author (Affiliation) Kilroe.2000: Ninth ESMO Conference. (Narda Manuf.) Leblond.A.S.A. U. (Ropes That Rescue Ltd. J.. B. (Neville Ross .S. Canada) Sunkle. M.A. D. Hardy. A.) (Canada) Title Aerial Method to Mitigate Vibration on Transmission Towers Determination of Damping Effectiveness on ADSS Assessment of Safe Design Tension with Regard to Aeolian Vibrations of Single Overhead Conductors Session 19: Safety Aspects Related to Mobile Telephone Antennas in High-Voltage Towers (Part 2) Author (Affiliation) Johnson. (TransAlta Corp. U.) Panelists Title Session 20: Rescue Techniques Author (Affiliation) Thorne. J.) Title Life Safety Rope Strategies for Transmission Structures Rescue Practice Without Risk (continued) 4-41 .S.H&SC. (Euclid Garment Manuf. October 8-12. (Preformed Line Products. Fullerman. R. Amato. N. Co.S.. (Hydro Quebec). (Claude Hardy Intl. Montreal. 2000.D. C.).) Ross.A. . Muneo Yuya (Togami El. E.. A.). Canada) Lavoie.). Manuf. R.). Inst. Pow. Of El.) (Japan) Barry. (HydroQuebec..O. Canada (continued) Session 20: Rescue Techniques (continued) Author (Affiliation) Dacombe. (Hydro-Quebec.) (Japan) Seiji Higashi. Pow. 2000. J. Lassard. Guay.F. Ind. Canada) Title Safe Work Practices for Downed Conductors Adjacent to Energized HVDC/ HVAC Transmission Lines Low Voltage Grounding Clamp Session 21: Distribution Systems Author (Affiliation) Hiroyuki Uenzono (Kyushu El. Yasuo Takemoto (Yaskawa El.). S. Co.. P. R. Corp. Guerette. Canada) Title Development of a Fault Current Limiter for 22 kV Distribution System Development of a Watt-Hour Meter Data Recognition Device Digital Real Time Simulation for Distribution Systems Underground Distribution Vaults with Environmental Control (continued) 4-42 . Giroux.. Canada) Courchesne. Montreal. (Hydro-Quebec. Pow. Co. Co. Pelletier. P. Koko Kusumoto (Kyuki Corp. Kuyoteru Kubo.. F.2000: Ninth ESMO Conference. October 8-12. (Manitoba Hydro. Toshiaki Yoshiura Kyushu E. Hiroyuki Kako (Central Res. Montreal. U. Lehoux. (Hydro Quebec) (Canada). (Electronorte) (Brazil) Beaupre. (Virginia Power.) (U. R. C.D.A. Secato. M. (Hydro-Quebec. (GE-Harris) (Canada) Foata.. (SNEMO).T.A. (LTDA).S. Martins. 2000. Menard. Ele. McVey.. (HydroQuebec.) Desbiens. Braga. Griffin. Rajotte. Beauchemin.) Title Mounting of Bypass Disconnect Switches on Energized 138 kV and 230 kV Substation with Barehand Technique Advanced Monitoring Technologies for Substations On-Line Testing of On-Load Tap Changers with a Portable Acoustic System Capacitor Measurement in the Substation Environment: A New Approach 4-43 .S. (Whole Systems Int. October 8-12. P. L. J. Canada) Sevigny. D. S. M.2000: Ninth ESMO Conference.). A.A. R. C. (ACE Experts-Conseils Inc.).. (Applied Resources Group). M. Berger. Rajotte. M. R. (Hydro-Quebec). R. (Hot Line Constr. D.X.. Canada) Title Learning Tools for Success in the Deregulated Energy Industry Reinforcing the Overhead Distribution Network Session 22: Substation Testing and Live-Line Work Author (Affiliation) Assad. Canada (continued) Session 21: Distribution Systems (continued) Author (Affiliation) D’Aquanni. M. C. C.) Panelists Title Session 24: Direct Embedded Foundations Author (Affiliation) Haldar. Canada (continued) Session 23: Data Collection and Measurement Methods for Transmission Line Assets Author (Affiliation) Kuhnke. Inc.S.. (RSW Inc. Co.. (GAI Consult. J.). Canada) Newman.S. D. A. A. Inc. Stewart.2000: Ninth ESMO Conference. F. (GAI Consult.S. Inc. (Public Serv.A. Inc. October 8-12. U.B. A.) Hanson.). Heckman. Mitchell. (EDM Intern. (Terra Remote Sensing Inc.A.) (U. 2000.) Not available Direct Embedded Pole Foundations in Soil and/or Rock Direct Embedment of Open-Ended Steel Caissons for Steel Pole Transmission Line Structures Considering High Lateral Earth Pressures in Saprolite Saves on Foundation Costs Title 4-44 . Canada) DiGioia Jr. Montreal. (GEO-Digital Techn. U. (Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro. of New Mexico).A. U. Fortin.S.S.) Balak. Canada) Title Invest in the Training of Lineworkers Manitoba Hydro Live-Line Training Lineman Apprenticeship Hiring and Training Guidelines Not available Session 26: Test and Measurement Author (Affiliation) Shaffner. Canada) Gela. Corp. U.) Title Experience with a Composite Insulator Testing Instrument Based on the Electric Field Method Crest Ground Resistance of a HV Tower / Practical Measurement with a Portable Impulse Generator of a Few Amps Electrical Performance of Cover-Up Equipment (continued) 4-45 .S.) Poliqui.S. Vaillancourt.A. (AEP) (U.A. of Builders and Contactors Inst.. U.H.. J.A. (BPA) (U.2000: Ninth ESMO Conference. October 8-12. W. (Florida Pow. R. D. (IBEW. (Hydro-Quebec. J..L. D. (Manitoba Hydro. Ruff. (Assoc.-F. D. (PGE).) Toms. 2000.A. (Consultant. (EPRI). Canada (continued) Session 25: Training and Development of Linemen Author (Affiliation) Tomaseski. (Hydro-Quebec. J.S.A. G.H. Montreal. Canada) Lanoie. L. Kolcio. Canada) Foster. N.). G. W. G. U. Canada) Rajotte.. M.) Oetjen.) Assessing the Electrical and Mechanical Integrity of Composite Insulators (U. P. (Hydro-Quebec) (Canada) Aitcin.-L. A. (Gnerlich Inc. Beck. Jolicouer. (Alabama Power Co. (Univ. V.) (U. M. Ostendorp.S..S.). G. C. P. Canada). D. de Sherbrook.1 Hz VLF Test Method Title Session 28: T&D Structures and RCM Author (Affiliation) Fournier.2000: Ninth ESMO Conference. Canada) Title Mixed-Composite Modular Poles for Distribution and Transportation of Electricity A 100-m Prefabricated Concrete Pole: Why Not? Reliability-Centered Maintenance Implementation in Hydro-Québec Transmission System 4-46 . Y.) Panelists Preventive Maintenance Testing of Primary XLPE Underground Distribution Cables and the Application of the 0. Delgrave.A. Gnerlich.A. H.S. Canada (continued) Session 26: Test and Measurement (continued) Gela. Gocevski. H..) Assessing the Integrity of Vintage Ceramic Insulators Session 27: Transmission & Distribution Underground Cable Fault Location Author (Affiliation) Parpal. Mitchell. (EPRI. (Genilex Inc.A. (HDW Electronics. (Hydro-Quebec. Mashikian. R. (EPRI).. 2000.C.A.) Prior to Live Working Gela. U.S. (IMCORP). (IREQ. October 8-12. Montreal. J. L. T.. Montreal. Ferraro. L.. India) Braga. Germain. Hetu. (Hydro-Quebec). J.A.2000: Ninth ESMO Conference. Barzil) Cote. G. A. (Hot Line Construcoes El. Johnson. Canada (continued) Session 29: Right-of-Way Vegetation Management Author (Affiliation) Lesieur. (PSE&G. Ltda. (Nova Scotia Power) (Canada). (BC Hydro). Verdecchio. Wells. R. Edy. (EPRI). St. 2000.) Title Portable Earthing Equipment: An Advanced Maintenance Technique for 400kV Double-Circuit Transmission Line Under Induced Voltage Condition Conductor Cable Replacement on an Energized Transmission Line Capacity Indicator and Load Measuring System for Aerial Devices Live Re-Stringing of 138kV Lines 4-47 . A.E.N. (Hydro-Quebec.A. Moore.S. Canada) Gela. J.. T. (Waldrum Panelists Specialties). R. (Power Grid Corp.) Title Session 30: Inspection of Conductor Systems Author (Affiliation) Agrawal. (Asplundh Tree Expert Co.. of India. October 8-12. U. N.S. U. G.. Taloverya. H. U. Program of Work and Market Relevance" 4-48 .A. N.A) Title Session 2: Energized Work Methods Author (Affiliation) Marshall. (PSE&G) (U.. (Duke Energy. V. Orlando. (EPRI). G. Dyakov. Charest. G. R. V. A. (UPRI). Fox.. C. Verdecchio.S... (Vinnitsa State Tech. R. Live Working on Vintage 138-kV Steel Lattice Structures T.) Title Live Work in ESKOM Transmission Automated Apparatus for Live Work on Overhead Transmission Lines Gela.-Japan). Florida Session 1: Overhead Fiber Optic Installation Techniques (APGW. (ABM Charest Consultants. Udod. (Alcoa Fujikura. G.A. (ESKOM.J. M. 1998.H.). South Africa) Malchonov. April 26-30. K.S. Gela.).. U. (EPRI. ADSS and Skywrap) Author (Affiliation) Baker. J.A. (EPRI.) \(Ukraine). E..S. Rubanenko..I.1998: Eighth ESMO Conference. U. United Kingdom). Dobbins. Harding.. E.) Gela.A. H. (FOCAS.S. Ivanov. Canada) "IEC / TC78 ‘Live Working’: Background. Structure. Visser. Panelists Dalals.S. U. Ferraro.E. Univ. (AGRotors Helicopters. P. V.A..S. Horn. U. ) (Japan) Di Gioia.) Title Development of Load-Balance Arm Working Method Development of Construction Methods for Distribution Line Materials Using a Robot System Controlled from the Ground Granular Backfill Selection for Direct Embedded Poles Rock-Socketed Drilled Shaft Design for Lateral Loads 4-49 . Stanhope.S.). T. Anwar Hirany (EPRI) (U. S. (GAI Consultants). H. M.. Newman.. And Shipbuilding Co. A.) (U.B. (Dominion Textile Protective Fabric Group).. F. Yamato Uno (Mitsui Eng. Florida (continued) Session 3: Protective Clothing for Workers Author (Affiliation) Neal.. (Southern Mills Inc...). Anwar Hirany (EPRI) (U. Kenji Hara.). Jr. Bingham. Rose.A.A. Watts. F. 1998.S. A. Michio Mino.A. (Nasco Industries Panelists Inc. (Westex Inc. And Shipbuilding Co.) Di Gioia. A. Orlando. A. April 26-30. Jr. C. Morin. Newman. (GAI Consultants). Rose. (DuPont): Hoagland.) Title Session 4: Innovative Construction Methods Author (Affiliation) Yasukazu Andou (Chubu Electric Power).) (Japan) Yasukazu Andou (Chubu Electric Power).1998: Eighth ESMO Conference.B. A.S. Kazuyoshi Honma (AICHI Corp. Hirotaka Oohashi (Mitsui Eng. (Bingham Consultants). (Dura-Line Corp. (Osmose Wood Preserving Inc. U. B.) Panelists Title 4-50 . Bosley.A. Orlando. (IBEW. April 26-30. Doering Associates. Mitchell.S. (J.).). (OSHA. (IEEE/NESC).137.S.) Doering.S.F. U. (Pirelli Cable Corp. 1910.) Session 6: NESC/OSHA Update Author (Affiliation) Vogel.A.) (U. (PECO Energy Co.A.1998: Eighth ESMO Conference.) (U. U. (Alabama Power Co. Reilly.269 & Subpart V Deregulation of Electric Utility Industry NESC Update (Construction & Maintenance Standards) Title Panelists Title Session 7: New Technologies in Underground Fiber Optic Installations Author (Affiliation) Davidson..).F.A. S. N. G.) (U. McGee.A.) Wallis. Canada). D.A.). Lundeen. D. B. (Baltimore Gas & Electric Co.) Tomaseski. L.S. Florida (continued) Session 5: OH Transmission Maintenance Management Programs Author (Affiliation) Bingel III.) Panelists OSHA Update 1910. (Alabama Power Co. (Cable Systems Internaitonal). (BC Hydro. D. J. Blakely. U. S.S.R. 1998. J. Thompson. J.A.S.S. D. W. Crouse. J. Lessard.). (Bangor Hydro-Electric) (U.A.S. G.A. (E. Canada). April 26-30.) Crangle. France) Panelists Title 4-51 . Jones Associates.) (U.C.A.A.C. (Associated Training Corp.) Blackley. Orlando. (Gillies & Associates). Gilles. U. (Danford L. (Gary Guard Inc. (EDF.S. U. J. 1998.A. J.S.A.). E. T. Pot.F.) Title Maintaining Line Worker Safety Through Maintenance and Testing of Protective Grounding Equipment "‘Zero Injury’ Safety Program Implementation as Related to Current Construction Industry Financial Risk Management: A Success Story" Testing Personal Protective Grounds Safety Shield for Hot Sticks -Protection from Electric Arc Test Results and Field Experience Session 9: Robotics in Live Working Author (Affiliation) Kulcsar. Canada). Florida (continued) Session 8: Safety and Grounding Author (Affiliation) King.A. (Chance.1998: Eighth ESMO Conference.S. (IREQ. Stillwagon. C.) Jones. S. (Construction Risk Management. Florida (continued) Session 10: Fall Protection – Programs and Products Author (Affiliation) Sulowski. (Power Tech.A. D. M. Orlando. (Consultant) (U. Pohlman. Goodwin. Kondziolka. (Southwest Res. Spain). (OSHA). M. (Entergy Corp. U.). J..S.A. Inst. April 26-30. Beehler. (Salt River Project). Portillo. (Pisa Univ. (Consultant. (Red Electrica.) Panelists Title Session 12: Insulator Cleaning Methods Author (Affiliation) Eckman. U.).). J. Wallis.S. R. Inc.S. J. 1998.M. Canada). E. (Burns & McDonnell)..A. D. (SCE. Tomaseski. A. Pelicchi. Henkener. J.) Panelists Title Session 11: Line and Structure Upgrades Author (Affiliation) Douglass.J. Italy) Panelists Title 4-52 .A. (U. P. (IBEW).1998: Eighth ESMO Conference.S.). 1998.A. L.X. (Electronorte).S. de Andrade. U.)) Kearney. (ABM Charest Consultants) (Canada) Working Session 14: Reliability – Overhead T&D Author (Affiliation) Kwaben Adomah.W. A. (Hotline Construcoes Electricas). IEC Method of Calculation of Minimum Approach Distances for Live Charest. Japan) Title Development of New Technology to Access Energized Phase by Walking Across the Strain String on 500-kV Transmission Lines and Substations Factors Affecting Determination of the Minimum Approach Distance Development of a Hot-Line Work Robot .. Japan) Beehler. (Consultant) (Germany) Title Probabilistic Assessment of the Reduction in Tensile Strength of an Overhead Transmission Line's Conductor with Reference to Climatic Data Managing Risk on Available Transmission Capacity How Outage Management Systems Can Improve Customer Service Locating Defects in High Voltage Transmission Lines 4-53 . (Badenwerk).E.A. Yoshinaga Marunama. (Consultants).). M.. Kyoji Yano. Co. Braga. Pow. U. V.E. P. Hotte. (EPRI.A. U. Hoffmann. Markees. (CEPEL) (Brazil) IEEE/ESMOL Task Force 15. Florida (continued) Session 13: R&D in Live-Line Working Author (Affiliation) Assad.S. G..1998: Eighth ESMO Conference. (Burns & McDonnell. G. Tech.06. A. April 26-30. (Connext Inc. H.G. Moriyuki Nakashima (Kyushu El. Orlando. M.Phase II and a Training System for Robot Operators Gela.S. S.A.02 Kouya Tsunemi. Yukio Mizuno.07.H.) Jaensch. Katsuhiko Naito (Nagoya Inst.. Culver. (EDM.S.S.S. (Transpower. (AGRototrs Helicopters). (EPRI). Orlando. W. Florida (continued) Session 15: Substation Diagnostic Testing & Maintenance Management Techniques Author (Affiliation) Ackerman. J. (Salt River Project) (U.. and Diag. New Zealand).H.) Panelists Title Session 17: Advanced Technologies for the OH Transmission Line Maintenance Management Author (Affiliation) Stewart. ). 1998.E. U.) Kumar. lyons.S.1998: Eighth ESMO Conference. M. (Pall Corp.. U. (Maint. R. L. Canada) Farooq. B. (USA Airmobile).) Use of Mobile Unit Substations (MUS's) at Ontario Hydro Reconditioning of Insulating Fluids with Mass Transfer Type Purifiers Title Session 16: Helicopter Construction & Inspection Methods Author (Affiliation) Magnus. S. (Power Engineers Inc. P. (Ontario Hydro. R.A. K. Clark.S.M.S. (Clark Helicopters). R. (Colorado Helicopters). Spencer. Marshall. April 26-30.A.A. (Erickson Air Crane). Horn. C. Kurtgis. D. Panelists Woyshner. (FP&L).A. White. Center) (U.). Ramaga. U.A. W.) Panelists Title 4-54 . A. (KEMA. ) Panelists Title Development of the Heliborne Separation Measuring System and Its Practical Application Effectively Managing Tree Growth and Pruning Cycles with Tree Growth Regulators Session 19: System Operations Author (Affiliation) IEEE/ESMOL Task Force 15. de Grenoble.K.S.N. Orlando.) Title Maximum Overvoltages on Systems of 115 kV and Above Temporary Switching Overvoltages on a Vietnam 500 kV Transmission Line Enhancing Power System Dynamic and Steady-State Performance with FastSwitched Shunt Compensation to Postpone Major Bulk Transmission Capital Investments Device for Overvoltage Control in Live Line Working Udod. (Delmarve Power & Light) (U. Gela. (EPRI. B. (Northern States Power Co.. Simpson.). Tsuyoshi Kikuchi (NEC Corp. B. R. Tech.A. April 26-30. U.A. (UPRI). G. Kouichi Nakamura.1998: Eighth ESMO Conference. R.03.A. U.. France). Molchonov.S. Tran Dinh. (HCM Electricity Co. Canada).).03 Tuan Tran Quoc (Lab d’Electr.I. Masakazu Hirao. F.. Brjesitsky. E. (Hydro Quebec. N.) (Ukraine). Pow. Lam Du.).S.A. (El. S. L.A. U. (Wells & Assoc.. (Kyiv Nat. (N. (Eastern Atilities Assoc. Pham Van. V. 1998. P.07. Nguyen Khac.) Toshio Motomura (Kyushu El. Johnstine. Co. Society).S. Univ.) 4-55 . of Vietnam) (Vietnam) Ray. D. Florida (continued) Session 18: Right-of-Way Management Programs & Technology Author (Affiliation) Gauthier.) (Japan) Wells. (NYSEG. (Chance) (U.C. Luther.A. (Montana Pwr. U. Jr. & Techn. Hotte. J. Pierce.. K.1998: Eighth ESMO Conference.S.S.A.. April 26-30. U. Dawalibi. J. A.P.. R. (PG&E. (Dayton Power & Light Co. Orlando. Canada).).).S. F.. R.S. Burnham.S.) Title Lattice Tower Ground Line Corrosion and Mitigation: A Case Study Anchor Rod Inspection Using Non-Destructive Evaluation Damage to Non-Ceramic Insulator End Fittings by Power Arc Currents Energy Losses in Power Tap Connectors 4-56 .A. B. Erga. Serv. 1998.. P.S. S.) (U.. Florida (continued) Session 20: Grounding Techniques – Lines and Stations Author (Affiliation) Keil. A.D... (NGK Insulators Ltd. (Safe Eng. R.S.) Matsuoka. (Consultant.P. (Pierce and Associates. King. Shinokubo. United Kingdom) Southey. Tanaka. Sprecher. Co.D.A. Japan). H.). U.A. (AMP Power & Util.A. R. (ESCI).) Stewart. Canada) Panelists Title Distribution Line Safety Grounding: Parametric Analysis Session 21: Corrosion and Aging Problems/Solutions Author (Affiliation) Oberst. J..H.K. (FP&L.) Timsit. (EDM).A. U. T. C. Pandey. R. J. R. (GAI Consultants). April 26-30. Klinga. U. (Black & Veatch).S. R.1998: Eighth ESMO Conference.) Bohme. B.). (U. Florida (continued) Session 22: Foundation Design and Installation Techniques Author (Affiliation) DiGioia Jr.S.. DiMarco.) Panelists Title Session 24: Increasing and Upgrading Line Capacity Author (Affiliation) Lindsey. (ABB. (EPRI.) Panelists Title Session 23: Live Working with Non-Ceramic Insulators Author (Affiliation) Mitchell. (SCE) (U. G. (National Pow.M.) (U. M.. (Alabama Pow.). (Florida Power Corp. Eckman. Germany-Brazil-Italy-U. Orlando. Co. R.F. G. Philippines) Carrington. J. Guilizia.) Ostendorp.J.S. Dunn. Phillips.A.A.. Corpuz.. K. 1998.S.) Title Controlling the Economic Risk From Catastrophic Failure of Overhead Transmission Lines New Technologies for Transmission Line Uprating An Experimental Composite Low EMF Line for 66-70 kV Longitudinal Loading and Cascading Failure Assessment for Transmission Line Upgrades 4-57 . (Costal Caisson). Khouri. (EPRI). (ECSI.S. H.A. (FP&L). Co.A.). D. Corp.. Giampierette.A. (Lindsey Manf. A. (Consultant) (U. Pohlman. B. M.S. A. Stover.A. S.).C. (Osmos Wood Preserving Inc.J. Florida (continued) Session 25: Show and Tell Author (Affiliation) Not available Not available Title Session 26: Use and Testing of Live-Line Tools Author (Affiliation) Gela.1998: Eighth ESMO Conference. Canada) Panelists Title Session 27: Management of Wood Poles Author (Affiliation) Bhuyan. 1998.).S. J. (EPRI.G.A.). J. Dodds. Halsch. Page. (Powertech Labs.A.J.).) Title Condition Based Serviceability and Reliability Assessment of Wood Pole Structures Utility Pole Computerized Maintenance Management Systems 4-58 . (PP&L. (Hastings.S. April 26-30.S. U. C. (Manitoba Hydro. D. Hinkle. King. Orlando. U.A. Shaw.S. G. P. Canada). U. U. (Chance. Canada) Bingel III.S. (Ontario Hydro technologies. G..A. N. L. U.A. S.). Reisdorff. (Thomas & Betts) (U. Deloney. U.). 1998. (Ontario Hydro. U. (Orange & Rockland Utilities. Fouad Fouad. Canada) Panelists Title Session 29: Material Options for Overhead Construction Author (Affiliation) Essig. S. Florida (continued) Session 28: UG Cable – Diagnostic Testing. April 26-30. W. Germany). M. Newmark Inc. (Valmont Industries Inc. Boona.). Fault Locating and Predictive Maintenance Issues Author (Affiliation) Gnerlich. Baur.A.W.R..R.) Panelists Title 4-59 .).).A. D.S.A. (Gnerlich Inc. (Hughes Brothers Inc. Orlando. Aichinger. U. B. (Laminated Wood Systems Inc. Smith.A.S. (Globe Research). D. M. H.). Tarpey.). (KEMA Diagnostics.1998: Eighth ESMO Conference. J. (Baur GmbH. J. Densley.S. (EDF. Muscas. M. F. Italy) Lombardet.. (Osmose Wood Preserving Inc. N. of Cagliari. U.1995: Seventh ESMO Conference.. Canada) Title Cost Saving Benefits of Wood Structure Maintenance Life Extension of an Existing Transmission Line Paper Session 2: Insulation I Author (Affiliation) Al-Hamoudi. M..) Ishac. (SCECO. Pilo. Columbus. (Ontario Hydro. F. Z. A. October 29 – November 3. C. 1995. (Univ.A.F. I.S. Kiener.. France) Title Network Planning and Service Reliability Optimization in MV Distribution Systems Valuation of Non-Guaranteed Energy for the Electricite de France Transmission Network 4-60 . D. China) Title Performance of High Voltage Insulators under Heavy Natural Pollution Conditions Partial Discharge Measurements and Insulation Diagnoses of Solid Insulating Composites Paper Session 3: System Planning and Operation Author (Affiliation) Mocci. Saudi Arabia) Tian. (NEPRI. Ohio Paper Session 1: Line Maintenance/Life Extension Author (Affiliation) Bingel III. Tosi.Y.. A. (Pacific Air Switch Corp.) Gustek. (ENER/TEC. S.) Paper Session 5: Insulation II Author (Affiliation) Jagtiani. Crino. U. Canada) Kogan.S. Ohio (continued) Paper Session 4: Structures Author (Affiliation) Heerspink. Coreia de Barros.. G. U. A.S. T. Hahn. Anderson. (MacLean) (U. J. (Reliable Power Products). (AEP.P.S. (Univ.) Title Aging of Porcelain Suspension Insulators under Mechanical and Electrical Stress on EHV AC Lines The Verification Testing and Application of an All-Composite Silicone Rubber Distribution Deadend Practical Considerations for the Applications of Polymer Post Insulators in Transmission Class Switch Installations... H. M.A. R. M.. I. October 29 – November 3. Tec.A. M. J. 1995.A.A. V.) Almeida.D. (Baltimore Gas & Electric Power Co. Mancoll.S. (AEP. R. Columbus.S. Booker. (continued) Title Tubular Steel Transmission Structures Transmission Towers Inventory Accurate Modeling of Rod Driven Tower Footing In Situ Method of Inspecting Anchor Rods for Section Loss Using the 74 Cylindrically Guided Wave Technique 4-61 . Portugal) Niles.A.1995: Seventh ESMO Conference.) Grisham.S. T.) (U. (Reliable Power Products). B...M. U.S. Gursky. de Lisboa. Grisham.B. E. T.R. J. Ohio (continued) Paper Session 5: Insulation II (continued) Author (Affiliation) Burnham..T. J. Menechella. Schindler. T. Andoh. France) Lopez Tagle.A. Johnson. M. Aragon Garcia.) (Japan) Title Considerations in the Design of Three Phase Compact Transmission Lines Wedge-Connector Technology in Power Utility Applications Mechanization of the Installation of Aircraft Warning Spheres on Overhead Lines. (Lindsey Manf.A. Maxico). A. (AMP of Canada Ltd. Co.1995: Seventh ESMO Conference. Nezuka.H.S. P.. (Chubu Electric Power Co.) (U..S. Lindsey. U. Canada) Ruaux.. J. Y. R. (EDF.R. Cortez. S. Nakajima. (Consultant). B. K.). J. (Comision Federal de Electricidad. (Lindsey Manf. October 29 – November 3. J. K. Timsit.A) Nakagawa. M.. (PG&E.A. Co. (T&D Magazine) (U..J..) Title High-Pressure Washing Tests on Polymer Insulators Paper Session 6: Design and Construction Methods Author (Affiliation) Ordon.S. Santander.. Eby.D. H.S. U.).S. Columbus. (Aichi Corp. Frank.) Sprecher. Restoration of Cyclone Damaged Transmission Lines in Mexico Super Arm Working Method 4-62 .F.. K. (FP&L).. G.E. 1995. F.P. October 29 – November 3. Gillies. Kientz.) (Ukraine) Hotte. Ohio (continued) Paper Session 7: Worksite Safety Author (Affiliation) Pohlman. C.A. V. (Entergy Services Inc. (EPRI). 1995.D. J. G. H.D. (Alabama Power Co. (Ukrainian Mathematic Inst. (PSE&G).S.). (EPRI) (U.C.) Udod. G. Mitchell.A.F. (Alabama Power Co.A. D.) (U. (EPRI) (U.W. (EPRI) (U. J. Lyons. J. P. (WAPA). L.). Taloverya. H.). (Consultant.. E. Gela. C.R. Fox Jr. P.D. H. Mitchell. (Consultant). Kientz.) Title Cracked Insulators Create Hazardous Working Conditions During Restoration After Extreme Ice Storm Defective Insulators in Live Working on a 550 kV Compact Steel Lattice Tower Use of Portable Protective Gaps on the California-Oregon Transmission Project Compact 550 kV Line Shielding of Workers from Electric and Magnetic Fields During Live Line Work Electrical Performance of Conductive Suits Paper Session 8: Testing/Measurements Author (Affiliation) Weishu. China) Title Lightweight and Low-Cost HV-Testing System with Power Frequency (continued) 4-63 .A. Davis. Ming.) Gela. Lyons. P. G.S.) Gela.I. (Alabama Power Co. Columbus. Lyons. (UPRI). J. (EPRI).L.A. (WAPA).R.. (EPRI).S. H.. Nijnik. P.S.F. Canada).J.1995: Seventh ESMO Conference. (Consultant). L. (EPRI of China. Schroeder.1995: Seventh ESMO Conference. Maruyama. Y.A. U. D. Barrientos....F. (Kyushu Electric Power Co.T.F. J. W. (Preformed Line Products. L. (Nebraska Public Power District) (U. (COBRA) (Spain) Yano.. Weishu. (EDF... of Madrid). (Iberdrola SA). (Electric Inst. D. (Pol.. A. D. R. France) Title ROBTET: A New Teleoperated System for Live-Line Maintenance Title A Testing Research on CompOSite Air Clearance for Live Line Working on 500 kV DC Transmission Lines Effect of Vibration Recorder Mass on Field Vibration Measurements The Effects of Tension on Vibration of All-Dielectric Self-Supporting Fiber Optic Cable Development of the Semi-Automatic Hot-Line Work Robot System Phase II Minimum Approach Distances in Hotline Work: a Practical Method for Their Determination Live Working on Underground Low Voltage Systems 4-64 . Martinez. Morita.S. Y. Goxiang. Columbus. 1995.) Paper Session 9: Live-Line Working Author (Affiliation) Aracil.S. M. P. Tuduri. Ferre.C. J. Santamaria. Spain) Oury. Ohio (continued) Paper Session 8: Testing/Measurements Author (Affiliation) Ruzhang. Tillman. K. (CSES. Y.) Sunkle. Brakenhoff. Christian.. A.U. L. (Preformed Line Products). Nakashima. M. D. Univ.. D. Jimenez. Penin. L. October 29 – November 3... of Anhui) (China) Sunkle. D. Japan) Gallardo Iglesias. H. (EPRI of China). A.F. K.M. Becker...A.C. J. ) King.A. (WAPA. U. A.) Title Optimization of Safety and Economics in Sizing Protective Grounding Cables Methods of Ground Worker Protection During Line Maintenance Equipment.A. J.1995: Seventh ESMO Conference. U.C. from the Manufacturer’s Perspective Safety Considerations for Substation Protective Grounding Panel Session 3: Electrical Insulation Integrity of Aerial Lift Equipment – Part I Author (Affiliation) Doering.. (Cormon.F. Columbus. J.F. (Cormon.A.A. Doering Associates. 1995.) Keil.) Kientz.A. D.) Title Applicable OSHA Electrical Standards (continued) 4-65 ..S. C. U.A. United Kingdom) Title Results of a Three-Year Study on ASCR Corrosion Throughtout the AEP System Corrosion Testing Status of ACSR Conductors Worldwide Panel Session 2: Safety Considerations of Power Line Grounding Author (Affiliation) Channaiah. U. (The Dayton Power and Light Co.R (AEP. R.S. (J.J. U. October 29 – November 3. Ohio (continued) Panel Session 1: Corrosion of ACSR Overhead Lines Author (Affiliation) Booker.S.C. (AB Chance Co. H. R.) Pike. U. (AEP. United Kingdom) Charmak.S.S.S. .A.H. Columbus.) Wilcox.) Title High Voltage Direct Current Testing of Insulated Aerial Devices Electrical Test Methods to Certify Ontario Hydro’s Insulated Aerial Devices Electrical Test Methods Used to Perform Periodic Tests on Ohio Edison’s Insulated Aerial Devices Electrical Testing of Insulated Aerial Devices for Transmission Barehand Live-Line Work Electrical Testing of Insulated Aerial Devices for Distribution Barehand Live-Line Work Revision of Aerial Device Test Specifications and Results of Competitive Bidding to Perform Testing Services Panel Session 4: Electrical Insulation Integrity of Aerial Lift Equipment – Part II . W. Canada) Zonnevylle. U.J.P. J.A. October 29 – November 3.) Booker.1995: Seventh ESMO Conference. (AEP. (Consumers Power Co.H.S.S.S. Ohio (continued) Panel Session 3: Electrical Insulation Integrity of Aerial Lift Equipment – Part I (continued) Author (Affiliation) Von Herrmann. 1995. H. (AEP. F.) Page.A.Demonstrations Author (Affiliation) Not available Not available Title 4-66 . U.. J.R. (Ontario Hydro.. (Ohio Edison Co. (The Von Corp. U.) Lenko.A.D.S.S. U. U. S.A. A. A.K. H. United Kingdom) Yang. V.S. Recent Progress and Applications of High Voltage Live Working in China Live Working in Hungary Overview of Live Working in Canada EPRI Perspective and Research on Live Working Live Line Working in the Spans of EHV Power Transmission Lines in Ukraine CIGRE Guide on Live Insulator Washing Hot Line Insulator Washing in the Czech Republic Panel Session 6: Fiber Optic Circuits on Transmission Lines Author (Affiliation) Carrington. E.) Sparrow. Italy) Sklenicka. U.F. P. B. (WAPA. (NEPRI. (B. (Power Engineers Inc. (OVIT.S.1995: Seventh ESMO Conference. Czech Republic) Title Overview of Live Working Status and Needs of the Utility Industry in the U. October 29 – November 3. Columbus.A.) Title Procurement Specifications for Fiber Optic Shieldwire (continued) 4-67 .I (UPRI.A. Hydro. R. (EPRI.) Udod.S. L. Ukraine) Pigini. A. 1995. China) Kimpian. U. (CESI.S. (EGU. (The National Grid.A. Hungary) Freeman.J. Canada) Lyons. U. Ohio (continued) Panel Session 5: R&D in Live Line Working Worldwide Author (Affiliation) Kientz.C. C. The Changing Scene in Live Working in U. (Erickson Air Crane Co. 1995. (PECo Energy. Ohio (continued) Panel Session 6: Fiber Optic Circuits on Transmission Lines (continued) Author (Affiliation) Oedemann. Canada) Title Assessment of Arc Hazards in the Selection of Protective Clothing (continued) 4-68 .) Title The Foundation to Structure Interface The Erection of Self Supporting Lattice-Type Towers Using Helicopter Techniques The Setting of Guyed Structures and Tubular Steel Structures Using Helicopter Techniques Panel Session 8: Protective Clothing for Workers Author (Affiliation) Cress. (Ontario Hydro.A.S. Canada) Ramage.A.) Hassler.A.. (Alcoa Fujikura Ltd. U.S..1995: Seventh ESMO Conference. (Consultant. B. October 29 – November 3. R. G. (Sargent & Lundy. U. L. Columbus.S. R.) Martin. U. S.A. U.S.-Japan) Title Construction Specifications for Fiber Optic Shieldwire Field Practices for Stringing and Splicing of Fiber Optic Shieldwire Panel Session 7: Guide to Assembly and Erection of Metal Transmission Structures Author (Affiliation) White. U.L. T. S.) Baitinger.A. (Westex Inc.) Bingham.A. (PG&E.) Title Development of Flame Retardant Rainwear and a Review of the Basic Construction of Both FR Rainwear and Working Clothing A Comprehensive Approach to Electric Arc Hazard Analysis Material Performance of Electrical Arc Protective Clothing Fabrics ASTM Committee F18: Protective Clothing for Workers Exposed to Electrical Arcs A Standard Test Method to Determine Ignitability of Clothing and Thermal Performance of Textile Materials for Clothing When Exposed to an Electrical Arc Panel Session 9: EMF Research – Lineworker EMF Monitoring Author (Affiliation) Sussman.A.S.S. J..E. U.A. M. (EPRI.) Lewis. U. U. U. 1995.1995: Seventh ESMO Conference. U.) Keller. (DuPont.L.S.S. (Lion Apparel Inc.F. A.) ENF Research: an Update The PG&E Lineworker EMF Monitoring Study: Utility Planning and Participation (continued) Title 4-69 .S. Columbus.S. U.S. October 29 – November 3.H.) Neal. Ohio (continued) Panel Session 8: Protective Clothing for Workers (continued) Author (Affiliation) Granby. (Burlington Technical Consultants.A.A. A. W.S.H.A. (Bingham & Associates. A.) Panel Session 10: Upgrading Line Capacity Author (Affiliation) Nourai.) Richardson.A. U. D. U. G.A. (Power Technologies Inc.F.J.S.L. U. Columbus. (The Ohio Brass Co. (PECo Energy.S. (T.S. M. (AEP.A.B.A. (Electric Research Management Inc. A.D.A. (Magnetic Measurements. A..S.. U. (FP&L. Canada) Title Reduction of Ground Wire Resistive Losses on Heavily Loaded Lines Upgrading Bundled Lines Line Insulation Options for Increased Capacity Dynamic and Static Thermal Upgrading of Overhead Lines Novel Thermal Upgrading Methods at FP&L Economics of Upgrading Overhead Lines Reconductoring with Compact Conductor Title Transmission and Distribution Line Workplace Magnetic Field Measurement Protocol Using Waveform Capture Instrumentation PG&E Lineworker EMF Monitoring Study: The Data Collection Protocol for a Task-Oriented Approach to Magnetic Field Exposure Assessment PG&E Lineworker EMF Monitoring Study: Results of Personal Exposure 4-70 .D. J.) Bracken. October 29 – November 3. G.S.) Long. U. Bracken Inc. U. T. 1995..1995: Seventh ESMO Conference. Ohio (continued) Panel Session 9: EMF Research – Lineworker EMF Monitoring (continued) Author (Affiliation) Rauch.S. (Ontario Hydro.) Ishac.) Slentz.) Renowden. P. U.S.S. U.. J.A.) Douglass.) Pritchard.S. U. (Research Consulting Associates.A.A.A.. A. (Hastings Fiberglass.) West.1995: Seventh ESMO Conference. E. U. (Certified Insulated Products. (Klein Tools.. U.A.A.B. 1995. Chance Co.) Howinson.) Shaw. U. L.S.A. U.P. Columbus. W.S.S.A. E. (AEP.S. (Burlington Technical Consultants.) Lewis..L..S.) Crandall.) Poinesky. B. D.) Bingham. J.) Bird. J. U. (A. U.A.A.S.) Trahan. (Safety Line. Ohio (continued) Panel Session 11: Use of Low Voltage Gloves and Insulated Hand Tools.S. U. U.A. (AEP. U.A.S.A.S. October 29 – November 3.. (Bingham & Associates.A. (HANCo International.S. (Salibury Co.R. S. U.S.) Title Use of Low Voltage Gloves and Insulated Hand Tools Use of Low Voltage Gloves Low Voltage Gloves Low Voltage Gloves Insulated Hand Tools Insulated Hand Tools Testing of Hot Line Tools in Compliance with OSHA Testing of Live Line Tools Testing of Live Line Tools Testing of Live Line Tools Testing of Live Line Tools Hot Stick Testing 4-71 . A.A. U. A.) Lyons. C.H.S. U. Testing of Live Line Tools Author (Affiliation) Wooten.) Lenko. (White Rubber Co. U. Columbus.A.1995: Seventh ESMO Conference.F.C. U. Ohio (continued) Panel Session 12: NESC and OSHA Requirements for the Maintenance of Overhead Lines Author (Affiliation) Kientz. Canada) Putnam.A. D. J. (J.C. U. (Consultant. (B. U.J. (Ontario Hydro. U. D.A. (Duke Power Co.A.S.S. J. October 29 – November 3.S.F. D. U. Hydro.) Doering. (Centerior Energy. (WAPA. R. A.A.S. 1995.S.) Sulowski.A. Canada) Zemon. Doering Associates.S. D.. H.) Kennedy.) Hutchinson. (OSHA.) Introduction Understanding the OSHA Electrical Standards IBEW Involvement in Standards-Making Process Compliance of OSHA Utility Maintenance Standards Title Panel Session 13: Fall Protection and Rescue in Utilities Author (Affiliation) Lindsey.F.S. (LeBlanc and Royle Telecom. U.) Title Fall Protection and Rescue on Communication Towers Fall Protection and Rescue in Transformer and Generating Stations Development and Implementation of a Fall Protection System Fall Protection and Qualified Employee/Climber Fall Protection for Unqualified Wood Pole Climbers 4-72 .) Tomaseski.A. Moore. 1995.).A. (Entergy Services Inc.A. (Hot Shot Infrared Inspections.A.S. Culver. (Utility Aviation Specialists Inc.R. U. Cost Effectiveness Hanratty. J.) Title Role of Helicopters in Inspection and Assessment of Overhead Lines – An Overview: Ground Patrol.). J.. R. Interpretation of Results.) Title The Role of Technology in a Competitive Electric Power Industry 4-73 . (Consultant.S. October 29 – November 3. Helicopters.A.A.S.A. G.B. P. U.S.) Niles.) Micelli. U.) Tutorial Session Author (Affiliation) Feerts.) (U.A.1995: Seventh ESMO Conference.S. (Salt River Project) (U. G. Bucket Truck. Expectations.) Title Utility Helicopter Operations – Flying in the Wire Environment Student Luncheon Presentation Author (Affiliation) Renz. (AEP.C. Close up. Ohio (continued) Panel Session 14: Use of Helicopters for Inspecting and Assessing Overhead Transmission Lines Author (Affiliation) Pohlman. U. Hands on Present Helicopter Practices – Diagnostic Techniques Utility Viewpoint: Preparing Specifications. F. Use of Findings to Prioritize Action Plan.S.A. (Haverfield Corp. B. Climbing. Columbus. (Baltimore Gas & Electric Co.A. Efficacy of Viable Techniques Present Helicopter Practices – Visual Inspection: Fly by. Israel) Title Helicopter Installation of Fiber Optic Ground Wire on Overhead Lines Helicopter Airborne Services – Live Line Work Electronic Airborne Inspection Method for Overhead Transmission Power Lines 4-74 . D. France) Avidar. Beauchamp. B..A.. T. China) Title Tutorial for the Derivation of Live Line Minimum Approach Distances for the 1993 Edition of the National Electric Safety Code Field Experience on Hot Sticks Exposed to Atmospheric Pollution for Variable Winter Periods at Two Distribution Stations Study on the Electrical Characteristics of Operating Rod for Live Line Work Session 2: Airborne Works Author (Affiliation) Mize. (Macon Intl. Las Vegas. 1993.S. (EDF. R. H. S.. Zhang.) Se Parny.-P. Canada) He. J. U. Y.A.J (WAPA. U.) Hochang. J. (Xi’an Power Supply Bureau. September 12-17..S. (Hydro.. Bellerive. Ltd.Quebec. Nevada Session 1: Tools and Equipment 1 Author (Affiliation) Kientz.1993: Sixth ESMO Conference. (Haverfield Corp. Reilly. (Gilbert/Commonwealth) (U. (Sherman & Reilly). Morgan. P. (SCE).).W. South Africa) Martin. (New Mexico State Univ.). R.) Panelists Title 4-75 . F. Peters. (BPA. (Osmose Wood Preserving. Nevada (continued) Session 3: Worksite Comfort and Safety Author (Affiliation) Pretorius. P.D. and Guide for Wood Pole Maintenance (P1218) Author (Affiliation) Mallory.S. Myers. Las Vegas. (FPSA.A. Bingel. September 12-17.M. Canada) Lowder. N.D. J.1993: Sixth ESMO Conference.A. South Africa) Pretorius. H.H. U.). J.) Title Assessing the Significance of Annual Magnetic Field Dosages Received by Live Line Maintenance Personnel Assessment of the Historical Magnetic Field Dosages Received by Eskom’s Live Line Maintenance Personnel Selection and Use of Fall Protection and Rescue Equipment for Work on Towers Electrical Contact Accident with a Welding Machine Session 4: Guide for Grounding During Transmission Line Construction (524A). (ESKOM. Inc. S. 1993. H.P. (ESKOM.S. J. J. (AB Chance Co. P. U..A.S. K. France) Newbill. M. Y. (Puget Sound Power and Light Co. China) Renner. Nevada (continued) Session 5: Innovation and Research 1 Author (Affiliation) Cornish. B.) Roux. 1993. U.S..) Avidar.) Wang.) Zhang. (Xi’an Power Supply Bureau.L. R. (EDF..A. J. Corp. Peterson. (BPA. China) Title Cleaning Energized Equipment Using Dry Ice Pellets Safety and Technique of Hot Washing HVDC and Impulse Tests for Hotline Insulator Washing and Change out on BPA’s HVDC Intertie The AC Discharge Characteristics of Composite Gaps of Tension Insulator String in 220kV Line 4-76 . D. Krueger.E. T.S. (Alpheus Cleaning Tech. R. (EPRI. (PGE.. L. Israel) Title Barehand Bonding Arc Electrical Characteristics Test Innovations in Live Line Maintenance for High Voltage Substations up to 65kV at Electricite de France Bonneville Power Administration’s Wood Pole Management Program Computerized Design of Overhead Transmission Power Lines Session 6: Insulators Author (Affiliation) Bhagat. Bradley. (MACON. U. B.1993: Sixth ESMO Conference.A. (BPA.A.). Sun. He. Las Vegas. S. September 12-17. M. R. Rojas-Gonzalez.. France) Aristizabal. September 12-17. Sulowski. Van Name.A.M. J. Kondziolka. (GAI Consultants) (U.. Las Vegas. (Ontario Hydro..) Panelists Title 4-77 . U. U. (Lindsey Manf. Woods. (Bart Assoc. J. Canada). (Interconexion Electrica SA. U. P.S.S.A.A. (Salt River Project).) Kandaris. U. Smith. G. (Plumettaz SA.. U. Cortez. (EDF. (Van Name Assoc.. 1993. S. Nevada (continued) Session 7: Construction and Installation Author (Affiliation) Plumettaz.S.A. U.. Orr. Shurman. Colombia).S. U.)..S.). Switzerland).S.E. A. J. D. South America Aspects of Construction Methods and Materials for Transmission Line Foundations in Arid Regions Session 8: Fall Protection Author (Affiliation) Dushaw.) Title Fiber-Optic Cable Installation Method Switching on Bypass Currents During Live-Line Maintenance Operations Transmission Line Testoration Techniques in Colombia.A.) Lalot. (Bart Assoc.F. R.). M.).S.A. L. (WAPA.M.1993: Sixth ESMO Conference. G.A. L.A. (Sherman & Reilly Inc.S. (IBEW. A. L. (Ministry of Energy of Ukraine. D.) (U. A.L. Hungary) Udod. Russia) XiSheng. V. Nevada (continued) Session 9: Inspection and Maintenance of Transmission Lines Author (Affiliation) Bingel. (VNIIE. (DEDASZ. E. N. Taloverya..). (Smose Wood Preserving Inc. 1993. R. Timashova.). in Central Europe Research and New Development in Live Working in Ukraine Experience of Live Line Maintenance on 500-1200 kV Lines in Russia Live Working Techniques on 220 kV Long-Span Towers 4-78 .V. (Sargent & Lundy).. G. S. (Sherman Concrete Pole Co. Weiling.I. (Myer Ind. S. (Harbin Electric Power Bureau. G. Sherman. China) Title Live Line Working at Distribution Voltage in Hungary.1993: Sixth ESMO Conference. Hassler.V.. Szakonyi.. September 12-17. Randle. Las Vegas.) Panelists Title Session 10: Live Working Worldwide Author (Affiliation) Bobula.A. Ukraine) Krylov.S. T. China) Title The Research of Arc-Proofness of Set Tools for 110-220 kV Live Line Work Analysis of Electrical Aging Effects of Insulating Tools The New Technology for Improving the Tensile Strength of Insulating Rope Shield Clothing for DC Live Working Session 12: EMF Issues 1 Author (Affiliation) Bracken... Zhu.S. (EPRI).. Zhang. D. September 12-17. (SCE) (U. J.1993: Sixth ESMO Conference.) Zhihai. Nevada (continued) Session 11: Tools and Equipment 2 Author (Affiliation) Kolker. J. L. (Consultant. T. China) Chen. Inst. J.A. (Wuhan High Voltage Res.S.) Panelists Title Session 13: Electrodes and Clearances 69 kV and Below Author (Affiliation) Not available Not available Title 4-79 . (Wuhan High Voltage Res. Kheifets.). (China Live Working Center. T.A.. Las Vegas. China) Chen. Inst. 1993.. U. J. Serv. (Scient. L. Res. Zhang.. Zhu. D. Sahl. and Consult. (HVTRC). Bracken. Y. Gela.) (Japan) Maruyama. A. J. K... Tamura. Inst. H. and Consult. Y.. (Tokyo Electric Power Co. R... (Wuhan High Voltage Res.1993: Sixth ESMO Conference. Las Vegas.S. (Scient. Serv. J. Uchiyama.) (U. G. W. (EDF. China) Nio. S. M. Y. Iwaki. France) Title The Research of the Automatic Washing-Brushing Robot of 500 kV Insulator String Remote Operated Robotic System for Live Line Maintenance Work A Hot Line Manipulator Remotely Operated by the Operator on the Ground Manipulator System for Constructing Overhead Distribution Lines Robotic Maintenance of the EDF Transmission (63 to 400 kV) Network Feasibility Study and Effects on Tower Design Session 15: EMF Issues 2 Author (Affiliation) Murray.A. Japan) Yokohama. 1993. Japan) Soler. D. (Yaskawa Electric Corp).) Panelists Title 4-80 . (Salt River Project). B... Nevada (continued) Session 14: Robotics Author (Affiliation) Hu. K. (Kyushu Electric Power Co. Guillet. (Kyushu Electric Power Co.. Y. Mukaida. Maruyama. September 12-17.. Brown Maracas. (NIOSH). Mori. Maki. Chen. M. Res.. U. Melzer.S. J.J. Nellis.. D. R.A. Polevoy. June 19-21. O. R. U. (EDF. S. (Wuhan High Voltage Research Institute.) Akers. Wanf. China) Barg. S-S. Ontario. (Joslyn Power Products.. Samson.H... (Wuhan High Voltage Res. R. Morton..) Title Field and Test Experience with Insulating Rope at BPA The Research of Insulation Characteristics of Silk Rope for Live Working Development of a Portable Ground Interrupter at Bonneville Power Administration SF 6 Switches with Power Fuse Protection 4-81 . C.. Pisarenko.1990: Fifth ESMO Conference. D. (ESKOM. Y-Z. (BPA.A. Y. Inst. Kuehn. South Africa) Ding.. Toronto. K.L. (Soyutztekhenergo. France) Ackermann. (BPA.S. Canada Session 1: Worldwide Live Line Techniques Author (Affiliation) Charpentier.) Title Innovation in Live Line Maintenance Capacity in Substations from 63 kV to 400 kV In-House Development and Application of Live-Line Techniques by ESKOM A Study of Safety for Live Working on 500kV Transmission Lines Studies of Safety Gaps for 220-1150 kV Live Line Work Session 2: Live Line Equipment Author (Affiliation) Gillies. R.J.R.S. I. C.A) Hu.A. U. U. China) Dennis.H..S. 1990. R.W.S. (Ontario Hydro.A.S. Ding.A. Toronto.) (Japan) Panelists Title Development of Outage-Free Mechanizes Maintenance Techniques for Distribution Systems Robotic System for Live Line Maintenance Session 4: Dielectric Testing Author (Affiliation) Charest. Sinnotcae. Co. M. China).. (Electronics Ltd.). Y. (Yaskawa Electric Mfg.A.A. J. ( Kyushu Elecric Power Co. Inst. U. C. (Chubu Electric Power Co.H. (EPRI. (Hydro Quebec. von Herrmann. Murai.S. A. K. U. C. (Kyushu Electric Power Co.S. S. (Von Corp. U. Canada) Hikida. Canada).T.) Panelists Title 4-82 . M. Maruyama. Kuehn. Canada (continued) Session 3: Robotics in Live Work Author (Affiliation) Tsuchihashi.1990: Fifth ESMO Conference..S. Jones.F. Y..A.). U. E.). (Foster-Miller. (BPA. (Safety Lines. B. (EDF.S. Y-Z (Wuhan High Voltage Res. R. Kennon. U. Lalot. Japan) Nio. Maruyama...). Fisk. Daiss. (Tokyo Electric Power Co. June 19-21. Japan)..).. Canada). H. 1990. Ontario. A. Japan).A. France). A. Cauzillo.H. 1990.H.S.A. Silverio. Morton..G.) Lindgren.. A. Franco-Boni. June 19-21. U.A. R. R.S. Canada) Title Innovations Used in Stringing a 380kV Line in Sicily The Use of Helicopter for Live Line Work by ESKOM A Method of Replacing 220 kV Low-Ohmage Insulator String in Live Lines Porcelain Insulator Maintenance with RTV Silicone Rubber Coatings (continued) 4-83 .. J.J.. Hackam. (ENEL.I. (Consultant. P.. U.). Kim. U.) Wilson. P. Saracini.S. (Chengdu Power Supply Bureau..1990: Fifth ESMO Conference.G. J.H. (K-Line Insulators).S. Canada (continued) Session 5: Pole Management Author (Affiliation) Bingel III. (ESKOM.A. U. Kuehn. (Oregon State Univ. South Africa) Hu. S.S. Ontario. A. D. China) Cherney.) Carreira. U. K. E..A. J. B.A.B. (Univ.A. (BPA.J.). (Osmose Wood Preserving Inc. (TESAUT. of Windsor.C. R. (Ontario Hydro) (Canada) Wood Pole Restoration Non-Destructive Evaluation of Wood Utility Poles in Service Bonneville Power Administration’s Wood Pole Management Program A Computer Program to Evaluate Pole Test Data Title Session 6: Innovative Methods Author (Affiliation) Pohman. Toronto. Italy) Ackermann. N. ). China) The Research of Test Method for Screening Efficiency of Conductive Cloth (continued) 4-84 . (LADWP. J. Lanier. U. (South Carolina Public Service Authority.Y. (ESKOM. South Africa) Title Safety Aspects and Insulation Coordination During Live Line Maintenance Panelists Title Yan.A. Perry.. (HVTRC. (Bureau of Power Distribution... K. Y.. (Ontario Hydro. 1990.) Chen.S. Canada). (Ontario Hydro. U. Y.J. B.).A. (Wuhan High Voltage Res. Ontario.(Fleming. M.1990: Fifth ESMO Conference. X. G.L. Liu. R.) Session 8: Live Line Safety R&D Author (Affiliation) Sadurski.S. J..C. (Xian Jiatong Univ. J.. A. Canada) Title Safety Instrumentation for the Electrical Trades Developed at Health and Safety Division of Ontario Hydro Session 7: Emergency Restoration Author (Affiliation) Boyer.A. Canada (continued) Session 6: Innovative Methods (continued) Author (Affiliation) Hanrahan.E. Inst. (Stone & Webster.A. Qin.S. U.S.S. Calculation and Measurement of Field Parameters During Live Line Lin. D.D. R. Maintenance China). U. (PG&E. Resinger. June 19-21. U. Z.A.A. China). Weng. Gela. Toronto. Hu. ). Ontario.A. China) Kolker.A. Inst. Zhang.E. J. (Wuhan High Voltage Res. O.) Session 9: HVDC Live Line Maintenance Author (Affiliation) Kojima. Pisarenko. S.S. U. 1990. Toronto.. Sanchared.. New Zealand) Panelists Title Title The Research of Protection Principle of Conductive Clothing for Live Working Experimental Determination of Air Gap Flashover Performance for 220-750 kV Live Line Work Applications The Introduction of Barehand Live Line Techniques for Reinsulating of the New Zealand HVDC Inter-Island Link Session 10: Line Upgrading. B. G. Williams. (Moldenegro). Polevoy. Canada)..H. U. L. S. Canada (continued) Session 8: Live Line Safety R&D (continued) Author (Affiliation) Chen.D. D.G.S.S.. D. R. (Ontario Hydro. (Ministry of Energy & Elecgtrification. South Africa). J.R.L.I.. Ackermann. Hu. Freeman. Spain) Panelists (continued) Title 4-85 . (LADWP.. M. Canada).R.G. (ESKOM.H. (PowerBuild. June 19-21. Y.C. B.S. Rindall. Polevoy.1990: Fifth ESMO Conference.S.V. L. Uprating & Refurbishment Author (Affiliation) Havard. (Electrica.) Forgie. (Manitoba Hydro. (Soyuztekhenergo) (U. Uprating & Refurbishment (continued) Author (Affiliation) McMurray. R. Canada (continued) Session 10: Line Upgrading.G. (Sask Power. June 19-21. Toronto.A.S.1990: Fifth ESMO Conference. (NYSEG.) 25 kV Hot Conductor Change Upgrading of Lines – High Phase Order Line Title 4-86 . Ontario.W. 1990. F. U. Canada) Picciano. ) Gillies. Albuquerque. A.1987: Fourth ESMO Conference. C.A.A.. Phillips. (Ontario Hydro. Chadwick. S. Talbot. U. H. Hotte. P. Canada) Title Capacity Upgrade for 115kV Wood H-Frame Transmission Line High Current Tests of Stringing Block and Running Grounds A Cold Formed Lattice H-Frame Tower for Replacement of Wood Structure for 230 kV Lines in Florida New Techniques and Practices Utilizing Modular Emergency Restoration Structures Helicopter Line Construction at Ontario Hydro Session 2: Safety Author (Affiliation) Skelton.A. (Consultant.L.. B.S.A. 1987. (Consultant. (Sherman & Reilly Co. V. U.) St.S.. September 22-24. Schefield.E.A. D. (Ontario Hydro.S. (Societa Anomima Electrificazione.S.E. Italy). New Mexico Session 1: Construction Author (Affiliation) Forbes.. U. W.) Levkhardt.S..). (Lindsey Manufacturing Co.. U.A. G.). Canada) Title Testing and Upgrading of Portable Ground Sets An Assessment of Moisture Meter Performance in Detection of Conductive Substances in Live Line Tools Electrical Considerations In Establishing Working Clearance for Energized Line Maintenance (continued) 4-87 . M. P. (Public Service Co of NM. (Safety Line Inc. Denis. D. U.) Casarico. (New Mexico State Univ. (Florida Power Corp.A.S..) Morgan. J. Canada) Daiss. U. Kemp. Ohnishi. Gibeault. France) Itoh.. T. Other Methods Innovative Wood Pole Management Live Line Work at Electricite de France – 63 kV to 400 kV A New Radar System for Detecting Underground Cables Helicopter Application in Electric Line Maintenance 4-88 .) Title Productivity Level of High Voltage Rubber Glove Techniques vs.-P. Odagiri. (Tokyo Electric). Atlani. 1987.. Canada) Goodman. Bodig.. Canada) Title High Volume Screening for PCB in Dielectric Oil Fall Protection in Ontario Hydro T&D Operations Session 3: Maintenance Author (Affiliation) Heerspink.. (Syprotec Inc. J. T. J. Albuquerque.. (Saskatchewan Power Corp. F. (Ontario Hydro.1987: Fourth ESMO Conference.A. M..S.) Bosch. (Mitsubishi Electric Corp. New Mexico (continued) Session 2: Safety (continued) Author (Affiliation) Woolerton.. Dumas. (EDF. U. S. (Engineering Data Management. H. A. C.. J. A.. Y..S. G. Jitsumori.. Steward. R. H.. S. September 22-24. Usami.) (Japan) Buchholz. Valin. Canada) Sulowski. Uekubo. U. K. Matsuura.A. A. J. Maeda.. (PG&E. (BSD GmbH.. V. May 31 . Colombia) Live Working in the ČEZ Group Live Working at Voltages up to 1000 V by the Electrical-Installer in Germany The Organization of Live Working in France Disconnection and Connection of CCVTS Applying Live Line Working Methodology (ISA-Colombia) Title Session 1-B Author (Affiliation) Schau.. France) Santana Achury.. Ostermann. H.June 2. S. (CEZ. (EDF. (EDF. T... France) Riquel. Jordan. (Berufsgenossenschaft ETEM) (Germany) Haack. Ilmenau). C.. W. Germany) Riquel. Univ.. Croatia Session 1-A Author (Affiliation) Motejzík. (ISA. (ZVEH. M.. B. I. G. Germany) Mongars. H. (Tech. France) Title Testing of PPE for Eye and Face Protection New Single-Phase Bypass Devices for Medium Voltage Switchgear Influence of Floating Objects on the Dielectric Strength Live Working with Direct Current – Comparison with Alternating Current Behaviour Using Different Tool Technologies 4-89 .ICOLIM CONFERENCES 2011: Tenth ICOLiM Conference. Žid. Tänzer. Maciela. G. S. Oury. G. Héroin. Mehlem. Czech Republic) Schulze. Zagreb. F. (RET.A. 2011.H. N. T. Sanín Rincón. June 2.. Rotter. N.. May 31 . Portugal) Pojskić. Croatia (continued) Session 1-C Author (Affiliation) Ramos. S. C. Santos. Poland) Ziehmer. Nikolovski. (EDENOR.. G. (Mech. Training and Qualification of Live Working Workers EDP Qualification System of Live Working Training Companies The Experiences in Organization of Theoretical and Practical Education for Live Work in JP Elektroprivreda BiH. 2011. Zagreb. RogińskiL. R. K.. Argentina) Rego. Bosnia and Herzegovina) Raljević. (EDP. Faculty.. Installation Under Live-Line Conditions .d.d. (HEP). Ehrhardt. Germany) Dudek. Faculty in Slavonski Brod).Teaching & Training Centre Session 2-A Author (Affiliation) Rotter. J. (Dehne & Sohne. (EPC. B. A. Rodrigues. d. C. Mendes. M.. D.2011: Tenth ICOLiM Conference. Osijek) (Croatia) Title Process of Selection. (El.A. G. Kienlein. Mikołajczyk. Sarajevo Experience in Education for Live Working at HEP . Germany) Title DEHN Arc Fault Protection System for Additional Protection During Live Working in Low-Voltage Switchgear Installations Replacement of Conventional Ground Wires with OPGW on 400kV Overhead Power Ttransmission Line. M. Stojkov.Polish Expertise PPE – Arcing-Fault-Tested Protective Gloves 4-90 . M.. R.. (Dehne & Sohne.. (JP Elektroprivreda BiH d. Eng. C.. Croatia (continued) Session 2-B Author (Affiliation) Schau.M. V. Junior. (Budapest Univ. I. P. Portugal) Németh. Béla Csikós LLM Education Center in Hungary 4-91 . H. Ehrhardt. Slovenia) Santos. (CEMIG). Germany) Title Operational Experiences with 20 kV-Flying Sections (continued) Title Proving Tripping Safety and Immunity Against Malfunctions of the Optical Arc Detection Components of a Novel Electric Fault Arc Protection System 500 kV Mobile Switch Title Slovenian Training Experience and Methodologies for Live Work Implementation Professional Training Center of the Group ProCME Dr.. (CME. Ilmenau). J.. Kimpián.June 2.M. Oliveira. 2011. G. Zagreb.... A. Univ. (BSD GmbH. P. Diniz. (C&G Ljubljana. (Tech. Lušin.G. (RITZ) (Brazil) Session 2-C Author (Affiliation) Lovrenčič.. M. K.2011: Tenth ICOLiM Conference.. Franco.E. Berta. (Dehne & Sohne) (Germany) Gontijo. Meixner. A. May 31 . B. W. Hungary) Session 3-A Author (Affiliation) Dütsch. E. E.G.. M. 2011.. Transelectrica. Oltean. Germany) Rego. Oltean. Univ. (C&G d. Opincaru.o. M. France) Title Thermal Performance of Conductive Clothing (continued) 4-92 . C. M. Polit.. S.June 2. (EDF.N.) (Slovenia) Title Class 2 Arc Protection of Electrician Face Shields – BSD ErgoS Live Working on Low Voltage Industrial Installations 30 Years of Live Working in Romania – Economical Benefits of Live Working (Case Study) On-Line Monitoring of OHL Conductor Temperature.N. Bǎrbulescu. I. Tehnorob SRL.A. (General Management) (Romania) Ardelean. Tänzer. Santos. (C. T. D.E. Portugal) Oltean. (SC Smart SA). I. Kilyeni.2011: Tenth ICOLiM Conference. M. Lovrenčič. H. (CN Transelectrica) (Romania) Gal. Mateescu. May 31 .. M. (NEK). Florea.. Zagreb. C.. (BSD GmbH.T. S. V.... C. I.. Fagarasan. Timisoara) (Romania) Pirc. (CN Transelectrica).o.. Rodean. (EDP. Sevastre. E. G. Live-Line Installation of the Ritherm System Case Study on Increasing the Transport Capacity of 220 kV DC OHL IERNUT-BAIA Mare by Reconductoring Using LST Technologies Experience with Live Work (LW) Implementation in Nuclear Power Plant Krško (NEK) Session 3-B Author (Affiliation) Riquel. Croatia (continued) Session 3-A (continued) Author (Affiliation) Jordan. Fichtner. Durcik. Mǎrginean. T.. (SC Smart).E. (HEP. (P&L Tehnorob). Zagreb.. Ertle. Nikolovski.2011: Tenth ICOLiM Conference. (Terzi LIAT S.A. I. G. (CATU). Croatia (continued) Session 3-B (continued) Author (Affiliation) Durcik. France) Eppler. M. N. V. (LERC) (France) Terzi. (Budapest Univ. (Biosynergetical Studies Center). Németh. Gal. Z... Atlani. B. Eppler.June 2. France) Title Qualification of Live Working Tools How to Protect the Barehand Live-Line Workers Under the Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Influence by the Use of Biophytomodulators Performance of a Telescopic Aerial Lift for Live Working Manufacture Insulation Sticks and Associated Control According to CEI 60855 Caha. (RTE). E. A... F. Kiss.. M. (Transelectrica) (Romania) Ligier. S. Dubail.A. R. Šljivac. (SERECT. Dinca.A.Case of the Insulating Tube Insulating Rope Tester: an Indispensable Tool in the Heart of Modern Live Line Working Methods 4-93 . May 31 . 2011. Argentina) Investigation of Harmful Effect of Time-Varying Magnetic Field on Live Line Workers Management and Control of the Safety During Live Working Operations Through Qualification Tests ... Hungary) Oury. F. France) Florea. (LERC. B. I. D. A. (RTE. C. Croatia) Testing of Insulation of Live Work Tools and Equipment – Experience-Based Recommendations Tamus. 2011. (RSE). G. A. Neira.. (UTN FRCON).Development. Clapés.. Germany) Schwann.-P.. Bertot.. (Carraro S. (HEP-DSO). Gamba. Rotter. De Donà. Bosonetto.. (Dehne & Sohne.). P. M. Callejo.2011: Tenth ICOLiM Conference. G. R. Lomonte. C. M. De Donà.. R. G. Šljivac.p. G.. R. (TERNA.l. G. (RITZ do Brasil). H. M. De Donà. M. (El. Germany) Belinchón. (TERNA) (Italy) Valagussa. Carraro. Poland) Title Principle.P. Nericcio. Faculty Osijek) (Croatia) Mazza. D. Kienlein. Design and Experience Gained Raising the Standard of Customer Service with the Application of a LowVoltage Generator of High Power for Live Working 4-94 . (ENERGA.. L. Zagreb. (EPE Santa Fé). J. D. Italy) Müllenbach. Stojkov. J. D. (RWE... Cherbaucich. Faculty Slavonski Brod).L. Casas. (AEA Comisión 21). Eng..June 2. C.A. F.r. (RSE S. Pérez. Croatia (continued) Session 3-C Author (Affiliation) Ehrhardt. L.) (Italy) de Nigris.. (MP Consulting). Franchi. M. (Asesor Independiente) (Spain) Raljević. D. (TERNA). (Mech. Rock. G. J. M. May 31 . Operation and Protective Effect of a Modular Arc Fault Protection System for Use in Low-Voltage Installations University Taining in Live Working Renewal of Knowledge for Live Working on the Internet On-Site verification of the Accuracy of the HV Instrument Transformers Used for Metering Purpose with LLW Methods: New Developments in Order to Simplify the Installation of the Reference Measuring System Laboratory Tests for the Verification of the Screening Performance of Protective Conductive Clothing Used in Live Line Work From Applied Research to Everyday Application: The Winning Cycle of Composite Insulator Diagnostic Procedures 10 kV Bypass System . Cairol. Eng. D. (RSE) (Italy) Pollution on the Lines and Stations Session 4-B Author (Affiliation) Simões. Z. Florea.2011: Tenth ICOLiM Conference. Craveiro. W. D.. (Politechnika Opolska) (Poland) Title Live Working as an Example of Excellence in the Management of Electricity Networks Complete Arc Flash Personal Protective Equipment for Electricians De Donà. Nowikow. Eng.. Portugal) Michniewski. M. Faculty Osijek) (Croatia) Marginean. Stojkov.June 2. F.. Valagussa. Spain) Dudek. Poland) Raljević. (El. (Mech. (HEP). D. (Fichtner Engineering Co. Croatia (continued) Session 4-A Author (Affiliation) Belinchón. Wechsler.S. G. (CME. Konieczny. Skomudek. Mateescu.) (Romania) Title Live Line Dry Cleaning in Electrical Installations ENERGA SA as a Pioneer and Leader in the Implementation of Operating and Repair Work in Live Wire Technology on 400 kV. H. (ENERGA. 2011.).A. 220 kV Transmission Networks and on 110 kV Distribution Networks in Poland Application of Live Working in HEP-ODS Transforming Existing 220 kV Double Circuit Line into 400 kV Single Circuit Line in Romania 4-95 . C. M. (TERNA). (HUBIX). J. (EPC). (P&L Tehnorob Co. R.P. G. Zagreb. B. Eng. May 31 . E. J. Faculty Slavonski Brod). Šljivac.. (MP Consulting. S. A. Oltean. Mehlem. Sevastre. Šljivac. V. I. H.G. International Field Project Applications and Economic Benefits Accreditation of HV Testing Laboratory According HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2007 – Testing of Hot Sticks Role of Testing Laboratory During Live Work Training 4-96 . (ETF) (Croatia) Caha. Croatia (continued) Additional Papers Author (Affiliation) Franca Lima..V. Brabete. D. Candia.. 2011. Nikolovski. Nikolovski.S.) Caha. O. D.A.ON in Czech Republic Risk Analysis and Guidelines for Selecting PPE Against the Thermal Hazards of Electric Fault Arcs Live Replacement of 400 kV Bussbar Insulators in Brasov Substation Ground-Based Robots for Transmission Line Work – Technology Description.June 2. L. (CHESF.2011: Tenth ICOLiM Conference. (Berufsgenossenschaft ETEM) (Germany) Gal. H. S. Czech Republic) Schau. V. May 31 .. Ilmenau).J..ON. (QUANTA. de Vasconcelos Xavier... (Tech. (HEP). Brazil) Vojtek. Zagreb. B. Kruimer. D.. L. U. M. (Transelectrica). Šljivac. Junior C. M. (HEP). (ETF) (Croatia) Title Installing Transversal Busbar over Main Nusbar at the Barreiras Substation Progress of Live Line Working on Middle Voltage Level in E. (E.S. Univ. (SC Smart SA) (Romania) Elizondo. G.. W.2008: Ninth ICOLiM Conference. Germany) Piechoczek. (ESB International. Macełko.) at Edenor S. O’Connell. Eng.A. (ENERGA. Spain) 4-97 . (Institute of El. Argentina) Portillo Belinchón. (EnergiaPro. Poland) Title Safety During Operations of MV/LV Lines when Live Working BEM Evaluation of Eddy Currents Induced in a Live-Line Worker Body Live Work Implemented by ENERGA-OPERATOR SA Branch in Toruń on 400kV. (Poland) Angel Ramos. Poland) Michniewski. Poland) Krajewski. (PSE&G) (U.. W. E. E. 2008.W.S. M. R.. Verdecchio.. (EPRI). A. (RWE. Dudek. 220kV and 110Kv Transmission Grid – Economic Effects Gained and Environment Increasing the Utilization of MV Live Work Resources in Order to Meet Regulated Customer Continuity Targets The LineScout Technology: Considerations for Multi-Span Teleoperated Robotic Live-Line Inspection Advances in Helicopter-Based Live Work Fault Diagnosis and Repairs on an Overhead Earth Wire Above 110kV/220kV/380kV Lines by Helicopter Utilization of Air Techniques to Works Under the Tension in Poland Economic Benefits of Live Works (L. S. T. Poland Room C Session Author (Affiliation) Skomudek.) Kasperczyk. (IREQ.A.. G. Zoworka. Torun. L. Carroll. (EDENOR S. (MP Consulting.. G. New Marketing Actions to Promote Live Working (continued) O’Flynn. B. Ireland) Pouliot. Montambault. E..A.. N. M. Canada) Gela. June 4-5. J.. France) Tubbesing. R. (Vattenfall. C. 2008. Mendes. Torun. Germany) Scherer. J. Italy) Prediger. Germany) Craveiro. Simões. (Vattenfall. Germany) De Donà. N.. B. J. June 4-5. S. O. (Tesmec. Germany) Title OPGW Reconductoring on Live Line: General Aspect and Operative Method Changing Ground Wire into Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) Under Energized System Conditions Live Line Work on Medium Voltage Overhead Lines – Evaluation of Switching Impulse Air Distances Withstand Voltages During Pin-Type Insulators Replacement Control of Disturbances in the Net Service Integral Conservation of Medium Voltage Substations Applying the Distance Work Method Introducing “Work on Live Equipment” at the Medium-Voltage Level at a Big Regional Utility Combined Methods in a 63 kV Maintenance Operation in Réunion’s Island Assembly Error in the 1 and 10 kV Range and Their Consequences by the EnWg – Complicated Disturbance Removals and the Appropriate Operational Sequences Live Working in MV/LV Transforming Stations – Operation of Emergency Generators (continued) Rego. J. Mongars. (TERNA).2008: Ninth ICOLiM Conference. Emma. (ENEL). Poland (continued) Room C Session (continued) Author (Affiliation) Alberto. (Siemens AG... H. C. (EDP. F. Bena. C. Portugal) Voußem. Valagussa. K..-J. Portugal) 4-98 . (SERECT. (CESI) (Italy) Tubbesing. (CME. G. (RTE. H. (PSE.. A. L. (CN Transelectrica SA. V. Germany) Title Live Work at the 225 kV Villejust Substation Acoustic Diagnosis of Gas-Insulated Substations New Jumpering System for Medium Voltage Indoor Switching Stations Dielectric Strength and Ampacity of a New Bypass System for Air-Insulated MV-Switchgears 20-kV Bypass System Used by a Network Operator Room D Session Author (Affiliation) Dmoch. Romania) Title Live Work in ENERGA – OPERATOR S. M. Konieczny. (Tech. Poland) Gal. N. Matea. Torun. 2008. S. Norway) Tänzer. (Doble TransiNor. M.. Ove Kristiansen. Especially Surge Type Romanian Field Experience in Mounting and Exploitation of Line Arresters on High Voltage Overhead Electric Lines (continued) 4-99 .. Z.. Kania.. K. (RTE. T. Branch in Toruń – New Technologies on High Voltage Lines Experience with Diagnosis of Active Ttransportation Facilities. E. S. Poland (continued) Room C Session (continued) Author (Affiliation) Poupardin. Nowak. Germany) Müllenbach. Oltean. A. France) Larsen. Fagarasan. Engelmann. Lien.. Bensch... H. Univ. Grossmann. Poland) Spierewka. T. H. June 4-5. K.. (ENERGA. Germany) Jordan. H.. Dresden.2008: Ninth ICOLiM Conference.. C. (RWE.A. (BSD Bildungs und Servicezentrum.-P. J. (EnerTest.O..A. A. Italy) Dielectric Behavior of Damaged Composite Insulating String – Minimum Approaching Distances Calculation and Individuation of the Limit Conditions for Safe Live (continued) 4-100 . C. M... Kuchta. Bursian. R. M. Araujo. Poland (continued) Room D Session (continued) Author (Affiliation) Larsen. I... J. Germany) Title In-Service Testing and Diagnosis of Gapless Metal Oxide Surge Arresters Detection of Partial Discharge Activity in Live Equipment The Italian Insulating Scaffold Hot Line Tool Maintenance Issues on High Temperature Conductors (ACSS & ACCC) Development of a Special Yoke for Fittings Replacement in the Biggest 600 kV HVDC Overhead Line Qualification and Quality Assurance for 20-kV Rubber Glove Work Németh. H. (Hubbell. Iuliani. (ESB Networks. E.A. Perdigao.. M. (EA Technology Limited..ON Bayern AG. Technology. Iulita. Norway) Holmes. N.. K. J. Berta. M. Kiss.) Mariano. F. Milanello. Posati. S. Italy) Lopez. (RITZ). (Doble TransiNor. Shiel.2008: Ninth ICOLiM Conference. (TERNA. Gulyás. P. Ireland) Paganin. C. M. Poland). B. V. A.. Gallo... United Kingdon). I... G. K..D. A. Malloy. Lien. West. (E. Kristiansen. 2008. June 4-5.. Oliveira. (FURNAS) (Brazil) Dütsch. V. U. G. Pereira. Torun. Hungary) De Dona. (Budapest Preventive Lightning Protection for Live Line Workers Univ.. (TERNA. McKelvy..S. Salafia. Valagussa. Gímenez. SITECE. R. Comisión Técnica Mixta de Salto Grande. L. (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Regionales Concordia. Germany) 4-101 . J.u. Pérez... G. Leva.. Guzzini.. (CESI) (Italy) Neira.. Spain) González García. Rámos. (CTM Salto Grande. H. Cairol. A. Alonso.. J. G.. U.. G. D. Pascual.. M.Authorization Process Live Working at Voltages up to 1000 V by the Electrical-Installer in Germany (continued) Schulze. (TERNA). (ZVEH.2008: Ninth ICOLiM Conference.S.. (UNESA. L. (Iberdrola. B. Moya. U. G. J. Lavecchia. Torun. Dávila. Uruguay) Neira. Empresa de Energía de Santa Fé. F.. de Nigris. 2008. C. Argentina-Uruguay) Gela.a. P. (EPRI.A) Pérez Herranz. June 4-5.. J. Argentina. W.. Spain) Title Composite Insulators Diagnostic in Italian HV Transmission System – Laboratory and On-Site Activities for the Definition of Dffective and Safe Criteria for the Location of Damages Flaws Detection in Polymeric Insulator to HV Line in Service Replacement with Voltage the Conductor Section of Line 500 kV Recent Changes in the IEEE Method of Calculation of the Minimum Approach Distance Live Working in Spanish Electrical Companies and the EN 50110 Standard Demanded Requirements for Contractor Companies that Carry Out Voltage Jobs in Installations Property of Iberdrola Distribution s. Poland (continued) Room D Session (continued) Author (Affiliation) De Donà.. Hangar Servicios. Santa Fe y la Plata. . Czech Republic) Title General Repair of Low Voltage Overhead Line Performed in Lve Voltage Technology Basic Operational Problems in Live Working on Overhead Delivery Distribution Networks with an Isolated Lift Seven Years of Live Working on Medium Voltage Overhead Lines in the ČEZ Group (continued) Title The Influence of Temperature on Physical and Chemical Properties of Cable Impregnates Risk Assessment for Operation of Electrical Power at a Voltage Live. S. B. P. P.A. (TERNA). (ENERGA. M. Žid. Poland) Motejzik. (ENION. (BGETF.. Torun. G. Poland) Dudek. (ČEZ Group. M.2008: Ninth ICOLiM Conference. M. Spain) Boesen. Cherbaucich. S.. M. 2008. V. (COBRA.. Poland (continued) Room D Session (continued) Author (Affiliation) Olesz. Paganin. M. Daszczyszak.. Kuljaca. Poland) De Donà. C.. (ENERGA.. Poland) Trubaluk. Germany) Room E Session Author (Affiliation) Schwann. On-Site Verification of Metering HV Instrument Transformer Accuracy: Improvements and Perspectives Importance of Live-Line Works Methods for OHV Line Re-Powering Changes in the Legal Framework for Live Working in Germany 4-102 . M. June 4-5. G. Iulita. (EPC. N. Schwann. Mazza. (CESI) (Italy) Fernández. Walter. C. (Red Electrica) (Spain) LW Experience in Uruguay Isolation of Low Voltage Naked Aerial Networks by Interferences with Works or Other Activities 220 – 750 kV Overhead Transmission Lines Line Work Modification on 220kV DC Line Meson-Santiago/Santiago-Tambre (continued) 4-103 . Ilmenau. H. Torun. Schau.2008: Ninth ICOLiM Conference. June 4-5. (RWE). Univ.A. (Tech. Univ. (IPH) (Germany). (EPC) (Poland) Fernández. D. Spain) Balawender. G. G.. Ilmenau) (Germany) Title Live Line Working on Middle Voltage in E. (UTE. (Gesa. H. Germany) Riquel. A. J.ON Czech After Two Years Testing of Protective Gloves Against the Thermal Hazards of an Electric Arc – Practice and Standard Situation The Electric Arc Resistance of Composite LV Insulating Gloves Arcing Fault Tested Working Gloves Borneburg.. H. (Tech. (EDF..ON. A. France) Rotter. (COBRE). (VOLTEON). Eichinger. (DuPont. García. R. Clothing Against the Thermal Hazard of an Electric Arc Switzerland) Troche. B. R. 2008. Ferrer Camps. Dudek. H. Wachholz. (E. Poland (continued) Room E Session (continued) Author (Affiliation) Vojtek. Czech Republic) Schau. (Dehn + Sohne). L. Uruguay) Pons Palliser. M. F. Study of Different Test Procedures and Their effects for Testing Protective Vogler. . S.. Mendes. (Vattenfall Europe. (Doble TransiNor. Univ. A. H. (EDF. P. R. (E. Torun.O. Germany) Larsen.. (PFISTERER. Dubail. Germany) 4-104 . K. (Vattenfall Europe. (Malaysia) Title Resagging of a Live 132 kV Line with Simple Conductor Wild Bird Impacts on EDP Distribuição MV/HV Networks and the Mitigation Measures Developed and Adopted The Rubber-Glove (or Insulated Glove) Method from a Positioning Potential Quenching Arcing Faults via a Short-Circuiter During Live Working up to 1000 V Quality Assurance of Service Companies in Low and Medium Voltage Networks Maintenance of Wooden Cross-Arms on High Voltage Transmission Towers Using Live Line Method: Malaysia’s Experience in Improving Efficiency & Safety Live Cable Routing Under Adverse Conditions in Lignite Open Pits Field Experience from Acoustic Diagnosis of Power Cable Accessories ISICOMPACT – the New Clamp Ring with Only One Bolt (continued) Diedrich. D. 2008. U. Lien.2008: Ninth ICOLiM Conference.. France) Schau. Gross. Germany) Shunmugam.. (Dehn & Sohne) (Germany) Strasse. H. C. S. Ehrhardt.. S. Goy. Santa Fe. Portugal) Ostermann. Gomes. Poland (continued) Room E Session (continued) Author (Affiliation) Cairol. N.A. Argentina) Santos. Nicolini. R. June 4-5. L... (EDP. (Tech. Ilmenau). M. V. Norway) Schackert.P. H.E. Kristiansen. Torun.. Oltean. L. M. Germany) Diaconu. Poland (continued) Room E Session (continued) Author (Affiliation) Grzeszkiewicz. June 4-5. I.2008: Ninth ICOLiM Conference. Romania) Title Technical Equipment of Training Field for Practical Teaching Live Voltage Technology Agreement of Quality Assurance of Live Working Training in Germany The Selection. J. Training and Evaluation of Staff in the Live Working Field 4-105 . Schwann. (MCSE). M. 2008. (ENERGA) (Poland) Adamus.. Sevastre. I. (Vattenfall Europe. (SC Smart SA. (CEZ Group. Poland) 4-106 .. Prague. H. Zalesak. Hrabanek.2006: Eighth ICOLiM Conference. V. A.S.ON CR.S.09) Live Wire Work on 400 kV and 220 kV OHL Executed by Energa Concern SA Branch in Torun (continued) Klimanek. (CEZ. T. Czech Republic) Vojtek. J. T.01) Experiences Using the Rubber Glove Method in 20 kV Networks at E. ON Bayern (1. (AZ Elektrostav.02) Romanian Field Experience in Live Mounting of Line Arresters on EHV OHL (1. Germany) Gal. Czech Republic) Kloubec. M. S. (SC Smart) (Romania). Czech Republic) Title (1. Czech Republic) Bubenik..03) Live Working in CEZ Group – Application in Practice (1.05) Live Line Work in CEZ Group – Effects of the Live Line Work upon Power Distribution (Moravia Region) (1. J. Czech Republic) Krawulski. R.K..). Romania) Žid. Czech Republic Section 1: Practical Experiences in Live Working Author (Affiliation) Dütsch. Niejadlik. Stastik. U.. M. Brewer. (CN Transelectrica). T. (CEZ Group. M.A.07) The Beginning of the “LM” Method in Power Engineering (1.ON Bayern AG. G. Enachescu.. (ENERGA. (Hubbel Power Systems.06) Introduction of Live Line Working on 22 kV Overhead Line Networks (1. (EXIMPROD. (E. 2006. June 7-9. Replacement of Grounding Wire at Double Circuit 110 kV Overhead Line While One Circuit Remains Live (1. (E. L. Fagarasan.04) For the First Time Ever in the Czech Republic. Marek. Live Working Activity and Consumers Satisfaction by E.. N. A. V. Prague. Melo. Veit. A.F. P.17) Live Working in Medium Voltage Overhead Lines – Better Performance Due to a Good Project (1.On Hungary.16) "Light" Live Working Teams (1. P. E.M. Gomes. Hungary) Cardoso. ON Dél-Dunántúli Áromszolgáltató Zrt. Portugal) Antunes.. Spain) Anders. Portugal) (1. s. 2006. Portugal): Sa.18) Inserting a Concrete Substrate (with Suspension Channels) on a Single 60 kV Line with Asymmetric Load Arms.13) Live Working and Major Network Refurbishment in ESB Networks (1. Soares. M. A. M.14) Service Quality. (Ireland) Kovács.11) Cleaning Indoor Medium and Low Voltage Substations in Live Working Conditions by Using Dry Ice Blasting (1.F. Mendes. (Fraunhofer IPK) (Germany) Bacskai.M. SA Electricidade dos Acores. J. s.10) Live Working at Low Voltage Installations in Spanish Electrical Companies (1. (EDP. A. R. G. J. with Steel Shielded Wire and Fiber Optic Communications Line (ADSS) Below with Power on. (Východoslovenská energetika a. (EPME. Combination of Remote and Live Work Methods (continued) 4-107 . O’Connell. B. (RWE).. J.2006: Eighth ICOLiM Conference. (EDA. (UNESA. P.. Santos.M. Krieg..12) Live Working on 22 kV Medium Voltage Overhead Lines in Východoslovenská Energetika a.. Slovakia) O’Flynn. Košice (1. (E.. June 7-9. Dobranský.. Czech Republic (continued) Section 1: Practical Experiences in Live Working (continued) Title Author (Affiliation) Herranz Pérez.. (1. I. García Fernández..D. C.. R. Ilmenau. 2006. Andrés Martínez. H. Transmission Subsidiary Timisoara.A. S. (Technische Univ. (REN . Spain) Juhling..2006: Eighth ICOLiM Conference.. Sánchez Oliveros. Prague. (Politehnica Univ.02) The New Standard IEC 61482 and Experiences with the Box Method for Testing of Clothing for Protection Against the Thermal Hazards of an Electric Arc (2. June 7-9. N..03) Live Working and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Red Electrica de España (2. M.Rede Eléctrica Nacional).Évora Using Emergency Restoration System and Live Line Techniques (1. Standards. J. Czech Republic (continued) Section 1: Practical Experiences in Live Working (continued) Author (Affiliation) Ribeiro.A. Training and Corporate Social Responsibility Author (Affiliation) Schau. Kilyeni.19) Uprate of 150 kV Overhead Line Palmela . J.04) General Guidelines for Safe Live Working (continued) Portillo Belinchón. (CN Transelectrica). Hategan. (ISSA.20) Live Maintenance Yechniques – an Efficient Way to Reduce the Costs and to Increase the Power Lines Availability: Case Study for CNTEE Transelectrica S. I. (Red Eléctrica de España. Germany) Title (2. (CME . A. Germany) 4-108 . Section 2: Safety Requirements. Cordeiro. Timisoara) (Romania) Title (1. S.Construçao e Manutençao Electromecânica) (Portugal) Ardelean. ... R.2006: Eighth ICOLiM Conference. V. (Czech Assoc. M.A. France) Dubail. Standards. Czech Republic (continued) Section 2: Safety Requirements. Riquel. France) Techl. France) Riquel. J. R. R. June 7-9. (EDF.18) Safety Aspects by Live Maintenance: Factors in Focus When Performing Live Working (LW) (2. Gonzalez. V. Germany) Sokol. B.10) The New HVA Work Performance Conditions (2. Czech Republic) Scherer. Norway) Fernandez. (COBRA.. (RWE. Fernandez.22) Safety Integrated in Live Line Working Procedure Section 3 New Equipments.16) CEZ Group Training Center for Live Working on Medium Voltage in Touzim (2.12) Professionalism in Live Working (2. Materials and Technologies for Live Working Author (Affiliation) Trullench.. D. G. Dubail. M. E.13) Operators in Electrical Gaps (2.02) Live Line Works for ACSR Conductor Replacement by a High Temperature Conductor on a 66 kV Line 4-109 . R. (EDF. France) Morin. G.09) Labor Safety and Live Working (2.S. (CEZ Group.. Consultant. 2006. (E.E.A. Denis. (EDF. R. Dubail. Czech Republic) Asboll. (COBRA) (Spain) Title (3. Training and Corporate Social Responsibility (continued) Borneburg. (Iberdrola). of Employees in Electricity Industry. C. Prague. Spain) (2. (EDF.11) Speed of Propagation of Internal Faults (2. Hoffmann. B.06) Studies of Face Protection Against the Thermal Hazards of an Electric Arc in the Three Phase Service Box Test by RWE Eurotest (2. M.A.. C.07) Replacement of Voltage Transformer at Energized Substation in 230 kV at Venezuela – Brazil Interconnection Using Bare Hnds Methods (3. U. Uruguay) Arata. (Schniewindt.X. Paganin. Germany) Vazquez. S. Argentina) De Doná. (Schümer GmbH. U. Prague. H. Italy) Bosonetto. Materials and Technologies for Live Working (continued Author (Affiliation) Jordan T.. (UTE. June 7-9. (Terna. Weiss.03) Dielectric Strength of Open Air-Insulated MV Switchgears While Live Working (3. Univ. Giraud. Brazil) Troche.. Venezuela).J. 2006.2006: Eighth ICOLiM Conference. Germany) Iulita. Brand.. Tanzer. Kuljaca. Mazza.05) Mounting of Bird Protection Caps on Overhead Lines – Revision Work of Indoor Switchgear (3. N.12) The Development of Conductive Suits: the Italian Experience (continued) 4-110 . (Tech.11) Live Working Washing of Line Insulator Chains Using Tap Water.N. (AES Corp. (Interoptix.S. Dresden. G. (Terna. Assad. Germany) Pitscher. (CESI).A. (CVG Edelca. U.09) Prototype for Works in TS 132-66-33 kV (3. Kohler.10) Live Installation of HV Equipment for Instrument Transformers Accuracy Check (3. M. Iulita. a Telescopic Arm and Robot Head (3. G. (LTS&SES Energizadas.RI. L.08) Monitoring Safety and Quality in Live Working (3. D. Italy) Title (continued) (3..) (Italy). M. F. (I. Czech Republic (continued) Section 3 New Equipments.A. G.).und Servicezentrum Großröhrsdorf. Germany) Hempel. Sardi. R. W. (Terna). (BSD Bildungs. M. Crotti.. P. M. A.04) Flame Retardant Multifunctional Fabrics Against Electric Arcs (3.. 25) New Trends in MV Switching Techniques and ITS Optimization for Live Working up to 35 kV (continued) 4-111 .13) Studies for the Diagnostics of Composite Insulators (3. (CN Transelectrica) (Romania) Cairol. B.A. R. Araujo J. 2006.. Materials and Technologies for Live Working (continued Author (Affiliation) De Dona. (CESI) (Italy) Gal. Argentina). Czech Republic (continued) Section 3 New Equipments. (Ritz do Brazil. A.A. (C. L. Salto Grande. J. (Terna).20) Changing a Conductor Section in 33 kV (3. Uruguay).21) Laying OPGW-Cables on Lattice Towers (3.. Rendina. Valagussa. Uruguay) Callejo.M.23) Resagging of a Live 500kV Line with Multiple Conductors (3. Pirovano. J. (CTM Salto Grande.A. Clapes.L. (Fasten S.A.22) Development of an Insulated Arm Self-Elevator (3. Diaconu. (Enersa. Neira. (Enersa. UV. G.19) Replacement of 132 kV Polymeric Line Post Insulator (3.T. C.. (Siemens. Prague. S. Brazil) Callejo. (SC Smart). Germany) Neira L.2006: Eighth ICOLiM Conference. Argentina).A. H. Argentina) Neira. Clapes J. June 7-9. Salafia. D. I.14) Multispectral (V. IR) Aerial Survey of EHV Overhead Lines in the Romanian Power Grid (3./RITZ. Oltean. G. Argentina) Meixner. Czech Republic) Title (3. J. Brazil). (CTM Salto Grande. M.24) Live Line Work with Ladder and Platform (3. (Dribo. Argentina) Bartoš.. L. (EPE Santa Fe. J. (CN Transelectrica). (FASTEN S.. S. Gal. (HEP-NOC. (CATU. Croatia) Title (3.28) Requirements for Off-Road Implement Carrier Vehicles for Live Work and Technical Solutions (3. T. Materials and Technologies for Live Working (continued Author (Affiliation) Robbe.. (DaimlerChrysler AG. Caha. 2006. V. Czech Republic (continued) Section 3 New Equipments. Prague.30) HEP-NOC Educational and Training Center 4-112 . Arberet. C. June 7-9.2006: Eighth ICOLiM Conference.29) Revision of IEC 61230 Standard – Live Working: Portable Equipment for Earthing or Earthing and Short Circuiting (3. France) Miletić.. S. Z. Germany) Atlani. G. K.2004: Seventh ICOLiM Conference. (RWE Net. (Zapadoceska Energetika.. Hasse. Japan) Hasse.A. S. Nakashima. (COBRA) (Spain) Gamba. May 24-27 Bucharest. Italy) Title RWE Energy Steps into Medium Voltage Live Working Conductor Replacement on 15 kV Distribution Line by Means of Hot-Stick Working Method (Live-Line Works) Design Considerations for Aerial Devices with Insulated Boom for Live Working 4-113 . Fernandez. P. Noda. Rotter. SOEHNE and Co. Rotter.2 Author (Affiliation) Anders... J. M. Germany) Motejzik. (Kyusyu Electric Power Co. (GESA-ENDESA). (DEHN. Medium and High Voltage Fields Session 1. S. Romania Section I: Live Maintenance in Low.T.1 Author (Affiliation) Iwashita. ( Engineering. SOEHNE Live Working in Medium Voltage Indoor Installations in Germany and Co.. Czech Republic) Operational Experiences – Live Working in Medium Voltage Field in Czech Republic Session 1.. A. P. R.. Kawamura. Stankovsky. M. M. Germany) Title A Study on the Development of an Operator-Assisted Distribution Work Robot Mobile Bypass System for Medium Voltage Switch-Disconnectors Brocke. Germany) Pons... (DEHN. P. G. Romania) Title Replacement of Long Rod Tension Insulators String on the Anchor Support and Angle Support on 110 kV Overhead Lines Working Under Induced Voltage Conditions at Installation of EHV Cable Systems A Few Considerations on the Pipelines’ Safety Nearby the Electric Transmission Lines Session 1. (ADREM INVEST.S. R. R. Poland) Schroder. Bosonetto. Medium and High Voltage Fields (continued) Session 1. G..) Panca. Germany) Pecsi. Romania (continued) Section I: Live Maintenance in Low. (CTM). (EPRI) (U. Lockhart. K. Gela. Italy) Bowes.3 Author (Affiliation) Michniewski. (UTCB Facultatea de Instalatii. Hayward. Konieczny. G. (ZETSA. (ABB Energiekabel. L. Curbelo. G. F. M. A. D... Including Insulators Support A New Device for Supporting Lnemen During Live Activities on Conductor Re-Establishing the Live Working Program on 345 kV Structures at Northeast Utilities Micro Master – the Transformers Time Life Extending Solution 4-114 .A. (UTE) (Uruguay) Iulita. (Northeast Utilities).4 Author (Affiliation) Neira..2004: Seventh ICOLiM Conference. May 24-27 Bucharest. Z. Romania) Title Substitution with Tension and Passage of Current of a Diverter Switch of 500 kV. (TERNA. C. (ICEMENERG.-P. Romania) Montambault. France) Gal. Romania (continued) Section I: Live Maintenance in Low.5 Author (Affiliation) Fernando. Machado.F. (Hydro. S. P.2004: Seventh ICOLiM Conference. M. (CN Transelectrica. S. H. Romania) Vaillant.. Moreno. Canada and Brazil) Riquel. Cristian. (EDF. Medium and High Voltage Fields (continued) Session 1. Canada) Title RED ELECTRICA de Espana: Safety and Progress in Live Line Works Experimental LW Technology for Multiple Tension Insulators Replacement on 400 kV Lines Live Washing Modern Techniques of Inspecting the Transmission Overhead Lines On the Economic and Strategic Impact of Robotics Applied to Transmission Line Maintenance Session 1. S.. Spain) Munteanu. Vitner. France) Title Fall Protection and Rescue for Work on Transmission and Transformation Equipment Improvement of Ergonomics During Live Work in Rining Conditions (continued) 4-115 .Quebec.. R. Bilard..6 Author (Affiliation) Martin. C. F. L. Garcia Fernandez.. (North Safety Products. J.. (Red Electrica. (EDF. May 24-27 Bucharest. G. Delmas. G. B. May 24-27 Bucharest.. Atlani.. Reid. J. E. Italy) “Persons Involved in Live Working” Arberet. G. (Compass Power Solutions... G. Petchsanthad....A. P. S. Thailand). C. Portugal) Practical Concept for Live-Line Maintenance on EGAT’s 500 kV Compact Line: Application of Portable Protective Air Gaps (PPAG) Data Collection Methodology Applied to Electrical Infrastructures Section II: Laws and Regulations Session 2.S.. Romania (continued) Section I: Live Maintenance in Low.. Germany) Title Operational Organization for Live Working in RTE Protective Suits Made of Arc-Resistant Fabrics De Dona.2004: Seventh ICOLiM Conference. D.) Rodrigues. G. (EGAT. G. Gela. (ESTEREOFOTO. Medium and High Voltage Fields (continued) Session 1. G. Grosso G. Schumer GmbH and Co. (Compass Power Solutions.6 (continued) Niamsorn. G. Borrie. Reid. (G. U. (CATU. K. D. Tomasella G. V. United Kingdom) Donald. United Kingdom) Design Influence of the Insulating Stick over Their Lifespan A Comparison of Strict Procedural and Limited Rule Based Systems for Live Line Working Continuous Assessment or Repeated Structured Training – Maintaining the Skill Level 4-116 .. Lomonte G. Borrie. France) Muller-Steineck.. (RTE. France) Donald.. (EPRI. Vuilleumier.1 Author (Affiliation) Ricard. Multimedia Technologies and the Virtual Reality for the Training of the (Terna. N. Zidaru. V. J. E. D. (ENDESA..7 cm Long Electric Arcs (continued) 4-117 . N..2004: Seventh ICOLiM Conference. (Compass Power Solutions. P.S. Possible Argument for Under-Voltage Work (LST) in Transelectrica Groza.A.. Normal Scheme Deviation (ASN) Enforced by Operation Withdrawal. G. Kilyeni. N. Lupea. (2K Consultants). Jones Associates). May 24-27 Bucharest. United Kingdom) Javier. M. (E. (Gillies & Associates). Alejandro. D.) Thermal Performance of 30. (Garu Guard) (U. (Politehnica Univ.. Kolcio. Timisoara) (Romania) Gillies. S.5 and 106. R. M.3 Author (Affiliation) Title Ardelean. L. Jones. N.A. Spain) Ramos. I.A. F. Stillwagon.. Z.A. a (CNTEE Transelectrica). Perinan..... Borrie. Casas. Agentina) Title Accidents During Live Line Working – Isolated Events or Common Causality? Live Maintenance Regulation Evolution in ENDESA-Operation Regulation Normative and Training of Live Working in EDENOR SA Session 2. Vornic.. Romania (continued) Section II: Laws and Regulations (continued) Session 2. Guerrero. Chiosa. (Edenor SA.2 Author (Affiliation) Donald. T. Christensen.2004: Seventh ICOLiM Conference. Development of an Industry Guide for Live Work on AC Transmission Lines Gela. Dodds. K. (EDF. (IBEW). Thiese.. T. (PGE).. E. Germany) Riquel. A.) Session 2. (Quanta). J. (EPRI). Kolcio. Kelly. G. (WAPA)... Oury. (ConEdison). (Institute for the Investigation of Electrical Accidents. E. J. D. (L.4 Author (Affiliation) Riquel.S. Buchholz. Buonincontri.A. Tomaseski. N. France) Juhling. May 24-27 Bucharest. J. (2K Consultants). (EEI). (EDF. France) Detection of Internal Faults Title New German Accident Prevention Rule for Live Working Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Live Work 4-118 .-F. N.. (PSE&G). J. S. Spangenberg. Labansat.E.3 Author (Affiliation) Title Verdecchio. Romania (continued) Section II: Laws and Regulations (continued) Session 2. Meyer) (U. G. C. Gayrard. Hunt. G. A.2004: Seventh ICOLiM Conference. Diedrich. Jurca. T. (SC SMART). (CN Transelectrica). (EDF... Diaconu. N. May 24-27 Bucharest. I. Germany) Kovacs. Borneburg.6 Author (Affiliation) Adamus. Romania) Romascu.-F. Blagu. (SISEE).5 Author (Affiliation) Mougenet. H. V.C. G. Romania). Barbulescu. Tulici. (EDF. Romania) Professionalism in Live Working Title Studies of Different Methods for Testing of Clothing for Protection Against the Thermal Hazards of an Electric Arc Necessity and Opportunity of Using Live Maintenance at Medium Voltage Overhead Lines The Extension of Live Maintenance Technologies Applicable Within the Romanian Power Transmission Grid Considerations on the Impact of the Romanian Electricity Sector Restructuring on the Maintenance Organizing and the Need to Promote Live Works to OHL Session 2. J. (ICEMENERG. Romania (continued) Section II: Laws and Regulations (continued) Session 2.-M. (RWE Eurotest) (Germany) Dan. France). L. J. (Vatenfall Europe. Gal. Hungary) Title Minimum Requirements for LW Trainees Impact of the LW Activities on the Service Quality Indices 4-119 .. (DEDASZ. Munteanu. France) Schau. C.. I. (AISEE) (Romania) Diaconu. Fagarasan. C.. M. (SC SMART. D. Chodot. I. S. G. (Technische Universitat Ilmenau). Rus. (Transelectrica ST.. N. Sehovac. Spain) Title Discharge Development and Spark-Over in an Air Gap Containing an Object at Floating Potential Testing in HV Laboratory Concerning the Performances of Electro-Insulated Structures Automatic Calculation of Ground Protection Installation for Outdoor Transformers Principal Errors of the Ground Electrical Field Measuring with Spherical Dipole Related to the Overhead Lines Electrogeometric Theory or Electrostatic Theory? (Determination of the Impact Point of the Lightning with the Ground) Safety Distances for Live Working in Spain.. A. F. (UPB Facultatea de Energetica. A.. S. V. (Facultatea de Instalatii. G. N.. (Dept El.2 Author (Affiliation) Bertolotto. S. Based on the European Standards Session 3. Titihazan. N. Romania) Magureanu.-M.. Nesin. Rus. Italy) Title Gas-Insulated Bushings with Voltage Monitoring Device (continued) 4-120 . Romania) Herranz.1 Author (Affiliation) Allen. Chotigo. M.P. (UNESA. Buta. May 24-27 Bucharest. Romania (continued) Section III: EHV Network Monitoring Session 3. (Passoni & Villa..L. Pana.. and Electronics. Bratu. M.D. G.. C. Surianu. Eng. (Univ Politehnica Timisoara). T.. Pantazi. Chiosa.2004: Seventh ICOLiM Conference.. Ardelean.. (Universitatea Craiova. I. D.. P. Tudor.. A. Romania) Centea. (United Kingdom) Titihazan. (Transelectrica SS) (Romania) Diga. O. (Transelectrica ST). (ICMET).. C.. C. (Terna. Patru.3 Partial Discharge Monitoring and Locating in Power Transformers. Mateescu. Nedelcut. L.Valagussa.. E. (Icemenerg SA.. D. S. Sacerdotianu. (Icemenerg). D. (ISPE). C. Italy) Niculescu. A. Romania) Marinescu. (Tehnorob SA). Tulici.2 (continued) Marinescu.. I. G. Actual Practices and Future Management Are on This Way! Condition Assessment of Composite Insulators Through Non-Destructive Investigation 4-121 . Gal. N. Comparison Between the New and Old Edition of IEC 61472 Standard Interconnection the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition of Power Systems (SCADA) Why Not Use Live-Line Techniques for ACSR Conductor Joints End-of-Life Prediction? Romanian Theoretical Assumptions. Romania) Florea. (SC VIG) (Romania) Session 3. S. I. Jurca. Munteanu. Romania) Title Live Working – a Method of Calculation of Minimum Approach Distances. A.2004: Seventh ICOLiM Conference. Romania (continued) Section III: EHV Network Monitoring (continued) Session 3. G. (Transelectrica ST. Using Acoustic Emission Method Equipment for HV Capacitor-Type Bushings (DPD) Monitoring Author (Affiliation) De Dona. (ICMET. May 24-27 Bucharest. (Transelectrica ST) (Romania) Munteanu. Purcaru. (Politehnica Univ. Popescu. M. I.4 Author (Affiliation) Ungureanu.2004: Seventh ICOLiM Conference. Bucharest. (Tehnorob SA) (Romania) Dragan. T Baran.A.. Rucinschi. Italy) Dragan. Romania) Coatu. Coatu. P.5 Author (Affiliation) Bertolotto. S.. Florea. S. Romania) Title Electromagnetic Coupling Phenomena of Overhead Power Lines in Low and High Frequency Measurement of Radio Interference Voltages Due to Insulators Sets and Other Line Equipment Response of MV Insulation to Standard and Non-Standard Lightning Impulses Session 3. Bucharest. (Romanian Academy). G.. Leonida. (ICEMENERG SA) (Romania) Title Quality of Energy: New Capacitor Voltage and SF6 Current Transformers for Measurement of Frequencies Large Band An Analysis of Calculation Methods Regarding the Influence of Corona Impulse Discharge on Traveling Process of Voltage Surges Active Power Losses Analysis in the Case of Alternative Voltage Corona Discharge on the Similitude Theory Basis 4-122 . (Passoni & Villa.. M. R. Ottoboni. V. G. Costea. M. Costea.. May 24-27 Bucharest. (Romanian Academy). D. Romania (continued) Section III: EHV Network Monitoring (continued) Session 3.. M. ristea. (Politehnica Univ. G.. (Romanian Academy) (Romania) Goia. G. Romania) Title An Accurate Model of Induced Voltage Impulse Traveling on Distribution Electric Lines with Corona Discharge and Skin Effect Measurement of Ground Connection of Extended Electrical Substations 4-123 .2004: Seventh ICOLiM Conference. (Tehnorob SA). Dragan. M.A. (Univ. May 24-27 Bucharest. Romania (continued) Section III: EHV Network Monitoring (continued) Session 3. Oradea.6 Author (Affiliation) Florea.L. G. (CN Transelectrica. I.. Rank. (ABB. in Germany Live Maintenance and Repair of High-Voltage Overhead Lines – Live Working as a Public Service Offer Introduction to Live Working in 20 kV Networks – Experiences at E. J. Portillo Belinchón. Gernamny) Dütsch. Germany) Title Beginnings of Live Working at Voltages Above 1 kV a... 2002..ON Bavaria 4-124 .. M.. J. Olteanu. Development and Application of the Safety European Normative to Live Spain) Working in the Spanish Electrical Sector Iulita. (Germany) Hennersdorf. Sevastre. F. M. Italy) Gal. S. (TERNA. Balasiu. M. c. (E. (UNESA. Romania) Development of Standards and Regulations for Electrical Live Working in Italy The Experience of National Company CN Transelectrica SA – ST Sibiu in Live Maintaining of Overhead Electric Lines and Future Development Session A2: High Voltage Live Working in Germany Author (Affiliation) Kupfer. H.2002: Sixth ICOLiM Conference. Tulici. K. Berlin. June 5-7.ON Bayern. Jurca. N. Germany Session A1: Development of Live Working Author (Affiliation) Title Pérez Herranz. A. L.. United Kingdom) Title Comparative Study of the Costs in Live Working Activities The Role of Live Working Procedures in the Improvement of Power Transmision System Availability in Spain Management of Live Working 4-125 . B. M. (Endesa. Bárbaro. I. (Red Electrica. M. (Cuba Electricity. Spain) Portillo Belinchón. (Pierce and Associates. (ELDENOR) (Peru) Hernández Lavín. P. Gutiérrez Pizarro. J. 2002. (Ica). (HSE.2002: Sixth ICOLiM Conference. M. Germany (continued) Session A3: Live Working Competence Criteria Author (Affiliation) McLean.. Morena Amezcua. Berlin. C. D. United Kingdom) Rosas Hernández. June 5-7. Spain) Pierce. Cuba) Title ISSA Live Working Group Development of Criteria for Assessing the Competence of Workers Live Maintenance in Peru System of Instruction for Foremen of Work in Electrice Air Life Lines – Method “to Contact” with Gloves and Insulating Platforms up to 15 kV Session A4: Efficiency of Live Working Author (Affiliation) Zarco Periñán.. J. A. June 5-7. G. (Luz Y Fuerza del Centro. (SIBA Sicherungen-Bau GmbH. Germany ) Title Analysis of Heavy Potential Accidents Happened in 23 kV Overhead Distribution Circuits. Austria) Haas. Mexico) Mougenet. C. G.. Brauner. Berlin. France) Pirker. Germany) Bilard. Devices and Equipment Part 1 Author (Affiliation) Wenzel.-F. F. S. (ELSIC GmbH. Germany) Title Insulating Barriers According to VDE 0682 Part 552 for Safeguarding on Equipment with Voltage Above 1 kV Marking and Tracing of Live Working Tools Live Maintenance and Repair of Medium Voltage Installations 4-126 . Kral. H. (DEHN & SOHNE GmbH and Co. (Arsenal GmbH. J.. W. (EDF.2002: Sixth ICOLiM Conference.-U.. (EDF. Preventive Measures and Technical Recommendations to Avoid Accidents Repetition From Risk aAnalysis to Live Working Techniques Safe Use of Electrical Installations Enhancing Work Safety Through Application of Specific Fuses Session A6: Tools. 2002. G. France) Rotter. C. Germany (continued) Session A5: Risk Management Author (Affiliation) Mejía García. Pascoli. (IBERDROLA). Japan) Montambault. M. V. Nakashima. France) Arberet. S. Devices and Equipment Part 2 Author (Affiliation) Pillekamp. (Hydro Quebec. June 5-7. Berlin.A. Germany) Bilard. Germany (continued) Session A7: Tools. T. S. (COBRA) (Spain) Title Research into the Development of a Fully Automatic Distribution Work Robot HQ LineROVer: a Remotely Operated Vehicle for Live-Line Work on Overhead Transmission Lines Experience in the Exploitation of the ROBTET System 4-127 .. (EDF. Kawamura. M. (KEP. Canada) Trullench Marzo.2002: Sixth ICOLiM Conference. France) Title Alternative Face Shield Against Electric Arcs Shoulder Length Insulating Glove up to Class 3 for Live Working Using the Contact Method EN 61243-3: A New Standard for Low-Voltage Detectors Session B1: Roboter Systems Author (Affiliation) Iwashita. J. S. (CATU.. Fernández Fernández. K. 2002. (HEW. (HkV Support Service) (U. U. R. Arqués R. 2002. (VMF. Physical... H. J.2002: Sixth ICOLiM Conference. A. (EPRI). (EGIE. Berlin.Technical Institute of Moscow) (Russia) Gela. June 5-7.A. Helicasa) (Spain) Pröschild.A.S. (EPRI). SSPE TORIY. Bugaev. Germany)) Guillou. Maslennikov. (SSPE TORIY).) Portable Protective Air Gaps The Use of New Emission Material for Cathodes of Protective Spark Gaps Title Step. G. France) Title Hot Line Works with Helicopter – Tools and Equipments Repair of Overhead Lines Using Helicopters Live Line Bare-Hands Working Using Aerial Eevice with Insulating Boom (DIN-EN 61057) & Live Line Insulator Washing Using Remote-Controlled Gun on Aerial Eevice (IEEE-957) Session B3: Insulation Coordination Author (Affiliation) Gela. Tosca. (Open Joint-Stock Company VMF). L. S. (PSE&G) (U.S. Kientz. (REE. J. N. Touch and Transferred Voltages: A New Nemesis? 4-128 . (REE). (ENBW Regional.) Ivanchenko. T. R. García Fernández.. Y. S. G. G. V. Germany (continued) Session B2: Helicopters and Aerial Devices Author (Affiliation) Fernández. Verdecchio. Ferraro. (RWE Net AG.. J. (RWE Net AG. (SAG Energieversorungslosungen) (Germany) Bauer. (RWE Net AG). G. Italy) Hoffmann. N. De Donà. Germany) Bonn. C. (RWE Net AG. Germany (continued) Session B4: Safety Aspects Author (Affiliation) Bauer. Germany) Title Horticultural Maintenance Work Inside Locked Electrical Installations Delineation of Work Areas for Working in the Vicinity of Live Parts European Approach Yowards the Definition of Working Zones on or Near Electrical Installations Reduced Protective Distances in Corrosion Prevention Work on Overhead Lines for Nominal Voltages ≥ 110 kV 4-129 . 2002. (TERNA. Germany) Lalot. Hentschel. (Technical University Dresden.and Low-Volatge Installations Aspects of Electrical Influence at Stringing of Conductors in the Proximity of Live Overhead Lines Transient Shock Hazard Voltage Working on Grounded Busbars of HighVoltage Installations Session B5: Working in the Vicinity of Live Parts Author (Affiliation) Klusmann. Berlin. (Technical University Dresden. June 5-7. Germany) Pohlmann. G. Germany) Title Magnetic Fields in Live Working on High-. H. (EDF. H. R. France).2002: Sixth ICOLiM Conference. H. Bohn.. Medium. F. T. Dörnemann. M. Germany (continued) Session B6: Application of Bypasses Author (Affiliation) Rotter... Roquelane Mendes. YCA Olivenza. M. M. Berlin. P.. Brazil) Title Bypassing Unit for Medium Voltage Installations Electric Power Gas Jumper Mounting of Bypass Disconnect Switches on Energized 138 kV and 230 kV Substation with Barehand Technique Session B7: New Working Procedures Author (Affiliation) Georg. Spain) Title Live Working Method Without PPE – Field-Test: Installation of a Cable Joint Box for Houses Connection Low Voltage Connectors for Temporary Live Working Reconnection The Fear of the “Living Working“ 4-130 . (EAM. G. (Hot Line Construcioes Eletricas Ltda. Germany) di Vora. M. R. X. Hernandez Villena. (DEHN & Sohne GmbH & Co. June 5-7.2002: Sixth ICOLiM Conference. A. Glückselig. Germany) Loureiro Braga. Brazil) Assad. J. 2002. (Tec. and others ((LT’s & SE’s Energizadas Ltda. (EDF. L.. France) Piriz Mendez. Neveleff. Kuchciak. A. D. Visser... C. Matea.2002: Sixth ICOLiM Conference..-Type Optic Fibre Cable Stringing with Live Line Live Line Installation – New Installation Method for a Traditional Business Working Method for Live Line Optic Fibre Stringing 4-131 . (CN Transelectrica. (SIEMENS AG. Balasiu. C. C.. J. Garcia Fernández. H. R. 2002. (ENEL. Fraance) Gal. Meixner.G. R. Romania) Title Conversion with Live Maintenance of Power Lines (15 kV) from Rigid Insulators into String Insulators Control of composite insulators Recent Experience and Future Plans with Composite Insulators on the Transmission System of CN TRANSELECTRICA SA-ST Sibiu Session C2: Fibre Otpric Cable Author (Affiliation) García. S. (Red Electrica).. N. G. M. F. R.. Alesi B. M. R. June 5-7. L. Munteanu. (Transener SA.W. (Cobra) (Spain) Title O. Berlin.. Tulici.P.-J. Fernández... C. H. Germany (continued) Session C1: Insulators Author (Affiliation) Boschetti. (EDF. Argentina) Prediger. Germany) Fernández.. Italy) Dubail. M... Motejzik. T. Jones Assoc. Nguyen. DuPont de Nemours) (U. Canada) Stankovsky. Boissonneault. (ZCE. (E. Matching Clothing System and Arc Rating with Potential Arc Exposure A. Electric Arc Hazard Analysis and Selection of Protective Clothing Based on G... C.. Czech Republic) Live Working in ZCE a.). (Neal Assoc. Jones.A. R.. Title Properties of Conductive Material (fabric) Under AC and DC Conditions Session C4: Electric Arc Part 1 Author (Affiliation) Vogler. D.. Pineau.). Germany (continued) Session C3: Laboratory Tests of Devices and Equipment Author (Affiliation) Vincent.S. C.A. Laverty. C. (IPH GmbH. M. Germany) Müller-Steineck. D..I. Canada) 4-132 .. Berlin. Canada) Comte. (Hydro Quebec. (Hydro Quebec. Lapierre. J.. S. 2002. (G. E. Hamel.s. J. June 5-7. Hamel.2002: Sixth ICOLiM Conference. S. M. E.. (E. Schumer GmbH & Co. Bourdages. R. E. Vincent. L.. H. Doughty. M. Germany) Title Strains on PPE Caused by Electric Arc in Live Working Protective Suits Made of “Electric Arc Resistant” Fabrics Neal. Germany) Title Calorimetric Analysis of Electric Fault Arc Based on ENV 50354:2000 Personal Protection in Low Voltage Switchgears to Prevent Electric Arc Hazard Testing Protective and Occupational Clothes for Electric Arc Resistance Properties Personal Hazards While Being Exposed to an Electric Arc Fault Session C6: High Voltage Working Procedures Part 1 Author (Affiliation) Lierse.. Klaus.. M. P.-L. Tenckhoff. B. D..2002: Sixth ICOLiM Conference. (Moeller GmbH. Germany) De Donà. Bosonetto. June 5-7. Dühr. Italy) Title Live Cleaning – Also After Damages Live Working – Project of a Device for the Route on the Spans of HV Lines Work on Hot Spots in HV Substations 4-133 . Hassan. (Technical Univ of Ilmenau. (Technical Univ of Ilmenau. (RWE. H. F. W. (TERNA. G. (SIEMENS AG. Schau.. 2002. M. Berlin.. G. Germany) Berger. (TERNA. O. Germany (continued) Session C5: Electric Arc Part 2 Author (Affiliation) Schau. Germany) Könen. H. Italy) Paganin. Germany) Böhme. Neveleff. K. E. (VEAG. Kuchciak. E (CENTRAIS ELETRICAS) (Brazil) Title Live Line Insulator Replacement on Tangent Towers of 500 kV AC Transmission Lines Sagging of Phase Conductors on 500 kV Live Lines Improvement in the 500 kV Substations Using Barehand Methods Without Outage of Power Flow in Brazil´s North-South Interconnection Additional Papers Author (Affiliation) Balawender...2002: Sixth ICOLiM Conference. J. A. Germany) Title Helicopter Service for Power Lines System in Poland Arbeiten Under Spannung in Deutchland: Anforderungen und Entwicklung Unter sich verändernden Strommarktbedingungen 4-134 . Piechoczek. Poland) Adamus. Canada) García. H.. C. R. Dudek. 2002. (Polish Power Grid. Germany (continued) Session C7: High Voltage Working Procedures Part 2 Author (Affiliation) Hesse. L.. (LT’s & SE’s Energizadas Ltda) Rosa. Berlin. (TRANSENER S. June 5-7. D. J.. A.A. B.. Argentina) Assad. X.. Alesi. (Manitoba Hydro. B. Rodriguez. G. 2000.2000: Fifth ICOLiM Conference. J. J.J. (Red Electrica... Marzo.. R.T. May 17-19. R. (TERNA. B. Martinez. R. lines and transformations stations Author (Affiliation) Carrasco. Troche. Madrid. Bardallo. (UTE. Spain Session 1 – Experiences in different countries during the implementation and performance of live line work for the maintenance of substations.A. Italy) Michniewski. A. (EDP). Spain) Starting Live Line Maintenance The Live Work Activity in the Context of an Strategic Alliance Between EDP and IBERDROLA Experiments in Live Working Travaux Sous Tension sur les Lignes a 110 kV. R.. (IBERDROLA) (Portugal) de Doma. Uruguay) Ascencao Gaspar. L.A. en Pologne Field Experience in Live Working at Red Eléctrica Using a HelicopterMounted Fixed Platform Title 4-135 . Dudek. V. (Poland) Fernandez Gonzalez. D. M. (EPE).F. W. Madrid. Germany) Optic Fiber Installation on Energized Networks Securite des Materiaux et des Equipements pour les Travaux sous Tension Condiciones de Ejecusion de Trabajos con Tensions en Instalaciones BT Travaux de Substitution d’une Cellule Conventionnelle par Use Cellule Prefabriquee dans Postes de Transformation Repairing of Pole Top Switches by Live Line Work Technology Live Cleaning in Systems up to 36 kV . Visser.. May 17-19.A. Laspada.G.. Munoz Algarrada. 2000. H. L. P. Analysis of Live Cleaning of Substations with Outdoor Plant Using Pressure Spain) Water Jets Lombardet.. P.J.. H.Proof of Activities and Equipment in Practice 4-136 . (Spain) Stival. Spain) Gelencser. Rotter. R. (Alstom) (France) De la Casa J.E.M. J.. Hungary) Hasse. Pastor. G. (Endesa. Kathrein. (EPRE) (Argentina) Fernandez. Blanchard.2000: Fifth ICOLiM Conference. C.R.F. Spain (continued) Session 2 – Work practices and new performance procedures implemented in different countries for carrying out live maintenance under voltages of less than 110 kV Author (Affiliation) Title Zarco Perinan. Kehne.R. (DEDASZ. (DEHN-SONNE. (COBRA.M. G.. (EDF).F. C. .S.A. L. T.E.P. J. (PSE&G) (U. Braga. Zarco Perinan (Endesa. (C. May 17-19.. F. de C. (COPEL) (Brazil) Title Negative Aspects of Installing a Bridge-Bypass to Deconnect a HighFrequency Coil New Used Methodologies for Works with Tension on Lines of 500 kV Replacement of Voltage-Charged Insulators in 500 kV-Line Deadend Towers Transmission Line Conductor Cable Replacement Using the Live Line Technique Installation of Composite Optical Ground Wires on Energized High Voltage Overhead Lines (Live-Lines) Live Re-Stringing of 138 kV Lines Upgrading and Refurbishment of an Energized Transmission Line 4-137 . Brazil) Planas. M. G. R. Uruguay) Mendes. S.2000: Fifth ICOLiM Conference.L. Ltda.L. Braga..J.. (EPRI).E...(C. Da Veiga. Uruguay) Neira. Spain) Gela. G. A. Spain) Lockhart. (Hot Line Construcoes Eletricas Ltda.F. Ferraro. Spain (continued) Session 3 – Work practices and new performance procedures implemented in different countries for carrying out live maintenance under voltages equal to or greater than 110 kV Author (Affiliation) Munoz Algarrada. Verdecchio.A. A. (Pirelli Cables y Systemas. 2000.R. I..E. ITAMBE).). Da Silva Moreira.. (Salto Grande Technical Binational Commission. D. R. Pena. Madrid. Valls. P. A. J. (UTE. Braga. J. Madrid. (Hot Line Construcioes Eletricas Ltda. materials and collective and individual protection equipment used in high and low voltage live line work Author (Affiliation) Sramago. May 17-19.S. Germany) Mendes. N. Mendes. (Dresden Univ. (Electricidade de Portugal. (EPRI). M.. S. 2000. J.F..E.R.A.. Brazil) Chabin. of Technology. N. Portugal) Paganin. Braga.. A.P. Italy) Englemann. Spain (continued) Session 4 – Experiences in the utilization.L. (ORFILA) (France) Gela. (TERNA. new designs and characteristics of the tools.. Kolcio. E. Braga. R.) Title Connecteurs a Anneau pour Traveux sous Tensions (Lignes Aeriennes) – Une Experience dans l’Elaboration de leur Specification The Realization of Small Tool for Live Working New Shielding Protective Equipment for Live Working Live Line Device for Substation Equipment Energization.2000: Fifth ICOLiM Conference. Orfila. G. (EDF). C. (AEP) (U. G. Herzberg. at a Distance Long Insulating Glove: A Step Forward for the Insulating Glove Working Electrical Performance of Cover-up 4-138 . G. (ELECNOR.. accident rate abd the development of preventive measures in companies performing live line work. Madrid. Author (Affiliation) San Roman Salcines.2000: Fifth ICOLiM Conference. Spain) Manuel. D. Safety plans. Spain) Laverty. E. (INSHT. Spain (continued) Session 5 – Prevention of on-the-job risks for workers performing live maintenance. (DuPont de Nemours) Title A Project for Eliminating Accidents and Preventing Incidents in HVvoltage Live Working Activities Study of Electrical Accidents Occurred in Works on Live Installations – Contribution to the Prevention of Accidents Eye protectors Against Short Circuit Electric Arc: Present and Future Behavior of Different Fabrics Exposed to a Low Voltage Electric Arc. L. D. A. Results of Tests Performed in Spain Accident Rate in Voltage Works Measuring the Performance of Fabric Systems to Protect Against the Thermal Effects of Electrics Arcs 4-139 . G. 2000. May 17-19. V. Spain) Moreno.F. (UNESA. Viadas.J. (EDP. Portugal) Aguilar. S. Spain) Herranz..P. Costa.A. (IBERDROLA. Madrid. S. (Endesa. Gonzalez Camino..P. Portugal) Miranda. Palliser. Contribution of Live Working Techniques to the Improvement of Conditions.L.. A.A. F. Soares P. Quaresma. P. The Integral Maintenance of Transformer and Switching Stations.2000: Fifth ICOLiM Conference. Quality of Service Les Travaux sous Tension au Service de la Fourniture Belinchon.P. S. Author (Affiliation) Roque. (EDP.O. F. accident rate abd the development of preventive measures in companies performing live line work. J.C. Caineta.. Porugal) Study and Development of Solutions for Live Intervention in Distribution Networks. (MECI. Economic Analysis 4-140 .. Almeida.. Spain) Protection of Bird Wildlife Casal. (FECSA-ENHER I).J. J.O.. J. Spain) Fernandez. M.. A. Spain (continued) Session 6 – Prevention of on-the-job risks for workers performing live maintenance. Soles..J. Garcia. J. 2000. Parra.R. (Red Electrica. May 17-19. V. E. (COBRA) (Spain) Title Trabajos en Tension en las Redes Portuguesas de 60 kV: Uma Contribucao para a Melhoria da Qualidade de Servico Diagnostic of the State of the Conductors in Medium Tension Lines Using Live Methods. Gomes. Safety plans.. J. G. (TERNA.R. M. M.L. A.2000: Fifth ICOLiM Conference. A.. Certification and testing of equipment.. Visser. May 17-19.M. Spain (continued) Session 7 – Selection. F. Training for Operators at Low Level Travaux sous Tension dans les Installations de Destribition et les Cables Souterrain de Tensioin Jusqu’a 1 kV Prediction du Taux d’Accidents Individuals des Travaux sous Tensions Protocols for the Medical Surveillance of Worker’s Health for Live Maintenance and for Work in Altitude The Importance of Training Line Voltage Work Brigades Supervision in High Voltage Works 4-141 . Spain) Escandon. Madrid. Dudek. Gonzalez. Spain) Title Live Working on High Voltage Power Lines. E. Spain) Gonzalez –Becerra.J. B.. J. (NORCONTROL. Italy) Cader. tools and materials used. Author (Affiliation) Iulita. (UNESA. (COBRA. (Poland) de la Hermosa.. training and ongoing training of workers for the performance of live maintenance work. Bellod.F. Spain) Alocen Montero. S. (Red Electrica. C. 2000. Vidberg. Author (Affiliation) Arberet. H..A. J. Maruyama.A Step Forward for Distribution System Operations SKY II® .S.-DISAM). J. U. Aguirre. Colombia) Campoy... (KEP.M. Spain (continued) Session 8 – Application of the new technologies and robotised systems for the performance of live maintenance under high voltage. Fernandez. S. (CATU. I.) Biel Gaye F. Sweden) De Buruaga Molina.. May 17-19.P. Spain) De Buruaga Molina. (NORCONTROL. J.S. (Ing. France) Kikuchi. Del Cerro. D.. (NORCONTROL. Japan) Trullench. S. Y. M.. P. Garcia. U. Red Electrica) (Spain) Title Une Nouvelle Generation de Comparateurs de Phases “sans Fil” Development of Hybrid Robot for Various Distribution Line Work Avances Technologiques et Resuktats de l’Exploitation du Systems ROBTET ROBHOT® Hotline Inspection and Testing of Joints The Application of Heli-Borne Dual Systems to the Inspection of Overhead Power Lines Continuous on-Line Monitoring of Substations Sectionalizer . 2000. Yano. (Hubbell Power Systems.2000: Fifth ICOLiM Conference. Munoz..S. Madrid. Nieto. Fernando. Barrientos. P. J. Inst Y Control.A.. (IBERDROLA). R. K.The New Maintenance Information & Management System An Autonomous Helicopter Guided by Computer Vision for Visual Inspection of Overhead Power Cable 4-142 . (COBRA) (Spain) Ormin. Spain) Taj. P. V. J.. (SwedPower AB. A. (SFP Pole SET). M. Author (Affiliation) Garcia-Romanillos. J. 2000.. (Isolux WAT S. Strategy and Program of Work Executive Implementation 86/656/CEE to a Mainenance Contract of Low Tension Network 4-143 . Claudepierre. (INSHT. Spain) Title Accomplissement de la directive 89/686/CEE au Sijet des Gants Isolants pour Travaux Electriques Dielectric Tests on Aerial Devices with Insulating Booms Used for Live Working Experiences and Concerns about Live Maintenance by a Regulator for Health and Safety Certification of the Live Working (LW) Sector from Design to Implementation IEC/TC78 «Live Working»: Structure. D. Vincent.). Charest.2000: Fifth ICOLiM Conference.C. United Kingdom) Picart. G. Pautrat. (EDF). Inc. May 17-19.S.. Madrid. (IREQ). (LOCE. U. M. Spain) McLean.A. Spain (continued) Session 9 – Legal aspects. Canada) Buetas.A. Spain) Vecino. F.A. G.C. (EPRI. (Health and Safety Executive.J. rules and regulations applicable to the performance of live maintenance on high and low voltage installations. F. L. (EDF) (France) Gela. C. V. (ABM Charest Consultants. F. Safety rules established in order to guarantee the safety of workers in the performance of work on installations under voltage and in proximity of voltage. C. Keintz. L.S. (Alabama Power Co. (Red Electrica) (Spain) Montero. (EPRI). Spain (continued) Session 10 – Work in the proximity of voltage and safe distances. G. G. 2000.S.T. Belinchon.A. (EPRI. Spain) Title Assessing the Electrical and Mechanical Integrity of Composite Insulators Prior to Live Working Further Comparison of the IEC and IEEE Methods of Calculation of Minimum Approach Distance Assessing the Integrity of Vintage Ceramic Insulators Sustitucion de Celda Convencional por Celda Prefabricada en C.) (U.) Gela. G..) Fernandez. Madrid.A.. (HvK Inc.A.P. D.S.R. Oliveros. (EPRI). M. Revision of the chains of insulation. (Red Electrica.. Mitchel. C. M. Author (Affiliation) Gela.S.A. Safety Distances for Working on Electrical Installations 4-144 . H.) (U. U. M. May 17-19. Visser. (COBRA). Ostendorp.2000: Fifth ICOLiM Conference.) Gela. C. Fortin.. France) Solano. Spain (continued) Session 11 – The electric and magnetic fields in live line work and their influence on the human body. (Meijo Univ. (Red Electrica. Hantouche. Mexico).. Spain) Englemann. J. Mizuno.... May 17-19.2000: Fifth ICOLiM Conference. Dresden. M. J. Spain) Barraza.. 2000. Andres. M. A. Germany) Lalot.J. M.. (EDF.).L. A. L. P. E. Chevalier. C. Naito. Status of the relevant research and regulatory provisions.M. F. Y. Author (Affiliation) Lambrozo. C... (UNESA. France) Fernandez. Kindersberger. of Technology) (Japan) Title Absenteisme des Salaries Exposes aux Champs Electromagnetiques dans l’Enterprise Electricite de France Electric Field Measurement on Composite Insulators Using Live Working Techniques Magnetic Field Stress During Live Working in High Voltage Transmission Lines Conductive Clothing for Live Working (LW) and Protection Against the Electric Field Measurements of Electromagnetic Fields in Various High Voltage Works Report of Joint Research on Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields Measurements in Mexico 4-145 . (Guanajuato Univ. J. (Nagoya Inst. Madrid. J..B. Munoz. Univ. Baraton. Lecumberri. (EDF. K. (Tech. J. Souques. Ivory Coast) Medium Voltage Liveworking ESB International Experience Live Working 4-146 . A. L. C.). First Results of Live Working Realized in Belgium in High Voltage Debackere. J. J. Lisbon. (ESB. A. (Tractebel Energy Eng..1998: Fourth ICOLiM Conference. Ireland) Eric.J. Portugal Theme 1 – Operation and Experience. (Electrabel). Paquin. (CPTE). Substations M.. A. Cossement. Part 1a Author (Affiliation) Lourenco. (REDESA. September 16-18. 1998. Fernandez. X. M. (EDP. (IEC. (FRABRICOM) (Belgium) Quani. Spain) Title A History of Live Work in the Portuguese HV Network Field Experience in Live Working at Red Electrica de Espana van Merris. Andres. Portugal) Portillo. J. Portugal) Fernandez. Portugal) de Freitas.M. 1998. Pastor. V.1998: Fourth ICOLiM Conference. Madrid..N). J.E.) (Portugal) Sztukowski. (E.A.C. Portugal (continued) Theme 1 – Operation and Experience. F. Cana (COBRA. Poland) Perera. C. September 16-18.M. J. Nunes. J (CD Olsztyn. (E. Part 1b Author (Affiliation) Ferreiera da Cruz. Lisbon. M. (MATEACE.G. Spain) Title Execution de Manchon de Ceompression en Ligne de 15 et 60kV en Cables ACSR 235 Utilisant le “Tranaux En Tension” Travaux sous Tension dans les Reseaux Aeriens MT des Centres de Distribution Polonais Les Travaux sous Tension dans l’Enterprise MATEACE Service and Maintenance Engineering Live Maintenance on Distribution Stations 4-147 .P.M. Fernandez.A. Mendes (EFACEC. . A. G. Charest. (CESI).A. (ENEL Research) (Italy) Sartorio. M. U. Iulita. Porrino. Riquel. M. G.S.S. (CESI). (ABM Charest Consultants. Portugal (continued) Theme 2 – Insulation and Distances.) Lalot. Inc. September 16-18. G. (EPRI-Lenox. Lisbon.. (EDF) (France) Title Insulating Barrier for Safeguarding on Equipment with Voltage Above 1 kV Dielectric Behavior to Switching Surges of Phase-to-Phase Air Distances in Splitting Conditions Experimental Investigation to Assess the Approach Procedure for Live Maintenance on a Typical Station Configuration IEC Method of Calculation of Minimum Approach Distances for Live Working Transmission Line Compaction and Upgrading: Live Working Issues Internal Insulation of Live Working Tools 4-148 . (SERECT). Porrino. J.). (ENEL Transmission). J.A. U. G. A.. (ENEL Transmission). Bonzano. Germany) Sartorio. Canada) Gela. (ENEL Research) (Italy) Gela. Part 2a Author (Affiliation) Juhling. (PAEPEI. G. (EPRI-Lenox. B. R. 1998. Clairmont.A.1998: Fourth ICOLiM Conference. Gela. (AMYS. A. V. September 16-18.. (IST – Univ. de Lisboa).. M.P..T. Santotsky. Tec. Part 2b Author (Affiliation) Herranz.) Correria de Barros. M. Taloverya.S. (National Tech.A. Almeida. (INTERG) (Spain) Methodologies for Evaluation the Lightning Performance of Transmission Lines Ground Electrode Behavior for Lightning Discharges 4-149 .. J. de Lisboa). V. Magnetic Field Protection Univ.). Ilienko. 1998. (EPRI-Lenox. (LABELEC) (Spain) Correria de Barros.G. (REN). H. A. Spain) Title Safety Distances for Live Working on Energised Electrical Installations Udod. de Dominicis. Tec. (IST – Univ. I.T..I. Molchanov. O. (Electromeregea) (Ukraine). Belinchon.P.. Design. G.1998: Fourth ICOLiM Conference. V. M. Lisbon. M.O.S. Development. M.. Fernandes. U. E. Portugal (continued) Theme 2 – Insulation and Distances. J.E. Felizardo N. Ilienko. Sousa.L.N. and Optimization of Screens for Industrial Frequency (Energoprogress).. Milherias. Festas. . B. Lisbon. 1998. U.. Markiewicz. Part 3a Author (Affiliation) de Costa. de Faria Neto..D.1998: Fourth ICOLiM Conference.. September 16-18. R. Barbosa. (EDP.A. Ostendorp. (CME. F.. M. A.A) Medeiros. Portugal) Valente. Portugal) Title Installation Techniques of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Surge Arresters on Transmissions Lines Live L Installations of OPGW Cable Fiber Optic Installations in High Voltage Corridors: Overview of Issues Use of LV Live Work to Improve Quality of Electric Power Supply: Replacing a Damaged Distribution Box Solutions to Pollution Problems that Affect Electrical Installations: Projection of Demineralised Water. J... Brasil) Cordeiero. Portugal (continued) Theme 3 – Working Procedures. L.S. and Dry Ice 4-150 . Portugal) Gela. A. A. S. G. J. A. Clairmont. Andrade.. Cork.A. (EPRI. (CME. (CEMIG. Recard. Portugal (continued) Theme 3 – Working Procedures.S. Spain) Energy Supply Rogue. F. Germany) Collado. U. Zarco Perinan.. (ENDESA. Leman. P. Pena.. B. Part 3b Author (Affiliation) Gunter. J. 66 kV Switch at a Substation Without Cutting the Delgado. M. J. Prata. Hoffmann. (The White Rubber Corp. 1998. M. J. Guardia Substitution of a Sole. Portugal) Telecommande du Regime Special d’Exploitation R. R.S.. H. Lisbon...J.) Jaensch. (CENEL. (EDF. H.E Travaux sur Lignes Moyenne Tension et Haute Tension 4-151 . September 16-18.. (KORONA.F. G. a Transformer Station Continuously Available Thanks to Live Working Munoz Algarrada.. France) Title Rubber Gloving: A Safe and Cost-Effective Method for Live Line Working KORONA Measurement for the Detection of Defect Locations in High Voltage Overhead Lines IFA2000.1998: Fourth ICOLiM Conference.A. Lameira.. Comte. G.F. J. dans Laboratoire. Ross. Part 4a Author (Affiliation) Gela. France) Chabin.1998: Fourth ICOLiM Conference. (EDF. A New Generation of Voltage Detector for Distribution Network: a Detector Levasseur. P. Bosse. (LABELEC. (EPRI) (U. C. Kientz. d’Outillage TST Insulation Hydraulic Hose for Live Working: Experimental Tests for an Effective Tool Checking of Insulation Tools for an Economy of the Maintenance Energized L. (EDF. (EPRI). H.. S. F. IREQ). France) Arberet. C.. G. (Alabama Power Co.A. S.V. Cable Identifier Vincent. Portugal (continued) Theme 4 – Tools – Personal Equipment. Mitchell. Lisbon.S. France) Title Wet and Dry Testing of Insulating Poles Le Controle. Portugal) Hantuoche.).D..N. M. C. 1998. (WAPA). September 16-18. (CATU.) Gomes. (Hydro-Quebec) (Canada) That Discriminates Between an Induced Voltage and the Operating Voltage 4-152 . Lyons. R. Univ. Lisbon. A. (IBERDROLA). (EDF. September 16-18. V. (COBRA).1998: Fourth ICOLiM Conference.. (PROFOR. (Polyt. M. Dudek. Remesal. of Madrid). Italy) Nogueira. Penin. R.. Devingt. Univ. 1998. (THOMSON) France Yano.. “Phase II” for MV Overhead Lines 4-153 . (IBERDROLA). Ferre. L. R. (COBRA). M. M.. J. A. G. France) Conti. J. E.Training. Barrientos. Fernandez. Part 4b Author (Affiliation) Dabrowski. B. (PSE. (NISSHO IWAI).) Title Tele-Operated Robots for Live Power Lines Maintenance (ROBTET) TST2000 The European Robotic Live Line Work Experience Development of the Live Line Work Robot. Y. Portugal (continued) Theme 4 – Tools – Personal Equipment. Aracil.. Nakashima. M. K. Portugal) Title Identification des Dangers et Analyse du Risqué lors de Travaux Effectues sous Tension Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields and Regulatory Trends: From the Pressure Group’s Reactions to the Interests of Live Working Assessment of Human Exposure to 50Hz Electric and Magnetic Fields Under Live Line Working Conditions Hydraulic Elevators with Arm and Isolated Basket Theme 5 – Advanced Techniques . Hernandez. P. M. Martinez Cid. of Madrid) (Spain) Larnical. Poland) Lalot. Part 5a Author (Affiliation) Santamaria.. L. (ENEL.. Maruyama. A. E.A. Pinto. (Kyushu Electric Power Co.. Inc.F. d’Ajello. (Polyt.. Iulita. France) Casal.A. Coelho. Univ. V. A. U. Portugal) Roque.. September 16-18.S. Rubanenko. (CENEL.. Molchanov. A. 1998. Soares. (SLE). L.) (Ukraine).. Goncalves. (UPRI). Quaresma.Training. (CENEL). Caineta. A. France) Title EDF/ SERECT’s ISO 9002 Certification for Greater Quality Therefore Security in Live Working The Integral Maintenance of Medium/Low Voltage Switching and Transformer Stations on Live Working: A process of the Internal Development of Quality Les Travaux sous Tension et la Qualite Totale 4-154 . P. M. Part 6a Author (Affiliation) Picvart.X. E. Gela. (LTE). Gomes. (IUT) (France) Soares. J.1998: Fourth ICOLiM Conference.. Portugal (continued) Theme 5 – Advanced Techniques . Dyakov.. Quality and Economical Aspects.) Title Development of New Technology to Access the Energized Phase by Walking Along the Strain String on 500kV Transmission Lines and Substations Technical Community and Development of Live Working Implementation de la Method Globale a l’EDF Helicopter Saw LIMBO Automated Apparatus for Live Work on Overhead Transmission Lines Theme 6 – Administratives. Lisbon.. J. A. Braga. (MECI. R. V.. (Vinnitsa State Tech. V. (Germany) Udod. F. Barros.A. L. (ELETRONORTE).. P. C. (EDF). Taloverya. F. Ivanov. (HOT LINE Construcoes Eletricas) LaChaise. Part 5b Author (Affiliation) Assad. P. J. N. (EPRI. (EDF SERECT. (MRH) (France) Ruther.E. G. Stumpf. (DEDASZ. J. A. J. J. United Kingdom) da Silva Tiago.R. Portugal (continued) Theme 6 – Administratives. Part 6b Author (Affiliation) Costa. September 16-18. Spain) Gelencser. Lisbon. Portugal) Title Live Line Works from the Perspective of a Contracting Company Live Working Profitability .Methodology and Results In a New Organization Structure. Quality and Economical Aspects.M.1998: Fourth ICOLiM Conference. L. Portugal) Urtubi. (CME. (IBERDROLA. Hungary) McLean. (Health and Safety Executive. (SINTEME. 1998. with a New LLW Technology High Voltage Live Line Working: The View of the Regulator for Safety on Progress in the United Kingdom The Use of Live Maintenance Works and the Quality of Service in the Distribution Nets of Electrical Energy 4-155 .A. France) De Albuquerque. Malaguti.A. (EDF. 1996. (ENEL.P. G. France) Shannon.) Guizzo. D. Italy) Soares. (EDF. U. Italy Session A . (CENEL. Portugal). Satore. L.1996: Third ICOLiM Conference. Sabelli.. September 25-26. Venice. M. (EDP.. Mendes. R.LTE. P.. C. (EDP/ SPSI. N.Operation Author (Affiliation) Paret. Michi.. R. C.. (Shannon Technology Corp. G. Portugal) Blondel. Italy) 4-156 . (ENEL.. L. J. Portugal) Title Le Management de la Prévention dans les TST en France Corrosion Assessment of ACSR Conductors Under Live-Line and Off-Line Conditions Use of LV Live Working to Improve the Quality of Electric Service Live Work Audits Les Moyens de Réalimentation: un Complement et Une Nouvelle Dynamique pour les Travaux sous Tension Installation sous Tension d’Interruteurs Aéreens Télécommandés (ITA) et d’Unités Reduites de Réseau (URR) dans le Réseau de Distribution MT de la LTE/EDP Substation Control System Improvement for Special Working Conditions Related to Live-Line Maintenance and Operation Bonzano. Mosciatti.R.S. . Mendes. Jones Power Delivery).) (Ukraine) Title HV Insulators Strings with Damaged Units: Conditions for the Application of Live-Line Maintenance Feedback on Internal Insulation of Poles for Live Working Application of Portable Protective Gaps in Line Work Leakage Current Monitoring of Insulator and its Application to Insulation Control Clearances Split by Conductive Bodies at Floating Potential . (ENEL). (EDF. Gillies. R.The Reductions of Dielectric Withstand and Their Compensation Improvement of Overvoltage Limitation During Live-Working 4-157 . G.F. Univ. Sartorio. Brjestsky. H. Ardito. Becker. (Alabama Power Co.R. Italy) Lalot.S. Garbagnati.). Techn.A. E. M.I. J.D. 1996. G. J. I.R. G. Bonzano. E.. (ENEL. Sartorio.N. V. Taloverya..L. D. Lyons. G. Ricca.. P.. Marrone.. Venice.) Kanashiro.P. Molchanov. Burani.A.1996: Third ICOLiM Conference.A. A. B. (EPRI) (U.. (IEE/ESP). G.F. Kientz. (CESI) (Italy) Udod. G. (WAPA). September 25-26. J.. Nascimento.. (J. Italy (continued) Session B – Insulations-Distances-Distance Splitting Author (Affiliation) Marrone. A.. Mitchell Jr. E. (UPRI). R. (Consultant).. (Kiev Nat.G. (Eletropaulo) (Brazil) Garbagnati. V..A. France) Gela. Hungary) Oury. Portillo. Nunes. Ukraine) Title First Live Working Carried out in Spain on Tubular Pole Lines of 400 kV Live Maintenance on ENEL Electrical Lines: 380 kV Dead-End Tower Insulator Strings The Transfer of Live Working Rubber Glove Technology Live Working on Underground Low Voltage Systems 15 kV Line Construction in ACSR 235 Using Liveline Works Considerations on Issues Concerning Work on Live Overhead Electric Power Lines Nettoyage et Conservation en Postes de Alvenaria Live Line Working in Spans of Extra Voltage Power Transmission Lines 4-158 . (EDP/CENEL. A. G. Giorgi. L. A.. (COBRA). J.. Ontario Hydro. Italy) Roque. Soanes.. (DEDASZ. Portugal) Udod.. 1996.. Canada).I. (EDP). Stanzani. P.1996: Third ICOLiM Conference. M. Venice. M.. Val. Taloverya.C. (EPME) (Portugal) D’Ajello. F.L. R. J.A. (EDF. P. M. (ENEL. September 25-26. France) Medeiros. Lukas. F. (REE). Ricca. J. E. J. Becker. Scornajenchi. (ENEL. (UPRI. A. (COBRA) (Spain) Bonzano. V. Italy (continued) Session C – Working Procedures Author (Affiliation) Fernandez.. Italy) Komaromi. A.D. P.) Bonzano. M. Paganin. Hotte. H. Zoppo. (Alabama Power Co. Mitchell Jr. J..H. Jones Power Delivery). P. (ENEL.F. (DEDAZ. Ricca..A. 1996. Italy) Bever. J. (NEAG). M. K. P. Ricca. Italy) Hajos. (Bingham Consultants. (EPRI) (U.A. Hasse. G. Venice. P. A. Italy (continued) Session D – Tools-Personal Equipment Author (Affiliation) Gela.S.A. Milanello.. (Dehn+Sohne). (J. Brazil) Bonioli.. (Dehn+Sohne)... September 25-26. U. J. Dotto. Rank. (Consultant).. G. G. Germany) Castro.1996: Third ICOLiM Conference. I. (VEAG) (Germany) Title Resistance and Shielding Characteristics of Conductive Suits Electrical Insulating Protective Clothing for Live Working in the Vicinity of Low-Voltage Installations Evaluation of Conductive Clothing in Live Maintenance Testing Methods for Live Line Maintenance Tools Producing and Repairing of MV LV Tools in Hungary Test Methods to Determine Thermal Performance of Textile Materials for Clothing When Exposed to Momentary Electric Arcs Tool Analysis and Identification for Live Working on ENEL Electrical Lines Live Working in Medium Voltage Systems . Muller.P. Hungary) Bingham. (IEE/USO. Lyons.F. C. R.).Activities and Equipment Vacuum Cleaning 4-159 .) Juhling. DeDona. (BGFuE.S. (ENEL. M. S.W.. L. F. R (DISAM). Col. Nasu. (CME. L. (DISAM). (EDF. (CCIL). P. V.. (Iberdrola). (DISAM).F. E. France) Automatic System for Placing Signaling Balls on Live Electrical Lines Integral Action for Cleaning Insulators. 1996. N. Santamaria.. Alcon. P. R. K. Barrientos. S. Fernandez. (COBRA) (Spain) Morsero. Portugal) Ruaux. (KEPCO. Yano. Y. (REE. Italy (continued) Session E – Advanced Techniques Author (Affiliation) Ciantelli. (Universita di Pisa) (Italy) Portillo. Japan) Title Working Procedures of a Hot Line Insulator Washing Device Operating at Reduces Distance from Surface Insulator New Insulator Washing Methods for Energised Lines MV Overhead Hot-Line Work Robot Aracil. Martinez. Pelacchi. J. Spain) Maruyuma.. R. (DISAM). September 25-26. A. (SNOS) (Italy) Costa. Val.. M. A. (Iberdrola)... (COBRA). S. A. Ph. Venice. Valente.1996: Third ICOLiM Conference. M. (COMEL). P. Morsero. ROBTET: Robot for Live-Line Maintenance M.. Organic Particles Projection Mechanization of the Installation of Aircraft Warning Spheres on Overhead Lines 4-160 .I. (Astraconsult). Tuduri. Garcia. Ferre. Agoas. Penin. Dudek. P. Molchanov. J. Brjesitsky. (J. D’Ajello.1996: Third ICOLiM Conference. Ricca. and Program of Work Les Travaux sous Tension en Espagne et la Directive Cadre(89/391/CE) 4-161 . J. (Kiev Nat. M. New Structure. September 25-26.) (Ukraine) Title Improvement of Overvoltage Limitation During Live-Line Working Title Live Line Working. D. Nicolini. (PSE). E. Venice.A. (ENEL). J. (ENEL). Vecchia. Italy (continued) Session F – Legal and Regulatory Aspects Author (Affiliation) McLean. P. (ISTISAN) (Italy) Dabrowski.A.. V. (ABM Charest Consultants Inc. V. Taloverya.the United Kingdom Experience from the Safety Regulator Viewpoint Legal Background of Live Line Working in Hungary Live-Line Maintenance Works – Characterization of Human Exposure to 50 Hz Electric and Magnetic Fields in View of a Correct Formulation of Occupational Protective Standards Development Prospect of Live Line Works in Poland on the Electrical Power Equipment IEC/TC78: Historical Overview. B. (AMYS. (ENEL).I. (UPRI). (UPRI). 1996. L.N. (UPRI). (DEDASZ. (The Health and Safety Executive.A.L. (PSE).P. M. Hungary) Conti. U. Great Britain) Tartar. Univ. Charest. A.S. R. B.A. Tech. Andruszkiewicz. Canada) Herranz. (ENEL). Jones Power Delivery. G.). Spain) Additional Paper Author (Affiliation) Udod. (PTPiREE) (Poland) Gela. Wasson. France Author (Affiliation) Mathieu. H. W. (COBRA. Spain) Montialoux. France) 4-162 .. R. A. L.. High Voltage Lines Live Line Exploitation of 220. Hungary) McGibney.1994: Second ICOLiM Conference. (EDF.J. A. Belgium) Title Structural Layout of 150 kV Substatations and Live Working: New Architecture of 150 kV in Belgium. J. (ESB. D’Ajello.. R. G. Wisniewski. Ireland) Costa.. France) Alcon. 400 and 750 kV Polish Lines Present Situation of MV Live Working in Hungary Development of Live Working in Ireland Live Working Modification of HV Conductors at EDP Replacement of HV Conductors at EDP Live Washing Live Working in Substations Live Working Installation of a 400 kV Busbar Working with Helicopters at RED ELECTRICA Helicoptered Services . (EDF. Portillo. Soares. J. (PSE. M. Italy) Dudek. R. T. P. J. Garcia. Spain) Roux.. Portugal) Taborda. (EDP. (ENEL.. Lejeune. (EDF.. Melo. Poland) Schmalz. L. Mulhouse. Valente. S.Live Working Bonzano. September 7-9. 1994. Portugal) Salliot.. C. A. Fernandez.. R.. France) Tuduri Labao.. M. (CME. Kaminski. (DEDASZ. V. (Tractebel.. (Red Electrica.. M.. Giorgi. W. Taking the Possibility of Live Working into Account Live Working on Compact. Alfonso. B. France (continued) Author (Affiliation) Bergthaler. Giorgi. A. 1994. Austria) Bonzano. M. (EDP.. France) Minnaar. G. (Oberostrerreichische Kraftwerke AG. France) Iglesias. (EDF. (AMYS. Motorically Operated Cleaning Device for Hot Line Maintenance in Medium Voltage Installations Live Working on ENEL’s Lines at 380 kV Conceptual Basis for Insulation Regulations and Required Distances for Live Working in Europe Minimum Distances for HVB Networks New Technological Investigations for Live Working Evolution of an ESkOM Specification for Insulating Aerial Devices Live Working Training for Contractors Training Personnel for Live Working in France Live Working . Spain) Lombardet. (EDF. South Africa) Dos Santos.. Italy) Lalot. (Germany) Urban. A. France) Herranz.A Safer. C. Klumpers. Portugal) Paret. B. F. Spain) Lebrun. J. More Efficient and More Agreeable Working Method: Spanish Experiences Prevention in the Field of Electrical Risks at EDF Audit of Live Working Teams Audit of Operational Units Valiorization of Planned Outages in the Transmission Network 4-163 .P. (ENEL. M. Ricca. H.. (EDF. (EDF-SERECT. (ESKOM. Mulhouse. France). J.1994: Second ICOLiM Conference. J. (EDF-GDF. J. Cheaper. (EDF. Corbut J.. C. D. R. L. France) Kiener. P. September 7-9.P. (Germany) Ducloux. A.W. (Sevillana de Electricaidad. Simao. France) Title New. J. September 7-9. Using Standards ISO 9000 Applied to Live Working Qualification of Live Working Companies in Portugal AFAQ ISI 9002 Certification: A Means for Continuous Improvement in HVB/LW “Telerobotic” Potential for Utility Applications Development of a robot for Live Working Telerobotics for Maintenance of Distribution Lines Study of Remote Control for Live Working on Overhead Distribution Lines 4-164 . Morny. A. Doyon.Y. M. Canada) Lessard. France (continued) Author (Affiliation) Delince. Portugal) Gaspar.. P..M.1994: Second ICOLiM Conference. Yakabe. Cossement. J. F. Houde. P. U. Duvauchelle. Canada) Title Substation Live Working in Belgium Live Working – Combination of Three Methods. Belgium) Casal. L.M. Delhove. (EDP.. Portugal) Desmet. M. Rondot. M.) Hizen. France) Mainil.. J. J.E. (EDF. Caineta. Quaresma.. 1994.. Picart. McGee. (MECI.S. J. (Hydro-Quebec Research Institute. (Pacific Robotics and Technology. G. H. Lavallee. Maki.. Marques.. Belgium) Blondel.. (ELECTRABEL. Robert. Mulouse.A... Y. France) McKenna... J. (HydroQuebec Research Institute. M. Assessment of EDF GDF SERVICES in 1994 Introduction of Live Working in Belgium – Technical and Economic Aspects and Human Resources Improving Quality at MECI. H. J. B.. R.. R. Maruyama. Pelletier. Y. J. (EDF-GDF. (Kyushu Electric Power.A. J.. K. F.. Guirrero.. M.. Japan) Boyer. H. (V-ENERGY ADMINISTRATION. 1994: Second ICOLiM Conference. France) Title Cartesian Joystick for Controlling Robotic Arm for Live Working Remote-Controlled Maintenance of the Medium Voltage Network 4-165 . Mulhouse. September 7-9. J. Lavallee. (EDF. 1994. France (continued) Author (Affiliation) Cote.. J. J. Canada) Guillet. (Hydro-Quebec Research Institute. (Red Electrica. (Ontario Hydro) Steinbauer. Keszthely. D. (DEDASZ. E.. D. Poland).. LW at Low Voltage Answers to Problems Arising in Live Working Operations on Distribution and Transmission Systems Development of Live Works on the Electrical Grid of Poland Developing and Maintaining Critical Skills for Live Line Work Live Cleaning of 20 kV and 30 kV Substations of STEWEAG. J. E. (Instytut Energatyki Gliwice. Wojcik.1992: First ICOLiM Conference. Fernandez. E. (Titasz Share Co. 1992.. U. E. Hungary) Bobula. (STEWEAG. Austria) Portillo. Garcia.) Title Welcoming Address to the Participants of the ICOLIM-92 Conference Topical Issues of Doing Live-Line Work After Political and Economic Transformation of Hungary High Voltage Live Line Maintenance in Hungary Live Line Work on MV Network in Hungary The Situation of LW in Hungary. (EDF. Hungary) Lalot. (MVM. Poland) Wiebe. R. A.S. Maslyk. May 20-22.. France) Dudek. M. Hungary) Csikos. Hungary) Halzl. B. B.A. (Polskie Sieci Electronergetyczne. (DEDASZ.. Hungary Author (Affiliation) Tatar. Spain) Van Name. L. Impact.Results and Experiences Live Working in Red Electrica de Espana Some Remarks Concerning IEC TC-78: History. (Philadelphia Electric Co. Hungary) Rubint. M. J. J. Activities. Wisniewski.C. and Strategic Policy 4-166 . (OVIT. I.. Hungary) 4-167 . Norway) de Parny. Hungary) Economical and Organizational Conditions of the Live-Line Working at the EDASZ Company Live Line Work Training in Hungary Sandor. S. (DEDASZ. I. Hungary) Kiss. (Titasz Share Co. at the Over the Tisza Electricity Service Company (Titasz).. (E. 1992. Hungary (continued) Author (Affiliation) Kleppe. Training Base at Hajduszoboszlo During 1981-1991 Experiences of on Site Laboratory Checks on Live Working Carrying out Big Consumer and Energy Inspection Tasks Within the Framework of Live Working (LW) Balazs. Z. (DEDASZ. ORGRES. I. H. (I. A. I.1992: First ICOLiM Conference. L. Training Center. Keszthely. Russian Federation) Hinterleitner.. F.. Bazoulin. Hungary) Title Reflections to Live Line Methods Contrary Economy and Power Reliability Airborne Works: Live Line Works Determination of Minimum Air Gaps to Live Parts During Live Replacing of Insulator Strings on 220-750 kV Overhead Lines Low Voltage Distribution Systems Low Voltage LLW in the Hungarian Power-Plants Experiences on Live Line Works at Low Voltage The Formulation and Process of Instruction for Carrying out Live Working.D. (DEDASZ.F.. Hungary) Nagy .G. (Titasz. France) Polevoy. (Edasz Co. Boiev. Hungary) Horvath. Austria) Hajos. May 20-22. (Titasz Co. J.. Hungary) Dorgo. K. (Bergenshalvoens Kommunale Kraftselskap. A. R. Hungary) Senges. Czechoslovakia) Title Integration of Middle Voltage LLW Technology into Operation and Network Construction Profitability Study of LLW Procedures Analysis of LLW Activities Experiences with Live-Line Working in Medium Voltage Networks: Undertaking with External Customers Development of LLW Tools Research of Supporting Joint Pin Insulators from the Point of Hot Line Work Field Experiences in Live Line Works at Middle Voltage Application Live Line Working at Middle Voltage “Three Method” Technique Live Works in Cobra. C. F. (Institute for Electrical Power Research. (COBRA. (DEDASZ. Hungary (continued) Author (Affiliation) Vincze. France) Beran. (Edasz Tatabanya Utility District. Hungary) Szabo. K. (Hungarian State Railways. Keszthely.1992: First ICOLiM Conference. (DEDASZ. L. Hungary) Antoine. A. (Power Research Institute Prague. J. (EGS Electricity and Gas Service. L. A. G. (EDASZ. 1992. (Southern Region Power Supply Co. Spain) Palmai. Samson. Spain Possibilities of Live Line Working on the Overhead Lines of Electrified Lines of the Hungarian State Railways Live Working in Substations from 63 kV to 400 kV Live Line Maintenance Working on Phase-to-Phase Arrangements of 400 kV Networks 4-168 . K. Hungary) Czegledi. Hungary) Kovacs. C. (DEDASZ.. (EDF.A. Hungary) Weiling. May 20-22. M.. Hungary) Varga. O. J. France) Fernandez. Hungary) Zsebo. Barg.. (OGRES. Poland) Sklenicka. Canada) Title Research in Poland of the Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on the Environment Hot Line Insulator Washing Live Line Insulation-Diagnostics with Portable Partial Discharge Equipment Washing up Fouled Outward Insulation of Live Power Installations Lineman’s Safety Degree of Line Working on Suspension Towers 220-1150 kV Overhead Lines Investigations of Exposure by Occupational Factors Under AC and DC Transmissions Line Bare-Hand Maintenance Energized-Line Work on Hydro-Quebec Lines 4-169 . W..J. Hungary) Korobanov. Wisniewski. S. (Polskie Siece Elektroenergetyczne. Plotnikov. Tokarskiy. V. (Power Research Institute Prague. 1992.Quebec. .1992: First ICOLiM Conference. Russian Federation) Rubstova. (DEDASZ. S. Czechoslovakia) Mohasci.D. N. J. A. Hungary (continued) Author (Affiliation) Dudek. S. (Hydro. Russian Federation) Bellerive. B. Stoljarov.P. G. Russian Federation) Polevoy. May 20-22. (OGRES.B.. V. Keszthely. M.. (Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases. S.. Zwicker. (ETH). Siciliano. Switzerland Session Tu1A: Robotic Crawlers 5 presentations Session Tu2A: Power Plant Maintenance 5 presentations Session Tu3A: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Author (Affiliation) Liu. Yuee. of Bologna). of Rio Grande do Sul) Marconi. R. (ETH Zurich). distribution. Scheeren. Zurich. September 11-13. W. of Twente). S. (Univ. L. of Salerno). Luis (Queensland Univ. P. (ETH Zurich). (Univ. (ALSTOM Inspection Robotics) Title Real-Time Power Line Extraction from Unmanned Aerial System Video Images An Embedded Module for Robotized Inspection of Power Lines by Using Thermographic and Visual Images Aerial Service Robotics: The AIRobots Perspective 4-170 . Chiacchio. C. V. including transmission. Lippiello.CARPI Conferences The CARPI (International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry) conferences provide a venue for exchange of information and demonstrations of robotic devices for all segments of the power industry. Mejias. of Bologna). di Napoli Federico II). or live work are detailed in this report by listing the titles of papers in those sessions. Caprari. 2012: 2nd International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry. (CASY-DEIS Univ. generation. etc. (Univ. G. Huerzeler. distribution.) Fetter Lages. (Univ. (Univ. di Salerno). V. (Univ. Nikolic. Basile. R. 2012. Sessions related to transmission. di Napoli Federico II). (Univ. Naldi. F. Several sessions or conference papers focus specifically on robotics for live work. E. Carloni. of Twente). B. Stramigioli.. (Federal Univ. J. Other sessions are listed by title only. of Tech. of Twente) Session Tu4A: Power Line Inspection 1 Author (Affiliation) Fetter Lages. Alisson. Janosch. Torre. 2012. Chi. of Bologna). Gilles. Alessio (Univ. Caprari. of Rio Grande do Sul). Juan. of Bologna). Cao. Stefano (Univ. Oliveira. Nikolic. Walter (Federal Univ. Liang. Lippiello. Caprari. Vinicius (Federal Univ. Bruno (Univ. Raffaella (Univ. Feng. Zurich. Stramigioli. Vincenzo (Univ. September 11-13. Huerzeler. Zwicker. of Twente). Switzerland (continued) Session Tu3A: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (continued) Author (Affiliation) Burri. Siciliano. Christoph. Inst. Alberto de Oliveira. Zhong. Janosch. Jia. Nikolic. (ETH).2012: 2nd International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry. Guo. of Rio Grande) Fonseca Ribeiro. Michael. Huerzeler. Yonggang. of Bologna).) Title Aerial Service Robots for Visual Inspection of Thermal Power Plant Boiler Systems Aerial Service Robots: An Overview of the AIRobots Activity Title A Survey of Applied Robotics for the Power Industry in Brazil Robot for Inspection of Transmission Lines Extended Applications of LineROVer Technology (continued) 4-171 . Xiaoming (Shandong Electric Power Res. João (Eletrobras Furnas) Zhang. Jia. Roland (ETH Zurich) Marconi. di Napoli Federico II). Lei. Roberto (CASYDEIS Univ. Naldi. Ekkehard (ALSTOM Inspection Robotics). Lorenzo (DEIS-Univ. Zurich. Christoph (ETH). Carloni. Abdo. Zurich. Ricardo Fraga. Gilles (ETH). di Napoli Federico II). Rui. Siegwart. Maekawa. Cao. Major. Zhang. Chinese Acad.) Song.Inc. Alexandre (CPFL . Yasuyuki (Chubu Electric Power Co. Zhong. Wang. McGuire. Jiang.). Inst. Yong (Shenyang Inst. Yifeng (Shenyang Inst. He. Inst. Yingxin (Meijo Univ. Lei (Shandong Electric Power Res. of Sciences). Yusuke (Meijo Univ.). Liang (Shandong Electric Power Res. Inst.).) Title Pole Type Robot for Distribution Power Line Inspection Autonomous Overhead Transmission Line Inspection Robot (TI) Development and Demonstration Title Robotics for Distribution Power Lines: Overview of the Last Decade A Task Analysis and a Controller System Design for a Power Distribution Line Maintenance Robot A Mobile Robot Prototype for Inspection of Overhead Bundled Conductors AApe-D: A Novel Power Transmission Line Maintenance Robot for Broken Strand Repair (continued) 4-172 . Chamas Filho.) Hida.). of Automation. Chinese Acad. Rui (Shandong Electric Power Res. Lie (Shenyang Inst.) Session We1A: Power Line Inspection 2 Author (Affiliation) Allan.). Vitor Cores (CTU).). of Sciences). Naoki (Meijo Univ.).). of São Paulo). Minoru (Meijo Univ.. Engdahl. Kunii. Tatsuno. of Automation. Drew (Southern Company). Eric (American Electric Power). Prague Hirakawa.) Guo. of Sciences Inst. Inst. Horikawa (Univ. of Automation. Zurich. Kyoichi (Meijo Univ. Yamamoto. Ling. Hongguang (Shenyang Inst. Jean-Francois (Hydro-Quebec Res.Companhia Paulista de Força e Luz). Feng (Shandong Electric Power Res. September 11-13. of São Paulo) Phillips. Inst.). Inst. Andrew (Electric Power Res. Chinese Acad. Glynn (Southwest Res. Inst. Inst. Andre Riyuiti (Univ. Oswaldo. Bartlett. 2012. of Automation and Graduate School of Chinese). Switzerland (continued) Session Tu4A: Power Line Inspection 1 (continued) Author (Affiliation) Finotto. Mark (Southwest Res.2012: 2nd International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry.). Inst. Zhang. Pouliot. Zhong. Inst. September 11-13. Feng (Shandong Electric Power Res.). Jinlong (Electric Power Robotic Lab. Marco (Hydro-Québec) Session We3A: Robotics for Nuclear Power Plants 1 3 presentations Session We4A: Robotics for Nuclear Power Plants 2 3 presentations Title Intelligent On-Line Monitoring System Based on Elastic Wave for Damage Inspection on Overhead Transmission Lines Obstacle Avoidance for a Power Line Inspection Robot A Simple Robot Manipulator Able to Negotiate Power Line Hardware On the Latest Field Deployments of LineScout Technology on Live Transmission Networks 4-173 . Switzerland (continued) Session We2A: Power Line Inspection 3 Author (Affiliation) Chen.) Rowell. 2012. Boje. Guo. Nicola.). Hongtang (ShandongElectricPowerResearch Inst. Ed (Univ. Timothy. of KwaZulu-Natal) Lorimer. Zhao. of KwaZulu-Natal) Montambault. Inst.2012: 2nd International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry. Lepage. Serge. Trevor.). Liang (Shandong Electric Power Res.). Shandong Electric Power Res. Edward (Univ. Zurich. Boje. Inst. Rui (Shandong Electric Power Res. Wang. 2012.). Zurich.. Shandong Electric Power Res. Li (Electric Power Robotics Laboratory.). Electric Power Res. Inst.. Li. Wang. Wang.. Wang.). Switzerland (continued) Session We5A: Power Substations Author (Affiliation) Li. Beidou (Shandong luneng Intelligence Tech. Mingrui (Shandong Electric Power Res. Yiqing (Shandong Electric Power Res. Li (Electric Power Robotics Lab.2012: 2nd International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry. Ltd.).Shandong Electric Power Res. Binhai (Electric Power Robotics Lab. Li. Yunnan Power Grid Corp. Shandong Electric Power Res. Shandong Electric Power Res. Co. Wang. Shandong Electric Power Res.). Luan. Hongyu (Electric Power Robotics Laboratory. Jingjing (Electric Power Robotics Laboratory.Shandong Electric Power Res. Zhang.).).). Wang. Shandong Electric Power Res. Inst. September 11-13. Li. Zhenli (Electric Power Robotics Laboratory. Peng (Shandong Electric Power Res.). Inst.). Wanguo (Electric Power Robotics Lab. Binhai (Electric Power Robotics Laboratory.). Inst.). Wanguo (Electric Power Robotics Lab.. Ltd. Guo. Electric Power Res. Rui (Shandong Electric Power Res. Zhenli (Shandong luneng Intelligence Tech.) Title The Application of Image Based Vision Servo System for SmartGuard Status Recognition of Isolator Based on SmartGuard Design of a Laser Navigation System for Substation Inspection Robot (continued) 4-174 . Shirong (Dali Power Supply Bureau.) Wang.)... Wang.) Xiao. Co. Hua (North China Electric Power Univ. Jingjing (Shandong Electric Power Res. Gilles (ETH Zurich).Aerial Intelligent Surveillance Robot for Power (Abacus Global Tech. Caprari. Zhang. Shandong Electric Power Research Inst.).2012: 2nd International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry. Inst. Inst. Marconi. Min (North China Electric Power Univ. Zwicker.). Xiguang (Shandong Electric Power Research Inst. Chen. Ekkehard (ALSTOM Inspection Robotics). of Bologna) Title Planning Efficient and Robust Behaviors for ModelBased Power Tower Inspection Applying Aerial Robotics for Inspections of Power and Petrochemical Facilities Khoo. Line Inspection Pte Ltd) Wang.). Gangyin (Beijing Tuoyunhai Tech. Wang.) The Design and Application of SmartCopter: An Unmanned Helicopter Based Robot for Transmission Line Inspection Inspecting Transmission Lines with an Unmanned Fixed-Wings Aircraft 4-175 . De Li AiSR . Liang (Shandong Electric Power Res.. Liu. Inst. Inst. Tianru (Shandong Electric Power Res.). Pte Ltd). Binhai (Shandong Electric Power Res. Switzerland (continued) Session Th1A: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 2 Author (Affiliation) Wu. Yin.). Chun-Yang (North China Electric Power Univ. Wei. Zheng. Jingjing. Li. Inst. Co. Hsiang Ting (Abacus Global Tech.) Dong. Chin Peng Ivan (Abacus Global Tech. Liu.). Liu.).) Wang.. Pte Ltd). Chang-An (North China Electric Power Univ. Chuanhu (Electric Power Robotics Lab. Lv. Gang (Shandong Electric Power Corp.) Huerzeler. Inst. Ltd.). Binhai (Shandong Electric Power Research Inst. Qian.). Lorenzo (Univ. Wang. September 11-13. Christoph (ETH Zurich). Zurich. Zhang.). Liang. 2012. Liu. Xiguang (Shandong Electric Power Res. Qian (Shandong Electric Power Res. Chen.). Tian. 2012: 2nd International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry, September 11-13, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland (continued) Session Th2A: Robotics for Inspection Author (Affiliation) Fischer, Wolfgang (Alstom Inspection Robotics); Loosli, Dominik (Alstom Inspection Robotics); Udell, Chris (Alstom Power) Title Redesign of a Scanner for EC and UT-Measurements in the Central Bores of Large Rotors in Power Plants – with Focus on an Electromechanically Actuated LegUnit for Passing Steps in Bottle-Bores without Using Pneumatic Actuation Design and Field Validation of a Large-Volume Reference System for Inspecting Underwater Hydroelectric Structures Prototyping and Evaluation of a Telerobot for Remote Inspection of Offshore Wind Farms The ‘DIRIS' Class of In-Situ Generator Inspection Systems Localization and Archiving of Inspection Data Collected on Power Lines Using LineScout Technology François, Mirallès; Guillaume, Boivin (Hydro-Quebec Res. Inst.) Netland, Øyvind (Norwegian Univ. of Science and Tech.); Skavhaug, Amund (Norwegian Univ. of Science and Tech.) Fischer, Reinhard (Alstom Switzerland Ltd); Fischer, Wolfgang (Alstom Inspection Robotics); Honold, Simon (Alstom Switzerland Ltd); Loosli, Dominik (Alstom Inspection Robotics) Pouliot, Nicolas (Hydro-Quebec Res. – IREQ); Mussard, Didier (Hydro-Québec Res. Inst. – IREQ); Montambault, Serge (HydroQuebec) 4-176 2010: 1st International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry, October 5-7, 2010, Monteal, QC, Canada Session GS1: Robotics for the Power Industry: Overview Presentations Author (Affiliation) Binhai Wang, Lei Han, Bingquing Li (Shangdong Electric Power Research Institute, China) Toth, J.; Gilpin-Jackson, A. (BC Hydro, Canada) Montambault, S.; Pouilot, N. (Hydro-Quebec, Canada) Elizondo, D.; Gentile, T.; Candia, H., Bell, G. (Quanta Technology, U.S.A.) Spalteholz, B. (BC Hydro, Canada) Session TD1: Transmission & Distribution – Power Line Robots I Author (Affiliation) Wu, Gongping; Xiao, Hua; Xiao, Xiaohui; Huang, Zhenglie; Li, Yingsong (School of Power and Mechanical Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China) Title Transmission Line Inspection Robot and Deicing Robot: Key Technologies, Prototypes and Applications (continued) Title The Specific Requirements of Applied Robots for the Power Utility Smart View for a Smart Grid About the Future of Power Line Robots Overview of Robotic Applications for Energized Transmission Line Work – Technology, Field Projects & Future Developments Benefits and Challenges of Robotics Implementation at BC Hydro 4-177 2010: 1st International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry, October 5-7, 2010, Monteal, QC, Canada (continued) Session TD1: Transmission & Distribution – Power Line Robots I (continued) Author (Affiliation) Hongguang, Wang Yong, Jiang; Aihua, Liu; Lijin, Fang; Lie, Ling (State Key Laboratory of Robotics, Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China (School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Northeastern University; Shenyang, China) Debenest, Paulo; Guarnieri, Michele (HiBot Corp., Tokyo, Japan) Zhao, Jinlong; Guo, Rui; Zhang, Feng; Cao, Lei (Shandong Electric Power Research Institute, Jinan, China) Toth, Janos (BC Transmission Corporation, Vancouver, Canada); Pouliot, Nicolas; Montambault, Serge (Hydro-Quebec, Montreal, Canada) Session PG1: Power Generation – Underwater Applications 5 presentations Session GS2: Robotics for the Power Industry: Overview - Video Session 4 presentations Sessions TD2: Transmission & Distribution – Modeling and Control 5 presentations Title Research of Power Transmission Line Maintenance Robots in SIACAS Expliner – From Prototype Towards a Practical Robot for Inspection of High-Voltage Lines Improvement of LineROVer: A Mobile Robot for DeIcing of Transmission Lines Field Experiences Using LineScout Technology on Large BC Transmission Crossings 4-178 2010: 1st International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry, October 5-7, 2010, Monteal, QC, Canada (continued) Session PG2: Power Generation – Hydraulic and Thermal Applications I 5 presentations Session TD3: Transmission & Distribution – Image Processing I Author (Affiliation) Gomes-Mota, João; Gusmão, Tiago (Albatroz Engenharia, Lisbon, Portugal) Veerappan, C.A.; Green, P.R.; Rowland, S.M. (School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK Li, Wai Ho[1]; Tajbakhsh, Arman [2]; Rathbone, Carl [2]; Vashishtha, Yogendra [2] ([1] Deparment of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University, Australia; [2] SP AusNet, Australia Tardif, J.; George, M.; Laverne, M.; Kelly, A.; Stentz, A. (NREC Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA Session PG3: Power Generation – Nuclear Applications I 4 presentations Session TD4: Transmission & Distribution – Image Processing II Author (Affiliation) de Oliveira, Jonathan Henrique Efigenio; Lages, Walter Felter (Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil Title Robotized Inspection of Power Lines with Infrared Vision Title Over Head Line Real-Time Tracking for Automatic Inspection or User Interface Enhancement Visual Live-Line Condition Monitoring of Composite Insulators Image Processing to Automate Condition Assessment of Overhead Line Components Vision-Aided Inertial Navigation for Power Line Inspection 4-179 2010: 1st International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry, October 5-7, 2010, Monteal, QC, Canada (continued) Session TD4: Transmission & Distribution – Image Processing II (continued) Author (Affiliation) Li, Hongwei; Wanger, Binhai – Member, IEEE; Li, Li (Electric Power Robotics Laboratory, Shandong Electric Power Research Institute, Jinan, China) Li, Zhengrong; Walker, Rodney; Hayward, Ross; Mejias, Luis (Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia) Session PG4: Power Generation – Nuclear Applications II 3 presentations Session TD5: Transmission & Distribution – Distribution Applications Author (Affiliation) Title Title Research on the Infrared and Visible Power-Equipment Image Fusion for Inspection Robots Advances in Vegetation Management for Power Line Corridor Monitoring Using Aerial Remote Sensing Techniques Estrada, Emanuel; Silveira, Luan; Gonçalves, Eder; Filho, Nelson Autonomous Navigation for Underground Energy Line Duarte; de Oliveira, Vinicius (Center for Computational Science/Federal Inspection Robot University of Rio Grande, Rio Grande, Brazil) Turner, Andrew Paul (MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates, Inc., Brampton, Canada); Wilson, Derek C. (BC Hydro, Vancouver, Canada) Nili, H.; Moradi, H.; Sadeghi, A.; Madani, A.; Farahnak, M.R. (Department of Electrical and Computer Eng., University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran) System Development of a Robotic Pole Manipulator The Evolution of UT Pole Climbing Robots (continued) 4-180 P. October 5-7. QC. Reiher.F. QC. Stefan. (Paulista Power and Light Company – CPFL & University of São Paulo – USP. Nicolas (Hydro-Quebec... I. R.2010: 1st International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry. Varennes. Jinan. Canada) Wang. Shandong Electric Power Research Institute. Binqiang (Electric Power Robotics Laboratory... Binhai. Merz.W. Lamber. Brazil Allan. (Robotics and Civil Engineering. Hirakawa. Pullenvale. V.C. Frousheger.. Varennes. Chen. Li. Beaudry. D. Serge. S. S. Xiguang. China) Title Development of an Autonomous Helicopter for Aerial Powerline Inspections On the Application of VTOL UAVs to the Inspection of Power Utility Assets Power Line Inspection with a Flying Robot Session GS3: General Session – Construction and Maintenance Applications 3 presentations 4-181 . Sverzuti. Canada) Robotics Applied to Work Conditions Improvement in Power Distribution Lines Maintenance Climbing and Pole Line Hardware Installation Robot for Construction of Distribution Lines Session PG5: Power Generation – Hydraulic and Thermal Applications II 5 presentations Session TD6: Transmission & Distribution – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Author (Affiliation) Hrabar. Liang. Kristopher. Liu.. Vieira. Hailong.. Torsten. Hydro-Quebec’s research institute (IREQ). Finotto. Wang. Yamamoto. Australia) Montambault. V.. Romanelli. 2010. Qian. A.M. Julien.. R.A. N. Pouliot. O. São Paulo.. Monteal. Toussaint. J. Dennis (CSIRO ICT Centre.. Zhang. G. Lopes. Canada (continued) Session TD5: Transmission & Distribution – Distribution Applications (continued) Roncolatto. Hirakawa. Lavoie. QC. João (Institute for Systems and Robotics / Instituto Superior Tecnico.G. Brazil) Title Remote Detection of Internal Corrosion in Conductor Cables of Power Transmission Lines 4-182 . Sebrao. Portugal) Title Research on a New Crawler Type Inspection Robot for Power Transmission Lines Research on the Motion System of Inspection Robot for 500kV Power Transmission Lines Development of a Novel Power Transmission Line Inspection Robot Reachability Analysis of the RIOL Robot PG6 . Monteal. Zhang. Northeastern University). Jidai. Lourenco. Wang. (Shenyang Institute of Automation. Jiangsu. Celia Regina S. Wang. Rio de Janeiro. Sheng. Shenyang. João. Liu. 2010. Xu. Saad. Mauro Zanini. Kunshan. de Almeida. Aiqin. October 5-7.Power Generation – Wind Turbines and Power Plants Applications 4 presentations Session TD8: Transmission & Distribution – Inspection Robots and Subsystems Author (Affiliation) Pinto. Qingdao.. Ildehairo Sant’Anna. Sun. Canada (continued) Session TD7: Transmission & Distribution – Power Line Robots II Author (Affiliation) Wang. Jr. PRC) Sequeira. (School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation. Jr. China) Fang. Ary Vaz. Fei. Wang. KunShan Institute of Industrial Research. Shandong University of Science and Technology. Candong... China) Wang. Zhen. L. Jihong (SMIEEE School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering.J.2010: 1st International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry. Ludan. (Eletrobras-Cepel. Cheng.H. Shaoqiang. H. Chinese Academy of Sciences. Lisbon. Jianwei (Laboratory of Intelligent Robot Engineering. Zheng. Plutarcho M. Portugal) Session PG7: Power Generation – Nuclear Applications III 3 presentations A Mobile Robot for Inspection of Substation Equipments Transmission Line Inspection Robots: Design of the Power Supply System 4-183 . Silva. Lisbon. Sequeira. QC. Han. China) Caxias. 2010. Fernando A. Canada (continued) Session TD8: Transmission & Distribution – Inspection Robots and Subsystems (continued) Guo.. October 5-7. Rui. Lei. Wang. Monteal. Yong. Sun. João. Mingui (Shandong Electric Power Research Institute. Jinan. João (Instituto Superior Técnico.2010: 1st International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry. . . policy and economic analyses to drive long-range research and development planning. Together…Shaping the Future of Electricity © 2013 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). EPRI also provides technology. including reliability.3774 • 650.855.epri. and supports research in emerging technologies. (EPRI.313. California 94304-1338 • PO Box 10412. Inc.C. Tenn. 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